#I have a bunch planned but I needed to add to the happy ending you drew first because agugughagl my HEART
alkalinefrog · 1 year
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"The only thing I'll miss is being able to fly." "Then I'll carry you in place of the wind."
@bignostalgias White Winter Hymnal AU inspires me SO SO MUCH!!
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etheries1015 · 4 months
Etheries hello! If you're open to requests right now, could you write something for twst where they find out (gender neutral but presumably afab) reader is pregnant with their child? I'd love to request for Azul, Vil, Malleus, and Rollo specifically but any others you think would be fun to write would be fun to read too. Thank you!!
YYYAAAA!!! I LOVE THIS CONCEPT Twst men with children make me so giddy inside hehehehe. Especially the non-humans for some reason, like Fae and Mer folk aosiefjlskadjf
You're pregnant!! Their reaction?
you know what, I decided to throw in how many daughters/sons I'd think they would have, too. For shits and giggles.
Featuring: Azul, Vil, Malleus, and of course I need to add my baby girl Lilia <3 I'm sorry, I really can't write Rollo, I sat here for an hour trying to think of something, but I suppose he is where my creativity halts... my apologies. I hope you like this nonetheless!
General warnings: Afab reader, but no pronouns are used. I feel like there is obvious malleus favoritism because I think he's a huge simp that wants a bunch of babies LMFAOOO, there's so much to write on him. And Lilias is a little bit more on the angsty side of things...but overall fluffy! Not very proofread either <3
He is BEYOND anxious. More anxious than he had ever felt in his entire life. You? His lovely significant other, pregnant, with HIS child? His offspring?
Almost faints at the news. When you tell him the news, he just stares at you with wide eyes and jaw ajar.
He is happy, truly, but he's honestly a mess. Will this be a mostly human child? Will you be giving birth to an octo-egg? Will they need to be birthed in the water of the sea? So many uknown variables and questions swim in his mind, but his first plan of action is to hug you tightly and sob into your shoulder.
CONSTANT doctor checkups. He's asking you to go more often than they would recommend, but he can't help it. He needs to be 10000% certain that you are going to be okay and find out what form his child will be taking.
Imagine if it's twins, oh my gosh. He would actually faint.
his children will have a never-ending supply of love from Uncle Jade and Uncle Floyd
Weird presents, probably ingesting food from the sea by his recommendation, prenatal potions, and bed rest. If he read it, you were doing it. Your health was his number one priority.
Azul is probably leaning towards a traditional father, going to work and getting as much profit as possible to support you and his children. But of course, he will take a significant amount of time off to help you and any obstacles that come with having a mer-folks child.
On the sweeter side...
His hands will be trembling ever so slightly, with tears in his eyes every time he feels your stomach. He will kiss your stomach, and lay on your lap to be close by. He can't believe he has come so far in life- to the point where he has a beautiful significant other such as yourself and a child on the way.
He worries about many things, finances, being able to get the most out of life, if he will be able to provide for you and this child, and the kind of life his child will have.
Kind of hopes that his child is mostly human. He was bullied for his species, being slow, pudgy, and whatnot. That's not the life he wants for his children if they end up looking more like him.
You're able to calm his nerves, though. All in all, he is incredibly excited to meet his new baby, and will be doing so by his beloveds side <3
I personally see him having one child. Probably a boy, probably an easy baby. I don't think Azul would want more than one child.
the moment he saw that positive pregnancy test, he had a conflicting wave of emotions.
Of course his outward reaction was to hug you, stroke your head, and pepper your face in kisses. Of course, the news elated him, he seemed calm and collected enough, but there were many worries in his mind.
He doesn't want to accidentally "ruin" his child.
Vil was always in the face of cameras, the face of the public's wary eye, and was hyper-focused on his image and how others may perceive him.
He would hate to accidentally subject his child to the same watchful eye of the public and create this whole image that he needs to be perfect. He wants this child to grow up how they choose, with good values, instead of fearing what may come out of the public opinion.
always hiding you and shielding you from paparazzi. He wanted to hide the news that you were pregnant until later down the line. There are some crazy fans out there, and he would never risk something happening to you. Face masks and disguises were not unknown to you from dating him already at this point, but it was almost as if it came out tenfold.
Rook and Epel = sweetest most doting uncles ever!
Vil had to slap Rook on the head when he felt like Rook was getting a little too handsy with your baby bump.
Epel made sure you had the best batch of apples straight from the farm! Good for the baby, he says!
Vil loves playing music for you and his child, piano, singing...he loves it. it's great bonding for the both of you. He'd hum and sing songs to your stomach while rubbing it gently.
Finances will never pose a problem. Another thing that was never a problem, was Vil going out of his way to take off work and make sure he was there to properly take care of you. You never felt abandoned and alone despite his busy schedule and the fact he was always out doing some sort of movie shoot or commercial, he would never hesitate to take off or call in if you were having a particularly rough day.
Overall, he's excited! He hopes the baby grows up in their own skin and individuality, making choices for themselves when it comes to their career path. And a little side note...he really liked how cute you looked waddling around pregnant with a baby bump. Heuehue.
I can envision you and Vil possibly having two-three children, pretty even in age difference. Depends! I think he would like a big family, get a home with plenty of space. I can see him with both boys and girls, I think I see Vil being a really good "girl dad" tho.
absolutely ecstatic. He wanted this so so so bad. He was over the moon. He held back an embarrassing display of giggling and fangirling over the fact he impregnated you, instead opted with a smile and a "Wonderful."
You sometimes wonder if he purposefully did something to result in your pregnancy because I like to think he's a little bit insane like that, but it's okay! You don't mind!
This man wants so. many. kids. Half-fae Half human children run around the castle bringing it to life and showing off the world the unity between humans and faes. He doesn't care if anyone else doesn't agree with this, he on the other hand is absolutely bemused by you and the fact you are bearing his children.
Will they come out as eggs needing to be hatched? How long will it take to hatch with your nonmagical side? Will they have mostly human attributes? Will his fae genetics be so dominant that it's like a bunch of little copies of him? Will his child have your ears and his eyes? and vise versa? will his child come out looking just like he did, in a full dragon form, or will his child come out like a normal human? He has asked ALL of these questions and more. He is so excited.
Buys a lot of clothes, builds rooms in the castle (yes, rooms. because he knows you will have more of his children and wants to be prepared.) "Can never have enough to be prepared for all outcomes," He says. Whatever floats his boat, I suppose!
Appoints the most skilled doctors there is in the Valley. You are always, without a doubt, taken care of. He reads piles upon piles of parenting books, he's always by your side, to the point where sometimes he brings you into important meetings just to be sure you were in his sights.
He vows his children will never feel the crushing lonliness he did as a child. He vouches to always be availble to have meals with his children, to play with his children, and be active in their learning process. He will allow them to travel all over and gain knowledge, and be certain they will never feel like they are missing out on anything.
He LOVES your baby bump. At night in bed he will press his ear up against your stomach, rub it, kiss it, talk to it. He is so infatuated with you and your body. Kisses every single stretch mark, and his hands are all over you. Seeing you pregnant with his child stirs up some sort of desire to keep you that way, but he tries to...push down this part of him. For the most part. Heuheu.
And when you two are sleeping, his dragon tail always comes out to wrap around you protectively. It's his way of making sure both of you are safe through the night because sevens forbid anything happens to his beloved and their child(ren).
Honestly, I am a firm believer that Malleus would have twins, for some reason. Two hatchlings! Together! A boy and a girl. (I have a whole fic idea for this...you'll probably see it one day. heuheu.) or two boys. I think it would be super chaotic with two twins with big draconic features and attitudes, alot of running around and mischief in the house!! He would of course go on to have more children with you. I think it may become an addiction for him. Or not! I can also see him being content with two.
Honestly, when you first gave him the news, he was uncertain how to feel. He inquired if you were serious,him raising a child at his age? He wasn't certain he'd be able to do it. He raised Silver, and now that his magic reserves were dwindling, he was worried he wouldn't be able to fully be there for you and your baby.
"Lilia...i'm pregnant." Once those words left your lips, his normal silly demeanor dropped slightly. He had a thoughtful look upon his face, eyes wide staring at you. He asked if you were certain, and it was initially a long and deep discussion about your future together and how things will pan out.
After talking it out, a few tears and heartfelt moments, Lilia smiled brightly and gave you the biggest hug and kiss on the cheek. He started to become a little more excited! And once you shared the news with Silver, Malleus, and Sebek, they were more than happy to pitch in a helping hand.
Honestly, I think as he saw your baby bump grow, so did his excitement. He of course loved the children he adopted more than anything in the entire world, but something about looking at you holding your tummy full of his very own blood, it felt...different.
He was nervous, for sure. This was a child that was going to carry his lineage, his very own DNA coursing through that baby. He wasn't sure how things would turn out but prayed that this baby would have a life of peace and acceptance, unlike his war-filled days and alienation for being a lesser type of fae.
He was OBSESSED with how you looked pregnant. He could get used to this sight, you waddling around, swollen feet... for more in-depth details about how he felt about you being pregnant, you can take a read at this fic I wrote a while ago about it. All in all, he pampers you to death. Rubbing your feet, kissing your stomach, tracing your stretch marks with his fingers...oh he could truly get used to this.
He does fear what the future may hold. He wants all of his children to see him at his strongest, not to see him slowly give into old age as his magic fades to nothing. You may have to reassure him a few times throughout your pregnancy that you and this child will love him no matter what, and remind him that YOU are magicless as well. And Lilia would make an amazing father, with or without his "power." It's his personality and determination as an amazing, child-loving figure that will give this child a life to look forward to.
Once he gets over the insecurities about becoming a father to a new half-fae, half-human baby, he starts to dig up old parenting books he used to have.
He will give this baby, and you, as much love as he possibly can <3\
I can see Lilia with a girl! Probably just one baby, because he can only handle so much anymore! He would be an AMAZING girl dad. He would be a great father regardless of the gender of the baby, but I can really see him with a daughter for some reason. The visions are strong with this one.
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wufflesvetinari · 3 months
ok fine, wyllstarion rec list
the demons bade me write this. i have a lot of Thoughts and Feelings and a fabulous bookmarks list. come with me....and you'll be.......in a world of pure wyllstarion nation
note that this is like. an intermediate/advanced, 201-level list. i am trusting you, and assume you've already read asidian's body of work. you've read nothing is safe. you're reading Nothing Like the Sun &etc. Really anything that appears on the first two pages when sorting by bookmarks/kudos is disqualified due to pre-recognized excellence. (you could, however, go read them again)
are you back? good. now read:
"We Happy Few" - @geometea. listen to me. listen. i am looking deeply into your eyes. read this fucking fic. it's hard to shill without spoiling anything, BUT: wyll is a still-pacted grand duke. he used to have a bunch of unresolved romantic tension with astarion and now hasn't spoken to him for 15 years. now take that premise and add body horror, beautiful ominous surreal images, and SURPRISE BIG EMOTIONS. just trust me on this one, guys
"Crossed Blades" - @rebelontherocks. this is a...i think i have to call this a cozy sex romp. wyll and astarion are married, wyll is a busy duke, astarion needs more enrichment, astarion invents a very silly sex game by roleplaying teenage-wyll's smut books. wyll is So Deeply Into It. i love this fic for its characterization, its banter, and its commitment to paralleling character psychology to what sounds like an absolutely wild in-universe smut series (that is sketched with an impressive amount of detail and care tbh??).
"Comfort" - @acephalouscreature. short and sweet. wyll is injured and everyone expects astarion to take care of him. luckily, astarion has a dastardly plan to fake feelings for wyll by thinking about his feelings for wyll. you sure fooled them, astarion!! also featuring: astarion trying to figure out how to comfort someone by thinking about horses
"False Compare" - @jellyfishline. i'd recommend checking out their work generally, but i fell in love with this one first. wyll writes a sonnet! astarion is mean about it until he isn't! deeply in-character with an emphasis on how each of them communicates affection. gorgeous prose
"how to escape the torment nexus" - @ushauz. this series is incredibly unique, set in a fucked-up bad end where wyll is a lemure, astarion is still on the run from cazador, and almost everyone else is dead. where this really shines imo is wyll's POV: he's been through literal hell, doesn't remember his life, and is wading through his unconscious attachment to astarion like a foreign language. (side note also read Heart of Stone for a great lae'zel character piece)
"An Acorn in the Moonlight" - @anonyhex. this is one of the first wyllstarion fics i ever read and it has a special place in my heart!! it's particularly cathartic to read for Wyll reasons, including him actually getting to Have Emotions about what Ulder put him through. and they are so sweet with each other!!
"temporal displacement" - @purplecatghostposts. ok this came out like. yesterday but listen, i LOVE outsider pov of an astarion who's learned to show affection somewhat, seen from the eyes of someone who doesn't know his history and has no reason to suspect All Of That. and when that "outsider" is a dying 20-year-old wyll who just saw astarion step out of a time portal. well.
"nothing to make a song about" - themortal. for when you want something meaty and casefic-adjacent, set in a post-canon where wyll is the blade and not the duke (for once). contains bonding on the road, getting romantically snowed in together, and Symbolic Fetch-Quests.
i am also watching closely: "One of Those Prince-Types" by @lesbianralzarek and "sigh no more" by @tomorrowsrain. both are one chapter in and promise to be meaty, with execution that already feels very very promising
SPECIAL MENTION TO "Like Death (or Birth)" by The_Dancing_Walrus, which has some fraught implied background wyllstarion and is just generally completely baller. astarion kind-of sort-of accidentally adopts yenna, who got fucked up by her time as a potential sacrifice to bhaal. it works! i promise it works
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razorblade180 · 3 days
9 days of Lancaster Day 9: Firsts
Ruby:(Don’t over complicate this. Don’t do it. Just relax… relax…)
Jaune:Uh Rubes?
Jaune:Are you gonna hit retry or…
She turns her head and notices they’re on they’re on the ranking screen. When did the match end!? Ruby finally hits continue. Jaune can’t help but chuckle a little as he leans back against Blake’s bed.
Ruby:What’s so funny?
Jaune:You seem a little lost in thought. Thinking of a way of outplaying me?
Ruby:I introduced you to this game. I know your skills.
Jaune:And yet I out rank you.
Ruby:Because you’re such a try hard! I’ve been busy on missions.
Jaune:Yeah that’s fair. It’s nice that you finally have time off. I would’ve thought your team would be knocked out for days. I was little shocked when you said you planned an all day video game date.
Ruby:I begged a little. Also called in a few favors. Weiss just needed a nice place to sleep, Blake is flexible and I became a pouty little sister for Yang.
Jaune:Qualities of a true leader.
Ruby:Shut up! I’m just happy you didn’t procrastinate on any assignments.
Jaune:Pyrrha said she’d add Nora to my training if I did.
Ruby:Yeah that would get me moving too. Soooo you’re really free ?
Jaune:Yep, I’m all yours for the day. Any game you need a partner in, I’ll help you see credits.
Ruby:…And if we get tired of games?
Jaune:We got movies. There’s a couple good ones that came while you were away. Or ones you’ll force me to watch.
Ruby:Stop acting like you don’t like horror.
Jaune:It really isn’t an act. But you planned all this and who am I to not appreciate that.
Ruby:So you’re done for anything?
Ruby:*red* Even…oh I don’t know, sleeping together?
Jaune’s hands stopped pressing buttons and Ruby managed to send him to the loser screen. It wasn’t intentional but a small boost of confidence as she turned her head right to see him looking at her with a flushed red face.
Ruby:Don’t make it weird!
Jaune:Me!? What!? You just- context please! Was that a ploy to win!?
Ruby:I’m not that petty! Look I just…. *plays with hair* thought maybe we should discuss that idea. We’ve been together for almost five months and it’s been really great! It’s felt a little weird though that you never seemed to make a move or bring up “that”
Jaune: Do I really give off that sorta vibe? I had no idea.
Ruby:I’m not saying you do, but between how you used to try flirting with Weiss and our casual conversations, it didn’t feel like you weren’t into more intimate things. Ugh, I really don’t know what I’m saying at this point! I guess a part of me felt a little confused and worried if you weren’t interested in me in that way at all.
