#Bro I didn't even know until I kept staring at my following trying to see which one of yall blocked me-
chenyann · 1 year
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saucymalum · 1 year
What's This? (Consequences of my Actions) W.S
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Wilbur Soot x Gn! reader (they/them pronouns)
Warning: Angst, Enemies to lovers, mentions of past death, y/n being dumb, miscommunication.
Summary: Bro idk figure it out.
Word Count: 2.6k
I always knew he hated me. He didn’t hide it. He didn’t like that I was “Invading” his friend group. That I was getting along with them. He didn’t like me. It infuriated me how he acted like he was better than me. All I wanted was to be his friend and he didn't give me a chance. I couldn't understand how he could hate me for no reason. So I gave him a reason.
 I tried to annoy him everytime I could. He didn’t want me at a party so badly he would text me to not come and I’d arrive early with baked goods. He didn’t like me tweeting about his band so much that he’d intentionally be the only member not following me? I tagged them all in every tweet. I became his hell. Did I hate him? No. But I hated that he treated me like he was better. Like I was insignificant. 
To the fans, I was their biggest fan. I’d cover their newest songs on my Instagram story and take pictures in their merch. Some thought I was even dating one of them, which was almost laughable. I truly loved them all. The party's welcoming environment they created pulled me in as Wilbur stood in the corner. His dark brown eyes look almost black in this light as he watches my every move. Watching me talk to everybody while he tries to keep up the small talk and savors his beer. His eyes left a burning trail down my skin. It became a game for me, how far I could push him.
I’d try to ask him questions in conversations, simply because I knew he didn’t want to talk to me. And that's when my plans started to crumble. I liked the guy. I thought he was fucking funny. Being antagonizing was so much easier when I didn’t know him. I wanted to be the asshole's friend. I kept trying to keep up my game, but I failed every time unless it was social media. It’s easy to fake things there. So I did.
I ignored my emotions, my guilt, and the rising feeling that I refused to acknowledge. I posted pictures of myself at their concerts; I posted their songs on my story. I was a good friend, but I avoided Wilbur. And at the end of the day, it didn't matter much to him if I showed up to the parties. I saw the glares he’d given me that made me want to laugh in his face. I missed not knowing him.
I started showing up early at parties and sneaking out early. I’d avoid Will even if I felt his eyes burn me. It seemed fine until he caught on. 
I sat at their EP release celebration, an hour in, and I zoned out and stared at a wall. People passed by and I sat drinking my now warm beverage. Blurs of people, laughing, smiling, dancing, pass around me. I can't believe I did this to myself. 
The seat beside me dips and I look to see Phil looking expectantly at me. One eyebrow raised slightly and his blonde hair messed up a bit.
"What's wrong?"
"What makes you think something's wrong?" I laugh nervously.
He sits there, giving no answer, knowing I'll break. And I do. 
I spilled everything, beginning to now. Frustration pours out every word as the temperature in the room seems to rise. I don't want to be here anymore.
Phil sighs and I feel shame replacing my relief.
"Why would you do this to yourself Y/N?"
"I DIDN'T WANT THIS! I JUST WANTED THE STUPID LITTLE PRICK TO BE HUMBLED. Or at least annoyed enough to stop being a dick." my breaths shake for a second "In no universe was THIS my plan. "
I fall into the back of the couch. "What do I do?" 
"Talk to him."
I groan, "I forgot you're a 'communication is key' person" 
Phil lightly shoves me, "So are you until you get scared and run away. You can't run away this time. Avoiding him means avoiding us and you know that." 
“I know.” 
“So what do you think you need to do?” He asks softly.
I take in a deep breath and straighten my back. My eyes find Wilbur chatting up some girl in the corner. I let my feet guide me to him and without a word, too scared to speak, I grab his jacket and pull him out onto the back porch.
“What the Fuck, Y/N?”
“What is your problem with me? You refuse to talk to me, You hate my presence, and you constantly make an effort to show me you think I'm less than you. Why?”
“Maybe because you do shit like you just did without thinking about how it’d affect me.”
I scoff, “What a cop-out. You’ve hated me from the beginning. I want you to tell me why.”
He creeps further into my personal space. His height becomes increasingly harder to ignore when he looms over me. His breath fans over my face, and I want to cringe at the warmth.
“Has it ever occurred to you in your self-centered little head that not everyone likes you? You’re not some god or goddess Y/n. You grate my veins and you enjoy it. You TRIED to annoy me and you’re confused why I don’t like you? How into yourself can you be?”
Electricity pricks at my skin and the back of my eyes burn, “Don’t act like you didn’t hate me from the get-go Wilbur. I know what it feels like to be disliked.”
“Then why does it bother you so much if I don't like you? Huh? Sweet little Y/N just wants to be loved and cherished by everyone, isn't that right?” My breath shakes as the back of his hand brushes against my cheek. “Well, life doesn’t work like that. Some people will hate your grating voice and some people can't STAND your GODDAWFUL laugh. So get over it and be a fucking adult about it. Stop being a little baby.” 
WARNING: description of a panic attack, stay safe and skip to the end of the trigger warning <3
He steps back and I quickly escape the cold night that suffocates me. My throat closes in on itself and my eyes water. I can’t breathe, I can’t BREATHE. I try to drag in breaths, but the effort is beyond fruitless. Through my watery eyes and past the blur and dizziness, I walk to the bathroom. I need to escape. I need to GET OUT. Everyone hates me, such a stupid baby who can’t even handle a man not liking them. How pathetic can you get? Everyone's eyes are on me. They’re laughing at me, aren’t they? I bet they are. The bathroom door’s soft close sounds like a thunderclap in my ears but that thunderclap is the most comfort I have felt since Phil and my conversation ended. My ears are ringing. I don’t know what to do. 
I sink to the floor, and my back hits the cold tile, shocking my skin through my thin shirt. I've prepared for this. Ok, just find something you can smell. Ok, I can do that. My mind wanders into my negative talk, but quickly it snaps to the smell of the Febreze air freshener going off. 
Good, good. One down, four more to go. I can see the design in the ceiling, that's another. 
My lungs slowly feel less pressure on them. Not a semi-truck but maybe a minivan. I can hear yelling outside the door, maybe someone knocking. It's so hard to hear when I feel like I'm underwater. 
I can feel the tile under my fingertips, the cold feels nice against my skin, the hot trails that the tears leave sting and I almost want to press my face into the floor to cool them. 
The sweet drink still lingers on my tongue. Good, I got all five. Now breathe. It's so hard when the hiccups interrupt but I practice these exercises daily. 
The weight on my chest slowly releases and the tears go dry. I'm left exhausted. I want to go home. The room goes steady and I slowly stand on shaky legs.
I avoid the mirror as I cool my hands in the water flowing in the sink and press them to my cheeks.
WARNING OVER: Stay safe, love.
The yelling outside gets clearer when I open the door, the house has been cleared away of any guests and the pounding of my heart gets louder. Phil stands in front of Wilbur yelling at him, words I barely have the energy to decipher. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you right now, Wilbur? You are a grown-ass man. What the hell would possess you to think talking to someone like that was ok?” Kristin stands next to Phil. She shoots a disappointed look at Wilbur, but he ducks away. 
“Oh don’t give me the disappointed parent act.” He scoffs.
Wilbur walks over to the couch, closer to me, and I press my back closer to the bathroom door that I closed.
Phil chases after him, “Well, if you didn’t act so immature, maybe I wouldn’t have to Will! What were you thinking!? You barely know her and you already decided to chase her away?”
“If she didn’t want me to hate her maybe she could have tried to not do everything I hate on purpose.”
“You gave them a panic attack! Nothing they did made them deserve that. We just want you to explain. Can you please just let us understand?”
Wilbur pauses putting on his jacket and sighs, “I’m scared, ok?” 
“Of what?” 
“Phil, they remind me of Lacy, and I can’t get hurt like that again.” He turns around and his eyes meet mine. Shock and remorse fill his eyes, but he brushes past me and bolts for the door.
I take a shaky breath in and look at Phil and Kristin. "Who’s Lacy?”
We sat in the living room of Phil and Kristin’s house as they tried to explain it in the most delicate way. But really, how can you explain to someone that they reminded a person they considered an enemy of their dead girlfriend? That they reminded someone they thought hated them of someone they were in love with? I didn't think I could cry anymore. I was wrong. I reminded Wilbur of a love that was ripped away from him. I hurt him by being around him.
I wanted to be mad at him. Hurt him for punishing me for something I had no part in but I couldn't. 
I just wanted to go home and never leave.
And that's what I did. I stayed in bed, emotionally exhausted and numb. My self-destruction hit me like a brick, canceling my therapy appointment for the next day and turning my phone to do not disturb.
Wilbur POV:
No one had heard from Y/N in almost a week. Seeing their face when I left made me feel like I swallowed a brick. A part of me felt glad that finally, FINALLY, they would feel just a sliver of what they've made me feel for months.
But the guilt…the guilt at that thought overwhelmed my brain quickly after. What kind of person would that make me to want someone to hurt the way I have? Even if it was someone who hurt that doesn't make it ok. 
This guilt led me straight to Y/N's front door. My hand hovered over the door. What was my plan when I got here? I don't think I even gave myself time to make one. 
Before I could attempt to knock on the door, it swung open with the image of Y/N's dark-circled eyes staring shocked at me. 
"Oh Jesus!" they exclaim and hide behind the door a bit. The wrinkles in the pyjama shirt clinging to parts of their body. A small smile creeps into the corner of my mouth at seeing them again. To see that they were at least still alive and kicking.
"I'm so sorry to just show up like this!" I step away from the door, giving them some space. "I want to check in."
Their bottom lip moves between their teeth as they chew at the loose skin. A mental debate wars on behind their eyes, no doubt wondering who asked me to come here.
"Who blackmailed you?" they ask.
A hesitant silence floats between us as I wonder if it'd be wrong to tell the truth.
A sigh passes my lips. "I felt bad."
Their eyes quickly widen again as they forget the effort to hide themself behind the door. They rush the 2 feet to me and place a hand on my arm.
"No! No, you have nothing to be sorry for! I was a goddamn asshole, Wilbur! Why didn't you slap me earlier? I was so arrogant and antagonistic towards you. I can't believe it. You did nothing but try to avoid me because you were hurting and I made it ten times harder."
"Y/N, I said horrible things to you. I felt like a villain. I never want to feel like that again. I am so sorry for talking to you like that." My shoulders sink in a subconscious effort to get down to their level. To look they straight in the eyes. To maybe show them all the emotions that I felt the moment I left Phil's house."
Y/N sighs and releases my arm from their grip. They step out of the doorway, a silent invitation. Luckily, I'm not a vampire.
"Will, what you said was true. I can't fault you for saying the truth."
How could they think that? That anything I said was true, calling them such stupid names in order to belittle them and make them feel small? What have I done?
“Nothing, and I mean nothing, I said to you was true. Yes, I was hurt and yes how you treated me didn’t help but none of it was true and keep telling you otherwise until you believe.”
They look away from my eyes to the ground, “Well, that's gonna take a while since I thought all of those things about myself long before you told me.” 
A sour feeling rises in my stomach. Everything in me wants to protect them.
“Well, I’ll be here every time you doubt me.”
They scoff, “Like you’ll call me at 3 in the morning.”
“Who says I won’t” I shrug.
Their eyes glaze over with tears as they look hopefully into mine, “This isn’t how I wanted things to go, you know. I didn’t want us to hate each other.”
They turn away from me, busying themselves in front of their kettle. “I wanted to stop that stupid game months ago.” 
My eyebrows wrinkle quizzically, “Then why didn’t you?”
“I couldn’t admit to myself I had feelings for you.”
Their shoulders tense quickly and they spin around to me, “Not that I’m pressuring you at all, I swear. I just-I just had to let you know I didn’t want to hurt you like this.”
“But you did mean to hurt me?”
“I thought you saw me as less than you. I wanted to prove you wrong. Now I know I was the one in the wrong.”
“Y/N I thought you were amazing. I was stupid and thought if I avoided you I wouldn’t fall for you.” I step forward into their space, “I didn’t think I could handle it.”
“Did you?” 
The space between our bodies shrinks til we’re breathing the same air.
“Yes,” I whisper, my hand gravitating to their hip.
“And can you handle it?” 
“With you, I think I’ll be more than fine.”
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ben10ocfanfic · 1 year
Tale of ten chapter 4
1. DJ opened his eyes. He felt warm. He felt extremely warm. Yet despite that he was oddly comfortable. He slowly sat up bringing his hand to his face. He started to feel groggy as his senses woke up.
2. After clenching his eyes closed for a moment he reopened Them and noticed something. His hand was different. It was bright.
3. What was once flesh had now become a bright white an yellow magma. Along his arm were red Hot rocks. He then stood up taller than he was before.
4. He started to panic wanting to scream for help. But before he could say anything his body spoke for him."HEAT BLAST!"
5. He then went quiet only the crackle of the flames on his head still present. He looked down at his hands again and took a breath." Ok that was weird why the fuck did I just yell heatblast?.... Why is it so familiar."
6. He shook his head and started heading back towards his friends. He wasn't in the mindset to figure it out. He began stumbling out of the crater.
7. He continued walking but as he did his mind became disorientated. His vision was coming and going and he was starting to stumble through the woods. by some small miracle he managed to avoid the trees.
8. Yet behind him he left a trail of singed footprints. But right now his only focused was returning to his friends. It didn't take long for him to retrace his steps even in his disorientated state.
9. He soon saw his friends although he couldn't quite make out who was who. His vision was still blurred and all he could see was quick and fast movement.
10. He tried to speak at first but all that came out were a jumble of mixing noises and groans. It seems that the shock that had come with his transformation had finally caught up with him.
11. It wasn't until he heard the cocking of a gun, that his vision returned. What he saw was clearly Jesse pointing the end of his double-barreled shotgun right at his face.
12."look here you demon fucker! You take another goddamn step and I'll use your body for charcoal."Jesse threatened. To his side were Rick and Jose each holding pointed sticks. Likely to be used for marshmallows.
13. DJ then brought his hand to his face again and refocused his thoughts. If he didn't speak clearly his summer was going to end with a bang and not in the fun way.
14. Then in the calmest voice he could he said."Jesse if you don't stop pointing that gun at me I'm going to shove it right up your ass next to that stupid tattoo."
15. Jesse was taken back and lowered his firearm. He stared at the flaming creature in surprise. He then spoke."I only ever told one person about that.....DJ?"
16. He couldn't help but give a smirking and very hot smile."yeup"Jose and Rick then approach cautiously. Josè looked to Jesse an asked. "pendejo are you sure that's DJ?"
17. Jesse then nodded his head responding to his friend."he's literally the only person who would know that and I see no reason why a monster would ask for that kind of information."
18. The two slowly nodded but Kept there distance. Rick then proceeded to poke DJ using his stick."dude you're hot."Rick joked.
19. DJ just rolled his eyes."look it's just group up and try to figure out what the fuck happened."With that the group sat around the fire.
20. She went on to explain his experience an how he felt compelled to follow the path to the watch. He explains how the watch suddenly activated and called him guardian.
21."bro sound like some cheesy cartoon or something." Jose spoke as he finished roasting a marshmallow over heatblast.
22."I can't say I disagree with you but it's still fucking weird that I'm currently on fire. And yet I feel kind of chilly."DJ stated as he started to hug himself.
23. The four of them just looked between each other. There was nothing but silence for a bit Jesse broke the silence with a suggestion."so what are we going to do for like this forever. I mean I guess you could stay at my parents farm we got an old shed with nothing in it."
24. DJ stares at him with a firey deadpan look."don't know what's going to happen for all we know I could turn back at any-"the watch begin flash red letting out a noise as a blinding red light engulfs him and he returns to normal.
25. There was a sigh of relief. As they looked at there freind."hey looks like you got something there DJ."Rick pointed at djs wrist. And in all its Glory the Omnitrix was once again attached to someone who had no idea what he was doing.
26. DJ nodded an inspected the watch once more . The watch itself was still pretty damaged but it looks like most of the wiring that was loose had reattached itself.
27.Jessise sighed."well DJ why don't we figure out that thing in the morning. If we're going to try an mess with that thing we should do it while we're awake. The group reluctantly agreed and started to put away some of the stuff they had brought out.
28. The group had nearly put everything away when Jose spotted something." Uh guys? Was there supposed to be a meteor shower today?"everyone stopped unsure of were that question came from.
29. Rick responded."nope should be clear skies all night."Jose pointed at the sky."oh so that's probably not a good thing is it?"
