#Creative Upcycling
naddesigns · 9 months
From Trash to Treasure - The Art of Collage Wall Décor
In the realm of interior design, the concept of recycling and repurposing has gained significant traction. One of the most exciting and creative ways to incorporate this ethos into your home décor is through collage wall art. Have you ever looked at old magazines, newspapers, and discarded paper items and wondered if there’s a way to turn them into something beautiful? Enter the world of collage…
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suburbanfairy · 5 months
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moonhedgegarden · 6 months
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upcycleqween45 · 6 months
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Mending matters🪡 You don’t have to throw something away just because it has holes. Mend it, don’t follow a pattern, but do follow your creativity. Throw rules out the door and just do what you want. Don’t sew? Hire a sewist and mender( hi, it’s me) to create a piece of custom art for you, their creative heart will thank you and their small businesses needs and deserves to be hired for custom work 💕🪡 This is a custom mend job I did for a customer on a sweater they loved with many holes that the moths chomped on ♻���🧵
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clumsycalico · 3 months
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anielskaaniela · 1 year
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Hey there! I'm excited to share my latest YouTube video on how to hack my free bralette pattern and sew two different types of bras using a recycled linen skirt. It's a beginner-friendly tutorial with detailed step-by-step instructions, and I can't wait for you to watch the whole video. out! Don't forget to share your thoughts on these unique bras in the comments. Happy sewing!
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tatersgonnatate · 18 days
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I saw some bricks painted to look like children's books
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losttimesnail · 10 days
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im selling my coasters, [check it out]
please consider reblogging, or favouriting the listing, as this greatly helps me out!!
also, some of the designs (soon to be more, i just have to take pics and edit the listing) have upcycled and second hand fabric! my goal is to make all designs have this and overall create a sustainable method for making these!!
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undbtlone · 3 days
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ahedderick · 8 months
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A while back I posted about the overabundance of mid-2oth century costume jewelry I have inherited. One response to that post was a suggestion that I make it into hangable wall art with a frame and pieces fastened to an attractive background (such as black velvet).
I am definitely going to do that, as soon as I can get my hands on some shadow boxes. The other issue, though was a few nicer pieces, such as the matched set of jade earrings and cufflinks that my parents gave each other for their wedding.
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They're too nice to mix in with costume jewelry, so I'm going to get the earrings remade into pendants, and then keep one for myself and send the other to my sil. It can be a memento of my mother. The cufflinks could go to my brother and my son - if I can figure out a way to repurpose them that they would actually like.
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creativeminna · 5 months
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Restauro e pintura para as fofetes vintage que chegaram recentemente.
Um pouco desgastadas, algumas marcas vão ficar e outras que eu alterei, acho que ficaram ótimas.
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Depois do banho demorou alguns dias para secar completamente, eu deixei na varanda tomando sol.
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A Kewpie estava com os olhos rachados, depois que eu removi a pintura original vi que o defeito estava mesmo era no plástico.
Fui lixando com lixa esponja da 3M e com broca de polir.
A coelha que estava com a ponta da orelha mordida também foi lixada e polida.
Com as superfícies bem polidas passei uma camada de verniz para começar a pintura.
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Primeiro passo é umas boa base de tinta que parece branca mas não é, coloquei um pouco de cinza e amarelo.
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Quando removi a tinta original deixei um pouco da pintura anterior, assim serve de guia. Dá para ver que a original não era muito simétrica mas mesmo assim usei como base a foto antes do restauro para me ajudar a localizar os cílios, que na minha opinião é o mais difícil de pintar.
Dessa vez eu apliquei a tinta azul, só a base e decidi traçar os cílios com lápis pastel e depois passar a tinta acrílica. Foi umas boa começar pelo centro do olho, assim todos os fios ficaram harmônicos.
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Fiz também as sobrancelhas e umas marcações para a tinta azul escura.
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Para aproveitar bem as tintas usei as mesmas cores na coelhinha.
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Pintar lábios e bochechas acho mais fácil, e nesse caso as duas bonecas têm traços bem marcados que ajuda a definir o contorno. Também usei acrílica e pastels.
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Meu marido se preparando para passar o verniz, que sim, é bem tóxico e precisa se proteger.
Ficaram prontas pro Natal.
Muito fofas, faz muito tempo que eu queria uma Kewpie grande, essa é fofa, macia e com a cabeça do tamanho da Blythe.
A coelhinha é igual a um re-ment que eu tenho que também é uma graça, adorei ter restaurado essas duas preciosas.
Um cuidado e carinho com que já existe, a curadoria de material plástico sempre com essa coisa de fofura e um pouco de melancolia, a infância que se transforma mas também se perde dentro da gente.
Eu gosto de plástico, vendo ele dessa forma de brinquedo eleva a condição para um material que tá longe de ser nobre mas aqui pode representar resgate, atenção, cuidado, memória de infância.
Não é nobre mas é versátil. Se cuidar, dura. Se não cuidar, vira lixo que demora para desintegrar. É esse caráter antagônico que fica mais evidente em brinquedos antigos, que já foram descartados, talvez mais de um vez.
O resgate que me atrai, a atenção de melhorar os detalhes, preservar o que existe e guardar memórias passadas.
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that-one-dark-smiley · 4 months
Hey so does anyone have an idea what to do with like. A shitton of denim fabric
I have a lot of jeans that I wanna upcycle. Problems: they're all blue, and I don't wear anything but black jeans. I have two denim jackets already so I don't want to make another one. I also have enough bags already.
What the hell do I do man
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mayhemandmuse · 8 months
Funny Guy "Studson" Builds Howl's Moving Castle with JUNK.
I honestly thought I'd get bored partway into this long-ass crafts video, but Studson kept me entertained for a full 50min. Well done, man! Congrats on the build, it turned out great!
Go check it out for yourself and enjoy being entertained by this comedic craftsman: https://mayhemandmuse.com/funny-guy-studson-builds-howls-moving-castle-with-junk/
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soniadiez · 1 year
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pomelo0o · 2 years
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Luz, ASTRID and THE LEMON by lellopepper ⚫️
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anielskaaniela · 11 months
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🌸 DIY Bustier Dress: Turning a Bed Sheet into Fashion Magic! 🌺
Hey there, lovely fashion enthusiasts! Are you ready for a thrilling sewing adventure? Today, I'm excited to share with you a fantastic project: transforming a humble bed sheet into a stunning bustier dress!
In this step-by-step tutorial, I'll guide you through the process of creating your very own bustier dress, complete with cups, a shirred back, bubble sleeves, and a pleated midi skirt. It's a beautiful blend of comfort, style, and sustainability, perfect for those who embrace conscious fashion.
But wait, there's more! I'm providing you with a free printable PDF pattern for the bustier dress, making it even easier to follow along. Plus, I've included a pattern for side pockets because who doesn't love functional fashion?
What makes this dress even more special is the fact that I've crafted it from a repurposed bed sheet. By upcycling materials, we're not only reducing waste but also adding a unique touch to our wardrobes. Sustainability meets style!
So, gather your sewing tools, unleash your creativity, and let's embark on this fashion journey together. The tutorial video is packed with tricks, tips, and innovative sewing techniques. You'll learn new ways to construct sleeves and achieve a perfect fit that flatters your figure.
Don't forget to share this video with your sewing buddies. Spread the love for DIY fashion and sustainable practices! Together, we can make a difference in the world of fashion and encourage others to embrace their inner creativity.
Stay tuned for more exciting tutorials and free patterns on my channel. Let's continue to reimagine and transform fabrics, one stitch at a time.
Happy sewing! 🌟✂️
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