#but i also had nothing for her to do. anyway she started screaming and hid under a table so then her friend did it sith her just. because.
anotherpapercut · 1 month
working with children really will make you examine your thought processes and emotional reactions like nothing else. I've found myself being so much more thoughtful in my daily life about how I respond to my emotions and environment, as well as the reasoning behind why others behave the way they do
#yesterday i got really frustrated and overwhelmed at one point because this one little girl keeps getting really upset when she cant help me#like shell ask to help and i wont have a task (or ive run out bc shes already helped) shes capable of so i tell her that#and thank her for being thoughtful and helpful. admittedly the first time this happened i was really frustrated w her already#bc she had made a huge mess doing something i told her not to do and then didnt want to clean it up and she only came back#and asked to help because her friend had been helping me. so i was like girl. you didnt even clean up the last mess#but i also had nothing for her to do. anyway she started screaming and hid under a table so then her friend did it sith her just. because.#idk kids will see their friend freaking out and they do it too. and i understand it but my god. i dont deal well with really loud noise#and she did it again yesterday. i let her help me and then i ran out of tasks and she started crying and saying i never let her help#and for some reason there were like 6 other kids in there all wanting to help so then several of them started freaking out#and i could not handle it. i literally told my coworker like im about to cry right now lmao#and later the little girl was like wanting to hug me and talk to me and acting like nothing happened and i found myself wanting to withdraw#like i was feeling like i wanted to avoid her and not speak to her or be cold but i also knew i didnt want to treat her that way#and i took a couple minutes by myself and thought about why i felt that way‚ what the effects of that would be‚ and how the kid felt#and i really just had to remind myself that she was feeling just as many emotions as i was but that shes only had 6 years#to learn how to manage them and deal with them in a productive way. she wasnt trying to upset me. she wasnt trying to make me mad#she was just dealing with her emotions in the only way she knew how. and im an adult and if she can get over it i really need to get over it#long ass tag story sorry
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WIBTA for ditching my parents for my birthday?
Some backstory: I (17F) am turning 18 as of 2024. The 17th birthday is a lot more important in my culture because that's our country's age of majority, and my parents had insisted on celebrating it with a whole party/massive dinner like most other girls do, but I am in fact a loser and absolutely hate these festivities. I am also gender nonconforming/masc and the parties are like, think princessy stuff that I don't super vibe with. My mother is like me. She hates birthday parties and feminine clothing. I have no idea why she was pushing it so hard, but eventually her plans for my birthday fell through. I told her not to bother getting me gifts or anything because I thought I had evaded the celebration ordeal.
However. Much to my misfortune. My whole family decided to barge into my room at 2 in the morning to shower me in confetti!! Confetti!! It was all over the goddamn place, on my bed, in my clothes, etc. I hid under my blanket because there was nowhere else to go and my parents like to do this (barge into the one area of the house I occupy, and start demanding stuff) and my mother was telling me to at least come out for pictures. I was literally in my pajamas like dawg what.
I couldn't take it anymore and started screaming like a banshee because that was the only thing that would get them to leave, but they still stuck around for a couple more minutes being awkwardly like oh... sorry... you really hate this. My room was full of pink balloons (my favorite color is yellow???) and they got me an enormous cake with frosting. I hate cake and especially I hate frosting. It was actually hell.
Anyway more insane stuff happened, not important, but that's essentially the disaster of a seventeenth birthday that I had. I know they want to do something for my eighteenth. I really don't like celebrating things, nor do I particularly want to, but judging by that whole ordeal I think they're going to try something again anyway.
So my plan is to just... not come home after school. Or if I don't have school then I'd just go out in the morning. I don't leave the house, so I don't have curfew, and I don't even want to stay out that long. Just long enough that they're all passed out and I can escape ANY AND ALL ATTEMPTS at giving me gifts, congratulating me, and shooting confetti all over my fucking room.
They're probably not going to call the cops, I'd tell them I'm going out and not kidnapped, just not where and for how long. I also think they kind of can't call the cops on me because I've been a legal adult where I'm from since the disaster birthday. Maybe that will help with the plan. I honestly think I'm just going to go to a café and write or something. I'm so over it, I want to have a birthday that isn't messy, that day means absolutely nothing to me and confetti pisses me off. Since my childhood my birthday has never been about me, like I don't really get what I would like to get, so I'm cool with not celebrating it at all. It doesn't matter.
To me simply avoiding them for the whole day is such a win-win scenario but I don't really know if this is an underdeveloped frontal lobe speaking. I also know they're likely to buy a cake in advance and I may be ruining plans by disappearing. My birthday is late in the year, so I have time to think about it, but I do think my parents are kind of insane. I don't think I can talk them out of doing any more of this stuff. Sorry this got long, but WIBTA?
(And yes I would love to move out but capitalism)
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ornii · 10 months
Hi how about an Enid Sinclair x Male! Reader. where both are werewolves and wake up together one morning after a full moon night in the woods[Not with clothes on, of course]. They haven't talked much to each other before but they know each other anyway Enid knows everyone. Throughout the day, both remember what happened and that there was nothing "bad" about it. They talk to each other in the evening, with Enid finally confessing to him that she actually thinks it's a bit of a shame that it didn't happen. The reader just looks at her in amazement while she says with a wink that she feels more for him. He can only grin and says me too when she already pounces on him and wants to catch up on things that didn't happen.
In the Pale Moonlight
Enid Sinclair X Male Werewolf
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It was all a blur at the beginning, the sudden racing of your heartbeat. The heavy breathing you started to do, you couldn’t control this primal urge overcoming you suddenly. Your head began to bound with the sound of your own blood rushing from your heart, your eyes dart upward to the full moon. In that instance you immediately recognized What was transpiring. You attempted to stand up to reach the door, only for your feet to expand out of your favorite pear of slippers. Your body hair growing and in places no body hair should exist. Your only salvation was the wolfing chamber, specifically made for situations like this.
Leaning against the wall, you attempt to make it to the door of your dormitory to get outside, it you could only make a few steps before collapsing, and your mind slowly going blank, the howl of the night was the last thing you could make out before it was over. You had no idea how much time passed before you slowly began to regain control, feeling the dirt in your claws, on your feet.
Finally regaining normal vision you watch your hairy arm slowly revert back, the ill moonlight shining on the forest, slowly you sit up, eventually looking at your surroundings to figure out just where you’re at, your eyes do catch something as well, a hand. Since the moonlight had its own reflection and light, the shadows casted by the darkness hid much but you leaned in to get a closer look, until you were met face to face with a girl. You both keep back with a small scream. She looks down quickly, realizing she’s naked and covers her body. You advert yourself eyes.
“Shit! Im so sorry!” You say, trying not to let the embarrassment stop you from doing the right thing, you felt the cool wind against your back, your spine, and also realize you’re naked. You back into the shadows of a few trees to hide whatever shred of dignity and manhood you had.
“I’m really sorry about that..” you mutter. The girl, also shrouded by a few trees tries to be a bit more pleasant.
“I-it’s fine, I didn’t know I’d wolf out..” she said. When you looked more at her face you recognized the uniqueness of her hair, and the beauty of those teal green eyes, you couldn’t mistake her anywhere else.
“Enid?” You asks, and she slowly nods.
“Yeah, and you’re (Y/n).” She said, Enid was the social butterfly, if you could call her a butterfly of Nevermore so she’s the need to know kind of type of girl. You two stood a bit away from each other, trying not to let hormones and curiosity take over.
“So, first time wolfing out?” You ask, immediately realizing it’s a dumb question, you attempt to take it back but she answers.
“It is.” She says..
“Oh…” you murmur, you looked up to see the moons position and your tracking training kicks in.
“It’s gonna be daylight soon, we should probably get back to our dorms.”
“Yeah..” Enid agrees and you both move out of the moonlight but quickly back in, it was an awkward few tries before you decide to cut it short. “You should just go first.” You say.
“Okay, you aren’t gonna peek or anything will you?”
“Of course not, promise.” You turn around to face a tree and Enid hesitates for a moment, before leaving. You hear the rustling leaves and you think for a second, you decide this might be your only chance and you spoke up.
“Hey, Enid?” You say, she stopped and turned to see you were still staring at the tree.
“Congrats on, wolfing out.” You say, while it was embarrassing to be naked in the forest with a boy you barely knew, his words of encouragement meant more than she expected. She couldn’t help but smile at this.
“Thanks.” She, in a much happier mood, headed back to her dorm before the sun could expose anything, you quickly made haste after she made a good distance away from you.
The sunlight rose on the next day, and you were trying to remember most of your wolfing out. Sitting in class you were staring off into space, trying to remember most of it, it was a haze for the most of it, but you could remember that it was mostly running, howling and, fighting? Mostly just horsing around with Enid. Thankfully you didn’t harm anyone or her. Hopefully this was something you could just shove into the back of your mind and forget, but you couldn’t and you had to confirm your theory. Late In the evening you approached Enids form room and with caution, knocked. Knowing there’s a possibility you could run into her roommate, Wednesday was a nightmare.
“Hey.. uh, Enid? It’s (Y/n).” You say, “Can.. We talk?” You ask. Your hear it unlock and out comes Enid, more casual wear and still had the pink dye in her hair.
“Cmon.” She says and you enters, noticing the split of color and lack of on the other side of the room, definitely Wednesdays side, best for avoid it, might be cursed or something. You take a moment to sit on Enids bed as she approaches.
“There’s, something I’ve been meaning to ask you, I thought a lot about last night, I’m glad I didn’t hurt you or anyone. Do you remember last night?” You ask, she looks more bubbly than before.
“Yeah, it was.. Rough. Not like that kind of rough just, fun.. I really enjoyed it actually. I’ve never wolfed out before and I had someone to wolf out with.” Enid stated, and she looked you dead in the eyes and with the most obvious hint, said “It’s a real shame we couldn’t do anything else~” she winks and a sudden hotness rushes over your face. You blink a few times and put on a smile.
“Well, feelings mutual.” You say, and she takes the opportunity to close in. Sitting on your lap, you feel her palms land softly on your shoulder and her lips close in, reciprocating her feelings, your arms coyly wrap around her lower back and waist and feel her soft breath against your lips. Her eyes closed and you shut yours to feel her lips embrace yours, her soft giggling in your ear hummed. Lying on her bed, it was the perfect time for you two to catch up on the events that could have happened last night
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eyeless-jack62002 · 3 months
You know im mentally fucked when im here again
Also to those posting in these tags u can put the squiggle line so ur not jumpscaring ppl and less likely to get reported so fast.
Not me on my 3rd acc. Tho yall really help me stay clean. My partner started back in Novemberish maybe sooner. Right after our 4 y anniversary. And then she just dropped it on me. She knew i was trying to stay clean for her and i was doing such a good job. I only thought about it and would scroll here to "get my fix" its an addiction and i dont think ppl realize that. She brought my favorite drvgs into the house and hid it from me for months. Tho she doesnt even know i have a tumblr. Shes starting therapy now finally. And me too. I have an appt next week. I havent been since i was 12. Im scared. I dont trust therapists. I wish i could just cvt head to toe. All over everywhere. Id be exactly how i wanna be. I want this. But i cant. Gotta be around for my partner. Even tho she didnt want to for me. I told her if she wanted we could together but that we wouldnt be same ever again. I wish shed said yes but thats just jack. He clouds my thoughts with his own. Ik im sick. I wish she never told me. Ive been spiraling for months but i have to shove that down so i can help her get better. I warned her. She knew i was trying ro get better but she still fucking did it behind my back for months!! I almost broke up with her. I wnated so bad to run away and never see her again. But whats the price of choosing to love someone but urself. Id give my entire being up for her and in a way i do. Ive just been so hurt and its all i can think about. I threw away my fucking stash for her!! I regret that somedays. Today especially. We had to drain our fucking saving acc bc of her. She kept skipping work and we kept having less and less financial stability. Still dont but were starting to recover from that but barely. Its like she fucking ignored all of my advice as someone who has been selfh@rming for over a decade. Fuck what i have to say tho. The worst part of it all she cvt the same way and places as my quail as my ruby did. Fucked. She didnt know that tho. And i was finally fucking comfortable with telling her about my self h@arm and she fucking did it anyways. And she told me as if it was her telling what we her having for dinner. I cant even cry anymore over this. Why does this all still bother me. I have no tears left. I admit i screamed a lot. I hit her cvts slapped them. You didnt feel the pain then but u feel it now?? It hurts now? And she said to me "i thought you would have noticed" so snarky. Why the fuck would i think my partner who knows of my history would fucking betraw me like this. And then to be a bitch about it and ask for MY HELP!?!? TEH FUCKING INSANITY. She doing better now tho. Good for her. Ive never been okay. And i dont think i will be. I dont want to get better. Being sick feels too good. And eventually me subbing out cvting for w33d will get old eventually. It always does. Nothing can scratch this itch i have so badly in me. Its like my insides scream to be let out. Its like an energy that flows out with the red. She doesnt understand what cvtting is for me. She said she wanted to die. But knowing you wont die is what keeps me held. I have sold my soul. Im bound. Ruby stopped when we broke up. And i told her i did as well. I know were both liars but thats why ill always have a place in me for ruby. I love my partnerbut if she wants to replace ruby she can be my guest. But replaceing ruby will just make you into a ruby. And no one wants that. I love my partner and im clean for her. Why couldnt she do that for me.
I feel like im in my wattpad days in here. Jacks old diary. But he likes it here better. Anyways if u made it this far enjoy a gif from one of my current special interest show 🖤 -t and jack
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Housebroken again❗❗❗
Yeah I know y'all are tired of hearing about this ah but. Its stuck on my mind so. Yeah <3
Ok. So. I think I might ultimately put the Mamabel AU story on hiatus because I can't come up with anything for that. I'll have to develop the story further. As for Cocooned, that'll continue. I'll also put the Werewolf Alma and Mirabel AU in place of Gen 31, because I have a lot more source material and have a pretty good idea for the story in its entirety, so I'll probably be releasing that sometime this month.
ONTO HOUSEBROKEN❗❗ I kept debating between Thrown out anddd the og story line (edited version). I ended up???? Sort of combining them, along with the Beta version of Housebroken, which y'all have never seen cause I never shared it and by that point I had ended up changing it entirely.
Anyway the idea was that the triplets never got caught, and only the husbands knew. After Mirabel's ceremony, the kids started showing their traits etc etc, but weren't capable of hiding it, because they were so obvious; Mirabel's had a whole nother set of arms, Camilo's tail was way too big to be hidden, Dolores' ears. Alma ended up throwing them out in the middle of the night while the adults were all asleep. She did it quiet enough that they wouldn't hear, but Casita definitely noticed. She actually only intended to throw out Mirabel thinking that she was the cause of the curse, and that if she left, the kids would go back to normal. Kids obviously noticed and left with her. Casita did try to stop Alma, but it was all in vain.
Adults obviously noticed and go looking for the kids; they don't figure out what happened until much later. Pedro had intended on telling them, but he never got the chance because he was far too focused on trying to help the kids out while they hid. The adults searched for the kids, but they actively avoided them; they didn't know about their parents' and tio's animal triats, so the children thought they would have the same reaction as Alma. That they would hate them. Pedro did try to tell the triplets where the kids were, but they just couldn't find them, no matter what they tried. The magic was keeping them hidden, and while Pedro had pretty much direct access to the magic, there are some things he just can't control. He just had to assure the parents that they were still alive, and the adults had to stop looking.
I could not have explained this worse, what the heck.
"I can't do this anymore!" Pepa screamed, thunder clapping as she cried while holding her youngest son's blanket. He had been taken. Taken by the only ones who would have reason; her own children. They must have somehow learned of his jaguar traits starting to form and came to take him away, away from Alma.
Felix didn't stop Pepa as she stormed through Casita and into the dining room, where Alma was scolding Julieta for not having breakfast done sooner.
"I am done! You did this!" Pepa cried, shoving her mother, much to the old woman's suprise.
"How dare you lay your hands on me, I am your mother!" Alma seethed, glaring at Pepa. Julieta backed away, taking notice to the empty yellow blanket in Pepa's hands.
"You aren't my mother! You're a monster! I hate you!" Pepa screamed again, pointing an accusatory finger at Alma. "I tried! I tried to give you a second chance, I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, but that was obviously too generous!"
Alma looked appalled as Pepa's words. She hadn't a clue what she was talking about. And it angered Pepa more how she didn't even seem to noticed why. It made her even angrier at how Alma seemed more focused on the storm Pepa was creating.
"I have done NOTHING but try to please you, and it's never enough! I have tried my best to hold myself back, to keep myself from tearing you apart. So many times have I almost came at you. I tried being nice, but not anymore!" Pepa's cloud started pouring as the wind picked up. She let her tail drop from her dress and ripped her headband off, slamming it onto the floor. Alma looked up and saw slits in Pepa's eyes. She back away, back hitting the family portrait.
"All we ever do is try to please you! And you don't NOTICE! And then you get rid of mi niños and sobrinas?! Are you kidding me?! Mi precious nubes?!" Pepa started to cry now, but she didn't care. She didn't care how her mama looked scared and confused out of her mind. She needed to hear this. "AND NOW MI HIJO IS GONE! BECAUSE OF YOU!"
Alma looked at Julieta for some kind of help, but froze when she saw her eldest being held by her husband. With animal ears on her head. She refused to make eye contact with the matriarch.
