#hey please dont spread my fic
deadduvznap · 2 years
i find it funny (😐) how people will "respect" a cc's boundaries but not a writers/authors
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thelov3lybookworm · 4 months
Hey, will you write a cassian x reader fic inspired by the song Creepin by Metro Boomin & the Weeknd?
My fault.
Summary: They never liked her. Thought he was too good for her. She did not realised the lengths they would go to hurt her.
Tw: self loathing, cheating, asshole inner circle, reader does not think herself worthy of love. that's all, me thinks, but if there's more, lemme know.
A/n: thank you for the request anon! i enjoyed writing it so much 🥹 so sorry for the long wait my love❣️
(the inner circle is kind of a bitch in this, not Nesta though. she is an angel. reader has no freakin backbone, so dont read if its no your cup of tea)
with that out of the way, i might do a part two if everyone wants it. I have it all planned out 😏
anyways, enjoy!
(heheh @artists-ally and @aroseinvelaris i hope this makes you cry. the snippets were just the snacks. this is the meal)
Y/n stared at her best friend of centuries, numbness spreading through her chest the longer she thought about the information she had just received.
"Y/n? Please say something." Nina begged, her eyes shining with tears, pleading.
"What is there left to say?" Y/n mumbled, taking a deep breath as she turned her gaze towards the empty cup that sat in front of her, picking at her cuticles. "Are you... are you sure it was him?"
Y/n knew it hurt Nina to be the bearer of the bad news, and she felt bad for asking her more about it. But she needed to know. "Yes. I don't think many Illyrians walk around with seven glowing rocks on their body."
Y/n nodded absently.
They sat a few moments in silence, letting the scrape and clinks of the cutlery fill the space between them.
It was supposed to be a girl's day today, and it had been fun, until Nina had gotten that sad, guilty look on her face as the two of them sat sipping on tea at a small cafe in the heart of Velaris.
Y/n almost regretted asking her friend what the matter was. Almost.
When the quiet became unbearable, Y/n stood with a deep sigh, grabbing her purse from the table in between them. Nina followed. "Y/n?"
"I think it's getting late. We should go home. He will be returning soon."
Y/n could see Nina's heart breaking for her friend, but she did not want anyone's sympathy.
"You are going to go back? To that house? To him?"
Y/n released a frustrated breath as the two of them left the cafe, spilling out into the packed street. "What else am I supposed to do? Run away?"
"Yes! He does not deserve you. Please tell me you will leave?"
Y/n looked away from Nina. "You know me, Nina. I have never been one to just up and leave."
It was almost common knowledge at this point. Everyone who knew Y/n, knew she would rather stay in a relationship in which she was the only one making an effort than leave. And she knew she probably was weak for not standing up for herself, the couple of relationships she's been in before showing that, but she simply could not bring herself to forget the teachings of her long dead mother-
That it was a female's job to keep her partner satisfied, and if he sought out other women, then it was the female's fault that she could not satisfy his needs.
Y/n did not think she would ever be able to stop being that timid, shy female who would just cry in the safety of the darkness in her room when someone hurt her.
She hated herself for it.
Nina was the only one who understood Y/n's reasoning and did not give her shit for it. She was the only one who tried to gently guide Y/n to stand up for herself. She never judged Y/n for crying.
"I..." Nina took a deep breath before nodding, rubbing Y/n's back. "I hope you someday find it in yourself to leave him before he..."
Nina did not say it, but Y/n heard it nonetheless.
Before he left her, disposed in favour of someone better. Someone more beautiful, someone more confident and loveable.
Y/n nodded, blinking back tears as she moved to hug her friend, who was more of a sister than anything at this point.
"Thank you." Y/n murmured into Nina's shoulder, her voice breaking. She felt Nina nod against her, giving her a rueful smile after they pulled away.
"Take care, Y/n."
Y/n nodded, turning away. "You too."
Y/n searched his face for something, anything, to show her that what Nina had told her was just a lie. That maybe she was mistaken.
Y/n came up lacking.
Now that she thought about it, the signs were always there. She was just too busy pretending that everything was fine. That Cassian was not like her previous lovers. That he would not throw her to the side, out of his life, for someone else.
That he loved her.
She now saw how foolish she'd been. Every male put on this land by the mother was the same. They only wanted females who were confident, who knew how to give them what they wanted.
She remembered how he had become recently. Yelling and picking fights over the smallest things.
The first time it happened, he was deep in his work, and Y/n had dropped something, making a loud sound and startling the both of them. Usually, Cassian would have given her a small smile and just gone back to work. But not that day.
That day he had glared at her, which was almost worse than the words that he mumbled next.
"When will you stop being clumsy?"
He had spoken under his breath, but Y/n had still heard. She stiffened.
He sighed, his frustration evident. "When will you stop being clumsy?"
His voice was loud, almost booming, echoing in the painful silence after. Tears filled Y/n's eyes as she stared at him.
"Great. Now you are crying." He leaned back, dragging his palms down his face. Y/n ducked her head.
"I'm sorry." With that, she had shuffled out of his office, hoping she had not angered him too much and that he would forgive her.
Y/n watched, as Cassian threw back his head and laughed at something his family said, his hand on his abdomen.
She knew he had recently begun pulling away, knew he felt trapped by her.
And so she had let him do what he wished, made herself smaller to make space for his happiness.
Maybe that's where she had gone wrong.
She could tell he felt freer in this moment. Could tell by the sparkle in his eyes and by the constant smile and joy on his face.
She watched through the window as his body shook with the bouts of laughter his family pulled from him. She stood outside of the small gates that guarded the River estate of the high lord and blinked away her tears.
She had not seen him this happy in months now, and she had to fight off the jealousy that simmered in her gut. After all, she had no right to feel that way after she was the one who suppressed his happiness.
Y/n took a breath, releasing it in a sigh as she made up her mind. She needed to talk to Cassian, and then she would go back home, to the place she and Cassian had shared. To the place that he stopped living in in the past months, only visiting for the sake of it.
Walking up to the door of the home was quicker than she expected, and suddenly she was staring at the fine wood and considering bolting.
Her hand raised itself before she could do anything else, knocking, and she cursed lowly when the sound of footsteps approached.
The door opened to reveal a beautiful female staring at Y/n with a small smile. She had gorgeous blue-grey eyes, her hair that was wrapped around her head in a crown shining under the faelights.
"Yes? How can I help you?"
Y/n blinked, swallowing, wondering if she looked as miserable as she felt.
"I- is Cassian here?"
The female's brows furrowed. "Yes. Who are you?"
Y/n's eyes travelled to behind the female, where now stood a wide eyed Cassian and a furious looking High Lord. "I..."
Cassian sighed, taking a step forward, making the beautiful female glance back at them. "She's my-"
"She's no one, Nesta." Everyone's eyes snapped to the high lord. Hate spread through Y/n, but she tamped it down when Cassian simply continued staring at his brother instead of defending his wife.
A sudden rush of tears prickled at Y/n's eyes, but she swallowed hard. "Yes. I'm no one."
Cassian met her eyes, his gaze pained. Y/n had the vague feeling of being watched, but she ignored it, directly addressing her husband.
"Can I have a word? In private?"
The high lord opened his mouth, to reject no doubt, but Cassian beat him to it. "Yes."
Y/n sighed, and when she inhaled, Cassian's scent mixed with a soft, feminine filled her lungs . Y/n's wide eyes swung to a confused looking Nesta before glancing at Cassian disbelievingly, and she could see guilt overtaking Cassian's features.
She blinked, letting the tears fill her eyes as she gave him a pained expression.
"Thank you." Y/n mumbled, her tone defeated. Before the high lord could interrupt, she turned away, making her way towards the garden in front of the house, knowing Cassian followed.
When she was sure that no one could eavesdrop on them unless they really wanted to, she turned to her husband.
The two of them just stared at each other, the air around them charged.
Y/n decided to try and break a tense silence. "Hi."
His brows furrowed. "Hi..."
She smiled uncertainly at him as she contemplated her next words. "I... how are you?"
He blinked. "I'm fine. Why do you ask?"
She shrugged, the words flying out of her mouth before she could stop them. "Just feels like I haven't seen you in a long time. I've been worried."
His features softened, his eyes studying her. "I'm sorry. I have been... busy."
She nodded. "I can tell."
Despite her efforts to not let her sadness show, she knew he could tell.
"I- I can explain-"
Y/n shook her head. "There is no need to. I understand."
He blinked again. "What? You... what?"
She gave him a look. "I understand why you did it. I mean... it's not like it hasn't happened before with my previous lovers. I get it."
His mouth opened and closed like a fish, and Y/n continued.
"Look, it's... okay. I won't stop you from it. Just... I don't want to know. If you are playing me, please... keep it low. My heart can't take it anymore. Just don't let me find out. Keep it to yourself." Her voice wavered as she spoke the words that were swirling through her mind since Nina told her about what she'd seen. "Please don't throw me away."
Guilt and shock spread though his face, as if he's just made a realisation and hated it. "Y/n I am so sorry-"
His voice broke, and Y/n immediately began searching for ways to ask for forgiveness and make him happy.
"Don't apologise, my love. I know your family hates me, and I probably deserve it. I... you definitely deserve better. I know you do. And I understand." She took a deep breath, knowing she was rambling but she could not stop. "I- I am so sorry I could not give you what you want, but please, Cassian, don't-"
Cassian grabbed her face, pulling her into his chest. Y/n stilled, trying to take in a full breath as tears started escaping her eyes as she gasped and clenched her eyes shut.
But a sharp gasp cut him off, and Y/n pulled away from Cassian, finding Nesta and Rhysand staring at them. Y/n took a few steps back, not wanting to ruin whatever was giving Cassian the happiness she couldn't.
But Nesta glared at Cassian, and then Rhys. With a start, Y/n realised the high lord was staring at her.
And he had tears in his eyes.
"You were trying to get me to accept the bond with a married male?"
Everything slowed down, and Y/n stared in horror at Rhysand.
"Mates?" She whispered.
Nest looked over, making to step close. "Please forgive me. I did not know that brute was married. I would never have done what I did otherwise."
Y/n shook her head, wondering if there was a way to respond to that.
She settled on the only thing that made sense to her.
"Good night."
She turned towards the gates, and, for the first time since she had met Cassian, ignored the calls of her name by her husband, his brother and his mate as she sprinted away.
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392
Cassian taglist: @kennedy-brooke @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter
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jhdyuiee · 16 days
Baby, you drive me crazy
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ᥫ᭡ pairing: bf!jaehyun x fem!reader
ᥫ᭡ synopsis: there's no denying, Jaehyun is utterly crazy for you and he's determined to show you just how much whether it takes the whole night til' morning.
ᥫ᭡ tags/warnings: smut!, oral (f recieving), fingering, kissing/make-out, unprotected sex (dont forget to wrap it up!), hand job, nipple&breast play, blindfolding, creampie, multiple orgasms, cowgirl&mate-press, ossessive jae :0, cursing, pet-names (baby, darling)& name-calling (good girl)
ᥫ᭡ w.c: 2.5k
ᥫ᭡ a.n: erm… hey guysss!! its been over a week since my last fic && i decided to come back with another one! this one came to be while i was writing my previous one (if u haven’t checked it out here it is: a wish or two.)! honestly the inspiration for this lies on a song, 3D by jungkook… i love jaehyun so much i literally can’t stop writing abt him ㅠㅠ , i have my txt concert today, very much excited hehe!!! anyhow bye bye for now ;( i love u all && stay safe plss. jiji out 🤍 !!!
