#god knew if i managed my time better and wasnt Really Fucking Exhausted all the time i would be unstoppable
lunamsubmersi · 2 years
sometimes i think of all the people who have hurt me and i write to them. this is one of those posts. i could say to ignore it but i'm not your boss and i dont really care.
to ledah:
i'm sorry i told you i'd stay when i already knew i wanted to leave but you have to understand: you were right. you can't be saved. not because you're worthless or too far gone but because you refused to save yourself. you didn't want help. you wanted someone to burn with you. i wasn't going to be that person. you broke down so much of the work my therapist guided me through. i told you that i felt the only way to keep you happy was to isolate myself from everyone else and that wasn't a joke. you genuinely made me afraid to speak to anyone else because of your fits. all those talks of me being better off without you were sickening because you knew damn well you used to get rid of most forms of contact after talking about dying when they were still with us. and you knew it scared me. but you were right about that too. you were right about a lot of things. i am better off without you. and i did like ace more. because ace never makes me afraid of living outside of them. ace never freaks out at me for talking to other people a little too enthusiastically. ace never tells me im the only thing keeping them alive. no one does that actually. it was only you. so yeah. i am better off. and i hope to every god out there you never manage to drag someone that fucking low again. i hope there's never another charlotte or another me that has to suffer what you did to us.
to marcy:
you never hurt me but i feel like you deserve to know your brother isn't an honest person. i know you love him and i know there's little chance you'll believe me here but you need to know the truth. ledah always painted you as a villain. charlotte didn't do anything to bad mouth you ever. even when he ranted to us about how you were selfish and mean and lazy, charlotte didn't speak out against you. they would apologize for him having to deal with it. you have no idea how many times i heard ledah talk about how he cant wait for you to move out or how angry he would get when you didn't want to do something anymore. he made you a monster to us and then had us play nice with you. but i did like you. you were kind and funny and genuinely very sweet. even when you decided to cut ties with me, you were gentle about it. and i never blamed you. i just hope one day you see how he really is because i would hate to see you hurt.
to hajime and the two nagis:
you three were exhausting and tiring and mean. i cared for you all sincerely. i still do. but you weren't good friends. it was always obvious you three only valued each other and not me or ruby. all the constant talking ill of other people and aggressively strong opinions that you seemed to use to villify those who disagreed with you were tiring to sit through. i left for my own peace of mind. i know one of the nagis, the one closest to you haji, thought it was jealousy that fueled me at one point. and it wasnt. i didnt care if they didn't like me. i cared that they had the audacity to lie to me and then use my characters in a plotline without my consent on the matter. i cared about the broken trust and all the lying they did. i sincerely hope you three have changed in the time since then and learned to treat others better.
and to diana:
i know you'll never see this but you genuinely were like a twin sister to me. i adored you. i dont think you ever felt the same way though, despite that title being one you first started. sometimes i still think about that time in middle school at lunch when everything i was dealing with in silence got too much and i tried to hurt myself. and when you all finally talked me into stopping and i sat down to try and push it all back down, you told one of our other friends i was doing it for attention. you said that knowing you were speaking normally and in earshot of me. i dont know what you thought that would do. but it did make me regret listening to all of you. i havent seen you in years now. and funnily enough, out of all the memories we have together? that's the one i always remember first. that's the clearest. i hope you don't speak to or about your brother like that. i hope you learned to be better. i hope you think of that day and regret that sentence for years.
0 notes
eagehaunting · 3 years
Mystery March 2021 day 4: Storm
Thank god Arthur let her borrow the van while he worked today. It made it so much easier to load up her small apartment and ship it to their new home- and in only three trips! Vivi bounces lightly in the drivers seat, glancing around and checking over the van one more time to be sure she got every box inside. Who knows how much stuff Arthur had to pack. He had his tools and his cork boards, along with his mattress and television... it would probably take them three-to-four trips at most. Knowing Arthur, they would probably be smushed together in the front seat because he’d pack the van to the brim!
There wasn’t a single box left, mind for a hanger or two. Perfect! Vivi starts the van and eases herself out of their new driveway, and hurriedly begins to drive down the road.
Thankfully Kingsmen’s mechanics wasn’t too far. Vivi leans over the wheel to take in the dark, heavy clouds that began to circle in the last hour. It shouldn’t take too long to get everything in order, but they should at least try to beat the rain.
Next thing she knew, she was pulling up behind the mechanics shop, and a familiar blond man props the back door open.
“Hey there, stranger!” Vivi calls as she shuffles out, quickly skipping to open the van’s back doors and keep them open. Arthurs footsteps trail up behind her, Vivi casts a small glance. “Are you excited?”
“A bit.” Arthur says, rubbing the exhaustion from his eyes. “Lance let me off early so I can prepare all my things, so it should be easy.”
“Nice!” Vivi beams, swiftly moving past him and making a beeline for the back door, whilst completely ignoring how Arthur looks up at the sky with a frown. “Wanna get the big stuff first?”
Vivi was right, Arthur and her did wind up squished together in the front seat. Arthurs mattress, cork boards, and dresser were crammed in the back, and then surrounded by several boxes full of clothes, tools, and books. Although she did overestimate how much he actually had.
Arthur had managed to cram the entire van with everything he physically had. Stacked from floor the ceiling in haphazard and shaky towers besides and against the bed frame! Vivi would have to drive steadily to avoid a catastrophe.
In the front seat was Arthurs toolbox, a crate full of Galahad’s items, and then a small travel cage that he held in his own hand holding his hamster.
Arthur scoots over as much as he can, fidgeting a bit the more their thighs touch. Of course due to the lack of space, that led to a centimeter of room.
“Sorry about this, Vi,” he coughs into his hand, “I honestly thought that we wouldn’t be this cramped! I figured-“
Vivi blows a raspberry, scooting over herself so she was pressed against the door and offering up another centimeter. “No biggie! I’m glad we did it this way. Now we can get everything inside before we get hit with hail.”
“Hail? I thought it was just a thunderstorm!”
“I thought so too.” Vivi squeezes her hand into her pocket and whisks out her phone - which was partially damp from sweat. Wiping it off quickly, Vivi opens the weather app and lets Arthur snatch it.
He grimaces, “Yikes.”
“Yeah, better hope Lewis doesn’t get hit in the head when he comes home.”
“Or that the power goes out.” Arthur adds grimly. Vivi blows out another raspberry.
“I don’t think that’ll happen. Dont be such a sourpuss.”
“Wanna bet? It’ll be in character for whatever house we got.”
Vivi lifts an eyebrow, glancing over at him, “And whats that supposed to mean?”
Arthur’s smiling, and with a short shrug, “terrifying and haunted. Perfect atmosphere for a black out-”
“Nope!” Vivi barks back, wagging her finger intensely and shaking her head, “Lewis and I made absolute sure that there would be no ghosts in this house. I told you this.”
“Are you sure? You guys double checked? Triple checked?” Arthur probes, leaning forward and sticking his face into hers before retreating, making her laugh.
“Of course! I even had Mystery scope out the house, and there are no ghosts.”
“And if there is?”
Vivi shoots him a pointed, comedic look, “then you can add another.”
They both chuckle now, lightly elbowing one another. But soon after Arthur hums quietly and sinks back in his spot, a small smile crossing across his face as he watches the road ahead of them. He was convinced, perfect. Vivi gloated silently.
For a moment she’s tempted to turn the radio on to fill the silence, but Arthur suddenly turns to her inquisitively.
“Hey, so I never fully explored the house like you and Lewis did, mind filling me in on everything?”
A thrill of excitement rockets through Vivi and her head bounces in time with her, and she rapidly taps the steering wheel. “Okay so- it’s a fairly cheapish house for its size. It’s got a decent sized backyard, a nice sizable garage that can fit two cars and all of our equipment. And if it doesn’t, then we can just get a shed behind the garage to do so.” Vivi illustrates her point with her fingers, hoping that Arthur could follow along. “Lewis was actually talking about setting up a garden back there and- wait, never mind, back to the house. First and foremost, the most exciting aspect, there’s a basement!”
“Which is probably why you say it’s ‘cheap’?” Arthur says with a light snicker.
“Yeah! The guy didn’t charge us extra for the space- or the alcohol cellar! And I even went down there to check and everything seems up to code and in well order? I don’t know- we may have to worry about some floods, but we also live in the desert.”
“Next, we have like...” Vivi counts on her fingers three times before she holds up three fingers. “Three rooms! Two on the main level and one upstairs, but there’s also a closet on the main floor, along with a bathroom- and then one of the rooms actually has its own bathroom! Honestly I feel you should get that room, since you should have your own space and all that-“
Arthur opens his mouth to object, but Vivi doesn’t give him a chance.
“Lewis insisted that I got the upstairs bedroom and he can take the smallest- but! We haven’t decided on who gets what room just yet, so we got time to rock-paper-scissors it out. Moving on-“
Up ahead on the dirt road, a lonely-looking house with a tree along the side of it pops into view.
“There’s a nice sized kitchen, and while there isn’t a dining room, Lewis was thinking of converting some of the space into a dining room? I mean- he actually ordered a table online but it hasn’t shipped yet, so for now we’re going to be using my table. So get ready to be sitting on the floor for a while.”
Arthur rolls his eyes with a small laugh and nods, just as Vivi pulls into the driveway and into the backyard. Her eyes glaze for half a second as she parks the van.
“And... that’s it I think! There’s going to be a lot of setting up, but I think we can make it all work.”
“Yeah, besides we can always just eat in the livingroom amongst a sea of boxes while we figure things out. Although Lewis might flay us for suggesting that.”
Vivi chortles and nods, “Yeah! Yeah you aren’t wrong. But c’mon! Let’s get your stuff inside, I think Im hearing thunder.”
“Already?” Arthur glances up at the sky as Vivi throws open her door. She makes a mad dash for the back door, propping it open for them and waving to Mystery who was just out of sight. Arthur slinks out after her and carries Galahad inside.
“Okay so-“ Vivi doenst kick off her shoes but wipes them off on a mat that was placed at the back door, “since we haven’t chosen any rooms yet, Lewis and I agreed to put all of our stuff in the livingroom. Is that cool with you?”
“I - I mean it’s not like I have a choice, now do I?” Vivi winces and nods, and Arthur sighs. “Okay, we can leave the bigger stuff in the van for now then, but then let’s get the little stuff.”
“Good idea,” Vivi hooks his arm and pulls him further down the hall, passing two doors on either side of them and a stairway.
“Besides! If we have to camp out in the living-room then we can just pull out the bed in the couch and a couple of futons...”
Vivi freezes in the entrance of the living-room, jaw falling.
Arthur stops glancing around at the floorboards and then wallpaper and joins her, “Something wrong?”
Oh, something was wrong alright, and it hits them both like a bag of bricks the second they step in.
On the couch, Mystery was curled up and lightly chatting to a heavy set ghost. A ghost who drapes their arm across the couch snd sneers at them. ”Welcome to my humble abode.”
“What the fuck?”
Vivi flinched as she nearly feels Arthurs glare digging into her neck. Her own mouth went dry as it hits her all at once.
“I didn’t know- Arthur, I swear to god I thought there wasn’t a single ghost here. I promise.” Arthur’s face is still twisted in dismay, and she couldn’t really blame him. Twisting, Vivi points at Mystery and the dog jumps to attention.
“Back me up here! We both investigated this place top to bottom, he-“
”She.” the ghost hisses
”she- my bad- wasnt here, right?”
Mystery nods, folding his paws on the couch’s arm. “It’s true, Arthur, we had done the best we could and we honestly believed that there was no one else residing in this territory.” Mystery then casts a cursory glance back at the spirit, who nonchalantly drank from a a darkened glass, hardly sparing them a glance. “However, you know that experienced spirits can be excellent hiders. She merely concealed herself until now.”
Arthur let’s put a heavy breath that Vivi didn’t notice he was holding, before gently setting down Galahad’s cage. A stark contrast to the rapid twitch in his eyelid.
“Great! Fantastic. So why did she decide to hide?”
”Im right here.” The ghost suddenly says, casting a dirty look that both spoke profanity and exuded grace.
“Okay,” unaffected, Arthur side steps until he was able to face her himself, “then I’m sure you don’t mind telling us why you’ve been squatting here.”
Her eyes snap open, before her face twists with menace and she unfolds her crossed legs, slamming her glass down with a sharp clink. Arthur flinches as that sound shoots through him.
”’Squatting?’ My, those are some awfully bold words for someone who started trembling the second you entered my domain.” She rises, and despite how short she was compared to Arthur, she trapped him in her shadow. ”This is my home, and no bank can simply give away my property to measly little rats.”
“He-hey now, ma’am,” Vivi steps in front of Arthur, who’s hands immediately latch onto her shoulders, “look, this is a misunderstanding on our part. You see- my friend here is a medium, and he’s been ... tormented by a lot of spirits. So he agreed to live here under the assumption that there were no spirits. You can understand why he’s upset, right?”
”And you can understand that so am I, correct?”
Groaning lightly, Mystery hops off the couch and also stands between the two groups, lazily guarding as if nothing was really wrong.
“Of course! This is your home... can you describe to us how? So that way we can respect your boundaries and ensure no other issues occur?”
Arthurs fingers tightly grip Vivi’s shoulder, and she reaches up and pats them lightly.
Thankfully, the ghost seems pleased with the pseudoapology, and their shoulders relax by a fraction. ”I built this house, a ways away from my old home so that way I can have the luxury of peace and quiet. It was an expensive project, but one I carry pride in. I simply couldn’t leave my home to just anyone after I perished.”
Arthur creaks, “S-so you.. stick around?”
”Precisely. I ensure that no punks come in and try to take claim to what isnt theres.” That is marked by a pointed glare at Arthur, who shrinks back behind Vivi further. Regretting his choices up until now.
Blowing out the breath she was holding, Vivi forces a smile and claps lightly. “Alright! Then, what can we do to show you that we mean no harm? Or will we be thrown out regardless.”
With this, she chuckles, voice getting low and almost purring. ”You will have to prove yourself, and earn a place in my hearth. If you cannot do so by the end of the month, then I will make your lives a living hell until you run for the hills.”
“Awesome!” Vivi claps again to hide the bemoaned muttering. Taking a few steps forward- and incidentally dragging Arthur with her- she holds out her hand to the spirit.
“Well I hope you wish us luck. My name is Vivi, and this is Arthur.” Arthur coughs lightly and nods a greeting, but keeps his mouth shut.
The woman blinks calmly, taking in Vivi’s hand with a surprised consideration, before smiling herself and taking it in a firm handshake.
”The pleasure is mine. Address me as Lilith Primrose.”
“Oh~ that’s a lovely name you have there!” Vivi offers, smiling brightly.
”Thank you. I picked it myself.”
Vivi nods and release her hand, stepping back. “So.. I know we got off to a rough start, but do you mind if me and Arthur bring his stuff in? It’s going to rain soon and we still will be moving in-“
A crack of thunder fills the air, Arthur and her both flinch, before turning to Lilith for confirmation. Who then rolls her eyes and shoos them away.
”Like I said, you all have a month to come into my good grace. You better get started now.”
“Thank you.”
With that, Vivi grabs Arthurs wrist and pulls him down the hall, lightly scolding him and apologizing at the same time, but also letting him do the same back.
It’s what she deserves honestly...
Within fifteen minutes, the rain had started to sprinkle. They decided the best thing to do was to get the largest items - the mattress- inside first so it wouldn’t get drenched, but that left the cork boards and the bed frame, which they decided may be better to keep in the van to protect the integrity and quality. Then they spent the next half an hour racing back and forth with various boxes that they decided to dump into what was now Arthurs room- the bedroom closest to the back with a bathroom. Vivi opted to stack his boxes on the mattress while Arthur simply tossed them onto the floor- claiming he knew they weren’t going to break as easily.
After an hour, it was pouring in sheets. The last of the boxes were quickly abandoned in Arthurs room, and both of them tore into one of the boxes to fetch towels to dry themselves off.
“Jesus Christ..” Vivi huffs, ringing out her skirt into one of the incredibly damp towels. “I feel bad for Lewis, he still has to drive home in this.”
“Yeah, poor fuck.” Arthur groans lightly and rubs his eyes, “brace yourself, turning on the light,” Palming the wall until he hit the light switch, Arthur prays that they’ll be given just one thing.
Only... for the room to remain just as dark.
Vivi looks at him for a moment as he stares in befuddlement at the switch, which he rapidly flipped on and off. Muttering to himself, ”oh come on...”
“Hold up, maybe the wiring is funky?” Vivi offers, stepping over boxes and opening the bathroom door, and she quickly flips the switches herself.
The power was still out as the storm persisted. Even when Lewis came home drenched from the walk to the porch from his car.
Of course, that wasn’t going to stop them. They were plenty prepared with gas canisters, spare batteries, flashlights, candles, and a gas stove.
Lewis made a remark on how glad he was that they only seemed to have meats in the fridge, but those comments slowly dwindled as he got to work making spaghetti by candle light. Vivi set out to line the kitchen’s low table with several of her unscented candles. As much as she wanted to bust out her various sweet smelling ones, the boys asked her to refrain so not mess with their senses.
Which wasn’t an issue by any means! Vivi didn’t want to dig them out anyway...
“Alright, that should do it.” Lewis murmurs to himself as he turns off the burner and grabs his tongs, pulling out the cooked noodles and layering them on three separate plates. He calls over his shoulder, “Arthur, Vivi! Dinner is ready.”
A distant “Coming!” And then frantic footsteps fight against the sound of the rain outside, and Lewis covers the noodles in their sauce before turning and placing them on Vivi’s low table. Vivi comes in with flat pillows and places them in their respective spots before kneeling and taking her spot.
“Thank you Lewis~ this smells really good.” She says, wafting in the garlic and onion at her face with a dramatic sniff. Just in time for Arthur to trail in with Mystery at his side.
Mystery scans the plates, before frowning at Lewis.
Lewis raises an eyebrow and smirks, “What? You can’t eat this, remember.”
“You and I know very well that I can eat more than all of you combined.” The dog shoots back, plopping down beside Vivi who scratches his ear.
“Well it’s not good for you.” Lewis points out, before reaching beside him and pulling out a plate of Mystery’s gourmet doggy dinner. “Now are you going to keep complaining or eat?”
“Oooh~” Vivi grins and pats mystery’s head, “Youre this close to missing out on greatness, boy! Better shut your trap.”
Mystery did indeed shut his trap, quickly scuttling over to Lewis’s side to retrieve his bowl- licking his lips to avoid showing how much he was salivating at the smell.
Arthur takes his seat on his bottom than his knees. Rolling his fork through the noodles slowly, but not saying anything, even as Vivi and Lewis chat as he grabs drinks.
It’s only when Vivi shoves a heaping of spaghetti into her mouth and moans in delight does he realize that they need something else. Lewis froze in his tracts, wincing the smallest bit as Vivi chews. She’s been hungry all day, so it makes sense that she would rather dig in- Mystery too.
Poor guys misophonia has got to be going crazy.
“Hey, do you guys want to watch howls moving castle? Or - uh.. spirited away?” Lewis and Vivi both shoot him inquisitive looks, although Lewis relaxes the smallest bit at the distraction. Arthur adds on, tapping his earlobe, “I can also grab your ear plugs, Lew. So that way the ... sounds don’t bother you too much.”
Lewis’s lips tighten. Oh shit, he probably didn’t want to embarrass Vivi-
A loud gasp and smack grabs both of their attention. Vivi stopped chewing, a hand over her mouth as she realized. Swallowing everything down in one gulp, Vivi gestures frantically in apologize. “Shit- Lewis I’m sorry. I can grab your ear plugs if you want? It totally slipped my mind.”
He lifts his hand, smiling sweetly. “It’s okay, I’ll go grab them. But yes, Arthur, I certainly wouldn’t mind a movie.”
Still flushed, Vivi nods too, “the rain will be a nice backdrop to a beautiful Ghibli movie. Do you need the disk?”
“No,” Arthur pushes himself up, “I got it downloaded on my computer. I’ll go grab it.”
He and Lewis both leave the kitchen, and he turns to go to his room, a small flashlight in hand to light the way.
It was already unpacked, plugged into a battery pack and charging for the past few hours. Arthur whisks it up and ambles back to the kitchen, where Lewis and Vivi were talking again. Good! Lewis is situated, now time to pull up the movie. Holding it one arm, Arthur input his password, searches through his hard drive...
But before he steps back into the kitchen, a soft flow catches his eye.
Lilith is sitting on the couch still, possibly had been for a while now, but either no one noticed or no one choose to bother her in the dark.
He watches her for a few moments, filling with guilt and momentary fear over earlier...
Then he sighs, resigning himself, and he steps into the kitchen and sets the computer down. Instead of getting back in his spot to turn on the movie, Arthur shuffles to the cabinet and fetches another plate.
“What are you up to, Artie?”
“Going to feed some raccoons?” Vivi jokes, even as Lewis makes a disgruntled noise at the thought.
“No, just give me one moment, okay?”
Arthur can feel them watching him, but he sucks in his breath and layers noodles and sauce onto a plate, before fetching a fork.
And then leaving the kitchen again, this time making a beeline for the couch.
Lilith hears him coming and gives him a cursory glance. Her eyes widen as she takes note of the plate as it’s set down beside her.
Clearing his throat, Arthur grips his hands together anxiously and forces himself to keep eye contact. “A-about earlier.. I’m sorry that I snapped on you. It... I hope we can get along.”
Lilith doesn’t say anything, looking from him to the plate.
She stands, nods, and turns on her heel to go to the basement door, vanishing before she even touched it.
Well fuck you too then. Arthur scowls lightly, huffing the smallest bit after she was out of sight. There’s nothing he can do now, and it’s up to her to decide if she wants to accept his apology.
Whatever, just go and eat dinner.
He takes his spot. While he was offering the meal, Vivi had found the movie and paused it before it began to play, and Lewis had already plugged his ears. He sends Arthur a thumbs up and a thankful smile. Arthur nods in return and grabs his fork to eat.
The movie started, and the atmosphere was both warm and comfortable, especially with the four of them enraptured in the unfolding plot. Spouting small ideas and pointing out little details, along with memories and theories.
The conversation only came to a halt when someone else clears their throat.
Vivi pauses the movie in an instant, and all four of them look up to see Lilith standing before them. Her face contorted in worry as she grips... a wine bottle. Lilith shrinks a bit at the sudden attention, but she clears her throat a second time and holds the bottle out a small bit.
“C... congratulations you four, you passed my test. I am looking forward to living with you all, and to celebrate, I wanted you to have some of my aged wine.” She stammers a bit, shifting anxiously from side to side, before setting the bottle down with a hefty clank. After doing so, she turns to leave.
Vivi, however, jumps up and latches onto her sleeve, pulling her back the smallest bit and earning a wide eyed stare.
Vivi beams back at her, “We’re watching some movies, would you like to join us?”
Lilith blinks rapidly, glancing between all of them, and being met with gentle smiles and affirmations.
”I... of course, I’d love to. Let me grab my plate! Oh- and some glasses. What are we going to be watching?”
Lilith shuffles beside Lewis, and the five of them all continue watching, sipping some tasty wine and eating their food peacefully.
They didn’t even notice that the rain died down and the power was back on until they were heading to bed
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Summery- Bucky returns home after a mission, and makes some slight changes. Soft, Sweet, Flashbacks in italiacs. Written for @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ Stars Follower Celebration. The prompt- “Im never letting you leave this bed again” Thank you @curtisbbq​ for letting me borrow your idea. 
Word Count- 2833
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Bucky returned to the compound, dirty, rough around the edges, and just fucken damn glad to be home. What an odd thought, he really start to feel like this was home, YOU were home. The first time since he left for the army way back when, now he had a place to settle down, let himself explore something he had yearned for for a lifetime to most.He was home, he had to admit being able to get used to this.
Following Sam to weapons lock up, he just replaced most of his tactical gear, the weapons, well they were his babies, and all needed to be personally attended to, cleaned before he could in good concious put them in the lock up. Sam slammed the cage door after putting away his Falcon Wings when he looked over at Bucky. 
“You know, you might wanna clean up before going up to Y/N, especially your hair man.” 
Bucky really didnt know what he was going on about, but reaching up, he could feel the rats nest of tangles that formed, 2 weeks in some remote bum fuck area being shot at would do that. And honestly he was ripe, it probably wouldnt do well for the upcoming reunion between the two of you. 
“Trust me, your not any better off.” Bucky retorts back, locking his own cage door, and headed towards the showers. 
“The ladies all love me!” Sam called to Buckys retreating back, chuckling in amusement, opting to head back to his own apartment. After the couple weeks they been with each other every waking moment, they both needed a break from one another.
