#bones (yes the crime show) au
ogdoadfates · 1 year
Hi!! May I ask for "I made dinner! come sit, you need some real food." from the Considerate prompts with Vax and Keyleth? :D
Thank you ^_^
Heya!!! You got it! We are going the bones au this time around because it’s the only au I have right now where I have an idea for this prompt XD And ya know what? I always write Vax taking care of Kiki so why don’t we go the other way around! This would be when they’ve been with each other for a while and a bit after they moved in together.
"I made dinner! Come sit, you need some real food."-Considerate prompts
After every case the group goes out for drinks to celebrate and after that everyone gets to go home in a timely manner, everyone except Vax and occasionally Scanlan that is.
Vax gets stuck doing loads upon loads of paperwork, phone calls, and just a whole lot of other tedious and boring things. Meaning he only ever gets to go home at an ungodly time, hungry, tired and until recently he didn’t really have anything to look forward to when he went home. 
But now? Now he knows Keyleth’s there most likely asleep on the couch after trying to stay up for him. He can’t help but smile remembering the first time she did that, he still can’t describe all the emotions that swarmed him that night. Poor Keyleth had to deal with him being a crying clingy mess till they fell asleep.
Vax parks his car, stretching a bit before exiting and heading inside the apartment building. He gives the receptionist a nod before heading into the elevator.
Vax rubs his neck, gods he’s tired and as if it was a puppy feeling neglected his stomach gives off a rumble to remind him he hasn’t eaten since lunch and it’s currently three minutes till one in the morning.
The elevator chimes and with that he starts his walk to his and Keyleth’s apartment. When reaching for his key he stops. Vax can just faintly hear shuffling on the other side of the door. Oh, Keyleth. You’re going to be exhausted tomorrow. Finally he gets his key and enters the apartment.
As soon as he crosses the threshold his nose is assaulted with a cacophony of delicious smells, quietly he closes the door behind him and follows the smell. 
He finds Keyleth in the kitchen crouching in front of the oven watching whatever laid inside till she notices his presence with a start causing her to yelp. “What are you doing?” He says warmly giving off a few chuckles as well to which she just rolls her eyes at him and gets up, giving him a warm smile.
“I made Dinner!” Keyleth chirps and gods does Vax’s heart fall even further for this wondrous woman. “Come sit, you need some real food.” She says nodding her head toward their small dining table as she gets herself busy getting everything.
He’s fully aware that he’s staring at her but he can’t help it. This amazing human who’s been constantly trying to stay up for him finally did and most likely held off on having dinner herself so she could make one for the both of them to share. How did he ever get so lucky? How did he ever manage to get the same feelings of love that he has for her returned to him from such a smart and compassionate person? He doesn’t know but he sends a silent prayer to whatever god will listen to thank them for such a wondrous life he has been given.
Eventually Keyleth has everything set and the two can finally eat, from there the night or well early morning goes on in blissful soft chatter. The two opt to clean the dishes at another time and finally retire to their bedroom. They huddle together underneath their bedsheets with Vax’s head laying on Keyleth’s chest and their legs intertwined.
“Thank you, for all of this just thank you.” Vax mumbles into her to which she laughs, the bubbly sound relaxing Vax’s very soul and the vibration echoing throughout her and into him warming his heart.
“You don’t have to thank me Vax, I wanted to do it and you deserve nice things.” Vax feels like she’d just launched an arrow through his heart and holds onto her tighter burying his face even further into her chest, causing her to chuckle and for a warm blush to travel from the top of her chest to the very tips of her ears.
“I love you, Kiki.” He says just barely above a whisper. Keyleth inhales and lets it out slowly, taking a hand to rub comforting circles into Vax’s back, laying a kiss to his forehead.
“I love you too, Vax.”
21 notes · View notes
deadsetobsessions · 5 months
AU of my Gotham/Tim Drake! Danny where Danny doesn’t know any knowledge beforehand about the DC universe.
Danny doesn’t know how he got here, but the fact that he now shares something in common with Vlad other than their technical halfa status disgusts him
His new name is Timothy Jackson Drake. It’s so far removed from Danny that his parents had him examined for deafness because he didn’t respond to it. He got better at it, at putting on the mask Janet and Jack Drake wanted to see. So they took him to the circus.
He meets Dick Grayson. Danny thinks the kid is adorable, even if Danny himself is technically younger. He sees the flying Graysons fall. The buzzing in his head doesn’t go away.
He’s five, when the fading spirit of Gotham reaches out and pleads her King to protect her city in her stead. She is fading. He says yes, because she’s one of his. The buzzing in his head settles and oh because that’s what’s been missing this entire time. Danny didn’t have a haunt and Gotham gave him one.
He grieves when she dies, the new title settling around small shoulders, and the city grieves with him. In the city proper, Batman and Robin are having the worst night of their lives in the sudden storm.
He’s nine. Robin is Dick Grayson. Dick Grayson, in turn, is an idiot. Batman… well, he’s at least mentoring and protecting the child vigilante, which is more than Danny ever had. He grows fond of them. How could he not, when they tried their hardest to help his city? To help him?
He shows himself, to the duo, in his Phantom form. It’s still him, still modeled after Danny Fenton’s face instead of Tim Drake’s. Ghosts are a reflection of the soul, after all.
“Who are you,” Batman demands, shielding Robin with half a step.
“Gotham.” He replies. Danny wills the city to affirm his claim and the city wraps its arms around the vigilantes. Batman and Robin understands, a deep well of pure knowledge being tapped into in ways they weren’t truly meant to understand.
“Magic,” Phantom says, dry. He tells them of city spirits, and that they can call him in times of dire need.
Dick calls him to help with Two Face. Two Face learns the pain of unmelting ice to the balls.
His core aches when the Bats fight, but Danny knows now that it is inevitable. They’re part of his haunt, his ‘fraid. He knows these things far before they come into fruition.
Dick moves to a sister city. Phantom expands his haunt to Bludhaven because he doesn’t, won’t, ever leave his Robins to themselves.
Nightwing is hopeful, is pleasantly surprised, and very suspicious when he shows up during patrol.
“Gotham…? What are you doing here…? This isn’t, well, Gotham?”
“Satellite City. It is an extension of myself. You were Robin, yes. You’re Nightwing, now. But that doesn’t mean I won’t protect you when I can.”
Phantom goes back, and finds a kid trying to steal tires to make a living. He guides his Knight to him. The starved features, the bones Danny could see, it tugs at his core. It feels like the Ancient of Fate themselves were pulling him along.
“How’d you know I was taking the wheels?”
“Are you… high on shrooms or something?”
Bruce sighs. Batman asks Gotham to meet the new Robin, and chuckles when Jason is surprised by the glowing green figure.
Phantom hides this Robin just as much as the last one. He curls shadows around his vigilantes, sometimes at the same time, and softens what little sounds they made while stalking through his city for crime.
He makes small jokes with Jason. Danny forgets, a little, the crushing loneliness of being Timothy Drake.
“I didn’t kill Garzona!”
Batman stops as a chill he’s never had experienced directed at him weaves around his neck. An angry Gotham.
“He didn’t kill him.” Danny slides a cold hand on Jason’s shoulders.
But the damage had been done and the next day, Batman is begging Danny to tell him any clues of where Jason had gone.
He clears the way for Batman to get to Robin. He clears the way for Bruce to get to Jason.
He’d fallen into the trap of believing that Batman would handle everything when in the end, he’s just a man in a mantle that demands more than he ever thought he’d have to pay.
Robin is dead and Danny grieves. The skies crack open and pours a torrent of smogged rain water upon the streets of Gotham. Despite that, Crime Alley is untouched by flood. They say the second Robin was protecting his home.
In a way, it’s not wrong.
Gotham fishes Batman from the bay, carelessly tossing the broken Joker against a shipping container.
“You can’t keep doing this. You’ll die.”
Bruce, Batman, lays on his back, eyes glazed and empty. “Maybe I want to.” He admits. And Danny can’t lose someone else. It’s already bad enough he feels the death of everyone in his city, he can’t lose him too. But Dick won’t come back. He already denied Gotham when Phantom had asked him to come back. Granted, Dick was nervous about denying him the entire time, but Danny realized that he’d lost a brother in the colors his parents chose for Dick. Danny- Phantom had cradled Dick in a swaddle of shadows and comfort.
“Is it? Alright? I- I don’t want to fail you, Gotham.”
“It is. You’ve always made me proud. You will always make me proud. Whether it be by different name, it matters to me not. Stay. Heal.”
Like Dick was given permission, like he received a hint of peace, Dick Grayson crumpled to the floor and sobbed into Gotham’s shoulder.
(Later, long after Dick Grayson realized his little brother was also his city personified, he cries again into Tim’s shoulders after the later dropped a flower pot perfectly on top of Catalina Flores’ head.)
Gotham, Phantom, Danny makes a choice.
“Tomorrow, a child will show up at your door. You will let him in.”
“No- I can’t. I won’t.” He knows what Danny will ask of him.
“You will.” Danny doesn’t ever do it with his people, with his city, but dire times call for dire actions. It is an order. And Batman is Gotham’s knight. “You will. You will train him. You need a Robin to leash your brutality. I need a Robin, for Robin is my hope. The city’s hope. Our people’s hope. Do not forget the goal you have set out to accomplish in my city.”
Batman rages at him, until he falls unconscious from the wounds he’s gathered. Danny brings him home. He tells Alfred what to expect tomorrow. Bruce wakes up, eyes fixated on the crack that appeared on Danny’s neon green face. “Did. Did I do that?”
Danny nods slowly.
Batman crumples into Bruce Wayne. “Okay.” He says. “Alright. Tomorrow.”
Gotham watches him, unreadable. “Tomorrow.” He says, before fading away.
Tim Drake shows up at the door. Nightwing shows up not long after. Tim Drake adapts to Bruce Wayne’s cold looks and brutal training. Slowly, but surely, he leashes in Batman’s grief fueled brutality and less criminals go to prison with half of their lives beaten out of them.
Batman doesn’t see Gotham as much anymore. He feared that he’s angered his city, that he is no longer welcome.
When Tim figures it out… he allows the roads and the shadows to help Batman once more.
Batman stared intently at the extra coverage. “Thank you,” Tim hears him whisper. “I’m sorry.”
And when Jason Todd comes back to life and attacks Tim in the tower, Tim lets Hood beat him. Gotham had failed him, as Jason’s city. He deserves it. (He doesn’t but Danny had gone past the point of being healthy about his own physical wellbeing. Perhaps being a city spirit this long had affected him, even with the King’s title mitigating the worst of the damages.
“Because I ordered him to.” Tim whispers, past the pain of a broken leg.
“You? Order Batman around? If you’re going to lie, make it a better one, Replacement.”
Tim catches Jason’s wrist, the one holding the knife to Tim’s throat.
“Robin,” he says simply, allowing Gotham to come out and peer at the child that is his.
Jason stares, disbelieving. Gotham had… Gotham had come by and approved of his plans to clean up Crime Alley. Gotham had extracted a promise not to damage the buildings.
His city stares back and him and Jason stumbles away. Tim shifts into Danny, into Gotham.
“I am Gotham. I- I did not want to wear these colors. They were yours and Dick’s. But Bruce was hurting the city, he was hurting me. So I made sure he stopped.”
Jason stares at the new cracks, the fresh ones he just caused and the old ones he does not remember being on Danny’s ghostly skin.
Jason swallows. “I’m sorry.”
“As am I. I am sorry I was not there to save you. I am sorry that you died.”
Jason stares at him. The Replacement is Gotham. Jason almost destroyed his city.
“I am glad that you’ve returned. That you’re alive, now.”
Alternative Version of the above Tower Scene:
Jason slides the knife against the Replacement’s neck.
Danny sighs. “I can’t believe I’m dying again.”
Jason pauses. “What the fuck did you just say, Replacement?”
Danny rolls his eyes at him and Jason rethinks his decision of not offing the little fucker right away.
“You think you’re the first one to die in this household? Get a grip. I did it first, way before you did, jackass.”
Tim is 14. He’s a child. What the fuck is Jason doing?
“How do you think I became Gotham, little bird?”
Jason freezes. And then he’s scrambling backwards, the knife flung away in his horror.
Tim shifts into Gotham and Jason bites back a cut of regret and bitterness.
He… no, what? What even is happening?
“Why is the Joker not dead? You… you told me that you loved me. That Gotham… that-”
“I’m cruel, little bird. The Joker would not suffer as much if he were dead.”
“He’s killing people! He’s killing your own!”
“So everyone thinks.”
“I am Gotham, little bird. Mass hallucinogenic gasses are so within my reach to the point it is concerning. Perhaps you should help Ivy with the city clean up?”
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darlingdarkly · 3 months
New Year, New You Part 8
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish x f!reader
Personal Trainer AU
9k words
CW: dubcon!, dark fic, dark content, obsessive behavior, dirty talk, explicit language, E rated, NSFW, smut, 18+, mature themes, gaslighting
Part 1, 7, 9
You grill him with questions, demanding him to explain to you what he’s talking about. It seems obvious to you that he knows something he’s not letting on. The words fly from your mouth in a panic. “What do you mean it’s not safe? What are you talking about, Johnny? Explain!”
You see him get a little heated, a reaction you hadn’t expected, in fact the whole exchange following your inquisitions is so out of left field that it renders you speechless.
“Obviously hen, ye were a victim of a crime last night. Do ye nae see that?” You hadn’t seen that, it was so hard to remember anything about last night that drawing any kind of conclusion had so far been beyond you.
He sees it starting to click and continues, striking while the irons hot. “How many times in the past have ye gotten black out drunk, bonnie?” You have certainly had your fair share of ragers but black out drunk? To the point of almost total memory loss? Never.
“Did ye really think wakin’ up an’ nae bein’ able tae remember a damn thing was normal? Open yer eyes, lass.” He did this so well it seemed, had a way of breaking you down and making you feel small just to build you back up how he saw fit, cutting through the walls and all the bullshit to speak directly to you in a way no one before him had. It was humiliating and liberating all at once.
He sees he’s made his point. “Ah’m nae kiddin’, lass. I think ye were drugged las’ night an’ ah’d say yer awful lucky ah showed up when ah did.” His voice had taken on a kind of verbal growl, Scottish accent deepening so that it was almost hard to understand. He seemed genuinely upset, more than you could seem to get even though you were the victim, but you could feel it settling into your bones now, the unease.
Your face must be a mask of your emotions because he starts to calm now that he feels he's gotten through to you and he takes your hand into both of his. “Ye need tae understand somethin’, hen.” He seems to be mulling over the words in his head, unsure of the next thing to say. “I care about ye, I want ye tae be safe an’ happy an’ I think ye should stay with me. It’s nae safe fer ye tae be livin’ on yer own.”
You feel a bit surprised at his candidness, a show of emotions you hadn’t expected and it sends a hot flare up from your stomach and heats your cheeks. “Johnny I can’t stay.” He forces his gaze to yours, holds you hostage with it. “Why nae?”
That’s a good question, one you didn’t have an answer for. Why couldn’t you stay with him? Would it really be so bad? You’d been living on your own for so long maybe you were afraid of that change.
You opened your mouth to answer but he stopped you before you could. “Jus’ think about it. I’ll ask ye again tonight an’ if ye dinnae want tae, ah willnae make ye.” He closed it with that, getting up off the bed to signal the talk was over. “Come on, time fer yer warm up.”
After changing, you followed him out the door and into unfamiliar territory, the rest of the house you’ve yet to see. He leads you into an open living area that blended into a nice big kitchen. The house looked like it could house a whole family let alone just the two of you. You followed as your head craned and took it all in. The rent must have been astronomical but it was still Johnny’s house and he didn’t bother with extravagancies. It was spacious but also sparsely decorated making it look huge in perspective.
You cut through the space and into another room. You hadn’t really expected him to have a personal home gym, since he worked at one you naturally assumed he’d just go to work to exercise. The middle of the room was empty and matted, heavy duty, black pads interlocked like puzzle pieces made a twelve by twelve square in the center. The walls of the room were lined with full weight racks, adjustable benches, a treadmill and a power tower.
He stops in the middle of the black square and motions for you to sit. You sit, criss cross applesauce, across from him and he motions for you to begin. You start to go through your warm ups, starting with your sit-ups. He holds your feet and keeps count for you, his grin widening as you progressed.
Today was different and in more ways than one, when you’d finished he had you sit up and hold his feet, meaning for this to be a joint session for the both of you instead of just one sided as it normally was. You had to sit with your knees on the toes of his feet to keep him weighted down and he went for three reps of twenty instead of ten. You could feel the strength he possessed, the power held in the corded muscles of his thighs and calves by just holding him down.
You moved through the first set and into the next, keeping count of his push ups and even clumsily crawling up on his back when he insisted on needing your added weight. While it’d only really been a week since you’d stopped, you found that you’d come to miss this. Partly the healthy routine you’d built with him and partly his presence itself. Slipping back into it was not only easy but welcoming and this new way of having him doing it right along with you was something you secretly found yourself falling in love with.
You practically floated through your warm ups, hardly feeling the burn of them. You sat on the mat with your legs stretched out in front of you in a V. Without any assistance from him you managed a full, complete split and you couldn’t quite hide the elation you felt when his eyes lit up and praise poured from his lips.
Limber and pliant you both rose up from the mat and he walked you over to the power tower, standing out from you as you positioned yourself underneath the pull up bar. You jumped and grabbed ahold of the cool metal. You began, pulling yourself up until your chin passed the bar and then dropping down again.
It was hard but you were determined to finish, huffing and puffing by the last rep but still able to pull yourself past the point without stopping. You caught your breath as he muscled through his. You had long recovered when he finally jumped down, making your measly three look like light work as he managed a solid fifteen before finally coming to a halt.
You knew the next portion was the treadmill but as you made to mount it he stopped you. “Let’s go fer a real run, what dae ye think?” You stopped to consider it. You’d always wanted to go for a real jog, much preferring the open air of outside to the confines of an automated conveyor belt but had been much too scared to attempt such a thing on your own.
You’d always heard stories of women going out on jogs and simply never returning, their bodies found weeks later floating in rivers or lying in ditches. As alluring as the idea was your fears had always kept you inside but with a man like Johnny by your side you could pretty much garuntee total safety.
The prospect of finally getting to do as you pleased excited you and you found yourself chomping at the bit to go. He grabbed his house keys and escorted you to the door, locking it tight behind him and stepping up beside you on the sidewalk. “Are ye ready?”
You smiled at him and nodded, it must have been contagious because one of his own sprung up on his face, lighting it up and making his blue eyes sparkle in the sun.
“There’s a park just doon the way. We’ll head there, do a lap an’ loop back.” You started at a light jog and was pleasantly surprised to see him keep the pace you’d set. You were a bit worried you’d be struggling to match him the whole way, although he did talk most of the way while you struggled to manage anything more than one word replies.
It was a beautiful day, the weather was mild and there was a cool breeze at your back like gentle fingers prodding you encouragingly along. You were suddenly glad for this strange turn of events, as troubling as it seemed at first. Feeling down all last week and then reluctant to go out with Nancy, the anxiety you’d felt in the drive to the club and then somehow ending up in Johnny’s bed the next morning.
Somehow even unable to remember any of the events from the night before, something that, in all reality should leave you mortified and sick left you only feeling a strange sense of calm, like in the end it had all worked out how it was meant to be. You found yourself thinking about this morning and how he’d been almost mad at you for not being more concerned about last night, but you just couldn’t feel it.
There was eventually an underlying sense of unease that he’d practically forced onto you but it was only fleeting, like someone who’s fallen asleep at the wheel only to wake up in the hospital and be informed that you were lucky to be alive. It was hard to understand the reality of your danger when you’d walked away unscathed and without really having experienced it.
Maybe it was shell shock and you just weren’t completely grasping the reality of the situation but you weren’t holding your breath, and as far as taking him up on his offer you just weren’t all that convinced. While it was, admittedly, a problem that you’d drank too much and been unable to make it home last night, you failed to see any real danger in living by yourself.
You’d been doing fine thus far and didn’t see why that should have reason to change. You decided then that you’d made up your mind, you’d spend the day with Johnny, as gratitude for taking such good care of you in a time of need and just to enjoy it as well, it was only early in the afternoon but it was turning out to be a pretty good day in your book. You’d tell him later on when he asked that there really was no reason for you to stay with him. He’d understand, you were sure.
“Lass?” You were pulled away from your thoughts and back to the present. “Hmm?”
“I said what do ye think about havin’ fer dinner. I make an ossobuco that’ll bring ye tae tears.” You had no idea what that was but just expressed your interest anyway as you turned off of the sidewalk and into the entrance to the park.
It was one you recognized, beautfiully landscaped and as old as the hills, this park had been around for as long as you could remember, although it’d been ages since you’d been. They’d updated the playground and had redone the bridge over the pond, there was a flock of geese preening themselves on the surface of the dark, calm water.
You came to a stop at the peak of the bridge, glancing down at your Fitbit and checking your pulse. Johnny leaned his forearms onto the railing and leaned down for a look into the pond as you both caught your breath. He broke the peaceful silence that had settled between the two of you.
“I brought me mum here once. She used tae love feedin’ the swans at the pond near our house when I was wee. Used tae take me over there on our morning walks and I used tae make her laugh tryin’ tae catch one. Ah’ve taken more than one swan nip tae the arse as a lad.” You couldn’t help but laugh imagining him chasing the birds that probably matched him in size as a kid and then laughed some more as you imagined them chasing him, angry and nipping at his heels.
He laughed with you and as you nestled in next to him to stare out on the pond, just as the fit settled he leaned in close, nudged up against your side. “Ye’ll meet her if ye stay long enough ye know. She’d love ye.”
You felt a pang of uncomfortable awkwardness as he brought up the idea of you staying again. You didn’t want to dissapoint him by ruining the moment but you didn’t want to lead him on either. “Johnny…”
He stopped you. “Nae. Dinnae say anything yet. Ah was jus’ sayin’.”
You fell back into silence, a much more uncomfortable one this time but he wouldn’t let it set in as he pushed you back into a jog and lead you over the end of the bridge. It looped back around to where you’d started and it was only a quick jog back to his place where you ended your session for the day.
You both go inside and head for the kitchen, he pulls a blender hidden in a cabinet and sets it up on the counter before pulling out a litany of fruits along with a knife and small cutting board. He chops as he talks, going over your progress and performance, comparing it to your starting time and pace and mooning over the results.
He stops talking as he dumps the fruit into the blender and turns it on, the concoction inside swirling into a deep green slurry. When it’s homogenous he stops and pulls two glasses from a different cupboard. The juice makes a wet plop as it fills the glass and he slides one your way after sticking a bright orange straw down into its depths.
You pull it in front of you and take a long sip, confident in his smoothie skills at this point and relish in the way the sweet cool drink slides over your tongue and down your throat, already working to rejuvenate you.
He downs his quickly, an amazing feat that would surely leave you numb with brain freeze. Setting the glass down in the sink he rounds the counter to you. “I’m goin’ tae take a quick shower and then it’s yer turn.” He slides up close, lean chest pressing into your back and placing a kiss on the back of your neck that sent chills down your spine. “Unless ye want tae join me, that is.”
You do want to, nothing sounds better but you’re still tired from your session and you’ve experienced Johnny in his fulty, intense and unrelenting. If you went at it now you may never recover so you decline, opting to finish your drink and wait your turn. He leaves you and you turn on the stool to take in the decor. The little there is of it seems to be concentrated on a shelf in the corner.
