#full moon in cancer
magickpumpkin · 4 months
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Full moon in Cancer Magick Circle 🕯️✨
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punkpandapatrixk · 4 months
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Full Cold Moon in Cancer ♦︎ Moon Magick Pick A Card
Happy New Year~!🍀It’s January already but, gosh, aren’t we all still preparing for the spring equinox this year🍓That’s when the real new year begins, aenergetically~🎍
The Full Cold Moon on 26th December carried a theme surrounding Home and Hearth. It touches on our IC (Imum Coeli) and 4th House in our natal chart. The IC tells us who we are when no one’s watching, and after we become super clear about that, it helps us realise what kinds of company are legitimately good for our sense of belonging in this mortal world.
Your IC can literally shed light unto the reasons you feel alone and separated from the people around. The Full Cold Moon in Cancer—ruler of the 4th House—invites us to take a look at our sense of familyship whilst being incarnate on Earth.
People on this Planet have been struggling with an immense sense of loneliness since the introduction of social media; isn’t that strange? How is it that the more people we’re able to connect with the more miserable we feel on the inside? Well, isn’t it clear that social media has helped us become more aware of what’s truly FAKE when it comes to human connections?💍
Our IC deeply craves real familial connections. Moving forward, wouldn’t you rather entertain soul-based friendships that really care about your wellbeing as a Human being? This Cold Full Moon in Cancer, you’re invited to once again die to everything and everyone that doesn’t make you feel seen, heard, respected, or wanted👻
Fake connections, whether online or offline, can go fuck ‘emselves🥢
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Pile 1 – The Choice to be Free Has Always Been Yours to Make
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i d e n t i t y – Knight of Pentacles
Others may think you are mad, but you of all people know there is method to your madness. More than everybody else gives you credit for, you’re actually somebody who’s very strategizing. You are careful with your plans and you think very many things through before you execute your plan. Others simply do not understand this mechanism in your brain because you’re quite unique, quite unorthodox even. This Full Cold Moon, you are invited to ponder if the source of your misery is actually other people’s beliefs about you rather than your actual incapability.
Just because you’re following a strange path of your own doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong. Weirdos throughout history have changed societies for the better. We should all be thankful to weirdos—and especially, WITCHES. Did you know that WAY TOO MANY of our advances in science and medicine were actually done by witches? They burnt and hanged the witches and took credit for all of their hard work. Tsk tsk tsk… I raise my cup to all y’all witches who’s working to blast open new pathways for the rest of Mankind🍸Keep doing you. Keep going because spring will surprise you with loads of delights~🍬
s e r e n i t y – Queen of Pentacles Rx
You’re a helpful soul, that much is apparent. But you’ve got to learn some discernment so that you don’t get taken advantage of very easily. What the Queen of Pentacles in reverse is trying to show you is that, unfortunately, too many people in this world don’t even deserve to be helped. Not by you, at least. Unless you’re getting paid for rehabbing messed up people, let them deal with their own mess and grow up from it. Ultimately the Queen of Pentacles Rx is cautioning you against letting messed up people in your inner circle because these types of people are gonna bring their mess into your Life.
You get to decide, with your skilled discernment, who’s worth helping, fighting for; who’s worth keeping because they give you just as much affection. If, in order to keep serenity in your world you must look like a stingy bitch, let it be. Be selective with who you give your time and money to. Make sure you aren’t sucked dry of spiritual aenergy yourself. Your Higher Self and team of Spirit Guides are saying, this whole winter you’ve got shit to manifest—big, big shit. Preserve your precious aenergy so you can manifest real, long-lasting results~!🌳
f a m i l y – 8 of Cups Rx
Having said all of that, this card is saying: don’t easily walk away from things and endeavours that you know from deep within your heart matter. I think you’re so dreamy and floaty that you could have a hard time being realistic when it comes to the physical manifestation of your real desires. You could think, since they’re unrealistic, you might as well give up and choose to focus on other more pragmatic pursuits. If you must leave, leave the people and environments that don’t support your heart’s desires—don’t leave the desires and end up becoming very unhappy with yourself! After all, with your already methodical mind, you actually have all the power in you to bridge your dreams to Reality.
