#(if anything it might mean they have *too much* effort... definitely been guilty of that)
marshmallowgoop · 10 months
Every time I "finish" an AMV, I create a comparison like this.
The left side is the "effectless" draft—minimal transitions, zero coloring, limited text animation—while the right side is the "final" version I post online. It's a way to assess my work; where did the added effort elevate the edit, and where do my eyes find themselves drawn more to the draft because the "final" version is too busy, too overwhelming, too much?
I'm new to video editing. There aren't even 20 AMVs to my name, and I only seriously started a little over a year ago. My process involves a lot of struggling with what a "good" AMV is, a lot of wondering if I'm doing it all wrong—anxieties that were only exacerbated by a popular post that crossed my dash many months ago. It decried AMVs that don't edit with the full song as worthless, bad, garbage. The kids don't know how to do it right.
Not a kid, but maybe they've got a point!
Still, it was a disheartening sentiment to read. And while I might not know much, I think I am confident in knowing this: there are many AMV styles out there, and the shorter ones may certainly not be everyone's cup of tea, but that doesn't mean that they're devoid of love, time, effort, or passion. The video at the top of this post is hardly 30 seconds long, and it still took over 60 hours of spilling out ideas and cutting clips and learning new skills and scrapping new skills and tweaking transitions and coloring and recoloring and shaking my head and giving up and trying again.
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Fan vidders, no matter the style they employ, are devoting their free time and energy to create. It'd be ludicrous to suggest that a movie is inherently inferior to a TV series, or a short story automatically meaningless compared to a novel.
The same should absolutely apply to fan videos.
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vitaminseetarot · 3 months
PAC (Pick-A-Candy): February's Message For You ❄🕯
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Hey y'all, welcome back! Thank you so much for playing in my first tarot game. I'm so glad to have the chance to reach out to everyone for inquiries. Thank you so much for your feedback as well! I'm still reading through your responses and feel grateful for all the positivity. There have been a lot of delays throughout this month and I haven't had as much time as I'd like to be on here in January, but I'm itching to pick up the pace in February. I'm planning another game in early March, topic to be announced, so stay tuned.
I wanted to start this month with a short and sweet pick a card reading to give you advice. For anyone celebrating this time of year, may you enjoy this time of peace and recovery and maybe some really tasty snacks with hot cocoa too. Pick whatever chocolate below looks most appealing to you. ❄🕯
Pile 1: Bronze Toffee Nut Pile 2: Silver Milk Chocolate Pile 3: Gold Dark Almond
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Pile 1: Bronze Toffee Nut
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Land:Tree:Sun, King of Mechanisms: Heliacal Chronograph, 26 Duality, King of Swords, XII Hanged Man, XV Devil, 7 of Swords, 7 of Wands
Hey, you! Did you recently complete something big or reach a major milestone in your life? If so, congratulations! Your efforts are paying off, if not now then over time they will show. But first, before doing or planning anything else, you need to sit down for a little while and just… breathe. Breathe deep. Replenish your mind from harrying so much over all that you have had to, have to, or will have to do (that was a mouthful, so I can't imagine how much clutter that is in the brain! Also I channeled the word "harrying" which I never use and had to look it up lol, but the word definitely still fits). Now is not the time to push, but a time to breathe and reflect.
You're in a time of transition, and this could mean many things. It could be a move or a job transfer, or you're thinking of how to change your way of living. I'm feeling that many in this pile are still actively working towards their New Years resolutions. Some in this pile may have had a very busy year, while others here wish to shift gears and become focused on doing more, a lot more than last year. Are you trying to make up for lost time? It's only February, pile one, so you have way more time than it seems to get things straightened out or set into motion. You're not creating a time debt by using your break or time off to actually self soothe, like most people do. Your tenacity is admirable, but in terms of self development, too much push to get things done might set you back.
You must balance between resting and recovery, all while strategically planning for your next course of action. Some of you may be struggling to get organized, but making schedules and lists could help immensely, so you're not spending as much energy trying to remember everything. There are also apps that are designed to help you stay on track, giving you more time to just hang out and be. There is nothing wrong with spending this entire month on decompressing from everything you've had to do. It's not going to happen when you're working on something else. That's a distraction, not progress, to work as a way of avoiding healing. However you decide to relax, make sure it actually involves relaxation. If that means laying in bed and watching TV for the day, then that's what it means. If you relax more by doing a chore, then make it something simple to complete like folding clothes.
Don't feel guilty for taking time off, but don't let the time slip by either. Schedule "Don't-Do-Much" days and see what kind of difference it makes to your productivity and routine over time. Think of this transition as an intermission of sorts. This is your chance to get up, use the restroom, order more popcorn, text a friend, etc. before getting back to your movie. You can choose not to get up, but once the intermission has passed, the movie will not pause for you. So use this opportunity to rest with intention, knowing that when change comes to thrust you into the next phase of life, it may do so unexpectedly fast and you'll be more ready for it.
Keep your ambitions lit up, because even as you rest, those dreams are still at work. Don't think that time off means abandoning any plans or being lazy. It's a matter of decluttering your mind space so you can actually focus on the next thing better, and you can't drain the brain of all your pain if you replace worry with more worry. Life is more than a series of boxes to tick off, saying "what's next? what's next? huh? what's next? HUH??" right after each one is done. If life worked that way, sleep wouldn't be a thing, and likely neither would we, because how can anything sustain that gogogo fever forever? Protect your right to self care, and don't let anyone tell you it's wrong to take time out just for you.
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Pile 2: Silver Milk Chocolate
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Spiritual, 7 of Prisms: Flux Tempest, 19 Unlimited Possibilities, King of Cups Rx, 2 of Pentacles, I Magician, 9 of Cups, Page of Wands
You may feel overwhelmed right now, like a lot of changes are happening at once, or could happen imminently. Things may feel topsy-turvy, and it's a struggle just to get through the day to day with all this weighing on your mind. There could be different options to choose from or a lot of emotionally heavy decisions that could be leaving you feeling a bit straggled. It could be a decision to undergo a kind of treatment, or many job offers suddenly come to you, and rather than feeling elated for the opportunities, you're feeling anxious about what to do more than anything.
Many opportunities and risks abound, and although it isn't easy, it's important to spend some time to figure out what you wish to do. We all want to make the best choices in life, but sometimes life involves a good deal of trial and error and retrial no matter how logical and sensible we try to make things behave. A lot of important details can get swept away in the rush to resolve a conflict as quickly and easily as possible. Even when the best choice is made, things can still happen. Life can be pretty random and chaotic at times, in ways not even shuffled cards can keep up with. It's not so much the choosing, but staying committed to the choice, that can be most difficult.
It's time to go within and listen to spirit for guidance. You need some time and space in order to feel this out, not just think it through. Our mind can work all day scoping out each and every pro and con, and that's where meditation comes in. Let the answers flow towards you naturally. When you can embrace the change to come from this choice, rather than fearing it, the way will light up for you and it'll be smoother sailing from here. The seasons will change no matter how long this time out will take for you, but one spring passed means another spring will eventually come again. If it doesn't work out the first time, there will always come another.
You have a heightened ability to manifest your desired outcome this month, and you may find that some things will naturally fall into place as soon as your mind is made up and you let go. Yes, anything can happen, but that also includes good things, it even includes things you have deeply wished for. Envision the best possible outcome first and don't get caught in too many details about how it should play out. We can trick ourselves into thinking that by assuming the worst, we can prepare for the worst. Instead, prepare for the best case scenario for you and you'll be surprised at how much easier it gets to sift out and manage challenges when they do show up.
Keep your mind steady and heart focused on what you want. Remain in a space of enthusiasm for what you'd like to happen. The page of wands is very eager, it's like they have the energy of a little kid pointing to a famous performer on stage and going, "that'll be ME someday!" Not "that could be me" or "ah, if only that could be me," but "that WILL be me." Think of your motivation as a fire that must be tended to on a regular basis. No matter how small or large the flame in your heart is, it will be the light that guides you into making the best decision for yourself. Take good care of it.
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Pile 3: Gold Dark Almond
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Land:Animal:Moon, Macroscoria, 10 Burden, King of Cups, VIII Strength, King of Pentacles, Knight of Cups, II High Priestess
Your sensitivity and overall empathic ability is high right now. There may be an inclination to feel a heightened sense of compassion for others, particularly animals (you have a lot of animals present in your spread, and Animal:Moon talks about those kind of connections in particular). Animal companions want to help you out this month, whether on the physical or astral plane, so turn to them for healing just as they would turn to you.
Create solid psychic boundaries to protect your mind. A lot of intense psychic energy could be purged through with the Macroscoria card. I'm almost reminded of what's it like to delve through Akashic records (or as I call it the Hall of All Knowledge), but this is a more universal, primal energy coming through? The card reminds me of Earth in its early stages when it was all still molten and predominated by immense fiery tectonic activity, fundamental forces bursting from beneath. Instincts can seem basic, but they're powerful. This energy could be coming from within you most likely, but you could be picking up on others' chaotic moods as well. This isn't a force to fight, but to work in your favor. Anger for example isn't wrong, but there's a right and a wrong way of expressing anger. It's a matter of channeling it into a proper medium.
If you were drawn to pile 2, there may be a message for you there as well, as the King of Cups is in the same position. There's an emphasis on being able to stay present with others with deep compassion while staying emotionally detached. Detachment is not the same as not caring, it's a state that allows you to embody what another is feeling and give them space to feel without losing yourself in it. Try to adopt an observational approach. When you are in a state of experiencing intense emotions, we can also practice the art of "stepping aside" to observe ourselves and learn from these feelings instead of pushing them away.
You and others must remain resilient, as you could be undergoing a challenging time. Don't push the limit though. Lend a helping hand when needed, but remember that you too deserve that same compassion in return. Whatever this challenge is, there is a potential for growth to come from this. This month could bring in a special reward for you, what that is isn't clear but your good efforts won't go unnoticed. It may feel difficult now, but when things start to improve, you'll innately know, and the payoff could be rather big, or more than what you expected. You may feel that many could be leaning on you now for support, but trust that whatever support you provide will in turn be granted back to you.
Observation doesn't mean apathy or overanalysis. It's about sitting and being present with what's happening around you and within you. Mindfulness exercises could help you out a lot this February, along with writing down your nightly dreams or even making a vent journal to scribble out frustrations. Make sure your emotions don't stay bottled or contained or they could burst. Instead, check in every day and find one thing that will help vent out those emotions. Your intuition is your best friend now.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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enruiinas · 1 month
PSA: What I've Learned About Roleplaying (& what I look for in a RP partner/interactions)
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Between an overdue blog cleanup, talking with @climatact, and coming up on a year of roleplaying in general today, I've been thinking on some stuff I've learned or wish I'd done differently from the beginning, so this is kind of a general PSA on some things I've learned that do and don't work for me in RP this year.
♥ In hindsight, I probably DO NOT already ship it. (Y'all know the psa that goes around. I used to like rb'ing this one too but boy, have I learned about some ships I really wish I had not learned about.) I like shipping, but have definitely discovered I can't and don't want to ship just for the sake of it. I'm going to blame this on my aroace-ness, but I really can't even bring myself to take on/entertain a ship now unless it's with a mun I have a decent ooc connection with (meaning we talk a fair bit). This has become every bit as important as muse chemistry.
♥ Along the same lines, I know this is not everyone's vibe (and that is NOT a bad thing), but for me, wanting to write with someone and wanting to be their friend go pretty much hand-in-hand. If I've followed you, it's because I want to write with you and chat OOC, whether that's just about our muses/threads or we hit it off and find ourselves talking about anything/everything. I know this isn't what everyone's here for, but I've realized it's a big part of the experience for me.
♥ Communication is really key for me. (And I will go ahead and disclaimer this with: this is something I have definitely had to learn/get better at myself throughout the year. I'm still not the absolute best, but I'm trying, and when I do talk about things when I'm in my bad headspace, it always helps me so I'm trying to be better about it.)
It's my BIGGEST FEAR in the rpc that I might be someone's "that person" - like... you're not feeling our stuff and angsting about it/it's preventing you from having your best rp experience here. Please please please do not ever let me be this person to you. I would so much rather you just tell me "this isn't working for me" or that you'd like to drop something than worry about it. (Or, hell, do not feel guilty about breaking mutuals if you're leaning that way. This is your RP experience and you should do what you feel is best for you and even if my feelings get hurt, I promise I'm gonna be okay. <3 Just... don't ever feel guilty about anything regarding me, that's the idea.)
♥ That said, though, I have a couple of notes on dropped interactions. I am 110% serious when I tell you I don't mind dropped threads. If our first few things don't take off, that's no reason we can't keep trying.
I don't mind dropped threads, but I do put a lot of effort into my replies and I AM attached to/invested in my ongoing interactions. As a result, I do find it difficult to jump into ic interactions with muns who frequently clear things (ongoing things, not unanswered inbox; those I don't even think about) like they just didn't matter. I don't mind if things take a while to reply to! We can have threads going on we only reply to once or twice a year - that seriously doesn't bother me. (And it's why I love having multiple ongoing things.) But I'm also OPEN TO TALKING ABOUT THINGS if an interaction isn't a vibe for you. I'm happy to restart, backtrack to an earlier point in the thread and change things up, all of that. If you loved it and now you don't and you want to talk about why, there's no reason to be shy about that! Either we end up talking through it or we don't and decide to drop it, it's not a big deal. I'd just like to give things their best change before just deciding "I'm not feeling it" if at all possible.
