#I’m not really a fan of Parmesan cheese actually
skyward-floored · 2 years
Peg!!! First off, hugs!
Second off, debate: Is parmesan cheese a condiment?
First— thank you Squiggles 🥰
Second— ah... good question! I... don’t know. So I quickly submitted it to peer review by my dad and two of my sisters and these were their responses—
My dad: ...no? It’s like, a topping, right?
Sister one: what? A condiment? No, I don’t think it is cause like, a condiment is something you put on hot dogs, toppings are what you put on ice cream. Except Parmesan cheese, which is more of a topping.
Sister two: I agree with them, it’s a topping
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jcbbby · 1 year
Dani, my love, how do you feel about stuffed crust pizza? What about cheese sauce (my local pizza hut offers garlic parmesan sauce) instead of marinara? This is how I take my pizza, because I'm a picky babe - @bowersbubbles
hmmm controversial but I actually am not a big fan of cheese 😬 I’m vegan, for one. but I didn’t even really like cheese much as a non-vegan either.
HOWEVER I love pizza. I am always down for pizza. I’m def a marinara sauce bae. but I’m also Italian, so bread and tomato is just right to me.
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01. When you’re eating pizza do you add anything like crushed peppers, parmesan cheese or hot sauce to it? you mean what I add personally at home apart from the toppings I already ordered to be on it when it’s made? nothing
02. Do you or would you ever wear fake eyelashes? I’ve never personally used them and I’m happy with my long lashes so I’m good 
03. Does your best friend have a tumblr? What is their URL? not that I know of
04. What is the last contest or sweepstakes that you entered? none
05. Do you think that smaller breeds of dogs are cuter than big ones? depends on the breed and living circumstances (restrictions on pets in houses/apartments) but all doggos if I could!
06. When was the last time that you slept in a tent? a few years ago at the Esser’s annual huge party 
07. Do you like boxed macaroni and cheese? meh not a big fan to begin with so it works
08. What brand of makeup do you prefer to use? I don’t go by brand, I go by what’s cheap or looks good 
09. Have you ever been able pet a normally wild animal, like a tiger or dolphin? closest I got was petting a fish at a place that let us do that, can’t think of the name of the place
10. What causes or issues do you feel most passionate about? so many...
11. Do you have any siblings? one by marriage so no blood whatsoever, a stepsis that I always wished for in “actual” sis 12. What was the last television show that you sat and watched multiple episodes of? The Umbrella Academy! omfg I’m late to the game but I am so obsessed!
13. Is there anything significant happening this month? Well it’s the end of July so no nothing really so far aside from if Zach is going on another trip soon...
14. If one famous fashion designer was going to fill your closet with free clothes, which designer would you want it to be? Baby Phat
15. When was the last time that you plucked your eyebrows? never have, never will
16. If you had a work office that you would be allowed to decorate any way you want, how would you decorate it? I’m not into deco so probably just a fam pic or two  
17. The last holiday that you celebrated, what did you do? Christmas and my sobriety was the main focus with the family....
18. Do you have any chronic pain? every fucking day
19. If you have Netflix, how do you typically watch it? rarely, we’re always on Youtube on Roku 
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Love Does
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 743
Summary: Bucky returns after a long mission and you want to spend some time pampering him. 
Author’s Note: This is for the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club 24 hour surprise drabble challenge and the theme of Pamper your Man! Loved this idea! So sweet <3 Hope you enjoy and thank you all for reading! Much love always ❤❤❤
Warnings: soft and fluffy sweetness :) 
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You sprinkle the last of the parmesan cheese over the plate just as the door opens, “hey doll face, I’m back!” Bucky walks into the kitchen, instantly smiling when he sees the small table set with two heaping servings of lasagna, wine and some warm and toasty Italian bread. “Wow, this smell delicious and looks even better!”
Pulling you into his arms he cages you alongside the counter and kisses you soundly, smiling when you sneak your arms under his shirt and brush them over his abs. “What’s all this for sweetheart? You know lasagna is my favorite.” Giving him another kiss, you take the timer and set it, throwing him a wink, “just wait until you see dessert.”
He smirks, “thank you baby. I can’t wait. Can I help you with anything?” You tap your finger against your chin, “actually, yes! Can you open the wine please?” Taking the bottle, he easily opens it with his metal hand and pours two glasses. “So, I know you probably didn’t eat one normal meal while on the mission and you got home pretty late last night and we both had other ideas on how to spend our time.” Bucky waggles his eyebrows at that and you roll your eyes, continuing, “and then you had to go to the stupid debriefing all afternoon so I thought you could use a nice home cooked meal.”
You take the spatula and eye the baking dish then look to Bucky, “ok, this should be enough.” He throws his head back with laughter before suddenly giving you a serious look, “hmmm not sure doll, you know how much I love your lasagna.” Kissing his cheek, you get the bread and go to sit but he beats you to the table and pulls out your chair. “Thank you, baby.”
He sits after you’re comfortable and smiles brightly before digging in. “Oh man, this is just, mmmm, it’s so good.” You beam, taking a bite and moaning over the taste. The two of you enjoy the meal, chatting about everything and nothing before you shoo him away so you can clean up. “Baby, come on, please let me help. You know I’m more than happy to.”
Shaking the dirty spatula at him you grind out, “Bucky Barnes, get yourself in the living room and find something to watch, I won’t be long and I’m going to use the dishwasher.” Holding his hands up in mock defense he backs away, grinning at you and your threatening spatula. Just as you turn around, he silently creeps back and wraps his arms around you from behind, squeezing you tight and kissing your neck. “Thank you beautiful, I love you.”
Before you can respond he runs off and you hear the TV turn on, smiling to yourself and cleaning up as quickly as you can. You find Bucky sprawled out along the cushions, his feet dangling off the arm rest, “there you are, I missed you.” Smiling sweetly, you make your way over to the couch and tell him to sit up, taking his head in your lap and resting it there.
His blue eyes look up and you softly smooth your fingers over his hair, brushing it away from his forehead. You continue massaging them over his scalp, eliciting a moan from his now parted lips as he sinks further into your lap and the couch. “Oh man, baby girl, that feels so good.” Tracing your fingers over his jaw and lightly scratching the thick stubble of his beard you bring them back up to his head and continue your ministrations.
Dark, thick lashes fan his cheeks as his eyes begin to close and his chest rises and falls with gentle, even breaths. You ghost your fingertips down his neck and shoulders, delicately dancing them over his chest and smiling when you see the corners of his mouth lift. “Not asleep?” He turns slightly and snakes his arms around your waist, “almost, but not yet. Will you come and lay with me?”
Without a word you scoot down next to him, laying face to face and wrapping yourself around him. He tucks your hair behind your ear and pauses when his lips are just barely touching yours, “I just want you to know, you’re all I ever need but I really appreciate you doing this for me.” Instead of waiting for any reply he closes the gap and presses his warm lips to yours.
@book-dragon-13 @bugsbucky @buckstaybucky @buckosawrus @buckys-henley @buckys-broody-muffin @breezy1415 @chuuulip @eurynome827 @hiddles-rose @hailmary-yramliah @hawksmagnolia @jhangelface0523 @jewels2876 @lorilane33 @loricameback @lokilvrr @marvelgirl7 @nano--raptor @pinkdiamond1016 @randomfandompenguin @sallycanwait68 @tuiccim​ @the-wayward-robot​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​ @yansi1923​
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
haikyuu!! masterchef au (second-gen captains vs. first-years edition)
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hello my brain made another thing again. to check out the first masterchef au (captains vs. setters) just click here
due to popular demand, masterchef is hosting another team challenge with volleyball nerds
they had to pay gordon a bit more and ensure the freezer is available at all times in case he needs to hide
so we have team second-gen captains with shirabu, akaashi, yahaba, taketora, ennoshita, and futakuchi
then team first-years with goshiki, lev, koganegawa, hinata, tsukishima, and kindaichi
shirabu is back to win while akaashi had to be patted down to make sure he's not sneaking another rat in
team first years look very nervous except for probs tsukki and goshiki
hinata is always out of frame because all his team members are so tall
they give him a box to stand on while he's cooking and suddenly he's taller than kindaichi
when the time starts, team second-gen are off cooking like pros
most of them have never been to a kitchen
yahaba's poking an onion with the tip of his knife
yahaba: this,,, this isn't how its like in cooking mama
taketora: yah, no shit
ennoshita's washing the dishes and futakuchi tries to tell him he doesn't need to until he realizes that maybe washing the dishes is all he can do
over in team first-years they have Absolutely No Clue
and then hinata's like 'wHY dON'T wE mAKE sOUFFLE'
koganegawa and lev: Y E A H 🤘🤘🤘
none of them know how
everyone else did contemplate helping them but its more fun watching lev crack an entire egg, shell and all, into a bowl and take out the shell bits after
gordon, realizing its going to be a repeat of last time: *surprised pikachu face
kindaichi: do we,,, have a plan tho ???
tsukishima: *pats mysterious bulge in his jacket pocket* we got a back-up plan
meanwhile team second-gen is standing in a circle still trying to figure out what to do
and then futakuchi brings out an alexa device (idk wat these are called im poor)
futakuchi: we must consult a higher power
gordon: is he allowed to do that?
producer: this is a no-rules match
futakuchi: alexa, how do u boil an egg?
taketora: no alexa. play despacito
alexa: *plays despacito*
*cut to montage of futakuchi beating up taketora with despacito playing in the background*
ennoshita: what if,, we jus make a salad? just throw a bunch of leaves and crunchy bread cubes in there?
akaashi: did u mean,,, croutons?
yahaba: i shall make the crunchy bread cubes
shirabu: i'll chop the leaves
akaashi: like how u chopped your bANGS?
taketora and ennoshita have to stop shirabu from killing akaashi
meanwhile lev, kogane, and hinata are working on their ✨✨~~souffle~~✨✨
except kogane and lev keep accidentally spilling stuff on hinata because our li'l guy is li'l
gordon: their souffle actually looks pretty decent and by that i mean it looks half-burnt and barely edible
they're so proud of it tho
that is until they're all carrying it to the front when lev accidentally trips and throws the souffle up in the air 
its heading straight to kogane and his Setter Instincts kicks in and he sets. the. souffle
and its heading straight to hinata whose Spiker Instincts kick in
shirabu, watching the entire thing happen: alexa, play mm watcha say
im sorry idk the name of the song
alexa: ~~mm watcha sayyyyyy~~
hinata: *spikes the souffle into the ground*
goshiki: so whats plan B?
tsukishima: *reaches into his jacket* instant mac and cheese
goshiki: good enough
kindaichi's really good at making mac and cheese if that’s possible
like the macaroni is cooked perfectly and all
meanwhile in team setter someone has managed to burn the salad leaves
it was actually ennoshita but he blamed it on futakuchi and everyone believed him
taketora: now we only have crunchy bread cubes
yahaba: this is so sad. alexa play--
shirabu: BUT WE ALSO HAV RAT CHEF !! *points at akaashi*
ennoshita: he didn't bring ratatouille with him
akaashi: his name is remy not ratatouille omg u fake fan
taketora: what if,,, someone sat on akaashi's shoulders,,, and pulled his hair to control him like remy???
all of the next-gen captains who have lost braincells at this point: 🆗️🆒️
so yahaba mounts akaashi's shoulders and u kno,,, does the rat chef thing except both of them are flailing around
kindaichi, watching from the other table: alexa, play the ratatouille theme song
*insert montage of yahaba and akaashi flailing around with the ratatouille theme song playing in the background*
i hope y'all can picture is in ur heads as well as i can because it has the dynamism of a renaissance painting
also did i mention that tsukki smuggled in dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets?
he's frying them with a smol smile on his face
hinata took a picture of it
goshiki's doing the plating and he's arranging all the dinosaur nuggets around a wad of mac and cheese
kindaichi grating fresh parmesan on top
 it looks spectacular
koganegawa and lev eat one of the dino nuggets and tsukki s C R E A M S
kindaichi’s trying to calm tsukki down while goshiki drags koganegawa and lev into the freezer
which stresses gordon out because the freezer was supposed to be his place
have rat chef akaashi and yahaba managed to cook something?
no they both fell to the floor
and are contemplating their life decisions
akaashi: i miss remy
yahaba: me too man
futakuchi and ennoshita decide to add peanut butter and jelly on a plate and sprinkle the crunchy bread cubes on top
and now the judging begins
gordon: *looking at team second-gen's dish* what are you?
taketora: a deconstructed pb & j sandwich
gordon: and there's no way i'm eating this mac and cheese it looks terrible
tsukishima: i thought you'd be used to it with the food from your country
shirabu: *keying 911 into a microwave* hello, police? i'd like to report a m u r d e r
im sorry british food sucks except for like fish and chips which are only good sometimes
gordon: did this child just sass me? 