30. Soaring through the sky were four large balls of fire.heading right at them. DJ groaned." Aw man"
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najatheangel · 3 years
𝐒𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬
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pairing: liu yangyang x reader
now playing: foreign by trey songz
genre: very spicy and comedy.
requested by: @bigbrainenergytingz ❤️ (sorry boo this one is a little longer than I imagined, but I hope you enjoyed! )
summary: badboy!yangyang crushing on the new female foreign exchange student!reader. Slowly she starts to turn him on and he demands to see her in the library to give her a piece of his mind and body.
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“Class here’s our new exchange student from the Dominican Republic! She’s staying here for the 6-month program and she’s a junior. Everyone please be nice and give a big welcome to y/fn. y/ln”
You slowly walk in adjusting your boarding school uniform you received in the dorm today. The skirt was uncomfortably tight and it revealed your legs so it made your walk slightly awkward, but the class didn’t seem to care since they were already staring at you admiring how lovely you looked especially the guy in the leather jacket sitting in the very back, yangyang.
“A pleasure to meet your class, I’ll promise to work hard and do my best.” Your English accent shocked everyone and made all the girls hype you up. All the guys fell in love with you even more, but of course, you had your eye on one man only the rebel, playboy, mastermind, and leader of the Wayv Biker Club Liu Yangyang.
“Bro she’s looking dead at you. I think she wants you, man.” Lucas nudges and ruffles yanyang’s hair as you walk right in front of him and sit at the desk right in front of him. Yangyang leans back and whispers back at Lucas saying “You think so huh? I’ve never done it with a foreign exchange student before. Let’s see what she’s all about.” He gives Lucas a quick fist bump and proceeds to give his attention back to you.
The whole class time, he kept his eyes on you, biting his lip thinking how he’s going to make his first move. As his fellow friend, Mark would always say “You got to seize the opportunity.” And just that he was fired up waiting for the perfect opportunity.
As soon as the bell rang, he ran up to principal Tate begging if he could shadow you around the school just so he could find a way to get closer to you.
Principal Tate rolled her eyes as she ignored to young man pouting at his suggestion. “Listen Yangyang, the last few times I let you shadow a new female student it becomes the talk of the town that you bang them, and then I have to talk to their parents about it over and over again.”
He blocks the door preventing her from getting inside the office. He whines again “Please, she’s different! I will seriously not get her in trouble this time. Can I at least show her the bottom floor of the school and I’ll let you live?”
The principal rolls her eyes one last time and writes a demerit slip as a warning in case yangyang doesn’t follow through with his task. “Fine, only show her the cafeteria, gym, and library, but that’s it. If you take any longer than an hour, then you are in big trouble. Got it?” Yangyang gives her a soft grin thanking her. “No need to worry principal Tate you have my word, see you tomorrow for my after-school detention.”
She shakes her head as he runs after you to your locker screaming your name like an excited school girl. “Ugh, how does his mother deal with him all day every day.”
He leans against your locker as he notices you grabbing your packed homemade lunch. “Hey I don't know if you forgot about me, but let me introduce myself. My name is Yangyang and I’m your shadow for the 2nd half of the day.”
You looked at him clutching your lunch box nervously, but at the same time smiling interested in spending your time with him. "Well might as well, you've been staring at me all day in class. Show me around."
Yangyang clears his throat responding back by saying "Uh, was I? My bad love, it's a bad habit. You can follow me Miss Y/Ln. Yangyang walks downstairs with you offering to hold your backpack showing you the cafeteria. The cafeteria of course had served the best expensive meals for students that prefer not to cook in their dorms and also have their tables separated by cliques. Yangyang just so happened to sit in the school rebels aka trouble makers section.
His friends Lucas, CJ, Samuel, and Hendery were smacking their lips eating their pork rice bowl as they see you walking across the cafeteria together with his arm wrapped around his shoulder looking lovey-dovey.
Hendery winked at yangyang and the rest of the boys cheered the two of you on loving how the two of you walk what seems like in slow motion in front of everyone. "Okay, then my boy getting him some. Make sure you meet tonight at the garage to fix our motorcycle like you promised."
Yangyang looks to the side slightly blushing at the boy's comments but gives them a nod before sitting right next to you.
"Sorry, sometimes my friends can be such idiots. Let's eat shall we." The boys moan and make sexual jokes in the background making fun of yangyang even more until he throws an onigiri at them leaving you laughing.
"No it's alright, I never laughed this much in a long time. You guys make the perfect group." Your laugh makes him melt into a bigger puddle making him spill his miso soup all over his pants.
"Oh no! I'm very sorry. Let me clean that off for you" You panic grabbing napkins out of the napkin holder and run to sit very close to yangyang wiping his pants aggressively.
He gulps looking very close to your eyes all the way down to your lap but instantly snaps out of it trying to keep his cool. "Oh no it's getting worst, what should I do?"
The more you wipe the harder time he is having controlling his urges. What made him snap was when you slide his leather jacket off to wipe the stain off his thin white dress shirt. "Okay, that's enough. I can't do this, you're coming with me."
He gets up quickly grabbing you with him speeding towards the library.
Yangyang closes the door behind him before checking if anyone dares to come inside. He takes you all the way back to the library back to the romance book section where all the so-called "hook-ups" usually happen and push you against the bookshelf.
He takes a deep breath and looks at you intensely saying "Now I got you where I want you. Why do you keep teasing me? I see right through you."
You finally sigh giving up the innocent act and unleash your true flirty, freaky and confident side. "So you've finally caught me huh. Well, it's not a secret all the girls want you here. So I figured I'd give it try besides your not the innocent one either."
You play with the buttons on his shirt making it harder for him to focus. "Your gonna get me in trouble again if you keep it up, missy."
You giggle and proceed by whispering in his ear in your accent that he loved hearing since you came to the school. "Well, you're the trouble maker for a reason. It won't be bad for one more day."
"I swear to" You cut him off by pulling his shirt down and kissing him softly. "Are you sure you don't want me? I can see it all over your face. Don't deny it just give in already."
Yangyang groans and lifts you up kissing you back against the bookshelf. His kisses become more wet leaving you out of breath and begging for more. He unbuttons your shirt leaving more wet kisses down your neck making you squeal.
"Shhh quiet down. People are trying to study." He teases when clearly no one is here. You slap him lightly and bring his face against your chest letting him play with your boobs.
To make the atmosphere hotter, he starts moving closer to you, lifts your skirt up, and starts grinding against you. "Mmmph, try to keep quiet now. I'll open the door back up and let the whole school hear you scream my name." He chuckles as his movements go slightly faster.
You wrap your arms around him tighter to keep his body as close to you as possible, but that ends quickly when the lunch bell rings.
"Shit- I forgot about Trigonometry!" You panic again as you adjust your skirt and button your shirt back up. You run to grab your backpack and give him one last kiss before running out of the library.
"I'm sorry babe, but can't slip up on my first day. We can continue this later. See ya." You wave skipping out of the library.
Yangyang pouts yelling "Wait, but I didn't get to cum yet. Ugh, man I can't wait to see her again." He smirks adjusting his leather jacket but realizes he smells the leftover soup all over his uniform.
"Crap, I still gotta clean this up."
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taglist: @bigbrainenergytingz @purplepsycho03 @dreamyycore @melonmochimoon @soleilsuhh @dundun-baby @kpopsnowball
Send me an ask if you want to be added or removed from the tag list. ☕
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camillemonty · 3 years
JJ x Reader|kook
Summary: You just moved to outer banks and you are not so thrilled about your new kook life as your parents and are curious about how your summer will be.
As the summer goes on surprises come along with ups and downs, tears and laughter, new friends and family.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4(p1), Chapter 4(p2), Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - Golf day
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A couple of days had passed since Midsummer. You haven't seen JJ and the Pogues since the night on the beach, and frankly, you couldn't stop thinking about it, more than anything about JJ, the way he hold on to you in the water, if you concentrated enough you could feel the shadows of his arms around your waist.
"Earth to y/n" Lane said snapping you out of your thoughts.
You blinked a couple of times "Sorry"
"What are you thinking?" She leaned his arms on the table.
"Nothing" you lied "just on how much do we have to wait for our food" you leaned back on your chair.
Lane laughed and rolls her eyes. You two were at the mainland, she had to do some errands for her mom and took you with her. The food arrived minutes later and looked delicious; you two kept talking through all the meal.
"Oh by the way" Lane started “I'm pretty sure my brother likes you"
You choke with your water "what?"
She laughed "Yeah he couldn't stop talking about how pretty you were at Midsummer and how funny you are" she winks at you.
“Oh…” you didn't know what to say.
“Don’t worry, you don’t have to tell me you like him, I’m just catching you up in that” you nodded “oh and Cooper gets very flirty” she warned with a smile on her face, you returned a shy smile and changed the subject asking her about Peter, knowing she will talk and talk about him, letting the Cooper thing to aside.
Lane was parking in front of your house when her phone starts buzzing. She answers and put Cooper on the speaker.
"Hey bro" she teases.
"Hey are you two back yet?" He asks at what Lanes answers yes "do you want to come and play golf with us?"
"Who are us?" She asks.
"Well me and the guys, Peter I think you know him" he teases back as Lane rolls her eyes.
"I don't know how to play golf" you said.
"Oh don't worry I'll teach you" he said quickly.
"5 minutes" Lane hung up and winked at you.
You got out of the car in some part of Figure 8 you haven't been before, the houses were twice as your and the backyard was basically a golf course, you saw Cooper and the others already playing in the distance and with Lane's arm looped in yours, you walked towards them.
"Hey" Lane said when you were close enough, letting your arm go.
Peter went straight to her, giving her a big hug, while Cooper appeared behind him to say hi to you.
"Are you girls ready?" He asked excitedly.
You two just nodded and say hi to the other three guys, Peter was taking care of Lane, even if she was a perfect player, she swung the club and hit the ball making it disappear in the air, everyone clapped at her. Cooper on the other hand was attached to you; he showed you all the clubs and explained to you their differences and when to use them. He made a couple of demonstrations on how to hit the ball, how to get in position, and how to make the perfect shot. You took the opportunity to look at him, the way his polo shirt stretched on his back with every move he made, marking his muscles, how he stuck out his tongue a little and bite it for concentration or how his eyes got brighter every time the ball disappeared in front of him.
"Now it's your turn" he said turning at you, taking you back to reality, and handed you the club he was using
"Ok" you grabbed it and placed yourself trying to imitate him "like this?" You asked.
"Bend your knees a little more" he said and you did it "ok shot"
You bite your lower lip for concentration and swing the club hitting the ball, it was awful, and the ball ended up like 10 feet away.
"Not bad" he chuckled.
"It was awful" you retorted.
"C'mon that was your first try, give yourself some credit" he laughed "try again" he puts a ball in the same place as the first one, but this time he got behind you, placing his hand in yours, you stiffened in surprise, feeling his chest pressed against your back “Relax” he chuckled in your ear causing you goosebumps, you nodded and let him guide you "much better" he said after hitting the ball that was now some 50 feets away. You tilted your head a little to look at him and smiled, a smirk already on his face.
JJ and Pope were on Heyward's boat they were going to deliver some groceries through Figure 8 as a favor for Pope’s dad.
"Thanks for coming with me JJ" Pope spoke.
"Always man," JJ said "easiest way to make 100 bucks anyway" the two laughed.
They got out of the boat with some of the grocery bags and started walking through the dock, taking different routes. They find each other again at the boat, ready two trip number two, this time going to the same house.
"Kooks in their natural habitat" mocked JJ nodding at the group of Kooks playing golf.
Pope rolls his eyes, none of them recognizing you in the distance, that until they get closer.
"Isn't that y/n?" Pope questions.
JJ looks up searching through the faces until he sees you, your laugh reaching his ears as you had your head tilted back and a golf club in your hands. He stops when he sees that you are laughing with Cooper, his grip getting tighter on the bags as heat grows inside him. JJ couldn't stop thinking about you since the night at the beach, the way your arms clutched on his neck, and the way your body felt on his arms, deep down he hoped that you felt the same way but from what he could see you didn't, you were doing just fine letting Cooper teach and guide you to make the right movements. He shook his head snapping himself out of his thoughts and nodded at Pope to keep walking. The two were ready to leave, JJ glanced over you one more time and for his bad luck, you saw him.
"Hey" you wave at the guys and jogged towards them.
"Y/n" Pope side hugged you "How are you?"
"I'm fine" you said getting closer to JJ but he took a step back, "you?"
"Fine, we were delivering some stuff from my dad" Pope explained.
“Cool” you and Pope saw JJ, he was extremely quiet. "How are the others?" You asked, looking at JJ.
"They are fine" he said, a blank stare on his face.
Pope frowned, knowing something was wrong with his friend "we are doing something at John B's place tonight" he said turning his head back to you "do you want to come?"
"Oh…" you started but JJ interrupted you.
"Actually is a Pogue thing, you can't come" he said sharply as Pope looked at him in confusion "don't know why Pope is inviting you" he looked at you with hardened eyes, "you are not part of the group anyway" with his last words you felt a knot forming in your stomach.
"Oh ok" that was everything you could mumble, feeling your cheeks turn red with embarrassment as something got twisted in your chest.
"Anyway I see you're kinda busy" he said bitterly narrowing his eyes at you, you felt the knot go up to your throat and tried your best to keep a serious face, not wanting to show them that his words hurt you "Have fun with your friends, kook princess" he snorted and turned his back walking away, leaving you and Pope standing there.
You felt frozen, as your heart shrinks in your chest "Sorry," said Pope and followed JJ.
You stayed there, looking at them go away. The sweet JJ from the other night disappearing in front of your eyes, making you think that it was all because of the alcohol.
"Y/n" Lane shouted.
You shook your head and put on a fake smile, walking towards the group of friends to keep playing. You tried your best not to get affected by what he said but you failed, your chest felt cold and sadness filled your body.
“Are you ok?” Cooper whispered after a while, worry on his face.
You looked up and smiled “yeah I’m good” your smile didn’t reach your eyes, and he noticed it, but instead of asking he just nodded, not wanting to make you uncomfortable.
Pope followed his friend in silence; JJ started the boat making his way back home, a couple of minutes into the ride Pope finally spoke.
“Mmm JJ?” he started.
“What was that about?” Pope asked.
“Just saying the truth” JJ kept his eyes in the front.
“That was kinda harsh don’t you think?” he didn’t answer “you didn’t see the look on her eyes but she was hurt” JJ’s eyes flickered, feeling bad for hurting you, but turned back to a void stare in a matter of seconds.
Later that day the two guys arrived at the Chateau, JJ went straight to the spare room that he claimed as his and snapped closed the door.
“What’s up with him?” Kie asked from the sofa.
“I don’t know” Pope replied.
At the end of the day Lane drove you home, telling you how much fun she had today, you got out of the car and smiled at her, just to go to your room and think about the encounter with JJ, his words stuck on your mind. You tend to overthink so now every encounter with him and the Pogues repeated in your head trying to find a hint on what you did wrong or how you didn't realize that they didn't like you.
The next day you were walking back home from one of the supermarkets, a couple of bags in hand, your headphones on, and music at all the volume, until a hand takes one off from behind. You turned around hoping to find a friendly face but no, it was Liam.
"What do you want?" You huffed.
"Can't I just come and say hi?" A wicked smile on his lips.
"Well you just did so bye" you gave him your back but he stopped you grabbing your shoulder "what?" you turned back.
"I just want to talk" he kept his grip "how are you doing?"
"I'm fine"
"I'm fine too thanks for asking" you rolled your eyes.
"Don't you have a new girlfriend to bother?" You asked.
He let out a little smile "she's busy right now"
"Me too, bye" you pulled from his grip and he let you go.
"So what is it going to be? Kooks or Pogues?" He asks.
"What?" You turned around.
"You know, at Midsummer you disappeared with the Pogues, and yesterday you were playing golf with Kooks"
"Are you spying on me or something?" You asked, starting to get angry.
"I don't need to honey… words travel fast" he smirked "so I bet that from the Pogues you are doing the Blondie and from the Kooks Cooper, I heard how he got behind you and all" he winked at you.
You turned your back at him and started to walk away "Be glad at least someone wants you on this Island" he speaks loudly but you ignore him "I bet I was better in bed anyway" he shouted.
You decided to ignore him again, even if your blood boiled with anger. You got inside your house tossing the bags on the kitchen counter and ran your hands through your hair; the house was unbearably quiet and you couldn't stand it, you took your keys and walked out. You were muttering stuff in your head, from Liam to JJ and Cooper, who is saying that stuff about you? Who believes them?. You walked and walked and without noticing it you arrived at the boardwalk, the day was beautiful, not a cloud in the sky and people took advantage of it, tourist filled the streets. The beach wasn't full but it wasn't empty either a couple of groups of people were sitting in the sand. This wasn't the beach from the other night but you couldn't help but remember everything again, from the drinks and the games to the night swimming. You shook your head, not wanting to remember the last part, and kept walking looking down at your feet.
