#am i billing time for this??? u bet ur ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
iraprince · 1 year
Please tell us how much Patreonage you require to complete and then sell a smutty zine. Dying for a whole ass thing with the enthusiasm, character, and teeth you put into your sexy sketches.
i actually really really REALLY want to start making short erotic comics and selling them on itchio, i've been thinking about it all year long 😭 it's hard to put a price tag on it lol, right now i kind of feel like a very very smooth river stone being tumbled around helplessly by my own job so trying to plot out when i would have the time is pretty impossible.
but in seriousness i will say that buying my stuff on itchio + pledging on patreon both do really really help free me up so i can work on stuff more freely. my patreon income every month is literally what prevents me from being in panic mode/covers my most basic "this IS coming out of ur account this month, ready or not"-type bills, and the stuff that trickles in thru itch is always a relief on top of that — so everyone who pledges to me or has ever bought something from my itch store, u are literally actively helping this happen rn! cannot overstate it!
(it is a bit of a chicken-and-egg thing where im like... "if i could just get a comic up, i bet the income from it would help me have time to do more... but i don't have time to do a comic unless i have some padding money..... but if i could just do a comic i'd have the padding—" etc etc etc lmfao! it is what it is.)
ANYWAY that's a lot of rambling to basically say: u guys are already helping me do it and i am endlessly grateful. every bit does help in a very very real way.
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jo2ukes · 5 years
self care is writing 3h drabbles at work!!!!!! (timeskip spoilers sort of)
“Felix!” Ingrid shouts above the clash of steel. Her eyes dart to his left, and he steps to his right, dodging an axe coming down on him. She smirks in a very Ingrid way before letting concern take over her face again. Concern was the expression she wore most often, which was so different from their days as children.
 “I’ve got it from here,” she says, “I should be able to push them back. You move on ahead—Sylvain is getting overwhelmed.”
He nods, throwing her a quick look of gratitude, before continuing to cut a path forward. Sylvain wasn’t joking in his letters when he said the Empire was determined to fell House Gautier. There were a handful of them, nobles, that clung steadfastly to their vows of fealty to the Prince. It came as no surprise to anyone that Gautier, Fraldarius and Galatea were among the few.
 Apparently, it came as no surprise to the Empire either.
 In the short years after Edelgarde had declared her war, the attacks on each of their Houses had been unrelenting and only mounted as other Kingdom Houses fell under the pressure. It seemed stupid, risking their lives like this for a beast who was presumed dead. Felix knew he wasn’t, of course. He couldn’t be. Odd as it sounded, it was one of the only things keeping him clinging to hope. Keeping all of them clinging to hope.
 “You’re late,” Sylvain calls, cutting into his thoughts. “I almost thought you’d forgotten about me,” he winks. His demeanor is calm, contrasting with the wild swings of his lance.
 “Shut up,” Felix groans, but he can’t hide the smile creeping at the corner of his lips. “I could hardly forget about someone as obnoxious as yourself.”
 They’d all been separated in the chaos at the Monastery. It took months for the dust to settle and for correspondence to reach anyone, but all of their classmates were alive. Dimitri being the only one in question at this point. Well, Dimitri and the professor…
 Felix grits his teeth, shutting off his thoughts. No point in dwelling on the professor now. There’s been no word from or of the professor for the past four years. Or has it been five? No matter. The only thing of importance is the task at hand.
 His attention turns to his blade, dancing in circles around Sylvain’s more or less stationary position from horseback. The two of them work well together, and the numbers around them start to dwindle. Those from the Empire who are left standing quickly realize their best course of action is to flee back to their Empress and die another day. In his academy days, Felix might have chased them. It’s not victory if it’s not absolute, he used to think. Now he knows, sometimes living for the next battle is victory enough.
 And so, he lets the Empire scum run, turning his attention back to Sylvain, but keeping his eyes trained on the distance, should their enemies decide to regroup and ambush them while their guard is down. Ingrid has rejoined the group as well, dismounted from her Pegasus, and is listening intently to Sylvain’s conversation with the merchant troupe they were protecting. Though running supply lines between Gautier, Fraldarius and Galatea is dangerous, there are still a handful of caravans loyal to the Kingdom and willing to make the journey. If their lines are cut off, there’s no telling how much longer any of the Houses could stand on their own. Luckily, among Kingdom territories, merchants are largely seen as neutral parties, so the only real threat comes from Empire troops.
 “—And of course, we appreciate House Fraldarius’ assistance in securing our safety as well,” the merchant’s voice interrupts Felix’s thoughts and Felix pulls his gaze away from the tree line.  The merchant bows deeply, gratitude etched into his face.
 “Think nothing of it,” Felix says, giving a curt nod in response. “Without the support of the merchants we are—“
 “Vile dogs!” A voice calls from behind them. An Empire solider has returned. Alone. Foolish.
 Wordlessly, Felix unsheathes his blade, intending to make quick work of the straggler before anything else can be done. From the corner of his eye, he sees movement from the tree line, but his only option is to follow through with his initial attack.   A flash of blonde hair and Ingrid is at his side, knocking away the volley of arrows raining down on them. A flash of red hair, and Sylvain is heading for the tree line, archers fleeing from his javelin attacks, Gautier soldiers following behind to prevent their escape.
It all happens in a flash, Sylvain turns to give them a thumbs up and a wink, opens his mouth to say something stupid, but only lets out a gurgle. An arrow has lodged itself in his neck.
 With a roar, Ingrid takes off after the archer she believes responsible. Without thinking, Felix rushes forward, catching Sylvain in his arms. Sylvain tries to speak again but Felix hushes him, laying him on the ground and resting his head in his lap. He doesn’t know much about medicine or healing, and it was unfortunate they were caught without anyone with expertise in either subject.
 “I know it doesn’t seem like it, but I’m going to take care of you,” Felix says firmly, though his hands shake more with each passing moment. Sylvain is already pale. “This is going to hurt,” he winces, placing his hands firmly on the arrow shaft in Sylvain’s neck. It didn’t go all the way through, which could potentially be a good sign- again, he didn’t know much. “Sorry,” he mutters, before taking a breath and snapping the length of the shaft off. Sylvain cries out- not a sound Felix hears often, nor cares to hear. Instead, he busies himself with more shushing and uses his teeth to rip off a part of his own robe before wrapping it as gently as possible around Sylvain’s wound and the small hint of arrow still poking through.
 Ingrid runs back, out of breath.
 “The last of them are gone,” she pants. “How is he?” She kneels and takes Sylvain’s hand in her own, biting her lip as she assesses the damage. “Sylvain, you need to stay awake,” she pats his cheeks gently, getting him to flutter his eyes and at least maintain consciousness.
 “There’s nothing else we can do for him here,” Felix says, “We need to get him back to House Gautier as quickly as possible.”
“I’ll fly him,” Ingrid nods, helping Felix pull Sylvain to his feet. “See if that merchant has any salve he can spare, I’m sure Gautier’s supplies are running low. Meet us back there. I’ll see you soon.”
  “He’s been asleep most of the day,” Ingrid says, standing from her chair by Sylvain’s bed. “He chats a bit when he’s awake, you know Sylvain,” she laughs lightly, mostly to hide her concern. “Thank the goddess we were there,” she adds after a pause.
 “Only an idiot would go charging off like that” Felix mutters, crossing his arms.
 “Well, you know Sylvain,” she offers a smile, and gently squeezes his arm. “I should change his bandages before you take the next shift.”
 “Get some rest,” Felix says, shaking his head “I’ll watch over him from here.”
 Ingrid yawns and softly offers thanks before making her way out of Sylvain’s room. There is a stillness that settles over the room, the fire crackling softly, and it’s almost peaceful. Sylvain’s breath still sounds pained, but his condition has certainly improved over the past couple of days. The fact that he’s been awake and talking with Ingrid was a better sign still.
 Felix busies himself with bandage preparation. The clean bandages are kept in a basket at the foot of Sylvain’s bed, along with a jar of salve. Which went directly on the wound, not on the bandage, Ingrid’s voice reminds him in his head. She knew more than basic field dressings, though her knowledge was almost as limited as Felix’s. She’d studied a bit back in the academy, helping out professor Manuela when she had a moment. She always claimed, even though she would have to give up the battlefield for the sake of her family, healing knowledge may still come in handy.
 “There was a change in the guard, huh?” Sylvain’s voice is scratchy, yet somehow still possesses it’s lilting quality. Felix turns to stare at his friend for a moment, an abundance of emotions swelling up in his chest. Most of them were confusing or foreign, but the one he was most easily able to identify was rage. Always a safe emotion to fall back on. His decision to settle on rage must have played across his face, because Sylvain’s expression fell ever so slightly. Felix ignored him and put the bandages on the bedside table before turning back to retrieve the salve. He poured some into a small bowl, pursing his lips.
“You’re mad,” Sylvain observes.
 “What were you thinking, charging in by yourself like that?”
 “Well, I wasn’t, really,” Sylvain shrugs, wincing slightly. “I’m an idiot, or so I hear,” he winks.
 “Now isn’t the time for any of your stupid jokes,” Felix scoffs. “You could very well be dead, you know.” He turns back to Sylvain.
 “Aw, come on, I’ve been close to death loads of times. It’s gonna take more than a handful of Empire cronies to put me out of my misery, you know that. In fact,—”
 “—Listen to me, Sylvain,” Felix interrupts, slamming the bowl of salve down on the table by the bed. “You could be dead. You’ve never been this close to death before.”
 “It’s a war, you’re going to lose people—“
 “—not you. I’m not going to lose you, do you understand?”
 Sylvain falls silent for the first time. His mouth opens and closes a couple of times, a slight blush settling into his cheeks. Felix moves to pick up the bandages from the table, continuing his lecture.
 “Ingrid was beside herself, carrying you back here like that, all full of arrows. You’re not invincible and it’s time to start acting like it. It matters if you die. Not because you have a Crest, or because you have more people to flirt with. Ingrid needs you here. I need you here.”  He motions for Sylvain to sit up.
 “Careful, Felix. You’re coming dangerously close to showing emotion.”
 “Teasing the person that has the power to make your neck wound very much worse as opposed to very much better isn’t the wisest of ideas.”
 Sylvain smirks in response, holding relatively still while Felix applies salve and fresh bandages. His neck already does look much better. It’s probably only a matter of time before he’s on his feet again, which is just as well. There’s plenty to be done. Not to mention their class reunion looms. It seems a silly thing now, going back to the ruins of the monastery to fulfill a childish pact, but a promise is a promise. Seeing classmates after so long would be a pleasant note in an otherwise torturous period. And an ally is always an ally. Coordinating their movements and their plans to take back the Kingdom would be that much easier after reuniting.
 He finishes re-wrapping Sylvain’s neck, his eyes lingering on his friend’s face. The two of them had seen such sadness, but Sylvain wore it well. He almost looked as though he hadn’t aged a day since their time at the academy. His eyes were still full of light and he was always smiling- almost as though he had no idea a war was going on at all. He catches himself staring, and drops his eyes to the floor.
 “Hey,” Sylvain says, catching one of Felix’s hands in his own and giving it a gentle squeeze. Felix looks up. “Thanks,” he says, “for everything.”
 Things may look hopeless, but if they had each other, maybe there was some possibility things would still turn out okay in the end.
 Wordlessly, Felix squeezes Sylvain’s hand in return.
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not-safeforsanders · 5 years
Sugar Daddy
Warnings: Age gap (19-37), nsfw as always, I guess sort of prostitution but not in the traditional sense. 
Ship: Logicality
Plot: It seemed like a simple arrangement, fuck the dude, get paid. Really simple. Right up until Patton realized that his sugar daddy is actually kind of...sweet
((Am I projecting onto characters again? U bet ur ass I am))
Patton sighs as he looks down at his outfit. “You look wonderful, as always, Pat,” His flatmate, Roman grins at him “That ass though,” Patton giggles a little as he stares in the mirror. White, ripped skinny jeans with a pastel blue shirt tucked into them, little cacti decorated the shirt and overall gave him a look of sweet and innocent. 
Which heavily contradicts with the arrangement he’s made. 
He slides his circular glasses up his freckled nose and runs a hand through his unruly curls in hope of sorting them out somehow. “Are you sure I look okay?” He sighs, sliding his feet into his rather battered boots and tying the rainbow print laces into double bows. Roman nods enthusiastically in response, being the personal hype man that he always is for his friends. 
“Absolutely stunning, he’s not going to be able to keep his hands off of you,” Which might also be a problem. See, Patton is no stranger to sex, it’s having sex with strangers that is the predominant issue. He knows very little about this man as a person, what if he’s not trustworthy? What if this is all just a really bad idea. Isn’t this essentially prostitution?
He thinks about this as he slides his headphones over his head and begins his journey to the place they’d agreed to meet up. It’s just dinner, really, for tonight, just to feel a little more comfortable with each other. And for Patton, a free meal is a wonderous thing especially when he sees how bare his cupboards are. 
The college student stands outside of the restaurant, hands in his pockets as he sways nervously on the spot, he glances down at his phone every now and then just to refresh his memory of what the other man looks like. A car pulls up outside, if this guy could not get any more stereotypical he has his own driver. 
