#[but I can’t wait to get my teeth into the asks and memes and I am so excited about writing with you all]
grimowled · 1 month
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adorethedistance · 1 year
Sweet Creature - Jamie Drysdale x Reader (platonic!Trevor x reader)
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Hockey Masterlist
Warnings: Swearing, mild roasts
Words: 1529
Summary: Domestic bliss featuring everyone’s favorite baby ducks.
A/n: I’m gonna be straight up. I fucking hate this piece. I hate it with a burning fiery passion but if I don’t post it I feel like I’ve just wasted the last few weeks that I’ve spent drafting it so here ya go
“You haven’t seen it?” I nearly screech out of pure astonishment, sitting up from my relaxed position on the couch. Jamie smiles skeptically and shrugs his shoulders with his arms outstretched lazily.
“No clue what you’re talking about.”
“Dvcree did not put their whole Pedrussy into making these Pedro Pascal edits for you to have no idea who I’m talking about.”
“Ugh, that could’ve been so funny if you were just a little bit more meme-cultured. TREVOR!” I yell from the livingroom which leads the energetic boy to poke his head out of his bedroom door.
“What’s up?”
“Have you seen the Pedro Pascal edit?”
“Of course.”
“Thank you!” I make a face and Jamie to emphasize my point. He slowly shakes his head as he laughs and absentmindedly lifts the knot of his grey hoodie’s drawstring, tucking the woven cotton between his teeth. As the moment of my disbelief passes, I move over to lay down, pressing my left cheek against Jamie’s toned chest.
We’ve been laying on the couch and watching the Last of Us for the better half of an hour, with Trevor occasionally coming by to refill his water bottle and comment on the display of affection between me and Jamie. Our lazy days are nothing short of blissful and I couldn’t be more content with life at the moment.
“It’s ‘cause I’m not on TikTok!” Jamie argues while shifting to accomodate me, wrapping me in his arms, and resting the injured one on the surface of my back. What little of his skin that’s exposed is slightly cool to the touch, and I remember Jamie runs cold more often than not. I’ve been unintnentionally leeching off of his body heat since the outfit I wore today was better suited for the Irvine sun, and not his air-conditioned apartment.
“Well, you should get it. I’m tired of texting you links when I could be sending you DMs.”
“Ugh. I just can’t be bothered.”
“Whatever. Old man.” I momentarily lift my head from Jamie’s chest and pout my lips. He playfully squints at me for a second, then pecks my lips before pressing play on the last few minutes of the episode. The rhythm of his breathing is relaxing for me, and despite the episode only having five minutes left, I feel my eyelids become heavier and heavier. The warmth of our body heat between us soothes my soul, and my muscles release after a long day of productivity. If I went back in time to tell myself that a random apartment unit in Orange County would one day be the most comfortable place in the universe, I might’ve laughed in my own face.
Jamie feels like heaven.
Better than heaven.
He feels like home.
Small breaths escape my parted lips as I sink deeper and deeper into the feeling of his body against mine. And I can’t help smiling gently as I feel his heart momentarily keeping time with a song in the show. The soft fabric of Jamie’s hoodie smells like his favorite cologne over the sweet, comforting smell of his natural scent. His chest vibrates when he hums a small laugh at a joke one of the characters cracked. I’m not sure if he’s noticed my slow descent into unconsciousness, but it’s only a matter of time.
“Good episode,” he says decidedly, waiting a moment. “Y/n?” He whispers softly, unsure of my lack of response. I could say something back if I really wanted to, but with how comfortable the entire situation is, I’d rather just let the exhaustion consume me.
Jamie then grabs his phone from the armrest of the couch behind his head, opens it, and types something before his arms come to rest. In a moment, Trevor comes out of his room and asks,
“What do you need?”
“Shhhh!” Jamie hushes Trevor as he walks in loudly. “Is she asleep?” He asks quietly. Trevor shuffles around the back of the couch to stand in front of the tv, looking at my face most likely.
“That was fast.”
“No kidding. She’s a cute sleeper.”
“Unlike you.”
“What’s your guys’ dinner plan?”
“I think she wanted to cook something for all three of us but now that she’s out I guess I gotta do some decision-making.”
“Just order something on door dash,” Trevor says plainly as he shuffles back around the couch and into the kitchen area of the apartment.
“I got something earlier this week, my mom’s gonna ask questions.”
“I forget you’re still on her account. Loser.”
“Shut up.” The hushed tone of their chatter is comfortable and I quickly fall asleep in the safety of my boyfriend’s care.
When I come back to, the first thing I notice is that Jamie is no longer underneath me. My eyes flutter open. I’m laying on my stomach, sprawled out on the couch under a grey blanket that I recognize to be the one-off of Jamie’s bed.
“Good morning, sleepyhead.” I turn to face away from the seatback of the couch and find Trevor and Jamie seated on the floor, an assortment of takeout on the coffee table in front of them. Trevor nods a greeting as Jamie takes a bite of food.
“Were you just watching me sleep?” I ask, slightly freaked out.
“Yes.” Jamie almost chokes on the bite of food, shoving Trevor’s shoulder which makes them both laugh.
“No,” he starts to clarify, “We were just sitting against the couch and when we heard you stirring, we thought it’d be funny to stare at you.”
“How long was I asleep?”
“Like, half an hour?”
“You want some pad thai?” Trevor holds out the box of food he’s eating from and I nod shyly. Jamie passes me an unwrapped pair of chopsticks and I thank him quietly, tucking into the half-eaten box. We sit quietly for all but thirty seconds before Trevor is talking about how we need background music. He puts 1989 on shuffle on the tv and Jamie and I roll our eyes perfectly in sync.
“How dare you! Both of you!”
“Honestly, Z, you’re too predictable. Only one person here out of the three of us had Taylor in our Spotify wrapped and I’ll give you a hint, it wasn’t me.” I shrug from behind my box of food. Trevor scoffs before eating an entire dumping whole.
“She was in mine but she was not number one,” Jamie adds insult to injury.
“Okay then, fine. What about this?” Trevor asks, turning on a song by Luke Combs that I’ve never heard. Jamie’s expression is slightly annoyed but delighted all the same. He responds decisively,
“Much better.”
“What?! Am I missing something?” I ask.
“The whole team’s calling him Luke Combs since Jamie’s guitar learning adventure began, but he can only play two chords of one country song.” I look at Jamie for confirmation and he simply nods, biting the inside of his cheek absentmindedly.
“Really, Jame? Two chords?”
“I’m working on it!”
“Yeah, he’s working on it!” Trevor jokingly jumps in to Jamie’s defense, “Like you could do better!”
“Bitch, I can play guitar!” My argument silences both of them immediately. The two boys share a look and then Trevor is off, racing to grab the instrument from Jamie’s bedroom.
“You’re lying, there’s no way.”
“While some of you were busy dedicating a gazillion hours a week to hockey practice, the rest of us expanded our skill sets.” I take the guitar as Trevor hands it to me and situate myself before strumming a quick brush through and immediately cringing. “Your A string is flat.” Jamie looks at me confused, and I extend my hand to take the instrument from him. He yields and passes it over, allowing me to remedy the issue. After tuning the string, I smile and move to hand Jamie the guitar back but he doesn’t move. Instead he nods, urging me to play and I take a deep breath.
“It’s been a while…”
“Oh, don’t back out now!” Trevor teases and I playfully stick my tongue out at him. I adjust my grip, racking my brain for a song, any song. My mind settles on Sweet Creature by Harry Styles and I decide to just go for it. I’m a tad rusty but other than that I have the melody under control. The song is pretty enough on it’s own and I trail off after the first chorus, overcome with a newfound shyness at the looks Jamie and Trevor are giving me. Jamie’s lips are parted in awe and Trevor bursts out laughing.
“You might as well give up now, Jimmy.”
“Lucky for him, I’m an excellent teacher.” I say with a smile, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth. Jamie snaps back into reality and begins blushing like crazy.
“I don’t think I’ll ever sound like that.”
“You just need practice. I have a few more years on you so of course I’m gonna sound better than someone who’s just starting. You’ve got this and worse case scenario I can help.”
Jamie smiles sweetly, and my heart skips a beat.
“Will you play it again?”
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celestialking · 2 years
She's a runner, She's a trackstar
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◇ NSFW 18+ only ◇ Minors/Ageless blogs DNI ◇ You will be blocked ◇
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Pairing: manhunt!Sapnap , afab!reader
Written: July 24, 2022
Warnings: afab, humiliation, predator/chase, hand on throat, 
A/N: shut up I named it that for the meme T^T. This one is rusheddd cause I held onto it for so long and needed to finish it cause I have so many draftssssss. mmmmm i dislike this one
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You kicked the dirt half-heartedly. "Sooo no more manhunts," you sighed, shoving your pockets. 
Sapnap hummed, twirling his ax off to the side. Everyone else had already gone away leaving just you and your fellow hunter. "I'm bored. Any ideas? Or are you just going to leave and go back to the real world?"
A sudden sharp noise made you look over at him, scared that he had dropped the diamond blade and hurt himself. Instead, he was clasping it tightly, staring at you in such a way that made you tremble. He was staring at you like you were prey. "Let's have our own manhunt, this time I'll hunt you," he grinned. 
"Hunt- hunt me? Why can't I hunt you?" You asked, startled.
"I'm too good," Sapnap puffed his chest out. "Besides I really like chasing not being chased," 
You pursed your lips. "Would there be a reward at the end? Or is it just for fun?" 
Sapnap waved his hand dismissively. "Eh we'll decide my reward when I win," you raised an eyebrow. 
"You mean when I win?" 
"So you're in?" 
"Yeah. Get Callahan back in here, I'm sure he knows a few seeds off the top of his head," 
Your silent reindeer-like friend did know of a few seeds. "I can't stay, I have something else I'm doing so hopefully the server stays steady," he apologized in-game chat. You both were whisked away to a new world, Callahan tossed a compass to sapnap before leaving wordlessly. 
"Sick, this one points to you,"
"Cool" you mumbled. You were far too busy taking in your surroundings. Sapnap was smarter than you gave him credit for. And you weren't nearly as good as Dream. You couldn't think up smart plans other than reusing things he's used against you. "Any rules?" 
"Anything we've banned for Dream you can't do either," in that case there was only one other thing you could use, speed. You were faster than Sapnap or at least you were sure you were. "Take your time," Sapnap hummed, interrupting your thoughts. 
Right. The manhunt couldn't start until you ran. Well, the badlands didn't look too good so you'd take your chances with the jungle. 
You sprinted into the lush green listening as there was no hesitation on Sapnaps part. In fact, he seemed to think you'd go this way, already he was one step ahead. You ducked and weaved through the vines and darkness of the jungle. 
Sapnap couldn't help but let a grin overtake his lips. His eyes were glued to you, not once losing sight. This was going to be all sorts of fun. Glancing back quickly you realized he was gone, had you really outrun him? He was also unnaturally quiet. 
Your heart pounded in your throat. You didn't think being hunted would feel like this. Having always been a hunter you had always felt the exhilaration of chasing not being chased. Had to keep moving though. 
While he had disappeared you began gathering wood and running towards a nearby village. "Boo," a voice whispered.
Sapnap's hand barely grasped your wrist, missing just slightly. You yelped, bolting off again. He had come out of nowhere. Had Sapnap been watching you the entire time? 
He was so different hunting you than Dream. Sapnap was truly hunting you like prey. Like he couldn't wait to sink his teeth into you. Your name rolled off his tongue softly and smoothly. A gentle coo that was meant to lure you in. You couldn't seem to shake him. He had to get off your tail at some point right? He couldn't get an advantage if he didn't advance in weaponry. You stood behind a villager's house catching your breath. 
This was Sapnap's element, whisking through trees and hunting- No stalking his prey; creeping up on them when they are at their weakest. Admittedly he had been a hunter longer than you but you didn't think the experience gap was that large between you two. 
You opened your eyes. "Gotcha," you ducked under his arm. How was he getting the drop on you? You stumbled behind him and ran for the abandoned nether portal. There was a piece missing and you just so happened to have gotten one from the blacksmith. 
This Sapnap was calm and collected, cornering you as if he were playing with his food. Trapping you and letting you go. It was a game of cat and mouse now. He was a fox and you were a measly "bunny," he chuckled behind you. 
"Slow down there sweetheart, you know I'll win," you completed the portal and jumped through. He would be behind you in an instant but you didn't have time to think about that. 
You had spawned on the very edge of the fortress, high above the lava. Just as you stumbled away from the molten liquid a hand grabbed your wrist, tossing you to the ground gently. Sapnap had you pinned against the ground with no way of wiggling free. 
"I win," he breathed out. You bucked against him, attempting to push him off but to no avail. You stopped squirming, admitting defeat. Your heavy breaths refusing to slow down. 
Suddenly you coughed awkwardly as something came to your realization. "Sap," you blushed. "Got a little worked up did you?" 
His clothed cock was hard and pressing up against your thigh. "Shut up," he snapped. "I bet if I yank those pants off you're soaked," he retorted. 
"Why don't you find out," you shot back. 
Sapnap froze looking down at you, splayed against the ground all at his mercy. He hadn't expected you to respond that way. Both of you were still heavily breathing from the chase, pure adrenaline pumping through you. 
"Don't mind if I do," he grinned sharply, snapping out of his shock. His fingers grasped your pants tugging them off along with your underwear. "Fucking filthy," he growled as he was proved correct. "Turned on from being hunted like prey," 
You whined letting him move you around as he pleased. Sapnap's hands gripped your thighs holding them open. "Do you like it when I tell you that?" He said softly, looking up at you with dark eyes. "Tell you how fucking dirty you are?" 
You felt a wave of embarrassment wash over you, nodding as you squirmed in his grip. "Don't worry sweetheart, I liked it too," he spoke pressing kisses on your thigh. "Hunting you down, I love the chase," slowly he sucked and nipped. He couldn't help biting into the plush of your thighs. "Loved watching your little doe eyes fill with fear when I got near," Sapnap sat up, watching you drink in every word he spoke. “The way your breath hitched when you felt me grasp you," 
His hand wrapped around your throat gently holding you there. It was sort of grounding "What do you want first hm?" 
You were trembling with anticipation. You had thought he might use his mouth but was sorely disappointed when he sat up. Your fingers brushed over your own lips. "You- can, can you use your mouth?" You choked out. 
Sapnap chuckled. "Where? Here?" He poked your chest gently. 
"Here?" His thumb wiped over your lip. 
You shook your head. 
"Here?" He cupped between your legs. "Want my mouth on your pretty little cunt?" he shifted down to put his face between your legs. "Okay sweetheart," his tongue dipped into your dripping core, eager to get a taste. 
Sapnap didn't hold back, lapping against you. Your thighs began to feel the slight burn from his beard making you squirm more. Your back arched as you let out soft noises for him. Sapnap himself groaned as your fingers found their way into his hair, tugging and pulling. His tongue teased your clit as he began to push a finger or two in. 
"Gotta hurry up hun, Dream's expecting me soon, just a quickie. You visit and I'll give you the best night of your life," a little knot of pleasure was heating up in your stomach. The cries of his name got louder and louder until- He chuckled pulling away. 
You whined frustrated. "Why?" 
"My reward sweetheart, you can cum soon, don't worry," Sapnap didn't bother removing much of his clothing. Just enough for him to be able to fuck you. "Keep your eyes on me," he spoke lowly as he tapped his cock against your hole. 
You made eye contact just as Sapnap began pushing in. "Holy shit," he gasped when he was fully in. The way your walls gripped around Sap had him dizzy. His thrusts started slow but began to build speed quickly. You gripped his forearms, eyes barely open. "Don't close them," Sap warned with harsh thrusts. 
He could hardly keep his eyes open, however. You just felt so damn good. 
Sapnap groaned fucking into you as if his life counted on it. "We'll do this again," he moaned. 
"Let you run. Next time I'll really try. Tie you up n fuck you against the nearest tree," his words twisted your stomach. 
"Think Dream n George would join? Maybe even Sam?" your nails dug into his forearms making him hiss. The grip on your hips was bruising as he sped up impossibly fast. Sapnap's hips now pistoning into you. 
The thought of being hunted by all of them both terrified and excited you. "Fucking feel so good sugar," with every breath he took it was a sinful mix of words bringing you closer and closer to your end. 
"S-sap," he had long forgotten about making you keep your eyes open, a thumb dropping to catch your clit in a rough circle. 
"Need- gonna-" you could barely speak between moans. 
He moaned lowly as you fluttered around him. "Fuck sugar," he choked. You came around him, practically going limp as he fucked you through your orgasm. 
The chase between you had worked both of you up. The raven-haired above you wasn't far behind. Whining he filled you up, giving a few more deep thrusts as he did. If this was a quickie you couldn't wait to see what would happen when you came to visit Sapnap next month. Slowly he pulled out watching a little bit of cum drip out. 
"What would you want if you won," he asked quietly. 
"I don't know," you whined, throwing an arm over your face. "Probably to help edit my next 2 videos. Just- clean me up," you complained. 
"With pleasure," he purred before moving his face between your thighs. Dream was going to have to wait just a bit longer. 
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Reminder: DNI = Do Not Interact
If you are a Minor/Ageless blog, Do not follow. Do not comment. Do not reblog. Do not like. DO NOT INTERACT.
Either add your age to your bio/pinned, message me in private, or DNI.
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vicsbasement · 3 months
D, H, K, L, T & Z for the Fanfic Writer Ask Meme 😊
Oh, hello! <3 Thank you so much for sending me these!
I already answered D & L here, so I'll be answering the other ones.
How would you describe your writing style?
Just yesterday I was talking to my beloved fátima and I was telling her that I write by chance, not by choice. Basically it's like no thoughts just vibes, if inspiration strikes and I'm in the mood to do it, I do it, because I think better when I write stuff down. It's insane and I know it sounds ridiculous but it's completely true, I don't consider myself a good writer at all and I just do it because I enjoy it most of the time or because I needed to say something. That's basically it 😅
Do you have a guilty pleasures in fic (reading or writing)?
I'm a sap. The sappier, the better. I want everything overflowing with romance. I really do like my teeth-rotting fluff. And I feel like I can't write without it, like, it has to be romantic or I die. There's also a specific brand of smut that makes me weak in the knees always and I do enjoy my a/b/o tropes a little too much to be healthy.
Any fanfic tropes you can’t stand?
Huh. This is a tough one because I read pretty much everything! Maybe I don't entirely enjoy the concept of a character switching genders for convenience purposes, like, making one of them female just for the sake of not writing gay stuff? Maybe that's the one.
And I'll admit the whole y/n thing threw me off immensely when I got into the f1 fandom, but now I just don't mind it, and I've read some cool self-insert fics since. Oh! The biggest pet peeve in this trope is the "face claim" thing, because if it's a self insert then imagine yourself in the fic, right. But that would be it.
Is there a story you’ve written that doesn’t seem to get much love?
I'm pretty aware of the fact that people don't tend to read many wips but man, the way my charlos!actors au fic (can't wait to soar) is getting sidelined is making it tough to write in general. And it's not even about the hits, the hits are solid and so are the kudos, but people simply don't leave comments on it and it's like... what am I doing wrong? you know? It's a little frustrating, to be honest. Though I do know that how we engage with media has changed, blabla, but it doesn't stop it from stinging a little bit. Which is why I always encourage people to reblog on Tumblr when they can and leave comments when they can because it really does make a difference in a writer's psyche.
I just wish it had a bit more engagement (but actual engagement beyond likes and kudos) because sometimes people comment ideas that they have about the story and things they want to see on them and that's where I draw inspiration from. Sometimes the muse runs out and you end up just going with vibes only and people help with that if they comment. That's the biggest issue with my writing style, sometimes I'm just in a dry spell and don't know what to do with my life, so I turn to the comments to see if people want to see something. And I write that something because they've inspired me to do so.
Thank you again for sending me these, they're so fun!! ❤️
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moldycrustyvoldy · 2 years
Lesson 2: Writers = Humans; you Pieces of shit
There better be reblogs with fucking memes of crying children or I’m gonna be pissed. Anyway toodaloo :))))))))))
Today’s Lesson: What is a Fanfiction Writer/Creator? I Think They Might Be a Human with Feelings Too?!?!?!?
Hold up. Wait. Hold the phone. The master behind the words on your screen are people too? Somebody call fucking Einstein cause this shit is a revelation. Like the words how make me giggle with teeth-sickening cotton candy fluff, and the words that make me fucking sob until I’m nauseous and can’t breathe let alone make it through my day are written by people? HOLD. THE. PHONE. 😧
I know you guys are absolutely losing your marbles. But I’ve got something that’s gonna rip this fandom (jegulus fandom in particular im staring at you) apart. Guess. Just guess. 
