an-theduckin · 3 months
english teachers will say "I want a man who uses a lot of imperative verbs 😩" instead of being normal n saying I want a man who takes charge or smth
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inkyskye · 1 year
(more) moments from the folk of the air that are perfectly paralleled *spoilers* pt. 2
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Because 1 post wasn’t enough, even though it was a long one and I rambled. A lot. Anyway, more:
Burning. Okay so the metaphor is not exactly the same, but hear me out: In Chapter 14 of TCP, Taryn says "He's flint, you're tinder" (about Jude and Cardan), and then in Chapter 27 of TQoN, when Jude admits talks through her feelings for Cardan, she tells him: "I thought if I let myself love you, I would burn up like a match. Like the whole matchbook."
Under the table? In Chapter 21 of TCP, the chaos of Prince Dain's coronation is the first time, Jude realises, they are really cooperating. She manages to hide him under a table so they can escape - and then in Chapter 27 of TQoN, still disbelieving Cardan is alive and well, Jude thinks, "what I want to do is hide under a table in the brugh with Cardan until I can finally convince myself he's all right." I think it shows the significance of that chapter in the first book, that Jude goes back to that moment, possibly recognising it as the first time they really cooperated (Cardan was drunk, but, yk, in vino veritas and all that.)
The earrings!! Okay so it's not really a parallel, but it crops up at 2 significant moments. First, that time in Chapter 28 of TWK when Taryn pretends to be Jude, tricking Cardan, she's wearing the earrings - the enchanted earrings that make the wearer more beautiful. Cardan thought it was Jude because in his head, Jude is the more beautiful one (even though they are literally IDENTICAL TWINS). And then, in TQoN in Chapter 7, Cardan reveals he knew it was Jude pretending to be Taryn for the inquest: "Jude, you can't really think I don't know it's you. I knew you from the moment you walked into the brugh." And she's wearing the earrings, of course.
link to pt. 1
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cupids-fiction · 1 month
get it while it’s hot
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ronsharry · 6 months
my new found favourite hobby is creating a playlist dedicated to my favourite character harry james potter and analysing every word and how it relates specifically to him. and in order of events too.
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antheiantics · 2 years
Some things I found out after I started getting into MBTI (ENTJ observations)
ESTJ mothers typically raise ENTJ daughters (I, and my cousin are the shining example of that)
ENTP may look introverted until engaged in an argument.
ENFP all look like Gemini or have a short hair.
INTJ are the most unpredictable types
ESTP are actually very ambitious.
ISFP tend to lose contact with reality on a daily basis.
INTP can sometimes be annoying and too self-absorbed.
INFP are actual dictators that were raised in the wrong setting. The potential is there, its just not chased.
ESTJ mothers tend to be Virgos that are very demanding and looking for the best way to nag you. Also carefully suppressed anger issues.
ENTJ feel a lot. Are overwhelmed A LOT until we eventually go numb and look like we don't experience any kind of emotional process in our brains when in reality, it's a storm, here inside.
ENTJ are social introverts and tend to be ambiverted.
ISFJ can gaslight like pros if they want to
INTJ own the hearts of all ENTJs no exception. (unless they are toxic people, that has nothing to do with types anymore)
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Romantic Homicide by D4vd reminds me of the wittebane brothers.
- some connections I’ve made
Philip wittebane reminds me of jinx from league of legends, they’re kinda the same, both of them have an older sibling who they thought “abandoned” them and Both Caleb and vi have girlfriends (but then Caleb married Evelyn). both jinx and Philip have abandonment issues.
Also both of them had lost their parents at a young age and dealt with childhood trauma. Both Vi and Caleb had to deal with their younger sibling, trying to convince them that they’re not leaving them alone but ending up fighting against them in the end. Both of Jinx and Philip committed massive g*nocide and both of them have some serious mental health issues.
Jinx however had a father figure while Philip didn’t, vi went to jail while Caleb d/ed. although jinx accidentally k*//ed her father which she truly cared for, while Philip didn’t even care for his brother’s D*ath. Both jinx and Philip wanted to hurt/k*ll their sibling’s girlfriends also both of them ended up getting new names/personality.
But in the end Philip is a hypocrite manipulator and the one who k*//ed his own brother and he doesn’t seem to care about it. He kept creating different versions of his brother and k*//ed him every single time for disobeying him. He did say that “it hurts every time he chooses to betray me” but he kept doing it for like three hundred times.
Overall both of the siblings are good written characters. Philip is a good written villain with a tragic backstory while jinx is a tragic character who’s misunderstood, jinx only wanted to be useful and help everyone but ended up hurting/k*lling everyone, Philip didn’t want to lose his brother and ending up hurting/k*lling him.
I swear, it always has to be the younger siblings.
Btw Thanks for reading.
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jeahreading · 6 months
The Empress's sentence (Part - 2)
I rose, trembling with fear still not daring to look up. 
"I Apologise for any misdeed I have done, I will repent for my mistakes, I will serve you for as long as would please you, I will do anything, please please, forgive me!" I kept repeating this like a parrot, hoping against all hope that my inevitable fate didn't come to pass. 
"The Grain that had been delivered by you to feed our soldiers was tainted, having consumed it, all of them are suffering because of the poison in their bodies and several of them have been found dead" the same voice said in a regal manner not once giving away even a sliver of emotion, was it hatred, was it indifference I couldn't tell.