Patton really does hate billionaires most days of the week, but this one is feeding him so he can’t really complain right now. 
Then, there he is. Tall, slender but not skinny, with a sharp jawline and tan skin, black hair perfectly coiffed except for one strand that didn’t seem to want to behave today, as it fell into his blue eyes. “Hi there Patton,” He extends a hand which Patton shakes with a dazed expression, tugging his headphones off of his ears. “Glad to see you got here safely, shall we” He gestures towards the restaurant with a small smile.
If he didn’t know better, Patton might say he almost looked a little shy. But men like that don’t get to come into so much money by being shy. Right? 
The inside of the restaurant is huge, with dim lighting and candles on the tables, the menus finely printed in white and gold. If Roman ever became rich, he’d love this place. As they’re seated, Logan holds out a menu for Patton before talking “So I suppose I just wanted to know about you, get to know you, perhaps it would make the whole ordeal feel less strange for both of us if...”
“We don’t feel like strangers?” Patton smiles a little “Yeah I get that feeling,” His eyes widen at the prices on these meals, a soft ‘what?’ leaving his lips. “Why...Why here? Aren’t these prices a little...excessive?” He’d really just wanted something to eat, he hadn’t expected a meal of nearly $200. 
“Admittedly, not my general place of eating, it is excessive, but I wanted to make a good impression, and I’m told the best way to do that is too...” He trails off a little, looking for the right words. 
“Buy them?” Logan’s cheeks flush, looking a little mortified at first until he sees Patton’s grin “You don’t need to throw your money at me for everything, especially food that I probably won’t even enjoy,” He rests the menu on the table for a moment “And if you really want to make a good impression, mister, you could start by not throwing money around like it’s nothing, the costs of these meals are the cost of my rent for a month,” He chuckled “But I suppose I’ll enjoy being spoiled just for tonight,” 
“I apologize, I hadn’t quite considered you may be offended by frivolous displays,” Patton hesitates, noting the sincerity in the other’s voice, and that the blush to his cheeks hadn’t quite faded making this detail noticeable even in the low light. He’s kind of cute. For someone in their late thirties anyway. 
They order food and wine and talk. Logan discusses his work, which was formerly as a CEO of his father’s company and he detested every second of it, he now works as a professor. “I finished my doctorate when I was 25,” He explains “But my father wanted me to work for him, and it paid very well so I stayed, and I saved up a lot of my money because I knew there would be a time where it didn’t come so freely, but then my father died and I got practically all of his money, and my brother took over the company so it all worked out in the end,”
“I take it you and your father didn’t get along well?” 
“He was, for lack of better phrasing, the world’s biggest asshole,”
“Language!” Logan laughs a little, and Patton can’t help but smile a little. “So now you work in a University? What do you teach?”
“Physics,” Patton nods, he knows nothing about physics, or science, or really anything that requires any degree of mathematics. “And what about you? You mentioned you are a student?”
“Part-time, it’s all I can afford,” He chuckles, but it has a sad tone to it. “I work two jobs just to make rent, sometimes I have to cover some of my roommates because his boss keeps fucking him around, and it’s not exactly easy to get a job these days,” He notices Logan’s expression and corrects the misunderstanding that may have occurred “He always pays me back! It just leaves us both a little strapped for cash when it happens, which basically means food is...nonexistent,” Logan’s eyebrows furrowed, as if he couldn’t quite comprehend that people live like that.
“What do you want to be?” He finally asks. 
“Oh, I want to work with children, primary school children mostly because teenagers are scary,” 
“Admirable, much harder job than mine, I spend too much time around young children and fear I may spontaneously combust,” He fidgets around with his phone for a moment “And what’s your roommate's name?”
“Roman, Prince,” Logan nods slowly, not looking up from his phone for a moment. 
“And what University do you study at?”
“Beacon College...is this 20 questions?” Patton watches him with a look of confusion on his face but is then distracted as the food is put down in front of them. He thanks the waiter with a smile as he starts to eat. Logan switches off his phone and places it down on the table, ignoring it’s existence again. 
“Apologies, work texts,” Patton nods, understanding as he practically shovels the food into his mouth. “I appreciate that you may be hungry, but if you continue to eat at that pace you will make yourself feel sick,” The student slows down a little, swallowing his food before uttering with a smile.
“You sound like my mom,” He teases lightly, as Logan rolls his eyes and starts on his own food. The two eat in varying degrees of quiet, occasionally chipping in odd comments and tidbits of conversation. At the end of the meal, Logan tips the waiter and gives him a smile. “Put it in your pocket and don’t tell your boss,” Patton advises, the waiter laughs and gives Patton a small wink as he takes the plates back to the kitchen. 
“This was nice,” Logan said gently “I almost forgot we even had a predetermined arrangement halfway through that meal, it’s been a while since I’ve been able to talk to a person in a normal manner, it’s very...calming and grounding to spend time with someone who doesn’t mind being honest with me,”
“Honesty is the best policy, most of the time,” Patton replies, digging his hands into his pockets “So...do I go back to yours or...?”
“Perhaps not tonight, our meal lasted longer than anticipated and I have a 9 AM lecture to teach tomorrow,” Patton nods and looks down at his feet awkwardly. “If you don’t mind me asking, however, do you mind...if you’re interested...?” He stumbles over his words, a man so eloquent yet so easily foiled by matters of the heart as he gestures loosely towards Patton. 
The student smiles, watching the man trip over his words before he finally pities him just a little too much, and leans up to kiss him gently. He tastes like wine and coffee and whatever was in that meal he ordered, yet he also tastes soft...and of something that Patton had never tasted before. 
As quickly as it started it was over, and Logan ducks his head to hide the flushed cheeks as Patton fights back a smile. “See you later,” 
“Yeah,” Logan replies dazedly, blinking as he watches Patton walk away “See you later,”
For the next two days, Patton can’t stop thinking about Logan. He gets a text just as he’s finishing work on the first day asking if he’d like to come over for dinner tomorrow evening. When he says yes, Logan asks for his address and says he’ll send someone to pick him up. 
Now Patton’s not, generally, dumb. That’s what he tells himself as he hands over his address to a near stranger, an action that has him, and Roman, questioning his sanity. He gets through his own front door to be greeted by his roommate, who looks like he’s just seen a ghost, he’s holding an envelope in each shaking hand. “I think your sugar daddy paid off our university bills,” He whispers, holding out an unopened letter with Patton’s name on it. “Because I didn’t pay them off,”
Patton reads his own letter, a hand coming up over his half-open mouth. “Holy...smokes,” He whispers “He didn’t? He did, holy...oh my God,” His face breaks out into a smile. 
“Jesus you must have some sort of magic ass to get that done,” Patton flushes red at the comment and shoves Roman playfully. 
“We haven’t actually fucked yet, but I guess I should probably go get changed for that,” Roman squeaks as he ushers the other man to his room. 
“I have to dress you for this occasion,” Patton sighs, but there’s no arguing with Roman once he has his mind set on something. They’re both the same height and weight and it’s not uncommon for Roman to steal some of Patton’s jeans every now and then, but in general, the younger has a much more frivolous taste in clothing. Which is how Patton finds himself wearing a pleated white skirt that falls just above his knees, with knee-high socks and dark blue shirt. “You’re definitely getting laid tonight,” Roman chuckles as he sits cross-legged on the bed applying glitter to Patton’s eyelids. He pauses for a moment “Is this...do you want to do this?” He finally asks, looking worried. 
“I do,” Patton replies softly “I wasn’t sure at first, but he’s actually...really sweet and, if all else fails, really cute,” Roman nods, satisfied with this response “And he has lovely eyes,” The elder can hear his friend laughing just a little at his lovestruck expression, but Patton can’t quite react as the younger resume applying makeup. 
The car picks him up at the time agreed upon and Patton gives Roman a quick kiss on the cheek, with the promise that he’ll call if he needs him. The ride to Logan's house wasn’t all too long, and the house itself was not quite as lavish as Patton has been expecting, no it was a moderately sized house that most upper-class people would have, with a quaint and pretty garden. 
Patton stands at the door feeling so small against the big house, reaching up to knock before stepping back a little. Logan opens the door, wearing skinny jeans and a smart blue shirt tucked into them. A tea towel resides on his shoulder, indicating he’d just been using it which is solidified by a wonderful smell. “You have your own driver but you cook for yourself?” Patton relaxes and smiles as he teases the elder man just slightly.
“I can’t be completely helpless in the world,” He holds open the door “May I take your jacket?” Patton smiles and slides the denim jacket off his arms, handing it to Logan as he hangs it up on the coat stand. “Generally I ask for people to take their shoes off at the door, I have some house shoes, cleaning these carpets can be a nightmare,” Patton nods, they have the same rules in their flat too, only because their vacuum is trash and neither of them has a lot of time for cleaning. He toes off his shoes and slides his feet into slippers that are four sizes too big, but he doesn’t miss the slightly endeared look Logan gives him. 
“So what’s for dinner?”
“Lasagne if that’s okay? I realized I possibly should’ve asked if you have any dietary requirements,”
“Oh no, not at all, it smells lovely,” He follows the other into the kitchen and sits down at the dinner table “So did you...was it you who...paid off our student debts? And our tuition? That’s a lot of money I don’t know how to thank you...”
“I’m not in the habit of lying, so I will admit I did, but I don’t want nor need a thank you, I have the money to spare I wouldn’t make a decision financially that I couldn’t handle,” Logan rests a plate down in front of Patton “Furthermore, please don’t feel obligated to me, I simply couldn’t handle the idea of you struggling like that, you don’t...deserve it, nobody does, and for now it’s all I can do,” He sits down opposite Patton with his own plate “Also the food is hot, please don’t burn yourself,”
Patton can’t quite understand his kindness. They had a set of rules in place, an arrangement. Patton hadn’t even given him his end of the bargain and Logan wasn’t remotely pushing for it, he was simply being...nice? Letting Patton go at his own pace? It’s rather sad that Patton really does not, cannot, fathom why someone would do such a thing. 
But there again, if it were him in Logan’s shoes he’d probably do the same. They eat in a comfortable silence as Patton digests his first and only meal of the day. He feels out of place in this big home, he feels so small against the tall walls and like he doesn’t belong, doesn’t fit. As he finally rests down his knife and fork, he looks nervously over at Logan. “So I guess you would like me to...I mean our arrangement was...”
“I only want you to do what you want to do, your company has been more than pleasant enough,” It finally settles into Patton that sex hadn’t been what Logan wanted at all. For some reason, it had been easier to say that than admit the truth. 
He’s lonely. 
All the money in the world can’t buy you a real friend, can’t buy you someone to listen to your awful parents except maybe a therapist, it can’t buy you someone who looks past who you’re supposed to be into who you are. Patton’s lips quirk a little “Well I’m lonely too,” He replies “And I’m bored, and I’m not...opposed,” Logan rests down his knife and fork and wipes his mouth off on the napkin “But I suppose you don’t get this often...what do you want?”
It takes the elder a moment before he nods “Mostly to watch a movie and see what happens,” Patton nods. 
“Netflix and maybe chill it is then,” Logan looks like he doesn’t understand the reference, Patton is somehow completely not surprised. 
They curl up on Logan’s bed as he opens Netflix, Patton’s head rests on the elder’s collarbone, his arm around his stomach. Once a film had been chosen, Logan’s arm rests comfortably around the smaller’s shoulders. “You look...nice,” He says softly, compliments not always coming easy to him but he felt the overwhelming urge to make sure the other knows he is pretty. “I like the skirt,”
“I bet you’d like what’s underneath it too,” Logan’s jaw tenses and his breath hitches a little as Patton leans up to kiss him softly. “Say no if you want to stop,” He mutters against his lips. It had been a while since he’d had the time to simply...well, fuck; Roman seemed to have someone every other night but he also has ten times the amount of energy of a normal human being. Which usually meant Patton had to listen through the very thin walls. 
He’s lonely and he’s horny, in essence. “So much for just seeing where it goes, huh?” Logan mutters as Patton’s thighs trap his body underneath him, his ass resting against the other’s crotch suggestively. 
“I’m seeing where it goes,” He kisses him again, his hands keeping himself up as he grinds his ass down against Logan, eliciting a rather surprised gasp as the elder man’s eyes closed. Patton somehow looks even prettier, his glasses sliding down his nose, his skirt tenting slightly as it rested higher up his thighs. 
Logan’s hands rest firmly on Patton’s hips as he rolls his own up against Patton's ass, feeling his own cock harden underneath the younger. Logan’s hand slides up Patton’s skirt, squeezing him through the material of his very tight, very thin underwear; the brunette gasps out and rocks his hips into Logan’s touch with a whimper of need, nails digging into his partner’s arms. “Fuck me, please, Patton breathes quietly against Logan’s neck, his breath turning sporadic. 
The elder man doesn’t need to be told twice as he easily flips them over, lying Patton down into the bed; he takes a brief moment to admire how wonderful he looks with his cheeks flushed, legs spread, soft curls splayed out against the pillows. Logan wastes no time sliding his partner’s underwear down, discarding the item before sucking the tip of Patton’s cock between his lips, tongue brushing against the slit. 