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we’d arrived back at my apartment after a long night. we went out to eat at this fancy italian restaurant, but dinner ended up being shorter than I expected. all because of jaehyun’s behavior.
I watched jaehyun as he shut the door, and took off his coat. I followed soon after taking off my coat.
“care to explain what that was about jae,” I asked as I took off my heels.
jaehyun faces me, “jealousy.” I looked at him puzzled, “you can’t be serious jae.”
“but of course I am,” he said, backing me into a wall. “you’re mine yet that stupid waiter has the audacity to look at you like some full course meal.”
“he was not,” I crossed my arms, rolling my eyes. “he so was, and right in front of me too!” he says, slightly raising his voice. ‘what’s up with him?’
“jae-“ he interrupts me. “you’re mine. all mine. now say it.”
i just stare at him, blank. ‘he can’t be serious right now.’ “why,” I muttered. he looks at me and smirks, “are you saying you’re not mine?”
“what? of course not!” I replied quickly. “then why aren’t you saying it,” he questions, he’s now a centimeter or two away from me.
“I-i’m yours.”
his smirks turns into a smile, “fuck do you drive me so utterly insane.” with a lift of his hand, he tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “i love you,” he kissed my cheek. “that’s why i do this shit because i love you,” he repeats.
“i love you so fucking much baby it’s driving me insane. I want to murder every fucker who even dares look your way.” he whispers into my ear. a small whimper leaves me; his words, closeness, and whispers send a warm sensation throughout my body.
he brings his lips to kiss my ear, then temple, cheek, and jaw, ghosting over my lips. oh god how i wanted him already.
“god, you're so beautiful. the things i would do to you right now,” he mutters.
I hesitated for a moment, “then show me.” I could feel as my face heated up from the embarrassment. I hear a small chuckle before he says, “oh I will baby.”
in a flash all clothing was gone from our bodies, lips clashing against each other. it wasn’t gentle, sweet, or delicate; it was rough, wet, and hot. jaehyun's tongue invading my mouth, and his hands rubbing all over my body as I straddled him. I could feel my wetness seeping into his thighs, and his semi-hard cock resting on my ass.
I moaned into the kiss whenever he would slap my ass harshly, and then grope it. he parted first, “you're leaking so much onto me, want me that bad huh?” he teases. “ye-yes please,” I begged him. I always turned into a fool, he’d turn me into a fool. however I wasn’t complaining.
“tell me then, fingers or tongue?” he questions me, as he sucks onto my neck. I was sure to wake up with a million love bites and marks tomorrow. “to-tongue!” I yelped when he sucked too harshly. I felt as he smiled, parting from my neck.
“lay down for me then darling.” I obliged, quickly laying on my back, spreading my legs open. “good girl,” he says, slapping my cunt. I moaned out his name and arching my back.
jaehyun kisses his way from my mouth, to my tits, stomach, and then my clit. his lips lingered on my clit for a while longer before licking a strip on my cunt. my legs immediately lock around his neck, hands gripping his hair. he kisses my inner thighs, sucking on the skin too. he give my right thigh one bite, making me lean towards his face. he lets out a breathy sigh before indulging me.
jaehyun begins with his kitten licks against my cunt. then moving onto giving my clit some attention. I feel as his lips wrap around the sensitive nerve. his fingers then pry open my folds. he sticks his tongue in for a second before pulling out. I could tell was all in effort to tease me. I groaned in frustration, I wanted him so badly. “patience baby, or else I won't hesitate to stop.” I stay still, and he begins again.
his tongue continues working against my folds and clit, licking and lapping everything up. “so sweet, pussy always tastin’ so yummy,” he mutters on my cunt. he devoured me like i was his last meal, like this would be the last time he could enjoy such a delicacy. his eyes flickered up to look at me as he slid his tongue in between my folds again. he teased my hole, poking his tongue in and then pulling out. with me one last lick he parting from my pussy. i whimpered at the loss of sensation.
“why’d you stop?” I looked at him. “because I wanna try something real quick,” he says mysteriously. I watched as jaehyun entered my closet, he seemed to be searching for something. that something ended up being a… ‘blindfold?’
he came back, his knees dipping into the mattress. I placed my hands on his chest, stopping him from getting closer. “wha-what are you doing?” I asked nervously.
jaehyun plasters on a smirk, “what does it look like, i’m blindfolding you.” I let out a small gasp as he wraps the fabric on my eyes. it was pitch black, but oddly enough this was turning me on. jaehyun was fulfilling his dark fantasy.
I could only feel what he was doing to me. his lips kissed my cheek, jaw, and lips in a gentle manner. his lips then moved along to my breasts. he engulfed one of my breasts into his mouth. he sucked on it before licking and biting on my nipple. the sensation caused me to squirm which only made him groan onto my breast.
meanwhile the other breast was being fondled by his hand. I felt as he continuously pinched my nipple with his fingers. those fingers and tongue of his were like magic, i was practically wet all over again. after a while he gave my other breast the same treatment, but his hand went further down.
he rubbed my clit with his thumb and used two of his fingers to rub my folds. he parts from my breast with a pop, “so wet all over again aren’t ya?” I nod my head, unable to speak. I felt his lips going back to my breasts, and his fingers working on my folds. then unexpectedly intruded into my hole. I moaned out his name, arching my back. being blindfolded like this was a new yet thrilling experience. i loved it.
I could hear the squelching sounds of my wet pussy as his fingers thrusted in and out of me. he groans on my tit when I clenched around his fingers. “mmm~ do-don’t st-stop!” I practically screamed. I was closer to cumming than usual, but I didn’t care I needed to cum so badly. he lets go of my breast, “you love that dont ya? love the blindfold?” “yes!” I screamed unconsciously. I hear as he lets out a chuckle, “you won’t stop clenching around me, you close aren’t ya?”
“ye-yes pl-please~ let me cum.” “how nice of you to beg, such a good girl you are,” he says. however, his actions prove otherwise. all sensations of my upcoming orgasm gone. jaehyun took his fingers out, “open your mouth.” I opened it, and he placed the fingers laced with my juices into my mouth. I sucked and licked his fingers clean, squirming underneath him. I just wanted to cum so badly at this point. I needed it.
he takes out his fingers from my mouth. “good girl now I think you deserve to cum don’t ya.” I chanted “yes!” and a satisfied groan erupted from him, before he went down. he placed my legs on his shoulders, in which I locked them around his neck. sweet kisses were placed on my inner thighs, with a bite or two along the way. that was until he reached my aching cunt.
he wastes no time this time around. jaehyun begins by licking a strip on my cunt before diving his tongue into my hole. I could only feel as his tongue pushed inside me, stretching me open. I buckled my hips forward, wanting his tongue to reach me even deeper. his hot breath came in contact with my clit, elevating the stimulation. I was losing it, wet patches of tears formed on the blindfold. the knot in my stomach tightened but was ready to break loose.
his tongue curled against my velvety gummy walls. so close, I was beginning to tighten around him. he thrusts his tongue inside, but then I feel something else inside me. I instinctively reach to pull the blindfold off. my eyes immediately to shooting to jaehyun. he had not only his tongue inside me now, but his fingers as well. “oh fuck!” I moan. jaehyun flicked his eyes up, his tongue out. “what a bad girl you are, why’d you take off the blindfold?” he questions licking my juices from his lips. I apologize, “I did it unconsciously!”
he laughs, before picking up the pace of his fingers. the rapid speed in which he thrusted within me was enough to have me crashing down. my pussy gushed out, I was embarrassed. my orgam evident, as it was all over jaehyun’s chest and arm. fuck.
“so messy,” he says, kissing my lips. when he pulls away, he starts licking his fingers clean. groaning and whispering how delicious I taste.
a moment later, jaehyun ended up laying beside me letting us rest, but I had no desire to rest. I got up and straddled him. one of my hands traveled to his cock. I used his pre-cum as a lubricant to stroke him. I jerked his cock at slow pace, wanting him to feel desperate and beg for me. however, jaehyun only let out groans, his face scrunching. “how cute,” I muttered. he opens his eyes, “what was that?” I shake my head, dismissing his question. before he can ask again, I lift my hips. jaehyun’s cock was still in my hold, it was rock hard now.
I aligned myself to his cock, sinking myself into him deeper and deeper. his length never failed to satisfy me. he was always so, “b-big!” I squealed. his hand slaps my ass, “and this tight pussy can never get used to it, huh.” I moaned at his words, clenching on his cock. once I got it all in I felt the fullness in my stomach. his tip touched my cervix so perfectly.
with his hands on my hips and mine on his chest, I began bouncing on him. I started slowly, getting myself adjusted to him first. after a while I began going faster, I watched as jaehyun kept his gaze at where we were conjoined. I bit my bottom lip, as I continued riding him. the pleasure was electrifying, his cock reached my deepest spots.
jaehyun’s gaze tore from where we were conjoined to my bouncing tits. the poor things were practically on top of his face, bouncing as I bounced on him. jaehyun took his hands to cup both breasts. he squeezed them together, bringing his mouth to my nipples. his tongue licked and glided on my nipples, but then he used his teeth to bite on my buds which elicited small moans from my mouth. “j-jae!” I called out for him. his eyes met mine, a small plastered on his face as he sucked on my nipple. “pl-please touch me here,” I asked, grabbing one of the hands on my tits down to my clit.
he lets go of my breasts, my statement and actions capturing his attention. “if that’s what my baby wants,” he says, capturing my lips in a filthy kiss. the kiss was supposed to be a distraction, a distraction from the way he rubbed and pinched on my clit. our kiss concealed my moans, I was getting so fucking close. he must’ve felt it too as I began clenching around his cock and slowing down my pace. he parts from the kiss, watching me intently as I finally reached my high. I threw my head back, rolling my eyes to the back as I spasmed around his cock. “fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he groans, lifting himself up a bit.
his hands stoked my back, his lips leaving a gentle kiss on my shoulder. his actions felt sweet, gentle, kind but I should’ve known. I should’ve known the man below was going to take control. jaehyun’s hands landed on my hips once again, lifting my hips and thrusting them back down. my thurst met his thrust, it was so overstimulating that tears began pooling out—fuck.
jaehyun’s pace was ruthless, uncomparable to mine. it was a good thing though when I felt jaehyun’s cock twitch inside me–a tell all sign that he was close. his thrust got sloppy, and a low moan erupted from him. his hot white seeds shot inside my womb.
“fu-fuck,” i said weakly against his neck. he chuckled before kissing my temple. “ready?” he says and before I could mutter a word he turns me with my back against the mattress.