"Y/n" you hear someone call after a while, you looked up to see Sarah and Kie walking towards you.
"Hey" you gave them a little smile.
"How are you?" Sarah asked.
"Long time no see" Kie spoke.
"I'm fine, just walking" you shrug.
"Do you want to join us?" Kie asked, pointing behind her. You glance at where she was pointing and recognized the three boys, when your eyes meet the back of JJ you hesitated as a knot forms in your throat remembering his words from yesterday. The girls notice it and look between each other.
"Don't worry I don't want to bother" you finally said and shook your head softly.
"What do you mean? You don't bother us" Sarah questioned.
"It's just that…" you started "JJ…" you felt stupid "maybe another day I was going back home anyway" you smiled at the two and started your way back. Your chest felt tight, maybe they didn't knew that JJ told you how they felt about you. The girls looked at each other again, confusion running in their eyes.
"Where's Y/n?" John B asked when the girls arrived back to them.
"She just ditched us" Sarah spoke.
"Oh that's weird," John B said.
Pope gave a quick glance to JJ, while he kept his eyes on the waves.
"What did you do?" Kie asked looking at JJ, making everyone look at him.
"What do you mean?" He said.
"She was going to say something, then she said JJ and then she just ditched us" she explained "all with this weird and hurt look, so what did you do?"
"I don't know what you're talking about" JJ lied and Pope snorted quietly, but not quiet enough.
"What do you know?" Kie talked to Pope, all eyes on him now. JJ rolled his eyes knowing Pope was going to tell everything "well?" She insisted.
Pope sigh "he was a little rude to her yesterday"
"What happened?" John B asked.
Pope sigh "We ran into her at Figure 8, she asked how you guys where and I asked her if she wanted to come to hang out at your place, then JJ said that she couldn't come because it was a just Pogues thing" the four frowned knowing that he kept something to himself “ and?” Kie insisted "and that she wasn't part of our group"
"Are you serious?" Kie asked JJ, mad.
"Why did you do that?" Sarah questions.
“Bro that just so… not cool” John B said.
"It's true isn't it?" JJ defended himself "she's not part of the group" The four rolled other eyes at JJ.
"At least gave her a chance! You know how hard is to make friends in a place like this?" Sarah said "and one day you are hugging her on the beach and the next you tell her she's not part of the group, what's wrong with you?"
"Yeah, If you don't want to admit you kinda like her that's your problem but we like her" Kie said.
JJ rolled his eyes "whatever I don't care"
"You’ll apologize to her" Kie stated.
"Fuck no" JJ turned back to the water.
"Fuck yes" Kie said getting in front of him "we are going tonight"
You arrived at your house a while ago and went straight to your room, you stayed there laying in your bed and looking at the ceiling, with your sad playlist playing in the background, you felt void not wanting to think or feel anything. You let go a long breath and rubbed your eyes, to your surprise your phone paused the music and started buzzing, you reached out to grab it and read "Amy" on the screen. Your best friend.
"Hey" you said.
"Hey" you heard her voice "guess what happened?" She said and started to tell you all the gossip back home. After almost half an hour of Amy talking she finished "what about you?" you sigh "what happened?"
"Not much"
"Don't lie, I can hear in your voice that you are sad, tell me" she insisted.
"Well" you stood up from your bed and went to the window "give me a second" you left the phone on your desk and opened it "first of all Liam is an asshole" you said sitting in the frame as she laughed in your ear.
"How do we know this is her place?" John B asked while parking in front of your house.
"I live three streets away, I think I know my neighborhood" Sarah spoke.
"Your turn Blonde" said Kie opening the back door as JJ rolls his eyes.
"Do I really have to do this?" He asked.
"Yes dude" said Pope, pushing him out.
JJ stepped outside the Van and sigh "fucking hate you all" he said and made his way to the house.
All the lights from the front were off, he didn't plan on knocking at the door so he sneaked his way to the backyard, hoping everyone was asleep. He saw the reflection of one of the lights and then heard your voice.
"I felt so embarrassed, I thought they liked me" you said and he stopped moving "I ran into them today, but I escaped" Silence "I just couldn't be there after everything he told me" JJ came a little closer to the voice, standing right under the window "maybe it's just him that doesn't like me but same you know? I mean I see him and I can hear him telling me all that again" you spoke "I don't know Amy that's a stupid move", "Oh talking about that Lane told me that her brother likes me" JJ clenched his jaw at the comment "He offered me to give me golf lessons" you said as his hands become fists "I don't know Amy, both of them are handsome but is very clear who wants me around and who doesn't", " yeah you should come and see that for yourself" you laughed.
JJ had enough and walked away, he knew you were talking about him in that conversation, he couldn't help but feel his chest get tight and weird cold filled him, he knew he hurt you the other day, but he couldn't help it, that's what he wanted, he was mad that you were with Cooper, the way he was touching you, his mouth on your ear,  his hands on your hands, it drove him crazy.
"Well?" Pope asks as JJ gets closer to the Van.
"She is sleeping" he lies and hops inside.
Thank you for reading! I hope you like it 💖 feedback is always appreciated 💕
Taglist: @victoria-a567 @indeedtryingforstraykids @slytherin-chaser @magicwithaknife @princessmugglecup @hannahhistorian92 @5am-cigarette @lovelogan @edgymuffin @brown-eyedshell @lcil123 @purple-vodka-99 @thecraziestcrayon @rafeyybabyy @pink-meringues
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cherrychonk · 3 years
The Transfer Part 9
*This bih is 4k+ long so to read it fully just follow them link*
“What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm annoying? What if-”
“Enough!” Lin raised her voice exasperated.
You had been pacing for the last ten minutes waiting for the ferry. You were rethinking the piercings and the short sleeve blouse. You kept your hands on your arms in an attempt to cover up. You felt too vulnerable for your liking and the anxiety started getting to you.
“Everything is going to be fine Y/N. Stop overthinking it. They are all very accepting of everyone’s differences. You won't be the reason they stop thinking this way.” She offered her knowledge. “The ferry is almost here, come down. Everything will be okay.”
You nodded, you were still nervous but not as much. The ferry arrived and both of you got on and some people started to stare at you. Lin would stare at them back until they got uncomfortable and minded their own business. You placed your hand on your lower back, the stress was making your stitches hurt, Lin saw this and placed her hand above yours.
“Is it hurting?” She asked softly.
“It happens when I get stressed, but if I apply a bit of pressure it helps.” You answer, you take your arm off but she keeps it on. You tried not to think of it too much but the warm blush was already spreading to your ears.
Soon the ferry arrives at the temple's docks and you both get out. You can see the long road ahead and sigh. You start walking alongside the earthbender until you reach a long line of stairs. You took the first step holding tightly onto Lin, a few more steps and you had to take a moment to breathe.
The chief looked at you and used her bending to make a platform under both of you. “Hold on.” She said as the platform started moving upwards. After a few minutes both of you were finally in the courtyard of the temple. A young girl with long hair and two buns made her way to you. She smiled and started asking questions rapidly.
“Are you Y/N? How old are you? Are you a firebender? Do you like animals? Can I see your tattoos? How many tattoos do you have? How many piercings do you have?”
You stood there a moment collecting the information before smiling back at her.
“Yes, 25, yes, also yes, sure, like 15? A few.”
She scanned you up and down and grabbed your arms. She started looking at them and flipping them to see the full picture.
“You're so cool and pretty!” The girl charmed as she stared.
“Ikki, leave her alone, she's tired.” Lin growled.
The girl seemed unfazed at Lin’s antics.
You chuckled “It's alright Chief. So you're Ikki? Nice to meet you, I like your buns.”
“It's my signature hairstyle.” She smirked as she touched her hair. “Come on, dinner's ready.”
You followed the girl inside where a tall man with blue arrow tattoos and a tan woman with short hair greeted you. Your eyes widened when you realized who the people in front of you were.
You bowed deeply and immediately winced. “Master Tenzin, Avatar Korra. It's an honor to be blessed with your presence.” You said formally with a smile.
“It's an honor to meet you officer Y/N, we've heard so much.” Tenzin said softly.
“Yes! But due to your back injury we would prefer you not to bow. It could hurt you more.”
You blushed and nodded. “I'm just in such awe to meet such incredible people.”
“We are very happy to meet you too.” A new feminine voice said.
You look up to see the one and only Asami Sato.
“Miss Sato!” You automatically bowed again and winced.
Asami laughed. “Let's go take a seat, I think your back would appreciate it.”
The heiress took your hand and guided you to the table where Kya, Amara and Pema were sitting. You also saw Mako and another man with green eyes sitting next to him. Lin sat on one of your sides while Asami sat on the other. There were two more kids, another girl with arrow tattoos and a boy with short black hair.
“Y/N this is Bolin, my brother.” Mako said, introducing you.
You reached over and shook his hand. “A pleasure to meet you Bolin, Your brother has told me great things about you.”
“Aww bro really?” Bolin said with teary eyes.
Mako scoffed. “You've already met Korra, Amara, Kya and Asami, so she's Pema.” He said pointing to the woman near Tenzin. “She's Tenzin’s wife and mother to Ikki, Jinora and Meelo, the kids next to her.”
“I'm happy to meet all of you.” You said smiling. The pain started once more and you tried to reach behind you but the position was awkward.
Lin leaned into you. “You need help with that?”
You blushed but nodded, her hand went to your lower back applying steady preaching. You sighed in relief. “Thank you” You could see a blush as she nodded and couldn't help but grin.
“So, Y/N…” Korra started. “Let me start by saying that I LOVE your style.”
You smiled. “Thank you Avatar Korra.”
“Just Korra is fine.” She looked at Asami. “You look really cool, I mean when we saw the pictures in the newspaper it was blurry so we didn't get to see the details.”
“But your tattoos are amazing! It makes you look even more beautiful than you already are.” Asami finished.
You were blushing profusely. “Oh thank you honestly. They are just as much part of me as my hair.”
Kya knew the two women were enjoying flustering you. So she charged in to help you ease your nerves.
“How are you finding the city so far?” The waterbender asked.
“Oh! It's been really cool!” You smiled. “I haven't been able to see a lot since I'm working a lot but there's a cafe I'm falling in love with. It's close to the precinct and they sell the best strawberry and cream biscuits I've ever tasted.” You gush.
“Oh you like sweets? You have to try Kya’s fruit tart, it's the best thing ever.” Korra responded smiling.
“Yeah! Oh and you should go to a noodle place we know, they sell the best noodles!” Bolin said to you.
“I'll definitely try it out!”
You had been in the conversation so long that you didn't even notice Lin’s hand off your back. You looked at her discreetly but she was focused on a conversation with Kya.
“Are you single?” Meelo asked boldly.
“Yup.” You said looking back at him.
“Do you like boys or girls?” Ikki asked.
“Women.” You answer carefully.
Lin looked at you and took a sip of her tea. The gesture didn't go unnoticed.
“Me too!” Bolin said smiling.
“That's nice to know Y/N, we'll have to introduce you our clubs and places.” Kya sais smiling.
“So Y/N, tell us about yourself. What's your story?” Asami asked.
“My story?” You looked at her quizzically.
“Yeah, who is Y/N? What happened that made you end up here as a police officer?” Korra asked.
“Oh well I think that story is far too long and boring.” You chuckled.
“We are listening.” Pema said softly.
You suddenly felt every eye in the room looking at you, your nerves grew and you started feeling anxious again. You looked up at Lin and she gave you a nod.
“Okay well, I'll go chronologically? So it doesn't confuse anyone so much?”
“Sure!” Korra said happily.
You smiled. “Okay here we go. My name is Y/N L/N, I was born here in Republic City but I've lived in Ba Sing Se since I was a child. I'm a firebender like both my parents.
“When I was born my mother moved us to Ba Sing Se, when I was two my father left us. I have no memories of him and can't remember his face, I just know that his departure hurt my mother greatly. My mom was a strict woman, everything had to be perfect for her including me. She would spar with me from the moment I could bend, it was something we bonded over… or I thought we did.
“She wasn't very emotional, hugs and kisses we're definitely not her language. But that didn't mean I didn't love her greatly, she and my father will always hold a place in my heart. I grew to respect my element and be thankful for my life and the things I was given. I loved making friends and taking care of animals.
“When I was seven my mother left and I was all on my own. A farmer took me for a while until a real foster family could take me in. and honestly? It was the worst. I ended running away from them and later on ended running from every single foster family I ever got. I became an orphaned runaway.”
“So you're an orphan?” Mako asked.
“Yup!” You said like it was nothing.
“We are orphans too!” Bolin said.
“Me too.” Asami said more shyly.
“I mean it's not bad, I took care of things.” You responded, taking a sip of tea.
“How did you survive on the streets so young?” Lin asked.
“I joined a local pack of kids. We were all stealing and getting into trouble. I was very slick with my hands, could take your socks without taking off your boots.”
“Literally?” Bolin asked.
“Literally, you’d be surprised.” You laughed.
Lin looked at you sternly.
“Hey, I had to stay alive somehow. Besides, it caught up to me. I would always have trouble with the law and one day Chief Lei Ba got sick of my shenanigans and arrested me after stealing cabbages-”
“Cabbages?! From all the things to steal, why cabbages?!” Mako asked in disbelief.
“It wasn't for me! I found a goat gorilla in a cage! Poor thing looked awfully skinny and someone had to feed it!”
“Okay, okay what happened next?” Kya asked intrigued.
“Well he took me in, handcuffs and everything. It was like every other time. He took me in, arrested me, wrote about my crime, scolded me and sent me off. Only this time he didn't send me off. He took me to his office, sat me down and threw a few logs onto his fireplace.”
Lin wondered if this was the part where something bad happened that made you fear fire. She was on the edge listening to you.
“He looked at me-” You continued. “And took my file that was filled with my transgressions and threw it on the fire.”
“What?!” Amara asked, amazed.
You laughed. “Let me finish! He scolded me about what I did and after that we stayed quiet. He then told me he had found a family in the Fire Nation that would adopt me and give me a new life. They were soldiers themselves but had a few kids and agreed to take me in, per the chief’s request. I guess they were friends or something. Or, he would take care of me and take me off the streets, he was going to be strict and there would be a lot of rules but those were the only options I had.”
“And you chose to stay.” Lin responded.
“Yup, I chose to stay. It was hard at first but I made it out and thrived. He took me in as his own and gave me a new life. I became his shadow and did everything to try and make him proud. I graduated school early and as soon as I grabbed the diploma I was running down to the academy’s door enlisting myself. He almost had a stroke when he found out.”
“But, I was first in my class. Worked my a- buttoff every day. Did extra, worked more, fought more, study more and at the end it was all so worth it.”
Lin could see the shine in your eyes as you talked.
“I remember the day of my graduation. When the chief gave us all our badges, I was the last one in line. The runt of the litter. He shook my hand, placed my badge and looked me in the eyes and-”
You felt your eyes water. “He said… I'm so proud of you Y/N. So very proud.” You wiped a tear that fell from your eye. “I managed not to cry until after the ceremony but when we were walking back home we hugged and I cried for hours.”
“The first day everyone already knew me, I mean, I'm the chief’s daughter so it's not like I was a stranger. But finally, finally I felt like I had a family again. The rest is history.” You smiled.
Bolin was crying like a little kid while Lin looked at you with glossy eyes.
“Wow, that's… it reminds me of my own story.” Mako said smiling. “This job means a lot to me too.”
“It's more than a job, it's who I am. Helping people, being there for the ones in need, it's… it's my calling.”
“Wait wait! What about the tattoos!?” Ikki asked expectantly.
“Oh my tattoos?” You chuckled. “I got drunk one night with the rest of the officers and we got our badge numbers tattooed. I woke up with the ink in my arm, it was just the numbers and it made it look like I was some sort of prisoner so I went back later on to add some flowers around it and that's how it started.”
You showed the old tattoo on your arm.
“What's your favorite tattoo??”
“This badgermole someone very special drew for me.” You said showing your bicep, it was a scribble drawing of a badgermole’s head.
“It looks so ugly! Badgermoles dont look like that!” Meelo said with no filter.
“Meelo!” Pema scolded.
“It looks like it's been drawn by a child.” Asami said looking at it.
“Yup, little Eliah. That kid will stay in my heart forever.”
“Ooh! What's the story?” Bolin asked, resting his head on his palms.
“He was a sick boy that wanted to be a police officer, so I convinced the Chief to make him an honorary officer. He agreed as long as I was the one taking responsibility for him. So I did, made him my little partner. We did traffic stops, tickets, arrests, chases.”
“You took a child to a chase?” Lin asked.
“I always took care of him!” You said quickly.
