#also I'm only half way through but I got to stop here until tomorrow
manjusaka · 2 years
That dinner conversation hurt me.
I get why Jiwoo is being deliberately cruel, because otherwise Seojoon would not give up on him, but sleeping with him and then callously suggesting some fwb arrangement was lower than I expected him to go. I understand that he thinks he made a mistake by falling back into Seojoon's gravity, but twisting that and taking it out on Seojoon the way he did was awful. Whatever he's afraid of, it isn't worth this much pain.
Seojoon calling his bluff was also kind of scary, because I could almost see Jiwoo being in a dark enough place to self-sabotage that way.
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The Witch's Bodyguard
(4)  I promised myself I wouldn't let you complete me
Actress!Wanda Maximoff x Bodygaurd!Fem!Reader
Summary: You attend a party with Wanda and things finally come to a head when you meet her ex-fiancé
Word Count: 2.7K
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, possessive R, Perv calls W a bitch, R is packing, R calls herself Daddy, W refers to R as Daddy
A/N: Sorry for the long wait on this. I got stuck half way through, but I made it!
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Taglist: @dorabledewdroop @rroyale-109 @wandanat01 @scarlizziee @nixxnsworld
@snoozingredpanda @wandamaximoff-simp @sweet--escape17
@natashamaximoff-69 @godhatesgoodgirls @kristalag @mfd-101
It was a busy week filled with interviews, casting calls, and filming. Finally it was the weekend and Wanda had decided she wanted to go out shopping before a party tomorrow night the two of you would be attending at Tony Stark's house. Of course you didn't want to go shopping, but Wanda seemed to be using it as a bonding experience. You had taken notice ever since that night a few weeks ago when you talked about your ex that she was using every excuse to be closer.
Instead of her chair she took up space on the other side of the couch, each night moving closer until the two of you sat next to each other. She always grabbed your arm or hand when outside walking from the car to a building. She'd bury her face against you when paparazzi start snapping pictures and a protective arm comes up to shield her. You face stone cold against the harsh flashes.
As Wanda walked beside you, Bucky behind you two holding all the bags, you felt calm which was unusual. You were always on guard when outside, but as Wanda went on talking about this idea she had you couldn't help, but be drawn in by her voice. You watched her lips as they moved. You weren't even sure what she was saying anymore. You were completely lost in her lips.
“Wanda Maximoff!” A slurred voice called out, catching your attention immediately as you put yourself in front of Wanda. The man who looked disheveled and clearly had been drinking with a slurred voice and flushed cheeks.
“Sir, I need you to back away from Miss. Maximoff. If you don't I will have to use force.” Your voice dropped a few octaves. When he didn't listen to you and took a step forward he was met with your hand pushing him back as he tried to grab at Wanda. “Sir, I said you need to back away.” You practically growled.
“Fucking bitch.” He spat at you, scowling before stumbling away. You waited in a readied stance for him to come back until you felt her hand grip at your back. Turning around to look at her trembling slightly.
“Hey you're okay. I'm here. I've got you.” You wrapped your arms around her protectively. “You're safe. I won't let anyone touch you.” You whispered to her and she visibly calmed down. The shaking stops and she lets out a deep breath she had been holding. She looks up at you, her eyes are wet, but no tears fall. She nods and smiles up at you as her hands take your arms off her shoulders as she takes one for herself. Pulling you along once more.
You had never been a party person. Sure you liked drinking and socializing, but you didn't drink enough to cloud your judgment. You'd slowly sip on a drink all night, alternating between that and a non-alcoholic beverage and some snacks.
Your eyes watched her from across the room. It's probably the farthest away you've been from her, but she was still in your sights. Bucky was around too somewhere. Talking with Natasha's bodyguard, Clint, who liked to keep a watchful eye from far away and in the shadows.
Your eyes scanned the room, some big names were here. Some you had worked with in the past such as Kate Bishop the heir to Bishop Security who smiled at you across the way. Kate had been a favorite client of yours. She was always so energetic and made you laugh. She was also your first client so you and Kate had become close while you went through the divorce. Kate being the only other person besides Val and Wanda to know of the divorce.
“Y//N/N!” Kate called out, walking over with a blonde. Kate opened her arms for a hug which you accepted.
“Long time no see Katie. Where have you been hiding?” You ask, your eyes flicking over to Wanda to make sure she was okay. She was talking with Natasha and looked like she was having a good time so your attention fell back on Kate.
“I've been good. Working hard. Almost done with college finally!” You smile, she had just started college when you worked for Kate.
“You better be graduating with honors.” You raised an eyebrow and she nodded. “So proud of you Katie.” You enveloped her in a hug. Kate stood about your height just not as much muscle. Her archery kept her thin with defined muscles. “And who is this little thing you have with you?” You looked over her shoulder at the scowling blonde.
“Oh I completely forgot to introduce you! Y/N this is Yelena, my bodyguard and my girlfriend!” Kate said excitedly. You tried to hide your shocked expression.
“You're dating your bodyguard?” You asked in a hushed tone. Kate giving you a nod and a smile.
“I don't trust anyone else like Yelena…well you come pretty close.” You rolled your eyes and that's when they landed back on Wanda. She was being touched by someone, a man with blonde hair. You felt a bubble of jealousy and protectiveness rise up in you as you brushed Kate and Yelena off to cross the room. Your hand grabbing his wrists that had been on Wanda’s arm. The look of disdain on Wanda’s face was enough for you to go full guard mode.
“Don’t touch Wanda.” You spoke through gritted teeth, the man looking at you in shock. Blue eyes trained on you. Your grip only loosened once Wanda placed a hand on your shoulder.
You turned around to face her, feeling the jealousy coursing through you. This wasn’t just you being her bodyguard, this was you not wanting anyone else to touch what you saw as yours. Her soft green eyes looked at you, into you as you turned to face her fully. Your hands checking her over making sure she was okay when her hand came to your face, cupping gently as her soft thumb brushed your skin.
“I’m fine. Y/N this is Jonas, but we all call him Vision, my ex-fiancé.” Wanda’s voice was low, trying not to catch unwanted attention as she pulled you to her side. Instinctively your feet came together and your back straightened. Bowing your head slightly instead of a salute.
“It’s good to meet you sir. Sorry about that we had an incident earlier I just went into bodyguard mode.” You tried to brush it off and luckily he bought it and the rest of the party went by without another incident since you stayed right by Wanda’s side.
As you drove back home with Wanda and Bucky in the car, the quiet hum of the engine filled the space between you. The tension from earlier still lingered in the air, a silent reminder of the jealousy that had flared up when you saw her with Vision. Wanda broke the silence, her voice soft yet probing.
"You got rather defensive earlier," she pointed out, her gaze fixed on you. The tone of her voice carried a mixture of curiosity and something deeper, something that hinted at a desire for honesty.
"I was just doing my job," you replied, trying to keep your tone steady despite the heat rising within you. You kept your eyes on the road, but you could feel her eyes on you, searching for the truth beneath your words.
"Was it just your job?" she asked, her voice even softer now, as if she was afraid of the answer. You knew she was referring to the way you'd reacted, the protectiveness that had surged up, more intense than it should have been for a mere bodyguard.
You took a deep breath, weighing your words carefully. "It's my responsibility to make sure you're safe, Wanda. When I saw him touching you, I reacted. It's what I'm trained to do."
She nodded slowly, but her eyes told you she wasn't entirely convinced. "But it felt like more than that," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the sound of the car.
You finally glanced at her, your eyes meeting hers for a brief, intense moment. "It might have been," you admitted, your voice low. "Seeing someone else touch you... it stirred something in me. Something personal."
The confession hung in the air between you, heavy with the weight of unspoken emotions. Wanda's eyes softened, and she reached out, placing a hand on your arm. Her touch was gentle, reassuring.
"I understand," she said softly. "And for what it's worth, I didn't mind. In fact, it made me feel... safe. Cared for."
Your heart pounded in your chest, the boundary between professional and personal blurring even further. "Wanda, I..." you began, but the words caught in your throat. What could you say? That you'd been fighting your growing feelings for her? That every moment spent with her made it harder to maintain your professional distance?
Before you could find the right words, Bucky lowered the divider, interrupting the moment. "Everything okay back there?" he asked, his voice casual but his eyes sharp, taking in the tension between you and Wanda.
You cleared your throat, grateful for the distraction but also frustrated by it. "Yeah, everything's fine," you replied, your tone brisk. "Just talking about the incident earlier."
Bucky nodded, seemingly satisfied with your explanation. As you pulled up to Wanda's home, you couldn't shake the feeling that tonight had changed something between you. And as you walked her to the door, her hand lingering on yours for a moment longer than necessary, you knew that the boundary between protector and something more was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain.
As you brought Wanda to her room, you were ready to leave for the night, back to your own room to relieve yourself from the tension that had built up. But as you turned to leave, she grabbed the back of your shirt.
"Can you stay a little longer? Come to bed with me?" she asked, her voice soft and small. You turned back to her, looking down into her eyes that held a vulnerability you hadn’t seen before.
"Please..." she added, her eyes pleading. You knew she had been drinking; you had watched her all night, and the red hue against her cheeks and the darker tint in her eyes at the mere thought of getting you in bed with her made your resolve waver.
"How could I say no to that beautiful face?" The words slipped out of your mouth without thought, your hand finding her cheek. You pulled her into her own room, closing the door behind her as you pressed her against it.
"Tell me you don't want it, and I will stop," you whispered against her lips, your breath mingling with hers. Her breath hitched, and in that moment, you knew she wanted this as much as you did. Without waiting for a response, you closed the distance between your lips, finally giving in to the desire that had been simmering for months.
Your hands wandered down to her hips, pulling her against you as her arms wrapped around your neck. Her lips moved against yours with a hunger that matched your own, the kiss deepening as the world outside her room faded away.
Wanda's fingers tangled in your hair, and you could feel her heartbeat against your chest, fast and erratic. Her body pressed against yours, warm and inviting, and you found yourself lost in the sensation of her. The taste of her lips, the feel of her skin, the intoxicating scent of her perfume—it all combined to create a heady mix that made it impossible to think of anything else.
You lifted her effortlessly, carrying her to the bed as her legs wrapped around your waist. Gently, you laid her down, your lips never leaving hers. You could feel her trembling beneath you, the anticipation and desire evident in every touch, every sigh.
"I've wanted this for so long," Wanda murmured against your lips, her voice barely a whisper.
"Me too," you admitted, your own voice thick with emotion. "I've wanted you for so long, Wanda."
Your hands roamed her body, exploring every curve, every inch of her skin. Her responses—soft moans, sharp gasps—only fueled the fire within you. The need to be with her, to show her how much she meant to you, overwhelmed every other thought.
You broke away just enough to look at her, eyes dark and hazy for you. “You’re going to be my good girl, right?” She nodded frantically.
“Just wanna be your good girl!” She cried out, desperate for you to keep touching as your hand wandered up her thigh.
“Then be Daddy’s good girl, okay?” You felt her tighten up, a moan coming from the back of her throat.
“Yes Daddy. Just wanna be Daddy’s good girl.” Hearing her say that was all you needed as you finally got her out of her dress. Unbuttoning your pants revealed the strap you’d been packing all night. Wanda looked down at it, practically drooling at the size and shape.
“D-do you always...?” Her sentence trailed off as you pulled off her panties, tossing them aside. You started rubbing the head against her slick folds.
“Yes, Daddy is always packing.” You smirked at the double meaning behind your own words as Wanda moaned out, gripping at her sheets. You slowly stretched her with your cock, loving the sight of the stretch and her face as you did so.
“F...fuck...” Wanda moaned as you bottomed out into her. Leaning over her, hands on either side of her face. She was a Goddess beneath you her normal soft green eyes so dark it could be the bottom of the sea, the flush of her cheeks, the sweat that was forming on her brow and every little noise she made for you. You couldn’t help yourself as you started moving your hips. Her arms reaching for yours as she gripped tightly. “I-I’m gonna cum!” Wanda cried out, making you smirk as you wanted to push the boundaries just a bit.
“You have to ask Daddy. If you ask Daddy nicely she’ll let you cum.” Wanda’s eyes went wide as her brain tried to process and figure out what to do. You were about to just tell her to cum when she finally started going,
“Daddy please, please need to cum, can I please cum Daddy?” You smiled and started pistoning your hips faster into her.
“That’s Daddy’s good girl. Cum for Daddy. Cum all over Daddy’s cock.” Wanda came undone beneath you giving you the most beautiful sight even more beautiful than you could have imagined. “Fuck...you’re absolutely beautiful.” You spoke softly before kissing her again. Slowing your hips down as you helped her through the orgasm. You slowly pulled out. Getting yourself stripped down to nothing as Wanda whined a bit, grabbing at the air for you. You moved over, leaning down to kiss her forehead, covered in sweat. “I’m getting a towel and water give me one moment and I’m all yours.” She whined a bit, but let you go.
Once you were back in the bed and had her cleaned up she took a few sips of the water. You could tell she had sobered up as you looked at her, she looked back at you.
“What is it?” She tilted her head as she set the water down.
“Was all that okay?” You asked, needing to hear it from her now sober mouth.
“Yes. It was. I enjoyed all of that though it was my first time for anything like that. I enjoyed it and if you’re okay with it...I’d like to do that again and explore some more things.” She fidgeted with her fingers and rings like you’d seen her do before when she was nervous as you took her hands. Bringing her attention back to you.
“I would love to do that again.” You told her with a smile as she blushed. “But for now lets rest it’s been a long night and there is always tomorrow.” She nodded, cuddling up against your chest as you pulled her silk sheets over the two of you. She was out before you could even tell her goodnight.
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veryberryjelly · 4 months
the light that always goes out
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carmen berzatto x fem!reader
prompt : softly kissing that place between their neck & shoulder
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every night you tried to wait up for carmen before you went to sleep.
most nights he would come home before you were fully asleep, even if you were literally falling asleep as he walked in the door, but sometimes it was too late and you were too tired to see him when he got home.
annoyingly, tonight was one of those nights.
you hadn't seen carmen in a few days and you were truly missing him. when you had stopped by the bear today in hopes of catching him on his lunch break, you only found richie who informed you he had stepped out.
when you asked where he couldn't give you an answer and you couldn't wait around for him as you had to get back to work.
so you were determined to stay up to see him, but you were exhausted.
it was like the moment your head hit the pillow your eyes began drooping.
you really tried, but before long you were curled up against carmy's pillow with the blankets pulled up around you.
you woke sharply, sitting in an upright position on the bed.
nothing really woke you. no nightmares or noises, just some sort of alert in your brain waking you up.
you glanced to your side, hoping to find carmy's sleeping form there, but when you caught sight of the empty sheets, your brows furrowed.
had carmen not come home ?
a quick glance around the room told you that he hadn't been in here.
and the light under the door confirmed your fears.
you always left a light on for carmen, whether it was the lamp in your living room or the kitchen lights.
and every night he would turn off all the lights on his way to bed. it was almost like a signal between the two of you.
you were out of bed in an instant, pulling a sweater over your head and grabbing your phone as you headed out to the main body of your shared apartment with carmen.
the panic in your chest subsided when you spotted a figure hunched over the kitchen counter.
you let out a soft sigh as you padded over to him, your arms wrapping around his stomach as you rested your head on his shoulder.
" what're you doing up, baby? " you questioned, taking stock of the papers strewn infront of him, along with the half empty cup of coffee making a ring on one of the papers.
he dropped the pen in his hand, leaning back into your form slightly, his cold hand lifting to rest on your forearm.
" just tryna get all this shit sorted out for the restaurant. " he explained, lifting his other hand to run through his curls.
a quick glance at his phone on the counter reminded you of the time.
your arms squeezed tighter around him and you buried your head further into the crook of his neck.
" carmy, you can do this tomorrow. it's 3 in the morning. come to bed... please " you muttered against his skin.
" i gotta get this done, baby. i'll be in in a couple minutes "
you knew that wouldn't happen, the minute you left he would get sucked back into the paperwork and you wouldn't see him until morning.
you pressed a few short kisses to the junction between his shoulder and his neck before unwrapping your arms from his torso.
you didnt go too far, instead sitting on the other stool at your breakfast bar.
he might not take care of himself, but he would take care of you.
" what're you doing ?" he questioned, bringing his gaze from the paperwork to look over at you.
