#i know many people defend both the show and the comics saying that it's realistic and not cringe
far-beyond-saving · 19 days
I know everyone wants a Solitaire movie (and so do I) but I honestly think they'd fuck it up beyond anyone's imagination.
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magnhild · 4 years
Before the Dawn didn’t ‘retcon’ Sun- an explanation from an actual writing major
Since the release of Before the Dawn, the sequel to RWBY’s After the Fall, I’ve seen a lot of different takes on it, but there’s a consistent one that it completely and utterly absurd- the idea that Sun Wukong’s persnality was ‘retconned’ for the book. The idea is, quite frankly ridiculous.
Before I get into why this take is so stupid, let me first explain what a retcon actually is, seeing as this fandom has so little understanding of the word. Retroactive continuity, often shortened as ‘retcon’ is a literary device that ignores or outright contradicts something already established in a work’s canon. For example, one actual retcon in RWBY would be the DC comics, while being canon, showing Ruby talking in full scentences shortly after Summer’s death, when Yang previously stated in the show that Ruby could barely talk when it happened.
A retcon is not something being explained differently or adittional information being given towards soemthing, even if these other details hadn’t been come up with to begin with. Salem’s backstory, for example, is not a retcon of the show’s opening narration, because not only is the opening narration very simplied so that it’s easier for the auidence to understand, but it’s also done by Salem herself, who would natutally not be telling the full story.
Now, the case with Sun is not the first time I’ve heard the claim that a character was retconned in the novels. While I don’t know if it’s at all a popular idea, one Redditor ranted at me in fury about how bad After the Fall must have been if it characterized Velvet as at all sassy because we’d never seen her that way in the books, ignoring my attempts to explain that, realistically, shy people are not going to be as shy around people they know well.
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The couple of times I’ve shared these screenshots on Twitter were met with the same scorn I felt upon recieveing such responses (espeiclaly since the last comment was posted around two weeks after the rest of the conversation). So, when people failed to see that the situation with Sun was the same, it surprised me.
People claim that BTD characterized Sun completely differently as he is in the show. This is...weird, but I can slightly understand why people would jump to the conclusion that the personality he has in the book is somehow different to his personality in the show.
The first thing of note is that Sun still very much exhibits the personality traits that he’s known for; the positive ones. The very prologue of the book shows that, even in a fight, he’s still cheerful, easygoing and goofy, and we see several moments of this throughout the entire book. The second thing is that 99% of his scenes in the show are with Blake, who he has (or had) a literal crush on. Of course he would act differently around her and her friends than he would around his team, or people he didn’t care as much about. Right away, this shows that his personality was not contradicted and was, thus not retconned. But, of course, I have more to say than that.
The first big complaint regarding something that was indeed added in the book- or, at least, that we didn’t see in the show (given how Sun is not at all a character of focus) is that he’s shown to be angry and on-edge at certain points. And yes, this is not soemthing we saw of him in the show, but it’s also not out-of-character, and very easily understandable. Sun returned to his team expecting everything to be fine and dandy after a quick apology for leaving them, so when they don’t instantly forgive him and are still angry with him, he doesn’t understand, and thus becomes angry with them in return. He had an idea in his mind of how things would go, and when this didn’t go to plan and he continued to be confronted on his flaws, he can’t help but be a little salty about being treated this way by the people he’s known the longest among the main cast. For him, it’s a personal issue. The only reason we never saw him this angry in the show is because nothing ever personally affected him. He had no reason to be truly angry at anything because they were Blake’s problems, not his, and while he would natually want to help her out, he didn’t have any personal feelings towards the matter. But his team are supposed to be his friends, and here they are, not forgiving him after he apologized and everything. In his mind, he was being critizied even though he thought he’d fixed the problem with a simple apology.
The second big complaints are those of how Sun’s not-great relationship with his team throughout most of the book are contradictory to the last time we saw him in the show. People thought that his acknlowedgement of his shortcomings as a leader meant that he was going to be an instantly better one after the fact. These people fail to realize two major problems with this- the first being that there’s no rushing personal improvment. It’s very weird to me that people thought that Sun could instantly become a better leader when he was such a bad one in the first place. The second problem is that Sun, despite his name, is not the brightest bulb, and I say this in the nicest way possible. It’s made clear by both the show and the book that, while he acknowledged that he shouldn’t have ditched his team for several months without explanation, he still failed to realize the seriousness of his actions, or how the team dynamic was affected when he came back and took over again from Scarlet’s temporary leadership. As mentioned in the above paragraph, Sun thought that he could fix everything with a simple apology, and that it would absolve him of all wrongdoing. But more importantly, but the end of the book, he has realzied the weight of his negligence and that he needs to work harder to gain back respect from his team. And yet, critics ignore this and seem to this he acts badly throughout the whole book with no change in behaviour, when this couldn’t be further from the truth.
The third complaint, and the most absurd to me, is that Sun’s dismissiveness of serious situations and regular insensitivity in the book are out of character. Excuse me, but...did we watch the same show??
Perhaps it’s easy to forget because we haven’t seen him in show for a while, but these are two of his core personality traits, especially earlier on in the show. It seems that the fanon depiction of Sun as a sweet and loveable himbo who can do no wrong has caused a lot of people to forget his very prominent flaws, but Sun has always been this way, from as early as Volume 1. He treats serious situations as a joke or bit of fun, and he is constantly making insensitive comments, even to Blake, who he likes. Just to show a few, with replies from Blake for context regarding the second two:
From Black and White:
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From Of Runaways and Stowaways:
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From Menagerie:
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Even in situations where he isn’t outright insensitive, he still frequently exhibits a struggle to read the room. He fails to understand why Team RWBY don’t want him and Neptune coming with them, he fails to fully understand why so many faunus take issue with humans despite being a faunus himself, and he fails to understand why stalking Blake across a continent was a very, very bad and creepy thing to do, even if he had good intentions. In fact, he never even apologises for any of this, at least, not that we saw, so it’s enitely plausible that it’s not soemthing he’s learned from.
So the fact that he continued to demonstrate this insensivity in BTD is very much in-character. That has always been a part of his personality, even though it’s often played off as a joke.
With all that said, it really bothers me that people list what is, in objective truth, a deeper insight into Sun as a character, as a flaw of the book. This is not a flaw. I’ve been studying writing through university for over four years, and believe me, showing that people act different depending on the situation or people they are around, as well as expanding upon any flaws they might have, is good writing. Something is not a ‘retcon’ because it contradicts your headcanon, or what you wanted to happen. That would be like if Nora were (not that I think she ever would be) confirmed cis and I called it a retcon because I headcanon her as trans. That would be stupid. 
After the Fall and Before the Dawn are honestly amazing books. They do have their issues, but character writing is far from one of them, and I would, in fact, consider it one of their biggest strengths. The way they flesh out both pre-existing and new characters, the way they can get us to love them within just 20-something chapters, is wonderful. They dive so deeply into even more minor characters, and make them all unique. So the idea that characters like Sun and Velvet were written badly because they were expanded upon and further characterized than they were in the show is an absolutely ridiculous concept, and one that I’ve hopefully changed people’s minds on with this.
Sun was not retconned. You guys just need to remember that the picture you paint of a character in your head is not always going to be the way a character is in canon. We’re not Adam defenders, people (at least, I hope not). 
Anyway. Read the RWBY books. I don’t care if you have already. Do it again.
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incarnateirony · 3 years
I'm gonna need fandom to stop projecting some weird romanticized and/or bitter idea of suicidal ideation on 15x20 Dean which is directly contrary to the text.
If anything, 15x20 was Dean's least suicidal period. He had opted to start trying to enjoy life. He still clearly struggled with depression and grief from his sloppy room, but that doesn't necessarily translate to suicidal thoughts.
Dean highlighted his desire to make sure sacrifices weren't in vain. He tried to eat after a whole season of refusing to because he was too angry and scared.
People misunderstand "being realistic" as "suicidal". While yes, you can even check the script and there's a moment of panic thinking about if Cas was there, and yes, it even clarifies the nearest hospital is 45 minutes away and yes, clarifies Dean was 100% run through, just because that didn't make it to screen doesn't mean it's suddenly Dean surrendering.
Maybe this is something not understood because of how international SPN fandom is, or how urban its digital demographic tends to be--but I've got news for you. It's basically common knowledge that places like that are at least half an hour from anywhere in the US.
I've lived in those places.
One such place, for example, was Timpson Texas. When I moved there for a few months, I was warned. Don't get hurt. The nearest hospital is 45 minutes away. But if it's really bad--they do have a volunteer EMS department. Which, they joked, was "express delivery" because it was located right next to the funeral home, and frankly nobody was sure what their actual credentials were in a town of 200~.
It's very, very rare to find a farmhouse setup like that near a city. Or at least anything less than 20 minutes from anywhere. There's a few exceptions to that rule for anything in life, like the Independence, MO area that has really weird fucking zoning and you can go from farmland to ghetto to farmland to downtown in a straight shot, but by and large, this is how it is in the US. I know 45 minutes sounds insane to someone living in like, the UK. Or even people who've lived their whole lives in and around big US metro cities like New York and Chicago.
But I can promise you, just because those thoughts didn't come out of Dean's mouth, they ran through his head, like many silent things you can see him assess at any given moment in the show that are common sense life, battle, or other issues. "Well, shit, it'll take an ambulance at least 30 minutes to get here if I'm lucky and my vision's already tunneling, Cas isn't here, gotta take my chance to say what's important, like I learned from Cas."
That's it. That's what that was. Was the death comically long? Yes, still not enough for him to get help. Were there ways they could have illustrated it better? Sure, they could have used that one overhead driving in a field shot for the 1000th time. Would the text have helped in dialogue--maybe, you know this fandom loves missing the point anyway.
Everyone goes "but why tell Sam not to bring him back then!!" bro-- bro--he literally says why, and it's true. That always ends bad. It's stopping this jerk off cycle and realizing it's ok to be freaking mortal. That they can't keep fucking up the cosmic balance for all eternity. Letting hundreds/thousands/millions/billions of people have their entire universe fucked up because the two brothers insist on being in the same spot at the same time. He insisted Sam live on.
Maybe it's a misunderstanding of biology too? Hell, there's some ways that could have gone in that would have had him dead even faster. It really just depends what exactly it punctured how. Is it technically survivable? Yeah, if you're not basically an hour and a half out from a hospital with the weewoo cab trip both ways. If he already felt himself fading though, reality strikes.
That's Dean Winchester becoming spontaneously aware of his mortality, not giving up. Like I hate to tell people, but you'll never make it out of life alive. That's not suicidal, that's reality. The point is, to live the best life you can while you have it, and to not give up, sure. But also to be aware that you might get diagnosed with terminal cancer or you might get hit by a bus or maybe you'll fucking ridiculously get run through on a dickbar. Some things in life you can't control.
Are there ways this could have been pulled together far better? 100% absolutely. The finale was a disaster in delivery. At literally every corner. In every way. But that shouldn't make us just scream past it and somehow convert it into the worst possible take guys. I should hope that a young adult to middle aged demographic understands things like basic biology, emergency response time, the fact that we're all mortal beings, and the general moral of learning what to say when it's important and maybe your last chance, c'mon.
Or worse, trying to turn it into "Dean didn't want to live anymore because he missed Cas." Like shit. I'm blazing "Destiel is canon and has been for a while" trash but -- that's literally? Contradictory? Dean wanted to live because he respected Cas' sacrifice. That's canon. Even when he still felt down and his room was still messy and some days he might have almost felt dead, he kept trucking, kept dreaming, put in job applications, tried to be the young self he used to be and go to a pie-fest, whatever. He kept moving. THAT'S where he kept fighting.
Giving up isn't Dean accepting that a pike through all his major organs an hour out from medical help is gonna be the end. Giving up would be him having stayed passed out on the whiskey bottles on the floor forever moping and just WAITING for that instead of being like, damn, I didn't think today would be the day.
Is it a perfect ending, no, not saying that, nor in any way defending the fucking trashfire finale but I'm so sick of seeing this "suicidal dean" talk. When that isn't even remotely what it was.
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ninjakittenarmy · 3 years
I’m really fucking tired of people automatically accusing people of hating redemption arcs and not realizing people can change because they complained about ONE redemption arc being ill conceived or poorly executed. Like yeah, people can change and grow to be better people, and being redeemed doesn’t mean others need to forgive them, but guess what? That doesn’t mean that the redemption arc was good! It doesn’t mean that the arc was satisfying or well suited to the show! If your villain crosses certain lines, then they’re going to be very hard to sympathize with when they have a face turn. That’s just how it is.
Take Steven Universe: I’ve been an avid fan of that show for years, I love it to death, and I will be the first person to tell you that anyone saying that it supports fascism is a fucking idiot. HOWEVER, I also think the Diamonds’ redemption arc was horrible. It basically required one to focus on the family drama and relationships of the diamonds at the expense of what made them actually EVIL.
Sure, perhaps they were always meant to be a depiction of toxic family relationships as viewed through a lens of cartoon heroes fighting cartoon villains, but the fact of the matter is that even if you want the whole conflict to be a metaphor/consequence of realistic family drama with much more wide reaching consequences-which can TOTALLY be done btw, that’s perfectly fine- you still need to set things up in a way that makes reconciliation believable and not a huge miscarriage of justice.
The Diamonds were HORRIBLE people who killed countless of their own subjects, turned dead revolutionaries into twisted monsters still suffering in immense pain in a bid to destroy humanity, and wiped out countless worlds (admittedly, the writers said that humans were the first sentient organic life they found), and yet because they had an epiphany about their home life, we’re just supposed to accept that and move on. It doesn’t work like that. Even if the whole conflict is a dramatization or metaphor for familial strife, you still need to pay attention to the literal events actually happening. I’m not going to disregard the actual war going on and the consequences thereof because we’re focusing on the personal feud at the center of it all and it happens to be resolvable. I admire their attempts to resolve some of these issues in Future, where Yellow is shown in the process resurrecting the subjects she murdered, but the arc itself was still very forced.
Steven Universe really is the perfect example for this discourse because it has one terrible redemption arc amidst a sea of good ones. Lapis and Peridot had great redemption arcs that dealt with their personal issues in ways that made us like them and sympathize with them. Peridot was easy because she was mainly comic relief, but it was still a very moving redemption when she was shown getting her first taste of freedom and growing to love the planet. Lapis, while somewhat divisive, was an even better one in my opinion. Sure, it took a while, and even towards the end, she still had major issues throughout, but her character was built in a way that made it so you WANTED her to come around, and even though she had major issues throughout, it was always clear to the audience that she was never a BAD person at heart, and she never went too far down the path of evil to be forgivable.
Spinel is probably the one of the best redemption arcs I’ve ever seen, definitely in my top 3. I’d even put her above Zuko in some respects, though mostly due to personal preference. That’s really impressive considering that not only did she try to blow up the planet, like the diamonds did, but she also came soon after the polarizing Diamond redemption arc I just cited as a bad example. Spinel was everything the Diamonds should have been. Menacing and clearly unhinged, irrational in her goals of vengeance, and extremely dangerous, willing to end the world for what is for all intents and purposes a personal dispute with a relative (a very serious one but nonetheless), yet somehow still sympathetic throughout.
Unlike the Diamonds, Spinel was a character the audience WANTED to see redeemed throughout the whole film, even through her actions were still pretty terrible. A part of this is that we see more of her personality and struggles in the film than we see of the Diamonds’ in the whole series. We learn to like her and sympathize with her plight. It helps that she’s extremely entertaining. The other part is the main crux of the issue at hand really, and that is: SPINEL NEVER KILLED ANYONE!
This is the main issue I have with this whole debate. People get accused of refusing to let people change or let characters have any flaws when all they do is hold people accountable for anything AT ALL. Yeah, if a character crosses certain lines, I won’t want them redeemed. Sure, what those lines are depends on the scale and scope of the work and how seriously these actions are treated/ what consequences they had, but they exist and some crimes simply aren’t forgivable.
It’s easy for me to forgive Spinel because her actions caused mostly temporary damage. No one died. The Diamonds killed tons of people, including humans defending their home from destruction. Liking one doesn’t mean I have to like the other. Forgiveness doesn’t come for everything. Yes, I know the victims don’t need to forgive the villains as part of a redemption arc, but you know who does? THE AUDIENCE. The audience is pissed at these people too, you need to win them over. Their forgiveness doesn’t come just because the author says it should.
“Oh, but some people are more forgiving than you.” Fine, let them like this stuff, but if every fucking show I watch redeems villains after making them seem like the worst people ever, I won’t like it and I WILL express my opinion on the matter. I’m sick of every villain NEEDING a redemption arc. So many works go for the forgiveness angle in the end with little to no buildup.
To be clear, I don’t hate redemption arcs. In fact, I love them. Some of my favorite characters are ones who underwent redemption arcs. My favorite character ever (Crona from Soul Eater, but you don’t necessarily need to be familiar with them for this) started out as a villain before becoming a hero. I actively prefer the anime version of the show they’re from because it gave them a happier ending. Catra from Spop is another fantastic example. Both of these characters hit many of the same notes as the positive examples I listed above. Those are just the two best examples I can think of for redemption arcs in my opinion, but there are certainly more.
I’ve even desired redemption arcs for characters we WEREN’T supposed to want one for. Chara from Undertale, Seryuu Ubiquitous from Akame Ga Kill, possibly Toga from MHA though I’m actually somewhat hopeful about her (if Endeavor can have one, she should too). All of these characters are ones I feel are compelling enough characters that I actually waved my usual threshold for crimes I can forgive. I still get why it didn’t happen, mind you, I’d just kind of like it.
