#also gold and purple is an amazing duo
max1u3 · 6 months
Blizzcon 2023 Omg...
First of all here's the video I watched if you want to go watch it yourself, but I'm just gonna outline what I think are the highlights in this post!
First of all, Blizzard actually serving this Blizzcon like?? Woah there, slow down, are you sure you actually want to deliver what the fanbase wants... you've never done that before but slay.
And secondly, I'm late to this cos your girl put off working on a brief deadline for her degree until the last few days and had to draw like a mad woman. So excuse my late reactions to everything haha
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Let's be honest, even Blizzard knew the 5 - 15 bracket was shit, and now they're finally getting rid of it, and replacing it with this ->
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Like are we actually getting ranked on what we do in the match or is this some kind of amazing dream?
As a hard stuck gold/plat support main with an average of 20k heals a match, this is like some kind of blessing from God.
Plus not to mention the rank reset?? Last time I rank reset, aka made a smurf account that I never used, it was two ranks above my main. I'm going to cry literal tears of joy.
Plus, we're getting these bad boys back ->
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She looks a little different but it's ok, we still accept her as the placement matches we know and love.
(I am very sassy today apologies, I have borderline carpool tunnel in my main hand and a backache to slay all backaches so I'm feeling slightly unhinged.)
Then they're also tidying up the competitive challenges tab? Like actually slay!
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Like look how clean and sexy she looks like omg. Can't wait to actually understand all that information now that it's feasible to read haha
I'm not as hype about these but they still deserve mentioning ->
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Tree guns! Oh wait, I mean Emerald guns. Mb. I think they're just like... meh. Like me and my duo have had long and detailed discussions on how we would improve gold guns. We eventually settled on them progressing in rarity and price. We suggested a gun started at bronze and worked it's way up the ranks like you do in competitive, and each rank would be a thousand more expensive. So obviously Bronze for Bronze, Silver for Silver, Gold for Gold, Platinum with like a purple sheen for Platinum, Diamond with a white and blue reflection for Diamond, then either Ruby or Sapphire for Masters and Grand Masters.
If you hadn't figured it out by my grumbling already in this post, but I'm a digital art student in uni, literally studying concept art, and by gods would my lecturers turn their noses up at the green they chose for this promotional ss.
Personally, I would saturate the colour more, it's much too dark. Sure, up close you can see the colour well, but realistically you want to be able to see the colour in game as well, and the green here is much too dark. I would saturate the colour more, but not too much. There's a thin line between it being a distraction or a flex. Next thing I would do is give it a darker sheen so when it catches certain lights it has a muted sparkle. I say darker so that it doesn't cross the distraction line again, because a lighter sheen would defiantly distract a player.
ANYWAY those are just my thoughts on it as someone studying this stuff at uni :)
I'm not a professional and will never be cos I'm never touching the art industry after this course again lol
Next I just wanna briefly look at the two heroes other than Mauga we got a look at.
Which are obviously Venture ->
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Who's a dps who digs underneath the ground and launches out to deal dmg to the enemies.
Personally, I think it's a really innovative idea, and a really nice idea lore wise, but realistically I don't think this is going to play well, and I'm sure we're going to see lots of changes to him before and after he's released.
Also that concept art is just chefs kiss. It's so beautiful, with such clean lines and such an understandable concept. The facial expression is so cute and clean as well, and I already love them just from what I can see.
Oh, they are a they/them as well, so they're slaying.
Then there's 'Space Ranger', which is only a code name, and all we can call her so far ->
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Again the beautiful concept art is literally making my drool, the lines are clean, it's understandable, conveys exactly what the artist wants.
I also love the unique UI of having the two guns above. It's also really thrilling to get more of a design perspective, for me at least. Even if I'm not going into the art industry (I'm taking a course to become a teacher after I gradate next year) it's still really exciting to be able to see the processes of it all. Now I can't help but imagine what the rest of the heroes concept art looked like when drawn onto the ss like the image above.
She's also a support by the way, so we support mains are being FED.
Next on my little list that I have here, is the hero mastery updates. Which are all for next year, so 2024.
The first point was that we'd be getting D.va, Lucio, Genji, Echo and Mei maps to master. I've 5 stared all the Mercy courses cos she's one of my mains, and my other is D.va sooooo can't wait to spend 20 hours on that haha.
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They've also realised that it being solo can be a bit of an obstacle for groups, so they're adding a tower defence 3v3 vs bots mode. Every season the heroes on the roster for the mode will cycle out, as will the special rewards for completing the game mode every season. Basically, they're trying to make it as replayable every season as possible. Even with the heroes and reward cycles, I still have a sneaking suspicion this is going to end up slightly monotonous.
Here's a ss of the tower defence ->
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It's not very clear and that's mb, I forgot to ss until too late lol.
Finally, the last big thing that they discussed was the new game mode 'Clash', plus the re-work of the Hanamura 2cp map for this game mode.
They basically described clash as 5cp, and even with this image it took me a while to get my head around it. Disclaimer, I am dyslexic though lol, so you'll probably get it faster than me.
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Basically, (from what I understood from the dev's explanation) all five points will be lined up in a row on the map. When the game starts, team blue will posses 2 points and so will team red. Only point C will be available to cap, and it's a race to see who can claim the point first. Whoever claims the point will then push the enemy teams spawn room back a point, and the next point to claim will be either one to the right/left from the middle. The game ends when one team holds on the points, or the time runs out and whoever holds the most points win. The co-streamer I was watching alongside it said it resembled a tft game mode, but since I've never played tft I can't vouch for that.
I actually really like this idea, and it actually does remind me of 2cp quite a lot. It has a very nostalgic OW feeling just to the description.
Moving on, we have the Hanamura re-work, which is last, but not least.
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They've adjusted the map in a way that supposedly makes it feel organic and not just a re-work of Hanamura itself. Basically, they've expanded off the main map, left some noticeable features and vibes to the map, and dropped the previous map into the background. It's a very smart way to evolve a map in all honesty.
This map has been designed specifically for Clash and will be called Hanaoko (sorry if I'm butchering that, they didn't write it down anywhere and only said the name).
Normally, I won't be too bothered to write so much about a new map, but bro this is Hanamura! I adore Hanumura, so, so, so much! I miss 2cp and all those maps so badly. It's nice to see them evolving the concept to incorporate those nostalgic elements for OW1 players.
What also interested me was that they talked more about the Hanamura lore. Naturally, there's a lot of it. With the Shimada brothers, the Hashimoto Shimada fight for dominance, and Kiriko with her Yokai gang. They specifically mentioned more lore for those three groups which got my very excited. They also mentioned, and I feel stupid for not noticing this cos it's obvious once it's pointed out), but all the dragons and tigers on the map are symbolic. They represent the struggle between the Shimada (dragons) and Hashimoto (tigers) clans when they're fighting. Like in this photo ->
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So, it's official, we are being well and truly fed this Blizzcon. I can't wait for ranked to actually feel rewarding again.
Here's a random Tracer play from OW1 to finish of the post :)
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mysticchessecake · 2 years
100 headcanons in LMK
1. Mk dosent get that scared in horror movies
2. Mei had purple and pink highlights at some point
3. Demon aging is a weird (Like how Redson is like 400, meanwhile Pigsy is 40)
5. Demon can live up to 200 years old.
6. Tang, Pigsy, Sandy, are somehow reincarnations of JTTW
7. Sandy and Pigsy are self proclaim brothers
8. Free noodles
9. Mk got his jacket with his 1st paycheck
10. Mei and Mk have been friends since kids
11. Mei and Mk are self proclaimed siblings
12. Redson drinks hot sauce sometimes
13. DBK once tried to make a cake for PIF as an anniversary present.
14. Nezha is banished temporarily in the celestial realm because of the fight with Wukong
15. Wukong likes drinking peach tea
16. Macaque smells like plums
17. Macaque has a part time job as an artist.
18. Sandy has a cat named Bajie
19. Mk has burn marks from that time PIF send threw him near lava. (Some accidentally got on him)
20. Mk's powers allow him to live up to 150 years.
21. Mk is lava resistant. It still hurts tho
22. Mk uses glamour
23. Wukong's lazer vision hurts his eyes like crazy.
24. Mk's clones turn evil is foreshadowing
25. Redson has black painted nails
26. Mei has green nails
27. Porty Mk has Rainbow painted nails
28. Pigsy has a small garden
29. PIF has a robot to order her Pigsy noodles.
30. Wukong spies on Mk regularly as a fly
31. Tang dosent drink coffee
32. Mei regularly gets her nails painted
33. Pigsy has a secret sweet obsession
34. Macaque has his nails painted black
35. Redson secretly sleeps with plushies
36. Pigsy is fluffy
37. Mk is half demon
38. All demons have secret horns
39. All demons teeth are either naturally sharp or gets sharp when becoming more unhinged
40. Mk's clones have demon ears
41. Artist clone is somehow the most strongest clone in terms in physical strength
42. Porty clone has earrings and dyed bits of hair
43. Porty clone is the smartest clone. But also one of the weaker ones
44. Evil clone's red eyes are result of Mk's bottled up emotions
45. Mk's demon half is monkie
46. Mk's clones are extremely amplified versions of Mk's bad traits.
47. Macaque wears eyeshadow
48. Mei is top of her class in high school
49. Wukong only eats hair and fruits
50. Delivery clone has the best defenses. Also he's an amazing chef (Like Pigsy levels)
51. Redson has a birth mark that looks like a burn mark.
52. Mei has multiple plushies of dragons
53. Porty clone doesn't sleep
54. All Clones tells alot of Mk's mental state
55. Sun Wukong's fur is soft
56. Porty clone is Mk's abandonment issues
57. Artist clone is Mk's perfection issues
58. Mk can handle spicy foods
59. Tang has extreme defense.
60. Tang and Pigsy are Mk's adoptive parents
61. Mk is buff now
62. Mei is a streamer
63. Redson secretly likes mango ice-cream
64. Mk has a terrible sleep schedule
65. Bai has a cat and frog obsession
66. LBD is somehow still aliv- err- here
67. DBK has alot of Chang'e merch
68. Chang'e is top 1 at moon cake
69. Tang is a horrible chef
70. Jin and Yin regularly puts drawings of bad reviews on Pigsy's, hoping that it will damage them. It dosent work.
71. Mk can't be trusted with a ball of jellybeans
72. Mei once drank like 5 bottles of soda
73. Sandy swears once in a purple moon
74. Spider people dead
75. Bai has 3 cats
76. Macaque has eyeshadow
77. Redson got out of school early
78. Mk is an art major
79. Mei calls Redson "Redbull" sometimes
80. Porty clone is Disco boy
81. Nezha is good at ice skating and normal skating
81. Nezha call rollarskates "wheelies" and or skates
82. Nezha and Mk are now siblings
83. Mei and Mk are called the Avocado duo
84. Bai didn't get LBD's full power when she got possessed
85. Chang'e is mega smart
86. Syntax was captured by spider queen
87. Yin and Jin often fight if silver or gold should be first
88. Mk is like 5'7
89. Mk is 21
90. Tang met Pigsy in highschool
91. Nezha is surprisingly good at the claw machine
92. Mei once destroyed a claw machine to get a prize
93. Mk got stuck in a claw machine
94. Mei dosent know how to play chess but shes surprisingly good at it
95. Tang gets cold easily
96. Pigsy is a ping pong champion
97. Sandy has a bread box that's shaped like a cat
98. Sandy teaches painting stuff
99. Mk is a heavy sleeper
100. Redson dosent know what Redbull is.
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dreadgloom · 5 months
a list of a bunch of random headcanons under the cut because I finally have dio’s carrd updated enough that I’m comfortable sharing all of these.
