#I wrote this in under 3 minutes please don’t judge
feverwhump · 2 years
Whumpee is at an evening event they can’t get out of and starts to feel increasingly sick. They’ve got chills to the point of shivering and the tickle in their throat has settled into a persistent soreness. Whumpee’s exhausted, but they can’t leave, so they start texting their significant other/caretaker that they think they have a fever with a list of their symptoms. The night goes on, and as new symptoms begin to arise, the keep caretaker updated. Once the night ends and they’re finally able to get home, their caretaker is up waiting with comfy clothes, a thermometer, and medicine.
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briecheese-3 · 1 year
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A/N: please don’t judge, wrote this at 3 in the morning, fighting off sleep. not checked, prolly not good, jus show some support if you can! 🩷
warnings: angst, mention of suicide, praise kink, pet names, oral (f receiving), lemme know if i missed anything!
Turning up the music, I drove to Addis house. Of course she had to live in the middle of butt fuck nowhere. I didn’t need directions. I frequented her house so much, I’m surprised her mom didn’t ask for rent. She didn’t answer my last text, but I head straight to her room anyways, petting her dog on the way up. I opened her door, the hinges creaking slightly. There she was. As beautiful as ever. She was the prettiest girl I knew, even though she didn’t think so. The prettiest girl, dead. Knees giving out, I felt the floor against my face, not knowing how I got there. Its my fault. I can’t face her mother. Our school. My car. Everything reminds me of her. Its my fault. I’ll never love again.
5 years later:
Peter was nice. An FBI agent, one with the sweetest heart. Of course, I’ve been in love with him from the beginning. His face is the second in my mind when waking up. My apartment was lit brightly with the lights of the never sleeping city. Washington DC, home of the POTUS, white house, government officials. It should make me feel safe. No one has sinc- Its my fault. I rub my eyes, removing the image from my mind. Besides, I had a date tonight. Grabbing my phone, I texted the out of service number. “Getting ready, heres the fit. Hope he likes it, hes such a cutie!!”
Grabbing my keys, I walk out the door to the restaurant. When I get there, he’s standing there with a flower. Such a gentleman. He holds the door for me, pulls my seat out, he even walks me back to my car and opens the door when we’re done.
“Do you wanna, maybe, come back to my place? For a movie, of course, I don’t want to force you and if you don’t want to I absolutely understand, since this is our first date since we’ve been friends and stuff-“ He grabs my hands to cut me off.
“A movie sounds perfect.” There it is. The smile and the comfort and the peace in his warmth. I give him a ride, since he took a bus here. I turn the radio down a little as we talk, the ride only being a few minutes back to my apartment. He’s watching the scenery fly past, while I’m focused on him. “Man, I love this song.” He reaches to turn on the radio, and I recognize the song. The first few strums. Iris by the goo goo dolls.
Turning up the music, I drove to Addis house.
“That song,” I say softly, “it was playing when I drove to her house.”
He doesn’t ask who, he doesn’t have to. We sit in silence the rest of the way, basking in the music.
I drop my keys on the table and shrug off my coat. Sitting on the couch we get comfy. I snuggle to his warmth, his large form covering mine with ease. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, and how the fuck am I supposed to focus when he’s right there. His gaze is hard against my face, and I know he isn’t even watching. I turn down the volume and turn to look at him. My tank top exposes the dark ink on my shoulder, and Peter brushes a thumb over it.
“What’s this?” It might be a ploy to get under my shirt, but I couldn’t care less. It’s Peter. I grab my shirt and begin to pull it off, but he stops me.
“Woah, I asked about the tattoo, not whats under your shirt. Although I am interested, you don’t have to.”
His thoughtfulness starts a blush in my stomach.
“It’s alright, Peter.” I say as I pull off my shirt. “Can you get this for me?” I ask, and he unclips my bra for me, sliding it off my arms. He rubs his fingers over the outline of the giant tattoo that resides on my back.
“Addi was an artist. The best I knew. She drew these flowers everywhere. I got the artist to blow one up for me so I have her with me wherever I go.” He sighs, and I’m startled by the proximity of his warm breath on my skin. He kisses the top petal, working his way all around it. I turn towards him and pull his face towards me, finally kissing those blush red lips I’ve had my eyes on since the beginning. Sighing into his touch, he deepens the kiss with one movement. I forget how toned he is sometimes, pulling off his shirt to reveal his muscled torso. He has a few tattoos here and there, and I run my fingers over them. He kisses down my throat, sucking a little to creat small marks. Wrapping my fingers in his hair, he makes his way farther down. I make a movement to pull my bottoms off, but he pushes my hands away and does it himself. He makes eye contact with me the whole time, waiting for a sign to stop. He can’t pull himself away, and, personally, I definitely do not want him to. He stands a little to pull his own pants off, his boxers with them. His body is beautiful, his touch almost painful with the pleasure it brings. Curling his fingers into your folds, he sighs at the wetness. “So pretty. How could anyone pull themselves away from this.” Blushing at his words, I pull his hair a little, his groans a reward. I jump a little when he inserts one finger, and his eyes widen with hesitance.
“No please keep going you feel so good Peter”
“Atta girl”
He grins at my words, and I blush at his, as he’s pumping his fingers in and out, curling them just right. It’s like heaven on earth, and I almost scream when he inserts another finger, going faster with every thrust and curl of his long fingers. He’s hitting just the right spots, and my moans make that known. I scream his name when I feel his the presence of his mouth, against my clit, sucking and biting. My end is nearing faster than ever, and I open my mouth in a silent scream when he inserts yet another finger. Seeing white, my release comes easy. He has a shit faced grin on his face, covered with slick from my pussy. I pull his hair to bring him up to me and kiss him, hard, with no hesitation. He smiles into the kiss and pulls away for air.
“My good girl, so pretty. But I’m not done with you yet.”
You look down at hiss throbbing dick, and gulp at the size.
It’s going to be a long night.
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Happier than Ever
info + warnings: Angst, Chubby Reader, Alcohol consumption, Toxic Behavior, Cheating, Not a happy ending.
wc: 1k+
summary: Short story. Keigo Takami -  Hawks - Toxic and Cheating BF
a/n: I got Billie’s Happier than Ever on loop while I wrote this down. There’s some lyrics there, please don’t judge me. ehe.  Enjoy!!!!! 😊 Might also remind you of some Marvel movie.
You look at the clock on your bedside table for the nth time. It's already 3 am. You wish your mind to fall asleep, at any moment now he’ll be home. Late, again. Smelling like someone else, again. Tears filled your eyes and you just blinked it away pulling the bed cover tighter to you. 
You’ve never felt so weak and worthless. You kept on thinking when did this hell started and if he ever loved you like he said he does. You tried to leave but you’ll know that he’ll just gonna bring you back. You belong to him. 
You hear the click of the knob and his keys’ jiggle. You threw the sheet over your head so that you will not be able to see him. 
You knew about her, she made sure of that. Leaving little things in some places that she knew that you can see easily. Making him smell like her every time that he’d been with her.
It’s your 3rd year anniversary today and he didn’t even remember. You prepared his favorite meal and waited for him to come home in your favorite dress all dolled up but when the clock struck 12, you knew that he didn’t remember. 
Five messages were sent to him wanting to know where he is but one message that dismissed you left you with a broken heart. 
‘Don’t message me. I’m busy.’ he said. 
He’s busy..
Busy fucking her..
Busy giving her the love that he’s supposed to be giving his Wife to some random coworker that was skinnier than his Wife… your biggest weakness..
He said that he loves your curvy body and preferred it over a skinny one. 
Hah! What a joke, Keigo. What a joke.
You tried to remember all the good memories that you and him had but all of it was already tainted by his cheating. You tried to confront him but he said that it’s all in your head and proceeded to go to work. One year of your life was all full of arguments, lies, and it was all wasted on him. 
You felt him pull the cover off and laid on the bed beside you as tears filled your eyes. You can smell the stink of her rose perfume that you grew to hate. The smell of the perfume that You, yourself gave to her as a birthday gift as you never knew that she will be the one who’s going to kill you, slowly. 
Few minutes later he's already sleeping soundly. You slowly pulled your cover off, making sure that he remained sleeping. You walked to the bathroom that was connected to your room, shedding the red dress that you’re wearing for your anniversary and turned the shower on. 
Tears are now flowing down your face, as you stand under the shower. Feeling all the pain that you felt the whole year. He promised you the world, he promised you all the love, he promised you a beautiful future but all of that was a lie. You’re already at the brink of your sanity. You can’t take it any more. 
Toweling off your body, you grabbed a new night gown and dried off your hair. Your mind is still flooded with Keigo's infidelity. As you brush your hair in front of a mirror, your attention was caught by the necklace that was hanging on its side. 
‘With this, I promise that I’ll be forever by your side. Whenever I’m on a Mission, just touch this..’ he pointed at a small red feather attached to the pendant. ‘It's one of my feathers, I’ll feel you and will know that you’re thinking of me..’ he smiled as he put it on me and landed one kiss on my forehead and one on my lips.
I wonder how many girls he gives his feathers to.. I reach for it and put it on, walking back to the bedroom. 
I turned to the windows and walked out the balcony. Hawks always like to be on high  places. I told him before that his penthouse was his nest and he just laughed. Looking down, you can see that the street you were living on was silent and no cars were passing at this time. 
Your hands reached over to the feather and closed your eyes, giving it a soft touch. You heard Keigo groan and took advantage of that and passes his mind…
‘I don't relate to you. I don't relate to you, no. 'Cause I'd never treat me this shitty. You made me hate this city..’
You showed him all the memories where you started, when you first met, your first date, your first kiss, your first night, his proposal, Your wedding. One and a half years, happier as ever.. Then his cheating. You showed him what you saw, what you know, what she said, what she did to you. You showed him everything. 
Keigo’s groans echoed in your bedroom. Like he's having a nightmare where he can’t wake up. You kept those memories on his head on repeat until he’s shaking. Then you let go. 
Of his memories, of his promises, of him, of yourself.
Keigo’s POV
I sat up, gasping. I knew something would happen. I knew it.
I looked over the balcony and saw my beautiful wife wearing the necklace that I gave her. Standing on the ledge. 
“.. you were my everything. And all that you did was make me fucking sad.” she murmured.
No. “Y/n..”
“..I could talk about every time that you showed up on time. But I'd have an empty line 'cause you never did. Never paid any mind to my mother or friends. So I shut 'em all out for you 'cause I was a kid.”
“Y/n, No!” I threw the cover off of me and ran over towards her but my intoxicity made the worst of me.
“Do you remember what day it is today, Keigo?” she smiled while tears flowing down her face. Making me stop.
“My Angel..” I started
“What day is it, Keigo?” she asked. “What day!?” she bellowed.
“It’s our 3rd year anniversary..” she murmured. “You don’t remember.. Again. Because you were with her.”
“No. I’m not.” I lied. As I walked slowly to her, I was still drunk on my feet.
“Yes, you were..” she nodded, “I can smell the perfume that I gave my cousin, Keigo. I can smell her..”
Fuck.. “Baby, Come down here, you’re just tired.” I reached out to her. 
“Don’t.” she bit. “This is the best for you, Keigo.”
“What the fuck are you talking about, y/n?” I asked, feeling the exhaustion that I felt every time I spoke to her. “This is fucking insane, Y/n! I’m fucking tired, okay! I don’t have time for this! I don’t have time for you! I’m fucking tired!!” 
“Then I’ll let you go..”
Rubbing my face, “What?” I asked. “This is bullshit!”
“I love you, Keigo.” she stated. “Always and forever.” Y/n pulled her necklace off and let it fall off her hand. My eyes followed the dropping necklace and looked back up. 
Y/n gave me a teary smile that didn’t reach her eyes. A smile that I never saw before from her. 
Then she’s gone. 
I jumped over the balcony. Following her. I flapped my wings, to fall as fast as I could, reaching my hands towards her.
She’s falling. Keigo, faster! “Fuck!!” I screamed as I released some feathers to follow her. Her eyes were closed and looking peaceful. I pushed myself faster and tried to grab her hands but she’s still too far. We’re getting closer to the ground. My feathers can't reach her.
I pushed.. ‘I’m sorry..Y/n.. I’m sorry!’
and pushed.. ‘I’m sorry.. Y/n!’
and pushed  ‘Please! Please!! Oh God!!!’
And I felt one of the feathers reach her. I gasped as I tried to push it behind her to pull her to me. Her eyes opened and she smiled. 
I landed on my knees with her in my arms.
I looked down at her, moving the stray hair off her face and kissed her forehead.
 “Y/n.. I’m sorry..” I mumbled. “I don’t know what had gone through me to do such acts.” I added. “I love you. Only you.” I looked at her. “You can open your eyes now. I got you.”
Y/n didn’t move. “Y/n, you’re safe now. Open your eyes.” I smoothed a finger over her cheek and brushed her hair back. “Y/n-” 
I was stunned. Blood. There was blood. 
There shouldn’t be. I caught her. My feather caught her. 
Right? Right!?
“Y/n. It’s not funny. Open your eyes for me… Please..” I felt a tight grip on my chest. “Y/n. Please.. Y/n!!”
No. no. no.. this isn't true.. I hugged her “Noooo!! Y/n Please!!! No! No!”  
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dervampireprince · 2 years
Audio commissions open!
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Read this entire page before messaging me or paying me.
Even if the audio you want is SFW do not commission me unless you are over 18.
To start the commission process send me a DM on Tumblr/Twitter/Discord or Patreon. Do no just pay me through Ko-Fi with a commission idea attached because I may be uncomfortable with your request and you'd just end up getting refunded. Talk to me first.
You can commission me to voice any character I already have voiced or non-character specific and use my normal English voice or a specific accent I've done before. If you want me to try a different character you can ask and if I feel there's a potential I could voice them I'll record a couple lines and send them to you before you commission me to see what you think. Please don't ask me to voice an American character, I can't do American accents. British/English and Russian/Slavic are fine. Non-character specific is also fine. SFW and NSFW are both fine. I only voice men and non-binary characters, including trans headcannons of characters.
I'm a trans guy, happy to voice guys that are cis or trans or ambiguous/not-stated whether they're cis or trans. Listen to my audios before you commission me so you know if you like the pitch of my voice. Do not complain that my voice isn't deep enough after commissioning me. Don't be transphobic should go without saying.
I charge £3 per minute (for example a five minute audio would cost £15). I take the commission payment through my Ko-fi. If the audio is under a minute long it will still cost £3. You'd pay me before I make the audio. I'm willing to make slight changes to the audio after sending it to you for no extra charge if it's something like wanting a certain line or two cut out or having the audio in a different format (default is MP3 at 320 kbps). When the audio is done I will send you a Google Drive link where you can download the audio. Please make sure you download it to your harddrive as I won't host it on my Google Drive forever.
My audios are improvised based around a prompt. You can send me a script to read, but it must be a script you wrote, is public domain, or you have permission from the script writer to get an audio commissioned from that script and I must see proof of this permission. I will not be taking commissions to voice scripts from script writers who put their content off for free on places like Reddit and AO3 because I will not make money from other people's work. All you get is the audio, you will not receive a script. As I improvise all my audios and there are no scripts.
I am willing to take commissions and requests for thing that are hard limits, but I can't promise I'll do them. If you are messaging me/sending me asks/flirting with me, please do not say you're going to do any of my hard limits to me/with me, soft limits I guess you can take your chances but tread lightly. Here is my kinks and limits list.
What I will record: platonic, romantic, sfw, n-sfw, character/character, character/listener, character/oc, character/self-insert, listener character can be any gender, comfort audios, kinks, speaking as a sub or dom or top or bottom or switch, monsters, robots, am willing to voice some kinks that are on my hard limits list but I can't promise anything but we can discuss it, don't be afraid to ask me to voice whatever kink you won't I promise I don't judge
What I won't record: voicing female characters, yandere, incest, underage (me voicing an underage character or the listener being underage, even if it's platonic), sexual ageplay (sfw age regression is okay, daddy/mommy kink is okay), misgendering/detrans kinks, alcohol/drug use/intoxication, non-con (cnc roleplay where there is clear mention of it being roleplay is potentially okay but i won't promise anything), raceplay, bestiality (monsters are fine), scat, anything containing bigoted content should go without saying
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sunnysunoo · 3 years
Love Letters ; Sim Jake
Pairing: Jake X Reader
warnings: explicit language and cursing
word count: 3k words
genre: friends to lovers au! fluff with tiny pieces of crack lmao
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Jake was always known for being this perfect guy in school. I mean, they're not wrong. They always described him as if he's this walking piece of art in the hallways. People would stop to just stare at him. You'd stare at him all day too, but you set priorities first: writing him love letters.
You're no Lara Jean, but I guess you can say that she's what inspired you to write Jake letters. Who needs Peter Kavinsky when Jake Shim exists anyways?
note: Not me completely disappearing off of tumblr for like months and then showing up again suddenly lol. I got really busy the past few months since I was completing requirements for school, and I really didn't have the motivation to do anything at the time so I took so time off to take care of myself first so I hope you understand :) But now since it's summer break, I am given at least 2 more months until I go back to school in August :)) Here's the long-awaited Jake imagine that I completely forgot about lmao hope you enjoy <3
P.S I finished writing this at 1:26 am so please excuse the really shitty plot and grammar ill rewrite it once i wake up
tag list: @cha-raena ( sorry for the rlly late post bestie )
Dear Jake, First of all, I will never call you Jaeyun because calling you by your English name makes me feel like I'm your friend. Calling you by your Korean name makes us feel like we're cold strangers to one another and I don't want that. I want us to be something more than that, but it's hard when you don't even know who I am. I'm surprised how you don't grow tired of me just dropping letters right into your locker every time you open it, and that's one of the things I love about you. You don't just throw away people's efforts and you treasure them with care. It makes my heart beat so fast as if I ran miles away from here.
We're already one year left until we graduate high school, and I don't want to end my high school years without you realizing my feelings for you. I know for sure that you would never reciprocate the feelings that I have towards you, so I want to treat this as closure in case we do forget about each other in the future. Yours truly,
"How is this person not over you? That's like the tenth one this month," Jay said, looking over Jake as he reads the letter from his secret admirer. Jake has always been receiving these letters from the same person everyday for the past four months. He's thankful for the letters because they definitely make his day better, knowing that there's someone out there who loves him as who he is regardless of looks. He's not gonna lie that these little notes and letters make his heart race too. "Do you have any plans with finding the person behind the letters?" Jay asked as he watches his best friend trying to hide the small smile that's been growing. No one really knows who this mysterious person is and why they decided to name themselves the moon, but we don't judge anyone in here. If they want to be the moon in their next life, then so be it. "I really want to find the person who's making these letters," Jake shoved the letter in his backpack, trying to not wrinkle it. "But I don't know where to start." "Who's finding who?" A voice popped suddenly beside the presence of the two boys. You leaned beside the locker beside Jake's, watching him as he grabs his books from his locker. "Did Moon drop your daily letter today again?" "They did as usual," Jake wasn't even surprised. He would expect the letters every time he enters the school in the morning. He would open his locker to see the usual small letter placed inside his locker. He usually arrives at seven or earlier, but he's surprised that he could never even catch a glance of this anonymous sender around the campus. "Should I go to school at five in the morning?" "Five in the morning? Isn't that a bit too early?" You questioned, followed by a shaky breath. "The school doesn't even open until six." "I could just walk to that nearby convenience store I always pass by to grab a coffee." He argues, closing his locker shut before walking towards his classroom.
You and Jay followed beside him, and you sneered under your breath, "You don't even wake up to your alarm clock."
"Why don't you even want me to go early anyway?" He glances as you try to give him an answer. But before you could say something, Jay replies first.
"You’re probably hiding something." He said. You rolled your eyes and narrowed your eyes at him. "You are so weird." You grunted, before walking ahead of them. You feel panicked because you were scared that you made yourself obvious to them.
You were inside your classroom sitting on your desk. There were only fifteen minutes left before lunch, but you had eaten your packed meal before instead of going to your school cafeteria. You were fidgeting in your place, conflicted about Jake finding his secret admirer, not knowing that it was you who's been sending him letters the past few months. You're not scared of him finding out that the letters were from you; that was the entire reason why you wrote him letters in the first place. You're scared of how he was gonna confront you about it. Would he like you back? Would he hate you? Would he avoid you?
Your mind was full of scenarios but you were suddenly brought back to reality when a hand planted itself on your desk. You look up and saw Jay standing in front of you, eating sushi with his other hand. His face kinda looks like he knows something, and it's freaking you out a bit.
"What?" You asked, suddenly flustered over how his eyes stared right into you. He took the seat in front of your desk and flipped it so it was facing you. He sat down and blurted the phrase that you were dreading to hear from anyone.
"So, you like Jake?"
You suddenly feel like punching him in the face with his sushi.
"What??" Your body felt like, and you were left a nervous mess. Your heart like it was going to pump right out of your chest any minute, and your hands started to sweat.
Jay's mouth formed into a smirk. He caught you. "Jake may be a bit oblivious, but I can totally see right through you."
“Haha...no you don’t,” You tried to deny, but it was all useless when his expression looked unconvinced.
“Oh yeah? Then why are you all red? You look like a bursting tomato.”
“You don’t know that," You leaned further into your seat, playing with the strings of your hoodie.
“C’mon Y/N, you’re not even trying. Just give up and admit it,” Jay was trying to help you confess your feelings for Jake. Frankly, he knew it was you sending him letters this whole time—how can Jake not see it?
With a heavy sigh, you slumped and laid your head on your desk, embarrassed. “Fine. I like him, okay? Are you happy now?”
The smirk on his face grew wider, feeling proud of himself. You are not dealing with his annoying crap this early in the morning. He grinned and munched on his half-eaten sushi. “I knew it.”
“Congratulations,” It was muffled because you hid your red face away from him. All that was on your mind now was how you could book yourself a flight all the way across the world.
“But seriously, since when did you have a crush on him?” You raised your head to face him, giving him a look that could kill, except Jay finds it entertaining rather than intimidating.
“I started having a crush on him when we were in fifth grade. It was at a friend's birthday party, and he saw me being all quiet and lonely. Honestly, I forgot who’s birthday that was.” You told him the very first time you had discovered feelings.
“He saw how sad I looked so he accompanied me the whole time. He was even trying to feel more included in the games and stuff.” You felt a smile ghosting on your lips as you can still vividly remember how you felt your heart tug the first time. “It was kinda like I fell in love at first sight.”
Jay faked a gag, so you lightly punched him in the shoulder. He may be a bit of an asshole, but he’s one the most caring and kind people you’ve ever met. It honestly felt good spilling out your feelings about Jake to him.
Speaking of, Jake was watching you two play around and laugh at Jay's little jokes from outside, and he felt something burning from inside him. Was it that he felt jealous of you and Jay?
No, he can’t be...right?
Maybe it was because of how he felt separated from you and Jay because of him being a separate class.
Yeah, maybe it's because of that.
Dear Jake,
I just had the most bizarre day today, and I felt like telling you about it.
It was chemistry period, and we had to be partnered with someone for a lab project. I ended up getting paired with Yeojin. We kinda created this unexpected friendship, which I love. We would crack jokes at each other, tell funny stories, it was so fun to be with her that we had completely forgotten about our project. So now, we both got a detention slip for making an accidental explosion.
How about you? How was your day? I hope it was just as fun as mine. If you feel like the day just wasn't as happy or you're feeling down, just now that it's okay to feel that way because days like these just lasts for 24 hours. It will be all over before you know it and you'll be greeted by another day. Maybe it will be different, and you would be all happy again just like how my day went. Maybe being with you would be my happiest day yet, and I couldn't wait for that day to come. See you soon :)
"Yeojin!" Jake called, seeing her walk down the opposite way. "Hey, mind if I ask you something?"
"Hey Jake," She greeted him with a smile. "Sure, go ahead."
"Could you perhaps give me any information about your partner in Chemistry?" He had hopes of getting any kind of description about his mysterious sender, but he was instead given a sad frown on Yeojin's face.
"Sorry Jake, but that person told me not to tell you about their information." She gave an apologetic smile. "I wish you all the best in finding them!"
Jake muttered a small "okay," and sighed before walking away, feeling defeated.
Yeojin knew that he was gonna ask about Moon the moment he called her from across the hall. She couldn't wait to tell you about this.
"Hey Y/N," A voice said from behind. You turned around to see Jake with his backup hung on his shoulder. He brought his hand up and raked his hair, and you felt your face grow red. Jake is like a gift from the gods. How can someone look so ethereal even if they're just standing there? You could stare at him all day. You couldn't even understand a thing he said until he started waving his hands in front of you.
"Hello?" You blinked multiple times as you were brought back out to reality. You saw Jake's face grow into concern. "Are you okay? spaced out."
"O-oh..No, I'm completely fine." You reassured him, feeling embarrassed. "What were you saying again?"
"I was asking you if you wanted to go to school with me early tomorrow."
Well, shit.
Your eyes started to go wide, and your hands started to go clammy.
"Tomorrow?" You repeated, voice trembling.
