#i put it under a cut but it still looks nuts rip
alexihawleys · 11 months
TOP 5 ANON: What are you Top 5 Chenford Moments Of Season 5?
OOOH hello ok this is fun! i had to think about it for a few mins but in no particular order:
the phone call in 5x10 before their first date. i'm obsessed with the fact that they literally needed to talk to each other because they're best friends 😭 like. they were both so nervous about going on a date with each other that they needed to find comfort in each other. it was just suuuch a perfect display of their dynamic and also such a soft push into the reality of "we're dating now", which i think was a super necessary shift!
the end scene of 5x02. i'm obsessed with angsty moments between these two – eric and melissa don't get enough of them to showcase just how phenomenal they are at playing it up, but also knowing just how much tim and lucy mean to each other and seeing it strained like that is Everything To Me, personally. they care about each other so much and so deeply that it's literally gut-wrenchingly beautiful to see them have to struggle with that and not be on the same page. that scene was such a beautifully done miscommunication and i loved seeing them just get to lean into knowing they were speaking sub-textually and textually about something so much larger than they were prepared for. i will never in my life be over "but we didn't – we didn't" like they SPOKE on the fact that they almost fucked???? i never thought?????? they would EVER???????
the entirety of 5x20. listen: i know this is about moments, but 5x20 was one of the most fascinating tim episodes we've seen in a long time and, bonus! we got to see lucy interacting with someone who was once the closest person in tim's life. the ending moment of that episode was one of the most lived-in, tension-filled, comfort but no comfort moments i've ever seen on tv. watching lucy broach tim's fears and him try to swallow all that down was so painful, but perfect. seeing them seeking comfort in each other on her couch, holding onto each other with those dejected, pained faces...i want to cry thinking about it. also, just to prattle on: i think the tim and isabel dynamic was so painfully, meticulously, and beautifully done. isabel showed such a fun dichotomy of guilt about the way things ended in her marriage with tim along with a love for him that will truly never fade. some people took that in the wrong way, i think – feeling that she's still interested in him, or still hoping to be with him. i don't think that was the intention at all, though – being with someone for years (a decade, minimum) regardless of how it ended or what you said in the extreme moments creates this level of understanding that, if you're able to engage in it safely, can be so fulfilling. you know that person, or a version of them, at their core. you understand many of their motivations, you don't really need to ask them questions to have them answer. isabel has an understanding of tim that lucy doesn't – and that's good, that's not a slight toward his relationship with lucy at all. having an ex spouse isn't always just like having an ex, and i think tim and isabel's interactions through that whole episode gave him a sense of closure (both of them, really) that they so very deserved.
5x12 end scene, aka the one where chenford finally fucked. listen: that was perfect to me. they were fighting, they were making out, tim's shirt came off, he did the hand move to keep her head from hitting the wall...the smiles? in their kisses? i will never be over it. gorgeous, beautiful, wonderful, yes.
5x01 "call me crazy" scene. it was so hard to narrow down 5 moments but i would be bonkers not to include this because ugh. it is just the most wonderful thing in the world to me that in the shades of these moments where they're putting on a show, tim has to check in with her...because he's feeling too much and it feels real to him and he needs to know where her head's at. it gives a similar vibe to the 5x10 scene in a way – tim trusts lucy inherently with his emotions. he wants that gut check with the person he feels most comfortable with, but at the same time...he wants to make sure he's not feeling something that she's blissfully unaware of. he doesn't want to be alone in the way he wants her, and he's not, but lucy doesn't have the capacity in that moment to reciprocate. it's such a chess match, i love it so much. CALL ME CRAZY, BUT IT JUST DOESN'T FEEL LIKE PRETEND??? i will never be over it, ever ever ever.
honorable mention to 5x06 scavenger hunt (i can't believe she did that), 5x05 hospital scene, 5x08 ENTIRE EPISODE, 5x11 baseball lucy, and 5x21 phone call montage 🥺 , and 5x22 forehead kiss. i am surely missing 10000 other things and oof. this season was so 😵‍💫 i loved it soooooo much.
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diejager · 3 months
This gon be real dark but hear me out
So during hanky panky, dbf!Horangi finds there are like… cuts on reader’s wrists? Like s/h? And then he goes to tell stepdad!König. What would happen? Will they comfort or belittle them?
Cw: DARKFIC, DUB-CON/NON-CON, STEPCEST, self-harm, âge difference/gap, suicidal thoughts, tell me if I missed any.
It was an accident, a complete accident that he stumbled into the bathroom as you were cutting yourself, crimson ichor or rolling down your forearm. The small blade you used gleamed under the yellow light, the sharp edge stained in a familiar red that he knew from the many times he bit you. His body moved without much thought, ripping the thin blade from your hands and gripping your cut arm in the softest hold he’s every used on you. He fussed about your self-inflicted wound, tender words spilling from his tongue to smooth your pained moans when he cleaned and wiped your cuts —new and old. 
How had he not seen them? They stood out on your skin, red and inflamed, a throbbing wound that pained him to look at. There weren’t any similar cuts, each scabs aged differently, a shade too light or too dark from each other. None were made on the same day, and it hurt him to see so many lines of scabs and dried blood. He knew he was demanding, unfair and a possessive and bad man, but he ached whenever he was too far from you, when he lacked or hungered for your presence. He gave a part of himself to you and took your whole being. Perhaps that drove you to harm yourself, to feel something other than… loneliness, was it? Was that what he and König caused?
He knew the feeling well enough to call it an old friend, no one in the army was a stranger to cutting themselves, he used to do it before he was forced into therapy, they called it. It was to help his mind and body. It hadn’t worked on him, he was too stubborn to give up an ounce of his past to a person who wouldn’t understand him, but it had worked for others, he simply found something else to put his mind to it. 
“Come,” he spoke slowly, guiding you out of the bathroom when you wouldn’t look him in the eyes, finding the carpeted ground so interested, “We need to talk.”
He sat you on the kitchen table, bursting into König’s office while he worked, singing off papers and typing away at something on his laptop, and asked him for König’s medkit. Blue eyes rove over his body, confused but still handing him the kit he kept in his drawer, König inquired about his use of it since he wasn’t wounded, no scrape or redness on the skin König could see. 
“Who is it for?” 
Horangi grunted out your name and that was all König needed to leave his office, strutting to the kitchen with long legs and even longer steps. He too, fussed about your arms, harsh hisses and worried frowns as he moved around to patch you up with the bandage Horangi pulled out, fixing you up as gently as he could with his giant fingers. You wouldn’t look at any of them, staring intently at your lap, your fingers sinking into the meaty fat of your thigh. 
“We need to talk, Schatzi,” König grumbled, blinking away the worry and meeting Horangi’s eyes, sharing a single thought when they watched you shake you head, adamantly staying silent with your troubles.
“And someone else? We know someone,” Horangi tried, closing in on you with a warm palm over your waist, “A therapist, someone who knows what they’re doing, hmm?”
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @cassiecasluciluce @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @lucienbarkbark @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @223princess @maylovesyousomuch @infpt-zylith @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami
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tword-brainrot · 10 days
One size too small
Ler: Wilson 🖊️
Lee: House 🏡
Word count: 1,269
House finds himself in a bit of a dilemma when he gets stuck in a hospital coat that doesn’t fit right and does anything but make it better for himself…
“That’s…quite an attitude for someone in your position.” Wilson said with a twinge of annoyance emanating from his voice.
To be fair, Wilson had only asked if House needed assistance getting untangled from his coat jacket, his arms firmly stuck above his head. House told him to go fuck himself.
With this in mind, House caught on that Wilson didn’t take this too lightly and began to back away.
“Not for long, I just have to get one arm out.” House said, trying every which angle to free his arms.
“Oh I don’t think so.” Wilson replied, getting a good look at the M that marked the tag. “That’s not your jacket, it’s the clearly the wrong size. The cut on it isn’t even right.”
“Well, if it was yours, I wouldn’t be stuck in it, lard ass…” House replied, visibly frustrated with his predicament. Wilson’s expression became more serious as he took 3 paces towards house.
“That was wasn’t kind, constructive or necessary. I’m surprised you even passed orientation, for Christ sake.” Wilson smirked, he slowly traced circles into his sides as he cornered him next to his piano.
“Oh, come on. You know I can be so much ruder.”
House retorted, a smile creeping onto his face.
“Oh, I know. Trust me I know. But..” Wilson drew out. “You always deserved to be knocked down a peg.”
“I beg to fucking differ. God and I tied, bitch.” House snapped back.
Wilson paused for a moment before turning his tracing to digging, placing his thumbs just below House’s lowest set of ribs
“Then, beg.”
House dropped into the piano bench and tried to pull his arms down as far as he could. Unfortunately for House, he couldn’t move them much lower than his shoulders.
“N-not a chahahahance! When I get out of thihihis, you’re toast!” House nearly shrieks, his back landing firmly into the keys surrounding C3.
Wilson leaned to pin House into place as to not cause any further damage to his piano.
“God, you’re always such a tough nut to crack. Oh wait…”
Wilson began to tap up House’s ribs
“You. Don’t. Always. Have. Your. Worst. Spots. Showing.”
With each word, he tapped up his ribs and kneaded into his second set.
“Wahahahait!! Wilson!!! Nohohohoho!!! *SNRK!*”
House began to visibly (and audibly) break as a bright, boisterous laughter filled the room.
“What was that?”
Wilson froze, hands still glued to the exact spot they stopped.
“N-nohohothing! Pay it nohoho mihihihihind!”
House’s laughter picked back up
“I’ve never heard you snort before, do it again.” Wilson said as he picked back up his kneading, this time at the top rib.
“AhAHaHAbsolutelehehey nohohot!”
House squeaked, thrashing slightly against Wilson’s touch.
“Ok, let me say this in terms that can get through that thick skull of yours..”
Wilson jammed his thumbs under House’s arms, not moving just yet.
House absolutely squeals.
“You’re in no position to be this bratty. Do it or I’ll make you do it.”
Wilson’s wiggling thumbs drew light circles into House’s hollows.
“Nononononononohoho!! Y-you cahahahan’t mahehAhahak-“
House is cut off by Wilson gripping his face with his left hand while right hand bounced between his armpits.
“Oh, I can and I damn sure will. Besides you’re still stuck. Stuck in someone else’s coat jacket, care to tell me who’s that is before you can’t talk anymore?” Wilson smirked, slowing back to drawing circles
“Y-yohohoho You knohohohow who’s it is, you prihi-*hic*hihick!” House hiccuped as Wilson hit his collarbone.
“Do I though? It could be anyone’s, anyone who wears a medium. Chase, Foreman-“
“itHihiHit’s CuDdy’s for ChRist SAke cahahahahan you not rehehead?? Shehehehe signs the tahahahags on her *hic* clothes!! Look!” House sharply pulls forward, slightly tearing the neck of Cuddy’s coat.
“I get it, I knew when you put it on! Careful, you’ll rip it, don’t want to do that when it isn’t on her.”
Wilson fessed, now placing two fingers on each collar bone to vibrate into them laterally.
“YOHOHOHO YOU KNEW????? WhY DIHIHIHIDN’t YoU sTOHOHOP MEHEHEHE???? SHEHEHE’S GONNAHAHA KIHIHILL MEHEHEHE!!” House snorted through his Ted talk, trying to sound as upset as possible.
“Of course I knew, Snickers. What fun would that would have been?~” Wilson applied more pressure while simultaneously pressing against the collar of the coat, tearing it more in turn.
House hears this and pulls his arms up to prevent it as much as possible.
Wilson’s eye brow raises in curiosity.
“Bold move for someone who has routinely not cared about other people’s shit..” He takes advantage of this opportunity by drilling his fingers into the reopened spot.
House holds firm, manically laughing without moving more than he had to. Though, it was hard to notice, House smiled with his still closed eyes.
“My, My…You are having fun…aren’t you? I mean, you didn’t yell at me for probably putting your piano out of tune..You’ve done nothing but provoke this further than even I intended.” Wilson chuckled as he brought his left hand to House’s sternum, keeping his other hand in the same torturous spot.
“WAitWAITWAITWAIT!!! I wohohon’t be able tohohOHOHOHO Hohold it!! It AHAhA it’ll TEheHeAr!!”
House protested, avoiding the point as best as he could. The light dusting of pink faded between his salt and pepper stubble giving Wilson all the answer he needed.
“Sucks, guess she’ll have to not pay for a new one and get it immediately?” Wilson held starting to draw circles with his right hand.
“BuHuhuhuT, it’s her Fahahahvorite color! PLehHehease she’ll kihihihill us both!” House pleaded, a desperation forming in his voice.
“I haven’t heard that noise again, still wanted to. Worst case scenario, I get our coffins sized and delivered to the hospital. Gives her three less things to deal with in one go.”
Wilson jested, opting ignore House’s pleas and to continue the circles while now buzzing his index and middle fingers into his sternum.
House arms shoot down and in to cover his death spot.
House must have lost it when he said that but, Wilson stayed silent and persistent in his attack, his new goal to get him to rip the coat into two.
House shrieked, still refusing to make the embarrassing sound.
Wilson moves to House’s hips, firing a preliminary warning squeeze.
“Last chance. You’re either ripping this jacket or making that adorable little sound again. Pick one.”
Wilson kneaded circles into House’s hips as they bucked against the piano bench (and against Wilson).
House’s laughter beckoned to fall silent before his arms finally and fully came crashing down, violently tearing the back seams apart.
He curled into himself, finally free from Wilson’s attack. But at the cost of Cuddy’s favorite hospital jacket
Wilson finally let up, helping to run away any remaining sensations.
He had a wide grin on his face, satisfied that he got to have his his cake and eat it too.
“Uh oh…. Someone’s gonna be some in big trouble tomorrow..”
Wilson warned, taking the tattered remains off of House’s arms to deliver to Cuddy in the morning.
Before walking off entirely, Wilson turns back around to a still giggling curled up House.
“Oh and just so you know, you don’t have to provoke me or damage personal property next time you want me to destroy you~” He fully walks to the other room, being sure to remember to take the jacket with him tomorrow.
Whether Wilson knew it how or not, House would pay dearly for this and he wanted to be sure of it.
Based on prompt number 13 from this list here! I’ll be using each prompt at random so, do stay tuned 📺
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purlty23 · 2 months
𝕱𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖒 𝖙𝖆𝖌 𝖌𝖆𝖒𝖊 ✨
I saw this little fandom game thingie on another site and I really liked it, so I decided to bring it over here to tumblr while my apple pen charges. I’m also going to change up the rules. I’m going to list the fandoms I’ve been in, and classify them by:
Passive enjoyer = simply enjoyed it and the fan content made for it OR Creative enjoyer = actively made art, fanfic, cosplay, etc etc etc.
I’m going to tag people here but no pressure if you don’t want to do it! @miasmaghoul @lonelymentality @copiasjuicebox @iamthecomet @thediktatortot Also if you see it and want to do it, feel free.
Game under the cut since mine will be long<3
Harry Potter - creative enjoyer - My very first. This shit was a family affair in my house. I went to watch parties, themed parties. I cosplayed shittily, wrote shitty fanfic, and my walls were plastered floor to ceiling in teen magazine posters. Went to the Exhibition. Every second movie would come out in July so I would pretend it was like a birthday gift to me.
Twilight - creative enjoyer - Jfc. Don’t get me started. I still have my Edward action figure whose now missing both hands. Used to write self insert fanfic on quizzilla.com. RIP you beast of a website
The Walking Dead - passive enjoyer - This was also a family affair. Every sunday we would all gather round our shitty TV for the newest episode. I was more of a liveblogger than anything else. My dad has a bit to this day that ‘Hershel isn’t dead. He’ll be back.’ Yeah, sure dad.
Legend of Zelda - creative enjoyer - For most of my childhood I was passive, only really doodling Twilight Princess stuff sometimes. Then BOTW came out and it all changed.
Lord of the Rings - passive enjoyer - I look at Legolas and Aragorn. That’s enough for me. I don’t need creative works because I just need to look at them.
Marvel (Spider-man and Loki mostly) - creative enjoyer - I’ve been drawing these guys since birth, for better or for worse. MCU can suck my nuts but so can Loki franchise /sex DC (Batman) - creative enjoyer - Batman the Animated series did something bad to me. Now I draw Joker sometimes. Watch out, stay safe out there
Sherlock and Doctor Who - passive enjoyer - I’m putting these two together since I never really made fan art or anything, but I did attend watch parties for both on several occasions.
Supernatural - creative enjoyer - Sighs. Sighs even harder. Somewhere out there, deep in the depths of fanfic.net there’s miles of really really really bad fanfic. Somewhere…. Final Fantasy VII - creative enjoyer - Sighs far more dreamily. My favvvvv my ultimate fav. Sephiroth is my fictional other and LOMF. Many, many arts of him throughout every sketchbook I own. Also some fanfics IIRC.
TF2 - creative enjoyer - I used to draw Medic and Pyro kissing<3
Homestuck - creative enjoyer - War flashbacks. Not only was I a semi-well known fanartist, I was also a semi-well known cosplayer in my city. I was a ‘friendleader’ in my cities Homestuck fangroup and attended events, dances, etc etc etc. I was on a cosplay gif blog here on Tumblr. I ran the second most popular groupchat on MSPARP.com before it was MXRP.com. I had beef with mods. Most of my relationships at that time were forged in the fires of LOHAC. I still see my art of Dave in MCR black parade uniform around sometimes. Dramatical Murder - creative enjoyer - To no ones surprise. Yeah. I like the yaoi dissociation game. Dream Daddy - creative enjoyer - SHOUTOUT DREAM DADDY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Evil priest Joseph lovers rise UP. Didn’t do much, but there’s some art floating around out there.
