#full moon shadow work
thedarkmaidenn · 8 months
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In depth shadow work and prompts for the Full Moon in Pisces. Have fun and allow your subconscious self to surface.
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Harvest Moon Free Reading | Dark Academia | Earth And Water Signs
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motherlymagick · 5 months
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Embracing the lingering Gemini energy post-Full Moon! 🌕 Dive into curiosity, chat it out with a confidant, or send yourself voice notes to untangle emotions. Get a little social, a little flirtyyy 🥰 Compliment a stranger, spark a convo—sacred connections can happen anywhere. Just watch out for overthinking; we're keeping those Gemini moon vibes high! 💁‍♀️✨
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thevirgodoll · 8 months
Doll Reflection Questions
Always be willing to reflect on the month so far. As the month wraps up, what weighs us the most? What delights us the most? It can seem arduous to start jotting things down with our minds so busy of what's occurred this month, as well as the looming uncertainty cosmically.
I mainly wrote this due to the retrogrades and full moon, but this can be applied in any context.
Here's a few questions to lead you to your answers you seek:
•What are my deepest desires? Are these things merely surface level wants or needs? How can I achieve them and is it worth achieving?
•Looking back, what have I learned?
•What am I ready to release?
•What can I do to be open to new ideas? How can I serve my creativity, spiritual/religious needs, and mental health?
Doll Reflection Lessons
•Expect sensitivity during introspection. You will be sentimental…memories may sting, so take it easy.
•Reconciliation (healthy, of course) is possible. Use your intuition over who and what is worth it.
•Set boundaries as deception is heightened.
•Lessen social media use to connect with self. Now (and really any other time period) is not the time to get into feuds on social media. That is time you could be using to work on yourself.
•Be more skeptical. Seek clarity and truth. Don't blindly follow everything you see.
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unknowndeityxx · 1 month
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‘Light Within’ - Digital Collage
IG: Unknowndeity.ong
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ambersgrimoire · 1 year
Moon Magic ☽ ✦ ˚ ⊹ Properties of the Moon
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The moon represents one’s emotional self and their needs in order to feel secure and nurtured. Often referred to as a Mother figure, the moon asks us to take care of our inner needs with a sensitive, empathetic and compassionate touch. She asks us to reflect on our emotional needs and take action where necessary in order to better oneself. Just like the phases of the moon, we have our own habits and cycles we go through so it’s important to be mindful of them and whether they’re helpful or harmful. The moon presides over the night, where many inner and subconscious happenings occur such as dreams and manifestations. Our inner workings have an impact on our lives, sometimes contributing to our habits. That’s why it’s important to look inside of yourself and take care of your inner self.
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Breakdown of the Moon’s Properties~
IV House ✦ ˚ The Moon rules over the Fourth house which represents one’s roots and origins, such as one’s sense of security, early life family/mentors, and one’s home or safe place.
Cancer Zodiac ✦ ˚ The Moon also rules the Cancer zodiac, giving Cancer their sensitive, nurturing and emotional traits.
Element of Water ✦ ˚ Cancers are of the water element, making them intuitive and reflective.
Cardinal Quality ✦ ˚ Cancer is in the beginning of it’s season, giving it cardinal quality. This makes cancers proactive and independent, all about taking action and new beginnings (This presents itself in the new, full and quarter phases of the moon)
Feminine Energy ✦ ˚ Cancers takes the energy of the feminine or yin, giving them an internal, subconscious and or spiritual, passive and observant touch.
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jomiddlemarch · 4 months
Can I inquire after Crescent Moon? please and thank you!
So, I knew I was sort of taking a chance by listing Crescent Moon as a WIP, because then I have to answer-- am I going to finish it, what's next, etc. And I don't have good responses to those questions. I don't see Crescent Moon as complete but I'm not sure what it would take to return to it (not because of the second season of Shadow and Bone, which to be honest, I still have not watched. This is largely because I didn't fully plot out Crescent Moon AND because my original plot had the story ending when they arrived at the Palace in Os Alta. I was so flattered and caught up by reader response at that point that I kept going, but then I was plotting by the seat of my pants. I feel the temptation to write a montage chapter that moves all the players to a resolution but that also smacks of "It was all a dream" so I'm really a bit stuck. I have gotten some advice from my 18 yo which involved a whole plot about going after the other amplifiers, but I couldn't muster the energy for a high seas-pirate themed adventure (though I agreed it had merit.)
I thought plenty of other writers might relate to this, which is why I'm writing this positive screed over my morning cup of tea instead of something more glib. I basically wish Togtuun would take over writing the rest of it and surprise me along with everyone else!
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scarynspace · 4 months
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thevirginwitch · 11 months
Strawberry Moon/Full Moon in Sagittarius - June 2023
If you enjoy my content and want to show your support, be sure to check out my Patreon! I post exclusive content, offer digital freebies, discount codes to my Etsy store, free tarot readings, and TONS more benefits! Plus, you’ll gain the satisfaction of supporting a small creator <3
We’ll be running through this info and we’ll be doing a guided meditation together in The Edge of The Forest (18+) Discord server today at 7pm CST! Feel free to join in!
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With sagittarius’ connection to the planet Jupiter, it’s a time of luck and growth. We will see an uptick in energy for brainstorming, mental clarity, and looking at things with a broader perspective. This is a time of expansion! You may be ‘connecting the dots’ on some things in your life you’ve been stumped on. Making connections will feel easier, and you may feel more open or communicative during this time. 