So yeah, I love redemption arcs. When used well, they can result in some of the most interesting characters in the work. But that doesn’t mean my love for the trope is unconditional. Like any trope, it is a tool. It can be misused, and when it is, it’s fucking infuriating. Nothing is more rage inducing than a villain not facing consequences for their actions. A redemption arc that doesn’t work is literally just that presented as a good thing. Few things are as infuriating as a work have something infuriating happening and telling you to celebrate. It’s like someone punching your teeth out and demanding payment for the dental work.
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legoshi-plz · 4 years
Cynic (Legoshi x Reader)
Legoshi x Canine! Reader
Warning: NSFW (+18), minor mention of Rape/ Sexual Assault
Summary: Maybe you and a certain Grey Wolf are more alike than you thought.
A/N: So I decided to change up these requests just a little so that I could combine them ! I hope you guys like it! These started off as Headcanons but i got a little carried away lol also Characters are all over 18 in this fic
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You weren’t exactly what people would call a ‘happy’ animal.
Okay that was an understatement, you could be downright depressing at times. It’s not like you actually meant to be such a downer, you just considered yourself a realist and being a Carnivore in today’s society was the farthest thing from a ‘happy’ existence.
People profiled Carnivores wherever they went, always quick to see your kind as natural aggressors and when they weren’t clutching their purses ready to call animal control on you all for just being alive, they were quick to go over the top to prove they saw “all animals equally”, which usually was just a ploy for ‘progressive points’.
Being a Domesticated Dog, you recognized your privilege was a double edged sword in one of the worst ways possible. You had Herbivores constantly in your face telling you “You’re one of the good ones” while other Carnivores mostly saw dogs as ‘sellouts’ who were willing to whore themselves out (socially and in... other ways) for even the slightest scrap of attention. It was infuriating just living in such a society and you constantly felt on the verge of snapping but if you did, you’d just prove to be everything they already thought you were.
So needless to say, you kept to yourself. You just couldn’t bring yourself to put on the false pretense of cheerfulness that domesticated animals were expected to uphold so you tried to keep to yourself. No one understood you nor did they try. They were too caught up in their own charades and you were beyond the point of explaining how screwed up this world was. They knew, they didn’t care.
You were convinced you would spend your entire high school career in the shadows, not making an impression (good or bad) on anyone or anything and for a while it seemed that way. Until your final year.
For the most part, keeping to yourself gave you a lot of time to observe others, rarely were you the one technically being ‘observed’. Which is why you couldn’t understand why a certain Grey Wolf couldn’t keep his eyes off you.
He was painfully obvious, his awkward attempts to hide his little obsession whenever his eyes met yours was almost comical.
You chalked it all up to him probably being another sick fuck with a fetish for submissive animals. It was more common than most people like to address and Domesticated female dogs were the leading demographic of rape/ sexual assault victims from wolves. It was mainly the close proximity of their biology that made it so hard for wolves to control themselves (if you could say they had any control to begin with.) They preyed on smaller dogs because in comparison to them it was the closest they could get to defiling a Herbivore without the internalized shame and disgust. Also female Carnivores were often not believed when it came to these crimes because they were perceived as stronger/ more aggressive and should have been able to defend themselves. Yet another flaw in this fucked up animal judicial system.
You decided to ignore the Wolf and hope he just moved on. There weren’t many dogs at Cherryton but there were a few others who would probably be more than happy to tame the beast that lie within him. Or between his legs.
But weeks turned into months and his interest in you failed to cease. You decided to confront him. You decided to do so after class once the rest of the class filed out. He usually drug his feet so it wouldn’t be hard to catch him. Best case scenario, he was embarrassed about getting caught and promised to stop. Worst case scenario, he can’t control himself and takes you right then and there. You were apathetic either way, there were worst things out there than fucking a Wolf right?
You approached his desk as he was scrambling to shove his things into his shoulder bag, the rest of the class had long filed out by now.
“H-Hi,” he said looking up at you, his ears tilted downwards.
“You got a problem with me or something?” You can tell by the way his ears tugged down even further that your voice came off a little harsh but that was just the way you were.
“W-Why would I have a problem with you, YLN-san?” He was avoiding your cold stare. He was a Grey Wolf for crying out loud, what was wrong with him? Wolves were a lot of things but skittish wasn’t one of them.
“Drop the formalities. You stare me down day in and day out but now you’re afraid to look me in the eye? What are you playing at?” Okay maybe you did sound a little harsh but you didn’t believe in skipping around the topic.
“I just... noticed we were kind of... the same, y’know....” he grimaced. You left out a dry laugh. He knew nothing about you but he thought the two of you were the same? This definitely had to be some sort of ploy. He wanted something from you and sooner or later you’d find out what that something was.
But that later never came. He began to explain himself, explain how he was pretty bleak too and that he couldn’t help but notice that someone else seemed just as paused in life as he was. At first you thought he was just churning out bullshit but the more you sat and listened to him, the more you hung around him, you began to see the undeniable similarities between you two.
He would express the struggles he faced with his own existence as a Wolf, how he felt like he could never truly be himself, or even know what being himself actually meant because he was so busy trying to make people unafraid of him. It was like you had met your other half. He understood what had been gnawing at you from inside for years now because he was going through the exact same thing. And so the two of you became fast friends, nearly inseparable from one another.
You tried to deny it but you were slowly becoming more and more infatuated with the Grey Wolf every day. Legoshi was so kind and reserved at times but you found those traits all the more endearing. He showed such vast wisdom and maturity despite his own social awkwardness and you found yourself overwhelmingly comfortable in his presence. Comfortable and safe, his naturally huge physique and protective instincts which should give you every right to fear him actually proving to do just the opposite.
Speaking of Physique, you had to admit that Legoshi was undeniably attractive. Tall, beautiful coat, all lean muscle, a thick healthy tail you had found yourself drooling over near-constantly. He was any Canine’s kryptonite and you couldn’t believe you hadn’t noticed it before now. Maybe it was just because you were so enamoured by his mind that your attraction to him physically was inevitable. Either way, you found yourself daydreaming about mounting him more times than you’d like to admit.
You thought that perhaps what you felt for Legoshi might be mutual until you found out he used to date a tiny Herbivore . And not just any Herbivore, a rabbit. The daintiest of them all. So he was just another sick psychopath with a fixation on innocence. You were heartbroken to say the least. What probably hurt the most was that you were no where near his type if Rabbits were his thing. You never stood a chance. But then again that wasn’t a surprise. You were nothing special prior to meeting Legoshi so why would yo expect anything to be different now.
That being said, it didn’t make you want Legoshi any less physically. You might not be his ideal mate but you knew there was still a part of him in there that had a desire for sexual release, a desire that Canine felt especially compelled to with other Canine, and you were going to capitalize off of that.
You found him in his usual spot in the art department after dark. He was always the last to leave.
“Y/N! Where’ve you been? H-have you been avoiding me?” He asked his tail tucked between his legs. You hadn’t seen him in about four days and giving the nearly inseparable friendship the two of you had over the past few months, it was out of character.
“I was,” you said bluntly. His ears lowered immediately.
“O-oh... did I do something wrong?”
“... what was-”
“You fuck rabbits, Legoshi.” You saw his fur visibly stand on end and his eyes turn wide as saucers.
“Y/N I-”
“Look I’m just gonna cut to the chase,” you deadpanned, stepping forward, “I wanna have sex with you.”
“You WHAT?!”
“I’m attracted to you Legoshi. I might not be your type but I am small and I can make you feel good.” You didn’t wait for his response as you dropped to you knees in front of him.
“Y/N wait please,” he was tense all over but you were already unbuckling his belt and unzipping his trousers. Surprisingly, he went commando.
You pulled him out of his pants to see his knot was already beginning to swell at your touch and he was painfully hard. You licked your hand and began to stroke his impressive length. Guess it was true what they say, the thicker the tail, the thicker the-
“Y/N please just give me a second!” Legoshi asked cupping your face between both his large hands. You craned your neck up to meet his gaze but continued to pump his aching cock.
“Just relax, Legoshi. It’s okay if you have to pretend I’m a rabbit, I don’t really care. I know I’m not much to look at anyway,” you said, wrapping your mouth around his angry tip that was currently streaming out pre-cum. You moaned at the flavor as Legoshi shuddered above you.
“Y/N please stop, this can’t happen like this, okay.” He said slightly more forcefully as he pulled you off of him and began to tuck himself into his pants, his cock straining against the fabric defiantly creating an enormous bulge.
“Really? That unattracted to me, huh? Well, I guess it is what it is,” you said in your usually monotone voice while standing up and brushing off your skirt. You turned, about to make your exit when Legoshi grabbed your arm.
“Wait, Y/N, look I didn’t- it’s not that- I just-” Legoshi was flustered and looked as if he was ready to pass out at any moment.
“Spit it out, Wolf boy,” you said , trying to hide the fact that your feelings were pretty hurt.
“I just- I like you Y/N, really I do but-”
“You just don’t like me in that way. I heard you loud any clear. It’s whatever, Legoshi. Don’t stress it,” you said attempting to shrug out of his grip.
“Hold on, can we talk about this?!”
���There’s nothing to talk about, I wanted to have sex and you don’t.”
“I- I do w- of course I want to have sex with you, Y/N. I like you, a lot. You’re actually all I’ve been able to think about for a long time. But you’re so.... so.... indifferent towards even the slightest romantic implications, I didn’t think I had a shot in Hell...” he sighed.
“If you like me then why’d you stop me?” You asked evenly. You weren’t about to get your hopes up, that just wasn’t your style.
“Because I like you. If there’s even a chance you feel how I do then I wanna do this right. Ask you out properly, ask you to be my girlfriend, ask if I can kiss you, y’know the right steps before...”
“I suck your dick?” You offered, a small smirk playing at your lips. His still very much present hard-on twitched visibly at its mention.
“God, Y/N,” Legoshi groaned attempting to cover himself. You fought back the urge to giggle at his shyness despite the fact he was in your mouth less than two minutes ago.
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I want to do it. Don’t you want me to?” You bit your lip in what you hoped was a seductive way.
“So fucking bad,” Legoshi groaned again unable to avert his eyes. You took this as an opportunity to step forward once more.
“Then why don’t we let this one slide, huh? And then we can do things your way?” You whispered palming him through his pants. He unconsciously began to grind lightly against your hand.
“Y/N, I’m in.... Male mode.... if we start, I might not be able to stop,” Legoshi voice was straining from trying to keep his own pleasure at bay. You dropped back down to your knees, once again pulling him out.
“Then don’t. Do you know how long I’ve been wanting to ride you, Legoshi? Let’s allow this one free-pass then you can start all the courting processes you want,” you said before taking him into your mouth. Legoshi felt his eyes roll back into his head as he thrust softly into your warm, wet throat.
“W-Wait, one more thing” he moaned, once again taking away what was quickly becoming your new favorite treat.
You were about to protest when he kneeled down to your level, again cupping your face in both his hands in order to place the sweetest kiss imaginable on your lips. He rested his forehead against yours for a moment, before pulling away to see you with the dopiest grin on your face.
Yeah, you were definitely going to be the death of him.
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An argument I made somewhere else about Tubbo that I’m copypasting here without context because I feel like it
Note: I know I said I’d give no context, but I’ll give a little. Basically all you need to know is that some people on the Dream SMP wiki were having a back and forth argument (that will probably continue after my input, lol) about Tubbo’s morality/”him being a dunce” and most of it revolved around his Nukes, Snowchester, and to a lesser extent, his presidency of New Lmanberg. It was a response in the middle of a conversation, so don’t take some lines (i.e. the opening one) personally. This is both a critique on perception/analysis of Tubbo and perception/analysis of the Dream SMP as a whole. Jesus christ. I take analysis of this Minecraft roleplay as serious as you guys, but have anyone ever considered that maybe the nukes where a throwaway plot point that Tubbo made inbetween the Doomsday War and the Disc Confrontation just so he could have something to do and to also set up Jack and Niki's Doofinschmirtz-esque horribly planned nuke revenge against Tommy (especially since, for the time being, he doesn't actually need the nukes, now)? This is a live roleplay that involves heavy adlibbing and on-the-spot actions to think of things to say or do, not everything should be taken as seriously as others. There are plenty of potentially important things that have been thrown away or forgotten simply because of the constraints that live-action roleplaying gives.
Should Tubbo be criticized for making nukes? Of course, because while he has good intentions at heart there are better ways to defend against Dream. But his entire character should be taken down and analyzed as if this is something C!Tubbo would actually do if Irl!Tubbo were roleplaying as realistically as his in-game counterpart would behave? No, I don't think so. I don't now about you guys, but Irl!Tubbo has always given me the impression he does basically next to no roleplaying unless it's a moment specifically for roleplaying. He doesn't do it like Tommy sometimes, where he sprinkles bits of important lines inbetween comical bits, he seems to exclude roleplay-heavy lore until it's necessary, typically for streams dedicated to it. That's why I don't put too much stock in the whole "Tubbo was a bad president because he vandalized and stole shit". He wasn't being C!Tubbo: President of New L'manberg, he was being Irl!Tubbo: Chaotic Minecraft Streamer. People have pointed out Snowchesters original intent was to create and house nukes, but ever since the actual nuke tests (correct me if I'm wrong, I don't watch him as much as Tommy), has he actually said or done anything with them, lore-wise? If he hasn't, I wouldn't be surprised if that was intentional. Shows that they were an empty threat to begin with. The only way I can see the nukes being used now is if someone requests/barters/tricks him to use a nuke on the Egg, which, while being very destructive for the Everything Else Around the Egg, isn't an unjustifiable scenario.
Tubbo has done stupid things, and gotten himself into a very morally grey position, but I would argue he's not as bad as some people (in this conversation or not) make him out to be. Creation of nukes... Presidency of L'manberg (calling him a bad (or at least the worst, as many have claimed) president is an unfair comparison and I will die on that hill)... his handling of Snowchester... He has his reasons. As has been pointed out hundreds of times already, at the end of the day he is, in canon, a struggling teenager trying to cope with the world out to get him, again, and again, and again.
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seyaryminamoto · 4 years
Hey! Do you really like Zuko and Suki together or you just ship these two just so you can ship the best and hottest ship ever aka Sokkla? In any case, why do you think Zuko is better off with Suki out of all the avatar characters? Thank you and pls stay healthy.
XD well, it’s a mix of both, I guess.
The truth is, I read the comics and I sensed the romantic vibe between Zuko and Suki because I don’t think anyone who has had much experience with romantic fiction could see those scenes and not think there’s SOMETHING going on there. I mean, seriously, the hand reach in The Promise, Suki unnecessarily correcting herself in The Search to say EVERYONE is worried about Zuko, not just her, their moonlight conversation in Smoke and Shadow…? Come the heck on. If neither one was in a relationship, most people would be reading all those scenes as blatantly romantic.
Still, I stayed neutral as far as Zuko ships were concerned until I met a Zuki shipper who read my first story, The Reason, and roped me into Zuki without much trouble :’D (if you’re wondering, that was @jordanalane). It didn’t take her too much work to convince me to ship Zuki, because yes, it was convenient as heck to have Zuki happen when you ship Sokkla, but I was already half-on-board with it as I was…
Now then, if you���d like to know my actual, rational reasoning for why I’d ship it, the truth is that I’m not exactly the biggest Zuko fan (as some archive diving in my blog would show…), and most the ships I’ve seen for him seem to exacerbate what I really don’t like about his character. Meanwhile, Suki seems to do the exact opposite thing…
Mai is Zuko’s canon girlfriend, and I was more or less neutral towards this ship at first… but upon further reflection, I found I didn’t enjoy their relationship that much. Maybe they could work well with each other… if they were more mature and less impulsive :’) but Zuko’s behavior with Mai through most of Book 3 only convinced me that he’s absolutely not grown enough to have healthy romantic relationships with anyone (and seeing as Mai was pissed at him 9 times out of 10 throughout Book 3, I think my perception isn’t exactly off). Both have their faults, and boy, in the comics Mai is a much worse offender than Zuko if you ask me, but the point is that, while canon certainly has been very realistic by not turning their love story into the perfect, smoothest fairytale, I really don’t think they’re much good for each other as they are, and the only way they could get better in the future is if they grow a LOT, on their own, before trying their luck at being together again. The likelihood of that, however, isn’t exactly great :’D
Then there’s the most famous pairing for Zuko, Katara, who actually feels wrong to me for the exact same reasons as Mai would, despite Katara is on the opposite end of the spectrum Mai is, character-wise: the thing is, both Mai and Katara have a ton of things in common with Zuko, but not necessarily good things. If Zuko and Katara were, as well, less impulsive and more mature, they might make a decent enough match. But as they are in canon? They’re every bit as likely to self-destruct and tear each other down as Mai and Zuko were. Where Mai and Zuko share a jaded, gloomy perspective of the world, Katara and Zuko share a hot-headedness that means every tiny thing could easily lead to catastrophic, world-ending arguments between them. I mean, if Zuko could have huge arguments with someone as cold-blooded as Mai… just imagine with someone as hot-blooded as Katara :’) And I DO see the virtues of this ship, namely the ones that resemble, to a fault, my particular OTP… but I honestly can’t see Zuko and Katara being good influences on each other, romantically. Friendship-wise they could be healthier, but romance means expectations and complications that, like I said, I don’t think Zuko, as we last see him in canon, is prepared to deal with.
There’s other Zuko ships, naturally, and I won’t get into all of them, I just bring up these two because they’re the biggest ones… and so, why would I ship him with Suki rather than with Mai or Katara or anyone else? What exactly could make her a better match for him?
Suki has a few things in common with Zuko… but they’re not the things Mai and Katara have in common. The first, and most important of them for me, is that Suki (in her initial episode) seems to put a lot of stock in honor and duty as a Kyoshi Warrior. I’m not at all in the “Zuko is the most honorable man in the Avatar world!” camp, if anything I believe he needs to learn a LOT to really understand honor, even at the end of the show and at this point in the comics… whereas I don’t have the same feeling with Suki. Not only did she fight for her people, defending them from any threat even if she might die for it, she also was inspired by Aang, Sokka and Katara to travel the world, not with some angry intent to defeat the Fire Nation and end the war, but…
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And while “changing the world” could easily be interpreted as “she wants to defeat the Fire Nation at any cost!”, what do we know Suki was up to between Books 1 and 2? 
