#[[ also I doubt that this is the first time Fish sees a boy in his underwear xD ]]
countlessrealities · 1 year
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Send 🫢 for my muse's reaction to yours walking in while they are changing / getting dressed || Accepting !
@imprvdente sent: oops! Fish @ Morty, so he can be morti-fied (pun intended)
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In hindsight, Morty had to admit that letting Rick take him on adventures the same day he was supposed to meet a friend wasn't the greatest ideas. It wasn't just because their "20-minutes adventures" tended to be much longer than that and consequently caused him to miss the date. Another big issue was that they left him so tired that he forgot about everything else, including the engagements he had been excited about until the moment the scientist had dragged him through a portal.
Also, it was about time that he got a proper lock for his door. His parents weren't fond of the idea, but he was tired of people walking in while he was...enjoying his private time. Or, as in that case, while he was changing.
He and Rick had come back covered in a smelly, sticky slime. His grandfather had handed him a concoction, claiming that it was the most effective way to remove the goo. What he had failed to mention, however, was that it would also leave him stinking of something akin to sulphur. Surely Rick, in all his genius, could have made the thing odourless, right? If he hadn't, it probably was because he had been waiting for the perfect excuse to force him to use it.
Or perhaps he had just been lazy. Both options were equally possible.
When the door opened after a too quick knock, it found him in his underwear, rubbing off the last of the stickiness from his back. His dirty clothes had were in a corner and the room was filled with both the stench of the slime and of Rick's detergent.
Morty froze on his spot, caught off guard, but having found himself in a similar position so often had honed his reflexes, so he quickly snapped out of it. Normally, he would have yelled at whoever had come in to get out, but this time he didn't find himself faced with one of his family members.
Staring at him from the threshold was Fish. His girl friend he might or might not have a crush on.
Morty let out a loud yelp and then had hurried to try and cover himself as much as he could with the towel.
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"Oh g-g-geez! W-What are you...Turn around!" He shouted in a rush, face burning bright red. "I-I'm not decent! ...I-I-I mean! TURN AROUND!"
Maybe he was making too much of a fuss about this, since this wasn't too different from being seeing in a swimming suit. However, the fact was that the teen would have preferred not being seen in one of those either.
Puberty had made him awkwardly lanky and, while he did plenty of exercise during adventures, he had inherited Rick's body type. Long limbs, too thin to be healthy, muscles barely visible, a little too pale. The way he held himself, shoulders hunched and looking uncomfortable in his own skin, didn't help making it better.
Then there were the scars. When they had firstly started to go adventuring together, Morty had insisted that Rick removed them, but nowadays, he used the serum his grandfather had given him only for the ones that were too ugly or too visible. All the others he kept, as a reminder of everything he had been through and of how much he had changed.
Still, he was more scarred than any 14-years-old should be and that left him feeling a little uneasy.
"I-I had...R-Rick and I just came back from, uh, a thing an-and I hadn't realised that...y-you know," he went on, talking too fast and stuttering too much, as he hurried to hop inside a pair of jeans and to grab a clean T-shirt. "J-Just one moment an-and..."
The rest of the sentence was muffled by the yellow cloth slipping over his head. Morty took the chance to take in a calming breath, trying to get a hold of himself and rid of the heat that still coloured his cheeks, before speaking up again.
"Uh, h-have you been waiting for long?"
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aphroditesmoon · 5 months
Hi!! Same person who requested the Hades oneshot lol! I loved it alot and I know it's like super early to request another but I wanna get this out before I forget ^^. Okay so what about a Fem!Reader who is a mermaid or siren. Poseidons daughter, who is usually aggressive to anyone who enters her waters but Clarisse somehow is dating her, reader only has a soft spot for clarisse so when they need to cross her waters during capture the flag only clarisse can convince her ^^.(also reader often adopts random fish and clarisse is always swarmed with them when in her pond/waters.) Thank you!!
love letters from the sea to the shore
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clarisse la rue x fem!siren!reader
warnings: reader doesn't like demigods, possibly ooc clarisse.
wc: 2k
a/n: i hope u like this🩷🎀
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If there's one thing you hate more than demigods is their little capture the flag game. You view these half breeds as unresponsible, mischievous, and disrespectful beings.
You never saw the appeal in gods mingling with mortals and making children with them when they are so many other creatures they could be with.
Your father have tasked you into protecting the waters, and that is who you are. Lady of the lake, guardian of the sea.
The job isn't exactly glamorous, it have been more than a few time that you have caught some sneaky, filthy demigods canoodling in the waters, making out or doing worse.
Your ways into scaring them to leave have gotten less and less subtle as the years pass by and more aggressive. A few weeks ago, you had come close into strangling a kid from the Hermes cabin who had thrown his empty Snickers wrapper into the sea. You were deeply reprimanded by Chiron that same day.
You never see the boy near the waters anymore since that event.
But today...today is different. Every year, the demigods participate in the game of Capture the flag, and though every year they would try and use different routes and strategies, passing through the waters is always necessary. Which meant that whether you liked it or not, the demigods would pollute your waters anyways.
"I'm not going in." You could hear the kids argue among themselves. "Last time someone did, they got jumped by that thing."
"Mermaids don't jump, dumbass." His brother countered, only to be corrected by a familiar voice; "She's not a mermaid, she's a siren, and we don't have a choice."
Both of them were right. You would try and scare anyone who dares enter in, but you would let them in sooner or later. Even though you knew that rules must be abided.
"Move aside, I'll talk to her." Clarisse spoke again.
You weren't that close to land, but swam up nearer when you heard her approaching your territory. "Hey-hello?", she called out as her feet steps into the water.
"Lady...protector, I ask permission to speak to you." The daughter of Ares spoke as if she was unfamiliar with you, and either it was because her siblings were there or because she still considers the concept of your relationship a strange anonymity.
You knew who Clarisse was, you first met her 2 years ago. You wish you could say that she's different from the other obnoxious children, but she isn't.
The girl is as foolish as she is brave. She did not believe in other's warning to tread carefully around the waters, and so when you appeared despite her doubt that you would, she ran off in fear just like all the kids before her.
But a day after that, she came back.
She sat by the edge of dry land and waited for you to appear. And when you did, the same anxiety you've seen on many people's faces before was etched on hers.
But she did not run off that time, instead she gave you an apology, and a gift. A string bracelet made of tiny seashells. An offering, she called it. As if you were one of the gods.
You told her to stop collecting seashells, but thanked her for it anyway.
Since that day, she would come down ny the water more often, not too much that it'll annoy you, but enough times for you to grow a liking for her.
Some nights, when you're in a good mood, you'd even let her meet your sea creature friends. Not a lot of people manage to get close enough to not scare the fishes and crabs.
You are not in a good mood today.
Small waves were sent back up as a response to Clarisse, but it seemed that she needed more. "We need to cross the water." She informed, straight to the point.
She knew you wouldn't be answering her verbally, it isn't like you to appear in broad daylight. You kept the waves coming to indicate your presence and waited for her to speak again.
"Let us pass quickly, and we won't bother you for the whole year again." Clarisse attempted to bargain.
The truth was, she didn't need to ask you at all and you would've still let her pass. But she didn't know that and neither does her siblings, so you act as if you're still contemplating her deal. A few minutes later, the waves slowed down until they completely stopped, a finalised decision has been made.
"Is that a no?" Her brother asked. They couldn't read you like they could.
"Just get in the water." Clarisse instructed with an annoyed sighh as she lead the way, letting the waters surround her legs. That was another thing you had in common with her, you both agree that everyo e else in camp is insufferable.
You watched them waddle their way through from below, hidden from the side of the sea until eventually, they crossed over to dry land, getting closer and closer to the flag.
No one else tried to enter the waters again for the rest of the day. And 20 minutes after you had granted Clarisse safe passage, you could hear the cheers coming from the red coloured team.
As midnight approaches the hour, a rare sight comes into view around your space.
Fireflies dances above the large body of water, glowing over the places where the moonlight couldn't.
It's time like this where the most glorious parts of nature would come out of their hiding, the quiet is inviting. And the peace, comforting.
This has been your life since you could remember. And you were content with it. Despite your mother merely being a siren, your father acknowledged you and gave you responsibilities that he'd only give to people he trusted. The creatures of the water and the trees are your friends, a distraction for boredom and repetition.
And though you've had no problem repeating the same cycle of routine daily, you only knew what yearning meant after you met Clarisse La Rue.
Before her, you never knew what it felt like to wake up waiting on the best part of the day. You never knew what loneliness had meant up until you met her.
Only after Clarisse, did you realize empty and unfulfilling your life had really been. To be so good at what you're doing and yet, not having anyone who notices it or to care for you the way you've been caring for the sea and rivers.
But the thing with Clarisse is you never know when she's gonna come. It's impossible for her to visit you ever night, what with Chiron's guarding. And she had her own life apart from you.
Your infatuation with her soon lessened moderately when you realized just how ridiculous it is for you to assume that she views you as more than anything but a fascinating mythical creature, but your liking for her never truly leaves you.
You were not expecting her tonight, knowing full well how taxing and tiring their little game was. The children would all sleep like babies tonight.
And yet, from where you're sat, back leaning against a boulder, you hear her footsteps entering your grounds.
You tilt your head slightly, sneaking a glance at her before you turn back to your front, watching the fireflies disappear and the fishes lurking near your feet.
You felt her presence behind you and said nothing. It isn't uncommon for you to be silent around her, after all there is a risk of you accidentally affecting her with your voice.
You only turned to her when she knelt down to your left. Her face is shadowed by the darkness, without the fireflies, it was harder to see things.
"Hey." She greeted in a hushed tone. You stare at her quietly, responding to her in your mind. "I wanted to see you tonight, to thank you." Clarisse explained.
Her team had won, thanks to your cooperation. You offered her a small smile, something that is rare even between the two of you. Clarisse grinned back, encouraged by your positive attitude.
"I know how much you hate it when there's people over. You didn't have to let us cross, but you did."
You did have to let her cross, there are rules even you had to follow. But she didn't need to know that. Plus, if it were anyone else, you would've made it harder for them to cross.
The tiny goldfishes are surrounding your lower half that's still soaked inside the water, as if guiding you back under, you ignore them as your eyes remain on Clarisse. She looked beautiful like this, with her hair down and sleepy eyes that only you have the privilege to see before the sun rises.
She was pulling something out of her pocket suddenly and fixing her sitting position."I also got you something, a gift."
You had expected this. Clarisse often came to you with little gifts. Flowers, shiny rocks, dead butterflies.
Her hands are wrapped around the item strategically to hide it from you. If she was trying to get you excited, it's working. You push your neck out to try and get a peak on it, but it's gripped closely.
Clarisse pushes her hands outband slowly opened up her palms to you, exposing a circular bracelet, covered in a bright yellow colour.
"Gold." You noted aloud and looked up at her. "It is. Do you like it?" She asks, smiling.
You nod your head once and extend your wrist to her.
Clarisse easily puts it on over your hand, the size fitting perfectly. You wondered if this notion have somehow changed something in your relationship, but didn't know how to ask.
"I had someone from the Hephaestus cabin to make this for you. I wanted it to mean something...not just for you, but for me too." She had said it all so well, your heart skipped a beat over her words.
Clarisse probably didn't know, but for your species, gifting and offerings are usually considered as courting methods. And so you found it genuinely amusing how easy it is for her to be going around, getting you stuff unprompted.
You also had a gift for her. Something you've been keeping to yourself for months, contemplating on whether or not you should actually give it to her.
But it's been sitting down deep in the water, safely waiting to be retrieved.
And so without saying anything, you moved away from her and dived into the waters. You made sure to be quick, swiftly reaching for the closed shell into your palms.
And as you make your way back up onto the shores, you see that Clarisse is thankfully, still waiting.
Your fingers found hers as you tried to climb back up onto dry land. She does not hesitate to wrap her long arms under your elbow, pulling you up towards her.
Once you're seated next to her again, you nudged the shell onto her hand and waited for her to open it. Clarisse cracked open the pouch and opened her mouth to let out a soft breathy sigh at the sight of a singular white pearl that sat inside of it.
"Are you...giving this to me?" She asks, turning her head towards you. You nodded as a yes.
"You know, I think this would make a decent ring." She tells you, thumbing the stone. You raise your hand up to lightly graze over her collarbones. "You think I should make it a necklace?"
You nod again. Clarisse seemed pleased at how engaging you've been throughout this whole meeting, trying her best to coax a conversation out of you.
There are so many things you want to tell her of. Things you aren't ready to tell her yet. And so for now, whatever this is would have to be enough.
Clarisse shoves the pearl into her back pocket after. “Thank you.” She says gratefully. The silence was no longer excruciating nor suffocating. Instead it is loud in unsaid confessions and comfort in understanding.
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19burstraat · 4 months
Random SOC Trivia I Gathered On My Reread
I'll be using this for fics, but it's fun just to read!
Jesper does not hold alcohol well (though this is according to Kaz, who is not exactly impartial)
Wijnstraat, Nemstraat, Havenstraat, Ammberstraat are all street names if you want em
Van Eck has been involved in trying to clean up the Barrel; pious. (Allegedly pious, I doubt he really is)
1/5 Van Eck (or general Kerch trading?) vessels are lost at sea
Kaz arrested three times at ten, twice at eleven, once at fourteen. Does stints in jail but it does not say prison (ppl assume he's been to Hellgate / another prison but I don't think so. He'd never have shut the fuck up about it if he had; I assume the Stadhall Jail)
Kaz's cane is lead-lined. I wasn't sure if this was canon or fanon
Kaz runs book on prize fights, horses, and chance games. Floor boss at crow club since fifteen-ish. Youngest to run a betting shop and has doubled the profits.