“hold,” he says as he pressed my legs to my chest. I obeyed him, holding them while he jerked his cock. it didn’t take long before he was inside me again.
in this position he reached me even deeper, it felt like I was folded in half. I watched as he placed his hands on top of mine to maneuver himself before he began thrusting. his cock wrapped around my cunt for perfectly.
“so fucking tight,” he said through gritted teeth. his trusts were so rough that I was sent into an abyss. every ounce of my body felt the pleasure. i could only chant his name like a prayer, whimper, and say incoherent words. my brain and senses were gone, the only thoughts consuming me were him, his cock.
“pl-please! mm-more! don’t stop jae!” all I could hear was a low curse from him, before he bent my legs a little deeper. he ravaged me like an animal. at this point i was yelling, not caring about the neighbors or their sleep. i only cared for him.
suddenly the knot in stomach unleashed, my pussy tightened around his cock as my orgams came gushing out. it splattered all of his chest and thighs. it felt so relieving.
jaehyun bites his bottom lip, his cock twitching inside me once more. he kept going at it throughout my orgasm in an effort to reach his.
it wasn’t long before his seeds coated my walls again. “good girl, you did so good for me baby,” he says as fucks his seeds into me even deeper. a while later he finally pulls out, my pussy feeling a sudden emptiness. yet my womb felt so full.
I turned to my side, when jaehyun laid down beside me. he embraced me, the warmth radiating throughout my body. he kisses his way to my mouth, parting to say: “don’t think we’re even done yet. I promised to show you just how much I love ya even if it takes all night long.”
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© jhdyuiee
final a.n: thank you so much for reading! i hope this was a read you all enjoyed! live laugh love jaehyun 😛
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irishmammonagenda · 3 months
How I Think The Obey Me Dateables + Co Would React to The Rumours™️
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Summary: Rumours have been floating around the Devildom. Rumours about a certain Angel and Sorcerer...how will the demon brothers react? Word Count: funny joke! Content Warnings: nothing i dont think Disclaimer: This will probably not make a lot of sense unless you've read this fic here for context, but ykw life doesnt make sense you do you <3
[Brothers Version]
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dividers by @cafekitsune
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You had left the Sorcerers' Society feeling quite flustered, but also extremely pleased with yourself. Take that Solomon. You grin. In all the excitement of the following days, you'd forgotten about the rumour you had accidentally spread around the Devildom. Perhaps you shouldn't've pretended to be Archangel Michael to gain entry....
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Finds out about the rumours relatively quickly, Little D No.2 sees him nearly dropping a plate before catching it with his tail. He was sworn to secrecy.
Poor Little D No.2
His first thought is shock, his second thought is.
'What did you do MC?'
smiling he dials your number on his DDD.
You were in the middle of doing homework, or rather, sitting at your desk staring at your homework when Barbatos called. "Hiya Barbs!" You grin into your DDD. "Hello MC." You can hear the Butler's smile through the phone. "What's got you calling Barbie?" "There have been some rumours of a certian bastard sorcerer and Archangel in a romantic relationship...you wouldn't happen to know anything of it?" You laugh. "My assassination attempt went wrong." Barbatos lets out a small chuckle along with you. "I can't say Solomon doesn't deserve it." You pause. "Barbs?" "Yes, MC?" "Would you maybe wanna...go to the next Devildom Carnival with me?" You mumble into the phone, but he catches it. Thankfully, he was feeling nice, and did not teasingly ask you to repeat it. "Of course I would MC," Barbatos tone softens, smile visible in his voice. "Perhaps you can tell me more of this assassination attempt going aray?" "It'd be my pleasure Barbie."
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Barbatos tells him.
Remember the sticker incident? Yeah. Diavolo laughs when he hears about it
This could be a great help in uniting the 3 realms!!!
And hey, if someone commissions Asmo to make stickers of Michael x Solomon, dont look at Diavolo who is very suspiciously whistling innocently.
"Hi Asmo!" Lord Diavolo steps out from the shadows. Asmodeus shrieks, loosing all colour in his face before gaining it back again and grinning excitedly." Diavolo! What are you doing in my room?~" Diavolo shooshes him, pale golden eyes widening as he looks around the Avatar of Lust's room. "Not so loud." After deeming it safe enough, the Demon Prince continues, "I snuck away from Barbatos" Asmo makes a noise of understanding, he looks up at the other through foxlike eyes. "So what can I do for you Dia? ~" The Prince smiles ear to ear. "Remember the stickers you made of me and Lucifer. Well, I'd like to commission something." Asmodeus gasps excitedly, moving a stray champagne coloured lock from his forehead, he grabs his bejeweled pen and journal. "Of course! We can discuss pricing later on! First things first! What would you like?~" "Well..." Diavolo lets out a booming laugh, "Maybe something quite similar to the stickers of me and Lucifer, except with Michael and Solomon?" Asmodeus sets his pen and sketchbook down, looking up at the Devildom's present goofball and future ruler. "Y'know what, Diavolo?" He smirks mischievously. "It's on the house." Diavolo pouts, "At least let me buy you Majolish's new line of clothes." "Awww!~ If I had a ring that I didn't want to keep for myself I'd propose to you!~" Diavolo laughs. These stickers were going to be amazing.
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Haha L Solomon
Knows it's fake from the moment she hears it.
Upset she didn't think to start it....but when she finds out from Satan you had a hand in it?
Damn bbg she's about to have your hand in marriage😏
You were just trying to walk home from RAD, having finally gotten a moment of peace from your idiots when an extremely loud 'VROOOM' startles you. A black motorcycle with pink accents traverses the streets of the Devildom like it's attempting to audition for Fast and Furious, before going rogue and coming straight towards you. Scared, you start to sprint, alas, even as an angel,you can't outrun motorcycles. You don't wanna die! The mystery rider drives beside your sprinting, catching up to you before reaching their leather gloved hands out and; YOINK! The motorcyclist pulls you flush against their chest, holding you there with one arm as they use the other to steer. You've been kidnapped by a motorcyclist who thinks they're in GTA. Great. Being kidnapped by a crazed motorcyclist before GTA 6....actually, maybe this was GTA 6. "As much as I'd love to hear your screams in a different context MC, can you stop screaming?" A voice asks through the Motorcycle helmet, you immediately stop squirming to get out of the Motorcyclist's arms. "Thirteen?!" She laughs, "Awww, I love it when you say my name!" You drive in relative silence for a while until she reaches a small cafe. She stops the bike and takes her helmet off, her long ombre hair is tied in a ponytail, she takes out the bauble and lets it fall down. Bloodied emerald eyes lock onto yours as she pulls you in for a kiss. "What's this about you dying and not giving me your soul...." She says in mock sadness before jumping off of the motorcycle, helping a dazed you to your feet. "No bother!" She flirts, tucking a stray hair away from your face, "You can just give me your soul, and your heart, and your body, and your mind!" You blush. "W-why are you in the Devildom Tee?" "Well a certain someone-" She pinches your cheek, "made up a fabulous rumour about that Rat-Bastard! So I'm here to give them a lovely little dinner date and my hand in marriage as a reward!" "Excuse me? Could you repeat that?!" You ask, heart racing. Thirteen just laughs and gives you a kiss that leaves you breathless, a soft blush of her own showing up on her porcelain skin. You walked out of your impromptu unofficial kidnapping dinner date a married MC. Time to go to Vegas to make it official!
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The man found out because you told him.
He is not impressed. Couldn't you have made up a rumour about Lucifer dating someone?!
No MC, this is a serious newspaper! He is not posting gossip. Or advertising fanfictions. Especially ones with a name like that!
What do you mean Lord Diavolo would 'want you to do it, Mephisto!!' are you trying to emotionally blackmail him?!
"Pleaseeeee!" "No." You try again. "Mephisto pleaseeeeeee?" He gives you a rather rude look. Damn, rich people really were good at looking at people like they were dirt on their shoes. "I won't ask for anything ever again!" "You will, and the answer is still no MC." He glares at you. Pear green eyes filled with annoyance. "The RAD newspaper is sacred! I'm not posting fanfiction on there! We are a serious organisation!" "You post popularity polls." You deadpan. "This is why I hate rich people." "Let me go wipe my tears with my various stacks of grimm lying around. Speaking of which, how did you get into my house, MC?" You grin sheepishly. "No comment!" "MC." "Your little brother let me in! He's very nice, unlike you! Now please I'm begging you!" Mephisto raises an eyebrow. "You don't look like you're begging." "I'm not getting down on my knees. I'm going to piss in your cereal." Mephistopheles scoffs. "I don't eat cereal. That's poor people behaviour." You sniffle, deciding that the best course of action would be to annoy him. "You know, you're acting like Lucifer right now! Not letting me post this in the Newspaper." Mephisto waggles his finger at you, "Send me a Devilmail of what you want included later." "Yay!" You cheer. Satan was going to be so happy when he found out you managed to get your fanfic mentioned in the RAD Newspaper!
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He finds out after you print out the published parts of the fanfiction you and Satan wrote.
He's an author after all! What better person to get constructive criticism from?!
Someone please save this poor man.
Solomon looked up at Michael with dull eyes devoid of emotion, just previously they had shone with tears, now they were just dead. A graveyard of feeling. "Take it back Michael." The sorcerer mutters, but Michael heard him clearly. "What you said about Humankind...take it back!" "It's the truth Solomon!" Michael raises his voice, the rain dropping like bullets against the windows of Cocytus Hall. "I can't do this anymore!" Solomon blurts out, before turning on his heel, cape flapping, as he runs out of the door, into the storm outside, his arms cover tear-stricken his face. "Solomon wait!" Michael races out after him braving the- "MC..." Simeon looks up at you, he takes his reading glasses off and gently sets the paper down, attempting to avoid looking at anything else written on it. "MC, what is this?" "Art." You nod seriously. "It is good writing MC, but, why?" "Why not?" You tilt your head. "With all the love in my heart, darling, I'm forcing myself to forget this story's existence." You pat Simeon's back. "That's probably for the best Simmy."
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Solomon? Michael was going out with Solomon?
This worked out great for him actually, this meant he could eat Solomon's food more often. How delicious!
Disappointed when he finds out the rumours aren't true.
"Raphael for the last time, do I look like the type of person that would date Solomon?!" Michael says exasperatedly, covering his face with his hands and fake sobbing. Drama king. "You are a bit odd. Are you sure you're not dating him? I won't judge you, Michael, I respect you a lot." Raphael nods seriously. "I am not dating Solomon." Raphael pouts, "I see. Have you considered dating Solomon?" Michael grabs a pillow and screams into it.
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Finds out through Asmo
Is that a fanficiton, MC?
Two can play at this game.
You enter your room when you feel a hand go over your mouth. You attempt to scream, but seeing as there's a hand over your mouth, it doesn't exactly go very well for you. "Relax Mc, It's just me." You turn your head around to see Solomon and that signature sneaky smile on his face. You scream louder. He chuckles and mutters a few words, all of a sudden you feel very sleepy.... Hours later, you wake up on your bed, now around 3 feet tall and with familiar pink wool, your hands and feet are now hooves, beside you Solomon had been oh so kind as to leave you a note. Cant write Fanfiction if you don't have hands. Jokes on him. You're a co-author.