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Suki wanted to HELP people. Compare this to the banished prince who stole from them instead… :’) Suki didn’t have an Avatar leading her group, telling her this was “the right thing to do”, she simply does it because she believes it is, deep down, and she doesn’t just wait around for someone else to step up, she chooses to take action by her own volition. She doesn’t need anyone telling her what’s right or wrong, she has strong enough principles that she can tell what is and what isn’t, all on her own :’) Doesn’t THIS sound like honor? Duty? Doesn’t this sound like someone who actually sets a great example, as far as these concepts go?
Compare this to Katara, who was easily influenced by Zuko into wanting to kill a man, who shifts between “I want to steal things because I feel I need them” and “OMG Toph how dare you scam people that’s so unethical” at the drop of a hat? Yes, Katara’s heart is in the right place, but Katara is highly emotional and hot-headed… so as many good intentions as she may have, she can do pretty awful things without even realizing how awful they are (as in the case of the theft, she doesn’t even blink about stealing clothes from people in The Headband and then is utterly aghast about what Toph is up to merely a few episodes later… come the heck on). Compare it, too, to Mai, who apparently loves her baby brother so very much (according to her fans and to Smoke and Shadow, at least…), but didn’t even blink when Azula decided they couldn’t trade a toddler for a king, and declared the deal was off without betraying the slightest hint of remorse? Do we really know that Mai has decent principles at all? She doesn’t exactly betray Azula because she ideologically disagrees with her, she does it to save Zuko. Which leads me to wonder, what on earth are Mai’s morals? What does she value other than Zuko? If she values Zuko more than anything… heh. Yikes. Definitely sounds like theirs will be a healthy relationship if that’s the case, huh?
I can’t imagine Suki being swayed easily by any wild or stupid ideas Zuko gets if she knows they’re stupid AND wrong. She’d put a stop to him where Katara or Mai could get swept into whatever he’s up to (whether out of excessive empathy or apathy, in either case), and she’d be likely to set him straight before Zuko can take anything too far. As far as morals go, I will always hold that Zuko leaves too much to be desired… but Suki really doesn’t. Could be because we don’t know Suki as well as we know the other characters, but what little we do see of Suki, she doesn’t do anything that merits much reprieve. Most importantly, she never needed, like I said, Aang or Sokka or anyone else to tell her what she had to do, to correct her morals or anything of the sort. This by itself already makes her, in my opinion, the best possible character, in canon, to stabilize Zuko and temper his most chaotic impulses while teaching him, by example, what honor really looks like.
Now, that’s not all: Suki is highly independent and has experience as a leader. Zuko has always tried to be independent too, succeeding in some situations, failing in others. Of course, there’s a stark difference between independence and loneliness, and Zuko does have tendencies to isolate himself from others whenever he gets stubborn and wants to prove himself… fortunately, that’s one of the things I do think the show helped him with, as he did learn there’s nothing wrong with asking others for help. Still, I’m sure Zuko would like to handle things on his own, without needing everyone to help him… and once again, Suki can set an example for him in that sense. She makes her own decisions, fights for what she believes in, follows her heart and such, and never self-destructs in the process… all of which must sound idyllic to Zuko, who I’m sure has always wanted to be like that, too.
Maybe it sounds confusing for me to advocate for a couple while saying the characters ought to teach each other to be independent :’D but the way I see it, this is, if anything, a good thing: Zuko shouldn’t be in a co-dependent relationship, not unless he’s HIGHLY developed, far more than canon and most fics allow. Being with someone who doesn’t need him 24/7, who respects him and knows how to give him space, who wouldn’t be invasive and who would teach him not to be invasive too… through a relationship with someone like Suki, Zuko could genuinely learn to respect someone else’s independence fully, and figure out how to be like that, too.
As for the leadership, Suki has only led Kyoshi Warriors, a small group… so it may sound like something that can’t be compared to leading an entire country. But that’s REALLY part of my problem with Zuko… I’m sorry, but the point at the finale where everyone looked to him as though he’d lead them into finding Aang was absolutely absurd to me. The argument that he’s the one experienced at figuring out how to track down Aang DID make sense and salvaged the scene for me, but as far as leadership is concerned? Sokka by far outdoes him in that area, he literally led a goddamn military invasion and later in Sozin’s Comet he’s seen strategizing and leading Toph and Suki as he orchestrates the downfall ofthe worst of Ozai’s conquest/destruction force. I mean, seriously...
… Anyways, got sidetracked :’D the point is, Zuko hasn’t really been much of a leader in canon. Has he been in a position of command before? Yeah, he was in Book 1. But does this mean he’s a LEADER? A born leader? Yeah, we didn’t see remotely enough of him in a leadership position that could have convinced me of that.
Hence, Iroh theoretically should be a great influence for him in those regards, because Iroh not only was raised to be Fire Lord for well over 50 years, Iroh has been in positions of leadership before, he’s even apparently the leader of the White Lotus. Therefore… Iroh is a good idea. But what did canon do? They sent Iroh on a retirement plan to a teashop in Ba Sing Se and Zuko had to fend for himself! :’D fascinating, right? 
While of course Sokka could be a great influence and help Zuko too, as far as leadership is concerned, canon chooses to keep him chasing after Aang and Katara without any aim or purpose… whereas it chooses to send Suki to Zuko as bodyguard and eventual confidante. Like I said, Suki does have experience as a leader, even if only on a small scale: couldn’t she be eligible for helping Zuko figure out how to lead the Fire Nation, through sharing some of the lessons she learned as leader of the Kyoshi Warriors? It even offers the possibility of Suki and Zuko learning side by side in some regards too, since this whole royal mess isn’t at all what Suki would be used to… so that allows interesting dynamics and complications to arise too, and they can both grow and learn a lot together.
Point and case being, I just can’t imagine these two ever getting into a fucked-up toxic romance, whereas I absolutely can see something of the sort with virtually every other Zuko ship I’ve known. Granted, the whole “But Sukka and Maiko are canon so they’d be cheaters!” side of things can lend towards an unhealthy situation, but I’d honestly rather not portray these two as cheating on their current love interests for each other…? Anyone who wants to is free to do as much, of course, but it’s barely necessary if you ask me :’D people can break up, and get together with other people, without needing a Days of Our Lives-sized drama along with it.
So, in short, I really think Suki is the healthiest possibility for Zuko. Pretty much every harmful thing I can think of in any other Zuko ship is ruled out with Suki. Even as friends Suki would be a great influence on Zuko for all the reasons I said above, but the reasons I mentioned above are also why I think that, if Zuko got to know Suki better, he might find himself smitten before he knows what’s going on: she basically embodies everything he ever wanted to be. He’d be full of admiration for her, and she’d probably be utterly clueless over why x’D and that even offers interesting romantic dynamics to the two characters. I can imagine Zuko being a bit of a tortured old-school romance hero who feels Suki is absolutely magnificent and wonderful and perfect… while she’s like “so is he ever going to pin me to a wall or is it all in my head?”, and frankly that’s about the best possible idea I can imagine in a relationship involving Zuko x’D
I do ship Zuko in a few other ships, I’ve mentioned before that I like Toph and Zuko, but I like Toph and Zuko as a temporary thing (and ONLY with a fully developed Zuko too, once they’re both around 20-30 too). It’s a cute enough ship, but I don’t really think it could last, and I don’t think they could offer each other nearly enough of what Suki and Zuko can offer each other. Hence, I’ve always envisioned Toph could be more of a casual love interest for Zuko (a big reason why is because I can’t imagine Toph consciously settling down with anyone…), and I’ve seldom written it into anything because I lean harder towards Zuki. Gladiator-wise, Toph and Zuko would have been AWFUL together, no matter if I had a few people asking if I could make them a thing :’D hahaha, nope. I like the ship plenty, but it would have been dreadful.
Anyways, yes, Zuki is highly convenient and compatible with Sokkla, but that’s far from the only reason to ship it. Canon may go in whichever direction it wishes, I’m pretty sure they won’t find anything better for Zuko than what they already toyed with in the comics with him and Suki.
Granted, a few of these arguments aren’t exactly suitable for Gladiator’s Zuki, but there are many other arguments to be made there (I actually leaned very heavily into the honor side of things when Zuko first saw her in the Arena, precisely because I think that particular side of Suki would be one of the first things to appeal to him about her). Either way, be it in canon-based settings or in my own particular AU, I’m pretty sure Zuko’s best match would be Suki.
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always-winter-baby · 4 years
feel free to add anything i missed, endgame haters.
This is a Wordpress post that I never posted about a Facebook post that I made last fall (2019) about how godawful Endgame was.
-------- I know I've been gone for a while and when I was here, I was writing about films I had watched. (Maybe I should start that.)
However, I am a HUGE fan of Marvel and their cinematic universe. I have the movies, the comics, the clothing, and far too much memorabilia to be considered a "casual" fan at this point. I've been reading comics for about twelve years and I started dedicating myself to the MCU around the end of Phase One.
That being said, it means everyone comes to me with their Marvel questions and everyone comes to me to see what I thought of each new film. And I don't give simple, "It was good. I really liked it," answers. I make complete strangers regret their own questions sometimes because I dive into the deep end immediately describing how they really pulled off the Mysterio "mind-bending" stuff fantastically, but how the story hinged really hard on Tony Stark when Peter in the comics stands on his own and Peter in the MCU should be able to as well.
I can give you speeches on the reason why Natasha's backstory would have been better established in The Winter Soldier than Age of Ultron or and how killing off Pietro in his first film did a disservice to Wanda's character, etc, etc. In the words of a person I passed by at work the other day, "I can talk the ears off a snake."
That's not the point of this post. That was just establishing that I am very dedicated and I Care deeply about these characters and this world.
That being said, when someone on Facebook not too long ago asked me to share my opinions on Avengers: Endgame, I asked him if he was really prepared for the novel I was going to spill on why I think that Endgame was a poorly written and directed film. He said his was. But his lack of any response to my novel was proof that he clearly was not.
However, for anyone else wondering, I copied that little book of a response and I'm posting it here. It's a little scrambled up (it was a facebook post so these things happen, okay?). I think it will still get the point across as to why I tell people that if I pulled the good parts of Endgame, I could make a really great thirty minute Avengers movie.
The post went as follows:
-Thor’s characterization was a three hour long fat joke. Thor had the most character growth out of anyone in Infinity War. His part was fantastic. Then they turned around and made everything about it completely idiotic. Thor has lived over a thousand years. He’s lost battles and lost countless, countless people before. Infinity War wasn’t the first time he made a mistake in battle that cost someone their life. He lost his entire family and almost all of friends and none of that turned him into lazy, sloppy, unshowered, fat Thor. I refuse to believe this time would magically break him. Character annihilation.
Banner has hated the Hulk for the entirety of Hulk’s existence. He’s talked about how exposed and vulnerable it makes him feel. He’s always been a quiet, shy, reclusive, and work-focused kind of guy. Now magically, he’s happy being Hulk 24/7, dabs, and takes selfies with kids? He’s hanging out in public as Hulk and drawing attention to himself? Sorry. Refuse to believe it. I know Professor Hulk is from the comics. It seems stupid and forced there too. I’m not of the opinion that just because something is found in comics that it’s necessarily a good thing. I’ve read plenty of bad comics as I’m sure any decent comic reader has.
-Tony isn’t awful. I actually think he’s done pretty well. No complaints.
-However, Pepper is awful. And it makes sense now that they’ve released the info that Gwyneth Paltrow just made up a lot of her own lines. She doesn’t know the character despite having played her for a decade. Pepper is always super cautious and she is constantly on Tony’s case about his heroic ventures, etc. Therefore, I find it incredibly hard to believe that she let him go without a fight after he “solved time travel.” I also find it absolutely impossible that she sits beside him as he’s dying and is peaceful enough to just tell Tony that he’s okay and he should rest. Per her character for the last decade, she should have been frantic. Of course it wouldn’t have been as sad and poetic an ending, but it would have been much more believable for the character.
-Clint. Meh. I can live with Clint, I think. I don’t love it or hate it. I am glad they reestablished his closeness with Natasha after AoU tried to erase it.
-Natasha. I actually like Natasha’s character in this one. Same as Tony, I think they wrote her without compromising her. Good for them. Even though I hate that they killed her off, I think that the final scene where she fights Clint is SO WELL DONE. (Except her father wasn’t named Ivan. Not even in the MCU. But whatever. Maybe Markus and McFeely know absolutely nothing about Russian names despite giving Natasha’s full name in CA:TWS. I’ll chalk it up to ignorance. Whatever.) HOWEVER, despite liking Natasha’s character and death scene, the death should not have happened. I don’t know if you’re a comic reader, but if you are, you know that the trip happens where you see the bad guy or a random person or whatever do a Bad Thing. Then later in the comic, when the Bad Thing comes into play again and there seems like absolutely no hope, the hero pulls out One Last Magic Trick. The hero manages to do what the previous person could not. And they Save the Day because they are the hero. And the hero is the one designed to give readers hope that we can overcome all odds, etc. It is literally the entire point of superhero stories to tell the stories that “realistic” books never could. We’ll come back to my complaint with Natasha’s death in a moment.
-Scott, Rhodey, Rocket, Carol were all fine. No complaints. But Okoye.
They made it out in promo that Okoye was going to have a much more significant part. She was barely in the thing. And I think it was a very missed opportunity. We saw T’Challa turn to dust. And we were told Shuri did (although, I would have paid much bigger money to see her alive and operating as The Black Panther. She’s assumed that mantle in the comics before so definitely not out of the realm of possibility.) I wanted them to show us what Wakanda would look like with half its population dusted and its ruler gone. Does M’Baku rule? What do Okoye and the Dora Milaje look like now without their King and who do they protect/defend? They had a great opportunity to show us how the world was faring after five years post-Snap, especially a place like Wakanda that rarely suffers any devastations due to their tech. Now without that protection, how are they handling the aftermath? Enormous missed opportunity.
-Steve. On my god. Where do I even start? Going into Endgame, Steve Rogers had the BEST story arc of anyone in the MCU. But here is where Marvel really shot themselves in the foot. They let the opinions of fans after Civil War severely alter their original plans for this film. (That’s a fact that’s been admitted by former Marvel employees. I didn’t make that up.). After Civil War came out, there were two strong opinions being voiced. 1) Fans who didn’t know the comics didn’t understand Sharon being there and didn’t like her quickly becoming Steve’s love interest. 2) Fans saw the always-present and ever-growing bond between Steve and Bucky and got bolder about their campaign that Steve and Bucky were a couple. Doesn’t matter if you’re for that or not. The fact of the matter is that the idea of them as a couple has A BIG FOLLOWING. I don’t think people were really pushing to see it become a real thing on screen or anything, but the execs at Marvel suddenly did this thing where they all quickly shouted “NO HOMO” really loudly and promptly dropped Bucky from as many scenes as possible. They admitted to creating distance between Steve and Bucky for this reason. And because Steve and Sharon didn’t get the reaction they wanted, they had Steve go back and get back with Peggy.
But let’s recap here and see if any of that makes sense for Steve Rogers.
—He and Bucky were “inseparable on both playground and battlefield.”
—He literally broke the law and went behind enemy lines against orders just in case he had even the slightest chance of finding and saving Bucky from a Hydra base. He didn’t even know if Bucky was still alive.
—He added Bucky to his elite team and they fought side by side until Bucky’s “death.” When Bucky “died,” Steve went from saying, “I don’t want to kill anyone. I don’t like bullies” to saying, “I’m not going to stop until all of Hydra is dead or captured.”
—Years later, when he realized Bucky was still alive, he literally stopped mid-fight and dropped all defenses. Later in the same film (on the helicarrier), he refuses to even fight Bucky. He drops his shield and was going to very willingly let Bucky kill him rather than fight him.
— When the Accords become a thing, Steve defied his own friends and 117 countries to get Bucky to safety. And then continues defying them with Bucky at his side because he is determined that Bucky deserves due process and a lawyer and help, not imprisonment.
— He helps Bucky get somewhere safe to hide and recover and visits him there. (Russos said they even discussed showing that Steve and Bucky were in regular contact between CW and IW.)
—He fights the Battle of Wakanda with Bucky and then gets to see him disintegrate right in front of him. It’s built up to be a very big moment. Bucky collapses into nothingness and Steve sits there touching Bucky’s dust remnants and with tears in his eyes. “Oh, God.”
—Then, magically comes Endgame and Steve is in a support group for people lost in the Snap and he’s grieving over PEGGY??? HE NEVER EVEN WENT ON A DATE WITH PEGGY. NOT ONE DATE. He kissed her ONE TIME very briefly 75+ years ago! HOW CAN HE BE SO SURE THEY WERE SOULMATES?! This is just awful writing.
— Then when everyone is brought back through the portals, Steve doesn’t even look for Bucky to make sure he’s there. They fight far away from one another. They never acknowledge the other one. These men have literally looked at each other before thinking that would be the last face they ever saw and then at the Battle to End All Things, they don’t even glance around to see if the other is present.
— Steve literally barely says goodbye to Bucky. He fought and was willing to die for the man, but now he is in such a rush to get back to that one girl he kissed that one time that he forsakes the people he should care about. (Sebastian Stan says he questioned this to the Russos and was actually told to just imagine Steve and Bucky must have talked it over offscreen and Sebastian tried to fight it, but was shot down.)
— Steve jumps in a time machine and goes back to live with his supposed soulmate thus creating an alternate timeline.