You hop off the stool and walk tentatively over to it, surveying the shelves. There’s a few trophies, the plaques on each read that they’re awarded from some gym for a weightlifting competition. His name and the years were engraved in the middle of the plaque, he’d won them three years consecutively.
The other shelves were adorned with photographs. You glanced at them one by one, picking out Johnny’s radiant smile in each. Here’s one with him on the bank of a river, huddled together with a bunch of people all wearing the same bright orange helmets and yellow vests in varying states of soaked, they’re all holding short stubby oars and smiling.
The next one is a much larger group of people, they’re all different ages but share similar qualities, their eyes and noses on different faces but seem to be shaped from the same clay by the same hands. They’re assembled in front of a sign that reads “MacTavish Family Reunion” and it takes you a moment to pick out Johnny from the crowd of baby blues and deep rich browns. You finally spot him clustered in the back with two other young men hanging off of his shoulders. They look like three of a rambunctious kind.
Beside that is Johnny in a long black robe and mortarboard, from the cap dangles a dark green tassel that hangs in the poofy frizz of long dark brown curls belonging to a shorter stout woman. Her eyes are so bright and shockingly blue they couldn’t belong to anyone other than Johnny’s mother. She looks soft and sweet but strong as she beams at the camera. Her face exudes nothing but pride and adoration for her son. Johnny looks young and happy, his eyes reflect the yet untapped potential of the start of his adult life.
“That’s mah mum an’ I at mah graduation.” His sudden presence startles you and you’re glad to have only been leaning in to observe the photographs instead of holding them, you’re certain you would have dropped them had it been the case.
“Jesus, Johnny. You scared me.” He smiles, a deep grin that you can tell he’s a bit satisfied to have been able to give you a start, despite his following apology. “Sorry lass, Dinnae mean tae make ye jump.”
There’s a small span of awkward silence and to cease it you ask him about the first picture, the one by the river.
He lets out a small hearty laugh and reaches past you to lift the frame off the shelf, bringing it closer like having it here in his hands will give him a better feel for the memories they contain.
“Ah used tae go white water raftin’ all the time. This was a group I joined when ah started. We had just cleared a class four river fer tha first time.” You smile as he reminisces, telling just by his eyes that he’s reliving it a little as he talks.
“Do you still do it? River raft?” He shakes his head and places the picture back on the shelf where it had been. “Nae anymore. Too dangerous.”
He sighs a little, the golden memory disappearing and perhaps leaving a plume of mild gloom in its place but if it had affected him too badly it didn’t show, as his ever radiant smile resurfaced like it’d never retreated.
“Yer turn, hen. The bathrooms in mah room it’s the far door on the left.” You make your way back towards his bedroom as he stations himself behind the sink and busies himself with the dishes.
You pick through the bag on the bed, hem hawing over what to wear when you just decide to bring the whole bag with you into the bathroom. You turn on the shower and let it warm as you retrieve your soap, shampoo and conditioner.
After quickly undressing you step into the warm jet and let it soak into your skin. There was a lot to think about and showers had always seemed like the best time to ponder things. You’re still, even now, in awe at just how things had turned in the past day. You certainly didn’t believe you’d be showering at his place at this time the day before. You poured some body wash into your palm, lathering it as you ruminated.
And then there was his offer, so out of the blue and generous of him. To stay at his place with him and for what? Why? Because you’d drank a little too much the night before and just couldn’t recall any of it? While it’d never been the case for you before now didn’t mean it was impossible for you to become black out drunk. It wasn’t an impossibility, you’d read somewhere that the body's chemical makeup changes roughly every seven years. People all the time grow out of and even develop new allergies as their life progressed. Meaning it was completely possible for your reactions to an influx of alcohol to change over time.
At least, that’s how you justified it to yourself as you rinsed the suds from your skin and began to wash your hair. It just didn’t make sense to jump to conclusions so hastily. And stay for how long? Certainly he didn’t mean to tell you that you were welcome to move in indefinitely. You don’t just extend that kind of an offer to someone like that, he barely knew you. Or did he?
It didn’t matter. For now you just couldn’t bring yourself to impose upon him like that, even if he did offer it up so willingly and insistent. After dinner, you’d gently and politely refuse. He did after all say he wouldn’t make you if you didn’t want to.
You rinse off and turn off the stream, letting most of the water drip off you before stepping out and wrapping yourself in a warm, fluffy towel from the rack. You finally pick out an outfit and stick with it, pulling it on and cleaning up after yourself as you finished, you’d rather not leave a mess for him to contend with later on top of everything he’d already done for you.
You close the door to his bedroom behind you as you step out into the open living room. You had expected him to be unwinding on the couch but instead he was up and pulling on jacket, he had his shoes on and keys in hand. As he spotted you he smiled and stepped towards you.
“Ah need a few things from the store fer dinner. Will ye join me fer a ride?” You smile and nod, turning back towards the room to put on some shoes and retrieve your phone and wallet before joining him to leave. It’s a short walk through the front entrance of his home to the garage. It’s barren save for a big red toolbox and a few boxes stacked in a far corner. His truck takes up the majority of the space, a fairly new dark blue Toyota Tundra. Totally on brand for him, clean and gleaming under the fluorescent lights overhead. He pulls open the passenger side door for you to climb in, which flusters you a bit.
You scurry to climb into it and sit back into the comfy seat as he shuts your door and rounds the vehicle to climb in on his side.
You ride in comfortable silence as he drives you a few blocks down the road to the little grocery mart you’d been to on occasion when you were in need of something on this side of town. He parks and you’re glad to scoot out of the door and join him before he has time to come around and open the door for you again. The chivalry was nice but always managed to make you feel awkward instead of special.
You’re taken by surprise as he takes your hand in his and both make your way towards the entrance. The warmth of his hand envelops yours, his thumb draws lazy, soothing circles on the back of your hand and the flustered feeling you’d been feeling, a combination of the new experience of being seen with him in public and him being so gentlemanly, eases.
You walk side by side out of the car park and into the brightly lit store. He picks up one of the little baskets from a metal cage and begins veering towards the back of the store. He seems to know exactly what he needs and where it all is so you just lose yourself a bit in the moment, looking at things on the shelves and watching him as he shops.
Normally when you shop by yourself it’s a race. A race to get everything you need and get out as fast as humanly possible, it’s something about being out in public for too long that makes your skin crawl. But this. This is different. Something about being with Johnny puts you at an inexplicable ease. He’s confident and knowledgeable, and for once you don’t feel like your mind is moving a million miles a minute under the scrutiny of every other set of eyes in the building. You can just simply relax and be, let him take over.
In produce you watch him pick up three different onions that, to you, look no different but he rolls them in the palm of his hand and gives them each a light toss in the air. Somehow— that decides it and he puts two of them back and places the chosen one down in the basket.
Every time he lets go of your hand for something you’re sure that’s the end of it, just knowing the moment will be lost but he surprises you each time anew when he comes back to you and takes it again, leading you through the sections hand in hand.
You stop in the spirits aisle and grimace as he picks up a bottle of dry red wine. The front is embossed with a duck in a yellow slicker, an umbrella cocked jauntily and tucked securely under one white wing, shielding him from a shower of rain falling from a single dark cloud that looms over its head. In a bright gold scroll underneath this curious image are the words “Rain Duck”. The image is very reminiscent of the Morton salt girl you’d always seen in the spice cabinet of your childhood home.
He looks over and catches your look of disgust and laughs, a hearty cheerful sound that momentarily wipes the scowl from your face and threatens to send you into your own fit of meek giggles. “Dinnae worry hen, s’just fer the sauce. Will nae even taste it, ah promise.”
He sets it down in the basket and heads towards the front of the store to checkout. You stand in line and wait your turn until the cashier clears the person in front of you and Johnny begins to empty his basket onto the conveyor belt one item at a time.
By the time he’d finished, the cashier, a tall skinny man with dark rimmed glasses had already begun to ring you up and Johnny suddenly smacks the palm of his hand to his forehead. “Ahhhh shite. Ah forgot somethin’. Stay here with the groceries bonnie, I’ll be right back.”
He takes off in a power walk towards the back of the store and disappears around a shelf. You rock back and forth on your feet and pray that by the time the cashier is done Johnny will be back. You know if he’s not you’ll cave to the pressure of the people behind you and end up paying for everything yourself, just so you don’t hold the line.
You crane over the partitions of shelves that mark the separate checkout lanes in search of Johnny but your attention is redirected when the cashier clears his throat and calls out to you to get your attention. “Excuse me, miss.”
You turn, dreading the worst but there’s still a good amount of items left unscanned and he’s got the bottle of Rain Duck held past the scanner, looking to you attentively.
You let out a sigh of relief as you realize he only needs your ID to finish ringing up the wine. You pull your wallet from your purse and the relief you had felt instantly dissipates. The pleasantly relaxed state you’d been lulled into suddenly felt like the calm prelude to a horrifying nightmare. The clear plastic pane that normally covered your horrible ID photo was empty. You tipped it open, hoping for some horrible trick of the light or optical illusion but the sleeve was empty.
You quickly shuffled through the individual card sleeves, hoping against hope that you’d somehow slipped it into one of them by mistake but it wasn’t there. Your ID was missing. The panic sets in the pit of your stomach like a lead ball as Johnny squeezes up behind you holding a carton of heavy cream. His smile disappears when he sees your face.
He quickly sets the heavy cream down on the belt and puts a hand on your shoulder. “Bonnie, what is it? What’s wrong?”
The cashier calls out to him impatiently. “Sir?” Johnny looks up at him, with death glaring from his eyes before turning back to you. “Come on, lass. What’s the matter?” You whisper because it’s all you can muster, your vocal cords withered to nothing in fright.
“My ID. It’s gone.” The cashier tried again to get Johnny’s attention and you barely hear Johnny as he speaks very low and angrily at the man behind the counter. Johnny must have done as he asked though because soon enough you feel Johnny’s arms gently pulling you towards the exit. It makes you snap out of your horror for a moment and offer to help carry the bags back to his truck but he’s having none of it, insisting on carrying the whole load in two huge armloads all the way back himself.
You slip into the passenger seat as he puts the groceries in the back and only look up from staring at the lines in your denim jeans when the driver side door shuts and the cab is silent for a moment. He’s looking at you, very concerned and you realize he’s waiting for you to explain in more detail.
“My ID is gone. Completely gone.” He seems to think for a moment before he responds and asks if you’d checked your purse. You quickly do as he’d suggested and go through it but it’s not there either and the momentary hope you’d felt at his suggestion died almost as soon as it’d been born.
“Maybe I dropped it at the club.” A smile begins to form on your face as you grasp at anything other than the truth. “That’s it Johnny! We’ve gotta go back to the club. They’ll have found it cleaning up! And we can go get it and everything’s fine!” He doesn’t look convinced as you look over to him for validation.
“Lass, be honest with yerself fer a moment. How often do ye take yer ID out of yer wallet when ye need it?” Your smile began to fade, he was right. Anytime you needed it you just opened it and flashed it without ever taking it out of the slot, you’d bought that wallet specifically for that feature because you were so worried about losing it.
“I ken ye didnae want tae believe what happened tae ye, but there’s no denyin’ it now. Someone targeted ye last night. Picked ye out of the crowd and drugged yer drink when ye werenae lookin’ an’ they took yer ID in case they couldnae seal the deal right away. He’s got yer address an’ yer name an’ even yer picture.”
You listen to him talk as the cold, cruel hand of reality closes around your throat and the disgust of being violated in such a thorough way begins to worm its way under your skin. You can feel Johnny struggling to find words to comfort you from the seat next to you but he must not find any that are adequate because he starts the truck instead and drives you home in a silence that had on the way been comfortable and passive but now was pregnant with tension and doom.
You get back to his place and he unloads the truck as you sit inside and try not to panic at the situation you’ve found yourself in. You thank your lucky stars that Johnny had found you and brought you home now. If you’d somehow miraculously made it home without incident this mysterious man could have crept into your home while you were incapacitated and done any number of things to you. You imagined all the horrifying possibilities, each more daunting than the last as he unpacked and put everything away.
He must sense your spiraling thoughts because he calls you into the kitchen with him as he starts to cook. Chopping onions, heating shallow pools of oil in two different skillets, measuring out beef broth and flour and water in varying amounts as he practices the fine art of mise en place.
You try, really truly try not to let the fear of your predicament gnaw away at you too hard but it’s almost an act in futility. He looks up at you after cracking his third shot and missed joke while dredging the ox tails in flour and notices you staring down at your hands in deeply troubled thought.
He stops what he’s doing and comes over to the counter, bending down to lean over its sturdy surface and get your attention. You look up at him and feel your heart skip a little as he has no business being so damn attractive covered in flour like he is.
“Listen hen. I ken yer goin through it right now. Probably spooked right out of yer tree, but I promise ye yer in no danger here. I dare him tae walk through that door right now. I swear tae ye ill dismantle him with my flour covered hands before he even so much as touches a hair on yer bonnie head.”
You can’t help but smile as you imagine him wrecking your faceless oppressor, flour flying about in clouds as the impact of his blows knock it loose from his hands.
“There’s tha’ smile. Now be a doll an’ open mah wine fer me. I forgot before ah got all messy.”
You stand from your stool and open the drawer he directs you towards to locate the corkscrew. The rest of the preparation you do in a much better mood. While you had a brand new serious problem on your hands there was no need in sulking over it when there was nothing you could do at the moment and anytime spent with Johnny was hard not to enjoy.
He plated your portion and set you down across from him so he could watch your first bite. You wanted him to eat with you, a bit self conscious at him just watching you eat but he insisted he had to start on dessert before he could sit down to dinner.
You cut the big chunk of meat with your knife and fork and then dipped it down in the pool of sauce just as he’d instructed you to. He watched you intently as you brought the fork to your mouth and took your first bite.
Your eyes widen before half closing, you can’t help the soft moan that resounds as the tender meat and rich, savory sauce feel like they pull your taste buds into their arms and hug them soft and sweetly. It’s absolutely divine and you look up from your plate to see Johnny, smug as a bug grinning wolfily at your reactions.
“Told ye it’d bring ye tae tears.” You can’t even respond, just swallow and take another eager bite, this time with a little of the risotto from the bed that the meat is resting on. “Jesus Christ, Johnny. Where in the fuck did you learn to cook like this?”
His grin is so wide you’re worried it’ll be stuck that way and to your amusement you can tell his cheeks have reddened even under his nice, even tan. “Yer makin’ me blush, hen. S’just what ah’ve picked up along tha way. Ye could do it too. I could teach ye.”
You nod enthusiastically, you’d like that very much and you have a feeling so would he. You really dig into your meal in earnest as he works. His back is to you as he prepares dessert on the stove and you wonder just what it might be. Steam rises up in thin streams as he pours something into two ramekins and sticks them in the oven.
By the time you’re done he’s cracking into his own dinner as you begin working on the dishes. He protests but you stay firm that if he cooked the absolute least you could do was help clean up. He finally relented and let you work as he ate as quickly as he could so he could help dry the dishes at least.
By the time everything was done so was the dessert and he pulled it from the oven to cool as he leaned over the counter and held your gaze raptly with his. “It’s time, lass. What have ye decided?”
But with the way he’s staring you down it feels like he’s on the edge of his seat. Those blue eyes piercing yours and you know every second you don’t answer is killing him, you can read it all over his face so even though you’d made your mind up you told him you weren’t sure.
He looked a bit dejected but it wasn’t the broken disappointment you knew you’d have been graced with if you’d downright shut his proposition down. His eyes light up suddenly in a way you hadn’t been expecting like he’d just had the idea of a century.
“Play a game with me, lass.” You regarded him distrustfully. “What kind of game, Johnny?”
“I’ll show ye, come on.” You follow after him into the bedroom, a bit wary. He stops in front of the pull up bar and turns back towards you.
“Johnny you and I both know there’s no way I’m besting you in a pull up contest, I’d be mental to even try. It wouldn’t be fair.”
“Ohhh no, hen. Nothing like tha’, yer right t’wouldnae be fair. All I want ye tae do is hang from the bar. Can ye do that?”
You jump up and grab the bar to see if you’ve got the right idea and he smiles and nods. “Jus’ like that, all ye’ve gotta do is not let go. Think ye can handle it?”
You eyed him suspiciously. “What’s the catch?” You felt like there was something hidden in this that he wasn’t revealing and you weren’t wrong.
“Well it would nae be a game if there was nae some kind of a catch now would it, hen?” You swallow hard and watch him saddle closer, pinning you back into the cool metal bars.
“Ye’ve got tae hold yerself up until ye come.” His smirk widens as your mouth drops open a little, at first for some kind of rebuttal but you can’t come up with anything to say so it just hangs open as your mind blanks.
You finally get a grip enough to ask him to explain. “Well, yer goin’ tae hang onto tha bar an’ ah’m goin’ tae try mah hardest tae make ye come. If ye can hold onto it just until then, then you win but if ye cannae do it, an’ ye let go then I win.”
You mull over his terms and he just leans back a bit and lets you, waiting for your answer. Instead of giving him one you inquire further. “What do I get if I win?”
His answer is another simple question. “What do ye want?” A simple question that was complicated to find an answer for. What did you want from him? After a moment's thought you answered. “I want you to tell me everything you remember about last night and I want you to help me find this guy that did this to me. I don’t want to live in fear like this. You take me up to the club and we ask if they found my ID and if not then we ask to see the video footage of that night.”
“Hen, there’s no garuntee—“ You stop him. “I know. Just promise me if I win you’ll help me.” He looks a bit troubled, like he hadn’t meant for this to take this kind of turn and you wonder for a moment if he’ll back out.
“If I win ye have tae tell me the real reason ye never came back to the gym an’ never texted me an’ just disappeared.” You go to answer when he adds. “And ye stay.”
You sort of knew he was going to play that and even though you’d anticipated it, it still manages to fluster you hearing it.
You think about it real hard, just being around him had you more or less worked up all day, you were fairly confident that you could come quickly, even now just having discussed the game with him you knew your panties were damp. But could you hold yourself up for that length of time?
Reluctantly, you accepted. You even felt sure enough to jest him a bit about how easy of a win this would be for you, it was a decision you came to regret as he leaned in close to your ear and whispered. “Ah’m goin’ tae make ye eat those words, hen.”
A shudder of anticipation passed through you as he kissed you on your neck, just below your ear with a pass of his velvet soft tongue, giving you a little taste of what was to come.
The game had apparently begun as he stooped down to help shed you of your jeans, pulling them down and kissing the skin revealed as he exposed it. Next came your panties and they were damp, a fact that tore a rumble of approval from his chest but he wouldn’t touch you yet.
“Cannae give ye too much of a head start now can we?” He patted the side of your thigh curtly. “Up up.”
You do as he says and it’s a little late to be self conscious now but you can’t help it as you dangle from the metal rod and he spreads your thighs so you’re open to him. You worry he’s going to cheat you a bit as he stares at your bare pussy and you begin to complain when it dies in your throat as his tongue licks a broad stripe up the length of your slit. “Shit!”
He chuckles a little and dives in, resting his hands in the crooks of your knees but offering no support as he begins to eat you out in earnest. You can’t help but moan, your eyes glossy and unfocused as you stare down at him feasting on you from below. It feels like nothing you’ve ever experienced, the strain in your arms adding an element of pain that scratches a hidden itch in the back of your brain.
You shift in his hold uncomfortably as his tongue darts into your entrance, collecting your juices on his tongue and drinking them down. You want, so desperately, to be able to grip him by the Mohawk and hold onto him for dear life but you can’t so you squeeze the bar in your grip and sweetly moan his name instead.
His tongue finds your clit and it just about throws you over the edge but proves to be not quite enough as you chase it in hopes of victory. His hands squeeze and grope the flesh of your thighs and ass as he eats. You thought at the start of this that you would have had this in the bag but the stretch of your arms was outweighing the pull of your pleasure.
It wasn’t for a lack of Johnny’s enthusiasm, his head stayed buried in the heat of your pussy the whole time as he drove you towards the edge as quickly and efficiently as possible. Despite the burn in your biceps you could feel your orgasm building to a boiling point, you had no doubt you’d be coming soon but would it be soon enough for you to win?
He suddenly began to run quick sharp circles over the top of your clit with the pad of his thumb, while his tongue laps at your entrance like a bear to a beehive hole. It’s so good you can’t help but moan, low and dragging as you careen towards the center of the nova of pleasure threatening to consume you whole.
Your wrists tremble and a cramp unlike any you’ve ever experienced begins to glow like a white hot coal in your armpit and it’s beyond you to be able to hold on any longer. Your pinky finger slips first and then the rest quickly follow. You squeal as you realize you’re going to fall but his arms push your legs up onto his shoulders and he catches you just as you let go.
A flood of relief flows through your aching arms and you realize you’ve lost but the sting of defeat plays second fiddle to the massive orgasm that takes you by the throat just an instant later. He holds you up with the strength in his arms alone as you come undone above him. He spins around as your thighs still tremble and gently places you on the bed.
You are still very sensitive and your thighs go to clench shut when they’re blocked by one wide knee. He wastes no time in slotting himself between them, his mouth crashing to yours as you taste yourself on his lips and tongue. He cages you beneath him, pulling off your lips to bite and suck at your neck. His hands roam you freely, pulling at your top until it’s up over your head and lifting you up for access to the clasp of your bra.
With it successfully pulled away from your breasts he dives down and devours them, lips wrapping around one pert nipple as the other he gropes with the full palm of his hand, trying to hold as much of it as possible. You nearly shriek with the overstimulation of it and he pulls away to whisper both praise and apologies.
“Jus’ cannae help it, bonnie. Need tae be inside you, please? Let me fuck you, hen. Been cravin’ tha’ perfect little pussy. Come on, lass. Give it tae me.” He’s rubbing the very prominent bulge of his cock against your thigh all the while and you can’t help but clench around nothing in anticipation.
“Fuck Johnny! Do it! Fill me up.” He wastes no time, quickly abandoning your breasts to free himself from the confinements of his jeans. He doesn’t even get them down all the way before he’s fishing himself from his boxers and rubbing the tip hurriedly up and down your slit. You jump and squeal at the sensation and he coos more apologies at you before lining himself up and pushing inside.
You moan in unison as he stretches you open and his arms come up to brace himself on either side of your head. He muffles your moans with his mouth as he leans down and kisses you, swallowing them up as he begins to move and your hands fly to his arms, bracing yourself against the onslaught that is the drag of his fat cock.
You pull away for air and immediately expel it into a high pitched whine as he picks up a fast and steady rhythm, hips knocking into yours on each upward thrust. The fact that you've already came does nothing to alleviate the burn that accompanies the stretch of him. He’s a force and you can do nothing against it but hold on.
You try to make sense of what he’s saying as he fucks you stupid but only catch half of it. Something about keeping you safe forever. Poorly worded promises and vows pouring from his mouth as he uses you to reach his release.
You can feel it fast approaching and can do nothing but steel yourself against it as he pounds a second orgasm from you, the snap of his hips and the drive of his cock demands it of you. “Aww fuck, hen. Are ye gonna come fer me again? Hmm? Let me feel it. Come on lass, let me take care of ye forever. Ye can have this fer the rest of our lives if ye jus’ come fer me right now.”
