#i’ll be a tiny human shield
jokerislandgirl32 · 2 years
For the specific asks: what would you do in the purge?
Well, depends on my mood honestly.
If I was mad, I would go full beast mode and try to protect everyone around me, even though I know I would most likely fail miserably. Just imagine this tiny woman, screaming like a banshie, saying “thou shall not hurt my family, my friends, my tumblr mutuals, and my students.” So, self sacrifice is one option.
Another would be I am scared. If I am scared to death, I will be hiding. Some people I know are prepers, so I would probably follow their lead and try to go “underground.” I would help get my most immediate family and loved ones to safety, then I would be sitting with my bow and arrow aimed at the door of any location I am in, shaking like a leaf, hoping it does not come to the point such measures must be taken. In this scenario, the main thing I would be doing is crying and praying. Praying and crying so hard, lol.
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moonlightpetalz6 · 9 months
I'll Make It Better
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Characters: Monkey D. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Vinsmoke Sanji 
Reader: fem reader 
Warning: harsh language, bruises, pet names, blood, suggestive nsfw (Zoro, Sanji)
Context: They spot a fresh bruise left on the reader and wish to kiss it all better~
Wc: 4,600
A/n: I would be so lucky! The number of random bruises I wake up with?! PLEASE KISS IT BETTER DADD- I’ll stop now hehe~
You sat on the thousand sunny humming to yourself as you carefully polished one of Sanji's cooking knives. You had been working on the Baratie with Sanji when the straw hat pirates had appeared. At first, you were scared, hiding behind any of your coworkers whenever the new busboy, Luffy, kept trying to speak to you. You knew he was a pirate as you watched him get in trouble for not paying for all the food he had eaten. Eventually, you came around to the rubber boy when you had been hiding from him in the kitchen, none of your coworkers currently available to be your human shield. Luffy was looking for you all around before spotting you trappin' you in the corner as he asked you to join his crew for the third time.
You recall Sanji yelling at him each time, stating that you weren't a fighter, just a waitress taking a few cooking lessons from everyone. However, Luffy never cared about that. "You make those yummy desserts, right?" He had asked you, a giant smile on his face, practically drooling over just the thought of your yummy sweets. You shyly nodded your head, still uncomfortable around the pirate. "Then join my crew! I want to keep eating your yummy sweets!" he laughed while placing a hand on your head, causing a tiny blush on your cheeks. Of course, you only agreed once you watched the straw hat defend the restaurant you grew to call home, making sure to give everyone proper goodbyes as you and Sanji set off on your new journey.
Smiling at the memory, you carefully place the newly polished kitchen knife with the others. “Y/n!!!!!!!” You heard the familiar voice of your captain shout, followed by arms wrapping around your shoulders. You smiled, a small blush on your cheeks as you felt his body press against your back. 'He's warm.' as the thought crossed your mind, you noticed Luffy leaning over you with a giant smile as his straw hat blocked some of the sun from your eyes. "Hi, Luffy." You giggled softly at your energetic captain, whose arms wrapped around you. "Y/n, I want something sweet!" He demanded, giving you his signature smile as he looked at you with bright eyes. You hum, turning your gaze away from him as you look up, trying to think of what you could make him. "Would you like something warm or cold? How sweet?" You started asking multiple questions about what kind of sweet he sought.
Luffy just watched you, not processing your words as he smiled lovingly whenever that childish light filled your eyes whenever you talked about desserts. It made him fall in love with you two years ago when you both went crazy over the desserts at a bakery you visited while Sanji shopped for ingredients. Luffy didn't say anything as he carefully went and held your chin between his thumb and index finger, causing you to freeze a slight blush on your cheeks. Luffy turned you to face him with a giant smile and laughed. "I want something sweet right now!" He declared before leaning in to kiss your lips. You squealed a small giggle muffled into the kiss as you happily accepted it.
Luffy hummed, satisfied with the kiss as his arms, still wrapped around your shoulders, gave a slight squeeze. You slightly flinched as you felt some pain in your right shoulder. Luffy instantly noticed the flinch and pulled away, his eyes examining you curiously, a slight pout on his cheeks. "What's wrong? Did I do something?" You internally cursed as you shook your head, not liking the sad puppy look your boyfriend/captain gave you. "N-no! It's not you!" you stammered quickly, sitting on your knees as you shook your hands in front of your face. "I-it was just my shoulder, is all…" You trailed off, not wanting to make eye contact with your boyfriend. "Your shoulder?" He questioned before carefully sliding the fabric of your shirt away from the area you had mentioned.
Luffy's eyes widened as he saw the freshly formed bruise covering your usually untouched skin. "WHAT HAPPENED?!?!" He cried, worried as he looked at your shoulder, unsure what to do as he knew you're not a fighter and your pain tolerance isn't the best. "I'll go get Chopper!" as he's getting up to find the doctor, you grab his wrist, stopping him as you laugh, a giant smile on your face. "Haha! Luffy, it's just a bruise! It will be gone within a few days!" Your boyfriend pouts his eyes, not leaving the tainted flesh on your shoulder. You just smiled carefully, placing your hand over it, your fingers barely touching the tender skin. "It must have happened earlier when I was helping Sanji carry some of the heavy bags. I ended up bumping into the doorframe." You admitted with a content nod.
Luffy just stared at your shoulder, not saying a word before he went and sat on his butt, legs spread open as he held his arms out towards you. You hum, looking at him curiously, before crawling to the spot between his legs. Luffy watches you sit comfortably between his legs before wrapping his arms around your waist. "How much does it hurt?" He asked, resting his chin on your head as he lifted a hand to poke at the bruise softly. You cringe a bit, causing Luffy to mumble an apology. "It just hurts a little, is all. Honestly, Luffy, I'm fine! It's not the first time I've had a-!!!" You stop speaking as a deep blush covers your cheeks, eyes comprehensive.
Luffy sat there, his lips carefully pressed against the bruise, his hand cupping your shoulder. "L-Luffy?!" You squeak, surprised at his sudden loving gesture. Luffy pulls away from the kiss and smiles at you, his arms pulling your waist closer to him as he lets out a loud laugh. "Shishishi! Your kisses are always sweet, so if I keep kissing the bruise, the sweetness will make it go away, right?!" He looked at you with joy-filled eyes and a slight blush. You looked at him in awe before a gentle smile graced your face as you lightly kissed his cheek.
"Mhm! I love you, Luffy!"
You quietly tiptoed your way onto the thousand sunny. The crew had docked at a small island for a few weeks, and today, you had gone out drinking with Nami, the two of you wanting to party once again like you used to when you both joined the crew early on. "Do you think they're all asleep?" You whispered, glancing back at the navigator, who was also trying her best to be quiet. "For your sake, I hope so." She muttered, her head gesturing towards the hand covering your eye. You just scoffed, rolling the visible eye. "Let's just get to the infirmary." She nods as both of you sneak through the dark halls of the ship. "How are you feeling?" Nami asks as you both reach the door to Choppers' work area.
Relief washed over you when the lights turned on, and the room was empty. "Sit in the chair; I'll get the first aid kit." You do as Nami says, tossing your coat on the back of the chair before sitting with a loud sigh. "I didn't know how tired I was." You muttered, causing Nami to laugh as she walked to you, kit in hand. You watched her place it on the table, slowly taking what you needed out. "Well, I could be wrong, but I think a big part of that could be what happened there." She gestured to her left eye, a sly smile on her face. You hum, leaning back in the chair, hand still covering the irritated area. "Whatever, let's just get this over with." Before either of you could do anything else, the door opened, causing you to jump as you both turned to see who entered the room.
You felt your heart stop as the little color you had left in your face drained out. There in the doorway stood your highly protective boyfriend, Roronoa Zoro. You clenched your jaw and refused to move even slightly from your spot. Zoro looked at the two of you; his brow raised as he stopped messing with the bandage on his hand. "You two are back? What are you doing here?" he grumbled, assuming you would still be out enjoying your night. You cleared your throat, avoiding the swordsman, not wanting him to notice anything wrong. Nami just laughed as she stood before you, waving a hand.
"We just got tired! Y/n and I wanted to ensure we treated any cuts from our heels!" You commended Nami for how fast she made excuses in tense situations. Earlier that day, you and Zoro had gotten into a fight because he didn't want you only going out drinking with Nami, saying how it isn't like it used to be, and now that you were all famous pirates, danger lurked all around. Of course, you both ended up yelling at each other. One yelled how he needed to go with you both, while the other yelled how he was being overprotective. It ended with both of you storming away, not speaking for the rest of the day. 'Fuck, why him.' you thought while closing your eye; a headache started.
Zoro looked at you both, his eye narrowing in suspicion as he let out a small grunt before wrapping his wound in fresh bandages. "I see…" He mumbled, grabbing what he needed. You just sat staring at the wall, praying he would hurry up and leave. To your dismay, Zoro sat on the edge of the small bed across from you girls. He looked up at you, eye narrowed, a blank expression on his face. "Don't let me stop you then." Nami flinched, sweat trickling down her neck as she glanced back at you, unsure what to do. You bit your lip mentally, cursing your luck as your leg started shaking up and down. Zoro continued to wrap his hand, his gaze not falling from his nervous crewmates. You let out a deep sigh as you gave Nami a small smile. "It's fine. You get some rest, okay? It was a long night." You admitted while shooing her off with your free hand. Nami hesitated, looking back from you to Zoro, who waited patiently, arms resting on his knees.
"Okay…shout if you need anything. You get one free service from me as thanks for tonight." You scoffed, hitting her arm as she gave you one last smile before leaving the two of you alone. "What happened?" Wow, straight to the point, huh? You thought while sparing him a slight glance. "It was nothing." You mumbled, turning to him fully. "Are you done wrapping your wound now?" practically hinting that you want him to hurry up and leave. Zoro scoffed at your attitude as he stood up straight, brows furrowed. "It's like that, huh?" the two of you glared at one another, both too full of pride to back down. You didn't want to admit to him that, in a way, he was right about having to tag along earlier.
Zoro lets out a deep sigh as he stands up, heading towards the door. You feel your heartache as you open your mouth to call his name but stop yourself looking down at the ground. 'It's for the best. After all, it will only be another fight.' As the thought crosses your mind, you hear the door lock, causing your head to turn back. Zoro stands in front of the door, his face expressionless as his eyes lock with yours. "Zoro?" You question your boyfriend, trying to understand what he was planning. The swordsman said nothing as he slowly made his way over to your seated figure. You look away, feeling your nerves starting to get the better hand. Zoro quickly catches your chin lightly between his thumb and index finger. "Y/n…look at me, baby." Your heart dropped at his words as tears instantly filled your eyes. His voice was so gentle and filled with worry, a sound only you would ever hear from your usually uncaring boyfriend. You sighed as you removed your hand while slowly lifting your head to him.
Once your eyes met Zoro's, you instantly felt his grip on your chin tighten, his body going stiff as his eyes filled with rage. "Is it that bad?" you tried to ease the tension, quickly taking over the infirmary with a small laugh. Unfortunately, your boyfriend wasn't in a laughing mood. Oh no, Zoro was seething with rage as he stared down at your swollen and bruised eye. He noted where some dried blood stained the injury, indicating that you and Nami must have stopped the bleeding earlier after the incident. "You were bleeding." To his surprise, Zoro kept calm as he went and caressed that area of the wound, causing you to flinch, a hiss of pain leaving your lips.
"It wasn't that bad, honestly…it just covered one rag." One rag? One fucking rag of your blood?! Zoro looked up at the ceiling, his neck flexing from anger as he took a deep breath. "What happened?" He whispered, feeling his composure falter as he looked at the wound. "This jerk at the bar! He wasn't taking no for an answer and tried dragging Nami off! So, I kicked him in the knee, and…he didn't like it…" You trailed off, watching Zoro's expression go from calm to pure rage as he clenched his jaw teeth, looking like they would break. You quickly tug his wrist with a nervous smile as you try to laugh off the situation. "H-hey! If you think this is bad, you should see the other guy! This is nothing!"
Zoro grips both sides of your face, his eye boring into yours. "I'll kill him." He growled, the veins in his neck starting to pop out. You looked at your boyfriend briefly before tears began falling down your face. "Zoro! Zoro, it hurts!" Emotions finally took over as your sobs filled the room. Zoro's grip instantly loosened as he kissed all around your face, his lips hovering above your bruised eye. "Shhh. It's over now, baby. I'll kiss it all better." He mumbled while you whined slightly, signaling he could kiss the wound lightly. He chuckled as he sank to his knees to be at eye level with you. "Do you feel better?" He asked while wiping away your last few tears.
You nod, giving him a small smile. "I'm sorry, Zoro…you were right." he frowned at your words, his hands softly squeezing your thighs. "Shut up," he muttered while pressing his lips to yours. You jumped back slightly due to the shock of the sudden kiss. Zoro smirked while gently biting your bottom lip, earning a slight whine as you opened your mouth, allowing Zoro to slip his tongue in. He hums in approval while still massaging your thighs with his rough hands. After a moment, Zoro pulls away a tiny string of saliva hanging from his lips. He examines your face, seeing the deep blush on your cheeks, your lips wet from the kiss as you take a few tiny breaths.
He licked his lips as he cupped your cheek in his hand, gently caressing the area below your bruised eye with his thumb. "You're so beautiful." He whispered, admiring every part of you with his good eye. "Tch. Yeah right. In case you forgot, I have this hideous mark on my face." You gestured towards your eye with a frown on your face. Zoro hummed while dipping his face into the crook of your neck, his hands sliding up and down your thighs with occasional squeezes. "You're still beautiful…" Zoro trails off while leaving kisses up and down your neck until he finds that sweet spot, lightly biting down. "Z-zoro!" you yelp in surprise while trying to push him away. He doesn't budge as he starts to leave small hickeys and bite marks down your neck and across your collarbone. You let out a few soft moans while lightly ruffling his hair. "Zoro…" You whisper, earning a slight hum as he brings his face up to yours, giving a quick kiss as he squeezes your thighs, causing a familiar feeling between them.
"Sorry…if that bastard's mark makes you feel ugly, I wanted to leave my marks that you've said make you feel beautiful…" You blush at his words, feeling your chest flutter as he goes and leaves tender kisses all over your face again. "Do you want me to stop, baby? We can cuddle instead…" He whispered, resting his head against yours. You close your eye in thought as you process all of today's events and let out a small sigh. "As much as it pains me, I'll have to go for cuddles tonight." You sigh dramatically, earning a grunt from your lover, who rolls his eyes while standing up. "Dramatic woman." He joked as he went and started to mess with the items Nami had gotten out earlier for your eye. He kissed you before holding the things up towards your wound.