" i'm waiting for my boyfriend before i go to bed. and also giving him a hand with his paperwork if that's what it takes to get him to sleep "
you never failed to surprise carmen with how well you knew him.
he let a soft sigh fall from his lips as he dropped his pen.
" c'mon then, sweetheart " he said, the faint smile assuring you that he wasnt actually annoyed.
his hand on the small of your back led you towards the bedroom, the other flicking off the kitchen light and sending the apartment into darkness.
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faggotmox · 9 months
Well damn, now I want to see line cook Eddie in a dive dinner who’s crusty to everyone but who also adds extra food when he sees a messy skinny teen/young adult alone.
yeah i got this & wrote a little thing bc i love line cook eddie being a told bitch but also the best guy ever. so crusty diner au with eddie & mox under the cut, guest staring ruby. eddie kingston may have been an iron worker for real but he has the soul of a line cook baby.
"Eddie!" Ruby called out to the line cook standing half in the rain out the backdoor. "I'm off. You sure you're good to run the joint alone?"
"Yeah, yeah." Eddie stepped back into the diner without putting out his cigarette. "It's two twenty in the morning. I'll be fine until Willow gets here at 5." Ruby grimaced at the mention of one of her least favorite coworkers. To be honest, Ruby only really liked Eddie.
"I don't like leaving you here all to yourself. You might burn the place down." Ruby pulled her hood up.
"Nah. I'll just break the health codes. Go on, and get, kid. You've got classes tomorrow, huh?" Eddie gave her a look. "You always stall when you have classes tomorrow."
"Shut up. Gimme a hug before I leave?" Ruby walked through the kitchen to give the cook his nightly goodbye hug. "I locked the far door. Only one register is up. New coffee brewed, and your prep is done. Don't need a new pack or anything before I leave?"
"Stop." Eddie groaned, not about the hug but Ruby's constant need to help him out. "Go home, Ru. Get some rest. I'll text you when I'm off."
"Fine." Ruby stared him down for a moment before reaching into her backpack to pull out a fresh pack of cigarettes for Eddie anyways. "You're my big brother. I got to make sure you're taken care of too."
"Thanks, Ru." Eddie took the offered pack with a smile. He had been nearly out.
Most nights in their small crusty diner weren't busy. They catered to overnight workers, and all night college students. It was the first few days back from a school break so business hand't picked back up. Their few regulars at this time were out of town or cutting back expenses leaving Eddie with hours of nothing in the middle of the night. Plus the storm. At least it meant his supporting staff could fuck off, and he could smoke weed in the store instead of the rain.
Ten minutes after Ruby left Eddie laid down on the diner's bar top, his hoodie bunched up under his head and one of his Tims resting on the spinning bar stool. The diner had a Bluetooth stereo that Eddie would hijack to play something enjoyable.
The diner door rang about halfway through Eddie's blunt, making him sit up way too quick for his bad back. The door opening let in the loud thunder and heavy sound of rain, Eddie couldn't believe someone was out in the storm. Let alone this skinny kid in a huge Carhartt jacket.
"Y'all open?" The kid started at Eddie, half sat up on the counter and blunt still in his mouth.
"Well," Eddie sighed as he started to get down. "I guess we fuckin' are."
"Sorry." The kid's voice was raspy and quiet, but deep. When he lowered his hood Eddie took in the messy mop of strawberry blonde hair sticking to his forehead. "Don't have to put that out for me though."
"Don't worry about it." Eddie shrugged. "What're you havin'?"
"Ain't you the line cook?" The blue eyes sized Eddie up. "You a waiter too?"
"I let the others get home before the storm was too bad. What're you gonna have?" Eddie pushed the menu across the counter top. The kid looked at the menu awkwardly before speaking up.
"Just coffee." He shrugged, sitting down across from Eddie.
"You came out in a storm to get coffee. Fuckin' alright." Eddie shook his head as he started serving up the coffee. The blunt was put on the saucer with the cup and slid over to the kid. "Gotta name?"
"Just like coffee." The intense blue eyes flickered over to Eddie before picking up the blunt. "Mox."
"Mox. Alright." Eddie grabbed an apron from under the counter and tossed it at Mox. "I gotta go do some shit in the back. Anyone else come in and serve them some coffee and shout for me."
"The fuck?" Mox frowned as he caught the apron. "Serious?" But he got no answer as Eddie went into the back.
Almost everything in the kitchen was turned off except one grill top and fryer that were on low. The kid wasn't too old, and if he was walking into this shit hole in the middle of a storm it meant he didn't have anywhere to go to keep safe.
A lot of folks that had nowhere to go ended up in the diner. This kid Mox probably couldn't even pay for his coffee. It didn't take long for him to get a double burger with cheese and fries going. Every so often Eddie peaked out the window to see the kid just napping on the counter top. Eddie was an asshole but he was also a big softy.
"Ay yo, no sleeping on the job, kid!" Eddie shouted as he came out of the double doors to set the burger down in front of him.
"Uh..." Mox sat up, his eyes on the food with a deep frown. "I didn't want nothin'." He said defensively.
"Nah? Well, I guess I just gotta toss this out, huh?" Eddie went to take the plate back but Mox grabbed his hand. "You don't gotta pay for it, kid. It's on the house for curing my boredom."
"Sure?" Mox looked untrusting but was pulling the plate closer to him. "No one gives me food."
"I ain't no one. I'm Eddie." He snatched the last of the blunt back from Mox. "Eat before I steal it from you. Wanna cigarette?"
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sharpfamily · 1 year
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The Essay Escapade
There are no lengths at which a good brother won’t go in order to help his sister in need.
*** Just popping in to let you all know that I have a brief description of each of the Sharp children at the very end of this, just in case you want to know a little bit about them. Also at this point in time, Aesop is retired from teaching and runs a successful potions shop with his wife in the hamlet where they both live. ***
Massive, massive MASSIVE shout out to @aesopsharpmybeloved for letting me play in your sandbox and making me believe I could write something that people would actually enjoy reading. This is a companion piece to her series A New Chance at Life and if you haven’t read it what are you even doing here!
- Tea-withjamandbread
It was late, far too late to still be awake, however Theodore Sharp was unable to fall asleep. It made sense, really. As the middle of the semester approached, so did exams and essay deadlines. The fifth year Slytherin had a lot on his mind.
Call it intuition, call it a special “twin bond” like their mother often described it, but something told Theodore he didn’t really need sleep at the moment, not while Natty needed him. So he grabbed his wand and got dressed as quietly as he could before leaving his dorm room headed towards the common room. He wasn’t at all surprised to find his twin sister sitting at the table closest to the fireplace, it was her favorite spot after all. He was surprised, however, to find her surrounded by books, furiously writing on what seemed to be quite the long piece of parchment, tears forming in her eyes.
“Hey there Nat”
The girl barely slowed down her writing. “Theo. It’s late. You should be asleep.”
"Could say the same about you" Theodore placed a hand on his sister's, forcing her to stop what she was doing for a moment. “What’s that you’re working on?” The boy was genuinely confused. Judging by the furious pace at which his sister was writing, he could only deduce she was in the middle of writing an entire essay. While it wasn’t unusual for him to wait until the very last minute to finish his work, Natty was always far more organized than this and seemed to always have her work finished days before it was due for being turned in.
“My DADA essay.” Theo was no Auror (yet) but he distinctly remembered his sister mentioning she had finished writing it last week. “Why are you re-writing your DADA essay? I’m sure the one you already wrote was good enough to”
“I lost it!”
“I’m such an idiot Theo!”
“Stop that. I’m supposed to be the dramatic one between the two of us, not you. How did you lose it?”
“I was looking through everything for tomorrow’s classes and I couldn’t find it anywhere. What I DID find though is this.” She pulls out a letter addressed to her parents, back home. “I must have accidentally sent Mum and Dad my essay instead of…” She burst into tears. “So I have to re-write the whole thing now because there’s no way for me to get it back in time to turn it in first thing tomorrow!”
"Maybe if you write to them, they could send it here in time for first class?"
"Even if I DID write to them right now they wouldn't have time to send it… It's due first thing tomorrow morning and you know Mum and Dad, they're not exactly… morning people"
An idea formed in Theodore's brain. It was madness to be certain, he'd be breaking about half a dozen school rules, not to mention it could prove dangerous. "I'll go fetch it then"
Natty looked at her twin like he had grown a second head.
"You're mad"
"I'm assure you I’m not"
"You're going to fly miles away from school and then what? Break into the parents' house?"
"Not exactly. I’m going to use the floo and run the rest of the way! It’ll be good exercise! Plus does it really count as breaking in if you have the key?"
"You're going to get caught"
"Dad's a heavy sleeper"
"Dad used to be an Auror!"
"Yeah I think I've heard him mention that once or twice"
"So you KNOW he'll wake up to the sound of someone in the house when he's not expecting company. Besides, Mum's a light sleeper!"
"And she'll be SO happy to see me IF I get caught, which I don't intend on having happen!”
Natalie looked at the essay she was currently attempting to re-write. It was a mess. Barely legible and when she tried to make sense of the paragraph she had just finished, she knew she couldn't turn this in tomorrow and hope for a good grade. Professor Sallow did have a soft spot for her and her siblings, but that would only help her so much.
"Do it."
"Brilliant! I'll be back in less than an hour!"
Theodore quickly hugged his sister then started walking towards the common room door.
"Wait!" Natalie rushed towards him. "Bring this to them please" She handed her brother the letter she had meant to send her parents earlier that same day.
"Sure thing!"
"Thank you."
"Anything for you, sis!"
With one last hug to his slightly less nervous sister, Theodore was on his way.
Theodore slowed down his sprint as he approached his childhood home. The sight before him was everything he was hoping for. The chimney had the faintest trace of smoke, indicating that the fires warming the home were mere embers at the moment, and all the windows appeared dark, indicating the occupants of the house were fast asleep. He took a quick peek to the back of the house, where the window leading to his father’s cellar was located. He knew sometimes his father brewed late into the night, however tonight did not appear to be one of those nights.
It occurred to him at that moment that it really wouldn’t be the end of the world if his parents knew he’d visited. He could probably knock on the door and politely ask if he could have Natty’s essay, deliver his letter, get mildly scolded for being away from school after curfew, perhaps he’d be lucky enough to get his hand on some of his mother’s baked goods before going on his merry way. However, if he was being honest with himself, he wanted to know if he could be successful at avoiding detection. Plus, he had promised his sister he wouldn’t get caught and Theodore Ashley Sharp was a man of his word, or at least, he tried his very best to be.
Theodore knows he needs to be as quiet as can be. He didn't want to get caught after all. He cast a disillusionment charm over himself for good measure, although he really didn't think it was needed. This was his childhood home and he knew it like the back of his hand. He knew exactly which floorboards creaked when stepped on and created a mental map of his shortest path from the front door to the drawer where he knew his parents kept their correspondence.
He quietly unlocked the door and stepped inside. The faintest ruffling of feathers to his left caught his attention. Diana. The owl had been a part of their family since before they were even a family from the stories he had been told as a child, and had been retired from messenger duty some number of years ago. Theodore had anticipated the necessity of keeping her quiet and quietly but decisively, reached into his left pocket and grabbed a handful of treats. He extended his arm towards her, hoping his bribe would buy him precious minutes as he continued on with his mission.
He must admit he felt a little ridiculous, hopping from plank to plank, avoiding the ones he knew to be noisy. He wouldn't at all be surprised to learn that these particular planks were left in their squeaky state in order to make it impossible for his siblings and himself to move about the house at night without alerting their parents.
Theodore made his way from the foyer, past the staircase, through the family room, and into the kitchen, moving to stand in front of the exact drawer he knew his parents kept their mail, successfully avoiding each and every problem plank. "The student surpasses the potions master" he thought to himself. He opened the drawer and pulled out a stack of papers, looking for his sister's essay. However, no matter how hard he looked, all he was met with was correspondence regarding his parents' potions shop. Orders, ingredient lists, accounting papers, more orders, more accounting… no essay. He put the papers back in the drawer and gently closed it. He took a few seconds to breathe, feeling his face redden and his pulse quicken. Natty was counting on him. He had promised her he'd get that essay back for her. He wasn't always the perfect brother, but he prided himself on never going back on his word, on never making a promise he didn't intend to keep. He racked his brain as to where his parents would have put the essay when his thoughts were suddenly interrupted.
A bright light came from behind Theodore and the boy froze, hoping his disillusionment charm was strong enough to withstand the scrutiny of the ex-Auror who had just cast the wand-lighting charm. He had no idea his father had woken, didn’t hear him coming down the stairs at all. He supposed he still had much to learn in terms of how to move about completely undetected. He hadn’t been caught yet, though, and he had some elements working in his favor. Perhaps his father was too sleepy to notice him, although he doubted that. He knew the man probably wasn't wearing his glasses and so maybe, just maybe he still stood a chance in completing his mission undetected.
However the bright light coming from his father's wand had caused the faintest shadow of his form to appear on the wall in front of him. Despite his very best efforts, the boy had been caught.
"Your disillusionment charm has improved, Theodore, but it's still not good enough to fool me."
Theodore promptly dropped the charm and turned to face his father, who lowered his wand and used it to reignite the fire in the hearth to provide a warm light and additional warmth to the room. He wore his dressing gown and Theodore could only imagine he was wearing his nightshirt underneath. His face showed a mixture of tiredness, confusion, slight annoyance and he thought he also detected a hint of amusement.
“How did you know it was me?”
“Maggie’s in America, Eleazar’s never been one for sneaking around and Natty’s disillusionment charm is frankly better than yours. The house is warded to alert us of any other intruders, so that leaves only one suspect, you."
“What gave me away?"
His father deflected
"I'm sure there must be an excellent explanation to your late night, actually, by now, early morning visit. One that also explains why you're currently rifling through your mother's and my private correspondence."
"Actually there IS an explanation"
"I'd love to hear it, sooner rather than later, please."
"I'm here because Nat"
Theo promptly finds himself wrapped in his mother's tight embrace. "What are you doing here? Sneaking out of school in the dead of night, what's gotten into you?"
"From what I gather from the stories you told us Mum, I get this from you"
She loosened her embrace but still kept her hands on her son's shoulders. "Oh hush now, at least I had the good sense to never get caught by your father!"
"That's not entirely accurate darling…" Aesop reached for his wife and pulled her against him, breaking the link between her and their intruder and wrapping his arms around her waist, kissing the back of her head. "I distinctly remember catching you a handful of times sneaking about the castle" She melted into her husband's embrace. "Only because I wanted you to catch me, Ace"
"If you both don't mind I'm here for Natty's DADA essay. She accidentally sent it to you instead of this and it's due first thing tomorrow" Theodore handed his parents his sister’s letter to them. “I told her I'd come and correct her mistake, deliver her letter and retrieve it. If you could just tell me where it is, I will go fetch it, be on my merry way and let you both carry on with whatever it is I don’t want to think about you doing when we’re not home.”
Aesop chuckled as (F/N) spoke.
“I’m guessing she didn’t get our note then?”
“She didn’t say anything about a note, she was too busy trying to re-write her essay from memory!”
“Oh Nat, poor thing…”
(F/N) looked at her son
“We got her essay, and we read it. It was really, really good and obviously finished so we sent it directly to Professor Sallow after dinner, along with a note to Natty letting her know not to worry about it. I’m guessing the poor owl must have forgotten about the second delivery.”
“Or delivered it to Eleazar, wouldn’t be the first time our mail got all messed up”
“Blasted, unreliable school owls.”
“We really need to get another owl Ace, with Maggie in America now and the shop doing as well as it is, Babbity could use some help.”
“Agreed.” Aesop addressed his son
“In any case, her essay is where it needs to be and if Professor Sallow hasn’t received it, have him owl me, and I’ll make sure Nat gets the O she deserves.”
Theodore looked at his parents. Tonight had turned out to be a failed mission for him. He got caught AND he didn’t retrieve his sister’s essay. He was happy though. Happy to be home, happy to be with his parents for just a little while.
"Are you hungry, dear?"
"Nah, I'm good. Ate one too many servings of mutton stew for dinner"
His eyes fell on a plate of his mother's scones.
“On second thought I'm starving Mum, they BARELY feed us at the school, you know"
(F/N) chuckled as she summoned a plate and some scones. Theodore scarfed down the first in two bites, and reached for a second one, as his mother busied herself, packing the rest of the pastries in a cloth bag for her son to bring back to Hogwarts.
“Don’t forget to share." she reminds him, as she hands him the bag.