Do people have feelings too?!?!? WAIT. So they write and have lives? They’re not just waiting all day 24/7 for me to demand a new AU or prompt for them to write or create? WRITERS HAVE JOBS? FAMILIES? KIDS? They cry and smile too? They go through trauma and happiness and all the emotions???? They need breaks??? SDIHFSIEUFBOEFHCNOWEHVOWEVBNWEVOV THIS IS FUCKING BREAKING NEWS RIGHT?!?!🤯
Okay for those of you who cannot breathe right now, it’s okay, I know this information is a lot. You’re stupidity will pass I promise. Let me rub your back with your consent (consent what's that???) as we take deep breaths together. 
Alrighty assholes, stop fucking breathing im tired of rubbing your fucking back. As soon as this fandom got bigger (jegulus fandom), people started acting like it was commissioned writing. “You tell me and I’ll write word for word.” 
I think we’re having some trouble comprehending this. Let’s break it down with an example shall we? 
Fay (she/her) had just joined the marauders fandom after being kicked out of the Star Wars fandom for god knows what. She’s a perfect little angel, isn’t she? So Fay decided to explore the marauders corner of ao3. Suddenly, she doesn’t find the specific “Star Wars au, wolfstar, hurt no comfort, no guns or physical/emotional pain allowed” fic. What a tragedy!! So Fay decided, “you know what? let’s harass ASK my favorite wolfstar author until they write my fic!!”
If you’re like Fay, SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Authors are not puppets. Authors are not puppets. Authors are not puppets. Authors are not puppets. 
If you haven’t noticed or it hasn’t gone through your pea-sized brain yet, this is a hobby for writers. HOBBY. 
(Noun) “an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.”
and if you’re really stupid here’s an example, "her hobbies are reading and gardening.”
OMG look, you learned a new word!!! Congrats!! auggie is so proud of you. 🥳🥰😝🥰🤪😘🤪
 But can we handle one more word? Let’s try.
“A fanfiction is a story created by someone who earns no money* and still share it with the community.”
Why don’t we try summarizing what we learned today?
If this lesson was hard for you to understand, honey you are the problem. I’ll be back to run your asses through the fire again later!
Technically there’s a fine line when it comes to “kicking out of a fandom”. It’s a very broad term. I know some people will come at me with your little questions and what not. In a fandom you cannot necessarily be “kicked out”. Yes you may be blocked but other members cannot just take away your internet access or interest and stop you from enjoying it? I mean it more as a general statement, as a whole. If you’re getting “kicked out” for valid reasons you fucked up bro, not the fandom.
AND I know absolutely nothing about the Star Wars fandom, so don’t ask me random questions I don’t have opinionated or hc answers to.
**I’m not getting into the money shit with you guys because that’s a fucking hole I would never want to die in so as a general statement for our purposes, most of the fanfiction authors earn no money for their creative talents*
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calypso-finale · 1 year
Fifty Three.
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Stifling out a yawn, I will never get bored of seeing the sunrise in Dubai, I mean because I am out here and meetings in America happen, I have to be awake. They do it around nine at night there in LA so it’s better for us but it’s still not better for us, I hate it because now I am awake fully, but I have a busy day ahead of me “I hate these” Amanda said, “I was mentally thinking that, I was literally grumbling to myself about how fucking long it is but I have things I need to do today really” Amanda smirked “don’t!” I spat laughing “I am just smiling, why are you mad” rolling my eyes playfully, I mean Taylan is in Dubai, we are still going strong as friends, and he came here. I did say I would come to him, but Fenty is always busy, I have no fucking time to do that so he said he would come here, he has been here five days now and every day we have met up, so I said today we can meet for breakfast, I really enjoy his company and this really, I don’t know but it can work out for us, in a way it can because he is potentially moving to America to play football, there. I hope he does get the deal because he deserves it, I enjoy his company and nothing is sexual, nothing is awkward between us either. I won’t even show him that I do like him, but I think he gets the vibe from me a lot “are you getting dressed up for breakfast? I mean since I am not invited” Amanda is being sensitive “stop it” I laughed “I always get dressed up for you, I am not even going to do anything. I am literally just going like this, no makeup or anything” Amanda put her thumb up “I wanted to ask, you seemed really happy about him saying he is going to America, are you hoping to go back?” nodding my head “yeah, I can’t see my future here, this place is beautiful, but I want to go home, I want my comforts of America, but right now it’s fine. I am happy though” I grinned “I can tell, go for it. After you telling me everything you have been through, you deserve a man that sees you for you. When I came back to the apartment and saw you both laughing at memes I was like what nerds” I grinned “see what I mean, we are literally just goof balls” let me at least brush my teeth.
Waiting outside the restaurant, he better not leave me hanging and waiting around for him, I won’t have that shit from him, I hate when people are late “boo” I jumped at a pair of hands grabbing my hips “idiot” I said to him laughing “I was literally right across you and you just ignored me and like was mad” letting out an oh “sorry, I was thinking if he takes any longer I am going home” he shook his head “you are so dramatic, what are you like. Let’s go in” he gestured for me to go in, I mean I hate the accent, but it suits him, the accent makes him even cuter, and I like it. Shuffling my chair in “I look rough don’t I?” he looked up at me, his eyes darted to the menu already, this boy can eat, he is a big boy “sorry, I was already eyeing up the menu” he laughed “what is wrong?” waving him off “no, no don’t do that” he laughed “I was listening” he is a damn lie “no, you haven’t been. I said I looked a mess and you agreed” he pulled a face “did I? I didn’t you are lying, you look fine, just tired” least he is honest “so I look terrible” rolling my eyes “why do you have to be dramatic” I shrugged “but buy anything, my treat, you paid for the meal yesterday so it’s only right” he clapped his hands together “then I better order the whole thing” I believe he would, I wouldn’t put it passed him “mhmm yeah you better not” he chucked “how was the meetings? Did you fall asleep” I sniggered “at one point but I made it, I wrote some notes down and just will go off that, not easy running a business when my mother is watching” he cringed “I can imagine, your mom built that, so she isn’t going to let her daughter mess that up by sleeping” he is so rude “shut up” I am always falling asleep in them, it just gets boring at some points.
Taylan seems a little apprehensive, like a little off and I feel it and I see it “what’s wrong?” I asked him and I hope he is just truthful with me “erm, like I feel that me and you can work, like we gel, and we get along and I see you fitting in well with my family, I know you will and I like that. My mom is my whole heart, I love her, and I know she will love you. When I do look for a girl I always think how she will be with my family, but I want to be truthful, I want us to both have trust and if and when we do take that leap I want you to know me as a man and I know you, we said this . I asked my brother about it and he said that if I see it as a real relationship then I should, and I do. So erm” he cleared his throat “I did something when I was erm, nineteen, and I got charged for an assault, this was like big in Australia news, I was on a night out. This was last year, I was intoxicated, and the guy was just saying things and it was caught on camera and I ended up beating him, but the courts didn’t hear that he also hit me, but it happened, I was charged, and I took the punishment, but I don’t want this to be bought up in any form, and really I want you to know the truth. I did it, it happened, and I feel bad because like it could have really ended me, but it hasn’t, I hope and pray I end up in America, I think it’s there but the game there is so different” I was not expecting this from him “wow, that took a turn” I laughed “but I like you told instead of me finding out because I didn’t Google search you, that wasn’t my style, I wanted to know you for you and I see how you are. Under that big guy exterior, you’re just a good hearted man” he laughed “that gives good hugs” nodding my head “you do, I get lost, I am totally happy with that statement but like I think maybe it’s a slow pace for you” he shook his head “erm, you know when you enjoy someone’s company, you enjoy how they are. Time is nothing, I enjoy your company, I enjoy you as a friend. I erm, my mom always said I am a sensitive soul, maybe she is right” he laughed “you are, so the assault is out of character. This is why we don’t drink” he must be a bad drunk “I get violent” letting out an oh.
I haven’t spoken to Rylee since Taylan has been here, he is always coming over and really there is not much time to be together so I have not spoken to Rylee, but I know mom was with her, that was weeks ago though and I haven’t since spoken to her so I thought I would call her on skype. She answered the skype huffing and puffing “mhmmm?” I said, “I am on the bike, but I can talk” letting out an oh “who pissed you off to get you into a gym?” she laughed “life!” she spat “clearly, you never needed the gym” she rolled her eyes “that was before that big headed child of mine Ti, he ruined my body” poor her “but your body is nice still, you’re just self-conscious. I didn’t know you was doing this, how are you?” I asked “well, Aziel is not with me he is with him, so I got time, how are you?” she asked me “I am good, sorry I have been busy” I apologised “remember I told you about Taylan, he is here” Rylee sniggered “so you forgot about me yeah” shaking my head “I am busy too with Fenty, you can’t just say that” she really can’t “yeah well I did text you but never mind, I guess my mom is my sister now” oh she is not happy “Rylee” I said “Ti, just forget it ok. How is he? You like him? Don’t get pregnant, I am serious” I had to laugh because she is hating life “thank you for the heads up, I won’t but I like him a lot and I think you know he is being truthful to me about things, he was charged with assault when he was younger, he is truthful with me” Rylee looked down at me “mhmm right, don’t be coming to me when he is angry one day and attacks you, men aren’t real” oh she is so negative “just because your local thug didn’t work out, I am being careful we are friends, why can’t you just be positive” she rolled her eyes “well when I needed you, you wasn’t there. mom flew here when it should have been you Ti! Just whatever, I am busy myself now anyways. Just put the phone down, I don’t want to speak” she is a brat “you don’t want to speak because you think I am not there for you? When did you ask me for anything?” I am confused “check your phone, and don’t come back to me, bye Ti” she put the phone down on me, oh she is mad with me but when did she ask me for help. Tapping on her name, see we haven’t messaged in so long, I have been busy with him and work “shit” she did message me too, wow. She messaged me weeks ago too, I don’t remember seeing it, she literally said things are going upside down SOS “fuck” I am in the bad books now, I am so stupid.
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I love being taken out, like I love being spoilt and coming back from London, well since I’ve been back from London I’ve not had peace, I’ve had the kids at home just up to no good, getting Imani in order just kids but Chris is back home from New York and he’s all mine and he’s taken me to my place, he knows my place “you can’t stop smiling twin, you’re too happy, this place will never be my fave place” I frowned at him “do not disrespect my home” Chris chuckled “we haven’t done this in time” he is right we haven’t, we don’t really go out either “we are boring now Chris, our life revolves around the kids really doesn’t it” Chris nodded his head “we spoil them don’t we really?” He said “we do, a little too much but I think we just care a lot, I also feel like personally I need to make it up to the girls, I wasn’t there for them then, like this isn’t anything to do with them, like we have moved on but me, in my heart. I feel like ok; I wasn’t there then but right now I can be, just make it right in my heart” I admitted, I do feel that way “I feel like they need their mom more now than ever, it’s bittersweet really. Even Imani, it’s like I try but I find a way to offend her, I hate it but you know. Girls, they grow” I cooed out “do you feel neglecting poppa? Awww Chris” he waved me off “shut up before I throw a spoon at you, it’s whatever. It’s always drama anyways, you can deal with that. Even in the family group chat, Rylee leaves every five business days, I am so sick of them, but it’s calm right now” I cringed “she is funny, I think what got me was when she said none of you are being supportive of my weight loss because Junior made a joke, and then she left” Chris sniggered “I asked how she was and she said you laughed bye, ugh! Kids, but I got Emi, she is the new baby girl, she loves me” I think Chris is feeling unwanted “Imani is difficult Chris, we just have to take it as it is” I shrugged “I know, she finds me so annoying. Like she wants to move out, do all these things and I know she isn’t ready for that. Just hard to tell her that we are worried about you, she wants to be independent but it’s different for her in so many ways then the older two, I feel she knows she is different but is pushing to be normal and I don’t know Robyn. I want her to be safe but I know we have to let her fly at some point” he is right we will “I worry about Raihan now, that kid wanting to be G Herbo good twin, I’m like sit yo ass down but it’s funny, how life has switched up, we just about our kids that really we don’t hear or see the drama anymore” smiling at him “I think it’s just us growing old and growing out family, but I know Rylee is livid, she goes before I left to go to the airport. She said all these years you was being nasty now the guy I’m not with is your long lost son” Chris snorted laughing “I would be pissed too, you are annoying with that” they have a point, I am annoying “I think if I could have him as a son in law I would be more than happy for it, I feel like he is the calm to her chaos but that’s on them or whatever happens, I am staying out of it” Chris looks in shock “son in law? You’re so nasty, how you jumping on this now, get out” Chris spat, he’s stupid but I am being serious about it.
I just know Chris after all these years hates Giorgio Baldi like this place does anything to him “I hate that you hate on my comfort place” Chris is laughing like he isn’t disrespecting the food “not that, just not hungry. Ayo, Junior though. Like that kid is amazing, I am always speechless watching him. The boy is literally running like his life depends on it without even being tired, he is amazing. I am like the proudest father; he is dead ass too. When he always points at me to watch I know he about to do something disrespectful, and I am there with my phone out. You see that video of him though that I posted, bro. That shit was posted onto the news, like he about to head to the stars” he is so proud of him “too much attention though, when Fox sport said can we interview him, I said no, the hell you are. Y’all can stay away from him, when he hits college, he will be problem. Did I tell you about Mel though, since then she hasn’t spoken to me, she messaged me about something, and I said you ask me when you want something? Are we seriously doing this? Taking sides with the kids, I don’t want to lose that, she said it’s too far gone, I am like whatever. Melody shouldn’t have got involved with that shit, I knew that kids would have our friendship down the hill” Chris shrugged “she is pathetic, how you think her daughter was going to be? Her mother is bitter, I am sorry Robyn you have done so much for that fucking family, you treated those girls with love and care, and they attack our daughters? Yeah fuck that, it’s jealousy” shaking my head “it upsets me, you know that I have done so much for them but like my main priority is my family, my mom acts like she didn’t disrespect my kids, that is her delusion” I chuckled “mhmm” Chris rolled his eyes “it’s a nasty trait to have, jealousy. Majesty always been that way” he got a point “what are going to do about Herb? I am not happy you punched him in the house” mean mugging him “he deserve it, talking shit and he knew that Amerie was there, it was disrespectful so yeah, then Imani came down hearing him. I care about him, but he is a mess” I shrugged.
Looking over at Chris, and then back at the text from Taina, I am not the type to just ignore someone like Taina, she is vulnerable “Chris” I said “mhmmm” he looked over at me “getting my dick sucked tonight right” I laughed “ok but, you may not agree or be mad with me. Taina needs me, us. Can she stay at the house? She said that Herb is making threats to her because of the child” Chris groaned out “we can’t protect her, tell her go back to Texas” I knew he would say that “Chris” I said his name “bro” he sighed out “fine, tell her to come then. But she needs to make other plans, this doesn’t get you out of sex either” well he said yes “we need to pick her up” I saw Chris roll his eyes “oh boy, I just got a message from Rylee” I said “ain’t it late over there? Like early morning maybe, the hell she awake for” Chris said, opening the message. Scanning over the message “so?” he asked “Oakley is seen out with another girl, mom I am not happy” looking at Chris “it’s not our problem, tell her she has to get over it if so, he just the father of her child, advise her properly. She is doing well, just watch herself, no need to watch him. He is doing right by his son, the only concern for us is her, so tell her let it go” Chris is right, he isn’t cheating because they aren’t together anyways “she is so sensitive, she added if that bitch is near my son I am beating him up” Chris chuckled “then say to her that lay the rules, that the kids shouldn’t meet the partners but then again Rylee did that with Brian, she has to be careful” let me call her instead “just go to Taina’ home please” tapping on Rylee’ name, she answered so quick “why are you awake?” I asked her “well I went to the bathroom and I see that Aziel is with him but clearly not, then I text him asking where is my son, he said he is asleep in bed. He was seen coming out of the club, then he talks to the guard and pointed behind him, some white bitch is there, it’s a video! I seen it” she is highly emotional “Rylee, listen to me. He isn’t yours, he is the father of your child, you are doing so well, you really are, and I am proud of you. Remember that Rylee, you know the one I am speaking on” Rylee sighed out “oh and Ti can choke, she ignored my SOS and then had the nerve to talk about a guy she is meeting up with” here these sisters go again “oh great, Rylee. Just go to sleep, be an adult now, I love you and I am proud of you, those headshots were perfect” she gets too worked up “thanks mom, love you too” she put the phone down “this girl, Ti and her too” I grumbled, there is always something with them “you know what, being a father again at this age. I feel like I am enjoying it, there is much more peace, I love it” I am glad Chris is enjoying it “you wasn’t sure about having Emi so I am glad you are now enjoying it” he loves his daughters.
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squid-inspiration · 2 years
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I posted 506 times in 2022
That's 506 more posts than 2021!
25 posts created (5%)
481 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 418 of my posts in 2022
Only 17% of my posts had no tags
#the rings of power - 194 posts
#rop elrond - 37 posts
#black sails - 35 posts
#the silmarillion - 24 posts
#rop fanart - 20 posts
#rop adar - 20 posts
#rop galadriel - 14 posts
#tolkien - 13 posts
#rop durin - 13 posts
#adar - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#also i am so relieved that this show honours the proud tolkien tradition of male characters being soft and emotional and mutually devoted
My Top Posts in 2022:
Russingon WIP
Maitimo's left hand was still caught and so he could do nothing but follow dumbly when Finno pulled him closer to the water and bent to trail fingers through the shaded mirror of the forest pool.
"Hold still," Finno said. Maitimo would have turned to stone and remained unmoving until Arda Remade, if Finno had asked him to. He couldn't help the shiver that raced down his back when damp fingers wiped at his temple, his cheek. Each brush turned the skin beneath it liquid, yielding, desperate.
Don't go, he thought when Finno bent to wet his fingertips again. He wanted Finno to never let go of his hand, for him to close his teeth around Maitimo's throat and shake. He wanted to press Finno to the ground and pull the gold ribbons from his braids and follow the spill of his dark hair into the forest pool with reverent fingers.
( @main-to-outofangband sry this is technically a side blog so i can’t reply it turns out! oops)
11 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
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”and when i looked up, turgon was holding up MY arrow! what would you have done?? i can’t wait for you to come back to tirion, russo...”
everything is wonky as hell but i got the basic idea down so i can be happy for the moment lol. will work on like, perspective and  at a later point
23 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
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fingon and horses, my otp
38 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
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just a little fingon doodle. one day i’ll produce tolkien sketches i can be happy with!
66 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
this is an ungentle reminder that if you’re okay with any part of the shit show that was the heard/depp trial, you’re requested to unfollow.
i refuse to partake in the continued abuse of a survivor at the hands of the public, at the behest of her abuser.
if you’re out here celebrating, unfollow. if you’re retweeting cutesy jack sparrow memes, unfollow. if your fingers are itching to type some smartass comment with a poop emoji, unfollow. i don’t want anything to do with you.
