thatmultifandomchick · 2 months
Sometimes I forget that people don’t think of me as feminine, or even as a girl.
My mom and sister were going out for girls night, and when I asked why I wasn’t invited, they said I wasn’t a girl. Even though I refer to myself as such, even though I use She/Her, even though I’m AFAB.
“But I thought you went by They/Them?” I do. We’ve had this conversation before. I am a girl. I am also genderqueer. I use She/Her. I also use They/Them and sometimes He/Him. I am still a girl.
Sometimes, it’s less invalidating of my gender identity and more based on careless assumptions.
I got on a Zoom call with my therapist. She saw that my room was pink and thought my parents had picked out the color, because never in a million years would I have done that. “No,” I said, “Pink is my favorite color.”
“But you never wear pink?” What do you expect me to do, find exact replicas of of the ten items that I can both wear comfortably and that have emotional significance, but in pink? Beggars can’t be choosers when you have sensory issues and strong hyperfixation tendencies. I still like pink.
“But you like X Y Z so I assumed you wouldn’t like girly stuff?” Yes, I'm super into Tim Burton and Goosebumps and Tusk and Spider-Man, but I also love Disney and Barbie and Ever After High and My Little Pony. I typically dress like I do stage crew but I own a strawberry dress that I like to wear on special occasions. I like flower arranging and doll making and stuffed animals.
Why is it that embracing the genderqueer and masculine parts of my identity means giving up my femininity and my identity as a girl?
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emmedoesntdomath · 5 months
mav, facedown into a pillow: I hate him
goose, reading next to him: I thought you wanted to have his children?
mav: I can be multifaceted!
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ampresandian · 2 months
I feel like some of my posts make it sound like I don't like Poseidon and that's not true. I think he's one of the better gods probably--he certainly seems less selfish throughout the series (though Percy is an unreliable narrator and he clearly does like and respect his father so who knows bc he's v selfish in tlo), and he makes many efforts to connect with Percy that we neither see nor hear about the other gods doing. But I think the point of the series is that everyone has flaws and can (and should) work to do better, and I think Poseidon clearly has flaws. It's not that he doesn't have Percy's best interests at heart when he speaks to him or helps him, or that he doesn't love/respect Sally, or that he's a liar. It's just that there's clearly a lot at play, and I think it would be a mistake to boil any decision or statement down to just one reason.
For any of the characters.
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DIY or Cooking? 🔨 👨‍🍳
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This handsome furry delight can do it all 😊😊😊
More on Instagram @ ro_kleinert 👍
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dk-thrive · 1 year
I’m just very suspicious of any kind of summing up of any kind of this is who I am
“And I think that’s important, especially as an artist, to not always be looking for how we are seen. And I think about labels a lot. And of course, as people write headlines, people have to have labels. It’s understandable. There’s a Twitter bio. There’s all these things that — you have to sum up these things. And I’m just very suspicious of any kind of summing up of any kind of this is who I am. Because, first of all, who I am is changing rapidly all the time with what I’m reading, and who I’m with, and what I’m experiencing. And then the other thing is even I can’t sum up who I am. So I don’t know if I can trust someone else to do it."
— Ada Limón, from “Ezra Klein Interviews Ada Limón” (Ezra Klein Show, May 24, 2022)
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mymusicbias · 18 days
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ebonyseuphoriatarot · 6 months
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sistercara · 9 months
ive decided my new gender / sexuality label is "protean"
im a swiss army bitch
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treasurem · 2 years
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Ayihlabi ngakumisa_2022
Woodcut - 1.5m x 1.5m
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musewrangler · 8 months
“What is your name?” the General inquired, removing the stiff leather cuirass and setting it aside for the servants to oil later.
“Firmus,” the man said. “Firmus Piett.”
Veers smiled a little at him.
“Your father named you then.”
Piett nodded. “My people have a name for me in our tongue, but…I like Firmus. I know what it means and…I like it.”
The General was curious. “What is your native name?”
Piett raised an eyebrow at him and Veers held his gaze challengingly.
“It is Faolan,” he answered with a small shrug.
