#It’s just so frustrating to be accused of something you didn’t do smh
hajimesh · 4 years
𝚑𝚌; 𝚑𝚎 𝚊𝚙𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚒𝚣𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚞𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝
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— kozume kenma — kuroo tetsurō — bokuto kōtarō
request. can I get a kenma, kuroo and bokuto hc where they're apologizing to the reader after an argument🥺🥺
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lately, he had been rejecting ur offers to go out on dates
but there was one movie u were dying to see, and couldn’t help urself
“kenma, c’mon,” you playfully whined, pulling at his sleeve to catch his attention. “it’s been ages since we had a date.”
?? he thought that chilling at his house was a good date
“a proper date,” you clarified before he could say something
but he kept silent, only rolling his eyes and then brushed u off
so you continued whining, trying to get him to say yes but five mins later he was visibly pissed off
“you never want to go out with me,” your tone was teasing
or so u thought
“if you think i’m not putting effort into the relationship then just say so,” he finally snapped at you, getting up from his seat and leaving the room
u left after that, giving him space to cool off
he felt pretty bad once he realized how silent it was without u
it’s not as if u were asking him to do something extraordinary, just... one nice date out
when he saw u at school the next day, he was a bit hesitant to approach u
“can we talk at lunch?” he quietly asked before class started
he was nervous, when u were mad it was harder for him to predict ur behavior
“i– um... overracted yesterday,” he said, fiddling with his fingers. “would you like to go to the m–”
“do you really think that i think that about you?” you cut him off, referring to his outburst
“i might’ve projected my insecurities on you,” he sighed. “truth is, i don’t want you to think that i don’t care.”
“i don’t, i just want one date. we can keep hanging out at yours for all i care.”
you watched him sigh, relieved, which u answered back with a comforting squeeze to his hand
“we can do that.”
u saw a text from another girl
a ‘can’t wait to see u later ;)’ kinda text
so ofc u flipped out
“never thought you would be one of those girls,” he sighed, letting out a sarcastic laugh
“what do you mean by ‘those’ girls?”
“the crazy ones with jealousy problems.”
yup, he called u crazy. obviously u ignored him all week
more than angry, u felt hurt and disappointed by his words
he thought u’d forget about it
the clownery🤡 smh
‘hey, don’t tell me you’re still mad?’ he texted u when he saw no signs from u after a few days
‘you didn’t even explain what that text meant, and then you accused me of being crazy.’
it finally dawned on him that he had 💫fucked up💫
he showed up @ ur house twenty minutes later with ur favorite food and an apologetic smile
“shit, kitten. please, look to me,” he basically begged when you refused to meet his gaze
“i’m really sorry for what i said. the text was from a classmate, she’s been hitting on me and she was referring to the volleyball match we were having that day.”
he seemed pretty honest...
“i don’t think you’re crazy, fuck– i’d have reacted way worse than you if it had been the other way around,” he seemed desperate at this point, raking his fingers through his hair in frustration. “can you please forgive me?”
okay, he was being honest
so u decided to forgive him and spent the day together bc u missed each other 🥺
u were going on a picnic since he’d be busy the following weeks bc of the nationals
but he forgot he was supposed to pick u up 💀
“baby, i’m so sorry!” he said as soon as he saw you, his frown deepening when he noticed your sad smile. “i fell asleep right after practice.”
“you said you were taking the day off?”
he smiled sheepishly and looked away
heeere we go
“kou, i know you’re passionate about volleyball, and i respect that,” and you really did, but you thought it was best if you let him know your feelings. “but i can’t help but feel a bit left out.”
ofc he didn’t mean to, u were his beautiful ray of sunshine that lit up his days
he just got a bit too carried away when it came to volleyball
“what can i do?” he asked, his eyes full of sorrow
u knew he felt bad, he’d never ditch you without a valid reason
“i refuse to be those kind of people who ask you to give up your passion, maybe take a break every once in a while?”
“i’ll be more careful, i promise!” he said as he wrapped you in a tight hug
“i know,” you finally smiled, returning his hug and kissing his cheek tenderly
he was so relieved u didn’t dump his ass lol
and he knows he’s very lucky to have u🥰
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if someone asks u for forgiveness, say “i forgive you” and not “it’s okay.”
let them know u won’t let their shit slide >:(
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kaebedom-me · 3 years
Happy New Year!!! 🍾🍾🍾 I noticed you said you were out of Ch💙ya reqs huhu. More college au? Maybe things get a lil spicy in the campus library -eyebrow wiggle-
ilysm wave nonnie hhhh i- happy belated new year wave nonnie!!!!!! Thank you so so much for this request 🥺🥺🥺
I had to cut it a little short because of work but i really wanted to do this one for some serotonin
Ok but they'd get freaky anywhere these two kinky bitches
They don't want to get caught to no outright like public but anywhere secluded on campus you can bet they've had or plan to fuck there
So we look at them fucking in the campus library this time huh ok
I like to think they try to do it on every floor? Just so they get bragging rights HAHA these two fuckers!!
Fave spot is the 4th floor of library or the "silent floor"
Essentially students have to be silent there so they can focus and stuff like if you wanna whisper and stuff get out
I'll tell you why it's one of their fave spots because
1, Kaeya hangs out there a lot when getting his work done and sometimes he's frustrated with his work and a quick fuck from Childe is just the right fix
2, Kaeya having to stay silent the entire time drives Childe wild. Because the library is open 24hrs, meaning they'll always be students lingering around. And Kaeya breathing heavy trying to contains his moans and scratching his back in frustration? It just makes Childe want to fuck his brains out
Something about not being able to dirty talk while fucking Kaeya makes Childe like go a little bit feral + they have to make it quick just incase someone passes by? The thrill of it all makes Childe snap his hips and stroke Kaeya's cock a little but harder
And i tell you, they don't just fuck once in every spot. No, if they like the spot they'll come back smh kinky bitches
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Kaeya pretends not to notice the way Childe's foot was rubbing up against his leg, he goes through his textbooks and scribbles something down on his notes. He could practically feel Childe pouting. He still doesn't acknowledge him though.
They were huddled together on the 4th floor of university's library at the farthest and most unseen table. It's Kaeya's usual spot in the library, because no one really comes to this section of the library anyway.
"Are you that desperate for a fuck?" Kaeya asked when Childe scooches a little closer so he could massage his inner thigh.
"From you, always," Childe answered without missing a beat, nuzzling into Kaeya's neck.
Kaeya chuckled, then turned to give him a kiss on the cheek. Childe reacted by whining about not getting kissed properly. Kaeya doesn’t swat Childe away though -like he usually does when he’s actually trying to study-. So, he took it as an invitation, and starts kissing and nibbling on Kaeya’s neck.
Imagine his delight when Kaeya tilted his head to give Childe more access, he couldn’t hold back his grin, making Kaeya chuckle in amusement. Kaeya eventually pulls back though, and was met with Childe’s very unsatisfied pout.
"What?" Kaeya asked. "I thought you wanted a fuck?"
Kaeya didn't wait for Childe to react. He tidied his books and started to unbutton his top. Childe's hands we fast, they worked on Kaeya's pants while he moved to pin Kaeya to the edge of desk.
Kaeya efficiently slid his pants down, then pulled Childe in for a searing kiss. Childe took over from there, hands fumbling a little with his own pants from the intensity of the kiss. Kaeya's laugh died in his throat when Childe started to massage his ass.
He did his best to arch up into Childe to give him more access. "Make it quick, Tarta."
"Mm," came Childe's acknowledgement as he manoeuvred Kaeya so his fingers could start to prepare him.
Kaeya sighed and pulled at Childe's hair when he felt two of his finger probe at his entrance. Childe immediately pulled back when he felt how unnaturally wet and warm Kaeya was, earning a little yelp from said man.
"You planned for this!" Childe accused, squinting at Kaeya.
"Yes, now fuck me." Kaeya rolled his eye. "Don't act so scandalised when you had this in your head too."
Childe laughed a little when Kaeya started to grind on his fingers impatiently. "You're so horny, babe."
"Yeah, yeah. Horny for you, darling, now get on with it!" Kaeya almost hit Childe on head for taking so long.
Childe let out another laugh before he backed up slowly so he could sit back onto his chair, he was careful not to pull too far away from Kaeya though, gently coaxing him down with him. Kaeya spared a glance to the space that lead to their table before straddling Childe.
"Well," Childe started again, voice sultry the way Kaeya liked. "Why don't you show me how horny you are for me, instead?"
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scarabbai · 4 years
What the- i swear I thought I was following you for a long time- I just saw that it wasn't the case smh. Your rr au literally fascinates me. Like I have always had the idea if how they would be in an rr situation. So about this childhood incident you mentioned, what is it. Can I know?
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LIKING MY AU (🥺) AND DW, YOUVE ACTUALLY BEEN FOLLOWING FOR A WHILE! Tumblr has a tendency to say you’re not following when you’ve most definitely been following the whole time for some reason??
As for the childhood incident, yes! I might write some of the scenes I’m about to mention in more detail later, but I’ll share what happened now since it’s really important in defining role reversed Jamil and Kalim’s current relationship. It also provides an important glimpse into what it used to be.