I have a real problem with this. A man who has been selfless his entire life chose to go and be selfish for 75+ years instead of helping anyone. This man lives to fight injustices and we are supposed to forget that? In order to believe that he went back to a woman he didn’t know that well and who already had a husband/children. CA:TWS showed that she had lived a happy life. She told him she only regretted that he didn’t get to live his. She didn’t regret them not getting to spend theirs together. And he didn’t seem to either. He was actively moving forward with his life. Thus the reason for Sharon.
Anyway, his entire story arc which is based around him being partners with Bucky and him being selfless got absolutely destroyed when he went back in the time machine and just ran away from everything he had built.
Which seems more likely? That everything in the three Cap films and IW was wrong about his character? Or that Endgame just slapped a big “No Homo” sticker on the script and did whatever they could possibly do to make sure fans could not say that Steve and Bucky were a thing?
Furthermore, I have no problem with Sam becoming the next Cap. I have a big problem with them doing it if the reason was to further the sever the ties between Steve and Bucky.
-And the Russos said that Bucky couldn’t be Cap because his mind had been compromised and that he couldn’t be trusted with a weapon. Which means that Bucky’s whole recovery story was what? A lie? They established that Bucky was really a great guy and not a terrible terrorist. And they said Shuri fixed his mind. And we still can’t trust the guy with the shield?
So either Shuri failed dramatically even though we saw her talent and progress with him in Black Panther and IW, Bucky is now magically “too broken,” or the writers and directors are stupid.  Your call, I guess.
They literally foreshadowed Bucky!Cap in all three Cap films. Bucky handles the shield in ALL THREE FILMS. But now he can’t be trusted with a weapon? Now he’s dangerous? He literally fought the battle of Wakanda with knives and an assault rifle. The shield is a DEFENSE weapon. So this excuse is the flimsiest argument ever and says horrible things about putting trust/faith in people after they’ve been victims and recovered from trauma. Gross.
-At least they FINALLY got Scarlet Witch right. I’ve been waiting to see my favorite Avenger done right for years. No complaints here except it took them long enough.
-Let’s not even discuss how their time travel ideas and theories are a MESS. Plot holes everywhere. (Steve would have created a new time line by going back. Did he just magically put the aether back in Jane? Did he have to kick Red Skull’s ass again on Vormir because I can’t imagine he would just stand by idly. This stuff would take me too long to even add onto here.)
-But back to Natasha. If it’s a “soul for a soul,” then when Steve returned the soul stone, he should have gotten Natasha back. Apparently a lot of fans saw this plot hole because they asked the Russos about it and the response they seriously got was something to the idea of, “No, you can’t do that. It doesn’t work that way.” Which WHY NOT? (Apparently because of poor writing.)
-Also not bitter (yeah right) that Tony got this big deal send off and everyone forgot about Natasha half an hour after she died. Shouldn’t the big send off at the end have been for both of them?!?! Would that have been SO hard?!
-Should I even discuss the fact that for some stupid reason Steve goes back in time and the serum stops working? Why does he age? Thor establishes in AoU that he doesn’t think Steve is mortal. And Peggy says in CA:TFA that Steve’s cells regenerate at four times the rate of average human cells. So he should still be fairly young even if he went back to the 40s. He shouldn’t start to age like a regular human just because he time traveled. He didn’t travel back to before he got the serum. I literally said, “No,” angrily the second they showed the back of Steve when he was sitting on that bench at the end. The other people in the theater turned to look at me and I was already pissed as hell and the movie wasn’t even over yet.
-Nebula having to kill her last self just seemed sloppy and cliche. I wasn’t impressed. That character had been through hell.  She is the one who really turns the tides in in the Infinity Saga comics so for her to get such poor treatment in the film?  SHE should have been the one to kill Thanos.  I know what Thor said, but Nebula literally has a lifetime of torture to make up for and she would have gotten some small consolation in avenging the death of her sister. GUH.  THIS MAKES ME SO ANGRY.  SHE DESERVED THIS.
-So we really just backtracked and retconned Gamora’s whole story like that, huh?  I’m sure James Gunn is thrilled. (I’m joking. I’d be annoyed to high heavens if I were him.) Gunn had literally written this character’s story arc and progression and the Russos and Markus/McFeely took over and then literally wrote the story equivalent of “and then they all died” with Gamora’s story.  Such a jerk move and I sincerely hope Gunn finds a way to make GotG Vol 3 work out really well despite this.
I’m sure there’s more I’m unhappy with, but you get my point. I had high hopes for this film and they did not deliver.
It’s been months and I am still so immensely disappointed in Endgame. I expected the people who had written such great films in the past to deliver with another great film and they did not.
It wasn’t a completely awful film though. I thought they did a really good job with Doctor Strange and Wanda (finally!). And I loved Steve lifting Mjölnir! Carol’s short hair made me hot and bothered.  So the film had a few perks. 
I have friends who liked the film until I started pointing out its flaws. Sorry, not sorry. I'm glad Marvel broke box office records, but I'm not going to lie to anyone and say it was with a great film.
They are ----- And look, I never posted it on my blog because the rant ends there mid sentence and was never completed, but I think it’s safe to say I’m not happy.  That great cinematic masterpiece is a mockery of good character arcs. Anyone is welcome to try, but I’m unlikely to change my mind.
ETA: Since writing this, I have found multiple things about Tony’s character that upset me too.
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omigoshninjaturtles · 5 years
I feel very strongly about this so I want to share my thoughts. It’s a bit of a vent, but it’s also me trying to understand the issues at hand. I’ll preface this by saying I am a fan of TMNT in general and I always end up enjoying whichever adaption I’m looking at (except maybe the Bay version because I’ve never been a fan of live action in general).
Something I’ve always never understood is why some people needed to vilify those who like Rise and created Rise. Honestly, by all means, if you don’t like the show, by all means, more power to you. You have criticisms? It’s not wrong, it’s your opinion and perspective on the show. You could think Rise is the ugliest and most disgusting, disgracing show alive and it’ll be alright, because it’s your opinion and you should be entitled to it, just like how it should be okay for me to think that Rise is one of the most interesting and amazing adaptions of TMNT to date.
What’s not okay is acting like Rise and those who like Rise are some sort of weird disease that needs to be eradicated from this world. I don’t know how many people are aware just how much hate Rise gets on a daily basis. I know some people say that Rise deserves the hate.
To be transparent, this is on a post TMNT Facebook made on the TMNT anniversary. And this is just the few.
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A lot of it is opinion, which people are allowed to have, I’m not saying these opinions are wrong. They aren’t wrong. Honestly, I could argue day and night why I like Rise, but these people won’t change their opinion because they won’t listen to a Rise fan like me. I’ve already been designated as the disease that must be removed. Some gatekeep the Rise community by saying those who like it aren’t real TMNT fans and if you like Rise, you aren’t respectful to the original series. 
By that same strain, because Rise gets so much hate, fans get defensive and attack back. Heck, even the Official TMNT social media handles get defensive. People are entitled to say what they want to say and what they want to do...but everyday, just imagine reading that something you like/created is treated like a terrible disease and is wrong for existing. Imagine getting bombarded by that everyday. You could argue, just ignore it, but you don’t even have to look for Rise dislike to find it. You don’t have to scroll too far through the tag/Twitter/Facebook/Instagram to find it. You read something like that every day, it starts to break you down. Of course, Rise fans would get defensive and bitter, wanting to defend something they like. Which isn’t technically wrong either. People are allowed to criticize someone’s criticism and have opinions on someone else’s opinion, and so on. 
Objectively, no one is right or wrong here (on their opinion whether they think Rise is good or bad), but people arguing as if there is a right and a wrong (there isn’t). Nothing like this is going to end. It’s just a horrid cycle of these two side of the fandoms snapping back on each other, only getting stronger as fighting goes on. There’s a reason that the saying ‘hate breeds hate’ exists.
Unfortunately, being realistic and a bit cynical, me posting this isn’t going to stop conflict. It may change a few minds, but I’m not holding my breath. This is just me venting and realizing that it’s really sad to see this happen to something I like. 
At the end of the day, I believe it’s not a true fan isn’t the purist who only likes the original. It isn’t the one who only reads the comics. It’s not the one who exclusively watches/read the TMNT x DC content. It’s not the one who had only watched the Bayverse version. It’s not the one who watches every show, read every comic, and watch every TV Show. Really it’s not being about a ‘true fan’ at all.
It’s about being respectful and kind to other people’s likes and dislikes, on both sides. You don’t have to like every adaption, but it’s good to be open-minded that people like those adaptions. On the other side of the coin, it’s good to be open-minded that people may dislike what you like and that’s okay too.
Just be an open-minded, compassionate decent person. That’s enough.
"There is not a monster more dangerous than a lack of compassion.”  - Splinter, TMNT 2012
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bylerly · 5 years
alright everyone. after my rush of emotions after that season, i’ve had time to decompress, and make an actually cohesive list of my thoughts about the season. as you could probably guess - MAJOR SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT!
first, let’s get the (much) shorter list out of the way. here’s what I enjoyed:
the acting. i want to mention how good millie was, because she was fantastic, but i almost feel like i shouldn’t, bc el took SO MUCH screen and plot time, that millie was given every opportunity to be good. she doesn’t really need any more special mention. otherwise - noah (with the little he was given) and sadie were particularly great. so were winona & david, but that goes without saying.
the elmax friendship. these two deserved it. and max bringing el out of her shell, showing her how to become her own person.... incredible. 10/10 i love them both
alexei. feels weird saying this, but he was probably the new addition I enjoyed watching the most. it would have been kind of cool to see him live past season 3.
an lgbt+ confirmed character. this one is a little.... tricky for me. as happy as I am that there is a queer woman written into the show... I feel like it’s a cop out to not have to confirm will’s sexuality. robin confirms her sexuality in less than a season, but after three with will, we still only get ~subtext~? still, this is a positive portion, so.... I guess that was something I was happy with
el moving in with the byers at the end. finally. this is one of the only things that is keeping me excited for s4. i guess i can only hope for there to FINALLY be some good willel interactions next season, but if this season has taught me anything, it’s not to get my hopes too high :-)
jancy ending s3 on a good note. parts of their storyline were fantastic, some were disappointing. but i really dug their dynamic, and the realistic struggle between the two of them, with nancy not really understanding jonathan’s class struggles, and jonathan not grasping the weight of the misogyny being thrown at nancy. their final moments at the empty byers house at the end were especially lovely.
el no longer being OP, and not being undefeatable. i love el. i really, genuinely do. i love her character, i love her traits, i lover her power. but the duffers were relying too heavily on her to constantly save the day with her powers, and it was happening too often. one of the faults of s2 was the constant thought of how easily el could’ve fought off all these threats if she was just there. i think it’s incredibly interesting to not only see her get completely worn out, but totally lose her powers. like mike said, i’m sure they’ll come back, but i want so badly for el to not just be defined by her powers.
a platonic m/f friendship. yes, one of them is confirmed queer, and they would’ve probably been romantically linked if she was straight. but i’ll take what i can get when it comes to this. platonic opposite sex relationships?? r i s e
now for the meat of my thoughts ~ what I didn’t like:
mike’s characterization. the writers completely made him into a dick this season. i get it, he’s a teenager, so he’s going to be an asshole sometimes. hell, in a recent post, I defended that, saying it’s good writing. but I underestimated just how awful he’d be, completely blowing off his friends for any chance for a second alone with el. I understand that he loves his girlfriend of course, but s1-2 mike loved his friends just as much. he was so utterly unlikable this season, that it seemed like he was a different character.
lucas as comic relief. this is so lazy, and i’m so angry for both the character and caleb, both of whom deserve so much better. he really had nothing to do if it wasn’t related to max, and the writers further reduced him down to a one-dimensional, kind of dumb, mediocre boyfriend, and that is not the highly intelligent, brave, kind lucas that i know and love.
will’s sidelining. god, this made absolutely no sense. noah fucking shined last season. he stole pretty much the entire thing. every critic, even those who disliked the season, had nothing but good things to say about his performance. furthermore, will has so much potential in so many different directions in so many aspects of his character. however, once he revealed to his friends that he was feeling the upside down/MF’s presence... they may as well have written out his character. he was sidelined almost to the point of background character. they gave him very little to do emotionally after that castle byers scene, and even fewer lines.
total lack of willel scenes. phew, if this wasn’t a bummer. will spoke a single line to el, and maybe one or two throwaway lines about her. if there is one thing most of the fans can agree on, it’s that will and el have the biggest connection to the upside down, the biggest unspoken connection, the most parallels, and the most intriguing potential relationship... and they really just said “fuck it” and didn’t have them interact at all. (that’s poor writing folks!) they better make up for this now that they’re living together.
amount of eleven scenes. i love her so dearly. i really do. and i’m so happy she grew into her own, not through mike or hopper. but the amount of el plot and screen time this season was actually difficult to watch. every other scene centered around her. so many characters and so much of the story went undeveloped, while she got way, way more than was necessary. additionally, take any kid’s plot (other than dustin), and guaranteed, it revolved around el. people were starting to catch on that the show was favoring her character more than even most shows’ mains.... and this season took it to a level i actual didn’t think it would.
the comedy. it was so awkwardly written. so much of it threw off the pace of the show. it seemed forced, and just... not very stranger things-esque, where the comedy was typically well-written and blended into dialogue.
the baddies. this was a huge letdown, too. i understand that the monster was large, but it was far less menacing to me than, say, the MF’s physical form. it had gore points, sure. it felt incredibly boring and predictable. in the same vein, i thought the ‘zombie’ style storyline of heather & co. would be deeper than that, but that was literally all it was. again... not interesting to me. billy was a rehash as well. the russians definitely had potential, but even that plot wound up being incredibly one-dimensional.
billy’s screentime. this was one of the things i was absolutely furious about. he got more screentime than the party (minus el) combined. they wanted for us so badly to empathize with him, to humanize him... i’m sorry, but you wrote a character that almost killed a boy for being black, that abuses his sister, and is a misogynistic asshole. abuse doesn’t excuse that, and it’s insulting to abuse survivors to say that billy inevitably became this way because of his dad, and that he deserves our uwus for it... and actually got el’s. he took screen time away from characters who desperately needed it, and that’s something i will never look at the duffers the same way for.
the scoops troop. I wanted to love erica... but i feel so indifferent to her. she was way too much this season. and robin. again, i love that she’s confirmed queer. and i dug her character more. but even then... i don’t know. i would have rather never had her introduced, and allowed established characters to have been better developed. and as a whole, the whole storyline of the troop was just what I feared: underwhelming and awkwardly placed.
high steve & robin. won’t elaborate on this too much, bc there’s not much to elaborate on. it just felt so wildly out of place and unnecessary.
that dustin/suzie number. what the hell was that? what could have been a 20 second joke was stretched out WAY too long and was bizarrely placed. just because you have an actor from broadway, doesn’t mean he needs to sing. and even if he does sing... you couldn’t have found a better time or situation? i literally was just staring at my screen in disbelief as that whole thing happened. entirely unneeded.
the amount of flashbacks. i understand most casual viewers wouldn’t remember certain things because of how long it’s been. but they literally put a recap at the beginning of the season. that’s what it’s for. and there were also plenty from like.... the episode before??? the amount they included took away so much time, that it almost just seemed like they didn’t have enough footage, and they had to fill their time stamp somehow. at some point, it just becomes insulting to the audience’s intelligence.
the overall tone. this season did not feel like stranger things in the slightest. off the top of my head, the castle byers scene and the byeler scene in mike’s garage were the exceptions. the first few episodes did have some moments. but overall... it kind of felt like some weird, high budget commercial or something. the charm, distinct aesthetic, and nuance of seasons 1 and 2 was non-existent.
the post-credit scene. there was some last-minute hype up in the reviews for this. was that supposed to be shocking in some way? i suppose this is more the fault of the reviewers who hyped it, but... really? a demodog? we’ve seen that before... i guess more the point was to show that the russians officially have some kind of technology for this. but still, an underwhelming reveal. more intriguing to me, was if hopper was the american in the cell he mentioned at the start of it. or maybe brenner?
the neutral:
that ending. on one hand, it was incredibly predictable. they literally placed an obvious shot of it in the trailer (easy to deduce that the byers had moved out, and that it was fall, so it was an epilogue scene). i was convinced that there would be a twist element they weren’t showing us, but nope. on the other hand, i thought some things were done beautifully (which wasn’t exactly a trend this season). as i mentioned, i loved the jancy moments. i really did like the hopper voiceover, although it was a little trope-y and heavy-handed... i still got a little emo, ngl. those goodbye hugs were somethin’. and, as i said before... el! moving in! with the byers! gimme
so uh... that’s it, i guess. no one really asked, but i needed to get my thoughts out. what did you guys think of the season?
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Oh, I have so many people to respond to with all this talk regarding Michelle, being an MJ ‘purist’ (lulz) and all that other garbage when it comes to the MCU but for now here is a something to think about.
If Michelle is indeed the MCU Mary Jane Watson, and she will thus fill the role of being Peter’s endgame love interest/life partner (whether or not that results in marriage way down the line or not) then her personality being unrecognizable to comic book Mary Jane’s, whether you say it’s a ‘composite’, an OC, or whatever, is a humungous problem.
And I don’t mean on the principle of it’s an adaptation by it’s nature it simply should strive to respect the source material.
No, I mean on an innate storytelling function level her personality being nothing like comic book Mary Jane’s breaks the role I spoke of above.
Mary Jane was never ever simply the inserted love interest for Spider-Man, the character there because the hero needs a girlfriend. She wasn’t a template inserted into Peter’s life nor was she the character who happened to stick around long enough or be portrayed in the right way at the right time that she became iconically associated with the male hero.*
I’m not even talking about how she wasn’t originally intended as Peter’s girlfriend but evolved into that anyway.
What I mean is…Mary Jane’s personality is actively the best possible match for Peter Parker’s.
I’ve spoken about this countless times but I’ll try to make this short. Peter and Mary Jane realistically and creatively perfectly complement one another by having a good balance of similarities and differences.
