#also idk if the ask will show 100% its only showing the first half of the ask
purplestars222 · 3 months
Hazbin hotel headcannons!!!!
just general stuff i think the characters do!!
(radiodust, staticmoth, vees are poly, chaggie, pentniss, little bit of radioapple if you squint, also one sided huskerdust/angeldusk)
characters: Alastor, angeldust, lucifer, charlie, vaggie, husk, sir pentious, arackniss, baxter, niftyz cherri bomb, the vees.
cw: nsfw!!! valentino
Minors do not interact.
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definitely vapes. since he has to stay sober, i think he would vape to take the edge off a bit :)
in an attempt to get alastor to actually like him, he lays off the flirting a little, and cooks for him from time to time, he mainly just makes different pastas
He teaches alastor italian, and alastor teaches him french
Hates arackniss most of the time, but loves teasing him about being a bottom with pentious (hes a switch)
he cooks for others to show he cares
i dont think he'd be a fan of imps ir hellhounds, idk why i just get that feeling
hes curious about arackniss because hes the opposite of angel, so they have drinks together sometimes- alastor always asks questions about angel
he doesn't believe that he likes angel at first, but angel starts letting his walls down, and alastor realises hes actually an interesting individual!
she just wants her dads to get along!
she ok puts together trust exercises specifically for alastor and lucifer to get closer but it drives them apart
She loves taking care of vaggie, it makes her feel useful. Whenever vaggie isnt feeling well, she only lets her leave bed when necessary. She gets everything she needs.
hes a switch but prefers to bottom, lillith 100% pegs him.
Cooks breakfast at the hotel on weekends for the main guys- alastor started helping too out of spite, trying to make his food taste better.
Always does things to prove hes better than alastor, hes mainly just trying to get als attention but he pays him no mind.
If anyone looks at charlie the wrong way or touches her without consent she goes fucking beserk. If she ever finds out about what valentino did, she'll kill him herself.
has a pretty close relationship with lucifer! they play board games together and lucifer sometimes vents to her
they shit talk alastor together
vaggie vents to him aswell
him and angel watch movies together sometimes and cuddle! alastor does not approve, but him and angel arent together so he cant really do anything, because it makes angel happy.
Sir pentious
He loves angels chest fluff and sometimes purrs into it when they're cuddling. angel teases him for it, but in a cute way
he practises magic tricks with angel when they're having a movie night.
him and angel sometimes fuck, for angel is just sex with a close friend but husk really likes him, husk just knows alastor likes angel too and he does NOT wanna fuck with alastor.
when angel and alastor get together he hides away in his room for a few days, he only tells charlie what happened
Autistic. Most autistic guy in the show (until we get baxter at least)
Doesn't understand why niss doesn't say hes only half a bottom when angel teases him about it
when angel asks about his sex life with niss (as a joke) his whole face turns red and he screams "Itss none of your businessss!!" and slithers off as fast as he can, angel thinks its fucking hilarious to get him flustered
Proudest dad of his egg bois, he sometimes makes little outfits for them and they out on mini plays for him and arackniss about very random stuff, they can never tell if the plays are based on true events or not.
he has a giant heat lamp in his room, he lays under it and reads
She plays with dead bugs, her favourite thing is playing with corpses of dead bugs in front of other bugs
She has a pink bed and her room is always spotless
she loves alastors cooking, she refuses to eat lucifers food if alastor has cooked something too
straight, during pride she puts an excessive amount of pride flags everywhere, every different type too, the hotel is covered in them.
him and angel tease each other alot. arackniss mainly teases him for being in love with a red deer.
he confesses first to pentious, and pentious is a flustered mess.
hes overprotective with the egg bois, he kinda freaks if one is missing
smokes in the hotel lobby even tho charlie hates it, vaggie yells at him all the time for it
he always needs pentious' tail wrapped around at least one of his legs to sleep, the contact gives him comfort
he loves tying pentious up during sex
Cherri bomb
if you touch anything in his lab he will have a meltdown- everything has its own perfect place and it cannot be adjusted.
he accidentally blows up his lab alot, it causes alot of hotel damage
he uses his little light to read at night
definitely believes in some crazy ass conspiracy theories
only at the hotel to research the whole redemption thing.
he loves leviathan
tells people to eat spoonfuls of vegemite as a prank, when alastor enjoys it she doesn't find it funny anymore and stops
when people piss her off she speaks with a real hardcore aussie accent and uses alot of slang, also talks fast.
she is aboriginal :3
she secretly watches bluey with angeldust
she absolutely loves making people try australian snacks like fairy bread, jaffas, pavlova, sausage sangas, smiths chips on a sandwich ect
pentious and her are besties!
(i love my aussie girl <3 none of you are allowed to disagree with me because these are my headcannons)
glitches when hes about to cum
gets overheated during sex sometimes so he has to stop to cool down
his penis is robotic and it can pop off and back on. he has a bunch of different ones he can use, val can choose what one he uses.
listens to musicals and sometimes performs them with val, specifically heathers
hes really jealous of angeldust, he wants val's attention as much as he can possibly get it
Vel & val play video games on vox's screen sometimes. Velvette always beats him at whatever theyre playing cos that fucker is blind
Prefers having sex with women, only man she really ever fucks is vox, most the time she just fucks her models.
practices makeup on valentino, also constantly makes fun of him for being blind & bald
she does drag with valentino and they out on little fashion shows for vox
He can only see 3 metres in front of him
Vox and vel have to help him with paperwork
Vox gets mad at him because of how many cords he has lying around
has the most insane sex toy collection, he has everything.
he vents to vox's sharks sometimes. he knows vox can hear him but he just pretends he doesnt know
ty for taking the time to read!!! drink water and eat today darling!!! <33
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a-smol-cosplayer · 1 year
Okay here is my master list of Wyler fic recs cause literally two people asked and I cannot control myself.
Psa I have probably read at least 70% of the fics on this tag in ao3 however these are my bestest/favourite ones. most of them are ongoing bc this fandom is hella new but still :) pls check ratings and tags before u read obvi. Also none of these fics are out to hurt u (as far as I’m aware) some of the longer ones might have angst but I’m here for relationship, plot and fluff rather than angst and pain (we go enough of that in the show). Some of the ongoing ones have updates every two/three days? Some haven’t updated since I have read them but most of them are under a week and a half old so I still have hope. There are ordered in shortest to longest in each category 
alright enough chitter chatter, buckle ur seatbelts people here we go!!
