#among a few other glitches I found while messing around for this
starbage · 2 years
epic ano1 switch port speed run
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therealvinelle · 3 years
What do you think the Cullens would do if some person they were talking to, out of nowhere just quite literally exploded in front of, and on them? Kinda like in that movie Spontaneous. Would they lose control and slurp up the mess on the ground, (and themselves) or would their bloodlust be curtailed by shock of wtf just happened?
I'd say something witty about how this is a strange anon to receive, but holy jesus you've sent me down a rabbithole.
Here's a trailer to the movie Spontaneous. It looks amazing. Kevin Feige wishes this had been his plot for Infinity War.
Here's a trailer for the movie Spontaneous Combustion, which I found by accident while searching for your fic. This looks amazing too. Can't believe Marvel didn't buy the rights to this guy.
I'm serious, people, you definitely want to watch these trailers. I just about died laughing.
So, on to your ask.
In the spirit of your ask, which implies a level of randomness, I thought the people blowing up should be random too. So, being in the mood to procrastinate through spending way too much time on tumblr things, I wrote a program that'll generate for me random Twilight characters.
Unsure whether the explosion should kill vampires or not, I generated an answer. The answer is yes, any generated vampire dies.
Without further ado:
Alice watches Vladimir blow up.
Alright, alright.
The first question to be answered here is why Alice is in Vladimir's presence in the first time. In canon they only meet once, at the end of Breaking Dawn.
For the sake of simplicity, we'll have Vladimir blow up then.
The Cullens and the witnesses are all celebrating being alive, when Vladimir suddenly explodes.
For the sake of the ask, Alice is sitting closest to him when this happens and making conversation.
Her first thought is utter shock. Not just that he blew up, but that she didn't see it coming (she wouldn't, because I randomly generated him. No decision was made). Her second thought is horror.
The Cullens just confronted the Volturi, now mere hours afterwards their allies are blowing up.
Holy fuck, Aro has a gifted ace up his sleeve, and he's using it to kill them remotely.
Panic ensues, not just for Alice, but among all the witnesses. Some of them refuse to leave, Bella has to shield those 24/7, though given the belief that her gift is psychic that doesn't make them feel very safe.
The others decide to go after the Volturi and beg for mercy, assuring them they never meant to challenge them.
Aro, of course, is very confused, but agrees. Why, yes, he does have a vampire who blows people up. Yes, yes he does.
Bella watches Aro blow up.
Oh I'm dying laughing at this one. And wishing I'd put this down for Carlisle, that would be even funnier, but alright.
Bella is walking about post-Breaking Dawn, minding her own business, when suddenly Aro appears in front of her. He looks around himself, utterly surprised by his sudden deplacement, and then blows up.
Bella has been living in terror of this man for years.
In Volterra he had his servant torture her and Edward and then made ominious threats, then a few months later the Eclipse disaster unfolded, finally we have Breaking Dawn where he showed up to murder her and everyone she loved.
Her shield may be powerful, but for as long as Aro was alive her family was never truly safe.
His untimely implosion changes all of that.
I imagine after a long moment of incredulity, Bella burns the rubble, just to be sure, then tells her family the joyous news.
Carlisle gives the guy a funeral. It's weird.
Carlisle watches Vassilii blow up.
Close call, due to my not switching out the names we almost had Angela. In which case Carlisle have stood there, covered in blood and in shock for several long seconds, before bringing out the bleach and gasoline for a crime scene clean.
As it is, Carlisle is minding his own business when suddenly an immortal child dressed like a medieval Eastern European appears before him. It says something in a foreign language that might mean "hi", he doesn't know but he says "hi" to it back, then the child blows up.
Carlisle stares at the rubble for a very long time, wondering if he is perhaps losing his mind. If, perhaps, Aro was right about animal blood being a slow suicide, and Carlisle has finally hit the limit for how long a vampire can go on without human blood.
He burns the rubble and prays for the child's soul, as an immortal child is doomed anyway, and keeps his silence about what happened. In part because there's a solid chance this was all in his imagination.
If Aro ever touches his hand again, and sees the immortal child that he burned a thousand years earlier resurrect, travel through time, all in order to blow up in front of Carlisle, he... well there comes a point where you say "nothing to see here" and refuse eye contact with the universe glitching.
Edward watches Randall blow up.
Randall, for the ignorants, is one of Carlisle's friends that came to witness for the Cullens in Breaking Dawn.
Suddenly he appears in front of Edward, says hi and how do you do, and then he blows up.
Edward tells Carlisle, who is saddened by this, and they try to piece the guy together. They fail.
Edward sends a somber thought to this noble man who agreed with Edward that the Cullens are awesome enough to be worth dying for.
Emmett watches Mary blow up.
Emmett will never admit it, but it's the coolest, raddest thing he's ever seen.
Esme watches Eleazar blow up.
Oh boy.
The Cullens are visiting the Denali. Irina has not been dead for long, but given the crystal clear memory of vampires, and the loss they already suffered (Sasha's death traumatized them) it doesn't really matter how long it's been, the Denali are devastated anyway.
The whole coven is as fragile as it can possibly get.
Then, Eleazar goes to join Esme in the kitchen, and explodes all over her and the kitchen.
The remaining Denali and the Cullens are called to the kitchen by the sound of Esme's screaming, and find her in hysterics, surrounded by gray rubble.
The Denali are near catatonic with grief at this point, while cooking has been ruined for Esme. One moment you're making food, the next people are exploding all over your kitchen.
Esme is not okay.
Jasper watches Nahuel blow up.
It's a shameful moment in his life.
But, hybrids are edible.
And that blood was splattered all over him.
Jasper has the worst control fail of his life, worse even than when he failed with Bella because this fail means he can't be around Renesmée anymore.
It's miserable all around.
The one highlight here is that it didn't happen when they were headed to the Volturi trial together.
Rosalie watches Emmett blow up.
Jesus christ, random Twilight character generator, just when I thought you were just going to give me boring results.
Not only does Rosalie lose the love of her life, the guy who kept her together, the one good thing she had going for her who made her life worth living, but he did so right in front of her, blowing up out of nowhere.
There's no explanation to be had, no culprit to be found, no reason for it. She had no goodbye, just as she can have no revenge.
She will never have closure.
Renesmée watches Renée blow up.
We go out on a high note, my god. Well done, generator, I'm laughing.
Renesmée is curious enough about her grandmother to go to Florida. She was going to watch from afar, but finds herself talking to the woman who raised her mother.
It's all going well until Renée suddenly explodes all over Renesmée.
Renesmée's first thought is nothing, she's in shock.
Well, she was controlled as an infant, so I don't think an adult Renesmée would lose it unless under extreme circumstances, like if she encountered a singer.
More, though, Renesmée might have any reasons of her own not to drink human blood, but she has been raised with this being a big no-no.
So she shouldn't.
Is she ever going to get a better chance?
Ethically, she could easily argue this is the right choice. No one will be negatively affected by this, at least not directly.
The human is right there, already dead, and there's no body so while Renesmée does have to clean up the gore. Hell, if she laps up the blood on her clothes and the ground she will be cleaning up. Why waste perfectly good blood?
If Renesmée Cullen is ever going to have human blood, this is it.
It will come down to how much she respects her grandfather, and how important she believes Renée was to Bella.
Bonus, because I'm having way too much fun with this:
Bree watches Atheonodora blow up.
Bree is minding her own business when suddenly a vampire unlike any she has ever seen before, one with hazy eyes and odd skin, appears before her. They stare at each other. Then the woman blows up.
Bree takes this to mean that exploding is apparently something vampires just do sometimes, runs off in a panic and, sobbing, tells Riley.
Riley, having no idea what to make of any of this, tells her it was those evil yellow-eyes with their witchcraft and sorcery.
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werezmastarbucks · 4 years
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honeymoon masterlist
word count: 2631
music: air catcher by twenty one pilots
The tiniest part of you wanted to go to Columbus, because you loved that place. But the bigger part, the one that connected your brain to your hands clutching the wheel, told you if you fail, you’ll have all the time in the world to go back to Columbus. To wherever the fuck you want. Kai said he can operate practically any type of transport, but doesn’t like ships. Flying was fine with you as long as he really knew not to crash a plane. You had to constantly remind yourself that he had many years to learn everything.
As you drove, you were revising the CDs Kai found in the car. He was putting the disk in and pressing play, or sometimes he just read the names of the bands. He opened the window and threw away all the CDs that were named trash. Now that you two were misplacing them, they were supposed to stay there on the road after Kai sent them out of the window, you were asking. Right? But, crashing on the ground, they were damaged, so did it fall under the order part of the spell? Were they to return into the car after you deliberately got rid of them? 
“You’ll know tomorrow”, Kai replied playfully. Surely he knew how that works, but it seemed he was unwilling to just tell you everything about this prison, and wanted you to discover things for yourself. 
Dayton was empty, too. Just like Roanoke and Huntington on the way through. You found this stillness somewhat soothing. You didn’t like gatherings and crowds, didn’t like noise and people. You decided to dive back into the three foot world, and just enjoy the empty roads for once, and start worrying when the realization of utter loneliness settles in.
You looked on your right, where Parker was sitting, staring at the cover of “East of the Sun, West of the Moon” by a-ha (do not throw them away under any circumstances!) in his hands, with one brow raised, belt across his chest. You still felt like you were alone here although he was next to you. He still didn’t feel like a human person - more like a part of this world. As inanimate. He was remarkably quiet, and you knew it wasn’t for good. 
On the Germantown Street, you stopped the car, feeling tired. The sun was about to set down completely, the May angle leading it onto your left. You got out and stretched, and Kai stepped out of the car a minute later.
“Where will we sleep? Any good hotels?”
He shrugged.
“I haven’t been in Dayton”.
“You haven’t been to Dayton?” you repeated.
“That’s what I said”.
He looked around and stared at the sky again. Parker has been glitching like that since last night, when he stared up as if trying to cope. You looked at his upturned nose and his youthful face, thinking, he is in his forties. This dude is going to be fifty years old soon, and he is a nut case, and I have him on my hands.
He looked back at you.
“Adventure begins here”, his tone was half-questioning, and he smiled. The way it curled his capricious mouth, his eyes glowing, told you he didn’t really believe in getting out. You’ve only spent here a day, but he gave up already. He knew there was no getting out, and he just took it as a long journey, to keep his girlfriend sane. You had no idea where he thought he was going. 
You walked back to the car and took your bag and the phone. Kai’s eyes wouldn’t leave you.
“You’re changing the car again?”
“Uh-huh. Why not? It’s not like someone’s going to report them all?”
He smiled again. 
You walked down the street, ghostly and quiet. No stray dogs, no garbage being thrown around by the wind - but that’s likely due to Dayton being very clean. Kai wouldn’t bother taking the bag out of your hands, walking with his head turning right and left. You felt like in a museum, observing the 90s’ fashionable displays and stores. The eerie sight of clothes you had a habit of associating with your mother’s youth, and the lighthearted, distant, happy past years, the square thick screens and simpler times, were now a reality for you. You could reach and touch that sky-blue blouse on a slim mannequin, wearing posh plastic necklace, a picture from an aesthetic lookbook for inspiration. Aesthetic and nostalgia, that’s what the nineties were to you, but now they were here, brought right upon you, by magic, and they were very real. 
You slowed down in front of one of the windows of the Dayton Mall, a low, nice-looking white and green store, and looked at the leather jacket displayed.
The bag dropped on the ground as the understanding slowly creeped into your mind. Kai was standing few steps away from you, with his head cocked, watching you yet again. He seemed like a tour guide, a museum security guy who was more concerned about whether you enjoy this experience rather than keeping it all intact.
“I can do whatever I want”, you said slowly. 
“Absolutely everything. There’s nobody to stop me”.
“Don’t headbutt the glass”, Parker warned you, and there was this note in his voice that told you he’s talking from personal experience.
You took off your hoodie, the evening air a bit cool for only a tank top. You wrapped your hoodie around your hand and swung it, breaking the display.
The glass shattered loudly, pieces of it falling to your feet with ringing. Interesting, you thought, you get here, into this world of opportunity which poses as prison, and the first thing you do is vandalize.
The jacket wasn’t even that cool, so you didn’t aim for it. You looked down the street full of windows, and you could feel your blood boil. There was something inside of you, trying to get out, like the fuse that suddenly got lit. Everybody has it. Anybody would do it. You turned back to look at him - no need to mention his name, there is nobody else but this guy - and he grinned half-invisibly. It was a grin of indulgence, a hidden smile that lit his face when he did something bad: you recognized it from last week, when he said he’d kidnapped Elena on the first week after he got out of prison. It was the smirk that bloomed on his face as he spoke about how he gutted his own mother, and god save you, it was the same smile he had after you opened your eyes and still had a taste of his mouth in yours. 
You ran along the Germantown Street with the red pipe wrench you fished out of a car you found in the street. It was heavy in your hands as you swung it, crashing it into the glass, bothering the headless and armless mannequins, startled and falling down, creating the mess on their places. The glass was cutting your hands, flying in all directions, spitting sharp shrapnel like rain. With each broken window, your shoulder ached more and your head ached less, and you felt less like crying. Maybe there was a wake among that act of desctruction, but you missed it amongst the wild excitement of complete permissiveness. Parker walked after you, smiling quietly, as you raged around him, carrying the bag, and looked around. Finally, when you got tired, he sat on the asphalt next to you and looked at your hands.
“You’ve tapped one percent of what you can do here”. 
His sly hand took your palm, and your skin stung a little. It wasn’t as bad as that burn yesterday. You watched your own hands not believing pain could live longer than physical manifestation of it. Kai’s fingers wrapped around the cuts tightly, making you sigh sharply. He was so full of magic now, fresh prince of everything, that it radiated out of him. You could swear you felt it coming from his hand to yours. The cuts started sucking on themselves, and the ache stayed deep inside slender bones, phantom. 
“You shouldn’t waste your magic. Who knows how long we’re going to stay here”.
Kai gave you a meaningful look.
“Well, we decided we’d find a way, right? So, I’m doing it soon”.
“You know you’re lying. You’re only going to Oregon because I asked you”.
“See how nice I am?”
Your palm snaked out of his hand as soon as he healed you. 
“That’s what I don’t like about it”.
Parker eyed you down.
“You’re really hard to please, aren’t you?”
“I’m a bit grumpy cause I’m stuck here with you”.
“I have told you before, I never asked you to”.
You didn’t really have the energy to fight now. You wondered how you’re going to cope with his breakdowns in the future - and they’re bound to happen from time to time. Maybe become just like him, emotionally volatile. Seems easy enough. So far, everything here has been too easy, and you were waiting for the other shoe to drop. 
Darkness fell on Dayton, and there was intense white glow somewhere beyond a row of buildings in Madden Hill.
“There it goes. I think it’s a cool hotel. You should go to sleep, you have a long drive tomorrow”.
He got up and offered you a hand.
“It’s weird you’re not driving”, you noticed.
“I don’t like driving”.
You stood up without his help and he frowned again, like he was noticing every little thing crossing your mind. 
“How is that? I thought you liked being in control”.
“I am. I’m making you drive me everywhere”.
You sniffed.
“I do it because I like driving”.
“Then it’s a win-win, right?”
He patted you on the back and removed his hand as if afraid you’d bite. 
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You walked on towards the glow, crossing lit and dark streets. Here the lightning is automatic, and here is not, Kai was commenting. He was commenting on everything which indicated he was in a good mood. 
“That’s the best ‘94 can do?” you inquired, looking at the tall rectangle building. 
“It’s a Hilton”, he noticed.
“It’s an ugly ass hotel”, you grumbled. Kai snickered and followed you inside.
“Are you hungry? I’m hungry”.
Parker knew his way around everything. He knew where the kitchen was, and, while you were coming up choosing a room, he went on raiding the huge space filled with food.
He was devilishly good with it, too. 
That evening, after you’ve eaten, you went strolling around the place and found out one more thing: you didn’t like being without him while you knew he was around. 
Empty space that was supposed to be filled with people creeped out your unprepared mind. The stairs sounded hollow, and you expected somebody to jump out of the long, empty corridors. In the windows of the hotel, there shone an empty city, lit for nobody. Shadows and silhouettes were floating around in the dark sky. You decided not to butcher every thing that came into your way and fought the desire to break the window to look outside. What will become of you if you use the foot and fist method for everything just because there’s no one to stop you? Kai wouldn’t mentor you. He’s more of a devil on the left shoulder than the voice of reason. He will definitely be willing to spoil you until you’re flexible material he can use.
You now had a great opportunity to reflect on all that, Parker included, and decide on your course of action, separate yourself from your cell mate. But instead of staying away to think you found yourself drawn to the place where he was, because the empty ugly Hilton was scary. 
You returned into the room and found him, sitting on the floor of the big top floor suite, with the little bedside light next to him, crouched over something. Walking closer, you found it was the charger from your phone, and something remotely resembling a part of a boombox. One of the loud speakers from it was torn out, and laid at his hand, and you couldn’t understand a single thing he was doing.
“What is it?”
“I’m making you a portable speaker, like one of those bluetooth things kids have”, he said shortly. 
You looked down on him, a little surprised, because he’s never acknowledged his own age or the era he’s lived in before. Preoccupied, he looked very smart, and completely normal. He even rolled up the sleeves of his hoodie.
“See this thing? It’s from that player”, he motioned his hand towards a player lying afar on the floor. Looked like he’d kicked it away with force.
“I’ll adjust the wire so that it can see your iPhone, and voila”.
“But I need the charger”.
“It’s gonna work”, he nodded.
“Are you sure? Kai, I can’t lose my phone!”
He sighed, and looked up at you.
“Did I mentioned I studied at MIT?”
“No. You know there’s been a shooting?”
You didn’t know why you mentioned it immediately.
“Wasn’t me”.
“Clever motherfucker”.
Kai shifted as if you touched him. He looked at you as you walked away. Coming close to the bed, you felt you were almost collapsing with exhaustion even though you didn’t do much.
Just before you fell asleep, you looked at the time on an electronic clock next to bed. It was almost midnight.
You woke up as if someone hit you. The silence was pressing on your ears, pressing your head, and moreover you didn’t know where you were. Without opening your eyes, you tried to remember the place and what happened. The darkness was blue and black, and it was so warm you tried to pull the covers off of yourself, and failed.
Kai moaned, displeased, right behind your ear, and you realized his arm was wrapped around you, and that’s why you felt like you were lying in a cacoon. 
You rolled halfway, not without a struggle, and saw his face very close.
“Kai, what about personal space?”
His body was so close you could feel the heat coming off of him. Of course, he’s one of those boys who turn into stoves when they sleep. Somehow his body just did that, so that you didn’t really know what he was unhappy about. You were scared of how well your shape adjusted to his, and you were lying comfortably in such a position that you usually get when you wake up in the morning. Even if bed seemed uncomfortable last night, in the morning you don’t want to move an inch, and the pillow seems perfectly soft. 
Still, you could feel his invasive mass, almost pushing you off that king sized bed, cornering you to the edge, like he was trying to scope you and win over the bed at the same time. You felt for his hand against your ribs and found he formed a fist, clutching the fabric of your shirt, like you were about to roll away.
“What personal space?” he murmured. 
Fair enough. In this world, that was all yours and nobody else’s, this crowdless, lifeless planet, thounsands and thousands of miles of nobody’s land, in this spacious cursed desert, there was not space enough for the two of you to move separately. You had felt it while wandering around the hotel, when you decided to run back to where he was just to see another human next to you, to make sure you’re not alone. This prison was as claustrophobia igniting as it was hollow. There was no personal space here.
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rhyolight · 3 years
Marble Hornets and Flashlight eyes.
I finally got this thing finished! I know that there isn’t a very good description of Flashlight eyes here, as this assumes that the reader s familiar with her. If not, she’s the ghost that I have encountered, and I’ve written this upon request for my lovely anon. I hope you enjoy! 