After his shower Bucky stood at the mirror, alone in the facility, and the mess that showed back in his reflection made him wince. Sure the bruises and cuts, not a big deal. He would heal from those fairly quickly. He managed to work out the mess of a knot, It looked just like himself looking back, but he wasnt seeing James “Bucky”  Buchanan Barnes, no, he still saw The Winter Soldier, the man with an unknown number of kills under his belt.  But he knew... He remembered every single one. The knowledge brought him the greatest grief, it was heavy on his shoulders, even with the vibranium arm holding him up. It made his physical aches pale in comparison, 
Nearby his phone gave off your ringtone, and he snapped back out of his thoughts, glancing down to see a picture of you two lighting up the screen,and suddenly that heaviness was gone. 
You were playing music on your phone as the two of you walked the compound grounds after a long exhausting day. Honestly Bucky would have been content to crashing on the couch to reruns of Bobs Burgers, you always would giggle during that dumbass show. But you insisted on this first. “Please Bucky, just a quick walk down to the river” He relented, you did ask so nicely. His arm rested lightly around your hip as you would sweep down to pluck a flower and twirl it in your fingers before twisting it into the crown of your head. 
“Where the brave are free and lovers soar Come ride with me to the distant shore We won't hesitate to break down the garden gate There's not much time left today Life is a highway I want to ride it all night long...”
You phone sang and you plucked it out, opening the camera as you moved behind him, jumping up on his back, catching Bucky by surprise, his arm shoots behind to help hold you up. 
“Smile Barnes!” Resting your chin atop his head, and his eyes rolled up in a exasperated look, the corner of his mouth coming up in a grin at you. You wrapped your legs tighter around his waist and slid down a bit, like a hug from behind, and nuzzled your face against his own. 
God Damn He loved you. 
You gave him joy 
‘Heard your FINALLY are back. See you tonight when I get home. Im gonna blow this popsicle stand early. Picking up chinese. Dont worry, Im going to get that orange chicken extra spicy. Cant wait to see you. Love you Sargent. XOXO’ 
And ahh, there it was, Home. He thought seeing your message, the way you were all about blowing off the rest of your day to come back, taking care of him picking up his favorite guilty pleasure, and the way you insisted on calling him Sargent, even before the two of you started taking your friendship further. Simply setting his phone down, his gaze lifted back to the mirror, and thats when he decided he wanted to bring Sargent Bucky Barnes back. Collecting a hair clipping kit from the shelf, he got to work. 
Waiting for the elevator to bring him up the flights, his hand went to brush through the shortly cropped hair, it was a bit more in style with today, a mess of tufts atop his head, it was different, it would be different for you. You were so used to the longer look and always told him how you loved them. Hell the first time you two started hanging out, you snuck in his room and braided it just for the hell of it much to his horror. How would you react to this? The elevator buzzed open and he went down the hall to your shared apartment, the door locked. 
Digging out his keys, they clink against the vibranium of his hand letting him know he had them in his grasp and pulled them out of his jeans pockets, getting the door unlocked, and stepping inside, its all quiet. Usually you had a bit of music playing of some sort in the background. He never knew what it would be, you were set on giving him an education of lyrics and tunes. So far he had no complaints with your choices. Dropping his keys in the bowl you kept as your “Keep all the shit off my kitchen counter” bowl, he went to go see what you were last playing for music. Picking up the ipod you so lovingly cherished, he pressed play. And guess what the song was. 
Disney. Lion King to be exact. You had just gotten out of the shower and were singing to Hakuna Matata, and Bucky had been stretched out on the end of the bed, watching you in the steamy bathroom, wriggle your hips as you pull your panties up over your ass “When I was a young warthoooog!” Bucky broke out in laughter right here, pushing himself up to sit and you pulled one of his shirts over your head as you left the bathroom, continuing along with your song, and cupping his face, looking down at him. 
“It means no worries For the rest of your days It's our problem-free philosophy Hakuna Matata!”
You wink at him and kiss his forehead, his arm lopes around your hip, drawing you to sit in his lap, kissing in the curve of your shoulder and neck, placing feather light nips and trace of his nose along the softness, inhaling your honeysuckle softness. You trail fingers along his shoulder and nuzzle into him, enjoying the early morning moment, before the day truly started. 
“We should adopt that philosophy you know” You say chuckling as your still humming the tune softly, swinging your legs that dangled over Buckys lap. “Means no worries, no worries about us showing up to work on time.” He chuckles against your shoulder and lifts his head to kiss your lips, playing at nipping between tangling of tongues and pulling away. “And have Sam come barging up here demanding to know where my ass was not down training the new recruits? He wouldnt know where to start with this group.” You scoff with a roll of your eyes, and nudge him to fall back, straddling his hips and running hands up his chest. “You think Im scared of the Falcon, bring it Oversized Pigeon.”
Fuck he loved you.
You gave him so much laughter. 
Turning it up further, he went to go grab a beer from the fridge and with a twist, he flung the cap into the disposal, taking a drag off it. He never knew he would enjoy these craft beers you insisted on buying cause “There seasonal bits of goodness, let me have my weakness... well one of my weakness” A very obvious salacious wink thrown his way. A lick of his lips cleared any residue on the beer and he was about to check his phone to see if you sent him another message, usually you were good about blowing it up when he heard the door handle click open, and with your usual gusto of chaos, swept in. Your keys missed the bowl, of course. You never actually followed your own rules. And a quick kick sent sneakers flying off your feet. “Bucky Baby, that better be you. If it isnt, im about to whoop ass on whomever it is.” 
You come around the corner and dump the bags of chinese on the counter, still not having seen Bucky, but you caught sight of a flash of him over your shoulder, in the living room. You couldnt wait to see your man, it had been so long, and Fuck you just missed him. Tossing everything else down on the counter, hell you were all about breaking rules, especially your own, your turn on the balls of his feet, calling him again “Bucky Barnes, I so- “ Cutting yourself off immediately when you step into the living room and your mouth hangs open a bit in surprise. Self consciously he touches the top of his head. 
“You... You cut your hair!” It was said in surprise, pure surprise. Its not like normally something like this would surprise you with a regular person, this was Bucky Barnes, the man who tried to stay as routine as possible for the simple fact it was that he was in complete control of himself, and that is what he was all about. You had never seen him even have the desire to cut his hair, ever. 
“You like?” His voice is soft, almost a child like softness to it, and a worried look on his face, like maybe he made a mistake? You give a shake of your head, and that surprise looks fades into an excited one, crossing the room to reach him.
“Baby, fuck I LOVE IT”
You two are driving, no where in particular. You were restless, the hot sunshine weather making you itch to go for a drive, Imagine Buckys surprise when you held up a pair of keys to Tonys Acura Nsx, wiggling brows at him. 
“Is that... Starks keys?” Bucky questioned when you tossed them at him, wrapping your arm around his and tugging him along. 
“Yup, ssshh, we will bring it back. Were just borrowing it. For the day.” 
“You know your starting to remind me of Steve.” He accused as you two entered the garage, and he opened the convertibles door for you, slipping inside. 
“Sorry baby, he doesnt borrow rigs this nice. Im a class all my own.” Giving him a smirk, you slammed the door shut and he just shook his head while circling to the drivers side. 
Miles away, Bucky is loosening up to your little trip, your flipping the radio to some random station, singing along in that soft voice of yours. 
“So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover That I know you can't afford Bite that tattoo on your shoulder Pull the sheets right off the corner Of the mattress that you stole...”
Bucky glanced over at you while you were so lost in the moment, your feet were dangling out the door, you yourself were angled to lean into him, the aviator glasses slid down to the tip of your nose, and with a push of the button, you dropped the top down, your long tresses of hair whipping around you, you slid your hand into his and lifted it to your face, brushing his knuckles along the side of your face, your eyes sparking over the glasses at him. His foot pushed onto the gas, and the the Acura sped up, taking you two anywhere and nowhere at the same time, it didnt matter anymore what the plan was. 
Chaos and All, he loved you. 
You gave him adventures.
“Do you?” Relief crossing his face and easing the tension he held, your hands immediately brushing into the soft locks of hair, marveling now at how soft they were, sprigs popping in between fingers and you bit your lip, eyes shinning up at him, in a playful manner, you gave a slight tug and stepped in closer to him. 
“Bucky, absolutely I do, this is the best surprise ever, even better then when you let me call you Bucky Bear in public.” 
He rolled his eyes and snorted, tracing his hand over your hip to grasp your ass. “That was a one time thing, and the barista was clearly uncomfortable writing ‘Y/N’s Bucky Bear; on the cup.” Who is he kidding? He actually loved it and you knew it. You wiggle your nose at him and place a loving kiss on his lips. 
“Yet you still allowed it. But why, tell me why the change?” 
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How you managed to drag him to the museum display once again, he didnt know. But this seemed to be something you loved, the two of you walking quietly around the different exhibits. Reading over the information, and your questions would draw stories out of him that others didnt know, short of Rogers. His gaze would lift to the faces of his howling commando brothers, from a life time ago, and you would tumble into a decent part of his past. No, it wasnt perfect. There were hard memories edging the shadows of his mind, but you only encouraged the better parts, the parts he was proud to tell. 
“It was our fifth hydra outpost, and the prisoners they had kept there were the rowdiest bunch. They drank all of us under the table that night in celebration. Short of Steve... poor guy couldnt even catch nothing more then a few minute buzz.” 
You shake your head chuckling and wrinkle your nose at the idea. “Well that would suck, cant even get yourself a proper buzz, let alone drunk. I dont know, maybe the serum wasnt worth it.” Moving the two of you to the next display, and he caught a look on your face, and then turned his attention to what you were staring at. A picture of Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes, himself with a piece of his history. “This one here, my favorite display in here. You look so handsome, so proud.” Your head would rest on his shoulder. “But Im gonna be honest, your best picture is the one on my nightstand. They should have that in here.” One of all of you back at the compound, you and Natasha playing video games against him and Steve. in that photo he was laughing at something Natasha had said, a deep laugh, holding onto Steves shoulder as he doubled over.
He looked at the photo, tucking you in close to his side, but remained silent. That one on the wall was a life time ago, but yes, he was proud of who he was before Hydra.
Quietly, He loved you
You gave him Pride.
“It was just time for a change Y/N, time to say goodbye to that part of myself I just... I cant take any of it back, but I can move on from it. Im ready for our memories to be what I see in the mirror.” He confessed, his gaze falling down to look lower then in your eyes, and you, well damned if that man couldnt stir you to your soul. 
Your hands cup his face to bring his gaze back up, kissing him fiercely, no hold back, all of it was just poured into this kiss to your Bucky Barnes, he accepted it. His arms pulled you up to wrap your legs around his hips, and a hand snaked up the back of your shirt, pressing the small of your back in flush against him, your chest crushing against his and your arms loped around his neck. Falling back against the couch, you arch up from where you were sitting low on his stomach, running your arms down his chest. “Get comfy Sergeant, Im never letting you leave this bed again.” 
His brows lifted as his hands moved to lightly grasp your thighs on either side on his waist. “Baby, you know this is the couch....?” 
“Shut up Barnes, we will make it to the bed eventually, now kiss me like you missed me, cause fuck I missed you!” 
Always, He loved you
You gave him his Home.
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@p8tn0lish @what-is-your-plan-today @official-and-unstable-satan @jtargaryen18
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backtobackbakubabe · 4 years
I’m Gonna Make This Place Your Home
Bakugo X Reader 
Runaway reader finds a home with Bakugo. But will trouble follow?
Warnings * This one is a little heavier than stuff I have written in the past. Kidnapping and mentions of abuse. 
Words: 3676
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This was the third night in a row he had woken up in a cold sweat. This had been happening periodically for months but it had been happening more frequently lately. It was the same dream over and over again. It would always start as a normal dream but before he knew it, there was a girl maybe a year or two younger than he was. She was always dressed in the same shitty dress. Her hair wild and tangled. But  nothing was more haunting than her eyes. They were so sad and scared. She was always reaching out to him, her lips moving but no noise coming out. He desperately wanted to know what she was saying, but he never got the chance. He’d always wake up panting and angry. 
It didn't matter what time it was he always got up after that and went for a run. There was no going back to sleep after that. Those eyes were burned into his brain. Every time he closed his eyes he could see that scared look, and it crushed him. 
He didn't even know this girl. At least he didn’t think he did. He read somewhere that your brain can’t invent new people so all the people in your dreams where people you had seen before. 
Was she someone he had saved in the past. No he would have remembered her, he could tell she was pretty even if she was underfed and covered in dirt. Was she someone he saw in a movie or on TV? That had to be it. The only problem was he had been so busy with hero work he hadn't had the time to relax and watch anything in months. He was in his first year as a Pro Hero and he was working relentlessly to make sure everyone knew his name. 
He poured himself a cup of coffee and took a look at the clock. 4 am. Fuck he had only been asleep for a little over two hours. He rubbed his temples. He had to report to work in six hours. Maybe he should just go in early. If he’s going to be awake he might as well get paid for it. 
He sluggishly got dressed and drained the rest of his coffee. Thank god today was supposed to be a short day anyways. He didn't know if he could make it through another 24 hour shift. 
The ding of the elevator sounded louder than usual, and in his exhausted grumpy state he took it very personally. As if the elevator knew he was tired and wanted to taunt him. 
He walked over to his desk and threw his bag that held his costume onto it before slumping into his chair. 
“Wow. dont take this wrong way. But you kind of look like shit.” He looked over to the cheery as hell red head that he usually would consider his best friend, “How the hell am I not supposed to take that the wrong way?”
Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck, “I mean you just look tired is all. Speaking of which shouldn't you be asleep right now? Your shift doesn't start until 10. I know you’re punctual and all but four hours early seems a bit extreme.” 
He leaned back in his chair attempting to rub the exhaustion from his eyes, “I’m fine. I have paperwork to catch up on before my shift starts anyways.” 
Kirishima gave him a concerned look, “You hate paperwork man. What’s really going on?”
He debated for a few seconds if he should say anything, but then decided it might help to actually to talk about it with someone. “I’ve been having these weird dreams... Theres always this girl-”
“A girl! ooooh is she pretty?” 
He gave the red head an annoyed look. 
“Oh right not important. Continue. Sorry.”
He rolled his eyes, “Yes she is pretty. Anyways. She keeps popping into my dreams. It looks like she needs help but I can never hear her. She’s dirty and way too skinny and I dont know.. Its just messing with my head.” 
Kirishima seemed to ponder on that for a bit, “Do you recognize the girl? Like is she someone you know?” 
Bakugo sighed, “No, at least I dont think I do.” 
Kirishima nodded, “What is she doing in these dreams?” 
“I dont know. I guess she’s reaching out to me. At least that’s what it looks like.” 
Kirishima brought his hand up tp his chin as if he was Sherlock Holmes solving a case, “Why dont you take her hand then? If she’s reaching out to you, it must mean she wants you to right?” 
Bakugo threw his hands up in defeat, “I dont fucking know! Even if I wanted to it’s not like I have complete control over my dreams. I’m asleep for fucks sake.” 
Kirishima rolled his eyes, “Alright grumpy gills. I think you need a nap. And this time if any girls happen to stroll through your dreams at least try to hold their hand and see where that gets you. Alright? I’ll handle your paperwork and come wake you up when it’s time for your shift.” 
He wanted to argue but even after 3 cups of coffee he was utterly exhausted. He couldn't work like this. Kirishima was right. He needed a nap. 
He curled up on one of the couches in the break room and fell asleep almost instantly. His dreams started out normal enough. Nothing odd in any way and then out of no where. There she was. Reaching out to him. Her eyes terrified, a silent scream on her lips. 
He was supposed to do something. What was it? Oh yeah. He slowly reached his hand out to hers. It seemed to go so slowly as if he was moving through molasses. His muscles hurt from the effort of forcing his arm up to meet hers. 
Finally his fingers brushed against hers... and he heard it. 
Her voice rang out loud and clear. “Help me Ground Zero! Please!” 
He gripped her hand tighter, “Who are you? What do you want?” 
The girl started to cry, “No time for that now. They’re onto me! Where are you?”
Bakugo flinched, “I’m at work at All Mights new agency.” 
She nodded her head in understanding and for the first time ever she left before he woke up.
Next thing he knew he was being shook awake, “Come on man time to get up! Tell your dream girl you’ll call her back later.” 
He shot straight up, “I did it...”
“That’s great..... what did you do?” 
Bakugo stood up his body coursing with adrenaline, “I touched her hand... and I heard her! She asked me for help and asked me where I was.” 
Kirishima looked at him like he had lost it, “Alright crazy pants enough of that. You know its a dream right? As in it’s not real. This is real, we are real, and you’re really about to be late if you dont hurry up and get changed.” 
Bakugo spent the rest of his shift on high alert. He looked around every corner to see if you were there. You were real. He doesn't now how, but he knows that to be true. He knew he couldn't say that out loud without sounding like a escaped mental patient but his heart kept telling him you needed him. 
Your voice played on an endless loop through his head. It drowned out everything else including Kirishima's annoying consistent ramble. 
The day flew by faster than usual which Bakugo was extremely grateful for. He was practically running out the door with Kirishima yelling after him about meeting up for drinks later. Yeah that wasn’t happening. 
He had taken all of three steps out of the building when he was being tackled. Well tackled wasnt exactly the right word, because that would imply that he fell, which he did not. Instead he lost his balance for a second before turning to see the source. 
It was her. It was you. 
“Shit shit shit. You’re real. I knew it! What are you doing here? Who are you?” 
You looked up at him with desperate eyes, “Get me out of here. They’re after me! I promise I’ll tell you everything just please get me somewhere safe.” 
He looked around to see if anyone was watching, but no one was around. He grabbed your hand and started walking towards his apartment, “I only live a few bocks from here. Think you can make it that far?” 
You nodded. If only he knew how far you had already come to find him. 
Soon enough you were being dragged through the door to his apartment. He lead you to the kitchen table and immediately began to pace back and forth in front of you. He suddenly stopped and looked at you, his eyes boring into yours. “Alright are you going to tell me who the fuck you are and what the fuck is going on?” 
You flinched a bit at his angry voice but quickly reminded yourself that he was good, he wouldnt hurt you. You composed yourself the best you could under the circumstances, “My name is Y/n. I was kidnapped as a child by a group of villains. They have been using my quirk to their advantage for years. I finally managed to get out and come find you.” 
He pulled a chair up so he could sit and face you, “Okay but why me? Out of all the people in the world why me? How were you in my head?” 
You looked down into your lap where your fingers were gripping the hem of your dirty dress, “My quirk allows me to enter people dreams. I'm a dream walker. But it cant be just anyone. I have to have seen their face and I have to know their name. I was a child when they took me. I didn't know any better. I thought they were my family. It wasnt until I got older that I realized how wrong what they were doing was. They would have me enter peoples dreams to get them to confess things, gain information, plant ideas... One day I fought back and tried to reach out for help. The only problem was I didn't know anyone... everyone I knew was a villain. All the people that I had visited in dreams before wouldn't listen to me. And why should they. I betrayed them. I entered their dreams, and stole their private information. Even if they wanted to help, I had no idea where I was... there was no way for them to find me.” 
He reached out and took your hand in his, “I’m so sorry that happened to you.... but you still haven't answered my question... why me?” 
He may be a bit insensitive but he still had no idea who you were and he didn't want to run the risk of this being some weird twisted trap. 
You wiped a tear from your dirt stained cheeks. “One night I snuck out of my room t- to try and get something to eat.... and the news was on, on the tv in the kitchen. It was an interview with you. I saw your face and I heard the name Ground Zero.  That’s all I got before I was being dragged back to my room and was pumped full of so many drugs so I couldnt use my quirk.” 
You were shaking now, “I dont know why and I cant explain it. But I felt a weird connection with you. Every day I repeated your name over and over again through my drugged state so I wouldn't forget it. I kept telling myself you were going to save me. Finally I was able to push through the drugged haze to reach out to you. To walk into your dream.”
Bakugo’s head was spinning, “Is that why I couldnt hear you? Because you were drugged?” 
You shook your head, “No, I have to have permission to truly be in someones head, you had to touch me, to acknowledge me before I can talk to you.” 
He took a deep breath, “Well I’m sorry I didn't do it sooner.... So how did you get here.” 
You started messing with the hem or your dress again, “They decided to move me to a different location. Said I was being too difficult and needed to be taught a lesson. I jumped out of the back of a moving van. I didn't know where I was going but I found my way to the city and asked the first person I saw for directions.” 
Bakugo was leaning towards you now, completely invested in the story, “Why didn't you go to the police?”
You sighed, “I dont know who to trust. They have moles everywhere. I cant risk showing up on a police report. They’d find me.” 
He nodded for a few moments thinking it over. “Ok.... well... I have a spare bedroom you are more than welcome to use. It looks like you need some food and it smells like you need a shower. The bathroom is down the hall, do you like spicy food?”
Your eyes widened, “Does that mean you’ll let me stay?”
He huffed, “Well I’m not going to fucking kick you out to rough it on the streets! Now do you like spicy food or not?” 
You shrugged as you tried to hold back the relieved tears that threatened to spill out, “I dont know. I’ve never had spicy food. I was only ever fed white rice. Sometimes if I did a good job they would add chicken.” 
He gave you a sad look, “Alright so I’ll go easy with the seasoning. Take your time, relax and I’ll get you some clean clothes.” 
You nodded as you walked carefully over to the bathroom he had pointed out earlier. You were almost too scared to touch anything. You didn't want to do anything that would make him change his mind. 
The shower felt so good. You couldnt remember the last time you had, had a shower. It had to have been during what you called your cooperative phase. They were so nice to you then. Before you realized they were all monsters. You had a nice soft bed, your own bathroom, and so many books to read. When you fought back everything had changed. 
You could see all the mud and dried blood swirling around before it went down the drain. You decided then and there that this was goodbye to your old life. If you could even call it a life. It was all going down the drain as well and you were never going back.
When you finally stepped out of the shower there was a warm looking hoodie as well a a pair of shorts and boxers sitting on the bathroom counter. The hoodie hung down to your knees and you had never felt so warm and fuzzy. You didn't know it was possible for an article of clothing to feel... safe. 
You walked out into the hallway and could hear hushed voices, you panicked. Had they already found you? 
“Dude I heard the shower running and you’re cooking... you definitely have a girl over! Who is it?”
“Will you shut up! She’ll hear you!”
“You DO have a girl over!” 
“Will you just fucking leave already? I promise I’ll tell you about it later. Tell the director I won't be able to make it work for the next few days. I’m uh.. sick.” 
“Sick huh?”
“Yeah I’m sick... sick of your shit, now leave!” 
You couldnt help it you giggled. It sounded so weird but it was undeniably a giggle. You felt a weight start to slowly lift from your shoulders. 
You waited until you heard the door shut before leaving the safety of the hallway and joining Ground Zero at the diner table. Your mouth started to water and you stomach rumbled, it all looked so good. You looked over to him, unsure if it would be rude to just dig in. 
He froze with a spoon midway to his mouth, “What? Are you waiting for permission or something? Fuck that just eat.” 
Your eyes lit up as you started to drain your bowl or soup first, immediately followed by mountain of noodles. It all tasted so good, “Thank you so much Ground Zero. This is delicious. You are an amazing cook.” 
You could see him blush a bit before shoving another bite into his mouth numbing a quick, “It’s Bakugo.”
You both sat in an awkward silence, eating until you were both fat and happy. When you finally decided you were done you leaned back into you seat. “That had to be the best meal I’ve ever had.”
Bakugo stood up and started collecting the dishes, “Dont take this the wrong way but it’s not like your pallet was all that expanded before.” He could see hurt flash over your features briefly before you schooled them back to neutral. He tried to salvage this conversation, “But dont worry I’ll try to stay away from cooking rice. I have a feeling you've had enough of that.”
You smiled as you stood up to help, “Here you cooked, the least I could do is clean up.” 
He took the plate that was in your hand, “Maybe next time... You’ve had a shower, you’ve been fed, now you just need to get a good nights sleep.” He gestured over to the hallway. “The bedroom at the end of the hall is mine. The one thats closest to us right now it the guest bedroom and the they're connected by the bathroom. I’ve been told I snore so I will apologize in advance for that. Go ahead and make yourself at home. There’s a tv and everything.” When you didn't move he gave you a light hearted nudge in the direction of the bedroom. “Honestly dont worry about it. I got it from here. Go get some sleep.” 