in the end he chooses team second-gen as the winner but its not because they cooked the best dish but because he feels bad for yahaba and akaashi
also because tsukki sassed him
futakuchi: alexa, play despacito again
also the microwave explodes
koganegawa and lev are still locked in the freezer
(check out pt. 1 feat. captains vs. setters)
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Survey #463
“the siren sings a lonely song of all the wants & hungers  /  the lust of love, a brute desire”
Describe the person that you would like to be in three years. I want my mental health to be in great condition, I really want to be in much better physical shape, ideally be living with somebody in our own place, have a job I'm happy with, have an improved social life, my own license and car... Think back to when you first met your significant other (or ex). Was your first impression of them accurate? It's funny, I honestly don't remember what my first impression of Girt was. I don't even recall our first interaction. I'm sure it was most likely that he was friendly, because he is and always has been. What is your most noticeable personality trait? Probably that I'm really, really shy. What kind of natural disaster is most common where you live? Hurricanes. Which of your family members do you resemble the most? I guess one of my immediate sisters? People tend to say stuff like they can definitely tell we're related. Have you ever had an animal get into your attic? No. Who knows you better than anyone else? Hell, probably whoever reads these. When was the last time you started a “new chapter” of your life? I guess you could call dating Girt a "new chapter." I have a much, much stronger feeling of this attempt being more successful than the last now that I've been able to change my angle on how I see him. What’s the most expensive thing your car needed to get done? I don't have my own vehicle and never have. If you had a thousand dollars to spend on a pricey brand you like but can’t really afford (until now of course), which ONE brand would you choose? *shrug* Most products of highly expensive brands I find hideous anyway. Do you still talk to any of your old teachers? Yeah. One is a close family friend and actually our landlord. Does your family still use the home phone or are you all on cell phones now? We haven't had a landline is yeeeeaaarrrrsssss. Ever go to another school’s prom? No; my boyfriend went to the same school as me. Do you ever venture into the woods? What do you normally do there? No; we live in the city now. :/ When I DID live in the woods, I absolutely loved wandering around with my camera for stuff to take pics of. Does your significant other ever make you mix CDs? None ever have but omg I wish that would be adorable. How did you dress your freshman year of high school? I was one of them emo kids. Would you ever date your best friend of the opposite sex? WELP that's what I'm doing lol. Would you say you have a high sex drive or not so much? I'd call it normal? Higher sometimes, lower other times, but not to either extreme. Come with an unpopular opinion. Silent Hill: Homecoming is a great game and while there's a lot of fan service from the movie, it belongs in the series. It's actually my second (or third)-favorite installment. Most of the SH community absolutely hate that game. What’s the worst thing a friend has either done or said to you? A lot of shit Colleen would say if we got into arguments. She'd ridicule effects of my depression, said I'd never know what it's like to pay my own bills, stuff like that. She's hateful as fuck and everything cut deep. What’s fake about you? Like extensions, fake nails, botox etc. Nothing physical. If you got the chance, would you audition for a reality show? No. Have you ever gotten into a Facebook fight? More than once. What’s the cheesiest thing you’ve ever experienced irl? Hm, I'm unsure. Favorite flavor of jelly bean? Probably watermelon. Do you use Tinder? If yes, have you ever met up with someone you matched? No. You do you, but if I understand Tinder correctly, it just seems... really shallow to me. Like don't you JUST see their picture to decide if you're interested or not? It just enforces the false belief that appearance really matters in love. You just poured your heart out to your crush and all he/she does is respond “k”. What do you respond/do? Well, I don't have a crush anymore; my boyfriend and I literally exchanged "I love you"s last night. That's not a crush. But for the sake of the question, I'll imagine I was single and this happened, in which case I would be both hurt and annoyed. Like, either tell me you return the feelings or not. It's not hard. What's your favorite thing to order from McDonald’s? I usually get a quarter pounder w/ cheese or a McDouble, occasionally with a small or medium fry, depending on how hungry I am. When do you feel your sexiest? Never, hunny. What's your favorite emoji? I don't really have one? It just depends on what the situation calls for. What’s your skincare routine? I don't really have one... I just use a washcloth to clean my face. Who all out of your immediate family smokes? My dad and stepmom. Do you like incense or candles better? Incense, totally. Do you respect your parents? Yeah. What’s your bf/gf’s name? It's technically Donald Jr., but since high school, I've known him as Girt, a nickname I won't explain for his privacy. Do you wear glasses? Yeah. Do you like The Beatles? I honestly don't. Except "Hey, Jude." What was the last reason you got excited? Last night. When we were saying goodbye, I was scared to, but I told Girt I loved him, and he immediately said it back confidently. My heart did like five flips. I'm still over the moon about it. Yes, we just got back together, but we've been in each other's lives as a constant since HS, and after changing my angle of how I looked at him, it's not at all platonic anymore. Do you know anyone who drinks the pickle juice from the jar? Sara does alskdjfklwejrl;er Name something crazy that’s happened recently? Uhhhh... I dunno. My life is very uneventful to have something really "crazy" happen. Can you say for a fact that you’re happy right now? I'm happy about some things, but also nervous and self-doubtful. Have you ever zip lined? No, but they look fun. I'd just be really scared of losing my grip. If you broke your computer, would you be able to fix it on your own? Ha, no. Have you ever been on a boat and got sick? No, but the one time I was at the beach and on a boat riding to an island, I was TERRIFIED I was going to get sick because of the waves. I didn't, thankfully. Did you sleep well last night? For the most part. My new mask might just be working. Do your parents try and plan your life for you? Not at all. Do you have any pictures of you kissing someone? Yes. List two things about yourself that you find embarrassing. My weight and how dark my leg hair is. Do you like to cuddle with your pet when you are sad? Yes. Do you find piercing attractive or unattractive? h o t Do you have any secret hiding spots in your room? To put money, yes. Do you like parmesan cheese on your spaghetti? Ew, no. I don't like parmesan. Does your best girl friend have any talents that you don’t? Yeah. She can animate well, for one. And sing like a fucking champ. Do you have any video game systems in your room? Which one(s)? My Nintendo DS Lite is in here. Well, and my laptop is a gaming one. What color eyes does the last person you kissed have? ... Oh WOW I've known this man for a fuckin decade and somehow I'm not sure??? But I want to say light blue? Have you ever taken a ride in a helicopter? No. Have you ever visited hot springs? No. How slowly or quickly would you say you eat? I'm aware I eat too fast, because my mom will point it out almost without fail if we eat in sight of each other. I'm not a messy eater at all, just... fast. Chewing your food and swallowing isn't a complex task. I've made active efforts to slow down, I just haven't been able to succeed. It doesn't feel normal. That and I've come to discover that when I chew food TOO much, I don't like the mushy texture of it in my mouth. What did you do the last time you were with friends? Yesterday Girt and I planned to watch shitty Netflix anime for some laughs, but we wound up starting Attack on Titan, which I am officially pretty into. What kind of cologne/perfume do you like the opposite sex to wear? I don't care if they wear any or not, so long as they know how to clean themselves and therefore not actually smell bad. If you celebrate Christmas, do you get a real tree or an artificial tree? We always use a fake one. Is there someone who means a lot to you but they don’t know that? My sisters probably don't, really... Is money important to you? Live your whole life poor and I want to see you answer "no" to this. Have you ever watched a meteor shower? No. Do you like Slim Jims? LOOOOOOOVE them. Would you rather write a mystery or love story? Love story. Are you muscular? No. Working for it. Do you have one of those removable hand-held shower heads? Yes. Originally, this house didn't, but I hated it so much that Mom bought one. How many burners does your stove have? Four. Has your car ever been broken into? Mom's hasn't.
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jaembby · 4 years
three course meals
Pairing: (SF9) Jaeyoon x f reader
warnings: none
words: 1.6k
prompt: hi~! 😳can i request a fic featuring sf9 jaeyoon please? (◕‿◕ )the plot is he is doing his "I can do it" live series. this time he is challenged to cook the recipe from his gf (let's say it's a 3 course meal) and then his gf is telling all the cooking step through a phone call. in the end of the live broadcast, his gf come visits him to try the meal that he made.stay healthy, stay happy and have a great day~ 🥺🥰🧡
requested: yes! by @jsnyoung
a/n: i’m really tired right now so i haven’t proof read this yet. maybe i’ll do it in the morning. the writing is probably going to be shitty because i’ve rushed it a bit and am literally about to fall asleep but if it’s too bad, when i proof read it, i’ll fix some bits up! sorry for the wait @jsnyoung but thank you for requesting!!
“What do you guys think I’m doing today?” Jaeyoon asks his fans as he waits for your call. Today, Jaeyoon is getting you, his girlfriend, to help with his “I can do it” live series. He’s going to cook a three-course meal of your choice with you guiding him through the phone. What he doesn’t know, however, is that you’re planning on getting him to make one of the courses the same meal that you and him had ordered on your first date.
“’Are you going to make something?’ Good question! As a matter of fact, yes, I am making something! And hopefully it turns out okay... if not, blame y/n!” Jaeyoon laughs as he reads comments, awaiting your phone call.
“ ‘When are you going to start? What are you going to make?’ Well... honestly, I’m not even sure what I’m going to make. Today, y/n is going to tell me what to make over the phone so I’ll start as soon as she calls!” Jaeyoon smiles at the camera as he awaits your call. ring He picks up on the first ring, eager to get started. 
“Angel you’re going on speaker and I’m live, okay? I mean you already know that but I’m just reminding you.” Jaeyoon says quietly into the phone before turning back to the camera and introducing you. “Fantasy, as some of you probably know, this is my girlfriend. Y/n say hi to Fantasy!” 
“Hi” You say happily as you get a recipe for what Jaeyoon is going to make. “Today, our Jaeyoon is going to make a three-course meal! With the hepl of yours truly, of course.” Jaeyoon laughs into the phone at your statement as he questions you on what it is that he’s actually meant to be making.
“I’m glad you asked, Jae. Well, for the appetizer, it’s a chicken salad. It’s easy enough so you shouldn’t need too much guidance, or at least, I hope not.” You tease him. Jaeyoon starts getting what he needs from the fridge and cupboard as you read out the comments. “ ‘Jaeyoon should cook for Fantasy!’ ‘y/n should be in his lives more!’ ‘Eat well!’ Thank you for the last one! Also yes, Jaeyoon should totally cook for you guys and feature me in his lives more often!” “Nuh-uh, princess! You’ll take all my fans away!” You laugh at this as you jokingly tell him that he might be right before instructing him on what to put in the salad and how much.
Soon enough, Jaeyoon’s finished with the first course and puts it in the fridge for later. “Angel, what’s next?” He asks you just as you get a recipe up for the next meal. “Well, my dear boyfriend, I’m sure you’d be familiar with this one. If you remember what we had on our first date, that is!” You say excitedly into the phone as you tell him what he needs. “Okay... I’m sure Jae already knows what he’s making but Fantasy, in case you haven’t guessed already, it’s a creamy tuscan chicken! We actually had this on our first date so it’s pretty special for him to make this.” “Here we go again... y/n being hopelessly romantic!” Jaeyoon laughs as he begins to season the chicken. “Jaeyoon! Look, your fans think it’s cute!” It’s as if Jaeyoon can hear your pout over the phone as you complain about him calling you hopelessly romantic. “Angel, don’t worry, I think it’s cute too!” “I know” You giggle. 
Jaeyoon heats the oil in the pan and starts placing the chicken in. “You know, I’m doing pretty good. If I do say so myself!” Jaeyoon smiles proudly at the camera. “Oh! I should tell Fantasy about that one time you nearly burnt the FNC building down!” You say with a smirk, although no one could see it. “Will you ever stop teasing me for it?” “Nope!” You say as he flips the chicken over. “Look, all of your fans want to know what happened! Can I tell them? Please?” You ask. “Fine!” He draws out the syllables. “I mean you were going to anyway, weren’t you?” “Yeah I was!” You laugh at the slight redness on your boyfriends cheeks.
“Well, one day I was over at the dorm hanging out with Jae and the guys and he decided to make ramen! Now, he’s not a bad cook, considering he’s only ever used recipes. Anyways, we all decided to watch a movie. It was about half way through when Jaeyoon decided he wanted to make the ramen so he got up and did that. He’d left the ramen in the water for a bit and came back to see what was happening as he let it cook. Jae  must have lost track of time because all of a sudden, Chani comes in and asks “Hyung, what’s that smell?” We all turned towards the kitchen as we saw smoke and Jae realized what he’s done. It was so funny! All of a sudden, Youngbin, Zuho, Jaeyoon and Rowoon all rushed to the kitchen while Dawon recorded and Inseong, Taeyang, Hwiyoung, Chani and myself burst out laughing. It turns out the ramen had been left for too long and had caught on fire so Youngbin, Zuho and Rowoon had to put it out. It’s safe to say that Rowoon sticks to cooking in the dorms now. Hey Jae, ask Dawon if he still has the video!” You laugh at the memory as you read the comments on Jaeyoon’s live. Fantasy all find it funny, too.