I headcanon that Lolthsworn drow due to Lolth’s more ‘demonic’ influence are the more monstrous elf race (sharper teeth, possible black sclera, possible reflective eyes, thicker claw-like nails, the ability to hiss like a lizard/snake/cat) and these features are both highly prized (especially by nobles) and seen as very attractive. Dionisia is no exception to this. Their teeth look similar to this reference image, they have black sclera, and their nails are hardier then typical nails.
When angry or using inferred vision their eyes turn from natural mulberry (#4C0121) to amaranth red (#DA012D). Their eyes also turn yellow orange (#FFAE42) when sick, poisoned, or under negative magical effects.
Their facial scars are from the first time they tried to come to the surface. The town folk carved their face and beat them before throwing them back down into the Underdark because they though Dio was a raid party scout. It is something they barely survived and is the reason it took them almost another ten (10) years before they went to the surface again.
Their hate of feet actually stems from them suffering from boot rot/trench foot the last few months before they reached the surface and was able to get proper medical help from a cleric in the underground temple they crawled out of. It’s something they are very careful about now during current adventures since they have more knowledge about how to avoid it.
Due to breaking their hand when they were younger, Dio is fully ambidextrous. Their dominate hand remains their right hand though.
Their favorite animals are lizards, frogs, and ravens.
Their skin color is pretty much the html color/hex #312C70. A darker blue with the slightest purple undertone.
Their favorite color is black. 90% of the clothing they own is black regardless of verse. They also prefer silver over gold accessories as gold is more easily poisoned.
The mind flayer tadpole has made it impossible for Dionisia to use their magical tattoos and they are very frustrated by that.
Speaking of tattoos, Dio has gotten all of her tattoos done by the same father-son duo. They were gnomes from Waterdeep named Zanpip and Davwin Grindlight. The son (Davwin) died of old age about 7 years before the events of Baldur’s Gate 3. Dio got her last tattoo about 20 years prior to Davwin’s death.
Their glasses of sunlight sensitivity, bottomless flask, and haversack of holding were also purchased in Waterdeep from Zanpip’s wife (named Tillwill) that was an artificer.
Dionisia’s tent setup in camp looks kinda like this image. Their tent can also do the poncho thing. This is because they hate the time it takes to set up larger tents.
While traveling Dionisia always seems to have pipe weed + tobacco, primer almond brandy, trail mix, and dried Underdark mushrooms on them. If asked why, they’ll tell you it’s because they are to old to not have or leave behind ‘creature comforts’.
The amount of time Dionisia has spent in Waterdeep is fairly large because of their dealings in Skullport.
If they ever left Baldur’s Gate for good they’d move to Waterdeep. They have a lot of amazing memories there and several promising deals with different guilds.
Dionisia is mostly known in several circles as an urban bounty hunter for hire but they also do investigations, shipment guarding, assassinations, and a few thieving related jobs (heists, fishing, shills, burglaries) for those who know to ask and can pay the proper coin.
They take a weekly dose of a nasty concoction of Underdark mushrooms and moss that keeps any potential psionics from manifesting in them. During the events of Baldur’s Gate 3, they took it only once (early during act 1) and it made the brain worm freak out causing Dio to have a rather severe nose bleed for about an hour and a horrible headache for several days after.
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abysmallyizzy · 2 years
reading cough syrup by nightmare_rivulets on ao3 and it's all I think about. last night I got distracted from my color theory assignment and decided to assign cs!tubbo and cs!ranboo engagement rings
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set 1 is what I'm calling the galaxy duo. tubbo and ranboo stargaze over the phone a lot. they made plans on one of their earliest interactions to stargaze with each other. ranboo would name stars after tubbo, and tubbo never grew out of wanting to be an astronaut. ranboo thinks he would be a black dwarf. ranboo 's ring is made of tungsten with alexandrite set in. tubbo's ring is also tungsten with green opal and emerald.
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set 2 is my dsmp character compliant set, but for short c!compliant. tubbo is a goat hybrid and ranboo is an enderman hybrid. this set is a traditionally more feminine style of ring, but I think it's simple and lovely. ranboo 's ring is amethyst set in yellow gold plated silver and I think the cut of the amethyst resembles an ender eye, just purple. tubbo's ring is emerald set in sterling silver, and I think the twig design of the silver resembles goat horns.
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set 3 is the twitter favorite so far, and what I'm calling the platonic bands. in a traditionally more masculine style, these rings represent so much to the characters. ranboo's is amethyst, set in black ceramic. ranboo's love (/p) for tubbo is very clear to ranboo and while he is generally afraid of it, he still recognizes and shows tubbo that he cares about him from the very beginning. ranboo could never truly forget tubbo. tubbo's ring is malachite, not emerald, set in damascus steel and I think the symbolism is AMAZING, with the stone being tubbo's love(/p) consuming the inside but only barely showing through because of his inability to convince himself that he is worth loving.
anyway I think about cough syrup a healthy amount
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braveolpabear · 2 years
Good Old Pa Bear formerly Lachlan Ormerod
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Papa Bear formerly Lachlan Andrew Ormerod was once an ambitious, intelligent but misunderstood autistic human being until he was killed by a bolt of lightning while looking for shelter during a storm. His troubled soul was lured into a mystic portal beyond The Solar System just outside The Milky Way under unknown circumstances before being warped into a massive far-off distant galaxy known only as Galaxceus that is home to many planets, planetoids and asteroids each with their own unique climates, differently-coloured glowing more pulsating energy fields and representing certain mystical key elements like Fire, Ice, Air, Water, Desert, Earth, Snow, Electricity, Night, Sun, Cloud, Sky, Moon, Star, Love, Electricity, Magic, Psychic, Rainbow, Enchantment, Frost, Volcano, Jungle, Turbo, Cosmic, Twilight, Swamp, Rock, Flower, Aqua, Mystic, Dream, Imaginative (aka Imaginary), Dynamic, Techno, Spectacular, Charm, Heaven, Illumination, Elasticity, Battle, Metro, Ancient, Inflatable, Prehistoric, Super, Ultra, Mega, Light, Gem, Illusion, Special, Lava, Guardian, Wish, Strange, Galactic, Power, Astro, Cave, Master, Infinity, Beauty, Major, Terrific, Incredible, Fantastic, Invincible, Amazing, Magnificent, Indestructible, Mighty, Ultimate, Eternal, Immortality and the hostile ones such as Darkness, Shadow, Nightmare, Haunted, Chaos, War and Terror. Before long Lachlan Ormerod found himself in a lush, heavenly paradise full of sentient Singing Flowers and Fruit Trees. He went over to a nearby stream and saw a furry reflection of himself as a largely chubby teddy-like Bear with reddish-brown short thick fur, sun yellow fat belly, a bright red nose and wearing a light blue t-shirt with white singlet underneath although still somehow has the same mullet hairstyle. Before he could question his slightly obese anthropomorphic form an oinking sound made him turn around. A large more hugely obese Native Brown Boar in jungle shaman attire complete with a gold crown encrusted with multi-coloured feathers and a pendant resembling The Yin and Yang Symbol. The wise Brown Boar silently motioned the astounded fat teddy-like Bear to follow him. After a short walk through the jungle they come into a small hut covered with vines and leaves with a large Pig Statue encrusted with jewels. Sitting in the garden is a huge thirty five-foot tall Pink Whippet in a retro-style areobics purple spandex complete with large tennis shoes, greenish armbands, blueish headband and pinkish legwarmers. After a brief silence the Brown Boar introduces himself as Porko aka The Hogfather an all-mighty Jungle Boar Shaman who wants to teach the unlikely duo the strongest magic on the planet known as ''Pigasus''. When the teddy-like Bear asks why are they here Porko responds by casting an Illusionary Spell to show he is Lachlan Ormerod aka their true creator who made everything. He also explains that The Giant Pink Whippet is in fact the Bear's guardian angel Jodie the Heavenly Whippet. As the Teddy-like Bear stares in astonishment a swarm of over fifty or so malicious Dragons come swooping down and attack the unsuspecting heroes. After a brief but intense battle Porko tells their leader Spyra aka the Ruthless Purple Dragon he will not return the remaining Dragons Treasure and that Pigs are better than Dragons. Before Spyra can kill the Jungle Boar Shaman Jodie angrily punches him out while the Teddy-like Bear joins in on the fight. As The Dragon Soldiers flee with an unconscious Spyra in two Jodie questions Porko who was that. The Jungle Boar Shaman replies they were MediEvil Dragons from the dreaded planetoid Medievilonia who constantly terrorise the heavenly planet Pleasure Paradise. He also states he severely hates most Dragons because he lost he love of his life, a Pig to a Dragoness (presumably Kariah the Dragoness Empress) who magically transformed her into pork roast. Porko provides both of his apprentices Animal Wands a Horse and Pig Wand. Because of his bravery Porko decides to name the teddy-like Furrie Papa Bear.
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beautybysparkle · 1 year
Do you wanna know the best drugstore eyeshadow which gives that sparkling wet glowing looking eyes?? which is obviously the current trend going on, then you are in the right post. Let me introduce you to the world of sparkling duochromes and multi colour reflects in a pan at an affordable price. Here we have our EUROPE GIRL COSMETICS DIAMOND EYESHADOW PALETTE in the variant DAZZLE LIGHTS. This has 18 amazing reflective shimmers with high shine.
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The dazzle in this is appropriate for night outs, parties and also for everyday as a wash of colour for your regular everyday routine. These are pigmented enough to take your shine to the moon. 🌙
Priced at 2150 INR for 18 ultra-shine shades it's quite affordable because technically you are paying 120 INR per shade. Isn't it awesome?? Please do remember formulating reflective shifty shades are quite costly. Still feel the price is high?? then do keep your eyes on Amazon as you could get it on discounts, that would save some penny. Also do watch out their official website as they give out freebies now and then. Regarding availability, it's easily available on Amazon, Myntra and Europe Girl Cosmetics website. The restocking time is quick on all Europe Girl products in case of out-of-stock conditions.