      Jay was starting to think this was a bad idea. The three of them, him, Tim, and Brian, were all following Alex deeper into the woods so he could get the night scene he wanted. Was it even in the script? Jay didn't think so, but ever since Alex's mental state had begun to deteriorate, lots of unexpected things had happened. 
      So when Alex announced that they would be trekking through the woods to the abandoned hospital at night nobody was too surprised. Jay had tried to tell him that maybe they should work it into the script first, but Alex had gotten angry, and yelled that he didn't know anything since he was just the script supervisor and Alex was the one who wrote the damn thing. 
      Jay didn't even want to come in the first place, but Seth had declared that he refused to go, and Jay was apparently the backup camera person. Even now, when they were just walking in silence, Alex stomping ahead angrily Jay had to film. He didn't understand why though, there was no way they would ever use this footage, it was too dark to see anything on camera anyways. Yet he didn't turn the camera off.
       As they got closer to the sight, Jay began to feel uneasy. He blamed it on his nerves. He would be fine, he told himself. They had been here before and nothing bad had ever happened. Still, he couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. 
      As they stepped into the clearing, Jay shivered. The lighting was better here, as the moon was almost full, casting the long abandoned building in an eerie light. The building looked empty, windows where glass had once stood black squares. 
      Jay shifted nervously, then realized that the others hadn't stopped walking and were far ahead. 
      “What are you doing? Stop lagging!”
       Alex called out to him. 
      “Sorry, I thought it might make a good B roll for the film.”
      It wasn't the best excuse, but he didn't have one. He didn't actually know why he had stopped. 
      “Well we can't use it now.”
       Alex grumbled irritably as Jay caught up. 
      “Don’t do it again.” 
      Jay nodded but Alex already had his back turned to him. Tim and Brian glanced at each other, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. Alex had been acting more and more erratic as time went by, and to say that they were worried was an understatement. 
      Sure, he could be stubborn at times, but he wasn’t acting like himself. He had grown more demanding, and as his temper grew shorter, it seemed that everything they did was wrong.
       In part, it was why Seth hadn’t come, Jay was sure, and Sarah was “Sick.” 
       Alex had grumbled at her, 
      “We didn’t need you anyways.” 
      It had seemed more than a little odd, but since none of them had any clue why they were here in the first place they couldn’t argue. 
      Glass crunched beneath their feet as they entered, their bodies casting long shadows across the concrete floor. The dim lighting played tricks on the eyes, causing the graffiti to take on new life, shadows and monsters seeming to leap off the walls. 
      They all grabbed their flashlights, and Jay swept the camera around the room. He was pretty sure he had been here once before, but the place felt different at nighttime, more ominous. 
      “Alex, we might want to come back tomorrow.” 
      Tim cautioned, 
      “This place isn’t the safest, I doubt it’s still structurally sound, and we can’t see what we’re doing very well.” 
      Brian nodded, 
      “I’m not exactly keen on falling through the floor,”
      he grinned, trying to lighten the mood, 
      “The movie will be pretty hard to film if I can’t walk.” 
      Alex barley glanced back, moving down the hall, further into the shadows. 
      “It’s fine.” 
      He turned a corner, and the three of them hurried after him. It was dangerous, and none of them wanted to be here, but they didn’t want to leave Alex here alone. After all, he was their friend, Jay reasoned, and friends don’t let each other get hurt, right? 
      They turned the corner, but Alex was nowhere in sight. 
      Tim’s voice echoed, but no response came. He walked forward, hesitant, slowly sweeping the beam of his flashlight around the corridor. Jay and Brian followed, Jay noticed that his arm was shaking. It’ll probably mess up the footage and Alex will yell at me, he thought, though we can’t film if we can’t find Alex. 
      Suddenly, Tim stopped, his body rigid. 
      “Tim? Are you o-” 
      Before Brian could finish his sentence, Tim had charged down the hall, and a minute later they heard the clanging of metal stairs. Brain ran after him, calling his name, and Jay had no choice but to follow. 
      He vaguely wondered what had caused the sudden shift in Tim’s mood, but the way Brian was yelling worried him. He didn’t know Tim very well, but he seemed nice enough, if a little strange. He was Brian’s friend, which made him think that something was very, very wrong. 
      Unfortunately, when he reached the stairs, they were both gone. He looked up, his flashlight not doing much to illuminate the shadowy staircase, only to see a figure on the second floor. He called out to it, 
      “Tim? Brian? Alex?” 
      But he was met with silence. He ran up the stairs after the figure, it didn’t look like his friends, but he had only seen it for a second, and there wasn’t much light for him to see by. 
      As he got to the second floor, he tripped on the last step. He cursed as he felt debris dig into his knee, and he dropped the camera, using his hands to brace himself. The flashlight rolled, and before he could stop it, it tipped over the edge of the stairs, falling, only to reach the ground with the sound of breaking glass. The light went dark. 
      Jay scrambled to reach the camera, and he felt something warm and sticky smear across the surface. A metallic tang filled his nose, and he realized that his hands were bleeding. Alex is going to kill me for getting blood on his camera. He thought to himself as he stood up shakily. 
      He checked the camera, and groaned when he saw that the lens had cracked, but at least it still seemed to work. As he looked around, he noticed a spot of yellowy light at the end of the hall. He ran towards it, relieved. He’d prefer to run into Tim or Brian over Alex, but he’d take getting yelled at over being in this creepy place any day. 
      However, as soon as he saw the source of the light he regretted it. He stumbled backwards, his mouth gasping for air, trying to scream as the putrid stench of death filled the air, mixed with decay and rot. 
      He coughed, choking on something in his lungs, but he had no idea what it was. He needed to get away, he ran, but in his panic he had gotten turned away from the stairs, and was now lost among the twisting corridors. 
      He stopped, gasping for breath. He had no idea where he was, and in the darkness, lost, and without his flashlight, he suddenly felt exposed. He wished that he had thought to bring something to protect himself. 
      Suddenly, the hair on the back of his neck prickled, and he didn’t have to turn around to know that whatever he had seen was behind him. He expected to hear something, the shuffling of clothing, or ragged breathing, but somehow the silence was even worse. He felt the urge to turn, to confront it, prove that he wasn’t afraid, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. 
      That was all that he remembered, everything else was a blur. Later, re-watching the grainy footage would reveal that he had stumbled around the building for what must have been hours, tripping, falling, coughing. Much of the audio would be distorted, and the few images that the camera did manage to pick up in the darkness would glitch. 
      Another figure, one Jay did not recall seeing, this one tall and faceless, made an appearance at the edge of the frame a few times as well. 
      From what he could gather from the footage that was salvageable, he had found Tim, and while Jay had wanted to leave, Tim insisted that they look for Brian. He was nowhere to be found. They searched the building from top to bottom, Tim seemed to have an uncanny way of knowing each nook and cranny, but he was gone. 
      They didn’t find Alex either. In fact, they later questioned if there had even been anything to film in the first place.  Even more strange, Alex refused to talk about whatever had happened, and they never saw a script for a night scene at the old hospital. 
      The image of the apparition haunted Jay’s dreams, and he could have sworn that it brought about misfortune. He would never tell the others, they would call him crazy, but after that night, he was never able to sleep soundly. He almost felt like there was a clock in his brain, counting down the seconds until he would meet the thing again, forever sealing his fate. 
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the-odd-job · 4 years
Ashes of Icarus chapter 16 - Bleed Me Dry
Warnings: Chose Not to Use Category: Other Fandom: Transformers Characters: Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, Soundwave, Ratchet, Prowl Relationships: Megatron/Sunstreaker, Sideswipe & Sunstreaker Additional Tags: Dubcon, Unplanned Pregnancy, Mechpreg, Sticky Words: 2772
( Previous )
“Pits, Sunstreaker.” Ratchet ran a servo down his face. Prowl was standing behind him, his doorwings tense and a very unhappy frown as his expression.
“I fix you and you break yourself all over again in two hours? I wish that was a new record for you!” Ratchet ranted, but Sunstreaker knew he was more worried than angry. They thought this was the first time in a very, very long time that he had lost it out of his control—that his willing glitching against Megatron had had more effect on him than everyone had initially thought.
Sunstreaker knew this was now the second time his frame got the better of him, though admittedly… He hadn’t fought it as hard as he could have. He was too frustrated, too angry.
Sideswipe had paid the largest price for it. They were equal when both were in control of their minds, but once Sunstreaker snapped… Sideswipe had nothing that could match him. Sideswipe wasn’t damaged in the same way.
Sideswipe never stood a chance.
Neither did Ironhide for that matter.
Or Cliffjumper.
Or Hound.
Or Brawn.
It had taken Jazz’s intervention to end his rampage. The TIC definitely had all the tricks necessary to neutralize him, berserker or not.
Everyone else was only lucky it all had been contained to the training room.
It was the… Fucking worst episode he’d had even long before he had gained near full control of himself. For the longest time they had ended after he had taken down his primary opponent. Everyone knew to just stay out of his way, to not make threats of themselves until he’d run his course.
That should have worked.
It hadn’t, this time. They had stayed out of his way, and he had still scrapped the lot of them. 
Now all five of them lay on the medical berths in the medbay proper in various stages of fragging slagged. Sideswipe was the worst of them; he’d beaten his brother straight to unconsciousness. The others weren’t much better off, but really, they were just lucky he hadn’t straight up killed them. 
Sunstreaker himself had been confined to a private room under the fear that his mental stability was on a steep decline. And… He wasn’t sure he could really disagree with that assessment. That had been pretty bad, even he could admit that much. 
Ratchet didn’t bring it up, though, but Prowl did. He had to, when the safety of the entire Ark crew was brought into question. “How do you feel?” the doorwinger asked him.
Sunstreaker frowned. “Fine.” Aside from the physical things, anyway. His frame was again broken well beyond his ability to categorize the damage, but that was nothing new.
The terse answer definitely wasn’t what Prowl wanted, and his wings twitched before he looked at Ratchet. “How is he, medically speaking?”
Ratchet pinched the bridge of his nasal ridge. It took him a few moments to answer. Prowl waited patiently, Sunstreaker, not so much. He was sort of dying to know how badly his mental health was declining. He didn’t feel terribly bad, but… Stress was his trigger.
And he had quite a few reasons to be stressed, which didn’t work out in anyone’s favor. Push him even a bit further towards the edge, add just one more stressor… Would this just repeat?
He was just going to get locked in the brig for everyone’s safety, if that was how things would go from now on. He’d been there before.
Had for most of the war, really.
“Some of the old code has activated,” Ratchet responded at length. “I was unsuccessful in turning it off or isolating it without bringing Sunstreaker into nonfunctionality as a side effect.”
Nice to know Ratchet had decided to keep him functional.
“So this is going to repeat?” Prowl asked sharply, his frown deepening. Both him and Sunstreaker were staring at Ratchet intently.
But the medic shook his helm. “Not necessarily. It does make it more likely, but he’ll still need a significant trigger to cause the final cascade of errors.”
Prowl mused on that for a moment before he shifted his attention back to Sunstreaker. “What triggered you this time?”
...Right. Wouldn’t they love to know. 
“I was thinking about the fight with Megatron while Sideswipe and I sparred,” Sunstreaker answered, and that was half true, wasn’t it? “I think remembering the glitching triggered it again. At least it felt like that.”
Prowl looked at Ratchet for confirmation. The medic shrugged. “Perfectly plausible.”
The tactician nodded sharply. “Sunstreaker, I will keep you in full duty once your repairs are completed. I would prefer if you spent the next month in the brig when you aren’t on duty or away from the Ark, but I won’t enforce that.”
Sunstreaker frowned, but that was fair enough considering the number he’d done on several of his comrades. “I can do that,” he agreed. Partial loss of freedom, then. “I assume I’ll get my supplies?”
“Of course.”
Nice. But, “What about a punishment?” There was no way Prowl would let him off the hook that easily, if only because the other crew members would start a fucking riot if he wasn’t punished for nearly offlining a bunch of them, mitigating factors be damned. 
“I will think of something suitable and inform you later,” Prowl said with an incline of his helm. Sunstreaker nodded his acceptance of that. So, hang around in the brig for the time being until he’d proven he wasn’t going to snap every few moments, and wait until Prowl came up with an actual punishment on top of that.
Pretty mild, all things considered.
“If that’s all..?” Prowl asked, glancing between him and Ratchet. Sunstreaker shook his helm.
“I’ll comm. you if something comes up,” Ratchet grunted. Prowl nodded to that before he left the room, the door closing on his heels.
And then it was just him and Ratchet, and that wasn’t how Sunstreaker would have preferred it when Ratchet immediately brought up the one thing Sunstreaker didn’t want to talk about at all. “This is about the sparkling, isn’t it?”
Sunstreaker glared, but Ratchet only frowned back at him.
For the longest time neither of them said anything, Sunstreaker refusing to confirm or deny a damn thing, and Ratchet’s field growing more frustrated by the second.
The medic eventually broke the silence. “Medical confidentiality, Sunstreaker. You can tell me, and no one else will hear about it. Why won’t you trust me?” Ratchet didn’t say it, but it still hung between them: like you have before.
They’d told many, many things to Ratchet, things they hadn’t spoken about with anyone else, because Ratchet would keep quiet. They’d trusted he would keep quiet.
Just… Not about this.
This was too big.
Sunstreaker averted his optics and said nothing. The silence stretched on, and on, and on, but this was one thing he’d never tell to any Autobot.
It would come to light eventually, anyway. It was just a matter of time.
So what did it matter if he sped up the process? Told someone?
No. He couldn’t do that. Pits, he was fragged either way, but he couldn’t do that.
Let time do it for him if it had to. 
Ratchet gave up after what felt like an eternity, sighing heavily, and Sunstreaker could feel his hurt no matter how he tried to hide it. “Okay,” the medic said quietly before he straightened himself and brushed it all aside and away. “I will put you into stasis until I’ve done your repairs.”
Sunstreaker nodded, Ratchet plugged in, and stasis it was.
If he had been ostracized for his bad attitude before, now everyone did so twice as hard. It was vexing, but he wasn’t surprised the vast majority of them would react like that to his rather extreme burst of violence. The Autobots were soft, feebleminded things that didn’t speak the same language he and Sideswipe did.
The lot of them had never been to the Pits and back.
And they feared what they didn’t understand.
Megatron had said it. Where Sunstreaker could only feel apathy when it came to his case of insanity, and where Sideswipe just accepted it as it was, his comrades were afraid of it.
Megatron wasn’t. Megatron had fought him, a berserker going berserk, and once he’d won… He had shown no hard feelings. Had only acknowledged the return of his faculties, left it at that. Like it was no big deal.
Was that the overarching theme among all the Decepticons? Most of them originated from the low castes, knew what the life at the bottom was like—if they weren’t straight up gladiators themselves.
Would they understand?
He continued to be tetchy, but while he was sure everyone expected him to snap at any moment, he didn’t feel that level of stress.
At least, so long as he didn’t think too hard about the mess his fragging life had become. Ratchet’s threat hung over everything he did. Even if he’d had some hope of keeping the identity of the sparklet’s sire a secret even once it became impossible to hide he was carrying… That wouldn’t be if Ratchet found out about Megatron.
Sixteen months. That was how long he could pretend his life was fine.  
After that… Slag if he knew.
And he had no fragging clue what he expected to happen or what he even wanted Megatron to do about it, but he wanted to inform him of Ratchet’s threat. Just… Pits.
Because Megatron was the only one who was even halfway an ally in this situation? The only one who even knew? Well, him, and Soundwave. Soundwave knew too. Maybe some other Decepticons too. How could he be sure Megatron saw any reason to keep it to himself?
How sad was that, that the goddamn leader of the enemy army had become his confidant.
The worst enemy of his own leader.
He was going all over behind Optimus’ back. What was some more of that, huh?
They started to take the longer patrols again. No one really questioned it, just happy when Sunstreaker wasn’t grumping around the Ark—and Prowl approved of his supposed attempt to burn out his energy with the long ass drives.
The less he had of that, the less likely he was to bring some more pain on his fellows, right?
But for the longest time, it just didn’t work. Megatron had said they’d be in contact again, but there was absolutely no sign of him even as the days stretched to weeks, and weeks into a full month.
And then there were only fifteen months left for him. 
Two more weeks, and he was ready to fucking explode every moment he spent awake. Sideswipe did his best to keep his mood from souring any further, but there was only so much even his twin was capable of.
He didn’t glitch again, though, even if it was a damn near thing a few times. But Sideswipe dragged him from the scene every time, shoved him in their quarters—distracted him. 
Month and a half, then they finally got some results. Not in the exact way they were hoping for, but when Soundwave’s signature popped up on their scanners, some ways ahead of them… Frag, it was better than nothing.
So they sped up until they could see the telepath standing on the side of the road, looking their way already.
Waiting for them.
“Where’s Megatron?” Sunstreaker demanded as soon as he and Sideswipe had transformed, stalking towards the blue mech that, to his credit, didn’t back down.
“Megatron: busy,” Soundwave answered. A thunderous growl rose in Sunstreaker’s engine.
“I’m carrying that bastard’s slagging sparkling and he’s too damn busy to show up?” What the fuck? 
“Megatron: leader of an army,” and how Soundwave managed to make that mechanical voice of his sound cold, Sunstreaker would never know. 
But clearly Soundwave wasn’t too impressed with his attitude. “Soundwave sent instead,” the TIC continued. Sunstreaker threw his arms up.
“So I should be grateful?”
...Well, he wasn’t expecting that level of bluntness. The brothers blinked at Soundwave before Sunstreaker shook himself off and started to pace back and forth in front of the Decepticon. Soundwave wasn’t Megatron, but Soundwave knew, and it appeared Megatron had sent him for the explicit purpose of–
Actually, come to think of it, how the pit had either Megatron or Soundwave known he had something urgent enough on his mind that it was worth it to just send Soundwave?
“Soundwave: knows all.”
Was that a fucking joke?
“You!” Sunstreaker rounded on the taller mech, jabbing a digit at his chest. “Stay the frag out of my head!”
Oh my god.
Sideswipe laughed out loud, prompting Sunstreaker to snap at him too before he went back to pacing around, glowering at the blue mech all the while. “At least slagging wait for me to talk like a normal mech. Seriously.”
Soundwave said no more, so Sunstreaker took that as the telepath’s acquiescence. 
No doubt Soundwave knew exactly what was going on in his head already, but he did actually stay silent for the duration it took for Sunstreaker to organize his thoughts enough to put them into words. There were a few false starts, but then, “Ratchet wants to know who the slag the sparkling’s sire is,” Sunstreaker ground out. “He gave us sixteen months before he’s gonna check the spec ops records for ‘Con signatures. And that was six weeks ago.” So, fourteen and a half months anymore.
“Desired course of action?” Soundwave asked.
And if Sunstreaker had known the answer to that, he’d be one happy mech.
But he didn’t, so he stopped in his pacing and dragged both of his servos down his beautiful fragging faceplates. “I don’t slagging know, okay? The sparkling’s signature is gonna become scannable around that time too, right? So someone else might realize who the sire is too. And even if that doesn’t happen, I’ve got no faith in Ratchet being allowed to keep it a secret.”
He could see Soundwave slowly nodding from the corner of his optic. Mech probably knew more about the Autobot code than he did. Soundwave knows all, was it?
So was that confirmation that the identity of the sparkling’s sire would override medical confidentiality?
Sunstreaker’s shoulders slumped. There was no good ending to this, was there?
“Defect?” Soundwave said—asked, offered? Sunstreaker dropped his servos to properly glare at the mech.
“No,” he snarled. Frag it all but he wasn’t going to just defect because of this.
Even if his days as an Autobot were most likely numbered. If nothing else, he was sure to get dishonorably discharged once the command learned about this whole damn mess. 
And that was really the best outcome he could realistically hope for. The other options went downhill from there.
Soundwave didn’t argue like Megatron likely would have. He merely nodded again. “Soundwave: will relay information to Megatron.”
“Thanks,” Sunstreaker said and Sideswipe nodded along. At least Megatron would be in the know.
What the slag he would do with the info, Sunstreaker just didn’t know.