Gambling halls: Treasure Chest, Golden Bend, Weddell's Riverboat, Silver Garter
West Stave brothels: The Blue Iris, The Forge, The Obscura, the Willow Switch, the House of Snow
Van Aakster is the widow mercher who sees Nina to ease his grief
Inej likes orange cakes in white paper
Black Tips tattoo is a hand with first and second fingers cut at the knuckle, Razorgulls is 5 birds in wedge formation
Nina Jesper and Kaz definitely all have the crow and cup; the others don't
Jordie seems to like books
ridderspel and spijker are arcade games
Bilge, clams, and wet stone smell in the Barrel (per Retvenko)
Kaz definitely is partial to dogs; Smeet's hounds and the grey dog the Hertzoon household had, the windup dogs, the metaphors. He loves a dog metaphor sorry ur not real babycakes you'd have loved thematic web weaving posts
Geldspin is the cotton mill in Zierfoort, Firma Allerbest is a cannery. Both in Alys' name
Wylan was 8 when Marya 'died'
the black veil tomb is carved like an ancient cargo ship
3 flying fish on a grave: government. Palm trees and snakes: spices.
Inej's mother braids her hair with orange ribbons (colour of persimmons)
University a series of buildings built around the Boekcanal and joined by Speaker's Bridge (where people debate and/or drink). Boeksplein four libraries built around a central courtyard and the Scholar's Fountain
Shipping container at third harbour is a Liddie hideout; Jam Tart House is an old hotel near the slat that the Razorgulls use
Long scar across Kaz's right knuckle
Violating contracts and interfering with the market can get you hanged in Kerch; same sentences as for murder (this is. Insane)
Haskell holds court with his mates at the Fair Weather Inn every week
Belendt is the second oldest Kerch city and sits on the Droombeld River
Jesper was 7 when Aditi died
Inej has an uncle (who seems to have some sort of ringmaster role) and cousins; Hanzi and Asha
Kaz convinced a locksmith in Klokstraat that he was the son of a wealthy merchant who highly valued his collection of priceless snuffboxes, and that's how he knows what locks the rich are using
Hubrecht Mohren, Master Thief of Pijl, who Kaz doesn't appear to think much of; one of Haskell's old cronies
Martin Van Eck, Wylan's great great grandfather, was a ship's captain, brought back a big shipment of spices from Eames Chin and started the Van Eck fortune
Kaz and Jesper (+ other Dregs boys) taught Inej to fight
Kaz and Jordie are from a town near Lij, as per the 'Johannus Rietveld' exposition, but Lij is seemingly the closest major city/county so it's easier to just say they're from Lij lol
The last time the Council of Tides appeared in public was 25 years prior to CK
Kaz found Filip running a monte game on Kelstraat; he also got the clerks who turned over fake info, the fake attorney, the man who gave them free hot chocolate
The spelling of Zentzbridge lapses to Zentsbridge, not sure which is right or if they're actually separate bridges or if there's a lot of wrong quotes floating around lol
Dryden house symbol is the golden wheat sheaf bound with a blue ribbon; Van Eck is the red laurel but we knew that
Kaz taught himself finance and gambling hall rules
Church of Barter roof is copper and long has turned green
Church of Barter built around the First Forge / The Mortar, which is a flat lump of rock that's supposedly Ghezen's altar
Ghezendaal Hospital is. Idk. a hospital. Just thought ppl might want the name
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cottonlemonade · 4 days
Hello! I hope you’re having a good day/night can I order off menu B. I would like a cherry juice with a matcha roll please! Sitting next to either Oikawa or Iwaizumi please ^-^
Secret Admirer
word count: 1086 || avg. reading time: 5 mins.
pairing: Iwaizumi x chubby!Reader feat. Oikawa
genre: fluff
warnings: none
request: fluffy, secret admirer with crush Iwaizumi, as manager
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You paused when you unzipped your bag and after a moment’s confusion looked around. The last few stragglers of the team just left, laughing and talking, racing each other to the showers. Turning back to your bag you fished out the two folded pieces of paper that lay on top of your books. One was a simple sheet of gridded paper, seemingly torn from a notepad. One side was a little crumpled like it had been ripped rather hurriedly. The other one was neatly folded into a square, the four corners each adorned with a little heart in red ink.
You unfolded the first, plain looking paper and read. With each line your eyes grew wider and you felt your heart pounding all the way up in your throat. A love letter! No, a love note - as it was rather short. At first you thought someone must have made a mistake - this was most likely supposed to be for someone else - but it said your name at the very top. It described how the author of the note had been in love with you since you gave Kyotani a piece of your mind for not working well with the rest of the team and causing injuries with his recklessness (upon which the wing spiker had mumbled an apology and bowed half-heartedly to the other players).
It ended with a simple declaration of calling you “cool and pretty” and then apparently, whoever it was, didn’t think it necessary to sign a name. Still giddy from the first, you opened the second letter. Now this one was… a bit more out there. You frowned as you read. It was undoubtedly written by a boy judging by the handwriting but the hearts and cute little doodles along the page confused you. Maybe it was a first year? But this one also had your name at the top and even written on the back so there was no doubt that it found the right recipient. However, it felt a lot more like a joke which made you doubt the authenticity of the first letter. What if some first years thought it would be funny to tease the chubby manager with thoughts about not just one but two secret admirers?
Your mood darkened and with a sigh you crumpled up both the notes and tossed them into the trash on your way out.
The next day you tried to push the whole thing out of your mind. Chatting with your friends over lunch you told them about the notes and they agreed that it sounded like a dumb joke and you did the right thing by throwing them out.
In a free period, the third years went to the gym for cleaning duty. Hanamaki and Matsukawa made a competition out of mopping the floor while Iwaizumi and Oikawa took out the trash after cleaning the volleyballs.
Iwaizumi furrowed his brow as he lifted the wastepaper basket at the door to pour its contents into a large trash bag . He spotted a bit of paper with hearts and your name in the middle of them. Covertly, he picked it out between the rest of crumpled balls and, making sure his friends were far enough away not to see, turned his back to them to smooth out the note. He recognized the handwriting immediately and gagged at the letter. This sounded like it was written by a middle schooler at best! And what was with all those hearts and was that supposed to be a teddy bear drawing?
Iwaizumi glanced back into the basket, panic rising in his chest and sure enough, another note on familiar paper was also crumpled on top.
“Hey!! Shittykawa!”
“Don’t call me that, Iwa-chan!”, Oikawa whined but jogged over to his friend, “What did I do now?”
Iwaizumi boiled with anger as he lifted the cringey letter up to the setter’s eyes.
“Oh no, she threw it out? I really worked on that.”, he pouted.
“Why- why are you writing love letters to her in the first place!? You don’t like her like that!”
Oikawa gave him a superior smile, the kind he whipped out during games when he knew he was three steps ahead of the other team.
“I was helping you, Iwa-chan. You said you don’t know how to confess and you scoffed at my confession letter idea. But I know you wouldn’t want to wait until graduation, so”, he took the letter from his hands, “I decided to write one for you. - It’s a shame she didn’t like it. But then, one can’t help their taste. Evidently, since she picked you over me. - Ow! Iwa-chan, that hurt!” The captain rubbed his arm where Iwaizumi had punched him.
“I did write her letter.”, Iwaizumi pressed out from behind clenched teeth.
“… oh. And how did that go?”
The ace held up the second disregarded paper.
“Hm. She didn’t like either of them? Weird.”
“No, you idiot! She probably thought someone played a prank on her.”
The following squabble was interrupted by a loud clearing of the throat.
“Everything alright?”
Iwaizumi let go of Oikawa and bowed to you immediately.
“Sorry, y/n-kun. We just-“
He stopped when he followed your line of sight and noticed how you stared at the two notes still clutched tightly in their hands.
The two boys waited for your reaction and were surprised when you laughed nervously.
“Oh no, you guys saw those? Can you believe what the first years do for a laugh?”
Oikawa frowned and put a hand on his hip, “You really think first years could produce this kind of quality poetry?”, he waved the heart adorned letter in the air, then thought for a moment, adding in a mutter, “I mean, okay, maybe Iwa-chan’s wasn’t really- Ow! Stop kicking me!”
Iwaizumi glared at him to be quiet then turned back to you. Your embarrassed expression turned to confusion then to incredulity.
“What do you mean… “Iwa-chan’s”?”, you asked slowly.
Oikawa made a gesture like a waiter directing a guest to their table, pushing Iwaizumi forward with the other hand.
The ace stumbled for a second, then caught himself at the bottom of the few entry steps to the gym. He was close enough now that you saw the dark pink of his ears as he rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding your eyes.
“Was it really that bad?”, he mumbled and when he finally looked at you found you beaming up at him.
a/n: special thank you to @haikyu-mp4 for supplying me with the perfect ending! And thank you for the request ^^ I hope you enjoyed it! If anyone has seen Ouran High School Host Club, for Oikawa’s attempt to help Iwa I had the letter in mind Kyoya and the twins wrote in Haruhi’s name in episode two xD
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he’s the adult supervision, he’s the voice of reason, he’s a cringefail king, it’s Captain Haddock! Quite a few people asked for a timeline post for Haddock after I posted one of Tintin.
I found the whole idea of the Haddock family curse to be very interesting, and the implications behind it to be pretty dark... cw for alcoholism and childhood abuse. Let me know if you need anything tagged.
To figure out the timeline the evidence for Haddock’s age I found was in an animated adaptation of Explorers on the Moon where Haddock mentions he has around forty years of sailing experience. I doubt he was running around on ships as a newborn so that places his age during the canon comics at around 60ish, give or take a few years, which in my timeline places his childhood during the late Victorian era!
Left to right, top to bottom:
Child - Archibald Haddock had a pretty rough childhood and family life. The legacy of the “Haddock family curse” weighs heavily on him, and so does the alcoholism that runs generationally. His father is often drunk, taking his anger and frustration out on Archibald. Fully believing the family curse, Archibald’s father drills the idea that he is destined for failure into his head. 
Archibald’s only respite is his grandfather, who tells him stories of Sir Francis Haddock and other tall tales from the sea. His grandfather also would take him out on fishing trips, the lochs and the sea being his refuge. 
Teenager - It’s the 1880s and Archibald is left aimless after his grandfather passes away, passing the time by hiding from his father and drinking during the day. He fully believes he has no real future and lets himself get swept up by whatever will come along next.
Young Adult - Archibald decides to follow in his grandfather’s footsteps and becomes a sailor, feeling at home at sea. He cleans up somewhat after befriending George Chester as the two train on the same merchant vessel. Chester drags a reluctant Archibald along into all kinds of crazy antics, with Archibald wanting to stay on the straight and narrow.
Archibald is drafted during the First World War, serving in the Grand Fleet. He is stationed at the Orkney and Shetland Islands with Chester.
Canon - After the war Archibald relapses on his addiction again, but is able to hold onto work in the merchant fleet. He eventually becomes a captain of a merchant vessel where his mental health issues are taken advantage of in the Crab with the Golden Claws. 
Seeing his crew mutiny, kidnap (and attempt to murder) a boy on his ship was a major wake up call - Haddock is now imbued with a sense of responsibility for Tintin (even if Tintin seems to handle things better than Haddock!). He doesn’t understand what Tintin sees in him but he’ll be damned if he proves him wrong. He’s not above calling him an idiot when the time is right though.
Post Canon - After Tintin loses his job Haddock does his best to support him.  He uses his wealth to further causes he believes in, donating money to artist collectives and scientific research that was repressed by fascist governments. Before Belgium even joins the Second World War he and the Marlinspike team proactively go out and foil various Nazi plots. Marlinspike Hall is firebombed by the Nazis in retaliation, but after the war Haddock funds various housing cooperative projects. Coming from a working class background he hasn’t forgotten the hardships a lot of people face.
Elderly - At this point Haddock is secure in his found family. He’s been living with his partner Ramo Nash, and has taken up various arts and crafts as hobbies. Looking back, he never expected to be a father, but is incredibly proud of Tintin. He never officially adopts him as a part of him still fears the family curse (plus they both agree “Haddock” as a name definitely does not suit Tintin)!
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vcill · 1 year
Headcanons when you bombard them with kisses 💖
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For Lucifer I feel like it would work 2 ways:
1. He probably gifted you something that he absolutely REFUSED to let you have before.
2. Or for once, he let some shenanigans slide.
Obviously this rarely happens so you must be his favorite in some type of way.
When you do give him a kiss attack I highly believe it'll be like that one scene where mammon ran into his shower just to hug him.
Definitely feels flustered but also a HUGE sense of pride washes over him since he was the one to get this treatment.
(But mostly flustered)
Will try to act stern and tell you to stop/slightly push you off when he really doesn't want to.
But best believe baby boy will do this wayyy more often.
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Would be sooooooo cocky about it
Probably just came to your room and said you "owe him" from him having to watch over you
Either that or he feels like he deserves a reward for giving you a gift he totally got on his own and did not steal from a random demon.