"Hold still for me Y/n baby."
"Do I have to?" You whine, sitting on your bed and watching Nami and Robin go through your swimsuits. Nami looked at you, rolling her eyes as she tossed another. "Oh, come on, Y/n! It's such a nice day out!" She yelled while Robin gave a small smile, holding a swimsuit up for you to judge. You looked at it momentarily before nodding your head in approval as she handed the fabric to you. "Fine! But only because Robin picked a cute one!" You scoffed, walking away from the two girls who high-fived each other. You quickly change into the swimsuit, taking a quick scan in the mirror before your eyes land on your thighs. You puff out your cheeks when you notice the bruises. 'Oh, come on! I keep waking up to these.' Your eye twitched in annoyance as you stormed out of the room to join the girls already in their swimsuits on deck.
You walk onto the deck, scanning the area before your eyes land on Nami and Robin, who send a wave your way. "Oh wow! You're wearing a swimsuit?!" You heard Usopp call in amazement, not used to seeing you in anything that shows too much skin. "Yep! So, soak it all in, boys~" You tease your crewmates, who just laugh at you. With one more scan, you nod your head, noticing that your boyfriend is nowhere to be seen. Otherwise, you would have a problem on your hands. You plop down next to the girls with a heavy sigh as you lean back, taking in the sun's rays. "Oh my, did something happen, Y/n?" Robin asked, noticing the minor bruises on your thighs. Nami hummed as she sipped her drink, eyes following Robin's gaze.
"Oh yeah! These appear sometimes!" You laugh, waving off their concern as you look back at the bruises. As you girls talk, Usopp walks into the kitchen to grab water due to the day's heat. Everything was nice and peaceful, the air filled with a nice calm-" SHE WHAT?!?!" A sudden voice boomed throughout the ship, causing everyone to jump. The three of you turn your heads as the door to the kitchen flies open with a loud bang. Before anyone could even blink, Sanji is in front of you on his knee; a hand extended out towards you as your boyfriend looks up at you with giant hearts for eyes, a cigarette hanging from his lips. "OH MY DARLING Y/N, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE OUT?!?!" He cooed hearts surrounding him like no end.
You sat there staring at your romantic pervert of a boyfriend in awe before smiling, a laugh leaving your lips. "Sanji! Haha! You don't have to make it such a big deal!" You laughed, causing your boyfriend to gush as he did a small dance around you. "Y/n~ my darling~" He sang, going and wrapping his arms around your shoulders from behind. You hummed, leaning back into your boyfriend's touch as the girls smiled, shaking their heads. "He hasn't looked at Y/n yet, has he?" Nami mumbled while Robin giggled, lifting her book over her mouth. Sanji hummed, having completely forgotten why he ran out in such a panic as he went and looked down at you.
You watched as Sanji's face went from pure bliss to shocked silly as his eyes fell onto your exposed cleavage. Sanji's eyes practically bulged out of his head as they darted around your form, taking in every piece of exposed skin you were showing. Sanji's smile widened as blood started gushing from his nose, causing everyone to sigh as Chopper panicked and quickly got to work. You just laughed, shaking your head while enjoying the sun.
After about half an hour, Sanji shot up from the deck, a white cloth stained red from his blood sticking out from his nose. The cook's head quickly darts around, trying to find your form. "She went to the kitchen to get a drink," Robin whispered, not taking her eyes off the book she was reading. Sanji jumped up with a smile on his face as he went and placed a kiss on Robin's hand. "Thank you, my dear Robin~" Sanji sang, running towards the kitchen. Before opening the door, Sanji took a second to compose himself, getting ready to see your form again in that sexy swimsuit. A tiny bit of blood trickled from his nose just at the thought. With a few slaps to the face, Sanji took a deep breath before pushing the door open.
"Oh good, you're awake!" You cheered, sitting on one of the tables with a cup of water in your hand. Sanji stood in the doorway, frozen stiff as he took in your appearance. You were just too sexy sitting in his kitchen in such revealing fabric. Sanji took a deep breath before heading towards you with a giant smile as he extended his arms for a hug. "Y/n, my love~" He sang before wrapping his arms around you, pulling your exposed flesh closer to his body. Once your body's connected, you can feel Sanji aggressively shiver as he nuzzles into the crook of your neck. "You look so gorgeous, cupcake~ absolutely stunning~" He purred, his hands trailing over your body.
You laugh, a slight blush on your cheeks as you place the cup of water behind you before playing with your boyfriend's hair. "Sanji~ do you like me better like this or in my usual clothes?" You teased, already knowing what his answer was going to be. "No matter what you wear, mon chéri, I will love you until my heart stops beating~" He purred, kissing your neck. You giggle, moving slightly to make yourself more comfortable. However, this allowed Sanji to glimpse at your thighs, noticing the bruised skin. The atmosphere in the room instantly became tense, causing you to look down at the cook in confusion. "Sanji?" You watched as his body twitched.
"Who did it?" You tilt your head in confusion, barely hearing what your boyfriend whispered, not moving his head from your neck. "Come again?" You questioned innocence laced throughout your words. Sanji looked at you, eyes filled with anger as he clenched his jaw. Then, you noticed his firm grip on the table you sat on, causing you to grow concerned. "Who hurt you? Who dares to taint your precious skin, mon amour? I won't let them live another day!" He growled, rage-filled-eyed, locking with your shocked and innocent ones. You just stared at him briefly before smiling, your laugh soon echoing off the kitchen walls, catching the man by surprise. "Haha! Oh my, you made me scared for a second!" Your comment makes Sanji flinch, as he never wants to scare his precious girl. "I'm sorry, mon amour…" he looked down, feeling guilty for frightening you. You watched him for a moment before your body suddenly jumped. Sanji had placed his hand on your thigh, gently caressing the bruises with his rough thumb. You blushed at his sudden action, watching as his eyes became serious, focusing on nothing but the discolored skin.
You felt your body relax as you carefully cupped Sanji's cheek, causing him to hum as he instantly leaned into your touch, closing his eyes as a small smile blessed his face. "I'm okay, Sanji. I wake up with bruises sometimes; it's no big deal! I promise no one hurt me~" You laughed, giving him that bright smile he loved more than anything. Your words take a second for him to process before a giant smile crosses his face, his eyes lighting up. "Oh, I see! That used to happen to me when I was a kid!" He cheered, his tone utterly different from the one he had just moments ago. You smile gently, kissing his cheek, causing him to blush as he looks at you shyly. "Not fair." You giggle at him while he caresses your thigh, causing a bit of heat to rise within your body.
"S-sanji…you don't have to keep caressing my thigh." You whispered, feeling embarrassed as you tried to move back from him. However, he suddenly pins you to the table, causing you to let out a small gasp as you stare up at him in awe. He looks down at your eyes filled with lust and love as he gives a sly smirk. "mon amour…earlier when I asked you about the bruises, I felt your body tense in fear but also…" Sanji trails off as he leans next to your ear, gently nibbling on the skin, causing you to flinch as a small whimper leaves your lips. Sanji's warm breath hits the tender flesh, causing your heart to go wild as his other hand goes and pulls your lower half closer to Sanji.
“Pleasure am I correct mon amour?” His words caused you to shiver as Sanji chuckled, taking the unlit cigarette from his lips and trucking it behind his ear. "Did I make you excited Y/n~? Did you like me getting mad?" He teased you while slowly sliding down to your lower half. You blush heavily while quickly trying to get up. "S-sanji! Not here!" You hissed, checking the door to ensure no one walked in on the inappropriate scene from the other side. Sanji hummed, amused with your sudden shyness as he went and bit the inner part of your thigh, causing you to jump once more, this time a small moan escaping your lips. "You said these bruises appear when you're sleeping, right?" He mumbled, placing light kisses up and down your thigh, his eyes watching your every expression.
Sanji loved teasing his girlfriend; your expressions were just too cute and sexy for him to ignore. "How about I make sure to inspect your body every morning for any bruises that suddenly appear?" He purred, going and leaving a hickey on your soft flesh before rising back up and pulling you closer to him, your crotches pressed against one another as he smiled, cupping your cheeks, a deep blush coating his cheeks. "Sanji…" You whispered his name so sweet it caused him to shiver as he went and placed his thumb in your mouth while caressing your chin.
"Mon amour…. can I cover those filthy marks with my own loving ones?" 
A/n: AAAAAAAH I had fun making this one! I hope you all enjoy!
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raitonsfw · 3 months
bsd men: first time edition
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characters: nakahara chūya, nakajima atsushi, & dazai osamu.
warnings: 18+ mdni, smut, fem!reader, virgin!reader, loving!chūya, virgin!atsushi, smug!dazai, positions: missionary (chūya's & atsushi's) & riding (dazai's), p in v intercourse, slight clit play, premature ejaculation (atsushi's), kissing, praising, pining, slight dirty talk, consent, hint of pain, some uncertainty, new sensations, chūya's part feels poetic to me (almost cried writing it), atsushi ruins his trousers hehe (he's so cute), dazai's quite big ahem- (iykwim).
a/n: why not start a tiny bsd series with sharing their first times with you? probably a v popular idea, but we always need more variety you know? wc: 1.9k m.list
next up: bsd men: first time edition pt 2. (nikolai, fyodor, & sigma)
divider credit: @hitobaby
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❝𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐮𝐲𝐚'𝐬❞ first time with you goes exactly as planned. a bottle of wine waited for you in the kitchen afterwards as he delicately hovered over you with an intoxicating smile. he didn’t want to drink beforehand– this moment was too important to get wine drunk over, too intimate to get lavished from the red liquid and you appreciated the gesture. 
the silk sheets kissed your skin, felt underneath you with a cold sheen and you reveled in the way his mouth tasted like you were his wine; sweet and delicate to the touch as his tongue lapped into your mouth. careful not to break – not to shatter you – as his gloved palms ran over the flesh of your hips, soft fingertips dipping into the innate crevices of your body. 
when he pushed into you, there was a hint of pain– but it was completely erased by the gentleness of his fingers soothing against your blushed cheeks. you felt at ease in his arms, your hands shielded over his lithe figure, and he knew his back would soon be littered with scratches. your legs wrapped around him as he settled deep inside you– waiting for you to adjust to the imploring feeling of being connected. 
“it’s okay, darling– tell me when i can move. i’ll make sure you feel so good…” 
“fuck you’re so tight around me… can’t think straight–”
and you loved that of him. you adored the way he looked at you, his rich eyes searching for any discomfort and brushing it away. his humanity shone through and you wondered how he could possibly think that such a cherished feeling wasn’t human itself? he had held back a groan when he sank into you, your walls hugging him tightly with a sharp inhale coming from you but now his voice failed him as you prompted him to move.
a low groan escaped his lips as he pulled out of you gingerly and thrusted back in, your mind nearly going numb at the first stroke. for such a tiny man, he surely knew how to curve thickly inside you– his cock nudging against the sweet bundle of nerves. you let out a quiet moan, your head tipping back onto the pillows and your entire body relaxing against his. everything seemed to have melted away as he took to a languid rhythm, soft kisses against your neck and chest littering your skin.
every time you squeezed around him, his eyes would roll back and he’d jolt inside you– his hips stuttering and a tiny curse expelling from him until he held eye contact with you. and god, did that make you feel gorgeously exposed – piercing blue staring back at you with such intimacy drawn in them, it made your heart flutter and dance. you couldn’t help but take his roseate cheeks into your hands, capturing him into a searing kiss that he thought about for days on end afterwards. 
you were so caught up within your pleasure, you didn’t have time to tell him you were close but he knew way before you did; quiet praises coaxing you closer and closer to your release.
“c’mon, give it to me sweetheart– yes…” 
and when you came, it was a blossoming feeling. your body shook with pleasure and chūya could barely hold his own, desperately trying not to cum yet but failing miserably as you let out those pretty little moans for him. 
your back arched against him, both of your chests touching and with a light hand, he subconsciously swiped it over the small of your back to keep you in place with his ability caressing you so you wouldn’t slump against the bed too harshly. 
“so good for me, y/n… had me losing my mind.”
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❝𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢'𝐬❞ first time with you is also his first time. you knew he was a virgin beforehand, his slight jumpy actions whenever you placed your hand on his thigh– dare you try to go further with him, his whole face would turn red and you’d think it was the cutest thing ever. 
when you finally made the move on atsushi, his lips wouldn’t work properly as he stuttered out ‘a-are you sure, y/n?’ and you’d just melt at the way he laid back for you when you straddled him with a passionate kiss. you just had to shut him up or else you’d second guess yourself even though you wanted him to practically mount you since the day you met him at the agency.
you’d be so fucking careful too– careful enough as to not scare him away, he was always so flighty when it came to intimacy. but this time, he seemed to revel in every muted touch to his body. your fingers would trail down his chest, toying with his suspenders and your other hand would thread into his hair– the swayed black highlight in it slicking back as he got more needy with each kiss. 
his hands would fly to your hips, your clothed cunt flush with his stiffened cock– and you’d make the mistake of grinding down onto him. he’d cum in his trousers seconds after, a choked moan escaping him against your lips and it’d turn you on sooo much. it’s like he was reliving his teen years, freshly sixteen and barely able to contain his horniness when he felt a woman’s touch for the first time.
as you pulled away to look at him, he’d turn his head away with a quiet ‘sorry’ slipping from his mouth and god, if you weren’t wet then… you’re soaked now. you’d tease him– ‘atsushi, never had a pretty girl grind on you? how cute…’ to which he’d respond with simply rolling you two over in bed, him now on top of you.
“if you’re really sure, we can do it this way.”
“w-would you like that?”
and now it’s your turn to go red in the face, your legs parting to let him in. with shaky fingers, he’d undress you– each article of clothing ending up near the end of the bed and he’d take every opportunity he had to ogle at your figure. you looked so beautiful underneath him– him of all people – and he was certain if he touched his cock now, he’d explode. 
and when you wrapped your hand around him to guide him in, thank god he didn’t; his insides shifting as you gave him a small smile. the tip of his cock nudged up against your entrance and you both looked down as he sunk inside you. a gasped moan met you, which you swallowed up early– your own whines in tune with his as he started to move inside you. 
“l-love you soo much– you okay baby?”
you’d nod every time he asked, your mouth ghosting over his neck and his shoulders as he buried his head into yours– every thrust feeling so overwhelming to you but it felt so good… for as long as it lasted at least. his hips had started stuttering into you, quiet pants and whimpers leaking into your ear as his high caught up to him quickly. he couldn’t stop from stringing out your name in a long drawn moan either, his eyes squeezing shut as he reached his second orgasm within the hour.