And all of this after he couldn’t even be bothered to show up. Leader of an army yeah yeah, but he had slagging gotten him pregnant. Wasn’t that pretty important too?
Soundwave probably heard those thoughts too, but he didn’t say anything about it. “This all?” he asked instead.
Sunstreaker gave it a few seconds of honest thought because who knew when the frag the next time he’d have any line of communication with Megatron would be, but he came up empty. “Yeah,” he responded with a small shrug. “That’s all.”
Soundwave nodded, ejected Lazerbeak, and transformed. Lazerbeak had a glance at them before he grabbed Soundwave into his claws and… Flew off.
Some way to get transported around, geez.
The twins stared after the retreating wannabe vulture for a while before Sideswipe walked over to his side. His brother was still pulsing amusement and Sunstreaker glared at him too for good measure.
But there was really nothing for them to do now, except wait and see what would happen—on any front, be it coming from Ratchet, or Megatron.
Slagging Megatron who sent his goddamn third in command in his place because he had more important things to do than give the time of day to Sunstreaker.
Who was carrying his fragging sparkling.
Oh, the damn mech would hear about that still. 
Sideswipe snickered at him before they transformed and continued on their patrol, never to report the ‘Decepticon activity’ they’d already run into. 
( Next )
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youarejesting · 4 years
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[Masterlist] Editor: [Yoongisauce] Pairing: BTS x reader Friends2Lovers  Genres: friendship, drama, romance SLOWEST OF BURNS. until the anticipation kills us all… Rating: PG-13 and above Summary: Your brother works with a few BigHit dance teams and whilst having permission to accompany him at work the city shuts down banning anyone from stepping outside for a whole WEEK while they disinfect the streets. If you step outside you might get arrested, shot or poisoned by the chemicals they are emitting through the city. Words: 1.5k Announcement: I am also updating my 365 prompts this evening, if anyone is interested in them.
[Part 1]  [Part 26] [Part 28] [Tag Yourself Here]
“The car park!”
You snapped your head up searching for the parking lot your brother yelled of. 
“It’s the one with the cheap parking! Remember?” Thomas continued over the walkie, “That’s where I left my car the morning of the alert. Go there. The passenger door doesn’t lock, remember!” 
Seokjin kept repeating, car park, over and over again. Your head pounded, heartbeat just as loud and heavy, and as quick as your boots on the pavement. 
 “And you told me to get a new car because the passenger door doesn’t close properly,” Thomas got  out. “We parked there and walked a couple of blocks to work and got coffee,” he stammered, “-but that’s not the point. Go there and hide in the car.”
Pulling Seokjin into the parking lot, you searched for the correct number and letter sequence among the plates. Finally, spotting the rusty green mess of a car. It looked beaten up, littered with dents.
Pushing the fatigued Idol towards the vehicle. You ripped open the door, forcing him inside. Shutting the door behind the both of you. 
You panted as you tried to catch your breath. You could hear the men coming. Their footsteps echoing through the underground lot. Yanking down the back seat you shoved Seokjin into the boot and climbed in after. Moving the seats back up to their original position, you hoped to hide from prying eyes. 
Silence washed over the both of you as the adrenaline wore off. You ripped off your helmets. The air in the trunk was fairly clean, since the two of you hastily scrambled to get there. Clothing and cd’s sharing the space with you. 
Seokjin’s body awkwardly curled around you, stuck simultaneously under and over you . 
He tried to manoeuvre out from under you but ended up digging his knee into your thigh. You couldn’t help but let out a scream from the burning searing sensation.
Seokjin’s hand snapped to your mouth muffling your screams. He frantically reached for his phone to use as a light source. Scanning down your body his eyes widened. The two of you looked like you belonged in a horror movie. Blood covered both your legs, soaking the thin carpet padding of the trunk.
On closer inspection, Seokjin spotted a hole in your suit. He wiggled his torso down until he was almost bent in half. His fears were confirmed. You had been shot, directly in the thigh.
Turning to straddle you, Seokjin frowned and unzipped your suit. If you weren’t in this situation right now, under different circumstances, you may have thought this action was sexy. But the blood loss made you feel hot and nauseous.
Seokjin opened the suit, exposing your thigh, and grabbed one of the clean shirts that littered the back. He tied it tightly around the wound. He waited as he heard the men walk by, their footsteps moving quickly and voices calling out. 
The pain was bearable if you laid completely still but every breath and heartbeat was pure agony. After waiting as long as he could, Seokjin moved slowly so he was laying reverse. His head at your feet and your feet at his head. 
“I had a dream like this once,” He chuckled, opening the medical bag and searching for things that could help you.
“We were in a sixty-nine position in the boot of my brother’s car as bandits tried to kill us and I bled out. A classic, Who hasn’t had that one yet?” 
Your dry laugh was cut off by a groan as he bumped your leg. You reached between your bodies grabbing the bag and pulling out the last dose of morphine and a clean syringe. You have given injections in the past but you had a big fear of needles. You weren’t sure if this would work. 
“Not quite that old gem, cause you weren’t dying but I still took you to heaven if you know what I mean?” He snickered, “You were moaning a little differently too, it was more like Jin-ah don’t stop.”
“Check if there is an exit wound,” You spoke, getting down to business. Jin felt around the back of your leg. “If not this might get a little more complicated.”
“Like it wasn’t complicated enough,” he muttered as he continued to feel up and down the back of your thigh. 
“This isn’t foreplay Jin. There is a hole in my lower body”
“That sounds awfully a lot like foreplay.”
“You’re right, that does sound like foreplay.”
“Found it!” 
You hissed painfully as he indeed found the exit wound. He looked down between your bodies and gave you an upside-down grin. “I am nothing if not an attentive lover.”
You began directing Seokjin on how to treat the wound as you slowly tried to give yourself the morphine shot. It was the scariest thing but you got through it with gritted teeth and bruised arms. 
Relaxing against a soft pile of clothes in the trunk you looked up, eyes following Seokjin’s long legs in the puffy suit. You couldn’t resist and found yourself patting the roundness of his bottom. 
“Are you serious right now. You could lose a leg if you bump me.”
“You’re wrapping gauze around my leg Jin, not performing open-heart surgery,” you muttered, “Plus I am going numb from either the blood loss or the drugs. I am not sure. So take the whole leg off if it’s less trouble.” You giggled smacking his butt again, “You know I think you look better this way. If you looked like this you would truly be talking out your ass.”
Seokjin liked this side of you, it reminded him of the time you all had drinks after dish duty. You both talked exaggeratedly about the male and female lead and the plot holes in the drama storyline. 
“Shush I am working, no more touching or talking about my glorious behind.”
As the morphine took the searing pain from your head thoughts and images filled the space. The man you shot, his face there gasping as he bled out. A sick feeling bloomed in your chest like a drop of food coloring in water. It spread making you feel incredibly ill.
You hadn’t realized you were crying, a complete mess of broken sobs and thick sniffles. Seokjin took one of your hands and squeezed it, having finished the bandage and held you to his chest, “Let’s take a quick rest and then we will think about moving okay.”
Unable to answer you buried your face into his broad chest trying to muffle your screams. As the gunshot rang out over and over again flashes of a bloody hand reached out to you. The wet gasps as he choked on his own blood and the fear he expressed as you physically saw the candle that was his life slowly burn out. The panic was hitting you hard and you couldn’t breathe. 
Jin didn’t know what to do to help and in his own panic he started singing.
It’s not that I believe it But that I want to try holding out Because this is All that I can do
The words, desperate and quiet, tickled your ears in a whisper against your hair. There was nothing else he could do, there was no inhaler in your bag. This was his moment to prove he changed, he won’t shy away or run anymore, not from you, or life, or his military enlistment. He was going to push further until finally, he wasn’t scared anymore.
Yeah it’s my truth It’s my truth I will be covered with wounds all over But it’s my fate It’s my fate  Still, I want to struggle and fight
Your body slowly relaxed against his and you fell asleep, exhausted from the events and the physical pain your body was in.
Jungkook kept running until he reached the meeting point. The soldiers caught up and sighed in annoyance. Their walkie was glitching and they haven’t received the last few transmissions.
“Captain Won-Shik, we don’t know if they returned?”
“Cadet Tae-U. We got to keep moving. Y/N isn’t dumb. She would have led Seokjin home.” 
Captain Won-Shik huffed, “Come on we risk more lives staying out here exposed like this. This isn’t some soap or drama. This is real life and you know we follow protocol. We don’t risk more lives than necessary, and right now we are risking lives.” 
The Captain walked off, “We just saved this young man and you want to endanger him yet again on an assumption that they aren’t safe.”
Jungkook hated how right the captain of the squad was, telling himself not to risk his life so foolishly. It felt weird being protected and not being the one going above and beyond. The old him would have sworn it was his duty to go out there and find you, to bring you back safe. But he finally felt like he was nobody and had no obligations.
It killed him not knowing whether you were safe and yet he has finally given himself the choice. Not what was expected of him, not what he thought people wanted him to do. No longer trying to push, to lead, to make a good impression. He was free of the burden. Free of expectations.
He turned that burden onto himself to bare alone. Everyone expected him to pick up any slack. Jungkook knew deep down that this wasn’t the case but the realization now hit him full force. He understood now how much he stretched himself thin for others.
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[Part 1]  [Part 26] [Part 28] [Tag Yourself Here]
Tags:  @hi-itstt​​  @bubbletae7​​ @lovemusicandotps​​ @taetaebq​​ @seveniefive​​ @w0lfqu33n​​ @anaiss97​​ @moccahobi​​ @maddymal​​ @lilacdreams-00​​ @lethargicalyssa​​ @knjkitten​​ @pieislife​​ @bunnyboyenthusiast​​  @vividwoosan​​ @seesawsmin-flower​​ @tinyunknownflower​​ @gguksfilter​​ @fawnzilla​​  @passionate-love-57911​​ @btrombley13​
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swluminekin · 5 years
JSE Theory: Convergence of the Egos (and other thoughts)
(I apologize if this is a little discombobulated and rambly as it is my first actual Ego theory that I’ve done in months. I do try to put in references to my evidence and thoughts, so bare with me and be gentle.)
Anti’s whole discussion at us is constantly talking about circles, going over and over. “How many times must we go through this?” “Again and again, over and over.” “F***ing circles!”
Also with “time is broken” and with the game Observation (played back during the month of May-hem 2019) basically being about timeline/universe convergence or really a convergence of any sort. As well as the events that happened on the JSE Discord server (more on this later), it indicated that something is happening. We know the egos know about each other. But a convergence of some sort isn’t out of the question. In Observation two separate timelines met, but we saw that even more meetings could have happened.
But what does this mean? What does a game about converging timelines, universes and stories mean for us?
It’s been theorized that Marvin is bringing everyone together with his magic. It’s been theorized recently that Henrik’s PhD is in computer science and/or theoretical physics (if we follow Avengers logic, it’s possible to have more than one). It’s been told/theorized that JJ is our actual time traveller (remember the JJ Powerhour/pumpkin carving video? “When am I? Oh jeepers -  it’s much too early!”)  knowing that he’s from the 1920s and 1930s silent film era. We’ve been told that Chase is our protagonist and that Jackie is our hero (referring back to Jack’s Ego Art Week posts). What could this mean and what is going on?
During Henrik’s clip from Oct. 19th, we see him looking at two computer screens. One of them holds the date March 25th, 2017 (as pointed out by a community member: one video on this date was a Google Feud during which was asked about killing a virus). But why would this be important? It’s also recently been noticed that the day before (March 24th, 2017) on Instagram, Seán posted a picture of himself sitting by a river wearing the original Chase hat staring at something (a phone?) - two and a half weeks before we got the Chase Brody Power Hour video (April 11th, 2017).
Why? What is going on and how important is this?
Well, again, Chase is our protagonist. Knowing that we had a reveal before we actually knew who he was does put an interesting spin on the story telling, moving Chase’s first actual appearance to earlier than we thought. Especially since it seems like Henrik was focusing on the next day, something was important here (was it the Google Feud video or something else?).
Adding Instagram into the fray, this means other appearance dates are also moved up - not as significantly as Chase’s, but still by a day or two (Jackie to July 9th, 2016, Henrik to September 14th, 2016, and JJ to October 29th, 2017). But, yeah yeah, you know the drill… Time is broken. It shouldn’t really matter…
Hm.. Seems to be a bit of a pattern still. Time being broken… Quantum time travel… A time traveling person from the past… A magic man who probably has a time spell of some sort...
While we’re at it, why not get all of these people affected by time together when most, if not all, of them are at their lowest - when they have nothing else to lose. Move them from their lowest times and gather them to fight their common antagonist, their “virus” - the cause of their fears becoming reality. Have everyone come together - converge - to fight their enemy.
Seán has pretty much confirmed at this point that what is going on right now with the egos is they are being brought together - almost Avengers style. We don’t know who is doing it - it could be Marvin or it could be Anti (an almost glitch-like “whoosh” noise was heard at the end of both Chase and Henrik’s videos). It may even be both, considering that we heard the sound effect after Henrik’s computer glitched as he was working on what has been believed to be a “time travel formula” (it was noticed he was dividing by infinity which is usually involved in quantum time travel). We also heard the effect as Chase was transported from the forest park to parking garage, missing a few items (perhaps the “glitching” part of it caused the phone and whiskey to vanish?).
Henrik is frantic - he seems to be running out of time. He’s trying to solve a problem, doing everything he can to figure it out. When was the last time he was this frantic? Kill Jacksepticeye| Bio Inc. back on August 3rd, 2017. He was trying to save Jack and it’s commonly believed that this was when Jack went into a coma - due to Anti - before Henrik disappeared for nine months and leaving the other egos (namely Chase, which is also during the time we start seeing more of Seán) to do the recordings.
What if, contrary to what we’ve been led to believe, the good doctor wasn’t on vacation? What if he was trying to figure out a way to… change the past, let’s say? What if he was figuring out a way to quantum time travel so that way he could prevent Jack’s coma from ever happening due to a certain “virus”? Of course we know, thanks to the glitching on the screen that Anti caught on and is probably wanting to make sure Henrik only succeeds when he wants him to (remember the “test failure” glitching in Henrik’s post when Anti was messing with the Ego Art Week posts?).
And of course Marvin, picking up on this and watching everyone, wanted to get him to safety? Wanted to get ALL the egos to safety. We’ve seen Anti in the car with Chase (looking at us because he wants us to feel powerless). We saw the glitching in the screen when Henrik was looking for the answers he needed.
Marvin knows they’re in danger and he probably pulled them away from what could hurt them - keeping certain items (i.e. a phone with internet capabilities, perhaps?) away from teleporting with them. Keep them away from the glitch and perhaps a solution can be found.
Oh… And one other thing.
Going back to the point about the JSE Discord server. (screenshots below, thank you to my friend @septicuniverse​ for grabbing them before the chat vanished - let alone still having them months later)
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There was a theory going around. The “X No Evil” theory - I was one of the ones who posted on this. It was believed that Marvin was “hear no evil.”
Well… It’s hard to hear through a crystal ball. You can usually only see, not hear.
That being said, Marvin also said “This doesnt seem right.” Perhaps they were meeting in the wrong place at the wrong time. Especially with all of us watching. (which was the chat channel’s zalgoed name in caesar cipher offset 6 - and, good one since there are were 6 people in that room and there are 6 egos technically 7 but that’s been talked about before)
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Among the community that knows about this event, it is known/believed that Marvin and Jackie were the ones that knew something was wrong. They knew we were watching (as I mentioned in my thoughts about Anti’s “gloating,” all of the egos know about us). They didn’t want to reveal anything to us, Jackie even going as far as to try and tell all of them to shut up. Things had gone wrong and if Chase’s reactions were anything to say, they had started off at one time frame and jumped to another.
Chase “couldn’t see.” Not to mention he had asked “what do you want from me?” to no one in particular. This hearkens back to the Dark Silence video (May 14th, 2018). The children laughing, haunting Chase… He was in a dark hallway with only a lighter to his name. He couldn’t see until he saw the red-lit doorway with Anti standing in the frame. “Where are they?” “What do you want from me?” There is also the connection to the third video from Stories Untold (May 7th, 2018), where at the end of the video, during a black screen, Chase is asking for Jack to “wake up.” That was the last words before the chat disappeared: “You need to wake up!”
Henrik, at the same time, seems to notice something went wrong with Chase. Perhaps some of his calculations went wrong for the time/quantum jump? It’s hard to tell. He’s trying to keep in touch with Chase, keeping the father grounded as the other seems to be freaking out jumping from timeline to timeline. At the same time he’s finding something about to happen right before the communications close, hence the “No, no!” But we don’t know what he saw, or what was about to happen.
There’s so much more that can go into this theory than I can put together in one mind set. Especially things about Chase seeming to go backwards in time. I do know one thing though:
Time is broken, but it’s time to fix things. It’s time to converge in one time, in one universe, to fight back and set things right.
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jaybug-jabbers · 4 years
All-Glitch Pokemon Blue Run Pt11: On the Road to Glitch City
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If you plan on experimenting further with hybrids, please inform me first. One wrong step and you could wind up with an entire box of hybrids by mistake, everyone a huge, fused mess. That said, I’m glad you find utility with your new Parasect.
On to a new topic, there’s a very exciting new destination I have in mind for you. Tell me . . . have you ever heard of Glitch City?
In Fuscia City, there is a gateway to this place. I’m attaching directions you’ll need to follow in order to get there. I’d like you to explore and try to create a map of this place. Very little is known about Glitch City, and what secrets it might hold. Be sure to watch your step and keep your wits about you.
-Professor Gingko
After I cleared the Snorlax out of the path and reached Fuscia City, I followed your instructions. I entered the Safari Zone, then saved the data on my Glitchdex and rebooted the system, and went back to the Safari Zone’s main gate. I have no idea how the man working the front counter didn’t recognize me, as he only let me in a few minutes ago. I also can’t begin to imagine how he was trying to charge me for entering the park when I was already inside. But I poliely declined his offer to charge me for re-entering the park, and so he guided me instead to the exit.
Once out and on my own, I poisoned the sole pokemon in my party and then took 499 steps as you described, and ended my final step hopping over a ledge. Just as you predicted, the Safari Zone man intterupted me to drag me back to their central gate. They apologized for the confusion, and told me that my allotted time had passed and my Safari Zone game was now complete. You were right-- the staff here are pretty incompetent, as it turns out. 
But I did not leave their front gate immediately. Instead, I waited until my poor pokemon fainted from poisoning, as you told me to. Then I felt the familiar blackness descend upon my consciousness as I blacked out in sympathy for my own pokemon.
As unpleasant as all that was, when I woke up again, it was with the newfound powers you predicted I would have: the ability to walk through walls. This wasn’t like before, with the glitch item you called “Rival’s Effect.” This was far more powerful. I could walk anywhere, without limits. It was crazy! How could messing about with the incompetent staff at the Safari Zone lead to the ability to walk through walls?
I wandered for quite some time in this state, until I ended up back in Cerulean City. I have to say, with this new ability, some discoveries were pretty disappointing.
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Bill’s Garden, for example. I heard the locals whisper all sorts of rumors about it, about the place being huge and lush and absolutely filled with rare pokemon. I even heard one person claim Bill had a private runway and a jet parked back there, which he used to fly to exotic cities full of powerful, rare pokemon. Yet . . . when I snuck back there, all I found was a very small and almost barren backyard.
That said, not all discoveries were disappointments. Because as I was exploring Cerulean, I came across the very thing you wished me to find: Glitch City.
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My starting point was right here, beside the Nugget Bridge. All I did was begin walking right. And kept walking. After a nice long jog across plain rock and dirt, I reached some water; the moment I did, I began to jog south. And, with enough walking, I finally reached the city.
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The city was full of vast tracts of what I guessed were apartment complexes, spanning for what seemed like miles. However, I could not enter these buildings, as they were all locked up tight; and there was nobody to be found. Glitch City seemed to be an enormous ghost town. Growing among the flowers were strange plants that looked like letters or numbers, and the paths and roads were often torn up. I would sometimes come across small pools of water, and other times I would find cave entrances, but the caves were sadly always blocked with rocks, preventing my access.