He says it like you have a choice in the matter as you become locked in the throes of your ecstasy brought forth by his hand and in the midst of yours you vaguely feel him reach his. Coming hard and fast deep inside the tight clutch of your pussy.
It takes you both an eternity to recover and when he finally rolls off you, you realize you’d half fallen asleep, cradled safely under him, worn out and sated.
After a moment he gets up and leaves the room and he’s gone forever to the point where you almost get up to go after him but he comes back in with two small white dishes in hand along with two spoons.
You sit up on one elbow as he hands you one and the accompanying silverware. Looking down at it you can see a dark golden brown crust, a glassy glaze over the surface but are otherwise clueless as to what’s before you. You watch him experimentally as he takes the handle of the spoon in between his thumb and index finger and brings the bowl of the spoon down on top of the crust with an audible smack. The crust breaks and there’s a jiggly dense cream beneath.
Following suit, you bring your spoon down onto yours and scoop up a glob of the pale white gelatin. You take a bite and smile as the cool, sweet cream melts over your tongue. You sit there with him, basking in the afterglow of your orgasms and eating crème brûlée.
It gets you thinking, you could have this indefinitely. Do this every night if you’d like and as if reading your thoughts he speaks.
“I won, but the choice is still yers. Stay with me, hen. Ah’ll keep ye safe. No worries, no lookin’ over yer shoulder forever or double checkin’ yer locks all yer life. Let me take care of ye. I want to, an tha’s honest.”
You stare at him, his blue eyes are soft and filled with adoration and honesty. He really wants you here with him and is that really so bad? How many times are you gonna pass up this opportunity before it’s gone? And will you be looking back later with regret once the door has closed?
You have to drop his gaze to decide but recapture it once you do. You go to tell him “Ok, but only until I’ve found a new place.” but he seizes you in his arms after the first word and pulls you hard against him like a five year old child handed a cat and told they can keep it.
“Johnny! You’re squishing me!” You complain but the sensation isn’t entirely unpleasant.
He does everything with you side by side for the rest of the night. He changes with you, he brushes his teeth with you, he even lingers around when you try to go to the bathroom before bed, it takes a good amount of effort on your part to make him leave the room but you know he’s stood just outside the cracked door that he neglects to close on the way out.
Climbing under the sheets with him you wonder just how sleeping together for the first night is gonna go, actually wondering if you’ll get any sleep at all but then he pulls you into his chest and to your surprise he doesn’t try anything sexual. He doesn’t rub a hard bulge against you or grope your tits. He just wants you close, his warm chest filling out the dip of your back, his legs entangle themselves with yours, his feet even nudge yours affectionately in lazy passes.
It’s a while before either of you speak and Johnny thought you’d been long asleep when you say “I can’t afford a membership.” There’s a pause in your words and just when he understands what you’re saying you say more. “That’s why I didn’t come back to the gym, I thought it’d be easier.. for both of us.. if I just disappeared.”
And there’s something about your honesty, the way you’d remembered and honored your whole end of the bargain, the candidness of revealing you struggled with the decision, the mild sleepy drag of your voice that’s barely audible in the darkness that pulls directly on his heart and he couldn’t articulate a response if he’d tried so he doesn’t.
Maybe you believe he’s asleep and maybe it’s better that way. But he’s not. A few moments later he hears your breathing even out and he knows from the previous night that you’re asleep. He lays awake long after that holding you.
He thinks about you and how he’d finally got you to see reason. He thinks about times when the outcome of a situation is more valuable and important— the greater good one might say, than the means it took to reach it. Omelets, for instance, constitute broken eggs.
It takes a certain amount of necessary malice for these things. An agent who realizes what’s at stake and what’s to gain, willing to act on these conditions and set them right, no matter the cost. And lastly, he thinks about your ID, sitting snuggly behind his in his wallet. Tomorrow after he drops you off at work he’ll dispose of it. Maybe burn it, maybe shred it, maybe tie it to a heavy rock and throw it off the bridge at the park, watch it sink into the murky, goose poop filled pond until it gets too deep to see.
No one will know. But Johnny will. Johnny will know that in the end, his end, it justified his means. You are safe and you are his and there is no means too heinous, no act too profound to reach it.
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ficsforeren · 1 year
Our Little Secret - Chapter 6 (End)
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Eren Jaeger X Female Reader
Genre: College AU, Spider-Man/Spider-Girl AU, Fluff, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Eventual Smut
Series Summary: Eren Jaeger, a 21-year-old virgin college student who loves his camera a little bit too much, has a crush on you. Every night, he switches on his camera and talks about you but he never could find the courage to speak to you in real life. Strangely enough, he finds it easy for him to befriend Spider-Girl, the crime fighting vigilante, not knowing that you both share the same identity.
Chapter Summary: Eren still can't believe that he just went on a date with the most popular girl in school and kissed the hottest superheroine in town all in one night. He tells himself that he has to make a decision—to choose between you and Spider-Girl, not knowing that you two are the same person. Well, maybe it's time for you to reveal your little secret.
Content Warnings: swearing, mentions of characters going through depression, traumatic past events, a little bit of smut near the end (not too explicit)
Word Count: 16k
Poster art by the most talented @rainbuniart on Twitter
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Armin Arlert loves Eren Jaeger. He does. He really does, like in a platonic-but-can-also-be-qualified-as-super-gay-way-sometimes. 
He adores him. Might even name his fictional son after him in the future, who knows? He thinks Eren is the best friend he could ever ask for. Armin wouldn’t put his life on the line to save him, true, (‘cause as much as he loves the guy, that bitch can die on his own since it will probably be because of his damn fault anyway), but he would definitely sacrifice his most precious body pillow if Eren’s life depends on it and that’s saying something. Actually, hold up. Let’s not make any hasty decisions here. It’s a special, limited edition dakimakura with his fictional wife printed on it while wearing a slutty maid outfit. He ain’t gonna throw those glorious 2D titties just for Eren’s lousy ass.
Though his actions may speak otherwise, Armin does care about him. More than he has ever cared about anyone else, really. Even on those days back in high school when he was a bit… bicurious, Armin had imagined himself—more than once (or ten)—being with Eren and how hot it would be if he had Eren all tied up on his bed with his body shrouded by wet tentacles that were stimulating each of his sensitive spots. He knew it was weird to imagine his best friend begging him with tears in his eyes, saying lewd things like “Please, Master Arlert, please give me your thick, hard cock and fill me up with your seeds. I want you to breed me like a fucking whore,” but Armin was an eighteen-year-old virgin with a raging sexual desire, okay? Can you really blame him? (yes, please blame him, he's insane).
It didn’t help that Eren looked so pretty with his hair down either, especially when he was sitting half-naked on Armin’s bedroom floor during those hot summer days with a popsicle stuck inside his mouth, making questionable groaning and sucking noises as he jammed his thumbs against his X-Box controller. It also didn’t help that Armin had watched too much hentai in his spare time but at least, he was proud of it. Eren watched tentacles porn too—and enjoyed it—but he would always pretend he didn’t and say that he preferred lesbian porn just so he could “fit in” and “be normal” or whatever. Fucking coward.
We’re getting sidetracked but the point is, Armin loves Eren to the moon and back, but sometimes, sometimes, he just wants to break all 206 bones in his body, squeeze him into a pulp and flush him down the toilet. And by sometimes, he means now.
“Armin!” He can hear the sounds of small rocks hitting his window, followed by Eren’s husky voice calling his name in a mix between a shout and a whisper. “Armin! Dude, wake up!”
Armin only has one eye opened, glowering at the digital clock on his desk that shows it’s two in the fucking morning. His parents might be heavy sleepers—the government has to drop a nuclear bomb for them to wake up—but Armin needs complete silence to be able to wane into his dreamland (which would be the only place for him to be embraced by his fox-eared waifu). He tries to ignore the asshole standing outside his window, but that so-called green-eyed butthole is as stubborn as he is relentless. 
Gathering a handful of pebbles, Eren throws them one by one, continuously hissing Armin’s name like a demonic cat. With each stone hitting his window, Armin transforms even further into a seething monster. By the sixteenth pebble Eren throws, the blonde-haired boy pushes himself off the bed, grabs the baseball bat he hides inside his closet—which he bought not for sport, but for this very reason—and stomps his way to the front door.
“Armin!” Eren rejoices when he sees his best friend walking past his lawn, moving toward him. “Oh, thank God, you’re awake! I need to talk to you—WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING TO DO WITH THAT BAT?!”
It’s always like this with them—Eren annoying the shit out of him and Armin trying to kill him two or three times in a row—but it would all end well, not with laughter, but with a massive bump on Eren’s head that may or may not be big enough to trigger permanent brain damage. But then again, Eren is already an idiot. He’s probably maxed out at this point. 
“One of these days, Arlert,” Eren groans in pain, rubbing the back of his skull as he wills his tears to stop brimming in his eyes. “I’m gonna file a restraining order on you.”
“That’s my line, you nincompoop.”
“I don’t know what nincompoop means but that doesn't sound pretty.”
The two boys sit on the little stairs that lead to Armin’s porch (five feet apart ‘cause they’re not gay). Armin still has his baseball bat between his legs, his golden hair all tousled from his one-hour sleep. Eren, who’s usually attentive to another person’s well-being, is too excited to pay attention to the bags forming under his eyes. Playfully bumping his shoulder against Armin’s, he asks him, “Dude, guess who just had his first kiss tonight?”
“Why do we strive for perfection if it is not attainable?” Armin says, dramatically sighing into the night. “What is the meaning of a good life? Is there a meaning in life itself? Are we human or are we dancers?”
Eren, now confused, has his smile wavering. “The hell are you talking about?”
“Oh, I thought we were just throwing out random questions.”
“That last one wasn’t even a question. That was `Are We Human’ by The Killers.”
“Yes and they were asking us whether we are human or dancers when they should have been asking: why can’t we be both?”
“It’s me,” Eren replies flatly. “I just had my first kiss.”
“Oh, wow, congratulations. I did not see that coming at all.” There’s no mirth or enthusiasm on Armin's face. He's just clapping his hands as he keeps his voice monotone. “Your lips aren’t a virgin anymore. Make sure they don’t turn into a whore.”
Eren, well-accustomed to his sarcasm, remains unfazed, continuously acting like the love-struck puppy that he is. “Aren’t you gonna ask me how it felt like?” He wiggles his eyebrows, showcasing a cheeky grin. “I’ll give you a clue. The word starts with an A and ends with a G.”
“Anal Rimming?”
Eren sends him a flat stare. “It’s amazing.”
“Sure, if you say so. I mean, I’ve never done anal or rimming before so I wouldn’t know, but hey, if it’s amazing then good for you, buddy.”
“I meant the kiss, Armin!”
This attitude Armin is throwing at him is his way of saying dude, I love you but I’m so fucking pissed at you right now, and Eren understands how much he’s being selfish for taking Armin’s precious sleeping time. He knows and he apologizes for it. But if he doesn’t tell Armin about the kiss—about how he’s both overjoyed and conflicted by it—he’s sure as hell he’s going to lose his mind. 
Armin, despite how snarky he is, can only exhale exaggeratedly in defeat once Eren puts his best-kicked puppy look on display. “Fine, you twat. Spill.”
And with his permission, Eren’s words come rushing in like a bullet train. “Dude, it was insane.” Whenever he thinks about the kiss, the first thing Eren feels is joy. The kind of joy that is so fierce, it leaves him burned and paralyzed by it. “I’ve been imagining what my first kiss was gonna be like since forever but even the sweetest dream wouldn’t be able to compare to how amazing it was.”
Armin can see it—that glow on his face. It’s the first time he’s ever witnessed his best friend being this happy. It's disgusting. “You sound like that sappy Aerosmith song.”
“And to think that I was having my first kiss upside down!”
“Wait, what?” Armin finally shows a reaction, his eyebrows adjoined in the middle. “Upside-down?”
“Yeah, she was hanging upside down.”
“Hanging? How—why—” You know that Jackie Chan meme? The one with him looking all confused? Yeah, that’s Armin right now. “Where were you? In her room?”
“Umm… no. We were outside.”
“In public?”
“Yeah, but no one was around. Oh wait, there were like three guys around us but they were unconscious.”
The more he explains, the more perplexed Armin becomes. “Why were they—no, who were they?”
“Just some dudes wanting to steal my camera.” Eren turns sheepish, his index finger scratching his cheek at the memory of you fighting so gracefully under the rain, almost like dancing. The words he says don’t match his expression at all. “They had, like, a knife against my throat. It was really scary.”
“Oh yeah, I can tell, ‘cause you’re blushing so hard right now.” At this rate, being sarcastic is the only way for Armin to keep himself sane.
Eren, to Armin’s horror, giggles. “I remember the way she came by. It was so dramatic. She beat their asses to save my life like bam, kapoww, kapoww!”
Almost getting hit by Eren’s lame attempt at re-enacting your punches, Armin cringed, “Please stop.” 
“We kinda flirted a little bit after that and I just, you know…” Eren has really turned into a thirteen-year-old girl at this point. “I kissed her. She was hanging upside down. There was rain pouring above our heads and we were, like, smiling into the kiss. It was so romantic.”
Fuck Jackie Chan. That meme needs to be reinvented using Armin’s face now. He’s more confused than any Chinese man could ever be. “Hold up, you fucker.” He pushes his eyeglasses up his nose, a pair of sapphire eyes scrutinizing Eren's face as if he could find the answer if he looks hard enough. “How and why was she hanging upside down?”
“Well, she was about to swing away when I stopped her and so she was hanging onto her web and—”
“Her web?” This dude makes absolutely no fucking sense! Armin is now picturing you (not Spider-Girl. You.) in your preppy girl outfit hanging upside down on a tree like a fucking monkey, exchanging tongues and saliva with an actual monkey who was twice your size. The result? Absolutely ludicrous. “Dude, what kind of kinky shit are you guys into?!”
And it’s only then that Eren remembers something. “Oh, no, you’re getting the wrong idea. I wasn’t talking about her. I kissed a different girl.”
“You kissed a diff—” Armin stops himself before he explodes. Taking a deep breath, exhaling with his eyes closed, he mutters under his voice, “Lord, give me strength.” When he blinks open his eyes again, Armin seems much calmer, although his grip around his baseball bat is tightening twice as hard. His fingers are just itching to smack the shit out of his best friend. Again.
Eren, scared for his life, has both hands in the air. “Calm down, Min.”
“I’m calm, I’m calm.” But he takes another deep breath just in case. Armin smiles—that kind of deadly smile that doesn’t reach his eyes—when he asks, “Let’s start from the beginning. You went on a date with Miss Popular.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“But you didn’t kiss her and instead you kissed someone else.”
Now that Armin phrases it like that, that feeling of remorse that Eren felt an hour ago comes back rushing in. Eren still loathes himself for kissing another girl right after his date with you ended but the thing is, it felt right. It felt like it was something he had been wishing to happen for years. He had spent all this time imagining what it would be like to share a chaste kiss under the rain with you—the college version of you. But when the moment was there, he couldn’t do it. It didn’t feel right. He felt guilt at that time, knowing that Spider-Girl kept showing up in his head when he was supposed to be thinking about you. But he didn't feel any of that when he shared those kisses with that alter ego of yours. He just felt joy. It felt amazing. It felt right. 
But with Armin confronting him about it, he returns to the dilemma he was drowning himself in a few hours ago. The time when he realized that he was in love with Spider-Girl instead of you.
“Yeah,” Eren admits in shame, casting his gaze downward. “I kissed someone else.”
Armin fixes his glasses again, just so he’d have something to do instead of looking flabbergasted at the revelation. “And who did you kiss?”
“Umm… Spider-Girl.”
Armin looks at him and Eren looks back. Three seconds pass by in silence and then—
“AW!” Eren shouts in reflex, not caring if it’s two-thirty in the morning, right after Armin smacked him with the end of his baseball bat. “Dude, stop doing that! It hurts!”
“You’re fucking with me,” Armin says, hitting him repetitively on his side. “You’re absolutely fucking with me right now. Can’t believe I woke up to listen to you spouting bullshit!”
“I’m not bullshitting you!” Eren winces, trying to dodge his next attack.
“You’re saying you kissed one of the town's hottest superheroines? The same girl who took down the Lizard—no, the same girl who looks smoking hot in that white spandex—you kissed that girl?”
“Yes! Fuck—Stop hitting me!” Eren, at some point, manages to snatch away the bat from Armin’s grip. His body feels sore all over, even more than when he fought those men in the alley. “Yes, Armin, I kissed her.”
“Yeah,” Armin snorts. “And I just had some raunchy sex in the barn with Green Goblin. Expect his babies to pop out of my ass in nine months.”
The brunette rolls his eyes. “Look, Spider-Girl and I have been friends for weeks now. Here.” Eren retrieves his phone from his pocket, going through his gallery before he shows the selfie he took with you in your costume on the night you shared stories on the rooftop of St. Mark’s theater. You were both so close to each other, shoulders nearly squeezed together as you tried to fit your faces inside the frame. Eren had the biggest, gleeful grin, his skin seemingly tanner than usual next to your white mask and hoodie. Armin examines the picture with suspicious eyes, his gaze shifting back and forth from his friend’s face to his phone. 
“Hmm, very convincing,” Armin comments. “Not sure where you found the skill to photoshop this shit so fast when it took you a week to choose a fucking filter for your Twitter PFP but okay. Assume that I believe you—I don’t,” he emphasizes. “But for the sake of our conversation, let’s just assume I do."
"So you kissed her.”
“Upside down in the rain?”
“And how was it?”
“It was…” Eren’s cheeks sizzle at the memory. “They were… soft. Her lips, I mean. They were so soft and they tasted… sweet.”
Armin’s expression turns from suspicious to I’m-tired-of-your-shit-Jaeger in 0.2 seconds. “I was thinking more like it was bad because I’m sure she had rain clogging up her nose, ‘cause that would’ve sounded more realistic, but sure, let’s be corny.”
“Wait,” Eren blanches. “Do you think she was uncomfortable?” It’s stupid that he only realizes this now, but then again, what else is new?
“Yeah, well,” Armin shrugs. “Hanging upside down certainly didn’t seem like it was the best position to make out in, 'cause you have blood rushing to your head and all. And since it was raining, she definitely had water getting up her nose.”
“Oh my God,” Eren utters in horror, his hands going to his head. “Why didn’t I think about that?”
“Probably cause you were too busy sticking your tongue down her throat.”
Eren has no consistency in managing his emotions because at one point he was panicking, and now, he’s back to giggling like a schoolgirl. “Yeah, we used tongue a few times. It was so exciting.”
“Give me back my bat. I’m gonna kill myself with it.”
But jokes aside, the question remains. How could Eren, who has zero games in dating as far as Armin knows, kiss another girl—and not just another girl, Spider-Girl—right after he went on a date with one of his campus’ most popular girls? Even the sentence sounds bizarre and he hasn’t spoken them out loud. Most importantly, though, why? Why did Eren do it? “I thought you were in love with her,” Armin says. “Miss Popular, I mean. You spent the entire summer jerking off to that one picture of her wearing that short skirt and now you’re saying you like some other girl whose face you don’t even know?”
“Did you have to phrase it like that?” Eren mumbles in shame though he can’t deny the fact that he did spend—well, not the entire summer, the entire two weeks, probably—masturbating to the thoughts of you. It wasn’t the proudest moment in his life, but in his defense, that skirt you wore looked super cute on you. “I know, I fucked up,” he sighs, rubbing a hand over his face. “I’m the worst.”
“How did this even happen?”
Eren tells him everything, and the more details he reveals, the harder he drowns in his guilt. He feels like he just betrayed and disrespected you—both you and Spider-Girl and it hurts him terribly because he still can’t decide between the two of you. He’s so conflicted he feels like he’s about to vomit his insides. 
“It’s so weird, you know?” Eren says. “At the end of the date, I was sure she wanted me to kiss her. I mean, like, the moment was there. We both felt it, and I wanted to do it but I… I kept thinking about Spider-Girl and it just felt… wrong. I didn’t want our first kiss to go that way—me kissing a girl while thinking about another girl. It wouldn’t be fair to her.”
“Should’ve just kissed her, in my opinion,” Armin counters. “If you had done it, it would’ve been easier for you to make sure of your feelings now.”
 “But that would’ve made me the biggest asshole in the world.”
“You are the biggest asshole in the world. But yeah, probably. Did it feel right when you kissed Spider-Girl?”
Though the remorse on Eren’s face still stands vividly, some of it morphs into delight at the memory. “Yes, it was,” he admits. “It felt like… something I should’ve done weeks ago, you know? Like, why didn’t I realize sooner that I’m in love with her kind of feeling. And I keep thinking about everything—about my feelings toward Spider-Girl and my feelings toward her and it’s stressing me out. Do you think a man can be in love with two girls at the same time?”
“You’re talking to a guy who has, like, seven different waifus. Of course, you can,” Armin snorts. “The problem is, unlike my wives who don’t know I exist, you have to choose. Unless you want to continue being a gigantic fucking asshole for the rest of your life, you need to decide who you want to be with.”
“I know...” Eren starts chewing on the inside of his cheek. It feels like he has a storm raging inside him. “I think I’m in love with Spider-Girl because I feel like… I know her better. I mean, I’ve been spending more time with her, so she feels more like a person to me. More… You know, real.”
Armin nods. “But when you went on a date with Miss Popular, did you enjoy it?”
“I did.” His answer is immediate. “More than I expected I would. She was so nice and funny and she… She gave me a scarf ‘cause she thought I was cold. She was so caring. She was great.”
“What if her personality is just as attractive as Spider-Girl’s then?” Armin provides a new perspective—a genuinely good one, which is rare considering how big of a pervert he is. “I feel like you just need some time to get to know her better.”
“Yeah, but how can I do that if I keep thinking about Spider-Girl? What if every time I see her, all I do is compare her traits to hers? It’s not fair.”
“Okay, let me ask you this,” Armin sighs loudly into the air. “Can you really see yourself dating a superhero? You don’t even know her real identity or what she looks like. What if she’s ugly?”
“I don’t care how she looks.” Determination stands thick in Eren’s voice. “It’s her—” He clears his throat, his face turning scarlet. “I-it’s her heart that I love.”
“Oh my God, I’m gonna throw up on you.” 
“I mean like her mannerisms!” Eren hastily adds when Armin threatens to jam a finger inside his own mouth. “Her attitudes, the way she talks, the way she thinks, and the stuff we talk about—that’s what I care about the most. She’s my best friend.”
“Excuse me?” Armin repeats, offended, picking up his weapon.
“A-after you, of course.”
“That’s right, bitch.” He drops his baseball bat back to the ground. “Okay, fine, you don’t care if she’s ugly. Not my problem. But does she like you?”
“I think so? I mean, she kept asking me to kiss her again. You don’t do something like that with someone you don’t like, right?”
“Yeah, well, strangers fuck at nightclubs all the time. I won’t think too much over a kiss.”
The pretty shade of red that paints Eren’s face turns pale by the second. “You don’t think she likes me?”
“I do, but is it enough for her to want to date you?” Armin lands a hand on the other man’s shoulder, giving him his best sympathetic look. “I wouldn’t be so sure, man. Look, I’m not trying to sound like a douchebag for crushing your R-rated dream so early like this but you’re my friend and you need a reality check so here it goes. She’s a superhero. Okay? She’s busy. She doesn’t have time to play tonsil hockey with nerds like us. Plus, if she cares about you then maybe she won’t date you ‘cause you’ve seen what happened to Mary Jane, right? That chick got taken hostage at least once a week these days, ’cause of what?”
