#Also I freaking like the copper king so much
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I miss the copper king
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We've got a few things to unpack…
It's becoming more and more clear that Empires Season 2 is winding down. People are finalising builds (and, in Pix's case with that massive castle, practically speedrunning builds), and I'm beginning to see things that are tying together little threads that have been teased throughout the season.
Now, I've not had time to keep up with everyone's episodes of late, as I've been so busy, so mainly I've been watching Pix and Sausage. And Sausage's episode today had some very interesting stuff in it, so let's unpack and analyse some of it. Any bolding is mine, to denote things to pay attention to.
This will be long, so behind the cut with you!
First up, something seemingly small: the tattoos that both he and Scott have. Scott's are, as to be expected, colourful. Sausage's are a mixture of his 'good self' and his 'bad self' now merged back into one after being split asunder in Season 1:
Sausage: "And yes, I do have tattoos; I've had them for a very long time. The only thing, though: they have changed a little bit. [I] pretty much just had a sunflower tattoo, and I've had that for a very long time, but ever since that merger happened [it] looks like my other self had this… almost like a withering vine kind of tattoo. but it looks pretty cool, though! It's a perfect mixture, actually. Huh, look at that. These are pretty special."
He then goes to meet Scott, and it turns out that their tattoos almost match when put together, forming the shape of a heart:
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Also of note: when Sausage and Scott go to Tumble Town for their 'beach relaxation' they find a cod statue in the river. And we all know already that the Mezalean King came back briefly to build something in Tumble Town.
Next, the new castle in Sanctuary. It's a blend of several things:
Sausage: "This is a pretty special castle. If you really notice, it's really not like a traditional castle, and now that I'm whole again, it has technically a mixture of both my selves. A little bit of the bad side in the base [points to deepslate foundations] going up to the good side on the top [pointing at wood and colour and foliage]… the base is a little reminiscent of a previous Kingdom, if you noticed. Also mixing in the styles here of Sanctuary with this wood bit; nice brick roofs here on the side towers. And then the top bit; I took some inspiration from our sun god right here: Bdoubleo100. Almost like a little Oriental flair there to the top."
It's also called The Castle of Memories.
I'm going to skip ahead a bit here, as there was something else he mentioned when examining the build:
Sausage: "Of course, we've got window pop-outs everywhere, overgrown going all the way to the top […] We've got the lovely planters over here with live coral and a nice overgrown feel around the side."
Note that he says "overgrown going all the way to the top" and not "overgrowth". And live coral? Hello, Ocean Empire?
So, we now have Mezalea, the Cod Empire, Mythland, the Ocean Empire, and - possibly - House Blossom (the Overgrown) in Season 2.
Now back to the initial reveal of the castle:
Sausage: "And, as we come on down, I think it's a really cool mix of everything we've done here so far. Also including some bits of what we haven't seen yet…"
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Hello? Sir, HELLO? Copper? And aged copper, at that? In addition, it's something that "we haven't seen yet"?
I first watched this episode on my phone, and freaked out when I saw the copper. Watching it again on my monitor, I can now see that the copper is a wheel, much like the one in Bdub's base on Hermitcraft. But, since I doubt that anything more will come from the crossover on the Hermit's side of things I'm not sure whether the shape of the copper has significance, or if it's only the copper itself that has meaning.
Which leads us to Pix. The man is frantically completing an incredible castle ruin at the Ancient Capital, and - if you've been watching his streams - you'll know what the Ancient Capital actually was in its past. If you haven't been watching, you can read my transcription of the important sections here.
Warning for spoilers ahead, as Pix hasn't revealed this yet in his episodes…
… … … …
… … … …
OK, so the Ancient Capital was built by some of the different empires' survivors of the great Grimlands blast that ended Season 1, coming together to create a new "capital of commerce and technology" (to quote Pix). Parts of the castle are being built in Grimlands style, and Pix had begun another part that he says will probably be built in Crystal Cliffs style.
Remember when he said [paraphrased, as I don't have the exact quote to hand right now] "As to how ancient Pixandrian technology found its way here… trust the Lore Man,"? In that transcribed stream he also confirmed that Pixandrian migrants brought the technology for their copper aging facility to the Ancient Capital, which is why it's more advanced than the one he had in Season 1.
So we now also have Grimlands, Crystal Cliffs, and Pixandria in Season 2. Gilded Helianthia is also a given, with the Ancient Capital statue and paintings, and all the references to Santa Pearla. The Lost Empire is also kind of referenced, in the form of Gaia, Sausage's mount for Season 2, as well as in Lizzie's origin story.
ETA: Reblog tags have reminded me that we also have the Undergrove, which has been referenced back to in Shelby's videos.
Pix himself is now a ghost, having withered away when wearing the crown (more mentions of withering, hailing back to Pearl's death in S1, the flowers in front of Pearl's painting that hides the route down to the Kings' Crypt in the Ancient Capital having also turned into wither roses, and - of course - Sausage's "bad side" withering tattoos).
Pix's own words about being a ghost:
Pix: "Maybe the archaeologist of the Ancient Capital and the creator/curator of the museum was… a piece of the past himself all along. Either way, I still have a lot to do."
Like... maybe - as the server's unofficial DM - saving the world or 'ending the game', as he was unable to do in Season 1? Because there's still the matter of the king who has been pursuing Sausage, and who - at the end of his latest episode - has finally found where Sausage has been hiding...
The only Season 1 empire that we're now missing a reference to is Rivendell. And I'm wondering if that's where the Fae come in.
People… Season 2 is being tied together beautifully with Season 1, and I'm fucking HERE FOR IT.
(Also, as a side-note on a personal level: I spent this morning frantically scribbling notes for how the eventual ending of my story These Stones Remember will take place. Those notes really ramp up the time-crossing between archaologist!Pix and CopperKing!Paix, and I am going slightly crazy (/pos) at the thought that my favourite content creators appear to be blending past and future in a similar way that I am!)
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justalilpearlie · 4 months
Introduction/Fun Pearlie Facts
Was abt time I did one of these.
Hello everyone, my name is Pearl, Pearlie or Sam/Sammy if you're feeling like it. Friends also call me Martini sometimes.
I am a minor, my labels... we dont talk about them (fem presenting ftm gay/mlm + trying out gendervoid and verinix + bigender??) uhmm and I go by He/She, tho mostly He/Him by strangers- I can She/Her myself and close friends/mutuals are allowed! (I also go by neos: Void/Moon/Sweet/It/Fluff/Love/Fizz/Paw)
I'm from Argentina, born and raised, never moved. Speak fluent english and spanish.
I got the 'tism and the adhd, aswell as BPD and a few other things I wont list right now! But yeah I'm psychotic (ooo scary word.. lmao)
- -🌄-📀-🌙- -💚- -💛- -✨-🌄-✨- -💛- -💚- -🌙-📀-🌄- -
I'm an IRL of many, mainly c!Pearl (mcyt), Samuel Emily (fnaf [games canon]) and Shin Tsukimi (yttd). If you don't like it you can leave, block me, or whatever, cause you aint gonna change my life or how I am. I'm in therapy, which unlike random hate and harrassment online, does help me :)
I like to roleplay, draw, sometimes make playlists or moodboards.. And my biggest interests right now are Life Series (+ evo + new life), Empires1(+ a bit of e2) and FNaF! (i dont rlly like the books tho lol..)
I use kin tags for reach cause I'd love interaction from any fellow lifers or empires ppl, hermits aswell!! Tho I havent finished s8 or s9 yet...
Fictionkins, therians and traumagenic systems all welcome!
- -💥-🐺-🌙- -❤️- -💛- -✨-💥-✨- -💛- -❤️- -🌙-🐺-💥- -
DNI prefferably:
- Basic DNI criteria (proshippers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, TERFs, ableist, etc)
- Endos/non-traumagenic "systems" DNI. block me if u want, i wont argue abt it in the comments/reblogs. or interact if u want but im not gonna follow u back or anythin shrugs.
- reality checkers or anti-IRLs DNI. I aint "romanticizing" shit, I'm existing and living my life, if thats a problem to you too bad cause my psychologist aproves of what I'm doing, since I aint harming anyone and I myself am doing dandy.
- anti-kin also DNI cause most of my friends are fictionkins and if you talk shit abt my fellas idk i wouldnt like having u around much
CCs interact at your own risk. This is my domain, cyan man & moon lady. /hj
- -🪸-🐸-🌙- -💙- -🩵- -✨-🪸-✨- -🩵- -💙- -🌙-🐸-🪸- -
- I talk about MajorMoon (Scott x Pearl) a LOT, if u didnt notice by the acc theme. These are my romantic memories, its a gay ship, not woman/gay man, so if it makes u uncomfortable or u hate it or whatever then ur probably not gonna like my content lmao. COUGH, consider joining us if you do like what you see... /nf We're a small comunity of supporters.. just me.. and a few of my peeps... that was a joke, sir. /ref
- This isn't roleplay, its my main acc where im ""unapologetically"" myself, but if u do wanna rp life series/empires u can always shoot me a dm and maybe I'll give u my discord.
- I talk about myself (c!Pearl) using 3rd person in many posts tagged with main fandom tags. This is to cause less confusion to casual fans slash ""normies"" (lhj) that well.. don't know what IRLs are! Also that way I feel safer and don't have to worry as much abt getting harassed and such for my identity.
- -🌸-⛰️-🌙- -💚- -💙- -✨-🌸-✨- -💙- -💚- -🌙-⛰️-🌸- -
Special People Mentions!! fps = * (1 or more.. wouldnt say in a priority sorta order but. more or less yea)
Family! <3 🌼@pehpurr* SISTER!! super duper cool, her art is great and you should check it out!! YOU. You're the brightest little girl (i say like ur not older than me) I'VE EVER MET ACTUALLY! You're so passionate and loving I freaking adore you!! I love you so much Scar, you're one of the best things to ever happen to me, Kanny &lt;3 ⚙️@gentlexmadman DAD!! you are my daaaad, you're my dad! woogie woogie woogie! ANOTHER amazing artist! mr "I know that guy-", very funny, Henry "Autism" Emily... the copper king, my father. Speaking to you is always comforting. Love you so much papa, you're amazing :)
Simply special <3 ☕@insomniac-coffeehouse** You're all simply so very special to me. I love spending time with you guys and playing stuff together, you mean a lot to me and I'm so glad I met you. I hope we're still close for this year and many more! You're incredibly talented, not only at art, at everything you do. You spark joy in my brain and my heart <3 From the bottom of my heart, I'm in love with the hope you bring to this world. 🍊Jack***, oh my dear Jacky, where do I even begin, sport... you really are my other half. Mi media naranja if you will. haha.. I love every second we spend together, I love your voice, I love your eyes, I love your smile, your laughter. I love your use of words, the way you speak, your humor, your seriousness and goofiness. You stiff fuck, you were made for me and I was made for you, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You're my everything, mi vida, mi luz, mi estrella. Mi amor, mi mundo. <3
New friends! 🍓@strawberrystarfield I know we met fairly recently but you're all incredibly fun to talk to, your art is also amazing, your accent is real pretty (cough for a bri-💥), you're real sweet and I love reading all your thoughts and critiques about things :} (love ya Aspen /gen) 🏜️@fagdykegtws My right hand man! I know we just met through the rarepair server but oh my god we're in the same brainwave!!! You're so fun to vc and chat with and you got the best ideas ever fr fr, love ya Chewy, you're real sweet even w how lil i know you ;)
That's it folks, love yall and see you around!
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syn4k · 1 year
hallo came here to ask. I really liked the little things ya write, the stuff I've read is really really cool n i finally have the time to read some long fics n stuff, so what are some fics of yours that you could recomend? idk where to start n I'd like to hear more abt the stuff ya make :]]
oh my goodness this is actually a really nice ask to receive,, hello anon! glad you're enjoying our shorter works!
we have three long-ish fics that are all up on our ao3 as well as a couple multichapters in progress.
the two finished long(ish) fics of ours that i'd reccomend:
twice. (40,503 words) | Hermitcraft, No Romantic Relationship(s), Teen and Up Audiences, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death
An alternate universe with a fantasy setting, Xisuma and Evil Xisuma-centric. This work follows the journey of one Xisuma Void, King of Hermit's Hollow, and one Xelqua (Exy) Void, his younger brother who came into the world under less than usual circumstances and has picked up a hobby that X isn't too fond of. Misunderstandings occur and spiral. If you're worried about the MCD, it might help to know that they do get better, just not within the timeline of the work!
the younger years (10,557 words) | Empires SMP, No Romantic Relationship(s), General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
In the desert capital of Pixandria, the king has gone missing without so much as a trace or a warning. A curious young girl slips into his house to poke around and perhaps get some clues, running into another Emperor on the way. About a thousand years later, a tired history major who lives in that same desert unearths a chest while digging a garden, leading him on a journey around the Empires.
now, we also have some works in progress that are either already decently long or which we're planning on making longer! both of these are Empires fics because we have a hyperfixation
works in progress of ours that i'd reccomend:
(i'll tend to the flame, you can worship the) ashes (currently 16,572 words) | Empires SMP, No Romantic Relationship(s), Teen and Up Audiences, Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings, check the tags on this one for more information
In the aftermath of the Empires S1 apocalypse, Fwhip and his sister Gem are headed towards an obscure corner of the world in which a portal sits. Their plan is to go through this portal to a kinder world, one where they can escape all of the horrors of this one. One night, they touch down in the desert and, almost by accident, come into contact with Pixlriffs, the Copper King, who has been missing for eight years. They decide to bring him with them on their journey, but it becomes clear immediately that something is very wrong with Pix, and he's not talking. The story follows the three as they journey across the world, have arguments over food rations, survive a freak plot-relevant bear attack, and try to navigate both the crushing weight settled on Pixl's shoulders as well as their own. Things do get bleak a lot, but I promise it doesn't have a bad ending.
invisibility (What?) (currently at 3,422 words) | Empires SMP, Jimmy | Solidarity/Scott Major | Smajor1995, General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
This one started as a oneshot and then we realized that oh hey, it could have a plot! Scott goes out at 3am one Sunday evening to meet up with his lover, but things go wrong when he feeds his horse a diluted invisibility potion. (The horse is fine, don't worry.) A guard at a watchpost nearby notices, and soon the message is out to all the allies of Rivendell that a minion of Xornoth may or may not have been spotted going away from the site. Despite this being an M/M shipfic (from us? The horrors!), the focus is less on Scott and Jimmy's relationship than it is on the political shenanigans that ensue when Scott tries to walk the line between "no, guys, Xornoth isn't coming back" and not outing himself as gay. It's sure to be a ride, both to read and to write.
that's it really hope you enjoy
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angelasscribbles · 2 years
Bad Romance Disney Adventure Chapter 2: Disneyland
Miniseries: Bad Romance Disney Adventure
Main Series: Bad Romance
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings for series: Riley x Liam, Liam x Max, Riley x Max, Riley x Drake, Riley x Leo (past)
A/N: Here it is, finally, part 2 of the Bad Romance gang at Disney, per ask from @nestledonthaveone. Special thanks to @harleybeaumont and @dcbbw for  bouncing ideas around with me and prereading a few snippets. Also, both of the above writers plus @karahalloway for just going with it when I requested their “best description of vomit.” I’ve credited specific lines/words at the end of the fic so as not to give away anything here.
 Rating: MA
Warnings for this chapter: Language, Graphic Vomiting
Word Count: 3,156 
My other stuff: Master List.
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“Unky Leo! Unky Leo!” Jax bounced up and down, demanding attention.
“What is it, kid?” Leo asked as he peered down into the toddler’s face. His eyes ran over the boy’s face, taking in the copper colored eyes, the chestnut hair that fell straight and silky almost to his shoulders, the shape of his chin, his cheekbones, his nose.
“Rides! Rides!” He screeched as he pointed at various attractions all around them.
“Yeah, buddy, lots of rides!” Leo agreed, tousling the toddler’s hair. Glancing over at Liam, he remarked, “There’s no way this is your kid, you know that, right?”
Liam shook his head, “He’s mine in every way that matters Leo.”
“Yeah….I don’t think the royal council would see it that way.”
“And who the fuck is going to tell them, huh, Rys?” Drake demanded
Leo threw his arms up in the air, “Not me! I was just making an observation, that’s all! Sheesh, so fucking sensitive.”
“Leo, didn’t I tell you to stop provoking him?” Riley asked, placing her hand on his arm.
Leo positively lit up as his eyes dipped down to where she was touching him then back up to her face. He covered her hand with his own, “You did. But it’s so much goddamn fun! It’s too easy! It’s not my fault he has a fucking hair trigger.”
“Oh, look, our guide is here!” Max interrupted.
A young man with a Disneyland nametag smiled at them, “Hello, Smith family. My name is Jason and I’ll be your guide today for your VIP tour. I have a list of your ride preferences and suggested start times for each based on my conversation with Max earlier. Are you ready to get started?”
Riley shot a sidelong glance at Liam as she mouthed, “Smith? Really?”
Liam shrugged. They had to use assumed names, he couldn’t very well book it under King Liam Rys of Cordonia, now could he?
Riley read all of that in his expression. She shook her head to convey, yeah, but Smith, really? It seemed too obvious.