“I should probably get going… I told Natty I’d be back within the hour and I’m cutting it close”
"Just a moment, I have something for you to bring to your sister."
His father turned and unlocked a cabinet that held a variety of potions
"Ooh, contraband!"
Aesop let out a chuckle as he handed a vial to his son.
"Wideye. She'll need it tomorrow. If I know Natty, she still won't sleep a wink tonight"
"Don't I get one too?"
"Do you want to be an Auror someday?"
"You know I do"
"Then in addition to perfecting your disillusionment charm you also need to master the art of the power nap. Learn how to function for long hours with little to no sleep."
"You're joking"
"I'm not. But there will be plenty of time for that. In the meantime here's one for you too, as well this."
His father hands him a third vial. Theodore doesn't need to read the label to know what it contains. Invisibility potion.
"This one's pretty strong, should buy you about a minute. Use it wisely."
“Anything for Eleazar while we’re at it?”
“I’m sure Eleazar already brews his own contraband.”
Theodore chuckled. Eleazar did have a natural knack for potions and always had a true passion for the subject, the art came as naturally to him as walking it seemed at times. Even Aesop couldn’t say as much about himself, having gone from quite the average student to graduating with the best potions marks in his class thanks to hard work and a drive to reach the top of his field.
“Anything else before the Sharp Delivery Service heads back to his common room?”
“No, that’ll be all” his mother says, as she pulls him into another bone crushing hug. “You’re a great son, and an amazing brother. We’re so proud of you. I love you, Theodore.”
“I love you too, Mum”
He looked up at his father, while still tightly hugging his mother.
"You never told me what gave me away. I know my disillusionment isn't quite up to snuff yet but that's not what woke you up though"
"The front door. It has a very distinct squeak when it opens. Imperceptible from the outside but can be heard from our bedroom. I could fix it, but I choose not to. That's what gave you away tonight. I must say though, I was impressed at how you managed to avoid all the bad floorboards. Well done."
"Thanks Dad. I love you."
"I love you too, son."
Aesop joined in the hug for a moment, then gently took his wife’s hands into his own, releasing their son from her tight embrace.
“Be safe on your way back”
Both parents stayed in the doorway, arms around each other, watching as their youngest son sprinted towards the closest floo flame.
Theodore didn’t waste his invisibility potion sneaking back into the castle. He was smarter than that. He knew the prefects and professors were fast asleep at that time, and his disillusionment charm, while still needing some work, was still good enough to shield him from the portraits and the ghosts roaming the castle. He didn’t hear Peeves in the vicinity, so the walk back to the Slytherin common room was easy and uneventful.
He was greeted by the sight of his sister, who had abandoned her attempted re-write, and appeared immersed in the book she was reading. A quick glance at the cover revealed that she was reading one of her favorite novels. To think that his sister would trust him so completely as to abandon her contingency plan in favor of re-visiting one of her favorite stories made his heart swell. This evening hadn’t gone according to plan, but he hoped that he’d at least be able to calm down her anxieties and maybe, just maybe, she would get a couple hours of sleep tonight.
Natty looked up from her book and took in the sight of her brother, scones and potions in hand.
"Theo? Are you OK?"
"Brilliant, actually" he says as he took a bite out of a scone
"Did someone cast the confundus charm on you?"
"I don't... think so. Why do you ask?" he took another bite
"I see scones, I see potions, do you know what I DON'T see?"
"Oh, yeah... that"
Natty put her head in her hands
He put his hand on her shoulder
"Relax Nat. They already turned it in for you."
Natty looked up at her brother, who had the biggest smile on his face.
"They... what?"
"They noticed you had sent them your essay by accident, proof-read it and owl'd it directly to Professor Sallow. Probably sounded something like this
Theodore stepped back and put on his best impression of their mother.
"Oh Ace! Our darling daughter must have sent us her essay by accident! Poor thing must be so nervous right now but I really don't understand why, this essay is incredible! I couldn't have written it better myself!"
Then Dad probably went "I can tell no shortcuts were taken when writing this paper, well done Natty, this deserves an O and nothing less!"
"I shall send it to my good friend Sebastian at Hogwarts right away! However I absolutely won't also ask about how the children are doing because that would be inappropriate"
"Wonderful idea darling. Once you're done I know something inappropriate you and I could"
"STOP IT THEO! Please. Before I need to cast scourgify on my brain!"
Theodore put an end to his re-enactment, looked at his sister, and handed her a pastry. "Scone?"
Natty took the pastry from her brother wordlessly. He could be quite ridiculous at times, but always knew just how to cheer her up. She couldn't have conjured a better twin if she tried. As Theodore sat on the sofa next to her, she was able to sense that, beneath his playful charade, something was bothering him.
"How long did it take for Dad to catch you?"
Theodore sighed.
"He was onto me the moment I opened the front door. Let me get all the way to the kitchen though, before revealing himself, I think he took pity on me."
"Wow, that's actually pretty impressive"
"Yeah… it is. I don’t know how he does it to be honest."
“He’s been doing it for years Theo, for longer than we’ve been alive. It used to be his job, and it’ll be your job one day, too. I know you’ll be a great Auror one day. So you got caught by Dad. At least you got to say hi to him and Mum, that must have been nice.”
Theodore placed his arm around his sister, pulling her towards him.
“It was. Wish you could have been there, I know you miss them, too.”
“Winter holidays will be here before we know it.” Natty’s voice started to betray the fact that she was fighting sleep. “Hey, you were able to sneak in and out of school undetected, that counts for something doesn't it?"
"I guess it does. I'll outsmart Dad next time." Theodore says, wistfully.
Natty yawned as she curled onto the sofa, resting her head on her brother’s lap. "Good luck with that."
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Theodore didn’t get an answer to his question, Natty had fallen fast asleep. He summoned a blanket from the chair across them and draped it around his sleeping sister. He was glad to have been able to be there for her, to be a good brother to her in her moment of need, to calm her anxieties to the point that her mind was able to so quickly surrender to sleep. Happy with himself, he propped his feet up on the coffee table in front of him, leaned his head back against the plush upholstery, and fell asleep as well.
A/N a brief description of the Sharp children at the time of this fanfiction
Magdala Dinah "Maggie" Sharp
Recently graduated, named after her grandmother and her father's closest friend. Fiercely intelligent, confident, but also quite humble. Te ringleader of the 4 Sharp children. Has had a lifelong passion for beasts, moved to America to study beasts native to the continent
Eleazar Sebastian Sharp
7th year, head boy, named after his mother's mentor as well as one of her closest friends. Quiet and a little shy, very kind and compassionate Demonstrated a knack for potion making practically before he showed signs of magic, and the only Sharp child to have yet to receive detention.
Theodore Ashley Sharp
5th year, named after his grandfather as well as his father's late partner. Has wanted to be an Auror for as long as he can remember, will do anything for his family and particularly his twin sister. He knows he's got charm and charisma and he's not afraid to use them to get out of trouble. Still didn't save him from landing himself in detention on his first week of school!
(F/N) Natalie "Natty" Sharp
5th year, named after her mother as well as one of her mother's closest friend. Prefers to go by her middle name because being named after the "Hero of Hogwarts" combined with her own exceptionally strong magic made it difficult for her to carve her own identity. A master negotiator with a quick wit, she can spot a lie from a mile away., Can usually keep her brother in check, and is organized enough for the two of them.
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needle-noggins · 10 months
I got so caught up in part 1 that I forgot to do part 2 of my Vol. 7 analysis! This time a little more about baby Knives and then adult Vash, just casually altering my very brain chemistry.
KNIVES. BOY. SHUTTING YOURSELF IN IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU. Remember what I said in part 1 about Knives avoiding Rem and holding it all back? Vash may have lashed out and tried to kill Rem (instantly regretting it), but sweet sensitive Knives held himself together so that he could try to kill Rem later... and he succeeded. Here Rem tries to get him to open up, but it's too little, too late. He's made up his mind. She grossly misunderstood how bad the situation was.
In case you didn't already know, don't do this. Don't bottle everything up. Find someone you can trust and tell them what's heavy. Don't be Knives. Don't let your trauma twist your thoughts and actions out of control. Can we read Knives as a cautionary tale, even just for a moment?
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Now, as an adult... For as much as he's quiet and cunning, he's still detached from reality. He can't see, or maybe he can't admit, that he's angry because he's fearful. He can't understand that, if he had an ounce of reflection, he would see that he's not better than the humans who he claim have no self-control, are all terrible, no nuance allowed. Or, perhaps he tells himself that since he's an Independent, and therefore something higher, that he's right by default.
A bit aside - I'm really surprised no one has brought up the fact that the twins are half-plant when they - especially Knives - talks as if he's entirely plant. He's completely ignoring the fact that he's human in many ways, even if not in full. Independents are weird, though, so I may be wrong and maybe the thought that they're half-human/half-plant is a translation thing from Stampede or whatever, I don't know.
I DO also love that this monologue comes around the same time that Knives tries to literally absorb Vash (bringing our symbolic assault count to 3) (way to go, boys) (stop walking into this situation, Vash). Knives complains about humans being parasites, meanwhile ya boy is trying to absorb his sister plants and his brother, trying to feed off their power, taking everything for himself. What a hypocrite.
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Then Vash and Knives have their little fight, which, oof, Vash thinking that this is the end of the line for him is so painful. We're only halfway through the manga and Vash thinks he's about to die already. It just prolongs the pain. Then we get Vash's line about running away and settling down with humans when it calms down, a line that Stampede took basically verbatim, and I love it so much. Vash doesn't talk about his future much, but he foresees himself always running, always hoping for a quiet, easy life in some nebulous, untouchable tomorrow. Once people gain compassion for him and the plants. Once they finally listen. Until then, he'll just keep trying.
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And, for all of Vash's suicidal ideations, for all of his grief and regret, he stubbornly tries to believe in a better tomorrow. For all he has to live with in his past, he can still use his hands now, make someone else's life easier. Through this he can himself feel better. There's a true thing about being altruistic in that it makes you happier as well. Compassion begets compassion. Hope begets hope. This is set so wonderfully within the same volume as Rem's story and drives home the way in which Vash took her words to heart. Yes, Rem was flawed just as everyone else is, but she tried to impart some goodness in these boys, and for what it's worth, it worked with Vash. And, is it really all that bad, to try to do what you can, to use your hands for good, to try to make someone else's life easier? To lessen someone's suffering? Altruism may be Vash's greatest virtue, and if that isn't admirable, then I don't know what is.
This boy is quickly escaping "haha blorbo" territory and heading straight into "irreversible impact on my very soul".
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apupp3tw0-strings · 5 months
Dream Dairy
Date: October 15th, 2131
I'm writing this on the bus to school, but still felt I needed to write this down because well... it felt important.
Its been a couple of days since Spamton started living with us, and he is... even weirder than I initially thought. Not it a particularly bad way just... weird. There's been a bunch of things I've observed, from random glitches to the way its lens static or its weird vocal tics or how it like just, forgets stuff randomly. Papa and Dadaton have noticed even more stuff as they've been staying home with him while I've had to go to school the past few days (Fall Break starts tomorrow so at least there's that.) I've heard them whispering to each other about how it's probably best Spamton's not left alone after Dadaton found him rummaging around the attic on Thursday. (I've noticed it tends to get pretty lonely but have no clue what Spam could've been doing in the attic) Papa's also been planning for CK, Kris, and Jevil to hopefully come over soon so progress can be started sorting through their issues or something. I'm mostly excited for CK to come up here hopefully tomorrow.
Gyeh! But wait, that's not the important thing I was gonna talk about! (Though updating on the Spamton situation is like half of why I've been keeping this blog.) No, I... this is about the strange dreams I keep having. Which I now wonder are tied into the whole Dark World thing. I've mentioned before how I'm no stranger to weird dreams or nightmares, but now it seems my dreams are veering less towards the usual puppet performance stages and strange, blob like audiences and deep, dark waves that drag me under, and more towards the Dark World.
On Friday, I had a dream where I was in my Dark World outfit in a very dark, dark place. I don't remember much, just walking around a lot in the darkness, until I heard... ringing. It seemed to be getting louder and louder and I couldn't tell where it was coming from until I saw a phone. But when I got closer and reached for the phone to make the ringing stop... I woke up. Turns out the ringing was just my phone's alarm and I was late for school. Had to rush to get ready as soon as I could and ask Dadaton to drive me.
And then last night, Sunday started out like my usual nightmares do. On a stage and with a grey crowd. I was Pinocchio and was being held up by strings (likely came from Blane and Blaze teasing me for my nose earlier that day. If only I could have them meet Spamton, my nose seems tiny in comparison.) "I've Got No Strings" seemed to be playing on loop as the strings made me move against my will until it felt like someone or some... thing, picked me up. Suddenly I was in my Dark World outfit again as I laid limp in their hands. I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I couldn't do anything until something cut my strings and I fell deeper and deeper, darker and darker before waking up. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I found Spamton sitting on my chest, staring at me. (Also I think he was... purring?)
I don't know what any of these dreams mean, if they mean anything at all, but if I have any more ill be sure to record them here for... mostly myself but also I guess whoever else is reading these posts? For now, we're at the stop for school and Taffy's trying to ask me something so I should pay attention and put my phone away.
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dameronology · 2 years
yellow (e.m)
summary: just mindless, plotless fluff. i was listening to yellow by coldplay when i was writing it lol.
warnings: swearing, heavy mentions of weed/getting high, no vol 2 spoilers
this is a retrospective apology for the angst i think i'm dropping later tonight oops. enjoy.
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Eddie Munson was a spitfire with the world's most severe case of undiagnosed ADHD.
He ping-ponged between two extremes; one was a golden retriever on narcotics and the other was a mellowed out, insightful man. When he was hyperactive, Eddie was always moving in circles around you - in your orbit, spinning round you the way the Earth did to the sun - barely allowing a breath between words. He got so excited, a white hot ball of energy, leaving a trail of scrawled campaign notes and half-written songs in his wake. It was pure chaos, but it was also warm and familiar. It was insane contrast to when he was high off his left nut, sat on the sofa with his blunt in one hand and guitar in the other. It was moments like that you were convinced he could be the next Jimi Hendrix, coming out with a combination of scarily insightful thoughts paired with a few chords and melodies. Then he would let out the world's biggest yawn, pass the fuck out and forget it all.
Today was definitely more of the hyperactive days. You were curled up in the corner of the trailer, your college work laid out in front of you. Eddie, meanwhile, was sat beside you, gangly legs just touching you. He would occasionally give you a kick and a smile.
"Baaaaaabe," his voice was a drawl. "Do you wanna watch a movie?"
"After this, Eds," you replied, glancing up at him. "I'll only be a few more hours-"
"- Jaws," he cut you off. "I wanna watch Jaws."
"Why don't you go down to Family Video?" you proposed. "By the time you're back, I'll be done."
"Nah," he grumbled. "I don't fancy seeing Harrington right now."
"But you're content sat here staring at me?"
"I love staring at you," Eddie grinned. "There are much worse things to look at."
"Like what?"
You let out a groan, turning your attention back to the notes in front of you. Just a few more hours, you thought to yourself. Then I can give him whatever the fuck he wants.
Eddie began wriggling on the sofa so that his head was closest to you now; there was barely a second before he'd whacked your notepad from your lap, promptly replacing it with a stupid grin and a tangle of messy hair. His big bug eyes, although dark, were lit up the evening sun from the window behind you. It was only in this light that you could see the little flecks of gold and amber amongst the brown.
"Edward," you said sternly. "This is why you haven't fucking graduated! We said we would have a study day-"
"- I am studying," he shot back. "I'm studying you."
"Oh my god. Could you be any cornier?" you replied, barely able to hide your eye roll. Still though, your minor annoyance didn't stop you softly carding a hand through his hair, gently organising the strands that had fallen over his face. "I'm on the last chapter. I promise."
"I have nothing to do!" he whined. "I'm so lonely without you-"
"- bit rich considering your head is in my lap, Eds."
"Yeah, maybe you're right."
"What do you normally do when I'm gone?"
Eddie peered up at you, grin widening. "Wait for you to come home. Sometimes I smoke weed."
"So go smoke then!" you suggested.
"I can't. I'm out and I'm not picking up from Reefer Rick until tomorrow-"
Pausing for a moment, you reached across to grab your bag. After rummaging around for a few minutes, you produced the half-smoked blunt you hadn't finished last night. It wasn't much, but you shoved it in Eddie's mouth with hope, in the same way a mother might sticky a dummy in the mouth of a crying child. He didn't respond until you stuck your hand in his back pocket and pulled out a lighter.
