#and whether or not you think my headcanons are 'so removed from canon' is also not an issue by itself
laithraihan · 16 days
I really don't care about whatever someone ships or doesn't & I do believe you that it's not meant shippy & I think that's fine, because it's fiction so you can make up a bond between whoever you like however you like. But that goes for everyone else alike.
Art will be interpreted as soon as you look at it not after digging for the artist's own opinion, so I can't say I'm surprised that people look at it and think it's shippy first. Sure, some were annoying about it I grant you that, but I think it's because it simply comes of hypocritical to act like a ship interpretation is nuts when the art simply does look like that on first glance.
The average MP100 viewer will not interpret a familial bond between these two characters who canonically barely interacted, but you did. (& more power to you) Maybe your average follower will not interpret a romantic implication in your artworks, but others will. (& more power to them)
I really don't think people lack parental love to see it shippy, I think people simply expect parental love between, well, a parent and their child. Not someone you personally declared to be a "weird uncle" to a girl he barely knows. I didn't even want good night kisses from my actual "weird uncle" as a kid idk man.
Again, I don't see the slightest issue with the platonic relationship you make up for them. I just also get where the romantic interpretations are coming from.
Your uncle/niece interpretation sincerely is farther removed from canon than ship interpretations are from your artworks.
Interesting message so I'll answer this genuinely.
To start off: I Never once implied that it was crazy that other people would interpret this as romantic at first glance. I quite literally said that I understood the confusion because these two barely interacted in canon. Which is why Im always happy to explain my intentions. Experiences vary so what one considers normal may not be normal to someone else: I'm very much aware of this but y'all clearly aren't.
When it gets to the point where people say "this artist drew that AND said it wasn't shipping even though we can obviously tell theyre delusional and in denial", that's where the problem is. I provide an explanation, that explanation gets ignored, people either answer "lmao just admit it" or they treat me as if I'm the worst person alive and they refuse to accept they must've been wrong about their interpretations. They proceed to openly "discuss" this (by just mocking me repeatedly, nothing constructive) in a public space where they think I can't see it almost as if they forget I'm an actual person who can come across these messages at any time.
What others ship or don't ship is none of my concern, I stay away from circles I dislike. But when people constantly attempt to force me into "admitting" I'm into something that I have zero interest in out of malicious intent, then naturally it'll annoy me.
I'm sure you didn't really mean to imply that I was merely outraged at the thought of someone interpreting this as romantic if they didnt know every single thing about my headcanons which is why I'm answering you sincerely. So please forgive me for assuming the ones who compared a peck on the cheek to some nonsense like "platonic breastfeeding" have never experienced any sort of familial love growing up 💜
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burr-ell · 1 year
I'll preface this by saying that I don't by any means begrudge anyone their own personal headcanons or interpretations, but I kinda have to get it off my chest that I'm personally not very comfortable with significant deviations from canon character design on CR, and I really tend to side-eye people who have declared their fanart to be "better".
And sure, some of that is because i'm a cranky old bastard. But some of that is that I also have an animation degree and have studied character design. Creators generally give artists a fair amount of input as to how they want their designs to connote the characters' personalities—not just in terms of clothing or hairstyle, but in the overall shape of the silhouettes and body structures. And in the case of CR in particular, that's coming from a place of much closer familiarity with the characters because the creator is actually going to be embodying them for a fairly long period of time, so when the fan response is heavy deviation from that, I think it can feed into some unhealthy fanon perceptions and projections.
Like, for example, it's not so much that I think fanartists are "disrespecting the creators" or whatever when they keep giving Imogen a sweet little round face and big hips/breasts and cute circular glasses, but I've also studied shape language in art. You're communicating something when you design her this way; if a character's silhouette has a lot of circles, visually that connotes being friendly, sweet, and cute. The person who first suggested drawing her with glasses explicitly said they thought it would look cute—and no shade to them! They can like whatever they want!
But canonically, Imogen is a woman in her 20s who's been dealing with unanswered questions, abandonment, loneliness, and sheer exhaustion from trying to hold back and control powers that she never asked for—and who simultaneously uses those powers even when it isn't necessary if she thinks it'll help her achieve a goal or prove a point. She isn't unfriendly, and she wants to do the right thing, but she's also someone who's consciously chosen to keep to herself for most of her life, and yet simultaneously she's quite adept at persuading and deceiving people. I think we're meant to pick up that sense of world-weariness and cynicism from her angular facial features and thin frame. That's...kind of just how character design works.
I think the trend of disregarding the official art and giving her softer features has had an impact on the perception of Imogen as a character. I see a lot of views of her that really remove a lot of her agency, treating her like she's only ever been a victim of circumstance who's never put a foot wrong. Some fans got pushback for pointing out that it really wasn't cool for Imogen to openly contemplate whether or not the Ruby Vanguard might be right in front of three people who were killed by Otohan, insisting that imogen was just dealing with a lot right then. And yes, she was, but that doesn't mean that the way she was dealing with it doesn't say something about her as a character. I don't know if I'd call it coddling, necessarily (even though perhaps there are some very coddling takes I just haven't seen), but there seems to be some resistance, in some circles, to the idea that Imogen isn't a put-upon martyr. And in those same circles, round friendly-looking glasses-wearing Imogen abounds, to the point of editing the official art itself to "fix it".
Truth be told I'd be willing to bet that the rounder cuter Imogen actually came about because of the initial impression of her, given how much fanon at the start of c3 revolved around poor baby Imogen with her scary nightmares needing the wiser, worldlier Laudna to comfort her and kiss it better, but those visuals also proliferated rather quickly and well beyond past the point where that fanon was feasible anymore, and I think both aspects of that fanon ended up informing each other. It's not lost on me that the rounder and cuter-looking Imogen performs the literal function of sanding down her harder edges.
And like I said, I'm not here to be needlessly negative toward what other people want to do. If you want to draw the characters differently to their official art, I don't think either the cast or the artist are especially offended by it. But I personally dislike it, in part because I think some of these trends are a way for fans to claim a certain amount of ownership over the characters, whether they intend it or not. And the ultimate outcome of that is that when creators inevitably assert their ownership over a deeply personal story in a way that fans don't like, the backlash is much stronger than it reasonably should be, which is something I think the CR fandom has seen often enough not to continue doing as often as it does.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 5 months
Thanks for all the love on the episode one intro for my fan-written Six of Crows Spin Off script! I’ve decided to post each episode broken down into parts since they’re looking pretty long when they’re all strung together, so welcome to episode one part 2! If anyone hasn’t seen the intro yet and wants to then let me know and I can tag you, and I have been wondering whether I should make an AO3 account so I can put my fics up and it’s easier to find all the chapters so if anyone thinks that would be better then let me know (it wouldn’t stop me from putting them up here too) ❤️
Be warned I've taken a little artisitc licence (eg inserting a reference to my personal Anya headcanon in the previous part) but most of this is direct quotes/takes on direct quotes - and also I've never written a script before so my formatting is my own made up method I hope it makes sense. This section more than the previous is one where I’ve had to start making strides away from the book in order to match Show!canon but I’m trying to remain as true as possible. Hope you enjoy! ❤️
Episode One Part 2
[Open on the Barrel. The camera moves into the city from the harbours, through shadows across the rooftops of East and West Stave. We are seeing the city through someone's eyes. We travel past several pleasure houses, but we do not see the Menagerie. West Stave is alive and kicking; the streets are overflowing with the colourful Komedie Brute costumes of pleasure seekers, girls in silks wave from high windows to prospective clients on the street below, acrobats hang from swings over the canal as people watch them whooping and cheering. As we leave West Stave behind and head south, we pass the Crow Club with heavy crowds outside it, and arrive on the rooftop of the Slat. The camera pans down to the street below, and the clacking of a cane is heard against the cobbles. The camera switches to street level to watch KAZ BREKKER enter the Slat, heads in the busy building quickly turning towards him. The room seems to come more alert as he walks through it.
A group of people - ROTTY, ANNIKA, PIM, and ROETTER - stand near the stairs talking. The room is still loud and they don't appear to have noticed KAZ]
ROTTY: I'm just sayin', Wraith's been scarce. Worth a mention, innit?
ROETTER: So he can set that shark's glare on me? Sign me up to the gallows first
ANNIKA: C'mon, he knows your gunning to be his new spider. Everyone knows. You actually mention it, maybe you'll get jobs comin' your way.
[Someone begins to reply but the conversation dies quickly and nervously as KAZ approaches. He clearly knows what they're talking about, but he does not acknowledge it.]
KAZ: Annika, fetch Jesper and Big Bolliger. I want them as my seconds tonight
ANNIKA: Big Bol? You sure you just want a bouncer tonight Kaz? Could be tr-
[KAZ glares at ANNIKA and she quiets, before turning to leave. The group disperses and Kaz marches up the stairs to the attic. Behind him, ROTTY can be heard expressing agreement on ROETER's point about the shark's glare. KAZ opens his window and wafts away a group of crows that have gathered there, then walks to the sink and removes his gloves. Behind him, the crows return to their perch. The camera focuses on KAZ's hands as he begins to wash them, until he straightens and sighs]
KAZ: You shouldn't feed crows
[Kaz turns and the camera follows his gaze. INEJ GHAFA sits on the window sill, reaching out to the birds]
INEJ: Why not?
[INEJ closes her eyes to feel the last of the evening sun on her cheeks. KAZ watches her intently, whatever he was going to say dying on his lips. His jaw ticks]
INEJ: Why not, Kaz?