Liam pursed his lips as he read all of that in her expression. He shoved his hands into his pockets, trying not to sulk. He’d gotten them a VIP tour of Disneyland, hadn’t he? He knew Drake was freaking out about security, but there were at least two dozen guardsmen dressed as tourists milling around watching them covertly. It would be fine. The fake last name he’d booked it under seemed like a minor detail.
“I think we’re starting with space mountain!” Jason informed them in his best tour guide voice, “Who’s ready?”
“Me! Me! I am!” Ellie jumped up and down then spun in a circle, did a front roll then stood up and jumped again.
“Wow. She is really ready!” Leo observed.
The group started walking, following the tour guide. They were all mesmerized by the sights. There was so much to see and so much to do. Riley was too busy looking around to notice Xander had stopped walking until she tripped over him. “Oof!”
“Whoa there!” Drake called out as he caught her in his arms.
“Thanks, damn.” She blinked up at him, “Where did you come from?”
“While you were watching everything but your step, I was watching you. It’s what I do.”
Riley smiled at him, “You really are totally obsessed with me, aren’t you?”
“Obviously. Now, are you ok?”
“Yes, but….Xander, honey, what are you doing?” She turned to look at her son who was still rooted to the spot, eyes wide as saucers. Riley followed his gaze to find his eyes locked on Pluto. “Oh, no. Liam?”
“What is it, love?”
“I think your son is scared of Pluto.”
Liam squatted down in front of him, “Hey buddy, are you ok?”
Xander didn’t speak, didn’t move, just continued to stare at Pluto.
“What wrong with ‘ander?” Jax’s lip started to tremble.
“Oh, hey, kiddo, it’s ok!” Drake knelt next to Jax, but it was too late. The toddler’s eyes filled with tears as he let out an ear splitting shriek.
“Jesus!” Leo put his hands over his ears, “Fuck, can someone shut that kid up?”
“Leo.” Drake said through gritted teeth, his eyes still focused on his child, “Just shut up, will you? You’re as bad as the kids, fuck!”
“You said fuck.” Ellie pointed between them accusingly, “Mommy! Tata said fuck! So did uncle Leo! They’re not supposed to say that word, right?”
“Hey, it’s ok, Xander, watch!” Max went over and got a high five from Pluto, “See? Pluto is totally cool! Do you want to give him a high five?”
Xander shook his head slowly from side to side, eyes still wide. Jax threw himself of the pavement and started thrashing around. Drake bent over and hauled Jax off the ground as Max tried to convince Ellie to give Pluto a high five and Liam comforted Xander.
Ellie approached the giant dog and held her hand out with a tentative smile. Xander’s eyes grew even wider as he yelled out, “Ellie, no!”
Ellie hesitated, glanced back at her brother’s terrified face then turned and shoved Pluto as hard as she could, sending him stumbling back to crash into Max.
Drake thrust Jax into the closest adult’s arms as he ran to restrain Ellie who was now swinging on Pluto. That person happened to be Leo. “Oh…ok….”
Drake pulled Ellie back as Liam raced to help Max up from the ground where he had sprawled after stumbling backwards and tripping over a curb. Riley took his place next to Xander, wrapping her arms around him and murmuring words of comfort as he buried his face into her body and sobbed, “Ellie! Ellie!”
“What the hell?” Leo muttered as he felt something warm spreading across his stomach. Glancing down he saw a wet spot growing across the fabric of his light grey, soft linen Laguna button up shirt. “Fuck! Shit! Goddamn it!”
Drake held a still swinging Ellie tightly in his arms as he told Pluto, “It might be best if you just go, ok?”
Pluto nodded his head as he placed his large hands over his mouth. He waved as he ambled away.
“Max!” Leo bellowed, “Come take this kid please! He peed on me!”
Max pulled Jax out of Leo’s arms as Pluto left, and Drake, Liam and Riley calmed the other two children.
Leo stripped his shirt off and asked the guide, “Is there a clothing store around here somewhere?”
“Yes, sir.” Jason answered, “Come on, I’ll take you to the nearest gift shop.”
Riley eyed Leo’s bare chest and shoulders appreciatively, “Damn, Leo. Been keeping up with your gym routine?”
A self satisfied smirk broke out across his face as he flexed for her. He winked at her as he replied, “You know it babe!”
Drake’s eyes tracked back and forth from Riley to Leo as he inserted his body between them and draped an arm around her shoulder. Leaning down, he whispered in her ear, “If you just want to drool over pecs and abs, I’d be more than happy to remove my shirt for you.”
She grinned up at him with interest, “Really? Right here? In the middle of Disneyland?”
Drake nipped at the side of her neck as they walked, “If that’s what the lady wants……..”
Jax exited the gift shop skipping. He was delighted with his brand new Mickey Mouse shirt and short set. Leo was less excited about his new amusement park t-shirt emblazoned with the image of Goofy.
The rest of the morning flew by in a blur of rides, attractions and children’s giggles. They stopped at Award Wieners for lunch on Jason’s recommendation. “If the kids like chilidogs, you’re going to want to try this place.”
The third time Drake had to chase Jax across the room, a woman in a group of French tourists at a nearby table told her companions, “Les parents américains sont de tels jeux d'enfant. Regardez ces enfants. Petite merde. Mes parents n'auraient jamais permis un tel comportement!”
Riley turned to stare at the woman as she whispered to Liam, “Did she just call us pushovers and say our kids are little shits?”
Liam, ever the diplomate, tried to diffuse the situation, “Riley, sweetheart, let’s not cause a scene.”
Drake had no such qualms, “That’s exactly what she said.”
Before any of the adults could react, Ellie turned her gaze on the woman and responded, in perfect French, “Peut-être que vos parents auraient dû vous inculquer certaines manières. Imaginez une femme adulte adulte qui parle de la merde des enfants d'âge préscolaire.”
Riley’s face lit up in delight, she grabbed Max’s arm, “Did my daughter just tell that woman her parents should have taught her some manners?”
Max grinned at her, “She said, and I quote, perhaps your parents should have instilled some manners in you. Imagine being a grown adult woman talking shit about preschoolers.”
The woman stuttered and stumbled over an apology before hurriedly excusing herself from the table with a deep flush.
“Very good, Ellie, mama’s proud of you!” Riley high fived her daughter.
As Ellie drew her arm back from the high five, her elbow collided with her cup, sending the fruit punch flying.
“Fuck!” Leo’s chair shot away from the table as the coldness from the icy beverage shocked him, the red color soaking through quickly to the skin, ruining the white of the goofy t-shirt. “Are you kidding me? Again?”
“I’m so sorry uncle Leo!” Ellie’s bottom lip protruded as tears stared to gather in the corners of her eyes.
Leo’s pique evaporated immediately. “Oh, no. Don’t cry, baby girl, it’s ok, I’m not mad, see?” Leo stripped his shirt off for the second time that day. “I didn’t like this shirt anyway.”
Liam sighed in annoyance as he watched Riley’s eyes casually track down Leo’s torso while she sipped her iced tea. “I’m beginning to think he’s doing it on purpose.”
Drake grunted in agreement.
Max leaned in, “He’s not seriously flirting with her though, right? I mean, she’s eight and half months pregnant!”
All three men’s heads turned to watch as Leo used the Goofy t-shirt to wipe the sticky liquid from his chiseled abs, his movements slow and languid as he drew the fabric up and down his body, his eyes locked on Riley the entire time.
“Oh yeah, he’s flirting.” Liam confirmed.
“Fucker.” Drake muttered.
After a second detour to a gift shop, Leo pulled a light blue shirt with the Disneyland logo on it over his head as he conversed with the tour guide. They were waiting for Riley and Ellie outside the women’s restroom.
“So, how are you all related?” Jason asked curiously.
“Well, that one is my brother.” Leo pointed at Liam.
“Right. And she’s married to which one?”
“Same. Him, my brother.” Leo gestured again.
“Really?” Jason looked surprised, as he pointed to Drake, “I would have bet it was that guy.”
“Well, I mean, they’re kind of all with her.” Leo offered.
Jason blinked, “Wait. What?”
“Yeah, have you ever seen that show Sister Wives?”
“It’s like that. Brother husbands!” Leo laughed at his own joke.
“All three of them?” Jason asked incredulously.
“Yeah.” Leo nodded.
“But not you?” The guide arched an eyebrow questioningly.
Leo shook his head sadly, “Nope, not me.”
“Didn’t make the cut huh?”
“What? No! I mean, yes, I mean- you know what?” Leo raised his voice trying to get Liam’s attention, “Can we get a different guide? I don’t like this one!”
Liam shook his head as he called back, “Jason has been nothing short of an amazing guide. I would never dream of replacing him or besmirching his professional reputation.”
“That’s…whatever.” Leo growled, “What are we doing next?”
“Spinning teacups!” Max answered him.
“Really? Teacups?” Leo asked skeptically.
“Feel free to go seek out some of the more adult friendly rides on your own.” Drake told him.
“Yes, Leo.” Liam chimed in, “I’m sure you could have a really good time on your own. Probably even pick up a woman. We all know how much you like casual, anonymous sex.”
“No, thanks.” Leo shook his head with a smug smile, “I do like that, but I’m having fun with you guys.”
When they arrived at the teacup ride, Leo quickly exclaimed, “I’m riding with Riley!”
Liam, Max and Drake looked at each other for a moment, a look passed between them, then Drake answered, “Fine. But you have to take Ellie and Xander with you.”
“Deal!” Leo crowed, pausing only a moment to wonder why Drake had acquiesced so quickly. It wasn’t like him.
Leo climbed into a car with Riley and the two older children while the other three men took their seats with Jax in between them.
“Now remember,” Liam warned, “No one spin that wheel, we don’t want a motion sick toddler.”
“Not to worry.” Max assured him, “I don’t like things that spin. That’s Ellie.”
“Yeah,” Drake agreed, as he shot a smile Leo’s direction, “and Xander is the one who gets motion sick.”
Leo’s head snapped up, “What?” But it was too late, the ride was starting.
Ellie gleefully reached for the steering wheel in the center of the ride and twisted.
“Hey, Ellie!” Leo tried for a cajoling tone, “How about we don’t spin this thing, ok?”
“Don’t be scared Uncle Leo!” Ellie giggled as she spun the wheel harder.
“Aiyeeeee!” Xander yelled as their cup spun faster.
“I’m not scared, sweetheart, I’m just worried about your brother!”
Riley glanced at Xander, who was yelling and laughing, “He’s fine!” She assured him.
Leo wasn’t so sure. He looked around until he found the rest of their group in the yellow teacup. Drake was watching him with a look of anticipatory amusement on his face. Shit. He had a feeling he was going to need another shirt.
Miraculously, they made it through the ride with no one throwing up. Leo heaved a sigh of relief as he helped Riley out of the cup. Ellie scrambled out and ran past him as he reached back and lifted Xander out.
As they walked toward the exit, Xander stumbled and weaved from side to side. Ellie giggled and pointed, “Look! Xander’s dizzy!”
Leo barely glanced at the child, turning his attention instead to his sister in law as they exited back onto the main walkway in front of the attraction, “Come on, Riley, you don’t need to be walking all over this huge ass park! Let those guys take the kids, we can find some shade and sit, and I will fetch you turkey legs!”
He felt a tug on the hem of his shirt, he looked down to find Xander staring up at him, “Uncle Leo?”
“Yeah buddy?” His brows drew together as he watched Xander mumble something that he couldn’t hear. He squatted down to get on eye level with his nephew, grasping him by both shoulders as he asked, “What did you say Xan?”
Xander opened his mouth as if he were going to speak, but instead a steamy, chunky stream what looked like a thick mixture of enchilada sauce and cottage cheese spewed from his mouth, hitting Leo square in the chest and splattering onto his face and arms.
“Shit!” Leo yelped as he fell backwards, trying to scrabble away from Xander who was still heaving chunks of his lunch.
Riley was unbothered. “Oh no. Maybe letting him have two chilidogs and funnel cake at lunch was a mistake, huh?”
“You think?” Leo stared at her in wide eyed horror as he pushed himself off the ground and stumbled toward Max, “A little help?”
“Oh….oh, no.” Max shook his head violently and took a step back as he retched a little, “I can’t…..”
“Oh, what’s wrong, Max?” Leo stepped closer as a mischievous grin spread across his face, “Can’t handle a little vomit?”
“I…no…” Max took another step backwards, and retched again, “I mean it, Leo, I’m a sympathetic puker!”
“Max, buddy.” Leo opened his arms wide like he was going to hug him.
“Leo, oh!” There was a dry heave then suddenly Max was spewing his lunch all over Leo.
“Fuck!” Leo turned and vomited into the bushes.
Liam turned to Drake with a shrug, “He kind of asked for that.”
Drake was shaking with laughter as tears of mirth streamed down his face, “I wish….I wish… I’d gotten that….gotten that… on video!” He bent double and grasped his stomach as he struggled to catch his breath.
Unfortunately, there was another sympathetic puker that had witnessed the whole display. The teenage boy inside the Dumbo costume hurled at about the same time Leo did. Though it was expressly against park rules to remove the head from the costume for any reason, he was beyond caring as the overwhelming stench from his own half digested lunch that now coated the inside of the already stifling suit made his stomach continue to roil. The risk of getting fired wasn’t even on his mind as he pulled the head off.
Ellie’s eyes opened wide as she watched Dumbo pull his own head off his body. She let out an earth shattering scream at the same time Jax noticed and began crying hysterically as he pointed, “Ella pant dead! Ella pant dead!”
Xander stopped throwing up and added his own screams to Ellie and Jax’s.
“Fuck!” Leo wiped his mouth as he rejoined the group, “This is why I’m never having kids!”
“Excuse you?” Liam blinked at him in astonishment, “You’ve had no less than twenty six paternity suits filed against you!” He would know, he always had to sign off on the royal lawyers representing Leo in court.
Leo scoffed, “Only seven of those turned out to be mine.”
Liam didn’t respond to that as he’d turned his attention to attempting to calm his hysterical children.
Riley passed out some baby wipes to Max, Leo and the kid in the Dumbo suit.
Turning to the tour guide, Leo asked, “Is there a place I can shower around here?”
“Uh….yes, there are showers in the restrooms near Calypso Pool. Shall I take you there?”
“Yes, please and I’m going to need pants in addition to a shirt this time.”
Riley eyed him critically up and down, “You look like you’re about Drake’s size. I can go pick out some clothes for you while you shower. We’ll meet you over there.”
“Thank you, beautiful, you’re an angel.” He grinned at her, already shirtless again.
Jason pointed out the nearest gift shop before turning to escort Leo to the pool. Riley placed a hand on her stomach as she felt a contraction ripple through her abdomen. It was nothing, she decided, just some Braxton hicks.
“Everything ok?” Drake asked her.
“Just fine.” She smiled up at him, “Now let’s go get Leo some clothes.”
Words/lines that were used with permission from brain storming sessions:
@dcbbw for “Riley was unbothered” and “Come on, Riley, you don’t need to be walking all over this huge ass park! Let us find some shade and sit and I will fetch you turkey legs!”
@harleybeaumont for “steamy” and @karahalloway for “chunky”, @dcbbw for “mixture of enchilada sauce and cottage cheese”
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eldritchwaffless · 2 years
Okay, it as probably been done before, but the other day I though about a funny player character concept for D&D.
They're name is King Lich, lord of all that is EVVILLL. A chaotic EVIIIIL character who's only goal in life is to do the most EVIIL deeds!
But that what they think. In reality King Lich (or just King for simplicity and because I like the Owl House lol) isn't a Lich, although he might look like one, and he isn't chaotic evil, more like chaotic good. But he really thinks he is evil, and he loves it, no, he freaking revels in it. Here some exemple of the EVILS of King.
An homeless person ask for a copper or a silver coin. King gives him a couple of gold. Laught maniacally on how EVIIIL he is because he gave the homeless waay more than what they asked and that they just might feel bad for getting so much.
At the the tavern, the bartender complains of a dirty spot on the table that just won't freaking come off. Next day they awake to a completely clean, shining, like new tavern but the spot that the bartender complained about is still there. King proceed to laught maniacally stating "It's even more noticeable now!! Nyahaha!!!!"
Cleans the desk of someone, laught when that someone can't find a specific item because while cleaning and organizing the desk, they made sure to not put the stuff back were they exactly where, so now the person as to search a little bit to find what they are looking for.
Ah little boy is stuck in a burning building, King runs to it and save the little boy. While being thanks by the family of the boy be starts to laught and states to the boy "While I save you I whiped my dirty hand on you Nyahahah!!!"
He also could be a cleric but think he is like a warlock, his god basically pretenting to be evil or something.
King: *ask his god for advice or smt* (never played a cleric or even played with one lol)
God/Goddess: My child... I bless you and all of your future adventures...
King: Wait what...