I would even, at times, find patches of taller grass growing. Now, you would expect that in a place like Glitch City, it would be teeming with glitch pokemon. Indeed, I might even guess the origin of all glitch pokemon might be this place. Yet, when I searched the tall grass and fished in the pools of water, and I did encounter pokemon, they were all seemingly normal. I captured them just fine, but they seemed no different from the ordinary, everyday pokemon you can find. Considering their twisted, distorted surroundings, and the almost haunted looking landscape, that felt very counter-intuitive.
I began to make a map as you suggested while I travelled, and I soon realized that Glitch City is absolutely enormous. What’s more, it’s incredibly easy to get lost there. The land will even sometimes shift and mutate on its own. Despite this fact, I am sending you my best attempt at a map. Just follow this link here. It meant snapping many, many photos, but the end result should give you an idea of what Glitch City looks like. As you can tell, the sheer number of buildings is incredible. Glitch City is a packed metropolis, only occasionally interrupted by ponds, plantlife, caves, and the fields of strange numbers.
Yet I still cannot find any people living in this expansive city. I don’t know what to make of it. Do you have any ideas about this, Professor? Where might I find the locals of this place-- and the glitch pokemon, for that matter?
I must praise you for your efforts in mapping out the Glitch City you have explored. The map is both detailed and very extensive. Excellent work.
What we know of Glitch City is that it can be found when there is a disturbance in our universe. When you passed through that disturbance near the Nugget Bridge, you ended up in a parallell universe of sorts. I cannot say where the denizens of that universe are and why their city seems abandoned, but I can tell you there are multiple Glitch Cities that can be found. The one you explored is but one of many.
If you’d like to find some people who seem to be native to a glitchy universe, though, I might have a solution for you. Instead of finding them in a Glitch City, you might find them in our world, after performing the Ditto Trick. I will send further details for you soon, but for now, I recommend finishing your Glitch City explorations.
-Professor Gingko
Thanks for the insight. Actually, I have something else to report now.
I teleported back to somewhere familiar and began a new exploration, still with my walk through walls ability. I just had to return to Pallet Town and see something for myself.
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The last time I tried to reach the fields of grass outside of Pallet Town’s walls, I had passed out. I wasn’t going to repeat that mistake. Instead, I went to this point in Viridian City. Then I passed through this wooden fence and walked south.
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And I did it. I was in the fields. For some reason, approaching from this direction was a lot safer. I have to say, though, there wasn’t actually anything all that scary out there. The pokemon in the grass were the usual low-level Pidgeys and Rattatas and such. All the same, it felt good to finally know for sure.
But then I decided to walk east. And things got a little weird. As I walked east, I found a town . . . exactly like Pallet Town.
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There was nobody there. It was just an exact clone of my home. Down to the very last brick, just entirely empty. I can’t begin to explain how creepy it felt. Why was there a ghost town out here that looked exactly like Pallet Town? I kept walking right and found another one . . . and then another one. Each town seemed to be shifted up a little as I walked through them, but otherwise, they were all exactly the same.
Are these . . . parallel universes, like you said, Professor? If so, what happened to the people?
End Notes
* How to set up the Walk-Through-Walls glitch
* Detailed video about walking out of bounds
* You can also access a Wrong Warp Glitch City by wasting your Safari Zone steps on a route with no valid ‘warp 4′ points, and thus immerge from the Safari Zone gate into a glitched version of that route. This is a bit easier to set up than the WtW version, but it also means you’re very limited in how much you can move around.
Click for the next part of the series! 
This is a repost on a new blog. The original post was on Dec 6, 2019.
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lunaschild2016 · 4 years
No Ordinary Love: Part 2 - Dangerous night
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An Eric Coulter / Original Character Romance (Formerly Take Your Time)
Rated M: Explicit, Smut, Romance, Angst, Language, Implied Abuse and Addiction
Character Inspiration/Face Claims:
Eric Coulter: Jai Courtney
Lacey Matheson: Phoebe Tonkin (Hayley from Originals)
Summary: Theirs was not an ordinary love. After all, you’re not supposed to fall in love with someone you consider as family, even you don’t share the same blood. But they were in each other’s veins too deep. They only had one night together. One night to be shameless and to finally act on the feelings that had haunted them for longer than either could admit. Afterward, the only thing left to do was to pick up their pieces. Eric/OC AU No War No Divergents
[Sorry in advance if the read more glitches and shows entire post]
                                        Part 2- Dangerous Night
I am a man on fire
A violent desire
What a dangerous night to fall in love
Don’t know why we still hide what we’ve become
Do you wanna cross the line?
We’re running out of time
A dangerous night to fall in love
At some point over the last few years, someone within the city government had come up with a brilliant idea to bring back old traditions and celebrations that died out after the wars and disasters that brought civilization as it had been to a halt. Each faction was encouraged to take part. Sometimes this was done as interfaction events while others, each faction did their own thing and kept to themselves. 
Some of these traditions and celebrations weren’t all that bad. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and New Year were among the most commonly recognized occasions and had already had some levels of celebration in most of the factions before they were resurrected citywide. 
Others, like Valentine's Day and Halloween, were complete nightmares and Eric cursed Max for ever agreeing to bring them back in the first place. Eric had been fully against it and voted them down when he was still just Second in Command. Max, being the Senior leader made the final decision and cast his vote for the holidays to be full of faction celebrations, with costumes and everything. Then the bastard retired and left the entire mess for Eric to deal with when he took the Senior Leader position. 
That was three years ago now and it’s been a huge damn headache for him ever since. Like Dauntless really needed a reason to act like a bunch of asses or an excuse for a night of drunken debauchery? The only difference between every other day in the faction and Halloween were the costumes everyone dressed up in.
The only good part of the damn holiday for Eric was the surprising amount of revenue it produced for Dauntless. Out of all the factions in the city, Candor and Amity decided to celebrate Halloween as well and hold separate festivities in their own factions. Because Dauntless seemed to do so well on their own costumes and decorations, those two factions put in requests to buy them. 
The costumes for Amity and Candor were a bit less scandalous than what Dauntless, or the female portion at least, leaned towards. There was a variety of  ‘sexy’  everything, from nurses to nuns. 
But it wasn’t just the adults that got to play. The kids weren’t left out and during the day the entire compound had different things set up for them, like games with prizes, trick or treating, and even a haunted house. Things wrapped up for the dependents with a special dinner held in the dining hall. As soon as the dinner wrapped up and nighttime fell, it became all about the adults. 
No dependents allowed. 
Eric had to set boundaries and enforce some rules, like no public sex or orgies, but otherwise, it wasn’t as bad as it could be. While he did attend the various celebrations he refused to dress up in any way. 
No one expected him to either, not even Lacey. Even though she always dressed up for this holiday. They had established their own traditions and she was always with him for the day, which made things much more bearable to him. Except for this year, she wasn’t and it showed in Eric’s mood. 
He did try to not be a complete dick though because there was still Wade with him. It’s his last year as a dependent so he had been excited about his last Halloween in Dauntless. They made a guys night of it. Hitting up some of the games for the older kids, the rock climbing wall, and the games that involved shooting or throwing darts and knives for prizes. They finished it off with the dinner in the dining hall that was heavy on the sweets. Then Wade went off with some of his friends where they were going to be holding their own night time party safe behind closed doors of an apartment. Eric was pretty sure someone was going to sneak in some booze but he just shrugged and told Wade he was old enough to make the choice but warned him to not overdo it if he did indulge. 
As the time got closer when all the kids would be ushered back home so the adults could have their turn, Eric’s mood started to turn even sourer. He tried not to but he couldn’t help it when he thought of why Lacey wasn’t with him like she always was. 
Because she had a fucking date. She didn’t actually say that was why she was bailing on him, but what else could it be? 
The more he thought about that the more he drank and the worse his mood became. 
He had been so sure he took care of the last guy that had been sniffing around Lacey. His name was Aaron and he worked in the armory. He was a pretty boy with blonde hair and a deep tan that just looked odd to Eric but all the girls seemed to drool over. They called it a ‘ surfer look ’. The punk had a reputation for being a charmer but wasn’t exactly a player. His thing seemed to be going after the girls that were labeled as hard to get. The ones that might not be so ready to give him the time of day, were already involved, or in Lacey’s case...a well known good girl and a rumored virgin. It was also known that she was a bit of a social hermit. Lacey was not one to go out and party much and could usually be found at home hanging out with her family or friends. 
Word got back to Eric that Aaron had his sights set on Lacey and he had been heard to say he was going to take on the ‘goliath’ of the faction. Eric almost lost it when Four, who is his Second in Command now, told him what he overheard one night. The only reason Four told him at all was that he didn’t want to see Lacey get hurt. Normally Four was the one lecturing him that Eric needed to back off and let Lacey make her own decisions about who she wanted to date. He kept reminding him that she’s an adult, at twenty years old, and the more overbearing Eric became the more likely she was to do the exact opposite of what he wanted just to spite him. It hadn’t been hard to see that at least this last part was right because there was a definite distance between them that had been growing wider this last year. 
It killed him to think it, but he knew he needed to let her go.  
Despite knowing this he couldn’t just let her be a conquest and neither could Four. So Four and he came up with a plan to intimidate him into backing off without actually threatening him or telling him outright that was what he needed to do. They executed this plan one day at lunch where they sat at the same table as Aaron. Eric was directly across from him while Four took the space beside him. 
The table got quiet when the two main leaders of the faction sat down. There was an immediate tension in the air and those at the table knew that someone must have done something to bring their attention to them, which couldn’t end well for whoever the poor soul was. It didn’t take long for others to realize who the person was, Eric’s very cold and piercing glare said it all. Aaron was obviously aware of the attention on him but Eric could tell he was fighting hard to not let his unease show. 
Four got things started for them, as planned. 
“Hey, Eric. Isn’t it about time to add fresh blood to the fence rotation?” Four asks offhandedly as if it just occurred to him.
Eric couldn’t stop the smirk that crossed his face. “Yep. It should be easy to fill in this year.”
Four smirked a little too. “Oh yeah? So we have a few victims...errr...I mean volunteers?”
Eric shrugged. “There are always a few of those. Then there are always those guys that find themselves on the fence after deciding it would be a good idea to go mess with things or people they have no business messing with. Guys that like to jerk around girls in ways that, should someone important to them find out, would think fence duty is getting off lightly.” He had started out casually but continued in a quiet menacing tone. 
Aaron got the point. Eric could tell by the subtle swallow and tense shifting. He had to give it to the punk that he didn’t up and run away immediately. Aaron sat there for a few ticks before standing and after a respectful nod towards the two leaders, he walked away leaving his still full tray on the table.
That had been that. He never heard about Aaron and Lacey again and hadn’t seen them together either. So where the fuck was she at tonight?
Eric restlessly roams around the Pit looking for her without trying to acknowledge that’s what he’s doing. He makes his rounds to the different parties being hosted by people he knows, making his customary appearance to let them all know he has his eyes on things and they better not fuck up. When that’s done he decides to head to his favorite club to have a few more drinks at the bar there. He’s actually looking forward to a special brew they were having brought in fresh from Amity. He was told it’s somewhat of a beer but is actually more of a boozy spiced apple cider. 
He orders one and licks his lips in pleasure after a few big draws from the cold glass thinking that he might want to see about getting more of it throughout the year, it’s that good. He can already tell it’s going to be the kind of drink that packs a punch that the person drinking it won’t notice because it just tastes that damn good. Eric’s one glass down when he orders another right after and realizes he might need to take his own advice and go easy if the buzzing in his blood is any indication of how potent it is. He’s in mid-drink and letting his eyes roam over the club when he realizes it’s not a drink that has his skin feeling electrified...it’s Lacey. She’s near.
She has that effect on him and has for a few years now. Just her being near and his body lights up. It’s like his blood became thick and heavy, pulsing with liquid fire and metal. Lacey was like a magnet and she pulled him towards her every time.
He narrows his eyes, scanning the crowds more thoroughly but not seeing her. At least, he wasn’t registering what he was seeing at first when his eyes locked onto one person that he just knew was her but couldn’t wrap his mind around how she looked. 
Lacey stood just across the room from him at a high top bar table with a glass of something in her hand and carrying on a conversation with some dude he couldn’t recognize because of his own costume. If he didn’t have the awareness of her that he does he would never have believed it could be her. 
Lacey always took part in dressing up for Halloween but she was never one to go with the outrageously skimpy outfits most of the other women went with. Sometimes they were outrageously nerdy, like when she crafted an entire armor set that resembled ones from a pre-war game they both liked to play called Mass Effect. Eric even helped her with it after she bribed him to. Then there was the year she and Wade decided to wear matching costumes but let Wade choose what they would be of. He picked Guardians of the Galaxy with Lacey going as Gamora and him being Starlord. They had made Eric a very small name tag that said Drax the Destroyer on it. He wore the damn thing but only because it was about the only acceptable way he would ever consider dressing up.
The point was, she never went for overtly sexy costumes. That wasn’t the point for her. It was all about having fun picking it out and making it herself and it was always something that she had an interest or love for. And Eric fucking loved that about her because it showed she hadn’t lost that side of her where she was free to be a kid at heart. He loved that she gave no fucks about what everyone else was going to think of her costume, all that mattered was if she liked it. What Lacey was in tonight was so far removed from years past it had his head spinning. 
She is in one of the almost obscenely skimpy ones that Dauntless produces and sells. It’s made up of a crop top corset with a cap-sleeved crop peasant shirt underneath and way too damn short skirt. That’s all paired with black thigh highs with intricate lace bands at the top that are clearly showing because the skirt is that short, and ends in black ankle high heeled boots. Her already long legs are showcased by the combination of bare skin and sheer black hose. 
The theme of the costume is clearly Little Red Riding Hood and it came complete with a small deep-red hooded cape. The rich red color highlighted her skin tone perfectly. She didn’t stop there with the additions to her costume though, it looked like she decided to go all out. Over her face, she wore a black lace filigree masquerade mask that did a good job obscuring her features enough that no one would instantly know it was her. Covering her deep brown hair she wore a blood-red wig that he could admit complemented her skin but still couldn’t hold a candle to the color of her own hair.
He didn’t know why she was here, what she was doing and who the hell she was with, but one thing he was certain of was that Lacey had obviously gone far out of her way to not be recognized at all. Even the fact that she was here of all places with none of her friends anywhere near hinted that this was all done with a purpose.
Lacey tilts her head back and laughs at something being said by the guy chatting her up and it hits Eric what the purpose of her entire get-up is about when he realizes she’s obviously flirting.
What the fuck! This isn’t at all like Lacey.
He’s debating how to put a stop to this when he sees the asshole she’s with gesturing to her cup and saying something. He must be asking her if she wants a refill. She hesitates for a moment, biting her lower lip in thought before she hands him the cup with a nod. Eric zeroes on the guy, watching his every move as he walks to the bar with a smile and asks for two refills. Because there’s no way he’s taking his eyes off him or letting him leave with his girl, he also watches as the guy makes a subtle movement over the top of one of the glasses and lets something drop into it before he turns and heads back to Lacey with the cups.
Oh Hell no!
Eric has to push aside the rage, knowing they need to act quickly. He taps on the bar and gives the bartender a pointed glare who recognizes it for what it means. Then Eric is flanked by the bartender as he makes his way over to Lacey where he then waits for Eric’s further instructions just a few steps away from them where they will take care of the rest after Eric makes sure Lacey is safe.
By the time Eric made it over there she’s just lifting the cup to take a drink but still hasn’t made contact yet. He reaches out and snatches it from her hands while snarling at the guy to back off. He didn’t really expect that he would get any back talk and he doesn’t. The guy might have even squeaked a little as he backed up into the waiting hands of the bar staff. “You know where to take him, make sure you get this tested too,” Eric instructs the staff after he hands over the glass.
Then Eric takes a breath before turning to face Lacey, finally.
“Do you always accept drinks from random men?” He growled out angrily.
Her eyes widen and he notices now that he’s up close she also added colored contacts. They are a solid bright green color. 
Why is she going to such lengths to disguise herself?
“I...I don't normally do any of this.” Her tone changed from the first gasped word. She changed the inflection to be deeper, husky...more seductive.
It had his jaw clenching and his nostrils flaring. Being this close to her in that state is wreaking havoc on his body and control.
“Little tip for you then, Red. Never accept open container drinks and never leave your drink unattended. Period. But especially someone you don’t know the first thing about.” He moved closer as he spoke and smirked when Lacey unconsciously moved back. She had already been practically against the wall and now her back was solidly pressed up against it.
He knew he should back off, especially given how he’s feeling right now. Seeing her with that guy and dressed the way she is fired up the possessive and jealous feelings he normally fights so hard to contain. But her pull is just too damn strong and he’s too worked up to resist allowing himself to move in closer. So damn close that his body is now crowding hers in. He lifts his arms and plants them to either side of her shoulders, blocking her in and brushing his body against hers.
He watches her throat work as she swallows nervously then she takes a breath and opens her mouth to speak..but nothing happens at first. “Mary…” She whispers shakily. Eric tilts his head and pulls back enough to look at her a bit better, frowning and not understanding what she said. “My name’s Mary.” Lacey’s voice has a bit more volume now but it’s still uncertain and has an edge to it, one he recognizes all too well when she’s being self-deprecating or sarcastic.
Eric’s eyebrows lift so high in disbelief they almost go into his hairline as he waits for her to say she’s joking or something like that, but she doesn’t. She smiles a crooked smile. He realizes just how far she’s taking this disguise by using an alias and he wonders if he should call her out on it right now. If he should tell her that there was never a chance he wasn’t going to recognize her no matter what lengths she went to. 
Something stops him from doing that...a voice in his head that starts whispering things he should ignore and fight against, but he’s just too damn tired of fighting anymore. 
He lets his eyes roam over her and not bothering to hide the appreciative way he takes her in, for once. 
Lacey is tall even without the heeled boots she’s wearing but with them on they put her at almost exactly the same height as him. Her lips are touched with the most wicked and tempting shade of red, making the natural pout and thickness even more pronounced. The swell of her breasts and her creamy skin were purposely being pushed up by the corset top and left him salivating. For once Lacey wasn’t trying to hide the curves her body developed over the last few years. Taunting and dick hardening curves that she plays down in the clothes she wears from day-to-day. There’s not a chance of that in this getup.
His perusal of her stops when he gets to her midriff that is bare. In all her efforts to disguise herself, she had forgotten the very distinctive birthmark on her right side resting on her lower abs area. It’s a faded rust-brown color in the shape of a scorpion, complete with claws, tail and a stinger that curves to the left. Maybe she thought it would like a tattoo so didn’t bother trying to hide it or maybe she didn’t think anyone would know she has something like that at all. Eric knew of it because Henley had remarked on it being something else passed on from her dad’s side of the family and he had seen it for himself one time. Just a brief glimpse but enough for him to have it burned in his memory.  
Seeing it now fully for the first time is only driving his desire for her even higher and images of him with his lips working that spot over have any thought of stopping this charade flying right out of his mind. He decides he’s not going to fight it. It’s obvious she doesn’t want him to know it’s her and he’s curious how far she’s wanting to take that.
“Mary?” He finally said in amusement when he looked back into her eyes. She shrugs with a smile playing on her lips. “So, what are you doing here?” His eyes narrowed as he searched for the answers in hers but she had stopped his ability to read things there when she put in the contacts.
Lacey licked her lips as her breathing picked up. Her chest heaved a little as she slowly reached out and put a long delicate looking hand on his arm. Right at the bulge of his bicep and where the skin was bare there.
The simple touch had the blood pounding in his ears and made his nostrils flare.
“It seemed like a good night to lose myself. Maybe become someone else. Someone that takes what she wants for a change.” Her answer was a breathy whisper.