[KAZ hesitates, breath catching]
KAZ: They have no manners
[INEJ laughs. The sun is soft and glowing on her face, her eyes are still closed. KAZ cannot stop watching her, and it terrifies him]
INEJ: Neither do you, Kaz. You didn't even say hello
KAZ: You didn't say goodbye
[There is a brief pause. INEJ looks at KAZ, then out the window]
INEJ, softly: I should have KAZ: Why are you here?
[INEJ looks out the window]
KAZ: You still hear things
INEJ: You can’t train a falcon and expect it not to hunt.
[She looks up at him]
INEJ: Heleen Van Houden.
[KAZ nods]
INEJ: Wandering into the Barrel like she wasn’t the victim in a murder investigation that nearly tore the city to shreds. And what? Having immediate claim to the house she left in the hands of Pekka Rollins?
KAZ: He’s out. When your supposed victim’s sticking her fingers back into the pocket of every magistrate in city, you find your murder charges dropping pretty quickly.
INEJ: So that’s that?
KAZ: That’s that. Everything we did, for nothing:
[INEJ runs her fingers across the scar from her Menagerie tattoo]
INEJ: For everything.
[For a moment, the silence is fraught. The pair cannot quite bring themselves to make eye contact. By the time KAZ speaks, it seems as though he is forcing himself to say it aloud]
KAZ: I have a job tonight
[INEJ looks up at KAZ, expectantly]
KAZ: We need you. I... I need you
[INEJ smiles as she climbs through the window and into the room]
INEJ: What are we doing?
KAZ: Parely, with the Black Tips. I'll need anything you can tell me on Geels' seconds - Oomen and []
[As KAZ speaks the scene dissolves into him, JESPER FAHEY, ANNIKA, PIM, ROTTY, BIG BOLLIGER, MUZZEN, and several other Dregs members standing outside the wall of the exchange later that night. KAZ's explanation of the plan continues on voiceover as we see the group arrive, talking to each other loudly]
KAZ: They've been eating away at my business on Fifth Harbour for weeks, and now they've intercepted a jurda shipment. Tonight, we discuss. And tonight, someone pays.
[INEJ stands on the roof of the exchange, looking down at the group below. As she slips down through the shadows, touching her hands to her knives and silently mouthing their names, she looks at the carvings in the stone arch entrance to the exchange: Industry, Integrity, Prosperity. She frowns. She slips to the ground a little farther down the street so she can approach the group at ground level, pausing for a moment to watch them from a darkened storefront. KAZ stands a little back from the others, leaning against his cane in the shadow of the arch. His eyes find Inej, then keep moving.]
JESPER: Three ships! The Shu sent them. Just sitting in the harbour - cannons out, red flags flying. And stuffed to the sails with gold.
BIG BOLLIGER: Would've liked to see that
JESPER: Would've like to steal that. Half the Merchant Council was down there flapping and squawking, trying to figure out what to do
BIG BOLLIGER: Don't they want the Shu paying their debts?
[KAZ steps forward into the slice of light where the others are standing, cane hitting the cobble stones loudly]
KAZ: Yes and no. It's always nice to have a country in debt to you. Makes for... friendlier negotiations
[KAZ looks specifically at BIG BOLLIGER as he speaks, wearing a crocodile's smile. JESPER shrugs]
JESPER: Maybe the Shu are done being friendly. They didn't have to send all that treasure at once. You reckon they stuck that trade ambassador?
[KAZ lifts his gaze again and this time his and INEJ's eyes meet directly. They are both thinking the same thing; brief flashback to KAZ's office. INEJ sits cross-legged on the window sill as KAZ paces slowly, and they list theories for each other about how the Trade Ambassador was murdered]
INEJ: We have to be missing something. Men don’t just walk into washrooms and find knives in their backs.
KAZ: Broad daylight, no windows, no vents. No-one in or out. Not even you could've squeezed through the plumbing
INEJ: So what? Ghosts?
[KAZ raises an eyebrow]
KAZ: Don't tell me you believe in ghosts now
INEJ: I believe in lots of things, Kaz. But perhaps wraiths aren't one of them
[The challenge is clear in her eyes and it makes KAZ uncomfortable. Return to the present]
KAZ: It won't matter what actually happened, just what everyone thinks did. The Zemeni blame the Kerch, the Kerch suspect the Shu, and no-one gets their satisfying answer before all the guns come out. It's nearly time
[KAZ gestures for JESPER and BIG BOLLIGER to remove their weapons. JESPER unslings his gun belt unhappily, and bestows a kiss on each revolver before handing them to ROTTY]
JESPER: Take good care of my babies. If I see a single scratch on them, I'll spell 'forgive me' across your chest in bullets
ROTTY: You wouldn't waste the ammo
BIG BOLLIGER: And he'd die before you finished 'forgive'
JESPER: It's about sending a message - what's the point of a dead guy with 'FORG' written on his chest?
KAZ: So, compromise. 'SORRY' does the trick - and uses fewer bullets.
[BIG BOLLIGER hands over all of his weapons, and KAZ hands over three knives]
JESPER, pointing to Kaz's cane: What about that?
KAZ: Who'd deny a poor cripple his cane?
JESPER: If it's you, any man with sense
KAZ: Then it's a good job we're meeting Geels tonight. Neutral territory, Jesper, give up the rifle
INEJ: This is a mistake
[INEJ is suddenly visible from the shadows. BIG BOLLIGER flinches away from her as the others all jump in surprise, except KAZ, and a whisper of 'the Wraith' goes through the crowd.]
INEJ: This doesn't feel neutral. Geels is up to something
KAZ: Of course he is.
INEJ: Then why come here tonight?
KAZ: Street law is street law, Inej. There's a way to do things
INEJ: You’re going to get us all killed
[JESPER smiles, stretching]
JESPER: Statistically, Inej, he's probably only going to get some of us killed
INEJ: It's not a joke
KAZ: He's not joking - he's playing the odds.
BIG BOLLIGER: Well I have a pint of lager waiting for me at the Couperron, so I can’t be the one to die tonight.
JESPER, grinning: Care to place a wager?
BIG BOLLIGER: I'm not going to bet on my own death
KAZ, running his fingers over the rim of his hat: Why not, Bolliger? We do it every day
[The church bell chimes for midnight]
KAZ: Remember: No matter what you hear, you don’t whether the fray without my say so. Stay sharp, and stay hidden
[There is a murmur of acknowledgment and agreement from the Dregs. INEJ turns towards the shadows and Kaz catches her arm to stop her. The camera focuses on her gloves and her sleeve]
KAZ: Keep an eye on the rooftop guards. Geels may have them in his pocket
[INEJ frowns but nods. She backs away slightly as Kaz releases her arm. There is tension in coming so close to touch and neither of them have missed it]
JESPER: No mourners
ALL: No funerals
[The trio enter the exchange. INEJ climbs the canal-facing wall]
INEJ, muttering to self: Street law. A relic. How would you fair if I obeyed street law, Kaz?
[She swings herself up capably and smiles]
INEJ, to self: How would you fair if I obeyed the law of gravity?
[As she climbs and the first look at the scene unfolds, KAZ and INEJ discuss the plan on voiceover; the conversation they had earlier this evening continued]
KAZ, voiceover: They’re sure precaution against you
[INEJ finds the drainpipe she reaches for slick with oil and a rim she runs her fingers over to test covered in ground glass. She smiles with grim pleasure at the knowledge she is expected]
INEJ, voiceover: They’re sure to try
[She picks the lock of a window and sneaks inside, crossing to a balcony to stand over the exchange. She watches KAZ, JESPER, and BIG BOLLIGER enter from the Eastern side of the exchange as the Black Tips - GEELS, OOMEN, and ELSINGER - enter from the Western. INEJ’s voiceover returns to tell KAZ the information she gathered about the Black Tips, and the camera focuses on each of them as she speaks]
INEJ, voiceover: Geels and Elsinger came up the ranks of the Black Tips together. There’s trust there, not exploitable. There’s little to say about Elsinger that you can’t tell by looking at him. He’s a bruiser, and he’s good at it
KAZ, voiceover: At least with Bolliger there one of us will be tall enough to look him in the eye
INEJ, voicover: If there’s any potential problem, it’s Oomen.
KAZ: Oomen, Really? He’s built like a scarecrow
INEJ: He might not look so much of a threat, but he makes me nervous. He’s violent, and he’s unafraid. They say he once crushed a man’s skull with his bare hands, wiped the blood off on his shirt, and went on drinking
[The opposing gang members pat each other down to check for weapons. JESPER finds a small knife on ELSINGER and tosses it to the corner of the Exchange]
JESPER: Naughty, naughty
[BIG BOLLIGER finishes patting down GEELS]
BIG BOLLIGER: He’s clean
[GEELS spreads his arms to indicate the start of the negotiations. He is noticeably older than KAZ and the others, but it doesn’t look like he’s weaker. He seems more confident, possibly even more commanding]
GEELS: Let’s be fair, eh? It’s not fair for you to cull every spend-happy tourist stepping off a boat in fifth harbour. We all got bills to pay
KAZ: Fifth harbour is ours. We get first crack at all the pigeons we want
GEELS: You’re young, lad, you’re fresh. Maybe you don’t know how these things work yet. Harbours belong to the city, we all have as much right to them as anyone else
KAZ: Not fifth. Maybe you don’t know how these things work, but I own majority shares in that harbour. It was all but useless to this city until I had it dredged, and built out the docks. Fifth harbour is mine.