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ill confess this is a lot even for me to do it... (the m.o.d tome features) (inportant read the desc at the end)
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(Huge thanks for the mod Mowzie’s mobs for the ferror Worghtnaut i think thats how its spelled)
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(seasons include winter,attum,summer and spring diferent events happen depending on the season)  
(how i hate the fact my english is more shiter then horse shit... forgive me viewers ;w;) now lisen up this is the mod speaking and i just wana say that yeah... this book only the first chapter has like THOUSENS of things new... and ill be honest it would take SO FREAKING LONG to make it all so i added some of the things i wanted some of theses mobs werent even made by me but the mobs: apiary,warrior,mage,lotti,monsterhunter,mysteryus trader,king villager,megaboomer and Peak-a-boo. were made by me. so heres how it will be ill make a list of all of the new things that were added here cuz if i try to draw EVERYTHING dear god...it would take so freaking looooong ;-; so in this case if you must know the ref or the information about such thing as mob or feature you have 100% permission to dms me for the dethails im open and ill awser you when i have time besides this is the path im takeing. over 50+ mobs like cmon and 8 new bosses. (one last thing before the list some of theses mobs were also made so people could just do their charecters based on them. however lotti is sort of mine so dont copy him too much hes a boy i have been dreaming for the past 3years and I WANT HIM IN MINECRAFT PLEASE MOJANG) also some of theses features are entirely form mods well its the M.O.D tome what ya expect ?? for thoses ill still give info by using the mod the most ill describe is the one mobs made or based on smt but still made by me.
so heres the list and feel free to dms me for ref and new sutff:
Blocks: Ores: silver ore,thaleonite ore,ruby,topaz,saphire,lithium,titanium. decotrative: Mushy carpets,mosaic block (it has diferent colors), Cristal block,cristal glass,wallpaper empty blocks,drain block,chain block, stick block,hopper block and camuflage block. plants: Fosfirita flower,cotton flower,blue gaper,cornila flower,mountain moss.
Mobs!! (theses here are diferent ones from the first ones showed): illagers: Dynamite illarger,horse illarger, stealth illarger, tank illarger, villager: the painter,the quest maker and the floricultist. creepers:(along with a huge pack from the more creepers mod),burried creeper, missile creeper and the hollow creeper. animals: (EXTREMLY BIG thing from alex mobs NEVER UPSETS ME but no animals from the nether and the end are here from the mod) Quivster,beetle,ants,firelizard and viper, undead: dead warrior,dead chemistry exper,dead mage,dead archer. reinforced skeleton,golden skeleton,jungle skeleton, lost miner skeleton. 
BOSSES!!!: the 3 brothers of acient magic, The dead king, scrapster, meteoriter, sky chaser, sea recker.
features: Heavy wind!,mega trees (aka trees made with 12 spalings together),sandstorms,snowstorms,pushing winds,heavy rain,color change of trees.
items: Bloat fruit,dynamite bar,silver,titanium,lithium,thaleonite= amors and tools., wardrober table,forge anvil,fish net, long bow, harpoon,copper tools,mushy balls,rubble,wallpaper,camuflage paint, automatic pusher,beetle meat,magma scales (and boots), poison glands, rusty axe,rusty sword,rusty shield,old wand,rusty bow, reinforced bones, golden bones, muddy bones, cracked bones. flying potion,blasting potion,firetouch potion,morph potion,quest paper,advence fishing rod,golden fish rod, angler trinkets, super sword, zaladios, blasting powder, super streagth potion,super insta heal potion, contrapack.
food: (cooking for block heads makes a aperence here for variouse things) icecream,pizza,spagtthie and shulker meal.
new gran quest: 4 elemental stones (foreshadow ;) )
Mod: i guess I GUESS this is everything im trying my best on remenber everything i planed im telling you I THINK A LOT! and if theres smt im missing here and there i juge myself a lot for forgeting but again ya guys can ask for info im open im sorry i dint draw everythign but look at that IT WOULD TAKE AN ETERNITY. anywayes thats all.
(when your langueg isnt english) 
inglesh people:
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I love all your work so much and I saw that you were going to be taking a break from your Bachelor universe so I wanted to throw some prompts your way to maybe help get some other creative juices flowing *waggles eyebrows*
1) switched at birth AU
2) Everyone already knows their dating AU
3) Law and Order (SVU AU)
4) you’ve got mail AU
Thank you anon, I'm glad you like my writing!
Now that I've finished my Bach fic, I've been at a bit of a loss what I want to do next. Maybe it's because I'm all out of new ideas, maybe it's because work has been absolutely hectic, but my creative brain is completely empty. So I figured, why not try to do one of these prompts?
Here's the thing: I have never seen SVU or You've Got Mail. And I'm pretty sure Switched at Birth is also a TV show I have never seen? When I saw "everyone already knows" my immediate thought was "oh! like in Friends!" but then I remembered I have absolutely read that fic somewhere?? Like someone already wrote that for Jonsa. (I tried to find it again but have had no luck.)
So I chose switched at birth as a concept - I'm not sure if you meant the TV show or not, but I just wrote whatever popped into my brain.
A warning: this turned out a bit more angsty than I intended, and isn't necessarily Jonsa? It is if you squint. A few other notes, Alayne is a completely separate person from Sansa, Lysa is not related to Catelyn, and Baelish never knew Catelyn either. Sorry if it's confusing and/or not at all what you were looking for!
Sansa feels as if the world has dropped out from beneath her.
They all sit in the drawing room of what she can only describe as a mansion (and she knows that next to her, Father is likely seething. This is the kind of money he aspires to, but will never be able to reach. He will never have a name. Father is a Baelish, he could never be a Stark.)
She stares at the family sitting opposite and her heart sticks in her throat at the sight of them – the mother, the three sons, they all have the same copper hair that she does and she swallows against the rising tears.
This is what she could have had, she thinks as she averts her eyes, but she only manages to catch sight of the family portrait above the mantel. A father, a mother, siblings. She could have had all of this, if not for the slip-up of an overworked, underpaid nurse sixteen years ago. She could have been Alayne Stark. Instead she is Sansa Baelish.
Switched at birth.
Alayne sits with her family (that should be Sansa's family), and she doesn't look as out of place as she should. Her dark hair matches Mr. Stark's – matches the other daughter, Arya. Alayne fits right in.
Sansa sits with Father (no, not her father; the man who raised her) on the opposite couch and wonders if her Mother (no, not her mother) had known, somehow. Is that why Mother had always been so cruel to her? Why she always seemed to hate Sansa for reasons she could never figure out? Perhaps Mother had known, somehow, that Sansa wasn't hers. Sansa remembers reading fairy stories of Changelings – how the mother would know, insist the child wasn't hers, how no one ever believed her. Is that why Mother threw herself off the roof all those years ago?
“Well this is fucking awkward,” the girl, Arya, mutters, and it breaks the silence as Mr. Stark sighs and presses a hand over his face and Mrs. Stark begins to scold her for her language and impropriety. Sansa watches Alayne laugh, and she feels more than ever like an intruder. She may share the Stark blood, but it seems as if Alayne and Arya are more alike than not. And by the way the brothers are trying to hide their own laughter, it seems Alayne fits in with all of them.
Perhaps it wasn't a mistake to switch them, Sansa thinks bitterly. Perhaps the Starks are better for having Alayne.
She is forced to get to know the Stark family, though she does not think she wants to. She doesn't want to look at their life and wish it could have been hers – wish that Ned Stark with his kind eyes and calm voice could have been her father. Wish that Catelyn Stark with her smiles and her freshly baked cookies could have been her mother. Wish that she could have been surrounded by siblings and dogs and even two strange psuedo-adopted-but-not-really brothers that she meets later on named Jon and Theon. The Stark household is chaotic and confusing and Sansa tells herself she would have hated growing up here.
She isn't surprised to find that she's not sad Father isn't her real father. In fact, there's a sort of joy inside her that when she turns eighteen, she can be free of him. He is still her legal guardian, the courts have decided, but she has less than two years before she is free and they aren't actually related and so she doesn't have to feel guilty about her dreams of leaving him.
It grows inside her as the weeks and months go by – a hatred she has never truly let herself feel before. She hates him, despises him. She always has.
Catelyn Stark is insistent on getting to know her because Sansa is her daughter, but Sansa can tell that Father has no real desire to get to know his own real daughter. He does not care about Alayne – no, what he cares about is ingratiating himself into the Stark family. She wonders if the Starks can see it like she can. She hopes not – she doesn't want them to think she's only coming to these weekly meetings for their money and their name.
In all honestly, she's not actually sure why she keeps coming to these meetings. All they do is remind her that the Starks will never truly be her family. All they do is highlight how much Father cares about social climbing. These meetings are painful and every week when she finally gets home and takes a shower and gets into her pajamas and climbs into bed, she sobs into her pillow for what could have been.
“You know the party's inside, right?”
Sansa startles out of her reverie and whirls around, heart pounding, to find Jon Snow standing behind her, pulling a pack of cigarettes out of his coat pocket.
It's Christmas and the snow is thick on the ground and she's shivering in the thin wrap that she came outside with, her coat in a closet where Mrs. Stark had taken it hours earlier.
“Are you allowed to be smoking?” she asks instead of answering and he laughs, pulling one out of the pack and placing it between his lips.
“I'm eighteen,” he shrugs, speaking around the cigarette dangling out of his mouth. His hands come up and he lights it, with one cupped around the end against the cold winter wind.
“I can't imagine Mrs. Stark approves of smoking,” she sniffs, then shakes her head no when Jon holds the pack out to her in offering. She watches his mouth twitch into a smile for a moment, like he knew she wouldn't take one, before putting the pack back in his coat pocket.
“Seems you don't approve, either.”
“Well, I am her daughter.” She says it and means it to be a joke, but the words come out soft and it wavers at the end.
Jon watches her for a moment, then unzips his coat and shrugs it off and holds it out to her and she stares at it blankly, her mind not processing the gesture. He shakes the coat, like he's insisting she take it and she finally does, slipping it on and then closing her eyes at the immediate warmth of it.
“I get it,” Jon says after a while, when he's halfway down to the filter, clouds of smoke drifting up into the night sky. “I mean, not exactly, I'm not sure there's anyone who can understand... you know-” he gestures at her. “But I get what's it's like - to be a Stark, but not. They practically raised me, but I'm not... I'll never actually be one of them.”
“I used to read fairytales,” she admits, turning her face from him because it's easier to talk into the dark, snow-covered landscape than him. “About secret princesses, and the king and queen were always so happy to have their daughter back. In the stories, there was never another princess who already took her place. Who fit in better.”
Alayne is a perfect Stark, she thinks. Over the months, she's seen it – how Alayne plays football and hockey with her brothers and sisters, makes jokes that Sansa would never. She's nothing like Sansa, who always preferred reading poetry to playing outside, with perfect manners and perfect posture. Cold and reserved. She wishes she were more like Alayne – more like a Stark.
She hears Jon sigh and take one last drag of the cigarette before he puts it out in the snow. “You're a lot like Cat, you know,” he says finally, and she feels something twist painfully in her chest. “And Bran. I mean, I don't know you that well, I guess, but...”
She shakes her head because he's wrong. She's nothing like any of the Starks (though she's not a Baelish, either). Jon sighs again, louder this time, with more annoyance.
“You are,” he insists, and she finally turns to face him again and opens her mouth to argue, but he gets there first. “You'd see it if you let yourself. If you actually tried. Cat's... Cat is trying so hard. You should see how she gets before you come over. Everyone is freaking out about it but you won't even try to get to know them. And I might not get how you feel, but Alayne? Have you even tried to talk to her?”
That painful twist in her chest tightens, it swoops down into her belly and up into her throat. “I am-”
“Like I said, I can't imagine how it feels, you know? And I'm sure it's a lot, and you're allowed to feel how you feel, but the Starks are... they want you here, I promise. But if you don't want to be, if you don't want them in your life, maybe this should all stop, cause it's hurting them and I think it's hurting you. Maybe we shouldn't be trying to force it if it's not what you want.”
Her mind is blank, she can't think of a single argument, though she wants to argue. She wants to say that Alayne hasn't tried talking to her, either. She wants to insist that she is trying, but... but she's not. Not really. She's holding herself at a distance, she's already decided she doesn't belong.
“What if they don't like me?” The words slip out of her, unbidden, her voice barely a whisper. It wavers in the dark. (Her deepest fear – that if she lets them get close to her, they'll decide she isn't worth it, that they don't want her.)
She's not sure what response she was expecting, but it's not for Jon to smile – he does, gives her a little half smile and raises his shoulders in a shrug. “I don't know you that well yet, but so far I like you just fine. And I'm not even a Stark.”
“You seem like a Stark,” she tells him, and watches something flicker across his face and she doesn't know him well enough yet to tell what it is.
“I'm not actually related,” he says, though she already knows this. “Not by blood or anything.” For a moment he brings his hand up to rub at the back of his neck and he suddenly won't look at her and she wonders if she said something wrong. “We should go back inside,” he seems to change the subject and she hesitates, but then he holds out his hand. After a moment, she takes it, and follows him back inside, out of the freezing night air and into the warmth of the house. In the distance, she can hear voices and laughter, she can smell the cinnamon and pine in the air.
She could get lost here, if she let herself.
“There you are,” Mrs. Stark looks up as they enter the kitchen, and Jon lets go of her hand. Mrs. Stark narrows her eyes at Jon, then looks at the back door, like she guesses what he was doing out there and doesn't approve.
“I'm uh...” Jon starts, looking between Mrs. Stark and her, “I should get back to the party.” Before he goes, he turns back to her and she remembers she's still in his coat and she hurriedly takes it off, feeling heat high up on her cheeks as she does. “Try,” he says, voice too low for Mrs. Stark to hear. Then he takes his coat and leaves the kitchen – leaves her in the kitchen. Alone. With Mrs. Stark.
“Are you having fun?” Mrs. Stark's voice is light, but there's something underneath, a hesitance.
“I am,” she says back, wondering if she should make some excuse and leave. Wondering if Mrs. Stark doesn't want to be here talking to her.
“I wanted to thank you for inviting me,” she blurts out, and Mrs. Stark looks at her sharply. “I had some of the pumpkin pie, it was really good.”
It's such a stupid, nonsense thing to say, but Mrs. Stark looks pleased.
“It's a family recipe,” Mrs. Stark says, and then – a bit of hesitation - “I could teach it to you, if you'd like.”
Sansa's breath catches in her throat and it takes her a moment to say, “I like baking.”
“So do I. I could never get Alayne or Arya into it.” Mrs. Stark says it with a fond smile and Sansa feels something break open inside of her and she realizes, she knows, that she wants this. She wants to know this family, she wants to be a part of it. She doesn't want to take Alayne's place, she never could, but she...
“You could teach me,” she whispers. “Sometime. I'd like that.”
“So would I,” Mrs St- her mother, says with a smile that lights up the room.
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Hi! I am here to tell you about my WIPs! Well only one of them actually because the other two are on a hold since this one has taken up my entire brain for the last month and a half or so.
But anyway this wip is called One of Copper, it's set 100 years after my main wip, Frost & Fire, and 150 years after my other WIP, Angel's Daughters. It's about four people who have been, uh, asked? Is that the right word? It was more of a command than an ask. to find the missing sword of the god of creation, because it is the only thing that can kill a god other than lack of belief. This is going to take them to the nine hells, to the land of the dead (shadow, where a lot of dead adventures that may or may not be significant in my other WIPs give them advice. Yay, dead people advice. And a few people who are very important in my other WIPs but otherwise never appear actually bc they are dead), the home of the gods which still needs a name (they haven't gone there yet though. Which is good bc that's for book 3/4) and the abyss.
The actual culprit who stole the sword is the king of hell, who also needs a name and I think might have a name I just can't remember.
But once they get the sword, they realize why the wizard who hired them wanted it in the first place. He's a god (of undetermined domain) in disguise (I love that trope. Is that a trope? It should be), and his boss, Corall, god of creation, wants to use it to kill the goddess of death, Illa.
That's the bare bones of the plot, and the characters are:
Kairon (he/him) is a trans 22 year old Demonsblood (his grandpa made a pact with a fiend. Kairon has horns and a tail and is purple bc of it), who is a bard and not as sassy as him being a bard you would think he would be. His litte sister died 6 weeks before the story starts.
Ash (she/her) is human and the 25 year old daughter of a backsmith, who was going to do that (or be a historian like her mother) until she got roped into this mess by a very persistent wizard.
Elas (they/them) is an elf, who is about 100, and they also have all of my anxiety. They are a Storm Sorcerer, which means they have weather magic.
Joshua (he/him) is a Half-Elf fighter who is the son of one of the characters in my main wip, Frost and Fire, and he has a little sister who's best friend is a demon. He is about 96.
OH MY GOD a sword than can kill gods?????? NinE HELLS??????
yay for dead people advice!!!
the KING of Hell no less isw the one who STOLE the SWORD???? it's glorious honestly
and what does your characters get in return of them getting back the sword???
THE WIZARD IS A GOD???? AND WORKS FOR THE GOD OF CREATION??? AND WANTS TO KILL THE GODDESS OF DEATH OMG OMG!!! so epic I love it????? and why does he want to kill her?? and why send a minion to send more (accidental) minions??? and how did he lost the sword/ got it stolen in first place?? (sorry if I'm making too much questions I'm hyped!)
I am giving Kairon a hug and a blanket and whatever he needs because sth tells me the trip to the nine hells is not gonna be a nice way to cope huh (ooohhh does he see his little sister when they are there????)