Voltron: LD - passive enjoyer - Thank GOD I never made anything for this. However, I was active in the kin community so thats a huge L. I also ate uppppp stuff about it and sheith still fucks.
Overwatch - creative enjoyer - Sometimes you’re a Genji main and the world is so so hard for you. That’s how I used to live my life, then I got better.
Final Fantasy XV - creative enjoyer - Second LOMF. My old art blog is stocked full of chocobro content, mostly fanart of the boys and meme redraws. Also used to cosplay Noctis CONSTANTLY! Here’s an old tiktok
The Band Ghost and Sleep Token - creative enjoyer - (((((((: Hi guys
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sparrowhero · 2 years
hey! could pls u share some karaoke night hcs for the LOV members? 👀
Oooh this is fun! The entire League of Villains (aside from Kurogiri) under the cut!
Magne (RIP) would love karaoke and probably suggest it during the times when the league was still getting to know each other. She gets the party started quick and energizing, as all big sisters do. The song is probably upbeat and pop, or maybe even something like an interactive dance song to get everyone in the mood. Cha-cha slide, anyone? It's her insistence that everyone sing AT LEAST once.
Our fearless leader Shigaraki is a hard nut to crack. He'll sing one or two MAYBE but he doesn't have an ear for music and he kind of croaks and mumbles on the mic but he does have fun (begrudgingly). He sings something short and simple and sits immediately back down after fulfilling his social agreement. Whatever song he chooses is something that requires very little interaction on his part. Okay by Madeon LMAO.
Spinner spends most of the night on the tambourine but he gets down when he's actually on the mic. As a fellow shut-in he just knows anime/video game songs and he'll sit down REALLY bashful once he's done even if Toga hypes him up about it. He never did this growing up so it's a special memory for him by the end of it.
Toga does a whole dance routine. She's a teenage girl, after all! I bet she'd probably love babymetal so I can see her do a whole dance from one of their songs (maybe gimme chocolate). Everyone has to cheer for her right now for real I'm not joking because she has such a good time and you need to hype her up right now. Along with Twice, she's more than happy to go up several times.
Everybody thinks Compress is going to sing some average top 40 but he takes off his mask, hat, and everything and then whips out a ballad that hits everyone right in the chest. He's not too into the showmanship aspect of karaoke but he really puts a lot of feeling into it. Twice cries a little bit at the end going YOU REALLY ARE A GOOD GUY! when he hands the mic to him
Twice goes whole ham but he's NOT a very good singer. Has a whole lot of fun though and is always down to go another round and his music taste is...diverse, to say the least. You literally never know what you're going to get. Is just as likely to double himself so he can duet if no one else wants to go/doesn't know the song
Dabi also refuses most of the time they're there, legs crossed defiantly until he finally relents. He says if he's going to do it, he's going to do it right, and nobody better interrupt him. Has one foot up on the table in the room and the microphone cord (if there is one) is wrapped around his arm and he's just serving 100%. It's a Nine Inch Nails song; I can leave the decision up to you but just a fair warning a lot of NIN songs are NSFW and have a lot of violent and sexual context so be warned if you want to look them up. NIN slaps tho. Drops the mic with a decisive 'thud' and doesn't sing for the rest of the night no matter who begs him.
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setaflow · 2 years
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So @beammeupbroadway tagged me (well, technically my alt, but still) to list my 9 favorite movies in order of release and I’m a low-key film nut so of course I was going to love putting this together. Took me a half an hour to narrow down my favs and honestly some of these were a total toss-up I could’ve easily have expanded this list into a top 20.
Honorable mentions include but are not limited to: Casablanca, Psycho, The Godfather, Rocky, Forrest Gump, Ratatouille, The Replacements, Miracle, The Mummy, Into the Spiderverse, Spiderman 3 (yeah I love the Sam Raimi flicks bite me), Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron, Everything Everywhere All at Once, and the New York Giants 2007 World Championship Celebration DVD
Tagging @callmeguacamole @holybatgirlz and anyone else who wants to do it but seriously movies make me smile
Explanation for my picks under the cut!
To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
This is mostly stemming from the fact that I adore the source material, which I read in 8th grade and still remember very vividly, but this is also a prime example of how to perfectly adapt a movie from another source. The changes, if there even were changes, are minor or additive to the overall experience, and what was strong about the original book is still retained through the excellent performances of the movie’s leads (especially Gregory Peck bc DAMN there’s a reason that man is one of the greatest American actors of all time). I haven’t seen this movie in a while but the fact that the story of it is more pertinent and timely than ever makes me want to give it a rewatch. If you haven’t watched it because you listen to it’s detractors on social media say dumb stuff, ignore them and watch it. Or at the very least read the original, because the original is SUCH a fucking good novel.
Jaws (1975)
Y’all ever have those movies where the movie itself is good but the way they had to go about making the damn thing is just as, if not more interesting? That’s Jaws for me. Seriously, look up some of the documentaries they made on just how fucking bonkers the production for this movie was. Nothing worked, the crew all hated Spielberg, they were like 100 days over schedule, no one expected this movie to actually do well. Well, suffice to say that this movie basically created the modern blockbuster as we know it and was briefly the highest grossing movie of all time, so yeah, I think it did well. If you want to watch what I would consider one of the best horror movies every made, watch Jaws. It’s a movie basically carried by 3 men and a boat but HOT DAMN, do they carry this fucking movie. 
The Princess Bride (1987)
The Princess Bride is the first movie I ever saw out of these 9. When I was a kid I definitely didn’t really get the appeal and a lot of concepts it was trying to convey went right over my head, so if you’re reading this and experienced something similar, I recommend watching it again. There’s a reason this movie hasn’t been remade yet despite the slew of remakes/reimagining coming out of Hollywood these days: it is honestly a perfect story. There is literally no way to improve upon it. The formatting is excellent, the actors are all perfectly casted (RIP Andre the Giant you found those horses so well) and the arcs everyone goes through are just...so good. It’s just a timeless story that doesn’t need to be remade and retold, and the fact that an iconic line/joke/meme has come out of at least every single scene in this movie is a testimony to that. Out of this entire list, this is the one movie I’ll force people to watch on the spot if they haven’t already. It’s that good.
Titanic (1997)
Fuck the haters, this movie is great. I’m sorry, but as someone who really does not like sweeping romance films bc I think they’re corny and dumb, I unabashedly love this movie and I will always watch it at least once when it cycles back onto Netflix. It’s probably because they play the melodrama up in such an overblown yet still kinda believable way while at the same time keeping an insane amount of the historical accuracy and attention to detail. It’s one of those movies where you can rewatch and always pick out something you haven’t seen before or another bit of trivia you never noticed.  You can watch this Lindsay Ellis video to learn more about why this film is actually better than the haters claim it is. 
Remember the Titans (2000)
Look. Is this movie perfect? No. Does this movie embellish a lot of the real-life story it’s based on? Yes. Does this movie water down race relations in the 1970′s American South to a story that’s easily palatable for white audiences? Yes. Do I care? IDFK man, but all I know when Yoast tells the defense that they’re going to “BLITZ! ALL! NIGHT!” and in doing so sacrifices his reputation and personal glory for the sake of his players? Man, I feel that in my fucking soul. I revisit this movie every so often because for as corny and cheesy as it is, it is a really well done corny and cheesy sports flick that tells the story it needs to tell. Also, having a 20 year old Ryan Gosling running around in the background helps.
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
Out of all the movies on this list, this is probably the one I’ve watched the most. That’s mostly due to this being my brother’s favorite movie, and his go-to pick to watch when we did roadtrips as children, so I’ve probably seen this movie at least 20 times (and I don’t think I’ve ever seen the theatrical cut either-- we owned the special editions and I think that’s the only version I’ve ever watched). But yeah, there’s a reason this movie swept the Oscars the year it came out lol. For a movie that’s going on twenty years old the technical stuff and effects in it are still frighteningly impressive, and the writing and directing is so fucking tight on this thing holy shit. There was a time that my brother Sam and I could quote Aragorn’s entire speech at the Black Gates LINE BY LINE at the drop of a hat. I really didn’t like this movie growing up because I was like 6 when it came out and it was so violent, but now? Yeah this movie fucking rocks. 
The Princess and the Frog (2009)
Fuck the haters, this movie is great (part II). This movie got a lot of stupid bullshit flack for a number of reasons, mostly for having a black princess and for being a hand-drawn animated film in a world where 3D animation was slowly becoming more popular, but this movie is still my favorite Disney princess movie and nothing will ever change that. The animation is gorgeous, the characters are lovable, the music is SEVERELY underrated for how good it is, and the 1920′s New Orleans setting is a perfect place to put a reimagined version of this story tbh. It’s ridiculous that Disney is only now giving this movie it’s due with rides and theming at it’s parks because it’s ALWAYS been an amazing film and has been unnecessarily shat upon for the past dozen years.
Creed (2015)
As a lot of my friends and some of the people on this website know, I’m a massive fan of sports movies and seeing what makes a particular sports movie work when it incorporates one sport over another. That being said, I’m a much bigger fan of boxing movies than I am of actual irl boxing. Rocky is probably the quintessential sports movie, but restarring Sly Stallone with Michael B. Jordan playing the son of his dead best friend was just...ugh. The themes of legacy? Family? Balancing the fragility of life and death and how you can still choose to honor both? Rocky needed to be in this film for it to work, and MBJ bounces off of him so well to make just a perfect followup to a franchise that honestly didn’t really need to be continued like this. I’ll touch on the fight scenes of another movie a few entries down but the fight scenes in Creed really don’t get enough credit for how visceral they are (especially that long take fight against Leo I STILL rewatch that scene). And also, “Fighting Stronger” is such a good song and the scene it’s in still plays in my head on fucking loop I love this movie so much y’all.
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
Oh Keanu. As someone who’s seen a good 3/4s of his filmography, I have beared witness to some surprisingly good movies (The Replacements, Henry’s Crime), some unsurprisingly awful movies (Sweet November, Knock Knock), and some “this movie is so batshit fucking stupid that I kinda can’t help but love it” movies (47 Ronin, Johnny Mnemonic). But of all his films, I still think the John Wick movies are still some of his best work. I personally know that the first John Wick from 2014 is the better movie, but I’m sorry, JW3 is my current favorite of the series so far, and that’s saying a lot considering series fatigue is definitely a thing. Fun and flashy fights, gorgeous cinematography (the neon-catholic angel/devil aesthetic for this movie still makes me froth at the mouth), and worldbuilding that isn’t as extreme as the last movie but still shifts everything around so you don’t know how the next movie is going to go given the choices John and his allies make in this film. I’m so beyond excited for John Wick 4 y’al have no idea give it to me now Stahelski before I die
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sekhisadventures · 2 years
Savage United We Stand
Orgrimmar, The Drag, approximately one hour after the destruction of the Helm of Domination
“Uuhhhhnnn… me head…” groaned Mola’raum as he opened his eyes. He hadn’t had a headache like this since, well, ever really. He didn’t even know he could still feel pain like that.
“Easy Mola, I’m here…” whispered Nitika, kneeling next to her undead ally. “Talk to me, what happened? Every single death knight and Forsaken in Orgrimmar felt that!” she asked, anxiety clear in her voice.
“I… I dunno… I saw Sylvannas’ face… and she was holdin’ da lich king’s crown… then…” he closed his eyes, focusing on what he saw through the lingering connection to Bolivar once the crown had been ripped off his head. “She… did somethin’… she didn’t put it on… but…” he shook his head. He’d go to Acherus first, make certain of what he saw.
Immediately after the crown was removed Bolivar had used what lingering power of Domination remained to send an urgent mental call to his death knights, showing them what he saw. The connection was too weak to see everything, but it almost looked like Sylvannas was trying to break the crown! 
“I dunno, I don’t wanna say nothin’ until I be sure…” he shook his head, using his spear to push himself up to his feet. “But I gotta get ta Acherus ‘n Icecrown right fookin’ now… or…” he blinked, glancing northwards. “… Nitika…” he muttered.
Nitika shuddered, sensing something coming, something downright unholy. An’she’s light seemed to dim with every passing second as she looked north. “Yeah… I sense it too… something’s coming.” She whispered.
“HEY!” shouted a gruff voice as a squat green form rounded the corner. Grimo Blamstick jogged into view followed closely by their newest recruit, the vulpera Sekhi, as the goblin skidded to a halt infront of them. “I was in my workshop and that early warnin’ system I made? Well th' NecroMantic Energy Detector just went freakin’ nuts! Buried th'e' godsdamned needle!” he shouted, “Then I come out and every single deadhead is screamin’ themselves hoarse! WHAT TH' FUCK IS GOING ON!?”
Sekhi however was close to tears, her ears folded and her tail wrapped tightly around her ankle, the vulpera wringing her hands and trembling. “It stopped… th' elements… th' world’s song, it stopped! I can’t hear it at all anymore!” she whined, “Something has Azeroth so scared it can’t sing to me!”
Nitika paused at that, looking to Sekhi, “I… wait, that song… you mean you can’t hear the elements at all anymore?!” she gasped. For a shaman that was akin to having their arms and legs cut off!
“I… I mean, I can tell they’re still there, but there’s nothing from them! They’re totally silent! I can’t hear their music anymore!” she whimpered, pawing at her ears, “I-I don’t like it! Its too quiet!”
“Ah shit, you guys too?” came another voice as Galdia strode into view. “Jeez, gangs all here I guess… except for that elf-demon-thing. I was at the bar and all the zombies started screaming, so I came outside and half of Orgrimmar is going crazy.” she paused and looked at Sekhi, “What’s wrong with her?” she grunted.
Then all five of them jumped as a winged form swooped low and landed nearby, straightening up and looking at them with burning green eyes.
Grimo shook his head and frowned at him, “Sheesh Merihim, how about some warnin’ next time? Things are crazy enough right now without you pullin’ th' dramatic entrance schtick.” he snorted.
Merihim shrugged at the goblin, then looked to the other five members of Savage United, “Whatever. Are you all armed?” he asked.
The group nodded as Grimo unholstered his gun and checked to make sure it was loaded while Galdia just gave him a ‘what the fel do you think’ look.
“Good.” he added, looking to the north as he narrowed his eyes, the flames sparking and flaring for a moment, “… because they’re here.” he growled as a loud horn echoed through Orgrimmar. The horn was an alarm, only sounded when the city fell under siege!
Suddenly the sky was blotted out by dozens upon dozens of wings, armored figures soaring over the city as all around them those who could fight unsheathed their weapons and roared up at the appearance of what any member of the horde would recognize as their former warchief’s pets and those who couldn’t retreated indoors to wait out the carnage. This was no small surgical strike like what happened to Stormwind and Boralus! Orgrimmar was a city of warriors, almost every orc at least knew how to swing an axe, this was an army!
Sekhi gaped up at the sky, she’d never seen even one val’kyr before, and even veterans like Mola’raum were stunned at just how many there were. “Oh… dis be bad mon…” he whispered under his breath, unsheathing his runespear as the engravings on the tip glowed with their sickly green light.
“Hey… uh… is it just me or are those guys flyin’ towards Warsong Hold?” asked Grimo, gazing upwards but not even knowing where to start firing!
Nitika gasped, “… they’re after the Horde Council! We have to do something!”
Grimo grinned at that. Do 'something…' oh a goblin had something and then some. “RIGHT YA MOOKS! This is officially a siege situation! Weapons out, getcher asses to Warsong Hold, 'n if ya see wings…” he glanced at Merihim, “… wings that specifically have feathers… KILL TH' SHIT OUTTA ‘EM! SAVAGE UNITED, ATTACK!” he yelled!
It would normally be goofy to see someone that tiny shouting orders, but when it came to carnage a goblin always knew what they were doing. Nitika picked up her eagle-staff and rushed off alongside Mola’raum as the death knight snapped his fingers loudly, the ground rumbling next to him as his ghoul burst free from the dirt and quickly scrambled off behind him. Sekhi yipped and looked around, then smacked her cheeks a few times before reaching into her pouch and pulling out a wooden flute, then scampered after them.
Galdia grinned widely, “Allriiiiiiiiight! Now THIS is what I signed up for!” she cackled, unsheathing her sword and charging down the alleyway as well as Merihim rolled his eyes and crouched, then lept upwards as his wings erupted from his back, gliding after the others. Grimo, bringing up the rear, pressed a button on his gauntlet. Behind him two metallic shapes rushed out of his workshop, a pair of robotic dogs covered in spikes, hidden weapons, and razor sharp bits.
“L.U.P.E! Battle mode, disable aggro limiters 'n attack whatever my bullets hit!” he snapped, rushing after the others as the robot’s eyes flashed in acknowledgement, then turned bright red as they followed their creator.
When they arrived in the Valley of Strength it was already a battleground. Several buildings were in flames and the sky was full of val’kyr! Thrall was outside of Warsong Hold in a ring of Kor'kron, Aggra inside with their children. She wasn’t hiding, more protecting their kids incase the val’kyr got past him so that she could unleash her full fury on any that came through into the hold.
