#Tank sterilization
doobia · 2 years
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turned 4 months old a couple weeks ago she's almost adult gec proportioned now
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ekho-ekho-ekho · 4 months
tfw you don't want to support Amazon(derogatory) for a simple purchase, so you order from a small specialty vendor instead; but then the package gets rerouted from UPS to USPS almost immediately, and neither tracking number updates for weeks; so finally you do some digging and realize that SOMEhow your street address got left out of the shipping info so this package is just going to "Apartment F" in City-State-Zipcode USA, which probably explains why it's been in limbo for two weeks; so then you have to revive your USPS account to try and reroute the package, but it's "not eligible" for vague reasons; and UPS makes you create an account before it'll let you reroute from there, only once you make the UPS account you have to make ANOTHER account within the first account before it'll let you put idk an ADDRESS? on your mail? except some kind of error keeps popping up when you enter your address during setup (the address you already gave them in the first account they made you create), and the only way to fix the error is to call a number and leave a voicemail that someone may or may not respond to; and you go to request a missing mail search with USPS, but the application page breaks unless you open it in an private window (for some fucking reason); and you've tried emailing the vendor, and you've tried messaging them on Facebook, but even though their reviews seemed okay when you initially checked (you're not an idiot, of course you checked), those must have been outdated, because this place clearly changed ownership sometime in the last year and the new owners clearly don't gaf; and your package has now been missing for three weeks; and the missing mail search hasn't found anything; and the vendor certainly isn't going to respond to a refund request; and you can't dispute the transaction through your bank until one of the two shipping services involved admits they lost your stuff; and it's not like the order was that expensive or important, but you're gonna die on this hill anyway because it's the principal of the thing goddamnit, even though you know, in your heart, you can't escape knowing, that you are going through all of this bullshit for a
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stars-for-circe · 2 months
Tongue Tied
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Support Palestine
Tags / cw: EXTREMELY suggestive, oral fixation, fingers in mouth, tongue piercing, piercer!Ellie, choking, finger sucking, Ellie is kinda pervy?? WE USE CELSIUS GUYS. 19 CELSIUS!!!
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The leather seat felt clammy below you, despite the gentle faux breeze coming from the air conditioning. Beside you, the small tray of sterile equipment, reminding you of why you were here in the first place.
You shivered. Fuck, who sets the AC at 19 degrees? Wrapping your arms around yourself, you began to regret the choice of wearing a tank top despite the weather outside. Outside, where you’d much rather be - where there wasn’t a room colder than the arctic, or a bunch of needles about to be stuck in you, or a stupid fucking leather seat digging right in-
“Cold? I can turn it up, if you want.”
Ellie Williams. The most popular piercer in the area. Either from her looks or her talent, you couldn’t tell - but it was probably both. Arms crossed as she leaned against the door, and a small, amused smirk on her face as she watched your antics.
“Um, no, it’s fine.” You said shakily - or shyly, rather - smiling through your chattering teeth after you found where the voice came from. You spontaneity was probably enough of an inconvenience, booking an appointment late at night where it was the only time Ellie could fit you in - so it would have been rude to make her wait any longer than necessary to get the piercing done and lock up.
“I’m Ellie, by the way.” She called out, before making a beeline from the doorway to the small station at the end of the room, keeping her head down the entire time. You hummed in response, just barely suppressing the ‘I know’ on the tip of your tongue, as she rubbed some of the sanitiser in and put the gloves on. Then, Ellie paused her movements, back still turned away from you as she raised her head.
“Although….” You held your breath. You could feel the smirk on her faced despite not being able to see it.
“…I’m guessing you knew that already, Jesse told me some pretty girl wanted me ‘specifically’, to pierce her today…”
“What?” You stuttered out, mentally blaming it on the chill, and not your lack thereof. This time, Ellie snickered, shaking her head softly as she turned around heading towards you.
“So, you gonna stick your tongue out for me?” Grin still on her face, she watched as you sputtered out a reply while she haphazardly grabbed the forceps off the equipment tray.
“You’re here for a tongue piercing, aren’t you?”
…That sly little shit
You could only nod, too taken aback to do much else. The most you expected here was to get a damn good piercing from a really hot girl, what Ellie was doing to you was not planned in your little outing.
“Yeah? So open up, hon. Gotta mark where you want it.”
Now Ellie knew that she didn’t need to mark anything - she was so used to doing this that she could just eyeball it and still be accurate. But, she thought, being able to cup your face, while you oh so obediently stuck your tongue out for her, as she just slipped her thumb ever so slightly into your mouth under the guise of keeping you still, would make up for the extra labour.
Your mouth was warm. Even through the black latex she wore. Ellie could almost imagine how soft it would feel sucking her dick, how delicate you’d be while kissing along the silicone. Fuck, she’d moan out loud if she wasn’t careful - all from the pad of her thumb resting on your tongue. And the way it twitched and made a swallowing motion as the bitter taste of the marker hit your throat really didn’t help.
“Hah…” You made a small noise at the prolonged moment. Surely the marker didn’t need this long to deposit a tiny dot pigment?
Ellie quickly snapped out of it, ripping her gaze from your mouth to your eyes. Right, she was still piercing you today, nothing else. And the taste of the marker probably wasn’t pleasant enough to be placed there for so long…
“Uh- so, ‘m gonna get the needle now.” She stuttered out, before making a joke.
“Last chance to back out…..or tell me if you’re squeamish….”
Fuck, the needle was kinda of big. Like, really big. Was it really meant to be that big? For a moment you hesitated, wanting to back out of this all and go home. But then you looked at Ellie, holding the forceps in once hand, reaching to grab the needle with the other, and you really wondered if backing out and embarrassing yourself in front of Ellie Williams - because of a fucking needle - was worth it. It would be over quick, right?
“Um, no- I mean-” you coughed.
“No, not squeamish, so, yeah, ‘m ready…”
“Yeah? Just uh, take a deep breath, ‘n stick your tongue out when you’re ready.”
You closed your eyes, and took a deep breath. In through your nose, out through your mouth, and stuck out your tongue - just like Ellie said. For a moment, you flinched, feeling the cold press of the forceps clamping on your tongue, before you concluded that keeping your eyes open would lessen the surprises. In front of you was Ellie, although a lot closer than before. And this time, with the needle in her hand, facing you.
She nodded, for approval. And you could only look at her with wide enough eyes that you hoped conveyed your consent, before she slowly, and gently, put the needle through.
Now, if Ellie hadn’t been on the clock, if there weren’t a couple people at the register or a possible camera somewhere in the room, Ellie would have fucked you. She would have shoved the damn piercing in and shove you flat on the seat and she would have fucked you so hard you’d be numb the day after. But Ellie couldn’t.
Fuck, she wanted to, but she couldn’t. Because no matter how fucking hot you were, or how cute you looked staring so trustingly up at her with your cute fucking eyes while she shoved a needle in your mouth, or how your small breathy whine of pain when it went through made Ellie soak herself-
“I uh- ‘m gonna put the piercing through now. It’s gonna feel a bit pinchy for a second.”
She didn’t know if you wanted her back.
You scrunched your eyes a little, as the piercing went through, but discomfort finally turned into relief as you could finally put your tongue back in your mouth. Then it went quiet for a bit, the both of you not really knowing what to do next. Which was weird, because wasn’t Ellie used to doing this?
“Can I um, take a look?”
She stared at you, for a moment, almost like she was in thought, before nodding and reaching for the mirror and handing it to you. You held it up and stuck your tongue out once again. And, to your happiness, it looked really fucking good.
There was a chance you got a little too happy, however, as you smiled openly and started to almost flick your tongue about, looking at it from every angle imaginable. And maybe if you paid less attention to your new modification, and more on Ellie, you’d notice her focused stare on you. Well, your tongue, more like.
You’d have noticed her furrowed brows, deep in thought, her own mouth slightly open at the sight, and her fists clenching and unclenching, too. But you didn’t.
What you did notice, though, was her ripping the mirror out of your hands. Like an epiphany came to her about your piercing. She threw it on the table, making a loud clanging noise, before cupping your face with her hands on each side. She stayed like that for a while, staring at your now closed mouth and so close that you could feel her breath fanning on your face. And it took about five seconds before Ellie’s eyes widened and she realised how fucking weird she was being.
“Uh- fuck-” she began, almost like she was breathless. Her eyes flitted around the room and she shifted on her feet, until she could figure out what to say.
“Your piercing.”
“It’s crooked. Might be the backing but uh- I need to fix it.”
You raised a brow. Wasn’t Ellie mean to be a really good piercer? Maybe it was the piercing itself or something, you thought, as you nodded closely and opened your mouth. Slowly, you felt her right hand trail from your cheek to your lips, thumb pulling slightly on the bottom one before slipping her index into your mouth.
Shit, Ellie missed it so much. Albeit, it had probably been three minutes since she last had her fingers in your mouth, but it felt so good. Like they belonged there. She wondered how long she could keep this up, before you noticed what she was doing. She was almost worried you’d find out and get mad at her. But then she felt your tongue swishing along her index, and then she slipped her middle finger in too. And then, Ellie stopped giving a fuck.
And you couldn’t help but rest your cheek on the lasting hand on the side of your face, almost nestling into it as subtly as possible. Part of you knew this was unprofessional, that there were better ways to go about a fucked up piercing. But another part of you couldn’t help but like what Ellie was doing. And you couldn’t help but suck.
Ellie choked out a moan. She covered it up though, by talking.
“You need to stop moving. Here, let me just-”
“Shhh, don’t move.” She spoke so tenderly, almost whispering to you as her thumb stroked your cheek. Maybe it was the soft dominance she was extruding, or maybe it was because of how desperately fucking wet you already were. Either way, you listened.
You sat pin straight, as you felt the hand cupping you cheek slip down your jaw, and find its place on your throat. And you stayed still, as you felt her hand close around it and squeeze on either side.
“Can you stay still now, baby?” God, that made you feel fuzzy. That and the now limited blood circulation coming to your brain. Fuck, you never realised choking felt this good.
Ellie watched you, as you slouched and drooped your eyes, as drool started to slip out of your mouth while you were still sucking on her fingers. How you whimpered as her hold on your throat tightened - how your thighs rubbed together as she did that.
And you watched Ellie, through your hazy, droopy eyes, as her breathy pants got deeper, as she leaned even closer to you as her grip tightened, and as her eyes searched yours for some sort of response to a question she didn’t ask - but you knew she wanted the answer to. You sucked even harder. You let your tongue run along the ridged and bumps the gloves made on her finger. You swallowed so hard that her hand on your throat moved along in tandem.
“Shit- you- ohmygod-” Ellie’s eyes rolled to the back of her head and she whined. She was pleading you at this point.
And you nodded.
…Fuck it.
“You wanna fuck?” She mumbled breathily, taking a long, condescending glance at your body - the state of your body - and then another at the lock on the door. Running a hand through her hair, Ellie took a deep breath, before letting out a loose chuckle.
“God- s’is so fuckin stupid…” She ran her tongue along her teeth, scoffing at how eagerly, how desperately you looked at her. And this time, she answered her own question for you.
“…..Yeah, let’s fuck.”
Taglist: @happysparklingshadows @irelandzo @r3starttt @iamaboringrattat @genderfluidlesbain999 @slut4mascss @rxreaqia @kylorey25 @massivepeacefemme @elliewilliamsfavborderhopper @elliewilliamsisactuallymygf @ratdungeon @elxarw @mariasabanahabanabana @vvynia @abbyshands @littlegingerperson5 @flowersforvi
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
I went down the internet rabbit hole trying to figure out wtf vegan cheese is made of and I found articles like this one speaking praises of new food tech startups creating vegan alternatives to cheese that Actually work like cheese in cooking so I was like huh that's neat and I looked up more stuff about 'precision fermentation' and. This is not good.
Basically these new biotech companies are pressuring governments to let them build a ton of new factories and pushing for governments to pay for them or to provide tax breaks and subsidies, and the factories are gonna cost hundreds of millions of dollars and require energy sources. Like, these things will have to be expensive and HUGE
I feel like I've just uncovered the tip of the "lab grown meat" iceberg. There are a bajillion of these companies (the one mentioned in the first article a $750 MILLION tech startup) that are trying to create "animal-free" animal products using biotech and want to build large factories to do it on a large scale
I'm trying to use google to find out about the energy requirements of such facilities and everything is really vague and hand-wavey about it like this article that's like "weeeeeell electricity can be produced using renewables" but it does take a lot of electricity, sugars, and human labor. Most of the claims about its sustainability appear to assume that we switch over to renewable electricity sources and/or use processes that don't fully exist yet.
I finally tracked down the source of some of the more radical claims about precision fermentation, and it comes from a think tank RethinkX that released a report claiming that the livestock industry will collapse by 2030, and be replaced by a system they're calling...
Food-as-Software, in which individual molecules engineered by scientists are uploaded to databases – molecular cookbooks that food engineers anywhere in the world can use to design products in the same way that software developers design apps.
I'm finding it hard to be excited about this for some odd reason
Where's the evidence for lower environmental impacts. That's literally what we're here for.
There will be an increase in the amount of electricity used in the new food system as the production facilities that underpin it rely on electricity to operate.
well that doesn't sound good.
This will, however, be offset by reductions in energy use elsewhere along the value chain. For example, since modern meat and dairy products will be produced in a sterile environment where the risk of contamination by pathogens is low, the need for refrigeration in storage and retail will decrease significantly.
Oh, so it will be better for the Earth because...we won't need to refrigerate. ????????
Oh Lord Jesus give me some numerical values.
Modern foods will be about 10 times more efficient than a cow at converting feed into end products because a cow needs energy via feed to maintain and build its body over time. Less feed consumed means less land required to grow it, which means less water is used and less waste is produced. The savings are dramatic – more than 10-25 times less feedstock, 10 times less water, five times less energy and 100 times less land.
There is nothing else in this report that I can find that provides evidence for a lower carbon footprint. Supposedly, an egg white protein produced through a similar process has been found to reduce environmental impacts, but mostly everything seems very speculative.
And crucially none of these estimations are taking into account the enormous cost and resource investment of constructing large factories that use this technology in the first place (existing use is mostly for pharmaceutical purposes)
It seems like there are more tech startups attempting to use this technology to create food than individual scientific papers investigating whether it's a good idea. Seriously, Google Scholar and JSTOR have almost nothing. The tech of the sort that RethinkX is describing barely exists.
Apparently Liberation Labs is planning to build the first large-scale precision fermentation facility in Richmond, Indiana come 2024 because of the presence of "a workforce experienced in manufacturing"
And I just looked up Richmond, Indiana and apparently, as of RIGHT NOW, the town is in the aftermath of a huge fire at a plastics recycling plant and is full of toxic debris containing asbestos and the air is full of toxic VOCs and hydrogen cyanide. ???????????? So that's how having a robust industrial sector is working out for them so far.
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tojipie · 7 months
as long as trade professions exists i WILL write this man working as each and every one of them.
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mechanic toji x fem reader | 2.2k words !
content: smut ! semi public (??) not sure if garage sex counts
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the feeling of your shoes losing their grip nearly sends you flying as you step into the car shop lobby.
whoever was working tonight clearly had no grasp on what a wet floor sign was, opting to cover the floor in what felt like 2 feet of suds.
“oh! sorry!” suguru exclaims, extending an arm for you to hold onto. “you okay?” 
“i’m ok sugu,” you tell him, feeling your anger dissipate at the sight of the shop’s newest bright-eyed apprentice. 
you can practically hear him asking you not to tell his boss, eyes big like a kicked puppy.
the smile you shoot him is soft and reassuring. 
suguru apologizes again, grabbing a caution sign from the supply closet.
“he’s in the garage if that’s who you’re looking for.” the apprentice adds, sending you in your husband's direction with a smile.
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“toji?” you yell, scanning the 8-door garage for his telltale mop of black hair. 
“on your right!” he shouts, waving an oil-stained hand in the air to flag you down. cars in varying conditions line your path as you make a beeline for your husband, following his black footprints like breadcrumbs
a 59’ impala comes into view as you weave in between the tall legs of the suspension machines. toji is crouched on the driver’s side with his back to you, fiddling with the front end of the vehicle.
“woah,” you whisper, trailing your hand over interior seats wrapped in glossy leather. 
the cherry red exterior of the classic car is blinding, waxed to perfection by none other than the man in front of you
“aht, aht—hey.” toji chides, motioning for you to get your hands off the car.
