#Cullen bashing
kind-hufflepuff · 6 months
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the-faceless-bride · 11 months
Gonna be writing HC for something, depending if people want it or not I might make it a full series 👀
Prompt? Being Bella's older sister, only you are a fabulous fashion diva who isn't afraid to read a bitch and you've got a big attitude.
Basics: [name] Swan, adopted Bella's older sister. You are your sister were very different. She "wasn't like other girls" and thought make-up and dressing up was stupid, she kept to herself and didn't start trouble (unless it benefits her) you on the other hand didn't give a shit about "being like other girls" you liked make-up and dressing up and you did it for you, you didn't give a shit who didn't like it or who called you "too much" or your personal favorite "over the top" and unlike Bella, you could be a bit messy, you didn't care who it was you would call anyone out. (you've called out your mom one too many times and now you are her can't stand each other) that's why shortly after Bella left home to Forks you soon followed, you always liked your dad more, he was nicer and didn't do anything you found worthy of calling out. He was only ever trying to help you and your sister. This is why you were less than pleased to see your sister has gone out of her way to disregard your Dad to spend time with some stuck-up, racist, posh, incest family. You were gonna have some words with her.
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akariamai · 8 months
Romeo & Juliet [Part 1]
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Pairing: Jacob Black x OC!Swan
Word Count: 1953
Part 2 Part 3, Part 4
Sloan Swan detested the assigned reading she was given. It bothers her that the widely accepted portrayal of Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet It was a narrative of blind lust for a stranger rather than an epic love story of two tragic lovers torn apart by their warring families.
“They loved each other.” Bella, her twin sister, argued as she drove them to school. In contrast to Sloan, Bella was enamored with the notion of love and disregarded the glaring red warning signs it left in its wake. Romeo’s lovely, meaningless words blinded her, just like they did so many others.
She criticized, “Romeo was literally ‘in love’ with Juliet’s cousin, Rosaline, and when she didn’t return his feeling, he went looking elsewhere. When he tells his friends about his ‘feelings’ for Juliet, they assume he’s talking about Rosaline.”
“That’s not true.” Her sister shakes her head in disbelief.
Sloan ruffles through her backpack, searching for the school’s copy of the play and flipping through the tagged pages.
“Page 32 to 33. Benvolio says to Romeo, ‘At this same ancient feast of Capulet’s, Sups the fair Rosaline whom thou so loves,’ and later in the same page Romeo replies, ‘One fairer than my love? The all-seeing sun, Ne’er saw her match since first the world begun.’ Romeo meets Juliet around page 53. Do I need to read more?”
Bella remained quiet as her perception of Romeo and Juliet was uprooted. The heartbreaking reality was silently placed in front of her, bursting a love she had equated her and Edwards to and a raging loathing emerged for her twin sister.
“And not to mention, Romeo only married Juliet to sleep with her. That’s not love.”
Bella gritted her teeth. “What do you know about love?”
“More than you, apparently.” She shot back. It was true she never had a boyfriend, but she was born with logic, and she’d be damned to ignore red flags when she saw them.
“Why do you hate love stories?”
“I don’t hate love stories.” Sloan clarified, “I hate toxic relationships disguised as love stories. There’s a difference.”
Juliet was a naive girl with rose petal shades shielding her from the truth. She was in love with the idea of love and fallen for the first boy to entice her. Her false sense of love drove her to follow him in death. Her end was tragic as she never once felt true love, only the lust of a boy impatient to bed her.
“I pity Juliet. Romeo used her and would’ve abandoned her when a new beauty caught his eye.” She sniffled out a yawn. “He plucked her from the sky and clipped her wings, locking her in a golden cage, and once he got bored of her song, he freed her but left her flightless. That would’ve been the ending of their story if they had lived.”
Bella remained silent, reeling in her fragmented view on Romeo and Juliet’s relationship, her hatred for her sister burning twice as much. The silhouette of the school could not appear fast enough as Bella hurriedly searched for a parking spot.
Her arms trembling as she parked her truck, unable to comprehend Sloan’s point of view on her favorite Shakespeare play, and needed some space to clear her mind. Sloan had zipped her backpack up; infuriating Bella. How can Sloan act as if she hadn’t disrupted her entire world. She slams her door shut as she frantically searches for Edward, her lifeline.
“Wherefore art thou, Bella? Sloan?” Mike calls out as he, Eric, Angela, and Jessica approach the two twins. “You finish the Shakespeare assignment?”
Jessica pitched in, “He means will you finish his assignment?”
“No, I don’t—okay I do.” He admits.
“I can help you with it — but first —” She pulls out her new camera, a birthday gift from her father that she was gifted earlier today. “I need a picture. My mom’s expecting a scrapbook full of memories.”
Angela holds out her own camera and says, “I take ‘em; I don’t pose for ‘em.”
“You do today.” Bella lightly pushed Angela towards the rest of the group as they arranged themselves.
“I can take the picture, Bella,” Sloan says while holding out a hand. “Go stand with your friends.” Bella reluctantly hands it over before awkwardly walking towards them as the group rearrange themselves for Bella to be in the center.
“You’ll photoshop my nose if it looks big, right?” The question was aimed at Bella.
“Don’t worry, I’m in the picture; no one will be looking at you guys.” Eric proclaimed confidently.
Jessica scoffs at his joke as the group decided on their final poses. Angela, incorporating her love for photography, points the camera at Sloan; Mike and Eric joust, and Bella stands in the center of their delightfully carefree selves stiffly. The clicks of the camera shutters as it freezes them in a moment in time and archives it forever.
Sloan lowers the camera before noticing their playful smiles dissipates except for Bella’s. The timid smile she faked grew into a real one as she had obviously spotted Edward, her boyfriend.
Although her friends did not mind the male, they did not appreciate how quickly she discarded them for him. When Bella and Edward started dating, they became placeholders for when he wasn’t around.
“Oh good. Cullen’s here.” Mike noticed the way Edward stared at Bella; it was not out of love but something more nefarious. At first, he chalked it up to jealously. His feelings for Bella were still ever-present, but he genuinely cared for her well-being. He believed, with all that he’s seen, that Edward did not love Bella the way she loves him. It was only a matter of time before he hurt her, and he prayed to be wrong for her sake.
Jessica’s response was even drier. “Yay.” Once upon a time, she had feelings for Edward, but the second he became unavailable, she pushed those feelings aside. Bella was her friend, even if she didn’t act like it most of the time, and she would never stand in the way of her friend’s happiness. However, she had noticed Bella’s co-dependency on Edward, following him around like a lost puppy craving his attention. It wasn’t healthy. Not one bit, but she had no right to say anything.
Sloan, too, did not like the relationship her sister had with Edward. Edward had stripped Bella away from her independent lifestyle. There was never a moment away from Edward. Bella would choose him over everyone, and the realization of this truth stung. She missed the days when the two of them would read together; although both were silent during this time, the conversations that happened afterwards were fun. Those days were gone, now filled with an empty chair and an untouched book, and Sloan having no one to talk to. She never thought she would become familiar with loneliness.
“Check ya, later.” Eric replied, sensing the uncomfortable atmosphere, and lead his friends away.
Bella hadn’t responded, nor did she notice; her attention solely remained on Edward, who approached her figure, his eyes never leaving hers. This was the moment when Sloan decided to leave, her absence going unnoticed by both her twin and the vampire. She preferred to be in her English class going over Romeo and Juliet than forced to watch her sister pine about her boyfriend.
From across the parking lot, someone shouted. “Sloan!” She turned her attention to the person, Jacob Black, her friend from the nearby reservation. His presence brought a smile onto her face as her worries vanished in an instant.
“Jake!” Her excitement could not be contained. It has been a while since the two of them hung out; both busy with school work and other responsibilities. “You grew.” She noticed. His muscles were more refined than the last time she saw him, he was now a head taller than her.
He laughed, “And you didn’t.” Now he can hold the television control over her head like she had done to him in their childhood. Sweet, sweet revenge.
She pouted, “Not my fault I’m bite-sized.” By no means was she short, not was she unusually tall. She was average, yet compared to the massive monster known as Jacob, it would appear so.