You weren't used to someone taking care of you and it made you feel suspicious. This was too good to be true. But you were also too tired to dwell too much. For the first time in a long time you were clean, full, and you actually have a bed to sleep in. Besides Ground Zero was a hero. Theres no way he’d do something to hurt you.... right? 
You tip toed over to your new room and marveled at how comfortable the bed looked. You pulled your pants off, opting for just the hoodie and boxers. Burrowing into the covers with your pile of comfy pillows beneath you, you practically hummed in comfort. You rolled over and saw Bakugo through the bathroom. He was also getting ready for bed in the dim light of his bedside lamp. He gave you a soft smile before closing his door. 
You weren't necessarily a fan of closed doors. You cant lock a door that isn't closed after all. But you felt safe none the less. You knew he was just in the other room. So you found yourself drifting off. 
You were back in your old room. Nothing but a bucket and a stained pillow so thin it may as well have just been a pillow case. You could smell the contents of the bucket in the corner and it made you want to puke. It was freezing but all you had for warmth was the thin tattered dress you wore. Your body hurt from how hard you were shivering. The pain in your stomach the worst of all. They hadn't fed you in a few days. Saying only good girls deserve food. You huddled further into yourself as you heard the deadbolt to what may as well have been your cell click. Someone was coming in. What do they want? The big guy walked in. The one with the crooked nose. “Time to take your medicine.” You thrashed around and tried to resist but he just held you down, laughing that sickly laugh that would haunt you forever. 
You shot up in bed. Your face was soaked with tears. You felt a strong grip on you shoulder. You swung into the darkness and felt your fist connect with something solid. 
“Oi! relax its just me. You were having a nightmare. Thought I’d come wake you up.” 
You rubbed your eyes, “I’m so sorry I didn't mean to wake you.” 
He turned on the lamp on your nightstand, “It’s okay, it’s not like I have to work tomorrow anyways....” He was lost. He wanted to comfort you but he didn't want to crowd you. He also just met you today and shouldn't have such a strong urge to wrap his arms around you. But he does and he doesn't know how he feels about it. “So... do you want to talk about it?”
You shook your head, “I’d rather not. I just want to forget all about it...”
Bakugo nodded, “Thats fair... well if you need anything I’ll be right through there.” He pointed through the doors to his room. 
You bit your lip as you mustered up your courage, “Do you think you could... I mean you totally dont have to... but if its okay with you... could you... possibly stay with me until I fall asleep?” 
He quirked an eyebrow at you, “Uh... sure. I guess. That’s fine.”
You quickly snuggled back into your side of the bed and he got comfortable on his. He took a look at your sleeping face and felt his heart start to ache. You hadn't needed to tell him about your nightmare because you had already shown it to him. You had subconsciously pulled him into your dream and he had a front row seat to the horrors of your past. He reached out and brushed a stray hair away from your sleeping face. He’ll be damed if anyone tried to hurt you again. 
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reeesea · 4 years
Something Sweet: Part Two
~sweet lotus~
one ~ two ~ three ~ four ~ five ~ six ~ seven ~ eight ~ nine
pairing: minsung, jisung/minho
warning: mentions of alcohol I guess...
words: 5k ish
summary: Jisung gets side tracked and ends up following Minho into a host club/bar. That's it really :)
a/n: I’m cross posting this on ao3 but don't know how links work so I hope you enjoy if you do happen to stumble upon this. <3
Jisung’s been busy. Well, kind of. 
Jisung, along with the other two sleep deprived zombies that make up 3racha, have once again barricaded themselves in their shared apartment. The trio has been working nonstop to prepare for their next performance. Their recently hired manager, Sana, had notified them that the venue that they were playing was actually twice as large as their last. The boys had been trying to flesh out a few new songs/covers to play and hopefully win over the crowd.
Busy wouldn’t really describe the boys. Yes, they were working hard producing more and more, but the lulls of writer’s block and exhaustion would set in eventually. Each time would leave them to fend for themselves by staring mindlessly at the ceiling, or collapsing into an unplanned 4 hour nap, or just plain gorging themselves on the various carry outs of the day. 
Changbin, who surprisingly was able to work remotely for his producing job at JJP Ent., was juggling his work for them and his work for 3racha. Bin would sneak out of his studio/bedroom whenever the lull in creativity set in, or the anticipation of their Friday night show started creeping up on him. Almost every time this led to Chan or Jisung playing some of what they were working on and then the realization that the third rapper had joined them, neglecting his paid work, would set in commencing the throwing of shoes and a chorus of animated yells from all parties to arise. One way or another, always returning a reluctant Changbin back to his, as Jisung put it, “big boy work” and the other two back to their respective laptops and keyboards. 
Chan was probably the most focused of the three. His ability to juggle multiple projects at the same time was practically god-like and occasionally left the other two producers completely clueless as to which project he was actually working on. When the exhaustion had finally caught up with him, Chan could be found by the other boys asleep sitting in front of his laptop. Changbin and Jisung had worked out a little system to keep the older in check, taking turns moving an unconscious Bang Chan to the couch and making sure he had eaten before returning to their own assignments. The leader would wake up a few hours later feeling confused, but thankful for the other two's efforts to keep him on his feet. 
Jisung, the ever all-rounder of the group, usually was the one busy writing, composing, producing, and doing anything he could get his hands on. But this time, the main reason Jisung never quite felt busy was because no matter how hard he tried, sometimes he just couldn't quite find the words for his verses. The new addition to their set list actually didn't take much time to make, production wise, but writing his verse always turns out to be a challenge when the writer’s block sets in. Even with days straight of thinking about what he wanted to say on his part, no progress meant no work had been done, which to Jisung meant he had not been busy. It was a slippery slope that all of them had experienced before, but this time Jisung’s descent down that slope came in the form of trashing pages of lyrics and stanzas immediately after spending hours on them, and distracting himself in piles of blankets while scrolling forums, SNS, and internet videos for inspiration. From which the cycle continued. The concept of just freestyling it completely on Friday was starting to sound better and better.
Sana would occasionally come by (daily? None of them really knew what day it was, only that it wasn’t Friday yet), opening up the black-out curtains that lined the floor to ceiling windows of the apartment, always followed by at least one audible groan from one of the members. During one of the many occasions of Jisung staring blankly at the ceiling in the dark, Sana had entered the apartment and practically tripped over Jisung from where he was curled up on the floor in a blanket chimichanga, “Jisung-ssi, why are you on the floor, again. Its literally 3pm.”
Jisung liked to call them chimichangas, mostly because he really liked that it was a four syllable word, but it also described him best when he was in a blanket burrito feeling especially fried from exhaustion.
After tripping over Jisung for maybe the third time that week, Sana had left the apartment telling them to be sure to be ready for their performance tomorrow at five pm, when she would meet them at the venue. Although Jisung was the one currently rolled up on the floor, the other boys had somehow looked even more exhausted on the couch with emptied coffee cups in their hands and obvious dark circles under their eyes. They had finished in the early morning as always, trying their best to prepare for their performance, that apparently was tomorrow. That was news to Jisung, and still nothing written for his verse.
“You guys look so dead, how are you even awake right now” Jisung mused from his bundle on the floor. 
“I honestly don't know. Do you think I could just go to sleep until our performance tomorrow?” Chan chuckled at the realization that their call time wasn't more than 17 hrs away. 
“Honestly you need it, with how much you got done this week. You finished almost all the tracks for the album, right?” Changbin asked from his spot on the couch. Chan nods vaguely at the question . 
“Yeah out of the songs we chose, I was able to brush them up, and fixed the beat on a few. We can look at them closer after Friday.”
“This week didn't seem real. The last thing I remember was dragging Chan’s unconscious body down the hallway after we got back from Menu 98.” Jisung was gesturing wildly beneath the blanket he was under, but the other two didn't have to even look at him to know he was being dramatic. “Bin-hyung it took you like 3 whole minutes to put the right key in the door. I'm glad your attempts with the bottle opener didn’t end up damaging the lock.” 
That one earned Jisung a pillow to the face. 
“Well hopefully this Friday we won't end up in the same condition. Wine hangovers are the fucking worst,” Changbin held his head in remembrance of the pain but a smile was starting to sneak out on to his face. “But guys, since we’re finally officially signed with a company, I wouldn't mind getting to celebrate again this weekend.” 
His smile only grew as the other two joined in the grinning from their respective spots in the living room. It was true, they finally signed with a company. JJP Entertainment had reached out to them after having seen them perform one of their shows. Changbin had submitted a producer application to the company earlier that year, and seemingly as soon as they had seen the three in action all of them were accepted and got to sign with the agency. Changbin had begun working as a producer about a month ago while the other two had just recently been officially signed into the company as group members. To all of them it still seemed like it was too good to be true, but a week into it they were all just excited to be calling themselves recording artists and to have consistent pay for their professional work. 
Their manager Sana was a result of the company beginning to help promote 3racha as a group. Chan had mentioned that they weren’t going to be officially announced as a part of the company until they could properly debut with their album. Jisung wasn't going to complain though, he was just happy to feel like the dreams they’ve had since their underground highschool rapper days were finally being realized. 
All three of them, grinning wildly, were already feeling antsy to be on stage again. The hours until they could step onstage couldn't move fast enough.  
Minho had a busy fucking week.
 He had picked up two extra closing shifts that he usually would have days off on, but the reward of a bigger paycheck pulled his leg into accepting to take them. The bright side, he supposed, was that his coworker had taken his Friday shift and he was able to have a night off. His original plan to spend the entire night in the studio was pretty much shattered when his annoyingly loving roommates had scolded him when he had told them his plans. During morning rehearsal the group was able to get a lot done, and had polished their performance piece they had planned for a showcase in the coming week.
Minho told himself that he would have still stayed after practice if it wasn't for Hyunjin’s nagging to visit him at work that night, but he was packing his bag just as soon as the others once they were finished.The truth being that going to Hyunjin’s work almost always included free drinks and good company, and Minho felt like it would be the perfect way to relax his nerves after the week of productive practice, and painful working shifts. 
Hyunjin worked at the host club and bar a couple streets away from their apartment. The establishment was mostly known for the beautiful and handsome hosts and hostesses that worked there who served up drinks and polite conversation. In the more recent years, the place was becoming popularly known as being just a normal service bar that just had beautiful servers and bartenders. Many tourists and locals came to the bar in hopes of seeing and meeting these beautiful people, while also obtaining their weekend quota of alcohol. Of course as Hyunjin could attest to the host club wasnt without clients, as his boss asked him multiple times if he wanted to switch positions from bartender to host due to all the patrons asking if he was available.
“Come on Hyung! You can come and meet my new coworkers. Also you promised to visit Momo-noona last time and she’s still pissed you haven’t been back in like a month. Honestly at this point she wont stop worrying that you aren’t coming back to see her, and keeps asking me like-” 
“Okay, okay Hyunjin I’ll come with you, just stop rambling,” Minho giggled at the younger antics and his tendency to ramble to himself aloud, while in a conversation. It was reasons like this that made Minho glad the boy was only a bartender and not a host. Although, he would probably pay himself just to see the young 21-year-old try and make coherent conversation with a client. Hyunjin was beyond just beautiful, but when it came to conversing with strangers past their drink order, he was quite a bit less than suave. 
Hyunjin cheered as he skipped out the studio doors, joining arms with Felix as they made their way toward their shared apartment. 
Jisung left their flat early in hopes of being able to find the venue on his own, but still allow himself time to properly get lost. Surprisingly enough he was able to find the venue on the other side of town without much trouble and with Google Maps opened on his phone. One of the  reasons why it was so easy to find, was that the venue was huge. Among the lavish entrance, and its multicolored lighting, it had a large marquee with “3racha” shown in bold as the night's act. It was still the early evening and the district’s businesses were just starting to show signs of preparation for the night's patrons and customers. There were food stalls setting up, readily pre-cooking the batches of street food for those who would be passing by throughout the night. Clubs were just beginning to open their doors and prepare for the crowd that always came to dance away the start of the weekend. The bars were beginning to gather their additional servers and bartenders, from the looks of the various uniformed strangers on the street entering their respective places of employment. There were a few barhopping adults and students littering the streets with excited chatter and giggles of anticipation. 
Jisung can’t say he ever went out with friends much other than when the group would perform at bars and clubs right out of high school. He never had experienced the “wild night out with your friends” trope that he secretly loved watching in dramas and tv shows. There was just something watching a group of friends all going and enjoying a night together that made Jisung’s heart smile. Looking around again and escaping his thoughts, he spots a familiar face in the distance. 
In front of him is his cute server from last week, Minho, walking down the street not even 50ft away. Granted Jisung had honestly forgotten about the man after that night, as the dull ache of a hangover had occupied his mind the morning after. Jisung never thought he would actually see the man again outside the confines of the restaurant that he worked at. And maybe because this coincidence felt more like fate, and maybe because Jisung is the kind of guy to believe in fate, or maybe because Minho had smiled and from 50 ft away it still took Jisung’s breath away, Jisung found himself stumbling forward to follow the man into the bar he had just entered. 
Minho had walked into the familiar establishment and immediately went and found his place on a barstool. 
“You didn't have to come this early.” Hyunjin was all dressed up in his collared shirt and vest, with his name tag reflecting the dim lights from above his heart. The completed uniform of all the bartenders and servers at Sweet Lotus, of course, made Hyunjin look even more like a prince than usual. 
It was barely 15 minutes after the bar had opened for the night when Minho’s leather pants and silk shirt wearing ass had entered. 
“Well, it's not like I had any other plans tonight. Felix had left for work and it was too lonely in the apartment to wait for the bar hopping crowd to pass through, so I thought I would just beat them instead.” 
“I knew you missed me.” Hyunjin made a kissy face toward Minho that was met with a gentle face slap by the hand of the older. 
“Please, I only came to get an early start on the night. Maybe try and beat the in house record for free drinks.”
“Oh please you already know you still hold the record, don't act cocky” Hyunjin rolled his eyes, and earned a giggle from the other. There was a running competition between the off duty servers and hosts of who could get the most free drinks from strangers in a night. It was a vanity competition as much as it was a ploy for the employees to boost the bar's sales when off shift. 
Minho thrived off of it, when he had worked as a host for the club. He had been in the highest demand on and off duty, gathering a total 19 drinks paid for by strangers within a single night. Even after Minho had left the club, his record still held. Hyunjin would sometimes come home updating Minho on how close some of his new coworkers had gotten to the record, well aware of how much the title inflated the man’s ego. 
Before Minho had the chance to respond a tuft of brown hair tripped into the bar entrance. A familiar looking boy with big shining eyes, searched the room until making eye contact with Minho. The determined look in the boy’s eyes was completely contrasted by the soft smile starting to appear on his lips as he approached the bar. 
Recognition flooded his memory as Minho looked back at the cute boy that had given him his number on a receipt the previous weekend. The boy struggled slightly at getting atop the stool next to Minho, earning him a slight snicker from the bartender as he watched the scenario play out in front of him. Hyunjin just watched his cocky ass roommate be made speechless by the entrance of a cute high school looking kid dressed in street clothes, there was no way he wasn't going to hound Minho when they got home. 
“Hi.” The younger looking boy smiled again fully creating a heart with his lips, and Minho couldn't help but smile back. That seemed to only make the younger grin wider if that was possible and his eyes sparkled with content. “I don’t know if you remember me, but I met you last week, I mean kind of. You were my server on Friday night, and you recommended a drink and a dish for me, and I’m pretty sure it was the best thing I had ever tasted before. And now that may seem like a completely crazy reason to low key follow you into a bar after seeing you on the street, but for some reason I feel indebted to you for giving me the best thing I’ve ever tasted also I’m pretty sure I was embarrass-”
“Hi Jisung,” Minho didn't know anyone else could ramble even more than Hyunjin, but here he was, Han Jisung, the cute boy in the pink hoodie who had given him his number and a tip that was quite a bit more than his 20% usual. In full honestly Minho had found the receipt a few times during the week in his work pants pocket, but had always returned it before considering actually dialling the number scrawled on it. 
“You don’t have to feel indebted to me, that’s all apart of my job…” A wave of guilt weighed on Minho as he made eye contact with Jisung again. “Also I apologize for never messaging you. I know you left me your number on Friday, and I usually don’t pay too much mind when customers give me their numbers, but for some reason I still kept yours.” Jisung’s eyes widened at that and his expression looked as if he had just realized something. 
Minho just continued, “To be completely honest, I didn't think I would see you again, especially outside of my work.” 
“I didn’t either,” Jisung quickly interjected. “And to also be totally honest, I completely forgot that I gave you my number. Tipsy me can be a little more bold than I thought.” He chuckled inwardly at himself. Looking at Minho now, Jisung had no idea how even tipsy he had found the balls to do something like that. In casual clothes, Minho looked god-like to Jisung, and something about the change in atmosphere made Customer Service Minho almost non-existent. Being able to look at Minho, his glittering sharp eyes, his perfectly styled hair, and breathtaking smile without any filters, and something about it made Jisung’s heart beat even louder. There was a slight pause as Jisung had stopped speaking and had got distracted with staring at all of Minho’s features. “Uh..um… anyway damn now I feel bad. Can I like buy you a drink or something to make up for it?” Jisung barely managed to stutter that out. 
“Hey Min-hyung, that's your first for the night, and it's not even five yet. Damn maybe you will break your record,” Jisung looked over to the voice's owner and seemed to have just acknowledged the presence of the bartender after entering.
“Shut up Jinnie, I don’t wanna make him pay for my drink, the sun’s not even set” 
“That hasn't stopped you before” 
“No I really mean it, I'll pay for your drink if you'll let me. Not really sure what you two are discussing but I don't have a problem paying, even just to mend my consciousness” Jisung pleaded. 
“You sure talk a lot with your wallet there, Han.” Hearing Minho using his last name to address him wasn't lost on Jisung. If anything Jisung was starting to take it as a challenge. 
“Well, let me buy you a drink and we can talk now because we didn't get the chance over the phone.” Jisung really wasn’t sure where that confidence came from but it diminished quickly as he held his breath waiting for Minho to respond.
Minho smirked and nodded agreement, ordering his drink. “What about for you?” the bartender asked Jisung as he was taking out his card to pay for said drink. 
“Oh nothing for me I have to get ready for a show soon,” squinting to read the man’s name tag “Hyunjin-ssi.” 
Minho's curiosities from the previous weekends returned, and he found himself jumping on the opportunity to learn more about the boy. They were just curiosities. Han Jisung was just a curiosity. “What is it you do exactly?” 
“Oh I’m a rapper in a group, with the two other guys you saw. Together were super cool rap trio 3racha~” Jisung put an emphasis on the name with excessive hand gestures. Minho thought they were cute. “And we're actually playing at the venue not too far from here. We’re on at 9 if you want to come watch.” Jisung smiles widely at that, cocking an eyebrow as if that was persuasion enough to get Minho to come. 
It was. “Maybe I’ll stop by then. I can’t say I’m not curious.” Minho tries his best to feign disinterest, but his roommate’s smirk from across the bar meant that he wasn’t completely successful. 
Minho glares at the bartender while Jisung continues the conversation. “So what was it that you were talking about? The record and all that, did I miss something?”
Hyunjin giggles at the question and puts on a dramatic voice, “Well, here at the Sweet Lotus even our employees will come on their off days and breaks to enjoy the bar and club as patrons, but of course flirting with coworkers is generally frowned upon, so we made up a fun little competition.” Hyunjin continues to explain what the casual competition entitles. Minho shifts to watching Jisung instead. Seeing the boy again had been somewhat of a shock, and now actually looking at him, something about Jisung made Minho’s heartbeat a little quicker. Probably just the beginning effects of the sip of alcohol he had yet to consume. Or it could be the way Minho kept thinking about how soft the boy looked, his cheeks, his hair, his smile. Jisung was cute. A cute curiosity
“So what’s the record then? The highest number of free drinks?” Jisung was asking both of them but had turned toward MInho to meet his eyes. They were full of stars, even when the rest of the place was dimly lit. 
“19 drinks in a single night, held by our very own Lee Minho. Making him the hottest guy to ever grace our establishment, at least by the objective body count” Hyunjin dramatically bows to him. 
“Hey I got 17 once” yelled the other bartender from further down the bar. 
“I better keep coming back then, so you can’t take my spot San-ah.” Minho responded and sent him a cheeky smirk. The other bartender responded with a pouty face and a groan, before turning back to another customer. “But technically I’m not an employee anymore, so I think that takes me out of the running,” Minho continues.
“Still, I don’t think you’d ever lose that title… n-no offense to any of the other employees. I mean I only just got here and have only seen a few of you, but you are all respectively very attractive, and-” 
“Jisung stop rambling.” Minho giggled at seeing how flustered he could make the other. “Plus I doubt I’d lose my spot if you have anything to do with it, Mr. rich boy rapstar.” Minho takes a sip of his drink as the other sputters once again into a bumbling mess, blushing even harder. 
“What noooo! Not me pshhhhhh. I am but a lowly underground rapper. Please my heart’s too fragile to handle being called a rapstar by you this early in the night, also I swear I’m not a rich boy! Not yet at least, I haven't even gotten my first paycheck, paycheck, you know?”
“Your tipping habits say otherwise” 
Jisung grumbles under his breath something that sounds like ‘damn it drunk jisungie you did it again’
Before the conversation could continue, Jisung's phone rings from his jacket pocket. “Hello?... AH Sana-noona please don't yell.... Yes I know what time it is. It is-” Jisung checks the clock on his phone “Five-Thirty! Fuck, I’m on the way” Jisung looks apologetically at Minho and Hyunjin and does a few hand gestures that indicate he has to go. “I'll be there in like 30 seconds, I swear!!!” 
Jisung hangs up and hops off his stool, “As you can see I am being forcefully summoned by my manager, I do hope you’ll come to the show later? Thanks for uh- I don’t know, why am I thanking you. But uh..Thanks anyway though, and I-uh hope we can do this again sometime… yeah, bye Minho.” Jisung smiles wide again and scurries out the door, almost at a full sprint. 
Minho really likes his cute smile, and tries to commit the heart shape to memory.
“Hyung, he’s sooo your type it practically hurts.” Hyunjin forms a cheeky look on his face.
“I don't know what you're talking about,” Minho retorts, taking another sip of the drink Jisung bought him. 
“Come on, cute, low-key a mess, big eyes, whipped as soon as he saw you. Don't even lie, you love the ones that just fall for you as soon as you smile at them. Practically all your clients were like that, and they all followed you to the restaurant” 
“That’s not true,” Minho denied. 
“It's true our numbers dropped when you left. We had to hire three new guys to make up the loss,” San added, now suddenly a part of the conversation.
“Well now I feel bad,” he did kind of, but it also was a huge ego boost for Minho.
“Don't. You know Momo would let you pick up a shift if you ever needed” San now joining Hyunjin in leaning on the counter. 
“Maybe I don’t know, I'll just boost her drink sales tonight insead to make up for it.” They laugh, and Minho’s cocky smirk returns as more patrons enter the bar, and the two bartenders return to their positions for the night 
Jisung sprinted right into hair and makeup, finding his group mates already being dressed and powdered when he got there. He was able to just barely avoid a scolding from Sana as he ducked into a changing room instead. Switching from his streetwear into something that made him look more like his stage personality ‘J.One’.
By the time it was up for them to perform all three of them shared knowing glances and charged on the stage as their loud and overpowering bass beats flooded the speakers and the entire venue. The venue itself held a couple hundred people and the cheers and energy from the crowd only fueled the rappers as they began their opening song. For the three of them being on stage was like getting a high. 
Jisung felt like he had taken 3 shots at the bar before the performance. He felt drunk on the adrenaline and his ad libs and verses all came out even more powerful than usual. Chan and Changbin took his energetic aura in stride and fed off him to energize their own performances for the whole show. 
When their new track finally starts playing, the verse that Jisung had been agonizing all week appeared in his head as if it had always been there, and he knew that this verse was going to go down as one of his best freestyles yet. Jisung closed out the song with an electric verse that flowed and hit the rhythm in ways he had never thought he could before, and after the last beat echoed throughout the room, the entire venue filled with cheers and screams from the audience. 
Minho watched from the back of the venue witnessing the three boys on stage completely dominate the stage and steal every heart from the audience. He never thought that the big eyed clutz from a few hours ago would be the man he saw on stage. On stage, Jisung practically oozed with charisma, demanding the attention of all those who would listen. At the end of the show the last verse he spit out was so intensely captivating, that it guaranteed that everyone in the audience was now in love with Han Jisung. There was no way anyone would be able to deny it. Not even Minho, even though he would definitely try. 