"And then Bruno hid because you couldn't accept him! Because all you ever wanted was perfection! You never cared for this family, you never cared for any of us!" Pepa was breathing hard and tears, rain and snow poured down. "Well you don't have a daughter anymore because I'm leaving! I'm going to find the kids and be a ten times better mother then you ever were!" Pepa said, snarling at Alma, ignoring her horrified face.
With that Pepa rushed out the back door of Casita, sprinting off into the woods. Julieta watched for a moment before she whispered something to Agustin, and he nodded, telling the same thing to Felix. Both men went of into the other room, for what purpose, Alma didn't know.
Julieta moved closer to Alma and she had a dark look on her face. "You are a horrible mother. And an even worse grandmother. I don't know what papa sees in you." With that left Casita, presumably to chase after Pepa.
Alma stared wide eyed, shaking in the empty room, soaking wet from Pepa's storm. She could hear rustling behind her, behind the portrait, almost as if it was somewhere in or behind the wall. But she really couldn't focus, she was far too shocked at her daughter's words.
Completely understandable if you do not understand this and took in none of it. Tbh I just wanted to rant about this idea.
OK BYEEEEEEEEE moar asks later, I'm kinda busy rn </3
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burning-basilisk · 1 year
Another personal rant because Mondays provide ample time to process emotions.
She loved what I could do for her.
...which was amazing for me, for a long time. I didn't love myself one bit, and was so deeply grateful that anyone else could.
But she also could not relate to my self-hatred. Whenever I expressed it, she became annoyed, at best. So I hid it... along with every other part of myself that she expressed distaste for.
After all, if I hated myself, then what does that say about the person that I married? Why didn't I think more about how she felt?
And what she felt, was... well, by the end, I had absolutely no reason to believe that I was bringing anything positive to her life. And that was all that I could think about.
But despite that (maybe because of it?) I somehow started to love myself. Just a little, at first... but enough to, apparently, violate the premise of our relationship.
Loving myself, you see, includes accepting that my own happiness matters innately to me, not exclusively through what she decreed should or shouldn't make me happy. This was not acceptable to her.
Sure, she was open to critique, and would let me explain and explain and explain until I either wore myself out or she got upset, and my explanation became another mistake that I should never do again. She was open to critique the same way The Pope might be open to arguments for atheism. Sure, I could say my piece, but the only possible results were her anger, or her confusion.
And while I searched increasingly frantically for a way to make her understand, she made an online friend who wanted to pay her a visit.
I expressed gratitude for her keeping me informed, because the idea of preserving my marriage mattered more to me than anything resembling pride.
I looked her in the eye and asked her if she would be willing to have sex with him if he did.
She said yes.
When I later asked for more details about her communication with him, she said I was accusing her of cheating, which is immoral because we were "on a break" after she said "I am leaving you" seventeen days prior. How dare I accuse her of such a terrible thing? After all, he didn't even set a date for his visit. So it's not like she actually cheated on me. What did I have to be upset about? Why wasn't I thinking about how she felt?
The part of me that was her husband died screaming, that night. Not because she intended to lie with another man, but because I realized that my pain did not matter to her one iota. And why should it, anyway? Me feeling like a worthless shack of shit who deserved nothing and should be grateful for literally everything I get from her, and feel guilty for asking for literally anything in return... that was an unspoken premise of our relationship.
One that I ended up violating... by learning to love myself. I began needing her less as a source of affection and moral compass, and trusting myself a bit more. How dare I?
I think some deep part of her realized that I wasn't yearning for her affection like I used to, and panicked. I don't actually think she was foolish enough to invite a stranger from the internet into bed with her. I think she wanted me to be jealous, to react in some "I must win her back!" kind of way, as though I'm not supposed to treat her choices as her own. Maybe I'm still trying to look on the bright side?
But regardless... my self-love is blooming, now. Like never before. I still have well over a decade of consistent self-hatred and accompanying habits/instincts that need to be rewired, and goddamn does it feel bad to harbor so much anger for someone else, rather than redirecting it towards myself, but...
She hurt me. She hurt me worse than I thought it was possible to be hurt by another person. But hey, that's the risk I took by giving her my heart.
I don't want to resent her. I really don't. But I have given her multiple opportunities to express the tiniest shred of remorse. I don't feel like I deserve much, but I do deserve at least an acknowledgment of my pain from the self-described "empath" that claimed she loved me.
The wound is healing... slowly but surely. It's definitely leaving a scar.
January 25th will be a full year since she said those words to me: "I am leaving you."
I don't know if I'll ever offer my heart to anyone ever again. I might be willing to enter marriage again as a strategic contract... but romance?
Well, the last time love hit me, was when I indeed least expected it. And I do have a history of being quite impulsive. But who knows?
Usually, when I get burned, it doesn't take me very long to start dancing with fire again.
My sister tells me that I am a very kind person with a good heart. Sometimes, excessively so. She tells me that I am easily manipulated. Maybe she is right. Maybe the fact that I emotionally resonate with so few people is a very important shield.
Maybe my heart will heal enough to want to feel another heartbeat synchronize with it, once again.
But for now, I will keep tending to my inner fire. It is growing stronger every day.
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Maya meets the turtles
*This is a little backstory for my OC Maya in the Bayverse universe and how she ends up with the turtles. Nothing too fancy, I was going to just do bullet point but then just kept adding details. ANYWAY......*
Maya moved to New York city looking for an exciting life, she wanted adventure and a bright future. Being young and naïve she had gotten wrapped up with the foot clan who offered a world of possibilities. Once in, she saw how full of lies they were. But she stayed, only for self-preservation really, as she assumed that they were the worst guys around and there was no one to stop them, so it was a case of better to be a part of them than to go against them. Being a new recruit, she was put into almost every mission to test her loyalty. One particular mission was to escort Shredder as he made a stop to see Baxter Stockman.
Maya watched in dismay as Shredder successfully created Bebop and Rocksteady into mutants. They were just the first test subjects, now that he knew the ooze worked, he wanted the foot clan to start volunteering to change. Unfortunately, Maya just happened to be there when he turned around. Maya tried to run but Shredder grabbed her. Stockman collected another sample and injected it into her neck, Shredder then shoved her into the glass room to safely watch her change. Maya tried to resist, her struggle against the ooze meant that she kept her legs and arms but she still could not fully fight it, and the ooze mutated her into a snake like creature. Now she was fully stuck working for Shredder, she would never be able to leave being a giant snake. A rogue female then came into view, stealing the ooze and running away. Maya was furious that the woman hadn’t taken it before they had forced her to mutate.
Over the next few days, she worked with Bebop and Rocksteady to collect all the artifacts Shredder was hunting for. With the last one collected from Brazil they headed back home. Maya hid herself into a corner of the plane, away from the two other mutants. She fiddled with her clothes; the black foot garments had managed to expand with her body change but they felt tight against her. They rubbed against her scales and she felt uncomfortable. Maya was in her own world when the door of the plane was opened, the few foot members on board screamed as they were flung out of it. Maya peaked her head over the boxes, her eyes growing wide seeing four large turtles.
No one had told her anything about giant turtles. Why had this information been kept from her? They obviously weren’t with Shredder or else they wouldn’t be hijacking the plane. She watched them head straight to the artifact. Keeping quiet she stepped forward, perhaps she could make a conversation and be friends. Then the two idiots got in front of her, their animal grunts obvious they were looking for a fight. Maya sighed. She wanted to try and hide again but it was too late, the turtles had turned and seen her, she was now lumped in with the other two.
Maya just watched as Bebop and Rocksteady launched forward, just like two of the turtles she stayed back out of the way. Her eyes watched the tallest of the four, he held the artifact. Maya was torn, wanting the artifact to not go into Shredders hands but she also didn’t know if these turtles were the good guys. She started to head towards him, his head turning to her direction. Behind the purple mask his eyes watched Maya as she stalked towards him and she felt a pang of guilt. But before she could reach him bullets ricochet through the plane, ripping the metal apart.
“You moron!” Maya shouted, shooting back up from behind a large crate that she had hid behind.
Within seconds the plane began to fall, all the mutants and the contents of the plane lost gravity and floated through the air. Maya was quick and agile, being a lot thinner than all the other mutants she could dodge the boxes and crates with ease. She didn’t know what would happen if the artifact was broken, so she leapt through the air quickly grabbing its container and hugging it close to her body. She looked out of the many holes in the sides keeping a close eye on the ground, and timed her jump just right so she could land in the water somewhat safely and not get crushed by the plane. However, the force of the water dislodged the artifact and she lost her grip. She watched as it quickly washed down the river. Her large tail helped her swim with speed through the rough waves, but just before she could grab the container the purple masked mutant knocked it from her hands.
A split-second later Rocksteady floated past her in the tank, Maya swam forward and climbed aboard, holding her balance as they were swept downstream. She watched the turtles fight for the container, they were close to getting it, but Bebop was just fast enough to grab it. The hog was soon picked up by Rocksteady and the three of them watched as the four turtles flew over the waterfall. With the turtle’s gone Maya was left with dread and disappointment, now she was forced to go back to Shredder.
Once back in New York Maya handed the artifact to Shredder. In a large storage warehouse Baxter immediately got to work on creating the machine that would bring Krang’s ship through to their universe. The three mutants were told to keep guard and not let anyone interfere. Maya found an area of the building mostly empty and paced thinking of how she wanted to live her new life in a destroyed world.
After a couple hours of overthinking and blaming herself, deciding she couldn’t let this happen, she made a plan. She was going to be her own hero, with the new mutant strength she would try and put an end to Shredder herself. Stalking the halls, she found the perfect place to pounce from. A large container just above the machine. Shredder’s back was to her, with speed she leapt and kicked him in the back. Grabbing his head in her hand, with ease she lifted him and threw him to the side. Unfortunately, she now had everyone’s attention. Fighting with everything she had she held her own, able to take out many of the foot clan and punch Bebop in the gut. But in the end their numbers overwhelmed her. She was angry and made a stupid mistake, she wanted to feel useful and powerful. She should have gone for the machine when everyone left. But now she was most likely going to die. Shredder stood in front of her, Bebop and Rocksteady holding an arm each to keep her from moving.
“I should kill you. But soon the world will be mine and I will need an army. Once the Earth is destroyed your spirit will be crushed, then you will bow to me.” He snapped. “Lock her into a container.”
Maya was locked away, unable to do anything as the end of the world was soon approaching. She tore off her foot clan clothing, plopping herself down in the corner with her arms wrapped around her legs, tail wrapping around her whole body. A couple hours later she heard a loud commotion outside. She perked up and ran to the doors. Listening as best she could through the metal she could hear some fighting, then a sound of metal being destroyed. In the far distance was a loud thump like an explosion.
“HEY!” She yelled banging on the door. “IN HERE!”
It fell silent and Maya worried she would be trapped forever. Suddenly the doors opened, and she spotted a familiar female face. It was April O’Neil, the woman who stole the ooze. The foot clan had told Maya April’s name only after she had stolen from them. April was joined by two men. They all stared at Maya, confusion and some fear. One of the men wielded a large metal stick and he was holding it towards Maya.
“Woah woah, friendly. I swear!”
“How can we trust you?” The older male asked, his voice hesitant.
“I never wanted this.” Maya motioned to herself. “I was only with Shredder because I didn’t know anything else. But I was forced to become this. I tried to stop him and was locked in here. I mean if I was an enemy why would I be in here and not out there trying to fight you?”
“You could be a coward?” The stick man spat.
“Or really deadly?” Countered the old guy.
“Guys wait, I think she’s telling the truth. When I watched them get mutated, she did fight it, she tried to run.” April said softly.
“That doesn’t mean she isn’t our enemy.”
“Is there a way to prove that I’m not?” Maya asked sincerely. She kept her arms above her head the whole time. The three humans fell silent, thinking.
“It’s okay.” April said smiling. “I’m going to trust you on this, but just know if you cross us, I have four friends that will kick your ass.”
“The turtles?” Maya grew a bit hesitant.
“You know them.”
“We’ve been made acquaintances.” She admitted shyly. Slowly Maya walked towards the trio. They stepped aside allowing her to exit her temporary prison. Maya looked down at them, now much taller than most humans after being mutated. She coughed. “Could I possibly find something to cover myself, before I go out anywhere?” She asked. She had moved her arms to cover her bare chest. She was covered in scales, and not as naked as a human would be. But human habits die hard and she felt exposed.
“Yeah of course. We’ll take a look around. Uh, what’s your name?” April asked.
“Nice to meet you, Maya. I’m April, this is Casey and this is Vern.”  Maya nodded at the men as they were introduced.
On the way out of the large building Maya had found a tarp laying on a car and wrapped it around herself like a towel. It was big and rustled as she moved, but she would make do. They left the building and stared up into the sky, watching the last pieces of Krangs ship disappear into the portal. The portal closed and Maya sighed with relief.
“So, you’re really the good guys huh?” Maya asked, a slight tone of skepticism.
“Of course. I mean, I am the falcon.” Vern boasted proudly.
“The who?”
“The falcon. You know, I saved the city form Shredder. Well, the turtles did, but I was covering for them.” Vern sounded disappointed that he had to explain himself.
“Wait when was this?” Maya asked with surprise.
“A few years ago.” April replied.
“Oh, guess I missed that. I only just moved to the city a year ago.”
“Did the foot clan never tell you about it?” Casey asked.
“Uh no, I don’t think they would be telling their failures to recruits. Bad look for the job I suppose.” Maya shuffled.
“Let’s just go meet the guys, we need to make sure they are ok” April suggested. They scoured the lot and found a van with the keys still inside. The three humans sat up front, while Maya climbed into the back. She sat down then tried to find something to hold onto as they drove. Time seemed to move slowly, or maybe it was quickly, Maya couldn’t tell she was too anxious.
Fidgeting with her tail Maya thought about her next move. The last time the four turtle mutants saw her she was fighting against them. She had to think about her words, what she would say, maybe exactly what she said to April. But what happens after that? Maya tapped her head against the side of the van, she imagined what her life would be like now. The world hasn’t ended, it was going to stay the same. There was not going to be an army of mutants, just a few, so she would have no place to live in this human world. Where would she stay, what would she spend her time doing all day? Without warning she was snapped from her thoughts. The van had stopped. Maya heard muffled voices, mostly male, but every now and then a female voice. Maya assumed it was April, or at least she hoped it was. April seemed to be the only one on her side, and her best hope to be given a second chance. After a couple minutes the voices fell silent and Maya grew worried. Then within seconds the doors of the van opened. The vehicle had been backed into an alley, piles of trash along the walls of New York’s apartment buildings. April poked her head around the door.
“Come on, they want to meet you.” She smiled.
“Want to and being forced to are different things.” Came a gruff voice.
Hesitantly Maya made her way out of the van, it shifted as she moved, bouncing back up on its springs once she got out. Her tail wrapped around her left ankle, hugging it comfortingly. She gripped tightly onto the tarp and maneuvered around the van. The four mutants came into view, each one staring at her with different expressions. Maya glanced at them then looked at the floor with shame. She wishes she hadn’t given up on hoping for some good in the city. She wishes she hadn’t worked for Shredder or fought them in Brazil. But at the time she didn’t know any better.
“I’m sorry about Brazil.” She mumbled. “I hope that with time, and with great effort on my part I can show you I am regretful and can earn your forgiveness.” Maya looked up after a minute of silence. The blue masked turtle was the first to speak up.
“April says we can give you a chance, and we trust her. So, we will. But you only get the one.” He spoke with a very matter of fact way. Maya nodded in response.
“Where’s she expected to stay?” The red masked turtle asked.
“Well, I kind of thought she would be going with you guys.” April suggested. The four looked between themselves. They then turned into a circle amongst themselves and began to whisper to each other. Once the decision was decided they disbanded.
“She can come with us; we’ll take good care of her.” Sang the orange turtle.
“Great. I guess now introductions are in order. Guys this is Maya, Maya this is-“
“Wait wait, I want to do intros!” Orange complained.
“Mikey!” The others groaned. Maya laughed as one by one Mikey introduced his brothers. At the end Maya did a little wave. With greetings aside they had to head home. Mikey explained to Maya that their father figure Splinter was going to be so worried about them. In single file they all headed towards the manhole cover, Donatello was the one to uncover it. Everyone entered before her. Before she went in Maya paused, taking a look around her. She had the opportunity to run, but with nowhere to go it was better to just follow the brothers. She sighed and jumped down into the sewer, her new life under the city just beginning.
0 notes
sanzusbestie · 3 years
Soooo i wanted pain.anyways,bonten where they had twins boys and you as their wife.One day,they had to like go on a mision,and they had like a bad gut feeling and when they got home they saw their wives dead and the twins boys unconsious.The boys lived tho-.Hc plss and also saperated:))
♡ Bonten men finding their wife dead ♡
Pairings : Sano Manjiro x F! reader, Hitto Kakucho x F!reader, Haitani Rindou x F!reader, Sanzu Haruchiyo x F! reader, Haitani Ran x F!reader, Kokonoi Hajime x F!reader
Warnings : Death, violence, cussing, angst with no happy ending
A/n : Yay angst ! Btw it feels so weird to put hearts in the title like "hihi death, murder 🤪❤️". I did a common scenario and then separate reactions is that okay with you ? Anyway, thank you for requesting and have a nice day ♡
Slowly regaining consciousness, you immediately recognised his disgusting smell that made your living room reek, where he tied you.
"Just go," you told your husband. "I'll be fine with the boys."
You were trying to reassure him. He had to go on a mission but something was missing. Neither him or the other Bonten members could've found out. It made him so worried. What if something happened to you while he was gone ? It wasn't the first time that he'd leave you home with your twins boys, but it was the first time he'd leave uncertain.