[GEELS sniffs in disagreement, but has no counterargument]
KAZ: You’ve been interrupting our traffic, and you intercepted a jurda shipment that should have docked two nights ago
GEELS: I don’t know what you’re talking about
KAZ: I know it comes easy, Geels, but try not to play dumb with me
[GEELS steps forwards but KAZ stands his ground]
GEELS: Quit flexing, boy. We all know Per Haskell doesn’t have the stomach for a real brawl
[KAZ laughs roughly]
KAZ: But I’m the one at your table. Haskell’s out of the game - has been for a while now. Maybe you should start second guessing your sources of information
[GEELS shifts uncomfortably]
KAZ: The Dregs are my operation, and I’m not here for a taste. You want a war? I’ll make sure you eat your fill
GEELS: And if you vanish, Brekker? We all know you’re the spine of the operation - whether it’s Haskell behind the scenes or someone else. Snap it, and the Dregs collapse.
[JESPER laughs and incurs glares from everyone else]
JESPER: Stomach, spine. What’s next - spleen?
KAZ: Follow the damn rules, Jesper.
[JESPER mouths “sorry” and pantomimes locking his lips. KAZ rolls his eyes before turning back to his conversation]
KAZ: I’m fairly sure you’re threatening me, Geels. But I want to be certain before I decide what time do about it
GEELS: Then what if I told you there are two guards with city issue rifles pointed at you right now?
[INEJ tenses, eyes quickly searching the roof for the guards’ silhouettes. KAZ glances casually upwards]
KAZ: Hiring city guards to do your killing? I’d say that’s an expensive proposition for a gang like the Black Tips
[INEJ climbs up to the roof and hurries across it, ignoring the walkway that is clearly there to be used by the guards. She hides behind the gables to watch for the guards and listen to the conversation]
KAZ: I’m flattered you’d do so much just for me
GEELS: The Dregs won’t last a week without you
KAZ: I’d give them a month on sheer momentum
GEELS: Should we find out, you smug little slum rat?
KAZ: Do it
[INEJ cannot find the guards and she is panicking. KAZ is very calm]
GEELS: Should I have them shoot you in the good leg?
KAZ: Stop talking and do it. Shoot
Jesper: … Kaz?
KAZ: Go on
INEJ, to self: What game are you playing, Kaz?
GEELS: Fire!
[There’s a loud gunshot and a sudden flash. BIG BOLLIGER screams as he collapses to the floor of the exchange and JESPER runs towards him and applied pressure to the wound. KAZ raises an eyebrow]
JESPER: You worthless podge, Geels! You’ve violated neutral territory
GEELS, hiding the panic in his voice: Nothing to say you didn’t shoot first. And anyway, who’s going to know? None of you are walking out of here
KAZ: You don’t look well, Geels. Things aren’t going quite to plan, are they?
JESPER: Kaz, Bolliger’s bleeding bad
KAZ: Good.
JESPER: He needs a Medik
KAZ: He needs to stop his bellyaching and be glad I didn’t have Holst take him down with a headshot.
[GEELS flinches]
KAZ: That’s the guard’s name, right? Willem Holst and Bert Van Daal. The guards you emptied the Black Tips’ coffers to bribe. Holst likes to gamble almost as much as Jesper does, so your money held a lot of appeal. But he has bigger problems. Let’s call them… urges. I won’t go into detail - secrets aren’t like coin. They don’t keep their value in the spending. You’ll just have to take my word for it when I say that this one would turn even your rotten stomach.
[Another shot is fired, springing against the cobbles near GEELS’ feet. He jumps back in panic. INEJ tracks the source of the shot with her eyes, and heads in the opposite direction to find the other guard - VAN DAAL.]
GEELS: Just shoot him, Holst! Your secret dies with him
KAZ, snorting: You think I’m that foolish? Go on Holst, put a bullet in my skull! My messengers will reach your wife and your watch captain before I hit the ground. Are you worrying about the other guard, Geels? Maybe I got to him too. Maybe he’s getting ready to blow a hole in your chest.
[INEJ is hurrying across the rooftops towards VAN DAAL at top speed. It’s unclear if she’s going to make it in time]
KAZ: Why not give Van Daal the order and find out?
[GEELS hesitates for a moment]
GEELS: Van Daal?
[VAN DAAL opens his mouth but before he can reply a blade appears at his throat and he is forced backwards. INEJ stands behind him.]
INEJ: Hush, now
[She jabs him gently in the side; he knows there is another knife at his kidney.]
VAN DAAL: Please
INEJ: I like it when men beg. But this isn’t the time for it
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milos-lil-corner · 7 months
Headcanons with accompanying doodles
Below are headcanons and stuff of multiple creepypasta dudes.
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Random thought from a friend: Zalgo really not liking being summoned by either their followers or random weirdos, so he would be very passive aggressive and try to cut time short to get the hell out of there so they can go back to whatever they were doing before. Not nessacarily a headcanon, but I'd like to imagine it.
Anyways, Zalgo in a a steriotypical "I really don't wanna be here" shirt
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Since me and my friend headcanon Slender as blind ( legally, at least. It can still vaugely see shapes near itself, but otherwise can't see shit without the use of its azoth. Anyways - ), and because of their species weird thing about height, Slender might mistake a light pole to be one of its species and sort of just. Stand there, sizing it up for a couple of hours.
Imagine your walking in the woods and see a fucker the size of a two story house sizing up a lamp post.
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It's said ghosts and demons can't get to you if you are in a circle of salt. And since Sally is a ghost, I'd imagine that salt should would work on her too.
Cue, teddy bear in a salt circle. Whoever put it there, who knows - but they are an asshole.
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I haven't read LJ's story, so idk if the shit I'm saying would be technically canon or not, but I'd like to think he'd use his box as a place to sleep. Sure, he was imprisoned in the box for a long ass time, but hey - self torture and trauma can't get in the way of a good night's sleep.
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'Nother thing about LJ - I'd like to imagine he would collect those dumb plushie clowns. Whether its because he finds them cute or as a way to cope, who knows.
Also, LJ's design is different from the original cause I'd like to think his little accessories and shit can be removed. Also gives the impression of him being a plush doll, which is what he is in my mind lol.
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Ill make a post about SlenderFolk and my version later on, but here's an example of how some would sleep. They can also sleep while standing, looking like a tree from far away with their azoth just sort of hanging around everywhere to keep them upright. Course, though, if they were to feel safe enough, they can just lay down like a cat or something.
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SlenderFolk are tall as hell, so the thought of them being struck my lighting due to how high they are is funny as fuck. Depending on how old the SlenderFolk is, I'd like to imagine they would have more lighting scars or something like that. Shows the age.
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Little doodle of Slenderman as a welp. Result of a convo between my friend on the wholesome tragedy thats going on between Splendor and Slender. In the rp lore, Splendor is the oldest out of the bunch, with Slender being the second oldest. Splendor took care of himself and his brother during the evolution of human civilization, being all cute and shit before character development happened and their relationship turned sour.
But yeah! Slender as a lil cutie.
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Speaking of welps - SlenderFolk call their youth welps. Course, the person showed on the ground isn't a welp, as its one of my ocs ( mechanical limbs due to unwilling experimentation by the military - it's a long story ). Again, Slenderman being blind helps create funny ( at least to me and my friend ) scenerios that double as a way to explore SlenderFolk culture and weird cryptid lore.
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And that's about it. More to come soon :)
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misc-obeyme · 1 month
Sprry for just answerimg a smoll part of thr ask my brain is m u s h rn (i jist woke up)
OH DANG but I love that idea about the maids and such in the castle! Demons that messed up so bad, now Barb keeps them at the castle to work??? What was that about not giving into the darkness???? lk;asdfkjlfd
that castle is huge and full of monsters. you can't tell me only lil D's and Barb & Dia live there. where are the guards ? the other workers?? little D's are more like silly children adopted by Barb- y'know when a family has debts to pay so the child goes to work at the castle
like that except there is no debt to pay they just want that lol
anyway so there are possibly more people in the castle, and Barb really doesn't.. do work that much. he mostly just bakes for Diavolo & when there are celebrations or other important things happening. that huge castle does not have one small kitchen istg the HOL's kitchen looks bigger 😭 and he also checks on the other worker's works, I prefer to think his duties are like Dia's. Diavolo is a very busy demon*, so he mostly does the work with people, and brings Justice™ to Devildom. ofc there are things Diavolo has to be present for, but most of the things are done either by Barbatos or people he chose (in different parts of the country, not everyone can meet the duke or the Prince himself.)
alright back on track I think the workers who work "above the ground" in castle are normal people/or "light" criminals or slaves left from war times (poor guys lol)
but lower, in the dangerous/more private parts of the castle like the dungeons or Diavolo's private garden The workers are poor souls who forgot everything they were. they're not allowed in the public unless its their body. I don'y think anyone truly knows if they've messed up so bad or Diavolo. just. just wanted them to work for him. cause theyre pretty perhaps?
And Barbatos is here to grant any of the young Lord's wishes.
*I still haven't thought of why Dia would be so damn busy I may even remove that part but its cool to think about. maybe he is still learning and chose Barb to do such things cause Barbatos knows all, and is trustable. idk really. but we know Dia is a spoiled brat so ?? maybe thats whats happening.
I really have to agree, there's no way Barbatos maintains that huge place by himself, demon or not. I've always headcanoned that he has a whole crew of helpers and guards and so on.
I also imagine the castle's kitchen to be absolutely ginormous. And he probably has a whole crew of cooks, too.
I like to think most of them don't live at the castle, though. Like they just work there and come and go and have varying shifts. Uhh but that's if they're just normal people and not criminals lol!
