#but crows hate it so much. they always chase it away
ellecdc · 13 days
Hiiii! I have a request, poly!marauders x animagus!fem reader (you decide what type of animal) and everytime it’s full moon she turn into an animagus and watches hboyfriends (kinda lurks around secretly) as they take care of Remus. The thing is they don’t know that she’s an animagus, and what would their reaction be when they found out?
(You’re an amazing writer and your fics makes my day🫶🏻)
this was so sweet - thanks for your request and for your patience in me getting this to you!
please note: my requests are currently closed as I finish exams and work through the requests that I currently have.
poly!marauders x fem!reader who's a secret animagus
Prongs was very confused.
This was the third moon in a row that he, Padfoot, Wormtail, and Moony had been romping through the woods when Moony seemed to get caught up on something.
He wasn’t sure what had changed; they always followed the same routine: transform in the shack, let Moony out, follow their trail where they can run (and roll, in Moony & Padfoots case) down a large hill, chase each other along the river bank, drink from the edge of the Black Lake, and slowly make their way back to the shack for Moony’s transformation. 
Except, once again, they seemed to be caught up under this unassuming tree.
Prongs looked to his canine companion who offered what he could only assume as a doggy shoulder shrug as Moony yipped and stood on his hind legs in an attempt to see through the lowest bows of the tree.
The first time this happened, Moony almost took one of Padfoot’s legs off for trying to encourage him to leave the tree. 
The second time, Moony could only be convinced to leave as his bones actually started stretching and reorganising themselves as the transformation started.
What was even stranger, though? After both of those moons, Remus woke up in a panic asking where you were and if you were ‘okay’.
It took Sirius shifting back into Padfoot and laying across Remus’ chest in order to provide grounding pressure to his chest before they could get him to calm back down and convince him that you were safe.
James hated seeing this side of Remus; the side of him that none of them had seen since before the Marauders told him that they knew his secret. He felt horribly paranoid, reclusive, and entirely too guilty. 
Guilty for daring to love you even though he felt you deserved better. Guilty for allowing you to love a werewolf. Guilty for not telling you that you were in love with a werewolf. And guilty for lying to you about it every month.
Sirius and James hated the secrecy too - but it wasn’t their secret to tell. They loved you, but they couldn’t take away Remus’ autonomy when it came to his infliction.
But, tonight - the third moon in a row of this nonsense from Moony - and Prongs had had it.
Prongs bowed his head and scooped Wormtail up into his antlers, hoisting him up to the lowest branch of this damned tree Moony was fucking obsessed with and encouraged him to investigate. 
Moony let out a little whine and a huff as he sat and watched the little rat disappear through the bows of the grand pine. 
A squeak alerted the two animagi and one werewolf to trouble when the top branches began to move and out flew a large black crow with a rat trapped in its talons. 
The crow gently glided to the ground about ten feet away from the trio and let go of the rat who quickly ran up Prong’s leg and situated himself in the safety of his antlers. 
Padfoot - ever protective of his pack of misfit toys animals - began stalking toward the offending bird, sure that Moony was just as excited as he was about this impromptu hunt. It wasn’t their favourite - it was not a rabbit - but it would do. 
However, much to both Padfoot and Prongs’ surprise, Moony quickly leapt in front of the crow and grumbled warningly at Padfoot, going so far as to bare his teeth at his pack member. 
Padfoot tilted his head in confusion at Moony as if perhaps the situation would make more sense at a 45 degree angle, but it appeared that it made no difference when Pads ultimately huffed and turned back towards Prongs. 
Prongs wanted to laugh - but deer stags couldn’t do that - so he let out a ‘bleat’ as the crow flew above Padfoot and teasingly landed on his head.
Padfoot, ready for a fight, turned to nip at the bird who simply jumped back up and hovered just out of reach of the dog.
Prongs was suddenly even more confused.
What crow willingly releases a plump, likely juicy, rat from its talons instead of enjoying it as their meal? And what crow willingly teases a large werewolf sized dog in front of his werewolf friend? 
This one, apparently.
And Moony - usually very possessive and exclusionary when it came to the other creatures they came across in the Forbidden Forest - seemed not only accepting of this new addition, but really quite pleased with it. 
But it was time to go if Moony’s flinches and groaning was any indication; the transformation would happen soon. 
Padfoot moved towards Moony and affectionately nudged him with his shoulder, hoping to encourage him towards the Shrieking Shack. 
Moony seemed to understand that he ought to go, but couldn’t bring himself to leave without his newest friend.
Somehow - to Prongs’ absolute astonishment - the crow seemed to understand what the hold up was and flew over to situate itself on Prongs’ antler.
Prongs - far too tired after a night full of romping with a werewolf directly after a full day of classes - acquiesced to being a glorified chauffeur for his smaller friends and led the way to the shack. 
The crow sat quietly on the top of the old fireplace as the Marauders went about business as usual. 
Padfoot convinced Moony to curl up on the bed so he would wake up at least semi-comfortably, whilst Prongs used his antlers to encourage a blanket up around Moony so he wouldn’t wake up completely nude, and Peter ran back towards the castle to give the lovers some privacy. 
Once Moony returned fully to Remus, Prongs and Padfoot took a moment to shift back to their own human forms and started up on the healing process, completely forgetting about their interloper.
With a groan, Remus came to after James encouraged healing potion down his throat.
“I’m sorry, Moons.” He apologised in a whisper as he handed the empty vial to Sirius’ waiting hand.
“Where is she?” Remus croaked. 
“Where’s who, babe?” Sirius asked, sharing a concerned glance with James. 
Remus choked in his attempt to respond and both boys began shushing him. “Dovey.” He finally got out.
“She’s at the castle, Moons…she’s safe.” James placated.
“No.” Remus argued. “She was there.”
James turned to see if Sirius had any idea how to handle their boyfriend’s insanity when he spotted it behind Sirius.
The crow.
“You.” He whispered in awe, causing Sirius to whip his head around.
The crow hopped down from the mantle of the fireplace and landed gracefully on the floor before it spun and grew back into you.
“Dovey.” Remus groaned. James turned to see there were tears in Remus’ eyes, though he knew not what for. 
“Hiya Moons.” You answered shyly, shooting guilty glances at Sirius who was still staring at you in shock and to James who was looking frantically between you and Remus.
“It’s been you?” James asked incredulously.
“How long have you known?” Remus asked at the same time.
You smiled sadly at Remus and knelt down beside him. “Long enough to become an animagi?”
“You sneaky little witch.” Sirius finally let out with a breath, sitting down unceremoniously at the foot of the bed to look at you.
“I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad.” You begged quickly; eyes darting nervously between your three boyfriends.
“You’re worried about us being mad?” Sirius asked disbelievingly. 
“Angel, you’ve caught us sneaking around and lying to you.” James teased with a certain level of sincerity, nudging you with his shoulder. 
“Do you hate me?” Remus whispered, eyes still trained steadfast on you.
You looked at him like he had grown three heads.
“Remus, I love you. That’s why I’m here.” You pressed severely. 
Remus laughed out a sob and covered his face with his hands. 
“I’m sorry, but what the fuck were you thinking?” Sirius asked suddenly.
“What?” You responded warily.
“Casually inserting yourself into a werewolf pack! What would you have done if Moony hated you?” He barked, flinging a hand towards Remus’ general direction.
You scoffed derisively and shot Remus a look like ‘can you believe this guy?’ “I’m impossible not to love, Sirius. Do keep up.”
Your cheek earned you a scoff before Sirius was launching himself at you and the two of you fell to the floor, disturbing layers of dust and causing the particles to dance through the air. 
“You’re so lucky you're cute.” Sirius said in faux contempt as he peppered your jaw and neck with kisses. 
James sighed in relief as he looked back over at Remus who was watching the two of you with a look so full of fondness, James was surprised he couldn’t see hearts pouring out of his eyes.
“You okay, Rem?” James asked him quietly, pulling one of his hands to his mouth and pressing a kiss to his palm.
“Perfect, Jamie. Just perfect.” Remus said with a content smile and a single happy tear trailing down his cheek.
James was more than inclined to agree.
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6point5crows · 7 months
Kuwei is a character often mischaracterized by the fandom, having been boiled down to just being “Wesper home wrecker” and the hurdle for Wesper to get over. People hate Kuwei because that’s all they seem him as, a tool to give Wesper issues. This shows a lack of understanding for his character as a whole and shows that people will not take the time to understand certain characters.
To begin, his whole life had been spent on the run and hiding. Running from the government due to being Grisha, running from Fjerda, being captured by Fjerdan, trapped in Fjerda, being captured by the Crows, running with the Crows, hiding the whole run of Crooked Kingdom, running from death itself, running away to Ravka, and now hiding out in Ravka. He lives in a constant state of holding onto what little self-preservation he must have left just to keep fleeing at a moments notice, never to turn back and face what chases him because everyone tells him to run and hide.
Because he’s just a prop to everyone. To Fjerda, to the story, to Ravka, and even to the Crows. He’s just a prop— a bargaining chip— a job. He’s hardly treated as human by anyone in the books, and is constantly spoken about as if he’s an item to be exchanged. Even the fandom speaks of Kuwei like this sometimes, or maybe they hardly take a moment to remember him at all.
Not to mention how much trauma he must have gone through? We don’t know what happened with his mother but we know Fjerda killed his father— Likely in front of Kuwei. Then they tortured him and tried to force him to recreate a drug that Kuwei didn’t even know how to make in the first place. Then he’s saved by kids his age only to discover their plan was just to trade him off to somebody else originally because to them… he’s just a prospect for money. And who knows what would have happened then? Would the Kerch government have gone to torture him too? Force him to do what the Fjerdans were doing? Maybe sell him off once more? What if it was back to Fjerda? Then he was put under constant fire and attacks, always in danger, tucked away somewhere without light and warmth for so long.
If he wasn’t friends with death before, he definitely was now.
Furthering on that, he had to watch as every single country became so after him, that the only solution was to fake his own death in front of them all— like a rabbit in front of wolves. Something which if done wrong, could literally end in his death (though maybe at this point, he was okay with that. It’s not like he’s really been living that whole time anyways). Or the plan could go wrong and somebody could make a grab at him. What if the Crows betray him and instead let him be sold off? What if they all fail? So they have a mock auction— which was real to everyone but Kuwei and the Crows— so Kuwei got to see just how much countries were willing to fight over him. Even if he knew the outcome of this auction, it would not be any less terrifying to hear as the price of yourself be called out. To hear you be auctioned off. To listen as you were reduced to nothing but money.
Then he was back on the run to Ravka, finally able to see the sun, finally able to relax. Right? But after all that, could he ever really relax? Could he ever exist as if any of this was normal? He’s still technically hiding in Ravka, without the freedom to go anywhere else. If he did, he would be killed, sold, used, tortured. And after all that… he’s still just a background character for all these stories. An item. A prop.