“no fingerprints,” he says firmly, tossing you a rag from his equipment cart.
you quickly wipe down the headrest of the driver's seat, restoring it to its original sheen. the residue left on your hand smells like lemons, the sterile scent of carwash soap.
“you fix this up by yourself?” you ask, watching him fasten a new headlight into place. the amount of detailing was beyond impressive.
“course i did.” your husband chuckles. “can’t even trust these other guys with an oil change.”
you laugh, recalling the shop’s newest employee and your little wet floor debacle. toji reaches for the back of your calf, rubbing your leg affectionately from his spot on the floor.
“you’re the one that hires them.” you remind him.
“yeah, gotta stop doing that,” he mumbles, snorting at the way you smack his shoulder in protest.
the impala looks fresh off the conveyor belt with the amount of restoration that had been done to it. you can’t quite recall the last time you’d seen toji put this much work into a vehicle.
“what’s the story with this one?” you ask, stepping back to let your husband stand up.
navy blue coveralls come into view as toji rises from the floor, chest peeking out from where the one-piece garment is unzipped. he’s filthy, covered in motor oil and sweat. god, he looked good.
the raven-haired mechanic steps back with a cocky smile, zipping the garment down to just above his waist.
“what, like what you see?” he asks, slipping toned arms out of his uniform and tying the excess around his waist.
your mouth goes dry, eagerly taking in the way his body ripples under his black tank top.
“nah, nothing i haven’t seen before.” you tease, taking the spray bottle and cloth he holds out for you.
“right, okay.” your husband laughs, ego clearly knocked down a peg.
you’re wiping down the front windshield when he speaks again, answering your question from earlier.
“one of our regulars dropped her off a week ago, needed some help with parts,” he explains. the “her” in question being the obscenely glossy car in between the two of you.
“how’d the inside look?” you ask, strolling over to the sink. the smell of leather polish and windex gradually fades with a bit of scrubbing.
your husband scoffs, recalling the abhorrent state of the under-hood.
“fuck.. awful.” he explains, handing you a roll of paper towels. “some people don’t deserve cars like these.” he laughs, rubbing your back as you join him at the hood.
your husband fiddles with the tool cart, wheeling it closer to begin working on the tires.
“you look good tonight.” toji mumbles, leaning down to accept a kiss from you. you tug on the neck of his wifebeater just as he begins to pull away, roping him into a deeper kiss this time. 
“careful.” scarred lips mumble. you feel his hand trail down your back, slipping under the waistband of your jeans and leaving just as fast.
“stop being a tease,” you tell him. 
“s’ one hour till quitting time.” he says, grabbing a wrench from the cart. “can you make it, pretty girl? or do you need it right now?”
“i can wait.” you lie, not wanting to distract him from the job.
he nods, clearly not believing you. 
“you remember how to get these bolts off?” he asks, handing you the wrench with a sly grin. his hulking form settles behind you as you crouch down in front of the tire he’d picked.
vintage cars like these needed a lot more manual work, not being able to withstand the force of any automated tools. 
you unscrew the bolt with ease, fidgeting at the feeling of two warm hands rubbing up and down your waist.
“mhm, just like i taught you.” toji says, nosing at the curve of your neck.
you twist another one free, groaning at the feeling of scarred lips suctioning onto your neck.
“can’t focus.” you whimper, trying to wiggle free of your husband’s embrace. 
“s’ not your job to focus.” he chuckles, biting the meat of your shoulder for good measure. toji takes the equipment from you and replaces the bolts with new ones, motioning for you to stand up.
you wait as he washes up in the sink, scrubbing the grime from his hands and forearms. thick hands dry themselves on his uniform, stalking over to you with a look that can only be described as lust.
“think that’s all for today,” he says, voice hinting at something much deeper.
“you’re still on the clock,” you tell him half seriously, taking note of the 45 minutes left in his shift. still, warm hands settle on your hips, backing you up against the washing station 
“yeah?” he says, entertaining your jest. deft fingers slip under the hem of your shirt, lifting the garment off your body. 
“funny how that works out.” he starts, “guess I'll have to live with getting paid to fuck you.”
your skin is on fire, prickling with every calculated brush of his hand. you lean up to kiss him again, feeling his tongue flit over your bottom lip.
“someone will hear,” you whine in between kisses.
“they know not to bring it up around me,” he says, lifting you onto the counter with ease. 
toji’s zipper is next to go, stopping just under his crotch to reveal his boxers.
convenient you think, palming him through the opening in his coveralls. now that you think about it, why hadn’t you two fucked in the shop before?
scared lips peck over the tops of your covered breasts, biting down momentarily to leave a red mark.
the whine that escapes your mouth echoes throughout the spacious garage. blood rushing to your ears as embarrassment takes over.
“shhhh,” he tells you, crowding impossibly closer to muffle your sounds.
“can you stay quiet for me?” he asks, genuinely curious. a small nod is all he needs to seal your mouths in another kiss, shucking your bottoms down along with your panties to position himself in between your thighs.
you scoot to the edge of the counter, kicking off your shoes and wrapping your legs around your husband's waist. he doesn’t free himself from his boxers just yet, choosing to grind himself on your heat while you leave dark hickeys at the bottom of his neck.
“fuck.” he groans, flinching at how loud the sound echoes in the garage.
“quiet,” you whisper.
“i know, i know baby.” you watch as toji hooks a thumb into his boxers, his manhood already dripping with pre.
you pull away from your husband's neck right as he pushes in, a thin string of saliva connecting you to the dark bloom of purple your lips had left.
it’s a tight fit, but not impossible. the angle you’re at has you clenching down on the cock that’s splitting you open, squeezing him like a vice.
“fuck.” you whimper, lifting your husband’s tank top to expose his abs. toji bites the hem for you, letting you caress the dips of his toned muscles.
the distant echo of his rhythmic thrusts reverberates throughout the shop, drowning out your shared pants and groans.
“no fucking point in being quiet, huh?.” he mumbles with a smirk, taking you by surprise as thick fingers slide under your thighs and hoist you into the air.
“wait—wh-” you’re cut off as toji turns around, holding himself inside of you as he walks you over to the car.
“oh shit.” you gasp, mouth agape as you’re set down on the long hood of the impala.
your husband props his knee up on the vehicle, pummeling into you at an angle even deeper than before.
“thought you—ah- said no fingerprints.” you whimper, feeling yourself slide up the hood of the car with every thrust.
thick arms wrap around you, holding you in place while your husband ruts into you from above. 
“you’re helping me wipe this thing down after.--fuck” toji says with finality, pulling you into a deep kiss with a hand cradling the back of your head. 
the car continues to rock as the two of you go at it, filling the shop with noises that are beyond sinful.
“wanna ride you,” you mumble, taking in the way his eyes darken.
you’re flipped and carried up the hood of the car, the two of you now fully seated on a bed of cherry red aluminum.
toji settles into his back, satisfied with his work. he does it all without leaving your walls, cock still buried to the hilt.
“come on.” he encourages, moving you up and down his shaft with two hands around your waist. you’re practically being tossed around on his cock like you weigh nothing, panting and groaning while your walls struggle to accommodate his length.
“just how i like it, give it to me,” he tells you, leaning back on his forearms to watch where you two connect.
“gonna make me fucking cum, shit.”
you rock yourself onto your husband's dick, feeling him twitch each time you sink to the base.
“wait, wait.” you pant, smiling at the idea that just dawned on you.
you let toji slip out of you for the first time in half an hour, readjusting so your back is to him. cautiously, you reach both arms back, feeling him wrap both hands around your wrists.
“reverse cowgirl? on a fucking chevy? shit.” he chuckles, clearly impressed at your bold move. the raven-haired mechanic gathers both your wrists in one hand, using the other to guide his cock back into your heat.
the first thrust is agonizingly deep, pushing you closer to your edge. strong legs anchor themselves onto the hood of the car, steel-toed work boots leaving murky footprints.
“ah shit—like this?” toji groans, each hand holding your arms behind you at the wrist. 
“want it like this? want me to ruin you?
"please." you groan, feeling your climax hit you like a tsunami.
the sound that rips out of toji is purely carnal, a long groan reverberating throughout the garage.
"fuck--oh fuck-hah" he pants, still reeling from the sensation of your walls pulsating around him.
you slowly lift off of his cock, holding onto his leg to balance. warm, viscous fluid drips down your thighs and onto the red surface beneath you. you hadn't even realized he came inside with how intense your climax was.
"fuck, look at this." the raven-haired mechanic chuckles.
the state of the car is absolutely abhorrent. obsidian footprints bleed into sweaty handprints. you'd think a game of twister went down if you didn't know any better. 
"oh shit." you frown, stepping onto solid ground for the first time in half an hour.
guilt gnaws away at you at the thought of toji's hard work going to waste. this was his only form of income after all.
"hey, not a problem." he coos, pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
"s' nothing some scrubbing can't fix, right?" you nod, lifting your arms to let him redress you.
navy coveralls zip back into place, covering the mess of hickeys you left on his chest.
you finally button up your jeans, frowning at a murky streak of oil across one of the legs.
"must've tossed those on the ground when I took em' off of you." he chuckles, dodging a swat from you.
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You pad into the lobby first, blissfully unaware of a very disturbed sugaru sitting at the front desk.
your husband follows soon after, watching you walk into the parking lot.
“see ya, man.” the mechanic says plainly, shooting his apprentice a smug wave with a laugh. 
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The struggle of trying to write people who are exceptionally powerful, capable and imposing while also making them the least sexy people in existence
Power is NOT an aphrodisiac in this case
The one we spend most time with is a full-on eunuch
Practically everyone thinks they're douchebags with only a couple of exceptions, some because they've literally been lied to
I could just play up the fact that they are cannibal torturers who drug their victims so they get a high from drinking their blood but some people are into that
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hanjisick · 2 months
chemical infatuation
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genre. yandere au. patient!jisung x researcher!reader
desc. jisung takes part in a high-paying yet sketchy study with seemingly no risks, but the injection causes him to quickly grow obsessed with the daytime staff member assigned to his study.
warnings. needles. vomit. murder.
wc. 3.5k
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“is it a bad time to tell you that i’m a little claustrophobic?” your patient, han jisung, nervously shifted in his seat, fiddling with the hem of his sweater.
“we have to keep you in this containment during our research.“
the containment room, with its dim lighting and cushioned walls, seemed to close in on him. the dimensions felt constricting, heightening the anxiety surging through his veins.
every inch of the space was under surveillance, every move to be meticulously scrutinized by the watchful eyes of researchers.
what a sketchy situation. but it was better than he had expected from a craigslist ad that he had chanced upon.
the snap of your rubber gloves pulled him away from his thoughts, “it isn’t too late to back out, we have a few more candidates willing to take your place.”
500 million won. that was enough for him to do anything.
“i’m fine. i’m ready.”
“alright then, pull your arm out of your sweater for me.”
“i have a tank top underneath.” the boy shuffled out of the sweater and placed it onto his lap.
“and as the paperwork says, you have no allergies, anaphylaxis, or any history of mental illness?”
he flinched as the cool alcohol pad met his bicep.
“the medication we are testing for you should not hurt you much as far as we are concerned,” you began prepping the needle and syringe, “the only side effects that we predict could be a minor headache for a couple of days. it is not dangerous.”
jisung closed his eyes as you squeezed his arm slightly, pushing the needle through his skin.
you gently placed the gauze onto his arm, “finished. how do you feel immediately?”
“normal. a little shaken up from nerves, but no problems. what do i do now?”
“you’ll be watched for a month. the only restrictions are that you aren’t allowed to leave this room or use any devices.”
the idea of isolation and confinement weighed a bit heavily on him, but he was determined to see it through.
you motion towards the mattress in the corner, “we will change your bedding twice throughout the month. let us know if you are uncomfortable with the temperature of the room, need extra bedding, or anything else.”
jisung nodded.
“let us know if you need to use the bathroom and we will temporarily disable the cameras for your privacy. but we will take urine samples if we deem it necessary.”
“and what about food?”
“you’ll be fed three meals per day, with two snacks.”
“thank you. that’s all i need to know,” he paused for a moment, “other than your name. what’s your name?”
“y/n l/n,” you gather your paperwork, “your personal belongings will be returned once we go through to make sure there is nothing that could alter our research.”
the door had closed and locked, leaving jisung alone in the room with just his thoughts to keep him company until his stuff was given back to him.
Beginning Notes
Han Jisung (Male)
23 years old, no known medical problems
Acterenol, Administered 16:38, 5/17/25.
Intramuscular, Upper Arm
Notes: Jisung feels nervous about receiving the injection. Administered at 16:38 with no noted side effects.
you watched the boy through the array of cameras placed strategically throughout the room as he lay on the mattress. his sweater was haphazardly discarded across the room, a seemingly small attempt to make himself more comfortable in the sterile, plain environment.
despite the initial nerves of a new medication, nothing had seemed to happen. at the fifteen-minute mark, you stepped away from the cameras for a moment— if there were to be a severe sudden reaction, it would have manifested by now, you reasoned.
throughout your shift, your attention continued to drift back to the screens displaying jisung’s every move. with each glance, you found him engaged in various activities—doodling, writing in a journal, or simply staring off into space, lost in thought.
nothing seemed to go wrong. perhaps this medication would be approved.
Overnight Notes
Han Jisung (Male)
23 years old, no known medical problems
Acterenol, Administered 16:38, 5/17/25.
Intramuscular, Upper Arm
Notes: Jisung ate all of dinner and requested night snacks. He had slept well. No side effects were recorded.
you press the bright red button, lowering your mouth to the microphone.
“how is everything down there? any side effects?”
“y/n? is that you speaking?”
“yes,” you were surprised that the boy had remembered your name, “what are your symptoms?”
“you should come into the room to speak with me. i’m lonely here.”
“i have to record your symptoms. i can’t come down there unless i know that you’re stable.”
the microphone had only barely picked up his sigh. “i’m normal.”
“any headaches? dizziness? dry throat?”
“nope. nothing. everything’s fine. just lonely.”
you sigh. he seemed normal. he was lying in bed, staring up at one of the cameras.
so it was fine, right?
you push open the door, greeted by the grinning patient on his mattress.
“you smell nice. what products do you use?”
what an odd conversation starter. “nothing special. just a lavender-scented body wash.”
he nods. “the overnight staff were fine, but i think that i prefer you. i can’t put my finger on it quite yet.”
was jisung naturally this blunt with his words? or was he flirting with you?
“what do you plan to do during your stay here?”
he leans back against the cushioned wall, “i compose songs for artists. i figured that it would be easy to get a lot of work done in here.”
“i see. is that your songwriting journal then?” you eye the small black book and pen next to him.
he takes the pen into his hand, “yup. it’s one of the few things that i brought here.”
“you’ll have to show me some of your work sometime throughout the month.”
“you can look at my work now,” he grins, clicking the pen, “my name is HAN. look me up.”
the name stays in your mind as you exit the room and lock the door. you find your way back to your seat at the cameras to supervise the man, pulling your lunch out of your back.
one hand holds a sandwich as the other browses through safari, looking at the songs that your patient had composed.
you hadn’t heard any of them, but perhaps it would be a good idea to look into the lyrics. it would give you things to talk about with him for the following month.
the rest of the shift was boring. you watched as he wrote in his notebook, ate his food, hummed to himself— nothing interesting.
the most intriguing thing that you experienced was the occasional ‘help!’ button being pressed, only for the man to announce that he needed to take a piss.
your misery was ended once your coworker entered the room, placing his keys and bag down on the table.
a sigh of relief left you, “thank god. it’s so boring.”
“thanks for the warning.”
Overnight Notes
Han Jisung (Male)
23 years old, no known medical problems
Acterenol, Administered 16:38, 5/17/25.
Intramuscular, Upper Arm
Notes: Jisung ate all of dinner and requested no night snack. Awoke at 01:00 and 03:00. Specified no reason for waking. Special request for morning staff: Deliver lavender-scented body wash.
your eyes stared down at the note with slightly widened eyes.
perhaps he had good intentions, perhaps your defenses were just too high. after all, he might just like the scent of lavender like you did.
“good morning. any headaches? dizziness? dry throat?”
“my arm is a little sore, and i’m a bit restless, but that is all.”
you record his answers— finally something to write down.