“‘m so sorry… g-gonna cum–!”
he stilled in you, weakly shuddering through his release and you massaged his back softly as he collapsed against you after. his cum dripped out of you, around his own cock as he didn’t even manage to pull out and you’d pepper kisses into his skin. atsushi would mumble out some nonsense, presumably a ‘thank you’ and once he came to, you knew he’d return the favor– with your guidance of course. 
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❝𝐝𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐢 𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮'𝐬❞ first time with you goes…not exactly how you expected. with the exception of his bandages loosening underneath your grasp and his urge to just straight up bounce you on his cock, you didn’t know what you had gotten yourself into. 
he insisted on you riding him the first time– that way if anything happened you could just get off of him and that was that. definitely not because of the way your figure was practically on display for him, your breasts jiggling and your pretty pussy fluttering around him as you sunk down unassuredly. 
you didn't know where to put your hands so they ended up fluctuating between holding them against your chest and resting them against his sternum, pressing deeply as another wave of pleasure rolled through you when you leaned slightly forward. his cock nestled up right against your cervix, curved upwards long and thick and you nearly died on spot when he first pulled it out. 
you knew dazai had been packing, but you didn’t really think twice about it until it was prodding against your entrance. the head of it slipped past your folds and you had gasped out, his bandages nearly tearing from the sheer grip you had on them. and then he bottomed out and… oh, wow– you never felt so full in your entire fucking life. 
“that’s it, good girl– took me like a champ.”
“how ‘bout you put on a show for me?” 
you didn’t know what he meant, but you tried your best as you lifted yourself up on his cock– the crown catching lightly against your hole and sinking back down onto him quickly. your hands quaked, a bit of pain shooting through your abdomen before dissipating as you moved more fluidly on him.
you looked at dazai halfway through, half-lidded eyes meeting yours and suddenly, you understood why people have sex now. his entire face was smug, his mouth open in silent pants, and his bangs stuck to his forehead with his arms crossed behind his head. it was hot– the way his eyes followed the bounce of your breasts and the movements of the back of your thighs smacking down slightly against his own. 
he wasn’t very loud, which you had coined him to be before but maybe you had to wait. with his lustered personality, you were sure he’d pipe up near the end, his hips starting to work against yours with a searing grasp against your own hips. 
he practically moved them for you, lifting you up and down against him with little waver and his eyes rolled back when you clenched around him, a cry leaving your mouth as he nudged your sweet spot. 
“right there, hm? use your words, baby.”
your voice was broken apparently as you could barely form his name on your tongue, overwhelming pleasure coursing through your entire body as he fucked up into you earnestly now. you couldn’t hold back your moans anymore, same with him – you knew it – his low groans filling the air now with every thrust. 
you felt so good around him, tight and now made to fit his cock personally. he only ever wanted his cock buried deep in you from now on, no one else’s; you were his until the day you two decided the afterlife. 
your orgasm fluttered up your spine, quick and brutal until it was right there and you tried to tumble off, a sharp whine escaping you. you looked to dazai for help, a needy look too and he cooed at you with a smirk. 
“yeah, gonna cum on my cock? how darling. cum for me, y/n.”
his fingers grazed your clit, rubbing it expertly and your orgasm washed over you within seconds. you were too far gone to notice the tiny whimpers that escaped the brunette as you convulsed on his cock, the desperation that overtook him as he watched you fall apart– his vision went white when he came inside you. 
yeah, this wasn’t exactly what you expected but you wouldn’t have had it any other way. 
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Hello, sweetheart! I was wondering if you could do Alastor with an overlord reader? I was imagining reader having water based abilities and a blue theme to them! I also imagined the reader being a lot shorter than him (cause he’s like 7 feet tall).Like how would he react to reader being able to summon a tsunami and drowning a bunch of sinners, but being an absolute sweetheart at the same time! Please ignore this if you feel uncomfortable!
~Angel <3
hi angel!!! i can totally do that! thank you for your request and your patience on this!!!
i would love to do this! i’m doing this more in a head cannon/ficlet format, but i may come back to this to make a full fic.
i hope you enjoy!! ☺️
alastor first noticed how short you were. you were tiny
at least to him.
but he’s like 7 feet tall and you kept your human height of 5’2 when you descended to hell.
the second thing that he noticed were you were completely opposite of him
your color palette, your disposition and even the way you spoke were all opposites.
you had a mainly blue color palette. your hair was long and blue, your outfit flowy and not really structured, your eyes were the red that overlords though
you were rumored to be powerful but alastor had never seen any display of your power
you were happy and kind of go lucky, you and charlie were almost like two peas in a pod.
that was until one day, someone threatened the hotel and he wasn’t there.
Idiot sinners who thought they could beat the radio demon
it was the thought that if the radio demon wasn’t there, it would be fine as no one took charlie seriously.
and you wouldn’t let her dirty her hands on these… cretins
The fire balls soared through as they called out for Alastor. Everyone was running around trying to put out the fires and Alastor wasn’t around. He was in Cannibal Town today visiting Rosie. You sighed and closed your eyes. You made your way to the front ignoring the calls of your name and to watch out. You raised your hands and a shield of water surrounded the hotel. You walked out and stared at the sinners.
“Who are you bitch?” One asked. Looking there seemed to be about 30 sinners who made up this party.
“Yeah! Where’s Alastor?” Another asked, raising a molotov cocktail and getting ready to light it.
“Look, gentleman, why don’t you go back to wherever you came from and we can forget this ever happened.” You say, looking at all of them. There’s a beat of silence and then they all start laughing. You look annoyed and the one who seemed to be the leader spat at your feet.
“Like hell, bitch. Be a good girl and get Alastor.” He said laughing again.
“Oh, you’ll wish you got Alastor.” You said, bringing your hands together and then throwing them in a down motion to the ground. Suddenly chains appeared on all of the sinners. Their eyes widened and the leader started to struggle. You smiled as you reached your hand towards him and he flinched thinking you were going to grab him, but then all of a sudden you closed your fist. The group looked at you confused until the water that held them where they were at started to boil.
You raised your left hand up and the boiling water started to encase their legs slowly. You looked at the leader and smiled.
“Wanna make a deal? I’ll end this pain right now, you give me your soul, never come to this hotel again and are at my beck and call whenever I feel like it. You will do anything I ask of you. Do we have a deal?” You grinned as he cried out his confirmation.
You stopped the water from boiling and proceeded to make the same deal with all 30 sinners, they scampered off afterwards and you let down the shield on the hotel. You looked to your left and saw Alastor there, his eyes wide and his grip on his cane tight. Rosie next to him, grinning.
“Oh hey!” You said nonchalantly.
alastor is enamored
you a little thing so sadistic that you get 30 sinners to make a deal with you at once?
he’s not sure if he truly feels threatened or admired you.
rosie adores you
you shock alastor again when another group of sinners come to the hotel and you don’t even walk outside
the only thing heard is a rumbling, a crash and then quiet. everyone looks outside and sees a tsunami drowning a larger group of sinners than before.
everyone looks at you sitting at the bar, complimenting pentious’ drawing and him beaming at your compliments
you were such a sweetheart but you were terrifying
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moonlit-imagines · 7 months
Headcanons for Halloween with Peter Parker
Peter Parker x reader
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you were spider-man for halloween (of course)
“really?” -peter
“there’s no better costume i could have picked” -you
peter was…iron man
“don’t tell mr. stark about this. ever” -peter
“too late” -you, taking a picture
you sent it straight to tony
and he called almost immediately
“you could have told me you were gonna be me, im flattered. i could have lent you an old suit of mine so you didn’t have to wear that cheap mask” -tony
“that’s so kind of you, but i dont know how safe it is to wear a military grade weapon to any halloween parties or like, on the street” -you
“well, you guys wouldn’t be on the street. you could fly!” -tony
“thank you, mr. stark. i just think i’ll fit it better with this stuff!” -peter
“well, suit yourself. cheaply.” -tony
you guys took so many pictures together
remaking all kinds of poses and such
(you colored a paper plate to look like captain america’s shield and did the spider pose on peter’s bed)
you both recreated the peter/tony picture together
“can i draw the goatee on your face” -you
“it’d be my greatest honor” -peter
it was sloppy but it was a fantastic addition
“‘FRIDAY, how many hours of sleep should the average human being get each night?’” -peter, mocking tony’s voice
“‘eight hours, mr. stark’” -you, mocking FRIDAY
“‘no, you’re wrong FRIDAY. the answer is two hours every two days’” -peter
fighting the urge to go trick or treating
“i mean—aren’t we a little too old for that?” -you
“i don’t really think there’s an age limit” -peter
“yeah, but like, i was thinking more of a party and some scary movies afterwards” -you
“…i have to call ned” -peter
ned showed up to peter’s house dressed as a spider
“we coordinated this. im the spider that bit you” -ned
may was basically babysitting you guys with a camera during all of this, too
constantly snapping candids
“guys, squeeze together so i can get a few more” -may
you guys ended up finding a party thrown by a midtown student and it was…
not exactly your speed, you know?
ned actually was kind of into it though
“shots! shots! shots!” -the crowd
ned did one shot
“UGHHHHHH” -ned, hating every second of it
“told you” -you and peter
okay, so maybe the party was a blow
(you guys stole a bunch of candy out of a bowl and left)
the neighborhood had really cool halloween lights, you were able to wander and check out the decor
“that’s so me” -you, every 60 seconds
“no, that’s me” -peter
“no, that’s you” -you, pointing at an inflatable spider that had been deflated
when you got back to peter’s, you found may obsessively baking “halloween treats”
“hi guys! okay, so i have witch finger pretzels, ghost marshmallows, pumpkin cookies—oh! and those tiny pumpkins with paint. go ahead, take some stuff!” -may
you all three squeezed together on the couch and turned on the halloween movie (og of course)
“no one draw any more spiders!” -peter
*you and ned freezing and trying to cover the spiders you just painted*
“oops” -you
cracking up the whole time
peter trying to poke you with the witch finger pretzel
then pretending to pick his nose with it and eat it
“ew, peter! stop!!” -you
“hey, did may just stick some sprinkles in this marshmallow and call it a ghost?” -ned
“yeah. it’s a ghost.” -peter
“yeah, ned. are you too good for it?” -you
*ned quietly eating the marshmallow*
every once in a while you’d start paying attention to the movie again
“gross. fake. dumbass. ew.” -you
eventually you guys all crashed (on the couches, of course) and may made sure to give each of you a blanket so you had a good night
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @zoeyserpentluck // @wild-rose-35 // @ipurpleeyou // @nekoannie-chan // @punk-rock-raven // @evilcr0ne // @minxsblog // @v0idl1nq // @sydknee624 // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston //@multifandomfix // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @mymelodymia // @pheonixfire777 //
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Can you please rate either alcremie or purrloin?
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[I’ve covered purrloin before, so I’ll link that post at the bottom of this one! Oh, and how serendipitous! Alcremie is returning in The Indigo Disk, making this an apt post for this week!]
An alcremie would actually make an excellent pet (even if I’d constantly worry about them getting dirty)!
At only a pound in weight, alcremies Are tiny little creatures. Space won’t be an issue for caring for one, though you’ll want to keep in mind that they don’t appear to be super agile or quick-moving. You’ll definitely want to keep your alcremie away from animals and other pokémon that will want to eat them, because they may have trouble protecting themselves or getting away!
We don’t have a ton of data about wild alcremies’ behavior, but we do know that they get along well with humans. Once you earn an alcremie’s trust, they will happily give you gifts to show their gratitude and affection: they have been known to offer beloved owners berries that they have decorated with sweet cream (Sword - Vanilla Cream). If you can get past how (admittedly) gross it may be to eat the cream that alcremies produce from their hands, it is exceptionally sweet and tasty if coming from a content alcremie (Shield - Vanilla Cream). The flavor of an alcremie’s cream is impacted by the conditions in which they evolved (Sword - Ruby Cream, etc.), ranging from tart (Shield - Ruby Cream) to aromatic (Shield - Matcha Cream) to sour (Shield - Lemon Cream) and beyond. The berries they carry on their bodies vary as well! It’s pretty rare to see two alcremies that look exactly the same.
As previously mentioned, alcremies aren’t the greatest at defending themselves. In fact, in a pinch, they are much more likely to try and distract enemies with tossed sweet cream rather than fighting them. Alcremies aren’t capable of using very dangerous moves, relying on fairy-type staples like Draining Kiss and Dazzling Gleam in tandem with disarming moves like Sweet Scent and Sweet Kiss. Altogether, alcremies just aren’t that dangerous to humans, and are unlikely to attack. They even know some beneficial moves that allow them to heal themselves and others, like Aromatherapy and Recover, which is a huge plus!
Earlier, I mentioned that I would be worried about an alcremie getting dirty. What I mean by that is that, if their bodies have the consistency of cream as they appear to, they’d pick up all manner of dirt and particles just by exploring their environment. How do you clean an alcremie? Would they be okay getting wet, or would they dissolve? I’m a little concerned about the lack of clarity about just how cream-like this species’ bodies are! But hey, that might just be me.
Overall, alcremies appear like they’d be the perfect pet. They are small, friendly, not-too-dangerous, and will even offer you some delicious sweet cream on top of all of that. There’s certainly a reason that this pokémon is a highly favored companion by pastry chefs all over the world! For those who like unique and pretty pets, the variety of colors, flavors, and adornments that can be found in alcremies are a total plus. Just don’t let them play anywhere too dirty, please!
The Purrloin Post:
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moonlightazriel · 6 months
Son of the Darkness XVII /// Azriel X F!Reader
Summary: Hidden for so long The court of shadows thrived, and things were great until the high lord's death, now the next in line should assume the crown of high lord of shadows, will he accept his duties?
Warnings: More talks about war.
Word Count: 3,1K
Notes: Y/N Daera is definitely my favorite character and her friendship with Eva is everything to me.
Son of the Darkness Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Y/N stretched her limbs, feeling a wave of anxiety curse through her body, she headed for her bathroom, taking a long shower, her whole body was shaking as she stepped out, dried her body and started to prepare her armour.
The black armour shone in the early morning light, the black fabric that composed the leggings and the long sleeved shirt glued to her body, then she started to assemble the pieces in place, the breastplate, the gloves, the piece above her thighs, the long boots, the shoulder pads that were adorned with two long spikes.