"Will this shut you up?"
"For a bit," he said with a wink, shoving the smoke to the corner of his mouth and taking an inhale. "This weed is awful. Who did you buy it from?"
You peered down at him, thinning your eyes. "I don't know. It was some guy Robin knows-"
Eddie sat up in the blink of an eye, brown eyes filled with completely unwarranted fury. You jumped back at the motion, barely avoiding your foreheads colliding. He twisted himself to face you, a gangly leg on either side of your lap as he pressed his face to yours with a scowl.
"You're cheatin' on me?"
You rolled your eyes. "Because I brought from someone else?"
"Yeah!" he exclaimed.
"You were at Hellfire Club!" you shot back. "Last time I interrupted one of those meetings you didn't talk to me for three days."
Eddie let out a tiny grumble. After thinking for a moment, there was a huff and then as if he had forgiven you, he burrowed his head in the crook of your neck and tightening his arms around your waist. Normally, you would have fought him off but the moment was just too soft.
After a moment like that, he pulled away and fell back onto the sofa, dragging you with him. You let out a yelp and collided with his chest, barely avoiding rolling off the sofa. Eddie grabbed you and steadied you, large hands holding your forearms as he propped himself up on his elbows. He had a huge grin on his face; it met his eyes in seconds, nothing but love and adoration and fucking pride because hell, he had just won the battle. Your notes were on the floor now, strewn with the spliff he had written off.
"What's with you today?" you softly asked.
"How'd you mean?" Eddie absent-mindedly replied, eyes not meeting yours. They were following his hands as they moved over your body; up your arms, down your back, and then to cup your face. Your gaze met his then, and he gave you a gentle smile.
"You're clingy, I know that much, but especially so today," you said. "Is something up?"
He shook his head. "No. I just missed you."
"I've been here all day-"
"- I know," he cut you off with a smile. "Maybe I got a bit jealous that you're spending more time with that textbook than you are with me."
"A bit jealous?" you teased. "Or are you just mad that you're not the center of my attention all the time?"
"Pffft, no," Eddie said. "That doesn't sound like me at all."
"All this from the man that ignored me for two whole days last week over a D&D campaign?" you continued to taunt, but his grin was as wide as yours. His eyes fell down to the shirt you were wearing - his Hellfire one, naturally.
"If you're going to keep giving me ironclad logic then I am not going to argue with you," he huffed, smile still not faltering.
"Good," you beamed. "I don't want to argue either."
Eddie leant down and pressed a kiss to your lips. He tasted of mint - he always had gum - and a little of cigarettes. It was intoxicating taste, one that brought you back to the first few days of your relationship. You'd been getting high under the bleachers in sophomore year and after months of pining, Eddie had finally kissed you. Almost four years had passed and it still hadn't gotten old. He was your home now; a tangle of curly hair and dark eyes that you could never seem to break away from. And why would you want to? Eddie was everything you could ever need; sweet, funny, your best fucking friend. He looked after you and you knew he'd go to the ends of the Earth to make you happy. Right now, though, your lives were tied together in the confines of the trailer park and you had absolutely nothing else to think about but each other.
"So we'll meet halfway and agree that I was right and you were wrong?"
"That is so not how that works, Eddie," you laughed.
He pressed another kiss to your lips before sitting up, hands grabbing your ass and keeping you on his lap and he turned to sit back on the sofa properly.
"So," he began. "Jaws?"
You let out a soft laugh. "Yeah, Jaws."
You hopped off his lap and leant down to pile up your scattered notes. Eddie followed suit - not without placing a slap to your ass as he passed - and began to rummage around for his keys. You caught his denim jacket in midair as he threw it at you, pulling it over your shoulders. He then tossed you your boots one by one, before pulling on his own and kicking open the door.
"After you, hot stuff."
You gave him a wink as you passed, tangling your hands with his on the way to the van. It took a few tries to open the passenger side door - y'know, on account for the fact that it was a rusting pile of shit - but as soon as you were in, Eddie was beside you with one hand on the wheel and one on your thigh. It was an unspoken rule that you always chose the music.
"Really?' Eddie quirked an eyebrow at you, brown eyes momentarily siding you. "Fucking ABBA?"
"You drive, I choose the music," you shot back. "That's how it is."
He let out a cute little grumble, but you could have sworn you heard him muttering the lyrics to Angel Eyes. Luckily for him, Family Video wasn't too long of a drive. Especially not when Eddie broke every speed limit known to man. It was funny how he did it so suavely, one hand holding yours and the other violently spinning the wheel every time there was a corner. He didn't let go of your hand when he had to change gear, instead just pulling your fingers with his as he reached for the shift stick.
Eddie halted outside the video store with a screech. He hopped out the van and jogged round the other side, opening the door for you and holding out his hand. He was a fucking cheeseball.
"Thank you, Mr Munson," you couldn't help but laugh as your feet hit the ground, leaning against him to steady the balance.
"Y'know, I think you might be a future Munson too."
Your eyebrows shot up. "Seriously?"
"I mean..." he trailed off, coming to stand in front of you. He took your hands in his, fingers interlacing with yours as he lifted them and aimlessly waved them around. "I could take your surname?"
"You're soft today," you murmured.
"Yeah, I am," he gave you a soft smile. "It's probably because I'm in love with you."
"You love me?"
"I love you."
You grinned. "I love you too."
His large hands found your waist, gently pushing you back against the side of the van. Eddie placed a kiss on your lips without a word; one hand on your ass, the other placed beside your head on the van with an arm caging you in. It was late and there was no one else around, so you didn't care too much about anyone seeing the PDA.
"I've always loved you," he admitted. "Ever since that day in freshman year that you told me my hair was stupid."
"That was six years ago-"
"- it took me six years to recover from it," he cut you off. "C'mon, let's go get Jaws."
You pressed one more kiss to his lips. "Let's go."
tags: @karasong @megmeg-chan @adamgetawaydriver @eddington-munson
126 notes · View notes
pbandjesse · 3 months
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I pushed myself ridiculously hard today. And my back hurts so bad that I have a pillow behind me propping myself up while I'm laying on my side because when I remove the pillow it hurts so bad.
But I really enjoy today and while I was incredibly stressed out thinking about today and ended up being great. And now I'm just stressed out thinking about tomorrow and I know that just means tomorrow also be great probably. It was a really nice day despite the weather.
When I woke up this morning it was pouring outside. I let myself sleep in and woke up around 9:00 and stayed in bed for a long time. I needed to get up and feed sweet tea though and he was being so naughty biting my ankles and my calves. But I felt pretty good and sleeping in honestly make me feel a lot better after how exhausted I had been yesterday.
I also felt really cute today. My hair was doing really nice thing and my makeup was good. I'm trying to wear eyeshadow again to try to fix the issue I'm having with my eyeliner sticking to my eyelid. And it seemed to work. So that's good.
I didn't really know what to do for breakfast. Didn't want cook anything. Once I got all the curtains open and fed sweet pea I looked in the fridge and I found that I had half an omelet from the other day so I want that up. It didn't taste incredible but it was food. And I knew that I was going to take myself to Five guys after my workshop. I had the whole day planned out. I sat at the kitchen island with sweet pea. I had my omelette and a couple little donuts. Which I shared with sweet pea. And I double checked my materials I needed to bring. I had to cut a couple blocks in half because I wanted them to be smaller for the group. Which ended up being incredibly small. The group I mean. But that was fine I was just glad anybody came at all.
I left here around 10:30. I didn't have to be over at the armory until 11:30 but I wanted to stop at Michael's and get more black ink. I was not going to have that issue again because that made me so angry and embarrassed. So I wanted to make sure I have something better. I even had a 30% off coupon.
I poured myself two drinks. A lemonade and a soda and got my umbrella and headed out into the rain. And it was raining very hard. And when I got to the car I realized I left my lemonade and my soda in the house. I had grabbed all my other stuff and forgot those. So I had to go all the way back inside. But it was fine. I was in a really good mood.
I got over to the Michaels and was annoyed that they didn't have any black ink or any actual printmaking ink in the pots I normally buy it. They only have skin printing ink which I've already run into the issue of that not working But they did have a four pack of black yellow and blue block printing ink and I felt like it was too expensive but with my coupon it made it more reasonable at least and I stopped to look at the clearance real quick but then I went to pay and headed out back into the weather. It's all self checkout at the Michaels now but one of the workers still checked on me and she was really nice. I really interacted with a lot of very kind people today and that made me happy.
I was less than a half an hour away from the armory and my GPS said I was going to get there at 11:11 with the rain. And that is basically exactly what happened. The drive was terrible I could hardly see it times. But there was almost no one on the road because I think they were all afraid because it was so bad. Like roads were flooding and I was getting Gail warnings on my phone. But I got over to the armory and that's when my stress started. Because the gate was locked.
I drove past the armory itself and went down the street to the grocery store to wait in the parking lot until I heard from Michael who is my contact. I looked through my email and sent him an email letting him know that I was down the street and then I found his phone number and texted him. Turns out he lives 2 hours away! And he was just stuck in traffic so it was fine. He said when he got there a few minutes before I drove over someone's bumper was stuck in the fence. Like they had driven into it. I didn't see that so it must have happened in the last couple minutes between when I got there and he did. Crazy.
But the workshop ended up being great. He brought his little dog again and she's very sweet. And while I only had two people they were awesome. They were both named Tony. It's probably t o n i. They were sisters and the older sister was a little older than me and the younger sister was probably like 13. And they were so funny. They both have different names but they both go by the nickname Toni. And they were just so nice. I had set up and started a print so that I could be at different steps and show them everything and going off of my experience on Thursday I had like a pretty good system for explaining everything and I think I did a really good job. And both of them were so nice and the two hours went by so quickly we were just having a great time talking about different projects and work and she might contact me to come in with her church which is in the neighborhood that I live in and work with some of the teenage girls there which I think would be lovely and it was just a really nice time. And they kept saying like this was so cool and this was such a good experience. And It was really cool to just introduce them to something that they've never done before. And I explained different ways that they could do it at home because they were both a little intimidated by the idea and I was like well these are some ways that you can do it with stuff that you might already have and some home DIY stuff. And it was great.
While they were working we were talking and I had brought my one book of men illustrations as a reference guide and while I was standing there and they were working I was looking at the book and I'll back it said that there was other versions like one of women I was like oh I should obviously buy that. So I went on eBay and found it for $10 with free shipping. And then I was like hey wait a second on the book itself it said it should be $4 but that was in 1980. Inflation. I'm excited to have the set though. And maybe eventually get the other ones. They apparently have children and animals and food and items. It's a really good reference guide so it would be nice to have more options for when I do these classes.
Once we were finished and I made sure they had my contact information I cleaned everything up and Michael came back with Quinn and I let him know that at one point Gwen was in there playing with a Christmas ornament and she had eaten part of it. But he doesn't think she actually ingested it. I really hope that that's the case because I would feel terrible. I had taken it away from her as soon as I noticed that she was chewing on it. And he said that the rain had stopped. We were very deep into the building where there was no windows so we weren't aware. But I was very glad to go out into the world and it not be pouring as horribly as it had been.
I said goodbye to Michael and let him know that I was available for more stuff and to just let me know and I was even down for helping with their camp again that I had helped before and I didn't mind the very long drive. And he was like whoa that's awesome. So I really hope he does reach out.
And then I had the rest of my day. The armory is right by the Goodwill. And when I went over there I had some amazing finds. I got a pair of ugg driving slippers that are basically new. If I was buying them new I probably would have sized up one but they do fit me very well. I just tend to wear things that are too big for me. And I found a little shelf for $8. And a really cute blue cloth for the top of it. And it's all scratched on top so the cloth covers up the imperfections. So I was doing great. Though it was hard to carry the shelf around the store.
Once I paid I drove a little farther down the street to go to Five guys. And I have a really nice lunch while I worked through the podcast episodes that I apparently had slept through? I thought I was caught up on my show but I started listening to the new episode I'm like I have no idea what's going on. And the breaker whiskey episodes are only like 5 minutes apiece so it wasn't like it was a huge deal to go backwards but I was very confused. I'm going to try to listen to those on a weekly basis because they come out every day but listening to 5 minute chunks is not fun for me. I want at least a half an hour. I do still really recommend that show though. It's very good.
I have texted Meril earlier to ask if my package was delivered because I got an email notification that it was. And she said yes and I was like I'm going to come and get it. So once I was done my lunch I drove out to the museum to say hi to everybody.
And that was great. The sun was basically out by then and I didn't realize that it was the egg drop project at the museum today so it was very busy in there. But it was the end of it so everyone was leaving. But I got to see Jessica and Jesse and Ashley. And I got my package and I did a little unboxing for project at the museum today so it was very busy in there. But it was the end of it so everyone was leaving. But I got to see Jessica and Jesse and Ashley. And I got my package and I did a little unboxing for Meril and Meghan. And it was a lot of my stuff that I had thought for our upcoming trip like the airplane seat foot rest and then stuffable neck pillow and a new tag for our luggage and it was just very silly just opening everything and showing them all the stuff. Especially because I got a whole bunch of fake hair products. Like fake hair that you wear in a ponytail. And they were like why? But my idea is that I'm going to try to figure out how to wear them so they can use them for different looks for the wedding. I haven't 100% figured out what that means yet but we're working on it.
I hung out there for a while just chatting with everybody and catching up. And a little after 3:30 I said goodbye. And decided that before I went home I would drive over to the shopping center and walk around the Five below.
The sun was really out by then and I didn't realize it was going to be so I didn't have my sunglasses and I was kind of dying so I let myself buy some trendy shaped frames from the Five below. And I got nail polish but I ended up hating the color when I got home. Like it's just looked terrible on my fingers. But it's fine. It was worth a shot. And it was $2 so not the worst thing.
I left the Five below and I drove home. I got stuck in a bunch of traffic around the inner harbor. But it was whatever. And when I got home I brought everything inside and went through all of the packages inside my larger package that I have picked up and took all the packaging off of them. And I just use the word packaging so many times. And put everything away. And then went to figure out how I was going to set up the little shelf. And I had a whole plan and ended up working really really well. My original spot I didn't like so I thought about moving one of the two wooden chests that we have over there since the one just has cleaning products in it and I switched out all the cleaning products so that I could put them in the basement with all the other cleaning stuff. And then I moved one of the boxes up to James's room. And then the little shelf fit perfectly and honestly I love how it looks there. And once I was done that I jumped into the next big project of the day. Which was James's room.
I have sent James a drawing the other day about how I thought the layout of the furniture could work better. And they agreed with me and I was not being supervised and so I was very excited to start moving some furniture around.
I was in there for hours. I hung a shelf and I moved a whole bunch of stuff and I just tried to optimize the space. I had a podcast going about creepypastas and was just really enjoying myself. But I also really wanted the couch to be in there. I got the dresser moved and the bookshelf with the plants moved.
Which by the way was a disaster. It started falling apart and one of the plants got knocked over and the things shattered and then I realized it was root bound and I was texting James and I felt so bad and I was trying to move everything and then it just collapsed on me. Thankfully I'd gotten off all the other breakable stuff before that happened but it was very upsetting. But after I did all that I realized how much space was in there now and it would just be so nice for James to have seating in there especially when they have like friends over. And just having flax seeding in your space is so nice. And so I went to try to move the sofa.
Which I don't know if you remember but I got stuck on the stairwell last time I tried to move it by myself. And when me and James had moved it James said that it was just not going to make it on the hallway but I hate being told no. So I wanted to figure it out to surprise them.
But it did not fit. I tried squishing it I tried everything but it was just about 5 in too wide to go down our hallway. So I took a saw to the legs.
I saw the legs off and this was no easy feat. Because I had to make sure it was even. I made the sofa 27 in wide. Which fit down our hallway and at the narrowest point of the doors it was 28 in. So I had to take the doors off because with the doors on it was 25 in. And I've never taken a door off before so that was a whole exciting thing and I have not tried to put them back on yet because I think you need two people for it. So I took off the doors of the little room and of James's room and over-ended the sofa down the hall and I got it in the office. I was very proud of myself but man wasn't ridiculous.
