#by which I mean they can't just park in front of the store for a minute
birdmenmanga · 4 months
I think anything that requires the foodpanda or ubereats guy to look for parking is entirely unethical for you to request... at that point they're earning like negative money
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mangowafflesss · 8 months
Antique Soldiers | Ghost!141
Summary: Going into an antique store you're drawn to a beautiful box which is sealed until you take it home only for the inhabitants inside be released.
Word Count: 5K+
Mythic Month HQ
You were going to stay inside today, maybe curl up onto your sofa and watch your favourite films but no. You decided to help out your friend instead, you loved her with all of your heart but sometimes you really hate the fact you can never say no to her, which means you agreeing to do things without even realising what you’re agreeing to. 
She was directing some production for her end of term project. Creating some sort of crack den for vampires. You weren't really paying attention to what it was about but you agreed to be on set design. You've never done anything like that before but all she said was it to be ‘spooky vampire vibes’. 
You had spent all last night in your bed with your laptop on Pinterest, you were so far into your research of ‘vampire vibe’ decor that you hadn’t realised the sun was starting to rise and you were significantly hungrier than before. 
Tugging your coat tighter around yourself you trek down the highly decorated streets. It was close to halloween so you dodged carved pumpkins and hanging cobwebs from shop signs and awnings. Your town always goes all out even though it really isn't a popular holiday around these parts.
You stop in your tracks as you spot your destination in front of you. An old antique shop that sells things for dirt cheap. The owner has lived above it for years, there's a silly rumour that they're actually a witch but you don't believe in such things. 
The front door opened with a jingle of a bell which echoed around the quiet shop. You felt uneasy as you ventured into the small space. There were so many things in here so you were careful to not accidentally knock anything over. You walked past a mirror that had definitely survived a fire or something, the reflection was all hazy and the outsides were black with specks of the original gold peeking through. It looked like there was someone else standing inside of it but you quickly looked away before you fully saw anything. 
Feeling a shiver go up your spine you have a sudden feeling you're being watched. You looked around you but couldn't see anyone - not even a worker. Weird. 
As you look through shelves of things, you come across a table with a small box sitting on it. It was absolutely beautiful, it was silver with blue gems embedded into different slots. Picking it up you look at it closer and feel something move around inside, feeling curious you try to open it but sadly you can't. 
“Beautiful isn't it” you flinch as you turn and see a woman standing next to you. Her dark hair covered part of her face but you could clearly make out the wrinkles decorating her face. 
“How much is it? There isn't a price tag” you blurt out and ask before you even realise you said anything. Is it weird to be drawn to something so much? The woman gives it a long look before smiling at you “free, take it” you furrow your brows at her and then look at the box in your hands. It looked so precious and expensive, why would she give it to you for free?
“Are you sure? I can always give you something” you offer while moving towards your purse but a hand on your arm stops you “take it, it's yours now” is all she says before walking away leaving you alone once more. 
You exited the store but then came to the realisation that you didn't buy anything for your set. You look back through the window of the store and see the ‘closed’ sign swinging as if it was just turned. “Great… just great” you huff and then notice that it's a lot darker outside. How long were you in there for?
Looking down at the box in your arms you groan at your stupid infatuation with it but hold it closer to your chest and storm back to where you parked your car. 
It had been a couple of days and you woke up to the feeling of your apartment freezing cold. Pulling on a warm jumper, you pull the sleeves over your hands to try and gain some warmth into them. Rubbing your arms you walk over to the thermostat, but when you see the temperature you become confused. It's a normal temperature so why do you feel so cold?
Moving further into your home the temperature changes and you test the different rooms. Every room was the temperature it was supposed to be except your bedroom. Walking over to your whiteboard of things to remember you write down ‘call maintenance’ onto the list.
Sighing you go back into your freezing bedroom and get changed then grab your bag to go to your first class. What you don't realise is that the pretty sealed box you bought a couple of days ago was laying wide open on the top of your dresser. 
Your day was long and your friend was breathing down your neck about this stupid set design so you stayed behind and finished it off. When you get home you go into your bedroom and get ready for the shock of a cold temperature but when it doesn’t come you freeze. “Hmm maybe I don't have to call maintenance after all” you smile before going to your board and wipe the note off but then see the black marker is smeared over the white background. Looking closer it looks like finger marks which confuses you “What the?”
You flinch at the sudden sound and peer around the corner to where you heard the sound come from. You see your bedroom door is now shut and eye it suspiciously before taking a deep breath and slowly walking towards it. If someone was inside of your apartment you would have seen them due to the lack of size and space you have but then again how do you explain the wiped off marker. 
Either it was an intruder or your friend was playing a trick on you, she had a spare key and has loved playing pranks on you since you were in high school. Taking another big deep breath you shake off your tense shoulders and grip the bedroom door handle, twisting it fast and barge through the door to find nothing. 
“I must be going crazy” you huff a laugh and then stop when something catches your eye. There was a reflection in your mirror and it looked like a man but it quickly disappeared and you looked all around your room and your eyes landed on something else.
The box.
Slowly walking over to where it sat on your dresser, the blue silk interior grabs your attention and you eagerly look inside only to find… dogtags?
Reaching inside you hold one up in the air and read it “Kyle Garrick” quirking an eyebrow up you gather the others into your hands and also read their names “Well Kyle, Johnny, Simon and John I don't know if you're real but if you are why are you in a box?” you question and feel something breathe in your ear. You flick your head to the side and look behind you, you're starting to get freaked out now but something in the back of your mind is laughing at you. 
Your gut feeling was saying for you to run, your eyes look at your open bedroom door and you dart for it. As you were about to pass through the threshold it slammed shut in your face and you grabbed the handle which was red hot. Letting out a hiss you hold your hand and feel the top layer of your skin burn. 
Backing away from the door you look at your window and groan when you realise they don't open far due to you being so high up. Reaching for your phone you pick it up but then you see the battery is dead “What the fuck?” you could've sworn it was at least 40%.  
Throwing it down on your bed your mind keeps nagging at you to go to the box. Glancing over at the glistening silver material you hesitate before touching it again. The dogtags were still laying inside and you picked all of them up, holding them in one hand as you investigated the box. You felt along the silk interior for anything stuck into it but you couldn't find anything. Flipping it upside down however an engraving stood out to you with a familiar name carved in the silver. 
Your name was in bold capital letters, you ran your thumb along it and felt every indent of each initial. “This has to be some sort of joke” you put it back down and go to pick up your phone to charge it and call someone, you need answers and you have a feeling your friend was behind this. 
As you turn around you let out a scream when you see four men looking at you. Your hand tightened around the dog tags wrapped around your hand as you stood there frozen on the spot. 
Get out of there!  Your mind screamed at you but you were in some sort of daze. 
You tried to move but your feet were stuck and your heartbeat got faster with every breath you took. “Don't be afraid we're not going to hurt you” one says with his arms raised in the air, he took a step towards you but you managed to step back, your ass was pressed up against the dresser and you felt behind you. The box was in reach and you flung it at them but watched in horror as it went through them. The loud clattering sound was the only noise filling your senses. 
“What the fuck?” is all you managed to get out before making a break for it and ran towards them, all logic in your mind went out of the window at your actions but they were guarding the door and you needed to get out of here. 
Arms however wrapped around your body and you were flung to the bed and held down “let me go!” you wiggle around to get yourself free but it was no use, you were stuck and it sucked terribly.  
“Calm down! breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth” someone grabs your chin and your face to face with one of the men, he has scars on his face which somehow seemed to calm you down. Some connected with one another and you snapped out of it when you felt something lightly tap your face. 
“Hey… we won't hurt you, my name's Kyle. What's yours?” his voice was soft and you almost fell into the security of it until you came back to reality. The other man had already let go of you but you scrambled up your bed until you were sitting on your pillows with your back to the headboard. You were shaking slightly and the cold feeling from this morning had come back. You looked at each individual who was surrounding your bed, they watched you with curious eyes but they didn’t seem to look threatening. Okay maybe they did a little with their big bodies but there was something trusting about them. 
After what felt like forever you crawled to the bottom of your bed and reached out a hand, carefully pushing through the abdomen of the scarred man. “This is insane…” you breathe out and a shiver goes up your arm, goosebumps raising along with your hairs. 
You saw movement in the corner of your eye and another man stood before you with something in his hand. You looked at him and he dropped the item in your hand which was one of the dog tags. “Johnny Mactavish, is this you?” he nods his head and you grab the rest which are sprawled out on your bed and gather them in your palm. 
“These belong to all of you?” 
“Yes they do” 
“Why are they in a box though in some antique store?” you had to ask the question but maybe they didn't even know. “Dunno but it's stuffy in there” one of them jokes and you stare blankly at him. 
You're joking with ghosts… dead people are in front of you right now and you’re joking with them as if they are still alive. 
Sighing heavily you ask for them to introduce themselves to you and then they slip each of their tags around your neck, they jingled with every move you made but you didn't mind it. You didn't feel comfortable talking to them in your room so you asked them to go to the living room instead, while you thought they would open the door they didn't and instead walked through it. 
When you entered your living room they were all waiting for you, each with different types of smiles on their faces, you sat on the sofa with your head in your hands. 
“So you guys are ghosts”
“Yes” they say in unison and you run your palms down your face and groan “okayyy and how did you die?” you ask but then they begin to awkwardly look at each other clearly uncomfortable with the question.        
You felt something lower itself next to you and John looks at you with a solemn expression on his face “We were on a mission but unfortunately couldn't trust the information we were given, we were captured and executed on the spot, youngest first up to the oldest” you let out a gasp at his words and went to give him a friendly touch of reassurance only for your hand to go through him. 
“I'm sorry…” your hand hovers over where his shoulder is and he appreciated the gesture and placed his hand on yours. Your hand felt as if it was inside of the freezer by his touch and he could tell you were uncomfortable and retreated it. 
As you stared at his hand you were suddenly curious about something “How is it that I can see you guys?” you look over to the others and Simon steps forward “We're showing ourselves to you, also you have something we’re attached to” he points to the metallic chains around your neck which makes you look down at them and touch them. 
“Why can I only touch you some of the time?” You turned to John and he tapped his head “It takes a lot of concentration, can’t do it all the time or else then you won’t be able to see or hear us” you nod your head as you take in the information and then stand up. 
“I see… When did the box open?” you asked while standing there and tapping your pointer finger on your lip in thought. “Around this morning” Johnny says and everyone agrees with murmurs and nods. 
“So what you're saying is you watched me sleep and get dressed today” you looked at him and he seemed to freeze on the spot and become flustered. “Umm well uh…” he slowly disappeared from your vision and you sighed “Really? Even in death guys are still creeps” 
“We are not creeps! You just didn’t know we were there” Kyle states and you narrow your eyes at him before rolling them and walking to your front door.
“Well it was nice meeting you but you may leave now, go bother someone else” you motion to the hallway outside your apartment and they stay where they are and then Johnny comes back into view shaking his head side to side. 
“Come on, gooo” you move your arm quickly hoping it'll spur them into movement but they're all still rooted like a tree. 
“We can't. We're stuck here” Simon says flatly “You fucking with me right. No?” your mouth was open like a fish out of water and you slammed the door behind you not realising its currently very late and your neighbours are probably asleep. 
“Well if you’re going to be here all the time then we’re going to have to have some rules” you stand like a mother with your hands on your hips and giving each individual a look to let them know you're serious. 
“Of course. What are your rules?” John sits on the arm of your sofa and waits patiently, you appreciate the gesture and his respect for you. 
“Everyone just come over here please” you motion to your sofa and they all do as you say. You stand in front of them pacing. 
“Okay so first, no going in my room” they all nod and you bite your lip while trying to think of another rule. “Secondly, no - ummm. Bathroom! Do not go in there okay?” Kyle lets out a small giggle and you sigh. 
“That’s all I got” you say, shrugging your shoulders and collapsing into your armchair. You were exhausted from your busy day and the showing up of your new ‘roommates’. Running a hand down your face you let out a yawn and then there was a knock at your door. 
Walking over, the guys as well, you look through your peephole and see who it is. Opening it you see your neighbour standing there. “Thank goodness you answered, are you okay dearie? I heard you pacing around and… you talking to yourself” the older woman played with her cardigan button and you just stared blankly at her “Oh, I was- on the phone” you give her a smile but her eyes cast to the side of you which makes you panic. 
“Why is your hair floating?” She didn’t seem fazed by what she said but your shoulders tense when you feel a cool breeze run up your back. Reaching up to your head you smooth down the hairs, Kyle pops up next to you with a cheeky smile on his face but you remain calm in front of your neighbour who looks… worried for you. 
“I was rubbing a balloon on my head. The static and stuff” You state and she seems to become more worried “A balloon?” She looked down at her watch and then back to you “Sweetheart why don’t you go get yourself some sleep okay? And I’ll bring you some breakfast in the morning” she says, softly grabbing your hand in a caring manner. 
After saying your goodbyes you shut your door softly not wanting to wake your neighbours at 3am. Turning swiftly on your heel you march towards Kyle “That wasn’t funny!” You whisper yell but all he does is shrug his shoulders and laugh. “It was funny. For me anyway” he seemed very happy with himself as he joyfully walked around your living room, looking at the photos on the walls and knocking a blanket off the back of your sofa on purpose. 
“I'll put you back in the box!” you threaten and he turns around and puts his hands together while falling onto his knees “Oh please don't! I don't deserve such punishment” he laughs and you grumble something under your breath before slowly backing out of the room “John please keep him away from my stuff, you're my favourite as of now” “Hey what about me?!” Johnny shouts but you’re already in your room getting ready to go to sleep.
When you woke up in the morning you had hoped everything was a dream until you opened your bedroom door to a six foot something Simon. “Fuck me! Why are you standing there?” you placed a hand on your chest to steady your beating heart while walking through him. “I was coming to see if you were awake” he followed you as you walked to the kitchen and filled the kettle with water. 
“The guys were annoying me”
“So you thought to come and annoy me” 
You were grabbing your favourite mug from the cupboard and prepared your drink for the water. “I wanted to ask you something” you hummed for him to continue as you grabbed a spoon. “The box had your name on it, why?” you stopped where you stood by the sink and turned to face him “Thank you for reminding me” you smiled before walking past him and going to your room to find it. 
When you entered it was still on the floor from when you threw it at them and your name was still engraved into the bottom. As it was tipped upside down something flew out and you looked down at the ground to see a piece of paper laying next to your foot. That most definitely wasn't there yesterday. Bending down to pick it up you turned it around and read the inky words on the page.   
‘May these souls be reunited with their owner’    
“Owner? That sounds like some bullshit don't you think” you look to your side but don't see Simon with you. Poking your head out to where your door is you see him leaning on the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. “Why didn't you follow me? I was talking to you”      
“Did you really forget your own rules already?” 
You did forget but he didn't need to know that. “No… but we were having a conversation so that means you could come in” you held your head high and he just gave you one look and came inside of your room. 
You show him the paper in your hand and he reads it, there wasn't any emotion on his face so you didn't really know what he was thinking. “Where did you get this from?” He points to the paper and then you show him the box that was tucked under your armpit. 
“It flew out when I was reading the bottom” 
He turned on his heel while holding the box and walked away from you. “Where are you going?” you chase after him and the tags around your neck clashed together as you did so. 
When you walk into the living room the guys are all there surrounding your coffee table as they stare at the box Simon placed down along with the note. 
