#domesticity through shouyou's eyes
maeveplanet · 2 years
Kagehina - Rain
It’s late afternoon, and the wind is simply a gentle swift blowing along as they walk, though the sky above is silver and dim. Hinata squeezes the dangling hand laced with his own between them, he feels the warmth flowing inside his palm. He looks up to his side where his husband is standing, but Kageyama doesn’t meet his eyes, instead he squeezes back while looking at the road ahead of them - as if the action is engraved in his muscles. 
Hinata takes a moment to look at Kageyama’s profile. His eyes follow his long dark eyelashes brushing against his skin, then the curve of his almost perfect nose to finally end up along his jaw. All spots Hinata kisses when Kageyama allows him, which - to his great delight - is pretty much all the time.
Hinata’s lips curl up before his eyes find the path once again. These serene moments are his favorites of the entire week; it’s the walk home after a morning of playing the sport he loves with the love of his life.
His thoughts are interrupted by drops of water landing on his warm skin. 
‘‘Mm, rain,’’ Kageyama simply states, glancing above. ‘‘We didn’t bring an umbrella.’’ 
It’s not a question, because he knows that Hinata always forgets his umbrella, so if Kageyama doesn’t bring one—well, they get stuck like they are at the moment.
‘‘Who needs an umbrella, Yama? It’s just rain!’’ Hinata laughs before pulling his husband as he starts jumping forward. He sees Kageyama shaking his head with a fond yet subtle smile stretching upon his lips, before he trails behind Hinata, gripping his hand harder.
It keeps raining, raining, raining, and the droplets feel fresh as they slide down his skin. It’s refreshing, just like the beats of his heart as he runs under the rain with his love chasing him. The sudden affection of the moment compels him to face Kageyama, and his breath hitches when he catches his eyes.
The blue is so bright under the heavy rain. 
It’s just blue.
But, it’s beautiful and it’s more than enough for Hinata to stop in his tracks. In the heat of the moment, eyes never leaving the deep blue storms, he embraces his husband and spins him around.
‘‘What’s gotten into you? Idiot!’’ 
His husband’s words only fill his heart with fondness, and Hinata releases a giggle. Forget the rain because, being the only one to make him feel invincible, Kageyama Tobio deserves his full attention.
‘‘Your eyes,’’ Hinata sighs when Kageyama finds the ground after a couple of spins. He tightens his embrace over his husband’s waist, keeping him as close as he can.
Hinata receives a deep frown in return, but it doesn’t take long before the lines smoothen and Kageyama’s eyes fall heavy, watching curiously. Without a word, his hands move up to cradle Hinata’s face tenderly. He leans forward, capturing Hinata’s lips, and Hinata breathes into the kiss, releasing a sound into the air. Then, Hinata feels his husband’s fingers slide into his wet hair, pulling him closer into the kiss.
Forget the rain. Kageyama is chasing his lips, biting, breathing, like he can’t get enough. It’s his turn to be as greedy as Hinata always is. All he wants is this.
When Kageyama finally steps back, Hinata chases his lips until he can’t - curse his husband for being so tall. He still quickly composes himself.
‘‘So,’’ Hinata chirps cheekily, ‘‘what’s gotten into you, huh?’’
Kageyama groans. ‘‘You kept watching me.’’
‘‘I watch you all the time.’’ Kageyama scratches the back of his wet hair. ‘‘I don’t know, I really wanted to kiss you.’’ ‘‘Kissing me in the rain. How romantic.’’
‘‘I guess you watching me like that makes me do stupid stuff.’’ 
‘‘I love when you do stupid stuff with me. Kiss me again?’’ 
‘‘No.’’ Kageyama pouts before he pushes Hinata’s face, and tries to escape his tight embrace. ‘‘You’re an idiot, it’s still raining, let’s go home.’’
‘‘You’ll kiss me then?’’
 ‘‘Only if you stop being a dumbass until we get there.’’
Hinata grins, then he releases his husband to grab his hand once again, pulling him closer to home.
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askew-d · 6 months
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• ⭐️🎖️ jellyfish, by mysterytwin — hinata makes a list of things to do before graduation; and that includes confessing his feelings to kageyama. a wonderful story, so heartwarming. my utmost favorite.
• ⭐️ in transit, by mysecretfanmoments — while riding the bus together, hinata begins to discover about his feelings for kageyama. absolutely lovely.
• dare, by majesticartax — kagehina’s chosen to play a dare in which they end up locked in a room, and, of course, revelations ensue. this one made me scream lots. rated m!
• you know all the strings (and know just how to tug them), by artemisia_hq — 5 + 1 story about kageyama being whipped and can’t say no and hinata saying yes. domestic fluff.
• like always, by artemisia_hq — during their last walk home together, hinata becomes aware of his feelings and decides to do something about it. short story, yet so cute!
• ⭐️ i wanna know you, and i wanna love you, by momochai — kagehina go on a day together, or better yet, a date; even though they’re not quite aware of it. i was dying throughout all of this, outstanding!
• you’re grabbing my hands like they’re handbars, by mountains_6 — basically tsukishima being a third wheel when the three of them travel to rio, based on the extra bit of the manga, lol. short and endearing.
• 🎖️ a hundred or so hellos, by iwillstillopenthewindow — kageyama reincarnates over and over and hinata continues dying over and over. angst. a lot of angst. but still goddamn beautiful.
• let me in on the open secret too, by switmikan74 — kageyama doesn’t know that he’s dating hinata, until he gets hints from a shoujo manga. that’s so fitting, definitely worth the read!
• highway verse, series by emleewrites — a pixel cars au that i didn’t think it’d catch me until i read it and had dreams about this fantastic universe.
• ⭐️🎖️ if it wasn’t for you, by halfbloom (diphylleias) — in brazil, hinata learns more about relationships and what it means to have a bond with kageyama. got my heart effortlessly. such a delight.
• ⭐️ one more thing, by marks — it’s tsukishima and yamaguchi’s wedding, and kageyama and hinata decide to go together. can i please have more of this? sweet stories like this makes my heart melt, i swear.
• 🎖️⭐️ i can do better, by buu — kagehina compete over everything under the sun, and that includes kissing. and some more. in fact, every kagehina fic by this author hits. and this one… made me feel stuff. rated m!
• ⭐️ no angels could beckon me back, by lilacnoctua — heated arguments lead kagehina to heated moments with each other. a hot story with great development. loved every part of it.
• from this day forward, by emleewrites — kageyama tries to propose; it goes as badly as you can expect. so funny, seriously! i could easily recommend every fic by this author too, as well as esselle’s, but i’m gonna list my favorites anyway, so hang on!
• soft serve, by tothemoon — kagehina drives an ice cream truck to help karasuno; as one might expect, feelings are involved in between. summer fic, brings a ton of good emotions!
• 🎖️ famous v-league players make fools of themselves on twitter dot com, by crone_zone — the appearance of one hinata shouyou through the eyes of twitter users. pure comedy and it’s a whole show. gorgeous!
• room to grow, by mysecretfanmoments — things are different in their third year and hinata’s still learning how to deal with it. ah, young love! the best kind.
• raining verse, by emleewrites — kageyama’s cursed to be a kitten, hinata’s the one who finds him. i love a magic realism au, so imagine my happiness while reading this.
• future’s kiss, by mervousmer — kageyama somehow travels to the future for a moment, and hinata’s there, all grown-up. come on, time travels also have my heart! this one’s cute as hell.
• ⭐️ dethroned, by setkia — kageyama counts his victories and losses against hinata in his mind. what a gem! short and fabulously creative.
• saffron and cayenne pepper, by dontsaycrazy — neighbours kagehina: one only knows how to set the kitchen on fire and the other one’s actually a chef, what could work between them? everything, that’s the answer. a hit!
• on quarantining together…, series by winterey — social media kagehina making lives while on quarantine. fun and addictive!
• conflict of interest, by zukushou — more of social media kagehina, this time with journalists thinking they’re rivals when they’re actually… yknow *gay for each other*. just everything i’d ever want for them.
• ⭐️ with suds in your eyes (and a smile on your lips), by hqkrys — established relationship kagehina take a messy shower together. overall just endless fluff, which melts my heart!
• a bento for dr. kageyama, by zukushou — hinata leaves food for his husband and causes gossip at the hospital said husband works in. hahaha, this is definitely terrific.
• the best laid hands, by mysecretfanmoments — kageyama doesn’t even know how to deal with his own romantic life, so it’s best if other people don’t ask for advice. but what if it’s an advice for hinata? you never know :)
• ⭐️ better than firewhiskey, by mysterytwin — hogwarts au with kagehina! someone should definitely find this author by the way and give them a big hug. i want to. they rock.
• chase the light, my love, by thebeaming sun — kageyama planning to propose and earning support of his teammates. established relationship kind of thing that makes me smile.
• hinata and kageyama terrorise a simple interviewer, satorou masashi, series by call_me_j — story told in the form of an interview, including post time-skip kagehina of course. remarkable!
• optical, by kvhottie — kageyama wears glasses; everyone freaks out. do i need to explain more? hella entertaining.
• never doubt i love, by gentle_autumn_rain — jealous hinata thinks kageyama got a boyfriend. he didn’t. love these small misunderstandings that lead to a confession! so good.
• of gentlemen and scoundrels, by mysecretfanmoments — historical au with kageyama as a gentlemen in london and hinata who’s… well, not very much like him. the writing and the sexual tension in this is spectacular!
• ⭐️ save the last dance for me, my prince, by zukushou — prince kageyama and bodyguard hinata, as this fandom deserved. and such a well-developed at that. charming!
• patience, by mistonthelake — surprisingly enough, hinata discovers about kageyama’s crush on him earlier than the man himself. a lesson in being patient.
• wrestle for victory, by emleewrites — after their fateful game, kagehina decides to compete over wrestling. that’s definitely something they’d do and it got me hooked.
• ⭐️ oh we play, in autumn days, by aruariandance — kagehina being silly boys and kageyama getting a phone. is it because he wants to text hinata? that, he’ll never admit. i’d give it a hundred kudos if i could.
• ⭐️ ridiculous, by festivetrickster — yachi has to spend some time with kagehina in their apartment. the way they live just makes me suspicious of their relationship. no, like, this is indeed so ridiculous but i like it so much!
• sunstruck, by orphan account — kageyama gets the help of romero to sort out his relationship with hinata. seeing introverted kageyama slowly but surely trust his teammate and idol with issues like this makes me proud.
• ⭐️ sun above your shoulders, by longleggedgit — even in an universe where they go to different high schools, kagehina meet each other anyway. everything’s delightful here!
• the missing piece, by akaashism (acciomerlin) — kageyama deals with the changes in hinata. just adorable, i giggled a lot.
• the trouble with soulmates, by navybluewings — our sweet cupid hinata’s journey to get soulmates bonds fixed! this au rocks.
• five star review, by emleewrites — hinata’s hired to paint kageyama’s wall and they start a “friendship” out of it. amazing to see this unfold, so nicely done.
• 🎖️ for the best of all possible worlds, by tinygumdrops (curryramyeon) — an au about kagehina’s relationship journey from across countries, including letters. they meet while being apart and we see it unfold. is there anything better than this? majestic!
• at the tip of your nose, by cloesh_scribbles — where kageyama’s obsessed with eskimo kisses and hinata’s obsessed with him. please help me after this, the fluff killed me.
• the video series, by sunnyslipper — kageyama and hinata breaking the internet over and over with their videos. funny and spot on!
• alexa, play waking up in vegas, by attackofthezee (noxlunate) — kageyama and hinata get married accidentally. the thing is, i can totally imagine them doing this. they’re absurd and lovely.
• meat bun is a love language, by icecreamromantic — kageyama decides to confess using meat buns. come on, it’s stupidly perfect!
• slipping through sand, by majesticanna — an au in which kagehina meet in brazil. just so warm, waaah!
• high dose, by akaashism (acciomerlin) — hinata convinces kageyama that, because of a health issue, he needs kisses. i swear, these silly boys will break me. this is excellent.
• why do i feel like it’s (fake) love, by izucaii — hinata and kageyama pretend to be boyfriends while in brazil. a gorgeous fake-relationship story!
• ⭐️ a best man’s worse problems, by villainphilia — tsukishima, the best man for kagehina’s wedding, prepares his speech while reminiscing how the two dumbasses got together. all of this is just marvellous!
• five proposals, by dayoldcupcake — kageyama proposing, hinata saying no. done with the intent of giving me diabetes. chef’s kiss!
• ⭐️ plain as day, by emleewrites — hinata has a low self-esteem and kageyama tries to make him realize how wonderful he is. i died and came back. truly stunning.
• kageyama tobio reads thirst tweets (unedited), by popcornpearl — after making a bet, kageyama reads thirsty tweets and tries not to blush. it’s harder than he expected. rated m!
• i’m lucky to have you, zukushou — the famous “just woke up high in anestesia and i can’t remember my own partner” trope. pure comedy, love this for them.
• ⭐️ the obvious is at eye level (but i might need a step stool), by dr_awkward221 — hinata watching sakusa’s relationship with miya and slowly realizing things about his own his kageyama. i loove this one, it’s unbearably good.
• ⭐️🎖️ let the light out, by uhohshouto — kagehina make a bet in which the other one must ask for something of the loser. kageyama wants a kiss… and then something more. seriously though, i can’t believe this; it’s a wonderful story, so entertaining. rated e!
• epic, by esselle — a surfing au with hinata as an instructor and kageyama as an arrogant professional. this charming scenario surely made my day.
• let’s take this offline, by pas_dautres — office employees kagehina who meet through emails and reports. i had to add this, because it’s nice, surely worth the read.
• 🎖️ these hands of time, these hands of mine, by fireheartaw — kageyama being introspective over their story together and apart. light angst maybe, but the narrative’s so interesting and captivating.
• discordant, by majesticanna — academic rivals kagehina meet again as professors. so short but so sweet!
• 🎖️⭐️ pursuit verse, series by emleewrites — a gambler hinata and an attorney kageyama based on the ace attorney game. never played the game. but the story? deserves to be printed. if you never read it, you need to. hear me out: you need to.
• ⭐️ getting it right, by akaashism (acciormerlin) — play pretend boyfriends for miwa who end up actually having domestic moments and finding out more about their feelings, hehe.
• know you better, by mysterytwin — bakery worker kageyama and spell shop owner hinata in a world of magic! great development and very poetic.