“Umm… Cause she’s dating Peter Parker?”
“That’s absolutely right, you nincompoop.”
“Like I said, I don’t know what nincompoop means.”
“At this point, MJ doesn’t even scream anymore when she has a gun pointed at her head. She’s just like—” Armin pretends he has his smartphone between his hands, his thumbs moving to type something. He keeps his face blank and his voice monotone, talking in an exaggerated New York accent. “‘Oh no, please, don’t hurt me, I’m scareeeed. Hashtag SpideyDrama, hashtag Spidey-MJLoveStory. Take a cute selfie with my kidnapper—” He pretends to take a picture, puckering his lips while forming a peace sign with his two fingers. “—aaaand post.’”
Under different circumstances, Eren would have laughed. Armin’s impression of her was spot on. “Yeah, but that’s because everyone knows that Peter is Spider-Man. No one knows who Spider-Girl is.”
“Yes, but if you keep making out with her in public, they’ll know about you, and then what? You want to start doing your own TikTok trend? Hashtag PrayforErenJaegerTheNewDamselinDistress?” Eren parts his lips to answer but he’s stopped by two hands squeezing him by the shoulders. “Look. Just give Miss Popular another try, okay? It’s easier to be with her than being with Miss Vigilante, I promise you. Plus, Spider-Girl knows how you feel about her, right? Don’t you think it would make you sound like a player if you talked like a lovesick fool about another girl, but then you confessed to her three days later?”
Again, it’s absolutely ridiculous that Eren just realized this now. “You’re right,” he utters in horror. “Holy shit, you’re right.”
“Of course, I am.” Armin scoffs, tossing back his imaginary long hair over his shoulder. “Forget about Spider-Girl for now. Give it a week or two to sort out your feelings. Or focus on something else, like jerk off to your favorite tentacle porn or something. If you still feel like you can’t move on from her then, we’ll go to Plan B.”
“W-what is that?”
Armin retrieves his bat. “Me, beating the shit out of you until you suffer from a massive concussion and forget about this whole thing.”
“Yeah, why don’t we just stick to Plan A for now, thanks. But no tentacle porn.”
"Pfft, whatever, your loss."
You have never—never—felt like you were floating in the clouds after sharing a kiss with a boy, and yet there you are, climbing through your window with the biggest dopey smile on your face. You take off your mask, throwing yourself on your bed with the longest, most blissful, content sigh you’ve ever heaved in your life. 
You have two fingers tracing over the seam of your lips, your skin somehow still tingles whenever the memory of that kiss resurfaces. The sweet, pleasant taste of his mouth still lingers near. The soft texture of his lips is the best thing you’ve ever felt against your own. 
“Eren…” His name drifts past your lips and you find yourself giggling, turning over to your stomach before you let out a high-pitched scream against your pillow. It felt like a first love’s kiss and perhaps it was since he is your first love, isn’t he? You haven’t been able to stop thinking about him. Every cell in your body seems to scream I love him, I love him, I love him every time his smile appears behind your closed lids. It feels like you’re thirteen again, just a lovesick girl whose fingers are itching to pour every emotion you felt into your journal. 
Dear diary, I’m in love. 
You didn’t think your first kiss with him would be like that, but it was ten times better. No, a million times better, even if you did have rain clogging up your nose at some point. Eren was so… passionate, you think to yourself as you feel your stomach flipping at the memory of his lips melding against yours. You may be a virgin, but unlike him, you have experienced many first kisses before and none of them was this memorable. None of them managed to awaken the butterflies in your stomach as his kisses did. And none of those boys tasted as good as he was.
“I am down so bad,” you sigh as you hug your pillow close to your chest, a dreamy smile sketched upon your lips. I can’t wait for tomorrow to come. I want to see him. I want to be with him again.
With that thought in mind, you begin to create your diabolical plan to reveal your true identity to him. As cute as he was looking all conflicted from falling in love with both you and Spider-Girl, you decide not to torture him even longer. It’s unbelievable, the amount of elation you felt the moment you realized that he’s fallen for Spider-Girl. It’s clear proof that he wasn’t just attracted to your looks, but your personality too. It puts you at ease, knowing that he keeps catching feelings no matter what persona you’re putting in front of him. He fell for you when you were just an innocent little girl who couldn’t do anything but fangirl over Wonder Woman all day. He fell for you when he saw you stepping onto the podium to accept your science medal, blinding everyone with your perfect smile. And he fell for Spider-Girl, your alter ego that embodied your true personality.
I wonder how you would react when you find out that I’m all those three?
“Maybe I should step up my game,” you mumble to yourself. “Maybe I should be a little…”
The corners of your mouth curve up. Your smirk is just straight-up evil at this point. Hell, even Norman Osborn didn’t look this wicked when he turned into Green Goblin. 
When Eren told his brother, Zeke Jaeger, that he wanted to borrow his motorcycle to pick up a girl this morning, his brother was on the floor. Literally on the floor. 
Zeke was skeptical at first, snorting loudly as he muttered, “Pfft. As if you could get a girl to notice you. Bet my ass you’re just being delusional.” But then Eren, heaving the biggest sigh, raised his phone in the air, flashed his wallpaper—that one picture you took on your date with you smiling as you kissed his cheek—on his brother’s face and Zeke collapsed to his knees.
“Oh my God.” Zeke landed both palms on the parquet, eyes shaking in horror. “Oh my fucking God.”
Eren, who was accustomed to his brother’s dramatic antics, simply shrugged when his aunt Dina looked at them funny. “He’s having a moment,” he explained and Dina just returned to her cooking, not wanting to deal with any of that. 
It usually took Zeke a while to get back on his feet—literally—when he was having an episode like that. Eren simply waited with his back leaning against the wall, checking his watch with boredom written in his eyes. “Try and make it quick. I got a date.”
“I can’t believe you found yourself a girl before me,” Zeke sobbed. “I thought it was Armin dressing up as a girl again—"
“We’re over that phase now.”
“—but no, she’s actually a cute fucking chick. Probably has massive badonkers too.”
“Please don’t say that.” Great, now I can’t stop thinking about it too, Eren adds inwardly, face flushed. What if she… does have massive badonkers—I mean, tits—I mean, breasts. He shakes his head. Eren, you idiot. Who cares if she has huge boobs or not. Flat, or huge, those are still great tits—no, stop thinking about her tits!
“Fuck, what if it’s true?” Zeke looked up to his brother from below, like a tortured servant to his sadistic master. “What if she’s packing some dobonhonkeros? Like, massive dohoonkabhankoloos, ya know what I mean? Big old tonhongerekoogers—”
“Language, Zeke,” Dina chimes in from the kitchen. “I don’t understand what you’re saying but I know they’re filthy words so stop it.” 
Eren, in the meantime, is conflicted between not thinking about your breasts or smacking the shit out of his brother. “You’re being disrespectful, stop it.”
Zeke, almost with tears painting his eyes, handed them over to him. “Once you’re finished with it, do me a favor and just run me over. I don’t have the dignity to keep on living anymore.”
“Will do,” Eren said—promised—as he threw a black leather jacket on top of his white shirt. “I’ll be back in two hours,” he informed his aunt. “We’re just gonna study in my room after that.”
“Studying each other’s bodies?” Zeke uttered with jealousy coating his tongue. “Gross.”
“Statistics, actually.” Eren planted a small peck on Dina's cheek. “See you, Aunt Dina.”
“Bye, love,” Dina chuckled, seemingly proud that her nephew—one that she regarded as her own child, unlike the other one—was old enough to bring a pretty girl home with him. “Make sure to bring her something. Us girls love gifts.”
“And buy some condoms on your way home.”
Eren nearly tripped over his feet. “I-it’s not like that!”
Zeke was lying flat on the floor at this point, like a stabbed victim on a crime scene, only in his case, the knife was invisible and he was bleeding tears from his eyes. “When can I get myself some bonkhonagahoogs…”
“Please kick him out before I get home,” Eren said.
“Trust me, darling,” Dina sighed. “I've been trying to do that since day one.”
“Guys, I’m literally right here.”
“Shut up, Zeke.”
Eren is just as jittery as he was during his first date with you, only this time, it’s ten times worse as he keeps thinking about Spider-Girl no matter how much he tries not to. The guilt he felt over the kiss sticks permanently in his mind, and it feels like he just committed adultery with a church elder or something when he isn’t even in a relationship with you—any version of you. But even so, he tries to stick close to his plan. He has promised to spend some time studying for finals with you, and he intends to give his full attention to you and no one else. Since he’d brought you a bouquet yesterday, he decided to buy you homemade chocolate truffles from this cute candy store downtown, one that Dina claimed to be the best one in the world. 
He arrives two hours early at your ballet studio, feeling so nervous to see you again that he feels like the whole world is spinning too fast before him. He’s waiting outside in the parking lot, leaning against Zeke’s all-black Royal Enfield Classic 350 with his phone in one hand and his head on the clouds.
What am I going to say to her? Can I even act normally around her? What if she—
“Fuck!” The boy jumps on his feet, almost losing his grip on his phone from how startled he is. He spins his head around to the side, spotting you standing close with your gym bag slinging on one shoulder. His shock-filled eyes quickly traverse down your body, taking in the sight of you dressed casually in your fitted black tank top and white track jacket. “W-why are you not wearing your tutus?”
Out of all the things he could’ve said, of course, that’s the first thing that comes out of his mouth. “Because I’m still outside and my practice isn’t going to start for another ten minutes?” You reply with a hint of teasing in your voice. “You look handsome today, by the way. I always think you look hotter wearing a leather jacket instead of a hoodie. Not that I don’t like it, though. Hoodies make you look cute.”
This is an ambush, Eren thinks. You, casually throwing your compliment at him as if it’s nothing, feel like a fucking ambush to him. “I—Umm—You look—You look cute too.”
“Thank you,” you titter. “I can’t believe you arrived here before me.”
“Oh... Y-yeah.” It suddenly feels like it’s twenty degrees hotter for him. “I guess I was a little early.”
“As always,” you toss him a smile—the one that has the perfect amount of beauty and shyness that makes his heart swell in his chest. “You’re not planning to wait out here for two hours, are you?” When Eren has no answer to give, you chuckle. “Gosh, you are too cute. Come here.”
“You can wait inside.” It’s so natural the way you tangle your hand around his even when you can feel your own heart palpitating. “It’s warmer there.”
Eren, with his cheeks turning scarlet, follows after you. “Is—is it really okay?”
“Well, no. Usually, we don’t allow strangers to watch our rehearsals.”
“Then, why—”
“Relax, Ren.” You hurl a wink at him. “Petra—my instructor—is a close friend of my mother. I’ll just tell her you’re my boyfriend and she’ll make an exception for me.”
Three things left him dumbfounded. The first one is clearly the fact that you just called him your boyfriend. Second, it’s that naughty, naughty wink you threw at him, one that matches your cute little devilish grin. But none of those were as surprising as the way you called him with that nickname. 
You’ve never called him that before, have you? But Spider-Girl called him Ren all the time, which is why to his ears, it sounds so familiar. The way you said it. The way your voice sounded when you did. Even if his mind tries to deny it, his heart still pounds. It feels so strange for this to just be a coincidence but you don’t give him a chance to think about it long.
“I’m gonna go change into my tutus, okay?” You tease him once you enter the studio, chuckling at your own words. “You can sit at the back. Try not to stare at the other girls as you wait.”
He knows he’s dumb but today he just feels ten times dumber and it shows. “W-why not?”
“Well, obviously, because you’re pretending to be my boyfriend today.” You reach out a hand to fix the collar of his jacket, watching him flinch at the way your fingers brush against his collarbone. “And also…” You look up at him, turning your voice into a breathy whisper as you feign a pout. “I don’t like seeing you look at other girls. I want you to look at me.” You take a hold of his key-shaped pendant, twisting your fingers around his necklace. “Only me.”
Fuck, fuck, fuck. If there was steam coming out of his ears, Eren wouldn’t be surprised. He does feel like his face is about to explode. “I-I’ve only been looking at you.”
“You sure?” Your tongue peeks out to wet your lower lip and Eren swallows at the sight. “You seemed so… distracted last night. You weren't thinking about some other girl, were you?”
He’s staring at your lips. He’s definitely staring at your lips. Oh my God, her lips. “I—I didn't—I wasn’t—” He’s panicking. He’s already having a hard time trying to stay alive from your attack. You really didn’t need to bring back Spider-Girl into his head, but you did and that’s why you fit more as a supervillain instead of a hero.
Eren can practically taste the minty scent of your breath from how close you are when you grin at him. “I’m kidding,” you giggle, patting his cheek and giving him back his space. “You look like you’re about to pass out. You okay over there, big boy?”
“Yeah…” Just feeling like I’m having a cardiac arrest but I’m fine. “Good luck with your dancing—your practice. Break an arm.”
God, he’s an idiot, I love him. Refraining yourself from laughing, you stand on your toes and grant him a soft kiss on his cheek. “It’s break a leg, dummy,” you whisper in his ear, your smirk brushing against his earlobe. His face is practically in flames when you turn on your heels, tossing him one last smile before you disappear inside the changing room. 
The rehearsal starts on time and there you are, walking back into the studio dressed in pink seamed ballet tights, a black halter-neck leotard, and a pair of beige pointe shoes. Your outfit, the way the fabric hugs your body tightly, leaves no room for his imagination to wander. It’s so unfair that you look both adorable and effortlessly sexy at the same time. Eren doesn’t know whether he wants to say, “You’re so cute, I want to squeeze your cheeks!” or “You’re so hot, I wanna clap those cheeks.” He wants to do both, honestly, but he’ll need to rephrase that last line if he wants to be, ehem, respectful.
He can see your back muscles contracting as you perform, your skin glistening under the light, coated by a thin layer of sweat that somehow only makes you look more erotic. He hates the way his mind thinks, so he tries to focus on your movements instead. Every posture you strike is as graceful as it is beautiful and Eren has to remind himself to blink before his eyes fall out of his sockets from staring too long.
You try to concentrate as much as you can on the instructions Petra gives you but every time you see your reflection in the mirror, you also notice the way his eyes are entranced with every gesture you make. He’s staring at you like you’re the only girl in the room—the only girl in the world, even. As much as it pleases you to be the center of his attention, it’s also harder for you to focus on your steps. You just can’t wait for your practice to end.
Eren is so captivated by everything you do, and if he had brought his camera with him, he would’ve taken every bit of your expression. He wishes he could record everything. The way your body moves… Even the slightest lift of your finger is fascinating to him. At this moment, all thoughts about Spider-Girl vanish away from his mind. It feels like he’s falling for you all over again, his heart throbbing like on that day when he saw you on campus for the first time. You’re so pretty. So, so pretty that you leave him breathless.
“Hey,” you greet him again once your rehearsal has ended. “Sorry you had to wait long.” You’re dabbing a towel against the side of your face, gathering your belongings in your arms as the other students are making their way to the changing room without you. “I’m all sweaty so I’m just gonna go take a shower real quick. Is that okay?”
Eren can see a bead of sweat running down the side of your face, disappearing right between your cleavage. It’s the most pornographic thing he’s ever seen and this comes from the man who spent the whole summer watching questionable porn clips with Armin. It also doesn’t help that Zeke’s face keeps appearing in his mind, whispering to him, “Bro, look at those badonkers,” and no, Eren doesn’t want to look at your badonk—breasts. It’s very inappropriate, and you deserve to be respected. 
Fucking monke. Eren is going to run him over for real after this.
“Eren? You okay there?”
He coughs once, trying to focus on your face instead of your, in Zeke’s words, dohoonkabhankoloos. “Yes, I—uhh… I’ll just go wait outside, okay?”
You’re not sure what you’re expecting but when Eren walks away without saying anything about your performance, you feel a sliver of disappointment growing inside you. Keeping your thoughts to yourself, you tighten your grip around your bag and pivot on your heels.
“Oh, I forgot to tell you,” Eren says, stopping you in your tracks. You turn around, facing him with a questioning brow. The boy smiles at you, doing it so beautifully, so delicately, so lovingly that you feel like you can fight the whole world just to protect that smile. “You look so beautiful when you dance,” he says, his eyes gleaming in the adoration he holds for you. “So graceful, you’re like, uhh… Like an angel.”
It’s corny. It’s corny and cliche, and embarrassing, and you love it. If anyone else had said it, it would’ve sounded like the cringiest pick-up line, but not him. Eren said it like a confession as if he truly felt that way and he had to tell you the truth no matter what. He doesn’t intend to sound corny, of course, but what can he do? You did look like an angel in his head. But now that he’s hearing the words out loud, he can’t help but feel mortified by them. “S-sorry,” he blushes. “I didn’t mean to sound so… lame.” 
“No, it’s fine.” You could feel a pleasant warmth pooling inside your stomach. “Thank you.” You smile back at him, a bit timidly but as beautiful as always. “Will you… come and watch my recital next time? It’s not until three months from now, but—”
“Of course!” His eyes light up in excitement, his voice loud enough to make three people turn their heads at the sound. “Of course, I would love to! Can I bring my camera with me?”
You almost laugh. He reminds you of that little Siberian husky he owns, the way she looked so excited as she ran down the street, chasing a hummingbird. “Yes. Yes, you can.”
There are a lot of things Eren is grateful for in his life. He’s thankful that he has his Aunt Dina taking care of him and his brother after his parents passed away. He’s thankful that he has Zeke, no matter how obnoxious he is, for always lending him his credit card whenever Eren is in desperate need of money (involuntarily, true, but let’s not get into details). He’s thankful that he has Armin in his life to knock some sense back into him, both literally and figuratively speaking. And of course, he’s thankful that he met you—every version of you, though he hasn't noticed yet. But today… Today he doesn’t direct his gratitude to his Lord. Today, he wants to thank whoever it was who decided that motorcycles should have these super cramped seats because holy shit, they’re doing God’s work.
“I’m sorry for holding onto you like this,” you say with your hands tangled around his waist, a little bit embarrassed with how close you are to him. The motorcycle itself is designed to be a two-seater, but apparently, comfort for the pillion has not been a priority—which is a good thing for Eren because you don’t have other options left but to have your front all squeezed against his spine to fit in.
“Umm…” Eren swallows and he swallows hard. You’re wearing his leather jacket above your clothes and yet he can still feel the way your breasts—oh my God, they’re so soft—are pressed against his back. Maintaining his eyes on the road, he tries to focus on his surroundings as best as he can. “I-it’s okay.”
“Are you sure you’re not cold? You can take back your jacket if you want. I can just use mine.”
“No, it’s fine. Yours is too thin.” He refrains himself from sniffling because damn it, it is cold. He should’ve thought of bringing a spare jacket for you, but no, of course, being the idiot that he was, he didn’t. “Don’t worry about it. My house isn’t far from here.”
“Okay.” Despite his reassurance, you still have your eyebrows knitted in concern as you can still feel him shivering from the cold. As a way to warm him up—which is only an excuse for you to touch him even more, and to continue with your diabolical plan—you embrace him from behind, tightening your arms around him just a little bit harder. 
Fuck, Eren thinks, face flushed. You’re plastered against him like a conjoined twin and he can feel your warmth seeping through his shirt. It’s a wonder that he’s still able to maintain his grip on his vehicle. “W-what are you doing?”
“Umm… Making you feel warm?” You reply sheepishly which drives him insane. You’re already so beautiful and sexy in his head, now you get to be so innocently adorable too?
Eren only responds with a little "Oh..." because that’s the only thing his pea-brain can manage to form with all this blood rushing to his head. God, you wish you could steal a glimpse of his face. What kind of expression does he have right now? He must look so cute.
He’s dying, that’s how he looks. Probably about to combust into flames too. Why are they so sooooft, Eren wants to whine, feeling your chest pushed up against his back even more. Is this the kind of sweet torture people talk about? The kind that makes you feel like you’re both in heaven and hell at the same time? It certainly feels like one. 
“Sorry, Ren…” Noticing the way his body is tensing, you loosen up your hold. “Am I making you feel uncomfortable?” 
“No!” Eren takes off his left hand from the steering wheel and snatches yours back before you can retrieve it. He keeps it in place, pressing your splayed fingers tight against his stomach until you can feel the shape of his abdomens underneath the thin layer of his white shirt.
“I’m not uncomfortable,” he says, his voice subdued by the wind. You fail to notice the way he stutters his words. “Hold on tight so you won’t fall."
When he’s only driving twenty miles per hour because of traffic ahead, even if you did fall, you would only get a scratch on your palm at most but neither of you cares. You both know it’s just an excuse anyway. "Okay."
"And also, uhh…” Eren is glad he has his helmet on to conceal his face. “It’s… warm. You, I mean. You're so warm.”
“I'm glad I am,” you giggle, winding your arm around him again, even going as far as resting your chin on his shoulder. Feeling a bit naughty, you lower your pitch, seduction ringing in his ears. “Kinda wish we were alone in your room right now,” you purr, your fingers hovering dangerously close above the hem of his jeans. “I know something else we can do to warm you up.”
That’s it. That’s the final string. Eren’s concentration breaks and he’s easily startled by the car driving past him on his right. Veering his vehicle immediately to the side, he nearly collides with the motorcycle on his left. 
“Sorry,” Eren mutters in chagrin, while you’re cackling like a witch behind him. From his bar-end mirror, you can see how he childishly pouts at your laughter. “Why are you laughing—that wasn’t funny!”
“It was a bit funny,” you sneer. “You panicked like a girl.”
“Well, you were saying some nasty things to me!”
“What nasty things?” 
“Y-you said you were going to do something else to warm me up.” 
“Yes, I was speaking about making some hot chocolate for you. What were you thinking about?”
He opens his mouth, closes it, and repeats these two actions three times more before he gives up and grouses, “Oh, shut up.” Eren spends the rest of his drive pretending to be upset about it, even when you can tell he’s having the hardest time masking his smile. He can’t do it for long since your giggle is infectious. 
“You seem happy,” he comments, mirroring the joy on your face. 
“That’s because I am,” you reply, snuggling close. “I feel like I’m the happiest when I’m with you.”
Oh, for fuck's sake. “Don’t make me crash our bike into another car, I swear to God—” 
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry!”
When the laughter has receded, Eren shares stories about Dina and Zeke, the two family members he loves dearly—well, he loves Dina, Zeke can go to hell (affectionately)—and how they are very excited to meet you today. But the second you arrive at his house, no one comes to answer the door.
“Weird,” Eren mutters as he walks past the entrance, dropping the keys on the counter. “I thought they’d be—” He stops short when he notices a piece of paper lying on the coffee table. With a frown, he picks it up and runs his eyes across Dina’s neat handwriting.
Zeke and I are going shopping to give you kids some time alone. We’ll eat outside too so we won’t be back until nine. Remember to use protection ;) - Love, Dina.
Eren, too busy trying to understand what the fuck is going on, doesn’t notice the way you’re standing on your toes, trying to steal a peek at the paper from behind his shoulder. Unlike him who needs a whole minute to process her words, it only takes two seconds for you to finish reading the whole thing. 
Eren shrieks at your presence, crumples the paper with both hands, tosses it inside the trash bin, and hopes the whole thing gets swallowed by hellfire. “You—You didn’t read that, did you?” It feels like he has his heart throbbing in his throat.