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thatgirl4815 · 8 months
Hi hello! I'm new to tumblr and can't figure out how to send an ask from a sideblog. Sorry! I reblogged a post of yours over at sandsleatherjacket with some comments and I'd love to hear your thoughts on it if you're game. Sorry for my general lack of ability to tumblr.
Hi! No worries at all. I'm assuming you're referring to this post? In which case, I'll go ahead and put your reblog comments down below so my response can sit right next to them :) --
This! But also I think what we're seeing here is that Sand holds himself responsible for what's just gone down, at least partially. He's just used Ray, who he does care about (and Ray's feelings for Mew) as a weapon against Top. And it's a weapon he couldn't control. He knew Ray has problems with alcohol, and with anger. He knew that he was lobbing a grenade he couldn't control the direction of. And now it's taking out somebody he cares about, in a way that he probably should have predicted. Ray's about to get in that car, and Sand probably feels like if anything bad happens it will be partially on him because he should have seen it coming. Add that to whatever has happened with drunk driving in the past and he's seeing a recipe for disaster. I feel like Ray is probably blaming him for some of what went down, too. He feels used, although maybe in a way he can't articulate. Might be why Sand gets called a whore, even though he's been pretty adamant about not taking Ray's money since they became friends. Anyway this fight hurt me and I am here for it!
I do agree that Sand could feel at least partially guilty for what's gone on, since he's the one that gave Ray the ammunition that sent him on this spiral. Though honestly, Ray was already headed that direction, this BostonTop cheating stuff just gave him an extra push.
I do also agree that Ray feels anger at Sand in a way that he can't articulate; for me personally, I think that comes from a place of confusion. Like "why can't I figure out how I feel about you?" Because we know that Ray cares about Sand, we know that he made an effort to move on from Mew, but Boston just had to remind Ray where his heart was at in the first place. I think Boston triggered something in Ray last episode that made him remember just how deeply attached he is to Mew. Mew even makes some comment about it at the end of Ep6--Ray has a hard time letting go. Also, it makes sense that Ray would want to lash out at Sand and his friends because lashing out is a lot easier than lashing in (for lack of a better phrase). He'd rather take out all his pain and confusion on those around him, even if what he says isn't always true.
So maybe Ray thinks that if he never latches on in the first place, he can spare himself the pain of what's happening with Mew right now. As in--maybe, if he keeps pushing Sand away and saying they're "just friends," he can spare himself heartbreak when things don't work out. I do also think that Ray knows he's a handful, so he probably anticipates getting left by Sand at some point (even though I think Sand has proven time and time again that he won't do that...I mean, he got shoved to the ground and called a whore and he still chased after Ray).
Anyways, yes, I definitely think there's guilt from both Ray and Sand in different ways, though for Ray I think the entire thing is much more confusing! He wants to be with Sand but doesn't think he can, wants to be with Mew but knows he can't, and just altogether hates Boston and Top.
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mouthpiece-simp · 1 year
I’d love to see some Multislacker x Reader stuff, you make the best headcanons and I don’t see a lot of them for Cathal.
Multislacker x Reader Headcanons
This guy is my guilty pleasure a little bit, I feel like I'm suppose to hate him but he's just got that odd charm to him anyways.
📺You'd been friends with Cathal for a while, and the two of you would usually just watch TV all day. If he was feeling really energetic, Cathal might have a conversation longer than 5 minutes with you.
📺So one day you just casually confess to him and he's too lazy to deal with the fallout of rejecting you {or at least that was his reasoning he gave to you, he actually had a crush on you lol} he decided to start dating you.
📺Your first date? Having a picnic! ...In his little 'office.' What, did you think he'd actually commute somewhere? He's too lazy for that. He was almost too lazy to get off his chair and sit on the floor with you, but you managed to convince him to.
📺Your second date? You played video games together. He only liked the idle games where he didn't have to move his hands around so much.
📺And so on...
📺Cathal always has a sandwich ready for you when you come to visit him that he surprisingly made himself! It's just [meat/meat substitute] and cheese, but it's a nice gesture.
📺Sometimes he also has gifts for you... store bought, of course, since he wouldn't put in the effort to make something. But they're always like really nice and expensive because his dad kinda lets him buy just about whatever he wants.
📺Speaking of the VP, he knows Cathal is dating somebody. He just doesn't know it's a toon... so when he gives his son advice he doesn't realize he's also basically condoning a toon and Cog relationship. Lol.
📺Want literally anything? Cathal will buy it or hire someone to do it for you. New TV, need to move stuff around your house, doesn't matter. He'll throw money around like it's nothing if it means helping you.
📺Cathal's love languages are mostly just spending time together and also a little bit of physical affection, but he's too lazy for anything more than cuddling and kissing.
📺He will fall asleep during cuddles a lot and basically refuses to let go of you while he's asleep.
📺Sometimes he also mumbles random stuff in his sleep. Most recently it was, "I saw a flying mashed potato jellyfish special." He did not know what the flying mashed potato jellyfish special was when he woke up.
📺If you're ever upset about anything, he will erm... come up with his own solutions. Be it greening toons who made you upset or convincing his dad to tell another department head that one of their employees was [insert really bad lie here to get them fired] because they greened you or literally anything in-between, he will come up with some sort of solution to your problems.
📺He definitely doesn't look or seem the type, but. Yeah he doesn't let anyone mess with you because you're special and deserve special treatment.
📺He really wants to spend time with you outside his office, so eventually he agrees to go to your estate... by getting a ride from some goons. He still seems exhausted when he arrives and only wants to sleep while cuddling you. When he finally wakes up, he's too lazy to get out of bed and spends the next several hours just cuddling you until he has to go back to Sellbot HQ {of course, on goon-back ride}. He had a great time though and will make it a periodic occurrence.
📺Your estate is now swarming with goons and Cog security systems that Cathal insisted get installed. Now if someone tried to break into your estate, they'd be dealt with by Cogs...
📺Speaking of Cogs, Sellbots basically refuse to hurt you now because Cathal got a memo out to the Sellbots {except his dad, of course}. But all that chatter among employees about the memo from Mr. Bravecog's son not to harm a specific toon made the VP put two and two together, and well... he didn't know what to think at first. But when he saw how happy his son was with you, he decided to leave the two of you be {he will try to use it as a selling point to the Toon Resistance later, but that's for another time}.
📺Now you basically have free reign over Sellbot HQ because neither you nor the Sellbots care to hurt each other. Cathal would be upset and get his dad involved if his memo wasn't followed, and the VP would be upset with you if you hurt one of his Cogs after they literally ceased fire on you. It makes visiting your boyfriend a LOT easier, though.
📺Give him headpats. He loves it!
📺Overall I just imagine the whole relationship being really chill and laid back where you don't really do anything and everything's peaceful {unless someone upsets you}.
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v171 · 1 year
My year in books, 2022
It's that exciting time of year where I get to go into too much detail about all of the books I read this year, so strap in for a lot of stats observations, ranting, and not enough gushing.
This wasn't a great reading year for me. Not only did I not read as much as I would have liked (40 books compared to last years 50, and 2020's 60), but I also just didn't like as many books as I usually do.
I do a combination of pulling Goodreads books stats, The Story Graph book stats, and my own book tracking that I'll get into. Let's start high level.
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Recitatif was only 19 pages?? I don't think that's right. But Oathbringer is definitely right. I think it took me over a month to finish.
I'll probably repeat myself here, but in an effort to achieve my goal of 40 books while I dragged my feet all year, I kind of loaded up on very short books. So my average book length of 334 makes sense, but would probably be a bit bigger had I had actually just picked up books I wanted to read rather than books just to pad my numbers.
Station Eleven being most shelved?? That was a bit of a surprise considering I read Oathbringer and some other literary heavy hitters like Recitatif, and the Earthsea trilogy. Least shelved being Infinite Ground perhaps makes sense. It's a niche book in a niche genre, but I really loved it. I think I would have expected some others to be a bit less popular, like The Silence or Enter The Aardvark.
Average rating of 3.5.. hmm yeah I guess. My ratings tend to be a bit weighted towards the higher stars because I simply stop reading a book when I don't like it, and I don't rate books I don't finish so I have few 1 and 2 star ratings.
Always impressed by the insanely high ratings Sanderson books get on Goodreads.
HOBOY The Poppy War, I completely forgot I read this first this year. Looking back at my review of this book, I was way too gentle and forgiving for the complete shit that it is.
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I still find it interesting how my audiobook/physical divide has shifted over the years, largely due to COVID since I don't listen to them in the car anymore. But I'd have expected, working from home, I would have listened to more audiobooks while I worked. But with the shift in my kind of work, it has become harder to listen to anything while I work these days.
5 Books by Becky Chambers! Yeah that makes sense considering I pushed through her Wayfarer books and picked up the Tea Monk and Robot sequel. Damn I love her books, what a fuckin GOAT. I'm actually surprised there were so many authors on this list, I don't know that I typically read books by the same author in rapid succession, but it was my "Year of Series," so it's now wholly unexpected to have many repeat authors this year.
I would like to try to read more nonfiction next year, but we'll see. This year was supposed to be the Year of Series, and I think I did a good enough job with that, but I could have done better and I really shouldn't make promises that I don't plan on keeping to myself.
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This tracks. First and foremost, I'm a SFF girly. Contemporary Fiction being 3rd I GUESS makes sense, but I tend to dump books under that genre when I'm just not quite sure how to classify them.
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As expected, ratings are skewed high, but I'm still surprised about how clean of a skew it is. I do think I might have been a bit generous with some of those 4 star ratings though, I have a bad habit of feeling guilty about rating books kinda low. My 4 star rating is supposed to mean "I really liked this book," and thinking back holistically, I don't think there were a lot of books this year that I "really liked." So I'm probably just a liar.
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I love these rating breakdown graphs because they really illustrate my preference for genres. I am such a slut for science fiction, I read more 5 star SF that I read books in most other genres. Also interesting to see here that I didn't seem to have a great Fantasy reading year. Mostly 1s, 2s, and 3s.
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This breakdown looks like it confirms what I want to be true: that by ratings aren't really biased by book length. I like to think I allow the story to influence my attitudes alone rather than get bogged down with how long it is, unlike some people who live in the same house as me who instantly drops a star rating for every page over 100.
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I like this breakdown chart too because I like to look for pattern in my attitude during the year. Doesn't look like there's a lot to observe here other than the fact that I didn't read at all in September and most of October (was traveling out of the country for half of Sept. and catching up on work in October). But again, I also didn't read as much as I usually do this year, so maybe a pattern would emerge with more data. August looks like a funny hot-and-cold month with the books being almost evenly split between 2 and 4/5 stars.
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This shows a bit more about the book/page breakdown and how you can see how much I overemphasized shorter books toward the end of the year. You can basically track where I decided to pick up some epic fantasy books (January-Jade City and Poppy War, May-Oathbringer), where the pages exceed the expected number of books, and the opposite months where the number of books exceed the expected number of pages per book (April, November, December). You can basically see me panic to finish the 40 books in November/December where I was averaging 100-150 page books so I could hit my goal. I hate feeling rushed, I need to be more disciplined about it.
And that's basically it! To wrap up, here's all the books I read this year. I'll have a few more posts to make about some of the specific books I read, loved, hated, or otherwise had some strong emotions about.
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milascenta · 11 months
16th June
I'm glad I haven't missed your birthday, I couldn't remember the day but I never forget the month. Where HAS the time gone haha, I can't believe its been like 5 years since we met feels almost like yesterday.
I am so so dreadfully sorry N. I'm so sorry. I know there isn't a word on earth that could take it away and I can't imagine what you're thinking. Well maybe a little bit. I'm glad he got back to you, and I'm so glad you get to be near him, that is such a relief even if its not for the best reason. You have every right to feel whatever you feel, for whatever length they take. I wish I could be there with you so you don't have to feel them alone, but you aren't alone. You're with him and he needs that, and you need that. He really really loves you, to hear how he treats you and how much he cares is so good to hear. It must be so hard to have to do all of that for him, to set his affairs in order and get things ready, I'm so sorry. You are so strong, and so caring to do it, and without really hesitating is something not many people could do too. I'm so glad you got to see old friends too, I understand feeling guilty about it, but you need to take of yourself too, you hear me, its ok to take time for yourself. While reading that part of your post, its almost as if your father and I thought the same thing. I'm glad you got to take lots of pictures to show him and how much he's talked about you to everyone made me smile so much. Being so close to him will help so much I know it. Thats so awesome your best friends mum helped, she's a real trooper, that drive sounds insane to have to do even with someone helping, I can't imagine it alone. I'm really sorry about your mother, I won't press it of course, I understand. Just know I'm on your side and she has no right acting like that.
I know its hard hearing how great you are but it is the truth, and the more people know the better. But yeah I get you, always feels awkward, but I'm glad its a good place he's at, and the people around him are kind. I get you, he wants you to have absolutely no doubt in your mind how much you mean to him, and how he's proud of you. It will be ok, it won't but it will be, you know. Time does have its ways of surprising us. I know its all hard, I know all too well, sometimes you just want to break, sometimes you just want to let it all out, sometimes you think you're not strong at all and that you're constantly one small snap away from a complete shatter. But we surprise ourselves, we constantly do. You are strong enough for this, you are strong enough. And you do show him how much you care, there is no try here, you do. Everyday you're with him, every word you share, every second in his presence you show that to him. The shadowbox is absolutely beautiful, it looks so fucking cool and badass I can't get over it haha. Its so creative and so well, its so you as well. I thought I recognised the symbol.