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hears some demons talking about it at RAD while he´s in Devildom history
Michael are Solomon are DATING??!!!
Michael and Solomon are getting MARRIED??!!
Is Solomon his dad now?
Luckily for Luke and Unluckily for Michael, Michael is still in the Devildom, so when Luke gets home, he goes to ask Michael about it.
Sounds of sizzling and chopping can be heard from the kitchen in Purgatory Hall, and thankfully, it's not Solomon. Michael hums as he expertly dices the onions up and puts them into the blender with the tomatoes, broccoli and cauliflower. His long golden hair had been haphazardly thrown into a plait, small curls that didn't feel like conforming popping out here and there, sauce stains found themselves a home on his dark skin, he stuck his tongue out in concentration. Frozen meatballs had been left out to thaw, and now the Archangel was making the vegetables in the sauce so they'd undetectable to a certain fussy young angel. "Michael?" The young angel in question calls out in the doorway resulting in Michael exclaiming something that sounded like 'GAH!' and attempting to hide Luke's view of the blender. "Hiya Lukey!" Michael grins awkwardly. "What's up with you today? Haha." Now long used to Michael's strangeness, Luke pays it no mind. "Michael, I have a question." The archangel turns the various pans on the stove to the lowest heat before sitting on a stool on the kitchen island and pulling Luke up to sit on his knee. "What's up Kiddo?" He grins, tilting his head at the boy. Luke fiddles with his thumbs, his blue eyes meeting Michael's red ones. "Is it true you and Solomon are getting married?" Michael's smile drops. He pats Luke's blond hair, "No Lukey, me and Solomon are not getting married, nor are we in a relationship." Luke's face flushes, he clenches his tiny fists. "Those demons! Making up lies!" Michael shakes the image of you from his mind. "Yeah. Demons. Yup!"
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lads im gonna be honest here i havent met mephsitles or hwoever u spell it a lot in game (as well as thirteen and raphael) so apologies if theyre really ooc😰
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simpackerman · 20 days
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Hey guys! this is my first ever fic so dont be too judgy. Leah and Rachel are my two favourite players so i though i'd make my first fic about them.
Let me know if you want a part 2
18+ smut
Warnings: Dirty talk, Fingering (Leah receiving)
"Rach please" Leah begged
"Be patient, my girl" Rachel smirked at her captain underneath her.
Rachel and Leah had been sleeping with each other during euros from time to time. Rachel hasn't been with Leah during her ACL injury. They had been roomed together for the euro qualifiers.
Leah was in a black sports bra and small short when Rachel came in. Rachel pounced on her without a second though. They've had a fling, nothing more.
Rachel began sucking and biting at Leah's left nipple. The small moans from the blonde were heavenly. She gave the same attention to her other breast before kissing Leah's stomach on her way down.
"Finally" Leah sighed, as Rachel's fingers went underneath her waistband and ripped her shorts off.
"I won't be so relived just yet if I were you" Rachel smirked rubbing her clit through her underwear earning a needy whine from Leah.
Rachel was met with her glistening folds as she pulled Leah's underwear. The wetness had spread onto her inner tights, the sight making Rachel's eyes darken with lust. She ran a finger through Leah's folds eliciting a soft moan from the blonde. Rachel placed soft kisses on her clit before licking a strip on it making her moan louder.
Rachel came back up to meet Leah's lips for a heated kiss. Leah whimpered as she tasted herself on Rachel's lips. Rachel brought her hand between Leah's legs and rubbed at her clit before teasing her entrance with a finger.
"Please" Leah whined
"Please what, baby girl" Rachel said wanting to hear her beg.
"Please put your fingers in me. Fuck me!" Leah immediately exclaimed.
Rachel shoved two fingers into her wetness watching her face scrunch in pleasure. She moved them at a steady pace until leah begged her to go faster.
Rachel brought her head up to kiss Leah's neck, leaving red marks behind. Moans and whines fell out of the blonde's mouth with each thrust.
Leah started clenching around Rachel's fingers. "I'm going to come" Leah moaned Rachel smirked at her and pulled her fingers out.
Leah's eyes widened in shock. "B-but- Why" she whined Rachel went up and kissed her lips shoving her tongue into her mouth before flipping her onto her front.
She put her fingers back into Leah's heat and pushed them in and out and a fast pace making the blonde moan louder than ever.
"Keep it down unless you want wake up the whole building"
Leah just whined as she was too lost in the feeling of Rachel's fingers in her. Soon Leah started clenching around her fingers again.
"Don't stop please"
"Don't hold back princess"
Rachel watched as her captain fell apart on her fingers.
She slowed the movement of her fingers to let Leah ride out her high. She flipped Leah onto her back and looked at the beautiful blonde underneath her who was panting and covered in sweat.
"It's like I've never left" Leah chuckled
"I missed you, you know" Rachel said softly
"I missed you too Rach. And I missed this" Said Leah with a smirk
"I missed shagging my captain too" Rachel smirked back, making Leah blush.
"Shall we call it a night? Or are you still not satisfied" Rachel teased as Leah rolled her eyes.
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Cod Sex Bot Au - Random Blurbs
Requested: Yes [Hi! Just found out about your blog and I think I just bingeread almost all of your fics, your writing is actually really captivant ! Especially your "CoD sex bots au". Can we please PLEASE have a part 3 ? Maybe more of Price, Gaz, Roach and Rudy? DONT FORGET TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF AND DRINK WATER!!!]
Warnings: Abundant Fluff
A/N: I didn’t really know what to do so I just did some random little blurbs
Price huffs as his glowing eyes meticulously scan over your messy room, mechanical pupils narrowing at your back as you remain happily oblivious, too focused on your game to even notice his presence. Not until his hands were on the back of your gaming chair, dragging it back a bit before promptly yanking away your controller and headset then scooping you out of the chair, heading towards the living room.
“Hey! Wait! I wasn’t finished!” You yelp, trying to wiggle away to no avail, his metal arms tight around you, keeping you nice and secure. “Damn it! You’re a bot, I’m pretty sure you can’t just manhandle me like this!”
“You are now.” He says, kicking the door to your room shut behind him, using his connection to your advanced home system to lock it behind him, on the off chance you actually managed to sneak away from him. “You’re eating something, something that doesn’t come out of a snack bag, then you’re showering and going to bed. It’s almost midnight.” He tells you sternly.
“You’re not my dad.”
“No, but I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to call me Daddy.”
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Gaz’s eyes watch you carefully as you mix whatever it was that was in the pot, his curiosity peaked but you wouldn’t let him even glimpse into it. Said it was a surprise. And he didn’t want to ruin all your hard work so he obliged, not that it wasn’t frustrating though. He wasn’t ever very patient.
But he’s pretty sure that it’s worth it when you sit him down, your smile all big and happy as you set a plate full of steaming hot food in front of him, eagerly awaiting for him to dig in and give his opinion.
“It’s delicious!” He tells you happily, his own smile just as bright and full of life.
You looked so happy at his statement that he just couldn’t bring himself to tell you that he didn’t actually have any taste sensors, and he swears to take the secret to his robot grave.
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Roach stares down at you as you lay on the floor, your eyes unfocused and seemingly looking at nothing in particular. He poked your cheek to try and get a reaction out of you and it seemed to work as you scrunch your nose up cutely.
“What are you doing?” He asks you, his hands slow and unsure. He wasn’t supposed to ask questions but….he just couldn’t help himself when it came to you. He wanted to know more about you, about what went on in your mind.
“Staring into the void, wondering when it will swallow me whole and relinquish me from all of life’s burdens.” You say, rather nonchalantly. It made him chuckle and he shook his head at you.
“But I’d be lonely if you went to the void.” He signs, his eyes soft despite being made of metal and glass. “Don’t leave me behind.”
“Don’t worry, Roach. You can come with me. It’s you and me against the world.” You say, and his fans kick into high gear as his face reddens, system overheating.
He was….happy.
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Rudy grumbles when you turn away from him in your sleep, rolling onto your belly, spread out like a starfish. He peeked his eyes open, night vision mode taking over his eyeballs. He frowned, wondering what awoke him from his powered down mode.
He turned to you, a bit pouty when he saw how far away you were. Sure, he wasn’t the most comfortable thing to lay on, being made of metal and all, but he liked it when you cuddled up to him.
His hand reaches out, touching your cheek gently, amazed by how you lean into his touch, into his warmth. He’d never been more glad to be built with lifelike heating systems.
He brings you closer to him again, his arms wrapping around you to keep you from getting away again, his cheek brushing against your neck before kissing it lovingly. He was glad that he was yours.
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asterifish · 1 month
Can i request a NCT Yuta who is a dom top with a bottom reader with a huge ego where Yuta basically not only humbles but feminize and makes the reader submit to him with his cock
Hi hi hello! Ty for requesting!!
I think I've done smth like this with a diff member, so I hope this one doesn't turn out the same 🙏
Hope you enjoy!
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You're a mess.
M/n was pretty popular in college. NCT Uni was pretty well known, which is why more people knew m/n. But what most don't know is that m/n has a boyfriend. A really protective boyfriend.
Yuta Nakamoto was a Dance major, a good one at that. He does a lot of shows with his class, NCT 127, and they usually travel all over Korea for it. When m/n and Yuta started daring, Yuta didn't take m/n with him, because he didn't know how m/n would act backstage without him.
A few weeks after Yuta decided that m/n was trustworthy, he invited m/n to one of their venues. M/n agreed, happy that he was finally allowed to go with his boyfriend.
The morning of, m/n woke up alone. He assumed that Yuta had gone to the venue with his class, and got ready per usual. The time of the performance came around, so m/n finally headed to the building. Meeting Yuta outside, they exchanged a quick kiss before Yuta let m/n backstage.
"Behave, m/n." Were Yuta's last words before he headed onstage.
Every time Yuta risked a glance backstage, m/n wasn't looking. He was offtalking to se staff member, or looking at himself in his pocket mirror, or on his phone. Most of the time, m/n was talking to a staff member, flaunting his outfit or seemingly flirting with staff.
Fast forward (by SOMI) to after the performance, Yuta was furious. Beyond furious. He wouldn't talk to. M/n the whole way back to their shared apartment. He went straight to the shower and didnt come out until an hour later.
"Yuta, hun, are you okay? You havent been talking to me at all since your performance." M/n tapped his boyfriend, but got shrugged off.
Yuta continued to ignore m/n until 2 hours later. "Yuyu.... Please talk to me. Whatever I did im sorry..."
A few minutes later, M/n was underneath Yuta. He was gripping the bedsheets so hard his knuckles turned white. He was currently being spread open and eaten out. His legs were twitching, and he was moaning really loudly, lost in extacy. "You think you're so oretty, huh? I'll show you.. " Yuta flipped m/n over so he was on all fours before continuin, "...just how pretty you are. You dont need..." Yuta paused again and slapped m/n's ass. "..other people to tell you that... I can prove it to you myself."
Minutes later, Yuta was gripping m/n's waist, grunting ans he slammed in and out of the smaller. Yuta was groaning compliments to m/n, calling him a princess, and the prettiest girl im the whole world.