Jaune:Oh I have had thoughts, but i know how to keep them to myself.
Jaune:*blushing* That’s normal and decent behavior! Why, are you interested?
Ruby:Of course! I organized I room date to give you the opportunity to-
Saying it aloud made it sound way more embarrassing and forward than Ruby meant for it to be. And pulled her hood over her head and huffed in defeat as she stared down at her lap.
Jaune:….Does your team know about this?
Ruby:Blake does. She said her bed is fair game. Those are actually my sheets right now. As far as Yang is concerned, I asked for privacy so we can have our first kiss.
Jaune:We’ve made out a bunch of times.
Ruby:I’m very sneaky when I want to be. Look, I get this is a lot I’m dropping on you and we don’t have to do anything today. I just…really wanted to know where I stand with you and to let you know that…I’m okay with going further with you. *crimson* I really like you. A lot.
Jaune:…This question may sound a little dumb all things considering, but I have to hear it. I get that you’re okay with it, but do you want to have sex with me? As in your are looking forward to it?
Ruby:…Very much, yeah.
Jaune:….Hold on just one moment.
He took her scroll and walked out of the room. Ruby wanted to scream until she passed out. Why did she start this conversation!? Was it too forward!? They were having such a good time before this moment. Why did he leave!?
So many thoughts bombarded her brain and they didn’t stop when she heard the door unlock again. Her scroll flew into her lap so she knew it was him. Seconds later, a box of condoms fell into her lap. Her brain took a moment to process what she was looking at then her head immediately jerked up to see Jaune bright red and also avoiding her gaze.
Jaune: Nora may have helped me find female ones too, as well as emergency pills.
Ruby:Ah, I see. How proactive. Well…*twiddles fingers* Weiss may have helped me find a pay for some quality meds awhile go.
Jaune:Huh, imagine that.
Ruby:Yeeeep. Jaune, can you look at me?
Jaune:*makes eye contact*
Ruby:Soooo are we…still playing video games right now?
Blake:*eating noodles*
Yang:You think the date is going well?
Weiss:Yes. *eating cake*
Yang:Really think she’ll go for a kiss?
Blake:Ruby can dive into a Nevermore’s mouth. She’ll find the willpower to kiss a boy.
Yang:….Maybe I should call t-
Weiss:Yang, as a younger sister myself, I appreciate my older sister. However, if she interrupted me on a date with a call or coming home early, I’m going to be mad for a very long time. Eat your burger and relax. Ruby will be fine.
Yang: I know, ugh! It’s like I’m antsy for her. Gods, if I’m like this now then I don’t know if I can handle her asking about sex.
Blake and Weiss:Don’t worry about that now.
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multifandomxreader · 11 months
Hi! Idk if you’re taking requests or not, but I really love your work, and I was wondering if you wanted to do another Daryl one? Based off of it inspired by the song Night Shift by Lucy Dacus that takes place before and after the apocalypse. You can pick time frames/eras I’m not super picky about that I’ve just been thinking about this angst/fluff idea for a while and I’m not the greatest writer in the world. Totally fine if not! Please feel free to ask me questions if you need clarity
Night Shift
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Daryl Dixon x Male reader
(I love the song it's so good!!! Hope you enjoy this! Sorry that it took so long)
tw: homophobia, violence...
You worked a thrift store before the apocalypse, Daryl was a regular there and you had your eye on him. You would always strike up conversations and after getting to know him better you would set aside clothes you knew he would like. For example a sleeveless jacket, which you decided to add wings to because it fitted him. You knew he was struggling with money so you convinced him to work in the store. He agreed to it because his brother was in jail so he had nothing holding him back from changing his way of life.
You started spending more and more time together because you worked the same shifts. You noticed how nice he is to the kids visiting the store, seeing his softer side made you realize your crush had turned in to something more. So one day you gathered the courage to ask him out after your shift. He freaked out and ran. When he got home he kept replaying the moment in is head, remembering his brother’s slurs and his father’s hits. He spent the night overthinking but came to the conclusion that they weren’t in his life anymore but you were and he sure wasn’t giving up on you so quickly.
The next day the first thing he did when he saw you was apologizing, you understood and made sure he knew he could always talk to you if he was struggling with things. You took him out to dinner the same evening and everything evolved from there. You start dating and everything was going great. In the beginning it was kinda rough but Daryl opened up eventually and you made sure he felt loved. After a few months you moved in together and even got a dog named Dixy. You were together for a year before your happiness came to an end.
You had finished your mutual shift and walked out the store hand in hand, you kissed Daryl’s cheek. You were planning a movie night and were discussing which snacks you were going to buy before a crusty looking redneck came up to you. Daryl froze and pulled his hand out of yours, you didn’t have enough time to realize it was Merle and you didn’t have enough time to dodge his fist going towards your face. You fell to the ground and the only thing you remember where more punches, slurs and Daryl’s voice getting his brother away from you. You lay there in pain when your coworker found you and got you to a hospital. The bruises didn’t hurt as much as the realization you had when you got back to your flat. Daryl wasn’t coming back, he had left your life without any goodbyes, without any tears, without any notice.
You carried on, changed appartements, changed your shift to the night shift so you wouldn’t run into his brother looking for more trouble. It had been a week since the accident when the pandemic broke out. You were one of the lucky ones that got out of the city in time. Ever since you’ve been wandering around with your dog, she was the reason you were still alive that, and the thought of Daryl still being out there.
You keep going, Dixy walking besides you, if temperatures kept rising you would have to find extra water but for now you were set on just moving forward, following the road. You were just about to sit down to rest when a bunch of walkers came out of the woods. Dixy barks and you grab your machete, with this many walkers you would usually just run but they seemed to emerge from everywhere. You chop a few heads off while Dixy puts her teeth into a walker’s neck. The walkers keep coming and you start to panic, suddenly you hear a car’s engine approaching. Any other day you would’ve hid but you would rather face some strangers then get eaten by some dead creatures so you ran towards the car. It swerved, hit a few walkers and a man and woman got out. The man holding a knife and the woman holding a katana. Together you finish the hoard off.
You are covered in guts and blood just like your guardian angels. You thank them while checking if Dixy is alright and introduce yourself. The man seems hesitant to talk to you but the woman replies “I’m Michonne, this is Rick” Rick nods at you and shares a glance with Michonne. He looks back at you “How many walkers have you killed?”
And that’s how you find yourself in a car on the way to a place called Alexandria. You chat a bit with Michonne and immediately like her, she is someone who you would’ve been friends with before the world ended. You could tell Rick was a bit more careful, the closer you got to Alexandria the tenser he got. “Hey man, I understand that you don’t know me but I really am glad that you saved my life and I look forward to becoming friends.” You tried to ensure him that you were one of the good guys, you totally understood his attitude, you too had met the more unpleasant types out there. Rick hummed “It’s cool man, we’ll see.”
The car approaches the gate and you feel the nerves in your gut, you can finally see a brighter future. Living in a community again, having friends, feeling safe, it was the best thing you could ask for in this world. The gate opens and your eyes widen at the sight. The car parked and you get out. You get some strange looks but after handing in your weapons and Rick introducing you, people start coming up to you to introduce themselves. Dixy was getting petted by some kids and was enjoying herself when woman came up to you with cookies “I’m Carol, welcome to Alexandria!” You thank her for the cookies and eat one of them because you were actually quite hungry. “These are really good!” you acclaim and she shrugs it off. You were in heaven.
Suddenly Dixy starts barking, everyone tenses and you search for the source of her vigilance. The first thing you notice is a motorbike, the second thing you notice is the love of your life next to it working on it. He looks up to look at the noise and your heart starts beating rapidly. Before you know it your legs run toward him and you yell out his name. He realises what’s happening and drops the wrench to run your way. Your bodies collide, your face in the crook of his neck and your arms wrapped around his torso. Everything is too much and you let out a sob. You take his face in your hands to make sure he’s real. His eyes are watery and his smile is a mix between happiness, confusion and repent. “I’m sorry I left” his voice breaks a bit. “I don’t care Daryl, I’m just glad we found each other again.” You kiss him softly, look into his eyes and kiss him again. You were never gonna let this man leave again.
You let go of each other and notice the people around you being astounded by the whole scene. Dixy is now circling Daryl and he gives her a few belly rubs. “So, I assume you two know each other” Michonne comments with a smirk. “Yes” you answer while taking Daryl’s hand in yours, this time keeping it there. Maybe this wasn’t really the end of the world.
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sugarpasteltmnt · 4 months
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I've been compleatly OBSSESED with neon void so far!!! It's by far my favorite fic of any I've read!! After every chapter I have to take a second to do the happy stimmies because you write all of the scenes so well. Whenever I see a new update I clear the next hour for reading it and the subsequent geek out sesion for how AMAZING it always is. You write extremely well, you convey the characters so acurately, the fight scenes are creative, the way you write Leo's perspective is AMAZING, love the font changes, the angst PALPABLE, and just over all I love everything you're able to do with this concept. The way you can see Leo's mental state deteriorating through out the fic is just *chefs kiss*. There's so much I love about the fic that I can't possibly list everything.
Also the established difference between teleporting and portaling is so great, it adds to the pure panic that void causes for the boys aside from, y'know, crazy dude capable of beating Big Mama within an inch of her life and STRAIGHT UP OFFING a buch of other yokai. It does wonders for establishing him as a threat even though he technically isn't for the turtles. Plus I'm sure that once they find out who Void really is, it will add a bunch of tension since they'll need to stop Leo from literally SCATTERING HIS ATOMS ACROSS SPACE.
AND THE CHAPTER PREVIEW ISTG I've never gotten so much serotonin from being in this much pain ;0; The gif is perfect to set the mood, I can't wait to see what happens. You're ablility to choose just the right thing to stab so many people directly through the heart is nothing short of super-natural. BUT PLEASE give the boi some happiness, if not for his sake, for mine-
ANYWAYS this is all a VERY long way of saying, I absolutely love this and I had to draw the silly boi being the silly boi. I needed to draw him happy for the health of my heart ;-; (don't worry though, I'm working on some tasty angst right now)
Can't wait to see where everything goes, GOOD LUCK TO CASEY but there only six chapters left so we're getting to the end game now >:D
Please have a wonderful rest of your week :D
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THANK U SO MUCH ;w; I’m so so happy that my fight scenes are followable/enjoyable, and tho they are a binch to code I’m so happy you enjoy the funky fonts and formatting ;w; i know reading blocks of text can be intimidating/tiring for readers, so i try to break it up to help with the pacing and sprinkle in some fun, spooky fonts as treats 🩵
Something i really, REALLY loved about Rise was the fights. Not only was the animation amazing, but it was always so creative. I try my best to make the fight scenes as silly as the boys can be, while utilizing their adaptive skills to use their surroundings to their advantage.
And bruh trying to balance Leo’s insanity in a believable way has been such a (fun) challenge so it makes me so happy to hear you like it 😭🥺 and I’m so glad people seem to like the ‘teleportation’ gimmick I’ve got going on (and that it hopefully makes sense omg)
(And i will admit I’m a little proud of my chapter previews because they are so fun to write, and i like to reassure readers that 1) i have a plan and 2) I’m keeping myself accountable to finish LOL)
Also aksdlaskdhaksdh thank u for this art this part especially is SENDING ME WHEEZE 🤣🩵❗️
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1d1195 · 4 months
Sun-Kissed Extra I
You can read Sun-Kissed here
~3.1k words
Warnings: None; fluffy, sweet stuff. Thought it would be nice to add some sunshine to this winter season. Hope you like it 💕
With sand between her toes, she headed back to Sun-Kissed Cabana. Only seven days until Harry’s arrival separated her from what was sure to be one of the best summers of her life. *
“I love summer,” Harry sighed dropping his head back against the pillow.
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Fifty days separated from the end of summer until the wedding weekend. Another month until the holiday break for Thanksgiving. Another month until Christmas. The longest drought was Christmas to their break in February—sixty days exactly. Fifty-six from that break until their Spring break.
Somehow the remaining two weeks of their school years, until they would be living in Sun-Kissed Cabana and Sea View, was approximately, without exaggeration, three years long.
This is torture, Harry 😭
I know, baby. Just a few more weeks.
An entire summer. Seventy blissful days of sun, sand, and sex with Harry. Her brain was fogging over inputting grades for the term into her computer while simultaneously thinking over the next bout of review for the finals for her two classes. She worried about a few students that were struggling and hoped they would get enough points so that she could justify bumping them if necessary.
The idea of not working for seventy days was very exciting. It had been a long year. She was very lucky she made money off the rental process and the little over-the-summer tutoring she did. Harry was going to do some tutoring himself but with a place to stay for free (although Harry felt guilty about mooching off her. “Guess you’ll have to pay me in orgasms,” she had giggled to him over the phone when he told her of his worry) his paycheck covered any summer costs for sure without needing to work.
She would get a week head start to make the little cottages presentable and ready for the first renter. Harry would be arriving a week later. His school started later than hers. But he planned on leaving straight from school, packing his car the night before and hurrying as quickly as he could to the shore.
“Miss! Do we have to take a final!?”
She shook her head of the thoughts of Harry. Bending her over the sofa in her little cottage and making her see stars was not a good idea to think about when she had a whole bunch of twelve-year-olds coming into her room to get a science review lesson.
The smell of salt in the air was like heaven. The anxiety, the stress, all of the frustration that came from the end of the school year was washed away by the ocean. She arrived before the traffic, before the tourists, and before even the locals were awake. “You can call yourself a local,” the man at the grocery store told her. “You’re here all summer...since you were little. No one would mind.”
She didn’t even unpack her car. The moment she was in park, she stepped onto the sandy road and hurried the short distance to the walkway for the beach. Her heart felt so heavy and happy at the same time. It was home. Truly. She kicked her sandals off and scurried down to the water. She lifted her skirt up a bit to bunch in her hand so the water would get the ends of it. It was freezing still. The kind of cold salt water that made your feet numb and your skin ache. But it was so welcomed. Like if she were brave enough to do one of those ice bath dips that were so popular. She understood it. But only from the ankle down.
The sea breeze chilled her skin giving her goosebumps. It was too early for the sun to throw any real heat. It was barely eight in the morning and June always had cool mornings down by the water.
Are you there, baby? 😊
In the excitement of getting to the beach she completely forgot to text Harry that she was there. Guilt plagued her. She turned her phone to face her, the water, the sky, and snapped a picture to send to him.
Can’t tell if you’re there or not. Too busy looking at you 😍
You’re insane.
About you, kitten. Don’t work too hard. I’m excited to help when I get there.
I won’t. Have a good day at work. Call you later 😘
She knew he wouldn’t have time to chat until later when school let out. With sand between her toes, she headed back to Sun-Kissed Cabana. Only seven days until Harry’s arrival separated her from what was sure to be one of the best summers of her life.
There was a mix of anxiety and excitement bubbling in her chest. She had a hand on her heart trying to feel the erratic rhythm. It was like the muscle was trying to escape her chest. It was so hard to focus on her book knowing Harry was less than an hour away from being in her arms. Her foot was wiggling impatiently. All her senses were wonky.
The breeze was filtering into the cottage, bringing the salty air through along with the sounds of laughter. In the short week she had been there, the number of people had multiplied by five at least. Still not a lot, many were waiting for their children to finish the school year. But more than that peaceful morning she arrived and dipped her toes in the water.
She reread Harry’s message. Three hours, kitten 😘 She redid the calculation again. As if somehow, he would arrive earlier—or later. She wouldn’t blame him if he stopped for lunch. Her mind was going a little crazy, switching over to his location that he kindly gave her after their summer together. You can know my every movement, kitten.
He was still on track, which she was very grateful for. It felt like the last two hours had trailed even longer than the last two weeks. She twisted her neck every which way, her book no longer making any sense, she just tossed it on the floor and put her arm over her eyes trying to calm herself further. She would have to restart it when they read on the patio later. If they made it to the patio tonight. Part of her wondered if they would eat or leave the bedroom. Or make it past the living room for that matter.