'Well, yeah." He pouted his lips, and you felt like melting into a small puddle in your place. Your heart started to pound heavily.
Oh my fucking god, he is so adorable.
"Okay, sure I can go with you tomorrow," You weakly smiled at him, slightly tense.
How we're you going to give him the letter now?
"Good Morning," Jake said as he watches you close the gates of your house. It was past five in the morning, and you were a mess.
"Morning," You replied back before running your fingers through your hair, getting rid of any flyaways.
As you started walking your way to the bus stop, Jake kept on glancing towards you from time to time. He knew you were pretty, but since when did you become really beautiful in his eyes?
The walk was pretty quiet, but it was a comfortable silence. For him, mostly.
Meanwhile, you couldn't stop freaking out. You had written a letter the night before, but you don't know how you were going to slip it into his locker without him taking notice. If he saw you, he would know.
"Are you sure you're okay? You've been like this since yesterday," Jake blurted. You looked at him before heaving a sigh.
"It's nothing," You mouthed, suddenly feeling anxious and gloomy.
"Something on your mind?"
"Something like that." It was hopeless. I guess he would have to miss this letter today. It was the first time you skipped a day, and you're feeling guilty that you would have to see Jake's face sadden that he wouldn't receive it today.
As you two stop at the bus stop, Jake looked slightly panicked as he was rummaging through the pockets of his blazer before looking through his bag. "Hey, do you have an extra pen? I left mine at home and I have a quiz today."
You snickered, "Out of all the days, Sim Jake. The same day you have a quiz is the same day you forget your pen."
"Very funny." He scoffed.
As you unzipped your bag to grab your pencil case, a folded piece of paper fell out without you realizing it. When Jake went to pick it up, he notices that it was folded the same way as the letters in his locker. It looked so identical.
Once you already got your pencil case out, you were about to hand it to him when you saw what he was holding that made your body freeze with your hand holding the case in the air.
"Why were one of my letters inside your bag?" He glanced at you, waiting for you to reply.
If you were freaking out before, this is a whole other thing. The thing that you were fearing the most is happening right before you.
"Maybe it fell into my bag yesterday..." You stammered, making up an excuse to look like it was an accident. You were tightly holding onto your pencil case, chanting many curse words in your head as you watch Jake unfold the letter.
"I don't think I've received this one yet," He said before he opened the letter and read it.
You watch as his expression formed into confusion as he reads through the paper. It only took a few moments before something in him clicked that it was you sending him the letters.
"Y/N," He began, and you started quivering in fear.
You should've known this would happen, but you didn't expect it to happen this sooner. In fact, you believed that this wouldn't happen at all. But it did.
"Let me explain," You eventually gave up and accepted fate and watch as your identity as "Moon" be revealed to your crush. You're now exposed so you didn't have any other choice but to explain everything. "Yes, I am Moon. I was the one writing you the letters that you've been getting in your locker."
Jake's face was unreadable. He looked bewildered and puzzled. He was trying to comprehend what was happening right now. All this time, it was you?
"I started crushing on you when we attended that birthday party before. I didn't want to confess my feelings for you because I was scared that you were going to harshly reject me, so I started writing down letters as a way to tell you how I feel about you without making you feel awkward around me." You continued, eyes suddenly taking an interest in your shoes. They were brand new too.
Jake was silent, and you felt your heart crack into pieces. You were mad at yourself for being so careless about it that he ended up finding out about you as his secret admirer. You wanted nothing else but to run back home, lock yourself in your room and cry with your sad playlist on loop.
You were expecting a harsh rejection coming from him, but what surprised was how he took dangerous steps towards you, minimizing the gap between you two. He placed his hand under your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
"I don't plan on rejecting you Y/N," You stare into his eyes as it reflects the sunlight of the early morning. "I'm actually happy that it was you."
You look at him, puzzled. He lowly chuckles under his breath before leaning over to place his lips against yours. It was a light, quick kiss, but it brought you feeling ecstatic. You've dreamed of this moment before, and now that it happened, you thanked your clumsiness.
As he pulled away, you were sure your face was a red mess.
"Thank you," His smile was as bright as the stars in the sky. It was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. "Thank you for making me like I'm special to someone."
You felt flustered over his words. You were scared that he could hear the sound of your heart pounding loudly. The butterflies in your stomach were going wild, and you felt like this was all a dream.
"So, what am I to you now?" You broke into a smile as he grabs your hand, intertwining your fingers with his.
Jake acted as if he was thinking, "Hm..maybe my best friend still?"
He bursts into a fit of giggles as he sees your smile slowly disappear, replacing it with a look of disbelief. You removed your hand from his and walked at a faster pace away from him.
He ran to match your pace beside you before holding your hand again, "I'm sorry, I won't ever do that again. Is my girl mad at me?"
"Oh my god, it's only five-fifty, Jake." You too broke into laughter over his cheesiness, but your heart fluttered over the thought of Jake calling you his.
HERE’S A LITTLE BONUS! since I've made you guys wait for 4 months :(
"What the fuck?" Was the first thing You heard from Jay as you and Jake entered the classroom. All of your classmates were staring at your and his hands intertwined together.
Jay stood in front of you two, crossing his arms together. "Can one of you explain when this happened?" he motioned towards your linking hands. You and Jake smiled at each other before walking away, leaving Jay in a fit of joy, and confusion.
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
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Title: filthy rich [1/3] Pairing: millionare!sakusa kiyoomi x y/n [filthy capitalist au] Genre: romance, major angst ahead ,fluff, yandere!au-ish 
Synopsis: Your luck had just run out when you realized that you flirted with danger. [400 followers special]
Warnings: language and none...yet….[although i will put a trigger warning that is a controlling, abusive, and kind of a yandere relationship] Notes: 
Happy 460 followers i- look, i know i promised a long kita fanfic but i got more inspired to finish this and write this one because djjdjdjd ,,, anyways this was originally a kpop fanfic i wrote years ago and i switched it up to an omi fanfic. I don’t condone this type of relationship, if ya see this shit on your partner, please run (i beg of you)
also eheh the remaining two requests will be posted soon so uwu
next  ||  series masterlist || taglist 
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“Hey Y/N.”
You look up from your medical textbook to find your aunt standing there with an expensive freshly pressed suit on her hand wrapped in plastic, you had been living with her along with her two younger kids in Tokyo after your parents decided to become humanitarian doctors. Wanting to explore and get out of your comfort zone, you ended up living in the big city along with your mother’s closest friend.
“Oh, hey obaasan.” you greeted, “What’s up?”
“Ah, you see, Shoyo is out now and no one will be able to deliver the suit to Sakusa-san, would you mind doing me a favor and delivering it for me?”
You shut your textbook and stood up from your chair, “Sure, uh- could I have his address?” you ask as you took the suit in plastic carefully from her hands, not wanting to damage something that cost as expensive as your tuition in med school. After saying goodbye to your aunt and carefully placing the suit at the back of your car, you drove your way to the upstate part of the city.
Your second hand car stood out like a sore thumb in the lane of expensive and flashy cars, you wanted to waltz in and out of here quickly. Following your aunt’s instruction’s, you march up to the front desk to hand the suit over to the receptionist, “I’m here to drop the laundry for Sakusa-sa-”
Before you could even finish your sentence, she snatched it away from your grasp. You narrow your eyes at her rather uncouth attitude, “Oh, cool...thanks…” you murmur, not wanting to cause a scene or pick a fight with the rude woman, you made a b-line towards the exit. Away from the judging and prying eyes of the people who were very much above you in terms of class and wealth.
The moment you step out though, you watch in horror as your car is being towed away, “Hey!” you exclaimed, hurriedly going to the worker who was writing something down on his clipboard, “Hey, wait! Please, excuse me?”
The worker turned to you with a questioning gaze as you immediately started to explain that you were in and out of the place and that you were just delivering some laundry but all you got was a shake in the head and the words, “It’s not up to me, that guy called us in.” He points his ballpen towards the man in a suit and paired with a surgical white mask on the phone, “...The parking here is for residents only and clearly you’re not one of them.” 
Your eyes almost widened at his explanation, just what was wrong with people who lived here?
You fumingly grab the piece of paper he hands to you and stuff it in your pocket as you march up to the stranger on the phone, “Hey, excuse me!” you proclaimed, there were a few on-lookers but you ignored them, you were seeing red with the treatment you’ve been receiving here. The raven-haired stranger ignores you, still on his phone so you call him out again and when you do, the darkest pair of obsidian eyes are on you.
You clenched your fists tightly as the quote ‘eat the rich’ comes into your head.
“There must be some mistake.” You began slowly, trying to put your anger at bay because you didn’t want the whole thing to escalate in public, “I’m in and out here, all i did was deliver and I didn't know-”
“Your ignorance doesn’t excuse you.”
“Excuse me?”
“Ignorance of the law excuses no one.” He simply states, “Also the car was on the way in my space and not even a parking spot.”
You let out a loud, sardonic laugh, “I’d be gone in two minutes if you waited.”
“You would’ve wasted my two minutes.” 
You clenched your fist tightly and as you were about to bite back on his snide remark, the receptionist from before intervenes, “Excuse me, he’s right. You aren’t allowed to park here.” she tries to look professional but you know she’s just siding with this idiot since he had the money.
“Right.” you nod, “You know what, fuck it, this blows. All I did was my job and I have to be shitted on because I don’t have money like Mr.fancy-pants over here.” You bellowed,your glare was intense as you turned around, stomping away before you would do anything you’d regret.
The stranger’s eyes towards you do not waver though, how interesting, he thought.
You never wanted to return to that place again, not only did you lose a lot of money to pay your toll fee for your car but you needed to buy a bunch of new books for the new semester. You groan out loud as you also realize that you needed to do a grocery run since all you had were empty packets of instant Ramen and water in your apartment.
Chunking the cue cards to the side, you made your way to the convenience store, the city was definitely alive tonight and amidst that, you look absolutely dead tired. Your eye bags were getting thicker, a few zits had popped out, and you had grown thin in an unhealthy way because of your food consumption.
Man, being in med school and being dumb wasn’t a very good combination.
Your thoughts are interrupted when your aunt calls you again and says you have to do deliveries tonight, “You remember Sakusa-san?” your aunt says on the other line.
You couldn’t help but grimace at the mention of the man and the memories of where he lived.
Man, did this Sakusa-san needed new neighbors.
“What does he need a suit for in this unholy hour?” You mentally groaned.
“He needs it for laundry, you can have the money when you pick it up.”
Your ears immediately perk up at the mention of cash, you decided to take public transportation since you didn’t want to risk getting your car toll away by that Sakusa guy’s wretched fancy-pants neighbor. Grocery shopping could wait another time, “Stupid rich people.” You muttered under your breath as you pushed open the entrance to find the same man who you despised, sitting there with a laundry basket next to him.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” You mumbled, sucking in a deep breath, you say, “Sakusa-san?”
“So I was right.” he says, pulling down his mask to reveal his sharp features, “You were the one who delivered my suit that day. It’s usually a young boy with a bike.”
Boy, this man was definitely at his prime, he was probably a good few years older than you and you bet he had the ladies swinging left and right with that face. Too bad he had a shitty attitude though.
“Well, that doesn’t give you an excuse to tow my car away.” you deadpan.
“How much do I owe you for the unfortunate accident then?” his tone was rich and low but you detected no remorse in it, it was as if waving huge chunks of money would help tremendously. The asshole couldn’t even properly say sorry to you because of the hard time you had to go through that time.
“None,” you scoffed, “Just hand me your laundry and pay the fee, we’ll call it even.”
The raven-haired man tilts his head and carefully hands you the laundry bag along with a wad of cash, your eyes immediately widen out of character, “Woah, wait-”
“For the troubles.” He simply replies, “Goodnight.”
You later found out that his full name was Sakusa Kiyoomi and not only was he rich, he was filthy rich. The man used to be a big volleyball player back or something when he was in high school and college but instead of becoming a pro player, he had inherited the family business.
“Huh, so he was a capitalist.” You stare at his picture at the morning paper which was coincidentally an article about him. You decided to forget about it, expecting to not see him after that night since Hinata had no classes or practices these upcoming weeks yet weirdly enough, he started to ask for you to pick up his laundry instead.
So you both fell into a strange routine, you’d pick up his laundry and return it the next day. He was also there to pick up his things and you no longer needed to talk to the rude receptionist. You were suspicious of him yet you decided to just overlook it, he gave good tips and he wasn’t as rude as the first time you met him, in fact, he made small conversations now and you sort of got to know the man.
You had a weird dynamic but strangely enough, it worked.
“Good evening,” You greeted per usual, holding out your hand yet his eyes squinted at the bandage on your hand.
“What happened.” the raven-haired man asked, his gaze zeroing on the wound that you got in one of your classes.
“I’m a med student...I cut myself instead of the cadaver in class.” you shrug nonchalantly as you wiggle your fingers, “It’s alright though, I’m not going to stain your suit that you keep putting back to the laundry for some odd reason.”
“You got hurt.”
“Happens to the best of us.”
Sakusa mutters something incoherent under his breath before saying, “I’ll take you to your car.”
“Woah there-”
The man ignores you as he walks ahead of you, this was certainly getting out of character, even for him who always asked for you, “Open it.” He orders as he points to the car door, you begrudgingly obliged and did as he said. He places the laundry inside and turns to you to give you his usual pay, “Take care of yourself next time, L/N-san.”
The very next day, your aunt hands you an expensive package of ointments on your doorstep. Your brows are furrowed together in confusion as she says that they’re from the millionaire himself. You pointedly look at the package in front of you, completely lost as to why someone like him would send something like this to the person who he wasn’t exactly close with.
“Y/N-saaaaan…” Hinata drowns, you snap your gaze from your notes to the young orange-haired boy, “I’ve got news!”
You had stopped working for your aunt since you found a job at your university’s library, not only were the hours more lax but they even minus some of the tuition as long as you worked there. It was definitely a win-win situation for you.
“What’s up, orange?” You asked.
“Remember Sakusa-san?”
You hum a reply, “What about him?”
“I think he likes you.”
You almost choke on your saliva when you heard that, this little brat, why you ought to-
“He looked really disappointed when I said that you didn’t work for us anymore.” Hinata explains, cutting your thoughts short, 
“Right.” You drawl, shaking your head, “Maybe you were just hard to look at, that’s why.”
“Hey!” He clenched his fists together and pouted at your tone, “I don’t even know why he likes you!”
You feel a vein pop in his forehead as you hear his insult,  you proceeded to chunk a pillow to his direction in which he successfully dodged, “Get your facts straight and I assure you, he doesn’t like me.” you grumbled, returning to your books.
Ultimately, you thought that you’d never see Sakusa Kiyoomi ever again. It was fairly obvious that outside your job, someone of high caliber as him was someone you’d never see again yet you're immediately thrown off guard when you find him standing there around your campus.
Your eyes widen in surprise, well what do you know? it was the devil himself.
Man, you may not have seen him for a month or two but despite wearing the mask, you could tell that  e still sported the same blank and basic bitch face behind it. Hinata was wrong in all ways, this guy wouldn’t like you, he’d probably deem you too low class for him, “What a surprise, it’s been a while.” You stiffly bowed down.
“You’re acting weird.” 
You raise your gaze to meet his and you could see the glint of amusement in his eyes.
“You’re most likely a guest in the university.” You mumbled, scratching your head, “People might come at me if I treated you as casually as before.”
Sakusa raises his brow, “That’s funny coming from someone who was this close to punching me during our first meeting.”
“You were being a dick that time.”
“How you have guts to say that to my face amazes me every time.”
“Oh yeah?” You chortled, amused by his statement, “I’m starting to think you’ve taken a liking on me.”
“Was it not obvious when I kept asking for you from Hinata-san?”
You immediately choke on the coffee you were sipping, burning your tongue in the process, “Okay what the hell, sakusa-san-” you said in between coughs.
Your freeze up when you look at him dead in the eye, his eyes crinkling, was he smiling behind the mask? No way, the Sakusa Kiyoomi was smiling at you? He pulls down his mask and bends down, making you retract your steps and your cheeks flush to a brightly red color, “You’re turning red.” he points out loud and that makes you turn even redder.
“You’re acting weird.”
“You were getting dense.” 
“How was I supposed to know...to know that…” You try to stutter out, completely embarrassed.
“To know what?” 
“You know what.” You grumbled, standing up a bit straighter and ignoring his teasing tone, “I’m not interested in you.”
“Your red cheeks say otherwise.”
“It’s the cold weather.” You harshly replied, looking away again, trying to avoid his gaze, “I’m not interested in a boyfriend, a flirting partner, or whatever that is. So good day!” 
You immediately stomp away, leaving Sakusa Kiyoomi with an amused smirk. How entertaining and adorable, you looked like a bunny. His cute bunny.
A few days had passed from that little interaction and you wanted to hurl yourself out the window whenever you thought about it. Sakusa Kiyoomi? The filthy rich capitalist Sakusa Kiyoomi? Interested in you? What kind of k-drama was this?
You tried to avoid going out much in the campus, Apparently he was around after he donated half a million to the medicine department.
You immediately groaned out loud at the thought, there was in no way that all this was possible!
You immediately jump on the spot and drop your keys, “Holy fucking-” You pause, biting back your tongue, there he stood sporting a casual attire instead of a business suit and his usual face mask,  “Sakusa-san?”
“Kiyoomi.” He smoothly corrects.
“Nice. Very nice.” You dryly replied, “Heard you donated half a million and some new equipment to our department. Sweet.”
“You don’t look that happy.”
“I mean you basically confessed that you were interested then decided to donate to my department only.” You narrow your eyes suspiciously, “You remind me of a sugar daddy.”
“Well,” He shrugged, “You didn’t exactly deny that you wanted one.”
Your brain immediately short-circuits as you try to stutter out a reply, Sakusa looked like he’d been having a field day. Gone was the fiery girl he met a few months ago, he really knew what to say to reduce you to a stuttering mess.
“I’m kidding, L/N-san.” he deadpanned when he realized that you weren’t giving him a straight answer since your mind was jumbled up, “It was purely coincidental, we’ve been eyeing certain medicine departments and yours was performing top-notch. It doesn’t mean that I’m any less interested in taking you out.”
“You do know I’m poor right…” You sweatdrop, “I could easily take advantage of you-”
“One date, L/N-san…” he says, ignoring your very weak argument, “Just one then I’ll let you go.”
You don’t know why but you ended up saying yes that day.
You didn’t know what to expect on your first date and you had your fingers cross the whole time that he wouldn’t take you to an expensive michelin star restaurant since you didn’t have the clothes for the place.
Thankfully, the date was more casual than you expected, it was in his home and he had  cooked the meal himself.
“You’re looking oddly relieved.”
“I can’t function well in expensive restaurants.” You sweatdrop, covering your awkwardness with a laugh. You’ve never gone on dates before, the idea of being intimate with someone had made you feel awkward and bothered. 
“I’m not a big fan of public areas so I assure you we're not going on those anytime soon.” 
“Well aren’t you getting confident.” You raise a brow, teasing him a bit as you start to pick on the beef with your chopsticks.
“Call it a gut feeling, L/N-san.”
“You asked me to call you Kiyoomi and well,” you turn red once again, “Well it would be awkward if you were all formal with me.”
You saw the small twinkle in his eyes, “Y/N.” your name rolls out of his tongue smoothly and you feel your heart hammering on your chest, “I like that, Y/N…” 
It was in that little moment that you realized that you liked it when he called your name.
The dinner went by without a hitch, Sakusa Kiyoomi was not the same arrogant man that the media portrayed him to be. He was quiet, understanding, and soft. Completely the opposite of the first day you met him. He urged you to talk more about yourself, saying how boring and open his life was since the media tailed him a lot.
“Why Tokyo?” 
“Why not?” You shrug, swishing the wine before taking a small sip, “It’s a great place, it’s new, and I had someone I knew here. My mom and Obaasan were good friends so I was allowed to move here on my own.”
“Are you coming back to your country if you’re done with your studies?”
You were silent for a moment, “I don’t think so. I wanna be like my parents.”
“A humanitarian doctor, huh?”
“Yeah.” You smile, “A humanitarian doctor. How about you? What’s your story?”
“Nothing interesting.” He glazed, “I’m an open book, Y/N.”
“Open book?” You tilt your head to the side, “You’re usually painted as an asshole by the media…”
“But you don’t believe it.”
“You kinda were when we first met.”
For the first time, you hear his soft chuckle and your heart starts beating fast. You liked that sound, you wanted to hear something like that again, “You always know how to amuse me, Y/N.” he shakes his head, “And for the record, just because I’m not comfortable with touches, public places and whatnot does not make me an asshole...I just am a very private person with interests…”
“What’s your interest now?”
“You.” He replied nonchalantly, making you look away..
“Stop doing that.”
“Doing what?”
“Flirting with me with a straight face like you mean it!” You choke out, turning red.
“Because I do mean it, Y/N.” He shrugs. “I am interested in you.”
It seemed like that little date you had turned out more successful than you thought, one date led to another and another. This went on for a few months until he asked you to be his partner one night at a very random place, you usually pictured Sakusa Kiyoomi to be the smooth type     you were, after all, always the stuttering mess between you two     but when he asks you to be his officially, outside the public restroom of all places with his ear tips turning red, your reduced to a heaping pile of giggles.
With men like him, you didn’t exactly expect anything more than the dates.
You should’ve known better that he was too good to be true.
general taglist for the next part is open aye
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eclipsedpascal · 3 years
Lavender Bruises
Older!Duncan x Female reader
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A meeting with you and your father’s company’s buyers, leads to the shocking realisation that you had unknowingly slept with it’s new owner, Duncan Shepherd, just the night before. You needed to hide this sinful secret from your father, which left you stuck between wanting to make him proud and the unsatisfied craving you couldn’t ignore for Duncan to claim you as his personal toy. But you could manage both. Right?
Warnings: mentions of work (ew), alcohol, one night stands, large age gap, daddy kink, size kink, unprotected sex, public sex, fingering, oral (female receiving), intercourse, spit kink, slapping, spanking, hickeys, bruising, degrading/teasing, mouth fucking with fingers? is that a thing?, hair pulling and a ring kink ig:)
Notes: I've been writing this for fkn MONTHS now bcs I kept loosing inspiration, so this is actually the first thing I ever properly wrote! it's kinda complicated ig? idk like the parts in bold are a time skip to the night before and the fic goes in-between the meeting the reader is at and the previous night, meaning there’s two separate smut scenes so!!! but yeah i'm a whore lmao. Also ik hickeys don’t show up the same on certain skin tones and i’m sorry for that. i tried my best to be as inclusive as possible nd didn’t mention anything to do with the skin tone. Also!! if you're interested, I was listening to Cherry lips by garbage most the time I was writing this nd I feel like it fits it pretty well😌
Word count: 8.4k
Going over the logistics of a content deal with the conglomerate that had recently bought your fathers newspaper wasn't the most preferable way for you to spend your lunch, but unfortunately it was necessary.
You know how these “lunches” go; business meetings disguised as casual discussions. They’re exactly the same if taken place in a conference room. Disagreeing and having to come to compromises you’d rather not, with the only differences being there's more chatter and cluttered noise of dinnerware coming from the restaurant around you.
You much preferred being in the office for these kind of things, but it was at the request of the new owners that you meet here, meaning you didn’t really have choice.
As you arrived at the restaurant you saw your father inside, waiting for your arrival just past the main entrances oversized, glass doors. You were almost 10 minutes late now and you knew he would be pissed. Honestly, you couldn't blame him.
Having to rush through a traffic riddled DC to get home at 10 in the morning because you had spent the previous night in a strangers hotel bed wasn't your proudest moment. Was it worth it? Yes, but it didn’t exactly leave you with much time to prepare for the lunch only two hours later.
You payed the driver and stepped out of the cab onto the drowning, wet sidewalk, desperately trying to shield yourself from the relentless rain that had been pouring down on the city all morning.
Looking up at the grand building on front of you, you could tell the place was going to be expensive. The entrances steps were 12ft wide and made of a pearly white marble that was now soaked with cascading rain water, making them even harder for you to run up in your heels as you tried escape the cold.
“Y/N, where have you been? You're 10 minutes late and these people don't like to be kept waiting." The people your father was referring to? the owners of Gardner Analytics. they had bought what seemed like hundreds of press company's over the past few years, especially those in the DC area. Their most recent purchase being the Washington herald, of which your father was the Editor-in-chief. You had been working there for a few months as your fathers assistant and helping out at these meetings had become routine.
“I'm so so sorry, my alarm didn't wake me and I-“
"It's fine" He interrupted "It's fine, just please tell me you have the documents I asked you to bring?" You could tell he was stressed out from the way his voice was wavering and how often he was stumbling over his words, so instead of trying to explain yourself any further you stayed quiet and did your best to take in as much of the information he was relaying onto you as you possibly could.
As he led you through the dinning room he explained to you who else was there, telling you that the others from the herald who were attending the lunch had already began talks with Gardener Analytics at the table ten minutes prior.