It sent shivers down his back while at the same time anger coursing through him when he remembered her letting that dickhead chat her up. Was it her intention to give her innocence to just anyone?  
“And what exactly is it that you want, Red?” He growled out as he used his other hand to grip her waist and jerk her against him.
She gasped and gripped his arm tighter. “Well, I'm Red Riding Hood, right? What would she be without her wolf? That’s why I’m here, to find him.” She replied after a few seconds pause, her voice dropped to that husky, seductive one again.
“Just any old wolf would do, huh?” His jaw was clenched as he asked it angrily.
For a moment, even through the contacts that concealed her normally expressive eyes, he saw sadness flash in them. “No. I was hoping to catch my big bad wolf.” She replied in a tremulous whisper but her eyes held his meaningfully.
He couldn’t fucking believe it. She wasn’t here for some random hook up. There was a reason she picked his favorite club, the one she knew he would slip off to so he could have a few drinks after the madness this holiday always brought him. It was one of his fucking routines and she knew all of those by heart. 
The costume, the disguise, using another name...it was all meant for him. She wanted him just as much as he wanted her.
It shouldn’t surprise him. There had been signs of it for years. Looks they shared or how she reacted to him at times. The most he had been willing to admit to was that she might have a crush but that she grew out of it. He always denied them as being real signs of attraction on her part and put anything else down to him reading into things too much because he desperately wanted them to be real and not just his imagination.
He couldn’t make that mistake now. He needed to be sure this is what he thought it was.
“Did you find him?” He purred out as he ghosted his lips near her ear.
She shivered in his embrace and dug her nails into his arms. “I have. Unless it turns out he’s all bark and no bite.” She taunted playfully. 
Eric pulled back with a smirk on his lips and desire in his eyes. There was still a small part holding him back. Part of him needed to give her the out if this wasn’t what she wanted or if she had second thoughts. There was also a part of him that wanted to scare her off. Because if she backed down now, they could possibly pretend this night never happened and carry on as normal. He could go back to living in denial about his feelings for her and she could go on never knowing how fucked up he really was with all the terrible things he wants to do to her.
“Let's cut the shit, Red. I want you but I'm not some little boy that will be nice, sweet and gentle about it. Do you know what that means? The things I’m going to do to you?” 
Even as he said the words he was also sending up silent prayers she wouldn’t back down. That he hadn’t or wouldn’t scare her off...because he wanted this. He needed this. Just one fucking night with her. He could never have more...but this...maybe he could really let her go if they had this one night together.
“Tell me, Eric. What are you going to do to me?” She replied with no fear and no hesitation. Only a slight tremble in her voice that was thick with desire.
Eric paused to gather himself and moved the arm that rested on the wall by her head to cup the back of her neck possessively. 
He leaned in so their bodies were pressed tightly together, letting her feel the clear evidence of his arousal. “If you think all that’s going to happen is me fucking you, you’re wrong, Red. I’m not just going to fuck you. I’m going to own you. Every part of you will be mine to do with as I please but I’m also going to make you come undone for me so many times you will remember nothing but my name as you scream it over and over. I’m going to ruin you for anyone else so that you will lay awake at night remembering and craving me.” He rasped, his forehead pressed against hers.
And he meant every damn word.  Especially about ruining her...just as she had already ruined him for anyone else.
He felt the gasped breath and the trembling in her body. He pulled back to see if he had scared her off with the rawness of his admission but again, he saw only desire. She shifted and tried to clench her thighs together. Her chest was heaving, pushing her breasts out even further than her top did. She licked her lips and a small moan escaped them.
It filled him with relief and resolve. 
With a smirk, he lifted his chin towards her to indicate it was her turn to answer. “Do you want that?”
She nodded her head in two tight jerky motions but Eric shook his head. That wasn’t good enough. He needed to hear her say it, say the words and tell him exactly what she wanted him to do to her. 
“Say it. Tell me what you want.” He commanded her.
She took a big breath and lifted her chin. “I want you, Eric. I want you to take me. To...to fuck me until I can't see straight, think straight. Until there is only you….nothing else.”
He groaned and buried his head in the exposed crook of her neck, tasting the flesh there. She tasted exactly like the scent she always left in her wake when she was near. Citrus and honeysuckle. He pulled himself away after eliciting whimpered moans from her. He stepped back and took a breath. 
“Last chance to run home to grandma, Red. Are you sure?”
He knew that would have her back going straight in defiance, and it did. She stepped forward, her eyes narrowed and chin squared in determination. “I'm sure,  Wolf .” Then her eyes softened a little. “No regrets.” She said in a whispered promise.
Eric nodded and took her hand in his. “No regrets” His reply was an internal, hopeful prayer that he could keep his own promise.
He pulled her close to his side, then without another word they made their way out of the bar together to his apartment.
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mooberg · 4 years
Among the Statues
Chapter 4: Polishing Stones
And here’s chapter 4 friends! Not much to say about this one except I’m sorry. Don’t read if you’ve had a bad day but I feel like that’s just standard operation with my stuff now...
Word Count: 4017
No warnings except angst
The sky was just barely beginning to lighten when they arrived back on campus. Gamma didn't say much. She had learned pretty early on that when Horns got like this, he just needed space. But that was a commodity they couldn’t afford in that moment, so she kept him moving forward, but at his own speed. The sprawling fields that made up the campus grounds came slowly into view as they crested a hill. Between trees and buildings, statues dotted the greenspaces. This was a sight they had become uncomfortably familiar with in such a short span of time. Gone was the hope for some sort of movement, some sort of break from this curse. But replacing it was determination. As they walked in step, Gamma glanced over to him, seeing that same emotion spark in him.
“We have to keep strong.” She murmured. “For them.”
Horns nodded slowly, taking in a deep breath. “For them.”
The dorm's curtains were drawn shut, no light slipping past to give away their position. With the violent confirmation of another unfrozen virus existing somewhere in the Capitol, and likely the one who caused this whole mess, they couldn't risk being found. Gamma had even elected to ditch the motorcycle early and walk into campus, avoiding any attention drawn by the noise. If the two of them were responsible for leading someone back to their team, they’d never forgive themselves.
The team was still awake when they entered, collapsed in the living room defeated and deflated. It was easy to read the worry and frustration on their faces. They had never done anything to quite this scale before, and the toll it took on them was great. Psi stood when he caught sight of Horns, his expression unreadable.
“I know, I know.” Horns sighed, holding his hands up in a placating gesture. “That was stupid and reckless and impulsive, and I shouldn't have run. I just...”
Psi remained neutral as Horns' hands dropped to his sides, the rest of him deflating along with them.
“I've never... I haven't... all those people. Gone. And we were too late- I was too late... I just don't know.”
“I understand.” Psi's softened tone had Horns looking up in surprise. “That is no easy thing for anyone, particularly the lot of you. It is different for us. Gamma, myself, and... the others. We have seen... we know. In your case, I should not forget that. I am thankful you have not experienced these things, until today in any case, and I hope they only change you for the better. Many lives were lost because of this, let us continue forward for them.”
“We have to keep going.” Gamma added. “With all the craziness going on this is far from the last thing we'll be up against.”
“But we don't even know what we're up against.” Equo countered. “Or who.”
“Maybe if Horns has another vision...?” Jolly offered.
Horns nodded. “Could be some more clues, I guess.”
“Then you should all get some rest, if you can.” Psi said. “I can see in your faces how tired you are. You have done good work today. We will strategize where to go from here when you wake.”
For the second time that night, the team split to their respective rooms. Horns shut his door with a sigh, resisting the urge to hit his head against it. He let his emotions get the better of him, and that could have cost them so much more than just some wasted time. This was not going to be an easy situation, and he needed to keep his head on straight or there was no telling what could happen. He turned, heading to his bed, as a calming scent met him. The little spider plant Psi had given him sat on his desk, now inexplicably sprouting lavender. It reminded Horns of the numerous times Psi had aided him in his meditations, including that fateful day he discovered his mind diving powers. The very power that now possibly held the key to ending this curse. He smiled as he turned off the light, thanking his mentor silently as a deep sleep took him.
 “... which begs the question of why. Why would someone freeze an entire city- or... well we still don't know how far this goes. But why freeze an entire city and just do nothing?”
“But they didn't do nothing.”
“True. But then. Then. If you're going to freeze and then... smash an entire city, why do it little pieces at a time? Why not just steamroll everything? If that is your intention. And then if that's not your intention, why freeze anybody at all? Someone with access to magic this powerful could easily have controlled everyone in a multitude of different ways. Why frozen?”
“Maybe it's Elsa.” Horns suggested, groggily stepping out of his room to Jolly's conspiracy rambles. She, Callow and Glitch were in the living room.
“But if it was Elsa, she wouldn't have frozen everybody, now would she?” Jolly continued, a wild glint in her eye. “And when she realized what she'd done, wouldn't she have tried to reverse it? Or reached out for help? Or made her presence known in some way?”
“Well there aren't any reanimated snowmen wandering around and the skies are clear so I think we can rule that one out.” Callow said, his voice suggesting Jolly had been at this for a while.
“So then if it's not Elsa, who is it?” Jolly asked. “Who would have frozen an entire city- or is it not freezing at all? Is it something else? Is it-”
“Jolly?” Horns softly cut her off and she glanced over at him with wild eyes. “I don't have nearly enough coffee in me for this. Do you think you could cool it on the Unsolved rambles here?”
“Fine, but we'll continue this later.” She pointed at him in a way that somehow managed to be threatening.
He just nodded, heading into the kitchen as his nose registered the smell of coffee. Callow watched him go, popping up on his knees on the couch to ask over the cushions,
“How'd you sleep? Get any spooky-ooky visions?”
“They are premonitions, you dick, and no. Nothing.” Horns replied. “Where're Gamma and Psi?”
“Sleeping.” Glitch said, glancing over at the closed office door. “Cal and I kicked 'em out when we woke up a couple hours ago. Figured we'd let them rest too, they need it just as much as we do.”
Horns just nodded in understanding, pouring way too much sugar for anyone but him into his coffee before returning to the living room. A small alert noise sounded from Callow's tablet where it rested on the coffee table, drawing everyone's attention.
“Ah shit.” Callow dove for the device, swiping it open quickly.
“What does your padlet have to say?” Horns asked.
“It's a tablet, Horns.” Jolly corrected.
“Whatever, technology's weird.” Horns dismissed her.
“Ok Victorian-er.” Glitch smirked.
“Movement detected in Que Village. I synced our surveillance to my tablet so I could monitor on the go. Even after all this is done, I'll be able to see anywhere in the Capitol any time I-” Callow cut himself off, quickly glancing between his teammates. “Uh... Psi definitely does not know about this.”
“And it's going to stay that way unless a certain someone wants Psi to find out what happened to the cactus Sammy bought us.” Callow said pointedly. Glitch's mouth shut with an audible click.
“Should we wake the others?” Jolly asked. “What's the commotion?”
“I just got coffee...” Horns grumbled quietly.
Callow was silent for a few moments, swiping quickly between things on his screen. Finally, he sighed, “no. It was just some deer.”
“Good. I'm finishing this coffee.” Horns continued to grumble.
“So what you're saying is, we have no new leads.” Glitch huffed, staring dejectedly at the ceiling.
“Yes, but why is this happening anyway?” Jolly asked. “What possible motive-”
“Jolly oh my god.” Callow cut her off.
“Look, I'm just saying.” Jolly held her hands up innocently.
“If it were me, and I had that kind of power, there's definitely a few dozen people I'd want to freeze so I didn't have to worry about them being mean to me, or getting to me, or think about them in any way ever again. I'm not saying I'd smash them, necessarily, but-” Horns cut himself off, glancing up to three surprised expressions as he registered what he was actually saying. “Uh... I mean... y'know, people suck and all and some people wouldn't be missed- uh not that I'd do anything to them or anything, but it's crossed my mind- I'm just going to shut up.”
“Might wanna chug the rest of that coffee, Horny.” Glitch suggested. “You have no filter when you're tired.”
“He makes a fair point though.” Callow said. “For someone to go after everyone in a city, they aren't trying to get back at specific individuals, they're trying to get back at the city itself.”
“We're looking for a deeply angry person.” Jolly agreed. “Someone like that... there's really no telling what they'd do next.”
 The two of them slept a dreamless sleep, limbs tangled together in a desperate attempt to hang on to something. Anything. Whatever they still had left. Psi grabbed hold of Gamma the minute they found warmth under the comforter of his futon, not letting go even as the two fell asleep. An exhausted kind of rest that came from a day of suppressed raw emotions. Fear, anxiety, loneliness. Their family had been bigger once. They, the 99 that remained, couldn't afford to lose another. But staring into that courtyard and not knowing if that orange was Tripoli or the shop owner three doors down...
And Psi, in his deepest thoughts, can't help but think how much easier it would be with her there. Tripoli, Foxtrot, anyone. And he wakes, tears silently sliding down his cheeks, mingling with Gamma's. He wants his family. He wants Rho. Yoke. Kilogramme. He wants his parents. With his eyes closed, he can almost pretend the arms wrapped around him are Sammy's. At least he knew Sammy was safe. But everyone else...
Gamma's arms tighten around him in her groggy state, thinking for just a moment it's Beta. Waiting for just a moment for the twins to burst in and demand her attention. But she knows. She's already felt the absences across the mind link. She just wants to talk to Juliette again. Hear her comforting voice soothing her worries. She can almost feel the warmth of Quebec wrapping her up in one of those hugs that makes the world melt away. But the world doesn't melt away. She opens her eyes and blinks groggily until the fog of tears clears. Until she can look up and see Psi. Her brother. The only other one left.
Slowly his eyes open too. Slowly, the two of them face the world. Slowly, he pulls her in closer. And the tears don't stop. Not yet. Loss doesn't work like that, even if it's not technically loss. It's as good as.
These are the thoughts that sustain their grief until there's no tears left.
But then Psi remembers Sammy's laugh. Gamma remembers Quebec's proud smile. Psi remembers Sammy's soft voice in the morning. Gamma remembers Beta playing fetch with all their dogs. They remember the mansion, and how it was never truly quiet. They remember Victor humming to himself as something bubbled on the stove. They remember Prep scaring them in the middle of the night when she hung from the ceiling. They remember Liverpool singing to his heart’s content. They remember feeling at home. Finding a family. Feeling safe.
And they get up. They wipe away the tears and square their shoulders. They have a job to do. They have a city to save.
They have a family to save.
 The rest of the team woke eventually, slowly filing into the now quiet living room. The mood was still low from their nighttime excursion, the memories fresh in their minds. They kept themselves distracted in their own ways, but the waiting was uncomfortable.
“See anything last night?” Equo asked Horns cautiously when she flopped into an armchair, somehow managing not to spill her coffee.
“No, but... now that I’ve had some time to wake up and think about it…” He frowned, letting out a nasally sigh. “I felt weird all night.”
“Weird how?” Gamma leaned over the back of the couch.
“Like... restless.” Horns said. “Like I couldn't relax, I didn't feel safe.”
“I mean... we kind of all feel like that right now.” Glitch replied.
“Yeah... I guess so.”
“What're we supposed to do now?” Jolly asked Psi as he, too, slipped into the living room, sitting on the ottoman under the TV.
Psi and Gamma shared a glance. “With no new leads or inclinations, our best bet would be to patrol the city.”
“The whole city?” Equo exclaimed.
“But,” Gamma cut in, “since most of you are inexperienced in that field, and since Callow's set up surveillance, that doesn't seem necessary.”
“Besides, this person could strike anywhere in Dashland.” Psi added.
“So... we just sit here?” Glitch slumped into the couch.
“That about sums it up.” Gamma confirmed.
“Well I’m going to meditate.” Horns said. “If I dive any of you, I'm so-”
His words were cut off by the sharp alert once again blaring from Callow's tablet.
“What is that?” Psi asked cautiously, familiar with Callow's antics.
“Surveillance.” The gator virus responded quickly, not focusing on his mentor. “Linked the two. Movement detected...”
“Is it deer again?” Glitch asked wryly.
Callow ignored her, swiping furiously at his tablet in a completely different manner from last time. At his silence, the whole team tensed.
“I don't... know.” He said finally. “There's movement but I can't tell what. And it's getting closer.”
“How close?” Gamma asked lowly.
“About... 50 kilometers from here.”
“That's close.” Equo breathed.
“We should go investigate.” Gamma decided, standing straighter to assume a more authoritative image. “Everyone gear up, I want us out in ten or less.”
The team rushed away quickly, gathering any necessary equipment. Horns stopped Callow in the hallway.
“Are there... any densely populated areas near there?” He asked.
“No, it's mostly just forest. Let me see...” Callow buried his nose back in his device and Horns waited with little patience. “Actually, here. It's close to campus. Rotherglen Park, it's got a lot of picnickers.”
“Let me see.” Horns reached for the tablet, thankful when Callow released it easily.
“No, you can't- Horns, hold it by the edges so you don't swipe-”
“I got it, I got it-”
“Just- come on, let me get you back to the right screen-”
“I can do it-”
“No you can't-”
“Yes I can-”
“We've been over this. Just- there.”
Horns shot him a half glare before focusing in on the screen. His pulse peaked violently as he gasped, “I know this place. I know- I've seen it before. Gamma, Psi!”
“What?” Gamma spun around to him, Psi leaned out from behind her, his interest also piqued.
“They're going to hit Rotherglen Park.” Horns said. “I'm sure of it.”
“How sure?” Psi asked.
“I'd bet my life.” He replied, the echo of “you may have to” clear in his mind.
 Clouds had blown over the sky, heavy with the promise of rain, by the time the team hit the woods. It was hard to tell whether the stillness of the forest was due to an impending storm, or something bigger. Horns had never experienced such quiet among these trees before, and he found himself bracing for impact.
“How much further?” Peony asked over the comms.
“Just over a kilometer. Should start to see the trees thin soon.” Callow replied, tucking his tablet back inside his bag.
“Get low and stay quiet.” Gamma ordered. “We're not going to let whoever's doing this harm anyone else, but we need to get a read on them before spooking them off.”
Horns gave a nervous hum. “Got a bad feeling about this...”
“Let's just hope it's not like last time.” Callow said.
The trees did start to thin a few minutes later, allowing glimpses into the field beyond. Through the branches, they began to make out shapes. Faces. People; still as intact and frozen as the rest. In their own ways, the members of Gamma-Psi reacted in relief.
“Looks like we beat 'em here.” Glitch commented.
“And somehow I don't like that thought.” Equo replied.
“Now we wait.” Psi said. “Fan out and hide.”
The team did as directed, scattering along the northeastern edge of the park. Their footsteps were dulled by the now gently falling rain, and they were all secretly thankful for at least something to cut the silence. Thunder rolled far off in the distance, solidifying the threat of a heavy storm.
“You gotta admit, the ambiance is pretty dope.” Glitch said.
“Quiet, Glitch.” Psi scolded over a smattering of agreements from the team. Gamma just smiled at his ever-suffering sigh.
A resounding crack echoed from the south end of the park, louder than thunder but just as alarming. A maelstrom of swirling wind and debris broke free of the trees, leaving a swatch of broken branches in its wake. One of these trees, a large old oak, broke toward the parkland.
“That family...”
“It's gonna smash them!”
The 99er acted with barely a twitch, branches from a nearby tree growing rapidly to entwine with the oak. The whole team let out a breath of relief. The small windstorm slowed in the middle of the field, noticing the change in the treeline. There was an area clear of any viruses, and it began to lower itself down into the clearing, shrinking in size as it approached the ground. It burst with a nearly audible pop, dropping the virus who had been inside the last few feet to the ground. And finally, Gamma-Psi could see just who they were up against.
Her dark brown hair fell about her shoulders haphazardly with the dying wind, coming to rest on a black cloak covering a simple red and black dress. Her dark skin was accented by fine features, and dark red veins, which pulsed quickly as she looked around with eyes that could not keep her soul at bay. The deep red wisps floated up to mingle with the falling rain.
“There's no use hiding from me!” She called out, voice strong but soft. “I know you are there.”