I feel Ash in a spiritual level in the "getting roped by a very persistant wizard", She strikes me as the kind of person who would just... do whatever she's been asked to just so that the other person can leave her alone for some reason
Elas has weather magic. weather magic. weather magic!!!! and anxiety which mood. They get a hug too <3
Joshua "he is about 96" no biggie. and his little sister's best friend is a demon. iconic i love him.
your wip sounds so freaking cool!!! Thanks for telling me about it!
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5 for Nuts and Dolts, because the hug in the trailer is still on continuous loop in my head and the only thing better than an angsty hug is an angsty hug AND KISS 8 for Data Farm, because I'm weak for the idea of Oscar being unexpectedly prince-like and making Penny feel like a princess (or the other way around) I can't remember the number, but the interrupted kiss for rosegarden No pressure to do all of these, I just couldn't decide on one ship because I love all of them
(as a brief refresher: Data Farms Fic Link, Rosegarden Fic Link)
...and here’s to finally being able to answer this ask and revealing the ridiculous (sort of) secret plan I’ve carried out over a month (or two maybe idk) and what’s now a six-chapter fic!
(no, I’m not joking, this (Rose Puppetry) was literally A Thing bc I’m Like That)
So, to explain, way back when I was doing requests for this kissing meme, it was around the same time that you introduced me to the Mechanisms music, and then the Magnus Archives after that.
Subsequently, I thought it would be really cool to make one of these three requests Steampunk-themed.  I decided on the Nuts and Dolts one bc, when I first listened to Once Upon A Time (In Space), I associated Ruby and Penny heavily with Rose and Cinders (I think it was bc the album was brought up in reference to Souls or something like that?  Also Rose Puppetry was my alternative solution to just derailing Souls completely into Being A Steampunk Fic).
Anyways, I started out with the intent to do a short oneshot where Penny breaks into a facility to save Ruby, which would be reminiscent of the final attack on Old King Cole that led to Cinders being reunited with Rose.
Except then I got carried away by world-building (bc it was so freaking fun) and Rose Puppetry became an entire multi-chapter fic all of its own.
For the record, I think I originally @ you when I posted the first chapter bc I was going to say that the fic was a response to this prompt and then quite literally forgot to actually say that anywhere.  I then realized that, if I kept quiet about it, I could turn it into a surprise, which seemed like a fun thing to do, so I went for it.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the end of Rose Puppetry!
5. Throwing their arms around the other person’s neck, hugging them close before kissing them passionately on the lips.
Rose Puppetry Ch6: The Tale of Little Briar and the Huntress in the Cottage
A century ago or so, Atlas set out to conquer the world.  Penny was built to be a spy, an infiltrator meant to find weaknesses in Vale’s defenses before the invasion.
She did.  Then she fell in love.  And rebelled against the kingdom that had created her.
Ch1.  Ch2.  Ch3.  Ch4.  Ch5.
Every child in Patch knows of the Huntress who lives in the cottage on the outskirts of town.  Their great protector, who keeps the dangers of the woods at bay so they can go about their lives safely.  No one knows, not really, where she came from.  The youngest kids among them generally want to ask, but their parents usually shush them before they can try.  It’s considered improper, prying into what should be left well enough alone.
Briar knows more about the Huntress than any of her peers, but you’d never catch her boasting about it in the school yard.  No sir.  She can keep a secret extremely well, she can.  Well that, and she doesn’t want the Huntress to be upset with her and ask her father to not allow her to make the weekly deliveries anymore.  Briar loves visiting the Huntress’s cottage, with its duck pond and its thick bramble of roses.  But, most importantly, she loves being let inside and allowed to watch the Huntress work for just a little while.
For, in addition to being their protector against the scary monsters that lurk in the woods, the Huntress is Patch’s one and only mechanic.  There used to be more, of course, but that was back before Briar was born and they all got called off to fight in the Great War against Atlas.
Briar once asked if the Huntress fought in the Great War, too.  She remembers how the Huntress fell silent, the gloomy expression that had seamlessly eclipsed the Huntress’s entire being, and quietly swore never to ask again.  It’s not important for her to know, Briar decided.  Not like learning how gears, cogs, and screws all fit into machinery and make things like the big clock in the tower in the center of town work.
It’s a sunny day.  A few wisps of clouds linger in the sky, but not many.  Briar skips home from school, humming a happy tune of her own creation as she goes.  She briefly pauses to scratch the noses of the cows who’ve wandered to the fence of their pasture bordering the road.  The cows moo at her and sniff Briar’s fingertips for treats.
“Sorry, I don’t have anything for you today.”  Briar giggles as their chin whiskers tickle her.  “If I have time after I visit Ms. Rose, I’ll try and bring you all back something, but I make no promises.”
She continues on her way, only stopping in the Mech Field to pick a collection of bright, cheerful wildflowers.  Briar pauses to consider the ruins of the old war machines, but Ms. Rose once warned her very sternly not to get too close to the fallen mechs without her supervision, so Briar doesn’t.  Instead, she takes a spare hair ribbon out of her school bag, ties it snugly around the stems of her wildflowers to keep them properly bunched together, and heads home.
Her mother has the weekly grocery basket for Ms. Rose waiting when Briar arrives.  She helps Briar securely fasten it to the deliveries bicycle and situate the flower bouquet on top so the bumpy ride won’t jostle them too much.
“Keep an eye on the time,” Briar’s mother gives her the usual warning.  “And, if it starts growing dark, have Ms. Rose walk you home.”
Briar rolls her eyes.  She’s big enough to come home all on her own, even after sunset, she thinks.  Still, she promises, “I will!” before taking off on the bicycle.
Smoke lazily drifts into the sky from Ms. Rose’s cottage’s chimney as Briar makes her approach.  The huntress’s dog, a great, big creature with a lumbering gait and a lolling tongue, appropriately named ‘Wolf’, runs to greet Briar as she approaches.  She slows her bicycle to a stop and dismounts.
“Hey, Wolfie.”  Briar scratches behind the dog’s ears, and gets licked enthusiastically for it.  She laughs.  Wolf dances excited circles around Briar as she walks over and leans her bicycle against the cottage.  “Stop that!”  Briar commands Wolf, only half serious.  “I have to get the groceries inside!”  She nudges the door open and walks into the cottage.
“Ms. Rose?  Are you here?”  Briar calls out.
“In the workshop, Briar!”  Ms. Rose yells back from somewhere deep inside.  Briar grins.  With some care, she shoves the groceries in the refrigerator.  Ms. Rose will organize them however she pleases later, after a few more hours of work, at least.
Briar goes to hurry through the kitchen, but remembers herself, and pauses at the sink to fill a pitcher with water for her wildflower bouquet.  She carefully lowers the flowers in and unties her hair ribbon from around their stems.  Then, after tidying the bouquet a little, Briar walks further into the cottage.  She doesn’t go immediately to the workshop, but to a room Ms. Rose only recently granted her permission to enter.
Briar pauses and takes a breath in the doorway of the bedroom.  It’s always a bit weird to do this.  She’s never actually met Ms. Penny.  Not back before, when she was awake.  Ms. Penny doesn’t know who she is.  Never had the chance to, really.
Regardless, flowers always make Briar feel better when she isn’t feeling well.  With Wolf padding loyally at her side, Briar approaches the bed where Ms. Penny serenely sleeps and situates the bouquet on the table beside it.
“Good day, Ms. Penny,” Briar speaks politely, for she’s never spoken to a mechanical person, or one who’s never woken up, before Penny.  Briar still feels kind of odd about that, but, since she first stumbled across Penny’s room, she’s been determined to try and make her feel better (if that’s at all possible).
“Spring’s here.  The first of Mr. Oobleck’s lambs were born the other day.”  Briar starts her usual, short, babbling update about life in Patch.  “They’re extremely cute.  I’ll draw you a picture, so, when you wake up, you won’t have missed seeing them.”
“She’d like that, I think.”
Briar jumps, and spins around.  Ms. Rose stands in the doorway, leaning against its frame.  She smiles softly at Briar, and joins her by Penny’s bedside.  “Penny never…I think she always lived in cities before we met.”  Ms. Rose takes a deep breath.  “I’m not sure she’s ever gotten the chance to see a newborn lamb.”
“Then this will be her first time,” Briar says confidently.
“Yes.”  Ms. Rose smiles sadly down at Briar.  “Run along to the workshop now.  I left today’s assignment out on the table for you.  Try to see if you can get started on your own.  I’ll be along in a moment.”
Briar does as she’s told, but not before stopping just outside the bedroom and sneakily poking her head back in to watch Ms. Rose gently smooth Penny’s long, soft copper curls and place a kiss on her forehead.
“Don’t wait too much longer to wake up, my love, alright?”  Ms. Rose whispers.
Briar slips away, feeling a little guilty about spying on such a private moment.  She doesn’t know why Ms. Penny sleeps, what caused her to fall into her lasting slumber in the first place, but Briar does know that Ms. Rose came to Patch to have a quiet, safe place to repair her.
The assignment Ms. Rose set out for Briar that day is a small music box.  One that had, in all likeliness, played a lovely melody at some point, but has long since worn out.  Repairing it shouldn’t be the hardest of tasks.  Not now that Briar is a handful of months out of transitioning from ‘kid who gets to watch the Huntress work’ to ‘unofficial mechanic’s apprentice’.
Ever so carefully, Briar removes a tiny, rusty gear from the music box with her tweezers and sets it aside.  She looks to Ms. Rose, who smiles reassuringly back at her.  Briar finds the replacement gear, plucks it up with the tweezers, and goes to insert it right where it needs to—
“Hello?!  Huntress are you here?”  A voice shouts into the cottage.  Wolf scrambles up from lying under where Briar’s feet dangle off her stool and barks loudly.  Briar jumps.  Her tweezers fall out of her hand.  The replacement gear goes flying.
“Just a moment!”  Ms. Rose calls back.  She helps Briar retrieve the gear from where it’s fallen to the floor.  “Think you can work on your own for a bit?”  Ms. Rose asks.  When Briar nods, the huntress wipes grease and oil smudges off her fingertips onto her leather apron and goes to see who has come asking after her aid.
Briar half listens to the ensuing conversation about a broken down car on the road as it drifts through the cottage to her.  Ms. Rose briefly returns to the workshop for her portable tool kit, and then leaves to go repair the automobile in question.  She promises she’ll check Briar’s handiwork upon her return.  Wolf ambles back over to Briar.  The dog circles a couple times to settle, and then returns to napping.
For the next couple of hours while Briar works, things are quiet and peaceful.  She finishes repairing the music box.  With bated breath, Briar winds it up and sets it down on the worktable.  A soft tune fills the air.  Briar can’t help but smile.
Too excited to wait until Ms. Rose gets back to show off her success, Briar carefully scoops the music box up in her hands and carries it to Penny’s room.  She puts it down by the wildflowers she brought earlier, and lets it play its song a second time.
So caught up on listening to the music box’s melody is Briar, she doesn’t catch when it’s joined by the sounds of other mechanisms whirling and clicking.  Ones that have long remained at rest, but, at the sound of a comforting song, rouse again.
Movement catches Briar’s attention.  Before she realizes what’s happened, a pair of bright, dazzling green eyes meet her own.  They almost seem to glow, as if they’re lightbulbs that have spent a long, long time charging up and want to celebrate the chance to finally illuminate.
“H-hello?”  The voice is hoarse, creaky with disuse.  It’s nothing like Briar imagined it would be.  “Briar?”
Briar blinks rapidly.  “You know me?” slips from her lips before she can stop the question.
“Of course.”  Tentatively, Penny moves to push herself up in a sitting position.  One of her hands slips before she can put weight down on it.  Briar rushes forward to help support her.  “Thank you.”  Penny smiles gratefully at Briar.  “To answer your question, I heard you.  The days you came and talked to me and brought me flowers.”  She pauses.  “I’d very much like to see Mr. Oobleck’s lambs.”
“Oh.”  Briar takes a minute to process this.  “I didn’t think…” she’s not sure what to say.  She’s imagined this moment hundreds of times, but, now that it’s happening, Briar’s mind is frustratingly blank.
“It’s alright.”  Penny gives her a small, soft smile.  “It’s not everyday someone you’ve only known as a ‘sleeping lady’ wakes up.”
“I-err-yeah…” Briar pauses.  “If you don’t mind me asking, how could you hear me all those times?  Since you were asleep?”
Penny inhales deeply and exhales, the clockwork of her body moving with the motion.  “It’s a bit complicated.  A short explanation would be that, even without enough power to function normally, I could still record audio.” Penny shoots a knowing smirk in Briar’s direction.  “I would love to give you the fully detailed explanation.  Later.  If you don’t mind, there’s someone who’s long overdue for a hug, I think.”
Briar’s eyes widen.  “Oh!  Ms. Rose!  Of course!”  She scrambles up to fetch Penny a walking stick to lean upon as she gets up.  “She went out to repair someone’s car.  I think it’s just down the road!”  Briar hovers, ready to support Penny if she needs help with walking.  When Penny makes it to the doorway on her own, Briar relaxes a little.
Together, with Wolf keeping pace with them (and Briar would swear the dog is keeping as much a careful eye on Penny as she herself is), they make their way outside.
Penny pauses, and looks up at the blue, blue sky.  She blinks.  If she were capable of crying, she probably would have.  “I never dreamed I’d see it again.”  Penny whispers.  She turns to look ahead, down the road she and Briar intend to walk, and sees someone coming toward them on it.  Penny gasps.
There is one sight that Penny dreamed of, longed for, during her oh so very long slumber.  One sight, her vague, ethereal thoughts could never quite capture, but tried to constantly.  The person she sees on the road doesn’t quite fit the picture Penny remembers.  The person is no longer a youthful maiden, but a full grown woman.  Her black-red hair is longer, kept in an untidy braid over one shoulder.  She’s wearing the garb of a mechanic, and not combat dress.  Branching scars, leftover from a (Grimm) time Penny would very much like to leave in the past, dance across her skin.
Penny breathes the name out at the same time Ruby sees her, stops, and stares.
A moment passes where no one moves, where the world is held frozen in shock.  Anxiety ripples over Ruby’s face.  Worry that needs no verbal words to describe it.  That Penny won’t love this older version of her.  That this person she had to grow into while she patiently waited for Penny to wake up isn’t someone Penny will be able to bring herself to love.
Penny takes a step forward, and then another.  Her walking stick is cast aside as she recalls how to push her legs into motion as fast as she can.  She runs, reaching Ruby in the blink of an eye.  Eager to vanquish all the anxieties she sees in her beloved, Penny takes Ruby up in her arms and spins her around and around.  She laughs, causing Ruby to laugh with relief too.
They’re together.  Nothing, no war or conflict or spiders who want to control them, can get in the way of that any longer.  They may have once been puppets in a grand scheme, but they’re free now.  Free to do whatever they wish, as long as they wish.
Penny stops spinning Ruby around.  She holds her close, drinking in the sight of Ruby’s sparkling, silver eyes.  Without thinking about it, they press their foreheads together and simply gaze at each other.
Later, they’ll let Briar commit a condensed version of their story down on paper.  A fairytale, it will be.  One only a handful will actually believe there’s truth to, but that’s just as well to them.  Right now, this moment?  This moment is just for them.
Ruby wraps her arms around Penny.  Penny leans in.  Their lips find each other.  Tentative, unsure, aware they have a lot to adjust to again with each other (but eager to get started).  The kiss is soft and sweet.  A promise of many, many more to come.
They don’t live happily ever after.  For Penny and Ruby’s story doesn’t end here.  It goes on, with many days full of love, and equally as many filled with struggle as they learn each other’s embrace again.  There are moments when the scars of the past threaten to consume them, and moments filled with nothing but laughter and joy.
Overall, though?
Penny and Ruby live together for a very, very long time, and that time together is largely marked by their shared happiness.
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h1kari · 4 years
May I have a haikyuu!! personal ship thing please if they’re still open?
I'm 5'4, she/her w long cherry hair & copper roots, blue-green eyes like algae in a bay + snow skin!
My aesthetic is:
overflowing emotions, appreciated nostalgia, star-gazing, late-night conversations, messy hair, slightly smudged make-up, a fast beating heart, secret confessions, too-loud music, rainy days, getting lost in thought, absentminded singing, smiling at a stranger, total honesty, pinkie promises, holding hands, reminiscent stories, conversations about the future, uncertain smiles, inside jokes, caffeine addiction, books filled with small doodles, unfinished writing, accidental flirting, smirks from across the room, sarcastic, needs a lot of naps, apologises for everything!
If it helps you decide, my personality according to science and the stars is:
Enneagram: 4w5
Enneagram Tri-type: 946
Temperament: Melancholic
Enneagram Subtype: SO/SX
Sun Sign: Leo
Moon Sign: Taurus
Ascending Sign: Scorpio
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Dark Triad: Machiavellianism
Life Path: 6
(Sorry this is so much! Thank you for your time lovely!! ❤️)
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Alright this one took me a while (was between this one, kuroo and suga) but i’ve made up my mind after some visualizing and i ship you withh 🥁🥁🥁 yamaguchi! Let’s get to it, shall we?