She was wearing a pair of the popular boho pants that slipped on and off—they were red with a floral print that she selected mainly because Harry wouldn’t have to fuss with any buttons or zippers with a black tank top tucked into the elastic. It was comfy and easy to get on an off which she was hoping the off part would be the moment Harry walked through the door.
To keep herself busy and her mind occupied long enough for the remaining minutes, she started to fold some laundry while watching TV. Towels for Sea View. It was mindless and the show was too. She put her phone facedown so she wouldn’t watch the final minutes tick by so agonizingly slow.
Apparently, she did too good of a job because the moment she heard a car door slam she didn’t realize that the final moments had flew that she missed the sound of him pulling into the driveway. In seconds she was flinging herself out the door, right as Harry made it to the bottom step and she threw herself in his embrace. Her legs wrapped around his waist and his arms wound around her body. Anyone passing by their reunion would have thought they were insane. Two grown adults acting like the tweens and teenagers they taught. Tears pricked her eyes as she inhaled his familiar scent barely getting a look at him and he kissed the side of her head.
“I missed you so much,” he whispered breathlessly against her neck, kissing her skin—anywhere his lips could reach he wanted his mouth on her body. He never understood the analogy until he met her. Never imagined being so in love, so wanting for someone until her sun-goddess self-appeared in front of him. He was a starving man, and she was the most delicious thing he had tasted in months.
“I missed you,” she answered. The sound of her voice was lost in the air he was pulling from her with all his kisses.  She released her leg-hold on his hips. Not for long. She thought to herself. “Do you want to get your stuff?” She asked.
“No,” he murmured ushering her inside and slamming the door shut a little too loud for a touristy little cottage area. “Need you,” he nearly groaned as he pulled the tank top from the pants she wore. “Been thinking ‘bout you all over this place...all over me,” he cupped her chin and brought his lips a breath away from hers. He didn’t kiss her, finally gazed into her eyes. “I missed you,” he repeated.
“I missed you too,” her breath barely getting out of her lungs. In the next moment, his hands were all over her body. Searching for something that he didn’t seem to know what he was looking for. Her heart rate was somehow higher than it was while waiting for him. She was right about the pants coming off easily. They were easy to get off and she was right about the sofa too. All those inappropriate thoughts she had while grading and in between teaching classes were correct. Harry bending her over the living room furniture (and the dining room furniture and the kitchen counter) was exactly as she imagined but, of course, even better.
They eventually did make it to the bedroom. A better part of the late afternoon and early evening was spent between the sheets with kisses and touches that they were so desperate for after so many days of missing one another.
After what seemed like ages, Harry ordered her favorite pasta dish and food for himself while she was in the bathroom. She returned with a pair of lounge shorts and an oversized T-shirt on that made it look like she wasn’t wearing shorts at all. He groaned. “Kitten, m’gonna have t’go get the food at the door,” he reminded her as she walked over to his side of the bed. His arms wrapped around her thighs; his nose buried into the soft T-shirt. “Y’look too good t’get out of bed.”
She giggled and threaded her fingers through his hair. “I can get the food.”
He scowled against her shirt. “And let someone else see y’like this? No way,” he grumbled. “Mine,” his voice was possessive in the cutest way possible. “Y’lucky I don’t handcuff y’here.”
“That sounds like fun,” there was a teasing tone in her voice.
Harry actually growled. It was low in his throat and somehow made her core ache more—even after a well spent afternoon of touches and more. “Don’t tease me, love. Missed y’way too much.”
She laughed again and pulled gently from his embrace. He kept a hand on the back of her thigh. Like it was too much to not touch her in some way after all the time spent apart and knowing he would have an uninterrupted summer of being at her side. She tossed the covers back, her cheeks flushed with a red color at the sight of his sculpture-worthy form. “Better take care of that before the food gets here, yeah?” She asked sinking between his legs and tantalizing him with her fingertips working up from his knees to the tops of his thighs.
“I love summer,” he sighed dropping his head back against the pillow.
After eating (and maybe another hour spent in bed to get a head start making up for all the lost time they spent apart) they did head onto the patio for a reading session. But Harry was getting impatient. Now that the arousal hormones had simmered to a manageable level, he had only one thing on his mind, and he was almost bursting to share it.
“So, kitten, I have some good news and bad news,” he told her about a half hour after their reading session started. Her feet were in his lap, stretched across the space between the seats. Harry had one hand holding his book while he read (but not really reading because he was thinking about delivering this news so many times over, he couldn’t focus) the other hand had his fingers dancing across her shin, swirling little imaginary patterns on her skin.
Apparently, for all his thinking about it, he didn’t deliver the sentence well, it seemed. Immediately, she frowned, her heart breaking right before his eyes. He almost wanted to take it back. “I don’t like the sound of that,” he could see the worry in her eyes. He almost felt bad for making the sadness appear. Maybe it was too mean. He was hoping it wouldn’t be—he thought maybe she would’ve guessed immediately by the excitement in his voice.
“I have t’leave a week earlier than expected,” he was smiling.
Unfortunately, he was wrong. The excitement didn’t translate. Her gaze dropped to her thighs.
How could he be smiling? She didn’t even rationalize why he was smiling. It hurt so much. The seventy days. Only sixty-three. It hurt so much. How could he be smiling?!
“Please tell me that’s the bad news,” she whispered looking at her lap. Her book fell to the side, off the chair she was sitting on. Sand was going to get in the spine if they left it there too long. Harry hoped he could hurry the process up. She sat upright, creating more space between them. He leaned forward pressing his hands on either side of her legs on her seat. She couldn’t seem to look him in the eye.
He chuckled. She envied him and his casualness of the situation. Maybe he wasn’t as in love with her as she thought. “Of course, kitten,” he rolled his eyes. “Leaving y’for any length of time is the worst,” he promised and reached out to grab her fidgety fingers playing with the end of her T-shirt hem. “But m’new school district has new staff orientation at the end of the week I need t’leave. Before the year starts. And m’moving into m’new apartment the days before.”
“You got a new job?” She asked curiously. The surprise getting the better of her thoughts. Ignoring the fact that he was leaving her...and he was happy about it. He hadn’t mentioned a new job once. What was with all the secrets all so suddenly?
The poor thing was so sad she wasn’t thinking clearly, obviously. Harry thought this would be more obvious that she would know. The surprise was a good thing. He shook his head at her and rolled his eyes. “Yes, kitten,” he nodded waiting one last moment for her to put it together herself. “We have our first district meeting on August 26th, right? Eight in the morning?” He asked squeezing her hand.
Her head snapped up from her lap and she finally looked him in the eye. Her expression was unreadable. Like she wasn’t sure what to do with the information. It wasn’t fully processing. “What district meeting?”
“Your district,” he whispered, a smug little smile on his lips with the knowledge he knew he tricked her. It made her heart flutter. “Or I should say... our district.”
Her lips parted. “Our district?” She repeated dumbly.
“Yes, kitten,” his smile was going to melt her.
He watched her mouth gape open and close. The cutest little angelfish he had ever seen. “You’re—”
“Yes, baby,” he repeated, interrupting her.
There was a pause while he gazed at her. Silently begging her to process and understand what he was saying to her. “We’re going to be together?” She whispered, her voice cracking. “No more—?”
“Every day if y’want, kitten,” he promised. She burst into tears and Harry stood, pulling her up along with him to stand. He chuckled as she sobbed against his shirt. She clung to him, her arms squeezing around his waist. “Aw, baby. Please don’t cry. S’okay, kitten. S’a good thing,” he reminded her kissing the top of her head.
“You got a new job for me?” Her breath caught on a hiccup as she asked against his now tear-soaked shirt.
“Well, for us, love,” he chuckled.
“But you loved—”
“Kitten,” he shook his head, cupping her back of her neck and kissing the top of her head at the same time. “I love you, I love us, and m’sure m’gonna love this district more. Jus’ because you’re there. S’what I want. I want t’be closer t’you. It was easy.”
“But I could have changed—”
“No, kitten,” he shook his head. “S’nothing. There was an opening. I was waiting for it. M’okay,” he promised. “S’a good thing,” he reminded her.
“So where’s all your stuff?” She sniffled and pulled away. Harry cupped her face in his hands brushing away the tears. He smiled his perfect beautiful smile.
“Storage. It’ll be get delivered t’my new place when I move in.”
“You could move in with me,” she suggested, her voice soft. Like she was nervous to say it out loud. Fear of rejection. As if he could ever reject her. After he just took a job to be closer to her.
He grinned, looked at her lazily. His eyes scanning her sweet face, tear-stained but nonetheless beautiful. “Yeah?”
She nodded. “Of course. Why would you get an apartment when we’re going to be going back and forth between—”
“Well, s’a lot t’spring on someone.”
“I love you,” she promised. “Of course you can move in,” she rolled her eyes. “We already live together in the summer.”
He nodded, unable to stop smiling. Somehow smiling bigger with every word she spoke. “Now we’ll always live together, too. Now, no more crying for the rest of the summer,” he tilted her face up again and kissed her cheek with a few little pecks several times over. “S’endless now. Gonna have my sweet sun-goddess for the rest of m’life,” he winked and tugged her inside. “But I think we should celebrate,” he noted, squeezing her hand as they made it to the living room.
“How so?”
“Mm... well, s’been ‘bout four hours since your last orgasm,” his voice was low and gravelly. It reached the pit of her stomach and made her feel faint. She was still red eyed from sobbing, and she was sure she didn’t look very sexy. “Think I owe y’one after making you all upset,” his hands pulled her t-shirt over her head. “Or more. Y’deserve s’many as y’want.” She smiled, shaking her head at him as he wrapped an arm around her and dipped her until she was back on the sofa. “I love you, m’sweet sun goddess.”
She giggled. “I love you, too.”
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach @straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals @angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams @summertime-pills @daphnesutton @l4rrysh0use @kissitnhekitchen @perfectywrong @foreverxholland @lolyouallsuck @buckybarnessimpp @stylesfever@harrysxcarolina @haarrrys @lovrave @st-ev-ie @pandeebearstyles @toosarcastic03 @luvonstyles @tenaciousperfectionunknown @classychalamet @love-letters-to-uranus
sun-kissed: @pancakerry
I'm sorry if I missed anyone in the taglist. Please let me know if you'd like to join, if it didn't work, if you no longer want to be included, etc. :)
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marblemoovt · 2 years
New Neighbour - Yuushi/K-san/Reader
Rating: Explicit (Smut)
Word Count: 9.3k
Warnings: Fluff and Smut, Porn With Plot, Reader is AFAB but is Gender neutral otherwise, Threesome - F/M/Other, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Sex, blowjob, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, Pet Names, Edging, voyeurism?
Moving into an apartment, you were planning to tough it out for a few years to save up for a better one. But then you meet your neighbour, and maybe living here won't be so terrible after all? Until you learn your hot neighbour is fucking someone else for hours every day. But what happens when you get to join them?
------ He holds a small box out to you. “I think the movers left this at my door by mistake,” he says. You examine the box and recognize your handwriting on the side. He tilts his head to the side and adds, “I’m Yuushi Totsumoto. I live next door.” This is the first neighbour you’ve met. You have yet to meet anyone besides the landlord; it’s like a bunch of ghosts live here.
You clear your throat when you realize you’re staring. “Ah, sorry.” You grab the package and hug it to your chest. “Thanks. I just moved here.” You gesture to the boxes behind you and introduce yourself.
His lips tug into a smirk as he examines you. “See ya around, neighbour.” Yuushi waves and heads back to his apartment. You stand there in a daze. You just met the guy, but fuck was he hot. Shutting the door, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
This took me forever to write. Last time I checked there was only one other fic for this manga on tumblr, and I felt the need to correct that. If you guys haven't read Lady K & The Sick Man, I highly recommend it to anyone looking for an erotic manga. The two protagonists are very fine and it's just something you have to see yourself to understand.
With that said, did you guys know there's already a fourth book??? It hasn't been translated yet so I read the raws. I vaguely understood what happened, but what a ride!! If anyone wants to look for it, you'll most likely have to search under 'Kko to yamioji'
This is also my first time writing smut that involves more than two people, so if the writing is a bit awkward, that might be why.
Happy Reading! (。・∀・)ノ゙
─── ⋆ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。⋆ ───
You’re living in an apartment building where someone has died. On the plus side, that means the rent is criminally cheap. On the downside, you didn’t learn about this until after you signed the lease. 
You haul the last cardboard box into your apartment. The ad you saw boasted about its affordable rent, so you signed a contract the day after. Now here you are, in a slightly run-down apartment with sketchy neighbours. But you can’t complain about the price. You plan to stay here for a few years and save up for a place in a nicer area. The landlord seems polite enough, but you can tell he’s hiding something from you. 
When you arrived to check out the apartment, he ushered you straight inside and kept the tour as short as possible. You barely had time to process before he brought you into his office and placed the paperwork on the table. Your current lease is ending soon, so it was either this building or scrambling to find another place. Persuaded by the low price, you signed your name. 
So you packed up your things and moved out of your current place. You cleared your schedule to spend the rest of the day unpacking. The apartment is bare except for the pile of boxes, and you feel the procrastination creeping in. If you don’t start now, you’ll continue to live out of cardboard boxes, never to be unpacked until you eventually move. You take out the box cutter and begin slicing at the tape. Before you can even open the flaps, there’s a knock at your door. 
You walk to the door and open it. There’s a middle-aged man with black hair and a scruffy beard. He holds a small box out to you. “I think the movers left this at my door by mistake,” he says. You examine the box and recognize your handwriting on the side. He tilts his head to the side and adds, “I’m Yuushi Totsumoto. I live next door.” This is the first neighbour you’ve met. You have yet to meet anyone besides the landlord; it’s like a bunch of ghosts live here. 
You clear your throat when you realize you’re staring. “Ah, sorry.” You grab the package and hug it to your chest. “Thanks. I just moved here.” You gesture to the boxes behind you and introduce yourself. 
His lips tug into a smirk as he examines you. “See ya around, neighbour.” Yuushi waves and heads back to his apartment. You stand there in a daze. You just met the guy, but fuck was he hot. Shutting the door, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. 
“What just happened?” you ask yourself. When you signed the paperwork, you didn’t think much about neighbours. Living here doesn’t seem so bad after all. You set the package aside and continue unpacking. The first box is labelled ‘Bedroom.’ You have a futon and some drawers, which require little effort to unpack. Next are the items that go on the walls. There are posters and picture frames you want to put up. As you pick up your blanket, a loud moan comes from the other side of the wall. 
You pause, wondering if you heard that right. Another moan followed by a squeal. It’s coming from the apartment next door. Yuushi’s apartment. Of course, the hot neighbour you met is already taken. The discovery leaves a hollow feeling in your chest, but you’re glad you found out soon after meeting him. You can’t make out their conversation, but your thoughts run wild. From what you remember, Yuushi has a pleasant voice. Deep and gruff, a voice that sends a rush of blood between your legs. 
There’s a rhythmic pounding that accompanies the lewd noises. Whoever this woman is, she’s extremely lucky. Is it inappropriate that you’re so smitten over a man you just met? Probably, but you ignore the warning signs because you’re blindsided by his appearance. You’re not sure you can tolerate these noises if they happen frequently. You lay your blanket and pray the noises are a rare occurrence. That night, you head to bed unbelievably horny and frustrated, forced to listen to your neighbours as they fuck for hours. 
You wake up the next day and resume unpacking. Yesterday you finished the bedroom and bathroom. All that’s left now is the kitchen and miscellaneous items. You live alone, but you have extra utensils for when you have company. It’s strange how some people live with only one set. What do they do when they have guests? You organize everything by category. All the glasses go into one cupboard while plates and bowls go into another. The cutlery has its own drawer, and the miscellaneous kitchen tools are placed in the next one. 
You enjoy cooking, but living alone means you never have anyone to share it with. The cold weather makes you crave something warm, like curry. You might as well make extra and freeze the leftovers for another time. Since you just moved, your fridge is bare. A quick grocery run later, and you have all the ingredients you need. 
As you stand outside your door and fiddle with your keys, Yuushi also returns home. “Hiya, neighbour,” he greets. Unlike yesterday, he’s wearing a suit. 