“What do we do?” Glitch asked over the comms.
Psi and Gamma shared the briefest of looks before he stood, striding his way out of the treeline.
“There you are.” The woman greeted almost warmly. “I must say you are not what I was expecting.”
“I am sorry to disappoint.” Psi replied, crossing his arms in front of him. “What, perchance, were you expecting?”
She just hummed thoughtfully. “So, do you have a name, tall dark and handsome?”
“Call me Nightshade.” Psi said. “And yourself?”
“You may call me Dragon, my dear.” She offered. “Now are you going to bring out your friends, or shall I?”
“How do you know I am not alone?” He asked.
“I know who resisted my spell.” Dragon leaned forward with a smile just a little too sweet. “And you are definitely not it.”
Psi held her gaze for a moment as he mulled over the decision. Eventually he let out a small sigh, waving the team forward without looking.
Dragon took in the team as they emerged with an exaggerated expression of surprise. “My, my, quite the group you have here.”
“Well, you have raised some concern.” Psi said.
“What do you want?” Jolly asked. “Why are you doing this?”
“My reasons are my own, sweetheart. I just want to know-” She cut herself off as her eyes landed on Horns. He had picked his way through the grass slowly as his stomach roiled with nerves. He looked up and froze as their gazes locked, intrigue washing over her face as she finished, “if you're going to stop me.” He squirmed under her gaze. It felt like she was dissecting him and undressing him at the same time.
“You're hurting innocent people.” He spoke up, trying to steel himself. “We can't let that stand.”
“Oh, my dear.” She jeered. “No one in this world is ever truly innocent.”
Psi cleared his throat and Dragon looked back to him. “Regardless, we wish to see this taking of lives come to an end. What can we do?”
“What can you do?” Dragon echoed mockingly. “You can stay out of my way.”
Psi barely had time to react as she slammed her foot into the ground, spikes of ice erupting forward to barrel into his chest. He managed to lessen the blow with vines sprouting from his arms but hit the ground hard as Dragon swiveled to face the others. Gamma shot up into the air, ready to strike as the team on the ground moved to retaliate. They all went to strike, falling back on the meticulous training of their mentors. She had quick reflexes, however, managing to rebuke them with a gust of wind, or a flash of ice.
The team froze at the familiar sound of Gamma’s laser canons firing off, waiting for the shots to land. Dragon threw up a wall of ice just in time, blocking her attack. When Gamma paused, Dragon threw the ice her way, freezing her wings solid. Psi and his venus fly traps rushed to catch her, the rest of the team momentarily distracted. That was all the time Dragon needed. Horns' attention had not wavered from her, but her intensity scared him, so he'd kept his distance. He watched with absolute dread as wind began to swirl around her, giving her a moment of protection as she murmured something too soft for anyone to hear. And he knew. Somehow, he just knew.
“No, don't-!”
There was a flash of bright blue-white energy, the wind bursting around her once again with an audible pop. The field once again lay still, seven new statues added to the garden. Horns had shied away from the blast, curling in on himself for protection from the debris caught up in the wind. He stood, taking in the sight of his team back in the terrifying state he'd found them just a day before.
“What did you do- what did you do to them?” Horns shouted. “Stop, let them go!”
“Hush now, my little psychic.” Dragon cooed at him. “It's just you and me.”
“What do you want?” Horns asked, stepping back guardedly.
She matched his step, not letting him gain any distance. “Oh, nothing yet. Soon, but not yet. I still have more to do before I can deal with you.”
“What are you planning?” He gripped his dagger tighter.
She brushed his question off, instead humming in amusement as she began to circle him. “How powerful you must be, little psychic, to resist my spell. Twice now, in fact. Not powerful yet, no, but the talent is there. Hidden. Oh, how I would love to shape that mind of yours. I could teach you so much. More than these people ever could. That potential is just waiting to be unleashed.”
“How would you know?” He scoffed. “You don't know anything about me.”
“Oh, I know more than you think.” She whispered smoothly.
“You'll find out.” She said. “In due time.”
“Why in due time?” He asked. “You've got me here, without my team. Why don't you just finish it?”
She circled back around in front of him and he glared in her direction. “Because I am curious to see what you make of what's to come.”
With a twist of wind, she was gone, her figure disappearing with the falling sand that had been kicked up. Letting out a panicked breath, Horns turned to his team; frozen again. He was alone.
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An OverProtective Derek is a Scary Derek
 Plot: Your Derek’s little sister and after everything that has happened to your family, he is super overprotective of you, doing whatever he thinks he needs to in order to keep you safe. This also includes keeping you at a safe distance from all boys. But when Stiles starts coming over with Scott, he soon realizes that it’s keeping you at a distance will no longer work, so he tries a new tackett. 
Pairing: Stiles x Reader 
  Fandom: Teen Wolf 
Characters: Scott, Derek, Stiles 
OC: Y/n Hale 
Requested: Yes, but my computer glitched and I lost the screen shot of the request so I had to type it from the screenshot I took on my phone. This is also not the only time I have written this thing. Fourth time’s the charm??? 
A/n: This turned out a lot longer than I first expected so this is part one. 
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  The night of the fire:
    “Maybe you should call Derek.” My best friend Crystal suggested, her voice so soft that I could barely hear her over the sounds of her fighting parents. I nodded and quickly picked up Laura’s cell phone, punching in Derek’s number before putting it to my ear. As I knew he would, he picked up on the second ring, the sound of the party going on behind him muffled as he shouted to be heard.
   “Hold on, I can’t hear a thing.” He shouted, his voice filled with annoyance and concern. It was easy for me to imagine the concern on his face as he shoved his way through the packed crowd, ignoring the grunts of pain and the shouted protest. Laura must have been in his line of sight because he shouted her name and then I could imagine her beautiful features turning from happy to concern, as she too began to push herself towards our brother.
  “Y/n?” She asked, her voice muffled along with the rest of the party. I could only make it out because I knew it well, had been straining to hear it along side Derek’s. Derek never answered, but I knew he must have nodded because Laura cursed. In my mind eye I could see Laura pushing herself in front of Derek, one hand grabbing a hold of Derek’s sleeve while she cleared a path in the crowd. I could see her face, concern momentarily replaced with annoyance as she shoved aside the party people. I could see Derek, one hand gripping the cell phone to his ear, afraid to drop it among the crowd.
    I knew that they had finally made their way outside before Derek had ever spoke, simply because of the fact that the muffled voices and music finally dropped to a volume that would allow my siblings to hear me.
  “Alright, now what is going on?” Derek asked, Laura’s voice quickly joining his,
 “Is that screaming? Kitten is everything okay?”
  “No. Crystal’s parents are fighting and they drunk can you...” I trailed off, staring wide eyed at the door. Things down below had gotten worse. There was the sound of breaking glass and then the steady dripping of blood, the scent of it hitting me seconds after. It was the difference in her mother’s heart rate that told me things were about to get even worse. In the seconds since the glass broke, her mother was suddenly filled with fear. “Derek it’s gotten worse, a lot worse, how soon can you get here? I think things are about to get dangerous.”  As I spoke Crystal lost the little colour  that she had before she shoved herself off the bed, grabbed my hand and tugged me to the bathroom that was attached to her room.
  “I’m on my way, Y/n don’t worry. Here talk to Laura.” Derek replied, his voice suddenly full of anger. I knew that he was going to run here and the fact filled me with some comfort. He would be here soon and Laura would arrive not to long after. I was going to be okay.
  “Kitten? Stay calm okay, Derek and I are on our way. Everything is going to be okay.” Laura promised, her voice soft and calming, though I knew it was only for my benefit. We had always known that Crystal’s parents were drunks, which is why whenever Crystal and I had  sleepovers it was at my house, never her’s. Tonight was a first, and was only because her parents had promised my mother that since it was Crystal’s birthday and we would be leaving early the next morning, that they wouldn’t drink. Derek and Laura were still against it, hence why they were at a part a few blocks away. Laura didn’t trust them and Derek was against anything that may put me in danger.  
  The sounds of skin meeting skin, pulled me from my thoughts. I knew Crystal couldn’t here it, hear the change in her mother’s voice as her fear aloud her to be sober, sober enough that she began to move to the stairs. I knew she couldn’t hear the slur in her father’s voice as he told her to move, to let him up stairs but I could and it was enough for me to grab her and lead us to the tub, climbing in and pushing her to the far end, moving so I was in front her.
  “Laura I think we may be in danger.” I whispered, my own fear causing my inner wolf to come out. I didn’t try to hide it, Crystal knew and loved me regardless of the fact. The sight of my nails turning into claws only her caused her to pull me against her, her own way of trying to keep me safe.
  “Derek is close and I’ll be there seconds after. Everything is going to be okay. Listen try to track Derek like I’ve been teaching you. Close your eyes, relax and focus on Derek. Can you hear him?” I did as she told me and focused, forcing myself to breathe deeply as I tried to find my brother. It didn’t take me long, it was only a few seconds before I could hear his breathing, his heartbeat and the soft whisper of my name. Now that I could hear him, I could tell he was close, only two houses down and quickly closing the distance.
  “He’s next door.” I whispered, relief washing over me when I heard him. Even as I spoke though the front door flew open and the familiar scent of my brother hit me. “He’s here.” I sighed, reaching back to grab Crystal before leading us out of the bathroom. As I moved, I listened to Derek, his low snarl when he saw Crystal’s parents, his growl when he heard me open the door to Crystal’s room and began racing down the hall. At the bottom of the stairs was her mother, her long blonde hair a mess as she guarded the stairs. At the sound of our footsteps she turned her head, her gaze meeting mine. Her face was filled with relief and shame and blood, blood that was still flowing from the gash on her forehead.
  In Front of her, standing shell shocked at the sudden appearance of my pissed off older brother, was her father. A broken bottle was in his hand, the sharp edges covered in blood. I knew at once that was the cause of the cut and could suddenly see the how it happened. Her father breaking it on his wife’s head, the gagged ends cutting into her skin. I also knew that it was adrenaline that kept her mother standing. Fear for herself and for us propelling her to stand up.
  Behind him, anger radiating off him in waves, was my brother. The door stood open, allowing me to see Laura as she pulled up in front of the house. Not bothering to turn off the car before she ran to join us. Before Laura had reached him, Derek was crossing the room, pushing her father up against the wall, one arm pressed against his neck and the other pinning the hand holding the bottle against the wall.
  “Y/n take Crystal and go to Laura.” He demanded, his voice shaking with rage. I nodded, gripping Crystal tight before rushing past her mother and into my sister’s open arms.
  “Thank god you're okay, when you stopped answering me I fear the worse.” Laura sighed the moment I reached her, her arms holding both Crystal and I tightly against her.
  “Sorry I heard Derek reach the house and I just wanted to get out.” I mumbled , allowing her to pull me away so she could lead Crystal and I to the car.
  “It’s okay, I knew Derek was here so I knew you were safe. It was Crystal I was worried about.” Laura explained, turning to face my best friend, her voice soft as she spoke. “Are you okay?”
  “Just a little shaken. Dad never hurt mom before.” She explained, glancing over her shoulder when the sounds of footsteps came from behind us. When she saw it was Derek, the fear left her. He didn’t say a word, simply scooped me into his arms and held me tight against his chest.
  “You okay?” He asked, pressing a kiss to my temple. I nodded, laying my head against his shoulder. Now that I was safe, I realized just how tired I was and tried hard to stifle a yawn. “You sleep, I got you.” He said softly, stepped aside as Laura opened the door. I had expected him to just  put me in the back, but instead he kept me in his grasp and slipped in behind the driver's seat, moving me so I was pressed against his side. I instantly curled against his side, my head resting on his chest as he his arm began to rub my arm in comforting circles.
  Crystal got in on the other side, pressing herself against my side as she too allowed herself to relax enough to doze. At once I reached out and grabbed her hand, turning to send her a comforting smile as Laura crawled into the front seat of the car. She had just began to drive when I found myself struggling to stay awake, the rhythm of the of car and Derek’s steady breathing lulling me to sleep.
   I awoke to Laura screaming, to Derek cursing as he told us  to stay in the car, the smell of smoke suddenly filling the car as he jumped outside. At once I was awake and sat up in the car, a scream of my own leaving me when I noticed that we were home but my house was on fire. Flames licked the whole house, but the worst of it was in the basement. That’s where the most of the smoke and flames were coming through.
  “Laura is.. are...” I stumbled, trying hard to force some sort of words through my mouth. Laura remained silent, her gaze locked on the burning house in front of us. Beside me Crystal moaned out softly, her arms wrapped around me as she began to apologize, her words making me realize that this was happening, that my house was not only in the midst of burning down but that the soft moans and whimpers I could hear was my family. My family that were trapped inside, that were dying in flames.
    Derek returned to the car, tears streaming down his face as he closed the door. I knew then that there nothing to be done, that our family was trapped and to try and save them would only put as risk. At once I curled into his side, watching as Laura got out of the car and climbed in beside Derek, curling into his side.
   “The cops are the way. They told us to wait in the car.” He answered, hugging us both to his side. Despite the fact that Laura was older, she clung tightly to Derek, finding comfort in his arms. Once we were settled Laura began to sing, some upbeat song loud enough to drown out the screams of our family.
    The cops showed up a few moments later, the fire department following quickly behind them. It took 20 minutes to put out the flames and then another 30 to extract the charred remains of our family. Only our Uncle managed to survive the flames, though he was so badly scarred my siblings forced to me to look anywhere but at uncle Peter.
   We stayed in Beacon Hills just long enough to bury our family and see Uncle Peter settled in the hospital before we left, all three of eager to put the town behind us.
 Six Years Later
          I sat on the small couch in the apartment I shared with Derek, my leg vibrating with nerves as I stared at the phone. Laura was suppose to call, just to check in, to assure both Derek and I that she was fine. She back in Beacon Hills, despite our protests, following an alpha that was killing people. Being an Alpha herself, she assumed she could deal with it. That was almost a month ago and she called daily, up until two days ago. Derek was trying his best to act like he wasn’t bothered but I knew he was just as worried as I was. I also knew that if we didn’t hear from her tonight then we would be returning to Beacon Hills ourselves. 
    “Staring at it won’t do anything.” Derek said softly, sighing as he sat down beside me. When I didn’t answer, he pulled me against him, holding my head to his chest as his other arm rubbed circles on my back. “It’s okay, Laura is okay.”
   “What if she isn’t though?” I whimpered, closing my eyes as I thought back to the time we lived in Beacon Hills. There were hunters then, the Argents mostly, but there. My family tried hard to keep it from me but when I demanded the truth it was Derek who told me, claiming that it would be better for me to know so I can keep an eye out. Rumors are that the Argent’s left shortly after the three of us did, but that was only rumors. They could still be there, especially now, and with Laura being alone her chances of being caught are greater. 
   “She’s an alpha to darling, she’ll be okay.” He answered, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “Now come on, we are going out. Laura will call and she won’t do it any sooner with you staring at the phone.” I sighed, not wanting to leave the house on the off chance our sister arrived but I knew had no choice. Derek would physically carry me out if he thought it was needed. 
~~~~~~ The Next Day~~~~~~ 
    I sighed as we passed the sign that welcome us to Beacon Hills, far from pleased at the idea of being back. Beside me Derek let out a small groan himself, his only signalling that he too was displeased about having to return. To much horrible things have happened here and the idea of returning set us both on edge. Laura being missing didn’t help either. 
   “Okay Laura, we are in Beacon Hills, if you could answer the phone now Der and I would appreciate it.” I told the answering machine, a part of me wondering how many more messages I would be aloud to leave before I got told that the mailbox was full. This was my fifth one, though Derek had left three himself, all of them demanding her to answer because he didn’t want to bring me to Beacon Hills. “We are going to the house aren’t we.” I asked as I hung up the phone, placing it on my lap and continuing to stare at it, willing it to ring. 
   “That’s were Laura would have gone first. The murders are somehow connected, she was sure of it. It will only be for a few nights. I plan on getting a loft just outside of town for us to stay in.” Derek explained, smiling sadly at me when he noticed me biting my lip. “I can get you a motel room and you can stay there until I get the loft.”
   “No, it’s safer for us both to stay together. I’ll manage.” I answered, forcing a brave smile for his sake. Derek nodded, moving one hand from the wheel to hold mine, squeezing tightly as we rounded the corner that would lead us to our house. 
    “Alright but remember if we run into the Alpha..”
   “I’m to run to the car and drive as fast as I can out of town. I know.” I huffed, smiling as I cut him off, clinging to the normal of it. Derek smiled to, his hand still holding mine. I kept my eyes on him, the tightening of his hand informing me that we had arrived. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath and turned to what use to be our family home. 
    We found the top of Laura later that night, or I should I found her. For the sake of covering ground Derek and I had split up, though we both remained on the phone as we carefully walked the woods that surrounded our house. Laura was in the middle of it, the upper half of her body left under a tree. I didn’t stop screaming until Derek arrived and only then it was because he shook me out of it, telling me that we had to bury her. I insisted by the house and he relented, burying her at the corner of the house, ironically a few inches away from the basement window our family had been trapped in. As he made a spiral of wolfsbane covered rope, I made a silent promise to my sister. That I would kill the monster that did this to her myself and that I would make sure they suffered just as much as she did. 
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First things first: Hello! Second: May I say your recent work on a request tugged my heartstrings so much that it inspired me to think of my own request of where the Lost Light's female human (giant sized thanks to Brainstorm's idea of sizing them up), Rung, Whirl are dealing with the Fort Max hostage situation, though this time the human is trying to calm Max down, but of course Whirl is trying to make sure Max doesn’t hurt Rung or her by making jabs at him so he could hurt him instead. (1/2)
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A Hostage Situation:
“Wow! This is amazing, Brainstorm!” You examined yourself in the mirror with the teal and white scientist standing next to you. You were now able to stand up to his elbow joints and looked down at the device responsible for your new found size attached to your wrist. I reminded you of a digital watch except the time was replaced with height measurements and the side rim was a dial you could turn to adjust said measurements. However, it seemed like the current setting was the tallest.
“I really have outdone myself this time, haven’t I,” he stated smugly. “It was a bit difficult to figure out to expand your body since its made of flesh and not metal. Nothing I couldn’t handle though!”
“Well, thanks. I mean it. This will make living here with you guys a lot easier.” You then began to look over the bodysuit that Brainstorm had also made. It was able to change sizes with you. It was even in your three favorite colors! But the weapon specialist did say it could turn nearly invisible so you could wear other clothes over it.
“I have to go show everyone!” You then ran out of the lab to do just that. The entire crew was completely shocked since you had managed to keep this little project a secret. What could you, you wanted it to be a surprise. In total, it took about a few hours to find everyone. Well, almost everyone. You had yet to find Rung, Whirl, and, hell, even Fortress Maximus had managed to elude you. And he wasn’t exactly what you would call subtle.
You decided that you’d start with Rung, and made your way to the most obvious option. His office.
The walk was filled with the occasional exchange of pleasantries among those you passed, but mostly silence. You finally made it. His office was located near the end of the ship to it took a while.
You had just knocked on the door when a deep voice startled you.
“Y/n!? Is that you?” You whipped around to find one of the bots you were looking for, Fortress Maximus. You immediately placed your hand over your rapidly beating heart to calm it.
“Max! Oh, you scared me.” You gave a nervous grin as you looked up to meet his optics. But something was… off. He seemed nervous and kept glancing around as if someone was going to attack him. “Is everything all right, Max? You seem-”
“What are you doing here?” He said cutting you off, but you didn’t take it personally since he looked so shaken up.
“I came to see if Rung was here. I’ve been looking for him. You too, actually.”
“Listen, you need to leave now!” Fort Max bent down and whisper-yelled at you.
“What? Why?”
But the door behind you opened before Fort Max had the chance to respond, and you turned around the face whoever opened it. It was Rung. He looked at you and was utterly shocked that he could look straight ahead and lock gazes with you.
“Brainstorm,” you said absentmindedly.