Jaeyoon’s already added the garlic, onions, tomatoes and spinach into the mix and is now putting the cream, salt and pepper into it. “Well it looks like I’m a much better cook now since there’s no fire this time! Y/n, do you know what you want me to make for dessert? I’m nearly done with this, angel.” Jaeyoon says as he adds the last ingredients - parmesan cheese and parsley - and stirs the mixture before mixing it one last time and putting the creamy chicken into the oven so it stays warm.
“As a matter of fact, I do know what to make next! How does Brownies sound?” You laugh as you see his face light up on the live. “Sounds perfect!” Jaeyoon says as he gets everything he needs to make them. You and him have made brownies together so many times that it’s just muscle memory now. The recipe is implanted in both of your heads. You smile while watching his live as he starts making them without needing any instructions.
 “We have to make brownies when you come over again, y/n. It’s our thing.” Jaeyoon says as he pops them into the oven and turns back to the live, smiling as he starts reading comments. “ ‘Jaeyoon how are you?’ ‘What have you eaten today?’ ‘What’s everyone else doing?’ Okay firstly, I’m good, how about you? Second, I’ve had a few snacks but when these brownies are done, y/n should be here and we’ll eat them together. Speaking of which, y/n, you can get off the phone now and come over! Third, honestly I’m not sure what everyone else is doing. I think they’re just relaxing.” After Jaeyoon finishes what he was saying, you quickly tell him that you’re heading over now before getting into your car and driving over to the dorms.
“Y/N! You scared me!”
“Yeah that was the whole point!” You laugh as Jae calms his heartbeat.
“You clear the bench and I’ll get the brownies out, Jae.” You call out to him, already making your way over to the oven.
“Well thank you so much for joining me for another episode of “I can do it” today, Fantasy! I’ll feature y/n in lives more if you want? As it turns out, I’m a pretty good cook. We’d better get going now before the food gets cold! Bye bye Fantasy! Goodnight or morning! See you later!” And with that, your boyfriend ends the live.
“Jae, I’ve got to admit, this all looks amazing! Let’s eat!” You say as you portion the food. Jaeyoon brings the plates over to the living room where he places the food on a table and moves couch pillows out of the way so the two of you can sit there.
“Why are we eating on the couch today? I thought Bin didn’t want us to make it messy.” You ask, bringing extra napkins in case anything spills.
“Well, angel, I want to cuddle while we eat brownies and sitting at the kitchen table’s not really ideal in that scenario, is it? Besides, it’s comfy here.” Jaeyoon smiles up at you as he puts the salad bowl and two forks between you. You smile up at him as you eat the salad he made, proud of your boyfriend’s cooking skills... even if this is just a salad. Soon enough you’ve both finished and are onto the second of the three courses.
“Jae is amazing!” You say as you take a bite of the creamy chicken. It really does taste good. Now you’re even prouder of him! You’ve both moved onto dessert now and Jaeyoon moves the plate of brownies to the side before patting the space next to him.
“Come here, angel.” He says with a pout. You move closer to your boyfriend and lean on him as he wraps his arms around your frame. The two of you stay like that for a while, finding comfort in each other’s warmth and taking in the faint smell of brownies and him. 
“Thanks for helping me today, princess. You’re an amazing instructor” Jaeyoon giggles, his voice calming and soft like honey.
“You’re welcome, baby! You’re an amazing cook.” You retort with a smile and small giggle as a content sigh leaves your lips, and Jaeyoon pulls you closer, the both of you staying in this position and eventually falling asleep to the sound of the other’s heartbeat. 
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gourmade4u · 4 years
Start at the basics
Kitchen Essentials
If you’re just starting out, what are some essential tools and tips to keep in mind while you’re working away at your best Gordon Ramsey duplicate? 
Well, for starters, you need to make sure that your kitchen has the necessary base in which to build from. 
TL;DR- Chef’s knife, rubber spatula, whisk, pans (all types are neatly listed below the picture with the whisk and rubber spatulas), glass mixing bowls, kevlar or other cut-resistant gloves, metal spatula, cutting boards, electric thermometer, colander, box grater, and a timer (if you don’t have a microwave or oven that has one). 
First thing’s first: 
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A Chef’s knife. I purchased mine from Ergo Chef (not an affiliate, I’m just a huge fan). From the moment my hand touched this knife, I cried literal happy tears from the depths of my soul. If you have arthritis issues, or issues that cause your hands to swell or lock up from consistent use, an ergonomically designed knife is incredibly important. For those of you just starting, my first knife set was a Farberware set with a wooden block from Walmart. It was a 20 piece knife set with steak knives and it was less than 90 dollars. But take the time to invest in your knives, you’ll be grateful that you did. 
I’ll post in a separate article how to sharpen your knife, but do keep in mind to NEVER, hold on, let me bold this, NEVER: run your knives or single knife through the dishwasher, and/or leave them in the sink. After you finish using your knife, it is best if you wash and dry it immediately to keep it from rusting. Your knives will thank you, and so will your wallet. 
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A rubber spatula.
So, this little guy is the absolute best. He will help you toast rice for your risotto, spoon out that perfect pan sauce that took you way too many tries to get it exactly the way you wanted, AND he'll make sure that all your batter makes it into the pan, or your mouth, whichever you prefer.
A whisk. So yes, a whisk is incredibly versatile. You can use it to scramble eggs, make meringue, mayo, vinaigrette, and bake that cake you’re gonna regret in a week.
PANsexuality is important. But it has nothing to do with this next list of pans.
Non-stick pan
10 in. stainless steal or ceramic pan 
Cast iron pan (or 3)
Sauce pot (if you're like me, you have 6)
Griddle pan (not pictured... yet)
Sheet pan
Each and every one of these serves a unique purpose.
A non-stick is great for eggs, bacon, frittatas (which are fancy eggs), and so many other items that I promise aren't just breakfast food. 
A ceramic pan is wonderful, but in my personal opinion, a stainless steel is better if you're a novice. A ceramic pan requires a lot of spoons (energy) and maintenance. They scratch easily if you look at them the wrong way. But they are great for more even cooking than a stainless, and make the best pork chops. Stainless steel isn’t as hard to work with, isn’t as high maintenance (though, like knives, NEVER put them in your dishwasher), is ideal for crusting your steak, and making a pan sauce with the remaining bits. 
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A cast iron pan evenly distributes heat and you can put it in the oven at 500 degrees without worrying about warping or damage to your pan. Cast iron is also fantastic if you don’t want to use as much fat in your pan to keep your items from sticking. Also, you can’t get a crust on a steak in any other pan, the way you do in a cast iron. Also, don’t put this in the dishwasher.
A sauce pot sounds like an unnecessary necessity. I’ll explain, when most people hear “sauce” pot, they get very confused because there are like, 30 types. This is an exaggeration, but there are a lot of types. A large saucepot can hold from 1 qt. to 5 qts. I always recommend getting a 5 qt. pot because you can use it for small amounts and large amounts. But the best advice I can give would be to get one that can hold at least 2 c of liquid, and also one that can hold 5 qts so you’re not making oatmeal for yourself in a pot that’s too big. 
A Griddle pan is more of a luxury item, but I always recommend having one in your kitchen. You can make your best pancakes, arepas, bacon, grilled cheese, tuna melt, etc. It’s honestly a great tool to have on hand if you want to whip something up quickly. 
A sheet pan is important for so many reasons. You can make cookies, cake, bacon (I know I’ve said about 2 of the others already), roasted veggies, etc. I definitely recommend having at least one on hand. You’ll find that you’ve allowed yourself to enjoy brussel sprouts  smothered in parmesan cheese, and roasted cauliflower with garam masala and ginger for the first time ever. Just trust me, your oven is made for a varying amount of possibilities, and the right tools can get you started.
A baking dish/pan/casserole, whatever you want to call it, it’s a huge piece of either: cast iron, ceramic, glass, or clay that can be covered and it will, much like your sheet pan, allow for new ideas in the kitchen. Casserole is a very common word used by mostly older women from the south, but they aren’t just a dish your grandma cooked in the 50′s. French toast casserole is so impossibly custardy and delicious, you will thank the Gods that there has ever been something so wonderful in existence. You have stews, roasts, lasagna (uncovered, don’t be rude to your lasagna), and so many others. Just please, okay? Okay.  
Glass mixing bowls are a MUST. Okay, so some really important things about these bad boys: DON’T leave them on a hot stove because the heat will make them shatter and explode all over your kitchen. If you have pets or kids, I don’t have to tell you why this would be bad for potentially weeks on end. You can, however, makeshift a glass bowl and a boiling pot of water into a double boiler to melt your favorite chocolate chips to make fudge. Glass bowls are also non-absorbent, so they won’t retain bad odors or flavors when you use them in the kitchen. They’re also incredibly sanitary for the same reason.
A pair of Kevlar or other gloves meant for slicing and dicing in the kitchen. I recommend this no matter what level of experience you have. Professional chefs cut and burn themselves all the time, it is best you do what you can to protect your fingertips and nails. 
A metal spatula will help you scrape any bits and pieces that have stuck onto your stainless or ceramic pan. Please be sure to use carefully, the metal spatula itself is very temperamental and can ruin your pans forever. 
Cutting boards. There are, a whole litany of reasons you need a cutting board or 10 in your kitchen. I myself have 4 and I use all of them. Cutting boards are made of several different kinds of material. Ultimately, for me, I use a wooden one and an eco-friendly material cutting board set I got from Bed Bath and Beyond. Cutting board maintenance is, arguably, the most important thing when it comes to  purchasing one. Best way to clean a cutting board is to make sure you’re passing your sponge over the slits in the board left behind by your knife, in the same direction. In other words, don’t scrub your board in a circle, but trace over the cuts in the board to ensure proper sanitation of it. 
An electric thermometer. Okay, so show of hands, how many people have deep fried chicken, burned the outside and undercooked the inside? I don’t know of any single person who is just beginning, who hasn’t done it. An electric thermometer is your best friend. You can get a regular thermometer, that will require constant calibration, or you can get an electric thermometer and not have to worry about calibrating it as often. Perfectly juicy, succulent, and properly cooked chicken will measure at 165 degrees Farenheit. Anything beyond 180, expect it to be dry, but at least it was cooked properly! To calibrate a thermometer: bring water to a boil, and then place your thermometer in the water, allow it to come to 212 degrees Fahrenheit, then place your thermometer into an ice bath until it gets to 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Celsius would be 100 degrees boiling, and 0 degrees in ice. 
A colander is meant to strain out pasta water, and you’ve probably not seen it used for much else. But a fine mesh colander can be used to filter out your frying oil so you can reuse it instead of wasting it. This little thing is good for anything that requires draining: meat, starch from rice and potatoes before cooking them, washing all of your vegetables at once before getting started, and also, it can help with steaming your broccoli or shrimp when you don’t have a basket steamer.
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A box grater in general, is a fantastic tool. They have different sides that allow you to do different things. From shredding cheese, potatoes, carrots, or zuccini. But the question a lot of people ask: what is that side with all the really tiny spaces in it? It’s a zester, and it goes so unnoticed for so long because most folx don’t know the best way to use it. The zester is great for adding a little elegance or pop of flavor into a dish. For example, if you use lemon pepper often, adding a zested lemon rind to your dish would bring out all that delicious acidity that you won’t get from just using the regular seasoning from a bottle. A little fresh lemon zest here, some grated nutmeg there, a little orange zest in your tea, these all pack a mean right hook. Try them out. 
Last, but not least: a timer, gentlefolx. I can not stress the utter importance of learning how long it actually takes you, the reader to complete a task from start to finish. Not everyone works at the same pace, so a recipe that says “prep time: 5 minutes”, might actually take you an hour, and that’s okay. Keeping a timer on hand so you can keep track of how long each task is taking to complete, or making sure you’re pacing yourself as things are bubbling away in the kitchen, is a great way to figure yourself out in the kitchen. I recommend listening to music, writing your ingredients on a white board that sits at eye level in your kitchen so you can refer to your recipe as you’re going without having to constantly look at your phone. 
I hope this helps every single one of you learn a bit more about what it means to begin your journey with food. 