“What does it mean?” “How do we know that she didn’t put it there last night” 
They turned to look at you in unison and you somewhat felt like you were under some sort of investigation. “Why would I write something like that? Even I don't know what it means” 
“Well clearly it means that she is our owner and this box belongs to her” 
“Why did you buy this box in the first place?” John asks you and you give it a look and walk towards it. 
“I was buying some things for a project and this was the only thing I picked up. I immediately asked for the price but the woman gave it to me for free, I never saw the engraving on the bottom” you say in the most honest way you could. “I was somewhat attracted to it” your eyes were glued to the shiny material. 
“Did the woman seem weird at all?” Kyle asks and you look at him and think “Not really… she approached me out of nowhere and that was it” 
“What did she look like?” 
“What's with all the questions? It was just some old lady who said I could take it and that's it” you don't know why you got so defensive but they were starting to annoy you and you've only known them for a day. 
“Black hair?” 
“Seemed like she would smell funky” you stared at Johnny and made a face of disgust “Uh yeah…” they moved in an instant and came towards you, their bodies were so close and you felt intimidated. 
“When we died we saw a woman like that and then she put us in that very box” John explained while pointing to the coffee table. “Should we go to the store and see if she's there?” you say looking at each of them and then shake your head as you remembered they can’t leave… or can they?
Turning around to your front door you opened it but then jumped out of your skin when you saw your neighbour standing there “Are you okay sweetie? I brought you breakfast” giving her a smile you quickly take it out of her hands and bring it inside before sending her back to her apartment. 
“Follow me” 
“Come outside, trust me” you beckon them over with your hand and they give each other a shrug before Kyle comes running towards the door. You watch from the hallway outside your apartment, him coming your way, you had no idea if it would work but it's worth a try - and he's really trusting you in this. 
He closed his eyes and ran straight over the threshold of your entrance. A smile spread over your face and the others inside looked confused “I think it has to do with these” you say while holding up the dog tags around your neck. “They were in the box, sooo if I take them with me so can you” that was your logic around it but you had no idea this idea would even work but you're glad it did. 
“Simon grab the box and let's go!” you march away until you hear your name being called “Aren't you forgetting something?” John says and points to your feet, nodding your head you go back into your apartment and grab some shoes and also your car keys. 
Walking down the streets with the knowledge that there are four ghosts with you and no one else knows makes you feel weird. You tried not to speak to them as you didn’t want the surprisingly busy streets to think you're talking to them or yourself…
You saw the shop ahead and headed towards it in a more hurried manner, you wanted to find this woman and wanted answers as to why she's given you four ghosts.  
Opening the door the same bell jingled above the door and a woman greeted you. You've never seen her before but walked up to the counter anyway. “Hi, I was sold this box a couple of days ago and I wanted to see if the woman who sold it me was here” 
The blonde gave you a smile and then frowned when she looked down at the item on the counter. “I'm sorry but we didn't sell you this” she says and you shake your head “No I came in here and picked it up from a table in the back” you point in the general direction but she gives you a disappointing smile and shakes her head. 
“Well is the woman here? Dark hair and around this height” you measure where the woman was up to you and the woman shakes her head yet again “I’m the only one who works here, I'm sorry I can’t help you”  
You watch as Simon and Johnny walk through the counter and investigate the back room, the girl must've felt the breeze of their bodies and turned around. You were so glad she couldn't see them. 
“Have you ever had anyone of that description come in before?” you question and she turns back around to you and taps the counter thinking of an answer. “Nope not many people come in here so I would remember someone like that” 
You see the guys reemerge from the back and Johnny gives you a shrug of the shoulders “Nothing there” Simon says and you admit defeat and pick up your box and turn to leave. When you walk back outside your shoulders sag and a frown appears on your face “I guess we’ll never know why she gave me this box” you kick a stone across the floor and walk back to your car with the guys behind you.   
“It'll be okay, you got four smoking men to live with now, anyone would die for that” you hear Kyle say from his place next to you and you let out a laugh and unlock your car. 
“I don’t particularly find dead people attractive, no offence” 
Weeks later you and the guys have been getting along. 
Price helped you build a bookshelf, which was collecting dust for years in its box. He couldn't actually do it for you but he told you where each thing went, it wasn’t helpful when Kyle stole one of the screws. Apparently he wasn't always like this, a jokester yes but never this playful. You didn't mind it really, it was a little annoying sometimes but he’d bring it back… after begging for it. 
Simon and Johnny helped you bake. You were making some cupcakes for your friend's birthday party and you were on strict duty to make your ‘yummy cupcakes’. They weren't even special but if people liked them, then that's all that matters. Johnny did tie the apron a little too tight around your waist but you didn’t mind breathing with how he smiled so brightly at the thought he was helping you. Simon read out the recipe - even though you didn’t need it - he did read it softly but sometimes his lieutenant side came out and yelled at you for not following them directly.    
You hadn’t gotten used to the fact that they just pop up out of nowhere. Playing tricks on you, making you jump or drop things when they reach out to grab you but don’t show themselves. It was as if they were trying to give you a heart attack and become like them.
You had found their social media that was never deleted and laughed at their pictures, they were bad… really bad. They didn't appreciate your judgemental looks and your laugh crying and threw things at you. 
Whenever you had friends over you would have to beg them to behave but you would see them in the corner of your eye touching your friends hair or making the room unbearably cold. You had to lie and say it was just your apartment because there was no chance they would believe you had ghosts living with you, 
Their dog tags were laid safely inside of the silver box on your dresser, you only wore them unless you wanted to take them out of your house, Johnny claimed it was as if they were your pet. You did remind him of the ominous note of you being their owner  and he ripped it up and threw it out of the window, very dramatic.  
You'd never see the woman again and you frequented the antique store after your class just to try to see her but you never got close. She just disappeared. 
It was okay though, living with ghosts isn't actually as bad as it seems.
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celestialprincesse · 3 months
I’m not sure if you’ll write for Nikto or maybe even angst? Need to feel something, ignore if you’re not comfortable!
I was thinking neighbor!Nikto x civilian hyper fem!reader she just wants to get close to this masked, mean older man but he doesn’t want to hurt this sweet lil thing that’s always so loving towards him and the thought is scaring them away because of the way he looks TERRIFIES the poor man :(
Always down for when you write König. Love your lil wrinkly brain and all its ideas and words. Mwuah! Smooch!
how have I never written him before omg? I need to write more Nik & König💖 I cannot write angst for shit but pls enjoy n e ways 💕
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You're on his doorstep again. Another plate too. Nikto knows, somewhere in the back of his mind, that he should try and ignore you - maybe pretend that no one's home, not that he'd really be able to get that by you when his car is parked in the driveway and the lights are on. With a sigh, the front door is opened, and you're faced with the unmoving presence of your new neighbour, a balaclava covering most of his face, a black hoodie pulled on over top just for good measure.
"You are here again." He observes flatly, unable to contain the way his eyes widen as you bounce from foot to foot in your frilly little skirt. "I bought sharlotka!" You chirp, having practised the Russian pronunciation as you baked the cake, and on the short walk over to his home. Nikto observes the cake with a scrutinising eye before hesitantly inviting you into his home. Shame burns his features when he can't help but to stare at your ass as you make your way inside. "Yes. I can see that."
You refuse to let his indifferent tone deter you as you place the plate down on his table, before just sort of lingering awkwardly in his kitchen, holding the plate of cake out to him like an offering. "I will bring you back the plate tomorrow." Is his obvious dismissal, which has you scurrying back to his front door, waving a clearly disappointed goodbye.
You're not so easy to get rid of.
The next time you see him is in the grocery store, an ideal location for your flawless plan to unfold. Kind of flawless. Not really very well thought out but you're desperate to win his attention. If that means baking so many Russian desserts that they're up to your ears, or conveniently cornering him in the store, that's what you'll do. "I'm so sorry!" The sound of your squeak rings in Nikto's ears as he turns around with lightning speed to steady your shoulders. You like the way his hands envelop your entire pink-clad biceps as he frowns down at you. "Hello, again." The way your ears perk up at his thickly accented voice doesn't go missed by Nikto, and he allows himself to wish, just for a moment, that he could have you as his. He wonders what it would be like to shop for groceries with you, to go home and stock the fridge. He wonders whether you'd let him bend you over the kitchen countertop or fuck you in nothing but the frilly pink apron he's seen you wear through your kitchen window. You're far too precious for that. Far too pretty for a man like him. So why do you keep coming back, stupid girl.
"I made stroganoff." You chirp, shooting him your best puppy eyes, trying to find a chip in the armour that must be there somewhere. He is, after all, just a man. "That is nice." He grunts, handing you back your basket, taking a step back. Maybe if he stays away from you physically, his mind will follow suit. "I was wondering if you'd like to come over for dinner. With me."
God, he'd love to come for dinner with you. He'd like to help set the table, and eat a hearty meal prepared by someone who cares for him enough to learn to cook the meals he ate as a child. He'd love to spend the evening with you, bring you a nice bottle of wine and wrap his arms around your waist as you tidy up, press kisses down the back of your neck and smell your sweet perfume up close.
"I am busy tonight."
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keerysfreckles · 6 months
reunions — steve harrington
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pairing: steve x hopper!fem!reader
summary: during spring break of 86, y/n hopper flies back to hawkins indiana (dustin's request) and isn't surprised when dustin tells her the world might end again.
warnings: bit of angst (ends with fluff), use of y/n and she/her pronouns, a couple curse words
a/n: for my love :) @keerysbrowneyes
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
getting a call from dustin henderson was probably the last thing that y/n thought would persaude her to go back to hawkins after her father died.
after a pretty normal sounding phone call, dustin told y/n that a curse was back in hawkins. y/n knew that could only mean one thing, which explains why she was quick to find a taxi in the busy indiana airport.
the ride to the henderson household was quick, maybe twenty minutes, and y/n knocked harshly on the faded door.
the freshman with a curly head of hair and a baseball cap was the one to open the door, and y/n's worries subsided slightly as dustin smiled up at the girl.
"y/n!" dustin exclaims, before pulling her in for a hug, which y/n gladly agrees to. "i can't believe you're here!"
y/n chuckles, "well yeah, you called, why wouldn't i be here?"
after saying hi to claudia henderson, and petting the new cat of the household, y/n was sat on dustin's bed as he explained to her everything eddie munson told him the previous night.
"so what are we doing about it now?" y/n asks, once she takes in all the new information.
"steve's going to pick us up in," dustin pauses to look at his watch, "four minutes."
y/n's voice is softer than before and her heart beats faster in her chest, "steve's still helping?"
"yeah he is, why?" dustin's oblivious as he's packing multiple things in his backpack.
y/n and steve didn't leave each other on a bad note after the mind flayer situation from the fourth of july the year prior. the pair just haven't talked much since the byer'd moved to california.
dustin and max were really the only two to call the older hopper from time to time.
just as dustin said, four and a half minutes pass and steve's horn could be heard from outside the henderson house. y/n and dustin head to his bedroom door, but dustin stands in front of the girl.
"maybe you should stay here," dustin suggested.
y/n tilted her head in confusion, "weren't you the one who called me and asked me to fly out here to help you again?"
dustin nodded, "well uh- yes, but no one else knows your here. plus we're getting food for eddie right now. i promise after we can pick you up."
y/n thinks for a moment, and dustin's puppy dog eyes aren't helping her situation.
with an eye roll from the girl, she agrees, "fine, but you better come back after you deal with eddie."
with a quick goodbye, dustin's fast to neet steve, lucas, max and robin by the familiar red bmw. steve asks dustin what took him so long, and he just brushed it off by asking which store they were getting food at.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
an hour and thirteen minutes pass, and y/n couldn't be more bored out of her mind. she was able to help claudia bake cookies, clean dustin's very crowded desk, and halfway solve a rubix cube. dustin barged back into his room, making y/n jump from the sudden noise.
"come on y/n! we don't have any time to lose!" dustin practically yelled. "i had to beg steve to come back here since the others are back at the trailer park."
y/n was quick to grab her jacket off dustin's bed and followed him out the door.
steve looked to his passenger side door once he heard it open, but was slightly confused once dustin wasn't the one in the front seat.
"y/n?" steve questions, his eyes as wide as they could be while y/n and dustin were fastening their seat belts.
"hi steve," y/n smiles and catches her breath from the previous running.
dustin pipes up from the backseat, "lovebirds, we don't have time to chat right now. drive steve!"
steve and y/n both ignore dustin's remark as steve pulls out of the henderson's driveway. the drive to back to the trailer park is silent besides the tears for fears song playing on the radio.
the only thought going on in steve's mind is why the hell y/n hopper is in his car. he took notice of the familiar flannel he's seen jonathan wear many times from the past three years, and the faded ac/dc shirt steve recognized from his own closet. how y/n stole it in the first place? steve couldn't question that right now.
after steve parks besides the table with the four other familiar faces y/n missed, steve pulls dustin aside.
"what is y/n doing here?" steve asks.
dustin shrugs, "we need all the help we can get steve, and she's joyce's favorite so of course she was able to come back here in such last minute."
steve's demeaner changes once he turns and sees y/n in a group hug with lucas, max, robin and nancy.
"i can tell you don't totally hate her being here," dustin smirks up at steve.
"hey, no!" steve's quick to dismiss dustin's idea, "okay it's not like that henderson."
dustin laughs and shrugs, "like what?"
steve just watches dustin walk over to the table, and after a moment the harrington boy follows suit.
as everyone sat at the table tries to figure out what's going on in hawkins, steve can't help but look at y/n. of course he's missed her, how can he not? he's kicked himself in the ass everyday for not calling her like he promised. as dustin's in the middle of explaining something to max, steve stands and grabs y/n's wrist.
"can we talk?" he whispers, and is grateful once y/n nods in response. the two walks over to his car and y/n leans against the side while steve paces back and forth.
"why do you seem so worked up?" y/n asks him.
"oh i don't know, maybe because it's another year with this stupid upside down shit. maybe it's because this year's even more stressful than the last. maybe it's because my parents haven't been home in six months. or maybe it's because you're here, and i can't see you getting hurt again from all of this."
steve finishes his rant and runs his fingers thorugh his hair. y/n's gaze softens at the state of the boy in front of her. y/n knew what steve meant by the last statement. steve was the only one able to keep her grounded once she found out hopper was dead, and that she was moving to california.
"steve," y/n voice is soft, in comparison to steve's quick rant. "are you okay?"
the boy's quick to shake his head, "no- no shit i'm not okay." he holds his head in his hands as he leans besides y/n against his car. y/n moves her arm to his shoulder as she stands in front of him.
"the only reason i'm glad you're here is because you're the only one who knows how to deal with me like this," steve gestures to himself. y/n also knew what he meant by this.
after every incident with the upside down, y/n and steve were always in y/n's room as they both calmed down from the events that happened.
"do you want a hug?" y/n asks, while holding her arms open.
steve nods before wiping any tears that could've fallen from his rambling and heavy breathing, and his shoulders instantly relaxed at the feeling of y/n in his arms again.
y/n took in the all too familiar scent of steve. she's missed him, everything about him. his smile, his kindness towards the kids, his hair, his jokes, did she mention his smile?
the two slightly pulled away, but didn't let go of each other.
"i'm sorry i didn't call you a lot since you moved," steve talked softly.
y/n shook her head, "steve you don't have to be sorry about that."
"no, i do have to be sorry y/n. i've been a complete dick to you since you left. i- i didn't call you like i promised. i wasn't able to comfort you when you probably needed it. i've basically ign-"
steve's words were cut off by y/n leaning up and kissing him. once she noticed he wasn't kissing back, she pulled away with a hint of concern filling her eyes.