Either way, he's expecting SOMETHING.
So while he goes on and on and on and on about how The Great Mammon is so considerate and kind, you took that moment to surprise him with his gift.
Baby was so flustered, he kinda just froze there and started sputtering his words.
Would be silent for a good moment before going full tsundere on you. From asking what the big deal was to he obviously he needs more for all the things he's done for you.
Over all would not stop smiling like an idiot and would come up with the tiniest of excuses for you to give him a kiss.
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You two would probably be playing video games together and you got stuck on a really hard level.
Eventually you gave up, thinking you would never be able to beat it. But fish boy was able to do it for you and unlock all the items you wanted.
When you gave him a hug, he was so confused that you would ACTUALLY want to touch him.
But OOO boy when you gave him those kisses.
He was more pinker then ruru-chan
Would probably compare the moment to a manga/anime scene and say you two were exactly like the characters.
Afterwards, he wouldn't expect you to do it again but the reactions he has when you do is the absolute best.
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You were in his room reading the new book of a series he was absolutely obsessed with.
You made a mistake of asking him a question about one of the characters, and just like Lucifer's lectures, he went on and on and on.
It was cute seeing him rant on about his favorite book, but the amount of time that was passing wasn't.
It didn't seem like he would stop anytime soon so you had one special idea.
Man stops in the middle of his sentence and just states at you, trying to figure out your deepest darkest secrets while doing so.
When you ask him if that was ever in the book, he says no but having a real life experience is wayyy better then reading about it.
It'll take him a little while to realize why you did so, and when he does figure out he'll be a little offended.
So as a punishment, he kisses you till you can't breathe. Which seems 100% fair in his opinion.
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With Asmo being an influencer and all, there's no doubt he'll receive a bunch of new products to try. And recently, a new collection of lipsticks and lip glosses have arrived.
Of course he can't decided which shade looks better on him, so he asks you to help him decided.
Problem is, there's probably over 100 shades to test out, and that's gonna be a real tiring process, so why not spice it up?
You take the first lip gloss and apply it to your lips and give him a kiss on the cheek, then another with another shade and so on.
Definitely was surprised by it but did not at all mind, even suggested he try some on you.
Let's say you guys do a little more then test out lipstick but no one is complaining.
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You were in the kitchen baking and of course beel smelled the delicious aroma.
He walked in and begged to have a lick of the spoon and bowl, maybe just give him the whole bowl, how needs baked goods anyway? We love salmonella!
Definitely got some on his face.
You try to wipe some off with your finger like a mama would, but he moves away pouting just like a kid.
So you stop and catch him off guard by kissing it off. Each kiss had a little lick getting the batter off of his face.
Beel was so shocked but quickly got an idea.
He got some of the batter with his finger and spreads a little on your face; before you could say something, he does the same thing to you and not both of you are a little messy.
Will absolutely get more and more messy until there's no more batter left and you guys practically ate it before it even got the chance to touch the oven.
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It would be late at night and the both of you would be ready to sleep.
You both say your goodnights, but something about sleepy boy just won't let you have the last word.
So it goes "Good night, Belphie." And "Goodnight, y/n." Over and over again.
Getting really sleepy, and a little cranky, you decide to end this one and for all.
While Belphie said goodnight for the 100th time, you gave him a big dramatic kiss, the one where it's a big smack with it and said goodnight; but you didn't stop there.
For every kiss it was a goodnight until you knew for sure you won.
And for once, he was absolutely speechless.
Eventually, you both fall asleep but best believe that's the only victory you would have cause in the morning, he is gonna let you have it.
But if you dare even once to bring it up, he will pull a Lucifer and lock you in the attack so no one will ever find out how you made the belphagor shut up.
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ichorai · 2 months
ties that bind ; nanami kento ; june 13th.
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pairing ; nanami kento x reader
drabble synopsis ; packed lunches for four!
themes ; fluff, slice of life, established relationship (married), parents au
warnings / includes ; first introduction to baby yuriko :) this is so domestic it makes me sick, again this series is completely disregarding the shibuya incident and will be a lot of slice of life fluffy filler kind of vibes
series masterlist.
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13th june, 2019
“I made lunch,” you told Nanami, handing him the sealed bento box with a warm smile. Your husband mirrored your expression, one of his hands cradling the back of your head to pull you closer, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. 
“Thank you,” he said. Then, his keen eyes darted down to the counter, where there were three other bento boxes stacked on top of one another. “And these are for…?”
Your features turned sheepish. “I was going to bring Yuriko to come visit the school—so I made lunches for the second-year kids, as well. No doubt they haven’t had anything home-cooked in a long time.”
Something in Kento’s eyes softened. You were so painfully good and kind it made his chest ache. 
“You spoil them,” he whispered, nose nudging over the crown of your head. 
You made a noise of amusement at that. “They deserve to be spoiled.” Then, you glanced over at the round clock hanging in the kitchen. “I’ll see you in a couple hours? I think I’ll drop by around 11 or so.”
“Mhm. Try to avoid running into Gojo this time. Yuriko hates him.”
Your daughter, nearing six months old now, still burst into a fit of panicked tears every time Gojo tried to hold her, much to the excited man’s chagrin. Nanami would often proudly remark that she was his daughter. 
“I can’t promise anything. It feels like Satoru has eyes and ears everywhere,” you replied with a laugh in your voice.
Nanami frowned at the thought, but it was quick to dissipate when you leaned forward to kiss his cheek. “I love you,” he said in farewell, eliciting a fond I love you, too, right back. 
With that, he whisked out of the kitchen and made his way to the door. It saddened him to leave for work before Yuriko could wake up, but he felt better knowing she was coming to visit the school with you. 
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“What’s inside?” Nobara queried when you handed the three students their respective packed lunches.
“White rice with some steamed fish and veggies. There’s also watermelon chunks in the other container. You guys need to have a balanced diet, you know.” You reached out to fondly ruffle Yuji’s disheveled pink hair, knowing the boy had terrible eating habits. “You still have a lot of growing to do.”
Megumi, polite as ever, bowed his head and thanked you with a quiet tone. Nobara’s eyes had lit up at the mention of watermelon, eagerly chiming in her appreciation, as well. You grinned, and gestured for them to start eating. 
“Won’t you be eating with us?” Yuji asked, more as a request than an actual question. He was poking fingers at baby Yuriko in her stroller, pulling funny faces so that she would coo with laughter. Yuji had always been her favorite out of the three.
“I would, but I’m dropping off Nanami’s lunch, as well,” you told them, earning a pout of disappointment from Yuji and Nobara. 
The three of them began opening up their lunches. 
“Make sure to eat all of it, okay?” you told them in a mothering tone, laughing slightly when Nobara went straight for the watermelon rather than the rice. “I’ll see all of you this weekend—I was thinking we could all go to the beach. The weather calls for it, you know?”
It’d been nothing but sunshine and wispy clouds for the past week. 
Yuji tickled Yuriko’s wriggling feet within her stroller, excitedly nodding in agreement. “Sounds good with me! We could play volleyball!”
“Okay, I really should get going,” you said, waving goodbye. Before you could step away, Yuji pulled away from the baby stroller to envelop you in a warm hug, his arms wrapped tightly over your upper body. It surprised you at first, but you were quick to affectionately return the embrace. 
“Thank you for the food, and for being so considerate of us!” he said once he pulled away, saluting you with a nod. You laughed at how serious he sounded.
Swallowing her last bite of watermelon (she was definitely going to nick some from the other two), Nobara barked out, “Hey! Stop trying to be Y/N’s favorite, you suck-up!”
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People talk a lot about how Fit didn't want a kid when the Egg event happened, but I'm watching his Egg Event Day stream for the first time and picking up a few interesting things that both confirm and contradict what a lot of people say about Fit's perspective of the Egg event, So here are some notes from his VOD:
Fit immediately went over to Ramon when he saw him and cooed at his cute little mustache.
Fit repeatedly said to himself "I'm not a dad I'm not a dad I'm not a dad" while the informational videos were playing. HOWEVER--
When Ramon flashes the "Egg" sign repeatedly to them, Fit says he has eggs at his base and tells Ramon to wait with Spreen. Ramon chases after him, and Fit insists that he stays with Spreen, saying: "I will be right back, Ramon. Don't worry, I will return. I promise." ~ 1h 17m
Moments later when he's on his own, Fit says "Spreen better keep that Egg alive. I'm not emotionally attached to the Egg with the mustache, ok? I'm not emotionally attached." (Mirroring the things he often says these days about not having separation anxiety. Which is a lie). ~1h 18m
Fit says even though Ramon has a mustache, he doesn't know if Ramon is a boy, girl, or enby. (This isn't really relevant lore-wise, but I thought that was sweet). ~1h 20m
Foolish and Vegetta introduce Leonarda to Ramon, and Vegetta says "Look look, it's a friend, it's a friend! 😊" and then two seconds later says "Now fight to the death! 😊" ~1h 25m
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(The QSMP admins also make a whoopsies here and call Fit "Feet" in chat LMAO)
Despite joking that he's going to build Ramon a dog house near his place, when Spreen asks if they should build a simple house or something nicer for Ramon, Fit says, "Well he is our kid, so he deserves only the best, right? Maybe we should make a big mansion." ~1h 31m
Ramon makes a beeline to Fit's starter house (which the admins poked fun at) and excitedly jumps on the bed
Spreen accidentally hits Ramon (again) and Ramon runs off, and Spreen apologizes while he and Fit chase him down. Fit says "He didn't mean to do that, he loves you very much!" ~1h 36m
Fit gifts Ramon a seashell. ~1h 42m
Fit jokes that there's no doubt he's the father because Ramon looks just like him -- bald as an egg
They put Ramon to bed, but Spreen and Fit introduce Roier, Jaiden, and Bobby to Ramon while he's asleep. ~2h 10m
Spreen says he left food for Ramon in case he gets hungry at night. They get worried about Ramon because he's been sleeping for a long time and check to make sure he's still breathing. ~ 2h 14m
Spreen says they'll be a really good team, and Fit says, "We will be very good parents together, I can feel it." (oof) ~ 2h 15m
Fit and Spreen say goodbye to each other, and Fit says "Being a father is not easy, that's why I've put off fatherhood for so long, I don't know if I'm ready." He says it doesn't seem so bad, but Ramon's sleeping a lot and he's kinda lazy, so he doesn't know how he feels about this child, but "We'll make it work." Right after he says this, he suddenly finds Ramon climbing up the hill towards him, and they go fishing together. ~2h 16m
Fit calls Ramon "Mi huevito." ~2h 19m
"I dunno how I got roped into this fatherhood thing" he says while waiting for Ramon to finish using the bathroom. Then he teaches Ramon how to cook the fish they caught (classic Dad behavior) ~2h 21m
Spreen tells Fit he's going out and to take care of Ramon. Fit teases him and says it's a shared responsibility, and Spreen says he has to go to work. ~2h 26m
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The subtitles don't show it, but Spreen is saying "Don't worry, Ramon. You'll see me tomorrow." Fit says he'll teach Ramon how to grow crops, and Spreen says, "That's right Ramon, I want to hear all about how to grow crops when I get back."
Fit tells Ramon "You are my huevito" and sings him a lullaby. 2h 30m
"Spreen going out for cigarettes my ass! I'm not gonna see him for months now. See - someone's gotta step up and be a parent, and be there, and take the responsibility! That's me. That's me. It's weird though, I mean, I'm not used to this whole "fatherhood" thing, keeping a living thing alive. It's weird." ~ 2h 31m
Fit says he thinks he and Spreen will be a good parenting pair if Spreen comes back. But he's glad the child is doing well right now. ~ 2h 36m
Not related to Fit and Ramon, but these are some other funny moments:
Fit gets kicked for "flying" (he was jumping off a tall tower, but manages to clutch it) ~ 2h 43m
Fit meets JuanaFlippa! ~3h 12m
Slimecicle gives JuanaFlippa a landmine. ~ 3h 21m
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kogji · 3 months
Kazuma Sohma; The father
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It isn't common to see a caring parent in manga/manhwa. Usually the characters deal with their problems alone and their parents are either dead, absent or abusive. That's why Kazuma Sohma from the Fruit Basket manga was a very nice surprise for me.
He is the grandson of the previous cat, and he feels guilty for not taking a cooky from his caged grandpa for fear of getting cursed. He regularly visits the grave of his grandfather, who isn't even allowed to be buried in the Sohma cemetery. When Kyo loses his mother, he takes him in as an opportunity to repent.
Kazuma is a calm, humble, and wise person. He feels responsible not only for Kyo, but for the rest of the zodiac children who are being discriminated against and abused. Unlike Kyo's father who sees him as a monster and his mother who doesn't let him leave the house, Kazuma treats him like a normal child, introduces Kyo to the world around him, spends quality time with him, and isn't afraid to hug him. He teaches him karate as a mean to control his anger and channelize it. Soon Kyo learns that he can trust this man and knows that if he runs to him there are arms open to embrace him. He wishes that kazuma could be his father.
One of the things I love about Kazuma is that he doesn't just see Kyo as a victim and believes that he needs to change, stop denying his true self and running away from it. He wants Kyo to stop blaming Yuki, and believes that one day he will be loved and respected but he should earn it first.