Up on the ridge leading to the troll and goblin districts Gazlowe was barking orders as the Bilgewater goblins fired whatever weapons they had handy at the encroaching army, and even Ji and the Huojin were doing what they could to stop any of the invaders that got grounded. The sky was so thick however that the sun itself was getting blotted out.
“Right! Get going guys! Don’t worry about killin’ all of ‘em. Just grab one, beat ‘em until they stop moving, 'n keep going!” snapped Grimo as he caught up with the others, taking aim at a passing val’kyr and with a massive bang of seaforium the winged humanoid screamed and fell as a round of buckshot tore through it’s left wing, several nearby orcs immediately charging it and smashing the stunned and crippled creature.
Nitika took a deep breath, then focused around the battlefield, spotting injured members of the horde and channeling An’she’s light into them, focusing on restoring those who’d already been injured by the attackers as Mola’raum gestured to one of the val’kyr, a spectral hand bursting out of his and grabbing the invader around the throat, then yanking them down to the ground harshly. As they struggled to get to their feet he brought his spear down on their exposed neck, then focused on another.
Sekhi whined, looking around. She’d done a couple missions for Savage United already, but they were small time stuff like taking care of encroaching predators and putting the hurt on centaur bandits, nothing she wouldn’t have been involved in back in Vol’dun. This was by magnitude worse.
“Hey, fox.” grinned Galdia, “Focus on whats infront of ya. You bring ‘em down…” she gripped her sword, “I’ll make ‘em STAY down.” she nodded.
Sekhi swallowed, then nodded to Galdia and put her flute to her muzzle, beginning to play. She couldn’t hear them anymore, but she knew they were still there. The song was shaky at first, then she began to focus as sparks began to gather around her form as she twirled and suddenly thrust out the flute, a blast of lighting shooting from the tip at the invaders! The bolt shot up into the sky and struck one val’kyr, blasting the feathers off its wings, then arcing to another, and another, and another. By the fourth it was little more than static, but the first two spiraled out of the air and into the ground roughly, only to be met by Galdia’s metal boot coming from above at speed on the first one’s head, then her sword piercing right through the plate armor covering the second one’s back.
Grimo stood by and shot one val’kyr after another, aiming for their wings. “Attagirl Sekhi! Don’t focus on killin’ ‘em in th' air! Get 'em on th' ground 'n let th' others do th' rest! HAHA! TAKE THAT YA FUCKIN’ TURKEY!” he smirked as another val’kyr crashed into the ground with a half-destroyed wing and his robotic dogs pounced, tearing the rest of its wings off as well.
One of the val’kyr turned to them, then arced towards the defenders and away from Thrall, clearly reasoning that taking them out would make their job easier, only to notice their shadow on the ground seemed bigger than it should be before a huge wall of muscle, scales, and horns tackled it from above!
Merihim had gotten above the val’kyr and transformed into his demonic form! It didn’t have wings, but it was twice as big as the val’kyr! The armored humanoid tried to kick its way free, but Merihim grabbed his shoulders, then exhaled a blast of felfire right into the helmeted face, causing a scream as the metal liquified and melted onto the val’kyr’s flesh from the intense heat before they crashed into the ground.
Nitika winced at that, if there’s one member who definitely embodied the ‘Savage’ in Savage United… then she shook it off and focused on healing again as, slowly, the numbers began to thin. “I-I think we’re winning guys! Keep it up!” she called back to the others.
“Don’t be gettin’ cocky Nitts! Dese guys gotta be workin’ for Sylvannas! She know Orgrimmar’s defenses! She… uh…” shouted back Mola’raum, his voice faltering as he looked up, pointing up at the sky, “Guys! DA FOOK AM I SEEIN’ HERE?!” he shouted.
It looked like a dragon… but… wrong. Huge curved horns, massive shadowy wings, glowing white eyes, a fleshy jet-black body, and a face like a huge skull, and it was bearing down on Warsong Hold, surrounded by a squad of val’kyr!
“Mola, th' fel is that?! Some kinda frost wyrm?” called Grimo as he took aim at it, but even as he did he knew his rifle would be a pop gun against something that size!
“No mon! Dat not be one a da Scourge’s dragons! I… I dunno wut da fook dat be!” he replied… and yet… something about it was horribly familiar, like he’d seen one before but he just couldn’t remember where…
The beast roared, then slammed down atop warsong hold with enough force to shake the ground around them as the val’kyr swooped lower, the monster bearing down on Thrall and the kor’kron, smashing half of the guards away with a single swipe of it’s huge talons.
“Guys, I know we punch above our weight sometimes… but that…” Grimo said, pulling his goggles over his eyes and turning on his portable N.M.E. (NecroMantic Energy) meter and watching the number climb higher and higher until it glitched out and read ‘error’ on the HUD, “… that thing is way above our pay grade…”
Galdia snarled, “Show some damn backbone goblin! This just means we finally got an opponent worth fighting! LOK’TAR OGAR!” she roared, raising her sword and charging the monster… and after a sweep of it’s tail she slid to a stop between Nitika and Grimo, spitting a bit of blood and a tooth out of her mouth. “… okay, so maybe it’s a bit tougher than normal…”
Grimo looked at it again, then grinned. “Okay, guys, keep that thing busy! I gotta go back to my workshop!” he nodded, turning on his heel and bolting back into the drag as there was another scream from above and another val’kyr crashed to the ground with Merihim atop them, clawing at their armor.
Mola’raum watched him go, then looked back at the ‘dragon,’ “… I know I gonna be regrettin’ dis, but whatever dat gobbo gonna get can’t possibly be worse den dat ting.” he nodded.
“Never say never when it comes to Grimo’s inventions Mola.” frowned Nitika as she gasped for breath. All the healing was taking a toll on her, the seer starting to feel dizzy indeed.
“Right, well ya heard da boss mon!” he nodded, standing firm on the ground and gripping his spear, “Time ta pull out alla da stops!” he nodded, jamming the tip into the ground, then the ghostly light in his eyes flared brightly as the runes on the spear erupted in green light!
“Hear me bruddahs ‘n sistahs! Mola’raum of da Ebon Blade calls to ya from beyond da veil! Ya all bled ‘n died here, now getcha lazy bones up ‘n defend ya city!” he called out as all around him the ground rumbled, then suddenly undead began clawing themselves free from the dirt and charging any val’kyr within reach, leaping at the ones they couldn’t reach with surprising agility for rotten things. Mola’raum was a death knight after all, and as a last ditch attack they could invoke their dominion over death to summon a horde of the undead against their foes!
It wouldn’t last long, but the undead could keep the val’kyr distracted with Sekhi’s lighting and, once she’d stopped seeing double from the tail swipe, Galdia’s sheer bloodthirst. Nitika did what she could, but she was almost ready to collapse, the val’kyr had injured a lot of their allies. Merihim did his own thing, savaging any val’kyr he could lay his hands on with the fury of one of the Illidari, but their numbers didn’t seem to be thinning anymore.
“Just how many of these things are there?!” gasped Nitika, stumbling as she finished mending a grunt’s broken arm, her mouth feeling like sandpaper.
“I dunno…” whined Sekhi as she blasted another val’kyr’s wing with a burst of molten lava so Galdia could stomp it until it stopped kicking. “If I could still hear Azeroth's song I’d know if we were winnin', but all I can hear is screaming 'n people dyin' 'n there’s no music anymore!” she whined, shaking her head and trying to focus on the fight, but it was obvious the inexperienced vulpera was close to panic…
… and that’s when Grimo came running back, carrying a shiny gun made of some sort of blue metal with a huge ball of electrical energy where the ammo cartridge would normally go. “I GOT THIS! CLEAR A PATH! THIS BABY CAN REALLY KICK!” he cackled.
Mola’raum stared, the death knight’s face paling even more than it already was. “… is dat Titanstrike?!” he shouted.
“An’she have mercy, Grimo you didn’t modify it again did you?!” yelled Nitika, all her fatigue forgotten. “You almost destroyed half of Orgrimmar last time!” she screamed.
“… he what?” asked Sekhi, looking between them and at Grimo’s gun as Galida looked confused… but she was still on Draenor for that.
“Its okay guys! I’m almost totally definitely one hundred percent sure I know what I did wrong last time!” grinned the goblin, putting the gun in position with the stock against his shoulder and taking aim at the massive undead beast on Warsong Hold. “Just stand back 'n watch th' firewo-“ he smirked, pulling the trigger…
The resulting shockwave did knock away a good chunk of the val’kyr forces from the hold, as well as knock half the defenders off their feet as a bolt of lighting as thick and big around as a kodo beast erupted from the gun’s barrel and blasted into the side of the monstrous dragon-like creature, causing it to scream in pain and fury.
“-OOOOOOOOSHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii….” screamed Grimo as the kickback from the gun sent him flying backwards off his feet and down through the Drag, the stream of electricity not stopping as he was launched through the city, the goblin still focusing on the monstrous target as he let the energy cell discharge into the beast. He had drained about five dozen storm elementals to fill it, so it had enough juice to power all of Crapopolis for a week, and all of it was slamming into the trump card the val’kyr had brought with them.
Sekhi just stared at the massive blast of electricity, her muzzle agape as she watched the monstrous beast try and fail to break free from the stream which seemed to have grounded itself in it’s side, the creature letting out an unearthly roar of pain as it tore apart it’s undead flesh.
Galdia stumbled to her feet and looked on in awe as well. She’d seen some amazing weaponry back on Draenor, mostly in the hands of the Lightbound, but she’d never quite seen anything like that.
Even Merihim had paused in his felblood induced fury to watch the display, most of the defenders and even some of the val’kyr seemed mesmerized by the sheer chaos they were seeing… until finally, with one loud shriek of agony the beam finished cutting through the monster’s side and blasted out through the other end, streaking off into the sky above Orgrimmar and putting on a display visible all the way to Stonetalon until, at last, the charge ran out in the gun and the beam dissipated.
The monstrous undead creature gasped out, its jaw working up and down… and then with a tremendous crash it slid off of Warsong Hold and onto the ground, shaking all the nearby buildings and pinning anyone who couldn’t get away in time.
All was silent now, the Horde defenders and, yes, even the remaining val’kyr were stunned… and slowly the surviving defenders realized that the beast was dead, most of the val’kyr had fled or been knocked senseless by the blast, and the other ones weren’t paying attention… and then the screaming began again and lasted for another several long minutes until, finally, the val’kyr were all dead or routed.
Slowly, limping slightly, Grimo emerged from the Drag, still carrying the titan-forged gun with steam trailing from the barrel. “Ow… ow… fucking ow… ow…” he winced, “So… toldja it’d be okay…” he grunted.
The other five members just stared at him… then Galdia grinned and threw her fists up, “THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME!”  she hollered.
Sekhi just kept staring, her jaw still hanging open until Nitika leaned down and closed it with one large tauren fingertip. “Grimo… I thought I hid that damn thing after last time…” she grumbled as Galdia flailed her arms towards the dead form of the monstrous beast.
"YOU WERE JUST LIKE BOOM AND IT WAS ALL RAAAWR AND YOU WERE LIKE 'OH SHIT' AND IT WAS LIKE ARRRRRGH AND..." the mag'har continued, all wound up from the fight and the destruction she'd just witnessed.
Mola’raum sighed, ignoring Galdia as he looked to Nitika, “Yeah, well, since when dat stop him? He prolly put some homin’ device or somethin’ on it so he could find it again when ya was busy.”
“Hey it worked didn’t it?! I didn’t see any of yer fancy tricks stoppin’ that thing.” snarled the goblin in response, tucking the gun under his arm with a satisfied smirk.
Merihim however looked around, then narrowed his eyes and focused his fel-sight. “… Thrall is missing.” he said simply.
The other five looked around, then at the retreating val’kyr who were already fleeing back north and noted that one of the figures in the flock didn’t have wings and was kicking like crazy.
“… well shit.” frowned Grimo, “Bet that means we don’t get paid.”
“Shut up Grimo.” sighed Nitika.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
Feral (Part 4)
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Summary: Dean’s feral but the reader has an idea to combat it. It seems to work at first but quickly angers him and puts him in a dangerous position. The reader ends up sharing a secret of her own and for the first time, stops treating Dean like a patient and instead like a friend. It calms him down but opens a whole other mess of problems...
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!reader
Word Count: 3,700ish
Warnings: language, angst, violence, mention of kidnapping, heavily implied abuse (non-graphic), minor injury
A/N: Enjoy!...
“I don’t like when you’re hurt,” he said, voice rough, eyes still feral. It was nearly impossible for a feral Alpha to be coherent but not unheard of. Rare but you only remembered a single case study on it.
You reached up to his collar slowly, nudging two fingers underneath where his bonding nerves were. You gently rubbed the skin and he went all kinds of soft, fingers on your wrist lax, slumping against the counter for a moment. He was still feral but his body didn’t know it and he stared at you as he recognized that.
“I’m feral right now,” he said calmly as you continued to rub.
“Yes. Some Alphas react well to bond massages, particularly Alphas that have never mated an Omega before. Why’d you go feral?”
“You were hurt. You can’t get hurt,” he said. 
“It’s just a cut. I don’t even need stitches,” you said. He stepped closer to you, gently touching your bandaged arm. “My arm is fine.”
“Don’t get hurt.”
“I can’t promise that. Why is it so important I don’t get hurt?”
“Because I really don’t like it.”
“Well you can’t go feral because you don’t like-” you said, cutting yourself off. His face was close to yours, his scent strong in the air. He dropped your wrist, taking a deep breath.
“I hate your scent when you’re hurt. It’s suffocating,” he said. 
“I have to tolerate it,” he said. He closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. You stopped rubbing his neck and pulled your hand back, Dean breathing steadily. He slowly opened his eyelids, the feral look gone. “That felt very strange.”
“It’s extremely rare to have a feral Alpha be calm and aware of his surroundings like that.”
“Does that mean something is wrong with me?” he asked. You shook your head, Dean taking a step back when he realized he was still close.
“It just means…”
“Means what?” he asked while you cleaned off the knife and put it in the dishwasher. “Is it a problem?”
“There’s not a lot of research on it. It just means we should keep a close eye on you.”
“Weren’t we doing that before? You have to know something about having that kind of reaction.”
“I only know of one case study and it’s hardly conclusive.”
“Well what-”
“The patient in the study developed a reliance on bonding massages to bring him out of feral states to the point of being constantly feral. He ended up rubbing his skin raw down to the gland and nearly killed himself opening his neck like that. He went full feral and never recovered.”
“Oh. So there’s a possibility I go even more nuts.”
“That’s not...Dean!” you said as he reached behind himself to try and undo the collar. He yanked on the strap before shouting and falling down to the ground.
“Fuck,” he breathed out, his eyes slammed shut. You grabbed the first kit, Dean sat up and leaning against the cabinets when you turned around. “I’m-”
“What the fuck are you doing!” you shouted. Dean stared up at you, lifting a hand. You grabbed it, Dean scowling. 
“It was on a week timer? Well it just reset. My fingers are too big to fit under this thing and I don’t want it off until I’m not going to rip my own neck open.”
“You can’t do that! The whole point of it coming off is that you can trust yourself and I can trust you! Don’t you want that fucking off?” you said, Dean using your hand to help himself stand.
“It’s my life, not yours. If I don’t think I’m ready-”
“Of course you won’t know if you’re ready. You’re so biased. If I say you’re ready-” He shot a hand to your throat and backed you up against the fridge. It was loose but you couldn’t pull away from him.
“I could yank on this collar right now, yank on it so hard that the shock kills me. See they stopped using the shocking method on me when I was a teenager when my owners realized what I was up to. Put a note in my file. Don’t activate the shock mechanism for the crazy kid. The little nutjob was out of commission for 2 weeks once with all the damage he did to himself. And now I’m feral. And the more aware of my fucking surroundings I get, the more I know I can’t do this. I will snap and I will hurt you. It’s not if, it’s when. And I’m not going to hurt the one person...the one person that’s treated me like a real human being in so fucking long. I can’t do it. I’m sorry you wasted everything Y/N but I can’t risk you getting hurt because of me. Call my brother. He’ll help you. I just can’t do this.”
He put a hand on the back of his collar and dropped his other one from you.
“Leave,” he said. 
“No. You don’t give up. You’ve been through hell and you didn’t give up. You-”
“I didn’t give up?” he laughed. “I didn’t fucking give up? The number of chances I had to run away over the years was outrageous. They broke me. I’m not even a person. I can’t even pick out my own damn clothes. I’m a fucking psycho and you’re not gonna fix seventeen years of that crap. You’re just not. I went feral because it’s safe and I wish I could go back and just forget again. I don’t want to care. I don’t want to fucking feel a thing. But you can’t have me like that. Either I’m normal or dead. So go away Y/N. Please.”
“You were feral and protected me. You were feral and cared for my injury. You’ve been feral time and time again and you’ve never hurt me, even accidentally. You’re right on the edge of violence but you don’t. Because you won’t hurt me. So don’t tell me that bullshit that you’ll snap. You’re supposed to snap. This is supposed to be overwhelming. It was overwhelming when you were taken and it’s overwhelming to undo all that shit. The shit, it won’t go away forever. You’re gonna live with it. But you’ll have a home and a job and a family. You’ll have a mate, someone that loves you-”
“Who the fuck loves a rehabbed Alpha?” he snapped.
“I know your brother does.”
“He’s supposed to fucking love me. Some stranger off the street-”
“Will love you.”