His glee was energizing, her thoughts on Edward and Bella fading into the foreground of her mind, acting as a life jacket keeping her from drowning in her thoughts and worries.
“Happy birthday.” He offers her a warm hug before reaching into his pocket, pulling out a small hand-woven bracelet. “It’s not much, I know, but.” He drops it in the palm of her hand, eyeing the marvel embedded in her chestnut eyes. “I hope you like it.”
“I love it!” She exclaimed, “You didn’t have to get me anything.” It was a thoughtful gift—something she’ll treasure forever. She quickly slips it on and makes a silent vow to never take it off. She won’t, however, except when she bathes or swims. She does not want his hard work to be ruined by water.
“I’m glad you like it.” He looks around for the other birthday girl, seeing her in a quiet conversation with her boyfriend. “I’m going to give your sister her gift.”
Sloan nods. Class is going to start soon, and she needed to get to class. “Bye Jacob.”
“Bye.” He rushed towards her sister, yelling her name to get her attention, managing to break up the couple for a few moments.
Bella quietly dropped off her sister at home before rushing away to her boyfriend’s house. Apparently, his family were throwing her a small party for their family only—the Cullens and the birthday girl—and no one else. Leaving Sloan and her father to celebrate the twins birthday alone.
The two didn’t plan much but it was just right for them. Both Bella and Sloan weren’t the party type, they preferred the quiet hums of their home, a homemade dinner with their father, and a hushed evening filled with television and soft conversation.
Sloan spent the day prepping for their meal, spicy honey garlic chicken with garlic Parmesan fries. It was a favorite she and her father shared. Bella’s absence remained a constant in their conversations. They spent their evening watching her favorite movies: Legally Blonde, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Scream, and Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron.
Charlie loved the days when he and his daughters would sit together and watch TV. Bella would hide under the covers whenever a horror sequence became too much, opting to stay under until the danger passed. Sloan would mindlessly make comments under her breath throughout the movie, only audible to the person sitting next to her. He enjoyed days like this, as they were a small snippet of the past, his daughters reminding him of their younger selves, and now they were all grown up.
Wrapped up in one of her blankets, she laid her head on her father’s shoulders, her eyes drooping. It was late, and Bella still hadn’t arrived. Their birthday was already over and not a single second of the three of them had celebrated as a family. It truly broke her heart.
She didn’t know when, but her father carried her to her bedroom and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before tucking her in. He was going to miss moments like this. His children are adults now, and soon they will be leaving the nest. He never prepared himself for this day, always believing he had more time with them, but he guessed every parent came to the same realization when the time finally arrived.
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jalice713 · 29 days
Edward would not have the skin of a killer (Bella) if he just used Dracula's sunblock no. 5,022
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alexyskinnerstories · 2 months
Bella's Aunt Characters Information pt. 2
- Uncle-in-law Marcel Gerard ( Alive)
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- Aunt-in-Law Davina Claire-Mikaelson ( Dead)
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- Aunt-in-Law Keelin Neveah Malraux-Mikaelson ( Alive)
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- Biological Uncle Henrik Mikaelson ( Dead)
Picture Here
( A picture will be put here or shown in future chapters when I bring him back to life in the story when I find my face claim for him.)
- Biological Sons Carson and Camron Swan
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- Future Aunt-In-Law Hayley Marshall
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More info
Sexuality: Lesbian (G!P)
Height Difference
Annabeth- " 6'5"
Esme- "5'6"
(Upgrade Original Vampire, Werewolf , Witch and Succubus )
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- Soulmate: Esme Cullen
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- Best Friends : Sue Clearwater, Harry Clearwater, Charlie and Billy Black
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fairydxll · 2 years
𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐞 . . . 🩰♡ send me a trope, and I’ll write about what it would be like with them (ex. enemies to lovers)
There’s only one bed with Edward Cullen?
masterlist — taglist — library account
☆ ˚✧₊⁎ ♡ ☁️🩰🕯 ☆ ˚✧₊⁎ ♡
“you take the bed," he said, his expression blank. "it’s not like i need it anyway.”
"oh, right." you sighed. "So--"
Edward cut you off before you could finish. "I'll leave you alone," he said. "I'm sure I can find somewhere else."
He started to walk away, and without thinking, "Wait!" You watched as he turned around casually. His face was emotionless and you wondered whether you should even continue. "Stay, please."
The corners of his mouth rose slightly, but he didn't say a word. Instead, he made his way past you towards the bathroom. "I'll give you some privacy."
Edward disappeared behind the door. You closed your eyes and let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. It's extremely hard not to become a blubbering, blushing idiot around him. He carried himself like a prince, and you felt small in his presence. Almost as if you weren't worthy.
Once you had slipped off your clothes and changed into some sleepwear, you told him he could come back out.
You pulled back the comforter on the bed and sunk into the soft sheets. Edward, however, was now sitting on the armchair near the door.
"What's wrong?" He said upon noticing your small pout.
"Can you come closer?" His eyebrows furrowed, but he got up anyway. You patted the empty space next to you. He took the hint and sat down. You suddenly got the urge to touch. Simply being around him is just not enough. Almost as if reading your mind, he put his arm around you.
"Promise me you won't leave," you said.
Smiling down at you he responded, "I promise. I'll be here as long as you need."
*·゜゚·*:.。..。.:* 🎧🧁☁️🪐*:.。. .。.:*·゜゚·*
🏷️ @fandomwritersworld @scandalous-chaos @bluetreecloud20 @wolfstarxstarchaser @a-lil-bit-nuts @siriusxoxo @analove26 @marishaslove @twilight-among-the-stars @raajali3 @eichenhouseproperty @milkiangl
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lets-get-brave · 2 years
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Cullen got caught in the rain! Wet T-shirt Cullen, because the world always needs more of this man with his natural hair! I always love his curls. <3
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kingvamps · 1 year
i've been thinking about my inquisition rewrite that i'm working on and i've come to the conclusion that having cassandra and cullen in the same game is just.... wasteful from a cohesive narrative standpoint unless you make one of them evil/an antagonist, either by having cullen take samson's place or committing cassandra's character to the whole kidnapping and right hand of the divine thing.
otherwise it's just... they serve the exact same purpose narratively (devoted chantry soldier who, at the time unknowingly, suffered harm at the hands of the chantry and has to recognize the harm the chantry committed, and that they helped the chantry commit, who must decide whether to commit to helping the organization they were apart of or to leave them completely)
anyway i think that's why they both bore me so much in inquisition, even more than aveline (who is many things, but i would not call her boring exactly) just because realistically they should have focused on one or the other and splitting their focus weakened them and the narrative as a whole.
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twilightt-fantasy · 11 months
stand up [v. kings]
description: Hey- I have yet to see any of these (kinda?-) But I was hoping if you could do a Poly relationship with the Volturi kings, where the reader is shy as heck and is related to the one and only, Bella swan? Have a great day/afternoon/night <3 :)
requested by: anon
warnings: Bella bashing.
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She had always been second to Bella.
Always, didn’t matter what the occasion or skill was - if she could do it, she was certain that Bella would somehow make it better or, if not, find a way to put the attention back on her.  
It was tiresome and aggravating and drove a wedge between her and her mother. Charlie wasn’t nearly as bad as Renee when comparing the two of them, which is why the younger swan wildly preferred her father.
When she found her mates and moved to Italy, the relationship between her and her mom eased a bit. She wasn’t around as much to hear Renee fawn about Bella and Renee instead used the time she did speak to her to wonder how her new - modified version - life was.
She had hoped her and Bella’s relationship would mend itself as well but, of course, that wasn’t the case.
She had been swept into Bella’s world unwillingly and Bella hated that she had to share her little piece of heaven with her sister. It stung her even more that her mates were the very Kings of Volterra, the same ones that nearly stole Edward away from her.
She was not shy about voicing her opinion either, even in front of the kings. She knew they would never do anything to harm the family of their mate if that was what she wished.
Though, the human’s patience was beginning to run thin.
Especially now, as Bella sat in the quiet area of Aro’s study with her husband, sister, and her mates. They visited a couple of times a year, Bella using the chance to show off her new immortality that her sister had not yet received.