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note that this is based on the fics i’ve known since i entered the fandom and that i truly enjoy. either they’re famous or not famous, i’m just adding them here for my future self contentment and for those who, just as me, wanted a full list of kagehina fics upon getting engaged in haikyuu media.
if you think i should add more and if you have recs for me too, i’m accepting them! thank yoou.
last update: 3/3/24
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The Hinata Effect (5/5)
Haikyuu | Hinata Shouyou/Miya Atsumu | Rating: T | Mini-Series: Five Times People Got Caught up in the Hinata Effect | each segment can be read as a standalone
warnings: non-graphic allusions to sex, Atsumu being a trainwreck of emotions
pt. 1 (TsukkiHina) | pt. 2 (KageHina) | pt. 3 (KenHina) | pt. 4 (OiHina)
If you ask Osamu, Atsumu’s been pining after Hinata Shouyou for years. Since that first volleyball match between Karasuno and Inarizaki, even. It’s been hilariously pathetic.
If you ask Atsumu, first of all, he doesn’t pine. Second of all, really, the whole “holy shit he’s hot” moment didn’t happen until Shouyou walked into the MSBY Black Jackals open tryouts looking like sin itself and proceeded to kick ass.
(The only person who knows that Atsumu spent the next 48 hours repeatedly cycling through, “But I’m straight,” and, “Apparently Not,” is Sakusa Kiyoomi, and only because he accidentally walked in on Atsumu panic making onigiri at 5 AM in the communal kitchen. Atsumu had looked up, said, “I think I might be a little gay.” Sakusa, deciding that this was the timeline that God had abandoned, walked right back out.)
Being on a team with Shou-chan is divine torture. He is, hands-down, the most fun spiker to set for. Shouyou defies gravity, bends the laws of nature whenever they don’t suit him, and there’s something mesmerizing in the way he moves. It’s not that the others aren’t as good—despite the ribbing and teasing, Atsumu does genuinely like Omi-kun, and Bokuto is always a good time both on and off the court—but he likes Shouyou best.
Maybe it’s that Shouyou never wants Atsumu to stop setting for him, and Atsumu never gets tired of having someone to set for. Maybe it’s that Shouyou’s eyes are burnt-toffee brown and they shine so bright after every point he wins. Maybe it’s the way Shouyou bounces up to him, tucks himself under Atsumu’s arm without even thinking about it, like personal space is irrelevant and unnecessary, and talks near-endlessly about the different plays they could pull off. Maybe it’s the intensity of his focus, or the firm grip of his hand when he claps Atsumu on the shoulder, or…
Or maybe it’s that, in the early mornings, Shou-chan will sometimes seem quieter, more centered, fresh off his meditation and yoga routine. He’s graceful on the court and graceful as he bends himself into a dozen different shapes—each of which Atsumu has distinct and vivid fantasies about—but when he stumbles into the kitchen, he sometimes catches his hip on the corner of the counter. He’ll offer to make Atsumu breakfast—usually eggs and fruit, or yogurt and fruit, or, if he’s breaking the diet they’re supposed to be on, cornmeal cakes and fruit and ham, all things he picked up from Brazil—because Atsumu is always awake to watch Hinata do yoga to get an early start on his day.
It's one thing to think Hinata is hot, which he is, and for Atsumu to imagine what it’d be like to bend Hinata into one of those downward dog positions on Atsumu’s bed instead of a yoga mat, or get off to an illicit fantasy or ten about what might happen if the two of them were the last ones in the locker room at the end of practice. It’s another thing entirely to dream about some domestic shit where they take turns making dinner in their own house instead of the team apartment complex, to dream about the simplicity of just taking Shouyou’s hand and holding it, to dream about Shou-chan taking him to Brazil to meet the people who’ve become so important to him there, like a second family.
Osamu figures out that it’s more than just physical attraction or admiration for Shouyou’s skill approximately 27 seconds into one of their phone-calls and proceeds to laugh his ass off about it for a solid five minutes straight before saying, “Shoulda known you’d be stupid ‘bout this too.” And then he’d hung up.
Atsumu would like to think he’s not so obvious, that ‘Samu only knows ‘cause of twin shit. He’s pretty sure most of the team doesn’t know. Outside of practice, he only really spends time with Hinata, Sakusa, and Bokuto. And Bokuto’s kind of obtuse about a lot of stuff, probably because it’s Akaashi-Simp-Hours 24/7 in his head. But Atsumu should have known Omi-kun would figure it out.
“Eugh,” he says in Atsumu’s general direction a minimum of twelve times a day, usually when he catches Atsumu distractedly ogling Shouyou. Omi-kun, who seems like he doesn’t like anybody, does actually like Shou-chan, so he probably doesn’t think Atsumu’s good enough for him, but he also has a very firm “if it’s not my business, it’s not my problem” policy. Which is good for Atsumu.
What’s not good for Atsumu—not good for his heart, which is about to beat out of his chest, or his lungs, which have decided to stop functioning altogether—is the way Shouyou is standing in the doorway to Atsumu’s room with a slightly-sheepish, slightly-sly smile.
It’s past midnight, and they’ve finally wrapped up the after-party from celebrating their first defeat of the Adlers for the season. Some members of the other team had come, surprisingly amicable despite losing; Atsumu knows Omi-kun spent most of the evening quietly conversing with Ushiwaka, knows that Shouyou and Kageyama and Bokuto had gotten into something of a drinking contest—Atsumu wasn’t jealous, he wasn’t, even if everyone and their mother knows Kageyama was Shou-chan’s first love.
(Well, first human love, considering Shouyou’s first love is and always will be volleyball.)
Atsumu also knows that Kageyama, who apparently cannot hold his liquor as well as Shouyou can, is passed out in Shouyou’s room right now, on Shouyou’s bed, probably in some of Shouyou’s clothes—if there are any that would fit him—or maybe even naked, since his own clothes smelled pretty strongly of alcohol. He’ll never say it out loud, but this is one of Atsumu’s worst nightmares: that despite all the time and distance and experience between them now, Shouyou and Kageyama will continue to circle back to each other through some force of nature or fate, and there’s nothing Atsumu can do—even if he was brave enough to tell Shou-chan his feelings, even if those feelings were reciprocated in some way—to keep it from happening.
And yet.
Shouyou is here, standing in Atsumu’s doorway.
“Watcha doin’ Shou-chan?” he asks, because he has to say something, because he doesn’t understand what’s happening.
“Bakageyama’s taking up the whole bed,” Shouyou says, pouting. Atsumu’s about 90% sure it’s an act of some sort, but he doesn’t know what the end game is.
“I’m sure ya could fit,” Atsumu says, and then immediately wants to punch himself.
Shouyou’s head tips to the side, those toffee eyes wide and not-quite-innocent. “Why would I do that, Atsumu?”
He swallows harshly. Shouyou doesn’t call him Atsumu, not since Bokuto got everyone started on Tsum Tsum. And no one says his name like that, a little drawn out, quiet and serious, maybe a little teasing, and wow, yeah, Atsumu didn’t know hearing Shouyou say his name like that was going to put a serious fracture in his self-control. He’s pretty sure he’s blushing.
Something cautious flickers over Shouyou’s face, a tiny furrow in his brow, and he says, “Unless…if I’m wrong, I’m sorry, I—”
“No.” Atsumu’s speaking before he’s even aware of it. Something is happening here, something tremendous, and Atsumu is not going to let it slip by just because he’s a little terrified of his own feelings. There’s no doubting what Shouyou’s getting at, and the last thing in the world that Atsumu wants is for Shouyou to second-guess himself now. “Yer not…yer not wrong.”
“Oh.” And then Shouyou smiles, one of those slower, slyer curves of the mouth that hold a promise of something. “Good.”
(Atsumu wakes up to Shouyou’s body tucked firmly against his own, Shouyou’s mouth brushing the base of his throat, hot breath fanning across his collarbone. One of his own legs is tucked between Shouyou’s, and one of Shouyou’s is thrown over his hip. Atsumu is half-hard in his boxers and he doesn’t even care. Sex is the furthest thing from his mind at this moment, because all he can do is marvel at how perfectly Shouyou fits against him, how peaceful it is to wake up like this, how the sun is just peeking through the window, catching on the very tips of Shouyou’s hair, which means he’ll wake up soon and probably start his morning routine, and maybe they’ll have breakfast together, and Atsumu…
Atsumu is not sure yet, if he’s really in love or if he only thinks he is. But he hopes Shouyou will let him find out.)
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woeisme-iamwoe · 3 years
an absolutely massive Haikyuu!! fic rec pt. 1
I went through my entire ao3 history because I’m insane, AND here’s my favorites. (There’s not a lot of aus because I’m not a huge fan of them, and there’s no sad endings. I’m a hopeless romantic leave me alone. There is angst though! Lots) 
Beginning with SakuAtsu (I’m a hoe for Atsumu): 
Hide and seek, by badreputation (10k. E. canonverse) 
It sure is a good thing Atsumu doesn't have a latex allergy 
It’s just a fleeting infatuation. As long as he pushes through it he’ll manage. So what if nowadays there isn’t a night where he doesn’t dream of Sakusa pinning him down on his own bed, in the shower or make Atsumu go down on his knees in the hallway? Those are just pesky details.
Some Memories, We May Keep, by mika60 (31k. T. canonverse) 
This is canon, fight me on it. 
The missing panels, the missing games, the missing moments.
The them we never saw.
*Now complete! :)*
 every action has an equal and opposite reaction, by akanemnida (10k. T. canonverse) 
Miya Atsumu gets a modeling contract with Calvin Klein, which sets Kiyoomi's heart in motion.
(Or: Sakusa Kiyoomi realizes that the rules governing the universe are absolute rubbish at explaining matters of the heart.)
 Ass-fingering as a prelude to relations of the emotional kind: a case study, by neverwere (2k. E. canonverse) 
Fucking hilarious, the imagery is absolutely hilarious. 
"Marry me, he thinks, as he comes around Sakusa's fingers and all over himself.
This. This is exactly why you don't let strangers or very attractive teammates finger you out of the blue.
Everyone knows that the ass is the shortest way to the heart."
When it comes to sex, Atsumu has rules. Guidelines! SOPs! He swears they work, they've always worked.
Until they don't.
 parallax error: angle of inclination, by min_mintobe (10k. T. canonverse)
But now there's the one person Atsumu'd promised himself never to touch. His eyes leave Atsumu breathless with guilt at seventeen, and he spends the next six years safe in the satisfaction of making things right.
Feelings, of the physical kind, and one kiss.
ft. competitive spirit, childishness, and late night conversations.
Atsumu POV.
 autumn ends, but we remain, by wolfsbvne (5k. T. canonverse)
Author says in their ending notes that they're not an ‘author’, but methinks they should write more and pursue that career path because this was wonderful.  
atsumu stares at his ceiling at 2am. he stares until he can make out designs in his popcorn ceiling. a cat there, an onigiri here, and then something that suspiciously looks like a mop of hair, triangle eyebrows, and oh those two bumps are moles right above what atsumu just mapped out as an eye.
(or, atsumu is in kind of in love. sakusa is maybe in like.)
I left a taste in your mouth, by emso (26k. E. bodyguard au)
Because obviously 
Sakusa fixes him with a vague expression of something like distaste. There's a scathing edge to his tone when he speaks. "Contrary to what you seem to believe, not everyone who meets you is instantly dying to get into your pants, Miya."
"Lucky I don't really care right now what 'everyone' wants to do, then." Atsumu swivels his mug around on the tabletop a few times, and then brings it to his mouth to drain the last few dregs of his latte. Over the rim of his mug, he adds casually, "Just you."
Whoa hey Bodyguard Omi, I think Spoiled Rich Kid Tsumu might possibly have a teensy crush on you. 
 How do you know you're in love?, by spiritscript (12k. T. canonverse)
Pure art
“So, how did you know you were in love? How did it feel?” Atsumu felt nervous asking this, a slight wiggling in the pit of his stomach, unable to look at the man beside him who rolled his shoulders in an attempt to reset his posture. “I mean, you didn’t resonate with what I said, so, what is love to you Omi-kun?”
Atsumu thinks he must be in love with Hinata Shouyou and so asks the best person he knows to help him understand his feelings
 san'yo expressway, 6:17 pm, by yamabota (13k. T. canonverse)
Of violent forethoughts, and handheld car vacuums. 
Atsumu tilts his head to watch a slice of orange light bend over the impassive planes of Sakusa’s face. He is absolutely, ruthlessly beautiful. It makes Atsumu want to punch something—put his foot through the windshield—scream, maybe.
Kiss him again, maybe.
They have 344 kilometers to figure this one out. 
Different Kinds of Dysfunctional, by DeathBelle (Series, 5 works. T-E. Canonverse)
Honestly, I think this one is kind of famous amongst Sakuatsu readers but I can’t not include it. If I recall correctly, this is the fic that got me into Sakuastu, so thanks, DeathBelle. The characters are portrayed really well (i.e. Sakusa is disgusted and confused, and Atsumu is a little shit). You’ve got a good balance between conversations and descriptive thoughts and all-in-all it’s just a really good read. 
 Atsumu said into the heavy silence, “You can’t say you’ve never thought about it.”
"Thought about what?" said Sakusa.
Atsumu smiled to himself, smug. "You know."
"No, I don't."
"You know. Of course you’ve thought about it. There’s no reason to be ashamed, Omi-kun. I’m a real catch.”
Sakusa was appalled. "You're disgusting."
"You flatter me. I'm not judging you. I can't lie and say I haven't thought about it, too."
Sakusa shifted, slowly, to peer over his shoulder. He wasn’t scowling, but his expression was unreadable. “Please tell me you’re joking.”
Atsumu wasn't joking, and he was about to get more than he bargained for.
i'll do anything you say (if you say it with your hands), by liliapocalypse (7k words. T. canonverse):
Oh, god. This one was so cute. Super fluffy. Loved the metaphors and symbolism. Sometimes you just can’t say things out loud. 
When a bad injury shocks the whole V. League, Sakusa finds himself paired with Atsumu for more rigorous assisted stretches before every training. Atsumu then finds himself writing random letters on Sakusa’s skin to soothe the spiker, forcing Sakusa to reevaluate how his touch aversion became an irresistible yearning for more, and how the boy with the annoying hair somehow brought that hunger to life.