Your new hair looks so beautiful. It looks so good on you and I of course love the colour on you too. I loove the tattoo too, it looks so good on you arm and flows so well. Definitely a fine addition to your others. I really need more now haha. I'll be streaming on Sunday, have a final gig of June on Saturday so then I'll be freee, I'll be streaming on, e10squid. You'll be able to hear me then. Its gonna be weird at first, just playing games at the start but I have plans to do more interaction stuff and hopefully more irl stuff too, just want to build a lil community, we'll see.
I might hold off on doing anything with the band, we have been writing some new songs, but idk its the whole thing, if that makes sense, just feels a little stale (and if I'm honest I'm kinda getting fed up with introducing myself to the same people because they keep forgetting me as the bassist but at the same time I don't really like people so I don't really make too big of an effort to be rememberable if that makes sense, but thats because its not really the scene in which I'd like the be remembered if that makes sense, but yeah haha) We are getting some bigger gigs in different places so we'll see.
You never have to worry about writing for too long, I always like reading through it all multiple times. I'm glad you're safe. I wish I could hold you too, even for lil bit. Recharge you. Oh you could totally do that with Chonky she loves it, but she does sometimes give a false sense of security with it so its a 50/50 haha.
City and Colour is one of my all time favourite bands, I'm going to get some lyrics of his tattooed one day. And thank you for the song, its beautiful. You're giving me more and more to listen to and I love that. I'm happy its starting to warm up more for you, hopefully it feels good.
I hope this post isn't too babbly, I just wanted it to be unfiltered and just like I'm talking to you, I don't want it to seem like I'm editting myself or anything. I look forward to hearing from you again, N. Please take care and know you can come to me.
"Trying so hard to release You out of the misery Hold on to your wishes If you can't hold on to me"
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kleinstar · 2 years
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NAME :  Eiden EYE  COLOUR :  light brown HAIR  STYLE   /   COLOR :  brown on the mid side but still pretty light. keeps. Slightly longer at the neck and has enough hair to make a tiny ponytail there. Strategically tussled.  HEIGHT :  176 cm CLOTHING  STYLE : he puts thought onto his looks but usually you’ll see him wearing a big blue coat of some. While sometimes he may wear baggier stuff, usually they’re fitted. Likes to show a little bit of skin though not that much. Semidetailed fits with some accessories. There tends to always be something blue in his outfits too. PHYSICAL  FEATURE : Somewhat toned more from upper body though, his legs not so much. Still not heavily muscular and is fairly lean. Very well tended skin and nails, he puts effort on keeping himself clean. Winning smile. He’s pretty fast btw
FEARS : loneliness - he’s gotten a lot better with it though, people close to him getting hurt. GUILTY PLEASURES : hot guys, sweets (including stuff like bubbletea and starbucks) BIGGEST PET PEEVE :  ....ill figure this out later i cant think of anything right now AMBITIONS FOR THE FUTURE:  he wants to become big sextoy creator!
FIRST  THOUGHTS  WAKING  UP :  depends too much, possibly his agenda for the day, possibly of whoevers in the bed with him WHAT  THEY  THINK  ABOUT  MOST :  ;)  WHAT  THEY  THINK  ABOUT  BEFORE  BED :  again depends a lot but sometimes hes still thinking about everyone in Klein WHAT  THEY  THINK  THEIR  BEST  QUALITY  IS :  he’s tenacious, has many talents and good looks and not all that modest about it either (except sometimes) - he’d probably just say something not safe for work lmao - otherwise it wont just be a singular thing he wants to say hehe
SINGLE  OR  GROUP  DATES :  both! TO  BE  LOVED  OR  RESPECTED :  to be loved BEAUTY  OR  BRAINS :  mmMMMMM, he might have tough time with this one, maybe beauty its ok to be dumdum - but that said kind soul is the most important one but that doesn’t mean he’ll hate someone that doesn’t have great personality either but he can have complex feelings about it  DOGS  OR  CATS :  he likes both but pet of choice would probably be dog
𝙇𝘼𝙔𝙀𝙍  005 :     DO THEY …
LIE :  sure sometimes, not necessarily very big lies but rather just little white lies and not that often. mostly innocent lies really  BELIEVE  IN  THEMSELF :  generally yes, he’s very tenacious BELIEVE  IN  LOVE :  yes definitely, he’s full of it WANT  SOMEONE :  wanna try? ;)
BEEN  ON  STAGE :  yes DONE  DRUGS :  nah CHANGED  WHO  THEY  WERE  TO  FIT  IN :  not so much to fit in but he had a rebellious phase in his teens- changed a lot doing the part time jobs that just gradually matured him. He however does always adjust a little according to the person he’s with but not so much that he’d become dishonest to himself
FAVOURITE  COLOR :  light blue FAVOURITE  ANIMAL :   no faves really FAVOURITE  BOOK :  he likes erotic literature but also olivine’s fairy tales FAVOURITE  GAME : he likes cardgames (he cheats!) but also good in variety of different games you can play with two or more people, rarely solo games!
𝙇𝘼𝙔𝙀𝙍  008 : AGE .
DAY  THEIR  NEXT  BIRTHDAY  WILL  BE :  his height is 176 AND his birthday just happens to be 17.6 HOW  OLD  WILL  THEY  BE : 24? but spirale
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birdcagcd · 2 years
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anonymous said: kotoko, are you satisfied with the results of the first trial? is there anyone you felt didn't deserve their result?
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unprompted | -
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-- she tilts her head. “ I believe I’ve already mentioned I am not quite satisfied. I do think Es has made some questionable choices, as I would’ve not been quite as lenient, but I think they’re doing alright. “
she shakes her head, gazing off momentarily. “ but if you are asking my thoughts.. “ she pauses, collecting her thoughts. toying with her sleeves momentarily. 
-- “ Sakurai Haruka. I don’t think I’d have forgiven him personally, but I am not too dissatisfied with the result. I think it’s made for an interesting development. after all, he seems to have opened up quite a bit. otherwise, he seems stupid and harmless, so I don’t think he requires too much attention at the moment. I am looking into him, however. don’t worry. “
Kotoko crosses her arms. “ he’s just a hassle to get ahold of, without Muu being nearby. and if Muu is nearby, there is not going to come anything out of his mouth that isn’t approved by her. which renders his testaments useless. a shame, really. I do think their relationship has developed quite interestingly, they complete each others needs in a strange kind of way. “
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she bites her lower lip, a hand wandering up to cover her mouth, thinking. “ Kashiki Yuno. I have not been able to get anything out of her personally, she seems careless and honestly, it pisses me off. she’s turned her back on everyone, a complete 180, really. I wouldn’t have forgiven her, if just for the chance to beat a confession out of her. “
she’s been a difficult case. all she seems to think about is how to get someone to sleep with her, even though she makes little effort to socialize anymore. maybe there is more to it than Kotoko has been able to discover.
her eyes close. “ Kajiyama Fuuta. “ there’s a dry laugh in her throat. “ he cries like a little bitch. I’m quite satisfied with his guilty, it was very satisfying to bash his face in. Kazui stopped me, but I really wanted to blind him. “ she says with a smile on her face. “ I really hope I get the chance after his next trial. I mean, there is no way he is getting an innocent with his attitude. though, he is really all bark and no bite. I don’t think he poses a real threat. “
and she is very satisfied with that. the next prisoner leaves a more bitter taste in her mouth. “ Kusunoki Muu. how she got forgiven is a mystery to me. “ it is quite frankly, beyond her. Muu gives off nothing but bad vibes, and clearly thrives off of being able to be in control. “ I used to be a little conflicted on her as well, so I suppose I understand Es’ judgement, but the more I’ve learned about her, the more I know, she should’ve been guiltied. I would be very interested in how she would have reacted. “
but what is done, is done. she supposes.. 
-- “ Shiina Mahiru. a guilty was very benefitting of a manipulative, predatory bitch as her. “ she spits, judgement written in her expression. “ I didn’t kill her, because Es has yet to make their final judgement, but I would much rather not let her anywhere near them ever. “
Mahiru screams predatory to her. and it makes her sick to her stomach. if it went her way, she’d have beaten her into a bloody pulp until she would no longer recognize her own face in the mirror. it’s been very satisfying to see her happy face crumble. nothing tastes better than seeing abusers get a taste of their own medicine.
-- “ Kirisaki Shidou. “ she pauses. “ he’s.. an interesting case. for someone who seems so guilty of his crime, he definitely hesitates in confessing to what exactly he did. there must be much more to it. “ she picks at her nails. “ but, regardless, I wouldn’t have voted him innocent. maybe for the effect, since he wanted a guilty so badly, and the innocent would probably get more of a reaction out of him. actually, solely for that purpose, I might have. I feel like just killing him would be simpler, though. “
she is not that frustrated with his result, though. “ Mukuhara Kazui. he got into the way of me bringing justice. admittedly, I have yet to look into him more, but I am not too dissatisfied with the innocent. I would prefer a guilty now, though. he can not get in the way again. “ that is all she has about him, at the moment. she should focus more on him. but the other prisoners are simply more in the foreground. perhaps he is doing that intentionally. she bites her lip, tapping her chin. hm. an interesting thought.
-- “ Momose Amane. I haven’t seen her recently, she didn’t seem to be very happy with Shidous actions, so Kazui and Shidou seem to have done something about her. I wasn’t there for it, though, and after my quarrel with Kazui I wasn’t quite able to punish her. “ she quirks her eyebrow. “ I know what you want to say. she’s a child. but that doesn’t excuse her, and Es agrees with me. “
she laughs. “ Kayano Mikoto. the man of the hour. “ her voice is dripping with sarcasm. “ he was a lot stronger when I fought him last time. it’s interesting, the way his different.. ‘personalities’ fight. it was almost a pleasant surprise to see him so evenly matched to my skill, this time. “  it’s amusing to her, really. “ a little frustrating nonetheless, but, I am quite certain he will be getting another guilty. so there is nothing to worry about. I am quite sick of his smile, however. it’s sickening how much he tries to act like any of us are friends, or should be such. “
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diamxndinthedirt · 2 years
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@obscuremarvelmuses​ sent a sentence starter: Scorpion: "a reformed jerk is still a jerk."
»»————- ♡ ————-««  
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{♥} – ❝Look, I’m trying my fuckin’ best, okay?❞ Ever since Elmer had regained a beating heart, he’d been battling tirelessly with the fluidity of his transforming identity. 
Hah! It almost seemed like a joke. An Elmer with an identity!
His newly enhanced conscience was telling him that he should act with compassion towards the people he would normally ridicule, and be a more personable Elmer in a far less corporate sense of the word...but to be truthful...he didn’t know how. All he’d ever known was emptiness. Deep & dark, abysmal, exclusive emptiness. His entire way of being was built upon the bitterness of that harsh reality. It was his foundation. He didn’t know how to outwardly be anything else but bitter, in spite of his brand new heart urging him to engage with his emotions. He felt them, that much could be an overwhelming certainty at times. But to healthily demonstrate what he was feeling seemed like a totally different thing, emotion in general just being something of which he was still figuring out how to harness. It just...seemed that whenever he tried, it resulted in some form of indulgence in debauchery because he didn’t know how to stop feeling once he’d become immersed in whatever state of mind his emotions plunged him into. He was definitely still learning how to regulate his emotions. Feelings were addictive, he had learned, and would usually end up causing trouble for him and those around him.
And so, for now, and especially in this moment, he would just...push them down.
❝What is it that you actually want from me?❞ Elmer lackadaisically tossed Scorpion’s change to her across the counter. Scorpion was one of the very, very few people who actually knew about his transplant, but right now, the store clerk was beginning to regret ever confiding in her in the first place. Seemed that both of them having mutually biology-defying abnormalities didn’t mean that they could share in each other’s sorrow...hmph. ❝Cause all I’m getting from you right now is “I’m a massive bitch and I wanna disrupt Elmer’s work day for no other reason than to be the massive bitch that I am”, and you know what, it ain’t pretty! Just like your face. Ugly bitch...thanks for bringing your fucking opinion...❞
No customer service voice for Scorpion, it seemed.
Elmer crossed his arms over his chest as scowled...brooding. Mostly about himself and the way he’d reacted. He’d just wanted her to see that he was trying...but it seemed that his efforts had backfired, as the very second she questioned the substance of his progress, he’d blown up at her, completely degenerating back to the callous and insensitive person that everybody knew but nobody ever remembered. Just...with a more underlying sense of woundedness beneath the surface. How pathetic...
Jesus Christ. He was already feeling guilty for the words that had left his mouth. But it was the only way he knew how to defend himself! His emotions were contemporarily easy-to-bruise. He’d just reasoned that maybe if he rejected her judgement first, then his heart-bearing self being rejected by her wouldn’t sting so fucking much or be as much of an insult to who he really might have been, because then he was the one in control. But that felt like a bad joke, too. Elmer wasn’t in control at all. In fact, he was inwardly reeling. Was this karma for the way he’d treated people in the past?! Well...fuck it, whatever! If a heartless being was the only thing she could see him amounting to, then a heartless being he would be. Maybe, he shouldn’t keep denying himself the unsavoury intensity his feelings wrought! Maybe, he should just go nuts and freak the fuck out on everyone who’d ever wronged him in this town and fucking kill them all.