Even when he realizes Tohru's feelings for Kyo, he worries that it is nothing but pity because he knows that the reason his grandmother married the cursed, caged cat was just pity. He would rather Kyo be alone than be loved at any cost.
He enjoys pulling Kyo's leg and deliberately says things to provoke him. He no longer hugs the teeanage Kyo, but he always caresses his head. His affections are so obvious and unfailing that others also notice the genuineness of his paternal feelings. He is a strict instructor though.
He considers Kyo as a troublesome child who should wait patiently for him to grow up and mature. He allows Kyo to fall and rise from the bottom and does not pressure him. His acceptance and patience despite his own discomforts and fears for his son's future is admirable. He suffers from Kyo's bitterness, smiles and gets over it.
Even though he knows that his decision to reveal Kyo's true form to Tohru could ruin his relationship with him forever, he accepts the risk of being hated for Kyo's sake. He knows that if Kyo cannot accept his true form and understand that he can be loved even in his monstrous form, he will never be able to change.
When he attends the parent-teacher meeting, he is different from other parents. Although he has his own doubts and worries, he jokes that he cannot see his son as an employee or a student and only asks Kyo to inform him of his decision.
Being clumsy at home after raising a son fo r a decade is pretty funny. He doesn't even know how to make tea and always burns the fish. For a boy who grew up with burnt fish, Kyo turned out to be a very good kid.
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deliciouskeys · 23 days
Cozy Corner Domaystic prompts #16: Going through immigration and #24: Identity theft.
Guys. Guys, I’ll be honest. I have no idea what possessed me. I think I found these two prompts as some of the most challenging to imagine as a domestic fic, and… my thinking got a little bit too outside the box.
This fic will have an intended audience of about 1 (me). But I want to give major major props to @olliveolly who introduced me to this game and was the one who came up with this That’s Not My Neighbor / Boys crossover AU (with a couple lovely art pieces on the theme). The “lore” of this horror game is very simple. Tell me you don’t see it:
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Butchlander. That’s Not My Neighbor crossover/AU. Rated E (why). 3.3k words (why). 2nd person to allegedly reflect the feeling of first-person gameplay (why). Is this domestic fic? Welllllll. It takes place in an apartment complex so it counts, right? Lax interpretation of ‘going through immigration’ but honestly that’s what this game really reminds me of 😂 AO3 link
Another day, another interminable shift working as the concierge in the dreary lobby of this apartment complex. It was exciting at first, sure, what with getting to play the first and last line of defense against the doppelganger monsters that attempt to sneak in every single day. But you’ve just gotten too good at noticing discrepancies. Nothing gets past you anymore. You know every single feature- hell, every single freckle! -of every single resident in the building. By this point you’ve got all their phone numbers memorized, for no better reason than there is simply too much tedium to this job. You find yourself wishing you could actually watch the D.D.D. ‘decontaminate’ the lobby, as they so euphemistically put it, instead of just sitting there twiddling your thumbs behind a pulled down rollup metal shutter after summoning them. You could still make out screams without seeing the brutality, and you knew the D.D.D. employed flame throwers and other serious weapons to deal with these monsters. Sometimes you caught yourself feeling just a little bit of sympathy for the doppelgangers, even though their main goal in life appeared to be to imitate people to blend in and then feed upon human flesh, and your main goal in life was supposed to be to ensure none of them would ever get let in through the locked inner door.
John Gillman comes in through the first door and gives you a tired, nominal wave before fishing around in his pockets for his documents to gain entry. He might be your favorite resident— always polite, always in that clean-cut milkman uniform at least when you happen to see him, because no one really leaves the apartment building outside of work obligations. There’s no nightlife in New York anymore, not with everyone nervous of dark alleys or being alone on the street, especially after dark. When you came over here from London, you certainly didn’t expect to get stuck here during a worldwide apocalyptic event like this that has resulted in curfews and lockdowns. You certainly didn’t expect to get zero action and get a mindnumbing job just to make ends meet. It was probably still more interesting than your gig working as a bouncer back in London, but at least you got fresh air there, and sometimes a date to go home with after closing time. Maybe that’s why you’ve started hyperfixating and daydreaming about one of the residents— the involuntary celibacy is getting to you.
John just always looks uncannily attractive. Maybe it’s that silly uniform that’s easy to fetishize. Maybe it’s because his tired eyes also look like bedroom eyes, or the dark circles function the same way eyeliner would. Why is he always so tired anyway? You know he lives alone up there in F03-02. He never gets any visitors either. How much can a person masturbate, really? There’s a rumor around the building that Becca Saunders’ tyke might be his, but you don’t really see the resemblance, and have your doubts that this didn’t just start as a “sleeping with the milkman” joke that got out of hand. People just like to gossip about single mothers. Things like this shouldn’t be considered scandalous. It’s 1955 for god’s sake!
“Sorry, William,” John says, hurriedly shoving his ID and entry request form underneath the glass so you can take take a look. “Almost thought I left my ID at work.”
“Long day, huh?” you ask without expecting a reply, pretending to scrutinize the documents while making small talk. You know this is John. You’d know him from a mile away. But it doesn’t mean you can’t have a little bit of fun. “Looks okay, and you are on the list of people authorized to come and go today. But can you take off your cap?”
John grabs his milkman cap off his head, exposing a mop of blond hair, looking mussed after being under the hat all day. You really wish you could test him, see how far you’d be able to take things before he refused to cooperate. Take off your shirt, John. Gotta make sure it’s really you. You never know these days. But of course you don’t. All you’ll have is your fantasies about breaching every code of ethics and using your master key to gain entrance into his apartment, seducing him, ravishing him right in the middle of what must be a depressing bachelor pad. Give him much darker undereye circles by keeping him up all night. Give this apartment complex a more interesting rumor to spread about the milkman in their midst.
“You’re good to go,” you say and press the green unlock button to let him in. He gives you a wan smile and walks out of view, and you listen to his footsteps ascending the stairs.
The rest of the afternoon is uneventful, only a few people coming and going, and a couple of doppelgängers with laughably strange appearance or bad credentials being dispatched quickly. Or at least it’s uneventful until John walks in, just a little bit past curfew.
“Hey William,” he says, sounding distracted, rummaging in his pockets for his documents as a cold sweat breaks out on your forehead. This better be a doppelganger, you think to yourself. But he has both his ID and the entry request filled out correctly. He looks identical to the John that passed by here a couple of hours earlier. This can’t be.
You start dialing John’s number, not taking your eyes off the man in front of you.
John’s eyes widen with alarm when he sees that you get an answer from the other end of the line.
“Yes, hello? John here. I’m not expecting any visitors.”
You hang up pretty abruptly, staring at the John in front of you, searching his appearance for any subtle defect or inconsistency but finding none. Your finger is hovering over the alarm button.
“Oh my god. Oh my god, you think I’m someone else? It’s me, William! I swear to god it’s me! I don’t know who you let in earlier, and who’s answering the phone now, but it’s not me up there!”
And shit, you believe him. You must have fucked up. Gotten smug and sloppy. Maybe the doppelganger handed you a fake ID but you didn’t notice because you were too busy daydreaming about fucking him.
“William, please believe me, please!” John is pressing up against the glass at this point, clearly scared that you’re going to quarantine him in the lobby and sic the D.D.D. on him. They don’t tend to ask questions. You’ve never had it happen, but you’ve heard of innocent people getting snuffed out on the mere suspicion of being doppelgangers, the D.D.D. rarely admitting to such mistakes even after the fact.
“Alright, alright, I believe you. I just have to think…” you mumble. “I’ll let you in, but don’t go up to your flat. We have to figure this out.”
John nods frantically and slips into your office after you buzz him in.
“What are you going to do?” he asks, and if you weren’t scared shitless at the moment, you’d probably get a kick out of how vulnerable and scared his expression is compared to his usual tired, impassive one.
“I should call the D.D.D. and get them to go up there,” you think out loud.
“Won’t you get reprimanded?” John asks, and oh how sweet of him to worry about your job when you’ve fucked up so royally and almost gotten him killed with your negligence. Maybe already gotten some of his neighbors killed.
“I just don’t want you losing your job over this— you’re the best concierge we have,” he says and then looks down shyly, as if realizing how strange that concern is.
What is this? Are you dreaming? Maybe you’re just out of your mind with adrenaline, but John sounds like he’s got feelings for you.
“Let’s just go up there and see what’s going on,” he says, and damn he’s persuasive as fuck. You want to go and deal with the mess you made, and protect him.
“I’ll go up there and just check,” you say, hardly believing yourself as you grab the fire extinguisher from the wall as a makeshift weapon. Everyone who was scheduled to return to the building has, so you shouldn’t get any more legitimate people coming through, but you still tape up a note that you’ll be back at your post in a few minutes. “Right then. You just stay down here and wait. I don’t want you putting yourself at risk. If I’m not back in five, call the number on the post-it.”
John shakes his head and follows you up the stairs. “I’m not letting you go up there alone,” he says in that quiet irresistible voice and you start to wonder if there’s something strange going on. Why are you going on this potentially suicidal mission to deal with a doppelganger on your own? So what if you get fired? No job is worth your life, right? But you probably wouldn’t see John ever again if you lost this job and that’s clouding all your judgment right now.
Knocking on John’s apartment door is probably not a good idea, and will just give the monster inside time to prepare or hide. So you take out your master key and turn it in the lock as quietly and quickly as you can. The door swings opens with an ominous creak, revealing a dark living room with no sign of anyone there. Did he hear you coming up the stairs? You try to keep John behind you and shield him in case anything sudden happens from within the apartment, but then you feel a strong push from behind and both you and John are in the flat now.
You’re so stupid, so critically, fatally stupid. The John you let in earlier was the real one. You’ve let a doppelganger convince you that you made a mistake, and now you did let one in. You whirl around, try to hit him upside the head with the fire extinguisher you’re brandishing, but he blocks the move with little effort.
“I thought we agreed,” he says, and you realize he’s speaking not to you but past you to someone else in the room.
“Thursdays are my days,” an identical voice answers from behind you and you step back and try to make sense of what you’re seeing. Two John Gillmans, both in the same uniform, neither one looking the least bit spooked, both looking mildly irritated if anything.
“Since when,” the John who came up behind you asks of the other one. “I get to be here every other day, doesn’t matter what day of the week it is.”
“So now what are we going to do about him?” the John who was in the apartment asks, pointing to you. “Why didn’t you just leave once he called me? Are you stupid?”
Your heart may be racing, but your thinking feels as slow as molasses. They’re …. both doppelgangers?
“What have you done with the real John Gillman?” you whisper hoarsely. The twins turn to look at you and you’re creeped out by the very similar smirk that spreads across both of their faces. They’re really impeccable facsimiles of the real person, but this is an expression you’ve never seen on John.
“You’ve never met the ‘real John Gillman’,” one of them says.
There’s enough cold sweat that’s broken out on your back that it starts to trickle down as drops.
“We like you William. It would be such a shame for our friendship to end.”
You hold up the fire extinguisher in front of yourself defensively, but you’re not sure you can really do anything against two of them. You’ve never noticed before, and maybe the real John’s teeth didn’t look like this, but the two doppelgangers have sharp looking canines when they’re grinning. It’ll serve you right to get devoured in this dark flat for making so many mistakes and bad decisions in a row today.
“So you’re just going to kill me then?” you ask.
“We’d really rather not,” one of the twins says. “A murder would bring a lot of snooping law enforcement if not the D.D.D. Itself.”
“And it’s so hard to find good lodging to spend the night.”
They must be joking. “You really expect me to believe you’re not just here to eat people?”
One of the twins rolls his eyes. “Eat people! Yeah, that’s why we’re here, clearly.”
“Has anyone in this apartment building ever disappeared in all the months you’ve worked here?” the other one asks.
“How should I know?” You’re beginning to feel like this has to be some sick nightmare. You can’t possibly be having a civil conversation with a couple of cannibal monsters. This thought has a strange calming effect on you. “If I didn’t know you lot were masquerading as John Gillman, how am I to know how many other residents are real people?”
The twins turn to each other, still smiling and shrugging.
“We’ve been on a vegetarian diet for a while,” the other says and you can’t help but bark out a laugh.
“Laugh all you want,” the other one says, spreading his hands in concession. “But milk is more than enough to sustain us. We do think people are delicious, but there’s one thing we like much more than eating them.”
“And what’s that?” you ask, emboldened by the possibility that you’re just in a ridiculous, paranoid, bad dream of a worst case scenario at your job.
“We’ve been watching you William. We think you’ve been interested in us.”
“We’ve never fucked anyone from this building, and never fucked together, but there’s a first time for everything, right?”
You just stand there, fire extinguisher still raised up defensively. No question about it, this must be a nightmare that’s slowly but surely twisting itself into a sexual fantasy.
“Come on, William. Let’s make you comfortable.”
You can hardly protest as one gently pulls your makeshift weapon out of your loose grip, and the other one sweeps you off your feet with preternatural superhuman ease and carries you over to the couch in this sparsely furnished apartment.
Gentle but insistent hands undo the buttons on your trousers and then maneuver you so they can pull them off completely and free your legs.
“Humans are such fun creatures,” one of the Johns comments when he sees that despite your fear of the situation unfolding right now, you are sporting a half-hearted hard-on. It somehow only gets harder when you hear them talk about people as another species.