Finding a single pan duo chrome or multichrome eyeshadow, that too at a budget friendly price with good quality is rare in India. With brands bombarding with new launches everyday Europe Girl has given this palette as a boon for makeup enthusiasts. These are in between glitters and shimmers so would like to address the formulation as GLIMMER PIGMENTS.
POV: I have barely touched any shade to swatch it
Silver shade with blue and green reflects
Proper gold shade
Rose shade with gold, blue, purple reflects
Purple shade with natural duo chrome shift with blue reflects
Bronze shade with gold reflects
Brown to black duochrome with blue purple reflects
Lilac shade with blue duochrome reflects
Copper shade with gold reflects
Red with gold reflects
Blue with silver reflects
Green with gold reflects
Brown with gold purple reflects
Light olive green with gold reflects
Grey with pink reflects
Copper brown colour
Pink with purple reflects
Berry shade with pink reflects
Brown shade with pink, purple reflects
Highly reflective glimmers
Great quality pigments
Wide variety
Duochromes and multi color shifty shades
Easily available
Long lasting and no creasing (please use eyeshadow primer to be more effective and also wait a little for a blog on best drugstore eyeshadow primer )
Quite travel friendly and sturdy packaging
Big mirror
Budget friendly
Perfectly pressed pigments and quantity to last for eternity
Blends effortlessly both with fingers and shimmers
I know you got me. Absolutely nothing.
I have bought this just before 2 months and have worn it 4 times till date and there wasn't a single time, I didn't get compliments on my eye look. It's beautiful enough to mesmerize and make others feel you are a pro in your eyeshadow game while you would have hardly spent any time in doing it. If you are a bride-to-be or MUA, or just a girl who loves makeup and eyeshadow, what are you waiting for?? Run to get your hands on this!! Highly recommend. If you are a beginner, get ready to be hypnotized.
This is my first blog. I love makeup, being a professional MUA and a makeup enthusiast, I wanted to write my first blog on something that blew my mind and would knock your socks off. This is magical and prepare yourself to be the Centre of attraction, I bet you will never be disappointed. Shifty shades are like icing on the cake!!! A chef's kiss!! This is not a paid promotion post!! Just my love to this adorable product.
Have you tried this product? Or anything from this brand? If so, what are your thoughts? Would love to hear it from you? Do let me know if you want an honest opinion on any product. Would be happy to help you out. Please leave your suggestions and recommendations. Please do support my page and stay connected.
( Shruthy Ranjith )
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amilst · 9 months
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Cannabis, Marijuana. This year’s crop is just beautiful and already six feet tall. It is the same strain as last year’s: Acapulco Gold. 
You might recall the etymology of the various names for the plant in last year’s post. “Cannabis” comes from the Scythians word “kanab” which the Greeks made into κάνναβις or kánnabis, their word for “hemp.” “Marijuana” has its origins in a Central African word “mariamba,” used by American slaves in the 1700s, which became the Spanish word “marihuana,” again meaning “hemp.” “Pot” comes from the Spanish phrase “potacion de guaya,” which is a wine or brandy used to soak Cannabis buds during the 1930s.  And “grass” comes from the thousand-year- old Hindu text Atharvaveda, in which the plant is deified as “Sacred Grass.” 
The anatomy of the plant is quite amazing and remarkably engineered. The entire flower structure is called the “cola.” If you look at the close up, you can see small pear-shaped leaves within the structure. These are called “brachts,” designed to protect the precious flowers or buds. The white threads in the flowers are the pistils and would catch the pollen from a male plant if the gardener foolishly allowed males to mix with the girls and produce seeds. The pistils should turn to a goldish brown when the season ends and the plant is ready for harvesting. The white dots are the trichomes, small hairs from the epidermis of the plant. These are heavy in THC content and keep the deer and other wildlife from attacking the plant and being too wonked out to find their way home. The flowers continue to multiply up and down the plants at the bases of the gorgeous fan leaves.
Last year and this, I grew Acapulco Gold because it was a favorite in my college dorm. It is what in tomato plants would be called an heirloom plant. It was an original strain of cannabis and is eschewed by today’s growers because the plants prefer the outside air and do not do well indoors. The stems are strong, as evidenced by the fact we have had some ferocious storms this summer and nary a leaf has been shed.
Acapulco Gold was traditionally cultivated in the Guerrero Mountains outside the city. In the seventies, no less an authority than the Oxford English Dictionary called it "a special grade of cannabis  . . . with a color of brownish gold, or a mixture of gold and green.” It has also been called "connoisseur pot," Another report from the time highlighted its "exquisite taste." 
It was the favorite strain of such luminaries as Jack Nicholson, Mick Jagger and rock photographer Paul Ferrara. Reportedly, NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle tried it to understand if marijuana would cause problems for his players. And it was in the joint my father famously brought back for his kids when he and my mother vacationed in Acapulco.
Acapulco Gold is still an icon of the counter-culture, still being written about 60 years on. It appeared prominently in literature and film of that golden era. The 1972 novel Acapulco Gold by Edwin Corey, set in an impossible to imagine future world where marijuana would be legal, described the competition among advertising agencies to market it. Norman Spinrad’s novel Bug Jack Barron similarly described a futuristic world where the leading brand Acapulco Gold was promoted in a commercial like this:
"In the high country of Mexico evolved a savoury strain of marijuana which came to be known as Acapulco Gold in the days of the contraband trade. Prized for its superior flavor and properties, Acapulco Gold was available only to the favored few due to its rarity and the difficulties involved in importation." 
In Cheech and Chong’s classic film, Up in Smoke, Cheech says "You know like I smoke that Acapulco Gold, man," and in the duo’s debut album, he sings, "No stems no seeds that you don't need, Acapulco Gold is some badass weed."
In their debut album, the New Riders of the Purple Sage, with Jerry Garcia on the pedal steel, included a song titled “Henry.”  They sang:
Every year along about this time it all goes dry There's nothing round for love or money That'll get you high Henry got pissed off and said he'd run to Mexico To see if he could come back holdin' Twenty keys of Acapulco Gold
Now the road to Acapulco is very hard indeed And it isn't any better if you haven't any weed.
0 notes
lovelosescongrats · 2 years
ranking mcc skins: mcc20
reject the reddit mcc players tier list, embrace the skin tier list. /hj
before we get into the madness that is me, a sapphic ranking pixels, some things!
1) this is all just my opinion. keep it to yourself if you have any shit to say.
2) all the skins that were made by fans are really great and I wish I had your level of talent and skill! please do not take this seriously at all I'm just messing around.
3) I will not give as detailed explanations for some rankings. they're cool, I liked them well enough, I just have nothing extra to say
now let's get into it:
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link here to make your own tierlist. made by yours truly. please tag me if you're using it!
da vinky wishes he could
the highest tier! i want to stare at all these skins lovingly for hours.
eret. as always, she is giving me A Look. the slit, the off shoulder, the high waistline, the floor length gown. I could not pull this off but he is doing beautifully in it. (also i am bisexual)
gumi. she's giving me e-girled red riding hood and it goes surprisingly well together. (again i am bisexual)
elaina. for some reason, this reminds me a lot of jan's tulle look in s12 of drag race? it's very pleasant to look at, the brown/orange/white ensemble is a delight. (did you remember that I am bisex- *gunshots*)
5up. to this day I'm still not sure if his skin is a turnip or an onion, but nevertheless it's very adorable. the idea of stuffing a vegetable into a 90s style colorful sportswear is very funny to me, so he's way up there. also, the little axolotl is so cute? kudos to whoever made this one I am gently cradling it in my hands.
scar. frankly, it's scar and it's his first mcc, so he could literally show up in a white t-shirt and jeans but I'd still be like scar!!!! and plop him on the top. BUT he did not so I feel very justified in putting him there! the little flower (that's matching with grian's, shoutout to all the desert duo/scarian fans), that scarf, that's a dapper looking man right there.
pete. to be fair pete has an advantage because his base skin is along the same color palette as his team, so he's very easy to look at. (as you will see later on, this is extremely important for me) the waistcoat, the belt, the chain, everything fits together so well.
I was delighted. good job
seapeekay. red continues to be the best dressed team. points to whoever made the skin, I adore it.
illumina. I love gradients. where's his flower crown though?
false. falsie!!! *twirls hair and giggles* she looks so so so good. she was this close to making it to top tier for me, but unfortunately a lot of the colors in her outfits was to similar to one another and made it hard for me to see the details, so she had to stay in this tier. but the flower crown, the skirt, the jacket, its all just *chef's kiss*
cubfan. flower crown, jacket, nice.
tapl. green and pink is a color combination hard to pull off, but this entire team (minus the obvious) all looked so good! the flower as a knee patch were a good touch too. the cardigan seem very soft. a man i would trust.
shubble. ahah when girls do The Thing! (<- existing) the overalls and the bandanna is lovely and the details are amazing. both her and tubbo could have made it higher if not for those socks/leg warmer things. i don't know why some people are so obsessed with them-they're impossible to wear and essentially functionless? also realistically they make your legs look way shorter so :/ no
tubbo. see above, very cute.
scott. cute gecko pattern, looks very comfy.
the captain. gold buttons very pretty, light green collar also pretty.
ryguyrocky. why are his eyes like that.
antfrost. to quote scar, did I just see a cat go by with a track suit on? the concept is hilarious and the execution good.
gem. I adore cc!gem, c!gem, and this skin is adorable. (ahah women amirite)
hbomb. put more beefy men in crop tops 2k22.
oli. giving zombie jock, cool.
quig. open shirt, also cool.
ponk. just a color re-texture but still easy to look at. am verging close to dropping a tier though.
kara. see above
purpled. also see above.
jackmanifold. red/pink good combo, nice flower.
passing grade. star for trying
niki. it's nice, but the overall thing just ticks me the wrong way. (shoutout to her makeup on mcc day though almost made me cry cc!niki is so pretty)
puffy. that's just a dragonballz costume.
punz. see above.
martyn. I want to like it so much but I despise bow ties and it doesn't have anything else special to redeem it so :/ sorry king
ranboo. why does it look like he's in green cargo pants oh god- +1 for the suspender, -5 for the cargo shorts I hate those with a burning passion
preston. I understand they wanted to keep the most iconic part but the red and blue is clashing and throwing the whole thing off. bad on the eyes.
sam. see above, the green and blue do not mesh well together.
connor. again, just a color re-texture and there's not enough distinct shadowing to move it upwards. looking very cozy saves him from a lower tier, though.
sb737. having more of a gradient would have moved him up.
soft *meh*
it was hard to put anyone in this section. i'm sorry, guys.
purpled. dude, thats just Orange. also, you look so similar to other blonde white boy in your group that I had to check four times to make sure I didn't get you wrong, so in the meh tier you go.
philza. his original skin was already green, so there wasn't enough of a change to make me like it. sorry.
abhorred. beloathed.
unsuprisingly, it was very easy to put these four fuckers in this section. ps, the hermbi discord unanimously put these four in the shame corner. completely deserved, I'm not in the slightest bit sorry.
wilbur. for the love of god please put in some effort. where is your team spirit, white boy?
sneegsnag. no.
fruit. sir who peeled you and revealed that you are raw meat?
tommy. stop learning from wilbur's bs.
who would have won mcc20 if it was based on their skin and also up to me?
team totals:
in first place, tied three ways: 13 marks
red rabbits: the red and black is an iconic combo. i am maybe in love with 3/4 of this group.
cyan creepers: well dressed dapper boys
aqua axolotols: still winning no matter what because they are just that great
in second place, tied two ways: 10 marks
yellow yaks: incredibly well dressed
blue bats: special mention to the desaturated skins because they're bats. devil's in the details.
in third place, tied four ways: 9 marks
orange ocelots
lime llamas: blame wilbur
green geckos
purple pandas
in last, because of fruit and tommy's crimes: 5 marks
pink parrots
this took me almost the whole evening. I'm not sure if it's worth it. nevertheless, I will be doing this once more when mcc21 rolls around! stay around for that if you want to.