She strapped all her weapons into place, attaching her long sword on her back. Y/N braided her hair, to get it out of the way and be more practical when the time comes. She reached for her helmet, tucking it under her arm, the helmet looked like a crown, it had pointy horns that peaked through her hair, and a v shaped shield above her eyes and nose, two tiny slits for her to see and she was ready to go.
The Sephiran were already working, as she walked to the improvised breakfast area, forcing food down her throat and commanding it to stay inside her belly, her power cursed through her veins, singing for the battle ahead, the tension around the camp was almost palpable. But the true show hasn't even begun yet.
“Did you sleep well?” Ryo asked, biting on an apple.
“As well as you can, knowing that death is just around the corner.”
“Just remember, that we wouldn’t follow anyone else, we trust you to bring us home.” The witch walked out of the tent, leaving Y/N there, thinking about her words, she would bring them home, even if it was the last thing she did.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“If the wall is down, who protects the humans along the border?” Nesta inquired, her hand tapping on Rhysand’s wooden desk.
“No one, we can try but no we might not get there on time.” Feyre paced around, her blue eyes scanning the room.
“Unless…” Elain timidly started, her eyes searching for Azriel’s support, but he wasn’t looking at her, his eyes were glued to the tent’s entry, waiting for a certain General to come back. She swallowed the lump in her throat. “I can ask Graysen for his help, he will help humans.”
“He doesn’t know she is fae now, we can put a glamor over her to look human.” Rhys pondered.
“His father has thought about that for years, he can protect the humans behind his walls, he just has to be convinced.” Elain said, her voice timid and barely above a whisper.
“Elain, if you go, and they try to hurt you..” Feyre started.
“He won’t. I know that.” The middle sister smiled, and Feyre took a deep breath. She trusted her sister, but if Graysen tried anything, she wouldn’t hesitate to protect her.
“But if he tries, I’ll protect you, no matter what.” She warned.
“Just don’t kill him.” Elain begged.
“I can’t promise that.” Elain nodded, understanding.
“I’ll go change.” Nesta made an attempt to follow her but she raised a hand. “Nuala and Cerridwen will help me.” With that, she left.
“What do I do now?” Nesta asked, rubbing her forehead, she had been distressed ever since the wall was broken, feeling that it was somehow her fault.
“You come with us, and then we will go to war.” Feyre said, grabbing her sister's hand and pulling her close for a hug, Nesta rested her forehead against her head. “It’s not your fault, Nes, there’s nothing you could’ve done.” The words got stuck in her head, making Nesta squeeze her eyes shut to prevent her from crying.
“Then it’s settled, you guys should get change, dresses aren’t the best flying clothes.” Cassian warned and Nesta looked at him.
“You will need to wear pants, sweetheart.” Nesta blinked and Cassian raised an eyebrow. “Any problems with that?”
“I never wore pants before.” She just shrugged.
“Then this should be good.” The general laughed, the sound warming Nesta’s chest, she gave him a small smile, letting Feyre guide her outside.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“Calm down, Az. We will wait for her before we go.” Cassian said, patting Azriel on the back.
“She should be here already.” He looked around the war camp, more soldiers should be there by now, his mate should be there.
“Isn’t that her?” Rhysand pointed, and Azriel followed his finger, his eyes landing on the beautiful female walking towards him, prepared for war.
Thousands of soldiers followed her, coming out of nowhere, Rhysand couldn’t believe his eyes, so many soldiers marching, supplies being dragged with them. The feeling that now they stood a chance against Hybern filled his chest and he smirked. The three Illyrians bowed to the female as she stopped in front of them.
“Hopefully I’m not late.” She joked, as Cassian pulled her in for a hug.
“Do you think I would start the party without you?” The male let her go as his eyes landed on Azriel and his annoyed expression.
“Nah, I would kick your ass if you did.” She bowed to Rhys. “Any news on the others?”
“They’re on their way to our designated place, I shared the info with them last night, they will be there.” She nodded.
“They better be.” Azriel pulled her for a hug, his hands pulling her face up and he gave her a quick peck on the lips. “Are we going somewhere?”
“Elain is going to talk to Graysen, ask him to take humans inside their borders.” Y/N raised an eyebrow at that. “Her human ex fiancé? I’ll tell you the details later.” He winked at her.
“Are you down to scare some humans?” Cassian wiggled his eyebrows, and Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Someone has to take care of these people, but I’ll ask Alais to escort you in case you need some extra magical protection.” Azriel watched his mate walk away and Rhys squeezed his shoulder.
“She’s a natural leader, she will be an amazing High Lady.” Azriel turned to him.
“I know, right? Just hope she accepts it.” Rhys gave him a reassuring smile.
“Are you guys ready?” Feyre asked, appearing from a tent. Cassian let a low whistle as his eyes scanned Nesta.
“Looking good, Archeron.” She blushed under his intense gaze.
“Let’s do this.” Elain said, rubbing her sweaty palms in her pants.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“Hey Y/N.” Ellora approached her, she was trying to talk with the camp lords and her man about moving strategies but no one wanted to listen. “Someone dropped this for you. Said it was urgent.”
“Thanks Ell, I’ll check in a second.” She tucked the paper in her pocket, turning to the males.
“We don’t have to listen to a foreign bitch.” Someone shouted and a couple of males cheered in agreement.
“You’re right, I’m not your General, but either you follow my lead now, or you die if you cross my way.” She drew her long sword, pointing at the man, her lords drawing their weapons as well ready to protect their general.
“Let’s be civil here.” The male she recognized as Devlon intervened. “She’s right, we can’t waste time arguing, we need to march to war, I can feel my blood signing, it’s time to face death.”
“Everyone will laugh in death’s face.” Someone said, bumping their fists on the table.
“Be prepared for the journey boys, we will move tonight.” She warned, nodding to Devlon and going out. She took a deep breath, reaching for the paper.
“Meet me in the border where we first said our goodbyes”
No name, no nothing, but something told her that she knew who it was. She walked around, looking for Eva, finding her preparing her bow.
“Do you need a break?” Eva smiled at that, knowing the look on her best friend’s face.
“I would love to.” She said, placing her bow on her back and her arrow quiver on her shoulder.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“We’ve been waiting here forever.” Nesta groaned, her forehead sticky with sweat, the Illyrian leather glued to her body, and she swat another fly away.
“He won’t deny me.” Elain whispered.
The archers kept aiming their ash arrows in their direction, making Elain shiver in fear, Graysen wouldn’t hurt her, she knew that. A drop of sweat trickled down her spine and she squinted her eyes as she saw the man on a horse approach them.
“He’s coming to see you.” He said as he got close. Elain breathed with relief. “Follow me.”
They allowed them inside the gates, walking in the scorching sun, Elain hoped her glamour wouldn’t falter as they approached the second gate, not a step inside the fortress, they weren’t allowed to see inside, nor the supplies they had.
Her heart almost stopped as she saw Graysen, his eyes shining as he eyed his fiancé, he managed to take a step forward before his father held him back, looking at them with disdain.
“What is this?” He inquired. Elain tried to find the right words to start but Nesta stepped forward.
“The wall is gone.” Her voice was powerful, commanding, Cassian looked at her feeling pride deep within him.
“How?” Lord Nolan asked.
“I was kidnapped.” She continued. “Taken against my will by the army that will invade this property, I was turned forcibly.” She stated and the man looked at her with disgust.
“How?” He repeated.
“There Is a cauldron, a weapon. Give you the power of doing those things, I was merely an experiment.” She finished off with a brief explanation about the mortal queens, Hybern and why the Wall fell.
“And who is your companion?” Lord Nolan asked, focusing on the wrong thing for Mother’s sake. Azriel looked at him with annoyance.
“I’m Feyre Archeron, High Lady of the Night Court.” Feyre stepped forward and the man stepped backwards, taking his son with him. “This is Rhysand, my husband.” She pointed to the male beside her. “This are Morrigan, Cassian, Azriel and Alais.”
Nolan looked at the last one, clearly human, but something about her felt odd, too odd for him to look away.
“Elain, why are you with them?” Graysen asked, his sad eyes glued to her fragile form.
“Cuz she’s our sister.” Nesta protectively stepped closer to her middle sister. “And there’s no safer place for her than by our side.”
“Graysen, please…” Elain begged, a sob escaping her trembling lips. “Please open the gates to whoever's human family that may come here. With the wall gone, we don’t have time for an evacuation and the queen won’t send help, they’re on their own.” Graysen listened to her in silence. His eyes looked at the engagement ring on her finger.
“I would believe you, if you weren’t lying to me since you arrived.” He spat in her direction making Elain flinch.
“Did you really think that you could come here and trick us with your fae magic?” Nolan stepped forward.
“We don’t care about what you think.” Rhys intervened. “We’re just here to ask you to protect those who can’t protect themselves.”
“What do you get? What do you risk?” Nolan inquired.
“Taking in consideration your ash weapons, we’re risking a lot here.” Cassian scoffed.
“So is your sister.” He pointed to Elain.
“Any weapon can kill a mortal.” Mor tried to say but Nolan smirked.
“But Elain Archeron isn’t a mortal, someone told me she was the first one to be made and now she’s the mate of some High Lord’s son.” Elain gasped, feeling Nesta’s hand on hers, gently squeezing in a reassuring grip.
“Who told you that?” Azriel asked.
“I did.” Jurian said, appearing from behind the gate.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“Are you sure this is the right place?” Eva asked after having teleported her and Y/N to a green prairie, they walked a few minutes and now they were in a dense forest that wasn’t there before.
“I am, we just need to find something.” She said, looking around, from in between the trees, she saw a spark of bright red hair, walking in her direction. “What a pleasure to see you again, Eris.”
“Ah, you came, and you brought your beautiful friend with you.” He said, pulling Evanore’s hand to his lips in a charming slow kiss, her skin jolted with the touch, her heart thrumming in her chest. Her mate just called her beautiful.
“Why did you call me here?” Y/N said, watching the two like a hawk, he might be her mate, but try anything and he would be dead.
“My father is refusing to gather his soldiers, he doesn’t want to help because of the “offence” of the Night court and that “bastard” claiming himself as a High Lord.” Y/N gripped her dagger tighter at the mention of Azriel.
“And what can we do for you?” Eva asked, and those beautiful eyes turned to her, making her blush under his curious gaze.
“I’ve been secretly reuniting the troops, we’re ready to fight, but I need two things from you.” He looked at Evanore and then at Y/N. “You have to protect my mom, remove her from court before I do anything, her safety is my priority.”
“Considered done.” Y/N said, shifting her weight from a foot to another.
“My father dies in this war.” His voice was low, he shivered as he spoke. “If we’re entering a new world of peace and freedom, I want the same for my family, for my court.”
“And you can’t have that with your father, not when he’s still alive and refusing to help.” Y/N concluded. “So you want us to kill him so you can be high lord?”
“I don’t care who will be high lord. My brothers and I, we’re not like that, not because we really want to, all we do is try to protect our mother.” Evanore reached for his hand, squeezing it and Eris allowed, feeling relaxed as her fingers brushed his hand.
“Looks like we’ll be celebrating a lot after this war.” Y/N said. “Let’s discuss how we’re going to do it.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“I’m here alone, stop growling.” Jurian said, hands in the air in surrender.
“When he got here, Jurian told me what was done to the both of you, and what the Queens wanted.” Nolan spoke again, less tense in Jurian’s presence.
“Why are you here?” Azriel asked, controlling the urge to kill him, Jurian worked with Hybern, he should be ended before he gave away more information to that vile monster.
Jurian took a deep breath before he started to explain his reasons, about the mortal queens, and Hybern, even talking about how he never meant to hurt Miriam and Drakon, he wanted to find them to apologise, he was just playing his role very well.
“You should’ve looked into my mind.” Jurian smiled. “I wanted you to look, to see that I would never ally myself with that monster.”
“I didn’t want to see her.” He didn’t need to say the name for them to tremble at the thought of Amarantha.
“Are you telling us that you’ve been on our side this whole time?” Morrigan asked, her face frozen in a shocked expression.
“What’s a better place to tear the enemy apart than inside out?” She scoffed in disbelief, Jurian was really on their side.
“Why now? Why here?” Cassian inquired.
“Cuz the wall is gone and I can freely move around the mortal lands.” Jurian took a deep breath. “Cuz Tamlin ran away to Hybern and told everything he heard in your little meeting.” Everyone gasped, they expected it, but it didn’t hurt any less. “They’re in Spring Court, and right now Hybern is planning an attack on Summer Court by tomorrow.” Jurian finished.
“Then we have to go, now.” Rhys shouted.
“I’ll stay, to give them some wards.” Alais said, not asked. Nolan was smart enough to just let her pass and start doing her thing. “Tell Rune that I’ll meet her tomorrow.” Rhys nodded, winnowing away to the House of Wind.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“So Eva goes with you, sneaks your mother out to the Night Court, and then takes your army to our location.” Y/N finished.
“Basically.” Eris agreed, still feeling unsure about letting his mom alone at the Night Court.
“We have just the perfect place for her, she will be taken care of.” Eva reassured him, feeling his distress through the bond.
“WE NEED TO GO NOW, THEY'RE ATTACKING THE SUMMER COURT TOMORROW.” The warning in Rhysand’s loud voice startled Y/N, she looked at the two.
“Whatever we’re doing, needs to be done now.” Eris looked at her.
“What’s wrong?”
“They’re on their way to crush the Summer Court.” She answered.
“You wait here, we will be right back.” Eva said, grabbing Eris’s hand and the two winnowed away.
Y/N assumed a fighting instance, ready to protect herself, agonising minutes passed when Evanore appeared again, a female that looked like Eris and a bit older with her. Not giving her any time for introductions, Evanore teleported to the House of Wind, right in the middle of the inner circle, who frantically argued.
“What the fuck?” Rhysand said, eyeing the three females, his eyes wide as he spotted Lady Autumn. “What the fuck did you two do?”
“We got the Autumn Court army.” Y/N said, in a staring match with him, she wouldn’t back away from a decision that would be beneficial for them.
“This is Aurelia, Lady of the Autumn Court, byeee.” Evanore said, teleporting back to Eris.
“Thank you for letting me stay.” Her calm voice matched her calming features.
“I’ll explain later.” Y/N said, waving her hands to them, who looked at her like she was crazy. “We need to move that army now.”
“Lady Aurelia, a server will tend to you, you’re more than welcome to stay here.” Feyre said, taking the female away.
“Are you insane? Beron will freak out.” Rhys marched towards her, Y/N held her head high.