“Would you love the fucking mess I am?” he laughed. “Seriously? Does this scream like the kind of mate you want?”
“The kind of mate I want doesn’t exist.”
“What the fuck does that even mean?”
“It means you can be a fucked up kid and have a normal life,” you snapped. He narrowed his eyes, dropping his hand from his collar. 
“You’re Omega.”
“I’m not having this conversation-”
“You know everything about me little Miss perfect doctor. I-”
“It was taken! My bonding gland was taken when I was a kid alright? So I can’t have a fucking mate. You can’t claim me because there’s nothing to claim. You can’t hurt me,” you said. You looked down, Dean’s feet appearing in front of you.
“That’s not possible,” he said.
“I needed my tonsils out when I was a kid. My mom had debts. Bonding glands go for serious money on the Alpha market. I never even knew until everyone starts presenting and I was just nothing. Presentation was forced with medication but it’s not the same. I grew up knowing I’d be alone. From the time I was thirteen. I won’t pretend that I’ve been through what you have but I understand feeling alone. You can have a normal life Dean. A fulfilling life. You have to try harder than everyone else is all.”
“But you smell…”
“I still have a scent and-”
“Don’t you…” he said, lightly grazing your neck. “You have a bonding gland.”
“No I don’t Dean.”
“Yes you do,” he said. You sighed but he grabbed your hand, pressing it against the side of your neck. There was a slight bump there and you stared at him, quickly rushing to the bathroom. You turned your neck towards the mirror, Dean walking in after a moment while you prodded your neck. 
“That’s not possible,” you said. “I didn’t have it last year at my check up.”
“Can a bonding gland re-grow?” he asked.
“It’s incredibly rare,” you said, swallowing as you held your neck. 
“Or you lied.”
“Fuck you,” you said, slamming the door shut in his face. A few seconds later you pulled the door open, Dean looking at the ground. “I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve that. Can we not fight?”
“Yes mam.”
“Try again.”
“Okay,” he said quietly.
“Are you going to try and hurt yourself?” you asked. 
“I’m scared of hurting you.” You sighed and he looked down. “I never…I never tried to hurt myself and I’m not going to.”
“You said-“
“Sweetheart I…I was bluffing so I could run out. And when I was a kid…that was one of my owner’s dick kids that yanked on it too hard.”
“You were at houses with kids?”
“Sometimes,” he said. “Well only two really. They were mostly assholes. Hannah was cool though.”
“Hannah?” you asked, leading Dean back down to the kitchen.
“She was a little girl at one of the homes,” he said as you put the quesadillas in the microwave to heat them back up. You pulled them out after a few seconds and carried them to the couch, Dean taking a seat.
“You ever have a beer?” you asked.
“No,” he said. You put the plate on the coffee table, hopping up and taking two beers out of the fridge. He took a sip after you popped the cap off and hummed. “Oh that kind of tastes good.”
“I’m not a fan of the cheap stuff so that’s definitely good,” you said. “Just one though. Tell me about Hannah.”
“I was maybe twenty two or three,” he said as you sat down. “She was seven or eight I’d guess. I wasn’t at that house for my keeping house skills only so I was tucked away when the kids were home. But kids play and have a way of finding things they’re not supposed to. She would come find me after school and we’d color and sometimes she’d give me part of her after school snack. She was sweet. Her parents were not.”
“I’m guessing they found out eventually.” He smirked and nodded, glancing at the plate of food.
“Got sent back to training for that one.”
“When did you go feral?”
“Maybe five years ago? It really starts to blur after I got off of doing house work.” He picked up a slice and took a small bite, humming around it. “A lot of Alphas got it worse than I did though so I can’t complain too much.”
“You can complain as much as you fucking want Dean. I’m glad you could find a few slivers of kindness in life.”
“You go from being a trust fund kid that has whatever he wants to having nothing but yourself, you get good at finding the slivers.”
“Do you have any dreams about your future now? Or hopes?”
“Not really. The only thing I ever wanted was to find Sam and save him but he’s safe so I’m okay,” he said.
“Would you like to see him someday?” you asked. You drank from your bottle, Dean finishing his piece of food before picking up another. He ate slowly, sitting sideways on the couch, leaning against it and staring at you.
“Part of me says yes and part of me says let him think I’m dead. I was his older brother. He looked up to me for everything and now I can’t even take care of myself. I don’t know if he can see me like this. Ever see me.”
“Are you embarrassed?”
“With you, no. But Sammy knew the old me. I don’t want him to see me and decide he doesn’t like it.”
“You saved his life.”
“That was a long time ago.”
“He dedicated his work to finding you, finding people like you. He doesn’t have his parents either. All he’s got left is you. It’s your choice but someday, as a favor to me, let’s hope you see Sam again?” 
“Someday maybe,” he said quietly. He nuzzled against the couch, eyes roaming over you. “I’m sorry about how I acted tonight. Running away and the collar and calling you a liar. You’re the only reason in the world I’m alive right now. You don’t deserve that.”
“I’m sorry too for getting upset. This is hard. You have the harder job out of the two of us. So run away and get scared and get angry. That’s part of having your freedom back. You do those things because you want to, it’s what you’re feeling. Run away and I’ll find you. Get scared and I’ll reassure you. Get angry and I’ll forgive you. And I’m not the reason you’re alive right now. You are. You proved to me when we first spoke that you were still in there. You went from naked and restrained in a padded room to clean warm clothes, sitting on a comfortable couch having some comfort food and your first beer in the span of a few days. Feral Alphas don’t start to rehab that quickly unless they fight for it. So thank yourself, not me.”
“You could have let those guards kill me. You probably should have. But you protected me. So I do owe you. I owe you my life.”
“You owe me you trying to live a good life for yourself, that’s what you owe me.”
“Maybe,” he said. He kept staring at you though and you wiped at your mouth. “Can I ask for a favor?”
“What is it?”
“Can I have a hug?” Your face fell, little lightbulbs going off in your head. He was touch starved. Of course he was. No wonder he wanted you to sleep next to him the night before. He needed a kind touch.
“You can have hugs whenever you want. You don’t ever have to ask,” you said. “Come here.”
He hesitated but you set your drink down and took his out of his hand, leaving it on the coffee table. 
“Come here,” you said again, spreading your legs and making a spot in your lap. “It’s alright.”
He slowly crawled over, stopping himself at the last second. 
“If I were being rehabbed at a facility, would I get a hug?” he asked. You took a deep breath and he nodded, sliding back into his seat. “Then I shouldn’t ask for one.”
“The reason we don’t is because it often leads to dependency issues. But patients also aren’t in isolation once they hit certain milestones. They develop friendships with other Alphas. They get therapy dog visits daily. Family and friends can visit and there are volunteers to spend time with them. Out here it’s just us. I’m your doctor but I’m the person that gives you hugs when you need them too. I don’t want you to be scared of being dependent on me. I don’t. My job is to take care of you. So let me take care of you and let me worry about that crap. If you need something, just ask or do it Dean. That’s part of being independent.”
“But I don’t want to screw up.”
“What do you think happens if you do screw up?”
“What hope do I have for a normal life if I fuck this up with you. I’m fucked if I screw up.”
“People screw up. Trust me. It’s the most normal thing in the world. Now if you want a hug get over here and let me hug you.”
The room was still for a beat, Dean’s deep breaths the only sound in the place. But then he slowly shifted over on his bottom, pausing beside you. 
“Did you lie about your bonding gland?” he asked. You shook your head and he swallowed. “Then how-”
“It’s not impossible for it to grow back. Just rare. But I also work with Alphas a lot so the constant scents are probably what triggered the growth. It was always a possibility, but an unlikely one.”
“So you are normal. You can have a mate now.”
“I guess I could.”
“Why stay with me? This isn’t your job.”
“It’s the right thing to do.”
“Destroy your life to give me a chance is the right thing to do? In what world?”
“My world.”
“You want money from my brother?”
“I want to see you smile and be happy and get back what was taken. When you’re ready, you and Sam can reunite and I’ll go somewhere else. There’s no money involved here.”
“But don’t you want something?”
“I told you what I want. I’m not perfect but I’m good most of the time. I’m doing this because-”
“Because why?”
“Because I don’t want you to die or get hurt. I just want my last patient to have a really great life. Why is that so hard to believe?”
He moved closer and you opened your arms, Dean sliding in close. Too close. He stopped his face only an inch away from your own, the tips of your noses almost touching, hot breath pillowing over both your faces. He slid a hand to the back of your neck, a fuzzy warm feeling lighting up inside of you.
“Are you afraid of me?” he whispered. You inhaled deeply, the feral out of his scent for once. Raw Alpha in its place. Warm, smoky like a fireplace, a hint of coffee and vanilla and scotch and something that made your mouth water. You shook your head and he inched closer, noses bumping. “Are you afraid? Say it.”
“No,” you breathed out. “Not afraid.”
He tilted his head forward, gently pressing his lips to yours. Thousands of alarm bells were going off in your head. Stop. Move away. Stay away from the Alpha. Stop kissing him. Stop. Fucking. Kissing. Him.
You parted your lips, Dean matching the motion, tongue barely brave enough to dip inside your mouth. This was wrong. So wrong. He was your patient.
But he smelled so fucking good.
Your mind went fuzzy again as you deepened the kiss. He was warm and solid but still a softness to him. Gentle. One hand cupped his cheek while the other fisted in his shirt, Dean panting hard into your mouth.
When your lungs were burning you pulled back an inch, Dean inhaling, green eyes dark but the feral state wasn’t there.
Just Alpha instinct.
The kind he could easily control.
He stared at you, breathing evening out, forehead touching yours. You swallowed, the sound audible in the still room. 
“Please,” he whispered, brushing his lips against your own.
“Please what?” you said quietly.
“Please don’t leave me alone.” You shushed him, kissing him softly. “Please promise you won’t leave me alone.”
“I promise Dean.” The words were out of your mouth before you could stop yourself. You couldn’t promise that. Part of rehab was Dean going off on his own, away from you as his doctor, his caretaker. Dean needed to go to Sam at the very least without you. 
You went to speak, explain everything to him, the dependency problems that would develop.
But he was smiling. A big soft and happy smile, the most genuine one you’d seen on him ever. Your heart ached at the thought of taking him out of that moment, at hurting him. He didn’t deserve to keep being hurt.
“What’s wrong?” asked Dean. You blinked, noticing the tear streaks running down your face. He wiped them away, your heart aching again.
“I don’t like when you’re hurt either,” you breathed out. 
“But I’m not hurt,” he said quietly. You hugged him tightly, Dean returning it instantly, cheek flush against yours. “Are you okay?”
“I’m okay,” you said, avoiding the back of his collar as you slid a hand up and carded your fingers in his hair. “It’s okay.”
“Sorry for ruining movie night.”
“We have lots of nights to watch a movie,” you said. You closed your eyes, holding him close and enjoying his scent. 
“You smell pretty and warm,” he said, his chin resting on your shoulder. “Never kissed anyone before.”
“You got the hang of it,” you said.
“Am I gonna get in trouble for that?” he asked. 
“No,” you said softly.
“Was that a bad idea?”
“You asked that I wasn’t afraid of you before you kissed me. I don’t know many Alphas that do that much less feral ones.”
“But kissing you-”
“Do you feel feral? At all?” He shook his head and you hummed. “Then it’s okay. You deserve a night of not having to fight it.”
“What about that dependency thing you’re supposed to worry about.”
“Just let me cuddle you.” He hummed, holding onto you tight but it was comforting. Secure. Warm. You breathed deeply, a flicker of a reminder from your freshman biology class. But you didn’t really care to focus at the moment.
Didn’t want to focus on the fact he was still feral, would still be considered feral for weeks. Didn’t want to focus on how part of you wouldn’t really mind if he lost it and claimed you.
You inhaled, nose in his shirt, smiling to yourself. Tomorrow could go back to normal. No more kissing. No harm had been done really. It was one little kiss. The man was thirty years old. He deserved to have his first kiss.
He nuzzled his face down to your neck, breathing sharply against the skin.
He wouldn’t bite though.
A/N: Read Part 5 here!
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years
𝘕𝘊𝘛 𝘋𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘭𝘢𝘱 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺'𝘳𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘷𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘰 𝘨𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘴
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Mark Lee
so we all know mark is a quite expressive person with his emotions
and come on when playing video games we all rage and throw fits so emotions are running especially high ‎(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻
what i’m trying to say is that mark is yelling, banging fists against his desk, laughing his ass off and pissing you off
i mean mark’s laugh is very cute and ENTIRE BLESSING TO HEAR but ♡ sleep ♡ is also precious 
but mark can’t hear your exaggerated sighs nor see your ever-lasting pout
so you lift your tired self from the bed and plop down on his lap
mark : “hUH??¿¿ B-BABE?!¿¿” (*〇□〇)……!
haechan, audible through the headphones: mark, not in front of the boys, you wild beast (๑⁍᷄౪⁍᷅๑)
mark opens his mouth to shout in protest but you bury your head in his shoulder and let out a soft whine and mark.just.COMBUSTS!!!
he grumbles something about how haechan is due for a good beating and nuzzles the side of his face against the top of your head  ♡(.◜ω◝.)♡
whenever he has a break and doesn’t need both hands to play, he brings one arm around you, cuddling you closer to himself and running his hand along the length of your spine
or just LAYS HIS HAND ON YOUR THIGH askfafwsr- ya know (˵ ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°˵)
doesn’t have the heart to break the atmsophere even after he shuts down his computer and just cocoons you in his warm arms and hums a song softly as you doze off intertwined together UwU
Huang Renjun
you’re just trying to be cute and create a romantic enviroment as you cuddle up to your boyfriend who is immersed in his game
“y/n?” his voice is soft, almost a hush and it could almost lull you to sleep
“yeah?” ෆ╹ .̮ ╹ෆ
“i can’t see because of your head”
FIRST HIT HOME but you didn’t give up of course, just flattened your cheek against his shoulder to accomodate his complaint 
just as you settle downs drowsily, glued to his frint, he covers his mic to grumble to you again  ಠ╭╮ಠ
“it’s getting hot” 
SECOND HIT HOME and you’re starting to get discouraged as you scoot a little further away from his body and loosen the grip of your hands around his neck (๑′°︿°๑)
but of course ever grumpy renjun still had complaints karen who
“my legs are falling asleep” 
*SIGH* “eye roll* *definetely not pouting* you start pulling yourself away from him and trudge defeatedly and bury yourself under a ton of blankets
but he just chickles, has the AUDACITY to chuckle, and brings you back on his lap, squeezing the life out of you  (≧д≦ヾ)
“i was just kidding babe don’t leave me!!” says renjun as he sways you kinda violently may i add from side to side and rubs his cheek against yours cuz he’s a kitty and adorable confirmed  ε=(。♡ˇд ˇ♡。)
rough love you have other there as you can see
Lee Jeno
jeno is GENTLE GIANT (ノ。≧◇≦)ノ
gentle loving giant in this case actually so even better
so we all know how the dreamies exposed this boy TWICE for playing video games 25/8 and he got scolded by his mum lol so i’m thinking
you’re trying to get him to go to sleep or at least rest his eyes he’s already blind enough i WONDER WHY damn
all this started when you settled in front of his computer to block his view
and as he argued with you he decided enough is enough and pulled you into his lap, traping you against his chest (╬ Ò ‸ Ó)
“jeno it’s 3 am!!” :<
“ just one more round baby” of video games ya nasties...no? only me?ok
he tries to give you a *smooch* but you move your face away and refuse to turn around and let him kiss you
and that’s where jeno draws the line (; ・`д・´)​
kithes are something that can’t berefused between you two, an unspoken rule you apparenly weren’t aware of
so with a ‘eep!!!’ from you, he simly stands up from his seat with you latched onto him like a koala like (^ω^ ≡ °д°)
“jeno put me down!!!11!!1! NOW!!” 
“kiss first” (.◜ ᵕ ◝.)  
“are you nuts??!!!?” *exaggerated smooch* “now put me down!!”
needless to say he’s not letting go anytime soon, he just plops into bed and you cuddle until you fall asleep you’ve been scammed
Lee Donghyuck
haechan is a very VERY petty brat person ಠ_ಠ
so guess what... fights with him are a national competition of petty acts
and you know what his ultimate move in your most recent fight is? *drum rolls* turning off the central heating really original hyuck i applaud you
and this kid knows exactly what he’s doing when he sits down in his gaming chair with a shit-eating grin  (ง ͠ ͠° ل͜ °)
he hears you stumble around the house in your dora the explorer exploration in the search of a blanket
but guess what? they’re all under his flat cake  ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)
so when you bardge in the room and find him hogging all the warmth you hope to intimidate him with your  ✨ highly horrific glare ✨
but he pretends to be too busy to notice you so you just defeatedly settle on his lap and under the blankets
“well well well look who’s crawling back with their tail between their legs”
“i might just cut off your front microscopic tail” (눈_눈)
but i just know he’s gonna cuddle you until you sweat your ass off under that mountain of blankets
and even when he can’t hold you, he’ll press his lips against your forehead, lingering there as his warm breath fanned across your skin
he also made a deal with you to which you didn’t necessarily agree with but that’s a minor detail am i rite
if he wins the round he gets a kiss as a reward (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
if he loses, he gets 2 kisses as a consolation (ฅ⁍̴̀◊⁍̴́)و ̑̑
you’re getting suspicious of his 4 consecutive losses
Na Jaemin
he’s a fluff ball we all know it, we all love it
he’d DIG THAT KIND OF SHIT  ٩̋(ˊ•͈ ꇴ •͈ˋ)و
and he babies you to the end of earth
99.8% chance that he’s gonna stop playing just to cradle you against his chest properly because YOU’RE. HIS. BABY!!! periodt.
cue yelling from his teammates for abadoning them in the middle of the game but that’s inevitable
“na jaemin you SIMP!!!!” 
but jaemin is too busy making puppy eyes at you (●♡∀♡))ヾ☆*。
he’d kiss you everywhere he could reach and then scoop your hands in his and bring them to his lips for another shower of kithes  (*'、^*)chu
and if you kiss him back??  
this man will literally COMUST with uwus istg
like just imagine you brush your lips against his neck and then you gently nuzzle against him??
jaemin would melt in your embrace ♡(。- ω -)
even if he did eventually go back to playing, he’d press kises anywhere in reach periodically cuz he’s soft like that
would also LOVE feeling your breath fan his neck he gets a unique feeling of comfort knowing that he has you so close to him  (๑˃ᴗ˂)
“even if you were the impostor i’d still vote myself out for you”
the romanticism of this decade 
Zhong Chenle
this boi is ruthless when playing video games
god frobid you’re in his way cuz you’re getting SQUASHED (「⊙Д⊙)「
 he obvioulsy LOVES winning
but ya know what he loves more than winning???