The closer you got to the table the more your fathers voice faltered, trying to round off the conversation so he could properly introduce himself when the time came. "Now Bill Shepherd had to cancel last minute, said it was something to do with his health unfortunately. But not to worry! I've spoken with him over the phone and he's informed me his nephew is filling in for him, okay?”
Before you even had a chance to reply he turned from you, reaching over the table to shake hands with a man you recognised as Seth Grayson; their director of communications, and an older woman who you assumed was Annette Shepherd. She and her brother Bill were the owner's of Gardner Analytics and your father had said it was important he got on their good side.
As your father greeted the others, you began retrieving the documents out of your bag, knowing they would be needed by Seth right away.
"..So sorry for the delay Mr Shepherd, you know how DC traffic can be" Your father chuckled slightly as he shook the man’s hand, making some light small talk. Mr Shepherd? that must be bill’s nephew, you thought.
You felt even more unprepared now; you didn’t even know the man’s name.
"This is my daughter and assistant, Y/N" Upon hearing your father introduce you to the mystery Shepherd, you slotted the documents under one arm and reached out to shake his hand with your other.
“It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr Shepherd" But as you shifted your gaze up to his own, you realised that there was no need for introductions.
He smiled gently, a kind of smug delight obvious in his eyes as he looked you up and down, taking you all in. "The pleasure is all mine, Miss Y/L/N"
He released your hand from his grasp, moving to clasp his own behind his back. “But please, call me Duncan.”
Duncan fucking Shepherd. how could you be so oblivious? The two of you had spent hours together last night. How hadn't you figured out who he was? As panic ripped through you like a wildfire, you wondered if Duncan was feeling the same way; but from the look on his face, he was enjoying this.
11:34pm previous night
It was getting pretty late now, and meeting someone who could fuck the stress out of you was becoming less and less likely by the minute. so deciding to finish your drink and leave, you took in the room one last time; making sure you hadn’t missed anyone interesting.
The fluorescent red and blue lighting of the expensive hotel bar was just bright enough for you to spot an older man you hadn’t noticed before. He must have been at least 40. He was sat in a booth with five or six others, all drinking, laughing and joking, yet he was staring at you.
Taking the seat next to you, he called out to the bartender. “Bourbon. Neat.”
You'd been waiting for him to come over ever since you saw him. It had been 20 minutes or so of quick glances and smiles to each other before the group of men he had been with dissipated. You had heard one of the men he was with refer to him as ‘Duncan’ when he had said his goodbyes, but other than that all you could assume about the man was that he was rich; judging by the all black LV suit he was wearing.
"Can I buy you a drink?” Turning to face at him when you heard him speak, you were practically stupefied by how attractive he was. His hair was full of shiny grey streaks that aged him. His stubble complimented his cheekbones perfectly and the speckles of grey throughout it helped bring out the brightness of his piercing blue eyes. His lips were full, and you couldn't help but notice how soft they looked.
“Vodka and coke” You smiled, trying your best to be confidant, but they way he was looking at you was giving you butterfly's you couldn’t swat away.
“I.D?” The bartender asked. You grabbed it out of your purse, proving your age to the bartender before watching him walk away to make your drink.
There was a brief silence before the man spoke again. “I hope my staring didn’t bother you, I just couldn’t take my eyes off you.” His flattery almost made you blush, but he wasn’t going to get you with a line that bad.
“Didn’t bother me at all, though i’m sure your friends there must have been envious” You chose to ignore his cheesy line, knowing that as much as you wanted him to take you there and then, you would much prefer making him work for it.
He chuckled slightly, knowing the game you had chosen to play. he looked away from you and down into his glass before taking a swig of the golden-brown liquor that occupied it. “Well I’m known to be quite a busy man, so I’m sure they understood.” He turned to face you slightly, waiting for some kind of reaction from you.
“Busy enough of a man to be drinking on a Tuesday night?” You questioned him teasingly, Ignoring that you yourself had the most important meeting of your young career in just over twelve hours.
“Is that really such a surprise? Most times being so busy is the main reason for drinking” He joked with you as he flirted, making it hard for you to keep eye contact without going red at the thought of such a beautiful man seeking your attention.
Duncan could see how nervous you were under the confident demeanour you had put on, I mean you were practically screaming it out to him at this point. The way you were fidgeting with the chain of your silver earring as you leaned against the bar and the fact you couldn’t even look at him for longer than 3 seconds without blushing was evidence enough for him.
“Well, that’s true.” You giggled a little as you spoke in your anxious state.
Taking a hold of your drink, you wrapped your lips around the paper straw and moved your gaze over to the bartender who was now serving someone a few seats down, attempting to distract and ground yourself from the situation at hand.
You were gripped back into reality quickly when you heard him speak again.
“There’s no need to be so nervous, I’m not going to eat you.” You found his use of the phrase quite ironic, being that’s exactly how it seemed. His eyes were piercing into you in an almost questioning manner, but when he gazed over your body, taking in your satin, black slip dress covered curves, the swipe of his tongue against his plump bottom lip gave you a very different impression; an impression he wanted to devour you. It was as if he thought you were that sweet snack he had been craving all week.
“No? That's a shame” You faked a frown, pouting as you moved to rest your chin on your hand.
“Well I think we should at least be aware of each others names before making such wild propositions, don’t you…?” His smirk never seemed to leave his face as he spoke.
He was good at this game, better than you at least. Of course It was obvious he was going to have had more experience with his age and all, but the way he was charming you so easily with just plain old conversation and confidence was getting harder and harder to match.
“Y/N, my name’s Y/N.” You batted your eyelashes at him a little, for some reason feeling smaller upon revealing your name to him. You felt as if you had lost the upper hand in the conversation suddenly.
“Hm, Y/N. That’s beautiful.” You rolled your eyes. Of course it is. Thats what they all say. You thought.
“Aren't you going to ask mine?” His ego now showing, you decided to make a bolder move.
“You rather fancy yourself, don’t you, Duncan?”
He finished his drink and moved closer to you. “Oh, so you already know my name?”
He was close enough to you now that you could make out the many beauty marks which decorated his cheekbones and hear the rasp of his voice even better than before. It was thick as honey and just as sweet too.
“I heard your friend call you it.” You quickly replied.
He scoffed a little, finding amusement in what he was about to say. He brought his face down closer to yours and began to run his fingers through your hair. “Hm, well he’s an old friend sweetheart. Most people would call me Mr Shepherd.”
You felt yourself grow hot, Duncans words casting a haze of complete lust over your mind.
You did your best to stay confidant, doing everything you could to ensure you didn't loose this game the two of you were playing. “Really? Is that what you like? Mr Shepherd.”
Your faces were so close to each others now that you could smell the bourbon on his breath when he let out a loud chuckle. His pearly whites showing as he did so. You even felt him graze his stubble against your cheek.
“Mhmm.” He ran his finger over your lips as he spoke slowly. "So tell me, what is it that does it for you Y/N? Hm? I mean a girl your age doesn’t decide to stare at a man like me all night just for the hell of it. So what is it? The power? The money? Or is it the age gap so big I could be your father?”
You squeeze your legs together as his sentence finishes, letting out a hushed whimper. Of course you were attracted to older men, that was obvious, but hearing him say it out loud in public whilst being so close to you turned you on even more than you thought previously possible.
He chuckled a little, “So it’s the age then, is it sweetheart? The idea of having a man more.. experienced pleasure you, instead of a man who would leave you to fend for yourself after finishing in less than five minutes. You want someone who can make you cum so hard you’d be begging him to make it stop, don’t you?” Every move Duncan made, every word he spoke was calculated, and it was all in pursuit of teasing you just because he knew he could.
You made a mental note of his nickname for you as you looked up at him. You felt his fingers run across your cheek and then push some stray hairs back behind your ear as you desperately tried to think of something smart to say, anything to say; but he had won. He knew what you wanted and he wanted it just as bad. You didn’t even care anymore. You were more than ready to give what little of a resolve you still had up to him.
He whispered to you as he moved his spare hand up the small of your back. “Now little one, I have the presidential suite of this hotel under my name tonight. So what do you say we go on up? Since now we're just so well aquatinted."
Having to take part in a meeting with your father and the man double your age that you had fucked for hours the night before was NOT what you had planned for today.
“Mr Shepherd, I apologise that I didn’t make it here on time. I had a pretty hectic morning.” You did your best to keep your chill in your now shocked state, but with everyone watching the two of you it wasn’t easy.
“No don’t worry, I know how DC traffic can be, especially in this weather. As long as you're here now.” A wide smile was planted on his face as he spoke. The same as last night. He never broke eye contact with you, and you found yourself wondering how he could do it so easily.
“Please, sit.” He gestured you over to take a seat as he pulled out the chair next to his own. You thanked him politely and sat down, your mind racing and spiralling out of control at the thought of your father discovering the sinful deeds you and his new boss had taken part in just hours prior.
You felt him tuck you into the table before sitting down next to you. You could hear the voices of the restaurant that surrounded you and the others at the table coming at you. Every noise was muffled, as if your head was suddenly underwater.
“Y/N?” You were quickly brought back to reality when you heard Seth question you.
“From my understating you have the merger documents in your belonging, yes?” He looked at your father for reassurance this was definitely case as he spoke. So with everyone at the table’s eyes on you, you slid the documents over to him.
“Yes! And uhm the specifications for the more politically based content changes are detailed on page 25. I was told that was of high interest today?” You got yourself back on track, trying to stay as professional as possible whilst ignoring Duncan and the predicament you had found yourself in.
“We were briefly discussing the more major changes before you arrived Mr Y/L/N, but I believe you’ve already been made aware of most them?” Duncan addressed your father, kicking the meeting off. But you couldn’t concentrate. You were listening to the conversation, you really were! It was just that you were so wrapped up in Duncan’s voice you couldn’t actually understand what the fuck they were all talking about.
Seeing him so invested in the crucial conversation he was having with your father and the many other associates at the table was just doing something to you.
Observing the way his hands were moving when he spoke, you noticed how he would often clasp them together when he was explaining things, and how he would tilt his head slightly as he listened. His bronzed curls were combed to perfection, resting delicately on the right side of his face and when he licked his bottom lip, it sent a shiver down through your spine all the way to your cunt. You were entirely captivated by him.
Hearing your Father ask for your opinion on the subject being discussed, you shook off the spell Duncan’s attractiveness had casted onto you and responded, giving your perspective on the subject.
Duncan relaxed into his seat a little more as he watched you talking. He knew you had been staring at him, but it was cute, he thought. Almost endearing seeing you get so flustered at just the sight of him. He had seen you squirming around in your seat whilst you watched him and decided the accidental teasing wasn’t enough; he wanted to toy with you more. As much as he possibly could.
“You know, if you’re trying hide what’s happened between us then you might consider making your staring a little less obvious, sweetheart.” He was speaking quietly enough for nobody else to hear and not looking in your direction, pretending to still partake in the tables back-and-forth. Still the fear of your father, who was sat just across the table, overhearing Duncans remarks was petrifying.
You knew you couldn’t let your craving for him and the confusion from not knowing who he was last night effect the meeting, but there he was with that nickname again, stirring your desire even further.
“How are you even here?” You let your frustrations out onto him as you talked back, his cocky attitude getting to you too easily with the stress you were under. “I’m trying so hard not to ruin today and this situation isn’t helping! They’ll fire me if I mess this up and I’ll be fucked! Which surprisingly, I’d prefer not to be!” Your whispering was pretty aggressive, but could you really blame yourself?! This kind of coincidence was rare, so you had every right to be mad at the universe for letting it occur on today of all days.
His ego not faltering for even a second, he chuckled. “Oh you don’t wanna get fucked? Funny, because I remember you saying the exact opposite last night.”
He grazed his hand across your inner thigh, massaging it gently before diving underneath the little black pencil skirt you were wearing to grip onto your flushed skin.
You scoffed at his words and looked up at him, shocked at how bold he was being and expecting some kind of response from him, but he didn’t even look your way. You assumed this was so no attention was brought to the two of you and so you followed his lead, turning away from him just as fast as you had looked.
With the heat of your cunt having grown far too intense to bear, any friction that wasn’t your own thighs pressing up against each other was to be welcomed. So you decided not to stop him. In fact you did the exact opposite, spreading your thighs wider for him, not having the self control or restraint to keep yourself from him any longer.
His hand moved closer to where you needed him most, diving under the crotch of your underwear to swipe his fingers over your slick folds and immediately begin rubbing circles onto your neglected clit.
You stifled a moan, leaning onto the table on front of you to keep yourself steady as he touched you. Finally, he moved his gaze to rest on you, watching you as you struggled to stay silent. He whispered once more, “Always so wet for me, aren't you princess?”
As soon as you entered the suite, Duncan gripped onto your waist, pushing you up against the door and cradling your cheek with his spare hand before smashing his lips into yours.
His tongue slipped past your lips, dancing with yours whilst he moved his hands all over your body, clutching onto your breasts and then moving them down to explore the rest of you.
He lifted your dress up just enough so he could grip your ass. Pulling you closer to him and making you feel his bulge against your hips, you were too short in comparison to him to feel him where you wanted to most.
He spoke to you in kisses, telling you of how ravenous he was for you and that he was going to savour every moment. He moved his lips down, trailing open mouthed kisses from your neck to your collarbones and to the top of your breasts.
“This fucking dress” He took ahold of the bottom of your dress, pulling it up above your head with urgency as you lifted your arms to better help him strip you. Throwing the dress down onto the floor and hearing it land somewhere behind him, he admired your body and it’s curves.
“The perfect wrapping for such an enticing present.” He finished his sentence. Immediately grabbing at your breasts, sucking and kissing them.
You couldn’t speak, too enthralled with the technique of his tongue swirling around your nipple to do anything but moan in response to him.
You threw your head back against the door, staring up that the beautifully patterned ceiling in pure ecstasy. You felt him drag a callused hand down to the waistband of your Lacy white panties, tickling the sensitive skin of your stomach as he traced his fingers over it. His finger tips running across the little white bow that centred the waistband.
He collapsed down to his knees, yanking the delicate lingerie as he fell, leaving it to puddle around your ankles.
He teased your heat, moving from kissing the skin of your thighs to your folds, but not yet reaching the lengths you wanted him to, only adding fuel to the fire in between your legs.
“Please Duncan-” you begged him, desperately needing some kind of release from the binds of lust he had managed to wrap you in over the past 45 minutes.
“Ah ah, don't you remember? You don’t get to call me that.” He spoke.
“I’m sorry, Mr Shepherd.” You corrected yourself, recalling the conversation you had with him prior to coming upstairs.
“Mhmm, now as magnificent as that name sounds coming from you, I know that there’s something else you’d rather call me.” He hummed in disapproval, calmly redirecting your choice of name for him and reassuringly pressing his lips onto your clit.
You let out a stuttered gasp, you did want to call him that, but now you felt nervous due to the build up he had created.
“Com’n, sweetheart. Do you think I don't know why you’re here in the first place? Why else would you be sat all alone in the bar of a hotel you weren’t even staying at? You’re just another slut with daddy issues, sneaking down to an expensive hotel to scavenge for any man good enough to fuck you into submission. Isn’t that right?”
Mildly insulted at his all too accurate observation of you, but enjoying the effect his degrading words have on you none the less, you gave him what he wanted. “Mm yes daddy!” You whimpered out, admitting your ploy to him.
A low rumble emitted from his chest, your words setting off some kind of animal inside him. He dove his face down into your pussy, starting by sucking on your clit gently, flicking his tongue over it and applying more and more pressure as you writhed above him.
His mouth was closed around you now, his grey, speckled stubble scratching your already inflamed skin. You were taken aback by his skills, intwining your fingers through the curls in his hair and tugging on them with every wave of pleasure that hit you.
He snaked his large hand around your thigh, lifting it up to rest on his shoulder while he ate you out. Enjoying the new angle he was utilising, he hummed, sending vibrations through your nerves up to the pit of your stomach, bringing you closer to your climax.
“Mmh.. fuck daddy, i’m gonna cum!” He didn’t let off, his tongue perhaps fucking into you even faster since you told him how close you were. You locked stares as your orgasm took over your body, your lips forming an o as you screwed your eyebrows together in rapture.
He came back up, letting you taste yourself and he placed his lips on yours again. You eased into the kiss, a relaxed haze having taken over your body in your post-orgasm state. Feeling a slight breeze flow up the side of your form, you realised that Duncan still had all his clothes on whilst you had none. Deciding you needed to change this as soon as possible, you began unbuttoning his suit’s matching black blazer and shirt, rushing to feel his skin on yours.
He helped you, shrugging the shirt off his shoulders as you began to unthread his leather belt from the loops of his trousers. “You’re so impatient, little one.” He spoke.
“I think I’ve waited long enough, daddy.” You smirked, dropping the belt at his feet.
As soon as his shirt hit the floor you reached up, gliding your hands across the expanse of his bear chest, taking notice of how small your hands appeared in comparison to him. He watched you, relishing in the glimmer of entrancement that shone through your eyes as you ingested him.
He lifted you, his strong arms carrying you bridal style towards the king sized bed and throwing you down onto its crisp, satin sheets. Grabbing your ankles, he dragged you down the bed towards him and finished taking his pants off. His cock sprung free from the confines of his boxers, smacking against his stomach.
He clambered onto the bed, resting on his knees as he jerked himself in his hand, reluctantly groaning out at the first contact his neglected cock had received all night. His pressing cock had made it unfathomably hard not to just fuck you up against the door when he saw that sweet little way in which your face scrunched up as you came.
You were practically drooling, watching him fuck himself into his fist as his eyes scanned across your naked body. Not being able to wait any longer and wanting to finally feel his cock on your skin, you sat up slightly and reached out to touch him. But before you got the chance, he shoved you back down. leaning over you, he held your wrists down against the pillows with one hand and wrapped his other around your delicate throat.
“So greedy, baby” he stoked his thumb over the skin of your neck as he made his observation, watching you struggle underneath him.
“I just know what I want.” You toyed, your voiced coming out slightly muffled with the pressure of his large hand covering your voice box.
“Such an attitude, too.” His cock brushes over your cunt as he sways his head from side to side in disappointment and disproval. “Now sweetheart, you’re gonna stay exactly where you are and daddy’s gonna fuck you just like this, okay? So he can see that pretty little face of yours.”
You gulp at his words, anticipating the feeling of having him inside you. “Please just fuck me. Please.” You knew you sounded absolutely pathetic, but you didn’t care. Just needing him plummeting in and out of you as soon as possible.
He chuckled at your neediness. Taking his hands back from your wrists and grasping his cock, lining it up with your entrance and slowly pushing in, he let you adjust to his size.
Moaning out, you dug your nails into the bed sheets, watching his head drop down to yours as he closed his eyes in pleasure.
“Fuck, you take me so well.”
He slipped his ringed finger into you, pushing against your spongy walls whilst you made a desperate attempt to suppress your moans. You bite down onto your nails, your elbow resting on the table as you put all your weight onto it for some kind of crutch.
He began with a slow pace, making sure you would feel every little movement he made. You heard him join into the conversation once again, mentioning something about an article he had seen from the Herald last month which had impressed him. You weren't even sure. You couldn't think for the pulsing beat of your own heart that filled your ears.
“You all right there, Y/N?” Your heavy breathing must have been a dead give away for something being up, being your father was now questioning you.
You felt Duncan stop his movements momentarily, joining the rest of the table in their standstill, staring at you as they awaited a reply, but his little act of sincerity didn't last too long.
“Yeah, uhm-“ you felt him slide a 2nd figure in, making you fake a cough as to stop the cry desperately trying to escape your throat from doing so.
“Yeah, I’m uh, just thirsty.” Hoping this would ward off the worried looks you were receiving, you were shocked when you heard Duncan chime in. “Oh don’t worry, we can get you something.”
He called the waiter over, asking him for a pitcher of lemonade and thanking him as he walked away, back towards the kitchen. You would have preferred some water, you thought, but you were far too focused on what was going on underneath the table to say anything.
“Now, where were we?” Seth began talking once more, bringing the attention back to where it should be. But Duncan? No. His attention stayed on you. Even more focused on fucking his fingers into than before, he sped up and began going even deeper now, curling them upwards until you were twitching.
You looked up at him pleadingly. You were getting too close to cumming for your own liking, so you grabbed onto his thigh and dug your nails into his expensive black dress pants, warning him. He shot you a devious grin, scissoring his fingers inside you and pressing his thumb down to rub sweet circles on your hooded clit, letting you know he didn’t intend on stopping.
He looked behind you suddenly. Following his gaze, you snapped your head to the side, trying to get a good look at what had grabbed his attention so abruptly.
It was the waiter. He had arrived with the pitcher of lemonade in hand and yet Duncan was still plummeting his hand into your pussy with such a speed you began to wonder if someone had actually noticed what was truly going on. I mean the waiter must know.
At this point you had let far too many questionable gasps leave your mouth, your breathing had become even more erratic as you grew closer to your orgasm. He knew you were about to break before he swiftly pulled his fingers out of you, wiping the juices that coated them back and front onto your skirt so he could pick up the glass on front of you, leaving you unsatisfied.
You scrambled to collect your thoughts and breath as he picked up the pitcher, pouring the ice cooled lemonade into your glass.
“Here.” He spoke. You lifted a shaky hand up to take the glass from him when the grasp he had on it ‘slipped’, spilling the contents of it the onto your lap.
“Oh!’ You jumped up, making the sweet, sticky liquid run off your skirt to your thighs, dripping down your legs and eventually onto the floor. The now empty glass falling with it.
“I am so sorry, Miss Y/L/N.” He picked up the glass, sitting it on the table before joining you in standing. Now he was stood, you could clearly see the dark tint of his cock straining against the constrictive fabric that was his dress pants. It sent a pulse of lust through your cunt.
“Duncan!” Hearing Annette voice her annoyance at her son for being so clumsy almost made you laugh. It was quite amusing seeing his mother reprimand him, being he was a grown man in his 40s.
“It’s okay, don’t worry. I-I’ll just go clean myself up in the bathroom. I don’t want to distract the meeting anymore than I already have.” You made eye contact with your father as he rubbed his temples.
He was annoyed at the scene you and Duncan had caused. You gave him an apologetic look, feeling bad for stressing him out even more than you already had with being late, but knowing it was technically Duncan’s fault and not yours.
“Please, let me help you clean up.” Duncan pushed his chair in, quickly grabbing some napkins off the table and resting his hand on your back to guide you towards the nearest bathroom, walking as fast as your weak legs would let him.
His hand stayed delicately placed on the small of your back, until you were out of the tables sight, at which point he took hold of your arm, clutching it like a vice as he dragged you through the bathroom door.
He locked the door behind him in preparation for what was to come. He needed to make sure nobody would be walking in on what he was about to do to you.
Looking back towards you, satisfied as ever now he had you alone, he waltzed on over, pinning you up against the counter with force. You could smell him on you again, same cologne from the night before. Dior, you guessed.
“You’re not very good at staying quiet, are you, Sweetheart?” He mused, hoisting you up onto the counter and forcefully cradling your face with both hands as he moved to kiss you deeply. His tongue ravenously re-familiarising itself with your mouth.
“You almost got us caught back there.” He spoke in between kisses. “Your poor, naive father, watching you. He was probably wondering why you kept squirming.” He voiced a dark giggle, moving down to suckle on your neck and push your skirt up your thighs.
“I almost got us caught? No. Y-you almost got us caught when you decided putting a second f-FUCK, finger into me whilst I was talking to him was a good idea!” You choked out, doing your best to fight through the pleasure of his lips finally grazing your skin as you watched him pull your panties down and slot them into his pants pocket.
“Awh poor baby. Did you not want your daddy knowing that you’re a greedy little slut for his new boss? Hm?” He admired the blossoming lavender and cherry bruises now forming on your neck as he teased, marvelling at the idea they could be noticed by your father once you finished.
He quickly opened his fly, pulling his dress pants and boxers down just enough that he could pump his cock in his hand. Gripping onto your hips for purchase, his fingers dug into you so viciously you could feel the marks he had left the night before. You knew after this, there would surely be more.
He thrust himself into you, earning a loud wail to fall from your lips. You arched your spine at the feeling of him pounding into you, making your head fall back against the mirror behind you. His hand shot up to the it as he gathered more speed, his pace growing far faster than you had anticipated.
“Was it too much for you? Taking my fingers in your cunt whilst you were trying oh so hard to concentrate? I almost made you cum on front of everyone.” You moaned out at his grotesque words, pulling your head up to rest your forehead on his shoulder.
“Answer me.” He pulled your chin up back to look at him, still pounding into you. The sound of your skin slapping against one another’s felt even louder in the small, tiled bathroom.
“Yes daddy! It was too much for me - AHH!!” You let yourself go limp against the mirror, giving yourself up to him entirely and wanting nothing more than for him to use you like his personal rag doll.
Your throat was growing hoarser with every squeal you made. Duncan had been fucking you ruthlessly for what felt like hours now, constantly changing his pace from calm to aggressive and back again. His lips were mouthing over your peaked nipples, tongue slathering trails of saliva across your skin and teeth scrapping over dozens of tiny goosebumps.
“Such a filthy, fucking whore for me.” Squeezing down on your neck with one hand he uses his other to slap you. His ringed hand coming down across your fleshy cheek with a loud crack.