“Well, then I don’t think it’s a good idea to tell you that we’re conspiring with his son to steal his army and kill him.” Rhys gasped.
“Yep, you are insane.” He rolled his eyes, taking a deep breath.
“Don’t worry, I know how to make it look like an accident.” She winked and Rhys left out a giggle.
“Of course you do.” Azriel approached his mate, creating some distance between her and Rhysand.
“She just changed the tides of this war, we need to stop arguing and get moving to the Summer Court now.” He ordered and Rhys nodded.
“He’s right, I’m sorry.” Y/N shook her head at him in dismissal. “We have an army to slay.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Taglist: @allison-rosewood-maximoff @devilsfoodcake22 @fieldofdaisiies @valeridarkness @brekkershadowsinger @margssstuff
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anxious-lee-ler · 5 months
Slay the Dragon!
Solar, Lunar, and Earth get to act out a play for Ruin! Things get silly~!
Suon = Ruin (he's not under the virus' influence here)
No trigger warnings! Just fluffy family tickles ((unless you don't enjoy that, of course))
Solar was bored to say the very least. He didn't exactly want to be here, but Suon dragged him here just to be his performance buddy. So here he was… dressed as a dragon with cardboard wings, horns, and a tail. He had a shift soon, but Suon practically brought out the puppy eyes.
“Alright!” Suon clapped his hands together with glee. “Earth, our beautiful princess, is stuck in the tower!”
Earth giggled, feeling pretty in her dress.
“This tower is guarded by an eeeevil dragon~” Suon wiggled his fingers to add effect.
Solar rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help but smile. Earth and Lunar seemed to be stoked to be here.
“And finally! Our daring knight in shining armor is here to save the day!” Suon continued, playing as the crowd as he cheered.
“I’ll show you, evil dragon!!” Lunar cried out confidently.
“And why should I be scared of a tiny human like you?” Solar tried to act the best he could, but he came off as more tired than anything.
“No, no! More energy!” Suon called.
Solar mumbled to himself and did the line again. Suon still didn't seem convinced.
“More! Energy! Let me hear it!” Suon rapidly squeezed Solar's upper casing.
“ACK?! GYAHAHA-! Ohohokay! Ohohohokay!!” Solar squealed and squirmed. He could hear Earth and Lunar giggling to each other.
“Perfect!” Suon walked back to his seat.
Solar did his line again, and this was more satisfying it seemed as the scenes continued.
Lunar scoffed “I’ll have you know, big ol dragon, that I am in fact fun sized! And with lots of knowledge of dragons weaknesses~!”
Solar was confused. That wasn't part of the script. But he persisted, now improvising. “Foolish mortal! Dragons have no weaknesses!”
“That's what you think!!” Lunar laughed, and discarded the cardboard sword and shield as he charged towards Solar.
Solar got tackled, letting Lunar jump him. He wasn't expecting- “Wh- wahahait LuhuhuhunaHAHA-!”
“This dragon is so giggly! I wonder if it likes tummy scritches?”
“Luhuhuhunar NAHA- EEEhehehe-!” Solar squealed out as Lunar scratched at Solar's stomach light enough to not harm him. He started kicking his legs out of instinct to get away.
“Look at that! The dragon does enjoy it! He's kicking his legs too!” Lunar was teasing, laughing like a little shit alongside Solar's squeaks.
Earth laughed at the two, happy to see them get along. She gasped in almost full surprise as Lunar let out a shrill squeal of his own.
“AAA- Solar- Solar whehehe can tahahahalk about thiiiiiis- AHEHEHEEEE” Lunar laughed as Solar giggly tickled under the smaller one's arms, picking him up.
“Hohohow do youhuhu like it, huh??”
Solar chuckled and put Lunar down, stopping the tickling. Lunar dramatically lied down on the ground, letting out small giggles and huffs, even if he didn't need air.
“Have fun with your tickle fight, boys?” Earth chuckled as she walked over.
“Heh- I suppose-” Solar whispered-
“YOU'RE NEXT!!” Lunar pointed at Earth.
“Oh my! Whatever shall I do?” Earth smiled.
“Hm… Screw it, I'll join.” Solar smirked, turning to Earth.
She grew nervous at the looks in the twos' eyes. “Eheheh…? What's with those looks?”
“Run~” teased both Solar and Lunar.
Suon watched as the three ran and laughed away. He couldn't help but pout that his performance went differently, but he wasn't complaining.
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ivywing · 13 days
The Dragon's Son- Sacrifice
Yumuşakses stared down at the boy.
The boy stared back up at her.
“Well, this is a surprise,” she murmured, extending a claw to the boy. The guards at his side watched nervously, but she merely held it out for him to touch. He looked at the appendage, then back at her. “What is a scrap like you doing at the entrance of my cave?”
The boy stomped his foot. “I’m no scrap! I’m the sacrifice!”
“Sacrifice?” Yumuşakses repeated. She’d been warned of this sort of thing in the lectures of her uncle, who had told her of human superstitions regarding their kind. “Why would they send a child up to my cave? I’ve only just landed, I don’t need a servant.”
One of the guards coughed slightly. “Er…”
Yumuşakses narrowed her eyes. “And you four.” The guards flinched as she turned her gaze to them. “Who would make a child a servant to a being as large as me? How would he even serve me? To clean my wings would take a grown adult half a day at least-”
“He’s to be eaten,” one of them choked out.
There was a tense silence. Yumuşakses lowered her head, sniffing at the boy’s arms as her eyes took in each tiny detail. There were bruises littering his shoulders, only visible once her breath ruffled the fabric up. Crusted blood stank from beneath his fingernails, and the skin was torn on his wrists.
“Who is responsible for this?” she growled after a moment.
The shortest of the guards coughs slightly. "The local lord just assumed-"
"Bring him to me," Yumuşakses growled. When her orders were ignored, she roared loudly, a stream of copper-blue flames spewing into the sky. "NOW!"
“No!” The men scrambled backwards, but the boy marched forward with childish determination. “You can’t attack the valley, I’m already here!”
Yumuşakses huffed, anger dissipating in the face of the child. “Why would I kill and eat any person, human or otherwise? You all taste astringent and bitter, with no meat for all your brittle little bones.” Yumuşakses prided herself on being a good hunter, and her few occasional tastes of human meat had been born of desperation in the lean months of her youth, when the corpses in the graveyards were already dead and gone. “No, I much prefer the gryphon and kelpie when I can get them, or the peryton and tsuchinoko when I must have them.”
The boy narrowed his eyes. He placed a pale hand on her scales, the green of his bruises almost matching her own scales. “I won’t go back,” he told her, with all the conviction a human of his age and size could muster. “Either eat me or leave the valley.”
Yumuşakses sighed. “How old are you, child?”
“An auspicious age.” She unfurled her wings, cupping them around her head and the boy, shielding the two of them from the prying ears of those foolhardy guards. “Answer me, then. Why would a child as young as you be so eager to be eaten?”
He pouted, turning away, but Yumuşakses waited. After a few moments, he sat on the cold ground, wincing as his legs touched rocky soil. “‘S not like I got anywhere else to go back to. At least I’ll be doing something in a dragon’s belly.”
“And did you volunteer for this?” she asked, voice as gentle as she could make it, less the crack of thunder when she was enraged and more the rumble of a waterfall for which she was named (1).
“What does it matter? Not like I could say no.”
Yumuşakses hummed, pulling her wings back. The boy flinched as sunlight hit his face once more, but Yumuşakses curled a hand around him protectively. “Tell your ‘lord’ that if he ever insults a dragon in such a manner as this again, he can expect to find his manor burned to the ground. As for me, I’ll not allow this sort of treatment to continue. The boy is in my custody from now on, and I’ll be leaving once the sun sets for a land where such wanton cruelty isn’t practiced.”
The boy scoffed. “You’re just giving them what they want, ya know.”
Yumuşakses chuffed softly, blowing a soft gust of warm air over the boy. “You’re not for eating, child. I’ll not let you wander off into the world without knowing how to protect yourself.” She laughed, her shoulders shaking at the gobsmacked expression on his face. “So many things to teach you! The sword and bow, of course, and daggers in close quarters, spears as well, and that's just thinking of weapons-”
One of the guards tried to step forward, his hand still on his mace. All at once Yumuşakses’ temper flared, and flames curled out of her mouth like drool, heavy and hot and pooling around her muzzle as she reared forward, hunching over the boy as if he were a clutch of eggs. “Leave. Or I’ll turn your homes into a blaze, the likes of which you’ve never seen before!”
The men beat a hasty retreat after that, and the boy glared at her. “You can’t just go burning people down because you don’t like them!”
She snorted. “I know, but they don’t. If they’re such fools as to offer me a child to eat, then they’re fools enough to believe a baseless threat.”
She scooped the boy up in her claws and limped towards the cave she had only just set up as a den. It was a sparse area, with barely enough softness to qualify as a bed, and her meager bag of possessions shoved into a corner. “Rest for now. I don’t have any food for you, but we can buy some when we get to the next town.”
The boy glanced at the bed, then back to her. “How would you even buy anything? You’re too big.”
Yumuşakses laughed. “Impertinent little beast, aren’t you? Here, your first lesson as a member of my Calamity (2). Watch closely.” She reached deep down within her essence, grabbing hold of her sah and shaping it like clay, her flesh rippling and melting down to energy before reshaping into a smaller, bipedal form.
A new transformation was never a brisk affair, and while normally Yumuşakses would favor her male form if for no other reason than convenience, she felt a female form would endear the boy to her this time. She thought back to a priestess she’d met a century and change ago, who’d snared her in a silver net only to use her services to collect a rare medicine. Yumuşakses conjured up the basics of her long black hair, her mottled skin, her dark brown eyes, before moving onto the smaller details- the broad slope of her nose, her thin lips, the sharp cheekbones that framed her face. It took perhaps a minute before Yumuşakses once more touched the earth, wobbling a bit before catching her footing. The clothing stowed away from her last human shift followed, looser around this body than the broad-shouldered youth she would normally impersonate.
This form was imperfect, more approximating a cloth doll than any true human's body, but, well, it didn't need to be perfect- only the face did.
The boy stared at her face with awe. “How did you do that?”
Yumuşakses laughed, her deep rumble replaced with a high, lilting tone. “Dragons can do many things, my dear.” She strolled over to her pack, retrieving a thick blanket she used when sleeping in this form. “We don’t achieve shapeshifting until our second shed, though, so I’m still rather new to it.”
His eyes were alight as he threw question after question at her. “Can I learn to do that?” he asked as she tucked him in. “What other magic can dragons do?” as she curled around him protectively. “What am I going to learn first?”
“You,” she mumbled, pulling him into her arms, “are going to learn the importance of rest and good food. Now nap, we’ll wake before the sun sets and head out then.”
Despite the boy’s insistent questioning, even he couldn’t resist the lure of warmth and comfort, and within minutes was asleep. Yumuşakses found herself comforted as she ran her fingers through his short brown hair, all at once understanding how her brother could be bothered to stay in the Wing (3) and tend to young that wasn’t his own. It was this feeling of warmth and protection and love, that drove one to lay claim to something that had only just entered their lives.
Her own long life meant she’d see him grow old and die before she felt even the worst of her growing pains. Yet, despite knowing this, she only found herself nuzzling into his hair more, trying to will as much of her primordial fire into his being as possible.
<<Not my egg, but my hatchling all the same,>> she intoned softly in the crooning tones one used for such an occasion. <<Supped on my blood, fed by my hunts, warmed by my fire. You are my child, and I will rear you to adulthood. So do I swear.>>
When sunset came, she would bundle him in as many layers as she could, returning to her true form so that they could travel through the night. When sunset came, she would fly as high and as fast as she could, let the wind run through his hair and the clouds skim his fingers. When sunset came, she would take this child, this would-be sacrifice to see all the wonders this world had to offer him, and the privileges afforded to dragonkin.
But for now, she curled tightly around the sleeping child, and hummed a lullaby passed down through her Wing, for all sleeping dragonets.
“Hush now, my Hazine, close your eyes and sleep…”
1- I literally went to google translate and put "Soft Voice" in for Turkish. Dragons aren't turkish in general, it's just where her particular clan is from.
2- A Calamity is the term for the closest family group in dragon society, being a set of mates and all their offspring.
3- A Wing is the next step up from a Calamity, concerning particular branches of dragons. Smaller than a clan.
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magicamicitia · 2 months
Volume One, Chapter 3
“I know what I have to do.”
The Labyrinth seemed to have extended itself throughout the entire maze, twisting its formerly logical and patterned architecture into an incomprehensible display of chaos. The six girls and Kyubey stuck together as they dived deeper into the madness surrounding them. A sudden noise from the bushes startled Twilight.
The others followed her gaze. Applejack reloaded her musket, ready to attack.
“Stay back, y’all. I got this.”
“No way!” Rainbow Dash quickly shoved the other girl aside, almost causing her to misfire. “You had the last one, this one’s all mine!”
“Rainbow, don’t you dare-!”
Before she could finish giving her words of advice, Rainbow Dash was already advancing towards the unknown creature. With a pirouette in the air and a landing kick, she tore down the leaves to find a small winged monster biting her leg, as if it had been waiting for her to attack.
“Ack! What the what? Get off me!” She violently shook it around, but the creature only tightened its grip.
Applejack regained her composure.
“Don’t move, I’ll handle it!”
“DON’T MOVE?! Easy for you to say! Do you want this thing to gobble me up?!” Rainbow whined as she kept stumbling around, fighting off the familiar.
“If you keep hoppin’ like that, I’ll end up shooting your leg off!”
“I didn’t ask for your help!”
Retaining balance for a split second, Rainbow Dash slit through the monster with her blade. It let out a tiny shriek as it dissolved onto the ground.
“There, see? Easy as pie!” She dusted off her hands in a confident manner, But Fluttershy couldn’t help but point out;
“Rainbow… the bite mark…”
She looked down at her legs, but it was too late. Small vines had sprouted from the injury, lifting her upside down.
“Rainbow!” Yelled Twilight.
“I’m fine, I’ll handle it!” She looked at the nervous newbie. “Go on without me!”
“Are you sure…?”
“I’ll stay here and help you…” Fluttershy offered. “It’s probably safer if I don’t go close to the witch anyway.”
Applejack nodded and turned to the rest of the group.
“Let’s get goin’!”
The remaining four girls wandered deeper into the Labyrinth, Kyubey strutting close after them. The presence of magic became stronger and stronger…
A loud cackle echoed through the surroundings.
“The witch!” shouted Rarity.