Kissing him, you repeated :
"We'll be fine."
Not convinced, he reluctantly nodded and made his way to your children's room. He looked at them peacefully sleeping and you softly smiling and hoped so, so hard that nothing in this world would take that away.
"I love you more than anything, lock the door behind me. Lock all the doors please," he said before leaving.
"I know. I love you too."
You received a message an hour later from him, asking if everything was okay. He sent you an other one an hour later and did it a third time. He stopped texting you after, he probably got into a fight. But you trusted him to come back to you. He always did.
Deciding to wait for him, you slumped on the sofa and turned the TV on. You found yourself facing Mrs.Hayashi the news presenter, a woman in her forties, pale skin and pursed lips constantly in an irritated pout. You laughed, knowing immediately she'd judge you for marrying this man. She was announcing the news with a rather dry tone.
"Gunshots have been heard from the center to the west of Tokyo."
At this very instant, you heard a loud bang on your door. It all made sense. They dragged your husband at the other side of Tokyo, to get here unhindered.
You ran to your sons' room, doing everything in your power not to wake them and placed them in a safe hidden room and only you and your lover were aware of its existence.
Debating with yourself, you chose not to hide with them. You were afraid that they'd start looking around and find this place and if they did, you wouldn't be able to protect your children. Whereas if you went to the living room and took the gun you knew your husband was hiding for emergencies, you could pretend you were alone and buy some time after sending a text to him. You could do it.
Unfortunately, you couldn't have done it. Having just hid the gun inside your shirt, you were reaching for your phone when they broke your door down, smashing it to pieces.
Four men. They were four men running straight into you. Panicking you shot one, right in the middle of his eyes.
"Move again and I'll shoot you, bitch ! Drop your gun !" one of them yelled.
"What are you doing here ?!" you asked.
"I said drop the fucking gun !" he screaming and shot.
You felt the bullet brushing past your left cheek.
His voice sounded confident and you knew he wouldn't think twice about killing you if you didn't do as he ordered.
You dropped your gun and asked again,
"What are you doing here ?"
"Listen to me, pretty one, here are the rules. I do the talking and you shut your damn pretty fucking mouth. If not...well you know what'll happen."
You only nodded.
"Good, good girl," he whispered in your ear making you want to throw up. He reeked.
Using only one hand sign, he ordered his partner to tie you down on a chair.
"Go watch the entrance," he told one of them. "And you, go look around."
Not letting it visible on your face, you prayed so hard he wouldn't find your babies.
"Now, now, let's have some fun shall we ? Tell me where it is."
"Where is what ?"
It wasn't even a punch. It was just a slap, but he put so much strength in it that you were sure it would leave a bruise.
"Don't feign ignorance, and tell me bitch."
"But I really don't know what you're talking about !" you protested.
You really didn't.
An other strong slap. And then a punch. And an other. And an other.
It kept on going this way until the other man came back from searching around.
"I haven't found anything sir."
Relieved, there was a hint of a smile on your face.
"What are you laughing at ?!"
This punch was stronger than the others. Maybe it was because he was angry ? You lost any sense you had left and fainted.
Slowly regaining consciousness, you immediately recognised his disgusting smell that made your living room reek, where he tied you.
They were still here, but a bit further than before, eating and drinking everything they could find.
"I just received a text from the other team, sir. They found the plans."
He got up. His footsteps echoed so loud on the floor, you hoped your kids wouldn't wake up. He stopped at a distance you considered way too close to you, his disgusting tepid breathe right in your face.
"You heard that, little bitch ? Turns out the plans weren't here ! Can you believe this ? Can you believe you're going to die for nothing ?"
The look he sent you was terrifying.
You thought of your loving husband, of his tender touch, his sweet kisses.
The eyes never lie.
You thought of you twin boys, of their face that was a perfect mix between you and your lover, of their laughter that would always fill the house.
His loud guffaw was the last thing you heard.
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It was like the earth stopped turning
It was no longer round, but flat, like an immense, uniform desert whose end is not visible
Like an immeasurable waveless ocean with an indistinguishable horizon
Manjiro was in denial at first
It took him 2-3 days to realise
Sadness, despair, pain and suffering began, with force, to ravage him continuously
How could have he lost an other dear person again ?
He couldn't bear to see his sons, they reminded him to much of you
Sure, they probably felt the absence of their mother
But it wasn't the same pain
None could feel it like he did
He ordered Sanzu to give them to Takemichi and Hina, they'd be safe there
He stayed alone, in this house that he used to share with you no long ago
In which you lived your warm and happy moments
Alone, thinking and dwelling on your last moments together
Alone, constantly thinking about you and regretting leaving that evening
Alone, with a pain that became more and more intense every day
Days passed and he locked himself more and more in this hell
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He would never hear your laughter again
That silence was so loud
You were everything for him
Kakucho doesn't talk about your death, he can't
When he saw you, tied to the chair, his brain switched off, his life hanging by a thread
The months following your death were horrible but he managed to keep it quiet
The most difficult thing was going back to his life, for his kids
Going back to work, going back to a routine that will never be the same
How was he supposed to be strong when everything, as mundane as they are, reminded him of you ?
"I'll have to ask her this, she'll know the answer", except you're not there anymore to answer
Only to break down when he's alone
And the anguish, the fear that something might happen to him, because now the boys have no one but him
For them, he had to keep working,
He had to organise their school life, their activities
He has no right to give up
You entrusted them to him, they had to grow serenely
And he had to live up to it.
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He remembered falling to his knees and yelling as he saw you
He remembered his brother hugging him so hard, he hoped he'd die too
The two weeks that followed your death, he was numb
Ran took your kids for some time
He never got over your brutal disappearance
Rindou knew death
He saw it almost everyday
But it was as if he discovered it for the first time
Like it could only happen to the others
He regretted all the teasing he ever did, even though he knew you were never made at him
He's alone with your two boys now, he faces their pain, their lack of maternal hugs
He tries not to flinch when they talk to him about you, when they look at some photos and videos
He found himself devastated, a tidal wave passed in his life.
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The few first months were the worst time of his life
He couldn't believe it, when he found you
He tried to revive you, but in vain
He tried again and again and again but he couldn't bring you back
Takeomi proposed to take care of the boys for a while
He couldn't think straight anymore
He has lost 5kg in one day, his body seemed to be half paralyzed and he suffered so much in this body that no longer obeyed his will
He tried to prove himself that he was still alive
He started clubbing and flirting
He probably needed someone by his side, he didn't want to be alone anymore
Just to reassure him
To find someone to fill the void caused by the lost of the person with who he spent the last 10 years of his life
But that was a bad idea
He could never find in anyone what he found in you
He tried to stop taking pills for the sake of your children but it was the only thing that kept him going
And a year later, Haruchiyo woke up angry, so angry
Why didn't you hide with the kids ?
Why did you have to act like a hero ?
Did you even wonder what your death could've changed in the life of the ones who stay ?
During this year, he wanted to look at things from your point of you, but he forgot he was just a 28-year-old man who lost the woman that was his best friend
Today he's still angry
He's mad at the way you died
He's mad at the difficulties he's facing as a single dad
And even if letting go of that anger still hurts as hell, he feels that if he doesn't accept it and doesn't face it, it would be dying a little bit and not letting your boys getting the chance to have a father.
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You didn't die that night, but you weren't awake either
Followed two and a half weeks of hopeless coma that led to your death
Two and a half weeks of the darkest days of his life, where reality gave way to a nightmare where he felt that he wasn't himself anymore, just a character of this nightmare
Ran thought it was almost inappropriate how blue the sky was that day
He still remembers the brutal annihilation of this past life in the blink of an eye
He saw his life fall apart, helpless
He didn't cry that day, he wanted to remain strong for his boys that just lost their precious mom
Those tears contained all day that finally escape at night in an uninterrupted flow in the shower
He had to put aside his pain to support his children
Almost three years later after loosing you, he can't say that he's okay. But he's trying to stabilise his and his children's world. He's trying to find his rhythm in this new family life
However, he still misses you a lot. He'd like to show you how much he had accomplished, so you could be proud of him. He'd want you to be proud of your kids who have grown up since. He would like to hear you breathe next to him in that big, big empty bed. He would like to hear you scream at him because he let his socks at the entrance of the house
He wants you to be returned to him
He doesn't cry anymore
He visits you at the cemetery weekly
His pain is unexplainable but nothing can be seen from the outside. His brother is relieved to see him react so bravely. He does it voluntarily
Life without you is hard.
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It happened again
First Akane, now you
The pain was greater
Yet, he never cried
He didn't have any time to realise he lost you but he already had to say goodbye
After your funeral, he kept on looking at the sky, shamelessly hating god for taking away such a wonderful person
He also resented your friends, for making him relive, through their words, memories of you
He went for a walk, trying to make things clear again
To make things worse, a woman with a beautiful voice starting to sing
Without even knowing her, he wanted to make her shut up. He was angry at the whole world. He even found himself quarreling with you, in thoughts, for leaving without saying goodbye
He started to think again of your friends and smiled. They talked about you so well, they even said you were brave. That's something he always knew
He then thought that he had to forget about you to not suffer anymore
So, on this cloudy Thursday, he decided to have his children, that were still babies, getting adopted
The lady ended her song and on that last note, Hajime dissociated from himself.
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brightjimini · 2 years
A Nightmare Or A Warning? (2/2)
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Geralt x f!witch!reader
Warnings: talk of wounds, fire, feeling hepless, not proofread yet
Word count: 1.1K
A/N: I think I am going to write a prologue for this story with Geralts and Y/N’s backstory. I wanna do more with this story but I dont really know how yet. Let me know if anyone even wants to. I like how I wrote this but let me know your opinion. (respectfully ofc lol) Does anyone even read the a/n. School starts on tue for me- a girl is feeling that depression hitting her harder again. ANYWAY enjoy!
Part 1
I don't know how I ended up here. Behind me was a burning city. I didn't recognize it just like I didn't recognize whose clothing I was wearing. It was white with golden embroidery. My mind seemed to have stopped working and the only thing that I could do was hear and move. I didn't feel the softness of the dress on my skin or the grass underneath my bare feet. I couldn't smell the smoke of the huge fires in the distance. 
Suddenly a shape appeared to be coming towards me. I took a few steps back. It seemed to be a woman. Then behind her a man in dark armor on top of a horse appeared. He was after her. I tried to mutter a spell, when that didn't work I tried to say it and when that didn't work I tried to scream it. Nothing happened. She was coming closer and he was gaining in on her. 
She was close enough that I could see her better. She had long- almost white- blond hair, a blue cloak and- She was a child. The rider looked even scarier up close. Without thinking I ran forward. His hands were on her and just before I could drag her behind me something happened. A piercing scream filled my head. I felt something. My hands were trying to close my ears off. It didn’t work.
The feeling in my body returned in a giant wave. One moment I was with my knees digging into the ground trying to block out her screams and the next my body felt weightless. The screaming didn't stop but it became a background noise as the sound of a familiar roar became louder accompanied by other different growls and screeches of other monsters and beasts. I opened my eyes. 
I was now crouching on a wooden floor. My dress was bloody but I didn't feel any wounds, only a slight pressure against my side. When I looked up, a giant tree loomed over me. It had chains- or no medallions hanging on the branches. The roots at the bottom started to move like they had a mind of their own. I removed my hands from my ears and tried to crawl back. Anything to avoid the roots that seemed to move towards me. The girl was gone, so was the burning city and the knight. But I could still hear her and those monsters. 
“Y-.. Y/N…./N”
The roots were still moving in my direction. One wrapped around my ankle.
I gasped and my eyes popped open. I was laying down and my hand and feet were held restrained. Following the hand- that was holding my wrist against what I assumed was a wooden table- my eyes locked with those of “Geralt?” I flinched. My vocal cords burned as I spoke his name. I looked back up at him. He hadn't changed a bit since the last time I saw him. His hair was a little bit longer though. I was pulled out of my thoughts when he cupped the side of my face in his palm. 
“Y/N do you know where you are?” He asked. I could hear and see that he was worried. I looked over his shoulder trying to take everything around me in. I was on a table above me was a stone ceiling. Then I saw other figures to my left and right that Geralt's frame mostly hid. I hadn't noticed them sooner because it was so silent. Vesimir, Eskel, Coen, Lambert who was holding my legs down- Kaer Morhen. I was at Kaer Morhen. How did I end up here? 
I looked back at Geralt who was still partially hovering over me. I nodded. Not wanting to feel the same unnecessary pain. He slowly stood back up and let go of my face and wrist, as if trying to see what I would do next. The pressure around my ankles also lifted. The side of my torso felt hot- unconsciously my hand went to the spot. 
“Don't touch it. We just treated it.” Vesimir said. Confused, I looked down as much as I could anyway. I could see that my tunic was cut open just under my bosom. Gauze and strips of fabric were wrapped around my torso and the place my hand hovered over was pinkish. 
“What attacked you? So close to Kaer Morhen?” It was Eskel this time. I looked at him, seeing the same concern but less panicked expression on his face. I loved Eskel. He was like a brother to me. I saw him a few months ago in a tavern. 
“I-” I coughed, that also hurt. “I don't know.” I said. Flashes of the giant monster popped back into my head. I was too caught in my own world that I didn't see the looks the witchers gave each other. “It's okay Y/N.. We're happy that you came back.” Vesimir said, walking closer. “We’ll figure out later what attacked you-” “No-” I tried to sit up shaking my head. Geralt helped me slowly sit up. “No, I don't know because it… I have never seen it before. Not even in the bestiary.” 
Her voice sounded more panicked than before. Eskel had ignored my look when he asked about what attacked her. She just woke up from.. I honestly don't know what. She reminded me of Ciri when she had a nightmare. But louder and more dangerous. I felt the sting of the scratches on my neck but ignored them. 
“Enough.” I said. I looked at Y/N’s face and she looked back at me. I could tell she was telling the truth. The confusion but mostly fear in her eyes were enough for me to stop this conversation. Maybe we could discuss it later. But she was wounded and needed rest. She wouldn't get that on a table so close to the cold outside. I carefully put my arm under her knee cavities and picked her up. She didn't say anything. Now I knew certainly she was tired. I turned around to walk towards my room- or another I would ask her when we were upstairs. 
My eyes snapped to her face when she made a confused sound. Her gaze was on the medallion tree. I didn't pick up on any panic and continued walking, careful not to move her too much.
No reposting of my work in any form in any way. tnx
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marvelous-harry · 3 years
A scene where Harry is due to go to tour kicking off in other country , reader n Florence not joining him for a few weeks , while he packing reader hiding his things not wanting him to go being really upset
Closing the washing machine, I poured in the washing powder and the detergent before turning it on.
"Hey, baby, did you happen to see my blue ripped jeans and any of my t-shirts in the wash you just put on?" Harry asked as he came inside, his hand full of various clothing items and electronics.
"No, why?" I asked as I cleared out the filter for the dryer.
"Just wanted to pack them," he smiled and turned back around.
"Oh. I'll let you know if I see them," I told him, giving him a little smile as he left. My smile dropped off my face as soon as he was gone. Tour was three weeks away and Harry was leaving in just two days to start rehearsals in America in an actual arena.
Clearing my throat, I grabbed a laundry basket and walked over to the dryer, and got the clothes out. Of course, I was excited for Harry to get to do what he loves but I was also dreading it. It was the first time since we'd gotten together that he was leaving for a proper long period of time, and going without seeing him for weeks at a time too.
Sighing as I walked over to the bedroom, I scowled as I saw his suitcases on the bed. Putting the laundry basket down on the bed, I shut both the suitcases and dropped them down on the floor to get them out of my way and sight.
Sitting down on the bed, I stared at the laundry basket. I could feel how all my emotions were battling on the inside. I just wanted to scream, cry, and say nothing at all at once. Giving the laundry basket a hard kick, I watched as it tipped over and all the clothes spilled out on the bed and over the edge of it.
And there it was. His stupid t-shirt.
Looking more closely I could also see his jeans. Getting off the bed, I grabbed both pieces of clothing before rummaging through the rest of the clothes and picking out all of Harry's things.
Biting my lip, I looked around the room before heading over to my wardrobe. Pushing back my clothes that were hanging up, I put all his clothes at the back before pulling my clothes in front of it and closing the door.
Sneaking over to the door, I listened carefully to hear for Harry and Florence before I shut it and locked it. Hurrying over to the suitcases on the floor, I flipped them open before I started grabbing random bits out before quickly closing them again. Stuffing the little pile under the bed, I stood up.
Breathing heavily, I blinked my eyes quickly as they welled up with tears. Wiping at my eyes, I unlocked the door and headed downstairs. Entering the kitchen I ignored Flossie that was by the stove cooking dinner and headed for the drawer that had our snacks in it.
"Dinner will be ready in 15 minutes, darling. Don't ruin your appetite," Florence said as she glanced over.
Grabbing a chocolate bar, I slammed the drawer shut. "Whatever," I mumbled as I walked away. Sitting down on the couch, I pulled a blanket over my head and turned the TV on, turning the volume up high as I ripped open the chocolate and took a big bite of it.
"Baby, can you come up here for a second?" Harry shouted down the stairs while Florence shouted from the kitchen. "Turn the volume down, please!"
Ignoring them both, I tried to focus on what I was supposed to be watching.
"Did you not hear us?" Harry asked as he appeared by my side. "Hey!" he said as he grabbed the remote and turned the sound off.