“He was the sweetest. I remember how happy he was being a police officer. But of course he got worse until he was on his deathbed. We would visit him every day and bring some reports to tell him how things were going that day. He asked for my favorite animal and I told him. He drew this-” You said pointing to your bicep. “And I got it tattooed. My artist even made a stencil so we could have matching tattoos. When I showed it to him he was ecstatic laughing and as vivacious as ever. It made me so happy.”
“He passed away two days later and we gave him an official police burial. With escort and everything. We laid him down with the rest of our fallen officers and we watched over his mother. He was the only family she had so it was hard for her but we stood by her. A year later she died of the same illness.”
“Wow…” Kya said with wide eyes. “That's a lot…”
“You must be proud that you allowed that child to have the life he wanted.” Tenzin spoke.
“He was our little brother.” You said, sighing.
“I'm going to get a lot of tattoos like yours!” Ikki said with a smirk. “It's going to be so cool and I'm going to look tough like you and aunt Lin!”
You smiled back at the young girl. “You can be just as tough as the Chief without tattoos. She doesn't have any and she can strike fear in anyone by just narrowing her eyes.”
The earthbender looked at you in a glare. You chuckled nervously. “See? Terrifying.”
Ikki crosses her arms. “But I want to have cool tattoos like you!”
You thought about it for a moment before smiling. “You sure you want tattoos like mine? What's wrong with the blue arrows? They are super cool!”
“No they aren't! They are so boring!”
“Hey!” Jinora said offended.
“Besides, I want many different ones instead of just one full tattoo.”
You nodded. “You know, when you reach adulthood, I know an artist that does amazing work and has been in the industry for decades.”
Ikki beamed. “Really?!”
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dreamiesdotcom · 3 years
you've been fooled! | p.js
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Summary: There's something about coffee, breathless moments, and watching memories of the many April 1st you've shared that makes it so hard to resist.
Word Count: 2.1k
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You've always been fine with being alone. Being alone afforded you silence, and that's all that you need to have the illusion of peace of mind. That's why months before entering this school, you considered it your mission to not get too much attention on you — if possible, none at all.
Only that it fails the moment you step in, an angel-faced boy asking you if God sent you to this school to guide him.
'No, my parents are the one who sent me here and it's so that I can get an education, not babysit kids.' You politely said, and now you can't even count how many people keep on praising you for doing that! How rare is it to see someone tell others to leave them alone? You swore that one more person trying to talk to you when you're trying to have a sandwich and you're —
"New kid?" a voice rings from behind you, and you turn your head back a little so you could see who's speaking. He grimaces a bit. "Oh, Y/N from the rival school, huh. I've heard fun things about you."
...perfect. Now, you can forget your mission and die.
Your day instantly glooms, and you turn back to your meal. All your plans of starting fresh has just been washed away, and you take an angry bite off your sandwich before someone completely ruins lunch for you.
"If it's about that video, leave me alone."
"Donghyuck! Oh God, I'm so sorry..." suddenly comes another boy, slightly panting as he pats the mean one's shoulder a little too harshly. His eye-smile makes it a little better.
"Hyuck's not trying to be mean, he just speaks like that. 'm so sorry!!!"
You squint at him, skeptical.
"Oh, I meant when you told Jaemin to back off when he tried to flirt with you on the hallways." Ah, that. What a fresh start, huh?
Said Donghyuck scratches his nape, looking sheepish as he takes the seat beside you. "Did I sound like I was picking a fight again?"
You chuckle to yourself. That probably explains the cut on his lips pretty well.
"Yeah, you kinda did. Sorry, bro, but I would've slapped you."
"What a way to spend your first day, then." He rolls his eyes, motions for his friends to move tables, who does with little hesitation, "Welcome to this hell hole! It's not the best, but it's as good as Satan's den could be."
You laugh, but you quickly notice curious stares directed at you. The person in front of you smiles shyly and looks away when you meet gazes, and honestly, you don't know how you went from there to a year later, Park Jisung shamelessly holding out a drink at your direction.
"Just drink it, it's iced chocolate! I made it myself!"
"That's nice, Sung... but I only drink coffee." you warily smile, "I don't like sweet things."
The sly smirk Renjun sends you from the other side of the table only encourages your little act, and it takes you all the self-control you could muster to not crack up then and there. Of course, you know what day it is. Of course, you're not gonna fall for his antics, nor the kicked-puppy expression he wears as he insists, "Liar! You live for sweets!"
But, you must admit that it did make you waver.
"No? I like strongly flavored stuff, Sungie," you point out with a grimace. Just for show, you point to Jaemin's cup beside you. "Like this: Nana's coffee, really bitter and strong. This is what I like."
Chenle holds in his laughter. "Since you made it yourself, why don't you just drink it?"
Jisung's eyes widen, "What? No!"
"Drink, Sungie!" comes in chants, alongside multiple repeated versions of 'Jisung! Jisung!' seems to hit something much like his pride, and he lifts it with an expression not suitable for the situation; he looked way too afraid of the chocolate drink. Everyone's holding in their giggles as they watch Jisung grimace and take a gulp out of the cup, trying to play cool even though he chokes not even moments later. Your smile widens.
The salt must be a nice twist.
What a classic, huh? Donghyuck grins, Cheshire and smug, and then he claps.
"Happy April Fool's day, everyone! Park Jisung has fooled himself!"
No way in the world are the only words circulating in your head as you pace around, and it's not at all helping. You heave a big sigh only to hiss at him, "What do you mean 'no pranks this year'?"
He shrugs and flops down his bed, "You know we're running out of ideas since Christmas."
"Oh," you widen your eyes, dropping down next to him with your palms covering your face in disappointment. You peek through your fingers, "This is bad."
The plastic stars you've plastered on his ceiling together with Renjun look sickly green at the moment and everything feels out of place. After all, what is April 1st without pranks? What's gonna happen now? You thrash around the bed. You muffle a scream and just hope that he'd open his mouth and come up with something.
"Hey, what about we go on a date as a prank?"
And as usual, his mouth is better off closed.
"Is this your way of flirting, or is this your way of asking me out?"
Jisung makes a confused sound, "What? It's gonna make them freak out, what do you mean?"
"Are you acting out on your feelings or do you actually think that's a good idea?" you take your hands off your face, sitting up and then shrugging at him, "Lines blurred."
"Err. Could be a prank, I guess..." he follows suit, sitting cross-legged in front of you. He smiles, "Unless... you want it to be a real date?'
"Dude, I don't know. When did you get this confidence? Years ago you were stuttering around me." You huff, not knowing where this conversation is going, but a flush creeps on your cheeks. You look down on your fingers as you mumble out the next words, "But if it is... well, sure. I'll go on a real date with you."
You didn't know what falling in love felt like, but in the middle of his room, something felt way too raw and surreal. What is it that says so much about him? Is it the plastic stars? The globe laying on his desk? The map taped at the side of the room? The way dull blue paints his walls, or the way constellations speckle his eyes? Maybe it's the yellow hoodie he's wearing? You don't know which, but right now, something feels strange — something in the scent of cinnamon and cocoa and shades of yellows and blues just feels unabashedly Jisung, and somehow, you just thought that it must be like this.
It should be legal to feel this good.
"Ha! You're kissing, aren't you— oh..."
You both startle to look at where the door swings open, everyone in your friend group standing behind an accusing Jaemin, each one of them looking at him with the eyes of murder. You crack up a laugh, falling over the bed laughing; alone is slightly less entertaining of a thought when you have friends.
"Aish, Na Jaemin —" Jisung groans, standing up while clapping at the older. "Happy April Fool's,  you've fooled yourself."
Knees pressed together, head down low, eyes closed, mind empty. Anguished and cold.
"But I've tried my best...." you dejectedly whisper, holding the paper in your hands that said 'Second' in silver delicate swirls. You look up to her with hopeful eyes, "All I need is a chance, mom. You see, Renjun's really good at that subject, he could help me—"
"Those friends again! 'You see', this is why you didn't make it as top of your class!"
"It's... it's one subject, mom. If I try harder, I can —"  you scramble to explain, chasing after her as she moves up the stairs. "You're... mom, you're not taking me away, aren't you?"
The despair in your tone doesn't even shake her. "One day. Go have your fun, and then we'll leave. I'll ask your brother to focus on you more."
"Mom, no! We said that if I study well here, I won't have to leave!"  you reason out. "I really like it here, and I have important people here, and I'm trying hard. We agreed that I'd get to stay if I don't cause trouble, and mom— mom, no, listen!"
"That's my choice. It's for the betterment of your academics—"
"But what about the betterment of my life? What about my choice, mom?"  you hate the way you feel so weak and your voice cracks, but through the blur of fears and your unshed tears, you croak out, "What about me?"
Anguished and cold. So cold, freezing. So loved and all on your own.
"Last time you made a choice, you shamed yourself and this family. You don't deserve your freedom, Y/N." She grimaces. The memory fills your gut with guilt, "And look at you, answering back at your own mother! It's those friends, isn't? They've ruined you more than you've already ruined yourself!"
Quickly enough, the remorse is gone and anger floods you. How dare she?! You look up to her in disbelief, "This is about you ruining my trust, mother. Not them."
"The boy, then." she muses, and it's where you decide that there's no changing her mind. "Love, Y/N, will get you nowhere at the moment."
But it's what kept me alive until now.
You inhale sharply at your thoughts. How does one make forever out of a day?
Maybe you can walk every street, every corner. That date you and Jisung never got to go to, you could do that too because heaven knows how much you wanted that. Maybe you can go take them anywhere, somewhere, and waste away. Maybe you could fall asleep staring at the stars, sharing your dreams, and maybe, just maybe, time wouldn't matter. Better yet, maybe you can change your mother's mind.
Maybe if you just try again, this time much fiercer although you've always been the fiercest, it might be possi—it's impossible. You realize it's impossible as you look out the car windows, watching the city change landscapes in blurs.
Maybe it's really just a different kind of heartbreak to be doing all that you could and still not get the results you wanted. More than it proved that now is not your time again, it also made you feel like a failure. Like you're lacking, insufficient. Never enough.
But you really, really thought you could stay. You hoped.
"Happy April Fool's..." you whispered to no one but yourself, meeting your mother's gaze as she smiles at you through the rearview mirror. You lean your head to the glass, eyes closed and mumbling under your breath, smiling on your own, "I've fooled myself."
And just like that, you were alone again.
"Good Morning, may I take your order?"
You press your lips in a thin line as you hear the muffled voice, phone in between your shoulders and ear as you search for your pouch somewhere around your bag. Hurriedly, you muster up your words, "Oh, yes, good Morning too! Just one Iced Americano, please—"
That voice... who?
Looking up, your heartbeat halts, and you try not to look so stunned, something you miserably failed. At least, that's what you read in his amused expression. You stay in silence as you wait for him to finish up your drink, carefully pushing your card towards him as you take your drink from his hold.
"I... I see you're still helping Yongie, huh?" you smile softly, hesitant. "Thank you, Jisung."
Flashbacks, sweet smiles, children at play every day of the year no matter how old — free. When was the last time you've missed such freedom?
He returns the favor, that saccharine expression, and you drag yourself out of the place before you decide to do something stupid. Why is it so easy to see the past years when you're watching it flash by through his eyes?
Standing outside the Cafe wistfully, you look at your cup, tracing over his messy handwriting of your name, basking on the nostalgia of seeing the same hastily written letters that somewhere in time occupied most of your cards, notebooks, and journals. A fond chuckle leaves your lips as you read the post-it note attached.
Happy April Fool's day!
I thought I'd give you hell once you come back for leaving, but well, Park Jisung's fooled himself, huh? My number's still the same. Let's talk sometime soon.
I missed you.
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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Chapter Three: A New Home and Revelations
Summary // Chapter List / Masterlist
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A/N: feedback is always accepted especially with this as I’d love to know your thoughts.
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As Brooke walked through the airport she was glad to finally be able to stretch her legs. She had never been that good at flying so now it was over at least she could take a breath and somewhat relax. To the world she looked like a confident twenty one year old exploring the world but inside she felt like the scared little eight year old she once was.
Finally after scanning the arrivals hall she saw a couple holding a sign with her name written on. It took her a second to start walking towards them but as she did she felt a sense of familiarity about them, like she had met them in a past life. Taking a deep breath she pushed the feelings aside, smiling at them as she walked closer.
“Brooke right?” The woman smiled softly at her.
“Yeah that’s me” Brooke nodded as the guy took her suitcase from her.
“I’m Chris and this is my wife Laura” he smiled.
They quickly sensed that Brooke wasn’t in the mood for talking as they walked through the airport.
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The drive to her new home was quiet, which she was grateful for, all she wanted to do was eat and take a nap. It had been a long flight, but she had a feeling that she wouldn’t be able to get a nap for a while.
Looking out the window she watched the trees and scenery as she headed to her new home. Soon enough the car came to a stop at a large set of metal gates. This was it, this would be home for who knows how long. She watched as Chris spoke to the guys guarding the gate. Pulling her headphones out she paused her music to listen to what they were saying but it was all in whispers so she gave up. The sound of a familiar rumble in the distance caught her attention. She knew that sound anywhere. As they drove into the property Brooke was shocked this place was huge, there were bikes racing about and a lot of fit guys. Maybe this place wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Once the car was parked she climbed out of the car, stretching her back, feeling the soothing of her bones cracking.
“Come on, first stop is meeting the president” Chris said as he hauled her suitcases out of the car.
“Is this some kind of democracy? Like you have your own President” Brooke said raising her eyebrow. Where the hell as she.
“All will come clear” Chris laughed holding his lighter out to light Brooke’s cigarette as well as his own “I have a feeling you are going to fit in perfectly”
Soon enough they were standing in a room that looked like an office, Brooke looked around seeing all of the pictures lining the white walls. Wherever she was, it looked like a big family.
"Prez this is Brooke her family sent her to live with me and Laura" Chris said nodding at the blonde who smiled, awkwardly waving a small wave as two more guys appeared.
One of them definitely caught her attention, and she couldn’t help but smirk. His golden hair, bright blue eyes and bulging muscles covered in tattoos. He was definitely a god and definitely Brooke’s type. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad living here with the eye candy she thought. Before mentaly scolding herself for practically drooling over the blonde god.
She was in a complete world of her own so she didn’t realise that the other guy was staring at her rather intently.
“Urm mate take a photo it lasts longer” she sassed “in fact scratch that I don’t know what the hell you would do with it.” All the guy could do was smirk which annoyed her.
“I mean the sass is there” he chuckled as he studied her face a bit harder. “Wait, it can’t be. Please tell me this isn’t a joke”
“Urm” Brooke said, extremely confused as everyone stared at her. To make matters more confusing everything and everyone seemed so familiar. Like she had been here before. There was something about this place that felt like home.
“Please tell me you actually brought her home” the dark haired guy said on the verge of tears.
"sorry don't know what you are on but I've never been here in my life" Brooke snapped as she fiddled with her lighter in her pocket.
“Yeah it’s definitely her Bro” Blonde god grinned.
“Can someone just tell me what the fuck is going on” Brooke huffed. She always hated being kept in the dark. Before she could process what was going on she the air was squeezed out of her in a bone crushing hug.
“I think you need to take a seat as we have some things to explain” Blonde god said, the power that radiated off him made Brooke want to submit to his every word. “Where have you been all this time?”
“Long story short, living in London, like causing trouble. Caused said trouble and my adopted parents sent me to live here and now I’m hella confused and I don’t like it” Brooke said as she played with her thumb ring, the one this she always did when she was nervous.
Around two hours had passed and Brooke learned that the dark haired guy was James, her older brother and blondie was Xavier. She was part of this family before she was kidnapped when she was around eight. Which tallied up with all her memories of the foster homes and that time she didn’t like to think about let alone mention. Every question or piece of information the boys have her made her head spin even more. She had so many questions but had no idea where to start. Whether it was from the confusion or lack of sleep she felt her eyes get heavy before everything went black.
The lads watched as Brooke’s knees gave way, without a second though Xavier was by her side wrapping his arms around her waist so she didn’t crash onto the floor. Adjusting his grip he laid her on the sofa that was in the office. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. The last time her saw her she was the shortest sassiest little eight year old known to man. He was honestly speechless as the woman laid in front of him.
“I can’t believe it’s her” he mumbled as he ran his hand through his hair. “I didn’t think we’d see her again” he took in her features but a couple of things caught his eye as her jacket slipped off her shoulder revealing some nasty scars, most of which looked like burns apart from the six inch scar that was definitely from a knife. Anger ran through his veins as his blood boiled, this was his bumble bee and he was ready to find the bastard that did this to her and make him pay for laying his hands on the girl.
“Xav” James called “now isn’t the time to be thinking about revenge okay, we need to take things slow this is a lot to take in”
“Yeah you are right” Xav sighed, pushing himself to his feet. Before walking out of the office, he needed some air.
“Xavier please tell me my eyes aren’t deceiving me and that was actually Brooke I saw go into your fathers office” hi mum smiled.