“It knows we’re here!” Kyubey warned.
Descending from the skies, a snake-like monster plunged directly towards them.
“Look out!”
Applejack shot the witch’s head, diverging it’s route and causing it to crash. The monster groaned horrifically as it tried to get back up.
“Oh no, you don’t!”
With the snap of a finger, Rarity chained the monster down with silk threads.
“You got it!” She giggled, raising her weapon towards the witch.
A loud cannon shot followed by a loud explosion fired onto the head of the monster. But when the smoke cleared…
“That thing…” Rarity murmured.
Twilight readjusted her glasses to make sure she wasn’t seeing things.
“It’s still… alive?”
Almost as if it were mocking them, the witch let out an even louder laughter, and proceeded to dive towards the girls.
“Stay back!”
Twilight brought out her shield, and with her magic, summoned a barrier to block the enemy’s path. Moving too fast to stop now, it crashed like a bird against a glass window, disorientedly shaking on the ground.
At that moment, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy walked in.
“Are you guys okaaay?!” shouted the magical girl.
Her voice brought the witch back to its senses, and as it laid eyes on easy human prey, the creature advanced towards the poor girl, trapping her with its tail before she could react.
“Aaaahhh!!!!” she wailed.
The witch shook her around with a mocking chortle. Rainbow Dash, furious, leaped into the air.
“Give me back my friend!”
She slashed the witch’s tail, causing Fluttershy to fall. Rainbow quickly caught her and safely landed back on ground. The witch, however, howled in pain, now directing its attention to the offender. Once again, Applejack threw it off it’s balance with a gunshot to the head.
“That thing’s skull’s as tough as a darn boulder! We oughta get it from somewhere else!”
“Maybe you’re just not very good at aiming!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she ran back and forth dodging the witch’s attacks.
“What’d you say?!” She shot again as if trying to prove a point.
“Stop it, you two.” Rarity intervened. “Can’t you see you’re falling under its influence? Keep it together!”
As each one of them launched attacks from their side of the battlefield, Fluttershy desperately attempted to crawl away from the fight, sobbing.
“Fluttershy! Are you okay?” Kyubey ran to her aid.
“Please… Make it stop… I’m so… scared…”
“It’s no use.” The small fairy shook its head. “With the way they are now, these five can never hope to defeat Unausgeglichenheit.”
“Unaus… What?”
“The witch of Discord thrives on the disharmony of others. If they keep fighting each other, they’ll just die. You’d better leave if you don’t want to end up like that too.”
“What? No! I can’t just let them die!” She quickly sat up. “Kyubey… How do I help them?”
The Incubator stared deeply into her eyes.
“If you’re ready… I know there’s something you truly wish for, isn’t there? You haven’t had the courage to say it yet, but deep within your heart… You know what you have to do.”
A cold drop of sweat slid down her cheek.
Fluttershy remembered all of those days when Rianbow Dash angrily came to her about another fight with Applejack. All the conflicts she had to fix for her. All the arguments, all the yelling… It made her friend miserable, and it made her miserable. She always wanted to help, but never knew how.
But now, not only could she relieve that pain, but she could also save her best friend’s life.
As a child, Rainbow Dash was the one who stood up and saved her.
Now, it was her turn.
The spark of determination ignited within her very soul.
“Kyubey… I wish… I wish my friends would stop fighting all the time.”
In the battlefield, Unausgeglichenheit spun and dived in for another attack. The magical girls were already exhausted, having used up a considerable amount of their power. Twilight struggled to lift her shield again, but a flying spark emerged within the darkness and knocked the witch back against a wall, wailing in agony.
The girls looked for the source of their saving grace, and were shocked to lay eyes on none other than…
“Fluttershy!” They all exclaimed.
But Fluttershy wasn’t looking at them. Her eyes dead set on the witch, who, despite struggling, picked herself up again.
She moved her sights to Rainbow Dash.
“Rainbow! Please, stop being so stubborn! I know you want to prove yourself, but this a deadly battle, not a sports competition! Please, let us protect you!”
A pink thread appeared connecting their hearts.
“And, Applejack… You don’t have to fight for all of us! We’re your friends, you can rely on us as much as we can rely on you!”
Another thread sprung to life.
“Twilight,” This time, she reached out her hand. “I know you’re scared. Believe me, I am too. But when you have friends fighting by your side, I promise you’ll feel invincible!”
Fluttershy’s words consumed her entire body. As she took her hand, Twilight felt like they were one. Her other hand was grabbed by Rarity, and Pinkie joined in on the other side.
All together, the six magical girls united to deal a final blow.
Fluttershy held onto Twilight’s hand, as the two of them floated forward. With a magical synergy flowing through them, they knew exactly what they had to do.
Their intertwined hands shaped a fusion of their weapons - A giant slingshot. The remaining girls channeled their own magic to help them increase their power.
“March Equinox!” The two of them said in sync, as if an instinct long dormant had finally awoken inside them.
A beam of light traveled directly towards the witch, who shrieked and crawled desperately, but to no avail.
In a blinding ignition, the witch eroded into nothingness. The labyrinth around them began to crumble, and soon, nothing was left but a small, black egg.
A magical girl’s most prized possession.
A Grief Seed.
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suspensefulpen · 6 months
Whumpcember Day 12: Touch Starved
TW: Carewhumper, Mentioned Past Torture, Rewards for Good Behavior, Conditioned Whumpee
A smile came across Athena’s face as she unlocked the door. She pushed it open, revealing Emory laying in the middle of the plain room on the mattress. The blanket she had recently rewarded him with was wrapped around his tiny frame. He was curled in a ball and his back was turned to her. She couldn’t stop her smile from widening when he shivered with a chill. She tucked her keys away in her pocket and walked over. 
“What’s wrong, my Emory?” 
He just barely shook his head. It was then when she noticed just how tightly he wrapped himself up. “Nothing, Miss.” 
“Are you sure, love?” He nodded slowly before raising his gaze to meet hers. Athena watched him carefully. Maybe it was time Emory finally moved up. He had been behaving himself so well lately, just like she taught him. After all, that was why he’d finally earned a blanket after nearly seven months. He was going well enough to deserve another reward. “Emory, I think it’s about time you get a new room.” 
“A new room?” He echoed. 
“Yes, you’ll get a new room upstairs. How about we go look now?” 
“Okay.” He nodded, unwrapping the blanket. He held onto it in an iron grip as he trailed her up the steps. He flinched at the sudden flow of light from the windows. He doesn’t remember the last time he’d been let out of the basement. Was it always this bright up here? He didn’t really like it that much. He shielded his eyes, attempting to stay close and follow instead. He was surprised by Athena’s warmth; he did his best to stay close and savor the feeling of another human being nearby. It felt nice after so much time in isolation. He was even more surprised when his foot came in contact with the staircase. 
He was going upstairs? He was getting a room upstairs? Was this a dream? 
“This is your new room.” 
Emory opened his eyes. The room looked comfy. A lot more comfy than the basement. There was a large bed in the middle. Unlike his previous “bed” it had many plush sheets and pillows draped over it. There were end tables with lamps next to the bed. That alone made this room way better than the basement. “This is mine?” 
Athena nodded. “All of this is yours.” 
Emory walked over to the bed. He placed his hand down on the sheets. He turned back to her with a look of shock when he realized just how soft the sheets were. She laughed at his reaction. She could tell he was getting comfortable after he let go of his blanket. He noted the windows on the other side of the room and went over for a peek. It was a lot less brighter than the window downstairs when he opened the curtain. He realized he was on the side of the house that didn’t get a lot of direct sunlight. He was grateful for that. 
“Do you like it?” He nodded excitedly. “I’m glad you do. But I can’t have you trying to leave again okay?” She pulled out her ring of keys and his smile instantly disappeared. 
“N-Miss, I’ll be good. I promise I will.” 
She raised a brow. He was trying to tell her no so he could get out of it. Usually she’d be about to give him punishment, but this time she thought about it. The reason he was even getting the room in the first place was because he’d been behaving. If he’d gotten this far, surely he’d continue behaving, right? 
“Okay. But if you misbehave, I’ll have to keep you in here. Understand?” 
His smile returned as he nodded. “Yes ma’am.” 
She walked out of the room and down the hallway. Emory felt saddened by this. He didn’t know why but he didn’t want to keep feeling like this. He wanted her to stay nearby. The warmth that radiated from her was now gone. Emory wanted to feel it again. He cautiously followed her to the living room. He peeked at her from around the corner, unsure if he should bother her. “Um…Athena?” 
She turned her head, surprised to see him. “Yes? Is something wrong?” He hesitated before going to sit next to her on the sofa. He nodded slowly. “What is it?” 
“I don’t know what’s wrong but I don’t like it. I want it to stop.” She noted him subconsciously pinching and rubbing his arm. “I don’t know what to do.” 
She examined him carefully. He did look upset when she came to get him. He only perked up when she showed him his new room. Now he was pinching himself. She quickly understood what was going on. She motioned him closer. “Come here.” 
He scooted next to her and was pulled into an embrace. He relaxed and nuzzled into her arms. Everything felt better. “Thank you Miss.” 
“Always, Emy.” 
“Can I… can you stay holding me like this? I feel better like this.” 
“If it makes you feel better, then yes I will. I want you to be comfortable.” 
“Thank you.” Emory couldn’t remember the last time he’d ever gotten a hug like this. Well, had he ever gotten a hug like this? There was something about finally being in someone’s arms. It was warm in Athena’s arms. The world had been feeling cold, even with his new blanket. It was cold and lonely in the basement. But now, Emory had the luxury of being in here in a pair of arms instead of sitting on the cold floor. 
He looked over her shoulder and noticed the door that he once tried to leave out of. He began to wonder why he attempted to leave such a warm embrace. He doesn’t even remember what his life was like before this. He was sure he didn’t have anyone to hold him like this. He didn’t have an Athena around to cherish and protect him the way she did. She was his new safe space. 
His haven.
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re-whump · 3 months
Glass Eden - Entertainment
your pet lady-snake can have a little borrower, as a treat contains: giant/tiny (size difference), non-human whumpee (borrower and lamia/naga, both tiny), captivity, pet trope, dehumanization, forced to fight, communication barrier note: this is the same the piece posted on my other blog as "Snake Tank", but I'm moving the story over to this blog so I don't have to worry about """crossing a line"""" or whatever taglist @whumpsday
I threw myself against the glass one last, futile time as I heard the door on the far side of the study creak open. My fingers nearly brushed the lip of the prison I’d been placed in, nearly caught onto that ledge that might let me pry open the lid and make an escape. I was still in the air when I felt his eyes land on me. My fur stiffened as his heavy footsteps approached. His towering form blocked out what sunlight had filtered through the closed window as he sat at his desk.
“You quit that, now. You know you aren’t getting out. Unless you’d like to try speaking with me again?”
I turned to face him rather than wait for him to spin the jar I was sitting in. I slunk to the floor, drawing up my knees as if they could shield me from his . He looked annoyed this time, rather than intrigued. I shook my head and stared at my hands. It wasn’t as if I would want him to dump me into his cold hands even if he wasn’t upset. I was bruised enough.
“I don’t have anything else to say. Sir,” I said.
He rolled his eyes.
“There's no one else!" I insisted. “It’s just me, the others ran away months ago, I’m the only one left.”
It wasn’t the truth, though by now it was close. The Copper family had moved out after Mellie reported that the master of the house was now collecting dangerous, exotic pets in his showroom. It was just the most stubborn of us left, or the most foolish.
“What to do with you, then?” the master of the house hummed.
He tapped a finger on the glass thoughtfully, right behind my head, in case I needed the reminder that my skull was no larger than the tip of his finger. I grimaced and looked back up at his face, where his wide lips twisted into a grotesque smirk. I closed my eyes as they curled back and revealed his teeth. My stomach twisted as he kept talking.
“My …friends tell me your kind is more trouble than you’re worth, more often than not. But perhaps I could get some entertainment out of you?”
“Let me go, please. I’ll leave. I won’t bother you again,” I begged.
“Oh, but I do believe you owe me, little thief. How long have you been squatting here, hm?”
I slumped and curled in on myself. I had thought maybe, just maybe, if this guy cared for a zoo of strange animals, he might have a thread of compassion hiding in his oversized heartstrings. I’d—god, I had bet my life on it, hadn’t I? And now I was going to pay up.
A hand lifted away the log that I’d been curled up under.
I flinched awkwardly at the sudden light, then rolled to face the front of my enclosure. The man liked it when I “looked” at him. I couldn’t tell if he knew I was blind or not. All my eyes told me was that there was a large, blurry shadow standing over the tank. It could’ve been a tree, for all my eyes could understand.
I knew it was him though. I could sense his blazing warmth through other means. More importantly, I could smell him.
Then, the hands. The nice hands. The man. Hugh Morton.
I smelled something else, too, something new. Another person, maybe? I listened intently for another heartbeat, another guest. I didn’t want to be shown off right now. I wanted to go back to sleep.
His hand reached back down to ruffle my hair, then run a rough finger across my scales. He rumbled something about feeding and I slumped back down to crawl back to bed. I wasn't hungry enough to want to fight and for all the good these hands did, they never killed my meals for me like the last ones did.
"Don't be so fussy, Hecate, I’m giving you a treat,” he chided. The ground shook as he flicked a finger against the glass wall. “You must get bored lying around in there all night.”
I huffed and and backed into a better position, against the side of one of my ceramic caves. I was still nursing a bite on my flank from my last meal. 
I licked the air and frowned as Hugh slid open one half of the wall. This prey was not a creature I knew. Hugh’s hands dangled a warm shadow by a long tail, then flicked it into the soil and the prey squeaked as it landed. It didn’t smell like a rat or any other rodent I’d encountered before.
It did smell afraid.
It already understood it was being hunted. I didn’t like that. Scared meals fought back. I had scars to prove it.
Hugh scoffed in annoyance as the creature scrambled towards the opening in the glass. He knocked it back into the enclosure several times while I waited for a chance to strike.
“Don't make me break your legs," Hugh sighed.
The creature stopped moving. Strange. Its little heart was hot and hammering. Was it trained? Why would anyone take the time to train food? Maybe it was simply afraid of Hugh’s voice. 
I took advantage of its stillness and lunged. It turned to run in the split-second before we collided. It slammed into one of my open arms. I fumbled as it flailed, then got myself curled around it anyway.
It felt strange against my scales. Not furry. Not naked. Synthetic. Was it wrapped? Humans wrapped their food, but not mine. They used those crinkling papers. This was wrapped in something soft.