Yet he’s meant to represent a Phoenix— of rebirth and fire, to live even when all says he should be dead. To show that Grisha do not need to slouch in captivity or be used, to show that there is hope to fight back. He is meant to represent the fire in Grisha’s’ hearts, to build a better world and to use all of this attention he’s gained to help free the Grisha.
And yet he’s still on the run.
And yet he’s still traumatized.
And yet the fandom and characters still treat him like a prop.
Kuwei is more than just Wesper, Kuwei is more than just a prop, Kuwei is more than everything he’s been reduced to.
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thisisnotthenerd · 5 months
since shriek week doesn't really have formal combats/encounters, we're moving on to starstruck:
quick episode descriptions:
welcome to the spacin' life, buddy!: first episode and we're already doing battle. norman is an asshole. fighting jan de la vega. sidney and barry go for it. margaret is a busy businesswoman who nonetheless helps out. raymond zam wants to reschedule space battle. the intro flashbacks: use your tongue. fuck erotica ann. never go to the zoo. would you like to buy pleasure putty. young and hip people don't need to say they're young and hip.
all in the hot exit: running from the carbine kennel club dog show with aurora nebbins, princeps zortch and gnosis in tow. the pleasure putty factory is exploding. gunnie casts flash. two nat ones. my future is changing! are you hacking a dice? sidney throwing grenades. barry tanking so much damage. i'm hurt. margaret banking in pitched battle. that's the most advisable thing you could have been doing. nat 20 on the jib jobbers showing up. take care of my legs! riva yanking gunnie to the ship and glindaing jan de la vega. nat 20 death save that took so long. making it out with 30000 credits & a 5 star rating.
wallops at swallop's: skip's incredible back to back turns. freon blast. jumping into the rafter where everyone can see you. stealing back the kublacaine. popping off and not running and still winning. the sheriff is shitting in the bathroom. the first get nasty from margaret. skip shooting the sheriff for 21 points and then mounting his decapitated head on a cactus. killing the police force and then partying after.
baustin skiffy limits: running through the market. barry with the table. setting up for combination moves with the oil slick. ship style combat. fleeing amongst the skiffers. riva's persuasion with you hate the government. colonian turn. running from brigade tigers. hospitalizing crunch moon-jones. we're just going away.
flee from fantanimalland: my ass! sid & skip going down the elevator, margaret & barry with hogg cobb, riva vs barry nyne on the ship, and gunnie buying a maple cake. gunnie steals the maple cake, gets accosted by a vercadian & gets escorted out while carrying margaret. sid meets the junkmother & gets the krystals. saw a hole. had to check it out. riva gets barry nyne off the ship without zortch. arcadia prime monologues at barry while skip teaches gunnie to ram the ship into the building.
battle of the brands: the gang buys truly so much stuff. you are required to do a certain amount of drugs. barry is the angel of mercy. the sisters of the cosmic veil having a bikini party. taking kublacaine. we are the ball. barry taking brutus to the finals on a nat 20. nat 20 death save from aurora nebbins. margaret speaks to the plinth and then is down to 1 hit point. skip crits on the plinth. free teleportation shenanigans are not allowed. gunnie casts explosion. barry rapid shots the plinth and does product placement. operation slippery puppet. am i getting ocean's'd 11'd on my own fucking show? what the fuck is happening? a real son of a bitch is no more. sundry sidney has saved the dog!
the house always wins: barry kicks off with a 39 to grapple brutus. leap? oh no i fall out of the crow's nest. margaret walks up, says you suck and walks away. call to the guards. this is the sensible beardsley season. everybody going down and coming back up. except for gunnie. full on cleganebowl. we're going over the edge. it's only a 28. happy birthday murph. margaret inducing crises. barry & brutus bonding. the girl guides. i'm stacks. chasing down the nuns. and the house always wins! the casino paid for itself. bambi leroux.
jailbreak!: skip on handy annie, sneaking through the halls. barry & gunnie playing rock paper scissors. we're all really worried about you, man. why would that be mine? running with the other prisoners to get out. barry's fists are d6 weapons. stunning & killing. sid kisses the vercadian. i think mommy is nice. zortch & the girl guides betting on a horse. splitting the party for stealth. riva's big distraction. improved grade to space casting. sidney crits on the vercadian. it doubles damage. ship to ground is multiplier of times 10. 560 points. nat 20 stealth. plug shows up. with their guns trained on you.
the luckless, the abandoned and the forsaked (part 1): riva does customer service. zortch wearing a plaastic bag on their head. ponytail barry. u4f allies. danielle scrap. galatia 9. barry nyne is on the wurst. riva phase walking to uftp. plugging gnosis into the wurst. i'll roll as many d8s as you want me to. gunnie grows a shield generator. margaret's campaign office singlehandedly changing the course of the battle. zortch getting slugged & attacking skip.
the luckless, the abandoned and the forsaked (part 2): emily snarfed. command ships attacking each other. the guernicans are incompetent. the entire barry conversation. expertise in being a barry. a weird little cranny where maybe there could be turtles. exactly 14 damage. what is the nature of micro ftl jumps. gnosis rolls a 2. i might actually vomit. an off-camera bit. what's up, baby! it's space. loose duke's been on the ship the whole time. boarding party kicks ass. the kind is dead, long live the king. the random factor. sid releasing gnosis. filling rubian v with powdered egg substitute. lucienne was on the ship the whole time. barry crits & does 62 damage. while sid does 40. the ram does 16. capping it off with a wedding.
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bonefall · 10 months
Hello! I’m trying to translate my character Roosterflame’s name into clanmew, but I can’t seem to find a translation for his suffix. What would Roosterflame be in clanmew? And what nicknames would be possible?
Base Clanmew currently doesn't have a word for chickens! Clan cats avoid farms as much as possible. The word in Townmew for chicken is Igi, which itself comes from a word for 'delicious.' They tend to experience chicken as a meat more often than an animal.
So this is a situation where you can make your own word if you'd like! But TWO different characters in BB created their own words for chickens, if you'd like to take any.
Crookedstar's Phrases
Hens = Brrch Mostly because they were usually growling at him, they didn't like how close he came or how he didn't respect their space. The chickens did not like poor Stormpaw, no sir, even though he did save them in the end.
Rooster = Gawkaroo The rooster at the time was ALWAYS crowing at him because he stressed the hens out. These men HATED each other. Mr. Gawkaroo chased him up the coop more than once.
He never made a word for chicks, he never really got close enough to them.
Ravenpaw's Phrases
Hens = Bok Ravenpaw, meanwhile, cozied up to them right away. They didn't tend to growl at him, just happily going about their business. He had a way of getting animals comfortable around him.
Chicks = Shi Unlike Crookedstar when he stayed at the barn, Ravenpaw did get close enough to chicks to need a good word for them.
Rooster = Urkaroona Ravenpaw does NOT like this man though, because he wakes him up in the morning. They're chill... but if there's any chicken who's on thin ice, it's the Urkaroona. The Barleys insist his name is "Hasem" but Ravenpaw calls him (and the one who replaces him later) Urkaroona.
("Hasen" is "Hanson" passed through an accent.)
So! Take your pick! Also pick a word for fire you'd like from the Lexicon. The direct translation of flame is "fyn," which refers to a cooking fire. I think that's morbidly hilarious honestly.
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snowyleopardess · 8 months
I don't have the confidence to write it, but eeeurgh I'm being haunted by skk daemon AU
No one at the ADA has ever seen Dazai's daemon, and he always gives 'mysterious' answers or jokes when asked. A lot of people just assume it's small, like an insect, and learn to ignore it. Sometimes interacting with Dazai can be hard, their own daemon awkwardly standing around, unable to connect their hearts. Every interaction with Dazai has a shallow feeling. He kinda creeps regular people out.
Chuuya's daemon never really seemed to suit him. Any time he met new people, there would always be a split second where they paused when they looked at chuuya's daemon. It wasn't scary or concerning, just...off somehow. Like a puzzle piece you can make fit but doesn't line up right with the picture right.
The thing is- Chuuya doesn't actaully have a daemon. Dazai left his daemon with Chuuya when he left. Chuuya doesn't even remember his daemon... if he ever had one. (more fuel to the poor guys' clone trauma)
I'm thinking crow for the daemon, very smart and capable animal, and it seems to suit Dazai.
But I've also thought of an... elephant. They're smart too, but also the sight of Chuuya using his gravity to float his daemon up to the window of whatever building he's in so they're not left out makes me want to cry laugh. You always know where Chuuya is because of the fucking elephant floating outside the building. Chuuya's even more powerful in this AU from constant practice floating the elephant and having to deal with more attacks because people always know where he is.
I've also thought of a bat, but more just because Chuuya would look so fucking cute with a bat hanging off his hat taking a nap.
Still not sure if the daemon should be male or female.
Dazai has always kept his daemon at arms' length, physically and metaphorically. He separated from his daemon at a very young age. Seeing dark era Dazai without a daemon made him even more terrifying.
Dazai hates his daemon. He never seemed to feel comfort from his daemons like others did, he never seemed to feel much of anything around them. His daemon could be even more stoic then him. Daemons were supposed to be beings of emotion, the manifestation of your heart. So Dazai resented them. In his worst moments, he even hurt his own daemon himself just to feel
s o m e t h i n g.
But Dazai was right- his daemon is the manifestation of his heart. His heart is just so hurt. It can't hide like the human half of him can. So his daemon is very quiet and avoidant. Dazai hates that vulnerability being on display.
But there are some times that Dazai feels through his daemon. And that's when Chuuya touches them so gently. Chuuya is absolutely fascinated with daemons because he never had one. Dazai was never one to uphold boundaries or social rules, so he practically goads Chuuya into touching his daemon after an accidental brush one time. He's reminded that he even has a heart, because it feels warm, not just numb. Chuuya loves his daemon so much. Chuuya's touch is so addicting its terrifying, but it chases away the crushing apathy for just a moment.
So when Dazai leaves, he leave his daemon with Chuuya. Chuuya's so panicked at first, what does it mean when someone gives you their heart but still leaves you?
So he loves and cares for Dazai's daemon like Dazai couldn't. And Dazai's heart and mind finally start to heal.
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hawkins-losers · 2 years
can i pretty please request this with steve?❤️ ‘’Can I have a kiss? My lips are cold.’’
Fall has arrived in Hawkins 🎃🍂 This new prompt list is so much fun! Please keep the requests coming 
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After last night's crazy wind, there were enough fallen leaves in Steve's backyard to make Halloween trash bags. His parents were going to hate this. You could already hear Mrs. Harrington's 'in this neighborhood, we don't expose trash bags in our front yard', but you and Steve were having fun making them and that's all that mattered.
You and Steve spent the afternoon raking the leaves – and sometimes throwing them at each other. You used to do this every autumn with your dad and siblings and always had loads of fun. Now that you were grown up, the leaves were thrown into black bags. Being from a rich family, Steve had never participated to these kinds of activities, so you were happy to show him this fun autumn tradition.
