okie-writes 1 year
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okie-writes 1 year
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okie-writes 2 years
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okie-writes 2 years
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okie-writes 2 years
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okie-writes 2 years
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okie-writes 2 years
Paradox of Demise
It must be wrong to write about something tragic in an impersonal tone. As an outside observer. But I have been doing it for so long that an alternate perspective seems quite impossible. But it is, to a certain degree, imperative. I am not to dive into the differences and nuances of perspectives here, but to leave a commentary, and that, shamefully, of an outsider.
What is to say that could encapsulate the whole thing? Is it the certainty with which those old men surmised the girl鈥檚 death? Or the dismaying denial in the faces of the mourners? The thing, the pr茅cis of this narrative, however cruel and impersonal, is that a girl died. And I wasn鈥檛 there to see her. I did a few years back. We are strangers. But as anyone would, I hoped that this narrative would somehow, by some of the notorious "miracle", food for so many satires, be altered. But hopes aren鈥檛 preemptive. They simply give us a vision of a better path. This event is hardly significant. What draws me is the underlying paradox, of death and mourning, and inevitably, of the ludicrous hope.
Let us not be lured by the supernovae and nebulae of the universe. They outshine the human lives perhaps a googolplex to one, this being truer when taken literally. Even the volcanoes and trenches have their potential no less. So let鈥檚 condense the world into the little ball made for and by the mighty sapiens, the wise. For with even a peek outside we are overwhelmed with the mountains that change hues with time and weather but still remain unmoved and the perpetual grasslands threatened by none when left alone and ultimately, the pestered, the seemingly everlasting sunsets and rises. They all do change, ever so slightly, but stand stubborn, giving not a damn for the misery of humans. And here, inside our little snow ball, this demise remains a local deluge. Many watch, some mourn and a few take it to their hearts. And then, here arrives our paradox, they forget. No, they do remember, but lock this memory of loss in a tiny corner, of some place that alludes all of modern knowledge. I have hardly a taste of this enigmatic feeling. That is why I present myself as this observer, the wanderer who stays aloof. My feelings on this matter plods on the periphery.
This forgetfulness, this wishful amnesia, as many say, remains the greatest boon for our kind. But what brings it about fascinates every mind that attempts deconstruction of death: digging the grave of not one, but all of the dead. It is curious, and I employ this curiosity, not without neglecting its morbidity, for our purpose here. The process commences with the Burial of the Dead. As the shovel dugs in it uncovers the dead mud, and with it the layers of past. For the mother and father, the growing red lump is stacked from the moment of her birth. It grows larger and taller, until it's let down. Buried. To them the process does not begin there. It does when her brother rushes down the stairs. There is no precise point where the past ends and future begins, but it is at that hypothetical point where the miraculous forgetfulness begin to arrive. This is introduced by not one but two forces, perhaps among the most powerful. The first is the virtue the last to emerge out of Pandora's box, the vicious and virtuous, hope. They give it all sorts of forms, all sorts of meaning, but fundamentally, it embodies the cruellest allure presented by a malefic universe. In its innocence, hope is watching the trees that line the clouds with a belief that elsewhere in the world too there are trees like these, in some place where the darkness hasn't descended, some place where there is a life comparable to that dream. And this hope could the murderer of memories, pernicious to the mind, and thereby the eraser of a past, withholding something dear. This hope, this thing with feathers, could it be the assassin of the girl? It is what they see in the face of the young boy, and what they see in the step they take away from her grave. It is what it takes to take that step. Hope, the balm, the soother, the killer. Not wholly. Here we have the other henchman of this amnesia. And that is Time. These clocks do not lie. All they do it tick away. It does not pause for breath, it does not pant. And no screams for mercy stops its course. I have no definitions for time. It signifies nothing .But rushes forward, hastelessly. Now as to what it does, I have nothing either. For all I know, it is the other half of the cosmic eraser. Like frothing waves, it caresses minds and vanquishes all traces of what existed. There are no sands of time. Time is what effaces those grains of sands. There is but its waves. An ocean that flows eternally, and perchance born at some moment, or never born at all. The most ancient of all gods. And time, with its crafty hands, seizes her memories, to lock them in its depths. All of mankind grapples with that thalassophobia of being cast in there, and all of their fears materialise. For death is eased and erased by the forces of time and hope, cleansing the mind, inducing that cold blooded forgetfulness.
We run all day and night, away from that chasm, the veil to be cast on us by death and the cosmic eraser, and into the same. There is no paradox for death, as there is no uncertainty for dusk. Perhaps the sun may one day explode, leaving an eternal night, survived by neither dawn nor dusk. Even then, the eraser would continue to blot out. For neither death, nor time and hope, is ever exterminated. The paradox lies in the human mind, in its mercurial existence, that make possible the act of the erasure. The mourners forget, the lovers too, and one day the world wakes up, and that name incised on the coastal sands is lost.
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okie-writes 2 years
Hunting for Writeblrs
聽Just cleaned out the blogs I was following since my dash has been pretty quiet, and sadly a lot of the writeblrs I was following have gone inactive. So, I鈥檓 looking for more writeblrs to follow ^^
聽A couple of things to note ~
* I am an adult, if that makes you uncomfortable please don鈥檛 interact with this post.
* Please no politics, untagged horror, or heavy negativity.