Okay, first of all, i feel like yams would be into you the moment he sees you, and i mean- who wouldn’t? You’re just so beautiful and badass looking! It’s like you’re out of a fantasy book! But you know yamaguchi, he’s shy around pretty girls, at least at first. He, of course, does his best in approaching you, but it usually ends up with him looking down at his feet, stuttering a bit, cheeks flushed and holding a volleyball just so he can have something to do with his hands. You’re amused, you’re pretty friendly and appreciate the fact that he approached you, so you strike up a conversation, smiling and encouraging him to talk. As time goes on, you guys have developed a habit of chatting whenever you’re on your breaks or when you see each other in the hallway. There’s something different tho, now the conversations are longer and longer, more energetic and comfortable, now tadashi seems more loosen up and confident (thanks to his team’s encouraging pep talks) and now, you wait for each other to walk home together, it’s mostly you waiting for him outside the gym. The first time you randomly decided to do that (cuz why not?) he was suprised but touched, tsukishima saw what was going on a mile away and told yams to go on, that he wanted to stay with the shrimp and king to practice (it pained him to, why the hell did those two have to stay out of everyone else???). And so you walked home together, more and more, developing into a new habit, though sometimes tsuki walked with you cuz he couldn’t take being w the freak duo any longer
One day during spring break, you guys decide to hang out (this was pretty normal to you two by now), however it was 2am and you decided to call him to hang at a playground nearby, he instantly accepted. You guys sat under the shitty street-light, gazing up at the stars, lightly swinging on swingsets. You both were bursting with happiness. It was a simple activity but the fact that you were there, together, made everything feel just right, yknow? It felt like time stopped. You feel something warm on your hand, look to your side, and see yamaguchi still staring up, but with a nervous, flushed look on his face. As he confesses to you, an innocent, sweet and simple explanation of his feelings, you forward yourself on your swingset and give him a peck on the cheek, “Me too”
Alright! Couple shenanigans!! You’d thing yams would be an all uwu innocent cutie right? You’d be slightly correct, he is adorable (i mean look at him!!) but this dude’s also a little shit, he’s sarcastic and he loves teasing the shit out of you. I mean- he is tsukishima kei’s best friend, his saltiness and sharp tongue is bound to stick to yams. So, this leads to some pretty amusing bickering and teasing. He’s way more confident around you now, and it shows (we love growth). Although all this is true, he is pretty unexperienced when it comes to relationships, he’s always looking at you a bit unsurely when he’s about to kiss you or touch you in any way, as if asking for permission with his eyes, though he usually asks vocally, shyly. You both are always looking out for each other “hey remember to take a sweater with you, it’s cold out” “did you eat? Let’s go, i’ll take you somewhere” “here have mine” “pinky promise that you’ll be safe?” “you gotta be more careful!” You’re like an old married couple but with the excitement of a young one.
NOW onto DATE IDEAS!! So ofc you’re gonna have late night picnics, with neverending talks about anything and everything, cuddles, stargazing and laughter. ALSO KARAOKE DATES these always ends up with you both singing disney duets while laughing your asses off, slightly tipsy, your hearts beating in overwhelming emotion. You have some black mail videos of yams singing “make a man out of you” (what a bop btw) in a fake deep voice while acting out the scenes. Sometimes you also go to your local library to either read or write, he’s seen your writings and absolutely loves them, encouraging you to continue them or post them somewhere. Also, idk if it counts as a date but for me it does 😌 NAP DATES, he knows that you need your fair amount of naps, and because he lowkey missed but didn’t want to make a fuss and ruin your ✨beauty sleep✨he decided to join you. He was a bit hesitant at first, looking to the side and nervously asking “...could i-...join you? If you want?” “Get in here” you both cuddle and fall asleep in seconds. He swears you’re like his safe space. A home he never wants to leave :,)
Thank you so much for your submission! I hope you liked it ^^ have an awesome daynight, bye bye lovely☺️💞💘 (btw i loved how you wrote your aesthetic thingy)
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gaamagirl565 · 4 years
Matters of the heart S2 Ep13
Matters of the heart Season 2 Episode 13 Lost Dreams
{Open to Isaiah opening his small pouch and counting out the coins; Benny walks by with a cloth bag} Isaiah: Find anything good? Benny: not really... a couple of moldy pieces of bread,  an old turkey wing that looks like it was already eaten,  and some old fruit. ‘Saiah, if we eat in any of this we’re gonna get real sick. {Isaiah doesn’t listen and keeps counting with a conflicted face} Benny: ‘Saiah?...Isaiah? {He still doesn’t listen and she leaps on him} Benny: ‘SAIAH! Isaiah: AH! WHAT!? Benny:  what’cha doing? Isaiah:  I'm counting out how much funds I have... it's not enough… Benny:  Not enough for what? Isaiah:  enough for a map and food... I can't get both. Benny: then it looks like you're in a pickle. Food is necessary and it's a long trip back to Corona on foot. Isaiah:  and I can't leave without a map.  I've no idea how to get back to Corona from the dark kingdom.
Benny: Well don't look at me I've never left the dark Kingdom. I was practically born here. Isaiah: Benny you were born here.  I can't really afford to make this choice. a map or food. both are necessary. Benny:  there's always another option. Isaiah: and what would that be? if I get a map I'll barely have enough money for food, and if I get food I won't have enough money for a map.  but please tell me your grand scheme. Benny: don't buy food. Isaiah:... and here I was thinking you were some sort of survival genius Benny:  watch it stinky! you didn't let me finish! don't buy the food... hunt for it! Isaiah: Hunt for food? I've never really killed anything before. Benny: well boo hoo!  where do you think the leg of mutton that you eat for supper comes from?  it's either that or starve on your trip your choice! {Isaiah looks back at his coins and sighs; Cut to Varian looking over the map of Corona with Eugene and Lance} Eugene: From what we've been able to gather from him The cult has multiple hideouts. they never stay in one place very long. Varian has told us this before but now we have it confirmed by an actual member. or rather a former member. Varian:  I was able to find out some of the previous hideouts from him and under your order I've already sent some Scouts to the areas.  perhaps we'll be able to find some members still lurking there. Lance:  if that's true that means that this group is bigger than we ever thought. Varian:  it's because they target those low in spirit.  basically people who have been screwed over in life, people easy to manipulate. Eugene: like trying to train an animal to be violent. you can do the beating yourself or let Society do it for you. {a knock sounds through the room; Rapunzel walks in} Eugene: Sunshine! Rapunzel: I think I have an idea. Eugene: well do tell cause this is just getting depressing honestly. Rapunzel:   from what Noremoth has told us the cult targets the weak, gives them false promises of Glory, and a better Society.  we also know that Noremoth was one of the first to join. Varian: and? Rapunzel:  he told you about his past.  he was a child on the street.  an orphan misanthrope.   he may have been given a high rank within the cult but I think he's just another Pawn. and given the fact that he was one of my subjects I feel just as responsible for what happened. Lance: how do we know he's not lying? Rapunzel:  the kingdom keeps a book of all subjects, homeless, and those passing through.  I decided to take a look back at the pages during my father's reign.  he's telling the truth. his name is written in the book. it looks like he came to Corona a little bit before I was found. Varian: I knew King Fredric was a control freak but… Rapunzel: the point is he was a member of Coronin Society. he was ignored and had to fight every day of his life.  he never really got to see the true beauty of Corona or life as a whole. Eugene:  so what are you suggesting? Rapunzel:  we show him some Corona spirit.  we show him what it means to be a true Society! to work together! Eugene:  we integrate him into our kingdom? Rapunzel:  exactly! we show him life doesn't have to be dark and depressing and a constant fight for survival. we teach him to trust again. Varian: I don't know if that'll work. Rapunzel:  we have to try. The most beaten of dogs can become the most loyal of hounds if given the chance and a little bit of kindness. {Varian sighs} Varian:  sorry but I have request. Rapunzel: Oh um...okay? Varian:  it takes place in Old Corona. that way I can keep an eye on him. I’ll alert you if I see any funny business. Lance: sounds fair to me.  this whole thing has been really hard on Akina. My girl lost a good friend and Varian lost a son.  as long as we can get answers from this guy I don't care what has to be done. Eugene:  then I guess it's agreed. I'll have Noremoth released within the hour. {Both rapunzel and Eugene walk out of the room; Lance looks at Varian who groans}
Varian: My wife is going to kill me. {cut to Isaiah being rung up by a cashier} Cashier: one map to Corona. that'll be twenty gold pieces. {isaiah hands it over} Cashier:  thank you...you seem a little young to be venturing out. Isaiah: you seem a little old to still be working cashier. Cashier:... touche...now get! {Isaiah walks out of the store and Benny runs over} Benny: Did ya get it? Isaiah: Yeah and it cost me twenty gold pieces. Benny: ouch...how much ya got left? Isaiah: Well that was all my gold pieces.  I have 10 silver and 4 copper. Benny:  that'll maybe get one loaf of bread and some jerky… Isaiah:  I had a sailor tell me the four days walk to Corona but I reason to believe that it's more than that.  mostly because he was sleeping on some crates and was probably not in his right mind. Benny:  oh yeah it's totally more than 4 days.  also he was using a boat so his sense of time is probably a little..meh… Isaiah: Great!...just great...so I got the map but now I do need to hunt for food. how am I supposed to do that without any wea- OOF! {Isaiah falls back after bumping into someone} Isaiah: HEY! WATCH WHERE YOUR-..... {He looks up at Hector} Isaiah: ...Okay...N-Nevermind. Hector:  don't I know you from somewhere? Isaiah:... I hope not… Hector:.... you're that kid that was passed out in the cave a few days ago.  I told Juniper you were a kid from town. {Hector pulls him up making Isaiah yelp} Isaiah:...gah...A-actually... I'm not from this town I'm not even from this Kingdom I'm trying to get back to Corona. Hector:  Corona? you're a long way from home. Isaiah:  yeah I just practically spend all my money on a map to go back there.  now I need to find a way to get provisions. Hector:  you don't need to pay for Provisions around here.  the forest has all you could possibly need. Isaiah: do you know how to hunt? Hector:  did you really just ask a man with the fur cloak on his back if he knows how to hunt? Isaiah:... that is a very fair point and that one is on me.  maybe I should be a little more clear do you know how to hunt when you don't have a weapon. Hector: Good lord kid, how are you not dead?   I'll say it again the forest has all you need. break off a stick from a tree and then sharpen it with a rock that should make a pretty good spear. And as for traps.. your little friend hiding By The Fruit stand over there should know all about those. Isaiah: hiding by the-!? {Isaiah turns around to see Benny hiding behind a cart of apples} Isaiah: BENNY! {Benny ducks} Isaiah: I can still see you! Hector:  she's always sabotaging traps in the forest trying to steal food.  she should be more than aware of how to build and work one. Isaiah: this is some really useful information I don't know how to thank you. Hector:  when you get back to Corona... if you could say hello to some people on my behalf it would be most appreciated. {Isaiah turns to leave} Isaiah:  yeah I'd be more than happy to just tell me who they are. Hector: my sister Adira and my nephew Varian. Isaiah: Adira and dad!? {Isaiah turns around but hector is already gone; Benny runs up to him} Benny:  well did you get an answer to your problem? Isaiah: yeah... but I also think I gained more questions… {Cut to Noremoth sitting next to Varian on the wagon; Cat and Keira sit in the back} Keira: Thanks for giving us a ride, V. Varian: really it's no issue. {Noremoth looks back at Catalina} Noremoth:...Cat? Catalina:  I have nothing to say to you. Noremoth:  please cat I just want- Keira:  she said she has nothing to say to you. back off! {Varian motions Noremoth to turn back around} Noremoth:   women will always continue to be a mystery to me. Varian: Noremoth... she's right there. {Catalina stares Angrily at him} Noremoth: nevermind. {She rolls her eyes; as they pull up to Old Corona a Villager runs up} Villager: Varian! Sir! Thank goodness! {Varian is immediately at attention and hopes down} Varian: What's going on? is everyone okay? Villager:  it's Nathaniel!  we're all worried about him.  he went into the South Orchard some time ago and hasn't come out.  we sent someone to go check on him and they came right back saying he was just striking a tree with a dagger. Varian:  ugh...alright I'll go talk to him.  Keira can you put the horse back? Keira:  yeah no problem. {Varian walks off; Noremoth grins at Catalina and hmphs and turns away; cut to  Nathaniel driving a dagger into an apple tree that is already covered with many holes} Varian: I think you about got that tree, Nathaniel… Nathaniel: AH!  Mr.V-Varian!...I was just..I...um..it’s not what it looks like. Varian: well it looks like you're stabbing a tree I don't know how else I'm supposed to take that. {Varian holds out his hand and motions for him to hand over the dagger;  Nathaniel hands it over} Varian:  now tell me what this is about.  recently you haven't been the one to be causing trouble. Nathaniel: I just...umm… {Varian sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose} Varian:  Nathaniel you have to tell me what's going o.n this isn't like you. hasn't been like you for a long time. {Nathaniel’s shoulders heave and Varian jumps slightly but his face softens} Nathaniel: I-I’m sorry… Varian: you don't have to apologize Nathaniel I just want to know what's going on.  you stabbed a tree it's not like you stabbed person. Nathaniel:  me and Isaiah came up with this... it's a way to relieve anger...started off with a flour sack in a pumpkin head.  B-but Isaiah started to do it to trees. {Varian bites his lip at the mention of Isaiah} Varian:...Okay... so you developed a healthy way to get rid of your anger.  so tell me... what are you angry about? Nathaniel: I..I’m.. Varian:...C’mon buddy... I'm not mad at you I want to make that clear. Just tell me what you're mad about. Nathaniel: I’M MAD AT EVERYTHING! {Varian jumps at his shout} Nathaniel:  I'm mad at everything!  I was an idiot!  I made fun of Isaiah and then he went blind and I got these burns on my arms!  my dad betrayed The Village and killed Quirin as a result!  A-and with Dad gone I have to put bread on the table by going out to the field every morning! Varian:....Buddy...thats- Nathaniel: and now my best friend is dead!  he was murdered! And there's nothing I can do about it!  I feel so useless and stupid, and...and tired. I just want everything to go back to the way it was. I want my dad back... I want Isaiah back. I want everything to go back! {Varian walks over, bends down and pulls Nathaniel into a hug; Nathaniel looks shocked at first but eventually hugs back and sobs out loud into his shoulder} Varian:....it...it’s okay...it’s gonna be okay… {Nathaniel continues to cry and unbeknownst to Varian he is crying to; Fade out to Isaiah walking into the forest with Benny} Isaiah: Okay... look for a stick and sharpen it with a rock... seems simple enough.  and you little missy since you like to steal from people's traps you get to make some. {He hands over the bag of supplies} Benny:  Or ya know we could just steal what’s out here. {Isaiah glares at her} Benny: Fiiinnnee!  No Stealing I get it…. {She walks off to set up the traps and Isaiah jumps up and pulls a branch off a tree; He grabs a rock and strikes it a few times} Isaiah: Okay this is going to be a lot harder than I thought… {He hears barking and growling; Benny screams} Isaiah: BENNY! {He grabs his stick and runs in her direction} Isaiah: BENNY! WHERE ARE YOU!? Benny: Over here! {He runs towards her hiding behind a tree} Isaiah: Benny! Are you hurt? Benny: No...but look! { Isaiah turns and sees a thin canine of some sort  with its leg caught in a trap} Isaiah: that was fast... did you-? Benny:  no! That trap was already set up by a hunter! a professional Hunter! {The wolf lunges but yelps with its leg still caught} Isaiah: H-hang on...hold this… {Isaiah slowly walks over  towards it} Benny: What are you doing!? {Isaiah shrugs and slowly inches closer; the wolf growls} Isaiah: Steady... Steady girl... it's okay.. {The wolf bites at him and he dodges} Isaiah:...Verbena... give me your apron. Benny: What!? Isaiah:  just give me your apron!  I have to trigger the release mechanism on the trap! Benny:... we're all going to die… {She unties it and hands it over; Isaiah takes it and moves to the side} Isaiah: Easy…. {he cautiously places the apron on the wolfs head and pets her side} Isaiah:  good girl… {Isaiah reaches down and springs the trap; once the wolf feels that the Trap has been released it immediately moves its foot.  the wolf shakes the apron off of its face and stares at Isaiah} Benny: ‘Saiah! Isaiah: Steady...easy girl… { the wolf inches closer and sniffs Isaiah’s face;  Isaiah clenches his fists and try to remain absolutely still; after a few moments the wolf begins licking his face} Isaiah: Ah! Haha! Good girl! What a good girl! Benny: Huh!? Isaiah:  see you're not a big bad wolf you're just a little puppy dog. Benny:  we have very different ideas on what is a little puppy dog. {The wolf flops over for belly rubs} Isaiah:  I've read about this breed of wolf it's native to the dark kingdom.  a very lean and thin body perfect for running through the trees.  a Sleek coat... perfect for blending in. looks like a dog but is actually a wolf. Benny: You're crazy… Isaiah:  we could use a nice Guard Dog in Old Corona. Benny:  you know what we can also use? some food! stop playing with your puppy and lets actually get some hunting done. Isaiah:  all right all right!  Benny's quite the Grumpy One!  but you'll learn to like her. you need a name. hmm... I know! Gaia! Like the forest! {The wolf groans as he scratches her chin} Isaiah: Oh good girl… {Cut to old Corona; Zapada stares at Noremoth} Noremoth:...Can... can I help you? Varian your wife is staring at me. Varian:  she tends to do that at people she doesn't like careful she also bites. Zapada:...grr… Noremoth: what the... anyway... thank you for taking me in. I know you didn't have to. Varian: you're right I didn't have to especially after everything you've done.  let's make one thing clear I still don't like you and I don't have to like you. the only reason that you're here in my house is so I can keep an eye on you. the queen believes that you have the chance of being rehabilitated.  