168 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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charlottemount · 2 years
Can you do one of Jude where they are sharing their fun side of their family nobody knew of pls
CATCH MY LOVE, LOVE — Jude Bellingham
summary: when y/n and jude finally had a chance to spend time with jude's family and see the bellingham family funny moments
warning: english is not my first language
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Liked by sanchooo10, jobebellingham and 1.347.211 others
judebellingham Finally, I can spend sometime with my family 💛 READY TO GET SO DRUNK TONIGHT
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y/username You cannot drink too much Jude, not good for your health, love
benchilwell Everytime you get drunk, i felt so sorry for y/n
philfoden @benchilwell Why?
benchilwell There was one time he get so DRUNK, y/n has to drive him home then the next morning she really can’t walk for 2 days 🤌 You know what i mean
philfoden How do you know that? y/n told you 😂
benchilwell Duuuh Jude told me
y/username for real @judebellingham
judebellingham I’m sorry y/n, i told him that because that day you’re so so mad at me and i don’t know what to do to get you to forgive me 🥲 so i have no choice
y/username 🙄 You’re not allow to drink tonight!!
eeluan Why?
judeloverrs_ Scroll up, there are a comment from Chilly
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y/username 📸 by @judebellingham 💋
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leahkate Pretty pretty girl
y/username xx
cluskk.11 So beautiful y/n, no wonder why jude is madly in love with you
jubebellingham I can’t wait to eat you 🍑
y/username You are DRUNK Jude 😂 where is Jobe, take his phone away from him
jobebellingham He won’t let me and mum touch his phone y/n 😂
judebellingham y/n I miSs yU sOo SoO muChh, wHereRe R u?
jobebellingham He’s crying like a baby 🥲
y/username Can you help me take him back to his room, i can’t believe it
judebellingham Yo yO YOUUU aRE sOO dAmN pReTieE
uwqpnz OMG ✨DRUNK✨ Jude is so adorable, he’s like a baby 🤣
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Liked by jackgrealish and 1.094.471 others
y/username Because you guys want to see what Jude does when he's so drunk, so here this is for you. And i guess he thought this was his phone or maybe not
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jobebellingham 🤣🤣🤣 Oh no why you post this 🤣🤣🤣 now i can’t stop laughing
judebellingham Y/n i’m so sorry 😞
y/username For ?
judebellingham Idk? For getting so drunk last night
y/username Apologies UNEXCEPT
masonmount Poor Jude :) Last night he just said that from now on he’ll not scare you anymore, such a grown maaan
harveyelliott07 @judebellingham 🤣
bellinghamiine His face was like 😠😣☹️🤓😀😆😗😳
heeleyy Y/n your boyfriend is such a meme 😆😆
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judebellingham This is me when i first met y/n, my shirt is my love to y/n and i just thrown it to her 😂 i don’t know what to do if that day she didn’t catch it
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jesselingard Probably
marcusrashford @y/username WHY? WHY YOU CATCH THAT
y/username Just did it by reflex
bellinghambellaaa His body is so fine 🤌
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y/username Oh ello there, ma luvlyy Jude Jude 🐬
Comments on this post are limited
sanchooo10 Ahahaha Jude is a fucking DOLPHIN 🤣🤣
judebellingham Shut up Sancho 🙂
y/nplusjuude So adorable
judebellingham y/n that’s is cute but 😣😣
y/username @judebellingham But what, jude? 😋
jodebellingham I also saw a mother dolphin and her baby too, isn’t it so cute
y/username Yea it is 😂
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judebellingham Paparazzi is HERE 😱😱
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judejudejj What? that’s unbelievable!!!! who’s that???? is it really paparazzi
bvb.fanjude He just kidding 🤣 this pic definitely taken by y/n
jobebellingham Lookin goood 😒
judebellingham Thanks 🙃
y/username Awwww 🥺 You turn me on :)
judebellingham Sooooo ☺️
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Liked judebellingham, jobebellingham and 1.505.111 likes
y/username Jude mom just show me this 😂 so i ask Jude what’s he thinking? then he said “I was thinking, if Jobe has teeth, will he eat all my candy? If so, i have to find a place to hide the candy.. where should I hide it? hidde it in my parents wardrobe? Or should i just eat it all, don't let him eat my candy?”. The second one is like “Hey Jobe Jobe there is a really big lollipop, do you wanna share? Okay okay now i count to 3, we have to run as fast we can okay?” 😂😂
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jobebellingham Hey, that’s so rude 🤓 @judebellingham? explain plz or do you have anything to say?
y/username @jobebellingham 🤣 he sleeping next to me but i don’t think he had something to say
jesselingard So funny 🤣 just by the look on his face 😂
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Liked y/username and others
judebellingham Can you stop and kiss me dada Jude? You gave mommy y/n so many kisses today
*when golden retriever meets GOLDEN RETRIEVER ✨*
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belling.jude Jude give RJ’s a kiss, look at his face his puppy eyes 🥺
y/username Sorry my baby, mommy love you so much
jobebellingham My baby RJ’s
laylajwen Awww mommy y/n and dada Jude, that’s adorable 😭😭
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presentfuckingmic · 2 years
Things I’d do if I woke up randomly in the mha universe:
Get someone to turn me into a cat so Aizawa can pet me
Scratch Aizawa as a cat
Scratch Mic as a cat
Scratch Shinsou as a cat
Snap Iida’s glasses
Find out if Iida drinks pulp orange juice or regular orange juice
If it’s pulp, bitchslap him
Punch Bakugo
Redraw at least one of the drawing in Midoriya’s notebooks cause what the fuck are those
Bite Mic’s hair
Steal Mic’s speaker
Make a bet with one of Ectoplasm’s clones
Bully Monoma
Formally apologize to every single girl that has ever appeared on screen
Have a staring contest with Nedzu
Give Cementoss and Lunch Rush a hug
Find out how much Powerloader can bench press
Have a conversation with Fukidashi where I try and get him to say as many onomatopoeias as possible before he figures out what I’m doing
See if Vlad’s tusks are fake
Hear Mic scream as loud as he can :)
Get Mina to make me acid that’s safe to touch so I can touch
Ask Jirou what her favorite song is and proceed to roast it
Sit with Tokoyami, Shoji, and Koda in absolute silence for an hour
See how long I can make Midoriya ramble
Punch Bakugo
Buy a bunch of Present Mic merch to bite
Buy Mic some new fucking shoes
Bedazzle Mic’s headphones
Snap Mic’s glasses
Bitchslap Aizawa
Bitchslap All Might
Give All Might a hug
Step on Mic’s toes
See if I can out ramble Midoriya (my strength would be Autistic. Unfortunately, he has that too so we’d have to see)
Give Eri a piggyback ride
Bitchslap Mirio for thinking his hero career was over bc he lost his quirk
Bitchslap Ragdoll for the same reason
Have Recovery Girl heal me then sue because if her quirk works how I think it works (speeds up while blood cell’s rate of work at the spot of injury), my arthritis would go haywire and it’d be Funny
Hijack Hands Up Radio for a single hour just so I can play a bunch of meme songs
Find out what fucking year the story takes place in
Get Shinsou to brainwash me. He can do whatever he wants after that idc
Somehow connect Midnight’s handcuff bracelets together so they’d be actual handcuffs while on her
Either find out who tf teaches the second and third years or find out how that few teachers teach that many classes
Wait fuck it might not be as complicated as I thought, I might just be American
Steal Shinsou’s mask
Sniff Aizawa’s eyedrops
Meet Sushi :)
Time how long it takes Midnight to knock me (a very asexual and aromantic person) out
Murder Mineta and frame Bakugo
Buy Midoriya a snack
Steal some hero merch
Make some bootleg hero merch where I just horribly misspell the hero’s names and paint them so you can’t see any detail to avoid copyright
Find out if Tamaki has special teeth that make him able to bite shit like crystals and be fine
If they are special, steal them
Jump out at least one window
Touch Uraraka’s hair
Find a way to stop being a cat and get the fuck out of there
189 notes · View notes
angryschnauzer · 3 years
Pitching Tents
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Summary: Ooof... *insert breathless spongebob meme here* Okay, so your co-stars Chris and Henry invite you along for a long weekend camping trip, and in the wilds of nature they let their inhibitions be set free.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Female Reader x Henry Cavill (MFM)
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Oral Sex (female receiving), Oral Sex (male receiving), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, threesome, spit roasts, fingering, grinding, handjobs, vaginal creampie, sloppy seconds, cockwarming, sex outdoors, anal sex, unprotected anal sex, anal creampie, anal sloppy seconds, degrading talk, zero inhibitions, no refractory period, aftercare, crack fic, utter filth, you. have. been. warned., and the worlds best camping table.
Only the finest free range, organic typos, allowed to run wild and free.
I do not run a tag list, but if you follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, you will get an alert every time i post something new. Masterlist got too big for tumblr, so past works can also be found at angryschnauzerwrites or on my AO3.
A/N: Don’t @ me yelling about RPF. This is utter fantasy. You know that, i know that. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. However i do feel i have included enough of each actor to satisfy both sets of fans. Enjoy the filth you dirty sluts.
Pitching Tents
Sitting in the dressing room having your makeup removed you laughed and joked with Chris and Henry, your co-stars. Finally you were prosthetic free and your FX makeup artist left, leaving you to listen as the two men chatted away;
“So all set for our camping trip this weekend Chris?” Henry asked as he wiped off fake blood from his cheek
“Can’t fucking wait Henry, three whole days of beers, fishing, and doing fuck all” Chris turned to you and smiled; “So, whata’ you doin this weekend?”
Sighing you took a sip of water;
“Probably just bingeing Netflix with a family sized bag of chocolate”
“Why don’t you come camping with us?” 
Henry suggested lightly, and at his suggestion your head snapped up;
“Really? I’ve never camped in my life! I’ll just cramp your style for your boys weekend. I’ve never even pitched a tent”
“Oh don’t worry, me and Hen have got all the equipment you could need for that” Chris assured you, but you missed the sly wink he shot to Henry.
The campsite was beautiful. On private land it was amazing what being one of Hollywoods biggest stars could get you into, and as Chris had pulled his truck over the gravel both you and Henry were impressed with the stunning location. You’d had little to do as they put the tent up, and as the sun had started to set the beers had been cracked open and the campfire glowed. Whether it was the fresh air, the beer, or the busy work schedule you all had, you were turning in just as the sun had fully set. Curling up underneath the pile of blankets and quilts that’d been thrown on the air mattress, you were quickly fast asleep before either of the men had climbed in beside you.
The bright morning sunlight shone in through the thin fabric of the tent waking you, and as you pulled yourself from sleep you smiled at the two men seemingly still fast asleep either side of you. As much as you wanted to stay in the warmth of the blankets you needed to pee, so carefully and silently you pulled yourself out of the cocoon and slipped a discarded flannel shirt on, unsure if it was Henry’s or Chris’s, either way it swamped you and covered your panties and cami you’d worn to sleep in.
As soon as they’d heard the zipper of the tent close Chris had cracked an eye open to glance at Henry, a smirk on his face as he was greeted with an identical grin.
“Do you think she’ll go for it?” Chris whispered
“Yeah, you’ve seen her eyeing each of us, i think she’ll be up for some fun”
“You ready?”
“Dude, i have woken up with the biggest morning wood” Henry grinned
“Me too… so how’re we gonna do this?”
“I’m thinking the sleepy roll and cuddlespoon method ”
“Yeah that’ll work” Chris paused as he heard your heavy footfalls approaching the tent, winking at Henry before the two of them feigned sleep.
With your teeth chattering from the chilly morning air you reluctantly pulled the flannel shirt off before silently sliding back under the blankets, shivering as your body attempted to warm up until suddenly a warm chest pressed to your back and a heavy arm was draped over your waist. Your eyes sprang open and breath caught in your throat as you processed Henry spooning behind you, quiet snores coming from his lips. Before you could think any more on what the man behind you was doing, Chris let out a sleepy sigh and rolled towards you, his face resting on your chest as his legs pressed against your own. With your lower limbs crushed between both mens you shifted a little, lifting one leg slightly only for Chris to hum in appreciation as his hand rested on your thigh and lifted your knee over his hip.
For just a few minutes as the shock and tension had subsided you relaxed into the warmth of being sandwiched between them, but as the temperature started to rise under the blankets you shifted and started to wriggle, and that’s when you felt the first one. The first nudge as Chris pressed himself to your core and you could feel what the internet had lost their collective minds for. A rush of breath left your body as you fought the dilemma between a friend unknowingly grinding against you with the feeling of just how good it felt. With just the thin cotton of your panties and his boxers separating your bodies, you screwed your eyes shut and ignored the guilty feelings for just a moment as Chris rubbed his impressive hard on the length of your slit. When one particular rub grazed against your clit you let out a gasp and without realising arched your back, pushing your ass into Henry and discovering he was having the same bodily issue Chris was. A sleepy murmur greeted you as Henry’s hot breath danced on your ear, before he pressed closer and you felt his fat dick rut into the crease of your ass.
Was either man aware of what the other was doing? Should you say something? As these thoughts plagued your mind they were interrupted as two pairs of lips started to find their way around your body, Henry softly kissing your neck as Chris hooked one finger into the neckline of your cami to allow him to gently suck a hardened nipple into his mouth.
“Oh fuck…”
Two sleepy ‘hmm’s replied, bodies starting to move in unison as they all sought friction, and when you felt Henry’s warm palm smooth over your thigh and ass you let out a groan as he dipped his hand between your legs from behind and his fingers found their way beneath the elastic of your underwear;
“Chris, she’s fucking soaked”
“Lemme feel…”
Suddenly another hand slid down your stomach and the front of your panties, an appreciative moan rumbling from the Bostonian’s chest as he used your slick juices to coat his finger before rubbing circles again your clit;
“So she is… that’s good, gonna need to be real wet for us Babe… Hen, how many fingers you got in her?”
“Two at the moment” the Brit said as he pumped those two thick digits into your velvet cavern; “She’s so fucking tight…”
“Give her another one, need to get her ready”
You felt Henry pull his hand out before adjusting his fingers, only to feel the delicious stretch and burn as he carefully inserted three of his thick digits into your tight entrance;
“You ready?” he asked Chris as he worked his fingers in and out of you, and with a fluid movement Henry had pulled his fingers from you and your panties down your thighs. Chris’s hands were on your hips, lifting you to straddle his waist before he pulled his boxers down and positioned his dripping cock at your entrance, waiting for you to take the final step.
With your fingers splayed against the hard plains of his chest you sank down on him, feeling the wide head of his cock split your walls apart, the stretch almost too much despite Henry’s fingers working you open just seconds before;
“Oh fuck… Chris…”
“That’s it Babe, ride me, let me feel you fuck yourself on my cock”
Letting your head fall back you closed your eyes as you started to ride Chris, lost in the moment until you heard the sound of Henry spitting on his hand. Looking over you saw how he had pushed the blankets back and was now fisting his angry red dick, watching you ride his friend. Whilst continuing to ride Chris you reached for Henry who wriggled close enough that you could wrap your hand around his hot shaft. He sat up and kissed you, his tongue pushing into your mouth and dancing against your own before he sat back with a contented sigh just as Chris started to fuck up into you;
“Feel so fucking good Babe”
“Chris… oh my god…”
“Gonna fill you up with my cum, wanna see it dripping out of you before it’s Henry’s turn”
At the mention of his name Henry grunted, licking his lips;
“Mmm sloppy seconds… gonna need it to fit me in that tight pussy”
As Chris’s thrusts started to get sloppy you rubbed at your clit, your orgasm washing over you before you felt Chris push his hips up and stutter, the twitching of his dick deep inside you prolonging your orgasm.
Only vaguely aware of Henry moving behind you, it was when his strong hands grasped your hips and lifted you off of Chris did you let out a squeal of surprise, before he set you down on your hands and knees and ran a thumb through your folds;
“Chris, you gotta see this”
With a groan Chris moved, looking at his thick white seed dripping from you before he settled back down beside you, arms behind his head. 
Henry pressed his hand to your shoulders, pushing you down as he settled behind you, swiping the bulbous crown of his fat dick through your come soaked lips. You felt that notch as he lined himself up, and with a grunt he slowly pushed into you. 
“Oh fuck…” Henry cursed; “From the way Chris fucked you i thought you’d be loose, but fucking hell you’re tight…”
You were panting with the overwhelming feeling of being stuffed full by Henry, your words punctuated by breaths;
“You’re… the… one… hung… like… a… fucking… horse… OH FUCKING HELL… SO GOOD”
Where Chris had length and an impressive curve, Henry had girth and a lot of it, the sucking sound of him plugging your pussy from behind filling the tent and audible over your yelps and moans. 
“Love it when a girl is loud” Henry grunted from behind you, his hips digging roughly into your his as he punctuated each smooth thrust with a hard and deep halt, before doing it again. In front of you Chris moved, swinging one leg over your shoulders until your face was inches from his crotch and you felt his knuckle underneath your chin;
“Open up Babe”
Looking up you took in the sight of Chris sitting in front of you, his chest patterned with tattoos and coarse hair, his stomach firm yet soft now he no longer had to push his body to the limits of dehydration for Marvel. His dick was hardening as he watched Henry defile your body, and as he cupped your chin he guided your mouth open, gasping as your tongue and lips sucked on the mushroom head. 
Just then Henry started to thrust in harder, his hips harsh as they snapped back and forth and you were reminded that even though he was 250lbs of solid muscle he had the grace of a ballet dancer with his agility. With each push it sent you forwards to take just a little more of Chris into your mouth, before both men were grunting as they spit roasted you like a spit roasted pig at a county fair.
Your senses were overwhelmed, from touch to taste to smell to sound, the atmosphere in the tent was overwhelming and your mind could barely process it through the pleasure that was coursing through your veins. Henry was pulling a fierce orgasm from you and fucking you straight through it, Chris getting close as he cupped his balls and with a groan unloaded thick streams of cum into your mouth. You swallowed what you could but there was so much some dripping down your chin with a steady trail of spit. 
As Chris slipped out of your mouth Henry also pulled out, his strong arms flipping you over until he was on top of you, his mouth catching your own for a fierce kiss, no doubt able to taste Chris on your tongue but he was unbothered by that as he speared your body again. He widened his stance, his legs wide on the mattress as he ground his length into you, and you were completely surrounded by him as his teeth found your neck and he found your pressure points;
“That’s is Darling, let me feel you fall apart for me… felt so good squeezing my cock just a few moments ago, you can do it again, you feel so good…” he praised you as his hips worked serpent like magic between your thighs, the slow grind and push of his pelvic bone against your clit making you roar as your orgasm coursed through your body. You were thankful that the peak of your orgasm had passed when Henry finally reached his peak as to watch the man come undone was a sight of beauty; head thrown back, his mouth open as he let out a groan-come-howl, and you felt the violent spurts of him filling your womb with his cum.
When he was finally spent he bent down and kissed you, tongues and teeth before with a groan he pulled out and rolled to your side;
“You were amazing Darling”
“She was… and is” Chris added as he rolled towards you a kissed you softly, his beard tickling your face and making you smile; “I don’t know about you guys but i’m fucking starving now”
Having claimed the flannel shirt you’d worn earlier, that was all you wore as you curled up in a camping chair as Chris lit a campfire and started to make breakfast. Henry approached holding a steaming mug of coffee for you which you eagerly took, your teeth chattering as you started to regret not putting more clothing on;
“Cold? Scoot up and sit on my lap, i’ll keep you warm”
Quickly standing you let Henry take a seat in the camping chair before you sat on his lap, his body like a furnace even though he was just in sweats and a t-shirt. Sitting sideways on him he had one strong arm around your back, the other casually resting on your bare thigh as your legs were swung over the other side of the chair. 
You sat and relished the warmth from his body, the three of you chatting about work when you felt Henry’s hand slide between your thighs. Glancing at his face his attention was trained on Chris, his poker face only cracking when you saw the corner of his mouth tug up in a tiny smirk, glancing at you as Chris turned away and cocking an eyebrow as his fingers found your slit. 
“Shh” he quietly whispered as he slid two fingers into your soaked channel as his thumb found your clit, before he nonchalantly returned to the conversation with Chris. Soon you were writhing on his lap and you could feel the insistent nudge of his cock hard against your ass, so when Chris disappeared to the truck to grab stuff from the chiller Henry grinned at you;
“I need to be inside you… quickly…”
You stood and he pulled his sweats down just enough so his angry red cock sprang free, pulling you to sit on his lap, your legs closed as you stood between his outstretched thighs, and you slid down onto him, spearing your narrow channel with his girth. Chris wandered back holding the supplies;
“Eggs? Breakfast sausage?”
You heard Henry snort back a peel of laughter, and Chris paused, frowning;
“What are you two up to?”
“Chris, she’s already getting her breakfast sausage…” Henry lifted the shirt you wore and you parted your thighs, showing Chris what he was missing. The unmistakable twitch inside Chris’s sweats told you he was growing hard, and as you started to bound on Henry’s lap Chris simply leant and sat on the edge of the small camping table, squeezing himself through the fabric as Henry thrust up into you.
You let your cries and gasps drift on the wind as Henry slid one hand down your front and rubbed firm circles on your clit, his other hand cupping your chin and turning your head so he could kiss you, his stubble brushing against your cheek. He started to grunt and you could feel your orgasm sparking like electricity coursing through your veins, you were now so cock hungry you were begging for him to fill you up with another load of his cum as your body milked him. 
With weary limbs you lay prone across Henry’s lap, a smile on your face as you glanced at Chris who’s eyes were dark with lust as his sweatpants were obscenely tented. Groaning as you pulled off of Henry, your legs wobbled as you closed the distance between you and Chris, kissing him fiercely as he held your body to his so you could feel his hardness pressing against your stomach;
“Betcha getting sore now…” he mused
“Bend over the table, let me make you feel better…”
Stepping around the table you bent over it, pressing your chest to the smooth surface, grinning at Henry who was now sipping his coffee as he watched you and Chris with interest. 
You heard the click of a bottle lid just as Chris flipped the shirt you still wore up so your naked ass was exposed completely, the cool trickle of oil over your buttocks followed by his warm palms smoothing the cooking condiment into your skin like a goddess at a Greek temple. His thumbs ran over the swollen lips between your thighs and the deep timbre of his voice resonated through you;
“Look at that, so much cum dripping out of you, our little fuck slut”
He slid two fingers into your pussy, before pulling them out and tracing them over your asshole, the oil helping the way as he breached your body and you let out a groan as he slid in easily. Moving his hand he managed to get his other two fingers into your pussy, stuffing both your holes before he grabbed the oil with his other hand and poured more onto your asshole, lubricating you for the inevitable. 