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alright friends here we go. @goodlesson tagged me (thank you 💙) so we are doing this. all 73 questions!!
on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? 4, fuck you coronavirus
describe yourself in a hashtag? #yeet
if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be? no. can i just get a hug or maybe steal a hoodie from dan smith or tom holland
if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say? it’s a disaster but hopefully you’ll love it anyway!
what’s one thing people don’t know about you? one time i won a spelling bee and it was so traumatizing that i swore i’d never do another one ever again
what’s your wake up ritual? wake up, pretend i don’t have to do anything, remember that i do actually have to do stuff, start school. and breakfast happens somewhere in there
what’s your go to bed ritual? snack and tumblr and music
what’s your favorite time of day? i’m a big fan of golden hour because photography. also midnight, i dig it
your go to for having a good laugh? john mulaney
dream country to visit? besides all of them? the czech republic or new zealand!
what’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? signing to run in college? i know i did it, but i surprised myself with it honestly
heels or flats/sneakers? yes.
vintage or new? new styles purchased at thrift stores
who do you want to write your obituary? i’ve written my own epitaph six times and i don’t even want a gravestone
style icon? shailene woodley, taylor swift
what are three things you cannot live without? trail running, music, sweet tea
what’s one ingredient you put in everything? parmesan fucking cheese. i said what i said
what 3 people living or dead would you want to make dinner for? oh no who from bastille do we kick off the dinner invite
what’s your biggest fear in life? rejection in any form 
window or aisle seat? window cause i like my views
what’s your current tv obsession? working my way very slowly through NCIS
favorite app? pandora
secret talent? i can sing the entire Hamilton sound track. any part. from memory.
most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life? i ate a mango with cayenne pepper on it in panama. i did this knowing full well that i a) hate mangos, b) hate cayenne pepper, and c) was already sick. aside from that, it was the best trip i’ve ever taken!
how would you define yourself in three words? adventurous, cynical, smart
favorite piece of clothing you own? chacos baby
a must have clothing item that everyone should have? sneakers. with arch support.
a superpower you would want? i’d love to be able to move undetected
what’s inspiring you in life right now? oh god. um. all the people giving us access to livestreams and musicals and arts in general. and not just the artists - the organizers, the computer people who are making it functional, you are all doing amazing jobs and i adore every single one of you.
best piece of advice you’ve received? sometimes it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission
best advice you’d give your teenage self? when people invite you places, go. you’ll like it more than you think you will
a book everyone should read? the immortal life of henrietta lacks
what would you like to be remembered for? trying new things and being kind.
how do you define beauty? if it makes you happy, it’s beautiful. no one else gets a say in what makes you happy
what do you love most about your body? i’m really good at running and i wouldn’t be able to do that without my legs or my lungs. so.
best way to take a rest/decompress? music, read a book, cup of tea
favorite place to view art? outside always. if you take me to a sculpture garden i’ll love you forever
if your life was a song, what would the title be? "Is This My Decision Or Am I Just Following Everyone’s Advice”
if you could master one instrument, what would it be? can i say singing? i wish i’d joined choir so much
if you had a tattoo, where would it be? possibly my back?
dolphins or koalas? why would you make me choose
what’s your patronus? penguin
best gift you’ve ever received? my grandma gave me my grad present early and it’s a quilt made of all my old tshirts!
best gift you’ve given? i gave my grandparents prints of some of my photos and they loved them!
what’s your favorite board game? i... honestly don’t love board games that much. i love cards against humanity but that’s cards so
what’s your favorite color? teal
least favorite color? orange
diamond or pearls? diamonds
drugstore makeup or designer? drugstore always
blow-dry or air-dry? air-dry bc i’m lazy
pilates or yoga? yoga
coffee or tea? yes
what’s the weirdest word in the english language? hippomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is both improbable and ironic
dark chocolate or milk chocolate? milk chocolate but i love them both
stairs or elevators? hi, future collegiate cross country runner here, i’m that jerk that literally runs up every flight of stairs
summer or winter? winter
you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? ice cream
a dessert you don’t like? lemon anything ew
a skill you’re working on mastering? i’m trying so hard to practice drawing but i am struggling so much and i’m not getting much better and that doesn’t help motivation. but i’m doing my best!
best thing to happen to you today? running in the rain!
worst thing to happen to you today? ap calc test that i will surely fail
best compliment you’ve ever received? this lady that i absolutely idolize from my church told me that she was amazed by the depth of wisdom i possessed and i definitely cried
favorite smell? cinnamon
hugs or kisses? HUGS ALWAYSSSSSS
if you made a documentary, would it be about? effects of climate change in developing countries and how they are fighting it because no one talks about them enough
last piece of content you consumed that made you cry? legitimately i never cry at anything. but i just got done watching Help Me Chase Those Seconds and since it’s late and i’m already emotionally compromised, i came pretty fucking close.
lipstick or lipgloss? lipstick
sweet or savory? sweet
girl crush? shailene woodley or bea miller
how do you know you’re in love? um
a song you can listen to on repeat? the entire wild world album
if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? des linden
what are you most excited for about this time in your life? moving to college if covid clears up in time
tagging: this is so, so long so definitely don’t do it if you don’t want to. @prismaticheretic @atrophicgalaxy you’re up!
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justjessame · 4 years
If Only Someone Looked At Me Like They Look At Guns 3
I kept my promise to myself. As soon as the clock turned six o’clock, I was closing down. I’d taken care of the coffee and espresso machines, washing and wiping everything down, and then made sure the trash had been tossed in the alley dumpster. Checking the store to make sure I didn’t miss any stragglers and that the aisles and bookshelves were clear and neat, I finally locked the front door behind me after turning the sign to CLOSED.
A part of me wanted to look around, to see if I could catch anyone watching me, but I didn’t. Maybe I didn’t want to know. Maybe I was scared I’d see nothing and not know if that meant they weren’t watching me, or if I just had no ability to sense it. Better to just not check at all, I decided. I walked carefully back to my apartment, thinking longingly of a hot bubble bath and something warm to eat with a nice glass of iced tea.
Walking into my building, I felt a shiver run down my spine. I looked around, but again saw nothing. I shook it off and took the elevator, feeling like the stairs would be too much with my current mood. When the bell dinged my arrival at my floor, I stepped out and felt the chill again. Damn it, what the hell. I glanced around and again saw nothing. Squinting at the stairway door, I stalked to it. I jerked it open and there they stood, staring at me like I’d dropped down from the moon.
“What the hell?” I asked, careful not to raise my voice. Even with two stalkers, two stalkers who were admitted killers, I didn’t want to rouse the neighbors.
Murphy had the decency to look embarrassed at having been caught, but Connor’s eyes stared straight into mine. He was looking at me like he had all the right in the world to be standing on the stairs leading to my apartment. “Wanted ter make sure yer made it ‘ome.” He said, stepping out of the stairway into the hallway. Murphy followed him and I was about to object.
“Ain’t yer gonna invite us in?” Murphy asked, as they hovered over me.
I rolled my eyes and stomped to my door. Pushing the key into the double locks with more force than necessary, I pushed the door open and stood back. “Come on in.” I said, sweeping my hand to allow them to go first. “If you’re my bodyguards, I suspect you want to case the place to make sure no one is inside to hack me to pieces.”
“Yer ‘dorable when yer pissed.” Connor said, walking past me and reaching out as if to pat my head.
I growled in irritation. “If you want to keep the hand, don’t pat my head. I’m not a fucking dog.”
Murphy chucked, knocking away Connor’s hand. “Wonder if ye’d bite.” He pushed Connor inside and grabbed my hand to tug me in with him. “Come on, give us de gran’ tour.”
I bit my lip and closed the door behind me, locking it because my dad had always insisted. They turned at the locking and I shrugged. “My dad always said there wasn’t any use to have locks if you don’t use them.” I moved to stand in front of them. “Grand tour? Ok,” I pointed in front of us. “Living room. Over here,” A point to the left, “Kitchen and dining area. “The three doors down that small hallway are, “ I walked a little further into my living room and pointed at each in turn. “Guest room, bathroom, master bedroom. My bedroom has its own bathroom. Now if you want, you may go inspect them all for mass murderers. Wait, I found them.” I pointed at the two of them.
Connor rolled his eyes at me. “We ain’t mass murderers.”
“Yeah, we only kill dos dat deserve it.” Murphy agreed with his brother.
I smirked at them. “Actually the definition of mass murder is the act of murdering a number of people, typically simultaneously or over a relatively short period of time and in close geographic proximity. You guys fit that description, correct?”
That gobsmacked them. “What kind of woman can rattle off de definishun of mass murder like it’s a recipe for chicken?” Connor asked, looking like I’d just thrown a baby out a window.
“I own a bookstore,” I answered with a glare. “Did you boys imagine I didn’t like to read?”
Murphy got over his shock reasonably faster than Connor. “Full av surprises ain’t ya?”
I shrugged. “Anyway, if you want to take a look, go ahead. I’m going to fix dinner. For three, I guess.” I held back a sigh. There goes my relaxing evening to process the day.
I kicked off my sneakers and hung up my bag on the coat rack by the door. Walking to the kitchen, I was hoping I had enough beef to make spaghetti for the three of us. Finding all the ingredients I needed, I started dinner as I heard them opening and shutting doors in the bedrooms and bathrooms. Satisfied that I wouldn’t be killed in my secure apartment, I guess, they joined me in the kitchen.
“If you want something to drink,” I said, putting the pasta in water on the stove. “There’s stuff in the fridge.” I stirred the sauce I’d already started. The beef and italian sausage were browning in another pan. “Oh and whichever one of you goes for a drink, could you hand me the loaf of bread out of the cabinet beside the fridge?”
I heard the fridge open and a bit of a groan. “Minerals and cold tea? Do ya not ‘av any real drinks?” Murphy asked. Minerals? Must be soda.
“If you were hoping for alcohol, you should have stayed at Doc’s.” I said, turning around and marching to the cupboard to get my bread down. “That’s what I have, so drink it or have water.”
I moved back to the counter by the stove to slice the bread and butter it with fresh made garlic butter. The oven was already on and ready to go once the pasta and sauce was finished. I layered the bread on a sheet and set it aside. While I was working I heard them take glasses out of the strainer by the sink and pour something.
“Ugh, tis sweet!” Connor spat, clearly having picked my tea. I chuckled. Murphy was silent, so I had to turn to see what his face must look like.
“It’s sweet iced tea, Connor, I’m southern for fuck’s sake. What did you expect?” I laughed at his grimace and saw Murphy’s glass was still completely full. “Scared, Murphy?”
He glared at me and took a small sip. His face contorted, but he swallowed. “‘Tis not dat brutal, Connor.” I giggled at the two of them. Dear God, they both look like they’d been poisoned.
“Give me the glasses.” I rolled my eyes, and poured the offending liquid into a large lidded cup for me to sip on while I worked. I rinsed the glasses out and opened the fridge to dig for a minute. Dad hadn’t been to visit much, but I’d gotten him some beer when he had, moving food around I found two bottles. Guiness, because I wanted him to broaden his horizons. There were two more left after I filled their glasses, Dad hadn’t been a fan. “Here, better?” I asked, holding up the bottles to show that there wouldn’t be any more surprises.
“Aye, ‘tis better.” Connor said, taking a long draw from his glass, clearly trying to get rid of the taste of my tea.
Murphy didn’t speak, just mirrored his brother.
I strained the browned meat and added it to my simmering sauce. Then I strained the pasta and put it back into the pot. Baked spaghetti and nearly homemade garlic bread sounded like heaven. Opening back up the fridge, I grabbed fresh mozzarella and parmesan and began layering my pasta, sauce, and cheese into a casserole dish. I could feel them watching, but I was too in my happy place to care. Once everything was ready, in the oven it went. I turned back to them after I put the dirty pots and pans in the sink.
“What?” I asked, seeing that they were eyeing me. “I’m sure you’ve seen a woman cook dinner before.”
“What are ya makin’?” Murphy asked, glancing at the pots and pans, as I moved to put away the leftover ingredients.
I tossed my answer over my shoulder. “Baked spaghetti and garlic bread.” I stood up and took my adult sippy cup to the table. “Let me grab the plates and silverware and I’ll have a seat until it’s done.” Connor stood up and Murphy followed suit. “Naw, yer cooked, let us set de table.”
Sitting down, I smiled and pointed at the cabinet and drawer they’d need. Soon three plates and all the silverware necessary for dinner were on the table. “So, are you going to tell me why you followed me home?” I asked, when they sat back down with their glasses. “Or do I have to assume the worst of you two?”
They grinned at me. “Tink yer already tink de worst.” Murphy said, taking a drink, but not taking his eyes off me.
“An’ nathin’ we say wud change dat.” Connor agreed, taking his own sip and staring as well.
I rolled my eyes as the timer dinged. “You’re not getting away without answering.” I stood and grabbed two oven mitts. I pulled out the bread and pasta dish. “Can one of you grab that heavy towel hooked on the sink?” Murphy did, and I gestured for him to lay it in the middle of the table. I placed the casserole dish down on it. “Don’t want to ruin my tabletop, do I?” I tossed the bread into a lined basket and carried it over to put down as well. “Connor, the drawer under the one you got the silverware out of has the serving spoons, can you grab one?” He did and soon we were dishing out dinner.