𝓨𝓞𝓤  ♡(㋭ ਊ ㋲)♡
so chenle is all (。+・`ω・´)
“you waste of space move along!!!!”  “shoot that gun straight dammit or i’ll shove it up yo- oh hey baby°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°“
the moment you plop down on his lap and curl yourself up with your head tucked under his chin, his blazing eyes soften so cutely
and so raging kid chenle turns into best babyboi chenle (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
he M E L T S like he just leans into your touch and continues gaming  A LOT more silently and just smiles absent-mindedly the entire time
“yo chenle you dead????” most likely jisung on the other side of the headphones
“no?” 「(゚<゚)゙??
“... guys he’s plotting something, reatreat!! i repeat, RETREAT!!!”
“what?? no, what do you mean by that !??!!!”
you stir as his voice rises in volume and chenle immediately settles down again and shushes you while patting your heah and threading his fingers through your hair carefully (*-ω-)
goes straight for jisung after that teammate or not rip jisung you’ll be missed but also bad choice to annoy a soft-for-only-my-baby chenle
Park Jisung
a bit flustered but just couldn’t refuse you when you cutely asked him with wide puppy eyes if you could sit in his lap to watch him play
probably short circuited for a good 2 minutes before he could produce and intelligible answer (ง ´͈౪`͈)ว
and that’s how you found yourself perched on his lap, facing the screen with curious eyes as jisung struggled as if his LIFE depended on it
“how do you jump?” (,Ծ_Ծ,)
“you can’t jump”
“what do you mean you can’t jump?? gravity doesn’t work like that” Σ(・ิ¬・ิ)
you’re like 2 newborn babies running wild and unsupervised
“jisung, that character looks like you when you’re constipated” (๑꒪▿꒪)*
cue cackling from the devil spawns on the other side
he’s gonna keep in mind this betrayal UNTIL THE END OF TIME beware
if you catch sight of one of his hands not working away i bet my allowance you’ll have this uncontrollable urge to hold it in yours DO IT I NEED MY ALLOWANCE DON’T BE SHY
of course he’ll automatically intertwine your fingers together and bring them up for a chaste kiss  ~(^з^)-♡
and i know for sure that he won’t have the heart to let go of it even when he needs it to play sigh jisung you SIMP
he’s gonna get scolded and teased by the other later but ya know
at least he ain’t no touch starved coward ¯\(°_o)/¯
he gets grounded for that by jaemin
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bestiesenpai · 3 years
creampie headcanons - nanami & sukuna
Creeeaaampieeee, right between your thiiiiighs!
Femme reader kind of implied
Nanami said work is shit but this is the one job that he doesn’t mind putting in overtime for
He’ll edge himself for as long as possible so when he finally cums it’s...a lot to say the least
Loves to have you on top when he finishes and watch as his cum leaks out around his cock
And cockwarming is just a given after lol
“Please Kento-” Your thighs were burning from bouncing on his cock for so long but Kento refused to let you rest. He’s been going for what feels like hours, fucking you over and over making you cum aroud his cock until your mind left you and all you could do was babble helplessly.
“You take my cock so well, kitten.” Kento panted, gripping your ass tightly in his fingers as he rutted his cock up into you. There was a bit of sweat on his brow, his previously gelled hair falling into his line of sight.
“Kento, cum! Fuck- ah, ah - cum inside!” Gasping for air, you tried to focus your vision on him but it was useless, you could barely focus on anything except for the feeling of his cock reaching deep inside you.
“You want my cum, kitten? Is that it?” Chuckling breathlessly, Kento dug his feet into the mattress, pushing harder into you and filling the room with the sound of his skin slapping loudly against yours.
“Yes!” Scrambling for purchase, you threw your head back and moaned loudly. “Kento- cum- gonna cum-”
“That’s right kitten.” He was meeting his peak fast, the pleasure lighting up all his senses. With a shaky groan, Kento slammed you down one last time and came. “T-take all my milk.” You were still going, the only goal in mind to milk Kento for all he had.
Pushing through the terrible burn in your legs, you rode him faster. Jabbing your nails into his chest, you came around him one last time, squeezing his cock in a vice grip with a sharp whine. His cum made a pleasurable warmth spread in your belly and a dopey smile spread your lips.
“Good kitten, taking all my milk.” Rubbing his fingers up and down the inside of your thighs, Kento couldn’t look away from his cock leaking out of you, leaving a ring of white around his cock. “Seems like I gave you too much, hm?”
“So good- love, I love it.” With a shaky nod, the ache in your body caught up with you and had you tumbling forward onto his chest. Peppering his sweaty skin in sloppy kisses, a soft sigh left your lips.
“Good kitten.” Rolling you onto your side, he made sure his cock stayed inside you. “Take a nap and then we’ll get cleaned up.”
While Nanami edges himself, Sukuna will edge you the whole night
He wants to make you’re crying and desperate, eager to cum with his load inside you
Busts nut after nut in you but you don’t cum until he says you can
And then, like any gentleman, he makes sure to clean you up after
You’d lost count how many times he’s cum inside you, your thighs a sticky mess of his cum. There was so much it had started to seep out and stain the bed, leaving a large wet stain under your ass.
“Fucking cum slut, how’s it feel, huh? Absolutely stuffed with my cum.” Sukuna had a wild smile on his face as he fucked you, holding your legs tightly together against his chest. Your ass was starting to go numb from how long his skin was slapping against yours, but all your other nerves were tingling.
“Let me cum, Su-sukuna!” Thrashing your head side to side, the mounting frustration from being denied a release for so long was screwing with you. Taking in a hiccuping breath, tears leaked from the corners of your eyes.
“Stupid baby crying cause you can’t cum.”
“Please!” Hitting your fists against the mattress, your next cry is cut short by a hand wrapping loosely around the base of your throat. Bending forward, Sukuna squeezed your neck as he pounded his body into you, pushing you into the mattress and finally bringing you to the release he’d been denying you.
Forcing your legs open, Sukuna let out a throaty groan feeling you tighten around him. The pleasure rolling off you in waves makes your tears keep coming, this time out of relief from finally being able to cum.
“Look at all this cream.” Pulling out, Sukuna stared down at your sex dripping with his cum. He wishes he had a camera to capture this moment, to always have the memory of you twitching and oversensitive with his cum leaking out.
“Sukuna…” Your mind is foggy and you barely have enough strength to hold your legs up when he pushes them up toward your face. A loud gasp rips through your throat as his tongue swipes across you.
“It would be a shame to let it go to waste, don’t you think?”
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kkusuka · 3 years
(i had to repost lol- it wasn’t showing up on my page)
this the request: part 3 of thiccy gf hcs ??? with kuroo, terushima, sakusa, and daichi and/or atsumu 🥺👉🏽👈🏽 i must be fed
i understand your need for them
and as a member of the thunder-thigh committee, i am happy to write about my fellow sexy women! (another 4:56 am ramble i refuse to delete)
part one
part 2 <3
i mixed this with this ask ;  Pt. 3 of the thicc af gf with Aone, Osamu, Kyotani, Daichi, Kuguri, and Terushima plz? 🥺
this got wayyyyyyyyy long
4, 685 words. my finger slipped?
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Kuroo tetsuro
this guy has been trying to get you since first year
he’s that dedicated
and you didn’t even notice, he was just a flirty friend who helped you with science
(even when he would practically put you in his lap while he went over things)
lo and behold, he finally got his chance during the third year culture festival
yeah as in he waited a whole three years for this
Eh, once again, had a whole pan to make you see him as your great future husband, aka the haunted house (a good excuse to have you hold onto him)
He has to give it to class 2-4, the did a damn good job, it was scary
Long story short you fell on top of him, boobs in face hands-on ass
Mans actually asked you to be his girlfriend right there, groping you and murmuring between your boobs. (he wouldn't have gotten up if the next group wasn’t approaching.)
From then on he’d literally do anything for the ass
He’s a big simp and we all know it.
Like When you wear shorts he has to ‘pull them down’ aka feel you up while pulling the hem of your shorts down ever so slightly.
Or when he gets on a knee right behind you to ‘tie his shoe’, but the school shoes have no laces.
He could be a bit more creative and he wanted to look under your skirt.
When he wants to cut the bull shit he’ll just lift the back of your skirt and rub around for a but, to hell with all the other kids in the hallway.
(did I mention that he puts things on the highest shelves so he can walk up behind you and practically dry hump you.)
Speaking of simp nation
You can't really wear anything without setting him off
Shorts drive him absolutely nuts, it's insane. But it isn't his fault that most of your shorts are spandex that cut off right at the beginning of your thighs, it's like a homemade booty lifter. He just can’t help but wanting to cop a feel.
Or the color red in general. It is ridiculous, the guy rips everything when he tries to take it off too. So that stunning red cocktail dress with the lace-up sides was not unwearable, and you only had it on for like 2 hours. And that was only because it was a friend's 18th birthday party you were both invited to.
(thanks to kuroo not letting you out of his arms you both were late and left early.)
((in his defense you looked like a full course meal and it was giving him severe blue balls, and he’s only seen you for a few minutes))
Halloween, you know. the one night you could dress up as anything. any you decide to go as a cat-girl in a maid costume. And you expected him to just take that sitting down? Hell no. the red thigh highs AND the corset middle? You're lucky it lasted as long as it did.
That my dear was bravery. His color. A cat. And a short skirt. With thigh highs!
And so, he did what he did all those other times, dragged you to sit on his lap, and opening your thighs, and like a good girl you’ll let him
If you could already tell, he gives no shits to whos watching, let ‘em see (they really never do but you get the point)
He’s also a prime thigh groper, especially when he wants to keep your legs open, he also loves thigh hic
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Terushima Yuji
Another shower-offer
You were already he's so why can't he let everyone know?
Speaking of you being his, he doesn't tell people how you guys don’t together, with good reason considering you practically beat him up
Not really but that’s what he calls it, basically he tried to get with one of your friends at a party.
She just happens to not be interested in men and has a wonderful girlfriend, so she was uncomfortable but couldn't tell him to leave her alone
So you took fate into your own hands, literally, you stole Fate from class 3-2’s drink and poured it on him before slapping him and telling him about how he was a pig.
And he fell in love, you looked like an angel, a really hot angel, it didn't help you were in a white dress either
And from then on he literally once or twice, got on his knees for you, asking to give him a chance.
Honestly, it got annoying, so you just agreed to make it go away. It did, but you also gained a perv of a boyfriend who has an insatiable love for your lower half
He’s a simple creature, do take caution of his fragile being
So that means all those times you bend over in front of him he was slowly cracking and trying to figure out where the nearest storage closet is.
He thought he was having heart palpitations when he saw you in the damn dress again, apparently, he didn't see all of it. Specifically the v-neck top, and the fact it only went to the end of your ass. Needless to say, he made sure to walk behind you on every staircase that you went on
Another set off is yoga legging, like the lululemon ones, that people wear all the time. They fit you great, really really great. They were supposed to work out in them???? Why were they so skin-tight????? And he also figured out that you wore things because of them. Instant nut.
How you ask, simple.
One time he saw your underwear line through the pants and he pointed them out, they did make it seem like your ass was super soft so he saw his chance and took it.
So the next time you wore them and he didn't see the lines he was like ??????
And thus began the “Yuji hunt for lineless underwear” and he found the thongs
And you received the fucking of your life soon after.
Oh! And there’s any time you go to the beach. Literally every time.
No cap.
The first time was when you wore a red one-piece and he practically went feral. It wasn't really a one-piece if it was see-through and had the lowest neckline on the planet.
Everyone was looking at you.
He practically fucked you on the beach but held off until you got back to the hotel room.
He’s way more forward when he wants to fuck, if you could imagine. He’ll just walk up to you and tell you he wants to get some, like right now.
If you can even ignore him, he’ll throw an arm around your waist and grope around your legs, all the way to the apex.
It is also not below him to try and get you off while still wearing underwear that he will be taking after.
(i didn't say anything about his stash off orgasm ruined underwear? My bad.)
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Sakusa Kiyoomi
Going beyond the fact he even has a girlfriend, y’know considering, but the fact that no one knew who you were until you showed up at nationals to cheer him on
(atsumu was even starting to think that you didn't exist and that poor kiyoomi just imagined you up, so can imagine his shock when you ran up to said boy after they won)
The whole dating thing wasn't the shocking part; it was the fact that you looked like you walked off of the Milan runway.
And you were wearing leggings and sakusa's jacket, all of a sudden everyone was interested in how that happened
It was a kind of a boring story, someone had spilled coffee in a shop that you both happen to be in
And he watched you offer the man the same disinfectant wipes that he uses!
And in the most sakusa way possible he followed you out of the shop and tried to talk to you.
An exchange of numbers and many awkward conversations (and boners) later, you were a couple.
Back to that hug, like the many others, he's let you have, it’s all just to feel how soft you were
But poor touch -starved sakusa doesn't know what to do with any of these pent up feelings.
And he has a loooooooot of them.
Multiple occasions have shaped the poor germ-boy into the horny-tornado he has become
so he’s not really into what you’re wearing, it’s more about what you’re doing
like when you wore the mask he bought you to one of his games, and you wore one of his alternate uniforms, but the kicker was how you stayed away from everyone and didn’t let a single person near you (or his shirt)
or when you helped him clean his dorm when he was doing his weekly deep clean
or when the two of you washed the dishes while trying to do one of those “try not to sing” challenges
(is it normal to get a boner when your girlfriend helps you clean? no?)
but, as much as he tries to remain emotionless on the subject, there are multiple exceptions to the “it’s not what she wears” whole thing
Like that violet puffy skirt, you wore to a study fate, the one with the white sweater? That one, the same one that he could see your panties, from anywhere he sat. and Every time you got up you would have to smooth it down to make the creases go down, but it was only ever really giving him a good idea about the shape of your ass.
(if he sees you in that skirt again he’s just going to fuck you in it)
The lesser-known horny-inducer, since he made you take it off within the first five minutes, was a dress! What kind of dress? A neon yellow see-through mesh dress. The bottom wasn’t what got him though, it was the fact that your white bra was clearly seen under the mesh top. Or maybe it was the way the skirt made your waist look super small, and how your hips looked so round and squeezable.
Yeah, no one else could experience you in that.
Not to sound like this, but sakusa is still averse to touch
That goes out the window when he wants to dance the devil's tango with you.
Mr. His way or no way shows up,  he does it every so slightly different
If it’s just the two of you, he’ll put a hand on your shoulder and he’ll push you to your knees. And he’ll pet your head and tell you what’s about to happen and advise you to listen like a good girl.
But in the instance you are in the presence of others, he’ll stand behind you and bring you super close to him, ass to dick. (maybe he’ll grind into you a bit, just to convince you to follow him) and he’ll throw a few words in about how much of a bitch in heat you are for getting turned on in front of all of these people.
It’s best to just do what he wants before he makes you cum in your underwear.
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Daichi Sawamura
oh my
you guys are the power thigh couple
powerful and defined mixed with soft and pillowy
In Fact, that’s literally how the two of you met, thanks to Tanaka and Nishinoya of course.
(let’s just pretend karasuno has a cheer squad, and you just happened to be the captain of said team)
So basically you were doing a favor for the student council, and you were supposed to ask how many third years, managers included, were on each team and each club in the school
Easy! Turns out not so much. You were still in your cheer practice uniform, which was the shortest spandex ever made, and a Karasuno school t-shirt that was ever so slightly too tight.
Anyway, you make it to the gym and open the door, and the little one, Yachi, saw you and literally screamed. (she was right by the door), and that alerted everyone else in the gym, which led to the bald boy and his short companion pushing you further into the gym.
But in the better sense, it did gain the attention of the captain! Just the exact moment he was in front of you someone pushed; your back and within a second, in some miracle like way, you both ended up on the floor and he ended up planked on top of you with a leg between your spread thighs.
Almost kissing nonetheless.
Then, like the gentleman he was, he got off and asked you if you alright and kneeled down and let you use his shoulder to try and stand back up.