Or, the fic where Atsumu mindlessly writes a confession on Sakusa’s back when he thought Sakusa wasn't paying attention. Sakusa always did.
 mortality is found is the flesh of your sins, by novrik (10k. M. canonverse)
This is literally my favorite fic of all time. Not just of Sakuatsu, not even of the Haikyuu fandom. Ever. Favorite fic ever. Listen, I’m an atheist, but this fic took me on a religious experience that I haven't come down from yet. The symbolism had me actually shivering, and I had to put my phone down quite a few times. Just, oh wow, just read it. I’d like to share my favorite line; ‘And if Sakusa is Eve, if he takes a bite, what then? Perhaps, he is a little afraid of the knowledge he will gain’. My god, author, if you ever see this, this is not only a plea for you to continue writing, but also an offer of marriage. Your hand, author?
 dickhead one, sakusa kiyoomi. dickhead two, miya atsumu. neither understand how to communicate.
Pray tell, why are you drawn to him?
Are you drawn to him in the way he looks beautiful even when crying?
When his eyes are red, shiny tears streaking down, lips quivering, is he beautiful?
 sakuatsu domesticity simulator, by pseudoanalytics (75 words. T. canonverse)
75 words because it's actually a digital art simulator. An interactive fic! How frickin’ cool is that? The art is so beautiful and I love the plotline and ugh, just everything. Please read, or watch, or click around, yes. Good. 
Update: artist created another interactive fic and of course it is wonderful. SunaOsa this time! https://newttxt.itch.io/cheesecake honestly just check out @newttxt their work is amazing and I love everything they do. 
a vaguely interactive mixture of fic, art, and html, where you too can experience the inherent romance of a big fat jerk and a too-blunt jerk attempting intimacy
(this is the result of letting the sakuatsu brainworms really get to you...)
 Pas De Deux, by hatsuna (19k words. T. Ballet/college au)
There's just something about prim, proper ballet Sakusa and human-benign-tumor Atsumu that makes my heart burst. Seriously gorgeous writing style, loved every second. By the same author who wrote ‘liminal spaces’ (which is also just perfect) so that should give you a good idea of the style. 
The mystery athlete gives Kiyoomi a once over in the mirror. “Yer pretty tall,” he observes. The twang of an accent rasps low in his throat. His brazen eyes drift to Kiyoomi’s legs, and something like exhilaration glints gold in his gaze. “Good quads, too. Ya ever played volleyball?”
 Ah. So it’s volleyball.
“I’m a dancer. Ballet and contemporary, mostly.”
 the affective presence of our black and white reruns, by kozumess (19k. E. canonverse)
Beautiful, classic misunderstandings, my heart actually physically ached at that one scene (you’ll know the scene when you come to it). Kiyoomi is so refreshingly relaxed(? Is that the right word to use? We all know Omi never truly relaxes). 
but the want, it's always there, constant like the static playing on every television channel, present even when the station disconnects.
 cut the conversation, just open your mouth, by meeksoo (E. 16k. canonverse)
Absolutely filthy...BUT WITH FEELINGS! Completely nails the Sakuatsu dynamic, and protective ‘Tsumu? Love it. 
Sakusa opens the door. He always does.
 They’re teammates first, barely even friends. But they hook up on the regular and it works. It’s simple, easy. But then a fan gets too close, Sakusa reacts, and Atsumu is swept up in how quickly things can get complicated.
As Atsumu palms himself over his briefs, still feeling off, he realizes it’s because he still wants it. Him. Sakusa. Even after already having him earlier.
He should probably feel self-conscious, mildly ashamed even, that he’s panting ‘Omi Omi’ into the dark beneath the steady thrum of the AC unit when Sakusa’s right down the hall, probably good for it if Atsumu ended up back at his door. Instead, he lays there, writhing and sweaty, alone in his hotel room bed thinking about Sakusa and touching himself.
Afterward, as cum begins to cool on his chest, Atsumu really can’t help but face the fact that things may be getting complicated.
 the hands that beckon me to come, by Ellieb3an (4k. E. canonverse)
So hot, what the fuck! 
The toss, the run, the spike-serve at the end of it all—Sakusa sees it happen in perfect clarity as if time has slowed and his vision narrows to the center where just Miya exists, all powerful muscle and extraordinary skill and that air of confidence.
Sakusa isn’t one of the best receivers in the league for no reason, so his body moves on muscle memory, forearms absorbing the sting of the hit. It’s not enough. But his eyes are still on Miya—on the way his shorts ride up his muscular thighs as he lands, on the bead of sweat dripping down his forehead, on the clench of his fist thrust into the air—when the ball ricochets out of bounds.
Atsumu stays late at practices to work on his new third serve, even when his frustration with it starts throwing off the rest of his game. Sakusa notices and starts hanging back to secretly watch him from the gym doors. He’s fascinated with Atsumu's determination... and more than a little turned on by it, too.
 you're the flame i use (when it gets dark), by starkartifices (55k. M. canonverse. Ongoing)
Everything is the same except the Sakusas are super rich. 
“Oh, if you want dear, you could bring a plus one. Though, I doubt you have a partner yet.”
“I do actually.”
“What was that, dear?”
"I do have a partner, I mean."
alt title: crazy rich sakusas 
 the inherent romance of classical conditioning (or; the fine art of emotional recognition), by pseudoanalytics (13k. E. canonverse)
Ah, yes. A Pavloved sex life. A Pavloved LOVE life?? 
It's stupid. Atsumu isn't a romantic, no matter how many times he's imagined laying Sakusa out and finally really touching him.
So there's no explanation for why Atsumu is constantly stuck thinking about brushing his fingertips against the meat of Sakusa's palms or the prominent tendons in his freaky wrists.
There's no explanation for why doing dishes sets off a warm burn in his ribcage, or why when he smells disinfectant he inhales like he's walking past a bakery.
Yer doin' this to me, he thinks furiously, as Sakusa derails his thoughts with kisses that come more and more frequently now. Yer conditionin' me, and I can't stop it.
 flutterbird (a collection of sakuatsu oneshots), by wordstruck (5 works. T-E. canonverse)
Works 1-3, I think follow a linear story, whereas the last two don't. 
All sakuatsu works are just the angstiest, most miscommunication filled pieces of absolute gold and this one is no exception. Wow. These men are assholes and they bring out the worst in each other, but I’ll be damned if they’re not soulmates. 
Collection of SakuAtsu fics. Several fics are loosely set in the same storyverse. Not necessarily directly connected and can all be read as standalones.
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sylphid187 · 3 years
Epilogue:Another One
Sunlight hits his face as it streams through his bedroom window. Kenma groans and tries to roll over from his current position on the bed, but finds that he has difficulty moving. He blinks his eyes open and then looks down, only to see a pair of arms draped around his waist, holding him tight. His thoughts begin to drift and he sighs fondly, remembering that he is no longer sleeping alone again, because after long weeks alone in a large house, Kuro is finally home. 
Kuro had to go on regular trips away for the JVA, that was just part of the job description. Of course, this means Kenma is usually alone at their, yes it's officially theirs now, home. Getting Apple Pie, Pie for short, has been helpful to ease the loneliness. The calico kitten has been nothing but a rumble of energy and adorable, always there to keep Kenma company. But it didn't erase the loneliness completely, and there was just no feeling that could compare to having Kuro around. 
But current events have allowed them more time together in the following months. With the V-League officially back in season, Kuro has been put in charge of attending those specific events. With most of the games being held in nearby stadiums, Kenma could actually spare some time to go watch them live with him. This was especially true when Shouyou was playing. The Jackals games were either watched live or in the comfort of their living room, at real time, while cuddled together. Kenma has never missed any of Shouyou's games. 
It's been around six months since their messy confession, give or take. Six months since they came out to the public as a couple, and the start of their rollercoaster of a relationship. They didn't have the perfect relationship, Kenma thinks. They still had misunderstandings, and sometimes they argued about the silliest things. But they never went to bed angry at one another, never slept without trying their best to settle things, in a way that won't leave either of them struggling to pick up the pieces of the fight the next day. Overall, Kenma was content and happy, and he hoped that Kuro was too. 
"Thinking about something?" Being stirred away from his thoughts, he feels Kuro mutter. The other's face buried on the top of his head, voice still groggy. 
"Hm. Nothing important." Kenma replies with another sigh. 
"Care to share then?" Kenma feels Kuro shift his position a bit, allowing the smaller male to turn around and having them face to face, before once again feeling Kuro's arms around his waist. "I'm a very good listener you know." 
"I was thinking of replacing you." Kenma states in a deadpan voice. 
Kuro gasps "Kenma! I'm offended! Only six months and you're tired of me already? Woe is me." Kuro tightens his hold and touches their noses together. "So tell me then, what do I have to do to regain your favor?" 
"You can get up and make breakfast." Kenma states. "And maybe I'll reconsider." 
Kuro immediately grins. "I knew my cooking was good for something. Here's an idea, you stay here and get some more shut eye. I'll make sure you have something to fill your empty stomach in a bit, yeah?" Kuroo starts to get up, slowly untangling himself between the mess of limbs the two of them are in. But Kenma immediately stops Kuroo and keeps him in place. "Kenma?" 
Kenma buries himself between the blanket and Kuro and snuggles closer. "Ten more minutes. Please." He just isn't ready to leave this warmth just yet. 
He feels Kuro place a kiss on the crown of his head, and hears the other give out a small chuckle of amusement. "Of course kitten, whatever you want." Kuro slowly settles back into his previous position. And it doesn't take long for sleep to overtake him again, filled with complete contentment and bliss. 
When Kenma wakes, it's to his stomach rumbling and the wafting smell of buttered toast and sizzling bacon. He slightly sniffs the air before opening his eyes and sighs in disappointment that he can no longer feel Kuro’s warmth beside him. Kenma allows himself to yawn and stretch before he rubs his eyes to force himself awake. He puts on slippers and pads out of the room, straight to their connected dining area and living room. 
He stops mid-step and blinks when he sees Kuro standing there, cup of coffee in one hand, and cat food on the other. 
"There you go buddy, must be tasty huh?" Kuro crouches down to place a generous amount of cat food into Pie's bowl. The kitten gives a pleased meow. "Yeah, yeah. I don't want you ever complaining to Kenma that I starve you, you hear me?" 
"Meow" Pie continues to stare at Kuro with wide eyes. 
"No! You are not getting any more this morning. We want you well fed, not extremely chunky!" 
"Meow" came with marching padding at Kuro's feet. 
"I know there's nothing wrong with being a chunky cat! But you're young and we have to make sure you eat healthy first, then maybe we can get you a nice piece of fish for dinner, how's that sound?" 
"I knew you'd see it my way. Now, go get your breakfast!" And Pie saunters off to her bowl and just about devours her meal. 
Kenma smiles at the domesticity of the entire scene. Kuro having an entire conversation with their cat, completely unaware, with all his barriers down. It reminds Kenma how easy it is to just fall into normalcy with Kuro, even with their new relationship. It's as if nothing and yet everything has changed all at once. 
"You know, I can't believe you lost an argument with a cat." 
Kuro immediately turns to face him and grins. "Excuse me, I did not lose. We just happen to reach a healthy compromise." He places his coffee mug down on the table, and starts to pour Kenma a cup of his own. He motions for Kenma to come over, and the gamer complies, ready to get his dose of morning coffee. 
"She got her way. You're giving her fish for dinner, it'll be your fault if she turns into a spoiled cat." 
"Oh come on, don't pretend that you don't sneak her pieces of your dinner from under the table." Kuro grins at him as he slides Kenma's plate of a healthy breakfast. 
He doesn't have a retort to that. because yes, he does shove Pie bits of his dinner from under the table, but Kenma would never just admit that and let Kuro win that easily. 
"I'll take your silence as an admittance of guilt." Kuro tells him. "But don't worry, at least you know she's got both of us wrapped around her finger...or is it her paw? That just doesn't sound right."  
Kenma smiles again as he shoves a piece of bacon in his mouth. He's too focused on his breakfast; that when he looks back up a while later, he sees Kuro staring from across him. The taller male's resting his chin on one hand, finished coffee mug on the other, and looking at Kenma with a look that seemed like he hung the stars. 
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Kenma asks. 
"Like what?" 
"Like that. Like....I don't know, like I'm some kind of mythical creature. Or like I'm the best thing you've seen all day." Kenma clarifies with a raised eyebrow. 
"You are though." Kuro says with a smile so soft, Kenma kinda wants to slap that look off his face. 
"I'm what?" he asks again. 
"Best thing I've seen all day. Best thing in my life actually." Kuro says with the smile never leaving his face. 
Kenma's face burns, he looks down and aggressively stabs the next chunk on his plate and shoves it into his mouth. He hears Kuro guffaw at this, and feels his face get even hotter. "You know kitten, any more and you'd put our old Nekoma jackets to shame with that shade of red." 
"Shut up Kuro." Kenma mutters while he throws a glare at the other's direction. Kuro just continues to smile, already knowing that there isn't any animosity in that look. 
The remainder of breakfast passes in comfortable silence, moments with Pie inserted in between. Once they're done, they do their part to clean up, and then start their other routines for the day. Kenma goes back to his room and begins to focus on paperwork with Bouncing Ball and his upcoming stream, and Kuro goes to his own room to have a meeting with people from the JVA. 
It's pretty much routine at this point. Their jobs often being the reason why they can't always spend time together 24/7. But Kenma likes to think it contributes to why he loves Kuro so much, loves being with Kuro so much. His relationship with Kuro was never something that followed a certain set of standards or locked in a set of rules. They didn't have to always see each other to be happy, they didn't have to always physically be around one another all the time to be together , and they didn't require a regular update on each other's business every time. They also never deemed it necessary to be overly public about how they felt, at least not by their standards, which probably contributed to why they took so long to acknowledge their feelings in the first place. 
Theirs is more a quiet, straightforward kind of love. One filled with silent affirmation, affection, comfort and just being there when the other needs it the most. Kenma was never loud to begin with, always just observant and aware, but he never had to be for Kuro to know how he felt. Years of knowing each other has ultimately made Kenma realize that it's always, ever, been Kuro. And it always will be. 
Later that night, as the day ends and they snuggle together on Kenma’s large bed, Kenma’s thoughts drift to how lucky and content he is. Pie has chosen to sleep in between them on the bed tonight, positioning himself slightly, just on Kenma’s stomach. He thinks of his little family that they have built together and wonders about the future they have. 
"Hey." Kuro whispers, the man's hand stroking Pie's back, coaxing the kitten into a deeper sleep. 