"Fuck baby... Your cunt is just sucking me in.. Ngh~" Yuta slapped m/n's ass harshly, earning a moan out of the smaller. They kept at this until m/n was begging for forgiveness, with three loads of cum in him.
Hey!! Sorry this was cut short, ppl keep looking over my shoulder on the bus 😭😭😭
Also!! Heads up guys! Most of my fics will be non idol au unless specified :)
Works belong to @asterifish | reblogs help me a lot!
2023 | © @asterifish
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partyanimal167 · 1 year
Hey i saw your post about wanting to do some law fics and i had an idea how about a law x fem or gn reader that is a excellent sworddswomen and can take out someone even with their sheth still on! ( like kagra from fairy tail the anime) but the catch is that when not fight shes super awkward and shy and flustered with him (because he saved her and she attracted to him and his character)Also could the fic being about their first meeting like asking her to join his crew and after time becoming a thing and going to dressrosa together, it could start with law telling the straw hats how they met
(Sorry i know thats a lot but i’ve had this idea for while now and would really appreciate it you can do it but its too much please let me know i dont want pressure you❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)
Hi!!! Thank you so much for requesting. I'm super nervous to write about Law, but this is a really nice prompt to use. Plus, I'm so stoked that you referenced Kagura! I love Fairy Tail; that was the first fandom I wrote about when I was younger lol. I'm going to try to incorporate everything you wrote. I hope you enjoy it~
She's Just Shy, ok...- Law x F!Reader
CW: Fluff, canon au, nongraphic action, awkward reader (mood)
In hindsight, Law should have realized he wasn't lucky enough to have a normal person on his crew...but she was special to say the least...not that he would say it.
Law was trying his hardest to not break his mug as he watched you going at it with the Strawhat's swordsman. It was his fault though. He had been too deep into his studies and planning, so after continuously rejecting Zoro for a sparring match, it made sense that he would go after you. You were more of a challenge really. Law flexed that strength of his sword at any hint of danger, but you, oh, you weren't bothered by any threats at all. Few could tell the story of seeing your blade at all. A swordman's that used only her sheath, yeah Zoro would be all over that.
Law nearly jumped out his skin when Luffy appeared hanging upside down from a rail. He grumbled into his mug. "What!"
He only laughed. "Y/n is so cool~ I bet Zoro is happy to have a strong person to fight with." he grinned. Law only grunted. "Hmm, maybe she could join my crew. OI! Zoro! Ask Y/n to-," Luffy groaned after being hit upside his head. "Nami! What was that for?"
The navigator rolled her eyes. "You can't go trying to steal people's crew members. What if someone tried to recruit Zoro?"
Luffy understood her point but still whined. "But she's so strong~ Zoro would like it!"
"She's not a pet!" Law argued back.
Luffy laughed. "Ooo, what about a competition! Y/N, would you join my crew if I beat Toroa at a game?"
You skidded across the floor and smiled at the goofy captain. "Sorry Lu-chan, I can't leave my captain yet." she beamed even as she blocked an attack from Zoro without looking. "I owe him too much." she grinned before turning her attention back to her opponent while Sanji threatened to starve Zoro if he so much as got a cut on your skin.
Luffy pouted. "Boo, I want her..."
"Be nice captain." Robin lightly chided. She turned to the doctor. "I am curious though. How did you two meet, Tra-guy?"
Your ears picked up the question. "Cap-captain, no! Don't tell them!" you nervously stammered and waved your hands.
Zoro raised a brow. "Why not? Couldn't be that bad." he grabbed a towel and tossed it to you. You wiped your face, neck, and bosom. He gulped down some water.
Seeing that your attention was back on him, Law relaxed a little. "It's nothing dramatic." he grumbled. "More embarrassing for me really..." he muttered.
"Huh???" everyone asked. For the doctor to admit that and not hold back was certainly something.
Law reclined back and spread his arms out. "I needed some assistance..."
You were finally able to relax and enjoy the warm weather after spending the morning training. Sitting and meditating was a great way for you to recenter before continuing about your day. You found a nice tree and were wrapping up when a heard some loud commotion nearby.
You opened your eyes to see a group of shady-looking men running away. A few moments later, an anxious looking polar bear was running around searching while tears seemed to be flowing from his eyes. You cocked your head to the side curiously. The polar bear cried out. "Captain is going to kill me!!!"
His uniform seemed to be unique enough from the townspeople, but not quite individualistic. You stood up and stretched. You weren't sure what to do about what you saw and decided to head back to your solitary home in the woods.
You left the busier town and continued walking casually in the woods. You knew this path well seeing as this was your childhood area filled with palm trees and secret waterfalls. You neared the summit of a hill and tensed as you felt an odd, distinct air. You dodged a knife thrown at your head and rested your hand on your sword.
A few of those men from before jumped out of the bushes. "Hehe, seems the rumors were true. What is a woman like you doing with that on your hip?"
"Looks expensive too." another added.
You met their greedy gaze with little interest. So they're robbers. You took a couple steps forward dismissively before they jumped to attack. You quickly reacted and swung your body around to dodge. You shifted on one foot before swinging the other to land in one guy's face. It would have been an easy conflict except more men appeared.
You grumbled before tying up your hair and pulling your sword from your waist.
"You got some moves, missy. But now we really know you don't need that sword. Those work better when they're out of their sheaths." he commented rudely.
You took an offensive stance and dashed to quickly to slice the shocked robbers. It only took a couple slashes or two before each man fell to the ground with serious wounds. You rolled your shoulders before sighing. You just saw them not so long ago, so their stolen goods were probably still on them. You peaked in a couple bushes before pulling out a long sword. It was heavy in your hand. You wondered how hard it would be to find its owner. Oh maybe, that polar bear would know. You continued to admire the blade when you felt the air shift once more. You turned around to see a man bring up a large hammer to swing at you. You tensed to move, but-
An odd light feeling surrounded you for a second before you were in the grasp of a stranger. You looked up confusingly as someone could just hold you with one arm then watched as the man froze. "You're- you're-, you're the Surgeon of Death!" the man only tch-ed at the accusation before rotating his hands and muttered. "Shambles."
You watched in shocked as the various men's body parts were dismembered before shuffling around and mixing with each other. Most of them were still knocked out though and wouldn't realize the uncanny circumstance until they woke up.
The man gently placed you down and you clenched onto the sword while bowing. "Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I should have totally seen that coming. How embarrassing!" the words blurted from your mouth.
The man's gold eyes looked at you with uncertainty. "Don't mention it..." he paused before reaching his hand out, "my sword, please."
You looked at his hand then clenched tighter on the sword. "Oh, huh, is this your sword?" you laughed awkwardly. "Oh jeez, heh, sorry here-,"
"Captain!!!" a high-pitched voice echoed up the hill before the polar bear from before appeared with tears still flowing.
You brightened! "Oh bear-chan!"
The bear stopped and looked at you. He immediately took a defensive karate pose in front of the man. "Did you take my captain's sword! You- you-, woman! I'll"
"Bepo," the man interjected annoyed. "This woman just defeated these robbers. Show her a little respect." The other immediately dropped his pose before bowing.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Thank you for recovering, Kikuko!"
You scratched your cheek awkwardly and waved your hand. "Ah no problem at all. He saved my life!" you then turned and finally handed back the sword. "Thank you, again." you bowed. You straightened up. "I'm y/n."
The man seemed to relax more with the sword at his side finally. "Trafalgar Law. I'm sorry if we caused you trouble." he looked at his subordinate. "My sword was taken away while he was on watch."
"I'm sorry, Captain."
"Tch, this is why I don't take naps..." Law muttered. "We'll leave now. I don't want to bother you more."
"Wait!" you called out. "I have to repay you! That guy nearly took off your head."
Law shook his head. "If anything, we're even. I saw how you fought; you would have been fine."
Your face warmed at the compliment. "No, I insist!" Law seemed to see your stubbornness despite the flustered appearance.
Law should have known better than to get his hopes up at your seemingly normal appearance. After meeting you a couple times while at your island, you proved to have a formidable reputation that had the Marines constantly trying to recruit you though you continued to reject them. As you two got along, you were amazed by Law and his crew's tales of travels and adventure. You recalled all the commotion that happened when the Worst Generation was at Sabody as well as the Marineford War. You never planned on being a pirate necessarily, but you had your own goals that meant you needed to leave home.
Law didn't know why you were so nervous to speak to him all the time, so he was shocked when you were able to as him to join his crew without a stutter. He wasn't sure what to think. You were strong and smart. And as much as he thought that another mouth to feed would be a bother, he couldn't deny that you would be a good addition. He'd hope that you at least learn to hold a conversation with him without playing with your hands.
"Law!!! You're so mean!" you wailed as you pushed your chest against the back of his head. He immediately blushed and tried to push you off. "I'm so embarrassed!" you clung onto him.
"Oh my god, I don't know why!" Law argued. You continued to fuss and Law shyly babied you in his arms.
The Strawhats were shocked by the softer scene in front of them. "He's surprisingly soft..." Robin noted.
Luffy groaned. "Oh boo, Tra is so lucky. No way she'll join us now." For some reason, he understood now.
*sprinkles in some slight jealousy because we like that here.* Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it @dancingnewcat Please let me know how it is. I'm so happy to finally get a request~
Until next time~
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itsrorysstuff · 6 months
Hey man , I have a request for Juilen fic like a jealousy thing and possessive and like it'd lil kinky, thanks 4 reading dude.
My first none-anonymous ask! Anything for you ❤️ (I still love you anons I promise)
Juliens hand ran up and down my side possessively, her head nuzzled in my neck whispering dirty things in my ear. “I’m gonna fuck you so good when we get home, fuck where is that god damn Uber.” She said, all this because she didn’t like the way some guy why eyeing me. “Look at her one more time” she finally snapped about 20 minutes ago, the guy shuffling around the bar in intimidation. Once the Uber got here, she was dragging me out, her hands pressed into my hips as she walks behind me and my ass pressed into her just the way she liked.
She pushed me into the backseat of the Uber kissing my lips harshly “you’re mine.” She growled kissing down my neck, slightly biting there. I nodded “all yours,j.” I said and she pulled me into her, moaning. “That’s right. My girl.” She kissed my lips again, her hands exploring my body. Up and down my sides, my back, down my tummy and thighs.
Before I knew it we were home, she was pulling me out of the car and into the house, pushing me up against the wall once inside. She pulled down the neckline of my dress, under my breasts “no bra? my dirty baby” she sucked my nipple into her mouth harshly, moaning at the weight of it on her tongue. Once she’s satisfied, she pulls off my nipple with a pop, looking at her handy work. My chest is pink and purple, her saliva glistening everywhere. She smirked, “so pretty” she whispered, her hands ran down my sides as she got on her knees. She pulled my dress up to my waist, violently pulling of my panties. “God, you’re so pretty baby.” She said, placing a kiss just above my mound. I whined desperately “shh baby, I’ve got you.” She said placing a soft kiss on my clit, placing my leg over her shoulder. I bucked my hips up into her face, only to be pushed back against the wall “don’t be bad. Be a good girl for me.” Than she began to eat me out like a starved woman, dipping her tongue into my hole teasingly before licking my pulsating clit. My head fell back In pleasure as my hand gripped her hair, pushing her into me farther, letting out moans here and there. Eventually she pulled away from me, pushing her tongue fully inside me and her thumb harshly rubbing circles into my clit. “Baby! Baby…oh shit! Oh my god!” I moaned loudly, the change almost sending me over the edge. “Julien…please please don’t fucking stop I’m almost there baby!” I took sharp breathes as I pulled her hair more, she hummed in approval sending me over the edge. “Julien!” I screamed as my body quivered, my muscles tightening in intense pleasure. Julien fucked me through it, pulling away after a while though pressing a kiss to my thigh. “I love you baby. You’re such a good girl for me. Now get yourself upstairs, I want you naked and on the bed. Make sure those pretty legs are spread for me” I turned and made my way up the stairs, Julien followed closely behind, giving my ass a light smack.