‘’You can’t get away from me, Y/N,’’ Steve said as he chased after you, a bunch of dead leaves in his hands, ready to throw them at you.
You hid behind a tree, trying to muffle your giggles. Your sweater and corduroy pants were full of leaves crumbs from Steve’s previous attacks. 
From your position, you could hear the leaves crunching under his boots, telling you he was looking for you. You crouched down, scooped some leaves for revenge and waited.
Then, footsteps stopped, making you frown. All you could hear was a crow’s caw and the whistling of the wind. You decided to have a peak.
‘’Steve?’’ you called with a frown, not seeing him in the backyard.
Your frown deepened. Where had he gone to? The backyard was big, but there weren't many nooks where he could hide.
You were about to call his name again, but a pair of arms snuck around your waist and you shrieked. A familiar laugh filled your ears and you turned around in Steve’s hold.
‘’You spooked me.’’ You hit his chest as he released you, an amused smile on his face.
A leaf had caught in his hair, somehow still looking perfect after all that running and seasonal wind. His cheeks had a slight red tint from the chilly weather and this autumn colored sweater looked really good on him.
‘’Wait, can I have a kiss? My lips are cold.’’ He pursed his lips, waiting for his kiss, and you bit back a smile at his antics. 
Taglist: @broadway-or-noway @violetsleftfist @thelaststraw3  @cursedandromedablack  @Slashersimpfor  @savagejane1   @wh0reforbucknasty   @eddiemunson-slut   @slvdsjjk  @hehehehannahthings  @dreamdancers-world  @eddiemunsonbby  @notbeforelong  @lexi-2004 @violetrainbow412-blog  @tatespillows  @alwayslexii  @lilygreennn   @milkiane  @imahomeslice  @bunnygrl16 @cwritesforfun @marauders3rawh0re  @your-mom21 @parkersmyth @voguesir @milkiane @andrewgarfields-girlfriend @lilygreennn @alexxavicry @charlie-chick  @wandamaximoffs-deadchild  @horrorstreet  @rmeddar123  @pastel-abyss-x @lil-tracys  @luvmybbies  @chloepricesgrafitimarker  @inluvweddiemunson @i-like-trains @kittenfrostt @simp-for-slasher @m-rae23 @kenzi-woycehoski @amberputh  @sea040561
Steve Harrington taglist: @dylanstilinskiposts  @captainbuckyyy12  @valevalentyne  @yourfavoriteakutagawakinnie  @heizenka  @eddie_munsons_girlfriend @scarlet-kazuha @uhidklol-26 @magicalchocolatecheesecake @swiftbyul @Fandomfaeryreads @harrys-tittie  @tinfoilhat2719 @straycatarang @wayfaring----stranger @starstruckspring @fourlokiss @mi-amoree1111 @starshipsxx  @ghoulishlygrey @bubsonnobx  @truewdw1 @bubsonnobx @ohhrexella  @Dreamtiara  @pastelbabygirl19  @steves-robin @eddiemunsonbby  @evanstanwhore @bootlegmothman420   @courtmr  @nia-um   @strangermarvelgirl  @fandomloversvaries  @missmaxmayfield  @m1rkw00dpr1ncess  @Minksblog  @soph69420world @truewdw1  @crying-caro  @nancewheelersworld  @nluvwitheddiemunson @veniceb1tch88 @hcloangcls @ilovetaylorswift1 @steveharringtonsupremacy  @jusstdreaaming @buckyswhxre @tomspidertingle @thechoiceslookgrimm @bobafettsleftglove @princesseddie @yourfavdummy  @eddiescvmslvt  @slightlyvicked  
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stromuprisahat · 11 months
Matthias was dreaming again. Dreaming of her. In all his dreams he hunted her, sometimes through the new green meadows of spring, but usually through the ice fields, dodging boulders and crevasses with unerring steps. Always he chased, and always he caught her. In the good dreams, he slammed her to the ground and throttled her, watching the life drain from her eyes, heart full of vengeance—finally, finally. In the bad dreams, he kissed her. In these dreams, she didn’t fight him. She laughed as if the chase was nothing but a game, as if she’d known he would catch her, as if she’d wanted him to and there was no place she’d rather be than beneath him. She was welcoming and perfect in his arms. He kissed her, buried his face in the sweet hollow of her neck. Her curls brushed his cheeks, and he felt that if he could just hold her a little longer, every wound, every hurt, every bad thing would melt away. “Matthias,” she would whisper, his name so soft on her lips. These were the worst dreams, and when he woke, he hated himself almost as much as he hated her. To know that he could betray himself, betray his country again even in sleep, to know that—after everything she’d done—some sick part of him still hungered after her… it was too much.
Six of Crows- Chapter 7 (Leigh Bardugo)
👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
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SangYao Horror(Ish) Ideas, Part Two
Soulmate marks that evolve as the other person changes.
When Meng Yao is legitimized as Jin Guangyao, Nie Huaisang wonders if he was wrong to assume Meng Yao was his soulmate because his mark doesn't change accordingly.
Then after Nie Mingjue is murdered, it does.
Also, you can't physically harm your soulmate, even indirectly. But emotionally? Oh, buddy.
Jin Guangyao is fully aware that the only reason Nie Huaisang hasn't buried a knife in his ribs is because they're bound. But that seething miasma of love and hate and pain that boils around the younger man is thick enough to choke on.
It's horrible. It's fascinating. He can't stay away, happy to drown in it because it's proof that they are indelibly etched into each other's psyche.
For better or worse, there is no one in the world who feels as much for him as Nie Huaisang does, and it's beautiful. 
When Jin Guangyao is legitimized, he has to undergo the same summoning ritual as the rest of the inner family. Before he even enters the chamber, there are snide cracks about how he'll surely fail, being only a bastard son.
Anger simmers in his nerves as he uses his blood to activate the sigils surrounding the main array, and then the array itself.
For a moment, nothing happens, and the fear that the mockery was right starts to flood him-
-and then it's chased away by the feeling of slender arms resting lightly around his waist and a soft, sweet voice in his ear from behind.
~Be at peace. I will help you.~
The feeling vanishes and he opens his eyes to find a bird sitting on the pillar in the middle of the array. Size-wise, it is barely equal to a crow, hardly impressive compared to the eagle of his father or the peacock of his half-brother, but it's a stunningly pretty creature, all dark iridescent green with gold and cream accents.
And though there are the inevitable rude comments from his family and the other disciples, he quickly discovers that what his companion -'Huaisang' the sweet voice in his head insists- lacks in physical presence, he more than makes up for with his deep magic well and clever mind.
And not being very big makes for an ideal spy, too.
Even with his father's derision and the madam's rage, perhaps it won't be so hard to navigate this snake-filled labyrinth of a sect after all. (Fun Note: while all familiars can speak to their owners, Nie Huaisang is the only one in the Jin sect who can actually take human form because his magic is stronger.)
Over the course of several lifetimes, Nie Huaisang and Meng Yao always seem to get together, but it always, always ends with Meng Yao leaving Nie Huaisang for someone else and then things going to hell, mostly for Nie Huaisang. It doesn't matter whether they start out as enemies or friends, whether one or both or neither is a villain. Even in the lifetimes that should be simple and comfortable, that's the one constant.
Eventually, the memories start carrying over from lifetime to lifetime for Nie Huaisang. Weird senses of deja vu or impending danger.
And then, in lifetime fourteen, it all comes crashing in on him.
He starts trying to avoid Meng Yao, but it never works. Somehow their social circles remain intertwined and they always run across each other.
He tries not to fall in love, but that seems to be impossible too.
His sanity fraying with each lifetime, he comes to the conclusion that the only way to break whatever curse has been laid is for one of them to die early.
He can't bring himself to kill Meng Yao, but he's okay with killing himself as many times as it takes.
It’s lifetime number thirty-two and he's just met his brother's new PA. Excusing himself from the business party, he makes his way to the roof.
Someone grabs him before he can step off the edge, and he cracks, struggling and begging to be allowed to break the curse before he has to live all that misery again.
Having had to drop out of college to work for his mother's medical care, Meng Yao took up a job as a tester for an experimental new VR game, both for the extra money to help his mom and because a few hours of escapism a week is nice.
It's an otome/time princess-style game where the player can hop into different time periods/fantasy worlds and set up a storyline using a "toybox" of character templates. It's supposed to be the most immersive game ever designed.
And now he's watching one of the AIs apparently have a psychotic breakdown because something has gone terribly wrong and the poor thing has been loading all of the different scenarios he played.
He should report the glitch, but that might result in the AI being removed, or even destroyed, and after seeing that it -he- has become sentient, he finds he had become attached.
Very-slightly-dark sangyao where Meng Yao manipulates Nie Huaisang just a little bit to find out how genuine his crush is/how much he values Meng Yao’s advice. 
He "confronts" Nie Huaisang about how much of a cuddly touchy-feely person he is, and while he doesn't outright accuse Nie Huaisang of taking advantage of the help the way, say, Jin Guangshan flagrantly does, the implication that that's what people think he's doing is there. 
For the next several weeks, he observes as Nie Huaisang, appropriately troubled by the idea that he's been trampling everyone's boundaries and they've just been putting up with it because they have no other choice, begins drawing back to the point it almost looks like he's isolating himself. 
The other fortress staff are confused and concerned by the sudden distance, since they always found his cheerful affection endearing, while the disciples are pleased that he's finally “matured” enough that he’s no longer bothering them when he should be training. (the latter response causing him to retreat even further.) 
Satisfied by the results, Meng Yao decides to "clarify" their last discussion by gently reassuring Nie Huaisang that he does like him, they just can't risk being all that close with their differing statuses and the outside opinions that come with them. 
Once he's been legitimized, Meng Yao promises, that can change, and he is further satisfied when Nie Huaisang agrees to wait. 
The murder of the captain, of course, throws a wrench in the gears, but knowing that Huaisang tried to plead his case further cements the fact that his feelings are authentic. 
But are they strong enough to survive a war and the physical distance between them?
When they meet again at the victory celebration and Nie Huaisang smiles and shyly ducks his head in greeting despite otherwise clearly not wanting to be there, Jin Guangyao knows he's got him for good.
Meng Yao nurtures that little seed of darkness he sees within Nie Huaisang, looking for a kindred spirit, only to have it backfire on him because it turns out Huaisang's dark side is even more yandere-flavored than his own. it's fine, a little attic wifing will be good for him.
Timeline where the Sunshot forces win, only to discover that both Wen Ruohan and Nie Mingjue are dead. 
Meng Yao swears it was because he was too late to stop the former from forcing the latter into a fatal qi deviation and he was only able to salvage the situation by killing Wen Ruohan while he was distracted gloating.
(He is, in fact, telling the truth, though there are some that don’t believe it.)
Nie Huaisang is now sect leader at eighteen whether he wants to be or not (and he really doesn't, because it means he can't grieve his da-ge in peace while all the celebrating and rebuilding is going on.)