I suppose whether or not they actually did something terrible has to do with how deranged you want Diavolo to be. Like if he was really kinda off the deep end, he could absolutely just obtain people he thinks are pretty and for no other reason. That's real villain behavior generally speaking. But if you want him to be a little less that way, you could say they were criminals. Then at least there's a legit reason for it, even if the punishment is a bit intense... they are demons, so really there's a lot of ways you can go with it!
As for Diavolo being busy, I'm pretty sure it's canon that he is. I suspect it has to do with all of the crap that comes with ruling a kingdom. Paperwork, diplomatic meetings, making appearances at various functions, consulting with experts on things like constructions projects and the economy, and if Diavolo also has his own company in the human world, he likely needs to make appearances at meetings there, too... I'm just saying his canon job is extremely demanding. And then add RAD stuff to all that? Sheesh.
But this is one of the best parts of the castle stuff - they don't really get into a lot of detail about it. So you get to fill in all the details however you like!
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danggirlronpa · 8 months
Hey mind telling me what the story behind Kiyo’s sister is? I’m kind of clueless and only heard one story of the whole thing😅
This got decently long, so I've put it under a cut. I'll add it to the FAQ tomorrow as well, since it's come up a few times!
I will also request that this post not be reblogged to hate blogs or blogs specifically dedicated to "bad" or "disliked" content. As someone who has been harassed as a result of content being circulated in those circles, it makes me very panicked and anxious to see my work on similar blogs. If you do so, I will need to block you for my own mental stability.
In V3 chapter three, Korekiyo admits to mass murder and takes on the guise of his sister to do so. As a result of being nearly beaten to death at one point, Korekiyo created a tulpa of his dead sister (who we'll call by her popular fan name, Miyadera, from here on). He believed Miyadera wanted him to murder 100 girls, and claimed that they were once lovers.
In general, fans seem to take Korekiyo's claims at face value. Which is...weird, considering how obviously the whole thing is a "mentally ill delusional sexually deviant serial killer" trope played completely straight. And that his worldview includes things like "I should kill people so my dead sister has friends." But let's set that aside, and say that, for the sake of explaining the popular fandom viewpoint, Korekiyo is a reliable narrator.
So in chapter 3, when he is on the brink of being cornered, Korekiyo begins to switch between his own identity and the identity of his sister's tulpa. These are the only potential looks we have into Miyadera's personality. To give you the gist, here are all of the quotes while Korekiyo takes on his sister's guise that are listed on the Wiki.
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(Please note that the "Apologize" is directed at another student who challenges Korekiyo.)
I'm going to be honest. I have reread this a LOT trying to figure out what everyone else is apparently seeing here that I am not. At worst, this reads to me as a slightly stern etiquette teacher. But the popular fandom perception is that this dialogue implies that Miyadera was manipulating and abusing Korekiyo. I could not honestly tell you WHY people believe this, but they do.
And people ran with that. They ran with that so hard. Every sin Korekiyo commits is pinned down as being Miyadera's fault, and Korekiyo is absolved of his crimes as a result of being an abuse victim. It's similar to the effect you often see in the way people discuss Junko and Mukuro, except that Mukuro does not invoke nearly as much sympathy on a larger level, even though Junko's mockery and subsequent murder of her sister are explicit canon.
Now, to be clear: I don't buy into this. I think this is an extremely generous reading of Korekiyo's character, and that it removed his agency and the horror of his crimes to make him more sympathetic (particularly for shipping purposes - if you glance through the Miyadera tag, you see a LOT of Korekiyo/Rantaro fics with Miyadera as the evil abuser Rantaro must rescue Korekiyo from). I also think that people give too much credit to the canonicity of Miyadera's "possession" when it isn't clear, even in the universe of the game itself, whether Miyadera is actually a tulpa or if it's an identity that resulted from Korekiyo's trauma, like Syo/Jack.
But on its own, I don't care about it THAT much. People have headcanons I disagree with all the time. I don't really like a lot of people's thoughts about Nagito's backstory, either, but I don't think about it very often, and I certainly don't care enough to get mad about it. The problem is...
People are very, VERY violent about Miyadera.
I'm going to ask you to reread the quotes from Miyadera as a reminder of literally everything we know about her personality. And then I'll ask you to read this post.
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This...is, in fact, despite all odds, the predominate opinion on Miyadera. If you go into her character tags, there are an endless number of posts like these, daydreaming about doing violence on her person, murdering her, torturing her, etc.
As a Grandparent (25, the age of spinsterhood), this sets off some alarm bells. This is how people used to treat female characters who got in the way of their favorite ships, like Kairi from Kingdom Hearts. Now, that is popularly understood to have been a result of misogyny. It is horrifying to see that it has survived.
Fantasizing about committing excessive violence against a woman...is misogyny. Making up crimes a woman did not canonically commit as an excuse to justify fantasizing about violence against her is misogyny. It is one thing to dislike a character based on headcanons. It is a totally separate matter to participate in and encourage this level of vitrol solely to make a male character more sympathetic.
To clarify: I do not think that misogyny is the sole reason for this interpretation. By nature, Danganronpa appeals to teenagers, who tend to fall into this type of fandom-wide trap more easily. But it is, in fact, more concerning to normalize this sort of thought process among teens and young people. And so I am very defensive of Miyadera's actual character as a result.
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mks-grin · 1 year
The Quarry AU Headcanon: The counselors each gained superpowers. What power would each of them have?
(( EDITED bc I forgot to include Max’s other power.))
You’ve absolutely MADE my day with this question let me tell you!
So I’ll give you two for each person - “The Power they would most naturally have” (like if they were born with it) OR “the power they would have later in life because it would torment them” (like it happens in order to force them to grow.)
Jacob - “Super Strength” OR “Time Travel”
Super Strength makes sense at first glance for Jacob because he probably is already a strong guy. He would fall into typical Superman rules. Minus the flying and laser? Vision.
However, Jacob is the type to deeply regret his actions, he also seems like the type to not be able to accept reality. He might use a time loop ability to go back in time in order to change his relationship with Emma. Yet overtime he would realize that there are some things time travel can’t change. Others will always have free will, desires, and will die. Nothing can change that.
(He ALSO has the most possible deaths / therefore you’re most likely to use your Death Rewind on him vs. any other character! Get it? Rewind? Ok.)
Ryan - “Invisibility” OR “The Touch of Death”
Ryan would prefer to be invisible, I’m sure, most of the time in canon. Invisibility would allow him to eavesdrop without consequences and hide when he wants to avoid others. It would come so naturally to him. He might only be visible when giving his lessons or when talking to Chris.
However, being given a “touch of death” ability would doom him to always be alone in some capacity. He would feel othered and have to constantly be aware of how close he got to others. While he doesn’t want closeness - knowing he can’t ever have it would make him a little bitter. Or really bitter! I think he would actually opt to try and remove this power vs. adapt to it.
Abigail - “Manipulate Nature” OR “Lie Detector”.
Abi would naturally connect to nature, because she can appreciate the world in an artistic sense she would also have the connectedness needed to manipulate said nature. Being able to better care for plants and ecosystems, she would thrive doing this wonderful and peaceful work.
However, if she were to be able to detect lies, without others knowing, she might lose faith in them faster. She may not trust people or will simply be disheartened with most people. It may cause her to have a gloomier look on life. Until of course she realizes people also lie to hide good things like crushes and surprises - realizing that people are more complex than their actions. Their intentions are just as important!
Emma - “Charm” OR “Mimic”
Initially Emma is our summer season heartthrob so it makes sense that she might have the ability to charm others! She would use this power usually for good, but the occasional boost in an interview never hurt anybody? People might question whether or not they’re under her spell on a day to day basis. She would insist however that she doesn’t use it on a daily basis for constant life hacking.
However, because Emma lacks a true sense of self she might be given the power to look and sound like other people. She is able to use this ability to have conversations with someone without them knowing it’s actually her. This leads her to realize her peers know a lot more about themselves than she knows about herself. This may bother her until she knows more about who she is.
Dylan - “Calculation” OR “Clean Slate”
Dylan, being a little genius, might be able to solve problems with more confidence than another. He may have a better sense of geometry, physics, surface area, and bodily capabilities that he can quickly solve those sorts of issues. In a tight situation he might be able to work out a solution! Can you fall from this height without breaking a leg? How fast can you swerve to not hit a deer and not flip your Minicoop? Sometimes it feels like guesswork to others - but it’s almost like having a completely accurate scientific instinct.
Clean Slate meaning he can clear someone’s mind of a specific thought. He can wipe information into the subconscious. Sadly, he would find this power to be a burden and find himself feeling guilty whenever he would wipe away a memory. Dylan eventually feels that mistakes, failures and loss are all important aspects of life. Wiping those experiences away from friends stunts them a little and robs them of development. They are capable of remembering what they forget - and when they do they also remember that he wiped away that memory. This has ended in a fight before.
Kaitlyn - “Ice Breath” OR “Intuition”
Ice Breath, while ironic, would be a fun power for Kaitlyn. She would say her typical snide or cynical comments to friends and whenever it hurts their feelings she would remind them she is “ice cold”. She may even sing “Ice Ice Baby” as a sort of theme song. Having this sort of narrative following her and in her mind / she would be able to actually believe it. Therefore, hardening her heart and increasing her ability to thrive in a crisis. She would be a worse team player on a day to day basis but when you NEED her she’s there.
Intuition is a little more haunting for Kaitlyn. While she is smart, her ability to understand the intuition isn’t too sharp. Intuition is a sort of meeting of the mind and heart, in a way a lot of people can’t describe. Kaitlyn is a very logical thinking person. When gaining this ability she struggles to understand what the “feeling of dread” is. She gets little premonitions and cannot always figure out what will CAUSE that premonition to happen. Sometimes her actions, intended to avoid a specific future, are what lead her to that future. She wouldn’t share her premonitions with other, and instead feel guilty when she can’t motivate someone to do what she thinks they ‘need’ to do. This hurts her relationships because she starts to become pushy and has too alienated of a mindset to share her issues.