Okay. That probably wasn’t a normal thought to have when you have a fully-functioning heart.
Was that just an intrusive thought brought on by his elevated state of emotion or was it a genuine impulse of his to go out with the intent to actually hurt somebody? He legitimately couldn’t tell...and that scared him. A lot.
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slasherhaven · 3 years
hi um can i make a Request?? how would the slasher reacts when they're being taken care of by their female s/o while their sick
Taking Care of the Slashers when they’re Sick:
Thomas Hewitt 
Can be stubborn. Thomas is a hard worker and doesn’t need the lecture from Hoyt for not getting his chores done, so it takes some convincing to get him to just rest. He tries to convince you that he isn’t that sick, he doesn’t even feel that bad, but you and Luda May eventually convince him to rest. 
Loves when you take care of him. At first he doesn’t want to be a burden but you quickly convince him that he’s not and you want to take care of him, so he allows you. He quickly realises that he likes the feeling of you taking care of him, making sure he is alright and fussing over him. He never actually asks you for anything but he doesn't have too, you’re already doing it with a smile.
Luda May loves that you take care of him so well. Luda May thinks your perfect for Thomas and is glad that he found somebody he loves and who loves him, but seeing you take care of him so lovingly when he is sick just makes her heart melt. That’s how she knows that you’re definitely the right one for him.
Michael Myers 
Very stubborn. Michael Myers doesn’t get sick. Evil personified can’t get sick...yeah, he’s definitely sick considering all the coughing and sneezing he’s doing. Even when you roll your eyes and point out that he is very clearly sick, he brushes it off. Okay, well it’s not that bad and he can deal with it.
Reluctantly lets you take care of him when it gets really bad. Eventually the common cold just gets worse and he tries to fight it with stubbornness, and he reluctantly lets you take care of him. He will glare at you the whole time but it’s not quiet as intimidating as it normally is since he’s sniffling as he does so. You have to try not to smile as you drape a blanket over his shoulders before handing him a bowl of his favourite soup.
Jason Voorhees 
Tries to pretend he is fine. He’s not stubborn or trying to act like he’s not sick, but he doesn’t want to be a burden or anything, so he tries to act like it’s not as bad as it really his.
Doesn’t fight you when you want to take care of him. Once you realise that he really is sick, you insist on him getting some rest and letting you take care of him. And he allows it without a fight.
It makes him feel very loved. The fact that you’re fussing over him so much and taking such good care of him simply because you want to, because you love him, just warms his heart. 
Brahms Heelshire
Still a brat. Brahms is needy for your attention on a good day, so when he is sick it is ten times worse. Don’t expect to be doing much other than directly fussing over him. Whines your name if you’re gone for two minutes, he needs you to take care of him!
Loves being cared for. This is pretty obvious but Brahms really enjoys being looked after, being fussed over and doted on. It makes him feel loved and cared for.
Is way too dramatic and plays on it a lot. It’s a simple cold and it’s probably not even that bad but Brahms will act like he is dying so that you give him more of your attention. He’ll probably just lay in bed until he feels better, having you wait on him and insisting on cuddles. You suppose not much changes...
Bo Sinclair
Stubborn. At first he denies that he’s sick at all but once he can’t hide it any longer, he confesses that he’s got a bit of a cold but insists that he’s fine. He definitely doesn’t need to you fussing over him like he’s a child.
Eventually doesn’t have the energy to fight you. He just gets more sick until fighting you is just hard work, so he gruffly gives in and allows you to dote on him. You make him something to eat and makes sure he stays comfortable, scolding him whenever he complains or insists on doing something.
Okay...maybe this isn’t so bad. After so long, he begins to enjoy being cared for like this. He has to admit that it is making him feel better and he appreciates the effort your putting in just to make him feel better. Still, don’t expect a proper ‘thank you’, he’ll still insist that you were being dramatic and he was fine the whole time.
Vincent Sinclair 
A little stubborn. He knows he is sick and doesn’t deny it but he also knows that there is work that needs to get done, so he’s going to need a little convincing to just get him to rest. But you manage to get him to do it eventually, promising that the chores will get done and telling him that he needs to focus on getting better.
He likes having you dote on him, and he’s very grateful. It’s been a long time since somebody had taken care of him like this, fussed about him when he was sick and made sure he got better. He really appreciates it and lets you know that. He doesn’t ask you to do anything, feeling guilty if he did, but you kept reassuring him that you wanted to help and bringing him what he needed anyway without him asking. It’s just another thing you do that makes him fall even more in love with you.
Lester Sinclair
Very quick to convince to rest. He hesitates a little, not wanting to receive a lecture from Bo when he doesn’t get some of his duties done but you pretty easily convince him that it will all be fine. He knows that he needs to rest and he doubts that Bo is going to drive out to the house just to scold him, so he gives in and goes back to bed.
A very good patient. He does everything you say. Takes his medication, eats the soup you make, and thanks you for everything you do for him. He finds that he really does like when you take care of him, making him feel loved and cared for. He just loves you and appreciates everything you do for him.
Bubba Sawyer
Does get a little whiney. At first he tries to fight off the illness with pure willpower but soon gives in to the illness. Bubba hates being sick and he can be a little whiney about it but not in an annoying way, you just feel sympathetic for him. He doesn’t fight you trying to help him either, he doesn’t feel well and he needs you to look after him! 
A pretty good patient. Bubba doesn’t fight you, and though he can be a little whiney, he will do whatever you say. He’s happy just to be cuddled up with blankets in bed while you lovingly fuss over him, shushing him and telling him that you will take care of him.
Billy Lenz 
Pretty dramatic. It starts of with a few sneezes and sniffles, and him feeling a little sorry for himself. You’re sympathetic, already beginning to fuss over him a little, with he enjoys. But he starts feeling more ill and eventually gets pretty whiney about it. He can be very dramatic, he absolutely hates being sick and will complain to you the whole time.
Loves being cared for. Being properly cared for and looked after is pretty new to Billy, and he absolutely loves it. He loves being fussed over and he loves having so much of your attention. He will be a little dramatic, acting more sick than he his just so that you will fuss over him more. Some cuddling should get him to stop complaining and just get some sleep.
Asa Emory (The Collector)
Very stubborn. Asa isn’t going to just accept that he is sick, insisting that he’s fine, that it’s not so bad and it will be over in a couple of days. You shrug and give in, letting him get on with it. Slowly you start to see his energy draining as he hits the peak of his illness, that’s when you start to insist that he focuses on recovering. 
He doesn't know the meaning of ‘rest’. While being sick he might take a break from his Collector work, since he can’t really be doing that with his drained energy but he will be carrying on with his more legitimate work. You will have to just take his work away from him while insisting he gets some rest. You’re not going to get him to just lay in bed for the next few days but you might get him to just rest and take a break from his work.
Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull) 
Pretty stubborn. He is quick to admit that he is getting sick but that doesn’t mean he’s just going to be sitting around feeling sorry for himself. When you advise him to get some rest, he just reassures you that he is fine and it is unnecessary.
Lets you do what you need to do. You’re fussing over him and he lets you but he still assures you that he is fine, really. Still, he just lets you do what you gotta do, whether that's making him some soup or just checking in on him, and he is sincerely grateful for it. He appreciates all your effort and makes sure to tell you that. 
Need to force him to stop working. Eventually you decide that you can’t go on watching him filling out paperwork when you can physically see how ill he is, so you pull the papers away from him and insist that he comes to get some proper rest with you. It takes a little convincing but soon gives in and lets you take him to the living room, sitting him down and insisting he just do nothing for a while and focus on getting better. He isn’t very dramatic and he knows he will be fine in a few days but he thinks it’s sweet how much you fuss over him, and so he allows you to do so.
Otis Driftwood
Insists that he doesn’t get sick. No matter what, Otis will insist that he isn’t sick, but he is very clearly sick. No matter what you say, he will deny it. He is stubborn and certainly won’t let you take care of him.
Finally listens but will complain the whole time. Eventually Otis can no longer deny that he is sick and simply doesn’t have the energy that he usually has. And so he finally gives in and listens to your advice to get some rest. However, he will complain about how you’re fussing over him...even if he will get even more grumpy when you stop. When Otis is sick, it’s just a bad time for everyone because he’s in an even worse mood than usual. Mama Firefly is just glad that you’re here to take care of him and to deal with him.
Baby Firefly
Refuses to admit she is sick at first. She’s not as stubborn as her brother and isn’t ashamed to admit that she’s gotten sick, she just doesn’t want to slow down. She’s fine! Of course the two of you can still go out tonight! You just have to assure her that’s it’s fine and the two of you will just celebrate extra hard when she’s feeling better.
Finally gives in and lets you take care of her. Okay, she can’t deny it anymore, she is sick and feels terrible. Once she stops trying to fight it, she is happy to let you take care of her. She thinks you’re sweet for caring so much and kinda likes having you wait on her just a little bit. She quickly figures out that she can get away with being a little cheeky and definitely takes advantage of that.
Yautja (Predator)
He’s not sick, he doesn’t get sick. Honestly you were surprised when he got sick, you didn’t even realise that was possible. You soon learnt that he had the Yautja equivalent of the common cold. It did seem rare for your mate to get sick, the species having a pretty high immune system, and maybe that was why he was so insistent that he wasn’t sick at first.
You make sure he takes his medication or the medic’s advice. At first he might be a little stubborn, insisting he is too strong to be sick but he slowly gets over himself. Listening to you when you insist on any medication that the medic had prescribed or just when it came to following the medic’s advice.
Finds that he likes letting you take care of him. Your mate quickly learns that he likes when you take care of him. You aren’t sure how to help with his alien illness so you just do what you would do for a human partner, wrapping him up in fluffy blankets and making him soup (or whatever else he wants to eat). It doesn’t really help the same way it might help a human but you just want to make him comfortable while he gets better and that is definitely working. Your mate loves it and appreciates it, he is quickly becoming fond of your human quirks and behaviours, he is definitely getting used to them.
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randomwriteronline · 2 years
(Up and Down and Up and Down and)
Jubilife Village was too quiet for him to sleep.
Hisui, in general, was too quiet for him to sleep.
What a stupid conundrum he found himself in. Of course he could not sleep with the screams of hell all around him; at the same time, the silence lulled him into a state of complete restlessness.
It did him no good, not sleeping, he was very aware of that, but despite his best efforts he could never manage to lay down and let himself be taken by the tiredness for a consistent amount of time. Whenever he closed his eyes at night he never knew what would have happened: would he have spent five minutes of pure mental blackout before returning to this wretched conscious body full of aches, or would he fall into Mu-something’s gentle clouds so thoroughly that Lian would have to furiously shake him awake in the morning, overtaken by the fear of the man having finally died?
Sneasler did not mind being awake at ungodly hours; so when he could not fight himself to sleep, Ingo would get out of bed and walk away to check on her kingdom, in the Coronet Highlands.
He was a warden, after all.
And Melli’s constant determined battle against his attempts at keeping the caves safely illuminated, as well-intentioned as it might have been in the younger man’s eyes, at the very least gave a purpose to his sleepless wandering.
In truth, he could understand his reasoning: cave-dwelling Pokémon who rarely saw the light of day were indeed likely to be greatly bothered by the less intense but still bright torches’ flames, and it was in everybody’s best interest to leave them be without making them unnecessarily aggressive. At the same time, though, to risk letting someone walk through the labirinthyne caverns in pitch black darkness, with unseen dangers all around them and no way to detect and avoid them... That horrible idea made his skin crawl and hands itch with concern. Safety was everything, precautions were necessary. What sort of respectable conductor would allow his passengers to travel through such a dangerous tunnel? He had only a vague clue of what such a thought meant in terms of literal significance, but he knew it was important, and specifically important to himself.
He was a respectable conductor, whatever the meaning of those words combined was, and so he persevered in keeping the caverns bright enough to be traversed, first trying to work along Melli’s requests by leading commuters himself through the tunnels and then returning to his previous strategy when the newer one proved ineffectual, sliding into a stubborn yet only somewhat annoying song-and-dance routine with his Diamond Clan’s counterpart.
Miss Irida told him she was glad he could withstand that. He imagined ‘that’ was the action of enduring Melli’s general presence and being.
Mr. Adaman had assured him that despite his coarse and egocentric tendencies, his fellow clan member cared deeply about his people and his duties; Ingo did not doubt it, but felt a bit too guilty to admit to the young leader that he had never exactly heard anything the other man, or for that matter anybody, had told him when speaking to him.
That was an exaggeration, maybe. Definitely. He was not deaf, or much worse, uncaring. He did listen. If they came up to him to talk, or called him from afar, he did listen. He could hear them. It was only that the longer more information was piled into his ears without him intervening, the more a slow sort of grey snowstorm would begin ebbing and expanding at the corners of his vision until it overtook his eyes almost completely, leaving only the vague grey outline of anything which stood before him as the dumbing blizzard howled with a sort of rustling that reminded him of falling sand, louder and louder, drowning and distorting the words struggling to reach him. The illusion broke as soon as he acknowledged his interlocutor in some way, as if reminding their presence to his numbing senses, and so he constantly nodded or added some kind of short comment to what was said: this insistence in partecipating even in conversations meant to be one-sided had got him a few looks; but still, as a stranger, he had been silently and benignely allowed to be... Well.
Sneasler probably found him strange, too. As strange as a human can be to a Sneasler - maybe a little stranger than the others, if she cared for that.