"Hm?" Kenma tries his best not to squish their furbaby while snuggling just a little closer to Kuro. 
"We should get Pie a companion, don't you think?" Kuro asks him. 
Kenma raises an eyebrow questioningly. "You want to get us another cat? Why?" 
Kuro shrugs "I think it'd be nice to get the little guy a friend that's all. And don't you want Pie to have a friend?" 
"We aren't getting another cat." he tells the other. Kenma is trying to dispel this impulsive decision, and it has nothing to do with the fact that he would absolutely adore another cat. Kuro simply grins and their debate that night ends at that.
Three days later though, Kuro enters their home with more cat toys, another bag of cat food, and a small burmese cat following behind him. 
"Kuro. What's that?" Kenma stares, and gives the other a look . 
"... Not another cat?" The taller male says sheepishly, as he slowly sets the purchases down.  
The black burmese cat then pads over to Kenma and goes in between his legs. It's only then that Kenma notices the wet fur and shivering body. He bends down to pet the small creature and unknowingly smiles as he does. It then pads over to Pie who is observing at the corner of the room, and begins to nuze the other kitten. Kenma sighs in defeat before looking up to see a triumphant grin on Kuro's face. 
"Hey in my defense, I went to the store to get more cat food. This little guy just followed me home." He raises his hands in resignation after he puts down all his remaining purchases. "And it was raining Kenma! I couldn't just leave him there!" 
"Good on you for saving the cat. But we can't keep him Kuro. We're busy enough as it is and we already have Pie to take care of. We'll get him cleaned up and take him to the vet then find him a good home. Maybe Bokuto and Akaashi will want to take him." Kenma stands up and gives his pants a pat down. He desperately tries not to look at the new cat too long, or he's sure to cave into the request. 
When he looks up, Kuro is right in front of him. "Aww can't we keep him?" Kuro loops an arm around Kenma's waist and touches their noses together. 
Kenma glares. "I know what you're doing. And it's not gonna work Kuro." 
"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about." Kuro says with a smirk. 
"We aren't keeping him." And again, Kenma tells himself that this isn't exactly because he doesn't want to, but that he's trying really hard not to give into temptation, and be the responsible adult in this relationship. 
"We can afford to get another cat though right?" 
"Well, yes we can." 
"And we love cats" 
"We do." He bites his lip at this. Damnnit Kuro. 
"So we should definitely keep this one." 
"No we won't" 
Kenma realizes at this moment that he's a liar. Because he never really could deny Kuro, just like Kuro couldn't very well deny him. And when it's all said and done, and they wake up the next day and watch as their cats are also cuddled together, Kenma can't really complain. 
Their newest addition to the family fits in with them perfectly. Like two pieces of a puzzle and two halves of a whole. 
Just like Kenma and Kuro.
Always together, no longer alone. 
So yes, Of course they keep the cat.
I added a second chapter to my previous KuroKen fic. This one is just pure fluff 🥰
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starrenorth · 3 years
Here comes a short description of my fic When kids grow up and a preview of chapter one:
The haikyuu boys have grown up into adults and are enjoying the family bliss with their teenage kids. However, it is well known that when teenagers start their journey into adulthood, life can turn quite chaotic and troublesome for everyone involved...
Chapters: 7/?
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Underage
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou, Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi, Miya Osamu/Suna Rintarou, Tendou Satori/Ushijima Wakatoshi, Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Azumane Asahi/Nishinoya Yuu, Shimizu Kiyoko/Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Hanamaki Takahiro/Matsukawa Issei
Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa Tooru, Akaashi Keiji, Bokuto Koutarou, Kozume Kenma, Kuroo Tetsurou, Sawamura Daichi, Sugawara Koushi, Miya Atsumu, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Miya Osamu, Suna Rintarou, Tendou Satori, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Azumane Asahi, Nishinoya Yuu, Terushima Yuuji, Hanamaki Takahiro, Matsukawa Issei
Additional Tags: Family, Family Fluff, Family Drama, Parenthood, Post-Time Skip, Family Dynamics, Teen Angst, Teenage Drama, Rival Relationship, Fluff and Angst, Underage Drinking, Implied/Referenced Underage Sex, Established Relationship, Mild Sexual Content, Mild Language, Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - Parents, Marriage, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Married Couple, Married Life, Teenagers, Teen Romance
Series: Part 1 of the chaotic life of the Haikyuu boys and their teenage kids.
Chapter 1 - summary: 
- Iwaizumi Eiko is secretly dating Ushijima Ryouta, the son of her father´s most despised rival, behind her fathers' backs.
Eiko couldn’t help but admire how cute her boyfriend looked where he sat moping. She crawled over to him and took his face in her hands. “Ushiiii” she cooed again, nudging his nose playfully with hers. “Pleeease?” And when she placed a kiss at the corner of his mouth, his resistance melted away quicker than snow on a hot day. And before she knew it, he was laying on top of her, their lips pressed together.
“You´re so damn beautiful, you know that?” Ryouta murmured, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“Oh I know,” Eiko answered shamelessly.
An amused chuckle found its way out of Ryouta´s throat. “No need for me to say it then it seems.”
Smiling, she tilted her head and blinked innocently at him with her lashes. “What? Did you expect me to argue against you? Thank you for stating the obvious?”
Laughing, Ryouta gazed down at Eiko in complete awe. “So this is what you get for trying to show your girlfriend some appreciation. Remind me to never try and compliment you again.”
She smirked. “Don´t get me wrong – I appreciate your sweet words. I´m just reminding you that I do not need them to know that I´m fucking gorgeous.”
“Wow princess. You have rendered me speechless.”
“In the words of my sometimes very wise father: ´Never let anyone but yourself determine your worth, especially if that person is an Ushijima´.”
“Very wise indeed,” Ryouta chimed in cheekily. “And has he said anything about dating one then?”
Eiko grinned sheepishly at him, eyes sparkling mischievously. “No. But I´m pretty confident in what he would say.
“You know princess, judging by that expression of yours, I´d almost dare say that you´re only using me so you can piss off your father the day he gets on your nerves,” he said smirking.
“My father gets on my nerves often. And when he does, I simply tell him that I´m considering transferring to Shiratorisawa and he will ignore me for a whole day. So there´s really no need for me to tell him about you…yet anyways.”
“And when will you?” he asked jokingly, but the sincerity in his question shone through nonetheless. This was not the first time he had brought it up.
“Tell me Ryo, do you have a death wish or something?” Eiko laughed half-nervously. “Or do you just want to make it official so you can brag to your father that you managed to secure an Oikawa?”
Knowing that this conversation wouldn’t lead anywhere, Ryouta just gave Eiko a lazy smile and continued to kiss her. But when the sound of a door suddenly being slammed open rumbled through the house, they both froze.
“Shit!” Eiko swore through clenched teeth as the distant bickering of two familiar male voices reached their ears.  She quickly pushed Ryota off her. “My dads. You need to get out!”
“Get out?! But my shoes are downstairs.”
“That is the least of your concern right now!” she spat out. “I´ll bring them to school tomorrow.”
“Are you fucking kidding me!?”
“No, get out before my father storms in here.”
“Doesn’t he knock? Can´t you just tell him not to walk in? That you’ll be down in a second?”
“You clearly don’t know my father very well.”
“And who´s fault is that?” he said, narrowing his eyebrows accusingly at her.
“We´re not having this conversation now. Hurry up and get out before he finds us in here and kills us both!”
“But how?!”
“Through the window.”
He glared at her discontentedly, eyebrows raised high in his forehead. “The window? Really Eiko?”
Panic rose in Eiko´s chest as the humming sound from her father closed in as he ascended the stairs.
“Yes, the window! Are you deaf Ushiwaka? Get out!”
Ryouta gave her a displeased look but realized that this wasn’t the right time to argue.
“You owe me for this Princess,” Ryouta said as she roughly heaved him out on the roof.
“Yeah yeah,” she agreed before quickly shutting the window after him. The moment after her door shot open with a loud bang.
“Yoohooo! Guess who´s back home! and we brought dinner!”
Her father, Iwaizumi Tooru, former Oikawa, stood in the opening with two plastic bags in either hand and a big smile on his face.
“I thought you were going to eat out tonight?” Eiko said trying not to sound as if her heart was about to jump out of her chest.
“We were,” her father´s mirthful voice rang. He put his hand behind his head and grinned sheepishly. “But I may have mixed up the dates, so your dad is not very happy with me right now. And sure, I can understand why he would be upset, but you should have heard the rude things he said to me! And he continued to lecture me all the way home – even after we had picked up food at Momoya´s instead, which If you ask me is better anyways.”
Eiko had no problem at all imagining the words her father Hajime must have used. After all these years, she had probably heard them all. “Sounds well-deserved if you ask me. Dad had been looking forward to that date you know.”
“Ei-chan! And here I thought that you, my sweet and perfect daughter would take my side. But you´re just as cold-hearted and judgmental as your father.” He answered with a pout.
Eiko stared at her father and shook her head in disbelief at how a man of forty-five could act so childish. Probably because he still denied the fact that he was growing old, arguing that he was `no more than twenty-five in mind. ´ More like fifteen if you asked her. But to be perfectly honest, more often than less she enjoyed her father´s youthful spirit. Because although he could be a bit overbearing at times, there was nothing she couldn’t talk to him about. Or well, almost at least – Ryouta was the exception to the rule, but for obvious reasons. There was no other man that his father despised as much as Ushijima Wakatoshi, so she knew that he would not take the news about her and Ryouta dating well. Which was stupid, because besides his physique and talent for volleyball Ryouta was nothing like his stoic and blunt father Wakatoshi.
Thinking about her boyfriend, Eiko´s thoughts wandered back to the fact that she actually had forced him out of her window. And she suddenly felt incredibly annoyed with her father. Had he known some boundaries, Ryouta could have hidden in her room until they had gone to bed, but no. He had just stormed into her room like a pompous king with no regard of what she might have been doing.
“Hey Ei-chan, what´s up with that cross look on your face right now? You will get wrinkles like Iwa-chan if you keep furrowing your eyebrows like that. And that´s not cute at all. Although, your dad is still the second most handsome man in the world, after me of course.”
Normally, Eiko didn’t mind her father´s presumptuous comments, mostly because her own utterances tended to have a similar nature, but right now – already stressed and irritated – she couldn’t help her annoyance from spilling out: “Have you ever thought about knocking papi?”
“Knocking?” he asked, eyebrows raised in both surprise and confusion before his face formed an amused expression. “Tell me Ei-chan, why would you suddenly want me to knock? Got something you wish to hide from me?” he added with a wink.
She crossed her arms defiantly. “No, but some privacy would be nice once in a while.”
Tooru´s eyes narrowed slightly at that and when he eyed her suspiciously Eiko remembered just how intimidating her otherwise childish father could be. “Privacy you say…so there is something you´re trying to hi-”
Luckily for Eiko, her father did not have the time to finish his sentence before a darker and rougher voice cut him off: “Oi, are you bullying my daughter again shittykawa?” Her father Iwaizumi Hajime appeared in the doorway; a small grin visible on his face.
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klixxy · 4 years
KageHina HCs because I said so:
Hinata started a growth spurt halfway through their second year of high school and got extremely excited because: !!! finally!!! i can kiss my dumb boyfriend without having to drag him down by his collar!!!
but then Kageyama hit a growth spurt only weeks after. Hinata got so mad that he didn’t talk to him for a week. 
(Kageyama still teases him about that years and years down the line, all the way until they’re old and gray and not quite as tall anymore.)
Kageyama thinks Hinata’s nose is adorable. it’s tiny and squishy and Kageyama always bobs it. like... always. Hinata pretends he doesn’t like it but he thinks it’s cute.
Hinata really, really likes playing with Kageyama’s hair. he’s also kind of jealous??? because damn. his boyfriend doesn’t do anything to his hair but it’s always so goddamned silky. he’s jealous but at the same time: !!! silky!!! hair!!! beautiful!!! boyfriend!!!
Hinata always goes out of his way to compliment Kageyama, because he gets all blushy and angry and cute. Kageyama hates it. he’s not cute, dammit!
“... dumbass.” 
(he likes it when Hinata makes those weird sound affects of his. at first he doesn’t understand a single thing he’s saying but eventually Hinata will say something that doesn’t make sense at all and everybody will be like: ??? what??? but meanwhile Kageyama will be next to him like: yeah, dumbass, i thought so too.)
nicknames. so many nicknames. including, but not limited to: dumbass, idiot, beanpole, shrimpy, my decoy, my setter, king, queen, and my ace.
sometimes when it’s raining they’ll just be outside dancing in the rain. they can’t dance for shit, and Hinata definitely has two left feet, but they dance nevertheless. their volleyball trainer hates them for it.
Kageyama cuts and files Hinata’s nails for him.
they move in together after Hinata comes back from Brazil. their friends are astonished that their house hasn’t imploded yet.
they have a cat. they have many cats. and they give them the dumbest names in the world. literally. one is named volleyball.
Hinata cannot cook. the one time he tries, he burns the pan, somehow manages to get tomato sauce on the ceiling, stains literally every single surface in the kitchen, and almost burns down the entire apartment. Kageyama refuses to let him anywhere near the kitchen after that, because at least he can cook without destroying all of the cutlery.
Hinata can bake though. he’s a hella good baker. Kageyama will never admit it, but he is absolutely addicted to Hinata’s milk chocolate chip cookies.
Kageyama is a clean freak. Hinata is decidedly... not. every few days Kageyama just rapidly rage-cleans the entire house until everything is sparkly clean and organized, but in a few days everything will be messy again.
unsurprisingly, Hinata is a cuddler. surprisingly, Kageyama is an even larger cuddler than him. 
Kageyama is... very oblivious. extremely oblivious. most of the time, he doesn’t even realize he should be jealous, so surprisingly, with his much higher eq, Hinata is the one that gets jealous. who can blame him though? Kageyama is Very Pretty (tm), Very Oblivious (tm), and needs to be protected at all costs.
... that isn’t to say that Kageyama doesn’t do the same. he can and will fight you for his tiny, ridiculously muscled volleyball boyfriend.
Hinata loves Kageyama’s eyes. actually they both love each other’s eyes. by love i mean love. they just love each other’s eyes.
