#aries new moon
turningwheeltarot · 24 days
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New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Aries (Apr. 8, 2024) 🌑♈️🐏
Major healing and soul evolution energy is with us during this new moon/solar eclipse in Aries. We may feel like we are turning a page or starting a new chapter in our journey of healing and growth. There is a strong focus on becoming stronger in who we truly are and what we truly want — and allowing that to determine the future we choose to create for ourselves. There is an ongoing understanding unfolding regarding these themes. Deeper layers continue to be uncovered.
There is a lot of Aries and Pisces energy going on simultaneously, which can feel a bit uncomfortable or frustrating. The Aries energy wants to charge ahead into the new beginning, but the Pisces energy is slowing us down and requiring us to fully and consciously release the past before we can move forward. The strong Pisces energy is also requiring us to surrender our will to Divine/Higher will. We are being pushed to come into alignment with the desires of our higher self rather than our ego — to ensure that the future we create is in alignment with the truth of our higher self.
✨Follow me on instagram @turningwheel360✨
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rawhoneybliss · 1 month
Aries Total Solar Eclipse (APRIL 8TH)
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bxtxnx · 23 days
People with Aries in the 2nd house will start doing something new in the next 6 months that will bring them money.
Today's Aries New Moon which is paired with an eclipse will trigger you to take on more risks and try new things which will bring you a new source of income. Since the eclipse is conjunct with Mercury, which is retrograde, this may be something that you've thought about before but didn't do and now you decide to bring that idea back and try it out for real. ☽
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funky-astrologer · 22 days
Y’all lol not me wondering why it got dark all of a sudden and then realizing it’s the solar eclipse, clueless because I’ve been inside all day I was like ouuu it’s gonna rain…girl LMAO. Aren’t I supposed to be an astrologer or something? #Eclipsed
🏵️Aries New Moon & Solar Eclipse 101🏵️
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When the Sun is eclipsed we may briefly have to reconsider our individual standpoint. Things are not as clear cut and easy to interpret with Mercury also retrograde. The Sun is exalted in Aries, but during this time it may be difficult to recognize and utilize our power well. It may seem to get misplaced into something that may not necessarily be beneficial to us. This eclipse wants you to recognize your power to make things happen and hone your confidence and energy by staying true to your goals.
Do something today your future self will thank you for tomorrow.
- things to also keep in mind -
🏵️set intentions to win
*you know your strengths, use them. Set yourself up for success this way.
🏵️empower yourself, whatever it is, if it’s healthy for you—just do it ✔️
🏵️stay focused on yourself and mind your business
🏵️lean into your talents and things you do well
🏵️limit distractions
🏵️be intentional and mindful of how you are utilizing your energy
*do not become complacent and do things just because
🏵️improve your skills through practice, especially if you are out of practice
🏵️pay attention to your body and it’s signals
🏵️move with your energy, not against it
*if something is not working, then move onto something else
Seriously, everyone finds themselves eclipsed now and again and it may be more common with Mercury retrograde. Don’t get upset over it, just move with the energy. It is a time for new intentions to be set, so stay positive besties✨
Happy New Moon🌑
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crybabyboyscout · 1 year
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thescorpionmonarch · 24 days
ASTRO FORECAST!! TOTAL ECLIPSE IN ARIES (new moon). Moon, Sun, Chiron, North node, and Mercury are all in a conjunction. Chiron in an Aries cazimi. Aries stellium. Venus has also Joined in Aries recents. Ruler of Aries In Pisces and conjunct saturn in Pisces 1 degree apart. Rulers of pisces in Pisces (Neptune) and Taurus (Jupiter). Ruler of taurus is Venus (see Venus in Aries). Reminder that Mercury is still in Retrograde
Spiritual and religious communities are just... not getting along lol. There debates on what info is the truth. What is fact from fiction? Many have blocked intuition on receiving the truth happen to also be loud... almost aggressive even. How are everyone claiming to be experts on the same thing or similar yet... can be wrong or in less unity. Especially on spirituality?