“I’m CB97” “This has been SpearB” “and I’ve been J.One” 
“and together we are 3racha! See you next time”
That night as soon as Minho got home he searched his closet for the only connection he had with the supposed rapstar. Digging into the pockets of his work pants, he pulls out the paper with the boys number and immediately adds in to his contacts before texting him:
[Rich Boy Han Jisung]
This is Lee Minho  
I saw your performance 
at least I think that was you
If it wasn't some rapstar named J.One may be your twin 
Im sure hear you this all the time
But your performance was amazing. Good job Han :)
one ~ two ~ three ~ four ~ five ~ six ~ seven ~ eight ~ nine
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illfoandillfie · 4 years
Congrats on 1k!!Can you do a sequel to Code Red where Roger asks the reader if he can hookup with another girl (a groupie) and maybe she’s not comfortable with it but she says yes anyway because she thinks if she doesn’t he’ll cheat when she’s not there, end it however you want ❤️❤️❤️
thank you lovely! ngl this was the last fic i expected to get a request about lmao but today wasnt great so writing a bit of angst stuff was good.
Code Red
1000 Follower Celebration
In the weeks since the incident you and Roger had made more of an effort to be as honest as possible. You were wracked with guilt about what had happened, and based on how careful Roger was being around you, he was the same. It manifested in overly polite inquiries about how each other felt, about everything from what happened in the bedroom to what you had for dinner. He’d taken to triple checking you were okay with every small decision, and you’d followed his example until all you seemed to ask each other was are you sure? and do you mean it? It wasn’t bad exactly; it was well intended and obviously meant he cared about you and was worried about hurting you, but there was no denying how exhausting it was. You were sure Roger was just as fed up with the whole thing as you were, quicker to get short with you, more likely to come to bed after you were asleep or stay out of the house for as long as possible when you were home. He maintained it was just that he was exhausted from prepping for the new tour – meetings with the others to discuss set lists and which theatrics would be brought out – but you were sure that couldn’t be the only reason. So you were more than a little surprised when he came home early one Saturday, dropping onto the couch beside you and patting his lap like he used to when he wanted you to snuggle up with him. 
“Only if you want to,” there was that tone again, like he was trying to keep himself from saying more. 
“Of course I want to Rog, been so long since I saw you properly or for long enough to cuddle.” You quickly shuffled closer, leaning your head against his chest as he dropped a kiss to the top of your head.
“I know love, I’m sorry. Things have just been so crazy with he tour and stuff, but I’m here now. Tell me what’s been going on lately, how was work?”
Your innocent conversation soon turned a little more risqué. Between the days of barely seeing each other and the forced politeness of your interactions when you were actually able to be together, both of you were left feeling playful and more than a little flirty. Before you knew it you were sitting across Roger’s lap, his fingers dancing over your leg as he told you about a wet dream he’d had a few nights previous. “So there I was, a hand in your hair and a hand in hers while both of you slobbered over my cock,”
You gave him a light slap on the arm at his word choice.
“Anyway, thats when I woke up.” 
“God,” you laughed, “I swear I’ve never had a dream like that, although I’ve never actually remembered a dream. How the fuck did you manage it?” It felt nice to be back like this with Roger, back to feeling comfortable and not like you were walking on eggshells.
“I don’t know where it came from,” 
“You think about threesomes much?” 
“A bit I guess, probably not much more than the average person though. Why, love? You suggesting something?” he cocked his eyebrow at you. 
“Well, threesomes have never been high on my list but I wouldn’t rule them out entirely. Definitely something intriguing about them. But we’d have to find someone else if that was going to happen… one of the boys maybe?”
“And here I was thinking we were going to invite a second girl,”
 “I’m not opposed to it but I don’t know any girls who’d be up for it so unless you’ve got someone in mind…” 
“Hmmm no one specific,” 
There was something off about his tone that made your chest tighten with worry, “is there anyone else youd want to sleep with?” you tried to play it off as a joke in the hopes that you could keep up the lighthearted connection you’d so missed, “Just so we can give this mysterious other woman a better identity, maybe inspire a dream or two of my own.” 
“One or two, Jane Fonda for instance.” 
“People on your free pass list don’t count Rog, I already know about them.” 
He paused, “honestly?” 
The word made you tense up almost instantly, “That’s what we’ve agreed,” 
“Yes,” he at least had the good grace to look uncomfortable with his admission.
“Who?” neither of you were laughing any more, all the tension from the previous weeks was back in full force, threatening to snap at any moment. 
“No one really, theres just this bird who’s followed us on the last couple of tours Very flirty, cute.” 
“And ummm, would you? Sleep with her, I mean, if you had the chance?” 
“I’ve had the chance, love. More than once she’s tried to get into my pants. I think she’s trying to do the whole groupie thing. Pretty sure Brian’s had her, or maybe it was Deaky, I don’t remember. She’s made it pretty clear she wants me though and, if I’m being honest, I haven’t done anything yet but it’s a little tempting.” 
The yet cut through you like a knife, “Is this you asking for permission?” 
“No… Maybe,” 
“If I said I was okay with it, would you do it?” 
“Rog,” you pushed yourself away from him, standing up and folding your arms over your chest. 
Roger leaned forward, imitating your closed off body language, “I know it’s not fair of me to ask that of you or, fuck, for me to even have told you any of it. But things have been so hard between us lately. Every time we’re together I remember what it felt like when you passed out and went limp. Every time we get close to having sex I worry about fucking up again and hurting you. But she’s easy, in every sense of the word. I could just sleep with her and it wouldn’t be a big deal. I wouldn’t feel like I had to be on constant guard with her in case she’s not telling me the truth about how she was doing. I wouldn’t feel like I had to triple check what she wanted. It’d be so fucking simple.” He sighed and dragged his hands over his face, “just forget it, Y/N. Forget I mentioned it,”
“How can you expect me to forget it?” 
“I shouldn’t have said anything, it was just another of my fuck ups,” 
“Oh goddamn it Roger!” you yelled, throwing your arms up in frustration, “I know you feel bad about…what happened, so do I. I mean, Jesus, you think I haven’t noticed the tension too? You think I’m not constantly worried that I’m not being clear enough about fucking everything? I know that the incident fucking sucked and I know it scared you and I know I should have done better and I’m trying Roger, I promise I’m trying. But the constant questioning and apologising are just making it harder. It makes me feel like I’m not good enough, that I’m doing it wrong. I feel like I’m losing you and I don’t know how to stop it.” you bit the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from saying more. Maybe you’d fucked up again too. Maybe this would just confirm for him that you were a crazy bitch and send him into her arms instead. “But it’s fine. You know what, this might actually be good. Go and sleep with her and maybe it’ll help us sort all this out. Maybe you just need a reminder of what its like to be with someone you can trust. Just promise you’ll use protection and think of me.” You turned and walked away but Roger caught you before you’d even crossed the room.
“Y/N, wait,”
You stared at him, trying to keep the anger outweighing the worry but it was impossible under his gaze, “Please don’t. Please don’t sleep with her. I know things have been hard lately but I love you and the thought of you being with someone else…it’d tear me apart.” 
Roger pulled you against him, wrapping his arms around you tightly, “I won’t. Of course I won’t. Couldn’t have even if you had been okay with it.” 
“Promise?” the worry that you might have just hammered the last nail in your relationship’s coffin, driven him to cheat on you, was all you could think about.
“Y/N,” he leant back and placed his hand on your cheek, locking his eyes on yours, “I am being completely honest when I say this. I love you and I would never cheat on you. With her or anyone else. We’ll get through this, I promise. You’re all I need.”
Taglist since this is a follow up to an actual fic:  @laedymoon​​​​  @dtfrogertaylor​​​​   @ezmina98​​​​  @vee-ndetta​​​​ @atomic-watermelon​​​​ @kellypenac​​​​ @labessieisallama​​​​ @deakyclicks @jennyggggrrr​​​​ @drowseoftaylor​​​​  @hannafuckingsucks​ @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming @queenmylovely
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sides-of-demigods · 5 years
The Forest Incident Pt. 3
Word Count: 1,723
Warning(s): Blood, injuries, cursing, infirmary/hospital
Author's Note: I am upset. It wasn't supposed to be this short but I reached the damn paragraph limit and had to go pretty far back for the most natural cutting off point. I was gonna finish it all this chapter but I guess I'll have to wait a day to two. Ugh. So yeah, there'll be a part Fours that basically just an epilogue. Thanks Tumblr.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4
Virgil muttered an apology and fully slapped the boy across the face and desperately shouted his name again.
Finally, Roman slowly opened his eyes and Virgil let out a little laugh of relief.
“Did...did you slap me?” Roman questioned, his voice weak.
“Well you wouldn't wake up,” Virgil said. “Didn't leave me much choice.”
He dragged Roman over to the nearest tree and propped him against it, flinching when Roman launched into a coughing fit.
“Hold on, hold on I've uh…I've got some first aid stuff just hold on,” Virgil muttered, practically incomprehensible. 
Virgil tossed his sword and shield to the side so he could take off his backpack and rummage through it.
He ended up just taking everything but the protein bars out, because he still wasnt sure exactly what he needed.
He was no Patton, but he was pretty sure he could buy enough time to find Patton or get back to camp. Only problem, they had been following the tracks, so Virgil actually wasn’t sure which way Camp was.
But that was definitely a problem for later. For now, he had to keep Roman from bleeding out in the middle of the woods.
“Okay, here eat this,” Virgil shoved a large square of ambrosia into Roman’s hand and made sure he was starting to eat it before he used his sword to cut open Roman’s shirt.
He had to get it off in order to actually treat the gash and there was no way Roman was taking it off anytime soon.
“You know,” Roman started before coughing again. “If you wanted to see...see me shirtless...you could have just said something.”
"Shut up idiot," Virgil muttered. He opened the First Aid kit and began to use the cleaning gauze to wipe away as much of the blood as possible because at this point he couldn't even see the cut.
Roman looked on the verge of passing it again, but Virgil remembered something about keeping the patient awake by talking or something.
"You saved my life you know," Virgil ended up saying, inwardly cursing himself. "Throwing me my shield I mean. That was some quick thinking."
"You're welcome." Roman tried to laugh but ended up coughing again and slumped against the tree. "You, you saved me too...you know."
"I think all the blood suggests otherwise."
"But after that you…you got me out of the way...that stinger... remember?"
"Yeah I guess. Everything happened so fast." Virgil wasn't fully paying attention to the conversation. He had given up on the blood and reached for the rubbing alcohol, putting some on the left over gauze. "I've gotta clean this out. It's gonna hurt like a son of a bitch though, so try to just keep talking. Ready?"
Roman nodded and visibly braced himself, so Virgil pressed the gauze to the wound. Roman hissed loudly and his head fell back against the tree with a dull thunk. Virgil mumbled an apology under his breath. 
"Not to mention, ow ow ow, this," Roman said, trying to follow Virgil's advice and just distract himself.
"What on Gaia's green earth are you talking about?" Virgil raised an eyebrow. 
"Nursing me...back to, ow, health or whatever. Maybe you're...not an evil, ow, villain."
"And why's that?"
"Well if you really wanted me...ya know...dead...this would be the, ow, perfect opportunity. Secret…secret mission in the...the woods...crazy monster….already hurt…"
"I think you're in shock Princey."
"M'not in shock...you're in shock…. you're so...so calm."
Actually, if Virgil thought about it, the delirious demigod may be onto something. 
Usually Virgil would be freaking the fuck out and definitely not treating a wound methodically and carefully and ESPECIALLY not since he himself was injured and exhausted, though the adrenaline coursing through his veins at the sight of Roman's cut and the blood on his own hands was probably to thank for that.
"Okay done with that." Virgil used the last scraps of gauze to get at least some of the blood off his hands before tossing it away. Usually Patton would scold him for something like that but Virgil couldn't bring himself to care about littering at the moment. 
He reached for the bandages instead and helped Roman sit up so he could wrap that bandages around his torso and occasionally his shoulder to help keep them in place.
He used on hand to hold up Roman and the other to wrap the bandages, alternating which hand was doing which as he went.
"Hey Virge? I think...I think I'm gonna take a little nap now."
"Like hell you are," Virgil growled. "Don't think I won't slap you again."
"That's not nice," Roman pouted. He was getting increasingly delirious from a combination of blood loss, exhaustion, and pain, and Virgil wasn't sure how much longer he'd last. 
Virgil had skills limited to basic First Aid and it wasn't professional quality either. If Roman didn't get help quick, Virgil wasn't sure he'd make it. He'd lost so much blood…
Plus Virgil would have to carry him back to camp and he had no idea which way that was. 
Worse still, he didn't think his body could handle that. 
He was bruised and battered as well, he was pretty sure he'd at least crack a few ribs, and was running on nothing but adrenaline at this point. 
Virgil tucked the end of the bandage and secured it with medical tape, but that was about as far as his skills went. Now the other problem.
"We've gotta find Logan and Patton or figure out how to get you back to camp," Virgil was mumbling again, searching fruitlessly through his bag as if a miracle would suddenly appear. In fact, he was actually praying to every god he knew that that exact thing would happen. Because he was out of options.
"I could...do a spell," Roman suggested, his voice quieter and weaker than Virgil had ever heard. 
"No, no way," Virgil argued immediately. "There's no way you have enough energy for one of those."
"I would if you gave me...gave more am..amber...ambrosia."
"You are just a FACTORY for bad ideas right now, aren't you? I already gave you a risky amount, anymore and you'll probably burn up!"
"I don't think we have another choice."
He was right of course. As much as Virgil hated it. If they did it Roman at least had a chance of survival, however slim. If they didn't...well Virgil didn't see a scenario where Roman got out alive.
"Damn it." Virgil cursed, begrudgingly taking the smallest square of ambrosia he could find. He held it up to Roman's lips who obligingly ate it, understanding he needed to conserve as much energy as possible.
They waited a few seconds for it to kick in. Roman schooled his face into one of determination and began to run through songs in his head.
"Go for finding Logan and Patton. I don't think I can carry back to camp," Virgil suggested and sat against the tree next to Roman, their shoulders pressed together. He was exhausted but he still wanted to be close enough in case something happened.
He winced at the movement, his hand coming up to his ribs as he hissed in pain. Roman looked at him questioningly but Virgil rolled his hand to get him going. 
"Don't make fun of me for the song alright? It's the only thing I can think of."
"No promises." 
"And I'll probably pass out after this so-"
"Just get on with it Sir Sing-A-Lot."
Roman took a breath and began to sing. Virgil had no clue what he was expecting, but he was pretty sure it wasn't Gotta Find You from fucking Camp Rock.
"I need to try to get to where you are," Roman sang. "Could it be you're not that far. You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing. I need to find you, I gotta find you. You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me. I need to find you, I gotta find you."
His voice got weaker and weaker as he sang, to the point where by the end even Virgil could barely hear it.
Then Roman slumped over and Virgil caught him, propping him against the tree as best he could, but Roman still ended up leaning on him. 
Virgil looked around and began to panic, as it seemed like nothing has happened.
He blinked and there it was, a ball of light almost like fire just floating there. 
And then it zipped off through the woods, leaving a trail of light behind it. 
A few seconds later:
Logan and Patton had found the other two serkets and had managed to dispatch them. 
They weren't unscathed, but since they had managed to take the serkets by surprise instead of the other way around, they were much better off than Roman and Virgil. 
Both were shocked when suddenly a ball of what looked like fire burst out of the trees and stopped in front of Patton then just…hovered there. 
The two shared a curious look, having a conversation without words. Eventually Logan nodded and Drew his daggers as Patton turned to the ball.
Slowly he reached his hand out toward it, closing his eyes just before he made contact with it, preparing to be burned or worse. Instead he heard some sort of shimmer and opened his eyes just in time to see the ball explode into an image of Virgil and Roman leaning against a tree. 
Roman had bandages wrapped around his torso that we're already covered in blood and was pale as snow, Virgil was covered in scratches and bruises and seemed to be gingerly cradling his ribs. 
Patton gasped audibly at the image, his hand flying up to his mouth while Logan cursed under his breath. 
"Patton, look," Logan said, pulling Patton's gaze from the image in front of him and to the glittery trail leading into the woods that the ball had left behind.
The two looked at each other again.
"You don't think…?" Patton trailed off.
"One of Roman's spells," Logan agreed with a firm nod. "He's leading us to them."
"We have to hurry!"
The two sprinted into the woods.
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erikismybitch · 5 years
Waiting In Vain: Chapter 14
Tumblr media
Slow Burn.
Marleys phone was on Do Not Disturb while she was working . She was so tired of this App job , it was easy but rather nothing but an inconvenience. The money was good, but sitting in front of her computer couldn’t be all there was to her life. Where was her million dollar check for doing something extraordinary . Or even better , where was her savior to deliver her from the stress of work . Market didn’t want to do anything . Maybe lay outside by her pool, and have her servant fetch her a cold glass of lemonade and some weed. Only one percent of the world lived like that , so she had to work like everybody else . “Why in the hell wasnt I born rich?”
Growing bored , she picked up her phone . Marley tried not to make it a habit , because it was so destracting. Marley saw that she had four missed calls from Becky . She called her right away . Worried , because something must have happened. The time spaces were back to back . Becky answered right away .
“Girl!” She screamed as soon as the call came through .
“What happened !” Marley just knew it was bad news . That “girl” was too emphasized to be about something light weight.
“Your cousin is in some deep shit”
Marley took a breath , she thought someone had died or Pedro had done something crazy to her .
Tiana had made every Instagram blog headline. She and her NBA player boyfriend Terrell James had been involved in a scuffle . Marley read along to the link that Becky had sent her. In the article , sources said that Tiana and the player had been in a physically abusive relationship for months . Marley found humor in the word “sources”. She would bet that those so called friends she hung around were the sources . Last night , neighbors called the cops reporting a disturbance. A woman screaming. They both were arrested for domestic violence and possession of cocaine . The mugshot of Tiana almost made her drop her phone . Her lip was busted, hair was all over the place and she had a black eye . Terrell’s mug shot was there too , only he had minor bruises on his face . He looked more annoyed than anything .
“Even in the mugshot, she still managed to look pretty” Marley said over the phone.
“You can tell she’s high too, look at her eyes” Becky Commented . They were red and dismayed . And she gave a slight smile , like she was unaware of what was happening.
The two had been released on bail late last night . “I figured since Erik took you away from social media , you didn’t know” Becky stressed to her . It was true , the only active apps on Marleys phone were CNN, a few gaming apps, and tumblr . Other than that , she online shopped or watched YouTube. And she had never felt more free .
Marley was such a sweet girl . With all the bad that Tiana had done to her , she actually felt bad for her . Knowing that if the shoe was flipped, Tiana wouldn’t bat an eyelash. So when Becky had to hang up and tend to the bar , Marley gave her a call . Her finger hovered over Tianas number for a while . She didn’t know what the outcome would be, but it was worth a shot . It rang a few times, Marley thought she would get her voicemail before Tiana finally answered .
Tianas voice didn’t even sound the same , it was low and dry. Marley froze at first . It had been a long time since they had spoken . She didn’t even have a plan of what to say .
“Hey, Tiana I-“
“You really have the fucking nerve to call me?” She interrupted.
“I know what happened with you, if you need somewhere to go, you can come here until you figure things out”
Tiana let out a malicious laugh , it made Marley’s skin crawl . She was being obnoxious now , Marley regretted reaching out to her almost instantly.
“I don’t need help ... I’m not like you” that tone had now become calm, it was eerie almost . Marley rejected the “I’m not you” comment and decided that she should hang up before things got too bad . Before she allowed Tiana to take her to a bad place .
“Searching for a place to live cause your dad hated you and your mom was too broke to afford good health care”
Marley’s heart began to pulsate. She could feel it in her chest and neck . The fury made her ears hot . She couldn’t even see straight or come up with the right words to say . Marley would never say anything so hurtful to anyone . But maybe it was time to start.
“Don’t ever talk about my mother” was all she could muster up right now. Over the phone , in person the result would be so much different. She kept rocking in her seat, her anxiety was flaring out of control.
“You think you can save me like my mom and I saved you ?”
Marley stood up from her kitchen stool . She paced across her kitchen . The distain for this girl made her eyes squint , as if Tiana was standing in front of her “Is that what you think , you and your fucked up mother saved me!?”
“Yeah , we saved you... you know you always need saving!”
“Your boyfriend must have punched you too hard, cause you’re talking crazy”
Marley had struck a nerve because Tiana went off the deep end. Calling her everything but a child of god . Marley took in everything Tiana threw in her face and sent it back even harder . The two were screaming so loud that they couldn’t even hear what the other was saying. If an onlooker saw them both , they couldn’t tell who was the fool. After a few more tired curse words , Tiana said something that made the conversation take a turn for the worst .
“Why are you so worried about my man when Trey had a baby by a white girl when y’all were together”
Marley knew Tiana wasn’t lying . That scene at the grocery store remained close in her mind . Seeing Trey with that woman , walking closely like that. And the precious little curly haired baby she was holding . Marley just knew to expect the worst .
“I knew already , I don’t care about Trey” Marley played pretend.
“He said he didn’t want a baby with you” Tiana made light of something Marley told her in confidence. She knew about the entire conversation between Marley and Trey the day she thought she was pregnant. “But who would you’re fucking trash , Marley” she laughed because she knew for a fact that Marley didn’t know and she would be hurt by the information . Marley was completely over her relationship with Trey, but betrayal hurt no matter the timeline.
“I’m trash , but the news says you’re a coke-head now”
“Watch your back little cousin” she threatened.
“Erik definitely watches that for me”
Tiana let out a high pitched scream followed by the beep of her line disconnecting. Marley was glad she did because she had been holding in a cry for too long. She hadn’t cried in a long time , and Tiana stirred up a lot of unresolved emotions . Especially her feelings about being left alone in this world without the love of her parents. She leaned down onto her counter and rested her face into her crossed arms . She cried for the little girl who had lost her mother at such an impressionable age . She cried for the little girl who just wanted her dad to love and see her for who she was . And that little girl who was neglected and mistreated instead of being protected .
Soon , she stopped . Giving herself the gift of a deep ass breath . Marley felt lighter , that was the only good that came from this . She ran some cold water over a kitchen towel and pressed it into her swollen eyes . Marley hated crying , not that she felt weak... it was just exhausting. It had been a while since she cried . Since she was a teen, her therapist told her that she needed to cry . Dr.Robinson said that if she didn’t releases all that bottled up emotion, she would explode . And he would feel very sorry for anyone who triggered Marley to that point .
“Was that Marley?”
Crystal rested along her black leather couch . It was outlined with gold trim, flashy just like her. She smoked her cigarette , then ashed it in the custom made C-shaped ash tray that someone gifted her for her fiftieth birthday . That was five years ago. Her daughter Tiana sat across from her , unbothered by the smoke . She had been inhaling it since she was born .
“Yes” Tiana replied. Crystal let out a “humph” and took another hit of her ciggarette . Her outfit was almost identical to her daughters . Tight and revealing, meaning she was definitely too old for it . But that never stopped her . Even her mind was just as young and childish .
Tiana grew up with different types of men running through her house . Crystal jumped from relation ship to relationship . Her breaking point was always money related . If you didn’t have the means to support her lifestyle and her daughter, she was done . Crystal was the younger sister of Marley’s father . She was the apple of his eye until he met Jaime, Marley’s mom. He fell in love with her and he changed. He was no longer that money hungry playboy , the man that taught Crystal everything she knew about life . He was now this laid back care free guy .
“You’re gonna’ name your daughter after a weed smoking singer ?” Crystal said on the day her brother told her Jaime was expecting. She feared that after this baby, he would really neglect her . Growing up without a father, he was all she had. And he did, up until Marley started grade school . That’s when Crystal introduced him to his now wife , one of her very good friends . That was the beginning of the down fall.
“She always thought she was better than you, just like her mom thought she was better than me.”
Tiana ran her fingers through her wavy hair . Hair that was the total opposite of her mother. Crystal strategically wanted it that way. She made sure she had gotten pregnant by a man who could deliver those qualities . Light skin, loose hair , societies definition of what was beautiful. Crystal wanted Tiana to have an easy life , and it seemed to be working up until this point.
When she was little Tiana came home with her first boy crush . Marley had just moved in too. Some little boy who lived in the neighborhood, Tiana couldn’t stop raving about him so Crystal let him come over . She was way too young to start dating, but Crystal thought it was cute . The three kids played in the backyard while Crystal smoked her cigarette and watched . The little boy was intrigued with Tiana at first , until he found something in common with Marley. Crystal watched how he drifted away from Tiana and put all his attention on Marley . Crystal didn’t like that , she didn’t like to see her baby sad. That was the first time she put the bug in her daughters ear . Telling her to keep her friends away from Marley , because she would try to steal them all. Just how she had done the little boy .