Once I got it in the room I was kind of exhausted but I had torn up James's whole room and I wasn't going to leave it like that. So I took a moment and got a drink and came back and started figuring out how to reattach the legs. This was not easy. And I should probably go back in and add more supports but I drilled the legs on an angle and I put a very long screw in it and then on the one side I used hinges that I had and I put the hinges the wrong direction so that they will act as a brace and it's ugly but it worked. I will definitely have to figure out a more long-term solution at some point but I sat on it for a while and I wiggled around and it seems pretty secure. So baller. I'm the best.
I really can't wait to show my parents everything that we've done in the house for better or for worse. I text my mom some dates the other day and if she is reading this I hope that she answers me and tells me what date will work the best for them. Because I would really like to show them everything.
And once I got the sofa set up I moved a bunch of stuff onto the sofa so that I could continue to work on putting things away best I could. I finally had enough space to vacuum up the dirt from when I knocked over the plants. And I looked at James's closet which they had said was two full to put anything in and I was like James there's barely anything in here you just don't have it laid out well so I took everything out of the closet and I realized that if I took out the wire rack that was in there when we moved I could fit the bookcase that had fallen on me in there and so I drug that back down the hallway and reassembled it and hopefully it is more secure now. And I made sure there's no breakable stuff on it this time because it is too fragile for that. And I just started putting stuff away. I did realize that there's a dead space on the wall that I think James would benefit from having some shelves there and then they can put some other knickknacks up there and open up some more space. But it was looking really good and I went through a couple of the bags of clothes that they have and then it turns out those were donation stuff. I was texting James basically this whole time. And filling the minimum what was going on. So I wasn't doing anything without their permission and they were excited that I was getting so much accomplished and I was feeling so good about getting so much accomplished. Even though I was exhausting myself.
I would finish up as much as I could do around 9:00. And that's what I realized I hadn't eaten since two and I was dying. All of a sudden I was wheezing and shaking and it was horrible. And the quickest thing I could make was the one minute Tikka masala And I toasted a pita and opened it up and filled it with the Tikka masala and just try to eat that as quickly as possible because I was shaking so hard. But I have that and then I had a little bowl of cereal and I felt a lot better.
I was texting Jess and telling her about my ridiculous evening and she was telling me that she was watching a movie and we were both wheezing apparently. Just having a time.
And then I would go and take a shower. And while I was in the shower I freaked myself out and thought I heard someone in the house but it was just the dishwasher. I came out in Sweet pea was being so cute so I knew that since he's not freaked out I don't need to be freaked out. And now we are in bed together. And I am very much ready to go to sleep. I'm going to go take some allergy medication and go to bed.
I have another full day tomorrow. I'm meeting Meghan in the morning for brunch and then I'm subbing at art with a heart. And then I don't know what I'll do after that. Maybe I'll take a nap. But I just hope that the stress that I'm feeling right now is meaningless because I know everything will be great. It's going to be a good day and I hope you all have a lovely evening. Sleep well everybody. Until next time.
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illiana-mystery · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
Recently I started a new fic, Bloodlust, which is about Lionel "Elvis" Cormac (Willem's character from Daybreakers) saving and falling in love with a human woman while he's still a vampire.
But now, I've also began writing a request for a mutual about Bud Carter (Willem's character from Bad Country) protecting a local baker he has a crush on from a dangerous gang after she witnesses a drug deal gone wrong.
So I have decided to give you a sneak peek of Chapter 3 of Bloodlust and a little taste of what's to come with the Bud fic I'm calling: Love and Beignets.
And I will be posting the first chapter of the latter tomorrow, so stay tuned. 😉
@ghnaim24 @iobsessoverfictionalmen
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As for me, I had some trouble catching zzz's. It wasn't anything new though.
I've always been a barely functioning insomniac.
But there were plenty of nights when I had a decent sleep, long before my infection. I still fondly remember Tyler waking up some nights and cuddling me even closer to help me fall asleep.
I got so used to sleeping alone though, that the memory was only a very faded thought that crept in my mind to taunt me.
So I was only half asleep when I heard faint cries and a loud scream coming from the bedroom. I jolted up and scurried into the room, fearing what I would see when I walked in.
She was shaking, sitting in a fetal position with her arms wrapped tight around her bent legs. Her breaths were shallow and deep and her eyes looked out in a trance-like state.
I wondered if she even knew that I was in the room, until she stared at me with the same fear in her eyes as when she was in The Velvet Room.
"Get away from me!" she yelled and next thing I knew I had a pillow smack me square in the face.
She must have had a night terror and seeing me probably didn't help.
She obviously wasn't in her right mind.
"Brandi, Brandi, look it's me. Elvis. It's okay, I'm here. I won't hurt you."
"Yes, it's me. You remember?"
She looked down in confusion, before looking back at me with a small smile on her face. She didn't speak though, so I slowly walked over to her.
To my surprise, she moved over and pat the side of the bed she was on so I followed her request.
And once I was next to her, she moved over to my lap and rested her head on my shoulder. I held her closer and kissed her forehead, then noticed how red and puffy her eyes truly were.
She had to have been crying longer than I thought.
But about what? Was she still trying to process what happened earlier or was it deeper than that?
Either way, I wasn't gonna judge. Seemed like she had a hard life. I really had no idea...until she started talking.
"I'm sorry for throwing that pillow at you."
I snickered.
"It's okay. It was just a pillow. Didn't hurt me at all."
"I know, but I still feel bad. I shouldn't treat you like that."
"I promise it's fine. No need to apologize," I assured her, before asking, "Did you think I was someone else?"
She looked down after I asked and sighed before saying,
"Remember how I was telling you about my big break earlier?"
"Yeah, what about it?" I asked as I gently worked my fingers through her afro.
"Well, I wasn't completely honest about it...what I mean is I left out some details."
"Like what?"
"To answer that, I kinda have to start back at my childhood."
"Okay, I'm listening."
"You probably already assume that I had a rough life and you wouldn't be wrong. You see from the time I was born to when I was about six, I grew up in a broken home. My father was an abusive drunk and he would constantly beat my mother. And I witnessed it every time, but when I would try to stop him, he would hit me too and lock me in my room without food. But when I was six, my mom had enough and called the cops on him. He was arrested and locked away for a couple of years and my mom moved on and married my step-dad. Life became better for me and my mom and I loved my step-dad. He even adopted me and I took his last name. But good things never stay good for me."
Her lip quivered and her eyes began to water as she took a hard breath.
I could tell she was trying to keep herself together.
"You don't have to go on if..."
"No, no. It's fine. I just needed a moment," she claimed before she went back to explaining.
Love and Beignets
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"But until we bust them, we need to keep Miss Broussard safe."
"Of course, Stan. She can stay with me," he quickly offered. "I don't mind the company and I got plenty of room at my place."
The Sheriff rolled his eyes and smirked at him. He was more than aware of what Bud agreed to this.
"Well, what do you say, Miss Broussard? You'd be putting your life in Bud's hands."
She softly smiled before agreeing.
"Sure, I trust Bud. But what's gonna happen with my business? If I have to stay hidden, can my shop even open?"
"Yes, your assistant manager will be allowed to open and we will have police presence hidden around the store. We will get in contact with her to let her know."
"Oh, okay. Thank you so much. I really don't want my patrons to have to suffer."
Bud smiled, admiring her selflessness he loved so much. She really did like giving back to the community, hell she always donated to local charities, held coat drives for the homeless, collected school supplies for poor income families, and gathered canned foods for that same demographic. She was an angel in human form and he was so glad he was gonna get to spend even more time with her.
"Of course. You're one of the backbones of the community," the Sheriff said. "And as for you Bud, looks like we're gonna have to cut your vacation short."
"Fine by me. I'm more than happy to help put those lowlifes away. And I figured you would make that executive decision."
"Right, well I think we got all we need for now. You're free to go, Miss Broussard."
"Okay," she softly said. "Should I leave my car here?"
"Oh yes, glad you asked. Yes, you can keep it here. Don't want to tip off any gang members. We'll keep it safe from harm."
"Thank you, Sheriff."
The Sheriff nodded before he noticed Bud walking out with her but he stopped him in his tracks.
"Bud, can I have a word with you?"
"Sure. Can you wait for me outside, Miss Broussard?"
She nodded and left to two men alone.
"What's up, Stan?"
"Bud, I know you're in love with her, but you have to remember that you're keeping her safe because that's your job. I don't want you to make her uncomfortable while she's in your care. You have to keep it professional, got it?"
"I know, Stan. I'm not some hormonal teenager. I know how to control myself. And I also know that no one is gonna hurt her. I'll make sure of it. No harm will ever come to her," he declared. "Now, I need to make my home comfortable for my guest. See you bright and earlier tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow," his superior replied as Bud left and went back by Mona.
"Thank you for letting me stay with you. It really means a lot," the young lady said as they were walking to his car.
"Of course. I'm just glad you trust me enough to agree to stay with me."
She giggled.
"Why would I not trust you? You're a good man, Bud and a damn good detective. There's no one else in this world that I would trust more."
He blushed.
"Thank you kindly," he replied as he walked over to his car. Swiftly, he unlocked it and held the door open for Mona which she took before he went over to the driver's side.
"I've always loved your car," she chirped after he got in.
"Thanks. This is my old girl. I've had her since my first day of academy. But she still drives like the first day I got her."
She only giggled in response before asking,
"Can you take me to my house? I just need to grab some clothes before we go back to your place."
"Oh, I know. I was gonna take you there. You do still need clothes," he jokingly said before snickering.
"Right," she sighed as he pulled out of his parking spot and began to drive. "I just wasn't sure how this witness protection thing works."
"No worries," he quickly said, eyes still watching the road. "If you get confused about your current situation, don't hesitate to ask."
He grabbed her hand after and tightly squeezed it, just to insure that she knew she was in safe hands.
Tagging: @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky and @writingkitten
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born-to-lose · 2 months
Devil's Bells snippet #3
Liz, Antonio and Phil decide to kick Jack out of the band
Antonio and Phil were loading the last bags into the van as Liz said goodbye to her family. The boys thanked them for letting them stay here and they were on their way. After all, they had an important gig in Hamburg coming up tomorrow. Important meaning they were opening a sold-out show for an established German band at a popular scene club and would even get a cut of ticket sales. Usually, they played free gigs or in front of a small audience.
“Hey, what about JD, where is he?” Antonio asked and Liz shrugged.
“I blissfully forgot about his existence until now. No idea where he is. If you want, you can call him and ask if he wants to come with us or keep being a bitch,” she suggested nonchalantly.
Phil called him and, unlike if Liz had tried to reach him, he picked up the phone. “Hey, Phil here. Where are you? We're leaving for Hamburg.”
“Ah yeah um…” He paused and the male voice in the background made Liz clench her teeth and grip the steering wheel tighter, taking her foot off the gas so she won't start speeding in anger. “I'll be at the Jet gas station near the Burger King and hardware store,” he murmured into the phone and hung up.
“I swear if he doesn't show up there by the time we drive past anyway to get on the highway, I won't wait for him,” Liz said, knuckles turning white around the wheel, but Antonio placed his hand on her thigh in an attempt to calm her down.
“Nice scenery here, I thought the Northern part of Germany was more boring, I've only really been around Bavaria,” he commented to distract all of them.
“Have you been to Franconia?” the singer asked excitedly.
“Like Nuremberg? Yeah, but I didn't like that city as much as some other places I've been to while touring there. I remember Würzburg and Bamberg being quite nice.”
Liz grinned. “You better say something good about Würzburg, I spent the first couple of years of my childhood there.”
“I know, that's why I said it,” Antonio teased. “No really, I liked that palace with the park and it wasn't too loud and busy for a larger city. Plus, there was a rad record store when I went there last year.”
“Wait, you didn't tell me H2O Records still existed? We could have stopped there on the way the other week,” she pouted, throwing her head back.
“I'm sure we'll be back there soon,” he smiled. “Hey, there's the gas station.”
Liz pulled over and looked around. “So, where is he now? I'll count to ten and then we're off to go without him.”
She started counting and about halfway through, Phil pointed out, “Ah, there he is!”
Frankly, she was disappointed that he was able to get ready and walk fast this once. At least she was granted 15 minutes of a peaceful car ride and she hoped the next one and a half hours in the same car as him wouldn't be too painful with the help of some mixtapes she had freshly made during her stay at home.
Jack opened the door and wordlessly sat down next to Phil. “Hey man, where did you stay?”
They got on the highway and there was still no reply from Jack, except for an annoyed look at the drummer, followed by an eye roll and a scoff. “None of your business, somewhere better for sure,” he mumbled eventually.
Liz glanced in the rearview mirror but decided not to waste a single word on him. Deep inside, she wanted to punch him. She kept up the silence the whole time while her bandmates tried to start a conversation with Jack. They hated complete silence when they were together with other people, but in this case, she loved the silence compared to what would happen if Jack did talk.
The fact that he didn't respond to what they were saying either made her feel a little better about herself, but also made her hate him more because he seemingly couldn't get his shit together and talk to people he had no personal problems with. He could ignore her however much he likes, but he had no reason to be a dick towards their friends as well.
“Ready for the show tomorrow?” Antonio turned his head to look at him.
“What show?” Finally a reaction from him – if only it hadn't been the dumbest thing he could have said.
They all looked at each other in disbelief because he definitely wasn't joking. “Seriously? The sold out gig supporting Chaotic Daze?”
Liz heard the flickering of a lighter and suddenly noticed a gross smell, making her look in the rearview mirror again to see Jack with a joint in his mouth. Luckily, there was a pull-in only a few meters away and she stopped there, getting out and swinging the door open on Jack's side. “Get out of my fucking car if you wanna do drugs,” she snarled, but he smirked and blew smoke directly in her face. “That can't be only weed, and even the smell of pure weed I hate. Get the fuck out and stay there, I'm serious.”
After a pause, he shook his head in annoyance and put the joint back in a ziplock bag. Liz looked at him skeptically before closing the door and getting back on the driver's seat and on the road.
The silence continued for the rest of the ride, except for Liz quietly singing along to the music that wasn't too loud yet loud enough to almost make her forget who was in the backseat next to Phil.
When they arrived in Hamburg, they first checked into the hotel before the obligatory city tour. At the reception desk, they were given the keys to their room which they would all share, just like they usually did when they allowed themselves the luxury to book a hotel instead of a hostel.
Just as they were about to leave the lobby, Jack spoke up, “Sorry, could I maybe get a separate room?”
The rest of the band looked at him in confusion but none of them intervened and they started looking for their room, leaving their bassist alone. He had never brought up wanting his own room before and from the tone in his voice and his behavior in the last couple of days, they figured it wasn't worth the energy to talk to him more than necessary.
As they were locking their room, they saw Jack down the corridor. “Hey, wanna check out the city with us?” Phil asked, although he already knew his answer.
“Nah,” he replied, still wearing his sunglasses despite neither the weather nor the inside of the hotel requiring it. “I'll stay here.”
“Alright, see you later,” Phil shrugged, but Jack had already slammed the door shut, and the three of them got into the elevator.
Liz had been to Hamburg many times before, but exploring places with her friends was always exciting. Two advantages were that they didn't have to spend most of the time finding the places where they wanted to go and that she could show them some lesser known but not lesser fun spots.
In the evening, they went to a Thai restaurant and – more to be polite than because they actually wanted him to be here – asked Jack if he would come and have dinner with them, but he didn't open the message.
Back at the hotel, Antonio knocked on Jack's door while Liz and Phil were walking ahead to their room. “You good?”
“Yeah, was about to go out,” he groaned through the closed door before adding a quiet, “Fuck off already.”
“Sure thing,” the guitarist mumbled and followed his friends.
Liz was taking off her makeup in front of the mirror as Antonio came in. “Still as talkative as with me?” she asked, knowing he wasn't going to be any different around the boys. After all, he hated when people ‘took someone's side’, but hitting, manipulating and cheating on your girlfriend wasn't something you could not judge him for.
“He said he's going out now and… told me to fuck off,” he said, rolling his eyes and lighting a cigarette.
Liz walked out of the bathroom, putting her hair up in a ponytail. “Told you so. Let me take a drag,” she mumbled, taking Antonio's cigarette from his hand.
“Since when do you smoke?” He raised an eyebrow and lit another one for himself.
She sighed and shook her head. “I don't. It's just to calm down a bit. ‘Reclaiming’ it since the first cig I smoked was with Jack Dickhead and I can't let that be my association with smoking,” she added, doing a little dance.