She stood at the doorframe of our bedroom, waiting for me to do as I was told. I pulled off my dress and heels before getting on the bed and spreading my legs. She stared a while, smirking as she walked over to the side of the bed. She brushed her fingertips up my body, from the bottom up my stomach to my chin, gripping it and bending down to kiss me before whispering “good girl. Scoot forward a little for me.” Again I did what I was told, to desperate for her to think about doing anything but feeling her and listening to her voice. She sat behind me and pulled me against her roughly, her hands instantly traveling up my waist to grope my breasts while her lip’s attacked my neck. “Spread those legs a little more for me” I opened my legs wider for her, she took her hand away from my breast and trailed it down my body, circling my clit with her thumb. She nibbled on my neck and I let my head fall back on her shoulder, she pried her lips away from my neck to kiss my harshly. “Gonna be a good girl for me?” I nodded quickly as she stuck two fingers inside me. I gasped and gripped her forearms, stuffing my head into her neck “you okay honey?” She asked in a sweet tone, moving her fingers slowly as I nodded. “Words.” She demanded “yes, i-i’m okay” she hummed and started to speed up, her fingers plunging inside me just below her tattooed knuckles. I was panting and whining for her, I could tell how turned on she was getting by how hard she was gripping my thigh. “Can you take another one?” She asked, breathing hard. I just whined in response “cmon baby please. I know you can. You’ve been taking these two so well for me for so long, you can do one more. Right honey?” She was almost begging “yes. Fuck-yes I can-oh shit-take one more” I said. Julien smiled “good girl” she shoved another finger inside me, i clenched down on her hand “ohhh, you like that baby?” She teased. “Y-yes yes Julien I like that.” She smirked and started to move her fingers. As time went on she got quicker and quicker, I got hazy. Tired but feeling so much pleasure I didn’t even know what to do with myself, I started to bite Juliens neck, trying to keep from screaming. “god baby, that hurts so good” she said and started to curl her fingers inside me, hitting that spot so perfectly. “You’re close, huh baby?” She teased and I let go of her neck with a whine “c-can’t I can’t” I cried. “Oh baby, you can. You can and I know you will. You’re doing so good, taking all three fingers so well. All you gotta do now is let go, it’s okay baby. You’re okay” she soothed as I whimpered. “J-Julien! Shit baby!” I moaned loudly as my body started to shake “there’s my girl, let go baby. I’m here.” I whined and squirmed as I squirted on her hand.
She pulled her fingers away after I was fully fucked through my orgasm “oh baby, that was an intense one huh?” She soothed softly, running her non-drenched hand through my hair. I breathed hard, still gripping Juliens arm as hard as I could. I moved my head up, puckering my lips trying to tell her that I wanted a kiss. She chuckled softly and brought her lips down, gently, onto mine. I smiled at her after we pulled away “thank you” I whispered “no babe, thank you” she said and kissed me again. “I’m gonna get a towel to clean you up, okay honey?” I nodded and she got out from behind me and I settled into the pillows as she walked away. A few minutes later she came back with a damp towel and a dry towel, stopping at our dresser to get pajamas before coming back to me. She wipes my slick covered thighs, being extra careful around my swollen and sensitive bundle of nerves. She wiped the water off with the dry towel as I watched, she looked up to smile at me every so often before going back to continue her work. After she was finished she slid her boxers up my legs and one of her baggy shirts over my torso, than going to change herself before tucking both of us in. “I love you” she said and turned to turn out the lights “I love you too, so much.” I replied as I snuggled into my girlfriends warm body. I breathed in her comforting scent of tobacco and chamomile as I fell asleep, feeling safe as ever, in her arms.
This one lived in my drafts for a whiiiile. I hope y’all liked it ❤️ sending everyone so much love this holiday season, I know how hard it can get.
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bonesandthebees · 3 months
hey bee! i just wanted to say i've been a massive fan of your fics ever since you posted clinic. i can't say for sure if i've ever left comments, but your stories are the only thing keeping me tied to the dsmp at this point because they're too incredible to not keep up with.
as a lurker, i figured now to be the best time to let you know that i have read all of your stories over the past 3 to 4 years, and i plan on reading whatever masterpiece you create next. the way you write has inspired me for years, and youre easily my favorite author.
i just wanted to spread some positivity in the face of whats happened. i dont know the full situation, but i can tell its hurt too many people and compliments have never hurt anyone.
please have a nice day!
awww this is so sweet and means so much to hear that I inspire you!! seriously it's wild when people say they've read all my stuff because, well, it's a lot. I'm so happy that you're going to stick with my stuff :)) thank you for spreading positivity it's sorely needed rn
I hope you have a lovely day too!!
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youre-ackermine · 3 months
✍️ Fic authors self rec!
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to other writers you know. Let's spread some self-love! 💛
Hey Sunshine ☀️
Thanks for dropping by my inbox with this ask! Well, I won't tell you I'm not embarrassed to do this but let's go for a bit of self-promo 🫣
So far my stuff is mostly Levihan-centered but I'm writing for other SNK pairings & for Levi x Reader at the moment as well (still in my WIP though).
1 - SUNBURST // 2.2k words // Modern AU // SFW // read on Tumblr & AO3
The latest of my works. It's part 2 of my series It's not like I've got something grand to say to you & I wrote it in one go within a few hours but I'm rather proud of it, especially Levi's characterisation. A word about this series: it will be a bunch of "chapters" requested for a drabble challenge that I decided to write as parts of the same story.
2 - ECHO // 1k words // Canon Universe // N.SFW-ish // read on Tumblr & AO3
I love Terra's (@dont-f-with-moogles ) story Never Enough & I wrote this drabble inspired by the series as a gift for her birthday. Once again, Levi's turmoil inspired me.
3 - BEHIND THE SCENES // 2.1k words // Modern AU // Actor AU // N.SFW-ish // read on Tumblr
This one was requested by anon & it's a Pikuhan fic (with a side of Levihan, I can't help it!). Actor AU is really a good setting for stories, I love to see them all being alive & well! I had so much fun writing this one! There'll be a part 2 & there'll definitely be other SNK Actor AU drabbles. I haven't posted it on AO3 yet.
4 - DUMBSTRUCK // 1k words // Modern AU // N.SFW-ish // read on Tumblr & AO3
Part one of It's not like I've got something grand to say to you series, written for another challenge. Hange's POV for once. Well I mean, Hange's POV about Levi's body hehe. The first time I've been proud of something I wrote tbh.
5 - UNDER THE MISTLETOE // 1.3k words // Modern AU // SFW // read on Tumblr & AO3
Part two of my Levi x Reader series Love Language (side note: part one is one year old & it's crap tbh, but I posted it as a reference to see if my writing is improving with time). A bit cheesy but I kinda like it however.
I'm not a particularly good writer but I'm not that bad after all I guess lmao.
A big shout out to all those who liked/reblogged/commented/kudo-ed my silly works! It means a lot to me & I'm so thankful for your kind support!
Sending love your way Sunshine 🫶☀️
Please consider reblogging / commenting / kudo-ing fics on Tumblr or AO3 to support writers, it's really encouraging for them!
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remediesremedy · 1 year
Hii i saw that you make stories for avatar if you write for tarsem please make a storie for him, fluff with reader or anything else you want, if you dont write about him please make sully family x oldest sully daughter, anything you want (^.^)(^.^)☺️
hey my lovely, fortunately i already have two stories in the works about being an elder sully sibling. so let’s have a crack at writing a small fic for Tarsem :)
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Tarsem x GN human! reader
warnings: some angst, lots of fluff
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The night’s air was cold, it’s chill felt throughout all of the navi in the hallelujah mountains. Normally the heat, or lack of it, wouldn’t be a big problem, but without a mate, and being a small human, the temperature was freezing. You laid awake, staring at the clustered sky, filled with millions of stars, and specks of planets, one that you came from. earth.
but every day on pandora had you yearning to be a true na’vi. Your avatar body was wonderful, but knowing you’d eventually have to wake up to be a human once again, it was a dreaded feeling. Norm, one of the other avatars, a scientist, was trying to find a safer solution to permanently switching bodies. Eywa unfortunately did not allow everyone to pass through, but in hope that you would one day have the chance to pass through and receive her judgement, you spent time with her. Her, being the creatures of pandora, the flora and fauna, appreciating every inch of the planet you were on, because eywa was everything at once.
it was the same night with you wondering what could be, when you heard faint whispers outside. without your hyper sensitive ears, it was hard to listen in, but you slid down from your bed and made your way to the farther side of the tent. Today had been a scary, and uncertain day, news spread quickly that the sully children were under gunpoint, luckily saved by their parents and older brother. So you weren’t very surprised to hear the hushed voice of your olo'eyktan, Jake Sully. but what did surprise you was the recipient on the other end of his whispers.
“it is, no longer safe for my family.” Jake ushered quietly, despite out of sight, you could feel like he was scratching his neck or fiddling with his hands. “we are the reason the omatikaya are.. in danger.” with a sigh he muttered the next sentence strongly. “me and my family leave tomorrow, we will go far, and hope that the sky people never find us and we live in peace.”
Tarsem, let out a chuff of understanding. “i understand.” his respect for Jake was unmatched, he was raised during the war and was beyond relieved when it had ended. now that it had come back, he was angry, tired, so many confusing emotions when he just wanted peace for his people. “but why are you telling me this?”
the next piece of news had you struggling not to gasp.
“with my choosing, i’d like you to be olo'eyktan, only if you choose it too.” Jake spoke earnestly, hope hanging off of his every word, just waiting for Tarsem to take the burden off him.
silence overcame the night briefly.
“i would be honoured.”
despite the heavy lack of sleep, your eyes were wide open, your body awake and energised because today was a celebration, but also a goodbye. you sought out Tarsem, wanting to congratulate him, he was a very worthy olo'eyktan, he was wise and strong and kind.
when you found him by one of the edges of camp, tending to his ikran, you stepped towards him softly, rearing back slightly when the creature he was holding onto, snapped its head to look at you. Tarsem turned quickly, and eased, seeing you weren’t a threat. “Hello little human, it is early no? why are you awake?”
you tried to control the flush coming to your face, of course he didn’t know your name, and now you had doomed yourself to always being called human because you hadn’t woken up and went to transfer to your avatar. “i wanted to congratulate you.” you ignored the pet name, smiling because being the new leader was so much honour.