“Read what?” You play dumb, even tilting your head to the side for a cute, dramatic effect.
“Nothing,” he says, and when you arch your eyebrow at him, he spins you around, placing both hands on your shoulder as he guides you down the hallway. “Let’s just go to my room. Go, go, go, go, go.”
“Wait.” You stop him with one hand in the air, putting on your best solemn face. “Have you brought protection with you?”
Things aren’t going as smoothly as Eren had planned. Actually, nothing went as planned. For all he knew, all he had been doing was just turning red like a fucking tomato for the whole two hours he had spent with you, and you teasing the shit out of him. And it doesn’t seem like you’re going to stop anytime soon!
Is she planning to kill me? He sighs as he opens the door that leads to his bedroom, welcoming you in. She wasn’t like this yesterday. Now, don’t get him wrong. Eren loves how aggressive you’re being—he hasn’t unlocked his kink yet, but he’s secretly a sub who longs to be dominated by his women, both in bed and in real life—but with how smooth you’re going right now, constantly flirting with him as if it would kill you if you didn’t make him blush every ten minutes, this is getting so bad for his heart.
And it doesn’t help that he’s now alone with you in an empty house for the next—he takes a glimpse at his phone screen to check on the time—three hours and twelve minutes. His thoughts are going insane. From Dina’s message to the image of you in your skin-tight leotard, and of course, the way you embraced him on the ride home too. You’ve been giving him signs that you like him. You’re more honest and blatant compared to how you behaved during your date, and as much as he is certain that Spider-Girl is the woman he’s in love with, he can’t deny that he has feelings for you too. And the way you’re looking at him right now, sitting on the edge of his bed in your cute little red dress and your cute little matching headband with your smile never faltering away from your lips—everything about you right now is so… titillating.
“You’re such a dirty boy,” you smirk.
Eren nearly collapses. “W-what?” What the hell is happening? She can hear my thoughts now? WHAT IS GOING ON?! “What do you—I’m not—I don’t know what you’re saying.”
“I said you’re a dirty boy.” Your salacious smirk turns into a mischievous grin. “As in your room is a mess.”
“Oh!” He laughs once in relief, his hand coming up to wipe cold sweat off his forehead. “Oh, you were talking about my room, thank God.” Wait. He panics again, eyes moving back and forth from one corner to another, scanning his room. He’s sure that he’s cleaned up everything he could this morning, and by cleaning up, he means picking everything off the floor, jamming them inside his closet, and pretending that they don’t exist. Everything seems to be in order. There are no clutters on his computer desk. No laundry on the floor. Sure, the books on his shelf are in disarray, but at least they’re not too dusty. “It looks clean to me, though.”
“On the outside, sure,” you titter. “But your wardrobe looks like it’s seconds away from exploding. I don’t need to take a peek inside to know that you have dirty clothes and questionable things stored there.”
“I don’t have… q-questionable things,” Eren says very unconvincingly. Poor boy can’t lie to save his life. Unable to stand the way you narrow your eyes suspiciously at him, he sighs in defeat, “Well, it depends on how you define questionable.”
“Playboy magazines?”
“Nope.” Why should I buy one when I can just see naked girls for free on PornHub?
“Erotic novels?”
“No.” Ha ha, too bad. You were close, though, cause instead of erotic novels, I read—
“Erotic mangas, then?”
Fuck. “N-no,” he coughs out.
You wait for him, watching him with the nastiest grin you could muster until he gives up on his lies. “All right, all right, you got me,” Eren says, rolling his eyes. “I have some hentai mangas hidden in my closet. Happy now?”
“Immensely,” you chirp back and whatever it is you’re doing, it’s working well because Eren feels like he can breathe properly again. 
Now that the tension isn’t as suffocating, you both settle down on the carpeted floor, your backside leaning against the side rail of his bed. You have your textbook perched on your lap, a pen between your fingers as you teach him about univariate and bivariate transformations. Eren wears a pair of eyeglasses when he studies, and you hate whoever invented those black frames for making him look more attractive than he already is as if his little man-bun wasn’t strong enough to emphasize that. 
An hour passes by in a flash and Eren asks for a ten-minute break. You follow him to the kitchen, watching him make two cups of hot chocolate while casually throwing back some of your earlier teasings. It feels so domestic—the playful banter you throw, the way you share smiles and giggles while you both sit on the kitchen aisle with your legs dangling in the air. And while you secretly fantasize about spending every morning with him like this, Eren is constantly reminded of the time he spent with Spider-Girl.
Why does this feel so familiar? He ponders. Is your personality similar to hers? Is it the way you talk? Or is it because he unconsciously starts projecting Spider-Girl on you? Because he can’t stop thinking about her even when he’s trying his best to focus on you today? He grows restless at the thoughts. Because if that’s the case, then what’s the point of doing this? It’s clear that he’s still searching for Spider-Girl everywhere he goes. Even when he’s seeing you, he still thinks about her. He was sure he managed to forget about her earlier today, but the more he grows comfortable with you, and the more you show your true personality to him, the more he sees Spider-Girl in you.
When you return to his bedroom with him trailing after you, you notice a little box sliding out of his bag. Eren follows your gaze, mumbling, “Oh, shit, I forgot,” under his breath before he snatches it away. “I bought something for you earlier today,” he says, taking a seat on the edge of his bed with you settling down right next to him. “I wanted to give this to you back when we were at the studio but…” He smiles a little bit sheepishly as he hands it over to you. “I got, uhh… distracted.”
The way he said his words, it was clear that you were his distraction. “Thank you,” you reply, your fingers playing with the little red bow that ties the package together. “You’re always so thoughtful. I wanted to give you something too, actually, but I couldn’t get it done on time. It’s going to take a little while before I can finish it.”
“Oh?” His whole face brightens at once, seemingly giddy at the thought, as it would be the first time he’ll receive a handmade gift from the opposite sex. “You’re making something for me?”
“What is it?”
“It’s a surprise.” Your coquettish smile quickly becomes one of his favorite things in the world. “For now,” you land a hand on his shoulder, leaning up to brush your lips lightly against his cheek. The kiss is light and chaste, and yet, Eren turns rigid, his heartbeat roaring in his ears. You break away with a bashful smile painting your lips. “I hope that’s okay?”
“Umm…” He mumbles out, unfocused. “Yeah…”
The moment is there. The same atmosphere, the same tension that you felt when you were about to part ways at the end of your date has returned, ten times thicker than before. You maintain your gaze on his face, while Eren learns the texture of your lips with his eyes. They seem so soft, so inviting and he wants it. He wants to know how it would feel like to have your mouths pressed against one another but at the same time…
He’s conflicted again, you think to yourself, and if you’re not careful, your devilish smirk will rise to the surface again. It’s such a fun game watching him like this. You can almost literally see the way he’s battling against himself. On one side, he wants to kiss the bejeezus out of you, while on the other hand, he wants to push you away and say, “Girl, you’re making my jeans tighter than ever but this heart only belongs to one woman, and as long as you’re not dressed in white spandex, you’re not her.”
The evil that you are, you plan to make it even more interesting. “Kiss me.”
Somewhere at the back of his head, a nuclear bomb explodes, killing half of his brain cells at once. “W-what?” Eren croaks out, sounding like he hasn’t spoken in years. 
You lean closer, your breath fanning his lips. God, your perfume, the scent of your breath—you smell so fucking wonderful. Sliding a hand up his chest, fingers gliding smoothly against the fabric of his shirt, you whisper again, “I want you to kiss me, Ren.”
“I—mmph—” His eyes close in reflex the moment your lips touch his, his eyebrows sewn together in the middle. You frame his cheek, bringing him closer to you than ever. For a moment, he succumbs, his fingers fisting the sheets underneath him. You press your body against him, and he wonders if you can feel his heartbeat reverberating on your skin. He lets out this cute little whine when he feels you parting his lips with yours, but the second he feels the tip of your tongue touching his, his body flinches and Eren breaks away.
“S-sorry.” He stands up abruptly from the bed, one hand shooting up to cover the bottom half of his face. His blush creeps up from his neck to the tip of his ears. He seems breathless, panicking out of his mind.
Your lips are just itching to exhibit a wicked grin but you pretend to be confused. “Is there something wrong?”
“I—I can’t—” He’s looking anywhere but your face, jittery hands moving animatedly as he speaks. “You and me—we can’t—I can’t do this with you—Not right now—Not when I’m—I can’t, I’m sorry, I can’t.”
Poor Rennie looks like he’s having a heart attack. “You can’t?” You’ve never taken any acting classes before, but you’re sure as hell this performance you’re doing right now deserves an Oscar's Best Actress nomination. Guess binging Euphoria all weekend has some perks after all. “But…” You perceive him with glassy doe eyes. “I thought you liked me…”
“I did!” He shouts out the words like it physically pains him to say them out loud. He’s losing his mind and it’s hilarious. “I did…” Eren goes down to his knees before you, his hands reaching out to take yours before he settles them on your lap. They’re sweating, and so cold. “I really liked you but…”
You start to feel bad but the sadistic villain inside you wants to see more so you just fake a sob. “But now… You don’t like me anymore…”
“Oh, God.” You, brushing your nonexistent tears with your fingers right now, are his kryptonite. “Please don't cry. No—no, it’s not like that! I like you!” he shouts, his eyes shaking as he peers into yours. “Jesus, I think I even loved you at some point and maybe I still do, I don’t know—I don’t understand my feelings right now, I just—”
“It's okay,” you say, trying to calm him down. You're a bit worried now because if this guy ends up passing out, that’s going to be your fault. “It’s all right, Ren… I know what you’re saying…”
He pauses to take a deep breath. When he speaks again, he no longer sounds as squeaky as before. “Listen to me,” he squeezes your hand, and even if his fingers are still trembling, they’re doing their best to comfort you. “I really, really do like you. Honestly? I was so obsessed with you before. I stalked you like a pervert. I took pictures of you when you weren’t looking. I've had your photo as my wallpaper for God knows how long. My video journals—”
Are all about me, you echo the words in your head as he speaks the same thing. Oh my God, he’s freaking out so bad, he’s telling every bit of his secret now. So cute. 
“I did all those things because I liked you and you should hate me for it—”
“I’ll never hate you, Ren. I want to be with you.”
You’re killing him. You can tell you’re killing him inside. “And you don’t know how much those words mean to me but the truth is, I’m—” He hesitates, still contemplating whether he should say the words out loud. He doesn’t want to hurt your feelings, but if he continues doing this, letting his desire overtake him once again, he’s only going to hurt you even more. He needs to make a decision. “I’m in love with someone else.”
You fake a gasp, even going as far as covering your mouth with both hands. “Y-you are?”
“Yes…” He answers in dismay. “I know maybe I should give myself some time to figure this out but I don’t want to be selfish. I don’t want to make you wait for me. I don’t want to make you feel confused. And I know it would be easier to love you instead of her—I don’t even know how she feels about me but… I can’t. I can’t deny that I’m in love with her. And it’s not fair if I keep doing this with you when I keep thinking about someone else. I don’t want to be that kind of person.”
He’s kind. Eren is always kind. He could’ve just dated you both if he wanted to, but he didn’t. “I see,” you solemnly respond. “Can you… tell me who you’re in love with?”
He nibbles on his lip, looking down when he says, “S-Spider-Girl.”
FUCK, YES! In your mind, you’re punching the air in triumph with Cardi B and DJ Khaleed throwing a party in the background, celebrating your victory. But if you take a look at the situation, how fucking ridiculous is this? Imagine if Spider-Girl wasn’t your alter ego. It would be like you confessing to that delusional nerd Armin, only to be rejected by him saying he’s in love with a random cosplayer whose real name he didn’t even know. Well, with Armin, it’s still a plausible thought. Ridiculous, sure, but plausible.
“I see…” You land a hand above your heart, pretending like it’s breaking when you’re really trying your best not to cackle like a madman. “Oh, gosh… I don’t know what to say… This is such shocking news to me.”
Colors drain from his face. “I’m sorry.” He looks like he’s the one who’s having his heart shredded apart. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you like this. I’m sorry for leading you on. I should’ve told you last night. You are such an attractive woman. You’re beautiful. You’re brilliant and you’re so kind and—”
Oh my God, he’s consoling me now. It’s getting harder and harder not to guffaw at his face. "Ren—"
“—I’m sure there are a lot of guys out there who would love to date you,” Eren says, his eyes drooping in sadness. “And I know this is a selfish thought but I hope we can… still be friends?”
God, you better be grateful I’m Spider-Girl ‘cause this feels like a terrible break-up movie and I’m livid. “We can,” you nod. “But only if you do something for me.”
Eren blinks, his eyes turning hopeful. “Yes, anything. Anything you want, I’ll do it.”
“Okay, then, sit down on the floor.” With a confused frown, he follows without a word. “Lean back.” You give two light taps on the railing of his bed and he rests his backside against it. “Good, now close your eyes. Don’t open them until I say so.”
“Umm… Okay…” 
“Promise me that.”
“I promise.” His furrow turns deeper when he senses you crawling up his bed. You position yourself behind him, lying down on your stomach with your elbows propping the upper part of your body. 
You lean close, whispering breathily in his ear, imitating the words he once said to you on the night he kissed you. “Can I try something I’ve never done before?”
He shivers. The way your voice echoes through his mind sends his mind reeling. “Y-yes…” It sounds more like a question and you almost laugh. He’s beyond nervous. 
Your hand slithers down his cheek before you hook your fingers on the underside of his jaw. You lift his face. His gaze would’ve lingered on the ceiling if he had his eyes opened but Eren keeps them pressed shut. Your touch feels burning on his skin. “W-what are you doing?” he stutters out as you take off his glasses.
“Telling you my biggest secret,” you murmur, leaning closer until you have your face hovering above his. He can almost feel your every word on his skin. “Do you trust me?”
“I—” He noticeably gulps. “I do.”
With an elfin smile, you lower your head. Eren softly gasps when your lips are connected. You’re kissing him upside-down, similar to the kiss he shared with Spider-Girl. You try to replicate the way he kissed you that night, starting out slow, giving him a light, innocent kiss. There’s no pressure on your lips, nothing to distract him away from how soft they feel against his. This is that kiss—your first kiss together.
And Eren remembers it. His body, his lips, his heart remember it.
A few seconds are spent with Eren holding his breath and when you pull away, whispering, “Look at me,” he slowly opens his eyes but they stay half-lidded, completely dazed. 
You stroke his cheek, your smile is an everlasting beauty. 
“I’m in love with you too, Rennie.” 
Your confession certainly comes as a shock, but it’s not as much as the way you called his name. Eren has his heartbeat ringing clamorously in his ears, his eyes widening at the pet name you gave him back when you were nine-year-old. His flashback hits him at once and it strikes him like thunder. He has never told anyone else about the little girl he met in the hospital except for Spider-Girl, and even then, he didn’t tell you that she used to call him Rennie. So how the fuck can you tell? 
Eren turns around, almost knocking his head against the railing as he does. “Wait—” He rises to his feet, both hands stretched out forward. He is mortified beyond belief. So embarrassed, that he wishes he can light himself on fire so he doesn’t have to deal with whatever the fuck that’s going on. This can’t be—she can’t be—
He catches you grinning at him no matter how much you try to hold yourself back. “Calm down, Rennie.”
“No, don’t call—” Oh my God, I can’t breathe—This isn’t happening right now—She—
You’re laughing—great, now you’re laughing—interrupting his thoughts and sending him even further down this endless hole of shame. “So, I’m your first love, huh? Been crushing on me ever since we were nine? Damn, didn’t know you were such a simp for me, Tarantula Boy.”
“No. No, no, no, no, no.” He only has one color on his face: red. “You can’t do this to me—”
“And you jerked off to my pictures?” You playfully scold him, stepping down from the bed and making your way to his spot. “Can’t say I’m pleased with that. Also, I can’t believe you kissed me right after our date ended. Not to mention, I had to save your ass again—”
Fuck, I can’t do this. Eren spins on his heels, literally trying to run away in shame as his brain turns into mush. He has one hand around the doorknob, ready to run and jump off the nearest bridge when you stretch out your arm and shoot out your web. Snaring him by his wrist, you pull him back toward you with a hard yank. With a startled yelp, Eren tumbles back, his body nearly crashes against yours but you catch him just in time. You flick the web off your wrist and tangle your arms around his neck. 
Standing on your toes, you press your body against his, meshing your lips together and laughing against his mouth in response to the muffled sounds of his protest. “Kill me,” he sighs against your mouth, followed by a strangled moan when you part your lips just to close them around his bottom one. “Just kill me now, please.”
“You sure about that?” You tease him, one hand sliding down his chest. “Cause I’d rather do something else if you ask me.” You nip on his lip, not being as gentle as before. 
Groaning in defeat, Eren frames your face with both hands. He decides to take control of the kiss as a way to make you feel just as flustered as he is now. He’s still awkward, his teeth almost knocking against yours but when his tongue slides inside, he manages to steal a gasp out of your mouth. 
You lean your entire weight on him, clawing against his chest as he winds his arm around your waist. “Easy, Tarantula Boy,” you giggle, still sounding mischievous albeit a little breathless.
“You’re evil.” Eren moves his lips to your jaw before he settles his head in the crook of your neck. “I can’t believe you played me like this. Is this the reason why you were being so aggressive today?”
“I’m sorry.” Your small laughter morphs into soft moans as his tongue slithers against yours again. Your fingers slip between his strands, your eyes closed in pleasure as you face the ceiling, giving him more access to nibble on the supple skin of your neck. “I didn’t mean to go this far, actually. I just wanted to tease you a little bit but—” Your sentence ends abruptly in a gasp when he seizes you by your waist and throws you down to the bed. His strength surprises you but the way he handles you so easily, losing almost all the tenderness in his touch, lights your stomach on fire. He crawls on top of you, pinning your hand down against the sheets before he smashes your lips together again. The sudden change in his attitude baffles you but you're quick to display your smirk again. “My, my, look who’s being so aggressive now.”
“Shut up,” he replies, face aflame, robbing you of the ability to speak. Eren kisses you deeply, almost frantically, demanding, plundering your mouth with his own, and you understand why. He doesn’t use his passion to cover his embarrassment, not like what you thought he was doing. He’s kissing you like this, like he owns you and you own him, because he’s been in love with three different people all this time, and all of them are now in his arms, in the shape of you. And, God, you are beautiful.
“Calm down,” you remind him again, sliding your fingers up and down his spine, effectively slowing down his pace. His bun is a mess, his strands falling all over the place, all designed by your eager hands. You play with the baby hair on his nape when he pulls away, your smile is too delicate to be real. “I’m not going anywhere. You don’t have to rush.”
His heart hammers inside his chest and it’s beating so fast, it’s frightening, but Eren loves it. He’s always felt this way when he was with you—with any version of you—but now that he knows you’re all of them, his heart beats three times faster. “I don’t think I can do it.” He keeps his face close enough for the tip of your nose to brush against his when he whispers, “I’ve been in love with the same girl for twelve years and now you’re right here and I’m… I’m going insane.”
He’s adorable. So adorable. “Well then, maybe I feel the same way…” You untangle his hair tie with one hand, pushing back his hair behind his ear before you caress his cheek. “‘Cause I’m sure I’ve been in love with the same boy for twelve years too.”
He melts in your arms, weak with the surge of joy that suffuses his body. “It’s hard to believe that you’re Spider-Girl,” he breathes out, resting his temple above yours, closing his lids. He seems so blissful, so relieved at the revelation. “But at the same time, it feels so right. This is the perfect moment of my life, I feel like I’m gonna die.”
“Don’t die just yet,” you titter. “You haven’t loved me enough yet.”
He breaks away with a peal of laughter flowing past his lips. “I’m already going insane because of you and you still want me to love you harder than this?”
“If you can.”
“So demanding.” He jokingly rolls his eyes. “That little boy in the hospital.” He twines his fingers around your wrist, bringing your hand closer to his face. He speaks his next words with his lips brushing against the lines of your palm. “Have you always known it was me?”
“No…” You’re entranced, eyes turning a bit hazy at the way his long eyelashes flutter against his cheeks. He peppers soft kisses on your skin down to the veins that paint your inner wrist. “I only realized it was you when you told me that story.”
“That night on the rooftop?” His pout returns. “You should’ve told me then.”
“Well, yes, but then I wouldn’t get to have this much fun.” You toss him your signature Cheshire Cat grin. Eren throws you a playful snort before he dives back to taste your lips again. “Plus, I was too… embarrassed to say a word back then. I’ve always thought you looked familiar but I had no idea that you were that boy.” You hug him close, breathing right against his ear. “You grew up so handsomely, Rennie….”
He’s buzzing with joy, every part of him is. “You’re really trying to kill me right now, aren’t you?” Eren tickles your side, making you laugh hard enough for his neighbors to hear. He takes in everything, the crinkles in your eyes, the way you have your mouth opened wide, and that adorable laughter you emit–he loves it all. “This is how I always imagined you to look underneath that mask when you laughed,” he confesses, settling himself between your legs. 
You play with his necklace, fingers hooking around his silver chain. “Are you disappointed that I’m not as feminine as I usually behave on campus?”
“Are you kidding? I love you more like this.” Your heart thrashes wildly, no matter how hard you tell it to stay put. Eren props his elbows on the bed, trapping you between his arms. He gently swats the bangs out of your eyes, taking his time to examine your every feature, using the chance to commit every part of you into memory. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on but it’s Spider-Girl whom I’m in love with, and I never cared about her looks. I care about the way she comforts me with her words.” He presses a gentle kiss on the center of your temple, stunning you with intimacy. “I care about the way she cares about me.” He drags his lips to your cheek, lips as light as feathers. “How she gets upset on my behalf when I blame myself for something that isn’t my fault.”
“Yeah, you do that a lot, it’s annoying,” you giggle and you can feel his smile growing on your skin. “What else do you care about?”
“I care about the way she uses sarcasm as her weapon.” His lips are now closing around your earlobe, letting you know the shape of his smirk as he speaks. "And how she gets snarkier when she's embarrassed, not knowing what to do when she receives a compliment."
You flinch, a little bit sensitive in that area. Especially when he sounds breathier like this, huskier as if he just woke up from his dream. “I thought I was irritating.” 
“Sometimes, sure.” But in his next lines, he abandons all the mirth in his voice, and he speaks sincerely from the bottom of his heart. “I'm kidding. I just find you endearing. I care about how you always pretend to be strong when you’re actually scared.” He grants a soft kiss on your nose, breaking away to look you in the eyes as he strokes your hair. “I care about how you seem like you don’t need anybody else in your life, when the truth is, you’re always searching for someone to be there for you. Just like everyone else, you’re scared of being alone.”
Your gaze softens, your stomach somersaulting at his words. “I can never lie to you, can I?” Your voice is not louder than a whisper, your lips only a breath away. “Ever since we were kids, you always knew what to say to me. You understood me more than anyone else.” It’s such a wonderful feeling to be with someone you can truly open yourself to. No secrets. No lies. No sweet nothings. No boundaries. “I wish we had never grown apart during those years. I would’ve loved to spend every moment with you. Growing up together. Being your best friend and making out with you on our school’s rooftop during lunch breaks.” You brush two of your fingertips against his lips, tracing the pretty shape of his mouth as he chuckles. “Maybe I could even give you that radioactive spider that bit me so you could be my sidekick and we could fight crimes together.”