Was it clothed?
I hesitated in my confusion and the prey bit back. Something long and sharp stabbed in between two ventral scales. I flinched, hissing, and the prey slipped away. It left the sharp thing behind, but it didn’t bleed. I put a hand on the sharp thing and realized it wasn’t a tooth. It had some kind of handle. Plastic. The point was metal. Some kind of tiny knife? I swayed uncertainly and let the little creature run.
What was he feeding me?
It had never occurred to me that there might be peoples other than humans and my own kind living in this world. I wished I had the time to find out more about her.
The caged creature I had been placed with was, as most things were, comparatively massive. Its front was that of a vaguely humanoid woman, small, but still more than twice the size of my own top half. Her eyes were vacant and unfocussed. She was pale, fat, and lined with scars that told me she had much more experience than myself in fighting. 
The bulk of her body was what truly scared me. She was a python that trailed lazily across the near half of the terrarium. She was coiled, so I could only guess at her true length, but her girth was easy to make out. I regularly crawled through tunnels narrower than this snake, making it all too easy to understand what would happen to me. That the master of the house had returned my thumbtack seemed like a joke. I had no prayer here. This would be a cruel combination of all the worst deaths I'd been taught to fear—caught, crushed, and consumed.
As entertainment!
I wanted to refuse him the satisfaction. I let myself lie down and cry as the master of the house threw me back into the dirt with an unambiguous threat. I might as well. No one else would know to mourn me for weeks, even months.
It would turn out that my inborn will to survive was stronger than my desire to spite the host I'd lived under for so many years. I rolled out of the way, only a split second two late, as the snake woman pounced. She caught me in the crook of her elbow then shoved me into a wall of scaled muscle. The python whipped around me before I could take a breath. I barely had the space to think, never mind resist. It was sheer luck that wedged my thumbtack between two plates of her underbelly.
And it was enough. She spasmed and let go of me.
I fell forward into the dirt, coughing to refill my aching lungs. I don’t think she had left any part of me unbruised, though didn’t waste time taking inventory of my injuries.
“Hey, don’t let it get away now, girl, get up!"
I scowled up at the master of the house as I pushed onto my feet. There was nowhere for me to get away to, not while he was leering over the open door.
I didn't understand him.
I didn't understand how a thinking creature such as himself, with all his power and all his resources, would resort to blood sport for entertainment. The study I'd spent my life beneath had a beautiful library. Page after page told of the world's endless mysteries, of beauty and majesty and life for him to go out and pursue. And he would choose to spend his time watching some monster eat me alive.
I saw the snake-woman moving out of the corner of my eye. My stomach twisted at the utter silence of her movement over the dirt even before she started sliding towards me, and then it was like a switch went off in my head. Gone was higher thought, blown away by the sheer force of the ancient instinct to run.
The terrarium was full and well-decorated, with plenty of greenery both faux and alive as well as several dark spaces to hide. I doubted any would shelter me, this place had been built for her. 
I had nowhere to go and I ran and I ran and I hit the glass and I ran and there was a branch so I climbed it and I reached the ceiling and there was more glass and I turned around and there she was crawling after me and I jumped and her hand brushed my leg and I kicked and she fell  around me like an avalanche and it was over.
Her long body surrounded me and as soon as I moved, she struck. Walls of scales encased me again and this time, no tack would save me. Everything went dark.
Several seconds passed. She loosed her grip. I heard the master’s muffled voice droning through her flank. I took a breath and shuddered. Long minutes of silence passed and the knot she’d wrapped me in fell away. 
I admit I didn’t know much about snakes, but she didn’t seem to be very good at this.
I sprung to my feet, desperate to get at least a few inches between us again, but her hand wrapped around my face. She grabbed the back of my shirt’s neckline with her other hand and I thrashed as she pulled me off the ground.
Slowly, her palm pulled away from my face. She rubbed two fingers over my eyes, traced the curve of my nose, and drew a thumb across my lips. I bit down as hard as I could. She barely flinched, just wiped a little blood off on the side of my face.
“Beb?” she croaked.
Her blank eyes narrowed in concentration as her tongue flicked out of her mouth and brushed against my nose. Tasting me. Her lips twitched. I felt cold.
“No, please! Please, please, please, kill me first, please,” I cried.
She tilted her head to the side. Her tongue flickered twice more and both times I flinched. She babbled something in a tortured voice. 
“Please,” I begged. “If you can even understand me, please, just kill me before you eat me. I don’t want to suffer.” 
She frowned and hissed several times. My blood trembled through my veins. She slowly shaped her tongue around some word I did not know. She patted my head and sighed, then set me gently on the dirt beside her and slithered away.
The prey had the face of a person.
The little thing was clever enough to talk, but not smart enough to understand me. They were small like a hatchling. They ran on legs like a bird. 
They screamed and cried so once Hugh gave up on watching me eat, I let the little one have some space, whatever they were.
I hoped they would come back to me. They were very warm. Like the sun, but in a person. Like food. Like Hugh.
Like this lovely little cave in the back of the tank. I curled up and burrowed into myself for a cozy rest.
I hoped they wouldn’t try to kill me while I slept.
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milks-thoughts · 1 year
(this will be written with younger reader being a moth, they are specifically said to have fur but it’s not specified which species of fluffy moth. younger reader is around 10)
summary: Raphs younger sibling was taken by the Krang, and the horrors they must’ve endured while he was unconscious weighs on his mind
TW: mentions of SA, blood, descriptions of pain, destruction of body parts, guilt, loss of vision, mentions of death
You Will Be Okay
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Raphael was the protector, the shield, he would catch everyone if they fell. He was the brick wall when life was a typhoon. He gave up his life for Leo, what he didn’t prepare for was you getting captured. Donnie hadn’t made you a escape pod because you had wings, you wouldn’t need it! (they found it beneficial for your wings to be surrounded by Donnie’s ninpō, you always helped take care of the over exerted turtle afterwards) but their ninpō was taken, and krang sister quickly found out how weak your wings were. one swipe by her tentacle and your entire wing was broken. You fell to the floor harshly, your tiny body laying limp and grotesquely bent on the concrete. Raph woke up to find you hung by your wrists, your wings completely destroyed. he didn’t care that the krang sister was crawling in him, or how his shell screamed for him to take care of the open crack. no. his brain was zeroed in on your broken body. you looked at the ground in a haze, god how long have you been awake? “ you must forgive my sister, she has a temper “ he growled at the Krang and snarled a warning when it got close to you “ You’re not human…what are you? “ it sneered Raph snarled and smirked “ let me down and I’ll show you! “ it scoffed and turned, walking over to your blank and hazy look being brought more into light when it lifted you with a gross, wet, tentacle “ this one was so easy to break “ the sludge holding you up moved to your thighs and you jolted your body tightening with fear and your eyes filled with a look, a look he wished to never see on you. A small voice escaped you, quiet and raspy “ not again- please- not again “ it was repeated over mixed with “ dont hurt him “ that made Raph sick. The krang smiled at his face “ a weak spot “ the smallest one purred in his ear. He watched as the sludge moved up your thigh more. He looked away as the Krang knocked him out.
When Raph was fully transformed you weren’t. Well- sorta, the Krang implanted on the back of your neck (like Horde Prime in She-Ra). Raph was his knights and you were simply his king on a chessboard. You didn’t move much. You moved with him, the queen of this metaphorical chessboard. You were a throne piece that he loved watching the turtles faces crumble at, the pest stare in half hung shock that leaves his mouth gulping like a fish. “ surprise! I’m here for my siblings “ Leo readied his swords and Krang Prime smiled, making a ‘ get him ‘ motion with his claw. You sat on Krang Primes lap, his giant machine claw petting you like you were a dog and your mind controlled state happily took the pets. The krang sludge on the back of your neck would tingle and make you jerk whenever he got close to it with his metal claws. maybe you were more of a feline. Leo’s face hardened with anger as he took you and Raph in. , you were blinded and forced to sit in Krang Primes lap, like a weird decoration, or a pet. And even when the family unlocked their ninpō you weren’t free, you didn’t carry the ninpō. Maybe it meant what everyone ultimately feared, that you wouldn’t be accepted into their families afterlife that you wouldn’t be given rest that lasted for eternity.. you didn’t exactly fight back when Raph took you out of the ship. The krang sludge on your neck jerked you alive, the sludge that covered your eyes opened to reveal four eyes, all locked on different opponents. You lunged at Mikey and pinned him, a inhuman growl leaving you before you were pulled off by Raph, the remains of your wings being messed up more. Your body’s legs were contorted and bent weird, like a puppet on a string you moved despite your legs crumbling under you, bone stabbing out of it after a especially hard impact. You had long gotten out of Raphs arms and went after Donnie instead, the turtle hitting you with his bō staff, hard, your body limply fell over and Donnie rushed over to block a hit from Kramg Prime, sending him and Mikey flying. Grabbing you, Raph jumped after them
Where…were you? Your pale, clammy hands gripped the blanket as your hazy and clouded eyes looked at the bed. Well, as much as you could look. You were blind now, and your legs would probably never work again, the bone being set in place and your legs wrapped up with stitches. Tears fell out of your eyes and you tried hiding your sniffles. You’ll never be able to fight, or play basket ball, or- or play Mario Kart again. You’ll be forced to just be this entity. Your brothers awoke to your sniffles. Your body trembling on the bed. Raph was the first to act, he rubbed your face with his big hand and murmured soft words to you. You pressed into his hand, the revelations of shared trauma coming to fruition. You reeled back when you felt something touch your thigh. Donnie hummed “ I’m sorry, I have to examine your wounds “ that made you pause “ do they know? “ you whispered to Raph and you felt him stiffen before whispering back a “ no “ you simply accepted that, maybe they’ll never have to know.Maybe one day you’ll have the courage to tell them. Raph was absolutely correct. Everything will be okay.
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smolvenger · 1 year
I Say Nothing That Frightens Me Part Three
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Paring: Loki x fem! Reader
Series Summary: As a young Asgardian, you have grown to be friends and secretly pine for the younger Prince Loki. After his fury has sent him off, his mother sends you on a quest to find him and bring him home. Your quest makes you cross paths with a mysterious group that calls themselves the TVA. There, Loki can be found...but he loves someone named Sylvie, not you.
Chapter Word Count: 2K
Part One//Part Two (This will be in Four Parts)
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over (shout out for the idea when I was stuck!) @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @lovelysizzlingbluebird @wolfsmom1
Warnings: Mostly some cursing. I use an oldie-but-goodie Fanfic Trope. Lack of detailed editing and multiple drafts because I just want to get this done-fuck it, we ball I say as I type this. But lots of fluffy moments and only tiny bits of angst and lots of references to canon
“What do you mean my brother’s not back?” Loki cried.
You sat in your chair, leaning back on it. Folding your arms. You couldn’t help but huff through your nose. You were looking forward to the grand victory banquet that would be at home. Frigga declaring you Asgard’s heroine. Seeing a family reunited. Wine and platters overfilling with joyful music. Even a parade and ball thrown in your honor as a medal shone on your armor for good measure. That kind of stuff.
“Thor. Is not. Back.” Steve repeated.
Guess that would have to wait.
“How come?” you questioned.
“Because they need help specifically with him. It involves thunder. That’s what Beefcake’s out there doing,” Tony continued.
Loki put a hand to his forehead and sighed.
“Do you know when he’ll be back? Even for a break?” you asked.
Steve shrugged as he sat. He squinted his blue eyes to think and then looked at you. His eyes softened and he spoke in a reassuring tone.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. Shouldn’t take him too long. You know he’s incredible. He could be back by tomorrow…”
“Or dead,” Tony quipped.
Loki’s black head whipped around; you could see the veins on his neck tighten.
“Do you honestly think this is the time for your little jokes?” Loki replied, face becoming red.
Natasha cut in from where she was leaning against the wall. Up to then, she’d just stood there, arms folded and observant.
“If I had to guess, he should be back in headquarters by a week. We’ll ask Shield to get in touch with him.”
“Alright…thank you. It’s important…” you replied.
“How come?” she asked, taking a few steps forward.
“The Queen asked me to return him,” you explained.
“No problem…if you need anything, you can always ask,” Natasha offered.
You felt her eyes over your Asgardian armor and clothes. But the slight smile showed your approval. It made you smile back.
“Of course.”
“There’s food in the fridge too- help yourself while you’re here!” Natasha offered.
“You both can both even stay here as long as you like…as long as Loki doesn’t get inspiration again,” Steve offered.
Loki shot him a look, crossing his arms like a dour child.
“Thank you! I’d rather we stay here in case Thor reappears. You’re very kind…”
“No, he’s not! Are you out of your mind, Steve?” Tony interrupted.
Your head turned and tilted at them.
“I beg your pardon?” Loki asked.
“Why? We’re obligated to show some basic human decency to them!” Steve argued.
“Why? I’ll tell you why-why don’t you waltz on over to the Guest room and see!” Tony offered.
As you and Loki walked there, you both understood his point. Honestly, you should have taken the hint from the last sentence. It was a singular word. Room. There was only one bed in that room.
That night both of you lay in the bed together, curled away from each other. Both of you were in pajamas. You selected some silk red pajamas. Loki picked some in his favorite green. Both funded by Stark, of course. Neither of you offered to sleep on the floor of the couch. Neither of you wanted to sleep on the floor of the couch. You could hear his soft breathing and though you stared out into the night sky and outline of the city, you found despite the long, arduous day…your mind kept you up.
You thought you heard him shuffle next to you.
“Anything you want to say?” you asked.
“None…really…only this…don’t think I’m not grateful, Y/N.”
You turned over, blankets rustling in your movement.
“How come?”
“You risked all that and went through that…because you worried about me. I never thought people worried about me.”
“Your mother worries about you. Thor worries about you…and I worry about you…” you replied.
He turned over to meet you.
“Y/N…thank you…”
“Thank you? I never heard you uttered those words before…and I thought you were the polite brother…” you commented.
“Now you have.”
He broke into a smile.
You looked down and saw his arm.
“How’s your cut doing?”
“Much better- not stinging anymore…”
“From the pain or the alcohol on it?”
You then turned back to the outline.
“I’ve only been to this city once. Traveled all the way up there from the countryside of this place…I was in such a rush to find you, get there I never…never noticed how pretty it is…” you mused.
“We should explore it.”
“What, really?”
“Yes, really. Should be more amusing than sitting around the tower all day waiting for Thor.”
“Aren’t you tired?”
“I’m tired of being on the run. Or fighting. Or struggling…I just want to..enjoy something. And preferably not alone.”