The two of them meeting up at the victory banquet. (Or re-meeting, rather, since this would use their live drama backstory.)
Newly renamed Jin Guangyao offering his apologies and condolences to the newly ascended Nie-zongzhu.
And getting struck hard by Huaisang’s Tragic Gothic Ingenue Aura in return.
Whatever manipulations his father has in store for the other sects are his own business, Jin Guangyao decides.
But he will be the one to look after the Nie sect and its beautifully grieving new leader.
(this next one is under a cut for implied war prize rape, not by either side of the ship)
Lima/Stockholm syndrome SangYao, either with legitimized Jin Ziyao or fully adopted Wen Yao. 
Jin Guangshan throws his sect's lot in with the Wens and the Sunshot Campaign is crushed with both Nies being taken captive.
Wen Ruohan would give Nie Huaisang to Wen Yao as an indulgence. 
Jin Guangshan would give Nie Huaisang to Jin Ziyao as an insult.
Either way, he knows that Nie Huaisang is behaving well only so that his brother stays alive, but he can't help finding him endearing anyway and treats him accordingly.
When they first meet, Nie Huaisang has been visibly beaten and barely has any clothing left, which is also damaged. He's barefoot and bound up and clearly terrified.
But Wen Yao/Jin Ziyao (still haven't decided which) notices that he's also paying attention, as in he's committing the faces of each of his abusers to memory without any of them noticing. He finds himself oddly pleased by this revelation, and accepts his "gift" with thanks.
Nie Huaisang doesn't fight him when he finishes the disrobing to heal up his injuries and bathe him, but he's wary and nervous and Wen Yao/Jin Ziyao can feel him shaking, which is more evidence against the guards who'd captured him.
He finds himself thinking that when Nie Huaisang decides to get back at them, perhaps he'll look the other way.
Meanwhile, Nie Huaisang has no idea how to deal with his new jailor. He's been bruised, had bones broken, been starved, and... other things he desperately doesn't want to remember. He knows the only reason he's alive is as a hostage to ensure his brother doesn't try to escape.
And now here's this person speaking to him as if he's a rescued kitten and handling him like he's made of porcelain.
This can't last. 
He knows it can't. 
It's a ruse, the carrot to the stick.
But Wen Yao/Jin Ziyao continues to treat him like a beloved pet rather than a prisoner. If it weren't for the fact that he can't leave, it would be akin to a courtship. 
He isn't even punished when his jailor finds the notes he made for his brother -for the resistance still hitting-and-running at outposts on the edges of the expanded Wen/Jin territories.
What the fuck is going on? 
And why is he starting to like it?
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Zoro x Fem reader nsfw 🔞
Smut with no plot ⚠️ warnings ⚠️
Oral(Fem receiving) fingering, penetration cursing talks about hating ones body I think that's all let me know if I missed something
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When you first got with the green headed swordmen you never expected him to be so touchy or needed which has lead you too the situation you're in now
After dinner you had come up to the crows nest to relax while being in the company of your now sweaty pather
You had completely zoned out looking out the window at the waves that splashed against the sunny and Luffy and chopper sitting around usopp probably listening to another one of his great adventure stories
When you felt a pair of hands come around your waist pulling back untill your back hit his firm chest that was no longer confined by his shirt that he must of discarded sometime ago while he was working out
You felt the vibrations of his quite chuckle at the way your body had jumped a little at the contact you'd never get use to the way that he would just grab and hold you like you where the most important thing in the world
Hmm you replied to him wondering why he had suddenly grabbed you and instead of answer all you got was his hand fiddling with the hem of your shirt as his lips came in contact with your shoulder
Your hands came down to grab around his wrist as they slid underneath your shirt though you knew that if he really wanted to your grip on him couldn't stop him yet he never would go against you as his hands stilled the moment you grabbed him
It was always such an internal battle for you and you hated it you crave his touch just as much but everytime his rough hands find your body you freeze he has seen you before yet you still get so nervous the way his eye alone is enough to set your face a blaze and make you feel so small drives you insane
"You okay" the words that fall from his lips make your hands tighten around him you shake your head yes the words stuck in the back of you throat and you knew if you tried to voice it all your thoughts would come flowing out like a broken dam
Once you loosen your grip his hands slide up just a bit where the find purchase on your stomach and the fat that laid there his hands began to rub and pinch softy at it your head couldn't help but run to the worst possible place you have hated the way you looked yet he always seemed to find and run his hands on the parts of your body that had a bit more fat then the rest
His hum of approval had snapped you out of your thoughts "so beautiful" he mumbled and you were now deadly aware of how deeply he had been looking at you threw the reflection of the window and the view you saw with the sunset perfectly reflecting both of your images made your face set a flame the way he had just a light blush to his face and your shirt raised just enough we're you could see his well wore hands on your skin were he grabbed and rubbed like it were a drug he couldn't get enough of
This was to much you thought as you quickly brought your hands up to cover your now very hot face as you did your shirt had risen up as his hands found your bra making quick work of flipping it up where he could explore the new skin now open to his needy hands making a squeal come from you
His chuckle had made the embarrassment in your body even worse as you hid your face as deep as you could in your hands you felt as he lifted his head from your shoulder and came close to your ear
"You can hide your beautiful face as much as you need but I can still hear every adorably addicting sound you make"
His hands were now grabbing and working your nipples between his fingers he was so rough but he never did it hard enough to hurt just enough where your body would try to run away making you back yourself father into him
Your brain was having trouble fighting to decide to shy away or chase the pleasure his hands give to you so generously once your face had finally cooled down abit you decide that you needed some cool air instead of the very little bit you were receiving from the cracks of your fingers as you slowly slid your hands down
Your eyes immediately locking on to the reflection now way more visible since the sun had gone down his eyes found yours "can't you see how unbelievably gorgeous you are" at his words you tried to look away but before you could his hand hand come up and grabbed your chin with enough strength that your checks were puffed up
"Don't look away I want you to see how much I love this body how much I love you" his lips now finding your neck leaving slow antagonizing kisses once he reached the nape he bit down leaving red teeth marks that he ran his tongue over letting go of your chin his hands grabbed the hem over your shirt pulling it off throwing it to the floor your bra joining shortly after
He moved in front of you he sat down on both knees looking up at you as if you were some god his lips leaving kisses on your stomach as he got back up so that he could wrap his lips around your nipple as you let out breathless moans he looked up at you eyes connecting once again making your face flush red
Once he pulled away you were both breathless and his hands began the torment of your body again although now they were edging dangerous close to the hem of your pants once they reached he slowly slide his hand only as deep as the ban pulling it back abit letting it pop against your skin before making eye contact with you "may I" you nervously nodded your head "words please" his hands still running over the skin under the ban of your pants making you grow much wetter and needier every second
Yes please was all you could get out before you felt the cool air hitting your bare legs he slowly ran his hands down your legs as he returns to his knees leaning forward kissing your legs something that makes your brain all fuzzy with need "look back at your reflection" you had forgot with the way he was making you feel eyes slowly looking back up and instantly your face was bright red again you could see the yourself a sight you were quite use to standing in the mirror picking apart every little flaw you saw but it was a totally different feeling now with the sight of your needy lover on his knees the view of the back of his head looking up at you surely so he can enjoy the every glowing look of embarrassment on your face with his much bigger hands resting on you upper thighs
"gods no matter the angle I look at you I can't find one flaw about you" before you even have a chance to react to his words you are cut off by your own moan at the feeling of his lips against your panties "fuck keep making those sounds" your hands find his head fingers holding on to his hair as he pulls your panties to the side before you feel his tongue against you as he licks a couple of times before he wrapped his lips around your clit causing you to pull against his hair making him let out a grunt that sends delicious vibrations threw you you can't even attempted to keep the nosie in any more as he drinks you up your eyes finally closing as you enjoy the pleasure he is giving you
He brings up two fingers slowly working them into you before curving them to hit your sweet spot making your eyes spring open and your hips jerks up against his face rewarding you with another grunt which runs up your spine like electricity making your high hit he slows just enough to hold your body up with his as he brings himself up from his knees once you've completely rode out your orgasm he removes his fingers bringing them to your lips
You slowly open your mouth as he slides his fingers in humming as he pushes down on your tongue before letting you use it to clean his fingers once your done what he deems a good enough job he removes his fingers
He grabs your hand bringing it to rest against his cock you lean your head forward hiding it in his chest as he runts up against your hand
He looks down at you with a smirk on his face "you sure" you can't even get another word out if you wanted to you shake your head and push your hand down against his cock before he quickly pulls his pants down and grabs your hips picking you up easily "hold on" you warped your arms around his neck and he removes one of his hands he guides his cock up and down you pussy purposely hitting your clit he lets out out chuckle when you hit his shoulder with your hand
Getting the hint he lines himself up and slowly starts pushing in making your head spin he is giving you just what you asked for yet you still feel so needy once he finally bottoms out he grabs right behind your knee and lifts you up and then he slams himself back into you causing your head to fall limp against his shoulder with a whimper and he continues to ram himself into you as you let out continuous moans and whimpers that fuel him on
He finally lets go of the back of your legs and you wrap them around him as he grabs your waist and starts grinding you against him while he fucks you his pelvis runs directly against your clit throwing gasoline on your high making it build even faster you barley have time to let him know before you are splashing around him "oh fuck" is all he says before he buries himself in you letting out ropes of warm cum into you his hand coming up and moving your hair out of your face before he kisses the top of your head "so fucking perfect" is the only thing you hear as you come down from your high and your ears stop ringing
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sprnklersplashes · 10 months
spoons into rings (ao3)
It was one of the first tricks his Ma taught him. He can’t remember how old he was; the memory is like a painting left in the sun for too long, faded and frayed at the edges. But he was sitting on the kitchen table, little feet swinging far above the floor, picking the mushrooms out of his dinner because he hated them. Ma was humming a song-a Kaelish shanty-under her breath as she tidied up the pots and cutlery. She picked up a spoon and frowned as she rubbed a speck of dirt off. Then, with a coy look at Jesper, she curled both her hands around it. He lowered his bowl as her hands tightened. The air crackled as though a storm was brewing, but the skies were clear and blue outside. Jesper knew it was a different kind of storm, one only the two of them could feel.
Aditi smiled, goosebumps raised on young Jesper’s arms, and then in her palm was a small silver ring, the perfect size for his little fingers.
“Show me, Mama, let me do it too!” It didn’t matter to him that the ring was steel, not silver. To him, it was the most beautiful thing in all creation. He practised over and over again, making rings that were too big and too small and the wrong shape. Da grumbled that they were running out of cutlery, and his hands began to smell of metal. But then, after three days, he could do it. He could take an ordinary teaspoon and fashion it into a ring decorated with a wobbly flower and just the right size for his mother’s finger.
She had kissed him, lifted him in the air, and told him it was the most splendid thing she’d ever seen.