(Full story under the cut bc SERIOUSLY I went WAY overboard and it’s super long OTL)
When Kalim and Jamil first met, they weren’t anything close to friends. In fact, they barely got along. Their first meeting happened because Kalim was handpicked by Jamil’s father for his notable loyalty and dedication to the Vipers at his young age and introduced—more like presented—to Jamil as his new playmate and personal servant. Basically, it was Kalim’s job to be—or at least act as—Jamil’s friend.
Even at that young age, Jamil was a stuck up sourpuss who had already developed the nasty habit of looking down on others. After all, he was rich, spoiled, and practically a little prodigy. Nobody he met was ever at his level, and it’s not like he was ever taught humility. Naturally, he drove away practically everyone his own age and therefore didn’t have any friends. This concerned Jamil’s father and thus Kalim was brought into the picture. However, an important thing to note is that Jamil also happens to have a rebellious streak. He hates being coddled and is already very frustrated with his father’s constant attempts to keep him safe (with bodyguards, babysitters, etc) since he feels like he’s “being babied.” Bc of this, he’s very skeptical upon Kalim’s arrival, accuses him of being some other kind of guard in disguise, and is just generally very rude to him.
Obviously that doesn’t sit well with Kalim and they end up bickering for a while (“I’m not a liar!” “Yes you are!”) before Kalim finally catches Jamil’s attention by admitting he isn’t that great with magic yet. This leads to them both calming down and talking about all the stuff in Jamil’s room, which then prompts Jamil to kinda show off his skills in magic as well as his belongings. Jamil’s father checks in on them and sees Kalim cheering Jamil on as he’s showing him a spell he learned, which gets Kalim officially approved to stay by Jamil’s side for the foreseeable future. They still aren’t proper friends at this point, though. Jamil gets annoyed by Kalim’s presence bc it’s a reminder that his dad is still trying to “run his life” by looking out for him, and Kalim is lowkey having second thoughts about this whole “important job” thing bc Jamil’s kinda mean...
Eventually they become more comfortable with each other’s presence, but they still aren’t really friends. They end up with more of a “mastermind and henchmen” dynamic instead, with Jamil leading them both into trouble while Kalim gets the short end of the stick as the (not very believable, so he never actually gets punished) scapegoat of most of Jamil’s schemes. By this point, Kalim has kinda just accepted that this is gonna be the way things are and doesn’t really question it, and Jamil stops seeing Kalim as a nuisance and more like a source of entertainment, praise, etc. Basically Jamil pushes Kalim around bc he knows he can get away with it and bc Kalim will always tell him what he wants to hear. Fun for Jamil! Not so fun for Kalim. This goes on for some time.
About several months to a year or so later, a festival in the city is announced. Being very sheltered and restricted his whole life, Jamil really wants to get out there and see the activities and events that are going to be hosted (especially the dancing! He’s super interested in all the different types of dance that’ll be showcased at the festival). However, his dad comes in the night before the festival and forbids Jamil from going bc “there’s too many people and it’ll be dangerous,” not revealing that he’s heard news of the family’s enemies in the area. Knowing his son is a little schemer but also that he’ll be very upset, he calls Kalim in to stay with Jamil for the rest of the night and the next day not only to make sure he won’t try anything but also to hopefully cheer him up.
Despite knowing full well that orders from his dad > his own wishes and that Kalim has to listen to his dad over him since his dad outclasses him in authority, Jamil’s bitter enough to poke the hornet’s nest and try to bait Kalim into helping him sneak out anyway. In doing so, he pulls some pretty guilt trippy stuff and whines about how he clearly doesn’t have any “real friends” since “real friends” help each other do stupid stuff like sneaking out. He doesn’t expect this to work at all given Kalim’s strict adherence to authority and rules, but he does it anyway bc taking out his frustration over his father’s actions on Kalim is easier than just quietly accepting his dad’s attempt to protect him.
Jamil ends up severely underestimating three very important factors:
Kalim’s own desire to go to the festival
How much his happiness matters to Kalim
The fact that Kalim actually does see him as a friend/hopes they can be true friends
Kalim gets pretty quiet for the rest of the night, and when his required time keeping Jamil company is up, he leaves the room without a word. This makes Jamil all disappointed and kinda upset with himself bc he thinks he’s gonna get ratted out, but nothing ends up happening. The next morning, Kalim shows up to Jamil’s room with two sets of casual clothes from his own wardrobe in his hands and a smile on his face. To Jamil’s utter shock (Kalim has never gone against orders before, especially ones directly from his dad), Kalim explains that he used his usual credibility to his advantage and managed to lie his way to a perfect cover for the both of them, and if they leave now nobody will notice until they’re long gone. He broke the rules for the sake of Jamil’s happiness, and that’s a gesture that means so much to them both it makes Jamil feel kinda funny.
He brushes it off though bc this is his moment! This is the chance he’s been waiting for, and all the different plans and ways to sneak out he thought of while lying awake the night before can finally be put into action with Kalim’s help! With the combined power of Jamil’s strategic thinking and some extra strength/height boosts from Kalim, they manage to make it off the property with the others none the wiser. In order to keep things lowkey, they’re both dressed in the casual clothes Kalim brought, and Jamil has Kalim stop addressing him as “Master Viper/Master Jamil” for the time being so they just seem like two regular kids instead of the Viper heir and his servant. It’s just a small, temporary thing, and Jamil doesn’t even pay it any mind, but it turns out to be a very important equalizing factor for them both. Suddenly, their social standings aren’t nearly as skewed.
Jamil knows exactly what he wants to do at the festival and fully expects things to go his way the whole time, but when they arrive, he sees something he never expected to, and it causes him to forget about his schedule and all the things he was gonna immediately drag Kalim to see and do:
Standing in the sun and in the thick of all the lively activity, Kalim is practically glowing with excitement, flourishing in the crowds and people, his face lighting up in a way Jamil has never seen in the year or so they’ve known each other. He’s so happy and alive and it throws Jamil off completely bc he’s never seen Kalim THIS joyful before. He’s never seen Kalim in his natural element even though they see each other almost every day.
Seeing this change in Kalim leaves Jamil stunned long enough for Kalim to get ahead of himself in excitement and grab Jamil’s hand to pull him along and see all the stalls and colorful sights and gawk and admire all the things they have for sale, things that Kalim knows he can’t afford but wow isn’t it nice to see all these things anyway even if he can’t have them (even if he wishes he could have them) and he’s so starry eyed and he’s pointing out things to Jamil who is still struck by this liveliness in Kalim that he’s never seen before, so shocked and entranced by the life in Kalim’s eyes and the way he’s speaking so fast that his words almost blend together that he reaches into his pocket and pays for each and every trinket Kalim stares longingly at just to keep on seeing his smile, just to see the way Kalim brightens up and jumps up and down with excitement and gratitude (“thank you Jamil-sama, thank you thank you thank you!”) and he lets Kalim be the star of the show for the very first time, lets him be the one in charge of the schedule, following him here and there as Kalim sees something that grabs his attention and then they’re both off like a jet, Kalim weaving through crowds like an expert while Jamil tags along clumsily behind, singing and laughing and there’s this one moment, one magical moment when Kalim stops at a stand selling coconut juice and when he mentions it’s his favorite drink, his favorite flavor ever, Jamil buys them both one coconut each without hesitation, watching as Kalim enjoys his drink like it’s the best thing in the whole entire world (and watching Kalim, he could almost think it was too, even if he doesn’t like it nearly as much) and wonders how in the world he managed to mess up so badly to know someone for so long and still never know his favorite food, to see each other every day but never once see Kalim like this, with so much joy, and Jamil stands there, sipping his coconut juice as Kalim sings and dances in place as they watch a concert performance together, wondering where he went so wrong, wondering when he forgot Kalim was a real person, wondering if he ever realized Kalim lived and breathed and had feelings.
It’s the wakeup call Jamil didn’t know he needed. He realizes for the first time how little Kalim gets to have some fun of his own whenever they play together, how he’s always the one dragging Kalim into messy situations, how Kalim may have been kinda happy when they’re together but clearly he’s never been truly happy in all of the time they’ve spent together, how Kalim is a real friend who cares and puts up with so much while Jamil has been nothing but a bully and an asshole.
As the sun sets and he and Kalim are heading back to the estate, Jamil thinks about this a lot. He feels extremely guilty over his shitty attitude and resolves to do better, to be proper friends with Kalim, to be nicer and kinder and to appreciate the people and things he has in his life. He’s going to fix things. He’s going to do it right from now on.
Unfortunately for them both, Jamil is too lost in thought to notice that someone else has noticed him.
The next sequence of events is a blur to Jamil. One moment he’s walking through a less populated street side by side with a friend he’s wronged, and the next, said friend is pushing Jamil out of the way as some rando swipes at him. They both land in a heap on the floor, but adrenaline gives Kalim the speed to recover, grab Jamil’s hand, and make a break for it before the person can make another attempt at grabbing them. Jamil’s too disoriented and in too close a range to prepare a good enough spell to get the person off their tail, so they’re both in big trouble as they run through shortcuts and alleyways to get home faster while their pursuer is hot on their heels. Eventually their luck runs out, and the person catches up to them.