Though she hadn’t said much, her mocking eyes and hateful scoffs were not missed by anyone. The Kings were as polite to her as always but she could not return the sentiment.
Her sister hated it and knew her mates did as well. They tried hard to be nice to her and the Cullen family, the least she could do was pretend while she was here.
Hell, even Edward managed to be respectful and hold up a normal conversation.
Finally, after Marcus had attempted to start another conversation with Bella to which he was met with a snarky comment, the mate of the kings had had enough.
“Bella, enough.” Her voice, normally quiet and demure, was loud enough to shock everyone into silence. 
Bella looked to her sister wide eyes, Edward looking between the two of them warily.
Aro, Caius and Marcus all wore varying shades of surprise and pride, their attention fully on their mate as she stared down her sister. Bella was gaping at the human, not used to the loudness of her voice or the displeasure on her face.
“Marcus was simply asking a question, trying to get to know you better. The least you could do is pretend to be polite and have some decency while you’re here.” She was angry now, the years of being pushed behind Bella and constantly being pushed down building up in her. “They’re nice enough to let you come here because you’re my sister but one word, and you won’t see me again and we won’t extend any favors to you.”
“I can’t held that I was pulled into your world and I can’t help who my mates are no matter how much you remind me that you hate me being involved and you hate them.” Bella opened her mouth to argue, to which the human raised her hand, showing she was not done. “But they’ve treated me better in a short time than you have treated me my whole life. You have no right to come here and disrespect them and myself when they’re just being nice.”
She huffed, pausing when she noticed the looks she was getting around the room. Her face turned red then, realizing what she had just done in front of everyone.
Bella was only staring back at her sister, looking only the smallest bit ashamed. Her golden eyes looked towards Edward, who only looked back briefly. “You’re right, I apologize.”
She nodded back, cheeks still burning. “I think we should end this for tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
With that, she stood heading out of Aro’s quarters and heading towards her own. She knew her mates would be close behind her and left the door open for them, smiling sheepishly when they appeared.
“I can’t believe I just did that.”
“Neither can we.” Aro laughed, reaching forward to grab her hand and kiss her cheek. “That was fantastic.”
“I have to agree.” Caius took her other hand, a smug smile pulling at his lips. “I never saw it coming, though it needed to be said for some time.”
“I was just so sick of her treating you guys like that.” She sighed, leaning her head back into Marcus’ chest as he appeared behind her. “You all have been trying to be nice to her and that’s how she repays you. I can handle it but she shouldn’t take it out on you.”
“You shouldn’t have to handle it.” Marcus murmured and the other two nodded in agreement. “She’s your sister, Bella should treat you better than what she does.”
She scoffed. “You’re telling me.”
“Come on.” Caius tugged your hand, pulling you back towards the bed. “No more talk of Bella tonight. We’ll put on a movie or something to get your mind off of it.”
She smiled, leaning up to peck Caius’ cheek as she followed them each to her bed. The four of them got comfortable, her resting in the middle of Caius and Marcus while keeping a hold of Aro’s hand.
Even if her rant towards Bella didn’t change anything, she knew she’d have the three kings for the rest of eternity to love her and accept her in all her ways.
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starryhyuck · 1 year
twilight. (m)
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pairing: vampire!jaehyun + afab!reader
words: 3.3k+
summary: you’re 100% sure your boyfriend is a werewolf. surprise kicks in when you discover he’s a different kind of monster.
genre: smut
warnings: dubcon, squirting, choking, anal, reader gets thrown around like a ragdoll, crying, public sex, blood drinking, creampies
You’re a passionate fan of the Twilight series. Most of your friends know this, so your declaration that your new boyfriend is a werewolf comes at no surprise.
“Is it just because Jaehyun has a six pack?” Seulgi muses, chewing at the end of her fork thoughtfully.
You roll your eyes. “No. Although, that is a nice bonus.”
Johnny sighs at the other end of the table. “Is this just like last year? You know, when Taeyong dressed as Edward Cullen for Halloween and you were convinced he was hiding in plain sight?”
Your gaze drifts to the boy mentioned as he sits across the local diner, where most of your university frequents. Taeyong is laughing at something Jaehyun said, and guessing by the blooming red of Doyoung’s ears, you assume they’re teasing him again.
“No! Listen, my Taeyong theory was very good even though none of you entertained it, but this is different. Trust me, I know Jaehyun is a werewolf. I sleep right next to him,” you try to say convincingly.
Your friends offer you dead gazes. They’ve heard it all before from you, and were thoroughly pleased at how dumb you looked when you shoved Taeyong in the sun to prove diamonds would glitter off his skin. It merely resulted in your bashful apology to Taeyong, who was more than happy to laugh and forgive you.
“Maybe we shouldn’t try to mess this relationship up when it’s just started,” Minjeong says carefully, eyeing your reaction.
It’s true — you had only started dating Jaehyun two weeks ago after months of senseless flirting. Johnny was about to lock the both of you in a room just to get you to realize how much you like each other, but luckily you confessed before it got that far.
A pair of arms encircle your waist, and a kiss is pressed to the shell of your ear. “What are you scaring them with today?” A throaty chuckle sends shivers down your spine.
“Someone has another supernatural theory,” Seulgi responds to Jaehyun’s question, one eyebrow raised. You glare at her and give her a warning look not to spill your suspicion.
“Oh really?” You can hear the smile in Jaehyun’s voice. He knows all about your Taeyong debacle from last year. “Who are we targeting this time?”
“No one!” You quickly respond, spinning in his hold and plastering a smile on your face. You kiss his cheek and grab his hand, tugging him away from the table and out the diner. “They’re just being silly. Why don’t we go back to your place?”
Jaehyun laughs, lips ghosting the back of your neck.
“Yeah? Baby wants to go back to my place?”
You whimper at the tone of his voice, knowing exactly what he plans to do to you.
“Yes, please, daddy.”
It feels like you’re on Cloud 9. Jaehyun’s hand is tangled in the back of your hair, your face is shoved in one of his comfiest pillows, and his cock is brutally fucking your pussy. Before Jaehyun, no other guy really knew how to ruin you like this. Jaehyun was the first one who turned you into a dumb, drooling, cockwhore mess.
“Pillow princess,” he sinisterly laughs above you, watching your mouth fall open in ecstasy. “Never wants to do any work. Always wants daddy to take care of her.”
You feel his fingers brush the strands of hair away from your face, and his mouth grazes your cheek. His balls slap against your clit lewdly, his bedroom filled with the sounds of your squelching pussy.
“Now, tell me about this supernatural theory you have, baby.”
“Ungh,” you cry, barely able to remember your own name. You can feel every ridge and vein of his cock hug your walls, preventing you from thinking about anything else.
“Is it about Doyoung?” He murmurs in your ear, ignoring your cries when he picks up his pace. You know for a fact that you’ll be sore tomorrow.
“How about Mark?”
You swear you feel him in the back of your throat.
He applies pressure to your clit, rolling the nub between his thumb and forefinger. You see stars.
The pressure is building, building, building, and-
“Is it about me?”
You hopelessly crash, crying loudly as you reach your orgasm. Your nails dig into Jaehyun’s arm, holding him close while he helps you ride your high.
You’re offered no time to recover, Jaehyun manhandling you onto your side while he presses up behind you. His fingers grip your thigh roughly, hoisting it in the air and allowing him to slide back in your dripping cunt.
“S-Sensitive, daddy-“
“I don’t give a fuck,” he growls, hips snapping into yours. It almost sounds like he’s mad at you. “Tell me about the theory you have on me.”
You feel wetness falling down your cheeks and faintly register that you started crying. You’re a blubbering mess, begging for Jaehyun to slow down.
“What do you think I am, hm? Gonna shove me in the sun like you did with Taeyong?”
All you can manage is a string of moans, your second orgasm approaching quickly. “M-More, daddy,” you beg, desperately looking back to try and get him to kiss you.
“You’ll get more when you answer my question, baby,” he hisses, prodding his fingers against your lips. You take the hint, opening your mouth wide and allowing him to slide his fingers in. You suck at his digits lewdly, trying your best to please him.