You did get up, for a split second, Daichi still kneeling letting you use him as a step stool when a certain red-head was flung right into you and you went toppling forward.
Onto Daichi.
Onto Daichi's face.
Your thighs around his head.
His hands-on your ass.
Hand in his hair.  
He could sit there forever, you were frozen, everyone else was frozen.
You eventually climbed off and asked how many third years there were. But he just sat there, his hands hadn’t moved either, luckily Suga answered and you were on your way.
And Daichi still didn’t move, after that incident, you had begun to see him everywhere, and eventually, he just cut the shit and asked you out.
Daddy Daichi likes seeing you in literally anything from sweatshirts to lingerie.
His favorite was the brown buttoned pencil skirt and the white blouse, that you wore to a date. You were kind of overdressed for the ramen shop and after a walk, but he didn't even care. He was so thrown off by how turned on he was he couldn't speak in full sentences.
An example:
“Yeah, the food here is- boob, I-I mean great, not boob, great, yes, great.”
The second.
Was a bathrobe.
Can you see where I'm going with that? Simply you look hot.
His favorite part of the night was ripping it off of you.
And like the first time you met, he had his head in your thighs <3
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Atsumu Miya
You met poor atsumu at a party.
He tried to shoot his shot, y’know he sees a cute lady he’s just gotta try and show you what you could be getting
he had it all planned, he was going to walk up behind you and run his hands over your delicious curves and ask you if you were in need of any help
he doesn’t take into account that a having a random guy just start groping you and pressing himself behind a girl was panic-inducing
so when he dropped your waist, you freaked out and may or may not have punched him in the dick
while he was in a. world of pain you age to figure out what the hell had just happened to you
then you noticed him on the floor, and when he noticed you looking at him he put this forced cocky smirk on and gave you a “how you doing”
You took pity on the poor creature and helped him up and got him some ice, then conversed with him for the majority of the rest of the night.
And he just hasn't left you alone since
(and, you learned this far later, that he went so far to tell Sakusa and Kageyama all about you and how amazing you are, and has even sent them- more than one- picture
But in other news, he’s very horny
So really all that means is he always has his hands on you
Like during practice breaks when you're allowed to come down and talk to him for a bit, give him some things, but it normally just consists of him sitting on the bench and you standing in front of him.
While his hands rest on your hips and his face is shoved into the valley between your breasts, and he just sits and listens to you as you brush a hand through his hair.
Or sometimes, if he had been having a rough time, he’ll just have his hands under your skirt and he’ll feel around for a bit while grumbling about how people cant hit his sets
But for being the possessive bastard he is, he sure likes letting you wear all those outfits
Like the booty shorts and tank top, you wore to bring them food during the summer training camp. That same camp that the two of you disappeared at and he came back looking like he had won the lottery.
Or the cute little red dress you wore to your anniversary date? The one that made him have a hard-on the entire time you were at dinner. He knows the waiter remembers, he also bets the waiter remembers seeing him fucking you in the car when his shift was over.
And that time you wore his jersey to bed and sent him a picture of it. It was such a good picture that he made it his lock screen for everyone to see.
He just likes looking at you tbh.
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Aone Takanobu
you guys didn’t meet in some weird perverted way, it was actually really cute!
Not to sound creepy but he knew that you were in the garden club because you sat right in front of him in class
And since he didn't talk to anyone else in that class he was just content with listening, and so there he was
Standing outside of the garden club door holding his withering basil plant. Lost.
Lucky for him you were walking down the hallway and greeted him, looking all pretty and cute
You did help him realize that he was overwatering the basil and within a few weeks, it was back to life!
From that first time on, he came to the club room with you twice a week and walked home with you, just listening to all the random plant facts that you had harbored in your mind.
Eventually, with the help of the team, he asked you out, and you hugged him and said yes, and that was the beginning of the “oh god, y/n is way softer than I thought”
So he really just tries to be near you or be touching you at all times  
(i am also a firm believer that he likes to slow dance to classical music in your living room)
Like during lunch periods when you sit next to him and the second you finish eating hell push you to lean against him
And he’ll rub small circles on your hips and give you small innocent gropes
Or how he hugs your waist when you're doing literally anything, and he puts his head on top of your head while swaying
I can also tell you that Aone is a good singer
So he hums to you (I'm uwuing over my own headcanon lol)
He also really likes just running his hands along your body, so he likes when you wear the one-piece dresses so he has smooth sailing down your body
As a man of little words, he clearly has a more physical approach to getting you on the horny train
What I am trying to get at is that more often than not he literally just picks you up and carries you away.
Of course, that leaves you to come back to whatever you were doing.
That is after the cuddles and after sex ‘conversations’ about the dumbest things
Basically, he likes to hear you talk and he really likes being near.
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Osamu Miya
He knew who you were
With a brother like atsumu, who never shuts up about you, it's hard not to
(Osamu is pretty sure atsumu had a picture of you next to his pillow. ew)
Anyway, the two of you just happened to share the same lunch block, and it also just happens to be the only period block that he was alone
No teammates and no especially close that he could hang out with
That meant he could either study or eat
Had he chose to eat, only to be met with the fact that atsumu had drained both of their lunch accounts for his flavor of the week
Poor baby stood there for a while just processing what was the worst news of his life
When you, a true angel among the evil, said that you would graciously pay for his food so that he didn't outlook so sad anymore
If he wasn’t holding an armful of onigiri he would have fallen on his knees and begged to whatever god was out there to let him keep you
But he settled for thanking you and spending the entire period with you, he even offered to share (for the first time in his life)
You complimented him on his flavor choice and he decided to keep you
He made sure to share his recipes with you and you tried to do the same
And somehow that evolved into you guys going on dates, much to atsumu’s distaste, and you guys were totally hitting it off
Osamu was your official biggest fan, he loved everything you do
But that means he wants to stay your biggest fan, and he knows that you’re pretty well known for boys thinking not so innocent things about you
Again being brothers with atsumu gave him this little sadistic streak
He lets you wear all of the revealing outfits and the bikinis, all for everyone to see
Everyone to see what belongs to him
Like at suna’s party he let you wear a black mini-skirt and a white off the shoulder long sleeved flowy shirt.
You looked good, and all the guys staring at you proved that point tenfold. Three guys had come up to you and tried to get you to go upstairs with them. And it was almost immediately shut down when they noticed the act you were sitting on your boyfriend.
Speaking of, he almost always has you in his lap.
Aww, cute! Not, he like grinding you down on him, that's also why he likes having you wear skirts, easy access to your ass, also a nice way to ensure that he could get more than a few gropes in when he wants
No, it's definitely the way he made you wear thigh highs to school one day and the shortest skirt you owned (like a school skirt) and walked behind you the entire day.
And he just reached behind you and lifted your skirt for the whole hallway to see, but mostly for him
He waists no time when he wants to fuck, he’ll just walk up to and open your legs while making out with either you or your neck.
And yes he has done that in front of atsumu
Who was warned to stay out of their room for a while.
Not to mention all those times he convince you to go to school with no underwear on just for the fun of it
(I didn't tell you this but those off the shoulder mini dresses drive him wild. On graduation day he pulled into a closet and had his way with you. I mean he did say that if you wore that dress he was going to do it, buuuuuut y’know….. yolo)
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Kyotani Kentaro
We all know he’s a fighter, which means he gets hurt a lot, which in turn makes him a frequent face in the nurse's office
And who happens to be the nurse's niece? You of course!
And right after school, when your aunt takes her break and leaves you to take care of the office alone
Right after school is also when Kyotani always comes in.
(it’s not like he knew that you would be there alone, and that meant that you had to deal with him and heal him up. And it also is not like he started the fight so he could come here and see you. No not that)
Who am I kidding it was like that.
It was totally like that.
Your hands were just so soft when they put the bandages on and you have to bend down to get the wrapping.
He had a crush, that's what iwaizumi said, and after googling what the symptoms of a crush were he was sure
So with the help of the third years, aka Oikawa just having Iwaizumi repeat what he wanted to say, they had a plan
And the next time he was in the office he asked if you wanted to see a movie with him, it was so cute and he looked so shy
It would have been perfect if after five seconds he tried to take it back, you still went on the date with him though
He was happy.
Angry boy likes hugs
And yes he does, no objections
So when he’s upset he’ll make these grabby hands at you and have you come over and stand with him
He shoves his chin on your shoulder and his hands squeezing your waist and you’ll rock back and forth until he calms down.
He’s also very aware of what you wear
Like how your skirt perfectly frames your legs. How the socks you wear make your legs look 10x longer, and make you look like you’re walking like a model.
Or the dark blue leggings you wore with his alternate jersey and you were cheering for him!
But nothing and I mean NOTHING gets him better than when you wear spandex shorts and one of his shirts. He goes feral every time.
This man is the CEO of picking you up and placing you on his lap, straddle style, and just going ham on you
Not to mention that sometimes when he’s really tired he’ll have you just sitting on his lap while he plays with your thighs
(he also likes playing with your waist and stomach, but he doesn't realize that he’s talking out loud so you can hear all of the “so soft”’s he lets out.
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You were one of Mika's close friends so you were always just kind of around
It was a little get together that Daishou threw that really made you two close
It was a weird drinking game of sorts, and it had these teams, and you were out as a pair!
Somehow throughout the game, you guys got side-tracked and just ended up talking to each other the rest of the night
Eventually, you were convinced to go on a double date and the rest was history
He didn't even pay attention to what you wore that much until he heard a few rando kids in the locker room talking about it.
And that’s when he started thinking about just who he was dating
He first realized how round your ass was. Is it normal to look that good in leggings? No one else has ever looked that good to him. With that came his obsession with just touching your butt. He just grabs it or he’ll stop you from walking and palm it. Or he’ll rub circles into it.
(it's cute how intrigued he is by your butt)
Then came his obsession with your thighs. Mostly the way that they spread out when you sit. He didn't even understand why they were just so mesmerizing. They were so squishy too. He likes how they look in his hands-
Lastly was the waist thing. You aren't even sure what it is. He just likes putting his hands on your waist. Like a prom picture. Sometimes he’ll squeeze or run his hands along your sides. But he’s mostly stationary.
He also has this habit of just opening your legs and laying on your stomach.
He is just so into how soft you are.
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daddysuga101 · 3 years
Shigaraki x Fem reader
Summery: Shigaraki is a desperate pervert that’s obsessed with you but can you blame him?
Warnings: mentions of non-con, sub Shigaraki, overstimulation,
He couldn't help it.
He couldn't help not sneaking into your room at night to touch your skin and grop you while you slept.
He couldn't help not purposely bumping his crotch against your backside when you'd walk past him.
And he definitely couldn't help the way his cock jumped in his sweat pants whenever you walked into the room.
He was gross and he knew it.
That's why the moment you left the hideout to go grocery shopping with twice, Shigaraki had to jump on the opportunity that was presented to him.
Sneaking up to your room the blue haired man pushed your door opened and looked over at your bed.
The bed where you sleep, read, watch tv.
And the bed where you probably touch yourself.
His pants tightened at the thought of your fingers working their way in and out of you while you desperately humped them.
You're probably such a desperate slut, that's why you don't angry angry when Shigaraki grazes your boob with his hand by "accident"
Or why you probably pretend to sleep when he visits you at night.
God you are truly desperate.
But so was he.
Shigaraki walked over to your bed and fell on it face first before breathing in your sent.
So fucking good.
He cursed under his breath before pulling his already hard cock out and rubbing it against your pillow.
The pillow your head lays on.
He begins to urgently hump your pillow pretending the soft material is your breasts.
God he loves your tits more than life itself .
That's why he always touches them any chance he gets their so fucking tantalizing, especially since you hardly ever wear bras inside the house.
It's your fucking fault you made him like this.
A sick pervert.
A little while later his release was approaching. He moaned and moved his hips into your pillow much faster than before.
"FF-Fuck." He whispers as he keeps grinding onto the pillow on your bed.
"Excuse me." You say as you stand in the door frame only to be met with a desperate Shigaraki chasing is release in your room.
The sound of your voice was all too recognizable voice, a part him contemplated dusting himself so he wouldn’t have to look you in the eyes.
But he wasn’t really looking to die right now so he threw that option out the window.
"Tomura." You called out as you walked over to the bed. He was visibly frozen and almost passed out when you placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
He gulped quietly before swallowing his embarrassment and turning to face you.
"Aren't you gonna scold me? You seem quiet calm." He points out surprising himself as he looks you in the eyes.
You snicker.
"Is there something you need scolding for?" You ask, Shigaraki swallows hard fighting the urge to let the embarrassment he felt over well him.
"Yes." He whispered sitting up and showing you the mess he made on your pillow.
You laugh.
"I leave for an hour and this is what you do?" You ask, he swallows hard at your question.
"You really do need a good scolding." you say as your hand wraps around his soft cock. He flitches and watched with wide eyes as you touched him.
"(Y/n) I already-."
His words were cut off by your other hand covering his mouth effectively shutting him up.
"But you were oh so desperate earlier. Humping my pillow like a fucking animal in heat. You must be so embarrassed." You whispered in his ear.
He hummed into your hand trying to speak.
"Hmm?" You ask moving your hand. He looks up at you with pleading eyes.
"I couldn't resist. What do you expect? All you do is lounge around the house half naked always leaning over some counter.” He asks as he began thrusting into your hand lightly chasing his second orgasm of the night.
"It's your fault I'm like this." He whispers against your mouth before he moves your hands and pushes you down on the bed ripping your clothes off in the process.
You laugh at his attempt to gain control but it was cute so you let him do his thing.
"Imma fuck this pretty mouth of yours, maybe it’ll teach you a listen about teasing your boss." He said with a sadistic smile. You chuckled and opened your mouth cocking an eyebrow at him.
It was your way of saying "bring it on".
He snickered and pushed his length past your lips.
He held your face still as he fucked your face. You wanted to gag due to the abuse he was doing on your throat but you refused to give him the satisfaction.
You looked up at him as his mouth hung open. He looked so cute above you like that. You know he was desperate to cum and willing to stick his dick in anything to do so. Such a cute perv.
"Ohh, I can't." He whispered breathlessly as he pulled his cock out your mouth.
He pumped himself a few times right over you before nutting all over your boobs and face.
He groaned loudly.
"Fuck." He says, you chuckled before sitting up as you wiped his cum off. He narrowed his eyes.
"My cum was your damn reward. You're supposed to lick it o-."
He starts to say before you put a fist in his hair and brought him closer.
"You really think I'd eat your disgusting fluids? You're kidding right? You're so filthy that I'm shocked I even let you put that thing in my mouth." You say, his eyes widened at your degrading words before putting his head in the crook of your neck.
"How can I thank you then?" He asks, you smile.
"Fuck me." You say simply.
"B-But I'm so sensitive right now, please don't make me-."
"Gross perverts don't get to complain. You think I wanted to come home to you humping my pillow? Hell no. So sit down I'll ride that pathetic thing you call a cock." You say, he nodded rapidly.
Pathetic was a gross over simplification when talking about his dick, but you like humiliating him.
You like how embarrassed and aroused he got when you insult him.
What a fucking masochist.
You straddled the boys hips and rubbed the tip of his sensitive cock on your clit.
"S-Stop teasing." He whimpers.
"You wanna fuck my pussy that bad? I bet you wanna huh? You fucking cuck." You say slapping his face before sinking down on him.
"Ohh, thank you." He grits. You smile as you continued to use his over stimulated cock.
After about two minutes he started trying to keep his voice down not wanting to let embarrassing noises escape his lips. You got quickly annoyed at his resistance, and wanted to see more of his cute reactions.
So you yawn dramatically.
He whimpered.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"I'm no where close to finishing. And your so sensitive you can’t help but whine. But you can take it right? Right my little human dildo?" You ask condescendingly.
"Of course, of course I can take it." He says, you chuckled before putting your boobs by his mouth so he'd suck on your tits and that he did.
"I know you can and you will. But I'm no where near finished yet so try not to cry too much while I use your dick for the next hour." You say.
He nodded.
How could he even complain though? This is all he's ever wanted and more.
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gohyuck · 3 years
the purge: society
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pairing: firefighter!san x reader
genre: purge au, angst, some fluff
warnings: mentions of violence (especially violence against cops), murder, blood, injury, weapons (guns, knives, metal baseball bats)
word count: 2.4k
note: this was originally meant to be a drabble and it’s still pretty short so i didn’t get to elaborate on the characters but honestly maybe i’ll explore a purge universe with ateez someday because this was fun (i’ve never watched any of the movies though so i’ll have to get on that)
“What the fuck?” 
He hadn’t expected to see anyone left alive on this street.
“Shut up and get down,” You hiss, reaching your good arm up to grab onto the man’s jacket collar before unceremoniously pulling him towards you. He stumbles, falling gracelessly onto you. A scream bubbles up in your throat as he accidentally puts pressure onto your already free-bleeding bicep, but you get ahold of yourself just in time, only letting the quietest of wounded moans escape you. 
“You’re the first person that hasn’t tried to kill me before talking to me all night - oh, shit,” The stranger trails off, swearing when you effectively stop him from speaking further by placing your switchblade right under his skin. It’s only then that he even pauses to take you in: your back is up by the police car door, sure, and your left arm has a massive gash in it, but you’re armed. There’s a pistol laying idly in your lap, kept company by a metal baseball bat. 
Not to mention, the knife at his neck. 
