#Acotar characters
acourtofthought · 8 months
My eyes were bleeding after putting together the above post yesterday, staring at the screen so long, so I didn't add any thoughts to it all.
But that man......
Every single line with Lucien is categorized in one of a few ways.
He's either sarcastic, sassy or witty.
He speaks up in bravery when others can't / won't do it for themselves. There are multiple examples of this in ACOTAR where he tells the Attor to burn in Hell for Tamlin (it literally says "Lucien replied for Tamlin). He spits at the feet of the most powerful High Lord in the history of Prythian and tells him to watch his mouth when he threatens his mother. He stood up to Amarantha on multiple occasions and was punished every single time. He tried to stand up for Feyre even though Tamlin punished him for it.
However, he knows when to keep his mouth shut in order to show respect when it's necessary. Think about it. Tamlin, Rhys, Amarantha, knowing what they had done or could do to him, he still stood his ground and spoke his mind as much as possible.
Yet with Amren, Nesta, Az, and Graysen, he kept his mouth shut. Nesta probably deserved to be told off for the way she treated Lucien around Elain yet he never said anything to her. I'm guessing Lucien suspects something is going on with Az especially because Az can't seem to stop himself from acting moody whenever Lucien's name is mentioned (I doubt he's any better when they're face to face) yet Lucien hasn't called him out. He's never done anything to Graysen even knowing his identity versus Cassian who wants Tomas's name to hunt him down.
He's willing to let go of old prejudices. How quickly, after learning the NC wasn't his enemy, was he going out of his way to make himself useful to the IC? Asking if he might offer advice in the upcoming High Lords meeting, offering to do research, offering to look over the maps, offering to find Vassa.
He's loving to his friends. Even knowing Feyre was hiding something, he still went out of his way to comfort her when he thought she was having a nightmare. Knowing she just destroyed the court that was his home, he still ensured she was warm by giving her his jacket while he was left shivering. He speaks highly of his friend at Dawn Court. He speaks highly of Vassa. He speaks highly of Jurian, expressing gratitude for him. Tamlin abused him yet he's still going out of his way to be there for him, as Tamlin once did for him.
People love trying to spin it as if he's got a thing for Vassa but the truth is, he' just openly expresses affection for those that are important to him. He wasn't blushing over his feelings for Vassa but blushing because Feyre was making it out to be something it wasn't while in front of his mate.
He embodies the "brave, strong, protector / provider" type: he hunts, he fishes, he camps, he rides horses, he can be a warrior when it's necessary, he talks sports with the group. But he's also a distinguished gentlemen: he's well dressed, well spoken, polite, refined, appreciates quality, etc.
And he is intelligent. Feyre is constantly noting how he's always observing, calculating, watching, thinking. Rhys even shows approval for Lucien's plans and ideas. Rhys, the king of schemes, acknowledges Lucien to be clever like a fox. Finally getting his POV is going to be the most exciting thing ever.
He is the son of a powerful mother from Autumn and the son of a High Lord from a different court.
He is nothing but respectful to Elain. He's a bit awkward around her which I find to be adorable because he's so uncertain as to how to approach this female he's so drawn to, who almost makes him lose control every time he's near, and who he's sure doesn't want him because she was in love with another man. He's giving her distance to figure out what she wants while subtly making it known that he's not given up. He brings her beautiful gifts and tries so hard to hide his longing and disappointment though it's evident to anyone looking.
SJM broke the mold with this one.
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lipstickmarks · 10 days
rip feyre you would’ve loved taylor swift
rip rhysand you would’ve loved chase atlantic
rip cassian you would’ve loved metallica
rip nesta you would’ve loved olivia rodrigo
rip elain you would’ve kelly clarkson
rip azriel you would’ve loved conan gray
rip Mor you would’ve loved renee rap
rip amren you would’ve loved Melanie Martinez
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stargirlie25 · 4 months
Acotar heights (i think)
Tall height: Nesta, Cassian,Gwyn,Azriel
Medium height: Feyre,Rhysand,Mor,Emerie
Short height (compared to others): Amren,varian,Elain,Lucien
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nikethestatue · 7 months
Thoughts on what ACOTAR characters would do/work as in real life?
Rhys: luxury real estate agent
Feyre: House flipper
Tamlin: Bouncer who moonlights as a violinist and keytar player in the band
Mor: Lifestyle 'influencer' (also has an OnlyFans account)
Elain: made a name for herself on the British Bake Off by taking 2nd place. Now, is a semi-celebrity baker who does all the morning shows demos, judges cooking competitions, has a Christmas Cookie book out
Azriel: Used to be in IT. Hated it. Started writing dark romances with lots of bondage and stalking. Became surprisingly very successful. Goes by the pen name Demi Night.