Both Johns are still fully dressed, situating themselves to kneel on the floor on either side of you. It’s wild. You must be dreaming. And as you watch both Johns lean forward, extending their tongues and licking your cock up and down from opposite sides, you realize that if this is a dream, you never want to wake up.
They know what they’re doing. They bring you right up to the edge of orgasm and then pull away, leaving you feeling desperate and even annoyed. You’re not annoyed for long though as they both strip down, and you see that their human-mimicking powers are perfect, down to the most minute details that would never be seen under clothes. Granted, you don’t know what John Gillman looked like naked, so maybe they’ve taken artistic license and embellished. Whatever it is, they’ve compared notes, because they still look indistinguishable to you.
“Like what you see?” one of them asks and you realize you I’ve been staring, maybe even with your mouth hanging open. You never imagined you’d hook up with a doppelganger, let alone two of them at once. But you have imagined foisting yourself on John in this very flat, and you’re about to live that daydream.
You end up doing things with the two of them beyond what you’ve ever dreamed of. You fuck one of them, and at the same time get fucked by the other one from behind, the cheap bed’s metal joints creaking and moaning from the motion of three bodies rocking against each other. You let them suck your cock and rim you to get you back in the mood for another round, trying not to think about how unsettlingly hungry they both look, and who they really are underneath the human-looking exterior. The exterior slips periodically when they’re in the throes of pleasure. You wince when they betray just how strong they really are, whenever they flip you over or change positions, as if you weigh nothing. You try not to pay attention when their eyes start glowing red when they’re particularly turned on, but it’s impossible to ignore in the darkness of the bedroom.
“William, you are fucking delicious,” one of them declares, licking his lips obscenely after swallowing down your cum, and all you can do is emit a short nervous chuckle, and think that even if they do decide to eat you at the end of all of this— either to cover their tracks, or just because they might start feeling peckish after all this is over— it will still have been worth it.
You don’t get eaten. In fact, you’ve had the time of your life, and as you get up from the bed and mumble that you have to get back to your post before your shift is over, the two Johns lie languid, naked on the bed watching you, each enjoying a post coital glass of milk (that’s all they have in the fridge— you saw when they opened it), like perfect mirror images.
“You won’t be making any unnecessary phone calls, right William?”
“We can count on you to be discreet and keep a secret, right?”
Through the combined haze of being scared for your life and then having the time of your life, there’s still one thing that bothers you, and you ask about it, against all your best self-preservation instincts.
“So what have you done with the real John Gillman?”
They turn to look at each other, not exactly conspiratorial but it still makes you uneasy.
“Oh, John Gillman never existed. We’ve been around a lot longer than you humans think. Many of us never tried to replicate and replace real humans.”
“Yeah, and a lot of good that did when some of us started! The ones who are doing it are the reason we’re being hunted now. Unoriginal hacks. And so bad at mimicking too.”
“So many embarrassing ones out there.” They both nod at each other.
You’d like to believe them. You really would. “So why choose this persona?”
“The milkman gets free milk and gets around in your society! And humans seem to like this look,” one of them says, grinning and gesturing with his hand over their naked bodies.
“But we only ever get to enjoy bored housewives.”
“And why are there two of you?” you ask hesitantly, glancing at the clock on the wall to verify that you’re not late yet.
“Oh there’s more than two of us,” one of them says and they laugh in unison in a way that sends a chill down your spine.
You think you’ve got it all worked out. You’re letting the John Gillmans stay in the apartment undisturbed, and you let them through even when it’s obvious that there’s more than one of them coming and going. You figure it’s a win-win. They promise to protect the building from any rogue doppelgangers who infiltrate and intend to harm the residents, and in return get a place to stay the night peacefully. You get to visit apartment F03-02 after your shift ends and have mind-blowing sex. They seem to enjoy the orgies as well. They know your shift hours and try to only come and go during those times. There doesn’t seem to be a problem with this arrangement.
Or at least not a problem that you’re going to make into your problem. When one of the Johns walks in, visibly smeared in blood, you do give him a hard time.
“Come on, John. Just because I’ll let you in, doesn’t mean you can just stop trying to look decent. God forbid I call in sick and someone else is here.”
John shrugs and goes through the formality of pushing his ID and entry request under the glass window.
“And get a new ID…” you tell him when you see bloody fingerprints all over the worn paper.
John shrugs, doing his usual tired act, despite how ridiculous it looks to be so bored and nonchalant when he’s smeared in blood.
“Whose blood is that, anyway?” you ask, wondering why you’re not more disturbed.
“Someone who was of no consequence and who won’t be missed,” John replies, terse and cool as a cucumber.
“I thought you said you were vegetarian?”
“I’ll take a cheat day if I run into a wifebeater,” John says, shrugging.
You buzz him in, telling him to get washed up before someone sees him, wondering if you’re being colossally naive to believe his story, and wondering if you’ve got a death wish because you’re still looking forward to going up there once your shift ends in a few hours.
(What in the world. 💀)
ETA: now with another art piece by @olliveolly
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calimelontea · 1 year
the octotrio with an inkling!reader
❥❥am I splicing my current hyperfixation into a completely unrelated fandom bc the fresh season just recently dropped?? Yes. Is it going to be kinda awkward bc this is my very first fic on this page??? Also yes 👍But man is it gonna be fun to write, so I hope you guys will have just as much fun reading!
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❥ the reader falls into this twisted wonderland unannounced and unprepared, but much to the student body's surprise, this new transfer student was... A squid? A kid?? It was anyone's guess, but for now it was decided that you would reside in Octainvinelle, seeing as you were a cephalopod of some sort. How do you fair in the ranks of the fish mafia?
Category- Fluff ☀
Content- semi platonic, Azul Jade and Floyd, you are an inkling from Splatoon
Azul Ashengrotto
➼When you had first arrived at the dorm's doorstep, he couldn't deny his interest was piqued! Not only was he interested in seeing that squids had evolved their own little subspecies, but he also saw this as the perfect opportunity for profit!
➼A creature that can continuously produce different colored inks?? He's practically seeing dollar signs...
➼No doubt he'll probably ask for a little share of what's in your ink tank, and in return he'll provide you protection and some benefits in the lounge, (albeit some very miniscule ones. Can't lose too much profit, now can we?).
➼But nevertheless, it couldn't be denied that your presence in the lounge had certainly brightened the atmosphere. Now not only can one make shady business deals, but they also get to watch this strange little squid creature run around and obsess over anything it deems "fresh".
➼Eventually though he would begin to warm up to you and see you as a bit more than a walking money bag, especially after the overblot incident. You offered him a helping hand and a friendly smile, even when he was hardly deserving of forgiveness, and he will always be grateful for that (though he will never admit that a loud).
➼He's always sure to keep watch over you, whether it be him in person or the twins, and if someone dares to cause you any trouble... Whew boy, they better hope they can handle a good squeeze.
➼Anytime there's something you want to show him, you'd better believe he's dropping what he's doing to look (within reason ofc), and if you manage to bring him something of extra value, he's sure to praise you and treat you to something from the lounge's menu.
➼Most of your time together is just you dragging him along to look for something fun to do, and although a lot of times he would rather be back at the lounge counting up earnings or advertising new business opportunities, he just can't say no to that face...
➼Overall he'll likely be your safest bet as long as you're willing to sacrifice some ink and maybe your free will 👍
Floyd Leech
➼When you first arrived, he just thought you were the silliest lil creature! It didn't matter to him if you were human or squid, he just wanted to squeeze you and play with you.
➼And squeeze you he will, you better be watching your back all times of the day bc this man can and will ambush you with the most bone-crushing hug in existence. You don't even have bones and yet you feel the structure of your very being squashed like a water balloon.
➼He takes a liking to you almost immediately out the gate, assigning you the nickname "squidling" since he already nicknamed someone else "squid", and you change colors way too often to assign a colored type of squid.
➼Instead of you dragging him around, now it's his turn to drag you. Will literally snatch you from wherever you are, whether it be your dorm room or even class, and run off to wherever sounds the most fun in the moment. (R.I.P Grim, you're on your own)
➼Literally has 0 idea what you're saying (inklings speak a special kind of language), but will absolutely pretend to know what you mean. Will have an entire full blown conversation with you even if, with context, the conversation doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
➼Likely will go out of his way to get something for you if he believes it's something you'd find "fresh". Mans is gonna come to your dorm with like 20 shiny rocks, some shirts and a thingamabob or two and you're keeping ALL of them.
➼Can and will try to make you swim somehow due to your squid features. It will not go well.
➼You're probably one of the very few people that can pull him out of his bad moods without bribery or blackmail. Legit just start talking to him about anything random and he'll give you one of those legit scary smiles and squeezes onto you like you've just given him the best news of his life.
➼He's a pretty alright option if you don't mind being a caprisun under a hydraulic press. Just... Stay alert.
Jade Leech
➼Mans is literally scary, why would you pick him???? /j Much like Azul, he's very curious about you when you first arrive in Octainvinelle, but instead of profiting purposes, he more or less wants to study you.
➼He's very curious about what it is that makes you tick. How did squids evolve to produce a specimen like you? Are there more of you? And if so, have your species formed an intricate society? Where does your language originate? Do you have a similar intestinal structure to humans or merfolk???
➼Bro has probably thought about dissecting you at least 40 times and counting, but because it's heavily frowned upon in a school setting, he's decided against poking around in a squid-kid cadaver. For now...
➼Until then though, he ensures he's as hospitable as he possibly can be, while also leaving some room for learning about your unique culture.
➼This means he will likely be one of the very few students to start picking up on your language, as well as understanding your behaviors/mannerisms.
➼It was during these studies of his that you two developed a sort of trade system. You would bring him some wild mushrooms or any plants that look interesting, and in return he will buy you something "fresh" from Sam's shop, with a reasonable price tag ofc.
➼And due to this mutually beneficial system, it didn't take long for the two of you to become good friends. It wouldn't be very often you would see this tall eel man without his tiny squid companion, especially when it comes to his mushroom garden. Congrats, you have entry to the sporehouse 👍
➼This also means you two get to share your special interests with one another. You get to spend time with him creating mini terrariums and growing shrooms, and in return you can teach him how to play turf war (the second he gets the hang of it you will constantly get your ass beat).
➼He's a pretty sound option over time, but you should NEVER be alone with this man with lab equipment. Never trust a man who enjoys clam blitz.
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respectthepetty · 6 months
I need to stress something somewhere. And I know you will be able to help or even help be observe but, I have a haunting feeling that in the clips we have of Mork reading to Day, is in the future and….Mork isn’t actually there anymore . … many reasons with the scenes set up but the main things for me is the fish. There is only one in the rank now in that scene. And the book marks in the book. 1 fish bookmark, the other an avocado? And their legs are covered with a blanket. So no 2 slippers of fish is shown……am I creating narrative things that are not there or seeing things wrong? it just feels almost a melancholy scene set up in front of the tank…… and I’m scared!!
What are your thoughts pretty please?!
Anon, I'm choosing violence first, then I'll be kind.
On Spanish TikTok, or as I like to call it Tea Talk, someone stated they saw the book's ending, and it ended with Mork dying and donating his eyes to Day.
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The people of Tea Talk ripped that video to shreds. The comments section was not pleased with the mentiras (lies), and Indonesian TikTok even showed up in the fray with the actual book to prove the original poster was "Livin' La Vida Loca."
I don't know how this cookie will crumble, but let me remind you of two things:
#1 - This is GMMTV.
It gave us The Shipper in 2020 at the height of the pandemic, and I think it has been correcting that wrong since.
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And it gave us Only Friends in 2023.
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I wanted murder and mayhem. Instead it gave everyone happy endings except the slut because apparently he had too many "happy endings" and *morality* or some bullshit.
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If you are watching Playboyy, it's what Only Friends could have been if Disney BL hadn't produced it.
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I might sound salty (because I am), but I'm really just trying to emphasize that GMMTV wouldn't. Period. Full stop. GMMTV wouldn't give us a sad ending to a branded pair. It will kill a mom quick, but sad times for a branded pair? ¡Nunca! For example, how did we all know Palm x Nueng were gonna be safe and sound in Never Let Me Go? Our Skyy 2. Can't have Our Skyy 3 if it kills a ship now can it?
#2 - This is Aof
The director, producer, and screenwriter extraordinaire shot Pat (Ohm) on Christmas Eve.
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He killed Papang!
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Hell, he killed Singto before the series even started!
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Mork (NOT GAWIN, NO!) got beat up and was hospitalized!
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And yet, we got a happy ending each time.
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The man wants to make use cry, but he has never ended with queer trauma to do so.
Which is why there are still two fish in that tank.
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And I think the avocado is a shout out to Jimmy's love of them (because who doesn't love avocados, am I right?).
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So as much as I do not think the reading scenes we keep getting are set in the present,
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I don't think they are setting us up for a sad future, especially because Korea already did this trick.
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If you watched To My Star 2: Our Untold Stories last year, you know that shit hurt, every, single, episode,
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and because it hurt, we were too blinded by the pain to notice the happiness sprinkled throughout.
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The happiness we were seeing wasn't flashbacks of their past relationship or even snippets of their current one.
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Korea gave us The Eighth Sense and Strongberry's Choco Milk Shake, both which had the perfect premises to fuck us over, and yet my only complaint was NO POLY!