“What the hell are you doing, walking around unarmed and with a first aid kit? Also, how the hell are you unarmed and with just a first aid kit? What the fuck?” You let the questions out in a rapidfire fashion, and he can’t help but clock the slight rasp in your voice. It’s easier to recognize than the pained wheeze you’re trying very, very hard to suppress, but neither escape him. He’s trained to notice the little things, anyways. 
“You need to bandage that shit up,” The man ignores your questions, moving his head just enough to miss your blade but also enough to be able to look you in the eyes. “How long has it been bleeding?”
“That’s none of your business,” You grit out. “Answer my questions or I’ll kill you right here and now.”
“If I answer yours, will you answer mine?” For some reason, he doesn’t seem to be panicking just yet. His gaze is sincere, but it’s too solid to be that of a bona fide idiot. You suck in a breath of air. Threatening him would be so much easier if he didn’t seem like a nice guy. It’s hard enough to live through the night, you don’t need guilt on your hands, and you know you’re going to feel guilty when you kill him. And you will kill him.
You need that first aid kit. You’ll do anything for it.
Anything, starting off with lying. 
“Sure,” You reply, steeling yourself for any sudden movements he might make now that you’re faking amicability. Maybe he’ll believe you to be vulnerable and try for your pistol or your bat, or maybe he’ll be properly cruel and finish off your arm. You don’t want to think about it. He lets out a sigh of relief, and you can’t help but wonder if you’ve actually affected him after all. “Now speak.”
“Not unarmed, there’s a police-issue pistol in my jacket and a tactical knife in my jeans. I’m not totally nuts. First aid kit’s for my buddy, though, I’ll be real, you need it way more than him.” There’s something resembling concern in his expression as his eyes flit between your torn arm and your face, but that barely interests you. You haven’t truly registered anything after ‘police-issue’.
You lean in, pressing the edge of your knife against the skin directly above his adam’s apple. For the first time since you’d cornered him, your mystery purger’s breath hitches. His eyebrows draw together in confusion. It’s no matter. You no longer regret the fact that you’ll have to tear his jugular out yourself. 
“You’re a hog, huh,” You stare him down, any sympathy you might’ve had gone. For a moment, it seems as if he has no concept of what you’re saying. A second passes, though, and his gaze clears. 
“Firefighter,” He responds, though the word is garbled due to him attempting to keep his movements to a minimum. You pull back slightly, very slightly, to let him explain. “I… found a dead cop, jacked his pistol. I’ll show you my ID, if you want.” 
“Let me see it.” You nod your head at him as if giving him permission to live a little longer, though you both know full well that identity theft and identity fabrication are legal, too. Might as well see how much effort he puts into a fake. The man waits until you pull back just a bit more, enough to let him slowly reach his hand into his back pocket before producing a lanyard. 
You grab it out of his grip with your hurt arm, not willing to move your knife too far away from his throat. You simply don’t have a good enough read on - you glance down - San Choi, ACT Firefighter, Employee ID: 018-102-4 to allow yourself any leeway with him. 
His gently smiling face stares up at you from the plastic card, protected only by a clear sleeve connected to a red lanyard. San’s photo has black hair and an undercut, styled so his forehead is on display. A pair of dimples makes a guest appearance, and, overall, he seems like a genuinely sweet guy. The ID looks real, too, so maybe you aren’t totally fucked. 
The San under your knife has bleach blond hair that almost falls over his eyes, though you suppose you can’t blame him for skipping out on the hair product tonight. He seems slightly tanner than his photo, his skin beautiful even now as dust from the aftermath of the explosion starts to settle against it. 
Right. The explosion. 
Recalling the events leading up to you meeting San forces you to remember that you have a gaping, bloody gash in your left arm. You’re honestly lucky to be alive, having ducked and used the car you’re against for cover from flying debris after a building down the block had exploded. You’d just finished driving your knife into a cop’s side - third cop of the night, eighth of your career as a purge cop killer - to make sure that he was dead when you’d heard the bomb go off, and you’d dropped before even thinking about it. Something had hit your arm on the way down, and when the adrenaline had finally left your system, you’d taken note of your blood-soaked sleeve. 
You’d closed the car door after that, sealing your third murder of the night in the vehicle just so you could lean up against the door. It had been 6:31 in the morning then, and you had figured that someone would come by and kill you in the last moments before legality ensued again. You’d assumed that you’d fight, of course you would, but your arm being totally fucked definitely put a damper on your belief in your ability to overcome anyone or anything else. 
Instead of the disgruntled, trigger-happy purger you’d expected to eventually find, though, you’d been found by San Choi. San Choi, who’s currently staring at your wounded arm like it’s grown eyes and can stare back. 
“Come on, let me fix it up,” He pleads, lifting the kit up with the hand that’s farther from you. “You might not trust me, or whatever, but the purge is about to end as it is. I have a paramedic friend, Seonghwa, who’s taught me the basics of -”
“Shut the fuck up.” You tell him, though you’re quickly losing your bite. He obeys regardless. God, your arm really, really fucking hurts. Before pulling your knife back, you check the watch on your wrist. 6:47. Stay alive for 13 more minutes, 780 more seconds. You’ll be fine. You take the shakiest breath you’ve ever taken. 
You pull your knife away from him. 
Nothing happens. 
“I’m going to use an alcohol free wipe and then wrap gauze around your arm, okay? You’ll just have to hold out until we can get you to a working hospital after that,” San speaks as if he’s talking to a child, or a scared animal, and you can’t blame him. He doesn’t seem like a purger, but you technically are one. You wouldn’t put it past yourself to attack on a whim if you were him. He, very slowly and with his hands in your full view at all times, opens the kit and pulls out the requisite materials. 
“Gonna need you to rip your sleeve off above the cut.” He continues, leaning back as you bring your knife up to your clothes and slit the cloth right above your wound. You tear the remainder of the sleeve off your arm before throwing it behind you somewhere. San gently grabs ahold of your elbow - his palm is calloused in a way that tells you he lifts regularly, and you’re sure of this as he discards his jacket and you watch the muscles ripple in his arms under his thin black shirt - and places the wipe against your cut. 
Your reaction is instantaneous: now that you’re completely past the adrenaline stage, the feeling of something, anything against the gash has you reeling to cry out. Before you can even process that you’ve made a sound, a hand presses hard against the back of your head, shoving your mouth against San’s. 
He doesn’t know how else to shut you up. 
His lips are chapped, but the sensation of being kissed so suddenly jars you out of your pain. San attempts to pull back, and you can already feel the apologetic wince he’s about to give you, but he brushes over your wound with the wipe again and your pain doubles back. It’s you that pulls him in this time, pressing your lips to his sloppily but forcefully as if it’ll alleviate the burn in your arm. 
Kissing him only slightly muffles you at best, but you no longer care. The purge isn’t over yet. You could both die at any second. Hell, San could kill you at any second. His hand moves from the back of your head to cup your face as he leans in towards you to deepen the kiss. His lips are chapped, yes, but they’re soft. He tastes like mint and copper: there’s a cut in his lower lip. You don’t mind. 
San pulls away for a moment, but only does so to grab the gauze from the kit. Once he’s wrapped it around your arm once, twice, thrice, he leans back in and your mouth accepts his own eagerly, your other hand coming up to drape over his shoulder. Neither of you know why you’re doing this, kissing a stranger with such fervor as one of you bandages the other up, but you both know that there’s really nothing else to do. 
It’s only after he finishes taping you up that the two of you pull away fully. His eyes are still just as kind as you’d thought them to be at first, though his lips are far more swollen than they’d been mere minutes prior. You admire your handiwork, eyes tracing his features as he admires his own, thumb very, very gently running over your gauze. Both of you raise your heads to smile sheepishly at each other at the exact same time.
Three things happen in rapid succession. 
“Good?” San’s voice is barely above a whisper, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. Just as you’re about to speak - 
“San!” A voice, low and hoarse, interrupts you, and you look up to see the barrel of a gun pointed directly at the space between your eyes. You’re frozen in place for a split second before you start reaching for your own pistol. Your fingers brush the grip when - 
The clock strikes seven, and sirens go off all around you, signalling the end of the purge. 
The gun is out of your face. Your hand moves off of your own.
“San,” The owner of the gun pays you no mind, suddenly, his entire focus on San. The gun-owner reaches a hand out, and the firefighter beside you takes it, allowing himself to get pulled up to his feet. “You okay?” 
“Yeah, Yunho, I’m totally good,” San responds, giving the taller man a cat-like grin of reassurance. Yunho’s got a fireman’s helmet on, and you suppose it’s good as protection. He must be a fellow firefighter, then. He’s tall, and though he’d seemed nothing short of severe mere moments ago, he seems softer, kinder now that the purge is over. The transformation is enough to give you whiplash. His right hand is wrapped in bandages, and this catches San’s sight at the same time it catches your own. “What the hell happened to you, though?” 
“That policeman you killed had buddies,” Yunho replies with ease, but you don’t miss San’s wince. Seems like he hadn’t just happened upon that police-issue pistol. You can’t help the small grin that fights to make its way across your face. “They tried to get into the station, we had to fortify ourselves. We’re mostly fine, just that Woo’s lost a finger. He’ll live once he stops whining about it. We were mostly worried about you, honestly, taking fucking forever just to find a first aid kit. Who’s this?”
Yunho moves the topic of conversation over to you so naturally that you barely even realize what has happened before San is reaching a hand out to you to pull you up to a standing position. You grab ahold of your pistol, though you shove the bat off your lap before allowing yourself to be brought up. Without thinking, you practically plaster yourself to San’s side. Now that he’s for sure what he told you he was, and now that you’re no longer in danger of dying, you can’t help but feel inexplicably connected to him even though neither of you know each other. San wraps an arm around your waist naturally, and neither of you miss Yunho’s eyebrow raise. Neither of you acknowledge it, either. 
“This?” San asks rhetorically, turning his head slightly to look at you. He’s smiling again, and you find that you want to see it more often. Maybe you’re experiencing the onset of delirium. You hope not. “This is…” 
“(Name),” You reply, being honest. There’s no need for you to lie. Besides, you owe San answers, right? You stick your uninjured arm out, letting Yunho shake your hand. San’s grip tightens around your waist. 
“I’m (Name).”
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myclownjunction · 3 years
Thick thighs save lives- Karl Heisenberg x Reader request
There will be SMUT or NSFW under the cut, so if you're under 18+ cut it out! Kids are not allowed here!! YOU HEAR ME, KIDS!!!! *O)-(O*
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*You had thick thighs and it was hard to find clothes especially jeans, they were always RIPped, and damn that highly irritated you but not a certain metal man that was enjoying your thunder tights.
*But your thick tights made the said so powerful metal man aka Karl Heisenberg fall for you, the first time when you met him you caught him between your thighs during a fight and he surrendered, he for real tried to pry off your tighs to no avail making you smirk at him.
* "What is it my man, you have a tight time there!?" that made him smile and laugh he loved puns, and that made you laugh as well releasing him from your death grip, he'll call you my sweet little Phyton after this, believe me, he will!
*Karl always liked being there between your thighs, he loved the danger they possessed but also how sensitive they were whoo boy and they were hypersensitive. He wanted more as he tried to always slide in between your tights earning giggles from you as his beard tickled you, oh you were in for a long tease session right there!
*Karl, on the other hand, loves your dem thighs, his huge, rough hands rubbing them making you moan as he smirks with a cigar between his teeth, he enjoys the noises you make for him, as he feels your muscles twitch between his hands.
*SOCKS TIIIIIME! Long, short, middle, crop anything, but OH.MY.GAWD if you put on leather stripes and belts you'll give the hard on to the man INSTANTLY, he'll consider to stripe you while in the bedroom;)))
*Skirts, yes Sir, tight jeans bring them on, our man want to see your curves and thickness and there's no excuse, for you o hide them from him, you'll have hickeys and bites on them 24/7.
*Karl loves his morning coffee but more of this morning routine he loves you on his lap and to nuzzle at your neck while reading some of his project blueprints or just resting his hands and massaging your tighs.
*Heisenberg once brought you leather socks made from leather and belts, you have no idea where did he get them but you love them, and you put them more often to tease him.
Smutty ahead take a sip ;)
*Heisenberg FRIKIN LOVES to rub himself from behind you, oh yeah, even dry humping you as you try to concentrate on some task and ignore it, you can't ignore how good does it feel, so occasional moans and helps follow as this smug bastard enjoys teasing you.
*Karl loves to give you massages because it leads to something that makes him smirk smugly and rub harder, making you arch and moan into his touch, he knows he got you.
*Heisenberg loves to nuzzle and lick your thighs, hardness.exe has started, let him just smooch your thighs he's like a leech that loves to bite in and stuck in there, he loves when you try to squeeze your thighs but don't try it for too long it might end with a punishment.
*He loves to scratch your thighs, bites, licks, sucks, damn when you ride him, he's moaning and snarling, hissing, purring mess under you, you're one strong female and that makes him go but if you add a snarky sexy comment boooi "What is it Karl, is it the moment where I tame this wild steed for once?!" he'll growl at you playfully.
*Karl loves to massage your thighs and giving you oral, but you wait, this man will drive you nuts because...orgasm denial, otherwise, he's very strong don't fool yourself that you're the one in charge, but that doesn't stop him knockin' you out after multiple orgasms and get going on for hours, this man has the stamina to go for ages, just you wait, you little tease!
*When you pushed the Tease button is the hell that broke the heck lose, does this metal man has NO stop button because once he got you you're gone, he has you everywhere on the table, the wall, the bookshelf, heck even the workbench, the bed-mangled, broken, sheets wet with body fluids from both of you.
*Heisenberg is thick and huge as a damn steed's cock taking him is a challenge but you love it, as both of you are challenging to bring each other over the edge, which happens so fast darn it, 13 orgasms later you still keep it going on and on.
*If your poor soul hasn't passed out he will definitely strap your thighs and he will have his way with you, denying your orgasm, overstimulate you while praising with a dirty talk "That's it baby girl, so good for me, looks like I tamed my wild mare, hmm?!" he will absolutely love to spank you like prepare your poor body for it!
*Heisenberg is the man that loves to give and receive oral, but what he loves the most, squeeze your thighs together and let him thighfuck you, ad damn this makes him lose his mind and yours too ;)
*If you're naughty he'll punish you, and hell hold you hind because this man sure has strong and rough hands, he loves to see your skin red and angry with his handprint in there, after he'll give you aftercare and kiss it sweetly praising you "You did so good for me baby, such a lovely doe you are, all for me!"
*Karl also loves you to rub and come on his thighs, damn you seen his thighs, just ride them like a fun damn ride, he loves you to soak his thigh while he whispers dirty notings in your ear pushing you to the edge bit by bit.
*If you wear knee-high socks when having sex bonus points to you, leather ones holy hell you got him, stripes or leather belts, welp you won't be able to walk for weeks I give you my word!\
*Cowboy riding, groping, slamming, spanking, rubbing, massaging all-inclusive when with he'll be ready they would never let you go even if you wanted to now you got yourself a Metal Daddy!
Hehehe I burn in hell, hello, come and burn with me!
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if you take slightly not sfw requests what about La squadra reactions to an s/o who is sweet and innocent usually but goes absolutely feral in bed? 😂
I do write NSFW! although I can't guarantee it will be good
La Squadra x Secretly Feral Reader (gn)
(cut because of nsfw content)
After you had been together for a while things get heated
Ris is surprised that in the heat of a make-out session something changes about you
one minute you are so kind and gentle with everything now you are RIPPING off his clothes. 
he's taken aback but he always saw some spark in your eyes... he didn't know that this is the time it would manifest
falls back into the rhythm quickly and adjusts to your energy.
I'm talking about throwing you against the wall type fucking, bruising will ensue
deep down he still really doesn't want to see you hurt at all but on the other hand, the red marks on your ass from his hand fuels him in a way.
scratch the shit out of him and draw some blood and you won't be walking for a good week he loves that shit.
WILL tie you up because you're being too much he proceeds to fuck the energy out of you.
let's just say at the end of the looong night you both look like you were attacked by a wild animal 
now your back to your sweet self making sure he's okay when really he should be asking you that
falls way deeper in love with you.
so... he's finally comfortable enough with you to take it to another level
it started as innocent little touches and now you're under him grinding on each other in a makeout session.
he gives a surprised grunt when you wrap your legs around him out of nowhere and flip him on his back.
This is not his sweet and innocent s/o and he's not complaining.
lets you get out most of your aggression on top of him till he gets his urge to be in control of everything
so that's when he decides to start reprimanding you and being a total hard dom
Pull his hair and scream his name while he goes down on you and he will almost nut on the fucking spot
loves having control over you so you being feral makes it more fun for him to tame you
If your comfortable he will slap you across the face if you get out of line
degradation “calm down slut or I’ll go slower”
Oh boy he doesn't know what's coming
he will work up the courage to finally get intimate 
and now you are on top of him holding him down he's such a mess but he's eager to please you
he's a loud moaning, blushing mess
his hands are everywhere on you
soon enough he will give into his boyish desires and work up to around your energy level but not quite. 
don't big on hurting you but likes it when you hit him and tell him what to do.
He was hoping for this!
how lucky he is to have such a lovely s/o with a feral side to them in the sheets
he will bend you over wherever as soon as things get heated
so eager to get you undressed yall would nearly make it to any bed till the 3rd round I promise
cusses a storm in bed
probably not the best at making sure you finish but with the way you are in bed you will probably get your way
it's known that he will shrink you a bit whether to boost his ego or increase pleasure who knows
 acts like a starved man whenever yall go at it.