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sxltedcxramel · 3 years
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Lover’s Quarrel
c!techno x gn!reader
: ̗̀➛ Summary:  You and Technoblade have been friends for decades, always by each other’s side you two faught alongside each other. That was once in a lifetime, and should never happen again. Unfortunately life doesn’t play out that way and you happen to need him one more time... or maybe they’ll be a change in plans?
: ̗̀➛ Word Count: 1515
: ̗̀➛ Chapters: 1/1
: ̗̀➛ Tag(s): No beta reader we die like ghostbur, c!techno, gn!reader, immortal reader x immortal techno, angel!reader, god!techno, angst, friends to enemies to friends, complicated ik
: ̗̀➛ Warnings: slight cursing, mentions of torture and death
: ̗̀➛ Taglist: Here
: ̗̀➛ Link(s): Ao3
: ̗̀➛ Notes: *screams into oblivion* one this is all platonic I didn’t specify 😓 two I barely survived the writers drought (no friken inspiration) but I bring to you my first c!dsmp x reader fic (please be kind I tried-) basically this taks place in really old times and not modern considering how its writter like I just finished reading shakesphere although the idea came while listening to classical music so that it how you will. Also this isn’t edited so my bad if theres mistakes-
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The room was dimly lit with candles and the r oaring fire that burned passionately at the fireplace. White tiles were plastered with gold diamonds, the shade almost as if it was antique jewelry, Old but could tell an amazing story. The colour completing the beige-coloured room
You waited patiently, cross-legged glaring at the clock that ticked every second or so. 10 minutes you thought to yourself while you grind your teeth. That man seemed to be early only when it was for his own convenience, how distasteful.
Just as you finished that thought you saw the dark oak wood door being pushed open. A man walks in, he wears a white loosely fitted blouse, with bishop sleeves which was decorated with frilly fabrics. Along with death-black dress pants that were worn up to the waist. His face where his mask usually is is replaced with glasses and the man's delicate bubblegum pink hair is loosely braided and thrown on the right side of his shoulder.
“Your late” you glare crossing your arms
He let out a sigh “Well pardon me for taking a while to get ready, It's almost like you didn’t come here unannounced” he spoke sarcastically.
He walked over to the glass tray and picked up a small glass cup with a gold ring around it and poured himself a drink. He eyes you “Would you care for a drink y/n?”
“I don’t drink”
He shrugs “Suit yourself”
“Technoblade, I didn't come here for idle chatter.”
He arched his eyebrow slightly “Oh?” Techno placed his cup down “Pray do tell, what exactly did you come here for?” You watched him walk to the other side of the room as he said that.
“I-“ you could even finish before being rudely interrupted by a rustling noise. You watched as your patience grew thinner by the minute he took out a black vinyl disc and placed it on a wooden box making sure the oin was adjusted well. A soft tune of the piano came out of the music player.
“Would you care for a dance?” He holds out his hand, you stare at it contemplating whether you should grab his hands, you really shouldn't, you didn’t want to play his games, you wanted what you came for, but then again it would harm a dance. Or course your brain chose the latter considering how you delicately placed your hand in his letting him place his hand on your waist the the other on your shoulder. He lead the way,(just like he always does)
“Apologies for interrupting music helps me think.” He spoke as he spun you around the floor “They calm the voices” . You knew all about the voices, how much they love to chant and clog his brain with different variations of thoughts, perks of being his ex-partner you suppose. But you watched as he hid a smirk, you guess he’s just telling only half the truth. You roll your eyes
“You can finish”
“Wouldn’t you mean start idiot” you snap
You clicked your tongue in annoyance, his inability to ever grasp the mood of the situation was flawless. It seemed as if he never cared about the other person's feelings, unless you were the god of death you were out of luck for a serious conversation. You’ve dealt with that for decades
You could remember once in a lifetime the two of you were partners, fast and precise that's how the job went. The blood god and the angel of destruction are an amazing duo. You remember when the two of you used to watch as people begged on their knees for their life or perhaps a mercy kill. Watching as your foes tried to retreat to their bases only for their pitiful lives to end in such a disgraceful manner. At the end of the day the two of you stood in the battlefield side by side knowing the world could shake in fear knowing you two were alive
And you loved it like that desire to make people fear you brought giddiness to your body and enlightened your world. You wanted one thing and it was to get revenge.
Revenge on all who did you wrong from your youth up, and now you were strong enough to bring it tenfold.
Everything was fine, It wasn’t until one day the two of you had sat down for a cup of tea like you usually did on Thursday evenings. He told you he wanted to retire, he was done with the killings and the torture.
He was finally putting down the title ‘Blood god’
At first you thought it was a joke but then you saw his eyes and they were as serious as he could ever be, anger rose up in you unable to process the statement.
How could he leave you like this, he promised to be by your side when no one else would.
A liar that's would your made him out to be
A slap to the cheek was all you left him that day
Now here you were decades later, hand in hand dancing to the sounds of the instruments harmonizing becoming one just the way you two were.
He spun you around gracefully on the tiled floor, there's something about dancing in an empty room that makes you feel weird inside. What was this feeling? Him making you feel weak in the knees, perhaps it was the fact the last time you did this it was when you two were young and reckless. He always seemed to know how to brighten your life,even to the point the friendship you two had was envied amongst the other gods.
He twirled you across the room dipping you slightly “Cat caught your tongue”
You rolled your eyes “As if”
You saw outside the glass panes, the sky was painted a blood orange mixed with lavender purples and hints of blue. The sun slowly sets,bringing the nightfall.
You chuckle to yourself, how romantic of the sky to show such a sight for people who would die before dating each other.
You turn your gaze to the god “I need you one last time” you say cutting to the chase
Technoblade glared at you “I already told you I’m retired, don’t be so stubborn”
“I’m not, your being selfish putting your needs before anyone else's”
He snorts “Isn’t that what you're doing y/n? Or am I reading the situation wrong?” He says sarcastically “Plus I thought you made it clear that you wanted nothing to do with me, or was that slap something you did on impulse and you couldn’t face me after?”
You grind your teeth “It was not, and why are you making it seem like you're the victim? You're the one who wanted to leave me!” You snapped
He took his hands away from you and pinched the bridge of his nose “See, this is why we cannot have a conversation. You always jump to conclusions” he growls
“I do not!”
“You do! I never intended to leave your side, only retiring. Is it so bad I wanted to stop killing and do something better with my life, and here I thought you’d be happy with it.”
You stared at him shocked, “I..”
Was he right? You were known to act on impulse which did cause problems in the long run but he’d be there to be by your side every time. But yet, you couldn’t fathom the thought of him leaving his life behind to start a new one. Why? You weren’t sure.
Techno sighed “You act so tough when actually you're broken inside. The thing is you weren’t mad at me for retirement, you were mad that things were changing. You're scared of change because you don’t know where you’ll fall between it all.”
The piano falls into a soft handsomely rhythm
The violinist quietly drag their bows delicately
You cast your eyes aside, you couldn’t argue with the truth. You swallow hard fighting back the tears. You couldn’t fathom the amount of times you’ve been in the wrong or how much you’ve hurt him
A hand is placed on you head
“You think too much, stop that”
“I’m sorry”
“For overthinking or for being impulsive” he questions
“Both” you whisper keeping your eyes on the floor
You huffed “You were right about everything”
He grinned showing his pearly whites “I’m sorry what was that? I couldn’t hear you?”
You laughed slightly making your worries go away for the time being “You asshole, get your head out of the skies as if I’m repeating that again”
He chuckles shrugging “Worth a try”
“So, let's get something straight. I’ll help you one last time then I’m forcing you to retire. Seriously you have no say so.” He eyes you “You probably need therapy too jeez”
“Fuck You I’m perfectly fine”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night” he responds ushering you out the room
“Bold of you to assume I sleep”
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Taglist: @ttakinou @angstyx
101 notes · View notes
hotxhocolate · 4 years
Episode 1
Douxie is precious. I'd give my life for him love him.
Archie the little shit. I love him.
Jim u unfotunate bb
Merlin ur so useless sometimes i h8 u
Episode 2
Arthur u suck
... douxie that was yourself
douxie u suck at blending in but i still love u
oh God steve why
u fucking look alike ofc u'd say that
drunk steve :')))
rapper steve :')))
Merlin during that part when the trolls escape Camelot lol same
trollhunter squad -1 being saved by their enemies lol
Episode 3
I do not like glowy eyes jim
morgana gwen gay
i wanted u two (morgana and claire) to be friends :'(((
Episode 4
no nimue theory is true (or maybe there's a true theory out there but the ones i have read aren't)
IT'S THE THINGY!!! (and by thingy i'm referring to that netflix screensaver?/sneakpeek?/thingy)
Douxie freeing Nimue and receiving excalibur
Ur an amazing person Douxie and i love u
Jim & Morgana parallel???
history's going alright in my pov
Episode 5
>:((( merlin listen to them
steve and food hihi (same)
oh God steve
steve calling for eli :'(((
creepslayerz :'))) i miss eli
past douxie u dork i love u
Episode 6
Jim & Claire reunion 😍
draal i missed u :'(((
where's kanjigar?
decimaar blade >:(((
coach steve HIHIHI i love him
Jim and Claire date hihi they're so soft my bbs
jim... claire's always been an awesome wizard
pre-trollhunters draal >:(((
Episode 7
gosh merlin u useless shit douxie's doing all the hard work
don't worry doux i think it's amazing
(disappointed she didn't get to say it so i'll say it for her) DON'T THINK !!! BECOME !!!
where's steve? where dafuq is steve? did ya'll leave him? HOY DON'T LEAVE HIM
oh jk he's there
hihi past douxie hihi
Episode 8
her name's zoe !!!
soooooo who exactly is zoe
"we're closed to privileged arthurian toolbags" ok i love zoe
wizard underground hihi
but gdi merlin
so ... who is pretending to be nari
is it archie???
yep! it is archie
gdi merlin we're not leaving without claire and jim
fucking shit morgana i want u in team good stop being team bad
i h8 merlin but shit bro why'd u kill him huhu
"i'll try to make u proud" "you already have" :'((( no i'm not crying u r
SON???!!! HAHA(?) I KNEW IT???