Ocean Blue Eyes, Looking In Mine (I Feel Like I Might, Sink And Drown And Die) - cute Wyler one shot where they are dating at nevermore, after season 1, {1,876 words}
Grocery shopping in c minor - alternate au grocery store, Tyler works there, love the fact that he’s still super sweet but slightly unhinged, characterisation on point, {3,759 words}
A Half Life - Tylers pov of the first ep or so, kinda angsty bc its Tyler and he’s struggling, but still nice, not sure if its technically Wyler but its got the vibes {4 chaters but only 4,272 words}
Yeah, all you did was smile (‘cause I’m a mastermind) - canon divergent but still similar story line, Tylers pov, love how they have chemistry, no hyde Tyler but still really good, {8,536 words}
In progress - y’all don’t understand, I religiously check these for updates every single day
What if… you helped me change? Basically what could have happened after the kiss in ep 7, minor kidnapping but we forgive him bc he was freaking out, no real ‘hyde Tyler’ more like ‘idk how this happened but I want to make it better Tyler’ {3 chapters, 3,592 words so far}
I never fell again - only really the set up so far, Wednesday comes back to school and finds that Tyler has come back and is enrolled in nevermore, she hates (misses) him so much, na they love each other {4 chapters 5,505 words so far}
On Wednesdays we dance - wednesday buys a laptop and enters a horror writing group, and yet, one prompt is about a date, and Tyler offers so that he can have real life experience, another wednesday style date which is so cute, I really love this fic its super fluffy and nice {2/3 chapters 5,733 words so far}
Perfect Match - READ THE TAGS (is rated T but really should be M/E) not much plot just wyler smut, and unholy use of the gates mansion, set after season 1 ends, also slightly off topic, but I like the hc that wednesday eats dried strawberries, idk why but I love it, anyways, read at ur own warning, {3/4 chapters finished 7,387 words so far}
Frump Family Curse - from ep 8 into post season 1, we get some obsessed wyler at the start, and then, build on each of the characters for upcoming chapters, shaping up to be a really good fic. Also surprise Gomez and Donovan friendship over there cute murder children, 100% support {4 chapters 9,111 words so far}
Woe to do with two soulmates - Wednesday has 2 soulmate marks (writing of their first words to her, I think we know where this is going👀) and doesn’t know which one she wants yet, deals with Wednesday and feelings and well and our adorable barista, some angst cause ew laurel but still really good, sort of plot twist?/something I didn’t expect but I’m glad it happened in chap 8 {9 chapters and 11,498 words and counting}
My unconquerable soul - wyler, mostly after season 1 in the break, tags!! And ratings!! Please!! They are psycho but psycho for each other, some light kidnapping, the hyde side of Tyler appears a little, some angst but mostly dark fluff {10 chapters, 12,749 words so far}
A Girl and her Monster Of Woe - post season 1, wednesday realising that she actually liked and missed him, in her own dark way obvi, setting up for them to meet again, sort of adresses how Tyler can stay and not be charged, yet again pls read rating and tags {7 chapters, 13,266 words so far}
Woeful - wednesday comes in wondering about Hydes and the cute barista seems to know an awful lot about them👀 basically, Tyler knows he’s a hyde, but!! He isn’t the one murdering people, developing some alternate plot line which seems really good so far, plus wednesday and Tyler being cute in the weathervane {7 chapters, 13,906 words so far}
She’s mine - I know I keep telling y’all to check ratings but I don’t want any ‘I didn’t realise’ complains, basically Tyler realised that he fucked up and wednesday is actually his mate (I dislike that word but oh well) and basically fixes his mistakes in ep 8 ect ect, goes slightly further, loving the surprise Tyler/ajax friendship that comes with dating enid/wednesday, also good Adams adopting Tyler vibes {10 chapters 20,203 words and counting}
Just the Two (Three) of Us - wednesday if she’s known about the hyde from the beginning, I really love this fic, lots of wyler connection and chemistry and stuff, trust me, its good, the characterisation and writing is excellent {7 chapters 22,728 words so far}
You can occupy my every sigh - wyler!! Literally my fav fic rn, Tyler already goes to nevermore, has its own plot line sorta, pls check the tags and rating before reading, Wednesdays characterisation is so good, got some Tyler/enid friend vibes as well, soulmates? Bonded? Something? idk its really good and super long - {11 chapters, 123,607 words and counting}
okay thats it!! let me know what u think in the comments, also if u have good fics that I haven't put on here I'm always open to more recs :)
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raptorsgust · 8 months
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hello! so i was lucky enough to snag a ticket to the tgcf donghua s2 fan screening right here in singapore, so here's a short report on the happenings! under the read more as there will be spoilers including those from the novel
arrived at around 1:20pm and it already looked like a full house! lots of people queueing at the photobooths and stuff, LOTS of cosplayers, mainly hualian and beefleaf. after a while i asked an usher about the merch booth but it was already closed due to the long queue, so i just went to find my seat which was near the back (in front of a bunch of cosplayers haha)
the hall had at least eight screens but none were positioned in a way where i didn't have to turn/crane my neck lol i can still feel the strain
the screening itself started at about 10 minutes past 2pm! we first had some voice actor greetings first, both of shi qingxuan's voice actors seemed to have received the loudest cheers from my pov! all of them ended their greeting with 天官赐福,百无禁忌
there was also a quick announcement of another tgcf collab cafe in 2024! sg just keeps winning and winning
after that we finally started the screening with a recap of s1 starting from the cart scene all through the banyue arc. xie lian's lines were all newly voiced by his new voice actor deng youxi, and he sounded alright to me! (note: not 100% sure that he did replace jgt's voicing but that's what i remember, correct me if im wrong!)
more than an hour of s1 later, we smoothly transitioned into the first episode of s2, and the following are some highlights and points:
s2 is still based on the unrevised novel as far as i can tell
everyone loves shi qingxuan!!
ghost city is very extravagant and fun! lots of quirky ghosts, there's joss paper flying around everywhere
xl's 不举 was omitted even though it's already rated m18 lol
the part where hc teaches xl to shake the dice has a lot of hand touching and cute reactions from the ghosts and sqx and lqq
a LOT of teasing leading up to the reveal of hc's true form, they'd show part of his face, his hand, his boots, and when he stepped out from behind the curtain and xl laid eyes on him for the first time there were shoujo bubbles
also A LOT OF SCREAMING FROM THE AUDIENCE tbh it was already loud enough throughout the gambling scene it was just hilarious
frankly i couldn't see hc clearly cuz, bad seat, but we all know how he looks like anyway
idk if it's just mE but the audio of the entire screening had its pitch raised, all the songs were a key higher, everyone sounded higher-pitched...... to ward people from secretly recording it?
feels bad for fulgur cuz it feels like most of the audience didn't care about him? half of them left their seats for the photobooths during his q&a segment
quiz time was interesting......
for "what is hc's weapon?" the host accepted the answer E-Ming, as in the person who answered said cAPITAL LETTER OF THE ALPHABET E which i would personally not accept as correct but o wells
the last question was "what did hc give to xl at the end of s1?" and the lucky person who answered very precisely said "his ashes in the form of a ring" and the host went aRe YoU sUrE and tried to make us recall an oBjEcT and i think we were all second-guessing ourselves there lmao please get a host who did their homework next time
pretty sure that was a huge spoiler for donghua-only fans tho HAHA
after the event was over i hung around texting friends and then tried to see if the merch booth was available but all the nice merch was sold out, and frankly just thinking of trying the queues at the photobooths was mentally draining so i just left haha
overall it was a great experience! watching and reacting together with so many other fans is truly a rare experience and despite going solo i had fun!
excellent door gifts too, the acrylic stand is of great quality and is now set up and sitting on my mxtx shelf~
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
Idk if your requests are still open, im still quite new to tumblr :,) If they are not then feel free to ignore this :D Also, i’m really fond of your work, and i hope your taking care of yourself too!
And to not waste yer time, heres a request(?)
The brothers with an angel mc (maybe with lord diavolo and barbatos too) Tho its completely up to you, just take care of yourself!!
Hi! Welcome to tumblr! And yes, my requests are open. I was actually running out of creativity so thank you from saving me. I'm happy you like my work, and it's sweet of you to care about ky well being, I hope you're doing good too!
Anyways, on with the request. I hope you like it!