Then Marley turned fourteen . Crystal had a boyfriend named Marcus . A heavy dope dealer she met from around the way . He was her favorite, because he bought her everything , paid bills and even bought her a car . His light skin was a plus. Sometimes he would show up with gifts for the two girls . Crystal noticed how Marleys gifts were always slightly better than Tianas . Then , he stopped bringing Tiana gifts all together . When Crystal brought it up to him, he cursed her out and said he only did it because she didn’t have anybody . And if she didn’t like it, he would leave and take the car too. Crystal wasn’t missing out on that money train so she shut her mouth .
One night , Marley came home late after an unpleasant visit with her father . Crystal and Marcus were on the living room couch watching T.V. It was dark, but the light from the screen reflected through his eyes. Marcus watched her like prey as she walked past them. The way a dog eyed a piece of meat . The way a man looked at a woman he wanted to fuck. Crystal thought she was being paranoid, she tried to blame it on her wine but something wasn’t right .
Later that night , something had brought her out of her sleep. She felt on her left bed side and found it empty , Marcus was supposed to be there . He wasn’t in her bedroom bathroom because the lights were off and it was silent . So she got up to see if his car was outside . It was still in the drive way .
Crystal could hear the wooden floors creak in her hall way. This was a time when Marley slept in a room next to Tiana, before Crystal moved her down to the basement . So it was normal for one of the girls to walk around .
But that wasn’t the case this time. She found Marcus , standing in front of Marley’s bedroom door . It was cracked slightly . He just stood there , watching her sleep . Grunting slightly, ever so often.
Crystal watched for a long time, not quite sure if she would stop him if he went inside . She kept thinking about how life would be if she actually lost him. So she did nothing but go back to her room and act as if she saw nothing. Thankfully nothing more happened that night . But the very next day, she moved Marley down into the basement . Away from her man. It seemed to displease him. More and more he distanced himself from Crystal . Eventually Marcus left her , and she put the underlying blame on her innocent niece.
“That’s why I put her ass in the basement . So damn jealous and ungrateful ”
“She could never be me, no matter how hard she tried” Tiana said proudly . Her mom let out a laugh and a few loud coughs . And when they seized, she laughed again.
“Shut the hell up , T!” Her mother had the ability to be hot and cold all in one sitting . One second she could be laughing with you about something, then in an instant she’d turn. Her daughter was floored and quiet. “I can’t believe you let her take your man”
Crystal knew all about the situation with Marley and Erik. Some truth, and some lies. Tiana even told her about seeing them together at the fair . How they purposely “flaunted” and “boasted” on the fact that they were together . Nevertheless, Crystal saw it as a problem . Somehow storing up her own distain towards her niece . It was as if she lived it through her daughter.
“She didn’t take him from me !” Her mom was really starting to fuel the fire . Tiana had only been there because her mother bailed her out of jail and she needed a place to go for the night.
“Then what did she do?” Crystal continued to tease and manipulate her . “She was living off of you , and fucking your man at the same time”
“I swear Marley is fucking done!” She pleaded .
“She had the nerve to call and speak to you after what she did. Since when did you let girls like her look down on you . I bet they both laugh at you all the time”
“Mom, I loved him. She took that from me!” Tianas rage made her sob uncontrollably. She was falling right into Crystals bait.
“Don’t let her get away with that. You make her ass pay”
“Mom, I want to hurt her so bad!” Tianas slammed her fist into the coffee table . It cracked slightly, but her adrenaline caused her to feel no pain “Watch when I get my fucking hands on her!”
Crystal began to calm Tiana down, in her version of a motherly way . She shushed her, and wrapped her arms around her . Hot and cold . And when she felt that Tiana had contained herself, she got to the root of another issue.
“Tarell keeps calling me looking for you” Crystal was talking about Tianas boyfriend. Her daughter broke free from her arms and shook her head . Tarell was the last person she wanted to talk about .
“They’re playing the Warriors and he said he’d be flying home tomorrow” she continued.
“I can’t believe they let him play, after what he did to me last night” she pointed to her black eye. Crystal kissed her teeth and rolled her eyes.
“You need to call him” she was absolutely stern with her statement.
“Mommy he hit me” Tiana said in a voice that reminded Crystal of when she was a little girl . But she saw a grown woman, who was about to lose out on a good thing.
“Tarell is a millionaire , and if you stop with the damn drugs, you probably could get knocked up!”
“Look at my face!” Tiana couldn’t even cover these scars and bruises with makeup , like the ones before.
“That man can buy you a new face. And if he does it again make him buy you another one” Tiana pulled out her cellphone and dialed Tarells number with a shaky hand. “You better hurry up before Marley steals him too”
Crystal laughed , then walked to her kitchen to make herself a nice stiff drink.
(Sorry for typos)
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hypmicscenarios · 5 years
Rainy Days w/ Jyuto
a/n: its raining and youre just waiting for your boyfriend to come home,using they/them pronouns again, very fluffy, 2K words
12:00 pm.
You looked at your phone,checking your notifications, then setting it back down. Ugh, you could hear the rain outside your window. Even worse, you could feel how cold it was. It made you want to do absolutely nothing. You pulled the blanket over your head and groaned into the pillow. Why wasnt Jyuto here? No. You knew why. It was because he was at work and took up the morning shift. Of course, there was less room for complaint. He would be home in the evening, but what were you supposed to do with yourself. You missed him.
Still staying underneath the warm cocoon of the blanket, you peeked your hand out, patting down for your phone, taking a couple times before you felt it, pulling it in. You opened it up to your home screen, smiling at the selfie you took of the two of you on your date. Jyuto had a soft smile on his face, you an even bigger one, complemented with a peace sign. God. You loved him so much.
Sighing happily, you remember him waking you up for a bit in the morning. You had scolded him on that. Even if you were in the deepest of slumbers and looked as comfortable as a kitten, you always wanted to kiss him goodbye, tell him to be safe at work, and that you loved him. Especially with his line of work, you had to say it at least once everyday.
Suddenly, your phone vibrated and you looked at a message from “Jyuto <3”
Jyuto: Honey, I know the rain makes you lazy but dont forget to eat lunch. I made a bento for you before I left. It should be in the fridge, I love you.
You read and bit your lips, almost tearing, than planted your face in the pillow as you silently screamed. How did you get such a good man?? You wondered that still to this day, you always would. Jyuto always reminded you why though. Your love for this man would never cease and you hoped his love for you wouldnt either.
y/n: thank you so much babe!!! I love you, what would I do without you?? :,)
Jyuto: I dont know but I would hate to imagine a life without you by my side
y/n:  I wouldn't be able to live. Do you get off at 5 pm?
Jyuto: I do. As soon as I do I’ll make my way back. Since its raining, the usual?
y/n: !!!! take out and movie and cuddles on the couch?
Jyuto: of course my love. Im off break, now go eat.
y/n: I will! Good luck stay safe!
Well. That was enough to kick you into gear. You scrambled out of the covers and got up, going to wash your face, brush your teeth, checking your social media, replying to anyone you didn’t to the night before. Your mind moved towards the bento, wondering what foods he put in there, probably your favorites. He always did. Jyuto remembered every little single detail about you. You wouldn’t fault him for forgetting some things because even your memory was horrible and fuzzy at times. With  Jyuto, however, that never seemed to be the case.
Once you were all good to go, you changed into warmer clothes….aka some grey sweats and one of Jyuto’s black sweatshirts that was way too big on you, but it made it all the more comfier. Plus, it smelled like him. When you opened the fridge, your guess was correct as you took out the bento, placing it on the kitchen island, then thinking.
“Hot chocolate!”, you finally said, looking into one of the cabinets, pulling out a packet. You grabbed a mug, then the milk from the refrigerator.
As you prepared the hot chocolate, you were on your phone, scrolling through your different social media again. When it was all done, the hot chocolate looked steamy and delicious, adding whip cream on the top, then setting it down near your food.
Jyuto’s food was always the best. He could definitely cook better than you, but he taught you things and you two switched with making dinner. It was now 1 pm. 4 more hours! You could get through this, 4 hours could go by in no time.
That countdown went down to 3 as you got caught up in watching videos as you ate.
Most of the bento was soon gone, filling you up. The hot chocolate adding onto that.
After you finished, you put your stuff away, yawning and stretching. You….definitely felt like you could nap. Rainy weather just did that to you. Also, the fact that work was crazy yesterday, so you were still a bit exhausted. You made your way to the couch, turning the tv on, mainly going to use it as background noise, so you let it stay on some daytime reality show.
You sat on the couch, grabbing the dark blue, velvet plush blanket, wrapping it snug around your body as you curled up on the couch, eyes looking at the tv, watching whatever was on.
The show was a bit interesting but before you knew it, your eyes became heavy, like a brick was weighing down on them, 
and then you fell back asleep.
“Y/n, im home” Jyuto called out, taking his shoes off, loosening his tie, and immediately spotting you asleep on the couch. A soft smile came on his face as he set the bag of takeout on the living room table, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to your cheek,”Im home y/n,”he said in a quieter and much softer voice. He ended up sitting criss-crossed, his cheek on his arms as he gazed at you lovingly, watching you sleep, the slow rise and fall of your chest, your slightly parted mouth, every little thing, he loved, absolutely adored.
He did nothing, but you must have sensed his presence because you started to stir, your eyes shakey before your lids opened, eyes focusing in on the man in front of you.
“Well, hello there sleepyhead,”he said.
A sleepy smile came on your face,”welcome home Jyuto,”you said. Jyuto smiled, leaning forward to place a kiss on your forehead,”im home.” Your arms wrapped around his neck as you turned on your back, looking up at him,”I missed you.” Jyuto raised an eyebrow, a teasing smile on his face,”how much?” Your hand went to the back of his neck, pulling him down and connecting your lips together.
You were still a bit tired, but you kissed him with passion, molding your lips together, slow and sweet, one hand slowly going on his chest. When you pulled away, Jyuto placed another last peck on your lips,”well, im yours for the rest of the day. Let me go change and we can resume our usual rainy day activities.” You nodded, smiling to yourself, happy that he came back, then looking at the bag on the table.
It was chinese takeout….your stomach grumbled. You sat up, surprised when you heard Jyuto’s voice. He changes quick. But he looks soft and comfortable. A white sweater, black sweats.
“I went with white today because a little someone sneaked into my closet.”he said, walking over with a smile. You blinked innocently,”maybe that little someone just missed you alot.” You knew he didn’t mind. Hell, if it was hotter, no pants would even be on you right now, just your bottom and one of his tops.
Jyuto sat down on the couch, grabbing your wrist, pulling you closer and closer till his hands landed on your waist and pulled you into his lap. You were a bit embarrassed but you spoke, placing your hands on his shoulders,”w-what is it…”,you asked. He didn’t respond just yet.
Instead, wrapping his arms around you and hugging you tight,”nothing, just need my daily dosage of y/n.” You smiled, hugging his neck and lightly petting his hair,”what a coincidence, I haven't had my daily dose of Jyuto either.
The two of you stayed like that for a couple minutes. A comfortable silence. Until he pulled away, looking at you, placing his hand on your cheek,”I love you.” You moved in closer, your hands on both of his cheeks, placing a soft kiss to his forehead, then down to his eyes, the tip of his nose, then kissing his lips with a smile,”I love you too.”
The two of you managed to choose a romantic comedy, eating for the first thirty minutes, your bodies close. You had moved from the couch to your own bedroom, since cuddling would be far more easier to do. As you ate your last piece of food and put it off to the side on your night stand, you commented on the movie,”so he’s traveling around the world to find his first love and all he has is a name,face, and the one conversation they had together” Okay, it was unrealistic, but you were a fucking sap. You thought it was cute.
Jyuto smiled and spoke,”if it were you I’d travel across the world” You were touched but you tried to deflect,”you dont have to for me.” Jyuto placed his food to the side, then moving, pushing your back down into the pillow. He was now hovering above, a gentle smile on his face as his hand came up to touch your face,”Ive told you plenty of times y/n, although it may not have been love when we first met, I was captivated by you. When I meet people I usually never hope to see them again but one conversation and I hoped that I could see your beautiful face again. I had a rough day that day at work, but your smile cured everything. You’re my angel.”
Oh no. He was….being soft again. Well, you asked for it. And, maybe, some part of you said that because this was exactly what you wanted, despite the rapid beating of your heart, thumping out of your chest. You looked past his glasses, into his eyes. “Well….I hoped to see you again too. Im only an angel for you. I’ll be your guardian angel then,”you said.
He chuckled,hand grabbing your wrist, pulling your arm towards him, holding your hand and placing a soft kiss on it as he looked at you, then spoke,”lucky me then. I have you all to myself.” Your face grew even hotter at such a simple action but you spoke,”you always have Jyuto.”
Honestly? How could Jyuto resist not kissing you after an adorable look like that. He leaned in, pressing your lips together again, a gentle and soft hand still on your cheek. You snaked your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. Soft kisses were nice, but you desired more. Jyuto picked up on it and deepened the kiss, moving more roughly against your mouth, you couldn’t help but moan really.
The two of you kept at this makeout of yours for a couple more minutes till he pulled away. Well, it was needed, you were both out of breath. You laughed as you looked at him,”you okay there, officer?” Jyuto smiled, moving a hand to put his glasses back up to his nose,”if Im with you im more than okay.”
“I love you, Jyuto,”you said, moving your hand to his cheek. He smiled, leaning down again and pressing a soft kiss against your lips, pulling away and saying,”I love you too, Y/n.”
He kissed the top of your head, looking at you. There was something about the look in his eyes, a glint, it shined bright, just for you. It made you feel special each time he looked at you like that.
You loved it.
He moved away, pulling you into his chest. Jyuto was just about done with his food anyway. He just felt like cuddling you. Of course, you wanted the same thing as well, adjusting yourself, moving a bit closer, then laying your head on his chest, looking back at the television. The two of you stayed like that, finishing the movie, turning the lights off, and heading to bed.
Of course, you appreciated his warmth and gentle embrace. Because of this, you were able to fall asleep quicker, mumbling a “goodnight” and “love you” before the two of you drifted off to sleep, snug and warm.
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Home (Taehyung x You ONESHOT)
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A/N: this song is inspired by an uprising band in my country called Insomniacks - Pulang (which means "come back" or "come back home") They started of as a YouTube band and wrote their own songs too! This story is inspired by their MV. If you have spotify you can listen to it, I believe that to all Kpop fans out there, language wont be a barrier to appreciate good music ❤
Also, this story is not finished yet. Think of it as a part 1 if you may. (Its a oneshot actually) I havent finished it yet but I haven posted for such a long time so I just want to post this first. This is not throughly edited yet. will fully edited once I posted the whole thing but hope you enjoy it since im a bit rusty now.
Warnings: Rape Scenes
A/N : And also, I’m trying a new thing here. if anyone here like my stories and want to give some support, why not buy me a coffee? ☕💜
"What is this story about?" Taehyung lazily thumb through the script on the table in front of him.
"In the nutshell, about an unrequited love. A lot of cheating, hurting and how the main female character gets over it. You will play the man who broke her heart," his manager explains briefly. "I know, I know. Its sounds like a typical love story. But its good exposure for you to start taking roles in a romantic drama. Armys would love that,"
"Hmm, I guess?" Taehyung, still thumbing through, not really believing his manager's words.
"And its also by an award winning writer and publisher. And she will guide the director all the way. Its going to be a hit Tae," his manager desperately tries to convince him once again.
"Yeah? Who is this award winning writer and publisher?" Taehyung looks at him, curious.
"You will surely know her. Shes too famous not to be known by anyone," the manager grins, sure that Taehyung wont say no once he heard the popular name. "Its L/N Y/N,"
"What?" Taehyung turns his head so fast it gives him a whiplash
"L/N Y/N. Shocking right? But your trusty manager manage to get you the role in her movies!"
Y/N pushes her glasses up her nose as she turns around to the source of the voice and saw one Kim Taehyung walking, no, sauntering over to her like he owns the school. Well, in some way, he really does owns the school. Everyone knows who Kim Taehyung is. Not just in the school, but in the whole town. Granted, its a small town, but Kim Taehyung just leave a mark on everyone he met. Guys wants to be him, or atleast gets close to him and girls will do anything to date him, parents admires him and teachers adores him. People would do anything just so for him to know their name, or even just hearing him call their name, which in some miracle, he is calling hers.
"M-me?" Y/N points to herself as Taehyung flashes her his incredible grin that could melt hearts, hers not an exception.
"Who else princess? I dont know any other Y/N," he smirks and hugs her waist, walking by her side, which turns all eyes on her. If it wasnt her in this surreal position, she would be staring too. Kim Taehyung with his hands around a girl's waist? Even worse, a nobody, nerdy, smarty pants who has her nose in a book all day. The girl who doesnt even have a single friend throughout her high school years?
"Speechless?" Taehyung winks. "Well, thats how I feel when I first saw you too princess,"
"W-what?" Y/N makes a sudden stop in the middle of the hallway the moment those words came out from his mouth and pushes her glasses back up on her nose, taking a good hard look at Taehyung who is still smirking at her. "Is this a dream? I'm dreaming arent I?" She lets out a loud laugh. "Yeah, that must be it. I'm dreaming. I'm in my bed right now, under my blankets, in a deep sleep. There is no way Kim Taehyung knows my name, is walking beside me, hugging my waist and calling me princess. Yeah, a dream. Definitely a dream," Y/N babbled on her own and Taehyung cant help but admire how ridiculously adorable she is. Y/N reached out her hand and touched his face. "Even in my dreams you look so ethreal," she smiles. "And you feel so real too,"
Taehyung burst out laughing. Oh wow, she really thinks shes dreaming.
He leaned in and whisper to her ears, "Keep on touching me princess, and something else might go down today," he winks as his smirks gets bigger.
Y/N smiles.
"This is really an amazing dream," she giggles. Shaking his head and laughing, Taehyung slowly leans in, one hand cupping her chin and the other holding the back of her neck as his lips softly touches hers. Wide eyed and surprised, Y/N touched her lips once Taehyung pulled away, smiling.
"Still believe its a dream princess?"
"D-did you really just kissed me?" She stuttered, eyes still wide.
"Yes. And theres a lot more where that come from," Taehyung grins and leans in to whisper in her ears, his warm breath grazing her ears, finally making Y/N realized that she is definitely not dreaming, and Kim Taehyung did really just kissed her. "Oh princess? You better believe that all this is real. You are mine now,"
Everything become official so fast. Taehyung was the perfect boyfriend.YN still couldnt believe it sometime. That she is Kim Taehyung's girlfriend. That Kim Taehyung is really, sincerely, happily in love with her.
Their relationship was happy and perfect. Taehyung never gave her any reason to doubt his feelings for her. They are the perfect couple, even her parents approved. Even when Taehyung was accepted as a trainee, something she never thought would happen.. oh who is she kidding, with that face and talent, of course he would get casted, no miracle there. But what is a miracle is how Taehyung's feelings for her never changed even when he is on the brink of fame, stress and debuting.
Things between them only starts to shake when Taehyung starts to get close to another trainee. Beautiful, talented Min Soo. Y/N trusts him, she really does. But theres also a limit on how much a girlfriend can take to see her boyfriend being close to another girl. Especially a beautiful one that matches him in every way.
What is once a peaceful relationship, starts to be filled with fights and doubts. Especially when Taehyung starts to pay more time and attention to Min Soo, under the false excuse of practicing and rehearsing. Dates cancelled everytime Min Soo called has been a norm to Y/N now, but she thought things were different when Taehyung suddenly asks her out on a super romantic date night. She strongly believe that Taehyung is finally realizing his mistake and is making it up to her.
Dressed to the nines and brimming with excitement, Y/N waited for her beloved boyfriend. She almost thought that Taehyung would cancel last minute like he usually does, but he showed up just in time and impecabbly dressed too. The night went well. Great even. Taehyung was romantic, sweet and everything he is when they first met... until Min Soo calls him, asking for his help for a cheaography.
"Really Tae?" Y/N pouts. "Cant you just tell her that we are on a date? You spend all your time practicing, I barely even see you this week,"
"Princess, you know this debut is important to me and Min Soo is helping me. Its only right that I helped her with hers too," Taehyung sighed, too tired to argue. Its like this every single damn time and he is exhausted.
"But Tae..  you promised that this will be our night. Please Tae? Just tonight. Spend it with me?" Y/N hold his hand and looks at his face softly, trying to find back the man Taehyung once were. The man that made her fall so madly in love before.
"This is work. Dont you understand?! You know how important this is to me!" Taehyung sighed, his voice slightly rising.
"I know it is Tae. But arent I important too?" Y/N tries to control her sadness. "I'm only asking for an hour or two. I'm sure Min Soo can wait,"
"Shes important to me Y/N! I need to do this!"
Y/N's mouth hand open. Did he just said what he just said? Did Taehyung really just said she?
"S-he?" She repeated his words. "She as in Min Soo? Shes more important to you isnt she?"
"N-no. You know what I meant. I meant this is important to me! My career! You said you will be supportive Y/N! You know I am doing this for us. For our future!"
"Supportive in your career, yes! Not supportive when your boyfriend is out with.. with.. another bitch!" Y/N yells out. With her good girl reputation, she never cursed. Not once, but she cant handle it anymore. Her heart is breaking with every second they soend arguing.
"What did you call her?" Taehyung growls.
"A bitch! I called her a bitch! Thats what she is Tae! Shes stealing you away from me!" Tears already rolling down her cheeks. Taehyung will usually do anything to make sure Y/N never cries, but apparenty tonight is nit one of those time. This time he is fuming with anger and he dont even know why.
"Y/N, I'm warning you. Dont call her that!"
"Why? Because shes your girlfriend now?! Then what am I? Why are you even with me right now?!"
"God, what part cant you understand. Its fucking work! And work is important to me!"
"Oh bullshit Tae! Just admit it! Its not work thats important! Its Min Soo! Just be a man and admit it!" Tears are no longer containable and is streaming wildly down Y/N's face. Taehyung kept quiet for a while, most probably thinking and after a while, with a sharp glare he opened his mouth.
"She is so much important than you in every way. Can you just please get the hell out of my car?"
"Oh Hyun Joo? What are you doing here? Did Tae sent you here?" Y/N smiles at him as the car stopped by her side and the windows rolled down to show Hyun Joo's big innocent smile. She knew it. There is no way Taehyung would leave her alone like this. Maube it really just work. An emergency. She should make it up to him tomorrow.
"Yeah he did. Come in," Hyun Joo smiles and unlock the door for her to climb in.
Without hesitation and doubt, she climbed into the car. Hyun Joo is Taehyung's best friend. She kust be important to hin if he sent his best friend to get her. The pain fron Taehyung leaving her alone in a dark, unknown place starts to melt away. She just loves him too much. After Taehyung asks her to get out from his car, Y/N was left alone in the dark scary road, far away from anywhere and her phone batteries had ran out. Scared and terrified, she walks along the darkened road, trying to find safety, still believing that Taehyung will come back. Maybe she can make Taehyung treat her to ice cream and a nice date to make up for tonight. She knows she shouldnt be forgiving him so easily, but what can she say. Shes whipped for him. Taehyung is her everythinf. She will forgive him in a heartbeat the moment he apologizes. Lost in thoughts, it took Y/N a while to realized that it has started to rain heavily and Hyun Joo has stopped the car.
"Why are we stopping? Is something wrong?" She looks over at the man, concerned.
"Yeah. We have a flat tire. Sorry, but i have to change it. Do you mind coming out with me and holding the umbrella for me?"
"Of course I will do that," she smiles and gets out in the heavy rain, holding the huge umbrella over the two of them as Hyun Joo crouched down to the tires. After a few minutes of fussing over, he suddenly stands up and turns to face her, eyes dark and changing.
"H-Hyun Joo? Everything okay?"
"Do you even know how beautiful you are?" He hold the handle of the umbrella, hands gripping over hers. "Why is Tae such an idiot? You are a million times better than Min Soo,"
"H-Hyun Joo? Why are you acting like this? I-is everything okay?" Y/N starts to panic. Her heartbeat starts to beat faster as she realized that shes in the middle of no where and no one to help her. But Hyun Joo wont do anything right? He must be playing around. He's Taehyung best friend. This must be a joke. Nothing else. Just a joke.
"Everything is definitely okay, princess," Hyun Joo smirks. The pet name coming out from his mouth sounded so sinister to her ears. "Now that I finally got you alone, everything is more than okay," he grins and grips her hand, pulling her and pushed her into the backseat, making Y/N fall helplessly on the seat, startled. "Why Taehyung huh?! Why Tar princess? I've been waiting for you for years! And one look from that luing, manipulating playboy and you are suddenly head over heels in love with him?!" He yells as he leans in, forcefully trying to kiss her but Y/N tilt her head dodging his face.