Kageyama can’t swim. Hinata teaches him, only to get distracted by his boyfriend’s abs, biceps, and calves.
when Hinata’s anxieties will rise up again, Kageyama will stroke his hair and his back and sing him to sleep. Hinata never says anything about it, since he knows that Kageyama is a little embarrassed by it, but secretly he really likes Kageyama’s rough singing voice. he really appreciates his boyfriend doing that for him, and hopes that Kageyama knows that. (he does.)
every year on the day of Kazuyo’s death, Kageyama will wake up and feel like a husk of himself. Hinata will hold him and hold him tight until Kageyama can bear to breathe and face the world again.
the Hinata’s meet Kageyama for the first time in their first year of high school, because they were practicing at home in the dark, and it started to rain, and somehow, they had drifted towards the mountain in their volleyball practice. they take one look at his oddly endearing surly mood and his barely there wobbly smiles and decide to adopt him. Natsu practically adopts him as her new older brother in the first hour. Kageyama is overwhelmed because ‘oh no there are more overly excited orange-haired Hinatas’.
Hinata gets Kageyama a stuffed milk carton on their first birthday together. Kageyama tells him it’s dumb but he carries it carefully, almost as if he think it will break in his fingers. Hinata sees the thinly hidden smile on his lips and calls it a success.
almost 70% of the time their dates will turn into impromptu volleyball practices.
Kageyama buys Hinata a lot of sunflowers. he just can’t help it. every time he sees one he can’t help but think of his sunshine boyfriend and great, now he just has to buy it.
they’re so in love it actually physically pains everybody in the vicinity. they’re domestic with three c’s.
they’ve just won the gold in the olympics. their teammates are sobbing, the lights are blinding, and Kageyama looks so beautiful standing there, black hair glimmering gold, blue eyes stark against the background, his lips pulled into a wild smile. he’s sweaty and panting, but he is the most beautiful thing Hinata has ever seen. 
“we did it,” Kageyama says to him. “we’re invincible.”
then and there, Hinata thinks: this is the man i want to spend the rest of my life with. 
veins trembling with adrenaline, palm still stinging from that last spike, Hinata Shouyou leans in close until he is hopelessly intertwined with the love of his life. “marry me.” he says, quiet, two words meant for two ears alone. 
“...what?” Kageyama Tobio says, voice incredulous, arms shaking where they hold him close. Hinata doesn’t have a ring. He doesn’t have a fancy, candle-lit dinner or a bouquet of roses. 
“marry me.” he says again, voice stronger, looking up with blazing eyes.
“wh-wha- you-” he splutters, quickly turning bright red beneath the lights of the stadium. Hinata laughs.
“that’s not a no.” he teases.
(Kageyama says yes, later, in the private comfort of their home, gold medals gleaming on their shelves. they don’t have a ring, yet. that’s okay. they’ve got each other.)
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maeveplanet · 2 years
Kagehina - Lazy mornings
Still mostly wrapped up in their bedcovers, feeling the fresh morning breeze on his exposed skin, Hinata watches Kageyama’s back as he stretches his arms over his head after getting out of bed. His amber eyes follow the movement all the way from the base of the spine to the shoulder blades.
No perfect word exists to describe how beautiful his husband is, especially under the morning sun, catching the glow of his smooth skin as well as the lines of the defined muscles, shaped over the years to give the most precise tosses that Hinata ever got to hit. 
His eyes catch the motion of the skin as Kageyama grabs a black shirt in his wardrobe. He slides his arms into the sleeves and untangles the fabric until it finally covers his entire back.
The action is so simple - Kageyama is just getting dressed after all - but Hinata can’t contain the warm feeling that spreads inside his chest, causing him to squeeze the bedcovers tightly in his hands. He loves this; he loves to be able to watch his husband as he carries on with his morning routine.
Then, as if putting on a shirt wasn’t enough to make Hinata fall for him all over again, Kageyama stretches his left hand in front of him, showing off the wedding band resting on his finger. Kageyama tilts his head slightly to the side, and a breath catches in Hinata’s lungs - oh, all the things he would give to see his husband’s face as he watches the ring around his finger. His heart flips at the thought of Kageyama pausing just to look at the reminder of their forever promise.
Suddenly, Kageyama faces him, eyes wide when he realizes that Hinata caught him.
‘‘Oh, I didn’t realize you were awake,’’ Kageyama mumbles, scratching the back of his head. ‘‘Did I wake you?’’
‘‘No, I was just admiring the view,’’ Hinata replies, softly, which earns him a glare from his husband - just as sharp as always, and still unaffecting Hinata after all these years. But, he knows that he is not sharing the complete truth, so he adds, ‘‘Mm, I was also thinking.’’
‘‘About what?’’ ‘‘You,’’ Hinata says, mostly to watch the blush slowly covering Kageyama’s cheeks, but this is about so much more; it’s all about the simple things they get to do together now when they couldn’t before. 
‘‘And how long I’ve waited for this.’’
This one earns him a frown, followed by a pout.
‘‘Having you all to myself in the morning,’’ Hinata explains, crawling on the top of the bedcovers until he reaches the end of the bed. Hinata gets on his knees before grabbing the front of his husband’s shirt and pulling him closer. ‘‘Watching you as you do the most boring things like getting dressed, and thinking that I get to have this every day after waiting for years.’’
Kageyama simply looks down at him, ocean eyes ever so beautiful and full—but, the spell is quickly broken by a hand pushing his face until he falls over on the mattress. 
‘‘If you’re going to say stuff like that, go back to sleep, dumbass.’’
Hinata giggles, because he knows this tone in his husband’s voice - he’s embarrassed, but also a bit too pleased for his heart to handle.
‘‘Only if you join me.’’
‘‘You’re a menace.’’ 
‘‘Your favorite one.’’
Kageyama doesn’t deny Hinata’s words, and joins him back in their bed, kissing the top of his head as a silent apology.
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oatsn-honey · 4 years
coughing fits, thick blankets, and mario kart
for @cafeaulate_ on instagram!! 
summary: "Kageyama, Shouyou is really sick."When Hinata gets sick on a day off, Kageyama somehow winds up being tasked with caring for him. He has one thing to say -- that boy is a new kind of stubborn. And he's kinda cute. Okay so maybe two things.
notes: this is for my bestie uwu!! for years she tried to get me into haikyuu and i just would not budge!! i wish i had listened to her sooner, because i love these boys sm i swear. i started watching it when i rlly needed a creative pick up, and it came in at the most perfect time-i hope u enjoy!
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Kageyama dragged a hand down his face, sighing exasperatedly as he glared at the defiant highschooler in front of him. Why did I think this would be a good idea, again? He groaned before trying again, “Hinata, please, you’ve got to eat something.” Despite his insistence, the redhead would just not listen to reason, turning away from him in his mountain of blankets upon the couch.
“Oh, Kageyama, what a sweet boy you are!” Hinata’s mother, a darling woman, had told him earlier that day, thanking him profusely, little Natsu bouncing in her arms. It was Friday, but a holiday, and she still had to work, and Natsu was still expected at daycare. Normally, something so trivial as leaving your teenage son at home wouldn’t be a worrisome thought, but Shouyou was terribly, horribly sick.
Kageyama couldn’t necessarily blame her for worrying about her child, especially considering how he was. “You can expect me back by 7:30! I left my number on a slip of paper on the countertop -- call me for anything, Kageyama.” Was it too late to call her and say that she chose the wrong person? That he was just as troublesome, just as difficult, as her son? Probably, he reasoned.
Breathing deeply, practicing what Sugawara had taught him for when he got riled up during a game, Kageyama approached the small bundle on the couch, speaking gentler than earlier, “Hinata, would you please try and eat something? Your mom made you some soup and she put me in charge of making sure you get something to eat.” Big brown eyes, bloodshot and clouded with fever, turned to look up at him as he hovered over the sofa. Jackpot. Kageyama got lucky -- using Hinata’s mother had been a rewarding play.
So, obviously, it had taken some coaxing, but now Hinata was seated in a dinner chair in the kitchen, that obnoxiously thick blanket that he had been clinging to all day wrapped around his small shoulders. Humming softly to himself (something that makes him feel oddly and uncomfortably domestic), Kageyama warmed some of the soup over the stove before ladeling it into two adorable bowls, decorated with small cat characters that reminded the setter of ‘Natsu’s’ bento.
“Eat up,” Kageyama declared, setting the bowl in front of the shivering Hinata, who honestly looked like death had warmed over him. He had sunken so far down into his chair that his head had nearly disappeared underneath the table. “Eat,” Kageyama insisted, sitting down with an aggressive huff.
“‘M not hung’y though,” Hinata argued weakly, his congestion making him sound strange and closer to Natsu’s age than a highschooler.
The taller boy’s eyes narrowed. “You have to eat -- ‘else you won’t heal and then won’t get to play volleyball.” Kageyama had struck a soft spot (knowingly, of course), and Hinata stared down at the murky broth, face blanched, as he took his spoon into a quivering hand.
After several agonizing minutes, Hinata had eaten a satisfactory meal -- as Kageyama deemed fit -- which amounted to a measly 8 spoonfuls. The decoy’s face had taken on a greenish tint, and perspiration spotted his forward, where his brows were pressed closed together. Patting the smaller teen’s head, Kageyama took the bowl away and began swiftly washing the dishes.
Eventually, they found their way back to the couch. Kageyama settled at one end, Hinata curling up at the other, resuming his huddled position amongst a fort of blankets. The TV played softly, Kageyama watching whatever was on mindlessly while Hinata dozed off, snoring softly, his breaths rattling in his chest.
Not too much longer after that, Kageyama was startled from his daze by a small, pained groan. He looked over at Hinata sleepily, who was clutching at his head, rubbing at his temples. “You good?” The raven-haired boy prodded quietly, tapping at Hinata’s leg gently.
“‘S my head,” He whined between bated breaths, each one catching in his inflamed lungs.
“Come here,” Kageyama beckoned, leaning forward to help Hinata sit up. The redhead flashed him a sceptical look, somewhere between curious, pained, concerned -- constipated, that’s what the expression was. (At least to Kageyama.) The taller boy guided his partner back down, his head coming to rest on Kageyama’s lap. He unfurled the blanket over the sick boy’s quivering body, smiling gently as he snuggled up to the welcomed warmth. Tenderally, he began carding his long fingers through those monstrous tufts of hair, the strands poking out in all directions -- an untamed beast, but unbelievably soft nonetheless. His hair, despite its fiery tenacity to be unruly, was like clouds along Kageyama’s hands.
Hinata hummed in contentment, pushing back against Kageyama’s fingers. However, after several minutes of a gentle, lulling peace, the ministrations had begun losing their effect, and Hinata was flinching at the pounding headache reintroducing itself, his brows furrowing once again. His body grew tenser, and his small hands, fingers wrapped in bandages, clutched at the blankets. “Hey, what’s the matter?” Kageyama stiffened, his voice urgent and oddly panicked.
“Still hurts,” Hinata breathed, jaw quivering just slightly, eyes clenched shut. Fleeting fingers met his temples and began to rub small, familiar circles. The calluses on Kageyama’s fingers, well earned after years of rigorous training and dedication, were peculiarly soothing as they ran over the soft skin of Hinata’s face. Thankfully, after a short while, the small boy finally relaxed enough for sleep to once again invade his senses. His unsteady breathing abated Kageyama’s worry, and eventually he too was able to relax into Hinata’s warmth.
A persistent, but feeble, poking at his jawline is what brings Kageyama back from his tranquil snooze. Before he has time to crack his eyelids open, anxiety is causing his stomach to sink and his mind is racing. Oh god, what’s wrong- Then he feels that reassuring weight settled atop his legs, and his heart rate slows and the panic is dissipating. “Yama?” The small, croaky voice is what allows him to finally breathe.
“Yeah, Hinata?” He peeked open his sapphire eyes and blinked down at the boy staring expectantly up at him. “What’s up?” He lifted his long arms above his head, stretching. He considers himself fortunate that Hinata doesn’t comment on the small squeak that escapes him.
“I’m bored -- will you play Mario Kart with me?” Kageyama knew that Hinata could be random, but he surely wasn’t expecting… that question. “Pleaseeee,” Hinata drawled, making to sit up, only for a small coughing fit to erupt and rack his body, leaving him clutching at his chest.
“Woah, woah,” Now fully awake, Kageyama surged forward, bracing Hinata’s shoulders. After the bout had subsided Hinata shook off Kageyama’s hands, desperately attempting to cooly catch his breath. “Hey now-,” The setter was interrupted by a pair of pleading eyes, staring sweetly up at him. For a moment, Kageyama was beyond confused, but realized what Hinata wanted. “Sure, I’d love to play.”
So, the esteemed first-year genius of Karasuno found himself playing Mario Kart on Hinata’s Wii, the unmanageable decoy still curled into his side for warmth, doing his best to sound menacing whenever he hurled (very, extremely weak) insults at Kageyama, even though his voice broke in a million places and continuously gave out. Already, 4 rounds of Grand Prix had passed, and the countdown for the last race of their 5th had just begun. “I’ll beat you for sure, Kageyama!” Hinata declared, straightening his back just a touch.
Each and every race, Kageyama had come in the top three. And Hinata had always come in dead last, all but once.
“Sure you will, Shorty.”
The race, taking place on the infamous and formidable Rainbow Road, finished with unsurprising results: Kageyama in 1st (naturally), and Hinata in 12th place. “Hmph, that’s what I thought,” The winner puffed, turning towards Hinata as the award ceremony played on screen.
That’s when he saw it: Hinata staring blankly at the TV, Wii remote limp in his hands, his cherry nose twitching upwards, tears swimming in his eyes.
“Hinata?!” Kageyama exclaimed, dropping his remote in shock. Hinata twisted to look at him, a teardrop clinging to the tips of his light lashes.
He spoke weakly, “You’re so mean, Bakageyama. You’re always better than me,” He sniveled, his face scrunched up. Suddenly, a small cry passed his lips, and a storm of fat tears were rolling down his face.
Placing his head in his hands, eyes blown wide and astonished, profanities flew rampant through Kageyama’s mind. “Hinata, I’m sorry,” He tried after calming his thoughts, but the smaller boy simply cried harder, passing off his apology -- it was a miracle he even made one, for heaven’s sake! After briefly pressing his eyes, Kageyama snatched the remote and shut off the obnoxious TV. He gave it another shot, “Hey, listen, if I had known that it was this important, I wouldn't have been so--” He bit his lip, using no restraint, when he accepted that Hinata wasn’t going to pay attention. He heaved a great sigh. “What can I do to make it better?”