Ego death has been heavy. Painful. Society is changing in intense ways and by the many.
Our connection understanding where we get our resources needs to improve.. Respect and gratitude for what goes into us even getting resources is needed as well as more improvements on how they can be less blocked off from the common people.
People's temper is all rooted to seeking unconditional love and yet not understanding how to practice it well. Some of us feel very new at it. Wanting to rush learning before we can truly absorb it at our own pace.
Deities, celestials, and spirits connected to water and storms need to be taken into account. Accidents in the water, water pollution, water based technology, tidal waves, tsunamis, sea creatures, storms, rain, flooding, droughts, showers and baths, laundry, water connected to gardening, and more topics are being affected. Violence on the water or by water is also a possibility.
Sleep is being affected with more aggressive dreams. Arguing, fighting (even physical), even if Sci fi like, are getting frequent. Dreams itself are very disruptive.
What are the karmic affects of violence and pacifism and how do we find balance in it or another option entirely?
We'd all be proven right more if we let our intuition lead instead of a tempermental ego.
Check your Mars sign and placement since Aries is ruled by Mars.
This post is a little scattered in how I organized the points, but it's mercury retrograde and so, I wrote what I wrote.
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thedarkmaidenn · 21 days
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For the Aries New Moon cycle. This one is powerful.
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new moon in aries eclipse ritual ✨
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suniastrology · 23 days
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Today, April 8th, there is a Total Solar Eclipse in 19°23´ in the sign of Aries. Astronomically, this cosmic event occurs when the Moon moves between the Earth and the Sun, and blocking some or all of the Sun’s rays from reaching the Earth. In this occasion, the Sun is fully covered by the Moon which makes this event – total solar eclipse – much more rare and visually spectacular. People, who will be lucky to observe such a phenomenon on the sky are from North American countries – the USA, Canada and Mexico.
Astrologically, this Total Solar eclipse or New Moon in Aries is a conjunction between the Sun and the Moon in Aries. New Moon is always about new beginnings and setting a new intention. Being in the sign of Aries (I AM…), the energy invites us to set up an intention regarding ourselves, being a little bit selfish, and think purely about yourself from ‘I AM…’ point of view. What I want, and what I have to do to get it? What are my strengths and where I have to focus on, to take a risk, to be brave and assertive and to put my energy on, in aim to achieve my goals, plans, projects or pursue a new venture? Think what is YOUR heart (Sun) desire, what is it that will bring YOU joy, happiness and emotional fulfilment (Moon). What steps and actions AM I going to take to be independent, confident and self-sufficient; to grow and evolve in all or in some aspects of my life? These, for example, are some of the questions based on which you can plant seeds, making your wish list or setting intentions aligned with Aries’ energy.
On a personal level, the total solar eclipse energy, in Aries, may bring empowerment and drive in many aspects in your life. You may become emotionally charged (Moon) and to take actions based on your emotional desires. The rational thinking is not the strongest but everything what comes from the heart (Sun) is real and authentic. It is not a great time to start a new venture exactly on the eclipse day but rather setting intention, planning and strategizing, as mentioned above. It is better to wait for a week before taking actual steps. Mercury, on the other hand, also is in Aries, in its retrograde motion (until 25th April) which is another conformation to be more cautious and to be prepared before moving on with things in significant importance. People, who have any planets/angles around 19 degrees (between16-22 degrees) in Aries or in Cardinal signs – Cancer, Libra or Capricorn may feel the eclipse energy and effect strongly.
Moreover, Chiron, known in astrology as the Wounded healer, is in conjunction with this solar eclipse. Thus, suggest that healing could take place regarding our self-identity -confidence, independence, the aspect of ourselves which we feel that we are not good enough or lacking confidence to express ourselves; where our identity is wounded, in some way or another. For that reason, Chiron presence in this eclipse could rather bring beneficial and helpful experience.