and considering what happened with me...I want to believe her. Noremoth: what? Varian:.... I want to believe there's good in everyone.  you've had it rough I'm not going to lie.  you've been used and abused in many different ways.  I just need one thing to be made clear.  you may not like what I have to say. Noremoth: honestly what could possibly be worse and what I've already went through? Varian:  I want to know...are you clear on the fact that the cult has betrayed you? I need to know this because we're giving you a straight shot here.  I need to know if you'll take it. Noremoth:.. yes... I do know that.   Varian: Good the-!? {Screaming is heard outside} Varian:  never a dull moment! {Noremoth watches Varian grab his alchemy belt and sword and run out the door; He looks at Zapadawith concern and follows him; once he’s outside he sees Varian toss a goo bomb at a bandit} Varian: oh petty thieves back for round 2. Bandit 1:  do you ever take a vacation? Varian:  no not really... {Varian dodges an attack and clashes swords with one of the bandits; Noremoth watches from the road; Varian swipes the feet out from one bandit but is cut on the cheek but another} Varian: Augh! Zapada: Varian! {Varian is hit with the hilt of a sword and hits the ground harshly; Noremoth looks around for a weapon; one of the bandits prepares to bring his sword down on Varian; Varian looks up in shocked horror} Bandit 2: RAGH! {Just as he brings it down Noremoth jumps in with a wooden leg from a table and blocks it; Varian’s eyes widen; Noremoth pushes against the man, his body trembling; eventually he overpowers him and shoves him before smacking the man in the head with the wooden table leg} Bandit 2: AUGH! MY EYE! {one of the other bandits runs over and grabs him} Bandit 1: Fall back! Run! {They jump on their horses and ride away; the crowd of villagers cheer; Noremoth drops the wooden table leg and helps Varian up by the arm} Noremoth: You alright?  they did quite a number on you there, you might need some stitches in that cheek..seriously those guys weren't even Petty thieves they were just bullies. Bleh… {Varian rubs his cheek and Zapada runs over and hugs him} Zapada: Iubirea mea! Thank the heavens...O, Doamne! Your face! Varian: I’m okay Zapada...just tired. Zapada: I go fetch the first aid kit! {She runs off} Varian: ...You... you saved my life. Noremoth:  I couldn't just stand there and let them decapitate you.  despite popular belief Varian I'm not heartless. Varian:...I...I um...thanks...thank you Noremoth. Noremoth: yeah. Don’t mention it. {Cut to Isaiah walking into town with Benny holding a rabbit by the feet and himself holding a bag of three fish; Gaia walks behind them} Benny: I can't believe you're actually keeping that thing. Isaiah:  if the dog follows how can you turn it away? Benny:  by saying no, go away, or shoo! Also, that’s not a dog. Isaiah: ... well we have a rabbit three fish and two loaves of bread.  plus at least we know how to hunt now. we should be able to get back to Corona. Benny:  I'm sorry… “we”? Isaiah:  yeah! umm... I was going to ask you... I don't really feel comfortable leaving you behind it in the town where you’re scraping by for food every day. {something catches benny’s eye and she walks away from him} Isaiah:  you know Coronas a nice place. big Kingdom, lots of people…  I'm sure somebody there would be willing to-...Benny? {he looks over and sees her staring in a shop window; curiously he walks over and looks; in the window on a display is a silver pendant necklace with a blue gem in the middle} Isaiah: …. you like that? Benny:.. yeah.. I kept my eye on it every day. it was my mama's. Isaiah: what? Benny:  after the fire people started looting around my house.  pulling whatever they could from the wreckage. that was my mama's necklace. My papa gave it to her when I was little. Isaiah: and you just come here every day to stare at it? Benny:  until the store owner chases me off with his broom… Isaiah:... you got to be kidding me. Benny: huh? {Isaiah walks into the store} Benny: ‘Saiah! Isaiah:  excuse me? Shop keeper:  how many help you? Isaiah: I was wondering about that pendant in the display window. Shop keeper:  that piece of junk?  I only put it out there because it looks nice and catches the eye, in reality, it's pretty worthless. Isaiah: Is that so? Shop keeper:  quite.  the pendant itself may be made out of silver but the gemstone is so comedy.  a typical blue sapphire. Not as rare as beautiful as the other gemstones in my shop.  if you want to go give you a nice deal on a pretty emerald necklace for a lady friend. Isaiah:  what do you want for the pendant?  I have 10 silver pieces and 4 copper pieces.  I'll give you all I have for it. Shop keeper:  hmm...10 silver and 4 copper. Isaiah:  you could always smelt down the 10 silver pieces and make a new necklace. I'm sure you have plenty of gems in here to make a far more illustrious necklace.  you said yourself it's pretty worthless. Shop keeper: I did. That I did...fine. Deal. {Isaiah throws his money pouch on the counter; The shop keeper goes over and takes the pendent and hands it to him} Isaiah: Pleasure doing business with you. {He walks out of the shop and over to benny} Isaiah:  here turn around. {She does so and he places the necklace on her} Benny: ... Mama's.. necklace…Thank you! {She tackles him in a hug: he hugs back} Benny: Thank you so much ‘Saiah! Isaiah:  trust me.. I get it. and I was wanting to ask you something. Benny: huh? Isaiah:  I don't feel right about leaving you behind.  I know the dark kingdom is your home and it's where you were born but you have to think about this.  you're only seven and you're living on the streets eating scraps from garbage cans.  you talk like you're a grown adult because you’ve been surviving like one.  I want the chance to show you how to be a kid. Verbena... will you come back to Corona with me? Benny: what? Isaiah:  there's plenty of warm homes and a lot of kind villagers!  especially my Village! we're always welcoming of newcomers! I'm sure you'd be able to find a great home there and you wouldn't have to eat loves of moldy bread ever again! I swear it!  will you come home with me? {She nods} Benny: mmhmm! Yeah!  of course, I'll go! {Gaia runsover and licks them both; Isaiah laughs} Benny: EWWW! Dog germs! {END CREDITS}
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readaroundtherosie · 5 years
Hello, do you have any book recommendations? I'm okay with most genres but my favourite is fantasy. Thank you!!
Absolutely! I adore fantasy as well, so you’re in the right place :) 
 For some more recent releases: 
- The last book in The Bone Witch series by Rin Chupeco just came out, so if you haven’t read those yet, they’re amazing
- The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon also just came out and its HUGE but also an incredible fantasy read with draGONS
- If you haven’t read Truthwitch by Susan Dennard yet, now is a good time to get into it since Bloodwitch just released as well and its a world where people have magic but it’s such a cool and interesting system 
- If you’re into stuff like The Cruel Prince by Holly Black (also great) there’s a much lesser known Australian fae series called Valentine by Jodi McAlister whose final book in the trilogy just came out as well. It’s an awesome series based in Australia, the fae are terrifying, a lot of people die, and the characters deal with their emotions very realisticly (pls read) 
- Reign the Earth by A C Gaughen is another fantastic series which features elemental magic. This is one of my favourites because the character deals with being in an abusive relationship in a very healthy way and manages to remove herself from the situation. A bunch of other things go wrong though, of course. The sequel, Imprison the Sky, very recently released and this is a series everyone should hop on, please.
- Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody was a really fun fantasy read with some darker atmospheric tones and another interesting magic system. The second book (King of Fools) comes out in April!
- Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers is slightly older, but the sequel series is starting up with the recent release of Courting Darkness! It’s female assassins and fun times, what more could you need, really. 
- City of Brass by S A Chakraborty is another chunky fantasty, but its amazing. The sequel, Kingdom of Copper also recently released, is SO. GOOD. Arab inspired fantasy, with Djinn, magic, and high stakes 
A little older but top favourites:
- This list would be nothing without some V E Schwab on it, so highly recommend A Darker Shade of Magic. An intriguing plot, fantastic characters, and an intricate and unique magic system that includes words and four Londons.
- This list also wouldn’t be much without some Jay Kristoff, so if you haven’t picked up Nevernight yet, it’s honestly just so freaking good. The third and final book in the series is (FINALLY!) out this September, so now is the perfect time to get into it!! 
- We’ll throw in a little Leigh Bardugo while we’re here. The entire Grishaverse is worth picking up of course, but Six of Crows will always be my favourite.
- One more Arabian inspired fantasy, because why not. An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Thair is such an incredible world /series and if you’re not on this train yet please jump on.
- The Kiss of Deception by Mary E Pearson, and it’s new spin off series, Dance of Theives. They’re just really great, okay? Do the thing.
- The Young Elites by Marie Lu is an anti-hero fantasy where young people have powers and it’s a very underrated series that needs more love. 
- Last one for now. Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor. Honestly, if you haven’t read it you don’t know that you’re regretting every second you haven’t read this duology.
A few things that have recently released that I haven’t had a chance to read yet but sound amazing: 
- The Ruin of Kings by Jen Lyons
- Ship of Smoke and Steel by Django Wexler
- For a Muse of Fire by Heii Heilig
- Warrior of the Wild by Tricia Levenseller
- The Smoke Thieves by Sally Green
Coming soon so keep an eye out for these!:
- We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal
- Guardians of Dawn by S Jae Jones- Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim
- Finale by Stephanie Garber (last book in the Caraval series)
- These Divided Shores by Sarah Raasch (sequel to These Rebel Waves)
- Red Scrolls of Magic by Cassandra Clare & Wesley Chu- Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare
- Darkdawn by Jay Kristoff (finale to Nevernight)
- Vow of Theives by Mary E Pearson (Sequel to Dance of Theives)
- King of Fools by Amanda Foody (sequel to Ace of Shades)
- Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater (the Ronan trilogy we’ve all been waiting for!)
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kensboytoy · 5 years
Smile, Darn Ya, Smile!
Title: Smile, Darn Ya, Smile! Fandom: Smile For Me Pairings: Dr. Boris Habit/Reader (Gender Neutral) Ratings: Explicit
Flower Child.
The name was almost an insult at this point when you heard that poor excuse for a Muppet turn to the camera and speak directly into your soullike it had been watching you night and day. You knew from day one that Dr. Habit wasn’t the goody-goody-gumdrops man filled with rainbows and sunshine - hell, most folks in the Habitat knew it too and were unsettled. So why did you all stay? Were so many people rooted in place from crippling depression?
Or maybe something intoxicating was in the air.
Either way, your campaign to brighten up these people’s lives wouldn’t stop with a few measly puppety threats. Simple requests led to big smiles. And wasn’t that the entire reason that you were there?
But a King sat on the ivory throne of pearly white teeth, scowling at how his kingdom was unraveling. How you were becoming the Flower Hero and he nothing more than a knave. A bubbling jealousy was brewing within the scorned man. He wanted to make everyone smile! They didn’t deservethe free-wheeling right to do so unless he commanded! The Big Event was almost here and you were ruining it.
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Oh, he could get rid of you easily. However, suspicion would grow if he didn’t plan it right. If you vanished without a trace? Well, he could say that you went back home. Although the people in Habitat were naive, there was no way they’d fall for that. You were too involved here - you had some sort of stake in Habitat now. Like a tick on a dog’s back. Sucking the life out of Dr. Habit and making his patience wear thin.
As night fell upon The Habitat, you sauntered your way through the halls to get to your room. You let out a languished yawn, your eyes growing heavy. The sun had only just started to hide behind the hills when you started to feel funny. Not the usual tiredness from a long day. You felt woozy. Steadying yourself on the guardrail leading up to your room, your free had clutched at your head. There was no one around to help you up the tedious flights of stairs that now felt like climbing a tall mountain.
Slowly, you crumpled, defeated by the sudden crushing weight of gravity. You called out. But nobody came.
”It’s so very totally rude to keep sleebing.”
The darkness that clouded your mind was starting to come back. A voice that sounded like TV static started to trickle into your ears. You swore that you were drowning in the abyss before your lungs finally reacted to inhale much needed oxygen. A few shaky breaths and you finally started to come to. The stinging smell of copper filled your nostrils as you took in long, greedy breaths as if they would be your last. What was that smell?
”Ignoring me! You’re ignoring me! May-be… I oughta wake you up, up, up!”
The voice was louder. Mocking you. A deep, mocking voice laced with an accent your dizzy brain couldn’t place at the moment.
Before you could find the strength or the voice to reply to the voice, you felt something sharp against your cheeks. They felt like daggers against your flesh but you weren’t quite convinced they had cut you. No, they were prodding you. Fishing around and then - then something was on your mouth. Pulling. Pulling your mouth open tight.
That was when your eyes snapped open with a sudden bolt of adrenaline. Panicked, your breathing quickened as you scanned the inquisitive face peering at you now. Green. Green…
“Ah, there you is! Wakey-wakey!” the madman giggled. It was his hands that were on your face. Sharp fingers that felt like claws were still adjusting whatever was holding your mouth open.
“Doctor?” you croaked, voice breaking apart from how dry your throat was. It felt like sandpaper just trying to rattle out that word alone.
Dr. Habit was smiling at you, though it wasn’t exactly sincere like all of the posters of him had been. There was menace behind it - a threat.
“Ah, look-y who the smarty-er-pants is!” Dr. Habit cooed mockingly. “Oh, so very smart for guessing who I am. But I bet you still don’t know where you are~!”
With your heart still racing and the new stinging of your face, you let your eyes frantically glance around as your vision came back to you. Sterile. Weirdly cramped. An office? Glancing down, you noticed your immobile form all strapped up to what looked to be an examination chair. Oh. You knew where you were now.
“Thaaaaat’s righty-right, Flower Brat! You’re in my office! A very special appointment for a very special little Flower.”
You heard a swift kick of his foot against the metal pedal of the chair’s release that sent your seat in an uncomfortable backwards position. A yelp of surprise left you as well as an alarming amount of saliva down your chin that your mouth was finally producing again. Dr. Habit was laughing at the sight of how pathetic you looked. He was circling around you now - almost prancing - like a shark to a minnow.
“How dee-sgusting! This is the freak that all the Habitians are smiling about? But look at you! You’re a mess.” He was brought to more laughter with a series of titters that he tried his best to keep inside. “And we haven’t even started the actual procedure!”
“Procedure?” you parroted.
Dr. Habit scowled at that, jolly facade slipping as his voice dropped to a low register.
“It ees not polite to talk with your mouth full.”
You were about to question him when he shoved dampened cotton balls into your mouth. The numbing effect of whatever they were soaked with hit you pretty quickly. It wasn’t like you were feeling any better from being drugged up previously. You had finally pieced together that the copper smell was laughing gas. Though, that was what you were hoping for.
A whimper pushed through all the cotton, filling the air. It was like music to him.
“Bettur? Just let your body realize your natural place, Flower Brat. I can see that it wants to let go of aaaaall those sill-ee thoughts you have! All those terrible worries. How preoccupied you’ve been with other people’s problems.”
Dr. Habit was closer to you now, one hand reaching down to cup your cheek. He rubbed you gingerly, pretending that he was filled with concern for the one that he had drugged up and tied down. You could see that he played stupid very well.
“Even after I told you not to interfere,” he growled, claws clenching against your skin. You whimpered, afraid of the power that he had. “You just don’t lee-ssen! What do you hope to prove, hm? That you are better than me?”
You shook your head frantically.
His eyes narrowed, nostrils flaring. It was clear he didn’t believe you.
“You do! You think you are better-er than me!”
Huffing like an impudent child, you felt his fingers back on you. They slipped into your open mouth eagerly and he bent down to examine. Dr. Habit frowned several times and made small ‘hmm’s’ and ‘oh’s!’ as he explored. The sudden focus on your dental hygiene was making you squirm under him. Though, perhaps it was also the intimate nature of a deranged man on top of you, prodding and poking your mouth with sharp fingers. You felt like one wrong move and he’d cut you open.
Dr. Habit could see that you were watching him - he smiled when he met your gaze.
“Curiouz creature, hm? Want to know what I’m looking for?”
Slowly, you nodded.
That certainly caused him to guffaw.
“Well, I am a dentist, silly-Billy! So I’m looking for any yucky-ucky cavities. Whiiiich-” He dug his index finger right into a molar.
You cried out, bucking against your restraints. Dr. Habit snorted at that and pushed down harder. Tears stung your eyes.
“Naughty, naughty! Such an ungrateful little Flower Brat, you don’t even bother to take care of your teeth!” His expression shifted again so that he was glowering at you. Practically a snarl. “Such naughty people always get to have their teeth. Why should you be so lucky, hm? You obviously do not care enough to take care of them.”
Another sharp push but, this time, it felt like he was trying to pull it back out. You quickly realized that the fluid in the cotton balls did not actually numb any pain at all. It indeed made it shock your mouth with more of an impact. Crying out, you begged for him to stop. Dr. Habit couldn’t hear you in his mad frenzy.
He reached for his tools resting nearby and produced a rusty pair of pliers. Panicking, you began to thrash. You knew the pain would be unimaginable if he pulled it out.