That’s why, honey, the freedom to be free has always been in your mind. Now you’ve just got to make the right decision—what kind of freedom is real freedom to you? The freedom to choose to kowtow to societal expectations or the freedom to walk your own path no matter how lonely (at first)?
‘If you end up with a boring miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest, or some guy on television telling you how to do your shit, then you deserve it.’ – Frank Zappa
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 2 – Art and Romanticism Have Always Been an Important Part of Your Heart
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i d e n t i t y – 9 of Cups
You have many dreams, but if there’s one thing, you’ve always dreamt to be independent, doing your dreamy things in your dreamy space. I think you’re the kind of person who’d be considered a quiet eccentric. You have many interests and hobbies, and you’re quite sensitive about having your me-time uninterrupted. I think you could erupt if someone walks in on your serious activity and startle you or if someone in your family tells you to go and do something in the middle of your reading. That kinda vibe. You’re quite a loner, actually. You’re super weird tho XD Do you maybe identify as an autistic kid, fam?
Anyway, please know that this Full Cold Moon is inviting you to ponder more deeply about your place amongst Humans. I have a feeling you don’t really like Humans or at least, you find human interactions absolutely exhausting, for the most part. If you know this blog, you know already how much I prize individuality and being alone if it means peace of mind and faster manifestations LOL BUTT!! In this reading, I’m getting that many of you may want to ponder yet again how you interact with people, especially those closest to you because sometimes, there really are people who care about your wellbeing more than you realise.
s e r e n i t y – 10 of Cups Rx
Many of you choosing this Pile probably haven’t got a nice family background. Of course, there are a million scenarios for each person but for the most part, I sense that you’ve felt familial connections to be emotionally unsatisfying. That’s why you seek emotional fulfilment in this multitude of hobbies and interests. Clearly you’re a very intelligent person, that much I’d like to iterate. And so, this reading seeks to validate your feelings about your eccentricity.
Art and all those dramatic things have always been integral to your sense of identity. I really think you should indulge, as long as whatever dramatic things you enjoy aren’t detrimental to your mental or physical wellbeing. If you happen to be the type that’s already doing detrimental things in your pursuit of an emotional high, this card is suggesting you pause breathe and eat before you go after another round of pursuing that high.
f a m i l y – Page of Cups Rx
When you’re pausing, you can cry. Accepting our emotions and acknowledging that they make us Human usually comes with a sense of grieving for all the ways we’ve thought ourselves as being in the wrong. There’s not a thing fundamentally wrong with you, it’s the people around you that have made you feel like you can’t communicate with them with striking vulnerability. And if these experiences have caused you to bear a lot of dark thoughts or negative emotions, I’d like you to know it happens to the best of us.
You could literally turn your pains into art, if anything. If you’ve chosen this Pile as your main pile, know that the pain you’ve experienced through human connections could be turned into art and that your Art has the capacity to heal those who come into contact with its backstory. And this, totally will have a significant place on the world stage because, as you can see, human interactions in recent years have gotten weirder and weirder in some capacity. So many people are hurting from getting disappointed by the…government and celebrities? LOL
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 3 – Princess Kaguya, Is That You?
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i d e n t i t y – 2 of Cups Rx
At the core of your being, you’ve always been different in that your heart is a lot purer, your morality is criminally significantly higher, you’re compassionate and can empathise with people on a level that’s beyond the comprehension of most others. The way you’ve experienced this Human Reality is incomparable to what most others have known. Basically, you’re an alien! And that’s an incredibly modest thing to say about you.
What you genuinely wish to see manifest in this world is vastly more high-vibrational than most people would even care to think about. I hope you accept that you are genuinely such a good person when you’re in your best element. What’s really difficult to maintain is your faith in people, for the most part, because you haven’t really met anyone who’s capable of giving their heart to you as deeply as you’ve given yours. This whole experience has broken your spirit and faith in a lot of things.
s e r e n i t y – 9 of Pentacles
And thus, you’ve carved out a Life of your own, quite separate from most people you’ve ever known. I’m sure you’ve burnt a lot of bridges up until just recently, and I sense, many of you simply know there’s still a few more to burn going forward. This is your confirmation that you’ve done the right thing. In this Human world, too many people buy into the idea that to be good is to be social; but you’ve experienced firsthand that that’s often not the case. You know firsthand that many people’s demons get activated by some weird connections to other people’s demons. And you don’t like that.