“Oh, I see. That’s very extraordinary, but I’m actually in the middle of a session right now.” Rung said gesturing to the last bot you were looking for.
The helicopter gave a little wave with his claws. “Yo. Nice upgrade, Y/n. Now I don’t have to worry about stepping on you.”
You were about to laugh when Fort Max snarled in frustration behind you. Before you could turn around to see what was wrong the barrel of a very large gun was suddenly next to your head and pointing at Rung’s terrified face.
“M-Max! What are yo-” you tried to question, but he cut you off again. This time with a real yell.
“IN! NOW!” He shoved the barrel into Rung’s cheek to emphasize that he meant business.
Both you and Rung began to slowly back into the room and you heard Fort Max close the door behind him. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed that Whirl was crouched down and quietly making his way closer. And it seemed you weren’t the only one who noticed.
Fort Max jerked his gun to point it at the former Wrecker, who immediately threw stealth to the wind and charged at the armed bot with a battle cry. Fort Max fired a few shots at Whirl fully intent on blowing him away, but the blue chopper was nibble and dodged. “BRING IT, GLITCH!”
Whirl jumped over both you and Rung and tackled Fort Max into the door he had just closed. You two made a break for it to the furthest part of the room by the window. You wanted to help but knew you couldn’t.
You watched in horror as your two friends battled it out, and once Fort Max snapped out of his daze it was almost immediately over. What started as a fight turned into a beating for the smaller of the two, but he refused to fall even after his frame was wrecked to hell. Whirl was still struggling when the red-eyed Autobot ripped off his guns and wrapped his entire servo around his helm but went limp when the larger smashed the side of his helm into the wall.
“Whirl!” You cupped your mouth as you feared the worst. You were only slightly relieved when the ex-Wrecker groaned in pain, but Fort Max crushed that relief when he threw him to the middle of the room, beaten and broken and leaking energon. You couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. You knew Cybertronians could survive a lot more than a human, but you didn’t know how much.
The huge grounder then stomped his way over to the two of you and you began to shiver in fear. You slammed your eyes shut when he started reaching out but instantly reopened them when you heard Rung cry out. He had him by the neck as the therapist tried to get away from his assailant.
“No!” You quickly grabbed the large black digits around Rung’s neck and tried to pry them off, but it didn’t deter him in the slightest. Fort Max pulled Rung closer and used his other hand to push you off. You could tell he didn’t put any real force behind his push but it was still able to knock you to the ground as he turned away.
“Max please!”
“Quiet, Y/n.” Max walked past Whirl and sat Rung down on the lounging chair. He then pulled a long reinforced cable from the subspace in his shoulder and began to tie down Rung.
“You don’t need to do this!”
“Yes. I do.”
“You wouldn’t understand.”
“Then help me understand!… Please.” You made your way to Whirl to check on him. “Why are you doing this?”
“I said. Be. Quiet!” Fort Max then ripped a piece of pipe from the ceiling and speared it through Whirl’s abdomen as he attempted to get up. You couldn’t stop the shriek of terror as energon spattered across your face and body.
Whirl cried out in agony as Fort Max twisted the jagged metal through his delicate circuitry. You pounded your fists against the kibble around his shin while you pleaded and begged for him to quit harming the blue chopper.
Whirl groaned before he rebooted his vox, “Listen, Max. In the hope that this can still have a happy ending- and speaking as someone who appreciates the challenges of adjusting to postwar life- I just wanna say that there’s still time to do the decent thing and kill yourself.”
“W-Whirl, please stop. Don’t push him to hurt you mo-” You whispered to the injured Cybertronian, who only cut you off in return.
“Come on! Blow yourself away! Let’s see a spark-spasm up close!”
“Max! Please don’t listen to him! You can still fix thi-” Whirl interrupted you again.
“Fix this!? Don’t make me laugh! Unless he’s got some kind of time machine hidden under all that armor, I think the frag not! He can’t even fix himself, let alone this mess!” Whirl’s outburst made a growl escape Fort Max’s derma and he looked as though he were about to strike him before a look of realization spread across his faceplates.
“Clever. Trying to get me to lose my cool so you can get the chance to overpower me.”
Rung finally decided to speak up, “Actually, I think you might be crediting him with too much-”
“Seriously, all of this is a bit pathetic, isn’t it? Even for an epic, epic failure like you. I mean not only did you practically beg the Decepticons to take G9 off your hands, but you curled up into a ball the moment Overlor-” KUNCH
Fort Max smashed the barrel of his gun against Whirl’s face denting and crushing the metal around his optic.
“STOP!” You yelled, catching the grounder’s attention. However, it seemed that Fort Max shifting his attention away from Whirl only caused to the ex-Wrecker to vex his assailant more.
“Wow. If I’d known that was the best you’ve got, I would have said something genuinely offensive.” KUNCH “Ugh!”
“PLEASE, STOP IT!!!” You threw yourself at Fort Max’s stabilizer again and slammed your fists weakly against him while tears streamed down your face.
“Anything else?”
You thanked whatever self-preservation instincts Whirl had when he didn’t reply. You then glanced over to Rung to see him looking up. You followed his field of vision to see a small camera blinking in the corner. You slowly got up and stepped closer to Fort Max.
“Max. Please just listen to me. Whatever you’re doing this for, I’m sure there’s another way. You can stop this now and explain yourself and I’m sure everything will be okay.” You tried to sooth the metal giant by gently placing your hand over the servo that wasn’t holding a cannon at Whirl.
“You wanna know why I’m doing this, Y/n? YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY!?” You flinched away when he leaned down to shout in your face, which seemed to make him calm down enough to lower his voice. “Fine… I’ll tell you why…”
Fortress Maximus then proceeded to tell all of you about Garrus 9, about Overlord, and about what he and his crew went through. All the torture and death. You finally understood.
“Oh, Max. You said you didn’t remember. Why didn’t you tell anyone the truth?” You stroked his servo while you looked up at him.
“Because, Y/n, I’m Fortress Maximus. I couldn’t just-”
“No one, and I mean no one, would have held it against you. What you went through wasn’t your fault and would affect even the strongest of bots. It’s okay to be mad. It’s okay to be scared. You have a right to be. And you have a right to want answers. But not like this.” You gestured to the other two bots in the room. “Not by hurting others.” You put your hand on top of the cannon and Max allowed you to slowly push it to point at the ground and away from Whirl, while his guilty optics stared into your gentle eyes. “Like how you were.”
Just as Fort Max’s grip was loosening to drop the weapon he snapped out of his trance. “No. It’s too late to go back now.”
Both you and Rung saw the darkness that took over his optics. “No, dON’T!” Rung tried to reason with him, but he ignored his therapist and grabbed you by the arm and flung you across the room.
Your scream was cut off when your spine collided with the wall next to Rung, who screamed your name. Your ears were ringing, so you felt more than heard the pounding of pede steps getting closer to you. You did, however, manage to make out the sound of Whirl yelling curses at the Autobot who threw you.
“YOU FRAGGER!!! YOU KNOW WHAT!?! SHE’S SO WRONG!!! ANYONE that could be beaten into submission by OVERLORD is nothing but a WEAK, SAD EXCUSE FOR A PATHETIC WASTE OF SPACE!!!”
By Primus, if Fort Max wasn’t pissed off already he sure was now. Your vision came back just in time to see the enraged look on Fort Max’s faceplates and you knew that was the last straw. Max whipped around and stomped back up to Whirl. He pointed the cannon directly at Whirl’s face and the barrel began to light up as it prepared to be fired.
“That’s ENOUGH out of you!” Fort Max moved his digit over the trigger, and in a burst of adrenaline, you lept to your feet and tackled the gun.
When Fort Max saw you, his optics widened in horror and he tried to let go of the weapon, but when you pulled it down with you his digit caught the trigger.
And the gun fired.
Your grip immediately fell from the smoking cannon and you stumbled back a few steps. Every bot in the room stared at you with wide optics. They could only watch in horrible awe as you looked down to see a large hole through your shoulder that was bleeding profusely.
With all the adrenaline pumping through your veins you could barely register the pain you were in. You slowly glance over at Whirl and Rung and gave a weary smile as they trembled in shock and horror.
“It’s going to be okay.” You mouthed silently at the two before return your attention to Fort Max. He trembled as he gaped at your bleeding shoulder and he dropped his gun and fell to his knees.
“What have I done?” Max clutched at his head as he began degrading himself.
“It’s okay, Max.” You started taking shaky steps as you kept the best smile you possibly could.
“No, stop. Don’t come any closer, Y/n.” He shook his head as he tried to shy away from you.
“I won’t leave you, Max. I’ll never leave you to deal with your demon alone ever again.” When you finally got close enough you fell forward and wrapped your arms around his neck as best as you could.
“Please… I don’t want to hurt you anymore.” Fort Max kept his servos hovering around you as his plating rattled.
“I’m here for you. And I care for you too much to turn away from you. I love you, Max. We all do. We’re here for you. In our own ways.”
Once your slurred words sunk in, Fortress Maximus finally broke down and wrapped his servos around you as he began to sob.
You smiled gently while rubbing the back of his helm. Your mind and your body were quickly becoming more fatigued and your inner temperature was dropping from blood loss and you could feel yourself begin to lose consciousness. Using the last of your energy, you looked up at the camera, and even though you had no idea that Rodimus, Ultra Magnus, Drift, and the entire crew were watching, you whispered, “I love you guys.”
And then you drifted into a cold, dark, dreamless void.
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anachronicwriting · 5 years
The 007!AU No One Needs (13/?)
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septic-dr-schneep · 6 years
JSE Fanfiction - In Time of Need (Part 16: Illusion)
Summary: Jameson does his best to cope with everything that’s happened in the past few days. As he explores his emotions and his surroundings, he unfortunately stumbles upon a secret that the others have tried to keep hidden away.
Once the portal slammed shut behind him—likely with more force than it was intended to—Jameson stumbled, reaching out a hand to catch himself on one of the nearby metal support beams and earning a stinging shock of pain for his troubles.
Biting his lip, he hugged his arm close against his side, only slightly relieved that none of the others had been here to see that. Now that he had left them behind for the ABOP, sheer silence settled down over him, a staleness in the air and a chilly poison in his bones—and the greatest of irony was that he was the only one in the group who couldn’t fill it. Old tears pricked freshly at his eyes thanks to that thought but he hurriedly fumbled with his handkerchief to dash them away. He thought he had gotten used to this by now; it must just be the emotions running high today.
He was here to check on Sam, he reminded himself, venturing toward the tank that took up the far middle of the room. The soles of his shoes scuffed loudly against the floor and as soon as he started to lower his head and look, he had to close his eyes. A weighty shudder passed through him as he finally registered the lingering scent of Chase’s blood. No one had been here to clean the past couple of days; Signe wouldn’t have known to and Robbie—
He probably would have liked it.
Snapping teeth, wide, feral eyes, arms crashing down on top of him again and again and again, bringing too much pain to register all at once as he skidded across the floor, all senses ablaze, his only thoughts fear and escape—
Exhaling harshly, Jameson clenched his eyes shut and pressed his hands against his ears long enough that the memory could fade into the darkness behind his eyelids. Once the tinny buzz that had accompanied it receded, he gradually became aware of the muffled thump against the glass from the inside of the tank.
Relief spilled over him as he lifted his head and found Sam gazing back at him, tail waving back and forth hesitantly and kicking up bubbles. The little one was dilated and bloodshot but otherwise he seemed alright; there wasn’t any other indication that he’d ever been bleeding.
Jameson’s speech slide flickered to greet him…Then it died away. What could he say? What was he here for? Yes, he’d used Sam as the excuse to come but had his sole motivation really been to make sure he was recovering? He was ashamed to admit it but…no. He had wanted something the others couldn’t give him: escape. That was what Jameson Jackson did best, after all; he stepped out of the way while the more experienced, more accomplished Egos did what had to be done.
Anger, guilt, and a sense of utter uselessness struck simultaneously at that thought and he grit his teeth, a fresh speech slide startling Sam as it burst out in front of him. “What am I, Sam? What am I if not just a waste of space and resources—a waste of Seán McLoughlin’s thought? I’m not brilliant or crafty in any sense. I couldn’t gather the wits to answer a blasted telephone! The undead was more use than I was!
“I’m no warrior. I couldn’t defend myself or any of the others when they were down, wounded; I let that Glitch threaten to snatch them away! I cowered against the wall like a child! The others have fought him time and time again, but I would have let him—I would have let him destroy my loved ones. I would have done nothing and he would have killed Chase before my very eyes.”
Nausea surfaced with those words, a stunning dizziness as he realized just how close he’d come to losing him. He couldn’t begin to imagine the horrors of seeing what Anti would do to him; his stomach wouldn’t allow it but after seeing Schneeplestein when he first came home after nine months of it, he had an inkling that was more than enough. The twisting and tumbling of his insides only worsened as he thought of how quickly Anti had tried again at the hospital.
The others turned to Jack for their hope. Jameson turned to Chase. Over the course of getting to know him, he’d learned of things that no one should have to go through. He’d done nothing to hide his disbelief and distress as Chase stared off toward the wall and described his divorce and his journey with depression, as if he were reading it in the distance—as if it had happened to someone else. Divorce itself was a foreign and disturbing concept to the youngest Ego, but to hear how much Chase had suffered for it…
Even so, Chase had insisted that he needed to know. “I know your story, Jem, how you became you,” he reminded him with a wan smile that didn’t reach his eyes by a long shot. “It’s only fair that you understand in case I snap at you for no reason or don’t leave my bed for two days. I don’t wanna do that to you and I’ll do my best not to, but if I do…you need to know why.” He’d taken a breath, lowering his gaze from the wall to his hands and squeezing them together until his knuckles turned white. “So I took my gun—”
That was about the time that Jameson had burst into tears. It took Chase a moment to realize what was happening, given that JJ didn’t make a sound because of it, but as soon as he glanced over and saw the tears, he panicked, throwing himself sideways to wrap around Jameson’s shaking shoulders.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Jem. I’m sorry…”
He had relived that very same panic when Chase had begged him not to let the doctors operate. As soon as he had been pushed out and the door had slammed behind him, Jameson had rushed down the hall, stumbling and skirting past strangers in the hallway until he found an empty room where he could hide, calm himself. It had taken longer than he cared to admit.
The operation had gone well, thank heavens, but their reunion had still been far too short-lived to give Jameson any sense of closure. He hadn’t wanted to part with Chase for a second, much less for two days, but Dr. Iplier and the Host were watching over him. He was in good hands, wasn’t he? Jameson wasn’t exactly sure what their ranges of abilities were but judging by the way the Host had taken down Robbie, he was no stranger to violence.
Anti was no stranger to it either.
What on earth am I doing here? I ought to be back at the hospital with him…I should never have left him.
He had told Marvin not to bother fetching him any time soon, however, which meant that he had no way of knowing how long his stay would be.
For all he knew, the others may very well forget about him.
“At least I still have you,” he mustered weakly, peering up at Sam and rubbing his arms gingerly in an attempt to slough off the sudden loneliness that reminded him just how isolated he’d become.
The cot that he kept here for overnight stays was just where he’d last placed it, shoved against the wall on his right by a small mini-fridge—the only clean appliance to grace the vaulted room—and a row of dusty wooden cabinets that held shelves with all sorts of metal scraps and debris. When he was bored, he often reorganized them or tried to fit pieces together at random, to see if they had once made up something usable. With the mood he was in now, he felt a rather unhappy kinship with them. None of those knickknacks had found their place either.
Even so, he couldn’t afford to be lost in those feelings. He had asked for this, he had come here willingly, and now he needed to live with it.
Sam pulsed a small, concerned glow as he watched Jameson wander away his tank—not toward his cot but toward the other side, where several larger piles of machinery sat under tarps and shadows. Where some of the tarps had been eaten at by time and moths, he could see small lights blinking and flickering through. This was an area that he hadn’t explored yet; maybe it could entertain him until he went to the small cold storage for dinnertime. The gentleman only paused for a moment as Sam hurriedly swam after him, hitting the thick glass with a thunk and flicking his tail back and forth.
“No need to worry after me, Peeper,” he assured him, waving a placating hand as the mascot tapped the glass a second time. “I won’t disturb anything that seems too delicate; I certainly wouldn’t want to be taken right back to the doctors because of any foolish clumsiness.”
As it turned out, several of the piles were too delicate to disturb; he nearly jumped out of his skin as he lifted the edge of one tarp from the dusty floor and old springs and screws scattered around his feet as the weight of the covering was lifted. He could already foresee the disapproving stare that Sam was giving to the back of his head. Without acknowledging the glower pinned on him from behind, he innocently nudged the spilled parts back under the tarp with his foot and moved to the next.
There were old television boxes and computer shells tangled up in their own wiring, glass from their broken screens littering the floor around them. Other parts of the mess were indecipherable; they didn’t look like any kind of technology he had been introduced to yet.
Among the rest of the selection were old radios, dented speakers, knotted cables…It was a graveyard of parts. He did have to wonder why the others had kept all of these things instead of disposing of them, but some of the contraptions still had a half-life to them which came out in bits and spurts of static or crackling.
After the first three or four times of being startled by the sudden noises and flashes of black and white on the cracked screens, Jameson’s jumpiness gradually receded. He paced slowly back and forth in front of the rows, making guesses about what lay under the tarps he hadn’t removed and curiously following cables of various colors to see where they led.
“Now what could I uncover here?” he mused to himself, laying a hand on his hat to keep it on his head as he tilted it back and peered up at the largest of the tarps. “Tall, angular…A set of speakers, perhaps?”
With careful intent he reached out to brush against the tarp, taken aback when he felt a warm thrum of power under his fingers. “Why, this is still operational! Did it reactivate after it was discarded or has it had power all this time—and if it’s the latter, why discard it?” Behind him, Sam was rapping against the glass more insistently, more urgently, but he was too caught up in his exploration to hear.
This tarp was much heavier than the rest, he noted as he gathered up the excess folds of its edge, digging in his heels as he dragged it away. He had to step back several yards before the whole contraption was revealed, but once it was, the covering promptly fell through his fingers. It was an entire display of computers suspended in a frame with a broad silver desk as a base, edged in chrome.
“Oh, my…This is quite the modern system! Each of these looks like the computer Jackieboy uses when he—” Jameson stopped up short there, his awe and wonder briefly punctured as he remembered the hero’s current state. Swallowing dryly, he stepped over the heaps of canvas to approach the desk, swiping a few fingertips over its smooth, glossy surface.
This display had a layer of dust much thinner than the rest, so it must not have been here as long. Why was it here in the first place? Standing on tiptoe with an added push with his hands on the desktop, he peeked into each of the dark screens in turn, seeing nothing but his own inquisitive reflection despite the tangible power coursing through them.
“There’s no visible damage to them,” he remarked in puzzlement, lowering himself back to the ground. “They simply don’t project pictures like most—”
With a sputtering whine and the sizzle of electricity, the screen on his lower right came to life and he lurched, taken aback. The picture was black and white, marred by static but slowly gathering itself, clearing and sharpening. It was a kitchen, he realized, brows knitting. Why would someone be monitoring a kitchen?
Another beat later, the screen just above it came online, revealing a long, cluttered corridor. He had only seconds to process the sight before the one at the top of the row appeared, followed by the top center and the top left. The rest came into view in rapid succession, casting long shadows over him as they flickered and flared.
“What is this?” he questioned in a disbelieving whisper. “I’ve never seen these places…” There were no people he could see, no matter how long he stared at them. The longer he did, however, the more enveloped he became in them. For as many moving pictures as the others had showed him, there was nothing like this. They were simply rooms with labels, but there was something about them that was both foreign and familiar.
Eventually his eyes glanced and held on the conference room. There was a monitor in the room itself, a screen within a screen, and within that was nothing but static. His eyes pricked with moisture and pain as he stared at it for too long, but every time he considered looking away or even blinking, he felt that he couldn’t—or shouldn’t.