She answered to his call nonetheless, chirping a drowsy greeting as she descended to him and rubbed her large face against his.
“Good evening, Sneasler,” Ingo mumbled back, equally tired. “I apologize for the sudden rescheduling yet again.”
She clacked her tongue at him in some kind of reassurance.
“Shall we run a late night safety check?” he proposed; the long feather on her head flicked as she nodded. “Let’s see if our colleague has decided to hinder us tonight as well, then.”
The good thing was that the caves were dark enough to make it immediately clear if the torches were lit up inside of them.
And of course, when Ingo entered the first tunnel, it was pitch black.
He inhaled very, very, very deeply, and sighed.
Unfortunately for the other warden, Sneasler’s very flammable venom made rekindling fire as easy as switching tracks. Very carefully - very calmly, as they had all the time in the world - Ingo passed the flames of the first torch to another one, which he then passed to Sneasler; he took the rest of them in his own arms and slowly made his way around the winding rocky tunnels, placing each down in its precise location to light them up as the two of them proceeded until he had no more. At that point he yawned against the back of his hand, cracked his spine with a groan (he should have fixed his posture, he really should have, but he was so, so tired), and slowly left to check on other similar galleries.
After the fifth repeat of this same situation he thought of congratulating Melli for his exemplary perseverance and thoroughness. Not a single damn cave was lit.
He leaned against the rocky wall and groaned, wishing the silence could subside enough to allow him to snooze for even just a few hours. Gentle claws nudged him further, first prodding at his shoulder, then his side when he did not react; complying despite the aching of his limbs the warden dragged himself forward, towards the torches he could not leave without flames.
Thank Sinnoh or who for them his body came with a great muscle memory attached. Eyes barely opened, he treaded the ground without thoughts, certain of his safety as he placed small beacons across the entrails of the mountain.
Then Sneasler gave a low growl, pulling him back slightly; he raised his head heavily, took a moment to assess what exactly he was looking at.
His hand automatically moved upwards, pointing at the vague light swirling in an oval shape before him as it licked at his fingertip with an incomprehensible texture: “This could be a problem,” he noted to nobody.
The Noble beside him agreed, and they turned back around, to Jubilife Village.
By the time Ingo appeared at the gates of the settlement the morning was slowly inching towards noon. Better, he reasoned as he entered the base of operation of Galaxy Team: the professor would have had to be awake by now.
Miss Cyllene treated him to a grim look: “Ah, warden Ingo,” she greeted him with her sharp, no nonsense tone, sounding like she would have stabbed him right where he stood if not for her Abra hovering lazily in front of her arm: “I believe someone is waiting for you by Zisu’s training grounds.”
He nodded back at her, raising his hat slightly before replying with his usual frown carved into his face and eyes lacking any light inside of them whatsoever: “Thank you for informing me, I shall meet up with them as soon as possible. First however I would like to ask if the professor is in - there is something rather urgent I’d like to notify to him.”
“He isn’t here,” she replied.
“I am indeed!” argued a jolly voice as Laventon emerged from the door, his warm violet cap tight around his head and labcoat (inexplicably buttoned up, for once) completely drenched.
The woman looked at him as if she was about to throw a hatchet at his forehead: “I thought you were busy in the Crimson Mirelands.”
“Er, yes - unfortunately my assistant has not done me the courtesy of visiting this morning, so I decided to take the opportunity to dedicate myself to observing Oshawott’s playtime habits instead...” the old chap explained bashfully, dripping water all over the floor. “As you can imagine, things might have gotten a little out of hand.”
The sudden pointing at his boots scared he wits out of him: “A wet floor sign is required immediately!” Ingo informed loudly, brain on autopilot, “Commuters could slip and get hurt!”
“We shall have it mopped at once then!” Cyllene replied equally loudly for the scare.
Laventon’s mind could not help but compare their interaction to several he had observed in the wild between various species of Pokémon: two specimens engaging in a vocal battle for dominance, roaring louder and louder until one of them backed down. Cyllene had even assumed what could almost have been considered a battle stance, stiff, shoulders straightened to seem taller.
(It was a little amusing.)
The warden did not pick up on the aggression he had instigated and nodded, content; he then blinked, slowly, feeling the hours of lost sleep scuttle on his arms and back, and turned to address the professor as if nothing had happened, voice volume much lower: “I apologize for bothering you, but Lady Sneasler and I might have come across a rift in a cavern of the Coronet Highlands, while checking if the torches I had placed there were lit.”
The professor widened his eyes in genuine surprise: “A rift?” he repeated. “As in, one not unlike that which...? But that would be-”
“Perhaps you were mistaken,” the woman interrupted him. “There have not been similar sightings in quite some time now.”
“Yes, exactly!” the Galarian nodded along her.
Ingo, however, shook his head: “Nothing I’ve seen in the caves until now has a shape or glow similar to whatever that was. If it’s my senses specifically you don’t trust, it may help to know it was Lady Sneasler who first noticed it, and based on how she growled at it I’d say it’s not a normal sight for her either.”
The other two exchanged a worried glance.
“If you have other business to handle first, I can wait until it is taken care of,” the warden assured them.
It was Laventon’s turn to shake his head, the enormous white pom-pom on top of it bouncing left and right as he took his own chin in his hand with a concerned look: “No, no, we should head to Coronet Highlands as soon as possible - the research I wished to conduct in the mirelands is not as urgent, and if this truly is a rift we’re talking about then it might be indication of there being something rather dangerous afoot. It is best to investigate immediately. If I just knew where to find Rei and Akari, we could get going immediately...”
“That should be simple enough. They’ve been waiting for-”
The woman’s voice was cut off by a shrill shriek as an imposing figure appeared out of thin air, violet light bursting from it with a growl. Ingo turned to it to meet half lidden eyes and a sharp toothed grin.
“Ah,” he patted the Typhlosion’s snout lightly. “Hello.”
The large beast smiled at him with a gurgle.
Behind it stood the two youngest amongst the few members of the Survey Corps, one waving excitedly at the warden while recalling the creature, one seeming much less keen on seeing him. Ingo remembered to wave back.
(He had known immediately it was them. They always showed him their Pokémon whenever they crossed paths, to see him react to them. It didn't matter if he had seen them already or not. If they wanted, they would talk to him afterwards, maybe even battle with him or a few other challengers if they were in the mood for that. More often that not, they just stayed close by and smiled at his attentiveness to training, to the specimens they showed him.)
(The kid likely noticed how out of it he was most of the time, with how much they seemed to like to visit him - luckily for them he had settled in the Village, much more easily accessible that the Highlands or the base of the Pearl Clan, mostly standing by around Miss Zisu's dojo: that was the only place where the rumble of Pokémon battles could stir him from the buzzing torpor that otherwise had him in its hazy grip. They liked showing him their prowess in the trade.)
(Why exactly they were so fond of him he never understood.)
“Where were you? I have been stuck waiting for you to come back to the training grounds for hours because of crybaby here,” the least enthusiastic of the two teens reprimanded him as they crossed their arms on their chest and nudged the other.
Their peer shot them a glare: "Nobody forced you to wait with me," they replied as they elbowed them back, “You were just scared somebody might have challenged you if you didn’t!”
A hand swatted at their face and they replied in tone, scuffling for a moment or two like a pair of Sneasles.
Cyllene coughed loudly as she emerged from behind the small barrier offered by Abra and Laventon, shushing the teens instantly: “While your tardiness did put off the professor’s intended search of the Mirelands,” she reprimanded them, “You’ve arrived just in time to take on a different mission. You are to accompany the professor to Coronet Highlands at once: warden Ingo has reported just now the presence of what could likely be yet another rift.”
Both kids widened their eyes in surprise and turned to the warden, who simply nodded.
"I thought we were done with that," the more talkative one argued, confused: "That they were all gone now."
"If you keep wasting time here wondering about this anomaly instead of shaking a leg and hurrying to the Highlands we will never find out what is truly happening, I suppose," Cyllene replied curtly.
Her two subordinates nodded, bashful.
"Very well then!" Ingo shouted, arms stiffly moving into his signature pose: "All aboard!"
His voice echoed throughout the building with outstanding ease, making the glass in the windows shake.
"You'd do wonders as a train master in Galar," the professor groaned with aching ears.
Ingo liked the sound of that.
The highlands bathed in the tepid early afternoon's sun by the time the small convoy arrived at destination. In the warm shadows created by the trembling red torches, the blue glow of the swirling, nebulous portal sent chills down its beholders' spines.
The warden extended his arm in front of his three companions to keep them from advancing further: "Please do not step over the yellow line."
Professor Laventon stopped his young assistants in their tracks by opening his arms in front of them as well and looked at the ground for a moment, in search of the dangerous mark on the rocky pavement they were to avoid, before realizing it was likely yet another one of the man's many obscure idioms. A little embarassed, he coughed lightly as Rei and Akari snickered, amused, like children whose guardian had showed a rare moment of silliness.
Trying to leave his awkward lapsus behind despite the light darkening taking over his cheeks, the good professor focused on the swirling formation before him: while indeed gloomly lit by icy near-white sparks, it lacked the foreboding darkness which oozed from previous examples of time-spacial rifts, donning an ever so slightly more welcoming appearance than its cousins. After gaining permission from the warden with an exhange of glances and nods, he dared to reach further with his dark hand towards its core - a glowing sign, akin to a cross-shaped star of sorts.
A small bolt of lighting hit his fingetrip with what seemed like an angry ZAP and he retreated it hastily, a small yelp escaping him.
Ingo tilted his head in surprise: “That’s new.”
“What?” the Hisuian teen asked, “What’s new?”
“The lightning.”
The warden stuck his hand out the same way the Galarian man had: his fingers sunk into the cloud-like texture of the portal without encountering any kind of opposition from it.
Three pairs of eyes observed the phenomenon with confusion. One pair, behind both Lady Sneasler and the two humans, had a different gaze.
“This is highly irregular,” murmured the professor as they grey rustling storm arose to submerge him, spiriting him away from the reach of Ingo’s senses: “Even moreso than something like this already is...”
The cave disappeared slowly before the warden’s eyes: silhouettes turned to one another, voices drowned under white noise illuminated only by a soft neon blue glow next to him, curling slowly, slowly, slowly, whispering something eerily close to words of some kind that wormed into his ear even with the ceaseless noise of sand falling restlessly all around him. It pierced the ashen veil that separated him from the rest of Hisui without breaking it, without tearing him from that weightless torpor numbing his limbs; between the rifts’s chilling murmurs and the cascade of grey he could barely feel himself.
His eyes followed something without realizing nor recognizing it - some kind of shape, of figure, roughly reaching the height of his shoulders, lunging forward towards the welcoming spires.
His fingers dug into a thin shoulder and pulled back with a jerk; its owner stumbled, rebalanced themself, tried to struggle against the man’s limited grip before he wrapped an arm around their middle to properly restrain them and lifted them away. He barely registered himself repeating the safety precaution all over again to deaf ears: the buzzing still succeeded in covering both his and their words as they kicked and yelled against him, against the other arms that tried to detain them, but his mind was hurrying back to the present.
He could recognize Sneasler hissing nervously at the situation, Laventon’s concerned tones trying to calm the restless child, and their peer’s too, asking for explanations - and the kid above all, screaming, sobbing, sobbing as loudly as they could, almost wailing, shouting, shouting --
Ingo held on tight until his ears began ringing and the fighting finally subsided. By the time the professor was busying himself finding tissues for the crying kid, who seemed to be going limp in his grip, he reasoned he could let go slightly.
They slumped against his forearms, legs weak, head hung low, mumbling incoherently through their tears of home, of their mother, of friends they missed.
Through a great effort, they managed an intelligible sentence: “If it -- they don’t last, they don’t last long - it could go away soon, they don’t - if it goes away, I’ll, we’ll, maybe we’ll never -- maybe we can never-”
“Breathe, my dear, try to breathe,” Laventon comforted them. They took the handkerchief he handed them and dried their eyes as best as they could despite the sobbing they could not stop. “There you go - let’s try to calm down, alright? Would you rather sit down? Come, let’s sit a little.”
Ingo lowered both himself and the youngster to the ground with little difficulty. They mumbled something too confused to be understandable.
“What’s wrong?” the professor asked, gently, “What has gotten into you?”
They simply shook their head.
The other teen turned to Ingo and Sneasler: “Do you think the rift changed at all from when you first saw it?”
Both the Noble and her warden shook their head.
“I believe it was fully formed already when Lady Sneasler first noticed it,” Ingo added, his claim backed by a positive chirping from the Pokémon.
“And you came right to Jubilife Village after that, right?” the kid pressed on, “To warn the professor about it, as captain Cyllene said?”
This time, both of the interlocutors nodded.
Dark eyes lit up in relief: “That’s quite the trek, from the highlands to the village and back,” they noted, almost giving the impression that they were talking to themself, although their head had lowered to be closer to their peer’s and their tone had grown reassuring: “The rifts we’ve seen in the field would have disappeared in maybe a couple dozen minutes, even less. And this one resembles more the one that hung above Mount Coronet, which stayed there for a pretty long time, so that shouldn’t be a problem, no?”
The other did not answer, but the stream of sobs did slow down slightly.
“It’s not going to disappear soon, did you hear that?” their friend assured them: “It’s... It’s going to stay here for a while, probably. Do you understand that?”