Jesper wonders what she would say to him now. Sitting in their room in the Geldrenner, tapping one of their teaspoons against his hand as the world goes to shit. It’s not perfect silver, but it’s nicer than the spoons they had used at home. Shining and delicate, with intricate lines chasing up the handle. And since beggars can’t be choosers, it will have to do.
He lowers himself onto the sofa beside Wylan. At first, he doesn’t react, his mind far, far away from Ketterdam and the Crows. Seconds pass, and Jesper sits quietly, patiently. And as he does, Wylan’s eyes begin to brighten; dimples indent the corners of his mouth. His hand slides across the cushions and then travels up Jesper’s knee, his fingers brushing against Jesper’s expectant hand. Jesper replies in kind, linking their fingers together and shifting his weight so their palms press together.
They sit in silence for a while, listening to the ticking clock and hum of the pipes in the walls. The parade still rages outside, tearing through Ketterdam like a fire. Every gang in the Barrel wants a piece of them-and, not in a fun way. Years’ worth of distrust and dishonesty is gone in a minute, blown away in the face of a much bigger prize. One relentless, ever-growing wave moves around the Barrel, proudly brandishing the city’s stamp of approval.
The world has gone to hell, and they’re holding hands through it.
“How are you feeling about tomorrow?” Jesper asks. Wylan stiffens, and his free hand curls against the couch cushions. Ruddy-gold hair falls in front of his eyes, and he turns his head so Jesper can’t make out his expression. He doesn’t need to though. The tightness of his grip and his frigid skin against his is more than enough.
It takes a long while before he whispers, “I’m ready.”
“You sure?” he asks. “Wy, you don’t have to do this. I can take my Da, or Nina can or-”
“No.” He shakes his head, so much resolution that this hair falls out of its neatly arranged order. “It has to be me.” With one stroke of his finger, Jesper brushes Wylan’s hair back.
“Does it?” he asks.
“I can’t keep running from him,” Wylan goes on. “I’ve spent my entire life running from him. Since I was a kid, I’ve always been running.” This time, he does lift his eyes to meet Jesper’s. There’s such fire in them, a fire he always knew Wylan had, but he rarely let it show. Jesper isn’t sure whether to be proud or scared for him. Wylan’s jaw tightens, and his blue eyes flash. “This time he’s going to run. As fast and far as I can make him.”
Oh, he’s proud. He’s proud as hell.
He pulls himself closer to him. The fire that is Wylan Van Eck tickles him, too, prickling at his skin despite the layers of clothes between them. Oh, how he would love to just pull Wylan into him right now, to say “to hell with it all” and make up for all the time they lost. He feels his heart like a freaking firecracker in his chest, and then Wylan shifts and lets slip the hint of his collarbone.
The things he could do to that collarbone….
But he doesn’t. Because it’s not the time and not the place, and something far more pressing is on his mind. Something in his pocket, curved and silver, a little bit wobbly and broken because he’s not the greatest Durast who ever lived. He barely qualifies as a Durast. But he is Wylan’s Durast, and his everything else, too, if this goes well.
They sit quietly for a few more minutes. It’s a new kind of quiet; one Jesper isn't used to. Before all this, his nights were filled with gunshots and roulette tables, the laughter and fights becoming so common he started to tune them out. Silence only really came when he’d fallen asleep-or, more accurately, stumbled into his room and passed on his bed. Every other moment was filled with loud- gunshots, cards, fights, laughs, music, plans. And he made it that way for a reason-whether he knew it or not. Silence brings reflection, and reflection means all his mistakes and all his pain staring back at him. So yes, he’s spent half his life avoiding quiet. Who could blame him?
Except now he’s sitting with Wylan, and neither of them is making a sound. It’s not completely quiet because Nina and Kaz are having a whispered yet heated debate in the next room, and his Da is snoring a few feet away, and half-formed shouts float up from the street below. But Jesper can hear himself think, and all he can think about is Wylan’s hand in his and the ring in his pocket. The endless roar of his thoughts has faded to a quiet buzz, tucked gently in the back of his mind. And it’s nice. And it’s terrifying.
And he could have it forever.
“I got you something.”
“You managed to go shopping?” Wylan asks, his nose wrinkling in disbelief. Jesper laughs, the sound almost bubbling, and shakes his head. He takes another breath. His heart is humming now, like the low purr of an engine.
“Not exactly.” And here he goes. With his stomach plummeting and his veins on fire, he presents his hand, palm-up, with the ring sitting neatly in the centre.
Such a tiny little thing, yet it packs quite the wallop. Not dissimilar to Wylan’s bombs. Or Wylan himself.
The air slips from the room. Now this , this is completely quiet. Nina and Kaz’s argument has halted, and his Da’s snores have evaporated into the air. The howling outside has ceased, and even in here, the fizzing around his body has faded to nothing.
All he can do is watch as Wylan’s eyes widen, see but not hear him as he sucks in a breath. If he looks hard, he can see a little pink tongue poking between his teeth.
Sound creeps back in as Wylan runs his finger over the metal. It’s little things; the sound of air rushing in and out of him, Wylan’s soft “oh” when the cool metal touches his skin. Nothing else exists. It’s as if the ring has extended and built something around them—a little bubble just for them, where the chaos outside can’t reach.
“It’s a ring,” Wylan says matter-of-factly.
Wylan’s eyes meet his, half hidden by falling hair. Jesper smiles softly and pushes it gently away from his face. Wylan’s lips part, to say something or just to breathe, and then, holding Jesper’s gaze, he lifts the ring and slides it onto his finger.
Immediately, Jesper recoils. He thought the ring was decent when he made it, pretty nice even. But now Wylan is holding it and sliding it onto his finger, and all he feels is shame. It burns like a coal fire in his cheeks, his chest, and the only smoke thickens as it slides into place on Wylan’s hand.
What the hell was he thinking? Wylan’s are made for beautiful things; to dance across the ornate body of his flute, or to twist a pencil as he captures a Ketterdam landscape. He should be wearing rings of silver or gold, maybe a diamond twinkling in the centre. Or a sapphire, the same blue as his eyes.
Anything really, other than a teaspoon that was twisted into another shape.
“I’ll get you a real ring as soon as this is all over,” he says quickly. “As soon as your father’s out of the way and Da’s safe, we can go down to a jeweller and I’ll get the funds somehow and I’ll-”
He doesn’t know where he’s going with that sentence, but he doesn’t get to finish. In seconds Wylan’s lips are crashing into his, swallowing his apologetic ramblings, and then there’s his hands on his face and the couch beneath his back and his breath on his skin and his chest on his and it’s just Wylan, Wylan, Wylan . It’s all he can see or hear or feel. Buried underneath his skin and fused with his bones, as if Wylan is his own Grisha amplifier.
Eventually, but somehow too soon, Wylan pulls away. His lips chase his for a split second before he opens his eyes. Wylan’s hands still bracket his face, cupping the cheeks that are warm with something else now. Their two breaths mingle in the centre, his stained with strong coffee and Wylan’s with faint traces of clay on his lips. They sit for a moment, not moving. Then Wylan chuckles, and then Jesper laughs, and they’re both laughing.
“I don’t need a proper ring,” he whispers. He shifts, and then his forehead is resting against Jesper’s, sending his heart into a flurry. “I don’t… and this is beautiful and I just… I just need you, Jes.” His hands curl at the back of Jesper’s neck. He bites his lip then, and tears threaten to spill over his long lashes. When he speaks, it’s in a breathy, unsteady whisper. “I just need you.”
It’s then Jesper recognises the prickling in his own eyes. How long has he held them, waiting for this moment that he never believed would be real? Since Wylan kissed him in that workshop? Since he saw him in the tannery? Or at any random moment between then and ten minutes ago? There were so many to choose from.
“So that’s a yes then?” he teases.
“Yes.” And Saints, the things hearing that does to him. Sets his whole body aglow, but not like firecrackers or bombs. Like a lamp that’s lit when night falls. Safe and secure, tucked in the cosiest little nook of someone’s living room. Wylan nods again, and Jesper has to pinch himself. Because the heists and the double-crossing and the close calls, all of that he can believe relatively easily. But this feels a little too much like a dream. To have Wylan look at him like that, eyes blown wide and sparkling and his cheeks flushed, he’s expecting to wake up any minute now.
Except he doesn’t, and Wylan’s hand cups the back of his neck and he’s giggling and it fills the entire room.
“Yes, I’ll marry you,” he says breathlessly.
Saints, if this is a dream, he’ll happily never wake again. They fall back against the couch, kissing with as much force as the late hour would allow. Hands, teeth, tongues, legs, they all come together into something he has never seen before. He feels it everywhere, even the parts that Wyaln isn’t touching. Like his whole body is being blown apart and lovingly stitched back together, the different pieces held together by Wylan’s gravity. Jesper can barely tell where he ends and Wylan begins, save for the occasional brush of metal against his warm skin, and if he had his way, they’d stay like this forever.
“I am getting you a real ring though,” Jesper whispers between kisses. His toes curl as Wylan’s lips touch his neck. “One with a nice jewel in the centre.”
“We can raid my father’s stash,” comes Wylan's breathy reply. Jesper laughs and it sounds like champagne spilling over a newly opened bottle.
“A heist and then a wedding,” he replies. “I love the way you think, merchling.”
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dawnthefox24 · 3 months
*Jack is outside drinking his feelings away, he didn't want to be stuck inside for some stupid party. For what reason doesn't even know, but soon enough even though he wanted to be alone he felt someone near him.*
76/Jack: You know I've always disliked the fact how you can be quiet on you're feet Cassidy.
Cole:*chuckles softly and leaned against the banister a bit looking up at the moon* Sorry bout that.
76/Jack: *sighs* What do you want kid?
Cole: Nothin really, honestly I just wanted to be outside since I'm not fond of crowed rooms but mainly parties...
76/Jack: I can agree with that....
Cole: *breaking the silence* Why do you hate me?
76/Jack:*has his full attention on Cole*  Excuse me? Cole what are you talking about I don't hate you whatever gave you that-
Cole: look you can be in the denial river all you want but....Look I don't want too fight....I know...
76/Jack:*looks down knowing what he means*
Cole: *hugs himself a bit* I know I act like Gabe...I just....I'm sorry...
76/Jack: Sorry for what?
Cole: *looks at him* for actin like him...
76/Jack: *sighs softly and sets his drink down* Don't apologise I just...Cole I......I didn't save him...
Cole: What do you mean?...
76/Jack: *sighs softly as he looks at the moon* the explosion in Swiss HQ I....I didn't save him...when the bomb went off we blacked out and I woke up..
Cole:*is listening*
76/Jack:...H-He wasn't breathing or anything I just....I didn't know what else to do.....So I left....I mourned him Cole and than he's back....Ana won't tell what she saw and....
76/Jack: *looks at Cole as he fights back the tears* Why does it hurt?....Why do I miss him and yet I'm scared of you....you've proven time and time that you're not like him...