Patton gasps and whimpers and makes all sorts of wonderful noises as he tries not to simply fuck Logan’s throat. “Please Lo...” He finally manages, embarrassingly needy after spending so long alone. The blue-eyed man pushes through his drawers, looking for the bottle of lube and a condom 
Once he’s found both of these things he slides his belt through the loops and discards it. Pouring some lube onto one hand, he teases Patton’s hole a little, whilst listening to the soft pants and whimpers coming from the brown-eyed man’s lips. As he starts to stretch the other open, forearm tensing as he works his fingers in and out of Patton, with his other arm he squeezes himself through his boxers. His dick flexes under his touch and a quiet moan escapes him, biting down on his lip as he watches the way Patton rocks his hips into Logan’s touch “I’m ready,” He whispers. 
The professor nods as he kicks off his trousers and underwear, sliding a condom over his hard length and lubing himself up. His arm rests to the side of Patton as he uses his free hand to guide himself into the other. Patton welcomes the pleasurable burn with a quiet series of moans, easily accommodating his partner. “Fuck that feels good,” the younger whispers once Logan’s cock is fully inside of him. 
“Good, it would be somewhat counterproductive if it didn’t,” A light teasing tone accompanies the seriousness of his statement. He does want Patton to enjoy this too. It’s been a while for him too, and the warm tightness around his dick is slowly eating away at his resolve, he takes it slow anyway so he doesn’t cause Patton any unwanted pain. 
He rests himself between Patton’s legs, his chest pressing against Patton’s, as their lips meet again in a warm and heated kiss, Logan moves slowly at first until he can taste and hear the quiet demands for him to go faster. As he thrusts into the other, feeling his skin prick with heat and muscles burn in his arms and thighs and abdomen. Patton responds by grinding his hips up, whimpering every time the angle was just right; he makes a lot of noise, but quietly, soft whimpers and gasps in quick succession of each other. 
Logan has been told he’s too methodical to make noise during sex. He concentrates so much on making his partner feel good that sometimes he genuinely forgets he’s supposed to also be feeling good, and he does...it’s just sort of like background noise right now. 
He leans down to suck and bite at Patton’s neck, his hand finding the younger’s twitching cock and squeezing. He teases a little, listening to the curses aimed at him with an amused lilt to them before he strokes Patton properly and in time to the rapidly increasing thrusts. “Fuck, Lo...I’m close,” 
“Language,” Logan teases a little before he presses deep inside the other, Patton bites down on the other’s ear lobe in response, taking note of the throaty and surprised moan it elicits. Patton bites down on his bottom lip, his throat bared as he arches lightly, his nails digging into Logan’s shoulders as he moans and gasps, eyes screwing shut. 
Logan thinks he looks absolutely stunning as he comes, watches him stammer out words in an order that makes no sense, although he does catch a “thank you,” in there. He stills his thrusts as Patton hisses lightly from the overstimulation, pulling out and rolling the condom off of his cock. Once the younger moves again, he pushes Logan back onto the bed, looking a little shaky but with a wide smile on his lips. “There are some flavored condoms in there if you need them,” Logan supplies helpfully. 
He didn’t think he’d ever see someone get excited over flavored condoms. He can’t help but smile as Patton holds up the different flavors. “I have got to try all of these,” He mutters, before grabbing the strawberry one and opening the packet, rolling it down Logan’s dick. The elder relaxes back into the pillows at the touch, watching as Patton’s head sinks between his thighs. His hands grip the sheets at the warmth and wet, trying his best to keep his hips pinned firmly to the bed as Patton finishes him off, head bobbing up and down his cock. 
It doesn’t take much longer for Logan to finish, gasping out Patton’s name like a prayer as he shifts his hips just a little into the other man’s mouth. As he reaches his climax, Patton looks up at him through long lashes and that image is really all he needs to be pushed straight over the edge. 
He lies back, running a hand through his sweat-slicked hair as he smiles up at Patton, the younger crawling up his body to press a kiss to his lips before the two set about chucking the condoms in the bin and getting a shower. 
Logan doesn’t quite think he’s ever liked someone as much as he likes Patton. Although the sex has done wonderful things for his Dopamine levels, he doesn’t think it’s the sex that makes him feel this way; no it’s more to do with the fact that Patton is currently dancing around the bathroom wearing nothing but his underwear whilst singing along to music that logan has never heard before but has decided he loves. And there’s his smile. And his eyes. And how his hair seems even curlier after sex. 
Logan just...really likes Patton. 
Ko-Fi ((Please if any of u can donate I would be very much thankful, u can also commission work off of me))
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Things That Keep Me Up at Night
If time is an illusion, is that why it feels like no time as passed when we sleep? Sometimes I go to bed and just blink, and it's suddenly the next day. Has that every happened to u? What if the world fast forwards when we sleep? Maybe years pass and nobody notices because we're asleep. Did u know there are 4 stages of sleep? 1, 2, 3, and R.E.M. It stands for rapid eye movement which is also a really good band. I read in a book once that said the sky is a big glass dome painted black, and stars are holes where the sun shines through, and during the day the dome retracts like a machine. Do machines like that exist? What about the Bible? It says god made the sky and the sun and the universe and the earth, and Adam and Eve, but science says the Big Bang made the earth and we evolved from plankton into apes into humans. What about all the other religions? Which one is right? How far does the universe go? I know it's still expanding since the Big Bang, but what happens when it stops? Will the universe snap back on itself like a rubber band and cease to exist? Would that just create another Big Bang like a reset button for the universe? What about parallel universes? What if there are alternate realities of all of us? Do they know about us? Are they farther along in technology than we are? Are we still kids? Maybe we're grown up and have jobs and do adult stuff like pay bills and shit. Maybe they could teach me how to do that stuff. What if they're not even human? We could be elephants in another reality, or monsters, or dirt! I have a fear of being buried alive, I don't wanna think about being dirt. What if in an alternate reality dragons and unicorns and mermaids and all other sorts of things actually exist? Do u remember that fog bow thing mr bravo taught us about that that one governor discovered and how if multiple ppl looked at it at the same time u could only see ur own shadow? Maybe that's like a portal to another dimension. Have u ever thought about what happens when we die? Do we cease to exist, get reborn, dream forever, meet a higher power or something, have an afterlife, turn into sand and stay in the universe, or are we like trapped in our bodies forever? I would hate that. I think I'd want to be reborn or dream forever. Have u ever realized that sleep could be like a free trial for death? What if when we die the universe becomes something incredible and awesome and really cool and we're dead and don't get reborn and miss out on it all? What if I die before all of u since I'm older and U all do cool ass shit and I'm not there to see it? Talk about FOMO. Holy shit, what if we're not friends anymore by the time u get to doing cool ass shit?! What am I gonna do then?! What if we could pause time right here while we're still friends and stay 8th graders forever? Would u want to? I'd like to stay friends but no, I think being in 8th grade forever would be really lame, unless we paused in summer, cause then it would totally rock! Do you think rocks watch us? Sometimes they weird me out when I get to close to them. I don't know why but they do. I feel like my dog and cat watch me sometimes. Like I know they can see but I feel like they're learning. What if our pets are the higher species and are just biding their time until our demise when they can take over? What would happen if all those dog vs cat movies where real? I bet if they saw one of the movies they'd be like, "ok, who snitched?"  Wouldn't if be cool if our pets could talk to us? I think it would be awesome at first but then I'd realize what they've been thinking of me all these years and I'd realize how pathetic I am and then it wouldn't be as cool. I think soulmates are real. Platonic or romantic or polyamory relationships are totally a thing but I think it's really really hard to find your soulmate since there are so many people in the world. It would be cool if there was like a physical sigh u could see to determine ur soul mate like in books. But then I might feel terrible if I got w someone who I knew wasn't my soulmate because it'd be like cheating on ur destiny. But it would happen so often because again, there are so many ppl in the world! What if I never find anybody? The world is over populated and we're going to pay the price for it sooner or later and nobody wants to accept that fact because then it's like saying we're animals like deer and when deer over populate we cull them and to do that to humans would be inhuman. What about being inanimal? Is that a thing? Probably not, but like, what if it's the same for animals and we just don't know it? How many times a day do u think about everything that ur doing right in the moment is insignificant in the long run because ur just over  7 billion people in the world and ur life is practically meaningless in the grand scheme of things? About 5 or 6 for me, usually in science. How come no one has invented a machine like from hitchhikers guide to the galaxy that detects the food or drink ur craving and gives it to u? That would be fucking awesome. Why hasn't anybody thought up a solution to world hunger and poverty and all the bad things in the world? Ppl say that we're the generation that supposed to save the world but I don't think we can anymore. It's beyond repair and it's our own fault. Maybe that universe reset button would come in handy. Do u think we've been reset before? Maybe we're like the 263738th attempt at earth and we're just another failure? What if in my meaningless, insignificant life I turn out to be a failure too and end up disappointing my parents and I'm homeless under the I-10? But then I remember that no matter what it doesn't really affect the world at all. I'm just one in over 7 billion. I wonder what I'll dream about when I fall asleep?
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its-just-a-fayz · 4 years
Heartbeat On Air:Chapter 10
read on ao3
chapter 9/chapter 11
bet you thought i wasn’t gonna update, huh? well, i am. i’m very sorry that this is late, but she’s here! idk what posting is gonna look like going forward tho. also the whole first draft is written, so i will just be editing and publishing this story! which will hopefully be less stressful and lead to more updates.
tag list: @emilybarger​ @lordcheesy​ @sheeswee​ @tayuya3​ @sweetlialia​ @thesickeststupidestcreep send me a message/ask/carrier pigeon if you wanna get added.
and finally, the chapter:
Sometimes, you just have to rip off the band-aid of confrontation. It’s a very painful band-aid, however, so Sam was reluctant to confront Diana and Astrid.
Lucky for him, he had a boyfriend who could be persuaded to join him for a double date. It wouldn’t be for a few more weeks though, since Astrid and Diana still needed to get to know each other more before Caine could even realize that they were a couple. For all his sadistic genius, he was the most oblivious straight boy Sam knew.
Sam still wondered if Caine would realize Diana was dating Astrid if they made out in front of him. Then he realized that yes, Caine would. And he’d probably get some popcorn to eat while he watched. Sometimes, Sam wondered if there had been a way for Caine to turn out more messed up.
Meanwhile, Sam got to field Astrid’s enthusiastic texts about her date tomorrow. She was adorably excited, to the point where he actually teased her about it. Astrid’s contact now had a dog emoji on the end of it.
 So you seem a normal amount of excited about the date
 I can’t wait!! To see diana!! And hold her hand!! And eat shitty food!
She took me on this date to a nice place with good food
But mine’s gayyyyyy
 It’s got good service don’t knock Lana she’s cool
 Omg shoud I kiss her
I wanna kiss her
But are we There Yet or not
 The number one rule of dating is that it’s all made up and the points don’t matter
 Real helpful. Is that how you got that boyfriend of yours?
 Hey it’s one more boyfriend than you have
 Yeah but I have a gf which is 67484392058 times better
 Speak for yourself. I’m too gay for a gf
I’ve liked one girl in my whole life
That was It.
 Who?????? I can’t believe the same temple I know has liked a girl
 Eighth grade. Like most things about eighth grade I’ve left that crush behind
I still follow her on insta
Shes still cute and I would date her
My sexuality is a mess™
 Yeah but quinn probably thinks it’s a hot mess
 You’re right he calls me a hot mess a Lot
Something about my messy room
 If you’re having ur bf over you better clean your room.
 I keep it clean now!
It was before we were dating
 Oooh do I get the origin story now
It’s too embarrassing to tell.
 When I have an embarrassing story about me n diana will u tell me?
 Maybe. Hard maybe.
 Hard as u
 I’m gonna stop you right there
Do not even or I will block ur ass
 Fine. I have to pack for college anyways.
I’ll leave you behind to NOT TELL ME ANYTHING
 Texting Astrid was another world, far away from Caine and blackmail and trials and mothers. Sam would be lying if he said he didn’t spend more time than he should texting her.
 Caine still hadn’t replied. Sam was tempted to send another text, but that one would probably be ignored too. He probably didn’t care how Connie felt about him leaving at all.
He remembered that he actually needed to text Astrid about something, that being the double date idea for telling her and Diana about Caine’s plan. 
Oh hey speaking of me and Quinn do you ever want to double date sometime
Like when you and diana are ready
Ya sure
Like not for a while tho
You’ll let me know right
Uh huh. Now leave me alone lemme pack
Now that was out of the way, so Sam could go back to making sure Connie was paying the bills, and not letting everything go to shit before the trial. He had a long to-do list for today, and it was probably best to get on it. 
Astrid woke to soft sun coming in through the window and a light headache. Ugh. She’d stayed up late last night packing everything she owned into boxes and picking out an outfit. It had taken her forever, even with Sam over the phone telling her that she looked good in everything. Astrid had just been so nervous about the date today, and Diana. 
Thinking about Diana energized Astrid enough to get out of bed and get started with her day. Which was pretty boring, just more packing, working out her schedule, and talking with her parents about the future. August was upon her, and that meant college was right around the corner.
Yet even as she made all these decisions about her future, Astrid couldn’t help but think about how her future life would be like with Diana as her girlfriend. Would they talk over the phone while Astrid sat on the comforter she ordered? Would they talk about the classes she signed up for? Maybe Diana would visit her dormitory, and help her move in.