You gasped out, shocked at this move and feeling reinvigorated by the suddenness of it. His abuse only made you more attracted to him, causing your cunt to puddle its juices around his cock.
Slowing his thrusts down to an almost complete halt, he grabbed your jaw, yanking your mouth open just enough that when he dripped his spit down you could catch it. You moaned at the filth of his actions, tasting the bourbon he had drank earlier at the bar.
Following the thick thread of salvia that connected the two of you to each other, he brought his face back down to yours, bringing your sloppy lips together. Never giving you the chance to close your mouth before he slid his tongue into it.
Your lips part, foreheads leaning on each other with eyes locked as you scream and moan at his brutal fucking. “Such a good girl.” He praised you.
“Thank you daddy!!” You cry out, feeling tears brimming in your eyes at the deepness of his cock. You knew he was going to be good when he first pushed you up again that door, but this was insane. You had never felt his turned on before. Loving being completely at his mercy, but receiving none.
He pulled out suddenly, wrapping his hands around your stomach and flipping you over to your front. You got the just of what he wanted and clambered onto your hands and knees for him. He pushed his cock back into your folds, hips ricocheting off your ass immediately.
He pulled at your hair, lifting you up to his chest as he gruffed and groaned. He was much larger than you, making it easy for him to pull your head back enough that he could see the expression on your lust enthralled face.
“Tell me what you want, baby.” He demands, spanking your ass cheek and twisting your hair around in his hand. His other hand moved to your gaping mouth, pushing two fingers inside so you taste the metallic bite of his silver band.
You gag as he fucks your mouth, mumbling around his fingers in a desperate attempt at begging him to allow you to cum. You were getting so close now. You guys had been going for so long and your impending release wasn’t going to wait much longer.
“Fuckk, don’t worry sweetheart. Daddy’s close too.” He took his fingers out of your mouth, bringing them down to your clit and swiping at it furiously. You could feel your own spit on his fingers as the coil in your stomach tightened.
“Ohh Daddy’s gonna come so deep inside you, little one.. would you like that?” His breathes were uneven. Thrusts uncontrolled and sloppy.
“Yes!! Fuck, fuck, FUCK Daddy I’m cumming!!” Your cunt pulsated around his shaft, squeezing his own orgasm out of him even sooner than he expected as you screamed. You could taste the saltiness of your own tears, them having run down your cheekbones and into your agape mouth.
His cum flooded your walls, filling you up with his hips pressed against yours as he enveloped you in an embrace from behind. He uttered out a shudder against your temple, his breathe feeling hot and damp on your skin.
He set you back down on the bed and pulled his softening shaft out of you, moving his large hands back to your hips as your own gave out and fell underneath you, pressing your face into the sheets. You eventually rolled over to lay on your back, wanting to let your aftershocks roll through your quivering limbs more comfortably.
He fell down onto the duvet next to you, propping himself up on his side slightly and pulling you closer to him so he could plant a kiss on your swollen lips. “You alright? I didn't hurt too bad now, did I?” He stroked your face, words alluring as ever now your resting bare bodies were tangled up together in a complete stand still.
“Nothing that I didn't enjoy, no.” You joked, lightly drawing intricate shapes on his arm with your fingertips, still harnessing the blemishing sting his ring had left under your cheekbone. “I’d say we're pretty well aquatinted now; wouldn’t you, Daddy?”
You could feel cool drips of perspiration slipping down your heated skin from your forehead to your collar bones and all you could do was hope they hadn't taken any of the concealer you had applied earlier this morning with them. You had needed to cover the bruise Duncan’s ring had so easily left on your cheek the night before, since you really didn't want your father or anyone else from work seeing it.
Duncan’s cock was curving in all the right places as he hammered into you. His pace and brutality showing you stars. He seemed even more confident than he did yesterday. Having had experience with you, he knew that you could take his most heinous savagery with delight and didn’t hold off one bit.
His huffs and groans were tantalising, growing louder and more uncontrolled as he fucked you into oblivion. His hand squeaked as it fell down the steamed mirror he leant on, leaving the glass behind you and finding its way to your jaw. He brought your face to his own and kissed you, loudly moaning into your open mouth.
You giggled through your mewls. “Mmm.. I thought I was the loud one, daddy.” You were amused that he had been teasing you so adamantly about the volume of your pleasure, when he was now the one making all the noise.
He paused, quirking an eyebrow at you before slamming his hips into you with a thrust so strong it made you practically scream out. “Oh, my apologises, sweetheart.” He smirked as he picked up his pace once more.
You wrapped your hands in his perfectly styled hair. You no longer cared who knew what was really happening in here, the thought didn’t even cross your mind. All you cared for was chasing your high. You rutted your hips on his and took his length entirely, feeling dangerously close to cumming.
“Fuckkk baby, daddy’s gonna cum okay?. Cum with me princess. Fall apart on my cock.” His unfocused thrusts had you coming undone in seconds. You held onto him tight, digging your nails into his shoulders and pulling at his curls as you cried out in ecstasy.
He shot his seed into you, feeling all his pent up frustrations from earlier at the table leave him as he pushed himself deep into your abused cunt. He didn’t even attempt to stifle his moans, too invested in finally receiving his release to realise just how loud he was being.
He rested his forehead on yours, your sweaty skin pressed against each other as you both attempted to catch your breathes after such a quick, ruthless fuck. You started laughing, finding it utterly ridiculous that you had spent the majority of a meeting you had been terrified for, getting fucked by your new boss (and the man you had fucked the night before) in a restaurant bathroom.
He joined in laughing, clearly finding humour within this strange situation too. Interrupting your laugh, he pushed his lips into yours, kissing you as if your lips were some kind of prize. You felt his cock slip from your cunt, his seed immediately spilling from it as you were left with a sudden, empty sensation.
He made quick work of zipping his pants back up and fastening his belt. You tugged your skirt back down to your thighs, being reminded of how Duncan had snatched your panties and stashed them in his pants pocket. You guessed you wouldn’t be getting them back anytime soon, which you were okay with, you just hoped nobody saw his remnants leaving you left the bathroom.
You flattened out your skirt and felt the wet sticky lemonade that still coated it. You had completely forgotten to clean it. “Fuck, my skirt's still sticky! Why would you order lemonade?” You whined; still mad he hadn’t just ordered some water.
Awaiting a reply, you turned to check your make up in the mirror. Luckily it was pretty light today, so it still looked good other than the bruise on your cheek now being slightly more obvious than before. What really concerned you was your neck. It was covered in every shade of purple and red you were aware existed. If your father and coworkers didn’t know what was going on from how weird you were being at the table before, or how long it had taken the two of you to finish in the bathroom, or the noises that were emitting from it, they would definitely know after seeing all the claims he had left on your skin.
“I’m sorry, I just didn’t think that spilt water would have been a good enough excuse to get you all alone in here.” He chuckled to himself, leaning over to rest his chin on your head and wrapping his arms around your waist as he joked over his mischievousness.
“But we should probably head back out there. I’m sure your father’s going to apprentice the beautiful mosaic I’ve painted across your neck” he kissed the bruises he spoke of as he watched you through the mirror.
You scoffed at him, gifting yourself one last look before completely giving up on finding a way you could make your face and neck appear more presentable for heading back to the table.
Duncan opened the bathroom door, nodding his head towards the hallway and waiting for you to hurry up and join him.
The two of you started walking back, your legs struggling to take your weight with how weak they had become. Your heels clicked along the floor, making you far more aware of how soon you would be sitting back down with everyone from work. Like a clock counting down to all the judgmental stares you would surly be receiving.
You kept your eyes trained on the floor as you took your seat at the table. Seths voice trailed off upon seeing the two of you sit down, leaving you both in the middle of an uncomfortable silence that felt near suffocating.
“What took so long!” You could hear the anger and perhaps embarrassment in Annettes voice as she whispered to Duncan. She looked towards you, glaring and scowling before retiring her vision back to him. She was probably hoping that what she assumed to have occurred hadn’t, but from the marks clearly decorating your neck, she would have known it to be true.
“Oh, we just couldn’t get the lemonade out of her skirt.” He tut as he spoke to his mother, smiling and playing off any obvious suspicions. “I’m sorry, really.” He placed a hand on her shoulder, dripping with a sincerity you knew to be false.
“So what was it we were discussing?” he speaks louder now, addressing the rest of the table.
“Uhh actually, I think we have a deal.” Seth replied, looking over at him and then the rest of the table. You heard your father mutter something in agreement, but it was meek. Quiet. He must have felt the awkward tension too. It was ripe in the air, like a shiver you couldn’t shake off. You didn't even want to look at him, knowing If anyone there felt most uncomfortable, it was him.
Saying their goodbyes and finishing up with any last details, everyone stood to shake hands and bid their farewells. You felt your fathers scowl as he came and stood beside you, but you didn't dare look at him. You were too ashamed to face him whilst still with your coworkers.
Duncan walked over to your father, looking more satisfied than ever with his eyes still focused on you as he thanked him for meeting and shook his hand firmly.
“It’s been a pleasure meeting you, Mr Y/L/N.” He let go of your fathers hand only to take a hold of yours. He grasped it delicately, a touch more gentle than he had ever shown you previously. Assuming he was trying you shake it, you were more than surprised when he raised it to his lips, kissing your rosey knuckles; still red from the tight grip you had, had on his hair earlier.
“I look forward to working with you in the future, Y/N.” He graced you with once last signature smirk as he walked away, leaving you with your father who was waiting for an explanation and apology for your disgusting and foolish behaviour.
Maybe it hadn’t been the worst way to spend lunch.
Tags: @sojournmichael @dark-mei-rose @ntxoza @angelicmichael @jimmason @michaellangdonstanaccount @blakescoven @7-wonders @ghostangels @fernfiction @brattylovee @melodylangdon @brooklinn13 @instincts-baby
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interact-if · 3 years
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Day 3 of A/PI Heritage Month featured authors interview! Please perceive... Jess!
Jess, author of A Bard's Tale
A/PI Heritage Month Featured Author
It takes place on the fictional continent of Amaran, a high fantasy setting based on Asian and Pacific Islander cultures as opposed to traditional Eurocentric high fantasy.
In the wake of a terrible war, you are a young bard just starting your journey. Will you answer the call to adventure and embark to rouse the sleeping gods?
Q1: First of all, introduce us to your project! What is it about?
A Bard’s Tale is a story about a bard, and about a few more bards, and a world that is still living in the wake of war and occupation.
More specifically, it is the story of a bard (you!) and your quest to wake Amaran’s sleeping gods. The Bard has been experiencing recurring dreams prior to the start of the story, calling them to the capital city of Mahar’il – where they meet a colorful cast of companions and take the first steps of their journey.
A Bard’s Tale mixes old faithful D&D/RPG elements with dating sim-esque romance, and doesn’t take itself too seriously. The result is some good, clean fun. (Or dirty, depending on your choices.)
Q2: If it’s not too spoilery, what are you most excited about your project?
(Future scenes, can’t wait for readers to get to xyz place in the plot, etc.etc.)
I am most excited for readers to take their first steps onto the road. Mahar’il is meant to be a “home,” of sorts, and so these first chapters are adamant about familiarizing the reader with the city and the people they can expect to find here. But Amaran is so much bigger. I’m excited for people to see some of the other cities and regions that they’ve been only briefly introduced to so far, and also to get cracking on the complicated dynamics of Aspen and Tempest.
Q3: What inspired the current project you’re working on?
I’ve been working and playing in the larger world of Valia for a long time – through homebrewing D&D campaigns, and through the novel I am also working on, which takes place a continent away and a few hundred years in the past.
A Bard’s Tale sprung from the thought of “What will this world look like when this is all over?” “How will these people start to heal?” And, of course, “If I wrote a dating sim, who are Amaran’s most eligible bachelor(ette)s?”
Q4: Do you pull from your own identity for inspiration? How has that been reflected in your work?
I do! I am a biracial Korean-American, and both my parents were also born in America. It comes with a lot of diaspora blues, which I try not to project onto my characters that live in a fictional high fantasy world where racism and borders don’t have to exist. I admit that it tends to project pretty heavily anyway on the half-elves, Edin and Han.
The influence from my cultural background will become more evident the farther from Mahar’il that we get – particularly in the Jinju and Kujaku regions, which are inspired by Joseon-era Korea. (Loosely, in Kujaku’s case.)
Mahar’il is a cultural melting pot, and my inspiration for it is actually, largely, San Francisco. I’ve always admired the architecture of SF, and how the juxtaposition of antique and modern, ethnic (particularly Asian) and American, creates a sort of chaotic harmony.
However, I feel that it is important to note that the perspective from which I write is that of an Asian-American, and not just an Asian. My story is not rooted in Asian mythology, nor does its structure reflect Asian media and literature, because my foundation is largely Western.
Q5: What’s been your experience so far? With writing, with the if community...
Writing has always been second nature to me. Translating that to game code has been a bit tricky but I manage. And if I get stuck, I’ve made plenty of friends in the IF community, both authors and readers, who are more than willing to lend a hand.
In terms of my readers, I feel so, so blessed by you guys. I started this for fun, truly, thinking no one would be willing to read such a niche story and certainly not clamor for more than a demo. The support I’ve gotten from the community has been astounding, and I’m truly grateful for it.
Q6: Finally, what piece of advice would you give to fellow authors?
My biggest advice is do what makes you happy, and write from your heart. Inspiration will not always be there when you want it to be, and that’s okay. Set out a pot of coffee and a nice inviting blanket for when that fickle mistress decides to appear. Don’t shy away from projects that aren’t capturing your attention, but don’t devote more time to them than you want to. No one is judging your pile of half-finished drafts, except yourself.
Go where the wind takes you, even if it’s not “profitable” or even “good,” because every minute that you spend writing makes you a better writer. And on that note, write write write. I don’t think you need to set a daily timer, or whatever Stephen King said in his self-help book, but if you make a habit of it you will see progress. And read read read. You can’t pour from an empty cup, so read voraciously – and take a scalpel to your favorite books. Learn from them, dissect them, understand what makes them tick and then sprinkle a little of that in your own work.
And finally, fix your sleep schedule. I know you need to.
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years
Chapter 9: Fried
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You groan as you look around your room, scattered paperwork and schoolwork all over the place. You have so much to do but you don’t know where to start. Out of frustration, you breakdown. Rice hears your sobs so he runs to you, and licks your arms. You take him into your arms, hugging him. He starts barking, worried about you.
“(Y/N), what’s wrong with Rice?” You hear Kita ask from outside of your room, causing you to cry harder.
The two of you haven’t been in touch lately since you’re trying so hard to distant yourself from him. You’ve always reasoned to him that you were busy, because you were, and you still are. But you’d be lying if you say that he isn’t one of the reasons of your breakdown.
You miss him so much. You want to cling to him like always. But you also seek reassurance from him. You need a label to your relationship. You’re afraid that he’s just leading you on because of his ex. What if he hasn’t moved on from her? Moving on from 7-year relationship is not easy, and from his friends’ words, he loved her a lot. Maybe he still loves her.
“I’m coming in,” Kita says and slides the door open. You grab a pillow and cover your face with it. You hear him sigh, and go around the room, probably picking up the pieces of paper. You feel him sit in front of you, so you jump in your mattress and hide under the blanket. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m just tired,” you say in between your sobs. Rice jumps on top of your covered face, making you pull the blanket down so the dog can see you. He gives you a puppy look, whimpering. You cry again, burying your face on Rice’s fur.
Kita stands from where he was sitting, then leaves the room. A few minutes later, he comes back with a tray of food. “Eat first, then get some rest.”
“I’m really fine,” you assure him, wiping the tears off your cheeks. He sets the tray down on the floor and you hold Rice tightly, not wanting him to devour the food. He takes a spoonful of rice with a piece of beef on top, then feeds you. “Thank you. I can feed myself.”
“No. It’s fine. You seem really busy nowadays. This is the least I can do.” He feeds you soup this time, which you reluctantly accept. You feel like you’re being babied and you feel a little bit of ease. “I know you have a lot on your plate right now, but you shouldn’t forget that you’re the most important dish on your plate.”
The metaphor he used makes you chuckle, completely stopping your eyes from tearing up. You nod enthusiastically, taking another spoonful of what he’s feeding you. The three of you stay silent as he feeds you and sometimes Rice. The silence is comforting. You can even say that it’s helping calm you down.
Finally finishing your dinner, Kita tucks you in bed. “Rice, let’s get out. Let your mom rest.” Kita orders the dog, but you and your furry son look up to him with pleading eyes, begging him to let Rice stay in your room. “Fine. Just for tonight.” Kita gives in, ruffling the tops of your heads.
Kita heads to the kitchen to the kitchen, leaving the dishes by the sink. He takes a seat on one of the cushions, then says his thanks before he starts eating. It has been exactly 10 days. 10 days since he last ate dinner with you. If it weren’t for Rice, he would have eaten alone.
Knowing that you’re busy, Kita doesn’t push you to eat dinner with him. He sometimes feels lonely, but you should prioritize your work. He admits that he misses you clinging to him and you annoying him every chance you get. He wants to tell you that he wants to share your burden with you, but it seems like you don’t give him the chance to talk.
Kita isn’t stupid. Aside from your busyness with the shelter and school, he’s aware that you’re avoiding him. You aren’t so subtle about it. Who stays at school until midnight? He also knows you’re purposely coming home after his bedtime. He waits for you every night just to make sure you come home safe.
Confusion is what he feels. He knows what you’re doing, but he doesn’t understand why you’re doing it.
After eating, Kita does the dishes then heads to your room. He checks you and Rice, and the two of you are sleeping soundly. He picks up your schoolwork, then decides to do them for you. It’s a little thing he can do to help you ease your stress.
“I’ll start with this,” Kita quietly says, taking your worksheet for Engineering Math. He takes his phone out and looks for a Youtube tutorial on how to do the topic you’re assigned to.
The next morning, you wake up without Rice around anymore. “He and Kita must have gone to the fields already.” You stretch your arms and see your schoolwork and paperwork arranged and in order. A note is on top of your binder so you read it.
I finished doing your tasks for school. I also wrote some notes for your Systems Software class. I read that you have a test on it. I’ve also highlighted important notes in your other classes in case you have a surprise quiz.
Don’t forget to eat breakfast. I prepared a bento box for your lunch. Make you eat it. I will check later. Take a break, too. Stop overworking yourself. If you need help, I’m just there.
Rice and I are off to work. I hope to see you at dinner.
I miss you.
- Shinsuke
Tears come out of your eyes as you read his note. “What am I even doing? Why am I aimlessly avoiding him? He must have spent all night doing these.” You take your phone to check the time and you see that it’s almost lunch, which means all your morning classes are finished. “Kita is going to kill me.”
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After a long day at school, you head home. You look for an easy recipe online, in hopes that you can make a decent dish for Kita. It’s your first cooking. You don’t even know why you thought of making him dinner as an apology gift. The kitchen is one of the places you’re forbidden to go to but here you are.
“Is 2 tablespoon really enough?” You ask yourself. You shrug, then pour more soy sauce. You forget about the recipe and make the dish using your instinct. If it’s meant to taste good, it’ll taste good.
“I’m home!” You hear Kita from the front door. Rice comes running to you at the kitchen, excitedly jumping on your legs.
“Hello, little boy. How was the fields today? Did you miss mom?” You coo at him, lifting him from the ground.
“You’re actually here,” you hear Kita say, making you look up towards him. Putting Rice down, you go to him. You wrap your arms around his waist, smiling at him with your signature grin. He missed that smile.
“Well, of course, baby. You said you miss me so I’m here,” you tell him, snuggling your face on his chest.
Kita hugs you back, placing his chin on your shoulder. The two of you stand like that for a minute. You realized that last night, it wasn’t the silence that was comforting you. It was Kita. His presence is enough to make you feel less stressed. He gives you a light squeeze before pulling away from you. You look up to him and see that his eyes are on the dining table.
“I made dinner. Look at my rice! It’s perfect!” You proudly say, pulling him to the dining area. He stares at the food you made, and you nervously wait for his comment. He takes a spoon and tastes the supposedly curry dish. “How does it taste?”
Kita doesn’t answer you but looks at you emotionlessly. “It doesn’t taste that bad. It’s edible.” You sulk but start eating anyway. “How was your quiz?”
“I got a perfect score thanks to your notes. You’re really smart! Were you in the top of your class in high school?” You compliment him.
“I had a scholarship,” Kita answers and your jaw drops. How can he be so perfect at everything? He’s athletic, he’s handsome, he’s talented, he’s smart, he’s well-mannered, his soft spoken. He has probably not sin. But he has to be bad at something. But what? Is he a virgin? Is he bad in bed? He seems like the type to wait after marriage. So you’ll have to marry him to find out. Your cheeks heat up just from the thought.
Due to your daydreaming, you don’t hear Kita talking. “Hmmm? What did you say baby?”
“I said I like my eggs fried in the morning,” he repeats in his usual nonchalant voice. His words cause you to short circuit, unsure of what you heard.
“Why are you suddenly saying that?” You hide your face in embarrassment, flustered by his words. Rice is at side, staring at you as if he’s judging you. He probably is.
“You asked 3 months ago,” Kita explains, eating as if didn’t say anything.
“I know I did! But why say it now?” You glare at him. He puts his chopsticks down and bore his eyes at yours.
“Because I like you back now.”
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Resting is very very important. No matter how busy you are, please spare some time to rest. Staying hydrated is as important. Don’t forget to drink your liquids. <3
Sleep is important in processing and committing new information to memory through a process known as memory consolidation. So pulling an all-nighter for a quiz isn’t really the best thing to do.
Sleep is important to overall well-being and mood. Sleep deprivation can often cause irritability, impatience, inability to concentrate, and moodiness.
Rest does not only involve physical relaxation, but mental as well. Mental exertion can also affect your body’s ability to cope or keep up and can cause you to feel overwhelmed and physically exhausted.
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sourstars · 3 years
a love-filled sky
Tokoyami will always indulge in your curiosity.
navi / masterlist
tag list: @http-worm @daicrie @skiinnyankles @sincerelykore @x-ia-n please click this to join the tag list! <3
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WRITTEN TO: 26 by paramore
AUTHOR’S NOTE: fun fact; i couldn’t sleep and so i wrote this @ 3AM
PAIRING: Tokoyami Fumikage x gn!reader
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If he asked what about him you loved the most, you’d tell him it was his heart.
Tokoyami doesn’t judge you for your nature, or the things you feel. He doesn’t laugh when you ask him ridiculous questions or your beliefs that spirit from those questions. Instead, he feeds into your wonder, and when one question is answered, he entertains the mystery of the others.
And Dark Shadow, well, he’s always a delight, too. Unfortunately for you, today he was too tired to join in on the conversation, but that’s okay, you could always bug him about the stories of shadows later.
“How do you think the sky came to be?” He asks you, and he leans back onto the picnic blanket he laid on the grass, letting his hands support the back of his head as he watches the clouds, “Sometimes I think it was magic,”
“Oh! It could be! Like some strong phenomenon just made the sky exist!” Your grin is blinding, eyes lit up with endless ideas, and you flop into a spot next to him, lying on your stomach as your arms stretch as far as they can in front of you.
The sigh that leaves you is an ache too deeply buried into your core, and for a moment you wonder if you’ll ever uncover it, but that’s a curiosity for another day. Right now, you have one already in front of you.
“I think...” you scrunch up your face to ponder before you roll onto your back, bumping into his side firmly and making him flinch in the process, “I think it’s love.”
Tokoyami stares at you, and you’re sure you can hear the gears in his head turning before he blinks a couple of times and sighs in defeat. “Love? I... regrettably, don’t know what you mean,”
Birds hold the one thing people spend their entire lives looking for.
And you merely pay his chest excitedly, letting the butterflies within you run rampant through your ribs momentarily before you continue.
“I think someone loved so much that the only place it fit was the sky!”
He hums, glancing at you as you slowly begin to curl into his side, his eyes crinkling in endearment, “You think so?”
“Yeah,” You mutter, and you place your head on his chest before you lean back to make eye contact with him, a new warmth overtaking you, “I think they loved so greatly that it became something other people could love, too.”
Birds have freedom.
He stalls, his face going slack, and a minute passes before he lets out a surprised huh and huffs out a gentle laugh, “You know what? You’re right.”
They remain true to themselves.
“Really? Well, in that case, what’s your opinion on...”
A day with Tokoyami is a day of magic. He is the other side of science, the less appreciated one, with empty and yet endless answers, and while you can’t control the discoveries he gives you, you do know they feel absolutely astounding.
He likes to think you are the same.
I will love you as deep as the sky is wide, you think, and then, even more.
And every moment you look at him, that enchantment he’s cast on your heart only strengthens, and you think perhaps falling under his spell isn’t so bad.
After all, he’s taught you magic, why not embrace the wonder of all things that come with it?
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reblogs are appreciated!!