He groans at the sight of you. “Fucking hell. So what is it, baby? Wizard? Elf? Bigfoot?”
“W-Werewolf,” you choke against him, finally admitting it. You grow warm and prepare yourself for the upcoming embarrassment.
There’s a pause in Jaehyun’s thrusts before you hear him laughing maniacally. His fingers leave your mouth in favor of digging into your hips, finding leverage so he can pound into you harder.
“Werewolf? Seriously, baby? You’re dumber than I thought.”
You struggle to defend yourself when your climax suddenly hits you, your cunt squirting all over Jaehyun’s sheets. You think you’re screaming, trying desperately to push him away as he shows no mercy on you. You nearly topple over when he harshly grabs your hair, pushing you forward until half of your body is dangling off the side of the bed.
Jaehyun slides in even deeper than before, if it was humanly possible. “Listen to how wet you get for me,” he hums, enjoying the loud squelch of your wetness. “Remember when I first fucked you? Could barely take an inch before you were begging to stop.”
You remember it very clearly. You and Jaehyun hadn’t made anything official at the time, yet you couldn’t keep your hands off one another. He had taken you in the back of the university library, your fingers holding onto the bookcases for dear life while he tried his best to fit his cock into your tiny pussy.
“I couldn’t believe how lucky I got to find an obedient whore like you. You’ll let me take you anywhere I like, won’t you, baby?” He chuckles when your only response is an outcry of his name. “Too bad you’re so nosy. Sticking your face into things that aren’t your business to begin with.”
He leans over you until your palms hit the floor. His cock pushes deeper and deeper when his teeth hovers over your neck.
“Daddy-“ you whimper, feeling restless. “I c-can’t.”
“You can and you will,” he says, and his tone indicates that there’s no room for argument. “After you tell me why you think I’m a werewolf.”
You make your best attempt at pushing forward an explanation as to why you think your boyfriend can secretly transform into a four-legged animal, but it comes out in stutters and half-sentences.
“Sick and I-I thought- you didn’t w-want to t-talk to me- just l-like Jacob did w-with Bella-“
Jaehyun, somehow, is able to piece your explanation together. “When I was sick last week and ignored you, you thought I was going through my transformation like Jacob did with Bella in Twilight?”
You nod shyly, afraid to look back and see the mocking emotion on his face. You squeak when you’re manhandled again, this time being pushed on your back and forced to look up at your boyfriend.
“You have to stop reading those silly books, baby,” he says, his voice gentle even though his hands work their way to your throat. He squeezes it and you choke. “They make you so dumb.”
“Y-You like me d-dumb, daddy,” you whisper, voice hoarse from the screaming and the weight crushing your windpipe.
“I do, baby. You know me so well,” he smiles. You’re about to smile back when you suddenly feel the tip of his cock prod against your other entrance, causing you to gasp. Jaehyun has only tried anal with you one other time, and that was after hours of preparation and lots of lube. He’s never done it dry before. “Don’t worry, baby. Just trust me.”
The pain is overwhelming and you cry, ignoring the scratch of your throat. “Daddy, it hurts!”
“It’s your punishment,” he says meanly, venom laced in his voice. You’re starting to get whiplash at how fast he changes his emotions. “For thinking I’m a fucking werewolf. How stupid are you?”
“S-Sorry! I’m sorry!” You whimper, kicking your feet to try and get away from him.
You sob louder when his cock continues to stretch you open, and you feel like you’re going to be split in half. The feeling, however, is overshadowed when you abruptly feel a pair of sharp teeth pierce the flesh of your neck. You scream, trying to make sense of what’s actually happening, but Jaehyun is fast to pin you down and ensure you can’t move.
The pain quickly shifts into pleasure, and your body is overtaken by a tingling sensation that spreads from the bottom of your toes to the edge of your fingertips.
“What-“ you mumble blearily, eyes shifting out of focus.
You find yourself struggling to stay conscious, mind blanking while you tumble into darkness.
The tall man looks behind him, trying to find the source of the voice calling his name. He squints when he sees you behind a pillar, dressed in a hoodie and sunglasses. He jogs over to you, eyeing your choice of outfit.
“Dude, what are you wearing? It’s literally a hundred degrees.”
You shush him, looking around frantically while pulling him behind a nearby building so no one can see you.
“Have you seen Jaehyun?”
Johnny scoffs. “No. Shouldn’t you know where your own boyfriend is?”
You lower your sunglasses so you can look him dead in the eye.
“Johnny, listen to me. Stay away from Jaehyun. I was wrong about him being a werewolf, okay? He’s a vampire. A fucking vampire.”
You receive four rapid blinks. “Haven’t we already gone through this before? I’ll burn your copies of Twilight, I’m dead serious.”
“Johnny!” You scold, frustrated that he isn’t taking you seriously. You quickly unzip your hoodie and show him the markings on your neck, two bright red indents that show where Jaehyun bit you.
“Woah, what the fuck? Did Jaehyun hurt you? I’ll beat his ass, just give me the go ahead.”
“No, no, he didn’t hurt me,” you insist, feeling embarrassed. “I actually kind of liked it.”
Johnny gags. “I didn’t need to know that. Look, you know I love you, but this is clearly you and Jaehyun exploring some nasty kinks that the rest of us don’t need to know about.”
“I’m being serious, Johnny! Jaehyun bit me and it was a vampire bite. He had fangs!”
“You saw his fangs?”
“Well, no. I passed out because his cock was in my ass and-“
“Fuck!” Johnny yells, fingers at his temples in an attempt to erase what you just told him. “What is wrong with you? I don’t want to know that Jaehyun’s dick was in your asshole!”
Students start to stop and stare at the sight of you and Johnny bickering, briefly catching onto the tail end of Johnny’s despair.
“Shut up!” You hiss, clapping your hand over his mouth. “I’m telling you this because it’s important! Jaehyun is a vampire and he got really pissed at me when I told him I thought he was a werewolf. When I woke up, he was gone and I haven’t seen him for days! He’s going to eat me, Johnny!”
He slaps you away and rolls his eyes. “You need to seek counseling, I’m not playing around. Just go tell your boyfriend you don’t like it when he bites you. Problem solved.”
You try to protest again but Johnny finds a way to escape from you, running until you can no longer see him on the other side of campus.
You huff, getting ready to trek back to your apartment and hide from the rest of the possible supernatural world. You freeze when you suddenly feel a presence behind you, and a hand dances around your waist.
“My pretty girl, are you telling the whole world about me?”
The voice sends chills down your spine, and Jaehyun’s lips suck at the lobe of your ear.
He shushes you, pressing you against the wall of the building and out of view from prying eyes. Your heart beats loudly in your chest, and you know that this is it. This is how you die — in the hands of your extremely hot vampire boyfriend.
“I had to spend a few days away from you,” he confesses, fingers wandering up your shirt. “Almost lost myself when I finally got a taste. Your pussy is magnificent, my love, the best pussy I’ve ever tasted in my life but your blood — mmm, it doesn’t even compare.”
“Please don’t kill me,” you beg, crying in distress.
“I would never kill you,” he says with conviction, angry that you would think such a thing. “I would never let anything harm you. You know why?”
You tremble, feeling his fingers push down the band of your sweatpants. “W-Why?”
“Because then I would never get to feel this pussy again. Feel how good she is wrapped around me. Trust me, baby, I’ve lived for a very long time and I waited just to find you.”
Your sweatpants drop down to your ankles, leaving you in nothing but one of Jaehyun’s favorite thongs. You’re far from humiliated, being caught in more compromising positions with Jaehyun before. Your only concern is the fact that you’ve learned your boyfriend is a real-life Edward Cullen, and you have entrusted him with your mortality.
“Are you going to turn me into a vampire?”
“Only if you want to,” he replies, pushing the fabric of your underwear aside and lining himself up to your entrance. “If you want to feel this good for eternity, just say the word, baby.”
You groan when he pushes into you. The stretch is almost like a welcome home. If you’re being fully honest, you wouldn’t last a day if you and Jaehyun broke up. You crave his cock almost every hour of every day, no matter how desperate that makes you sound.