“Hello.” You wave, but it’s awkward with your hands full. 
“Groceries?” He nods towards the bags. 
You hum, “Yeah, I want to make curry tonight. What about you?” 
“I could go for some curry,” he says. You tilt your head at the unexpected answer. Yuushi flushes when he understands your question. “Oh. I was at work,” he answers, lifting up the briefcase in his hand. 
Your eyes linger on his face. Pink looks good on him. “You work in an office?” you ask. You didn’t peg him for a salaryman. 
“Just a temp job,” he shrugs, “I do a lot of part-time work.” You admire his outfit, tempted to drag him by his tie into your apartment. Licking your lips, you meet his dark gaze. He doesn’t say anything, just stares at you with a knowing smirk. You remind yourself that this man has a girlfriend—potentially a wife! 
Clearing your throat, you glance at the ingredients you bought. “Um, do you want some curry?” you offer. “I always make extra.” If he says yes, maybe that will give you an opportunity to enter his apartment. 
Yuushi grins, and it sets off the butterflies in your stomach. “Really? That would be great!” He can barely contain his excitement, and you find it adorable. “Been a while since someone’s cooked me a meal,” he comments. 
His energy is infectious, and you bounce on the balls of your feet. “I’ll drop by later then.”
He grins and says, “Lookin’ forward to it.” You turn to your door and miraculously unlock the door in one attempt. You shake off the feeling of his eyes on your back and head inside. Shutting the door and turning the lock, you hear his footsteps fade.
Leaning against the door, you sigh. “Just a friendly neighbour,” you whisper to yourself. “I’m just a friendly neighbour.” You head to the kitchen and hunt for your pots and pans.
─── ⋆ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。⋆ ───
The entire kitchen is filled with the scent of turmeric and cumin. You can almost taste the spices on your tongue. All that’s left is for the curry to thicken. The mixture gurgles as it simmers and reduces. You give it a stir, taste-testing to check if you need to add more seasoning. You decide to leave it alone and look for some Tupperware. There’s a bag you keep of reusable takeout containers from restaurants. You select one and check on the curry. 
The curry is nice and thick now. You turn off the heat and grab a ladle. You scoop some into the container, sealing the lid tight afterwards. A giggle bubbles in your throat. You can’t remember the last time you were this excited to cook for someone. Stopping by the bathroom, you clean yourself up and head outside, clutching the curry to your chest. 
You stop in front of Yuushi’s door and take a deep breath. Bringing up a fist to knock on the door, you’re startled by another scream. You bite your lip. Of fucking course. 
You return to your apartment and grab a second container, filling it with another serving of curry. On a sticky note, you write down instructions for how to reheat the food. Hesitantly, you add a smiley face at the end. Walking back outside, you set the containers in front of his door, rap your knuckles twice, and sprint back to your apartment. You shut the door as quietly as possible, but even the slightest noise sounds like an explosion. You breathe a sigh of relief when you don’t hear his door open. Another moan, followed by a deep grunt, rumbles the walls. You slump to the floor and lean back, thumping your head against the door. 
You are such a fucking idiot. 
─── ⋆ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。⋆ ───
You don’t speak to Yuushi after that, mostly because his erratic schedule leaves little chance of running into him. He also never thanked you for the curry, so maybe you’re also trying to avoid him because you’re petty. I mean, a week has gone by and not once has this man left a note. He never even returned the containers! So yeah, you feel the need to be a little bitter. 
Despite being upset, you can’t help but get incredibly turned on every night listening to them. You learn that if you’re close enough to the wall, you can make out what they’re saying. It’s muffled, but you’ll take what you can get. So far, it’s all dirty talk from Yuushi. His partner doesn’t seem to speak other than the noises of pleasure she makes. Is the sex really that good?
You know what you’re doing is perverted, but it’s very hard not to touch yourself when Yuushi’s husky voice says things like ‘I’m gonna stuff ya with my cock,’ and ‘are you cumming? How cute.’
Thus masturbating while listening to your neighbours has become a nightly ritual. Otherwise, you’re too frustrated to get a good night’s sleep. You’ve considered politely asking them to be quieter, but confrontation has never been your strong suit. Plus, someone banged on their door last night. That only escalated the moans and screams. It’s a mystery how anyone else here sleeps at night—earplugs. You should buy earplugs. Why didn’t you think of that earlier? Oh, right. You were too busy thinking about what it would look like to have Yuushi’s face between your thighs. 
So you buy some earplugs, and it works for a few nights. Until you start having wet dreams. The only prevention that works is relieving yourself before sleeping. Which leaves you back at square one. You don’t know how much longer you can keep living like this. The lease is for a year, and it’s barely been a month since you moved in. That’s when you come up with a plan. Maybe you can fuck it out of your system?
On the weekend, you dress up for a night out. You don’t have a complex plan. Just find someone to bring home for the night. Although with your neighbours’ track record, it’s probably best to go to a motel. Slipping on your shoes, you take one final look in the mirror. Your reflection smiles back at you. You feel hot—sexy even! You grab your bag and head out, wrinkling your nose at the scent of cigarette smoke. Since you plan on drinking, you call a taxi to drive you to the bar. When you enter the vehicle, you miss a pair of eyes watching you from next door. 
If you were more outgoing, you would have chosen a club. But it’s been a while, and you think you’re past your clubbing days. When you arrive at your destination, you pay the driver and head inside. Taking a seat at the counter, you order your favourite drink. Might as well drink something you like and get drunk. The bartender nods and accepts your money. Your order is in front of you in a few minutes, and you take a sip. 
“What’s a lovely thing like you doing here all alone?” a voice says from your right. You nearly choke on your current sip. Turning your head, you meet blue eyes and neatly-styled brown hair. His features are chiselled and angular like those marble statues. You wonder if he’s a foreigner or if his family is. Honestly, he’s very handsome by society’s standards. 
“Um…drinking?” you phrase it more like a question than an answer because, apparently, your brain ceases to function around attractive people. The man chuckles, and the warm timber sends your stomach into a frenzy. Your cheeks flame from embarrassment, and you take another sip to calm your nerves. 
“Lovely and charming. Let me buy you a drink,” he offers. This man is clearly flirting with you. All the confidence you had before leaving your apartment vanishes in an instant. How the heck are you supposed to respond?? And then you realize you’re not ready for this. You’re not prepared to have a one-night stand. Yuushi has already burrowed deep into your heart and claimed a piece of it. 
“That’s very kind, but no, thank you,” you reply. Going out tonight was a mistake; you know that now. Scratch that. Thinking you could get some random stranger to make you forget your hot-ass neighbour was a mistake. You’ll still have to see Yuushi and hear his moans at ungodly hours every single day. As long as you live there, you’ll continue to pine like the naive idiot you are. You chug down the rest of your drink and call the bartender for your bill. 
The man beside you is unphased by your rejection. “No? Then how about we get out of here, go somewhere less crowded.” His hands creep around your waist, and you recoil with a shudder. 
“I shouldn’t. I’m waiting for my boyfriend,” you lie, pretending to check your phone for messages. 
“Are you sure? I saw you get out of a cab by yourself,” he says, and your blood runs cold. What the actual fuck??
“You were watching me.” It’s not a question but an accusation. You keep your tone level, refusing to let panic crack your facade. Despite your glare, he nonchalantly shrugs his shoulders and grins. 
He leans closer and says, “More like you happened to catch my eye. So what do you say? I’ll make it worth your while.” This man is too damn persistent. It’s actually starting to piss you off. 
“As I said, I’m waiting for my boyfriend. I’m not interested in leaving with you,” you insist. Your glass is empty, and the alcohol hasn’t kicked in yet. You’re way too sober to be dealing with this bullshit right now. You signal to the bartender for another drink, and she nods, her eyes lingering on the man beside you. 
He scoffs and pulls out his wallet. “Look, I’ll pay you if that makes it easier.” He takes out a cheque and a pen. “How much?” he asks like he’s buying a shirt. Did he really just ask you to name a price on your body?
You blink, too stunned to speak, until outrage burns in your veins. “Excuse me?!”
He looks you up and down. “I know what you’re trying to do. You say no, but you’re all dolled up. You’re playing hard to get, and while it was interesting, it’s getting annoying now.” He begins writing on the cheque, pausing to appraise you before continuing. 
You clench your glass, ready to smite this fool down. “Wha—“
“Sorry I’m late, baby,” a deep voice says from behind. You get a faint whiff of cigarette smoke and cologne. You know that voice. Because it’s the same one you’ve gotten off to every night since you moved. You tilt your head up and see Yuushi smiling down at you. How does he still manage to look attractive from this unflattering angle?
“Fuck off, pal. I saw this one first,” the man spits, scrunching his nose at Yuushi’s appearance. 
Yuushi hangs an arm around your shoulder. “Why don’t you fuck off. This one is already mine,” he fires back. You know it shouldn’t, but his words make you squirm in your seat. Yuushi glances at you with an amused expression. 
“And who are you?” the man asks, and you swear his face grows redder with each passing second. His once handsome features are marred with a snarl. He reminds you of those birds or frogs that puff themselves up to look intimidating. 
Yuushi pulls you into his chest—which is very broad and muscular, by the way. You're almost too distracted to pay attention to their conversation. “The boyfriend. Now piss off and find somethin’ else to stick your dick in,” he replies. 
The man rises from his seat, but the look Yuushi shoots him sends him skulking away. You hear him mutter angrily to himself. Not even a minute later, he’s already chatting someone else up. You have to admire his tenacity. 
The bartender comes up. “I’m glad your boyfriend stepped in,” she says. “I was going to have him kicked out, but your boyfriend came just in time.” You flush at the misunderstanding. Before you can correct her on your relationship with Yuushi, she slides another drink in front of you.  “Here, this one’s on me.” You thank her and take a sip. Your throat burns more than your cheeks. Whatever she gave you, it’s stronger than your last drink. You grimace and down the entire glass, licking your lips. 
A thin blanket of fog rolls across your mind. Through your tipsy haze, you remember you’re not alone. There’s an arm wrapped around your waist, and you look to your left. “Yuushi? What are you doing here?” you ask. 
He chuckles and squeezes your hip. “I, uh, wanted to return the containers and thank you for the curry,” he says. A week has passed since then. Why is he thanking you now of all times? 
You furrow your brows. “So you followed me to the bar?” A quick observation reveals him to be empty-handed. “Were you… worried about me?” you ask. You don’t receive an answer. Instead, Yuushi helps you out of the stool and guides you to the exit. He places some money on the counter for your bill. 
He opens the door, and the cool evening breeze whips against your face. “Let’s go home,” he says. Pulling your shivering form to his side, he adds, “a walk might help ya sober up.” It’s only a 15-minute walk, and you’re too intoxicated to disagree. The warmth radiating from his body is cozy, which leaves you clinging to his arm. 
You keep your gaze on the sidewalk and ask, “You don’t want to question why I went out tonight?” You play with the cuffs of his jacket. The material feels new underneath your fingers. 
Yuushi shrugs, his steps unfaltering. “None of my business.”
You bite your lips. “...Did your girlfriend like the curry?” you mumble into his arm, hiding your flushed complexion. 
Yuushi perks up and starts gesturing animatedly with his free hand. “Your curry was delicious! And your note was cute. I—“
You cut him off. “Not you. Your girlfriend.” Inhibitions freed, you’re on a mission to figure out what’s going on with this man. A part of you is clinging to the hope that you still have a chance. 
“I don’t have one,” he answers in a matter-of-fact tone. Ok, so he’s not dating anyone—the moans sound too high-pitched to be another man. The cynical voice in your brain points out that it doesn’t rule out marriage. 
“Then who are you pounding every waking minute you spend at home?” you prod, noticing how Yuushi shortens his strides. He doesn’t look at you as he searches for an answer. 
“It’s… complicated,” he finally says. 
You scoff, “I’ve heard that one before.” You know it’s none of your business who he sees and what he does with them, but you feel hurt anyway when he doesn’t give you a straight answer. Maybe you’re hoping for a firm rejection so you can move on with your life. 
Yuushi shakes his head. “No, it really is. Look, why do you care so much?” he asks, eyes widening when he jumps to conclusions. “Shit, are we too loud? I know a couple of the others have complained, but you’re right next door.” He babbles some apologies, panic evident on his face. 
You chuckle and look him straight in the eyes. “I like it; it turns me on,” you confess. 
Yuushi’s smile wavers. He looks unsure how to respond. “How much did you drink?” he asks, scanning your face. 
You hum and count with your fingers. “Juuuuust… two?” You hold your hand up to his face and grin. 
Yuushi chuckles, and you like how the vibrations rumble against your body. “What a lightweight,” he teases. 
With your filter gone, everything that comes through your brain comes out of your mouth. You hum and lean into his side. “I touch myself every night listening to you two.”
Yuushi laughs. “I don’t think you know what you’re talking about,” he rasps. The gravel in his voice and his heated gaze send a gush of slickness between your thighs. 
You pout and whine, “Why do you have to be so hot? I thought I could find someone else, but there’s no one else I’d rather fuck.” You don’t quite love him yet, but you want him carnally with an intense desire you’ve never felt before. 
Your words cause Yuushi to halt. You’re unaware of this and continue walking, losing balance when you’re jerked backwards. Yuushi steps forward to catch you, and you land against his broad chest with a thud, his arms securing themselves around your waist. “....I didn’t know you felt that way,” he whispers into your ear. 
You shudder at the closeness and say, “Oh, you make me feel all kinds of ways. But you have a girlfriend, so it makes me feel bad that I want you.” It takes all your willpower not to turn your head around. You know you’ll lose all reason and kiss him senseless if you do.
“What if,” he pauses, “I told you that I also want you?”
“I’d tell you that you’re either a terrible liar or a cheating asshole,” you reply. And from the bulge prodding you from behind, you’re leaning towards the latter. 
Yuushi groans when you try to wiggle out of his grip. “She’s not my girlfriend. We’re more like roommates with benefits—”
You gasp, “And they were roommates!” You giggle to yourself. 
Yuushi chortles. “...I think I’m too old to understand that reference.” He bends down and scoops you up.  “C’mon, we’re almost home. I’ll help you to the door.” You’re thankful you don’t have to walk the rest of the way, but you won’t voice the reason out loud. Each step was delicious torture, but the light friction was beginning to frustrate you. It’s not enough to scratch that itch or quench the fire consuming you. 
The sidewalk is still blanketed in darkness, the apartments a faint glow on the horizon. Lamps mark the street like checkpoints, and you occupy yourself by running your hands across Yuushi’s broad chest. A pleased hum purrs from your throat as you feel the solid muscle beneath your fingertips. 
“You’re killing me, baby,” Yuushi groans, breathless and needy. It sends a jolt of desire straight to your core. You nip his chin and giggle at the shivers that wrack his body. The hand on your thigh tightens, and his dark eyes narrow at you. “Don’t tease,” he commands. His authoritative tone sends another wave of arousal, but your hands drop, and you become still. 
The speck of light becomes a beacon, and the warm yellow glow welcomes you home. Yuushi walks up to your door and sets you down. You rummage around your bag for your keys, giggling at how surreal the entire night feels. The memory of fondling Yuushi is something alcohol will not be able to wipe away. You unlock your door despite struggling to slot the key into the keyhole.
You turn around to face Yuushi. “Thank youuu,” you slur, planting a sloppy kiss on his cheek. He looks at you, jaw slack and eyes wide. You glance down at the tent in his pants and smirk. Stepping closer, you lean into his ear and whisper, “I hope you think about me when you fuck her.” You chuckle at the noise that chokes up in his throat.
He swallows, and you watch his adam’s apple bob with hooded eyes. “We’ll talk in the morning,” Yuushi says. He brings up a hand and skims your cheek with the back of his fingers. The feather-light touch leaves you wanting more. You want to know how it feels to have his hands explore the rest of you. You’re sober enough to know you’re too drunk for this, so you step back.
“Yes, sir,” you agree with a salute. Yuushi smiles at your antics, and the fond look in his eyes churns your stomach.