So you made a decision to walk away from most aspects of social life and worked your butt off to polish your skills. Some of you have spent many years studying; some of you have spent very many months working on a glow-up; some of you have deepened your spiritual prowess and connected to higher realms; basically, you’ve died and become a ghost… Springtime will bring you the resurrection you deserve, bitch!🎍
f a m i l y – King of Cups
About your Soul Fam though, I feel that travel is highly indicated for you. Some of you, you could be meeting a Soul Fam member during travels, but for the majority of you, this aenergy is giving the idea that you’re literally meant to travel the world or live abroad, perhaps even for the rest of your lives. Highly advanced souls can often have a narrative in which they’re expected to die on a land different from the one they were born into. So, if you’ve been thinking of moving to a different country or state, this is your confirmation that it is indeed part of your soul scenario.
Thanks to modern travel, it’s so easy for highly advanced souls to connect with their true Family members from different countries and that’s something we’re glad about LOL If you’ve ever wondered whether you’re going to die alone and sad, that’s totally not the case. If anything, you have so many Soul Fam members who are going to be just as highly spiritual, profoundly dreamy and vastly empathetic as you are. You’re going to be very glad when the time comes for Soul Families to reunite in the upcoming couple of years~ YAY~!
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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seafoamreadings · 4 months
FULL MOON (4 cancer)
this full moon is powerfully emotional, but often comes along with a fear of losing power due to being emotional! to a certain extent this can be circumvented by 1. only expressing intense feelings in safe company under safe circumstances and/or 2. recognizing the power in emotions, how nothing really ever gets done without them. that capricorn sun loves getting stuff done! so sometimes we need this reminder.
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earthwalkinangel · 4 months
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growwithmeastrology · 4 months
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On December 26th we’re having a Full Moon in the nurturing, emotional and nostalgic sign of Cancer. Also known as the cold moon, it is the highest full moon we will have in the sky all year. We are reflecting on the highest or most important points of the year. Especially since we’re under a Mercury retrograde.
Intuition is higher than normal during this Full Moon. Cancer, being a feminine, intuitive water sign. Tap into higher perspectives when it comes to your roots, home life and emotional foundation so you know what you truly want take with you into the coming new year. The Moon will appear extra full from today, December 25th until the 27th, shining extra light on all our situations. This may cause us to be a little more emotionally overwhelmed than usual.
This moon is asking us to honor our feelings and emotions. Be open to revisiting emotional topics from the year that require some closure and know that sometimes in order to be strong, we have have to look at and heal our softer, more hidden sides first. ☮️💚💫
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turningwheeltarot · 4 months
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Full moon in Cancer (Dec. 26, 2023)
It's interesting that the day after Christmas -- when many of us will have spent/be spending time with our families -- we have a full moon in Cancer -- the sign most associated with the family.
For many of us, issues surrounding our past or families of origin will come front and center in a way we can't deny. This is a gift because it allows us to clearly acknowledge what it is we need to release and/or heal.
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ladyy--lazarus · 4 months
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Full moon in cancer, dancing it all out to techno
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
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notdelusionalatall · 4 months
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full moon in cancer • january 6, 2023
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this full moon is for the GRLLLLSSSSS! i'm very excited for us. the full moon in cancer takes place on january 6, 2023 at 5:08 PM CST. with it even taking place at 16 degrees (a cancer degree), the cosmos are being drenched in cancer/moon energy. this full moon is also taking place on a friday, which is venus day! so when i say this moon is for the grls, i mean that it's for the grls. if you consider yourself a divine feminine, then this full moon was especially made for you to dive deep into your femininity.