“Tell me you want me, baby. Even if I’m a vampire,” he whispers into the crook of your neck, and you jolt at the thought of him biting you again.
“I want you, daddy,” you sniffle. “Please don’t leave me, daddy.”
“Would never leave you, baby.”
You hear the faint sound of skin slapping against skin, and you moan as you brush your hair back, fully exposing your neck. Jaehyun discards your hoodie to the floor and kisses you gently.
“Want to be marked again, baby?” He asks you and you nod, mewling at the thought. You feel him grin against your skin. “Taeyong thought I was an idiot, you know.”
“Hm?” You hum softly, longing to have him kiss you again.
“You were right about him from the get-go, he’s the leader of our coven in fact,” he says, balls brutally hitting your clit with every thrust. “Everyone mocked you for getting your resources from that shitty book of yours, but I was so proud of my girl. So smart even when everyone else doubts her.”
“Y-You said I was d-dumb!”
He chuckles. “I was just teasing you, baby. But you know I love you dumb. Now show that pretty neck for daddy.”
You tilt your head to give him full access, and his thumb rolls against your clit as a reward. Your eyes dart down in time to see his fangs pop out, and he licks his lips before descending on your neck. Just like last time, there’s no discomfort or pain. Your body almost sings when Jaehyun bites you, and you feel complete in an odd way.
The intimacy helps the coil inside you snap, and Jaehyun groans when he feels your pussy tighten around his cock at the strength of your orgasm.
His teeth sink deeper into your neck, eagerly chasing his own high. You don’t even care at this point if he drains you completely, only focused on his cum filling you to the brim.
“M-More, d-daddy,” you cry, hips meeting the force of his thrusts halfway. “Fill me up. Want to feel your cum spilling out of my tiny pussy.”
He retracts his fangs from your neck and you moan at the sight of your blood spilling from his lips.
“Tastes so fucking good,” he groans. “Want to fuck you forever, baby.”
The sound of footsteps approaching makes you whimper, nails digging into Jaehyun’s wrist. “Faster, daddy, hurry. Someone’s going to see.”
It only takes a few more snaps before ropes of white fill you, Jaehyun groaning loudly into the back of your neck. If you didn’t just fuck him a few days ago, you would have guessed he hadn’t cum for over a year with the amount of his seed he empties into you.
Luckily, whoever was approaching heard your sounds of pleasure and decided it was better to leave you alone. You giggle and turn your head to kiss him, and Jaehyun smiles softly.
“Missed you,” you whisper. “Why did you disappear? I thought you had plans to eat me.”
“Maybe I still do,” he teases, fingers brushing your folds as he pulls out. “I was worried about your reaction. And honestly, baby, you thought I was a werewolf. It was insulting.”
You laugh and kiss him again. “Sorry. I just didn’t want another Taeyong debacle even though now I know I was always right!”
“That you were,” he hums, helping you pull your sweatpants back on. He tucks himself back into his pants and presses a kiss to your neck, licking at his bite and cleaning you up. “I would appreciate it, however, if you didn’t go around and tell everyone.”
“I promise I won’t,” you swear, making yourself presentable. “As long as the only blood you take is mine.”
He laughs. “Someone wants to be a little blood bag, hm? Jealous of me drinking from someone else?”
You frown. “Of course I am. I thought you said my blood tastes divine?”
“It does,” he growls, still licking at remnants of your blood on his lips. “That week I told you I was sick — it was because I needed to feed. If I spent one more night with you, I would have drained you dry, I’m sure of it.”
“You can drink from me everyday, I don’t care,” you say, wrapping your arms around his neck. “As long as you let me have my Bella moment in the forest.”
His grin is blinding. “Whatever my baby wants. How about we have round two in the woods as well?”
Your eyes sparkle. “Deal!”
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m00mis · 1 year
Hiiii if you can can you please write Seventeen as dads please? 🥺
as a no1 dilf lover i sure can
{ gender neutral apart from cheol & mingyu because i HAD to. }
seventeen as dads
cheol - would beg for a daughter, and spoil her greatly, anything she wanted was hers. he's her biggest fan and would sign her up to so many sports, making sure to never miss a match. he'd make banners to hold up for her to cheer her on, he's so intense he almost got thrown out when he started arguing with the ref. they would have nightly gossip sessions where she could rant about her day. he would be her rock, someone she could always go to for anything
jeonghan - borderline dangerous with children because he would swing and throw them around. thinks that kids should be free to do what they want (within reason) and just asks them to come home for dinner. he trusts his kid a lot and is a very chill parent but when they start acting out he does NOT let them get away with it and is very judgmental "this is what you do with your time? do something better with your life..."
joshua - babies his kid forever and they're always an angel in his eyes. constantly says "remember when you were this big? time flies" and always reminisces. you catch him looking through photographs late at night, especially the night before their birthday. cries at every milestone and is so touched when they handmake anything for him. loves them so much, he is so grateful for them
jun - a very playful dad who is a big kid himself really. enjoys playtime as much as they do (maybe even more) and is often the one to ask them if they want to play. as they get older he teaches them everything he knows. he just really enjoys doing activities with them! teaching them to cook, to play the piano, to paint. there's mini juns running about all over the place
hoshi - the jokester, the comedian, the free entertainment for the whole family. his fav sound is his kid's laughter and will do anything to hear it. when he tucks them into bed he gives them kisses down their arms and on their feet. he can't help rolling around on their bed attacking them with kisses. (and ofc he constantly roams around his house as a tiger. paints both their faces as tigers, his tiger cub <3)
wonwoo - quite bashful around his kid but the little things he will do for them and go out of his way for show how much he loves them. he would do whatever they say and happily watch them do what they want because they're so cute. they know they have him wrapped around their tiny fingers and he does not care one bit. is definitely giving them lifts everywhere when they're older so they don't have to pay taxi fare
woozi - plays the piano and sings to get them to calm down and stop crying and it works every time. loves recording their baby voice and lets them make their own music tracks even though it stresses him out letting their grubby hands touch his stuff. he composes a lullaby for them (edward cullen style). never seen him as happy as when he's with his baby
dk - buys so many outfits because he cannot go past the baby section without dying of cuteness at how small and cute all the clothes are. photographs every little thing and is very protective, always there to catch his baby incase they fall or stumble. definitely the embarrassing dad who tries to be funny around their friends if they come over
mingyu - has mini dates with his daughter, getting her ready himself and doing her hair (badly). they go to see a movie together and a cafe after, sharing cake and a milkshake. househusband is naturally a great father and his heart bursts when she clings to him, following him around while he does chores. he buys matching aprons so they can cook together, the kitchen ends up a mess but the amount of giggling makes up for it
minghao - he's so nurturing and in tune to what children need and treats them as mini adults, respecting their space and emotions. the only thing he wants his kid to be is kind, constantly teaching them to respect others. his fav part of the day would be bedtime, he would stay with them until they fell asleep, stroking their hair and telling them stories
seungkwan - will fight children. if his kid gets bullied he will storm into the school to find who hurt his baby and he would get banned from the premises. (tbh he's terrified of children tho they're scary) he also teases his kid a lot and only stops once they start doing it back but he's glad that they learnt to fight their own corner from the very best. definitely a soccer mom
vernon - thinks his kid is so funny and laughs at whatever they do (lovingly). constantly plays music for them in hopes that as they grow up they'll have the same music taste. i think he would be the more submissive dad who lets them do makeup on his face and put stickers and fake tats on him, and would be the patient if they played doctor. when they got older he would take them bowling and to the arcade
dino - nothing he's achieved compares to being a father, he loves his kid so much, such a proud dad. has a photo of them in his wallet and shows it to everyone he can. feels like he'll explode every time he comes home and hears "daddy!". he would take his kid to the dance studio with him so they could make cute choreo together. although he would love for his kid to follow in his footsteps, he urges them to find what they want to do and would be so supportive no matter what.