Cassian: Sommelier obviously (In VIno Veritas made it canon)
Nesta: Sports agent. Represents many big athletes. Very cutthroat.
Amren: Trump lawyer. Wants him to run for 2nd and 3rd terms.
Lucien: Lead singer in Tamlin's band at night, and works at a Honda dealership during the day.
Helion: Superstar Dom at a prestigious sex club. On LinkedIn his bop states 'visionary' and 'lifestyle conductor' and 'maestro of experiences'.
Eris: Makes educational TikTok videos. Married well, so could afford to be a stay-at-home-husband.
Gwyn and Emerie: have a vet clinic together
Thoughts? What do you guys think they are doing right now?
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thatasnow · 5 months
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Hello to you who are reading this right now. I have to admit that I feel nervous about creating a new social network and actually thinking about interacting on it.
See, I've always been shy and everything, so every time I venture out like this I feel like I'm on a roller coaster😅. But I feel that this moment deserves this boldness more for my standards. This year will be 6 years since I started writing and even though it was a disaster in my conception, it was still something done with a lot of care and dedication on my part.
Today as a way to celebrate this moment where I fell even more in love with reading and writing, I will publish this small part (really small) of a story that I am starting to write... and unfortunately for my embarrassed part, I will start publishing here (I think there will be around 15 to 20 chapters). It will be Azriel x Reader, because I want to be bold here and do something different from what I've already done and why not start by doing something in my current favorite universe?
* I want to warn you right away that English is not my native language (Did I mention that I'm trying to be bold?)
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velidewrites · 2 years
ACOTAR Characters As Ducks: A Thread
You can find Part 2 here and Part 3 here
The Morrigan
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This duck is beautiful and she knows it. Her beak glows with pink iridescence, and her golden coiffure is polished to perfection. Her gaze holds nothing but pure seduction, but don't be fooled; she will bite you if you dare cross her.
2. Amren
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She may look small and harmless, but this duck has been nurturing murderous bloodthirst for millennia. Her fluffy wings are spread wide, holding promise of nothing but death. Look at her charge and hear the ominous flaps of her tiny legs. There is nowhere for you to run.
3. Cassian
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This duck is on crack and he loves it. Look at his chest, puffed out and on display. He wants you to see he’s been working out. Today is leg day. Come back tomorrow for the mirror selfies.
4. Azriel
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This duck is far from the likes of others, for his life has been veiled with eternal shadows. He’s been around for centuries; he has seen unspeakable things that a mere duck's imagination could never comprehend. Could anyone penetrate this icy exterior?
5. Gwyneth Berdara
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The gentle smile. The hopeful gaze. This duck can tell you've had a long day and wants to offer her companionship. Take it. It will make you feel better.
6. Nesta Archeron
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Just a single look at this duck makes me shiver. Her legs are spread wide, asserting dominance in more ways than one. Her entire presence commands my unyielding attention. She has it. She can have whatever she wants.
7. Feyre Archeron
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Look at her go. This duck has a clear purpose, and she will stop at nothing to achieve it. Her gaze flares with unwavering determination. She is ready to take her next step. Where will she go? It doesn't matter. I will follow her, no matter the destination.
8. Rhysand
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This duck wants to know all your business and will not concede until you reveal it. Will he make you feel better? Maybe. But is this face the first thing you want to see when you wake up? I'll leave that judgement for you to make on your own.
9. Elain Archeron
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Just look at her. This duck is the epitome of delicate grace; she is a lady and she knows it. And though her face is the perfect picture of elegance, her eyes betray a cunning, complicated mind. What kind of dark secrets are buried inside it? I want to be let in on all of them.
10. Lucien Vanserra
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...I'm sorry.
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mt-jupiter · 6 months
acotar spice tolerance headcanons
amren (pre-acowar)
lady autumn
thesan’s lover
amren (post-acowar)
placements are mostly based off of vibes + a little bit of reasoning !
for example, i put the archeron sisters towards the bottom because for a signific portion of their lives they didn’t have enough money to afford spices and build any tolerance
i put amren at the very top pre-acowar because it was mentioned that she didn’t experience things the way most people did because of whatever she had trapped in her body
so i think it would be interesting if certain physical experiences like spice wouldn’t have affected her
only to be brought back to life after acowar, suddenly experiencing all these sensations and being very unprepared for it
please let me know your thoughts ! i think silly things like this are fun to discuss :0
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Something I’ve Been Working On...