You felt him pull his hand free and he quickly yanked his sweatpants down, the wide bulbous crown pressing against your oiled rose before with a grunt he pushed in and breached your body;
“So fucking good, gonna pump your ass full of cum then Henry can do the same… if he’s got another round in him” he shot a glance to Henry as did you, the Brit raising his coffee mug as he watched his friend plunder your asshole.
“Gonna finish my coffee, and if you’re not done by then Evans you’ll have missed your shot”
With the challenge set by Henry, Chris started to rail you hard, balls deep in your ass as the quiet sounds of nature seemed to come alive as it fed off the carnal energy in its presence, until finally with a scream you came, an intense anal orgasm making you squirt and cover Chris’s thighs, before with a guttural cry he pushed in balls deep and unloaded a thick stream of cum in your bowels. 
You lay prone on the table, your body seemingly on fire as your mind was high on serotonin, watching through heavy lidded eyes as Henry stood and came round to stand behind you beside Chris.
Sucking in a breath Chris carefully pulled out, and the two men watched as a thigh glob of cum slowly slid from your gaping hole. Henry rubbed his thumb over your stretched ring as he pulled his sweats down;
“Gonna enjoy this… don’t normally get to fuck a girls ass, but if she’s already lubed and cum soaked i can just about squeeze in”
The blunt tip of his dick breached your body, and even though Chris wasn’t small, your body had to stretch even more to allow Henry’s girth into your dark passageway;
“So good… doing so well Darling…” Henry muttered as he smoothed his hands over your cheeks; “Fuck this is tight… not gonna last long…”
His powerful hips started to thrust into you, the suction of your body pulling him back in as he railed your asshole with you bent over the small table. 
“C’mon Henry, fill that little slut up”
“Almost… fucking… there…” he replied through gritted teeth, before pushing forwards one last time, filling you with another load.
“Did you…”
“Nah, just getting to that…”
You were hanging on the precipice, your orgasm so close as Henry pulled out and flipped you over, getting to his knees as he buried his face in your pussy, sliding two fingers into each of your cum soaked holes as his wide tongue lapped at your clit and be brought you to one final mind blowing orgasm. 
With everyone completely fucked out and sated, Henry wrapped his arms around you as he pulled you off the table and settled you on his lap, your body and mind overloaded from being fucked so well for so long. You quietly snoozed on his chest as Chris served breakfast, both men eating quietly as you slumbered, before an hour later you finally roused enough with your rumbling stomach to eat some toast.
Finally as they were clearing up you stood and stretched your limbs, before you quietly shed the now rather soiled borrowed shirt, and as naked as the day you were born you slowly walked into the lake, the cool waters lapping at your skin, soothing your muscles and washing away the evidence of your sin filled morning. 
Floating and looking back at the two men as the finished up and started to undress, you smiled to yourself; for your first time camping it was certainly a trip to remember.
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honeydewdrew · 3 years
ghoulin’ around
a buzzfeed unsolved au, d.s headcanon
a/n: he’s back, baby. & he’s here to stay. live, laugh, love bfu!drew starkey au!
disclaimer: loosely based on episodes of buzzfeed unsolved :P
summary: castle in the mountains but you don’t even get there OR your car breaks down & there’s only one bed at the lodge
pairing: buzzfeed unsolved ghoul hunter!drew starkey x f!reader
warnings: swearing, nipples, a car breaking down, mad fluff
feedback and comments are super appreciated!!
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for this week’s episode, you and drew (& the crew) hit the road for a drive up to the mountains to investigate an old castle, supposedly haunted by their former residents
it’s fall and as you and drew trail the cars in front of you carrying the crew and equipment, the autumn foliage lined the seemingly endless road
intercut here a montage of you and drew doing your very own karaoke, cutting between vibing to Khruangbin, to belting Ariana Grande, to trying to catch every Baby Keem lyric (we’re gonna pretend copyright isn’t an issue LOL), & even some Hamilton
“what is that?” you ask, when you see smoke coming out from the hood of the car
drew frowns in concern, “shit.”
after shooting the crew a quick text, everyone pulls over to the side of the road, just when the car starts surrounding itself with smoke
“looks like there’s a bit of a delay in our ghost adventure tonight,” you make a face into the go pro camera you took out
drew shows up behind you and says “you think it’s an omen? like the ghosties are mad and they wanna kill us before we even get there?”
you roll your eyes
with almost an hour left to the destination, you all decided it was too much to wait for the car to get fixed and try to make it there for the night, so the decision was made to check into the nearest lodge to spend the night
the little lodge 20 mins away was quaint and newly built, just a year old. everything was fresh and new and modern and not a creepy old place off the highway, which put you at ease. it wasn’t a spacious hotel, though, so after the crew booked their rooms, there was only one room available left
“so we’re sharing a room, i guess,” you tell drew, holding up the key. “one bed.”
he scratched the back of his neck and shrugged. “i can take the floor. if you can spare a pillow.”
“i know this place looks clean, but trust me, hotels are breeding grounds for germs. especially the grimy floors.”
“it’s okay, i don’t mind.”
“you’re nasty, drew. it’s fine, we can share it, i insist.”
night falls and everyone is settling in. you’ve showered and brushed your teeth and gotten changed and are now tucked under the sheets, scrolling through instagram, replying to a meme your group chat was discussing.
you don’t even notice drew is shirtless until he pulls back the covers and slips under the covers on his respective side of the bed.
you glance over then turn your head towards your phone to hide your face and try to ignore the heat in your cheeks
“your nipples are out,” you mutter.
“free the nipple, y/n. don’t bully my nips.”
you snort in response as he unplugs his phone from the charging cable. “should we post some behind the scenes for the unsolved account?”
still trying to ignore the warmth of his body so close to you, you give him a ‘mmhmm’ and he begins to film an insta story
“pit stop in this week’s production, we’ll be back at it in the morning! y/n, you have anything to say?” he turns the camera to you.
“oh shit,” you say, “hi guys! bit of a predicament today, but nothing the ghoul kids can’t handle. love you guys!” you give a big cheesy grin, waving to the camera
he turns the camera back to him, making a funny face before ending the recording
after a while of stiffness, you decide to turn in for bed and drew does the same. the two of you lie in the dark in silence for a while before you hear, “are you still awake?”
“i’m bored.”
“what do you want to talk about?”
“i don’t know. are you cold?”
you flip over to face him. his hair is a mess and his eyes are tired. cutest thing you’ve seen all day.
“a little bit,” you respond. “i hate hotel bed sheets.”
“should we like... huddle closer?” he asks
you squint in the dark, trying to make out what his expression is. “like cuddling?”
he exhales, “yeah. i guess. i don’t want you to be uncomfortable or anything...”
“oh please it’s fine,” you scoot closer, your head almost tucked under his chin. “i’ve seen your bare butt. i can’t believe you did that by the way. they’re never letting us back there.”
“i’m telling you, the ghosts at that house won’t dare scare us if we do come back. my literal naked ass streaking through their halls should’ve spooked them enough.”
you both laugh and you melt into the soft rumble of his chest. “yeah. just keep your nipples away from me.”
“what is your problem with nipples?”
the two of you chat all night until your voices slur from sleepiness, and you’re lulled to sleep to the sound of drew talking about beavers
you wake the next morning incredibly warm. you clutch the pillow you were wrapped around closer, nuzzling into it when you realize it’s softly moving.
peeking your eyes open, you find your arms and legs around drew. as his big spoon. your face is pressed against his back and arm around his waist
you giggle a bit at the absurdity, trying to untangle yourself from him when he begins to shift and turn over, nearly crushing you.
you slip out just in time and his eyes open. “hi, sweets,” he says with a sleepy smile.
you bite back a sigh and feel heat in your cheeks again. hitting him with a pillow, you say, “rise and shine sleeping beauty! the day awaits!”
you’re the last ones to come down to the lobby and maddy, one of the producers, shoots you a look. you shoot a look back, one that suggested ‘i don’t know why you’re looking at me like that.”
the notification sounds from drew’s phone caught your attention. “what’s up with your phone?” you watch him scroll on his phone. “your phone’s been blowing up all morning? is it from all your side chicks?” you tease.
“yeah, becky and some others,” he smirks at you. “no it’s instagram. people are freaking out over the story i posted last night.”
you open your phone to a million notifications as well. if the do not disturb setting didn’t exist, there was no way you would’ve gotten any sleep.
oh my god they’re sleeping in the same bed !!!!!
does this confirm they’re dating??!
omg mom & dad 😍😍
mommy? sorry daddy? sorry mommy? sorry daddy?
he looks so good,,
“oh my god, they’re shipping us,” you say.
drew shrugs, “i mean they have been,” he looks over at you. “are you okay?”
“it’s fine,” you shut off your phone. “it’s just some comments. we’re professionals and this just feeds the fans. right?” part of you is scared. you felt like there were feelings being developed and the spotlight on the relationship between the two of you made you feel exposed.
“as professional as ghost hunters get,” drew says, forcing a chuckle, “but hey, let’s get this show on the road.”
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Uhh for the prompt meme, 3 & 13 gives me Anakin and the Jedi Babies vibes, so Jango or Jaster & Anakin or Soka or Ben maybe?
390 Prompts!!!! 3. “Am I supposed to be scared of you?” 13. “BOOM! That oughta show you not to mess with me!”
IDK if I’ll get the actual line in but I’ve been meaning to write a bit about Jango and Sokanth, at minimum. Jango is just barely fifteen, Soka is two. She has very vague memories of her teen self.
Objectively, Jango’s main connection to Anakin Skywalker should have been professional.
It wasn’t.
Jango hadn’t been one of the soldiers to bring in the little family. He’d heard about it after they’d already been taken to medical, arrived just in time to see them muttering about how fancy the prosthetic arm was as they removed it--frostbite risk, they said--and stripping the Jedi of his sodden robes. The man was only a few years older than Jango, and covered in battle scars. Attractive, maybe, but Jango wouldn’t be able to even think of that until he wasn’t staring at blue lips on a half-dead face.
“How did he know we were here?” he asks his father, stepping up beside the man at the overlarge window of the ‘secure’ medical room, and receiving half a glance in response.
“He didn’t,” Jaster says, looking supremely unhappy with the entire situation. “Had no idea who I was, when he saw me.”
“He talked to you?”
“For about five seconds before he passed out.” Jaster smiles, thin and grim. “We found an Ident card. It’s got a name, a few details that don’t make sense... we think it might have been prepared for a long-term mission in system with a non-standard calendar; the dates are in the future if we assume it’s Republic.”
“Weird,” Jango mutters. “He doesn’t look much like a Jedi.”
“Adi’ka, you’ve never met a Jedi,” Jaster scoffs, cuffing him on the shoulder.
“Jedi don’t wear black leather,” Jango argues, glancing at the nearest pile of cloth.
Jaster rolls his eyes. “He had four lightsabers on him, if that’s what you’re looking to ask.”
“Haran.” Jango whistles lowly, impressed despite himself. “What’d he need that many for?”
“The brown robes were too short for him,” Jaster says, voice not quite loud enough to carry. “And the other set were fit for a female youngling, even shorter.”
He hadn’t been alone.
And now he was.
“Bodies?” Jango asks.
“None dead,” Jaster says. “And the living are... far too young to match up.”
He gestures, and Jango belatedly sees the tiny, tiny things in cribs to the side.
Jango swears, quiet and angry. He’d heard there were children, but he hadn’t expected anyone quite that small.
Jaster takes the cursing in stride. “They’re estimating the human at six months. Togruta’s maybe two years. Jedi was damn near dead when they found him, but the kids seem fine. Medics are guessing it’s something to do with the Force, because neither of them were even that cold.”
“Any idea how he knows them?”
“Nothing yet, just that he cares about them like they’re his own,” Jaster says. “Scouting party claimed he said they were family. Even used Mando’a, called them aliit. We’re going to keep them together until we know more. No use accidentally enraging a Jedi by separating him from family, if that’s what they are. The Togruta seems to know him, at least.”
“I thought Jedi weren’t supposed to have families.”
“You also thought Jedi weren’t supposed to wear black leather.”
Jango huffs and turns away from his father, focusing in on how the medics are starting to pack in blankets on the man’s chest while they get to work on the thigh wound. It looks already cauterized, maybe a blaster, but that can still get infected damned easily. Jango’s seen it happen before.
“Can the togruta talk yet?”
“Only enough to ask for her... carer?” Jaster hazards. “She refers to him as ‘Skyguy’ and it’s been pretty much the only word she’s said that isn’t gibberish.”
Jango almost asks if they’re sure it’s not just Togruti.
Even as he watches the area below, the toddler starts crying. A few of the medics dart glances over, but they're busy with the adult. The crying starts increasing in pitch, heading to dangerous territory, and a number of people abruptly remember that a Togruta's cry is much more likely to destroy eardrums than a human child's.
Jango hesitates, but turns from his father and heads for the door. Nobody comments.
Jango slips into the room as quietly as a teenager in most of a beskar kit can, and goes over to the cribs that have been hastily set up. The human infant is quiet, blinking sleepily and furrowing their little brow, but the toddler has gotten to her feet, clinging to the bars and screaming her little head off. He stops in front of her and... tries to figure out what to do.
He has no idea if that's a word. She's stopped screaming at least, is just rubbing her eyes free of tears and peering up at him. She hiccups.
"Hi," he says, unsure of what else to do.
"No weks," she seemingly decides, and her lip trembles. Kriff. "Obi-obi?"
"I don't know what you're saying," he tells her, but offers a hand that she immediately grabs for. "Do you know Basic?"
"Ya!" she cheers, and then starts trying to climb out of the crib. Jango panics and picks her up, because he's pretty sure this might be a Jedi baby, and if it's a Jedi baby, then what if she can float? He can't deal with an upset, floating baby. Better he just pick her up.
"Hi," he repeats, still unsure of what to do with this small child. She frowns at him, deep in thought, and pats at his face like she's trying to figure it out. "What are you--"
"Shi-ny," she suddenly insists. "Like Tup."
He has no idea what she's trying to say. "Sure."
She frowns harder at him, and then leans forward and drops her head against his beskar, seemingly unaware of how uncomfortable it's going to be. "Shiny. Weks 'n' Cody 'n' Echo 'n' vod."
"You don't even know my name," Jango says, panicking a little. "You can't call me vod."
"Shhhh now," she says, patting blindly at his mouth. He tries to crane his head away. He mostly fails. "Sleepy."
"Wh--okay," he decides. Sure. If it keeps her quiet, sure. He goes to sit down, and she immediately turns and tries to grab for her... fellow child? He has no idea what they are to each other.
"Okay, okay, we can stay with the other baby!" Jango assures her, trying to bounce her up and down like he's seen new parents do, looking frantically for a chair to pull over. "I'm going to get a chair and we'll come right back, okay?"
She looks up at him, tears gathering. "Pwomise?"
"Uh, yeah, I promise."
He lets her bury her face back against his chest, and quickly grabs the nearest chair and drags it over to the cribs. He ignores the medics for the most part, just focuses on holding the toddler that he has, mostly against his own will, become temporarily responsible for. "Do you have a name?"
She just whines and cuddles closer. He sighs.
"Well, I'm Jango. So, you don't have to call me that other stuff." He moves a hand to pull her away from where she's about to topple off his lap. She grabs for it and pulls it to her face, apparently forgetting that she'd just declared herself sleepy. She examines the glove in fascination. "Please definitely don't call me vod. You have people here, and I just met you. Wait for your, uh, Skyguy? Wait for your Skyguy to wake up."
She bites his fingers. He pulls his hand away, swearing under his breath and panicking just a little. "Don't put that in your mouth, do you have any idea where my gloves have been?"
She bares her teeth at him and growls. Given that her teeth are barely more than nubs, this doesn't do much. "Am I supposed to be scared of you?"
"I am not."
She pouts and whines and throws herself back against the beskar, causing a thunking noise as her montral hits the plate. She does not seem perturbed by the collision, just twists somehow closer and sticks her thumb in her mouth.
That is... also probably covered in germs. He looks over at the crib, spots a pacifier, and awkwardly leans to grab it without dropping the toddler in his lap or standing up and making it harder for her to start falling asleep again. There's a little togruta on it, which he figures means it's not going to be a choking hazard for non-human teeth. "Here, chew this instead."
She makes a curious noise and lifts her head. She wrinkles her nose at the pacifier, and then looks up at him. "Jan-Jan, no."
"Wh--you know what, no, you're a kid, I can't get angry at you for getting my name wrong," he sighs. "Take the pacifier, it's cleaner than your hand."
"Please?" He tries.
She glares at him a little harder and then huffs. "Kay. Cuz shiny."
He still has no idea what that means, but if it gets her to fall asleep with this thing in her mouth instead of her dubiously-clean hand, he's fine with it.
(When he learns what shiny means, he will be much less fine with it.)
(It'll be far too late by that point, of course.)
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Always You | JJK (Three)
Summary: you and Jungkook have been best friends since freshmen year of college, there’s a lot of unsaid feelings and tension but neither make a move. what happens when his friend Taehyung (also your crush) needs a fake girlfriend?
Pairing: Jungkook x Female reader, slight Taehyung x Reader
Genre: friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, slight slow burn, roommate au, college au, SMUT (starting ch2), fluff, angst (in later chapters) slight crack, lots of drama
Word Count: 10.4k
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, sexual tension (?),oc and jungkook being adorable bffs, shady tae, oral (female receiving), vaginal fingering, mentions of sex, vaginal intercourse, hickeys, orgasms,
Notes: I actually really enjoyed writing this part! Where’s my bff for bff bubble bath? Lmaaoo. Anyway, thanks again for taking the time to read. Don’t forget to send me an ask if you want to be added to the taglist or if you just want to chat about the story!
Taglist: @mooniyooni @thisartemisnevermisses @giadalin @kookiebunny097 @cosmosjk @moonchild1 @just-jeon @anpanman-sonyeondan @starlight-night0 @yessii-i @apollukee @mikasaredescarf1 @kaye-rosales @bunnyjeonjk @dyriddle @jkslachimolala
© taestefully-in-luv
“You want me to what now?” your voice is unnecessarily high pitched.
“Meet my parents.” Taehyung gives you that awkward Chrissy Teigen meme smile. “Listen—I know it sounds crazy and horrifying but they’re really nice…”
“But why?”
“It’s my fault…I didn’t consider having my sister on social media…and I keep posting you and she told my parents and they’re real excited about me having a girlfriend…and I don’t want to crush them.”
You and Taehyung are seated on your living room couch, enjoying a lazy Thursday afternoon after classes. He brings his cup of water to his lips and takes some generous gulps.
“Listen, y/n I will literally pay another month’s worth of coffee…please just think about it.”
More free coffee? Fuck, that’s kind of a steal considering how expensive that shit is and you no doubt have an addiction.
“…fine…” you say hesitantly, “when?”
“Really?” Taehyung lights up like a spot light, “Well, I was thinking this weekend?”
“T-This weekend? That soon? Which day?”
Taehyung showcases a sheepish grin as he rubs the back of his neck, a habit of his no doubt.
“Like, the whole weekend.”
Your eyebrows crawl to the top of your head as you gape at him, “What do you mean?”
“Like, we would get there in time for dinner on Friday, then stay all day Saturday and leave Sunday morning before they leave for church. Unless you wanna go to church with th—”
“No, not really.” You run your fingers through your long strands, “Holy shit, okay we are doing this.” You nod to yourself, “What’s our story? You know they’re going to ask.”
“Huh? Uh…just the truth. I met you through Jungkook and we hit it off and we started dating.”
You sigh to yourself, wishing that were actually true.
“Just be yourself, y/n.” Taehyung smiles at you. You beam back at him, and his boxy smile only grows wider. “They’ll like you, it’s not that hard to…” his hand reaches for yours, your palms are a bit sweaty since you are feeling like a nervous wreck at the thought of meeting his parents.
Suddenly, the front door swings open and in comes your best friend (who is still mad at you). He walks in slowly eyeing the two of you on the sofa. He notices Taehyungs hand wrapped around yours and Taehyung quickly pulls away. Jungkook takes a look at your face, you’re lost in thought, nibbling on your bottom lip.
Jungkook is yes, still mad at you but also, since he jacked it to your face he is being a little nicer. But as much as he has tried not to have those type of thoughts of you before, it’s not like he hasn’t. So, he’s gotten good at pretending all is well.
“What’s with her?” Jungkook pries, walking closer to the sofa.