I glared up at him. "I was watching that!" I protested as he took a seat.
"Yeah? What's the show about?" he asked as he looked at me cross.
"Penguins!" I answered and reached for the remote.
Harry gave a little smile before putting the remote behind him. "We need to talk,"
"I don't want to talk," I mumbled as I took another big bite of my chocolate, pulling the blanket tighter around me.
"Well, we're going to anyway," Harry said as he cleared his throat. "I was just in the bedroom, was going to put some things into my suitcase, found them on the floor and things I know I had put in was missing,"
I grumbled. "Your memory clearly isn't as good as you think," I told him, turning to give him another glare.
"You know I'll miss you right? Both you and Florence," Harry said as he looked back at me.
Quickly looking away, I took a quick, deep breath as I tried to ignore how he was pulling me closer.
"I'll miss you so much every second of every day. It's going to be so weird not being next to you," he said as he pushed the blanket off me.
I could feel a tear running down my cheek.
"So it would be okay if you were feeling a little sad too," he said softly. "I know I am,"
Feeling almost angry that Harry was being kind and not just yanking me over his lap for a spanking, I quickly dried my face and stood up. "Stop that!" I told him harshly, glaring at him.
Harry looked at me. "Stop what exactly?"
"Stop being nice! Don't say things like that! Just stop!" I groaned frustrated. Seeing Florence watching us from the doorway, I let out a little frustrated scream.
Rushing over to where Harry was still sitting on the sofa, I slapped him on the chest and managed to hit him a few more times before he grabbed my arms and held them tightly.
"That is enough! Calm down," Harry said firmly as he held me close and pinned my arms to my chest.
"Get off me!" I screamed as I tried to struggle free. "Let me go! Harry!"
Harry just held on tightly. "I'm not letting go till you calm down," he told me.
Struggling against him, I cried as I just couldn't get free. Letting out a sob, I slumped against him. "I did hide your things," I told him as I cried.
"Yeah? Where did you hide them?" Harry asked as he let go of my arms so he could wrap them around me instead.
"Under the bed and in my wardrobe," I told him. "I don't want you to go, I don't want you to leave me and Flossie," I sobbed. "I want to ask you to stay. To stay for me, and to stay for Flossie,"
Harry closed his eyes as he held me close, stroking my back gently.
"I've gotten used to having you around," I whimpered as more tears streamed down my face.
"I've gotten used to having you around too," Harry replied quietly as he pressed a kiss to my head.
For a few minutes, he just held me as I cried.
"I need you to go and put everything you hid away on the bed okay?" Harry said as he ended the hug, adjusting us so we had a little distance between us.
"Okay," I whispered as I used the sleeve on my jumper to wipe my eyes.
"Good girl. Let's stand up. I'm going to give you a few smacks for hitting me, yelling, and hiding my thing,"
Whimpering as we stood up, I sniffled and pressed my hands against my face as Harry pulled down my sweatpants and my undies.
Harry quickly gave me five hard smacks to my bum before pulling my clothes back up. "You can go upstairs now and find everything. When you're done come to the kitchen. I think dinner is about ready," he said as he patted my bum.
"Yes, Harry," I replied before heading upstairs to do as I was told.
Harry watched as you walked up the stairs and into the bedroom.
"She'll be okay. We all will," Florence spoke up as she walked out from the kitchen and put her hands on his shoulders.
Harry took a deep breath as he wrapped his hands around her waist. "I knew it was going to be hard but this hard?" he whispered.
Florence smiled softly before leaning up and giving him a kiss. "You'll have an amazing time and we'll be there before you know it to enjoy it all with you. Now come on, dinner is ready and the table needs setting," she told him before holding on to his hands and dragging him into the kitchen.
Smiling, Harry dutifully followed her before grabbing the plates and cutlery they'd need.
Walking down the stairs and into the kitchen, I headed straight for Harry who was taking his seat. Pulling my chair close to his, I sighed as he wrapped a hand around my shoulder. I really was going to miss him when he was away.
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familyfriendlyweed · 3 years
makeup sessions (karl jacobs x fem reader)
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a/n : hi! this is my first tumblr post. i have written stuff on wattpad in the past, but it’s still quite new to me, so please be nice :]] i accept positive critism and advice, as that most definitely will help me grow as a writer!
 Y/n let out something between a squeal and a scream at the same time when she saw Karl's tweet. her face was beat red and her lips couldn't help but curl into the stupidest grin ever.
the tweet read :
hey @) y/nhasursocks wanna do my makeup at my stream today :]]
 it was the simplest tweet, yet it meant so much to the girl. Karl and Y/n were always really good friends, they often streamed minecraft together, but never in a million years did he yet ask her to be in his stream in real life.
 Y/n picked up the phone with trembling hands, already seeing a bunch of likes, comments and retweets to Karl's tweet. before answering, she got curious to know what the people say. cautiously opening the comments section, the girl scanned it through with her eyes. a bunch of "awwwwws" and hearts could be seen, which worsened her already red cheeks.
With her heart thumping hard against her ribs, she started writing her reply :
sounds great! <3
 for a moment Y/n hesitated to press the "reply" button with the "<3" emoticon in the comment, but then she figured she and Karl sent lovey dovey emojis/emoticons in the past to each other anyways, so, she pressed the "reply" button at last.
 in an instant, her reply started gaining more and more likes, comments and retweets. Y/n was never really popular, having her clout was only because of Karl being her friend, so seeing this much attention was weird to her. but she didn't care about that right now. all that Y/n cared about at the moment was the fact that Karl appreciated her enough to actually invite her over.
 a little bit later in the day, Y/n received a private message from Karl, which said :
hey Y/n! I'm really glad you're up to stream together <3 i planned on starting the stream at 4 pm, but you can change the time if you're busy :] here is my address (don't tell anyone! :D) - (random address lol)
 Y/n answered :
 thanks for inviting me bestie!! 4 pm is cool, I'll be there! <33
 she set the phone down, unable to remove the blissful smile from her face. she has never felt this way before - it was really weird, but the constant butterflies in her tummy reminded her that it's a good feeling. taking a few deep breaths, Y/n reminded to herself that all she has to do is to go to Karl's house and have a good time AS FRIENDS - no romantic stuff is needed.
  ~~~~~time skip~~~~~
  Y/n got off from the bus at 15:50, but she still had about 5 minutes to reach Karl's house. in what felt like forever, the girl felt a sting of what was unmistakably fear and guilt - what if she was late? and what if Karl would be annoyed with her for that?
 slowly she broke into a panicky run. passing careless citizens, who all looked at her fear-stricken face curiously, she finally made it to the front door of Karl's home. Y/n pulled out her phone and found the code that she was supposed to enter next the main door. she quickly dialed it, a beep beep beep was heard and she entered.  
 finally making it to Karl's apartment, Y/n stopped to smooth her hair and straighten her clothes so she doesn't look too shabby. her body seemed to be moving on its own - her finger pressed the doorbell automatically.
 Karl opened the door almost in an instant - he wore a warm smile and before Y/n could stutter a "hello", he pulled the girl into a big welcoming hug.
 "hey Y/n! it's so cool you made it!" Karl exclaimed, still holding her close.
Y/n's head was spinning, she needed more time to process what was happening. but nevertheless, she finally lifted her own arms and hugged the guy. burying her face into his sweater, she inhaled Karl's scent deeply - he smelled something like honey and warm days.
"hello, Karl." she mumbled with a grin on her face.
"come on, do you want to eat something before the stream?" Karl asked, letting go of the girl and taking her hand into his instead, leading Y/n into the house.
"oh no, I'm full. let's get straight to business." she answered, the blissful smile and content blush never leaving her face.
"alrighty! you already know, but we'll have an eventful makeup session, and then I thought maybe play some minecraft so the stream isn't too short?" the guy asked, opening his bedroom door.
"sounds great!"
Karl smiled and went to his computer :
"you ready? I'll start the stream now."
the girl quickly fixed her hair again and gave him thumbs up :
Karl started the stream with facecam on and as soon as the chat saw Y/n, it went absolutely wild.
"guys, give her a rest, poor girl just came!" he laughed, drawing her a chair. Y/n thanked quietly and sat, waving to the chat timidly. in the corner of her eye, she saw comments like "she's so adorable" and "look at Karl being a gentleman" in the chat and her cheeks grew more red, but this time from satisfaction.
"well, as you guys know, Y/n agreed to be in my stream today, and since some of you don't really know her, she's a really good friend of mine who also streams and does youtube videos - so go support her!"
from that moment Y/n relaxed more and more with each minute. it was fifteen minutes into the stream when she already felt as if at home.
"Karl, you have a hell lot of lipsticks, where did that come from?"
"uhhhh, I only bought them for the stream today!"
"oh really? why are they all used, then?" Y/n asked giggling and showing them to the stream.
"hey- don't expose me like that!"
"chat, clip it, CLIP IT!"
all was going really well, Y/n was having a really good time with Karl AS FRIENDS. it was really nice. but all hell broke loose when the time to put eyeliner came.
"alright, I have no idea why, but you have four eyeliners."
"they're my sister's."
"haha, yeah, yeah, alright. Which one do you want big man?"
"hmmm, the one in your left hand!"
Y/n set the other eyeliners on the table, quickly glancing at the chat. her cheeks grew very very red…
  a/n: if anyone is confused, this is an example of the meme i’m talking about :
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the girl tried to act as if she hadn't seen the comments, but Karl was already by her side, reading them with her.
"meme… what meme?" he wondered out loud. Y/n got the impression that he was genuinely confused.
'chat, shut the fuck up, please shut the fuck up.' thought Y/n, but of course chat was just being chat.
Y/n hid her face in her hands, unable to control her blushing. Karl just chuckled sweetly :
"chat, calm down, she's going to die from blushing."
he put on the "please stand by" screen and scooted over Y/n :
"hey, it's fine. we won't do it if you don't want to," Karl then leaned closer and whispered, "I'd be pretty glad if you agreed, though."
Y/n lowered her hands, showing off the big red hue on her cheeks. for a split second Karl's eyes widened -  she looked really adorable.
"I'd also be glad." the girl said, almost not believing her own words.
Karl's adorable smile came back and he leaned back:
"well then, come here."
Y/n stood up shyly and straddled his legs, grabbing the eyeliner in the process.
"do you want me to turn on the facecam?" Karl asked quietly.
the girl nodded :
"I don't mind."
he turned it on and put his hands onto Y/n's hips. even without looking at it, Y/n knew the chat was blowing up at the moment.
"you guys better subscribe, because we're providing very good fanservice." said Karl jokingly and Y/n laughed. turning to him, she opened the eyeliner and put it next to his eye, only to find him staring at her in an awe. the girl blushed as a strong urge to kiss him kicked in. it looked as if Karl wanted the same thing.
at the precise same time, they both leaned in and pressed their lips together, Y/n putting her hands onto Karl's cheeks to hide the view from the chat. the kiss was very short and with no tongue included - but it was the most sweet kiss Y/n has ever shared with someone. she pulled away, an identical grin to Karl's on her face and hugged him very tight - they almost fell off the chair.
laughing, she continued to do Karl's makeup as if nothing happened and everyone watching the stream wasn't fainting and clipping the kiss. this will be talked about for a long time, but as before, Y/n didn't care about that, and nor did Karl.
a/n : anddddd cut! it’s quite wonky, but i believe it’s pretty swell for my first mcyt fanfic :]] let me know what you think of it and if you have any tips or advice on how to make my future stories more enjoyable! thanks for reading and i hope to see you around <3
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oro-e-diamanti · 3 years
Quiet Music: Capriccio (Chapter 4)
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In collaboration with @bethanysnow whose ask box is always open for questions, comments, and anything else about this story as well!
Catching the small flames of romance, starting to get turned on higher. They have a tour to do, right? Not spend all their time making goo-goo eyes at each other.....unless?
Content | Fluff
Pairing | fem!Reader x Damiano
Word Count | 8274
Taglist | @damianodavide @lizstans @unitermoonshine @its-afucking-mess @ethaneskin @dont-let-me-drown-in-you@vampirtet @lividisuigomiti @juststalking @tabi-toast @ethan-torchio-angelo @cheese-toastie-11 @thewitchinthemountain @ethanesimp @sofckinelectric @man3skin @daddydamiano @finelinejpm @superchrystaldrug @ginny-lily @nientedaridere @rainbowmarta @tiaamberxx @shaunthesheesh @enjcltaire @rocketqueen @aleksanderwh0r3 @dacey0eg @damianodavidhands @megann-duff @teatrodellavita @solasullabarca @fanfictionandfluff @makapaka11 @slave4yourlove @geklutst-ei @bookish0918 @mehrmonga @kanevill @butterfly-skinnylegend @lidiyabest @ccweasley @bluscryn @deluxeplanteater @ohtorchio @bidet-and-legolas @maybanksslut @katyldamusic @fedorable-killjoys
"Thomas," Y/n stared down as he entered the bus. "When I gave you my personal number it was meant for emergencies, not you texting me because you forgot what "sempiternal" means in the middle of the night. What were you reading anyway?!"
"Nothing." Thomas looked up at her from where he was sitting, wide eyes, feigning innocence.
Y/n shook her head, not believing the guitarist and his horrible poker face, but not being bothered enough to question him any further either. “Well, next time you have a question like that in the middle of the night, ask google instead.” She gave him a warm smile and a little pat on the head as she passed him by, moving down the hallway of the tour bus.
It had become a routine for her to stop at the stove first, starting the coffee for everyone, then having a look around as she was waiting for it to boil. Damiano was slumped over on a couch, his head in his hand and still half asleep. She wondered how little rest he had gotten last night, after meeting him out on the balcony at 2 am.
Had he stayed awake for hours, like she had? Had he been thinking about her, the way she had been thinking about him? He had flirted quite heavily last night and she wasn’t sure whether to attribute it to his sleepiness, or if he had meant it at all. She wasn’t quite sure what she was hoping for either. He was insanely attractive, and the attention he gave her made her heart beat in ways no other man had managed to do before. But this wasn’t the time or situation to turn into a bundle of nerves because of a boy.
Even if her brain had decided to play fantasies of him storming into her hotel room last night. Demanding to kiss her. Holding her face in his hands. Looking at her with those dark, hazel eyes, like she was the only person in the world. Probably smelling of sleep and cigarettes and all that made him inherently Damiano. She knew the smell well, it had been haunting her all throughout this whole fucking tour. But the fantasies kept coming, imagining him in love with her, even if she never truly believed in it. It was a nice idea, nothing more.
The sharp hiss of the coffee pot pulled her out of his thoughts and woke up Damiano from his half-slumber. Tired eyes trying to make out the source of the noise, smiling slightly when realising that caffeine was coming his way. Y/n quickly moved to get his cup ready, preparing it the way she had already learned he preferred. He readily held out his hand for the beverage, fingers briefly touching. She almost dropped it as sparks ran through her. She wasn’t sure if he had felt the same or simply hid it better. But as soon as the cup was safely in his hands, she turned back around. Back to the stove to take a deep breath and continue her morning routine.
I need to get over myself. This is a job. Getting fluttery over your boss is not gonna help get the job done. Ignore him. He didn’t feel anything. You need to work. Not imagine something that is never gonna happen. It's not gonna happen, Y/n.
She made quick work depositing the other mugs to Victoria and Thomas, before finding Ethan in the very back of the bus. Drum sticks in hands and absentmindedly tapping a beat on the table in front of him.
“Yeah, thank you,” he answered, absentmindedly. “Hey, Y/n, does this sound good to you?”
Ethan started to play out a beat, effectively ignoring the cup that had been placed on the table, as she sat down beside him to listen.
“I’m no musician, but it certainly sounds good to my ears!”
Ethan gave her a proud smile, putting his drumsticks to the side for a second to take a sip from his drink. Y/n, grabbed them immediately, beating randomly on the table.
“You know what? I may have to take you up on your offer of teaching me to play. Love how you guys always have stuff around, you’re just constantly thinking about music. I wish I knew how to play," she sighed.
“I can show you a bit of drumming right now, if you’d like?” He offered. “Just a bit of a rhythm on the table right here.”
He moved closer to her, taking her hands in his as she kept holding onto the sticks and tried to get her to play a little, easy beat, but the angle was awkward and her wrist was bent too much to properly tap along.
“Okay, this isn’t working,” he laughed. “Would you mind, um, moving between my legs?”
Y/n could feel another blush coming on. It may be just Ethan, but it IS Ethan and Ethan sure is pretty. She studied his face, unassuming, nothing but a welcoming smile. But she felt odd. She had only been working for this band for a few days, yet she’d already grown closer to them than any other client she had worked with before. Normally she’d do her job, get a quick thank you on the way out, and then just retire somewhere. Do uni work, wait for further instructions. This whole thing was new and as much as she was enjoying it, she wasn’t sure if she was crossing lines she shouldn’t as a personal assistant. Then again, what was the harm in a little lesson? It wasn’t like there was anything else to it. This wasn’t him trying to flirt with her, this was him trying to be a friend. She could do with a friend.
With a quick nod, she moved and sat down on the floor in front of Ethan. Nestling between his legs as he held her hand. Helping her get into position before backing up a little to give her more space. Grabbing her hands again with the sticks to demonstrate how she was supposed to hold and then hit the table. He leaned over her to watch what she was doing. She understood quickly, getting the hang of it and before she knew it Ethan had let go of her hands as she was successfully keeping the rhythm going.
“See? Natural talent,” he laughed behind her.