Nick - “Shield / Bubble” OR “Animal”
Nick seems like the type to obtain a sort of ‘boring’ power like this. He wouldn’t mind it in the slightest and would make it look cool because he has the sense to use it well! He certainly could manipulate the shields for practical use and for party trick use! It’s one of the few abilities that can be used to embarrass Jacob, which Nick can easily appreciate.
Because we see Nick go absolutely 😬 in canon, I think it makes sense to transfer that here. He’d just turn into a more werewolf-esq version of himself. I think this power would be triggered by Nick’s emotions. Not because he is new to the power, but simply because that’s a trait of the power. This would force Nick to have to come to terms with his emotions more directly than he does in canon. ( He can’t let emotions bubble up or take the back seat anymore.) Simultaneously he needs to keep a leveler head to remain human! If not he becomes a feral version of himself.
Max - “Healing” OR “Sense Deprevation”
C’mon obviously Max would be born with a healing power. He’s just mad sweet.
( Also did you see the lawsuit Max’s actor is going through right now?? Look that shit up. Yikes! Skylar, as many Judge Judy episodes have taught me, idt he has anything to sue over”.)
Anyways, Max would absolutely love to help people and has the right sort of temperament to help others. Medical school wouldn’t be his thing - but hey if he’s born with the ability that’s different!! Line up because this clinic is OPEN! (Also Skylar plays a character in another series as a kid where he is a fake church healer!)
In contrast, Max might have the ability to rob someone temporarily of one of their five senses. He might do this when people argue, by taking vision away for a few minutes, these people can’t keep hitting each other. He does this for Laura whenever she wants to eat something healthy that she doesn’t enjoy. He also could do it for kids (and Jacob) who need medicine. He never uses it on people without saying he’s going to use it though.
However he has faced instances where the sense didn’t come back when he thought they would and he does not know the rhyme or reason to when this happens. Once Laura lost vision in one of her eyes for like 12 hours. Whoops!
Laura - “Animal Communication” OR “Regeneration”
We see why this would be Laura’s calling right? Best vet ever. Or a constantly sobbing vet. She also would be able to tell more about animal abuse and rats people about to her and Max’s buddy, T-Money. Laura loves and hates this ability bc she now has the ability and responsibility to do more than just yearly pet checkups.
And regeneration! The ability to not die / or can’t die as easily as others do. It’s a blessing and a curse. In her everyday life it’s good to know she heals from paper cuts, burns, and hangnails faster than everyone else - but realizing that her mortality could come into question might sorta ruin her summer vibes ya know? Could she die? Would she age?
Despite this she decides she absolutely must use this power for vigilante justice.
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itsana004 · 4 months
10, 12, and 14 for Droite for the meme!
Ahhh thank you so much for the ask 💞💞💞
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
Oh gosh definitely not, it's like asking if celebrities could be best friends with their fans and I would be that fan worshiping her and having fan pages dedicated to her so definitely not
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Oh my gosh I actually have a lot hehe
1-One headcanon I have is I think she has a really cute sneeze no matter in what situation, she can't control it and the worst part is it's not expected of her since she's serious most of the time, so she tries not to sneeze in front of people whom she doesn't want to look at her differently, especially enemies, but terribly fails in front of long-term friends and people she sees and visits often like Gauche, Haruto and Kaito.
2-I personally do not believe she's from Spartan City and the idea Mr. Heartland travelled that far from Heartland City to Italy to pick up orphaned children, and Gauche himself says the city they were born in was “terrible” and did not mention Spartan City by name. Even looking at the flashback, just looking at the surroundings it feels the buildings are a bit modernised, more like the outskirts of Heartland City. Gauche and Droite probably travelled to Spartan City due to the Championships being held there and they just travel around living in hotels and don't have a permanent home yet except Heartland City, but I really like the idea of her and Gauche sharing some Italian ancestry and connections to that place I just like the idea of them being Italian since I grew up in Italy. I like to imagine Droite's innate Italian spirit being stereotypically Italian that hates food crimes such as pineapple and fruits on pizza or ruining pasta, she's very defensive of that and even more so after staying in Spartan City in those couple of months. Never show her a Hawaiian pizza ever or she’ll get crazier than how Chris is when he teaches dueling. Haruto found out the hard way and he will never ruin pasta in front of an Italian ever again.
3-Droite is good at many things, but drawing is not one of them. As an orphan who was living in the streets she never really got the practice as a child, and once she was picked up by Mr. Heartland, art wasn't really a big focus in her studies, especially during training. She's insecure about that especially in front of people like Kaito where he needs to make detailed geometry and references in order to build something, she's bad at anything that requires art, whether it is a flower or an architecture. She tries to hide that though.
4-Just as drawing, she's really bad at whistling, she can't whistle for her life, just imagine Haruto trying to teach Droite how to whistle the same he learned from his brother so adorableee 😭💞
5-Droite is incredibly good at board games like chess or Go, she's good at any game that requires and tests one’s ability to think critically and defeat the opponent completely unnoticed, it's just one of those fields where she's almost unbeatable. She's so good that it rivals Chris. She has incredible muscle memory compared to the average and can play chess while blindfolded.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
I think she's a Chic Modernist
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with the colour scheme of Barbiecore with the pink, grey, purple and white combination 
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I would absolutely love her to wear darker colours since her normal outing dress is too much pink for my taste, she would kill it in black the ones with nets, and outfits with corset!!!
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She already wears a huge belt in canon which kind of acts as a corset
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I can also imagine her having a light textile dress like this one
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in an open field filled with flowers and butterflies near a seashore - this is not too far of as the first one is the same as her regular outing fit if you remove this
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And the second photo is similar to her nightgown
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I think for Droite the animators wanted to fit her dress to match the colour scheme of her hair but I think she would rock so many other colours than pink, grey, white and purple/violet combination.
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firestorm09890 · 1 year
The entire backstory regarding Ansem the Wise, his apprentices, and how they fell into darkness is kind of a mess. We’ve been retroactively getting new information about it that changes the perspective of it all for ages. But there’s one specific part I want to talk about: the losing of the apprentices’ hearts, and whether or not it was by choice.
Our first glimpse at what happened comes from Secret Ansem Report 3 in kh2.
Did Xehanort pass through that door in an attempt to contact that dark realm? No, not only Xehanort. It appears my other five apprentices, believing it was for the sake of research, stared deep into the darkness and were pulled into it. Even, Ienzo, Braig, Dilan, and Aeleus... They have ceased to be human.
Okay, so with that info alone, they probably fell to darkness like all those other evil bitches we saw in kh1. Given that in kh2 we also learn about the Heartless Manufactory, it wouldn’t have been unreasonable to assume that the apprentices were torn apart by the Heartless they created. However, it’s also worth mentioning that Ansem the Wise probably isn’t the most reliable narrator, considering a lot of his secret reports are about him being blinded by his emotions.
Then, in the secret report “Day 119: Hearts and Emotion” authored by Xaldin in 358/2 Days, we get this (bold added by me):
Watching that foolish beast flail about only deepens my disdain for humans and their incessant need to be pinned down by feelings. We became Nobodies precisely to avoid the shackles of emotion. It was only later that we realized the scale of that loss: that some things simply cannot be done without a heart. Nonetheless, I see nary a pleasant thing about it.
Implying that the apprentices had intentionally rid themselves of their hearts. So far, things can be regarded as consistent, kinda.
And then, not canon since it’s from a novel- Days novel specifically- but I wanted to bring it up anyway since it’s relevant (bold added by me again):
When Zexion thought back on their erstwhile research, the “plan” seemed to him like a contradiction in terms-- trying to reclaim what they had lost through their own actions. He didn’t believe they had done anything wrong by studying and producing the heartless. It just so happened that in that process, they had forfeited their own hearts.
The language here places an interpretation of this somewhere between what Ansem said and what Xaldin said- it may have been an unintentional consequence that they lost their hearts, but it was intentional enough that Zexion doesn’t understand why the goal suddenly became getting those hearts back.
Novel segment over
And THEN at the very beginning of Dream Drop Distance we find out that nah Xehanort just fucking stabbed them all (or, we see him stab Braig, at least; it can be assumed that the others met the same fate)
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So that’s it, right? It wasn’t through their own actions at all, everything from before can be written off as having been retconned- NOPE HOLD YOUR HORSES
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“We cast off our hearts by choice, make no mistake, but we didn't know that Xemnas-- or rather, Xehanort-- was deceiving us.”
Which is VERY notable because usually in KH when we get new info on this (pre-fall post-bbs radiant garden backstory) front, it’s always like oh. so we were wrong about this before and this new take is true. and then it doesn’t get contradicted again like this
WHY would you say something incriminating like that if it wasn’t true? The answer is Ienzo probably feels a need to overshare due to overwhelming guilt, but that’s not the point. If it was just as simple as Xehanort stabbing everyone without consent, Ienzo wouldn’t have said it like this.
the headcanon zone (warning: such deep speculation that I’m making shit up at this point)
okay here’s what I think:
Xehanort pitched the idea that the apprentices would be able to more effectively study hearts if they removed their own. Some (Even and Aeleus) thought that was stupid and dangerous, while others (Dilan and Ienzo) thought the idea had merit (I have no idea what Braig thinks, and Lea and Isa were not invited to this conversation). Xehanort did the same thing he and the other apprentices did to Ansem the Wise earlier: pretend to drop the idea, but continue pursuing it in secret.