“Diii Molto~”
as soon as yall are getting down he's moaning and groaning with excitement because of your behavior
hopefully, you're into some freaky stuff because if your gonna act like that with him he's gonna bring out the rope, drugs, and toys.
he does love the contrast of the innocent exterior outside of the bedroom and now that he knows what you are like he gets excited by it.
like really excited
Both of you will have a hard time walking after your little ‘session’
he's huge on foreplay, so hopefully, you can keep your rough side at bay for just a bit
or else he's edging you to the max
Dumbstruck is the word I would use
just before he was kissing his really sweet s/o now you were kissing, biting, and grinding on him
something clicks inside of him too and he becomes just as aggressive if not more
He's a feral guy too
he has a brutally fast pace that makes you put an arm above your head to stop yourself from getting pushed straight into the wall
he growls when he's fucking you 
your ass will have bruising from how hard he grabs you
he has an equal amount of bruises and bite marks from you
push him on his back and ride him rough and he won't know how to handle it.
no neither of you are able to get up right after your guy's legs will not work properly
he's clingy after sex anyway.
I think he's the only one unsure if he likes how feral you can get
he seems like the slow teasing type and unlike Pros has less patience to properly “train you into behaving” so to speak
but that doesn't mean he won't enjoy it
his hands will be everywhere, slapping and squeezing but with the amount of energy he will sit back at watch you use him for your pleasure with a smirk on his face.
wants to hear you wine for him and beg him to do more
only then he will after he got his ego boost
Sorbet and Gelato
They didn't know what to expect from you in the bed and then you went fucking feral
Gelato is ecstatic because he's the same way
Sorbet knows he has work cut out for him
he's a little bit more chill and level headed
they got KINKS
do not expect to go anywhere after you will be covered in bruises and cuts. 
gelato will look just as bad as you
Sorbet is the only one who can still walk afterward good for him.
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Wait I just read the head canon of the “spider in the shower” scenario and they were AMAZING. So spot on😭. I am here to put in a request for this but for the Mayans and if you want to/have time for the rest of the SOA boys. I just loved it soooo much 🥺 you write so well for these characters!!!
Ask and you shall receive! For those wondering, Here is the original Spider in the Shower HC for the SOA boys.
HC for the Mayans Men under the cut! These are a little different set-up-wise since as far as we know the Mayans clubhouse doesn't have dorms. So these all take place in houses or apartments or whatever you picture these boys living in
- he heard you scream and came running from the other end of the house, banging on the bathroom door, “Sweetheart, you alright? Open up!” The two-second delay between him saying that and you unlocking the door felt like an eternity to him. He never heard you scream like that before
- when he walked in he expected to see blood everywhere, or something completely shattered and broken. But nothing seemed out of place. The only thing that seemed off was you, sitting up on the sink counter dripping water while staring at the bathtub.
- “What’s going on?” he looks around the bathroom but can’t for the life of him figure out what’s wrong. He grabs a towel and drapes it around your shoulders as he follows your line of sight.
- “Why the fuck is there a spider in our shower?” you look up at him.
- he wasn’t used to you asking questions so aggressively. He made a mental note that spiders were a tense topic for you. He could only shrug in response before saying, “I didn’t send out invites, you know. Don’t look at me like that,” you could see that he was trying not to smile and failing miserably.
- “Will you kill it, please?” your tone switched from annoyed to pleading. He chuckled as he peered behind the shower curtain, “You sure you don’t want me to just catch him and put him outside?” You raised your eyebrows, “And give him the chance to come back? No fucking way.”
- he didn’t say anything else as he took his boot off and smack it against the wall, effectively putting the spider out of commission. You stayed on the sink out of the way as he grabbed a tissue and cleaned up the mess, throwing the spider in the trash
- he scooped you up off the sink counter and walked you back to your shared bedroom, hiding his laughter by pressing his lips against your bare shoulder. He set you down on the bed and threw you one of his old t-shirts to put on. The two of you looked at each other in silence for a few moments before you finally spoke up, “Don’t you dare tell anyone about this.” He laughed as he collapsed on the bed next to you, “I won’t...for now.”
- he thought that he was in for a sexy time in the shower with you. He was eagerly slipping out of his jeans and tank top as he watched you hop into the shower, disappearing behind the curtain.
- he peeled off his socks and was getting ready to hop in the shower behind you when the sound of your scream filled the tiny space at his house. He didn't even have time to try and register what was going on as you leapt out of the shower, water still running, and slamming into him. You sent both of you crashing into the sink counter
- “Fuck, Y/N, what’s the matter with you?” he was rubbing his hip where it had just gotten jammed into the corner of the counter
- “There’s a spider in there!” He looked at you, not completely surprised, “So you gotta bodyslam me? C’mon, querida, it can’t be that scary. It’s way smaller than you.” You narrowed your eyes at him, “Then you go kill it!”
- he scoffs, reaching and shutting the water off before peeling the curtain back, “Maybe I will.” He does his signature, cocky little head shake that drives you nuts when it’s directed at you.
- he holds his hand out behind him, “Gimme a tissue.” You set one in his hand, eagerly watching over his shoulder as he catches and crushes the spider inside the tissue. He turns back to you, a proud smirk on his face, “See? All taken care of.” He tosses it in the toilet and flushes it away.
- Once it’s gone for good, he reaches and turns the shower back on. His expression changes completely when he turns back around to you and sees you pulling your rode on. “Where you goin’, querida?” he looks so genuinely confused.
- you shake your head, “I’m not getting back in that fucking shower tonight. Have fun.” You don’t give him the chance to try and change your mind and you can hear him groaning behind you as he shuts the shower back off again, admitting defeat.
- swings the door open with an amount of force that you’d never seen, baseball bat in his hand, “Who the fuck is in here?!” he looks frantically around the bathroom, trying to locate whoever it was that made you scream like that.
- it took a second before he noticed that you were standing to the side of him, tucking yourself neatly into the corner of your bathroom. He saw the way your hair was still dripping and quickly looked you over to make sure that you were physically okay.
- “What happened?” his hand was still gripping the baseball bat tightly. You pointed to the shower, “There’s a spider in the shower...”
- he couldn't pretend that he wasn’t confused, “Alright. And?” You scoffed, “What do you mean and?” He shrugged, “I mean and what the fuck made you scream like that? It bite you or somethin’?” You sighed, “No! It didn’t bite me. I just...I don’t want a spider in the shower with me, Coco! You gotta kill it!”
- his grip on the bat finally loosened up a bit. He shook his head, “You had me thinkin’ there was a murderer in here or some shit. You can’t kill it yourself?” You flashed him your best puppy-dog eyes, “C’mon, Coco, please?” He tilted his head slightly, “Whatchu gonna do if this happens when I’m not here?”
- you sighed. You should’ve known that it wasn’t going to be an easy thing with him. The man put holes in people’s heads on a semi-regular basis for the club without question, but asking him to squash a bug was going to spark a philosophical discussion.
- “I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. Please, Coco, I don’t wanna do it.” It was evident in his eyes that he was contemplating leaving you to deal with the problem on your own. But he was soft for you and couldn't follow through on it. With a sigh, he climbed into the tub and stomped the spider with no hesitation before washing it down the drain.
- he kissed your forehead, “Next time you gotta do it. Survival of the fittest, Ma.” You rolled your eyes, “My knight in shining armor.” He turned around and flashed you the cocky smile that made you weak in the knees every time, “Damn right.”
- the sound of your yell filled the entirety of the small trailer. He jumped up off the bed and made his way to the small pocket of space that passed for his bathroom and was instantly bombarded by you running into him. The front of his shirt instantly became soaked, absorbing all the water from your body.
- “Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” he gripped you gently but firmly by the outsides of your arms. You shook your head, “This trailer is not big enough for the three of us, Ezekiel.” His eyebrows furrowed, “Three of us?” You nodded, “Yea. You, me, and your hairy eight-legged friend in there,” you gestured towards the bathroom.
- that was when he realized what happened. He smiled down at you before he thought better of it and you pushed his chest, “It’s not funny!” He nodded, forcing a serious expression as he held his hands up in surrender, “You’re right. I’m sorry.”
- “Want me to take care of it?” the smirk was already reappearing on his face. You huff, “No, I want the three of us to learn how to live in harmony together.”
- “I know you’re being sarcastic,” he chuckled as he shuffled past you to get to the bathroom, “But that would make for a good story.”
- you were shaking your head as you grabbed one of his shirts to wear, sitting down on the bed as you watched him try to maneuver around in the small space to kill the spider.
- “Sorry, buddy,” EZ spoke to the creature as he got ready to squash it with a tissue, “but she said that we can’t be friends.” You rolled your eyes, “You’re not about to make me feel bad about this, EZ.”
- he reemerged from the bathroom, tossing the tissue into the garbage can, “Sounds like a guilty conscience, to me.” You grabbed a pillow and threw it at him, “You’re the worst.” He laughed as he peeled off his now-soaked shirt, “Is that any way to thank the guy who just saved you?”
- you pressed your lips into a thin line, staying silent for a moment before grabbing the other pillow and throwing it at him, “Thank you.”
- 100% comes running into the bathroom with his shotgun in his hand after he hears you scream
- has never heard you express that kind of fear before and definitely think that someone was hiding in the shower and had a knife to your throat or something
- when he sees you perched up on the closed toilet lid he is confused to say the least. Your hair is dripping and you hadn’t even bothered to grab a towel when you jumped out of the shower
- still not completely sure what’s going on, he refuses to completely set down his gun, instead letting it dangle by his side as he looks you over, “Hey, Mama, what’s going on in here?”
- not getting up from your perch, you point to the shower, “You gotta kill it, Neron.”
- “Kill what?” he rips the curtain back but doesn’t see anything at first
- you point aggressively towards the corner of the shower where all the body wash and shampoo bottles are stacked, “The spider!”
- “The spider?” he fights back a laugh as he rests the shotgun across his shoulders, arms dangling over it, “You screaming like that over a spider?”
- “Will you kill it already?!”
- he hands you a towel to wrap around your shoulder, chuckling as he sets his gun down outside the bathroom door. You try to tell him that he might still need the gun and he laughs before stepping into the tub to locate and kill the spider.
- very nicely, he asks you to get off the toilet so he can flush it away down the toilet. You jump up, standing at the very edge of the doorway as you watch him flush it away. He shuts the toilet lid and turns back to you, an amused smile on his face
- “Didn’t know you were afraid of spiders, baby,” he walks over and hugs you, kissing the soaking wet hair on top of your head, “I’ll keep a closer eye out for them.”
- “You better,” you grumble as you lean into his chest, “Or I’m gonna start using the shotgun.”
- does not want to burst into the bathroom while you’re in there, feeling like he’s invading your privacy despite the fact that you screamed for him hardly a moment before
- gently knocked on the door and you responded with what he could only describe as a bark as you told him to get in the bathroom now
- once he was halfway inside the door, you pulled him completely in by his hand. He was trying not to stare at you but it was difficult to pry his eyes away from you, not used to seeing you standing around so exposed, and drenched from your shower
- “You gotta kill it, Hank.”
- he raised his eyebrows, “Kill it? Kill what?” You nod towards the shower, “There’s a spider in the shower!”
- all the tension that he was previously holding in his shoulders disappeared. He remembered at one point you’d mentioned that you hated spiders, but he didn't think that you really hated them that much. He knew how much you loved your long, hot showers.
- “I thought you were hurt, Y/N,” he was trying to sound bothered but you could see the smile fighting its way onto his face.
- “Um,” you scoff, “I could’ve been hurt. That thing is the size of a small dog.”
- he chuckled and shook his head, “Alright, alright,” he gently ushered you through the doorway, “Go get changed and I’ll take care of it for you,” he watched you walk towards the bedroom, “Better call the dog warden just in case!”
- he heard you calling for him and had no idea what to expect. You weren’t the type to yell across the house for things that you needed.
- when he got to the bathroom, you were standing outside the doorway, towel lazily wrapped around you as you stood and waited for him. With every passing second he became more confused.
- once you told him that there was a spider in the shower and you couldn't go back in the bathroom until it was dead, a smile took over his face and he couldn't help but to laugh
- Che “Catch & Release” Romero
- you were upset that he was going to give the spider a chance to come back and try again to ambush you in the shower, but you knew it was an argument that you weren’t going to win with him.
- within a minute he had it trapped in a cup, covering the opening with his hand as he walked it back through the house to release it.
- he came back to find you sitting cross-legged on the bed, still wrapped in your towel. He tried to sit next to you but you pulled away from him, scooting farther down the bed.
- “What is it, mi amor? Hm?” there was a small, knowing smile on his face as he asked you the question. You huffed, “I don’t want you to touch me with your spider hands!”
- he laughed, “I only touched it with this hand,” he held up his right hand before reaching to caress your face with his left, “So this hand is still safe for you.”
- is under the impression that you are being dramatic about something when you call him into the bathroom for an emergency
- he walks in all cocky, expecting you to have some weird, little favor to ask of him
- he wasn’t thinking that he was going to open the door and nearly cause you to fall over in the process. He catches you, but barely, your dripping skin sliding in his grip.
- “Fuck, what happened in here?” he saw the water all over the floor where you jumped out of the shower
- “You have a spider in your shower!” you pointed frantically. He shook his head, as if he should’ve known that it would be something like that, “So? Shoot it with the showerhead.”
- you give him an offended look, “You shoot it with the showerhead! I don’t want to be anywhere near that thing.” He laughed and pulled the curtain to the side and looked around for the creature in question.
- gets halfway through some smartass remark before seeing the spider and jumping back himself, “Fuck!” 
- your fear would be momentarily outweighed by the satisfaction of seeing Gilly eat his words. You cross your arms over your bare chest, “Just shoot it with the showerhead, baby.”
- you can’t hear too clearly what he’s saying as he grumbles, sliding the boot off of his foot before slamming it down on the floor of the shower, crushing the bug in the process. He would deny it if anyone asked him about it after the fact, but you definitely heard him let out a sigh of relief once he lifted up the boot and saw that the spider was dead
- is full of worry as he rushes to the bathroom
- he walks in and sees you standing, leaning back against the sink counter, water dripping off your body onto the floor. His initial instinct is to try and take care of you, grabbing a towel and trying to wrap it around your shoulders.
- “You gotta kill the spider, Riz,” you were completely ignoring the soft gestures he was trying to give you.
- “Wh-what?” he was thoroughly confused, still trying to drape the towel around your shoulders. You grabbed the towel from him, breaking his singular concentration, “There’s a spider in your shower, Riz. You gotta kill it.”
- “Is that what made you scream?” he gently wiped some of the water off of your cheek, “It’ll probably leave you alone if you wanna finish your shower, hermosa.” You turn and look at him, dumbfounded, “Do you...do you shower when you know there’s a spider in there with you?” He shrugged, “We just don’t bother each other.”
- you couldn't believe what you were hearing, “How long have you known there’s a spider in there?” He could sense that he was in hot water already but he couldn't force himself to lie to you, “I mean, I don’t know if it’s always the same spider but--” You couldn't listen to any more of what he was about to say, “Kill it, Michael. Please.”
- he grabbed a second towel and threw it down on the floor to soak up some of the water that you’d dragged out of the shower with you, “Okay, okay. Whatever you want, querida. Go dry off, I’ll take care of the spider.”
- as much as you wanted to be as far away from the spider as possible, you stayed, “I wanna make sure you actually get rid of it.” He chuckled, shaking his head slightly as he reached and shut the shower off. He saw it crawling up onto the lip of the tub and with one smooth motion he crushed it underneath the toe of his boot.
- “All better?” he turned back to you. You tapped your finger against his chest, “No more letting bugs be guests in our shower. I’ll leave. I’ll move out.”
Bonus- Nestor (because i love him):
- he swung the door open and was met with the sight of you standing on top of the closed toilet lid. Instantly he felt like whatever the situation was, was above his paygrade. The shower was still running and water was all over the floor.
- he held his hands out to help you down, “Get down from there. You’re gonna fall and crack your skull.”
- “Better than letting that thing in there kill me!” it was dramatic, but you didn't care. His brows furrowed in confusion, “What thing? Where?” You pointed to the shower, “There’s a spider in the shower, Nes!”
- the expression on his face let you know that he felt that it was far too early in the morning to be dealing with this level of nonsense. He ran his hands down his face before holding them out to you again, “Please get down off the toilet, Y/N.” You shook your head, ���Not until you kill the spider.”
- with a deep sigh, he turned the water off in the shower and pulled the curtain to the side. He scanned the tub for a minute before finally finding the threat. He wouldn't admit it to you, but he understood why it freaked you out--it was a big fucking spider.
- not thinking better of it, he picked your slide up off the floor and slammed it down onto the spider, crushing it on the bottom of your shoe. You whined, “Why’d you have to use my shoe?” He turned back to you, his expression painfully neutral, “The spider is dead, isn’t it?” he held his hands out yet again, “Now please get down from there.”
- you placed your hands in his and let him help you down, instantly wrapping your legs around his waist so that he was forced to hold you. It got a laugh out of the both of you as he caught you, holding you up with ease.
- “You owe me new slides, you know,” you chuckled as he carried you to the bedroom. He laughed, “Only if you promise not to climb on the toilet anymore.”
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