Cole:*Sighs softly * Look Jack I...This shit gets messy...I was close to Gabe didn't have a choice but that doesn't mean you and Ana did train me....The reason why you're hurting is the fact you didn't know he was alive....I didn't know he was alive.....Things happen Jack...I...
Cole:*Takes a deep breath and exhaled slowly* I lost everything....You,Ana and Gabe....you guys were my guardians but than you...."died"...
 76/Jack:*looks down knowing that Cole air quoted died* I'm sorry Cole...I abandoned you...
Cole: I forgive you...I forgave Ana and Reyes....but you need to stop....
76/Jack:*looks at him* Stop what?
Cole:...Chasing him....
76/Jack:*laughs softly*....I know...Everyone keeps telling me that but I... Cole: *knows what he was going to say* You want too help him, but you need to take care of yourself Jack....Look I understand how you feel... 76/Jack:....You couldn't understand how I feel....Cole I...I loved him you know...I just failed him.... Cole: *sighs softly and looked at the moon* Jack...what happened happened, there's nothing that can changed what happened. The explosion I was there....Y-You don't even know what I've said too him.... 76/Jack: You... got into a fight with Reyes? Cole:....I said things I wasn't proud of and honestly I was going too apologise but before anything could happened....You know I didn't know what too do so I left without saying goodbye nor did I got too anyone's funeral.....Maybe Ana's but not you nor Gabe's funeral...we'll fake funeral but not the point....I just....He never got too hear my apology.... 76/Jack:*looks at the moon too before sighing* What was the fight about? Cole: I...I honestly don't remember....It was something stupid with the old Overwatch or some shit. The thing I do remember was wishing him that he never took me in and that....We'll I can't say it too much cause it hurts... 76/Jack:*nods understanding what he meant but noticed that Cole pulled out his cigar from underneath her serape* You know you keep pissing Angela off with that. Cole: *lights it and smokes it calmly before chuckling* Yeah I know but we all die anyways and I ain't getting younger you know, besides if this doesn't kill me a bullet will. 76/Jack: *looks down a bit and sighs* I know kid.... Cole: I ain't a kid Jack you know that 76/Jack: Yeah we'll you we're a kid when you first came to Overwatch and still a kid now cause I'm you're elder. Cole:*snorts a laughter* Ana and Rein are older than you Jack but yeah sure whatever you think...Just promise me something. 76/Jack:...Promise what? Cole: *exhaled the the smoke and looks at him tiredly but a but worried about him* To take care of yourself, okay please that's is what is going to get you killed for real this time. 76/Jack:*looks a bit hesitant but nods* Alright, I promise. Cole:* knows that's a lie* I hope you keep that promise but in the end it's you're choice Jack, good night. 76/Jack:*watched cole snuff out his cigar and head back inside* 76/Jack:*sighs softly rubbing his face clearly stressed* I have the worst fucking luck.....
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anthony-sharma · 11 months
Six of Crows Reread - Ch. 7
Next, Matthias’ first chapter!
Chapter 7: Matthias
“Matthias was dreaming again. Dreaming of her.”
Ok, first of...the beginning of that episode is just *chef’s kiss*. Also, the fact that his last episode in Crooked Kingdom begins like this one is just poetic. 
“In the good dreams, he slammed her to the ground and throttled her, watching the life drain from her eyes, heart full of vengeance – finally, finally. In the bad dreams, he kissed her. In these dreams, she didn’t fight him. She laughed as if the chase was nothing but a game, as if she’d known he would catch her, as if she’d wanted him to and there was no place she’d rather be than beneath him. She was welcoming and perfect in his arms. He kissed her, buried his face in the sweet hollow of her neck. Her curls brushed his cheeks, and he felt that if he could just hold her a little longer, every wound, every hurt, every bad thing would melt away.”
Again, I’m curious as to how they will address this in the show. As I mentioned in the reread for the previous episode, episode 2.08 ends with Matthias calling out Nina’s name at Hellshow, as if startled to see her there, willing to get him out. But here, their relationship starts pretty much with him wanting her dead, so I don’t know if the spin off will follow what was set up in episode 2.08 ir if they will follow more the direction of the book, or maybe a combination of both. 
“Nina,” he gritted out. She clawed at his hands. “Witch,” he hissed, leaning over her. He saw her eyes widen, her face getting redder. “Beg me,” he said. “Beg me for your life.”
I CANNOT wait for Calahan to act this scene. He’s great always, but seeing this rage is just gonna make me fan myself because it’s just gonna be too hot. 
“Traitor, witch, abomination. All those words came to him, but others crowded in, too: beautiful, charmed one. Röed fetla, he’d called her, little red bird, for the colour of her Grisha Order. The colour she loved. He squeezed harder, silencing that weak-willed strain inside him.
“I don’t want your money. I’ll give you the plans for nothing.” It shamed Matthias to say the words, but he spoke them anyway. “If you let me kill Nina Zenik.””
Oh my God, Matthias really starts off in a dark place here. On the one hand, he hates her and wants her dead because of what she put him through, but on the other he loves her and is fond of her. That must make a number on anyone’s peace of mind. 
On the second quote it can also be appreciated. On the one hand, he really wants to kill her (he choked her the first time he saw her) but he’s also ashamed of it, which means not even all of Brum’s brainwashing could shake away Matthias’ decency. 
“Matthias’ head jerked up. He heard the thunder of footsteps from the arena, cresting like a wave as people burst into the passageway outside his cell. He heard the shouts of guards, and then the roaring of a great cat, the trumpet of an elephant.”
Were inmates supposed to fight ELEPHANTS?! Those fights were SO rigged there’s no way a person with a rusted knife could possibly win a fight against an elephant. And to know that Ketterdam’s Council approved of these fights is outrageous! 
“They plunged across the sands where Matthias had fought for privileges for the last six months, but as they headed towards the tunnel, the desert lizard came pounding towards them, its mouth dripping foaming white poison, its fat tail lashing the ground. Before Matthias could think to move, the bronze girl had vaulted over its back and dispatched the creature with two bright daggers wedged beneath the armour of its scales. The lizard groaned and collapsed on its side. Matthias felt a pang of sadness. It was a grotesque creature, and he’d never seen a fighter survive its attack, but it was also a living thing. You’ve never seen a fighter survive until now, he corrected himself. The bronze girl’s daggers merit watching.”
First things first: It’s incredible how Matthias, even through everything he’s survived, still has decency and compassion where others wouldn’t. Compassion enough to feel for a monster.
Second of all, I hope they include the scene of Inej dispatching the lizard, that’s gonna be SO badass.
“Believe me when I say this, Helvar: I know getting knocked out and waking up in strange surroundings isn’t the friendliest way to start a partnership, but you didn’t give us many options, so try to open your mind to the possibilities.”
Omg a parallel between Kaz and Matthias! Kaz wakes up in Hoede’s house to be recruited to Van Eck’s mission and Matthias wakes up in the Crow Club to be recruited to Kaz’s mission in the Ice Court. I hope we can see both scenes in the spin off!
“Are you a magician, then? A wej sprite who grants wishes? I’m superstitious, not stupid.”
“You can be both, you know, but that’s hardly the point.” Kaz slipped a hand into his dark coat.”
When I say I cackled at this...Like, for real, their banter is top notch. 
“Here,” he said, and gave a piece of paper to the bronze girl. Another demon. This one walked with soft feet like she’d drifted in from the next world and no one had the good sense to send her back. She brought the paper up to his face for him to read. The document was written in Kerch and Fjerdan. He couldn’t read Kerch – he’d only picked up the language in prison – but the Fjerdan was clear enough, and as his eyes moved over the page, Matthias’ heart started to pound.”
To learn a new language in prison must be hard! Matthias is one smart cookie. 
On another note, is interesting that he also describes Inej as a demon, but then never addresses her as such again in the books. He maybe realized that her character was much more “docile” so to speak, than Kaz’s. I mean, without considering their own religious parallels and all that. 
“But how could the merchant Kaz spoke of truly understand Fjerdan ways? If there hadn’t been a trial yet, there would be, and Matthias could easily predict the outcome. His people would never free a man with such terrible knowledge.
Brum would have laughed in their faces, torn that pardon to pieces. But Kaz Brekker was smart. He clearly had resources. What if Matthias said no and against all odds Brekker and his crew still found their way into the Ice Court and stole the Shu scientist? Or what if Brekker was right and another country got there first? It sounded like parem was too addictive to be useful to Grisha, but what if the formula fell into Ravkan hands, and they somehow managed to adapt it? To make Ravka’s Grisha, its Second Army, even stronger? If he was part of this mission, Matthias could make sure Bo Yul-Bayur never took another breath outside the Ice Court’s walls, or he could arrange for some kind of accident on the trip back to Kerch.”
Curiously enough, Matthias was right but also wrong on both accounts. First of all, he was right on the part that Fjerda would never have released Yul-Bayur. However, it wouldn’t have been because that knowledge was dangerous, but because they had the chance to use that knowledge to their benefit and they were not going to waste that opportunity. Point in case, what the Crows saw once they went into the Ice Court and how Fjerda ended up using Grisha in the battle against Ravka.
On another note, Fjerda is shown through Matthias’ eyes as the “righteous” country, and he think sthat it will be Ravka the ones who could possible adapt jurda parem and use it as a weapon. As we all know, given what happens in RoW, Fjerda is the one who ends up using jurda parem as a weapon and Ravka manages to develop a cure (with Kuwei’s help), so...who were the real villains here?
“Matthias nodded, and the bronze girl took a knife to the ropes binding him. “I believe you know Nina,” Brekker continued. “The lovely girl freeing you is Inej, our thief of secrets and the best in the trade. Jesper Fahey is our sharpshooter, Zemeni-born but try not to hold it against him, and this is Wylan, best demolitions expert in the Barrel.”
Okay Brekker, so Inej is a “darling”, and the treasure of his heart, and now also “lovely”? I see what you’re doing there, Kaz.
“For the first time, Matthias really looked at the people around him. What kind of team is this for a mission so perilous? Treason wouldn’t be an issue if they were all dead. And only he knew exactly how treacherous this endeavour might prove.”
Exactly my thoughts! A bunch of teenagers want to break into the Ice Court and actually manage to do it? 
Anyway, that’s all for chapter 7. Next up, Jesper’s first chapter!
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laudsimogen · 1 year
This Hunger, It Isn’t You (Ch. 4)
Read on AO3
Imogen spent the next few days—or what she assumed were days; it was hard to tell in the Fog—paying closer attention to what went on around the campfire and in the trials.
The campfire was easy to keep track of, considering she could keep all of it in her field of view. Any movement she picked up on the edges had her attention immediately, but it was never what she hoped for. Usually it was just one of the resident crows or a stray twig falling from a tree.
The trials, though, she couldn’t track very well. It would be callous to interrogate the other survivors when they returned from one, especially those who had died. Her friends were willing to endure her questions, but she could never explain to them why she wanted to know. She wasn’t sure why herself.