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mayansmcsblog · 3 years
the prank war has began
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sooooo i saw this gif and instantly got an idea but as i wrote it, the idea completely changed and somehow it turned into this.
there is a ton of swearing😂
credit to @thedevilsmoonshine​​ for the gif!
thanks to @withmyteeth​ for helping me with some ideas of what to add in.
this is the first time I've wrote anything in years and the first time I'm ever publishing my work. sorry in advance for any spelling mistakes
A persistent ringing was what woke you up at 2am for the 3rd time this week. You already knew who it was, let's face it who else would be calling at 2am other than him? Opening your eyes you rolled onto your back, staring at the ceiling debating if you should let it ring out or answer
What if he’s hurt? No, that would have happened during the day not in the middle of the night Maybe he just needed someone to talk to? That was the likely option.
 You and bishop always had a ‘vibe’ as some people said. You were friends for a few months before he introduced you to the mc, of course it was a shock at first but after a month it slowly became your life. All the parties? you were there. Club events? You were there.
Overtime you and bishop had gotten closer, he would come over to your place all the time, announced or not.
he would come over in the dead of the night when his mind got too loud ,When he needed someone to talk to ,When he simply wanted the company of a friend that did not judge him for the things he did for the mc. He would come over any opportunity he got.
You could swear he was at your place more than he was his own Most of the time he would spend a few weeks at yours, only going back to his to get clothes.
Over the course of the last 6 months you and him had gotten a lot closer, he spent the night a lot, his stuff is all over the place but you two aren't dating , you didn't have any type of label. Why? You couldn't be sure. Most people assumed you two were dating but they were wrong. You two did everything normal couples would yet- you had no label. you were never his girlfriend and he was never your boyfriend.
Taking a deep breath you reached to your bedside table and grabbed your phone but as you could pick it up, it stopped ringing.
That’s not a bad thing right? Maybe he didn’t want to wake you up. Before you could set it back down you reserved a text, scrolling down your notification panel you read it;
📲: Bishop 🖤
You up?
Two words. That’s it just two short words.
Should you ignore it? Yeah, that's probably the best option. Did you want to ignore it? No
Another ping brought you out of your thoughts
The guys are being children and I could either use some help over here or a way out😂please tell me you're awake and not just reading this from your notifications and watching Netflix again.
he knows you too well. Being a night owl you normally go to sleep around 3am, maybe 2am if you have work the next day. Normally you would just ignore bishop till the next morning but somehow he always knew when you ignored him and when you were actually sleeping.
Taking a look at your notifications again you saw you had a lot for snapchat, a  few from Coco, a few from Angel along with one single snap from Gilly.
Looks like the trio is having fun.
Opening bishop’s texts you finally reply;
📱: I’m awake just debating on if I should open all the snaps I have from the trio and reply to a seemingly annoyed jefe.
Almost immediately you got a response
Ha-ha very funny. Come and sort your boys out, they are messing with that shitty ass car again, trying to do something with the engine
📱: my boys? You're their president, you sort them out. What makes you think they listen to me🤧?
📲: Bishop🖤
They actually like you😂they will listen
📱: keep telling yourself that, they only listen to me when I’m getting them food
That counts as listening
📱: whatever
Locking your phone you got up out of bed knowing there was a slim chance you would go back to bed till the early hours now that you were awake. 
Putting on a pair of shorts and a shirt you got your phone and went to the kitchen, deciding to get on a bottle of water and find some shitty Netflix show you wouldn’t even pay attention to
Grabbing a bottle from the fridge you heard your phone vibrate on the counter. Pulling down the notification panel once again you saw it was a text from Ez
📲; smart ass😂📚
Please come and get these children, I can't deal with them anymore
Okay something is seriously going on here.
Face timing Ez you set the phone back on the counter, moving towards the window to open it and let the cool air flow thru the room
Within seconds he accepted and his voice came over the speakers
"Ayyy y/n where you at? Come get the children. Me and bishop are going crazy over here" you could hear a hint of playfulness in his voice 
Picking up your phone you saw he was sitting on the steps outside the club, his phone in his hand angled so you could just see the side of his head while he was looking at something in the distance. 
"I'm at home like all of you should be by now, leave the children alone to play. Are they hurting anyone?" you said as  you headed towards the front room and sat on the sofa
"Not yet"
You could hear cursing being thrown around by numerous people in the background along with the clacking on metal and rock music in the distance.
"Yet?" You questioned
"Yeah, I mean other than themselves" he laughed
"Of course"
There was a few beats of silence before you heard Coco shouting
"Boy Scout! Who’s that eh? You got you another girl?" By his tone you could tell he was definitely high
"No it's y/n dumbass" he responded, turning the phone so you could see Coco walking towards him.
"Ohhh damn I thought you was about to get some man" by now Coco had took over the whole screen "heyyyy y/n what you doinnnnn"
"I’m about to hang up on your dumbass"
"No, no, no don’t do that" taking the phone off Ez he stood up "that’s not nice is it"
You could hear Ez asking where he was going with his phone and be replied with a simple "shhhh" as he walked back to where he originally came from
"Want to see something funny?" He said. You weren't sure if that meant he was going to show you Angel tied to a chair again or Gilly attempting a backflip.
Both are amusing but it's doubtful it would happen three times....
"Did you tie Angel to a chair again? What did I tell you about playing nice hmm?" You put on the most sarcastic voice you could
"Ha funny and no...We couldn't find and ropes"
That made you laugh way more than it should have because you knew that Bishop had hid them in the meeting room and under Ez's trailor after the last time they guys got drunk and thought it was a good idea to put rope all over the place like an obstacle course
"Coco you're gonna kill someone at this rate”
"Hush ight? Jesus be quite ino want em to know your here"
"Okay?" Putting yourself on mute you could hear Angels voice in the background along with Gillys and bishops
"Listen," Angel said , slapping something metallic, clearly as high as Coco was and seemingly having one of his 'genius idea' moments
"OI dumbass listen to meeeee" he said again
"What?" Gilly responded along with a sound of something metal hitting the ground "dammit Angel you made me loose the fucking 10mm socket again"
The camera was still pointed at Coco’s shoulder as he walked over
"Boys, boys, boys" damn he sounded like a child "what would you say if I told you I could get y/n  to being us food"
You audible groaned as he suggested that, there was no way you was going to get them food this late at night.
You heard both Gilly and Angel say "what" then "tell her to get McDonalds" or "let’s get subway" by they were quickly cut off
"Oi children! Stop it, it's  2:30 in the morning, leave her alone '' bishops' voice was closer than you expected. He was probably sitting in the garage with the others observing what they are doing and making sure they don’t kill each other
You couldn’t help but unmute yourself
"Sorry Obispo but the children need their food" your tone was playful, kind of, half of you was saying it just to annoy him, the other half was wanting to see his reaction
"Gimme that phone" within seconds Coco was gone from the screen and Bishop was in the frame 
"So this is why you haven't replied to me hmm?" You couldn’t tell if he was serious or playful
You hadn't missed his text? He never responded to you right?
"Hold that thought" you pulled down the notification panel and saw he did text you.
I’m kicking these guys out in a few minutes
📲: Bishop🖤
I’m giving them 3 more minutes till I kick them out.
📲: Bishop🖤
Can I come over if it's not too late after these children leave? "
"Oh, sorry I was busy talking to Ez and then being stolen by Coco" 
"Nah you were just ignoring me wasn’t you?" He responded
"No totally not"
"Sure I totally believe you" he laughed
"I think Ez might want his phone back"
"Wow, nice to see you like speaking to me"
"Well then why don't you call me instead? At least smart ass wanted to talk to me, even if it was about the children of the mc"
The line went silent for a moment. All you could hear was the guys cursing about finding the 10m socket and the sound of bishop walking.
"Okay, I’ll be back in like 20 minutes" with that the line went dead, he didn’t even give you time to respond
 Wow he deadass hung up on me, how mature.
Maybe it was time you opened those snaps. What else did you have to do?
Opening snap chat you saw there was a purple bubble next to Coco, a red bubble next to Angel and a blue bubble next to Gilly.
You opened Gilly's first
"What time does McDonald’s close?"
Followed by
"Nvm its 24 hours isn’t it😂😂"
You quickly replied "dumbass" and moved onto Angel’s chat.
Opening the snap it was a picture of Coco, Gilly and creeper sitting opposite him, beers in hand, while seemingly talking along with the caption
"Come party with us"
Skipping past the snap you was presented with another one, this time a video where Coco was sitting on the roof of a car while Gilly was attempting to push it
"C’mon man it's not that hard" Coco said
"Yeah man come on" Angel said from behind the camera
"Shut up before I make you do this" Gilly responded
What the hell have these guys been up to all night?
The snaps just got worse from there. 
Coco’s was full of them doing random stuff, throwing things at each other and even them sitting on Ez trailer roof? How did they even get up there, and how did it not break?
One of them definitely stood out from the others. It seemed like someone else was filming on his phone while Coco was trying to rip off a car door by the handle but it snapped off, sending Coco across the garage and into the wall while Gilly, Ez and Angel laughed at him
His only response was a simple "okay you mother fucker this is war" followed by his practically running like a horse in battle towards the door kicking it resulting in a bent. Unfortunately that's where the snap ended.
Is this what they had been up to? No wonder bishop wanted out.
When the cascade of snaps finished you saw there was still a blue bubble next to Coco's name, clicking on it you could see it was a video around 3 minutes long. 
You saw part of it was what you had already seen. Coco trying to pull the door, being flung into a wall, the guys laughing along with Coco kicking the door once again except this time it didn’t end when he kicked the door.
"Bro you’re not doing it hard enough" Angel stated while moving Coco out of the way
"Look you gotta-" he kicked the base of the door "-start from the bottom-'' he kicked it again causing the bottom to cave in slightly "-see? It's easy"
"Shut up man I’m stronger than you let me do it" Coco pushed Angel out of the way
"No" Angel responded, pushing coco slightly
"Yes" Coco pushed back
"No" Angel pushed again
This went on for a few moments before Gilly set the camera down on some type of surface before walking over to them
"Yo I'm stronger then both of you let me do it"
Coco stopped pushing Angel and turned to Gilly "Nah man you will steal all the shit and run off again like last time"
"Shut up man"
All three of the men were too busy arguing to notice Ezekiel had come into the garage in search of something
"Why the fuck are you guys arguing?"
All of them spoke at the same time
"Coco is sayin he’s stronger than me"
"They are children!"
"Angels tryna be a smart ass"
"You guys are fucking stupid" Ez moved towards where the phone was but didn't pick it up, rather opening the draw of the desk that was below it and picking something up, as he pulled back you could see he was holding some keys.
"Move“ He pushed Angel out the way of the door and unlocked it, grabbing a duffle bag out of the back seat, handing it to Coco
All of the guys stood in a state of shock. Coco was the first to speak
"Why the fuck didn’t you tell us there was keys!" He exclaimed
"Because watching you guys be idiots and is fun to see you struggle"
"I swear to God I’m going to say no on your patch vote" Gilly butted into the conversation.
Ez just laughed as he walked away, the video ended shortly after all three of them cussed.
Shaking your head you laughed, of course they are dumb enough not to look for keys.
You quickly texted Coco
"You guys are dumb as shirtttt, you’re lucky Ez is around to help your dumbass's. Did the door not want to play nice hmm? Did you put a dent in the wall again with your fat ass? What was so important in that bag?"
Checking the time you saw it was 2:45
Thank god it's a Saturday tomorrow.
Setting your phone on the coffee table you realized you never put the TV on when you sat down, you were obviously too distanced by FaceTime, meaning you were sitting in silence.
Was silence a bad thing? No
Was it somehow deafening? Yeah
Grabbing the remote you turned on the TV, quickly going to Netflix in an attempt to find something decent to watch.
Your watch list was full of horror movies and crime documentaries. Definitely not the best thing to watch on your own. There were a few suspense movies on there but none of them seemed to interest you.
Going to the movie section you passed almost every more option from horror to romance to action because nothing grabbed your attention or seemed interesting.
Going back to the home page you looked at the screen for a few minutes
Was it even worth putting something on? It was almost 3am after all.
Grabbing your phone you decided to scroll through Instagram.
After a few minutes bishop’s name appeared, taking over your screen with an incoming FaceTime.
Accepting the call you were immediately greeted with the site of his kutte, followed by him putting his helmet on. By the angle you could tell his phone was resting between his handlebars and the fuel tank.
"I take it you're still awake then" he wasn’t looking at the screen. Rather he was looking in the distance just above his phone
The background suddenly filled with the sound of bike engines. He seemed to say something but it was overpowered by bikes, so you didn't hear what he said. His bike wasn’t turned on yet because the phone wasn't vibrating.
Suddenly Bishop reached his arm out to someone just out of frame and you saw him lift upwards off the seat slightly, someone’s hand patted his shoulder blade.
By the look of the tattoo on the wrist you could tell it was Coco.
Looking away from your phone you looked back up at the TV. You could still hear engines coming from your phone but now it sounded like 3 of them.
Almost simultaneously they all revved before pulling off. The sound slowly faded out as they got further out the compound.
You were still looking at the TV, you decided to look at the top 10 of the day, maybe there was something good on there.
The Meg
Reading the description it actually seemed like a good movie. Putting it on you set the remote down and looked back at your phone
This time bishop wasn’t in the frame at all. Rather you could just see the length of his bike and the wall behind where it was parked.
Where did he go?
Your question was quickly answered when he picked up the phone.
By the sound of the wind you could tell he was jogging somewhere. The phone was at his side facing outwards, you could see him approaching the steps to the clubhouse. He quickly went up them and opened the door
"Prospect!" He shouted "make sure you lock up, I’m heading out"
You could hear Ez reply with a quick "okay" from somewhere in the back
He picked up his phone so you could see his face. unlike before, you took the time to actually take in his appearance 
His eyes looked tired, his beard was longer than it usually is, he looked...well, you couldn’t describe it. He just didn’t seem himself.
You were too busy looking at him to realize he asked you a question
"Did you not hear me?"
"Oh- no sorry I turned my volume down because of the bikes"
"Oh" he paused "I asked if your door was open"
You looked at the screen for a second
He placed his phone back on the fuel tank and straddled his bike
"I said, is your door open. You know like your front door.....to your house" he repeated, grabbing his helmet, he must have taken it off while you were looking at the TV, once again he was fastening the buckle.
"No? Why?"
"Do you want to unlock it?" you could see him kick the stand of the bike up by the way his leg moved.
"Why?" You asked he looked at the screen for a few seconds before laughing at the way your face changed as you realized what he meant
"Obispo are you inviting yourself over once again?" You questioned
"What if I don't let you in?" You challenged. Of course you would let him in but sometimes it was fun to mess with him
"What if I climb through a window?" He said, pulling a cigarette out his pocket and lighting it
"Okay now that's just creepy" you laughed. He shook his head as he blew out the smoke from his lungs
"So? Can I come over or not?"
Looking around your front room you saw it was a little messy but you could easily clean it up within 5 minutes.
"See you in 20 querida" he winked as he started the bike before ending the call.
You finished cleaning the front room, kitchen and your bedroom up within 10 minutes
Checking the fridge you saw that there were only 4 beers left, taking a mental note to get more the next time you go shopping.
Sitting back on the sofa you realized you had missed around half of the movie.
Pointless watching it now
You knew by bishop coming over there was a good chance you two would be awake till 4am talking about random stuff and watching something on Netflix or playing some type of game.
You also knew he liked action movies so you went to that section in search of one that sounded entertaining 
The platform ~ that didn’t sound so bad right?
Watching the preview, you became interested and wanted to watch it, forget Bishop you can watch it on your own.
"The ones above, the ones below and the one before" the voice of a man came over your speakers, he sounded young but old simultaneously.
You had just got past the introduction when you heard the rumble of a bike in the distance. For a moment you wondered if it was off the TV but as it got louder you realized it was bishop.
Getting up from the sofa you walked towards the door.
You set your hand on the door handle for what seemed like hours as you waited for him to pull up outside. Did you normally meet him at the door? Nope. Most of the time he would invite himself over and just sit down on the sofa with you for hours.
Sometimes you two spoke the whole time he was over until you both went to bed, other times you would sit in a comfortable silence- just happy to me in one another's presence.
You heard the engine cut off just beyond the door. You counted to three before unlocking it, as you did you saw Bishop was parked on the curb, still sitting on his bike while setting the helmet on the handlebars. He was yet to notice you standing at the door.
Taking a cigarette out his pocket he turned towards the street, looking at the houses to see if your neighbor's were awake, you had no idea why he did it but every time he pulled up, whether it was in a car or on his bike he always seemed to look at the neighboring houses.
He lit the cigarette, back still turned to you as he looked down the street. Leaning against the door frame you looked him over you could see that his posture was slouched indicating he was tired, he still had one hand resting on the handlebars almost like he wasn't just looking down the street but also trying to crack his back. The other hand was on the cigarette in his mouth, even from the distance from the doorway to the curb where he parked. You could see his leg was bouncing and so was his hand slightly, now that definitely wasn't normal.
 As he exhaled the smoke he turned around towards your house, jumping slightly when he saw you standing at the door. He seemed to compose himself as he took the keys out of the bike and stood up, walking towards you, his head bowed slightly as he tossed the cigarette onto the food
“I hope you are going to pick that up” you said 
“I will” he looked up at you, he was just beyond the porch steps. His eyes looked tired, there were clearly bags underneath them. He was definitely tired- if you knew anything about him ,he probably hasn't slept for a few days, and if he did it was for a short time
“You look tired”
“So do you” he cracked a small smile, by now he was standing in front of you
“Maybe because someone woke me up at 2 in the morning then I had to deal with grown ass men asking me to bring them food then suddenly someone decided to invite themselves over?”
“In my defense i thought you were still awake and the children wasn't my fault” 
You laughed as you moved away from the door frame and towards the kitchen “just come i stupid before i lock you out”
“Ouch that's harsh” he put a hand over his heart “that insult really hurt” he walked threw the door and shut it behind him, hanging his kutte up on the coat hook in the hallway along with his jacket
“Stop being a wimp” 
You heard him move into the front room and sit on the couch.
“Want a beer?” you asked as you went in the fridge for another bottle of water
"Yeah- what's this?" He questioned
“What's what?”
”On the TV dumbass” 
Walking back into the front room you saw he had his hand behind his head, his phone was on the table along with his keys.
“Oh, the platform. It seemed interesting so I started watching and only someone distracted me” you said as you handed him the beer and sat on the sofa, leaving some space between you and him.
“What's it about?”
“Not too sure something along the lines of some type of prison system where the food is on a moving platform, I only just started it”
“Hmm” grabbing the remote he pressed play while sipping his beer.
You two sat in comfortable silence while watching the movie but every so often you would look over at bishop, partly to make sure he wasn't asleep and partly to see if he was okay.
Over the time span of 30 minutes you noticed he wasn't watching the movie, rather he was looking at the wall clearly spaced out somewhere in his own mind. He was sitting so his right elbow was on the arm rest and his right hand in his mustache, messing the hair lightly. He always did that when he was thinking about something. His other hand was resting in his lap holding the beer you gave him.
“Bishop?” you waited a few moments but he didn't respond “Bishop'' you repeated, still no reaction. Taking the beer from his hand you set it on the table, putting your hands on his cheeks you turned his face toward you “bishop”
“Hmm?” he finally looked at you. Removing your hands from his face you looked him in the eyes
“What's wrong?”
“Nothing” he said shaking his his head
“Don't lie to me” your tone came out harsher than you intended he raised his eyebrows at you
“sorry didn't mean to sound like i was being mean” you pulled away slightly with the intention of going back to where you originally sat but that idea was quickly thrown out the window when he grabbed your torso and practically picked you up, sitting you on his lap. He put his head in the space between your shoulder and neck while rubbing his hands down your back
“What's wrong Obispo?” you asked once again, putting your hand in his hair, playing with it slightly.
“I'm just stressed” his voice was muffled as he spoke into your shouder
“Everything” he moved his head so he was looking up at you “the stuff with Marcus leaving, the mc as a whole with the guys turning against each other ,all the shit going on with other clubs. Everything is just a mess and it's stressing me out” he explained. You kept on hand playing with his hair while the other went to his cheek
“Can you do anything about it?” you asked, he cocked his head to the side slightly clearly not understanding what you meant ”can you do anything about that stuff?” he looked at you for a moment before shrugging his shoulders
you continued “Marcus made his own mind up, you can't do anything there. The mc always sorts itself out, members fight, it's normal, you of all people should know what.” you explained while using your thumb trace the lines across his face caused by the lack of sleep
“Yeah, i guess you're right” he leaned up and kissed you softly “I have to say, I'm a president of a fucking mc and yet your smarter then me”
“I'm not smarter than you, I just look at what's happening and think about in the moment, where as you” you poked his chest lightly “ seem to think its a good idea to overthink stuff and look at consequences a year in advance that will probably never happen” He hummed in response before putting his head back into your neck
“Can i ask you something?” you asked
“You just did”
“Very funny” you moved to get out of his lap but was quickie pulled back down
“What was the question?”
”What the hell was in the duffle bag? coco sent me the video them trying to get it and it seemed like they really wanted it”
“Oh” bishop almost immediately started laughing to the point his whole body shook and his head was thrown back.
“Tell me stoopid” you slapped his chest slightly, playing with his shirt
“Well you see- me and Ez thought it would be funny to lock it in a car that needed scraping while they were getting high and then tell them the doors didn't work to see how long it would take for them to it but Gilly ended up pushing it from the front by the fighting cage to the garage” he managed to get out
“That didn't answer my-”
“Just wait” he cut you off “neither me or Ez knew what was in it but those three are too stupid to just break a window so they were attempting to get it for a good 20 minutes before Ez opened the door and got it out” he explained still laughing slightly “turn out it was just full of junk food and snacks they brought to eat once they get hungry later ”
“You two are evil”
“No we was having fun” he laughed
Just as bishop was about the respond his phone started to ring, you moved out his lap and sat back on the couch while he get up and went out the back to answer it.
looking at the tv you realized the film wasn't interesting you at all. Grabbing you phone you saw you had a snap from coco and one from angel 
what did they do now?
opening the app you clicked on to yours and Angels chat only to find a simple text
“if coco send you a video, delete it”
“why” you replied before swiping off the chat and going onto Coco's. inevitably you where present with a video and a chat 
“Pease, please watch this it will be the best favor you ever do for me 🙏🏽”
your curiosity got the better of you, clicking on the video you immediately recognized the place.it was Angels front room. Gilly was chuckling lowkey behind the camera while coco was next to the door on a stool with a bucket in his hands while laughing. The camera panned down to show Gilly holding a bag of flour, now you could only assume that the bucket was full of water 
surely this couldn't end good
within a few seconds the door opened and angel walked in, coco immediately reacted throwing the contents of the bucket on top of his head while Gilly threw the flour over him.
Angel immediately froze, his face going into a startled expression followed by on of anger. Shutting the door behind him he shook of the excess flour before locking the door.
Gilly and Coco where in hysterics as Angel turned towards Coco and lunged for him, coco had a quick reaction and ran towards the backdoor , only to find it locked 
“fuck” he cursed looking for ways to escape, looking at the kitchen window he seemed to weight out his chances. by now Angels attention had gone towards Gilly who was still stood in the same place laughing. Angel lunged for him, tackling him to the ground while coco grab the phone from Gillys hand and made a run for the kitchen.
There was a lot of laughing from Gilly and shuffling in the background along with Angel cussing him out , then there was a bunch of laughing from them both of them but you could make out Angel saying “you think that shits funny huh?” “watch me key your bike” “ I'm gonna get you back so hard man
suddenly the phone was tossed out the kitchen window, shortly after you could see coco's head and body slowly emerging from the kitchen window. after a few seconds he finally managed to crawl out. picking up the phone he began to jog down the front yard 
“ha bitchesss I'm freeeee!”he exclaimed “the one time being skinny pays off”
in the background you hear a door unlock followed by Angel shouting “run bitch cuz I'm fucking coming for you”
then the video cut off
you where sat on the sofa crying from laughing so hard you quickly saved the video and texted coco back
“that is the best thing I've seen in months😂”
just as you started to calm down you started to hear bishop laughing from outside the backdoor. almost imminently he walked threw the back door in hysterics 
“did you-did you see-” he could barely talk in-between laughing 
“did i see the video?” 
“yes i saw it” you laughed
taking his phone he turned it towards you, it was a FaceTime from angel covered in flour, his beard was a littler of loose flour and a clumpy mess of flour and water. you couldn't help by laugh at his serious expression
“not funny y/n” he said clearly angry. in the background you could hear Coco and Gilly laughing
“you watched the video didn't you” it wasn't a question rather a statement 
“yeah” you replied still laughing 
“fuck sakeeee” suddenly he cut the call of cause both you and bishop to laugh even harder
so yh this was men to be a fluff with bishop but i got distracted and it just kind of turned into the start of a prank war between Coco, Angle and Gilly.
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marvelbbyx · 3 years
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Can I Be Him? (Carol Danvers x Fem! Reader) Part two!
Summary: You and Carol have been the best of friends for years and years, to you it’s simply platonic. Whereas for Carol, she tortures herself constantly pining after you. The situation only gets worse when you get engaged to your boyfriend of three years and Carol has to leave for a mission (that could more or less take her six years to get back from).