Now is a time of feeling your emotions more deeply, or feeling more connected to your inner self. We may also see hidden feelings bubble up to the surface with this full moon energy.
The name ‘strawberry moon’ is given to the last full moon in spring, and is in reference to the ripening of strawberries that were planted earlier in the season. This moon is a reminder that the seeds we have planted at the start of spring are now showing results!
What ‘little things’ in my life are holding me back?
What will ultimately help me look at the bigger picture?
When obstacles change your plans or projects, how do you handle the change and the frustration?
Do you rely too much on others' opinions or behaviors?
What elements of your life do you feel you have direct control over?
What about the things you can’t control? How can you relieve that frustration?
Correspondences (crystals, herbs/plants) below the cut!
Lapis Lazuli
Smoky Quartz
Dog grass
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slut4poets · 1 year
You sacrificed it all
For the version of me you thought I was
But people change, it was just a phase
You were the sun, I was the moon
We never really met,
Really got to know our shadows
Only the light, the fun part
Where most people stay at
But I wanted more than that
I wanted to merge
I wanted an eclipse
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middlenamesage · 7 days
Today’s Scorpio Full Moon squaring Pluto, during the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in the opposite sign, and the first Scorpio Full Moon since the Scorpio-Taurus eclipse season, wants a lot of people to know that if you can’t also see and act on your light, facing all your darkness and focusing on your shadow is gonna be pretty much pointless, good chance even damaging, for you.
Source: personal insights of a Scorpio Moon in the 9th squaring my lunar Nodes, who learned this during South Node in Scorpio.
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thedarkmaidenn · 2 years
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Shadow Work for the Aries Full Moon. Illuminate the dark, that’s just the Aries way.
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🌚 enneagram types this full moon
did you know astrology and enneagram are linked? the enneagram is a shape found in the ancient practice of sacred geometry and known to the greeks, romans and egyptians
more modern thinkers helped develop the ways of using it to distinguish personslity traits and model personal growth, as with astrology. enneagram can help you make the best of your chart as you understand how it creates your type
🦋 if you don't know your type you can take the test here
head triad
this full moon in pisces affects your emotions and is a time for SHADOW WORK. the head triad of the enneagram may need to connect more with their heart for this to happen successfully.
♧ fire sign head triads may especially resistent to this process but can call on natural boldness to see them through.
♧ water sign head triads will find it easiest.
♧ for air signs, tapping into your spiritual energy will allow you to do shadow work.
♧ meanwhile earth signs have an easier time staying grounded through this period of intense healing.
heart triad
lean into your emotions this full moon. for the heart triad, no matter your sign, the emotional nature of this lunar placement is your greatest strength
♡ for fire sign heart triads, shadow work means examining your passions and what may fuel them.
♡ for water signs this placement is the most auspicious to remove emotional blocks due to how in touch with your emotions you will be
♡ for air signs the emotional and spiritual energy of this blue moon will allow you to amplify the energy you are using to work through blocks
♡ for earth signs buried negative energy may rise to the surface. now is a good time to clear it out. this can include old relationships.
gut triad
the gut triad reacts by instinct and has a strong connection with the divine masculine. this blue moon you may discover more about where these instincts come from
◇ gut triad fire signs may use this as a time for healing wounds that happened as a result of hasty decisions they made. this full moon indicates a blank slate
◇ water signs may understand not all their emotions are true and that seeing past blockages by thinking before they act is the way to move on from old, negative energies
◇ air signs are flighty and the gut triad reacts by instinct making for a spontaneous combination. this full moon is a time to slow down
◇ earth signs are some of the most grounded and this works well with the gut triad. use this full moon to play to your strengths and center yourself before doing any shadow work.
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trippy-lotus · 2 years
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mother-raven · 2 years
I've been journaling for over 15 years.
It may not seem therapeutic at the time. It may even feel like a chore. But every page I look back on, or run into, I take note of how different I was then. How angry I might have been at the world. Or maybe I jotted down random tips, trivia, or quotes that resonated with me then at 16, but might not resonate with me now, at 25. Things I thought an older me might use.
I realize I remember little to nothing surrounding the moments further and further back (Also a blessing), and better yet, I have a written record of how I conducted myself. The psychological effect the relationships I had with unsavory, toxic people, are much more obvious and glaring to me. Even if it was a few weeks ago.
It gives me that much more hope that I can pick out patterns, and move in a smarter way heading forward in my life.
Witch tip? Journal. Write things down.
You'll be surprised how much you can learn from the parts of yourself that don't speak out loud. Write freely. For however long. Nobody else will read these entries but you anyways, so loosen up.💜
Put all your anger, your desire, your INTENTION, your happiness, the things you fear, your travels, your failures, onto the page. See if anything changes when you come back to that entry later. Oftentimes we are encouraged to put our thoughts onto the internet instead of a piece of paper. Unfortunately, the internet is very much like a black hole. It swallows you, and all the information you've fed it, only to grow bigger at the cost of your energy and data being abused.
It doesn't even have to be a book of shadows you write in, specifically.
Just keep some information to yourself. Your personal change and growth only should really matter to you alone. You keep track, nobody else. DO NOT give away that control. Unless you want others to keep tabs on you, whether they intend to use that information against you, now or in the future, it’s not necessary to put it all out there.
Journaling is a really healthy way to take that control back for yourself.
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serenityreikiclinic · 10 months
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🌕 Remember, the Full Moon is a great time to see the Blocks or Shadows that stop you from aligning with your purpose. Be open to signs, synchronies and symbols that come up today and tomorrow.
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