the brothers, barbatos and diavolo with an angel mc
-> brothers, barbatos and diavolo x mc
mc's gender is not mentioned, this is not proof read
content warnings: lesson 16 spoilers, very mild angst
he never thought the day would come where he'd be interacting with angels other than simeon
you honestly remind him of his old days, and that fact made lucifer slightly unhappy to be around you
but, after he sees how strong the bond between you and his brothers is, he starts letting his walls down
you two eventually start building a strong bond, you sometimes help him out with all the paperwork, which he appreciates a ton
angel, demon or human, it doesn't change lucifer's affection towards you in the end
you are actually able to stop mammon from any weird scemes to make money, such as gambling at an illegal casino or stealing his brothers' wallets
he will act like he's sad about this, but deep down he will be grateful for what you are doing
you encourage him to earn money in a legal way, like picking up jobs
it's still mammon, so he will be impulsively spending the grimm, but because he is stealing less, his relationship with his brothers has improved
he will show gratitude by buying you nice gifts
levi expected you to treat him like a gross shut-in otaku 'like everyone else'
but... you didn't, you were nice
you often have to remind him to not speak so negatively about himself though
as a result, levi became attached to you and despite his shy tendencies, he will ask you to hang out in his room
he is also kind of curious how things are up in the celestial realm nowadays, but he doesn't ask about it
unlike all of his brothers, satan has never been an angel before and he's lowkey curious what it's like to be one
sure, he's read his books, but he's more interested in hearing your experiences
you are more than happy to tell him and from what you said, satan was glad he had never been an angel
thus, you two often spend late nights together, having conversations about these topics, or really anything else
satan feels the most comfortable around you, regardless of his internalized dislike towards angels
oh, he adores you
there won't be a day where asmo won't tell you how beautiful and ethereal you are
often, when you are hanging out, and you show him your wings, asmo will gush over them and start decorating them with ribbons and flowers
after the fall, he found it hard to accept his new form and he honestly still isn't 100% comfortable being a demon, but seeing you made it all easier to deal with
expect to have many impromptu photoshoots with him
his first reaction was to ask you to make food from the celestial realm
he was half joking, but you actually did it and it tasted better than any of the store-brought celestial realm delicacies
every time you are on cooking duty, beel will stand outside if the kitchen waiting fir you to finish
food isn't the only thing you bond over though
you also attend a lot of his games, every time he sees you in the crowd, his mood and focus immediately improves, you're his cheerleader
first of all, the whole lesson 16 ordeal won't take place, so your relationship won't start off rocky like that which is good in a way
it is also bad in a way because belphie will continue hating humans
you, being the angel you are, decided to teach belphegor how to accept humans again
it was a long proces, but eventually he stopped hating them
thanks to this, he is also visibly more happy and at peace with himself
he has you to thank for that
the prince of the devildom and an angel in the same room? what is this, a crossover episode? (sorry I had to, please somebody get the reference so I don't look like a fool thank you)
diavolo is happy to meet you though, he wants to improve the bonds between the three worlds after all
he spends his time around you like a kid in a candy store, he's so excited to hear your stories about the celestial realm
yes, there's simeon as well, but diavolo feels more at home around you
he will often invite you to fancy dinners or parties, he likes your company
well, diavolo wants to improve ties with the other realms so at first he doesn't really pay attention to you outside of his lord's needs
however, he can't help but slowly start to admire you from afar
he had seen angels before, but never one as gentle and kind as you
barbatos will start interacting witn you soon enough, for example by inviting you to bake sweets with him
he will show his admiration by performing acts of service for you, like bringing you warm tea when you're tired
the more he is around you, the more his attraction grows
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hxhhasmysoul · 7 months
bro get over ur 'performative feminism' idiocy 🙄 personally, i think half of ur analyses r shit but i can still find valuable or at least respectable commentary in them, just like i can find valuable or respectable commentary from those 'performative feminists.' as i should. bc thats how critique and discourse needs to be approached. just bc u can write a rant and do research doesnt mean ur arguments will be worth anything. and theyre prob not worth anything if u cant even respect the ppl ur addressing
I have to tell you, I’m fucking fascinated by this. There’s just so much here.
This will be an honest attempt at interpreting this, a long and at times quite serious reply to your rather unserious anon. 
What is the point of sending this, anon? When I get anons like this, I can’t help but muse what prompts their authors. 
1. I mean the least charitable interpretation would be that you want to insult me but in a way that to you subjectively upholds the pretence of respectability or intellectualism? 
2. Or maybe your goal is to actually encourage me to change my behaviour?  
3. Maybe you want to educate me on the proper way to do fandom “discourse”? Or on the merits of the philosophy you present here?
Any of those? None? All of the above a little bit? 
If option 1 was your sole objective, I’d say it works only as an insult. The tone of your ask is all over the place and it doesn’t really match its content. If I were writing this, I wouldn’t have called my analyses “shit” and the “performative feminism” “idiocy” while chastising me for lack of respect for the opinions of others. I don’t mind you matching my lowbrow energy and tone, it’s just that in my opinion you contradict your point by going down to my level.
Maybe something closer to this:
“(...)the phrase ‘performative feminism’ doesn’t have a place in proper critique or discourse(...)”
“(...)I find half of you analyses poor quality, unwarranted or downright wrong(...)”
If you were aiming for 2 exclusively then, alas, shaming and condescension doesn’t work on me at all, for personal reasons. 
Third option is the one actually fascinating to me. You’re not the first person here that would be trying to lecture me on how there is a right approach to fandom “discourse”, namely your way. But you know, why not. I too hold very strong beliefs.
There are two issues with this working, though.
1. I don’t find your argument internally coherent. I will try to interpret what you’re saying, to show you how I understand it. Which may be completely contrary to what you were trying to say.
2. If my reading of what you’re trying to say is close to your intentions, I sense that we’re not really close ideologically and we don’t share values. 
The way I understand your last sentence is that according to you an opinion loses its value by default if it doesn’t meet some respectability standards. 
Yet a few sentences up you claim that you manage to find some “valuable or at least respectable commentary” in my rants, I’m not 100% sure which rants do you mean exactly here. All of them? Or just those that are “shit”? How can you find value in something that you seem to consider to be by default void of value? 
I’ll be real, idk what “respectable commentary” could possibly be, but if I show no respect to the people I address, then how could my commentary be respectable. 
This confusion is also amplified by the mismatch of tone and message. Because according to the rules you laid out I should disregard what you’re saying completely, because how can your arguments be worth anything if you aren’t showing respect to me. 
And here we come to the clash of values. 
The way I understand yours, is that you subject yourself to fandom takes that you find low quality or wrong because that’s the right thing to do. That according to you we should all strive to find something positive in all sides of an issue. 
It reminds me of the centrist political “both-sidedism” almost turned into an art form. And centrism irks me because I’m a nasty lefty, a social justice warrior. I’m very far from the so-called “centre”, which in real politics is usually just non extremist right wing ideology. I will use “leftism” as an umbrella term here for various ideas, both economic and social, including feminism. It's a very reductive approach but in this case I don’t think a distinction is needed. 
Social media platforms can have a heavy political slant, and fandom Tumblr on average slants left.
The problem is that in many cases it’s image building and not true understanding of the issues that comprise the political leaning. It’s using, but more often misusing buzzwords and appropriating language, sometimes in active attempts to render words or terms meaningless. All in the pursuit of maintaining the image of being “for the good things and against the bad things”. It’s a performance.
Performance that is self perpetuating because the people, who indulge in it, will pressure one another to express “correct opinions” on whatever is the hot topic of the hour. To always be available for outside scrutiny. Those people feel obliged to have public opinions, and have them fast.
Fandom and social media are a funny territory where petty arguments about characters or plot choices get mired in real world political topics and ideologies. While it is true that art is always political, political criticism usually can’t be nailed down in one catch phrase. And it definitely can’t be done without honestly engaging with the text and the context it exists in. 
In the JJK Tumblr tags you will find a shit ton of posts, no longer than a paragraph, usually no longer than a single sentence, that call Gege a misogynist, that say that “Gege hates women”. And they will usually use one argument for that, namely that female characters die in JJK. Or more recently, that they are irrelevant to the plot. Both these takes stem from bastardisation of academic discourse surrounding female characters in fiction. They are in bad faith, they show that the person reflexively regurgitating them has no desire to engage with the text seriously and probably doesn’t know where such considerations came from, or understand how they functioned in their original context. But sometimes you will see more dedicated clout-chasers, who try to write meta posts on the misogyny in JJK without having a basic understanding of feminism, just trying to string together popular hot takes. Just to show that they don’t “mindlessly” consume media, that they are not afraid to criticise it and its author, an all out a woman hater. Show it in the most vapid and thoughtless way possible. 
That’s why they are a performance. And this performance is to build the image of the op as a feminist, a "Tumblr good person". That’s why they use the trappings of feminist critique. That’s why I call it “performative feminism”. 