“i saw your request from last night. i’ll get a staff member to deliver your body wash. did you run out? i’m sure we gave you enough.”
“i still have some. i just wanted to try yours out.”
how strange.
“you’re coming down to see me today, right?”
“not today. i want to see if your symptoms worsen throughout the day. it’s best to be careful.”
you watch through the camera as he slumps back, visibly disappointed.
today, the boy had begun to act a little bit differently. every couple of minutes, he would stop his writing to look up at the camera.
you would hold eye contact with him for a few moments, even though he couldn’t see you before he would look back down again with a large grin that wasn’t on his face before.
soon, the bottle of body wash was delivered to his room.
“y/n! is that you?” he jumped out of bed as the lock clicked, only to be disappointed to see a man in a mask and gloves leave it right inside of the door.
he crept towards the bottle, snapping the lid off, holding it up to his nose, then inhaling deeply.
“it smells like you.”
you clenched your teeth, writing down the reactions.
walking over towards the center of the room, he peeled his t-shirt off his frame, then pulled down his sweatpants and boxers in one go.
you shrieked, slamming the buttons to disable the camera.
he was supposed to tell you when he needed privacy.
with shaky hands, you began to jot down his behaviors.
once ten minutes had passed, you turned the camera back on in hopes that he was decent again. this time, you had enabled the camera with caution, only to see that he was showering.
you disable it once again and decide that this would be a good time to have lunch.
the image of the naked man was etched into your mind as you tried to force the salad down your throat.
it was a good thirty minutes until you got the courage to turn the camera back on, sighing in relief as you saw him on his bed with sweatpants on once again.
jisung stared up at the ceiling with hooded eyes, chest rising and falling— you weren’t sure what was going through his mind.
you press the button. “everything alright in there?”
he perked up, “y/n, everything is just fine. i wish you were in here, though, instead of behind that stupid camera.”
you bite your lip uncomfortably, unsure of how to respond.
changing the subject would be best.
“lunch will be delivered soon.”
“good. i’m a bit hungry.”
you take your finger off of the button, sitting back in your seat, waiting for your shift to be over.
Overnight Notes
Han Jisung (Male)
23 years old, no known medical problems
Acterenol, Administered 16:38, 5/17/25.
Intramuscular, Upper Arm
Notes: Jisung ate most of dinner and requested no night snack. Had difficulty falling and staying asleep. Awoke many times to journal. Refused conversation about his symptoms.
“y/n? you’re here, right? right?”
you had only just opened the door to the surveillance room, met with his muffled voice through the speakers.
“y/n? y/n? baby? my beautiful doll?”
the nickname caught you off guard, breath caught in your throat.
before answering, you grabbed the pen off the desk to jot down the behavior. this was not normal.
he stared directly into the camera. “i know you’re here. i journaled the minutes until he would leave and you would replace him.”
your legs shook as you took a seat.
why were you so nervous? it wasn’t like you were in danger. the door was locked. his body language did not seem hostile.
but his eyes told a different story. they were dark, crazed, restless.
“doll? can you hear me? can you hear me?”
your voice stuttered, “what are your symptoms?”
“i missed your voice, y/n.”
“any headaches? dizziness? dry throat?”
“none,” jisung answered quickly, “so you can come down and see me, right?”
you lied through your teeth. “not today. we are still a bit worried about yesterday’s symptoms.”
“fuck!” his forehead hit against the wall.
you took your finger away from the button.
he balled his hand into a fist before hurling it towards the same wall.
jisung crumbles to the floor. “i can’t take it anymore.”
“are you alright? are you in pain? do you need help?” you grasp your pen with an unsteady hand, “tell me what’s going on. talk to me.”
“i need to see you again, i waited all night just for you to tell me no.”
“it’s for the safety of you and myself.”
his voice was barely above a raspy whisper, “i promise i won’t hurt you, i’d never hurt you. i couldn’t hurt you.”
“jisung,” you started sternly, “i’m unable to see you. please abide by the rules of the study.”
“can’t i quit?”
“you signed a form stating that unless there is a medical emergency, you aren’t to leave this room. i’m quite not sure that you’re in your right state of mind right now.”
“i would be fine if you’d let me see you again.”
it was pointless to argue with the man, so you let go of the button, jotting down the conversation.
jisung did not eat, speak, or move from his spot that day.
Overnight Notes
Han Jisung (Male)
23 years old, no known medical problems
Acterenol, Administered 16:38, 5/17/25.
Intramuscular, Upper Arm
Notes: Jisung ate no dinner and requested no night snack. Did not sleep through the night. Refused conversation.
“doll, you’re back.” his raspy voice announced your presence just as you opened the door as if he was in the room with you.
on the camera, he was spread out in the middle of the floor like a starfish. his blonde hair covered his face, but you could still see the eye bags forming under his sunken eyes.
“i have a bit of a headache. i’m dizzy. my throat is dry,” he answered your questions for you, “will i get to see you today, doll?”
you were a bit afraid to answer, hesitating as you pressed the button, “i’m sorry. no.”
“but i will be able to see you after the study, right? after the study you’ll marry me, right?”
your heart dropped into your stomach at the words.
“i have a partner, jisung.”
“i know,” he smiled lightly, “it’s me. but soon i’ll be your husband, right?”
this was too much. you felt sick. you needed to alert the rest of the team and let someone else take over this case. hell, you might even quit your job.
“imagine you as han y/n. it sounds beautiful, doesn’t it?”
his crazed voice rang through your ears as you stood up from your seat.
“nobody else has ever made me feel this way, do you know that? all i want is you. and i’ve only seen you twice. isn’t that absurd? love is just so beautiful.”
his words caused you to still. you felt like a deer in headlights.
“do you think the shot is what made me crazy? because ever since we met eyes after you gave it to me, i couldn’t stop thinking about you. about your touch, even through the gloves. all of my songs have been about you. i even drew you.”
waves of nausea came crashing down on you.
“i can’t wait until i’m finally out of here. i can finally have you all to myself. i’ll kill that night staff for taking you away from me.”
jisung scoffed at the thought of him, “and he’s the one who gets the pleasure of passing by you every day? do you like him? i’ll gouge his eyes out and wear his skin if you like him more than me, hm?”
you raced towards the trash can in the corner of the room, stomach churning as your breakfast came right out of your mouth.
the smell was putrid, acidic, disgusting. but not as disgusting as the words of the sick man behind the camera.
“did you watch me shower, my love? i don’t mind if you did. your lavender body wash felt so good on my body, i imagined it was you in there with me, washing my body yourself—“
you ran out of the room, slamming the door behind you.
“he’s crazy! he’s gone mad!” you point towards the surveillance room, tears streaming down your face as you try to explain the situation to the nearest person that you can find.
“calm down. go to the break room. i’ll alert the rest and we’ll handle it.”
“you’ll be okay,” a staff member reassures, handing you a much-needed drink from the vending machine, “he won’t be able to escape. we will detain him and try to get him any help that we can.”
“even aside from how creepy he was, i just feel terrible, you know? i gave him that shot.”
“it isn’t your fault. he knew what he was getting into. we tried our best to determine the effects. there was no way of knowing.”
although he was right, guilt and horror still ate you up as you rested your head in your hands.
“this is why our job is important, so that only one person gets hurt instead of an entire population of people.”
“what a shitty job.”
he laughed as he got up, “tell me about it. i’m gonna go see what i can do to help. let us know if you need anything.”
the door closes and you lay your head down on the table, closing your eyes.
all you could think about was the man and his words.
‘i can’t wait until i’m finally out of here. i can finally have you all to myself. i’ll kill that night staff for taking you away from me.’
would he be able to leave? would he be able to get over this love sickness? is it reversible? nobody knew anything about it. the only thing that could be done is watching him.
it only seemed to get worse over the days, and you didn’t want to know what he would be like at the end of the month.
Overnight Notes
Han Jisung (Male)
23 years old, psychosis
Acterenol, Administered 16:38, 5/17/25.
Intramuscular, Upper Arm
Notes: Jisung ate no dinner and requested no night snack. Did not sleep through the night. Refused conversation aside from asking for previous staff, Y/N L/N.
you no longer worked with jisung. instead, you had been assigned to a new case.
“it isn’t too late to back out, we have a few more candidates willing to take your place.”
“i’m not nervous. go ahead and inject me, doctor,” the patient joked, pulling her sleeve up.
“and as the paperwork says, your only allergy is mild reaction to shellfish, but no anaphylaxis or any history of mental illness?”
“all correct.”
you were wiping her bicep with alcohol when the door had opened, screams piercing your ears from outside of the soundproof room.
blood dripped onto the floor from his heaving form, eyes bloodshot and locked right on your form. in his hand, he held a loaded handgun, the smell of gun powder seeping into the room.
the patient in front of you screeched, immediately making a run for it before her brains were splattered across the room.
your ears rung from the shot, standing stalk still as jisung approached you.
everything was moving too quickly. you couldn’t process a single thing. your head was spinning. you needed to survive.
“please, i’ll do anything, don’t hurt me.”
“i told you. i won’t hurt you, i’d never hurt you. i couldn’t hurt you.” a bloody hand ran through your hair, taking advantage of your frozen figure.
“i can’t believe i’m so close to you right now.” his nose buried into your neck and you could feel the cold metal of the gun pressing against your back.
“they’re all dead. and you’re back.”
he dropped the gun to the floor, fishing through his pocket.
before you could register what was happening, jisung had already lodged a needle into your arm.
“sleep tight, my doll, i’ll get us out of here.”
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bitchimasnake-sss · 2 months
i love from me to you sm! 😭 like it aimed directly to my heart 😭 you're so good at writing stuff so, here i am asking for a zoro!fic where reader hides that she got wounded during their last battle and zoro founds out and our poor moss head thought reader was gonna die so, he confessed (i just love flustered zoro) 😚 n e ways, continue writing the best stories!! lotsoflove! - glasses of nanamin
i feel like this is your second ask cause of the "n e ways" but lol, eitherways that's such a cute concept!! i would love love love this (i tweaked the prompt a little bit to fit it better, but i hope you like it it still)
got me losin' my cool ft. roronoa zoro!
set-up: as anon asked!! you get hurt during a fight and zoro almost has a mental breakdown haha live, laugh, love <3
warning: a bit of angst, zoro is a dumbass. otherwise, wholesome!
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roronoa zoro's feet pound against the earth and he was sure that with every leap he took, his heart sunk further under. his fingers were clammy. so very clammy against your soft skin. and he was sure the sweat dripping off his forehead and dropping onto your bloodied tank top was the last thing you wanted to see before you died.
"zo—" you rasped helplessly and your voice felt like graters against his skin. your chapped lips, almost closed eyes, the wound on your stomach and your week, blood-stained hand on it. he couldn't even bear to look at you without wanting to breakdown.
"stop talkin, please." he clenched his jaw tighter, the sound of teeth against teeth jarring. and although he refused to look down at you, cradled carefully in his arms, he could hear the desperate heaves that rocked your body.
he picked up the pace, ducking under hanging vines and leaping over overgrown roots of ancient trees carefully, so, as to not hurt you. the ship should be two minutes away, docked at the edge of the island and chopper must be there. and chopper would know what to do. how to help you.
zoro had to just deliver you to chopper.
but with his poor geographical skills, he felt like he had been running for the past thirty minutes without finding the ship. and he was certain the ship was docked only 10 minutes away from where the fight was taking place between the strawhat crew and a local pirate crew.
"zoro—" you started again.
why were you speaking? DID YOU WANT TO DIE?
"—don't use up your breath. please." he panted, feet still working to find the ship. where was that goddamn ship?
"that side—" you winced as you pointed your arm in the opposite direction. you coughed, wincing again before whispering, "the sunny."
zoro's head whipped around to look behind him. and at once, he changed the course. running as fast as he could, he soon found himself at the rocky beach the ship had been docked at.
"CHOPPER!" the swordsman bellowed for the mini doctor as he climbed up the ship. the reindeer was peering over the deck and when he looked at your nearly passed-out figure, he yelped in surprise.
"she got stabbed." zoro explained as he carried you inside to chopper's makeshift office/operation theater. laying you down gently, they both looked guilty as you groaned and clutched your own hand on the wound tighter.
"i need to apply some anti-septic, clean the wound and stitch it up." chopper stated, eerily calm in the heat of the moment. "here—" he gave zoro a sterilized cloth from his cupboard, "—apply it to her wound. put pressure on the area, i need to go make the anti-septic really quick."
"you have to make it? how long will that take?" if the swordman wasn't scared out of his wits, he would be surprised at how desperate he sounded.
"five minutes."
zoro looked at the reindeer wide-eyed. but the reindeer ran off, presumably to make the said medicine.
he looked back at you, putting the cloth to the wound and gently pushing down. he knew how to make the bleeding stop, he had done this multiple time. what he hadn't done multiple times was see you so lifeless, so incredibly overtaken by pain.
"hey." he found himself saying softly. softer than he had ever spoken before, "hey, can you look at me? hear me?"
you nodded slowly and relief washed over him. atleast you hadn't lost all cognitive senses.
"just focus on my voice, okay?" he knelt down so that he was on your eye-level from the bed. his other hand gingerly took ahold of yours. mindlessly, he rubbed soothing circles on your skin. he repeated, "just focus on my voice. yeah, close your eyes. i'm here okay?"
you found yourself closing your eyes, relying solely on the darkness of your eyelids and his voice to guide you to safety. his hand felt like a familiar weight against your stomach, the kind of touch that will renew a dead man and get him climbing back from his grave. his voice was sweet, too sweet to be even called his.
"i—" he paused, rubbing your skin with the pad of his thumb, "chopper's gonna fix you up, you know. h-he always does. i mean you're stronger than this. you'd survive, right?"
he's not sure if he meant to ask it as a question. he was sure he had said it to sound reassuring. but somewhere in between him uttering the words and you hearing them, they had turned into a desperate, desolate plea.
your chest fluttered underneath him, your breath strained. the face he adored slowly scrunched up from the pain. and he found himself talking even more.
"focus on me, okay? just me." he steeled his voice. and his nerves. "you'd be okay. you know, you always said you'd make me mochi, you never did. you said you'd make sake flavoured mochi. is that even a thing?" he laughed despite himself. it was barely a laugh. a pitiful scoff maybe? it was not the kind of laugh that would fool you.
"uh— once you get better." he pretended to ignore the way your body seemed to go slack under him. he repeated, "once you get better, i'm gonna convince franky to make us fireworks. you love those. and- and nami. i'd convince that money-hungry witch to lend me some money so that i can take you out. we will go shopping. you always said you—"
why were you so awfully quiet? usually, you'd talk to the point where he wanted to cut his ear off. now, he wanted to her you. he wanted to hear you call him a moss-head like sanji and he wanted you to laugh when he yelled at luffy for doing something stupid. and—
"—hey?" his voice pitched higher, "please wait, chopper will be back yeah?"
but you didn't even shake your head a weak yes. his shaky fingers reached out to look for your pulse on your neck. it was there. feeble, but there. but for how long?
how long till he lost you?
his throat was closing up, he couldn't breathe. his eyes burned and he was sure he was gonna mark your skin with his own from the way he held onto your wrist.
why won't you talk to him? call out his name, god fucking dammit. nobody called his name the way you did. as if you liked the syllables enough to make a home out of them. nobody smiled at him the way you did. so sweet, too sweet for him. you were everything. even though he was just another wrecked, broken boy with dreams too big for his mortal body, you were everything.
"please," he clutched onto you like a maddening bastard, "please. just hold on, okay?"
but bile seemed to crawl farther up his throat every time you didn't respond. not even a slight glance. not even the movement of a pinky. his fingers checked for your pulse. faint, but there.
and he couldn't hold his words back. he called out your name in a desperate effort to awaken you. water blurred his vision and he blinked it away. his throat was scratchy. too scratchy. and where was chopper?
"i love you." he finally confessed, not thinking much of his words than the fact that he just wanted you to hear them. "i love you so much. i have for so long. i-it wasn't supposed to be like this. i- i was gonna take you out to explore some island. i would have bought you food and called you an idiot when you smiled at me. then— then." he paused, "i would have told you i loved you. you would have said nothing back. and i would have loved even despite that."
he called out your name, sobs racking through his body like accursed symphonies.