“Stop squir-erming! It’ll be over quickly…”
The rusted metal was tightened around you tooth and-
You screamed. Howled in pain as the molar was plucked from you. With tears down your face, you shook and cried in Dr. Habit’s grip. He looked the molar over and tsked. It indeed had a large cavity in it, making it not perfect and shiny like he enjoyed. He let it clatter to the collection tray before he turned back to you.
“Pleasth!” you begged, mouth still forced open with drool and blood running down your chin. “I’m saw-wee!”
Dr. Habit paused, looking at you with a slight bit of pity. Well, you had thought so. But his finger went straight back into your mouth was the hole was.
You cried out again, screaming until your voice was hoarse. The stinging pain of the new wound quickly began to numb. It might have been your brain trying to process it into something that you could handle.
So neither of you had expected a moan.
Dr. Habit’s eyes widened in surprise, mouth agape and ready to question or belittle you. Curiously, he pressed again. Another loud moan fell from your lips in between your sobs.
“Oh? Whazzis…?”
He let your blood coat his finger and then slowly traced it on the roof of your mouth so you’d be forced to taste the stinging metallic taste. Then, he pulled away and sucked on it. He shivered. This was terribly naughty!
“Do you like this?” he whispered in a sharp, accusatory hiss.
You tried to shake your head.
Dr. Habit carefully cupped your face between his hands and this time let his thumb push into your mouth. You whimpered, body arching up towards him. With his hand clamping your jaw open, he touched the freshly opened hole and watched as you practically danced under him. Well, this was new, wasn’t it?
Never before had Dr. Habit had a patient that liked this. No, usually they screamed their little lungs out and begged for their lives. You would never know if this man spared those who he harvested or that he had more skeletons in his closet.
“Liar, liar, plants in a fire! I can feel your bod-dee twitching when I play.”
That sing-songy voice was enough to make your stomach turn. You wanted to be sick. However, the fire in your loins was far too distracting. You began to pant. Hard, heavy breaths meant you were inhaling more of that godforsaken gas into your lungs. But you couldn’t help it! This was entirely new to you too. You should have been screaming and sobbing and you were letting tears fall down your cheek, you were also leaning into Habit’s sickening touch.
Helpless eyes watched as the man examined you to try an re-calculate what to do. You had already ruined his first set of plans for the Big Event and now you had the audacity to make him change course for torturing you!
However, the morbid curiosity that Dr. Habit had in this precise moment was almost enough to let you off the hook. Almost.
“Even in my ah-tempts to hurb you and make you pay, you still-ee manage to screw it all up, Flower Brat!” he nearly roared with a snarl before that sweet smile came and stretched across his face.
Like nails on a chalkboard, he scraped his pliers against the metal of the dental chair to make you jump. You let out a gasp, dreading what would come next. He loved watching you squirm in anticipation. Your fear was so very palpable that it was yummy in his tummy. The cold metal of the tool that had robbed you of a tooth tapped mockingly against your cheek. He dragged it along your jaw and stopped at your chin.
“We could always see how many more teeth I can pull from your puh-retty leetle mouth to make you orgasm.”
Your eyes were wide open and looking at him in terror. The shock ran through you - or, at least you hoped it was shock and not something else.
Habit pressed the pliers to your lips to shut you up.
“Oh, leetle Flower Brat! You are having a big se-cer-ret from your dear Doc-tor! I cannot per-scribe the right medi-i-cine if you don’t fess up to all your dirty daydreams~!”
He yanked your mouth open again and carelessly plucked another tooth. You screamed, unable to take this flash of pain ringing in your jaw. Choking back another cry, you felt the blood drip down your lips before you realized that he had taken one of your front teeth. However, instead of shoving his claws back into your mouth, you suddenly felt his warm, stale breath pour over your face.
Now you were staring directly into those bloodshot yellow eyes as he was a hair’s breadth away from you. Body tensing up, you were frozen by that stare. You wanted to pull away. To try and jerk free from his grip. What was he trying to pull - aside from teeth, of course.
Before your anxious thoughts could get too rapt up in the ‘what if’ game, you felt his lips against yours. Startled, you moved to pull away but felt his hand encase the back of your head to hold you steady. Like a panicked animal, you began to fear the worst. Then you felt his tongue slide into where your tooth had been and it finally clicked.
He was trying to turn you on.
Using your own embarrassment was far more fun than just simply robbing you of your teeth. No, he wanted you to feel shame that you were enjoying this. Sweet little Flower Freak was getting off on the mutilation of your own body.
You began to weep freely and tried to ignore the white hot pleasure his tongue was quickly achieving. It slid directly into the fresh wound and pushed its slimy warmth with enough force to produce another lovely moan from you.
All your worries were starting to melt away.
Your body, perhaps from the sheer trauma of it all, was sending signals of pleasure rather than pain. The stinging sensation of the open gash in your mouth was beginning to welcome the sensation of his tongue. Like it was the perfect band-aid for your lil’ whoopsie.
The longer Habit kissed you and let his tongue explore your mouth, the more you finally let your body go limp in his hold. No more struggling. Dr. Habit knew exactly what you wanted and would prescribe the perfect medication.
“Theeeere we go, leetle on,” he cooed encouragingly. “Let your nasty body realize its place, hm? You know-e you cannot fight against such a strong Doc-tor like me! I would crush you easily.”
That dangerous look in his eyes was proof enough of that. But he was right. You couldn’t fight back. You couldn’t win. Trying to convince the mad doctor to let you go was a moot point. So you might as well just enjoy the last moments of your life and let the sick bastard indulge your newfound fetish.
“All you wanted to do was fix the smiles of everyone else… But maybe leetle Flower’s smile looks funnier than everyone else’s! May-bee…”
Habit’s hands pulled your cheeks so you were forced to smile your new broken smile as blood continued to dribble down your chin.
“May-bee Flowers do not smile right because there is something naughty behind those teefs! A perverted little freak who wants big bad Doctors like Habit to be making their smiles less dirty.”
Slowly, he leaned in and licked a stripe against the top row of still intact teeth.
“Habit could fix you,” he suggested, a darker tone slipping in again. “Fix you up-up-up! Make smile less dirty by cleaning it.”
With another push of the pedal connected to the chair, you were flat on your back now. The hulking figure was on top of you, blocking out the small light that had been shining in your face. He looked to be nothing more than a shadow creature now, leering down at you like a piece of meat instead of a ‘patient’.
“Yes, yes! Habit fixy! All smiles! Even naughty-naughties who wanna ruin ever-ree-thing!”
You were barely focusing on what he was saying as he slid your legs open. Fear washed over you again as you started to wonder what ‘fixing’ you meant. The answer was swiftly rubbed against you through the fabric of Habit’s pants, rubbing your inner thigh before he pushed it against your throbbing sex.
Letting out a choked cry, you bucked to try and shove him off you. But he was far too strong and was now pinning a good chunk of his weight to keep you still. The sharp zip! of his pants was enough to alert you to the terror and gravity of the situation.
“Don’t worry, leetle patient. Doc-tor Habit will indulge your icky fantasies with special medicine.”
A mewl left you as your body trembled. However, you found the arousal at the pit of your stomach branching off and seeping into every inch of you. The laughing gas made you feel as light as a feather and so easy to mold like putty.
Habit stared down at you tenderly as he rubbed his cock against your clothed body. The sensation was enough for him to sigh in relief. He wouldn’t have admitted it, but seeing you so fearful and horny really turned him on. And Habit so rarely took care of his own needs. So this was an extra special occasion!
He bent your legs upwards and let your thighs push together. There, he let his cock slip between them and start absentmindedly hotdogging them. The sight sent you further into your own madness. You begged for him to stop but your hips rocked to try and meet his. This was torture. Complete agony!
Deciding that you needed more pleasure, his hands went back to your mouth to play with you. Eager, you reached into his touch and let your face be cupped in the palms of his massive hands. His thumbs parted your lips and pushed in. It only took his sharp fingertips to push against your two new holes for you to greet him with little moans. You were already on the brink! You just needed more of his touch.
More of Habit talking down to you and degrading you. You liked being his nuisance if this is what it meant. You’d make everyone in the Habitat so happy if it meant he would get to reward you with these unwanted advances. The sick part in your twisted brain wanted to see how far you could push him before he’d simply take what he wanted.
You couldn’t tell if this was you or the effects of the gas anymore. With your brain turning into goo, you were helplessly in the hands of Dr. Boris Habit. You wondered where his filthy mind would go with a new pliant little patient underneath him. From how much his cock was throbbing, you guessed he liked this too.
And he was big. Of course he would be from just how tall he was. A towering giant over all of the Habitat. His shadow could have easily swallowed you whole! You dread to think about that creature you had seen in the corner of your room at night. Waiting for you to slip up. And now you had. Fallen right into the spider’s trap.
Small, drunken giggles left you as Habit played with your jaw. He pushed and wiggled the rest of your teeth to see if anymore needed to come out immediately. The force on one of your molars made you moan, realizing that you had another cavity there. Taking this opportunity, he tugged out that tooth too and fingered the new hole. Your blood was a lovely little lube that stained his green fingers nicely.
The adrenaline he got from hurting you like this was enough to make him moan. Habit joined in with your giggles, pleased as punch to see you finally so happy.
“Oh? I am making you smile by doing such naughty things to you? Do you like the Doc-tors special medicine, leetle Flower?” he crooned.
You nodded, eyes half-lidded and your mouth willingly wide open while he played. You were in heaven. The pain was pure pleasure now and making every nerve-ending tingle so delightfully. Having him do this to you was amazing! You were oh so grateful to be his patient.
“Good! Now you know how generous I am! You comin-k in here and ruining all my wonderful plans! I was oh-so mad at you, yes I was! I wanted to stra-ngle the li-iife outta you… But I like your broken smile.”
Habit was starting to drool. Strands of it fell into your mouth as he fucked between your thighs faster. Harder. So hard that it made the unstable dentist chair beneath you too creak and whine noisily.
“Because it is a smile for me! Mine, mine mine~! You are smiling for Habit now! And I hab it aaaaallll to myself foreber and eber!”
His own maniacal giggles surrounded you.
You were smiling at just how happy he was! It was so infectious to see Dr. Habit smile so much. You were finally making him happy too…
Pleased with yourself, you let yourself fully dive into your madness. You giggled and groaned, begging for him to keep you. You wanted to be his! Why waste time in such a silly world like the Habitat when you could stay with Habit forever. That sounded much nicer.
Habit bent down and greedily kissed you, swiping his tongue over your teeth and the holes of the ones he had stolen over and over, increasing his pace the harder he bucked against your warm body. He was close. So achingly close. The noises coming from him were guttural. Needy. He wanted you to cum to fully put you in your place. To overwhelm you with utter shame even after you came back to your senses.
Your arousal was hitting you so hard that it was blinding. All you could see were the rows upon rows of Habit’s teeth curled into a smile and his yellow eyes shifting to a deep red. His hands that grabbed the sides of your face were now letting those sharp nails dig into the soft flesh, poking holes in your skin with sweet new cuts that would punctuate your broken smile.
Then, all at once, as you felt the overwhelming darkness begin to eat you up, you came. You screamed out his name and begged for him to keep you and to fix your smile.
Habit watched in pure childlike wonder as you bucked wildly, gasping for air. The sight of what he had done to you - how he ruined your body all for himself and that you were begging for more sent him well over the edge.
Ropes of cum shot onto your stomach before he moved up, opening your mouth and letting the hot, salty liquid shoot into your mouth. The sting of it hitting the gaps in your smile burned. But your loopy smile was stretched out as you took every drop.
Dr. Habit panted for a moment before tucking himself away and standing at full attention. His hand came to pet your head in a more tender moment, his smile never fading. You had truly made him smile from your depravity.
“Round one of Dr. Habit’s speshul medicine was a sucks-yes!” he cooed proudly. “I think it is beddy-byes for Flowers before phase two…”
You were about to protest when you felt a syringe pierce into the crook of your arm. A warm liquid filled you before you lost your fight to sleep while hearing Habit sing a soft lullaby in his mother tongue:
“Bayu-bayushki-bayu, bayu-bayushki-bayu…”
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667-darkavenue · 5 years
young legends die all the time (part two.)
allurance gang au. heads up for mention of blood and injuries.
read part one here
or read the whole thing on ao3 here
The next day, Allura introduced him to Shiro—The friendly neighborhood paladin that everyone and their mother knew, idolized by all the boys on this side of town. Lance’s first assignment was to shadow him, learn the ropes from him. It felt like being promoted from valet guy to vice president.
Just from trailing behind Shiro, Lance became a somebody overnight. Everybody seemed to know him. And they treated him like... well, pretty hot shit. He didn’t wait in line for a bagel and coffee in the deli anymore. The owner knew who he was with and he’d beckon Lance out of the queue, right up to the counter. He memorized Lance’s order and made sure he was taken care of first, every single morning. The neighbors didn’t park in his family’s space anymore, even though Lance’s family didn’t have a car at the moment. One day, some random kids carried his mother’s groceries all the way home for her.
It felt amazing. And it was all because of the royal family. The people of the city knew Lance was one cog in the system that kept them taken care of. Serving the royal family was serving everyone. Paladins got more love than the cops.
Things escalated quickly on the job, though. Lance found out that he could kill. And that killing could feel fine.
Lance’s first kill was a cop who’d been acquitted three times for the murders of three different teenagers of color. He hit the target in one shot. Quick, clean, possibly painless. Even on these so-called “dirty” assignments, Lance felt like a guardian angel. When reported back to Allura, she cupped his face and kissed his cheek.
Most businesses depended on the royal family’s protection from criminals that came from the bad side of the city. So, Alfor got tributes from everyone living on the nice side of town.
In what seemed like no time at all, Lance was making more money than both his parents. The money freed them from exploitative jobs and worrying about bills and taking the subway to work. They could stay home, cook five meals a day, and take care of the grandkids.
The icing on top of this fantastic cake? He got to see his favorite person most days and nights! After enough time paying his dues and proving his chops, Shiro put a good word in for Lance. He got promoted from grunt to personal driver. “Driver,” however, was a loose title that didn’t encapsulate most parts of the job.
Allura was untouchable. As her driver, it was Lance’s responsibility to make sure that remained an unbreakable fact. Stay by her side, obey her, watch her back, and keep her hands clean. Allura would never ever sever an ear or break a finger or toss someone in the trunk. Yet still, every bad guy in a 30 mile radius had nightmares about her.
Sometimes Lance worried what she thought of him. Times like when he popped open the trunk in the garage and fumbled with black-gloved fingers to unbutton his shirt. She lingered at his side and stared like she wanted to help. But she knew better than to get her hands on the evidence. If anything at all got traced back to her father, the entire castle would come crumbling down. Lance eventually managed to get the white shirt speckled with red open and shrugged it off, tossed it into the trunk. Bloody gloves got flung in there after it and he pulled a clean shirt on.
This time, Allura reached out to help with it. “I’m going to verify if what we learned about the location is true.”
Lance carefully tucked the rosary dangling over his chest beneath his shirt as she buttoned it up for him. “Naw, it’s gonna be over by the time we do that. We can finish this tonight, while we still have the element of surprise.”
Tonight’s mission was to interrupt an attempted ransom. Some guy found himself on the wrong side of town and didn’t make it back. His family were well off enough to afford the price the Witch forced them to pay to see their son again, but the King couldn’t let this slide. Watching out for your own means everything.
“But it’s Friday,” Allura argued.
Friday nights were milkshake night.
“The diner doesn’t close! Late night shakes are the best.”
“It’s already late night.”
“I’ll pop in and out. You just sit somewhere looking pretty while I collect your money. I’ll be looking pretty, too.”
Her lips twitched, trying not to smile and failing. “See you at the diner, then.”
Shiro’s team went into the Witch’s territory to rescue the kidnapped son while Lance and Allura investigated the ransom money’s location. Everything would be returned to the Holt family. And if the family wanted to let the King keep the ransom money as a thank you, well... That’s just being polite, isn’t it?
Lance dropped Allura off at the Moonstruck Diner, then drove on to the drop location by himself. The spot turned out to be the parking lot of a dinky little shopping center on the bad side of town. He only needed to drive by once to spot the best vantage point. Lance parked his car in the back alley of an apartment complex across the street and quietly crept all the way up the fire escape. On the roof, he found a spot where the shadows could hide him well and got to work assembling his rifle. Clicking the pieces into place was strangely calming work. So was leaning down to look through the eyepiece and preparing to wait.
Unlike Allura, Lance was not untouchable. Far from it.
He didn’t know how long someone had been in the shadows of that rooftop with him, also waiting. A hand clapped over the bottom of Lance’s face, smothering a rag over his mouth and nose. He tried to hold his breath as he was yanked backwards, against a broad chest. That wasn’t much use. He refused to inhale as he struggled, but a massive punch on the side of his head knocked Lance right the fuck out anyway.
A slap to the face brought him back. He winced, clenching his teeth and eyes shut. His arms and legs were numb. His vision was blurred and drowned out by a way too bright lamp swinging right in his eyes, drilling a headache straight through to the back of his head. He was disoriented, but simultaneously adrenalized by a fight-or-flight response. It felt like his nerves were lighting up beneath layers of gauze.