“I’m meeting Tae’s parents.” You cut in to say.
Jungkook’s brows crease as he looks between you and Taehyung. He shakes his head in disbelief, stepping closer to the two of you.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Jungkook mutters under his breath. “You’re going this far?” now Jungkook’s face is tilted towards Taehyung. “Why are you going this far dude?” Taehyung stands to his feet, “I—”
“No man, you’ve already dragged her into your shit and now you want her to what, meet your parents?” Jungkook’s voice rises in volume and you start to feel uneasy. Taehyung shakes his head, “Jungkook—”
“End this.” Jungkook spits out, getting in Taehyungs face. “How is this fair for her…”
You stand up too, your hand pulling him back by the shoulder. “Jungkook stop.” Your voice is unusually calm.
“I’m helping Tae out because we’re friends and also, ya know, free coffee.” Jungkook turns to face you, his teeth gritting in frustration.
“You have no idea what you’re doing.” Jungkook whispers. And with that he takes one more look at Taehyung, shakes his head in disapproval and walks off towards his room.
You and Taehyung continue to stand there in silence, you feel embarrassed because of Jungkook’s actions and ashamed you didn’t do more to stop him. Taehyung on the other hand looks completely defeated.
“I’m sorry about Jungkook I don’t know why he—”
“I should go,” Taehyung cuts you off, he gives you a weak smile before grabbing his things and heading towards the door.
“Are we still on for this weekend?” you sway from side to side, feeling as awkward as you probably look.
Taehyung doesn’t answer right away, instead he rubs the back of his neck with a frown decorating his face. Finally, he meets your eyes and offers another weak smile.
“Yeah, I’ll pick you up at 4 tomorrow.” He doesn’t wait for a response as he is already walking out the door, closing it softly behind him.
You’re left alone in the living room with nothing but a cold, empty couch and your million racing thoughts. Why is Jungkook so against you and Tae? Maybe Jungkook is afraid that you’ll become so close with Tae that he thinks you’ll replace him…but you know in your heart of hearts Jungkook is irreplaceable. Why can’t Jungkook understand that? You haven’t been spending as much time with him lately and maybe that’s the problem. What can’t a drunken slumber party not solve?
You knock on his door, waiting for a ‘come in’ but it never comes. So you knock again. And again. Until finally Jungkook swings open the door with a frustrated sigh and pained look on his face.
“Look, before you scold me—”
“Actually, I had an idea.” You say quickly.
“Oh?” Jungkook’s features relax.
“It’s been a while since we’ve had one of our BFF slumber parties.” You slant your head to the side, a sly smile forming on your lips.
Jungkook stares at you for a few seconds before his eyes fill with something interesting.
“Yeah,” he clears his throat, “it’s been a while.”
“What do you say? Tonight? Me and you? Wine? Anime? Video games? BFF bubble bath?”
“Wow, you want the works.” Jungkook grins. “But you realize I’m still…” he takes a deep breath when he notices your worried, pleading eyes. “Step into my office and we can discuss the details.” He says, opening his door wider, inviting you inside.
His room looks clean besides the few articles of clothing scattered on the ground. He has a scented candle going and LoFi music playing lowly on his speakers. Lofi and candle? He only has that combo when he’s stressed and trying to calm down.
You take a seat on the edge of his made bed, and Jungkook follows you, also taking a seat on his bed next to you.
“14% and up only for the wine.” He states.
“Agreed. Action or horror for the anime.” You pitch in.
“Agreed. Mario Kart for the video game.”
“Agreed. Life altering secrets only for BFF Bubble Bath.”
Jungkook chews on his lips as he thinks of your request. “Okay.”
You clap your hands excitedly for tonight, your chest bubbling with happiness. This is what you and Jungkook need.
Jungkook is even more excited for BFF slumber party night than you are. He’s missed you. There’s been a real disconnect with the two of you lately and thinks tonight is exactly what the two of you need. He is just coming home from buying 4 bottles of 16% wine and lots of snacks. He got the salty, the sweet and the sour. Feeling proud of his choices, he sets the groceries down and calls for you.
You walk out from the bathroom with a facemask glued to your face with another packet in your hand,
“For you, sir.”
Jungkook chuckles as he grabs the pack from your hands, “Okay, I’ll go put this on, while you pour us some wine.” He nods towards the bottles.
You happily oblige. You grab the cork screw from its designated place in the kitchen drawer and begin to open the first bottle of wine. It opens smoothly, without a hitch.
“Wow…engineering is amazing.” You whisper to yourself in awe.
“What’s amazing?” Jungkook walks into the kitchen, you take a long look at his appearance. The white facemask making him look like a ghost.
“Your face.” You chuckle, a finger going up to touch the material on his skin.
You twirl to face the kitchen cabinets and pull out two wine glasses for you and your BFF and poor a gracious amount of wine in each. You hand him the glass and you clank the glasses together in cheers.
“To us.” You chirp happily, chugging back a gulp of your drink.
Jungkook just watches as you wince at the disgusting flavor and cackles to himself before taking a sip of his own drink.
The two of you grab the bottle of wine and your glasses and make your way into the living room.
“Alright we go by the normal house rules, whichever place you get is how many seconds you chug your drink.” You explain.
“Are you talking to an imaginary audience y/n? I already know the rules.” Jungkook teases.
“I was just trying to get the competitive mood going.” You poke your tongue out, Jungkook is quick to try to grab it between his fingers.
“Ugh, you are so gross.” You groan.
“You love it.” Jungkook smiles so wide his eyes begin to disappear. “Well, let’s play!”
One thing you absolutely can’t stand but also completely adore about Jungkook is that he is a sore loser. And also an ungracious fucking winner.
“You SUCK!” Jungkook cackles obnoxiously in your face, “Like I hope you enjoy chugging for five—no, SIX seconds you mother fuckin loser.” He continues to laugh loudly much to your annoyance but a part of you feels warm that he is having so much fun. You haven’t seen him laugh like this in weeks.
“Okay I get it.” You roll your eyes so far back into your head all you see is whites.
This was the 3rd time in a row you’re getting 6th place, your vision is started to blur at the amount of alcohol you’ve chugged. But only a little, nothing you can’t handle.
“Okay y/n let’s stop now, we can watch some anime while we order some pizza?” he grins your way. “I vote Tokyo ghoul. And the rule is we drink every time Kaneki is fucking cry baby.”
“Well damn, guess we’re getting fucked up.” You declare. You and Jungkook laugh to yourselves at the thought.
The show is on, pizza has been ordered. Life is good. You sneak a glance at Jungkook as he pays attention to the show on screen. You smile when he smiles, you smile when he laughs, you smile when he pouts. Jungkook finally manages to notice you staring at him and snaps his head to you.
“What?” he asks with a toothy grin.
“Nothing…” you sing, your bright smile rivaling the light coming from the TV.
It’s been several hours, two medium pizzas have been demolished, 4 wine bottles have been drank and lots of anime has been watched. You and Jungkook sit on the sofa wrapped in blankets, neither one of you wanting to get up to turn the fan off.
“So cold.” You slur.
“Come closer.” Jungkook slurs back.
“Or we can warm up with BFF Bubble Bath?” you offer, leaning your head on his shoulder.
Jungkook zones out for a second, thinking of your request.
“Been a while since we had one of those, huh?” he finally says something.
“yeah, which is a real shame, isn’t it? I mean, we literally get into our swim suits, draw a hot bubble bath, get in sitting opposite of each other and tell each other our secrets, our hopes and dreams. Then we make a wish that the other person HAS to support and we can’t tell anyone else or else it won’t come true.” You mumble mostly to yourself.
“y/n…once again are you speaking to an imaginary audience?” he chuckles, “I know what a BFF Bubble Bath is.”
“Then hurry up and draw that bubble bath mister know it all.”
Jungkook stares at himself in the mirror, he’s got on his red swim trunks. His hair is a fucking mess, and his eyes are giving away how intoxicated he is but he’s got this dopey smile on his face that he decides is a good look on him. He looks happy. He feels happy.
You walk into the bathroom and eye your best friend. You can’t help but drop your gaze to his thighs, God, you love when he wears tight pants or shorts.
“What’s up buff guy?” you tease, grabbing a hold of his bicep.
“Shut up” Jungkook shudders from your touch. Then he takes one long look at you and he wants to faint. You’re also wearing a red swim suit, it’s one of those strapless kind. The two of you eye each other up and down, observing your matching swim suits and shoot each other some finger guns.
“hehe…well, shall we?” you say, gesturing towards the bubble filled tub.
Jungkook nods his head yes and motions for you to step in first.
The water is hotter than you are expecting, your toes wet with lava. But it’s just how you like it, you have both legs in as you begin to sink deeper into the bubbled water.
“come on in” you wave Jungkook over, he drunkenly stumbles forward until he’s wincing at the hot water that meets his skin.
“You’re really the queen of Hell if this temperature is enjoyable to you.” He deadpans.
“Why thank you, does that make you my loyal servant?”
You and Jungkook stare at each other for a while, enjoying the drunken haze.
“So anything new going on with you?” you begin to pry.
You prying is never a good thing but you can never help yourself. His past is such a mystery to you and it drives you nuts. You’re supposed to be best friends yet he can’t even tell you about his parents without it getting real awkward. He knows all about your family history, but all you know about his is that his dad cheated the whole marriage and his mom finally left him for it—leaving Jungkook behind as well. You understand why it must be hard to talk about but...doesn’t he want to confide in you? You of all people?
“Not really.” Jungkook fingers play with the bubbles at his chest.
“Any girls? Like not just hookups but—”
“Don’t worry about that.”
Such a fucking Jungkook thing to say, it’s always ‘don’t worry about that y/n’ and never ‘let me actually tell you some real information y/n’.
“Jungkook,” you wine into the bubbles.
“Don’t you have a girl you like???” and suddenly drunk y/n doesn’t want to know this answer. Would sober you?
Jungkook looks down at his wrinkling hands and doesn’t know what to say. Does he?
“No.” is the answer he settles for. And suddenly relief is washed over you.
You want to ask him the thing you are most curious about—his family. But he has said it a million times to you every time he’s asked—its ‘a touchy subject’.
“Ask about it.” He suddenly says, “I know you want to.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about, yes indeed I have no clue.” You slur.
“Y/N.” he warns.
“Fine…when’s the last time you talked to your dad? I know he made mistakes…but I also know he has tried reaching out to you over and over. He calls almost every day Jungkook! Maybe he’s changed. I know your mom left because of everything and you blame your d—”
“Mom…” he begins to cut you off. You notice his eyes gloss over and you feel your heart drop. Jungkook rarely cries and rarely cries in front of anyone. Then he’s clearing his throat, “You’re right. Moms not in the picture anymore and I do blame dad.”
“I hate that your mom left you Jungkook…” you say softly. “She’s the worst for that,”
“You have no idea.” Jungkook breathes out. “Let’s change the subject, please.”
“Please, y/n.” his eyes are pleading and you feel your heart drop again. You wonder if he will ever be ready to talk about it.
“Actually…” he awkwardly plays with the bubbles in front of his chest, “There’s something I want to say.”
“What is it?” you can’t help but feel anxious all the sudden.
Jungkook avoids your eyes as he plays with the bubbles, he takes a few deep breaths before lifting his head.
“I’m sorry.”
You tilt your head, “Sorry for what?”
“I’ve…” Jungkook scrunches his face up, contemplating what to say. “I’ve been really unfair to you. I should of never treated you this way…I don’t know what came over me.”
“What do you mean?”
“I was hurt, yes, that you chose Taehyung over me but since the beginning I’ve been such an asshole. Fuck, y/n…” his voice cracks, “I’m so sorry. I just wish I could…” he pauses, shaking his head. “No, it’s nothing. I just hope you’ll be careful with Taehyung.” He shakes his head again, “Oh my god, I am so selfish.” He laughs pathetically. “I’m sorry…”
You stay quiet for several moments, you want to agree with him. Yeah it was fucked up what you did, but he wasn’t any better this whole time.
“Why were you such an asshole?” you finally ask.
“Don’t worry about it y/n.” GOD DAMN. You are tired of that response!
You scoff, “And why are you so wary of Taehyung? I don’t get it!”
“Can you just trust me? Please?”
“I’ll just trust my own judgment for now…”
“y/n…” then he is looking into your eyes more seriously, “I’m sorry.”
You bite your lip as you think about his apology. Is he sorry? By the looks of it, yes. But he was so childish…you decide to grab his hand and play with his fingers. He stares down at your hands and smiles softly.
“Will you behave?” you tease lightly. Your fingers weaving through his. He looks up at you with his big doe eyes and nods his head slowly.
“Then I will forgive you for now but you’re on thin fucking ice, buddy.”
Jungkook can’t help but laugh a little. “Yes mam.”
“Fine!” you say clasping your hands together, “Secret time!”
“Oh great,” Jungkook chuckles. “You first”
“Okay, hmmmmm.” You hold your chin up in deep thought. “Okay I got one I have never told you.” You grin mischievously.
“Okay, go for it.”
“When I was really drunk I most definitely made out with Trina.”
“Yeah, I was there. I’m the one who told you that you should kiss her. I said kiss though, like a peck. But your ass added tongue and all.”
“Wait what? Why would you tell me to do that!”
“I thought it would be hot.” He shrugs.
“Wack.” You slap his hand, “Your turn.”
“Ummm…” Jungkook leans back in the tub, “I’m the one who told Jimin to dare me to kiss you our freshmen year.” Jungkook says just above a whisper. He’s been holding in that secret for 3 years.
“Wait, what?” you ask, totally off guard.
“Yeah.” Is all he responds with.
“You wanted to kiss me back then?”
“Wasn’t it obvious considering how things escalated…”
Your eyes expand in size, the memory of that night flashing in your mind.
“We agreed to never talk about it, ya know, to save our friendship and what not.” You point out.
The bubbles cover your bathing suit perfectly so little was left to the imagination. Jungkook keeps eyeing the swell of your breasts and the pop of your collarbones, you look naked if he has to be honest. And if he has to be honest it was starting to turn him on. Should that be a secret he shares?
“Jungkook?” you say for the 4th time trying to get him out of whatever drunken daze he was in.
“Huh?” he comes back down to earth. “What did you say?”
“I said, what are your dreams?”
“You know them already,” he shrugs.
“Video editor still?”
“Yeah. Maybe Director.” He smiles timidly, “What about yours?”
“I… I don’t know.”
“Well, you’re in school for marketing. So something with that?”
“I just chose that because I know I can find a job in the field.” You sigh.
Jungkook studies your features, you look troubled. He leans forward to grab your hands again and says , “Whatever you wanna do, you’ll be great at it,”
You crease your brows together and a pout forms on your lips, “You think so?”
“I know so.”
The two of you smile at one another until you break the silence, “Its getting too hot we should get out soon.”
“Agreed.” Jungkook nods his head.
“Alright let’s make our wishes that we MUST support.” You stick your pinky out for Jungkook to take, “I’ll go first.” Then you become shy with your next words, “I wish Taehyung would feel the same way about me I do about him.”
Jungkook’s smile falters but he takes your pinky anyway.
“My turn…I just…I wish you will be happy.”
You widen your eyes, “Wow,” you say, “What a selfless wish. You shouldn’t waste it on me!”
“It’s my greatest wish right now though…” he slurs his words.
You can’t help but smile as you take his pinky in promise.
Now in some fresh pajamas, you and Jungkook both stand in front of his bedroom door. The two of you are pretty damn drunk but holding it together quite nicely. He sways from side to side with that bunny smile and you can’t help but lean in for a hug. He takes a moment but he hugs you back. You pull away much too quickly for his liking.
“Hey y/n…”
Jungkook clears his throat a few times, his eyes darting all around the place, “Could you ever…hate me?”
“Never.” You answer quickly.
Jungkook is hit with a wave of guilt, a wave so big it comes crashing and knocking him down.
“Would if…no, never mind.”
“Never.” You say again.
Jungkook’s smiles fades a bit before a new smile takes over.
“I understand. Goodnight y/n.” and he leans down and places a kiss on your cheek. “sleep well.”
Fire. You feel the burn of fire. His kiss lingered for a second too long because you are burning. His kiss was scorching hot and you can’t help but melt from the heat. You are left speechless. From a kiss on the cheek.How did a kiss on the mother fucking cheek have you reacting this way?
“G-Goodnight Jung—” but the door is already softly closing in your face before you can finish your sentence.
The sun is coming through the blinds in the most offending way, you want to open your eyes and start the day but you just cannot. You have a raging headache from all the wine you quickly drank and you come to accept your fate—you’re hungover. As hell. You crack one eye open to see the time on the clock: 1:52pm
Immediately you sit up in bed, realizing you have slept way too long. How late did you and Jungkook stay up last night? Oh, last night. You smile softly at the memories of the night before. It was a perfect BFF slumber party. You haven’t seen Jungkook that happy in a while and you wonder if the same goes for you.
But then reality sets in—Taehyung is going to be here in 2 hours and you haven’t even thought about what you’re packing for your trip. You still need to eat, shower and get ready. You begin to mentally pack for your trip when you hear a single knock on your door before its opening up and a wild Jungkook appears.
“Morning sleepyhead.” He says with his signature bunny grin on his face.
“Jungkook! Help me pack!” you jump out of bed and walk to your closet, dragging out an oversized overnight bag.
“Like, parent appropriate clothes—I am freaking out by the way. I am meeting Tae’s parents and would if they don’t like me?”
“Relax, relax.” Jungkook walks inside your closet, bringing out a few clothing options. “They’re going to love you.”
“Do you…” you chew on your bottom lip, “Do you think your parents would have loved me?” you ask cautiously.
Jungkook freezes. He is silent for several long moments, making you believe you should not have asked that. But then he turns to face you with a strange smile, “Mom and dad would have adored you.” Then he pats your shoulder. “I put in some good options by the way.” He says pointing to the bag.
“Oh thanks.” You say totally caught off guard. “Okay I’m going to shower can you please, pretty please make me something to eat? I will love you forever.”
“You already love me forever.” Jungkook states matter of fact. “But sure, but don’t blame me if you don’t like what I make.”
“Oh god, you’re making me instant ramen aren’t you?”
“Love you.” He says, walking out of your room.
“I made a playlist for our drive.” Taehyung hands you his phone, “It’s called ‘Meet the Parents’” he laughs to himself, pointing at the playlist on the screen for you to click.
“The first song is called ‘Please love me’ by Colde” you chuckle, “You think you are funny, don’t you?”
“Maybe a little” he smirks. “But really, relax. My parents are chill, they’re gonna like you, I promise.
“Well, we have a 2 hour drive Tae Tae.” Taehyung blushes hard at the nickname and for once it does not go unnoticed by you.
“I have a question for you y/n…”
You quirk a brow at his curiosity, “What is it?”
“How do you have the opportunity to fake date me? Like, don’t you have someone you like or guys chasing after you?”
“Oh I don’t have much luck with that.” You answer honestly. “With dating and such.”
“And why’s that?” he pries deeper.
“To be honest most guys I have dated end up dumping me if I don’t…”
“Don’t what?”
You grip your purse in your lap, your hold so tight your fingers become sore.
“Dump Jungkook.” You breathe out, “They were always so jealous of him…and… gave me a choice. Them or him,” you pick at the material of your purse, “I always chose Jungkook.” You huff, “Besides I didn’t like those guys that much anyway.”
Taehyung is quietly listening to you, nodding his head at your words. Once at a stop light he turns to face you,
“Yet when I asked you to dump Jungkook, you did.” He points out in a hushed tone.
“I…” you pause, thinking carefully on what to say. “I guess I did.”
Taehyung smiles. But it isn’t his boxy grin, it’s an odd smile. You become anxious, “But it’s more complicated than that.”
“Right.” Taehyung says before facing the road again, accelerating through the green light.
“How did you and Jungkook becomes so close anyway?”
You can’t help but simper.
“Well, we met at a frat party but ended up at a 24 diner until like 9 the next morning. We just—we just really hit it off. I felt like I could say or be anything in front of Jungkook and he would always just give me a silly look and accept whatever it is, whatever I am. You know when you just vibe with someone so well?” you ask, not really expecting an answer.
“Well that was us. We could say anything and still always want to continue the conversation. We ended up taking some of the same classes and studied together then that turned into regular hang outs and then it was like bam—I was with him almost every day.” You smile fondly at the memories.
Taehyung glances at you, he wears a sad smile as he asks, “Have either of you ever caught feelings for the other?”
You choke on the air around you, “What?” then that night from freshmen year flashes in your mind, “No…no.” you say trying to convince him, or is it to convince yourself?
The next few minutes are pretty quiet during the drive, but nothing awkward. You unzip your purse to pull out your phone to see you have unread messages from Jimin.