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kind-hufflepuff · 1 year
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The Swans of Antioch on a03
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Charlie Swan x reader- The step-mum
Warnings: verbal abuse/adult language, slight Bella bashing, slight age-gap, pregnancy
Description: Being a step-mother can be hard especially to a teenager and when a baby comes into play it can be so much harder
AN: Set in between new moon and eclipse
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You loved Charlie Swan. You had met him when you broke down by the side of the road when heading home from work. It was dark and you were slightly scared when you heard a car pull up behind you, Charlie had been your knight in blue armour riding a broken down police cruiser. You then dated and got married within two years and in that time you had only met his daughter, Isabella, twice, once a year into dating when she came to stay for a couple days and then on your wedding day.
Having only met the girl twice when she moved to forks it was very awkward. Isabella, who preferred to be called Bella, was quiet, shy and standoffish when she first moved in and Charlie wasn’t that much better so you felt like it was up to you to get the pair talking and relaxed. You tried your hardest to make Bella feel at home but everything you did never helped. Bella didn’t like you no matter how much you tried so you just gave up trying and left the girl to her own life and only really got involved when Charlie needed you too. But the biggest problem was that Bella blamed you for everything, if something went wrong with her car she blamed you, if something happened that she didn’t like she blamed you and worst of all when Charlie banned her from seeing Edward Cullen she blamed you.
After Bella had ran away to Italy Charlie had hit the roof, he had gone from panicking, to scared, to anger all within an hour and all you could do was stand there. So when Bella arrived back in forks with Edward Charlie had been angry and banned Bella from seeing the Cullen. There had been a massive argument between Charlie and Bella which you had tried to calm down but it ended with Bella calling you a bitch and running to her room.
It had all calmed down slightly since then and you had talked to Charlie about letting Bella see Edward somehow but he was not budging from his ban which was very understandable but it didn’t help your relationship with the girl. But you were trying to get Bella to at least be civil with you and that’s what led you to today.
Charlie was currently at work and it was just you and Bella in the house and you had planned to cook her tea and talk while you ate in hope that you could build some kind of relationship with her because you had some big news for the pair of Swans.
You had been feeling off so you had spoken to some friends who had suggested you take a pregnancy test which you did and it turned out to be positive. After going to the doctors to confirm the pregnancy you still hadn’t told Charlie as you wanted it to be special for him but you knew that it couldn’t be special while the house felt like a war zone.
You cooked Bella’s favourite meal and once it was ready you shouted up to her room and then started to plate up the food. You placed the food on the table and waiting for a couple of minutes before shouting up the stairs again but Bella never came down. You waited for about an hour, eating your own meal before it became cold with the full plate and empty chair in front of you. Once you had finished you put the left overs into tubs that then went into the fridge and then went to sit on the couch and watch some tv waiting for Charlie to come home. You didn’t have to wait long for Charlie and once he had walked through the door he ate and then you went to bed.
(The next morning)
The sun had just risen when you were awoken by your stomach turning, you jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom and you only just made it to the toilet in time. The fast movement must have woken Charlie up because he was fast to follow behind you to hold back your hair and softly rub your back. “Honey, you ok?” He asked gently when you had finely finished, he helped you sit up and grabbed a glass to fill with water. You nodded slowly, taking the water and drinking some before you answered, “yeah, I’m fine, it’s normal at this point of the pregnancy.” You didn’t even realise what you had said before you heard the clang of your toothbrush against the sink, Charlie had picked it up to give to you but dropped it in shock at what you had said.
“Pregnancy?” Charlie asked quietly staring wide eyed at you, you opened your mouth to say something when a screech caught you off guard, “what?” Bella must have heard the commotion and exited her room to hear the word Charlie had said, “your pregnant?” She asked screaming loud, her face turned red with the anger that ran through her veins. “You can’t be pregnant!” She shouted staring at you from the door of the bathroom. Charlie still hadn’t moved or spoke since Bella made an appearance so you stood up and smiled slightly at your step-daughter before speaking softly to the both of them, “I wasn’t really that sure how to tell you both but I found out I’m pregnant on Monday, I’m about eight weeks a long,” you smiled, stepping forward towards Charlie who’s eyes had began to well up with what you hoped was happy tears, “Charlie, are your alright with…” you were cut off by your husbands lips meeting yours.
Charlie pulled away holding your waist softly, he had a massive smile on his face and a couple of tears running down his cheeks, “this is amazing!” He said hugging you close before he turned towards his daughter who was stewing with anger in the doorway, “isn’t this great Bella? Your gonna be a big sister.” Bella’s jaw dropped, there was silence in the house before Bella began shouting at the top of her voice, “Great! Great! This is not great!” You sighed slightly leaning into Charlie’s side when he pulled you closer to him, “a baby will ruin everything, you shouldn’t even be married to the gold digger,” she pointed at the with a shaking finger, “and now your having a baby with her.”
You knew that she could go further but the Swan was cut off by her father who shouted loudly, “don’t speak to her like that, Bella!” Charlie kept you in his arms looking at his daughter who had become quiet, “this is an amazing thing to happen to us and you need to except that,” Charlie looked at you with loving eyes and then looked back at his daughter, “(y/n) is my wife and you need to speak to her with respect, you’re already on thin ice with the whole running to Italy thing. Do not make that ice thinner!”
Bella huffed at her fathers words and stormed to her room, you heard her door slam shut and it shook the house slightly. Charlie sighed and turned to you with his arms wrapped around you, he smiled and hugged you tighter. ��I can’t believe we’re gonna have a baby” he breathed placing a kiss on your head causing you to smile. You didn’t care if Bella didn’t like you because you had Charlie and now a baby and that’s everything you needed.
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hattedhedgehog · 10 months
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Cullen visits Ferelden with a special someone.
I've been waiting for an opportunity to have a romantic cosplay shoot of Cullen like this and me and photographer mephistoplz (on IG) were able to make it happen! I was so excited with how these turned out.
[Image descriptions: 4 romantic cosplay photos of Cullen on a river dock at sunset, with the camera looking out over the water and trees along the water.
1: Cullen sitting on the dock with his left leg propped up and left arm resting on it, looking out over the water. He takes up the left hand of the frame, and the sparkling water takes up the right half.
2: Cullen walking along the riverbank holding his sword at his side with his right hand, and rubbing the back of his neck with his left as he looks down with a bashful smile.
3: A close up of seated Cullen's forearms resting in his lap. His leather-gloved hands are resting on his knees and his red fur mantle drapes down over his chest.
4: Cullen sitting with his legs over the side of the dock but turned towards the viewer, offering a hand with a loving smile as if in invitation to hold hands.]
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thedragonqueensblog · 3 months
Edward Cullen///Jealousy is everywhere
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Request by @misskitty1912-blog: Hi can I request Edward Cullen x Plus size female reader is sam and dean Winchester sister and is best friends with Castiel and Gabriel x Stefan Salvatore featuring jealous elane and bella but elane is with Damon and bella is with Jacob
Warnings: Bella Swan and Elena Gilbert bashing, mentioned of tying to shoot, death but reborn, mentioned of Dean being a demon and your other brother Sam being a soulless, parents death and more probably
A/N: Stefan and Caroline are going to be a couple in here if you guys don't like it then don't read, but rather than that I hope you love it if you don’t let me know and I’ll unwrite but if you do enjoy and thank you for requesting love!!
You looked at your family picture frame as tears were falling down your cheeks as you kissed the frame and you felt Edward wrapped his arms around you and he kissed your forehead “oh sweetheart don’t cry.”
You wipe off your tears and you lay the frame down on your shared bed. "It's hard not to."
He grabbed your hands with a sad smile, "I know sweetie but seeing you cry breaks me."
You leaned against his chest as he comforted you. “It's been years that I haven’t seen my best friends and my brothers.”
He pressed a kiss on your shoulder as he played with your hair. “We can go see them whenever you want, sweetheart.”
you smiled as you looked at him with love, "I don't know if Dean is still a demon or if Sam is still soulless if so it’s dangerous for us to be near.”
“What about your friends? They haven’t contacted you with updates of your brothers?” He asked
You shook your head. “no they’re probably l still mad or too busy trying to find a way to bring my brothers back.”
Edward was about to say something else when he heard your phone get a message from Stefan Salvatore, and saw you read the message
“Honey what did he say?” He asked trying to hide his jealousy since you told him that you were Stefan first crush
You rolled your eyes playful since you know that Edward is being jealous. “My love you know that I only love you and that I only have eyes for you whatever Stefan or I felt it’s in the past.”