We ate in almost silence. I say almost because every now and then, I could swear they were talking animatedly in their heads. I’d heard of twins being able to do it, but sitting in front of them and witnessing it was plain weird. “You know you’re being rude, right?” I asked, putting down my fork and taking a sip of my tea. They both looked at me startled. “You’re having a really long conversation that I can’t hear, much less be a part of, that’s rude.” I picked up my fork and went back to my food.
“Didn’t mean ter be rude,” Connor said, looking at me with renewed interest.
Murphy nodded. “Don’t even realize we’re doin’ it ‘alf de time.”
I grinned, thinking it was rude, but made sense. “Well, you are, and it’s just as rude as speaking Russian or Italian in front of me.” Now they looked uncomfortable. “Don’t worry, I didn’t understand a word. I just think it’s rude.”
They both sighed, and I was taken in by the fact that they were mirrors. Connor was left handed. Murphy right. Their hand tattoos were on their dominant hand and that’s the hand they held their forks in. Their other tattoos, which now that their pea coats were off, having been hung on the coat rack with my bag, weren’t mirrors, but they were identical. Celtic crosses on their arms, Mother Mary on their necks, only Murphy had one that Connor didn’t. A star on his hand above the ‘e’ in Aequitas. They ate and drank like mirrors, but looked so different otherwise.
I waited while I studied them, knowing they were having another internal conversation. Rude, but understandable. Their eyes, I realized, both so blue they felt like I could touch the ocean if I held their gaze. That was almost the same. Oh and the fact that they both clearly had a blind barber.
“Yer right.” Connor said, repinning me with his eyes.
“We shouldn’t blather in front of ya in a languages yer don’t understan’.” Murphy agreed, also staring me down.
I nodded, “I understand the need for it this morning. I do,” I tried assuring them. “But now, I know who you are, could we keep it to a minimum?” I sighed, wondering why I was inviting this mess into my clearly sane life. “If it’s about your plans, fine, I don’t want to know. If it’s about ME, could you please just say it? OUT LOUD.”
I received two sets of nods. “Good.” I said, moving to put my plate in the sink. “I need to take a bath,” I closed my eyes, hoping I wasn’t going to regret what I was about to offer. “If you want, the guest bedroom and couch are available. For tonight at least.” I looked out the window and could see that darkness had fallen while we ate. “I’d hate for you two to get picked up after following me home.”
“That’d be awesum.” Murphy said, a smile growing.
Connor smiled, too. “”Preciate it.”
I nodded again. Feeling a bit like a bobble head doll tonight, I thought. “OK, I’ll be out in awhile.” I moved to my bedroom, feeling their eyes watch me the whole way.
I was happy to see that while they’d apparently opened the doors and looked around my bedroom and bathroom, they weren’t complete lurkers and didn’t paw through my drawers. I grabbed fresh clothes and sighed with the understanding that I’d only be braless for the bath. Half the joy of womanhood, I thought, crossing to my bathroom and starting the water, was coming home after a long day and whipping my bra off. Ugh, boys.
With that thought, I tossed off my clothes and settled into my warm bubble bath. The water was high enough to cover me to my armpits and for awhile I just sat soaking. Long day didn’t really cover it. Between my dad’s call of warning about the very men sitting in my apartment, and the very men in my apartment themselves, it had been a long month it seemed. I chuckled thinking of my dad finding out they were here, then sobered immediately. He’d call the authorities. He’d have them arrested in front of me. My heart clutched at the mere thought of it. Why? I wondered, why did I care?
I considered the fear I felt for them. The reason I was letting them stay with me, instead of insisting they go back to Doc’s. I didn’t want them to be hurt. I didn’t think they should be taken in by the police. I knew murder was wrong. Hell, even though I wasn’t much for church, even I knew the Ten Commandments. “Thou shall not kill.” It’s a big one. Of course, so was adultery, and for the life of me I couldn’t quite reconcile don’t fuck the married ones, with don’t smother people. Shaking my head, I tried to relax.
How could I? I thought, thinking of the two of them out in my kitchen or living room, sitting around like they belonged here, and I’m up to my armpits in warm, bubbly water. Naked. My head fell back against the tiled wall. Ugh. The two of them, those accents, those damn eyes. This had been a really bad idea. Having them here, nearby, close enough to touch. I tried to form a mantra to keep my sanity. “They’ve killed people. They’re killers.” And damn it if a sneaky part of my subconscious didn’t chime in with “only the ones that deserved it.”
Practically growling at my own damn traitorous mind, I started scrubbing myself with a vengenous. Scouring away the want wasn’t easy, but I worked hard to try to. My skin was a bright pink by the time I decided I was finished. Washing my hair just as hard, my scalp was tingling from the scrape of my nails. Unplugging the tub, I stood letting the water roll off my body and down the drain. Grabbing a towel to wrap my hair in, I took another to wrap around my body. The best part about being tiny was not having to buy enormous bath sheets to cover myself.
The mirror over my double sinks was steamed up, so I turned on the overhead fan. Stretching and cracking my neck, I felt the stress being relieved from the warmth of the bath and from just relaxing period. I dried off and pulled on my pajama bottoms over my panties. I glared at the sports bra, constrictive, but required with present company. Sighing I pulled it over my head and adjusted myself until my breasts were perfect. Then, I tugged on a loose t-shirt. Comfort, thy name is Tessa.
I exited the bathroom and grabbed the book I’d left on my bedside table. I could hear them talking, but I thought I heard more voices. When I walked out to the living room I had to smile. They were watching television, an action movie of some sort and were doing their own commentary.
Checking the television, I realized it wasn’t some action movie. “Con Air?” I giggled, throwing myself onto the sofa between the bickering boys. “What fault could the two of you possibly have with Nick Cage’s masterpiece?”
This truly got them going. “Neck Cage is it?” Connor asked, eyes shooting daggers at the screen.
“He’s a sissy.” Murphy agreed. Shooting his own glare at the movie.
Connor gritted. “Luk at ‘is ‘air!”
“an' 'alf de shoite yer man does ain’t believable,” Murphy added, pointing at something happening on the screen.
Looking between them, I had to laugh. Then Connor’s eyes gave the first hint of approval. “Though yer man does know de importance av rope.”
That broke me. I started laughing so hard that tears formed. They were watching me now, curious and possibly a little worried. “My man?” I snorted. “Dear lord, the two of you watching this damn movie like you’re filing it away for later. Please don’t tell me this is where your ideas come from.” They were quiet, far too quiet, and not in the internal dialog way. Shit, is this really where their inspiration came from, MOVIES?
They both looked down at me almost sheepishly. My laughter died away. “Seriously?” I asked, looking between the two of them. “Action movies?” They were still focused on me processing their muse. “Which stars are you trying to emulate?” What the hell? If they were crazy, I was in too deep.
“Duke Wayne is a gran’ wan.” Murphy whispered, seeing a bit embarrassed.
Connor nodded. “Charlie Bronson as well.”
“How have you two managed to survive?” I asked, confused by their complete idiocy. “You've been taking on TRAINED killers using moves you learned in MOVIES?” I sat stymied by the mere thought of how much luck went into them not being gunned down by now. “How many times?” I asked, and realized I may need them to explain what I was asking. “Have you been shot, how many times?”
This time I knew they were discussing within themselves what to tell me. “The truth, please.” I begged. If I was going to let them in my life, I had to know.
They nodded to one another. I nearly crawled out of my skin when they stood up and started disrobing. “Wait!” I raised my voice just enough to get their attention. “What the fuck are you doing?”
They each raised a shoulder, and kept pulling up their shirts. “Yer wan ter know.” Connor said, pulling his head free from his t-shirt.
“Tart it bes to jus show ya.” Murphy said, once his was free from his own. When their hands came to their belts, I jumped up.
“Jesus!” I said, stopping their hands with a hard gesture.
“Lord’s name.” They both admonished. I rolled my eyes, sure ok, taking the Lord’s name in vain is bad, but stripping in front of someone you barely knew isn’t. Just to show their battle scars. For fuck’s sake.
“Sure, ok.” I said, happy they had stayed their hands. Was it really this warm in my apartment or was I just that freaking turned on. Looking between the two of them I couldn’t make my mind work. Shit. What was the damn question again?
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thisislizheather · 4 years
July Jiffs 2020
This was me all month.
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The key word being was. We bought an air conditioner! We’ve been an A/C-free family for some time now, but since we’re spending so much time at home, we figured now was the time to be cool. In other news, everything still blows! What a shock! Here’s how I spent July.
I didn’t even know another Halloween movie was being made but of course I’ll go see it even if it turns out to be trash, you gotta support classic horror franchises, that’s just basic horror etiquette 101.
This is the most basic, boring-sounding sandwich on planet earth, but it tastes incredible I promise you (I didn’t add bacon, but I did add fresh mozzarella) and whatever bread you use, it’ll still be great. I find myself constantly forgetting about the greatness of mayo because I, my dear, am an idiot.
I ordered a bunch of new address labels on Zazzle because they were having a Christmas in July sale, so I bought some seasonally inspired labels to use over the next few months. If you’re not seasonally co-ordinating your return address labels, are you even living?
I’m still doing Nathan’s podcast on Patreon incase you’re interested. (You can find more clips on his Instagram.)
I attempted to watch the new Baby-Sitter’s Club on Netflix and it’s really not meant for me. I was never into the books or the movie or any of it, I never liked the idea of kids caring about making money, it seemed too sad to me. “Just be a kid!” I’d always thought.
Speaking of childhood nostalgia, I have started to watch reruns online of Sweet Valley High, which I loved as a kid. It’s no Breaker High, but it’s still pretty great to rewatch. God, Jessica really was an absolute bitch.
Some other things that I’ve rewatched: Con Air (practically a perfect movie, will always love, *Nic Cage forever* might be the only tattoo I’d ever get), Supermarket Sweep is on American Netflix and I was so excited (for about three episodes) then I moved on with my life, Sleepless in Seattle (still a very nice, average, reliable movie), Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure (actually a really great summer movie, will always be a fun time to watch, will forever be a huge Keanu fan, I just feel like I could trust him??), and Dick Tracy (will always love this movie even if it has eight million too many montages, the set design is gorgeous, and this one outfit that Madonna wears makes me question… everything).
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Some new movies that I’ve watched: Always Be My Maybe (so, so great! How did it take me so long to see this! So many good scenes, such a good movie), The Karate Kid (insane that I hadn’t seen it before, kids were uncomfortably mean in the 80s, favourite part was when Mr. Miyagi beats up the children, great movie), The Stepfather (pretty fun time, so happy we’ve starting watching horror movies again), Eat Pray Love (ugh, I don’t know, I do love movies about women just leaving and doing fun shit alone and abandoning their lives, but this was pretty lame, I hated James Franco’s character more than life and truly didn’t understand how Julia Roberts was even briefly into him), and finally the original The Hills Have Eyes (which I loved weirdly enough despite being incredibly tense the entire movie, I just thought it was so well done and scary and incredible, the rape scene is of course awful and I shut my eyes for that part, but that was the only thing I hated, it doesn’t make sense that I liked this movie so much).
I don’t know how to word this, but something is off with the reasonably priced (and almost too cheap) parmesan sold at Trader Joe’s. It melts weird. It doesn’t taste like normal cheese. Something is afoot and I won’t buy it any longer. I’m truly dreading and equally anticipating the day that all of Trader Joe’s secrets are exposed. Be warned.
That being said, obviously I’m in love with the seasonal summer candles that TJ just released. We have a complicated relationship.
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I made this gruyere mac and cheese with caramelized onions (I used almond milk and it still came out good) and can every recipe just include caramelized onions? The world is ending, let’s just put sweet, tiny, brown onions on everything and call it a day.
Ennio Morricone passed away last month and I find myself listening to the Cinema Paradiso soundtrack on repeat.
Read this great piece about summer blockbuster movies which also has just some great ideas for movies to rewatch right now.
I have to remember that Essie’s vibrant colours just f-ing suck. Only their muted/bland colours are good. They should really just stick to those. And if you’re looking for loud colours that stand out, the summer collection at Urban Outfitters is my go-to (and there’s always a 3 for $10 sale with them).
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I listened to Taylor Swift’s new album and so far my favourites are definitely: the 1 and this is me trying.
Ugh, Astoriaaaaaa, DO BETTER.
I’ve been thinking about cancelling my Ipsy subscription again (because I think I don’t care about makeup at this current moment in time) and when I logged on to cancel, they let me choose one of the items being sent next month as if they knew I wanted to leave! So I chose a Sunday Riley product (because any sample I’ve tried from them, I’ve loved) so maybe I’ll cancel next month?
I tried a sample of Drunk Elephant’s shampoo & conditioner (which smelled so lovely) and my hair did seem softer the next day. There’s something about this brand though, I feel like they might be tricking us with their beautiful packaging and minimalist persona.