Jimin 5:30pm
Hey babe, heard you were going to meet Tae’s parents
Jimin 5:31pm
How is Jungkook feeling?
y/n 5:44pm
what do u mean
Jimin 5:45pm
y/n…nothing girl
y/n 5:45pm
Jimin 5:46pm
It’s really nothing. Anyway
Jimin 5:46pm
You and tae huh
Jimin 5:46pm
I am happy for you and tae…if that’s what you really want
You stare down at the phone in your hands, contemplating whether to tell Jimin the truth. He is one of your best friends after all.
y/n 5:55pm
tbh with u jimin…im not really dating tae..were just pretending to get this girl off his back
Jimin 5:56pm
What???? Really?? Wait, what girl?
y/n 5:57pm
Some chick named Anna
Jimin 5:57pm
Incoming call: Jimin
“Are you going to answer that?” Taehyung asks from beside you.
You want to but you two are pulling into his parents drive way and you don’t want your first impression to be that you were on your phone, so you send Jimin a quick text that you can’t talk.
You and Taehyung step out of the car and his parents are already standing outside on the porch. His father has his wife in his arms, they look happy to see Taehyung—they look happy in general.
“Oh! My baby bear!” his mother strides forward until Taehyung is wrapped in her loving arms. She sways their bodies back and forth as she smiles and laughs, the joy of having her son with her evident.
Taehyungs dad is about the same, he pulls him in for a tight hug and scolds him for not visiting more. Then it is your turn. You stand there awkwardly but not for long because Taehyungs mother is embracing you all the same.
“I have seen lots of pictures of you! But you are even prettier in person!” she gushes, her hands holding yours. You can’t help the blush that creeps up on your face as she speaks to you.
“Why don’t you two come inside?” his father gestures towards the house, “We got dinner nice and hot.”
Taehyung blushes as he watches his parents interact with you, he knew they would warm up to you fast but still it makes his heart race.
Dinner goes by quickly, his parents talking a storm. They begin sharing childhood stories about Taehyung and show you baby pictures as he sits there protesting. His pouting face is so cute you could die.
“And here he is with just a towel!” his mom squeals. “But I am sure you have seen that view already.”
“mom…” Taehyung draws out the word in a whine. You just giggle as she continues to show you pictures of baby Tae Tae.
Finally, Taehyungs sister joins the party and she teases him just as much as their parents. You feel right at home with the Kim’s. They are warm and inviting and make you feel so…at peace.
“Oh!” Mrs. Kim pauses, “look at the time!” she points down at her watch that rests on her left wrist.
“It’s gotten so late, my my. Well, us old folks are heading to bed. You two should get some rest as well.” She motions towards you and Taehyung. “Taehyung can show you the room you two will be staying in.”
“Room? As in singular?” you sputter out.
“Well, we only have one room open. One bed.” She juts her lip out innocently. “I figure you two are a couple so…”
“Yeah, we will be fine.” Taehyung cuts in. “Get some rest mom…dad.” He nods towards his father.
One room? One bed? With The Kim Taehyung. Granted that yes, you have become like, friends with Tae so you are more comfortable. But to share a room? Share a bed?
You follow Tae up the stairs and down the hall to a bedroom. It has a single queen size bed in the middle of the room against the wall. You feel flustered like it’s the first time you spoke to him.
“I can sleep on the floor if you want.” Taehyung offers with a shy smile and all your worries vanish. That’s right, Taehyung is a gentlemen and you have nothing to worry about.
“No, it’s fine” you assure him, “We are adults Tae, we can share a bed.”
Your hangover still lingers and the drive is starting to take its toll, your eyes feeling heavy as sleep invites you to visit.
“Let’s sleep.” You yawn out.
Taehyung nods his head with a smile and walks towards the bathroom, “I’ll get ready for bed in here,” he motions towards the bathroom, “and you can change in here. Just let me know when you’re done.”
You fall asleep quickly, letting your dreams take over for the night.
Winter break just started and you are supposed to go see your parents but when you found out your new friend Jungkook was going to be spending the holidays alone in his dorm you just could not let that slide.
“It’s not a big deal, y/n. I’m used to it.” He states in a plain fashion.
“it IS a big deal JK. My parents can handle one Christmas without me, but I am afraid you cannot.” You say with a smirk.
“Why are you doing this for me?” Jungkook is typing away on his laptop working on a last minute assignment his professor is letting him turn in late.
“Because even though I’ve only known you for like, 4 months, you’re like my closest friend here.”
“Don’t act like you have a closer friend somewhere else”
“Why do you have to call me out like that?”
Jungkook snickers, click clacking away on his keyboard, “Finally, I’m finished.” He says closing the laptop. Jungkook looks up at you.
“Go catch your flight y/n.” he says with a soft smile.
“Not happening.” You say more seriously.
Jungkook just stares at you for a long while and you stare right back. When the two of you look into one another’s eyes it’s never weird or awkward. You always relish in it.
“You’re something else aren’t you?” he breaks into a toothy grin. “What would we do anyway?”
“We can have a slumber party? And call it BFF slumber party.”
“Sounds fun” Jungkook stands from his rolling chair and sits on the edge of his bed with you.
“You know, you might be the best friend I have ever had.” He whispers.
Christmas passes by in a flash and NYE’s is right around the corner. Your friends are going to be back for NYE’s because of all the parties that required all of your attendances.
New Year’s eve has arrived and you sit in your dorm with Trina as the two of you get ready for the night.
“I hope Stephanie is going to be there tonight…” Trina mumbles under her breath, “If not this outfit is a complete waste.”
You giggle as you apply your red lipstick in the mirror. You get a text from Jimin that he and Jungkook are already headed to the party so you rush Trina to get ready to go.
The party is booming. There are decorations everywhere, people everywhere, and drinks everywhere. You sip on a few beers, wanting to stay at least a little sober so you remember the night, and you hope Jungkook isn’t too trashed either.
Hours pass, lots of dancing goes down and more drinks go down…your throat. It was all fun and games until Jimin called for your group of friends to head to a bedroom to play an innocent game of truth or dare.
You stick to Jungkook’s side as the two of you stumble up the stairs, laughing loudly and holding hands to keep each other stable.
You all sat in a circle in the room, talking and laughing until Jimin clanked a glass with a spoon like a fancy bitch to get everyone’s attention.
“Okay first, lets start with Trina! Truth or Dare?” Jimin smirks.
“Dare, obviously.”
“Okay,” Jimin thinks for a few moments, “I dare you to flash everyone your tits.”
“Oh? Is that all?” Trina says as she quickly lifts her shirt. She was already braless. You and Jungkook cackle at the scene unfolding.
“Okay, Hobi…truth or dare?”
“Dare.” He says with an excited grin.
“Dare you to take 3 shots in a row.”
And the night went on like this until it was Jimins turn again,
“Jungkook, truth or dare?” Jimin had an evil glint in his eye, you should of known he was up to no good.
“Dare.” Jungkook says with a cocky smile.
“I dare you to kiss y/n.”
“y/n?” Taehyung shakes you a bit more, “y/n?”
“Huh?” you begin to open your eyes and take in your view. You are in a small bedroom, there are posters on the wall and a small desk next to the bedroom door. And most importantly a Kim Taehyung in front of your face.
“What…What time is it?” you ask, sleep still evident in your voice.
“9:00” he grins down at you. “We’re going strawberry picking today, get dressed!”
You rub your eyes, trying to rid yourself of the sleep that crusted them but it is no use, you are still exhausted.
“I dare you to kiss y/n.”
Why? Why did you dream that memory? You shake your head trying to rid yourself of the lingering dream in your mind. That was a long time ago, time to move on.
You quickly shower and get dressed and meet Taehyung and his parents for breakfast.
“Wow, smells good!” you inhale the air, while smiling sweetly to Mrs. Kim.
“Do you cook y/n?” she asks, looking eager to know.
“Yeah, I do. Well, sometimes.” You laugh to yourself “My roommate is useless in the kitchen so someone has to cook.”
“That’s great!” Mrs. Kim exclaims, nodding approvingly to her husband. “Taehyungs last girlfriend couldn’t even toast a poptart.” She rolls her eyes but then smiles at you again.
Last girlfriend? You don’t recall Taehyung ever having a girlfriend in the time you have known him. Must have been a while.
“Mom…” Taehyung warns,
“Oh alright, we aren’t talking about her. What was her name again?”
“Okay okay.”
You awkwardly play with your fingers at their back and forth. Who was his girlfriend? Were they dating more recently? Why has the energy shifted so much in the kitchen?
“So you two are going strawberry picking huh? That’ll be fun. Be sure you bring back the reddest, juiciest ones you can find!” Mr. Kim chimes in.
You and Taehyung arrive at the strawberry farm a couple hours later, you two are some of the only people there.
“Small town.” Taehyung explains.
“More for us.” You poke your tongue out. “You must really like strawberries Tae.”
“Actually, no. I’m tired of them.” His laughter fills your ears, you watch as he sways into your side “But it’s still fun and we can take some cute pics here.”
“Yeah, true.” You try to smile brightly but fall short. “Well I’m glad we’re getting some because Jungkook eats all the damn strawberries at home!” Taehyung watches as you giggle and he frowns.
You spend time walking side by side, taking lots of photos, and enjoying one another’s company. The wonderful breeze rushes through you, making you feel alive and well.
“No way! Trina did not do that!” Taehyung laughs so hard, shaking his whole body.
“I swear! I told her she was going to get caught but that bitch does not listen to me.” You laugh alongside him.
“And I swear to you, I was not about to get caught with her so me and Jungkook ran for it. I would rather fucking die.” You laugh again.
“You don’t say that type of stuff in front of Jungkook, do you?” Taehyungs tone becomes serious, surprising you.
“What stuff?” you tilt you head in confusion.
“You know ‘wanting to die’ bullshit. He really hates that because well, you know.”
“Oh yeah, I don’t say that around him, he’s real sensitive about that for some reason.” You laugh awkwardly, swinging your arms side to side as you two walk.
“Well for good reason. Right?”
“It’s nothing…” Taehyung releases a shaky breath. “It’s not my place to tell you.”
“If it’s about my best friend—”
“Sorry. Not my place.” Taehyung says more harshly. “Let’s just change the subject.”
Your mind begins racing…why is Jungkook so sensitive about that? What isn’t he telling you?
“Don’t think too much about it y/n.” Taehyung says softly. “He will tell you eventually.”
“Oh…” you bow your head down, “Okay…”
“Well, tell me more about you Tae.”
“what do you want to know?”
“let’s start with the basics! What’s your favorite color?”
Taehyung looks up at the sky and hums to himself, “I don’t have one but today maybe it’s blue.”
“You don’t have a favorite color? Why blue today?”
“The sky. It’s so pretty. I wish I could find this exact shade of blue and recreate this sky…” he sighs to himself, “But then again maybe today it’s green.” He gestures towards your top. “Because it brings out the color in your eyes.”
You pause mid walk, tilting your head up at him. “You like green today because I…I’m wearing it?”
“Is that strange?” he stops walking as well, “Because your eyes—”
“Why not choose the color of my eyes?” you tease.
“Because I like what wearing green does to them specifically.” He rubs your shoulder, “Come on, let’s keep going.”
You nod your head and the two of you continue your walk, he takes your hand in his and you smile to yourself. This feels like a real date.
“What are you most afraid of?” you feel his hand grow sweaty in your palm. “Like, for example, Jungkook doesn’t like spiders or…”
“Being left.” He blurts out. “But yeah, not a fan of spiders either.” He chuckles.
“Being left?”
Taehyung walks towards a bench and sits down, you follow his lead taking a seat close to him. He takes a few deep breaths and lowers his head.
“Imagine a parent or a significant other or even a friend…they say they love you and stuff…but then change their mind or something happens and they end up leaving. That’s what I’m most afraid of. Being left alone.”
You bite your lip, you realize he and Jungkook have this in common. Your hand rushes to find his, you gently stroke your thumb over his golden skin. “Someone would be absolutely crazy to abandon you, Taehyung.”
Surprising you, he scoffs.
“I’m serious…you are…just amazing. You’re sweet, funny, caring and kind and you make great art and you have great taste in movies…you also know the best pizza…” you continue to stroke his skin as you ramble, “You have the most genuine heart, Taehyung.”
Taehyung lifts his head to face you, he looks pained.
“You don’t have to say anything, I’m here for you, you know?” you scoot closer to him on the bench and Taehyung leans into you.
“You’re too good to me…” Taehyung whispers so quietly you barely hear him. “You really think that of me?”
“Of course, I do. You make me feel…” the words die on your tongue when you feel Taehyung cup your jaw with his hand.
“You make me feel….too.” he whispers just loud enough that you hear him loud and clear.
Then Taehyung leans back, his hand dropping from your face, “I have to tell you something.”
“No.” you cut in. Whatever it is it can wait. Because…because you know it’s not something that will make you happy and you don’t want this weekend to be ruined. You just know.
“Tell me another time?” you lean into him, your fingers intertwining with his. “Please…”
Taehyung exhales deeply, frustration written all over his face. He turns in his seat to face you.
“Soon.” He promises.
“Ha, you sound like Jungkook.”
“Do you always find a way to talk about Jungkook?” Taehyung lifts your chin with his fingers.
Taehyung looks serious for a second before he cracks a smile and laughs, “I’m just teasing you.”
“Wait, wait. So you’re telling me you ALSO love museums?!” Taehyung squeezes your hand in excitement.
“Yeah, they’re really interesting.” You smile.
“Oh my god, all our friends think they’re so boring. Well, Namjoon likes them. Anyway, why haven’t we gone on a museum date? I want to take you so bad now!” His eyes are shining like a child, you can’t help but adore him.
“Then let’s go sometime Tae.”
Taehyung lowers the basket he’s holding to the ground and takes your basket and sets it on the ground as well.
“I really…” Taehyung pauses, reaching his hand to grab yours. “Really had a nice time with you today.
You look down at your joined hands and smile. “Me too, Tae Tae.”
Taehyung leans over and pecks your cheek. It makes you smile.
“What was that for?” you ask shyly. “There’s no people around.” You chuckle a bit bitterly.
“Just felt like it,” his soft smile making you swoon. “Should we head back? My parents will probably be in bed by the time we make it back home.”
The house is dark and quiet when you enter through the front door. Only the sound of the ceiling fan rotating in cold, noisy circles could be heard. It was oddly calming and made the long day catch up to you.
“Let’s get ready for bed.” Tae whispers into your ear and it tickles.
The two of you head up the flight of stairs and enter the bedroom. You take turns using the bathroom to get ready for bed, once all done you make your way under the covers and slowly close your eyes.
You turn over in bed to face Taehyung, your faces just inches apart.
“Yes?” you whisper.
“I can’t thank you enough for doing this.” The guilt in his tone doesn’t go unnoticed by you, as usual. “I wish there was something more I could do for you…”
“You’re already buying me coffee.” You giggle.
“I want to do more,” Taehyung gulps “I want to…” he scoots even closer to you, his hot breath fanning your face. You can smell the mint from his toothpaste and his natural scent. It fills your nostrils and you suck in a sharp breath.
“You want to what?” you say with a shaky voice.
Taehyungs breathing begins to quicken, you can feel each rushed breath and you wonder what’s gotten into him.
“What do you want to do, Tae?” you ask again.
You can see Taehyungs tongue dart out to wet his lips and you can’t help but stare. His lips look so plump and delicious, you want a bite.
“I…I don’t know…” he turns to lay on his back. “Can I tell you a secret?” he whispers.
“I wanted to kiss more than your cheek today.” He turns back over to his side to face you again. “Is that wrong?”
Taehyung wanted to kiss you? Like, kiss you kiss you? You feel happy, yes. But do you feel your heart racing in excitement? You don’t know.
“Even now, I still want to…kiss you…” his hand brushes against the skin of your cheek and you start to feel your heart beat just a little faster. Finally…
“But,” he pulls backs, “It’s wrong, isn’t it?”
“Why would it be wrong?”
“Because…y/n…I have to tell you some—”
You quickly lean over to seal his lips with yours. Usually your kisses are short and sweet and tender but this time you use more force as you press your lips over his mouth, the kiss sloppy and heated. He instantly kisses you back with fervor, your tongue prodding its way into his mouth and he obliges in seconds, his tongue playing with yours. You moan into his mouth and Taehyungs hands are all over you, they travel into your hair, down your back, grabbing your hips and rubbing your ass.
“Tae…” you whine out
Taehyungs fingers play with the hem of your shorts and you push your hips into his.
“Please.” You beg for more.
“But wait—”
“Please.” You repeat.
Taehyung stares at you for several long moments, thinking of what to do…he wants to devour you, if he had to be honest. But is this right? But he…
Then his eyes go dark, his gaze piercing.
“I’m going to taste you.” He says in voice so deep you even question that its him.
Next thing you know your shorts are pulled down along with your panties and Taehyungs mouth is an inch away from devouring you.
“Gonna make you feel so good.” He groans into your heat, his tongue licking a strip from your hole to your clit. And again and again. You quietly whimper into the pillow as his tongue fucks you.
“More Taehyung, more…” you moan, your hands gripping his hair.
Taehyung smirks up at you and inserts two fingers into your greedy cunt, he curls and scissors them inside you making you weep pathetically.
“That feel good sweetheart?”
Then he’s diving back in, his tongue assaulting your clit until you feel the buildup of your inevitable orgasm—you mean, it is Kim Taehyung.
He gives your clit one last good suck before you are reaching your high, pulling on his locks and moaning at a higher pitch. Fuck, that was good.
“You sound so fucking hot when you come…” Taehyung moves back up the bed as you lay there breathless. “Next time I want you coming on my—”
Taehyung stops himself from finishing that sentence. You watch as he groans into his hands, “I mean, if you want there to be a next time.”
“Of course I do, Tae.” You flip to your side and find his lips. You give him a long kiss, tasting yourself on his tongue. “How could I not?”
Taehyung savors your lips on his, he finds his hands in your hair again as he deepens it. He should feel like shit but somehow he feels…good. And he’s confused as hell for it.
The next morning comes by quickly, you are saying your goodbyes to the Kim’s with promises that you will return soon. And you secretly hope you do.
The drive back to Uni is a slow one, you and Taehyung listen to his playlist and chat every now and then while he holds your hand. You smile like an idiot the whole time.
Taehyungs phone is in your hand as you slide through the music options, you’re about to choose a song when he receives an incoming text.
Anna 10:08am
You think that will work, Taehyung? Try harder.
You slide the message up, trying to ignore it. You don’t want some stalker to ruin the good mood you’re in. But you can’t help but wonder what she is talking about. And why hasn’t he blocked her? You don’t say anything to Taehyung, he is also in a good mood and you don’t want to ruin it. He’s humming the tune from the car speakers and lifts his hand that holds yours and kisses it.
Another hour passes and you and Taehyung are in front of your apartment.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to walk you up?” Taehyung questions sweetly.
“I’m sure!” you stand on your tip toes to kiss his cheek and turn around to walk away.
“Oh no you don’t.” Taehyung chuckles as he pulls you in for a kiss on the lips. Then another kiss and then another. “Now you can go.” He teases.
You break out in a wide grin, and tilt your head up to kiss him one last time.
You walk up the steps to your apartment, and walk towards your front door. What an amazing weekend, you think. You got to know Taehyung a lot better, you met his parents and you two shared an unforgettable night—at least for you. Oh no. Should you have returned the favor? Instead of worrying about it you decide it’s okay, he owes you after all. You chuckle to yourself as you unlock the front door.
You step inside your apartment with a an idiotic, dopey ass smile plastered on your face.
“What’s with you?” Jungkook asks from the living room couch.
“Oh nothing,” You sing, “Just had a really good weekend.”
“Oh? So I guess meeting his parents went well?” Jungkook stands to meet you at the entrance, he takes your bag for you and sets it down.
“That too.” You giggle.
Jungkook cocks his head to the side, “I’m serious, what’s up with you?” he can’t help but smile. You look so happy.
“Nothing we just… we just…” you bite your lip, contemplating on what to tell Jungkook.
“You… just?” his smile begins to fade as realization hits him. Then his face hardens. “Did he fuck you?” Jungkook’s voice is lower than you have ever heard it.
“What?” you choke out.
“I asked if this asshole fucked you?”
“Okay, one: he’s not an asshole. Two: no, he did not fuck me.”
Jungkook visibly relaxes.
Telling Jungkook the truth will probably only upset him for some reason so you decide against it. You don’t need his negativity right now. Finally, fucking finally, Taehyung is crossing a line with you…on the side where friendship is beginning to become blurred and nothing makes you more excited. You have been waiting for this, you have spent so much time with him and and… you need this.