"move." chopper was back, in his hand was a ceramic bowl with a green, gooey paste. "go out. i'd call you back, okay?"
if chopped noticed the state zoro was in, he simply chose not to dwell on it. and if zoro had any residual doubts for what kind of a doctor chopper was, he didn't dwell on them either. he caressed your hand one last time and stepped out.
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚
the swordsman had been pacing around the deck. none of the members were back and it gnawed on his heart. what if they were hurt too? should he go back to see? but how could he leave chopper and you alone here? and what kind of a first mate was he if he cannot even save his own crew?
the world's greatest swordman be damned.
chopper stepped out and zoro looked at the doctor, frantic. chopper gave him a sigh and chased it with a smile, "she's okay."
zoro was not sure if it was the exhaustion, or the relief, or some other feeling his gut had concocted in him without asking. but he crashed down on his knees. his palms felt rough against his face and when he inhaled, he could smell dried blood on them.
"hey." chopper trotted towards him, keeping his paw on the green-haired man's shoulders, "she's okay, really. they missed any vital spots and she didn't lose a lot of blood. she will heal, okay?"
zoro couldn't do anything but just nod along. then, when he had the courage to look away from his hands. he looked at the doctor, finally muttering a faint "thank you."
the reindeer blushed at the compliment, "don't thank me. but you know, once she's better, you should tell her how you feel. this time maybe while she's conscious."
"chopper." the swordsman groaned.
the reindeer shrugged mechanically, "i won't tell anyone what i heard if you promise to take her out on that date."
after much deliberation— having to choose between humiliation at the hand of his crewmates when they discovered his crush or the humiliation from his crush when he finally confessed— he finally gave in. after all, humiliation from one was better than humiliation from seven. especially that fucking cook.
"fine." he grumbled, "i'd take her out."
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚
it had been two weeks since you were stabbed. well, you didn't talk to anyone about it, really. but when you drifted off into the wicked embrace of sleep, you would be plagued by the memories. and well, a confession.
it's not like you were pretending to be dead!! your body had simply given up. it was exhausted from the fighting and the not-dying. so, when you were laid on chopper's bed to be patched up, your body had gone slack. but just because your body had gone slack doesn't mean you weren't awake.
it had been two weeks and you hadn't told the green-haired asshole what you had heard. why? maybe cause you thought he would make the first move. or maybe because you weren't quite sure if he actually said those things or if you hallucinated it to dilute the pain.
eitherways, seemed like things between you and the mosshead were the same as they were before the incident. and you were really starting to consider the hallucination excuse. but then—
"hey." zoro quipped up as he came to stand beside you. it was cloudy today, the grey skies churning in anticipation of a storm. the winds were unkind and the sea was malevolent. beautiful nonetheless.
"oh hey." you turned and gave him a small smile. you shifted from one feet to another, pretending as if you weren't terrified of the route this conversation might take, "whats up?"
"uh—" he looked back for a spilt-second and you saw— from the corner of your eyes— chopper hidden behind a bunch of boxes, giving zoro his best death glare. zoro sighed, "so, uh, this is random, i think? but when we dock on the next island tomorrow morning. do like... do you want to go see some new sword-cleaning equipment with me?"
you shouldn't have laughed. but you did.
"what's funny?!" his eyes widened and his cheeks were dusted pink.
"no-nothing." you heaved, closing your eyes. "that's the best excuse you could come up with? sword cleaning equipment?"
"what do you mean 'excuse'? i need some equipment!"
"zoro." you forced open your eyes, your smile still frozen over your lips, "if you want to go out on a date with me, you should say that okay?"
his ears went red and he looked away. you were sure if the weather was quiet, you could hear his heart picking up the pace. clearing his throat, he finally asked, "who told you? chopper?"
"no, dummy." you reached your hand out, taking his calloused palm in yours. your thumb rubbed familiar patterns on his hand, "you did."
"me?" he snapped to look back at you, "me?"
you just gave him a grin, "this reminds me, i did promise you i'd try making sake flavoured mochi. i never did. but again, you said you'd ask frankie to make us fireworks and we're still firework-less. but hey, i forgive you if you forgive me okay?"
his head could have burst open from the sheer pressure on his brain but you continued, "but eitherways, what i really mean is that if you said i love you." you stepped a bit closer, "i'd say i love you too."
your hand let go of his and you chose to walk away, leaving him dumbfounded. when his senses came to him, he ran upto you, "YOU HEARD THAT ALL?!"
"all of it."
"heh, it was kinda cute."
"i thought you were dying, woman."
"in a way, we all already are."
"have you been hanging out with robin too much? god, kill me."
"god doesn't need to. you're already dying."
"i want to die faster."
you took his hand back in yours and pulled him towards yourself. pecking his cheek, you said, "no. we still have to go on that date. i mean, if you ever actually ask me."
the flustered mess that was rorononoa zoro just sighed. accepting his fate, he asked, "well, do you wanna go on that date or what?"
you snickered, "i'll think about it"
"do you live to annoy me?"
"maybe. but you love meee."
"i might change my mind after this."
but despite his words, his fingers stayed gently intertwined with yours. hey, maybe getting stabbed in the stomach wasn't all that bad? (jk, it was very very bad)
a/n: i love writing stoic men are flustered little guys lmaoo. hopefully y'all like this? i've been writing a lot of fluff/semi-angst lately. i wanna write some nsfw content but im so out of ideas. send reqs if you guys have anything in mind!!
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juiles · 9 months
Sticking out sucks.
Summary: You are taken in by the Avengers at 13 and the first four months are hell until after one fateful mission, Wanda and Natasha really step up the moment you need parent figures the most.
Age: 13
Warnings: blood, gunshot wounds, broken bones, fever, fever haze, hydra, red room, a little mean Nat but she comes back quick, asshole Tony mentioned, surgery drugs
Important questions!!!
Type: angst, hurt/comfort
Here is the masterlist!!
Here is the request form!!
pic credit to the amazing jaylerdoodles
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I sat in a daze, my world tilting just slightly as i listened to Steve ramble about something after a rough mission. Tony had messed up but somehow got everyone else to believe it had been me. Now here i sat, staring at the table, my hands folded, placed there. I gently picked at the skin around my thumb.
This is how it’s been for 4 months. 4 months of someone messing up on a mission and then me getting blamed as the youngest member. 4 months ago, Steve rescued me from a Hydra cage at 13. I’ve spent half my life being raised by Dreykov to be a perfect widow but at 8, Hydra got a hold of me. Turned me into the perfect weapon. Years of abuse and torture makes you older than you are. Something that Natasha and Wanda don’t like. They’ve never liked me.
I squirmed in my seat, wanting to escape the yelling. As soon as he let us all go, i stood from my chair and made my way up to my room concealing a limp. As soon as my door closed behind me, I grabbed the first aid kit i kept under my bed and changed out of my dirty, bloody suit and into a tank and bike shorts. The gauze on my thigh was already bright red, despite only being on for a couple of hours.
Slowly I peeled it back and winced at the gaping bullet hole. I fished around gently pulling the bullet out, knowing it was a very shallow wound, i gave it a few stitches and wrapped it up tight with a sterile gauze and some ointment. Looking down, I sighed and gently got up. I cleaned the blood off my leg and took a look out my door, creaking it open slightly. It seemed empty and the bucket and mop i would need to clean the blood up is only a few feet away. I glanced down at my bandaged leg then back at the bucket that i could see. Using my powers would only alert Wanda so I slipped out of my room.
I limped over to the bucket and grabbed it, accidentally knocking over the mop in the process. I flinched and whipped around to run back to my room but with the bullet wound, a concussion and a few broken ribs, I got dizzy and instead of running to my room, i fell face first on to the floor, i managed to catch myself before i could hurt myself but at the same time i heard a bedroom door open and could basically feel Natasha rolling her eyes at me as Wanda gasped.
“Don’t baby her Wands.” She cooly said to the girl standing beside her. “She tripped after waking us up. She’ll be fine.” I winced as I crawled up the wall. I looked over my shoulder to see them standing in their bedroom, Natasha leaning against the door frame, arms crossed, one eyebrow raised, Wanda holding one of her arms, her face twisted slightly in concern.
“Why is there blood on your leg y/n?” I heard a small whisper before i glanced down at my leg and winced seeing blood streaming from the gunshot wound, the stitches must have opened when i fell.
“It-it’s nothing…” I muttered and tried to mask my limp to make my way back to my room but was stopped by a red wisp. I glanced back over my shoulder to see Wanda stalking towards me, I flinched out of habit when she got to me. She turned me around by grabbing both my shoulders and a gasp echoed around the hallway when she saw the red gauze, the blood trickling down my leg.
“Y/n! It’s clearly not nothing!” I took a glance up at her and almost immediately melted when I saw the look of pure fear and care in her eyes but pulled myself together. “It is! I’ll just stitch it up and then clean up my mess.”
“Baby you’re not stitching anything up. You and I are heading down to see Bruce to get you checked over.” I froze and turned properly to face her. “Since when do you care?!” I snapped making her flinch slightly before she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before looking back at me. “I’ve always cared love. I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to show you it but I can’t let you do this on your own.” I sucked in my breath and closed my eyes.
“I didn’t do it… Tony wasn’t paying attention and I had to jump in front of him. He knocked the switch over, I’m sorry… i’m sorry…” I could feel my chest tighten and i tried to push Wanda’s arms off me. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry!”
Wanda simply pulled me closer in her arms and slid down the wall, pulling my head to lay flat against her chest so I could hear her heartbeat. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn’t notice Natasha crouching down in front of me or feel her hands rubbing my back until my chest started to loosen and the knot in my throat slowly released, i gasped in breaths which merely just cause me to sob harder due to the broken ribs. “Baby breath. Take a deep breath. Come on baby. Follow my breathing okay?”
I could feel myself calm down slightly as I listened to Wanda’s heart beat, feeling her fingers massaging my scalp while Natasha drew shapes on my back lightly. My eyes slowly drooped as my fingers tangled into her sleep shirt. “No baby. You can’t sleep yet. Stay with us okay?” I groaned sleepily and fluttered my eyes open to look up at her with a slight pout on my face. “I’m sleepy…” I muttered sniffling slightly.
“I know sweet girl but Wanda is right. I’m going to pick you up and we’re gonna bring you down to Bruce okay?” Natasha murmured shifting me into her arms, making me look up at her. I smiled sleepily before breaking into a coughing fit. “I feel gross…” I felt a cool hand on my forehead before Wanda cooed. “Oh darling you’ve got a fever… you’re sick too…”
“You look like me Natty…” I mumbled staring at her green eyes. “I wish you could be my mama… but you don’t like me… i’m sorry for whatever i did…”
“Darling… you did nothing wrong and I’m so sorry I ever made you feel like you did… but i’m here now okay?” She said placing me on the bed, Bruce walking up next to us. I smiled slightly up at her giggling slightly. “Okay mama…” I muttered, to out of it to even realize what i had said.
Wanda’s POV
Both Natasha and i struggled to understand why a 13 year old needed to be on the team. She’s way too young. We haven’t treated her the best, hoping she would quit. Keep her safe. That was until today.
When i heard the bang on the floor in the hallway, i got up and opened the door leaning into Natasha. I watched y/n scramble to get up and i saw the blood trickling down from a bandage wrapped around her leg. I gasped, instantly frowning when Natasha scoffed.
Honestly the next few minutes were a haze, the next thing I knew Nat had a fever hazed y/n in her arms and I was checking her forehead. “Oh darling you’ve got a fever… you’re sick too…”
“You look like me Natty…” Y/n mumbled slightly staring up at the woman. “I wish you could be my mama… but you don’t like me…” My heart shattered at that, we had been so awful to this little girl that she thought we didn’t like her. Her little pout breaking my heart more. “I’m sorry for whatever i did…”
“Darling… you did nothing wrong and I’m so sorry I ever made you feel like you did… but i’m here now okay?” Natasha said through her tears as she brushed the hair out of y/n’s face. “Okay mama…” She mumbled before she fell asleep. Bruce quickly shuffled us out of the room. Natasha plopped down in a chair in the waiting room with wide eyes filled with tears. “Natty?”
“She called me mama… she- god i messed up Wandz… she’s so young… she doesn’t deserve any of this…” Natasha broke down, i quickly pulled her into my arms as she buried her face into the crook of my neck.
“We’ll talk to her when she’s more awake… for now shen she gets out of surgery she’s going to need us to support her… she’s got a gunshot wound to her leg, some broken ribs, a concussion and a nasty flu.” Natasha stiffened. “She got shot… how did none of us notice?” I muttered as Natasha sat up slightly and cupped my cheeks. “We were stupid but we’ll do better Wandz.”
We both looked up when the door opened. “She’s fine. She’s awake and still a little loopy.” Bruce said with a small smile. “She called me Brucey.” He chuckled slightly. “She’s sleepy but asking for her ‘guardian angels’ by the way.”
We all let out a soft chuckle and Nat and I made our way into the room to see y/n trying to rip the IV out of her arm. “No baby…” I mumbled taking her hands into mine. “You need to keep them in for now okay?” I looked at her face and her big green eyes looked up at me, brimmed with tears.
“I don’t like it…” She mumbled. I cooed kissing her knuckles gently. “I know but it’ll help you get better okay?” A small whimper came out of her mouth before she turned to Natasha.
“Mama… hi…” She giggled sleepily up at Natasha who smiled softly and she brushed her fingers over the girls cheek bone. “Hi detka… you aren’t going to remember any of this tomorrow huh? Well i’ll soak it in while i can hmm?” She asked softly sitting next to the girl.
“Mama don’t leave…” Natasha chuckled.
“I’m not detka…” Y/n scooted over slightly looking up at Nat with the biggest puppy dog eyes I had ever seen. “Mama cuddle…?” Natasha hesitated, making the girls eyes water. “Mama…?”
Natasha instantly laid down next to the girl and pulled her small frame into her arms petting down the auburn hair. “Mamas here detka…” I sat down beside the two of them and started playing with her hair. She glanced up at me and smiled sleepily. “Hi momma…” She mumbled burying into my hand.
“Hi malyshka. It’s time to go back to sleep for a little okay?” She nodded a little and buried into Natasha, arms wrapping around mine. I chuckled and looked at Nat who stared at the girl in her arms, her eyes filled with love.
“Goodnight Detka. I love you.”
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mychlapci · 6 days
Ok but like-
Maybe sterilizing Mers is like super frowned upon because it causes most Mers to become super depressed (I think technically it makes no sense cause it gets rid of their urges ??? but they’re smart and they see other Mers getting pups and stuff)
So most of them get super depressed when they can’t have pups but still get the urge the reproduce, so infertile Mers and sterilized Mers often get fake eggs shoved into to them so they can feel like they’re carrying ???
Basically stuff them with fake eggs to make them happy
Sterilizing mers is probably the no.1 step to fully domesticate them, which is always inadvisable. Sentient or not, mers are instinct-driven creatures, taking away their urges takes away instincts and hormones needed for proper function... Mers who have been sterilized will be depressed, docile, will have trouble hunting and socializing. Of course though, for some inexplicable reason that still baffles researchers, their desire to expand their pod doesn't disappear, leaving them unsatisfied and jealous whenever they see other pods grow.
Of course, mers do have to be sterilized sometimes. Usually, it's for their health. Mers that have bred too many times to the point of injuring themself, or older mer that couldn't possibly handle the strain will get sterilized for their own good... even if they know that it's for their health, it doesn't change anything. They still fall into depression.
To make it comfortable, the staff introduces a basket of fake eggs that a mer can deposit into their recently sterilized partner, or they offer to fill the depressed mer with the eggs... They're obviously smart enough to know that they're not real eggs, but the placebo effect works wonders on their frame. The frame and brain are convinced the mer is carrying and start releasing the appropriate hormones, making them function normally again. Perhaps to battle pod-envy, the staff brings orphaned or abandoned pups into their tank for them to care for. It's a system that works. Fertile mers don't have to struggle raising an extra pup and infertile mers get to satisfy their breeding urges.
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kate-komics · 1 year
Scars of the Protector
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A (very) short story about how Wrecker got his scars.
This started as a warm up drawing then morphed into this. I'm just in a very Bad Batch mood lately. I've always been curious about Wrecker's scars. I had a dialogue going on in my head what drawing so I thought I'd practice a little writing too! Let me know what you think! I'm always very nervous to share my writing because I have no idea if it's any good 😅 so any constructive criticism is welcome!