Episode 9
hihi past douxie
douxie u cheater
doux :'((((
i mean i'm not super sad bc i don't really like merlin but still
FREE JIM :'((((
nari i love u
noooo don't bake douxie into a blood pie i love him
did charlemagne the devourer just make a pun
charlemagne is archie's dad lol i didn't expect that
lol this is gonna take a long time
Episode 10
Last ep huhu
krel my boi !!!
nari bb :'(((
krel precious
douxie hihi my boi !!! U SMART BOI I LOVE U
he trapped them in a time loop i love him
douxie and his guitar i love him
stop it
OH NO JIM DEAD :'(((( i'm literally sobbing right now huhu NOOOO
or douxie dead??? i'm confused
YES!!! DOUXIE ALIVE !!!!!!!!!
no douxie nari don't go away huhu i'm gonna miss u
it's a limited series tho so maybe not huhu
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daisukissed · 4 years
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【 Okay, Gamer 】
❧ pairing: kozume kenma x gn!reader, slight kuroo x reader if you squint hard enough
❧ synopsis: who would've thought you'd meet the love of your life through fortnite?
❧ genres: fluff, e2l (the enemy phase being 5 seconds lMFAO), one-shot
❧ warnings: guns, shootings, violence all the stuff you do in a battle royale if that needs a warning???? oh, and cursing.
❧ word count: 2k-ish
❧ a/n: purely self indulgent hehe the things i'd do to game with this guy 🥴
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Your fingers move swiftly across your controller, pressing the combinations of buttons that have been ingrained in your brain from muscle memory. Your eyes shift from left to right, focusing solely on the screen of your TV as you scan the large platform for the person who shot you earlier.
Gaining another shot from the right, you immediately toggle your left stick towards the sound of the gunshot, aiming for the pink haired player not far from you.
"SHIT!" You throw your controller out of frustration, seeing it bounce a few times on your bed before making its way onto the floor with a large thud.
"I'm knocked down by the tree, the enemy's literally at 15 health." You groaned through the microphone, picking up the controller back up as you hear a soft hum in reply.
You could see your partner making his way towards you, building up floors and ramps skillfully as he avoid the shots made by the other player earlier.
It doesn't take much time for your teammate to kill off the female character, various items of different colors dropping from her death to which he gathers immediately.
"Oh my God, you're really out here looting and healing first when your teammate is literally seconds away from dying?!" You yell, feeling more and more frustration pile up as you see your health bar becoming shorter and shorter.
"It's your fault that you got knocked down."
Your grip on the controller got tighter than before as you take a deep breath, holding in all the numerous curses plagued on your mind as of now.
"Username 'applepi', I swear to God if you don't get your ass back here and revive me, I'll come and haunt you in real life."
You hear a exasperated sigh from the other side of the call before seeing a purple and black skeleton running his way to the tree you're currently residing in.
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The rest of the game went out just as bad as the start of it. He would fire shots aimlessly and pointlessly to attract enemies nearby, solely because he knows it'll piss you off. Of course, you can't just back down from his childish antics so you pay him back by following him everywhere and anywhere, stealing any weapons and materials he got on his sight.
"Hey, there's someone coming over towards your left."
"You already did that trick, try again next time."
"No, I'm serious-"
And he's down.
"What the fuck?"
You couldn't help but obnoxiously snort at the sight of your teammate falling down to his knees, only being able to crawl and nothing else as he watches his health bar dwindling into nothing.
"Pfft- See! I-I fucking t-told you but you wouldn't even l-listen!" You stammer in laughter, clutching your stomach in pain. Tears are starting to form in the uppermost corner of your eye, your cheeks beginning to feel sore and chest heaving up and down uncontrollably.
"Shut up and revive me." The player behind your laughter said in an unamused tone. You could hear the aggravation behind his sighs, the sound of what seemed like a device or some sort being put down forcefully followed behind, leaving you in fits of blissful giggles.
Oh, how sweet that karma is by your side.
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Top 3.
That's all it takes for the endless banter between you two to cease.
Your body is tense, not wanting to move a single inch from your spot, afraid that it'll wreck the whole game if you put any attention to anything else besides the ongoing match. Your hands are clammy, layered with sheets of sweat between your palm and the black controller you're gripping at, holding it tight as if it's your only hope in winning the game.
You rapidly toggle the small joystick, trying to aim for the player in front of you as you furiously press buttons to shoot and evade at the same time, taking a few shots in the process.
Pressing the R2 button a few more times, you finally knocked your enemy down, shooting them in the head to truly end them.
The green health bar located on the bottom side of your television has about a quarter of it left, causing you to move away from the enemy's sight, searching for a secluded place to refuge in.
Switching your shotgun into a red and white bandage, you heal yourself up, anxiously waiting for the timer to count down to zero to finish healing, hoping that no one comes to ambush you in the meantime.
Your heart thumps against your chest, caused by the surge of adrenaline through your body.
The timer ticks down to six when you get shot, all your remaining health diminishing in one go along with your energy and enthusiasm.
You see your shooter immediately make his way to your teammate, greedy for kills, leaving you to watch your character slowly die in all fours. You think it's a stupid mistake that they didn't finish you off but you're thankful for the chance given.
"Applepi, revive me!" You order frantically, your hope of winning the game slowly decreases as you see your fellow teammate's health at half, the sight of him frantically moving backwards to create distance between his two opponent tells you that he's having a hard time.
"We'll both die before I have the chance to revive you."
An aggravated sigh left your chapped lips as you watch one of the players close in on him.
"Well, you can't beat two players all on your-"
Before you can finish your sentence, soft party music suddenly booms from your speakers, a large blue banner with the writing 'Victory Royale' displaying on your screen. It is as if the gods above and he himself are playing with you, proving you wrong before you could even try.
"What did you say?" The male asks in fake innocence and you might be dreaming but you think that you can hear the slight smile in his husky voice.
You let out a small groan as the game cuts off to its loading screen, the voice chat between you and the quiet male ending.
Trying to fight off the disappointment growing in your heart, you take off your blue headphones, finally setting your controller down after what seems like hours.
Blinking the tiredness of your strained eyes, you give the in game menu a final scan.
As if all the negative emotions that you felt were never there, you hold back a smile, feeling a budding hope when you make out the words in front of you.
Applepi sent you a friend request!
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You learned a lot of new things about your new friend.
You learned that his real name is Kozume Kenma, he's a year older than you and goes to Nekoma High, the school a few stops before yours.
You learned that he has blonde hair and ebony roots, along with gold slit eyes and small pupils that makes him resemble a cat.
You also learned that he uses the username 'applepi' because he loves apple pies, he's a quiet person in general, not just in game but in texts as well. Sometimes he surprises you, getting chatty and affectionate at rare times.
You screech out his name, the boy being mentioned having to wince at the loud sound from his headphones. You run around the grassy platform, avoiding the player coming for you at all cost due to your lack of good weapons.
Kenma watches you for a while, contemplating whether he should just leave you or actually save you.
He opts for the latter, he always does.
Rushing in with a stronger weapon than yours, he jumps through bushes and cars, avoiding anything that seems to block him. Turning left from the rocky road, the blonde male immediately shoots at a purple character near yours, focusing on aiming at the small figure faraway.
"You suck, Y/N." He points out, controlling his skeleton-like character to run towards you after finishing the last blow.
"Yet you always play with me anyways." You argue.
You know you hit the mark when he doesn't give you any sort of response.
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Your lips curl up into a soft smile as you hear the boy you grow more and more fond of talk about today's practice.
You don't know how or when it happened but the hectic calls while gaming are slowly replaced by a more ordinary and intimate one instead. Insults about the other party's skills turns to subtle compliments and childish banters turn into curious questions about one's life.
You would be lying if you said you didn't like the change.
"So this Hinata guy just spikes without even looking at the ball?" You ask intriguingly, genuinely interested at the dynamic duo he had been telling you about.
"Uh-huh, he's amazing."
You let out a small giggle at his response.
He doesn't notice but the tone of his voice always seems to change when he's talking about the things he's passionate about. Whether it be the new game he started playing or even volleyball, when he played an intense match. It's a minuscule change but you notice it anyways.
A slight click of the door opening followed by one or two footsteps can be heard from Kenma's room, a sly voice resonating throughout the walls.
"Ah, is that your Fortnite girlfriend you're calling again?"
You can vaguely recall the voice belonging to Kuroo Tetsurou, one of Kenma's teammate whom you shared a few conversations with before, much to the blonde's dismay. Feeling a slight cringe upon hearing the tall athlete's words, along with a hint of envy, you choose to stay quiet as they talk.
"It's not. Get out of my room, Kuroo." The cat-like male spit out, black eyebrows furrowing in annoyance.
Kuroo's lips twitches up into a infuriating smirk, knowing full well of the ticking time bomb in front of him. He does as he was ordered to, stepping his foot out of his childhood friend's door.
Not before dealing a blow though.
"If you don't ask her out soon, I might just go and steal her, you know~?" The clever male goads before escaping out of the room.
Upon hearing those words, Kenma's mind goes into a havoc, his heart dropping down into his stomach.
He knows that you and Kuroo have been texting as well lately, the said man mentioning that he is in fact, quiet interested in you.
What are you bothered of anyways? People can get close to her however they'd like, he thinks, yet he feels all these negative emotions swirling around his head when he imagines you going out with the suave boy.
"Fortnite girlfriend?" You inquire, breaking his train of thoughts. You can't help the slight bitterness in your tone when you speak, though you're sure it goes unnoticed by the person you're speaking to.
"It's nothing, just ignore what he said."
Not satisfied with his answer, you push more, "Well, shouldn't you really ask her out? We can't let Kuroo be a step ahead of you, can't we?"
You try your hardest to play it as a joke, masking your jealousy with a cheerful and joking tone.
It is exactly this that gives Kenma the final push, giving him the last ounce of courage and guts that are needed to say his next line.
"Then Y/N, would you like to go to the cat café I mentioned about together this Saturday?"
Your mind short circuits, incompetent to form words and your eyes widen by a tenfold. To say that you are shocked would be an understatement
You can hear Kenma beginning to take back his words, scared that he's putting you in a difficult place or making you feel uncomfortable but before he can finish his words, you cut him off with a stuttered and loud 'yes!'