He probably discussed it with Ienzo more than Dilan, because this kid likes him (and is, yknow, a kid) and is thus a lot easier to manipulate into doing whatever to help him. So one day Xehanort goes “hey Ienzo can you help me test my theory :)”, and Ienzo agrees. Xehanort did Not tell him he was about to get stabbed
And then for the others I also have ideas about how it went down but I kinda want to make a whole separate post about that- basically, Even and Braig were stabbed without warning, Dilan and Aeleus agreed to getting stabbed
So! Yeah! That’s my thoughts on this! Thank you for reading
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luminescentauthor · 1 year
Good Mom Talia Headcanons
Because Talia al-Ghūl is a Good Mom Screw You
DC – Gotham Knights, specifically – is back on their evil Talia al-Ghūl BS, and they’re also back on their “the less white she appears, the more evil she is” BS and I am. So tired.
So, out of raw spite, here are happy headcanons revolving mainly around Talia being a good mom and generally kicking butt!
This is from my Remained AU, named that because it’s the AU where Jason remained with Talia and Damian after coming back to life. You don’t need to know it to understand this, but if you haven’t seen this AU before, you can find the original post here, or the tag for it here.
CW: Swearing and uhhh I think that’s it but PLEASE do lmk if I missed anything
+ One of the first things Talia did when Ra's was removed from the picture following Death and the Maidens (a batman comic in which Ra’s dies. He eventually came back) was buy Damian the biggest, most ridiculous art set in existence, and about 400 glitter pens. He loves it.
+ Jason and Talia will often have tea and chat while they play strategy games, such as chess, Stratego, and Shogi. She always kicks his ass.
+ Nobody is sure when she sleeps. Maybe she just doesn't.
Multiple members of the League of Assassins claim she has the ability to be in two places at the same time. No one is sure how she does it.
+ Talia calls Damian and Jason lots of affectionate nicknames. She only does this when they're alone prior to leaving the League, or with her few most trusted people, but once they're in Gotham she does it all the time. Some of the nicknames are beloved, habibi (Arabic, basically translates to "my love," I'm stealing it from the thousands of fanfics I've seen her use it in), sweetheart, darling, etc.
+ Absolute fashion icon. Owns the most gorgeous dresses, saris, and pantsuits. As CEO of LexCorp and later when she moves to Gotham, she absolutely redefines what is fashionable by virtue of being the best-looking person in the room. (For context, when Lex Luthor was president, he made Talia CEO of LexCorp, for about a year, I think. She spent most of it trying to give evidence to the Daily Planet about Lex’s criminal activity.)
However Jason makes fun of her for The Pink Jumpsuit relentlessly.
+ Talia almost always wears her hair in a braid or bun; the only time she doesn't is for business meetings and parties and whatnot. If she's just around a League base or fighting, it's tied back. This has nothing to do with the fact that it affects her fighting skill and everything to do with the fact that she finds hair in her face very annoying. Talia is far too good to be affected by whether or not her hair is in her face – she just gets tired of it falling in her eyes when she’s trying to read.
+ Doesn’t wear heels much; she’s an athlete and a fighter, and heels literally deform your feet. Will wear heels when meeting with Ra’s because she enjoys the look on his face when she’s taller than him. She’s also been known to do this to Lex Luthor and many others. She once walked into a LexCorp board meeting wearing eight-inch heels and towered over all the white men’s heads. Just because she doesn’t wear heels much doesn’t mean she can’t walk in them flawlessly.
+ (Tbh everything Talia al-Ghūl does is flawless.)
+ In canon, when Bruce and Talia met, she was studying for a medical degree at Cairo University. She now has that medical degree.
“Ms. Al-Ghūl—” “That is Doctor Al-Ghūl to you.”
Jason: When did even you do your residency???
Talia, drinking tea: Mmm.
Jason, exasperated: Mom.
+ She also got a business degree at some point, and no one is totally sure when or how. It does make explaining why Lex Luthor made the CEO of LexCorp much easier, though.
+ While she prefers tea, Talia did not get through medical school or a whole year of dealing with Lex Luthor’s bullshit without copious amounts of coffee.
+ Jason got her a “HBIC” mug as a joke partway during her year with LexCorp. It promptly became her favorite mug and can always be seen on her desk filled with coffee or tea. 
+ After moving to Gotham, she spends most of her free time spoiling her kids or working on social reform. She's also working on a law degree.
"Mom, a medical degree, a business degree, and a law degree seems like overkill?" "It is, I just want the law degree because it will help me make Lex Luthor's life a living hell." "In that case, understandable have a nice day."
She and Barbara are both “yes I have far too many degrees just so I can wave them in the face of annoying white men what about it” energy and are also both very determined to enact social reform, so they get along quite well. Possibly too well. However, the only people who need to be afraid of their combined might are those who probably deserve it, so the rest of the Batfam has elected to simply get out of the way.
+ Talia owns a private jet, but don’t worry it’s eco-friendly. No ridiculous carbon emissions for this billionaire. She’s an al-Ghūl. Of course, it’s eco-friendly. (She’s also sensible.) Jason proceeds to use it to bounce back and forth between Australia and Gotham, and Talia is. So. Tired. Jason my darling I love you so, so very much, but that is a terrible idea for your education and your sleep schedule please—
For the record, all of Bruce’s vehicles are also electric.
+ Damian wasn't allowed to have pets with the League because Talia didn't trust Ra's not to kill anything Damian showed affection towards. Once Damian lives in Gotham, however, Talia 100% enables his animal-loving tendencies.
Like… maybe a little too much.
Bruce: I’m going to have to build an animal sanctuary in my backyard at this rate.
Talia: I think that would be wonderful, don’t you? It’s not like you don’t have the space.
Tim: *Wheezing*
+ The last name she uses is “Kareem.” Assuming my sources are correct (and admittedly they may not be; my faith in the internet is shaky, at best, though I checked a handful of different sites and they all seem to say the same thing), it is a name of Arabic origin that means generous, honorable, and noble, and is also one of the 99 names of God given in the Quran. It is also the name Jason and Damian use.
When the knowledge that Jason and Damian were Bruce and Talia’s kids becomes public, they both wanted to be Kareem-Waynes. Talia, who wanted to avoid any potential media conflict, pointed out (correctly) that somehow the media would find a way to make a mess out of that and added that she loves them both dearly and they will always be her sons whether or not they use her name. So in the name of Less Media Attention they were going to go with Wayne-Kareem, since it's normal to put the father's name first.
Two hours after they agreed on this, Bruce found out from one of the other batkids and went "WE'RE GOING WITH KAREEM-WAYNE THIS IS THE 21ST CENTURY SCREW SEXISM”
Jason and Damian think it’s fantastic. Talia laughs so hard.
The media does try to make a thing out of it, and Bruce literally says “This is the 21st century. Consider it a statement. Also go fuck yourself.”
On a related note, when he marries Selina he becomes Bruce Kyle-Wayne and she becomes Selina Kyle-Wayne and his kids have never loved him more. We stan a feminist!
+ Talia loves animals as much as Damian, and they both get along with Selina because of it.
+ Selina and Talia can often be seen together at galas whispering to one another and generally making everyone else feel like they aren’t worthy to be in the same room.
+ Selina introduces Talia to Ivy and they immediately get along, since they’re both very passionate about environmental reform. Talia does networking and works on policy improvements, while Selina breaks into places for evidence and files, Barbara helps with political wrangling and gathers intelligence, and Ivy and Harley fuck shit up when all else fails. Ivy’s sense for where pollution is coming from is unparalleled, as well, so she can also help gather data to point Talia in the right direction to publicly destroy corrupt companies. Selina’s mostly here to steal things and protect endangered cats.
For the record, Bruce is very impressed by what they're doing and also absolutely terrified.
(Oh sidenote HarlIvy canon.) (Didn’t even occur to me to say that because I deadass assumed it was a given.)
+ Talia’s initial feelings towards Harley were pretty hostile, given everything the Joker did to Jason, but she comes to understand what Harley went through. Harley and Jason actually bond quite a bit in this AU.
+ Also, not totally on topic with the general theme of this post, I’m going to Own Up to a mistake I made on the last post: I completely forgot the Wayne family is Jewish and was like “yeah, they celebrate Christmas??? Right???” So. Hannukah! They do celebrate Christmas – Tim and Steph grew up celebrating Christmas – they just also celebrate Literally Everything Else.
+ It’s canon in DC that Talia made Damian ox blood soup when he was a kid, so presumably she made it for Jason too. Jason asked her to teach him how to make it. Damian's a vegetarian now, so they're trying to figure out how to replicate the taste.
Talia, affectionately and teasingly: Damian, habibi, I love you dearly, but you are making cooking for you incredibly hard.
Damian: :)
+ She, Jason, and Alfred have been learning how to make a bunch of dishes Damian already likes with tofu and other alternatives, as well as trying out new vegetarian recipes. He’s a growing boy, he needs protein, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be meat.
+ Talia and Alfred go to the farmer’s market every Saturday. Jason often comes with, and the other kids sometimes tag along.
+ Talia bought a cashmere blanket and to this day it is one of the best purchases she's ever made.
She kind of wishes her kids would stop fighting over it, though.
The problem is usually solved by yoinking both children into a cuddle pile.
“Just buy another one—” She has. She owns like six of them, now. It’s this one specific one they want for some reason.
(It’s because it’s Mom’s.)
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year
hard/soft head canons for jgy pls (or if u have one for jgy already in ur inbox, gimme ur hcs about sms!)