Kalim is no bodyguard, but he still throws himself between Jamil and the attacker to protect him. It’s two little kids against one adult. The way the person looms over them is terrifying, they’re both shaking, Jamil is on the floor bc Kalim pushed him too hard when he tried to tell him to just leave him behind and run for it, and Kalim himself is screaming his poor lungs out, crying for help in hopes that he’ll catch the attention of the people milling about. He does, but not before he takes a severe blow to the head and goes down hard. With the help of both some alarmed bystanders and a blast of Jamil’s tearful, rage-fueled magic (“NO!! KALIM!!! KALIM!!!”), the pursuer gets taken out and the bystanders, who recognize who Jamil is, contact the authorities and his family. They stay with him while Jamil hugs Kalim’s unconscious body and cries his eyes out bc this wasn’t supposed to happen, he should have listened, Dad was right, he was stupid, he got them both hurt, Kalim isn’t smiling anymore, he won’t open his eyes, there’s so much blood everywhere, there’s so much blood coming from Kalim’s head—
In almost no time at all, Jamil’s dad, some bodyguards, and one of the family’s healers arrive at the scene to find Jamil inconsolable and Kalim injured. Kalim gets some emergency healing from the medic, but his wound is deemed too severe for the magic to be able to reverse all the damage at once and therefore he needs to be rushed back to the manor’s infirmary. Jamil’s dad gently pulls Jamil away from Kalim so he can be taken to properly heal, holding his crying son close as he watches the medic carry away a much too still, much too small body. When they head back to the estate, he picks up his son and carries him the whole way, and Jamil doesn’t even have the energy to interrupt his sobbing to complain. Jamil’s father tries to ignore the blood staining his son’s clothes, the red on his hands, and keeps going. He cleans him up when they get back (and tries, again, not to feel sick as he sees the color of the water) and that night, Jamil is too afraid to sleep in his own room. He reads bedtime story to his son for the first time in a long while, and when Jamil finally falls asleep, curled up with tears still clinging to his eyelashes, Mr. Viper stays awake a little longer to watch over him.
It takes days just for Kalim to open his eyes again, and there’s a new scar waiting for him when he does.
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rosaline-kei · 4 years
What a Marry, Merry Christmas! (part 1)
Disclaimer:I do not own Shingeki no Kyojin / Attack on Titan nor its characters.
Fandom:  Shingeki no Kyojin / Attack on Titan
Parts: 「1」/  「2」
Chapter 1′s Title: Hanji
Synopsis: "I love you Hanji Zoe, will you marry me?"
Rated: T
Pairings: Levi Ackerman / Hanji Zoe, minor Eren Jaeger / Mikasa Ackerman
Read it also on / Leave a Review at:
Ao3 or FF net
Author’s Note : again wow im late its not even christmas here anymore im so disappointed in myself smH. Anyways, merry christmas and happy holidays to y’all :) enjoy this cringe i wrote a year ago on ff net sigh; im gonna regret publishing this here lol
Mikasa had been playing with her daughter, Sachiko. Well, that was until she was disturbed by a loud thud at her door. The two of them flinched upon hearing the loud thud, curious as to what or who it was at their doorstep.
"Stay here, Sachiko." Mikasa had instructed before she approached the door cautiously. Sachiko gave a small obedient nod, restraining herself from letting curiosity get the better of her. The last thing Mikasa hoped it was, was a burglar at her doorstep who failed miserably at his or her plan. Then again, what idiot burglar would charge straight at a door, creating a racket? Well, whatever. Christmas was coming, the day of giving and gifting, and Mikasa didn't mind giving the burglar a nice punch to his or her stomach, that is, if it's a burglar.
Looking through the peephole, Mikasa relaxed her shoulders before she heaved out a heavy sigh to see who it was.
"Mama? Who is it?" Sachiko queried curiously.
"Who do you think would charge straight at a closed and locked door before knocking on it?" Mikasa groaned. Before Sachiko could answer, Mikasa unlocked and opened the door to reveal none other than Hanji, who was still murmuring, "ow, ow, ow…"
"Four-eyes!" Sachiko exclaimed eagerly before she sprinted over to Hanji. Mikasa's daughter had picked up that nickname from her uncle, Levi, who would often call her that. Hanji wasn't too bothered by her calling her that, it was more of she missed the times where she'd call her 'big sis Hanji'. It just had more of a nice ring to it, at least to Hanji.
"Ah, little Sachi!" Hanji giggled a little before embracing the little girl who jumped into a grasp. "And how many times have I told you that I'm big sis Hanji, not four eyes." Hanji had pouted as she tickled the girl a little, Sachiko laughed. "Okay! Okay! I'm sorry big sis Hanji!"
Mikasa only heaved out another sigh, shaking her head. A cold wind blew by, the snow following the breeze—which was thankfully not to Mikasa's direction. It reminded the raven it was winter—that it was freezing out. "Hurry on and come in, before either one of you catch a cold." Mikasa chided.
After being welcomed in, Hanji sat on the couch while Mikasa went to quickly brew them some tea. Shortly, she returned with three cups of herbal tea. After passing one to Hanji, the brunette took a quick slurp out of it. "I don't know what is it with you Ackermans and tea, but whatever you all make it's so good!" Hanji exclaimed.
"That shorty taught me when we were younger. So ask him. Anyway, what are you doing here?" Mikasa queried as she passed the next cup to Sachiko, who nodded a small thanks as she began to sip it slowly.
"Ahaha… well, you see…" Hanji murmured, before she started to explain her so-called predicament that she was now stuck in. Long story short, she didn't know what to get for her boyfriend, Levi. After listening to Hanji's rant about how hard is it to get a gift for Levi for about five minutes, Mikasa had cut her off. "And why does that bring you here?"
"Because you're an Ackerman! And he's an Ackerman! So, you should know what the best thing I could get him is! I mean, Ackerman logic!"
"Hanji…it doesn't work that way—ah, whatever." Mikasa sighed, it wasn't worth the effort to explain it to her. "You've been in a relationship with him for quite a long while, and you've already gifted him gifts before during Christmas, so why are you suddenly asking for help? I me—"
"That's because I heard from Erwin that he got something extremely, extremely amazing for me! And I… I don't want to… disappoint him…!" Hanji reasoned, with a small frown. Truth be told, Hanji had called Erwin not too long ago to ask what she should get for Levi. Unintentionally, the male had accidentally let it slip that Levi had gotten something major for her. Not to mention he said it was something so great, it'll bring her to tears. By the time Erwin realised he had accidentally let those 'secrets' slip, Hanji had ended the call before sitting out in the snow as she debated for a long while, about many things.
'What should I get for Levi?' Hanji pondered. It can't be anything less than what 'major' gift Levi had gotten for her, according to Erwin. It just can't. She wouldn't allow it. Not to mention, Christmas was Levi's birthday as well. So it had to be twice as special. Sure, she had given him gifts to Levi that she knew he truly liked, that he truly treasured. But the way Erwin had described Levi's gift… she now had the worry of what if it wasn't good enough?
It was a silly thing to worry, but still. Not to mention, Levi had recently been acting a little… weird.
But, no matter how long Hanji pondered in the snow, no gift came to her mind that'd be perfect for her boyfriend. At that realization, she groaned in misery before over-dramatically falling face-flat into the snow.
Then, that's when it came to her. By Ackerman logic, she'll just have to ask her. And that's how she ended up at Mikasa's.
It didn't take Mikasa long to notice the troubled look Hanji wore. She could understand how she felt, to a certain extent. "Hanji, I know that you may feel bad and worried, if Levi thinks your gift is terrible or if you think your gift is not good enough as compared to whatever that shorty is getting you. But—"
"Ah! So you understand me! So does that mean you'll help me get an amazing enough gift for h—"
"No." Mikasa answered bluntly, causing Hanji to pout before sipping her tea in a frustrated way. "Listen, Hanji. It's not that I don't want to help you. I don't mind helping you, it's just… ultimately, your gift for that shorty, your boyfriend, should come from your heart, your heart only." Mikasa explained, hoping she'd understand. "Besides… if you knew what I got for him, you would think twice about asking me." Mikasa sighed.
"Mikasa… I see…" Hanji murmured, in a soft way. Mikasa took it that she understood what she meant. But that wasn't exactly the case. "Well… now that you understand—"
"You, Mikasa Ackerman, just don't want to help me because you already got an amazing, major and spectacular gift for Levi!" She accused, sounding all grumpy. Mikasa stared at her blankly, blinked her eyes and then glanced at the drink she had given Hanji. It wasn't alcohol. Mikasa glanced again to double check and that herbal tea sure as hell wasn't alcohol, and yet, she was acting like a whiny child. Even Sachiko, her own daughter, was amused by her reaction.
"Hanji… that's not what I said and didn't you hear what I just said?"
"What did you get for Levi?" Hanji pouted, demanding an answer as well as ignoring her question.
"Tell meee!" She whined a little, and Mikasa couldn't help but bring her hand up to her face and just face-palmed herself. She couldn't believe she had to deal with… this.
"If Mama doesn't tell you, I'll tell you!" Sachiko exclaimed with a little smile. But even as she said this, she shyly turned towards her mother as if to seek permission. Mikasa shrugged in response, it wasn't as if it was a huge secret anyway. She was sure Levi would know about it anyway, what she had planned to give him.