The Pudding Head smiles slightly at your agreement and before arranging his plans with you, he opens the messaging app on his phone, immediately texting the number one contact.
Kozume Kenma
I did it.
Kuroo Tetsurou
Took you long enough.
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mythgirlimagines · 3 years
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Talentswap Tuesday is today! Please keep your eyes peeled, or she just might jump out from the shadows to give you an impromptu makeover! It’s Myth, the Former Ultimate Makeup Artist!
When you first of her talent, you would assume Myth to be some kind of Marylin Monroe-esque social media influencer. But despite Myth’s skill in standard makeup application, Myth’s speciality lies in horror and special effects. Able to turn a person from a beauty to a beast, Myth’s makeup skills are praised by both the horror fanatic crowd and the beautician crowd. As the third daughter to an American horror movie actor and a Ukrainian beautician, Myth’s talent manages to consist of the best of both worlds. Starting out as a humble assistant at some of her father‘s movie shoots, eventually Myth garnered internet fame for her tutorials on how to give yourself extra eyes or how to turn into a vampire. She still hasn’t lost any of her spooky and impish charm, even as an adult and chaperone of Hope’s Peak’s annual Kibo-Con field trip.
Wyre Anon, Former Ultimate Storyteller
Folks come far and wide to hear Wyre’s macabre tales that can leave even the strongest of bodyguards shaking in their boots. Myth and Wyre knew each other ever since they were little, having bonded over their shared love of horror and the macabre. And you can bet your bottom dollar that their relationship is still going strong to this very day. Myth regularly helps Wyre with their makeup to up the horror factor, usually making Wyre resemble an oni or a dragon. This fearsome duo just love teaming up to scare the other Anons. 
Outfit: White face paint with black circles around their eyes and cracks painted into their face, a large purple cape held together with a skull design, a black vest and red ascot over a white dress shirt, brown pants, black heeled boots.
Anon Scar, Ultimate Jazz Singer
With her proficient skill at both vocals and instruments, Anon Scar, also known by her stage name “Guardian of Soul”, managed to revitalize the jazz genre. You’d think that with her whole demon motif along with her cool and calm behavior on stage, Scar would be able to handle Myth’s horror. But all of that talk of demons and curses is merely a facade, concealing an easily-frazzled and heavily concerned mom friend. Myth loves drawing wounds on herself and pretending to be hurt around Scar, just to see Scar’s facade break.
Outfit: A black vest with a white music note design on the back over a white tank top, black pants, black fingerless gloves, a microphone around her right ear, the scarf and boots from her original design.
Fusion Anon, Ultimate Forensic Sociologist
An expert on human behaviors, body language and social interactions, Fusion possesses an uncanny intuition and can read people like a book, making him a tough nut to crack for the more deceptive and manipulative students. Despite his creepy intuition, Fusion remains a kind-hearted, almost paternal, young man. Myth was thinking that if Fusion wasn’t so kind-hearted and she touched up on his makeup, his freakish intuition and his freakishly thin and tall body would make him the perfect horror movie monster. 
Outfit: An oversized dark blue trench coat, an equally large red scarf that covers his mouth, the pants, shoes and glasses from his original design. 
Fusion Anon II, Ultimate Beatboxer
Conquering rap battles after rap battles, Fusion II is famous for both her epic beatboxing skills and the equally epic roasts of her opponents. But similar to Scar, Fusion II‘s sarcastic and flippant demeanour is merely a facade. Deep down, Fusion II is a massive nerd, particularly for literature and poetry. This love for the written word can be found in many lyrics of her rap songs. Myth finds Fusion II to be a fun person to scare, especially when the beatboxer is in the middle of one of her breakdancing sessions. 
Outfit: A white jumpsuit that is undone at her waist revealing her red tanktop and fake gold heart necklace underneath, blue and white sneakers, black fingerless gloves, a couple of piercings in her ears, a red cap worn backwards, sunglasses from her original design.
Just Anon, Ultimate Seer
Ever since he was little, Janon has been having weird prophetic dreams and Janon felt the urge to draw them in his dream journal. Sleeping and drawing are about the only two things that Janon really puts effort into. Janon sleeps a lot to maximize the number of prophecies he can see, and he can get really grouchy if someone wakes him up in the middle of his dreams. As much as Janon tries to put up the image of a stoic emo, his ridiculous fashion sense and adorable appearance makes Janon Myth‘s number one teasing target.
Outfit: Back-length hair that he didn’t bother to cut with a couples of pencils stuck in, a pink ski cap with bunny ears, a white mask with a cat mouth and whiskers on them, a yellow raincoat, galaxy leggings, nothing on his feet.
Sparkle Anon, Former Ultimate Linguist
Coming from an influential family known for their international branches, Sparkle has a penchant for traveling and managed to pick up languages left and right. Currently speaking 14 languages at a native level, Sparkle has a loud, bombastic and dramatic personality. And that loud, bombastic and dramatic personality makes really great reactions to Myth’s jumpscares, along with the added bonus of hearing Sparkle curse in different languages. Sparkle would let Myth touch up on her makeup as long as Myth promises not to put gory details on the linguist’s face.
Outfit: A brown vest over a long-sleeved blue dress shirt, a brown skirt, grey nylons, black heels, a large cape with a map of the word on it, blue pauldrons. 
Egg Anon, Former Ultimate Barista, and Wet Sock Anon, Former Ultimate Perfumer
With the twin’s love for the cursed and macabre, Myth got along with them like a house on fire. Myth regularly hangs out with Egg at their coffee house and exchange their regular cursed inside jokes over a nice cup of joe. Wet Sock, despite their bitter personality, produces some of the best-smelling and luxurious perfume in the known world. Wet Sock’s and Myth’s shared love of cosmetics makes them quite the cursed duo. Both of them may have growing feelings for Myth and they usually fight over her, much to Myth’s amusement.
Egg’s Outfit: A white polo shirt, a green apron, black pants and brown loafers.
Wet Sock’s Outfit: A white polo shirt, a black vest, black pants and brown loafers.
Curious Anon, Jr. Ultimate Fencer
Being raised by a prestigious family of fencers, Curious managed to dominate fencing tournaments despite their height and age. Curious is loyal, stalwart and above all else, chivalrous. Said chivalry earned them tons of admirers in their old private school. Similar to Fusion, Curious is also a tough nut to crack, for Curious just has this constant poker face, no matter what horrifying imagery Myth throws at them. But Myth is a determined little lass and will find a way to scare Curious, or she will die trying.
Outfit: Hair in a small ponytail, red and white jacket over a red vest and green tie over a white dress shirt, cream pants, black boots and gloves, always has their trusty rapier on their person.
Anon Nerd, Former Ultimate Lucky Student
Having been admitted to Hope’s Peak via a mere lottery, Anon Nerd has a foul mouth and an equally foul temper, which very clearly came from the poor hand in life that his bad luck gave him. Nerd doesn’t really have anything to his name apart from being part of his school‘s debate club and getting into screaming matches against 13 year olds online. Because of Nerd’s easily-enraged and overreacting personality, Myth finds Nerd in particular to be a fascinating subject to scare. Nerd’s blushy face is just so darn adorable!
Outfit: A black hoodie hood-up, black sweatpants, white socks, grey flip flops.
Eldritch Anon, Ultimate Crime Novelist
Famous for both his graphic and suspenseful novels and his general evasiveness about his personal information, it truly was a wonder that Myth‘s favorite crime novels were written by not only a Hope’s Peak student, but also someone who is 5 years her junior. Myth regularly tries to socialize with her hero in literature, but despite writing graphic crime novels, Eldritch is cowardly and runs away screaming at the slightest chance of danger. Myth’s generally creepy behavior and interests doesn’t really help matters.
Outfit: Longer hair in a ponytail, a dark purple vest with an orange question mark on the lapel over a long white dress shirt, an orange cravat, grey pants, black socks, black slip-on shoes.
Dream Anon, Ultimate Lighting Designer
Dream has become famous for catapulting her school’s theater club to stardom with her amazing light displays. Dream and Myth both have careers centered around show business, they both admire Eldritch Anon and his novels, and they both have outgoing and childish personalities. But a certain quality about Dream prevents Myth from putting her on her list of friends: Dream is a fashion disaster! Myth always tries to give Dream a makeover and a tirade about how crocs are evil, but everything goes in one ear and comes out the other. 
Outfit: A blue headband, part of her hair is put into a small sidetail with a green scrunchie, her hair is dyed a rainbow of colors, a black tanktop, a black, white, and pink jacket draped over her shoulders, various fake gold jewelry, orange headphones, white jorts, a blue and purple stocking on her left leg and a green and yellow stocking on her right leg, red crocs.
Iris Anon, Ultimate Jack-Of-All-Trades
Unlike other Ultimates with a clear-cut talent, Iris has mastered a ton of talents but not to the point of Ultimate status. Iris’s unorthodox Ultimate makes her an enigma amongst the other Ultimates. Despite not knowing what her plans are for the future, Iris is determined to make the most of the vast array of skills she mastered. Iris is very optimistic, able to see the good in even the worst and cursed of monsters. Myth admires Iris’s determination and Myth regularly uses Iris as her pranking accomplice. 
Outfit: A grey beanie cap with a dark blue star design, a green flannel jacket over a white t-shirt, a gold coin necklace, light blue jorts, white socks and green loafers with white soles, glasses and bandages from her original design. 
Purple Anon, Ultimate Toxicologist
As the scion of an influential family in the science field, Purple Anon is hailed as a prodigy in the field of toxicology. Because of Purple’s upbringing, her vocabulary is both old-fashioned and heavily uses scientific jargon, which makes her speech very hard to decipher by the Anons, with a couple of exceptions. Purple has a timid and easy-to-startle personality, usually hiding behind her good friend, Fusion. Myth regularly consults Purple on any new makeup products, to make sure that the makeup isn’t toxic or an allergen.
This series centers around the gremlin make-up artist trying her best to scare her conmates, but eventually, she opens up to others and proves to be a bit of a cinnamon roll. 
Having been surrounded by horror for the majority of her life, MakeupArtist!Myth is unfazed at the prospect of horror and revels in the macabre and unnerving. Despite regularly getting kicks from scaring her fellow Anons, MakeupArtist!Myth has a surprisingly kind-hearted personality despite her impish and devious first impression, and can dial back her horror for people like Eldritch and Purple. MakeupArtist!Myth is a massive fashion police towards the other Anons, particularly towards LightingDesigner!Dream.  ——————————————————-
MakeupArtist!Myth wears her dyed purple hair in two space buns that she keeps up with blue scrunchies with yellow stars on them. She also wears an oversized grey and black sweater, dark blue short overalls, white gyaru-style socks, and black Mary Janes. Holding up her shorts is a belt that holds a bunch of makeup supplies. MakeupArtist!Myth has the same glasses from her original design, which frame her adorable dot eyes with elaborately designed eyeshadow.  ——————————————————-
I hope you like this Tuesday’s Talentswap! I can’t wait to hear what you think of it! By the way, I’d totally recommend “Danganronpa: The Wolf’s Game”, if you want to see another Killing Game with an Ultimate Linguist as the protagonist! I wonder how Wolf Game’s Ultimate Linguist would interact with your Ultimate Linguist!