In giving someone ideas on how to participate in Tamlin Week, I stumbled across a 3D modeling site called Hero Forge (most commonly used for making TTRPG printable miniatures). Without going into great detail, I’ll give you the short version and say that I’ve been making ACOTAR characters with the program ever since! I’m not planning on printing them, but there are other hobbyists like me who use this program just for designing and posing characters. The program does have its limits, since the characters and components were designed to be solid enough for 3D printing, but I think the available options (with continuous updates!) are well worth the trade off. :)
I want to share all of my renditions of these characters on a sideblog (eventually), but for now, here’s a sneak preview:
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Characters belong to Sarah J. Maas. Character models belong to Hero Forge. The artistic interpretations of said models belong to me. :) Please do not repost. Thanks for looking!
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ladyelain · 2 years
More characters that give the same vibe but I can’t explain it:
Gwyn, Tarquin
Nesta, Azriel
Emerie, Vassa, LoA
Elain, Mor, Rhys
Eris, Jurian
Lucien, Cassian, Feyre
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moviesismylife · 4 months
Omg so I really wanna do like text messages between different ACOTAR characters and reader, but is it something y’all would want to see??
Cuz I’ve seen other people on here do it, like @thehighladywrites so I wanted to do something similar. Do any of you have any ideas to what the text messages could be???
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acourtofthought · 9 months
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And what did she do? Took up Truth Teller and beheaded the King of Hybern.
Feyre -
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What happened next? She tricked then got revenge on Tamlin, used her magic to force Ianthe to crush her own hand and eventually lured her to her death.
Azriel -
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Got revenge on his stepbrothers for torturing him.
Cassian -
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Ended the lives of multiple people who played any part in what happened to his mother.
Rhys -
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Got revenge on behalf of his mother and sister.
Elain -
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Lucien -
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It's not difficult to see that Elain and Lucien are the only two characters in the series whose thoughts on revenge are entirely different than the others.
Elain never once expressed interest in taking down the King of Hybern and though she did it to save her sister, she deflected the credit given to her (maybe, just maybe, because cruelty bothers her?)
Lucien has valid reasons to want revenge against Beron, Eris or even Tamlin yet he has chosen a different path.
Every other character premeditated their revenge whereas Elain's was a singular act committed in the moment to save a life and Lucien's hasn't happened.
Math was never my strong suit but Elain + Lucien = Compatability seems to check out.
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tadpolesonalgae · 4 months
Who do you think is the most intelligent?
Out of the girls I think it’s Nesta and Gwyn(Gwyn in the library and in the second book Nestas Calculations) but out of the boys I am kinda torn between Eris and Rhys.
Like all of them are smart people but you know the ones who have broader knowledge, who are more knowledgeable hungry and have a thirst.
Lucien and Emerie would be runners 🏃
Oh my gosh, please anyone else chime in on this because I’d be really interested to hear some other answers!!
Warnings: a lot of blabbering on my part 🫢, the majority of this is me assuming things that might not be canon, so 🤷
First of all I think it’s nice to just preface that I believe all of them are smart in their own way: Elain probably has a lot of knowledge about gardening and baking, Cass is probably excellent with emotional intelligence and good at gauging people’s limits for training and such, so they all have their own strengths.
However, if we’re going at it in terms of overall knowledge, encompassing a wide variety of topics as opposed to how well familiarised they are with specifics, I think I agree with you about Rhys and Eris.
Rhys is the one who explicitly mentions he had a thorough education as a child, and it’s also mentioned he has what sounded like a mechanical reconstruction of their solar system in his study—which he built himself??—so immediately that’s something that stands out to me. Not to mention he likely had to learn a heck-ton of politics and history, probably some kind of magic theory, different spells, fighting techniques, maybe languages?, economics, on top of general etiquette, and how to handle social interactions—and master them.
Since Eris likely grew up in a similar situation to Rhys, he probably has a similar arsenal of knowledge over various topics? I think Eris probably wasn’t given as much freedom as Rhys was growing up, so I’m torn between whether that would have helped or hindered his discoveries? Whether it would have quashed his curiosity or only encouraged it as he grew up? He seems more than capable of thinking for himself, so I’m tempted to say that means he went in search of his own answers?
Probably overall I’d be swayed to saying Rhys has more overall knowledge, but that’s influenced mainly by Rhys having been able to see the world through so many different lenses, and that’s beyond just heir to the court and High Lord. He’d grown up in Illyria so would have that slightly rougher experience of growing up, and getting to compare that to the wealth that would wait for him on his father’s side, then he’s played the role of benevolent ruler to Velaris; cruel dictator to the Hewn City; warrior to the Illyrians, and slave to Amarantha.