The other kid just sniffled, as if the information had failed to offer them solace. They turned away to hide against the white shirt upon which was hetched the Pearl Clan’s symbol, against the warden’s chest; under their breath, Ingo faintly heard them mumble: “I just want my mom...”
His hands rested on their back. Softly, taking care not to hit hard at all, he began patting on it in some sort of rhythmic pattern, like he was playing a nursery rhyme of sorts. The crying began to subside more, more, even more, until it finally seemed to stop.
Laventon waited patiently for the child to face him once more. His hand went to rest comfortingly on their shoulder, thumb brushing it lightly; they did not move.
“Would you rather we give you some space, dear?” he asked.
(Ingo wondered if the professor had any children. As far as he had managed to see, he was beyond affectionate with both of the teens working for and with him - earnestly and openly so, a far cry from the stunted praises lent by his more stoic colleagues of Team Galaxy. He could have easily replaced Laventon in that enormous building and not stick out at all, with his perpetual frown.)
The teen nodded a little.
“Very well then,” the professor nodded back. He stood up with a little difficulty, followed by his more hesitant assistant: “We will make our way back to the entrance then, alright? We’ll be waiting for you there.”
Then softly, as if afraid it would upset them: “Please don’t wander off.”
They mumbled something back.
“I will watch over them,” Ingo assured him. Laventon nodded thankfully, and with the other kid began to leave. Sneasler gave a sort of murping growl directed at her warden inquisitively, wondering if her presence would be needed; though he assured her silently he had the situation under control, she retreated only a few halls back, to keep an eye on them. That was fine by him.
A hiccup against his chest brought his attention back on the teen still wrapped around his middle. He rubbed a few circles on their back.
The rift lit both of them with a cold glow.
“Do you truly think this is your ticket home?” the warden asked.
“You said it yourself,” they replied. Their voice still wobbled a little. “It only zapped the professor, not you. It stopped him from getting closer. I had half my forearm in it and it didn’t do anything to me.“
Which reminded him...
“That was awfully reckless of you.” he chastised them.
He could swear he felt them frown against the fabric of the Pearl Clan’s attire as they argued: “I had to try! You said-”
“Why did you rely on my words in the first place?” he cut them off: “The professor seemed injured from just a quick bolt. Careening into the rift at full speed could have cause lasting damage.”
The kid hushed. Maybe, the rashness of their actions was settling in.
“Because... Because we are the same,” they answered weakly; “Because we both fell from the sky. We’re not from here... We shouldn’t be here, in this time - and, and if you could pass through, then maybe I could have too...”
Their hands fiddled with their belt, forehead pressed to against the sternum of a man who was undoubtedly a stranger, and a freaky one to boot. They let him pat a melody on their back once more, as if they were a little child; their chest worked as the weak resonance chamber of a little badly manufactured drum, filling the silence along the hissing swirling of the unnatural clouds curling upon themselves just out of reach.
"Your ride will most likely be ready to leave whenever you are," Ingo assured them, "But that is all the more reason not to be hasty."
"But--!" the kid lamented.
The warden interrupted the teen immediately: "Passengers must conduct their own safety checks before departure as well!" he reminded them: "It's vital that you take the time to make sure your luggage is packed with everything you might need for such a long journey, and that what you cannot bring along is in safe hands."
They did not answer. Their eyes wandered dejected back to the revolving clouds beckoning them closer with their hissing blue gleam, but made no move towards them. Ingo's hand rested gently on their shoulder and they allowed themself to lean into the contact fully, curling into his side in search of comfort.
He patted their shoulderblade gently: "I'd advise going back to Jubilife Village for now, to pack up and bid your goodbyes. Certainly there's quite a few people who would be rather upset to have you disappear like that."
"I didn't get to do that the first time around." they mumbled.
"Don't you wish you did?" he argued back.
The kid waited a second. Then they nodded slowly against his coat, burying their face deep within it. The warden’s hand shook them a little as it energically rubbed the side of their arm, stealing a little lopsided smile as the teen rubbed their nose clean on their sleeve; Ingo fetched the professor’s handkerchief and offered it to them.
“Please use this,” he commented as kindly as he could, “Otherwise I’m afraid I will have to restrain from touching your clothes for the rest of my life.”
“Hey,” they laughed a bit.
They accepted his hand as he pulled both of them to their feet despite the ache in his knees making him groan slightly. The kid’s grip tightened around his palm, as if to never let go of him.
Ingo squeezed back for a moment (he used to do that, when he got nervous, to calm him down): “Would you like me to escort you back to the village?”
The teen shook their head, unsure: “I... If you don’t have things to get in the Pearl Clan’s settlement, then...”
The wording seemed strange. Ingo tilted his head slightly in confusion: “You are suggesting I... Pack up as well?” he translated. He could not see the point of it. He was indeed spending much more time in Jubilife Village, enough to consider maybe taking residence there to spare himself the trek from the snowy settlement and back every day, but it was still early to decide; besides, it felt  incredibly out of place in their current conversation.
The child furrowed their brow in equal puzzlement.
“We’re going home.”
Something about the way they said it paralised him. He could not place it at first: their tone, so matter-of-fact, as if it was the most natural thing to say; the subject being plural, wrapping within its two letters both them and himself; the verb’s tense, so sure, not an order - stating only what would have inevitably happened.
“The rift lets you through. You can go home.”
The way they said home.
His slightly widened eyes blinked heavily, with great effort, before he could speak: “I can’t reach a terminus without directions to follow.”
“But you do have clues,” they insisted, “The guy who looks like you, you said you remembered him - maybe he’s your dad? I talked about Pokémon and fighting with my dad all the time... Or maybe he’s your brother, or a cousin or uncle? Or a friend who just sort of looks like you...”
The warden responded with stunned silence.
“If you don’t come with me I’m not going,” they threatened.
“That’s no way to talk.”
Ingo’s reply was as somber as his face.
The teen bit their lip, a little ashamed. He inhaled through his nose as if to steady himself, calm himself down.
“Your ticket has been booked,” he finally said. His hand rested on the younger shoulder in a strange, ghostly way, so light it was barely there, yet heavy enough for comfort: “You’d do well to get ready for the journey up ahead. Sneasler will aid carrying you, your friend, and the professor back to lower grounds.”
“You’ll come with me?” they tried again.
His shoulders rose slightly and fell with long sigh: “I will accompany you to your train myself,” he assured: “Whether or not I will get a ticket for it myself, I hope to be able to tell you by the time the engines are all set to go.”
The child only looked at him. Their frown reminded Ingo too much of his own.
“Do at least think about it,” they mumbled.
The warden nodded earnestly: “I promise you I will.”
The smaller hand squeezed his palm. He squeezed back. (To calm him, when he was nervous.)
He jerked into a pose, pointing helpfully towards the exit: “Go on ahead without waiting for me. I still have some torches to light.” he hushered them out quietly, “And mind your step, please.”
Ingo watched them disappear, a bit dejected, through the well lit tunnel. A murmur coiled around his eardrum, sneaking along his neck and hair from behind, a sound beyond mortal comprehension only barely resembling any sort of language he could have known, be it well-thought words or instinctive cries: the rift shined its freezing light in his clear eyes when he turned to it.
Hisui was too quiet for him to sleep.
Of all things he could have thought of, as he lost himself in swirling lightning blue hues - of vacant duties and a place to fill and the blatant disrespect to people who had fed him and given him a bed to lay in and a purpose despite appearing to them as two steps away from being a mere phantom of lands beyond the seas, of a young face to whom he had sworn an oath and who had allowed him in her people out of magnamity despite his presence clashing harshly with the traditions she was desperate to uphold and keep alive - he wondered if Sneasler and his Pokémon would have ever forgiven him.
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stargazer-balladeer · 3 years
it’s my birthday soon and i’ve always felt lonely during my birthdays— so if it’s alright, can i request headcanons for scaramouche, xiao, and albedo with an s/o who only locks themselves in their bedroom because they don’t feel special enough to even celebrate their birthday? thank you 🥺
S/o’s birthday but locks themselves in their rooms because they don’t feel special [Genshin Impact]
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Characters Included: Albedo, Scaramouche & Xiao
Notes: 👁👄👁 the title is so long- i don’t know how to shorten it- hshshs. Btw, HAPPY ADVANCE BDAY ANON-!! I KNOW THAT FEELING ANON- SO UR NOT ALONE 🤧🤧 if you want to talk, you can msg me anytime-! You deserve to be showered with love-! Hope ya’ll like this!
Reader’s Gender: Neutral
Warning: none
[aether, childe, diluc, kaeya, venti]
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As much as Albedo wants to remember your birthday, he just forgets because of many things running through his mind. Especially when it comes to new discovery. He’ll be so sorry when he remembered that your birthday was today-
At first, Albedo had a hard time looking for you. He asked everyone- yes even Diluc, Kaeya, Jean, Klee, everyone- but no one has seen you. Which made him worried since no one has seen you the entire day—
He would literally tear down Mondstadt trying to find you until he remembered that he hasn’t check your house yet. When he finds that you’ve been locked up in your room the entire day, it literally broke his heart- ;w;
He would feel like it’s his fault that you don’t feel special, like bro- he would have a sad puppy face on. He will put his hands on either side of your face and make you face him-
“You are special. You are like the sun. You are like a (God/Goddess). Even if you don’t feel special yourself, you’re special to me. And since you’re my beloved, my (prince/princess), you deserve all the happiness and love in the world. You deserve to feel special on your special day. So smile, I don’t want to see any tears.”
Albedo would do anything you want, probably to make up his forgetfulness- :p if you want cuddles, then cuddles you’ll get. If you want a cake or something, he’ll try to bake something, no promises though. (Its the thought that counts, right? 👀).
Albedo would use his ability of drawing and bringing them to life. He would draw all sorts of things, bunnies, squirrels, flowers, and others. He knew that you love watching him draw and bringing them to life. It honestly warms his heart knowing you love what he’s passionate about.
If you want, Albedo could talk to you about all the things he found out recently. All of the research and things he discovered. If you ever question some things regarding about what he discovered, he would happily try to explain it. (It’s honestly adorable seeing him explaining the things he discovered in his research- 🤧)
At the end of the day (around 11-), he would cuddle with you while laying beside you. Every so often, he would press a kiss on your head.
“Happy Birthday, my love. May many more to come... the next time your birthday come, I promise we’ll celebrate it together properly.”
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If you think that Scaramouche doesn’t care about your birthday, then you’re right-! 😃 I’m joking- (unless-). He honestly wants to spend your birthday together with you, but his duty as a Harbinger comes first.
Believe me when I say he feels guilty. Leaving you alone on your special day is honestly low, even for him. He would definitely try to finish all of his missions immediately to get back to you. He would do whatever means necessary to finish them all immediately (he might or might not have sacrificed some people in the process- 👀).
You can imagine his confusion when he couldn’t find you anywhere. He already has something set up for you, all he needs is the birthday person themselves. But he couldn’t you anywhere.
Someone better tell him to check your room or else he would literally tear down the Fatui headquarters just to look for you-! He seriously need to manage his anger- 😓
Scaramouche would find it weird to he finds out that you’ve been in your room for the entire day. At first, he didn’t understand why you’re doing this. But soon, he’ll understand. Afterall, he might’ve done that before..
This guy has no manner whatsoever as he just entered your room like he owns the place- one look at you and the next thing you know is that he’s pampering you- like he’ll be preparing a bath for you and choosing an outfit for you (he’s a fashionista, change my mind 😃). Like bro, who are you and what happened to Scaramouche?
“Tsk. You’re quite a handful, you do know that, correct? Making me go through all this effort to comfort you. Now tell me, who put that idea on your head? Was it your family? Was it someone else? I honestly want to murder whoever put that idea in your pathetic head. ‘Not special to celebrate your birthday’? Ha! Don’t make me laugh. Everyone deserves to feel special, even if its for one day. Now, stop being stubborn and enjoy it-!”
Scaramouche would pamper you so much, like his personality did a 180- he would be pressing kisses all over your body and praising you like theres no tomorrow. He would help you dry yourself and put on the outfit he chose for you. If your hair is long, he would help styling it.
He would take you on a fancy dinner date (this guy is also rich, fite me—). He would honestly spoil you lmao- so enjoy it while it lasts- 😃
“Don’t expect this everyday, okay? I’m not gonna put much effort the next time... still.. happy birthday, my beloved. Don’t ever feel like you’re not special when you’re special to me.. if you ever feel sad, come to me. Thank you for putting up with me.”
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(Yes I’ve remade the Xiao banner again- 🤧🤧 im very indecisive ik-)
Celebrating birthday? What’s that? Xiao honestly didn’t think much of it since centuries pass by with his day of birth passing each time, he never really thought much of it. Never bothered celebrating it.
But when he found out (from Verr or Rex Lapis/Zhongli) that the mortals celebrate their birthdays, he honestly doesn’t have a clue on how to celebrate it. So he might seek the help of Verr or the Traveller.
He does his best. Please give him credit for trying- ;;w;; He’ll try his best to make something for you. It won’t be anything grand. A simple picnic near Wangshu Inn with some Almond Tofu and other food-
So when the day of your birthday came, Xiao is nervous. He doesn’t know if you’ll like the surprise or not. But when he started to look for you, he was confused when he couldn’t find you before growing worried.