Star Wars- The Bad Batch
Word Count: 660
Warnings: Angsty as hell, vague descriptions of battle, vague descriptions of panicking
Scars of the Protector
His hulking form was barely contained in the Bacta tank. The medics seemed doubtful he’d even fit. For the first time in his life, he looked small. Over a day now he floated in the salty healing water, motionless. His brothers watched on in suspense as the hours sluggishly rolled on. If they got him here sooner he’d already be healed and there wouldn’t be scarring like the medics predicted. He’d still have two working eyes and hearing in his left ear. If they actually worked as a team this wouldn’t have happened.
Hunter was always their unquestioned leader, but Wrecker was the protector. Despite his gentle nature, he knew how the regs saw him. A threat. A brute. He took on the role with great pride, always willing to step up. Always willing to fight the battles for his brothers. 
This is our fault.
The unspoken words made the air in the small sterile room heavy. There was no point in saying it out loud, they all knew. The guilt was so evident on their faces. They all panicked and now their brother was paying the price.
From the moment they were born, they were told they were special. Different in a good way. It made them better than the rest. The perfect soldiers. Out there, it made them cocky.
It was their first mission. A battlefield they’d trained for and dreamed about their entire lives. Finally fighting the war they existed for. It should have been second nature, and in a way it was. In the beginning, they flowed with the action flawlessly. The commands and formations drilled into their heads. Was it really this easy? It was, until their numbers started to dwindle. They were forced into a corner in the heat of battle.
After gurgling hours of fighting they were the only ones in the squadron left, surrounded in the rubble with no way out. How could it have gotten this bad? They were better than this, weren’t they? Instead, the prodigy Bad Batch had been reduced to cowering children in the bodies of men. They’d ceased firing. The march of the remaining droids was deafening. They’d all froze, fear gripping their quivering limbs. All of them, except for him. 
Their strongest brother. The explosives expert still had something left to save them. He gathered his final handful of thermal detonators and armed them all quickly. It was more than enough to take care of what clankers were left. He removes his helmet to get a better aim before tossing the charges over their rubble barricade.  
He turned to smile down at his brothers, as he had so many times before, to assure them it was going to be okay now. He’d protected them like he always had. They were safe again. Before he could speak, a single detonator was returned, Wrecker taking nearly all of the blow.  
The battle was won. Medics took hours to arrive.
Most men would be dead, but then again he wasn’t most men. A bred killing machine. A freak. Their brother. And now the only one to wear the evidence of the horrors they’d seen on his face. Something to remind them how they failed him that day, and a quiet promise they’d never let it happen again. They’d all make sure of it. 
They knew he wouldn’t be angry when he woke up. He was never angry. Still, they were afraid of what had changed in him. Would this be the same brother they knew? Would he still smile and laugh the way he always did? Could he even still do that?
Only time and healing will tell, and they stay by his side for all of it.
They all drift in and out of sleep in the medical bay, but none of them ever notice the small eyes peering around the corner. A vigilante gaze, like theirs, that also makes sure her brother would be okay.
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talewrites · 9 months
Dangerously Stupid
Part 2
Part 1
Donatello felt he was in a daze. He had checked himself top to bottom and found no concussion (thankfully) and nothing more than a few scrapes and bruises. So that ruled out brain injury as the source for why he couldn’t focus on any of his work in the full day since. He kept getting distracted by…. You. 
Donnie has a device that picks up the signal from any cell phone or smart device he comes within 30 feet of while out on patrol, and automatically registers the information of that device into his system. This comes in handy when the need arises to erase any photos or data that may come up on these phones involving him or his brothers, and to monitor the whereabouts of any thugs or civilians they may come in close contact with. Meaning, he had your phone number, right on his screen in front of him. He knew this may seem creepy but it was for security purposes, and Leo said he always needed to monitor any civilians that got close to them for safety. That was his job. And also his job to find your current location registered on your phone in your apartment. …..And your wifi network, and your laptop currently hooked up to said wifi network. It showed you were actively using it. He wrestled with himself for a moment about respecting your privacy, but curiosity got the better of him, and he quickly took a peek at what you were currently looking at on your screen. ……It was a google search on how to give yourself stitches from home. What??? Surely you weren’t- were you scrolling through poorly drawn reference pictures on a wiki-how page?!?! You then switched to another tab and googled ‘can I use a sewing needle and thread to give myself stitches’. Donnie paled. The next search: ‘how to disinfect thread’. 
He put his face in his hands and groaned. Did you not go to the hospital last night?!?! What were you thinking? He looked back up and noticed the screen had been idle for a few minutes and he was getting really worried. He quickly hacked your laptop camera, privacy be damned- to take a look to see if you were okay. The image that was brought up was an empty chair, and in the background was a cozy warm looking apartment. But there was no movement. You hadn’t fainted out of your chair had you?! He was starting to panic when you suddenly came back into screen, moving slowly and almost falling back into your chair wearing the same pants you wore last night. You had on a small tank top with the strap down, and a bloodied white towel slung over your injured shoulder, carrying armfuls of supplies that you set down on your desk by your computer with shaking hands. You looked far more pale than you had last night.
“Alright let's see…. Next it says to soak the thread and needle in the disinfectant for about 10 minutes…. I hope the thread is long enough. Hmmm… I don’t have sterile gloves so hopefully washing my hands well is good enough…” You thought out loud to yourself. Donnie was about to smash his head on his desk from your careless words. He couldn’t take it anymore. 
“What the SHELL do you think you’re DOING?!?!” After a few quickly typed commands he was patched into your laptop’s audio and yelling into his microphone, causing you to jump- startled from where you were about to reach into the bowl of disinfectant to grab the needle after only 5 minutes. You instinctually started to lower the volume on your laptop, cursing about ads on these websites always popping up and surprising you. 
“No no no! I’m not an ad- wait a minute-” Donatello quickly typed in some more buttons and your screen froze to allow his webcam feed to pop up and take over your screen, making you gasp and almost fall out of your chair. “Stop that! You’re doing to hurt yourself- well, more than you already are. You’re going to give yourself an infection!! What were you thinking-”
“IT’S YOU!!!” You shouted in surprise, holding onto your desk so you didn’t fall. If not for the deep cut still oozing from your shoulder and the attempted robbery from last night rerunning on the 6 o’clock news, you would have assumed you had dreamed of your fated meeting with the large turtle men. After waking up in a cold sweat on your couch late that afternoon, you had instead decided to focus on giving yourself first aid. “How did you- what?” You babbled trying to figure out why the purple masked man’s face was currently lecturing you from your computer screen. A worrying wave of lightheadedness made you grip your desk tighter.
“I hacked your computer. Anyways, WHY AREN’T YOU AT THE HOSPITAL?!!!” Donnie shouted in exasperation. He barely registered the sound of his lab door opening as his shouting probably attracted the attention of one of his brothers. 
You stared at him blankly for a moment, waiting for your brain to restart and register his questions after the shock of getting to see him again. “I… I don’t have health insurance.” You said a bit bluntly, settling back into your chair heavily, and bracing your good arm against your desk as a new wave of nausea overtook you from your racing heartbeat. 
“....what was that?” Donnie quickly turned around to acknowledge Leo, who had entered the door and taken up a spot leaning against the back of Donnie’s chair watching the interaction play out. At least of all his family, his most level headed brother had come in. 
You still heard the faint question and continued. “My new job… I just moved to New York two months ago for my new job. They promised me a good starting salary and a full time position, but after only 3 weeks they started cutting back on my hours. They don’t pay benefits to part timers, so I’ve already lost access to my health insurance. ….They really screwed me over, so I’m just working for them until I find a new job. I really, really, can’t afford a hospital visit after this expensive move, so….” You gently motioned to the white towel on your shoulder, a startling spot of red starting to seep through. Leo recognized the location of the wound from last night. The two brothers felt their gut clench remembering how you had gotten it. In defense of Donnie’s life. 
You were starting to slouch more over your desk, your head spinning, and your laptop’s microphone now picking up your labored breathing. Leo could see the red flush drain from your face, and Donnie recognized the symptoms. Most likely, you were about to lose consciousness. 
“Wait wait wait, hold on stay with me.” Donnie quickly ordered you through his mic, his tone becoming more serious. He quickly typed into his keyboard, now understanding the situation a bit more, and the gravity of your condition. “Do you have any roommates, anyone staying with you right now?” With a level tone he asked you some standard questions to keep you conscious as he robotically pulled up your current address. Leo had already left the room to rally their brothers and gather the first aid kit, clearly already on the same page.
“…. no. Just me.” You said quietly, now focusing entirely too much on staying upright. You really felt like you were going to throw up now. But you were too busy wracking your dizzy brain for what his name was…. D…. Donna… Donnie…. “Donatello?” You said out loud, trying to focus.
“Yes, (y/n?)” He quickly answered as he continued to quickly type something on his keyboard, he was glancing between you and another screen at his desk every other second. You smiled. He remembered your name. “We are coming to see you. If you can, try to leave your window unlocked, and go lie down on your couch or your bed. What is your apartment number?” He was quick and clear with his orders, speaking like a true doctor, you thought blearily. But you were too out of it to question how or why he was coming over.
“Mmm… Room 517, 6th floor.” Gosh why did you ever think you could do this on your own. You suddenly felt really stupid. You were trying to take care of yourself so you wouldn’t have to rely on your family for help with medical bills, but now you were just causing problems for the kind hero you met last night. “I’m sorry Donnie… I think I’m gonna pass out.” You said apologetically, head going to rest tiredly on your table next to your computer. You could distinctly hear the sound of the city filtering in through your cracked open window behind you in the living room. Your dizzy spell gripping you much stronger than it had earlier when you had first moved to stand after sleeping all night on the couch. The next thing you hear is the rattle of plastic wheels scooting as presumably Donatello was standing from his desk.
“Don’t be sorry. We’re coming to help you now, okay? Just try to stay awake.” There was a whoop and some excited chattering in the background now and some more keys being hit from his consol. “I’ll see you soon.” Came the quick but warm reply from the purple masked turtle as his webcam feed disappeared from your laptop. 
A silence hung in the room. As if it had never happened. You shifted to look up at the screen detailing a poorly drawn cartoon image of a needle poking at the edge of a wound looking back at you, and groaned audibly. Burying your dizzy head back into your good arm for a moment, you tried to sit up to go move to the couch to wait, careful not to bump into the bowl of antiseptic holding your good sewing needle and black thread. Only moments earlier you were about to try and sew up your shoulder like you were hemming a new pair of pants, only to be caught by one of this city’s apparent mutant super heroes you had met only just last night. And now he was coming here. To help you. 
Feeling another huge wash of dizziness pass over you, almost making your knees buckle as you stumbled over to the couch, you felt a larger twinge of pain in your shoulder again. Taking a seat on the cheap couch cushion, you reached up to move the towel you had soaked in the antiseptic aside to inspect the wound. You must’ve stretched the skin when you were startled earlier, because the wound was leaking deep red again as a small trail started to escape down your arm before you could stop it. Must’ve been deeper than you thought. 
That was your last thought before you passed out, head lightly falling against the couch.
“Are we almost there yet?? Ow!” Mikey called out ahead to Donnie before getting the back of his head smacked by Raphael. They were racing across rooftops making a beeline for your apartment building. Donatello, who usually gave sassy directions from the rear, was silent and serious leading the charge with Leo close behind carrying their largest portable first aid kit. 
Leo was keeping a close eye on his younger brother. When he walked by Don’s lab earlier, attracted by the shouting, he was startled to find his younger brother was talking to the person who had saved him the night before. Before he could question why, or get into his lecture about the dangers of contacting a human they only just met, he saw the look on his brother’s face. Donnie’s expression was beyond distressed. His usually level headed brother was shouting and worried because a civilian who was kind enough to step in and take a hit for him while he was down was- from what it looked like- still bleeding, almost 18 hours after the attack. And even worse from what he heard walking in, had no means of access to medical attention. He could understand Donnie’s frustration, but he was still surprised his brother had gotten this worked up.
“Hey…. Donnie,” Leo called out. “Everything alright…?” He said just low enough that it wouldn’t draw the attention of their brothers.
Donnie knew what he was getting at, so he cut right to the point. “I caught them before they could try and suture their own wound. With a sewing needle.” Donnie took a very very deep sigh. “By following a wiki-how tutorial.” Leo almost tripped off the building.
“….what?” He responded smartly. 
There was a loud snort from behind them. “Sounds badass.” Raph deadpanned and Mikey wore an expression of surprise followed by a quietly muttered ‘dude…’
Donnie groaned audibly. Thankfully your apartment building was now in sight. “I need to make sure their wound is properly disinfected before stitching it up. It’s the least I can do…” He thought back to last night. The long stare you two shared, and the concern and lack of fear you held for him in your eyes. He longed to see those eyes again… 
The building next to yours was at just the perfect height to leap across from the roof to your room’s fire escape. Leo was the first to land and give the all clear for his brothers to follow. Leo opened the window and stepped in just barely before Donnie practically toppled him over pushing past him to get inside. Snatching the first aid kit off Leo’s shoulder, Donnie quickly found your still form on the couch. 
“Right… we’ll stand guard. You’ll let us know if you need any help, okay Don?” Leo offered. Mikey pushed in through the window and made a beeline for the fridge, and Raph took a seat on the windowsill peaking in curiously.
“Yeah, Leo.” Donnie knelt quietly next to your form on the couch. All his attention was already on you.
 Leo went to stand around the living room trying to find the walls interesting while occasionally glancing at Donnie’s work, trying to stay out of the way.
Don checked you over, breath taken seeing your face again up close in the warm light of your apartment. Your breathing was deep and steady. Good. A little sweat on your brow, he looked down to see angry inflamed red skin peaking over your bare shoulder. He carefully moved the towel, stained in dried blood, and winced as the fabric pulled unstuck from the sticky bloody wound. 
You flinched, and Donnie felt his breath catch in his throat. But you did not awake, so he swallowed and signed, reaching down to open his medkit and take out a disinfecting wipe. The little damp pad unfolded and he carefully began to clean away the dried and sticky blood from around your cut so he could get a better look at the damage. There was definitely irritation but he hoped that no infection had taken hold yet. Next he disinfected his hands and pulled out his suture kit, and with practiced ease began to stitch up your shoulder. 
About 15 minutes later, and about 10 stitches into fixing you up, your eyelids fluttered open. The poking and pulling around your painfully sensitive cut had finally woken you up. You still felt dizzy and light headed, so made no sudden movements. Glancing down you saw the light reflecting off of a large polished shell. That’s right, Donnie. You still had a hard time grasping your current situation. Maybe you were in a fever dream. But there was the strangely handsome face of a mutant turtle sewing up your shoulder with his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth in focus. His large goggles down over his eyes and a portable lamp light over his shoulder illuminating his work. 
You felt the poke of a new stitch and this time flinched with a little muttered “Ouch!” and suddenly you were blinded by the light hitting your face as Donnie startled and turned to face you. 
“Oh! You’re awake! Um… Sorry I’m uh… not quite done yet. I hope this is okay-” He quickly mumbled. His free hand that braced your shoulder gave an encouraging squeeze. 
You blinked a moment as your eyes adjusted to the light. He glanced back at his work and back to you and you nodded twice. 
“I need you to hold still for just a few more minutes, I’m just about finished. Okay? It’s going to sting a little.”
“...yeah. Got it.” You nodded, feeling your head quickly clear up as you felt the pinch and sting of the needle again, bracing yourself to hold still while your brows tensed from the discomfort.
You looked around your room to distract yourself from the pain. Looking across your coffee table you saw one of the other turtle mutants, the one wearing the blue bandana and caught his eyes for a moment before he quickly averted them to pretend he wasn’t staring. But after a moment he looked back at you and offered a quick nod in greeting. You supposed he might be a little shy and was trying to hide it. By your window you also caught the large cracked shell of another one. He glanced over his shoulder and met your eyes, studying you for a moment as you also took in the scar on his lips and the toothpick, before he also nodded at you with a little ‘hey’ in greeting. 
“Yo, is dudette awake? Morning sleeping beauty!” An energetic orange masked turtle man, holding a half full can of your soda, practically jumped into your line of sight, startling you a bit with a gasp. “You remember me? I’m Mik- Ouch! Leo!!” The blue masked turtle called Leo smacked him on the back of his head to quiet him with a shush.