I bought and tried the ancient Biore Strips and I have absolutely no idea if they did what they’re supposed to do. Are you supposed to see the blackheads or whiteheads come off onto the strip? It felt like it just tried to peel my face off. No idea what’s going on with these.
I have been in love with the Peter Thomas Roth Correction Pads, I use one pad before bed each night and I think they’re doing something good because I always wake up with no new pimples. It has even started erasing all of the redness I’ve been experiencing lately from the summer heat and sweat and mask-wearing. At this point, I can definitely see myself rebuying when I run out, and if I do then I’ll definitely not get them from Sephora because you can get them way cheaper at other online retailers.
I’ve also started using this Dr. Dennis Gross All-In-One face cleanser and I think it’s a good one. It’s hard to tell because I started using it the same day at the correction pads I mentioned above (yes that was a bad idea but here we are), so maybe they’re working together to make my face good? We’ll revisit this. 
I finally opened up this Belif set I bought a few months ago and it’s really nothing special. I think the face cream is probably the best item in there because you truly don’t need to use a lot to feel moisturized. But the face cleanser? Meh. I don’t think it does very much, it definitely didn’t help any redness. And the toner? Don’t get me started on how I kind of think toner might be a scam. And the “eye moisturizer”? Seems superfluous. My eye area is plenty moist, thanks.
Perfect summer soap scent: Fresh Rainfall. If I can’t travel this year, I will escape into this scent. (Send help.)
Very excited to hear about Lindy West’s new book.
So I heard that Lady M now ships their cakes to Canada and I was able to scream in excitement for approx. four seconds before looking into it and seeing that it’ll cost you over $100 to get ONE cake sent. THE GALL, I tell you. THE GALL.
I briefly looked into the app Sweatcoin after hearing good things, but it really just seems like an app where its main goal is to track you. And yes, your phone already does that whether you’re aware or not, but I think I’ll pass on the extra tracking.
I heard that the upcoming Halloween Bob’s Burgers episode will “follow the kids as they try to deliver a burger to the hotel on their street.” It’s such a sad little bit of tiny information, but I love their seasonal episodes so much that I’ll take any crumbs available.
Actually helpful tips on how to clean your home efficiently.
Christ, why do I keep forgetting that Bareburger is absolutely nothing special? Why in the good fuck is it taking so long for a Shake Shack to come to Astoria?!
I ate on the patio at Hoja Santa in Astoria and the tacos were nothing to write home about. The service, drinks and chips were outstanding though, so I may have just ordered badly.
New favourite beer alert.
Best tweets of the month over here.
I tried Thai iced coffee and it was so wildly sweet and too aromatic, I probably wouldn’t get it again. And I also tried a Vietnamese iced coffee and it was the perfect level of sweet! What’s the difference between the two, you ask?
I finally tried the katsu sandwich at Hi-Collar as takeout in the East Village and it was absolutely nothing special. No idea why people are so into it.
I haven’t been to Bite in so many months, so it was nice to get takeout earlier this week. God how I’ve missed their ciabatta bread. They use it on their sandwiches and it comes from Balthazar each morning and it’s always heavenly.
I have found the perfect, light summer blanket and I’m trying not to focus on the fact that it came from Amazon.
I tried a grapefruit shandy and holy shit, it might be my favourite new summer drink. 
I ate on the patio at L’Artusi since it just reopened and good god, that carbonara will change you. So psyched to see they have the wagyu steak tartare on the menu now, too. The burger, the panzanella salad and the charred corn were all great, but that carbonara was the standout.
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Some things I’d like to do this month: I’d love to try this tomato toast with blue cheese mayo, I’m going to start using a new clothes steamer I just bought with the hopes of getting rid of my iron & ironing board, I rebought a tube of Revitalash because of how great my lashes were looking when I used it a few years ago so I’ll start using it on August 1st and track my progress to prove how great this product is, I can’t wait for Moesha to be coming to Netflix this month, and I am waiting waiting waiting until I can find time to return to Lilia (on the patio) to eat this incredible tomato focaccia & garlic butter (shown below).
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If you’ve got any interest in reading last month’s roundup, you can see what went down in June over here.
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niallismymuse · 5 years
Chapter 2
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Tessa went to bed that night feeling happy and content, even with the knowledge that she would have a wicked hangover the next morning. It was all worth it, just for the look on his face when she had kissed his cheek.
Yet when she woke up the next morning to a splitting headache, it didn’t matter for long. Because her feed was filled with texts from her mother and sister and some of her colleagues, all with links to various articles online. Articles written about her.
She clicked on the one her sister sent, ignoring the other messages. It opened up to pictures of her and Niall hugging inside and outside of the bar, and one showing her kissing his cheek. The headline was ‘Popstar Niall Horan and YouTuber Queen Tessa – Dating?’
She blinked about eight million times, despite how crusty her eyes felt, and let out a groan that would have woken the dead. She couldn’t deal with this. She could not. And Niall – he must be embarrassed right now. She hadn’t seen any messages from him, but surely someone had told him that he was in the pop-culture articles once more. Especially over something like this.
Dating? No. Did she wish? Yes. Was it likely to ever happen now? Mm, probably not.
They hadn’t been spotted out and about together before, not that they had gone outmuch before. But of course, the one time she decided to have balls, someone took pictures.
With a sigh of utter despair, Tessa tossed her phone aside and buried her face into her pillow. Tears burned at her eyes, and she sniffled, her bottom lip quivering. Sure, this wasn’t the first ‘story’ that had been sold about her, but this was by far the largest. She would be lucky if it didn’t affect her friendship with Niall – unless that was already screwed. He hadn’t messaged, after all.
Neither had Jess. So much for having a best friend.
Tessa reached down and yanked the covers over her head, blocking out the light of day streaming through her curtains.
After wallowing under the blankets for at least an hour and pushing back tears a majority of the time, Tessa decided she had to get up and deal with the trials of the day. She took it slow – she emerged from her cocoon and got some Advil and a glass of water to ease the headache pulsing through her skull. Once the pill was swallowed along with the rest of the water, she rummaged around her fridge for some breakfast. She found some leftovers to eat, not in the mood to cook; that was sacrilegious, because Tessa was always in the mood to cook. Today, though, she let it slide.
She munched on some cold quesadilla’s from the other night and filled the ache in her stomach. Yet the ache in her chest was still there, pulsing beneath everything else. She couldn’t believe someone had taken pictures of her and Niall. Wait, yes, she could, but what she couldn’t believe was that they were all over the Internet. How had her fun night out turned so sour?
Tessa decided she couldn’t dwell on it any longer – it would make her headache come back, stronger than ever before. She needed to get her mind off of it, so she would do the one thing she could: work.
And work she did. When she was about halfway finished with putting the Othello video together, she sent Niall a text, a simple ‘hey’, and then set her phone aside. She lost herself in the editing process, and when the video was complete and ready to be stored for uploading, the sun was westward in the sky.
Blowing out a harsh breath, she saw that Niall hadn’t texted back.
Okay, ouch, she thought, but I have better things to do than overanalyze that.
It could have been anything. He was likely dealing with fallout of his own. Now that she was back on her phone, she could see that her social media was blowing up. She was being mentioned in practically triple the Tweets that she was normally mentioned in. People were commenting all over her Instagram, and yeah, about half of those were nasty comments. Like, ‘why would Niall kiss her? She’s ugly’ and others in a similar vein.
When Tessa checked her YouTube account, she saw that her subscriber count had definitely increased since yesterday, which caused some mixed emotions.
Perhaps this wasn’t entirely bad, then. But then she felt guilty over the thought – she did not kiss Niall’s cheek for more views or subscribers, she kissed Niall’s cheek because she liked him.
Tessa could feel herself beginning to spiral, and her chest tightened. She set her phone down again and took a deep breath in through her nose, and then pushed it out through her mouth. After repeating the process for a few minutes and narrowing her focus until breathing was all that she could think of, her chest loosened. That tight, anxious feeling still lurked, but it was manageable. As long as she had something else to do, some way to keep her mind occupied, it would stay that way. Doing nothing would make it come back, full-force.
She turned the notifications off on her phone and ignored the several texts her mother had sent her. Maria Jenkins would have to wait for her daughter to catch her breath.
Tessa sat there in her desk chair and thought about what to do next, lacing her fingers together. She needed to get her car. She had taken an Uber home last night, which meant that her poor car was still sitting in that bar’s parking lot. That was a priority.
Mind focused, she ordered another Uber and worked on a script for a video while she waited.
Driving in LA always took a lot of concentration, at least in Tessa’s opinion. The roads were crowded and full of traffic, and in certain tourist-trap areas, there was always at least one person who darted across the street when and where they weren’t supposed to. She didn’t mind; not today, anyway. It was just another thing to focus wholly on.
She stopped at Trader Joe’s and bought groceries for dinner, keeping her eyes down and her steps quick. She’d been stopped by fans before, and while she always loved seeing them, today was just not the day for it.
When she got home and unloaded, she took a moment to check her phone. She hadn’t checked it since the Uber had arrived and wasn’t surprised to see more messages from her mom (‘Are you ever going to message your own mother, Tessa?’), but she wassurprised to see a single text from Niall.
It read: hey…how are you holding up?
She typed back: I’m okay. You?
His response came a minute later. I’m okay, used to it. I’m more worried about you. Want to talk?
Not really. Not about the media and the pictures that were taken of them. But she did want to see him; Tessa realized that she missed him already.
Want to come over for dinner? I’m making spaghetti.
His response came a mere second later. Yes. Anything I can bring?
Tessa texted back no and sent him her address and apartment number. Then he was on his way, and she looked around her apartment and panicked.
It wasn’t dirty or messy, necessarily, but this was the first time Niall had ever come over. She had dishes in the sink, and the floor needed a quick sweep. She set about completing her chores quickly, all while the water for the noodles boiled and the sauce came together, and then she wiped down her kitchen table and the coffee table in the connected living room.
Oh God, what was she going to wear?
All too soon, a knock sounded from the door. Tessa glanced down at the yoga pants and thin sweatshirt she was wearing, and then shrugged. This was what it was, then.
She padded quickly to the door and opened it, smiling just because she knew who would be standing behind it.
Niall was dressed in a similar attire; he was wearing gray sweatpants and a comfy-looking blue t-shirt. He hadn’t shaved. A light coating of stubble decorated his jaw. He tugged at his shirt almost self-consciously. “Hope ya don’t mind my clothes…”
“Oh, pfft.” She waved his comment off. “Look at me. I work at home. We wear what we want in this household.” And with that, she gestured him inside. “So, this is the place where I live. Welcome. I’m still cooking the spaghetti.”
His eyes rested on each piece of the apartment that he could see from where he was standing. The kitchen, next to a large floor-to-wall window. The small wooden dining table, a few feet away from the kitchen, and the living room with its blue sofa and TV a few feet back. Her bedroom door was closed, and right beyond the kitchen with a bathroom connected. The second bedroom was on the other side, by the living room.
“I like your apartment,” Niall stated, and she could tell that he wasn’t lying or just saying it because it was the polite thing to say – there was a genuine warmth to his tone, and his eyes lit up when they landed on a tiny stone turtle knickknack that was on the kitchen counter. “You like sea turtles?”
“Love them,” she replied as she headed back towards the kitchen, giving the cooking noodles a stir. She added some parmesan cheese to the sauce and stirred it, then gave it a quick taste. She had already put some sugar in to cut the acidity of the tomatoes, but she had forgotten salt in her rush to clean. Tessa fixed that quickly before turning to look at Niall, who was watching her intently. “They’re my favorite animal. What’s yours?”
Niall looked a little nonplussed. “No one has asked me that in years.”
Tessa frowned. “Well, I think having a favorite animal says a lot about a person. See, my all-time favorite is the sea turtle, but I also really love meerkats. And sharks.”
He blinked, before coming closer and peering into the spaghetti sauce like it would have an answer for him. “Um…huh. I think giraffes are really cool. I kind of forgot that I liked them so much, actually. Especially when I was younger.”
Tessa nodded sagely, before grabbing a clean spoon and dipping it into the sauce. “Good choice. Want a taste? Be careful, it’s hot.”
Niall took the spoon and tentatively tasted the sauce, and his eyes widened. “Holy shit, Tess,” he chuckled as he shook his head, “this is good. Quite possibly the best red sauce I’ve ever had.”
She beamed at him. “Thank you. I love cooking, so I try to make the best food that I can.”
“I like cooking too. Is there anything I can help with?”
Tessa thought for a moment. She knew this wasn’t really why Niall had agreed to come over for dinner – it was obviously about the pictures and media attention – but this was a nice detour from that situation. “You can slice up that bread over there and make garlic bread, if you want.”