Neither of them had noticed Damiano walk down the corridor towards them until he stopped in the doorway.
“Ah, Dami! Look what Ethan taught me!” Y/n starts repeating the little rhythm with the biggest smile on her face, proud of herself and what she’d learned in such a short time. Ethan leant back, watching her with a smile.
“Good job, Y/n. Keep going and you might replace Edgar soon,” Damiano said, ducking into the bathroom with a laugh.
Y/n watched him disappear. Her heart fluttered as he left her sight. If he could just not be my boss, that’d be fucking great…
She stood back up to sit next to Ethan on the couch, shaking the thought off. “I see why you like drumming, it’s fun.”
“Thank you, I think so too. You enjoy being our assistant, by the way?” Ethan asked, looking at her inquisitively while finally continuing to drink his coffee.
“Actually, yes. Best job I have ever taken. I know your manager is an absolutely wonderful woman. Didn’t know she planned this position for me originally though, kinda scared me to be honest.”
“Are we scary?”
“No, no. You’re all lovely. You are the biggest group I’ve worked for so far, so there’s that. But…” Y/n moved to sit on her leg now, leaning closer to Ethan, starting to feel more comfortable around him. “You four are indescribably amazing people. My mum would probably call you ‘people after God’s heart’,” she imitated her mother’s Northern accent, making Ethan laugh.
“Shocking, I know, that we’re normal!”
Y/n smacked his chest.
“No! You are far better than anyone- no one on this bus is ‘normal’.”
“Even the driver?”
“Especially the driver.”
Damiano hadn’t meant to listen in, but standing behind the slightly closed door of the restroom, he couldn’t help himself, even if it was killing him. Ethan and Y/n would probably be really good for each other… The thought flashed through him. No. It wouldn’t happen. Not under his watch.
Last night had been a blessing and a curse. After finishing his smoke, he had stood out on the balcony for a little longer, imagining the conversations they would have been having if she had stayed out with him. Under the moonlight. Måneskin. Her hair down, she would probably go get another glass of wine. Coming back out to see him.
“What about you, amore mio? Working on more Shakespeare?”
“Yes. Always. I work hard for things I want, you know me. All work no play makes Y/n a happy girl,” she would snicker into her wine glass.
“What if I wanted you. What would I have to do? Never been shy about ... hard… work, either…”
“Why don’t you come and find out, the door is unlocked…”
With a heavy sigh, he moved to the sink to splash some water on his face, raking it through his hair. It was only early in the morning, he didn’t need to unscrew his head just yet. She was just a girl. Just some girl that worked for them. There were so many people on the team, she was simply one of them. But she was also a woman, with wants and needs and desires, and oh, how he would love to attend to every single one of them… Maybe I could be a need for her, for the beautiful woman just one room over. He screamed internally. He was done for.
By the time Y/n left Ethan to his coffee, Damiano was back on the couch with a pen and paper, gears visibly turning in his head. He didn’t even look up when she entered. See, just a guy, Y/n thought. Victoria was busy bickering with the driver about wanting to stop at a service station within the next hour. Thomas was scrolling through his phone absent-mindedly.
As soon as Vic had finished her conversation, she walked over to where Y/n was sitting, letting herself drop onto the seat next to her heavily, laying her head on her shoulder. “Y/n I want snacks.”
“I bought snacks, they’re in the cupboard.”
“But, fun snacks! Like you,” the bassist winked.
“As much as I love the compliment, Victoria, I am sure the driver will take us to the next petrol station after hearing your plea.” She kissed the top of the blonde’s head. “You can survive a little longer without sugary snacks.”
Victoria looked up at her with big blue eyes, wrapping her arms around the assistant. “But what if I can’t, Y/n,” she whined, pulling a dramatic pose. “What if I waste away without fun snacks.”
“Vic, love, nothing here will make you die because you haven’t had food. I provided all of you with breakfast - it was your decision to let Thomas eat yours.”
“And I don’t regret a thing!” Thomas shouted from his seat, all three of them breaking out into laughter. Y/n grinned, eyes falling back onto some of the papers in front of her, ready to get back into work. Victoria’s arm looped around Y/n’s as she snuggled into her shoulder with a pitiful sigh.
Goddamnit, not her, too.
Damiano had meant to start writing some more, lyrics and words and images flowing through his head in a chaos that needed to be tamed by pen and paper. But as soon as he had sat down Victoria had started moaning about snacks and her little interaction with Y/n had taken up all of the brain space the lyrics should have. His eyes kept focusing on the closeness between the two of them. The way Vic leant her head on Y/n’s shoulder, the way she in turn kissed the bassist’s head. So far he had only considered Ethan to be a concern. But now the thought of Victoria herself meddling was increasingly growing. So she might have had a boyfriend but that had been, what? Years ago? She had said? And the guy had been a dick. What if she’d just given up on men completely, deciding to exclusively date girls from now on? Fuck.
Staring at the way Victoria was now cuddling her, his thoughts ran wild. Was this still friendly? Was the smile she was giving Vic flirty? Maybe she hadn’t been returning his flirtations the way he’d been hoping because it was Vic she was interested in, not him?
Dwelling on these thoughts wasn’t going to help. Jealousy, envy, insecurity… as interesting as they would be as drag names, they weren’t going to solve the issue. Damiano felt stuck. Making heart eyes at a girl who was three feet away while she was none the wiser. Yet it was Victoria latching onto her arm. He wasn’t surprised. She was gorgeous, and funny, and cared about people. And Vic had a lot of good qualities he himself didn’t possess. Maybe it’s the boobs? His brain mused, but he shook it off. That wasn’t it, he was sure of it.
Victoria studies Damiano. His face would have been unreadable to anyone else, obviously lost in his thought. But she knew him well enough to understand that the look on his face was one of insecurity and upset. Not necessarily at anything in particular, just upset. Her eyes softened. Raising a brow at the singer. He simply shrugged, shaking his head, then taking the notebook he was carrying everywhere. Opening it up, staring at the words written there, but not adding anything. Yet his eyes never stopped flicking away to everyone else around him, obviously restless. What was up with him? If there was one thing Victoria hated it was one of her friends feeling off and her not being able to do anything about it. But she knew Damiano, and she knew it could be hard to get him to budge if he didn’t want to talk.
As their eyes met once more, she took the chance to mouth at him, “You alright?”
His eyes flashed at Y/n for a split second, he probably hadn’t even noticed it himself, before nodding with a tight-lipped smile, then looking back down at his pages. That was when it finally clicked in Victoria’s mind. It was about her. And from the looks he kept secretly giving her, the problem wasn’t dislike.
“SNACKS!” Victoria and Thomas all but yelled as the bus pulled into the parking lot of a little petrol station. The band ran out of the bus, stumbling over each other like a hoard of kindergartners, and Y/n couldn’t help but smirk at their behaviour. Following them in a much more composed manner.
By the time she entered the shop, all four members of the band had dispersed into different corners. Trying to figure out what to buy. Damiano was holding up two chocolate bars, obviously trying to decipher what the difference was with no knowledge of Swedish whatsoever, before shrugging his shoulders and taking both.
Y/n was still in the doorway, grabbing a basket and consulting a little list on her phone. As much as she loved to let them run wild, she would not completely have them overdose on sugar. No matter how much they wanted to. She still felt responsible for their wellbeing, even on their days off. Juice felt like a sensible choice.
Suddenly, she saw a hand appear from behind her, casually taking out some orange juice from her basket. She turned around in surprise, only to be faced with Thomas looking at her with wide eyes, obviously feeling caught.
“No healthy stuff from the petrol station!” He suddenly shouted, grabbing her whole basket now and running away with it.
“Thomas!” She flew after him before she knew what she was doing, almost running over Ethan as she chased the guitarist through the little store. With not much space available, they ended up going round and round one of the shelves, until Thomas unceremoniously crashed into a cooler when he didn’t manage to take a turn in time. Trying to bite back a smile, Y/n walked over, breathlessly asking him if he was alright, as laughter still bubbled out of her. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Victoria, giggling away, phone pointed towards them.
“Oh no, you’re not putting that on the internet!” Y/n pointed a finger at her in what she hoped was an authoritative gesture, but Victoria wasn’t impressed.
“Too late!” She squealed as she skipped away, out of reach, to pay for whatever she had picked out.
Thomas had gotten back up on his feet in the meantime, contents of the basket still spilled all around him, sporting a pout.
“Stop it with that face,” Y/n scolded, but she couldn’t keep the smile at bay. “Go pick out your favourite snack, you can add it to my basket.”
Thomas happily skipped away as Y/n quickly picked up the mess, then moved to another aisle finding Damiano there. He seemed to be debating over the crisps now, having moved on from the chocolate bars.
She stood to the side, her eyes flashing over him a couple more times than necessary. He was just too pretty. It was simply impossible to look away. Even now, no fancy clothes, no stage makeup, no grand performance, he was mesmerising.
Her brain couldn’t help itself, images and ideas flashing in front of her eyes. Going to a petrol station on road trips with their future kids. Them bouncing around, chasing each other over a candy bar. Her and Damiano trying to get them not to cause a mess, slightly annoyed, but always laughing along with them.
She looked at him again. In a blink, the daydream changed.
It’s past midnight. He’s in the same sweatshirt he’s wearing right now. Her arms wrapped around his torso. Looking up at that beautiful face of his. Him picking up condoms from the health section. Winking at her with that certain glint in his eyes. Smacking her arse on the way to the cashier. Filled with giggles and flirtatious glances and knowing what the night ahead would entail. The anticipation crackling around them.
Oh, to be that girl. The girl he looks at with lustful eyes. The one he wasn't to make a baby with. Not the one to be ashamed of.
Damiano had chosen what kind of crisps to buy long ago. He simply was too busy staring back at Y/n, who seemed to be lost in thought. Eyes focused on him, yet apparently not noticing him looking back. He could basically see the gears in her head turning, mouth slightly open, far away in her mind.
Whatever enraptured that beautiful mind of hers… He wanted to know - could he be that very thing someday? Be so involved in her thoughts that it caused her to finally slow down? Get her to relax. He kept daydreaming about the massage he had given her the other day. How she had melted into his touch. He wanted that again. But more. He wanted her sighs and her moans as he worked her body in any way she would let him. Hell, he’d be her personal roadie if she wanted.
Fuck, he was smitten. She was always so strong-willed, so passionate. That night on the balcony had done nothing to help his fantasies. Her teaching him how to dance? Bodies close to each other, breathing the same air… Whatever perfume she used, he wanted to drown in it.
Victoria had been on the way back out, snacks acquired, Instagram story uploaded, and ready to head back to the bus for the last two hours of the ride. However, she stopped dead in her tracks when Y/n and Damiano caught her eye. Both of them were staring at the other, yet neither seemed to realise it. Just lost in their own worlds. Vic frowned, not oblivious to the dreamy look on Y/n’s face or the way Damiano’s eyes kept flicking up and down their assistant’s body. Something was definitely going on here and she was determined to find out what exactly it was.
After Y/n had finally moved again, paying for the snacks, Victoria caught up with her outside the shop. Their driver was having a smoke, surely had more than enough time left for a little talk.
“Y/n, wait up,” Vic quickly jogged up to her, taking the shopping bag out of her hand and carrying it into the bus ahead of her.. “Let me help you.”
She was counting on the guys to be staying outside for a little longer, probably lighting up a cigarette each as soon as they were done snack-shopping.
“So…” She started, putting away the snacks alongside Y/n. “Saw you staring at Damiano in there.”
Great, this wasn’t subtle at all, she scowled at herself. Tact had never been her strong suit in these situations. She was far more likely to rush into a conversation, head first, too open, too honest, too soon.
“I- uh- I don’t know what you mean. I was probably just staring off into space.”
Okay, she was getting flustered. Victoria knew she was onto something here, but it wouldn’t be easy to get anything out of Y/n. She was way too professional and… uptight for that. And they didn’t exactly have any red wine on tap to get her to open up.
“You know, there’s no harm in it. He’s a very attractive man,” she said, playfully nudging Y/n’s side. “Pretty sure everyone’s had the hots for him at some point.”
“Well I haven’t, it's very unprofessional.” Y/n stubbornly replied and Victoria almost laughed out loud.
Sure, she hadn’t. That’s why she was staring at him like he was a drink of water in the middle of a desert. Or why she was getting all flustered every time he touched her. Or why she always seemed to gravitate towards him, whatever she was doing. But that wasn’t what Vic was going to say. It wouldn’t get them anywhere. She had learned that much about Y/n.
“All my friends used to have a crush on him in school,” Vic laughed, remembering their beginnings. “They’d just hang out whenever we were rehearsing, making heart eyes at him and complimenting his every move, but he never cared. He never even looked at them, just giving them a polite hello. Never paid them any attention because he was way too focused on the music we were making. He’s always been like that. Music has always come first. It’s why I think it’s so peculiar how interested he is in you.”
If Y/n had been flustered before, she was full-on blushing now, rapidly opening a random cabinet to hide her face, but Victoria had seen. Her eyes got wide, as if she had been struck by lightning.
“He’s not interested in me, don’t be silly. I work for him just as I work for you and we all get along. Nothing is going to happen if that is what you are worried about. I would never jeopardize the tour or our friendship. He doesn’t even see me like that, anyway, so it’s fine. It’s not like I’m his type, and like, I mean-”
“Hey,” Victoria turned more serious now. As much as she enjoyed teasing her new friend, she felt like she needed to let her know that she wasn’t kidding in this case. She put a tentative hand on her shoulder. Having the other turn around to have Y/n face her. “I’m serious though. I know it’s early days, but if you feel something for him? I’m not going to stop you. Neither is anyone else on this tour. He’s a great guy. And I’ll personally punch him if he isn’t. And I think you’re great Y/n. You deserve good things.”
For a second, Victoria could see a flicker of Y/n’s softer side, of her vulnerability. She felt compelled to pull her into a hug, but she feared making her uncomfortable, so instead, she simply pretended she hadn’t seen. Just like she pretended not to hear Y/n’s voice breaking just the tiniest bit when she said, “Thank you.”
The old town of Malmö was full of cobblestone, canals, and adorable old houses. When Y/n led them into the restaurant she had reserved for the evening, Damiano made sure to ask for a table by the window, enamoured by what looked to be the main square of the town and the people hurrying along. As he turned back towards the table, he noticed Y/n with a similar look on her face. Chin held up by her hand as she leaned on the table, watching the world pass by outside. A serene smile played on her face and he feared he was mirroring her expression when Victoria kicked his foot from under the table. Giving him a knowing smile and a raised brow. He shook his head, quickly grasping the menu to distract himself.
“Oooh happy hour!” Victoria squealed. “First round of cocktails is on me!”
Damiano almost let out a sigh - knowing fully well that when it came to an evening like this, they would not stop at a round or two. He was to be proven right.
About two hours later, the sun was on the verge of setting. There was a nice buzz going on, dinner eaten, while the drinks kept coming. Thomas was retelling a story Damiano had heard about a hundred times. Excitedly waving his hands around he only just managed to grasp one of the glasses before the guitarist knocked it over. Y/n was listening attentively - the only one out of the bunch to not have heard Thomas’ retelling before. Damiano couldn’t help but notice how her cheeks were slightly flushed, a sure sign that she’d had a drink. He thought she looked adorable. She’d look just as adorable under me. He quickly put the thought away, blaming it on the alcohol he had consumed. Apart from Y/n - who had been responsible enough to switch back and forth between cocktails and water - they were all on the edge of being drunk, laughing too loudly, talking too excitedly, being a little too affectionate.
It’s what he blamed his behaviour on, when he found his foot searching for hers under the table. Giving her just the slightest, playful kick to get her attention. She looked at him immediately, raised eyebrows, obviously wondering if he had touched her by mistake. So this time, he fully smirked, holding eye contact, as he nudged her again. A timid smile appeared on her face and he was convinced that she would be awkward. Pulling back, possibly scolding him any other time. But her slightly intoxicated state seemed to leave her more open to his teasing. He barely believed it when she nudged him back. Maybe we’re actually getting somewhere here.
“Um, excuse me?”
The whole table looked up at once at the timid voice. Only to find two young girls awkwardly and uncomfortable standing next to them, faces as red as tomatoes and eyes wide.
“Are you Måneskin?”
“We are, actually!” Victoria beamed, immediately getting up. “Do you guys want some pictures?”
The girls didn’t seem to manage anything but hectic nods, too excited and overwhelmed. Damiano smiled. It didn’t matter how big they were getting - having people coming up to them to ask for photos, so obviously in love with them. Still made his heart beat like crazy. He’d do anything for the fans.
Quickly, getting up from his chair as well, he pulled the other two along with him, taking a few photos with the two, exchanging some words and thanking them for their support. Looking back at Y/n, he noticed she was getting a bit nervous.
“Guys, we should probably move back to the hotel now,” she said and it was only then that he took a look around and saw the amount of people staring. Talking and pointing phones at them. It was obvious none of them were actual fans - just hoping to get a glimpse of something to put on their social media. Damiano nodded, rounding up the rest of his band and leading them out of the restaurant, ready to call for a taxi as Y/n went to settle the tab and then followed them outside mere seconds later.
“Right let’s get you back to the hotel,” Y/n decided as they finally managed to flag down a taxi. “But don’t worry, the night’s not over yet - bring your swimsuits, I’ve got a little surprise for you.”