“Yeah mom it is” Xavier nodded.
“And you aren’t happy about that no?” She said softly knowing the internal battle her son was having.
“I couldn’t protect her mom” he sighed not making eye contact as his mind filled with the events of that day “that day was the worse day ever, I told her I wouldn’t let anything happen to her but I didn’t follow her and she’s been through god knows what”
It was Brooke’s eight birthday party, the compound was buzzing with excitement, as they were getting everything set up for the princess of the club.
Xavier barged into Brooke’s room to find her sitting on her bed colouring some unicorn.
"Bumble you wanna to come down to the pool with me and James" Xavier grinned watching her green eyes light up causing her to drop her crayon.
"get out of my room then you big oaf" she giggled trying to push him out of the room.
Xavier grinned even though he was 5 years older, everyone knew he would do anything for Brooke, their bond was like no other and she always went to him is she was upset or needed a cuddle after having a bad dream. Within five minutes he felt a small hand grab his before being pulled towards the pool.
“Last one there smells” Brooke shouted already running off, with her panda bear safely tucked under her arms, before reaching the edge of the pool, dropping the panda on the lounge chari and jumping into the water, not wasting any time.
The hours passed and the place was filled with giggles as the three of them messed about in the pool, until Brooke was growing tired and climbed out of the water.
"I'm going to go for a walk" she grinned pulling her dress over her wet bathing suit and grabbed her panda.the bear she took everywhere since Xavier won it at the fair for her last year.
"OK B stay where we can see you" James smiled as he tackled Xavier dunking him under the water.
After about 20 minutes that’s when there was an ear piercing scream that could be heard around the compound making everyone freeze. That was Brooke’s scream. The boys clambered out of the pool so fast running over to where the scream came from but they couldn’t see anything and were soon ordered by their fathers to go wait in the clubhouse.
Xavier sighed as the memory replaced in his mind.
“I should have followed her, I should have been there to protect her. I broke my promise to her” he said blinking back the tears that had formed.
"Hey you didn't know son" his dad said putting his hand on his son's shoulders.
"The thing is she doesn't even remember us, that’s what’s killing me more than anything, she doesn’t remember her family” Xavier snapped as the tears threatened to fall. "I'm going on a ride" He muttered leaving the room. He needed to clear my head, he was future president of the Blackstar Mc and he couldn’t let people see him like this. See him so weak.
One thing caught his eye as he stood on the main steps to the club house. A perfectly white kawasaki ninja pulled up the drive but he didn’t recognise the bike nor the number plate. He was so caught up over the bike he didn’t even realise that James was now by his side.
"Xav we need to talk" James said. Xavier knew what this was going to be about. "I'm talking to you as my best friend and not how a future vp would to his future prez right" he said running his hand through his hair.
"Ok bro fire away" Xavier nodded, sparking his smoke.
"I know how much you are tearing up right now, but we all are. We just found Brooke after so many years” James said “but I know that look Xav, that’s your I want this girl to be mine look”
“I can’t help it” Xavier sighed.
"I know bro, I know" James sighed "I just want to say I am fine with you being with her and couldn't think of a better person to be with her, but please protect her and don't freak her out because there are a lot of things we are going to have to explain to her." Xavier knew where James was coming from at the end of the day she was his blood.
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dolanssunshine · 3 years
𝗨𝗻����𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲. | 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗜𝗜
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: None.
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1732
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𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐬𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
   IT'S DAY TWO of the guys, and I taking a road trip up to Lake Tahoe. Ethan and a couple of friends, and I will go on a hike on the house's hiking trail. After I got dressed, I waited for Ethan, who takes at least an hour to get dressed every morning. Finally, when he came out of his room, we left for the woods.
  We walked up and down hills, and I had to hear Ethan complain the entire time.
"Honestly, Grayson, was this necessary?" Ethan asked as we walked up a hill.
"Yes, it was." I answered him making our friends laugh.
"No, it wasn't. This is ridiculous; my legs hurt, and I think I have poison ivy," Ethan complained.
"Stop being a little bitch, and come on." I accused jokingly, walking ahead of him.
  The further we walked, the more I enjoyed being in the wild. Ethan and I, along with two of our friends, continued to walk on the trail when I look up to see the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. She had a gorgeous face, dark hair tied into a high ponytail, yoga pants that hugged her curves, and a nice size pair of boobs on her. I couldn't help but stare as the girl smiles at what her friends were saying. As we got closer, she looks up, and our eyes meet. I realized she's the girl that's staying in the house across the lake.
   I didn't even realize Ethan or my friends were calling me until Ethan snaps his fingers in my face. "What?"
"Why are you staring at that girl so hard?" He wondered bemusedly. If he followed my line of vision, he would see who I'm averting my eyes at her.
"Do you not see her? How can I not stare at her? She's gorgeous, bro." I crooned. This girl is a sight to see.
"Go talk to her." One of my friends urges me.
"Nah." I shook my head.
"Bro, she's right there; just go say hey." Ethan chuckled, patting me on the shoulder.
  Letting out a heavy sigh, I nodded. As I was about to walk over to the girl, she beat me to it.
"Well, look who we have here." Her angelic voice beams.
"It's the Dolan Twins." The girl with long dark hair next to her smiles.
"We are such fans of you guys. You two are funny." My angel from above laughs.
"Uh, thanks." I hear Ethan stutter out.
"Well, I'll let you guys go on. You probably want to explore nature and things like that, so I'll let you guys be." My angel smiles and walks away.
  Before she got too far, I stopped her. "Hey, wait."
   She stops and turns around. "Yea?"
"Aren't you the girl who moved into the big house across the lake?" I inquired, unsure.
"Yes, why?" She questions, nodding.
"We're staying in the smaller cabin across the lake from you." I hesitated nervously.
"No way." One of her friends laughs.
"Yea." I nodded.
"Well, since we're neighbors of somewhat...how would you guys like to come to hang out with us. The guys are barbecuing; we're going to try out the jet skis; it'll be fun." My angel explains to me.
  I turned to look back at Ethan and our friends, and they all nodded in agreement. "Sure, we'll be there."
"Awesome." She smiles before walking away.
   As I watched her walk away, I wanted her to stay to hear her voice. I turned to walk with Ethan and our friends, who patted my back, cheering. Finally, we made it back to the cabin and showered before we got in the car and drove to the house across the lake. There were a couple of guys riding on the jet skis as the girls watched. From where I stood, I can see the girl I ran into laying in the sun.
   The sun made her skin look faultless. It seems like she's lustrous, in my opinion. So many thoughts were running in my head at how good she looks.
"Snap out of it." Ethan laughs, snapping his fingers in my face.
"Asswipe," I grumbled, shaking my head.
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𝐀𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
 I laid with Rachael and Nyeli, sun tanning on the dock, when Rachael taps my arm, pointing behind us. Sitting straight up, I turn to see none other than the Dolan Twins and their friends talking with the guys. Boy, does Grayson look good with the way the sun made his skin look? So many dirty things are run him through my head right now. How is it possible to look that godly?
"Holy greek god, he looks good." I gasped, looking him up and down.
"So does Ethan." Rachael attracted, biting her bottom lip.
"You girls are something else." I hear Nyeli laugh as she shakes her head.
"Let us lust in peace." Rachael jokes, rolling her eyes.
"Yea, let us lust in peace," I said to Nyeli in a chiding tone.
  As the guys continue to talk to the twins, my eyes never left Grayson; I couldn't take my eyes off Grayson Bailey Dolan. The things I could do to him if given a chance, I'd run my tongue all down his sculpted body down to his - okay, let me stop. Tearing my eyes away from him, I placed my sunglasses on my face and laid down in the sun. Thirty minutes passed, and some of the guys were in the water with the girls on the jet skis.
"Hey, Mandy, come join me on the jetski," Rachael says, waving me over.
  Rolling my eyes, I stood up and walked into the water, and hopped on the jetski behind Rachael. One of the guys pushed us into the water further, and Rachael turns on the jetski then takes off. I held onto my best friend's waist as she makes left and right turns. As the wind blew in my face, I could see on the dock Grayson and his brother staring at us. We laughed, going around on the jetski racing against Summer and Nyeli.
  The four of us laughed while getting off the jetskis as we walked on land.
"That's was so fun." Summer giggles.
"Hell yea." Rachael agreed.
  We sat on the balcony on the back of the house, looking over the beautiful scenery.
"You know he was staring at you," Rachael commented, nudging my with her arm.
"Who? Grayson?" I questioned.
"Yea, I saw that too." Nyeli nods.
"Oh, I guess," I spoke sheepishly, shrugging my shoulders.
"Now, you know you felt something when you noticed that." My best friend tells me.
"I'm not gonna say I did, but I don't even know him," I answer her honestly as I shrugged.
"So, just because you don't know him, it doesn't mean you can't feel anything for him," Rachael states shaking her head.
  Rolling my eyes, we continue talking until the guys called us down to roast some marshmallows. As we sat around the fire, everyone talked with each other.
"I'm so glad we can get away from school," Adam groans, head titled back.
"For real, I was so exhausted with all the essays," I agree, nodding my head, biting into my s’more.
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𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐬𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
   Even when she speaks, it sounds like music to my ears. Her voice is sweet and velvety smooth. I watched her talk with her friends smiling. Man, her smile is even beautiful. The way her cheeks look chubby made her look even cuter.
  Wait, Grayson, you don't even know her name. I can still admire her beauty.
"Hey, what's that girl's name?" I asked one of the guys.
"Who?" Joel, whose name I found out earlier, asked.
"The one in the white shirt," I answered, trying not to stare.
"That's Amanda. Why you like her?" Another boy named Adam smirks.
"What? N-No, she's the one who invited us." I replied as my cheeks turned red.
"Oh, when they went hiking this morning?" Joel's friend Gabriel questions.
"Yea," I answer, nodding.
"Well, yea, her name is Amanda, and the girl to her right is Rachael." Joel nods.
"Is she single?" My friend Jace inquires.
"Why don't you ask her," Adam replies, laughing.
"You think I should?" Jace asked my brother and me.
"You don't want to seem...desperate or thirsty." Our other friend Heath tells him.
"You're right." Jace nods.
  As we're talking, I notice Amanda glancing at me up and down before talking with her friends. The things this girl does to me, and I barely know her. She might be the one for me.
"So, are all of you in college?" Heath wondered, looking at Joel.
"Yea, we are." Gabriel nods.
"What classes are they taking?" Ethan questions referring to Amanda and Rachael.
"Business management." Adam answers.
"They want to open a business together," Joel replies, nodding.
"That's cool," I commented.
"Yea, that is." My brother agrees.
"What kind of business do they want to open together?" I asked him curiously.
"I think a restaurant because Amanda's grandma is a fantastic cook, and she wants to et her food out there," Gabriel explains.
  I nodded my head understanding what he explained. Not only is she beautiful she's smart and knows what she wants in life.
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𝐀𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
   The campfire is going well. Grayson kept sending me glances which made me feel nervous inside. I had to admit it, though. He's so gorgeous, with the shadow from the fire illuminated his chiseled, handsome face. Anais and Rachael look at me and wiggle their eyebrows.
"Stop," I whisper in their ear.
"Girl, you know he looks fine." Rachael mischievously grins.
"I know that." I pointed out.
   It would be embarrassing if he found out I have a slight — no, a massive crush on him when he doesn't even know who I am, besides my name. I'd probably die if he finds out and confronts me.
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fayfictions · 4 years
Could write something super fluffy of blargxthedooo ?!
bro i don’t think u understand how excited I was when i got this ask, i literally gasped out loud thank u so much
also this is based off of one of blargs videos lmao
(yes i am aware this is formatted differently, i had this one prewritten)
It was hard keeping their relationship secret when they were constantly recording together and felt the urge to call each other pet names all the time. They were planning on telling them eventually, but they didn't feel it was
They managed in recordings, but when they met up for PAX (the first time they had seen each other in person after a while) it was even harder.
They hadn't even gotten the chance for a proper kiss when they got there, since the boys all bombarded them the second they had gotten there. They stuck with a hug, maybe hugging a little longer than everyone else, and moved on. They were itching to get time by themselves, but every time they got any time it was interrupted almost instantly.
Matt was glancing longingly at his boyfriend, trying not to be frustrated at how they somehow kept getting separated between friends. Eric was sending pity glances back, just wanting to kiss him until his lips went numb.
Finally the boys had somewhat dispersed, and Matt finally could sit down next to Eric. Ash was still there however, waiting for Bre to get out of the shower. They were having casual conversation between the three of them, and Ash had accidentally interrupted Matt's sentence.
"What were you gonna say, Blarg?" Eric asked, nonchalantly wrapping an arm around his shoulder as he scrolled through his phone.
Matt glances over at Ash, who was doing the same, and he made a move. "We should kiss- I wasn't going to say anything." He pretended that he hadn't said anything, but couldn't help but to glance up at his boyfriend.
Eric stares at him for a couple of seconds before he began to grin. "I'd be down to fuck- okay, well, let me know if you remember what you were gonna say."
At this point Ash was looking up from his phone and at the two with a concerned look on his face.
Matt began to giggle at Eric's response, and he could see Ash shake his head out of the corner of his eye.
"What the fuck?" Ash said, followed soon after with a "huh". Eric and Matt were giggling together at this point.
"Nothin'- nothing sus going on here," Matt said.
"That was so casual between the two of you that it kind of scares me." Ash is laughing a little, thinking that it's just a weird bit.
Eric and Matt just kind of look at each other with a knowing look in their eyes, and Ash's laughter dies a little bit.
"Wait, are you two actually...?"
They look at Ash, who's looking between the two slightly confused. The look on their faces is enough for him to connect the dots and he gasps. "No fucking way are you two together. When the fuck did that happen?"
Eric shrugged, pulling Matt a little closer. "I dunno, a couple months-"
"You two have been together for a few months and you haven't told me? What the fuck! Have you told anyone else?"
Matt coughs awkwardly. "Uh, not really, no. You're uh. Actually the first."
"Really?" They both nod, and Ash kind of laughs with a grin. "Okay, that makes me feel better. I can't believe y'all kept it secret for so long though. That's impressive. When were you planning on telling everyone?"
Both of them shrugged.
Ash sighed. "You two are fucking messes, I swear. Y'all should do it this trip."
"You think so?" Eric asked.
"Yeah, just to get it done and over with. I mean, y'all have been hiding it for months as you've said. You should just do it now while all the homies are together, y'know?"
"He's got a point," Matt says, nodding along.
Ash scoffs. "Of course I have a point. My ideas are always good."
"Well now hold on," Matt starts to argue. "That's a fuckin' lie and a half and you know it."
"Okay Matt, name one bad idea I've had. I'll wait."
"I'll have to go through my footage, but-"
"Nope! You can't think of anything, therefore there's no bad ideas from me."
"I don't think that's how that works, Ash," Eric laughed.
"Nope, that's how it works. Fuck y'all."
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melmac78 · 3 years
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The first chapter of the Tracy’s doing the Overnight/Live Aboard program. It’s a WIP, and and will take a bit to finish as I’ve got to rewrite a couple of scenes as I found they’re implausible. (There are some minor liberties taken on the program, but I try to have anything that can be visited IRL accurate).
These pics correlate to the opening chapter.
Notes: the berth described in story is not exact to the above: The one I stayed in is the door and by the women’s Head (bathroom, accurate as they also have showers), and the quarters displayed above are part of a tour. Also, my headcanon is Texas was allowed to become an independent republic again in the future.
Scott Tracy was in love - again. She had sleek curves, a graceful nose, beautiful blue and gold colorings... and long graceful wings.
He stared at the real Navy Blue A-4 Skyhawk Blue Angel that "flew" on a tall, solid pedestal as though soaring the skies.
Scott could imagine being behind the wheel of the plane, zooming through the air to help serve his country. The swooping, diving and turning were all quite vivid in his head, and he got lost in his imagination.
In fact, Scott was so deep in his dream he didn't notice the world around him trying to get his attention - nor the fact he was grabbed and thrown into a fireman's carry.
It wasn't until he saw grey concrete and rough, seashell laden sand - and someone's shoulders hitting Scott in the gut - he realized he was even moving.
Scott finally was snapped out of his thoughts, aided by the crisp, salty air of the Gulf of Mexico. "Hey! Let me go! Put me down!" said the pilot, gently pounding on the man's left shoulder blade.
A gentle base voice laughed. "Sorry birthday boy but there's plenty more to see than your 'girlfriend'," laughed Virgil as he continued to walk the man a short distance to the front entrance of the USS Lexington in Corpus Christi, the Texas Republic.
The aircraft carrier, commissioned February 17, 1943, was the fifth one by that name. The previous one - CV-2 was sunk in the Coral Sea during World War I, and people chose to rename a newly built carrier from USS Cabot to Lexington in her predecessor's honor.