MJ is outgoing, sociable and can be goofy at times. Peter in his civilian identity is more reserved, sociable but less so, and much more serious. She lightens him up and he can make her take things more seriously when needs be.
They’ve both lived double lives, Peter through his costumed persona, MJ though her party girl act.
They’ve both seen their family’s shattered and had to step up to pick up the pieces. Peter’s parents died and so did Uncle Ben. Mary Jane’s parents divorced, her sister’s marriage fell apart leaving her to care for 2 children and her mother died when she was just a teenager. Peter had to provide for himself and Aunt May by working at the Bugle. MJ had to provide for her mother and sister by working fast food jobs and stuff like that.
Through these similarities and differences they fulfil one another’s fundamental emotional needs.
Peter needs someone to help ground him, to enable him to ‘be normal with’, but who is also strong enough to carry his secret and defend herself. MJ meanwhile wants someone who understands pain, guilt, living a double life and who knows about power and responsibility (because her father, a figure of power, used that power irresponsibly by abusing her).
What I am getting at is…if you want Spider-Man to be Spider-Man but also want him to have an endgame love interest then that love interest needs a personality and a history broadly similar to 616 MJ’s. Maybe not beat for beat the same but broadly similar yes.
Put it to you like this, were Michelle an adult with the same personality and she met comic book Peter Parker of the same age they would never wind up together. She isn’t his type and her personality traits and background (whatever the fuck that is) would not jive with his long term to form the foundation of a strong ongoing relationship.
Now of course the counterargument I can already hear is that MCU Peter is different to 616 Peter, therefore if he was to have an endgame girlfriend she doesn’t have to/shouldn’t have the same personality as 616 Mary Jane.
The problem with that line of thought being that the personality MCU Peter has ALSO doesn’t jive with Michelle’s.
Yes to an extent they are different but beyond an entirely presumed notion of them both being ‘smart’ (we don’t really see this in Michelle beyond her reading a lot in Homecoming) there isn’t a healthy balance of similarities and differences.
We’re simply left wondering why either of them like one another beyond looks.
What exactly is it about Michelle and Peter’s personalities and life styles that help balance one another out.
I mean real talk is Michelle exactly down to Earth? She’s a macabre misanthrope who revels in that and revels in that. She’s like a step or two removed from a goth, possibly just so she can seen attractive to mass audiences.
From a practically POV Peter’s job as Spider-Man would be steeped in a fair amount of violence and death, or at least the very real possibility of it were it not for his intervention.** The MCU are too pathetic to acknowledge that though so instead we get ‘jokes’ involving his teachers, but if Peter was really a crime fighter in the MCU he’d encounter violence and death a lot. This is another reason why MJ’s ability to empathize and her own zest for life is important in terms of their relationship in the comics.
But in the MCU realistically if Peter just saw Sin Eater blast away innocent civilians and then he comes home to Michelle’s macabre art and shit like that best case scenario it will bum him out more. Worst case scenario he’s going to call her out as extremely pretentious as she is over here revelling in the fact that loads of people got executed at this historical landmark whilst he just saw some old guy bleed out from a gun shot wound or got beaten half to death averting Doc Ock’s scheme to blow up New York with a nuke.
I’m not even saying people with those interests are bad people or shouldn’t take an interest in that stuff. I’m just saying the person Peter is, even in the MCU, wouldn’t believable have a long term relationship with that type of person. I mean it’s especially bullshit in Far From Home. He’s just seen Tony die after he himself literally experienced death as did the whole universe but he’s randomly got the hots for this girl who’s all about being macabre? Is that really the healthiest thing when he’s grieving?
And for her part based upon what we know of her besides his looks or the mystery surrounding him or the innate danger and glamour of him being a superhero (so you know nothing about who he is as an actual person) why would Michelle like Peter? Why is this very macabre person interested in someone who seems very upbeat, who she knows to be all about preserving life, cracking the odd joke, etc?
Opposites attract sure, but healthy relationships have a balance of differences to balance one another out and similarities through which people connect.
In summary:
a)    Mary Jane’s particular personality and personality traits are important in so far as her role as Spider-Man’s romantic partner as they actually make her a good match for him
b)    MCU Peter and MCU MJ’s personalities as established do not make them a good match, rendering their romance you know...shit.
But then again I’m just one of them goddam filthy purists aren’t I. 
*For example….Dick and Babs. I ship Barbra Gordon and Dick Grayson I really do, but real talk the reason she and Dick are regarded as an iconic couple is because of Batman the Animated Series and comic book people incorporating that and enforcing it into the comic canon. From an emotional and more organic POV Dick and Starfire make more sense.
Or for another example Rogue and Gambit. Rogue was around for years before Gambit showed up and had had prior romantic flings but because of the 1992 cartoon Rogue and Gambit are forever tied together romantically. 
**Death always had a presence in Peter’s story. Whether you identify it as his being an orphan, Ben’s death, May’s advanced age and poor health or the numerous deaths that occurred in the early adventures. I’m not even talking about Gwen Stacy either, Bennett Brant, Mendel Stromm, George Stacy, Frederick Foswell, the Finisher (who Spidey essentially killed himself) and that’s not even counting people who died in flashback stories to that era.
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daeliariddle · 5 years
My opinion About Cassie Cage.
First of all, I write from my humblest ignorance having not read the Comics of Mortal Kombat. When I can finally read them I hope my opinion will change, or in any case, have more support.  Again, I don’t want to read myself as Cassie’s hypocritical Hater. And it’s just my personal opinion, we can discuss it, agree or disagree. Forgive my bad English. I try to learn slowly. 
I like Johnny and Cassie, but I can’t stand most of their fans, especially those who hate Sonya because "she’s mean to Johnny," "she’s boring," "she needs to be replaced by Cassie." And Cassie is a character fucking fanservice and Mary Sue lately, level with Kitana. And worse, those ridiculous arguments, usually created by men: “whose is the most beautiful, Sonya or Cassie?” Totally unnecessary and even machist Besides having her, Sonya (which is my favorite character but I hate to have her classic moves taken away, it seems that one plays with Ronda Rousey and not with Sonya Blade), I am bored by the Special Forces! Takeda and Kung Jin gave more diversity (a Shirai-Ryu with telepathic powers and a shaolin monk). I’m sick of drones and turrets for Sonya, that better be for Cassie and Jacqui. Something that I do not like is that they have (and people also think) that Sonya took hers out and will take her classic moves to give to her daughter. That would make me less like Cassie. And honestly, it wouldn’t help Cassie’s character. She already has her father’s power and personality. Her mother’s appearance and her own work, also her classical movements, which distinguish Sonya from other female characters? Oh, please don’t. That doesn’t even happen between Sindel and Kitana. Cassie seems like a mixed character of Johnny and Sonya, a mere recycling who desperately tries to grasp the trends to get attention.Something even Jacqui and the others don’t need so badly.  It’s kind of understandable because they’re her parents, but what NRS does with Cassie making her an exaggerated mix of Johnny and Sonya... It’s like seeing Kira at Deception! Who was a Black Dragon with the movements of Sonya and Kano.
Cassie is the easy way out of having a female character who’s nice to fans. And they’re wasting the genuine power that she has independently of her parents all the time remembering who they are. We know how inheritance and genetics work, we don’t need to keep mentioning it in the game, and worse fans. The obvious is not said.
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Which is a shame, because for me, a more progressive evolution would have been better for Cassie. I felt very abrupt that her MKX debut was the one that defeats Shinnok, because the chance is incredible! She has the power of her father. Arguational convenience, where? I miss Kung Jin as the friend who annoys you, as the friend who puts your feet on the ground. sarcastic. Loose mouth. Sincere to the point of cynicism. (Although I don’t see people hating her character as they do Sonya when she’s not so cruel, either, but many will understand me.) That friend who will insult you in front but will defend you behind your back.  Like antithesis and some rivalry with Cassie worked great. Because I think he was helping to show more fluently and naturally Cassie’s flaws and insecurities, who’s trying to get away from her parents' shadows and make her way. But unfortunately they do not stop doing it. Kung Jin was like Jax to Sonya. And for me, he needed it. Jacqui is great, but she also had her own drama with her father.
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{ And That’s Cassie, that hairstyle for her is a thousand times better than MK11’s sappy ponytail. Cassie is the cute, cool girl. Blonde with blue eyes. Centennial, modern. Fresh personality. witty, irreverent. A female Johnny with the physical appearance of her mother. Addicted to the phone, addicted to bubblegum, making the Dab. We just need to be told that he plays Fortnite in her spare time. And I’m not saying it’s wrong. It’s obvious that Cassie was created to be popular, but why not make her brown like the father, make her serious like the mother? But I don’t like the way I do it, to feel like I’m reading Ginny Weasley in Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince.
That’s the problem. The difference between making a good character, and a character that likes. When you can do both, it results in a great character! But when you can’t. It’s very easy to resort to the popular, to the comfortable. Not to put too many defects on a character for fear that he/she might be hated. Which I didn’t feel with Cassie. And personally, I love when a character is not perfect. When he/she shows flaws. When that character is afraid, he/she may fall ill to others for his actions. He/she can be cowardly, liar, irrational, .When he/she’s vain, hypocrite. He/she does not want to listen. And yet it’s believable. It’s real. And that’s why I love Sonya on MKX, because she was real. She was believable. She wasn’t a good mother, and I have already expressed that in my previous post. And not only is Cassie the problem, the daughter’s first debut of an attractive martial arts celebrity and a beautiful Special Forces blonde woman? Defeat an Elder Fallen God: Shinnok? Let’s see, Cassie is about twenty and so many years old. She has gone through a teaching and military life as her mother, but with her father at her side, being her support. While her mother was away, Sonya spent more time on her mission, according to Johnny she used to devote more to family than to work. Surely in Cassie’s early years of life, and bearing in mind that Jacqui also came to Sonya for his father. That was the breakup, I must think, in marriage and family CageBlade. But the problem is not the characters, Cassie is great, D'vorah the same, the problem is, ironically, for me the time. The problem is the Time. And it makes the evolution, the progress of the character Cassie lacks something. I even found the evolution of Jacqui more realistic. Even though Jacqui’s character is the same as Cassie’s. It’s a female version of Jax. And at the same time it’s compared to her best friend. Which is highlighted by its physical appeal, to be like her father and to have defeated Shinnok. It’s a problem. If you are going to extol a character then what happens to others? They are "unbridled". It is not equitable. Especially since Jacqui and Cassie have lived together, among them is a bit of harmless rivalry/friendship. And fandom exaggerates this (and so does Cetrion when she says that Jacqui is jealous of Cassie). The same thing happens to Sonya because of fandom and Cassie, in a way. They have a complicated relationship of mother and daughter, and fandom ends up hating Sonya. On the other hand, I think Johnny is more natural about evolution, perhaps because of the years you’ve known the character since the '90s. And his adulthood. The opposite of Cassie’s evolution in the same game (MKX). Even he realizes how annoying and, to a certain extent, machist he was with Sonya, and his younger version. 
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It’s ironic that Cassie could have (at least in the game, I remember I didn’t read the Comics yet) finally had a talk with her mother. A mother who could be her sister. Although she would have wanted this sister to have her leg grab, arc kick, air drop, rising bicycle kick, kiss of death, so that they would have differentiated better, showing what Sonya was before technology, when she used her legs and brains to fight (which she tells Jax on MKDOTR) Cassie instead in John Wick mode with infinite ammo weapons, drones and turrets. It would be a better way to show the past and present among them. Not with crude comments.
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If a character will do something or have a big change, why not show it better? Even I felt that Scorpion/Hanzo missed more. Because in MKX at times I found two different characters, two different bodies even though we know Scorpion is Hanzo Hasashi’s manipulated spectrum at the hands of Quan Chi. We know it’s been decades, I personally don’t feel that weight of time. Especially with Cassie. Both she and D'vorah to my view must first "pay your dues" (or “pagar derecho de piso” as we say in Argentina). Or do hazing with the new characters: KombatKids, D'vorah, Kotal Kahn, Erron Black, etc. Otherwise, it’s very shocking to see new characters from nowhere taking so much prominence in such a short time against classic characters. Especially when they don’t measure up, their story falls short, their skills. Or quite the opposite, they end up devouring too much prominence in an unreal way. 
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Although well, Erron Black is not hated because everyone loves that he flirts with almost all female characters, that he has JUST killed those characters that not even the creators wanted (Kobra and Hsu Shao), the design that he has, his voice, his movements. She also sins from the same thing as Cassie (created to be popular) although in history mode she is relegated to be Kotal Kahn’s bitch and then Kano’s.
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Instead, D’vorah has an unattractive design (although for me original and it was time to have more characters who do not look like humans), treacherous, seeking (just like Tanya) their own survival. It has been involved OF THE SAME WAY that Cassie in the story (taking on MKX until her chapter), many things does in one game. To be loyal to Kotal and then betray him. And even, for many, take the courage to kill Baraka, Mileena, and for worse in the next game, kill Hanzo. 
And also, where does the relationship between Jade and Kotal Kahn come from? A classic character like Jade, linked to Kitana, Sindel, Shao Kahn and other edenians. Kotal Kahn who has his story tied to Shao Kahn although he is a new character, at what point in the story have they met? Because if I’m being honest, I don’t remember anything in MK9 or MKX.
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Classic characters and loved by the fandom. I don’t dislike that he killed them (although I love those three characters) but it’s definitely surprising, a completely new character, in two appearances causing so much havoc. Cassie the same, but she just “killed” a not so dear but an ELDER GOD.
For me, it was missing that one knew Cassie and the other KombatKids, like the other debutante characters of MKX (and a little Skarlet if I’m honest), more development time to adapt to them, if they are going to replace classical characters (in theory) not to give him the debut of just giving us data of his story and finally they are protagonists; he also hoped to see more Kenshi who is of the few characters of the third era that give him his space. It is not pleasant that, characters with whom one lives for decades are abruptly replaced by others (and I remove from here to Liu Kang because we go, he is the main protagonist and was present in almost all the games, and has been the Chosen One) But the others have not been so lucky. Especially since I never know in the end what canon is or not, a pity. And now, with MK11 developing every character, every change has gone to waste.
So in short. To my eyes MKX must have been mainly about how Mileena tries to be Kanhum, fighting Kotal. Sonya, Jax, SF and Johnny versus Shinnok as it happened in the beginning. And, the flashbacks of the KombatKids must have been the present. And get to know D'vorah better, Erron Black. Make a second part with a more mature Cassie but at the same time reflecting on herself. And there defeating Shinnok. And then the plot of MK11. With some changes. Timelines are a good excuse to do fanservice, do, remake and undo. And then press reset and go back to the comfort zone. But, you know, if I have a great reason to love Cassie, it’s because, after all, what got her to beat Shinnok was love for her father. And at the same time, the endings of the CageBlade family are, are seen and will be a beautiful family. And that’s the most important thing of all, that they love each other.
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theambivalent · 5 years
Q & A
Recently I asked people in my IG story to submit Questions for a blog post. I had some interesting questions regarding veganism, comics and shows. 
Here are my answers 🙂  
Why are your IG stories getting more ‘vegan aggressive’?
So, before I went vegan, I used to hate vegans who were vocal, although I was never confronted personally by them... which, looking back now, I think was unfair. The mere notion of veganism was annoying because why? Because people were spreading memes about vegans who constantly announce they’re vegan? Even though I personally never witnessed that? Or... maybe because that was the thing that everyone does – single out the one that is different... I mean, I made absolutely no sense.  
I told myself when I first made the decision to go vegan, I'm not going to be the one everyone makes fun of. I hid my diet from my co-workers, and intentionally tried my hardest to NOT be vocal about it. And you know what? The second anyone found out about it, I was still criticized. ...STILL.
I didn’t realize how much vegans get criticized until I became one and people noticed it.  
I was constantly told...
If I happened to be tired one day –It's because I’m vegan, rather than my lack of caffeine
If my head ached – it's because I’m vegan, rather than being dehydrated
When I noticed a gray hair –because I'm vegan –like age has nothing to do with it?
So finally, I decided to not only confront those people who were putting me down because of my lifestyle, I started standing against them. I’m not picking fights with random people. I always show respect to those who respect me. However, when people are trying to back me into a corner, I will fight back, as anyone else would.  
I'm defending myself from those who criticize my life, and that’s something that I've never been confident enough to do until recently, because I've just always had social anxiety.  
In some occasions, I speak out against influencers who are making it seem like veganism is unhealthy for their own benefit – not to start drama – but because I feel it’s really hurting the movement and that could be disastrous for animal liberation. I really don’t draw my claws out unless I sense hostility.  
Otherwise, I'm a humble person, who understands that not everyone can see past the constant advertisements, posters, magazine ads and billboards that glorify the meat & dairy industry, and are shoved in our faces on a daily basis... after all, they are literally every-fucking-where … and I was once under that thrall myself because of that. So, I can sympathize.  
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Do you prefer Beyond Burger or Impossible Burger?
Without hesitation I would choose Beyond Burger.
When I first tried both burger patties, I got a bit weirded out, because their texture, taste, and even the way it ‘bleeds’ just tastes and feels like real meat- it's kind of scary... for that reason, I don’t eat burgers too often.  
But overall, I love the thickness of the patty, taste and texture of Beyond Burgers way better.
I don’t really consider Impossible Burger to be vegan - I only consider it plant-based.  
Now, what the hell does that mean?  
It is Plant based because there are no animal products in it... But I don’t consider them cruelty free, or vegan, because they do test on animals when there’s absolutely no need to. Animal testing = Animal torture. They have verbally stated that they’re catering to the meat-eating population and have served actual dairy based cheeses with their product while lying about it. [see link here for details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zoibL0mtkk ]
I do believe that [Impossible Foods] are trying to do a genuinely good thing by introducing a plant-based food to meat eaters, I just can’t take a bite out of an impossible burger now, without the thought in the back of my head of lab rats being exploited just so I can eat this. I have no problem with those who eat their products, that’s just how I personally feel.