The day before Carol has to leave, she admits her feelings for you, giving you two choices: to leave him and go with her or stay with him and get married.
Who will you choose and what will be your outcome?
Author’s Note: Second part to Can I be Him? You guys seemed to really like it as much as I did, so thank you all! And enjoy!!
Warnings! ANGST
“Hey, Kevin,” Carol greeted bitterly.
“Carol? Oh, I didn’t know you were here,” Kevin comes into sight, a puzzled expression on his face when he sees both of you with tearful eyes.
“I was just leaving,” She replies dryly, moving towards the door and pausing near Kevin. “Congrats on your engagement, I’m sure you’re both very happy.” She stole a passing at you before walking out the door.
“Hold on,” You say to Kevin as you followed Carol out the door, closing it securely once you were in the hallway. Carol had made it down two flights before you shouted her name. “Carol! Carol, wait!” She stops mid-step and looks up at you as you descend the two flights. “Don’t walk away from me, not like this...”
“What’d you expect me to do, stay? Stay and watch you move on with your life?” Carol bit harshly. “I’m sorry, but that’s not happening.”
“I don’t want—“
“You don’t want what? Me to leave?” She prodded. “Well, you know what I wanted? I wanted to be the one you’d tell stories about—to be the reason why your eyes would light up—I wanted to be the person everyone would hate hearing about, because you’d talk about me so much. I wanted it to be me.”
You were silent for a few minutes before you finally opened your mouth to say, “...it is you.”
Carol had a wild urge to throw her arms around your waist and kiss the sorrow from every square inch of your face, but she couldn’t.
On second thought...
Screw it.
She moved in close, moving her hands to your cheeks, cradling your face gently. And you let it happen, anticipating the thing that would now seal your bond forever, you closed your eyes as did she and awaited the warmth from each other’s lips. You nuzzle into each other, the tips of your noses bumping against each other as you both went in close. Behind you, though vaguely, you heard a door open followed by approaching footsteps, before your lips were able to touch you gasped and pulled away, turning to run, but she reached out and grabbed your hand.
“Don’t go...please, don’t go.” She whispered.
“I’m sorry...” You cried, tears filling your eyes. “I’m so sorry.”
With that, you pull yourself out of her grip and run up the stars. You stopped by your apartment door, now too sick to go inside and face Kevin. Your heart sank when you heard her footsteps stride away from her spot, it sank deeper once you finally regained the courage to go back inside. As you opened the door, you heard Kevin on the phone, he sounded excited about something judging by the lilt in his tone. You stood by the doorway fiddling with your ring until you heard him hang up the phone.
“Oh, Y/N! Good, you’re back! I’ve made us reservations at the restaurant on 5th—“ He comes into your vision, taking notice of your eyes and the way that your lip quivered. “What’s wrong?”
“We need to talk...”
I swear that every word you sing, you wrote them for me.
Like it was a private show, but I know you never saw me.
When the lights come on and I'm on my own
Will you be there to sing it again?
Could I be the one you talk about in all your stories?
Can I be the one?
Can I be the one?
Can I be the one?
Oh, can I, can I be him?
Won't you sing it again?
Oh, when you sing it again,
Can I be him?
Oh, sing it again, yeah,
Oh, when you sing it again,
Can I be him?
3:30 a.m.
You ran as far as your legs could carry you, feeling sorry for any disturbances that you could’ve—did cause. Your talk with Kevin ended on a note that you didn’t expect for a long shot. You told him the truth and gave him the ring back, you’d thought that he’d be offended, proposing to you the day before and the day after receiving the ring back. But Kevin—sweet Kevin—took it with class.
“In a way—I’m sorry too. I made things worse for you and Carol,” He said to you. “I was so determined to be that person for you...even though it was her the whole time.”
“You’re not mad at me?”
“I’m mad at myself. You two belonged together and I ripped you apart, you still belong together.”
“No, Y/N, go to her. And tell her I’m sorry.”
Now you were at the Avengers compound running like someone lit a fire under your ass, you had to find Carol, who most likely was asleep in her room. Resting up for the mission. You ascended the stairs with a quickness, the elevators took too long and you weren’t about to wait another second to be apart from Carol. Exhaustion be damned.
You made it to her floor, your legs warm and tense from the workout of the stairs. You knocked on her door with haste, no answer. You knocked again, still no answer. Now you assumed that she was ignoring you, which you felt you deserved after today.
You spoke up, now, “Carol? It’s me...Y/N, I know that you probably don’t wanna talk to me. If I were you I wouldn’t wanna talk to me either. But it’s over now—me and him—I wanted you to know that. I just had to let you know...even if—“ You twisted the doorknob to find that it was unlocked, making your way into the room.
Carol was always a neat person, drilled into her from the Air Force. Her bed was made, the small kitchenette spotless, and the floor looked like it had just been vacuumed. Disbelief spread across your face. No, she couldn’t have left. Not yet.
You walked around the room, scanning for any evidence that Carol was still here. You opened the closet searching for clothes, boots, ripped jeans, her super suit, anything of hers. But the only thing that was there...was an old Aerosmith t-shirt of yours hanging by itself.
Your mouth dropped open, and sadness crossed your features. You take the t-shirt holding it close to you. “No...”
You heard someone knock on the door quietly, you poked your head out to see Sam and Bucky standing there at the door. They’re tired, it showed in their eyes, they probably came over to tell you to shut up and stop making so much noise. But judging by the regrettable glance they shot you, it was nothing like that.
“Hey,” You breathe out, giving a half-smile.
“What are you doing here?” Sam inquired. “It’s three am, you okay?”
“We heard a noise,” Bucky says, his voice deep from his slumber.
“Where’s Carol?” You ask, clutching the t-shirt tighter.
They sigh in unison, looking to you with pity. Bucky was the first to speak up,
“She left, doll.” He says quietly.
“As soon as she got here...” Sam added.
You shake your head. “No...no—no, she said tomorrow morning—so she should still be here. Right? Carol wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye. She wouldn’t.” You were telling yourself more that you were telling them, and the more you said it, the more heart broken you became. “Please...tell me that you’re joking and she’s still here.”
They were quiet. Watching the two of them, it was all you could do, you could hardly contain your own tears, falling to your knees and sobbing hysterically...the realization that this was partly your fault, filled you with immeasurable guilt.
Knowing that now, you wouldn’t be able to see her until next time...whenever that was.
I swear that every word you sang, you wrote 'em for me.
Like it was a private show, but I know you never saw me.
When the lights come on and I'm on my own,
Will you be there, will you be there?
Can I be the one you talk about in all your stories,
Can I be him?
Can I be him?
Can I be him?
Can I be him?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tag list: @captains-simp @blackluthxr @your-my-mission @wolfyalice-x @natblidaclexa @an-evergreen-rose @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
Read Part One Here!
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miyaniacs · 4 years
ignorance is a bliss pt.1
Atsumu angst  ( pt. 2 ) ( pt.3)
warnings: angst? mentioning of possible cheating 
a/n : I was just in the mood for some angst and you all voted for Atsumu and a fluff ending - the fluff will be at the end of pt.2 - sorry but I want to keep the tension up haha, pt.2 will be mostly of his point of view. Sorry this is kind of trashy thoooo 
Tell me if you wanna be tagged for the second part tho :)
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The sun is long gone, the lights of the night illuminating the room. You star at the plate in front of you, your appetite gone just like the sun. Three hours. You already waited three hours for him to come back home. He told you he’ll be coming straight home after practice. At least that’s what his last message said. Your phone lights up. The light shining from your screen let the tears on your face sparkle like small diamonds.
 “Sorry, still helping Yuki with her serves - don’t wait for me” 
Of course it’s her again. 
Is he too blind? Too blind to see that all the “can you help me with volleyball” is just so she can spent time with him? Or does he know. Does he know and that’s why he’s always helping her? Volleyball is Atsumu’s passion, his true love. He and Yuki share this love - other than you and Atsumu do. Sure you always supported him. But volleyball wasn’t the sport you grew up with. Was he tired of this? Has he now understood how much better it would be if his girlfriend has the same passion as him? 
Your phone already locked itself again. Once more the room is dark, occasionally lighted up by the lights of the cars or some green and red. 
The tears keep streaming down your face as you think of the past four weeks. 
It all started when Yuki came up to him one day after practice asking him if he could show her some stuff, since she has an upcoming match and wasn’t feeling at her best. You haven’t thought anything about it. You were actually glad that he accepted and helped her, being the egoistic ass he is - it wasn’t save if he’d agree. 
You accepted all those times he came home late, it was just until her match finished right?
Well two days after the match, he still came home late at night, telling you constantly that you should already eat and not wait for him, that he’ll grab something with Yuki after practice. The past two weeks, you haven’t even seen him once. You aren’t even sure if he slept in the same bed as you the past nights. 
Whenever you went to bed, he wasn’t there, neither have you felt his arms sneaking around your body at night, his face nuzzling in your neck, pressing small kisses on your shoulder before he pulls you tighter into him and drifting off to sleep. 
The next morning, there were also no signs of him. Sometimes there’s a used coffee mug in the sink, signaling you that he was in fact home - at least for a few hours? Or minutes? Was he just coming home in the morning to change his clothes? 
Your phone lights up again. 
“Hey, I’ll crash at Yuki’s again. Sorry see ya tomorrow babe.” 
So you’re right. He hasn’t been home. He stayed at hers... for how many nights? Only two? Or already five? 
Sure she’s beautiful, always friendly and shares the same passion as him. 
But would he really do this? 
Cheat on you? 
Have you ignored all the red flags the past weeks? Was it that obvious that he did? 
Thinking back at it - she did seem more like his girlfriend the past weeks as you did. Always by his side, hands touching his arms, playfully hitting his chest, his arm around her shoulder... while you just stand there awkwardly next to them. 
You did comfort him once about this topic. All he said was, that you should stop being so jealous and that she’s just a friend. He asked you to be his girlfriend, he was the one suggesting to move in together a few months ago. He never gave you a reason to make you doubt yourself. 
Yet everyone warned you about him. 
All yours and his friends, even his brother did. They all told you that it’s a wonder that he hasn’t lost interest yet. That he even chose to ask you out in the first place, since he’s just always focused on volleyball. But you accepted all of this. You accepted not being his first choice, always coming behind volleyball.  
Today was enough though. All the tears you cried today, finally overflowed the barrel. 
On shaking legs and a blurry vision you get up and walk to your shared bedroom. You place your suite case on the bed and open the door to your closet. Slowly you start packing your clothes. With each T-Shirt, each pullover, each jeans, your heart breaks a bit more. 
You stop. This sweatshirt. It was his, well it was yours now he gave it to you on your first date, because you being your clumsy self lost your jacket. He told you to keep it , that way he has a reason to see you again. Well and you kept it until that day. You sink down on your knees, hugging the piece of clothing, hoping it would give you the same comfort Atsumu always gave you with his hugs.  His hugs always calmed you down, left you feeling save and protected, you knew everything will be okay, because he’s with you. You hide your face in the soft fabric, by now you can’t keep the tears back anymore. 
You wake up, curled up in a ball, still on the floor with the sweatshirt in your arms. You quickly check the time - 4am. You wipe away the leftovers of your tears and get up, determined to end what you started a few hours ago. 
Gently you take the sweatshirt and fold it, placing it on the bed. You take a pice of paper and start writing : 
Atsumu, when you read this I’m already gone. Please continue your life, give your best in your games, I’ll still be supporting you from afar. I realized there isn’t enough space for me in your life. Yet you found the time for Yuki,..., I hope you continue to find the time for her and don’t start to ignore her at some point like you did with me. 
You place the paper on the sweatshirt and pack all the stuff your needed in your suite case, grabbed the your purse and left. 
At 9am you arrived at your parents house. 
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It’s been almost three weeks since you left. 
Yet there haven’t been one call nor text from him. No that wasn’t right, there was one small message 
 I’ll leave for the training camp now, miss you see you afterwards.
Five days after you left he was supposed to attend a training camp for two weeks, which he did attend and judging by the message it seems he hasn’t read the letter you wrote him. Which in conclusion means that he hasn’t stayed in your shared apartment for just one night. 
No one knew you left besides your family and Osamu. Neither of them questioned your decision in the slightest. 
Today was the day he should be coming back from the camp.  
Today is also your aunts birthday. Right now you’re at the kitchen helping to get all the needed stuff out to the garden. 
“Y/n!!” Your mum called, “ You’re phone keeps on vibrating - oh I think someone’s calling you now.” 
“Ca- Can you check the ID?” You stutter scream back. 
You almost dropped the plates in your hands as you hear her answer. “It says ‘Tumu”
“Just hang up.” You answer firmly. 
You won’t let him ruin this day.  
You walked back outside and placed the plates on the table. 
Your phone keeps vibrating and vibrating. You glance at the messages showing on the lockscreen 
“Please answer me”
“I just found your letter - let me explain”
“I never did anything with Yuki besides playing volleyball... well and hanging out with her .. but I never - I could ne”
“Baby ... baby please answer my calls”
“At leaset tell me where you are? I’m worried about you”
“Are you Save?”
“Baby please. I love you”
You stopped reading the message, blinking a few times you tried holding back your tears. Now he’s worried about you? Now after all those weeks of ignoring you?
He hasn’t realized you left before he went to the training camp. And even during those two weeks he hasn’t even sent you one message, neither a good morning nor a good night text. Is it too much to expect your boyfriend to message you just once? To think about you while he’s away and feeling the need to talk to you? To contact you?
Well apparently it is. 
But who are you playing?  
He hasn’t thought of you all those weeks before, why should he do it during his training camp?
“Y/n?” You mum waves her hand in front of your face, you blink a few times and look around. “Yes?” You ask confused.
“Are you okay?” Your aunt asks you. “Yeah, yeah, sorry I was just spacing out.” You answer and force a smile. 
“Y/n.” Your mum sighs, “shouldn’t you answer him?” 
“No.” You answer coldly, “but mum, could you help me getting the rest of my stuff on Sunday?” 
“... why Sunday?” Your cousin asks. 
“He has a game on Sunday, so he won’t be at the apartment” you chuckle coldly, “not that he was there the past weeks.” 
“Are you sure you shouldn’t talk with him ab-“ your aunt begins but you quickly interrupted her “No and I don’t want to discuss this any further. He ignored me the past WEEKS, ditching me for some other girl all the time. He hasn’t even realized I left those 5 days before the camp. Meaning he wasn’t even staying at the apartment during the time, probably staying at Yuki’s again because ‘training got longer and they grabbed something to eat and he just crashed at hers for the night’.”  Your voice started to shake again and tears form in your eyes. 
You can’t get this imagine out of your head. Him and her. Cuddled up under a blanket on the couch. The arms that normally held you, wrapped around her. He’s laughing and smiling, resting his chin at her shoulder. He’s peppering kisses on her neck, jaw and face. Then his lips met hers. 
Your lips start shaking and you feel tears running down your cheeks. 
“I’m sorry I - I’ll be back.” You quickly get up and walk inside locking yourself up in the bathroom.  
You sink down on your knees. The imagine of him and Yuki is still hunting you. His hands on her body. His lips on her skin, that’s supposed to be you and not her. He was supposed to spent all this time with you. He was supposed to hold you in his arms at night, to kiss you, to pull you ontop of him, to run his hands through your hair while he rants about his day. 
But in your head, he’s doing all those things with her. Was he telling the truth? Or are the things, hunting your dreams for the past weeks, true? Was he actually cheating on you with her? 
Grabbing the sink you pulled yourself up and look into the mirror. 
Your eyes were puffy and red, lips plumb and reddened from biting down on them to stop your self from crying to hard. You turn on the water, waiting for it to get ice cold. You let it run through your finger until you put your hands together and splash some of the water in your face. Again and again and again. 
“You can do this. You are strong and you don’t need him to feel good. You can do it without him. You can learn how to.” You prep talk yourself. 
You grabbed your phone and wrote down the the words that broke your still shattered heart even more.
“It’s too late now. I’ll get the rest of my stuff on Sunday during your game so you don’t have to see me anymore. Goodbye Atsumu.” 
Tears form in your eyes again and your body starts shaking. 
You want this right? This is the right thing to do? Shouldn’t you give him a chance to explain everything? No. No you waited long enough. You already cried enough tears. That is what you want. This is what you need. This is how it should be. 
Yet. Why does the thought of loosing him makes your heart arch?
It hurts so much you feel like crying out in pain. 
You see the three dots moving, showing you that Atsumu was typing. You’re quick to turn your phone off again. 
You made you’re decision. 
There is no way he can convince you otherwise now. 
You unlock the bathroom door and step outside, forcing a smile on your face. 
Yet your eyes are showing how you truly feel. 
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general tag list (open) : @brokeyiam 
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ahundredtimesover · 3 years
I Would’ve Stayed (FNTO 4)
Any mess we had to deal with was way more worth it than any clarity without you. 
Pairing: Jungkook x (f.) Reader
Genre/Tags: strangers to friends to lovers, popstar/idol!jk, fluff, angst, smut; this is a dialogue-heavy series so read if you’re into that! 
Warnings: foul language, heavy drinking, lots of kissing, penetrative and oral sex (not too explicit; a condom is thrown in there somewhere but bbs please be safe! and also, I tried) (18+)
Word count: ~8,000
Series summary: You meet pop star/idol Jeon Jungkook at the cafe, you get close, and as Hyejin says, you’re like friends with benefits without the sex. But you’re bad at feelings and so is he.
series masterlist
A/N: Here it is! OC hates confrontation so guess what happens - that! Listen to Yours by Raiden x Chanyeol ft. LeeHi & Changmo and Moon, 12:04 AM by Offonoff.
It’s been 3 days and Jungkook still hasn’t reached out. 
You would have, but somehow that time he completely ignored you for a whole week before he left still plays in your head and has made you quite traumatized, if you’re being honest. 
Add to that, you recall how you both left things that day. You don’t know how he was doing in the 2 months he was away. Maybe he just got ahead of himself and realized he didn’t really feel that way about you, maybe he’s still angry. Maybe, and this scares you the most, he realized he’s better off and doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore - too much crazy, you think.
None of the guys have reached out to you too since they’ve arrived aside from Jimin’s message, perhaps too sorry to even say anything. 
You’ve followed the same routine you’ve had the past 2 months - cafe check-in before and after your actual job, weekends for exercise and chores and whatever work you can sneak in, and Saturday nights with your friends. You even volunteered to babysit your cousin’s kids for 2 weekends and accompanied Jaehyun to the orphanage for the bi-annual party he throws for the kids just to keep yourself preoccupied. 
It feels so different without Jungkook. Even when he was away then, you were always video calling for at least a minute, and sending each other funny videos or memes to keep the connection, that string that neither of you wanted to break. How you both managed without each other these past months is surprising, but that's just made it clear to you, more than anything else, that you truly want him to be part of your life, and you, in his, in whatever way he’d have you.
But his radio silence is once again driving you insane. You keep typing then deleting whatever message you thought to send him. 
You: Hey, I heard you’re back. How was the tour?
You: Hi, Kook. I’m so sorry again. I was wondering if we could catch up?
You: Omg help, my neighbor got another cat! 
You: Can’t wait for the final concert! Excited to watch you guys.
But nope, you’d deleted them as fast as you’d typed them. You know you were at fault somehow; you’ve accepted that you could’ve done something like talk to him at the first sign of a problem, but you always hated confrontations and you weren’t sure if you were ready for that with him. 
More than anything, though, you want him to be the one to reach out this time. Not just because he said those hurtful things to you before he left, but also because you want to know if he still feels whatever it was he said he feels - or felt - for you before he left. 
You let your mind make up reasons. Maybe he’s still tired. Maybe he’s still catching up on sleep and isn’t in his right mind yet to talk to you. Maybe they got caught up with more work when they got back. All these maybes are sending you in a whirlwind of emotions again, and you’re trying so badly to get out of your head and just settle things once and for all.
It’s finally Friday and you’re zoning out at work before your phone’s incessant ringing breaks through your thoughts. 
Jieun is on the other line, convincing you to go to The Third tonight because a DJ friend of hers is spinning. She misses you, she says. You don’t have the heart to tell her that you don’t feel like going out and being around people, but she pleads. The guys will be there too, she excitedly shares. She charmed her way into having them accept her invite after they’d met up at a dinner party earlier in the week.
“Dinner party?” You ask. 
“Yeah, remember Yoonah? I wrote some music for her. She had a birthday party last Tuesday,” Jieun innocently says. 
Of course you remember. She’s one of the pop stars that Jungkook has been linked with countless times. He never dismisses it though when you’d ask. He just always says they’re close and enjoy spending time together when they can.
You feel your heart break a little, thinking of what his appearance at her birthday party could mean. You’d done yourself a favor and stayed away from social media so you don’t know if there are new pictures of them circulating in the web. 
But you do like to torture yourself. As Jieun went on about her schedule for the rest of her stay, you checked online for any photos of the two to ease - or worsen - your panicking brain and speeding heart. 
Yep, there they are. Some public photos of them laughing at the party, Yoonah so stunning in her red dress and Jungkook looking incredibly gorgeous in his dark blue suit. You scroll further down to look at the same photos and people screaming at how good they look together and wait, are those photos outside of a cafe? 
Eyes wide, your heart quickens even more as you type “Jungkook Yoonah cafe” on the search bar because really, you’d been torturing yourself these past months too, why stop now?
They seem like unofficial photos, judging from the quality, but you can’t be mistaken that it’s him - you know that sweatshirt because it’s yours; the few clear photos show the clay mark on the left side of the clothing that you haven’t been able to remove. What kind of jerk wears another girl’s clothes when he’s out on a date with another?
You’re fuming. So much for making excuses on his behalf that he’s tired or busy. Well, he was busy, alright. You saw in the news that Yoonah was in the U.S. too for some photo shoots; some tweets were saying she was at one of the shows. Guess Jungkook was preoccupied in those 2 months too, you think to yourself. 
“Y/N, you in there?” Jieun asks on the other end.
“Yeah, yeah sorry. What were you saying?”
“I said a lot… but I just wanted to know if you’re game for tonight?” She asks, excitement laced in her voice. It has been awhile since you’ve gone out to party with her anyway.
“Sure, I’ll be there.” You force the excitement out of you.
“Great! Tell your friends. Can’t wait to see you!” She hangs up, and you’re still fuming.
Fuck to feeling sorry for yourself. Fuck to being a responsible adult. And fuck to saying no to hook-ups. You were never one for drinking her problems away and finding a temporary fix in another’s body and the pleasure they could give but that’s exactly what you’re gonna do tonight. 
Jungkook has made you do and feel things you’d never done or felt before anyway, and you aren’t gonna stop now.
You wait until 6PM before heading home and fixing up. You and your friends go to a nice restaurant for dinner, a change of scenery from your usual Saturday night take outs, before finally heading to The Third for a night you hopefully won’t regret.
You and your friends arrive at the bar at 10PM, Jaehyun the designated caretaker of everybody (more like of you, though, since you’re the only one with a plan). 
You do the mandatory socializing, especially with Jiuen, and before you know it, you’re on your 5th shot of tequila, sips of other people’s beer or cocktail in between, and suddenly, a hand is pulling at yours and an unfamiliar voice is asking you to dance. 
He’s funny and has well-manicured and soft hands. You can’t tell the color of his eyes or the shape of his nose or if he has plump or thin or chapped lips. He seems to have nice hair, though.
He says he’s a little awkward but he was beside you at the bar and heard you laughing and thought it was the nicest sounding laugh he’s ever heard. He apologizes for sounding sappy and a creep, but he thought he could at least ask you to dance, confident in at least that since he used to dance in college. 
He asks if he could put his hand on your waist and you consent. There were no red flags, and you’d seen your friends give you a thumbs up to indicate they’re looking out for you in case something unsuspecting happens.
Something unsuspecting happens, alright. One minute the man’s hand is on your waist, fingers gripping you a little tighter as the song transitions to the next one, and another it’s gone. You turn around to make sure he’s still there but lo and behold, there stands the man you’ve been trying to get your mind off, hand on the other man’s wrist, and a glare that could cut through stone. 
“I’ve got her,” the man says, voice cold and stern, it gave you chills. 
It takes a while before it registers. Hair parted at the middle, black polo, black leather jacket. Even under these party lights he still looks breathtaking. You scowl at Jungkook. 
“What the fuck, Jeon. I was dancing with Ye-jun!”
“It’s, uh, Yu-jun,” you hear the man say. Was he now stuttering? 
“You’re drunk,” Jungkook responds, tone steady, head now turned to you.
“So? I’ve been drunk many times before. It’s nothing new,” you snap back.
“Yes, but you don’t do this,” he says, voice calm and patient.
“And what’s this? Enjoy myself? Find a man to dance with, to go home with? Maybe to hook up with?” You bite back, arms crossed, a little less drunk now that you feel anger consume you. You don’t see the surprised but intrigued look of the man staring at you, but Jungkook does and it takes all of him not to smack the guy’s face right then and there.