There was a moment of silence as all three of them sat there, smoking with similar facial expressions. In her head, Liz cursed Jack for everything he had done. Antonio got anxious about the upcoming gig for the first time in years and whether or not Jack would appear since back in the car he hadn't known what they were talking about. Phil thought about the ongoing relationship issues Liz had been telling him about and how it had started to affect the cooperation in the band for some time now too.
“Do you think we should kick him out of the band?” the drummer suggested.
“Better sooner than later,” Liz murmured.
“I don't think we could find a replacement bassist on such short notice to kick him out right now,” Antonio noted. “But honestly, I'm not sure he will even show up. Remember when he was like ‘what gig’ when I asked if he's ready for the show this morning?”
Liz rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Oh yeah, what a cunt. I sure hope he’ll at least have the decency to show up, the question is if he's sober enough to perform… Wouldn't be the first time he gets on stage too high to play.”
“Tilburg?” Phil asked, nodding at the somewhat recent memory of Jack staggering on the stage, barely responsive, eyes at half-mast and playing the wrong notes or none at all. Having to subtly ask the roadie to turn down the bass more, feeling like fools for putting on a show with him and close to breaking off the gig anytime if it wasn't for the people who paid money to see them. Afterwards, Liz and Phil even went around to apologize for the shitshow in conversations with a few guests while Antonio tried to talk some sense into Jack backstage.
Antonio put his cigarette out in the ashtray and got up to grab a paper and pen. “Let's go over it objectively and make a list. He doesn't keep track of shows, he doesn't show up to rehearsals and sound checks even if we remind him prior.”
“He’s constantly strung out and unable to perform well, he doesn't put in enough effort to actually get further as a band,” Liz added. “He also hasn't been writing new material, neither with me nor by himself.”
“Oh yeah, we don't have everyday jobs, so we depend on making it as a professional band,” Phil agreed. “I don't know why he's been so lazy when he's the one who has even less than the rest of us. The times of being a famous band through drug excesses are over.”
“We also can't leave out the interpersonal problems. The way he's been talking to us recently and how he's been treating Liz especially… We can't work with someone who emotionally and physically abuses our bandmate,” Antonio remarked, looking at the bruise on Liz's cheek which was visible again now that she had taken her makeup off.
“Definitely,” Phil murmured. “I guess we can agree on what to do.”
Antonio sighed, counting the points on the list. “10 reasons is enough, don't you think? We'll talk to him after the gig, maybe our decision will be confirmed by then.”
The friends nodded and Liz reassured them with a small smile, “I’m sure we’ll find someone to replace him soon. We’ll just attend concerts in other countries like I did when I found you guys.”
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timeoverload · 2 months
I thought that today was going to be easier but the morning was an absolute nightmare. I wasn't expecting the morning team lead to call in again. Apparently the lady that works the night shift was sick so she couldn't come in either. No one bothered to text me about it even though they knew last night. I wasn't imagining to walk in to such a shit show.
One of my other co-workers came in at the same time as me to cover for him. I'm glad she was there because it was just the 2 of us until 8:30 since my boss had to help out in the basement and she was overwhelmed already. I was frustrated though because she didn't know how to open decontam so I had to do it. I tried to show her what to do and she wasn't really paying attention because I think she was half asleep still.
We also had to turn over 2 TEE probes because there were 4 TEE procedures and we only have 2 probes. They have to soak in a tube of high level disinfectant for 12 minutes and need to be rinsed for 3 minutes. After that they get dried and boxed up. Then we have to take them to a different area of the hospital so it takes some time to do. I ended up having to do all of that too because she didn't feel comfortable doing it even though my boss asked her to do it so I could focus on eyes. I know she has done them before and it seemed like she didn't understand it was a priority even though I told her that. I think she was just trying to get out of it. I asked her to go load the autoclaves instead because there were like 4 carts piled with pans to sterilize and I know she knows how to do that. I knew I wouldn't have time to do that either. It was helpful to have her around even though I got frustrated at times. I wasn't outward about it because I didn't want to create more stress. She also hasn't worked there for very long so I know she is still learning and trying to become more confident. I need to be more patient.
I somehow managed to juggle everything and still have time to get my eye stuff done. There were a lot of cases that got done really early too so that was unusual. There were 3 dirty carts in decontam and 2 other priorities before 8am. It was just a lot at once but things slowed down as the day went on.
I didn't get to eat breakfast today so that made me sad. I went to get lunch and the wraps they had didn't look good so I got soup. That was a mistake. It was supposed to be a chicken tortilla soup. There was nothing in it but a tiny piece of chicken and way too many peppers. I don't mind a little spice but it was so spicy that I couldn't even finish it because it was overwhelming. The soup didn't have much flavor otherwise. That is all I have had to eat today and it made my stomach hurt. I am planning on eating as much as I can tonight.
I hope I have enough energy to make it through the day tomorrow. I have 25 cases scheduled before noon and there will be 3 rooms going and the fastest doctor is working. I don't think I will have a lot of help. It would be great if someone would cover for me so I could eat breakfast but I don't think there will be anyone available to do that. I don't know if my boss will have time. I will survive because I always do. I know the afternoon will be easier because there are only 9 cases and it won't be as fast paced. I don't know if I will be on here much tomorrow night because I'm sure I'm going to be very tired. I need to try to stop thinking about work.
I came home and then I suddenly remembered that I didn't get my taxes done over the weekend so I took care of that right away. I panicked for a second but it was fine and nothing bad happened.
I haven't been able to do much else because I'm worn out and my body hurts. I need to make food soon but I don't want to get up. I would like to go to bed early but the neighbors are arguing on their deck again. I can hear everything they are saying but I'm trying to tune it out. I guess I should stop writing now and go get stuff done so maybe I can relax for a little bit before I go to bed. Hopefully tomorrow is better than I expect it to be.
I hope everyone else has a good day tomorrow. Thanks for listening to me vent about stuff. :) 💖💖💖
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panicattheattic · 3 years
Falling Asleep on Them Headcanons
So you were in trouble right?
Yup, you aren't even sure what you did this time.
But here you were.
In Lucifer's room.
Getting a talking-to that's been going on for like 3 hours now.
At this point you were sitting beside Lucifer on his bed.
Kinda looking towards him, but not really paying attention.
But he just kept going on and on.
Eventually you started to get really sleepy.
Ah that's right, you were in trouble for staying out so late...
You tried to fight the drowsiness fearing you'd just get in trouble again.
That didn't work so well.
Soon you were slumped over, fast asleep.
Lucifer felt your weight on him and he knew immediately you had fallen asleep.
That may or may not have been part of his plan.
To be fair, he originally was just going to give you one of his extensive speeches about following the rules.
But once he saw you were barely staying awake, he decided to take advantage of it.
Can you blame him?
You look so adorable when you sleep.
Just don't be alarmed when you wake up tomorrow in Lucifer's bed all snuggled up in his sheets.
He was over at your room.
You were watching a compilation of the best Lord of Fools moments from the TSL anime.
Mammon was crying, but that's besides the point.
You held on to his arm in order to comfort him.
"I-I'm fine, ya dummy! Ya think the great Mammon needs someone to hold him??"
You managed to convince him it was for you instead of him, so he let it slide.
Not that that was something difficult for him to do.
The warmth that radiated off of him was calming, so calming infact, that you couldn't help snuggling into his side even more and drifting off to sleep.
At first when he noticed, Mammon nearly freaked out.
"W-Wha' do ya think your doin'?!"
But upon confirming that you really were asleep.
And since no one else was around.
He let his true feelings show.
He gently moved your hair from your face as he gazed upon you lovingly.
The position might have not been comfortable for either of you, but he didn't dare move for fear of waking you.
He didn't want the moment to end.
You were watching an anime from the human world.
The original Dragon Ball.
You wanted to show it to Levi because you thought he'd enjoy it's quirky humor.
But you didn't have the same magical energy that "Master Otaku Leviathan" had.
You really couldn't stay up all night as much as you tried.
It was well after midnight when your head fell on his shoulder.
You fell asleep without meaning to.
To say that Levi nearly died would be an understatement.
What was happening?
What were you doing?
This sorta thing only happens in animes!
And not to guys like him!
Yeah, if you woke up you'd probably be upset at him for allowing this...
B-but maybe not?
Levi was happy, scared, excited and mortified all at the same time.
He tensed up so bad that he was in more muscle pain than you when you woke up.
So this was a pretty usual occurrence actually.
Whenever you would read together, all cuddled up, it often ended with you falling asleep with your head on his chest.
Depending on the book (like if he knew you actually liked it) he'd stop reading and set the book aside.
He'd hold you and stare at you, mesmerized by the soothing rise and fall of your chest.
He'd stay wherever you were until you woke up, sometimes falling asleep himself.
But if couldn't sleep, he'd stroke your hair and enjoy the simplicity of your breathing.
You were sharing a bath in Asmo's super cushy bathroom.
You were wearing bathing suits, something Asmo half-heartedly pouted about.
He was going off about style and devilgram drama.
As much as you wanted to listen to him.
Because he was undeniably cute when he was honestly passionate about something.
You were starting to feel incredibly sleepy.
Probably because Asmo had kept you up the entire night before.
Just doing each other's make up and gossiping. (Get out of that gutter, please.)
You were kinda worried you'd drown if you fell asleep in here, but you knew Asmo would keep you safe.
So you eventually gave in to sleep.
Asmo noticed when you sank a bit lower in the water.
"MC? Are you-- Ooh~ How adorable!!"
He tried to keep his squeals of delight as quiet as possible.
He failed.
Thankfully you were well an truly down for the count at this point.
He wanted to let you sleep so he could just watch your cute sleeping face.
But he didn't want your skin to get pruny and dry so he did his best to carry you back to his room without waking you.
You did wake up, but just slightly.
All he could make out from your slurred, half-awake talking was his name.
He could have died from the cuteness then and there.
Though, not gonna lie, he was really curious about whatever you could be dreaming about.
Pushing that thought aside (for now) he set you down on a towel which he had placed on his bed and, after getting dry, laid down beside you.
He couldn't help but stroke your face as he too drifted off to sleep with a smile.
Okay, so you know how after you eat a lot you get really sleepy?
Well there was a big meal today, since Simeon showed up offering to cook Celestial realm food, and you jumped on the chance to stack your plate with heavenly goodies.
Through the meal, you were very aware of Beel eyeing your plate as he ate across from you.
You knew what he was thinking.
There was no way you could finish all that food.
And usually he would have been right.
You felt just about ready to burst.
But it wasn't every day you got to eat Simeon's cooking and, damnit, you were going to enjoy it!
It also didn't help that the way Beel kept hungrily eyeing your food made you all the more possessive over it.
It was your food!
And you were gonna eat it!
And that was a mistake.
You ate way too much and after your stomach ache went down all that was left was sleepiness.
And so that led to Beel checking up on you while you laid on your bed in receding pain.
He was reasonably worried after watching you eat much more food than you should physically be able to handle.
When he asked you how you felt you only responded with a groan and beckoned him over.
When he sat down on your bed, you placed your head in his lap.
Beel felt warmer than after eating a super spicy double cheeseburger from Hell's Kitchen.
So he happily let you sleep as he rubbed your back, hoping to help you feel better.
You honestly have no clue how you ended up falling asleep quicker than Belphie.
Well, you were pretty tired already from studying so much.
And your tutor did keep insisting on being a bad influence.
And when the person who's supposed to be helping you learn is purposely trying to lull you to sleep, going so far as to put his favorite cow patterned pillow under your head...
It's kinda hard to stay awake.
Belphie was really upfront about having no interest in studying, preferring to just cuddle and nap.
But when you persisted he "agreed" to help you study.
He knew sleep better than anyone, so putting you to sleep would be easy.
By the time you did fall asleep however, he hadn't expected to find your head on his arm rather than on his pillow.
Not that he was complaining.
He was definitely not complaining.
But now that he had you, he wasn't planning on letting go until he was no longer sleepy.
So if you don't like cuddling, you might want to get used to it.
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neochan · 3 years
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GENRE | smut, idolverse!
WC | 2.6k +
A.N | this is a repost of my older work. i hope you enjoy it <3
You could still hear the unintelligible screaming of thousands of fans as the boys filtered off the stage and into the greenroom. Another successful concert in the long string of tour stops. You couldn’t even remember what state you were in because the days of traveling, unpacking, setting up, and doing it all again the next day ran together.
The boys were dripping sweat, immediately grabbing bottles of water and towels to wipe themselves off. They had worked harder than normal today since during one of the sets the microphone cut out and they had to perform acapella. Someone was getting fired for that.
Taeyong flopped onto the leather couch dominating the center of the room, water in one hand, phone in the other. “People are already uploading photos.” He outstretches his arm so the others could view the pictures pulled up on his screen.
“Johnny you look ridiculous,” you point out, laughing as a fan had caught Johnny in the act of wildly waving his light stick.
“I was having a good time, okay?” He chuckles and walks into the dressing rooms to change out of his stage outfit. Half of the group filtered out to change and half stayed to peruse through the gifts left by venue staff and play on their phones until told otherwise.
You were wondering where Hyuck was when you heard his voice from the hallway. He saunters in and gives you a kiss on the cheek, “Enjoy the show?” His golden skin was tainted pink, hair matted to his forehead by the sweat that was trickling down the side of his face. He grabbed his shirt and lifted it to swipe at his face, revealing his cute tummy. You had to resist the urge to poke it.
“I enjoyed hearing thousands of pretty fans scream your name” You give him a smirk knowing that he hates when you downplay your relationship.
He nudges you with his shoulder, “You know I meant the songs,” his doe eyes look into yours, his long lashes brushing against his cheek when he blinked “Besides, you know I love you and only you.”
Mark began to nervously giggle in the corner while Doyoung made fake gagging noises from the vanity he sat at. “Oh, shut up.” You say, throwing empty water bottles at the two, “And hurry up I wanna go swimming before it gets too late.”
The ride home was peaceful once the swarms of fans cleared a path for the bus. Per the managers request you slouched down in your seat so know one could see you through the window. It didn’t make much sense because the windows were tinted, but Haechan had to argue for his life to allow them to let you tag along on the tour, so you didn’t question them. Once you were on the road, you sat back up and snuggled close to Haechans side. He rested his hand on your thigh, absentmindedly stroking you with his thumb. His head leaned back against the seat, eyes closed, listening to music. It was so loud you could almost make out the words but you didn’t say anything – you let him stay in his post concert utopia for the whole trip.
The hotel was about an hour away from the venue so that no one would find them, and they’d be closer to their next destination. It was nicer than the others because it actually had a pool. You and Haechan made an agreement to go swimming after the concert, and you couldn’t wait. The staff also rented more rooms, so instead of four people to a bed, it was just you and Haechan.
After checking in everyone filtered off to their rooms leaving the both of you to freely do whatever you wanted - within reason of course. You both got changed, your gaze admiring the hard lines of Haechans back. “Don’t stare.” He blushed, wrapping a towel around his upper body.
You pulled on your bikini which made Haechan go silent. You specifically picked this one because it brought out your skin tone well, and cupped your features beautifully. “Now who’s staring?”
It never failed. The butterfly feeling you got in the pit of your stomach when Haechan watched you with loving eyes. You wrapped a towel around your waist, allowing Haechans eyes to roam the tops of your breasts, peeking out from the almost too small bathing suit.
His cheeks turned pink once he noticed he was caught, “Let’s go”.
The hallways were quiet since it was almost midnight, so you wordlessly made your way down the stairs and out into the night air. It had grown considerably cooler than when guys first arrived that morning, but the sky made up for it. Pretty stars pricked the vast expanse of dark blue and black infinity. You could see the moon peaking out from behind a single cloud, casting a shadowed glow on Haechans honey skin.
The gate was closed when you walked up to it so you stopped to read, “Aw man, the pool closed an hour ago,” You set your lips in a pout, “no wonder the lights weren’t on.”
“Hey it’s okay, no lights, no cameras, they probably wont even notice we’re here if we keep quiet.” He moves closer to you, eyebrows raised expectant for an answer.
You hesitated wondering if you really could pull it off, after all you’d been looking forward to this for the whole day, “I don’t wanna get in trouble..”
“You said you wanted to swim and I’m going to make sure that happens,” He gets down on one knee, “step on my leg, I'm gonna help you jump the fence.”
He boots you over, and grabs your arms to help lower you on the other side, but his hand slips and his nails dig into your shoulder. “Ow, fuck.” You wince rubbing the spot he scratched.