"Hyun Joon no! Please dont!" In panic she managed to kick him hard and pushed him before scrambling to the other side and runs out from the other door. Now more enraged from the kick, Hyun Joo chases after her, lust now combined with anger.
"You bitch! You wont get away with this!" Hyun Joon is not the school's athlete for nothing as he catches up with her so easily and drags her back to the car. Although she tried to wriggle and scream, doing everything she can, Hyun Joon is noticably stronger, overwhelming her in a second. "Stop resisting princess and it will be just as enjoyable to you. I can make you feel so much better than Taehyung can,"
Y/N spits in his face as one last attempt and that just resulted in making him angrier, making Hyun Joo pushed her down on the wet, dirt road.
"I tried to be nice to you princess, but you want the rough way huh? You like it rough?" He towers over her and slaps her multiple times, adding a few punches in order to weakens her resistance.
"D-dont please dont. Help. Somebody help!" Y/N screams as loud as she can but the rain drowned out everything. Using his strength, he captured both of her hands and use the other hand to ripped open the top of her dress.
"T-Taehyung... save me. P-please. I'm sorry," was the last thing she managed to whisper out, as tears that streams down her face mixed up with the heavy rain, closing her eyes tight, already numb from the pain and cold, blocking the smirk on Hyun Joo's face from her eyes.
"Its okay. She wont know. And you know you are meant to be with someone like me," Min Soo smile. Shes beautiful, thats for sure. And just like all the other teenage boys out there beauty is everything. So, erasing Y/N entirely from his mind, Taehyung leans in, his lips touching her, hands roaming at the hem of Min Soo's shirt as hers fiddled with his buttons.
Its okay. Y/N wont know a thing.
Taehyung woke up smiling the next day. He had spent an amazing night with Min Soo and he still has his amazing girlfriend. He loves Y/N, he really does. But temptation is everywhere. And he is just a young hot blooded man. All he has to do today is make up to Y/N with some nice date and all will be okay again. He is sure of it. Y/N was never able to resist him. She will forgive him in a heartbeat and everything will go back to the way it was. He is sure Hyun Joo has taken her home safely last night anyway.
However, he cant find Y/N anywhere the next day. He tried calling but her phone is shut down. Is she sick? Maybe. Taehyung will just go and see her after school then. He tries to find Hyun Joo, wanting to know if everything goes well after he asks him to get Y/N, but his best friend is also not in sight.
After the first period, rumors starts to buzz that Hyun Joo is arrested, for what, none of the students are sure. Some says murder, some says vandalism, but nothing is for sure. Puzzled, Taehyung tried to get some information about his best friend, but no one tells him anything. Even Hyun Joo's parents refused to speak to anyone or try to clarify things.
More confused about whats going on in school today, Taehyung decided to immediately went off to Y/N's house, knowing he will feel much better the moment he saw her beautiful smile. He definitely didnt expect to be greeted so coldly by Y/N's parents as they opened the door.
"Hi Mr and Mrs L/N. Y/N didnt come to school today so I came to visit her. Is she okay?" Taehyung flashed his signature boxy smile. Y/N's parents loves him and is always welcoming and incredibly warm but something felt off today.
"Stay the hell away from my daughter and dont you ever come back here!" Taehyung was taken aback by what Y/N's father just said to him.
"I said get the hell out of here and get out from my daughter's life! What kind of a bastard leave a young girl alone in the dark after he promised her parents that he would take her home safe and sound!" Y/N's father yelled and her mother starts crying, which confuses Taehyung even more. Is he that angry over last night? But he didnt leave her alone. He asks Hyun Joo to pick her up!
"Sir! I'm sorry that I have to bail out from the date last night. But something came up!  I-"
"Something came up?!" Y/N's father move forward and grip Taehyung's collar. "After everything that happened last night, your reason is something came up?!" Taehyung's eyes widen. Did her father know about him and Min Soo?
"B-but sir. Can I just please see Y/N? I can explain it to her. I called Hyu-"
"Dont you dare mention that name in front of us ever again!" A powerful punch flies over Taehyung's handsome face, making him fall to the ground. "You and your no good best friend better get out from Y/N's life forever if you dont want to share his jail cell!"
With that the door is slammed shut.
Still as confused as ever, Taehyung tried calling Y/N every day and night for a week but her phone is soon out of reach. And after a week, he is met with the news that Y/N and her whole family has moved away.
Y/N moved away. Without a goodbye or a last I love you, she left. His first true love left.
And all Taehyung can think about is the last thing he ever said to her.
She is more important than you in every way. Can you just please get the hell out of my car?
"Y-Y/N, h-hi. Its been so long," Taehyung stuttered. He cant believe Y/N is standing in front of him right now. His first love, his one true love. He tried to look for her for years and failed miserably. She is still as beautiful as he remembered, making his heart skipped a beat. He cant believe shes here now, and... and.. smiling?
"Hi, I'm Y/N. You must be Kim Taehyung? Its nice to meet you," she lets out a smile so warm, it makes Taehyung's heart flutter as much as it hurts that shes pretending that she didnt know him.
"Y-Y/N, its me. Tae. You dont remember me?" He looks at her confused face. "I-I know seeing me again must be terrible for you, but please, dont pretend like you dont know me,"
Y/N starts to furrow her eyebrows at what he is saying, a confused look etched on her face,  giving weird looks to her manager who only looks back at the two of them with sympathy.
"I'm really sorry. I dont know what you are talking about. Did we meet before? Maybe I didnt notice you at an event? I'm sorry, but I really cant recall," Y/N smile politely and smile at him. "I-I mean, I know you are from that famous group. BTS right?" Y/N quickly corrected herself, afraid she might have offended the big superstar. Taehyung looks at her, dumbfounded. How can her sincere smile matched with what she is saying?
"Y/N! Why are you doing this?" Taehyung starts to get frustrated. "How can you not remember me?! We are-"
"I'm sorry Mr. Kim, but I think you should come with me for a moment," her manager interrupt, bowing politely to them and smiling at Y/N. Sighing and defeated, Taehyung followed the manager with no complaint, eager to know whats going on. He leads him to a corner, far away from Y/N's confused looks.
"Mr. Kim? Is it safe for me to assumed that you have known Ms. Y/N from way back? Say.. in her teenage years?" Her manager looks straight at his face.
"Yes!" Taehyung quickly confirmed. "We went to the same school together! In fact, I am her b-" Taehyung stop himself once he realized what hes about to say.
"Yes Mr. Kim?"
"H-her boyfriend," Taehyung admitted defeatedly. "From a long time ago. In high school,"
"Wait!" The manager gasps. "Are you saying you are her boyfriend? From her hometown?"
"Yes! Did she talk about me?" Taehyung's face turned into a smile. Maybe Y/N did still have feelings for him if she told her manager about hin right?
"Uh.. no. Not particularly,"
"O-oh.." Taehyung's reaction immediately darkened. "Then why did you ask?"
"Well, uh Mr Kim. Seeing your reaction, I can safely say that you most probably didnt know,"
"Know what?"
"She didnt talk about you not because shes angry.. or hates you... its uh.. its because she cant remember,"
"Cant remember? What do you mean? It doesnt happen that long ago!"
"Ms Y/N.. well.. she uh.. she lost her memory.."
"What?!" Taehyung was shocked. What is this man saying?
"Miss Y/N was involved in an accident. A very... tragic accident," her manager looks at him with sympathetic eyes.
"W-what do you mean? Tell me!" Taehyung shakes his shoulders. "Tell me right now!"
"Uh well... it happened when she was 16. She uh was left in the middle of the night, in the middle of no where. Her parents said it was her boyfriend back then, but it cant be right? Why would a boyfriend left his girl in the middle of no where,"
Taehyung gulps. Memories of that night starts flashing back like a vivid slideshow.
"And I think the person who left her promised that someone will come and get her, because he really needs to go. An emergency, I think?"
"Okay! I fet it. That bastard left her alone! Can you just get to the bloody point?!" Taehyung is getting impatient, making the manager looks at him weirdly at his massive interest in the story.
"Uh well.. I dont know how long she waited, but it started raining heavily, and that person did come.. but uh.."
"She uh.. got raped,"
"W-what?!" Taehyung feels like his world is spinning. Y/N got raped? B-by who? I-it cant be Hyun Joo right? It just cant be! Oh mu god, is that why he is arrested? "S-she what?" Legs shaky, Taehyung almost collapsed but the manager hold him, worried.
"Are you okay Mr Kim?"
"W-what happened?" Taehyung doesbt care about himself. He just wants to know what happened to his baby.
"Uh well. She was raped when shes 16. It was a dark time for her family. Shes a good student, an amazing one, and a good daughter," her manager sighed  "but I guess she mingled with the wrong crowd? S-she didnt just got raped. She was beaten half to death by the assaulter. I guess he did that to weakend her before doing the deed? I figured she must have tried to fight back... but a fragile 16 year old girl against a man?" Her manager looks down sadly. The whole night flashed back like vivid memory in Taehyung's mind. The heavy rain, Min Soo's laughter, kisses, the sin he did that night, how he shuts down his phone and slept so soundly that night. All those happening while Y-Y/N got raped? Y/N must have been so scared.
No. She must have been terrified.
She must have called out his name, but he... he wasnt there to save her.
"After everything is done, she was just left there, to die I guess. The injury on her head and body was so severe the police assumed the assaulter was sure she would die and nobody would find her there,"
That fucking asshole! He left her to die? His Y/N? Taehyung clenched his fist so hard, his nails left marks so deep in his palms.
"But her parents sends out a search party when she didnt come home that night. Her boyfriend's phone was shut down too. When they found her, she was barely alive and keep repeating the assaulter's name before passing out. When she wakes up the next day, Ms Y/N has lost all memory. Every single thing up to that night. She can only remember basic things like her parents and her name  The doctor said she was badly traumatized and her mind refused to remember what happened. In order to save their daughter from the pain of remembering, her parents thought that keeping her in the blind is the best thing for her and move away shortly after to create a new memory for her somewhere new," her manager finishes off. "I was assigned to look after her. To make sure nothing triggers the pain again,"
"A-are you saying that.. she doesnt remember anything at all? She doesnt... she doesnt have the slightest memory of.. of me?"
"I'm afraid so yes. Mr Kim.. I'm sorry to say.. but to her, you are nothing but a stranger that she just met today," the manager looks at him. "And.. we would gladly appreciate it if you can keep it that way,"
"Mr Kim? Are you even listening to me?" Taehyung snaps back to reality when Y/N waved her hand in front of him, smiling. "I am sorry. My story must be boring," she laughs. Taehyung shakes his head and smile.
"N-no. Not at all. I- uh.. I was just distracted. Sorry, please continue," he smiles and lets Y/N continue her briefing about her story.
"Okay then. Well.. thats about it. But I havent finish the ending yet. I dont know if the female lead should end up with the main lead. What do you think Mr Kim?" Y/N smiles at him. It breaks his heart every single time she calls him that.
"Uh well.. it depends. Your manager said this is based on a true story? So what is the ending to this story?" Taehyung is curious. The storyline is very familiar to their own love story but Y/N is not supposed to remember anything, right?
"Well... to be honest. Its not entirely based on a true story. Its more like a memory," she smiles.
"A memory?"
Y/N laughs. "This might sound silly to you Mr Kim, but I feel like I have been through it. Maybe its a dream I had? I dont know, but everything feels real," Y/N smiles again. "I'm sorry. Its stupid right Mr Kim?"
"N-no. No. definitely not," Taehyung smiles. "But in this dream if yours.. are you happy with that guy? T-the main lead?"
"Well... again, this might sound so incredibly stupid.. but yeah. I am... very happy," she gave a sad smile. "But sometimes I feel sad when I'm around him in my dream. Its as if he has hurt me but I dont know. How could he when he is just a dream right? I dreamt about him most nights, but he never have a face. In my dreams he calls me princess," Y/N laughs out loud as if to tell Taehyung how stupid her dream is. Taehyung felt his heart beating so rapidly, it almost burst out from his chest. Y/N dreamt about him. That must be him. Taehyung wanted to reached out and touched her hand but the look she gave him, a look of a stranger, of one colleague to another, stops him.
"Why are you laughing?"
"I mean... it must really be a dream. How can I ever be a princess to anyone. I mean, look at me Mr Kim," she giggles again.
"Princess, I love you," Taehyung smiles at her, hands holding hers tight as they sat under the tree in front of the school field. Y/N blushes.
"I-I... uh," she looks down, face red as a tomato. Its the first time Taehyung ever said I love you to her. "I love you too Taehyung. I really do,"
"Awwww, is my princess blushing?" Taehyung smiles and squeezes her cheeks.
"No I am not!" Y/N blushes hard and hits his chest playfully. "And I am definitely not a princess. How can I be anyone's princess. I mean, look at me Taehyung,"
"Well, I am looking and you are beautiful, just like a princess. My princess," Taehyung smiles and leans in softly, kissing her under the tree as the wind blow softly.
"I am looking Y/N," Taehyung whispers softly, his deep gaze boring holes into hers, setting Y/N's heart on fire. "And you are beautiful. Just like a princess," My princess.
"How is shooting going hyung?" Jungkook invites himself to sit besides Taehyung, slurping on his banana milk as Jimin joins in. "I miss you. I dont see you around anymore. Why do you always leave earlier than you need to abd come back later than usual?" The maknae pouts.
"The brat is right Tae," Jimin chimed in, earning a glare from Jungkook. "Stop glaring at me Kook. You dont look that intimidating with banana milk all over your face," Jimin rolls his eyes and turns back to Taehyung. "You are not ditching us for a bunch of "Hwarang Hyungs 2.0" right?!" Jimin starts to panic. As far as he knows, Taehyung co- star is a girl this time. They are not losing him again right?
"No I am not! And stop being jealous of my hyungs. You will always be my best friend Chim," Taehyung winks. "Theres no hyungs this time... but..."
"Oh my god! Are you dating your co- star?!" Jungkook exclaimed with excitement. "Are you finally teaching me how to date? I dont want to learn with the other hyungs, their methods of dating are too x rated," Jungkook scrunched his nose.
"First of all, you are too young to date, so I am not teaching you anything,"
"I am only two years younger than you! And taller than Jimin-hyung!" Jungkook protest.
"Yah! What does height has to do with anything?!" Jimin threw a pillow towards the maknae and Taehyung laughs.
"And two, I am definitely not dating my co- star. I dont even have the slightest interest in her. But... I am trying to date the writer,"
"What?!" Both boys are surprised by Taehyung's bold admittance.
"Oh I didnt tell you? The writer is Y/N,"
"Y.. Y/N?" Jimin tapped his chin, trying to remember the familiar name. "Isnt that the girl from your trainee years? The one you still kept a photo of in your wallet? Shes the writer?!"
"Yeah... and the story I'm staring in is our love story Chim.. but Y/N.. she doesnt remember..."
After spending the next few hours explaining to Jimin and Jungkook about Y/N and what had happened to her, Taehyung was forced to spend the next few hours being scolded and called stupid by his other hyungs after the two loud mouth runs over to Namjoon's studio and tells the leader the whole story, which leads to the whole band knowing which of course means a family meeting where Taehyung was burned at the stake.
"Okay now that we are done telling him what a dumbass he is," Namjoon sighs and turns to him, giving him another smack at the back of his head, "what are you planning to do? Nothing too dumb please?"
"Hyung, I am not dumb!" Taehyung protests.
"Well, all your action so far showed you are," the older man rolls his eyes.
"Fine.. but.. now that I found her again... I want Y/N back. Its fine if she doesnt remember me hyung, I just want to redeem myself. I-," Taehyung sighs. "I still love her. I never stopped loving her. I have been trying to look for her since she moved. Now that I have found her, I need to make her fall in love with me again,"
"Andddd cut! Good job Tae! Thats all for today, see you guys tomorrow!" The director shouted and everyone bows to each other, off to end their long tiring day. Taehyung's eyes immediately spotted Y/N who is packing her bags, ready to leave and rushed over.
"Oh Mr Kim, hello," Y/N bows and Taehyung gives out a unsincere smile. He hates it when Y/N treated him so formally, like a stranger. He knows that is exactly what he is to her, but he cant help but remembers all the memories and little things they shared years back. The way she laughs, the way her eyes lighted up when she saw him, the excitement on her face wheb she saw him walking towards her, her giggles and blush when he told her how pretty she is...
"Hello Y/N," he smiles. "Going back already?"
"Yeah I guess," Y/N picks up her bag and starts walking slowly. "But I just need to stop by somewhere first. It has been a looong day for me. And when I had a long day I usually stops for-"
"Ice cream," Taehyung finishes her sentence with a smile.
"Oh my god, how did you know?!" Y/n squeals, amazed and surprised at the same time. "How can you know that ice cream is what I needed Mr Kim?"
"Its a looong day for me today Taetae," Y/N pouts. "I had back to back exams, my english teacher is mean, I lost my science assignment and had to redo it and the history teacher decides to do a pop quiz! I just want to crawl to bed Taetae,"
"Not yet princess. Im not gonna let my princess go back home all stress out okay?" Taehyung flashes his boxy smile and grabs her hand.
"Where are we going?"
"Somewhere that can put a smile back on my princess' beautiful face," he covers her eyes and uncovers it when they reached the shop. "Ice cream! My treat princess,"
"Well... I think, from now on, everytime I had a long day, I will always go for ice cream then," Y/N giggles as she gigs into her ice cream. Taehyung smile, looking at his beautiful princess smiling so happily. He would give everything for her to always be happy  "How do you know that ice cream is what I needed Taetae?"
"Because ice cream is the sweetest thing that can even come close to a sweet princess like you," Taehyung winks, making her blush.
"I love you Tae," Y/N giggles. "I dont knkw what I'll do without you in my life. You are my home. No matter how lost I am, I'm okay, as long as you are a part of me. I love you," Y/N leans in across the table and kisses him, and Taehyung has never tasted anything sweeter.
"Mr Kim? Hello?" Y/N waves her hand, taking Taehyung back to the present, his eyes gleaming with unshed tear from the memory. "Boy, you really dazes out a lot. Am I that boring?" Y/N giggles.
"No, definitely not boring. You were saying?"
"I was just asking. How do you know that ice cream is what I needed after a long day?"
"Because ice cream is the sweetest thing that can even come close to a sweet princess like you," Taehyung stares deep into her eyes as he said it, her blushing form is a duplicate of that day, years ago, he almost expecting her to say she loves him again.
Just like that day.
But instead Y/N smiles at him.
"Want to come with me and get ice cream then?"
Y/N dont know why he enjoys every little second he spent with Kim Taehyung. He is handsome, thats for sure, but Y/N is pretty sure that is aesthetics is not what makes her heart beats faster than it should. Theres just something about him.
Something... familiar.
She feels happy. And sad at the same time. She feels likes she knows him. She feels as if shes... home.
They had a good time at the icr cream parlour. Taehyung told her a lot of stories about his adventures with his band mates, but he seems to always avoid talking about his past, and Y/N is not one to pry. Afterall, they are strangers, Taehyung is not obligated to tell her anything.
"So Mr Kim, I am guessing you dont have the chance to go out like this often? You know, with you being a universal star and all?" Y/N giggles.
"Yeah. We dont go out like this often. But when we do, we usually go out with each other," he smiles and watch Y/N digged into her ice cream. Cookies and cream, still the same flavor. "You know... we are practically friends now, and we are the same age. Why dont you call me Tae? Or... Taetae? I mean.. I already call you Y/N,"
"Yeah," he smiles. "Or Taetae,"
"T-taetae?" The moment that nick name rolled off Y/N's tounge, a surge of vision enters her mind, causing extreme pain in her head.
"Call me Taetae now princess, I am afterall your boyfriend," the faceless man smiles and kisses her forehead. "And thats a special nickname only you can use,"
"Hey Y/N are you okay?!" Taehyung immediately stands up and went to her side when she starts holding her head.
"Y-yeah. I just got a sudden headache. Maybe its a brain freeze from the ice cream," she tries to smile but Taehyung is having none of it.
"Let me send you home okay?" Y/N nodded weakly and Taehyung made sure that she has safely arrives before saying goodbye.
"Take care okay. And take a day off tomorrow if you need it alright?"
"Alright. But I think I will be okay," she smiles and bows. "Thanks. And goodbye.. Taetae..."
Taehyung's face light up the moment she calls out his name, making Y/N blush and rushed inside.
Taetae... why does it sounds so familiar. Who are you Taehyung-ah?
Taehyung was on cloud nine since that ice cream date. Y/N calls him Tae, or Taetae. No more that Mr Kim bullshit, and they spend a lot of time together now. He even had the chance to bring her to lunch to meet the members and of course, just like he expected, they all love her. Taehyung even thinks the maknae is seriously in love with her, but no way in hell hes going to let that happen.
Y/N is his.
Atleast she will be again.
"Miss Y/N, Mr Kim, we will finally be meeting with the actress who played the woman you will be cheating with Mr Kim. We are sorry her scenes has to be delayed because of her her overseas schedule," the production crew informs them as they were having a break. Break time on set is Taehyung's favorite time, because he can pulls his chair and sits besides Y/N, sharing the lunch Seokjin made for him or his manager bought for him, since he refuses to eat outside anymore if Y/N didnt come with . Every second with Y/N is heaven to him and he hope she will still want to stay in touch even after their filming ends.
He cant lose her again. He just cant.
"Oh its fine. I heard shes a good actress, so she can keep up with the filming right?" Y/N asks.
"Yes. Shes a very good actress. Actually Mr Kim, you know her quite well. She used to train with your company before,"
"Oh really?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow. The only trainee he knew that turns into an actress from his training days is...
"Taetae!" Min Soo shouted from the door the moment she saw him, pushing her sunglasses up her forehead.
"M-Min Soo?" Taehyung was taken by surprised as Y/N lifted her head to see the actress who just entered. Upon seeing her face and her excitement in hugging Taehyung, a rush of memories flooded her mind and in a matter of second, Y/N was passed out on the floor, the last thing she hears was the voice of the faceless man in her dreams calling her name.
Taehyung rushed to her hospital room, dropping his coffee once the doctor informed him that Y/N is awake. The moment he swing ooens the door, he was greeted wirh Y/N leaning up straight on the bed, glaring at him, face drenched with tears.
"Y-Y/N... y-you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? The doctor says y-"
"Get. Out,"
Taehyung's blood run cold as he heard the icy tone of her voice. What happened? Why is she suddenly like this? Did she forgets him again?
"Y-Y/N? Its me. Taehyung. Tae. Taetae? Y-you dont remember me?"
"No. I remember everything," Y/N starts to sobbed. "I remembered everything now Taehyung! Get out! I dont want to see you! Out!" Y/N yells, throwing whatever she could reached from her bed side and throw it at the dumbfounded Taehyung.
"Y/N no! Baby please. Let me explain!" Taehyung dodge her throws and try to reached oit for her hand but she immediately pull away.
"Explain? Explain?!" She yelled. "You ruined my life Taebyung! I gave you everything! I loved you with every part of me and you left me?! Do you even know?! Do you even know what he did to me?!" Y/N sobs starts to get uncontrolable, sobbing her eyes out. If Taehyung could hurt himself so Y/N's pain would lessen, he would do it. He would do anything to go back to that night and do it all over again. He would treat her right. He would cherish her. He would already be married to her right now.
"Y/N please-"
"He raped me Taehyung!" She sobs. "I remembered everything now. I remembered the pain when he slaps me, punch me. The cold rain on my face. His disgusting face as he.. as he..." Y/N sobs even louder and Taehyung wants nothing more than to kill Hyun Joo if he wasnt already in prison serving his time. "I called your name Taehyung. I called you over and over again. I keep saying I'm sorry. I thought if I didnt pissed you off about Min Soo, if I just apologizes, you would come back. You would come back and save me from that... that monster," she continues to sobs. "B-but you didnt. A-and he keep... he keeps hurting me. H-he keeps touching me. Where were you Taehyung? Where were you?!" Y/N shouted one last time before throwing the flower vase on the bed side, only inches away from Taehyung's head.
Taehyung knew he dont need to answer. Y/N dont really want to know where he is that night. She already knows. But he feels like he needs to explain it to her. To tell her that leaving her that night was the biggest mistake of his life. That saying all those things to her that night... he regrets it all. He wants to tell her he loves her, that he loves her still, that he will protect her now. That he will spend forever to make it up to her.
But everything got stuck in his throat.