An important thing to understand about me is that I don’t treat leftism as a zero sum game. I believe that political movements, organisations, people and works of art, can be doing some leftist things right and some wrong. That perfection on this is impossible. But there are also non negotiable issues, issues that you can’t really do a bit right, because human dignity, safety and livelihood is at stake. For example I’m not interested in listening to people who will condone genocide, I don’t think I should try to find value in their arguments. But I also don’t find value in reactions to genocide that dehumanise and use genocidal language towards a different group, even if a subset of that group is committing genocide. For me genocide is a non negotiable issue. I don’t respect people who try to perform support for genocide victims by justifying genocide others. People who instead of donating to relief support, or promoting relief support and direct pressure on government, chase clout by shouting out their vile opinions under the guise of supporting the victims, regardless whether they understand their own bias or not. 
But you may say that I’m exaggerating, using a real life issue to illustrate my disagreement with your values, when maybe you were just limiting your philosophy to fiction. But my character flaw is that I’m very principled. Especially when it comes to my grander principles trickling down to more trivial stuff. 
I don’t think I should respect people who appropriate and misuse feminist language to chase social media clout. I don’t find any value in their behaviour. I find it actually harmful. It reinforces this trend in first world leftism that activism can be done by yelling the right buzzwords on social media. Especially the right buzzwords about popular media. That activism and social critique doesn’t require engaging with the ideas, interrogating their own preconceived notions. That it makes them a “good person” when they misuse academic language to shit on a work just because it’s popular, just because they want the clout of an intellectual who can see through the mainstream. While it’s painfully obvious that they have no idea what feminist critique academic or casual is, or what the words they abuse mean, or what modern feminism even entails. 
Can you see how funny it is? This idea that they can position themselves as above the mainstream, as the betters of those who enjoy mainstream, by reflexively regurgitating the most popular hot takes. And this lazy behaviour is purely voluntary because no one has to have an opinion on everything. It’s actually impossible to have an in-depth and well researched opinion on everything. So if you don’t have the time to do research, or to even properly familiarise yourself with the work you have the very valid choice not to. Have the choice not to parrot a hot take for the sole purpose of performing activism. You have the choice to just divert your attention elsewhere, towards things that you will engage with in good faith. 
Because this kind of bad faith approach can lead to darker things. Because you can actually make yourself believe that your behaviour isn’t just a vapid social media act, you can convince yourself that you’re on some moral high ground, that you’re actually fighting against evil.
If Gege is a misogynist, if they hate women, it means that they are actually vile, a bad person and it’s ok to use violent ideation while writing about them. This is normalising dehumanisation for clout points. Priming yourself for viewing people and situations like this.
Gege is kind of an abstract entity for these people, it feels harmless because, come on, they will never meet Gege. And obviously this is all hyperbole and they wouldn’t really get violent. 
I witnessed it in real time when a group of people in fandom decided that my friend was a bad person. Over trivial fandom shit. They dehumanised my friend amongst themselves and proceeded to attack my friend for months, until they left Tumblr. Attack them in racist, misogynist and queerphobic ways, while claiming it’s okay because my friend is an actual evil person, they are actually dangerous for existing in the fandom. And also their attacks are okay because they are PoC/queers/women and as members of these groups their behaviour can't be racist, queerphobic or misogynist by deafault…
You also misunderstand my actions towards those people. I’m not engaging in “discourse” with them. This is not academia, I’m not an academic. I’m pushing back against their behaviour. I’m expressing my distaste towards the groupthink. I’m not pretending to be respectable because I don’t think their behaviour deserves respect.  
This is the crux of our disagreement, anon, our values don’t align.
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canayams-art · 3 months
it's meee, the qianqing anon✨ it certainly been a while since ive been in your asks jsjdjdjd the uni has been crazy and the finals were approaching so i had to force my focus on studying instead of screaming about my faves to anyone who was willing to listen :") but now that that's out of the way for a while now because the second semester has already started, im free to go back to my deranged brainrots sjejejejjeke
OH I ALMOST FORGOT very very late merry christmas (if you celebrated) and happy new years!! 🎉🎉
im rewatching the second season of tgcf at the moment and im going crazy over the small lqq moments i missed in my first watch wjejejek he's just such an amazing character and soo 😍 i love/hate that im now restarting the angst 😭😭
SOMEHOW I ALSO MISSED THE BRIEF BLURRY SHI WUDU CAMEO AND I WAS SCREAMING ABOUT IT FOR HALF AN HOUR TO MY FRIEND!! I CANT WAIT TO SEE HIM IN HIS FULL CORRUPTED GLORY IF WE EVER GET GHE BLACK WATER ARC ANIMATED!! he actually might be in my top three favorite characters from tgcf even if i don't talk about him nearly as much as i talk about mq
anyways. LQQ!! i know i already watched everything and i know that i know what's going to happen but man i am not prepared to go through that again! while i am EXTREMELY glad that we got to see him boil qr alive AND slice him in half, THE PAIN THE ANGUISH THE CONFLICT JWJWIEKEKKEJJE
i don't think i will be getting him out of my head anytime soon :")) im even more salty that he doesn't get a more important scenes later in the series :((
unfortunately ive been a bit brain-dead because of the most boring subjects in the world ughhh so i don't have any new lqq and mq thoughts :(( if you do pls share with me, im dying for every crumb of creativity available skkekekeke
also idk if i mentioned this in my last ask, but it makes me so happy that both you and your followers like these little lqq/mq rants 🥹 it makes me excited to share whatever new idea pops into my brain and know that there are somewhere ppl who get just as excited about them as i do
anyways, i hope you're doing well!! 😽😽
Welcome back qianqing anon!!!
I hope finals went well for you and that you’ve been able to catch your breath again. I also hope you enjoyed the holiday season!
Every time I see or think about donghua lqq I feel so grateful to the production team for depicting the way lqq feels and expresses himself so intensely. I know we all know this by now but his arc really is my favorite within the entire story,,, 🥹 It’s a shame we really only see him in the early chapters and the final ones— I genuinely think his story could easily be its own novel/extra.
Also where does shi wudu show up???! If it’s later in s2 then I haven’t spotted him yet cos I,,,,, still haven’t gotten around to finishing s2 (life got in the way of quality time in lqq land 😭). I feel you though— I find shi wudu interesting in such a way where I love his character but I also feel he 100% got what was coming to him LMAO. Blackwater arc is gonna be so wild to see.
But!! Back to qianqing lol. I was thinking earlier about the fact that lqq answers any personal communication array regardless of who is contacting him. Meanwhile mq haunts the public communication array but gives this vibe that not a lot of people have access to his personal array,,,, made me think about how mq seems like the type who always reaches out to lqq privately, knowing that lqq will always answer, but refuses to give his password in return. Lqq probably asked him once and mq probably told him something like “It’s pointless when I know you’ll answer me no matter what.” (Bonus: maybe mq finally decides to hand his password over when lqq ends up going down to the mortal realm to seek his revenge— like it’s mq’s way of telling lqq that he’s concerned but without flat out saying he’s concerned for lqq LOL)
Anyway! Please always feel free to slide into the inbox. I may be slow to reply to these but they really do make my day. The qianqing brainrot never sleeps 😂
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soulsxng · 3 months
Will there be any lingering effects afterwards in the people who were corrupted?
...I could have sworn I answered this already, but because it's in my askbox again, and dated from way back, I guess I didn't? Idk, I feel like tumblr just like...added a bunch of old asks back into the box or something today, because I only had 2 left before (Hooray for getting that mostly cleared out!) only for like...5 more to show up and bump me to 7. It was weird.
But I digress!
Ultimately, it's going to depend on how long they were Corrupted for! Like, what stage they made it to, essentially, (which is 100% up to you, if you decided to have one of your muses be part of the whole shindig) before they were cured of it. Unless they were in the first stage though, there's going to be some type of linger effect from it. Some that will pass by relatively quickly, and others that could potentially last for months, or even years. And those at the final stage? After they've been cured, those people will never go back to who/what they were prior to the Corruption. The only thing for them will be to...more or less be culled, and sent through Zhrun to become creationary energy again.