“Your sidekick?”
“It’s kind of a package deal. Plus, I have better social skills. You're not ready to be a superhero, trust me."
"And why not?"
"'Cause even if you were able to kick some ass, you’d never win against your true enemy.”
“Which is?”
“The press. And Tony Stark ‘cause he’d just bully you like crazy without me.”
He just can’t seem to stop grinning when he’s with you. “Well, it’s not too late to start. I'm sure there's some radioactive spiders somewhere.” He gently bites on the tip, rolling your finger between his teeth. “Can you find me a tarantula, though? Spiders are a little bit overrated.”
“Of course, baby. Whatever you want.” 
Eren smiles, bestowing another kiss and letting himself drown in your taste for a minute before he pulls away with a pout. “You said you could never lie to me,” he mutters. “But you’ve been lying to me about your identity for three months.”
“Oh my God,” you groan, throwing your head back. “Stop being so butthurt about it. I said I’m sorry.”
He chortles, gathering your face in his hand again. “You’re so annoying.” He pecks your lips. “But I love you.”
“You’re such an idiot.” You pull him for another kiss, separating your lips to welcome him inside. “But I love you.”
Your kisses seem never-ending, and none of you complains about it. It’s so addicting, so exciting to have his taste lingering in your mouth, to feel the flick of his tongue against yours. Eren may be an inexperienced kisser, but he learns fast. By the time he regains confidence, it’s easy for him to steal your breath away, leaving you all dazed and needy for more.
You have your body squeezed against his, your heels hooked behind his waist, but you’re left feeling unsatisfied as you still have layers of clothing separating your skin from his. “Can I do something I’ve never done before?” you ask him with a cheeky grin.
Eren, who was suckling on your neck a second ago, elevates his face just to give you a flat stare. “Can you stop embarrassing me for one second?” 
“What, I can’t speak English now?”
“You’re using my words!”
“Since when are those words your words—It’s basic English!” Laughing, you roll him to his back, position yourself above his lap and watch him gulp in anticipation. With a naughty smirk, you slip your hand underneath his shirt, your fingers tracing the ridges of his abdomens before you bunch up the fabric in one hand and push it up to his chest. “Wow…” The word accidentally slips out of your mouth as you stare shamelessly at him. “Jesus, when the heck did you work out?”
“S-shut up.” He pushes down his shirt, hiding as much skin as he can from your hungry eyes while blushing like the virgin that he is.
Well, actually, you’re a virgin too, but at least, you act like a pro. “Why are you covering—let me see your abs!”
“Wha—” You’re trying to pry his hands away. He’s pretty strong, and you don’t want to use your superhuman strength to pin him down just so you can marvel at his stomach (you won’t stoop that low).
“Stop trying to undress me, woman!”
You know what, if he keeps fighting you back like this, you might as well tie him up with your web. “Rennie, come on, just give me a peek!” Did you sound desperate? Yes. Are you desperate? Yes, times a thousand. “I’m your girlfriend, you know!”
“You literally just became my girlfriend like seven minutes ago!” He’s struggling just as much, keeping the hem of his shirt as low as possible. “Also, being my girlfriend doesn’t mean you can do whatever you like with my body! Ask me for my consent first!”
You see, he’s right. He’s totally right, but— “Babe, I can literally feel your dick poking against my thigh right now.”
“Y-yeah, but still…” Aaaaand he's blushing. 
“Huh. Cute. Now let’s get back to the game, darling.” You grab the hem of his shirt and— 
“No, wait! I’m not mentally ready and we're—” Eren gasps loudly—almost too dramatically—in both horror and surprise when you shoot two lumps of your web, snaring his wrists and keeping them glued on the bed right on each side of his head. He turns to face you again, his jaw dropping low when he speaks, “Did you just use your web on me?”
You did. Holy shit, you did. What happened to not stooping that low? “I-I’m sorry.”
“Just to see my abs.”
You palm your face, your cheeks blazing hot. “I’ll let you out—”
“You know Peter Parker wouldn’t do this to MJ, right?”
You sigh. You kinda wish you were bitten by a radioactive bunny so you could dig really fast and bury your whole existence inside a hole. “Well, I mean, I wouldn’t know–”
“Steve Rogers would judge you so hard right now.”
“Steve’s actually a kinky bitch. I’m sure he likes it. Look, just calm down,” you tell him, settling yourself on his lap while trying your best to ignore the way his cock is twitching in his pants at the sensation of your weight pressing against him. “I won’t do anything to you without your permission, all right? I'll act like a gentleman. A gentlewoman, if you must.”
“Oh, am I your lady now?”
“You’re acting like one right now, aren’t you?”
“Oh, shut up.” He yanks on his wrist, trying to break free but your web is unyielding. “Can you get this off of me? This looks ridiculous!”
No, it doesn’t. This looks kinky as fuck. Never have you imagined that you’d be using your superhero ability to tie up a handsome man on his own bed, but you learn something new every day, I guess. Trying not to stare so much at the way his biceps are flexing with every attempt he makes, you ask the most important question. “Are you nervous because you’re a virgin?”
“I’m not—” His face catches on fire. “I’m not nervous, I’m just—okay, yeah, I’m nervous.”
“Because you’re a virgin?”
“No,” is his first answer but then bashfully he corrects with, “Well, yeah, kinda. But I’m more nervous about the fact that you’re… not.”
“Not what?”
“A virgin.” He tucks his chin, his voice muted. “I just… I don’t want to disappoint you.” Because Eren knows that you’ve dated several popular guys on campus in the past. Porco Galliard, Colt Grice, even that notorious bad boy, Floch Forster at some point. How can he compete with that? He wants to have sex with you—God, he wants nothing more than to get his dick wet with the girl he’s been in love with for twelve years—but what if you’re not satisfied with him? What if he sucks (no pun intended)? What if he’s supposed to suck but he can’t suck properly? Like sucking on your tits, for example. What if he can’t suck them right? What if—
“I’m a virgin, though,” you say.
“Okay, you can do whatever you want with me. I’m ready.” 
That’s it. That’s all it takes for you to get his consent. The next thing you know, Eren has his shirt bunched up around his chest, your fingers splayed and pressed flat against his stomach. “Damn,” you murmur under your breath, eyes transfixed on the way his muscles tighten underneath your palm. “If I had known you looked like this underneath that hoodie, I wouldn’t have wasted all these months keeping my identity a secret.”
His blush blossoms fast on his face, flinching when he feels your fingertips tracing the dip of his V-line. “I—I thought you were trying to keep your identity a secret to protect me.”
“Well, yeah, that too, but—” You brush your pads against his navel, feeling the little happy trail that disappears behind his jeans. He lets out this little sound, like a mix between a yelp, a whimper, and a moan, and it’s so fucking cute. “I think I’d be okay with you getting kidnapped once a week if I get to do this every day.”
“It feels so weird to have a hot girl talking about me like this, but okay.” Eren, despite how bizarre this conversation is getting, still has his focus on how to break himself free from your webbing. “Can you do something about this, please? It feels sticky on my skin.”
“What do you mean 'no?' I can’t touch you if I’m like this!”
“Yes, that is the point, now shut up.” To Eren’s surprise, you casually yank your dress over your head, tossing it haphazardly on the floor and leaving you only in nice lacy lingerie that matches the shade of your lipstick.
“Fuck me,” he mutters under his breath, his gaze quickly shifting down to your chest. He gulps at the sight. “B-badonkers…”
“Excuse me?”
“I mean, your tits—your breasts!” He stammers. “They’re—they’re perfect. Like, the shape of them and how they look so… so soft and…” He clears his throat, realizing just how much lame he’s being. “You know, like a really nice pair of natural, fully functional breasts.”
You scrunch up your nose at his words. “Are you going to be like this the whole time?” You reach one hand behind your back, unclasping your bra.
“I… hope not…” He’s staring with unblinking eyes, practically salivating at the sight of your breasts bouncing once as you position yourself better on his lap. Fuck, they really are perfect. “A-are you sure you’ve never done this before?”
“You mean sex? No.” You lean forward, crawling up his body until you have your face hovering above his again. “Why?”
“You just seem awfully calm and—” You leave him speechless for a good few seconds when you press your breasts against his chest. Eren whines, closing his eyes as he throws his head against the bed. “Fuck.” 
Your lips twitch up into a smirk. “Soft, aren’t they?”
“Like fucking marshmallows.” He dreamily sighs—almost sobbing, really. “Can I have your tits in my mouth, please?”
Perhaps sometime in the future, when you look back into this scene again, you’ll have the biggest cringe moment in your life because what the fuck is he asking but right now, everything just seems so hot, you don’t even care. “Yeah, but maybe later once I’m done with you.” You reward him with a kiss to distract him, stifling his protest. “To tell you the truth, I’ve gone to second base before but I’ve… never gone past that.”
“Oh… Why not?”
“Just didn’t feel like it was the right thing to do at that time,” you answer with a shrug. “I almost did it with Porco but… It felt like I was missing something so I stopped him at the last minute.”
There’s jealousy burning inside him, but the revelation also provides him some relief. “I see…”
You can sense it, the tiny hint of fury raging in his chest and you nuzzle the tip of your nose against his to soothe him down. “Are you jealous?”
He is. He so is. “Would you like it if I said I was waiting for the right person?” You slide down one finger from the middle of his chest to the dip of his belly button. “Waiting for you?”
He would. He so would. “You’re cute.”
“Stop calling me cute—ah!” A moan is snatched away from the back of his throat the second you grind your hips against him. Even the slightest friction drives him insane and now he has you rubbing your clothed heat against his bulge. “Fuck, baby, that feels good.”
You recall the way he called you by that pet name on that night you shared your first kiss with him, and as pleasant as it was in your ears, this one feels a million times better. It’s laced with urgency, desperation, and need. “Can I take off your jeans?” You ask him, even when your fingers are already playing with his zipper. 
“Are you going to ask me questions the whole time?”
“You said you wanted me to ask for your consent.”
“Yeah, fuck that. Do whatever you want with me. I’m yours.”
You almost laugh. “Well then, don’t mind if I do,” you say, a moment before your lips meet in a frenzied kiss. Eren arches his back, wanting to close every inch of gap between your skins until he feels like you’re completely plastered against him. He can feel your hand sliding down his stomach, toying with the button of his jeans before you push them down to his mid-thighs, along with his briefs. With a sheepish smile, you maintain eye contact as you curl your fingers gently around his shaft.
“How does it feel, Rennie?” You keep your face close, loving his expression. “Feels good?”
His chest rises and falls with rapid breaths, his face scarlet and erotic. “Feels ama—”
Right at that exact moment, Zeke Jaeger comes bursting inside his room with a phone in his hand, recording everything as he shouts, “AHA! CAUGHT YOU GUYS IN 4K! I knew you wouldn’t be studying–” He freezes at the sight of you stroking his sibling’s cock, your naked breasts practically dangling over his face, and for a second, none of you make a sound.
And then, it’s chaos.
The three of you are screaming at the same time, with you quickly grabbing the nearest pillow to cover your front, completely forgetting to throw a blanket on your poor boyfriend who’s practically buck-naked on his bed. Eren, with his wrists still glued to the sheets, can only spout out incoherent words, while his brother, who’s so horrified at the sight of Eren’s cock, spasming and leaking in desperate need of attention, can only stand still, his brain unable to function. It’s only until Eren screams, “ZEKE, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM!” that he returns to his senses, whining out, “DINA, MY BROTHER IS FUCKING BEFORE ME!” as he runs back into the kitchen.
You hastily jump down from the bed, shutting the door and locking it up. “Use your web,” Eren says, “He has a spare key. He can still barge in anytime.”
“I think he saw us,” you utter in horror.
“If I drop him off the building and make it look like an accident, do you think you’ll be okay with that?”
“Will I be okay with you killing my brother after seeing your boobs and catching me getting tied up to my bed and being dominated like a fucking masochist by my girlfriend?” Eren watches his cock wilting away. “Yes.”
“Well, not killing. I’m just gonna punch him hard enough to give him like a massive concussion or something.”
“No, no, no. Let’s just stick to murder. I like murder.”
AN: Hi, everyone! It took me a while but I finally got to finish this series. I wanted to write a small epilogue that will feature a funny scene where they get to lose their virginity to each other but since I'm pregnant with my second child now, I don't think I'll have the energy/time to do it, I'm sorry 😭😭😭 I hope you enjoyed the story despite how cringe this is (I'm never gonna do comedy again oh god what was I thinking). Anyway, thank you so much for reading! I'll see you next time!
@l6ffys @vivi-et @halparkebitch @fwess @littlemochi @thebeardedmoon @didiyogo @coyloves @erenbean @tehehebri @justasketch @infnteen @naiomiwinchester @spiderlingh @doyochii @ahornyenby @aengelren @sakurashell @princess-okkotsu @resonancesoul @blrqt @cacapeepee @persyhange @jaegersdiary @erentoes @trashygremlin04 @meed18 @j0livi0ni @snowflake-201 @eva-gates @claudevonstrukesblog @sofijaeger @rinsie @blanccofiie @ereninbunu @natanialora @khinjito @jaegeriess @watermelon-online @tropicsoda @damselofblueroses @alexackrman @bblgumz @jurrasicpork @erenjaegercult @holycandypizza
715 notes · View notes
edai-crplpnk · 4 months
2.- was sasuke right? || 3.- were naruto's intentions with sasuke selfish? || 8.- show a screenshot of your latest draft with no context ((always gonna pick the excuse to see sneak peeks lol)) || 14.-openings or endings?
For the Controversial Naruto Take Ask
2 - was sasuke right?
I'd like to preface this by saying I find it utterly insane how everyone (in canon and also a bit in the fandom tbh) says stuff about sasuke needing to atone for his crimes and whatnot when he literally has never killed anyone in the whole series. Even Naruto has, and he hasn't. And it's explicitly said that he has gone out of his way not to, and that he has asked Taka not to either while they were working for him. So, of course, the whole barging in at the gokage summit thing was not very cordial, but compared to what most of the characters have done, he's pretty fine. (Kakashi kills a child in the very first arc, may I remind everyone.)
Anyway. If the question is "Was Sasuke right about wanting a revolution and to take down Konoha's government?" I mean. Yes, I think that genocide is bad and that states that have been built in a way that allows and, furthermore, have flourished on them, should be undermined. I don't know if he was going to have a plan for that that would have led to something more functional to be built, I'll give you that, but yes Homura and Koharu should have died in a jail cell decades ago.
The part where he went full "I am going to become an eternal god hated by all and ruling by fear" was probably ill-advised though.
3 - were naruto's intentions with sasuke selfish?
That's an interesting question because I've never thought about it like that? I think that one thing happening in their dynamic is that they have very similar problems and trauma, but very different ways to react to it. And so they can relate to the other's motivation, but tend to think "but you are being mistaken about the solution because I know how to solve this and it's not that". But the truth is they are both traumatised teenagers willing to literally die for attention and a feeling of accomplishment and purpose, so I don't think either of them really has it figured out 😭
I don't think that Naruto's intentions with Sasuke were selfish, in the sense that I think he genuinely was doing what he was doing with the belief that it was the right way and that it would help and save him (which, for a part at least, it did). But maybe it was selfish in that he wasn't able to consider that because just he is seeing one path out of his problems and pain, then that path has to be right for Sasuke as well. To consider that he was a different person who maybe needed to make different choices and that's okay.
Not to do my self-promo but actually yesdo this authors, it's good: this is part of what I wanted to explore in Take You Heart Above The Water. Sasuke cannot (and as a matter of fact, in canon, does not) come back to Konoha and integrate into it the way Naruto does. And it's not necessarily a good goal for him to have. They have different relationships with the village, the people, different needs, or maybe similar ones but different ways to meet them. Helping people grow and feel happy and loved doesn't always mean helping them have the same life as you do.
8 - show a screenshot of your latest draft with no context
The last thing I worked I just posted it, so I'm going to take sneak peek of the last WIP I've worked on. It's All Bones and a Beating Heart, my ShikaChou modern AU.
The breaks in his voice takes him by surprise like a tide rising while one’s looking away, only catching back their attention when the cold water reaches their feet. The admission he’s about to make has been building in the back of his mind for weeks, unspeakable but unshakable too, feeding on him like a parasite that will now gush out through his throat after having overgrown his guts, and there’s nothing he can do to stop it. His lashes stick with tears when he blinks and his lips are dry when they part. “I don’t want anything in me anymore.”
Fun times 👍
14 - openings or endings?
I'm gonna say endings just for Nakushita Kotoba.
Thank you for asking!!
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Here I'll write couple fun facts about random characters and other things in my AU
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Once a week all mutant girls from Bayville go on a 'girl sleepover', meanwhile actually they dress up in their cool clothes and go to kick ass. The OG team you most likely know(Jean, Amara, Tabitha, Kitty and Rogue), but like I wrote, in my AU every mutant girl from Bayville is one of the sirens and if some mutant girl is not on the team, it's not a problem! She's more than welcome to join Bayville sirens, because more girls - more fun.
Also, Bayville Sirens is such impactfull thing, as soon as it becomes more popular and other towns and cities find out about it, mutant girls or just girl with superpowers from other places team up with each other to kick asses just like Bayville sirens. However, girls with bad intentions exist and they kinda ruin this thing by committing crimes and calling themselves 'sirens' and that confuses many people and makes this vigilante thing even more questionable and controversial than it already was, so, more than half of sirens that were stopping criminals now stopped their vigilante careers.
That's upsetting, yes, so Bayville sirens decides to stop these evil copycats, and just like they expected, they've stopped them. At least some good news for them in these hard times. Obviously, the fact that they've stopped it didn't made all other sirens return back, but it still made few and that's enough.
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S.H.I.E.L.D. and Brotherhood
Unlike Proffesor X, Nick Fury don't believe that freaking teenagers can make good decisions on what to do with their lives, not to mention that they all grew up either with no parents or just shitty ones, so he believes they need a nice good push in a great direction. His direction, his S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy, to be exact. Selfish, perhaps even immoral from one point of view, from the other? Kids will live in a safe space with good conditions for living and no evil bitches that'll give them commands, besides no one's gonna judge them and everyone here is welcome.
Fury is even dissapointed with Charles, but fr, if everyone is welcome at your academy for youngsters then why Brotherhood kids isn't a part of it? Oh, they're not ready to be here? Yeah, tell me about it. After seeing how Spider-Man succesfully recruited so many young heroes with just his frienly behaviour, Fury actually asks himself a question about what the actual hell is going on in Bayville and mutants?
So Fury thinks really hard and decides to sent few of his agents to Bayville High School just to check wth is happening there. Soon it's revealed that Brotherhood teens are under strong influence of Mystique and Magneto, and he expected it. So, to recruit kids he has to deal with two devils. That's a hard task, but not impossible! So now his agents doing most possible to find a way how to separate kiddos from child abusers.
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Ben and Spider Slayers
In the show they died as quiickly, as they appeared on the screen, but not in my AU!
In my AU Ben adopts these guys at some point, after defeating Kaine and making sure do it in a way none of them dies. Then he claims to be the oldest brother here. No one objects, since they...can't object? That's a problem. Being able to say No is a really important skill and now they have weekly lessons like this.
Their brotherhly hierarchy goes like: Ben, Goliath, Ghost and Bone. Soon enough Spider Slayers get the idea that their purpose is something they can choose and it's not just follow Ben's orders. Shocking, surprising, bizarre information strikes them hardly. They need time to think about it. And they do think about it. They even ask other students at S.H.I.E.L.D. academy what it's like to be 'normal'.
And after some time of thinking and adjusting to new lifestyle Slayers find their first hobbies! Goliath's hobie is GYM, he has undeniable passion to lift up extremely heavy things so powerlifting is his first hobbie. Ghost is interested in acting and drama, he starts often going to thatres, whatever play is there, he'll be there. That makes him also interested in literature and soon he low-key becomes emo and tries to write his own poems. I really wanted to write that Bone Spider is fortnite player, but something stops me so...Bone is a fan of Sonic, and a huge one. In just a two or three weeks he played in every Sonic game that exists and now he often asks for money to buy Sonic Merch.
Ben is so proud of them, even though he doesn't understand their hobbies, but it's nice to see your younger bros that were just your followers to have a life now.
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This girl is wild and she is EVERYWHERE. At this point whenever X-Men or Champions need an extra help she's somehow always there! It makes them all feel a bit suspicious of her, like, is she stalking us or something? The truth is....Yeh, Aroace Icon sometimes spies on them just for fun. They'll never know though.
Also, yes, she's an ally of X-Men and Champions, but who said she can't ve friends with people outside these teams? She's a little bit besties with Tabtitha/Boom Boom from Brotherhood, after all she's also down for every opportunity to make things fun, even if it can get crazy. In any case, Gwen is easy outgoing person that easily becomes friends with people(just like Evan/Spyke).
That's how she befriended with MJ before all that Carnage mess and also that's how she befriened with other Gwen. "Twinsies!" - she most likely said after getting to know Stacy, not exactly caring that she borrows Ms Marvel's saying.
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weshney · 2 months
Blog Masterpost
Danny Phantom Stuff
Writing Prompts
Someone takes a trip through the ghost catcher and it's not Danny. Thus, Skater Boi Fun Vlad is born. Ecto-stone's random coincidence post that shows a visual.
Nobody knows AU. Except NOBODY KNOWS. Including Fenton and Phantom
Sentient Crown AU
Ghost Hunger AU. Free Range Mochi Balls
Older Doctor/Physical Therapist/Veteran Hero Danny
Wildlife Photographer Danny
Handyman/Doctor Danny
Eldrich Horror Danny makes a friend from another town as Phantom. But this kid is absolutely oblivious to Phantom's ghost status
Death (poisonous food) Eater Danny
Allergy Danny
Where Jack's driving finally pisses someone off enough that they set fire to the Fenton household in the dead (ha) of night
Danny's ice core makes his human half cold
Random time resets like Danny's made the wrong choice in a dating sim and has to load an earlier save
Someone in the DP universe suddenly gains additional personalities. Write this person using any personas available on the voice actor's roster
Snitches Get Stitches. Crime Witness
Danny gets hit by an invention that destabilizes his ghost form. Crossover potential.
DP x DC crossover
DPxMHA crossover. Danny follows AU version of himself
DP x MCU crossover. The collector gets a hold of Danny
Fluff. Helpful Dad Ghost
Fluff. Blob ghosts like Danny's aura
ANGST/SWEET. Victims of grave robbing
ANGST. Wes Dissection
ANGST. Live forever regardless of state of body
ANGST. One of Danny's parents get killed in battle. Ghost Parent AU
ANGST. TW suicide. What if one of the people Danny had to save on the regular was someone trying really hard to become a full ghost?
ANGST. Danny possesses someone, but the person gets heavily injured while he's inside them
ANGST. Radioactive Danny
ANGST. Danny's two halves get forcibly separated and for some reason, he can't put them back together again
Comic Prompts
Intoxicated Danny of some sort near someone he's crushing on
Danny's so strong and gets such a versatile power set coming from the fact that he's clueless
Danny impersonating random objects
Danny can remove his bones and pilot them separately from his body like a ghostly RC car
What if everyone in the Phandom became ghosts when they died? And we all just started populating the same city in the Zone?