“Get some sleep.” His eyes dart to your lips, but he averts his gaze and clears his throat. “Sweet dreams, neighbour,” he says, shuffling his feet. 
“Goodnight, Yuushi.” You walk into your apartment, poking your head out. You smile and wave before closing the door. His footsteps don’t start until you turn the lock, and the gesture fills you with warmth. Worn out from tonight’s events, you do the bare minimum to prepare for bed. Slipping out of your clothes, you don’t bother changing into pyjamas. So you sleep in undergarments, passing out the second your head touches your pillow. 
In the morning, you wake up in a puddle of your arousal. You had a dream which was very vivid and involved a threesome with Yuushi and his mysterious roommate. Groaning, you peel yourself off the bed and remove the sheets to wash them. A knock from the door startles you. Stretching your limbs, you make your way to the door. The stickiness between your thighs is a constant reminder for a shower and an orgasm later.
Opening the door reveals Yuushi. “Good morning!” you greet, ignoring the dull throbbing in your head. It’s like someone stretched an invisible rubber band around your head that squeezes you tight. 
“G’morn…” Yuushi stops mid-sentence. He holds a small plastic bag in one hand and a bottle in the other. You tilt your head to the side and stare at him. His gaze strays from your face and flicks back to your eyes. “Black is, um, a good colour on you,” he says. You look down and see that you’re only wearing a matching set of lacy, black undergarments. 
Hooking your thumb in your underwear band, you grin at him. “Thanks, I look better without them on,” you say, and Yuushi flushes red. From what you recall from last night, there’s no point in pretending you’re not attracted to him. So you might as well see how many boners you can give him until he decides to bend you over and rail you.
“I, uh, got these for ya,” he says, holding the items in his hands out to you. “I figured you’d wake up feelin’ like shit.” The contents of the plastic bag rattle as you take it from him. The drink is one they sell at convenience stores for hangovers.
You peek inside the bag and recognize the label of the pills. “Thank you,” you say, unscrewing the cap on the bottle and downing the drink in one chug. The bitter, herbal taste on your tongue twists your lips into a grimace. 
Yuushi chuckles. “Open your mouth,” he commands. Confused, you comply and part your lips. He pushes something into your mouth, and it dissolves in sugary goodness. You moan as the foul taste from the drink is washed away with candy. “Huh, I wonder what other sounds you would make if I stuck somethin’ else in there.” His comment catches you off guard. 
But you don’t miss a beat when you reply with, “Why don’t you try and find out?” His jaw tightens, and his eyes darken.
“I need you to get dressed first. There’s someone I want you to meet,” he says. You don’t have to guess who. Maybe your threesome fantasy will come true? But it’s not like your life is some raunchy romance novel. He’ll probably introduce you to his roommate and then reject your feelings.
“Do you want to come inside and wait while I change?” you offer. 
Yuushi bites his lip and shakes his head. “Baby, if I come inside, we won’t leave for a while.” There he goes again with the pet name. It genuinely fills you with warmth and a sense of comfort. Honestly, Yuushi could call you anything, and it would give you heart palpitations. 
You nod and head inside. You take a quick shower to rinse the stickiness and the stench of alcohol from your skin. You grab a random outfit from your wardrobe, making a bold decision to not wear any undergarments. Once you’re all ready, you head outside to meet Yuushi. He greets you again with a smile. The morning light sharpens the ache in your head, and Yuushi shields you from the sun.
“I’ve wanted to introduce ya to each other, but I wasn’t sure how you’d react.” He opens his door and looks at you over his shoulder. “Just don’t freak out.” His ominous comment does nothing to calm your nerves. The floorboards creak, and several doors slam open. A blur of dark blue and white collides with Yuushi. “Hey, K. I brought someone over.”
You stare in astonishment. A woman in a white dress peeks at you from behind Yuushi. Her smile is gentle, but it looks like she might scamper away if you make any sudden movements.
“Hi?” You wave and remain rooted to the spot.
“This is K,” Yuushi introduces the woman. Her gaze fixates on you, and she refuses to leave her hiding spot. “K, this is our neighbour.” He side-steps, and you get a good look at her. Dark locks form a waterfall that cascades down to her butt. Long lashes frame her blue eyes that are veiled by her messy hairstyle. She is very well endowed, and the first thought that comes to mind is the terrible back pain she must endure. She’s gorgeous. You can see why Yuushi likes her. The shy smile on her face stretches wide, and she waves back. “Ah, K doesn’t talk much, by the way. So don’t worry if she doesn’t say anything,” he adds.
“Is this all you wanted to talk to me about?” you ask. K looks at you with wide eyes. It’s adorable watching her gaze dart across your figure, trying to take in every detail. She reminds you of a wild animal trying to determine your intentions. You can’t decide whether you want to dominate or be dominated by her. Yuushi whispers something to K, and she nods and makes noises of approval.
“I was gonna ask if you’d like to join us?” Yuushi offers, and you’re floundered by his invitation. “I obviously want ya, but I needed to make sure K was alright with it,” he explains.
You stand there in silence, processing his words. “Like, a threesome?” Stupid. What else would he invite you to? Lunch? The smile on Yuushi’s face is lascivious, and you hear a quiet giggle from K.
Yuushi shoves his hands into his pockets, which draws your attention to the tent pitching in his pants. He rocks on the balls of his feet. “I know it might not be exactly what ya wanted, but—”
You cut him off. “I’m in.” This is exactly what you wanted. Maybe your life is a raunchy romance novel, after all. 
Yuushi grins. “Eager, aren’t ya?” And the chuckle he bellows sends a tingle down your spine. K grabs your hand and leads you to the bedroom. You’re not used to focusing so much on a person’s expressions and body language before. Her grip on you is shaky, but the smile on her face is bright. 
The door clicks behind you, and Yuushi is leaning against it with his arms crossed. “Strip,” he commands. His tone is firm, but the lines on his face are still soft. You rub your thighs together but make no other movement, too enthralled by his voice.  He smirks and nods at K. “Give our neighbour a hand, would ya?”
“Mm!” K hums, and her delicate fingers skim down your torso. She grabs the hem of your shirt and pulls it up over your head. The cool air hits your nipples, and they stiffen in response. “Ah….” K stares at your chest and brings a hand up to your breasts, but she withdraws and looks at you. 
“It’s ok, you can touch me,” you say. “Please touch me,” you beg. K nods, and her brows furrow in concentration. You bite your lip to hold back a laugh. She cups your breasts and circles your nipples with her thumbs. You hiss and melt into her touch. 
“Ah!” K recoils like she’s been burned. Her eyes widen, and she bows her head. 
“No, no, no,” you say, taking her hand and placing it back on your chest. “I liked it,” you reassure her. “Can you do it again, please?” She nods and pinches your nipples with a newfound sense of confidence. Her fingers pull and tug, every move calculated and adjusted after observing your reaction. “Yes, just like that.” You throw your head back and sigh when she squeezes your breast.
K leans forwards and wraps her mouth around your nipples. Her tongue flicks the stiff peaks, and you press yourself closer to her head. The jangle of a zipper catches your attention, and you turn your head to see Yuushi removing his pants. His boxers are next, and his cock springs free. The tip is swollen and leaking with pre-cum. He wraps his hands around his shaft and gives a few, short pumps. You tear your gaze away from his when you feel the cool breeze against your nipples once more. K looks at you, her pupils blown.
You can’t resist the urge to kiss her forehead. “Thank you, K.” And fuck. The smile she gives you afterwards shines brighter than the sun, and it doesn’t worsen your headache. Maybe you can convince her to live with you instead. She kisses your collarbone, trailing between the valley of your breasts and down your stomach. Her plush lips are warm and wet. With each kiss, she ignites a fire beneath your skin. Your breath hitches when she tugs your pants down, unveiling your naked skin.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Yuushi groans at your lack of underwear. “Looks like we got a naughty neighbour here.” You squirm in place, the slickness between your thighs adding to the delicious friction. You lick your lips, and saliva begins to pool in your mouth when you see his cock coated in precum. “Use your tongue, K,” he orders.
“Mm!” K pushes you down onto the futon. She squeezes your thighs and parts your legs. She hovers in front of your crotch, and her warm breath tickles your sensitive skin. You shiver in anticipation, muscles tensing when she laps at your clit. She does the same thing she did with your nipples and circles your clit with a finger. When she brushes over the bundle of nerves, you moan and buck your hips, clenching around emptiness. K runs a finger between your folds and pops it into her mouth. She hums at the taste and begins eating you out, wanting more. 
“Fuck!” you cry out when her tongue enters you. Your mind is too foggy to notice how she’s reaching deeper than humanely possible. Electricity thrums in your veins, and your walls are trembling around her tongue. You make eye contact, and your stomach flutters at the pleased smile on her face. “You’re doing a good job, K,” you praise her. She brings a hand up to pet your clit, and your hips jolt. “So good,” you mumble. She starts pistoning her tongue in and out of you. Your hips chase after her movements, and you’re riding her face.
You teeter on the edge of an orgasm. Your thighs tremble, wet with your juices. K drinks from you with a ravenous thirst. Her loud slurps echo throughout the room, and you like how dirty it sounds. Something wet and firm taps your lips.
“Open,” Yuushi commands, and you comply. A salty tang coats your tongue, and his musky scent fills your nostrils. “Time to see what kinda noises you’ll make.” He grunts and slowly slides himself into your mouth. “You good, sweetheart?” he asks, and you hum in reply. You take in the rest of his cock and tease him with your tongue. “Fuck, baby. You look so hot with your mouth full.” His words spur you on, and you begin sucking. With your movements hindered, you take his hands and place them on your head. His eyes darken, and he pulls out. “I need to hear you say it, baby,” he says, waiting for your permission.
“Please fuck my mouth,” you plead. Your mind is hazy. K keeps bringing you to the brink of orgasm and pulling you back before you tip over. You need to have this man use you. You want his taste to overwhelm your senses and feel his seed spill down your throat. 
Yuushi looks at you with lust-blown eyes. “You gotta grab my wrist if you want me to stop,” he says. “You understand?” You nod. “I need words, baby.” For a man whose partner doesn’t speak, he’s very insistent on hearing your vocal consent.
“Yes, sir,” you say, batting your lashes at him. He growls and grabs a fistful of your hair. Your scalp tingles with a slight burn that shoots a jolt of pleasure to your core. He rams his entire length into your waiting mouth. You resume sucking and running your tongue over his cock. K finds your g-spot, and she presses against the spongy area. The knot in your stomach threatens to snap as the pleasure builds.
“Fuck, you look so pretty with your mouth around my cock,” Yuushi praises, hips thrusting at a steady pace. “Do ya like it? Having your mouth and pussy stuffed at the same time?” You moan in response, and he chuckles. “I think you’re too drunk on sex to think right now.” He turns his head to K. “How’s it going down there, K?”
“Mm!” K groans and laps up the stream of juices trickling out of you. She’s eager to please, but her teasing is torture. Your body tenses as she brings you to a high, only to stop and let you plummet back to the ground. She laughs when you whine and grind against her face,
Yuushi smiles and looks back at you. “I think it’s about time we let ya cum. Whaddya say?” Yuushi asks. Pleading with your eyes, you beg him, desperate to have an orgasm. “Look at that face. I can’t say no to that,” he says. The grip on your hair tightens, and he speeds up his pace. “You know what to do, K.”
You widen your eyes, back arching when K assaults your g-spot and clit in tandem. Her ministrations are precise, and each stroke brings you closer and closer to your climax. Sensitive from her edging, waves of pleasure crash into you, sending you reeling into an orgasm. Your scream is muffled, and the vibrations cause Yuushi to stutter his hips. Warm ropes of cum shoot down your throat, and you swallow it all. You suck on his cock, milking the last few drops.
Yuushi slides out of your mouth and crouches down, smashing your lips together in a heated kiss. You’re positive he can taste himself, but he doesn’t hesitate to explore with his tongue. You shiver when K pulls her tongue out, clenching around nothingness, She flicks your clit, and you jerk from the overstimulation. Her giggle rings in your ears, and she plants a kiss on your inner thigh.
Yuushi moves away, and you whine at the loss of contact. He smirks and swipes a thumb across your swollen lips. “Ready for more?” he asks. “I’m gonna pound that tight cunt of yours ‘til it moulds into the shape of my cock.”
“Yes, please,” you beg. And for good measure, you add, “Sir.” He pushes you onto your back, spreading your legs. Two thick fingers enter and stretch you out. You moan and try to move your hips, but his other hand pins you in place. You squirm, but he chuckles and adds more of his weight,
“I’m only using my fingers, and you’re already squeezing so hard. How cute. You want me that badly?” he teases, fingers skirting around that sensitive spot. Close but never touching, and it drives you wild with need. 
“I need to feel you inside me,” you plead, struggling to escape his iron grip. The callouses on his fingers scratch against your bare skin and send sparks of electricity in their wake. He’s giving you too much and not enough at the same time. The burn as he stretches you adds to the pleasure, but he continues to avoid your g-spot.
Yuushi smirks, “I am inside, sweetheart.” He shoves his fingers deeper and crooks them to prove a point. You clench your teeth and try to stop your walls from spasming. You want to feel him pulsing inside of you before you climax again.
“No,” you buck your hips, “I need your cock inside. Please, I need you to stuff me full.” Your walls clench around his fingers, aching for more. He pulls them out with a hum and licks them clean, groaning as he savours your taste. 
Licking his lips, he lines his cock up with your entrance before grinding to a halt. “Fuck,” he curses, looking at you with wide eyes. “I don’t have any condoms.” He starts mumbling to himself about a quick run to the nearest store.
You tilt your head. “You don’t use any with K?” you ask. Although, given how often they have sex, condoms would be expensive.
“Well, no,” he answers, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“We can buy some for next time—“ if there even is a next time “—but it should be fine since I’m on birth control.” Maybe K is in a similar situation, which would explain the lack of condoms. However, you would prefer to have them; two forms of contraceptives are better than one.
Yuushi bites his lip. “Honestly, sweetheart. I think you would look amazing with a cream pie. I wanna see that sweet cunt dripping with my cum,” he confesses. You would be lying if you said the idea didn’t turn you on.
You raise a brow and spread your folds, revealing your wet entrance. “Then what are you waiting for?”
Yuushi rubs the head of his cock up and down your slit, brushing it against your clit. Your walls flutter in anticipation, and you hold your breath when he starts easing in. Since Yuushi prepared you, there’s little resistance. The burn from the stretch is mild and pleasurable. 
Yuushi closes his eyes as he sinks deeper inside, groaning when he bottoms out. He starts slow, rubbing lazy circles around your clit. “You take me so well, baby,” he praises. You preen at the compliment and move your hips to match his thrusts.
K pads over to your head, flushed and fidgety. She lifts her dress to reveal the cutest cunt you’ve ever seen, framed by a patch of dark blue. Her plump thighs are shiny with her juices, and your mouth waters. You don’t need to guess what she’s trying to ask. “You can ride my face, K,” you tell her. She smiles and climbs over, hovering above you. Sinking slowly, she hesitates and stops inches from your face. You breathe in her musky scent, mesmerized by her swollen clit and puffy lips. Impatient, you wrap your hands around her thighs and pull her down. She shrieks, which turns into a string of moans when you begin devouring her.
“Ah!” she cries out as you suck on her clit. Lapping up her juices, you drown in her sweet nectar. You’re drunk on her taste, and her heady scent makes your head spin. The bottom half of your face is messy, but you continue your ministrations. K is very responsive. She’s already quivering and on the brink of orgasm.
“Heh, you should see the lewd face she’s makin’,” Yuushi says. He pushes his thumb into K’s mouth, and she licks your juices off of it. “Good?” 
She nods, “Mm!” and coats his finger with her saliva. 
“Hear that, baby? She thinks you taste amazing. Be prepared to give me a sample later,” he says, pulling his thumb away to resume stroking your clit. Your mouth is busy, but the way you clench around him is all the response he needs. “You two are so fuckin’ hot,” he groans, picking up the pace. He lifts your right leg and rests it on his shoulder. The new position allows him to thrust at a deeper angle, and he brushes against your sweet spot.