Tarsem clicked his tongue, one hand sliding off his ikran, “no one has been told yet, how do you know little one?” his brow raised, waiting for an answer.
“forget it.” you fought a hiss, in your human form he would simply laugh if you did. “i do not wish to be called little one, or little human.” you turned on your heal, but was gently prodded to stop.
“i apologise.” Tarsem muttered sincerely, “what’s your name, i’d like to make it up to you.”
you gave him your name, gaze softening slightly at his apology before retreating away to your link, it felt wrong to be in your human body for too long.
although the sully’s were now gone, people of the omatikaya were motivated to celebrate the choosing of a new olo'eyktan. There was a hungry fire, feeding on whatever wood the na’vi would throw at it. and traditional music blared around the campfire, hand crafted beautiful drums and trained voices ignited the spirit of every person present.
your Na’vi body felt much more comfortable than your human form. As a human you were tall, as a Na’vi you towered over most. you found it endearing, dancing with the young children who could barely reach your knees. The night was young and the celebration would be long, Tarsem was to be warmly welcomed, and the gathering would prompt him to select his tsahik. being able to see every woman of the clan and see her personality, her grace, her mannerisms and her soul. Or atleast you assumed it was to be a woman.
when a young child gleefully rushed to you, requesting to dance again with a grin, you could never say anything but yes. you bent down to be closer with the kid, bobbing and swaying, chuckling as the younger na’vi began bouncing with toothy smiles. “you’ll tire yourself out.” you tutted with ni malice, picking up the child to give them a break, and to instead slowly spin around while they gained their breath back. “you must be a very strong child to dance for that long.” you softly looked down, praising the boy who had massive twinkling green eyes, his excitement shone through effortlessly. “what a mighty warrior in the works.” and that was it, the boy was urging to get out of your arms, practically pouncing on his mother to tell her how much of a mighty warrior he was.
it was sweet. that even as a human, the people had favoured you. Eywa had favoured you, letting you into a wonderful home that was now yours.
you failed to notice a figure walking towards you, too captured by the flames of the growing fire. A clearing of the throat had you halting, slowly shifting to the recipient. Tarsem, a surprise.
“you seem familiar.” the now leader spoke, puzzled, quizzically tilting his head at the tallest Na’vi he had seen, and the most, beautiful too. seeming graced by eywa herself.
you couldn’t contain the laugh that spilled out of you, maintaining eye contact with a grin, you offered your hand. his eyes widened at the sound of your voice, realisation and slight confusion dawned upon him, you were no longer such a tiny human. “dance with me, if you want to make it up to me?” you asked cheekily, watching a hue of purple flood to his cheeks. he reached forward and engulfed your hand, but he looked slightly out of place, his movements were stiff desperate him trying desperately to succumb to the rhythm. it dawned upon you that he struggled to dance, it only made your toothy smile widen.
how sweet.
your dancing wasn’t too intricate, trying to accommodate for tarsem. you swayed your body, twisting and turning in time with the music, the world felt like a stage you were performing on. you locked eyes with Tarsem again, trying to deny how his gaze made you feel deliciously uneasy. apparently he wasn’t paying attention either, and harshly bumped into you.
spews of apologies came out of his mouth again, he had honestly been caught off guard, trying to impress you and yet his wrong footing caused him to injure you, yet again. you tsked at him, although with no anger. he bashfully spoke his apologies again and again, you shushed him after a few seconds. “what am i going to do with you?” you snickered, pulling him in to dance again.
and that was indeed a question. Because Tarsem found that he wanted to do everything with you, human or not. He had never felt this way, he had never felt so shy. He had a feeling that his tsahik was standing right in front of him.
it was just him wondering how they would come to be mated. He prayed to eywa, i want this one. this human. this na’vi, whatever they are. they are different.
Tarsem swore that he had heard a slight tune of a whisper, imbedding itself in his ear, and he truly hoped Eywa had approved.
A/N: thank you so much for the fic request :) hope you liked it, left it a little open ended in case there was ever a part 2. it was fun writing for someone i wouldn’t normally write for. Tarsem seems like an absolute sweetheart
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gh0--st · 1 year
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This is based on a HC that Amity has freckles that she hides with makeup!
Summary: After Luz finds out that Amity has secret freckles, she helps her feel less self-concious about them.
Characters: Lee!Amity Ler!Luz
This is a tickle fic. If you're not into that kind of stuff, please leave.
It was a sunny day in the human realm. Luz and Amity were walking towards the house, dirt covering their hands.
They had just finished helping Willow and Hunter with their garden and were now going to wash off their hands. Gus was out there too, but he wanted to stay with them.
Awkwardly, Luz managed to open the backdoor with her arm. They both walked in and walked towards the sink.
"Who would've guessed gardening could get you so dirty?" Luz said sarcastically as she turned on the sink.
Amity giggled at that. "You can wash your hands first." She said to Luz. Luz smiled and soaked her hands under the water.
Amity did the same not long after her. But she soon felt a bit playful. She raised her hands and flung water droplets as Luz, who sqeaked in alarm.
She giggled as Luz blinked in shock before she grinned. Luz shoved her hands back under the water, yanking them out and shooting droplets at Amity.
Amity had moved out of the way in time, though. She was about to give Luz a smug look before gasping as Luz jumped towards her, cupping her cheeks with her wet hands.
Luz smiled mischievously as she smeared her hands around Amitys cheeks. Amity giggled, pushing Luz's hands away, "Cut it out!"
Luz shrugged, a silly grin on her face. Amity rolled her eyes playfully, "Can you hand me a paper towel?" She asked.
Luz nodded, turning and tearing one off the roll before handing it to Amity. Amity smiled and wiped her face, walking to the trash can and throwing the paper towel away.
"Thanks." She said, looking up at Luz with a smile. Her smile soon faded into a confused look as Luz just stared at her, her eyes a little wide.
"Luz? Are you okay?" She asked. Luz pointed towards her own cheeks, "You have..freckles?" She said.
Amitys eyes widened. "No!" She said, immediately hiding her face, "I gotta go!" She said, running off to Luz's room.
Luz reached out to her before following her as she ran off. When she entered her room, she saw Amity frantically looking around, searching for something to cover her face with.
"Amity?" She said. Amity jumped up, hiding her face from Luz. "Don't look at me." She said, turning away and continuing her search.
Luz frowned and walked towards her. "Hey, it's okay!" She said. Amity looked at her, without covering her face this time, "No, it isn't!" She said.
Luz reached her hand out and gently touched Amitys shoulder. "It is, really. Let's sit down." She said.
Amity had her face hidden again, but let Luz guide her to her bed. They sat down, Luz's hand still on her shoulder.
"Im sorry." Amity muttered. Luz frowned again, "Dont apologize, but why are you trying to cover your face?" She asked.
Amity looked at her, slowly removing her hands off her face. Luz blinked, admiring the freckles that spread from her left cheek to the right.
"My mom always told me they made my face imperfect, so she made me cover them, even as a child." She muttered.
Luz blinked, slightly shocked, "Thats terrible! Amity, you shouldn't have to hide anything." She grabbed Amitys hands, lightly squeezing them.
Amity shrugged, looking away, "She kind of had a point. They made my face look dirty." She said.
Luz frowned. She cupped Amity's cheeks, getting a surprised gasp from the girl. "Amity, your face is perfect. You should never have to hide anything." She said.
Amity blinked before smiling. "Okay," She said, but Luz could tell she wasn't convinced.
Without warning, Luz pulled Amity close, a grin on her face. Amity squeaked, her face going a bit red as Luz kissed her cheek.
"Im going to make sure you dont feel bad about your freckles, I'll kiss all of them to prove it!" She said.
Amity giggled a bit, "But there hundreds!" She said. Luz shrugged, "Then you're getting hundreds of kisses!" She said, placing more kisses on her cheeks.
Amity just giggled, "Luz, no!" She said. "Luz, yes!" Luz said back. Amity rolled her eyes playfully before squeaking as she felt something brush her ear.
Luz smiled, "Sorry, Ami, but I want to hear your cute laugh, too!" She said. Amity was about to say something before she let out another squeak, giggles following as Luz lightly drummed her fingers on Amitys ears, still planting several kisses on Amitys face.
Amitys giggles got louder. "LuHuz, NohOho!" She said, trying to squirm away, but Luz held her close. "You were already the cutest from the start, but this just makes you 10x more adorable!" Luz cooed.
Amitys face got red, "NOho Ihit DoHoesnt!" She said, letting small snorts escape her as Luz lightly brushed the shell of her ear.
Luz shrugged, "I think it does!" She smirked, placing more kisses on her face while brushing her fingers around her ear.
Amity's snorts got a bit louder, "YOhu JEheHerk!" She squeaked out. Luz shrugged, "Maybe I am, but if my awesome and abosolutely adorable girlfriend is happy, I dont care!" She said happily.
Amitys face got redder at that. The kisses went on for a while before Luz finally let her go. Amity squirmed away, still giggling as she rubbed her cheeks.
Luz just stared adoringly at her as her giggles soon stopped. "You can still cover them up if you want, but I don't think they make you look dirty, I think they make you look adorable." She said.
Amity smiled and looked away, "I won't cover them for now. I'll see how I feel about it before I decide." She said.
Luz smiled happily as she stood, dragging Amity up with her, "Yay! Now I can see your adorable freckles for even longer!" She exclaimed, grinning as Amitys face went a bit red.
Luz pulled her into a hug. They both stood there for a bit before finally heading back into the living room, giggling at eachother.
This is more of a short story than a tickle fic but idrc
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nasuversekinkmeme · 8 months
Weekly Roundup: prompts
Ritsuka goes to Jeanne Alter for help in with make up application, and she’s all too ready to help her inexperienced master. Not that she’d show it.
smut, gudako getting dp'd by girlcocks pretty please
something fluffy between Hajime and Guda please! Just wanna see these two be happy is all
smut, Spartacus despite his everything is actually very caring in bed
Douman pulling progressively stupider ideas out of his ass to trick Kama and to his growing confusion they keep fucking working because fem!mc likes being flirted with autistic-style feel free to decide if you wanna write f/f or f/f/m just make them as pathetic as possible okay
After being forced into being a prince, and then being shafted (poor choice by Eli, but I digress) our favourite old man Prince Li Shuwen is all alone.... I think he deserves some love from a princess (or Prince, if you want) of some kind. He deserves it after all his hard work! (how did he even get his hands on the tiny outfit for the pumpkin?)
Medb slips into girl Ritsuka’s bed at 1 am for some cuddles, only to find her archnemesis Ushiwakamaru already cuddling the Master. Well, you know what they say: the more the merrier!
Nightingale and Agravain are forced to learn to respect women
More and more new Servants are answering Chaldea's summons because word has spread in the Throne of Heroes by heroes, villains, and even counter guardians that being summoned to Chaldea is basically the best possible outcome.
noncon, Gudao rapes Elizabeth. She cries.
smut, It’s Halloween time! Gudao celebrates by having an orgy with all the Elizabeth variants. It’s what they deserve.