Canon Danny would use a clone as his "twin" for carpool lanes and you can't convince me otherwise
Wes Weston has eczema
Snipet Writings
Skyrim x DP Part 1
Skyrim x DP Part 2
Malcom in the Middle x DP Crossover Summoning Oneshot
Legend Has It Comic
Jeff Jefferson Honey Badger Comic
Danny getting that puppy he always wanted meme
DannyMay Day 14: Seance (Yes Yes Board)
Gilf Vlad
Little Baby Man Raccoon Meme
Danny vs Princess Hamlet Meme
Gangster Glowstick Danny Meme
Jefferson Family GWE Cult Meme
I'll get to this section eventually....maybe. XD
Regular Stuff
Rap Battle Mages
Event/Blog Ideas
Fanart Event
Commenter Blog
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xiexiecaptain · 1 year
Shadow & Bone rewatch live-commenting that was started on twitter and is being moved/continued here!
This is the post for EP 03: The Making at the Heart of the World
[Episode 01 post] [Rewatch Commentary Links Masterpost]
((There WILL be spoilers mentioned for the books in the Grishaverse including the Crows duology & King of Scars duology! This is basically from the perspective of watching the show as someone who knows the books well.))
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I like that we're getting to hear her letters to Mal in voice over because it returns some of the interiority we've lost through the translation from 1st person narrative to screen 
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bUT immediately my brain supplied the hilarious AU that Mal runs one of those Dear Abby advice columns
*sob laughs in Book 2*
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God I love Genya 
And the way Daisy Head carries herself here, the polished demeanor, all of it is so Genya
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This was such a great moment between them 
And even though Genya had to do what she does later on, you can tell she's really earnest about how quickly she warms to Alina
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["Good to know Van Eck didn't cure you of sentiment."
"Glad to be back, Kaz."]
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Lmao right "despises" 
As in "the two people I'll fall in love with in my life will both be Fjerdans"
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That fight scene !!!!!!!
What a fckin badass I absolutely adore Nina 
Everyone needs a Nina Zenik in their life tbh
This is the SECOND time I've noticed Jesper randomly helping himself to food/drink from other people's tables/houses and I fucking love it (he also did it in Dreesen’s basement)
Kit Young is a gift
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Wraith mode: activated
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The way his gaze lingers and he stays turned toward the window for a solid few seconds after she's gone-!!!
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He tries to stop himself, he really does!!! 
Can we just appreciate in general the nuanced and compassionate, yet realistic way addiction is portrayed with Jesper's character???
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(Not to mention the fact we see TWO portrayals of addiction in this series--psychological addiction with Jesper and physical addiction with Nina) 
Like, it's not a comic relief bit--it legitimately has life-altering consequences for both Jesper, all his loved ones, and those he works with. 
We see Jesper both deny to himself and others he has a Problem, yet also struggle against it 
["Why didn't you just stop?" Jesper wanted to laugh. He had pleaded with himself, screamed at himself to stop.]
He fucks up and hurts people he (and we the readers) love because of it. Yet the narrative remains continuous in its portrayal of Jesper as someone with steadfastly good intentions and a good heart who is struggling with unhealed issues
["There's a wound in you, and the tables, the dice, the cards--they feel like medicine. They soothe you, for a time. But they're poison, Jesper."] 
 Listen, I just have a lot of Feelings about Jesper Fahey
Alina Starkov is truly a woman of the people
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SA mention////
"Ah, our shitty monarchs: The rapist king, the queen whose focus on appearance trumps any real issues, and the vapid entitled weasel of a prince. The only decent one among them, I've disguised so he could go play pirate to help Ravka by doing Ocean Crimes."
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Yes, I hate him 
Yes, he is occasionally funny
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Yeah this was fckin shitty of her and I’m definitely not excusing it ever
But its interesting seeing this understanding where it’s coming from re: Zoya’s heritage.
Zoya's got so much internalized racism and fear around being mixed race herself because of her upbringing, seeing how not only just her father was treated but Suli in general
She's lashing out because she's afraid and conflicted
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And she's also feeling jealous and uncertain about her place being favored by the Darkling (which he has fostered because he's a manipulator of the worst kind)
Kaz carrying Milo the goat and looking absolutely Done will never not be funny to me
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More show-added worldbuilding appreciation from me
The posters styled after Bolshevik revolution/soviet propaganda posters is such a wonderful touch by the props/set folks 
And again, the invented script for written Ravkan (and all the languages, but we’ve mostly just seen Ravkan and Kerch written so far) makes my linguist nerd heart sing
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Kaz: initiate mastermind scanners for useful information and/or potential blackmail
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Kaz: BEEP BEEP impending betrayal detected 
Kaz: initiate 5-D chess-level planning consisting of labyrinthine layers upon layers of traps, feints, and manipulation
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I love that they gave her a physical object for Inej related to her family.
In the books (again, because of interiority) we get literal flashbacks of them, as well as many phrases from her parents she repeats or hears internally ("The heart is an arrow...", "Climb, Inej")
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But that’s not easily translated to a visual medium. So instead we get this great little physical/visual token of that. 
It does such heavy lifting not only in that it shows us how deeply Inej's faith directs her morals (like how torn she was when Arken connected over their faith), but also shows how much she still holds the memory/hope of her family close to her; that she's never accepted that her life in Ketterdam was just it now.
 Good, good storytelling work
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That little glance down and then away-!!!
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And then immediately he's harsh and cruel about it to try and push her away from him--to push hIMSELF away from her!!! 
Fucking helllll
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 I'm so glad they basically got to keep Nina's and Matthias' story the same (aside from minor details obv) down to exact lines 
Danielle Galligan and Calahan Skogman breathe such life into the cores of these characters and all their nuances
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[Matthias had always fought his own decency. To become a drüskelle, he’d had to kill the good things inside him.]
 All through this episode, even in this first scene, you can see Nina's words start to scratch away at him
He's gonna have her in his head for the rest of the night
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Jesper Fahey, everyone
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Love this addition to the world, love how it's not finished/is kinda ramshackle with sliding between the two tracks, love the weird systems set up he's developed to cross multiple times with the sound of hitting the metal, love it all
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I'm so happy Nadia is a black woman!!! 
We get so many queer characters of color! I can't wait until we get Tamar (and Tolya ofc) introduced in the show so we can have the badass wlw couple we deserve
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BOTKIN!! So glad he makes an appearance!! 
I could so easily him being cut from another version of an adaption so this makes me so happy
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Part of what endeared Botkin to me in the book was how, even though he is a harsh teacher, he always treated Alina like every other student and demanded her best work 
Like "idc you're the sun summoner, your right hook is pathetic!"
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Like I know this is supposed to establish character dynamics and how Zoya has this social position she's defending and how Alina is gaining credibility 
But me & my gay-ass brain just went like "Ok but I would let Zoya punch me in the face and I would say THANK YOU"
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If only I were so lucky 😔💦
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Somewhere, King of Scars!Nikolai getting shackled to his bed by Zoya every night for his own safety just liked this^^^ as a tweet
See, Nadia gets me 
She's pickin' up what I'm puttin' down
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This also establishes Nadia’s type is women who can knock your lights out and smirk, which is good news for future Tamar
And we here see in Alina's face the echoed experiences of women, femmes, and assumed-women everywhere having forced unwanted interactions with creepy dudes
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Zoë Wanamaker is soooooo good as Baghra, hot damn 
A fellow Zoë out there making us proud
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Another character I can’t wait to see interact with Nikolai on screen because their relationship is hilarious to me
I've mentioned it before, but the show more heavily leaning into the idea that Grisha power can sort of be drawn out or kicked on by sudden pain and/or fear is such an interesting one
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Because it implies about the nature of Grisha power that it developed similar to other unconscious survival mechanisms--like adrenaline numbs out bad injuries or allows muscles to surpass normal limits, its something that helps keep Grisha stay alive in a life or death situation
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The worldbuilding always contains all these tiny details that realistically reflect how humans build clever systems over time to address issues and get what/where they want to
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Alina's fuckign face-
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Yes, the emotional support goat was Absolutely Mission Critical
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I'M FUCKIN EMOTIONAL BC I just noticed when Arken says the situation is dire, please take note of how Kaz isn't even looking at him, he's staring diRECTLY AT INEJ sitting across from him?????
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[That sound--the swift, shocking report of gunfire--called the scattered, irascible, permanently seeking part of his mind into focus like nothing else.]
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[...Jesper could feel himself coming alive, the worry that had been dogging his steps ... falling away. He felt free, dangerous, like lightning rolling over the prairie.]
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[He'd knew his guns better than he knew the rules of Makker's Wheel. Jesper focused on the bullet, sensed the smallest parts of it. Maybe he was the same. A bullet in a chamber, spending his whole life waiting for the moment he would have direction.]
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So I just want to examine the Crows' "we were pretty sure we were going to die but we actually pulled through and are somehow still alive???" reactions for a minute:
1) Inej, ofc, her first reaction is prayer which makes me emotional 
And then, she looks over at Kaz because she wants to see if this finally shook something loose from that cold exterior (because tbh, at this point, it's probably the first time she's ever witnessed Kaz escape death first-hand)
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2)  How fucking beautiful Jesper looks?? 😍😍
[Jesper's hair was mussed, his pupils dilated. He seemed almost drunk, or like he’d just rolled out of someone’s bed. He always had that look after a fight.]
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3) And Kaz, of course as always, is looking at Inej (and then looking away from it all) 
It's gonna get you in big trouble one day, Kaz
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AND how Inej and Kaz hold eye contact for a moment before they both look away???
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And I feel Malina in this chili's tonight
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Oh! Something I forgot to add I noticed during the train fight scene, Arken has these depictions of saints hung up on the walls!!!! 
Again, major major ups to the prop/set people for adding all these small details!! It makes the world feel so full and lived in!
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So that's the end of episode 3! 
Wheee I fuckin' love the Grishaverse and my beloved Crows and we're so lucky to have this cast
[Rewatch Commentary Links Masterpost]
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starsthatlinethesky · 2 years
I’ve been rewatching Bones and my head is full of thoughts and this will be something that I’ll revisit once my Hollywood au is done.
Bones AU:
Finney Blake: Forensic Pathologist/Forensic Chemist
Billy Showalter: Crime Scene Photographer/Facial Reconstruction Specialist
Bruce Yamada: Forensic Anthropologist/Forensic Palynologist
Robin Arellano: FBI Supervisory Special Agent/Specialist in field investigation
Griffin Stagg: FBI Supervisory Special Agent/Specialist in stealth missions
Vance Hopper: FBI Supervisory Special Agent/Ex Snipper/ Specialist in rescue operations
General world building/relationships:
The boys have all been working with each other for a while, each FBI agent works with one of the lab specialists.
Robin with Finney, Griffin with Billy and Vance with Bruce
Billy is renowned for his scarily accurate facial reconstructions and his camera work at crime scenes
Griffin originally worked on stealth missions, but he got tired of no one really knowing who he was so he took a job where he could just be himself kind of.
Griffin acts a bit more like a body guard to Griffin at first, but they become fast friends and Billy is the fist person who seems to really get to know Griffin. Griffin stops acting so much like a bodyguard but he’s still protective over Billy. A memorable instance of this being when Billy was in the lab developing photos when all of a sudden everything is going into lockdown, a shooter broke into the lab and Billy’s now locked in the photography room on the top floor. Billy (who is not trained to fight) has to barricade himself into the room and all he can do is wait until this whole thing is over, which he expects will take a few hours but what he would learn was only ten minutes. Griffin had crawled through the vents burst into the photography room, he grabbed Billy by the hand and told him to stay close with his gun drawn and everything, Griffin gets Billy out and Vance starts yelling at him for going off on his own and breaking protocol. Griffin broke protocol just to make sure Billy was safe.
Vance was a feared snipper, but after a tragic incident he was transferred to being a Supervisory agent, at first he’s kind of distant from Bruce and he expects the same because he’s so used to being feared, but Bruce just treats him like a person and not something to be feared and so Bruce grows on him. So maybe Bruce stays back up work on something late at the lab and Vance starts hanging around. Because what if something happens? And it’s pretty much his job to make sure it doesn’t happen. It’s definitely not because Bruce is his (kind of pretty) friend who it would kill Vance if anything happened to him.
Bruce had no idea that Vance was a snipper, all he knows is that this moody agent is going to be spending a lot of time with him, and it’s better they be friends then icy coworkers. Bruce actually had a little trouble trusting Vance at first (not that he let it show) because of Vance’s personality, but Vance earns his trust in the first couple of weeks, when Bruce goes into a crime scene to do his job and this other agent is bugging him, Bruce kept trying to shrug him off but the guy just keeps coming back. Bruce is getting fed up and is getting close to snapping when the guy pulls something out of his hands and before Bruce even blinks Vance is between him and the agent. He starts tearing into the guy about bothering Bruce and it ends up with Vance ripping the equipment out of the agents hands and saying he better not show his face again. This may have also been the day he realised that Vance was nice to look at.
Robin specialises in field investigation, which means he goes out into a lot of active scenes (e.g. Interrogations, hunting down killers, high speed chases) so he’s not to happy about being assigned as what he sees as a babysitter to a lab nerd, but then he meets Finney. And while yes Finney is a lab nerd, he also takes time to explain things to Robin and when Robin doesn’t understand something instead of giving up he finds a different way to explain things to Robin, also he’s very cute which Robin sees as a bonus.
Finney at first figured he and Robin would just be coworkers and would be acquaintances at most. But as the days go in they grow closer and closer as the days go on, Robin starts inviting him for coffee in the morning before work and starts picking him up. Finney finds himself spending more time out of the lab and doing things he would never usually do because he thought he couldn’t do them. Robin makes Finney feel like he can do anything, also Robin is just incredibly handsome which Finney tries not to think about to hard because they are driving to a crime scene god damnit.
A bonus thing of Robin being protective over Finney is when their at a crime scene and Finney is just doing his thing when all of a sudden it goes from a crime scene to and active crime scene. Shots are being fired from everywhere and everyone is running in all different directions, Finney had no idea what to do but then someone grabs his hand and starts shouting in his face and Finney had no idea what’s being said, but then the hands are gone and the shouting stops and gentler hands grab onto him and start leading him to the exit. Finney had no ideas what happened because he’s kind of gone into shock, but when he starts coming to, he sees Robin putting his own jacket over Finney and kneeling in front of him rubbing circles into his hands.”Come on stay with me Finn.” The fighting is still going on, but Robin who loves field work and action instagram chose to sit with Finney and make sure that he was going to be okay.
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carlosfruitsnacks · 2 years
"your favorite worst nightmare"
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PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5
— A series of murders took place in the city and you were given the job of finding the culprit behind it all but are you prepared for the nightmare about to unfold?
— serial killer x detective au & aged-up
— female reader. I do not speak fluent Spanish and all of the Spanish here is translated from google, feel free to correct me if I got something wrong.
— mentions of murder, violence, & foul language/cussing
— i wanted to do something special for Halloween so here's something saved in my drafts for soooo long, he're a playlist for this series ;)
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With each hurried step, you draw in deep breaths before stepping into your car. Hastily placing the key in the ignition, you stepped on the gas and pulled into the driveway. Your eyebrows furrowed as you focused on the road. You hear your phone ringing so with one hand and without looking at the caller i.d, you answer.
"Detective [Name], you might wanna pick up the speed to the scene"
"I'm on my way Pablo calm your ass"
You replied to the guy on the other line before hanging up. You increased your speed and soon enough you arrived at your destination. You exited your car with a heavy exhale, you spotted the yellow police tape already surrounding the area and prohibiting any civilians from entering. You casually walked into the scene, you flashed your i.d to one of the officers without making eye contact as they let you slip through the tape.
The situation unfolds in front of your eyes as you make your way towards the one-story house, upon entering you encounter your co-workers. A guy lets out a relieved sigh.
"Thank god you're here"
"So...it's him again isn't it?"
"Unfortunately, yes"
The guy named Pablo mumbles. You inhaled sharply through your nostrils and ventured further into the crime scene where others were collecting evidence. There was a chalk outline where the supposed victim was found dead, there were several blood stains, and the air reeked of odor and violence. You squinted your eyes at one of the walls in the house, as you came closer for inspection, you clicked your tongue.
"That son of a bitch..."
"You know detective, for months we've been working on this case, I never knew what the symbol is"
Pablo remarks. Both of you stared at the symbol scribbled on the wall with blood, an incredible cliché way for a killer to display a trademark. You turn to Pablo.
"Somehow the symbol reminded me of something"
"Oh? Could this mean we'll finally have a break on the case?"
"...I'm not sure. Any new evidence found?"
"Just one cigarette and a red lighter"
He hands you the evidence in a plastic container. You noticed the brand of the cigarette, you used to smoke but quit once you got a full-time job as a detective for the Encanto PD. The red-colored lighter isn't enough to supply you with a new lead. The crime scene proved that the killer you were after for months continued to be cryptic.
Eventually, you drive back to the station and talk with your co-workers about the case. You visit the forensics where a woman with bright green glasses flashed a smile at you.
"Your smile is awfully bright for someone observing a dead body"
"Pardon me but this is one of his victims isn't it?"
"Honestly, I don't get why you're so excited about this, Mirabel"
The woman, Mirabel giggles and walks over to you. You have been working with her for years and she was fantastic at her job, you two were the closest in the entire department.
"The way he would execute his victims is just fascinating, [Name]. I mean look at this!"
She pulls out an x-ray of the recent victim and showed multiple broken bones that made you wince. You were still not used to it after all these years.
"This man is a monster, with several broken bones without leaving bruises or cuts on the victim's body! Well...aside from the huge cut on the chest"
"He does this to his every victim, it's fucking disgusting"
"I know but there is one thing I find really weird"
Mirabel admits. You raised a brow at the woman as she goes to all of her files of previous pictures of victims that were brought for her to examine. You go closer as she sets the pictures side by side.
"Not only does he kill the victims with such brute strength before slicing their chests to write his bloody signature on the wall, but he takes the victim's hearts with them"
"...So he's basically stealing hearts"
"Cupid would be so angry at him"
Mirabel joked. You put a thought over what she said about the killer stealing the hearts of every victim he's come across. You returned to your office collecting all the evidence you've found so far about the killer.
"How's the world's best detective doing?"
A voice catches your attention. You turn and saw a man with curly hair and beautiful hazel eyes, he grins and takes a seat on top of your desk.
"This killer gets weirder and weirder every time"
"What I know is that he loved getting our attention"
"Hm, that's what you and he got in common, Camilo"
The man, Camilo, gave you an offended look as you let out a laugh. Camilo was Mirabel's cousin and was known to be a retired celebrity. His pursuit to be a detective instead of an actor was a mystery to you til this day.
"He's one tough bug to catch, [Name]"
"Yeah, we only got one picture of him without his face but we know he's a guy. He has no specific target, he likes to kill people near our age, and we have no possible motive!"
"Maybe the guy's just a psychopath, you know"
"Probably, god this is so stressful!"
You groaned and slumped on your chair. Camilo sends you a sympathetic look. The case was given to you weeks after you became a detective, you were tasked to find, identify, and catch this serial killer who the media gave many names for. "The Crimson killer", "The Heart Eater", and the classic "El diablo rojo". Seriously, when will people stop giving killers cool names?! And maybe the killing would stop?!
"You're the best one on the field, [Name]. I'm sure you'll be able to solve this case"
"I hope so, Camilo. I don't want to be too late and let more people die in his hands"
Camilo softly pats your shoulder and leaves you to work. You tried to examine every piece of evidence collected so far. For some reason, the killer loved leaving knick-knacks at every murder scene. First was a red bracelet, then a red guitar pick, and red nail polish. It's apparent to you that this killer adored the color red. The single cigarette was a Malboro red and it came along with a red-colored lighter.
You had a strong feeling that all these items were clues. The killer was leaving hints for you to solve as if this was just a silly game. Sooner, you had to pack up your things and go home, you were beyond exhausted. Pablo was kind enough to offer you a drive home. He drops you off at your place with that friendly smile of his.
"See you tomorrow, [Name]!"
"Good night, Pablo"
He nods and drives away. You trudged inside your home and ate dinner on your couch while watching the news. Of course, it's all about the stupid killer you're tasked to catch. You groaned and reached for the remote in order to change the channel but paused midway when you remembered something.
"Shit! I left my wallet at the office!"
You cursed, you recalled setting your wallet on top of your desk at your office. You grabbed your phone and dialed Pablo's phone number. The first ring, he doesn't pick up, it was strange but you try again. You called him five times and he didn't answer. You grew worried. Immediately, you slipped on your shoes and decided to stop by his apartment to check on him.
You arrived at his place minutes later and knocked on his apartment door, it was silent. You knocked again and called for his name, but Pablo doesn't respond. Merely panicking, you remembered the spare key he would hide near one of the flower pots outside. You found the extra key and frantically unlocked his door.
You called out. You stepped into his apartment, it was quiet and it sent you to the edge. You gulped and took a look around. His couch in the living room was messy, he left his shoes at the door, he's got to be around somehow. Your breath hitched when you turn to look at the hallway. Your blood turned cold as your heartbeat paused, and your eyes stared in sheer horror at the sight before you.
It was Pablo and he was lying lifeless on the floor with blood pooling out from his chest.
A scream gets stuck in your throat when you heard shuffling from behind you. With a slow turn, you spot a tall man writing a very familiar symbol on one of the walls inside the apartment with what you realized was Pablo's blood. The man was wearing a maroon attire and meets your eyes, you freeze as he takes a step closer.
He had a hood over his head but you can see a couple of curly auburn hair poking out. He had a pair of pitch-black pants and boots. He has a bloody mask covering half his face and he had a knife in his hand. At this petrifying moment you realized, you're standing face-to-face with the serial killer you're looking for.
"...What are you doing here, sweetheart?"
He first spoke, his voice was deep and raspy. You take a step back, your mind began to race. But you don't let the fear take over you so you reach for the handgun you strapped on your waist. He notices this and growls.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you, amor"
He warned but you don't listen to him. You drew the gun and aimed it at him, you send him a glare but he scoffs.
"No hagas esto más difícil de lo que debería ser"
"I said, you have pretty eyes"
You raised a brow at him, bewildered. Before you knew it, the killer pounced at you knocking you to the floor, and manages to wrestle the gun from you. With a strangled scream, you throw a solid punch to his face, he lets out a cry but quickly takes hold of you. Unable to get away from his grasp, you looked at him teary-eyed and he chuckles.
"It was nice seeing you again, [Name]"
He said before he hits you hard on the head enough to send you unconscious. He drags your body to the living room and headed for the door. Before he can leave he casts you one last look and closed the door behind him.
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taglist: @pochi-moochika , @cahmilo , @vanevafu , @irisia-ckzkb1109 , @elegantkidfansoul , @candykamikun , @justzei , @try-cry-why-try , @nanaisheretomessupthings , @eichenhouseproperty , @nort-the-simp , @megs2world, @ducky-is-dead-inside ...join here
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findyourrp · 1 year
Hey everyone! 💌
Luna, 22, she / her, looking for a few (hopefully long-term) 18+ RP partners to write some things with me over on Discord! I've been craving a couple of plots / AUs lately and would love for someone to satiate said cravings, which are:
✦ James Cameron's Avatar (yes, with the blue people). Dying for a plot based off of that movie.
✦ Something set within the universe of the Maleficent movies.