He smiled. “Cutting board?” he asked, gesturing to the cupboards. She grabbed one for him and handed him a knife, while he rummaged around in her fridge to find the butter and garlic. They worked separately on their tasks, but together. Tessa put her oven on to preheat, and Niall chopped garlic and melted butter before combining the two. It was nice. There was a comfortable silence between them.
Once the garlic bread was in the oven, Niall leaned against the counter and gazed cautiously at her. “Are you okay?”
She knew what he was asking. Self-consciously, she stirred the bubbling sauce, avoiding looking at him. She needed to get the noodles out of the boiling water, but it could wait just a little longer. “It was…a shock. I’ve never dealt with something quite this big, you know?”
He nodded, folding his arms across his chest. “It gets easier, the more ya deal with it. I just don’t comment on my relationships.”
“I haven’t been in one since my YouTube career started, so it’s never been a problem before,” she admitted before looking over at him. “But we’re not in one. So, it’s okay. We just won’t say anything…right?”
There was an odd silence, filled with a sort of half-tension. Niall swallowed harshly, and she saw his throat bob with the movement. Something inside of her was aching, just waiting for his response.
“Right. Won’t be a problem. Everyone’ll forget about it with the next scandal. We just have to wait it out.”
That ache plummeted inside of her, leaving Tessa feeling a little empty. He didn’t like her after all. If he did, he would have said something…right?
She forced a bright smile in his direction before grabbing the pot of boiling noodles and moving over towards the sink. She poured it into the colander, leaning back to avoid the steam, and let the heat and strain of staying still cleanse her mind. She shook the colander, trying to get rid of as much water as possible. When she turned back to face him, she was over it, as much as she could be over it.
“Spaghetti’s done.” She smiled, and Niall hummed softly in response, pulling open the oven to check the bread. When he said it needed just a minute more, she nodded and grabbed two plates, setting up the counter buffet-style.
She was fine. She was Tessa Love Jenkins, dammit, and she could handle an unintentional rejection. She compartmentalized it and shoved it in the back of her brain, making herself be ‘more fine’ than ever. The area of her brain containing her feelings for Niall was pushed wayback.
Niall plated himself some spaghetti, and when he was out of the way, Tessa pulled the garlic bread out of the oven and set it on the stove beside the spaghetti. With a flick of her wrist, she turned the oven off, and then began to serve herself. They sat down across from each other at the table. She took a deep breath, exhaled, and began to eat.
“Holy fuck,” Niall grumbled after chewing, “this is fuckin’ delicious, Tess. Damn.”
She grinned, unable to help being pleased. “Yeah?” She took a bite herself and then nodded enthusiastically. “It’s good!”
“Just good? It’s fuckin’ fantastic! Give yourself some more credit, love.”
They ate quickly, not because they were in a hurry, but mostly because it was that good. When they were finished, Tessa put the leftovers away and waved off Niall’s offer to help clean up. She would do it later.
“Want to watch something?” she asked as she sat down on the couch, remote in hand. She turned her TV on and pulled up Netflix before reaching down and grabbing a blanket from underneath the coffee table. It was chilly outside, and she wanted a bit of warmth and comfort, especially considering the day she’d had.
Niall sat down at the opposite end of the couch, which, ouch, definitely hurt a little, but then she threw the other end of her blanket over his feet and tucked that piece of information away to analyze later. He grinned at her and pulled his side of the blanket more fully over his lap.
“Absolutely, unless it’s a murder documentary. You mentioned you liked those. Whatcha got on?”
“No murder documentaries, this time.” Tessa side-eyed him. This next question could prove to break their friendship. “Would you be okay with Blue Planet?”
He dipped his chin, nice as ever. “’Course. I’ve never seen it.”
She gaped at him. “But it’s David Attenborough! Blue Planet II is what made Queen Elizabeth declare a war on plastic!”
Niall chuckled, looking just slightly sheepish. “Well, remember, I may live in London sometimes but I’m Irish and constantly traveling.”
Tessa shook her head, speechless, and started the first episode, which was about all of the oceans and habitats in some way. The documentary was beautiful and breath-taking, and Attenborough’s voice narrated it wonderfully.
Niall scooted closer, slowly enough that at first, she didn’t notice he was moving at all. Next thing she knew, his knee was bumping against hers and the blanket had settled comfortably over both of their laps. She swallowed, nervousness rising for some reason; she fisted the blanket before forcing her hand to relax.
This was nice. This was good. She liked this. All Niall needed to do was stretch his arms over her shoulders, and everything would be perfect.
They watched in silence as Attenborough described the mating habits of a particular fish. “He attempts to make with her and any of the dozen or so females that live in his territory, whenever he gets the chance.”
Niall snorted. “What a player.”
She giggled, dipping her head in agreement, and when she peeked over at him, he was staring in fascination at the screen. His lips were parted slightly, eyes wide but intensely focused, drinking in every word spoken. When the episode was finished, he shook his head in amazement and turned to look at her. Their shoulders brushed.
“I think you’ve gotten me on to something new to do with my time, what little I have of it.”
Tessa smiled gently. “I’m glad. I care a lot about our oceans and our water life. In fact, when I do my first charity livestream, I’m raising money to give to ocean conservation. I still have to put everything together, like who I’ll be donating to and what I’ll be doing, but it’s something I would like to do this coming year.”
His eyes lit up with interest. “Sounds cool, Tess. Keep me posted, I’m interested.”
“I will. I haven’t made a lot of progress with figuring it all out, since it’s just me on my channel so far, and I spend a lot of my time making sure I have weekly videos. I have to come up with a concept, script it as much as I can, get whatever I need for filming, film it, and then edit.”
“You do a lot of work,” Niall mused, looking at her steadily. There was a flash of concern in his eyes, and it gave her pause.
“Yeah,” she replied in an odd tone, “I do.”
It had gotten to the point where she rarely left her apartment, so consumed in filming and editing. By the time she was finished with something to a degree that she could be proud of, it was often late, and she was almost too tired to do anything. Tessa could recall going to bed without eating dinner more than a few times. “I guess…I’m something of a workaholic.”
“I get that.” Niall leaned back against the couch, gazing blankly at the coffee table in front of them. “When I get a song in my head…sometimes I can’t stop working on it until it’s as perfect as I can possibly make it. I’ll be asleep, and hear it in my head, and I’ll wake up, fingers twitching, needingto finish it.” He loosed a breath, shaking his head before running those fingers through his hair. “I love what I do, and I love creating music, but sometimes I can’t get out of my own head.”
Tessa understood that perfectly. Certain videos she had produced had been the result of hours upon hours of work, of 2am wakeups filled with the urge to do something, of rejections to go out with friends because she was worried that if she didn’t finish whatever she was working on soon, the concept in her mind would burn out and take the whole project with it.
“It sounds like you and I need to relax,” she told him because she didn’t know how else to process this, and Niall laughed a little breathlessly.
“I’ll relax when I’m dead,” he chortled, and she could tell he was only half-joking.
The thought she had yesterday came rushing back. “I don’t post a video or do any work the first week of the New Year as a way to reset and recharge. In fact, I go away every New Year’s Eve with my friends to a cabin in Big Sur Campground…would you like to come with us?”
Niall turned once more to face her, eyes calculating. She could see that he was weighing the pros and cons quickly in his mind, and she waited, breath baited.
“Fuck it. Yeah, I’ll come.”
“Great.” She exhaled, a wide smile breaking on to her lips. “We leave in two days.”
Niall grinned at her. “Awesome. I could use a good time.”
“Oh, it’ll be a great time. We basically just get drunk and eat junk food. It’s my favorite time of the year.” She paused, remembering the circumstances that had landed Niall on her couch in the first place. “It’s private, too. No one should bother us.”
Of course, no one should have bothered them last night either, but they always rented a cabin far away from all of the others, just so they could party and do as they saw fit.
He nodded. “Sounds good. I’m excited, Tess. Just text me what to bring.” He stretched slowly, loosening his muscles, and she didn’t pretend to not notice when his t-shirt rode up, exposing a thin sliver of his stomach. She didn’t pretend (to herself) that she didn’t want to see more. “I should get going. But I had a great time. You cook a fuckin’ delicious spaghetti.”
She smirked and led him to the door. Halfway out the door, after already saying goodbye, he pivoted and turned to face her. “Oh, and Tess? We probably shouldn’t be seen in public together for a little while…just to let things die down.”
Tessa blinked, before nodding her head in silent agreement. That funny feeling in her chest was back – like something was about to crack, but it wasn’t quite there yet. It hurt in an all-new way.
Niall smiled, waved, and then disappeared down the hallway of her apartment building.
She closed her door, mind whirling with every little thing Niall had said or done that evening – every note of disinterest, every smile or move that spoke of the opposite. She leaned against her door, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath in before slowly blowing it out.
What had she gotten herself into?
join the taglist / talk to me about this / story page
taglist: @angryniall @stylishmuser @confusedkiwifan @irish-nlessing @takemedancingmaine @hap-ppy-days-van-ish-ed @stayclose-holdsteady @playboyxniall @savvyflowers @day-dream-niall @awomanindeniall @militrybarbi @klairelavarias
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semercury · 4 years
You have a peanut butter spaghetti!?
i do!
i got the idea from rose (cheap lazy vegan) on youtube. it was in this video:
(video should start at the pb spaghetti part, but i recommend the whole vid bc it’s full of good ideas!)
i’m vegan, in case i haven’t talked abt it enough lol, so i try to make sure i get some protein in at every meal, and this was a super easy and yummy way i found how to do it.
i’ve modified the recipe based on what i have in my kitchen (since she was doing a challenge, she couldn’t use anything other than the ingredients bought in the $20) but i usually start with a can of tomatoes (we still have some home grown tomatoes canned that i like to use), then i’ll add the peanut butter, a few spoonfuls, i eyeball everything in this recipe, and blend it. then i’ll add a bit of olive oil and/or non dairy milk and/or some wine and the soy sauce/teriyaki sauce (if i remember, i tend to forget this step, but it’s always good!) for flavor as well as the spices, which usually include garlic powder, onion powder/dried onion, oregano, basil, thyme, a little bit of nutmeg (my secret ingredient to make everything cozy!!), and some nutritional yeast (if you’re not vegan, you can totally use parmesan cheese or something similar!). i’ll give it a good blend and see if i need to add anything. sometimes it doesn’t taste acidic enough for my liking and i’ll add either some lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, and sometimes it’s too acidic and i’ll add a little bit of maple syrup to give it a bit more sweetness. and certainly add any kind of spices you’d like. (you can also add in actual onion and garlic, either into the blender or sauteing it before adding the sauce into the pot. just work quick! bc the noodles will start to overcook in the strainer!)
i usually cook the noodles while i’m blending, and i make sure to cook it a minute or two less than the box says. just before it’s ready to drain, i take a mug and grab some of the pasta water and keep that. i’ll drain the spaghetti noodles and then pour the contents of the blender into the pot. i’ll take that mug of hot pasta water and pour that in the blender and kinda shake it around (very carefully!! i’ve burned my hands a little before doing this!) to get the last bit of the sauce, since the pb makes it really thick, and then i add that in with the rest of the sauce in the pot. then i’ll add the noodles back in and let it cook for a few more minutes.
i usually top it with some parsley and more nutritional yeast.
i always joke about it being a really weird thing, but like. i easily eat this once a week/every other week. it’s become a really easy and quick meal that i rely on a lot, bc it’s really simple to make and it makes several servings that i can put in the fridge and eat later. and like she said in the video, i know it sounds weird, but it’s really good!! it does make the spaghetti sauce a little sweeter than normal, but it’s not like you’re adding in a meat or a meat substitute, so like... it’s not that different from a thai peanut noodle dish in terms of sweetness. (though certainly feel free to try it! i might have added chickpeas one time, i really can’t remember. i know i usually eat it plain! i think one time i added some tofu to the blender to go into the sauce for added protein, like, you can literally do whatever you want!)
and certainly feel free to modify anything about this if you want to cook it! sometimes i’ll add some spinach to the blender to add more veggies. sometimes i use different kinds of noodles (rn i’m a big fan of the noodles with veggies in them!). add more or less of any spice or go wild with something else! that’s the beauty of cooking, you can experiment with it and figure out the flavors you really like!!
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11 Questions
rules: answer 11 questions, make your own questions, then tag 11 people.
thanks for the tag @thevikingwoman <3
1. The most beautiful place you have been
Oh I think any place I’ve been has it’s own unique beauty, and I saw so many beautiful things in Europe it’s hard for me to pick. The Ponte Vecchio bridge in Florence, The Grand Canyon...Objectively though, probably Hawaii:
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this is a beach on Oahu called Bellows which has great waves for surfing. My grandparents made fun of me and my cousin for getting wiped out, but we conquered and lived another day!
I actually like any place with water, this is a place near(ish) where I live:
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texas hill country really is quite beautiful. 