He crossed his arms as he rolled his eyes, not trying to smile "so what does he want?"
“He’s inviting us to his wedding with Caroline Forbes.” You showed him the invitation that you got from Stefan on your phone
He looked over your shoulder then he looked at you. “isn’t she friends with that girl who's jealous of your friendship with Stefan?”
Before putting your phone down you saved the invitation and texted Stefan that you were going. “not anymore she stopped being friends with Elena when she made Caroline choose between me and her.”
He laughed as he shook his head. “That's Karma, that's what happens when you make someone choose she deserves that and even more.”
“Why are you letting Stefan and Caroline invite Y/n to their wedding?” Elena asked angrily after finding out that they send you the wedding invitation
Damon crossed his arms. “It's not my wedding Elena, they have the right to invite whoever they want, it’s their wedding, not mine, I don’t know why you don’t like her, she’s a great woman.”
She fumed as she rolled her eyes, “what’s so great about her? She’s nothing but a boring and stupid woman.”
“Listen here Y/n’s is Stefan's best friend and Caroline sees her as a sister, so if you don’t want to be uninvited to the wedding I suggest you to be quiet and to show her respect when she comes. ” He warns being done with Elena bullshit and jealousy
“Then I am not going.” She sat down on the couch, crossing her arms
“Then don’t come, that's fine with me I would rather not have you come if you’re going to be complaining the whole time.” He stormed off ignoring Elena calls out
Your family and you are at Isle Esme For a couple of days to get some fresh air and to get away from people and everything
“Finally a nice family vacation for the first time ever since that accident.” Emmett said as he looked around.
“I know right two weeks far from stupid people and it’s stupid problems:” Rosalie said agreeing with her husband Emmett
“Y/n?” Alice asked, pulling you aside from them “I need to tell you something that I saw.”
“What’s up?” You asked sounding confused on what she’s going to tell you since that look on her it looks like it’s something serious
She looks over at the family who was laughing and talking then at you, “I saw that your blood family is trying to find a way to get in contact with you.”
“What?” You asked as tears started to fall down from your cheeks “how if dean is a demon and Sam is soulless? And my best friends are probably still mad at me. You saw how they reacted when I told them that I married Edward and that he turned me into a vampire.”
She grabbed your shoulders before pulling you into a hug as she rubbed your back “not anymore honey I saw that your brothers and best friends are going to make a trip to Forks anytime soon.”
You wiped off your tears and pulled away from Alice gently. “I’m really happy to hear that, but I’m scared of my brothers reaction when I tell them that I married a vampire and that he turned me.”
“I know, but they'll understand why Edward had it to do it, you were basically dying but he saved you and you were reborn as a vampire.” She tried to reassure you
“I honestly don't know me and my brothers grew up as hunters and they'll be asking what I was doing that almost caused me to lose my life and why I married Edward.” You told her
“I was planning if you're not ready to tell them that you're a vampire we can get you contact lenses that match your human color eyes.” She smiles
“That’s a good idea and I love it but wearing them will make my eyes really irritated like the other time that I tried to use them and also they will find out the truth one way or the other and I really do want them to find out from me rather than for them to find out from someone else.”
“Yeah, that would suck if they were to be told by someone else rather than you. Maybe if they heard it from you they’ll understand and hopefully be happy for you guys” she said with hope
You laughed “Probably but in my mind I’m not trying to picture them not trying to shoot him because after all they’re hunters and really overprotective of me and dating someone mostly if he’s a vampire they will get really crazy.”
She laughs too "Do you think your brothers would do that? even if Edward's is their brother in law.”
You nodded your head "Yeah even if Edward is their brother in law they would still go crazy when it comes to vampires and me you don't know how overprotected they would get when I would go hunting with them and when I would bring the men over just don't tell Edward.”
Bella and Jacob arrived in Mystic falls days earlier before the wedding since Elena told her to since she made a plan to ruin your happiness and she wants her to be included in the plan
“So What’s the Plan?” Bella asked
Elena hands Bella a glass of water "Oh you're going to love it!!”
Bella takes a sip as she smiles “ tell me I want to know!!”
"So her brothers are not aware of her being married and her being a vampire.” Elena smirks
Bella raised an eyebrow, "Not following."
“Okay, so Y/n and her family are hunters, I mean just her friends and her brothers so think how would they react to know that their sister is dating a supernatural? Mostly if she's one as well.” Elena explains with a smirk on her face
"Say what? A hunter turned into a vampire? it seems like she betrayed her kind. Man we could tell her brothers that she is dating one of the supernatural and that she's one.” Bella smirks as well
“There you go, so I sent them an anonymous email to come to Mystic falls and They responded with an ok and that they will be here.”
“I can’t wait to see that look on Y/N’s face covered with sadness and tears. ”Bella laughs“ having no one but the Cullens comforting her since her brothers will hate her.”
“Yeah, I didn’t think about that and what is going to make me more angry that not only will she be comforted by Cullens but by my boyfriend and friends as well.” Elena fumed
Bella crossed her arms "tell me about it, Jacob will also be comforting her too, what's so special about her?”
"I agree but anyways, let's plan what we're going to wear for the wedding."
“Are you sure it’s safe for us to go to Mystic falls? What if it’s a trap?” Sam asked concerned for the safety of his brother and me
“I doubt it, and yeah I know that the Person that sent us that gmail was anonymous. I believe there’s no harm in going.” Dean said trying to erase his brother worries
“I hope you're right brother.”
“I'll go with you guys.” Castiel volunteers
“Count me in.” Gabriel smiles hoping that Dean and Sam would let him go with them
Dean and Sam looked at each other to see if one another were okay with Gabriel coming, and he smiled when both Dean and Sam gave him a approval nod
you smiled when you saw your friends waiting for you and your family with happy smiles on their faces except for Elena and Bella who were crossing their arms
you thanked your husband for opening the door for you as Caroline run up to you, hugging you really fast, almost making you fall down
"I'm so happy that you're here you don't know how much I have missed you.” Caroline smiles as she lets out tears “I Feel like it’s been forever since I saw you.”
"Since my wedding where I got told that my parents were dead, and that my brothers were out there.” You smiled sadly “but today is not the time to be sad, tomorrow is your wedding.”
“The wedding is today, but I can't wait any longer.” Elena tells Bella
"Then what are we waiting for? let's go tell them.” Bella smiles as she and Elena went outside to talk to the four men that got here
You smiled as you were doing Caroline's hair "I'm so happy for you, you deserve this and more.”
she smiles back at you through the mirror "thank you!! and I want to thank you again for everything that you have done for Stefan and me.”
“So wait not only are you telling us that Y/n our sister is married to a vampire but she's one of them too.” Dean was hurt not because you're married and didn’t tell Him and Sam because he felt that he didn’t protect you enough
"Please tell us that this is a joke.” Sam sniffed “that she’s not a vampire.”
"I wish I was joking But it's true.” Elena fakes to be sad as Bella does too
"Where is she? We have to talk to her." Castiel asked upset both Gabriel and he knew about your wedding but he didn’t know that you are a vampire
"Follow us and I'll take you guys to go see her."
“Thank you.” Gabriel said walking with them as your brothers and Castiel follow behind
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scarlet-fangs · 3 months
For the protective prompts: "You’d defy the gods, only for me?” "! would destroy the gods for you." 🤍🦢
Thank you for the ask my darling friend, I hope you will like this 🦇🖤 I’ve wanted to write for a while some forbidden romance thing for Felix, and this is perfect for it! This is some kind of Black Swan related because it fits perfectly with their dynamics. The music they listen to is from my Black Swan Spotify playlist (under the black swan tag!) Some warnings are very much needed – But it’s Felix after all so it has to be expected: Cullen bashing, Size kink, some nswf talks, mention of blood (kink) Felix’s very lovely hands…
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Fic under the cut
Ever since I met him while driving my younger sister to the Cullens, they’ve been trying to keep me away from him. “He’s a monster, Black Swan! He kills people, Black Swan! He feeds of humans, Black Swan!” Who cares that he’s scary-looking and kills people? He’s tall and hot! He’s my mate! He complimented me about my patch jacket!