That being said, even before Impossible foods changed their policy to include animal testing, I still considered Beyond Burger to be the better of the two, again due to the patty thickness and overall taste.
As a possible alternative, I hear the brand LIGHTLIFE is introducing burger patties too, so that’s another option for people who like the ‘realistic’ burger patties.
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How do you feel about the comment that pesticides/herbicides and the plant harvesting machines kill small animals and therefore a plant-based diet still kills animals?
So, the thing about veganism is that less animals die as a result of that lifestyle change. So, allow me to yeild the question...What’s worse? Your standard American diet that contributes to billions upon billions of animals being raped, slaughtered, skinned & exploited for our fashion and taste buds...? ...or a plant based vegan diet where a few small animals and insects might be harmed by pesticides?  On the other hand a large percentage of the crops being grown are meant to feed the animals being sent to slaughter, so I really don’t see how this evens the odds here.
Of course, if there were a way to do this without harming even a fly, any vegan would opt for that option – and should that option arise, trust me, I –and most vegans- will make that change. But I personally think that using that to ‘refute’ the lifestyle- which some people do- is ridiculous & idiotic.
I’ve recently started growing my own strawberries, broccoli, limes, peppers and asparagus to take those items off my grocery list, and imo, they taste way better, and are not treated with pesticides. That only knocks a tiny percentage off my menu items list though...
Since my yard size is quaint & small, it’s not practical for me to create an entire home farm to feed myself when I can just go to the grocery store.  
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How do you feel about the “ex-vegan" youtubers?
I think it’s very upsetting to have viewers being lied to by their influencers- some of whom stopped being vegan a long time ago, and lied about it for financial gain. It is disrupting the growth in the movement.
Most of these ‘ex-vegans’ have similar things in common:  
raw diets -a dangerous practice-  
Vegan for extreme weight-loss
alkaline water every single day
Juice detoxes for unreasonable amount of time
Did not take medication for gut health, then blamed said ailment on veganism
Water fasting for weeks at a time – with no food at all
Didn't consume enough calories
NONE of their videos talk about doing it for Animals
Over-restricted themselves, often only eating one thing, like papaya for example, for days at a time
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The main issue here, is they weren’t eating well, and as a result got sick.  
To be clear... you can get sick from ANY DIET if you’re not getting the nutrients you need.  
Meat eaters, vegans, vegetarians, ... seriously whatever your diet may be– make sure you get the nutrients you need!
But the issue here is that they didn’t take responsibility for spreading the ‘weight-loss propaganda’ and pseudo medicine practices that got them sick in the first place, lied about not feeling well for the sake of their businesses, then proceeded to take money from people buying their programs... while they were feeling sick and potentially making other people sick! ...And none of them have given any refunds for their “meal plans”.
From the veganism movement point of view, the fact that they’re blaming everything on veganism, rather than their dangerous nutrient-lacking practices, is turning every one they’ve influenced away from veganism.  
Most of their influencers who genuinely wanted to go vegan for animals who could have gotten sick from these disgusting practices, are not only having failing health, but also feel helpless that they couldn’t do what they intended for animal liberation... and that’s very disappointing and makes me sad.
Vegan zombie made a video that shares my sentiments.  
See it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sK_pySNNFK0
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Adding to that, how do you feel about the Raw Alignment Interview video?
So, the funny thing about this video is that she got caught in a lie... and she used this interview to sort of justify that lie, and then proceeds to reveal that she was lying some more.  
check these comments below:
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First, she says she stopped being plant-based 3 months prior, then 7 months (September). Another youtuber actually has proof that she messaged her asking about doing less vegan videos on her channel 2 years ago....??? Which she actually denies in this interview. Huh?  ...and then she admits she lied to a fellow vegan because she wasn’t ready to be ‘outed’? ..what?
I still feel left in the dark, and there are way too many contradictions in this video.  What she wanted to be a ‘redemption’ video turned into a sloppy attempt to hide more lies.
On top of that - the guy conducting the interview, claims to be a moderator, and yet is also an ex-vegan who believes that all vegans have digestive issues and are masking it to promote the movement.... um... huh? it’s completely one-sided.
The problem I have with this, is she’s justifying the practice of lying to her audience. IMO, that’s not fair to her audience, whether it has to do with veganism or not, because thousands of her followers were following her advice of only eating avocado with chips for a week straight or water fasting... she’s making people sick... and getting paid for it. It is very upsetting... I hate it when people lie, even more so when the health of other people are at risk.  
See interview video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcV4rUhitPI&t=1052s
What would you tell people who are afraid of going plant-based because of this “ex-vegan" drama?
I would say, do your research! Don’t follow just anyone on YouTube and blindly do as they say. You'll notice most of these fake influencers will tell you to eat one way because it ‘feels good’ rather than saying, ‘hey, this study from world health org proved this is good for you’.
I would also say, don’t be afraid! It's been proven so many times that plant-based foods are healthier and promote optimum health. The CDC, and the WHO have consistently found that meat, dairy and eggs contribute to high cholesterol, diabetes, & heart disease. Meanwhile, a vegan diet includes zero cholesterol, and has been shown to reverse heart disease!
I think a great YouTube channel to look out for is Gojiman because he’s got the nutrition education to give advice and is great at explaining why’s and the how’s. See his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8zKmTVcs5s3IIR2DVlxfzA/videos
Also, when keeping in mind which influencers to follow – pay attention to the ones who talk about the animals. The ones that aren’t vegan mainly for health/weight-loss, tend to promote a way of eating that contains more daily nutrients and calorie intake. It's just a trend I’ve noticed.
Also, I have a lovely playlist of reactions, recipes, and detailed information on the lifestyle you can check out here:  
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Do you have family/friends who aren’t vegan? And how do you deal with them?
Yes! Lots! Haha; and I don’t really ‘deal with them’ in any way.  
They are aware that my husband and I are vegan, and they do joke about it.  
We take no offense, and usually they lay off when we don’t give a reaction.  
I have had talks with my parents about introducing more plants into their diets because they’re getting older and are trying to be healthier, but I don’t over-impose anything on them. I take vegan foods and they at least try them, which is awesome! They’re my family and I'll always care about them no matter what they eat.
When we have parties with friends, I usually bring something vegan, and they’ll try it and most of the time will love it and go back for seconds.  
It's actually not uncommon for vegans to have family and friends who are not vegan.  
So long as there is mutual respect for one another (at least vocally lol), we all get along quite nicely.  
I honestly don’t think I've met a real vegan who doesn’t genuinely care about someone who eats meat.
We're really not a judgmental bunch - I think that’s one of the things people assume about vegans, and it’s completely untrue.  
What is your favorite healthy meal???
Healthy meal... I love Buddha bowls! They're so easy to make and you can make several variations.
My fave Buddha bowl would consist of roasted Sweet potato wedges, quinoa with lime & hot sauce, sautéed edamame, and grilled kale with avocado ….and a sh*t ton of sriracha.  
It’s super filling and is a good source of iron, protein, potassium, magnesium, niacin, folate, lutein, beta-carotene, B vitamins, Vitamin A, B6, E, C, K, Calcium, riboflavin, phosphorus, and Omega 3 fatty acids.  
No joke- it contains all those nutrients, I just looked it up! 
The best thing is that you can make so many different versions of the Buddha Bowl, and I change it up every time!
I never opt for organic foods or gluten free... I just don’t really feel it making a difference in my body, or taste, so why not go for the more affordable items?
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What is your favorite vegan junk food?
Pizza – hands down! Although I could order that in, I still love making it from scratch at home - I just love knowing exactly how much of what is going into it.  
We usually do plain cheese using ‘Follow Your Heart’ Parmesan, which melts really well, but every so often, I'll endulge and get some vegan pepperoni from the market.
My husband loves sweets, and I love savory... so, while my fave junk foods include vegan burgers, pizza, corn dogs, hot dogs, tamales, veg jerky.... his favorites include vegan donuts, cinnamon rolls, cakes, and pan dulce.
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Do you miss any food since going vegan?
There is honestly a vegan version of anything these days... I'd have to say there isn’t anything I miss.
I've had vegan tamales, pozole, tacos, birria, bolillos, pan dulce, elotes and so much more (yes, I'm mexican- can you tell?).
The only thing I was missing for a while were hot cheetos, but last year I discovered a brand called ‘peatos’ which doesn’t exclusively make vegan chips, but their fiery hot flavor is vegan and fill the void it my heart that cheetos left …. so no. I'm not missing anything at all.
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What’s your all-time favorite batman comic story arc?
Okay, so this is a complicated question... one of my top faves is ‘The Long Halloween’ because of the ending.  
Who knew Barbara Gordon could be so evil at a time when the Gotham series wasn’t out yet? That twist gets me everytime I re-read it!
I could easily say I love Crisis on Infinite Earths, Batman Hush, Death in the family, Superman Red Son, Under the Red Hood.... seriously my list is pretty long... but, I have to be completely me honest and some might hate me for saying this, but I actually do love the Flashpoint story arc. 
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Flashpoint is kind of a touchy subject because it brought about the new 52 issues that divided some fans.  
But when you isolate the story of Flashpoint, it really gets insane, I mean, it wasn’t just thrown together for the sake of rebooting the universe. Barry Allen had a reason to try to change the past – his love for his mother.  
It sets off a course of events that creates an alternate reality where Bruce Wayne actually dies in the alley with his Mother and His Father, Thomas Wayne was the sole survivor of the mugging, leaving him to be an older, vengeful, blood-thirsty, gun-slinging Batman... and it’s just a nice contrast to the Batman we’ve always seen.  
Sure, take the costume away, and he’s basically the Punisher, but what makes this different, is that we don’t see Batman under that light very often.
Tie in the Amazon war against Atlantis and ...omg, does the drama ensue!  
Plus, that touching letter that Thomas writes to his son, that Bruce gets to read at the end …*cry* it’s so sweet! 
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How are you liking the Titans & Doom Patrol series?  
So just so you know, DC Universe online is SO WORTH IT if you are into classic shows/movies and love to read comics – they have a huge collection you can read at your leisure. And the new series that they’re producing are all looking amazing!  
Okay, back to the shows....
I’m going to jump on Titans first...
OMG, they mention veganism with Beast Boy! Way to represent! Beast Boy has been a favorite of mine ever since the original teen titans animated series ...I’m going to be honest and admit here that I haven’t read any of the Titans comics before watching that series.  
I love his inclusion in the Doom Patrol. He is well written, with the exception of only being able to turn into a tiger for some reason? I’m hoping that in later seasons, he’ll somehow harness the power to change into tons of other animals as he does in every other incarnation of the character. It’s also weird that he’s not always green...? But appearance isn’t as important as his development. We see his struggles with his powers, especially when he kills someone as a tiger, and how he copes with that. His relationship with Raven feels authentic and for some reason not at all creepy, even though she looks like she’s 10 years younger than him. 
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Raven is a bit of a different story, she dwelled further from the comics than usual... not knowing that she is part demon or who her father is, and not having the knowledge of where she’s from is different than the Raven stories that we’re used to... so it takes a while to get used to that idea – not to say that the show fails... but it’s a bit difficult to retrain your brain with these things sometimes. She seems exceedingly whiny at first, until I realized she’s just a teenager, and teenagers, let’s just face, can be very whiny indeed. We’re so used to seeing her as a ‘hardened’ persona; monotone and serious. This show, it feels like they just grabbed a normal girl and put makeup and a wig on her ...and- voila! She's Raven. It’s out of character, but for the sake of the storyline, it actually somehow works. 
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Robin shows a fairly dark side that I think we’ve only seen in comics thus far; he is trying to prove himself capable of going solo and as a result tries to disassociate himself from Batman, stating that he doesn’t want to get to the tipping point that he believes Bruce has. I love his history with Dove and the struggle to strive to the best while keeping his head down. I like that he gets to see vigilantes from the cops’ point of views when they put down the idea of Robin coming into their neighborhood. He's a lot more well-rounded here with a bit more history, too. Not only are the Flying Graysons part of his story, but his love life and relationship with Batman play a vital role in his development.  
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At first glance of Star Fire, I had mixed reactions... “I hate that costume”, “why is she wearing fur?”, “why is her skin not orange?” ...and yes, some of that still kinda-sorta bothers me, but little by little, they’re bringing more of her backstory to light as the season progresses, and she ended up being one of my favorite characters.
I still think she should be able to fly, and I do miss how disconnected she is with human culture in other renditions of the character. But once again, this show makes it work, and I love it! 
Also, it looks like next season will give us a more comic-book inspired look to Starfire - so I can’t wait to see how that will turn out.
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Why TF isn’t Cyborg in this?!
Oh... he’s in Doom Patrol?! 
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So DOOM PATROL, is an interesting series... it’s weird, and just so random, and I actually really love it!
Anything that brings more of the lesser known comic characters will always be something I'd be interested in.
But the fact that this show is just as ridiculous as the comics, I think, is amazing.  
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I mean, they gave us a donkey is being used as a portal...  go in the donkey’s mouth, and out his butt?  
A bunch of bad guys made of  dead skin and letters that were never sent...
Using beads dipped in sriracha for a protection spell...
You can’t get more ridiculous that that! This is typically something you only see in comic books and I love that it’s something that they don’t worry about making more realistic on this show, and that’s something that most show runners don’t take a risk in doing.
I can’t really dwell too much on this because I am not completely caught up with the show... but I definitely will be soon!
TITANS & DOOM PATROL – both great shows worth watching!
How excited are you for the JOKER movie?
I don’t think I could possibly be more excited. Joaquin Phoenix is an amazing actor (and vegan)!  
From the trailer it looks like they might be going with the Joker origin story from ‘The Killing Joke’?
However, I think it will purely be based on the development of the joker because it doesn’t look like they’re going to fast forward to the future where he shoots batgirl (and maybe rapes her?) and kidnaps Jim Gordon, and tries to make him break down.... at least nothing relating to that appeared on the trailer, but I guess we’ll have to wait until October to see.
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What shows are you watching right now?
Other than Doom Patrol?
On HBO, I watch Veep & Barry and  ...in about a week, I'll be watching Game of Thrones – the anticipation is KILLING me!
On Netflix... I’ve seen part one of the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina ...I love the satanic visuals- so cool! Will be watching Part 2 soon.  
I also love the Punisher series, but we all know that’s not renewed – but it’s fun to re-watch.  
LOVE DEATH & ROBOTS is a great one that has beautiful animation and well, written short stories. 
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I often go and re-watch ‘the office’ and the series ‘you’ as well.
Spanish shows I like include ‘Club de Cuervos’ & ‘Diablero’ 
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Any new comics recommendations?
Border Town! Omg, I love it!  
Not going to explain... just go read it! ...you’ll see!  
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I love writing reactions and answers to questions.
Thanks to those who contributed their questions on IG  
~Ambivalent Thought
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wendip-week · 6 years
Wendip Bits from the GF Complete Series Commentary/Lost Legends Comic
Hey all!  @ddp456 here!
So, in between helping Kenzoe64 with the last few pages of the Protector comic and working on chapters of DBR3 (yes, I swear it’s still coming) I’ve had a bit of a secret project I’ve been working on (and to be honest, I’m kinda surprised no one else beat me to it)
Over the last few months, I’ve had a chance to rewatch Gravity Falls through the newly released Complete Series Blu Ray set, and for this, listened to every commentary created for each episode, as well as those made for the special features disc (which forgive me if I’m wrong, but was for the BD set, right?).
While the tracks give a HUGE insight on all things GF, it also unveils the curtain on many things Wendy and Dipper related; some things I guessed correctly from the very beginning (see my personal notes for bragging rights), and some, well, that kinda shocked me, and left me uncertain about a few details.  But I’m getting ahead of myself.
As you can guess, think of this as a dissection of the commentaries given, focusing on our favorite duo from the series, and afterwards, I’ll include a few questions of my own.  Fair enough?  Let’s get started:
(Tidbits in the first few episodes)
-Alex Hirsch states that Dipper’s crush on Wendy was always meant to be a big part of the series.
-Hirsch wanted to drop Wendip hints in the first episode (Tourist Trapped), but Rob Renzetti (Supervising producer director, creator of My Life As a Teenage Robot) talked him out of it, saying that he was doing it way too soon.
-The age difference between Dipper and Wendy was the very first conflict that came to mind in the writer’s room, so therefore, it was used.
-The persona of Wendy herself was crafted like that of a “cool camp counselor” so that she could do cool adult stuff, and be able to do “kid stuff” as well without being out of place.
(The Inconveniencing)
-The Cold Open for Episode 5 (Roof Time!) was created at the last minute because the writers realizes that the Wendy/Dipper connection really wasn’t justified.  The roof sequence was to make not only Dipper fall in love with Wendy, but the audience as well.  (D’aww!  - Editor’s note)
-At the end of the episode, the second “Zipped Lips” motion between Wendy and Dipper symbolized many things.  It shows that Dipper (despite lying) is accepted by Wendy into her social circle, and given her friendship.  Her lying to the other teens is just as important, as she does so without Dipper asking her to.  This was done to make Wendy as real as humanly possible, showing that she is just as cool as Dipper (and we as an audience) make her out to be.
-Hirsch often laments on the fact that they didn’t do a full “Wendy-themed” episode.  He explains that the point of many episodes is that a said character “learns a sin” and they were afraid to do so with Wendy, in fears that it would ruin her chemistry.  (more on this later - Editor’s note)
-They foreshadow the conflict over Robbie and Dipper (involving Wendy) and recognizes that things weren’t always realistic (e.g. how Dipper can beat up the Multi-Bear, but how he was deathly afraid of Robbie).  Hirsch’s reasoning is that the audience seems forgiving with such exaggeration as long as everyone appeared to stay in character ( again, more on this later - Editor’s note)
(Double Dipper)
-Originally, Double Dipper had nothing to do with Wendy (GASP! - Editor’s note)  The original premise was about Mabel trying to set up a party so she could mingle with the citizens of Gravity Falls, and make new friends, and Dipper, being the anti-social opposite of her, tries to prevent this at every turn, only to fail.  It was only when at the last moment, someone suggested to have Dipper’s story be about Wendy.