✦ Supernatural creatures. Vampires, werewolves, demons, fae, the whole shebang. Werewolves could also include Omegaverse or A / B / O, but that's up to you. And if we want plot for a vampire thing — the Lost Boys ( 1987 ) is a real favorite.
✦ Something Grishaverse. Do keep in mind I've only seen the show! I'm totally down to learn more, though. :)
✦ Anything other! I love slice of life, action / adventure, crime, fluff, angst.. Anything and everything! If you have any fun ideas or things you wanna flesh out, I'd love to hear!
For all of these ideas goes that I am open to canon x canon, or to making it an AU, for example marvel characters in a Grishaverse setting. I am open to a lot of ships, so don't be afraid to message me with your favorite! To help you along, there are some muses I have very high muse for currently, which I will list below. For a full list of my muses, though, head over to my carrd here (or on my blog)!
✦ Jason Todd
✦ Bucky Barnes
✦ Peter Parker
✦ Warren Worthington III
✦ Eddie Munson
✦ Steve Harrington
✦ Jesper Fahey
✦ Kaz Brekker
✦ Jake Sully
Some other things you might like to know about me are that I write semi-lit to adv. lit. My writing goes from multi-para to a few sentences depending on what you give me / what I think feels right for the scene. I prefer writing mxm, but I like mxf as well. I love smut and have little to no limits. I write both dominant and submissive characters. I also adore ooc talk / chatting about our muses and fandoms, so being friends as well as RP partners is more than welcomed!
If I sound like your type of person, slide on into my DMs (or drop a like, though you'll get a reaction faster by dm'ing!) and I'll get back to you!
contact asker
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ogdoadfates · 1 year
Hi! For the compliment prompts, may I ask for “your smile always cheers me up.” with Vax and Keyleth? :D Thank you!!
Heya! Aww yes XD to be honest I was hoping someone was going to go the vaxleth route with this one, it just sounds like something Vax would say. You didn’t specify au or not, so I figured I’d finally write something for my Bones (yes the crime show) au, hope thats alright! (Man I really need to rewatch some bones, I miss it >_>)
compliment prompts: “your smile always cheers me up.”
Vax was having a horrible day, first he had to deal with some idiot not caring that a crime happened on their land, constantly yelling at Vax to get everyone to hurry up, like he had any control over how long it took everyone to gather the evidence, and then a suspect they found thought it was a wonderful idea to give him a black eye.
Needless to say he needed a distraction but he still needs to work, at least right now he’s getting to check in with Keyleth to see what she’s found, if she’s found anything at all that is.
Vax stops in the doorway to her office, softly chuckling to himself, Keyleth is buzzing around her room with an excited smile across her face.
She messes with a few machines that Vax has no hope of ever understanding before she finally figures out he’s there. She lets out a surprised yelp causing Vax to smirk, a soft expression overtaking his features.
“Oh! Vax! Do you remember that weird plant that was stuck to the guy's uniform? Apparently it only grows in this one type of soil-” She starts to go off on an excited ramble, hopping slightly foot from foot in front of Vax, her face positively beaming while looking around and pointing him towards her computers and machines trying in vain, in some cases, to explain to him the interesting details of what she’s discovered.
He could feel the day's stress melting from him just by listening to her happily ramble and looking at her beautiful smile. She has to stop for a minute to catch her breath and during that brief moment he sees her eyes widened with realization as she finally takes in his bruised face.
“Oh! Oh dammit! I meant to make sure to go get you something! Gods I’m sorry Vax I know your day’s been bad.” She exclaims, fluttering about her office seeing if by chance she did grab something but forgot till she fully realizes she did in fact forget to grab something for him.
“Kiki it’s perfectly fine, you don’t need to get me anything.” He smiles softly at her, her face scrunches up adorably before she says.
“That doesn’t mean I can’t try to get you something to cheer you up! And instead of getting you something I was just being useless and rambling your head off!” Vax just silently chuckles at her causing her to puff up her reddening cheeks with a faux annoyed expression.
“Keeks you’re not useless and you did cheer me up, your smile always cheers me up.” He says finally fully entering her office, snaking his arms around her waist and holding her close to him.
Her face goes from slightly tinted red to redder than a rose, with an affectionate huff she bats his shoulder with the back of her hand before returning his embrace.
“I’m still going to get you something.” She muffles into his shoulder making him chuckle.
Today might’ve started off horrible but it certainly seems to be looking up for him.
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caffinatedsewerrat · 1 year
Fandom list! ^o^
Okay so theres pretty much nothing i won't write. No pedophilia basic stuff like that yeah? I am a monster fucker so monster fuckers are welcome here, come at me with your most disgusting, nefarious, devious idea ill write out all your sick little desire <3.
°•°❀°•°Things im in to °•°❀°•°
Fnaf! (I'm just getting back into the fandom so i might be a little rusty but trust me my nuerodivergent ass will be caught up realll quick)
Homestuck/Hiveswap- Honestly my longest running fandom im more into hiveswap now a days but i love returning to old homestuck fanfic i used to read.
South park- Everyones aged up obvs unless its already and adult character.
Bones- Yes the true crime tv show my friend got me OBSSESSED with it.
The yandere games- Like John doe, Sunny day jack, Boyfriend to death. I eat this shit up.
Creepypasta- Okayyy i lied creepypasta has been my longest running fandom LOL. I slip in and out of it every few months istg i cannot rid myself of my old fandoms.
Among Us- Okay this one might be a bit weird but im actually making an among us dating sim so i thought i might as well throw it on here LOL.
Okay so! I dont do JUST fanfictions i also do silly little doodles! Like if you want a horribly drawn oc with one of your comfort characters from a fandom? I got you. Im hoping it'll help me draw more because a few doodles are better than nothing yknow?
I think thats it for today catch you on the flip side homos~
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
I see you need nice messages about Glass so here are some of my favorite parts of the fic: Your writing of Rocketduo is so good, they are often ignored in sbi/crimeduo-fics so I love how you incorporate them in most of your stories. They’re done so well too, they have real personalities and aren’t just there for the sake of namedropping or random background characters. I especially like how they defend Wilbur in the most recent chapter, they’ve spent so much time with him and despite him being an asshole to them earlier they really could be considered his friends at this point.
The way you’re writing Charlie makes me laugh. You’ve given him the perfect amount of weird and unsettling mixed with competence. Yes, he will ask to see your teeth and ask if you’ll get him bones. No, he will not be bribed. Quackity is great as well. He’s only appeared once but he has this gravitas about him that I can’t describe. We don’t know much about his character, but he is willing to work with the terrorist group under his casino, and that says a lot about a man. I love TNTduo interactions, and you really nailed it. The Pythia’s Prophecy was so funny, and then it was so clever to have them get Wilbur’s fingerprints from it. No way I could have guessed that was the reason Tommy brought him up there.
And the hypocrisy from Wilbur and slow realization from the group of his trauma is so wonderfully written. The flashback’s from the recent chapter did so much for his character, they were such great additions. I can’t wait to see how this all plays out, especially with how the group seems split in two. Don’t listen to the people who don’t understand your story, you’re doing a great job and there are so many people who love your work. I hope you have a better rest of the day 😊
god this ask just made me smile so much I even told my mom about it because I'm sitting with her rn so tysm!!
I'm so glad you like how I write rocketduo. I LOVE c!rocketduo so much and their dynamic was part of what compelled me to even make an mcyt blog in the first place. i love niki and jack so much (cc's and c's both) and their c! dynamic is so underrated. I love including them whenever I can, especially because it gives a unique switch up from the usual sbi + beeduo mix you usually get in sbi fics. also I just adore both of them as individual characters, so I try to keep them as accurate to their characterization as possible (while of course altering them for the specific au) bc again, they're so underrated. I'm having a great time with them in glass and I have plans to highlight them more as the story goes on!
charlie!! I have so much fun writing him. sometimes I worry I'm writing him too weirdly, but then I think about it and i'm like no... charlie slimecicle would want me to write him like this dsklfjdk. but I'm trying not to fall into the stereotype of infantilizing him either bc it definitely bugs me when people do that in fics. he's a really interesting and wacky character and I love just seeing what wild shit I can make him say. he's a great breath of comedic relief in glass for sure.
quackity my beloved. I love writing quackity so much you have no idea, especially his interactions with wilbur. c!tntduo is one of the best character dynamics on the server (besides c!crime of course) so I have a great time spotlighting them whenever I can, and I love how I've written him in glass so far. I'm really excited to show more of him as the fic goes on :D he's definitely an interesting character to show glimpses of
the pythia's prophecy was something i came up with off the top of my head and i was so proud of it lmao
the flashbacks in the most recent chapter were actually eli birdfeet's suggestions so shoutout to them for that! they gave me the idea in our dms and i was like holy shit you're a genius and i'm thrilled with how it turned out. the way things develop from here is definitely going to be very interesting :)
tysm for this again I'm already having a better day thanks to all of you guys pouring in with your kind words <33
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
Caught in the Fire 8 - Interrupted [Bucky Barnes x Reader]
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful support my loves! ❤ I hope you like it as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think of this chapter, kisses!❤
Pairing: Mobster!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Hostility tends to be subtle.
Warnings: Violence, death, crime, explicit language, dysfunctional relationships. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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Some days you found yourself thinking that your younger sister was a tiny little angel, too pure for this world.
Today was not one of those days.
“But why can’t I come with you?”
You repressed an annoyed groan trying to escape from your lips and shut your eyes for a moment before opening them again, then started tapping your pencil on the small notebook you were holding in your hand. You had gone over the items on the list for maybe five times, but you figured you could never be too careful when it came to the cake for a super important birthday party.
“Because I’m working and you have homework.”
“What if I finished my homework?” Emma asked, rocking back and forth on her feet, “Could I come then?”
“But why not?” she whined, stomping on her foot and you lowered the small notebook to shoot her a look.
“I wanna see where Bucky lives!”
“He lives in a house just like everyone else,” you said, purposely leaving out the part where his bedroom was probably bigger than your whole apartment.
“If you asked him, he’d say yes.”
“Mm hm, that’s exactly why I’m not asking him.”
She huffed out, crossing her arms, “You suck.”
Your jaw dropped, “Hey!” you snapped, “Language! Do you want to be grounded?”
Her only answer was another huff before she stormed out of the kitchen, almost hitting your cousin Josh in the face with the door.
“Whoa, where’s the fire?”
“I’m angry!” Emma yelled, making you throw your head back. He chuckled to himself, leaning back to the door.
“You were a kid up until like five minutes ago,” you stated, making him roll his eyes.
“I’m eighteen, Y/N.”
“Exactly,” you muttered, putting your hands on your hips, “So I don’t think I forgot anything, did I forget anything? No, right?”
Josh tilted his head, “So, Barnes residence then?”
“It’s just for an hour or two, then I’ll leave.”
Josh nodded, “So which one of them are you boning? Alex or Bucky?”
You stared at him, “Do you wanna get grounded too?”
“I’m eighteen, no one can ground me.”
“Would your mom agree with me?”
He shot you a glare, “Message received,” he said, “But seriously, he shows up a lot nowadays.”
“He does and you’re not telling anyone about that,” you pointed at him, “Because if you tell your mom, your mom will tell my dad and that’s gonna be a disaster.”
“So you’re just gonna hit it and quit it with one of the most notorious mob bosses in the city?”
“I’m gonna hit you in the head with a pan if you keep talking about this,” you muttered before you took off the apron over your dress to hang it over the rack, “Okay, so my dad is gonna pick Emma up in an hour, until then please keep an eye on her—“
“I will, don’t worry.”
“If you need me for anything—“
“I won’t, and it’s just for a couple of hours. Go.”
You huffed out and put your jacket on. “Just let me know okay?” you said and left the bakery to get into your car. After putting your seatbelt on, you started the car and started driving to Bucky’s family home.
This was a terrible idea.
After that weird macho showdown, you hadn’t had the chance to see him and to be completely honest, you weren’t sure if you wanted to. Even that night, you had made sure to avoid talking about Bucky and Alex being Alex hadn’t pressured you into it.
Maybe Summer had a point. Maybe you and Alex could be something.  After all, Alex had been there for you for years, Emma liked him, he was nice and sweet and—
He wasn’t a goddamn mob boss.
You scoffed at yourself, keeping your eyes on the road.
“Unbelievable….” You mumbled, and kept driving.
When you got to your destination, you wasted no time. The house itself had two entrances so it was no wonder why you didn’t see Bucky if he even was there yet, but by the time you were halfway done with the decorations of the cake, you realized you had forgotten your phone in the car. You looked around, then turned to the chef.
“Hey, is it okay if I stepped outside for a minute?”
“Sure thing!” he said and stole a look at the cake, “That looks amazing already.”
“Thank you,” you smiled and walked to the exit before pushing the door open. You approached your car with fast steps and got your phone out, but as soon as you slammed the door close, you heard your name being called.
The tall figure of Steve Rogers entered your sight when you turned your head and you offered him a small smile.
“Mr. Rogers.”
“Call me Steve please,” he smiled back, “Me and Sam just arrived—I didn’t know you were here.”
“I am.”
“Will you be joining us?”
“No actually, I’m working,” you motioned at the house, “I got the birthday cake duty and it’s a… um, you’re not the birthday boy, are you?”
“Nope,” he said, “Dating Rebecca would be very hazardous for my health. Why? Is the cake duty going bad?”
“It’s going well, but it’s also kicking my ass.”
He chuckled, “Anything I can do to help?”
“How are you with a piping nozzle?”
He thought for a moment, “Probably less than ideal?”
“Then no,” you grinned “Thank you though.”
“Just let me know,” he said and you nodded, then walked back to the kitchen. You started humming a song to yourself as you grabbed the piping nozzle, and continued from where you left off.
“Bucky- hey!” Rebecca’s voice carried out into the kitchen from the stairs, “Watch where you’re going, asshole!”
“Why are you so slow?” Bucky shot back, “Are you trying to walk backwards – ouch! Rebecca, stop pinching my arm!”
Intimidating mob boss, that one.
You shook your head, trying to repress a smile and soon enough you heard movement by the door, making you turn your head.
“Hi Peaches,” Bucky said while the kitchen staff scattered around the kitchen.
“Hey there,” you said, turning to the small gray flowers you were making from sugar, and he approached you.
“When did you get here?”
“About two hours ago.”
He tilted his head. “Why didn’t I see you?”
“Staff entrance,” you pointed at the door, “Something tells me you don’t use that door much. Does this sugar flower look nice to you?”
He grabbed it, then popped it in his mouth, making your jaw drop. “Bucky!”
“It tastes great. Do you have more of it?”
“You— no! Away from here!” you said as he wiggled his brows.
“Oh come on, the birthday dickhead doesn’t deserve half of this.”
You rolled your eyes and started working on the next flower while he leaned sideways to the counter, keeping his gaze on you.
“Are you sure I can’t convince you to join us?”
You felt a bitter smile pulling at your lips, “Not my crowd, but I’m sure you’re gonna have fun.”
He heaved a sigh, then narrowed his eyes.
“How’s the teacher?”
“He’s fine, now that he’s away from your—“ you motioned at him, “Macho showdown bullshit. What even was that?”
“What was what?” he said with a fake innocent expression on his face and you arched a brow.
“That whole thing,” you said, “Would you like it if I did the same to you in front of a friend of yours?”
“Like who?”
“I don’t know!” you said, “Like— like a lady friend.” You snapped your fingers, “Like Natasha Romanoff.”
“I’m not Natasha’s type,” he stated, “And she doesn’t look at people like a puppy seeing treats for the first time.”
“But Alex does?”
“He looks at you like that.” He shrugged, making you groan.
“He doesn’t,” you said, carefully placing the tiny flowers on the top tier of the cake before taking a step back. “Okay, how does it look?”
“It looks beautiful,” Bucky said, “Everything you make looks beautiful, you know that.”
That managed to put a smile on your face and you pushed him back gently, but he let out a clear laugh, winking at you.
“So what was that about, the other night?” you asked, “Past Steve’s territory?”
He took a deep breath, “Well, there has been some territory issues regarding—“ he started but was cut off when his phone started vibrating. He checked the caller I.D, then cursed under his breath.
“Don’t go anywhere, I’m still not done with convincing you,” he pointed at you, making you scrunch up your nose.
“You won’t be able to!” you called out as he walked out of the kitchen to answer the phone and you grabbed the last part of the decorations to put them on the cake, then dusted your hands off your apron. You turned around the cake to see whether you had missed any spots, but even you had to admit, it looked pretty flawless. You grabbed the birthday candles to place them on top of the cake one by one, but before you could finish them, the other members of the staff stopped talking amongst themselves. You frowned and looked over your shoulder, and as soon as you did, your stomach dropped.
Winnifred Barnes. Bucky and Rebecca’s mother, the woman whom you were hoping to avoid was standing by the entrance, graceful as ever.
“Mrs. Barnes,” you greeted her and she turned to the rest of the staff.
“Could we have a moment please?”
Oh God damn it.
One by one, everyone left the kitchen and you shifted your weight, trying to decide where to put your hands.
“I almost didn’t recognize you,” she said, her voice silky. “You grew into a beautiful woman, didn’t you?”
“…Thank you,” you said after a beat and she took a step towards you, her heels clicking on the marble floor.
“And you’re back in the picture, I see.”
There it is.
You pushed a strand of hair that had escaped from your bun behind your ear, “Um— no I’m just— I’m just working. Rebecca asked me to make the birthday cake, so…”
“I heard. I didn’t know you’d actually be here though.”
You stole a look at the cake, “It’s a two tier cake and the fondant I used is different than usual, it’d get messed up if I sent it with a car.”
She eyed you up and down with a calm smile on her face.
“You’re probably right,” she said, “But good news, you’re excused for the rest of the night. I think our staff can handle the rest.” She clicked her tongue, “No reason for us to keep you from your plans. I’m sure a pretty girl like you has plans on a Friday night, no?”
There it was. That condescending tone she could use so well even after years. Winnifred Barnes had never hidden her distaste towards you and you weren’t naïve enough to believe that she was being polite to you all of a sudden.
As far as she was concerned, you were still the same girl all those years ago, the one that posed the danger of distracting her precious son from the path she wanted him to follow.
“Anyways,” her voice pulled you out of your thoughts and she scribbled something on her checkbook before ripping a page and holding it between two fingers for you to reach out and take it.
For a second, you wanted to tell her to fuck off and not take it, but you knew you didn’t have that option. That money was going to be used for Emma’s summer camp, no matter what you felt about the woman who was paying you. So, you bit your tongue hard enough to taste blood and slowly reached out to take it from her.
“It’s a pleasure, Mrs. Barnes,” you managed to say and she nodded.
“Likewise Y/N,” she said and took a step but then turned around, “You wouldn’t mind using the staff entrance on your way out, would you? The party upstairs is family and friends only.”
Right. As it turned out, she got to tell you to fuck off even if you couldn’t.
“Sure,” you said through clenched teeth and watched her walk out of the kitchen. You stood there for a moment, then shook your head and pushed the check deep into your pocket. You grabbed your jacket, still blinking the tears back and rushed out of the house to get into your car, then drove away like someone was chasing you.
When you walked into the pub Hunter was working in, you made a beeline for the bar and jumped to sit on the closest empty bar stool. Hunter looked over his shoulder, then frowned and approached you.
“You’re at a bar alone?” he asked, “What happened?”
“I’m not alone if I know the bartender,” you pointed at him and he tilted his head.
“What’s going on?”
You rapped your knuckles on the wooden counter, “Can I have something strong?”
His frown deepened and he reached out to mutter something to the other bartender, then turned to you.
“Coming right up,” he said and filled your glass with whiskey, then pushed it in your direction.
“Oh God,” you murmured before taking a sip, trying your hardest not to grimace at the burn in your throat. He raised his brows, leaning over to rest his elbows on the counter, his eyes focused on you.
“Let me guess, this is about—“ he looked around him before lowering his voice, “Barnes.”
“You could say he’s related to the situation.”
“What situation is that?”
“His mother.”
Hunter frowned, “Sorry?”
“It’s just…” you trailed off, taking another sip, “Ugh never mind. She was a bitch to me just now.”
“I mean if you were cheated on as much as she was, you’d be a bitch too.”
You scoffed, “Hunter!”
“What? Bucky’s father had multiple mistresses all around the city, everyone knows that,” he winked, “Some even say he had kids.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s just gossip.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s not.”
“Well in any case,” you toasted with your glass, “She hates me.”
“Considering how Barnes has felt about you for years now, that’s not such a big surprise.”
You shrugged your shoulders, “He sees me as his friend, that’s it.”
Hunter rolled his eyes and filled your glass again.
“Sure he does,” he said, “Now drink up, I’m gonna make you try a cocktail.”
“Oh yay!”
“And you know the drill, you’re my guinea pig, so if it’s terrible I can’t serve it to others.”
You downed the whiskey, then put the glass on the counter.
“Fine by me,” you said, “Let’s do this.”
Chapter 9
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lunar-wandering · 2 years
@ninja-knox-ur-sox-off accidentally reminded me that the Hammock AU exists so here’s yalls crack AU of the day;
Wukong can’t fly. he lost his ability to use his cloud after sealing away DBK, for reasons unknown.
so, since he can’t recline on his cloud anymore. he just. builds hammocks. everywhere. 
Wukong visits the noodle shop and after he leaves Pigsy keeps finding hammocks everywhere
Pigsy: where are all these FUCKING HAMMOCKS COMING FROM Wukong, who's been sneaking in to build them in the middle of the night: its magic.
they fucking. beat Macaque by slingshotting him with a hammock. whether "slingshotting with a hammock" implies they put him in a hammock and then yeeted him or they slingshotted the staff is up for debate
MK shows up to the mountain unexpectedly and Wukong tries to get up but ends up tangled in a hammock
Wukong, after Episode 9: naughty successors get put in the hammock jail for their crimes MK, laughing as he's getting swung back and forth: Monkey King i have a job to go to- Wukong, getting the hammock to the point its almost going upside down: h a m m o c k j a i l
 the hammock breaks and Wukong has to grab a hold of him to prevent him from having an unpleasant encounter with the ground
Mk, still laughing: so much for hammock jail Wukong, carrying him out of the room: I have at least six hammocks within fifteen feet of here MK: you planning on breaking all of your hammocks just to maintain hammock jail??? Wukong: if neccessary. MK: do i at least get bail?? or a phone call?? Wukong: phone call yes, bail no
and thats how Pigsy gets a phone call from MK saying he's not going to be coming in to work today, "Monkey King's being weird" "HAMMOCK JAIL ISN'T WEIRD" cue noises of struggle before the line goes dead-
Pigsy texts MK "tell the monkey he's gonna need to fill in for you on saturday" and gets a text back with "Pigsy whadhkfjlJLFKDF I WIL NOT BE DLEIEVRING NOODLES DO OUD KNWO WHO I AM??" cause Wukong stole MK's phone mid-text and now Pigsy has to deal with an jokingly angry monkey king texting him 
Pigsy: yeah, you're the guy who keeps stealing my delivery boy Wukong: I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW I COULD KILL YOU WERE YOU STAND Pigsy: and how would you get here huh?? you have no cloud Wukong: how the fuck do you know about that
Wukong could turn into a bird to get to the city but he constantly forgets so he typically ends up walking underwater the whole way
which of course means that whenever he shows up in town he is soaked to the bone
does he get sick due to doing this so often? probably.
and thats your crack au of the day folks thanks and goodnight
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