-Fusion Anon
Dang I would so like to be this good at makeup XD Wyre and I actually have a friend who’s super good with horror makeup
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crystalrainwish · 3 years
An Unforgettable Surprise
Summary: Euria and Camilla spend some time together in the hot springs.
Total Word Count: 901
A/N: My secret santa gift for the amazing @avistella as a part of @summonersecretsanta. I’ll admit I was really excited to learn that I got picked to be your secret santa. But, I really do hope you like it and I also hope I did Euria justice ;-; ... Happy Holidays! 💖
“Nice work today, Camilla. It’s a step up from our last practice.”, Euria beamed as she walked alongside the Nohrian princess. The two of them had just returned from the training grounds and they were quite exhausted. However, the women wouldn’t let their tiredness stop them from having some together time.
“Well, a little improvement couldn't; hurt, no?”, Camilla lightly chuckled, tossing her purple locks proudly. “I don’t know about you, dear, but I could use a relaxing bath right about now. My arm’s getting swore from all that ax swinging.”
“Hehe, took the words right off of my mouth. Let’s get going before your arm falls off.”
Camilla tussled with Euria’s dark hair at the joke before the duo headed for the hot springs.
Although Euria and Camilla had entered the hot springs, the summoner was told to go on ahead; Camilla claimed that she had forgotten something and rushed out to get it. She offered to help go look for it, but the princess insisted that Euria gets in on some relaxation time without her.
She’s been gone for a while now. Is everything alright?, Euria worried, wondering where Camilla had gone off to.
Wanting to ensure her safety, she headed for the footsteps. However, the sudden sound of a door opening quickly made her bolt back into the blazing waters.
“What are you hiding for, dear? It’s only me.”, Camilla’s familiar voice called out as she stepped in, the purple towel still draped over her.
“Geez, you almost gave me a heart attack. What took you so long?”, Euria grunted before her eyes fell upon the white tray in Camilla’s hands. It held two white ceramic cups, shiny gold accents across the rim and base.
“I apologize for the wait, dear. You have no idea how difficult is running around the castle in nothing but a towel just to get some refreshing milk. I must thank the Gods later tonight for not letting me get caught. I suppose even my feet might fall off soon.”
“I wouldn’t want that to happen- get in! The water’s great. Oh, and um, thanks for the milk. That’ll be nice to enjoy once we get out.”
Camilla didn’t hesitate to slip out of her robes and head inside the pool. She had set the tray to the side so they could enjoy their cold drinks later.
“Ah, this is more like it! I feel better already- now that I’m touching those cold tile floors anymore.”, Camilla sighed happily, soaking in the relaxing hot spring.
“You must be the bravest princess I’ve ever met. I’d never dare to run around in public wearing a towel. Even if someone were to pay me, I’d still refuse it! It’s too embarrassing to even think about the terrible outcomes!”, Euria shamefully held her head in her hands once a sudden thought came to mind.
Oh no! What if Alfonse saw me doing it? How would he even react to it? N-no, I have to just stop thinking about it! I’m supposed to be relaxing now, not freaking out!
Camilla chuckled at the summoner’s flustered face. “No need to worry, dear. I promise to be more prepared next time. But, speaking of cold though, the Winter Festival is coming up. Any plans?”
Once the Nohrian brought up the festival, Euria looked up curiously, soon forgetting about the nightmare she was previously having.
“Hmm, I do, actually. But, nothing’s completely set in stone. I want to surprise Alfonse with something nice yet unexpected. If only I could just figure out exactly what to get him.”, Euria pondered, twirling a strand of hair around her finger.
“Well, unlike you darling, I have everything all set out already. I know my siblings pretty well, so I could get their gifts easily. Which reminds me- I have an early Winter Festival present for you.”
“A what-?”
Before Euria could finish, Camilla quickly headed over to the tray and picked up something from it. She slowly strode back to her spot, a soft smile on her face.
“Here are you, Euria. Just a little something to show my appreciation.”
As Camilla uncupped her hand, the summoner gazed in awe at her present. It was a small hair clip crafted from metal; the vibrant violet colors matched the princess’ hair exactly. Tiny silver beads added a flair of elegance and beauty to the accessory.
“Camilla, it’s stunning.”, Euria beamed as she delicately picked up the tiny object. She immediately clipped it into her hair, her smile growing wider.
“I even got a matching one.”, the princess pointed to a discreetly hidden clip of her own. Hers was a glossy raven black with golden beads, matching the aesthetic of the summoner.
“I-I don’t know what to say...”
“I’ll accept a "thank you"...or maybe a “thank you” hug instead? Oh, it just feels so good to spoil you, dear. I can’t help but feel selfish for something in return.”
Chuckling at Camilla’s pouty face, Euria quickly dove in for a hug. Camilla’s skin was warm against hers as she tightened the hug. She felt like the luckiest girl in the world to have someone like Camilla to look up to.
Euria had a pretty good feeling about the Winter Festival, now that Camilla had touched her heart with joy.
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telli1206 · 4 years
Just gonna go with my faves here and you can pick whichever one hasn't been asked yet: Jaylos, Rotten OT4, Marlos ❤️❤️
@fuck-you-i-am-spiderman‘s Marlos is AMAZING, but I’ll give it a shot 😉
Who would be the big spoon/little spoon?
Mal resists spooning - she hates looking soft and vulnerable. She secretly does love it, though, which Carlos is very aware of, so he begs her to spoon, for his sake, because he needs the comfort. Especially when he knows she’s actually the one that needs it. Then she fakes reluctance and agrees, letting him cuddle around her, and he strokes her arms soothingly and kisses into her hair. As much as she fights it, she almost always falls asleep in Carlos’ arms as he soothes her.
Who would wake up first? 
Carlos, always. Even though he enjoys sleeping in, Mal could literally sleep the day away if you let her. During the week, it’s not too hard to wake her up for school. A bowl of fruit (mostly strawberries) and kisses on the cheek usually do the trick. But when Carlos has to get her up on weekends for Tourney practice or games he has to pull out the big guns. Strawberry pancakes with whipped cream (and intense, whipped cream-laced kisses), are too tempting for her to resist. Of course, getting her out the door and away from Carlos’ kisses presents an all new problem...
Do they have nicknames for each other? 
In public, Carlos sticks with M, Baby Dragon, and his little Fireball, but behind closed door she’s always Hot Stuff.
Mal tends to call Carlos Pup or Q in public (short for Curly Q), but she also loves to refer to him as her cheerleader at games, and Sweet Cheeks after games, because that cheerleader uniform hugs him in all the right places.
How do they apologize after an argument? 
Carlos gives Mal footrubs and feeds her chocolate-covered strawberries until she forgets what they even fought about. Mal gives Carlos scalp massages and plays gently with his hair until he’s calm and relaxed, then gently tugs it back to give him some deep, biting kisses.
What would they be like as parents? 
Carlos will be the always doting father, helping with studies and making sure that the kids are eating healthy, balanced meals (with a fair share of chocolate, too!). Mal will be their playmate, ever in charge of activities and getting out all their energy. But both share in the  soft, caring moments, like giving baths with shampoo hairstyles, kissing booboos and reading bedtimes stories complete with character voices and sound effects.
Who is more romantic? 
Carlos, and he always does it when he knows Mal needs it the most. If she gets hurt in Tourney or struggles on a test, Carlos makes sure to set aside a night to pick up fancy takeout, set up candles and pillows, and put one of the sappy romantic comedies that Mal never wants to admit she loves. And at least once a month he has Evie design a new fancy dress for Mal so he can dress her up and take her out to eat on a proper date, where he holds her hand, opens doors for her and tells her repeatedly how beautiful she looks. Mal snorts and rolls her eyes at first, but she’s always swooning by the end of the date, snuggling under Carlos’ arm and interlacing their fingers.
What sort of gifts do they get for each other? 
Mal likes to get things that Carlos can wear to show that he’s hers, like jewelry with M’s on them (cufflinks, rings) and small items of clothing in purple, like socks and pocket squares. She even ordered her team Tourney sweatshirt and jacket a little oversized so he can wear them too.
Carlos loves making Mal feel beautiful, so he works with Evie all the time to help design clothing for her. They even incorporate little bits of red, black and white sometimes so she’ll think of him when she wears them. He also loves gifting her with jewelry for special occasions, and recently got her a slim gold ring with imprinted purple and green scales across the band.
Who gets jealous easiest? 
Mal, because Carlos can be utterly oblivious to other people flirting, and she loves to stake her claim on him. When she sees a potential threat, she’ll march right up to him, grab him by the collar and pull him into a rough kiss, trying to making it passionate enough to make the other person feel awkward and walk away.
Who gets more excited for events e.g.. Birthdays, Christmas? 
Carlos, because he gets really into decorating and gifting. He also spends a ridiculous amount of time picking the perfect gifts and decorations, and Mal loves to coo and praise him for his work.
Who is the most adventurous? 
Mal. And as much as Carlos loves it, it’s also his biggest source of grief. His little dragon is always down to try anything, and as much as he enjoys sneaking out of the dorms to catch a late night movie, borrowing a golf cart from the nearby course to go off-roading, or sneaking behind the bleachers after practice for a quick makeout session, he draws the line at activities that are detrimental to his health, like her cravings for gas station hot dogs, or trying to make their own bungee cords to use off the roof of their dorms.
Who is the most protective?
Mal. She’s seen what Carlos has been through and wants to protect him at all costs. As much as he loves that about her, he does try to stop her from causing physical pain to any of his tormentors. 
What would they have been like as childhood sweethearts? 
With Mal trying to establish her street cred, she wouldn’t want people to see her being lovey-dovey and soft, so they would keep their love private. But her and Carlos love to sneak sweet moments when no one is watching, like holding hands when the hall is empty, or touching under the table at lunch. They sneak time alone at the tree house once Mal has sufficiently wreaked havoc, establishing herself as a bad girl, all the while ending her nights cuddled in Carlos’ arms on his couch.
Who uses all the hot water?
Carlos thought he was bad, but Mal is a mindless waster of water. She leaves the water running when she brushes her teeth, doesn’t turn off the shower right away when she gets out, and takes baths with the water up to her chin. 
Who would accidentally set the kitchen on fire whilst cooking? 
Both. Neither are good cooks, so they’re masters of ordering takeout and eating cold pizza for any and all meals.
Who initiates sexy times the most? 