* I鈥檓 primarily a fantasy writer myself, but I do love poetry and sci-fi as well. I am, however, open to most genres.
That鈥檚 all I can think of. If you鈥檙e a writeblr reblog this and I鈥檒l come check out your blog. If I like what I see I鈥檒l go ahead and give you a follow ^^
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okie-writes 2 years
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okie-writes 2 years
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- Sylvia Plath, from 'Ariel'
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okie-writes 2 years
I had a notion, that it would be impossible to write without that much needed melancholia. I had assumed that that was all there to me. The sadness and the words. Like a river that carried me on. Drowning me, choking me and occasionally giving me that ray of light. But I was wrong. Terribly so. And I hadn't realised that until now. The words weren't the fruit of sadness. They were the roots to climb out. And now that I'm out, I no longer needed them. But they remain, holding me firm to the soil of this new found land.
I don't have much to write now. All my feelings, it seems, are conveyed. Left behind on posts and papers. I've attended their funeral. Now I have a long wait until my own, one which I no longer aim for. And with that came the closure of my poetry. I stopped writing. Maybe I still can. But I don't try. The pressure is lifted. And I've grown to acceptance. My face is my own. It's shades and pores will forever stand out. I'll style my hair my way. I am myself, incomparable, it has no competitors. I'll find my niche somewhere, at some time. Maybe I'll never. Whatever I do, I'll do it as myself.
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okie-writes 2 years
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okie-writes 2 years
Time hasn't changed much since I've been here the last time. That, I believe, is the most definitive feature of time. She never changes. She, in all her accursed and accoladed glory, never acquires even the tiniest bit of transformation. But the world has. And speaking of the world, one cannot deny the fact that there are, in fact, two of those: one, the world of the exterior, the so called 'material' world. I do not believe that this world can be somehow be devoid of that materiality. It is and always will be, a set of objects, both desirable and repugnant, and unsurprisingly, take a state of superposition. Then, is the world of the inside, the most beloved to the silent ones, myself included. It is of that world that I wish to talk about. To go on another of my endless ramblings about. For in the past few weeks, that alone has undergone that drastic metamorphosis which is witnessed by the world of the outside perhaps once of twice in decades. It has grown and shrunken, leaped and drowned. It has become all of the things one can expect it to be. And for my purpose here, I shall call it, mind.
This mind of our conversation here is a rather mundane thing. It has been the product of adolescent idiosyncrasies for so long. Taking buzzfeed quizzes to finally find a mould that can fit itself into. Unsurprisingly, I haven't. Or hadn't for that matter. Then, in the more recent times of my unlikely seventeen years of existence, this attempt simply multiplied itself and grown into an elaborate civilisation like that of a bacteria, clamydomonas in stagnant water. I think the root cause of the existence of clamydomonas and my rapidly growing population of selves is quiet sibling-like. The stagnation, of water there, of mind here. I've been stagnant. The elaborate study plans and leisure time of listless staring have rendered my mind in a state of quiescence. And in these unchanging waters the questions thrive. Who and why.
For a while I chose the garments of a writer, a madwoman of words. I slowly chewed the idea, trying to squeeze the pulp out of it. I entertained my fantasies of typewriters and papers, pens scratching over pages. And it felt good. It felt like I had the world. And I mustn't lie, I had it. For I had by then mastered the art of bending the continuum of reality into my little box of choice. But soon, the box started crumbling under the enormous pressure of the vast ocean it was built to contain. The reality oozed from the chipped corners, it flowed and overflowed. It covered the box and drowned it, dissolved the thickness of its material. I was no longer the artful writer. And I was lost with it, reduced to atoms.
Then, I became the lover. Watching the world through pink, heart shaped glasses, glasses that morph every speck of light into spectacles of beauty. I thought of love and loving, and I loved myself for this experiment. All the complex philosophy regarding the imperceptible structure of the world collapsed infront of its simplicity. We had no purpose here, but to love oneself and others, and spend time in soft grass, rainy streets, corners of apartment windows and verandas of ancient houses. Do not think too hard, let yourself float in the gentle flow. But soon I started floating like Ophelia. I was, once again, dead.
My next reincarnation was as a mathematician. I woke up each day, swearing to solve all the differential equations and integrals of the world. Failure couldn't stop me, not even perceive me. I was fast, and obsessed. Food and sleep had faded from the list of concerns. The list consisted only of my doing. Mathematics had become the only part of my existence. As I got lost in its tides, merging my idea of self into that of a genius, the flood overtook again. Then came the great silence, and I got lost in the tangles pile of my many selves.
There were more of these incarnations, more that I remember. One, as a learner of many languages, a self proclaimed polyglot. Another, as an artist. It all, ultimately, mixes with my many faced mind. It shook every few months, letting out a new genie. And for a while, they rule my self. I do not know how long this revolutions are to happen. But to any observer, it all fritters into the swing in moods, the epic highs and lows, in the developing mind of a teenager.
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okie-writes 2 years
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okie-writes 2 years
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okie-writes 2 years
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okie-writes 2 years
Is there a book you read that changed your perception of life and anything in general?
Can you name your top 5 favourite books??
I have tooo many favourites so I can't actually pick my top 5. But the book that totally changed my perspective of life in general might be "The Goldfinch" by Donna Tartt. It made me feel that life was actually all about waiting for the next twist and turn and taking time at each of those.
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