2. Pick a super power. Why that one?
teleportation. I dislike driving and it would be so convenient to get to all the places I want to go to. (Which is everywhere. I love travel.)
3. Do you have a comfort movie or show? What is it?
Several. I love old movies and oftentimes will put one on for some comfort if I’m working on some writing for background noise. Sound of Music, that Hamilton woman, Bette Davis films/Vivien Leigh films...lot of stuff. I watch the thorn birds once a year and put on Charmed (don’t judge) when I’m bored and cleaning, lol.
4. A creation you’re really proud of?
My fics Our Immortal Longings, In Waking Dreams, and my ten minute play I wrote/directed in college. Also all the papers I wrote for my Shakespeare classes.
5. Something you are looking forward to in the next year or two?
You know if the love of my life walked into my life I would really like that! beyond that though, my family and I plan on moving from the house we currently reside, which is the house I’ve always lived in, but I’m just excited for something new with no bad energy. Traveling more, working out more and hopefully getting more toned, starting a novel, lots of stuff.
6. Top 5 video games?
Red Dead Redemption 2, Dragon Age Origins, Resident Evil 4, Kingdom Hearts (first one.) Skyrim. I picked games that I both played a lot, impacted me, and just ones that I got the most joy out of through my life. though of course I love others!
7. A recent favorite anything (food/entertainment/clothing/??)
Cheyenne’s popcorn recipe: pop your popcorn in olive oil. Get some balsamic drizzle and drizzle on the popcorn. Get kraft Parmesan cheese and coat that popcorn in cheese. bad for you? hell yeah. good snack food? fuck yes. 
also I realize this is old but I love the modern renaissance palette by anastasia. I was like “eh” about the red colors but I fell in love.
8. Favorite board game?
honestly not too much of a board game fan. Would like to play Risk though.
9. Stealing this one: I know that lots of people have “dinosaur” or “ancient Egypt” interests as a child; what was something that you were super interested in as a child? I’d love to learn a new fact about that subject if you’re willing!
at around 7 I had a dinosaur phase where I would check out all sorts of books from the library and ask my mom to read them to me. Around the same time I watched cleopatra with my grandma and had a Cleopatra phase...which I never really grew out of. 10 year old me was an Ancient Egypt nerd and my mom even gave me her cartouche she got as a gift from my grandma. (she went to egypt once on a business trip.) 
I had a geisha phase at 13. My project on them actually won an award. I also had an Italian renaissance phase, a greek/norse mythology phase...I have always had a wide variety of interests. 
10. A strange thing you googled recently, if you’re willing to share.
“death scene.” Some of you may know why :p
tagging @briarfox13 @negotiator-on-site @out-of-the-embers @gottaboopthesnoot @adventuresinastrangeworld @bitchesofostwick @schoute @dickeybbqpit @gingerbreton @thebakerstboyskeeper @chillyrose to answer:
Favorite supernatural creature?
Favorite Folktale/myth? 
Favorite thing to wear? 
What’s a piece of media (book, movie, game, etc.) that has had the greatest impact on you as a person?
Favorite thing about yourself? Physical and Non physical.
Favorite Disney movie? (if not a fan favorite animated movie would work too.)
What does your dream apartment/house look like? 
What are your thoughts on marriage? (lol we had a discussion last night in class now it’s got me thinking, along with the copious weddings I’ve been to.)
Describe what makes a good ship to you. 
What does home feel like to you? 
Your favorite thing to eat?
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keto · 5 years
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Missing "Real" Pizza? Try This! Hello Keto friends! I have been making this pizza crust for a couple months now, and I'm really surprised I haven't seen much about it since it seems to be the closest thing to actual pizza crust that I have encountered. Personally not a fan of the tortilla pizza, and I'm 100% against anything involving cauliflower. I think this has some added appeal in that the crust is more like actual bread and not just basically more cheese, like Fathead. After tweaking the recipe a bit, I'm pretty convinced that I could serve this and people wouldn't even realize it's keto. This recipe can be found on the Diet Doctor website under 'Best Keto Pizza Crust'.Original Recipe:1¼ cups almond flour¼ cup unflavored protein powder4 tbsp ground psyllium husk powder½ tsp salt2 tbsp grated parmesan cheese1 tbsp Italian seasoning2 tsp baking powder2 eggs1 cup boiling water3 tbsp melted butter or coconut oil, for brushingInstructionsPreheat the oven to 375°F (175°C).In a medium bowl, mix the dry ingredients until well blended. Add in the eggs, stirring until well combined.Slowly add boiling water to the mixture, until the dough thickens. With your hands, shape the dough into a ball.Place the ball on a greased baking sheet. Spray a piece of parchment with oil and place it on top of the dough to help spread it without sticking. Use a rolling pin or your hands to spread the dough into a 16-inch round.The dough will rise to 2-3 times its size, so make the thickness one third of what you want the final crust to be.Place in oven and bake for 25 minutes.Remove crust from oven and brush with butter or coconut oil and return to oven. Broil for 3-8 minutes or until the crust is crisp. Watch closely during this step to make sure it doesn’t burn, but just crisps up. Start broiling with the crust flipped over to crisp the bottom first. Then, flip it and broil the top.Let cool and store in the freezer until you want to use it. If you can't wait, add toppings and broil for another 5-10 minutes until the cheese is melted and starts to brown.Crust Macros:Net carbs: 3 % (5 g)Fiber: 14 gFat: 79 % (64 g)Protein: 18 % (34 g)​A couple tweaks:I like to add 3 eggs instead of 2. It seems to make the crust a little lighter.I like to add a little more baking powder than it calls for. Heaping tsp vs exact tsp.I like to include a tbsp of Garlic powder and 1/2 a tbsp of Onion powder to the crust mix.I have been baking for exactly 22 minutes at 375F and then broiling the bottom on LOW after buttering. I don't broil the top before adding the toppings as it instructs. I broil on LOW for 5-6 minutes to finish with the toppings. Perhaps it's just my oven, but the crust came out WAY too crispy for me when I followed the exact instructions they gave. This has been a real game changer for me. I usually make it at least once a week. I hope you all enjoy!Crust Dough Ready To BakeBaked For 22 Minutes at 375FAdded Sauce And Toppings (Chicken and Ham)Final Result After a 6 Minute Broil On LOW (This pan is 16\", Pizza itself is 14\" like a regular large pizza.)
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Introduction: Hi!
I’m Tara, and I’m twenty-seven years old. 
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I’m going to talk about my weight loss history/introduction in my next post, so I figured I would make this post about me as a person. This will serve two purposes:
1) To help those who follow (if I have any followers?) get to know more about me. 
2) More importantly, to remind me there’s more to me than just my weight. For so many years, whenever I looked in the mirror (and even still today), all I see is my weight. I forget to look beyond my body and see the girl inside that skin.
Here are some facts about me that have nothing to do with a weight loss journey:
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I love to write. From the time I was a little girl, it has been a huge passion of mine. I’ve written stories, poems, essays on everything from paper towels, napkins, countless notebooks, word documents, and computers. It’s like a compulsion of mine, and it’s always the best way for me to express myself. I’ve been published in my college literary magazine and was vice president of the literary club, as well as published in a Brooklyn, NY newspaper at 10 years old. My biggest dream is to have published books/novels, and be on the NY Times Best-Seller list. One day!
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I moved from NY to AZ last September, so it’s been almost a year. I’m happy here, although I miss home like nothing else. I wish there was a way I could mix NY and AZ together, for the cooler weather of the east coast, with the majestic sunsets of the west coast. The delicious New York food, with the friendliness of the Arizona people. I miss the rain and thunderstorms of New York, but I know when I’m home, I miss the stillness and quiet of Arizona twilight. I think I’m becoming an okay blend of the two places, but I still wish I could be in two places at once. 
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I am in a lovely relationship with my girlfriend of four years. Crystal is beautiful inside and outside and she is amazing; I am so lucky. She tolerates my hours-long trips around Michaels and Ulta. She also shares a love of food network with me, Italian dishes (and doesn’t judge my tendency to unscrew the cap of parmesan cheese at restaurants and rain down on my food!), crafting, and cute dogs. We met in college and were long distance before I moved here for 9 months, which was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Now we have our first apartment together, and we have a small black kitten named Luna Francis Bean. My girlfriend is hilarious, kind, smart, and a total inspiration to me. My cat is also all of these things :P We have an adorable family if I do say so myself. 
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Taylor Alison Swift is my favorite human being that I don’t actually know personally. I’ve been a fan since early 2007. I have every one of her albums (some multiple copies; hello, 1989 polaroids!), and have seen her on tour 5  times. All of those are cumulatively some of the best nights of my life. I talk about her way too much and can be what some may call obsessed. I’ve been wearing red lipstick and cat-wing eyeliner like her since I discovered her, and it is part of my own signature look. I have her lyrics memorized and on a constant loop in my head. She’s been the background of me falling in love, feeling heartbreak (all kinds), picking myself up off the floor and fully embracing my own reputation. I started learning to write songs (or trying, anyway), because of her. One day, I hope to hug her tight and actually be able to look her in the eyes and tell her all of these things. 
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I love makeup! I love doing my makeup and doing other people’s makeup. I actually became a certified makeup artist back in February of this year (even though I haven’t put it to use yet). I spend way too much money on new mascaras, palettes, highlight, and foundations. Some people binge watch TV shows and movies, I binge watch makeup tutorials on youtube for hours. One of my favorite YouTubers is Bailey Sarian, who does murder mystery and makeup; where I get to watch her do gorgeous makeup on herself and she teaches us about a true-crime story that makes your skin crawl. It’s a win-win! The picture above was my rainbow makeup for pride this year! (I didn’t go to pride. But I still wanted to do the makeup, as if I went!)
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The Golden Girls is my favorite TV show. Boy Meets World is a very close second. Yes, my favorite TV show is one about old ladies. I watched it with my grandma when I was a young girl, and now I watch marathons of it. I’ve seen so many episodes and reruns but I laugh just as hard each time. I have an autograph given to me by one of my best friends from Betty White herself. I have t-shirts, books, mugs, everything. I hope one day I’ll be as confident as Blanche, as heart-warming as Rose, as wise as Dorothy, and as fearless as Sophia. 
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Laughing is one of my favorite things in the world. I love stand-up comedy and listen to comedy albums as I drive to keep myself from succumbing completely to road rage during my daily commute. I can repeat (and do often with friends from work) complete skits and dialogue from my favorite comedians. I do my best to make people laugh as much as I can. I truly believe that laughter is one of the greatest gifts we’ve been given as human beings, and it can truly spread joy for everyone and anyone. 
Here I’ll include some shorter facts that are just as important, but not requiring long winded paragraphs (although I could easily write long winded paragraphs for these things too).
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I love books, and one day I hope to have a library like Belle in beauty and the beast. (No, really, I want the ladder to swing on and everything). If I’m lost or MIA, I’m probably in between stacks at Barnes and noble. I also think I’m Belle from Beauty and the Beast, since my nose is usually stuck in a book. 
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I’m obsessed with dogs. All dogs. My favorites are pit bulls, pugs, and golden retrievers. I have a dog voice and everything (that also gets used on my cat). 
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My mom is my best friend. I bother her all day long with questions about any and everything. She is one of the things I miss most about New York, if not the biggest thing.
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I’m terrible at texting back. I know it, I am aware of it, and sometimes I try to work on it. I make no promises, though. (Bonus points to you if you get where this screenshot is from!)
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I love crafting. I love the idea of creating something with my own two hands. I wish I had a job that allowed me to be more creative and work with my hands. Crafts allow me to express myself and be a kid again. (side note: sometimes when I’m anxious, I make my own notebooks from tutorials on youtube). 
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I love watching documentaries. Call me super boring, but I love to curl up with a mug of tea and a documentary that will teach me something. Whether it’s historical or just about something new, I’m usually pretty enraptured. 
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I can’t cook. While this is something I’d love to improve upon with going forward in my weight loss journey, currently I suck at it. I can make maybe 4 things without burning the house down. And 3/4 things involve pasta, so....
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Speaking of pasta, it’s my favorite food. I’ll eat it almost any way you can serve it to me. Lasagna, Macaroni and Cheese, with garlic and oil, baked ziti, in soup, literally any way you can put it on a dish. I wish I chose to write a long paragraph about pasta. While I clearly don’t discriminate between pasta dishes, I have to say,  bowties are my absolute favorite kind. 
So there are some facts about me!
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If you read through all that, I applaud you! I actually enjoyed writing it because it reminded me that underneath everything, where my heart and brain are, I’m a pretty fun person. I have wit, a sense of humor, and a heart that’s way too big for my body. So, these are things I must remember when I am trying to stay calm looking in the mirror. Look past the exterior, and remember there’s a funny, kind, sweet soul inside this body I am trying to heal. 
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