“Hel-lo!” Another slap stung his cheek.
Through the blinding lamplight, a redhead with wide blue eyes came into focus for him. Pretty cute. In the shadows of the room beyond her, Lance spotted three other girl. A huge one, a short-haired one, and… Oh, wait. One’s a guy.
“Look at this, Allura’s dog has left her lap for once,” he drawled.
The redhead giggled. “Nah, he was just fetching her something.”
Lance looked down. His arms and legs were bound several times over.
“Tell us where she’s waiting for you.”
“Pfft,” Lance scoffed.
The girl pinched his chin between two fingers and yanked his face back up. “We have ways of making you ta-alk,” she sing-songed.
“What, slap me again? Jokes on you, I kinda like it.”
Her draw was extraordinary. Some hella Bruce Lee movement, almost too fast for the eye to see. He only realized she’d taken a gun out when he felt the butt of it bash against his cheek hard enough to rattle his teeth. His head snapped to the side with a breathless yelp. Fuck, that hurt. Warmth trickled down the side of his face. It dripped red on the clean shirt he’d changed into.
The girl lifted his chin up with the barrel of the gun, making Lance meet her eyes again. “Keep acting cute and see what happens.”
She smiled, sweet and bubbly. He tasted copper in his mouth. Now, Lance started to get really scared. He had heard of this gang and he knew how ugly interrogations can get. Hell, he’d conducted one himself that same night—which was a trap he walked right into, Lance realized several hours too late. He should’ve listened to Allura instead of rushing off to impress her.
“Let’s bring it back now,” the guy said. “Where is Allura meeting you?”
Lance swallowed, feeling the gun barrel tap his throat as he did. The ropes around his legs were bound too tightly for Lance to move a centimeter. Still, he kept his mouth shut. It was weird. He wasn’t the quiet type. But he could stay quiet. He could hold out. His people would be coming for him. Any minute. Any minute now. Please, fuck, someone had to be coming for him.
The huge girl stepped forward, into the light. “C’mon, let me smash some fingers as a warmup.”
“That’s a start.” From a scabbard Lance had not noticed hanging from the ringleader, Lotor’s, waist until now, he pulled out a freaking sword. How tacky.
Nonetheless, the whisper of it unsheathing made Lance’s blood run cold. His eyes went from the glint of the blade, to the big one’s knuckle cracks, to the quiet one cocking her own gun. A pair of hands slid down his shoulders, almost gentle. From behind, the redhead slipped her fingers beneath his half-buttoned shirt and pulled out a rosary. She twirled the cross in her fingers and hummed. Then, started winding the beads around her hand.
“We got alllll night to play with you,” Ezor cooed, tightening the beads around his neck until it hurt. Until he couldn’t breathe. Until the beads snapped.
A neon sign that spelled “Moonstruck” flickered pale blue light across Allura’s face. Throughout the diner, friends and couples chattered loudly, laughed obnoxiously. She was the only one sitting alone.
The whipped cream on top of her milkshake had melted to a white puddle that spilled down the sides of her untouched drink and pooled around the glass base. The waitresses kept looking in her direction with sad, sympathetic expressions. At first, Allura felt embarrassed. Now, she felt afraid.
When Lance came back to consciousness, his lungs were filled with smoke. His own coughing had startled him awake. He didn’t know he had blacked out in the first place. How long had he been out?
His eyes opened to plumes of grey drifting across the sky, covering the stars. And a view right up Shiro’s nose. Lance was being carried, apparently. Not gently, either. Shiro was running. Lance’s nerves seemed to wake up a few seconds behind, but the rough jostling sparked them right back to life. In a split second, he went from feeling numb to his bones to feeling like every inch beneath his skin was made of exposed wires rubbing against each other. Lance tried a garbled attempt at screaming a curse, but it sounded more like someone shouting “Fuuuuck!” while tumbling face-first down a flight of stairs.
“Sorry!” Shiro huffed.
It sounded sincere, but that was undercut by the fact that Shiro unapologetically flung him into the open backseat of a car moments later. Lance made a sound like someone screaming “SHIT!” while hurtling face-first down a flight of stairs.
Everything happened in the span of three seconds. Shiro climbed in after Lance and someone else dove in from the other side, smushing him into the middle seat. “Owowowow,” he complained at being shoved to sit upright with absolutely no tenderness. The engine roared and tires screeched against asphalt. The car was already peeling out of there before every open door had slammed shut.
Then silence. Only the sounds of five people panting filled the car. Keith in the driver’s seat, frowning at the road as he weaved around traffic and refused to stop at a single red light. On the passenger side, Allura spun in her seat to look at Lance—or tried to, but something tugged her back.
“Are you—” She whipped back around mid-sentence. “Ah, shit, my skirt’s caught in the door.” She turned again, more carefully this time. “Are you okay?”
The slight wince when she got a proper look at him in between passing streetlamps was a hint that he didn’t look okay. Lance took stock of everything he remembered before passing out. His right leg: fucked. His right fingers: fucked. Both sides of his previously beautiful face: fucked.
And he took stock of new fuck-ups he didn’t remember, so probably happened post-blackout. Most notably, his nose and his shoulder: fucked.
Without waiting for an answer, Allura assured, “We’re taking you to emergency. You’ll be alright.”
“Yeah, well, my lucky necklace broke. Will emergency fix that?” Lance turned to the paladin on his other side in an attempt to include them. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he realized it was not one of them. “WHOA. The fuck is she doing here?”
For the past minute, he’d been literally rubbing elbows with one of the girls from Lotor’s squad.
“Acxa’s a double agent,” Keith chimed in.
“She shot me back there!”
“I grazed you.”
Lance groaned. “Ugh, pedantics.”
“Semantics,” Acxa corrected.
“Ughhh,” he repeated.
At that point, Shiro intervened. “We wouldn’t have known where you were taken if it wasn’t for her. We couldn’t have gotten in, either.”
“Fine, thanks, but I’m just saying—You let me think I was gonna get murdered. I mean, you coulda winked or something!”
“A wink would help?” Acxa asked flatly.
“Uh, yeah! Gimme some hope, y’know.”
“I’m pretty sure Ezor winked at you at some point. And she was definitely going to murder you.”
After a long pause, Lance admitted, “You know what. Touche.”
In the front seat, Allura unzipped a Burberry purse in her lap. Plastic crinkled as she opened a makeup wipe. Lance watched her wipe her hands with it, flickering between darkness and orange light from posts outside. The white towelette came back red.
“Is that mine?” he asked.
“No,” Allura answered, something heavy in her voice.
Another tense silence descended on the car.
Keith was the first to break it. “Do you have any idea what we started?”
No one answered.
Lotor, like Allura, was untouchable. Supposed to be untouchable. Tonight, because of Lance, they broke the one rule between the warring families that was sacred.
Now, all bets would be off. No one and no place would be untouchable. They were in some deep shit.
“Hey. Hey.” Shiro tapped Lance’s cheek, snapping him out of it.
“Try to stay awake. We’re almost there.”
“I’m awake,” Lance mumbled.
“Don’t close your eyes,” Allura added. “Keep them open. And keep talking.”
“Okayokayokay, um…” Yeah, he was slurring his words. “Turn the radio on.”
Allura leaned forward in her seat to switch the radio on.
She humored him even when he started getting picky with stations, guiding her on the dial. “That sucks, change it. Nope, next. Next. Next—Yes! Right there—I like dollars, I like diamonds, I like stuntin’, I like shinin’—”
Listen. She told him to stay awake and keep talking.
At first, it was Lance jamming by himself and bobbing his head to the extent that he could without disturbing the messed up shoulder. Then Allura swooped in for the pre-chorus. Shiro caved and joined in a couple seconds after she did. The other two kept playing it like they’re too cool for car karaoke, but Lance could see a smirk on Keith’s lips in the rear view mirror. And, up against his side, he felt Acxa chuckle softly right after the three of them barked the first line of the chorus in unison.
Lance still sang beneath his breath even as he was hauled out of the car in the hospital’s driveway.
“Can you believe I woulda died without Cardi B?”
All quiet in the diner. It was nearly empty, except for a handful of old timers getting breakfast. A little early for milkshakes, but Lance had a tradition to uphold.
The window behind Allura outlined her in a bright halo of early morning sunshine. “Mhm. You have some nerve, you know.”
Lance raised an eyebrow and took a doubtful slurp of his chocolate and banana shake.
She raised one right back at him. “You stood me up. No one’s ever done that to me.”
“Oh, c’mon. That’s not fair. I was literally taking a bullet for you.”
“She says it grazed you.”
“Come on.” He slumped back in his seat, smiling despite the offended tone in his voice.
It felt nice to act normal. Like things could carry on as always after last night. Lance didn’t even receive a single odd look when he lumbered in on a crutch with his cheek bandaged and lip stitched. The grandpas in the corner booth kept their heads down, politely staring at their bacon and eggs until he and Allura passed. The waitress was warm as always, but she didn’t take her eyes off her notepad when it was Lance’s turn to order.
He thought of when he was young, playing in the schoolyard, pretending to be something he wasn’t. Now, he played with Allura over milkshakes, both pretending they didn’t need to worry about what would come next.
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readbythestarlight · 5 years
Oh my god he’s starting the ad off actually talking about D&D Beyond??
"I have between 2-4 minutes every night to do whatever I want" a terrifying concept
Oh Sam. We made it 2 whole minutes without talking about genitals smh.
I’m so excited about them making a home here
I hope they post a picture with everyone’s rooms mapped out later
Caleb just using his cat’s paw to help Cad plant his garden
They’re all so cute and excited about the house (except maybe Fjord)
Wait he’s gonna grow his magic giant tree atop the tower???
Okay I love it, Cad and his giant tree atop his tower
Well now everyone knows where the weird heroes of the dynasty are living
Cad’s gonna just grow so much
Everyone else is decorating and Fjord’s worried about putting security shutters on the windows
He’s the only one not having fun with this, poor guy
painting Yasha a pretty mural of flowers I cry
I’m having FEELINGS this is so SWEET
Caleb installing his own alarm system
Cad: "what this—" *leaves, buys copper* "there we go, chimes." :D
Ouch. That’s a 450 worth of gold, 250 if he has to do more than once
200g to keep his garden alive and sunshiny. Worth it.
Cad’s gonna make little fairy lights!
The neighbors are jealous of Cad’s fairy garden
AYYYYE finally working on the teleportation circle
Which.... makes me nervous because Yusah could easily trap them/hand them over to the Empire
LB, about the tree: "will it be like that all the time?"
F: "I think that’s how trees work, yeah."
L: with a Nat1 "I’m gonna go ask Fjord"
T: Nat20
Oh wait did he say Dark Tow?
"I’m fine" Fjord you’re a fucking LIAR
!!!!! Caleb put together the Alchemical lab for Yeza!!!!
Oh my god all I want now is Yeza and Luke and Veth living in a house with the M9 and they
Oh no
The letter
Forgot about the letter
Oh no
I don’t think they said anything about money and inheritance did they?? And they mentioned Caleb’s name didn’t they?? Fuck I can’t remember what they said
Gotta go back soon
Oh shit it’s from Solstrice fuck
Oh god they put their names
Yes god plz message mom and make sure she’s okay and warn her about anyone named Astrid or Ikathon
FUCK god what will this do to Jester and Caleb if they’re watching her or if they take her
These people have already hurt Nott’s family and now they could hurt Jester’s too and Caleb’s gonna feel so bad
N: "I just wanted you to have a friend."
C: "I have friends."
N: "Well you didn’t then."
Caleb’s real jittery now
Mmmm given that you haven’t confirmed no bugs we shouldn’t be talking about Dairon maybe
While Caleb and Nott or Caleb and Beau are having serious conversations, the clerics are planning to build a spa xD
Boy I can’t wait for Caleb to corner Fjord I hope he gets something out of him
Caleb just whips that medallion out any time, like he has that thing ready
Ohhhh I physically hurt
1000g that they could lose
I hope they call the house the Treehouse from now on
Ayyyy Essik!
B: "do you want to stay for dinner?"
Me: do you want to stay forever?
Ohhhh I didn’t catch that they took their surenames from the dens
"Show me"
Oh gosh
Caleb honey the cat? Really?
C: "My people are perverting your magic. I wish to understand better, so that I can better help."
E: "Are you busy right now" WHAT
E: "May I?"
B: "I invited you twice but yeah yeah enter."
This feels like a trap
Like that’s as too easy right?? He only rolled a 12
"Let me teach you a few things"
It’s a trap right it’s gotta be a trap
"Bending of fate, destiny" the whole table freaks out
This is gonna be a trick it’s gotta be a trick
Frick guys I’m so in love with Essik
B: "Caduceus calls it a ‘White Xhorhassian’—"
E: "...Mildly racist, but..."
God I hope that wasn’t some sort of trick or trap for Caleb
Fjord and Caleb talk now oh boy
Why you lyin’ Fjord why you always lyin’?
Caleb’s trying to... help?
Boy remember when I felt like Fjord and Caleb were gonna be the bro’s
"What do you think, we’re gonna chase you out of here, run you off?"
"I found myself reinvented when I woke up on that shore"
"I didn’t care for that life, didn’t care for me. I prefer to leave it in the past. It’s not that I’m hiding anything from you, I... I don’t wanna bring things from my old life into this one. I can sound like many people, do many things."
God why do so many people in this group have pasts they need to hide from???
They’re both so scared the past is gonna swallow them up, hurt them and the people around them
C: "Because I worry about you all. And maybe I just want to know that you... are not worried about that as well."
F: "There is nothing that nips at my heels or at my back that is a danger to anyone else in this group." BUT IT’S A DANGER TO YOU FJORD AND THAT WILL MATTER TO THEM.
This talk is hurting me
C: "We can remake ourselves into something better."
F: "Yeah, I... that’s what I thought I was doin’. I can promise there is no danger from my past. I like this me, I love it."
God I’m so sorry that I ever suspected Fjord because I feel like a heel now
Caleb, trust him and don’t push. He’ll come to you when he’s ready.
C: "The only reason the group knows about me is because I am... Crazy"
F: "I don’t think you’re crazy, you’re one of the more out together people I know. At least that’s what you show. Thank you for... I want to say caring."
C: "That is accurate. Give me your hand. I am not a good person, but we are friends."
Also who else is crying because Caleb called them family
Also "give me your hand" slayed me I’m such trash for casual touches especially in a non-romantic sense
Perception check why
Back to the sword good good good
I thought for sure he was gonna say her hair was gonna start falling out
J: "By the second day it’s starting to turn greasy."
C: "My how the tables have turned."
Poor Sprinkle :(
Making a weasel nest in the tree
"The big bad has been revealed" xD
"You throw some rats in there—" Taliein is dying of laughter
Sprinkle is going to run away
Guys Bryce is a town guard they don’t have time to just personally escort Luke and his guardian
They definitely need to get back to Luke, but it’s going to be hard to do at this point
Mmm Caleb wanting to ask Essik to get them to Alfield
Call me crazy, I wonder if they could ask the Gentleman for help
Or like, Cali or Keg or one of their friends
THAT’S RIGHT good thinking Nott! He’s not in Alfield probably I imagine, since y’all last saw him up near Shady Creek Run, but he would def help I’m positive and then he could guest star again
I feel like robbing a shop is probably not the best idea right now? Like even if they have a good reason I don’t think it’s the best plan
F: "Moro I don’t know how to say this but I... need you."
Oh my god FJORD xD
The glow is gonna be something stupid and pointless
The glow is something alive?? Someone invisible?
Hmmm interesting
"Oh my god it’s a front"
Of course they found drugs
Oh dang ground white stone. 1000g enchanting??
Okay so can they use it to help pay for Yasha’s thing?
Okay why does she have enchanting dust
In a place where an Empire spy is supposed to go
Ohhhhh they got a map!! New map new map!
Gonna lie I don’t like the idea of M.T. House. It’s nice to remember Molly but... idk
We had so better get Shakaste back on the show!!
Please please please bring Khary back!
Oh dang yes the scrying worked!
Oh boy
"My liege"
If they choose to tell the Dynasty about this they’ll 100% be traitors, once and for all
Which like... I’m okay with. I don’t have any preference for the Empire and I like things about the Dynasty.
Royal assassins
"My liege" is the King isn’t it
I really think they need to tell the Bright Queen
B: "Were they training you to be a scourger?"
C: "I think so." holy shit
God what if Astrid and whatshi are scourgers already
Have I mentioned how amazing Matt is to come up with all this and connect all these threads
Mmm Cad and Jester being a voice of reason
Cad: "Some things are too big to get on top of. Some things are bigger than us."
Cad’s being smart. They need to give a warning, not try to also control the situation.
Go immediately.
Where’s that whole thing coming from, Caleb? There’s really no reason to get that involved. Just like tell them what’s coming, that’s all you have to do. Listen, Caduceus is right.
Poor Beau
She’s kinda been stuck in a corner where she has to betray a homeland she’s not that fond of, but she is fond of Dairon
Oh gosh, Beau. :(
This is such a good moment for her, realizing that people are people wherever they are, that she doesn’t want to betray the people in the Empire, as little as she cares about the Empire itself
She’s not gonna slit your throat honey it’s fine
Boy next week is gonna be really intense again
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