Early stage:
- Might still occasionally get the sudden feeling of something inside their head...be it lingering traces of the voice, or just lingering traces of its presence, or a very diluted feeling of dread and fear that came with the Corruption. It won't be debilitating or anything, and it won't be very often that it crops up, but it can induce a mild panic/anxiety reaction. How long this continues on for can depend on the person-- it could be a few days, or it could be up to a few months. - The "spaciness" can stick around on and off for a couple weeks, but the person can be snapped out of it much easier. - Headaches and body aches that come and go for a couple weeks as things settle again.
Early-mid stage:
- Everything previously mentioned may occur, at similar duration. - Body spasms, or certain muscles "locking" for short periods of time. Might happen three or four times a day at first, but will slowly die down over the period of two or so weeks. - Powers might still be a little iffy the first few days. Not responding exactly as expected at first, or being slightly erratic. (but still controllable)
Mid stage:
- Everything previously mentioned may occur, at slightly longer duration. (+ 2 weeks, approx.) - "Staticky" or "pins and needles" feeling in extremities. - If the being is one that needs to eat, sleep, hydrate, etc, their body will not tell them that they need to do these things, at first. - Feelings of emptiness, loneliness, and listlessness, as though a part of them was taken away. This is because of their sudden disconnection from the hivemind. At this stage, it's a constant back of the mind hum, but will occasionally spike to be more overtly noticeable to the affected. This is also one that will last longest out of all the lingering effects; taking at least half a year or more to completely fade.
Mid-late stage:
- Everything previously mentioned may occur, at slightly longer duration, and more severe in nature. (Again, +2 weeks, approx.) - In the case of their body not telling them they need to sleep, eat, hydrate, etc, it also won't stop them from doing these things, at this stage. For example, their body won't tell them that they're full, so they could potentially eat enough to make them sick, or otherwise harm them. - This is the only stage that will retain a good bit of the pain that was felt during the Corruption. It'll take a couple months to completely go away, but it's because the body is struggling to get used to the Trio's energy again, as opposed to the One True Voice's. - I feel like this might be present very rarely in the previous stage as well, but occasionally a cured individual will have bits of odd scarring and similar things on their bodies where the "glitchy" appearance was worst. I'll leave it up to y'all whether these will eventually go away, and the severity of them, since I figure it'll be mostly case-by-case anyway.
Late stage:
Like I said above, at this point it won't matter what the lingering effects are, because the person won't even be able to tell. I guess you could say that at this stage, the being/whatever was cured is dead.
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genlossneg · 11 months
ok. i didnt mind genloss, it was ranboos first massive project, theyre only 19 and a streamer, ok. but oh my god would it kill to take an improv class. the first 2 episodes felt like an snl skit. especially when it was branded as original and then was just some sort of frankenstein of different horror tropes from ranboos favourite horror media, that just reminded me of snl stealing joel havers skit lmao.
there were so much issues with it and i feel like i wouldnt mind as much if it was branded as a horror comedy a few months before the show, not 3 days before the show. a few months before and the weeks leading up to may 24th, it was branded as "you arent ready for this. this is groundbreaking, nothing will ever be the same after this show. this is serious." etc and then i think it was like 3 days before may 24th there was that fucking showfall media psa that just felt like ranboo saying "oh btw its a comedy" without warning it caught me so off gaurd lmao.
then he streamed after that sfm psa released and, if i remember right, people were asking about it being a horror comedy in chat and ranboo was like "well yeah obviously did u think id make a project 100% serious? no lol" (dont quote me on that though its been a while) now theyre saying gen 0 and gen 2 are going to be completely horror now, but i dont think thats true bc they also said gen 1 was mostly horror and none of it is
speaking of, the advertising was just lies lol. the whole "little to no filler :D" thing. it wasnt like ranboo didnt expect the improv to last that long bc the expected runtimes (from their tumblr post on may 23rd i think) were sometimes longer than the actual ones. 1st ep was meant to be 1-2 hours, it was 1 and a half, so that much filler and standing around going "what the hell man" was PLANNED. they just lied about no filler to make people excited. just be funny and i wont mind the filler. i like sneegs humour in his streams but here he was just bickering with ranboo. same with ranboo to charlie, charlie was the only one making actual jokes so when ranboo and sneeg were alone it was just "wait so why didnt you just-" "well idk i thought u woul-" "well why would i-" and when i tell you it drained my soul.
ive been a massive ranboo fan for about a year (im recovering dw), and after the game theory episode i got really hyperfixated on genloss (up until the sfm keynote thing i think). i was hyped for it back when T_1 was the only thing released for genloss, and followed it all the way up to the streams. i watched them live and my face was just like 😐 I WAS SO DISSAPPOINTED LMAOOO
the box being 18k pissed me off so much bc an experienced filmmaker/writer/director could make something so much better than genloss with just that 18k. i aspire to make my own live action thing one day, and like, hearing them go "oh yeah the box was 18k and jermas face prosthetics were 10k teehee🤪🤪" was just. AAAAA. and the thing is, like the prosthetics were funny, but spending TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS as a BIT from jerma going "what if i took off the mask and it just doesnt look like me lol" then framing urself as jesus christ and a victim. i am so mad.
idk how to feel about ranboo anymore, i used to watch like every 2nd stream for a while but then the whole "GUYS BUY MY MERCH also racism bad MERCH!!!!! BUY!!!!" thing made me rethink lol. the racist and misogynistic undertones in genloss made me so uncomfy, and while im not poc so i cant speak on that, i have enough sense to know that having the only poc in the entire show play evil rats is so tone deaf.
and niki!! i was worried when the teasers were coming out bc every single person shown in it was a white guy (and a white enby), so i was kind of happier when niki showed up, but then she died within the hour to "commentate on misogyny in media". ranboo thought that he was commentating on misogyny by contributing to it. did they think this through at all. i would have LOVED if they did something special with niki and something powerful, but all that happened was she showed up, cried, then died and now ranboo fans are going "ranboo was so real for this!!!". ik niki had control over her characters writing but im sure ranboo was the one who decided when certain characters died and stuff.
also i hate to say this but the mask flashing to signify if he was in control or not was EXACTLY like a thing in the undertale fanfic (sfw im not weird) i wrote when i was 12 💀💀the characters eyes would flash when they were under control bc edgy. it was so weird watching genloss with that in the back of my mind 💀💀💀💀
in conlusion, genloss had so many flaws and so much easy fixes that it just feels so sososososososo rushed. another year in the oven wouldve been ok i think.
woah this is long im so sorry i do not think only type oops
- the i feel like i should label what kind of anon i am lmao anon
sorry before i get to anything else the undertale bit caught me so off guard omg.
it wasnt like ranboo didnt expect the improv to last that long bc the expected runtimes (from their tumblr post on may 23rd i think) were sometimes longer than the actual ones. 1st ep was meant to be 1-2 hours, it was 1 and a half, so that much filler and standing around going "what the hell man" was PLANNED.
this!! the way the second stream just.. dragged was so rough.
the poc/women diversity discussion is something we had on the blog a bit ago as im sure you've seen so i don't have a ton to add but. yeah there were certainly choices that got made there.
very much enjoying all the essays getting dropped in here (even if i feel like my responses are weak sometimes lmao)
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manofmanymons · 2 years
I saw mha posting
Your thoughts on the 8 most relevant characters of mha going through the survive storyline?
Okay so I haven't actually caught up on mha in years so I don't know who I would count as the most relevant
But let's just say bakusquad (Baku, Kiri, Kami, Mina, Sero) and dekusquad (Deku, Uraraka, Iida, Todo) in Survive
Which *counting on fingers* is one extra.