"you kissed me," steve points out.
y/n nods, her hands not leaving steve's arms, "i uh- i did."
"i know it um- calmed you down before. so i thought maybe to try it again. god, i'm sorry. i don't even know if you wanted it," y/n pulls away from steve, as a million thoughts fill her mind, "you could have a girlfriend. you might not even like me anymore like that. shit, i'm sorry."
y/n stops her rambling once she feels steve grab both of her arms, making her face him again after she started pacing back and forth.
"who says i didn't want it?" steve says softly, before pulling y/n back towards him as he's the one to kiss her on the lips.
y/n immediately melts into steve's arms. the pair couldn't care less about the stares and whistles they were getting from the others still sat at the wooden picnic table. steve only flashed his middle finger towards the group before running his hand through y/n's hair.
"as much as i don't want to pull away, we kind of need air," steve chuckles. he lips over his lightly swolen lips as y/n fixes her hair.
"are you guys done sucking face? we have an actual interdimensional being we have to fight," dustin has his hands on his hips, making y/n and steve laugh from their place besides steve's car.
"guess we should get back to them now?" y/n questions.
"mm, just one more," steve pulls y/n in for another kiss, to which the girl happily obliges to.
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se4son-of-the-witch · 23 days
early rise cafe 2 - matt sturniolo
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in which matt’s summer job turns into something more
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As the clock on the wall struck 9, you let out a breath. Tonight was your night to close, which was never your favorite. Due to how short-staffed you were, you were the only one closing.
After cleaning the counters and sweeping the floors, you untied your apron and set it on the counter. You took the band out of your hair, shaking your head as your hair fell. You made your way to the back, going to tell Rich goodbye.
You pushed open the door, and Rich entered your view. He had a piece of paper in his hand, his eyes studying it as his eyes moved up and down. His chin rested in his hand, eyebrows crinkled, making him look even deeper in thought. You let out a chuckle, making him look up from the paper and at you.
"Nothing," you said as you shook your head. "Just wanted to tell you bye before I left." You leaned against the door frame, waiting for him to respond.
"Come here a second." He motioned toward the chair in front of him. You pushed yourself off of the wall and made your way over, taking a seat. He turned the paper around, letting you look at it. It was the application Matt turned in. "What's so special about this kid, Y/n?"
"What do you mean?"
"You never just beg me to give someone a job here. So, what's going on?"
You leaned back in your chair, trying to think of an appropriate answer. Why did you? "I don't know, I just..." He tilted his head at you, waiting for you to finish. "I don't know."
And you were telling the truth. You have never seen Matt before in your life, and you still don't really know him. Yet somehow you begged for an application like you'd known him your entire life.
Rich watched as you stared at the ground, deep in thought. He could tell you were confused by your actions as well. "Look, I can't just give him a position because you have the hots for him."
You looked up at him, slightly surprised by his words. "I don't have the hots for him. I don't even know him." He gave you a look. "Look, I promise there's nothing between us. I just saw him for the first time yesterday."
"Hmm, alright then."
"I swear. And based on his application, I think he'd be a perfect fit. I mean, he's worked with the public before."
"Yeah, at a grocery store," he said as he scanned the paper once more. "There's a big difference between that and working in a restaurant."
You let out a huff at his words. "I know, I know. But come on, he's just looking for a summer job, and you know how understaffed we are."
The two of you sat in silence, just looking at each other for a minute. He eventually let out a deep breath, leaning back in his chair. He crossed his arms over his chest. "Fine, I'll let him work here. But the second I see any lovey-dovey between the two of you, he's gone. Deal?"
You sat back up in your seat, a big smile on your face. He stuck his hand out, which you gladly took, shaking it. "Deal. Thank you, Rich. I promise you won't regret it." He gave you a smile before letting off your hand.
"Now get outta here. It's getting late."
"Right. Night, Rich." You stood up, making your way out of his office. You grabbed your apron off of the counter and headed towards the door. You made your way to your car, locking the door behind you.
Although it was late, you pulled out your phone and clicked Matt's contact. You began typing, a big grin on your face.
guess who got the job !!!
Within a few seconds, he had responded. 
thank god i was starting to get worried
and thanks y/n, you don't know how much this means to me
no problem :)
he should be calling tomorrow to give you your schedule and all that
He hearted your message, which signaled the end of the conversation. You slid your phone back into your pocket, letting out a sigh. You started your car, the engine roaring as you turned the key. You backed out of your parking space, making your way back home.
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a/n: i know this was short, but the next chapter will definitely be longer !!
tags: @jnkvivi @pjmpcyy @raysmayhem-72 @mattscurlygirly @patscorner @chrattstromboli @junnniiieee07 @imwetforyourmom @asturniolos @unbruisable
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owlwithanapple · 4 months
Fate Chapter 01. — Lost Girl
Roronoa Zoro X OC X Trafalgar Law
Zoro appears first, Law appears later
I tried to write a heroine from a different world who meets the character of One Piece. The content will have two different world concepts, which are not completely based on the plot of the anime.
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It’s a boring world, boring day, doing the same thing every time when open your eyes. The things you must do after getting up are brushing teeth, taking a shower, changing into school uniforms, and taking the subway to school after leaving home.
You have to squeeze into the subway every morning and live this life all day. Arrive at school and enter the classroom. The class is full of noise. The teacher's job is to give lectures as usual, and the students' life is to study or get sleepy.
When the school bell rang, packed your schoolbag and went home. There are many club activities but you just can’t get interested. There are more people on the subway after school, but don’t want to squeeze into the subway with them, so you go home late and go to convenience store on the street.
As usual ran to the convenience store near the school to buy some snacks. Chose my favorite snacks and paid. Find a bench in the park, sit down, unpack the snacks and start eating.
You don’t hate your current life, and also like what you do every day. You just a student, have nothing else to do except for parents to support you in studying. Your parents abroad will feel at ease knowing that your academic performance remains stable.
Part-time jobs are only available on Saturdays and Sundays. Your parents will give you living expenses every month, but sometimes prefer to spend your own money. But students still have to take care of their studies. If focus on work, grades will rise and fall any time.
After parents see the results, it will be troublesome to ask for explanations. Your parents are talented people, and both of them hold senior positions in an overseas company. For the sake of parents’ face and image, you must remain excellent.
The park is as usual with a group of children playing together, an old man walking his dog, some students playing football, and you eating snacks on the bench. Even don’t look at these things you experience every day, you will know them by heart.
Oops, after talking so much, forgot to introduce yourself. Your name is Yuki. 17 years old. Is a student. Don't think of hobbies at the moment, just a passerby, living a cyclical life every day.
You found the snacks had been eaten and empty. Before knew it, the time had come and almost time to go home. On the way to the subway station, the scenery of the city is quite beautiful.
Your life goes around in cycles every day, but the scenery can change every day. Nature is so magical and mysterious all at the same time.
After the traffic light turns green, you start walking on the road. What lights the traffic lights display will change accordingly for people and traffic. When the red light is on, it means stop, when the green light is on, it can move.
Even though there are traffic lights for everyone's safety, accidents will always happen suddenly. An out-of-control car is coming from the left, and in front of you is a little girl who fell on the road.
Everyone around you has fled, except you. The little girl who fell on the road and the out-of-control car are rushing towards you two. Today is the first time in your life that you have experienced such a terrifying situation.
Subconsciously, you lifted the little girl up and pushed her aside, while the out-of-control car rushed towards you. Your legs are trembling and can't move at all.
You closed your eyes unconsciously fell into darkness, but didn't feel any pain when you were hit. You only heard the sound of water, the chirping of birds and felt something shaking.
You open your eyes sit up see that you are on a small boat surrounded by the sea and a group of animals flying in the sky. The scene in front of you makes you tremble with fear. It is a sea and a bright sun.
You was clearly on the road just now, but in an instant was floating on the sea. You look around there is nothing nearby, just you, a boat, the sea and birds.
You pinched your cheeks hard asked yourself, "What's going on! Why suddenly at sea!" The pain felt on your cheek definitely real, you wanted to stand up to see what was going on but the boat started to rock.
It's better not to move. There had just been a car accident on the road, and now you was in trouble at sea. But you are still wearing school uniform, so you were transported here?
But where is this? You are in a boat and then drifting across the ocean, even don't know where you are or where you drifting to. The sun on the sea is so bright and hot, making you so thirsty.
Sitting on the boat doing nothing just drifting on the sea, calling for help but there was no one around. Guess this is the world after death. You are the only one wandering on this sea alone.
You sighed "Am I going to die here? Maybe it would be better to die. It's not uncommon to live such a boring life every day!" You lie on the boat and look at the blank sky in a daze.
Suddenly a big wave came up the boat shook violently. You quickly hold on to the boat and a huge black shadow envelop you. It is a big ship with a sun face sailing on the sea.
The big ship collided with your small boat and crashed, you falling into the sea. You screamed for help desperately hoping the people on the big ship would notice, but your voice seemed unable to reach them.
You are tired, hungry, no strength and finally sink into the sea. This is the scene under the sea, a ray of light and clear water. You have died once, now you have to die one more time. Even death is a cycle.
You close your eyes stop thinking prepare to die peacefully. When you have given up all ideas, suddenly someone jumped into the sea grabbed your arm swam to the surface.
"Hey! Come and help get her up!" a rough voice shouted.
His companion picked you up and took you to the ship "Call Chopper!" another man said.
"Don't crowd here, get out of the way!" A cute voice used his little hands to unbutton you clothes leaned against your chest to hear your heartbeat. He put his hands on your chest and pressed it quickly.
"Don't die! Give me a reaction when you hear my voice!" He shouted to you while giving first aid in a panic. After a golden period of rescue, you finally opened your eyes slightly and started to react a little.
You just accidentally fell into the sea and the sea water choked your throat so uncomfortable you quickly coughed it out. When open your eyes again see a few people surrounding you "Are you okay, miss?" A man with curly eyebrows and a suit says to you with a smile.
There was a green-haired man with three swords hanging from his waist who was wet and drying himself with a towel. He was the one who jumped into the sea to save you. You slowly sat up and stared at the tanuki that saved you?
"Tanuki," you accidentally said.
He jumped around angrily and yelled "I'm not Tanuki! I'm a reindeer!".
After calming down, he pointed himself and said, "My name is Chopper, you?".
After listening to what he said, you inadvertently found that your school uniform was soaked by water, which penetrated your underwear and still half-dressed. You wrapped your arms around yourself to cover it.
You had no idea what was going on yet , woke up and was being looked at by others. Suddenly someone wrapped a towel around. It was the man in a suit. He had a nosebleed. "My name is Sanji. I'm sorry. Chopper was in first aid just now, so..." he comforted you.
You were already trembling in panic, not knowing what was wrong. You died in a car accident and almost drowned in the sea, but after being rescued, you were frightened and overwhelmed by the people in front of you.
But they all kept a distance and didn't force you to do anything. You clenched the towel and covered your face, not knowing what to do and hesitating about how to speak.
"What should we do? She didn't say anything." A woman with long orange hair asked Sanji and Chopper.
The green-haired man came over and said, "Let her calm down first."
A dark-haired woman approached you and gently poked on the back smiled and said, "I hope you're okay."
Seeing the strange and cute appearance of the reindeer named Chopper, you unknowingly let go of your guard. After all, they saved your life but you just kept your mouth shut before thanking them.
They turned their backs to seemed to be discussing something. Out of curiosity, you prepared to eavesdrop on what they had to say but it seemed like were done talking. You hesitated for a moment and just said your name should be fine.
After everyone heard you speak, immediately turned their heads watched intently. In the awkward situation, you quickly covered your face with a towel. Being in a strange place and with strange people makes you feel uncomfortable and lonely.
The orange-haired woman put her hand on her chest and said, "Hello, Yuki. My name is Nami. The one who saved you just now was Zoro." She pointed at the green-haired man.
"Yuki-chwan! I'm so glad you're okay!" Sanji said with concern through a nosebleed.
"Umm, Sanji, your nosebleed..." You pointed at his face.
Zoro sighed helplessly pulled Sanji away from you "This guy is like this when he sees girls, don't worry about it.".
Sanji was unhappy with Zoro's tone and started to fight.
You survived, who is the person who saved me? A talking reindeer? A cosplayer with three swords hanging from his waist? A pervert in a suit? What kind of world have you arrived in and why are there so many weird things?
"Yohohoho! It's so lively." You turned around and saw a talking skull with an afro hair, you were shocked and dumbfounded.
"Hello, miss." The skull greeted you, but you were already stunned by him.
You are careless, this one is weirder than those people. Nami kicked the skull away and lightly slapped your face, but already fainted and unconscious. Chopper quickly arranged you go to the infirmary for examination.
"Is Yuki-chwan going to be okay..." Sanji said worriedly.
Zoro said seriously, "She's wearing weird clothes."
Sanji kicked Zoro "Marimo! You are not allowed to look at Yuki-chwan with that despicable look!".
"You are the one who is mean!". Zoro fights with Sanji.
Don't know how much time passed before you woke up from a coma. You lay on the soft bed looked at the lights on the ceiling. You thought it was an illusion but now it feels so real. There are many books in the room, the medicines are neatly placed in the cabinets, and a Tanuki wearing a pink hat?
"Tanuki!" you shouted sitting up and pointing at him.
He yelled angrily, "I'm not Tanuki! I'm a reindeer! Chopper!"
"It's not a dream..." You slapped your face so hard that it really hurt.
Chopper holds your hand to stop from hitting yourself. The pain means you are not dreaming. You pinched your face hard and slapped it several times. Chopper was so scared he ran out and shouted for help.
"Someone come here! Yuki is hurting herself!" Chopper yelled as he ran around in a hurry.
After hearing this, Nami and Sanji ran directly into the medical room saw you pinching face. Nami grabbed your hand to prevent from continuing, and Sanji quickly wrapped ice in a cloth and applied it to your face.
"What are you doing! Why are you hurting yourself?" Nami cursed at you angrily.
"Yuki-chwan, I won't allow you to do this to yourself!" Sanji told you worriedly.
"It's really not a dream..." After confirming that was not dreaming and you had really arrived in another world, tears flowed unconsciously from your eyes.
"Yuki-chwan! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have scolded you! What should I do?" Sanji nervously reassured you.
"What happened, Yuki?" Nami let you cry on her shoulder.
Zoro saw Chopper shouting around in a panic. He walked to the door of the medical room and saw you crying, Nami comforting you, and Sanji frantically thinking of ways to tease you.
"What happened to Yuki?" Chopper hid behind Zoro and watched secretly.
"How is she?" Zoro looked at Chopper and asked.
"She fine, it's just weird when she wake up." Chopper said worriedly.
"Hmm..." Zoro just remained silent and stood outside the door watching.
"Zoroooooooo! Chopperrrrrrrr!" came a loud voice.
You heard a voice coming from outside the door and saw Zoro standing in the doorway with Chopper hiding behind. There was a man in a straw hat, followed by a man with a long nose who excitedly ran up to Zoro while grabbing a fish.
"You are here! Zoro! Look at the fish I caught!" The man in the straw hat excitedly showed off the fish to Zoro.
"I know! Keep the fish away!" Zoro dodged the fish in Luffy hand.
"What are you looking at?" The man wearing a straw hat came into the infirmary.
"Hello..." You waved to him.
"Look! I caught the fish! Who are you?" After showing off the fish to you, he suddenly asked who you are.
"Stay back, Luffy!" Nami hit him on the head.
"It hurts..." The man in the straw hat sat on the ground and whispered.
"My name is Yuki..." You said your name.