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If Korea can delivery happy endings, Disney BL can too (but not the kind it punished Boston for. Never those kind). It isn't Taiwan, and it certainly isn't Japan who is ALWAYS itching to give maximum pain. This is "soft power" Thailand, GMMTV, Aof, and a branded pair. If GMMTV brought out Gawin to get Krist and Joss back to kiss a homie, I greatly doubt it would tank the JimmySea ship for a sad ending (did you get the pun?). If there is one thing I can count on GMMTV for, it's to secure the bag. Sell merch. Sell novels. Sell a special box edition of the series. Sell the ship. That won't happen if this is sad.
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Also, color-coded boys in love get happy endings.
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It's science.
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absolutebl · 1 year
Be My Favorite - Flaming Hot Trash Watch Action
Ready for this?
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Adapted from the y-novel You Are My Favorite by JittiRain this is one of those “rewrite the past to change the future.” Starring Krist (SOTUS) + Fluke Gawin (DBK, Not Me). I expect this to be low heat, full of LIES and manipulation.
12 eps of approx 45 min fresh content each, and I guess I am drinking on frigay for the next 3 damn months 
Main tropes: time travel/slip/loop, paranormal, university setting, soft romance, low heat, sunshine/tsundere with GMMTV’s heavy hand on classic Thai BL tropes, product placement, and high production values.
Trailer | MDL
I’m getting some shizz outta my system before I start putting the alcohol into it...
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Story issues 
Let’s get this on the table. I have a mixed relationship with Jittirain’s stuff because unlike Mame who is trash to her characters with plot, Jittirain is trash to plot with characters. All characters (what limited characterization there is) will be obedient to the plot and act against personality the moment it is necessary for whatever insanity is required for audience manipulation. We The Watchers WILL feel jerked around by these jerks (but as this is GMMTV there will be no actual jerking). We WILL be lied to, and the characters will lie to each other FOR NO GOOD REASON. 
In addition to Be My Favorite JittiRain is behind: Vice Versa, 2gether, Fish Upon the Sky, and Theory of Love. Mmm humm. Yeah. Drinks are defiantly required. 
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Actor issues: 
Krist: Who knew Krist would do a BL again? Like seriously? His career has been riddled with controversy and his skills as an actor widely challenged. Regarding the first, this is not that blog, take that discourse/cancel culture elsewhere. For the second? I will judged his acting based on the usual criteria: this BL, this role, this pairing, this script, and the fact that this is Thai style acting. Okay?
Gawin/Fluke: I will likely slip and call him Gawin because that’s what he used when he first crossed my radar. I have said this before but he looks like an ex of mine. So my baggage with him is all personal. Said ex and I are amicable, but it wigs me out sometimes. They even have a similar voice. I will try to get over this. 
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Also the both SCREAM straight. I mean I don’t wanna judge insult or anything but these boys got breeder smeared all over them. 
Okay, so what are we doing here?
Well, as previously established: DRINKING.
A new trash watch! 
Although there is always the (however faint) possibility it will become a praise watch. Sometimes that happens. But this is Jittirain so... I doubt it. 
Here we go! 
Episode 1: Sake & Fear 
I have heartburn already. Or maybe that’s the extra chili I put on my noodles + booze + EXISTENTIAL DREAD. 
Kawi = loser, poor, stupid, shy, and friendless (AKA Japan’s ordinary bottom uke archetype) - he’s a downer, this is an issue with this kind of character, not likable. 
Pearmai = the sunshine faen fatale Kawi has a crush on 
Piseang = the tall handsome cute popular perfect seme, plays basketball perfectly (waves at Love O2O), is also a DJ (nash)
Most of this ep was spent establishing this dynamic and some kind of secret santa for college kids, a magic time travel snow globe, and the fact that the wrong couple got together. 
Why is there a dandelion in the snow globe? 
Is it a wishes thing? Do they have that superstition in Thailand?
A 12 year time jump is v Japanese. Which life-point is closer to Krist’s actual age? Ooo, half a bottle of sake and I’m salty af. 
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Apparently Kawi still has same problems and the same haircut as he did as a fresher.
Could we please talk about this? It’s in ALL BL. Why does NO ONE change their hair as they age? My hair changes by the week. 
Meanwhile our ordinary bottom has turned into a wild imbecilic tsundere and our seme clearly likes that and I am too drunk for this. So is Kawi. 
You know what, it’s not as terrible as I thought it would be. I don’t like it but I can see the characters becoming appealing. Maybe? Hopefully? Why do I do this to myself?
I’m not a monster, I will give it a chance. 
At least no one has yet picked up a guitar.
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See you next week, same Jittirain time, same Jittiran place, new bottle of sake.  
Episode 2: Nigori & Serenity 
The sake I’m drinking tonight is described on the bottle “silky & mild” which is also a legit review of Gawin’s acting. 
What is going on? 
What am I feeling? 
They’re lying on the grass talking to each other in a meaningful way. It’s cute. I am enjoying it. How appropriately collegiate. 
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Is this... enjoyment?
Am I enjoying this show?
I ate booze-filled chocolates AS WELL AS SAKE. 
Maybe it’s the double dose? 
Am I becoming silky & mild?
I got a slow down. I can’t do this every week for 12 weeks in a row. I’m not in uni anymore. I might end up being a nice person if I continue down this road. Can’t have that.  
Honestly, I do like the fantasy of getting to re-live your college years as a cooler version of yourself. 
Although, frankly, I did fine with mine. 
(Oh thank fuck, asshole me is back.) 
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I don’t know where Max came from but he is officially the most interesting character in this show. 
Also... does he look a bit like a bad boy bunny to anyone else? 
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It isn’t actually like it, but I am getting a distinct 2gether vibes from this show. It makes it feel kinda dated for BL. What a fucking crazy thing to say. Ignore me, I’m drunk. 
OOOOO.... Nong teasing. Very nice.  
The over dramatic drunken kiss made me giggle. First time Krist has been properly kissed in a BL.
What do I do? 
I’m enjoying it! 
Damn it. 
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Episode 3: Tipsy Waffling 
I was out at the club, came home faintly tipsy. Frankly I feel a little unwell, so I’m not gonna drink anymore. So this is an unprecedented semi-sober trash watch. I’m not sure if I’m ready but so far this show been beating expectations, and I don’t expect a derailment until next ep so I’m feel okay about my life choices. 
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Okay Gawin is good. I’ll give you that . His little moment if realization (and giving up). The “oh shit” look. 
That’s Title! 
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When did he leave Wabi Sabi and join GMMTV’s stable? 
Look I kinda enjoyed this bit, because it was a joke.
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Is this the beginning of the JittiRain of Doom? Or it this just good angsty story telling?
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No way to know until next week.
(JittiRain of Doom - see what I did there? Aren’t I a clever little lush dragon?) 
I should go to bed now. 
I think we can safely say clouds are on the horizon and whether this is good storytelling or bad, only episode 4 will tell. 
Episode 4: It’s Happened! The Suck! 
not in a good way @heretherebedork​ said ep 4, can they call it or WHAT?! 
I’m officially calling Kwai’s pink haired Maximum hotness bestie “my café fae” and YOU can’t stop me. I love him. Or I want to be him? Or I AM him?
Difficult to know.
Checks own hair.
Not pick at at the moment. Mostly blue actually.
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(I weirdly adore that blue open weave draw-string vest thing he’s rocking. Checks own closet. Wonders idly about turning a mesh laundry bag into a shirt.) 
Anygay... Café fae and I are running away together and not putting up with any of this Jittirain nonsense.
Because this beach frolic...?  
Too cringe. Too awkward. I really don’t like all of embarrassment factor for everyone, not to mention humiliation and hazing and older kids picking on younger kids.
I’ve been done with this plot divice since SOTUS. And I’ll take it in small doses from Korea but no more Thailand. Stop it. And...
is that...
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Oh, I hate this show.
Everyone listening in on the phone while he’s humiliating himself with a girl? This is fully terrible. 
I’m so uncomfortable with this whole episode. 
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And yet. Secure. Because finally we are in the territory I was expecting. But ALSO I can’t bear it. 
Please make it stop.
At least Piseng is a decent human being.
And Pair. 
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Screw all y’all. I’m eloping with Pair.
What about my cafe fae? Hummmm. 
Ah! Got it. Thrupple! 
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I’m not gonna lie. That was rough going. 
And I am not OK.
Although I’m digging this thrupple scheme of mine. 
Episode 5: I Am V Drunk
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For those of you following the soga of ABL is a lush... 
I got my cocktail! 
Then got distracted by meeting colleagues at the bar. 
Then went for dinner and wine.
Then got another cocktail and finally made it back to the room. 
So by the time I started watching this week’s installment I was... quite drunk. 
Take this recap with a grain of salt margarita salt rim... no... not that kind of rimming, that’s just in KP, sadly... wait... what am I doing? I got distracted. This is GMMTV. Def no rimming. 
Kawi deserves his new asshole friends (stop it ABL no rimming). 
I just don’t like him. He’s too straight and whiney and homophobic. 
Could we have a romance between Pisang and Max? 
Asking for a friend me. 
Bet there would be rimming. They both seem very game. Just saying.
Different show ABL. Different show. 
Where was I? Apparently I went to the land of Bed Friends for a moment there. 
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Why does anyone like Kawi? 
Max deserves better.  
Pear deserves better. 
Pisang deserves better. 
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OMG!!! His utter wistful yearning over the happy gay bar. Poor baby. 
Awe don’t run away from Max. We love Max. Max is the best. You NEED a Max in your life. We all do! 
Someone described Max as “tired gay,” and I feel this keenly. 
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SKIP! Skipskipskip. 
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Next week look like a classic ep 6 kiss then angst. Whatever. 
It was fine. 
This was a fine installment. 
I’m very drunk. 
Hotel all spinny. 
Hi, bed! Make me a sammitch. 
Episode 6: I Am Less Drunk Than I Should Be
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I just wish this were Pisaeng’s story instead of Kawi’s. It would be a lot better. In fact, it is a lot better. Any time we get PS alone or with any other character it’s a better narrative. Any time with him and Max talking it’s the best of everything, That’s all I want on my screen.
In fact, Max is all I want. 
I love his “care bear kpop” clothes. 
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This is definitely one of those shows where I don’t understand why anyone likes the central character - his friends, his love interests, his father, his audience, tumblr. 
No one should like him. He started out a loser and he’s only getting worse, and nasty to boot. 
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Yes, it’s good we see him apologize, but there’s no logic behind the choices that led him to needing to make the apology in the first place! 
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(No one does, honey.) 
We are heading into classic Jitiirain where are the characters are going to betray us and themselves in order to serve the narrative. 
And I’m not drunk enough for this. 
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Honestly? I think Krist what is miss-cast as well. 
I’m not in the anti-Krist faction but just imagine... what if Kawi had been played by Khaotung? He has a much softer more dynamic screen presence. I think he could’ve carried even Jittirain’s patented nonsense. KT is... in fact... CUTE. 
Gawin is not an issue. (Which surprises me, since I came into this with a bias against him.) 
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Because we can see PS thinks that K is cute even before the script felt the need to tell us this. 
Even when he’s being an arsehole, PS’s eyes are all soft for him. I guess some guys just are attracted to arseholes. 
See what I did there?
Meanwhile I hate PS’s mother! 
She = evil. 
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I RECOGNIZE that balcony!
PS’s house/apartment thingy is the same as MaxNat celebrity pad in Y-Destiny. Another one for the location trackers.
That’s it, that’s all I got. 
Only one gay pun for you this evening. 
I have one job to do and I’m blowing it.
Nighty night. Don’t let the mosquitos bite leave hickeys. 
Episode 7: NO SINGING
I guess Kawi is one of those “straights” who just gets gayer the drunker he is. I know the type. 
Boozing the Kinsey Scale. 
Beer goggle queers. 
Three sheets to the flame. 
Dick wasted. 
What else do we call them?
Oh yeah... cock tease. 
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Episode 8: STOP SINGING 
Pisaeng for these last two episodes...
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(singing cat never gets old, bite me) 
Good for you Pisaeng for standing up for yourself. Stop letting the straight boy jerk you around. 
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(I see you in your matched couple shirts.) 
Stop. Just this show would be so much better if he weren’t in it. 
I’m glad he lost Pisaeng and I enjoyed watching him cry. 
Even if he still made everything about himself. 
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We return yet again to the fact that I love Max. Max and I are running away together. 
Pisaeng is just never Kawi’s priority, whereas the opposite is always the case. Talk about one sided love friendship relationship everything.  
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Kawi the coward. 
To little too late. 
I do keep thinking about Big Eden with this series, Kawi just seems so straight no matter what he says or does or kisses.  
Poor Pisaeng he gets what he wants but it’s all out of pity, fear, and desperation. 
And all he wants is a chance to flirt? 
Is he an actual saint?
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Fuck this damn show. 
As always with these trash watches, I update the original post until Tumblr has a brain fry and won’t let me anymore. Then it becomes an updated repost. Life in the dumpster fire is never dull. 
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tsxkkis · 10 months
# sugawara koushi - aquarium
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a/n = ahh, idk what to think about this, but i do love the idea of sugawara + a zoo date. also i'm so sad my bf is going on a football camp in a week and he has two trainings everyday now so we can't spend much time together T-T
summary = sugawara takes you on your first date.
warnings = none i think? comparing sugawara to a stingray.