I do not have one for jgy yet!! but bless u because I love talking about him for literally any reason
I have a few hard headcanons for jgy! which, to be clear, is not the same as saying that this is what I believe the canon itself indisputably says; it is just that this is the interpretation of the text that I find most supportable and enjoyable, and which I like to work with in fic and RP. anyway, I'll list them out and try to be succinct:
I don't think jgy killed jrs, for all the reasons that I've written about already, as well as for the many reasons outlined in other people's thoughtful meta. I think he thought about it and contemplated how he might do it even before the assassination attempt, but I don't think he did it.
jgy didn't hate mo xuanyu and wasn't afraid of jgs replacing him with mxy specifically. he is also not the source of the rumours regarding mo xuanyu sexually harassing him, because no matter which way you dice it, it straight up does not make sense for a man who carefully calculates his risks before he takes them to intentionally spread a rumour implicating him in an incestuous entanglement with his half-brother while he is literally married to his own half-sister. so when I write jgy, I tend to write him as having fond and affectionate feelings for mxy initially (which I believe is supported by the text, given how mxy worshipped him), that quickly become uncomfortable, and ultimately result in him wanting mxy to be as far away from him as possible.
connected to the above, jgy is never intentionally impolite or unkind to mxy, even when arranging to have him removed from jinlintai.
jgy's feelings for lxc are deep and genuine and rooted in mutual respect and understanding! I think this much is pretty much indisputably canon whether you decide to interpret the relationship romantically or not. but this is a headcanon meme, and my headcanon is absolutely that they have intense romantic feelings for each other, and that they definitely do want to fuck about it. more often than not my headcanon is that they don't have a sexual relationship in the novel for many reasons (most of which are tied to the tenuousness of jgy's position and the care he takes with his reputation). in cql, jgy's position is still similarly tenuous and he works hard to preserve his reputation, but good fucking god, the chemistry between lhk and zzj when they're on-screen together is off the charts. like I have a harder time coming up with justifications for why they haven't fucked. because damn, lads, really? right in front of chifeng-zun's salad? anyway--
jgy isn't a sadist and doesn't enjoy causing pain (have I written about this recently, I for sure think I have written about this recently), and I wish I saw less of this in the search results when I go hunting for xiyao fic on AO3. that said I do think that he enjoys having the power to either cause pain to those who have wronged him, or withhold it as a gesture of mercy, or to intercede to protect someone he cares about from experiencing pain.
man I definitely have more hard headcanons for jgy but at this point I feel like I'm veering into arguing for what I believe is canon vs what is just my personal preference when interpreting the character. ok soft headcanons, aka stuff I still feel pretty strongly about and feel is supported by the text, but won't necessarily throw me out of enjoying a fic or w/e if I encounter a story that approaches things differently:
I don't think jgy hated nmj at the time of his death and believe his tears while witnessing nmj's qi deviation were a genuine expression of both horror and grief, but I do think he hated nmj, in the moment, when nmj punted him down the steps of jinlintai and denigrated him and his mother publicly in front of his entire sect. and frankly, I think just about anyone else would too.
related to the above, I don't think jgy expected nmj's death to be as horrific as it was, and I think nhs being wounded by nmj in the process remains a real regret that follows him for the rest of his life.
tangentially related (again!): let jgy be a sugar daddy please, let this man spoil rotten the people in his life that he loves and cares for! give me modern AUs where jgy slowly woos lxc through the power of transforming him into a clotheshorse, but a clotheshorse only for the high quality clothes that jgy gifts to him. let jgy win him over with very soft cashmere and silk and cufflinks and antique musical scores that his newly acquired and hard won wealth has allowed him to enjoy. let lxc be super hot for it.
my read on jgy in bed is that, when he feels secure enough to explore sexual intimacy, he is an extremely generous lover who derives half of his pleasure from ensuring that his partner (who, lbr, is going to be lxc 9/10 for me) has all of their needs met before he contemplates his own.
okay I must stop!! or I never will!!!
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forevercloudnine · 1 year
The wikis didn't turn out any results for Bruce’s grandmother on the Kane side other than a name (Elizabeth "Betsy" Kane, no maiden name). Since you read Batwoman comics, I wanted to ask: does canon contradict my headcanon of "Betsy" being an Arkham? I just think it would be funny having Jeremiah be Bruce, Kate & Beth's third cousin once removed or something something family history of Mental IllnessTM [They apparently have another Kane cousin who is a vigilante? Jerry'd selfcombust in anguish]
Okay so my entire world was shattered as a result of attempting to pull panels to answer this ask, because for several years I have thought Martha Wayne was canonically an Arkham in the Earth One continuity that started in the 1950's. It turns out that I was misremembering Martha being an Arkham in Batman: Earth One, meaning the Geoff Johns comic from 2019.
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That being said, I think in the main continuity, the Kanes (and thus the Waynes) being intermarried with the Arkhams would add a really fascinating element to Bruce and Kate's conflict over whether Beth should be sent to Arkham Asylum or not.
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As to Martha Wayne and Jacob Kane's mother Elizabeth, which was your actual question: there's nothing I've read clarifying that her maiden name was something other than Arkham, so I think you're safe contradiction-wise. Also, interestingly, in what to my knowledge is her only comic appearance (Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #5) she's depicted seeing bats in the leaves of her tea.
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The Return of Bruce Wayne was written by Grant Morrison, who of course famously also wrote Batman: Arkham Asylum, the first comic to canonize the Arkhams as a family instead of just the name of the asylum. In that comic, Amadeus Arkham and his mother Elizabeth (so many Elizabeths) are both haunted by prophetic visions of bats. Sooo, family trait, maybe?
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Of course, it should be noted that Morrison is obsessed with bat imagery in general and that The Return of Bruce Wayne especially is a comic dedicated to filling the history of Gotham with as many supernatural bat sightings as possible. But I still think it's a fun connection. And realistically speaking, given that there's only so many historical wealthy "founding families" in Gotham, it seems impossible that the Waynes, Arkhams, and Kanes haven't intermarried at some point in the past regardless. The Waynes and Arkhams have lived in the area since before the American Revolution, and the Kanes have been in Gotham proper since the 1880's when the city expanded into Kane County (through a very classically Gotham City murder scheme/business deal/gothic architectural venture with the Waynes, Elliots, and Cobblepots in Batman: Gates of Gotham).
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All of this is to say, yes, I think it would be really funny if Jeremiah was related to Bruce, Kate and Beth. Actually, since I brought up Gates of Gotham, I think Penguin and the Cobblepots should be brought into the family tree too. I feel like that would really make everyone involved maximally pissed off about their relations. Also, whenever DC decides they're bored of Bruce being a millionaire instead of a billionaire, they could make it more interesting than just having Lucius hand Bruce his money back by doing a plot that's some sort of maximally complicated legal inheritance dispute between the three families that ends with Bruce moving back into Wayne Manor (or something. Actually, has this already been resolved in Zdarsky's run? I'm super not caught up on Batman comics right now).
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typellblog · 8 months
i just got into the argument of all time on twitter about what lingerie illya would wear (little girl underwear illustrations under the cut you have been warned)
this HA bonus illustration is not drawn by takeuchi and therefore not canon sorry i refuse to believe she would wear such a hideously orange shade of red
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the black and white ones from CM2 on the other hand have much more basis in canon but are still ultimately an unused design
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the thing is that if you also look at what they say about illya's development in CM2, she was originally supposed to have black stockings, those were removed. she was initially supposed to have more wifely attributes as one of the heroines, those were removed. she was initially supposed to have a sex scene where she wore that lingerie, it was removed
so its not really a situation where she had this in her wardrobe all throughout FSN and never put it on, its questionable whether its even supposed to exist in the actual version of the work that got released
it's a similar situation to the doll bad end where she's implied to rape shirou. in the tiger dojo they say it's a removed scene, so does that mean illya did it anyway but offscreen, or it just never happened at all?