Caramel eyes, glimmering with tears, peaked up through messy bangs. “Mean it?”
With a steadying breath, Kageyama answered in kind, “I mean it.”
“Can I get a hug? And go to bed?” Hinata appealed sheepishly, tucking the majority of his flushed (from fever, Kageyama supposed) face underneath the blanket.
Easy enough, Kageyama supposed as he opened his arms wide, expectantly. Chewing on the inside of his lip, face pressed and tight, Hinata shuffled forward and into his embrace. He exhaled shakily, clumsily, thankfully relaxing into Kageyama’s chest. The majority of his weight was released as his body lost all energy, and he smiled softly, the tears drying swiftly upon his pale, ever-so-slightly freckled cheeks.
It came to Kageyama with no surprise when Hinata began drifting off in his arms. Poking the decoy’s arm, Kageyama muttered, “To bed now?”
Still wrapped safely in the thick blanket, Kageyama guided Hinata throughout the house, hand gently (but firmly lest he stumble) on his teammate’s back. A slow journey later, they reached Hinata’s bedroom and the sick teenager was easily persuaded into bed, where Kageyama tenderly pulled the covers up to his chin. After a small cough, Hinata was long gone, snoring softly in that way that Kageyama once found tiresome, but now endeared him to his partner.
“You’re such a mess.” Kageyama came to murmur softly, warmly, brushing away the residual tears upon Hinata’s cheeks with caring fingertips. “Sweet dreams, sleepy head. Get well soon,” He whispered affectionately, closing the door to the boy who had miraculously wormed his way into Kageyama’s fortified heart.
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i'm sorry if it's ooc, but i just finished the second season, so i may not have the most accurate grasps on their characters,, aha also obv hinata is more ooc than anything but! if u happened to read the tags, colds can actually activate that part of ur brain that makes u sad and depressed, and so it can cause mood swings! so that's where that bit of drama comes from- this idea came from when i was playing mario kart today and i started tearing up because i was losing lol (i have a pretty nasty cold rn,,,)
anywhosit! i hope u enjoyed reading and that it wasn't too painfully ooc! (i'm kinda worried my friend won't like it ahhh) pls comment if u want to share what u thought!
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ziezie13 · 4 years
Fics of the Week
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the top of the world by stammiviktor
It’s nearing ten p.m. on the third day of the off season when Yuri Plisetsky bursts through the front door and announces, "I'm staying here."
With his body changing and the Olympic season approaching, Yuri decides he’s had enough.
Words: 4969, Chapters: 1/1, Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime), Rating: Teen And Up Audiences, Last Update: 01 May 2019
Relationship(s): Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri & Yuri Plisetsky, Victor Nikiforov & Yuri Plisetsky
Characters: Yuri Plisetsky, Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Yakov Feltsman, Katsuki Hiroko
Additional Tags: Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Podium Family, Supportive Katsuki Yuuri, Supportive Victor Nikiforov, Found Family, Yuri Plisetsky Has Seven (7) Adoptive Parents, Okaeri | yoihomezine
The Darkest Hour by louciferish
A King, held captive by his own crown.
A Rebel, leading a war to free the oppressed.
A single starlit night, after which everything changes.
Words: 3279, Chapters: 1/1, Series: Part 1 of Long Live the Kings, Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime), Rating: Teen And Up Audiences, Last Update: 23 May 2019
Relationship(s): Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Nishigori Yuuko
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Royalty, Rebellion, Angst, Past Character Death, Katsuki family - Freeform, Memory Alteration, Consensual Kidnapping, Happy Ending, Victor's Foot Thing
Five Plus One. by london_Fog
Five times other people thought they were dating and one time Kageyama wondered if they were.
Words: 1377, Chapters: 1/1, Fandoms: Haikyuu!!, Rating: General Audiences, Last Update: 08 Apr 2014
Relationship(s): Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
Characters: Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou, Tsukishima Kei, Sugawara Koushi, Sawamura Daichi, Oikawa Tooru, Nishinoya Yuu, Tanaka Ryuunosuke
Additional Tags: dumb and dumber and super dumb love
Unfair by WonderBoy
For a minute, they stare off across the kitchen. Finally, Keith shrugs. “It’s been a while since I’ve…I just want to. If I thought you were going to make me talk about it this much, I wouldn’t have asked.”
Lance can’t help but snort at that. “You thought I was just going to have zero questions? ‘Sure friend who has never expressed any romantic or sexual interest in me before and is supposed to be helping me do the dishes, just give me a blowjob.’”
Keith rolls his eyes. “I have literally never heard someone bitch this much about being offered a blowjob before in my life.”
Words: 2223, Chapters: 1/1, Series: Part 1 of Get Some, Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender, Rating: Explicit, Last Update: 04 Nov 2017
Relationship(s): Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Blow Jobs, Friends With Benefits, (hinted) Pining, Alternate Universe – Modern Setting, Alternate Universe – College/University, Explicit Sexual Content, This was supposed to be, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, but now there are feelings, how did this happen, Hook-Up, Bad Ideas, Kissing, Kitchen Sex, Aged-Up Character(s), Also known as “How many times can i say blowjob in one conversation”
Wake Up by PoutyBats
"You look like shit."
"I missed you."
Words: 352, Chapters: 1/1, Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender, Rating: Teen And Up Audiences, Date: 21 Jul 2018
Relationship(s): Adam/Shiro (Voltron)
Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Adam (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Comfort, I just want them to talk, Okay maybe not only talk, Angst, Reunion, Drabble, Reconcile, I hate season 7
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nearly-theyre · 4 years
haikyuu: multi-work series fic recs!
hello friends! we are back at it again with another fic rec list ~
find me on twitter and ao3 (where you can see all the fics I didn’t get to put on this rec list!) ~
“title” (ratings) by author (a ✰ means the series is HIGHLY recommended!)
Works: # Complete: Yes/No
Warnings: will consist of ALL warnings present in the series, although each warning present may not be present in EVERY fic of the series
description / notes of the series OR the summary of the first fic
“cafe backrooms and serendiptuous shenanigans.” (NR) by turnaboutcafe
Works: 4 Complete: No
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
in which the haikyuu!! characters work in a university cafe.
in publishing order i. what a bother. / kuroken ii. personal space. / iwaoi iii. cafe latte. / bokuaka iv. wrong order. / kagehina
“Being Human” (T/M/E) by shions_heart
Works: 7 Complete: No
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings / No Archive Warnings Apply / Graphic Depictions of Violence
Set in an alternate world of magic, witches, and demons, our volleyball sons learn about life, love, and what it means to be human. 
“Sometimes You Just Clique” (G/T) by SoVeryAverageMe
Works: 2 Complete: No
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
No one expected the spoiled rich kid, popular football captain, arrogant school genius, and uptight class president to become best friends following The Incident™ their junior year. Underneath their differing facades and personal armors, lay a bed of similar insecurities and anxieties. This is the story of how they met and what happened afterwards, because sometimes when you meet the right group of people you just... clique.
“omam verse” (T/M/E) by shions_heart
Works: 4 Complete: No
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence / Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Though some may believe they're monsters, those closest to them know they're just men learning how to love in this world of magic, demons, and faeries. 
“iwfyitd verse” (G/T/M/E) by shions_heart, knightswatch ✰
Works: 7 Complete: Yes
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence / Major Character Death / Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
The story of a band of Super Soldiers trying to save the world, and their loved ones who fight alongside them.
“a park in amsterdam” (M) by Resamille
Works: 2 Complete: No
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Summary of the first fic: They come together unexpectedly. They each have memories: a friend once held dear, now gone. The trail has led them here, and maybe, along the way, they remember each other too. 
Or: Over twenty years ago, witch law decreed a split between magic and non-magic worlds. Five humans were the first casualties in the protest. Their five soulmates were left to pick up the pieces.
“Hanamaki Disease: Disturbing the peace of volleyball teams everywhere” (G/T) by Ink_stained_quills
Works: 4 Complete: No
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply 
Hanamaki disease: when Hanamaki Takahiro must “eyy” whenever he sees someone crushing. A friend to couples and menace to pining people everywhere (or is he?)
“Seijoh Sweets: Aoba Johsai Artisinal Bakery” (T) by FindingSchmomo
Works: 3 Complete: No
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Collection of Oneshots taking place in my Aoba Johsai Bakery AU
“Haikyuu at Hogwarts” (G/T) by Killthespare ✰
Works: 4 Complete: No
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply / Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Pretty much as the title suggests: a Hogwarts!AU with Haikyuu. It's planned as a seven book series so definitely a longer series. This first few can be read out of order with only minor confusion (about as easily as the first few Harry Potter books can) but there is an overall series plot in addition to the individual plots of each story. As of the fourth book, the previous third story should really be read before the fourth or later books.
So far, the stories in order: 1.) Shouyou Hinata and the Mirror of Erised (complete) 2.) Koushi Sugawara and the Heir of Slytherin (complete) 3.) Yu Nishinoya and the Shrieking Shack (complete) 4.) Tooru Oikawa and the Triwizard Tournament (in progress)
“hq detective AUs” (M) by valiantarmor ✰
Works: 3 Complete: Yes
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply / Graphic Depictions of Violence
A series of detective AUs.
“Carving Out A Life” (M/T) by RoseSakura  ✰
Works: 2 Complete: No
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence / No Archive Warnings Apply
Zombie Apocalypse AUs - including both longer stories and little one shots
“The Big Bads” (T) by fandom_cat
Works: 2 Complete: No
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
A collection of chats between different HQ characters! Works can be read separately but what's the fun in that? ;) Oh, and gay: gay everywhere.
Lots of things getting discussed. Mostly light-hearted though, fun was had, jokes were made. Any additional trigger warnings listed before chapters.
“chiaroscuro” (T) by newamsterdam  ✰
Works: 2 Complete: No
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply 
chiaroscuro: the interplay of darkness and light.
“We’re called guardians,” Kuro says. “Over time, people have had different names for us, but it really all comes back to that. We’re shifters, shaper-changers… the name doesn’t really matter. What does is that we’re supposed to keep the two kinds of magical forces in the world balanced.” He rattles this off with a roll of his eyes, as though it’s something he’s heard many times over.
Kenma thinks back to the curling snake made of shadows, to Sugawara’s words: People who shine brightly attract a lot of darkness.
“Shadows and light,” he says, not quite a question.
Kuro nods approvingly. “Basically, yeah. There’s a bit more to it than that—shadow magic is born of independence, of isolation and loneliness. Light magic is connections, the relationships between people. Most people have a low dose of both, go through their entire lives not realizing there’s magic in the world.”
“But not you,” Kenma prompts.
“Circle Universe” (T) by sandersonsister (REQUIRES AO3 ACCT)  ✰
Works: 2 Complete: No
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings / No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary of the first fic: It was the omega’s that initiated the courtships, the omega’s that decided who was needed in the circle. But it didn’t worry Kenma. Honestly, there was a particular reason it didn't worry him.
That reason was Kuroo.
He always knew the two of them would be together. And he thought that was enough. He was wrong.
“not just good business” (G/T/NR) by ilgaksu 
Works: 7 Complete: No
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence / Underage / Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings 
Description: credit to hamlet-themouse for their invaluable beta throughout this series so far. 
 Summary of the first fic:  It's been years since Kenma bought that pearly-pink powder and tried it on to go meet Kuroo after his shift, been years since Kuroo wiped his hands on his overalls and looked up and said don't you touch them like that. It's been years since he opened the door to the mob. They are the mob now. They're the ones knocking down the doors.
“Shiratorizawa Family” (G) by someonelikej
Works: 2 Complete: No
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Mostly non-related one-shots and short stories portraying the Shiratorizawa team as a family.
“Domestic Cats” (M) by Avogara
Works: 2 Complete: No
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
A collection of domestic, homey, post-timeskip Kuroken fluff
“‘Til Human Voices Wake Us” (T) by strikinglight
Works: 2 Complete: Yes
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings / No Archive Warnings Apply
Haikyuu Pacific Rim Diptych, feat. Daisuga and Kuroken as primary victims
“The Heart of Nekoma” (T/M) by shions_heart
Works: 3 Complete: Yes
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings 
The story of a penniless thief and the magical gem who steals his heart.
“brunch friends” (T/M) by newamsterdam  ✰
Works: 3 Complete: No
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary of the first fic: “Iwaizumi’s left his cell phone on the bench, and while Suga keeps his gaze away from Iwaizumi the phone lights up with a new message.
Iwa-chan, it reads, Have a good day today! Good luck! <3 <3 <3 
Suga chokes. It’s hard to imagine anyone calling the scowling and fierce Doctor Iwaizumi “Iwa-chan.” But marriage probably comes with all sorts of liberties.
Mrs. Iwaizumi must be quite the doting wife, Suga thinks. Delivering hand-made bentos and sending along loving messages.”
No one really knows much about the new surgical resident, Doctor Iwaizumi, other than the fact that he's married. Suga's determined to find out more, and make a friend of him in the process
“Among Us” (M) by dgalerab  ✰
Works: 5 Complete: No
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence / Rape/Non-Con / Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
X-men AU with my favorite volleydorks.
“It’s A Good Life” (G/T) by LisaVanDerMolen
Works: 3 Complete: No
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply / Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Summary of the first fic: Kenma opened his eyes again and looked at the door. The dark hallway greeted him, something was wrong. And then he saw it, a small figure peeking at him from behind the door. Big golden eyes like his own greeted him. Kenma felt himself smiling at the sight in front of him, when he heard soft sniffles.
Kenma and Kuroo awaken to their kid crying and comfort him while not knowing what's wrong.
And that’s all for today folks! Hit me up here on tumblr or in my twitter DM’s if you want more recs or want to discuss any of the fics on this list in more depth! I’m happy to help you find the perfect series! 
Show these authors some love - don’t forget to kudos, comment, and message them on their socials to show your appreciation! 
take your meds, drink water, eat some food, get enough sleep, and reach out to someone today! I love you and you got this! 
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ladysunamireads · 4 years
Bounce Back
Bounce Back by Quinnion
“I was thinking-”
“Well that's unlike you,” Kageyama interrupts Hinata, the response instinctive.
“Shut up!” he smacks his shoulder playfully, “I'm being serious! I was thinking...” Hinata glances down at his lap, “We're gonna graduate soon, we only have two more terms left. So what's gonna happen after? Like, with us?” He's faced with a blank stare and immediately back tracks, “I mean-!,” he waves his hands frantically, “I just think it's important to talk about it?”