Carlos. It’s not that Mal doesn’t want to, she just gets absorbed in Tourney and sometimes forgets how much of a release it can be for her. But Carlos whispering in her ear, dragging his hand against her waist, and dropping random kisses on her neck always reminds her and prompts her to find an excuse for them to retreat back to the dorms.
Who is more dominant? 
Mal, because she was raised to be, while Carlos was raised as just the opposite. But she’s so weak for Carlos she would never do anything to establish that dominance. So she really only looks like the dominant.
What would they do if the other one was hurt? 
Both would immediately freak out and have to help the other. But while Carlos would want to hold and comfort Mal immediately, first Mal would be on a rampage to find out who hurt Carlos, ready to dish out punishment. Once that was taken care of, she’d be at Carlos’ side to cuddle and kiss his pain away.
Who gives nose/forehead kisses? 
Carlos. He loves the cute little scrunched up face that Mal makes when he does it. And she always gives him a half scowl/smile that is nothing less than adorable. At first he only gave those kisses in private, but she started liking them so much they soon became her reward after every Tourney game.
What their biggest fight was/will be about:
Carlos could never really get angry at Mal, but he does get upset when she refuses to be romantic or loving with him. He doesn’t really need the assurance or affirmation that she cares, but he doesn’t like to always be the only one public with his affection. 
BONUS #1: Song to sum them up? 
Idk, honestly. Maybe “The Rock Show” by Blink 182.
BONUS #2: A head canon?
I’ve said it a few times in here, but Carlos would use his design skills and background to help Evie make clothes for Mal. He would especially be in charge of her more feminine outfits, so she can see how beautiful he already knows she is.
BOTTOM LINE: Do I ship it? 
Absolutely! I love this tough/adorable/sweet/soft duo. 
Note: it doesn’t necessarily have to be a romantic ship!
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pangzi · 4 years
Hiiiiii I'm here for the nielan prompts (BECAUSE NIELAN IS BEAUTIFUL ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆) so you can choose any of those ones 11-13(like a video game thing ofc that's only an idea) - 16- 17- 21-28-29 I ship nielan so much that I couldn't make up my mind to choose only one prompt XDDDDDDDDDD (so you will have to decide one ≖‿≖)
11. You owe me a kiss & 13. for starters, that’s impossible (I will probably do a few of the others as well! Thank you for requesting! And I apologise in advance for this, i’ll explain some shit abt the game at the bottom)
Mingjue doesn’t like admitting it, but he loves playing fortnite. Huaisang introduced him to it when he came back home for the winter holidays and now he just couldn’t stop playing it. Every free moment he had he’d message Huaisang to play with him, as playing alone is extremely boring. But now Huaisang had exams, so he had to find a new squadmate. 
That is way harder than it sounds, as Mingjue doesn’t have many friends. Zonghui refused to even try, so the only person left to ask was Lan Xichen, and Xichen didn’t seem like the person to enjoy games like fortnite. But still, he could only ask. 
So he sent Xichen a message, and if he’s honest he kind of wants Xichen to say he doesn’t want to play. Mingjue can get quite competitive, and he’s not sure if he’s ready for Xichen to see that side of him. It’s not quite the seduction strategy to invite over the guy you like only to end up yelling at him.
His phone buzzed. A message from Xichen. I’d love to play. I’ll come over now if you want, do I bring my switch? 
Twenty minutes later, Xichen is on Mingjue’s couch and they’re ready to play their first game together. Xichen had admitted to playing the game every now and then when he was bored. He said he even enjoyed it. Mingjue had learned that most people who hated the game, just hated the game because they were bad at it, so Xichen had to be at least decent, right?
The first few games went well, they ended top 10 every time and they seemed to work well together. Mingjue noticed, though, that Xichen always seemed to have place for whatever healing item Mingjue marked, but he never took any weapon. All the good weapons went to Mingjue. 
The fifth game was when things started to get a bit more intense. They kept getting attacked by several duos at once and Mingjue was going to lose his mind. Xichen kept using this stupid pump shotgun and once even threw a small shield potion at someone instead of shooting them, still refusing to drop any of his healing items nor his shotgun for a decent weapon no matter how much Mingjue urged him to. The only reason they usually made it out alive was because Mingjue was a quick builder and had a good aim. 
Then it happened. Mingjue died and Xichen didn’t have enough time to grab his card* before the storm* hit and he had to run to the circle to stay alive. Mingjue’s screen changed to Xichen’s and just seeing Xichen’s inventory nearly gave Mingjue a stroke. He had a gray* pump shotgun, six small shield potions, three big shield potions* and a healing gun. Not even an assault rifle to shoot anyone from afar. 
“Xichen, just go grab my card, please! There are still seventy people left, you’re not going to get far with only healing and a pump without me!” 
Xichen huffed. “Oh, are you so sure about that? I can win with my gray pump shotgun alone and I’ll prove it to you!” 
“For starters, that’s impossible! It’s the worst gun in the game!” Mingjue said. “And you can’t even build, I’ve never seen you build except when we were just being idiots pressing all the buttons at once.”
“I can win without building too! I don’t need to build!” Xichen mumbled with a frown, “I’m going to prove it to you. I’m going to win this game without you! What do I get when I do?”
“Anything you want” Mingjue said with a smirk. “But no hiding like a coward until only one person is left” 
“Anything I want?” Xichen asked, “absolutely anything?” Mingjue nodded and a bit of a blush appeared on Xichen’s cheeks. “All right.” Mingjue wondered what Xichen was going to ask for that made him blush like that. Mingjue knows what he’d ask for if it was him. He didn’t have much time to dwell on it thought, as someone started shooting Xichen.
Their full attention was on the game again. Forty-six people left, including Xichen. Xichen didn’t shy away from a battle, even after nearly dying from that person who attacked him just now. Whenever he saw someone walking anywhere or heard shots, he went for it. Somehow he was amazing at sneaking up on people until he could shoot them with his shotgun.
“126 damage?” Mingjue roared, “126 damage with a gray pump shotgun?! That’s impossible Xichen! Did you rig the game?” 
“No, if anything the game rigged itself”, Xichen laughed, “I noticed people kept killing me with gray guns so I decided to try it myself.” Xichen explained with a soft smile on his face that made Mingjue’s annoyance melt away immediately. 
Ten people left and Mingjue felt his competitiveness rise. He needed Xichen to win because that would still mean he won the game too. He’d lose their bet then, but he didn’t care. He was curious to know what Xichen would ask for. Whatever it would be, Mingjue would give it to him. But then again, he doesn’t need to lose a bet to give Xichen whatever he wants. 
The survivor count was dropping fast and suddenly two duos were attacking Xichen at the same time and Mingjue couldn’t help but order him around. 
“Grab the gold shotgun Xichen!” He ordered, “Grab the purple assault rifle, come on Xichen you can win this! Grab the gun!” 
“No then I’d lose the bet” Xichen bit back, “I can do this!”
And he did. He killed the last person with two shots while only having 20 health left himself.
“VICTORY ROYALE” Xichen yelled, jumping up to shove his switch in Mingjue’s face as if Mingjue couldn’t see it on his own screen. Mingjue just looked at him with a fond smile. God he was so in love with this man. 
When Xichen was done with his victory dance, he sat down close to Mingjue and grinned widely. 
“I think you owe me a kiss” He said sweetly, as if asking your best friend to kiss you was the most normal thing ever. 
Mingjue choked on his own spit for a second. “Y-you want me to kiss you?” Mingjue asked, making sure his ears heard that right. He felt his entire face burn. 
Xichen’s face coloured bright red as well. “Only if you want to.” He stuttered, earlier confidence completely gone. “But you said I could ask for anything I wanted and I really want you to kiss me.” 
Who was Mingjue to deny Xichen anything he wanted? So he dropped his switch next to him on the couch and grabbed Xichen’s face with both hands before pressing their lips together softly. 
“I also really wanted to kiss you” Mingjue murmured against Xichen’s lips after breaking the kiss. 
“Mn” Xichen whined, “kiss me more please” So Mingjue did.
*colours of weapons from worst to best: gray - green - blue - purple - orange/gold *two types of shield potions, small can give you up to 50%, big up to 100 *card: if you play with a team/teammate, you first get knocked they can revive you on the spot. if the other player keeps shooting you/you don’t get revived on time, you die and your card can be collected by your teammate to be rebooted at a reboot van *storm: to make sure players find each other, there’s a storm that closes in on a certain spot on the map (the circle), the storm does damage and can kill you if oyu are in it too long
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Chapter Thirty Eight: As Above, So Below
This episode contains a lot of speakeasy action and I am living for it!
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Pops uniform, glasses, this is Veronica at peak businesswoman, I love it. I also like this new bracelet, a pretty simple gold band. Season three seems to feature less pearls than before and more gold jewelry, which I think is exciting.
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This feels very fresh, a real departure from season two. Here Veronica’s wearing scalloped button up shorts and a scoop neck white top, a style she last wore when repping the Red Circle. We’re starting to see more of Veronica in fancy shorts, a style I’m quite excited by.
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This is very fun. This might be the most yellow top we’ve seen Veronica in yet and, just as before, shes wearing during a struggle with her family. The white ruffle on the collar is ridicolous, but in a way that somehow works for me. It’s paired with this knee length lacey honeycombed pattern skirt. This outfit feels kinda like an exaggerated version of her usual collared shirt and skirt outfit combos, but I’m kind of loving it.
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Reggie is honestly a comedian, I loved his and Veronica’s relationship in season three.
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These polka dot bow heels are cute but the sinking into the dirt is tressing me out. As I’ve previously said, season three is already rife with polka dots.
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Another pair of shorts! These are paired with a lace and floral blouse and, again, she looks classy and casual at the same time. One theme of season three, so far, is that a lot of Veronica’s looks are quite a bit more casual than in season one and two. This could be as a result of her shaking off the Lodge family influence or it could just still be summery in Riverdale. 
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The black catsuit from 2x17 returns for yet another covert mission. Veronica looks like a sexy spy and I am living for it. 
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Veronica and Toni once again said #titsoutforcheryl, they are honestly a duo I love to see.
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This look is stunning, Veronica really chose the right look for the speakeasy opening. This purple dress literally makes her shimmer and the floral jewel belt is amazing. I love this style of hair for her, and the silver clip matched her belt well. It’s interesting to see that she’s not wearing a necklace. In season one this wiuld undoubtedly be acessorized with a set of pearls but here she’s striking out on her own, Veronica’s really growing into her own.
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I’m impressed that they splashed out on shadow dances for the speakeasy, how fancy!
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This is, I’m pretty sure, the same dressing gown from 2x14. It’s still just as cute.
Total: Seven outfits
Cape Count: Nada
Teardrop Pearl Count: I’m really starting to miss it
Favourite: Speakeasy dress, no competition
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See you for the next one!
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