"Mama got his favourite brand of detergent that just released its new model, its lemon scented by the way!" She grinned before continuing, "And I got him a mop! But not just any mop! The super absorbent and high quality one!"
At first, Hanji wasn't sure if she was pulling a prank on her. She looked to Mikasa, who gave a nod as if to confirm it. But even so, she remained in denial. "… You're kidding. What about Ere—"
"Oh? Papa? He's out shopping with Uncle Armin for gifts now. I think he's getting him a broom or… something." Sachiko shrugged. Hanji responded with a blank look, before grabbing Sachiko's shoulders and rocked her back and forth—in a playful manner, of course.
"Ehhhh? Sachi, you must be joking! It's not even April fool's! Don't you know Christmas is also his birthday? Don't you want to get him something extra special? I mean… I can see why Mikasa wouldn't want to… but—"
"Eh? But Four eyes…—" Sachiko giggled a little as she called out to Hanji, who then paused in her rocking action. "It's Big sis Hanji..!" Hanji groaned, cutting her off with a sigh, as if she felt defeated… for whatever reason. Well, regardless of whatever defeat, she still had it in her to correct Sachiko.
"Big sis Hanji." Sachiko corrected, with a small smile. "I know it's his birthday too! And that mop is super extra special! It's very absorbent! I know Uncle Levi will just love it!"
Hanji looked up at her a little, with a small puzzled look. "How do you know he'll love it…?"
"Well, the mop is just perfect for his small and short height!" Sachiko started off, Mikasa resisted the urge to laugh at that. She taught her daughter well, she thought. Sachiko continued, "I know it's just a mop, but still… I think he'll like it. He's been complaining about his old mops. So when Mama took me out to shopping, seeing this mop reminded me of him. And then, right then and there, I just knew he'd love it!" Sachiko beamed, Mikasa resisted the urge to laugh again. To think mops could remind her of Levi, it was just humorous. At least to Mikasa.
"… What are you trying to say, Sachi?"
"It's the thought that counts. That's what makes a gift special, because it comes from the bottom of your heart! At least that's what Mama told me, I believe in it anyway." Sachiko smiled. Hanji looked towards Mikasa, who gave a small nod.
"I know how hard it is, to find a perfect gift for someone you love, Hanji." Mikasa spoke softly. "But just as Sachiko said, it's the thought that counts."
"And yet you thought of detergent?" Hanji snorted, Mikasa rolled her eyes a little. "It suits a clean-freak like him. I put a lot of thought in that gift, for that matter."
"Yeah, yeah… I really appreciate both of your advice but still…" Hanji murmured, trailing off. It was obvious she was unsatisfied by the answers and lectured by the end of the conversation. Mikasa placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder as she spoke, "Don't worry about what gift to give him. You already gave him the best gift he could ever receive, and I can assure you it's better than whatever he wrapped up this Christmas for you."
Hanji looked at her, puzzled by her words. "What do you mean I already gave him the best gift…?"
Mikasa chuckled light-heartedly, before smiling warmly. "Hanji, it's you."
After that conversation she had with Mikasa and Sachiko, she left to the nearest mall Mikasa told her was located at. Mikasa had persisted that she should stay a little longer, so did Sachiko, considering it was still snowing out—and who knows? The snow might get heavier.
But Hanji refused the offer. She felt the sudden spark ignite within her, to which pushed her to get out and get something special for Levi, from the bottom of her own heart. With that goal in mind, she gave a hug to little Sachiko, a wave to Mikasa before she had set out on her hunt.
Once she had reached the mall, she began to look around, hoping she'd find something for Levi, something that was from the bottom of her heart. As she continued to search, many random thoughts popped into her mind, as well as a few memories she shared with Levi.
Truly, she couldn't really ask for any gift better than the male, her boyfriend, who put up with all her bullshit, and still loved her dearly for many years. She felt her cheeks burning, her heart thumping as she recalled some heart-warming moments in their life. She then figured she wanted to get him something that'd just express just that.
"Something from the bottom of my heart…" Hanji murmured to herself. She paused in her steps and sighed. She had walked almost all over the mall, yet she found nothing that matched what she felt from the bottom of her heart. "There must be something…" Hanji grumbled, before she looked up and around… and saw something that caught her eye. It was on display, well, not for long. Instantly, she rushed over to it, pressing her face against the glass as she stared at it elatedly.
Her cheeks flustered red even more, as she exclaimed, "That's it!"
Christmas rolled by quickly, the celebration was to be held at Levi's this year. It was still early, so no one came yet… well, except for Hanji.
"Took you long enough. Tch." Levi clicked his tongue, rolling his eyes as he let the brunette in. "Give me a break, you're the one who told me to come earlier to help you set up decoration." Hanji pouted.
"If you didn't want to, you could've refused, shitty glasses." He scoffed. Hanji rolled her eyes, "And you could've refused dressing up as Santa last year, yet you didn't… I still have pictures." She teased lightly, a grin plastered on her lips before placing her bag on the couch.
"Shut up." He grumbled, his eyes darting to the ground. Hanji sat down on the couch quietly. There was this silence for quite a while. It was odd, considering for one thing, Hanji wasn't one to… well, keep quiet. At least not for a prolonged period of time. But whenever she did, it'd be because something was weighing on her mind… and it didn't seem like she was the only one who had something on her mind.
"I have something to tell you." The two suddenly said in sync, breaking the silence that had been lingering itself in the atmosphere.
"You… go first." Levi spoke, to which Hanji shook her head at. "No, you should. You seemed to have something weighing on your mind for… quite a while." Hanji insisted. For the most part, Hanji rather have Levi go first for one reason—just in case if he was breaking up with her, considering not only had he been acting weird recently but the way he said that he had something to tell her was… odd. Very odd. His tone was different, as if he were afraid of something. Hell, now even Hanji was afraid. Afraid of one too many things now, afraid if her gift would burn itself to ashes.
Levi, on the other hand, took a deep breath, closing his eyes briefly. Definitely, something was on his mind. Hanji couldn't tell if she wanted to find out or not, she never felt so tensed before. Not wanting to delay what he had to say any further, Levi opened his eyes, which fixated itself to Hanji's brown orbs.
Hanji suddenly felt her muscles relaxed, surely… with such a soft look in his eyes that were now gazing at hers… this… wasn't a breakup… right?
Before she could think any further, Levi got on one knee, took out a small box, before he opened it, revealing a beautiful ring.
"Hanji Zoe, I love you. Will you marry me?"
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terrietont · 4 years
SU: Replacement
Just a silly little Steven Universe Fanfiction I wrote that I thought I’d share for fun. I haven’t written fanfics for a while so bear with me. (also the formatting fucked up when I tried to paste it for some reason smh)
SU: Replacement
Spinel begins to see a pattern with her new family.
She was wearing her attire. It made her skin crawl and shuffle her feet uncomfortably. She wanted nothing more than to take them off and wonder around in her own attire. But she didn’t. She wanted the other diamonds to love her, even if it meant being constricted in her former friend’s old attire.
She was too scared to go to Steven about this since she’d been warned of his recent outbursts, turning him pink and enraged at any point of anger against his mother. She wouldn’t be able to handle that now.
She grit her teeth and sighed; ignoring the lingering dread from wearing Pink’s outfit.
“Oh hello there starling!” White Diamond smiled down at the pigtailed gem fondly, picking her up in her gigantic hands. “Heya... did ya need somethin’?” Spinel asked with an innocent smile. “Only you, dear!” She replied taking her over to see the other diamonds. Spinel still felt insignificant in the shadows of the looming loving giants she calls family. Who wouldn’t? Most of their reign was fueled by revenge, power hunger and emotional trauma. There’s no doubt why they would still strike fear into the small gem. Even pink could be scary. She used to throw tantrums and at one point damaged the old Pearl Spinel had become good friends with over a few months. Hearing the story made her livid at Pink almost as bad as the first time she was betrayed. Snapping from her thoughts she stared at Blue and Yellow who looked at her expectantly. “Yes my diamonds?” She asked with a smile.
“Spinel! If it isn’t too much trouble... can you do the thing?” Yellow asked with a growing smirk.
Spinel piped up and cleared her throat. “Whatcha call it after Yellow has finished in the extraction chamber?” Hearing this, Blue piped up giddy. “Oooh Ooh don’t tell me!” Yellow curiously waited and white stood with a smile. Spinel flipped herself around to do a headstand. “Yellow DRY-mond” she cracked the joke and instantly the room filled with hysterical laughter from all three diamonds. Yellow laughed so hard she nearly fell on her back.
“OHohoh- Ohh my goodness! Aha-haha! That’s perfect! AahaOHOHOH! I get it! Haha” Yellow wheezed.
Blue chuckled at her reaction as well as the joke and White laughed quietly in the background.
“Oh I’ve not laughed this hard since Pink told us those silly Diamond based puns!” Yellow commented, still wheezing.
“Yes! I do agree, Pink was always perfect with humor!” White added
“She was always so silly!” Blue mentioned.
Spinel’s gem felt like it had broken in two. It was all crashing down faster than she could tell. Their laughter was now just background ambience in a ear piercing state of mind.
“Spinel!” Yellow chimed finally getting over her laughing fit.