By the time the evening came around, she could barely wait to see Diana. The second she could somewhat justify her actions, Astrid threw on her outfit, and made the short drive over to the restaurant.
She checked her watch. A half-hour early, a result of her stress over not being late and her excitement. Astrid stayed in her car, listening to the music on the radio. Not Diana’s station, but another one that she’d been listening to more lately. About ten minutes before the time they’d set, she got out and waited next to the restaurant, the yellow neon sign over her head. 
It didn’t take long before Diana showed up. She got out of her car and walked over to Astrid, enveloping her in a hug before she could say anything. Astrid inhaled the scent of Diana this close to her, and wished the embrace would never end.
But then, when they broke apart Diana took her left hand in her right, and all was forgiven. They walked into the restaurant together, hands swinging between them. 
The girl behind the counter got their attention as they went in. “Hi, I’m Lana. Welcome to the Healing Place, where would you guys like to sit?”
Diana looked at Astrid. “Um, a booth would be nice.”
“Alright, I can get that for you,” Lana said, grabbing two menus from under the table. She led Astrid and Diana to their table. “I’ll get you guys started off with some fries right away.”
Astrid sat down across from Diana and opened the menu in front of her. “So. I know it’s not as fancy and modern as your burger place, but…”Astrid trailed off, not sure what to say. After daydreaming about how this would go all day, she was suddenly at a loss for words. Lana rushed by again, setting a plastic basket full of fries on the table.  
“It’s-it’s fine,” Diana said, taking the ketchup and squirting some next to the fries. “The people here seem really nice, and we didn’t get any weird looks walking in, which is a step above my burger place. It’s a good place to talk. As a couple.”
“Did you have something in mind?” Astrid asked, quirking an eyebrow. Her mind had jumped to R-rated places, and she was half-hoping those assumptions were wrong. She took a couple fries from the basket. 
“Just wanted to talk about what being together is going to mean,” Diana said, “for the future, for the present, whatever.” She paused, looking Astrid in the eye. “I want this to go right, so communication is important.”
“Yeah,” Astrid said, a smile forming on her face. “I want this to go right too. We should talk about it.”
“Ok,” Diana replied, taking out her phone, “I actually made a list of things, if that’s not weird or anything, of stuff to go over.” 
“Oh no, that’s not weird at all,” Astrid said, laughing. “I made a list of conversation points when I came out to my parents, so if you’re weird, I’m weird.”
“Wait, really? I almost did that,” Diana said, “I had a like, mental list, but I didn’t want to write it down.” She paused, looking down at the screen. “Ok, so how often do you want to get together? Like for dates and stuff. I don’t want to completely U-HAUL it, but I also want to see your face at least twice a week.”
Astrid nodded. “Yeah, that works. And maybe do FaceTime calls whenever we can’t do a date. Or we could do those on days we don’t have dates. But that might be a little too much.”
“Hmm…” Diana pondered it. “Maybe two or three days a week? Not everyday, no, but still do it some? We tend to talk for hours, so I don’t want to do that too much.”
“That works,” Astrid said, “And of course, we can change it based on what happens in our lives. What’s the next thing?”
“Fast or slow?” Diana asked, looking Astrid in the eyes. Astrid momentarily forgot how to form words. Actually, it was a bit longer than a moment.
“Slow, I think. This is my first big relationship, and I want to really get to know you before things get serious,” Astrid said, casting her gaze to the table, cheeks red.
“And here are your fries, ladies,” A server—who was not Lana—put a basket of fries down on the table. “New couple?”
Diana looked at the server. She had dark skin, black curly hair pulled into a ponytail, and a laid-back, yet intelligent air about her. “Uh, yeah.”
“Nice to meet you both, I’m Dekka, Lana’s girlfriend,” Dekka said, “You guys ready to order?”
“Not quite yet,” Astrid said, “We’ve kind of just been...talking.”
“Oh, I remember that part of a new relationship,” Dekka said, “Trying to get to know each other as much as you can, still working out your feelings.”
Astrid and Diana looked at each other. “Uh yeah,” Diana said. 
“Well, you look like you get along pretty well. Hopefully, you’ll come back sometime,” Dekka said, winking. “I’ll get your orders in a minute.” She left. 
“That was, uh, awkward,” Astrid said, “I swear she just winked at us. So, are you ok with going slow?”
“Yeah,” Diana said, “I don’t mind. It should be better than previous relationships-guys never wanted to take it slow with me.” Caine. Caine never wanted to take it slow. It was all she could do to not say his name. She didn’t want his presence to taint this. She wanted this to be different.
While Astrid really wanted to take this moment to ask Diana about her previous relationships, to get to know her a little better, she was also very curious about what else Diana wanted to talk about. “Anything else important on that list of yours?”
“Not...really. Most of it was specific boundaries if we were going to take it fast. Although I do have to ask, can I come over to your house after dinner?” Diana asked, “And do you want to split an appetizer other than the fries?” 
“Uh, yeah. You can come over. And how about we split some nachos,” Astrid said, very happy about both of these things. Diana at her house could only lead to good things. Also, they’d been eating fries all throughout the conversation, and there weren’t many left. 
“Sounds like a plan. So, how’s packing for college going?” Diana asked, moving into a more easy topic of conversation. 
Astrid told her about finding boxes that fit, choosing which books to bring and leave behind (a heartbreaking process), and her parents begging her to keep everything instead of donating some of it. They ordered, and kept talking about how weird parents could get while they waited for their food to come. 
“My parents shipped me off to Coates because they didn’t want to deal with their own mistakes,” Diana said, gesturing with a chip. “Like, if you’re going to cheat on your wife, at least be subtle about it. I was what, five, when I figured it out.”
“Yikes,” Astrid said, “I’d hate to go to one of your family reunions. They got divorced after that, right?”
“Yeah, and shipped me off to Coates, where I tried to stay as far away from them as possible. Around sophomore year-ish, I kind of realized I didn’t want to be like them, so I started to be a good student, get good grades, all that. I got my job at the radio station, made some money so I could get away. They want me to move back in with them, now that I’m not going to college.” They always wondered what had happened to Caine. They loved him.
“Wow. You’ve still got your own apartment and everything though, right?” Astrid asked, “I still live with my parents.”
“Yeah, but you’re going off to college. So you’ll be fully independent,” Diana said, “My apartment is too small to qualify me as ‘living’ on my own. It’s more like surviving, with a side of telling your neighbors to stop having loud arguments next door.”
“There’s no way I’m going to be fully independent in college, no way. I’m going to get peer pressured into everything, knowing me,” Astrid said, giving Diana a look.
“Or you’ll spend too much time studying to actually take care of things,” Diana said, pointing an accusatory fry at Astrid. “Because that was me during finals senior year. I didn’t do laundry for two weeks.”
“Ew! That’s so gross,” Astrid said, leaning forward to snatch the fry out of Diana’s hand with her mouth. Through the fry, she asked, “How do you live like that?”
“Not very happily, let me tell you,” Diana said, laughing. “I had a monster load of laundry to do when summer started. Trust me, I paid for my mistakes.”
Astrid put a hand on Diana’s arm, then said, almost jokingly, “If you ever go two weeks without laundry again, promise me you will call me so that I can come over and do it for you. And maybe cook you a meal or two.” 
“I promise,” Diana said, rolling her eyes, “It might be nice to have someone holding me accountable for how I live.”
“Don’t make me call the queer eye guys on you. Antoni would have a fit over the amount of takeout you post on instagram. And Karamo would make you confront Caine,” Astrid said, lifting up her phone like she was about to call them. “Don’t make me do it.” 
Diana laughed, loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear her. “Ok, that makes me feel like I absolutely have to keep my life in order. Jonathan van Ness follows my twitter.”
“No way! No way,” Astrid said, her mouth falling open. “How...JVN follows you. Who am I even dating? A literal celebrity?”
“Well...not yet. Being big in the music industry can kind of make you a celebrity, but not in a terrible way. Like, it’s more like being a public figure than a celebrity. Jonathan followed me because I vagued Caine about his shitty hygiene,” Diana said, shrugging like it was no big deal.
“Still. Jonathan Van fucking Ness. That is an accomplishment, Diana,” Astrid said, slapping the table for emphasis.
Conversation never seemed to go in the direction it was supposed to when they were talking, but Astrid didn’t mind it a bit. This was much more fun than small talk. Their food came a little later, and they dug into it immediately, the anxiety that had been there their previous date absent. 
“This is terrible food,” Diana said, putting down her burger.
“Yep,” Astrid said, “but we’re eating it.”
“Magical. Especially when Antoni would probably cuss me out on the spot for consuming this much processed food in one sitting,” Diana said, reaching for the fries that had come as a side. “The cholesterol is enough to give me heart problems.”
Astrid put her sandwich down. “Yeah. But I kind of really want to keep eating it.”
“This is gay witchcraft,” Diana said, a few minutes later when she’d finished her burger. “There is no way that should be appetizing.”
“Agreed,” Astrid said, digging into her side of applesauce. “I swear this thing is fried somehow because I can just taste it.”
It wasn’t long before they had both finished the meal, and were slouched in their seats, tired and reluctant to move. The check was paid, and it was about time for them to get out of there. Not many people were left in the restaurant. “We should go back to my house,” Astrid said. 
“Yeah,” Diana replied. After a few more minutes of silence, they got up and headed for their cars. Astrid had already given Diana her address, so they both left for Astrid’s house at the same time.
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kazmorosov · 5 years
|| bill skarsgard, cismale, he/him || ( kazaran morozov ) is a ( 25 ) year old ( senior ) at rockport university studying ( business + literature [TA] ). people say they are ( ardent ) but also ( stoic ), and remind others of ( coffee rings on crisp paper, losing their sense of reality, hushed arguments ). bet they sure didn’t expect anyone to know about ( his plagiarizing to succeed and honor his terminally ill mother he killed ) but someone does, and ( kaz ) better cooperate if they plan to keep their lives. || james, 20, EST ||
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hi i’m so sorry this took a long ass time to put out but im herE lmao here’s my baby
tw; murder, addiction/substance abuse, abuse mentions,
gen. info:
full name: kazaran nikolai morozov
nickname(s): kaz
b.o.d.: december 14th
label(s): the escapist, the academic, the fallen, the philanthropist, etc.
height: 6′4″
hometown: bangor, maine
sexuality: str...aigh...t ? question mark ?
born to a self-made businessman and a philanthropist with a penchant for odd names
his father’s a russian who moved to the u.s. in his childhood who still has many...unique, ties, to the country though none of those are important
his business involves military equipment and he works closely with the u.s.’s military (ahsdfghk conspiracies ?)
and his mother was a plain jane (literally--her name was jane) from a family of politicians; his uncle’s a senator
kaz is the eldest out of seven children (christ) and yes all of their names are just as excessive as ‘kazaran’
grew up with the pressure of the ‘golden child’ title; kaz had to be perfect at everything he did, from his grades to after school activities to manners and presentment
was always expected to follow in his father’s footsteps and like ?? partner with him once he was old enough? 
which is fine and grand except kaz had never given a shit about his father’s business; his real passion had always been for the arts, particularly literature and even more particularly poetry
he found that the arts was probably the most...free, kaz could get, without actively rebelling against his father
b/c god . . . his father is a force to be reckon’d w/
very strict man, likes to be in control constantly, not the...best, emotionally towards his family. or verbally. sometimes physically. y’know.
this really only...amplified, kaz’s perfectionist attitude. it was mostly out of fear of repercussions than much else
kaz has, however, always loved his mother.
jane is the opposite of their father, a woman who loves the world and everybody in it with this...heart of gold, and best intentions in mind
the only problem was that she was horribly submissive to her husband
aNYWAys okay, kaz grew up fairly unscathed but only because he was so...conformist, y’know?
loves his siblings and would die for them, but god--he’d have to side with his father just for his own sake, which definitely strained his relationship with a few of ‘em
AnywAys again; was pretty well-known in his high school
for being like, intimidatingly tall but also was fairly popular? star of the track team, student gov president, in DECA or whatever.
went to rockport just because it wasn’t...too far from home, and partially because he wasn’t allowed to go out of state.
and he was fine w/ it, man
his mother got sick his freshmen year, however, it wasn’t...horrible, at first
it was concerning, yes, but the doctors said she was going to be fine
jane was pretty...adamant about not letting her condition effect her children, too, so she acted as if she was fine
kaz, being a dumbass, was like alright fine this is fine and went on w/ life
sophomore year he met his soulmate; a future veterinarian named freya
n i mean he just...fell for her immediately, y’know ?? n ig she felt similar enough b/c they started dating immediately
it was really...good, for him; especially as his mother’s heath had suddenly taken a turn for the worst
kaz wound up taking two years off of school to care for his mother; his father was gone more often than not, and he felt as if his younger siblings shouldn’t have been burdened with the task
and well...jane never got better, only worse
it was at the point where the doctors had sent her home, knowing that nothing else could be done--she was confined to her bed, and miserable. in pain, really.
one...day, as kaz was tending to jane, she broke down. i mean, just, a full on emotional breakdown, a complete episode, begging him to just...put her out of her misery.