After hearing your name, he excitedly stood in front of you said loudly, "My name is Luffy! Monkey D Luffy!"
"Why is Yuki on our ship?" the long-nosed man asked with a confused look on his face.
"Due to some minor accidents, Yuki-chwan will be on the boat temporarily." Sanji picked up the fish Luffy just caught.
"Hmmm...I see." Luffy stared at you with curious eyes.
When you were frowning, suddenly Luffy pulled his cheek to make a face. His cheeks were flexible and as soft as rubber. You couldn't help but laugh when saw his face making a weird face at you.
Nami saw your smile hugged you tightly and gently stroked you head to comfort you. Although you was transported to a very strange world, the people here were so warm and you felt a little warm.
"Yuki-chwannnn, smile more!" Sanji danced happily.
"Fnally laughed." Nami laughed.
"Don't always have a sad face!" Luffy smiled as brightly as the sun.
"Thank you, I feel much better." You responded to them with a smile.
"Yuki, do you want talk to us?" Nami asked you with concern.
Nami called everyone to the table to discuss current situation. You are a strange girl meets a ship with some strange cosplayers. Sanji made tea for everyone and put it on the table. You can smell the delicious tea.
There are currently 8 people: Luffy with retractable body, Zoro as a three-sword cosplayer, Nami with long orange hair and tattoos, Sanji with a nosebleed and a suit, Chopper as a reindeer, Brook as a skeleton, Usopp as a long-nosed and black-haired Robin.
Now a tall blue-haired man named Franky came forward, wearing only a underwear and a pair of robotic hands. What a weird group, maybe they are members of a band, you really feel confused about the current situation after reading it.
You clear your throat and briefly introduce everyone, "Ahem. My name is Yuki. I'm from Japan. I'm currently a high school student."
"Japan? What island are you from?" Luffy asked excitedly, standing on the table.
"What's the occupation of a high school student?" Ussop asked curiously.
"Japan is a country, and high school students are students." You explain to them seriously.
"Hmm. A country I've never heard of." Franky looked confused.
"Yohoho. That's why high school students wear short skirts like this. Can you let me see your pantsu?" Brook said with a smile at you.
"Sinful short skirt..." You looking at Sanji's whispered with nosebleed.
"What about you, are you all the cosplayers of some group?" Seeing their strange looks, couldn't help but ask.
"What is a Cosplayer?" Chopper asked doubtfully.
"Cosplayer is like everyone wear some character costumes." You simply explained to Chopper.
"We are not role-playing! We are a pirate group! I am the man who wants to become the Pirate King!" Luffy stood on the table and raised his hands in the air.
"Ha!? Pirates!? What era are we in now!" You stood up grabbed Luffy's collar and kept asking.
"The ○○ era..." Nami said.
"It's different from my time..." You let go of Luffy's collar calm down and muttered to yourself.
"Yuki, I'm curious, what era are you from?" Robin raised her hand and asked.
"I'm from the ○○○○ era..." Robin looked shocked after you answered.
"There is a possibility that Yuki is a person from a different world and era. I have read it in books, I always thought it was a dreamlike existence." Robin told everyone about your possibility.
"Hey! That means Yuki comes from a different world than us!" Sanji was shocked by Robin's conclusion.
"Wait! Could it be sent by the enemy?" Ussop suddenly mentioned.
"If it's true, just cut her off." Zoro stood up held his scabbard in hand.
Ussop mentioned this speculation, Zoro has become wary of you. It makes sense for them to speculate and be wary of you. Most people can ignore a girl wandering at sea, but they saved you.
Sanji stood up raised his feet to stop Zoro from drawing his sword. The aura of the two of them was too strong. You can feel the oppression and intense pressure from both of them while sitting nearby. It's such a terrifying situation.
"Stop it now!" Nami threw tea at Zoro and Sanji.
"I understand your caution. But if she is really innocent, wouldn't it be tantamount to bullying the weak?" Robin said calmly.
"Hahaha! Robin is right!" Franky said with a laugh.
"Yohohoho, if Yuki really wanted to harm us, she could have attacked Chopper in the medical room." Brook gave a simple metaphor.
"Yeah, it was just me and her at that time. It was a good opportunity to make a move." Chopper said seriously.
"Robin-chwan is right! Yuki-chwan is innocent! Marimo!" Sanji complained about Zoro.
"Let's have a fight! Curly cook!" Zoro and Sanji got into a fight.
It’s incredible they all can live together and get along even though all with different looks and personalities. It’s not like you’re dealing with the same people and the same things every day.
You clenched both hands and fell into deep thought. Maybe as Robin said, you and them are in different worlds and just happened to be transferred here or this is the world after death.
"Yuki! Look at me!" Luffy suddenly called.
"Erm?" You raised head.
When you heard Luffy calling, you looked up and saw him sitting on the table, making faces and laughing at you. His expression was so funny that you couldn't help but hold your belly and laugh.
"Oh, laughed again." Robin said with a chuckle.
"Yuki-chwan! Smile more! Your smile is a salvation!" Sanji looked at you with loving eyes.
"Luffy, how on earth did your face stretch and contract like this?" You asked him, wiping away the tears of laughter.
"Hehehe, I became like this after eating the Gomu Gomu no Mi." Luffy proudly showed off to you.
"Gomu Gomu no Mi?" You pulled Luffy's face hard to confirm this fact.
"Devil fruit. After eating it, you can gain certain superpowers. Doesn't it exist in your world?" Ussop asked you after explaining.
"I was only born in an ordinary world that is not as sci-fi as your world." You said about the worldview you lived in before.
"What do you usually do in your world?" Nami asked curiously, sitting next to me.
"It's all about studying and working. I don't have any other hobbies or interests." You told her vaguely.
"So boring..." Luffy said to me with a bored look on his face.
"I feel bored too." You lowered your head whispered.
It is indeed undeniable that your life is boring. Maybe you don’t make friends or participate in outdoor activities. Maybe you are introverted or just weak and incompetent.
You lowered your head clasped the corners of your skirt with your hands remaining silent. You feel so reluctant to let Luffy tell you the truth, but what he said is the truth. You have no reason to deny it.
At this time, there is a sudden gurgling sound in your stomach, which means are hungry. You shyly held your stomach and looked up find Sanji and Luffy smiling, Nami standing behind you putting her hands on your shoulders.
"Sanji, our guest is hungry." Nami said with a smile.
Sanji lit a cigarette, took a puff and exhaled, "No problem!"
Sanji ran away immediately when he heard your hungry voice and Nami's tone. For some reason, everyone was very happy to see Sanji leave, especially Luffy who jumped up and down with Chopper excitedly.
"Hehehe, Sanji is the chef of this ship." Robin said with a smile.
"So that's it." You said with a chuckle.
"That's right! Sanji's cooking skills are top-notch! He's not inferior to the chefs outside!" Ussop tells you excitedly.
"Ussop... I'm curious, do you often lie?" Seeing Ussop's nose reminded of some fairy tale plots.
Ussop quickly stepped back when he heard this, "Why did you say that!"
You smiled told him, "I read a fairy tale book that said that a puppet was born to lie and because of the fairy's spell, his nose would grow when he lied."
Ussop shouted in surprise and thought seriously, "NANIIIIIII, there is such a story! Could it be that I have a long nose because of a fairy casting a spell..."
"It's possible." Chopper came over to gossip.
"Yohohoho, what a funny story." Brook said with a smile.
"It's really strange that skeletons and reindeer can talk. Did you two also eat devil fruits?" You asked curiously.
"Yohohoho, that's right! Are there no skeletons in your world?" Brook asked curiously after laughing.
"Can the reindeer talk?" Chopper asked curiously.
"Skeletons usually only seen on Halloween, but people pretend to be and scare people for candy. I read about reindeer in books. Most of the records are four-legged animals that don't talk." You explain.
"Why do scare people and ask for candy?" Brook tilted his head and asked.
"It's a holiday custom. People dress up as various ghosts and knock on the door from house to house, asking for candy. If they don't give it, they will cause trouble." You said.
"Yohohoho! It's so fun! I want to participate if I have the chance! I have no body but a skeleton body!" Brook raised his hands excitedly to express his happiness.
"What about the cyborg?" Franky asked curiously.
"I've never seen with my own eyes, but I've seen it in science fiction movies." You smiled.
"What is a science fiction movie?" Franky asked, putting his hand on his chin in confusion.
"It's similar to what's shown in TV series." You might make a gesture like drawing a rectangle with your hands.
"What a strange world structure." Franky said with a smile.
Chopper, Brook and Franky excitedly ask you for stories about your world. We all live in different worlds, encounter different things, experience different lives, and live with all kinds of people.
Zoro thought you were suspicious, he stood aside and silently observed your every move. Luffy and Ussop ran to the kitchen to make trouble, while Robin and Nami were listening to what you said.
For the first time, you feel so amazing that you meet a stranger in a strange place. You think each other is weird. After all, the world you grew up in is different, but you feel so at ease with their company.
"Everyone! Food!" Luffy jumped up holding the food in both hands.
"Yahoo! I'm starving!" Ussop happily followed Luffy.
"Hey Luffy! Don't do this! You'll spill the food later!" Sanji held the food and followed Luffy.
"Okay, stop hanging around Yuki. Come over and eat." Nami put her hands on your shoulders and told Chopper, Brook and Franky.
"Bring me the wine." Zoro walked away.
"Let's eat together." Robin smiled and invited you to enjoy it together.
"My new friend Yuki-chwan is here today! I have shown my true skills!" Sanji clenched his fists and said enthusiastically.
You sit at the dining table look at the delicious food placed in front of me. The last time you just ate lunch boxes and snacks from the convenience store, the sumptuous food in front of you was so appetizing.
"Yuki-chwan, please taste it. You can give me a review." Sanji smiled, poured you water and handed you a knife and fork in a gentlemanly manner.
"Okay." You took it from him.
"I caught this fish!" Luffy confidently showed off to you.
It is a different kind of fish from your world, you cut a small piece and stare at it. After taking a deep breath, carefully put it into mouth and chew it slowly and tasting it carefully.
It's different from the fish you usually eat. Although it doesn't suit their food taste, you chew it, swallow it and take a sip of water. Luffy said it was fish but the texture seemed a bit strange when chewed but the taste was delicious.
"How does it taste Yuki-chwan?" Sanji asked with nervous hands shaking.
"Erm...the ecological species of fish are different from mine, so I can't get used to it." You told Sanji your thoughts.
"So it's delicious?" Sanji looks forward to your reply.
"It's delicious! Thank you! Sanji!" You responded to him with a happy smile.
"Yuki-chwannnnnnnn~The most important thing is that it suits your taste~" Sanji jumped up excitedly when he saw your smile spurting nosebleeds.
"Sanji...your nosebleed..." You tried to comfort Sanji but he seemed unable to control it.
"Don't worry, he's always like this." Robin put vegetables into your bowl.
"Thank you Robin." It feels like Robin is like a sister taking care of your diet.
"Yuki, how do you plan to live in the future?" Ussop asked while chewing food.
"I..." You were silent, having no idea after what to do.
"Nah! Do you want to join us for an adventure? It will be fun! Hahahaha!" Luffy said, holding a large piece of fried chicken in his hand and filling his mouth with food.
"Me?" You pointed at yourself.
"We can't let you live on the streets for the rest of your life." Nami said with a smile.
"Yohohoho! Fate has brought us together!" Brook said happily.
"I'm happy to have an extra nakama." Robin chuckled.
"Superrrrrrr~" Franky raised his hand and put the stars on his wrist together.
"Yuki~" Chopper took your hand.
"Then...thank you." You stood up bowed to express your gratitude.
"Yuki-chwan~Welcome~" Sanji was so happy and put a lot of food into your bowl.
You see that the bowl is full of food looks like Sanji is overly excited. But getting along with them is not a bad thing, everyone is very warm to welcome you as a stranger.
"Yuki-chwan, what else do you want to eat? I can get it for you~" Sanji served you considerately.
"Eat more for yourself." You cut a small piece of fish put it into Sanji's bowl.
"Yuki-chwannnnn so gentle~ This piece of fish is so delicious!" Sanji was moved to tears.
You see that Zoro is not at the table and ask Sanji "Zoro, doesn't he eat?"
Sanji frowned sighed helplessly, "Ignore that Marimo."
"Sanji and Zoro don't get along." Robin whispered in your ear.
"So." You finally understood.
Luffy's appetite for food, how big the portion is and how quickly he stuffs all the food into his mouth. You were almost full, but remembered that Zoro hadn't eaten yet, you put some food in the bowl and gave it to him later.
"Yuki-chwan, where are you taking the food?" Sanji asked curiously.
"Zoro hasn't eaten yet, I'll give him some." You stood up and left the table.
"Damn Marimo! Let a girl serve the food!" Sanji shouted angrily.
"You're so noisy Sanji!" Nami yelled at him.
You looked for Zoro with a bowl filled with food, and you saw him sitting and drinking while watching the sea. You slowly approached behind him feeling a strong sense of oppression coming from his back.
His vigilance never slackened from the beginning as he drew his sword pointed it at you. You were so frightened that you stopped quickly because his sword was pointed at you and your legs began to shake.
"What?" Zoro showed a fierce expression.
You were afraid that he would stab you with his sword, but you still swallowed your saliva and said, "...You didn't come to eat. I'll get you some food while Luffy hasn't finished eating, otherwise you'll starve."
He put the sword into scabbard and say "put it there." then continued to drink.
You put the food in his designated place and leave silently. Before leaving, you looked at his back thought for a while. Even if he made you feel scary and powerful, bu still had to say what you should say.
"Zoro...thank you for saving my life." Although he didn't look back , you still bowed to his back to express your gratitude.
"..." He just sat there silently.
"Don't just drink, remember to eat." You reminded him warmly again that the food was just there and left.
After you left, Zoro looked back at the food you put aside. He put down the wine, held the bowl, took a fork and started eating. He gulped down the food in the bowl, burped, put the bowl down and continued drinking.
You came back to the table and saw Robin waving to you "What's wrong?"
"I'll take you to your room." Robin stood up and walked to the room with you.
Robin is really beautiful. She has long black hair, is knowledgeable, and has a slim and tall figure.You couldn't help but keep staring at her, feeling very envious of her figure and you just a short girl.
"Why are you staring at me?" Robin glanced at you.
You panicked and covered your face with your hands, "I don't mean any harm, I just think you're beautiful."
"Hehehe, thank you." Robin chuckled.
You followed Robin to the room opened the door see Sanji and Chopper all well organized and waiting for you to come in. You stepped into the room and saw that although it was just a simple small room better than sleeping on the roadside.
"Thank you very much." You smiled.
Robin pointed to the clothes on the bed, "They are old clothes, if you don't mind."
"Why would I mind! I'm so grateful!" You bowed.
Robin leaned against the door. "Hehehe, is bowing also a custom in your world?"
You put your hand on the back of your head smiled, "It's actually a custom in the country where I live, to express gratitude. Everyone does this even if they pick up things for passers-by."
"I see. There are really rules." Robin chuckled.
"Yuki-chwan~ You don't need to do that here. We are more relaxed here." Sanji lit a cigarette and smiled.
Chopper jumped and raised his hands, "If you feel uncomfortable, you can come to me. I'm a doctor."
You squatted down and said, "Wow, that's awesome, Chopper."
Chopper is shy "Your compliments don't make me happy at all.~"
You looked at the shy Chopper "This is what happens when you are praised..."
Sanji held a cigarette and proudly said, "You can come to me anytime if you are in danger, hungry or need a hug."