“Sorry, sorry” He says giggling, jumping the fence with such quietness and ease that it looked unreal. “Come on, dare you to do a canon ball!?”
He ran ahead throwing his towel on one of the pool chairs and jumping in the water. You cringe away from the loud slap his body hitting the water made. You walk slowly to the chair, deeply inhaling the addictive chlorine scent.
He finally stands up waist deep in the water and pushes his hair back. The blue water reflected against him, making his skin sparkle. “Come into the water y/n” he splashed some water into your general direction, but not enough to touch you.
“Okay, Okay.” You drop the towel and slip into the water. It was cold. Really cold. You gasp and recoil away, but not fast enough, because Haechan has wrapped his arms around you and started carrying you towards the deep end. You struggle a bit in his grip but his arms provide an iron cage that you can’t get out of. “Haechan let me go!”
He presses a warm kiss to the back on your neck but doesn’t comply with your wishes, instead making a curve and bringing you towards the underwater benches. He fixes his hold on you so that now he’s carrying you bridal style. You stare up at him, water droplets falling off his chin. His eyes were already red from the chlorine and you hoped that it cleared up by tomorrow nights concert. His plush lips sat in a pout, strong jaw set. He was so very pretty; and all yours. You smiled to yourself, deciding to keep that image locked away in your memory forever.
Once he gets to the benches he sets you down and glides in beside you. “You know It’s colder than I thought it was going to be.” He lifts a hand and sheepishly rubs the back of heck, “and you look way hotter in that bikini than I thought you would.”
“I don’t know if that’s supposed to be a dig or a compliment.” You scoot closer to him so that your thighs were pressed against each other. Finding his hand underwater, you intertwine your fingers with his own.
“A compliment babe.” He chuckles and slouches in the water so that only his head sat above it. You both sit there for a moment until it becomes too cold to sit still.
“Well I’m going to put it to use and go swim.” You push off from the cement and paddle around. The only way to stay slightly warm was to keep moving. Haechan watched you, eyes crinkled in a smile, bottom lip caught between his teeth. It was fun to watch you play in the water but the bathing suit was making him think of other things you two could be doing.
And that was how it stayed. Haechan watching while you performed for him.
A while had passed, the calm exterior of the pool getting to you, making you drowsy. The cold blue water washed over your hands while you gently skimmed the surface, making your way over to where Haechan was. You hummed a short tune under your breath, trying to keep yourself distracted. it was close to one in the morning now, but Haechan still sat on the bench, slightly shivering from the brisk air, hands gripping his thighs under the water while his mind wandered far away from the present.
“Watcha thinkin’ about” you ask, moving closer to him, hoping to catch some lingering body warmth.
“Fucking you ,” he moved off the seat and dove under the surface, only leaving small ripples in his wake. You stand there for a second wonder how he could be so blunt, so forward in his desires; he was never like this.
He swam a single circle around your body before popping up in front of you, giving you a mini heart attack. He pushes you back against the tiled walls, “I’ve spent the last hour thinking about fucking you. Thinking about how pretty you’d sound.” His head dips down to kiss along your collarbone, and your hands grab the back of neck, holding him there while his tongue sucked bruises into your tender skin. His hands grazed the bare skin of your arms, giving you goosebumps.
He moaned into the side of your neck, biting and sucking away, wanting you to yearn for him like he did for you. He lifted his head so that his mouth hung over yours, his small puffs of breath fanning over your face while he tests the waters. “Can I kiss you?”
Without giving him an answer you pull him closer by the roots of his hair. His kissing was messy and sweet, and while your tongues moved together, his hips began rubbing circles against you, trying to gain some friction in the cool water. Small heavy breaths were the only sound you could hear, aside from the occasional splash as Haechan moved restlessly.
Your hand wandered down his chest and below the surface to where you could feel him straining against his shorts. You began to stroke him over the fabric, his hips pushing against your touch. He broke the kiss to watch as you peeled down the elastic from his hips, his cock freed from the restricting material of his swim shorts. You watched him twitch slightly as the cold water met his length.
“You can’t make any noise.” You place a single finger against his lips.
“No promises.” He whispers, a devilish smirk breaking way on his face. His hands caress you thighs, pushing your bottoms to the side. The cold water hit you, making you gasp and push into Haechan who just whimpers against your touch.
He tried to stay quiet, only soft grunts between gritted teeth and muffled moans as his hips pushed into your own. The water created resistance but it just enhanced how good he was feeling. He hurriedly grabs at your legs, pulling them up so that they sat around his waist. Your back dragged up the tiled walls, scraping your tender skin, but you could only focus on Haechans cock thrusting deeply in and out of you. He stared longingly into your eyes, filling you up completely, wanting to savor the way they fluttered in the back of your head.
“You love the way I fill you up huh?” He groans into your ear, a hand falling forward to grip the cement ledge of the pool.
You couldn’t respond without fear of moaning so you nod your head wildly. He began to bite and suck at your collarbone, pushing you closer to the edge. Looking down he sees your nipples, erect, poking through the wet fabric of your bathing suit. His eyes grow wide, hips stuttering into you. Fuck you were hot.
“Haechannie, I think I’m going to come.” You squeezed your eyes shut trying to focus on the feeling coiling in your stomach.
“Not yet.” He growls, hands moving to pin your wrists against the cement ledge, “Hold it princess, I know you can.” The water began to slosh around faster as Haechan thrusted harder into you. The sound was so loud its no wonder you didn’t hear the keys jangling against the hip of the guard making his way towards you two.
“Hey!,” he shouts running towards you, “The pool is closed! Get out! Are you two-” He didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence as you and Haechan spring up out of fear and take off. It was easy to push yourself up onto the pool deck. The guard made the mistake of following you two and leaving the gate unattended. You and Haechan ran out, giggling, making your way back into the hotel. You didn’t stop until you got into the room and slammed the door behind you.
With your heart hammering in your chest you lean against the dark cherry wood . “Holy fuck we could’ve gotten in serious trouble.” You gasp out, clutching a hand against your wet bathing suit top.
“Babe we’ll be gone by morning, no one is gonna know.” Haechan paces in front of you trying to catch his breath. His shorts hung dangerously low on his hips, it was miracle he got them up in time.
“We’re so banned from this hotel.” A knock on the door makes you jump away from it, the worst of punishment's filling your mind. What were they going to do? They couldn’t arrest you, could they?
Haechan walks forward and turns the knob slowly, revealing a sleepy Doyoung. His oversized t-shirt hung off one shoulder showing off his gaunt collarbone. He was rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“What do you want Doie?” you ask softly.
“How was getting chased by the guard?” he gives a sleepy chuckle, still half in his dreams.
“How did you-,” A look of realization hits Haechan, “You reported us?” He whined, pushing Doyoungs bare shoulder so that he stumbled back.
“Sound travels over water dumbasses and you guys were loud, I was trying to sleep!” Protesting, he pushes Haechans wet shoulder back.
“Well, now we’re going to be twice as loud.” Haechan slams the door in Doyoungs face and grabs you, throwing you on the bed. You give a squeal, and hear Doyoungs fist hit the door.
“I swear I’ll make a noise complaint.” He sounded more irritated than sleepy now.
“Go ahead, you’re just mad I’m getting laid and you aren't.” You playfully slap Haechans arm, but he nips at your hand. The other side of the door grows silent, Doyoung either going to report you two, or going back to his room defeated.
“Shall we pick up where we left off princess?”
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
artificial scarcity || (soft)dark!Jake Jensen x reader
summary: you'll realize how good he can treat you, how badly you need him, one way or another. you just need a little encouragement, that's all.
word count: 4k, somehow...
warnings: smut! (dubcon; she is fully consenting but under dubious circumstances), drugging (technically), kidnapping, imprisonment, starvation, touch-starved reader, bed sharing, grinding/thigh fucking, size kink, spanking, implied stalking/voyeurism, implied noncon (kinda?), jake being possessive and manipulative and creepy
a/n: this was supposed to be a drabble which is why the pacing might feel a little rushed in the beginning but I hope you guys don’t mind!
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Jake was normally a relatively patient guy, especially with you since he had an obvious soft spot for the newest member of the team.  But after months of trying to get your attention, of his abysmal flirting not getting him anywhere, of you becoming more and more comfortable with the idea of him as a friend and nothing else, his patience was running thin.
He was tired of waiting for the perfect opportunity to rescue you and show you that he was the perfect guy for you.  He was tired of waiting for you to figure out that he could be everything you needed if you just let him.  So, he figured he needed to manufacture a chance to save you; he needed to take away some things just to bring them back, show you what it was like to let him take care of you.
Getting close to you was easy, you were teammates and friends so you trusted him.  The tricky thing was he didn't want you to know it was him, so he used your trust to lure you right into his trap.
Movie night tonight? There’s some cheesy slasher playing at the drive in at 1930, he texted you as soon as he could to the showtime to decrease the odds of you having any time to tell anyone about your plans to meet up with him; he’d rather not have the heat of being the last person to see you before your disappearance.
yeah sure!  are you driving? you replied almost instantly.
Yep, I’ll pick you up at S Lamar and Hanover in 10, he informed you, knowing it was close to your apartment but far away from any security cameras or likely witnesses.
He parked a block away and walked around the corner to see you standing there under the flickering streetlight looking at your phone.  You were waiting for him, and as he hid behind cover to come closer, you were clearly looking around for where he might be.  Thankfully, you didn't see him or his tranq gun, and he got your neck on the first shot.
He ran to catch you before you fell, relishing the weight of your body limp and pliant in his arms.  Somehow, he resisted the urge to play with you now, knowing it would be worth the wait to let his whole plan come to fruition.
The room he locked you in was dark and damp, barely any light but enough to see the half-full water bottle he left for you; your chain was short but you could reach everything you needed.  It broke his heart to hear your cries but he had to ignore them, if he came in now it wouldn't make sense.  He needed to be patient.
When the video feed from his camera inside showed that you'd fallen asleep for the night, he snuck in to bring you a new water bottle and a little granola bar since you'd screamed all day about being hungry.  You seem surprised when you woke up and saw it, quickly grabbing the bar but taking a long time to examine and smell it first before eating, like you were afraid it was poisoned.  But you ate, and drank your water, and waited for rescue.
Day 3 was the hardest to watch.  You tugged at your chain so much that he worried you'd hurt yourself.  He decided tomorrow was the last day because he couldn't take any more of this.
On the fourth day, he waited until you started to cry yourself to sleep before shutting down his equipment and finally coming to the door; he took a deep breath, preparing himself, before dramatically kicking it down and gasping when he saw you.  He called your name into the dark and you barely had the energy to open your eyes, poor thing.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" he yelped, dashing over to where you were chained and picking at the lock.  "I'm gonna get you out, don't worry, you're safe now."
"Jensen...?" you mumbled sleepily, making him smile and stroke your face a little.  
"Yeah, I'm right here."
He carried you to his car and drove you home-- not your old home, your new one which also happened to be his apartment.
"I think it's time to wake up, I'm guessing you wanna take a shower," he cooed at your sleeping form, watching you stir in his arms before finally blinking your eyes open and looking up at him.
"Oh," you whispered.  "Did I fall asleep?"
"Yes," he laughed, "you've been out the whole ride here."
"Oh…” you repeated, “and where are we?"
"My apartment.  I didn't want to leave you alone right now."
You nodded, seemingly in agreement.  "You can put me down now."
He reluctantly did as you'd asked, watching you carefully put weight back on your legs.
"Woah!" he chuckled when you wobbled a bit, reaching out to catch you, but you recovered.
"Thank you," you whispered, and he smiled at you.
"Just wish I'd found you sooner.”
"Um, you said I can take a shower?"
"Yeah, down that hall, first door on the right.  I'll bring you some clothes,” he explained, and you smiled weakly before navigating your way to the bathroom.
You looked so good in his clothes that his heart skipped a beat when he saw you step out into the living room.  The t-shirt that was almost too tight on him was baggy on you, reminding him of how delicate you were in so many ways, how much bigger he was than you.
It reminded him that if he really wanted to, he could force himself on you and you'd be helpless to stop him.  But that wasn't what he wanted.  It was going to be so much better this way.
"Wanna go to bed now?  I'll take the couch," he offered.
"N-no," you stammered, and he gave you a quizzical look.  "I don't… I don't want you that far away."
"Okay, I could sleep on the floor," he bargained instead, "in my room, with you."
"No," you sighed again, "then I won't be able to see you."
"I'll be right there," he reminded you.
"It's a king, right?  You can share with me."
"Are you sure?" he pressed.  "I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable."
"No, please, this is the only way I'll be comfortable."
"Okay," he smiled, guiding you to the bedroom.  He let you watch him take off his shirt and smirked a little when he saw you ogling.
"I usually just sleep in boxers," he admitted nervously.  "I'll put on some pajama pants at least."
"It's fine, really," you smiled.  "I don't wanna be any more of a burden than I already am."
"You're not a burden."
"And I'm not gonna wear pants to bed anyways," you shrugged.
But he hadn't given you a new pair of panties to wear because he didn't have any to give you.  Which meant that if you took off the sweats he'd given you, that'd leave you in his shirt and nothing else.
He tried not to let that thought go straight to his cock as he unbuttoned and pushed down his pants, seeing you conflicted on where to look, before getting in bed.  You did the same, taking the sweats off once you were under the covers and tossing them out from under the blanket.
"Goodnight," he smiled as he turned off the lamp, hearing you whisper it back before starting to shift around and get comfortable.
He didn't have to wait nearly as long as he had expected to hear you meekly whisper, "Jensen?"
"Yeah, is everything alright?" he asked, voice full of concern.
"I… I don't want to ask you for anything else…" you sighed.
"No, hey, it's okay," he assured, "ask for anything."
"Would you, um, would you hold me?" 
He cleared his throat a little.  "If you need me to."
"Please, it's the only way I'll be able to sleep."
He sighed a little but relented, coming over to your side of the bed and spooning you, gingerly laying one arm over you and trying to avoid touching you anywhere too personal.
"Thank you," you sighed sleepily.
"Whatever you need,” he assured.
"Jake, why are you doing all this for me?" you asked quietly, turning back a little to look at him.
"You're my teammate, nobody gets left behind,” he explained.  “Besides, this is all my fault anyways.  You were waiting for me when they got you."
"No, Jake, don't say that.  It's not your fault."
"Alright, but it's not yours either.  You didn't deserve that."
“You’re right, but I don’t deserve this either,” you mumbled.
“Yes, you do.”
You shifted slightly against him, humming contentedly, and he groaned.
"I think maybe we should stop," he hissed, pulling away— but you stopped him by grabbing his arm.
"No, wait," you whimpered.  "Why?  What’s wrong?"
"I, uh, I guess I'm just experiencing some of the consequences of laying in bed with a beautiful woman…"
"The, um, the biological consequences."
"I— oh,” you whispered.
"Yeahhh...” he trailed off awkwardly.
"No, hey, it's okay.  I don't mind, I mean, you can't help it,” you shrugged.
"Sorry, I'm not normally this easily amused but it's been a while, so…"
"I understand," you assured, "really, it's okay… just don't go."
He just barely heard your gasp as he pressed himself against you, his shaft cradled perfectly between each soft globe of your ass.  "Is this okay?" he asked quietly.
"Y-yeah," you answered, making him suppress a laugh since it was obvious you were noticing his size.  He would bet a grand at least that you were getting wet right now, if he had anyone to bet against.
Your back arched a little, pushing your ass into him with more force, and you actually started to rock your hips ever so slightly.
"Stop moving," he hissed through his teeth.  
"I'm not…" you denied weakly.
"Yes you are, you're… rubbing yourself on me."
"I'm sorry, it just feels good,” you admitted sleepily, surprising him with your forwardness.  “You like it too, right?"
"Yes, but I feel like I'm taking advantage of you,” he admitted worriedly.
"You're not,” you promised, “you did so much for me— you saved me— and I want to help you, too.  You said it's been a while since you were with anybody, I could help you out… you know, you could rub up against me until you…"
He groaned a little but leaned in closer until his lips were right against your ear.  "Are you sure?  Don't do me any favors, you don't owe me anything."
"I want you to," you assured, making him smile and nod a bit, taking a moment to enjoy a deep breath as he prepared himself.