Please, do remember that in astrology, eclipses could bring faithed events – sudden changes, unexpected events, shake ups, even crises – things out of our control, all in aim to align us to our life path (Sun) and soul purpose (Moon). Therefore, don’t be afraid, follow the change, be wise and trust the invisible (although it might not make a sense for the time being). Because this is a solar eclipse it may affect/bring changes when it comes to our (Sun) - professional/vocational/business life, our out worldly mission; our talent, creativity and how we (Moon) - contribute (nurture) into society, in general.
As a collective, the total solar eclipses in Aries tend to affect prominent figures in the society, leaders of the countries, governments, celebrities, royals, etc. In this case, the leaders/governments, especially, of US, Mexico, Canada (because of the visibility of the eclipse in this particular countries) may become the centre of attention in some way or another. For the next, at least, one /one and the half years these countries may undergo immense changes willingly or not. The public of these counties (the Moon in Aries) tend to be actively involved and a key factor of transformative processes. Because, there are many planets concentred in the sign of Aries, during this New Moon, as you can see in the chart below, the issues around wars tend to be actual for year and more ahead. New phases of wars, changes of leaders involved in the conflicts may also occur. Hopefully, Chiron presence in this solar eclipse brings healing of the countries/peoples’ identity involved in these war conflicts.
Astrologically, eclipses usually, could have an influence on us for year and year and a half. However, according to the ancient books, the eclipse influence depends on the length of the astronomical event by itself. For example, this Total Solar Eclipse will take place for 4,5 min, therefore, it is expected to affect us for the next 4,5 years. So, it worth remembering this day and to see what is going to unfold for the next 5 years on a personal and a global level. The last solar eclipse in 19 degree Aries occurred in April 8, 2005. Think what happen then?
If you want to find out more about timing, where and how to watch the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries North America, and UK check the BBC articles https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68684098
If you appear to be one of the watchers and you are willing to share your picture of the Eclipse, please upload it in the comment section. Your time, effort and sharing will be much appreciated. Thank you!
Keep in mind that these are GENERAL ASTROLOGICAL TENDENCIES and how exactly this energy will influence you it’s depending on your personal horoscope, but most definitely you will feel these astrological events in one way or another, especially, in some areas in your life. And remember, that singe astrological event does not represent the whole picture in a personal or on a collective level.
Best wishes
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ev3rythingbootifvl · 1 year
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Jupiter & abundance part 6
Aquarius and Pisces
Source: Facebook (astropieces astrology)
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turningwheeltarot · 1 year
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Aries New Moon (Mar. 21, 2023):
This powerful Aries new moon gives us a big push forward. The energy of new beginnings is very strong at this time – what do you want your next chapter to look like? What do you want to manifest next in your life? What are you ready to get started on now? This is an extra powerful time to set new intentions.
We have the drive and determination to put our desires into action and make them happen. And we have beautiful support for evolution, transformation, growth, and building a better future for ourselves.
But at the same time, we are still very much dealing with the energy of the past. We’re being shown what we don’t want to bring forward with us from our past, so that we can leave it behind. 
There is also a frustrating energy to this new moon. We may feel like we have to fight for what we want or that what we want isn’t coming to us as easily as we would like. There is a strong-willed and opinionated energy in the air. Anger or conflict may arise. It’s important to own, honor, and stand up for what we want, but also to be careful about blurting things out that we may later regret. 
The uncomfortable energy of feeling uncertain about how to move forward and having difficulty making progress has been with us for a while now. Though we are finally moving away from this energy, it’s still present. The fog is clearing, but we’re not out of the woods just yet.
✨Follow me on Instagram: instagram.com/turningwheel360✨
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rawhoneybliss · 1 year
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Visit rhbenergyreadings.eventbrite.com for all the details! Can't wait to see you 🤗💗✨🔮
☆ This 90 minute group event will take place on Zoom, starting with each attendee receiving a 10 minute Tarot Energy Reading by well-known Psychic Medium Raw Honey Bliss. In addition, RHB carries out collective messages as they are received.