Obviously we know a lot more about Rhys than we do about Eris which probably heavily impacts this, since we don’t have a full picture, but from the things we have seen I’m inclined to say they have an equal amount of knowledge over academic subjects but Rhys has a wider variety of personal experiences.
For the ladies 💁‍♀️—Amren’s been alive for the longest, but then she also doesn’t remember a chunk of her life before the prison? She seems to be more familiar with old spells and history, as well as having personally lived through that history so she probably has a lot of general knowledge?
Nesta I think has the potential to know a lot since she reads frequently, probably noses at Cass’ war books too, has access to the library and Gwyn, so can get some different recommendations? She also grew up probably with a good education—again with her calculations for how many ships would be needed—so she seems to have a grasp on mathematics and maybe also some wider topics like agriculture to understand how, if the queens were going to ship the humans off the landmass, how much food and clothing would be needed not only to sustain everyone but to set them up to stand on their own?
With Gwyn, while she’s been in the library for a while (I think it’s about two years?), I don’t think she has the knowledge that Nesta does? Of course with her working for Meryll (idk how to spell it) she has specific knowledge on what’s probably a very complex topic that requires understanding in other fields too to properly grasp what’s going on, but I don’t think her general knowledge encompasses as much as Nesta’s does.
Mor is also probably a good contender but we know so little about her character I don’t feel like I can make a conclusion about how much information she has ☹️
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stargirlie25 · 2 months
Lonely one Lyrics x ACOTAR characters
This is for the lonely ones-Feyre
The ones who go to bed and think they got no one-Gwyn
The shy kid at the playground-Elain The runaways on greyhounds-Lucien This is for the lonely ones-Emerie The ones who always wonder where their friends have gone-Cassian The boy who cant stop crying-Azriel
The girl who gave up trying-Nesta
This is for the lonely ones
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intairnwetrust · 5 months
Short opinion to every Acotar Charakter:
Feyre: LOVE
Nesta: LOVE
Elain: LOVE
Bat boys: In the end they're just chic accessories for my Archeron queens in my eyes but I love them anyway
Lucien: Lost character, waiting for his comeback so currently more like than love
Eris: Love, sorry not sorry
Mor: I just don't click with her like her as Feyre's friend tho
Amren: After Acosf fuck off
Emerie: Definition of underrated, love
Gwyn: Canon Gwyn >>> Fanon Gwyn
Tarquin: My baby high lord, big like
Viviane: Make her finally high lady!
Killias: Basically also just Viviane's accessories
Vassa: No opinion but i am curious about her
Jurian: I found him kinda funny ngl
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vellichor01 · 5 months
I'm sorry my wips take so long to post. I'm working on a Dark!Rhys fic rn. I may post the moodboard and a blurb later just to post something. But bc of work and wedding planning and everything else, I can't write a whole lot at one time so it's generally 200 or so words at a time. Hopefully I'll be able to get it published soon
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velidewrites · 2 years
ACOTAR Characters As Ducks: Part 3
This is the final part. Here's Part 1 & Part 2
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All that luminescent, vibrant beauty, yet the first thing you notice when you look at this duck is the distrustful look in his eyes. Who hurt him? Asking for a friend.
2. Varian
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Look at the smug smile. The ruffled hair. The teasing gaze. This duck just had sex and wants you to know about it. Who defiled his innocence? I wish it had been me. We all do.
3. Tamlin
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For this duck, there is only one way of doing things: his way. You think you have a better plan? Wrong. Just look into his piercing eyes; they command your obedience. Will he offer his devotion in return? I don't know. Find out at your own risk.
4. Viviane
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Talented. Brilliant. Incredible. Amazing. Show-stopping. Spectacular. She is everything you could ever want in a duck and more. Just look at her, pacing excitedly in the snow. She wants to tell you a story. Let her.
5. Kallias
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A little pompous, but sexy nonetheless. This duck thinks he commands the world. You know what? I could see it and I'm on board. As long as he brings his sexy wife.
6. Thesan
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This duck has witnessed too much idiocy in one lifetime. He is done. Leave him alone.
7. Nyx
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I find myself struggling to find the right words to describe just how cute this duck is. Look at his adorable eyes and happy smile. Look at his tiny little wings. He wants to give you a hug. You better hug him back.
8. The Bone Carver
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. . .
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