“And he didn’t hesitate at all?” Imogen asked. “He didn’t leave anyone alone, maybe let you escape on purpose?”
Orym shook his head. “No, he came after us all pretty equally. If one of us started getting away, he’d go for someone else. I think he spent most of the trial in chase; I could hear the chainsaw the whole time.”
“You didn’t see anything that looked…off? Like they had something on their minds besides sacrifice?”
Fearne shrugged. “Well, the little one doesn’t look like he thinks about much of anything, really. And the big one is just always angry. She hates when we touch the little one. If I get the chance, I like to kick the shit out of him just to make her mad. So, I guess she thinks about him.”
“Have you ever heard a killer speak? Do they ever try to talk to us?”
“Sure,” Chetney said, “but it never makes any fuckin’ sense. They’re not right in the head. The ones that have heads, anyway. Kinda feel bad for ’em sometimes.”
Imogen didn’t have anything to takes notes on, so she just thought everything over as she sat in the firelight. General consensus seemed to be that the killers were not capable of kindnesses, no matter how small. But still, there were remnants of humanity there. If the girl with the sickle was angered by harm coming to her companion, then she must care about him. If the killers knew language, they had to have learned it somewhere, and she doubted the Entity had reason to impart it on them.
And then, there was the Witch. None of her friends had had a trial against her since the last one, but she was still Imogen’s strongest case that the killers could be swayed. There was no way the Witch couldn’t have found her and Chetney in the endgame. Any killer actively trying to make its sacrifices would have checked the gates straight away if it wasn’t already in chase.
And they’d waited. They stayed just outside the exit in case the other survivors they’d come in with came around and needed help, but they never did, and neither did the Witch come to take them.
Which begged the question: why did she leave them alone? Why did she let them escape? Imogen couldn’t think of any realistic reason, and she would never know unless she somehow managed to ask, but who knew how long it would be before she was called into another trial with that specific killer? And, of course, it would be difficult to ask questions if the Witch ended up wanting to kill her next time.
“You’ve been here a long while, right?” Imogen asked Ashton. They sat together late again; Imogen liked the quiet after everyone had gone to sleep, and she suspected Ashton did, too. “I mean, not as long as Chetney, but…a long time?”
Ashton shrugged. “Hard to tell. Time is weird. But, yeah, if I had to wager a guess…at least a few years.”
Imogen looked out at the shadows of the forest. “Do you know if anyone’s ever tried to leave the campfire? If anyone knows what’s out there?”
“I tried.”
Imogen stared at them. “What? You did?”
“Well, yeah.” Ashton chuckled. “I can admit I’m a stubborn person. I was new; I thought I could find my own way out.”
“I guess you couldn’t.”
“Nah,” Ashton said. “It’s their land. See, there—” they pointed across the fire to the area Imogen had seen the Witch. “That’s the Huntress’s realm. It stretches all the way around, to about there.” They gestured toward the opposite corner. “That’s where the Trapper lives. If you go past his land, you get into the Wraith’s territory. Honestly don’t know how I got that far. Don’t know how I got back without being killed, either. Both of them were on my ass, but I think the Trapper was the only one who really wanted me dead. The Wraith only followed me long enough to make sure I was out of his ‘property,’ so to speak.”
“Did you see where the Witch lives?” Imogen asked, probably a bit too eagerly. Ashton gave her an odd look.
“No,” they said. “But her realm is forest, so probably close. Why are you so interested in her?”
“I don’t know,” Imogen said. “She was just…weird. I’m curious about her.”
She was already hatching a plan. A stupid one, but any plan was better than sitting around and waiting for the next trial. She said goodnight to Ashton and bedded down, but she didn’t let herself fall asleep. She just waited until everyone else was sleeping, then quietly removed herself from the group.
Imogen crept toward the woods, at the border Ashton had indicated between the Huntress and the Trapper. At the edge of both territories, maybe she’d run less of a risk of running into them.
She might die. She was probably going to die. But she’d die again before long anyway, and the worst that could happen is she wakes up back at the campfire, right where she started. There was no trial, though, and no template for how things would work loose in the Fog. She couldn’t help but think she would be lucky if she were killed for good.
But for now, she had a goal: find the Witch. She’d been to her realm; she knew what it looked like. She’d know she was close if she started seeing ichor in the trees.
She stood at the very edge of the light for a moment, then took a deep breath and stepped into the shadows.
The air immediately felt different. Any warmth from the fire was gone, and the fog was so dense that the abrupt transition almost choked her for a second. And the silence was so much thicker. It almost felt like a trial, but there were no boundaries here, and if she was careful enough, the killers would never even know she was there.
Imogen felt a chill as she stepped farther away from the light. All of this felt wrong, unnatural—she should be staying by the campfire where she would be safe, where she wouldn’t be hurt—but she reminded herself that if she stayed complacent, nothing would ever change. And maybe this wouldn’t change anything, either, but at least she wouldn’t be able to say she hadn’t tried.
She traveled carefully, stepping around noisy patches of leaves, staying out of open areas. She recognized both trial grounds, so she had an idea of where they ended. At one point, she heard the Huntress humming in the distance, and she took comfort as the sound faded away the farther she walked.
It was when she reached the back edge of the Huntress’s land that she faltered. The forest began to transition into swamp: the trees greying, the rich soil and loam turning to mud. This definitely wasn’t right. The land lying opposite her, bordered by the swamp and the trapper’s territory, looked to be the junkyard in which the Wraith lived, just like Ashton had said.
So, the other direction, then. She would stay at the edge of the swamp and follow the border around to the other side of the Huntress’s woods, and maybe she would find something there.
She didn’t get that far.
Imogen couldn’t see where she was stepping in the mire, and she didn’t see the symbol etched into a log partially submerged in the muck. She nearly tripped over it, but even catching herself, her proximity triggered the trap.
The Hag was on her before she knew what had happened. The short, thin creature appeared before her from nothing, and Imogen yelped in surprise. She almost froze in a panic, but barely managed to slip away without more than a scratch from the thing’s muddy claws. She ran on instinct further into the swamp; at least if she stayed here until she lost her pursuer, she didn’t risk another killer joining the chase.
The Hag’s bare feet squelched in the mud behind her as she dodged around a large tree and ran for a swathe of long grasses, hoping she could lose the killer long enough to find a good hiding spot. But those strange traps were everywhere, and she triggered another one in the grass before she could even decide on a direction to run. She narrowly evaded the Hag’s grasp once more, but just a few steps later it appeared in front of her again, and this time it didn’t miss.
The Hag wrestled Imogen to the ground, and she caught its chest with her arm as it lunged for her face with its mouth, rasping and slobbering like a rabid dog. Imogen cried out as the thing ripped into her arms with its claws, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to hold it back for long. Her strength was failing, and its mouth drew closer and closer to her as it fought its way down.
Her arms buckled, and she screamed again as the Hag tore into her throat with its teeth. Warmth flooded her neck and chest as her blood spilled over them, and she desperately tried to push her assailant back off of her, but she couldn’t gather the strength.
She didn’t see what did pull the Hag off of her—not clearly, anyway. She’d already lost a lot of blood, and there was mud in her eyes, and her vision swam with the pain. But something did wrestle the thing away, and in her last moments of consciousness, she could have sworn that it was the tall, angular form of the Witch.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Yata who can transform into a cute three-legged crow that likes to perch on Fushimi's shoulder. Or settle on his head like a birdie in a nest.
Hmm, maybe this is like one of those AUs where Yata's secretly a Strain? He can turn into a three-legged crow and of course he thinks this is really cool, like he can fly around and stuff – except actual crows don't like him and chase him off when he tries to befriend them, and humans just chase him off with brooms and don't like him either. Because of this Yata keeps his power a secret, he tells himself it's like he's a superhero with a secret identity except even though he's a three-legged crow he's still normal crow sized (or maybe even smaller, much to his mortification, and he insists to himself that his crow form will grow as soon he hits his human growth spurt. Any day now.) and so it's hard to actually do anything superhero-like. But then he meets Fushimi in middle school and Fushimi is amazing even without superpowers so Yata decides that this will be the first person he confides his secret in. Fushimi takes it pretty calmly, like imagine Yata's all apprehensive that his new best friend will hate him or call him a freak or something and instead Fushimi just snickers and notes that Yata's an awfully short crow.
After that Yata feels more comfortable going into crow form around Fushimi, Fushimi doesn't mind and anyway Saruhiko's smart and uses Yata's crow form for like reconnaissance and spying and basically all these cool superhero things that Yata hadn't even considered because he figured any sort of superpower a person had they would use it for fighting. Imagine this mostly when they're in middle school and pre-Homra, Yata likes to just perch on Fushimi's shoulder sometimes (and peck him when he's being a jerk), or he'll settle on Fushimi's head and Fushimi waves him away because he doesn't want Yata nesting in his hair. Yata turns human and laughs that Fushimi's hair is a bird's nest anyway so why is he complaining so much.
Then they join Homra and Yata stops using his crow form as much, everyone knows about it but Yata would rather be in the vanguard fighting with the power Mikoto-san gave him than be gathering information. Post-betrayal Fushimi loves to tease Yata for being a 'scrawny crow' and it always gets a rise out of Yata every time. But then imagine post-reconciliation, say Fushimi's recovering from his leg wound in hospital and Yata hasn't been able to go visit him yet. One afternoon he hears this tap on the hospital window that Munakata left open so Fushimi could get some air, Fushimi looks up and in flies this little three-legged crow. Fushimi clicks his tongue like you don't need to come check on me and Yata doesn't even shift, he just settles himself on Fushimi's shoulder and nuzzles his cheek a little and Fushimi huffs and lies back down, just accepting that wordless affection and maybe feeling a little more relaxed in spite of himself because Misaki's here.
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blacksheep28 · 2 years
Star Stable Halloween Trail Ride
Halloween has always been special. My first one in Jorvik though, where magic is so open and yet so easily brushed away with other explanations? It's incredible. There's a being called Galloper Thompson that comes in the month of October to collect souls to trap in his domain. I don't know what he is. I want to say he's a ghost, but I don't think a ghost would live in its own separate domain, or have the power to harvest other souls.
I managed to sneak into his domain to look around. It's wonderfully spooky. The souls there are shockingly friendly, more focused on finding ways to entertain themselves than escape or harm. Perhaps because they tired of trying to escape ages ago. Either way, I can talk to the souls there and they'll lie about my presence to the master of the domain.
I found a portal in his domain guarded by a crow spirit who told me it lead to a Halloween Night trail ride. I love trail rides, and I love Halloween, so of course I'm going to go through it.
It was night on the other side of the portal, despite it being day when I went through. Ghostly torches light the path, and I'm starting to think that the crow was being literal about this being a Halloween Night trail ride. I might in fact be on the day of Halloween. Is time travel possible? Is this a facet of another world? A glimpse into a possibility? A dream? It feels surreal to ride through.