“Okay…” Jungkook leans down and picks up your bag and heads to your room. You watch as he swings the bedroom door open and set the bag inside.
“Wanna order some food?” he calls out, walking towards you again.
“Honestly we got up pretty early this morning so I think I’ll take a quick nap. But after? If you’re willing to wait a couple hours?”
“Yeah, that’s fine. Get some rest.” He smiles, jumping back on the couch and pressing play on whatever show he was watching.
Your bed is so unbelievably soft and warm that as soon as you sink in the sheets your eyes are already closing in exhaustion. But your mind stays awake…you think about the weekend you just had with Taehyung and all the progress you have made. You like him so much, you want nothing more than for him to feel the same way. At least you think you…anyway. You recall his lips kissing down your body, his tongue teasing your thighs, his hands gripping your hips.
Taehyungs dark eyes as he stares up from you is without a doubt one of the sexiest things you have had the pleasure of witnessing. Wait—why one of? Why can’t it be the sexiest thing you have ever seen? Then different images bombard your brain but you’re quick to throw them away. Only Taehyung lives in your mind rent free, god damn it. He ain’t gotta pay a penny.
You think about the light, teasing kisses he left on your neck…you think about his fingers and how they fucked you, god they felt so fucking good. You smile as you think about what else he could do for you…your lazy smile widens at the thought.
Your eyes are still closed and images of Taehyung run wild in your mind as you start to doze off. Yes, you can fall asleep with him in your thoughts. Your body feels heavier and heavier as sleep finally takes over, you welcome Taehyung in your dreams as well. At least you hope you dream of him.
The bed creaks beneath you as Jungkook guides you further up the mattress, his body hovering your own. His hands come to slide up your arms as you shiver under his touch.
“I’m giving you goosebumps.” He says while lightly stroking your arm, feeling each bump under his fingertips. “What else do I do to you?”
“So many things Jungkook…” you heavily breathe out, your chest is heaving at this point. The anticipation of his touch is driving you nuts.
“Need to find out.” He simply states, his head lowering down to the crook of your neck. He breathes you in and lowers himself between your spread legs.
“Can I touch you?”
“Yes, please.” You don’t mean to whimper, but you do. You fucking do.
Jungkook’s slender fingers make their way skimming across your bare stomach until he reaches the hem of your panties. He lifts the band up and slaps it against your skin.
“I want these off, is that okay?”
You only nod your head.
“Words y/n. When you’re with me you use your words okay baby?” His fingers begin lowering your panties down. “Lift yourself for me.” And you obey. Jungkook slides your panties down your legs and you’re left completely naked underneath him.
“God, I can just see how wet you are.” You immediately force your legs shut, feeling embarrassed at his words.
“Not uh, I don’t think so. You got this wet for me? I want to see it. Open for me, baby.” Very hesitantly you begin to move your legs apart, the blush on your face deepening.
The rest is almost a blur. You can recall his fingers spreading your folds, you whining for him to touch more of you. You can recall his mouth hovering your pussy, his tongue swirling around your clit. You can recall his fingers stretching you out and moaning out his name. It’s what came next that is very clear in your mind. Its him kissing your lips, whispering sweet nothings into your ear and his cock sliding between your folds. The desire you feel for him is very real and he can feel that.
“Please, Jungkook!” You gasp out, as he teases his cock at your entrance.
Jungkook slides his gorgeous cock into you inch by glorious inch. His cock twitching inside your pulsating pussy, his harsh breaths fanning your face. Jungkook slams his eyes shut, his teeth gritting in anticipation as he waits for you to give the ok. You only gasp for air as he bottoms out, his dick reaching places no one ever has before, you slowly nod your head giving him permission to fuck you into oblivion. He says he could, so you’ll believe him. .
Jungkook opens an eye to look at you carefully, your face contorted in pleasure showing him how you are indeed okay to go on. Jungkook’s hand massages your hips, his touch setting your skin on fire. He begins to slowly ease out of you until just the tip remains then he slams his hips into yours. His body falls forward and he lifts your head up with his free hand and brings you closer for a wild kiss. He grinds himself into you deliciously, his hips rocking back and forth causing you to moan out for him over and over.
“Please…please.” You pant, rolling your hips into his as you meet his desperate thrusts.
“Please what, princess?” he breathes out heavily, “Told you that when you’re with—” He begins fucking into you faster, “When you’re with me…to use your words.” His pace is bruising, causing you to choke on the air around you.
“Please, harder.” You manage to get out while gripping on to his wide shoulders, your finger nails digging into his soft skin.
Jungkook smirks down at you, his eyes shining with something you can’t quite describe.
“Harder?” he questions, his lips coming down to suck bruises into your neck. “Deeper too?” he bites a particular spot that makes you groan.
“Just—just need more of you…” you grab his hair by the handful and yank his head back and bring his face to yours. Your lips meeting his.
His tongue slips past your lips, tongues dancing to the beat of his thrusts. His cock is buried so deep within you that you feel you are no longer a single person but now a person merged with another. You have never felt more connected.
Jungkook whines at the sight of you—your lips apart and eyes barely open. Your head is thrown back showing Jungkook all the pretty blooming bruises on your skin.
“So fucking pretty.” He grits out, eyes lit on fire.
You’re barely able to respond as he thrusts into you even harder, your tits bouncing with each movement.
“Gonna come soon…” he says between heavy breaths, his pace becoming sloppy.
“Gonna come inside me?” you cry out, your fingernails digging into his back.
“Need you to come with me baby”
You could of came from his cock alone, that you are sure of but when his fingers meet your sensitive clit, you are seeing stars. He’s rubbing messy circles, easily sliding around from how wet you are, his fingers getting drenched.
It’s almost embarrassing how quickly his fingers bring you to orgasm.
You gasp out, voice hoarse from all the moaning and screaming he’s drawn from your body. “Fuuuuuucckk.” You whine, your orgasm leaving you breathless.
“I—I’m coming…” he pants in your ear, his breath tickling your sensitive skin.
He fucks into you quickly before stilling his hips and shooting his cum deep within you, decorating your walls. He doesn’t move. You don’t move. He stays buried to the hilt, breathing heavily into the crook of your neck. You aren’t much better, your breaths also harsh. You look to the nightstand to read the clock that says 4 AM. Fuck, what did you do?
You just fucked your best friend.
Panicked and out of breath, you sit up in bed. Sweat forming on your hairline and dribbling down the side of your face. Why? Why this dream of all dreams? Why this memory?
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offbrandhange · 3 years
AOT if you were sick | 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖔𝖓𝖘
Headcanons on how some of the AOT boys would help/comfort you when sick! :)
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Characters: Armin, Connie, Eren, Erwin, Jean, Levi, Niccolo, Reiner,
Gender: Neutral, no references to readers’ gender ! :)
a/n: I haven’t been feeling well lately so badabam badaboom here we go. Also I am trying a new format because I’m pretty sure when I write the bullet points it looks wonky on mobile?...I dunno man :/
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𝕬𝖗𝖒𝖎𝖓 𝕬𝖗𝖑𝖊𝖗𝖙 ~
After telling him you’re sick...
Right off the bat, Armin would ask what your symptoms are. Immediately after telling him he’d rush out to the pharmacy to pick up meds, and probably some comfort food, too.
How does he comfort you?
Armin would comfort you by bringing you things you need like medicine, wet towels, clean clothes, food, etc. Constantly, and I mean constantly asking if you want anything.
He probably would also set up a little sick-station in the living room with a blanket, pillow, cup of water, wet towel, bowl of soup, etc. and put on a TV show you like and just...chill while you watch or nap (if you fall asleep midway through).
Would they take/call off work to take care of you?
Only if you were super sick. He would 1000% be worried about you while at work, though. You’d get “How are you doing” messages every hour, and he’d totally end up annoying the sh*t out of his co-workers for constantly talking about you being ill. Armin would probably also pick up a little snack/gift for you on his way home.
Are they still physically affectionate?
Most likely not. Armin would be scared he’d get sick too, and then you’d have to take care of him. If you begged him for a quick kiss, or you really whined for some cuddles, then maybe he’ll indulge.
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𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖓𝖎𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖗 ~
After telling him you’re sick...
“Dang bro, that sucks.” And that’s all he says.
How does he comfort you?
I think if you asked him for something, he’d get you it willingly and eagerly, but otherwise he’s clueless; He assumes you’re good if you don’t say anything.
Connie would comfort you by hanging out with you. Most likely, he’d sit you down on the couch and play video games with you, like Mario Kart; or he’d show you him killing a really hard boss. I think he’d also send you funny videos/tiktoks, and I mean like, the really dumb ones, where it’s like...a fart sound effect over an image of a truck. Or a, “Can I touch that badonkadonk fool?”
Would they take/call off work to take care of you?
Yup, especially if you asked. I feel like Connie would take any chance he could to take off work, and you being sick would be his opening. He wouldn’t leave you alone all day, either; You’re stuck with him.
Are they still physically affectionate?
Connie does not care if you’re sick. You’re gonna get the same amount of treatment, maybe more if you whine and snuggle into his chest. He thinks you’re even more cute when you’re sick.
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𝕰𝖗𝖊𝖓 𝕵𝖆𝖊𝖌𝖊𝖗 ~
After telling him you’re sick...
Eren would say something like, “Oh. Are you alright?” If you said no, he’d make you a snack or ask if you want anything. Afterwards he would chill with you and probably cuddle or snuggle you. I doubt he would really worry, he’d be real calm about it.
How does he comfort you?
He’d bring you something if you needed it. The only time I could see him getting fussy about it though, is if you interrupted him while he was totally invested in a video game or on a work call.
Most definitely snuggles with you in bed. Probably would do something to tease you too, kissing down your neck and saying “Are you better yet? How about now? Are you better yet?” I can see Eren being totally down for an afternoon nap together anytime you wanted.
Would they take/call off work to take care of you?
He would ask you if you wanted/needed him to. If you said yes he would, even if you weren’t really sick. Likewise, if you said you’re fine, but were far from fine, he’d call BS and stay home too; if you kept saying he didn’t need to, it’s very likely his stubborn a*s would argue with you and take off anyways.
Are they still physically affectionate?
Definitely. Eren would still, probably even more than usual, baby the ever-loving sh*t out of you. There’s no escaping his cuddles, kisses, or more...sexual activities.
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𝕰𝖗𝖜𝖎𝖓 𝕾𝖒𝖎𝖙𝖍 ~
After telling him you’re sick...
Erwin, like Armin, would ask what’s wrong right away. Except he would completely annoy you by asking a million f*cking questions about your symptoms. He’d probably google them too and list a ton of possibilities that are so far-fetched. He’d end up scaring HIMSELF and forcing you to go to the doctor.
How does he comfort you?
Up your A**. Every five seconds he would be like, “Need something? You’re sure? You’re sure you’re sure? I know I was here five minutes ago, yeah, but I’m just making sure. So you’re sure?”
Pets your head, ruffles your hair. Goes out to pick up medicine, snacks, maybe even flowers. Probably tries to brush your teeth for you. You know, Erwin things.
Would they take/call off work for you?
Y E S. Yes. This man would call off the whole WEEK. He wouldn’t leave you alone, either. The whole damn day he’d be breathing down your NECK. Even if the only discomfort you felt was a scratchy throat. He’d make you call off work too.
Are they still physically affectionate?
I feel like Erwin is on the verge of being either, “Yes, princess, let me hold you.” or, “Oh no, no, no, we can’t be having that. Oh no, no, no. No passing illnesses, sweetie.” If the second were true, the only way to get him off your back would be by threatening to hug him while snot was dripping down your nose. This grown ass man would probably be screaming like a (very deep-voiced) little girl and running for dear life.
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𝕵𝖊𝖆𝖓 𝕶𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖈𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖎𝖓 ~
After telling him you’re sick...
Jean would be so FREAKING sweet, and nobody can tell me otherwise. He’d say something like, “Awe, baby. Are you okay? Want anything?” He genuinely cares; although, immediately afterward he did anything nice or caring for you, he’d text all his dude friends and be like “yo man I’m SUCH a good boyfriend.” and brag his a*s off.
How does he comfort you?
He’d ask every once in a while if you needed anything, and he’d randomly bring you stuff like soup or a fresh cup of water. He’d probably feed you it, too.
Depending on what you wanted, Jean would either leave you alone or smother you to death. If you wanted him to leave you alone he’d check in on you every so often, and if you wanted him to smother you, he’d literally follow you all around the house. I’m talking like, cuddling or napping on the couch/bed, or straight up just following you around like an overly-attached child. His arms would be around your waist, chin on your head, and he’d waddle behind you like a d*mn penguin. And that includes trips to the bathroom. He’d probably sit outside the bathroom and wait for you, though.
Would they take/call off work for you?
If you wanted him to, were really sick, or if you were incredibly pitiful and acting like you were on your deathbed. Otherwise, I think he’d still go to work. He would bring home snacks and flowers afterwards though.
Are they still physically affectionate?
Oh my god, Jean would still be all over you. Like, there wouldn’t be a moment you’d be free from his hold. He’d probably still want to have sex with you, too as long as you were feeling well enough for it...The only exception would be if you got too over-heated or over-whelmed, then he’d very sadly hold back. Like a scolded pup, he’d just sit there...watching you...wishing you were in his arms.
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𝕷𝖊𝖛𝖎 𝕬𝖈𝖐𝖊𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖓 ~
After telling him you’re sick...
You would tell him you’re not feeling well, and the first thing this man’d say would be, “What is it? You have the sh*ts? Something not coming out?” He’d get you what you needed immediately after you told him what was really wrong, though; but he’d also, very discreetly slip you a box of anti-diarrheals, too, just in case.
How does he comfort you?
Every once in a while he will ask if you need something. He’s not too over-bearing nor distant. Although, he’s probably constantly slipping you hand-sanitzers, and cleaning your room, or anything you’ve touched. It’s for your, and his sake. Oh, and he’s not handing you anything, either; he’s throwing it at you to catch. Or slipping his hand through the door with a bowl of soup/cup of water, and placing it on the floor/nearest surface. Kind of like when a cat pushes their paw through a crack, then disappears, and you’re like, “oh, would you look at that.”
I don’t think Levi would really want to be too close since he’s kind of a clean-freak, so he’d comfort you through, maybe, sending you low-quality cat memes he found on the web. Or he’d put on one of those full-on, ugly, yellow hazard suits and hold your hand while watching a reality-TV show like The Bachelorette meanwhile mocking them to oblivion. You’re legally required to laugh at the comments he makes about the people on the show; he’s doing it to be funny. He’s just awkward.
Would they take/call off work to take care of you?
If you were pitiful, or not that sick, no. If you were genuinely pretty sick, then he’d call off work. He wouldn’t bug you, he’d just...stand in the corner and watch you. Just...he’d be there. Also still in his hazard suit. With his arms crossed.
Are they still physically affectionate?
No. Absolutely not. Not unless you’re talking about him and the cleaning supplies. I think if you tried to go anywhere near him, he’d get really mad and threaten you with a spray-bottle filled with water.
I think he would be upset, though. Like, I could see him having a calendar and just...sadly, squeakily dragging that marker down to form an X over the day to see how long you were sick, waiting ‘till you were better so he could hug you again.
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𝕹𝖎𝖈𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖔 ~
After telling him you’re sick...
In a worried, but also kind of loving-scolding way, he’d say something like, “Geez, how’d this happen?” Immediately after he’d make you some homemade soup with fresh ingredients. Only after he would give you your medicine, because it needs a, “full stomach to work.”
Additionally, if he makes you food, don’t tell him if you can’t taste it. Please, god, don’t. He’ll feel like he did all that work for nothing then get annoyed.
How does he comfort you?
Constantly bringing you food or desserts. When he asks if you need anything, his mind jumps to a food or drink instead of medicine or a wet towel, because that’s just his strong-suit.
I feel like he would hang out with you and let you lay your head on his chest while you watched TV together. I picture him saying something like, “Hey babe, let’s watch Hell’s Kitchen.” Or, alternatively, “Hey babe, let’s watch Kitchen Nightmares.” Don’t watch Kitchen Nightmares with him. Those unclean kitchens will make HIM vomit, too.
Would they take/call off work to take care of you?
Niccolo probably wouldn’t call off, but he would make you a whole bunch of yummy meals for you to eat the next day. He’d probably leave you a cute little note too, like a “Feel better, love you! :-D” with hearts all over it.
Are they still physically affectionate?
Depends on what kind of sickness you had. I think if you lost your taste he’d draw the line, simply because he needs to be able to taste the food he makes. Also, it frustrates the sh*t out of him when he loses his taste. Otherwise, I think he’d be down to cuddle, and very limitedly, kiss.
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𝕽𝖊𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖗 𝕭𝖗𝖆𝖚𝖓 ~
After telling him you’re sick...
Gets VERY concerned. Wants to take you to the doctor, even if it’s a light illness, because he wants to make sure it’s nothing bad. He wouldn’t leave you alone after you tell him you’re sick, either. Constantly by your side.
How does he comfort you?
You wouldn’t need to ask for anything, because he already has everything for you. You’re surrounded in snacks, bottles of water, blankets, pillows, wet towels, medicine, literally anything you need, it’s already there. He’ll even offer to carry you to the bathroom, just so you don’t have to move.
Reiner would probably cuddle with you and put on a romance, family, or Disney movie. If it’s extra emotional, it’s gonna make him extra emotional. He will be squeezing you for dear life and just saying stuff like, “Boy, I don’t know what I’d do without you...”
Would they take/call off work to take care of you?
Yes, even if all you had was the sniffles, Reiner would have already called off, and make you call off too. He just thinks that’s what you should do if a loved one is sick. If he left you alone, he’d get worried you’d end up falling or unable to get something you need. He wants to be there for you.
Are they still physically affectionate?
Reiner would, but in a much more sweet way. He’s genuinely really worried for you, and doesn’t like seeing you sick. So be prepared for him to constantly be holding you with your head on his chest, and him peppering kisses all over your face.
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cheelduh · 3 years
How to Not Kill a Ginger (High School Au!)
Part 5 to the series hehehe
Parts: 1 2 3 4
Pairing: Childe x fem!reader
Synopsis: Childe’s stomach stirs when you take care of him, and he’s not sure if it’s because of his major crush on you or just plain old diarrhea.
Warnings: Swearing. Graphic descriptions involving the true idiocy of teenage boys.
Words: Abt 2.6k
Note: Sorry I sort of half assed this. I have big ideas for the next part tho ✨😮‍💨
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If there's one thing you're sure of, it's that Teucer knows how to throw one hell of a tantrum.
Him and his brother, Anthon, under your watch, manage to get into a petty squabble that's been airing for the last fifteen minutes. You've done everything, from offering candy to promising an extra hour on the switch, but your efforts do not bear fruit.
What did you tell Childe again? Oh yeah, that babysitting kids was a breeze. Apparently it's not a breeze. Maybe something more like a shart. A chunky, messy one at that.
"Listen dude," You reason to Anthon, the oldest of the bunch gently. "Where did you hide his toy?"
Anthon sticks a tongue out at you, and you nearly cry at the intensity of the insult. "Not telling."
Your patience runs thin.
"C'mon Anthon," Tonia lectures from her chair on the table like the godsend she is. "Just give him his toy back. You're being so annoying." She's taking the words right out of your mouth.
"Not until he apologizes!" Anthon crosses his arms, huffing. "He ate my cheese string!"
"There are more cheese strings!" You exclaim, opening the fridge to prove your point. "I'm sure Teucer's sorry for taking yours. Just pick another one."
"But it's not the same! He took the last cheddar and mozzarella one, now there are only mozzarella ones left." He speaks in between Teucer's wails. You wonder if this is a daily occurrence.
Tonia sighs, gets up from her chair, and hands the eldest her cheese string. "Just take this and give him his toy back."
Almost immediately, Anthon reaches a hand behind the tv table and pulls out the miniature Mr. Cyclops, then throws it point blank at Teucer's feet.
Teucer wails louder.
You pinch the bridge of your nose, shoulders sagging under the stress of being a temporary teenage mother.
Then you take a deep breathe, voice booming over Teucer's cries, Anthon's grumbling, and the clicking of Tonia's tongue. "Let's make a cake!"
Everything in the room stills. Even Teucer's loud cries comes to a halt, and he inhales so sharply that the streak of snot over his lip goes right back into its origin.
You wince inadvertently.
"Poggers!" Anthon cheers, and his siblings join in, laughing and clapping in excitement.
Tonia's eyes widen in confusion when she briefly pauses from her rally. "Wait a minute. What are we celebrating? We can't bake a cake for no reason! It won't taste nearly as good."
Everyone stops to ponder.
Then you snap your fingers in realization, and the kids huddle around you. "How about a 'get well better' cake for your big brother?"