"How considerate." You smiled shyly.
Sanji saw you blushing and nose bleeding, "You look so cute when you are shy!"
"Hehehe, let's leave first. See you later." Robin waved and left the room.
Sanji and Chopper followed Robin out of your room. You collapsed onto the soft bed and sighed. After what you have experienced now, you are sure that you are not dead yet, you are in another world.
The world of pirates...it's incredible. How on earth could you be suddenly transported to this world? Is this the so-called world without wonder or the world full of unknowns?
It’s really tiring to have to accept so many weird things all at once. You were about to die but did not die. Instead, you went to another world and almost died but was saved again. You feel exhausted, just closed your eyes and slowly fell asleep.
To Be Continued—
*If you have any ideas leave them in the comment section, and I will try to add in the story.*
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hanjsquokka · 5 months
The Phantoms - [ 3RACHA ]
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🎙 SYNOPSIS : A lovely independent home in the suburbs of Seoul at a low cost? You didn't question it until you found out the house came along with three extremely confused ghosts.
GENRE : ghosts, music band, rockstar, hip-hop, non idol au!
PAIRING : 3racha × fem!reader, han jisung × fem!reader
CONTENT WARNING : will contain swearing, slightly mature content such as smoke, weed, alcohol, mentions of sexual activities (no actual smut), angst, confused 3racha, ghosts, underwordly stuff (idk). This is highly inspired by the show Julie and The Phantoms!
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EP 02 - the only idol i know is park jinyoung: the ghosts of 3RACHA weren't as bad as some of the boys you knew but they sure were a handful. for some reason, no one could see them but they sure could hear them. the ghosts themselves were struggling to adjust to the fact that they were ghosts and they missed out on a big chunk of their life. after a small argument with jisung, you begin to see another side to the snarky guy. but when your best friends show up at your house unannounced with news that you didn't want to hear, how long would it take for you to face your fears?
WORD COUNT : 2.5K words
TAGLIST : @leefelex @stayconnecteed @lovestay-channie @cutiebin @johnnysgirl @naomisosoup @xerces00 @autumn-lv @chalahyung01 @vampcharxter @skzruby @lolareadsimagines
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“You have got to be kidding me.” Jisung muttered as he stood in the middle of a footpath in downtown Seoul. It was dark outside, but that didn't stop the hustle and bustle of the people. And he was sure the neon light coming from the signs was brighter than the sun. Just how much did he miss in the past twenty years? Music and chatter filled the streets as he slowly walked around. There were food stalls lined on the side of the road (he was never going there again), stores were open and he could feel the cool air conditioning on the inside.
People walked straight through him, which was a weird feeling. Everything looked like it was from the future- which it was, but still! There were advertisements for… Kpop groups on huge LED billboards. Was Kpop really that popular now?
“There he is- Jisung, you can't just disappear like that!” Chan and Changbin nearly startled him to death (was that possible if you were a ghost?) as they appeared behind him.
“I just needed some air.” He muttered in reply, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his hoodie.
“You were acting like a real douche to Y/n, you know that?” Chan crossed his arms. “And yet she's still letting us stay in that house, thank goodness.”
“I didn't mean to come off so strong!” Jisung defended himself. “I was just confused. And angry. And it was wrong of me to do that to her, I understand that now.” He added quietly.
“Well, at least you came back to your senses.” Changbin patted his shoulder. The older boy looked around. “Wow, this is…”
“Bright.” Chan said. “And loud.”
They walked through the streets of downtown Seoul, watching the sights around them. A heavy feeling rose in his chest as he saw teenagers goofing around, a couple holding hands, kids playing around their parents. Jisung was never going to be able to experience any of that. He was never going have… a life like these people.
Like most musicians, Jisung lived for music. He would've given up anything for it. Including his ties with his family. Which he did. Chan and Changbin were like his parents at this point (not just because they act like a married couple). Going away from home was a big step in his life and he was so sure he was going to make it.
But life had other plans for him.
“Jisung. You in there mate?” Chan waved his hand in front of Jisung's face, making him come out of his little trance.
“Sorry. I was just thinking… about our families. It's been twenty years…” He took a deep breath. “I wonder how they are, you know?”
“We could go check up on them.” Chan suggested, swinging an arm around Jisung's shoulder. “I can't go to Australia- well, I dunno if I can but- if I could, I would want to check up on my parents and Hannah and Lucas.”
“Can we go later? Like in the day or something.”
“Of course we can.”
They spent some more time in the streets. There was a familiar tune playing in the speakers somewhere, but Jisung couldn't point a finger as to why it sounded familiar. He shrugged and brushed it off. He was definitely going to have to do some catching up on the latest kpop groups.
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You woke up feeling tired, getting off of your bed and going to the kitchen for something to eat once you brushed your teeth. It had been four days since you saw 3RACHA in your basement, four days of absolute hell- in your opinion.
It wasn't that you hated them. You found them to be quite interesting.
Chan was usually very nice to you, always reminding you about something you forgot like your work folder or your to-go coffee cup. You could see he was still adjusting to the whole ghost thing, because he invited you downstairs to the studio to show you something he'd been writing but the paper and pen kept phasing through his hands- which annoyed him a lot. But he was really passionate about music. You could see that in the songs he wrote, the way he spoke and how his eyes lit up as he rambled about the inspiration behind a certain song.
Changbin was a bit hot and cold. He was nice sometimes, like in the mornings when he gave you a quick hello. On the other hand, he was a bit distant sometimes. Usually when you were in the studio. It was hard for him to swallow the fact that… it was your place now. So you let him take your laptop that you didn't use for work. He seemed to enjoy YouTube a lot. You often came home to a girl group song playing over the Bluetooth speakers in the living room on full volume with the music video on the flat screen.
Jisung was well… he hated you. At least that's what you believed. He was in a sour mood whenever you were around most of the time, but you tried to understand where he was coming from even though he really tested your limits sometimes. He was holed up in the studio for the majority of the day and he was out during the night. You figured he was trying to regain his balance because at times, he was pretty sweet when he wasn't cussing at you.
But it was really really difficult living with three boys. Three really loud boys. You'd often wake up in the middle of the night because they decided to have a midnight band session.
Which brought you to this morning. You already had a lousy sleep because all you could hear the entire night was music. In the kitchen, Chan was reading some paper he placed on the island in the center of the kitchen, Changbin was trying to pick up a bowl but his hands kept phasing through the utensil instead of picking it up and Jisung was staring into your fridge, the door wide open with a hungry look in his eyes.
“What are you doing?” You asked as you slammed the fridge door shut, making Jisung look at you with pure annoyance.
“What the hell dude? Do you know how long it took to open that?”
“If you could pay my electricity bill, I would've let you keep that door open for the whole day.” You opened it again for a carton of milk and shut it close. “But you can't eat, can you?”
“Doesn't mean I'm not hungry.” He said grumpily as he sat down at the breakfast counter.
You took out a box of cereal and caught the bowl Changbin managed to pick up for a few seconds before it fell through his hands again. “Careful with that.” You told him and made yourself a bowl of cereal for breakfast, sitting down at the breakfast counter. “So you guys can pick up your music equipment, you can sit on stuff but you can't hold a bowl?”
“I dunno. For some reason, our mics- easy. A bowl- difficulty level maximum.” Chan shrugged. He looked up at you, holding the paper he was previously reading. “Also… you kept my stuff… our lyrics and ideas. You didn't… throw them away?”
“I didn't want to. They're good ideas.” You ate some of your cereal. “I especially liked the ones that… weren't like the songs you recorded. Don't get me wrong, hip-hop is pretty cool but these days, Kpop is a huge thing in Korea and globally. Like BTS-”
“Who?” Changbin interrupted.
You stared at him. “You guys don't know Bangtan?”
“The only idol I know is Park Jinyoung.” Jisung stated, making you almost snort out your milk. “What? Is that- is that funny?”
His innocent look with the wide boba eyes- a stark contrast to his usual expression- made it even funnier. “You have a lot of catching up to do.” You laughed.
“I don't get it. Why is it funny?”
You only laughed again. You finished your breakfast a while later and began getting ready for the day. You didn't have work at the office for today, so you took up the chance to do some little planning for your housewarming party. You could hear the boys playing music downstairs the entire time, which was oddly comforting despite the fact that Changbin was yelling half of the time.
You were going to invite quite a lot of people (which your introverted side was dreading), especially music people. Many of your classmates from college worked in big companies, so you were hoping one of them could help you on the start to your own music journey. With Korean pop and the entertainment businesses taking up the majority of the industry, self made artists were… rare. Most of them were unsuccessful. Which was why you'd have to start slow and do something different- something that wasn't the regular boy or girl band.
Your phone rang while you were hanging up some picture frames on the wall. “Oh, it's done? I'll come over and pick it up. Yeah, yeah- thank you so much. I'll be there within the hour.” You cut the call and put the phone in your pocket.
“Hey I'm going to head out for a bit-” It was already weird that you were telling ghosts that you weren't going to be in the house for a while, but it was even weirder when said ghosts were trashing your newly furnished basement courtesy of a really upset Jisung. Which was funny because he couldn't move a lot of stuff so whatever he was picking up went straight through his hands.
“Where is it?” The rampaging man said, immediately spotting you and poofing in front of you. “I swear to God Y/n, if you threw away my guitar I'll-”
“That guitar was yours?” You asked, knitting your brows together. “I assumed it was Chan's, to be honest.”
“Nah man, I'm all keyboard and drums.”
“It's mine and you better have it in your princess bedroom!-”
“Just because one room is slightly pink, doesn't mean the entire house is!”
“I don't give a fuck.”
“Neither do I. I have things I need to do.” You said in a stern tone. “Don't trash my house.” Was the last thing you said before you marched back upstairs.
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“Here you go.” The guy at the counter handed the guitar to you. You delicately took it into your hands, examining the instrument. To be frank, you knew it was Jisung's guitar. His name was on the back of it. When you gave it for servicing, however, you didn't meet the ghosts yet. You were saddened by the state of the neglected guitar and you took it to a repair shop where they told you they could get it back into its previous glory.
“It's beautiful… thank you.” You paid and exited the store, holding onto the case tightly- when you walked straight through Jisung. “What the- dude!”
“You… got my guitar repaired.” He was standing in front of you again, his eyes widened in shock. He kept looking from the case to you and back again.
You slowly nodded, unsure of what to do. “I did…” You started to walk back to your car, the rapper trailing behind you. He was unusually silent- which was unnerving. You were so used to Jisung being louder than a megaphone, you didn't know what to do when he sat in the passenger seat of your car, holding onto the guitar case like his life depended on it, still silent. “Something wrong?” You saw him swallow, drumming his fingers on the dashboard as he took a deep breath before turning to you and shook his head. “Alright then…” But just as you started the car, your phone rang.
“Y/n!” Jeongin's voice played over the speaker in the car as you pulled out of the parking lot. “So we're in your house-”
“How the hell did you get into my house?”
“Hyunjae gave us your spare key-”
“My what?”
“Why are you so worried?”
“Because you broke into my house!”
“Girl- chill. We're not going to raid your fridge… Never mind, Seungmin did.”
“Why is your house so messy? You've barely been here for a while and it's starting to look like a frat house.” You muted the call and snapped your head towards Jisung. “You go home and make sure Chan and Changbin do not blow your cover. My friends are worried as it is. If they find out… I'm not interested in going to therapy sessions with Hyunjae again.” Jisung nodded and poofed away.
You drove as fast as legally possible to your house, only to find your best friends in the studio. Chan, Changbin and Jisung stood to one side. Changbin had an unapproving glare on the non-dead boys poking around the place.
“Why are you guys even here?” You approached the two of them.
“We just wanted to visit our best friend.” Seungmin quipped, his eyes narrowing at the place where the ghosts were standing. You gulped. He couldn't… He started walking over to them.
Chan panicked. “No way-”
“When were you going to tell us…” Seungmin walked straight through the ghosts and picked up a guitar- no, not just any guitar. The same guitar that you picked up a few moments ago. The same guitar that was supposed to be in your car. You looked at Jisung but he was just as confused as you were. “That you got a new guitar?” How did that even get here?
“Uh…” Your eyes darted from the guitar, to Seungmin to Jisung. “I bought a lot of things…?”
Seungmin picked it up. “It's an old model. And super sleek.”
“Stop touching my guitar.” Jisung told him even though he couldn't hear and then turned to you. “Tell him to stop touching my guitar.” You shook your head and shrugged.
“Why are you guys here?” You asked again, taking the guitar and placing it back in its case.
“Just to check up on you.”
“I'm not a kid, Seungmin. I can take care of myself.”
“Well jeez, we just wanted to be nice. You're living alone in this house after living with Hyunjae for years and not to mention…” He shifted from foot to foot. “We were worried about you. We shouldn't have talked so much about you making music and playing when we knew how difficult it's been for you.”
Your hands dropped to your sides. “You don't need to worry so much. I'm… doing okay. And the music bit… I'm working on it.” There was a weird look on Seungmin’s face. “What's wrong?”
“You see…” Jeongin started. “Felix isn't going to randomly show up at a house party even though he knows us. So…” He looked at Seungmin.
The expression they had on finally made sense. It was guilt! But why were they guilty? You looked between the both of them and somehow it clicked. Your eyebrows rose as you shook your head. “You didn't.” They didn't deny it. “Holy shit, you told him I would play something, didn't you? You-”
“This is a big opportunity and you should be thanking us for being amazing best friends.” Jeongin ducked to the side as you reached for him. “Also your party is this weekend.”
“He's a busy guy!”
“Do you know that this weekend is in three days? How the fuck am I supposed to prepare a song and make myself sing it in front of people?”
“Good luck?”
You only looked between the both of them and then at the ceiling. You were screwed, that was certain.
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: life has honestly been a bitch these past few weeks but here's the next chapter <3 also there might a little surprise coming on saturday so keep an eye out! i rewrote this chapter twice because i didn't like how the words were flowing 😭 the next chapter's going to be a lot more interesting (i hope).
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©hanjsquokka | copying, translating or republishing my work is strictly prohibited
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incorrectbatfam · 6 months
What do the Goofy Gooners look like .. asking for a friend …
Rob is a tired dad with an inferiority complex. He doesn't put much effort into his appearance because basic hygiene already saps a lot of his energy. He has reddish-brown hair that he keeps short for convenience and doesn't shave as often as he should, so there's always a thin layer of stubble. I picture him to be around 33 but stress makes him look older. He usually wears the same basic t-shirts and cargo pants—a polo would be fancy for him. He's on the underweight side because he frequently skips meals so his kids and Milo have enough. He also has random tattoos scattered over his arms plus one on his leg and neck. They don't mean anything, just dumb stuff he got when he was younger, including a winking emoticon and the Pillsbury doughboy.
Blaise is 26 and you can tell he's a stoner from the get-go. He has dirty blonde hair that he grows out but hardly maintains, and the same level of effort goes for his clothes. He often wears things he finds in dumpsters or thrift stores and chooses comfort over style. His clothes have lots of hidden pockets for lighters, firecrackers, and weapons. He's tall and lanky, which makes living out of Milo's car in the parking lot awkward (Rob offered his apartment but he declined). Similar to Rob, Blaise also has a number of meaningless tattoos plus several piercings. He also plays the guitar and keeps his lucky pick on a necklace.