There's a ghost pig on the trail just waiting for attention. It's so cute to pet. And I found Emma and Luciana further up around a campfire trading stories. They were surprised and relieved by my presence. I wasn't as scary as they feared. Only, I shouldn't have been here, and neither should they. I sat down and listened as Emma retold a classic Jorvik ghost story of the Glue Man. I'm hoping this one is just a story, I would hate to think of Mythcare being stolen away to be killed for glue.
Further up the trail I can see what looks like an echo of a memory like what Linda brings forward when revealing the past with her moon magic. It's a circle of what seems to be druids around a horse laying on the ground. I hurry forward, but they vanish, and a tendril of Garnok pushes forward. It's aware that this time and place isn't quite right, but It is very much Garnok, and promises that soon It will come through. It's terrifying to have Garnok's attention so directly on me in a place so foggy in reality. And what does it have to do with the druids? They weren't sacrificing the horse, right? I want to believe they wouldn't do that.
There's Halloween masks on the trees up ahead, cute and funny. They've been animated somehow to turn and watch me. I suspect the trees are more awake and aware here on this trail in this time than they normally are. I thought I saw a wagon up ahead set for a rest break, but it vanished as I approached. I can see what might be stone, fossil, or illusion forming a giant rib cage through the ravine I ride down.
There's crows flying overhead here. They're calling to each other and watching from the trees as I ride past, lifting once I pass to settle on another nearby tree and continue watching. The path splits up ahead. I don't know which is the right path to take. I hope I'm taking the right one as I continue down. The crows at least approve. And there's a ghost cow I can take a moment to pet.
The ravine really narrows ahead, and there's thick giant webs crossing through it. There's actually a giant spider, large enough to eat Mythcare, resting at the entrance. It almost looks cute. I dropped my guard too much. Everything on this trail ride so far has been eerie but harmless. This wasn't. The spider dropped down and chased after us for a meal. I pushed Mythcare to race down. There was another spider down there, and I think I spotted eggs. Mythcare was more graceful than I could have hoped for in dodging the webbing so we didn't get tangled up.
Somehow we got out. The crow spirit greeted us there, and asked if we'd enjoyed ourselves before leaving. The rest of the trail ride was, somehow, mundane. There were just pop out wooden cutouts of Halloween monsters with spooky noises from a recorder. James was wearing a mask of his own face running it, asking for a donation if I'd enjoyed the ride. I reached the portal and passed back into Galloper Thompson's domain.
All I can think now that I am through to the other side, is was it really James at the end among what seemed so mundane? Or was that last stretch still a mockery of the norm, simply placed there to calm those who rode through with a doppleganger in a mask?
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saratogaroadwrites · 8 months
For King and Country (41/122)
For King and Country | saratogaroad rating: T total wordcount:  280,466 characters: Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum, Roland Crane, Aranella, Batu, Tani, Lofty, Leander Aristidies, Bracken Meadows relationships: Roland Crane & Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum, Aranella & Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum, Roland Crane & Aranella, Batu & Tani, Batu & Evan, Tani & Evan, Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum & Lofty, Rolander other tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Mother-Son Relationship, Father-Son Relationship, Place Slowly Becomes Home People Slowly Become Family, Found Family, For Want of A Nail warnings: this chapter contains off-handed mentions of vomiting in the context of seasickness (Batu)
Pulled from his world by mysterious powers, former president Roland Crane finds himself caught in the middle of a coup meant to take the life of the young King Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum. Joining forces with Aranella, the pair of them set out to aid Evan in making his dream of a kingdom where everyone can live happily ever after a reality.
But the road to peace is a long and treacherous one and there is no promise of success in a world where darkness spreads ever thicker with each passing day. If they are to stand a chance, they must stand together, for king and for country.
(A retelling.)
“Has he always been like this?” Aranella asked incredulously, watching as Batu clung to the railing and groaned miserably. Tani, tying off a sturdy knot of rope that hitched her father to the mast so he wouldn’t go overboard, nodded.
“Yep,” She said with a sigh. Leaning back against the mast, she eyed his back and said, “Far back as I can remember, he’s always hated the water.”
“Guess it comes with living in the desert like you did,” Roland said. Under the cloudless blue sky, he had abandoned his coat and pulled his hair up. It was a good look for him, Aranella thought idly, though he was a bit flushed. “But there’s not much we can do for him now. At least he doesn't get airsick."
"Be a right lousy sky pirate if he did, eh?" Lofty said with a snort. He waved a hand through the air and said, “Just leave ‘im be. Either he gets better or he don’t. ‘En’t a thing we can do for him now.”
“Yeah,” Tani shook her head, “Not like Wyvern Stew’s going to fix this.”
A shudder ran through the others. One of Batu’s tried and trusted remedies was a big bowl of Wyvern Stew; it wasn’t actually made of Wyvern meat, he had said, but the fatty meat and chewy tendons were just as hard to swallow as actual Wyvern would have been. Eying Batu as he moaned miserably, Aranella was glad they didn’t have what they needed to make that.
He probably was, too.
Shaking off her shudder, Tani pushed off the mast.
“Come on!” Tani snatched Evan by the wrist, “I wanna show you the view from the crows nest!”
Barely giving him time to realize what she had said, Tani scampered up into the rigging. From the helm, Ketch’s laughter echoed back towards them as Evan had to scramble to keep up, his tail a banner in the sea air behind him.
“Tani!” He shouted, “Slow down!”
“Last one to the top’s a Bad Egg!”
“I am not!”
Tani’s laughter carried back down to those who had remained on deck, and soon they were almost out of sight. With a laugh, Roland turned away.
“I think I preferred it when they were chasing each other around the castle,” he said, leaving Batu be and walking to another stretch of railing. Aranella watched him go for a moment; would she have another time to ask this question? Was now even a good time? She peered up at where Evan’s top nearly blended in with the sky, then sighed quietly.
There wouldn’t be another good time. This wasn’t a good question. Padding after him, Aranella came to stand at the bow. The wind tugged at her as she eyed him sidelong. He seemed so peaceful that she was loathe to have to ask this. As she warred with herself about actually needing to, he caught her eye.
“Alright,” Roland sighed around what looked like a smile. “What’s going on?”
Cheeks flushed with embarrassment, Aranella looked out to sea. Were those storm clouds on the horizon? “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Come on.” He nudged her gently with one bare elbow. “Don’t think I haven’t caught you looking at me. You’ve been doing it since I got sick.”
“Maybe I’m just keeping an eye on you,” she retorted primly. “Making sure you don’t overwork yourself again.”
“Pass out one time and everyone watches you like you’re made of glass,” Roland said with a chuckle. Shaking his head, he glanced over at her. His eyes were almost honey in the sun, amused and open. “Did I pass inspection?”
She had been sitting on this for weeks, turning his few words over and over in her mind. There had been so much to do after his recovery, and then Jack had reared his ugly head…spirits. Taking a deep breath of the salty sea air, she leaned on the rail and pitched her voice low.
“I have to ask you what is likely a very personal question, Roland,” She said slowly. He leaned in to catch her voice as she continued, “Honestly it’s something I should have asked you some time ago, but…”
She worried the inside of her lip. Jack’s presence in the castle had been a stark reminder that even those closest to them could be a danger. Given the way Roland had appeared out of nowhere, she knew it wasn’t the same thing but…
Evan laughed at something, the joyful sound bouncing through the air.
Spirits, forgive her.
“I’m no stranger to background checks,” Roland said. “Ask what you need.”
Aranella took another breath. She turned to look him straight in the eye and asked, “Who is Alex?”
All traces of light and amusement drained away from Roland’s face. He stared at her, skin going pale; she could almost hear the rush of his heart and held his gaze.
“When you were ill,” She clarified as gently as she could, “You called out in your sleep. You were dreaming, or…” She paused, remembering the tears that had spilled down his cheeks, the apologies, “Having a nightmare, perhaps. You called out for this Alex and asked where a Trevor was.” Carefully, she reached out and rested her hand on his. “You were crying.”
That had been explanation enough that, whoever they were, they were important to him. Idly she wondered what sort of important; siblings, perhaps? A partner and child? She didn’t dare ask him that, not yet.
Pulling his hand away he took a step back, only to stop as he saw Batu still leaning over the rail. He looked back at her with a pained expression, then looked out out to sea. A twinge of guilt tugged at her heart, but she swallowed it back and waited. It took him a few minutes, but eventually Roland settled his hands back on the railing.
“I…” The words didn’t seem to come. He ducked his head, chin nearly touching his chest. “It’s…complicated, Aranella.”
“I gathered as much.” She said quietly. Stepping closer, she stood shoulder to shoulder with him. “Were they your family?”
Roland nodded slowly. He worked his jaw open and closed, clearly struggling with the words, but nothing came. Her heart ached for him, for the usually calm and collected man she had come to know was nowhere in sight.
“Something happened to them before you arrived in Dell, didn’t it?” She asked. The heartbroken look that passed across his face was answer enough. She sighed heavily. There was no need to ask if they could be used against him now. “I’m sorry, Roland. I shouldn’t have—”
“It’s okay.” He said hoarsely, scrubbing a hand over his face. His eyes were still tight as he took a deep breath, held it, then let it go. When he turned to her again, his smile was a tired, washed out little thing. “I would have done the same in your shoes.”
“Still.” Once again, she reached out and laid her hand overtop of his. This time, he didn’t pull away. She rubbed her thumb over his knuckles. “I won’t ask you anything more, but if you…would like to talk,” She met his eyes. “I will listen. I know a thing or two about remembering those gone before.”
“I’m sure you do,” Roland cleared his throat. When he spoke again, his voice was much closer to even. “Maybe someday. Just…”
“Not today.” Aranella nodded. Giving his hand a squeeze, she turned her attention back to the horizon. Those were storm clouds brewing ahead of them. Blast. No doubt Ketch had already seen them, but it would be best to warn him anyway. And it would give Roland a bit of space to compose himself. She stepped away.
“Aranella—” He reached out and caught her arm, then looked up to the mast. Evan and Tani were bright spots of color against the richly painted red wood, Lofty a spot of sunlight against a sail. He didn’t take his eyes off of them as he said, “Can you…not mention this to Evan? I don’t want to worry him.”
Any lingering doubts of Roland’s character disappeared with a gust of sea air. Truthfully, she’d had no reason to worry about him for some time. Now she was doubly sure of that, and so she nodded.
“He’ll worry anyway if he sees you like this,” She said, and he snorted quietly. He dashed his free hand across his face as she said, “But yes. I won’t mention this conversation to Evan.” She reached up and squeezed his arm. “You’re a good man, Roland. I would say try not to let the past pull you down, but.”
She knew too well how it could pull you to the bottom even if you were trying to stay afloat. Roland had only been here for a season. Perhaps, with time, it would become easier. Perhaps it wouldn’t. She shrugged one shoulder.
“We’re here if you need us,” She said instead. A little flicker of warmth returned to his eyes. It was a welcome sight. “I hope you know that by now.”
“Yeah,” He said, and turned his face to the sun. “I know.”
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