and, god, kaz had never disobeyed his parents (minus his studies in literature but y’knw what. . . not important rn) but that was so ?? morally ?? conflicting ??
they cried together for a long time until y’know. deciding what to do.
as soon as she had fallen asleep, kaz put a pillow to her.
he was never...caught, tho that may have involved some bribery on his father’s end who knows
the day after the funeral, kaz proposed to freya and she agreed.
and it really should’ve been fine if kaz’s mental health didn’t rapidly deteriorate like...he was not handling it well
freya helped, yes, but she could only do so much
turned to drugs, particularly painkillers after a minor car crash and just...a mix of shit, y’know.
probably stole drugs from his fiance’s job tbh
got on antidepressants, which only worsened his shit b/c he started ?? occasionally hallucinating his dead mother ??
his creativity had also just. shat on itself. he couldn’t write, no matter how hard he tried
his mother had really wanted him to pursue his dreams, and god, he was too far in his degree to drop literature
so he started....plagiarizing, his works, b/c kaz is a whole ass idiot. but he hasn’t gotten caught yet, somehow
his fiance thought the cruise program would be a great way for kaz to possibly, recover, since she could see how bad he was doing so he weNt because of her
also yes at this point he had gone back to school; had even gotten a TA position because he used to be...one of the best in his class, y’know ?
anyways yeah im paraphrasing this all horribly but idc u get the point
drug addict, mercy-killed his mother, loves his fiancee, tortured soul, y’know all that
likes to pretend he’s much calmer than he actually is, y’know
likes the whole aloof and distant thing b/c it’s already so easy for him to be intimidating
he can b a lil snarky, a lil sarcastic, but he’s overall always been really well meaning?
can be extremely passionate about his hobbies, or his future wife, or really...anything he mildly likes, tho, y’know?
gOD is he always feeling so guilty, tho, it really weighs him down
but he’s also like...usually high, sometimes u can tell but more often than not u can’t ??
because he’s obsessed w/ seeming okay. and doing okay. and being that average dude next door, y’know?
he wants to be normal, to feel normal, but he’s got this wave of emotions crashing into his chest and he’s in sm pa i n constantly
like he’s got major anxiety but u won’t know unless u catch him in midst of a panic attack and like he’d rather die than somebody see that
probably journals as a way 2 like...cope, and keep himself calm
uuhh he’s like lowkey a huge softie. will cry at sad movies and won’t care tht he’s crying about it
takes teaching rly seriously but he’s also always concerned somebody’s going to figure out that he’s just. a fraud.
smart, with dumbass energy
like he just...sometimes doesn’t think ??
loves his fiancee a whole bunch but this distance thing is...sm harder than he thought it would be. she’s his anchor and he’s just ?? floating aimlessly now
but yeah he’s always acting like he’s okay, like he’s gucci.
uuuhhhh god i dont know what else to say tbh ?? he’s just. a mans. being a mans.
probably doesn’t sleep super often b/c not only is he a TA, but he’s got some mf nightmares man
wanted connections:
got a girl best friend but he needs a...dude best friend?
other friends in general, honestly
professors he’s got some sort of relationship with b/c he’s working for penelope rn
a flirty unrequited thing, where they keep tryn but kaz is like nO i am TAKEN look at this photo of my beAUTIFUL FIANCEE
ppl pissed at him for the grades he’s given them LMAO
people...concerned? for him?
bad mf influences who are like LET’S GET FUCKED UP
a dealer y’know. somebody on the ship who can give him what he wants which is a Lot
uuh let’s brainstorm together, bb
like srsly just. gimme a like, i’ll pop into ur dms w/ my messy tall son and be like let’s fuck him up !
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nanshe-of-nina · 6 years
People of the Caroline phase of the Hundred Years War as dril tweets
Edward III of England: im a marine & accomplished scholar. my sons were alchemized into helicopter fuel to serve their armed brothers. how dare u post penis to me.
Charles V de France: the Digimon Otis peace treaty will hence be frozen in piss and thrown onto the freeway where itll shatter into one million despicable pieces
Richard II of England: i rise; spreading my arms, exuding fluorescent spheres of energy, each representing an Unfollower, Cuasing me a great deal of pain,Screaming
Charles VI de France: how to convince my uncles to combine into one superuncle so that i only have to buy one christmas card? how to do it? how to ddo this? how
Edward the Black Prince: #worstfeeling dying of dehydration caused by diarrhea in a third world nation ravaged by warfare with no doctors #bestfeeling halo 4 odst
Joan of Kent: my big sons have made a mess of the garage again after being riled up by the good word of the Lord.
Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence: someone please. ive bitten into a nasty apple and I don’t know how to spit things out of my mouth. ivr never spit before and i need help.
Louis Iᵉʳ, duc d’Anjou: me and the boys pooled together our total life savings of $1789.34 in a last ditch effort to rescue the failing quiznos brand from the brink
Marie de Blois: never brought this up due to Trolls, but my son is set to graduate from ITT tech next semester after 8 years of hard work and im very proud.
John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster: im not cut out to be a content producer!! fuck thtis!! i want to go back to just looking at everyone else’s content and nodding if its good
Constanza de Castilla: abusing my vile neighbors by putting leaflets around which state that i am now to be referred to as “Daddy’s Golden Goose”.
Jehan, duc de Berry: ACCOUNTANT: I Just don’t know how you can justify donating $700 to “Chips Ahoy” ME: i hope your car flips & becomes your fucking firey grave
Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York: damn it to piss. my wife replaced all of my anti-wife reading materials with Pro-Wife bullshit
Isabel de Castilla: I Just Want 2 Have Sex On This Site All The Time With Out Havin To Argue With Peopl And Deal With People Cryin And Shit #WiseWordsToLiveBy
Philippe II, duc de Bourgogne: the first step to becoming a Millionaire is to acquire one hundred dollars
Thomas of Woodstock, 1st Duke of Gloucester: when you do sutuff like... shoot my jaw clean off of my face with a sniper rifle, it mostly reflects poorly on your self
Henry Bolingbroke: DAD: your baby brothers missing, please put down the controller. help us find him ME: Did u read the news. Gaming is a legitinmate hobby now
Louis, duc d’Orléans: my uncle called me a Loser on television way before this guy’;s uncle did it @cnn @reuters @infowars @gameinformer
Edward of Norwich, 2nd Duke of York: my cousin was charged with arson(Bullshit) , and i was thinking we could all help out by drawing up some memes to display in his prison cell.
Pope Innocent VI: i am above choosing sides here. i hope they either become friends & cancel the match, or beat each other completely to death simultaneously ....
Isabelle de Valois, duchesse de Bourbon: my son has been combing his hair without permission. how do i cope with the pain.
John Chandos: i truly hate winning the infamous “Darwin Award” by getting bombarded with artillery fire in the Super K-Mart parking lot
Bertrand du Guesclin: PEOPLE MAG: which pop culture icon are u going to Slaughter next... ME: I have set my sights on “The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B.”
William of Wykeham: im sorry but, when you people reply to my posts with things like “Fuck you” and “Fuck your Account” it makes me look like a real dumb ass.
Robert Knolles: spend a lot of time thinking about how sometimes even war criminals can be heroes sometimes... Dont like it? Click the unfollow buttobn
Jehan III de Grailly: JUDGE: i'll commute 10 yrs from ur sentence if you kiss my gavel ME: no. i will do the time i deserve and thats the truth and also nuff said
Arnaud de Cervole: i spend lots of time thinking about how many of my depraved, miserable followers would murder me if they could get away with it #SocialMedia.
Owen Lawgoch: oh nothin, i was just buying some ear medication for my sick uncle... *LOWERS SHADES TO LOOK YOU DEAD IN THE EYE* who's a Model by the way,
Seguin de Badefol: id like to report a hacker. he offered me 1000000 to show my dick and didnt cough up the dough when i delivered the goods. i got hacked
Louis II, comte de Flandre: I will be your Father. I will take you as my Son and teach you the ways of online. We will hold hands as our follower count reaches infinity.
Gaston III, comte de Foix: my disrespectful teen son somehow got hold of a gluten product and now he wants to become a cat girl
Charles II de Navarre: everyone on this site thinks they’re hard core but i bet if they took poison to weaken their bodies i would win fights against them handily
Jehan II, comte d’Armagnac: as a small business owner i think its bulshit that i have to give 30% of my income to Spain just because obama lost a swordfight to some Fag.
Jehan Froissart: im rwriting a script about a smart and handsome army man cop who murders civilians but wants to stop murdering civilians because hes in love.
Arnaud Amanieu, seigneur d’Albret: im good old southern boy and we dont cotton to bollocks .
John Minsterworth: its me again, from the website. admit that the berenstain bears are for adults or i will strategically headbutt your father to death.
Jehan IV, duc de Bretagne: my trolls & detractors all have gross mental issues. they love drama and are all jealous of my precious army man blood #truth #SorryNotSorry.
Peter de la Mare: come. I SHall lead the charge against corrupt Game developers, (Falls face forward ansd a variety of ass medicines spill out of my clothing).
Enrique de Trastámara: i am only here to field questions regarding my presidential bid. i will not discuss my ongoing project, tentatively titled “Aids Mario.”
Pedro I de Castilla: have you ever wanted to click X on a bastard
Olivier V de Clisson: unloading an entire belt of ammo at me with a minigun or some such device will now get you “Blocked”
Louis II, duc de Bourbon: may god help you if you trip your feet against my handsome bulk while i am sitting on the floor looking at Depression things on my tablet pc.
Jehan de Vienne: for every year that He is not featured in Forbes Magazine as the worlds richest man... GOD will sink one of our battle ships
Louis de Sancerre: i dress as a medieval knight and pummel my metal body with cymbals to get all 59 of my pit dogs riled up before i fling lawn chairs at them
John Hastings, 2nd Earl of Pembroke: my favorite feature of this site is absolutely no consequences for my opinions sucking ffucking ass and me being 100% wrong about everything
Pierre de Craon: the facts are thuis: i accidentally did benghazi while trying to steal nfl broadcasts and im sorry about it. this is a stressful year for me.
Alice Perrers: (sniffing a crumpled up one dollar bill i found on the floor of a dog kennel) ah.. thats greenbacks baby
Ambrosio Boccanegra: somebody please Bribe me
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leonbastralle · 6 years
Replies Are Back!
it’s been a while... xD
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Conifer: Charlotte! Guess what? I’m pregnant!! Charlotte: Really?...”
Ahh more babies!!
of course! i still have themed names to use ;)
ladyanyarose replied to your photoset “Charlotte: So…you write bad smut to relax your brain. That’s new....”
Okay but Salim is seriously the worst neighbor ever. XD He's either whoohooing or playing loud music ever night and then the one time one if my sims decides to work out in the morning in the treadmill he comes over pounding on the door saying how loud they're being. Salim. Stop. XD
YESSSSS!!!! this exactly! apparently even showering, doing homework or having a midnight snack is too loud for this poor old man XD it’s happened m a n y times
(thank you for this comment btw i’m not anti salim or anything but i love complaining and it’s good to know i’m not alone ;))
pixeldemographics replied to your post “official nsfw warning”
smh annie i will shield myself from n o t h i n g
at ur own risk my dude
simphonics replied to your post “psa welp guys i’m afraid this is the kinda content i post. berries and...”
I love this content.
i know i @-replied to this but i want to delete this post and save it somewhere else so again- thank you so much ♥
monets-pixels replied to your photoset “Conifer: Char! Jess promised to take the kids tonight. Are you ready...”
one can never have too many nsfw scenes amirite?? (i say that but i had a whole load of regrets but in the end this cost me less followers than the pool stuff so i guess it’s a success? and there’s still the wedding night to come ;))
twinsimskeletons replied to your photoset
dats a big ring
gonna take what you can get smh this is the base game ring i ain’t going cc hunting for that but also they’re not poor so there’s that
thatsimslove replied to your photoset “Eva Velasquez ~”
Ohh I love her
thank you!! me too, i wish i had motivation to play vanillas
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “W: Gotcha!!!”
Protecc this child
we will :,)
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “(Random HC I have about Charlotte: she’s actually a pretty big fan of...”
its ok u are goals without plate merging and tBH i LOVE THIS CHARLOTTE HEADCANON SO MUCH!! we discussed it so much but i live for charlotte and her positivity and her FINDING WAYS to SMASH that positivity in is so good it feels so organic pls take these char feelies
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
i see jess is going to perform the rare ass jump ;)
mar: im so glad im in the cold water already
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
aaaa this tickles my aesthetic bone so much
fucccccccccc highest!!! praise
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
ok but char is such a Gr8 and Amazing and Beautiful Mom i love her
;___________; me too i want her to be everyones mum
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “M: You too, Jessamine. Where am I going to put you???”
in the bED 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀
you are not wrong
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “M: What are my kids doing out of the pool! Unacceptable. Back in, the...”
im still legitimately weeping at this!!!!!!!! hes such a good dad to these kids that i still dont know i lov!!!!!
akjsfaksfjahskfjasfkajsfkasfjaksfasd i cry i feel like such a kidnapper still but im glad!! soon enough bby do it for them (also for all the milestones in between that will be beautiful)
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “MARVISION: A C T I V A T E”
jess can feel the weight of that marvision
u bet i cry hes so close it must b something else
the strongest part of mars body: the arms? the dicc???? nah its the e y e s
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “MARVISION: A C T I V A T E”
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “T: Man, Yarrow, we gotta come up with a way to keep you up to date!!...”
im sorry im in love with your berrifications
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “T: Man, Yarrow, we gotta come up with a way to keep you up to date!!...”
that visual tho...imagine
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “C: Hi there, Tide! T: Oh hey Calla! Need a pair of strong arms for...”
i love this start of a beautiful friendship based on video games and political conspiracy theories
:,) ah yes that is a thing smh tide (smh me and my eagerness to hav this fam in my save)
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “C: Hi there, Tide! T: Oh hey Calla! Need a pair of strong arms for...”