Spinel looked up, snapping away from her thoughts. “Huh?”
“Please tell us another!” Yellow asked with an amused grin.
“Yes do go on, Pi- I mean Spinel.” White replied.
Another crack in her gem. She started feeling a pulsating sensation of rage build up into her. Angry tears threatened to come out, but she held them back.
“I-Uhh O-okay! Okay! Ehem!... Knock knock!”
“Who’s there?”
The diamonds had learnt about knock knock jokes from Earth culture making it’s way to Homeworld.
“A broken sword!” Spinel started. “A broken sword who?” Blue asked as Yellow was already trying to hold back a chuckle. “Nothin’ it’s pointless” Spinel said with a goofy pose. The room went silent and then laughter echoed around once again. This time yellow didn’t have the strength to hold herself up as the giant fell to the floor with a loud “THUD” This made Blue and white burst into hysterical laughter. Yellow continued to wheeze, even Spinel started chuckling. It was contagious despite the low effort of puns being told. It was easy to amuse galactic tyrants who hadn’t heard humor for thousands of years.
Things began to look better. Spinel started genuinely enjoying herself.
“She’s definitely Pink’s gem”
“Oh absolutely! Just amusing!”
“Pink was Exaclty this way too!”
Then it finally hit the poor gem. She was nothing but a replacement for the one they lost. They didn’t think of her as anything but a clown. A jester. An amusement for their own selfish desires and even worse; A replacement for the one who had hurt her the most. The raging feeling she’d held back finally came out. “STOP IT!” Spinel yelled in frustration. The diamonds stopped and turned to her with worried faces. “Spinel?! What’s gotten into you?” Yellow asked now frowning from the rudeness of the sudden outburst. “All you three ever talk about is HER! It’s always been about her and it’ll always BE about her!”
White, blue and yellow looked at eachother with furrowed brows and then back at her.
“What are you talking about dear?” Blue asked soflty. “PINK DIAMOND!” She screamed. Now the room was deathly silent as the somewhat accusing glares of White and Yellow loomed over her. “You ALWAYS talk about her!” “
What?” White chimed in confused. “That’s not true. We talk about you too Pi- I mean Spinel.” Her face fell as she realized her audible mistake. Spinel was silent as she starred up, teary eyed.
“Spinel-“ Blue was cut off by the sounds of crying and Spinel running from the room in tears.
“Wait!” Spinel! Starling?”
Spinel ignored the voices and ran to her room. She frowned enraged staring at the pink decor around the room. Nothing had changed it seemed; nothing had been different. It all felt like she was nothing but a replacement for Pink Diamond. There was a pink mirror, a pink bed from when Steven was last there, pink drawers and many other pink colored human-like materials. Stretching her arms out, she wrapped herself up and curled into a ball on the bed. Tears flood the floor below her as the pebbles came out to their rubberhose friend and wanted to check to see if she was okay. “What’s going on?” One said. “I dunno but spinel looks like she’s been hurt.” Another replied. “Hey Spinel?” One of the pebbles in a small bow popped up to try and catch a glimpse of her face. “G-go away...” she uttered, hiding away. “Please Spinel, we’re here to help ya!” The first pebble said with a smile. Spinel growled. “I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!” She yelled, scaring the pebbles away. She soon recovered from her outburst and only noticed she scared off her little friends. “W-wait no! I’m sorry! I...” The pebbles were no were to be seen now. Spinel in regret flopped down from her ball position and into a flat pose, her limbs like noodles, head faced down in a puddle of tears. “Why do I drive everyone I love away?...” she sat up looking at herself and at her gloved hands. The pebbles began to slowly emerge in sympathy until the door opened up forcing them to hide in fear again. Spinel flinched and turned around startled, tears still flowing freely down her cheeks.
“Spinel?...” Blue Diamond entered the room. Panicking, Spinel slid under the bed. Hiding away.
“Spinel... sweety. Please come out! We love you!”
Blue tried in desperation but to no avail.
Spinel stayed hidden under the bed, waiting for blue to give up on her. Blue stayed in the room waiting for Spinel to calm down. “I’m so sorry...”
spinel’s eyes widened. She wasn’t expecting to hear that.
“Huh?...” She sniffled sliding out from the bed again.
“Yellow and White want to appoligize too.” Blue said delicately petting Spinel’s hair. “Please... come out...” she begged. Spinel started to feel guilty that she had made them so worried. Hesitantly, she jumped onto Blues hand.
Yellow sat looking guilty into space. White strut around the room anxiously. “Spinel?!” They said simultaneously, seeing her in Blue’s hand.
“Spinel! Oh stars I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to call you Pink!” White panicked.
“I’m sorry too... I was selfish and idiotic for treating you like you weren’t your own gem.” Yellow appoligized sincerly.
Spinel felt bad for making them so upset... but at the same time she felt better knowing that they truly did care for her and wanted to change. “I’m sorry for yellin’ like that...” Spinel appoligized rubbing her arm self-consciously.
“No! Don’t be sorry! You’ve done nothing wrong! You were just angry and- and we didn’t listen!” White said facepalming at herself. “We’re sorry Spinel.” White said calming down. The room was silent once again with Spinel looking away shyly.
“Isn’t that mildly uncomfortable?” Yellow grimaced pointing to the outfit Spinel wore.
“Come to think of it, that really doesn’t suit you all that well.” White added
“Yes, it’s quite old fashioned.” Blue said with a wink as they all smiled compassionately.
Spinel smiled taking the hint. She swiftly tore off Pink’s attire and bounced around as herself again.
“That’s much better!”
“Yes a much better look on you, Starling”
“I agree!”
Spinel jumped up into their arms as they each embraced in a nice warm hug. They missed Pink, but they had something new and something wonderful and she was her own gem.
She was never going to be a replacement again!
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womenofcolor15 · 3 years
Raz B Keeps His Foot On Chris Stokes' Neck About Alleged Sexual Abuse, Demands He Takes A Polygraph After Chris Tried To Silence Him
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Raz B is keeping pressure on his former manager Chris Stokes over allegations of sexual abuse. For years, Raz B has spoken out about being molested by Chris as a kid. Now, he’s demanding Chris take a polygraph test so the truth can finally be revealed. More inside…
It appears the powers that be have been trying to silence B2K member Raz B, but he’s applying even more pressure now.
In 2007 & 2010, Demario “Raz B” Thorton accused his former manager Chris Stokes and former friend Marques Houston of molesting him as a youth. Following the public accusations, Chris released a statement denying the sexual abuse allegations.
Since then, Raz B has repeatedly shared stories about what he endured as a child in the music industry when he was a member of the hit singing group B2K.
Recently, Raz B sat down with Hollywood Unlocked's Jason Lee for an in-depth interview about being drug & alcohol abuse, being molested as a child and to elaborate on the sexual abuse allegations made against his former manager. However, the interview got shelved by FOX Soul.
”WHY ARE PEOPLE TRYING TO SHUT DOWN RAZ B?,” Jason Lee asked on Instagram. “So I just got off the phone with @foxsoul and the interview with @razb_b2k that was scheduled to air tonight won’t be airing. In the interview Raz and I discussed why young boys and men who alleged sexual abuse aren’t taken seriously or intimidated into silence and then this happens!,” he explained.
”As a victim of sexual abuse at the hands of a man I will not be silenced nor will I allow him to be. We will be meeting to discuss when the show will air and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to elevate this important conversation! I’m not happy but it’s out of my control - FOR NOW.”
In an IG video, Jason revealed FOX Soul received a cease and desist letter from people who allegedly victimized him, claiming they were going to sue the network if they air the interview.
Check it:
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                      A post shared by JASON LEE (@theonlyjasonlee)
Here’s a clip from the interview:
        View this post on Instagram
                      A post shared by Raz B (@razb_b2k)
Raz B also took to social media to express how frustrating it has been trying to get his story out to the masses. He also made it clear he wants smoke with Chris (in the post below).
        View this post on Instagram
                      A post shared by Raz B (@razb_b2k)
”Check this sh*t out, I’m tired of f*ckin’ being bullied. You ain’t gotta send nobody to see me, but what we will do, is when I see you, I’m smackin’ the sh*t out yo ass,” he said.
Raz said he wants Chris Stokes to take a polygraph test to dead all of the drama:
“So I been getting a bunch of calls from my loved ones. People that support me. And they’re like, ‘Take this down. Deal with this privately.’ But I say — Yo, they’ve ruined me publicly,” he began. “Got people thinking that I’m gay — and I’m not because I was molested by a pedophile… Since y’all trying to shut me down publicly by sending out cease-and-desist letters, lets get in the room with the lawyers and let’s take a polygraph test. I’m gonna take the test and when I take the test, you can take whatever it is that you need to do. When you take it, and when you fail, you take this fade and you take that bid ’cause I’m tired of being bullied and I’m not going to be bullied no more.”
Peep the clip below:
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                      A post shared by Raz B (@razb_b2k)
Chris Stokes seemingly hasn’t responded to Raz B, so he hopped on social media with another video demanding Chris take a polygraph test. He also called out Immature/IMx member Marques Houston, calling him a “creep” for marrying Chris’ “play daughter” Miyana (Miya) Houston, who is 18-years younger than him. She was 19 and Marques was 37 when he popped the question.