apart from all that soft grl era sht that y'all be talking about, this is a time to really connect with your feminine aspect. femininity runs as deep as the ocean - it never ends. connect with your womb and consider healing your mother wounds that your womb still holds onto. how can you better nurture yourself? in what ways have you been robbing yourself of truly being in your feminine energy due to you constantly operating in your masculine? this full moon, we are reclaiming our divine power. what ariana grande say? God is a woman? oh okay. also, think about what needs to be nurtured before you give birth to it because if you were ready for it, you'd have it already. we have to tend to our dreams like they're our plant babies in order for us to ensure long-term results. a lot of people may experience career changes during this time as theres a pull to do more intentional work.
this is a good time to manifest balance between work and rest, more softness and ease, a healthy relationship with your mother and healing any parental wounds in general, more inner safety, a healthy family, and a deeper connection to your ancestors that protect you and support your highest visions. this life is not meant to be as hard as we make it on ourselves. invite more rest in. allow yourself to be receptive while being diligent in your work as well. may this full moon allow you innerstand that you don't have to do things that you don't want to do! amen.
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how to alchemize with the full moon:
create a healthy balance between work and rest
focus on your vision for community
create more boundaries with social media and your real life
value your authentic expression
present your aesthetic without trying to fit in
answer the call to work from home (if this applies to you)
rest in necessary. you will not be punished
release unnecessary pressures
manifestation work!!
self-care night
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villagewitchery · 1 year
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lunasapphire · 4 months
Happy last full moon of the year y’all! 🌕
Full moon is in cancer ♋️
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2mysticmoons · 1 year
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Cancer Full Moon 🦪
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scarynspace · 4 months
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elminx · 5 months
Numerology: December 2023
Quick numerology of the month ahead.
December is a "1" Universal Month [12 (December) + 7 (2023) = 19 = 1+9 = 10 = 1+ 0 =1] in a "7" Universal Year. Technically we could call December a 12/1, but the 12 is implied.
Our new moon at 20° Sagittarius is a 9/1. "9" [Sun in Sagittarius (9) + Moon in Sagittarius (9) = 18 = 1+8 =9] and "1" [9 (Sag moon) + 1 (December 20230 = 10 = 1]. Our full moon at 04° Cancer is a 5/6. "5" [10 (Sun in Capricorn) + 4 (Moon in Cancer) = 14 = 1+4 = 5] and "6" [5 (Cancer full moon) + 1 (December 2023) =6]
Read More About Numerology/Kofi
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turningwheeltarot · 1 year
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Cancer Full Moon (Jan. 6, 2023):
Healing is the focal point of this full moon in Cancer. We are being called to heal the wounds of our past so that we can create a new and better future. To do this, our focus needs to be on the present. When we find ourselves swirling in the pain of our past or in anxiety about the future, we need to pause and breathe deeply into this moment. 
Deeply rooted wounds related to childhood and family have been rising up from the depths to the surface of our awareness. Our wounded inner child may be crying out for our attention and loving care. Negative habits, patterns, and beliefs stemming from unconscious family conditioning may be getting too painful and destructive to ignore anymore. It’s important to be extra kind and gentle with ourselves in this healing process. 
Many of us will be feeling extra sensitive and emotional at this time. Feelings are prone to being hurt more easily right now and there is a tendency to take things personally. It’s likely we will experience some mental  resistance. It may feel like these big feelings are “getting in the way” of what we think we need to do. But we are being gifted with the opportunity to make huge strides in our journey of healing/releasing and growth – if we are brave enough to let ourselves fully feel whatever arises, instead of shoving it away. We are being pushed to get out of our heads, drop into our feelings, and to trust our heart and gut instincts. 
There is also a beautiful creative and visionary energy that we can tap into at this time. Magic is in the air; creative inspiration, epiphanies, and synchronicity may strike at any time in the days surrounding this full moon. Something solid is showing up to help us feel stronger in who we truly are and to support us in stepping into our unique self expression. 
Though there is some intensity to this full moon, it is also filled with blessings – simply remain open to receiving them ❤️
✨Follow me on Instagram: instagram.com/turningwheel360✨ 
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