Carefully, he began to rock his hips forward, rubbing his cock on you through his boxers.  Even with a layer of cotton in the way he could feel your warmth, he could imagine how smooth your skin was.  If you hadn't been able to make out the shape of him before, you certainly could now— the ridge of his head was probably digging into you, and on particularly long thrusts he could feel your ass against his balls (which, inversely, meant you could feel his balls against your ass).
He held your hips as he picked up his pace a bit, grinding into you and breathing heavily in your ear.  You gasped and tried to hide a moan by biting your lip but he heard it.  It was even more obvious when he whispered your name to you, heavy with desire, and rubbed your spine with his finger.  Your back arched even further, inviting him to push harder against you until he felt the slightest wet patch forming on his boxers— not from him, from you.  It made his cock throb and his breath catch in his throat.
Overcome with need, he pushed his boxers down quickly before getting back to it, both of you moaning at the feeling of his skin on yours.  He was so close to your pussy he could hardly stand it, and he knew you must be dripping right now, desperate to be filled.  He could probably slip right in and you wouldn't even stop him, but that wasn't what he needed from you right now.  You needed to ask him for it.  He knew you wanted it, but he needed you to know you wanted it.
A drop of precum formed at his slit, smearing onto your skin and easing his way further.  
"I want you to feel good, too," he whispered.  "I don't just want to use you."
He pushed his cock down and slipped it between your thighs instead, sliding right against your wet, silky folds.  You whined beautifully as he thrusted forward, your thighs clenching (and therefore gripping him even tighter) when his cock slid right over your clit.
Your wetness was plentiful enough to drench him just from this, so he already knew the answer but he still asked, "does it feel good?"
"Yes," you sighed.  "Yes, it's good…"
He knew he could make you come like this, and he knew exactly how to, but that wouldn't get him what he wanted.  Instead he only gave you enough to keep you on the edge, moving too slow to really let you finish.  You even tried to move faster but his grip on your hips was too tight, keeping you still so he could savor his own pace and keep you desperate.
"Fuck me," you moaned.  
"I don't have a condom," he whispered nervously.
"I don't care, just please…"
That was all the encouragement he needed, pulling back enough to guide his head to your entrance before sliding right in.  Your wet, hot walls stretched open to accept him, struggling against his girth but eventually giving way.
Your hand shot back to grab onto his thigh, trying to keep him from going too deep, but he had no intentions of holding back now that he was inside you; he delicately grabbed your wrist and guided your hand back to your chest where he wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly.
"Baby," he moaned into your ear as his hips met yours.  "This is my pussy now."
You gasped and shivered in his arms, eyes falling shut as he pulled back and pushed in again, incredibly slow but as deep as he could push himself.
Your moans were perfect, even better than the ones he'd heard when he hacked into your webcam because it wasn't just your fingers or toy anymore, it was him— exactly what you'd always needed, whether you knew it or not.  He'd dreamed of this for so long and now that he had you he couldn't imagine ever letting you go.  Every inch of your channel was like heaven, every moan was somehow more beautiful than the last.
"That's it, baby, take all of me," he purred when he pressed deep into your cunt, holding your hips so the tip of his cock hit the deepest parts of you.  You made the cutest little choking noise and he kissed your neck while trying his best to make you do it again, moving faster and slapping his hips against yours more firmly.
"Jake," you managed to whimper, and he groaned through his teeth.
"Yeah, I'm right here," he promised.  "That's me inside you, sweetheart, that's my cock filling you up."
He leaned back slightly and pulled your ass apart so he could see his cock stretching you out, disappearing into your body.  It made his head fall back for a moment before he pulled you close again and started thrusting faster.  He reached around and brought two fingers to your clit, rubbing it fiercely as he kept thrusting.
"Oh fuck," you moaned, "Jake, right there… I'm gonna come…"
He laughed a little, kissing your ear as a show of approval.  "Baby, you're so sensitive," he praised, giving your clit a little spank.  You cried out and shuddered, bouncing yourself back on his cock, meeting his thrusts.  Amused by your neediness, he stopped moving and watched you go.
"There you go, sweetheart, fuck yourself with my cock.  Make yourself come."
You whined and kept going, your ass slapping against his hips loudly.  He kept rubbing your clit as you worked his cock, your walls starting to clench down on him rhythmically and your body beginning to shake.
The absolute second he heard you cry out with pleasure as you reached the peak, he grabbed you and rolled both of you over until you were on your stomach and he was brutally fucking you into the mattress.  He could still feel you pulsing around his length, gripping him tight and pulling him deeper.
"That's it, keep fuckin' coming for me," he groaned.  "Gimme one more and then I'm gonna fill you up."
"Jake!" you yelped, grabbing onto the pillow and even biting it as he slammed into you.  
"You're so good, baby, your pussy feels so good," he growled, pinning you down by your shoulders as he sped up even more.  He laughed when he felt your walls weakly fluttering, his balls hitting your swollen clit with each thrust.  "Gonna come again already, baby?  Just from my cock?"
"Yes," you sobbed hoarsely, "yes, Jake, I'm gonna come again— oh my god, please don't stop…"
"Oh, I won't stop," he assured.  "You take it so fuckin' good, sweetheart, like you were made for it.  Like you were made for me."
You moaned loudly and he took the opportunity to spank you— not incredibly hard but enough to make you whine a bit… and get even wetter.
"Oh fuck, you like that huh?" he purred with a grin.  "You like it rough."
"Yes, fuck, I love it," you agreed with a moan.  "I'm— I'm coming, Jake, don't stop."
"Yeah, I know," he chuckled, "I can feel it.  Feels so good when you come on my cock, baby…"
You went suddenly from arching your back and gripping the pillow to falling limp and relaxing, your body his toy now as he fucked you to the point of overstimulation.  Your moans were exhausted and muffled now, your walls clinging to him desperately as he continued stroking every sensitive place he could reach (which was all of them).
He could so easily pull out and paint your back, or jerk himself off over your ass, but if he was going to claim your body then he was going to do it right.  
He didn't warn you in advance, just in case you suddenly decided to tell him to pull out, but he did make sure you knew what he was doing.  "Fuck, I'm coming!" he moaned as his cock flexed and his seed filled you, still thrusting in time with each pump of his release.  It was nearly overwhelming, physically and psychologically.  He was finally filling you like he'd fantasized about basically every time he got off since he met you, finally making you his the way you should've been from the beginning.
He sighed and laid down on top of you, smiling as he kissed all over your face, neck, shoulders, and back.
You giggled sleepily, but whined when he tried to pull out, bringing your legs up to hold him inside.  "Don't go yet," you pleaded.
"Okay, baby, I'll stay right here until you fall asleep," he promised.  "Goodnight, beautiful…"
Not only could he not think of a night he'd slept better in his life, but he was pretty sure this was the best any man had slept in the history of sleep.  But even then, he wasn't at all disappointed when you woke him up.
"Good morning," you whispered in his ear with a giggle, making him blink his eyes open and look down at where you were resting your face on his chest.
"Good morning," he returned with a grin, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close.
"Last night was… pretty amazing," you smiled coyly, and he stroked your cheek as he felt it warm even more.
"Yeah, you have no idea," he chuckled, lifting your head so he could give you a kiss.  It was supposed to be quick and wholesome but you deepened it instantly, wrapping your arms around his neck.  
Just as you started to climb up to straddle him, he heard your stomach loudly growl and he pulled back to laugh.
"Sorry, sweetheart, but it sounds like you've got some other needs to take care of first," he smirked.
"Ugh, you're right," you sighed, "I'm going raid your kitchen."
"No, let me do that, I'll make you something— whatever you want," he offered, starting to sit up, but you pushed him back down.
"Jake, you've done enough for me already.  I don't even know what I want, that's why I wanna go look at what you have."
"If you insist," he relented, watching you hop out of bed and playfully smacking your ass when it was within reach.  You giggled and scampered away, leaving him to lay back and put his hands up behind his head, taking a deep breath of satisfaction.  His plan had not only worked but gone beyond his expectations— clearly you had wanted this, on some level, from the beginning, you were too eager for him to believe otherwise.  But that didn't matter now, because you were finally his and it was exactly as he'd dreamed it would feel: right, undeniably and overwhelmingly right.
He decided to take a break from basking in his own glory for a while to get up and find some food for himself as well.  After all, he planned on fucking you at least one more time today so he'd need lots of energy to keep him going.
He slipped back on his boxers and walked to the kitchen, finding you there standing oddly still.  "What are you doing?" he asked with a bemused scoff.
"Jake…" you mumbled, staring into the cabinet blankly.
"What's wrong?" he asked, stepping closer but stopping in his tracks when he saw what you were looking at: a six-pack box of granola bars.  He sighed a little as he internally chided himself for such a rookie mistake.  "Baby, seriously, what's wrong?"
"I… these… this is the same kind they gave me… it was the only thing I ate for almost four days."
"Oh my god," he whispered, stepping up behind you and wrapping his arms around you to try to soothe you.  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring back any bad memories.  You only ate granola bars for four days?  Honey, you must be starving, please just let me cook you something—"
"No, not only granola bars: only a granola bar.  Just one…"
You reached up to grab the box but he held you tighter, trying to stop you.  Instead what happened was you accidentally knocked the box over, exactly five bars sliding out and landing on the floor with a crinkly thud.
You gasped with realization and tried to squirm away but his comforting hug turned into restraint instantly.  "Jake, let me go…"
"I'm sorry, baby, but I don't think I can do that."
"Jake, please," you begged with a sob.  "Why did you— how could you?"
"I know you had feelings for me, you just needed a little encouragement."
"Feelings for you?  I hate you!"
"Huh, that's odd, because I distinctly remember you begging me to fuck you last night,” he taunted.  “I remember you coming for me, twice.  Is that what you normally do when you hate somebody?"
"You're a monster," you sneered.
"And you're stuck with me, whether you like it or not," he chuckled, spinning you around to bend you over the counter, pressing his hips against yours as you whined and failed to squirm away.  "So you might as well let yourself like it."
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sadlysoulx · 3 years
Haikyuu characters falling in love with you after rejecting you angst
You stood there, the clenching pain in your heart not helping.
"I'm really sorry, Y/N. . ." Oikawa gave you a soft smile. "But I don't think I can return the feelings, I mean look—"
"I know you. . . don't have to explain, Tooru. . ."
What did you expect? To return back his feelings?
"Uh— I have to go, my lovely fangirls are waiting for me y'know?" Oikawa awkwardly smiled, hurting his thumb to the group of girls standing aside.
You painfully laughed along, trying to ignore the stinging sensation in your eyes and the heavy feeling in the pit of your stomach.
You knew he was trying to make things easier but for someone as smart as him, he didn't realize he's making it more complicated for you.
"Yeah. . ." You laughed, staring at the fangirls who you thought are prettier than you. "Look at them, beautiful and slim. . ."
Oikawa patted your back as of to say that's not true and you're also beautiful.
"I'm sorry again, Y/N. I hope we can still be friends,"
You smiled through your blurry tears which was oblivious to him, you look down at your feet.
Oikawa stared at Kyotani sitting with you, talking about who knows what. He felt uneasy seeing you smiling at him and a slight pink blush dusted in your cheeks.
Oikawa observed that the two of you are getting closer and closer this past months.
He thought you like him, just like what you told in your confession.
Oikawa immediately called the boy to come and practice. He watched as Kyotani smiled at you softly before running over to where the other players stood to practice.
He stared over to you, where the heavy feeling in his heart got worse when you stared at Kyotani, with a longing gaze in your eyes.
That night, Oikawa sat there on his bed. He was rethinking his life decisions, especially that day when you confessed to him. He knew. He just knew he did something wrong.
The truth hit him hard as he stared aimlessly at the thin air.
He realized he liked you.
He realized he wants to be with you.
He realized he should have given you a chance that day.
Guilt began to smother him like a blanket. He had even indirectly said quiet painful words to you as if comparing you to his fangirls.
Oikawa slowly lay his head down on his cold pillow.
He decided to confess to you tomorrow.
Oikawa held the rose in his hands tightly. He looked down at it and twirled it between his pointer finger and thumb, observing the smooth red petals.
"Oi! What's that? Is it for Y/N?"
Oikawa jumped and stared at Iwaizumi who was looking down at him and the rose back and forth.
"It's a rose, obviously. A-and it's actually for. . . one of my fangirls," he lied smoothly and it was a slight success when Iwaizumi stared at him for a few momments before walking away.
Oikawa stood up from the bench with a smile on his face when you enter the gym.
You were a beautiful sight to him.
And he wished you were his—
His smile dropped and so as the rose on his hands.
And so as his heart.
Kyotani also came in, holding your hand, blushing madly and looking somewhere else.
You're not— Kyotani and you aren't—?
Oikawa stood there with a heavy heart.
He stood there and listened to Kyotani's announcement that you were dating.
He just stood there as he listened to his heart fall apart.
He just stood there watching you blush and tighten your grip around Kyotani's hands.
Slowly, making sure he goes unnoticed, he walked to the boy's changing room. He locked himself in the stall, ignoring the stinging sensation in his eyes.
He leaned on the wall and slowly sat down, knees pressed up against his chest.
If he had given you a chance during your confession would he end up with you?
Hot and fat tears rolled down his cheeks.
If he hadn't played with your feelings, would he have you?
He sobbed loudly.
He had stayed in there as the seconds rolled by. And as the time ticked away, the truth hit harder and harder at him.
This is it. . .
Oikawa exhaled, a sob escaping from him.
He had lost you.
You were used to see Atsumu reject his admirers, the usual long and half-sincere speech he gave them was all said easily by Atsumu as if he had done this all of his life.
Never you have thought that you would be the one of the many to receive it.
You blinked back the tears, making sure you don't cry infront of your best friend.
"I am very sure that I am not person that would be with you and love you conditionally—"
"'Tsumu. . ." You raised your hand up and sighed. The heavy feeling in the pit of your stomach is so suffocating, and the clenching pain in your heart isn't bearable.
So painful. . .
So hurtful. . .
"It's fine," you look up to him to see relief swimming in your eyes.
Atsumu sighed, slowly walking up to you and hugging you gently as of he was afraid to hurt you.
"'M sorry. . ." He threaded his fingers through your hair. "I'm really sorry Y/N. . ."
"It's fine. . ." You sighed, hot tears trying to escape as you press your cheek against Atsumu's chest. "It's fine, 'Tsumu,"
Atsumu pressed a soft kiss on your head.
"I'm really sorry. . ."
After that painful confession, you and Atsumu were still the bestest friends. He knew he had hurt you but he was a little happy when you slowly started healing.
He was happy. Atsumu is really happy.
Until he actually fell for you.
He knows you are the right person. . .
The right person but at the wrong time.
He loves how you lighten up when you see him, how you bravely diss and roast him infront of his teammates and how much an independent and a strong person you are.
He loves every piece of you.
The world revolves and the tables turned. Atsumu sat on the bus stop with you, ready to confess his feelings.
You were talking about how Osamu is such a great cook when Atsumu spoke up.
"I actually have something to tell you," Atsumu softly said, watching as you perk up smiling.
"Well me too! I have something to tell you too!"
Atsumu paused, he needs time to gain his courage. "You go first,"
"'Tsumu. . . I—" you looked at him, smiling. "You're my best friend,"
I want us to be more than that.
"I love you so much,"
You have no idea how much I do too.
"But the time will come when we would part ways and find someone to love us unconditionally,"
Atsumu froze.
You're not in realtionship—
"Atsumu, I have a boyfriend. . ." You smiled.
The blonde huffed. Is it really true? Is this one of yours stupid pranks?
Atsumu teared up.
No. . .
He sees the sincerity in your eyes.
"Oh— I'm—" Atsumu started.
You laughed. "I know it's a surprise. . ." Your turned back to him, smiling. "It's Rin,"
"Suna?" Atsumu croaked, ignoring the heavy feeling at the pit of his stomach. "Oh. . ."
He hugged you sideways.
"'Tsumu— hey! Why are you crying?"
"Nothing, I'm just happy for you,"
He knew he was lying, even to himself. He wasn't happy, in fact it was the opposite.
"I have to go now, 'Tsumu, the bus is here," You wiped his tears and kissed his forehead. "Bye!"
He watch as you went up the bus.
"Love you," he whispered, only loud enough for you to hear.
You smiled, tears stinging your own eyes.
"Love you too,"
He watched as you went in the bus, and watch as the bus disappeared down the street.
Atsumu finally broke down, falling on the concrete pavement.
It's only been seconds yet he already missed you.
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