Peep Raz’s latest video below:
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                      A post shared by Raz B (@razb_b2k)
Chris Stokes has been busy posting subliminals on his IG:
          View this post on Instagram
                      A post shared by Chris Stokes (@chrisstokes1969)
  "People throw dirt on your name and get mad when flowers grow from it. SMH," he said.
O’Ryan – B2K member Omarion’s brother – recently spoke out about why he decided to defend Raz B. Chris Stokes hopped in O’Ryan’s IG comments with some emojis and O'Ryan responded by telling Chris to take the polygraph test.
Check it:
Y’all pic.twitter.com/gyy025WPqu
— Spark Plug (@SparKLeShiNes) January 19, 2021
Below, he explained why he did it:
        View this post on Instagram
                      A post shared by The Shade Room (@theshaderoom)
In 2019, VLAD asked Omarion about Raz B’s molestation accusations against B2K’s former manager. He said he does believe “something bad happened” to Raz, however, he said he wasn’t 100% sure it was Chris who did it.
Peep his interview below:
With all of this tension festering within the group, it’s understandable why B2K had so many issues during their Millennium Tour - even outside of the drama with Omarion's ex Apryl Jones & his bandmate Lil Fizz.
You’ll recall, just days into the tour, Raz B announced he was quitting the tour because he didn’t feel safe around Chris Stokes, who, apparently, is still attached to the group in some form. Photogs caught up with Raz after his announcement and he revealed he changed his mind and WOULD participate in the tour, which he ended up doing.
Hopefully, Raz B will be able to share his story with the masses so he can continue healing and moving forward. IF Chris Stokes did what's being alleged, he needs to be behind bars. PERIOD.
Photo: Raz's IG
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2021/01/26/raz-b-keeps-his-foot-on-chris-stokes-neck-about-alleged-sexual-abuse-demands-he-takes-a-p
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sweetlysilent · 7 years
Friendly Battle
Requested By: Anonymous
hi there!! i just started following you and i absolutely LOVE your acc/your writing. i was wondering if you could write a peter parker x reader inspired by the song “act my age” by hoodie allen. it’s a really fun song but idk what the plot could be? just a lot of funny banter, sarcasm, cheesy jokes, etc. a silly and happy kind of imagine i guess? thank you so much! :) xx
If you want to listen to the song, click here
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Description: You and Peter had a goofy relationship, you both constantly messed with each other, doing your best to either embarrass one another or do the exact opposite and frustrate the living hell out of each other. You two were the definition of “friendship goals.”
Warnings: Nothing really major, slight swearing?? Some teasing, cuteness
Word Count: 2,338
A/N: This was really fun to write, the song gave me many different approaches to the storyline and I really like the outcome of it. I think they're relationship is really cute and dorky and idk I just love it. Anyways I hope you enjoy! :)
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"Hey, Parker!" You shouted, making Peter's head snap up quickly, only to be met with a paper ball hitting him in the face.
You and Ned let out fits of laughter, as Peter glared at the both of you.
"I'm going to get you back you know that right?" Peter smirked at you, making you smirk back.
"Bring it on." You challenged, giving him one of your famous grins, you weren't afraid of a little battle.
During the entire day of school, you and Peter were constantly at one another, whether it was bumping into each other in the hallway, or throwing something at one another.
The bell rung signaling that it was time for lunch, also meaning it was the perfect time to really mess with Peter.
When Peter wasn't looking you quietly took his cookie off his tray, giving Ned a look not to spill the beans.
"What the- Y/N!" Peter shouted, he was checking all over his tray, he could have sworn he had gotten a cookie with his lunch, and now it was mysteriously gone.
"Yes, Peter?" You smiled innocently, as he narrowed his eyes at you.
"I know you took my cookie, you -you thief!" He proclaimed, pointing a finger at you.
You dramatically gasped, slowly handing Ned the cookie underneath the table.
"I'm sorry Peter, but I don't have your cookie." You made a pouting face in a teasing manner, taking a sip of your water.
"That's impossible, it had to of been you." Peter stood up, walking around the table, checking your area where you sat, before huffing seeing you really did have it.
"Something isn't adding up." He spoke to himself, before noticing his cookie had reappeared on his plate.
Peter's eyes squinted together, looking between you and Ned who had a goofy grin on his face.
"You traitor!" Peter accused Ned, who burst out laughing, making you laugh along with him.
"She told me to!" Ned defended himself, making you snort in response.
"Did not, he willingly helped me." You smiled at Peter, who was already glaring at you playfully.
"I'll remember this, don't you worry." Peter looked between the both of you, messing up your hair, which made you frown and glare at Peter.
"This is war." Peter declared, breaking a piece of his cookie off and popping it into his mouth.
He was about to say something else, but got distracted by the taste of the cookie, he wasn't going to lie, he was glad he got it back.
"Damn.. this really is a good cookie, you're missing out Y/N, I would have shared it with you, but you did steal it from me so.." He smirked, making you roll your eyes playfully.
"You're such a dork." You laughed, making Peter smile and continue eating his cookie happily.
The last bell of the day finally rang, meaning school was over, which you were extremely thrilled about.
Peter was walking with Ned, muttering how he wished Mr. Stark would stop treating him like a kid, which in return lead Ned to reply with well you are a kid, you're fifteen.
Thus making Peter roll his eyes, before seeing you walking ahead of them, he told Ned he'd see him later, before he ran off to catch up with you.
However, you were trying to process the entire day, Peter hadn't once messed with you all day, making you a bit anxious since he could attack at any moment.
Which is exactly what happened, you were walking to the subway, the only real transportation back home, only to be met with Peter appearing beside you out of nowhere.
"Good lord!" You shouted, immediately covering your mouth as people gave you looks.
Peter smirked, feeling satisfied that he had startled you.
"Hey best friend." He chuckled, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
"Peter I really dislike you sometimes, you know that right?" You joked, making him grin slightly.
"Oh I know, I sometimes really dislike you too, but that's what makes our friendship great." He glanced at you, seeing the smile on your face.
We don't even fight,
We're like oil and some vinegar.
"Do you want to come over later? We can do something fun?" Peter suggested, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
"Sure, whatever you want Parker." You joked, shoving his shoulder slightly, exiting the train since it was your stop.
"See you later Y/N." He gave a goofy grin, making you laugh before walking off.
The entire afternoon you were trying to figure out what Peter could be planning, it was easy to tell he was up to something, he sucked at keeping secrets.
For hours you spent doing your homework, probably failing at it but you didn't really care, it was just homework.
You felt your phone buzz, seeing it was from Peter.
Parker: hey u can come over now if u want :)
You: ok b there soon.
Parker: hurry up i'm lonely :((((
You: ur so needy smh
Parker: am not !!
You smiled to your phone, seeing Peter's response, he was a complete and utter dork, something you loved about him.
You got onto the subway, and before you knew it you were arriving at his apartment door.
You knocked a few times before you heard the sounds of his footsteps rushing to the door.
"What took you so long? If I can remember correctly, I told you to hurryyyyyy." He grinned, making you roll your eyes dramatically.
"I can only travel so fast Parker." You smiled, patting his chest before entering his apartment.
"So what do you have in store for us tonight." You glanced over at him, who was trying to hide the grin on his face.
"I thought we could go golfing, or maybe bowling?" He shrugged, laughing as he saw your eyes widen.
"The only golf I ever tried to play was miniature." You laughed, your face turning a bit pink.
"Lame." He joked, making you stick your tongue out.
They say the way I act is immature.
"You're lucky you're my best friend." Peter chuckled, making you smirk slightly.
"You'd be lost without me Parker, admit it, you need your crazy, childish best friend." You smiled triumphantly, twirling your hair in-between your fingers.
Peter gave you a soft smile, making your insides melt a bit, you weren't going to lie, there were moments that Peter made you feel certain emotions you couldn't explain.
"Honestly Y/N, I would be lost without you." He confessed, then wrapped his arms around you.
"But now that all that mushiness is over, lets go bowling." He ruffled your hair, making you groan in annoyance.
Peter lived a few blocks away from the bowling alley, so you decided to walk there.
"You want to know a secret?" You spoke up, catching his attention.
"Do I want to know?" Peter looked at you suspiciously, making you smirk down at your shoes.
"It's actually about you, I just never felt like sharing it until now." You laughed quietly, making his eyes widen a bit.
"Oh god." He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"You know how we went to a party last week?" You smirked, looking at the buildings around you.
"Yeah.. Liz's party right?" He clarified, making you nod in agreement.
"Well, you might have had too much to drink?" You giggled quietly, making his face turn a darker pink shade, he was so thankful it was dark out.
"What did I do?" He muttered, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye.
"Well it's actually something we both did?" You spoke more of a question, making him even more confused.
"I might have had a little too much also." You laughed, making his eyes widen.
"I may have.. you know.. asked you to sign my boobs." You bit your lip slightly, trying to hold back your laughter.
Peter visibly swallowed, his eyes looking everywhere but you.
"D-Did I?" He stammered, making you let out a giggle.
"Indeed you did Parker, you even smiley faced your signature." You smirked, making his face turn a deep red.
"Oh lord, I'm never drinking again." Peter groaned, making you laugh in response.