You moan, sending a stream of vibrations into K’s throbbing cunt. The added stimulation sends her over the edge, and you can feel her clit pulsating against your tongue. She wails and rides out her orgasm, grinding her slick heat into your face. 
“Ah!” K cries out and tries to pull away when you don’t stop, but you’re determined to get payback for the edging. Your nails mark her thighs with crescent moons, and Yuushi’s low chuckle spurs you on. A flick of your tongue opens the floodgates, and you’re directly in the splash zone. K becomes rigid, muscles tensing as another orgasm tears through her body. Gushes of liquid rain down on you, and you’re drenched with her release. You let go, and K slumps to the floor beside you, chest heaving and dress clinging to her sweaty form. Her hair is all over the place, and the smile on her face is relaxed. All the tension in her body is gone. She looks like she’s about to melt into a puddle on the floor. 
“Holy shit. I haven’t seen her cum that hard in a while. You’re something special, aren’t ya?” Yuushi says. “Now that K’s all tuckered out, I want to see what face you’ll make when I make you cum again,” he slaps the pubic mound just above your clit, “and again.” Slap. “And again.” You jolt with each strike. He only uses enough force to leave a light sting, and you ache for more. You shudder, but he doesn’t miss how you bite your lip. His large hands wrap around your waist, and he picks you up like you weigh nothing.
Your arms flail and wrap around his neck for stability. The wolfish grin on his face sends a spike of arousal to your core. What is he planning? Your question is soon answered when he raises and drops you onto his cock. You gasp at the sudden movement, eyes nearly rolling into the back of your skull at how he drags along your walls. He doesn’t move, observing your reaction.
“You ok, sweetheart?” he asks, and this would be very wholesome if you weren’t impaled on his cock right now. “I don’t wanna be too rough with ya. Let me know if it’s too much,” he says.
“Do it again,” you say. 
He smirks and squeezes your waist. “You gotta beg for it.” He tuts when your pout at him. “C’mon, I know you can. If you want it, you gotta beg.” You can feel his cock pulsing inside you; the heat makes it difficult to ignore. His thumbs rub little circles into your hips, and your body is already aching for more friction.
You groan and toss your shame out the window. “Fuck, Yuushi. Please fuck me. Fuck me until the only thing I can think about is your cock,” you plead. The smirk on his face both makes your blood boil and sing at the same time.
“Since you asked so nicely.” He lifts you again, but this time at an agonizing pace. His cock leaves you inch by inch for what feels like forever. And when you reach the tip, he slams back into you. Your nails bite into his shoulder as he repeats this over and over again until your mind is blank. “Look at you, baby. Absolutely drunk on my cock. You like it when I use you like this?” He aims for your g-spot on the next thrust and hits a bullseye. “I’m talkin’ to you, sweetheart.”
You whimper, “Yes, I love it.” As a reward, he raises and spears you with his cock once more. Your clit is throbbing, and you don’t think you’ve ever wanted to cum so badly before in your life. Yuushi spaces out his thrusts so that you’re more sensitive with each one, but it’s never enough to reach a climax. Every time your pleasure peaks, he waits until it almost fizzles out before setting you ablaze. It’s absolute torture, and you love it.
“Look at you, being so good for me,” he coos. You clench, thrilled by the way his muscles tighten. He grunts, “your insides are sucking me in, and they don’t wanna let me go.” Leaving one arm to support you, he brings his other hand to tease your clit. “Do ya wanna cum, sweetheart? Wanna cum all over my cock?”
You beg, “Yes. Please.” You’re desperate to finally climax. If you thought K’s edging was bad, Yuushi’s is ten times worse.
Yuushi hums, a sly grin on his face. “Why should I?”
You pause and stare at him with wide eyes, “You said I’ve been good. Please, Sir. I need to cum,” you sob.
“Alright then. Cum,” he commands. Both of his hands return to your waist, and he begins ramming into you relentlessly. Your body buzzes with pleasure, and your hips eagerly match his thrusts. “Look at me; I wanna see your face while you cum.” You obey, focusing your gaze on him. “Good. Touch yourself. I’ve got ya.” You bring a hand down to rub your swollen clit, and your blood thunders in your ears. That feeling in the pit of your stomach is building, and your fingers move faster without thinking. “There ya go. Just like that. Milk my cock with your tight cunt.” 
He grunts and continues railing you. His cock twitches. You want to feel his hot seed paint your walls white. On purpose, you clench as hard as you can. Yuushi curses and his thrusts become short and sloppy as he chases his own high. He comes undone, a mixture between a groan and a growl leaving his throat. Ropes of thick cum shoot inside you, sending you over the edge. You roll your hips as your vision blurs, and white-hot pleasure courses through your body in waves. Your clenches coincide with the pulsating of your clit. The rush of endorphins leaves you feeling floaty.
Still buried to the hilt, Yuushi turns you around so your back presses against his chest. He sucks on the pulse point on your neck and plays with your clit. “Yuushi,” you groan, still very sensitive from your recent orgasm.
He nips your earlobe, and his hot breath tickles your ear. “C’mon, baby. I know you got another one in ya,” he whispers, voice husky and low. 
You shiver and shake your head. “I can’t,” you whine. Your clit is still swollen, and even the slightest touch is unbearable.
He presses a tender kiss to your shoulder. “You can and you will.” His tone is both demanding and soft. His hand travels to your clit and circles around it. “C’mon, sweetheart. Cum one more time for me.” He avoids directly touching your clit and instead stimulates the surrounding area. He traces down your lips to where the two of you are joined. “This pretty cunt was made for me.” Slapping your pubic mound, he chuckles darkly when your head lolls back into the crook of his neck. 
His deft fingers make short work of you, bringing you to that precipice once more before tossing you off the cliff. This one is less intense, but it lasts longer. Yuushi continues with light touches, helping you ride out your orgasm. The spikes of pleasure ease into a pleasant buzz. Yuushi whispers praise the entire time, placing small kisses along your shoulders, the scruff of his beard scratching your skin.
He unsheathes his cock and lays you beside K, flopping down on your other side. Your body trembles from the aftershocks of your orgasm, and you can still feel a tingling sensation between your thighs. The entire room smells like sex, and there’s a faint smell of cigarettes that always lingers when someone smokes inside. 
You stare at the ceiling in a daze. “That was….” You’re at a loss for words. Because how can you describe what you just went through? K holds your hand, her lips in a gentle curve upwards. Her eyes contain an understanding look, and the amount of affection in them makes your heart skip a beat. She glances at Yuushi, and the two share a silent conversation you can’t interpret. 
“I like you, and so does K. Wanna make this a thing?” Yuushi asks, blunt and to the point. You suppose this is the best outcome you could have hoped for. At least if they want you to join them during sex regularly, it’ll help satisfy your urges.
You look away from him and instead focus on K, playing with her hair. “Would it be casual?” you ask.
Yuushi chuckles and traces your collarbone with his fingertips. “Not gonna lie, sweetheart. I like you a lot,” he confesses and adds, “K seems to have gotten attached to ya, too.”
You frown and turn your head to face him. “What are you trying to say?” You don’t want to get your hopes up.
Yuushi smiles and caresses your cheek. “I’m sayin’ that I want you to join our relationship.” 
Your eyes bug out of your head, and you almost believe you heard him wrong. “Is that something both of you want?” you ask. You need to make sure, especially since K doesn’t talk. Because of this, you look at her first. K nods and scoots closer to your side, snuggling into you. She reminds you of a cat curling up beside you. Glancing over at Yuushi, he’s watching the two of you fondly, the corners of his eyes crinkling.
“Wouldn’t want anything else,” he says. “Although, there is one other thing.” Yuushi crawls down in front of your thighs, parting them with ease. He licks his lips and eyes your dripping cunt. “K got to taste you earlier; now it’s my turn.” He teases you with a short jet of cool air, and a shadow shields you from the bedroom light.
You glance up to see K’s breasts swaying above your head, nipples perked and begging to be touched. Her face is flushed, but she pushes her body closer to you. She makes this cute little squeak, and you open your mouth, latching onto her nipples. The salty taste of her sweat fills your tongue, and there’s a slight tang you can’t quite place. You moan, and she whimpers from the vibrations. 
Yuushi’s deep chuckle rumbles against your inner thigh, and he licks a stripe up your slit, tasting the concoction of your juices mixed with his. 
You shudder. Fuck. You’ll be lucky if you can even get out of bed in the morning. 
─── ⋆ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。⋆ ───
End Note:
ASfdjga;kgjf. Not me learning a few days after posting this that his first name is Yuushi and not Totsumoto. My bad. I went back and changed it so apologies if that fucked any of the other text up. Did you know his name appears around 90 times in this fic? Yeah, wasn't fun to change.
At first, I was going to have K be more dominant, but she's such a sweetie in my mind. Please let me know your thoughts. I rarely write smut so it always feels like I'm doing something 'wrong.'
I am interested in a scenario where the reader and K top Yuushi. Maybe that's what the next fic I'll write for this fandom be.
I'll see you guys at my next hyperfixation! (。・∀・)ノ
Reblogs are appreciated!
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forestshadow-wolf · 13 days
do you have any roach fic recs... any ship, any plot, any length, i literally have no preferences other than /roach/ i need more roach centric fics in my life....
but first you should check out this post from @/boxofthings they have quite a few Roach centric fic recommendations. however it has been about six-ish months since then so I'll just add ones from recently
"you are a memory" by withyourrythm
"It takes 8 days of nursing an infected gunshot wound at his thigh, of trying to keep Roach breathing through the nights, before Ghost realizes that there is no help coming. Then, it’s time to move on."
"Roaching Around" by KDFoxbug
"Roach is captured by the enemy and becomes buggier"
"GhostRoach teehee :3" series by ghostroacharemybabies
Filled with a bunch of little stories I wrote of GhostRoach. Some sad, some happy. It’s just a mix of a bunch of emotions.
"Candy shop" by littlehorusaximand
roach is down bad for his lieutenant and his captain, and they accidentally find out.
"serendipity" by bravo six going queer (cornerdreams)
Roach gets back from a mission involving ice shelves, a compromising of his captain, and a harrowing snowmobile chase. Ghost is just happy he came back home safe. Both of them do a little reflecting.
"Just one kiss" by grechka_zhest
“Hey, L.T. ,” Roach muttered, licking the spoon and wincing right after at the taste of metal and canned meat, if it can even be called one, on his tongue. "Hm?", the lieutenant’s voice was tired and quiet, like Roach's own. It's nothing new. The sergeant quickly licked his dry lips, covered in small cuts. "Ever kissed before?", Sanderson asked with a grin in his voice. He himself doesn’t know whether this was supposed to be a joke or an insult. But behind the malicious grin there was a lively interest. Ghost chuckled, placing the now empty can on the ground, next to the sole of his boots.
"Memento Mori" by Anonymous
Roach got his callsign from being an unkillable insect with very little self preservation instinct. Unfortunately the rest of the team can be a little like that too, to the detriment of each other.
"How (not) to ask someone to marry you" by kkyso
Gaz needed to find a quick way to propose to Roach, but all his ideas seemed to go wrong. Until Soap has the brilliant and absurd idea at the same time, Making Gaz rethink the whole plan.
"These Bones Are Broken" by fixfoxnox
Roach nearly loses someone and it results in a momentary break in his carefully constructed mask.
"Two sergeants, one lieutenant" by Roach_Simp
Gaz, Ghost, Price, Soap and Roach go on a mission to get intel, finds out the mission was a set up then Roach gets kidnapped and tortured before they find him and then Roach, Ghost and Soap cuddle before it turns into spice. :3
"Roach" by MorningGlory30
"I promise I'll come back in once piece." After the death of his father, Gary "Roach" Sanderson thought that he should join the military just like his dad. He never really gave it much thought and as a seven year old, it never meant much to him. As he grew older, he came to like the idea of joining the military--of doing something better for his country than just being another rugby player. He joined as soon as he graduated and had worked hard in the SAS to be picked for an elite group of soldiers. Serving under Captain John Price and Captain "Soap" MacTavish wasn't the easiest thing to do because of how high the expectations were but it was something that he could handle. Even in the toughest times, Roach knew he could make it out of any dangerous situation and keep the promise that he made to his older brother.
"Raindrops" by TheCalmCreature
Gary doesn't seem to be fine after a mission. Simon checks up on him. written for the prompt: "[GhostRoach] Maybe they tend to each others injuries after a mission or they just need to make sure the other is ok? a happy/comfort ending”
"FNG... or something..." by KairaKara101
Gary knew those dreams were something strange yet it filled an empty part of his soul. There was something off about him. A bad luck charm perhaps? Gary really wished he knew why he was always the FNG. This time... being the FNG sucked. But past (?) collides with present. Once an ODST always an ODST. And you know what those ODST always said? Are you prepared to drop? Feet first into hell, troopers.
"Thorns in my lungs, petals on my tongue" by MossTimeBaby
the Roach Hanahaki fic that I was desperate to read
"Roaches Can't Die" by pinboardscarecrow
Ghost and Roach are betrayed by General Shepard; shot and killed by their own leader. But moments later, Roach wakes up back in the forest outside Makarov's safe house. Can he change his and Ghost's fates?
"is it really better to have loved and lost?" by MossTimeBaby
When Ghost has to fake his death to go deep undercover, Roach is left behind to pick up the pieces of himself.
"Two Sides of The Same Coin" by Vityed
It was Gary's first Christmas with Task Force 141, seeing as he had only joined the team six months earlier. As such, he had no idea what to expect. He just hoped it would be a good time to get to know everyone. Everything was perfect and ready. A Christmas tree decorated with tinsel, baubles and twinkling lights, and topped with a shining star, and plenty of alcohol to go around. What could possibly go wrong?
"Dear to you" by vani_tas_talk
messy university roommates breakup AU, starts as Roach/Soap/Ghost, endgame Roach/König
"If We Crash (I Hope We Do)" by mintyiecat
Simon and Gary live, and fall into a steady sort of companionship. Gary starts wondering (dramatically) what they are exactly. “How do you do that?” Simon scowls. “Swear to God it always jams.” ‘Magic fingers,’ Gary signs, and wiggles his.
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sure-i-exist · 2 years
Reasons I think the dragon riders are autistic:
(This was written out of order over the course of several days)
• His interest in dragons. Multiple people literally say “his life is dragons”. I don’t think I need to expand on this point any more
• His deal with emotions - the way it seems to me is that unless he’s very happy or genuinely angry, he doesn’t really emote much? His voice isn’t necessarily monotone but he’s very same-y (in more than just tone - also body language and stuff) almost always aside from when incredibly gleeful (e.g. riding toothless) or very angry (literally any moment where he ends up yelling at the others)
• On a similar note, there’s several times (especially in rtte) where it looks like he’s about to scold someone and then he doesn’t (in a kinda emotions/expressions not lining up with his actual thoughts and stuff way). Now, this doesn’t sound much here but an example is in the dramillion episode near the end of the ep so that kinda gives you a better idea of what I mean yknow?
• Also his massive interest in inventing, another pretty damn important thing in his life that he’s very good at, to say the least. • Another thing with emotions - he’s pretty easy to manipulate. Which sounds so horrible to put but I mean it in like, his emotions specifically are kinda easy to manipulate and especially his empathy. They’re often used against him
• He notices details and you know how he constantly tells the twins they’re geniuses after something they say reminds him of a completely unrelated point? Yeah idk how to explain it but that’s autism, baby
• Stubborn - it takes a lot to change her views of opinions
• Fully believes there are right and wrong ways of doing things (and usually believes those ways are the more traditional ways that she’s used to)
• Idk if there’s even proof of this but I am dead certain she sticks to her rules almost all times. She doesn’t care about other peoples rules but despite that often has very strict views on how to do things which I think is why I believe this. She also hates going off-plan and that doesn’t rlly mean anything here but that probably adds to why I’m so sure she likes rules
• Again no proof of this but she seems like the type to be very particular about her daily routine. If she decides to switch it up once she now gonna keep that for months. You can ignore this point but this is something I wholeheartedly believe.