They erupt in cheers again, but you shush them gently, wink an eye for extra measure. "We have to be quiet! He won't get better if we wake him."
The three nod in understanding and begin shushing each other, failing to conceal their giggles.
As you watch them making their way into the kitchen, bounce in their steps, you can't stop the warm smile that reaches your eyes.
That smile soon becomes a frown of horror when Anthon cracks an egg over Tonia's head.
The cake is not half as bad as you thought it would be initially. Between mixing the ingredients and ceasing the kids minus Tonia from being menaces to society, you were able to find middle ground.
Eventually Anthon found interest in finding ways to lick the batter whenever you turned around, and Teucer found comfort in your left leg, latching onto it as if it were a life line.
Just like how Venti latches onto his stupid little bottle of wine disguised as a water bottle. Seriously, you’ve never talked to him sober, and at this point are afraid of what’s he’s like lucid.
Tonia had been the only one taking things seriously for the most part, except for the sprinkles-to-icing ratio. She drowned the entire cake in sprinkles, the mere sight adding on the ghost of an ache in your teeth.
It looks like twilight sparkles took a fat dump on it.
"Okay besties," You inwardly curse yourself for giving into Gen-Z vocabulary as you brush your hands on the apron. "I think we've done a pretty decent job."
"It looks so pretty!" Tonia grins widely, eyeing the edible pearls she strategically placed. She quickly strikes down a finger Anthon tried to poke into the icing, with the accuracy of a true warrior.
You shudder at the thought of Childe teaching her how to stab someone with safety scissors.
"Can we add candles?" Teucer asks, but Tonia clicks her tongue in distaste.
"It's not a birthday cake." She crosses her arms judgementally. The power in her glare reminds you of La Signora, strangely enough.
You ruffle his copper coloured locks anyways, and his grip on your thigh tightens. "We can add candles if you want Teucer."
He nods his head and snuggles deeper into the side of your leg. Your heart warms up considerably.
After the candles are poked in, you try to shrug him off. "C'mon dude, just for five minutes. You don't want me to drop the cake before your brother can get a bite do you?"
Reluctantly, he obliges, and runs off to help Tonia collect utensils to take up to Childe's room.
Anthon's on door duty, kicking away any toys that serve as obstacles in your way like a professional soccer player.
Once you four make it up the stairs in front of the designated room, Anthon doesn't bother knocking. He barges in like he owns the place, chin up high and a signature smirk on his face that he probably learnt from his older brother.
Childe fumbles awake, kicking the air whilst in shock by the chaotic sound of the door hitting the wall and Teucer screaming "Happy Birthday!" at the top of his miniature sized lungs as he runs in to plop right on top of his older brother.
His bewildered expression soon turns into something of a loving smile as he begins to process what is happening, eyes lighting up despite the deep bags that frame them.
Tonia places the plates on his side table, right next to the empty soup bowl you placed there earlier. She climbs up onto the bed as well to join in on the hug.
Anthon approaches at last, hands in his pockets as he coolly acknowledges his older brother. Instead of a bone-crushing hug like the other two are indulging in, his opts for a fist bump that Childe happily reciprocates.
Then finally, between the shield that are his siblings, his cerulean eyes land on your near the doorway, then trail down to the cake in your oven-mittened hands. He averts his gaze back to your own, and grins so wide his cheeks start to throb.
"Big brother! We made you cake." Teucer moves his head from his chest to face him. "So you can get better."
Childe's laughs ring in your ears, but you don't shy away from the sound. It's a pleasant, something that you wish to hear more of in the near future. Sure enough he laughs a lot at school, but the genuineness of it at home, surrounded by his siblings, stirs something deep within you.
"How thoughtful of you." He ruffles his hair, then his eyes widen as he ushers the two off of him. "You guys can't be near me! I don't want you to fall ill as well."
"But-but how will we feed you the cake without getting close to you?" Tonia frowns, and her two brothers nod in unison.
You chuckle lightly, approaching the bed with the cake in your hands. "I'm sure he has enough strength to feed himself. The hugs and kisses surely must've energized him."
To be honest, Childe's all green in the face and the last thing on his mind would be to indulge in the cake. You understand the feeling all to well. With his nose clogged up, throat all sore, there's no way he'll stomach it. It took a lot of nagging on your part to get him to finish the soup earlier as well.
He blows the candles anyways, clapping along his siblings and letting Tonia drop a fat chunk of the golden cake onto his plate. You find it endearing, regrettably so. His dedication to keeping their dreams is admirable in more ways than you can count.
This is the same guy that wears meme shirts to school, topped off with douchey sunglasses to give him a pristine vibe. The same guy that punches holes in walls like a Kyle. The very boy that flexes his toned biceps in-front of you during lunch time, successfully ruining your appetite.
"Wait a minute..." Childe inspects the cake closely, narrowing in on the candles. "Why is there an eleven?"
Teucer scratches his neck sheepishly. "Those were the only candles we had left."
After another short-lived laugh, Childe manages a bite as everyone stares in expectation, the sound of a tight crunch enveloping the room, making you grimace in secret. If Childe feels like puking out his guts right now, he's doing a hell of a job hiding it from his darling siblings.
You're glad nobody forces you to take a bite, or it would've been a double homicide right then and there.
Soon enough, one by one the children file out of the room, satisfied with their visit. The reality is that they don't want to miss an episode of backyardigans.
Once they leave, you approach him with a napkin. He gets the gist, spitting out the remnants of the cake you slaved over for about two hours.
"Colour me impressed." You snort, moving the cake aside so you can take a seat on the open space next to him. "How're you feeling?"
"Amazing." He exclaims, eyes red like a crackhead's, nose runny, with goosebumps kissing his pale skin. He sure does look...amazing.
"Cool." You say, abruptly getting up. "I'm gonna vibe with the kid—"
His hand shoots out from underneath the blanket, clammy palms wrapping around your wrist to keep you locked in place. You gulp in anticipation.
"You kissed me." Childe reminds you, eyes twinkling in mischief, a vicious grin plastered over his stupidly handsome face.
You try not to choke on your words. "You have circumstantial evidence at most." No attempts are utilized to pull away from him.
He raises a teasing brow, and you give in because the tension is thick. Thicker than the tension between Albedo and Kaeya when the latter shamelessly unzips his front to show more of his biddies. You have no idea why he hasn’t been dress coded yet.
"Fine." You snap out of your impure thoughts, and huff out, frustrated all over. "I kissed you on the cheek."
"Still a kiss though."
"Yes. Also, cute nails." He points out, hand moving down to grasp your fingers. The act is intimate, his caress gentle and caring. Despite his brash, violent personality, he shows you a completely different side to him that hatches butterflies in your stomach.
"Thanks." You show off the bright jewels on your index. "You have a real nail technician in the house."
Tonia has some serious talent.
When he taps one of the jewels, you slap his hand away. "Careful there dude. These cost me a fortune."
His chuckles die down and he smiles again, but this time apologetically. "They didn't trouble you too much did they? I know they can be loud."
"I like loud." You answer him truthfully. "They're fun to be around. Not nearly as chaotic as you."
He blinks in mock offence, eyes narrowing shrewdly. "You come into my house, talk to my siblings, and have the nerve to insult me? Right after taking advantage of me?"
"If you don't shut up, I'll also have the nerve to rip you a new one." You reply dryly with the innocent curl of your lips.
You're about to lunge at him and scream a string of obscenities that no one has ever heard of before, but the Archons are listening and you don't want his siblings to grow up without someone to look up to. Wait a minute—scratch that. You'd be doing them a favour if you wiped his existence right here and now.
You have a fragile heart though. So you sigh, and grab a fistful of sheets in both hands instead.
Childe's grin turns into a petrified scowl.
"Oh no," He pleads, weakly fighting you back. "Have mercy! Please!"
You have loads of mercy. Just not enough for him.
When you have him wrapped in a successful bundle, Childe can’t help but beam, laying limp in his confines.
“What are you smiling about?” You inquire, pulling out the medicine from his box, pausing momentarily in shock. “Wait a minute, don’t tell me you’re into these things you freak.” Head snaps up so fast you nearly suffer from whiplash.
He’s about to answer you but his words turn into a fit of shallow coughs.
“I’m into whatever you’re into.” Childe’s shrug is nonchalant. “Even if that means I have to be tied up. Kinky by the way.” He winks, and you roll your eyes, cheeks flushing in embarrassment as you hold the spoon up. The dark reddish medicine swirls in deep hues.
“Shut up and open your mouth.”
“Girlie, I don’t think you understand how contradicting that statement is.”
You momentarily wonder if it’s too late to abort yourself.
Childe awakens at the crack ass of night, sweat slick, sticky all over, tousled hair sticking to his forehead. He’s a panting mess, eyes darting around the dark room, inhaling, exhaling, mind in a haze from the fever. Gaining somewhat of a grip on reality, he fumbles around to turn on his lamp, throat parched and in need of water.
When he manages to find the switch, he recoils at the brightness, adjusting to the sudden change in his vision. On his side table, there’s a bologna sandwich tucked safely in plastic wrap, a glass of room temperature water, and a bottle of painkillers.
His eyes disregard most of the things, finding interest in the bright pink sticky note next to the painkillers. Unable to ignore the dryness of his throat and the pounding of his head, he quickly gulps a pill down with most of the water, instantly feeling the relief of hydration.
Then, he pounces on the note, giddiness overtaking him despite the pang in his muscles, and the general feeling of absolute shit.
I had to leave. Don’t worry about your siblings, they’re all tucked in and fine. Except for Anthon maybe. Apparently he’s mildly lactose intolerant and thought it was a good idea to overdose on chocolate milk when I was busy with Teucer. Anyways, get better soon stupid.
— Y/N
He safely tucks the note under his pillow, edges of his lips turned upwards, warmth flooding his veins when he takes another look around his surroundings.
The room itself is cleaned, floor cleared from the initial clutter and the cool shiny collector’s knives he buys off of Amazon safely hung over the wall, not littered on his desk like they usually are.
The homework he was supposed do, but most likely wouldn’t, is already completed, stacked neatly atop each other.
Childe swears his heart bursts in his chest, exploding into tiny particles that overheat his entire body.
There’s no way in hell a few days worth of homework is gonna bring his failing mark up, but then again it’s the thought that counts.
While the sandwich is catered to his nausea, bland and plain for easy digestion, an easy fill, it’s the best meal he’s ever had in his life.
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Types of love - Jin Drabble ft Jungkook {fluff + angst} Housemate au
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You hear a deep sigh beside you as you take out the laundry from the washing machine.
“Noona what are you doing?” Jungkook sounds exasperated with you and it’s only 7 in the morning.
“Jin’s got a meeting at 12, I told him I’d get his clothes ready for him,” you grin brightly at your youngest housemate.
“Why can’t Hyung do it?” He doesn’t return the smile.
“He wanted a lie in.”
There’s that sigh again but you ignore it, it made you feel a little shame that you tried to push down.
“Okay new question,” you could see him pinch the bridge of his nose from the coroner of your eye as you put the clothes in the dryer. “Why are you doing it?”
You shrug, “he’s been busy and I just though-”
“Noona,” cold judgy eyes came from the maknae.
“Kookie leave it, I’m doing it because I want to,” your sunny outlook on today was suddenly dampened by the annoying brat following you.
“He’s taking advantage of you and your feelin-”
“Kook I said leave it!”
You slam the door as you walk out.
It was no secret to anyone that you may have feelings for the oldest of your housemates, even though you’ve never ever said it out loud. Your actions spoke for you. You always went the extra mile due to your unrequited affection, but you didn’t mind, you were always taught to love without limits and you swore you did what you did without expecting anything in return. He was just so handsome and funny, you were happy just to be his friend, even if your heart hoped to be something more, you couldn’t help it. Maybe he did sometimes take a little advantage of you? But truly you were to blame for that and you took full responsibility.
You and Jin ignored the way Jungkook was staring daggers at him as you brought him his tea with some cakes to the table when he got back from a long day of work.
“How was work Jin?” You asked.
“Perks of being son of the CEO, everyone offered to do my work for me,” cue the windshield wiper laughter you loved to hear. “The new girl on my floor slipped me her number, it was a pretty good day.”
Your heart sank and with it your smile, you forced it to stay on as he rambled about his day and the pretty new girl, if they both could see your discomfort they didn’t say anything.
Jin wasn’t oblivious he just didn’t care, Jungkook on the other hand now watched your reactions like a hawk.
“It may not be the most professional thing to do as her potential new boss but I may have agreed to drinks Friday night,” he chortles, his spiel coming to an end.
“You’re not taking over the business any time soon Hyung, hold your horses,” Jungkook rolled his eyes.
“Wait Friday?” You suddenly speak after staying quiet. “Jin we’re all supposed to go for dinner Friday, we booked the table and everything.”
The three of you reserved dinner at the same place every year on the anniversary of you all moving in, it was an important night for you, you three were always so busy or tired so nights out were rare. Plus Jin was always so busy, he was either at work or at the gym or sleeping or out, the housemate anniversary was the only real time you got to spend with him.
“Y/n I think you missed the part of the story where I told you she was hot,” he argues with what he thinks is sound logic.
“Jin it’s the housemate anniversary, it’s sacred are you seriously ditching us for some random girl?”
“It’s not a big deal Y/n, hoes before bros you know?” he laughs at his own stupid joke and for the first time it irritates you a little.
“Not your bro Jin,” you grit your teeth.
“You might as well be Y/n, you’re not exactly the girliest girl ever,” he responds.
“Hyung,” Jungkook warns, finally butting in after watching your discussion like a tennis match.
You sit back in shock, did he seriously bro zone you? What the hell!
“Noona is pretty Hyung, stop being mean,” young Kookie comes to your defence when you fail to speak.
“Oh no I’m not saying she’s not, she’s just not my type,” why the hell was he talking about you like you weren’t there, he wasn’t even looking at you anymore. You sit deflated with you head low, biting back tears. Jin didn’t notice, when did he ever, Jungkook did.
“I think that’s enough.”
Jungkook was right, that was enough, you stood up to leave without uttering another word to them both. Once he heard your door close, Jungkook unleashed hell.
“What the hell hyung! Are you trying to upset her on purpose?” He seethed in a hush tone. “You know how she feels about you what the hell was that?”
“God Kookie don’t start on me it’s been a long day, it’s fun to pick on her a little, what’s the big deal?”
“The big deal is you hurt her feelings,” Jungkook says a little louder still trying to control the rage he felt at the man sitting in nonchalance while he had his fists formed and jaws clenched. Jin shrugged his shoulders and Jungkook wondered what happened to his good friend, he was never like this before.
“Hyung you take advantage on her all the time, she literally does everything for you because she cares about you without expecting anything in return and you treat her like shit,” he explains, “it has to stop.”
“I don’t know why you’re lecturing me you brat,” Jin rolls his eyes, “I’m older than you by 5 years, learn some respect.”
Jungkook walked away before he laid his fist into his friend and lived to regret it, he didn’t realise you heard every word.
“Is he seriously not coming?”
It was stupid to hope that Jin would make an appearance while you both waited for him at home dressed and ready. He still hadn’t come from work... he finished two hours ago. You weren’t upset because you liked Jin, you were upset because you thought at least you meant something as a friend. Jin and Jungkook became what you thought were best friends for you, regardless of stupid feelings, you just thought they felt the same.
Jungkook stood next to your sitting form, moving his weight from foot to foot.
“I don’t think he is Noona, he said he wasn’t going to,” Jungkook sighed. “Why are we still waiting, we’re going to miss our reservation.”
He hated seeing you sad, if he could punch some sense into Jin he would, hell he’d punch him anyway for making you look so downcast. He sighs deeply again, throwing his head back in exasperation.
He kneels down in front of you, taking you hands into his as you look up slightly to meet his gaze. He has stars in his eyes, you think, why hadn’t you noticed before?
“Noona should we just cancel?” He asks delicately. “We can go get our pjs and order an Indian and have a stupid movie night.”
He was really trying to make things better you could feel it, your blatant emotions for his friend must’ve made him feel so uncomfortable but he’s still trying for you. You offer him a small smile.
“Sounds great Kookie,” you say sincerely.
“Oh my god are you kidding me!” Jungkook says half seriously yelling at you. “Iron man is way better than Batman.”
You laugh out so loud, you can’t remember the last time you felt like this.
“I didn’t mean it Koo,” you say between breaths of laughter. “You’re just so cute!”
He fights the red feeling blooming in his face as he pokes the inside of cheek with his tongue in faux annoyance. Jungkook was loving your impromptu movie night, it was the first time in forever you didn’t mention he who must not be named.
“That’s just cruel, you don’t joke about iron man, it’s blasphemy,” his words make you laugh harder and it makes him break out in a big grin, one that wipes away as you both hear the keys turn.
Jin was not expecting you both curled up on the sofa with take away containers on the coffee table when he walked home from a rather boring date. Your laughter dies in your throat before he even walked into the room, eyes boring into the tv. Jungkook keeps his arm around you in place, he felt warm and comfortable he didn’t want this feeling to end.
“Good date Hyung?” He doesn’t know why he asked when he could feel you stiffen in his hold.
“Yeah,” he says a little dazed at the sight in front of him. “did you guys not go out?”
“Nah we stayed in and had a iron man marathon,” the bunny teeth were out as he grinned.
“I lost Rock Paper Scissors,” you offered meekly. Why did you feel like you were cheating on Jin? That was ridiculous, you were not dating Jin and you were just friends with Jungkook, right? “Wanna join?”
He shakes his head, “no you guys look like you’re having fun, plus I’m a bit tired so I’m going to head to bed.”
You normally offer him some tea and cake at this point, but you stay silent, Jin tries not to read into why it makes his chest feel heavy with disappointment and something else he can’t quite figure out.
You were laughing loudly again, it was irritating the broad shouldered man to no end, he didn’t mind the sound honestly, he just hated the reason why you were in this state. Jungkook was making faces at you while you both cooked and honestly Jin couldn’t understand why you found it so funny.
“You look like a meme!” You chortle.
“Is dinner ready yet?” Jin interrupts.
“Patience Hyung,” Jungkook doesn’t break eye contact with you, still smiling brightly. He’s so pretty when he smiles, you felt like you hadn’t seen it for a while before your movie night.
“Are you two dating?” Jin slams his laptop shut in his outbreak, he didn’t mean to ask but it came out anyway. You nearly drop the plate you’re holding but Jungkook catches it before you let it go. Now your both holding a plate while staring at each other wide eyed, while Jin gawks at you both with a quiet anger simmering away inside of him.
Why are you both blushing furiously? Jungkook is the first to break away as he stares his Hyung down with his own anger.
“So what if we are?” He asks. “I don’t think it’s any of your business either way.”
“Jungkook...” you frown, you were not dating, why didn’t he just say no... why didn’t you just say no?
Jin scoffs, he couldn’t really say anything to that but it pissed him off.
“I didn’t realise you were into toy boys Y/n,” he jeers.
Now you were frowning at Jin as Jungkook started to shake with rage.
“I could treat her a lot better than you ever could,” he seethes back.
“You’re still a kid Jungkookie, Y/n always treats you like one,” did he seriously not hear the irony in his words?
“That’s enough!” It’s you that breaks up the inane argument. “Jungkook is not a kid Jin, just because he’s young and nice doesn’t make him any less of a man than you.”
They’re both shocked at your outburst.
“He’s been a wonderful friend to me for years, he’s always had my back, always looked out for me even when I was being a stupid idiot pining after you!”
The youngest of the trio can feel his chest full with warmth at your words and the way your glaring at the oldest with such disdain he never thought he’d see. Jin stays quiet at your onslaught starting to feel shame as he reflected on how he’s treated you through the years. He used to really adore you too, really appreciated everything you did for him but when everyone at work started treating him the same it became a normalcy, something expected instead of a gift.
“I’d be so lucky if Kookie dated me, although he’d be out of his mind to after how pathetic I’ve been, he’s the best guy I know, don’t speak to him like that.”
Jungkook can’t help the small smile fighting to turn the corners up on his mouth, Jin doesn’t miss the way he looks at you, full of love. You were an idiot not to see it, it had been there for a while.
“Noona, the pastas burning...”
You turn back to the stove feeling the heat in your face from your rant, you didn’t expect it from yourself to be honest. Jungkook stood beside you, mixing the sauce in the other pan while the room sat in silence.
He couldn’t help but steal glances at you, couldn’t help the hope in his heart build, maybe you felt the same way about him too. Maybe this is what redamancy feels like.
You try to sneak a peak at the man standing next to you, surprised to see his eyes already on you, you feel your heart stop for a second before it restarted anew.
You return his smile, you can’t help it.
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