Y/n was perched on a little tiled bench, laptop with work opened at her side. A bluetooth speaker ready nearby. She’d slipped the girl at the reception a little money and a signed picture of the band, which she had gratefully taken, to make sure they’d have the hotel pool to themselves that night. Y/n was aware that the band tended to really enjoy a nice dip in the water and she was determined she’d get them to let loose and relax a bit before more gigs were coming their way.
She didn’t notice that everyone had arrived until a flash of blond ran past her and jumped into a pool with a massive splash. It shouldn’t have been a surprise that Thomas would announce his presence like this. She still flinched for a second. Ethan followed not much later, with Victoria opting for the stairs ‘for hair-related reasons’ and Damiano pushing her in anyways. Following swiftly himself, as she grabbed his hand as she was falling. Y/n shook her head, amused at the four, and turned on some music as she watched them.
She couldn’t help but smile at the way they all acted like little kids on a pool day. But behaviour was one thing - the way they looked was quite another. Water was running down their bodies… okay, one body in particular. She would be lying if she said that Damiano swimming around in nothing but his little shorts wasn’t… well, breathtaking. Tattoos on full display, hair wet, glistening skin. He was smiling, laughing, trying to outswim Thomas. The way his physique moved through the water… He was in formidable shape. What she would give to be manhandled by this man.
Him pinning her to a wall, smirking, looking down at her like he was going to eat her. He rightfully just might. Telling her all the dirty thoughts he had when on stage. Making her look away in a blush, but grabbing her face. Tsk-ing, ‘no, no, no, good girls look at who is speaking to them’.
But no. Work called her name, just loudly enough to pull her out of her fantasy.
Opening the laptop, she immediately seemed to get immersed in her work. Damiano watched her with a frown on his face. This was so like her - making sure everyone else got taken care of and was having a good time, only to withdraw and bury her in her work again. He wished she’d take more breaks to just enjoy.
Every now and then she looked away from the screen, watching what everyone else was doing and contently smiling to herself. He couldn’t help imagining her watching over him the same way with their kids. His head was running away with the idea.
Him splashing around with the children. Her watching over them, staying on the sidelines, smiling the way she was now. Making sure everyone was safe and happy. Snacks in hand. Their daughter climbing out of the water, running over to her. The way her eyes would light up, arms open wide, not caring about getting wet as she hugged her. He knew she’d be the most perfect mum, just from looking at her. Nothing had ever been as obvious to him.
A splash of water over his head pulled him out of his thoughts. Apparently, Ethan had caught him staring. He shrugged it off.
“Y/n! Come swim with us!” Victoria called, moving to the edge of the pool. The assistant did nothing but raise a brow at the request, shaking her head.
“You kids go have fun,” she laughed. “I’m fine here, doing a bit of work. Just because you got a day off, doesn’t mean I do too!”
“Ah, you’re no fun, Y/n. One night won’t kill you,” Thomas groaned, diving back under the water.
“Well, I didn’t even bring my swimsuit, so it’s out of the question anyway. Now let me do some work.” She tried to sound strict but the giggle bubbled in her voice anyway, still tiny traces of intoxication in her speech. Damiano grinned at the thought of her still being tipsy, slightly wondering if it’d give him the chance to get her to let her guard down the way she had done the night before.
“Oh, rubbish, you party pooper!” Vic shouted back. “Your underwear will do just fine, it’s not like anyone is here to tell you off.”
Y/n shot a look at Victoria. A blush that definitely wasn’t caused by alcohol crept onto her face.
“I’m alright, you have fun.”
Damiano’s head spun, looking at Y/n sitting on the bench. The sheer idea of her joining them like that? Potentially seeing her undress? He was more than glad the water was hiding the lower half of his body.
“Get over here now or we’re dragging you in!” Thomas threatened, already halfway through heaving himself out of the water.
Oh, no way I’m getting out of the water right now, not like this.
“Oh fine! Fine, fine. If it will make you all stop worrying about me ‘not having fun’,” she laughed.” She rolled her trousers up as she moved to the edge of the pool, kicked off her shoes, and let her legs dangle in the water as she sat down. “Happy?”
“For now,” Vic laughed. “But don’t think you’ll always get out of things this easily!”
“Oh come on guys, leave her be.” Ethan decided to be the voice of reason once again. He swam up to her, hair all piled on top of his head in a bun. “Sorry about them - they don’t know when to quit.”
Y/n giggled at his comment.
“It’s cool, nice seeing everyone have a good time though.” Y/n tilted her head for a moment, looking at Ethan. Slowly she raised a hand to hold his face still, the other hand pulling something out of his hair. “There you go. Can’t have fuzz in those luscious locks of yours!”
A scowl appeared on Damiano’s face. He knew he shouldn’t be feeling like this, but the way she was looking at Ethan right now, that soft touch, made all the fantasies in his head shatter for a moment. Why wasn’t she fixing his hair instead. Fuck, he was being stupid. His attention was drawn away from the pair as a loud squeal escaped Victoria, who was currently being wrestled in the water by Thomas.
“Don’t you dare dunk me!”
Damiano didn’t even have to watch to know what happened next. A second later, a spluttering Vic emerged, a murderous look in her eye as she dunked Thomas in return. Their little fight turned chaotic, ending with the top of her bikini slowly floating away from her.
“Aw Vic, do you always have to be topless?!” Thomas laughed loudly.
“You dick! You untied it!”
Y/n instantly covered her eyes, avoiding Victoria’s half-naked body at all costs, looking down at her lap.
“Um - maybe someone should, uh, give her her top back?” She stammered.
Vic looked at the blushing girl, a smirk growing on her face as she whispered something at Thomas, pointing at Y/n, obviously hatching a plan. She swam up to their friend, gently grabbing her legs under the water.
“You are the only one that seems to mind, amore… Do you not like my tits?” Victoria teased, cocking her head to the side as she tried to catch Y/n’s eyes.
“No! No, I mean- That’s not what I mean. Um… I don’t know - is it just me or is it hot in here?” Y/n was a mess, tripping over her words.
“The only one that’s hot here is you, Y/n,” Thomas grinned, swimming off to retrieve Vic’s top, which he handed to her as he came back. The blonde held it up to her boobs in a fake-clumsy way, big eyes looking up at Y/n.
“Oh, I think I’m going to need your help with this, Y/n. Mind tying me up?”
Y/n looked like she was about to explode, her face once again covered in a deep red. With slightly shaking fingers, she moved forwards as Vic turned her back towards her, fumbling with the strings around her neck and her back to tie them up.
“Thanks, babe, you’re a doll!” Victoria grinned, taking the assistant’s hand and leaving a little kiss on her knuckles. It was the point at which Damiano decided he’d definitely need to protect her from his bandmates. If anything, it was his time to bother Y/n now.
As Damiano swam over, Y/n was still bright red. Her head was still lowered, picking at her nail polish, as she squeaked out a “hi”. You’ve got to put on the charm now, you can do it, he said in his head, hyping himself up as he looked back at her. He didn’t want to bring her into even more of an awkward situation, but his hands were on her legs before he even noticed, slightly stroking along the curve of her calves under the water.
“Don’t mind those fools,” he told her in a voice low enough that they wouldn’t hear. “They’re just trying to rile you up because they like seeing you blush. It is a nice sight, to be fair. Seeing you blush.”
“Well, it’s not like I have control over that. Um. Y-you look cool… I mean - good. You know? … fucking hell.” She buried her face in her hands, stifling a flustered chuckle. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me today. I apologise, I will just hide now, forever.”
Yet, the smile on her face hadn’t left since Damiano had arrived. She bit her lip nervously, looking at the singer. Staring at him, maybe trying to figure out what his intentions were. He wished he knew. “Your, uh… eyes… they’re pretty.”
“Don’t even think about ever hiding that face from me, yeah?” He pulled her hands back down as she once again attempted to cover herself. He briefly forgot his hands were wet, until she giggled and patted her own dry on her shirt as he let go. “Your eyes are really pretty too, Y/n, so don’t deprive me of them.”
She blinked a couple of times, taken aback by what he had said. “Alright, I can do that.” She barely noticed they were holding hands. Rubbing her thumb over his skin softly, keeping herself grounded in place by the heat his body gave off under the water. “You just gotta step in when they start taking the piss again, yeah?”
He moved in closer now, only letting go of her hands to grasp onto her thighs, trying to keep himself above water. He was desperate to move between her legs, but he wasn’t going to ruin the moment by taking it too far. Not yet. “Of course. But amore mio, what if I wanted to, uh, ‘take the piss’?”
She smirked. “Oh! Then that’s fine.”
Damiano was sure his heart wasn’t even beating anymore, it was fluttering. There was something about her… every time he watched her, talked to her, he felt like he was looking at her for the first time. Finding a new side to her. He wanted more, constantly craving to get closer, and in moments like these. When she let him in just a little bit, made him feel like he was just one small step above the others, he felt like it was all going to be worth it. The slow way he was working himself into her heart.
“Y/N HAS A TATTOO ON HER ANKLE!” Thomas suddenly shouted, popping out of the water and pointing at the assistant. Damiano was pushed out of the way by Victoria, who grabbed Y/n’s leg. Hoisting it up in the air, turning it to show her ankle. A black outlined hand giving the middle finger with long black nails stared back at the band.
“That is really pretty,” Ethan said softly, but Victoria scoffed
“Pretty? It’s fucking cool! See,” she turned back to Y/n, “you are rock ‘n’ roll!”
Damiano stared at the little drawing on her leg, fascinated to have found yet another side to her he hadn’t seen coming. He wondered if she would let him tattoo her one day, letting him grab her leg, smoothing over the skin, putting that kind of trust in him. He was determined to find out, sooner or later.
“I mean... you think you’re the only ones with tattoos?” Y/n smirked, almost in a cocky way. It was a good look on her. “That one hurt like a bitch-”
“That one?” Damiano threw in. “Does that mean there’s more?”
Looking over at him, she simply smiled, shaking her head. “Anyway, it’s late, we should be going to bed soon. I know - I’m not trying to parent you, but somebody’s gotta be responsible here!” She stood up, fixing her trousers, putting her shoes back on, and grabbing towels to pass around. “Come on, out of the pool. Comply and I will get you something special with your coffee tomorrow!”
After everyone had retired to their rooms, Victoria decided she needed another talk. Moving along the hotel corridor, she stopped in front of Damiano’s door, softly knocking. He opened hastily, his face dropping ever so slightly as he saw her.
“Not who you were expecting?” She asked with a smirk as she pushed past him into the room. She was glad they’d all gotten their own rooms for the night and didn’t have to share - no need to involve Ethan or Thomas in the little conversation she was aiming to have with Damiano. Victoria dropped down onto the bed, kicking her shoes off and getting comfortable, as the singer followed.
“What can I do for you?” Damiano asked, shutting the door behind her.
“How about explaining why you were all over Y/n in the pool?” A grin spread on her face. She knew she’d have to be much less careful with Damiano than she had been in the conversation with Y/n, but still needed him to know this was good-natured teasing. “Pretty touchy, if you ask me.”
“Well, we were talking. Don’t need to tell you everything I do.” He flopped onto the bed, grabbing a pillow to smother his face into. “Why?”
“Yes you do, I’m one of your best friends!” She didn’t hesitate in grabbing the second pillow to whack him over the head, before putting it back behind herself to lean against. “Just interested to know what you think of her. You know, because I’m your friend and I care. And I’m nosey, so spill.”
He started groaning into the pillow.
“If I told you I think I like her, would you shut up about it?” He turned his head to the side to look at the blonde. “I don’t know, Vic, she walked into our lives and…” His eyes grew distant as he thought about her.
“Wait, you actually like like her? I was thinking you were just attracted, you know the thrill of the chase and all that. Fuck, Damiano!” Her smile came back tenfold. “I love this!”
He shot up from his lying position. “No! No, you don’t love this! I don’t love this! I have no fucking clue what I’m doing! She is so sweet and kind and sensitive and I can’t stop thinking about her, it’s turning me into a brain-dead zombie. I could never actually win her over, I fuck up so much and- … I talk too much don’t I?”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so flustered!” Victoria remarked in amazement. “You’re actually, properly, crushing on her! You should tell her.” She almost added if only for my amusement but decided against it. This was obviously tormenting him already, no need for her to rub it in.
“I’m not gonna tell her shit! She’s our assistant, for god’s sake. I already could be in so much trouble if she took something I said wrong. I could fall flat on my face and- … Vic, I know that you care and you want me to be happy. Which I love and appreciate. We are best friends, we really are. I would do the same thing if you had a crush on someone, but I just don’t know what to do,” he moans, falling back onto the bed. “I haven’t been like this since school.”
Victoria patted his head in sympathy as he buried his face back into the pillow. She wasn’t quite sure what to advise him in this situation. Sure, she would love to see her friend happy. And there was definitely something cooking under the surface of Y/n’s feelings. And, honestly, the thought of the two of them together? She was basically swooning at the thought. But she also knew it wasn’t her place to meddle. Right?
“I don’t want to make her uncomfortable. I don’t wanna scare her away.” He looked at Victoria with pleading eyes. “Has she talked to you at all? Have you picked up anything from her? Any hints?”
A sigh escaped her lips, but she knew she couldn’t help but give him at least a little push in what she hoped was the right direction. “Look, Damiano. I’m not gonna pretend like I didn’t notice she fancies you. Honestly, no surprise there. But I think we both know she’s not exactly the type to jump right into bed with someone. So take it slow. Show her you care. Woo her.”
“Woo her?! Like an old Italiano romance? I can do that… I think. Okay, what does she like… Y/n, what does she- She doesn’t really talk about herself that much, does she..” Victoria could see the gears turning in his head. “This was so much easier when I wasn’t invested… Why do I have to be invested, Vic?”
He looked at her with dopey eyes, before jumping up and pacing around the room. “Argh! She is making me go insane! I tried writing lyrics, but nothing is working. I just can’t focus when she’s around. She gets this look, especially when talking about her work and language.. At the pool, did you see how she looked at me?”
“You’ve written lyrics?! Now, you really got it bad, my friend,” Victoria shook her head in amusement. “But yes, I did. I told you, she’s interested. Can’t tell you how deep that runs, I’ve only known her for a few days myself and she is working for us, no way to ignore that. So maybe take a step back until you figure this out?”
“Yeah, you’re right. She works for us. That’s… that’s a giant, neon ‘no’.” He stopped walking, looking out of the window. “I need to cool it, don’t I? We’re on tour. What am I doing! We have fans and people who are looking forward to seeing us. We have gigs to play! Fuck.” He sighed, staring off into the distance. “We should probably sleep. No long drive tomorrow, but lots of interviews, right?”
“Don’t get in over your head about this,” she put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. She hadn’t expected this kind of outburst when she had knocked on his door earlier. “It’s the first week of tour. You got three more of seeing her literally every day. Concentrate on the job, then on her, yeah? Now let’s get some sleep. And I mean it - no pondering and smoking all through the night, you gotta rest!”
“You’re right, I don’t know what I was thinking. Thank you.” He pulled Victoria into a hug. “Thank god you’re here. Wouldn’t know what to do. Goodnight.”
She gave him a little wave as she left his room, only just hearing him mumble, “I have music to perform…”
As the night grew to a close, Y/n found herself in her own room, snuggling into a pillow. Glad that the next day would leave less free time. Drive to Copenhagen. Get everyone settled it. Maneuver them from interview to interview, although this time around Victoria would be a great help since she knew Danish. Then off to soundcheck, light dinner, the gig, sleep. No time to get lost in silly daydreams for once.
Yet, as sleep slowly crept up on her, she couldn’t help one last thought entering her mind.
I wonder if he is thinking of me.
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hikarimiyanaga · 3 years
the Dimitrescu's with their s/o with wings that they are big and fluffy and can protect them from cold
I cannot tell you just how much I love this.
I'm adding Donna too, if you don't mind.
Also, reader is a Mulawin, a fictional species in the Philippines who can transform into a winged humanoid by stabbing the back with a feather (That's just how much I remember, forgive my goldfish memory.) Except the one for Alcina's.
So here you go!
Alcina Dimitrescu / Lady Dimitrescu
Flying has always been a joy. Nothing can ever get you to come down from the skies where freedom is your companion.
That is, until you saw her. The first time that you were flying through the village, you crashed into a big tree when you saw her. She caught your eye.
She was also the one who found you, passed away like an idiot. She was also the one who nursed you back to health, your wings all bandaged up.
You move them and she was entranced. It was the first time she saw someone like you. Someone with such big wings.
After that, it took you three days to recover your dignity but you stayed in the Castle for weeks.
You've never been grounded in your whole life before. And she... She was the reason.
You flew off in a fit of rage. Because how dare she. How dare she capture your heart? How dare she steal your attention from your beloved freedom?
You stop as you look upon the whole castle... You can fly but you have never thought to explore it. And you realize, yes you do have freedom... But in exchange, you have no place to call home. No one to call family. You were just drifting from place to place.
You touch down and the three girls cry as they hug you. They thought you left. That you left them behind.
"I could never." You say with a sad smile. "How could I do that to the most sweetest girls in the world?" They hug you again and you look at Alcina. Her eyes were unreadable as she goes inside the Castle.
You tucked the girls in for the night. Then fidget nervously in front of Alcina's room... She saw you. You glared at her before you went outside and flew.
You knock and a small 'come in' can be heard from the door. You open it slowly and see Alcina in her night gown, getting ready to sleep. She glances at you then continues. You sigh.
"Did you know I wasn't born with these wings?" You look down as she turns to you. "I was an experiment. A guinea pig." She frowns at you. "It's why I love the sky... And the freedom. The way that the wind blows through my body as I fly through the skies." You sigh. "I'm sorry that I flew away so suddenly... I just." You turn to her with a sad smile. "It reminded me of being imprisoned."