-During the slow dance scene, the animators specific added a shot of Wendy from Dipper’s POV so that we (the audience) could understand and feel the same anxiety that he did at that moment.
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-At the dance of the episode, Hirsch and the rest of the crew theorize about what happens when Dipper goes back inside the Shack at the end of the night.  He specifically asked, “Do you guys think he asks Wendy to dance?”  The rest of the crew disagree, saying they can picture Dipper trying to dance on his own, and Wendy cheering him on, sprinkling confetti on him from afar like in the beginning of the episode. 
(Cute, but what about this? 
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is it non-canon, now?  Did the commentary happen before the real Journal 3 was written?  Or is it presumed that Dipper lied in the journal?  What the fuck?  - Editor’s note)
(Irrational Treasure)
-Going off on a tangent, Hirsch describes Dipper’s crush on Wendy as “creepy” and “over-the-top.”  He details that it’s Dipper’s seriousness that leads to misfortune, and for that, he takes a lot of lumps. 
-The Zodiac is mentioned here, and the writers explain that the Ice wasn’t always related to Wendy.  The symbol was random.
-And as a cute sidenote, the “binkies” that the Pines twins have at the back of their heads were taken from the same ones that the Mario Bros. have.
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(Time Traveler’s Pig)
-Alex Hirsch goes hard on Dipper here.  He explains that Dipper has a very naive, yet forgivable, but wrong idea about romance.
-He feels that Dipper would die a thousands deaths to have Wendy feel the same way about him.
-Dipper is desperate to have this perfect moment, this perfect day with Wendy, because he believes that he’s not perfect on his own (told ya’ all! - Editior’s note)
-Hirsch says because of this, Dipper doesn’t deserve to get what he wants.  This idea of how the world works shouldn’t be rewarded.
-He adds that creating the lessons above was the hardest part of writing the episode.
(Fight Fighters)
-Hirsch knew that the “crush” angle was getting old, but he loved the story presented here.  He says that “Dipper’s heart was in the right place” when defending Wendy against Robbie.  (again, take that, internet!  - Editor’s note)
-Hirsch was blown away by the internet’s response to the episode, shocked to see how many people have had a negative reaction to it.  At this point, Jason Ritter (voice of Dipper) responses, “What?!  Love doesn’t die, guys!
-Alex goes into how he doesn’t care for “shipping,” that the “Wendy/Dipper” stories come from need for conflict, but not from character relationships.  With Wendy involved, Dipper is motivated, desperate, and will do the most insane things.
-He agrees with internet that the crush wasn’t really going anywhere, but he loved the W&D scripts that kept coming in.
-Robbie’s calling out Wendy like a dog (C’mon, out, girl!) was ad-libbed by TJ Miller.
-Hirsch believes that if left alone, Robbie would have never fought Dipper.  He was jealous that his girlfriend was going off on all these weird adventures with this kid.  (Wait, so there are untold Wendy/Dipper adventures out there?!  - Editor’s note)
-The height difference between Wendy and Dipper literally comes from Alex’s real life (and his twin, Ariel, was taller, like Mabel), where he was the smallest kid in class, and his science partner in school was regular sized, and also, his secret crush.
(The Deep End)
-The episode was always meant to be a non-serious, low-stakes piece.  Dipper’s having a good time with Wendy was not meant as romantic, but as friends.
-Wendy was originally meant to have a two piece bikini, but the network made them change it (So, wait, it wasn’t a homage to the Sandlot’s Lifeguard Wendy? - Editor’s note)
(Boyz Crazy)
-Hirsch regrets not clarifying the Robbie/Wendy/Dipper portion at the end.
-He insists that the hidden message in the song was mere coincidence.  Wendy was not hypnotized. 
-He sees the situation as follows:  Dipper is jealous that Wendy is into Robbie’s music.  For this, Dipper figures there has to be a sinister reason for this. 
-Robbie definitely stole the music, but didn’t know that the message was there.  Hirsch says as a child, he was personally fascinated by rock bands having hidden messages in their records.
-At this point in the commentary, Ariel Hirsch chips in, saying that in the end, “Dipper wasn’t thinking about Wendy.”  Jason Ritter (Dipper himself) agrees, “He’s only thinking about calling out Robbie.”    (told ya’ all x3.  - Editor’s note)
-Alex Hirsch’s quote about the hidden message: “Backward messages can’t control people’s behavior because you can’t understand them!”
-His notes on Stan and Dipper bonding in this episode: “Both would rather believe that there is a huge conspiracy rather than they’re bad with women.”
(Land Before Swine)
-Hirsch says as side-notes that Wendy had a running bet with Grunkle Stan about who would eat the corn-unicorn first (he didn’t bet on Waddles).  Also, he says that Ford has a fear of women because after a bad experience involving someone being freaked out by his six-fingers.
(Gideon Rises)
-Hirsch admits that Gideon’s speech to Dipper is bullcrap.  Dipper has beaten plenty without the aid of the Journal 3, but his insecurities make him believe otherwise.
-Wendy has two cut scenes that are shown in the Special Features disc.  At the beginning of the episodes, she (along with Soos) is interview by the news and she is chided for using the word “Jerkface” on live TV.  She then goes into a huge rant about her “freedom of speech.”  The second shows that Wendy was given the blow-horn by Mabel to be the official hype person of Scary-oke.
(Into the Bunker)
-ITB won an Annie award?!  (Didn’t know that - Editor’s note)
-Hirsch wanted to keep the Dipper/Wendy crush going, but could see that the audience was getting tired of it.  The writers decided to have Wendy become a member of the team and go on adventures, choosing to have Dipper deal with heartbreak sooner than later.
-It was considered to be the third priority for the second season.  (Reveal Author, Revisit Switch in the Woods, and Kill the Crush)
-Speaking of, the Bunker’s staircase was taken from the video game classic, Myst
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-The script for “Into the Bunker,” was given to Matt Chapman (of “Homestar Runner”/Strong Bad fame), because all of his GF scripts happen to have heartbreak in them, earning him the nickname, “Shipwrecker.”
-Wendy and Dipper’s movie night/Cold Opening was the very last thing to be added to the episode.  They needed something to tie Dipper’s investment to both the adventure at hand, and the Wendy crush
-In this, Dipper’s confidence grows by defeating Gideon, and when Wendy says she doesn’t need guys, it brings him to turmoil by the impossible and hopeless.
-The symbol room was originally the “Gonna Die” room.
-This episode is in Alex Hirsch’s top 5 GF episodes, because of its darker tone.
-He details:  there are so many good moments in this episode where Dipper is suffering at the hands of this girl that’s so much cooler and so much beyond what he could even understand.
-The GF team knew that this had to be a stand-out episode for Wendy.  We had to spend a lot of time with her, showing that she could hold her own and make a valuable addition to the Mystery Crew.  Hirsch regrets not doing that more.  For this, every time Wendy is added to the team, she’s awesome.
-The most amount of takes in the entire series was the “Dipper crying over dead Wendy” scene.  Hirsch explains that it was a hard thing to sell, and a really vulnerable moment.
-ITB’s ending was one of the hardest endings to write.  The commentary says they rewrote it 5 times to get it right.
-An idea used was “Love is temporary, but friendship is real love?”  (Hell, that’s what I use about 90% of the time - Editor’s note)
-The line “Don’t be itchy.” was added super late to the script.  The team tried to avoid as many cliches as possible.
-The first time the Wendy/Dipper confession scene was watched in animatics, Hirsch and crew felt that it was “too romantic,” like a romcom.
-In the Special Features disc, we see a sneak peak of the deleted scene.  In this, Dipper goes in on a rant of despair, pledging to Wendy that he’ll try to avoid the Gift Shop from now on, and that she’ll never have to talk to him again, before she stops him and tries to calm him (Dude, Dude, it’s okay...)  (Poor baby... - Editor’s note)
-The scene was meant to reflect Alex’s own puberty, which wasn’t romantic, but nightmarish. 
-”It’s meant to be terrifying for Dipper.  His heart is in his throat as he has to have this talk with Wendy.  He’s frozen, waiting for it to pass, and Wendy can see this pain, and she’s doing everything she can to show him, “Nothing’s different.  Everything’s normal.  You’re normal.  These feelings are normal.  I’m a couple years older than you, and I’ve seen this.  I’ve been around the block.  We all go through it.  You’re going to be okay.”
(Kinda wish they went this route instead of the whole “age” thing.  It’s beautiful - Editor’s note)
-It couldn’t be a “will they/won’t they” situation.  The real question was “will they be friends after this?”
-The writers could see a very legitimate path where Wendy is like, “Dude. you’re creeping me out.  Maybe we should take a little time from each other because this is not healthy, etc.”  The fact that she was so beautiful and cool and treats Dipper so well shows that she IS the awesome kind of person that Dipper thinks she is.
(The Golf War)
-A quick note about Dipper and relationships.  Dipper’s normal social fear melts away when he’s around someone he hates so much.  Someone like Pacifica brings out pure sass and rage.   (HA! - Editor’s note)
(Little Gift Shop of Horrors)
-There was a possible story being tossed around where Wendy gets a tattoo and gradually, it overtakes her/she becomes the tattoo herself.  Alex Hirsch loved the idea of a living tattoo, stating that it’d fit with Wendy’s rebellious teen nature, and that she’d learn a lesson at the end of it.
-The writers passed, saying that Wendy is very hard to write for.  When we see her, she’s cool and controlled, and for a short story concept, finding that depth to make it valuable would be difficult.  Plus, they didn’t want to be compared to Moana (or the fact it’s almost exactly like a Goosebumps story? - Editor’s note)
(Society of the Blind Eye)
-Hirsch and the writers loved the Wendy/Mabel scene because there’s not many of them throughout the series.  To them, it was great to show Wendy as the “cool, older sister.”  Hirsch dug Wendy’s complete disregard of boys.  “Don’t worry about them.  Yeah, whatever, they’re a dime a dozen. I’ve had so many boyfriends...”
-The writers discuss what kind of man Wendy would end up with.  “He’d have to be something - some kind of specimen.  She’s so confident and having a good time, comfortable in her own skin; if a guy’s cool, she’ll be “Yeah, I’ll try it out,” and when she’s bored, “Yeah, no thanks,” leaving a bottomless scar inside their heart,” going on to cite Robbie as example.
-Alex Hirsch added the line about Wendy’s being stressed 24/7.  It’s obviously not what she shows the world, and yet, it shows how you can vaguely see it there.  (Tell me about it - Editor’s note)
(Blendin’s Game)
-Alex Hirsch’s view on family:  “Friendship is thicker than water, and family’s something you can create.”
-Hirsch’s further thoughts on shipping:  He tells the writers that it’s meaningless.  He rather ask if they have a compelling story instead.  He doesn’t care about love, saying “Love isn’t the end - it’s a story turn.”
-A member of the writing cast was going to comment on the baby Wendy and Tambry scene, when she was interrupted, and the point is never bought up again.   (Dammit! - Editor’s note)
(Dungeons, Dungeons & More Dungeons)
-Hirsch debated about having a scene where Dipper reveals his real name to Ford.  The consensus said no.  The same happened for “Dipper and Mabel Vs. the Future.”
(The Last Mabelcorn)
-Originally, the episode was going to be a Wendy-eccentric episode involving her family and her relationship with Manly Dan.  On top of that, she was going to gain magical weather powers as well.  The team decided against it, not wanting to be compared to the movie, Frozen, as well finding it hard to balance considering Wendy’s grounded character.
For this, they made it up to her by having Wendy (and her influence) take over the episode after the first third.
(Roadside Attraction)
-The Special Features disc shows an alternate opening that doesn’t showcase a Dipper/Wendy angle at all.  Dipper asks a group of ladies to borrow a quarter and instead, gets beaten up for it.  Mabel and the gang figure from this that Dipper needs help talking to women.
-The whole point of the episode (to Hirsch) is that Dipper gets advice from Stan when Dipper is only trying to move on, while Stan has no idea what he’s doing, stating he is not a role model by any means.  The lesson is not to present false affections and learn to hear other people’s feelings.  “Stan lives alone for a reason!”
(Dipper & Mabel Vs. the Future)
-The Mabel/Wendy scene was created so that if someone as cool as Wendy doesn’t like High School, it immediately changes Mabel’s perspective on the matter.
-One of the Government agents were originally going to offer Dipper an apprenticeship/”advanced learning path,” in due to all of his discoveries and research.
-Hirsch figures that Ford’s speech towards Dipper is similar if not the same that he gave to McGucket.  Ford takes advantage of hero worship - it’s not so much as he needs an apprentice, rather to have someone that’ll do anything he says.  (So where are those people that says Ford doesn’t have a mean streak in him? - Editor’s note)
-Upon Dipper rescuing Ford, Jason Ritter laments on commentary, “If only Wendy could have seen that moment...” to which the room explodes with laughter.
(Weirdmageddon Part 1)
-Hirsch explains: “Wendy is the most grounded character in the series, so in this ungrounded scenario, she is able to make the most of it.  She can handle just about anything.”
-Wendy’s speech to Dipper was struggled with for a while.  It had to be a speech not about Dipper’s self-confidence, but about how he needed Mabel back (which the writers says there’s truth in)
-The live action Wendy and Dipper scene (with Jason Ritter and Linda Cardellini) had lines cut from the final version (Son-of-a-...  Editor’s Note)
-The Gideon/Dipper speech represents the full completion of Dipper’s Wendy arc.  It’s a real-life lesson that Hirsch says many people in real life still don’t get.
(Weirdmageddon 2: Escape from Reality)
-A deleted scene in the Special Features disc expands on the beach scene, where Mabel zaps Dipper, Wendy, and Soos’s ruined clothing into gaudy swimwear (though Wendy has a cute flower in her hair ala Hawaiian).  They go to the beach and Wendy begins to admire the hunky volleyball players, leading to a jealous Dipper.
-Alex Hirsch explains that the fantasies offered in Mabelland aren’t fantasies, they’re easier outs.  Wendy’s is teen rebellion rather than facing reality.  Soos’s is the dad he always wanted.
-With Dipper, what was originally going to be behind the door was Ford and the offer of the apprenticeship.  They would go off on adventures and discoveries, only to stumble upon a now-alone Mabel, growing up in High School, and having a real life.  Hirsch axed the idea, believing that Mabelland, and by extension, Bill Cipher, wouldn’t show the downside of any fantasy, rather Dipper would have to discover it himself.  For this, the writers had to go back to “the Wendy Well.”   (Special note: we at @wendip-week have to use the phrase, “Wendy Well” more often - Editor’s note)
-Earlier versions of the episodes had different “Wendy wants,” including one where we find her writing deep poetry.  The writers go on about her fantasy, saying that it couldn’t be a “perfect guy,” because she’s self-realized.  But at the same time,  they admit that Wendy “exhibits destructive character flaws that she has to get over.”  They add, “She really loves that aimless teen rebellion, that it’s hard to turn down all that chaos.”   (So, why the hell didn’t they make an episode about that?!  And I wanna see Poet Wendy ASAP! - Editor’s note)
(Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls)
-Alex Hirsch:  “Gravity Falls was always meant to have a bittersweet feeling to it.”
-Weirdmageddon was about giving everyone a hero moment.  Part 1 was Wendy and Dipper’s.  Part 2 was Mabel, and the Mystery team as a whole.  Part 3 was the Stan twins and the town united.
-Jason Ritter marvels at the Wendy and Rumble sequence, noting how all the other characters are fighting  with machines, and yet Wendy is going at it bare-handed.
-Weirdmageddon was approved to be a made-for-TV movie, but Disney demanded another 3 episodes for regular air.  The team declined.
-There was never an official plan for the Zodiac.  It was something the team made as a tease, but after seeing fan response, they knew they had to do something with it.  Linking Wendy with the bag was a last minute decision simply because of the scenes involving her and ice throughout the series.
-A quick note about the original quote of the Llama, versus the final one given by Larry King, “Llamas are dumb, blonde, beautiful, and they spit!”   (BWHAHAHAHAHAHA! - Editor’s note)
-Hirsch is a big believer in visual aid.  The Pines twins changed on the inside, and he wanted something to show that on the outside as well.  Mabel got to keep Waddles, and for that, Dipper received Wendy’s hat, as a symbol of their friendship.
-Rewatching the scene, Jason Ritter says that he believes Dipper never takes off Wendy’s hat, and is too shy to tell anyone its origins.  (”When people ask him, he’s like “Don’t you worry about that...”)
-Alex Hirsch says the switching hats idea came from a storyboarder’s sketch, in which he said, “That feels right.”  (Uh-huh.  Just a sketch... - Editor’s note)
The Wendy’s note scene was meant to be ambiguous about two things.  The first being “Mystery.”  It gave Dipper one last question to ponder in his head.  (Had to do one last tease, eh?  Editor’s note)
-The second was “Endings.”   “Did something just die here?  Are all these things we love really gone?”  HIrsch says not quite.  “Endings are new beginnings.”
A few neat points of interest (non Wendip related)
-Jason Ritter is a HUGE gaming fan, where he was able to name almost all the references in “Fight Fighters.”  He also played and completed the Gravity Falls 3DS game twice (where Alex Hirsch admits he never has...)