☆ After readings are completed, everyone will participate in a perfectly safe, yet magical and powerful NEW MOON INTENTION SETTING RITUAL lead by RHB.
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bxtxnx · 20 days
After the solar eclipse and Aries New Moon on April 8, selling sports apparel, offering personal training sessions or mediation services can cause your business or career to skyrocket in the next 6 months.
Aries symbolizes sports and conflict, while the 19th degree at which the New Moon and eclipse happened is ruled by Libra, the sign of fashion, relationships and diplomacy.
So, any of the above-mentioned things will take off like crazy in the coming months and those that offer them will be the ones to succeed and profit the most. ☽
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black-lake · 23 days
what a mix of energy I’m feeling this solar eclipse. It’s like the air is clearing and things are being broken down. I’m grieving some parts of myself I lost but feeling other parts of me returning and emerging
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April 8th 2024:
|Moon Phase| (Lunar Phase)🌙NewMoon :April 8, 2024 NEW MOON at 18:20Solar Eclipse|
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{Click the Aries zodiac symbol(above) it's a link to the page online where I got this information about this lunar phase. But the photo(above) I made with these details. Moon in ♈Aries🌙 The feeling of uncertainty can make you solve problems faster then is natural. Do not rush as if there was a deadline. Try to slow down so that you can decide what you want to do and proceed at your own comfortable pace.
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Organs: Head, teeth, tongue, striated muscles, penis, gall bladder, arteries, blood.These organs are now more sensitive so provide them with extra care.Surgical operations:
No - Surgical operations are not recommended during the New Moon.
🌙As we approach the mystical and powerful new moon in Aries on April 8th, we are entering a time of new beginnings, fiery energy, and transformation. In the realm of witchcraft and spirituality, this lunar phase holds immense significance and offers us an opportunity to harness the potent energies of the cosmos.
♈Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is ruled by the fiery planet Mars, known for its passion, courage, and assertiveness. This new moon in Aries is a time for us to embrace our inner warrior, set new intentions, and take bold steps toward our goals. It encourages us to tap into our personal power, ignite our passions, and embark on new adventures with confidence and determination.
🌙During a new moon, the sky is dark and the moon is not visible, symbolizing a time of introspection, reflection, and planting seeds for the future. It is a powerful time for setting intentions, manifesting desires, and initiating new projects. In the witchy realm, rituals and spells performed during a new moon in Aries are often focused on courage, strength, and self-empowerment.
♈But this new moon in Aries is not just any ordinary lunar phase - it is also accompanied by a solar eclipse. Solar eclipses are potent celestial events that amplify the energy of the new moon, creating a powerful portal for transformation and change. Eclipses are known for bringing unexpected events, revelations, and shifts in consciousness.
🌙The impact of this solar eclipse in Aries can be felt on both a personal and collective level. It may bring sudden insights, breakthroughs, and changes that propel us forward on our spiritual journey. It is a time to release old patterns, beliefs, and limitations that no longer serve us, and embrace new possibilities and opportunities.
🌙On a global scale, the energy of this solar eclipse in Aries may bring about shifts in leadership, activism, and social change. It is a time for standing up for what we believe in, taking action toward our goals, and speaking our truth with courage and conviction.
🌙As we navigate the energies of this upcoming new moon in Aries and solar eclipse, we are reminded of the importance of embracing change, trusting the unknown, and stepping into our power as magical beings on this earthly journey. May we harness the fiery energy of Aries, the transformative power of the eclipse, and the wisdom of the cosmos to create a new reality filled with passion, purpose, and magic. Blessed be.
Written by Cosmic Princess aka @jaxlynn
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thedarkmaidenn · 1 year
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A ritual for the New Moon in Aries. Prosperity, Wishes and Renewal. ❤️
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