"Staying here?"
"No... Staying grounded."
After your confession, Alcina held you tight. And you stayed at the Castle. Alcina doesn't care if sometimes you disappear suddenly, she knew how important flying is to you now.
Donna Beneviento
Observation has always been a part of your life. Even before you had discovered that you can transform into a Mulawin.
You stumbled upon the village and stayed for a week because of how isolated it was. It reminded you of your own home.
But then you met Donna and she made you stay. She didn't know that you were a Mulawin so you confessed it to her.
She accepted you with all her heart.
It was such a relief to open your wings in front of another person and knowing that they wouldn't do anything to hurt you.
One day, it was snowing heavily so you and Donna decided to stay in instead of going out into the village, she even made sure to make her gardener go home early.
"It's so cold." Donna says and you knew that it was serious since she didn't even use Angie to say her thoughts out loud.
You get your feather and summon your wings. You hug her and she blushes. She was going to turn to face you when your wings wrapped around her. She sighs in relief and leans on you.
"Thank you." She mumbles and you hum as you stare out the window. Before you knew you it, the both of you had fallen asleep cuddling each other.
Bela Dimitrescu
You were a guest of Mother Miranda and was given to the Dimitrescus as a guest.
Of course, the woman knew about your species and she hired you to help restore Eva... you had no intention of helping her but that's something for another day.
You were reading inside the library when Bela stumbles upon you. You smile at her and that was the start of the friendship between the both of you.
But then the day comes when Ethan came to the Village. And almost every one of your instincts are telling you to run.
You couldn't abandon them though so you stayed, hoping to convince the three sisters to at least hide somewhere safe. But they wouldn't listen to you. You panic when Ethan gets inside so you get your sword that was given by your Father.
Before you even knew it, though there was a shattering sound and you hear Bela's scream. You rushed to her side and stop Ethan by knocking him out. Then you shield her with your wings. She was stunned by their colors but it made you annoyed.
"Go somewhere safe, damn it!" She snaps out of it and nods at you before going to the library.
You sigh as you take care of Ethan and get Rose's vial. You then help him get the other ones.
You join forces with Karl who was actually... reasonable?
The three of you get Rose back from Miranda and you reunite with Bela.
She hugs you and you hug her back.
Cassandra Dimitrescu
You were captured by Karl on one of his expeditions to find ways to kill Mother Miranda. He wanted to get your help but you don't want to kill anyone anymore.
You were so done being exploited by humans. You wanted to hide your wings but he wouldn't let you. When you were unconscious, he brought you to the castle, hoping that they would be good hosts to you.
And they were, for starters, Alcina freed you and you hid your wings. It was exhausting to maintain their form for that long after all.
You got along with the three daughters, most particularly Cassandra, who shared your interest in Art.
You were amazed by everything that she creates, even if it was just sketches.
One day, it was snowing and the three girls were huddle in the library with the fireplace. You take pity on them so you make your wings appear and hug them. Bela and Daniela thanks you while Cassandra just hugs you, no words needed.
Ever since then, if it was just a bit cold, Cassandra would come running for you and you chuckle as you hug her.
Daniela Dimitrescu
You were the known bird person in the Village and you were close to the four lords. Often becoming their only visitors every week.
You were particularly close to Alcina, her having shown her true form to you and you sharing your bloody past.
One day, Alcina asked you for a favor since she needed to be out on a business trip, she asked you to look after her daughters.
"Are you sure?? You do know I'm like only a year older than them, right?" She assures you that you're the perfect person for the job and she does trust Bela... but Cassandra and Daniela can be that rambunctious.
When you meet Bela, she gives instructions that you look after Daniela while she looks after Cassandra. You agree and she thanks you.
So you spend everyday with Daniela, even telling her stories from your past.
One day, it was a particularly cold day when she decided to go outside the village. Saying she wanted to explore.
But then it suddenly rained so you quickly make your wings appear and shield her. Both from the cold and water.
"Stick close to me." You say and she just nods, uncharacteristically quiet as you two go back to the castle.
Bela was so worried that she hugs Daniela, happy that you were both safe. Cassandra though, she takes note of the unusual attitude of their youngest.
When Daniela was alone, Cassandra surprises her and smiles.
"You like Y/N, don't you?" Daniela blushes and tries to deny it but sighs. She talks to Cass all about you.
What they didn't know was you were listening in... It was an accident.
When they finish talking, you appear and confess to Daniela that you felt the same way.
This took way too long since I started playing Genshin Impact again.
Anyways, I only have two more requests to go and I'm going to start writing the Loving You sequel.
Comments and thoughts are always welcome!
Thank you for reading!
If you can, please buy me a coffee.
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serendipitystyles · 3 years
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Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
Genre: pure smut
Word Count: 3.7k
Summary: There’s something about Harry’s pearls that just get you going.
Warning(s): a fascination for harry’s pearls, oral (f receiving), slight degradation, he smacks her thigh one (1) time, unprotected sex (don’t be a fool, wrap your tool!!! (or make sure he wraps his!!!!), choking, breeding kink, aftercare
A/N: this is literally just smut!!!!!! reader’s discretion is advised!!!! read at your own risk!!!! anyway, i went completely in for this one please don’t come at me for my love of the pearls, okay????? it’s almost worse than the love for the rings!!! actually, who am i kidding?? it’s definitely worse than the love for the rings!!!!! the necklace is just so hot and it rests on his pretty little clavicle so fucking nicely like oh my god someone save me i cannot breathe!!!!! anyway!!!!! without further ado, here’s just a whole lot of filth!!!
also thank u to @glowunderthemoon​ for the visual and the ideas!!! also thank u to @strawberryystyles​, @sweetheartharry​, @soullikestyles​, @lookupandseethestars​, and @mindofharry​ for screaming about this with me <3 thank you guys for the ideas and the hype and for just being the way you are i love u guys or whatever
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Reblog the fics that you like please & thank u!
Y/N’s been needy for Harry since he walked through the door. He came into their house in black designer dress pants and an extremely expensive white button up shirt that all but made her drool. She was sitting on the couch as she watched him kick off his shiny black boots and shrug off the jacket that matched his pants. 
All of these things made her want him, but what really set her off was the delicate string of pearls that were perched so perfectly atop his clavicle. He’s been wearing them for weeks and there’s something about them that make her arousal pool in her underwear faster than anything else.
She hasn’t told him this, of course. She doesn’t really think that he’d understand her fascination with a piece of jewelry, so she just went about her search for satisfaction like she normally would.
Harry, however, had different plans. Sure, she hadn’t told him about the infatuation that she had grown to have with his pearls, but he had easily found out. He could tell by the way that her eyes got a little bigger and she gulped every time that he would run his finger across the beads and pull just a bit when he was stressed. He noticed the way that her thighs would clench when he took the necklace into his mouth and how, just once, she let out a gasp when he let it fall from his mouth and there was a thin string of spit connecting his lips to the beads. That’s really when he knew, because she hid her face and tried to push it off even though he could see the way that she was rubbing her thighs together. 
So, when Y/N strolls into their room and comes up to Harry, giving him her signature pouty look, with her bottom lip jutting out slightly and her eyes wide, almost innocent, he gives in easier than she thought he would, but that’s simply because he wants to test out what exactly his pearls do to her.
He grabs the back of her head firmly and pulls her closer to him the second that she whispers to him, telling him that she wants him. He presses his lips to hers hungrily as soon as she’s close enough for him to do so. She immediately kisses him back with just as much fervor, loving the way that his mouth molds with hers just like they were made to be kissing each other. He pushes her back onto the bed as he swipes his tongue over her bottom lip, and she quickly opens up for him, letting him dip his tongue into her mouth to dance with her own. 
As her back hits the bed, he maneuvers one of his thighs to slot between hers and he applies the slightest bit of pressure when he feels the warmth of her heat seep through the layers of fabric that are keeping them from each other.
Harry pulls away from her mouth to catch his breath and smiles at the way she looks so fucked out already. “Look at you, puppy,” he teases. “Already look so gone and I haven’t even touched you yet.” 
She whines and leans up slightly in an attempt to kiss him again, but he wants something different. He leans down and begins peppering kisses along her jaw before traveling down and leaving open mouthed kisses to her neck. He stops briefly on her sweet spot, sucking and nipping at the skin until he knows that there will be a bruise for her to tend to in the morning. 
She tries to control her breathing as she feels his lips dance across her skin, and she almost succeeds until the cool surface of his pearls fall onto her skin. A shiver runs down her spine as the beads trail everywhere that he goes. 
He pauses his ministrations, teasing his fingers under the hem of her shirt as he looks up at her. When she nods her permission, he slips it over her head and haphazardly tosses it somewhere in the room. He looks down at her, tracing the skin that he just uncovered and licking his lips like he’s seeing the best thing in the world. And to him, he is. 
He then resumes his descent down her body, making sure to lick at every inch of skin that he can reach. He stops his trail as he reaches her breasts, which are bare due to the fact that she had foregone a bra today, which Harry personally thinks is one of the best ideas she’s ever had, taking one into his hand to squeeze just as harshly as he knows that gets her going, but doesn’t hurt her. He immediately takes the nipple of one into his mouth and licks circles around the peak as he pinches and rolls the other between his fingers. He’s always been one to pay equal amounts of attention to both, so he repeats his actions on the opposite breast before kissing down her belly. 
She arches her back slightly when he nips at the skin of her hip and the pearls fall directly against the part of her that needs him the most.
Looking up at her, he murmurs, “Can I take these off, doll?” He messes with the band of her sweatpants and panties, and he begins sliding them down her legs the moment that she lets out a breathy “please.”
Once they’re off, he throws them just as he did with her shirt and shimmies down until he’s able to press teasing kisses to her calves. He knows that he’s being slightly mean by not giving into what she wants, but he wants to let the chilly pearls slide across her heated skin to get her even more worked up before he gives into what he knows she’s aching for. So he leaves sloppy open mouthed kisses from her calf up to the soft skin of her thigh and then repeats on the opposite leg. By the time he’s at the top of her second leg, she’s squirming. 
“Daddy, please, wanna feel you.” Y/N begs, lifting her head from the mattress to meet his gaze. “Please.”
And really, how can he say no to his girl begging him to touch her? There’s no way that he possibly can, so he spreads her legs further, wrapping his arms around her thighs to keep them open for him. 
“Yeah, you wanna feel me, puppy? Wanna feel Daddy’s tongue against your pretty little pussy?” he teases as he leans down to lick a long stripe through her folds. She immediately arches her back, whining at the feeling of his tongue against her cunt. He smirks against your heat as you reach down and thread your hands in his hair, tugging when he circles his tongue around her clit before taking it in his mouth and sucking.
Breathy moans of his name fall from her mouth like a prayer and he traces patterns against her sensitive bundle of nerves. He pulls away from her and her hips immediately raise to meet his mouth once again. 
He brings his palm down on her thigh quickly, smacking the skin just hard enough to get her to plant her hips back to the soft surface of the mattress. “You know better, puppy. You take what I give you, nothing more,” he chides, caressing the skin that was tingling lightly from his slap. “Are you already feeling that good? Does my tongue make you feel so good that it’s the only thing you can think about?” He shakes his head. “Such a dumb puppy, yeah?” He chuckles when she whines. “Don’t worry, baby, it’s okay, because you’re my dumb puppy, right?”
She immediately nods. “Yes, Daddy, I’m your dumb puppy.” She knows that he wants to hear her say it exactly as he did, so she does. It’s a bit embarrassing, but when a bright smile bleeds across his face and he buries his face back in her cunt, licking into her until her thighs are shaking around his head. She can feel the heat in her lower stomach start to spread throughout her body. She’s right there and just before she opens her mouth to ask him if she can cum, he pulls away. She holds back her whine, knowing that it’ll just get her in trouble, but she’s not sure how well she fends off the pout from cementing itself to her face.
If she’s bad at hiding it, though, he doesn’t say anything. He just stands from the bed and begins unbuttoning his shirt so he can have even less fabric between the two of them. While he’s busying himself with that, she slinks off the bed to sit on her knees in front of him. He looks down at her, eyes slightly wide as he takes her in. The sight of her eager below him makes him throb in his pants, and there’s almost nothing more that he wants than to use her pretty little throat to get off, but he’d much rather see her suck on something else. Preferably while he fucks into her so that he can see her eyes roll into the back of her head as she tries to keep her mouth closed.
So, when she reaches forward for the zipper of his pants, he grabs her wrists to stop her. “Not this time, puppy.” She pouts at his words and he moves one hand to caress her cheek. “I know how much you love having things in your mouth. Greedy little puppy always has to have something to suck on.” He chuckles darkly when she whines low in her throat. “I’ve seen you starin’ at my pearls lately, baby, why don’t you put those in your mouth instead?”
Her nod is subconscious, her head bobbing before the words have even fully registered in her brain. The only thing she really heard was ‘pearls’ and her mouth immediately watered. 
She watches as he pops the button on his pants before dragging his zipper down. He lets his hands fall to his sides once he’s done. “Finish undressing me, puppy. You wouldn’t want to make me do all the work, would you?” he drawls, smirking down at her.
She reaches up and dips her fingers below the band of his pants and boxers before tugging them down his thighs. His cock springs free of the restraints and smacks against his stomach. The head is leaking precum, almost like it’s weeping to be touched. She yearns to smear her lips across the drippy tip but she knows he’ll be mad if she does, especially since he told her that he didn’t want her mouth around his dick this time. So instead, she leans forward to sponge kisses along his thighs as she pushes the clothing down to his ankles. After a few moments, she backs away to let him kick the pesky fabric off. 
Once he’s completely bare, she lets her gaze meet his again. She takes in the way that he looks so powerful standing above her, like he controls everything in the room. And really, at this point in time, he does.
“Stand up,” he commands. She listens without a second thought, pushing herself to her feet to stand in front of him. He takes a good look at her before placing his hand on the back of her neck and pulling her forward so that he can smear their lips together. He fits her bottom lip between his two as he walks them backwards to the bed. Getting lost in the taste of her on his tongue, he lets them both fall onto the bed again. When she moans into his mouth, he pulls away to allow them to catch their breath. 
He backs away from her, coming to rest on his knees in front of where she’s sprawled out on the bed. She looks up at him with lust filled, wanting eyes as he wraps his hand around the base of his cock and gives himself a few languid strokes. His thumb swipes across his tip to gather his precum and slick it down his shaft. Her eyes train on his tip, the skin flushed a bright red. There’s already more precum leaking from the slit as he continues stroking himself. After a few moments, he bucks into his hand and she whines, spreading her legs for him.
“You want me inside, baby? Wanna feel daddy in your tummy?” he teases, continuing to stroke his cock as his eyes roam over her body. She nods and he chuckles, shaking his head. “Beg for it, then. Show me just how greedy my pretty little puppy can be.”
She opens her mouth before closing it again, she can’t just beg him for that! “If you don’t want to, I can always get myself off,” he warns and her mouth immediately opens again.
“No, no, please,” she whines. “Don’t want you to get yourself off.” She pouts.
“Then do as I said,” he groans, rolling his head back as hips buck into his hands once again, “and beg.”
“Fuck me, please, wanna feel you,” she begs. “Feel so empty without you, wanna feel full. Daddy, please.” 
Harry gives into her begs, coming back over to her. He rests his hands on either side of her head, framing her in. He leans down, connecting their lips. It’s messy, all gnashing teeth and fighting tongues, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. She takes his bottom lip between her teeth and tugs slightly, causing him to groan into her mouth. He lowers himself onto his forearms so that he can take one hand down to his cock. Wrapping his hand around the base, he drags the tip through Y/N’s folds, causing her to let out a shuddering breath. 
The head bumps against her clit, making her arch her back slightly to increase her pleasure. One stern look from him has her pressing back down into the mattress, though. He smirks down at her as she obeys him with nothing more to go off of but a glare.
He leans down slightly, pressing a gentle kiss to her nose. “Tell me if you’re uncomfortable at any time, yeah? Just because I’m more on the harsh side tonight doesn’t mean I care about your comfort any less,” he reassures, looking deep into her eyes.
“I will, promise,” she murmurs, reaching up to grab onto his pearls loosely before tugging, causing him to fall close enough to her face so that she can ghost her lips against his. “Now, fuck me, daddy. Wanna feel you for days.”
He groans, pushing his cock into her dripping pussy as he breathes out puffs of air against her mouth. Once he’s buried to the hilt, he chuckles at her, smirking darkly. “You like my pearls so much that you just can’t keep your greedy little hands off of them, yeah?” he taunts before pulling out until only the tip of his cock is still inside of her. He thrusts back in harshly, making her cry out in pleasure.
He sets a steady pace as he moves his face down to her throat, leaving sloppy kisses along her pulse. When he meets her sweet spot, causing her to let out a whimpery moan. He bites down on the skin there, letting his tongue meet the skin afterwards to soothe the skin. His hips stutter for just a moment when she squeezes around him. “Fuck, puppy you’re so tight for me, so fucking tight,” he pants into her neck. “Every single time we do this—fuck—you take me in so fucking snug, so right. God it’s like you were fucking made for me.”
She brings her hands to the side of his neck in an attempt to bring his mouth to hers. She grasps on to the string of pearls that are bouncing against his collar bone with every sharp thrust. He gives in to her whines and places a quick peck to satiate her need before leaning up and grasping her hips, positioning his own in a way that makes him hit even deeper. She cries out as his cock hits that spot inside of her that makes her a whimpery, whiny mess.