“Little wolf,” Veers mused. “I wonder—did they choose that before or after your personality began manifesting itself?”
He received an unimpressed look.
“And to whom am I speaking?” Piett challenged, clearly not interested in answering this.
“You are speaking with General Maximilian Claudius Atticus Veers. Commander of the Seventh Legion in service to his Imperial Majesty Titus Augustus Caesar,” Veers replied, but if he hoped to intimidate the Briton, he didn’t succeed.
Piett merely nodded. “I would say ‘well met’ General, but the circumstances prevent that.”
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pencil-urchin · 7 months
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Doodle of my Mirialan OC, Iria. She's a scholar--Peofessor of Cultural Anthropology/Archaeology, with a minor in Art History: all centered on what she calls "The Culture of Warfare" and how it defines and shapes those cultures which engage in war.
She also put herself through school as an exotic dancer in a not-very-nice place, like you do.
(Hold on because I'm about to word vomit)
She has a list of other skills and knowledges, but I don't want anyone crying "Mary Sue!" so a quick note:
All but a handful of her knowledge and abilities are skills I currently have or had at one point, and I promise I am not anyone's idea of a "Mary Sue."
These skills and achievements include:
-Multiple Advanced Degrees (I have an Associate's, a Bachelor's, and 3 Master's degrees)
-Art (I am a professional artist, and although I have a long way to go and a lot of room to improve, I have worked hard to get where I am, and obtained both an MA in Visual Development and an MFA in Concept Art in the process)
-Martial Arts (I stopped one test shy of a black belt when I was 17 because I started college)
-Fencing (I started fencing when I was 21, which is how I met my husband; we were both competitive until and somewhat during grad school, but now we mostly just coach)
-Music (clarinet and vocal primarily, then violin and piano for a short time)
-Writing (creative and academic, my second degree was in Literary Studies)
-Multilingual (I have studied Spanish, French, Latin, and Russian)
-Organization schemes/data analysis and curation (my first Masters was in Library Science, and I was a librarian for over ten years)
-Handling of rare/historic artifacts (I studied special collections, collection management, and rare books in my MLS)
-Cooking (my husband and I love cooking together)
-Fashion (as part of my MLS I worked in a designer and historic fashion archive)
-Metalwork (I have taken metalsmithing classes, worked as a jeweler's apprentice, and even got to try blacksmithing once upon a time)
-First Aid (through my first two years of grad school I was Healthcare Provider certified to offer assistance with CPR, use of a defibrillator, assisting with someone choking, etc)
-Emergency Response (for a while in my late teens, I participated in a program meant to prepare young adults for Firefighter I training, which included a rigorous exercise routine, specialized training in the use of emergency equipment, and learning the most basic foundations of Fire Science)
-Acting (listen I don't think I'm good, but I was in Improv as a kid, love to RP at the game table , and was even a mime once)
-Field Ecology (loved this class, caught so many snakes, frogs, turtles, and lizards: I do not do spiders or insects, and therefore neither do my characters)
Skills I ABSOLUTELY do not have that my OC has:
-social grace (I'm an awkward weirdo)
-physical grace (despite all I have done, I am so clumsy)
-beauty (I am a swamp witch without the swamp)
-confidence (see above)
-dancing (I did dance and drill team when I was in junior high, did swing choir in high school, did the "shimmy" belly dance workout, and took a pole-dance workout class once which was an absolute blast, but JFC I am NOT a dancer, I promise)
I'm sure there's more, but you get the idea. A multifaceted character with a collection of experiences that seem disparate isn't different from what we are IRL when we break ourselves down into a list like this. In addition to all the positives, I'm also old (35), neurodivergent and mentally-Ill.
So yeah, not a "Mary Sue."
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Somehow, I got better.
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bumblebearboop · 14 days
I can be strong and independent one minute but the next minute long for someone to hold me close, play with my hair, and call me his sweet pretty girl.
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dearjewels22 · 19 days
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Life is a never ending journey... until it ends. It's okay if you're still working out the kinks.
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In another universe I’m a very successful trophy wife who spends her nights writing poetry and listening to music faded, tending to the primal desires.
Meant to frolic, forced to work.
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