“Yeah, it's important to talk about it,” Kageyama replies, his voice sincere, “So what do you want to happen after graduation? Tell me what your ideal is.” A fire lights in Hinata's eyes and as soon as he opens his mouth a stream of words spill out.
Or another future fic where Hinata struggles to find his place and Kageyama supports him through it all even though he's already found his. They move in together, go separate ways, play beach volleyball, have late night crying phone calls, go to the Olympics, and everything in between.
(Updating every other day)
Words: 3096, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio
Relationships: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Canon, Fluff and Angst, Implied Sexual Content, Established Relationship, Coming of Age, Sort Of, Alternate Universe - Future, Future Fic, Pro Volleyball Player Kageyama Tobio, Pro Volleyball Player Hinata Shouyou, Third Year Hinata Shouyou and Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou-centric, Character Study, kind of, Beach Volleyball, Healthy Relationships, Domestic Fluff, Moving In Together, Graduation, Post-Graduation, Supportive Hinata Shouyou, Protective Kageyama Tobio, Self Confidence Issues, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Idiots in Love, Social Media, not a social media fic tho, hinata can be trans or cis, left up to interpretation
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24915784
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nijiirorhyme · 4 years
Hello fellas! SO I posted this fic a while back, BUT I re-read it and I ended up being pretty dissatisfied with the final results of it. I also decided not to make part of a series anymore, so now it’s just a stand alone! Alternatively, it can be read here! I hope you enjoy!
Title: A Mundane Morning
Pairing: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 3609
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Domestic Fluff, Cooking
Summary: One morning, Hinata and Kageyama attempt to make pancakes. What could go wrong, right?
Just like his name and fiery personality, Hinata awoke when the sun had already started its slow— yet steady rise in the sky. He glanced at the clock on the nightstand beside him, it was exactly 9:30am. This was the usual time Hinata arose on weekends, as he liked to sleep a few more hours those days instead of getting up at six o’clock sharp to commute to school, and so did his boyfriend. He turned around to face the man that was laying in bed behind him, who was snoring gently, chest steadily rising and falling with every breath he took.
It was these moments that Hinata loved. The relaxing days they would both stay in bed and unwind after the week’s gruelling volleyball practices. Even though they were both bundles of endless energy, they still needed to recharge once in a while, and their bodies thanked them for it. He shifted his weight to rest on top of the latter, giving him a little peck on the cheek, receiving a grunt from him in return.
“Tobio,” Hinata whispered gently into his ear, like he always did when he woke him up. “WAKE UP!”
Kageyama instantly jolted awake in surprise, which was followed by rolling off the bed and face planting into the cold hardwood floor beneath him. He clawed his side of the bed, gripping onto the bedsheet as leverage to help himself up. His chin, forehead, and nose were a scarlet red from the impact, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.
“Did you have to yell dumbass?!” Kageyama shouted. He was angry, but that was the usual Kageyama when Hinata did this to him anyways and every single time, he would fall for it.
Hinata snickered, covering his face with his hand. “I’m sorry, Tiredyama.” His words dripping with sarcasm. “Do you want me to kiss it to make it feel better?”
Instantly, Kageyama stopped in his angry tracks. His face was still red, but for a completely different reason. He sputtered out a reply, “Y-Yea actually…” This was so unlike the usual, uptight, yelling-in-Hinata’s-face Kageyama, that Hinata was actually taken aback. Who knew his boyfriend could be so timid and adorable?
With a spring in his step, the orange haired boy bounced to the other side of the room. On his tippy-toes, he closed his eyes and puckered his lips, when suddenly THWACK, an equally as thick skull collided into his. He lost his balance and fell ass- first onto the floor.
The shorter man held his head, which was throbbing in pain. He looked up at his boyfriend, who had a smirk plastered on his face.
“What’dya do that for?!” Hinata winced. That was definitely going to bruise over. Some said Hinata had a thick skull, but in his opinion, Kageyama’s was ten times— no, twenty times thicker.
Kageyama outstretched a hand. Hinata accepted it, allowing Kageyama to pull him up. “Good morning, Shoyou. Do you want me to kiss it better?”
Although the two of them had no intention to step foot outside of the house today, which they had all to themselves as Hinata’s mom and sister ran errands, they changed out of their pyjamas into their lounge wear. Hinata looked around his messy bedroom for his favourite shirt and a pair of shorts. After a quick glance with no sign of them, he searched through the pile of clothing in the far corner of the room. He stuck his hands into the pile of dirty laundry, sifting through it until he found what he was looking for. He pulled both articles of clothing out of the pile, slipping on the oversized pastel yellow t-shirt that he obviously stole from Kageyama and his favourite pair of shorts he received from Oikawa for his birthday last year. They weren’t particularly his style—with little alien heads scattered around them on top of a navy blue background speckled with tiny stars— but he was honoured that the Grand King would even give him a gift in the first place, seeing how he was dating the underclassman who was a complete pain in the ass to him.
It was time for breakfast and Hinata was ready to eat. His stomach growled violently in hunger, making its voice known through the loud rumbles that came from it. So, he made his way into the kitchen, where Kageyama already was.
“What are you looking at?” Hinata came down the stairs to find his boyfriend squinting at a piece of paper taped to a cabinet door at eye level.
Kageyama stopped what he was doing and looked up at his short boyfriend, who skipped the last step of the staircase by jumping from the second last. “What does it look like I’m doing?” He asked, squatting low to open the cupboard below the one with the piece of paper. He pulled out a large metal mixing bowl, “I’m making breakfast.” he stated matter of factly. 
Hinata furrowed his eyebrows. He was skeptical. This wasn’t the first time Kageyama had tried to make breakfast from one of the recipes in his mom’s cookbook that she always left in the kitchen. For starters, neither of them knew how to cook and every time they tried to, the dishes they made would end up tasting horrible. Secondly, Kageyama only had a certain amount of patience when it came to cooking. The second whatever they were cooking hit the pan or pot they were using to cook it with, the temptation to turn up the heat in attempts to speed up the cooking process was too great for Kageyama. He always gave into it, which usually resulted in billowing smoke clouds, burnt food, and the both of them running around the house to open every single window so the fire alarm wouldn’t go off. All in all, it wasn’t Hinata’s favourite thing in the world to do, but he admired his boyfriend for giving it his all. It was the thought that counted, not how it tasted in the end.
“Let me give you a hand at least.” He lightly bumped Kageyama out of the way with his hip so he could see the recipe. It was a very simple pancake recipe. It clearly and thoroughly listed every ingredient they would need and every direction they needed to take in order to create perfectly delicious pancakes. Hinata’s confidence in his cooking abilities swelled as his eyes continued reading down the page. If he and Kageyama screwed this up, they would be the biggest idiots in the entire world— no, universe.
Kageyama nodded in approval. Since he was grabbing every kitchen utensil they would need to make these pancakes, Hinata started on grabbing the ingredients they needed. He looked at the recipe again, reciting the ingredients they needed out loud to remember, “Flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, milk, two eggs, and vanilla extract.” He bounced around the kitchen, setting each ingredient on the island in the center.
Once everything was assembled, the two got to work. Hinata rolled his sleeves up to his shoulders. “Where do we start, Chef Kageyama?”
Kageyama’s face flushed a bit at the title he was given. He took the recipe down from the cupboard, cleared his throat, and read out step one word for word, “‘In a bowl, mix together all the dry ingredients.’ Sounds simple enough.”
Together, the two boys poured all the dry ingredients into the plastic bowl with less than accurate measurements. Hinata started to mix the concoction of powders together until Kageyama took the metallic whisk from his hand, tsking.
“You’re not mixing it enough. Here.” He motioned Hinata to hold the bowl down for him. The shorter man braced for impact.
Kageyama took the whisk in his dominant hand and as if he were using the might of Zeus, he stirred as fast as he could. Clouds of powder puffed up into the air as the contents of the bowl splashed over its rim.
Hinata coughed as he inhaled particles of it that were hanging in the air, “You’re stirring too fast, Idiotyama!” He grabbed Kageyama’s forearm and wrenched the whisk from his hand and said, “You have to make it more like zoom!”
Hinata kept the bowl steady by placing it between his stomach and his arm. At the same pace, the orange haired boy mixed at the exact same speed as his boyfriend, more powder further splashing out of the bowl and onto the counter. 
“No dumbass!! It’s more like whoosh! Give it to me!” Kageyama gripped the bowl and tried to tug it out of Hinata’s grasp.
“No!” Hinata put the whisk down and tugged against Kageyama, who was also pulling the bowl in his direction. “It’s like zoom!”
Kageyama, “Whoosh!”
Hinata, “Zoom!”
The bowl slipped out of both of their grasps, it was airborne. All they could do was watch as it started its descent downward. It was as if the bowl was falling in slow motion-- their mouths agape at the spectacle. As it plummeted to the floor, a plume of the rest of what was inside blasted upwards, covering the two in a powdery mess.
The two coughed violently, the powder making its way into their lungs. Hinata’s mom was going to be pissed. Usually, she had the patience of a saint since her son and daughter were possibly the most energetic children known to man, but Hinata could already imagine her patience thinning upon seeing the disaster of a kitchen they left in their wake.
The orange haired boy looked around, there wasn’t a single spot around them that wasn’t dusted with powder; even his feet were covered with an avalanche of it.
“... That’s what happens when you go 'whoosh’ instead of ‘zoom', Idiotyama.” he added.
After trying to clean up the powder as best as they could, they measured out all of the ingredients and tried again. Instead of going ‘whoosh’ or ‘zoom’, the two compromised with a more moderate mixing speed, which they now dubbed in their language of onomatopoeias as: ‘zwhoosh’.
“What’s the next step?” Hinata asked curiously as he looked into the bowl at their combined dry ingredients, satisfied that none of it ended up anywhere outside the bowl.
Kageyama read out loud, “‘Make a well in the center and pour in the milk.’”
A simple instruction that could be carried out by a child, except, “What do they mean by ‘well’?” Hinata asked, picturing an actual well that people used in the olden days to get water from. How would they fit an entire one of those in their bowl?
“I think they mean something like this…” with caution, Kageyama carefully scooped all of the ingredients into the middle of the bowl. He cupped one hand around the mountain-like pile and used the other to carefully dig a hole in its center.
“Woah! You’re a genius, Kageyama!” Hinata exclaimed, sparkles in his hazel eyes. Even if Kageyama could be a dumbass, Hinata loved how smart he could be sometimes. “You stir as I pour the milk in.”
Not wanting to mess up like last time, Hinata followed the instructions to a T, pouring the milk into a measuring cup before plopping it into the bowl. The recipe called for one and a quarter cups of milk and to mix until it was lumpy, so Hinata added as much as they needed to get to that consistency, reaching his goal with careful precision. Then, he threw in a little bit of vanilla extract in and cracked two eggs, disregarding the little bits of shell that fell in as he did so. Step two was done and Hinata was proud that they made it one step further this time.
“What’s next?” Hinata asked, clapping his hands together to try and get the rest of the flour off of his hands. He took a whiff of the batter in the bowl, the light aroma of vanilla extract drifting into his nostrils. His stomach growled in response to the delicious smell of the batter. “Mmm, it smells good.” he thought aloud.
Kageyama didn’t take any further glaces at the recipe. “We cook them.” He simply said. He walked to the wall near the stove, taking one of the larger frying pans that hung off the rack and put it on the stove. He turned the knob of the burner and with a click, the burner ignited, gradually heating up the pan. He took the bowl of batter in one hand, then grabbed the ladle beside it and moved both beside the stove. Kageyama then scooped a whole ladle full of the chunky substance onto the pan.
“Oi! Wait, Kageyama! Don’t you have to butter the pan before you-”
Ssst. It was too late. The batter from the ladle pooled in the pan slowly, making a perfectly round pancake in the center.
“You idiot! It wasn’t non-stick!” Hinata exclaimed. He ran to the stove and turned it off, grabbing the pan as he did so to bring it to the sink. Using a bit of elbow grease, the orange haired boy tried to get the pancake off the pan, but to no avail. Pancake remnants were already caked onto it. If the incident with the first step was bad, ruining his mom’s favourite pan was even worse. Hinata turned to Kageyama, his face pale from the thought of his mom getting mad.
“L-Let’s use another pan…”
Hinata’s right arm hurt from scrubbing, but he managed to get the pan looking almost as good as it looked before they had first used it. He went over to the appliance rack, and took down a shabbier looking pan, handing it to his boyfriend, “Here, use this one.”
Kageyama put the pan on the stove and turned the heat up. This time, he buttered the pan and laid down the second pancake, the satisfying sizzle from the pan made Hinata’s stomach growl fiercely. These pancakes were taking ages to make.
Hinata took a spatula and lifted the edge of the pancake, glancing at its golden underside. It was time to flip it, but they weren’t going to take the easy way out. They wanted to flip it like professional chefs do.
The two looked at each other and as if they could read each other’s thoughts, nodding at each other in mutual agreement. Kageyama moved out of the way, feeling Hinata’s desire to flip the pancake emanating from him. Hinata took the handle of the pan in both of his hands, jostling it to shake the rest of the pancake free. With a flick of his wrists, the pancake lifted off the pan and spun in the air. Everything was perfect about it; his form, his technique, even the spin, except... that it didn’t land back into the pan. The pancake’s unpredictable course found its destination the wall behind the stove. It slid down the wall, well out of their reach. The two looked at each other again, an apologetic look making its way onto Hinata’s face. He laughed awkwardly as he ruffled his own already tousled hair.
Followed by the standard Kageyama insult, “Hinata, you dumbass!”
The easier method with the spatula it was.
After what felt like hours of struggling trying to make these pancakes, the two finally made a stack of pancakes that would sate their monstrous hunger.
Hinata was so hungry he could eat a horse. Looking at the golden brown pancakes that stared back at him, he licked his lips and reached over for the maple syrup. It was hard to wait for Kageyama, as he preferred to clean up before eating, but he got the “okay” to start eating first since he knew Hinata was hungrier.
He popped open the lid and poured a generous amount over his breakfast, watching the amber coloured syrup dribble over the sides of the massive stack of pancakes and pool onto the plate below.