“Mikey, I’m still working. Don’t freak them out.” Donnie quickly added, making sure you weren’t gonna move again before continuing.
“Yeah genius, your ugly mug almost made em’ pull a stitch. Save the dramatic introductions for later.” The red masked turtle sneered at Mikey. You vaguely recalled him being named ‘Raph’.
Leo, Raph, Mikey, and… “Donnie?”
You caught yourself saying out loud, making said turtle jump a little.
“Y-Yes, (y/n)?” He stuttered as he helped carefully pull you into a sitting position. The stitches were finished and it was time to wrap the wound. He reached into his bag and pulled out a package of fresh gauze.
You carefully watched him unwrap the gauze, his hands slightly shaking. “How do you know each other?” You asked him, meeting his eyes, then looking over to the others spread out in your living room.
“Brothers. We’re brothers.” Leo answered helpfully. 
“Brothers… that makes sense…” You considered how they all acted around each other and smiled warmly, looking back to meet Donnie’s eyes.
He was lifting up his goggles back to the top of his head and his eyes widened at your expression. He turned away to put his tortoiseshell glasses back in place, clearing his throat. 
“Yes, they’re… my brothers.” He tentatively smiled back at you, and began to wrap up your shoulder. 
You watched him thoughtfully for a moment, and glanced over at his brothers now quietly arguing about something over by the window. Mikey quickly looked back over at you with a bright smile before turning back to the conversation animatedly and shushing his brothers a little, earning him a smack as Raph and Leo both also shared a look with you briefly. You raised a curious brow at the antics. They were like gossiping school kids… definitely brothers.
“Hey Donnie… Sorry for causing you all trouble like this. …I didn’t want to involve anyone and thought I could handle it myself.” You said looking down. “....Thank you for coming to my rescue.” You looked up to meet his gaze and smiled at him.
“No no, this is…. It’s the least I could do. After all, I should be the one thanking you. You got this injury from coming to my rescue, I…. Thank you.” His hands stilled a moment in the midst of his wrapping and gave you a shy smile. He looked kind. 
Donnie finished the rest of the wrapping slowly, fastening the end in place carefully. 
“Um… You should change the wrapping every other day. Call me if there’s any trouble, like puffy redness around the stitches or if it starts bleeding or starts to show signs of infection-”
“Hey-” Leo suddenly cuts Donnie off, making you both look over to him where he was emerging from the group huddle. 
“How about, we come back- *ahem* Donnie, comes back again to check on you in a few days. Does… that sound good?” He asked carefully. Mikey jumping around excitedly in the background and getting a playful push from a grinning Raph. You turned with a raised eyebrow to Donatello. He was currently gawking at his older brother, glancing back between you and the blue leader. You couldn’t help but giggle a little at the antics.
“...Sure. I’d love that. If… you don’t mind, that is?” You asked the flustered purple masked mutant.
“I- I- Yes. Yes, of course. It would be my pleasure. Um. S- Next Saturday then? If you’re free?” He gathered himself and asked you kindly.
“That would be perfect.” You smiled widely, taking his hand in both of yours. “It would be nice to see you when neither of us are in danger for a change.” 
Donnie’s eyes seemed to soften as he looked at you warmly. “I would like that. Very much.” He held your hands back softly as he rose from his seat beside you. His brothers were already starting to filter out through the window, except for Mikey who was hooting and hollering quietly before getting bodily pulled through the window by his two older brothers. 
“So… next Saturday night? 9pm?”
“I’ll be here.” You responded, following him to the window. He carefully climbed out onto your balcony. He waved a final goodbye to you as he perched on the railing, and with a mighty jump, he leapt out of sight. You lunged for the railing where he just stood, looking out above you hearing whoops and cheers from the brothers as you caught a final sight of them running over the city skyline. And with a deep breath of the cool night air, you sighed in relief that you weren’t dreaming. 
Leo, Raph, Mikey, and
Donatello. You’ll have to remember that. You thought with a grin.
To the people who wanted to be updated when part 2 was released. Sorry for the long wait!! Thanks for the support!
@saspas-corner @misfortunekeep @valen-yamyam16 @genesis378
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love-toxin · 2 months
pls share some Ken crumbs our siren-lover nation is dying 💔🥹
your word is my command <33
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(cws: kidnapping, drugging, forced transformation, obsession, manipulation/psychological torture, medical procedures)
"Open the tank."
The man with the red hair looks down on you, but he's not really seeing you. His eyes are glazed, almost fish-like in their opacity. They stare ahead like they're only coincidentally focused on you, but that doesn't make you feel any better when you're...like this.
You can't remember the last time you wore clothes at this point. It feels like you've spent your whole life in this tank, shivering and half-soaked with water that only comes up to your knees. He's only had it filled that much because he's prepping your body for more. Whatever that means.
Either way, the sound-operated unit responds to his smooth, cool voice, and the top of the glass containment slowly starts to slide open. The tank is only about ten feet by fifteen, just barely enough for you to move around without bumping your arms, but it only feels smaller when the top opens up. You cower in the corner like an animal; you're too scared of your kidnapper's touch to feel any differently. Ken reaches his arm down as he steps up on the platform, moving to offer you something. But you don't want it, you don't want anything from him, and you splash away in the foot or so of water in a panic as you rush to get away from him. He sighs as if it's just an everyday occurrence, and you're only being a passive menace.
"It's time for your medicine, darling. Come here."
You muster up only a few syllables. "G-Go away." Your voice trembles, but it doesn't deter Ken in the least.
"Take your medicine. I won't say it again."
Oh. He's starting to get impatient. Your hands shake. You don't want to see him angry--he gets cold and scary when he's angry. You ponder your options for a split second, but in an anxious jolt, you lunge forward to grab the pills from his palm and swallow them without thinking. Phew.
A smile splits Ken's face. He's proud. Proud. Pride isn't something you're used to, but you'll take it where you can find it. He reaches further and gently ruffles your hair over the edge of the tank.
"That's it. That's my good dolly. There, there...so good." The patting lasts for too long. It grows possessive, uncomfortable in the strength with which he gains as he strokes your scalp...but it ends sooner than you think and he finally steps back to give you space. As the top of the tank slides back, he crouches down in front of the glass and taps it to get your attention. He's got those dark bags under his eyes, and his hair is nearly falling out of its long braid, but he looks happy. Just tired.
"I love you, you know. You're going to be so happy with me. I promise, like I said, I'll let you out of the tank once the procedures are over." He presses his hand to the glass, each crease in his palm and every knuckle of his fingers practically glowing against the sterile window into the rest of the lab. "Soon, very soon, you'll be like me. We can...find our own path together."
As Ken talks, he reaches into his doctor's coat and pulls out a small vial--inside are the pills he's given you daily over the last week or so, which he dumps two of into his hand. Holding them up for a moment, he shows you their shape and size, proving to you that these are the same. And then he pops them into his mouth with a sip from his water bottle on the table full of surgical tools. As he wipes his mouth, the strain in his demeanor becomes more apparent, but he brushes it off like an expert to shoot you another disarming smile.
"I love you. Love you, love you, love you...and when your transformation starts, I'll be right here with you. I just have to-" At that very moment his pager goes off, and he sighs and hangs his head just for a second. Just long enough for you to creep closer towards the glass, lured by his sweet words. He pulls the little device out of his pocket and glances at it before tucking it back in. Without looking back, he stands and steps down from the platform with your tank to head towards the door of the lab. "I'll be back, sweetheart. I won't leave you alone much longer, I promise."
With that, the lights shut off, leaving you in darkness save for the glow from the edges of the tank where he's set up bioluminescent lights for you. It's too quiet without him, with only your own thoughts and the dim outlines of the laboratory furniture to comfort you. Aside from a myriad of medical equipment, there's only a small bed on the floor that's quite messy and a cooler full of instant foods for the microwave it sits on top of. Ken's spent so much time here since he brought you that he practically lives here under the hospital, though he promised to bring you to his home once this...procedure is finished.
Now the sleepiness is setting in. You glance around to find a comfortable spot to rest, though it leads back to that same mossy mound of pillows that Ken has lined the tank with for comfort. You settle down atop all of them, hoping not to get water up your nose as the drugs lull you towards a deep, heavy sleep.
Maybe, when you wake up in several hours, you'll finally start to notice the scales growing in that Ken told you would come up. Those and the little slits in your neck that flutter open when the water touches them, which is a feeling you'll have to get used to with time. But little do you know, Ken's going to see the fruits of his labour cropping up very, very soon, regardless of how frightening the transformation will be for you when it happens.
But even so...he's going to be so, so happy.
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bonebrokebuddy · 2 years
If you’ve stuck around dc x dp content for longer than three seconds, you’ve probably also seen the concept that Lazarus Pits are pits of contaminated ectoplasm.
The main explanation I’ve seen for this is that the Lazarus Pits were cut off from the ghost zone and it stagnates without a link to fresh ectoplasm.
But consider, ectoplasm is an inherently perfect sterile environment. There are no germs or bacteria as it’s an naturally dead substance.
The issue comes in when living beings absolutely covered in germs, sweat, and blood keep jumping in. In a lab setting if you want to not mess up samples that are highly sensitive to contamination, you can’t even move your bare arm over an open sample once or the few dead skin cells that fell off your arm in that instant will contaminate the whole thing and you have to restart.
Well, for the Lazarus Pits, it’s being actively further contaminated every time someone even leans over the Pits! It’s been septic ever since Ra’s al Ghul took his first bath and with each use it gets more and more contaminated to the point where it’s actively a septic environment.
No shit it makes people go mad when they take a dip, the ectoplasm is actively trying to fight back and decontaminate itself from living material but there’s too many living cells in the way to do so so they get fucked over in the process. Might be a fun explanation for ecto-acne! The ectoplasm is violently trying to expel itself from the cells by forcing it towards the surface of the skin!
The Lazarus Pits are the ecto-equivalent of a septic tank. An inherently sterile substance constantly having to come into contact with living cells. No shit the results of being dunked into it doesn’t go well for living beings. And the best part, every the Lazarus Pits gets used, the contamination gets worse.
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velvet-paradox · 10 months
Fandom: Call of Duty Pairing: König x Female reader Summary: You get a concussion and poor König is beside himself and the 141 are trying their best to get you to remember. Length: LONG; I am so NOT sorry btw ;) Warnings: NSFW 18 + ONLY, strong language, explicit content, reader has a little freak out, flashbacks, sad boy König, fingering, p in v, unprotected sex, creampie, detailed smut. Tagging: @synnersaint @isikforyourthoughts @stuckimaginationuniverse @howaboutlunch @pookie90 @undeadfreak47 @pokerfaceftw @dracofxckingluciusmalfoy @panty-h03 @0151imagayone
p.s. I used Google translate for the words below Bis später = see you later Bitte = please Verdammte Scheiße = holy shit
König is worried. Fidgeting in this sterile room, everything is so white and so clean, not a speck of dust on any surface, tidy desks and stiff furniture that begs to be sat on or it'll turn into stone. He paced the room, heavy boots pounding mopped up linoleum.
His gear is still stained, hadn't bothered to wash off the combat. There wasn't any time. He had to get that EVAC out to your location as soon as possible, he'd have to apologize to driver when he found him. He was in a rush and overwhelmed with panic, he didn't truly mean to knock the woman down trying to get you into the back of the van.
But you were in danger, hurt, unconscious.
Those sorry motherfuckers had harmed his precious girl, the only one to make him smile, to make him genuinely laugh. You took him as is, all broken pieces and shattered dreams. You'd fight his demons if you could, you told him so night after night, stroking his head against your chest or stomach.
You were his grounding point. The calm to his storm.
Therefor he couldn't risk you being in this state, a flashbang had knocked you all to the ground, deafening ringing, chaos and bloodshed soon to follow. König didn't realize until the damage was done and the smoke had cleared that you were crumpled against the South wall, completely out with a trickle of blood leaking from your ear.
He made some sort of animal-like sound, it didn't even register that he'd never made that sort of noise before until he reached you, crushing and grabbing your vest to sit you up. Your head was limp like a cloth doll, König was graceful in holding you steady, checking your vitals and manually opening your eyes.
"Come in Actual! I need an EVAC immediately!"
You looked so small in that hospital bed, fragile. Foreign.
He knew you as a hellcat, fiery and hot to the touch. Ready to fight or fuck at any given chance. This version of you made him nervous. Scared him. And Colonel König does not get scared.
He checked his watch again, the rhythm of the monitors you were hooked up to only agitated him further, so that meant more pacing, more worrying his bottom lip that tasted of blood. Skin chewed up raw.
König leaned on the end of your bed making it creak under his weight. He could punch through a wall right about now, gnaw on the fucking plaster, rip off door jams and spit out nuts and bolts. Under his watch this had happened and he would never forgive himself. His eyes watered briefly before he pushed off the bedframe, your head wrapped gauze, shrapnel had made little scratches across your forehead and cheek.
Please be okay my darling girl… I can't much anymore…
König stirred awake, he'd picked up and moved the heavy chair from the window to your bedside, crossing his arms and resting his cheek on them as he watched you sleep. Your steady breathing had matched the heart monitor, smooth and calm and that's what had lulled him to sleep.
His back would fucking kill later but he wasn't too bothered. He'd do anything for you.
You made a weird face and groaned, shifting your shoulders before blinking yourself awake.
König's tank had never been so full with relief. He straightened himself up, touching your hand without the IV in it. "Oh thank God mein liebe; I was so worried. How are you feeling?"
His eyes danced over your face as you wet your lips.
"Like shit. Did I get hit by a fucking truck or what?" Your voice cracked and König was quick to jump up and fill a paper cup that was childlike in his shaking hands. He helped you to take small sips.
"Something like that. Unpredictable flashbangs with do that. Lucky we got out when we did."
"What?" You blinked up at him.
"Flashbangs. You know. Poof!" König made an explosion gesture by his helmet. "Nasty things. Effective, but still very nasty."
"I don't know what that is," you paused then and looked around the room with open eyes, clarity slipping through the cracks as you gripped the cup, brows furrowed. "I don't-- where am I? What am I doing here?"
König touched the top of your bed, concern in his emerald eyes. "My darling Ferret, you were injured in combat. Nothing broken but you were knocked unconcsous, we brought you in as soon as possible. Are you--," König didn't want to hear your answer but he didn't like to mess around the bush. Best to rip off the band-aid. "Do you know me? Do you not recognize me?"
You swallowed as your eyes grew glassy. You shook your head.
"Should I?"
His heart broke.
"It's me. My name is König , I am your commanding officer. You and the boys are-"
"Boys? I have boys? Am I mother?! Whose mother am I?" You screeched and spilled what was left of your water as you tossed off your sheet and began inspecting your stomach.
"No no. Calm down Ferret, you are no ones mother. Yet. I meant the boys of the 141, our company, Captain Price, L.T., Gaz, MacTavish… any o' them ring a bell?"
"No. Oh my God… who am I? König who am I?"
You really started to panic then, crying and kicking off the rest of your blankets, your heartrate was increasing alarming fast. König tried to shush you, calm you down, but it was no use, you just freaked out even more. You gained the attention of the nurses who came bursting into the room, pushing him out of the way as you screamed and tried to pull out the iv.
Chaos. König didn't know what to do and it was all a blur until one of the nurses in burgandy scrubs had grabbed his tac vest, forecefully and dragged him to the door.
"Colonel! Sir! We've got this, you need to leave."
Your shouts of protest were terrifying as you writhed on the bed in confusion and pain. There were too many of them, like ants swarming a downed enemy.
"Sir! Please, she'll be fine. I need you out. Now," König only frowned but took the steps necessary. "Do it for her."
The door slammed shut in his face then and all he could do was stand there and watch the blinds be slid down.
König growled and cursed something fierce all the way back to his dorm room, boots heavy and reminding him that much more that he would be going to bed alone tonight. With a huff he kicked his door closed, stripped off his helmet and hood. Piece by piece, he tore his gear angrily off, missing the laundry basket altogether.
His bed protested his weight as he rubbed at his face, aware that his gloves smeared what was left of his grease paint and gun residue. He hung his head, tapping his boots when he steepled his fingers beneath his chin.
He squinted down and grabbed a foreign object just by the end of his bed. Little by little, maroon in color lace looked so small in his hands.
It was one of your fancy bras.