Kellin is a 20-year-old originally hailing from Thailand. Their assassin parents trained them in gymnastics, martial arts, and various weaponry from a young age in hopes that Kellin would follow in the family's footsteps and join the League of Assassins. That obviously didn't work out and they traveled around as an independent hitman (hitperson?) for a couple years before they landed in Gotham. They're always battle-ready—if they could shower in their assassin uniform they would. They changed their name and keep their hair just long enough to mask their face. They're fluent in English, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Arabic, but they prefer to let their actions speak for them instead.
Molly is a 25-year-old trans woman who incorporates her jobs as a drug dealer, team strategist, and nightclub DJ in a single look. She has long dark hair dyed with neon streaks but ties it up when fighting. She's not the most formidable combatant but she has basic fighting skills and is very calculative. Her primary weapon is a metal baseball bat, inspired by her favorite anti-hero, Harley Quinn. She also has a belt equipped with her experimental chemicals and smoke pellets. However, she's not allowed to pair up with Blaise on missions because it's an open secret that the two of them can't focus around each other.
Otto is a war veteran and car mechanic around the same age as Alfred, but that's where the similarities end. He's been wearing the same mechanic's uniform for the past four decades, the only differences between then and now being his hair thinning, a couple front teeth falling out, and acquiring a beer gut. His arms are covered in scabs and scars from the job and he's had trouble with his right knee ever since the army. On the surface he seems like a Boomer yelling at kids to get off his lawn, but he's more like a stern but well-intentioned grandpa who is disappointed to see nothing much has changed over the years.
Milo is your standard 15-year-old delinquent. He's slightly small for his age and doesn't pack that big of a punch on his own, but put him behind the wheel and he's a total menace. When he's not driving, he keeps himself stimulated with video games or his collection of keychains (his favorite is purple bat because of his puppy crush on Spoiler). His look is reminiscent of early 2000s skater punks, including a bright red mohawk and his trusty headphones. Everything he owns, minus his car, fits into a single backpack. His weapon, on the rare occasion Rob lets him on the front line, is a batarang he found on the street.
Gene is someone you would never expect to have so many issues because on the outside he looks like an average 40-year-old glasses-wearing office worker. He has short sandy hair and dark circles under his eyes from nightmares. His meds help a lot, but sometimes he's still seen pacing around and muttering to himself. He's not a danger anymore compared to the past, which is why Rob trusts him enough to share an apartment. Gene focuses his nervous energy into his research and tinkering instead, amassing a comedic collection of hyperspecific gadgets.
Mac is basically the guy in the chair. He's 30 and has thick glasses, thick curly brown hair, a thin goatee, and almost exclusively wears flannel. His nails are down to a nub because he bites them when concentrating. He's also often seen with chips or an energy drink in his hands and wears a jailbroken smart watch. Of the team, he has the least physical prowess but the most brain power. He doesn't see combat often but keeps a pistol in case. He turned an old ice cream truck into his home/mobile office so he can plug in anywhere. Like Kellin, he's also not from Gotham, but instead Fawcett City and has a distinct Minnesota accent.
Booker is a 19-year-old Gotham U student and the third member of the team's Glasses Trio. He's an intelligent guy slated to graduate a year early and thus needs his internship credits sooner. He's very polite (albeit a little socially awkward) and puts his best foot forward by coming into work with slacks and fun patterned suspenders even though he doesn't have to. His hair has a slightly uneven fade because his sister insisted on practicing on him for cosmetology school, so he covers it with a fedora. He carries his things in a laptop bag and has an enthusiastic bounce in his step that only newbies would have.
Jackie and Gunner are Rob's 6-year-old twins (Jackie being 8 minutes older) and are the babies of this hodgepodge family. Jackie takes after her late mother with frizzy black hair usually tied in pigtails. She loves wearing pink, reads way above her level, and is a horse girl in that she wants one to stomp on the people she doesn't like. Gunner looks more like his dad, though his hair is a little messier and overgrown. He hates school but loves dirt and monster trucks. Both of them have a troublesome streak but Jackie's a little better at hiding it. They quarrel like siblings do but at the end of the day, they always stick up for each other.
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call-me-a-simp · 8 months
No One Hates You More Than I Do
Talk It Out (Part 6)
Enemies to lovers (Rhea Ripley x fem. Reader):
You're a well known wrestler in WWE and Rhea is your worst enemy. You hate each other in and outside of the ring. Rhea always flirts with you, not that she means it, she just knows it makes you furious and wants to annoy you. But one day everything changes and you start to feel like all of this isn't a joke anymore and that there might actually be something between you two.
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You get ready for work and head out the door, grabbing an energy drink from the nearby grocery store on your way. It was a pretty chill day, only a few interviews and more prepping stuff for the upcoming show where they plan to reveal you as the new member of The Judgement Day.
That evening after work you decide to attend the local gym as you didn't have time for you daily workout yet. You don't notice the person following you in your tired state. You probably wouldn't have noticed them at all if they wouldn't have let you known they're there during one of your breaks between some reps.
Rhea's eyes follow you the whole day, noticing your tired expression and weak body from the lack of sleep and proper food. She doesn't even try to deny her being worried about you. So after you left work she decides to follow you. Keeping a safe distance with her car until she sees you enter the towns local gym. She parks her car in a nearby parking lot where she is able to see if you would leave the building again or not.
Sitting there in silence she thinks about her feelings towards you and your reaction when she told you. It made her wonder if you secretly felt the same and just also had difficulties expressing that. After about twenty minutes she finally worked up the courage to confront you with her thoughts and theories so she gets out the car and walks over to the building you're in.
It doesn't take her long to find you since it's a fairly small area with quite few people being there at that time. She waits until you're taking a break to speak to you.
"Hey" you hear a familiar voice and look up. It was Rhea. "What do you want? Can't you see that I'm busy right now?" you attack her annoyed. "Sorry to bother you.." she raises her arms in defence and looks hurt at your reaction, which makes you feel guilty almost immediately. "I'm sorry, I'm just very tired." you mumble and sigh. "What is it Ripley? What are you here for?" "I just wanted to talk about.. some uh.. thoughts of mine.." Rhea admits and blushes.
"Fine by me, want to tell me while I finish my reps?" You ask her. "I'd prefer to wait until we're alone, but I can spot you and maybe give you some tips until then?" Rhea responds in a questioning tone. You shrug and nod.
About half an hour later you're walking out of the gym together. "My apartment is almost right around the corner, wanna meet there?" You turn to look at Ripley. "Bet I'll be there first!" Rhea playfully smirks at you and runs off to her car. You didn't notice you were smiling at her actions until you accidentally saw your reflection on the car window. You quickly replace it with a neutral look and shake your head at your behaviour. Why were you smiling at her stupid jokes?
Five minutes later you unlock your front door where Rhea was already waiting for you. Opening it you begin to question yourself if this might be a mistake, if Rhea was just acting nice to land a critical hit on you. You brush it off as your normal overthinking and hold the door open for your guest.
"I haven't cleaned today or anything so please don't mind the mess.." you mumble more to yourself than to her. Rhea hums and follows you to the big main room, consisting of living room and kitchen at the same time. "I'm gonna order some pizza, you want something too?" You ask without turning around to her. "I'm good, thanks" she denies your offer. She then patiently waits until your done with the phone call before speaking up again.
"So uhm.. like I said I wanted to talk about some of my thoughts with you because i feel the urge to clarify some things but now that I'm actually here it's harder than I originally thought.." your counterpart admits awkwardly.
"Tomorrow's a holiday which means no work which means we've got all night" you shrug and turn around to her with a little smile that's meant to reassure her. Your eyes meet and you can see her relax a little more. You smile at each other and you walk over to the couch, signaling Rhea to come sit next to you.
"Maybe it'll be easier if we don't start with it right away and instead focus on something else. For example finally getting over our egos and start working together for real this time." you say with a serious undertone in your voice. Rhea nods but avoids looking directly at you.
"You're right" she eventually says and lifts up her gaze, meeting yours. "I'm sorry for treating you bad all these years, even after I thought we got over our problems. I somehow couldn't help but spread rumors about you, which again, leads us to why I wanted to talk to you so bad" she sighs.
"I know.." you whisper. "And to be honest.. I kinda feel drawn to you too.." There's a few moments of silence until you continue. "It just confuses me because I never felt this way with another woman before. Does that mean I'm a lesbian now?"
Rhea breaks out laughing and you can't help but chuckle too. "If you're still attracted to men then no, it does not make you a lesbian" Ripley laughs but then gets serious again. "So you do like me back?" she wants to clarify, praying she didn't interpret your words the wrong way.
"I- I don't know, like, the sex we had was pretty damn good I have to admit, and I wouldn't complain if we did it again.." you shyly look at her, nervously chuckling as an attempt to calm the anxiety a little. Seeing her eyes lighten up at those words and the little smile that sneaks into her face makes you feel a certain warmth and ease inside. "I.. guess we could try.." you whisper, breaking eye contact as you can feel the heat rush into your cheeks.
"So- uh.. you're saying you think you do like me back and that you're willing to date me, like.. seriously?" Rhea asks completely overwhelmed. "God damn it, yes, you idiot!" You exclaim and wrap your hands around her neck kissing her.
You both smile into the kiss and you lean back, pulling Rhea on top of yourself as you lay down. "I still fucking hate you for what you've done, just to be clear" you murmur against her lips and she chuckles in response. "And what do you want me to do about it now.." she then teases you. "Maybe fuck you so hard you just forget about it?" she smirks at you. "Mmh.. maybe?" you whisper and smirk back at her.
Rhea kisses you again and begins to trail kisses along your jawline and down to the crook of your neck. Slipping one of her legs between yours, she presses her body down against your own, creating a friction that makes you moan softly.
But before it could go any further the doorbell rings, and you push Rhea off of yourself with a grin. You liked that you were able to make her horny and now she got to wait. She looks back at you pouting, but eventually smiles at you as she watches you come back, already with a mouth full of pizza.
"God I just can't be mad at you" she sighs and guides you to sit between her legs with your back against her chest. "I'll turn on a movie okay?" she says softly and kisses your temple while reaching for the tv remote.
I AM SO INCREDIBLY SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING Y'ALL FOR SO LONG!!! I don't know what's going on with me at the moment myself or I would have explained it to you, but ye, hope you enjoy and I'll try to write more now :)
Taglist: @specialinterestshows @butterfly12347 @billiewherearetheavocados @lomlrhea @hatdog96 @plk-18 @babybatlover @wiccanpriestess @kagome2909 @domlynch
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sofiiel · 10 months
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Date: water park with Robin:
She's having a hard time functioning with you in your swimwear. Smelling of gentle sunscreen and flavored chapstick. You often catch her just quietly biting her lip and not so slyly checking you out.
You just blatantly checking her out right back and her tossing you a wink before striking poses for you. Earning herself many heated kisses.
Robin in painstaking reminding you of all safety tips when it comes to water or slippery surfaces. "Those sandals don't have much tread on them, be careful." or she's reminding you to stay hydrated as you walk around under the sun.
She's got her arm over your shoulders while you wander about the park. Giving you cheek loving nuzzles.
🤭 playing chicken/camel fight in the pool! Either you're on her shoulders or she's on yours. It turns into a giant splash war and you two aim to win.
You find a quiet spot near the aquarium to gaze at the marine life. It's quiet and you're cuddled against her. Robin will draw you into a kiss, under the rippling reflection of sunlight through the water.
A curious sea creature swims up and starts trying to get your attention from the other side of the glass. You and robin play with it by turning in circles, which it mimics.
Buying a large shell and listening to the sounds of the ocean together.
At the aquatic petting zoo you two freak out about touching the sea cucumbers.
Playing footsie while cruising down the lazy river. She can't stop giggling. "Do you have to be so cute all the time?" she laughs. "That doesn't mean stop - just so you know."
She makes a small soft groan as you're rubbing more sunscreen onto her back, she's absolutely loving the slight massage and keeps asking for 2 more minutes.
Matching bracelets from the merch shop! But as you're browsing, Robin's wandered off. She returns to you and asks you to close your eyes. You do as she asks, and feel her clasping a necklace around your neck. She leaves a gentle kiss to your collarbone and tells you to open your eyes. A mirror in the shop reveals it's a necklace you'd eyeballed as soon as you walked in the store. But would have felt guilty purchasing for yourself.
On the rushing rapids ride, Robin has you sit on her lap in the small raft. Her arms hold you tight to stop you from falling as you brave the wild ride together. Her laughter echoes in your ears.
Having people take pictures of you two snuggled just in front of the artificial water fall.
Robin calling you her little mermaid, as she rests on the edge of the pool while you swim up to her. Playfully splashing water at her to help keep her cool.
You enjoy a relaxing lunch at the juice bar, you two munch on some refreshing fruit and share a vividly colorful slushie. The waiter brought you two cute heart shaped twisty straws that they had left over from Valentine's Day.
Laying on beach towels on a simulated beach, your curled up neck to Robin as she caresses your hip, and you both are nearly falling asleep after using up so much energy. Robin talks endlessly in hopes of keeping you both awake, but you find she's making everything twice as soothing by doing so.
Near the end of your day together, you two run into a fun couple and hang out with them. They offer to snap a bunch of pictures for you if you do the same for them and you agree. Running about the water park, taking as many as you can manage, with each of your cameras.
After heading home the next day, Robin surprises you with a scrapbook of all the photos and clippings of beachy or sea themed pictures, she spent all night working on. It's scatter with little inner thoughts she had about that date inside.
Little notes such as: "she took my breath away in the shimmer of the water" or "I will remember this for the rest of my life" or "her smile out matched the sun." and "It was so crowded, but all I saw was you."
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missjoolee · 11 months
This is a mixture of shower thoughts fic and lying in bed after taking a sleep aid fic, so is it good? who knows. but apparently ao3 is down so enjoy! lol
Warning: not proofread at all.
the band has been working diligently to make a name for themselves and while they have a decent following, they’ve all had to take day jobs
on one of the days they are all working, julie almost misses a call form a record label that recently saw them perform and would like to sign them on
she says she is excited by their offer but would need to speak to the rest of the band first, to which they are understanding and even offer to email a pdf of the first draft of the contract to them to review and they can set up a time to meet if things look satisfactory
she rattles off the band email before ending the call and texts the band group chat before heading back to work after her break
“a label wants to sign us! contract in band email. can’t wait to go over it with you guys! <3 <3″
she feels her phone buzz with an incoming response as she’s walking back to the front of the store she works at and quickly checks it.
L- yes! rock n roll hall of fame, here we come!
as she is reading that, another texts arrives and she laughs at Luke’s impatience
L- emails not there yet :(
back at the front, the afternoon rush hits and julie doesn’t have time to check her phone, but she’s felt it go off several times in her work apron and, while she’s never hated the customer service industry, she absolutely cannot keep a giant smile off her face the whole rest of her shift
so she’s a bit blindsided when she finally gets to check her phone again as she grabs her things from her work locker and the first message she sees is
L- I’m not signing this.
it must be a real bad deal then. her heart sinks as she continues reading
A- ?
R- oooo bad money deal?
L- money is fine.
L- not a good fit for the band
A- how do you mean?
luke didn’t respond and the next message comes 20 minutes later
A- F that. i’m not signing either
R- guys. what is going on?
R- oh
R- okay, yeah no
by now Julie’s anxiety is starting to climb because how could it not be a good fit? this label is known for signing bands in the pop-punk genre. What on earth would make the guys turn this opportunity down? an opportunity they have worked blood, sweat, tears and years to get. How could they dismiss it so easily?
she needs some time to think (but does she really? it’s the anxiety talking) so instead of responding, she pulls her bag strap over her shoulder and begins walking towards the exit, tying her hair up in a real messy bun to keep herself from picking at her fingernails
The clouds in the sky are pinkish purple against the darkening sky as the sun is low enough to be blocked by the surrounding buildings. heat still emits off the parking lot pavement, alluding to the Hot summer days thar have fallen upon the city.