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “i’m sorry i just rly love them”
who are these kids Whomst
i dunno......i got them from this girl maybe you know her???? shes rly talented and rly good to me and idk how she deals with all the crap i put her sims in but shes rly nice shed fit your bill perfectly you should follow
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
i die at ficus stopping playing altogether (i already knew it but it still packs a punch to my gut)
s a m e
i guess hes just........good at giving up i cry
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
!!!!!!!!!! ok but wow i love how different they are in coping and how it feeds these bits of characterization of theirs!!
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
a Blessed self insert!! 💖
she has to b good at it SOMEWHERE u kno!!
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
yessss give me the girls being c u t e !!!!!
ofc my dude
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
idk this boy who is this
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
i cry i need to post them more because i lov this word so much
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
pls harm this nasty boy make him suffer
later, my friend, later
also i think most of the suffering will be up to you oops
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
This is truly how u kill a catii
i dunno you seem pretty alive to me still
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
Holy hell u deviants mind the kids!!
n e v e r you know the pool brings out That Side in them
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset
!!!!!!!!!!! im weeping
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “C: Mar? Are you gonna let go of me? M: Something tells me that our...”
!!!!!!! ur givin the catiis all they want i want to cry
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “M: Charlotte! My agony aunt. It’s been far too long. Can I have a hug?...”
malmine kids whomst idk them
im just picturing you saying whomst and im loving it
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “M: Charlotte! My agony aunt. It’s been far too long. Can I have a hug?...”
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “Guess what time it is!!”
!!!!!! its time to kill catii!!!!!!!
twinsimskeletons replied to your photoset “oK BUT WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED AT SCHOOL???”
my poor bb!
there’s two of them p l s they’re both sad pls be nice
twinsimskeletons replied to your photoset
his face is still so PERF
i KNOW he’s truly timeless
simphonics replied to your photoset “And now this has turned into a couple photoshoot so it’s time to end...”
but they're adorable!
i know, but i didn’t rly have room or time for more of them :/ they’ll be back soon tho! as always
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “F: ✊ ✊  A: �� ��”
they need to boink he has a terminal case of dast zadaning
looks like it there is No Hope i cry i should hav let them
pirouettingplumbobs replied to your photoset “F: ✊ ✊  A: �� ��”
Awwwww missed these two
me too! sometimes i forget how much fun they were because all the generations have been so much fun ;_;
twinsimskeletons replied to your photoset “Dog looks great on you Aur! You should wear it more often.”
pixeldemographics replied to your post “i have a queue for today and tomorrow, and regular posting is picking...”
i cry i still dont hav a witty reply for this but this is definitely going in the top comments of 2018 maybe i should make that a thing
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “Introducing Kumquat ♥”
what are u paying???
pixeldemographics replied to your photo “[[MOR] aaaaaaaaaaaaa f u c k ;_; this seriously made me cry the best...”
u are good enough no BUTS no IFS no NOTHING u rly are you dang gourd!!! and i do i do i do and thats the truth!!! ily my angel
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hawaiianshirttozier · 6 years
dating richie tozier would include:
i wrote this in the car! it’s kind of long?? like i wrote it out and then i had all these ideas and it’s kind of detailed and weird but o well. i hope you enjoy? bon apetite?? i also did like a modern!richie btw
word count: 1.2 k-ish
-when anyone cracks a joke about you, he gets low high key defensive
there’s an abandoned theater & u guys all decide to sneak in to just hang out
stan immediately HATES the idea bc he’s a good boy & goes to temple to rEad hIS TorAh
so, you’re joking around with everyone while richie tries to break the lock on the back door
and stan is watching richie, tapping his foot, anxiety is high! he just doesn’t want to get caught
everyone gets quiet & settles down, and suddenly you point to eddie and say’ “i dOnt caRe that yOu Broke YouR ElboW!’
eddie looks at you confused because it’s eddie & let’s face it, he probably wouldn’t even know what vine is
it just makes everything 10x funnier
because everyone is laughing so hard
richie’s heart melts because wow you’re so dorky
then stan is just agitated & he says, ‘really know how to pick ‘em rich. just as annoying as you are.’ *eye roll*
richie doesn’t care if someone jokes or even makes crude remarks about him BUT with you, oh no.
everyone stops and watches the whole thing unfold
richie snatches stanley and throws him against the door, his height towering above stan’s form, he’s glaring, jaw clenched, ‘what the fuck did you just say?’
you tug at richie’s arm assuring him that it’s okay, you knew stan was just worried
‘but it’s not okay. you don’t deserve shit like that.’ he still has stan pinned to the door
stan apologizing bc he’s scared of protective!richie (everyone is)
eventually mike has to pry richie from stan
you reassuring stan that you aren’t mad or anything & him apologizing profusely & u still telling him that it’s all good
u don’t immediately say anything to richie, but when everyone is inside u & richie sneak away and he kisses ur forehead & lots of fumbled words but ultimately, ‘i love you. i only want to protect you.’ & u just hug him instead of protesting bc u know that mentality comes from the neglect of his parents
-trying to teach him how to skateboard
“you’re doing great!”
richie then falls down
you rush over to check on him, he picks up a rock, smirks, & asks if you wanna do somethin gay like piss on it (if you know this reference then we’re best friends)
-evening ice cream dates that result in both y’all watching the sunset
he lets you borrow his jacket
-plenty of nights where you guys sneak out and drive to the middle of nowhere to watch the stars and talk about your futures
“i want to live in california.”
“fancy.” you say, placing your head on his shoulder
“and i want you to come with me.” you smile bc ur so overjoyed that someone loves u so much!!!
speaking of the future, richie is completely head over heels for u and he knows that he wants to marry you some day
he’d be talking to bill over coffee and be like, “i’ve always been afraid of commitment because i’ve always felt like such a fuck up. but with her, it just makes sense? it scares the shit out of me.” 
bill is just amazed because he’s never heard richie talk so fondly of someone like he knew that richie loved you but not like that
“just make sure i’m best man.” 
ahhhhh, & then when yall get married bill is best man and richie tells the story and you had no clue wow bye 
-you guys don’t like pet names bc it’s cringey
-but! you guys would just refer to each other in colorful language like:
‘dick weed’
‘ass wipe’
-y’all bein the best of friends
just enjoying each other’s company
listening to music with each other, ya’ll both love 80s music
i’m so infatuated with this like could you imagine just having a fucking good time with him and walking around the city afterwards to get food and stopping in obscure shops and such (i’m picturing chicago bc ha! i live there)
like just talking about random shit
80s movie marathons every weekend
getting coffee 
you guys would get so competitive, lots of yelling
your elderly neighbor would come to your door at the ass crack of dawn and tell yall in the most polite way possible to shut the fuck up
thrift shopping together
-laughing constantly
your guys’ favorite thing to do is people watch (especially at walmart)
sometimes this results in richie about to get his ass beaten
richie playing it off, grabbing your hand, & running away
a lot of weird and random inside jokes that no one else really knows about
vine references all. the. time.
-ditching class to watch movies from the projector in the janitor’s closet (i am so certain about this)
the janitor & richie are tight bc he caught richie smoking in the bathroom once but let it slide if richie hooked him up with a cigarette
all they did was shit talk the school system the whole class period, going through half of the cigarette pack
so, basically the janitor lets you & richie go in there whenever
-playing with his hair
& he loves it but won’t ever admit it
-wearing his shirts
everywhere & all the time
it’s just casual, like u just throw a denim jacket, flannel, or huge cardigan over it
or u wear them tied or tucked with high waisted jeans (i imagine this would be richie’s favorite)
he loves when u wear his clothes & u bet ur ass he doesn’t get any articles of clothing back until months later but he doesn’t care
-him being super clingy and cuddly behind closed doors
laying in bed- cuddling galore, any & every position of cuddling
watching a movie- u between his legs leaning against his chest on the ground surrounded by pillows & blankets, his arms wrapped around u
dancing (oh, yes u heard it right folks i am for certain he would love to blast music and dance with u)- preferably frank sinatra so y’all can slow dance, one hand in his, his free hand on your waist, your free hand on his shoulder, y’all just swayin to the music
but let’s be honest, anything y’all do would end up in a make out session; hands everywhere, heated
clumsy, sweet kisses 
-him staring at your lips whenever you speak
“wow are you even paying attention?” u say, flicking his nose
“of course i am.” he smiles
“what did i say??” u retort, arching a brow
“richie has the biggest dick.” ah, a smirk gracing his lips
-he loves the way you smell!!!
sometimes he just hugs u from behind and inhales ur scent and it’s so sweet
-not a lot of pda, but he loves holding hands
too much pda makes him uncomfortable
which is good bc u feel the same way
but i feel like, bc of this he would be super into like making out in the library when no one is looking and loves the adrenaline of being caught?
-the loser’s club really admires your guys’ relationship because they can tell you guys genuinely love each other
to them, hanging out with you guys still feels like hanging with friends, bc yall don’t do couple-ly affectionate shit in front of them or in front of anyone for that matter
-you guys are endgame and yall both know it; no matter what happens and where life takes the both of you, yall know you’ll always find a way back to each other
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🔥 ℝise Ⱥbove I̾t ◈ Chapter 009 [LordXplosionMurder]
Tumblr media
📑 Table of Contents | ◂Backward
Word Count: 1,554 ☁
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
〈“It never goes the way that you planned. Success is a door that always slams. I’m trying to break it.” The Score, “Miracle”〉
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
I rubbed my eyes, trying to keep myself awake. The last of the students were leaving the school after the exam, but Toshi made me wait for him while the staff held a meeting. Rin had offered to wait with me, but I told him I was fine. A part of me hoped he got accepted into the school, he was a good kid. The same for Fumi and Shadow. And what about Toshi’s successor? What was his name again? Mido something, I think.
More importantly, would I get accepted?
I tilted my head back, watching fluffy clouds slowly floating across the azure sky. I managed to take down that stupid ass robot but I nearly lost control again in the process. What if I had killed a student this time? The thought made me shudder. Guess I still have a long way to go.
“Young Jen,”
I glanced over, meeting Toshi’s blue eyes. Aizawa was standing next to him, glaring at me. I cleared my throat and stood up, deciding to keep my distance. “So~ how was the meeting?”
The scarf around Aizawa’s neck shot out at me like fucking homing missiles, wrapping tight around my body. I did not enjoy having my arms pinned to my side like this, but I honestly don’t even have the energy to try and fight back. Not like I could escape this stupid fucking indestructible piece of cloth. It lifted me off the ground and pulled me close, just inches away from him.
“I told you not to use that move!”
I looked away. “Where’s that cat at? Did you return it to the kid you stole it from? Shame, I wanted to -”
The scarf suddenly disappeared from my body and I fell hard to the ground. “Stop playing around, Jen.”
“What’s the big deal?” I muttered, rubbing my sore ass. “It worked out in the end, didn’t it?”
“You lost control,” he stated simply, cutting me off before I could reply. “Don’t try and tell me you didn’t! What would you have done if you had killed someone else?”
I flinched, but I wasn’t sure if it was because of his harsh tone or the words he spoke. I scowled, pulling myself to my feet. “As if I haven’t thought about that! I got it, I fucked up again. Fuck,” I started toward the gate, shoving my hands angrily into my pockets.
If I hadn’t felt such a strong need to prove myself, I wouldn’t have lost control. God, what is wrong with me?
A warm hand rested on my head. “What’s done is done. Learn from this experience, young Jen.”
I sighed deeply, unconsciously leaning toward the warmth that he offered. “I’m sorry, Tosh. That was pretty stupid of me…”
He ruffled my hair before removing his hand. “You’re quite strong, which is all the more reason not to push yourself so hard. The two of you have that in common, but at least you didn’t break any bones…”
I raised a brow in question but he just shook his head and smiled.
“Let’s go get some tacos,”
“Fuck yes!”
それ以上に上昇 ☆ One Week Later
I sat on the couch, eyes focused on the racing game I was playing. It was an online lobby and I had been duking it out with this same guy for the past three hours. He’d lose the race then demand a re-match via the in-game texting feature. I’d lose and then do the same. Neither of us could get two wins in a row and we refused to give up until one of us did. Toshi had left early this morning, just as he had been for the past week. I haven’t talked with Aizawa, either… I bet he’s still pissed off at me.
“Shit!” I zoned out and crashed at the finish line. That makes two wins for him. Damn, he left the fucking lobby before I could challenge him again. Fucks sake.