König chuckled at the sight of it, a little light in his pitch dark tunnel. Without shame and without guilt, he fisted the light material before shoving it to his nose. It still smelled like you after several weeks and he closed his eyes.
"Bis später!" Had come from his mouth, waving off Ghost and Sergeant McTavish. He was grateful to be in his space, with his things, able to recharge after spending damn near all of his energy bank. If he were part machine, which sometimes he felt that way with how hard and focused he worked; there would be a flashing LOW BATTERY sign on his forehead.
He sighed against the door frame, barely ducking underneath it when he looked up at some sudden movement. He balked. You, you slinky attractive little devil had slipped past the guards, slunk into his room and into his bed. Growing voices made the big man struggle to get his whole body inside to block out your own, slamming the door behind him. Gloved hands still on the knob.
"Verdammte Scheiße! What are you doing here?"
"Waiting for you, what does it look like?" You shrugged as carelessly as you pleased. As drained as he was, he always had enough energy for your antics. A bare arm patted the bed next to you, a coy little smile on your face.
"I thought we've talked about this, no? We need to be careful about us." König said as he sat down, taking his gloves off and setting them on the floor by his nightstand.
"I'm tired of being careful, aren't you?" You grabbed his warm fingers, looking up at him.
"Yes but--"
"But what? Whose gonna' stop you? The big bad ex-KorTac boogeyman with the pretty eyes and enough documented kills to make any Narco envious and not to mention that big ol' hog--"
"Shut your face, right now!" König clamped a hand over your mouth, even though he was smiling behind his mask, bashful but a little boosted by your vulgar description. He didn't need to give the base anymore to talk about.
Your wet tongue startled his palm as you laughed, music to his ears as leaned his body against you.
"Oh come on, I'm surprised it even fits. Damn thing is the size of my arm!"
"It is not, stop that." König scolded you, a failed attempt to keep you quiet even though he was enjoying your praise.
"Oh yes it is!" You chuckled and pressed your sheet covered chest against his arm. "You should probably get a weapons clearance slip for that thing!"
"That's it!" König tackled you on the bed, his gear shifting with his weight, pinning you down. You wiggled and laughed beneath him, he silently asked how'd he get to be the one on top of you, making you laugh, smile. Men like him didn't get pretty things like you. He suspected and believed his old KorTac buddies that he'd end up settling for what he thought he deserved. Pocket lint and a sex doll. Not at all the real body of yours, looking at him like he hung the fucking moon and if he you would only keep looking at him like this, make him feel like he swallowed bees, calmed the anger and wolfish tendencies; he just might try it.
König sat back on his haunches. "How long have you been waiting for me?"
His heart stopped with your cheeky answer. "My whole damn life."
He dreamt of you that night. Surprised even to himself that he could calm himself down, even after a long and hot shower. He was exhausted. Scrubbing that same dirt and grime, that filth off his skin that stained your own. Maybe it was the emotions of it all, everything cresting, crumbling like bricks in his hands as you couldn't even remember him.
Maybe that's why he cried.
And maybe that's why he slept so good.
He tucked your bra underneath his pillow before he left his room the next morning, safe keeping and all that. He gave the neatly made bed a gentle pat before catching a ride with some very green, very eager-to-please rookies on a golf cart to the hospital.
"Colonel!" He stopped at the distinct voice of Captain Price, he could practically feel the mans' boots on the definitely needed to be replaced tiles beneath his own feet. "Colonel, I'm glad I caught you, old man-"
"I am not old," König squinted at Price's crinkled eyes, lost in a teasing smile. "In fact, you're older by four years, fifteen days and seven hours."
"How do you know that?" John Price paused.
"I read your file." König shrugged. He had a photographic memory, could remember coordinates from a stint in Kosovo, the delicatessen's not far from Vatican City, the look on your face after your first kiss, what color your toenails were that summer on the West Coast with the rest of the 141.
"Very well, lad. I uh just spoke with Y/N's doctors, she's been sedated, had a bit of a rough night last night, so they said. She's awake but nothing seems to spark her memory just yet."
König bit at his lips, he should've been there with you. The thought of you being alone and afraid, scared to death of all those around you being pumped through with who knows what.
"She'll come back to us big man," Price's hand on his arm was warm and the little squeeze he gave him felt genuine. "I know you two are close; just how close I haven't determined but I assume it's a heartfelt one. One that maybe goes a little more than the base and ranks."
"That's none of your business, Captain." König ground his teeth.
"You're right but I should let you know there's a little bet and a rumor going on that it's beyond professional," König straightened his back at that, shifting his weight. "Don't shoot the messanger, but the pot has gotten pretty full and I like winning."
Price chuckled as he walked away, leaving König to think more than just about you.
Your room is quiet expect for the whirling machine hooked up to your hand, your breathing is smooth when he enters, the steady beat of your heartbeat. He knew you were beloved on base and by all the bouquets of flowers, balloons and 'GET WELL SOON FERRET!' cards that surrounded your bed and side tables, he once again felt lucky to even breathe the same air as you, let alone become bedfellows and lovers.
He felt bad he came empty handed.
Until you rolled your head over to see him, a piss-poor attempt to make himself small.
"It's you." Your voice was a little scratchy and he'd hoped it was from a little nap and not from screaming in the middle of the night.
"Hallo mein-- I mean Y/N," your given name sounded strange in his mouth when he cleared his throat and crept a little more into the room. Your eyes never left him. "How are you feeling now? I talked with Price in the hallway."
"It's strange, I know you said the other day that we know each other and when I'm looking at you, like this, I feel like I should," you worried your bottom lip between your teeth, gears working against you as you laid there, eventually staring up at the ceiling. "I feel like I should know who I am and I don't. I should know you, apparently, but I don't. I don't remember anything!" you whined and palmed your glassy eyes, sniffling and huffing and all König could do was worry and reach out to touch your shoulder. "What if I never do? What if I become somebody else?"
"Don't do that, bitte. Please my dear," his gloved hand grasped your wrist and you let him, let him pull down your hands, locking eyes.
"You're taking a page out of my book and you're going to worry yourself sick. You'll come back to us." To me.
He wished and prayed that you would as he stayed with you for a little over an hour before you grew tired and again on his way to the mess hall and once more before bed.
"If you get hurt jus' remember lass, this was yer idea to begin wit'!" Johnny said with a grin, wobbling quite a bit on König's shoulders as he reached out to grapple with your hands.
"You know you're a lot heavier than you look." König grumbled through straight teeth, holding on to the Scotsman's' hefty thighs.
The sun was high that day on the Coast, a well needed and earned r&r retreat for the 141.
"Don't tell me you're backing out already, Johnny!" You teased, fitting your fingers through his as you moved on Simon's shoulders in the water opposite of them.
You looked incredible, wet and sandy, smiling as if you didn't just have someone else's blood on your hands three days prior somewhere in Bolivia. You two hadn't even kissed yet, just a lot of sexual tension and flirty exchanges when no one was looking or listening.
"I'm just lettin' you know wee one, I'm not above playing unfairly now."
"We'll see about that, you ready down there L.T.?"
"Ready when you are, kid."
Game on.
The guys joked about never hearing König laugh before, after your successful best two out of three chicken matches in the ocean. He felt insecure about it, covering his already covered mouth from his hood. Ghost and Johnny drank back to back beers while you saddled up next to him with a turkey sandwich and some fruit.
"I like it."
König looked over at you, sitting extra close in the sand as you dug your feet into the sand, a complimentary red on your toes as they swiftly disappeared and you ate a berry.
"Your laugh," you said inching closer so your leg touched his. "I like it. You should do it more often."
König scoffed and stole a grape from your plate, tossing it up in the air. "Say something funny then."
"I wanna' kiss you right now."
He choked on his spit and laughed again, to get König off guard was no easy task and yet you were flying through in fucking technicolor.
"Now that is funny."
"Who said I'm joking?"
As you watched your L.T. and Johnny pack up their truck, you had made sure to wave them off and as they turned out of the parking lot, with that same hand you grabbed the front of König's shirt, leaned up as far as those cute toes of yours could tip-toe and kissed him right on the mouth.
" 'ow about this one, we're just outside the Museum of Antioquia in Medellín, does this look familiar at all, kid? Anything abou' it? Anything at all?"
"I mean… that's obviously us. It's pretty foggy still honestly… so no."
"Alright no worries, love. How about this one? The Courtauld Gallery, we just had to go according to you to see your favorite painting."
"Am I an art major or something?"
"No. You just appreciate fine works of art I suppose."
König didn't mean to instantly get hard at Ghost's choice of words. He turned his back to you and your visitors, walking, uncomfortably so, towards the window with his hands behind his back.
You had said those same words to him once.
You two had gotten caught in an ice storm and not just any ice storm either, the kind where wherever you're at… that's where you're going be for the foreseeable future. Luckily for the both of you, the safe house had been recently restocked and insulated, thick plastic on the windows ruffled and protested the pounding wind outside. The freezing cold had slithered its icy tentacles through the cracks around the door making the fire you'd built in the little stove flutter and crack.
You only wore your underclothes, tight black thermals under your gear, frost and snow melting off your boots side by side by the front door. You crouched and added a few logs, eyeing him as he came into the living room with two mugs of tea.
He thought you were excited about the warmth from the cups but you had something a lot hotter in mind.
Thermals littered the floor, your whines and cries for more sang beautifully with the crackling fire nearby. You didn't even make it to the bed.
"Oh God König!" you panted against his shoulder as he rutted against you on the floor, creaking under his heavy weight. His cock fit perfectly once he'd gotten you off on his fingers first, it was proper to make you cum first.
He might be a little ruthless and rough around the edges but the man has manners! He rolled his eyes in pure delight when you arched up into his chest, nipples hard and legs trembling, spread enough to fit his frame between them. "You feel so fucking good. I knew you would-- aha just like that baby, fuck!"
Your head thunked against the floor, König was quick to fit one of his hands beneath it, in case it happened again. He had secretly wished it would, if only he could last a little bit longer. Your wet, gummy walls fought and milked his cock like no other, bringing him back in with a soft hug.
"Yeah? You like that huh? I'm practically devouring you, molding you to-o me." König grunted and groaned something in his native tongue before taking a bite out of your neck, loving it as you grabbed at his arms, his shoulders, his thrusting hips when he soothed it over with his gentler kisses.
"I want it. I want you so bad," he shivered at your words, his cock throbbing and threatening to explode so soon. He couldn't help it! He'd been eager for months to just maybe get a smooch from you and yet here you both are, making love on the floor in some safehouse by a fire. "I can't believe you're inside me right now. Why did we wait so long? It's so fucking good."
You whined and moved your legs higher up his waist, your knees digging into his ribs. König grabbed your leg and brought it up further, changing the angle and hitting something deep, so so deep and primal that you literally shouted his name, eyes wild and mouth agape as if you couldn't believe it was real.
Your neck bent to look at where his cock was disappearing, in and out in great, thick thrusts. Words were lost on you as all that came out of your throat was gasps for breath.
"Guess you like that too, yes?"
König barely had time to chuckle at your shouts, begging for more and more, it was all so hot and erotic and when you came he growled your name. He pulled out just in time to cum along the inside of your thighs, tapping the crown of it into his spend, smearing it around.
"Oh baby… you are a fucking work of art."
"What about some fresh air, kid? Might do ya' some good, instead o' breathin' in all this medicinal shit." L.T.'s suggestion brought König back to the present, he made a face and adjusted himself before turning around.
Ghost gave him a shrug. It had been five days after all.
"Yeah. Why not? Can't hurt, right?" You agreed. "Will you come with me?"
"She's talkin' to you, big boy." Simon voiced, startling König into a different position.
"Me? You want me to--"
"Will you?"
Simon smiled and left you to get dressed for the outside world since the accident.
König made sure to cover your eyes once you walked out into the sun, you tucked yourself into his side automatically, mumbling that it was too damn bright. He chuckled and kept you close, an arm around your shoulders as you walked the grounds.
"Can I ask you something?" You were picking at your nail beds, a nasty habit you tried to break your Freshman year of college and miserably failed.
"Are we like… together? Like a couple? Simon and some of the other guys' made it seem like we're close. Like-- really close. Is that like a rumor thing or should I know something that I don't?"
König stopped, his boots kicking up gravel. "It's complicated. I am your commanding officer. Your superior. That would be inappropriate."
"Is it inappropriate or true?" you asked, stuffing your hands into a well worn hoodie. "Or both?"
König sighed, moving closer to you when a group of four young recruits jogged by. "Both."
You pursed your lips and looked around the busy base. The group of recruits that had given him a ride to see you drove by quickly, giving you both a solid but quick salute while a Staff Sergeant barked orders a few yards away.
"Is it serious?"
König cleared his throat and crossed his arms nervously. "The short answer? Yes. The long answer… is also yes."
You smiled brightly and shielded your eyes once more from the sun and from looking up at him. He swore his eyes crossed with how cute you looked, making that squinty face. You seemed content with his answer and started walking again, asking where you two had met.
"Maybe you should ask Soap about all that. Sorry, I mean Sergeant McTavish. Johnny. He sorta' is the reason for us being, well for us being close." König suggested, moving the bottom of his hood out of the way of a thick spoonful of a Rocky Road milkshake just off base.
"Well I'm asking you." You pointed your own spoon at him, apologizing when a few pieces of chocolate flung onto his forearms across the table. "Sorry."
"No worries. I rather like chocolate." König smiled.
"Tell me. Please? It might trigger something useful." You began to pout and oh no you don't, don't you dare tremble that bottom lip of yours. Oh, he could just lunge across this comically small table, break the umbrella above your heads in half and grab you and just kiss you, tell you how much you mean to him, how this limbo bullshit was driving him crazy!
König wasn't a man known for flowery words, motivational speaking and the like but he knew you so it wasn't out of his comfort to explain in detail how you did in fact meet. He talked and talked, milkshakes long gone, fries gone cold but salvaged for a midnight snack.
Once back on base König stopped in the hallway that splits from rank when you grab his hand.
"Can I come with you?"
"Come with me where?"
You swallow and look around the unusually vacant split. "To your room. Maybe it'll help. I mean, if we're together," you hushed and got closer to his side. "Maybe it'll help."
König smiled beneath his hood, wolfish and he knew how sharp his teeth were against the plump flesh of his bottom lip. "Sure. Come on."
"These are little… explicit." You chuckle while fidgeting with an old digital camera in his arsenal. The SD card is almost full, he knows this but he can't risk transferring them to another device. He'd stain his career if he got his tablets mixed up and not so safe or savory pictures of you and him together, were to make the rounds. The last thing this place needs is a scandal.
You tilted your head at one, zooming in and then thrusted it at his chest. "This is… are those… zip ties?"
König took the camera and knew exactly which picture you'd landed on. His mouth watered at the memory.
"Ah yes. This is the night you broke me."
"What does that mean?" You asked and sat down next to him on the bed.
A funny little jolt surged through his belly, warming his cheeks and hands as you two looked at the digital screen.
"Um uh well, I was gone on a mission in Copenhagen, it was only supposed to be a two week set up and recon, I could do those in my sleep but there was some miscommunication on their end and long story short I was gone for almost a month," König explained, thoughtfully looking at himself on the screen. "I used the SAT phone to keep in touch. We'd been together a steady two months before deployment and I didn't get a chance to give you a proper goodbye. So I promised you could have me any way you wanted."
"And I wanted to restrain you?"
"You wanted control over the situation. Over me." And you did. "Wow. I didn't think I was the dominant type. Or that a guy like you would allow it."
König barked out laughing, almost dropping it, which would have been devastating, but he managed to fumble it onto the soft mattress below instead. "Oh mein cutie, you are a terror when you get into one of your moods. Trust me. And to be fair; you've done a lot worse."
König was pleased the security officers left him alone for the night, no more nightly checks and lights out for the older man. He'd paid his dues but sometimes some fresh faced recruit would want all their other supervisors to know they'd checked on everyone, including the Colonel himself and Captain Price just a few doors down.
You'd fallen asleep after going over a handful of more photos, some more tasteful then others. Some cute, your smiling face as he slept with his large, scarred back facing you. Candids of König cleaning one of his weapons, examining knives. Holding hands. Your head on his lap. You fast asleep in one of his ratty old shirts. Obscene ones of just how fucked out he made you, gaping and leaking his spend. A few with just his fingers saturated with his cum.