Julie takes a deep breath before heading to the employee parking
Luke is leaning against the back of her car
"Luke? What are you doing here? Is everyone okay?!"
"Yea, Boss. Everyone's fine," he reassures her before pulling her into a hug. "I just wanted to see that million dollar smile."
Julie can't help but smile
She holds him tighter as her thoughts quickly jump back to the contract. She questions him about the group chat. How could they possibly all be saying no?
His arms tense around her, before letting her pull back to look at his face. He reveals that the contract actually starts off pretty decent. The label just had one stipulation that was a deal-breaker.
What? What could possibly be a deal-breaker when the rest is that good?
"If we sign it, they'd be able to force the band to undergo cosmetic dentistry."
"Oh." Her stomach drops. She wants to look away from the boy she's described as having the perfect smile. Alex and Reggie are basically right there with him. She forces her hands to stay put, but they scream to cover her mouth, her face. Her eyes drift down and stop on his Adam's apple. This is about her.
One of his hands gently cups the side of her face, tilting it so she is looking up at him again. His eyes are sad.
She can't stand it. She can feel tears welling in her eyes "I- I could do it."
He's shaking his head vehemently before she can finish. "No, Jules! You are perfect and beautiful just as you are. If they can't see it, then they aren't the label for us."
His other hand moves up to cup her face in his hands.
"Be who you are, don't compromise, julie. Fuck them."
Julie is overwhelmed in that moment. Tears break free of her lashes, but a laugh rings out as she pulls his face to hers.
His lips ground her and she cant believe how lucky she is to have such a supportive boyfriend. She pulls back and remembers the others immediate refusal to sign as well. She couldn't ask for a better band and family. She thanks her mom for the millionth time for bring them to her.
She sniffles from the tears but a smile is back on her face as she teases him. "Did you quote our own song at me just now? What a dork."
He's grinning back. "Well, the gal who wrote that line is pretty smart."
He pulls her to the passenger door "let's go home"
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darlingsfandom · 8 months
Catching Eddie listening to Johnny cash
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Eddie Munson aka the town freak. Everyone's afraid of him but you. You don't see Eddie as a freak. He's different but you like it. He's not boring. If anything you're the freak in the small town of Hawkins because you didn't belong the jock group or the cheerleaders, you didn't even fit in with smart kids you know the ones who can solve a math equation with a snap of the fingers. You didn't even fit in with the burn out kids who smoked in the alleyway by the gym. You were the outsider like Eddie, just different levels of burnout you guessed, but hell Eddie even had his nerdy friends who played their little fantasy group, you? You showed up. You sat quietly in the back of class all the time. And if it was fait or something twisted at hand you had every single class with Eddie.
You were sat on the steps of the front of the school as you waited for your ride. It had been two hours since school let out and you sat with your chin in your hands sighing softly before getting up and walking. As you were halfway down the sidewalk your ears perked up at the sound of honking. You stopped, looked over your shoulder and remembered the beaten up van approaching.
"Hi! Do you want a ride or something? Not in a creepy kidnapper way though of course!" You stood at the edge of the sidewalk and looked to see Eddie sitting there with a smile on his face and hand gripping the steering wheel. You bit your bottom lip before jumping into the van against your better judgement.
"Thanks." You set your backpack by your feet and buckled up.
"No problem. Can't let ya walk home this late, a creepy man with a van could ask ya for a ride then ya'd be gone for good." Eddie laughed nervously as he watched you get comfortable. "Uh names Eddie by the way, I'm sure ya know that though since we have all the Same classes." You nodded slowly and grabbed his hand as he extended it to you. He kissed your hand softly before starting to drive again.
"So umm where do you live so I can drop you off." You fiddled with your fingers a little before quickly reaching to turn his radio on.
"As sure as night is dark and day is light
I keep you on my mind both day and night
And happiness I've known proves that it's right
Because you're mine, I walk the line"
Eddie's face turned red. He was the dark devil god of Hawkins for crying out loud and here he was being a gentleman towards you. Then you turn on the radio to hear his Johnny Cash CD playing.
"You like Johnny cash ?" You asked softly as he turned the volume down.
"Yeah, I do. Don't get me wrong I listen to what the old people call the devils music like Black Sabbath!" Eddie made fake devil horns with his fingers as he approached a red light. "But Johnny cash is good too!" You nodded along with his statement.
"I take it, you like him too?" He questioned as he drove down the street passing the library and liquor store.
"Yeah he's good. Really sees me which is funny since no one else does." You sighed as you leaned your head against his window. Eddie drove on watching the road. He eventually pulled into an abandoned parking lot and looked over at you.
"That's not true you know?" Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion as he unbuckled your seat belt. You quickly grabbed your backpack and pulled it against your chest. "Don't be silly, I'm not going to hurt you. It would feed into everyone's ideas and fantasies of me." He shook his head before leaning back in the driver seat.
"I just mean that I've seen you. The way when you're reading a text book you put one hand against your ear and move your lips. Or how you chew your easer when you're thinking before writing the answer. You think people don't notice you because of the amount of times they've walked right into you or because you don't have any groups but that's high school. I've seen you since I moved to this small town. You're the quiet kid but you're so sweet. I've seen you help those who wouldn't even give you a second hello! You're pure." Eddie looked over at you with the softest eyes you've ever seen while your own eyes were threatening to drop tears down your cheeks. You used the sleeve of your sweater to wipe them before Eddie leaned in and kissed you softly.
You pulled away quickly with pink cheeks before Eddie rubbed the back of his neck.
"I'm sorry , I just... it's been awhile since I've wanted to you."
"It's okay, I've never been kissed until now." You felt a smile creep onto your lips as you looked into Eddie's eyes.
"I Walk the line Eddie."
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cutecherrygirl · 4 months
Ni-ki - first love
Warnings: Fluff ❤️
I had a dream last night and I decided to write it here because it melted my heart and I felt so happy after 🙈
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Ni-Ki and his mini friend group were sitting on swings in mini part close to their houses. The park was silent and empty, the only sound coming from it were the sharp sounds of creaking sound of the rotten swings.
Ni-Ki 's friend group consists of Jungwon and Sunoo. Sunoo is the oldest of two, he is two years older than Ni-ki and one than Jungwon. They all hang out every day after, before and during school.
The sky was mix of grey and white, it looked disgusting but at least the weather was acceptable. They were all drinking canned soda's because Ni-ki was not old enough to drink beer yet si his friends would feel bad if they drink beer in front of him, they decided to wait for him.
Just as Ni-ki was about to take another sip of his cherry soda, he felt tap on his shoulder, it was Sunoo. Ni-ki turned to gim confused "look" Sunoo whisper while pointing at a group of three girls passing by. All three boys stared at them like three hungry lions spotting food after years of not eating.
The three girls were knows as the mean girls of their school. We have the blondie in the middle, her name is Shuhua, she is the leader of the squad, very beautiful girl but the attitude is speaking for itself, she is wearing skirt decorated with ribbons, a white croptop with cherry in the middle and some white sneakers. She is wearing minimum make up, only lipgloss and blush, her hair is in a high pony tail held with a ribbon hairband.
On her left we have Yuna, tall, red headed and gorgeous, she could easily be a model if she wanted to. She is wearing light blue shorts with boots and red tanktop, she was more of a tomboy of the group which was fine since they can't look the same all the time. Her hair was also in a high pony tail and she wasn't wearing any make up but had sunglasses on.
And now we move on to the third girl wich is Y/N, she is a mix of both but leading more to Shuhua's side. She was wearing white dress decorated with red belt and red and white sneakers. She had her nails done in light red and some ribbons on it. Her hair was down and she had lipgloss on her lips and mascara on her lashes.
They all walked hand in hand passing the park. Ni-ki, Jungwon and Sunoo couldn't take their eyes off of them.
The girls disappeared in the local convince store, Ni-ki quickly stood up and mentioned for boys to follow him. The three boys step in the convince store and spot the girls at snacks section. They didn't wanted to be obvious, but then again, who cares?
Ni-ki walked to the snack isle and stood next to Y/N, pretending to look at the snacks. Y/n didn't bother looking at him but he kept glancing at her the whole time. He could smell her scent, it was so addicting to him and so mesmerising, he couldn't get enough of her smell. She finally looked up at him and he kept looking at her as if he was in his own world or he zoomed out, either way, Y/N was weirded out "um.. excuse me?" He said softly which snapped Ni-ki back into reality "Oh Hi um, I was just" suddenly, Y/N is pulled away from him be her friends. Ni-ki watched them drag Y/N out of his sight with disappointment on his face.
Later that day, Ni-ki was in his room and on his phone. He couldn't stop thinking about Y/N and the way she spoke to him, it was the first time she ever said a word to him and he was in love. He'd been admiring her from afar since First grade and now he is finally making progress.
He went to her Instagram page and start to look through her photos like he does every night before sleep, to him, she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. He was so in love that he planned a whole future with her.
There's a specific photo he admired the most of her. Its a photo where she is sitting on a picnic blanked under cherry blossom tree, she is wearing a white summer dress and her hair is braided in two braids, she is also wearing a hat with flowers on it. He couldn't help but imagine her and him on picnic date, he would hold her hand as the both look at the flowers around them and admire each others beauty. But then again, he was alway disappointed at the end since he knows life with her could be impossible since she would never want something like that with him. In his eyes, he was just admirer, somone who is too scared to approach, he was too shy and too nervous to talk to her. He couldn't help himself, she just makes him speechless. He was also at the age where all he can think of are girls, its normal. All the boys go through that.
The next day at school, he was sitting by his desk anf listening to conversation going on between Jungwon and Sunoo. He wasn't interested enough to say anything so he just stayed silent.
Suddenly, Shuhua comes up to their desk, All three of the look up at her woth wide eyes, because why would she talk to them?? "Look, I'll say this in nicest way possible okay?" She said to Ni-ki while giving him a fake smile. Ni-ki is confused "i know you like Y/N, but stay away from her. She is popular and you are loser, It will make her look bad if she tries something with you" Shuhua said while looking at Ni-ki with crossed arms, Ni-ki just watched her "stop looking at her, stop talking about her and stop liking her!!" Shuhua said a bit too loud, the whole class turned and looked at them weirdly. Ni-ki chuckled and looked away from her, Sunoo and Jungwon looked at Ni-ki and Shuhua was embarrassed since the whole class is listening.
"Look, I don't have bad intentions-" Ni-ki started but shuhua slammed her hands on his table "i dont care! Just do what I told you to!" She yelled before walking back to her seat.
Few minutes later, Y/N walks in the class and Shuhua immediately gives Ni-ki a death glare. Y/N sits by her table and greets her friends. Y/N glances at Ni-ki for a second but quicky looks away since he is already looking at her. Shuhua is boiling inside, she decided to sit next to Y/N to block her from Ni-ki's sight, he rolls his eyes and Y/N is confused.
After school, Y/N was walking home to her apartment complex. She had her headphones in and erased the rest of the world from her sight, she liked it that way, it was her escape from reality. She had no idea that somone was following her😱
Ni-ki decided to follow her home to see where she lives, he didn't give two fucks about what Shuhua said. When Y/N entered her apartment complex the door closed behind her and he couldn't get in. Luckily, an old lady walked out right after Y/N walked in and opened the door for Ni-ki. He rushed inside and heard Y/n going upstairs, he walked upstairs but made sure to be slow so she doesn't see him.
When Y/N came to her apartment door, she spotted trash bag outside, being a good daughter she is, she decided to take it outside and throw it away. Ni-ki didn't know that and was schocked when he saw her right in front of him. They both stoped walking and had wide eyes.
Ni-ki was sweating like a deer, what is he supposed to do now!? Y/N was just standing there. "You live here?" She asked him pointing at one of the apartment doors. Ni-ki was silent for a moment before speaking "uh..n-no I just saw something here so I-" Y/N cuts him off "so you broke into the building?" She chuckled at his silliness, Ni-ki looked down Embarrassed "yeah..." He said and Y/N begins to laugh, when Ni-ki saw he laughing, it instantly made him smile.
Shortly after, Ni-ki went home and couldn't stop smiling on his way there.
Next day, he met with his friends and went to the park to tell them what happened. In the corner of his eye he could see The means girls hanging out with some other guys knows as "wolf gang" consist of the leader, Bangchan and his two side kicks Han and Changbin. They were gang at the school and no one dared to talk to them. Y/N was sitting next to Han and looked extremely uncomfortable, Han had his arm around her shoulders and was telling her something. Ni-ki was jealous and angry but knew he can't do anything.
Later that day, he decided to follow Y/N home again, while she was crossing the road, he noticed Wof gang calling for her "Hey Y/N! Com'ere babygal!" Bangchan said with his thick Aussie accent, Y/N tried ignoring them and kept on walking, but then all three of them stood up and started following her. Ni-ki quickly rushed to Y/N and grabbed her hand then they both start running as fast as the can. The wolf gang looked confused and angry that Ni-ki took her! 😡 Then the heavy rain started pouring on All of them, the wold gang had no time to be wet so they entered a local cafe and ordered themselves some donuts.
Ni-ki and Y/N rushed in Her apartment complex soaked and out of breath. Y/N led him to her apartment and quickly unlocked the door, they both rush in and she shuts teh door behind them.her apartment was small but cozy with her dad on the couch watching sport channel, her little brother playing with his toys and her mom in the kitchen making tea. Y/N hold Ni-kis hand protectively since she knows her brother and father are very protective of her and her father doesn't allow boys in his apartment, her mom on the other hand doesn't mind it but she doesn't have any say in it yeah, it waz very old school family "Dad..." Y/N said softly her breathing going back to normal. Her dad didn't hear her so she called Louder this time, her dad titled his head to the side, signaling for her to speak "Can Ni-ki stay here for some time? It's raining and he can't go home" Y/N said and her dad is still silent, she looks over her shoulder at Ni-ki as if she was scared then looked back at her dead or well at the back of his head "please?" She said an her dad nodded.
She led Ni-ki to her room and closed the door behind them. She took off her wet jacket and place it on the heater in her room, she did the same with Ni-ki's jacket. She was left in tank top and skirt and Ni-ki was in black tee shirt and jeans.
"Wow..your hair is...ruined" Y/N suddenly said and Ni-ki laughed a bit and shook his head like a dog "omg stop!" Y/N laughed as he sprayed more water on her. Ni-ki then decided to explore her room. He noticed she has lots of baby photos all over her room and photos with her friends, there was nothing special about her room but it was special to him since he is finally getting closer to know her better.
"What did Shuhua told you?" Y/N asked softly as Ni-ki walked around her room, he Looked at her "To stay out of your way" he said quietly and Y/N Sighed "you know you don't have to do that, right? She's just, mad cuz her boyfriend left her for brunette and she doesn't want me to find anyone for myself" Y/N Laughed softly after saying that and Ni-ki was schocked "I thought, she wanted to protect you." He said and Y/N shook her head "nope, we may seem like the best best friends ever but reality is really crule...we baerly talk after school we hang out on weekends just to be seen and that's it." Ni-ki was even more schocked now but he didn't question it any further.