I glanced at the clock; it was just after eleven so the mail should have been delivered already. The door creaked as I pulled it open, lifting the lid of the rusted mailbox that had been nailed to the wall beside the door. Let’s see… light bill, phone bill, pyramid scheme, coupons, more coupons. Oh fuck those are taco coupons, I’ll just keep those. Wait, what’s this? It had my name on it and felt like… a metal drink coaster? Curious, I headed back inside and plopped down onto the couch.
It’s from U.A…. shit, are these my results? I broke the wax seal on the back of the envelope and pulled out a metal disc, nearly dropping it when it sprung to life, producing a square hologram like a TV screen. Damn, technology is pretty advanced in this world.
Toshi’s grinning face greeted me. “Booyah! I am here… as a projection! Young Jen, you have passed the written exam with eighty-five out of one hundred, congratulations! However, you only earned fifteen combat points in the practical exam.”
“Goddamn it,” I cursed, kicking the table. It screeched backward as it scraped the wooden floor.
“Fortunately, there were other factors! But before we get to that, let’s watch a video!” The camera panned to a wall-mounted TV behind him. The video started to play, showing the monstrous zero-point robot destroying the mock city.
Why is he showing me this shit? I was fucking there, I know what it looked like and the damage it caused. I kicked the table harder and it slid toward the wall. Seconds later, there was a banging on the floor from the batty old woman that lived in the apartment below ours. “Che,”
The video panned toward the treads of the robot, where a giant pile of rubble had fallen from the building it was smashing its way through. My eyes widened as a large piece of rubble was throw off the top of the pile. Wait… that’s Rin! His upper body was covered in green scales and he looked unharmed, but when he tried to climb out of the pile, he couldn’t un-wedge his leg. The camera pulled back to show the robot quickly approaching. He was gonna be crushed…
And then a blur passed by the screen. It was… me?
“You see, young Jen, the practical exam was not graded on combat alone! How could a hero course not recognize someone who is committed to saving others no matter the consequences to herself? After all, that is what makes a hero! And that is what my alma mater is all about – training those that would risk their lives for the greater good. So, we have rescue points! A panel of judges watches and they reward points for heroic acts beyond just fighting villains. Jen Winchester, fifty-five rescue points!”
The scoreboard flashed on the screen, with my name in fourth place with seventy points total. My eyes widened and I nearly dropped the disk. I didn’t even… why is he looking at me with so much pride?
“Your hard work has paid off, young Jen! I am so proud of you! You have come a long way since -”
I heard someone whispering loudly off camera as they waved their hand impatiently. “Yes, yes, I will wrap it up! Now, I know what you’re thinking.” He clicked the remote in his hand and a second video showed on the screen, showing my body as it fell from the sky. A flash of green followed by a cloud of dust. “Hiryuu Rin, forty-five rescue points! He passed the exam, as well! Welcome, Jen.” He held his arms out on either side of him, a proud look on his face as he smiled brightly. “You’re now part of the hero academia!”
I let my hand fall as the hologram disappeared, a shaky breath leaving my lips. I kinda feel… like a total fucking fraud. I didn’t even know Rin was there. I wasn’t trying to save him, I just wanted to test my damn power. But he saved me without hesitation. “Goddamn it…”
My phone dinged. It was a notification from the gaming system app I have installed on my phone. I had a new friend request from LordXplosionMurder. Attached to the request was a simple message, ‘Loser’.
My eye twitched in annoyance and I accepted so I could message his ass back, ‘The fuck are u callin a loser?! With that name, u must be a fuckin 5 yo. Explosion is spelled wrong too, u tryin to be edgy?’
“Argh!” I ran a hand through my hair in frustration, sliding off the couch and flopping onto the floor with a thud. There was a knock right by my face and I scowled, bringing my fist down onto the floor. My phone buzzed again, this time baring a message from Toshi.
✉ ‘Congratulations! I am so proud of you, Jen :)’
I frowned. Why the fuck did I feel so guilty about this shit? Rin deserves those points a hell of a lot more than I do. I wonder if I should ask Toshi if I could give them to him instead, but… I can’t bring myself to send that message.
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
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potterblogs-blog · 7 years
ok y'all have been sorting pjo characters into hogwarts houses which would be nice if you were doing it right
it’s great that you’re trying and all but the thing is, I find a lot of them following the same pattern:
All the demigods are automatically in Gryffindor, because they’re super brave. Octavian and Ethan Nakamura and Clarisse and all sorts of people the fandom doesn’t like are obviously in Slytherin because, you know, Slytherin is hella evil. Then we’ve got the stuck-ups in Ravenclaw and the background characters in Hufflepuff, ‘cause apparently it’s the potato House.
Since all this is hella stereotypical and not at all correct, I was like, well, what would I do? Well hERE IS THE ANSWER ASSHATS
*bill nye voice* please...cOnSiDeR tHe FoLLoWiNg
Percy is a hella Hufflepuff, no denying it, not one bit. He doesn’t care about a position or nothing, he is just a pure Hufflepuff inside and out.
Let’s talk about some major Hufflepuff qualities here:
• Dedication (yo my boy percy is pretty dedicated to the camp and to staying alive am i right i mean he was literally not at all tempted to join kronos’ army like ever soo yeah. also. consider a thing. have u even read the books. if they are a smol bean and he has met them at least 15 mins ago u bet ur lil ass he’s dedicated)
• Patience (percy has not decapitated a SINGLE god on purpose and they all keep coming back, i mean it’s bound to happen someday but CMON YOU GOTTA ADMIRE HIM FOR THAT. literally so patient. even by ADHD standards and its ok u can ask me i have ADHD but that’s beside the point back to percy now)
• Loyalty (it’s his freaking fatal flaw wtf else do you want from him??? to jump into tartarus out of loyalty to his girlfriend??? you do one wrong thing to percy’s friend and he will mESS UP YOUR SHIT LIKE A TRUE HUFFLEPUFF DON’T EVEN PRETEND HE WON’T. remember nancy? I THOUGHT SO. FIRST FEW PAGES OF THE SERIES. AND IT ONLY GETS BETTER)
Don’t try to tell me my girl Annabeth is a Ravenclaw because she ain’t no Ravenclaw get outta my face and let me lay down some FACTS here
• Cunning (we all know what this means so lemme just throw down some hella rad SYNONYMS because those are just the bOMB DIGGITY: we got crafting, scheming, designing, and calculating rn. YOU KNOW WHO IS ALL OF THOSE THINGS? MY GIRL ANNIE. FIGHT ME. I GOT ANNABETH ON MY TEAM AND SHE WILL SLAY YOU WITH HER CLEVERNESS AND DECEIT BEFORE SHE EVEN TAKES OUT HER DAGGER. SHE TRICKED ARACHNE INTO WEAVING HER OWN DEATH TRAP FOR ZEUS’ SAKE)
• Resourcefulness (lil bby annabeth ran away from home in SAN FRANCISCO when she was SEVEN and met luke and thalia in RICHMOND which is in VIRGINIA. SHE WAS SEVEN AND SOMEHOW WENT FROM THE WEST COAST TO THE EAST COAST. GOTTA BE RESOURCEFUL FOR THAT. also remember that time when she broke her ankle, scolded it, then made a cast out of bUBBLE WRAP? BECAUSE I DO. AND THEN THE WHOLE WEAVING A BRIDGE THING. DANG GIRL.)
• Ambition (don’t deny it this girl’s fatal flaw is pride and those two things are connected aS SHIT. SHE’S SO INTENT ON BEING AN ARCHITECT THAT SHE GOT THE GODS TO GIVE HER A JOB REDESIGNING MOUNT OLYMPUS AND THATS A BIG ASS THING IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF. reminder that this girl had the chance to get away from a sphinx but she challenged it instead because it was sorta insulting?? who else do we know is like this?? oh yeah fUCKIGN SLYTHERINS)
• Wisdom (yeah annabeth’s mom may be the goddess of wisdom but if jason wasn’t wise then how the heckity heck would he have survived long enough to be made a freaking PRAETOR. also you know what fight me. jason is the equivalent of a giant dog that is a floofer and goes boof and loves small children but that has nothing to do with wisdom anyway he is one of the smartest out of the seven)
• Individuality (yeah that’s a thing go ask my girl JK. if jason isn’t so Original™ then explain to me please how he restored the Fifth Cohort to awesomeness?? he was a total badass who didn’t take any shit and turned it around for the whole cohort that’s how. this lil boi is an individual yis. one might ask how can one be a badass but also be a fluffball? well jason did it so stop asking ok)
• Acceptance (we are talking about the official mom friend and the founder of the nico di angelo protection squad what else do you want him to do, hug mother earth??? he wrote the song you’ve got a friend in me because he loves everyone)
Consider yourself a thing. Consider all of the Gryffindor Piper things. JUST CONSIDER THEM.
• Recklessness (subtle reminder that Piper used her charmspeak to fuckign steal stuff even though she knew she would get caught. also consider yourself some other things. remember when she anNIHILATED A FRICKIN GODDESS WITH HER IMPULSIVENESS BECAUSE YES. remember when she and anniebell had to do the thing with the stuff that was all about feelings and shit but lil orphan annie over there was totally lost and all like “this is hella illogical” and pipes was just all “we just gotta dO THE THING ANNABETH” and it was total badassery bc it’s the reason i live)
• Bravery (this girl went on her first quest like a week after she found out she was a demigod and would probably die a painful death bUT DID SHE STUTTER?? nah. REMEMBER WHEN SHE SCREAMED AT A CROWD OF ANGRY ROMAN CHILDREN WHO WANTED MURDER BECAUSE JASON GOT HIT IN THE HEAD WITH A BRICK AND SHE HAD TO PROTECT HIM??? BRAVE. went on her first quest knowing that her dad was probably gonna die and did all the things to make the giants angry and plan a rescue??? BRAVE AF.)
• Chivalry (HELLA amazing friend because she’s just sO GENUINE AND KIND and you know that if someone hurts you she will CUT THEM WITH HER SUPER BADASS KNIFE THAT GIVES PEOPLE NIGHTMARES. stands by jason ALL THE TIME especially when he needs her and actually everyone can count on her for all of the things.)
On the subject of Leo: This child is a Ravenclaw through and through no evidence needed but jUST IN CASE I WILL TALK TO YOU ABOUT THE STUFF.
• Creativity (we are talking about a smol bean who makes tiny helicopters and stuff that actually works WHEN HE IS NOT EVEN LOOKING AT WHAT HE IS DOING OR PAYING ANY ATTENTION TO IT. remember how this child saw a terrifying bronze dragon that everyone had tried and failed to tame and just went “sweet, imma grab that so we can ride off into the Canadian sunset”??? yeahp. remember when apollo needed a thing so he just casually freaking iNVENTED A BRAND NEW INSTRUMENT LIKE IT WAS NBD??? I DO. BADASS)
• Originality (leo practically becomes famous for his abilities to come up with plans that are so ridiculously original that nobody figures out what’s happening before it’s too late and if that’s not good enough for you then idk what is. allow me to raise you the cyclops incident, right next to the robot eidolons thing plus that whole fiasco where he fuckign died, also did i mention the valdezinator or the fact that he was the only person to ever figure out how to return to ogygia?? this kid is a mechanical engineer already and he’s 16 im pretty sure baby eight year old leo sat through calculus classes at a local college and got the best grades tbh)
• Wit (leo is the master of comebacks and rash two-minute ideas that actually end up working like damn son this is a purebred Ravenclaw right here lemme just appreciate this. also hey remember that time where he got launched off of a flying ship and was hurtling downwards at a very alarming rate because you know that’s what happens when you fall and he literally actually built himself a working helicopter so that he wouldn’t die all while free falling from probably at least a few thousand feet in the air like damn son)
Conclusion: Leo and Jason share the diadem. Leo gets it on mondays, wednesdays and fridays and Jason gets to wear it on tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays and on sundays they surrender it to the marble bust of Rowena Ravenclaw in the Ravenclaw Tower who says that LEO DESERVES TO BE IN RAVENCLAW EVEN MORE SO THAN YOUR AVERAGE STUDENT COME AT ME BRO
ok well hazel is somehow both my child and my mom so I’m not exactly sure how that works but anyway hERE ARE ALL THE REASONS THAT HAZEL IS A BEAUTIFUL, BADASS SLYTHERIN.
• Cunning (hey y'all remember that time with the cliff and the turtle and the feet?? terrifying huh?? yeah girl slay!! hazel will trick you and manipulate you and you won’t have any idea it’s happening until you’re being gobbled up by your own gargantuan pet sea turtle. Slytherins are also known for achieving their ends in any and all ways and all i could think of was how my child actually literally fuckign died so that she could stop the rise of acelonywhatever and the whole time she was 13 and staring death and gaea right in the frickin face and she didn’t give any shits at all)
• Resourcefulness (let’s talk about that time when hazel was “captured” by the amazons and basically had nothing so she did the only logical thing which was drown them in massive piles of jewelry from the warehouse and make them beg for mercy, also there was this horse thing that nobody could touch and she just casually goes “oh just a sec lemme summon a giant gold nugget that was probably at least a mile into the dirt because how else would it be this big” and he loves her and she rides him into victory. did i mention that hazel is my mom?? this is just one (1) of the sUPER RAD RESOURCEFUL THINGS that hazel manages to pull off)
• Ambition (hazel both believes and knows for a fact that she can literally do all of the things and she never once doubts herself like at all because she is AMAZEBALLS LIKE THAT. SHE WAS 13 AND THE AMAZONS WERE ALL LIKE “DANG GIRL WE WANT YOU ON OUR TEAM” and she was like “i got this huge to-do list but nbd i’ll get her done” like she is pURE CONFIDENCE AND. YES)
Not gonna deny that my lil noob Frankie's a tRUE PURE-HEARTED GRYFFINDOR. THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD AGREE WITH ME.