But really, how dare he? He ghosts you again and now he decides to show up and crash your little dance party? 
Jungkook lets out a low grunt. He turns to the man, jaw clenched, eyes piercing. “Seriously, I’ve got this. You can leave us now.” He continues to stare at the man who knows he’s got nothing on Jungkook.
“Well fuck me,” the man says and walks away. 
Jungkook grabs your wrist to take you to the bar, forcing you to drink 2 glasses of water. 
“What the hell was that?” You shout. Jungkook eyes the bartender, as if to tell him to give both of you as much privacy as he can in a venue like this. 
“You’re drunk and the guy was trying it with you,” he says, matter-of-factly. 
“He actually had the decency to ask if he could put his hand on my waist, seeing that I was drunk!” You shout back. 
He rests his right arm on the bar and looks at you blankly. “You’re still drunk and he’s still a stranger.”
At this, you completely lose it. “And you aren’t? What are you now, my friend? My fuck buddy I don’t fuck? My almost lover? The guy I can never have? The guy who’s too afraid to have me?”
You eye the bartender nearby preparing 2 shots of tequila. You walk the short distance towards him and down both shots, one after the other. “Make him pay for them,” you shout to the man, pointing to Jungkook, and you walk away. 
Seven shots of tequila in and you’re quite the mess, physically and emotionally. Why you think it felt cathartic to down those shots is beyond you; now your head is spinning and your feet feel like death. 
You see the light at the end of the tunnel, an empty chair a few steps away. You make it, thankfully, without much fanfare. You look around for your friends but it’s all dancing silhouettes and unfamiliar faces. The lights are now blinding and suddenly it feels stuffy that it’s hard to breathe. You drag your arms to the table and drop your head onto them, slowly succumbing to sleep.
A voice wakes you, repeating your name countless times until you start to resent it. You lazily look up to find Jungkook, crouching down to level with you, holding a plate of chocolate cake and a pitcher of water. 
You look at what he’s holding before your glossy eyes rest at his face. He sighs, puts the pitcher on the table, and proceeds to take the fork and feed you with bites of the cake. 
You drink water in between, and after 3 mouthfuls, you look up at him and flash your teeth, as if to ask if there’s some chocolate leftovers on them. He lets out a short laugh and removes a crumb hanging on the corner of your lips. “All good,” he says. 
“Take me home, Jungkook.” You plead. “Please take me home.”
Jungkook doesn’t know why he suddenly got scared. He’d made up his mind that he would message you when they’d landed, drive to your place to see you, and talk things out the next day, but his mind had other plans. 
He got so caught up at the thought that he’s finally home, finally breathing the same air as you, that you were just 30 minutes away from him - so near yet so far - that he’d zoned out and completely forgotten to message you. He was so anxious about finally talking to you that he’d ended up falling asleep at 5AM and slept through the rest of Monday afternoon.
They had a scheduled meeting on Tuesday and had Yoonah’s dinner party that night, and he had wanted to message and see you on the same day because he was that impatient. 
The dinner party wasn’t a big event, but photos from her agencies were soon released that obviously included Jungkook and Yoonah laughing and talking. He knew what was about to happen next. What he didn’t expect was Yoonah’s pleas that night to go out the next day for their routine stunt that they’d do every once in a while. 
Jungkook and Yoonah went to the same middle school and high school in Seoul, both trying to balance education with their responsibilities in their respective idol groups. They ended up being close and confiding in each other, but never went the dating route. They were both so young then and happiness, at that time, equated to success in their field. It’s later on that they’d come to realize how lonely that would feel. 
Jungkook had his hyungs and felt content; Yoonah, who eventually went solo, felt the loneliness eat her up. She’d been dating a friend from her childhood and she knew the only way they could stay together is if their relationship was kept a secret. 
She’d enlisted the help of Jungkook who’d willingly agreed to be her decoy when needed - anytime the media or even fans would catch wind of Yoonah’s relationship, it was automatic for the pair to be seen going out. They never admitted nor denied the rumors. It was enough to throw the scent off the real man she was dating. 
He agreed that Wednesday for a quick lunch out at a cafe. No need for overkill, they agreed. As long as they’re seen together, that should be enough. Jungkook didn’t have the heart to turn her down and instead, kept mum about his own relationship trials with you. He knew that whatever photos that fans would take would be all over social media, and he could only hope you stayed away from it long enough until the issue died down. 
This was another dent in his plan and he had to regroup. Another day has passed and he still hasn’t reached out to you. He was beginning to think it was a stupid idea to wait it out in the first place. 
He entered the bar that Friday night, half sure that he was going to see you. Jieun has been away a while and would definitely want you there. 
It didn’t take long for him to spot you. He was half expecting you’d be dancing with your friends or laughing about in one of the tables. 
He didn’t expect you to be dancing so closely to another man, his hand on your waist, his mouth so dangerously close to your ears. You looked like you were having fun, what with your half-lidded eyes and teeth constantly biting on your bottom lip. He’d never seen that look on you before, and it scared the shit out of him. 
He saw your friends who confirmed the man is someone you’d just met and that you’d gone on about getting shit-faced drunk and hooking up with someone because “Jungkook’s being a jerk right now.” 
“Please grow up, you two, and talk things out,” Chaewon shouted at him, tired and exasperated in dealing with your whiny ass, before she stormed off to shout at her boyfriend. Jaehyun went on about their lover’s quarrel, and Hyejin had discovered the allure and deceit of cranberry vodka and had been puking her guts out in the washroom. 
“Please look out for her,” Jaehyun told Jungkook. What your friends didn’t tell him is why you’re acting this way. Was it the radio silence? The photos you might’ve seen? Or both? 
That’s when Jungkook proceeded to shoo the man away. Of course you wouldn’t go without a fight. From the dance floor to the bar, you had a go at it. He deserved all that, he was sure, even if he was angry at the situation as well. 
It took another pep talk from his hyungs - who were watching you from afar, as you laid your head on the table, and making sure no one would try with you again - convincing him to swallow his pride and just talk to you. 
He hated seeing you like this, moreso since it’s the first time in 2 months he’s seeing you, and considering how things have been during the time you two were apart.
The sweets and water combo always works. Two washroom trips later, you were on the passenger seat of his car, fetus-laden and drifting in and out of sleep. 
Jungkook is frustrated. How bad had things gotten that you were willing to hook up with some stranger at the bar? What were you thinking? Why didn’t you reach out this time? He was just making excuses again but regardless, he looks at you, a snort escaping your mouth as you catch yourself snoring, and thinks you’re still the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen.
You wake up underneath two thick blankets and a mountain of pillows surrounding you. 
Clawing out of your fort-like surrounding, you see a glass of water and aspirin on your bedside table. You sigh and try to recall the night before. 
You were lucid at some parts. You recall the guy with the soft hands, both of you dancing so close together, his whispers of sweet nothings on your ear. You remember a bit about your little outburst at Jungkook at the bar, the chocolate cake, vomiting your insides in the toilet, and climbing to your bed. 
You force your eyes shut, trying to remember more. Your throat hurts, the kind that isn’t just from alcohol. You feel the crusty bits on your eyes, at both corners and on the sides. 
You cried. You were probably shouting too. What the fuck were you going on about last night?
And then it hits you. Jungkook was there. He totally cockblocked you. But he also fed you cake and probably took you home. Now you remember a bit of his calloused hands drawing circles on your back as you tried to puke all the alcohol out of your system. He probably helped you brush your teeth too, you conclude, seeing as your mouth doesn’t feel extra disgusting this morning. 
“What else, what else?” You think aloud. But your mind draws out blank. Knowing yourself though, and the anger and hurt that built up inside you before you stepped foot in that bar, was enough to let you know that you probably gave him shit, for what, you’re not sure. 
You decide it’s time to get the gunk off your body so you get off the bed, pop the aspirin, and head out your room. 
The smell of freshly brewed coffee is what welcomes you as you open the door. 
You stand by the kitchen, looking for signs of the other person with you until you see the blanket on your couch and a familiar-looking black leather jacket lying at its back.
The bathroom door opens, revealing a freshly washed Jungkook, clad in a white shirt and boxers, clothes of his that you know he got from the second drawer on your dresser.
He pauses on his steps and stares at you. “You’re awake,” he says.
“And you’re here,” you reply, a bit of irritation laced in your voice. 
You both stare at each other for a couple more seconds, not sure how to proceed. This is new territory for you. 
Your mornings were never like this. They were always full of lazy greetings, games of rock-paper-scissors on who would get up first to brew coffee, soft singing in the kitchen, laughter. 
“You uh, got drunk,” he starts, hand scratching the back of his neck, which he usually does when he’s nervous or shy.
“You uh, cockblocked me last night,” you deadpanned. 
Jungkook stays put where he is, face faltering a little bit. “Were you really planning on hooking up with that guy?” He asks. 
“I don’t know, maybe,” you say. You were so close, though, even if you knew you wouldn’t. Part of you is thankful that Jungkook made sure that didn’t happen but no, you can’t fall for this so easily. 
He continues to look at you, eyes blinking constantly, teeth biting onto his lower lip, you’re afraid it’d start to bleed. Why is he so nervous? 
“For goodness’ sake, Jungkook! I wanted to hook up with him, or anyone for that matter, because I’m fucking pissed at you! And if you hadn’t noticed, I’ve been doing things I don’t normally do because you’re messing me up!” You shout at him. 
You’re closer to him now, and you can clearly see the flushed look on his face. He can’t focus on you, he’s biting his lip even harder and looking down on his feet. In the silence, you both try to find your own words to express the emotions that have been eating you up inside. 
“I’m…” you start gesticulating, trying to find more words to express all the anger and pain and frustration you’re feeling. 
And then your stomach grumbles, really loud, and it’s the mood killer you didn’t need.
“I’m fucking hungry,” you whimper, head falling on your hands as you make that sound of a cry that borders on a laugh. You look and sound utterly ridiculous right now. You’re losing your resolve, and you’re slowly cracking in front of the man you’re angry at.
Jungkook suppresses a small laugh. “I hate you,” you say, your tone not matching your words. 
“You said that last night too,” he says, looking up at you. 
“I probably meant it. I still do,” you respond, meeting his eyes. 
“I know. But I said last night we’ll talk about it today. That shut you up.”
You laugh to yourself, imagining how you probably looked, drunkenly shouting at him last night. You tell yourself you’ve got to face this now, no more excuses.
“Good, because we’ve got months’ worth of shit to talk about,” you say, as you head for the bathroom.
“Bacon or sausage?” He calls out before you close the door. “Bacon!” You respond immediately.
Jungkook puts his utensils down and stops eating. 
“I’m not gonna lie, Y/N, you’re scaring the shit out of me.” 
You continue to glare at him, as if to say that making you breakfast doesn’t mean he’s off the hook.
“Seriously, your nose is flaring, you’re looking at me like you want to rip me into pieces…” he peers at your hands, knuckles white at how hard you’re gripping the fork and knife. “You look like you want to stab me for real this time…” he trails. 
You grit your teeth and scowl at him. If looks could kill he’d be dead by now. He responds with a smile, the kind one would have if they want to get out of something.
“You’re not funny,” you deadpan.
“I wasn’t trying to be!” 
You cross your arms, anger still painting your face.
“Okay, Y/N, let’s calm down and talk this out like mature individuals,” he continues, arms up as if he’s trying to tame an animal. This pisses you off even more. 
You feel tears form in the corner of your eyes out of anger. “Yes, because ghosting me the second time around is soooo mature,” you shout.
You drop what you’re holding, push your chair backwards, and turn away to walk the very short distance to the living room. You let out a loud groan.
He runs to you, now even more worried than before. He stops in his tracks when he sees your shoulders start to shake. He’s really outdone himself this time, he thinks. What a way to try and “fix” things, he scolds himself.
“I’m sorry, I’m doing this all wrong.” 
“You think?!” You shout, now facing him, tears already trailing down your cheeks. The look on his face, that of sadness, guilt, of regret, pierces through you like a knife, the same way the look of pain and dejection on yours cuts through him, rendering him speechless. He’d never seen you this hurt, this angry, this tired. 
“You ignored me for a whole week. I went to your house to see you but you just…” you exhale. You couldn’t even say the words because just thinking about that day hurts you so much, something you realized you hadn’t really gotten over. The realization and the guilt you felt were enough to ease that pain but the recent radio silence from him only served to resurface those feelings.
“And you come back and what, nothing again from you?” 
Jungkook stares at you, trying to name the emotions written on your face. There’s too much of everything he sees and it causes anger to course through him at what he’s done and what this could mean. So he does what he usually does when he’s hurt and scared - he deflects.
“Why didn’t you call?” He starts, earning him a scoff from you. “I confessed my feelings that day but you didn’t say anything; you just got angry that I was leaving and when I was away, all I got was a text for an apology,” he continues, jaw tight at how he’s trying not to cry. 
You stare at him, wide-eyed. You did greet him on his birthday, but you opted to let him speak.
“I come home after 2 months and I don’t hear from you and I see you at a bar dancing with some guy. What was I supposed to do?” He grits his teeth. He knows he’ll break, he’s just trying to hold out as long as he can.
“You call that confessing? You barely gave me anything that day, Jungkook! We always talked about things but you drop that bomb on me from out of nowhere!” You stomp towards him, motioning him to look at you.
“We had such a good time before that. That trip, that morning… and then you ignore me a whole week and then you leave.”
“I…” Jungkook stammers. He always knew he handled that whole situation terribly. He didn’t give you time, he didn’t give you an option. 
“I torture myself by replaying that weekend because I can’t help but think that might be the last time I’ll ever get to have you like that,” you mewl.
This is when he breaks, he thinks. 
He takes in a long breath.
“I woke up before you that morning and you just looked… so beautiful, so peaceful, and I just wanted to get used to that, you know?” He sighs, forlorn eyes focused on the floor as if he’s watching the scene he’s committed to his mind play out before him. 
“I didn’t think much of it before, just that I wanted to be with you all the time and when I was, I wanted to stay a bit longer, or the night. And when I did I just wanted to sleep next to you and have you close to me until the next morning… and the morning after that. And I just wanted so badly for you to feel the same way.” He covers his face with his hands.
“But you… you thanked me for being a great friend and I guess hearing it like that, confirming that I’m just that to you, broke my heart because right then I thought…” he looks straight at you with his glossy doe eyes and suddenly you forget how to breathe. “I thought that I wanted so much more.”
You blink at him once, twice, a couple more times. He’d only implied he had felt something but this… this isn’t what you were expecting.
“I avoided you because I didn’t know how to talk to you without feeling sad and angry,” he explains.
“You still could’ve said something! You were the one who was being selfish and unfair, not me. You kept that all to yourself and didn’t give me a chance to tell you how I felt.”
He lets out a small laugh, sounding resigned. “You made it clear that day of what I was to you. I mean, with the amount of time we spend together, with how close we are? For fuck’s sake, Y/N, we kiss and sleep next to each other and even after all that, I’m just a friend? What more did we - did I - have to do for it to be more?”
“You could’ve told me, Jungkook. You could’ve told me because I would’ve told you that I felt the same way.”
He looks at you, a pained expression on his face. 
“Then why say that, huh?” he turns away from you, adrenaline rushing through his veins. He should be happy but somehow he’s upset - at himself or you, he’s unsure. “Why do all of those and keep me at a distance like that?”
“Because I didn’t want to feel that way for you! I couldn’t.”
“Why not?
“Because I was scared.”
“I know it’s a crap excuse for anything but it’s how I felt. Because I knew, long ago, that you’re the one who wouldn’t want anything more. All those PR stunts? The women you’d casually dated? I got your memo, Jungkook. Any feeling or thought I had of us being anything more disintegrated the moment you said that you had too much crazy going on to even deal with relationships… and I let it.”
“Then why didn’t you say anything?”
“This is really how you want to play this, Jungkook? Why didn’t I do this? Why didn’t I say that? I always do, okay? I call, I ask you over, I kiss you, I ask you to stay. And you always do exactly those, just those. Nothing more, never anything more. What would saying it do?”
Jungkook looks defeated. He understands you, more than you think he does.
That night when he’d gone to your apartment after your ex showed up - when he’d ditched drinks with the guys to help Seokjin take his mind off the girl he’d lost because he gave what he only could and it wasn’t enough until someone else could give more - seems to be as vivid to you as it was for him. 
Going to you was reflex for him, especially after he’d heard your sniffles over the phone. Seeing you cry pained him even more. He’d cursed Jinyoung internally multiple times; how someone could be scared of someone as beautiful as you was beyond him. 
That night felt like he saw you for the first time - your strength, your passion for life, your desire to be a better version of yourself. He’d enjoyed your musings about the innate goodness of people and the human’s incredible ability to love, hurt, heal, and love again.  Even your thoughts on  fate and destiny that were contrary to his had caused him to question more, think deeper, live more ardently. 
Beneath those puffy eyes and shivering body, there was no sign of insecurity. You were just so sure of yourself, so free, so unapologetic, and he wanted to bask in your radiance, in your glow; he wanted front-row seats to the unravelling of you.  
And he didn’t feel like he could be enough. Between his responsibilities, his restrictions, his commitments because of his own dreams and the life that he chose, he just knew that he would always fall short and he would lose you. And that frightened him more than anything.
So Jungkook did what he always does when he’s hurt and scared - he deflected. He said there was too much going on in his life - that’s why he can’t try, why he can’t commit, why he can’t want more, because he can’t be more, at least not what he wants to be for you.
He never finished that sentence though, felt like it would be final if he said the words. Looks like you convinced yourself of these thoughts of his for you, he concludes. And he sees it now. He was just as scared as you. Probably still are.
“I would’ve stayed, you know?” You break him out of the internal monologue he’d immersed himself in. 
“I walk away when things don’t work out but I realized that I would have stayed. Whether it was I who felt differently and you didn't, or you did and I didn't… I would’ve stuck around.” You look at him, eyes now devoid of all the anger you were feeling not long ago. 
“I was angry and sad because of you but you were the one I wanted to call about it,” you continue. “God, it felt stupid but that’s when I realized it, you know? I wanted to be with you. Any mess we had to deal with was way more worth it than any clarity without you.”
It’s all Jungkook needs to hear.
He marches over to you, two strides are what it takes until he’s palming your cheeks and softly resting his lips onto yours, waiting, wanting, for you to meet him halfway. 
And you do.
You push yours onto his, tasting those saccharine chapped lips, causing your body to relax at how right this feels. The kiss is gentle, similar to the ones you’ve shared before, but different in what this means, different in what it is trying to say. 
He pulls back and you feel hazy, like you’d just been woken up from a dream right when you were about to get to the good part.
He looks at you so tenderly, like if his eyes could sigh a relief they would. He’s thumbing your cheeks repeatedly, searching your misty eyes as if there are still questions he needs answered.
“Why did you want to kiss me? That first time. Why?” His tone is rushed, desperate.
“Because I wanted to know if I still felt it, whatever it was I felt before, I wanted to know if I still felt it.”
“And did you feel it then, and every time we did it?”
You close your eyes, causing the tears that have now accumulated to fall from your eyes. “Yes, Jungkook. Always.”
He thumbs the tears away as they fall down one by one. He looks at you as internally, he’s gathering the feelings of the past months - the anger, desolation, the regret - readying himself to let it all go, he just needs to hear you say it, whatever it is. He needs to know that you felt everything he felt.
“What did you feel just now?”
“Like I want more, Jungkook. I want more,” and you open your eyes to meet his satisfied ones, both of your breaths hitching at how you’re feeling a flurry of emotions that you can’t tame. 
Jungkook pulls your face towards his once again, meeting your tear-stained lips; this time he presses harder, slightly parting his mouth and you angle your face for better access. You feel like that moment when two puzzle pieces finally fit together, when they finally find their way, like two lost souls following the north star to find each other.
He continues his motions, coaxing you to go harder just as he is, and you do. He licks onto your bottom lip, seeking entrance, and with your parted mouth, you revel in the way both of yours meld onto each other so perfectly, so fluidly like they’re meant to do this, like your lips are meant to fuse together like this. And it sets you on fire. 
Your hands, which were only lightly touching his bent elbows as his palms continue to stroke your face, are now gliding on his arms, feeling the veins and ridges that dent his limbs. They proceed to graze over his hands, sending shivers down your spine as you imagine all the things those hands could do to you. You do this repeatedly, sensually, making Jungkook hungrier, needier. 
You’re so lost in the feeling of him this close to you, like one of your drives where the windows are down and the wind is blowing and you feel unanchored, flowing, light, like you any time you can fly away.
His hands trail south, caressing your sides until they find purchase on your waist, grip tightening as his mouth continues its attack on yours, both of your tongues fighting for dominance. This time he wins, as a slight tip of his head gives him an advantage and he’s going deeper. You moan onto his mouth, hands pulling on his hair by the nape of his neck, as they have now found refuge there. 
Push and pull you both go, from twirling your tongues and taking turns nibbling on each other’s lips. Your right hand slides down from his neck to his chest, and as you thumb his hard nipple that you feel through his shirt, he bucks his hip and you feel the dent on his crotch that causes adrenaline to surge through you. 
You clutch on his shirt, eager to get it off. You’re desperate as you feel heat rise to your chest, as if it’s about to explode. Your senses are overloaded right now, making you lightheaded, intoxicated, a dampness in your core accumulating as your hips meet his, seeking friction to quench the intense thirst of your body to feel his own. 
You pull away this time, feeling like your head will explode from the sensory overload - the strong and fresh scent of the white musk body wash, the sweet taste of coffee on his mouth, the erotic sounds of your heavy breathing and moans, the tingling feeling of his fingertips on your arms, and the sight of him on top of you.    
Eyes wide filled with worry that he might’ve done something wrong, Jungkook asks, “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I just…” you let out a few continuous breaths, “I couldn’t breathe,” you continue, a short laugh escaping your lips. 
He chuckles. “I’m sorry, I got carried away.” He chews on his bottom lip. “I just didn’t think I’d hear you say that.”
“That I want you?”
He nods shyly, suddenly very different from the man who’d just tried to swallow you whole.
“I do, Jungkook. What about you?”
Now it’s your turn to have a worried look in your eyes, nervous about what will happen next.
“I want everything with you, Y/N. I want this,” he pulls you back to him and rests his forehead on yours, “I want all of this.” 
You close your eyes as he does, tips of your noses touching, breaths hot on each other’s skin. A smile forms on your lips as he kisses your cheek, left and right, then your jaw, and then your neck. He takes his time there, teeth nibbling on the flesh, tongue soothing the sting. 
He licks a strip up until his tongue lands on a sensitive area below your ear. He grazes his teeth on your skin and your senses come alive again. “Mhmm, Jungkook,” you moan. 
He smiles onto the spot, his breath causing that dampness on your core to pool once again. “You like that, babe?”
You laugh at the pet name, choosing instead to hide the overwhelming desire you feel to hear his low and raspy voice call you that everyday. 
“I hate you,” you tell him, head leaning on his shoulder. This one has no bite, though. And he knows this, but he plays along.
“Let me make it up to you, yeah?”
The intoxicating feeling comes back, this time from just the mere insinuation of what he’ll do to you. 
You nod and take his hand to lead him to your room. He follows, head in a daze because he didn’t think he could ever be with you like this. All the times you’d both walked to your room, you were drunk or tired or sleepy; you’d carefully lie on your sides of the bed, talk and laugh until you fall asleep. Just the thought of how different it’s going to be this time is making him feel dizzy.
He watches you walk towards your bed and as you stand there, turning to him, with the rays of the sun finding their way through your blinds and casting a heavenly glow on your silhouette, he thanks all the gods and the cosmos for planning this one out for him. 
You look at him tenderly and his heart, which has been beating so rapidly since you’d woken up, steadies its beats. He feels the entire weight of the world, which he’d placed on his shoulders on his own, dissipate slowly. 
He lives for moments on the stage when, in front of thousands of people cheering his name, he feels alive, like he’s got the whole world on the palm of his hands, like everything he’s ever wanted is possible. It’s just you and him in this apartment, in this room, and he feels the same and something else - he feels enough, he feels more. 
He kisses you slower this time, lips aching to savor every inch of your face, of your neck, as he slowly caresses your arms, your sides, taking his time there too.
He pulls you by the waist, hands resting on the base of your spine and he rests his head on the crook of your neck. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. I’m so sorry for everything.”
You both stay there for a while, your arms around his neck and your warmth steadying Jungkook’s breathing that once again picked up when he’d realized he really could have completely lost you. 
“You haven’t lost me,” you say, as if his beating heart had whispered to you his ultimate fear. He hugs you tighter and buries his head on your neck even deeper.
“I’m still scared though,” you confess, fingers brushing through the loose strands of his hair.
“I know, so am I,” he responds, finally coming out of hiding and facing you. “And it’s okay. But we have to promise to tell each other when it gets too much, yeah? We have to tell each other what bothers us, what worries us.”
“I don’t like confrontations,” you say.
“They won’t be. They’ll be discussions. We can’t let this happen again, okay?”
He tips your chin up so he’s looking into your eyes again. “Now I think I said I was going to make it up to you,” the smug look on his face making its return. You missed this. And also, you’re in trouble.