-Hidden in the Double Dipper episode, there is a secret commentary track, where Jason swoons over Wendy for part of the episode, only to be interrupted by his clones (including one that had to camp out for “The Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild)
And lastly, I want to address the new comic, Lost Legends.  While it didn’t have a hint of Wendip in it:
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(sorry, fam, Wendy making a crack about Dipper wearing a skirt doesn’t cut it for me.  And didn’t mean to mooch. @fereality-indy. - I couldn’t find a real scan)
But it does contain two other important pieces of information (besides Mabel getting her just-desserts).
The first is a code that gives the hint, WENDY'S MOM: IN ANOTHER DIMENSION?
Such a thing would explain a ton.  One would guess that Wendy and her family believes that her mother just vanished, meaning she could have abandonment issues.  (and yes, kids, such a thing can affect how people have relationships)
And to add to the tease, there’s a second hint as well in the first story:
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(and thank you, GF Team for giving me another canon point to add to the Protector comic by stating the BES still exists!)
But back to the task at hand, we see that the far right vital has Wendy’s mom’s memories.  Is this in conjunction with the above point?  Or its own theory?
Hopefully, this plot point is exploring in the next piece of GF related media.  All I can guess is this, if Wendy’s mom really is stuck in another dimension, the Pines better pray they didn’t have anything to do with it...
The only other interesting thing to note is that at the end of the second story, Wendy makes an comment about “overthrowing the government,” which kinda sounds like the cut scene from “Scary-Oke” mentioned above.  Is it a statement of the politics taught in the Corduroy home, or is it a reflection of current views from Alex Hirsch and the writers?  (It’s fascinating either way, IMHO).
So, with everything said and done, I’ll admit, reader, I’m a bit mixed up, feeling wise.
On one hand, Alex Hirsch himself confirmed a shit-ton of Wendy and Dipper info that makes me feel like:
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But at the same time, it seems like one of my favorite parts of the show is the one he could care less about - that it’s an end to a means.  The closest feeling I can relate to is how the Professor in the 2nd TMNT movie inadvertently tells Donatello that he was an accident.
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And I get it, the series is based on the dude’s real life, and that includes nearly every aspect of Wendy and Dipper, rather it be good or bad (or as he describes it, mostly bad).  But that’s kinda of why I love it, too, that I can relate to that as well, as I’m sure many of you can.  I can say with full honesty that I’ve been both a “Dipper,” where I’ve followed along with a way-too-cool-for-me-girl like a lost puppy, and I’ve been a “Wendy,” too, in which a small ball of wonder looked up at me like I was a gift from God, and I tried my best not to sour or pervert that, and yet, remain honest.  It is an interesting story, even if it’s not the main story.
Man, he wasn’t kidding when he said “Gravity Falls was about being bittersweet,” eh?  But still, the fact remains: while it wasn’t perfect for ol’ Dipper, at least he wasn’t Patti Mayonnaise-d.
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Between the numerous essays and questionnaires I’ve whipped up this summer, I still believe that there is ton of info to be asked and answered, especially involving our non-official favorite duo.  We can only hope that the powers that be may want to wish about that “Wendy Well” one day in the future.  Nothing is ever certain, and with that, I’ll leave you with some of the truest words out there, straight from Dipper Pines himself (and because I can’t find the damned gifs.)
Until next time.
22 notes · View notes
ca-3 · 6 years
Just curious, but why don't you ever have Kuro romantically participating when you talk about Kuromahisaku headcanons? I always thought he'd be pretty clingy, myself, if he had people that important to him that he'd take the jump to a relationship.
Another message I am a day late to aaaaaaaaaaa sorry.
But…. I really had to think about this one anyway… cause I don’t know what you are trying to say with “ever” right there, cause?  I don’t have a ton of KuroMahiSaku stuff, most of it is pretty far and few in between, but in my own works I have definitely had Kuro participating “romantically” so I don’t know why we are jumping to any conclusions or assumptions here? -3-);;
I have a had him being affectionate, protective and even somewhat jealous before in comics/artwork. I would have a lot more but I don’t finish shit and it’s very unfortunate. RIP. (and some of the things I do are just meant to be silly and not taken too serious anyway. 😂 but I think people still do? So oh well, what can I do?)
Also??? I don’t actually talk about KuroMahiSaku headcanons here very often anyways? I actually keep most of them to myself, unless someone asks me about it or something. Sometimes I babble about it in dm messages with a friend or even in chat servers, but here? Not really??? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But how I see each of the characters affects how I see the relationship working out. I definitely have a lot ideas and thoughts for Kuro. I see him being sweet, somewhat shyer and not sure how to ask for certain affections sometimes or has small difficulty expressing his feelings but definitely wants those things. A much more simple (no pun intended haha) kind of love. Doing things like giving a casual kiss on the cheek or lips, cuddling while he naps, leaning against the other to relax and so on. I could go on, but you get the idea I hope. Basically, he gradually becomes more and more comfortable with those kinds of things and doing so much more. 💙
The idea of KuroMahiSaku is kind of funny to me sometimes. Like…. when you think about it realistically, the three of them don’t seem to have a lot of relationship experience. I could be wrong, but there’s not much evidence of any of that of course. Servamp isn’t a series about romance. Despite it’s somehow ended up under the “shojo” category once, like what? Is it still considered that? Cause it definitely ain’t your typical shojo haha
I would expect Kuro to have the most experience because, yeah, literally the oldest out of the three. But he hasn’t really had another eve before and never had any subclass either. So??????? But has he ever had a past romantic relationship? That’s extremely up in the air still, so who knows? There is so much potential in his past. 
There is so much potential that these three have together in my opinion.
KuroMahiSaku doesn’t necessarily have to be 100% romantic. 
it definitely wouldn’t start out that way at least.
Another thought I have about Kuro is I think he would definitely be a bit wary of Sakuya at first and them becoming close at all would take some time. So would  building up any kind of trust. If it ever becomes possible for that to happen I would think. They haven’t had their chance to get to know the other yet.
 Cause I remember quite awhile ago in another ask I ended up discussing “You know what…where did some of us, including myself at some point, get the idea Kuro and Sakuya hate each other?”
Read about that if you want, but my main thought with that is just, Kuro for sure has to understand that Sakuya is definitely important to Mahiru.
You know.
Just like how any of his other friends are to him and as his Servamp, Kuro helps Mahiru to achieve his goal of wanting to protect others. Kuro is an equally understanding person. He has grown so much since the beginning. Sloth Pair together has grown so much. 
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All of Mahiru’s friends (Lust Pair, Greed Pair, Pride Pair ,Ryusei, Koyuki and so many more.) the people he wants to save/protect are all unique and ALL have their own unique flaws/troubled pasts. They are all important to Mahiru in their own way because each relationship he has with them is different and Sakuya is definitely one of them. Sakuya was originally one of Mahiru’s main motivations. His contract with Kuro began because Mahiru wanted to be able to help his friends and even though Sakuya isn’t Mahiru’s number one priority anymore(because he has so many other things to worry about right now. There is too much going on and out of his control.) but it’s obvious Mahiru still thinks/worries about Sakuya. 
Mahiru probably always remembers his promise to Sakuya in the back of his mind a lot too. There’s many examples of this. A lot of the time when Mahiru worries about Kuro, Sakuya sometimes ends up coming up too. He comes up whenever Mahiru defends vampires in general. Mahiru knows the truth about them BOTH.
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Mahiru seems to think about them both a lot. The look on Mahiru’s face in both these pages hurt so much because this chapter was about Mahiru’s thoughts, some of his past and motivations. He wanted to be someone’s “Pride”.
This isn’t even about shipping anymore. I just have too many feelings about these guys in general, romantic or not. This is valid stuff about them.
But back to the Kuro stuff. Again, he definitely knows and understands that Sakuya is a friend to Mahiru and a person he wants to protect too, HE’S GOT TO KNOW. 
Kuro was there for the fight, he has there on the rooftop, he heard their conversation and apologies.
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 If Sakuya really bothered Kuro…. wouldn’t he have said something then or by now? Or will he ever? There really isn’t a reason for Kuro to hate Sakuya now. Not while Kuro trusts Mahiru’s decisions. Part of Sloth Pair’s development and bond is how much they trust and respect each other decisions more than ever now.
So as long as Mahiru considers Sakuya a friend, Kuro likely will too.
There hasn’t been a super obvious statement or moment yet that has convinced me that he does hate him. I won’t believe it until I actually see concrete evidence. 
Kuro doesn’t hate anyone Mahiru cares about. Kuro doesn’t come off to me as a jealous person but a protective one instead. We all know Kuro is very protective of Mahiru.
So that’s why I feel so much about Kuro and Sakuya potentially being friends someday. If they had the chance to talk or be friends, I feel Kuro would actually try his best with Sakuya even if he would potentially be wary of him. I can definitely see Sakuya being a lot more cautious about Kuro and have a super hard time trusting him. But it’s possible, I could be wrong, but I still think it’s just very possible if they ever get the chance.
A good example of Kuro potentially befriending Sakuya, is because of Tsubaki. Kuro and Mahiru both want to “stop” Tsubaki, sure but they don’t want to kill him. They just want their friends and the rest of the Servamps safe is all. It’s been established in the anime and manga that Kuro wants to solves things with Tsubaki in non-lethal way and wants to give him a chance even if it’s dangerous.
They want to talk to him then want to fix things between both sides. They believe he deserves to have a chance to be in the Servamp family still. So I can definitely see Kuro accepting others like Sakuya too and make peace with them. Kuro wanted things to be peaceful anyway.
I have so many more thoughts and stuff I could talk about from canon that  makes me link these 3 together or why these relationships are both important to me in their own way. But I’m starting to ramble again. 
So that’s why I actually do have a lot of feelings and thoughts on “KuroMahiSaku” and each of them in it. Cause the basis of it just comes from the fact that I never once thought either relationship(romantic or not, or however you see it) should be considered lesser for those reasons. Again, all my opinion but I hope people can understand this better. What I show in silly or in published vs. unpublished works isn’t always accurate to how I feel. But different interpretations are what makes things interesting after all.
That’s why I think it’s silly when I hear about people trying to put others against each other or just want to argue and be mad over such a thing. It’s rare, but it happens and it’s not worth it. Ever.
This whole relationship all ends in I just want them to be happy. Sure, we have our ships or we even don’t ship anything, but ships in the end don’t mean anything to me either. It would be great if one happened, but I truly just want them all to be happy and get along at the end, at the very least. ❤💚💙
Jeez, this got a lot longer then I anticipated, I went a little off the rails but I REALLY DO have many thoughts about these three.  PLEASE HELP.
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eternlmisery · 6 years
So... Charmed is getting a reboot (by the CW)
For those of you who don’t know what “Charmed” is, it is a fantasy/supernatural tv series that run on WB from 1998 to 2006. It focused on three sisters who after the death of their grandmother find out that they are witches. Throughout the show we see them get their powers, learn to use them, fight demons, warlocks, face real-life problems, grow, fall in love, get married, experience loss. And all of that as they struggle with their magic and protect humanity on a daily basis. I think that the core of the show is the sisters, Piper, Phoebe, Prue and Paige and their love for each other and the innocent people that they protect. 
“Charmed”, along with “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” were two of the first female-lead tv series back in the day and everyone loved them so much. I know that people in my country loved watching "Charmed” and still do. It has so much magic and at the same time it is so refreshing and realistic because we have these characters that could be anyone and at the same time are so unique because of their magical abilities.
And now, 12 years after the last episode they decided to take that iconic series and reboot it. 
First of all, *sigh* there won’t be a reboot with the real cast. So there goes my heart. Second of all, it’s on the CW from what i have headrd... And if you don’t know why this is a problem... just search “anti-CW” on tumblr and you’ll see. (In an article i saw paramount pictures so idk what is up there).Third, the description. THE DESCRIPTION. 
"This fierce, funny, feminist reboot of the original series centers on three sisters in a college town who discover they are witches. Between vanquishing supernatural demons, tearing down the patriarchy, and maintaining familial bonds, a witch's work is never done."
First off, "feminist” and “tearing down the patriarchy”. What is this supposed to mean? I’m not saying it in the way that feminism or tearing down the patriarchy doesn’t matter or i don’t understand it but... is there a point of these being in the description of the show? Why is everyone trying to re-make incredible old tv series or movies into 2018 GARBAGE. And it’s pretty much 100% certain that they will fuck up in portraying feminism and tearing down the patriarchy in 2018 , as well as the original “Charmed” did in 1998. The thing is that I am scared that the whole plot will be centered around that. “Oh men are trash, women are here to save the day, fuck patriarchy and fuck guys we are the best”. That will not be feminism, but misandry. Aka hating men. Cause y’all know they are going to put men as scumbags and as the villains just to highlight how much better the women are. Because of course there are a LOT of scumbags but not all of them and the show has the responsibility to show the reality of a situation.
Enough with my overthinking and panicking.
Let’s take an example of a shitty 2018 reboot with Heathers. There is representation (plus size students, Asian students, gender fluid students, Jewish students, black students) but... it’s not the right kind. They play the bad guys and they are super cliche in the wrong and most twisted way from what i have seen. And it’s... so bad. The villains are a plus size girl, a black lesbian and a gender fluid guy and the good guys are a white blonde girl..? What is this supposed to pass onto the audiences? Where is the good and healthy representation?
Also the Ghostbusters reboot portrayed Chris Hemsworth’s character as a man who was dumber than a pile of bricks, another way to put the spotlight on the women. 
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“Charmed” never needed to do that. It didn’t need to force anything on the viewers and it didn’t need to make the male characters assholes just to show how amazing the sisters were. Piper had Leo who was super supportive and an amazing character and helped them through all the seasons. Prue had Andy, Phoebe had Cole... well... he was half good? And Paige had Henry who despite being a mortal was always there for her and accepted her just the way she is. Of course there were shitty guys just as there were shitty women in the show. 
But the point is that “Charmed” was a show that: 
1. was feminist without being misandristic 
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(Also Penny Halliwell, Grams, believed they didn’t need men but sees how her granddaughters have surrounded themselves with good ones so don’t take this quote the wrong day)
2. Gave the sisters love interests which almost all the time accepted them and didn’t hold them back from being independent and themselves. That also goes for the men in their life in general (Victor, Darryl)
The biggest example of this is actually Leo, who was the sisters’ whitelighter who fell in love with Piper. Throughout the show he is there not only for his wife but for the sisters too and he helps them every way that he can, as they are now his own family. He has faith in them and their abilities and he believes in them more than themselves sometimes. Also of course he is sometimes the one that is saved by the sisters just as he saves them.
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Also Victor, who seemed like the absent asshole dad in season 1, came back and redeemed himself, explaining the situation and building a relationship with his daughters as much as he could. 
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Case point #3: Darryl Morris. The Police officer who risked everything for the sisters and despite being super suspicious of Andy, he himself protected the sisters and helped them any way he could so they could save innocent people. Of course he was a human and he had weaknesses and he pointed out a lot of times how wrong it was for him to go against the law practically, but he knew what the sisters were doing was more important.
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3. showed the struggles of magic vs family, friends, career, relationships
We see Prue struggling with her job before realizing what her passion truly was and she realized that her true calling was photography after she got her powersand Phoebe finding a purpose with her column and Paige quitting her job to be a full-time witch and Piper and P3 and later her restaurant (in the comics).
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Piper trying to get pregnant and finding out that she actually couldn’t get pregnant easily because of all the fighting they do, Phoebe searching for true love, Prue losing Andy. We see Piper’s journey from her first meeting with Leo, to finding out that he is a whitelighter to getting together to the elders forbidding them from being together to their marriage and... just their whole life story until they are gray and old.
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Phoebe has her love story with Cole who is a whole different thing, but it came to show how Phoebe grew from the experience and felt independent and free and just ready to focus on herself. 
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Paige didn’t have that many serious boyfriends and the addition of Henry was very sweet even though he is very underrated by many!
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4. showed people who experienced so much loss, but who kept going forward, thus giving out a positive message
Like after Patty’s death and Penny’s death, Andy’s death and Prue’s death and Leo leaving and vanquishing Cole and Kyle’s death and etc. They were beaten down so many times but they were strong enough to keep going, giving the viewers a positive outlook of even the worse situations and that with the magic that is inside of them they can heal their broken hearts. They show that even magical people have hearts and they die and they cry and they lose and sometimes not even magic can fix everything. They can’t cheat death when it is time for it and not even magic can help them.
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5. had BAD-ASS and ASS-KICKING ladies that were also soft whenever they felt like it but it didn’t made them any less bad-ass and amazing 
Because we all love both bad-ass and soft leads who are ready to defend innocent people and vanquish demons and kill warlocks but also squeal and be funny and make jokes
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6. was all about FAMILY!
From the logo to the storylines and down to the last detail “Charmed” was about family. First it was the love the girls had for grams, then sisterhood and from then on the sisterhood remained as they fell in love and created their own families and began to bring more people in their family until it became complete (well almost complete with Prue not being there). The thing is that from beginning to end this show was about love. And mainly the power of three. The power of three is the power the Charmed ones have all together; aka the three Halliwell sisters. The Triquetra also is three points. 
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And the Charmed ones’ powers are immediately tied to the emotions. Which brings me back to my initial thought, the love between the three of them is the main thing, both for the magic and for their lives.
There is also Grams & Patty, Grams & the girls, Patty & the girls:
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Leo & Wyatt & Chris:
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Aunt Phoebe and Aunt Paige:
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Mom Piper & Dad Leo:
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Prue & Phoebe & Piper & Paige:
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I feel like the 2018 show won’t focus on that. It won’t focus on all of the points that I listed, which in my opinion are the most important qualities of “Charmed” and are the reason that it truly remains a timeless show even 12 years later. Sure it was not perfect but I feel like a show that will focus on all the wrong things will be MUCH MUCH worse. Personally, I am very satisfied with the ending of “Charmed” and i feel like it was a great epilogue to 8 great seasons. Let’s not forget that the story of the sisters lives on with the comics/graphic novels! So in my opinion the only “Charmed” reboot that would be worth it, would be one with the original cast and producers/writers! 
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