"It was in sharpie too, it's still there actually." You looked over at him, who was staring at his shoes.
"I can't believe I did that." He laughed, making you smile slightly.
"I don't think I'm ever going to act my age, I wanna stay young, I wanna have fun. I want to be a teenager that makes stupid mistakes with their best friend." You smiled, making Peter grin slightly, before picking you up and twirling you around.
"This is why I love having you as a best friend Y/N." He laughed, before dragging you into the bowling alley.
You both walked up to the lane you were assigned, your inner competitiveness showing through both of you.
You walked up to the lane, ready to roll the ball, but freaked when you felt hands on your sides, tickling you.
Your ball flew out of your hands, going into the gutter, but you couldn't stop laughing.
"Peter!" You shrieked, making him laugh along with you.
"Oops, you missed." He grinned, making you glare at him playfully.
You both spent the entire game messing with each other, Peter kept constantly making you miss, making you extremely frustrated, while you did the exact same to him.
By the time the game was over, you both had done terrible.
"You're terrible at bowling you know that right Parker?" You bumped into his shoulder, as he smirked.
"Am I really though?" He looked down at you, seeing your confused expression.
"What do you mean?" You looked up at him, seeing his smile turn into a grin.
"Bowling is one of my favorite sports," He grinned, making you even more confused than before.
"Okay and?" You laughed, seeing his face still have the same grin.
"I was going to say, bowling is one of my favorite sports cause I always strike out with girls." He laughed, making your eyes widen in shock.
"Peter!" You laughed, hitting his chest.
"You know it's true, you're one of them." He laughed, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
You rolled your eyes playfully, knowing full well he was right, but at this moment you didn't really care.
You were just happy to have a friend like him.
And there ain't nobody that can get in our way,
Oh, it's all good, it's alright, it's okay,
We can live however we want,
I wanna stay young,
I wanna have fun,
So if that's okay,
I don't think I'm ever going to act my age.
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Fear and Manifestation
Recently, I’ve realized something about myself. That all the failed relationships I've been in haven’t been the guys fault.........IT WAS MY FAULT!!!
Here’s why it was my fault. 
See, I've always a fear of being alone. And with that fear, came secondary fears, like fear of rejection, fear of not being good enough, and fear of not being chosen. Now how did this translate to my personal life; when I would meet a guy, I would instantly go into “RUSH” mode. Meaning, I was in a hurry to show him that I am good enough to be chosen as his girlfriend. I did any and everything I thought a man would want his girlfriend to be. Now early on, I knew that cooking and sex were important, however, as I’ve gotten older, I discovered more things that a man desires in a girlfriend and potentially a wife outside of food and sex. And I tried desperately to became those things. At least, that’s what I thought. 
Well, what I’ve discovered, is that what I was doing was appearing desperate. Men would be enjoying the process of getting to know me, so would I. But after a few weeks, or months, I start asking the question, what are we doing, are we in a  relationship, etc. And ladies, let me say this, if a guy is really feeling you and wants to continue getting to know you, or getting all the perks of a relationship, until it becomes deemed as a responsibility. It was revealed to me by a male friend that once the fun is over, guys who have been married before or in long-term relationships, will either pull and run, or just start to pull back, in hopes you get the pictures and pump the brakes.  He said men would question why was in such a hurry for titles and marriage. My response was I’m not getting any younger, I didn’t want to marry for the first time as a 80 year old woman, etc etc etc.To a man, who, again has been married before, this is a scary situation and as my friend said it, its not fun anymore. Men who are dating, are dating for fun, not for marriage, initially. Marriage is a result of a wonderful, fun woman, who has made life really easy going, not a lot of drama, just lots of smooth sailing. When I would rush, i was forcing a man to do something he wasn’t ready to do and it sucked all the fun out of our dating situation. Here it is, i think I’m showing them a great woman, wifey potential, etc; all I was telling them, no screaming was MARRY ME NOW!!!!!!!!! My friend explained that once titles are given and labels are assigned, responsibility comes in and pushes fun right out the door. They know that during the committed relationship phase, all you’re thinking about is marriage, marriage,marriage. Did I mentioned, marriage. 
This too, became an Ah HA moment. Where I never once thought I was sucking the life out of a relationship. I figured, I’ll just give things a little nudge in the the relationship direction and for man, it felt like I was pushing him to the tip of a cliff but demanding he not fall off. It was a lot of pressure to make a move the guy wasn’t ready to make just yet. And most likely, had I just relaxed and enjoyed the process, I may have chosen as someone wife, who knows. But what I know now, is men aren’t in a rush to marry or being in committed relationships. And now I can appreciate a man wanting to move slow. I used to feel that if he moved too slow, it would never happen and I needed to get things moving fast. That if too much time past, he may loose interest and go somewhere else. And listening to those romantic stories of how the guy knew in a few weeks, this was the woman he wanted to marry and profess his eternal love too. Yeah, that didn’t help things either. Not to mention, when most of your girlfriends are married or engaged, you tend to want to be able to be apart of the club too. 
What my friend also explained, is that I was coming off as if I just wanted any man, didn’t matter who, just to hurry up and get married. And to a man who has been married before, the red flags where waving violently. Now, that may not have been the case, but that is was the perception that I was putting out there. This made the men I’ve encountered feel as if I wasn’t choosing them because they meant something special to me, it made them feel like they were in a “INSERT MAN HERE” situation. Additionally, I was already to claim relationship and most of the time, I didn’t really know much about them. Like, as soon as they showed interests, I would grab them by the arm and say YOU MY MAN NOW, lol. It seems funny now, but at the time, it was causing some great guys to run for the hills. And I never knew why...until now. 
I’m dating this wonderful man, who is about 75% of everything I've ever wanted in a man. He is kind, funny, handsome, employed, responsible, loves his children, a leader, very masculine, intelligent, sexy, strong, we have a lot of the same interest, etc etc. However, I was in rush mode and it happened to be at the same time my best friend was getting prepared for her wedding. My guy explained that during this time, I seemed to be really hung up on titles and where the friendship was headed. He said he was really enjoying getting to know me and when I started pushing, he started to fall back. He didn’t do what most men have done in my past and fall back into the black abyss where there is no cell phone service, he actually fell back little by little. Then I started complaining about us not spending enough time together, why weren’t we having sex anymore, why has he stopped being available for me. I had no idea what was going on, the only thing I knew was that he was doing what every man in my past has done, RUN. However, he did it in stages, first, he stopped being as available for dates (because I planned most of them and never gave him the opportunity to plan anything, except maybe his exit). Then, the sex slowly became non-existent then he stopped calling and texting as much. And that’s when I totally lost my damn mind!!!! That”s when I reacted to the fear of him leaving in a extremely immature way. I was calling him non-stop, texting him. And when he didn’t respond, I was accuse him of being with other women. Because, in my pee brain, that was the only reason I could think of for his behavior. Never once considering that it was me. I was pushing him away and he just wanted some space hoping I would get the hint and slow down.  
Even after I had my epiphany about the fear and revealed it to him, he was still open to the potential of us, if I slowed down. And here I go again, wanting to know if I still had a title (which I never had officially anyway, I made it up in my head) or where we dating. Let me explain, I am a extremely literal person, so if someone doesn’t answer yes or no to a yes or no question, their explanation becomes confusing to me. So, he basically just says that he wants to continue to getting to know me and growing together and he isn’t seeing anyone else nor does he desire to. And my literal behind, didn’t understand that he was saying yes in a way that I was his girlfriend, however, as I stated above, men are weary of giving titles, so he just would repeat that he wasn’t seeing anyone else and doesn’t want to. And I still didn’t get it, smh. I kept pushing for him to give me a definite answer and he got frustrated. That was 2 days ago. No communication from him since. I’m not sure where his mind is or if he is still willing to still hang in there with me. And, honestly I can’t fear that he won’t. I have to accept the consequences of my actions and just let the chips fall where they may. Doesn’t hurt any less but its a lesson I needed to learn. And have needed to learn for almost 2 decades. I am proud that I was able to accept the truth of why I’ve been single for all these years and able to acknowledge that it wasn’t always the guys I was dating, it was me that would cause a comfortable situation into a very messing, uncomfortable thing. My need to control the outcome, my need to love with limitations and conditions and not allowing men to get to know my greatness organically and in time; was all from my fear of being alone. 
So, after 20+ years of singleness and several failed relationships, I’ve finally got it. Finally know why I can’t seem to keep a guy around. And its not because I’m not this awesome super chick that men dream about (because clearly, I am what all men what, IJS). It was due to my fears and those fears manifested the very thing I feared.....BEING ALONE. So now I have to reprogram my entire life. Its not easy, trust me. Its similar to a drug addict trying to quit drugs cold turkey (without the symptoms of withdraw). I’ve learned so much about the power of the mind, and how what you think, feel and say will become your reality. And sometimes, when things are said and felt, its hard to undo what you’ve originally manifested. I know now that I am a great person and a phenomenal woman, and yest any man who locks me down, is getting something spectacular. I just have to allow the guy to get to know this on his own, without force and without pressure. I really wish I could go back and undo a lot. I may be the cause of several men not wanting to even deal with the drama of a relationship, because what I’ve been doing for decades, other women have been doing as well. 