Unlike the other bois, he would immediately check your room before tearing the place down- when he finds you there, he’s honestly confused again- (poor bby, always getting confused- ;;w;;). When you explain to him that you just don’t feel special during your birthday, Xiao would get worried and upset-
The first thing he does is hug you. Like this is the only thing he knows about comforting someone- its not like he encountered humans that needs comforting- ;w;
“I.. don’t really know what it feels like to not feel special on your day of birth but.. you’re special to me. Isn’t that enough?”
Like broooo, he looks like a sad puppy- he’s honestly lost on what to do. You might as well need to comfort him too 😅. He would try to shower you with affections before dragging you to the picnic he set up.
He would be so relieved if you like or love the picnic he set up. As much as its embarrassing for him, he would allow you to feed him and, if you let him, feed you in return. He will continue to press some kisses on your face, head and hands. Because, like, u really deserve it- 🥺🥺
He would bring you to the highest mountain just near Wangshu Inn and enjoy the view, and possibly go stargazing with you. I can see him knowing how to make a flower crown for some reason :pp so he’ll make a flower crown out of Qingxin flowers and place it on your head-
“Happy day of birth, my love. Even as more days of birth come, I promise to make you special. Even though it’s not the grandest, I hope that my efforts and love will be enough.”
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clusterbuck · 3 years
how about 4 from the prompts list? "I'm here, aren't I?"
okay fun fact when i sat down to fill this prompt and turned my spotify on shuffle the first song to come up was i'm here by sweet talk radio so like... that's appropriate lmao
thanks for the prompt!!
"i'm here, aren't i?" buck mutters under his breath. "stop looking at me like that! it's rush hour on a friday, i did the best i could with the traffic conditions i had."
"i know, i know," eddie whispers next to him. "i'm not mad at, you, i just—" he cuts himself off and sighs. "i was going to talk to you about something before we went in."
"why am i here, anyway?" buck asks, looking around at all of the parents and teachers milling around the foyer of christopher's school. "i mean, you know i don't mind, but you made it sound really—"
he's interrupted by the sound of a woman's voice, somewhere on eddie's other side. "mr diaz, there you are! and this must be the husband."
buck whirls to look at eddie, because—if eddie has a husband, this is the first he's hearing of it.
please, eddie's expression seems to say, desperate and cornered and a little hopeful. and buck's never been able to deny him anything.
he's always been quick on the uptake, and even if he wasn't, eddie's arm sliding around his waist would probably make the pieces slip into place. so he schools his features into his best approximation of what a husband probably looks like and turns to face the woman next to eddie.
she's bright and bubbly, the platonic ideal of a suburban california soccer mom. she holds out a hand, and buck grins as he shakes it. "that's me," he confirms.
"and are you mr diaz as well?" she asks, and buck breathes an internal sigh of relief when she doesn't add anything along the lines of i don't really know how it works with you people.
"buckley, actually," he tells her. "buck." then he drops his voice and leans in like he's sharing a secret. "makes it easier at work, you know, so our captain knows who he's talking to."
she laughs, and eddie squeezes his hip. "i've heard a lot about you," she says with a smile. then she inclines her head at eddie. "he won't shut up about you, actually."
buck grins. "is that so?" he asks, turning to look at eddie.
eddie rolls his eyes. "i talk about you a normal amount," he says. "don't go getting an ego about this."
the woman introduces herself as somebody's mother. next to him, eddie falls into an easy conversation about math homework and the upcoming science fair, but buck is only half-listening. he's mostly preoccupied by the fact that eddie, apparently, goes around telling people that they're married. which is definitely news to him.
he's also more than a little preoccupied by the warm weight of eddie's arm resting around his waist, and the casual way eddie's hand curls around his hip like it belongs there. before he can think better of it, buck leans further into eddie's embrace, and eddie adjusts his grip mid-sentence like this is something they do every day and not something out of buck's wildest daydreams.
eventually, the woman excuses herself to go and find some teacher or the other.
"husband, huh?" buck asks. "that's funny, i don't remember you proposing. or, you know, asking me out."
as he speaks, eddie detaches himself from buck. when buck turns to look, eddie is already wearing a guilty expression.
eddie sighs. "i was going to tell you," he says. "that's what i wanted to talk to you about before we came in."
"i mean, yeah, knowing ahead of time that i'm supposed to be acting like your husband would have made life a little easier," buck says. "also, uh, why am i supposed to be acting like your husband, again?"
eddie looks away, squirrely in the way buck knows he only gets when he's embarrassed. "there was a teacher a while back," he says. "she kept, uh, hitting on me? so i panicked and said i was married."
"okay, so, why me?" buck asks, and wonders if eddie can hear the unspoken question. why are you pretending to be married to a man? eddie's never given any indication that he's anything other than straight. it's the biggest reason buck has him firmly mentally labelled as never going to happen, buckley, you might as well stop dreaming about it.
it hasn't worked so far, but repetition is key.
"i guess christopher talks about you a lot," eddie says. "she asked if it was you, and it seemed easier to say yes than to invent some kind of fictional spouse that i'd have to remember details about."
"romantic," buck says, and eddie laughs and elbows him.
"shut up."
"so why didn't you just tell me?" buck asks.
"i was going to, if you'd been here when you said you would!"
"hey, it's not my fault the 146 didn't manage their pile-up scene properly and traffic backed up!" buck says. "besides, you could also have told me at any other point in time between now and—how long have you been telling people this?"
"uh... six months, give or take," eddie says. "that's why it was so important you come tonight—i've been making excuses for you at school events, but the other parents have started to question it and i don't want them thinking my imaginary husband is a shitty person."
"clearly you have better taste than that," buck agrees.
eddie sighs again, but it's good-natured. "god, i should have known you'd be insufferable about this."
"and yet you picked me anyway," buck beams. "so why didn't you tell me earlier?"
"i was worried you'd think it's weird," eddie says. "and i really needed you to be here."
"mm, being addressed as your husband out of the blue was definitely less weird," buck says.
"so it didn't go exactly to plan," eddie says. "thanks for just rolling with it, by the way."
"of course," buck says. "i've got your back, remember?"
"somehow, i don't think this is what either of us envisioned back in that hospital parking lot," eddie laughs.
and it's true—buck had envisioned doing a lot of things with eddie, back in those first few days before he'd realised he didn't have a chance, but fake marriage was never one of them.
"so is there anything specific you need me to do?" buck asks, in an effort to distract himself from thoughts of the things he did envision.
"just—sell it, i guess?" eddie says. "i'm pretty sure i've only told people things about you that are true anyway, so there's no elaborate cover story or anything."
"except that we're married," buck says.
"except that we're married," eddie agrees. "for—about a year now, i think i've said?"
"a year, okay," buck repeats. "cool, i'm on it." then he steps closer to eddie again and slips his hand into eddie's back pocket.
"buck," eddie hisses. "what are you doing?"
"selling it," buck replies.
"where? in high school in the year 1987?" eddie asks, but he relaxes into buck's side.
"hey, no judging," buck says. "maybe this is my signature move."
"i mean, you do you," eddie says. buck doesn't argue, because he doesn't want to have to tell eddie that he's mostly doing it because this might be the only opportunity he ever gets to touch eddie's ass.
it's only as they set off to meet with the first of christopher's teachers that buck realises he might have miscalculated. because now his hand is on eddie's ass, and he's suddenly hyperaware of even the smallest twitch of his fingers. how much of it can eddie feel? is eddie going to think he's trying to make a move if he accidentally flexes his fingers a little?
it's not that he doesn't want to make a move. it's just that he doesn't think that eddie would be very receptive to it.
except eddie turns out to be a very affectionate fake husband. if buck's hand isn't in eddie's pocket then eddie is holding it. when they sit side-by-side listening to teachers talk about how smart christopher is, eddie's foot is hooked around buck's ankle. in the hallway between meetings, eddie turns to drop a kiss on buck's cheek, and a shiver radiates through him.
buck doesn't know what to make of it. he's used to a certain amount of physical contact from eddie—shoulders brushing together as they walk next to each other, working together so seamlessly their limbs might as well be extensions of each other on calls—but this feels different. it's not just that the touches are different—there's an ease to eddie's actions that makes buck wonder for the first time in years if maybe his mental label for eddie isn't quite as accurate after all.
he doesn't know how else to explain the fact that eddie keeps touching him. it's more than enough to sell their ruse—bordering on excessive, even, especially for a middle school parent-teacher conference.
and buck isn't exactly innocent himself, either. he wonders if a year into a fictional marriage is too far to claim honeymoon period, because that's the closest he can come to describing the feeling—like now that he has permission to touch eddie, the dam has broken and he can't keep his hands off.
they're still holding hands when they spill out of the school doors and into the dark warmth of the september evening. eddie makes no move to let go, and so neither does buck.
buck's jeep is clear across the other side of the parking lot, but he follows eddie to his truck anyway. they reach the car, and eddie brushes his lips against the corner of buck's mouth, closer than he has all night. buck freezes.
eddie pulls back, horror clear across his face. "i'm sorry," he says. "i didn't—i just—i forgot. that we're not inside anymore."
there's just enough wistfulness in his voice that buck makes a split-second decision. he takes a step forwards and takes eddie's face in his hands, stands still for two heartbeats just in case he's reading everything extremely wrong and eddie wants to protest, and then he's kissing eddie.
eddie kisses the way he does everything else, with a steadiness that keeps buck tethered to reality and a quiet intensity that bubbles just under the surface. it's a combination that's uniquely eddie, one that makes buck feel like he could take on the world and win and like he's coming home.
"i don't want it to be just inside," buck says, just in case eddie didn't get the message. "i don't want it to be fake. i mean, it might be a little soon to get married, but—"
"someday, though," eddie says, and buck laughs.
"someday, yeah."
eddie grins at him. "in the meantime, do you want to come home with me tonight?"
"yeah, i really do."
send me a starter line from this list and i'll write a ficlet for it!
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nevermindirah · 3 years
Do you have any thoughts on the use of AAVE for Nile (or lack thereof) in TOG fanfiction? I've been reading some Book of Nile fic and some writers seem to write her as a Millennial™ (using words like "fave" and "woke") but never acknowledge her Blackness in her patterns of speech. I know we don't see her use as much AAVE in the films, but I would argue she's in situations where code-switching would be valued (first in a "professional" environment in the army, then around a group of non-Black strangers).
Hi anon! I have many thoughts on this and I'm honored you asked me! But I should start by saying I'm white and any thoughts Black fans and especially Black American fans have on this that they want to share would be beyond lovely. (I'm not gonna tag anybody bc that feels rude but please add onto this post if any of y'all see this and want to!)
The main reason I personally avoid AAVE for Nile in my own fics is because I'm not Black. But Nile-centric fics by Black writers tend to avoid using much of it too, at least from what I've noticed/understood, and my guess is it's largely for the reason you mention, that she's in situations that encourage code-switching.
In movie canon Nile is highly competent at tailoring her language to each situation she finds herself in. This fantastic linguistics analysis meta shows how skillfully Nile chooses her vocabulary and grammar to meet her goals with different conversation partners in different contexts. In comics canon Nile had a bunch of different civilian jobs before joining the Marines, so she would've had experience code-switching in the ways that made sense for all those different contexts as well as the Marines and her family and high school and wherever else she spent her time before we met her. And now she's spending her time with a handful of immortals none of whom are native English speakers and a fellow Black American but one with a Queen's English UK accent whose professional experience is in the CIA where high-status code-switching is often an absolute must for success or even survival.
Fics featuring Nile are charged with extrapolating from that to how it might show up in her use of language that she's coping with a traumatic separation from her family and her career and pretty much everything she's ever known and now she needs to be able to make herself understood to people who seem to care about her and each other but are super duper in crisis, three (soon to be four) of whom predate Modern English entirely and the only one who's anywhere near her contemporary she's not supposed to talk to for a century. All of these people are telling her that pretty much any contact with any mortals poses an existential threat to her and the rest of the group. How the FUCK is she supposed to cope with that, like, generally? And would it be a more effective way for her to cope if she talked to Andy Joe and Nicky using the speech patterns that she used to use with her mom and brother, to at least retain that part of her identity even if it means having to do a lot of explaining, or would it meet her needs better to prioritize Andy Joe and Nicky understanding what she means with her words over using the particular words and grammar forms she used with her family?
I've seen several fics, both Nile-centric / BoN and otherwise, explore this a little bit in how/whether Nile uses Millennial™ speak. It's often a theme in Nile texting Booker despite the exile because of the popular headcanon that he as The Tech Guy is the only other immortal who understands memes. But Nile's much-younger-than-Booker mom probably uses Boomer and/or Gen X memes and Andy has been adapting to new communication styles for forever as evidenced by her canon high level of fluency with standard-American-accented English.
Which brings us back to people avoiding AAVE because they're not Black and they don't want to make mistakes (or they're not Black and they don't want to get yelled at for making mistakes, though I think many people overestimate how much they'll get yelled at while underestimating how much these mistakes can hurt). I can imagine some Black fans hold back from using much AAVE in fic because they don't want to share in-group stuff with white people who are likely to then adopt and ruin it, as white people so often do with Black cultural stuff. Some links about this including a great Khadija Mbowe video. I'm saying this gently, anon, because you might not know: woke, an example you cited as Millennial™ speak, is AAVE, and that's gotten erased by so many white people appropriating it and using it incorrectly online.