• The vibes
• He’s honestly the only character who might have actually been written as autistic (but also may not have been and instead be written as a nerd, but obviously that trope alone just makes him autistic by default)
• Same as hiccup, huge huge interest in dragons. No need to elaborate here
• Very empathetic, many autistic people experience either notably low empathy or high empathy. Fishlegs very clearly is on the high side
• Also can I just say I love how on berk he was a guide and he taught kids all about berks history and dragons and shit like that like hell yeah making your special interest your job, good for him honestly
• I just watched legend of the boneknapper and I just noticed fishlegs talks with his hands a lot and makes a bunch of gestures while talking which I am absolutely counting here cause i want to
• Hand gestures. Like all the time. And a lot of the same ones. And I’ve got no clue if that actually is prevalent in autism or whatever but personal experience (I.e. me and my friends) suggest so + I relate so I’m counting it
• Gonna sound dumb, but “shut up, [name]” and just common phrases he repeats. • On that note: he yells his own name frequently (typically while doing something cool or when annoyed or etc. emotional reasons) and I interpret that as kinda a stim, helping with emotions type deal yknow? • Again related to that, ‘Snotlout Snotlout oi oi oi’ (copied from spitelouts own version) is absolutely a vocal stim, and while I’m like 80% sure copying vocal patterns and phrases from the people around you is a thing everyone does, I’m still counting it anyway • Very big emotions/kinda dramatic. Idk how to phrase this but at any given point it is very clear what Snotlouts emotions are - and I know a lot of autistic folk (myself included) are generally quite monotone or struggle with expressing emotion outwardly, but this feels right so again counting it. + exaggerating emotions is a thing I do all the time to make things more obvious
• Hate to say this one but just the general way he treats people - he often doesn’t notice the way people react and he just continues with his (often pretty shit) treatment of them, can be seen in the unwanted advancements towards Astrid Heather etc and how certainly initially he didn’t rlly seem to get the message
• To put the last point more clearly: this boy has the absolute worst social skills and has no idea about that
• He doesn’t always get when people are making fun of him or being sarcastic
• I mention this with Tuffnut as well, but Snotlouts also pretty sarcastic even tho he doesn’t always get other peoples sarcasm
• He’s pretty blunt. Or he confuses himself with his own words. That’s pretty much the two sides of Snotlout’s speech patterns
• he’s my favourite character <3
• Her whole deal with violence, particularly in rob/dob - I don’t know how to describe it but something about that
• Her and Tuffnut both get like random interests and they know loads about it or otherwise devote a lot of time to it - e.g. science when they were sick with eel pox, theatre in Total Nightmare, other examples I’m sure but I can’t remember rn. It just reminds me of myself and hyperfixations I get
• She doesn’t really care to change how she acts around different people; regardless of whether she’s been captured by enemies, is being scolded by Hiccup or is setting up a prank with tuffnut, she’s always the same.
• On that note, she’s often pretty blunt. Like unless she’s talkin fancy deliberately or trying to trick someone shes usually pretty clear and doesn’t usually change how she acts or speaks to make others feel better. • Yknow how her and Tuffnut were all like “woah maybe we did something… right? […] what’s this feeling is this accomplishment? I’ve never felt this before” and stuff that one time? I know it’s played off as a joke, but I’m diagnosing that with same <3
• Mirroring speech (see briefly in tuffnuts section)
• Similar thing with violence
• Same as the hyperfixations thing I mentioned with Ruffnut, and just know there are plenty of things they say that I attribute to past hyperfixations
• Several occasions where he doesn’t get sarcasm
• He is pretty sarcastic tho despite that, same with Snotlout and that is something I feel is quite common - not really getting other peoples jokes or sarcasm but doing so yourself a lot
• His speech is very reminiscent of my own, he talks kinda overly fancy and deliberate most of the time (but there are also occasions where he’s almost overly casual? Which again is very relatable to me. I am now realising I may or may not have accidentally stolen tuffnuts speech patterns as a kid)
• (To the last point ignoring the part at the end) Ruffnut is also similar in this respect (as in the deliberate kinda overly wordy talk) but usually to a lesser extent - in fact, she normally only speaks like that when tuffnut is also there and speaking in such way, which to me absolutely seems like mirroring
• Similarly to the sarcasm thing, he doesn’t get rhetorical questions. Or at the very least doesn’t get them in that one episode in rtte and that’s enough for me to count it here
To be clear, at the end of the day, I see them all as autistic mostly cause I relate to and connect with the characters. And I do not know how to put that into words clearly so here’s this mess of a compilation.
@louthestarspeaker @tiggster27 @we-are-not-the-losechesters @drekialba @qualityhistorygamingwinner @maluron @scared-nightnurse @famderfries @purpleshutin @rubysparx @nonbinarynightmare77 @macabre-changeling @paradoxical-hermitcrab @bad-girl-coven
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zombeebunnie · 3 months
Trembling Essence [Extended Demo]:💙Quality of life changes + Q&A.💙
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Hello and welcome new followers! To show my appreciation for all the support I've received again, here's one of the Valentines Day concept drawings finished! A big thank you to everyone that has continued supporting this through a like, re-blog, fanart, comment, tip jar, share, etc. :,]
I wasn't expecting it to take as long as it did but I'm very happy with the result and how much I've been improving! I'm not too good at drawing angled faces so being able to get it to look just right made me very happy! :,]
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I still have this one to go so hopefully at some point I'll have it done!
Quality of life changes:
*Please note that these changes aren't in the [Extended Demo] yet! It'll be something for me to work on adding and I'll let it be known in a update post!
Now that it's been two weeks of the [Extended Demo] being released, It's time to go over some changes to help the player out when going through the game!
I noticed from comments and playthrough's that certain Bad endings/Neutral story progressions were difficult to find, especially the full afternoon route. I don't want players to feel burnt out from trying to search for everything.
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I want to add a check-list menu that shows all the Bad/Neutral endings you can get while playing so it's easier to navigate the game.
2. For those that are new or have been here for some time, entering the cabin with Noah starts Day 3 due to the player(Y/N) being lost in the terrain for 2 and a half days which Noah mentions. Sometimes this can get confusing since some consider it Day 1 while the game considers it Day 3.
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It's still up in the air about how I'm going to go on about this but I'm thinking about adding a little notification tab in the upper left corner of the game to notify the player(Y/N) of what day it is in the game to resolve confusion.
3. I talked about this last week but I didn't know until recently that the tags I use for Trembling Essence were very unorganized and hard to search through.
I went through and tried my best to re-organize all of the lore and art about Noah/game posts. I also cleaned up the #Trembling Essence tag since it was flooded with game development posts and not much else. I'm also working on a master post and plan on creating some reference sheets of Noah which will be placed under a different tag! :]
#Get to know: Noah : This will be filled with answered asks and lore dump. Sometimes(?) there's random dev-logs that have lore attached to them too. #TE Updates : This only includes dev-logs/updates about the game and development progress. #Trembling Essence : This tag is mainly used to post fan art / art and anything else in general that might belong here which includes lore posts. I really want searching through the tag to be enjoyable and not filled with a bunch of dev-logs.
Q&A / Ask box is open:
If you have any questions about Trembling Essence/Noah feel free to ask here please. This makes it easier for me to see and answer accordingly! I would really like to hear from you guys!
I really wanted some of the lore to be found through playing versus me just answering everything. :]
If you've already sent in a ask, I did see it I just need time to answer since I like to respond with doodles/drawings and helps me practice. :]
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That's all I have to share right now! Thank you for the continued support, I wholeheartedly appreciate it. :,]
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cerridwen007 · 11 months
The Two of Us.
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Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader.
Word count: 1.3k
Summary: Third part to the Javi x f!reader situationship series. Follows the morning after reader and Javi fuck after being apart for a month. Reader lays out all her feelings on the table hoping Javier will too.
Inspired by the song "The Two of Us" by Omar Apollo.
Warnings/Notes: ANGST, FLUFF, Swearing, no use of y/n, bad Spanish.
A/N: It's finally here, the third part of the trilogy. I am pretty happy with how it turned out and am so thankful for all the feedback and love I've gotten on the series. This is the first series I've managed to complete and has definitely motivated me to finish and write more series. I was thinking of maybe adding some smut in here as well but decided to add a whole bunch of tooth rotting fluff instead. Also, I have an idea for an angsty prologue of the lead up to "She" that I might post in the next week or so once I finish writing and editing it, which I plan on having smut return in that. As always, comments, likes, and reposts are very much appreciated. I hope you enjoy it!
Part 1: She. Part 2: Her.
Sunlight flutters through your curtains as you wake. You smile to yourself as you remember the warm passions of last night. The smile quickly fades when you realize Javier isn't in your bed. A tear threatens to escape the corner of your eye, but you don't let it. You weren't going to cry over a man this morning.
The threat of tears instantly disappears, when you walk into your kitchen and see Javier standing there shirtless making breakfast and coffee for you both. Your heart instantly melts and begins to flutter at the rare sight of domestic Javi before you. Before you even realize what you're doing, you come up behind him and hug his back tightly.
"Mmmh, good morning handsome." You coo while holding him closely.
He leans back into your touch and holds your hands in his.
"Good morning, mi amor....sleep well?"
"Great, thank you...and yourself?"
"The best sleep I've had in a while, actually."
You smile and plant soft kisses on his back, making Javier chuckle.
"Careful Hermosa, I might end up burning our breakfast if you carry on like that."
You giggle. "That wouldn't be the worst thing ever."
You both laugh, and he turns around to hug you and kiss your forehead. He holds you close and turns back around to stir the scrambled eggs. You hold each other close till Javier finishes cooking, and you help him bring your plates and glasses to the table.
You're both all smiles as you eat your breakfast till a sudden realization hits you. Is this just you doing what you had before, fuckbuddies and nothing more?
A tear wells at the corner of your eye as you look at the man before you, as much as you love your physical, sexual relationship you still wanted and needed more for him.
You wanted to be his forever and wanted him to be yours too. His eyebrows squeeze together as he looks at your thinly drawn mouth and watery eyes.
"Are you alright, sweetheart?"
As much as you try to stop the tears from escaping a single tear falls down your cheek. He reaches up to you and wipes it away gently with his hand, cupping your jaw.
"I.....I.. want you, Javier."
"Cariño... you have me. Here, right now."
"I meant I want you....I want this... I want us...forever... more than what we were before."
He looks uncomfortable as he clears his throat.
"And I know that you probably don't want that, but I don't think we can continue whatever this is, if you don't feel the same way.....I can't let myself fall in love with you more and more everyday...knowing that you won't ever love me back."
His mind becomes clouded with all the aspects of being in a relationship with you. Waking up to your beautiful smiling face every morning, kissing down your body, coercing those beautiful sounds out of you every night. Maybe even one day settling down on his dad's ranch with you, little Peñas running around.
But then his slight smile slips off his face when he thought about you two fighting, everyday when he comes home from work, him accidently taking his anger from his job home to you and the narcos finding where you lived and murdering you because of him.
He couldn't seem to form a proper sentence with all the thoughts getting mixed up in his head. You reached out and placed your hand on his across the table, rubbing it comfortingly.
"Javi, look at me."
He looks up at you, with those big, brown, baby cow eyes, making your heart melt.
"Tell me what you're thinking.”
His throat closes preventing all the words from spilling out.
“Tell me…do you..do you love me Javier?” You say, voice breaking.
His heart thunders away in his chest as his mouth goes dry. Another tear falls down your cheek, you bite your lip to stop it from quivering.
“I…I… love you, querida.”
Your heart skips a beat. Confusion and anger fill your veins, unconvinced of his admission.
“Don’t say that you love me if you don't Javi…Don’t fucken play with my feelings so you can keep fucking me!” You spit at him, getting up to leave the table.
He looks at you distraught. He gets up and grabs your wrist firmly.
You angrily stare at him as you try to pull away from his grip but he doesn't let go. He pulls you closer to him and firmly grabs your jaw with his other hand so you will look at him.
“Look at me Hermosa.”
He swallows deeply, while his eyes dart back and forth across your face. His voice trembles a little as he speaks, so unused to admitting his feelings. You bite your tongue to hold back the angry, sad tears that blur your vision.
“I- the reason that I didn't say I loved you back before was because I was afraid.”
Your expression softens his words.
“I have never loved anyone since Lorraine who I left at the altar and looking back I don't even know how much I loved her …..I left though cause I was afraid and I'm still afraid…for different reasons this time.”
He pauses a second to see your saddened expression focused on his lips.
“I'm afraid that you will get sick of me and leave me…I'm afraid that once you see all of me, the flaws and all you will hate me. I'm afraid that I won’t be a good partner, won't give you enough attention or love and that you will grow to hate me. I’m afraid that my job will get in between us, that I'll take my stress and anger out on you, that the narcos will hurt you to get to me….. I’m afraid that I'll lose you.”
He feels his eyes start to water, and to hide his vulnerable state, he lets go of his hold on you and turns away. Your heart begins to physically hurt seeing Javier hurt in front of you.
“Hey.” you softly tell him. “ I can't say that won’t ever lose me, cause we both know that’s not true, but I know that I'll still love you even with all your flaws and that I won't get sick of you.”
He turns around and looks into your eyes as you continue speaking.
“You’re a good man Javier, more than you know or think, I know you always do your best but I also know that you're too hard on yourself, that you beat yourself up too much over things out of your control.”
You close the gap between the two of you and hold his hand gently.
“Being in a relationship is hard - for anyone, and I'm sure that we could make it work by both putting in effort and talking to each other about what we need and want.”
You take a deep breat and close you eyes for a second, feeling the last of your anger dissipate.
“I can’t promise you that you won't lose me in one way or another, but I can promise that I'll love you for as long as I live. And I would rather spend a short life in your arms than a long life without you.”
He gulps hard and looks at you. You slowly pull him into a hug and rest your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. He shakily exhales as he wraps his arms around you and lets his head fall onto the top of your head, breathing in your hair.
You hold each other close, swaying softly and relishing in the warmth of each other. Before Javier breaks the silence, speaking softly.
“I really do love you. Mi amor, I love you more than you will ever know.”
You lift your head to look at him and plant a soft kiss to his lips.
“I love you too, Javier. I'm yours forever.”
You both smile softly before kissing each other gently. The comforting taste of each swapped onto your own tongues. Your hands holding each other tightly, almost afraid to let go.
You don't know what was to come from here but you were just happy to be in his arms. It was the start of a new chapter for you and Javi. One where you would get to experience him wholly, just as you needed to.
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mayakern · 1 year
I am being nosy. Right now Minis skirts are retired/ on hold due to business things. I am just morbidly curious about the 'extra logistics this entails' and if that is something on the horizon (6-12 months) or like a 5 year plan. I also don't totally understand the difference in your new manufacturer. I think the fabric will be more detailed with the new manu? Thank you in advance!
so, miniskirts were retired for 2 main reasons:
1. when you sells two products with minimal differences (i.e. two different lengths of the same skirt design, two of the same style of shirt with different sleeve lengths, etc) it doubles the amount of variations you have to account for in inventory without necessarily doubling sales. some people are only interested in either mini or midi skirts, but a lot of people are happy with either, and for us midi skirts were more popular ever since we introduced them and by the end made up about 60-70% of our skirt sales.