But if we count The Others you could say Survive actually has 10 main characters so for the fun of it let's throw in Aizawa as a stand-in for the Professor and round out this group with also 10
I'm gonna go ahead and treat them all as their season 1 selves because, well, no one had their development arcs and half them didn't know each other very well yet in Survive so these kids are starting from square one as well
Which...is a recipe for chaos quite frankly
Bakugou keeps trying to do the opposite of whatever Midoriya thinks they should be doing, Todoroki keeps trying to go off on his own, NEITHER of them strike me as the type to immediately trust their parents so that's a shit show in its own right
In fact I'm gonna be so bold as to accuse them of being the first to die in the obligatory vanilla route
The only person who can keep them all in line gets thrown off a dam in I think part 2 if we follow the Survive timeline so...OOPS
Iida is stressed out bc no one is listening to him but I don't think he'd ever get as bad as Shuuji and I think he would rely on his partner and also his friends
Although...yeah okay yeah I think Ima diagnose Iida with "would have a villain arc in a bad route where something happened to Midoriya or Uraraka"
Uraraka keeps her idiots in line as best as she can. Sero keeps his idiots in line as best as he can. Other than Bakugou and Todoroki I think they'd be successful. I also think most of the kids would readily trust their partners.
Don't ask me to make headcanons about who would have what partner tho I'm not that creative.
Kiri having a Gotsumon and being afraid of them at first because of how they all got attacked by a bunch of Gotsumon at the beginning would be funny tho.
Also speaking of Kiri I think he would have a lot of fun evolution scenes yknow like in the beginning he'd having Crippling Self Doubt™️ and you'd just get to watch him become more and more confident that he can everyone as time goes on. I like Kirishima.
I think Ashido would lowkey be Their Rock (ironically) in the beginning. Like someone who's strong and confident but also agreeable and kind (if a liiiiittle on the dumb side) from the get go.
...I'm just gonna diagnose Kaminari with Minoru. Not to say they're exactly alike or anything but I could see him pretending to be sick just to mess with everyone or charging ahead if the group is hesitant.
I think a Potential Problem with this group is that, well, they're ALL wanna be heroes.
The Survive kids for the most part knew when to cut their losses, but idk if I could say the same about the mha kids. They might take more unnecessary risks and push their limits further than they should.
Oh and in routes where they don't fuckin die I think it would be fun watching Baku and Todo learn to trust their friends and their partners. There is a 100% chance that Bakugou would get real cocky about having the best partner ever. I can just imagine him bragging nonstop about them. What an annoying little guy.
Anyways this is all based off what I remember about these characters from a pretty long time ago so isjskdn sorry if I have offensively mangled anyone's fav's characterization <3
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diamondcitydarlin · 9 months
I'm not gonna tag this because shadows fandom loves to be contrarian and base their metas directly on people who didn't like things while calling them stupid and shallow and whatever (because apparently I can't not like the way a thing was written without directly insulting someone else who did?? Or being stupid? make it make sense) but I honestly am all for Guillermo being and staying a human. I've been all for it since day one, honestly. To me, everything about his story from the first episode, first season suggests that this is the kind of idealized dream he's going to wake up from eventually and realize it's not everything he wanted. I've always been 100% on board with that, especially with the reveal that he was a vampire hunter which came with its own set of powers. In fact, I was working on a fic a couple years ago that I intend to return to that is ALL about Guillermo finally eschewing his dreams of vampirism for a purpose that better fulfills him etc.
So no, my problem with this last episode is not that 'Guillermo needs to stay a vampire or it's bad writing phwah', my problem is with the swiftness that all of this happens, coupled with the fact that Guillermo is between a rock and a hard place and more or less just being guided into place by what everyone else in the situation thinks is best for him. Despite the fact that he literally DRINKS BLOOD FROM A CUP to fully come into his vampire powers naught but a few scenes before, the fact that he cannot bring himself to drain a human directly from the tap until dead (which I still don't think makes a lot of sense on it's own but fine) is treated as this insurmountable problem they can't possibly get over so, obviously, he needs to be reverted via Derek's death (a character who also doesn't deserve that). Can't just let him drink blood from cups or bottles for a while. Can't just let him half drain someone but not to the point of death. Maybe at least to give him some time to decide??? Maybe give him better reasons (of which there are many) to decide to revert? He has been idolizing this for most of his life, after all, I just think it's a shame that we're meant to accept that ONE moment of revulsion towards killing someone (KILLING SOMEONE OF ALL THINGS) is enough to make him just nope out completely. That's a disservice to him and what he's capable of, if you ask me.
See, I of course enjoyed the deliciousness of the whole cheating/sex parallel to Guillermo being bitten by someone else, loved that, I'm just not sure how I feel about that storyline ending with Nandor being like 'im gonna forgive you for this but only because you're too much of a stupid little baby to know what you want, but I know what you want better than you do, now lemme kill the guy you cheated on me with real quick ok' LIKE. I KNOW that they are toxic I KNOW they are unhealthy, but Guillermo is a character that has constantly been struggling with his own agency, often seizing it on his own by very aggressive means, often being shown as smarter and more capable than most of the household, and for this storyline to just end with Nandor 'fixing' it all because Guillermo's just too dumb to know what's best for him...IDK YALL. DIDN'T LIKE IT. I can see how people would find it romantic and I do think it's meant to be but...nope. I don't find that romantic lmao I find that insulting and patronizing. Maybe that's the point? But it wasn't funny either. Or interesting, really. (The Freddie stuff was fucked up but at least it was funny to some degree lol)
I guess my point is that I wish there had been more time spent on this. We can't keep excusing these cop-out, rushed and dropped storylines on 'well it's a goofy show' because yes, it's ALWAYS been a goofy show I get it, but there's no denying that seasons 1-3 did a better job of holding on to arcs and creating consequences for the characters as a result of these arcs and their actions, such as the Vampire Council tricking them into custody after a season of Guillermo killing a bunch of vampires etc. There's precedent in this GOOFY GOOFY show to think that there will be follow through and consequences of characters actions etc, so no, it doesn't come from nowhere and it's not people just seeing what they want to or whatever.
I do kind of think this was rushed because the next season will most likely be the last, but even if that is true, I don't see why we couldn't have dedicated more time to it in this next season. It's deflating, it's boring, it sucks that one of the main narrative questions of the show 'Will Guillermo transform or not?' has been answered with what I find to be more or less a wet fart that doesn't even really make sense or fully take into account who the characters are and what they're capable of.
Yes, it's a goofy show that is usually just episodic moments of whatever crazy shenanigans the vampires will get into today, but it used to be elevated and tied together by story arcs and narrative consequences that would, eventually, sooner or later, show up for the characters to deal with. It used to be arcs that spanned episodes of Guillermo coming into his power and feeling conflicted about his dreams versus his destiny. It used to be the Vampire Council or the Baron being a certain kind of existential threat. It used to give us the idea that while funny stuff was happening, buckle up, because it's going to get REAL in the last few episodes.
But now that's uh...more or less just not a thing anymore. Everything is dealt with in a 25 min runtime and there are no consequences for anything that last or mean anything. To me, that sucks, and not in a cool vampire way lmao.
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chaoxfix · 1 year
for the author asks or idk what they're called: 18 and 22 :)
ty for the ask!! <3
18 - What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
from why do we talk if we're just going to lie
Tails pokes Sonic’s nose, looking at him very seriously. “Why did we spend so long learning to talk to each other if all you’re gonna do is lie?” 
Sonic stares at him. Then, he laughs. It took him a minute to remember what Tails is referencing — but he remembers, too. He punches Tails’s shoulder. “How long have you been waiting to use that on me, huh? Just waiting to give me a taste of my own medicine?”
“Aw, cut it out.” Tails feels heat creep into his cheeks. “It’s not like I’ve been waiting and planning it,” he lies. “And don’t ignore me! You’ve got a concussion, I want you to follow the light with your eyes.” 
im really not the best with commentary bc i usually go for several low-level gut punches per chapter and just >:3c the whole time.
but for this one i do remember feeling pretty clever with the meshing of backstory/previous scene, and plot progression, and character notes. also, "he lies," says sooo much imo. i can clearly picture tails lying awake, pouting shortly after the previous scene and just scheming ways to get back at sonic for the lil red wagon. or maybe the first time that sonic showed hesitation in being looked after (saved from imminent danger, no sweat, but only big brothers get to put bandaids on their little brothers, not the only way around). tails sees it and thinks its stupid and unfair and plots from there on out.