And also there's the part where fandom is a hobby and you never know when you're reading a fic that's the very first thing someone's ever written outside of a school assignment. This cultural considerations of language shit takes a level of effort and skill that not everybody puts into every fic, or even could if they wanted to because they haven't had time to build their skills yet. It's definitely easier for non-Black fans to project our millennial feels onto Nile than to do the layers of research and self-reflection it requires to depict what Blackness might mean to Nile, and it's not surprising that often people sharing their hobby creations on the internet have gone the easier route. There's not even necessarily shame in doing what's easier. It's just frustrating and often hurtful when structural white supremacy means that 3-dimensional Black characters are rare in media and thoughtful explorations of them in fandom are seen by the majority of fans as not-easy to make and therefore Nile Freeman, the main character in The Old Guard (2020) dir. Gina Prince-Bythewood, has the least fic and meta and art made about her of our 5 main immortals.
I've been active in different fandoms off and on for twenty years and I barely managed to write 5,000 words about Sam Wilson across multiple different fics in the 7 years since I fell in love with him. There's an alchemy to which characters we connect with, and on top of that which characters we connect with in a way that causes us to create stuff about them. Something about Nile Freeman finally tipped me over the edge from a voracious reader to a voracious writer. It's not for me to judge which characters speak to other individuals to the level of creating content about them, but I do think it's important for us to notice, and then work to fight, the pattern where across this fandom as a whole Nile gets way less content, and way less depth in so much of the content that's in theory about her, than any of these other characters.
Anyway, back to language. My two long fics feature Nile with several Black friends — Copley and OCs and cameos from other media — but all of those characters except Alec Hardison from Leverage aren't American. It's very possible I'm guilty of stereotyping Black British speech patterns in I See Your Eyes Seek a Distant Shore. I watched hours and hours of Black haircare YouTube videos in the research for that fic and I modeled my OCs' speech patterns on what I heard from some of those YouTubers as well as what I've heard people like John Boyega and Idris Elba saying in interviews, but the thing about doing your best is you still might fuck up.
I'm slowly making progress on my WIP where Nile and Sam Wilson are cousins, and what ways of talking with a family member might be authentic for Nile is a major question I need to figure out. For that, I'm largely modeling my writing choices on how I hear my Black friends and colleagues talking to each other. I haven't overheard colleagues talking in an office in a long-ass time, but back when that was a thing, I remember seeing a ton of nuance in the different ways many of my Black colleagues would talk to each other. Different people have different personalities! And backgrounds! And priorities! A few jobs ago my department was about 1/3 Black and we worked closely with Obama administration staff many of whom were Black and there was SO MUCH VARIETY in how Black people talked to each other, about work and workplace-appropriate personal stuff, where I and other white coworkers could hear. There are a few work friends in particular who I have in my head when I'm trying to imagine how Sam and Nile might talk to each other. From the outside looking in, God DAMN is shit complicated, intellectually and interpersonally and spiritually, for Black people who are devoting their professional lives to public service in the United States.
One more aspect of this that I have big thoughts on but I need to take extra care in talking about is the idea of acknowledging Nile's Blackness in her patterns of speech. There's no one right way to be Black, and Nile's a fictional character created by a white dude but there are plenty of real-life Black Americans who don't use much or even any AAVE, for reasons that are complicated because of white supremacy. (Highly highly recommend this video by Shanspeare on the harms of the Oreo stereotype.)
Something that's not the same but has enough similarity that I think it's worth talking about is my personal experience with authenticity and American Jewish speech patterns. My Jewish family members don't talk like they're in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and I've known lots of people who do talk that way (or the millennial version of it), some of whom have questioned my Jewishness because I don't talk that way. That hurts me. Sometimes when another Jew tells me some shit like "I've never heard a Jew say y'all'd've," I can respond with "well now you have asshole, bless your Yankee-ass heart," because the myth of Dixie is a racist lie but I will totally call white Northerners Yankees when they're being shitty to me for being Southern, and this particular Jew fucking revels in using "bless your heart" with maximum polite aggression, especially with said Yankees. But sometimes I don't have it in me to say anything and it just quietly hurts having an important part of me disbelieved by someone who shares that important part of me. The sting isn't quite the same when non-Jews disbelieve or discount my Jewishness, but that hurts too.
Who counts as authentically Jewish is a messy in-group conversation and it doesn't really make sense to explain it all here. Who counts as authentically Jewish is a matter of legal status for immigration, citizenship, and civil rights in Israel, and it's my number 2 reason after horrific treatment of Palestinians that I'm antizionist. But outside that extremely high-stakes legal situation, it can just feel really shitty to not be recognized as One Of Us, especially by your own people.
It can also feel really shitty to be The Only One of Your Kind in a group, even if that group is an immortal chosen family who all loves each other dearly. Sometimes especially in a situation like that where you know those people love you but there are certain things they don't get about you and will never quite be able to. I'm definitely projecting at least a little bit of my "lonely Jew who will be alone again for yet another Jewish holiday" stuff onto Nile when at the end of I See Your Eyes Seek a Distant Shore she's thinking about being the only Black immortal and moving away from the community she'd built with a mostly-Black group of mortals in that fic. Maybe that tracks, or maybe that's fucked up of me.
Basically, this got very long but it's complicated, writing about experiences that aren't your own takes skill which in turn takes time and practice to build, writing about experiences not your own that our society maligns can cause a lot of harm if done badly, it can also cause a lot of harm when a large enough portion of a fandom just decides to nope out of something that's difficult and risky because then there's just not much content about a character who deserves just a shit ton of loving and nuanced content, people are individuals and two people who come from the exact same cultural context might show that influence in all kinds of different ways, identity is complicated, language is complicated, writing is hard, and empathy and humility and doing our best aren't a guarantee of avoiding harm but they do go a long way in helping people create thoughtful content about a character as awesome and powerful and kind and messy and scared and curious and WORTHY as Nile Freeman.
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animeomegas · 3 years
Omega!Obey Me characters forgetting a mating anniversary
Anon: reactions to their alpha missing an anniversary? or you could switch it and do reactions to realizing they forgot an anniversary. either or !
Anon part 2: hi! i’m the anon from the anniversary request. i was thinking maybe the obey me! fandom? whichever characters you like. my exams are coming to an end so i’m looking forward to spending hours on that app during the summer 😤😤 i hope you’re doing well ! 💕
(Hey hey!! I’m going to do their reactions to forgetting a mating anniversary, because they’ve been alive a long time, I imagine it would happen at least one hehe. Let’s see~)
Warnings: Mention of sex in Asmo’s section
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Lucifer – He denies it at first. He can’t have forgotten, he would never forget something so important, you must have the date wrong. His response is very likely to make his alpha either more angry or more upset, and he inadvertently blows the whole thing out of proportion because he struggles to admit that he’s wrong. But when he realises that he is wrong? That he was so caught up in paperwork for Diavolo he did forget? It’s a hard pill to swallow. He would probably buy his alpha some expensive flowers as an apology of sorts, but unless he’s been in a relationship with his alpha for several hundred years, I don’t see him directly apologising. He does feel guilty, but he really finds it hard to articulate. The upside is that it’s extremely unlikely that he’ll ever do it again. He’s checking four times every week at least now that he hasn’t missed any important dates by mistake.
“Our anniversary is next week, my beloved, you must have confused the dates.”
Mammon – Mammon metaphorically shits himself when he realises he forgot an anniversary. His scent is pure, unadulterated panic. His first instinct is to plan an anniversary event that moment. Hell’s Kitchen must still be open right? He tries to pull his alpha with him right that second. If that doesn’t work, he starts to panic that he’s ruined the most important thing in his life. This is when the begging starts. He says sorry about a hundred times, will get on his knees, offer whatever you want as long as you forgive him. Mammon is actually a very compassionate person who doesn’t like upsetting his loved ones, so it’s very hard to stay mad at him. Unfortunately, he’s not great at keeping track of dates, so it might happen again. The best thing to do is organise something together and give him a few reminders when that date’s coming up.
“Oh shit! Er, Hell’s Kitchen is still open right?? I’ll buy you whatever you want, we’ll order one of everything, does that work?”
Leviathan – He almost certainly forgets because of some game event or new releases. And to make everything worse, at first he acts like the game and event was more important than the anniversary and he thinks it’s a legitimate excuse that you can’t argue with. He realises pretty quickly after the event finishes that he’s completely alone because you’re mad at him. He turns to tell you everything about the game but you don’t want to listen to him?? He sulks in his room for a while. What pushes him to apologise is when he sees you hanging out with other people instead of him. He growls away the other person, pulling you into his room and sobbing angrily against you, asking why you love other people more than him. He apologises then, desperate to have his best friend and lover back with him. He might do it again, but he learns pretty quickly to just communicate when he wants to partake in a special gaming event and then he never forgets again.
“W-Why don’t you love m-me, like you l-love him?! I’m sorry, p-please don’t leave!”
Satan – He feels guilty, but he handles it well. He is phenomenal at apology dates. He organises the perfect romantic date, taking into consideration his alpha’s likes and integrating them. If you have a favourite romantic novel, you know he’s going to recreate a date scene with you. If you have a favourite restaurant, he’s booked the best table and ordered a bouquet of your favourite flowers for the centrepiece. It’s very hard to stay mad at Satan, especially because it’s very out of character for him to forget a date so important.
“If you want any more drinks, just let me know. I want you to enjoy this evening as much as possible.”
Asmodeus – He also deals with it fairly well, even if he can’t believe that he forgot! He’s honest and upfront about forgetting and expresses regret. He will definitely try to seduce you as an apology though, offering to let you do whatever you want to him. If that doesn’t work, next step is a joint pampering session! He’s pretty good at conveying a genuine apology without making anything too dramatic. I think it’s unlikely that he would do it again, because he loves, loves, loves anniversaries!!! He genuinely can’t believe that he forgot because he normally plans everything months in advance.
“Oh! I can’t believe that I… Oh dear, here come to my room and let me make it up to you…”
Beelzebub – He’s heartbroken that he forgot! He is so upset. He apologises immediately, looking like he’s on the verge of tears, and he asks you to tell him what he needs to do to make it up to you. He doesn’t offer up solutions, he wants his alpha to pick something, so he knows they’ll enjoy it. The only thing he definitely does immediately, is offer whatever food he’s been saving for them to share with him while they discuss. He will likely ask for advice from some of his brothers, probably Belphie (who doesn’t help) and Asmo (who’s slightly more helpful). He may do it again, but he always tries his hardest to make your anniversaries as special as he can.
“Here, you can have my ice cream… I’m really sorry… What can I do?”
Belphegor – He doesn’t think it’s a big deal that he forgot, because you can both just rearrange it, right? I think it’s pretty unlikely that his alpha takes kindly to that opinion. It takes Belphie a little while to realise that a) he’s in the wrong and b) he needs to apologise. He’s not good at planning, but when he genuinely puts his mind to it, he’s actually pretty good at giving gifts. He buys something you’ve been wanting for a while, he might even put a sticky bow on top if you’re upset enough. He gives you the gift while mumbling apologies. The second you forgive him, he drags you to take a nap with him because he hasn’t been sleeping well since you’ve been mad at him. He’s pretty likely to do it again at least a few times, but he learns not to be such a dick about it eventually.
“Oh, I guess I must have forgot… We can just go tomorrow; I want to take a nap.”
Diavolo – He is gutted that he forgot. He organises the most extravagant apology dinner possible (which is pretty extravagant, because he’s a king, very dramatic, and very in love all at once). He gives a dramatic speech about how there’s no excuse, how he never wants you to think he doesn’t value your relationship etc. At this point, I imagine most people would be begging him to chill out and promising that they already forgave him. Either way, I don’t think it would ever happen again, especially because he tells all of his staff to remember your anniversary and always remind him the week before. He isn’t going to let this happen again.
“My love, I will never forgive myself for hurting you in this way. I will never stop trying to make it up to you, even if it takes me a millennium.”
Barbatos – This would never happen. He is amazing at keeping organisational data in his brain, especially data that means so much to him. Also, he can see the future, so, even if by some miracle he did forget, he would see your future reaction and know in advance that he forgot. Barbatos isn’t perfect, but he’s not one to forget important dates.
Simeon – Simeon is another one who is heartbroken that he’s treated his most beloved one this way. He feels awful. He does tear up a little bit if the relationship is old enough. Simeon makes a huge effort to create some adorable picnic date, cooking baskets and baskets of food and picking the most beautiful park. He brings flowers and bunting and a little cake that he ices with an apology in an unbelievably cute handwriting style. It’s very, very hard not to forgive him when he’s so apologetic and good at making you smile. He goes out of his way to make sure he never upsets his alpha in this way again. 
“My beloved, I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I will seek to make it up to you for as long as you’ll let me.”
Solomon – He doesn’t care that much about anniversaries but he’s not dumb enough (like some other people on this list *cough*) to think that saying that to your face is a good idea. He definitely tries to play it off as though he had something planned all along and that making you think he forgot was part of the plan. He then scrambles to plan things last minute, and he’s quite good at covering up his mistake. If his alpha doesn’t believe him, he makes up for his mistake with expensive and rare gifts. He will find something special for his alpha. A first edition copy of your favourite book or limited edition merchandising of your favourite media, something like that. He knows the excitement will help dull any negative emotions you have towards him. I could definitely see him doing it multiple times, but if his alpha ever expressed genuine hurt long-term about that particular habit, he would readjust his priorities. He’s not a complete asshole after all, he just sometimes has a hard time pulling his head out of said asshole.
“Here, it took me three days to track down someone who had a copy, but I finally found a first edition for you. I hope you will accept this as a token of my apology, my dearest.”
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