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to say sugawara was stressed out was an understatement.
he felt as if he was going to pass out from stress at any given second. usually, he wouldn't be as hesitant about going on a date with a girl. but this time was completely different. the silver haired boy couldn't ignore one crucial fact that was lingering in the back of his mind this whole time.
you're his best friend's sister.
although daichi gave him a green light on this, sugawara still had some doubts of his own. he didn't want to mess anything up; that would mean not only losing in your eyes, but also losing in daichi's. and he really didn't want that to happen.
"hello, earth to suga" he heard you say, snapping out of his thoughts as you slowly waved your hand in front of his face, looking at him concerned. "it's our turn to buy the tickets."
right. the tickets.
sugawara did a lot of thinking before choosing a place for this date, opting for something safe yet fun; the local zoo. the fact that his idea brought a big smile onto your face was enough to know that he chose the right location for this.
"two tickets, please." sugawara noticed you getting your wallet out, his hands immediately traveling to yours to stop you, a warm smile on his face. "oh, there's no need for that. i'll pay."
you smiled at him as he proceeded to pay for the tickets, his hand still not leaving yours. you didn't bother to try and shake it off or get your hand out of his, not at all. something about this felt incredibly right to both of you, even though in normal circumstances you would probably be too embarrassed to initiate the touch yourself.
the moment you stepped inside the zoo, the little map of the place you received along with the tickets in your hand, you were immediately excited to see one thing in particular; the aquarium. sugawara didn't even try to stop you from excitedly dragging him there. seeing the smile on your face, how much your eyes were sparkling at the mere idea of being able to explore this place, made his heart flutter.
"oh." you suddenly stopped in your tracks the moment you opened the door, sugawara looking over to you with a questioning look on his face, as if asking if there was something wrong. he was met with a grin on your face, as you simply stated:
"there's no one here."
sugawara smiled as well, his hand gently squeezing yours as you stepped further in.
the first part of the aquarium looked pretty generic; smaller fish tanks with different types of fish were displayed all over the place, with a single bigger one in the middle of the room, shaped like a column.
the boy's hand left yours as he quickly moved to stand behind the column, right across from you. the fish looked at him with curiosity, as he took a step closer towards the glass.
your laughter erupted in the room, the echo inside repeating it a few times.
sugawara's face looked really silly through the glass, as if he was using a social media filter in real life. you quickly took out your phone and snapped a picture of it, knowing it will be a great memory for later.
"this fish looks like my brother." a giggle escaped your lips as you pointed at one of the fish, sugawara following after your finger, his eyes focused on what you were showing. it was his turn to laugh now; you were definitely right, it reminded him of daichi's expression whenever he had to make a serious speech as a captain.
although you were siblings, you didn't share looks with your brother. at first glance, people would probably assume you were the sister of anyone but him. but it was all clear the moment both of you smiled. your smiles were the same, and as much as sugawara loved seeing his best friend smile, he liked your smile a little bit more. and being able to watch it not leaving your face for so long was almost like being in heaven for him.
the next room in the aquarium was the one sugawara knew you were probably excited for the most. and because of that, he was incredibly glad that there were no other people inside; if they would come here at least an hour or two later, the place would probably already be crowded.
the infamous aquarium tunnel was a place that everyone who arrived at the zoo had to go through, otherwise their visit wouldn't be complete. it was the most interesting place there, and on top of that, incredibly beautiful as well. and when it was completely empty, the beauty of it was visible even more; it was almost like a magical land.
"ah, it's so pretty here." you looked around, a bright smile on your face, closely observing the fish and other animals around you. and sugawara had to agree, it was really pretty here.
but his eyes just couldn't leave you for a second.
he stood there in silence, hands in his pockets as he watched your figure roam around the place, your eyes sparkling with excitement. his eyes trailed over to the side almost immediately as he saw you turning his head towards him.
"look, this one's cute!" you said, pointing to a stingray swimming over the two of you, the animal's face seemingly looking as if it was smiling. "kinda looks like you."
sugawara let out a small laugh at her words, scratching his neck as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink.
"do i really look like that?" he asked, trying to look closer and see if there were really any similarities between him and the animal.
"oh, i just think both you and that stingray are cute." you said, trying to avoid eye contact with the boy, the tips of your ears turning red from embarrassment at your own words. "and its color is also similar to your hair."
sugawara gave a small nod in response, turning his head down, a shy smile gracing his face. you were standing in front of him now, at less than an arms length.
"you're cute too, you know." he broke the silence, a faint laugh escaping his lips. "especially today. you look quite breathtaking, to be honest."
his hands traveled to lightly grab yours, a small yet genuine smile appearing on your face at his actions. he took a small step closer, closely observing if anything he's doing is not making you uncomfortable. but your reaction was leading to rather opposite conclusions, as you too, moved a bit closer to him.
sugawara hesitated for a second, his eyes meeting yours.
"y/n" he said, his voice quiet and slightly shaky. "can- can i kiss you?"
although a bit surprised by his question, you slowly nodded as an answer, feeling his hand traveling up and gently cupping your cheeks. suga leaned in, stopping mere millimeters from your face to smile at you one more time, before his lips met yours in a short, yet passionate kiss.
as much as he seemed collected right after he pulled away, the silver haired boy was a mess inside; he wanted to jump around with a triumphant smile on his face, screaming to everyone about what just happened. instead of that, he interlocks his fingers with yours, trying to ignore how red his face was.
your face was almost as red as his. the pinkish shade on your cheeks turning into a deeper one as you looked at him, a stupid grin on your face after what just happened.
"let's go" you broke the silence between you two, tugging on his arm a little, the smile not leaving your face. "we still have an entire zoo to go through."
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nightqueen1221 · 2 years
Hi!! Can you please do Hxh main 4 react to meeting their future kid? Of you don't mind of course! :)
I have other requests but I saw this right before I was about to go to sleep and my brain was like, "No, we're doing this one."
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Gon Freeces
-It's... Going to take a while to explain
-Once he geta the point however, he is just gonna be like "Oh, ok!"👍
-Even if the kid points out that you and him are his parents Gon is just...
-"Well, Y/N is really pretty so I think older me wanted to be with someone I knew really well and was really close to."
-If Killua was there he would immediately respond with, "EWWW, GROSS!"
-"What! It's not gross Killua."
-"Yes! It is!" Even if you two had been dating before hand. This is just, how he replies.
-Then they start arguing and you're just chillin' with your kid like, "Do they still do this?" "Yes"
-You can tell this kid takes from their father, by following their dad around everywhere they go.
-Gon is also kinda excited to know what it's like to be in his father's position.
-(But he probably already taught the kid in the future so it was not really needed but cute none the less.)
Killua Zoldyck
-"Why would I have a kid?"
-Would say this straight to their face because he thinks their lying at first.
-And then their like,"No, I'm literally your future child with Y/N."
-Still really skeptical.
-It would also take a second to register that it was YOU who he was with.
-"I doubt tha- WAIT, Y/N?!"
-Even if you two have been dating he would assume it was someone else since no one really stays there for him.
-(this got sad fast)
-He's still a really young boy and with that he's going to try and impress this kid like, "Look what I can do, bet I taught you some cool things in the future too."
-Is the type of person to be like, "That's your side of the family." At random moments of the day
-I'm not even joking, they could be drinking a cup of water and he'll say it.
-He's pretty loving overall to both you and your kid.
-(He's probably not looking for any romantic relationship at the moment, so this will be more of you two are friends RN)
-As I said, he's not really seeking out for a relationship at the moment so he would be confused about that at first.
-And this man probs has trust issues, and this doesn't help.
-With him wanting to keep up a good reputation he'll ask questions that seem normal gets shocked by the answer.
-"And who is this, other future parent of your's?"
-*Chokes on spit*
-And your most likely right next to him making it more awkward for the two of you.
-But this really comforts him in a way.
-This means he got his revenge and is living a happy life with a family, which he had previously lost.
-He is also curious on how he was still alive with using Empire's Time so much.
-He'll actually more careful from now on knowing that his future holds a loving family and friends.
-Even with the kid not being a fully blooded Kurta, he is over joyed to see another one still alive and well.
Leorio Paladiknight
-He is... Shocked?
-I don't know how to put it but, he's shocked and amazed at the same time.
-Both for the same reason being, "Wow, I have a kid!"
-And then he's also be like, "I HAVE A KID!?"
-Having a kid means lots of responsibilities and he all ready is worried about paying things off with becoming a doctor.
-He would ask all sorts of things about the future.
-I have a feeling he would be kinda strict with them, maybe a bit more than he should be.
-But he would most definitely love them and support them when needed.
-(Not really right now, but in the future when the kid was really little and got hurt from falling he would clean it, put a bandage on it, and than leave a little kiss.)
-He would be protective over this kid too.
-Like, he's ready to put some hands up and knock somebody out if they dare try and hurt them.
- 10/10 parent tho, would recommend.
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thefandomdirtymind · 6 months
I love your sanji fics so much it’s crazy, I was wondering if you could make an angsty sanji fic!!
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A/N IMPORTANT:  Hi anon ! Damn this one have make me doubts myself. Angst wasn't my strong suit but I had this idea about those mistake you made when your young and the result push me to ask myself what I would do in those kind of situation and how much a person can grow from his mistake. I also enjoy write more of Zeff, even adding a little Bonus scene. Thank you for your request !
Shout out again for : @alienstardustwrites !
Oregano and others things
Soundtrack : Mine by Kelly Clarkson
OPLA - Sanji
Warning: Angst, Cheating theme, young mistake, redemption
Sanji / OPLA Masterlist and Coming Soon
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.
The water was agitated, making your little marchand boat tang a little more than to your liking. Taking a deep breath, watching the floating restaurant in front of you, you know what you have to do. You have to put your feet on that dock, wear the waiter uniform waiting for you, help Zeff with his understaffed problem and come back home. Simple, truly a walk in the park. All that and…avoid Sanji.
You came from a respectable family of fishermen and herborists selling their catch on the local market. Little girl, you were in charge of carrying the ice for the cold table and wrapping the customers' fish. You will always remember the day your parents had started making business with Zeff. The tall man, even sitting at the little table in the back of the stall, was imposing enough to at the same time scare you and make you curious. But, the little blond boy, only a few years older than you, following him like his shadow, intrigues you even more. 
As you grow up, gaining new responsibility in the shop, you soon regularly help your dad doing the delivery to the Barratie, having the chance to pass some time with Sanji. Their pretext being that you would both benefit from having somebody your own age around, even if it’s for a few hours when it was in reality, for them, a moment to share a drink and talk supplies. The young cook would usually profit from this occasion to make you taste his cooking and ask you many questions about your knowledge on fish. 
Adolescent, you had at many occasions,succeeded to sneak out of the not so watching eyes of the adult to respond to some question like only puberty could ask. Partner in crime for many first in your life, it was now hurting you like a knife in the wound to see him, an hour, a minute, a second.
Pushing the side door of the restaurant, many fabulous smells filling your nose, you quickly make your way to the changing room. Place which had welcomed many child games like Hide and Seeks and other less childish things like : what’s hiding under those clothes.    
It wasn't the first time that you were serving tables for the Baratie. Your loyalty was, of course, going to your family,putting them first. But often, in occasional need like this, you had accepted to cover some shift to help. However, it's been a few years since you came back here for more than an exchange of ingredients and money. But, like riding a bike, you could remember the important stuff and Zeff had assured your dad that nothing had changed. You wish you could have liked to say the same. 
Freshly changed, taking a nervous deep breath but confident,  you exited the room, not noticing the tall blond getting out of the kitchen, angrily putting back his suit jacket.
Sanji couldn’t believe it, it was the second time this week that Zeff was rejecting one of his creative plates, sending him to play the waiter. Didn’t the old man see that his mediocre menu was killing him, and making him serve tables was the ultimate insult. He was, after all, the best cook of all this shitty restaurant.     
A vision pushes him, half-way in a move to pick a fresh tray of rolled bread, to stop ruminating his dark cloud to instead freeze in place.  
A little writing pad in hand, you hair styled into a practical but elegant way, your old uniforme clinging to your curve, you were standing in front of a table of happy imbeciles ( ready to all order medium well prime ribs for sure he presume) who’s was devouring you with their eyes. But the worst, for Sanji, was your smile, a generic one but a rare sign he hadn’t had the joy to see for way too long. 
Seeing you like that, moving like a fish in the water around the tables, was bringing back the best and the worst moment of his life all at once,twisting his guts. And he knew exactly who to blame for that. 
Turning on his heels, returning in the busy kitchen, his footstep quick and stiff, he easily spotted his mentor. 
“ Zeff, why the hell is she here ?” Sanji asked, not feeling the need to clarify who ‘she’ could be. The old pirate already knew, of course, only him could have made her come to help as a waiter.
“ We’re under staff, little eggplant, she knows the job. Deal with it.” Zeff replied, his focus on inspection of the plates ready to go. 