"Y/N... I-"
"Get out," her voice cold, eyes closed.
"Y/N, I need t-"
"I said get out Taehyung. Get out, get out, get out, GET OUT!"
Her hysyeric screams finally attracts the nurses and before he could say anything else, Taehyung is escorted out. He was never allowed to visir her ever again, and although Y/N didnt ask for Taehyung or Min Soo to be pulled out fron the movie, she never again make an appearance on set.
Taehyung was lost.
Without Y/N he was lost.
And thats when he realizes, Y/N is his home. All these years he keeps holding on. Living life day by day, feeling empty and lost, because at the back of his mind he is still looking for her, looking for a way back. A way back home.
But what is he to do now when his home dissapeared?
Y/N is his home. And he needs to go back. No matter what it takes.
"Today is the last day of the filming. You sure you dont want to go and visit the set? Say thankyou to the crew?" Y/N's manager sat besides her, patting her back.
"I'll just send them a fruit basket. We will do another dinner without the actors one day. Satisfied?"
Her manager sigh and give a sad smile to her.
"Y/N... I know its hard... getting your memories back like that. I know you feel as if all the people that are close to you have been lying to you. But you know we did it to protect you right?"
Y/N looks down and fiddled with her fingers. She actually understands. She really understands it. She herself hopes that she wouldnt remember.
"I know oppa... but... I'm not mad at you. Or eomma or appa... but..."
"You are mad at Taehyung?"
Y/N keep silence, knowing that her manager really knows her best.
"Listen... I dont know exactly what went down between the two of you, but I have put some of the puzzle pieces together. Starting from his reaction in the first day you were introduced to him. I dont know much Y/N... but I know that he loves you," Y/N raised her head at that. "And you... you love him too,"
"What?! No way! I dont!"
"Y/N... you can try to lie to yourself, but you cant lie to me," her manager smiles. "Dont you ever wonder why you only dream happy things about the faceless man? Y/N those dreams... they are not dreams. They are your memories. Memories of you and Taehyung. Happy memories. No matter how hard your mind tries to rejects him by refusing to remember, your heart still remembers him Y/N. Now... just remember back all your dreams.. and remember it hard. You will see that the faceless man is Kim Taehyung, and you will understand that the feelings you had is happiness, love and missing him. Find it in your heart to forgive him Y/N and give yourself a chance to be happy. A home is never perfect, nor does it only give you happiness. A home is a place where you can feel comfortable. It can be a mess, it doesnt have to be perfect, it has its flaws, but its yours. Taehyung is your home Y/N. Come back home and be happy. Thats all I want for you," her manager, who is more like a brother to her gives her a tight hug and leaves, letting Y/N be alone with her messy thoughts.
Y/N sat alone, pondering the words of her oppa that has known her ever since the incident. Who has been by her side, guiding her through her career. Just remember back all your dreams.
Y/N closes her eyes and collect back all her dreams about the faceless man. The faceless man who makes her heart beats faster in her dreams. The faceless men who kisses tastes so sweet, who words can make her smile for days.
"Princess, I love you,"
"Awwww, is my princess blushing?"
"Well, I am looking and you are beautiful, just like a princess. My princess,"
"Not yet princess. Im not gonna let my princess go back home all stress out okay?"
"Somewhere that can put a smile back on my princess' beautiful face,"
"Ice cream! My treat princess,"
"Because ice cream is the sweetest thing that can even come close to a sweet princess like you,"
"I love you princess,"
"You are mine now princess,"
"You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen princess,"
Y/N remembers back every single dream he ever had about that faceless man. He always calls her princess. His princess. But its different this time. This time she remembers. She remembers herself, looking back up into the faceless man's deep gaze and smile...
"I love you Kim Taehyung,"
Its Taehyung. Its really is Taehyung. All this while she thought ahes having a fantastic dream of her faraway soulmate. Maybe ut is her soulmate, but he is not that faraway. Not at all. All this while, it was her heart telling her to remember him. To remember Taehyung and all their memories together.
Without hesitation, she grabs her jacket ans ran out not noticing anyone arounds her until she bumps into someone.
"Ow! Look where you are going!"
"You look wh- Y/N?"
Standing in front of her is Kim Taehyung. The faceless man. Her soulmate. Her home.
And she doesnt know what to do but to turn back the other way when Taehyung pulls her hand and stops her.
"Dont go. I am not letting you leave ever again. You can hate me, hit me, kill me, I dont care, I just want to be with you and never ever leave you again," Taehyung pulls her into a tight hug. "Y/N... I love you. I never stop and theres not a second went by that I dont regret that night. You dont have to take me back, but I wont ever leave your side. Ever again. I love you. I love you. I love you,"
Y/N stays in his hug for a moment, tears wetting the front of his shirt. How is it that the man who hurt her so much makes her feel so safe and like she belongs? Is it true what her oppa said?
Is Taehyung really her home?
That one place that is fully hers?
"I-its hard," Y/N sniffles, voice muffled in his tight hug. "I-I understand why my mind refuses to remember you Tae. But my heart is stronger. It wanted me to remember," she sniffles louder, making Taehyung released the hug to look at her face. "I love you Taehyung. There was never a second that I stopped loving you. Even when my mind dont remember, my heart does. I love you too much that what you did hurts me to the core. But I cant live like this anymore. I cant live under the shadows of my past, because between the hurt you gave me, you are also my happiness. I choose to remember. I dont want to forget anymore. It hurts yes, its painful, yes. But I know it now Tae. I know why I always feel so empty even when I cant remember anything. Its because I was never home Taehyung. I need to feel alive again. I need to come home..."
Taehyung looks at her, eyes gleaming with tears from the knowledge that he has hurt the only person he has ever love to beyond repair. He didnt quite understand what Y/N is saying, but whatever it is, he swears he will do anything to make it up to her.
"Tell me what you need me to do Y/N. I'll bring you home. Whatever you need, I'll do it baby. I'll do anything,"
"Tae... you dont understand," she giggles through her tears. "I want to come home. Taehyung...you are my home. And its a mess, a messy, unorganized, abandoned home.. but its mine. Its my home and I wouldnt want to be anywhere else, Taehyung,"
"And wherever you are baby, I will follow. I will never ever leave you alone ever again. Because right here," he points to her heart," is where my home is. I love you..."
Taehyung looks at her with eyes filled with love and determination to make her forget every little pain she ever faced. He will give her the best home she could ever dream of. A home filled only with love, laughter and happiness. And as he leans in to capture her lips, Y/N can feel it too.
"My princess, my home, my everything,"
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endwalkr · 5 years
this is an ask based thingy but im really in the mood to infodump so im just gonna answer them all under the cut !
Favorite video game?
starting off with the absolute hardest question huh? i can’t possibly name ONE favorite game of mine because i adore my favorites for many different reasons. my overall favorite video game is ffxv or botw. ffxv because it has brought me so much joy for such a long time, and because i have such a connection with the characters. botw because i was actually in the fandom when it first got announced in 2016 so i got to be there when the hype was at an all time high– and finally being able to play the game after waiting for so long was an unforgettable experience. i have more favorite games but ill talk more about them in the ‘’special place in ur heart’’ question.
First console you owned?
my first console wasn’t a console. my friend and i used to play on her nintendo dsi all the time and at one point tiny little me reeeally wanted one of my own so i saved up and got one in [redacted] when i was 7. my first actual console was a wii though, we got that around the same time.
A game that holds a special place in your heart?
ffxv and botw mean the absolute world to me, but super mario galaxy and skyward sword are very important to me too. skyward sword is the game that got me into zelda which got me into anime which got me into final fantasy etc etc etc.  super mario galaxy was the first non-mini game collection and more adventure story-ish game i played. i was so proud when i beat it for the first time and mario was my first ever ‘’fandom’’ :’) 
Favorite video game character?
bro. i cant pick just one so i’ll choose one per game : prompto, ryuji and link. they were all my comfort characters at some point and i projected like crazy onto them. this doesnt mean that i wouldnt absolutely die for noct or zelda. 
Least favorite video game character?
i dont think theres anyone i distinctly dislike? i always talk about hating ardyn but that’s because he’s just a salty bitch. as a character i think he’s a great villain and i rly love him. i honestly always end up liking everyone somehow, maybe there is someone i just forgot about but i cant remember at all. 
Favorite genre?
adventure games, or action rpgs. 
Video game character you’ve had a crush on?
every character ever, but i distinctly remember the moment i fell in love with prompto sjghfkshd i was watching a playthrough of xv in december 2016 because i didnt have a ps4, and the guy got to the scene in galdin quay where the bros learn insomnia fell. i had watched about 6 hours of the game by that time and wasn’t particularly interested in the characters but not uninterested enough to drop it. i hadnt even gotten a good look at the characters faces yet, so when the camera zoomed in on prompto when he said ‘’might not be save for us here!’’ i noticed he had freckles. oh god. oh fuck. oh my god hes fucking cute. oh my god better watch 30 hours of this game now
First video game you remember playing?
wayyy before i got my own gaming systems, my then-best friend had a gamecube in her attic. i was around 5 or 6 at the time. whenever i was over at her house and we didnt know what to do, she’d sometimes propose to play ‘’mario kart’’. important is that we are dutch, and i was a literal child. i thought mario KART meant it was a fucking card game, so i always declined whenever she asked. on one fateful day, i finally gave in and was pleasantly surprised it was in fact not a card game, but a viddy game. so we played mario kart double dash. (…i had never played a video game in my life besides browser flash games and was Very Very bad)
Age you started gaming?
so i played my first video game that i didnt own when i was about 5 or 6. then i got my first supply of games at age 7/8, but i dont really consider that time to be when i started ‘’gaming’’. i’d say that was when i started mario galaxy, so i’ve been playing video games for real (ie. story adventure games with boss battles) for about 6 years now.
Hardest video game you’ve played?
this is gonna sound stupid, but the witcher 3. there’s like 7 difficulties and i played on the EASIEST and still had a hard time, i just couldnt get used to the combat. i had the same problem with assassin’s creed syndicate, but after about 10 hours i actually knew what i was doing, and ive played the witcher longer than that and still am clueless. this is kind of an unpopular opinion but i dont particularly like that game
Video game you’ve spent the most time on?
i guess i am what you’d call a casual gamer; i really like video games but during a normal school week i only game for like 2-6 hours. most of the time i dont play for like 2 weeks if im busy. gaming has kind of taken over my life not because i play so much but because i get so emotionally invested lol i’m currently on summer break and even now im not playing a lot because of exhaustion and executive dysfunction. this derailed slightly but the game i’ve played the most despite my casual gamer status is …. … …. ffxv. surprise, right? the runner up is botw, but xv wins by a landslide. 630+ hours. botw is 350. my main save in ffxv is almost 200 hours i think. damn. i really managed to keep myself entertained with that game… (………i was thinking recently, since the loading screens in xv are so long, how much of this total amount was spent watching screens. i imagine it’s several hours, especially if you fast travel a lot.)
Most embarrassing gaming moment?
many moments in my gaming experience are embarrassing, but a more recent one: i was in xv’s postgame, beating some dungeons on my new save file. i had just finished daurell caverns and hadn’t saved in about 2 hours. (uh oh) i was driving around in the regalia type d and got to the big cliff near lestallum, and remembered someone made a gif of jumping in there so i wanted to try it too. i imagined the game would just put me back on the road, like it does when you crash into something. except it didnt. i got a game over. where was my last save? 2 hours back all the way in hammerhead. yippee.
Scariest video game you’ve played?
i never play horror games, cuz for me games are supposed to be relaxing experiences. no hate towards horror games of course, they just stress me out. the only time ive played horror is when friday the 13th was for free on ps+, and my friends really wanted to play it. (theyre kinda addicted to it now. huh) they had already gotten over the initial fear of having jason chase you, but i was still terrified. i can play the game without getting scared now tho. the horror sound effects just rly freaked me out at first jhsdkghsd
Most memorable gaming moment?
playing breath of the wild for the first time, or beating it for the first time. both experiences were filled to the brim with excitement and nostalgia. seeing botw as a blank slate, a world for you to explore, having no idea where you’re going… that was pretty incredible. now i know every nook and cranny of the map, so i wish i could play it for the first time again. i was so incredibly immersed. beating it was insane. i cried for 30 minutes and the end wasnt even sad, i was just so amazed at the fact that i was really here, playing breath of the wild, it was really real. the fucking main theme in the background (which i cannot for the life of me listen to without crying) didnt help with my emotions sgkdjh
Video game character you wish you could meet in real life?
…………..its prompto again. maybe 2017 me …. was .. kind of a kinnie
PC, Xbox, Playstation, or Nintendo?
i dont care about console wars at all, but i think hardware-wise, pc is the best, because if you have a good pc you can basically do anything. i however do not, so i just play on consoles. ive never particularly liked xbox, so i only play ps4 and nintendo. not the switch though. its kinda petty, but my best friend and i really dont like the switch djghks
Gaming company you’re most loyal to?
none. i used to call myself a nintendo nerd (oh my god…. i m. gonna die) in like 2015 but since the switch came out and since i got a ps4 they kinda lost me. i still like their game series of course, but as a company i don’t care for them. the only reason i see square enix as one of ‘’my’’ gaming companies is because ffxv took up like 70% of my gaming experience, but besides final fantasy i don’t really love them too much either.
If you could only play one video game for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
atm i’m really into ffxiv because theres just so much to do, but that’s just a new, possibly temporary interest. if i had to choose, i’d say botw. maybe i’d say ffxv, but i feel like running around doing nothing in that game isnt very fun, because the world is sorta empty after completing every quest and getting to level 120. in botw, just fucking around on your horse is still really relaxing and nice. 
Do you use strategy guides?
yup. in certain games i try to avoid them but i usually end up stuck or in need of advice. i couldn’t have gotten so many p5 trophies if not for the internet lol
How often do you use cheats?
never, simply because the games i play often do not have cheats. unless im playing the sims and are in need of a motherlode, i dont use them.
Competitive or single player?
single player. im bad at video games and like to do stuff at my own pace. online multiplayer can be fun every now and then in games like mario kart 8 or splatoon, and i also like teamwork stuff like ffxiv or comrades. but ultimately, i prefer playing on my own.
Video game character you want to/have cosplayed?
have never cosplayed, dont have plans to either, but it would be fun to cosplay link. omg. i just remembered i have that fucking chocomoogle shirt… sorry link im gonna slap on some sasuke hair, black jeans and ugly sneakers 
Ever go to a video game convention?
i have not, i have however gone to three (3) video game concerts which is basically the same thing. 
Hardest boss fight you’ve been in?
the hardest bosses for me are usually the ones with a gimmick. you have to use a certain item or tactic to beat them or something. other hard fights for me are when you fight someone with a similar skill set. (in ffxv, this happens twice, once with the iggy-noct sparring match and once against ardyn. somehow, the final boss was easier than getting the prince to eat vegetables.) i don’t know an actual example of THE hardest boss fight ive been in though. at the time, the first bowser battle in mario galaxy was the hardest thing in the universe and i got stuck for like a month. currently, i’m having trouble with the riku-ansem fight in kh1. 
Video game you wish you could burn from your memory?
the zelda cdi games? no, i dont really know. i dont hate a game so much that i’d want to forget about it altogether, but i dont exactly love ocarina of time that much. it hasnt aged well and playing it on the gamecube for the first time in 2015 wasnt a good idea. im sure it was revolutionary at the time, but i cant handle the outdated controls gsdgksjs 
Favorite gaming series?
see, i love ffxv itself more than the entirety of the zelda series, but i dont love ff as a SERIES more than the zelda games. so if were talking series, zelda for sure. i fucking love those games and they mean a lot to me. 
Do you skip tutorials, or find them useful?
i often skip them because i cant pay attention, but then find that i need them anyway. so i usually do skim through them. 
Best online gaming experience?
one really good one happened a few days ago in ffxiv, some guy and i exchanged emotes for like 30 minutes and it ended with us becoming friends on psn :’) ppl dont usually emote back at me in that game so this was really wholesome and nice gjshksdj 
Worst online gaming experience?
i dont really have a worst? theyre more annoying. think try harders in gta online killing you 15 times in a row because they want to show you how good they are or something. magically, online gaming hasnt been too hard on me (mainly because i dont game online that much)
Why do you game?
it brings me joy. it’s a fun way of relaxing, while being stimulated at the same time. games have meant a great deal to me the past 6 years and i wouldnt want to lose them for the world.
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weareallfallengods · 5 years
Writing prompt:
If you’re over 25 and haven’t done something remarkable, you are hunted down and killed. Some people invent things. Some make cures for diseases. Others become established members of their community. You’re pushing 30, and somehow not dead yet, even though you cant think of a single thing you’ve done thats remarkable in any way. Why aren’t you dead?
I write for adults about adult themes with adult language. I try to tag possible triggers (but I know I'm not going to get all of them), so if violence or implied death or cussing bothers you, you'll probably want to find a different author.
Somehow, that date came up again. Not quite sure how, but somehow, the number circled on my shitty wall calendar with the coffee splatter on it managed to be today. Again. It's been doing that for 5 years now.
At first I wanted to be a surgeon- save people's lives, make a difference, all that shit. Yeah, I was caught up in the hype for a while too. Just like everyone. Thought I'd make some ground-breaking discovery and change the world. Just like everyone. And then, at 22, I flunked out of med school. That was it. Dream over, kaput, fin.
When I opened my termination letter, it was like reading a death sentence. 10 years of prep and study down the drain. 3 years left. 3 years, and no idea what to do. No clue what I could do to save my own life after all those years learning how to save others.I drank for a solid month. I dont even remember that month now. My only memento from it is an entire skip of liquor bottles. It's a miracle I didn't die from alcohol poisoning. Not that I didn't try.
See, I was afraid. Scared, actually. Terrified would be more accurate, if I'm honest. I knew I only had 3 years left until they came for me. Unless I managed to do something extraordinary within the next 3 years, they'd come for me, and the only thing that would remain is a 2 paragraph obituary in the local paper, followed by a vacancy announcement. When you're suddenly forced to confront your own imminent demise, and see every dream, hope and aspiration you'd had evaporate, right in front of your eyes, its perfectly natural to drown that in a swimming pool of vodka.
But then, after a month of drowning, and a week of curing a hangover that would make Satan shudder, I got angry. Like Bruce Banner angry. As I was leaving an all night diner, the notice board caught my eye. Having nothing better to do with my life, I stood there for a while just reading every single card in detail, every single lost cat, every used car, every 5k charity run. And then I saw it. And I thought, "You know what? Fuck it, why not. I've spent all this time trying to do one thing that I've never actually done just whatever I feel like, had hobbies, anything really. Why the fuck not."
And that's how I ended up 2 days later in some shity warehouse district, rolling around on a mat with some dude I didnt even know, sweating and swearing profusely and having the time of my life. "Sasha's Self Defense" it said on the small, weathered and rusted sign on the brick wall out front, next to a door that looked like it had been transported straight from the proverbial gulag.
I'd naively thought this was going to be one of those Karate Kid knock offs for some reason when I first arrived. Sasha soon disabused me of that notion. In fact, when he saw I'd brought a new gi in a duffle bag, he laughed so hard he had to slap his ass down on a rickety folding chair just to keep breathing. Once he calmed his mirth at my expense, he let me know in a no-nonsense, 'I'm an old-timer and seen some shit in my day' heavily accented tone that this would be a class that focused on survival at all costs. "No bullshit wax on-wax off," were his exact words I believe.
And boy was he right. When I told him I'd set aside my year's tuition for lesson payments, well, wouldn't you know it, I became his most prized pupil; I quickly learned this was not a good thing. It meant 14 hours a day of the most humiliatingly punishing activity ever dreamed up by Moscow's Finest. I couldnt even move the morning after my first day. But somehow I limped my battered frame down to the bus stop and was only an hour late. Ha, only. Sasha seemed to take it as a personal insult. The only thing he hated less than sloppiness was tardiness it seemed. Apparently the 10th Circle of Hell was reserved for those who dared be late. And he made you earn your way out of that circle.
His only saving grace was fairness. If I had to suffer, at least I wasnt alone. Well, at first anyway. The few other students that suffered his wrath along side me doing slavic folk dances with wrist and ankle weights very quickly learned that this wasn't the type of class they had thought it was and soon I was alone with Sasha.
On the days I did well, I got treated to pierogies. Oh man, I lived for those pierogies. They were made by angels and served by someone I can only describe as if Jesus came back as a woman. Who was Russian. And spoke even less english than Sasha, if that was possible. His sister was as completely opposite to that sadistic maniac as it was possible to be and still be a human being. Where he was loud, she was soft. Where he was tough, she was gentle. Where he was strict, she was generous, even indulgent. Blonde to his brunette. Slim to his barrel chest. Cousin by marriage, I think they said. Well, relatives of some kind anyway. And she was the only one who could make him laugh. And when he laughed, the whole block knew! He was just that loud, that boisterous, with everything he did.
But I loved his little Anya. Just like everyone. But like in a wholesome, mom-ish kind of way. I loved her because I got to sit for an hour when she was around. Because she"d always tuck a to-go container of pierogies into my bag. Because she'd chide Sasha for pushing me too hard. In short, she was an angel.
But I have to hand it Sasha- in 4 months, he took a scrawny bookworm into someone who could pose for Men's Health. In 6 months, I could beat Ivan, his partner, in 5/10 sparring matches. In 7 months, I ran a marathon. In 9, he had me enter a triathalon. And I made it into the top 50 out of 500 entrants. Not too bad if I say so myself. In 12 months, I was beating Ivan almost every time.
And that's when the other Ivan showed up. After a year, Sasha decided it was time I learned weaponry. After all, no real fight was fair, he said. And Ivan (another cousin? Sasha had one heck of an extended family) instructed me on everything from broken beer bottles, to knives and pool cues. And my medical training paid off, because more often than not, I was the one stitching myself up if training got a little rough that day.
Eventually, I moved into the gym. Not sure how it happened, but I think I just got too tired to leave one day and never really left. Sasha didnt seem to mind since it meant I wasnt ever late again. Plus the coffee he imported was the best thing ever. Like it was so good that's probably the Extraordinary Thing he did to live as long as he had.
The days just melted together, into one long symphony of beautiful exhaustion and physical torment, as I poured myself into the first activity I could remember doing purely because I wanted to, something that numbed the dread of the finality of my life expectancy.
But then one day, one specific day, the one I'd been dreading in the back of my mind for a year came around.
They found me.
I guess they were a little slow in finding me, not surprising since I'd basically just disappeared from my old life, no forwarding address type thing. It wasnt intentional, it just sort of happened, what with me diving head first into something purely for me, without the thought of doing it for someone else. But they found me. Just like they find everybody.
See, it doesnt matter if you try to run, if you move, or change your name. They always find you eventually. I just hadn't thought about it in a long while. That year was the first time since I was probably 14 that I'm hadn't thought about the Gardeners. I guess that's why it surprised me so much.
Yeah, Gardeners. I dont know who came up with the name, in guess some misguided attempt at a positive PR spin bullshit to pass off squads of government assassins who's only job was to track down the NCs of the world and eliminate them. Sorry, NCs- Non-Contributors; the people who hit their expiration date without doing something noteworthy, something that was deemed to "advance or bolster the Human Condition" to borrow a phrase from the civics classes we had to take every fucking year of school. A cutesy sounding name that was supposed to make the government sound like a benevolent old couple pulling weeds from their garden of humanity. The worst lies always sound the sweetest, dont they?
And I was now 25.
It happened a few weeks after my birthday. Just another routine day for me, going for a light 5k run after my soak in a mineral bath. Light rain, most of the streetlights out, the few lights on in the warehouse district reflected beautifully off the streets. That's why I ran at night, all the colors changed that normally bleak neighborhood into something beautiful. It was just one little thing to balance out the harshness of reality, and I reveled in it.
I don't actually remember what happened exactly. I do recall seeing a suspiciously conspicuous homeless guy huddled under a loading dock awning, and then just a flash of movement from the corner of my eye. I think it happened really quickly; at least that's what Sasha said the next morning as he was making arrangements for me to visit another cousin of his "back in the old country". It could have been. God, after seeing the bodies around me in the aftermath, I hope, for their sake, that it was fast. 5 bodies. All still. I still remember my breath turning to blue fog, blurring the details of them. Helping me to be able to pretend I didn't see the blood mixing with the rain and oil, spreading out over the concrete like a macabre inversion of the cloudy sky above.