"What? I- I would never do something of that sort, Your Highness, It must have been someone else, I had checked every single gunny before sending it in, it has never- never happened in the many years I have been providing for our men!" I pleaded, manic fear burrowing it's way through my body. 
"You have the arrogance to imply that someone that I have entrusted with supplying the grain, is a mole?t" She merely raised an eyebrow
"No- that's not what- I meant" I realized my mistake a few moments too late.
"You are quite insolent it seems," she sighed "-I give you two choices. I could either send you to the Alerina or I could throw you to Orias"
There was this word that my father had once said while we were both playing chess "Zugzwang" When I heard it I laughed out loud, what kind of word was that? it meant "A situation in which a player is forced to make a disadvantageous move", now that I was the player and I had to make a choice, a choice which now that I look back I wonder, if I had chosen differently what the consequences would have been. 
"Please Your Grace, give me one more chance, This will never happen again, please, please" I could stand no longer, my knees buckled underneath and I crashed to the floor still muttering apologies.
"Alerina or Orias" she repeated, more firmly this time.
All my life's work, everything, had come to this, to this decision. Whatever I chose would decide what happened to me. 
I thought about going to The Alerina and a shiver went down my spine, a chill settled into my chest, my only other choice was Orias, the beast, It was terrifying to think about, what would become of me. I'd seen bodies disposed off into the river, mangled flesh, rotting bodies and most of all the smell, oh, the smell was horrendous and it settled under your skin like an irremovable layer of animal fat. Was it really better than going to the Alerina, I wouldn't know...
"I- I choose to go to Orias" I couldn't stop myself from choking halfway, 
At that moment I could have never guessed what would happen next...
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I literally spent almost 3 hours to analyzed the accesories detail from the movie and the series and I still confused, and all my notes still a mess and my brain hurt. But I love it lmao.
There's more coming, if my account doesn't get another glitch
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francisabernathyy · 2 years
This is the Lit nerd part of me speaking:
I just bought a new poetry book (Time is a Mother by Ocean Vuong) and I’ve been thinking a lot to myself about what (for me) makes a “good poem”. I’ve seen people say that poetry represents some form of stability or nostalgia, words that can remind one of their past and things they miss. As much as I can understand this point of view and somewhat agree with it, this new poetry book created a whole different perspective for me.
For me, beautiful poetry is ephemeral, transient, something which may be understood for a fleeting second and then lost again. Good poetry is the poetry you would spend hours, days, thinking about, trying to find that different viewpoint that helps you to see the deepest meanings of the poem.
I also think it’s important to recognise that a poem which you can’t understand, which doesn’t click with you, isn’t necessarily a “bad” poem, but a poem you haven’t looked at in enough ways with enough motivation or enough belief.
This was just a rant but let me know what makes a good poem for you?
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alaaalakari · 1 year
What is Discourse Analysis ?
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I am sure I spend too much time going over the past, analysing, trying to make sense of things. 🧠
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darkwinged-angel · 1 year
So if the memories are simulated too and they are not real and just planted there to mess with the passengers or “scientific purposes” if you may, then maybe the relationships and feelings are too, constructed.
Like was it normal practice for a bunch of European immigrants to all fall in love in one way or another and in doing so, form love triangles? What are the odds?
All of this amounts to one very mind boggling conclusion: almost nothing that we’ve watched in season 1 is to be taken at face value. At this point I even don’t know which parts of the canon I should trust.
But there are so many repetitive elements amongst the relationship dynamics of these people that I can’t help but think they’re all products of one mind who has been through all of these traumas and now they are reflecting it on the the passengers.
P.S. their nationalities might be planted too, what if the languages are just files installed on these people I’m loosing it
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rotting-creation · 2 years
i was watching my hero and i noticed smth
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see that 20XX at the end?
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and here too
now i haven’t fully learned Japanese to the point that I can fully understand this but after using a reference from this reddit post,  this sorta confirms mha is set BEFORE 2100 like many people believe.
Now, also considering the fact that they phones they use are like this this
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AND tech isn’t hyper more advanced than now, plus the fashion is pretty similar to now, as is most culture and stuff (i.e. Mineta’s pervy stuff not really being seen as ok but also neither being stopped, girls being assumed weaker than men, see ep 22, but also no blatant misogyny, homophobia or transphobia, i.e. no one really questions Tiger from the wild wild pussycats or Magne, toga crushing on Uraraka and Midoriya is seen as normal, while it’s assumed that a guy shouldn’t go full force on a girl because they’re stronger, though that doesn’t matter in fighting, trust me i do kickboxing, it is very applicable for other things, the girls aren’t really ever subjected to actual misogyny) i think it’s relatively safe to assume that they’re only about 20-40 years into the future, maybe less as quirks might’ve rapidly sped up society evolving in technological advancement.
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weewoobrainrot · 2 years
"it's not that deep, why do you always analyse things? like it's just a movie"
fuck you actually
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natsync6 · 5 months
People need to learn the difference between secondary and primary sources
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huntersulamaka · 5 months
You know how in fanfiction people usually underestimate how much their crush cares about them if their crush is someone they are familiar/close to? I think that's probably because they don't want to get their hopes up too much and think their crush is prioritising them more than they actually are. Low self estime might be a part of the cause but I don't think it is the whole reason
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