“ Really, even after you know our history ? Let me bring back your ex here and tell you the same. Would you deal with it ? “ 
“ Ex and History” The old man crackle” Is that what you call your little pathetic teenage adventure ? Anyway,you’re welcome to try to bring my Ex here, but I encourage you to prepare yourself to freeze your arse off. The bottom of the sea is pretty cold, just like that fucking witch. “ 
“ We don’t need her. We can absolutely run the restaurant like we have always do “ 
“ Sure we can,little eggplant, but we run way better now that she is with us. Anyway for what you did to the poor girl you deserve to feel some guilt. Now stop whining and get out of my kitchen ! “ The chef cut the discussion crossing his arms, his expression dissuading any replies. 
His lips pressed in a thigh line, facing his second defeat of the day against the old man, Sanji makes his way to the double door, before stopping at only a few each of the exit, his breath stuck in his throat. 
Entering the overheated place, ready to ask for the order of your customers, you briefly meet his gaze, momentarily losing your smile, regaining it as you face Zeff. 
“ Four prime ribs…” You begin to say. 
“ Let me guess, medium well ?” Sanji sarcastically said from the doors.
“Medium well for table five “ You still finished trying to ignore his chuckles or the caress of his gaze on you after so long. 
“ Ignore him, little peach. Four prime rib mediums-well for table five !” Zeff advises you, before shouting the order. 
“ I do my best uncle…Chef “ You smile, remembering your kitchen manners.  
“ This table seems like a bunch of idiots, let me serve them for you “ The blond offered, his voice softened. 
“ I can handle them myself, thank you “ You coldly replied,leaving him behind, trying to regain control of your emotions. Even after all those years, your traitorous heart was responding to his presence.  
Making a stop at a few of your tables, seeing on the side Sanji do the same on his own. You gave table five their drink. It was obvious that those four weren't the best sailor sailing on the east blue. It was in fact, almost a miracle that people around them hadn’t complained since they were one of the most noisy tables around. But, you didn’t need his help, you will follow the plan even if the avoid part was now near impossible. 
“ two old fashioned, a whisky net, a beer and a long Island “ You enumerate, placing the drink in front of the right person, putting the last one in the middle. “ You’re order is place in the kitchen I will come back soon to give you your food” 
“ Wait pretty ! “The taller one exclaimed, pushing gently the long island in front of you “ This one's for you “
“ I’m sorry, I can’t accept it or drink on the job.” You declined,plastering a polite smile on your lips. 
“ Oh come on pretty, only a sip, we will not tell ! “ Another with greasy hair laughs. 
“ No thank you, Gentleman, I will come back with your order soon “ You firmly answer suddenly feeling the hand of the tall one grab you arm. 
“ It’s not polite, we had brought you something, you could at least drink a little of it with us.” 
Opening your mouth to put them back at their place, you hear Sanji behind you, his voice cold as ice. 
“ First of all, a gentleman should never force a lady or touch her without consent “ The blond tells, removing finger by finger the hand of the man on your arm. “ Second, the lady say no, drink yourself your poisonous gift and let her work in peace.”
“ Sanji, it’s okay, those gentlemen were about to lower their tone and let me go” You explain embarrassedly, looking around to see many side eyes enjoying the drama. Pirates, as well as most of people,were always fond of dramas.
“ Calm down, we are only trying to know her better “ The third protest, throwing to your Ex a dark gaze. 
“ Trying to know her,while she is stuck at serving you and already told you no.”
“ Sanji…” You tried. 
“ It isn’t a way to treat a lady forcing her to endure your deplorable attempt. Just face it, she’s too good for all of you” Sanji finished.
“ Oh, that’s it, you want her for you lover boy “ The taller laugh” Sorry to say it to you but at the gaze she give you, you seem to have less chance that’s us” 
“ Oh no, not at all. I already have the pleasure to kiss her sweet lips, even if she annoy by me, I could never be lower than you.” The blond smirked. 
“ That’s enough ! Gentlemen, I came back with your plate. Please lower your tone, you disturb the dining room and you,come with me !” You said,taking Sanji's hand, forcing his taller stature than yours to follow you in one of the storage rooms. 
The room, lit by a solitary lightbulb, was one you didn’t come to really often, only once in fact and it was that fatidical day. Surrounded by the many shelfs full of goods, you take three deep breaths before facing the only one you wanted to not face today. 
“This was ridiculous” You abruptly said“ Everything was under control and they didn’t have to know our past history.” 
“ Under control ? “ Sanji laughed,closing his eyes before tilting his head. “ Ma chérie, he gripped your arm. I know you hate that I was right about those idiot but I truly had help you there” 
“ I’m not your chérie, not anymore” You remind him, the old wound reopening slowly.
You could perfectly remember that day. You turned seventeen in two days and, as your birthday was approaching, your dad had promised you that you would be the one doing the delivery alone to the Baratie for now on. Excited about the news, you had sailed to tell Sanji the good news. But, as you had searched the kitchen, the dinner room and even climbed to his room, you couldn’t find him. It’s only when a cook told you he had seen him near the storage that you regain hope. However, as you were approaching the room, you didn’t have the force to go further.
His hands, who had so gently touched you, were locked around another girl's waist, his lips you loved so much pressed against hers. Only his gaze, enlarged in shock, was fixed on you. Tears were rolling on your cheeks without you even noticing that you were crying. The only thing you noticed was a piercing pain in your chest and your body reacting by himself, stepping away as Sanji was trying to reach you, calling your name, telling you that he was sorry. 
You hadn’t answered, running as fast as you can. This year, you didn’t make the delivery at the Baratie. It was only when your father felt sick that you finally take your place in the delivery bargain, only dealing with Zeff and no one else.  
“ You had broken my heart, Sanji, remember ? “ You painfully said, angry about yourself to hear a point of sadness in your voice.
“ Y/N I was young…” He sighs, guilt painting his trait.
But, as you were trying to calm your heart,years of anger filling your veins.
“ You were young…that's your excuse ?!” You spit, your hand turning into fist. “ After all those years, I was waiting for an explanation who’s never come, crying every night. I finally thought I was able to get over it but it was it...you were young ?…I was too ! “
“  I know I am the one at fault here but you weren't the only one to suffer” Sanji muttered, his gaze darken, refusing to meet yours “ I didn’t know why I did it, and would you have accepted to see me, talk to me ? Your father was looking at me like he wanted to gutter me like his fish and Zeff wasn’t better, kicking me everytime he heard you were crying, whether it was my fault or not ! “ 
“And for today ? If it should have one who doesn't want to see the other it should be me. So what’s your problem !?” You abruptly asked. 
“ My problems…My problems is that I hate having to fight everyday with Zeff about his shitty menu and I hate he put fucking oregano everywhere ! I hate that he has asked you to help knowing how it will make me feel, I hate how sexy you look in that uniform and the way that throws me back. I hate those guys who hit on you without knowing how a fucking brat you can be. “ 
Sanji answered, passing angrily his hand on his hair,planting his gaze in yours. 
“But I hate even more that I was scared of my feelings back then ! I was a coward okay, you were amazing I freak out ! I used to think about how to impress Zeff every day and night, new recipes or new knowledge to become the best chef but the only thing I was about to think about was you. If you would come with your dad the next day, would you enjoy my Risotto or hate it? Should I make you something sweet ? Did you enjoy our kisses as much as me? How can your skin be so soft under my hands or did my hand feel too rough? Did you think of me as much as I did of you? I was falling in love so fast with you but I knew I didn’t deserve you.”
Letting a sigh escape his lips as his voice takes a more annoyed or that is an embarrassed tone as he continues his confession. You couldn’t turn your gaze of his, mute by his raw feeling finally exposed. 
“Yet, the worst of all is that I hate the fact that I still do it after all those years. Every night I ask myself if you will be the one doing the delivery tomorrow, will I be able to have a glance of you or will you finally meet my gaze, will you stay mute like everytime or finally say hello and forgive me, that’s is my problems Y/N” 
You didn’t know at first what to say, anger having left his place to sadness. As you were standing both still. You could clearly tell by some details in his features and physics how much he had grown since the last time you had stood like that face to face. But being scared wasn’t a reason, neither erased his act or the pain you had endured. Worst, how could you trust him after all this. 
“ Well, at least after all this time, I have answers. Yes, I think about you everyday. But it also hurts me everyday,how could I trust you, I don’t know you anymore. The last time I was here we were young and you made the choice to hurt me. It’s too late for us,maybe we could try again someday, in another life. “
Leaving him behind, heading back to the restaurant level, trying to catch the tears from falling out of your eyes, you distantly heard Zeff asking you if everything was okay. Nodding of the head, putting back a smile on your lips, you take your orders and come back to the dining area. 
As the sun was pursuing its course, coloring the sky with a vibrant shade of orange, pink and purple. You gave a hug to Zeff, his smell, a mix of leather, sea salt and spice recomforting you.
“ Thank you for your help Little Peach. I know it wasn’t easy with…all this…but you truly help us today “ He tells, freeing you of his bear hug. 
“ I was glad to be able to help Uncle Zeff” 
Lifting his gaze to the restaurant, the old man seems to shortly struggle to find his words, playing nonchalantly with one of his braids.
“ Sanji isn’t a bad kid, a brat who made some terrible mistake, yes, but I think he really regretted what he had done. I made him regret it too for your sake of course, little Peach…But I saw how his mistake had made him grow. Sometimes you have to lose a treasure you thought was already yours to realize how important it was for you. “ 
“ I know Zeff “ You smiled, letting so many things go unsaid,trying not to cry again. After all, how do you explain to the old man that feeling of not knowing that man in a suit when you had only known him with a cook uniform or unable to knot a necktie.Or knowing perfectly why his loyalty to the pirate chef will forever prevent him from leaving the restaurant.“ Same hour tomorrow ? “ 
“ Like always” The old chef smiles, helping you step in your small boat, watching you leave his dock. “ Keep your feet dry “
A week later. 
The fresh air of the morning was filling your lungs. On the water, the fishing boat was immobile, painting a peaceful image succeeding alway to put you at ease. 
As you were preparing the stall, for your opening of the day, careful adjusting the spice jars on their little shelfs, waiting for the fisherman to bring your fresh fish, you heard a small cough. 
“ So it was you who sold all that oregano to the old man, “ Sanji's voice gently said, as if he was trying to not scare you away. 
Standing at only a few steps of you, a duffel bag on his shoulder, his suit and tie impeccable in the sleepy dock market, you take a full minute to process his presence. 
“ You had left The Baratie…” You shockingly said, more a realization of a thing you thought would never happen than a question. “ I mean, what are you doing here ?” You finally asked, still unsure if it wasn’t a trick of your brain. Young Sanji would never leave the restaurant or miss an opportunity to learn kitchen tricks, other than for necessary utility.
“ Yes, Zeff had sent me as a return of favor for the help you gave us and I didn’t protest” He replied, taking a few precautionary steps, the idea that you still could decide to attack him by throwing one of the jars at his face, not far in his brain. “His precise words were to work my ass off or be ready to have my butt kicked. Look, I know that I mess up everything and I will regret it all my life. But I’m well intended to work right today and prove to you that we can maybe have a…fresh start ? “ 
“ A fresh start “ You repeat, considering the idea. Even if nothing could change the past, you had, in the last week, known that climbing to it now that you had your answers wouldn’t help you in any aspect of your life. And, now that miracle seems to happen, it was maybe all you need. “ You will not say to the clients that oregano is for savages, is that clear ? “ 
“ Even if it’s the truth ? “ He asked, an amused smile playing on his lips. “ We will have to review the quantity you send to the restaurant it’s way too high “ 
“ You really have a problem with it are you “ You let yourself joke. 
"Hadn’t hated another herbs as much as this one, “ Sanji replied, putting aside his bag.
“ Maybe your taste is just too fancy” You laugh, feeling your heart seem to regain its pace for the first time in a long time.
“ Maybe that’s why your lips always look to me like a one of a kind delicacy “ Sanji flirted. 
“ Sanji, fresh start !” You laugh, returning to your opening preparation. “ Just for that you will refill the oregano jar ! “ 
“ Yes Madam “ The blond cook responded, a smile on his lips, a spark you thought long gone freshly back in his eyes. “ Fresh start “ 
Bonus : 
His old back against one of the piles supporting the platform surrounding the restaurant, his wooden leg removed, Zeff was smiling. 
“ They aren’t bad kids, mistakes have been made, kicks have been given. But it’s the good things in life. Errors make you grow and paths who’s we thought never crossed come back. Often it doesn't work, but I hope for them it will.” 
“ I hope Zeff, you have grown too, you had more lines in your face than the last time”  The timeless woman said, his head resting on his crossed arms, the lower half of his body undulating in the dark water.  
“ It’s not everybody who’s an immortal sea witch, “ Zeff replied. 
“ I had offered you to share my ageless life, you had decline it “ She remind him. 
“ The little eggplant needed me, he was only a child. But I never thought you would forget us on that rock. “ He argued, still bitter of the memory. 
“ Time is an abstract notion for us, but you survive, don't you ? “ The sea witch smiles, having the decency to look embarrassed of his own mistake.
“ Will you forget me when I die” Zeff asked. 
“ Probably, but the water will remind me of Red boots Zeff and his sacrifice to save a little human.” She simply said, returning into the deep of the sea.
Turning his gaze to the stars, Zeff smiled.
@alienstardust@phantasmagoricalzenith@downforsanji@faefanatic@strongindependenttrash@hi3431@sunnanse@neko-loogi@theluckyplaces@simbaaas-stuff@ofherscarlettwitchyways @juskonutoh @buffkirby2020 @miomao-ehe 
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