The nickname Blue Ghost, coined by Tokyo Rose, was created when the Japanese thought she had been sunk four times, but came back.
She was kept in service until formally decommissioned in 1992, and now had been a museum for almost 70 years.
When Texas was allowed to become its own independent constitutional republic again in 2047, the United States allowed the carrier to still be on display in the Gulf as part of a history sharing program.
When Grandma Tracy gave a Live Aboard trip to Scott for his birthday, he suggested they all go. He said it was all he wanted for his birthday - a trip through history of course, experiencing life on an aircraft carrier, but also spending time with his family.
They would be camping in the old crew quarters below deck as part of the program, as well as enjoy meals in the mess hall and see other sites in Corpus Christi, including the Texas State Aquarium and museums in the area.
Even John happily agreed to come down and stay on Earth for the two nights they would spend camping on board the vintage aircraft carrier, so it was for once the entire family.
Admittedly though no one knew how much excitement this trip would bring for the family.
It was already a struggle for them to keep Gordon from dashing off to the visit the marine wildlife and rehabilitation centers at the aquarium. His invite to feed the fish - inside the aquarium in his scuba gear - and the dolphins wasn't until two days later.
Now, just like Scott had done to Gordon over the aquarium, Virgil had to carry him away to get to where they were supposed to go.
"Oh come on Virg - she's not my girlfriend," said Scott, rolling his eyes as he lightly bopped his brother's head.
Virgil scoffed. "Yeah right - you also have to flirt with the TA-4 Skyhawk, T-2C Buckeye, SNJ-5 Texan, KA3B Skywarrior, N3N Yellow Peril, F/A-18 Hornet, 4A Phantom 2..." he said as he then gently set his brother down beside his others. They had their sleeping bags and backpacks bundled together for the two-night stay, packing clothing and other supplies needed.
What many didn't know there was another special "guest" on board - Thunderbird Four. She was boarded late the night before on a special elevator remaining active on the ship. The other 'Birds were ready to fly with EOS' autopilot at a moment's notice from Tracy Island.
While none of the Tracys thought any vehicle would be needed, they wanted to be ready just in case. Kayo was also on standby, staying at a nearby hotel with a helicopter landing on the rooftop to quickly board Shadow.
Scott chuckled in concession. "All right - I'm the 'Bachelor' for a bunch of aviator beauties," he said looking at the ship. "At least I'm not Gordon and want to kiss a sea turtle or otter."
"Hey - that was in my dreams," said Gordon, who then realized it only made things worse. He chuckled. "Yeah... well, I admit I'm wanting to go to the aquarium already, but I've also been looking forward to staying on the Lexington. I finally get to teach you a thing or two about ship life."
Alan chuckled. "Yeah, such as how to get stuck in the brig for hours misbehaving," he teased.
The aquanaut shook his head. "Can't do that bro - the brig is on the hard-hat tour, and Grandma couldn't get us on that one. Filled up."
"Doesn't mean they couldn't put you in the photo op brig," chuckled John, who was sitting on a large ship anchor as he finished his bottled water and snack.
They laughed at the remark as Virgil sat down by his red-headed brother. "How are you feeling bro? Do you need some more water?" he asked seriously.
John shook his head, waving off the remark. He was still suffering space sickness compounded with a rough descent in Thunderbird Five's space elevator two days prior. It had been bad enough he scared his brothers by passing out shortly after they greeted him in the living room.
They all had been worried his "space sickness" would keep him from going, but Virgil and Brains gave him the OK, as long as he ate and drank whatever he was given by the medic or brothers. They already had told him he'd be buying mozzarella sticks - a specialty - at the concession stand the moment after they got settled on board.
"I'm fine, besides - looks like we're about to start our adventure," John said, nodding toward the middle age man walking up to them.
"The Tracy brothers correct - Scott, John, Virgil, Gordon and Alan?" said the man, and the five nodded. "Just wanted to be sure. Your grandmother had already checked in with the girls from the local YMCA. Said though she was going to head to the Wardroom's mess to fix you dinner."
The five brothers gasped in horror, and the man chuckled. "Don't worry - we have people hired to cook the meals. We told her to rest and wait until Scott's birthday celebration - but only bring store bought foods."
Gordon wiped his forehead in a melodramatic fashion. "Whew! for a moment there I was afraid we'd end up getting something that closely resembles SOS."
Alan looked at his older brother, confused. "What's SOS?"
"Well it's also known as Sh..."
Virgil quickly clamped a hand over his seafaring brother's mouth. "Corned beef hash on toast," he said, glaring at Gordon. "SOS is a nickname for the food, and I'd better not hear you say it fully."
Gordon rolled his eyes but conceded.
Alan made a vow to himself to quietly ask his immediate older brother later - out of Virgil's earshot - what the acronym stood for.
The Lexington worker laughed. "Well, now that's settled, let's get started on your Live Aboard program. My name is Jacob Cobalt, and I'll be the ship leader during the next two days aboard the USS Lexington," he said. "Shortly I'll take you aboard so you can unpack in the berthing quarters. You'll be staying in the same area as the Boy Scouts, but have a berth to yourself."
The others nodded. They knew a couple of the workers were informed by the GDF about the need for the five to have their own quarters. Their berth would be slightly smaller than the larger groups, but they would be able to store their IR uniforms without the worry of prying eyes looking through lockers.
Jacob continued. "That said, you'll still have to follow the same rules of the Live Aboard, which means first, you must show proper decorum on this ship. It is a memorial to those who fought and died on it for freedom. Secondly, you have to obey whatever command I say…" he said, smirking before he then changed to a drill instructor tone. "So line up at attention! Backs straight and tuck in your shirt tails!"
The result was a slight comedy of errors when John tripped over a sleeping bag and crashed into Virgil, making both tumble to the ground. As they did they bumped into Gordon's shoulder, making him back into the anchor. Thankfully, all he did was sit on it.
"You have 10 seconds to get in line and shirt tails tucked and get in line," said the ship leader.
Everyone got in line and their tails tucked in by the count of 10 - except Scott.
Jacob clicked his tongue, disappointed. "You of all people - retired Air Force - can't get your shirt tucked in quickly?" he said, motioning Scott to come forward. "Well... I guess you get to give an example of what we do if someone's caught with their shirt untucked."
The other four Tracys laughed. "Oh boy, Flyboy got in trouble," said Gordon, teasing.
Scott gave a feral grin. "Don't think I won't be watching for my chance to get even..." said the eldest as he stood by Jacob.
"I think you'll have plenty of chances Scott…" said Jacob with a smile.
The aquanaut made a show of gulping, to everyone's amusement.
"OK...so what's the penalty?" Scott said, wincing. He hoped it wasn't clean the Head with a toothbrush.
"You have to do 15 pushups - the proper way," said the leader with a chortle.
Scott merely laughed and did as he was told - making sure the final five were single-handed to shush Gordon further.
One he did his 15 pushups, Scott returned to the line and Jacob continued. "OK, now we'll head up to the berthing area. Watch for low overhangs, your step on the ladders, and the lips of the doors so you don't trip over them."
John gave a subtle wince. "I thought I hated gravity before..." he muttered, praying he didn't go flying into a bulkhead not paying attention to the floor. He certainly didn't want to wind up ruining Scott's birthday suffering a concussion.
Virgil put a gentle hand on his brother's shoulder. "It's all right John - we'll make sure you don't fall - down or out," he said knowingly as they gathered their items and headed up the long ramp. They admired the exterior of the Blue Ghost, which included weaponry and lifeboat pods.
At the entrance, they received a blue wristband, showing they were part of the Live Aboard program and could stay past visitor hours before looking around the hangar deck. There was a machine that would simulate a flight simulation for guests while a real simulator lay on display nearby.
Other planes with mannequin workers getting it ready for takeoff, military memorabilia, and mockups for photos graced the area as well.
The Tracys however were heading toward a hatch leading to one of the Heads on the ship. “This way gentlemen,” said Jacob.
John leaned over the railing to look at the ladder of stairs and had a slight case of vertigo. "Oh brother, that's a way down," he muttered.
The youngest brother looked at his brother in sympathy. "You'll be OK John. I'll show you how to get down," said Alan as he started his climb down with his backpack. He faced away from the ladder, making his descent very slow.
When he reached the landing, he turned around, realizing he forgot his sleeping bag. "Um, guys, can you -" said Alan, only to be hit in the face with said item.
Looking up, he saw someone chortling. "Very funny Gordo," said Alan, only to be hit in the face again, this time with Gordon's pillow, then sleeping bag.
"Yeah - it is. You just took the worst way to get down these ladders," said Gordon as he turned around and faced the ladder on his descent. He would've slid down the rails as he did on occasion during his WASP stint, but the rungs were wrapped in rope to add grip safety. Gordon certainly wasn't going to let Alan tease him for rope burns.
Eventually, all five managed to make their way down without much incident. John went last just in case he slipped - and when he did three steps from the bottom, Scott and Virgil caught him. John gave a weak smile in thanks.
Jacob then descended and lead them to a doorway marked "Reserved for Live Aboard Only," and lowered the chain before opening the heavy door.
"OK, here's where you'll be staying the next couple of days. You'll use this head in the evenings after hours, and the showers are behind the wall there," he said, then gestured for them to come inside the quarters.
Inside there was a pool table, old fashioned arcade game that still worked nearly 80 years later, sofas and a ping-pong table. Military memorabilia from the wars the Lexington served in: badges, coats worn by sailors, flags, challenge coins, photos, adorned the walls along with mementos from past guests.
Seeing the youngest look over at the entertainment, the eldest sighed. "We're going to have to keep Alan from the video game, or he'll never go on tours," said Scott, knowing the youngest's fondness for antique games.
Alan rolled his eyes. "I can't play them - I don't have any coins," he said, looking at the game. "Besides - it's that old Donkey Kong game - I defeated it years ago."
The others just shook their head as they followed Jacob through a pair of doors. Turning left, they saw a kitchen area, clean but dark and clearly unused for decades.
Once they descended yet another set of ladders, they arrived at their berth. "Make yourselves at home. You can tour any of the paths until mess in the wardroom at 1800 hours," he said.
The Tracys nodded and entered the room, shivering at the abrupt coldness of the berths compared to the rest of the rooms earlier. It had pale olive green walls, tall, thin lockers for storing their items and bunk shelves complete with a thick foam mattress.
There were three levels to the bunks - beds near the ground, middle and near the top.
"Dibs on the top bunk," squeaked Alan as he quickly walked over to the nearest one.
"Hey - I get one," said Gordon.
Scott laughed. "There's enough for all of us to be on the top bunk if we want," he said, though he was going to stay on the middle bunk.
"Not me - I'm not going to fall out and get a concussion," said John, who wisely chose the lowest bunk, which lay about eight inches off the ground.
They chatted and laughed as they wandered around the quarters, choosing and making up their bunks before stuffing their lockers.
After a few minutes, Gordon and Alan walked around to look at where everyone selected to sleep.
Turning one corner, Alan sniggered at the sight in front of him while Gordon coughed to keep from laughing outright.
"Um, International Rescue, we have a situation," the aquanaut said, though his tone was not as serious as the comment would normally entail.
Still though, Scott went into smother hen mode and walked around to the bunks the youngest duo were at, while John followed, interested himself.
When they reached the others, Scott did all he could to keep a serious face himself.
He barely kept it.
"Um Virgil - what on earth possessed you to try and claim a top bunk yourself?" he asked.
The medic was stuck halfway in and out of the bunk, using his feet on the lower bunk to keep the metal edges from pressing into his gut.
In spite of Virgil's wishes and dreams to finally sleep on a top bunk, his large, muscular frame was just too broad to fit through the space between the safety bar, ladder and bed.
"Looks like Papa Bear forgot that those beds are too small for him," said Gordon, laughing.
"Very funny Squidface... can you guys give me a hand?" muttered Virgil.
The brothers laughed and helped assist Virgil down from the top bunk. The man then wisely chose to do the middleman choice and choose the middle bunk - still higher off the ground, but much more space as no bar was needed. He even double checked by effortlessly pulling himself into the bunk, silencing any further teases from Gordon.
Once they ensured everything was in place, and in the cases of the IR uniforms locked in the lockers, Scott turned and faced the others, smiling. "OK - let's take a journey through time... starting with the flight deck," said Scott.
"Of course - got to go see your girlfriends... FAB birthday boy," teased Virgil, and they headed up toward the hangar deck to go on the bridge/flight deck tour.
To Be Continued …
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Ronald Speirs x Male reader x Garwood Lipton
Note: this is placed in a modern college au and this will be fluff
"Hey guys I'm back" Carwood yelled, he had just came back from grocery shopping because Y/N kept complaining about how there is never any food in the fridge, which however is never Ron, Carwood, or even Y/N's fault. It was the dozen of people that kept crashing at their dorm room and going through their fridge and eating up their snacks to which of the aggravation of Speirs.
"Could you guys please give me a hand" Carwood groaned
"Sure" Ron and Y/N responded, and as Ron and Y/N went to the parking lot to get the rest of the groceries Carwood plopped down on the couch exhausted from the exercise he went through just to bring snacks to the dorm. He took a deep breath and thought how much he needed a cuddle so bad and how he couldn't wait for Ron and Y/N to get back.
"WE'RE BACK" Y/N happily squealed, Ron didn't need to say anything just glaring at Y/N he understood that he was being to loud.
"Sorry Ron" Ron didn't say anything he just walked right past Y/N and started to put the groceries away in the fridge and some in the cabinets,
"What's wrong Ron you seem a little quiet" Y/N asked, Ron smirked and then looked at Y/N. Y/N rolled his eyes
"Quieter then usual I mean" Y/N remarked, Ron closed the fridge door and then started to walk towards Y/N, grabbed his waist and whispered in his ear,
"Haven't you noticed that Lip fell asleep on the couch," Y/N turned to his side and realized that in fact Lip had fallen asleep on the couch. Y/N smiled at Lip and then whispered
"Well if Lip is going to take nap then I want to join him" Y/N stated while walking out the kitchen and towards his room
"Where are you going" Ron asked following him
"Ron you can't take a nap without a blanket or you won't really be comfortable" Y/N snide. Ron scoffed, Y/N looked back at Ron coyly before starting to undress, Ron raised his eyebrows out of suspicion and asked
"What are you doing"
"Ron you can't expect me to get comfortable in a tshirt and jeans" Y/N smirked while pulling his jeans off. Ron's eyes followed Y/N's half naked form across the room stopping at his ass when he had decided to bend down to grab a hoodie out of his drawers. Ron grinned and walked up to Y/N grabbed his waist and started to trace circles around his back
"Don't be such a tease you know how much I hate teasing" Ron whispered Y/N grabbed Ron's wrist and casted a side eye glare reminding Ron why Y/N was getting dressed in the first place. Ron started to kiss and nibble on his neck grinning when Y/N moaned
"Ron cut it out" Y/N drawled out
"I'm trying to get dress." Ron turned Y/N around and looked him in the eyes and what Ron saw was astounding, Y/N's eyes were dilated and clouded with lust
"Are you sure you want me to stop"
"Yes" Y/N quickly remarked
"Your mouth is saying stop but your eyes protray a different story." Ron's kisses started to get lower until Y/N yanked his head up and said
"Ron I know you want to have sex right now but I'm serious I want to cuddle with Lipton. Now I know your in the mood and my body may be coming off that way but my mind right now is telling me to go cuddle with Lip and if I disappointed you I'm sorry." Ron stared at Y/N before giving him a tender kiss on the lips then started to walk to the bed and grabbed the blanket
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable and if you need me I'll be on the couch with Lip" Ron apologized and walked off
"Ok" Y/N replied, Y/N grabbed his hoodie out of the drawer and put it on then he bended down to grab a pair of shorts.
(Switch to Ron's pov)
"I feel bad wait no horrible I made Y/N uncomfortable and now he's probably mad at me shit I really fucked this up didn't I" Ron panicked he hadn't made Y/N uncomfortable before but then again he wasn't usually the one that initiated contact with him Lip usually did that but Lip was asleep and now Ron had fucked up.
"Damn why did you have to fall asleep Lip I really need you right now"
"Why what happend" Ron jumped he hadn't mean to wake up Lip but then he remembered Lip was a light sleeper because of the idiots he had to watch over constantly
"Ok so Y/N saw how you fell asleep on the couch so he wanted to get you a blanket so you and him can cuddle, I followed him out of curiosity and witnessed him getting undress, so I figured he wanted to have sex only to find out that no he was just getting in comfortable wear and now I think I made him uncomfortable by implying sexual contact with him" Lip looked at Ron for a few moments to process and then he took a deep sigh.
"Ron........I feel bad for you I really do but the only thing I can think of right now is just to confront Y/N and work it out"
"But I just can't confront Y/N" Ron whined.