i think at the very least you can interpret it as giving some insight on her as a character - she would be somewhat inclined to rape shirou in that scenario regardless of whether it actually happened or not, and this does seem like the kind of outfit she might put on if she was trying to seem sexy
but like again you can see a move away from illya-related sexual content on nasu and takeuchi's part so its kind of hard to say
she would def wear something like that in my headcanon at least
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casmourde · 12 days
long rant about bg3 and people's weird behavior towards larian
Larian's continued support of their game and their community has given some people genuine brain rot. We were lucky to even get bug fixes post-release (I'm a cyberpunk 2077 fan), and they were both kind and creative enough to give us a FREE epilogue and add FREE content, but the community at large has taken this kindness and changed it into something entirely different and really unhealthy. Every time Larian updates us on patches and bug fixes, there are hundreds of comments demanding Larian "add" new content, "fix" characters, "fix" relationships, and I'm just baffled by how entitled this is. Do you guys know how video games work? You know you used to just get a video game once and that was it. If you bought a video game you bought a finished product. With more and more patch-based games becoming popular (stuff like Fortnite, Overwatch, Stardew, Genshin, etc), we're starting to see this design model bleed into triple a titles, which is fine (I'm not a big fan personally but I enjoy a lot of these types of games anyway), but it's giving people a really weird, backwards attitude about BG3. At this point I question whether those people actually enjoy the game they played or not. They demand so many changes and edits to characters that I find it hard to believe they even like those characters at all, and would much rather live in their world of headcanon and fanfiction (which, again, is fine) -- but at some point we have to acknowledge that BG3 was made BY Larian. The things you see as flaws in character's stories are canonical, put there by Larian for a specific reason. If you go under every post and demand they "fix" Wyll, I think there's a good chance you need to sit back and wonder if maybe Wyll is just like that. Because he is. That is who he is in the game's text. That is his story. If you don't like it, then by all means discuss what you would change, but it's unfair to belittle Larian for the story that THEY GAVE YOU. This is not to say there isn't a conversation to be had about Black characters in gaming being given really boring, lackluster stories, because that is 100% a noticeable trend (Preston Garvey from Fallout 4 comes to mind). This attitude also unfortunately extends to Gortash fans, and I know I'm kind of shooting myself in the foot here, but I want to discuss it lmao. I liked Gortash "before it was cool" you could say, back when the game dropped and it was gross to think he was attractive, et cetera (this is not something to be bragging about i know), and now that it's been kind of normalized to like him, Gortash fans are getting really invasive and, to put it bluntly, annoying. They whine like children in Larian's comments sections and on their own accounts about how Larian is so "unfair" to Gortash/Durgetash, how they are purposely removing Gortash content from the game to mess with us, etc. Once again, Larian cannot physically be "unfair" about a character THAT THEY LITERALLY MADE THEMSELVES. THEY choose what content to put in THEIR game. The Gortash that is in the game is the Gortash that they decided to put there. Nobody is hiding anything from you, nobody is hurting you, you're not special or different, there is no anti-Gortash agenda. If you can't engage with the canon content that Larian gives us, then I suggest that, for your own health, you move on. Gortash is my favorite character in BG3 because of what Larian did with him, not because of what he could potentially be if Larian bowed down to all of us and gave us everything we wanted. "Gortash romance when" NEVER!!!! And that's the fun bit!!!! We can all go crazy imagining what it would be like and we can make fan communities and fanfictions and art and it's awesome! Speculation and headcanon are awesome! Just stop expecting developers to cater to your every whim! It's unfair and will end up with you being sorely disappointed! Enjoy what they gave us and change it to fit your fantasy! If you like a thing, engage with it, play it, thank the people who gave it to us. Don't pester it to change.
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sapphire-weapon · 19 days
I'm relatively new to your blog but have read several of your older posts. Just out of curiosity, is there an opinion regarding RE (either personal taste or storytelling) that you've changed your mind about?
Or in contrast, is there an opinion that in the past you weren't so sure about but now you strongly believe it? You know, those things you wrote 1-2 years ago and when you read it again nowadays you think "I could have explained this in a different/better way"?
oh, absolutely.
i used to like ada more than i do now. if you look back on old posts of mine, you'll actually see me say the words "i like ada." i won't say them anymore LMAO the more i dug into her character, the more boring i found her to be. i was more willing to give her the benefit of the doubt before i really took a hard look at the writing (or lack thereof) behind her.
there's also old posts of mine that i've kept up despite having been proved wrong by later canon. while we're on the topic of ada, i was wrong concerning my analysis of her remake version a lot before separate ways came out -- because i had been (incorrectly) assuming that the remake would stick to her OG personality. i wrote a lot of meta about her under the assumption that she genuinely still had feelings for leon in remake and that SW would play out the same in that she'd spend most of the time following after him and saving him as a point (and not just out of convenience). conventional wisdom would say to delete those posts, since they're wrong and no longer relevant, but i think it's important to showcase how meta has to adapt to the canon as it unfolds.
i also used to be really, really sure that RE5make would unkill wesker. i'm much less sure of it now.
you won't see this on this blog, but in the days before RE2make, i used to really dislike cleon. i used to say "there's nothing fucking there." RE2make changed that.
i've also changed stance on my headcanon for remake leon's sex dialogue LMAO which is a weird thing, but. it's true. this post exists, and while a lot of it is still valid, i think he'd be more willing to be more explicit than i did when i wrote that post.
i become less certain of this stance every few months.
when RE4make first came out, i refused to think of eagleone as being intended canon. it seemed ridiculous/absurd to me due to the series and fandom's history. i will now die on the hill that it is, though.
i used to think aeon would be endgame and that RE6 was "the aeon game" just like everyone else. then i let some years go by and i removed myself from fandom bias and looked at the game again. now i can see that RE6 is actually the game that killed aeon.
i wish this post was better written/explained.
i still go back and forth on whether RE4make hinted that ashley will return to the series. some days, i'm convinced that she will. other days, i'm certain that she won't.
there's probably more. but this is just what i can think of off the top of my head.
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neonscandal · 21 days
Hello, Neon...Can I ask from this :
For Bakugou, Gojo, Ash and Hermione...
Thanks 🍀
Hello, friend 🧡 Sorry this took a bit longer than usual, I didn't expect to think so much over 7 objectively easy questions but here we are. You with the ask, me with the essay answers 😅
Thank you for reaching out!
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Sexuality Headcanon: the fact that the fandom *unanimously* agrees he’s not straight is hilarious. I could see him being Bi, Pan or Gay.
Gender Headcanon: Cis-dudebro but I think this is more a reflection of my own experience with gender (I say this as it pertains to all the characters you mentioned below) because whenever I see someone's trans Bakugo, I eat that up too. Specifically @peterokii's T4T KiriBaku, all their art, which includes keychains, stickers, prints, comics and pfps, is beautiful and has a lot of SeroRoki and wholesome Todofam. I also love Noah's SPITEBABY series. Stealing insight from sarajamss here but I'm inclined to trust the people.
A ship I have with said character: BakuDeku
A BROTP I have with said character: OchaKugo or BakuJirou
A NOTP I have with said character: N/A, tbh I love all Bakugo ships (barring the odd student x teacher ships though I've mainly seen those for Midoriya).
A random headcanon: Bakugo's room is in pristine condition, obviously, with demure nods to his love for All Might. But I also think he has a picture of kid-Bakugo and Kid-Zuku on his desk. I think Deku has a twin picture in his room and that's what he hides before everyone walks into his embarrassing fanboy dorm.
General Opinion over said character: Polarizing but there's a reason he's been number 1 in the popularity polls 9 years straight. For this reason, he's frequently misinterpreted in fandom, but I think the complexity of his character is precisely why I like him and it's definitely something that's being brought into the light now in the manga which I love. I recall Horikoshi saying something along the lines of whether you love or hate Bakugo, the end of his character arc will please you which, at the time, was a little concerning. But, in my opinion, he's executing this last arc beautifully. I still don't know what that'll mean for Bakugo, completely, but he's had some big, beautiful moments.
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Sexuality Headcanon: Please. Even Mappa twinkified this man. He is gay.
Gender Headcanon: Cis
A ship I have with said character: SatoSugu
A BROTP I have with said character: SatoShoko
A NOTP I have with said character: any with the 16 year olds under his care.
A random headcanon: Gojo, with his luxury wardrobe, furnishings, and all his brilliance... still has the same flip phone he's had since high school. It's got all his pics, all his memories but also, lowkey? He's just not tech savvy. He finds his smartphone overstimulating and is regularly engaging Megumi on tech support for random stuff and nothing beats the satisfaction of an "I don't get email on this phone" punctuated by the clap of his phone closing whenever Ijichi reaches out requesting paperwork or reports post-mission.
General Opinion over said character: Gojo is another character, like Bakugo, who is like willfully and regularly mischaracterized by fans (both those who love and those who hate him, tbh). It's hard to remember he's just a side character because, even being removed for more of the story than he's in, the brain rot that he and what we've seen of his backstory inspires is debilitating.
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Sexuality Headcanon: bi, canonically
Gender Headcanon: Cis
A ship I have with said character: AshEiji
A BROTP I have with said character: Ash + Max
A NOTP I have with said character: Haven't seen anything egregious, thankfully.
A random headcanon: Ash seems like the type who would mother and tut to the younger kids while also not being completely capable of taking care of himself. Like chastising Kong and Bones for their 3 and 1 body wash meal but being completely incapable of preparing a meal that isn't microwaved. Tutting Skip for having his elbows on the bar while they eat and drink but his firearm resting on the lip of the bar is totally fine. He ruled with an iron fist, yes, but the line everyone toed was out of respect not fear per se... unless they had to wake him up, of course. Similar to how waking him is like waking the dead, I just know he turns into a big ole baby when he's sick. He used to grit and bear it but with Eiji's introduction, he milks it.
General Opinion over said character: Ash Lynx deserved better. How can you not love and want to protect this kid? I also appreciate that under all that grit, that violence was a person who did what he needed to to take care of his brother; to watch out for younger kids in the only way he could/knew how; to still open his heart and trust to a total stranger who found himself in a new country.
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Sexuality Headcanon: Straight
Gender Headcanon: Cis
A ship I have with said character: I've started to see the appeal of Dramione
A BROTP I have with said character: Harry and Hermione
A NOTP I have with said character: Haven't seen anything egregious but likely because I'm not super plugged into that fandom anymore.
A random headcanon: I don't think Hermione ever stopped championing the underdog. She might have gotten a job at the Ministry of Magic 👀 but homegirl spent her time outside of work rallying protests, attending marches (both in muggle and magical spaces) for causes that she felt could positively shape the world in better ways than the confines of her previously tyrannical 9-5. Also, did her working there after not sit right with others? Again, something I probably more appreciate as an adult than a child.
General Opinion over said character: The Author is Dead but also, as an adult thinking about Hermione in this story, it's crazy to have given What's Her Name so much credit for writing such a whip smart and proactive heroine when she ultimately used her to also be pejorative about social justice issues when it came to advocating for the house elves. That disconnect is so ironic from someone who *thinks* they're a feminist (author's note, you cannot be a transphobe and a feminist. Further, if your feminism isn't intersectional, it's not feminism).
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