• Chivalry (WE’RE TALKING ABOUT A CHILD WHO WILL TRIP OVER HIS OWN FEET AND PUNCH HIMSELF IN THE FACE IF IT MEANS HE’S SHOWING RESPECT TO YOU. my dude doesn’t care who you are, he will literally always show you respect until he’s given a reason not to. everything he eVER DOES is because he’s PROTECTING SOMEONE or he’s GETTING A LIL BIT OF PAYBACK and if that’s noT A GRYFFINDOR THING THEN DAMN SON YOU SHOULD REALLY SORT OUT YOUR PRIORITIES)
• Bravery (if you’re going to come into mY HOUSE and tell me that FRANK ZHANG ISN’T BRAVE then feel free to hit yourself in the face with a hammer because guess what losers?? this kid loses his mom and then his gma just goes “oh by the way you’re half god and you have a gift that you need to figure out for yourself and also here’s this piece of wood, don’t burn it or else you will actually die, now go with this pack of fuckign wolves to camp so that monsters won’t attack you and you won’t die, plus when you get there you have to beg forgiveness for this thing that your great grandfather did or else they might literally murder you. have fun” and frankie just rOLLS WITH IT AND KICKS ASS WHILE BEING A CUTE LIL CHUBBY BUNNY. LET’S NOT FORGET ABOUT HOW HE COMPLETELY OBLITERATED A WHOLE CITY’S WORTH OF MONSTERS to appease a stupid ass god and save nico and hazel from being forever plants and he gets back and trippy is absolutely terrified of him because omg he’s glowing red and he actually did the thing and oh also he kind of scared me so much that i sort of forgot i was a god and had power over him)
• Nerve (let me repeat how FRANK ENOUGH NERVE TO THREATEN A GOD WITHOUT EVEN THINKING OF THE CONSEQUENCES. I’M SO DONE WITH THIS. THIS IS MY SHIT THANKS. PLS APPRECIATE FRANKIE YOURE ALL BREAKING MY HEART. Also remember how he entrusted his real actual lifeline to somebody who wasn’t him like daaang boi that is so pure)
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choisgirls · 7 years
someone is getting married. that someone is dragged to a strip club for their bachelor party by the rest of the RFA+V+Saeran. just how much of a hot mess would this nightmare be?
A/N: Can y’all imagine though, can y’all imAGINE I WANNA SEE THEM IN A STRIP CLUB LMAO~Admin 404
Not even gonna lie i’m the person who says “nooo it’s embarrassing” but take me there and i’d be stuffing dollar bills down thongs like no tomorrow ~ Admin 626
-is he even alLOWED IN HERE
-He’s a blushing mess the whole time, he can’t even look anywhere
-Seriously, he covers his eyes every time someone walks by because??? They’re half naKED
-Text: “MC, they dragged me here I swear I’m not looking at anYONE I’M NOT LOOKING, I’M NOT TOUCHING, NOTHING” Response: “yoosung wtf”
-Saeyoung tried to get him a private dance and he literally screeched and ran away
-Overall he did not like it. He was so nervous, and could not enjoy himself. Blew up MC’s phone telling them how much he loves them, stood outside or hid in the bathroom a lot of the time as well
-He literally has no interest
-He had no sexual interest in people before anyways
-Well at least not any interest large enough to act upon
-He loves you for who you are, not your body
-That being said, he kind of just sat there all night with an uninterested stare
-He felt a little awkward every time he saw a fellow business man (especially ones he knew or has done business with)
- “a lot of these men are married why are they throwing money at these half naked people”
-Zen kept telling him that he was killing the vibe at his own bachelor party and he just shrugged
-He was so bored the entire time, he absolutely hated it
-Silently judged everyone in the room just to pass the time, also tried to secretly text you until the others noticed and took his phone
-He didn’t care about the strippers
-He danced along to almost every song that came on
-Wasn’t about having the strippers dance up on him though
- pls i am a child of god do not do this
- i am devout to my MC, they are the love of my life get away from me with your sIN
-When his song came on you can bet your sweet ass he jumped up on the stage
-Seriously he was workin’ it. Strippin’ it. Putting his thing down, flipping and reversing it.
-Saeran had to drag him off of the stage before he could do anything else, but Zen had already recorded it and sent it to MC, who in turn, laughed their asses off and refused to let it go for years
-He does not like other people
-Let alone strange, mostly naked people
-Absolutely hates it there and wants nothing more than to go home
-He misses his precious MC ;A;
-It took A LOT to get him where he is in the relationship he has with you
-He wouldn’t do anything to mess it up
-Not to mention, he has literally NO interest in anyone else but you??
-Saeyoung tried to get him to get a personal dance but that idea was shot down fairly quickly when he was almost punched in the face
-He actually spent most of the time just sitting there. Most people wouldn’t come near him because Death Glare™. Did not enjoy himself, not at all
- like yeah they got nice bodies??? But u know who has a nicer body???
- ofc he doesn’t dance up on anyone, he’s a saint, he loves MC
- B L U S H I N G
- she just DOWNS drinks to get through the night, she wants to be supportive
- she drunk texts u a lot
- “hey,,, hey MC,,, are u a whistle cause i want to blow u,,,”
- “There will be only seven planets remaining after i destroy ur anus,,,”
- “if u were a potato,,, I’d mash the hell out of you,,,”
- MC screenshots everything and sends it to the group chat
- Jaehee looks at some of the strippers for candidates for a possible threesome ;;))))
- this sweet, innocent boy doesn’t know what to do
- he wants to support his friends but???
- he’s not really someone who gets drunk and he’s definitely not for watching strippers
- so what does he do???
- he imagines ur the one stripping instead
- like he’s seriously just staring at a wall pretending ur there
- at some point though, saeyoung manages to drag V up on stage??
- he just follows along with saeyoung???
- everyone seems to be loving it so he must be doing something right???
- he ends up loving it
- considers stripping as a career
- then he decided that you’re the only person he strips for me ;;))
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
‘I Will Piss on Your Grave’: Emails Reveal Roger Stone’s Abuse of Frenemy Randy Credico
‘You crossed a red line,’ said Credico after his dog was threatened. ‘Rot in hell,’ Stone replied.
By Betsy Woodruff |Published 01.26.19 12:14 AM ET | The Daily Beast | Posted January 26, 2019 |
On April 9, 2018, Roger Stone sent an email that would play a role in his future arrest. Though it wasn’t the only reason he was hauled into a Florida courtroom on Friday morning, Special Counsel Robert Mueller quoted portions of it in his indictment of the Trump ally—an indictment that shook Washington and added an absurdist edge to the Mueller probe.
The email, which The Daily Beast obtained before a grand jury indicted Stone on several charges, shows just how irate Stone was about an acquaintance, Randy Credico. The exchange began when Credico emailed a group of people on the evening of April 9, 2018, about what he called an upcoming “media tour.”
��It’s the “RANDY IS FULL OF SHIT “ tour Co- sponsored by Jack Daniels and Pablo Escobar,” Stone replied.
In another email, about an upcoming Credico appearance on MSNBC, Stone speculated that he would be able to sue Credico over comments he might make.
“Send me your address,” Stone wrote. “I bet I can get you served in a lawsuit the very next morning.”
“Remember to bathe,” he added.
Another email included more invective.
“When I wipe my ass what’s on the toilet paper is worth more than You are,” Stone wrote.
“Your threats are a violation of state and federal law,” Credico replied.
Then Stone sent the email Mueller would quote portions of.
“I know u are a dumb shit but read the Constitution,” he wrote.
I have a constitutional right to call you a lightweight pantywaist cocksucker drunk asshole piece of shit and I just did
You are a rat. A stoolie. You backstab your friends-run your mouth my lawyers are dying Rip you to shreds
I’m going to take that dog away from you. Not a fucking thing you can do about it either because you are a weak broke piece of shit
I will prove to the world you’re a liar
“You don't have a constitutional right to threaten me and especially not threaten my dog… you crossed a red line,” Credico retorted. Stone had threatened to steal his service dog.
“Rot in hell,” Stone replied.
A month later, they had another semi-incomprehensible exchange that included accusations of drug abuse and financial problems. Stone emailed Credico, “I will piss on your grave.”
A few weeks after that later, Stone and Credico had another dramatic exchange.
“You are a pathetic loser,” Stone wrote on May 21. “Let’s see who’s around a year from now and who isn’t cocksucker”
“Another one of your threats,” Credico replied.
“Not a threat. A prediction. How you feeling champ ?” Roger replied.
The Daily Beast shared screenshots of the emails with Stone’s lawyer, Grant Smith. When asked if he had any comment, Smith replied, “No.”
After publication, Smith said Mueller was misusing the emails.
“You are presenting things that are completely out of context with a decades long relationship,” he texted. “These two people talk like that to one another for years and years, it is nothing unusual and it certainly does not rise to the level of what the special counsel’s office charged.”
Martin Stolar, a lawyer for Credico, declined to comment. “Randy will make public statements concerning the indictment if and when he’s called to testify.” he said.
Stone and Credico’s relationship—the link between a political arch-villain and a New York stand-up comic—has found its way into the investigation of the century. And it highlights one of the most amusing realities of the special counsel's into Russian meddling in the 2016 election: Mueller, a notoriously serious and straight-faced law man, has spent a huge amount of time dealing with clowns.
Stone, for his part, is basically a political performance artist. He spent his decades-long career in the public eye enmeshing himself in scandals, lobbing wild-eyed accusations at his critics, and honing the practice of wildly over-the-top political dirty tricks. He also wrote a column on men’s fashion for The Daily Caller.
He wore a top hat to Trump’s inauguration. He paraded around the 2016 Republican National Convention alongside conspiracy-monger Alex Jones while sporting a T-shirt accusing Bill Clinton of rape. He suggested Trump fans should storm the hotel rooms of RNC delegates who didn’t support Trump. He got booted from Twitter and banned from CNN.
He ran a lobbying firm with Paul Manafort. He got fired from Bob Dole’s campaign for putting out a newspaper ad for swingers. He starred in a Netflix documentary. He left the Trump campaign under contested circumstances and endeared himself to the internet conspiracy community, even questioning the scientific consensus on vaccines.
This is the man Mueller has dogged for months.
Credico, whose communications with Stone featured in his indictment, is also an ur-eccentric. As a comedian and drug-legalization activist, he drew notoriety for marching into the New York State Capitol dressed as the ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes, complete with a toga and a fake beard. Once there, he protested the state’s drug laws by lighting up a joint.
Credico is an expert at mimicking other people’s voices, impersonating Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan or Donald Trump at the drop of a hat. A small, white long-haired dog named Bianca is his constant companion. He even took her along for questioning by Mueller’s team.
Both men drew Mueller’s interest—Credico as a witness, Stone as a target—because of their shared interest in WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Credico, a self-described lefty, has long been a fan of WikiLeaks for revealing government secrets. Stone, meanwhile, wanted to get to Assange during the 2016 campaign in the his site had emails Hillary Clinton hadn’t made public.
A few weeks before the election, Credico interviewed Assange on his radio show. He would later visit the Ecuadorian embassy in London. The two men exchanged emails about Wikileaks before Assange started dumping emails stolen from Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta. And Stone also made a series of cryptic, apparently prescient, statements about Wikileaks, which generated noisy speculation that he was getting information from inside the embassy.
After the election, when Special Counsel Mueller started investigating potential coordination between the Kremlin and Trumpworld, he soon zeroed in on Stone. As Mueller questioned a host of Stone’s long-time associates, congressional investigators grilled Stone himself.
Credico, in turn, faced questions about his relationships with WikiLeaks, ties to Stone, and alleged work as an intermediary between Stone and Assange. Stone had hinted in the past that Credico connected him to WikiLeaks, while Credico has long denied acting as any sort of go-between.
As those probes unfolded, Stone grew increasingly agitated. He told reporters he expected to be charged, and he lambasted Mueller for running a witch hunt. A few days before his indictment, he texted The Daily Beast to say he would expose monstrous misconduct by Mueller’s team if indicted.
On Friday morning, it was clear Stone’s actions after Mueller’s probe started had created his most immediate legal problems. The indictment alleges that he lied to Congress about his communications with Credico and another associate, Jerome Corsi; that he obstructed an official proceeding; and that he tampered with an unnamed witness, known to be Credico. And it cites the email printed above as one example of a statement “intended to prevent Person 2 from cooperating with the investigations.”
That’s how a foul-mouthed exchange that reads like it's written on the wall of a dive-bar bathroom found its way into what’s arguably the most geopolitically consequential criminal investigation in decades.
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