"Confront me about what" Y/N yawned, Ron and Lip jumped not expecting Y/N to join in the conversation, Lip looked at Ron expextedly and Ron took a deep breath and said
"Y/N I'm deeply sorry if I made you uncomfortable and I'm fine if you don't want to talk to me for a while"
"Dude it's not a big deal" Y/N mumbled
"Really" Ron said in a surprised tone
"Bro no I misread situations all the time hell I mean shit happens." Ron looked at Lip as if he was going to give him confirmation, but Lip had fallen back to sleep,
"Now move over Ron" Ron had scooted over to make some room and while Ron was getting comfy in his new spot he felt a hand around his waist so he looked to his side to see Y/N had snuggled up to him and Lip was snuggled up to Y/N. Ron grinned and then started to let sleep take control.
While Ron and Y/N were slowly falling asleep Lip said
"And don't think I didn't notice Ron had given you a hickey" Ron quickly opened his eyes and looked to his side to see an embarrassed Y/N and a smug looking Lip
"WHAT" Y/N yelled
"Hehehe" Ron nervously laughed while thinking shit.
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minhyunluvr · 4 years
look | empiricism
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"Plus ultra!" Present Mic yelled from the presentation stage. You mumbled the catchphrase under your breath, promptly standing up and stretching. Before the two people in between you and the aisle could stand and block your way out, you crammed yourself in between their legs and the seat in front of them to leave.
A breath slipped through your lips as you stared up at the mock city in front of you in awe. It was fascinating how someone could re-build such a life-like structure year after another, its only purpose being destruction. Chatter rose from the examinees, triggering thoughts of disapproval from you. 'Why can't they just stretch in silence instead of catching up with friends?' A bitter taste settled in your mouth as you felt a pang inside of your chest. Were you jealous? Amiability and opportunity were always things you had been deprived of as a child, leaving many doors unopened. The only companion you had known as a youth was your adoptive brother, Woojin. There was a three year age gap, and he had entered U.A. when he was fifteen, just as you were about to.
The large gates creaked open, symbolizing one last burst of opportunity. This was a huge part of the test, and you would probably need to pass to enter the school. Your throat bobbed as you swallowed the lump beginning to form in your throat before taking off into the structure, but god did you hate running. Flustered sounds came from the other potential students as they attempted to catch up to you. It was to no avail. Your speed didn't seem as impressive when you were alone, running in a large back yard. By the time anyone else had stepped foot in the city-scape, you had demolished the first five robots at the door, successfully racking up nine points.
Roughly nine minutes later, a loud creaking noise came from your left. Once you released the three-pointer suspended in the air, you turn over to see the infamous robot worth zero points, therefor none of your time was to be wasted on it. You had not kept track of the points acquired, but it was surely enough to pass based on your observations of the other students. Glancing back at the newly created rubble from the fragmented machine in front of you, you caught a glimpse of a girl entangled in debris. Directing your quirk at her, you envisioned another robot lifting up the zero-pointer. A bead of sweat rolled down your cheek as the artificial robot took physical form, pushing the other in your direction. Surprised noises came from the students on the other side, loud enough for you to hear in the back half of the exam area. The one created for the exam was lifted further into the air, lugged along by yours.
A figure shot up into the sky, rapidly gaining speed toward the zero pointer. Sighing, you continued pulling it in your direction in a more urgent manner. "People really do try to steal credit for others' work, just like in the books..."
Before the person could make contact with the machine, he began to fall. A fist had previously been poised in the position to punch the exam robot, but now his arms flapped helplessly in the wind as he nosed-dived toward the ground. A broken piece of a robot began to float beneath the large one that was now behind you, a girl with her hand outstretched sitting on top of it. His body looked weak. Utterly helpless, even. You almost felt pity, for a second. But you continued doing your job as a future hero and had your machine raise the robot higher in the air before dropping it, effectively crushing the piece of trash.
"And, stop!" The same booming voice from ten minutes before yelled through the microphone, drawing out the first word longer than necessary. The girl and boy were no where to be seen when you turned back to them. Letting out a loud, clipped sigh, you stood and dusted the dirt off of your knees. An old lady pushed her way through the crowd about one hundred feet in front of you, where the zero pointer originally was. She leaned down and pressed a kiss to what looked like the ground at your angle, but the boy who had attempted to punch the robot stood up from the space a few seconds later. Another whine left your lips as you began to walk in their direction. Your knees felt as though they were about to break, but walking was the only option, as you couldn't lift yourself off of the ground.
"Oh, it was you who made the second robot appear out of nowhere!" A boy with blue hair pointed in your direction, eagerly walking over to meet you by the old lady who identified as Recovery Girl. "I am Iida Tenya, I hope to make your acquaintance. I saw you run in when Present Mic told us that the time had started! Your speed is remarkable..." He let out a pant in jest.
"Thank you. That's a lot coming from someone with engines in his calves. I never thought it was that impressive until I saw how slow all of the other potential students were.... I suppose I overestimated the future generation of heroes." Your face was impassive at his open expression of shock. "I suggest you keep your face devoid of emotion when you encounter villains. You wouldn't want to give off too many of your feelings, correct?"
His eyes hardened at your words, seemingly taking in your advice. "It almost sounds as if you're a villain yourself... I will keep that in mind. Would you mind telling me your name?"
"Choi Yunseo, but I prefer being called '(Y/n)'. Japanese honorifics are unnecessary. I hope to see you in U.A."
"You as well, (Y/n)." Iida looked at you skeptically as you walked towards the exit of the city-scape. His thoughts drifted back and forth between you and his score, becoming more and more curious about you as the day continued.
"Hello, Young Choi! This is a projection!" All Might yelled on the wall, light shining out of a circular container. You winced at the surname he addressed you with, noting the fact that you would have to correct your instructors in person when you inevitably make it in. "You actually placed first in the entrance exam, both in the written and practical sections... And it seems that you've been home schooled? Well, you must have a very nice curriculum." The projection flashed to a board of scores, you in first with 70 villain points and 57 rescue points. Someone named "Bakugou Katsuki" was in second place. "You beat Young Bakugou by 50 whole points, Choi! Be ready for him to go off on the first day, though. I don't think you should tell him your name, for your own safety. Anyway, check the packet that carried the projectional device for more details. Good luck, Young Ch-"
You cut off the video before he could say your legal name once again. "Why was he admitted to a hero school if I'm going to be in danger for surpassing him in skill...?"
"Please take your feet off of the desk, Bakugou! It is disrespectful to our elders and the fine craftsman who built the desks solely for our usage." The first thing you witnessed in your high school career was Iida reprimanding another student, presumably named "Bakugou" for resting his feet on a desk. 'As in... that Bakugou?'
"Shut it, fuckface. What middle school are you even from?" The blonde boy replied, albeit harshly.
"I am from Somei Priva- oh, hello, (Y/n)! I see you made it in!" Iida turned his attention to your annoyed figure in the doorway.
"Hi, Iida. But... Bakugou, is it? Are you not the kid who placed second... behind me?" A smirk fell onto your cheeks as you let the tease slip out. By the once sentence you had heard him utter, it was made apparent that he would be interesting to pick at.
"Wait, so you're Yunseo? God, I thought I would have to wait until attendance to bash your fucking face in..." With the last few words, he made a few flashes of orange energy appear next to his head, standing up.
"Oh, so you have an explosive quirk? Good to know... By the way, you shouldn't threaten people when you're in the hero course. Nor should you reveal your abilities when around a potential opponent, not that I fall into that category." The smirk slid off of your face as you restored your usual, cool demeanor. Turning away from Bakugou, you turned to walk to a seat. "Also, I prefer being called '(Y/n)'."
"Huh? Should I really be taking advice from a whore?" A few whispers started up in the quiet classroom.
"Is that because you find my body appealing? If so, the feeling isn't mutual, babe." With that, you continued walking to an open seat in the back of the classroom, which happened to be near a student with heterochromatic eyes. Your eyes narrowed as a vague feeling of recognition washed over you, but no further thoughts were spared on the matter.
Iida's face resembled a peach, at that point. A burst of laughter snorted out of his nose, effectively gaining Bakugou's attention. The latter boy's eyes had been following you as you moved to the back of the room, plotting revenge.
"Bro, you just obliterated him. No pun intended." Another male student chuckled from behind your seat. "I'm Kaminari Denki, by the way. And you are?"
"(Y/n)." Turning around to Kaminari, you took note of his features. His blond hair was slightly long, a black zig-zag which seemed to resemble a lightning bolt in his bangs. A small, button nose rested in the middle of his face, golden eyes above it. He was attractive, but not too eye-catching. Good combination.
"That's cool. May I have your number? You're kinda cute." He shot a wink down at you, hands resting on the back of your seat.
You pulled out a piece of paper from your backpack and quickly jotted down your cell phone number, handing it back to the boy. "I don't use my phone that much, so you might be ignored."
His face fell slightly at the last comment, but it quickly restored it's earlier vibrancy. "'Aight, but what's your quirk? If you don't mind me asking..."
"Did you not hear me talking to Bakugou about how he shouldn't unnecessarily reveal his quirk? I tend to follow my own advice." Your head fell to the side in annoyance.
"Did I just hear my name?!" The explosive blonde screeched from his seat up in the front of the classroom.
"Yes, you did." You spoke passively, not moving your attention from Kaminari. "Anyway, you will probably have to wait and see what my quirk is from when we do some sort of... training? I'm not entirely sure how this school works, yet."
"Deal, as long as you explain afterwards." He stuck his hand out for you to shake. Your nose scrunched slightly at the gesture, but you reached over nonetheless.
"Haha, that would ruin its abilities." With that, he walked away. Then, the room went quiet.
"It took eight seconds for you to quiet down." A shaggy-haired man groaned at the doorway as he crawled out of a sleeping bag. "I'm Aizawa Shouta, your homeroom teacher. I'm not going to waste time on learning your names, get dressed into your gym clothes and get outside to the grounds."
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
"Nothing I can Do"
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Warning - Use of the C word said in moment of anger
"So that's it? 6 months for nothing? For you to say you want to break up and no good reason?" Y/N stood next to Kino's bed, the boy holding his head in his hands as the situation in the room grew more tense.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. It's just between my schooling, the radio station and the guys, I never have time and maybe we could be frie-"
"And we discussed that beforehand. We will text every morning and night, and we'll meet up when we can!" Y/N was exasperated, "and you don't think I have a lot on my plate, too? With fucking 6 classes, my job and an internship at the news station?"
Kino bit into his hand, he knew Y/N was right, "I just feel like we should work on oursel-"
"Save it," Y/N grabbed her bag, running out of the door and almost slamming into Wooseok who had opened the entry.
"Kino? What was that?" Wooseok sat next to his older friend, patting his back as tears flowed out of his eyes.
Kino curled up in the tall boy's lap, sobs coming out, "my biggest mistake."
Shinwon and Yan An had to drag Kino out of the radio station's rundown studio they let him use for his music. The trio walked to the cafe, Port Town's Caffeine, opting to sit in a booth.
"You need to eat, Kino, Ms. Hyuna said you locked yourself in there and you've been there since yesterday," Yan An sat next to him as Shinwon ordered the drinks and snacks, "Hui told me he found you asleep at your computer the past 2 weeks, that's not good."
Kino kept quiet as Shinwon handed him his iced coffee and a muffin, picking at the wrapper.
"Is this about that bit-"
"I told you, Shinwon. It was all me. My choice, ny regret, my decision," Kino perked up, his eyes void of all emotion, "she's not anywhere in the wrong for this."
Shinwon sat back, bitter as he noticed Y/N walking in with another boy, "holy fucking shit, that slut."
Yan An and Kino turned around, taking notice at the pair, the boy with his hand on Y/N's hip as he guided her to a chair.
"We're not together, bro. If she wants someone else, that's fine, that's what I wanted her to do."
"We can leave if you'd like," Yan An started picking up the wrappers and empty cups, "we don't have to stay. I know it's still fresh."
Kino shook his head, "guys, I'm fine. I mad-"
"Kino?" The guy with Y/N pulled his mask down, walking over to the group as Y/N kept her eyes down, "what's up, man?"
"Hey Vernon, what's been up with you?" Kino offered a seat next to him as Vernon waved Y/N over, the girl bitterly walking over.
"Oh, I've been good," Kino lied through his teeth as Y/N kept her eyes on the table, fiddling with her fingers while Shinwon glared holes into her head.
"Cool!" Vernon turned to Y/N, "Let me introduce yo-"
"We know who she is," Shinwon barked, crushing his cup, "he used to fuck her in our dorm. How is his sloppy sec-"
"Shinwon!" Kino and Y/N yelled at the tall male, his drink covering the table.
"That's low," Yan An scolded Shinwon, "what he meant to say is they were together. I'm guessing Y/N told you?"
"Yeah. She had mentioned she had a class with a Hyunggyu and they dated for a bit, but I didn't think it was him," Vernon felt the sudden awkward tension, looking between Y/N and Kino, "we can go if you'd like."
"Um, no. It's fine, Kino and you seem like you need to catch up, I'll actually go order food," Y/N stood up before being cut off by Kino.
"Actually, if it's okay with you, Vernon, I'd like to talk to Y/N."
"It's up to her, dude," Vernon helped Yan An clean up the now liquid-free, but still sticky table.
Y/N bit her tongue, nodding, following Kino outside.
"What the fuck did you tell them?! Why did Shinwon try to attack me like that?!"
"Because it's Shinwon, he's impulsive. And I told him that I broke up with you, he took it as I did it because you hurt me, cheated on me, did something to me."
Kino and Y/N stood in the alley next to the cafe, both of their faces red with annoyance, anger, bitterness, regret.
"Have you told him it was you?! Not me! Did you tell him I cried myself to sleep or that Roa had to basically rip me from my bed to go out?" Y/N's words were like knives in Kino's heart, "I'm not saying this to makr you feel guilty! I'm saying this because Shinwon's accusing me of cheating and all this shit, calling me a slut, but it's been hard for both of us and I'm not going to be talked to like that by someone who eats his entire weight in trashy fast food!"
"I've tried telling him! I've told Hui! I've told Yan An, I've told Yuto. I've told my entire group of friends that it was me! It's not my fault that he wants to be an asshole!"
"Well, birds of a feather flock together! I wonder he got the idea of me being a horrible person from! Calling me a slut?! What the hell?!"
"We've been broken up for 2 weeks and you're already on your knees for some fucking other cunt! You're already in bed with Ver-"
"Who said I'm in bed with him?! We're partners in an acting project together and we figured we would take a fucking break before getting back to the scene! At least I'm not the fucking asshole who broke up with someone and couldn't give them a real fucking answer!"
"I broke up with you because I thought you'd be better without me and with someone else! I felt like I wasn't there enough for you to be happy and I didn't want you to feel trapped out of guilt!"
The venom in both of their words raced through their veins, both of them embarrassed by what they just said. The reality hits them both as the tone in the alley went from angry hatred to heartfelt sincerity.
"I've told him it was all my decision, you had nothing to do with it. He's just annoyed at the aftermath."
"Is that Hui texted me saying he found you sleeping in the radio station's record studio at least 4 times last week?" Y/N walked over to Kino, the space between them closing as the two looked at their feet.
Kino's voice wavered in defeat, "maybe."
"Hyunggyu," his real name a gross taste to both parties, "You need to take care of yourself. You need to eat and drink, make sure you're getting some rest."
"Why do you care? You sounded so angry before," Kino looked up to see Y/N holding back tears.
"Because even though it was a shitty breakup, I'm still going to care for you," Y/N grabbed his hands, "we may not be together, but we can still care for each other."
Kino and Y/N looked at each other, both of their cheeks wet with tears that they didn't even notice until now. Kino took his sleeve of his sweater and wiped at Y/N's years. The two sat in comfortable silence, Y/N making the first move to hug.
"Hey, Kino!" Shinwon was at the beginning of the alley, watching the two like a hawk, "we're needed at the radio station."
Kino broke the hug, Y/N with a soft smile on her face as Kino kissed her cheek.
"We can talk more later," Y/N wiped at the last tears falling.
"I'll facetime you when I'm out. Sounds good?"
"Yea," the pair shared one last hug as Vernon and Yan An showed up, Kino and Y/N walking towards them, "take care of yourself."
"You too. Good luck on your project."
"Good luck on your recording."
"Happy Thursday, this is Kino's corner and I'm your host, DJ Kino with my friend, Shinwon," Kino talked into the microphone, a melancholy cloud over his head, looking at the sheet of songs he was suggested to play, "I know it's been a long week, a long day and I don't want to bring anyone down."
Kino stared at Shinwon, the older male nodding in approval as Kino took a breath in.