He smirks when her head falls back in bliss and her mouth forms an ‘o’. Gripping onto her hips so hard that she’s sure she’ll have grape sized bruises tomorrow. Honestly though, as she wraps her legs around his waist, pulling him closer to her, she can’t bring herself to care about the marks.
He reaches down to rub circles on her clit, sending jolts of electricity shooting up her spine. She cries out, getting completely lost in the feeling of him fucking into her while toying with her bundle of nerves. 
After a few moments, he moves his free hand to her throat, wrapping his hand around her neck as she meets his eyes. He tightly, enough to restrict her breathing. His fingers squeeze against the sides of her neck, making the blood rush through her. The feeling is amazing, each thrust pairing with his grip on her throat pushing her closer and closer to the edge.
“D-daddy,” she rasps, bringing her hands up to wrap around his wrist. “Can—can I cum?” she begs, voice raspy due to his hand being pressed directly against her windpipe. 
“You wanna cum for me puppy?” She nods, desperately whining. “Then do it, soak my cock for me, baby. Show me just how good my cock feels inside your pussy.” 
She lets go, the bubble in her lower stomach popping as the euphoric feeling of her orgasm washes through her body. Every fiber of her being feels like it’s on fire as she squeezes around his cock, reaching up to bring his face closer to hers. He groans into her mouth, letting his mouth sloppily mold with hers as she whines, pulsing around his dick as she rides out her orgasm.
He continues rubbing against her clit as he ruts into her, helping her milk her high for everything it’s worth. Once it becomes too much, she pushes his hand away from her clit and peers up at him with a pout on her face.
“Will you cum inside me, daddy?” she begs, grabbing his shoulders and crossing her ankles behind his back to keep him close. “Please? Wanna feel full.”
“Yeah?” he breathes as she buries her hands in his sweaty curls. “Want daddy to fill you up? Fuck, you wanna feel me here?” he asks as he places his hand on her lower stomach and presses down lightly.
She nods, whining a repeated string of “yes” as he thrusts into her one, two, three more times before burying himself as far as he can and dropping his head to her neck, groaning as he releases inside of her, thick ropes of his cum painting her walls white. She whimpers at the feeling, loving the way that she feels so full of him. 
He sponges kisses to her pulse as they catch their breaths. “I love you so fucking much,” he breathes into her neck. 
“I love you, too,” she reciprocates.
He basks in the feeling of her snug around him for just a second longer before he gently pulls out. Both of them hiss at the loss of contact, but Harry’s quickly turns to a groan as he watches his cum drip from her. 
“You’re so messy, puppy,” he teases before leaving the room to retrieve a washcloth from the bathroom. While he’s gone, she lets herself relax on the bed as the exhaustion washes over her. 
“Don’t fall asleep on me yet, baby,” he coos as he saunters back in with a warm rag. “Gotta clean you up before we go take a bath.”
He gently runs the cloth over her thighs before gently wiping through her folds. She hisses when he runs over her sensitive clit, and he automatically apologizes before pressing a light kiss to her thigh.
Standing back up, he takes his hand in hers and tugs her from the bed. 
“Come on, baby, I know I fucked you so good that your legs are sore, but I need you to walk to the bathroom with me,” he taunts as she rolls her eyes. “On a serious note, though,” he begins as they’re walking towards the bathroom, “I’m glad you like my pearls so much.”
“Yeah, can’t wait to have you suck on them while I fuck you again,” he states nonchalantly as he leans over to turn on the water. When he looks over his shoulder and smirks, her breath hitches as she thinks about all the ways he’s going to absolutely ravage her later. 
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shinobusupremecy · 3 years
Howdy! I would like to request Yandere Shinobu with a fem darling with amnesia. They hit their head trying to escape her and when they wake up they have no memory of her, being kidnapped, or even their own name. Their personalities are also different, where they used to fight and kick and scream and yell. Now they are more jumpy and nervous and blushy. How does Shinobu take all of this? Thank you and have a wonderful day!
Yandere Shinobu x f!reader with amnesia
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A/N:Another request omgg! Yaaas! I will gladly write this for you!
You screamed trying to get away from her. You ran around the room throwing stuff at her, of course she avoided the things you threw at her with ease while still smiling. Knowing you messed up you tried harder and harder to get away from her, throwing larger stuff and throwing with as much force as you could. 
“Oh darling you are making this so hard aren’t yo-” she didn’t even finish until she saw you slip and hit your head hard at a table edge knocking you out. She was taken aback seeing your knocked out form but smiled again. 
“My my my. You really are a clumsy klutz aren’t you?” She smiled and lifted you in bridal style while taking you to your bed. She laid you down, treating your head injury and then she just waited for you to wake up. 
Her head perked up from the book she was reading from when she heard you groan. When you sat up and opened your eyes you instantly looked around confused. 
“Where am I?” You asked. Suddenly feeling pain from your injury you touched the part where it was aching. Then you looked confused at your hands. You saw your hands and looked at them like they were aliens. 
“Is there any problem darling?” Shinobu asked sweetly. 
“Who are you?” You asked tilting your head. 
“Darling you know you can drop your act. You will still get punished” You tilted your head at her still confused on who she is. The confused look on your face made Shinobu think that you may not be lying. 
“Do you remember your name?” She asked and you looked up at the ceiling like it was gonna help you remember your name. On second thought, did you even have one? 
“Name? I can’t remember” You replied looking back at her. She had a slight shocked expression on her face. You really did forget everything. It made her happy since now she can start all over, a better start but the bad thing was she had to start over. 
“Well I’m Kochou Shinobu you’re at my estate right now getting treated. Your name is Y/N” You nodded and looked around the room again. It was very clean and looked very nice. 
“Do you remember anything?” Shinobu asked and you turned your head to her. 
“No. I’m trying to remember something but nothing comes up” You replied. Shinobu nodded with a smile on her face. She could shape your future now since you didn’t remember anything. 
“Do you feel better?” Shinobu asked trying see how you would react towards her. 
“I feel better I guess. My head doesn’t hurt so much” You replied feeling your head again. 
“I hope I made you feel better, it’s my job anyway~” Shinobu cooed leaning close to your face. You didn’t fight back but you did something she did not excpect you to do. You blushed. You instantly hid your face behind your hands as you blushed more red than a tomato. Shinobu’s mouth formed a “o” but she smiled again, a very bright smile. Instead of fighting back like you always did, you reacted the way she always wanted you to act. You began to squeal and Shinobu smiled at your cute behaviour. 
“Oh my you’re red as a tomato. Is there something wrong?” She asked you as she removed your hands from your face so she could see your flustered face. She leaned closely into you again. You squeaked and began to blush even more (if that was even possible). Shinobu smiled. She liked this new change of you. One where you would love her and not only scream and kick at her. She can now start a new future with you, one you both might like. 
A/N:So sorry if the ending was a bit rushed but I hope you enjoyed it anyways! So happy you requested! Feel free to do it again! 
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loving-all-for-loki · 3 years
May I request a little something? Reader is an employee at the compound and is super shy.. and gets teased by some of the other agents relentlessly. One of the male agents gets kind of aggressive to her because she’s walking through the training area and he starts shoving her saying how she doesn’t belong. But not realizing why she’s there; she’s meeting Loki for a lunch date and he sees someone unworthy treating his lover like trash. If you don’t mind 🥺
A/N: Omg, totally, I had so much trouble figuring out which Avenger would be this mean, but also I feel like Steve would go to the gym to let off some angry steam so I went with him. Two things: The beginning is slow so I apologize and second, I did change lunch date to dinner for continuity. <3 It might seem a bit chunky because I did write some of this last night while I was tired, so I'm sorry if the quality isn’t the greatest.
Also, you're my first request, this notification made me very happy. Request as much as you want :)
You Belong
Loki x reader
Word count: 2201
Warnings: small mention of violence, mean!Steve, Loki fluff
Y/D/N - your dog’s name
It’s not like you hate working at the tower. In fact, it’s the best job you’ve gotten in a year considering you’ve been doing retail work for six years, but as soon as you heard about an opening at the Stark Tower, you resigned and applied.
Simple enough, your job includes watching security cameras and sitting at a desk. Sure, you’re a receptionist, but not much happens so you usually go on your phone and smile at the Avengers as they enter the building. You’re not complaining since you’re not the most outgoing person and the gods know what would happen if you were to have to interact with any of the Avengers (probably you spilling coffee on them or stumbling over your words). Most people don’t believe you when you tell them your job, but after a couple of your friends brought you lunch and crossed paths with the heroes, they stopped teasing you.
You’ve always admired the heroes. Steve, Captain America. You were told stories about him when growing up so when news broke out that he was alive, you became a fanatic. Then came along Tony Stark who famously announced his status as Iron Man and then the presence of an actual god, aka Thor.
They’ve been okay with you in the past. You thought that because they were Earth’s Mightiest heroes that they’d be nice to you, but they often shit all over you. You’ve attempted to say hi to them before, but you get mixed reactions every time.
“Good morning Clint.” … .“Even my deafness can’t drown out your annoying voice.”
“Good afternoon Thor.” …. “Earthling.”
“Mr. Rogers, there’s a package for-” … . “just send it to the floor. No need for conversation.”
Bucky, who is known to most of the world as the quiet boy, will wave and say hi every so often. You think he only likes you only because of your quiet nature, not freaking out over them or treating them like gods. The other Avengers ignore your gestures. Most of the people in the building will get ignored if they attempt to talk to any of them, or if they make the mistake and attempt to approach Tony Stark who will insult them then demand them to pick up his dry cleaning. You’ve been on the wrong end of his antics before, but it’s amusing to watch him mess with people who don’t know not to talk to him.
The attack on New York was the most memorable day, not because of the debut of the Avengers, but because of the introduction of Loki. Everyone was scared, not knowing what his intentions were until the creatures came. You remember working that day at the Tower when they came flooding down. Windows broke and people were going crazy.
Like the idiot you are, you just hid under the desk and hoped for the best. You could hear the screams and echoes of crying around you. It felt like hours before they were gone. Finally gaining the strength to come out of hiding, you found the US army in the building with Loki in handcuffs. You got a good look at the god before he made eye contact with you.
Ten seconds felt like ten minutes as the two of you stared at each other. You couldn’t tell his facial expression due to the muzzle like thing over his face, but the way he looked at you made butterflies in your stomach. You couldn’t decide if he scared you or intrigued you. He sized you up, either in case he needed to fight you or he was checking you out. Then came more action.
There were double agents then Loki was gone. You weren’t even sure what to make of it. Months went by without the sight or even talk of Loki. Life went by like normal with the Avengers coming and going and your coworkers bitching about something that you didn’t concern yourself with.
Loki showed up one day out of the blue. Most people got nervous, but you felt the same feeling as the first time you saw him. You couldn’t even give him the same smile or wave as the others for a day or two, not wanting to look stupid in front of the powerful god. Picking up bits and pieces from eavesdropping on Mr. Stark, you found out Loki was staying with the avengers for a while as punishment for New York.
The thought of having to see the black haired god every day made you excited. There was something about him that was different from the rest. Maybe it was his power, or confidence, or even the way that he dressed. After a while, you mustered up the strength to wave to him as he entered the building, which shocked him the first time. He politely waved back, but then it became a habit. Then him buying you a coffee became a habit.
The first time you saw him drop coffee off by you was thrilling. You two became more than what you had with the other Avengers, every so often he’d even stop and talk to you for a moment. He learned your name, dog’s name, even your grandmothers. Your coworkers were stunned by the interactions, given the fact that you’ve never talked to any of them.
You look up to see the god saunter over you with a coffee in hand, Thor following close behind.
“I was wondering something.”
“Ask away.”
“Do you have a boyfriend, by any chance?”
“Of course she doesn’t. Have you seen… her?” Thor teases
“Go away, you lug.”
Thor rolls his eyes at Loki as he walks away, watching you two with a suspicious eye.
“I’m sorry for my oaf brother.”
“You don’t have to apologize. The Avengers see me as a burden.”
“That’s not right. You’ve been nothing but helpful, at least sine we’ve known each other.”
“I’m glad someone feels that way.”
“Anyways, you didn’t answer my question. Do you have a boyfriend?”
You felt the heat in your cheeks as he asked the question and hoped Loki doesn’t see your embarrassed rosy tint. Although you try to not let the heroes get to you, Thor is right. You have no chance of getting a boyfriend.
“I’m not… I uh.. No, I guess. No, I don’t.”
“Wonderful, so I take it you have no plans tonight?”
“Uh, no, I don’t.”
“Perfect. Meet me in the Avenger’s living quarters at seven. Wear something nice.”
Loki’s words linger in your head all day until you’re in your bedroom picking out something to wear. You know Loki, he’s flashy, bold. Nothing you own is flashy or bold enough to match him, but he also said something nice so is flashy and bold the way to go? You let out a frustrated sigh when your dog comes to the sound. He starts licking your face, sending you into a laughing frenzy.
“I know, Y/D/N, you make things better sometimes.”
You pet him for another moment before returning to the current dilemma. Searching through your closet, you pick out a simple black truffle dress knowing black will work for any occasion. You settle on some gold earrings and red lipstick. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you pray to whatever god that you’re not overdoing or overthinking the situation.
The night floods over New York as you drive to the Avengers tower. Every possible circumstance flows through your head. Good ones like Loki being into you, the date going well, possibly marrying him one day. Then the bad ones like this are set up, he’s going to be rude, he’s going to be demanding and pushy. As you pull up to a red light, you slam your forehead on the steering wheel. What are you doing to yourself? This is the god of lies, mischief, after all. There’s no way this will be some normal date he asked you on.
Oh my god, he asked you on a date. You’re going on an actual date with an actual god.
You pull up to the tower and park. Bringing yourself up the courage, you get out and make your way inside. Most of the workers are gone besides the security and one receptionist, Katie, who is by far your least favorite coworker. She stares at you in shock at your appearance.
“And where do you think you’re going dressed like that, missy?”
You get all flushed by her teasing, heading straight towards the elevator with hopes of no more interruptions. The attention you got from her was already too much. What if Loki makes a big deal? What if he goes on for what feels like hours about how you look? What if he doesn’t say anything? What if you’re not what he expected?
Trying to shake away the negative thoughts impaling your brain, you walk off the elevator as the doors open. Looking around, you realize you don’t really know where the living quarters are. You’ve never been on their floors before. Most of the time, the elevator won’t take anyone but the Avengers up there due to Tony Stark's well made A.I that practically runs the tower.
You wander the floor slowly, taking in every sight as you walk. You silently thank yourself for wearing small heels since you could hear a pin drop. The large windows display the night sky so well, showing every inch of New York below you. The light from the moon shines in the hallway as you make your way down.
A large thumping sound comes from the end of the hallway, drawing your attention to it and away from the scenery. Slowly, you make your way over to the sound, hoping it’s an indication of where you need to go, but it’s not like you know any better. The sound staggers, going off every so often but not consistently. You wander your way to a room with the door wide open, the sound emanating from it.
You peek in to see Captain America going at it on the punching bag. He’s shirtless so the lights reflect right off the sweat dripping down his body. You’ve always known the serum made him this buff super soldier, but the way his body is completely… perfect… is beyond you. Steve stops for a moment and turns around.
“What are you doing here?”
“You shouldn’t be here. This floor is for Avengers only.”
“I was just meeting-”
“What with Tony? Are you just another one of his booty calls? I know you don’t speak much, since you’re all ‘shy’ and that,” Steve says, putting a sarcastic emphasis on ‘shy’, “but sorry to burst your bubble. Stark doesn’t date his receptionists.”
You are stunned into silence. In all of the teasing you’ve received from the Avengers, you’ve never had any of them treat you like this. You freeze up, not knowing what to say or even do besides fiddle with your fingers.
“Nat was right. You’re just some dumb secratary.”
That was the final blow. You back up quite quickly and go back down the hallway. You try to not mess up your makeup as you cry the whole way there. Steve’s scoffing is still able to be heard down the hallways until he comes up to you. He pushes you over, stumbling over your heels, as he walks away, muttering about you not belonging there.
As Loki exits his room, he hears a muffled cry from somewhere off in the distance. He wanders the halls to see you walking slowly towards him, trying to contain your tears. Anger eters his body as he storms towards you, raging at whoever or whatever made you cry. Then he sees Steve push past you in a hurried manner, muttering something to himself. Loki grabs his arm right before he can manage to pass by.
“What did you say to her?” he shouts.
“I told her she doesn’t belong up here. She’s a receptionist for goodness sake, not a very important one, but one that isn't allowed up here.”
“Did it ever come across to your small mind that maybe she does belong here?”
“How would she be?”
“Maybe because I asked her out on a date and told her to meet me here, but let me guess, you’re too shoved up your honorable and glorious ass to hear her speak?”
“Not like she speaks much.”
“And when did that ever stop you with the Winter Soldier?”
Steve stares daggers at Loki until he realizes the god may be right. Not wanting to admit his own fault, he scoffs and yanks his arm out of Loki’s grip, walking away to the showers. Loki looks back to see you staring at him.
“I’m so sorry, love. He’s not as great as he seems.”
“No, he’s right. I don’t belong-”
“Don’t you dare say that. You do belong here, as much as I do, especially when you’re with me.”
You smile as his kind words, feeling the desperate sadness fading away from your mind. Loki reaches out for your hand with a gentle smile.
“Now, I believe we have dinner waiting.”
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