2. our old manufacturer fucked up really, really bad. in march 2021 we ran the most successful round of preorders we had ever run. in two weeks we made sales comparable to almost our entire sales in 2020. we made a huge order with the manufacturer we’d been working with for around 5-6 years at the time and we stressed (as we always had) that we preferred quality over speed, that we would pay extra and wait longer to make sure the skirts were made well, that they could be made and sent in batches so we wouldn’t overwhelm their holding capacity. well. they didn’t fucking do that. our old manufacturer changed skirt materials without informing us and about 60% of the entire skirt order was defective and specifically around 90% of miniskirts were defective. most of the midi skirts defects were minor printing errors (so a few white dots where there was dust on the fabric when it went through the printer, or a couple dark splotches from some splattered ink, or some minor print banding) but about 60% of the defective miniskirts were unsellable because they were literally falling apart. we are still dealing with the ramifications of this. we’ve sold through a bunch of the horrible miniskirts, selling them as scrap material below cost in the hopes that literally anyone can find a use for them so they don’t end up in a landfill. we still have a ton left that we need to sort and list in the store, but it is a truly staggering amount of work. we had to pay out of pocket to remake those skirts, which sucked.
so the difference with the new manu is about more than just material or print fidelity. it’s about consistency and quality. with the skirts from our old manu, we spend a ton of time quality checking every individual garment because there are so many defectives. that’s why the restocks had to be broken up into smaller, more frequent restocks: because that QC takes a TON of time. the new factory does their own, extensive QC, including wash tests, which will likely cut down our processing time to a 10th of what it is currently because we won’t have to scour every individual garment. defectives will be the outlier instead of the norm, meaning if someone gets a defective item without our knowledge it’ll be easy and painless to replace it because it’ll be at most 5% of garments instead of like 60%. if we had to process returns/exchanges on 60% of our orders it would literally shut us down. and we likely wouldn’t be able to process most exchanges bc we wouldn’t have that many non-defective skirts to exchange with defective ones.
i don’t have an ETA yet on the return of miniskirts, but i would guess either later this year or some time next year. i just wanted to get things settled with the new factory, to make sure we know our production timeline/etc and have midi skirts 100% figured out/squared away before we add other variables. unfortunately there have been delays with the first batch of midi skirts (i talked abt this earlier today but there have been a number of earthquakes in turkey, where our new factory is) so we are running behind on that, but we’ll be getting part of our first batch of new manu skirts later this week and the rest will arrive some time in the next few weeks. after that devin and i will sit down with ash (our lovely supply chain manager and pattern maker) and go over an action plan/logistics for miniskirts, among other things. we have a lot of projects cooking right!
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kajaono · 10 months
Why comparing the ending of GO2, OFMD and SPN with each other is a) disrespectful toward OFMD and GO and b) takes not into account the big steps we made in LGBTQ representation
During the last days I saw many jokes: Ha ha, every gay person ends up in super hell after their confession." First at all: Of course, if you only take a brief look they all seem the same. Castiel confesses and is sucked into the empty, Ed confosses and is left behind by Stede, Crowley confesses and has to witness Azi leaving him behind. Is there a theme here? Most definitly. But imo the only thing those scenes have in common is the Leaving-part and the confession-part, everything else is so different.
Let me walk you through it. First Destiel, the blueprint, some of you might call it:
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I am glad they made Castiel canonly gay and confirmed his love for Dean eventually? Yeah but everything about this was a mess. We had 11 seasons of queerbaiting first. Then he confesses his love, immeditaly gets killed off and is never really mentioned again. The End. Making his love for Dean textual was neither a win for the queer community nor brave nor good storytelling. It was cheap move: "Look how inclusive we are", while actually including gay suffering and bury your gays. This was just a bunch of straight writers and a homophobic studio knowing it is their last season and making actual zero effort to give their queer character a happy end or proper storytelling.
This is nowhere like the endings OFMD and GO gave us.
So why are OFMD and GO different? I will look at them here seperatly and then add a small summary at the end. First OFMD, just because it was aired first.
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First at all, you need to see the ending in the context of the whole show. The whole show is 100% "Yes Homo". We have non binary, poly, bi and gay people who get treated incredible respectful, human and full of care. This first season always had a very clear end: Stede and Ed will confess their love to each other. " This was never: "Ugh, actually Castiel should have died ten seasons earlier and we actually have no clue what to do with him. He only sticks arounds because fans like him. Here, he is gay, can we NOW finally kill him off?" And don't forget Dean was quickly the next one to be killed by a rusty nail.
Gentlebeard wasn't a simple teary "I love you". It was a well crafted love confession, with a beautiful kiss. This show made a huge step forward in gay comedies imo. With OFMD we finally have a mainstream show that showed that you can write a comedy with an all queer cast without the jokes being about queerness. Its not like ODAAT. I love that show, but Elena always needed to crack a joke about her being a lesbian. But not OFMD. This show said very clear: "We might be all gay here, but the real joke is that they are shit pirates." It showed that it works. Gay topic do not need to be touched carefully, and not every queer character needs suffering or a coming out arc either. This show showed that gay people can just be... be who every they want. And I am sure many shows will follow.
But Stede and Ed were also split up, i hear you say. Yes, but them being split up is part of an story arc. The authors have already confirmed that this show is planned for three seaons, we just finished part 1. This seperation is hence not permantly. Actually quite the opposite. The authors knew how quickly queer shows get cancelled and still took the risk to seperate the main couple as a cliffhanger. And you know what? OFMD showed that queer shows can survive that. It even increased the demand for the show. Like it would have been for a straight couple. It is super common thing to end straight shows with the main heterosexual couple being split up and one rushing to fix the mess. - The end- Some straight shows do that every season finale. (*cough* Scorpions *cough* what?). Also Castiel ending in super hell was permanent, no turning back. This here? In OFMD everyone runs into each other the whole time, no matter how big the ocean is. They will be fine.
Good Omens 2
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Good Omens started out completly different then OFMD but kinda has the same outcome as OFMD.
This whole story started as a book about two best friends. And even when it got adapted into a show and the lead actors said: Actually they are in love" But the author still said: "I want to honor the story I wrote with my friend. They love each other, yes, but what kind of love is up to you. Here they are, having a happy end. Everything else is up to you". But then we all asked him for another season. And he started writing it and suddenly had the whole creative freedom. And he saw how big the demand was for queer representation in an major prime show (or in general) and realized times have changes and said: "Fuck it" and just... did it. This is also so HUGE compared with Destiel. We have asked the writers and actors for years to make Destiel canon. They only laughed at us, mocked us and later used "eye fucking" as a joke term in their script. But only going there, after 20 years and taking no risk. Neil did none of those things. He saw the fans, the queer fans, their theories and then just did it.
In the past many showrunner said: "I don't want to make them gay. Its not the story I want to tell/It wouldn't fit the character" Neil proved them wrong. And this is also a huge step imo. Because even today we have really little showrunners who see their fans asking for a queer main lead/queer main lead romance and just doing it. Most showrunner do it never (Supernatural, Bridgerton) or after a lot of bargaining (The Witcher). Neil showed that it doesn't ruin your story. If you care for your characters and know your characters and feel that they want out of the closet, then let them out of the closet. Some showrunners should realize that sometimes the happiness of their characters is more important then their own plan.
And I really hope many showrunners will follow Neils example. Johnlock? Sprik? Idk how many more: "Male friendships where just written differently back then. They are just best friends:" I can witness before I go crazy. I hope Crowley and Azi are only the first to walk out of the closet, I hope many more will follow.
TL:DR. Comparing Destiel with OFMD and GO2 is disesteeming the huge steps we made in LGBTQ representation. If Ineffable Husbands and Gentlebeard would be a straight couple noone would compare them with each other simply because they broke up during a season finale. And this shows how much work we still have to do regarding LGBTQ representation. Now we need to get a renwal, because we are just getting started
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edai-crplpnk · 6 months
Hello (:
Mind if you share some list of KankuKiba favorites fics of yours? Or where can I find some recommendations? Suddenly I wanna read about them but I don’t wanna filter them by kudos or # comments on AO3. Feel free sharing of your own jobs.
(You can omit this of course) Thank you! Have a nice day.
Of course! I haven't been reading a lot lately so all the fics I have to mention are a bit old, and maybe you know them already, and also maybe there are more recent gems that I don't know about, but I've got those.
Thirst, by kranquro
60k words, canonverse, action and pining
Kiba and Kankurou work on a joint mission in the Land of Wind and pine for each other while Kankurou is meant to be arranged marriage very soon. Lots of tension (sexual, but really not just that). I really like their dynamic, it's funny, it's angsty, it's hot, it's nuanced and real. The more plot and mission part is really well built too and intersects with the pining in a very well balanced way, love it.
(Note: There's also a little sequel in the series that is nice!)
20 Tracks - Kankuro collection, by shadowstrangle
65k words, canonverse, a bit of action and a lot of romance
Our little internalised homophobia and alcohol abuse Kankurou treat. I can never turn down one of those. Kankurou's very far into the closet when Kiba sort of busts the door open, I suppose. It's a lot about Kankuro figuring that out and the two of them being cute, but there is also some political plot around the political consequences of Kankurou being gay. There are some scenes that have really stuck with me hard.
If I had a criticism it would be that I'm not wholly fond of the trope of Konoha being super liberal and Suna being super conservative and that the political side of things is sometimes a bit simplistic in that area. But it's still nice, it has still surprised me in good and subtle ways in its development, so still a fic I love.
(Note: It comes with read-along songs that are great, and that's what made me want to do the same thing for Haemorrhage!)
Blanket Retrieval Arc, by HelloThereGhoul
25k words, modern college au, mostly fluff
Kiba and Kankurou live in the same college dorm and stumble upon each other. Classic meet cute. They're sweet and funny and crushing babies. Very soft, I thoroughly enjoyed it, several times.
(Note: The fic is technically abandonned? The author said they had plans for more and stopped, but it's written up to the point when they get together and it doesn't feel like it's lacking an ending to me.)
Time to heal, by Lycka
110k words, modern au, figuring out relationships and trauma
Kankurou and Kiba meet at a time where Kankurou is looking over Gaara who is in rehab. They start dating a bit but Kankurou initially identifies as ace and it causes a lot of doubts and questions about how that could work out between them.
It's not in the tags and there's no warning so I feel like I need to add it: there are mentions and non-graphic memories of incest and one other instance of sexual assault in it.
This one is a bit of a wild card. The author's note mentioned that it was their first time writing in English and that the first chapter was not representative of their current writing. So I decided to give it a go and trust that it would improve over the course of the fic, which it really did. This fic has really good scenes that I've reread a bunch of times, but : 1 It's true that the first chapters are really not at the level of the ones down the road so you have to be willing to work with that. 2 It becomes quite KankuKiba centric, but it starts GaaNaru centric, there is also a bit of SasuNaru and a bit of SakuTema. 3 It's abandoned, but the author left a last chapter to summarise the plot that they didn't write up until the end and the KankuKiba part of the fic is not what is left hanging.
Overall, some interesting and good things, but a lot of variety in both quality and content. I've read it once whole, and I'm very happy I did, and then several times just the (KankuKiba) parts that I was really involved in.
While I'm here I will briefly do a little self-promo recap of my own KankuKiba stuff but let it be know it's almost exclusively smut. They're just like that.
I have a series of KankuKiba kinky T4T smut. Canonverse. Shino is also involved in some. I hope to write non-smut in this AU eventually (mostly just pregnant Kankurou fluff), but I have none yet.
I have a modern AU with KankuKiba in a polycule (KankuKiba, KibaShino, ShinoHina). There is a bunch of smut, and a long fic about them getting together that I have yet to finish. I started it two years ago so I too am a bit insecure about my old writing in it, but I love this AU a lot so I still hope to finish it eventually. I update sporadically.
And finally, I have a KankuKiba hook-up fic in my beloved other modern AU. I have ideas to write them again in this AU, maybe not even smut, but I don't know when that'll happen.
That's it for this time I think! Thank you for asking, I hope you will like them. (Anyone passing around this post please feel free to reblog with your own rec!!)
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murumokirby360 · 5 days
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My Family's 2010s Digital Camera (Canon EOS 1000D/Rebel XS) [feat. my Paper Dolls]
DeviantART version → [CLICK ME!]
Hello, May! 🌏☀️ Unfortunately, I cannot continue my upcoming and latest "PC Upgrade Project". The good news was, that I've already worked on it, but I need to adjust the size for the comparison, as well as splitting it into two videos instead of one to reduce memory size, and even timing the subtitles (which is important for the latter). So, my plan was to be submitted by July of 2024. On the bright side, I have another item review that has yet to be revealed, this June. 🙂 Nonetheless, onto my month's share. 😊
BREAKING NEWS: Just recently, yesterday [on May 30th, 2024] my current Power Supply Unit blew up, making my custom PC desktop useless without any power source! 💥😨 As of today, We send it to the "Computer Repair Shop" for a replacement. 🖥️🔧😓 Ouch! Luckily, it was fixed the next day, as in TODAY! And I cost a lot from my earning funds. Double ouch! 💵🤕 So, that topic deserves another month, I suppose...
Now, onto my topic...
• So, another camera from my parent's shelves, and it's the latest abandoned camera, as of 2024. The "Canon EOS 1000D" 😊📸, also known as the "EOS Rebel XS" is a DSLR camera that debuted in June 2008. This old professional camera possessed a 10.1-megapixel camera, a detachable lens like other DSLR cams do, and a whole bunch of features that only professional DSLR cam photographers could understand. Also, unlike the Sony Cybershot's exclusive "Sony" Memory Stick for photo storage, Canon uses the universal SD Card to store photos, on any memory brand used such as Sandisk, Transcend, Lexar, etc... For megapixels comparison, the 90s Olympus Camedia C-2000 Z has "2.1", the previous topic of Sony DSC-T70 has "8.1", and what about the "Focus-35"? Well, let's say it's not as level as the 90s Olympus camera that we've owned. 🤔🤷‍♀️
• So, do you have a story about this camera? Well, there's one I remembered, and it's based on the true story. ☝😊📖 I was 18 years old (late adolescence, may I add) while I was in High School in the year 2011 (3rd year High School). I went to a local 7-Eleven store when I saw a raffle promo poster. For the prize? A bunch of awesome stuff, including the Canon camera itself (the EOS Rebel XS). And since I'm 18, I'm qualified the participate by buying consumed-related stuff from the aforementioned convenience store daily. After the promo ended and my 3rd year of High School ended, a rider came to our house to receive a letter from 7-Eleven, only to find out that my father was the winner of the promo instead of me, and I was shocked. 😲 Damn... That winning camera should've been ME, and I used this cool camera to pursue my future career as a professional photographer; which sadly, did not happen. 😥 Regardless, in the end, I'm happy that my father won the prize, so I have to congratulate him. 👏😊 And the rest was history, we have SO MANY photo moments that we've shared on our main social media(s), unlike our previous digicams. We've been using it for a few years, until 2018(?) (as far as I know). When the camera itself started to get old, bugs were unbeknownst inside the lens (seriously, where did that come from? 🐜), and the built-in flash was unable to work properly. Making use of itself. Also, the repair cost for our camera was expensive, so we can't afford it. 💵😬 Yup, another camera bites the dust (I guess). 😥 And so, we've decided to switch to smartphone cameras over our bulky DSLR camera. 📱➡📷 After all, the cams from smartphones we're superior to those before depending on what brand we've used. Plus, it is ultra-portable, too.
• For ME, however, I would love to use the traditional digicams (big or small) over smartphones because it had a superior quality image over modern phones. 📷➡📱 Yeah, Apple and Samsung had overtaken, but true camera brands like Canon, Nikon, and Fujifilm (the trio of Japanese camera brands 🇯🇵📷. Don't forget Sony, by the way.) are already stronger than before; innovate after innovate for the professional photographers and content vloggers. The big boy cameras never gets old, and they're still producing them, to this very day. 📸🎥😁 However, with the rise of "Action Cameras" (not to mention Flying Camera Drones") will soon be surpassed, in the digital image industry. So, I'm not sure who'll die first. We may never know...🤔
• On the plus side, my paper dolls appreciate my story. So, here's my final moment before I put this cool memorable DSLR Camera on the wardrobe. 😊📷📸
Well, that's all for now! And do you have any good "item" memories from the 2000s to 2010s, like mine? Type it down in the reply section! 😊
If you haven't seen my related camera throwbacks, and my previous topic, then I'll provide some links down below. ↓ 😉
• My Family's 2000s Digital Camera (Sony Cybershot DSC-T70) [Apr 30th, 2024]
• Another 90s Camera: Olympus Camedia C-2000 Z [Jan 29th, 2024]
• My Family’s Old Film Camera (from the 90s) [Aug 29th, 2023]
• My BRAND NEW SMARTPHONE BY Tecno Mobile [Mar 30th, 2024]
Tagged: @lordromulus90, @bryan360, @shadowredfeline, @leapant, @alexander1301, @coda-archive, @rafacaz4lisam2k4
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