Carlisle was a little bit nicer about it than the rest of them. He felt maybe that it was his fault, because before Felix even said anything it was his “son” Edward who revealed the secret to me. On our second meeting, Felix himself admitted that he would not have told it to me this soon, he would have made things smoother even if I seemed to enjoy the vampire part. It was quite intriguing to him; how much I was fascinated by his fangs and the terrifying gleam his skin had in the sun, but it relieved him when I didn’t run away. When I did not pull back from his touch.
He had quite the reputation, my mate, and the Cullens, especially Edward and Alice made sure I was aware of it, how cruel and brutal he was, how he was not called the executioner for nothing. But it did not scare me, because I knew even if he was that, he wasn’t only that, my Felix was so much more! So I texted him every time I had the time, called him at night if he was available, we could stay on the phone for hours, even if his voice did not sound exactly the same it was still enough for me. All of this was rather easy to hide from the Cullens, Alice wasn’t really focused on Felix in Italy, rather on a decision of him visiting Forks, with what it would entails for Bella. Because if Aro trusted my fate in Felix’s hands, it was clearly not the same kind of trust placed in the Cullens. So like in Romeo and Juliet that Bella liked so much, Felix and I had to hide, the Cullens even managing to make me miss one of his visits thanks to Bella’s help. I was really bitter, they caught us chatting one time in Seattle and now were watching us even more closely. They would even check my home once in a while, pretending to pick up Bella that was oh so conveniently spending the afternoon at my place, to smell if there was trace of Felix’s scent. But I was his, and he would not give up on me that easily. In facts, he would not give up on me at all, he told me one night over the phone. And I’d learned that he was quite stubborn, my Felix, when he wanted something.
I had come home late from work, that night. The Cullens weren’t there, they were visiting the Denali Coven, and Bella was visiting Renée to celebrate Phil’s birthday. She felt guilty about having to give up her human life, so she tried to make everyone happy as much as she could. It was nice, to not have them on my back this week. I quickly prepared and ate dinner, and took a shower, putting on a more comfortable attire. I’ve always liked some fresh air in the house, so I tend to keep some windows open. I was doing some cleaning downstairs when I heard some noise from my bedroom. I thought that it was maybe the neighbor’s cat that came again through the window by climbing the tree, he already did it twice. I liked having him around, the little ball of black fur and soft meows, even if I liked it more when he would enter the house by the windows downstairs. I climbed the stairs, really to scold the kitty when I entered my room and realize it was not a black kitty that I would be scolding, but a hulking vampire.
“Felix! What are you doing here?!” “I was expecting a little more enthusiasm from you little love.”
“You’re lucky the Cullens aren’t in town! They don’t want me to see you! They’d try to fight you if they knew you were here, sneaking in my bedroom like that!”
« These Cullens, they are nothing for me. You shouldn’t worry about them tesorina. They should be the ones afraid to put themselves between us. As if those vegetarian vampires could defy me! I’d defy gods if I had to protect you.
"You’d defy the gods, only for me?”  I looked at you, so softly.
“Oh darling, but I would destroy the gods for you” Felix answered, oh so sure of himself. And he was strong, very strong my mate, I knew he’d win a fight even against a god. My handsome mate…
“I lost you, didn’t I?” Felix said, having recognized that look on my face. “No!” I looked very much embarrassed, he knew damn well how to tease me and get a reaction from me. It did not make me love him less… I could only love him more, my darling Felix, that currently had a smug smile on his face.
“So what do you suggest?” “We could ignore everything that isn’t us, and I could spend the night in your bed…” “Felix!” “You belong in my arms little one, nowhere else. And if anyone decides against it, they’ll see the true definition of anger…” Felix answered me, menaces laced in his tone, so sure of himself. He looked particularly imposing, hulking figure with the backlighting of my bedroom.
He fits so well here, my Felix, with the band posters hung on the walls, the shelves full of dark movies and alternative music, leather jacket reflecting the dim lights, his shiny silver rings on his big hands…
“You’re staring at my hands again, don’t you? Do you know how they could look better? With my fingers buried inside you, my hand glistening coated in your…” “Felix please! Not that I wouldn’t enjoy it but…“ Now I’m very embarrassed, and I’m sure it’s very visible.
My reaction makes him laugh, and it’s the most beautiful sound in the world, and it completely makes up for my embarrassment.
“I’m only teasing you amore mio. I know you said you wanted to wait, and I will respect your desire. Always. I’m up for anything with you as long as it’s within the boundaries you’ve set.”
Felix gets closer to me, slowly, and wraps his strong arms around me. He totally dwarfs me, and it’s no secret that we both are very into it, another proof that we were made for the other.
“Cuddles and metal?” “Cuddles and metal. But can you… take off your leather jacket please?” “Sure, if it makes my little darling happy…” With a smirk, he takes his time to remove his leather jacket, placing it on the back of my chair on top of mine. He’s only wearing an Iron Maiden tank top underneath, the logo a bit faded telling he’d own it for a while, that shows off all of his perfect muscles. Damn, to think that this man is all mine… He turns on the stereo, and then join me on the bed, the mattress digging with his heavy weight. He makes himself comfortable, setting up a few of my pillows behind his back, and then he opens his arms. I don’t need anything else, and nearly jump on him, making myself comfortable on his lap, his arms wrapping around my waist, pulling me closer against him. I softly trace the muscles on his arms, looking at the scars that cover his skin. Most were from his fights as a vampire, but he told me while that some were from his human life, being a gladiator must have been a nightmare for he was a slave without a choice in the matter.
“This song makes me think of you, now every time I hear it, I see your face.” Felix’s voice shake me out of those dark thoughts. I focus on the song, and recognize Wasp.
Her eyes reflect like the rain on the pavement I take control, she explodes, sink into her depths I'm the tremble in her voice when she attempts to speak Fixate on the frailty
“Motionless in White sure has good love songs. I must admit that every time I hear Wasp or Eternally Yours, I think of you.” It makes the both of us smile, the songs fitting us oh so perfectly, especially the lewd lyrics of Wasp. Felix has always been… quite explicit.
 So come to me No sense of restraint So come for me I will wait endlessly
I will break you carefully So take me harmfully You fit so perfect I will wait
I let my fingers trace the scars on his arms again, I know how fond of physical contact my Felix is. I must admit that I am too… He grabs the remote of my stereo, and lowers the sound of the music to a cozier one.
“Lost in the shadows?”   I giggle. “What’s wrong with the Lost Boys? It’s a good vampire movie. I’m still bitter at the fate of the boys… Besides, you’ve got the vibes” It makes him laugh, but we both know I’m not wrong. He’s kind of got the look and music taste, and some of the brutality when it comes to protecting whom he loves. And he would look very hot and sexy covered in blood too…
“You’re imagining me covered in blood, aren’t you?” “How do you even…” “I know you, little love” “Too much, you know me too much…” “I could never know too much about you, not even after a few decades, centuries, never.”
It makes me smile, and I curl up further in his embrace. It’s getting late.
“We should listen to something softer to help you sleep…” “First, I’m not even  dressed for bed yet, and second, ,what’s heavy about L’assasymphonie?” “It’s about a man who can’t sleep and is drowning in despair because of his demons. Not really the type of songs that put you to sleep.” “Do you realized I used to fall asleep blasting Maiden when I was younger?” “Yes, and now you enjoy softer songs before going to bed. This is much better, get in your night attire now.” Felix has changed the music to eyes without a face by Billy Idol, and I must admit it’s a good choice. This man knows me too well. I strip of my black jeans, and take off my shirt. I put on a Black Veil Brides tee, one that’s a size too big and go back to bed. I slip under the covers, and realize Felix had taken off a few layers too so I would be more comfortable. He brings me close to him, his arms wrapping around my waist once again, pressing me against his muscular body.
“Sleep now, tesorina. I’ll keep you safe.” Felix whisper in my ear. “Goodnight my love”, I whisper back. No matter what these idiots Cullens say, nothing will stop me from wanting this, fighting to get this, my Felix. I belong in his embrace and nowhere else.
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