“Thank you for the food.” He mumbled. Using his fork, he cut out a small triangular piece and lifted it to his mouth. When he popped it into his mouth, Hinata’s eyes went wide as if he were experiencing an outer worldly experience. His mouth was instantly met with the lightest pillow-like texture. The pancake’s flavour was subtle, yet effective as it danced across Hinata’s taste buds with the rich flavour of the maple syrup as its complementary dance partner. He never knew it, but the fruit of his own labour tasted twice as yummy. Not too sweet, not too dense, looks like they weren’t the biggest idiots in the entire universe after all!
“Are they good?” Kageyama appeared from behind him, resting his head on Hinata’s shoulder, a glass of strawberry milk in hand. Did strawberry milk even taste good with pancakes? Never mind. He wasn’t going to question his boyfriend’s love for the beverage.
Hinata nodded excitedly as he cut his boyfriend a slice. He brought the fork to his boyfriend’s mouth, which he accepted without hesitation.
Kageyama nodded in approval. While it wasn’t enough to make his eyes sparkle like Hinata’s, it was enough to remind him how worthwhile it was to make something for yourself. He turned to look at his boyfriend, whose smile was plastered so wide against his face as he ate another piece, savouring it. The sheer bliss on his face was something Kageyama savoured more than the pancakes. A small smile made its way onto his face as he sat down in the seat opposite of Hinata, joining his boyfriend in eating breakfast.
The rest of the meal went on without much conversation. Once they were done with their initial reactions, the two scarfed down the pancakes at an abnormal speed. Kageyama was eating so fast, that he almost choked on a piece of pancake. He smacked his chest in a fit of coughs to ease the painful sensation of swallowing a large piece too quickly, accompanied by downing his entire glass of strawberry milk.
Once the two of them were full, they relaxed on the couch, listlessly watching TV together. Hinata rested his head on Kageyama’s lap, as the latter languidly thread his fingers through his bright orange hair. The drowsiness of eating too much was heavily weighing on both of them as sleep slowly pulled at their eyelids. A comfortable silence settled over the two.
Hinata looked up at Kageyama, whose head was already drooping with sleep. He smiled. It was mundane days like these that Hinata loved the most. He wouldn’t trade anything in the world for them.
Hinata turned over so his head was facing towards Kageyama’s torso. He inhaled deeply, the delicate scent of lavender detergent coming from his dark blue t-shirt comforting him on his way to dreamland. With the soft mumbling coming from the TV in front of them and Kageyama’s scent, it was the perfect recipe for Hinata to fall asleep.
And just like that, the two of them did.
“We’re home!” His mother announced,
“Onii-chan!!” a bundle of energy took off her shoes with haste and ran through the house. “We’re home! Let’s play- Huh?” his little sister Natsu stopped in her tracks once she stumbled upon their sleeping forms. One of Hinata’s arms and legs were hanging off the side of the couch, snoring loudly with his other hand placed on top of his stomach. Kageyama didn’t move much in his sleep, his head craned downwards, mouth open wide with a long string of drool dangling down from one corner.
“Natsu, let them sleep. How about you help me make dinner?” her mother said softly, putting her index finger up to her lips.
“Okay!” Natsu beamed back quietly. She tiptoed into the kitchen with her mother, ready to help make a delicious meal they could have all together when the two of them woke up.
A Small Epilogue: What happened to the Pancake that went behind the Stove?
It had been a month since Hinata and Kageyama had attempted to make pancakes.
The sun shined on a bright and early school morning. “Shoyou! It’s breakfast time!” his mother called from the kitchen.
The orange haired boy pushed his blankets off of him and made his way downstairs to where he smelled an awfully familiar scent. It was the scent of pancakes.
He plopped himself in the nearest chair, yawning as he scratched an itch on his chest. “Good morning.” he slurred.
“Good morning, Shouyou.” his mother greeted him.
“Good morning, Onii-chan!” Natsu greeted him enthusiastically, bits of pancakes spewing from her mouth with every syllable. When was she not an energetic ball of sunshine? Sometimes Hinata thought that she had even more energy than him.
He went through the same process of drizzling the pancakes with sweet maple syrup and brought a piece to his mouth. It tasted great, as expected of his mom, who had several more years of experience cooking under her belt than him and Kageyama.
“Are they good?” She asked, turning off the kitchen fan to halt its humming. Right as she stopped the fan, an unpleasant stench wafted into Hinata’s nose. It almost smelled like rotten eggs, but with something else in it that Hinata couldn’t quite decipher.
Hinata’s mom audibly sniffed the air, but upon doing so, covered her nose in disgust, “Ugh, what’s that smell?”
Suddenly, it all came back to him. He remembered the pancake that he flipped that went behind the stove. He put his fork down and stuttered out, “A-About that…”
Thus, that was how pancake that was never heard from again declared its presence once more.
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yumsicles · 5 years
Oh, I loved your Katsura hcs! Could I get something similar for Takasugi?
Yeeeeeeeeeeeet yaga
Takasugi Shinsuke
Takasugi is a quiet lover. he’s not for loud words of affirmation or anything.
when you two are together, you’re probably both just quietly doing your own thing and just enjoying each other’s proximity 
just like the other joui 4, i think takasugi would really be attracted to you not just because you’re good-looking, but because you’re a smart woman who can stand on her own
he doesn’t fail to notice that his yakult stash is never empty. he doesn’t explicitly come out and thank you for it, but he’s thoroughly appreciative
takasugi opens up to you through books. when he reads something he enjoys, you’ll be sure to find that book pop up on your nightstand within the next few days. the types of books he chooses to share with you gives you a sneak peek into takasugi’s usually guarded emotions
i think takasugi would be less reckless after meeting you. initially, his life sort of began and ended with shouyou and avenging his mentor, but now that he’s met you, he’s found a new purpose
this doesn’t mean he’s given up on the kiheitai or anything; it just means he’s more careful not to get hurt. he doesn’t like seeing the worry and sadness on your face when he comes home in bandages
all of your intimate moments happen behind closed doors. to the rest of the kiheitai, it seems like you two are just living in domestic bliss, like an old married couple. semi-heated kisses and butt grabs (takasugi appreciates your mind but that doesn’t mean he won’t appreciate dat ass) always happen when you two are alone
actually, that’d probably be one of his favorite things to do. he’d give you a really steamy kiss with your hands tugging his hair and his roaming down your body and everything, and then he’d suddenly pull away as his men approaches to go to a strategy meeting or something. you know this fucking tease has that shit-eating smug smirk on his face as he walks away, even if he doesn’t directly look at you to rub it in 
that’s ok though, because two can play at this game. takasugi better watch out to make sure that his yakult isn’t spiked and to keep his eyes from wandering over to you too much when you happen to choose to wear that almost too innocent looking kimono that hugs your figure just right
i mean, who are we kidding here? because of how little takasugi speaks, you’ve gotten really good at reading his face. y’all two are probably exchanging all these looks like little kids in a classroom during kiheitai executive meetings. a raise of a brow here, a squint of the eyes, maybe even a tug on the lips and you’ll be trying to prevent yourself from laughing at takasugi’s skepticism at some of the things his execs says sometimes
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elsychan · 6 years
Haikyuu fic recs
Since it’s valentine’s day, I’m gonna rec some of my favorite fics - not V-day themed tho. Also they’re all m/m pairings
All recs under the cut because this was getting REALLY long
You’d fit my lonely arms so perfectly by boxofwonder on AO3 Sawamura Daichi x  Sugawara Koushi  25k words, 6 chapters, completed
“Oh. You're. Not Asahi.” Calmed down enough that he can speak again, Daichi takes a deep breath, his smile settling on his face easily and wide. “Not as far as I know, no.”
Suga accidentally calls a stranger instead of his best friend, tells him all about his burned batch of cookies before realising, and that particular mistake might turn out the best one he ever made.
THIS. THIS IS SO FRIGGING CUTE,I LOVE IT WITH ALL MY HEART!!! I.. I can’t describe how much i love it BUT IF YOU LIKE DAISUGA AND HAVE SOME FREE TIME, GO READ IT (also bonus for the oisuga friendship and many other characters making appearances !)
Slow dancing by @kythen​ Kuroo Tetsurou x  Sawamura Daichi 24k words, 5 chapters, completed
A hybrid and masquerade AU. Courtship, like dancing, is best done slowly.
Lord Oikawa of Aobajousai is hosting a masquerade ball and all are invited to partake in three nights of masks, finery, and of course, dancing. Kuroo Tetsurou of Nekoma finds himself enraptured by a crow he chances upon while looking out for his young lordling. On the other hand, Sawamura Daichi of Karasuno is drawn in by a cat who seems intent on flirting with him. Welcome to the masquerade, where everyone is everything and nothing they seem to be.
OKAY. I HAVE NO WORD. KYTHEN HAS A WAY OF DESCRIBING THINGS THAT IS JUST. SO GREAT. I could imagine so many of the scenes and they were stuck in my head for maaaany days after reading!! It was just.. so great you don’t understand ;;; If you like a bit of fantasy, royalty AU this is definitely the fic for you ! Mutual pinning, lots of flirting and stepping on foot. that’s all you need to know (also there’s some smut in here too, so beware if it’s not your thing) And tbh if you like domestic kurodai OR very kinky kurodai, go read ALL OF KY’S FICS. Really. You won’t regret it I promise.
I like you too much by @roronoaxd​ Oikawa Tooru x Iwaizumi Hajime 23k words, 9 chapters, unfinished
Iwaizumi works at his mother's cafe. Oikawa works at H&M.
Oikawa had immediate interest in Iwaizumi, since he first laid eyes on the boy, and he continuously visits the cafe in hopes that Iwaizumi will take a hint and develop an interest back.
THIS IS SO GOOD!!! Same as the previous fic, I can perfecly picture the scenes and the mood there, and I LOVE IT. Iwa’s mother’s café is like.. AESTHETIC. Hints of KuroDai and MatsuHana. Gotta love half-greek Iwa-chan !!! all that cultural stuff and the food!!! it sounds delicious i swear. Basically : the mall AU you never knew you needed
I like the way your clothes smell by @mysecretfanmoments​ 75k words, 19 chapters, completed Hinata Shouyou x Kageyama Tobio
Power outages, ghost stories, and the presence of a certain orange-haired boy lead to bad decision-making on Tobio's part. He'd planned to keep his crush a secret; the universe has other plans.
Because how could I possibly not mention this fic if we’re talking about all time faves ?? I know I have already made a post about it a while back but really.. you CAN’T miss out on this. I am just in love with how the author portrays their relationship, and how REAL they feel !! like ! they’re so relatable but also it is just so... THEM!!! Shouyou’s way of texting, with his little “yeah ?” when confirming stuff ?? ADORABLE. And i can totally hear him saying this A story about discovering one’s feelings and getting into a relationship for the first time. Some smut in there as well, but there are warnings at the beginning that tell you when you need to skip some paragraphs :)
Narcissistic Cannibal by @eicinic​ Akaashi Keiji x Bokuto Koutaro 14k words, 4/9 chapters, unfinished (?) (/!\ THE SUMMARY IS KINDA NSFW)
/ke i ji/ is low and shaky and needy and Bokuto is now grinding against the mattress, as desperate as him, all of the muscles of his back undulating with every sharp movement; Akaashi is about to reach his orgasm and he’s thinking he hears music every time the lights and shadows on Bokuto’s skin change with every thrust. Barely manages to clench his teeth and spit out between them “I want you" but he can’t bring himself to end it with /to love me/.
Okay so the writing in this one is very particular, and by particular I mean WONDERFUL. It is, at least for me, unusual and I was greatly surprised when I read it !! It’s kinda weird to say that but you can feel the mess that is Keiji’s mind throughout the writing. Like... it’s... it’s really hard to explain ..it really feels like you are reading Keiji’s raw flow of thoughts: Fast paced, and sometimes interrupted, unorganized, panicked or full of desire mixed with fear... ALSO. The descriptions. You can feel them too. Especially the way Bokuto is described. it is... breathtaking. GO READ IT. (if you don’t mind smut and like a bit of twisted personalities, you’ll enjoy it) 
AND that’s it !! Thank you for reading through this if you did, and I hope you’ll check out some of them because they REALLY DESERVE IT. Happy valentine’s day !!
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maeveplanet · 2 years
kagehina - drying hair
Hinata is peacefully reading the volleyball monthly magazine—certainly not because his husband is all over the front cover, and especially not because a whole article is dedicated to him. He’s sprawled all over the couch, blanket tangled around his waist. He smoothly swings his head from left to right as he hums a song under his breath. 
That is until his peace of mind is completely disturbed. Crushed. Destroyed. Obviously shattered.
Hinata swears, his mind was calm, truly untroubled as he skimmed through the pages of this magazine, but then, Kageyama Tobio—his gorgeous husband just getting out of the shower—had to ruin it all.
He’s not particularly doing anything uncommon, just drying to top of his head with a towel, messily scrubbing his dark hair. Still, the view makes Hinata’s heart skip probably a thousand of beats, and it should not make him feel all uwah inside, because he’s seen this almost every day since they moved in together, but—
The hands.
He watches the long slim fingers in contrast with the palm, large enough to engulf both of his hands.
He thinks about the tosses they give; the ultimate perfection in his eyes.
He thinks about them warming up his skin with a simple and loving touch. 
So, when Kageyama stops drying his hair to drop the towel around his shoulders, Hinata can’t hold the affection suddenly bursting out of him. He stands, letting the blanket fall on the ground, then he tugs Kageyama’s hands gently to his lips. 
‘‘What are you doing, d-dumbass!’’ Kageyama stutters, trying to pull his hands from Hinata’s attack. 
‘‘I was just thinking about how much I love your hands,’’ Hinata answers, peppering kisses all over them, just as they deserve. ‘‘It’s your fault for being so perfect.’’
Kageyama grumbles, pink glowing over his cheeks, and Hinata’s heart flutters.
He pulls on the towel around Kageyama’s neck with a firm grip as well as a smirk twitching up, determined to drag them somewhere for him to enjoy the very existence of his beautiful husband before his foot slips on the blanket annoyingly spread out on the floor. The fall is quickly broken off by strong hands anchoring his hips tightly.
‘‘You’re such a disaster,’’ Kageyama mumbles, staring at Hinata’s eyes with a fond gaze.
‘‘Yet, you’re in love with that disaster.’’
‘‘I truly don’t remember what made me fall for it.’’
‘‘Well, want the disaster to remind you the reason why?’’
Hinata doesn’t give Kageyama a chance to answer before he pulls him down for a kiss.
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