The rain stopped and Ni-ki's jacket was dry, He wore his jacket and Y/N took his hand then walked out of her room with him following close behind. "Dad" Y/N said "Can I, lead Ni-ki to the exit?" She asked and her dad approved so the walk out. They went down few stairs and stood in front of huge window but it was blurred so they couldn't see anything, they stood there facing each other while still holding hands. Ni-ki spotted something written on the wall, it said "Y/N is a bitch", she quickly stepped in front of it "its not true" she said softly while looking down, "I know" Ni-ki said back and stepped closer, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug, Y/N wrapped her arms around his waist and burry her face in his neck. The hugged each other strongly as if they waited for this moment forever! "Y/N!" Her mom called for her and she quickly said "im coming!"they can hear the door closing after she said that. She squeezed the fabric of Ni-ki's jacket with her and was taking every second of the hug like it was her last. She needed that hug more than anything, she haven't received a decent hug for so long.
After awhile, Ni-ki gently lifted her chin with the side of his finger and looked into her eyes. "Y/N! Come up, your dad is calling you!" Her moms voice was heard again, she sounded angrier now but Y/N didn't care. Ni-ki leaned down and connected their lips into a soft kiss. The both felt butterflies in their tummy's, both of their heart were beating rapidly at the same time as Their lips moved together in Sync. Ni-ki pressed Y/N againts the wall, not because he wanted to heat up things but simply because he was more comfortable this way. "Y/N!!!" Her mom screamed this time and they both jump away from the kiss "I have to go" she whispered terrified, she headed upstairs but Ni-ki took her hand and pulled her to him again and kissed her lips before letting her go home.
When he came home, he was so happy! He finally let his fantasy come to life! He wanted to jump off a tree from happiness!!
He decided to ask her out on a date and she said yes! 😱He put note in her locker and gave her his adress.
Few days later, Ni-ki was cleaning his room in panic, he slept in amd forgot she was coming so he had to quickly clean everything!!! His mom amd dad went put on a date and he had the whole apartment for himself, he bought some caramel cherries and cherry liqueur just for the occasion.
He vacuumed his room, put the laundry away, cleaned his desk and most importantly, made his bed.
After he was done, the bell of his apartment rang , he rushed to the door and opened it, letting Y/N walk in. She smelled like cherry blossom, she was wearing denim skirt, black tank top and white converse. Her hair was down and she had a denim hairband on her head. They walked in his room and Y/N did the same thing he did, explore the room for a bit, everything she stared a bit longer for he explained what it was and the whole backstory of it. Y/N thought Ni-ki was adorable but he was nervous as fuck lol.
They both sat down on the floor and Ni-Ki brought Caramel cherries and liqueur, Y/N was surprised at how romantic Ni-ki was "wow, fancy" she giggled and he felt proud "I bought it just for you" he said as he poured cherry liqueur in two mini glasses while Y/N was eating cherries.
Y/N spotted the old record player and smiled "do you have any records?" She asked Ni-ki and he nodded "yeah! Here" he put a record in the record player and it started playing slow romantic song. Y/N gently swayed at along the song as She drank the cherry liqueur and Ni-ki just started at her memorized.
He suddenly took her hand and stand on his feet, she stood up with him and he placed his one hand on her waist and the other one was holding her hand. They started slow dancing together while smiling at each other, The moonlight was shining through Ni-ki's window and made it look ever more romantic.
Ni-ki accidentally stepped on Y/N's foot but she laughed it off, they were having the time of their lives. They didn't need to talk, they stayed in comfortable silence the whole time while dancing and admiring each others beauty.
Ni-ki caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers and Y/N leaned in his touch while looking at him. He then lean down and kiss her cheek , then her forehead, the her nose, as he was going down from her nose to her chin, his lips brushed against hers which made both of the shiver. He looked into her eyes and moved some hair from her face, this time, she was the one to connect their lips together. The kiss was sweet and gentle, she placed her arms around his neck and he hugged her waist. The first kiss they shared was full if adrenaline and exitment, this one was more calm and romantic, He lead her to his bed and layed her down, they continued to kiss for long time then they both pull away catching their breaths while smiling.
Then they start cuddling until they fall asleep 😍🥰😱🤔👵🏻
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softstarlite · 7 months
The Casualty of Love
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Javier Peña x f!hispanic reader
Summary: He's back in Laredo. You have almost forgotten how warm his eyes were and how big your crush for him was.
Warnings: age gap (Javi is 40 and reader is 27), longing, angst, fluff, smut (it's my first time writing it, so help me improve if you can), mentions of death, mentions of mental health issues.
A/N: Hi! This is my first fanfic not only in Tumblr but also in English. My first language is Spanish so this is new to me. Please don't be mean and if you give criticism, let it be constructive to help me improve <3
Masterlist / Chapter 1
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Taking the keys out of the ignition and making your way across the parking lot to the little store, your head, more specifically your forehead, collapses with a hard thing.
“ Ouch” you rub your forehead while looking at where your purse has landed.
“Uh, fuck” you hear a masculine but almost familiar voice say from above you. Your gaze comes up to be met with a pair of chocolate brown eyes that you have for sure seen before.
“Ja-Javi?” you say with wide eyes and mouth agape. He mumbles your name like a question, like he can't believe what he's seeing, was it truly you? you looked so… so different, so grown up…
“So it's true, you really are back, eh?” you can feel the corners of your mouth rise a little while you say it.
“Been for two weeks…” his eyes can't help but to roam your body “you… look different…” he says more to himself than you.
“Well, that's what more than a decade does to someone” you chuckle.
“It really has been that long? Mierda…” he runs a hand through his hair.
You suddenly realize that your purse it's still on the floor, so you pick it up. For a few seconds an awkward silence floats between you too, in which you both just stare at each other.
You then realize something, “espera, you´ve been back for two weeks and you haven't been to my mama´s house? She's going to kill when she finds out, you know it right?” you nervously rub your hands together in front of you.
“Shit, you´re right…” he closes his eyes tightly, “with helping my pops with getting the ranch in a better shape and all, i forgot about going to Maria´s…”
“Hey, I'm sure if you explain it to her, she'll understand it. You´ve always been her favorite anyways” you give him a reassuring smile that he reciprocates with another, but somehow it looks like it almost pains him to do so, like he has not given a real one for way too long.
To be continued...
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youmenotyummy · 1 year
Converse High – P.SH [박성훈] {CH. 1}
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Synopsis: Shin Y/N was given the task to deliver her best friend's love letter to the shoe locker of Park Sunghan, the president of the broadcasting club. It just so happened to be that Park Sunghan's shoe box is situated right next to the shoe box of Park Sunghoon, a boy whose name had a one-syllable difference.
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"Bye, Mom!" Y/N dashed out the front door with her backpack hanging from one shoulder and a fruit jelly stick hanging out of her mouth before Mrs. Shin could relay the chores waiting for her daughter as punishment.
"Hey, you left you're–!" The door slammed shut, and Mrs. Shin shook her head after spotting the jar of fruit jellies on the dining table, feeling stressed thinking about her daughter's nutritional diet and her tendency to splurge her allowance on sinfully delicious snacks.
The previous night's attempt to sneak out was not the first. Mrs. Shin wondered when the time would come where her daughter would stop going on nightly rendezvous, which Y/N would call "top secret missions". Top secret missions, her butt— anyone would know that she went to the convenience store after seeing her with a plastic bag in each hand filled to the brim with bags of chips, cookies, instant noodles and candy. Spies need the most energy they can get to do their jobs well, Y/N would say, but her barely-passing school grades said otherwise.
Mrs. Shin sighed as she put the girl's lunchbox in the fridge, concluding that she could just eat it after school.
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"Chaewon!" Y/N speedily shuffled to her best friend waiting in the first floor hallway, her indoor slippers rubbing against the tiled floor with each movement forward. "What kind of emergency is it? Hunger? Thirst? Cold? Heartbroken? I know you already said no, but, menstrual–"
"It's none of those, my love. It's actually," Chaewon pulls an envelope out from behind her. "This." Y/N examined the white envelope being extended towards her, only grabbing it until she glanced at Chaewon for approval. She inspected the heart sticker covering the envelope's triangle flap and flipped it over to see if there was anything written on the back.
"Who's this for?" Y/N held it up to her ear and shook it to see if there was anything besides paper inside. "Is it for me?"
"That's rough." Y/N slumped her shoulders at the quick rejection. Chaewon twiddled her fingers and glanced around.
"It's actually for–" She leaned in and whispered into Y/N's ear. "Park Sunghan."
Y/N's eyes widened. "You have a crush on someone?!" Chaewon shyly nodded her head. "Wait but who is he? I mean his name sounds familiar, but I don't think I know him." Chaewon smacked her best friend's arm.
"What do you mean 'who is he'? He's literally the guy that does the announcements every morning."
"Baby, you know I never listen to it." Chaewon laughed at the girl's honesty. "But I can't believe you're crushing on someone now and still have the audacity to call me your 'love'. I never knew you were a player, Ms. Kim."
"Oh, shut up! You're still my number one." Y/N cheekily blew a kiss towards her after hearing her statement. "Anyways, are you willing to take on this mission and deliver this letter to him?"
"Chae, I barely know who he is, I don't even know what he looks like."
"That's why you're gonna deliver this to his shoe box instead. You remember his name, right?" Y/N held the letter up next to her face and shooed her best friend away while walking backwards in the direction of the shoe lockers.
"Of course I do! Don't worry about it and wait for me in class. What kind of top spy would forget the name of their target?"
Y/N, apparently. If there was one thing about her, it was that she was the absolute worst at remembering names. Heck, it took three weeks of being friends with Chaewon to remember her name. How was she going to recall the name of a guy she doesn't even know?
Y/N scanned the rows of shoe lockers for any name that rang a bell. "Well, I know his last name is Park...." It was indeed helpful that the lockers were organized in alphabetical order. She began to list off every Park she saw: Park Aera, Park Chaeyoung, Park Jongseong... the list goes on, and just as she got to the ones whose first names began with an M, the warning bell rang, signaling that the students needed to make their ways to class. Y/N panicked and speedily looked through the rest of the names.
"Park Minsung, Park Mina, Park Nabi, Park Narae–" She recited the names out loud, earning her a few concerned looks from those passing by. "Park Sua, Park Sungjae, Park Sungmin–? No, I don't think that's him... ah! Park Sunghan! I've definitely heard that name!" Y/N attempted to shove the letter through the crack of the locker and was about to run off to class until she heard the envelope drop on the ground. "Oh, come on!" She picked it back up and shoved it in once more, catching a glimpse of the locker number. "Number 20, got it. Mission successful!" She screamed as she sprinted down the hallway with two remaining minutes before the final bell would ring.
"Sunghoon, hurry up! The coach is gonna bench us if we're late one more time this semester!" Park Jongseong, member of Decelis Academy's rugby team and also referred to as Jay, ushered his friend to speed up before they received a suspension from their upcoming games due to academic tardiness.
"I'm going as fast as I can!" Sunghoon fumbled with the lock on his shoe locker while kicking his black Converse sneakers off. He threw his sneakers in once he pulled the lock off, not bothering to shut the locker close. He looked down as he hurriedly slipped his indoor shoes on, noticing a letter with a heart-shaped sticker on it. Without much thought to who it came from or the amount of teasing he would get from his friends, he picked it up and shoved it in his blazer's pocket. "Let's run!" He ran down the hallway with Jay taking the lead.
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"Chae, I'm starving!" Y/N complained and kicked the seat in front of her. The owner of the desk turned around and rested her head on top of the chair.
"Did you forget to bring your lunch?" Chaewon's jaw opened and shut with each word that came out of her mouth, the chair supporting her head.
"I was so busy trying to escape my mom before she could give me more chores that I forgot to take my lunch off the table." Y/N cried. "Do you think they still have those pineapple buns at the cafeteria?"
"Let's go check. If not, I'll buy you whatever you want as payment for this morning." Chaewon stood up from her seat and beckoned for the girl to come along.
"Chaechae, I love you!" Y/N sprung out of her chair and flung her arms around Chaewon. The two, still attached together, walked out of the classroom and into the halls filled with students chatting and eating during their lunch break. "Why can't you be my girlfriend?"
"So that I can buy you lunch everyday?" Chaewon felt Y/N nod her head. "Being your girlfriend sounds expensive."
The route from their classroom to the cafeteria involved passing by the shoe lockers, which reminded Y/N of her successful delivery. Deciding to boast about her supreme secret agent skills, she called Chaewon's attention.
"I was so smooth and discreet this morning, it's like nobody even knew I was there." Maybe she could be a bit over-exaggerated when storytelling, but it was a good trait to have being apart of the school's film-making club. "I even remembered his locker number! Wanna see it in case you have another letter to send?" She dragged her best friend to the shoe area. She may not be good with names, but she was (decently) good with locations. "It's this one, right here!" Y/N pointed to the opened locker.
"Looks like he forgot to close it." Chaewon pushed her palm against its door and carefully shut it, her eyes widening when seeing the nametag stuck next to the big black-metallic '20'.
"I didn't see the letter in there. That probably means he took it! Unless I have the wrong number..."
"Y/N..." Chaewon started.
"What's wrong, Chaechae? You're face got pale all of a sudden." Y/N's eyes travelled to where Chaewon was staring. She felt herself gulp at the three printed characters on the name tag, specifically the last one.
'#20: Park Sunghoon [박성훈]'
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Extra #1! Peeking into the Film-Making Club...🎥🕵️‍♀️
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masterlist ⭐️ next
Taglist is open! 💗
Taglist: @luvistqrzzz
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samkat10423 · 25 days
More Veronaville
Lately I've been making sims for my three cemeteries. Yes, there are 3! Because God knows, the Capps and Montys can't bury their dead in the same place - nor do they want the town's riff-raft next to their dearly departed. Anyway, I hate CAS - as you all know - so in between creating dead sims, I'm still working on the town itself.
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One of the things I did, was replace the city hall with one of those 3-in-1 rabbit holes. Mostly because 1) I am too lazy to do the whole military base and 2) I needed the spot where the police station was for my live show venue. In any event, I think this rabbithole looks nicer in this town. I'm guessing it came from that boat ep, but since I hardly ever play that world, I didn't remember it. But I do like it here. I've added a podium so my politicians can wax poetic, trying to con the populace into voting for more taxes, and a soapbox for my protestor sims. Plus Sandy's bike park shelter for the bicycles.
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This is my new consignment store. It's right across the street from where the old police station was. I found the original lot over on TSR. I just "fixed" it, by redoing the landscaping, adding some vines on the building and signage. The white building I left empty, mostly because it has a weird set-up inside, having been built on a different level than the main build. So, it's just set-dressing.
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And here's the new live show venue lot where the police station was. In danjaley's version, she had also had an old Globe Theater in her town, which shared a lot with a theater rabbithole. I really liked that idea, so when I saw this lot over on Mod the Sims, I grabbed it. In my town history, this was scheduled to be torn down, but Consort Capp said, "Over my dead body!" To which Patrizio responded, "That can be arranged!" Anyway, the Capps prevailed in saving it by having the building registered on the Sim National Register for Historic Sites. For those of you who don't know, that means it can't be torn down - ever. Anyway, old Patrizio blocked all funding for its restoration, so the Capp family footed the bill - with the stipulation that their name be added to the National Registry plague out front. This royally ticked off the Montys, since 1) it makes the Capps look magnanimous and 2) this building is actually on the Monty side of the main island. So, they built a new theater on the Capp side. (More pictures of that later).
Anyway, I think this was built before Showtime came out, since the original stage wasn't a 'real' stage. I made it a bit smaller so that I could put those benches out front and then used that smaller 6 by something stage. Then I went outside and relandscaped the lot. Go, me!
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