“You’re not alone, Loki. You never were…”
“Neither were you…”
There was a brief pause.
“Do you have your magic back?”
“I don’t do this usually but…Can you conjure something to help me sleep? Wine or tea or something?” you asked.
Loki flicked his wrist and conjured the drink. He handed it over.
“You need only ask.”
You stood up to drink the cup as he settled himself back in. Soon you both fell asleep peacefully.
The next day, Tony practically tossed a credit card on you as if it was mere confetti.
“Go ahead- Max it out. Have fun, kids…just don’t do any invasions, okay? Okay!” he said.
Both of you wandered out to the city. As you walked on, it was nearly overwhelming. The skyscrapers were as tall as the statues of the warriors through the Asgardian cloudy streets. Fried foods overcame your nose and made you salivate.
“I never tried one of there!” you said, pointing to a food stand selling hot dogs.
As you both brought it to your mouth and smelled it, then you ate.
“Norns! This is delicious!” you said. You experimentally took the packet of red sauce called “KETCHUP” and slathered it on there.
“I am not sure what it’s made of…but I don’t care,” Loki said as he took another careful bite.
“Don’t you think…don’t you think we should ask the kitchen to replicate it! Shouldn’t be too hard- some meat and bread!”
“I can conjure that easily! You only have to cut it like so …
Loki conjured a slab of ham. Too many people walking by talking on phones or listening with ear buds barely noticed him. He had the ham cut into a hot dog shape.
“And then fix the bread like this.”
Bread in the shape of a long oval cut open floated in air. The sausage fit into the roll.
“- and there you have it!”
Both of you took a walk out in the park.
“So you invaded New York to rule, right?” you asked as you walked.
“I must tell you…I think…something influenced me?”
“Your addiction to self-destruction?” you asked.
“The Mind Stone.”
“And Thanos.”
“What…what are you talking about?”
Hands in pockets, you both walked. He kept talking. Too many people were on their phones, listening to music, or looking after children or dogs.
“Well then…that…that makes sense…”
“Why else would I get those headaches?” he asked.
Both of you kept walking. The trees shook with the breeze, and you heard a bee buzz by you. But you could see a tiredness, a sadness in Loki’s eyes.
“What do you think now, Y/N? Of me? I became the very enemy you’ve been trained since a child to fight,” he said.
“I…I don’t that…I think you’re good. You were only hurt. And you made some bad choices. I don’t consider any of that unforgivable…especially since it probably wasn’t your fault to begin with.”
There was silence. You wrapped him into a hug. He was always warm, despite the summer heat. Always enveloping. You could smell the sandalwood of the shampoo he used in headquarters.
“Why should we stay in the past, anyway?” you then questioned with a smile.
“I just worry…who knows what he’s capable of…” he fretted.
Both of you noticed a puddle on the ground. You walked around it, your reflections from below passing by like the clouds.
“Loki…you need to tell your brother. And the Avengers. Let them know. Let them know it wasn’t entirely your fault- only partly. And they will want to know about Thanos,” you told him.
He smiled a little.
“Well, then, if you ask it, I shall…” he replied.
You walked and walked about all day. By the time you both sat on a bench in the park, the soreness of your feet struck you. You were so lost in each other’s company you lost track of the time.
The next day, other than some walking, you insisted you both go shopping. There were too many shops here to resist. Especially those with multiple stories. And Midgaurdian fashion fascinated you. The shops back home had only one floor. Some in New York had twenty.
“Is there a store that strikes your fancy?” you asked Loki, passing by.
He pointed to one window that showed a variety of suits.
“I think…I’d like to try one…”
“Then lets!” you offered, pulling his hand inside.
You go to a classy store. The employees wore dresses and suits. It played jazz and people walked around with drinks of coffee or champagne. So much finery. He then settled on a few as an employee guided him around.
You sat down, waiting for him to emerge and then he did. The employee dropped their jaw and grinned.
Loki was in an all black- black shirt and black suit. It made his skin and beautiful hands stick out even more. It was crisp and clean and fit him like a glove.
“I…I look…” he began to mutter.
‘I’ll say it, you look handsome!” you cheered. You took him to a mirror so he could admire himself.
That evening, you decided to end it by going to a wine bar. It was lovely and wooden. There were even giant lamps that looked like flowers. You ahd ordered two glasses for each of you and enough food to feed a giant. Which, in fact, you were in the company of one.
“Hmmm, nice and dry. Some fruity overtones. Quite good.”
“I don’t mind. Wine is wine. And it’s good.”
“Well, you haven’t drank enough wine then, Y/N!”
“I only would drink it at banquets!”
You then held the rim of your glass.
You then held the rim of your glass.
“Loki…be honest with me…am I a good warrior?”
“Of course, you are.”
“I…I just would always use to lose fights. And you know when I’d run away as a child…”
“I do not see you running away very often, darling.”
“There is training, but this is reality…”
“What did mother ask you to do? To face every danger to find me? And you did.”
You blinked at him.
“I think you are a good warrior. No matter what you might think of yourself.”
“I…uh…thank you…”
He raised the glass.
“Cheers,” you replied.
You tapped the glass and then drank it.
“I think I know what you’re talking about…I do taste the overtones a bit,” you commented.
“I think you should become a connoisseur in no time, Y/N,” he said.
It was the next day he announced something almost ludicrous.
“Y/N, we should see a play or these ‘musicals’ New York is known for!” Loki suggested that next afternoon.
“Who said we had to spend money?” he asked with a wink.
You looked through the calendar of shows. First for musicals, since they were less common back home. And the more melodramatic, Loki said, the better. One was selected.
Both of you located the theatre and got there at an earlier time, right when the crew and cast would walk in before the show. Using the billboards, he transformed himself and you into two ensemble members.
Once you walked in, already there was one crew member.
“Oh, hello! How are you? Traffic, okay? Break legs tonight- remember- check the notes! Phil fixed your tights too so thank her!” they chatted.
Both of you walked out. Your heart beat fast seeing these people miff about. Knowing you were doing something forbidden.
“Please- Y/N! Don’t get lost backstage!” he whispered to you.
“But Loki- look at this set piece!! And the costumes here- so beautiful!”
“Don’t wander off-here!”
He clasped your hand, entwining fingers with yours.
“Besides, we have to get our seats,” he said.
As the actors in street clothes, you both walked over to the front of the theatre and then to the lobby bathrooms. Empty, thank the Allfather. With a flick of his wrist, green light emerged over you. He reappeared in a fine tuxedo and his hair back. But when you looked, you blinked and saw you had a red dress on. It was very flattering on your body. Straps went over your shoulders and the shade looked perfect for your skin.
Both of you walked out. The crowd was already walking in, holding playbills in hand. Yet you couldn’t help but keep staring at yourself in the mirror. There was a large, stupid smile on your face.
“I have to admit, you have good taste. This is beautiful!” you gasped, turning at angles to admire yourself.
“You are beautiful!” Loki replied.
You both froze and looked.
“I mean! I mean…you always were beautiful!” he added on. Though his face did turn pink. The God of mischief and mayhem and here he was-embarrassed.
“Uh…thank you!” you responded.
Both of you walked forward to find the odd empty seats. Then enjoyed the show.
You did the same each night.  You saw the most melodramatic musicals. It was hard to believe amidst all the wine drinking, walks, store visits, and shows, that four days passed by.
Both of you were walking in late on the fourth day after seeing your latest show. Both of you smiling from how his magic worked wonders and from everything you saw and experienced.
“Y/N, can I tell you something?” he asked.
Both of you entered your room.
“Sure, tell me…”
“Sylvie betrayed me. I did everything for her and still…I can’t tell you what a pathetic sad sack I became. But…Y/N, this week…I…I had fun…”
“I did too…”
His own magic made you both clean. No need for waiting for a shower. You both were tired-as well as changed into pajamas.
“You’re pretty damn efficient, Loki. Thanks for that.”
“I’m not waiting until midnight to bathe…” he quipped.
“Sleep well, Y/N…”
“You too…”
There was no turning around. This time, you curled towards each other. His smiling face was the last thing you saw before sleeping.
Then there was a noise and the sound of boots. You barely blinked awake. The grogginess of your deep sleep letting you go of its peaceful embrace. And it was still dark in the room, your eyes adjusted.
There were people- agents all in armor and helmets.
“Y/N! Y/N! What are you doing? Disrupting the sacred timeline!”
“What! What timeline?”
He jolted out of bed.
“You will NOT have her! You won’t!”
But it was too late. One agent took their long stick with blue at the end and stuck it on you. An electric fizz washed down your body, head to toe. You heard Loki cry out your name as everything turned to black.
When you came to, you were not in New York. In New York the buildings were lovely, tall, and completely built. Here, everything was ruined and desolate. And it was an overcast day. Your heart beat fast and you could taste dirt. It stuck you that you were laying on the ground. You could taste dirt.
“Ah, are you a Loki too?” was the voice you heard.
“Wait…no she isn’t,” said another.
“No…it’s…it’s a Y/N…” another muttered.
They all lowered their jaws. A tall, muscular man covered in furs. An old man in a silly costume. A dark-haired boy in green. And oddest of all, a tiny alligator all staring at you. And though you didn't know them, they knew you.
“A Y/N! The President’s gonna find out…they all are soon…”
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No because literally anything Israel does is labelled as evil. Literally the only thing people would accept is for Israel to stop fighting.
If it stops fighting it doesn’t exist. THAT is ethnic cleansing. If Israel stops fighting and most Israelis are murdered and those that survive are forced to leave, that is ethnic cleansing and Hamas would have accomplished its goal. Is that what you want?
And I will say once again: war is a horrible thing and the loss of innocent life is horrific. I am experiencing that loss first hand. And it is horrific on both sides. All I am saying, is that if a country is attacked and it's existence is being threatened, to expect it to just sit there and do nothing is insane. And you would never demand or expect that from any other country. So why Israel? The answer is simple. Even if Israel had never done anything wrong. Not even one tiny thing. It would still be under constant surveillance and criticism and it's right to exist would be questioned simply because it is the Jewish state . And that's not to say Israel has never done anything wrong. That would be a lie and as I’ve already stated, I am the first person to criticise the Israeli government. However, what is not a lie, is that if it was not the Jewish state, no one would be questioning its right to fight for its life right now.
And before you place all the blame on Israel, let’s not forget who started this war. Regardless of what you think of the very complex history, do not forget who, in the war that is being fought right now, attacked first. Who attacked first and who was forced to respond in order to survive. Do not paint Israel as this all powerful, all evil force that doesn’t need to defend itself. If the events on Saturday proved anything is that that is simply not the case. The consequences of this are awful and no one can even begin to comprehend the loss on both sides. All I ask is that if you choose to comment on it, you remember that this is a fight for existence. A fight for survival. And so if you are outraged at the loss you should be outraged by the loss on both sides and you should express That, instead of forgetting to even mention the loss of one of those sides in your posts.
Instead of placing all the blame on Israel, don’t forget to place blame on Hamas. Don’t forget that Palestinians are oppressed by Hamas and that the war being fought at this moment would not be happening if it wasn’t for them. (* the bombs mentioned in the screenshot- these bombs are dropped on places where Israel knows Hamas is operating from eg firing rockets from and to avoid innocent civilian loss, they warn them. This is only required because Hamas intentionally operates from civilian buildings. then, Hamas forces the civilians to stay, using them once again as humans shields. If you are calling out Israel for dropping the bombs, Surely you should be calling that out too.) All I ask is that you don’t forget and don’t leave out these very crucial pieces of the story. Because narratives matter and narratives are leading to actual harm being done to Jews all around the world right now so just don’t leave these things out.
And I’ll also attach this clip on ‘proportionality’. When you call for proportionality this is what that would look like and no one wants that. No Israeli wants that. The Israeli government would never want that let alone give orders for that. And that is the difference between the Israeli government and Hamas.
Also you might have noticed that I haven’t been using the Palestine tag and in case that was giving anyone the wrong idea, the only reason for that is that I can’t handle getting any hate or threats right now so I’m doing the most I can to avoid it because just one scroll down the tag was enough for me. So yeah if you thought there was another reason, there isn’t. At first I wasn’t using any tags but I do want at least some people to see this because it’s important. Thhat’s why I make sure to express the tragic loss on both sides in my post. Which is what you should all be doing.
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jangmo-o???? :pleading:
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Jangmo-os may be more than some owners can handle, but the most determined owners may be able to find a great companion in one!
They’re on the heavier side for their size, but overall they are just the right size to be a pet. They may not be the most conventionally cuddly with their fur hardened into their iconic hard scales (Shield), but dragon lovers out there certainly won’t mind. Unfortunately, it is hard to speculate about how friendly a jangmo-o would be to a human. They are social creatures, living in groups and communicating with one another (Moon, Ultra Sun), but they don’t have experience with humans due to the remote nature of their habitats (Moon). However, in the ancient past of the Alola region, warriors values jangmo-os for their “valiant disposition” and lived alongside them (Ultra Moon), so we know that they are to some extent open to getting along with humans if they get used to them.
One really important thing to keep in mind when considering adopting a jangmo-o is that these little fellas are noisy. Jangmo-os use their scales to communicate, expressing their feelings or even scaring away enemies by smacking them together loudly (Sun, Ultra Sun). If you live somewhere where you’re prone to getting noise complaints, I’d look for a different pet! I’ll also warn you that jangmo-os love to rough-house. Wild jangmo-os play fight together all the time by smashing their head scales together, which allows them to grow in both strength and skill (Moon, Sword). This sort of play fighting is important to their development, so I would recommend either adopting multiple jangmo-os that can play together or finding a way to safely play with them yourself. Other species of pokémon, especially those of the hardier sort, might be able to help with this as well. If you’re looking for a gentle pokémon, these rowdy little dragons might not be right for you.
In battle, jangmo-os are exceptionally brave and refuse to back down (Ultra Moon). Thankfully, they aren’t quite as dangerous as their evolutions. Moves like Dragon Tail and Dragon claw take advantage of their typing and tiny battle-ready battles, but they certainly couldn’t be considered lethal by any means. Playing with a jangmo-o (or facing an angry one) may be painful, but it isn’t so concerning that it drags down their score.
Hopefully I’ve been clear that jangmo-os would be a very specific kind of pet, that might not be right for everyone. These critters are loud and rowdy, and love to play-fight, but they aren’t dangerous or antisocial enough to be too much for a loud and rowdy owner to handle. As far as dragon-type pokémon go, jangmo-os are a great option.
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