I'm glad they wore masks. It's bad enough having that scene burned into my brain forever, without specific people's faces being etched there as well. I'm glad I dont see their faces in my mind every time I close my eyes. I just wish I could still enjoy the rain. They managed to take that from me, even if I'm still breathing, so I guess they didnt completely fail. They just killed a part of my soul instead. But hey, there's plenty of people that don't like the rain, right? But I bet they don't smell blood when it does though.
And that was pretty much it. No sirens, no manhunt, nothing. Before I could process what was happening, I was on a bus, headed for "the old country", which, as near as I could tell, looked an awful lot like Pittsburg. Sasha's 'cousin' met me at the bus depot there, a man of very few words. Not as loud as his cousin, Zhena tended to communicate with looks, grunts and shrugs mostly. Same work ethic though.
And then the cycle repeated- 14 months this time before they caught up with me. Too bad that Zhena got caught up in it, he was a great guy. He and I didn't really become close or buddies or anything, but it still hurt to see what happened to him. To what was left of him anyway. The Gardeners definitely were trying to send a message with that. To quote an old wise man, "I didnt want to know, but now I do, and I'm telling you, you dont want to know." And that's coming from someone who was training to become a surgeon, so just trust me on this one.
This time, they were waiting for me. I think they'd planned on Zhena being enough of a distraction that they'd be able to take me out easily, but since since I woke up the next day on the floor of the sparring ring in a too large pool of blood that wasnt my own, I'd say they failed. The difference this time was I was on my own. No 'cousins' to call in favors from. No family I could call because I didnt want them getting a visit from the Gardeners either. I was alone this time.
Weirdly, I was actually OK with that. I'd been surrounded by family, teachers, advisors, tutors for so long that solitude was actually kind of nice. I could hear myself think my own thoughts for the first time in what seemed like forever.
I'm not ashamed to say that I took what little of value there was from Zhena's gym (I knew him well enough to know that Sasha was his only family) so that I could get a seedy hotel for a while. I did at least have the decency to let Sasha know, and that that would be the last he ever heard from me, to keep him out of trouble. Bad enough that 10 people were already dead, I didn't want Sasha or Anya's name added to that list because of me.
And so I vanished. Completely. Sure I travelled, kept studying and training like I had been, but never staying longer than a few months, never using the same name, copying other random people's habits and patterns so I didnt have one of my own for them to track down. Yeah it was cliche, but hey, I figured my dad watching all those spy flicks when I was young had to be good for something, right?
Sometimes I was a baker, sometimes a delivery driver, even a dock hand. Whatever it took to make a buck so I could eat.
I got really good at other things too. Like disposing of bodies. Not really a skill I ever thought I'd want or need, but Necessity is a harsh and demanding teacher. Sadly, my skill as a surgeon came in handy- bodies are easier to get rid of when they're in smaller pieces. And people are easier to turn into bodies when you know how they're put together intimately. Not what I had in mind for my life, but since it was the choice between this or dying, well, I guess I can put up with it.
I suppose that catches us all up to the present, more or less. OK yeah theres a lot that's gone down between Pittsburg and now, but it was all pretty much the same: lather, rinse, repeat. Literally sometimes. Those were the days it felt like there wasnt enough soap in the world to get all the blood off.
So here I am, I'm my single room in Kandahar, staring at the date that had somehow come up again. Every year, they send someone. Usually a team. And I survive. No matter how they come at me, or when or how many. I survive.
And I'm sitting here, staring at the calendar, steaming cup of espresso, just staring, as a light breeze fluttered the corner of the calendar page, sending the orchids dancing in the vase next to it. All I could think is, "How? How does this keep happening? I'm not even supposed to be here, not supposed to be alive."
As I raised my cup of espresso, something slid under my door. "OK that's weird," I said aloud as I stood.
The chair made an ungodly screech as I pushed it back and made my way over to where a small, cream colored envelope sat on the floor, a couple inches from the bottom of the door. It was heavy for it's size, but not because anything was in it, just the paper was that thick. Probably hand-made. It's odd the little things you notice in times of stress. Heavy, rough paper, no postmark, nothing written on the outside, just the flap tucked in, not even sealed. Reminded me of how my mother used to give out birthday cards. I always thought that was a little weird, but it was just one of her quirks that made her even more endearing to everyone.
I sat down a little heavier than I had planned and felt the chair crack a little. There was a single sheet of paper inside, folded in half; I was right- handmade paper. But that wasnt important, what was important was the heavy, blocky hand-written message it contained.
"We've been looking for you for a long time. It has come to my attention that you may have something unique to contribute after all. We may have been too hasty in judging your Ability to be a Contributor. I believe you do actually have a remarkable Ability to Survive. I'd like to speak to you this afternoon in the plaza outside the Blue Mosque. I will be alone, and you can approach me, so as to allay your justifiable suspicions. I will have a silver coffee set on the table in front of me.
I believe we can help each other, if you're willing to listen to my proposition.
Well, this is interesting.
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iamthesinlord · 6 years
Fake!Laf AU: Mine ღ
Ships: HamLaf, Jamilton
Lots O Lots O Smut
Alex Fidgeted Slightly, Giggling, And Blushing As The Frenchmen Gingerly Spreads Soft Kisses On Alex’s Neck And Shoulders. Alexander Laughs And Pushes Laf Back Into The Sheets. “Gil Staph, You Know That Tickles And You Know We Have To Get Ready For Roll Call In Less Than A Hour!~”
Alexander Goes To Get Out Of Bed, A Strong Pair Of Arms Slither Around His Thin Frame, Retraining Him From Getting Up. “C’Mon Amour~ Have Alil Fun, You Dont Always Have To Be So Ontop Of Everything~” He Placed More Gentle Kisses On Alex’s Lower Back, Making The Smaller Man Arch His Back Inwards And Shiver. 
“Now Now, Dont Start Something You Cant Finish” Alexander Grabs Lafayette’s Arms And Managed To Pull Them From Around Him, He Gets Up And Pulls His Clothes Out From The Closet. “And Besides, Im Not Ontop Of ‘Everything’~” Alex Says Cheekily.
A Soft Blush Dusts Over Lafayette’s Cheekbones, He Groans And Turns Onto His Back, Pulling A Pillow Over His Face. Alex Smiles And Rolls His Eyes, Walking Back Over To The Bed And Crawls Ontop Of His Lover, Sitting On His Waist. “Your Ontop Of Everything Now, Mon Cher~”
Alex Gasped Pushed The Pillow Down Over Lafs Face, Lafayette Made Muffled Laughs As His Large Hands Gripped Onto Alex’s Waist. Alex Knew He Was Fucked Now. Laf Lifted Alexander Up And Turned To The Left So That Now He was Ontop Of Alex.
Alexander Laughed And Sighed Happily, Sliding His Hands On Lafayette’s Cheeks. They Gave Each Other Woodpecker Kisses, Then Slowly Turned Into Deep And Slightly Lustful Kisses.
“I Suppose A Quickie Wouldnt Hurt Anyone~” The Caribbean Male Giggled.
Lafayette Slid His Hand Up The Side On His BoyFriends Bare Body, Biting His Lip Slightly And Staring Deep Into His Deep Almond Eyes. Alexander Loved How Gentle Lafayette Was With Him, It Wasnt Too Slow For It To Seem Like Teasing But It Wasnt Too Hard To Where Alex Would Get Back Pains The Next Day, Unless Alexander Desperately. It Was Nice, And Affectionate.
They Were Already Naked From The Night Before, So Basically They Were Just Taking It Slow, They Had About 45 Minutes Now. Alexander Slid His Leg Up Lafs Side, Pulling Their Bodies Closer Together Before Locking His Lovers Body Close To His By Wrapping Both Legs Around Him.
Alex’s Body Practically Begged For His Touch, And Lafayette Greatly Obliged. He Gently Bit Alexanders Neck, Slowly Sliding His Hard-On Into Alexander Entrance. “M-Mmm..~” Alex Let Out Soft Noises From Only The First Few Slow Thrusts.
Laf Could Barely Maneuver From Inside Alex From How Tight It Was, He Had To Pick Up The Pace Faster To Create Pleasurable Friction. Alex Moans Got More Louder And Arousing, Causing Lafayette To Plunge Deeper. While Alex’s Moans Rang In Laf’s Ears, He Panted Heavily. “M-Merde~” He Leaned Down, Kissing Alex Passionately, Muffling The Moans That Escaped Alex’s Mouth.
It Felt Heavenly, Laf Was Hitting In All The Right Spots. It Was Only When Laf Had Hit Into Alex’s Prostate, Did Alex Go Completely Over Board, He Had Came Onto Their Stomach. “G-Gil!!~”
Lafayette Couldn’t Lie That He Was Getting Close As Well, He Picked Up His Pace, But Kept Hitting Into That Same Spot. Alex’s Moans Were Really Loud, His Eyes Rolled Into The Back Of His Head From So Much Pleasure. Laf Slowly Pulled Out Till The Tip Then Slid It Back In Deeply, Releasing Himself Inside His Partner, They Both Let Out A Moan Of Relief In Unison.
Laf Slowly Pulled Out And Lay’d To The Right Of Alex, Holding Him Closely, Both Men Breathless. Alex Was Exhausted, He Peaked Over At The Clock. “F-Fuck! Lafayette, We’re Gonna Be Late, Washingtons So Not Gonna Be Happy!!” Alex Jumped Outa Bed And Quickly Shuffled To Get His Clothes Up And His Hair Done Into A Ponytail.
When They Both Where Ready They Gave Each Other A Soft Kiss. “Ill See You On The Other Side, Hun” Alex Said, Looking Up At Him. Lafayette Smiled Softly.”Till We Meet Again”
They Ran Out Of the House To Roll Call And Went Their Separate Ways.
The War Was Difficult For Them, They Had Their Eyes On Each Other To Make Sure They Were Still Okay. Eventually When It Was Over And Everyone Regrouped Laf Had Saw His Lover And Hugged Him, He Couldn’t Stay Long, He Had To Scurry To France To Help His People, Which Alexander Completely Understood.
After The War Alexander Actually Started Working In Law, It Wasnt Easy, Theres Was Alot Of Jackass People, But Then He Upgraded And Worked Under Washington In Government.Speaking Of Jackass People, A New Guy Named Thomas Jefferson Just Decides To Walk In With His “What Did I Miss” Lookin Ass, And Gets The Job As Secretary Of State Right On The Spot
Alex Thought he Was Disgusting, He Only Talked With Him Once In The Beginning Because He Came Back From France From Working With Lafayette, Speaking Of Said Frenchmen, He Tried To Keep In Touch With Lafayette Through Letters So He Could At Least Keep His Sanity.
Thomas On The Other Hand Had Wrote To Lafayette For 2 Reasons, To Continue Working And Discussing Things From Long Distance, And To Discuss Other Things Because They Have Developed Some Sort Of A Friend Ship While They Were Working. 
Just When Alex Thought Things Were Shit At The Moment Without Lafayette, He Later Finds Out Through One Of Lafayette's Friends That he Was Thrown In Jail. Alexander Was Distraught, He Became So Irritable And Distant From Everybody, He Only Got Slightly Better When Laf Was Gonna Be Taken Out In A Month or So.
Meanwhile In Meetings, Jefferson Found Curiosity In The Way He Felt When Hamilton Had Argued With Him, Or When he Stated A Claim, Or Even How Hard He Tended To Work Some Nights. Thomas’s Skin Crawled, He Thought It To Be Disgust But Instead Found It To Be Lustful Hunger.
Even Tho Laf Had Alot Of Limited Time When it Came To Writing Letters Back To Them, He Had Told Lafayette About He Felt, And If He Understood, He Would Be Taking His Friends Identity. When Laf Had Time to Respond He Gave Jefferson A Word Of Warning.((Yall Already Know About This Part, So Skippy Dooo))
Thomas Smiles In The Mirror As He Puts His Hair Up The Way Lafayette Has His, And Puts On A Similar Clothing Style To Lafs. He Goes Walks Out, Going To Hamiltons Home. His Heart Raced As He Knocks On The Door And Waits. The Door Slowly Opens, Showing The Smaller Man, His Eyes Immediately Lights Up As He Jumps Into His ‘BoyFriends’ Arms.
“Oh My God, Gil!! You Said You’ll Be Out In A Month, What Is This!?” Alex Said In A Somewhat High Pitched Voice. Thomas Smiled And Pulled Off His Best French Accent. “Surprised? I Was Able To Get Early Bail” 
Alex Squealed Happily And Kissed Thomas Lovingly, Thomas Had Tensed Up Slightly, But Quickly Melting Into The Kiss As He Picked Up Alex. Thomas Had Never Felt So Alive, The More He Was Near Alex, the More He Was Obsessed.
Alex Wrapped His Legs Around Thomas’s Waist, Sliding His Hands Onto Jeffersons Cheeks And Making The Kiss Deeper. Thomas Slowly Walked Up Into The Bedroom, Alex Was Growing Extremely Needy Since He Had Gone Without Sex Since Before The War.
Alex Had Moved His Hands Down And Removed Thomas’s Shirt, Thomas Lay’d Alex Down On The Bed And Looked Down At Him. Alex Was Giggling And Biting His Lip While Slowly Unbuttoning His Own Shirt, He Wanted- No, Needed Him.
Thomas Grinned And Helped Hamilton Remove His Pants And Boxers, And Alex Did The Same For Him. Alexander Pulled Thomas Down And Got Ontop Of Him, Slowly Inserting Thomas Into Him. Alex Moaned Loudly, He Felt That “Laf” Had Gotten Bigger, But Quickly Shrugging Off Thinking It Has Been Awhile.
Alexander Didnt Waist Any Time, He Rode Thomas At The Pace They Normally Went To, Which Was Just Enough For Alex, But Not For Thomas. Thomas Groaned Slightly And Slid His Hands On Alex’s Waist, Moving The Shorter Male Faster.
“A-Ahh!!~ B-Babe? W-Why So Rough All The Sudden?” Alex Whined Slightly, He Was Feeling Only Abit Of Discomfort, But It Was Starting To Not be Pleasant. Thomas Had To Think Fast, He Sat Up And Kissed Alex’s Neck And Shoulders. “I-I Just Missed You So Much, Its Been So Long~” He Panted Slightly Onto His Neck.
Alex Smiled Softly And Sped Up For Thomas, The Pain Slowly Becoming Pleasure. “I Missed You Too!~” He Moaned Out, Kissing Thomas Deeply. Thomas Smiled And Wrapped His Arms Around Alex, Everytime Alex Were To Come Down He Would Thrust Up Into Him.
Alex Moans Got Louder And Louder As The Pace And Roughness Incressed, Sometimes Alex Would Jump Or Twitch when Thomas Had Hit Into One Of Alex Sensitive Spots. Alex Wrapped His Arms Around Thomas’s Neck, A Familiar Knot Was Forming In His Stomach.
After A Few More Thrust Alex Had Came Between Them And Thomas Couldnt Hold It In Much Longer Before He Released Himself Into Alex. Alex Panted And Smiled Softly While Looking Into Thomas’s Eyes. “I-I Love You, Laf..~” He Said Breathlessly.
Thomas Smirked Lightly, He Was Exhausted But He Knew This Is Exactly Where He Wanted Alex. “I Love You Too, Cher~” He Kissed Alex Forehead And Lay’d Down With Him. “Tell Me Your Mine..”
Alex Looked Up At Thomas And Pecked His Lips Softly. “Im All Yours..~” 
1599 Words
I Wanted To To The Loveless Ending Tbh But I Dont Have Time cause The Suns Coming Out
AU Creator: @virusap
Story Written For: @sparkskun
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achanceonwriting · 6 years
A Snipers Siege
Hey yall! So this is a small scene that I wrote up quite a while ago actually, but I never really had the courage to post before. In fact this is the first bit of my writing i’ve showed to anyone really. So please, go ahead and give your feedback. Im excited to hear how I can improve, or if i’ve done anything well!
A Snipers Siege
I pulled back the bolt on my rifle, already scanning the buildings for targets. By the time the bolt was back in place, I found him. Shotgunner, who didn't seem to understand where the gunshot came from. I braced my rifle against my shoulder, barrel on the crumbling remains of the wall, and sighted him up. I only took a few seconds to steady my breathing, then squeezed the trigger. A second later, he whirled around, blood spraying out from his back, and fell to the floor. His body tightened reflexively and fired off a shot from his shotgun.
Their second squadmate dying put them into action. The other four quickly started taking cover. I pulled back on the bolt again, this time slowing down as I waited for reposition, maybe decide i'm somewhere else, or nudge their head out just enough.
A few seconds later I got my wish, and I saw a helmet poking over the rim of the kitchen counter. He probably thought such a small target was safe from across the street, and I was eager to prove them wrong. I found my target and fired. With a spark the helmet bounced and rolled out of the kitchen into the living room, but there seemed to be no reaction from his team.
No quick repositioning or attempt to grab his body. However, a hand popped around the corner and pointed across the street, directly at my building. I swore and crouched low, starting to move. I moved across my little nest and went prone where most of the top floor of my building had blown away. I fell for their trick, something I should've seen immediately, and they had eyes on my building at least. Overlooking a target-rich environment for three days had made me cocky, less vigilant.
I shouldered my rifle once more and quickly re-sighted them. They were still, as far as I could tell, in the same places. I could see the occasional bit of grey uniform poking out from their cover, but they stood still.
I could move. I'd grown accustomed to the nest I made and it lasted me for three days, but a snipers greatest gift was mobility and stealth. Especially when that sniper had no fire support to speak and still needed to last another three days at least until the main force comes in.
But could I safely relocate with a squad just across the street? I sure as hell didn't want to meet them on the street itself, they'd fuck me up quick. We were at an impasse. They couldn't move out of the way without exposing themselves to me. But they had their eyes on my position and if I tried moving might be able to take me out. Yet on the other hand if I waited here too long, they'd surely have reinforcements coming and I definitely couldn't take on anymore.
Hell, these rebels didn't really understand the importance of conserving resources. They might go for overkill and call in artillery to take me out if I was in range of their guns. Which, if the intel was to be believes, I most surely was.
I figured i'd take my chances. I started to slowly crawl away from my former position until I was sure they'd see me If I went any further. I immediately bolted upright and sprinted for the crumbling remains of the door. Just as I thought, gunfire immediately peppered my position, knocking up dust and rubble as I ran. I felt something swipe at my leg, like a claw grabbing for me last minute, before I practically threw myself down the stairwell.
Looking up, I saw the gunfire exiting through the doorway for a few more seconds before it stopped. I quickly got up and started to head downstairs. I sling my rifle onto my back and then un-holstered my pistol. I held it at the ready, while simultaneously wishing I chose to take my former spotter's carbine. What seemed like a gesture of respect at the time put me at a disadvantage.
I aimed it down the stairwell in the unlikely event that they were there. Granted, even though if they started to leave their building exactly as I did there was no way they'd be here. Yet my lack of vigilance got me into the mess. I won't screw up again.
It was quiet until I managed to reach the service entrance of the apartment building I was in. If they were going to hurry to catch me they'd just head for the front entrance that'd face them. Hopefully I could avoid a confrontation all together.
I exited into a parking lot which held the charred and burnt wrecks of cars. I had managed to get halfway across before gunfire sparked off the hood of one of the wrecks right by me. I quickly went down into a crouch, taking cover behind it.
It didn't take me long to find the shooter. He was across the parking lot taking pot shots at me. Yet he was on his own. His team must've entered through the front and he was sent to secure the back.
That was troubling on its own. These rebels had barely been commoners with daddys old shotgun, occasionally getting lucky shots on us. This unit had knowledge of tactics, and was sure as hell using it.
I must've poked my head up a little too high as he let loose another burst of gunfire. It stopped when I took cover and I could hear him faintly saying, "I've got him pinned in the parking lot. Hurry."
Fuck. I was close to escape. If I could get past him and out of the parking lot, I could probably lose them in the streets. I'd been here a long time, much longer than these chumps, and knew the area better.
Instead of poking over, I inched around the corner of the car and fired a few shots at where I thought his position was. Thankfully there was no return fire, so I must've gotten it right, but there was no way in hell I got him. I could hear my rounds bouncing off the metal of the car he was hiding behind.
However, I did use the moment to move forward. I kept firing, hoping he wouldn't realize I was trying to relocate and barely fired my clip's last round before I took cover behind a dumpster somewhat closer to him. Immediately, return fire came out and saturated my old location. I got lucky, he didn't have a clue where I was.  
I quickly peeked around and saw that he realized I was gone and was looking all around the area. The barrel of his rifle followed wherever his line of sight was as he scanned the area. He leaned to what i assumed was a microphone on his collar and said, "I lost him. Hasn't left the area but i'm not sure-"
This was my chance. He had forgotten to take cover and was preoccupied with talking to his team. I quickly poked around, leveled my pistol, and fired several rounds. The first perfectly hit its mark, getting him in the chest. He recoiled from the force of the round, in time for his right arm to take the second round. However this unbalanced him, causing him to fall back and inadvertently dodge my last two rounds.
I immediately ran forward, reloading my pistol as I did so. I got close to his cover and quickly circled around. He had a hand on his rifle and already leveled it at me. Thank god he decided to try his hand at aiming an automatic with one hand. One round whizzed by my cheek, while the rest shot straight up. Immediately, just a split second after, I fired at the man laying on his back before me.
He grunted and writhed with each shot until finally he went limp in front of me. I sighed and took a second to gather myself before I heard a door slam open on the other side of the lot.
The squad made it through the building and out the other end, almost immediately sighting me. I broke into a sprint, leaving the parking lot and exiting out onto the street. They fired off a few shots that went wide as I ran off. I turned left down a specific street I knew was practically a pile of rubble. I ran down it a few meters before making a sharp right into a nearby alley. Thankfully here there was plenty of alleys and short streets that I could be lost in. Yet I realized that they hadn't made a pursuit.
I ducked into an old cafe and went up the stairs leading up to a small apartment on top. I quickly searched each room, making sure I didn't have any unwanted visitors before finding a space in the corner to sit down. WHile I didn't think I was pursued, no way did they find me. I kept an eye on the door just the same, and was grateful for the window that gave me a line of sight over the entrance.
Rebels are sentimental and I got lucky again in that regard. They probably stopped to attend to the man I killed and decided I wasnt worth it.
I frowned at the thought. Lucky again? I shouldn't have to use luck at all. I was slipping. Two weeks in this city, and three days in a building I thought was safe made me clumsy. I was missing things. If I didn't shape up, or get help soon, I wouldn't make it until the reinforcements got here.
Sitting down in that corner made me realize. I was exhausted. Now that the adrenaline was ebbing away, I felt my eyes dragging themselves down of their own accord. No, I had to stay awake. If I escaped them, just to have them stumble on me asleep in a corner of my hiding place and shoot me, i'd probably go to hell. That's a Cardinal Sin right?
Still, I couldn't help it. I realized i was just zoning out in the direction of the doorway. Someone could've walked in, aimed my own gun at me, said, "I'm gonna kill you alright?" and I wouldn't have noticed.
Fuck it. I'll rig the hall with noisemakers, shut the door, and hope i'm not so dead to the world that i'll ignore it. I got up and forced myself to look for bits of metal such as tin cans I could hang from bits of string. When I finally did I sat down, and almost on automatic, started to thread the string through little holes in the bits of metal. I actually nodded off at one point doing so, but snapped back awake when my dumbass dropped a can.
I tied several strings of these noisemakers to bits of rubble on the floor. If the string was disturbed, itd cause the cans to shake and rattle, waking me up. My spotter showed me the trick a while ago.
I frowned, finishing up the last string. My spotter.
My thoughts went back to his death just yesterday. Unit 2274 was just walking down the street, kicking around an old ball he found. I'd always found it fascinating that he found ways to relax in a warzone. In training, they always told us to never let our guard down.
If the sergeants saw him like this, just walking around without a care in the world, they would've shot him before the rebel did. Fucking rebels. I was about to tell 2274 to knock it off when his head snapped back and an instant later I heard the crack of a rifle. He fell back to the ground, blood pooling from the new hole in his skull.
We were encouraged to have a disconnect between soldiers. If one of us fell in battle, we needed to grab whatever useful gear they had and finish the mission. BUt seeing 227- no.
Seeing Michael, just fall like that. One moment kicking around a toy and the next, just sprawled on the floor and lifeless. It gave me an understanding of what we were. We weren't just bodies made to hold gear. We weren't unit numbers. And we *weren't* disposable.
I realized I was daydreaming, stuck in that day. I got back up and moved to the room I was in before, back to my corner. I found a jacket that got left behind when the city was evacuated and wrapped that around myself as a blanket. Making one last glance around the room, I sighed. The days couldn't come slower if they tried.
I tucked my head down into the jacket, taking one more large breath, and then promptly fell asleep.
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