Ever so distantly, far beyond the ringing in his ears, he heard a series of dull thuds, like a consistent drumbeat from the inside of the tank that was staggered between his heartbeats. Sam. Sam was somewhere behind him, wasn’t he? How had he forgotten…?
Before he had finished forming the question, it swirled away somewhere to the back of his mind. Confusion rose after it and a deep, unsettling ache rose after that, pulsing somewhere behind his eyes as they were dragged slowly back and forth over the screens. This was wrong somehow, this was innocuously wrong but as he told himself to step back, to look away, to muster some kind of response, he was rooted there—watching and waiting for something.
The anticipation of its presence crawled into him, unwanted, tingling through his skin and stirring fresh pain in the bones Robbie had fractured. Trembling faintly, Jameson drew in a breath that never seemed to reach his lungs; the faster he breathed, the less air he kept. His train of thought was swerving down a broken track, grinding to a halt. Instead of his own thoughts, he heard whispers, thousands of them, hoarse and thick, wet and dry against his ears.
“What is this? I have no idea what’s going on!”
“Somebody explain!”
“We’re here for Anti.”
“He’s toying with us!”
“He hasn’t appeared for a long time now.”
“Please, let me sleep! C’mon, Jack, I’m begging you!”
“It has to be pre-recorded.”
“I’m doing my best to keep up with everything—”
“Did you guys see that?! I saw something in the kitchen!”
“What is that?!”
“Anti! Is that Anti?! He’s got a knife!”
“What is he doing?”
“What is happening?”
“Is anyone recording this?!”
“I’m sorry, guys, I just—I can’t stay any longer. Keep the watch for me!”
Unable to keep his legs underneath him any longer, Jameson buckled under the strain of the voices, sinking backwards into a desk chair that certainly hadn’t been positioned behind him before. It was the farthest question from his mind, however, as he stared openmouthed up at the monitors. Whatever this was, he couldn’t walk away from it. The voices had fallen in number, softening ever so slightly, but they were still there, drowning out all other thoughts, drowning out the desperate knocking of the mascot on the other side of the room.
Was there an end to it? He had to know if there was an end…
He had to wait. He had to watch.
There was a great chance that he’d be here overnight.
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One Little Thing...
((ok so to preface this; this is going in two parts bc I started writing so much, and also just a little warning, there is a bit of blood in this so... yeah! I hope y’all enjoy the insanity!))
Shop felt weak, weaker than she’d ever felt in her ‘career’ under Dark. What was she doing?... She laid, sprawled out on the forest floor… How… how did this happen.
No one really remembered when the first humans had stumbled across the ego’s place of residence, but it wasn’t like anyone really cared in the first place. Since Shop and her friends Pi and King had come, not much had changed, aside Pi braving the neighboring septics to befriend the Doctor Shneeplestein, and a few other folks joining the ranks of humans among literal giants… aside that, everyone kept to themselves, though paths were constantly crossed, and greetings were always exchanged.
It was nice.
And that’s not to say any part of Shop’s life was growing mundane, no no, it was always quite the opposite really. But… something always felt… off. And the worst part of it all was she knew exactly what it was, but she was always too worried to bring it up to her rather… intense friend. If she could even be allowed to call Dark her friend…
There was the obvious change in his demeanor the more time Shop spent with Dark, which was a lot, though he always seemed to cling to the past rather than let himself change, and Shop always knew better than to test the limits and patience Dark was already going out on a limb to offer her. She was always grateful, no doubt, but both could tell the girl was not satisfied with just that, growing impatient, which would work in favor of her downfall…
It happened one particularly boring day as the egos wrapped up their meeting. Shop had taken to people watching, always being the last to leave the room with Dark always meant waving and saying goodbyes and good days to egos and friends. Doc and Sal would chitter on about different cases with a cheery response peppered in, Techie and Sam may or may not be in attendance, but whether or not the cyborg mechanic would be hiding in the room always makes for a fun challenge for Shop. King and Host, they always make sure to pass by the assistant to say goodbye, and sometimes invite her for some tea and lunch, to which sometimes Shop will say yes to, but not today. There was something on her mind, and she needed to clear the air.
“Do you care about me?” The initial react was one Shop figured she would get as she held back wincing at the ringing as it grew briefly, a sign that Shop came to learn meant Dark was confused, possibly thrown off guard.
“Excuse me?” He replied dryly, finishing with his papers and notes, not batting an eyelash in his assistant’s direction.
“Do you care about me?” Shop asked more confidently, her voice as clear as her intentions.
“What kind of question is that.” Dark snarked back, clearly uninterested in addressing something that’s plagued his thoughts for a while now, largely unbeknownst to Shop.
“It’s the easy kind, the kind you can answer. Honestly.” She stepped on the edge of a notecard as Dark went to grab it. He sighed, annoyed.
“Why do you need to know?”
“Tsk, that is not a good enough answer Shop, spit it out.”
“If I do will you tell me?”
“mayhaps I will.”
Shop scrunched her nose up, he was being difficult and vague again. Of course, getting her to beat around the bush until she gave up. But not today.
“It’s just… I know you tolerate me- “ “this is true,” “But I just… I see everyone else… and I can tell that they’re cared about, like, really cared for…”
“Well, it would seem you already answered your own question, you are tolerated and respected, what more could you want?” Dark wanted to shut Shop down as quick as he could.
“That’s not what I mean. You know that. I know you do… we watch the same group of people do stuff…” Shop spoke softly, and Dark rolled his eyes, pfft, as if that would be enough to persuade him to come forth. The answer is no. Dark was always observant, always keeping tabs on everyone and what they did.
“Shop, I think you should go rest- “
“And I think you should stop avoiding the question- “
“That is none of your concern.”
“Just TELL me!” Shop nearly cried out, growing more and more impatient as she stood at the edge of the table, as if to face off with Dark, who was grumbling to himself.
“You had said it yourself, I tolerate you. End of story. Now get off my papers and let us leave the conference room.” Dark grabbed the rest of his things, shoving them away before he stepped out, soon followed by a disgruntled girl, who was more determined than ever to find what he really thought…
Back in their room, Shop climbed up to the nightstand next to a desk, where Dark was, working away before he cleared his throat, well aware of what Shop was trying to accomplish.
“I will not answer your needlessly nonsensical question shop.” He lets his voice linger and hiss softly.
“Oh come on! No one else will hear you-!”
“I said NO, SHOP.” Dark booms suddenly, banging a fist down in frustration, his voice loud, yet low and aggressive. “WHY ARE YOU SO ADAMENT ABOUT THIS? You already know, why do you keep demanding I tell you?”
He looks down as the trembling girl, her hands balled up into fists. His cold eyes softening for a flicker before hardening again, unwilling to give her the satisfaction of winning their little ‘game.’
“Be-because…. I need to know…. For sure….” Shop managed to stutter out, shaking in fear of Dark’s anger, clenching her jaw in resentment for even asking him if he cared…
What followed seemed to be the longest silence in either one’s life, even the ever-present ringing had quieted down, adding to the unease of it all. For once, the two were at a stalemate, neither one really able to move without the other claiming checkmate over the situation.
“Excuse me.” Dark finally spoke, though his voice was quiet, almost as if he was choked up over the conundrum he found himself in as he pushed his chair out and walked into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him and leaving Shop to break down.
Why did she think this would be a good idea, she always knew he would never willingly give her a straight answer, but she so was tired of being tossed around and strung along with little certainty, and now it was all coming back to her in the ass. Not to mention all the pent-up emotions, all suddenly bubbling forth because she was alone.
Just as always.
Shop sat with her tears and thoughts for what seemed like forever, and when she finally calmed down, and Dark still hadn’t come back out, she made up her mind, not bothering with anything more as she climbed down and ran out the room in a blur, her tears filling her eyes once more as she half climbed, half raced down the stairs.
If she wouldn’t be treated like she should, then she would just leave. Seemed easier than trying to get through to Dark.
Of course, emotions always seemed to cloud Shop’s logical thought process, making her act on a whim. That was always something she meant to work on. Guess not today.
Shop stormed out the hall and down the corridor, passing a few egos who might’ve called out to her, thinking she would respond, but they would not get so much as a nod as Shop’s heart lurched as she stopped in front of the main doorway of the ego’s manor. She… she hadn’t been outside the manor, not since she’d come…
But her mind was made up, especially when she heard an aggressive shout call her name, ringing in her mind. Dark was coming, and in her rush, shop sprouted her wings and jumped up to the door knob, turning it with some effort, and swinging the door wide open as she pushed off and fell into a dive, flying towards the forest.
“SHOP? SHOP GET BACK HERE N O W.” Dark had screamed in her head; the good thing about having made a deal with her so long ago was that he had access to her mind. Of course, he didn’t bother peering into it all the time, since Shop was normally very vocal about her thoughts. But now, now he used it to try to stop her from running away, having been perplexed briefly when he no longer heard sobbing outside the bathroom door.
He ran out to the steps of the estate, the eyes of curious onlookers following him, not daring to speak up or question the situation. It was plain as day that something just happened, and that that something was not for them to interfere with.
Shop had never flown with so much room at her disposal, sure the manor had lots of room, and Shop could always make herself smaller to fit her needs, but it never felt quite right. Here though, in the forest, she could dip and dive, and more importantly, burn off the anger that had built up over the course of the day. No point in trying to fight fire with fire, she would just keep doing what she does and treat Dark with kindness and hope one day, he would learn from her.
Little did she know, he already had.
Someplace else, a certain bitchy glitch was practicing throwing knives at a crudely drawn dartboard he’d carved into a tree, grumbling about how unfair it was that Scheeplestein had kicked him out again for trying to mess with his little friend.
Maybe I can sneak in and fuck around with Dark and that Shop gal… Anti thought to himself with a chuckle. It was hard, but the few times he’d been able to sneak into the ego’s estate to mess with Dark and his assistant were always fond memories to him. That girl knew how to scream, that was for sure.
Anti was about to throw another knife when his eyes caught a glimpse of a flying object as it zipped by a few trees away from where he stood. Something about this figure intrigued him and he collected his knives, starting to follow in the direction he saw the creature fly off in...
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gemstoneandtriangle · 6 years
Ego Shorts Explained pt. 3: Dynamics
(Otherwise known as how I see everyone interacting with each other. See if you can spot the community inspired references. Spoilers: they're all inspired by the community)
Best friends:
Dr. Schneeplestien and Chase
Anti and JJ
JJ and Marvin
JJ and Robbie
JJ and Jackieboy Man
JJ and Chase
JJ and Dr. Schneeplestien
Marvin and Chase
Chase and Jackieboy Man
Jackieboy Man and Dr. Schneeplestein
Chase and Robbie
Jackieboy Man and Marvin
Robbie and Jackieboy Man
Jackieboy Man and Anti
Robbie and Dr. Schneeplestien
Dr. Schneeplestein and Anti
Chase and Anti
Best Frienemies:
Dr. Schneeplestien and Marvin
Anti and Robbie
Anti and Marvin
Robbie and Marvin
Dynamics Explained:
Schneep and Chase both have similar family problems. Schneep is the supportive friend who works towards seeing their friend be happy and healthy. Very defensive. Chase appreciates the support and makes sure Schneep doesn't overwork himself. The two go out for coffee breaks when needed. Schneep is aware that Anti is after Chase, especially after dealing with the him before. Schneep is the first person Chase goes to when he needs to talk about his problems, and the good doctor will usually drop whatever he's doing to listen.
Anti met JJ as soon as he was brought into the "Septic Family" and wasted no time corrupting him. JJ doesn't seem to have any long lasting effects from the corruption, but does have occasional violent tendencies. These are usually hidden as clumsy mishaps with sharp objects, mostly directed at himself, but can harm another person. When these are not present, JJ acts as his usual self, cheerful and eager to entertain. Anti has taken the liberty to teach the mute sign language, earning his trust even more, and very occasionally lets JJ sit in during his crocheting. JJ is very friendly and trusting towards each ego, and Anti is no different. Most of the time he is the first to even tell if Anti is around, giving away his location. It is unclear whether the two are really friends or if Anti is simply controlling him, but they are considered best friends anyways.
JJ and Marvin quickly became friends in fashion and entertainment. Marvin is always looking for volunteers for his tricks, and JJ is always willing to help. Even when a preformamce goes wrong, JJ will be the first to reassure Marvin and encourage him to try again. JJ is very supportive and will even help Marvin with a patch job if needed. Both egos' over the top demeanor work well off of each other for entertaining shows, allowing them to be close friends.
Robbie is usually left out of the group (considering he's not offically recognized as an ego by Jack himself), so JJ decided to fix that. JJ acts as an escort and translator of sorts for the zombie and regularly lends him a hand. Robbie has never thanked him yet, but JJ can see the gratitude in his cold, dead eyes. When the others are all against Robbie, JJ will stand by his side.
Jackieboy Man and JJ aren't too close, but Jackieboy does keep an eye out on the mute, mostly due to Anti's influence on him. Jackieboy usually asks for help with his super suit as a way to check up on JJ, making small tears with a pair of scissors and a story in case he is questioned. If he causes minimal damage to himself or the hero, he's fine. If he's constantly getting stuck by needles, Anti's up to no good. Jackieboy does feel bad about tricking JJ, but feels a hero needs to do whatever he can to keep innocent civillians safe. Jackieboy also notices when JJ is helping the other egos with their jobs, and feels a sense of pride knowing he is keeping Anti away from him. JJ supports the hero when he can, encouraging him to never give up the fight against evil.
Chase and JJ get along just fine, especially when working on videos. Chase does think that something is a little off with the way JJ acts, but doesn't question it any farther. JJ will occasionally check in with Chase if he's been quiet all day, making sure he hasn't done anything drastic. If Chase is caught with a bottle, JJ will be the first to tell him off about drinking, reminding him how it won't solve anything.
Schneep is very cautious around JJ, also aware of Anti's influence on him. After doing a thorough check up, Schneep discovered JJ is fully in control of his actions, does not suffer from any mental illnesses, and that he does, in fact, have working vocal cords, meaning JJ can speak, but chooses not to. Schneep appreciates any help JJ brings during his work, even if he is a little clumsy. JJ can recognize when Schneep has been overworking and will do his best to separate him from his work before a very unfortunate patient gets hurt.
Marvin is interested by Chase's show, and is constantly asking to be on it, wanting to show off his magic. Chase usually says no, claiming his show is about average trickshots and not about fooling an audience. Marvin once pointed out how he fooled the audience into thinking he's living a happy life with his family and Chase broke down crying. Marvin quickly apologized and made flowers appear from his wand to cheer him up. It didn't work. Marvin stopped asking to be on his show after that. He does still offer advice for new tricks to impress his audience and has even helped supply fireworks for one show. Marvin tries to support Chase and help him when he's upset, going so far as to perform a private show for him. He's even bought a book about consuling friends and mending wounds. He does slip up and say the wrong things sometimes, but tries to make up for it afterwards.
Jackieboy Man is one of the egos that will break down Chase's door if he feels like he's in trouble. Anti has had his eyes on torturing him for quite some time now, and Jackieboy will not let that happen! Chase appreciates the support, but does feel like Jackieboy can be overbearing. He's just trying to protect the innocent from harm! It's his job! Jackieboy makes sure to end every visit with a pep talk, encouraging words, and a reminder to keep up a "Positive! Mental! Attitude!" before leaving. It gets repetitive after a while, but there's something about the PMA shout that makes Chase smile.
Jackieboy Man will sometimes find injured civillians with nowhere to bring them shelter during his patrols, and the only person he can turn to is Schneep. Jackieboy monitors the patient the entire time they're there, fully aware of the doctor's habits when he doesn't have his coffee. When he's finished, Jackieboy will thank Schneep for understanding the situation and escort the civilian back to their home. Jackieboy will remind Schneep about PMA as well, wanting him to spread that mindset to his patients. Schneep is the only victim of Anti that Jackieboy is not aware of, meaning his patrols around his room are very few and kept to the point.
Chase, like most of the egos, is very wary around Robbie, unsure if he is safe to be around. On good days, Chase may forget about his fear of the zombie and may hang out with him, showing him a few trick shots. Robbie doesn't say it, but Chase likes to thing he enjoys them.
Jackieboy Man and Marvin both admire the other's masks and value of keeping people happy, but that's about all they agree on. Jackieboy usually gets an earful about his lack of cape from the magician and Marvin is always told he could be helping people with his magic from the hero. The two basically tolerate each other.
Robbie is a zombie! A threat to Jackieboy Man's quest to keep people safe! He doesn't do much other than limp around and moan, sure, but he's a zombie! Maybe Robbie just needs some PMA to keep himself out of trouble.
Ever since Jack was first attacked by Anti, Jackieboy Man has made it his life goal to stop the demon from taking anymore lives. Anti will berate Jackieboy for failing at his job of protecting Jack and brag that he has plans for the other egos, or as he likes to call them: "puppets". Jackieboy and Anti get into verbal and physical fights nearly every time they are in the same room. Negative mind set versus positive mental attitude, good versus evil, superhero versus super demon, who will win?
Schneep is very fascinated by Robbie and only wants to run a few tests... Too bad the zombie hates doctors and needles. Usually slow, Robbie will suddenly get a boost of speed if it means he gets away from Schneep. On rare occasions, the two will put their differences aside for a coffee break.
Schneep didn't believe Anti was a person at first, and instead treated him like a mental illness, until Jack suddenly became serverly ill and had to be operated on. Schneep found Jack suffering from several symptoms, and could not figure out a cure. Soon he realized that he was suffering from the same symptoms too. He nodded off several times, and once caught himself trying to choke himself with headphone cords. Schneep claims he has no memory of anything after, including Jack flatlining, seeing as he's still here, walking around like nothing's wrong, but the doctor does remember hearing Jack's voice near the end of the operation, but something wasn't right about it. After the whole ordeal, Schneep started seeing Anti, walking around among the egos, interacting with them. Schneep knows he's real now, and has vowed to protect the others from his influence, seeing just how powerful he really is. Anti will glitch into his office on occasions, messing with his supplies, sometimes going so far as to force Schneep to give a patient a lethal injection. Schneep, of course, will try and reverse the effects, but when he fails, Anti reveals himself and makes sure to remind him of his mistakes. One time had gotten so bad that Chase had to force himself into the room and snap the doctor out of a hysterical episode. Schneep does not tolerate Anti being anywhere near him or the others.
After learning about all of Chase's problems, Anti decided to become his demons personified, pushing his depression to the edge and even suggesting "solutions" to end his suffering. When he's thinking clearly, Chase can fight back without too much trouble, but if Chase is really beaten down, those suggestions become very tempting. He's paranoid around Anti, as he should be, and prefers for someone else to be around with him if he's in the same room.
Schneep is a doctor, he knows what he's doing, according to himself at least. Marvin disagrees, as he's read up on a few medical books in his spare time, and will be the first to point out anything that seems off. Schneep and Marvin often get into fights about how important magic or science really is, usually resulting to childish name calling until someone's feelings (Marvin's) gets hurt. The two make up quickly, and tend to show they're sincere by watching the other preform their jobs. Marvin will sometimes come to Schneep with a crazy idea for a new trick, and the doctor will do his best to support him, even if he knows it will end badly.
Anti and Robbie don't mind each other for the most part, but sometimes Anti needs a puppet to cause chaos, and luckily there's a zombie that everyone's afraid of nearby. Robbie hates that the only real interaction he has with Anti is being a vessel for mayham, but tolerates his presence anyways, as he doesn't run away in fear.
Marvin has strived to perfect the art of illusion, but isn't too good at it just yet. Enter a psychopathic glitch demon with promises of mastering more than just slight of the hand tricks. Marvin knows not to trust Anti, and constantly refuses his offers, no matter how great they are, but Anti knows he will come around eventually, and if he doesn't, he can find a new use for the magician.
Like his relationship with Schneep, Robbie is always running from Marvin, whether to escape being a volunteer for his latest trick or just wanting to study him to learn about reanimation. On good days, Marvin just wants to test out a card trick and Robbie will happily offer to help, but as soon as the zombie sees anything that's more than what was mentioned, he's good as gone.
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