...im also gonna take a part of the same fic that i haaaaaate and put it here bc i feel like i cant edit it out bc someone quoted it in the comments so now i cant delete it without a record of "waaaaait, that line doesn't exist anymore" . so i hate it, but it'll stay in there unless i finally get so full of self-loathing that i destroy this line like i should have all along. lol
Sonic snickers. At least he’s relieved, rather than getting mad at Tails for sneaking out. “Guess I should thank you – not sure how I would’ve bounced back from that. Think you can angle me back towards the giant killer robot though?” 
Tails only learned that word recently, but man, it fits. 
hate this part bc it feels ooc ...but also ic in a super embarrassing but way too relatable way. when i was young i used big words that were accurate, but i did it just to seem smarter, and it always felt way out of place. aka: cringe! i was a very cringe kid who grew up to only be a slightly less cringe adult. anyways tails would 100% do the same, but i think he'd only do it out loud in specific scenarios, and not alone in his head. so this is like, half and half ic....... but i hate it because i get war flashbacks when i read this line, bc i remember a specific childhood memory that illustrates me being the most aggravating know-it-all alive (9 year old version)
22 - Have you cried while writing a fic?
nope! only when watching movies or playing video games or reading. while writing im just >:3 during sad scenes
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Okay excuse my ranting but I think Im stuck in a very weird in between space right now that I havent been in since I was like 17 years old
I came out as a lesbian quite a while ago and my current social circle has fully acepted and suported me, my dad took it the hardest (he wasnt openly cruel or bigoted just...not happy about it) at first but he came around and fully 100% has my back now, even stepping up shutting down biggots before I can or would The thing is...I´ve been having a lot of “gender” feelings for the last say 2 and a half years and its getting more extrem, especially since I visited a gynecologist and she revealed to me, that my hormone levels are way of, and as a result so is my bone structure and well...genitalia anatomy, (I literally didnt know) but in short my testosterone is of the charts for a cis woman and I might medically speaking not even be “female” but I refused to look further into it because it made me feel and think about all sorts of stuff Well that didnt change by ignoring the feelings so I decided to step up and think about my gender again, I had a few “egg moments” I guess but I cant be sure, Im not sure about anything really at the moment
well except for one thing...this makes things more complicated, because I tnhought I had “me” figured out a long time ago and now I feel like Im back at the start, or well not at the start because things are getting clearer but, I think I might be back in the closet???? Or rather I only just discovered I was wandering around in a much bigger closet the whole time while being out as a lesbian...Because I think Im not a woman at all...I think I might be nonbinary. It feels right but also it feels very well complicated and even scary, because I dont know how people will take it if I were, its in many peoples mind even further removed form “The norm” as in hetero-cis-normative society and Im only putting this on Tumblr because no one in my RL social cycle knows this blog belongs to me or even exists (yay for web anonymity) But I guess I just had to get things of my chest because, well just thinking about it is exhausting and I cant really talk about it with anyone, well there are familiar strangers who kinda know but not really because they dont know my other social life, like I tried out a new name at Starbucks and then I kinda stuck with it, and also kinda became a regular so I started chatting with one of the baristas and well...its a whole weird thing, also the other person is the only hairdresser who ever listened to me and gave me the haircut I actually wanted instead of a hyper feminine version of the reference I showed her, because I guess she “got it” idk, I showed her a pic of a male “grease” actor and asked for the cut but in purple so maybe it just clicked... Well anyways Im not really going anywhere with this, I just needed to type it out for my self I guess
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navs-bhat · 1 year
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I posted 2,735 times in 2022
That's 1,090 more posts than 2021!
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#bucky - 4 posts
#bucky barnes - 4 posts
#marvel fic - 3 posts
#bridgerton - 3 posts
#anthony bridgerton x reader - 3 posts
#anthony bridgerton - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 95 characters
#no offense but literally hes just a man hes not a hero hes just a man who had to sing this song
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11 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
Okay so I was reading this enemies to lovers bucky barnes one shot and well my phone switched off and I've lost it
So basically it goes like Tony and Steve send the reader and bucky for some time to Tony's winter cabin and well there's not enough food there and one bed and the couch dissapears and the rules are they can't say no
So bucky makes the reader call the pizza place but the reader tells him they'll only do it if he excepts that the last mission was his fault and then since he says that won't ever happen
The reader tells him to call the pizza place
"I want a cheezy pizza with extra cheese"
"Shut up"
Help me find it ahhh
11 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
Student Of The Year Rewatch Thoughts? Idk reallly know what this is yet lmao
I hope this reaches my target audience
Firstly, it's been too long since I've rewatched this I used to watch it whenever it came on tv and I'd find it while surfing
Secondly, I still enjoy this movie I think lmao
Let's see
-okay so to start with the kukkad song
-I never realised that the lyric says " ainu vekhe de munde to kehnde Oh My God" I always thought it was kudiye both times
-kinda gay tbh jk jk
-Abhi is in the wrong tbh like this guy is parking a bike in a car park and then is like who said this is an entitled rich boy's parking LIKE WHY ITS A CAR PARK NOT A BIKE PARK
-then he goes and ruins a beautiful Ferrari😭
-one big question I have is how can Abhi even have thee audacity to get into physical fights with rich boy on what seems to be his first day
-this man is here on a scholarship he can't afford to do all this on his first day bro
-I always loved Siddharth Malhotra more than Varun Dhawan while there were many dying over varun
-I remember the whole thing was just as big as Team Edward or Team Jacob here okay
-Rohan is too mean too Jeet
-ALSO why was even Shanaya still with Rohan like according to her first few lines he definately has a habit of flirting with other girls while he calls her his girlfriend LIKE GIRL YOU COULD DO BETTER
-Rohan's dad and brother are too mean yikes
-no wonder rohan hates his dad the way he does
-why is the dean so weirdly gay its too funny but at the same time CRINGE
-it's sad to see Rishi Kapoor now :(
-all the parents are so weird
-Sumo is so sweet actually
-Dean massaging the coach 😭😭😭
-hes so gay its gay
See the full post
30 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
I lost this fic I was reading
It was basically an Anthony Bridgerton x reader and the first half was just reader chatting with Colin Benedict and Eloise where Colin pulls the readers leg about being unmarried and the reader snips back and takes Eloise's hand
Uh she has a gossipy mother
The reader and Anthony share this passionate look and the reader goes to the lemonade stand to look around and spot Anthony but she doesn't find him instead this other guy I forgot his name shows up and starts talking to her she decides to ask him about his trip to Italy to keep him talking while she ignores him
Eventually Anthony takes her away from tha guy and they are in the garden and he's jealous and she teases him by asking him why he hasn't kissed her yet
40 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Okay so I went to the page cause someone said they missed the book sucking scene and others said thank god its not there
Bur anyway the whole kate having a horseback accident reminds me of this one x reader fanfiction I read here
It was the same basic plot but the reader and Anthony were married and she was going to look for Anthony himself
I'm assuming it was inspired by the books but I love this
60 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
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imnooneyouknow · 1 month
i felt everything and nothing today
right i need name labels because i dont wanna use names
friend 1: favourite person (hi there :33) i hang out with alotttt
friend 2: one of my bestest friends and my first friend in secondary
friend 3: also a friend of mine. ive started to dislike them a bit
OKAY SO WHAT HAPPENED TODAY so we were in class like first period and friend 2 was like really sick. not really really sick but they were 100% sick enough to be upset. which i absolutely hate when theyre upset, theyre the only one which i could show extremeee empathy towards, like all the times gheyve cried ive either cried or almost cried. anywaysss i asked them if they were alright (which they werent) and so did friend 3. idk but recently i feel like 3 is trying to be even closer to 2 than i am. which i get, theyre both close and match energies, but it just sucks. its like one of the reasons im alive. 3 sent 2 to wellbeing and that also just sucked because i couldnt be there. it made me feel so insignificant to them and so fucking small. i feel like km losing my best friend ir sucks.
later today i tried texting 2 to see how theh were doing and 3 also did and said j copied them. i was really stupid to scream in their ear but i was just in general really mad. then 3 and one of my other friends were talking and stopped when i came over. my friend told them to text them later. i assume they were talking about me.