"I don't want to get too depressing, but I want to talk about break-ups, make-ups and regrets. We all go through them at one point in our lives. Sometimes all at once, two at a time or one right after another. Here's my story about a break-up that I regret and still do, but I've come to terms with it."
Kino started tearing up, the pain in his chest dull as he focused on making sure his voice doesn't crack.
"We were together for a good amount of time, 6 months, you know long enough to fall in love, find each other's quirks and fears, learn about each other. I felt like she could find someone better. I wasn't there for her and if we did see each other, it was only for about 5, 10 minutes top between classes. I broke up with her, giving her the reason we were too busy. I didn't want to tell her that it was because I felt like I wasn't enough, I knew she would feel guilty and I guess I'd rather her hate me than her feel guilty about me not being enough."
Kino watched his phone light up with a notifcation.
"I'll admit, I've been one of those exes who would look at their Instagram, snapchat, line, kakaotalk, Facebook, all that shit. She does look happier and I'm glad for her. Yes, we still talk and see each other out, but I don't think there's any chance of us getting back together."
Kino unlocked his phone, a text from Y/N, her classic snarkiness coming through.
'You know I listen to the radio show, right? :P'
"I know there's certain people listening," Kino chuckled as he queued Shinwon to play a song, "I think there are some people who may need to listen to what I'm about to play. As you know, me, my cohort, Shinwon, as well as our friends Hui and Yan An, have a group, we're called Pentagon, we're recruiting more people, at least... we're trying."
Shinwon laughed as he played the intro, "auditions tomorrow at 2! We have 6 spots open!"
"Thanks, Shinnie. This is a song we just did, I hope you'll like it, it means a lot to me. It's called 'Nothing I Can Do'. I hope you all like it."
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Truth or Dare | Kim Seungmin
Genre: fluff
Word count: 1.9k
A/n: hi I did this instead of everything else I was supposed to do and I think it's really cute and I love Seungmin and I hope you like it
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"Cmon y/n, when will you confess to Seungmin?" Your friend, Kate taunted you again. She has been on your case ever since you filled her in on your little crush. She only knows that you've liked him since freshman year, but really it's been since like 7th grade. "It's senior year, what's the worst that could happen if you confess? You move away in a few months and never have to experience the awkwardness of seeing each other everyday? How awful." You don't laugh at her joke, so Kate takes that as a sign that it's time to change the subject. "Well, yknow how my birthday is in like 2 weeks. My mom is letting me have a party with my friends and she won't even have to be there to supervise. Since I'll be an adult and all!" She emphasizes adult as if being 18 suddenly makes her mature.
"Sounds great, Kate," you rhyme. You're hardly paying attention because something, or rather someone, caught your attention. "I'll see you after class," and then you're off to math while Kate had biology. She definitely noticed how hard you were staring at Seungmin while she was talking with you. Of course, you know nothing of what's to come.
"Hey! Felix!"
"What's up, Kate?" Felix was friends with Seungmin and some other boys. He also tended to be seen with Kate. Most people just assumed they were dating, and maybe they were, not even they know for sure.
"I'm having a birthday party next weekend and you and your friends are invited! Especially Seungmin." She adds a wink with the last statement.
"Will Miss y/n be there?"
"Of course. Why do you think I'm specifying for Seungmin?"
"It's so painfully obvious that he likes her so why can't he make a move already?!"
"Y/n is no different," Kate admits. "That's why I have a plan."
"H-hey y/n, " Seungmin stutters as he sits in his seat next to you.
"Oh, hi," you manage to reply, blush evident throughout your face.
"Um, did you get number 27 on the homework? I was super confused."
"Yeah, the equation for that one is different than the others because..." you explained the concept to Seungmin while he stared at your face unbeknownst to you. "Does that make sense?"
"Yes. I get it now!" He smiles and you actually die. You caught a glance at his homework to see number 27 done correctly but you were to affected by his smile to put two and two together.
All the days seemed to be same, passing by until it was finally Kate's birthday party. Obviously you went super early to help her set up. There was no alcohol allowed since her mom said she would let her throw it all by herself under that one condition, not that Kate would ever underage drink anyway we are good children here.
Kate left to answer the door as you pulled some cookies out of the oven. "Kate! Happy birthday!" You heard Felix's voice ring through the entryway. You weren't surprised she invited him, but then you heard more voices.
"Your house looks really nice."
"Happy birthday, Kate."
"Where should I put this gift?" Your eyes widened. You could recognize that voice anywhere.
"Kate! Can you come here for a moment?" You shouted for her.
"What's up, buttercup? Are the cookies okay?"
"I can't believe you invited Seungmin. Bro, I thought we were cool." You overreacted.
"Chill, y/n, all his friends are here, along with our friends. There's so many people, don't even worry about it." She tries to reassure you.
"Well... do I at least look okay?" You ask shyly.
"Look fine to me." You jump at the boy's voice. "But I suppose I'm not the one you want to look good for."
"Jisung, you scared the crap out of me," Kate smiles as you nearly died of embarrassment. Had he heard your whole conversation?
"No. Only the last part." He answers. It's only then that you realize you asked that out loud. You face palmed with bright red cheeks as more boys filed into the kitchen.
"Now that everyone is here, let's get this party started!" Kate announces as she turns on some speakers and blasts some upbeat music. She and Felix dance on the coffee table while everyone else is jumping around on the couches and dancing on the floor. The mess of people was starting to become overwhelming when you felt someone push you from behind. Unluckily, you fell directly into Seungmin's arms.
"Wow. Falling for me this early in the night. I hate to say I'm not surprised, y/n," Seungmin says in a low tone. "I'm just kidding," he quickly adds when he sees your eyes bulging out of your head.
"Oh, yeah. Right! Haha! So sorry I fell into you. There are so many people."
"Since I have you here, wanna dance?" He smiles again. How could anyone say no to his perfect smile?
"I'm sorry what was that?" He looks confused, like a puppy.
"I said yes!" You lie trying to cover up your thoughts that you must've spoken out loud, again. You and Seungmin begin to jump around, laughing. Kate gives you a knowing look which you return with a glare. Little did you know Felix and Seungmin were in the same boat.
"What else do you have planned?" Felix asks sounding very rehearsed.
"Hmm. Why don't we play truth or dare?!" Kate suggests. That was not on the schedule you had for the night's events. You knew something bad was going to happen when Kate smiled your way.
Everyone sat criss cross applesauce in a circle and Jisung volunteered to start. "Minho, truth or dare?"
"Dare." The boy responds with a brave look in his eye.
"I dare you to," he pauses, thinking of something good, "do a sexy dance for everyone."
"Pff. Okay." Minho continues to grind on the ground, not minding the looks he's getting at all. In fact, Jisung had to stop him, because it was getting too out of hand too quickly.
"I didn't dare you to strip, MinHOE!"
"Whatever, you know you liked it," he teased back. "Hmm let's see. Kate, truth or dare?"
"Uh, I'll pick truth."
"Do you like Felix?"
She furrows her eyebrows together, looking confused. "Felix and I are dating. So, to clarify, yes I like him very much." Everyone is so lost as to how they hadn't known that the two were official. I mean, y'all obviously could see that they liked each other duh. "Felix, truth or dare?"
"Dare." He adds a wink to Kate.
"I dare you to kiss me." The crowd shouts a bunch of ews and grosses as Felix briefly pecks Kate's lips.
He turns to Seungmin with a devilish look. "Seungmin, truth or dare?"
He must not have been paying attention yeah cuz he was admiring you face again whore because he is completely oblivious to the grin on Felix's face right now. "Why not? Dare."
"I dare you to kiss y/n" Felix sticks his tongue out at Seungmin as everyone turns to look at you. You tried so hard to keep your face from looking like a tomato but you knew it was no use. Seungmin gulped as he stared at you.
"I- I can't." His words made you frown without thinking. "Y/n, should have a say in this too. I can't just kiss her without her consent," he elaborates.
"Fine then," Felix speaks again. "I dare you to go up to Kate's room alone with y/n. Anything you two might do in there is all up to both of your consents." Felix smirks at you and then back to Seungmin. You both kept eye contact as you stood to head to your friend's bedroom. There were lots of hoots and hollers following you two as you made your way up the stairs with faces painted with crimson shades.
You both sat on Kate's bed. You face was on fire even more now because he was so close. When I mean close,, like your legs were nearly /touching/. And you can't handle being so /close/ to your big phat crush. However, the feeling seemed somewhat mutual for Seungmin.
"Do you like me?" You squeaked out. It was completely random and Seungmin even flinched slightly at the sound of your voice.
"..." the boy stayed silent and you refused to meet his gaze.
"ohmygosh that was so rude of me to just ask. I'm sorry. Just forget I said anything." You began to get up to walk away when he grabbed your wrist.
"Do you- like me?"
"..." it was your turn to mimick the silence you'd not heard moments earlier.
"Did we both not say anything for the same reason?" You opened your mouth to respond when the door opened, revealing Jeongin.
"I was told to come make sure you two weren't doing anything," he narrows his eyes on Seungmin, "gross." You both sat there like deer in head lights. Jeongin looked at your hand and then back at Seungmin. You hadn't noticed that Seungmin's and your pinkies had been laced until Jeongin's judgy stare pointed it out. "Also, you are both welcome to rejoin the party." The younger boy smiled and walked back down the stairs without a care in the world.
"Wow look who's back," Jisung announced. "You two didn't have too much fun did you?"
"Don't be icky!" Jeongin defended you. "They weren't even talking to one another when I walked in. But- they were basically holding hands!"
"Not true! He's lying!" Seungmin shouts back. You laugh, looking down to see that you, in fact still had your pinkies intertwined. You broke away and returned to your seat to continue the game.
"Anyway, it's my turn," Hyunjin claims. "Seungmin, truth or dare?"
"Me already again?" He looks a bit freaked out before taking a breath and choosing, "truth."
"Wrong choice, buddy. Do you like y/n?"
He makes deliberate eye contact with you as he answers the question. "Yes. Y/n, pick truth."
"Truth." Everything was happening so quick, you didn't have time to react to what Seungmin was even saying before you responded.
"Do I have your consent this time?" It took a moment for you to figure out what he meant. When you put together that he was asking if he could kiss you, you shook your head quickly. He wasted no time before softly pressing his lips to yours. They were sweet like honey and warm and soft and you thought you could get lost in the moment forever. That is, until he pulled away. It was much to soon for your liking, until you remembered where you were. You both looked around to see everyone's jaws dropped in shock. You timidly smiled and your friends began to cheer. They were soon followed by Seungmin's friends screaming, Jeongin in particular.
Needless to say, you remember very little of what happened after that moment at the party. All you do know is that your friends set you up and Seungmin's friends set him up and now you two are in love. Senior year sure was going to be interesting.
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tarotdeckshuffle · 5 years
Can I request my boy Noctis finding out his s/o is pregnant like right before the bros are supposed to set out for the trip? Like how does he react/what does he do when he finds out? (Also low key maybe if he found out accidentally because his s/o didn't want to mess anything up by telling him so they tried to keep it from him)
Thanks for the request, Anon!!
So...I’m not super familiar with pregnancy, as my child is a dog...but I’ll try my best!
There’s only a week before Noctis and his retina leave on the biggest trip of his life, but he feels miles away from you, already.
You’ve been so distant from him, lately.
He thinks it’s because he’s about to leave, but you’re acting...weird.
You and Ignis have been spending more time together, lately.
Whispering to each other but abruptly stopping when Noct walks in.
Noct trusts you with his whole heart, so he really doesn’t think you’re...cheating.
But what is going on?!?!
He brings up the subject with Ignis.
Who becomes flustered and claims there’s absolutely nothing different!
Noct knows that if Ignis wants to keep a secret, nothing will get it out of him.
So he has to go to the source.
He takes you out on a date to a wonderful restaurant.
When you return home, you spend half an hour in the restroom.
“Must be getting a stomach flu…” is all you say.
Noct wants to take you to a doctor but you become panicked and turn him down.
Again, you spend days away from Noct.
He’s getting angry with all of it.
He drops by your home, unexpectedly.
He’s about to leave and not see you for who knows how long.
Why are you breaking his heart now?
You’re just getting back when he gets there. You’re holding a bulging folder of papers.
You seem flustered to see him, but let him in.
You set down your things and rush to the bathroom.
Noct settles on the couch, eyeing the folder like it’s an unwelcome guest.
Is it a clue? Is it why you’ve been avoiding him?
He knows he shouldn’t open it, he should give you your space…
Dammit you’re going to have tons of space from him when he’s gone!
Noct reaches out his hand. With one finger, he flips the cover of the folder open, as though the less he touches it, the less of an invasion of your privacy it is.
On top of a stack of papers and pamphlets it sits...a store bought pregnancy test.
Noct’s eyes grow wide.
He lunges fully towards the folder.
There are papers from the hospital, detailing another pregnancy test.
The results show in plain typeface at the bottom of the paper:
He starts flipping through the papers with vigor.
The pamphlets detail information regarding pregnancy?!?
There’s brochures regarding exercise when pregnant, resources for women, foods to eat, doctors to visit…
There’s so much here…
And at the back of the papers, almost hidden, is a final pamphlet titled “Single Motherhood.”
You come out of the bathroom, shaking from another fit of vomiting, to find your prince looking up at you, surrounded by papers, looking terrified and forlorn.
He’s read them...oh gods, he knows.
Your heart hits the floor.
You stand there for a moment, the two of you simply staring at each other.
Noctis speaks first.
“What is this?”
Your hand finds a place to rest on your stomach.
“Well...er…” You can’t even look at Noctis. This wasn’t supposed to happen. None of it!
Taking the reins of the conversation, Noct continues.
You didn’t know your heart could sink any lower.
“Yes” you whisper.
“Why didn’t you tell me?!” The words burst from his lips, louder than he expected as he gets to his feet to face you.
You feel a pain in your chest from his hurt tone.
You can’t look at him.
“I...I...I wanted to,” you stammer.
“Then why didn’t you!”
“I...it...what would you have done?!” You burst.
He’s blaming you, making this your fault, but he doesn’t get it!
“Me?!” Noct is taken aback.
“You! This is your doing, too! And you’re going to leave me!” You yell as tears start down your face.
“No! I wouldn’t…” He begins but you interrupt him. His thrashing isn’t over.
“You have a destiny to face, a world to save, a journey to begin! And now, congratulations, you have a child, too! What am I supposed to do? Make you stay? Put all of Eos in danger so you can change diapers with me?”
A silence follows your outburst.
Noctis looks like a mere breath could topple him.
Your heart is racing but your anger is subsiding.
“I...I couldn’t do that to you.” You finish.
The prince takes a deep breath.
“Who knows?” Noctis asks, staring at the ground.
“Ignis found out when I turned down a drink at dinner and kept getting sick. He and I discussed it.”
“He wanted me to tell you, but left the decision to me.”
“So everyone was keeping this from me?!”
“I was going to tell you! But only after…”
“After what? After I’m gone? After it’s born and you’re all alone?!” Noct pulls the Single Motherhood pamphlet from the folder.
Tears are streaming down your face, now.
“What am I supposed to do? We don’t have a choice in this matter!” You plead.
Nocits clenches and unclenches his fists. He stands across the room, thinking.
“Yes, we do...We have to.” He states.
He clears the distance between the two of you with great strides and takes your hand from your stomach.
Holding onto you, he says, “And I choose to be a father.”
You embrace him, laying your head on his shoulder.
You just stand there for awhile in each other’s arms.
“So...what are we going to do?”
“I have no idea.”
You sit and talk. The baby isn’t due for quite awhile, so you make a plan.
Ignis helps.
Noctis has no choice, he has to leave. But he doesn’t have to leave you alone.
Noct wants you to move into the palace to be cared for, but you don’t want to leave your home.
So Ignis arranges for a palace servant to live with you and care for everything you need.
You make a plan with a chance for Noct to be back just before the baby is due. His trip will be faster than expected, but it’s possible.
Ignis sneaks you a nutritional guide…
You tell Prompto and Gladio.
Gladio is shocked.
The man he considers like a little brother is going to be a dad?!
But he’s so proud!
He’ll set up an escort for you for every doctor’s appointment and have Iris check in on you.
Prompto is completely overjoyed!!
He gets you a camera so you can take pictures of the whole pregnancy for Noct!
He’ll be the best uncle!
Noctis doesn’t leave your side until the last possible moment.
He brings up the topic of names.
You laugh, “It’s a bit early, isn’t it?”
But Noct is adamant!
He loves to kiss your stomach now.
And he’ll refer to the fetus as “the bean.”
He truly is excited.
He’ll be on the phone with you during every appointment and calling you every night.
He wants a picture of your bump every day!
It’ll be tough. There aren’t a lot of people you can talk to about this.
But all you can do is move forward.
As Noctis promises you, “I’m coming back to you...to our family.”
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