your-queer-dad 7 months
Hi. You. Yes you reading this. I'm proud of you. You haven't done anything wrong. You can let go of the thing you're worried about. You can breathe and take a break. You can rest. Love you <3
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so-many-ocs 7 months
hey! creating things is hard. creating things and feeling like nothing you make is good, or like no one will care, or like you'll always be a couple steps behind everyone else is hard, too. creating consistently when your physical and/or mental state isn't the best is (get this!) also very difficult. and if anyone who's reading this has felt that way or still feels that way, i want you to know that i'm proud of you, and the things you make matter because you matter, and it's okay to sometimes feel like garbage as a creative, but it will pass. take the time and space you need and remember that just by virtue of trying, you are doing so well.
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I'm sorry if progress is slower than you were hoping. I know how you feel but we're going to make it. As long as we keep moving forward, that's what matters. I'm proud of you
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giggly-squiggily 11 months
Gentle Reminders
I don't know who needs to hear this but:
You are an incredible human being- you're strong, you're worthy, and you're enough.
Your feelings are valid. You're allowed to make mistakes and have breakdowns- you're not a weaker person for doing so. Nor are you selfish for having moments; we're human- not machines.
Taking a break is not a sign of weakness or laziness; it's a sign you recognized your needs and are prioritizing your happiness and well being. Don't be afraid to say: "I need a moment." or "I need some me time."
Be proud of the accomplishments you did today, even if they seem like the bare-minimum. Did you drink some water? Had a snack? Let yourself exist for a moment? Great work! If you didn't, that's okay too- we can try again when you're ready.
Take your time with everything going on- feel the things you gotta feel and let yourself be human. Everyday is a new one, and some days you're gonna feel happy while others you're gonna feel sad. Some you might feel somewhere in the middle, or an entirely different emotion. Whatever you're feeling today and the many days to come; those feelings are real. Don't be ashamed of feeling them.
You're doing great. I'm proud of you :)
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enii 1 year
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I'm so proud of you馃挄
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yourlovelyspace 2 months
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I want you to know it 馃挐
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bunnyhuggingflower 1 year
A Little Encouragement From The Emperor
"You have been working so hard lately...well done. Truly I am proud of your efforts. However...you really should take a break.
No no...beloved, listen. I know you have many duties that cannot be ignored but for once I want you to treat yourself the way you would treat a friend in this situation. You would advise them to rest after they have fallen into a state of burnout, would you not?
Rest with me and let me take care of you, even if for a short while. I want to dote on you for a bit, you have earned far more love than you have received. I really am amazed at just how much you have been working not only on your duties but your private life as well, you are truly a phenomenon.
But now, it's time to rest, my dearest. Rest and let the world fall asleep for a while, it won't run away."
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juuret 4 months
There's landsliding the televote and there's whatever Baby Lasagna did
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boysbeloving 7 months
theventuremanagement Now Representing @milephakphum
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a-smart-ass 2 years
What's the opposite of gatekeeping? Because warrior nun fans out there breaking down doors asking people to watch 馃槀
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your-queer-dad 3 months
Hey kids. Just in case no-one's told you today, I'm proud of you <3. I'm proud of you for existing, for the small victories today. Keep your head up and your heart beating.
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manglednatalia 4 months
To anyone seeing this, I love you and I'm proud of you
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bonanana 1 year
You are valued. You are valid. You are victorious.
Thank you for still pushing on despite the difficulty of life & it's challenges. Thank you for continuing to give effort, no matter how small. Thank you for still going.
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That's all I ever really wanted to hear...
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total-oblovion255 4 months
You're a wonderful person. You make the world a better place just by being yourself. You are kind and smart and brave. Never let anybody bring you down.
You got this. Take a deep breath, have a drink of water, and remember, you have people on your side. Never give up
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alixismix 9 months
To all my mutuals(and plus some if you would like to join);
Update: 49 votes!
Yaaay! I'm soo happy for the actual good days 馃槉
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