3 also emphasise and talks alot about how im always with 1 and that i love them more than everyone else. they are my favourite person in the world thats why i seem more attached to them, because i am. but it just seems like thats the only thing they focus about when it comes to me?? they also make jokes about us being gay, and while i love 1 to pieces, i cant see them in any other way than platonic. i dont know how to establish boundaries and say rhat i dont like jokes like that.
anyways about today. for like half of today (since 2 was gone) i was either on the verge of tears, relapsing or dissociating. no one noticed tho. i really really wanted (this is gonna sound rlly bad) an ego boost, i thought that’d make me feel better. i didnt get one but whatever.
so in summary 3 is a better friend to 2 than me and it makes me want to cry and throw things :(
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machinedramon · 5 years
Im gonna be honest, i know 0% about transformers but how enthusiastic you seem to be about it is really the best. Whats your favorite thing (or things) about it?
haha well my enthusiasm is honestly in an echo chamber at the moment because I have no one to properly talk to about it because no one I know is into transformers
Well no, I have one friend, but he's not into the comics. I am into the comics. He's into the cartoons. I am not. there is a...disconnect. although sending him out of context panels and plot points gets fantastic reactions.
I'm on a rant here so hopefully this read more will work and I'll spare everyone the length/spoilers or not thanks for being a functional website tumblr
honestly my favorite anything is really just a couple of comic book lines in the IDW verse, but they're all great. They're very well written, the art is great, and the characters are all unique individuals. And any story that makes me want to throw my phone because of how upset I am over a character dying is a winner.
One of the best things is the fact that a lot of LGBT themes are so commonplace. In a society where people are A) predominately "male," B) just being introduced to the idea of a different gender, and C) unable to reproduce, relationships wind up being "other" just as a matter of course since traditional gender roles don't exist. And they're all treated as no big deal. Two characters of the same gender get together, no one bats an eye. "I go by she now," no one bats an eye. It's refreshing that things that are such a huge point of contention for no good reason are just everyday occurrences that no one judges anyone for. In fact, theres only one "hetero" couple I can think of off the top of my head. It makes me hurt in a very bittersweet way.
Even mental illness is a real thing that isn't ever treated as anything other than such. Fortress Maximus and Crankcase have demonstrable PTSD, Misfire has ADHD, Whirl has BPD, Swerve suffers from depression, Skids is an amnesiac, etc. Krok even wants to open up a mental health clinic, because he recognizes that after four million years of war, everyone has troubles they need a safe place to talk about.
Bad guys are made into sympathetic characters with good traits and dreams that have been corrupted. Megatron was a peaceful but disenfranchised miner with poetic dreams of revolution who experienced violence from the privileged rulers of society and police, and let his anger take over to catastrophic effect. Starscream was someone who felt lost no matter where he was, and only wanted acceptance but didn't know how to attain it without manipulation and suffered for it. Of course there ARE completely awful bad guys (looking at you, Overlord/Tarn/Onslaught/Galvatron...) and despite them having mostly reasonable motivations, they're still monstrous.
The "good guys" aren't infallible. And it's not a "lol whoopsie, I made a forgivable mistake" kind of shit, either. After the war is over, the Autobots stick explosive chips inside the heads of the Decepticons that keep them from changing shape and will detonate if they use lethal force. The fuck!!! Prowl is such a conniving asshole that he gets mind controlled by some loyal Decepticons and no one except for Batshit Crazy Berserker Queen Arcee notices because murder was completely in character for him. Bumblebee decides the best way to react to Starscream trying to talk to him is to shoot him. Rodimus tries to violate a demi-god's mind to gain access to his memories, and banishes his best friend so he doesnt have to take responsibility for nearly killing everyone on board his ship. Optimus Prime annexes Earth without consulting anyone and uses people's faith for his own gain. The Autobots all have flaws that cause them to make serious mistakes, and they're all the better for it.
Like the whole thing is just everything I've ever wanted from a story. Everyone has their flaws, everyone has their shining moments. Good guys that are unrepentant murderers and thugs, bad guys who are honorable and well-intentioned, and then people caught in the middle trying to survive amid the tension. Then the second half is a society that has been split down the middle and subject to four million years of war trying to adjust to the lack of it.
It's just amazing that a bunch of thirty foot tall robots can feel so human and identifiable. Even if someone isn't interested in comics or the Transformers, I would still recommend the IDW comics. There's even anthologies put together in chronological order to make it easier.
Idk it just makes me happy, and those things are in very short supply these days.
edit: paragraphs got out of order somehow. thanks Tumblr.
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kaeyas-beloved · 2 years
Hugs w/ Them
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Includes: Childe, Diluc, Kaeya
Summary: HCs on what these characters hugs are like <3 (plus some extra hug related things here and there!)
Genre: (92%) Fluff + HCs
Warnings: Briefly there's an angsty/ hurt/comfort bullet in each section but Kaeya’s is like... 90% hurt/comfort/angsty idk. Just know his has more of the feels. These also feel like they're all over the place so I apologize for that
a/n: Take this with a grain of salt but I think this can be read as either platonic or romantic :)
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Childe's hugs are *chef's kiss* the best, #1 hugger in Teyvat
Childe's hugs feel so warm and comforting. Grounding if they have to be. Safe.
Always open to give a hug. The moment you even start to ask for one his arms are already wide open, the widest smile plastered on his face as he beckons you over
Childe feels like the kind to hug with his arms under yours, wrapping themselves around your back
Is also the kind to hug your back, leaning his entire body weight on you. If he sees you struggle he'll pretend he doesn't, teasingly asking if something is wrong.
Rests his head on top of yours if you're shorter than him
If you let him/are comfortable he's definitely the kind to lift you up a little!
9.5/10 there are most likely times where he hugs too tight but it's okay <3
Very shy and hesitant hugger </3
Do you know how long its been since he's hugged someone???? YEARS. His arms are just kinda sticking out on either side of you, unsure of where to place them :(
Hold him long enough and he'll sooner or later lower his arms to rest gently around you
His hugs are pretty gentle and light in the beginning (to the point you can barely feel his arms) but they gradually become tighter with time
Over time he gets used to hugs and starts to become not as stiff. However, if you’re one for surprise hugs, you’ll never fail to make the faintest of red dust his cheeks.
One day he initiated a hug, something meant to get you back for all the sporadic hugs you’ve given him
In times of comfort he tucks your head into the crook of his neck/in his chest. It's his way of shielding you from everything that's harming you.
A warm man equals warm hugs and I’m all for it! Another one that you should def go to if you want a comfort kind of hug. Probably smells really good too! An honest n’ solid 9/10 totally not biased or anything
Another great hugger <3
Man really likes hugs but he'd rather tease you than admit that. Which he of course will. That is unless he sees you really need one. Expect a hug no questions asked, no remarks either. He knows - knows that sometimes you just need someone to hold you.
Kaeya’s hugs are firm - not as firm as Childe’s, but enough to feel the genuine emotion he’d pour into one whether that be comfort or joy.
As well, hugging him at first is always a little cold - perks of a cryo vision I suppose - but never will the chilly temperature last for too long. It’s always replaced by the warmth hiding behind it.
100% the type to rest his chin on your shoulder and just relax. Gone would we the tension ensnarling him and gone would be the faux display he shows the townspeople.
When he hugs - both arms fully encircling you, not some half-ass side hug or arm over the shoulder - he lets just a peek into the deeper part of who he is. It’s one of the only times he’ll reveal the vulnerability he tucks away.
10/10 I’m admittedly a little biased but I love him and he deserves all the hugs so it’s fine💞
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