You looked so comfortable and cute all curled up on his covers, hands tucked under your head. He couldn't help himself and mimicked your position as best he could, wincing and apologizing in a low whisper that he was sorry he kicked your knee. You groaned in your sleep and patted his hand.
König didn't remember falling asleep but he was suddenly incredibly warm, hot even, sweating beneath his hood and t-shirt he shifted but felt he couldn't move. He blinked and caught you holding on to him, damn near piggy-backing him. You mumbled something against the back of his head, fingers twitching and grabbing at the thin fabric.
He flinched at the way your voice said his name. Hushed and broken, his attempt to turn around and face you failed and you grabbed him tighter. He touched your hands on his arm.
"Y/N it's ok it's me."
"Oh no… where are you? I can't see-" You whined and jerked around behind him. If only you could hear him, see him, feel him try to calm you down from whatever it was you were dreaming out. König was used to fretting and getting himself all worked up into a lather, this time he did manage to roll over, getting up onto an elbow he held both of your hands in just one of his.
"My love, wake up. If you can hear me, wake up, you can wake up now."
Your face pinched and thrashed, your neck craning at a painful angle as if you were possessed until your eyebrows finally released, your fingers unballing and then you opened your eyes. One at a time. Blinking into the inky blackness of the room.
There was just enough light coming the sunlight above König's bed, the angle nice and gentle on your face. You finally looked at him.
He tried his best to soften his eyes, let you know you were safe and in good hands not in the arms of some stranger, which all of the base had been as of late. He let go of your hands when your jugular jerked.
"Are you okay now?"
"Where am I?" you asked and he cast down his eyes to the rising and falling of your chest. "Am I still dreaming?"
"No. You're awake now. You can pinch me if you'd like."
He waited for your answer before you reached up and cupped his face, touching the masks' edge, circling around one of the eye holes before tearing up. "I believe you, baby."
Oh. Oh. OH!
You sniffled and König wanted to pinch himself, make sure he wasn't the one dreaming that you'd come back to him. "I missed you."
"Oh mein liebe, you have no idea how much I've missed you." König surged and gathered you up into his arms, hooking his whole arm between your legs to bring you as close to his chest as humanly possible. He smelled your hair, rubbed his clothed cheek against yours. His hands under your shirt.
"How long was I out?"
Your voice was so light and innocent, sitting on his bed with the covers around your shoulders. He'd fixed you some tea, not the exact way Simon had taught him but close enough.
"Almost a week."
You frowned again and König couldn't help but take your hands in his, assuring you it was alright, that you were in the clear and should definitely seek the med staffs' guidance.
"A week?! Oh my God. I've been banged before but not like that."
König attempted to stifle his laugh, chuckling harder after you whacked his arm. "Bitte bitte, I surrender."
"You better! I've been M.I.A. and you're making fun of me."
Your pouting face was so damn cute König moved in front of you after bouncing his thumb on your bottom lip, holding out his hand. "I'm not making fun of you honey, it's just the way you said it."
"Yeah yeah, wait 'til you get knocked the fuck out and we'll see whose making fun then, hmm?"
"You would make fun of me?"
"In a heartbeat." Your sneer and banter held no weight and the both of you knew that. You were back to your usual self, a little froggy sur but you knew who you were, who he was, where you were and what was going on.
The head nurse in the med bay was excited to see you up and walking around, coherent and well aware of what had happened. She checked your vitals, looked at your eyes, felt around your cranium for any undiscovered lumps or bruising from being knocked back against that cement wall.
You were cleared.
She sent you off with a note and a stern 'now get some rest!'. König bounced his legs while he waited next to you, recognizing that she was the same nurse who had tossed him out that first night. She winked at him before letting you both leave.
"God I have missed you mein cutie, my little precious thing." König sang into your neck once back in his quarters, he hadn't let his hand slip from your hip since leaving the nurses station. He held you hostage in his lap in his bed, petting your face and rubbing your arms.
"How much?"
"So so much," König cooed at you, shivering from your touch as your arms circled around his neck, you snuck your fingers beneath his hood, toying with the strands of hair you could tug on. "More than I crave a hunt, a kill. Man or beast. Nothing satisfies me more than you do, my love."
"I know I've been out of it but… does that mean--"
"Oh my dear thing. Bitte! You think my mind was elsewhere while you were coasting through life? Nein nein nein, I put my needs behind yours."
"You haven't… so you must be pretty bricked up then?"
König tilted his head at that. "Not you getting medically cleared and ready for a good fucking straight away."
"She said to get some good rest, did she not?" You bit your lip and twisted the hem of his mask. "What better way then to make sure I'm fully rested then that?"
"My love… don't poke the bear."
"Is the bear in hibernation?"
He chuckled at that, letting you lean forward, pressing your foreheads together, breathing each other in. "It's summer time my dear… the bears are out of hiding."
Your eyes burned into his, as coy and cool as you tried to play it, all your intentions were naked and clear. "Are you going to be my bear tonight, König?"
Now usually when you were in one of these moods König wouldn't even bat an eyelash, click his teeth or spit at the thought of tossing you around, fisting your hair and making you squeal. In turn you'd leave marks and brusies only he knew were there, hidden beneath his gear. But this was different. You were in a delicate state, though medically cleared he wasn't about to go about fucking you senseless.
No. You needed to be handled gently.
So that's what he did.
Shimmying out of his clothes while you did the same, reaching out for him he went down easily, caging you in. You hummed and lifted the base of his mask, hiding beneath it with him, stealing a few chaste kisses before slipping your tongue into his mouth. König groaned and crushed his body into yours.
"Missed you so much, my love." König straightened up on his arms, looking down at you with heart eyes.
"Show me. Show me how much you missed me, baby. Bears give hugs, don't they?"
König chuckled, his hood swaying with puffs of his laughter. "My little play thing, bitte. Please. I am not a bear."
"Sure you are big guy," you cooed and moved to grab one of his hands, ghosting it over your collar, on the ball of your shoulder, settling it palm side down on your chest. "You're my big bear, aren't you?"
Oh hell… he couldn't say no to that face. With a huff he gave in, he'll admit it later that is did warm his heart that you thought of him that way. A protector. A caregiver. He'd been chosen to take care of you and König didn't agree with failure.
After a few more kisses he rolled away from you, shushing you when you whined with the loss of his body heat and weight. He curled himself behind you, easily hefting you up and over so your back was to his front, being very careful of his genitals. He calculated how far apart your legs should be, fitting them over his thick thighs like butterfly wings, making you jerk at the cool air hitting your wet cunt.
König carefully began to grope over your body, humming with delight when your hips wiggled, your toes digging into the sheets, your hands barely holding onto your tits. He teased you first, getting you warmed up, snickering as your breathing became labored, looking down your body as he played you like a professional musician.
"Please baby, please finger me already," you keened and gasped when he cupped your entire mound, feeling it pulse against his fingers. "I need to feel you."
"Ah ah ah. Already begging, what a needy little thing you are my love. Are my hands on you not enough?" König taunted, moving both of his hands to spread you open. You inhaled sharply, both of you watching as his fingers inched closer and closer to your clit.
"O-o f course but-- oh!"
He switched his tactics and instantly shoved his middle finger inside you, knuckle deep.
"Aww poor thing is fucking tight. Almost like the first time, ja? Been without for a week and already so slick," König peered over your shoulder, throbbing when he saw how hard you grabbed at your chest, playing with your nipples at his advancement. "You're so perfect."
"I'm so empty, please König, mein König."
"Empty you say? One finger is not enough for you? Nein nein you can handle another finger perhaps, maybe… three?"
You rolled your head to the side, looking back at him, an almost pained expression on your beautiful face. "Bitte."
"Oh fuck." Not you speaking his language.
You didn't make a sound when another finger plunged deep into your hole, holding himself back from just outright making a sloppy mess of your pussy, soak his fingers down to the fucking wrist. No no, he was going to treat you with kid gloves. Delicate work. He pulled them out to the second knuckle before twisting them back in, stretching you out.
Only then did you crack and keen, bucking your hips to take them in even deeper, finding that precious little spongy spot that drove you wild.
"Oh fuck yeah."
"That's what my little cub needed, ja? Should I go faster, hmmm? Get you all nice and wet to take my cock."
"Yeah yeah yeah," you nodded franticly, still squeezing and pinching yourself while he finger fucked you. "Get me wet baby, make me cum. Wanna' cum for you."
"You always wanna' cum for me. Wait until the rest of that pretty little head of yours comes all the way back, oh my love, the things you're going to remember, one should be so jealous. But I am afraid mein liebeling you will not be drenching my fingers tonight. Oh no."
"But I--"
"Tut tut little thing, you'll get to cum. That is a promise. But you will be coming on my cock instead, now roll over, ja like that, there we go. Look at you, I didn't have to explain what I meant. See, that memory of yours is coming back faster than we thought!"
König spooned you, cuddling you from behind and lifting your top leg up and over his hip while he told you to stay still, hold tight, to listen to him as he began guiding and sliding the already pre-cum slick crown of his cock between the apex of your thighs, against your sex, popping and nudging up against your swollen bundle of nerves.
You begged. Oh did you beg, he'd barely pushed it in when your arm came flying back, grabbing the back of his head, molding it to the back of your neck. When you pushed back on him König had to shut his eyes, lost in the feeling of sinking into you again. Grateful. Thankful. Pleasure bloomed as your pussy did around his thick cock.
"You're so precious like this, little thing. Mein cutie, mein sweeetness." König cupped your jaw and had you look back at him, dancing his hips into your rear, splitting you open just a little more. You hiccupped a gasp, locking eyes as you moved together as one.
"I needed this, oh shit did I need this. Several days without you was fucking torture verdammt, squeeze down like that again, fucks sake." "Is my big bear getting close?" You joked, your giggles turning into moans and curses as you gripped the back of his hood even tighter.
"Is that what you want? Want me to cum inside you, fill up your little hole?"
"Oh! What a filthy little thing you are, wishing to be filled up. You know my love," König slapped your outer thigh before gripping it tightly, your skin sagging with the weight they held and brought you even closer, his trimmed short and curlys getting wetter by the minute stuck to your rear. "You keep begging for it I just might have to hold you down and breed you. How about that, hmm?"
The noise you made made him whine against your neck.
"Goodness! Is that what you want?"
It took a minute for your voice to catch up to your nodding head, swallowing thickly. "Yes! Oh my God that's so fucking hot."
"You like that idea?"
You bit your lip and smiled so innocently.
You were so pretty all he could think about was breaking you in half. For a man of König's size and weight, he's very nimble and can move faster than you can think. He had you on your front in a few seconds, hoisting up your hips, dragging you back just enough. "If that's what you want… tap me if it is too much, my love. Promise me."
He slapped your ass. "That's not what I said."
"Yes! Yes I promise."
König smiled when you moved your head and hair to the side, then gave him a thumbs up.
Any position he was in with you felt incredible, the sounds you made, the obscenities' you called out, the grunts and tangled English weaved with German on his end were perfect. But there was something about fucking you like this he couldn't handle, he knew he had five, maybe six minutes tops before he'd lose his shit and bust his load.
You were practically sobbing at the pace, a literal face down ass up situation as you couldn't hold your body up any longer. The hard slap of skin on skin, you were panting and gripping the sheets in your hands König thought for a moment you might just tear the damn thing in half. When you turned to look at him over your shoulder he damn near came right then. Eyes glassy, eyelashes wet and clumped together, lips pouty and full.
Of course you had to bit your bottom lip at him looking like a holy hell mess.
König shook his head and swore in German, lurching over your back, his sweat keeping him glued to you as he lifted his hood and sloppily kissed you. You cried out when he did, wailing that you were close, that you going to cum. König clumsily reached below you and started rubbing your clit.
"Faster faster, fuck that's it. Oh my… König. Mein König!" Your body dropped as you came, pulsing your gummy walls around him, he was pretty much using you as fleshlight at that point. Your body loose and limber, pliant and soft in the best way possible.
"That's it baby, are you gonna' cum inside me? Don't waste it." You drunkenly laughed, pushing back when you got your voice back.
"Oh I'm not wasting a damn thing, my love." König pulled you back once more, angling himself with one foot on the bed, fucking into you deeper. You were lucky he was still being careful because the intrusive thought of really giving it to you, harshly, harder and pushing your face into the bed was not an option. Not this time anyway. "You're gonna' be a good girl and take what I give you, ja? You want my load so badly, so fucking badly don't you? We're not wasting a drop, anything-- fuck you're so wet baby… anything leaking is going right back in. Understand?"
"Yes! I want it I want all of it. Don't take it out don't take it out." You whined and without him even asking, your had crossed your wrists behind you back, giving up control, submitting.
König wasn't lying.
He did in fact spill inside you, throbbing rope after rope into your cunt. König hung his head, panting, counting his heartbeat before he eased his way out of your hole. Mesmerized by the sight of a glob or two dripping out he slowly and very, oh so carefully guided back into you. You squirmed, sore for sure as he looked you over.
"Are you alright, my love?"
The thumbs up you gave him was all the assurance he needed. He chuckled lowly, the ache he felt for you, warmed him through as he smoothed a hand down your back.
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gallifreyanhotfive · 4 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 26: Gallifrey at War Part 4
TW: classic Gallifrey at War death, destruction, and violation of autonomy
Cass Fermazzi's ship was crashing only because the Time Lords had indiscriminately opened fire on a group of ships.
The War in Heaven had 920 fronts across space and time.
The Twelfth Doctor assisted the General in the War Room while the first thirteen incarnations of the Doctor were working to freeze Gallifrey in a pocket universe.
The Beyond was a place created by the Last Great Time War where overwritten timelines got remembered. While here, Braxiatel was devoured by one of the Ravenous.
This specific Ravenous had once been Zara, a soldier in the Last Great Time War who was being forced to relive the explosion of a star she had gotten caught up in over and over again.
Lehena had Susan go back to 1963 Earth to collect the Hand of Omega. Unfortunately, she had been a Dalek duplicate, and the Daleks wanted to use the Hand to destroy Gallifrey. The Eighth Doctor recognized Lehena as a duplicate of a Time Lord in the year above him at the Academy that he had had a massive crush on.
The Venue Accords were the only attempt at a peace treaty made during the War in Heaven. Negotiations lasted a single picosecond, and they concluded that peace was impossible.
The Tharils, Porfue, and Krajonnu were all forcibly sterilized by Rassilon during the Last Great Time War to ensure that there would be no other time-traveling races to threaten the might of Gallifrey.
The Clock-People were humanoids with clockfaces instead of human ones. They were the remains of members of the Faction Paradox clinging to life after the War in Heaven. They could manipulate and corrupt others' biodata to insert themselves in their timelines.
During Remembrance of the Daleks before stopping at Harry's cafe, the Seventh Doctor was contacted by the same Time Lord messenger from Genesis of the Daleks (by some accounted named Jelpax, Valyes, Ferrain, etc). The Time Lord warned the Doctor of a counterstrike that was being made by the Daleks - part of the Last Great Time War. The Doctor became concerned for the Hand of Omega and ended up electrocuting a Slyther that the Daleks had been using to obtain it.
During the Last Great Time War, the Doctor and the Master were both hit with a degeneration gun, causing them to uncontrollably flick between all their different faces, including ones they hadn't even had yet.
Once Padrac had become a member of the High Council, he discovered that Gallifrey would be destroyed in the future, possibly by time war, invasion, etc. The only projected future where Gallifrey would survive was the future in which only Gallifrey remained, so Padrac set about to destroy the whole universe and convert their life force into regeneration energy to make the Time Lords immortal.
A tour operator took advantage of Gallifrey's fall after the War in Heaven to organize time tourism. They said that since the Time Lords and the Enemy used time travel to pre-empt each other, the War was continuously getting shorter, its climax getting closer and closer to present day.
The Tenth Doctor became embroiled in the Last Great Time War again when the War Master sent him telepathic summons. During this time, both of them were restrained and telepathically contained by the High Vectors (to be put on trial and probably erased), but the Master managed to escape and erase them before this could happen. The Master then retrieved the Doctor, and they parted ways.
Scarlette - one of the many who had at one point married the Doctor - was a child of the Faction Paradox's remembrance tanks in Pompeii.
Two other time wars that predate the Last Great Time War include the Halldon-Eternal skirmish and the Omnicraven Uprising.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
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