He kisses you again, and again, and again. He ghosts his fingertips underneath your shirt and then he’s tracing patterns, constellations on your torso. 
The clothes come off soon enough, until you’re both bare, uncovered, vulnerable in front of each other. He traces patterns again, this time with his lips, down to your shoulders, and then to your chest.
His mouth feels immaculate on your breasts, wet muscle hungrily laving over your pert nipples. His hands find refuge on your mound, ghosting the lips until the wetness sucks his fingers in. He draws circles over your clit, eliciting the most beautiful sounds from you. This rivals the screams of the fans for them, he thinks, but this one, he could have this everyday, definitely.
Everything happens the way both of you imagined, and you both commit to memory this moment - the satisfaction on his face when you buck your hips into his mouth, your dripping core coating his face with your wetness; the feeling of his soft but calloused hands claiming every inch of your body; his half-lidded eyes and his clenched jaw as he enters you, pushes into you, drags in and out of you; your cries of more, don’t stop, and I’m close, ringing in his head and prompting him to go harder, faster; and his moans as he finishes and your heavy breathing as you ride out both of your highs, heads still in the clouds, hands intertwined to keep you grounded, to remind you that this is real, that this isn’t the last time, that this is more. 
You wake up to the sound of a phone’s incessant ringing, tempting you to throw the piece of device off the wall just so you could bask in this moment just a little longer. You try to reach for it, causing the morning sun that passes through the uncovered corner of your window to blind you slightly.
Jungkook groans next to you, head buried on the hair at the back of your head, his hand resting on your waist. You smile and let your fingers trace the ink that thoughtfully decorates his, settling them in the empty spaces in between. He deepens his head where it’s found sanctuary, hands now intertwined with yours, and pulls you closer. He greets you with kisses on your bare shoulder, soft moans escaping you as his hand now releases yours to roam the body he’d spend the whole day yesterday exploring.
“Mhmm, baby,” he moans to your ear, feeling the ecstasy of your hand soothing the ache he feels on his length. It’s all you need to turn to him, meet his lips, close the distance of your hips to his until he’s inserting himself into you again. Your bodies easily find a rhythm, your labored breaths harmonizing well. 
It’s a softer one this morning, unlike yesterday (morning, afternoon, evening, pretty much). It’s lazy, tender; bodies just falling into each other, melding, fitting together, finding each other. 
He cleans you up, like he did all times yesterday, and he lets you snuggle to him this time. He plants a kiss on your forehead, eyes dreamily tracing your features. He still can’t believe he’s here.
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N.”
“And you’re so good to me, Kook.”
You hum as he kisses you once more, a satisfied smile displaying on your lips. He likes this very much.
His phone beeps again, and again. He lets his head fall back on the pillow out of frustration.
“They’re calling for you,” you point out, a smile still gracing your lips. You’re used to this already.
“I know,” he resigns. 
You rest your head on your chest and wrap your arm around him tighter. “Stay a little longer, please,” you plead.
He returns the favor and hugs you back, a satisfied smile on his face.  
“Your turn to make breakfast, babe.”
You groan but proceed to drag yourself out of bed. Limbs sore and legs feeling like jelly, you miss your footing and trip on your clothes and ungraciously fall to the floor.
You both explode with laughter. He could get used to this, he thinks.
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moon-light-jukebox · 4 years
“All you have to do is ask.” Chapter 2 - [Reid x Reader]
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Summary: After the conversation in Nebraska, there’s some tension between our favorite genius and Reader. A peace offering, a rainstorm, and some unexpected questions should clear that right up.
Pairing: Spencer Reid / (Female) Reader
Rating: Mature (not all chapters contain smut, those that do will be marked)
Category: Smut, fluff, and a bit of angst.
Word Count: 2.3k for Chapter 2 
Content Warning: Some slight angst for Chapter 2
A/n: I hope y’all are liking this so far! No smut in this chapter, but I more than make up for it in chapter 3. Promise. 
IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL NOTE: It was brought to my attention that the angst in this chapter appears to be something it is not. I mean, I know how the story ends, so I didn’t see it that way. But it’s a valid concern. I address it in chapter 6, but I’ve made edits to chapter 3 to address it a bit too. Reader is afraid to trust anyone, that is all. I promise. 
y/n = your name
y/l/n = your last name
italicized text are Reader’s inner thoughts.
-- Chapter 2: I fucking beg your goddamn pardon? --
Once we pinned down the gender of the unsub, it wasn’t hard to help the locals close the case. Anna Marie Wilcox, 29. A pretty blonde girl with haunted eyes, betrayed by every man in her life. She just wanted to take her power back.
Cool motive; still murder.
The flight back to Quantico was quiet. Hotch spoke with Rossi before take-off, telling us that he was flying back from San Francisco after visiting his daughter and grandson and that he would see us on Monday. After that, everyone seemed to slip into their own world. This wasn't uncommon. After working day and night to save lives, digging your way into the darkest corners of a murderer’s mind, you needed to decompress a bit.
JJ was asleep in the back of the cabin, Emily sitting beside her while she reviewed some files. Hotch was writing at the small table, Morgan sitting opposite him, eyes closed while he listened to whatever played through his headphones.
And I was on the couch with Dr. Spencer Reid. I was very surprised when he boarded the jet and made a beeline towards where I was sitting without hesitation. He hadn't spoken to me or even looked at me for longer than 5 seconds since our talk at the precinct. I could tell my blunt words had an effect on him, which wasn't surprising to me. I tried not to stereotype people, I knew better than anyone else how wrong those stereotypes could be; but, if I ever had to guess a person I thought would be a submissive, I’d guess Spencer Reid.
My back was angled on the couch, pressing into the corner where the armrest met the backrest, my legs crossed in front of me. I had my phone in my head, swiping mindlessly on a puzzle game that didn't require any cell phone signal to play. I always found myself doing that after a case, it calmed me.
Dr. Reid was pretending to read.
He’s not even being convincing, I thought, trying to keep my face neutral. You read 20,000 words a minute, baby. You’ve been staring at that page for 5 minutes. Unable to resist, I shifted in my seat. I slowly uncrossed my legs, the small slit in the side of my skirt becoming visible at the movement.
Did I wear this skirt on purpose? Yes, yes, I did.
I let out a soft sigh before re-crossing my legs. I watched him out of the corner of my eye the entire time. His eyes followed my movements, his breath hitching slightly. He moved his gaze up my body until he got to my eyes, which he was surprised to find were on him. He cleared his throat before going back to his book, little splotches of red on his cheeks.
I smirked. All you have to do is ask, Dr. Reid.
Nothing happened until Thursday the following week. I had all but given up hope that Spencer Reid would finally cave and come to me. Shame, I thought. He would look so pretty when he begged.
The unit's caseload had been lighter than normal, with no cases that required us to travel. We did some consulting and wrote up some preliminary profiles for the law enforcement agencies that asked for our help. We had been traveling so much over the past few months, I think Hotch was just trying to give us a break.
A loud clap of thunder broke the silence of the bullpen. Then it seemed as if the sky opened up a second later, the heavy rain falling like a curtain outside the windows.
“That’s dramatic,” Emily Prentiss commented.
Morgan made a sound of agreement before turning his head to look at Reid. “Have fun walking to the train station in that, pretty boy.” His face split into a smile as Spencer shot him a glare. JJ, Emily, and I all laughed at their exchange. His eyes didn’t go to JJ or Emily though, those caramel brown eyes swung in my direction.
At the end of the workday, Garcia was the first out the door. She walked past the bullpen and gave a big wave. “Goodbye, my darlings. I will see you in the morning…unless there is a terrible murder!”
The team smiled and returned her goodbye. Derek was out of his seat in a flash, trailing after her. I couldn’t help but wonder about the two of them sometimes.
“Bye Spence,” I heard JJ say as she passed the boy wonder’s desk. “Try not to drown out there.” Emily laughed as she walked up beside JJ, standing just a little too close. I wondered about them too, if I’m honest.
When it was just me and the object of my attention left, I got my bag and approached his desk. “Hey, Doc.”
He didn’t look up, making it seem like putting files and papers into his messenger bag required his full attention. “Hi, y/l/n.”
Well, this wouldn’t do at all. “It’s still pouring outside. Do you need a ride? I’d hate for you to have to walk a block in this storm.”
“I’ll manage,” he muttered, still not meeting my eyes.
I let out a sigh. “Spencer.” His eyes finally raised to meet mine. “I’m sorry if I stepped over the line in Nebraska. It was unprofessional. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. That wasn’t my intention.” He opened his mouth to interrupt, but I continued. “I hope that we can move past this, I really miss my friend.”
He took a moment to adjust his glasses. He never wore them anymore, and I have to admit that my heart sputtered a bit when I saw him in them this morning. “We were friends before?” He chuckled slightly, earning a smile for me. I’d only been with the BAU for 7 months, and while I was friendly with my co-workers, Spencer and I had never had a particularly close bond.
“I like to think so,” was my reply, giving him a small smile. “And if we weren’t before, I hope we can be one day.” With one final look in those eyes, I turned. “Have a good night, Doc.”
I was halfway to the elevators when I heard him. “Y/n!” I turned to see him hurrying towards me. He smiled at me; and it was his real smile, not the polite smile he gave others. It was a full-blown smile that lit his whole face up. My stomach fluttered. “If you don’t mind, I’d actually like a ride. If you’re still willing?”
Still so nervous, even now. “Of course, pretty boy,” Morgan’s nickname for him slipping from my lips without a thought. “Follow me.”
It wasn’t the thing I had been hoping all week that he’d ask me, but it was a start.
The drive to Spencer’s apartment took longer than it should have. I was driving slower because of the storm; I was also driving slower because other drivers weren’t driving slowly.
"This type of rain is so heavy it cuts the visibility more than the average storm," the good doctor said. "Under normal precipitation, it's advised that you reduce your speed by at least 10 miles to account for less traction."
“Huh,” I responded, glancing down at my speedometer.
He cleared his throat. “S-sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.”
I risked a quick glance at him to see him shifting in his seat. “Do what, Doc?”
“Ramble,” Spencer said softly. “I ramble when I’m nervous, and I’m trying really hard not to be nervous.”
My heart ached for him in that moment. This brilliant, brilliant, man, the smartest and kindest person in any room, was nervous about talking to me. My right hand lifted from the steering wheel before I could think better of it, touching his arm lightly. “Please don’t be nervous around me, Spencer.” His whole body stiffened at my touch. “Shit! I’m sorry. I forgot you don’t like to be touch.” I blew out a frustrated breath. “I just keep fucking this up, don’t I?” My chuckle was sad, and a little bit bitter.
“It’s not that,” he said quickly. “I was just surprised. I don’t…I don’t mind if you touch me.”
I didn’t try to hide the shock on my face. “You don’t, huh?”
I swear I could almost hear the blush in his voice. “I d-didn’t mean it like t-.”
“Spence,” I cut him off. “I know. I was just teasing.”
He let out a small chuckle at that. "Oh. Right." There was a beat of silence before he spoke again. "You know, you've never called me Spence before." I simply nodded in agreement. He was right, I hadn't. I hadn't even meant to do it then. He continued on. “Actually, you only call me Spencer when the conversation is serious. Other than that it’s always Doc…or occasionally Reid.” The chuckle that left him put a smile on my face.
“You’re right, Doc.” I glanced over at him and smiled. “Tell you what, I don’t want you to be nervous around me. At all. So, I’m giving you blanket consent right now.” I really hoped I knew what I was doing. “You can ask me any question you want. You can tell me anything. I promise I won’t judge you.”
“…Really?” He sounded almost like he was in awe.
I nodded. “Yes, really. The thought of making you nervous makes me uncomfortable. I don’t want you to feel that way in front of me.” My voice was soft, reassuring. Maybe it was the soft dom in me that recognized his submissive, but I wanted to comfort him. I wanted him to feel safe.
Spencer Reid took a deep breath before he spoke again. He acted like it was no big deal, but the words he said afterward gave me a mild heart attack. "Okay, can you tell me about your BDSM experiences?"
I fucking beg your goddamn pardon?
I sputtered a bit. “…Seriously?” My eyes were wide, I didn’t risk looking at him.
“W-well,” he sounded unsure now. “You said I could ask you anything.”
“You can! You absolutely can!” I heard him let out a breath. “I’m just…surprised that’s what you went with. That’s all. But…I don’t mind telling you if you really want to know.”
“I do,” he whispered.
I smiled over at him. “Okay, Doc. What do you wanna know?”
Spencer chewed on his bottom lip thoughtfully. “Maybe just walk me through what you like to do. Or what you usually do. Or how you got into it.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, that’s all?” I shook my head. “Alright. I was 21 when I first got into it. I had a…he wasn’t really my boyfriend. I guess you can say a friend with benefits.” I saw him nod his head in understanding. “And one day he asked me if I knew anything about BDSM. At that time, I only knew misconceptions and rumors; which is why I told him I wasn’t interested. The thought of someone tying me down and doing whatever they wanted to me sounded terrifying. But he clarified that he thought I would enjoy being a dominant. We tried it out a few times…and I liked it.”
Spencer cleared his throat. “So…is that the only kind of sex you have?”
I pondered over how to answer him. “That’s…a complicated question. I’m not not answering. I think I should just explain a bit more first." He made a noise of affirmation before I continued on. "What I do during a scene sort of depends on my submissive. Before anything happens, we have to have a really in-depth conversation, discussing hard and soft limits, punishments, expectations, and things like that." I glanced over, confirming I hadn't lost him. "Like I mentioned, I'm a soft dom. But, I usually can bend to what my submissive likes, as long as I’m comfortable.”
“So, what would you do? If you got to pick everything?”
You keep on surprising me, Doctor, I thought.
“Well, I like bondage, choking, degradation, but only if it’s light and done right.” I don’t know why I felt the need to explain that. “Then I’m fine with oral sex, praise, orgasm denial, overstimulation, and pegging.”
Spencer was quiet. “A-and pegging is the…”
“What the unsub was doing to her victims? Yes, Spencer.”
“…Oh,” was all the boy genius said.
I continued on, trying to provide context. “I usually like to build up the relationship a bit before I bust out a strap on, though.” I worked hard to keep my voice even. “I’ll use toys on him first, usually.”
“You didn’t say sex.”
Shit. "Beg pardon?" I asked like I was clueless about what he meant.  
Dr. Reid’s voice was firm; it was the voice he used on cases, the steady voice that explained concepts that anyone else would miss. “You said oral sex. You said you’d…you’d…do that-“
“Oh, for God’s sake, Doc,” I interrupted with a laugh. “We’re less than 3 minutes from your apartment and we’re having a conversation about BDSM. You can say fuck.”
“Fine,” he huffed. “You said you fuck them. But you never said you’d let them fuck you.”
Fucking profilers. “Yes, that’s right. That’s why it was so hard for me to answer your earlier question. I don’t have traditional sex with my submissives.”
His voice was confused when he asked, “But why?”
I clicked my tongue. “That, my darling, is a conversation I avoid at all costs. And we’re at your apartment.”
Spencer glanced around, surprised we’d arrived already, despite how long the drive took in the rain. I knew what he was going to do before he did it. I was already formulating my answer when he said, “Y/n…would you want to come up to my apartment? So we could keep talking?”
“Sure, Spence. If that’s what you want.”
message/comment to be added to the series tag list! thank you for reading :)
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socialwriter · 4 years
For a Kook - Ptersparkers’ Writing Challenge
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Gif credit to @popemaybank​
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Female Reader
Requested by @obx-direction-sos​ :  so the scene with “tell kiara she looks pretty hot for a pogue.” what about being on and off with rafe and jj is all like “tell y/n she looks pretty hot for a kook”
Summary: A dance with JJ leads to a jealous Rafe and a confession of feelings
1.9k+ words
TW: Cursing, fighting, jealous Rafe, self doubt/insecurity on reader’s behalf
A/n: Ok so this is a part of @ptersparkers​ writing challenge, and I really wanted to challenge my self so I wrote my first full on Rafe fic. Hope y’all enjoy <3
“Hey Rafe, could you help me with the zipper on this thing?” You shout out into the hallway of his house, awkwardly struggling with the zipper at the back of your emerald dress. You were already running late because your mother had made you help her redecorate the grand foyer of your house, and this dress was certainly not helping you make up on lost time. “Yeah su- woah.”
You turn around to see Rafe standing in the doorway of the guest room which you had been getting ready in, mouth slightly ajar. “What, did I smudge my eyeliner, I had an itch and I knew I scratched too hard damn it Y/n.” Before you can check your makeup in the mirror, Rafe places his hand on your shoulder, effectively stopping your rambling. “No, it's not that it's just..you look gorgeous,” he says, causing your face to heat and a blush to form on your cheeks, a sight he always loved to see. “Just zip the dress up lover boy.”
He complies with your command, zipping up the dress before grabbing the floral crown laying on the vanity and placing it on your head. You grin and turn to face him, feeling giddy about finally being ready to go before your eyes land on his neck. “Seriously, how do you still not know how to tie a bowtie Rafe?” He rolls his eyes, pretending to be offended by your comment, when in reality he had purposefully tied the bowtie poorly so that you would do it for him. He thought it was adorable the way your nose scrunched up in concentration when you tied it, and he didn’t mind being so close to you as well. Of course, he would never tell you that. Your relationship was complex to say the least, an unspoken agreement of exclusivity between the two of you even though your relationship had never been made official. Due to his relationship with his father, Rafe struggled with emotional vulnerability. Even though you two were certainly more than friends, he had an innate fear of rejection that kept him from telling you how he felt about you and making you officially his. 
“Rafe! Y/n! Hurry up, we’re already late!” You hear Rose shout out downstairs, so you grab Rafe’s hand and drag him to where the rest of his family is waiting. “Took you long enough,” Wheezie adds through a grin, causing you to roll your eyes and ruffle her hair a little. “Yeah yeah little nugget, I know.” The six of you all pile into a car and head off to the country club, where the Cameron family is supposed to make their grand entrance. 
Rafe had, somehow, convinced you to walk in with them on his arm, which you were now seriously regretting, considering it felt like almost everyone in the place was looking at you. Judging your dress, your hair, your flower crown, your body. You shrink into Rafe’s side, trying to make yourself appear just a little bit smaller, which he notices. “Something wrong love?” You nod timidly, your usually confident nature seemingly gone. “I feel like everyone’s staring at me,” you whisper, causing Rafe to frown. He places a lingering kiss on the top of your head before gently taking your chin in his hand, forcing you to look at him. “Of course everyone’s staring love, they want to catch a glimpse of the prettiest girl in this place.” You roll your eyes at his remark, feeling too self conscious to come up with a witty comeback.
“Tell you what. How about, for the rest of the night, the two of us hang out together. Dance, sneak a little wine or champagne, and forget about all the asshole socialites stinking up the place. How does that sound, princess?” Rafe’s proposal puts a small smile on your face, and you nod a little. “Sounds alright. You promise that's all that's gonna happen tonight?”
Long story short, Rafe had not upheld his promise. After about two songs of you two dancing your hearts out, Ward had pulled Rafe away on some business. He had claimed that he would be gone for five minutes max, but that was over thirty minutes ago. Now you were currently sitting at a table near the dance floor, mindlessly stirring the ice cubes in your soda with your staw, when a hand comes into your peripheral vision. “Care to dance?” The voice of JJ Maybank asks you.
You lazily glance over at him, quirking a brow. “And what is the one and only JJ Maybank doing at the kook event of the season? I would assume that you’d hate stuff like this.”
“Some of us need to work to eat doll,” he quips back, though something tells you that’s not the reason why he’s here. “So, that dance?” You glance around one more time, and since you don’t see Rafe, you take the blond’s hand, standing and following him to the dance floor.
“So what's a pretty girl like yourself doing sitting here by yourself?” JJ questions, twirling you around. “I would’ve thought you’d be spending the night with your boyfriend.”
“I don’t have a boyfriend.” You respond, taking a step towards him again once you’ve finished spinning.
“Then what do you call you and Rafe.”
The fiery red blush on your cheeks is impossible to hide. Sure, you’d always had feelings for Rafe, and your relationship was far from a normal friendship, but did people really see you two as lovers? “Just dip me Maybank.” You mumble, and luckily he complies. 
Unfortunately for you and JJ, Kelce had spotted you two as soon as JJ had asked you to dance. Knowing you and Rafe were unofficially official, as well as wanting something interesting to happen before the night was over, he figured telling Rafe would both follow the bro code and likely start a fight. He found Rafe talking to some wrinkly old executive, telling the old man a half assed excuse about ‘business matters’ before pulling Rafe off to the side. “Listen dude, I think Maybank is trying to hit on Y/n or something, I saw the two of them talking by the dance floor.”
Thoughts are spiraling through Rafe’s head, but the thought that's the loudest in his mind at the moment is how he’s going to beat JJ’s ass. Fuming, he makes his way to the dance floor just in time to see JJ say something that makes you blush furiously and then dip you. He angrily makes his way over to the two of you, Kelce following close behind, and places a hand on JJ’s shoulder, spinning him around. “Was wondering if you could get me a mai tai my friend?” Rafe asks, venom coating each word. 
Seeing the steam fuming from Rafe, you gulp nervously. This couldn’t end well. “Rafe, JJ was just keeping me company while you were gone, there’s need to be upset.” You place your hand on his arm in an attempt to calm him down, but he just shrugs you off. Before you know it, JJ’s run off inside, and Rafe, along with Kelce and three other kooks, have all followed him inside. You helplessly look around for a moment for someone, anyone, that could help you. You certainly couldn’t fend of all five boys, and neither could JJ. Your eyes catch one of the security guards, and you figure that's your best bet at stopping Rafe. While you were worried for JJ’s safety, you were even more worried about Rafe. God knows what Ward would do if Rafe did anything stupid on tonight of all nights.
You tell the guard that there was a problem going on inside, and the two of you search the country club until hearing a commotion in the men’s locker. When you enter, you see Kelce holding JJ in a chokehold, Rafe rearing up to make a hit, and the other three kooks spectating, not doing a damn thing. “What is going on here?” The guard questions, even though it's quite clear to everyone else in the room. However, JJ, ever the smart ass, starts going on about ‘trespassing’ and ‘being escorted’, so the guard takes the pogue by the arm and the two men approach the exit. However, when JJ meets your eyes, a smirk forms on his lips, and you can tell that he plans on getting one final jab in at Rafe before he leaves.
“Hey Y/n, I really liked dancing with you tonight. Ya know you’re really pretty...for a kook.” 
Rafe lunges towards JJ, but before he reaches him, you step between the two boys, holding your hands up. “Rafe, please, don’t. It's not worth it.” Rafe growls, scaring you slightly, but you hold your ground. “Get out of my way Y/n so I can teach this little punk a lesson.” Luckily, when you glance behind you, it looks as though JJ and the guard had left the locker room, so you didn’t have to hold Rafe back anymore. “Do you want to maybe go outside and get some air?” You question, gently grabbing his hand. He lets out a deep breath but nods, and the two of you make your way out to an area at the front of the country club, away from the hustle and bustle of the events of the night.
“You shouldn’t have held me back. The asshole made a comment about you and he deserved what was coming for him.” 
You huff and shake your head, looking out at the greenery in front of the country club. “You know he just said that to wind you up. Why’d you even start the fight in the first place? You promised me that this would be a nice night, just the two of us.”
Rafe falters slightly, guilt suddenly flooding him. “I saw you two dancing together,” he mumbles under his breath.
“I saw the two of you together. He said something that made you blush and was being all suave with you and I..got jealous.”
Glancing over at Rafe, you see him biting his lip, clearly nervous, and looking anywhere but at you. “Ya know Rafe,I wanted to be there, dancing with you.”
“Don’t lie to me princess.”
“Rafe look at me.” You grab both his hands, causing him to reluctantly look you in the eye. “When have I ever lied to you?” When he doesn’t answer, a small smile forms on your lips. “I never have, and never will. You wanna know what JJ said that made me blush so hard? He called you my boyfriend. And it caught me off guard, because Rafe, I’ve been in love with you for the longest time and f-” you’re cut off by Rafe smashing his lips against yours, but you quickly recover and return the kiss. It feels like fireworks are going off, and if you had to describe the perfect kiss, this would be it. All the passion and emotion between you two is expressed without a single word being said, your mouths doing all the talking. 
Eventually, you pull away, slightly out of breath. “Y/n L/n, I have been in love with you for as long as I can remember. Can we make whatever this is between the two of us official? So that I am yours and yours alone, and that you are mine?” He brings a hand up to cup your cheek, stroking the delicate skin with the pad of his thumb. Instinctively, you take your own hand and place it on top of his, relishing in the contact. “I would love nothing more.”
Tagging moots that are also Rafe hoes 😌: @normatural​ @sortagaysortahigh​ @softstarkey​ @stargazingstarkey​ @anonymous0writer​ @drew-starkey​ @drewsephsmiles​ @girlsru1eboysdroo1​ @jayjaymaebank​ @downbytheouterbanks​ @butgilinsky​ @queenk00k​ @letsgofullkook​ @jjmbanks​
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