So ladies, if you’ve been where I’ve been, and men keep running from you and your don’t know why. Do some self evaluation. I mean for real. Ask good friends to be honest  and give their opinion of whats they feel is the reason. You may not want to hear the trust, but the trust can save you from years worth of loneliness and hurt. I hope my experience can help someone out there. I pray I haven’t lost my opportunity to be grow with this wonderful man, sigh
I’ll still hold a candle of hope for my situation..........
To be continued............................................
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russellthornton · 7 years
Backup Boyfriend: Are You Her Main Man or Just One of Her Extras?
Got the feeling your partner isn’t ride or die? Here are a few signs you’ll definitely see in your relationship if you’re the backup boyfriend.
I’ve come across lots of different types of girls. And I’ve been in situations where I was being played. I’ve even realized after a relationship ended that I was probably the backup boyfriend.
So, I want to share some insider experience that might help you avoid getting into the same situation.
First, here’s the deal
The feminine are trained from young to covertly play their options. They’ll do this while presenting a Holier Than Thou front. Ask yourself, when’s the last time you read a magazine that gives out dating/seduction tips?
Well, the feminine begin this from absurdly young ages. By comparison, guys are like lambs sent out to slaughter when it comes to the relationship game. Usually, it’s only a very confident male or older experienced guy that has a chance of not being wrapped around the thumb of feminine strategy.
It’s called hypergamy. Hypergamy basically means that the feminine keeps their sexual options open. They do this for obvious reasons: to choose the highest value sexual option available in their life. Sometimes the feminine even wait for that option even if it’s unavailable. [Read: Hypergamy – Motivation for perfection or sexist stupidity?]
Intense realism
Now, I’m not trying to demonize the feminine. I just think it’s essential to be very realistic and non-idealistic if you’re going to avoid becoming the backup boyfriend. Guys are the same in many ways. Guys also go for the most attractive choice they feel they can get.
The difference is, the average girl has FAR more options than the average guy. For this reason, guys need to develop strong skills or ‘game’ to remind their partner of what they would lose. Think about it: would you choose to stay at a lower professional grade? With longer hours and less pay/satisfaction? Would you do it just to not offend your competition?
Well likewise, traits like: height, intelligence, and physical prowess are highly sought after because they are highly inheritable. A girl invests a lot of her life and emotional capital raising offspring. So, she wants to make sure she has the best candidate to provide security, provisions, and good social standing. [Read: 15 things women look for in a man before falling for him]
With that said…
Key – ‘The Talk’
Firstly, is your partner even at this stage where they’re looking for an exclusive relationship? If you haven’t had ‘the talk’, where a decision was made that you two are exclusive, then I’d assume all bets are still on.
‘Sometimes you can meet the right person at the wrong time.’
These were wise words from the sister of one of my ex-girlfriends. There’s no use in denying reality. If your partner’s 18 and going out four nights a week with friends—and drunk texting you—you may be trying to hold onto the wind. [Read: Talking to someone about your relationship – DTR made easy]
The signs you’re the backup boyfriend
Let’s get into the signs…
#1 Does she always seem distracted? I remember being invited to see a play with a girl I’d started hanging with. It seemed like a cool surprise at the time. Sometimes she got free tickets to events because of where she worked. It was a cool play too.
After the show, we talked in the lounge. But I noticed her laughing at things I said that weren’t even remotely funny. Actually, she was barely listening. Distracted. Simply tolerating my company. Then she told me about the guy who gave her the tickets.
She looked around nervously several times. ‘Let’s wait, I want you to meet him,’ she asked me. I suddenly connected the dots. I realized she’d taken me to the play to make him jealous. I got out of there pronto with a slick excuse. Cos’ I don’t play that. [Read: How to be an alpha male: Unleash the irresistible inner you]
#2 Listen to your intuition, bro. The gut has been described as the second brain. This is because it has a strong link to the nervous system. Brain-regulating chemicals dopamine and serotonin are also present in the gut. This link between the gut and brain is why you hear advice like follow your gut.
You may also hear people say they ‘had a gut feeling.’ People have subconscious insights and feel them in their gut. This is the case for both women AND men. So PLEAAASE don’t buy into the fallacy that there is only a woman’s intuition. The feminine often use this as a way of shaming guys for using their common sense.
This shaming convention lets them women away with anything. Guys are discouraged from questioning women’s behaviors. Screw that!
If you suddenly start getting the feeling that she’s not down to ride 100% or something has changed, LISTEN to that feeling. Don’t ignore warning signs that your partner is cheating. [Read: How to tell if your girlfriend is cheating]
#3 Are they not available on the weekends? We typically work Monday to Friday—grinding and outworking the competition. Then… the weekend comes along and we get a respite. When you’re really into someone you can’t wait to spend time with them in your free time.
If your partner’s usually up to other things with other people on the weekend, when you invite them out, you’re probably not up there on their list of priorities. [Read: 10 sure signs the girl you like is just using you]
#4 Are they posting pics with another guy? Sometimes we can be straight up dummies when we’re in love. We see an obvious sign pointing us straight in the face and try to assume the best. No! Assume anything is possible and assess patterns honestly. Being blind to the truth does not help you!
Nor does it make you a good person. It makes you foolish and naïve. If there’s no obvious reason for your partner to have 100 pictures with some guy, or many different guys, then find out what’s happening.
If she’s on a dating site like Tinder or PlentyofFish—smh. Major thumbs down.
#5 Are you always wondering if she’s cheating? Some people will read my advice above *#4* and think I’m promoting paranoia. That’s not what I’m saying. In fact, if you always wonder whether your partner’s cheating then the chance of you becoming the backup boyfriend is way higher.
This is because we naturally find it repulsive when our partner is too needy, suspicious, or insecure. Neediness and insecurity are unhealthy traits. So, if it’s become the norm in how you think then you probably reveal this to your partner in subtle ways.
And you need to do something about it. If they have any sense they’ll want to find a more secure person. So be careful of sabotaging your own relationship. [Read: Sabotaging your happiness – 12 ways you can ruin your life]
#6 Does your partner get emotionally stimulated? When I broke up with one of my long-term exes it was like hitting the eye of a storm… All emotions seemed to drain from her. No reactions. No anger. Just distance and dispassionate disgust. *Disgust is a surprisingly unemotional reaction, psychologically speaking—it’s how the Nazi’s rationalized their discrimination*.
Anger, frustration, desire, joy—the full gamut of passionate emotions by your partner towards you are great, great signs of emotional investment in you. They mean that what you do or don’t do really matters to your partner. You are a priority. If you don’t trigger this emotional stimulation, it may mean someone else matters far more, if you catch my drift.
#7 Do they test you? I appreciate good competitive banter. I didn’t always used to see it that way though. This was because I didn’t understand that being challenged by my partner was a positive thing. It was her attempt to allow me to show her that I was The Man through my solid reactions.
It was also a great indicator of long-term emotional interest. Think about it this way: if you have a good investment you want to protect it. The feminine is designed to poke and prod at the masculine to ensure its integrity. In my opinion, if they don’t seem to care about how solid you are this is not a good sign. [Read: Shit test – What it is and how to successfully pass them all]
#8 Do they act ninja with their phone? If a girl I’m seeing starts to act covertly with her phone, my suspicions glow. Now, I can’t prove this sign is bad but you’d need to be a moron to not consider it as a potential warning sign. Look, if someone behaves like they got something to hide then maybe they do.
#9 Do their behaviors say something else? That last point leads me to this subheading. This one’s so key that I want to write this whole section in ALL CAPS. But I won’t cos I love you…
People will talk a good game just to get their way. I can’t begin to tell you how naïve I was to this fact as a kid/young adult. Now however, I take it as a service to #self-respect and #truth to watch how someone is actually behaving separate from their words.
If you’re very agreeable in your personality, then you may be more vulnerable to verbal deception. You probably don’t want to be accused of being an asshole. Screw that! Every guy needs to know how important it is to clock behaviors over words. And the feminine is notorious for saying one thing and doing another. It’s called ‘a woman’s prerogative.’
Problem is, this society celebrates that lack of responsibility. It becomes a woman’s suit of armor to say one thing and act another way. It’s like saying ‘I will deceive you, but this is my right.’ This is partly because psychologically truth, for a woman, depends on how they feel in the moment. Rather than the reality of facts. [Read: What is benching? 17 signs you’re being strung along right now]
This goes deep. For example, she may have another guy but feel justified deep in her belly. So, to her, she’s doing nothing wrong. Your job is to separate her words from her behaviors and judge her based mainly on this. Ignore this fundamental rule at your own peril. [Read: Be careful who you trust: How to beware of backstabbers]
#10 Do their friends act strange around you? If your partner’s friends act weird around you, watch out, for example, if they seem guilty, awkward, or dismissive when they meet you. The feminine talk and gossip a lot. In detail. They might know something about your partner’s love life that you don’t.
[Read: 15 signs a girl is leading you on and taking you nowhere]
The feminine can feel justified to have multiple partners or options for lots of reasons. Your best weapon is to cultivate strong pure awareness to reality and don’t end up being the backup boyfriend.
The post Backup Boyfriend: Are You Her Main Man or Just One of Her Extras? is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.
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