We can have Aesc or Morgan carrying Habetrot in her shoulder as if she were a Pikachu.
smut, Mordred is probably the only one who puts up with Kama's depraved and perverted requests. Be it licking the goddess' sweaty armpits or giving her a rimjob before plowing her ass, the knight is willing to full whatever she demands.
smut, Morgans love for Britain gets her rewarded in the best way possible, she gets fucked by the literal concept of Britain itself.
smut, alright, so, that osakabehime/ritsuka somno fill most definitely awakened something in me. setting that aside, could we get another scenario with that same prompt with another ritsuka/female pairing? my only other request is to make it just as consensual and fluffy as that one was. many thanks in advance
anything with Berserker Vlad... go wild. can be as spicy or as wholesome as y'all want. 🙏🏼
That last prompt made me realize Ozy prompts are super low which is criminal. So to add: Guda promised Ozy they would never summon his wife Nefertari as Ozy does not want her risking her life. So when she randomly pops out one late night it's their job to hide them before the Pharoah realizes. Shenanigans ensue
Ozymandias invites Arash over for the night. While everyone, even Arash, thinks this is a booty call, Ozy actually thought it was about time to tell his bestie about his wife and brother.
Ok, so I wasn't able to find ANYWHERE a fic between Gudako and Ushi, and this is my opportunity to change that! I would love for it to be kind of warm and cute, but if you want to take it into smut territory too, hey I am here for it! The thing I really want to ask for though, is Ushi headpatting Ritsuka. The girl is probably like 10 cm taller than her Master, she should be the one delivering the pats!
anything sneeze kink related please... i dont even care who its with
smut, any of the old man Servants getting pegged. they deserve only the best
smut, One of the servant streamers gets fucked live on stream
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 10 months
✨Small fluffy Texacali fic cuz I got a random burst of motivation✨ And im gonna leave this here because you love this ship: @loseradjacent
(also Texas is FTM and uses a binder cuz he's afraid of getting surgery and doesn't trust that the doctors will do it properly)
California woke up at around 3am to the sound of someone teleporting into his and Texas's shared house. 'Who could it be at this hour...' he thought to himself as he got out of bed, grabbed his glasses, and started heading downstairs to see who it was.
As he walked to the living room, he saw the silhouette of his boyfriend, who had been gone for government stuff for the past 3 days. A smile spread across his face as he quickly walked over to Texas and enveloped him in a strong bear hug from behind and placed his head on the slightly taller state's shoulder.
"Hey Star...." he whispered and pecked him on the cheek.
Texas turned around so that he could hug Cali properly. He buried his face in the Golden State's shoulder and sighed contentedly, breathing in the scent of the new maple scented shampoo and bodywash Cali had been using. "Hey SafeSpace...." He mumbled quietly. Cali seemed to notice a hint of.... Pain? in his voice.
Cal pulled away and looked at Texas with a concerned look on his face. "Are you okay babes??"
Texas pulled away as well with a smile. "Im fine, SafeSpace." Cali noticed how Texas seemed to be readjusting and pulling at something in his shirt, and it all came together pretty quickly.
He sighed and just decided to ask it right away instead of stalling. "Texas, how long have you been binding for?" asked the Golden State quietly.
Texas's eyes widened slightly before he nervously rubbed the back of his neck and said:
"Only a few hours, why?"
'Oh if only he knew what a bad liar he was....' Cal thought to himself before he suddenly pulled the other in for a kiss, wrapping his arms around his waist.
Texas was a bit stunned at first, seeing as it seemed that he was the one yat made the first move half the time, but he kissed back, wrapping his arms around the slightly shorter's (Texas is 6'5 and Cal is 6'4) shoulders/upper back. The two kissed for what had to be forever before pulling away, panting slightly.
California pulled the Lone Star State into another hug and buried his face in his neck. "Texas, how long? Please don't lie to me, all I wanna do is help you, and I need you allow me to."
Texas was silent for a few minutes, before answering. "Two days...I'm sorry, I-I-I-I couldn't let them know, I d-dont wanna k-know what they would do t-t-to me-"
"Shhhh shhhh.... It's okay, I'm not mad." Cali said, pulling away from Texas slightly and gently wiping away the few tears that rolled down his face. Cali silently swore to himselfto KILL anyone that would ever dare to hurt Texas. Usually it would be Texas doing the comforting and being protective, but at the moment it was California's job. He took off his own flannel and handed it over to Texas, who looked at him confused.
"Go put this on, it'll be baggier on you and you can take off your binder and stop hurting yourself. I'll take care of putting this stuff away."
Texas hugged Cali again and he buried his face in the other's shoulder. "Thank you, Amor." he whispered. He kissed California on the cheek before heading to the bathroom to change.
When he got back, California had set up a small nest of blankets on the couch and opened Netflix on the TV. A small smile formed on his face as he walked over to Cali, who returned the smile.
Texas sat down next to the smaller, who pulled them both into a laying position, with Texas pinned between Cali and the back of the couch. He leaned into the touch of the other's hand caressing his cheek.
"There's my handsome~" Cal said, grinning at the happy glint and blush that appeared on the other's face. He turned around slightly and started playing some random show that they had both already watched before turning back around and kissing the Lone Star State once again.
They pulled away and stared lovingly into each other's eyes before Texas hid his face in the crook of Cal's neck and started drifting off to sleep, and Cal following not long after....
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sillylittletloulover · 7 months
a little taste test of my yet to come fic
☆ youre hanging out with your girlfriend dina and she gets the sudden urge to call the Jackson group chat while you have other things in mind
You knock at the door in front of you and you hear footsteps rushing down the stairs before the door opens and your met with a stressed Dina who is in the middle of cooking.
“Hey! Sorry its a bit of a mess, I didnt expect you to be so early” She says before pulling you into a hug.
“Yeah sorry, I was just nervous and everything” You said, you didnt know why you were nervous, youve been to Dinas house before but ever since it became official between you two, you have been kind of awkward. Maybe it was because of that kiss you shared a few weeks ago that created an ache in your pants. Or maybe it’s because of that night she touched your thigh while you were watching a movie. Anyway, we were here now and you have butterflies in your stomach like youre a teenager again.
“You hungry?” Dina asked as you stepped inside.
“Not really, I ate before i came over” You said while taking off your shoes.
“Uh huh” She eyed you up and down. “And what did you eat?” She was aware of how you were always eating junk food and not giving your body the nutrition it needed.
“I ate a slice of pizza” You shrugged, knowing that she would say that it wasn’t enough. 
“C’mon im making some mac and cheese” She said as she walked into her kitchen.
“Im not hungry” You said following her.
“Don’t care” She said with a cocky smile spread across her lips. “Plus you’ve never tasted my food before”
You let out a loud sigh “Fine I’ll eat some” You said knowing that theres no way out of this. 
”Good, I bet you will love it” She said with a grin. ”Sit down”
And you did, you sat down and watched her cook like a creep. But it was hard not to watch as she only wore a pair of shorts that are too short for her, and a tank top that hugged her curves just right. I mean it was in the middle of summer too so you couldnt really complain, you’re definitely NOT complaining.
“You okay?” She asked which made you snap out of your thoughts.
“Yeah, I’m fine” You responded nervously.
“You were staring again” She said teasingly.
“Yeah sorry I just-“ You tried to come up with an excuse to why you were staring but she already knew why.
“Its okay, I like it when you look at me like that.” She said and then your heart dropped. Were you dreaming? Is this some twisted disgusting dream? No, no this cant be real, right?
When the food was done she set out some on two plates, one for you and one for her.
“Careful, its hot” She said as she put your plate down on the table.
“Yeah, thanks” You couldnt get your words out right when she bent a little over the table like that, she knew that it drived you insane and she knew that if she teased you enough you’ll finally give her what she wants, what she needs.
”How is it?” She asked you as she watched you take another bite of the mac and cheese.
”Its amazing, youre a great chef” You said as you inhaled the rest of your food.
”I thought you said you werent hungry” She said with a sarcastic tone.
“Oh shut up” You giggled. “Youre an amazing cook, I mean it”
She blushed at your sweet compliment.
“Oh yeah?” She said teasingly. “Im glad you liked it”
When you both finished your food you decided to watch a movie and began heading to the living room.
”What movie where you thinking?” You asked her as you sat down on the couch, her joining you.
”I was thinking maybe ’Pretty Woman’?” She said, knowing that you hated cheesy rom coms. She noticed your glare and she pouted ”Please, this one is actually good”
You gave up ”Fine we can watch ’Pretty woman’ then”
”Yes! You will finally see why this is such a good movie” She jumped up out of the couch and put the DVD in. You watched her bend over like a creep, her shorts exposing her ass a little more. Oh no. You felt that familiar ache in your pants again. Fuck, you had to get rid of it if you’re gonna be able to have a normal movie night with her.
She soon came back and looked at you with a confused expression.
“You okay?” She asked as you looked around the room, not daring to meet her gaze.
“I’m fine, I just have to go to the bathroom.” You said, finally meeting her eyes as you got up and began to make your way to the bathroom.
You closed and locked the door quickly as you sat down on the toilet and pulled out your phone. You texted your friend Ellie, telling her about what just happened and that you are going crazy.
“Relax, you’re just turned on. Just watch the movie with her, give her some signals that you want to fuck her. Then it’ll be okay, promise.” She typed back quickly. You sighed in relief. Okay, just give her signals and it will be okay. 
You put away your phone and flushed the toilet so Dina would think you actually went to the bathroom and then you got out and joined her in the couch again.
“Hey, everything okay? You seem a bit…off.” She asked with concern in her voice. You looked back at her. “Yeah, everything’s fine.”
She turned on the movie and put her head on your chest. You were extremely nervous but you wrapped your arm around her waist, pulling her in closer.
When the movie was finished Dina picked up her phone from the coffe table and begun scrolling on instagram since you were half asleep. You looked over at her with tired eyes.
”Hey, are you tired?” She asked with a soft voice.
“Not really, just bored.” You answered, trying to rub the sleep out of your eyes.
“Did you not like the movie?” She looked at you.
“I did like it, i swear.” You said as you sat closer to her and peeked at her phone.
“What are you watching?” You asked.
“Just this clingy cat, its very cute. Maybe we should get one.” She said as she smiled back at you.
“A cat? Why not?” You replied and put one hand on her thigh. Dina shivered at your touch but was craving more.
“Oh, you’re bold now, aren’t you?” She said and chuckled a little. 
“Maybe, I’ve missed you.” You said and began carresing her thigh with your thumb. Dina let out a little laugh.
“You also drive me crazy in those fucking shorts, and that top.” You looked at her, and then at her lips, and then quickly back at her eyes.
“Good, that was the point actually.” Dina said without hesitation.
“Oh, really? Wanted me to fuck you, hmm?” You say with a smirk and she had the audacity to ignore you and look at her phone again, opening the Messenger app and going into the Jackson group chat. 
“Dina, don’t ignore me.” You say as you lift up her chin with your pointer finger and thumb, forcing her to look at you.
She gave you a quick peck on your lips, making you freeze. She knew what she was doing.
Dina wasted no time and pressed the call button on the group chat. 
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