#if it were a movie or a play or honestly any other story format
bruqh · 18 days
seeing a lot of disappointment that the rat grinders aren’t getting any sort of redemption arc which i understand because i think it would make a more interesting and complex story but yall are not taking into account that this is a dnd show and the best part about dnd is killing people u hate without having to go to jail or face repercussions soooooo
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altraviolet · 6 months
Hello! I'm not sure if its okay to send asks rn. I'm sorry if they aren't open. I was curious about something small and was hoping to ask you. (If it isnt, pls feel free to ignore me and im sorry again).
I was re-reading some chapters of The Echo Garden and Rodimus mentioned learning Soundwave's Cybertronian so they can have a secret language. (So cute!) I was wondering if they were going to do that? And also, are there any details you could share about the differences between 001 dimension cybertronian and Soundwave's Cybertronian? Also also, the explanations you have for 2938 Cybertronian are very fun to read about.
Hi! It's totally ok to send asks :) I open anon asks every once in a while for people who are nervous about asking not-anon. But asks are always open to people who are signed in.
>if they were going to do that?
Oh yeah... they should, shouldn't they? ;) Good reminder.
>any details you could share about the differences between 001 dimension cybertronian and Soundwave's Cybertronian?
I don't have any really hard and fast rules in mind. Sometimes with worldbuilding you can get away with making general statements without having details sorted out, and that's the case here. If I think about it for a lil bit I can give you this:
-I imagine the LL's NeoCybex has more influence from human language than Soundwave's, due to those mechs being wayyyy more open to conversing with organics, as well as the influence of Movie Night and the movies that they get from Thundercrackers as they travel
-in terms of grammar and structure, I think of the two methods of speech as truly being accents. they can absolutely understand each other. the biggest difference is found in writing. An Earth example would be something like: Urdu and Hindi are mutually understandable via speech, but they each use a different alphabet. 0001 and 3244 have different slang, and the body-based aspects of their language use (field pulses and biolight signaling) are quite different.
I didn't have the time or points of view to get into it in TEG, but every time an alt dimensioner boards the LL, at least a tiny bit of their culture gets absorbed. You've seen it via the 2938 "glittering polymorphy" in Ch 45. I honestly don't have Ambulon or Trailbreaker's influences fleshed out. Those would be interesting to think about and either touch on in this fic, or perhaps in a sequel or related story. This is inspired by the phenomenon that happens in the real world- cultures meeting and swapping ideas/fashion/food/language/etc.
>the explanations you have for 2938 Cybertronian are very fun to read about.
Thank you! After the fic is done, I'mma have an Afterword with a FAQ, and I'll explain the inspiration for that (it's the same as the 'meaning of Soundwave' thing).
This does give me a chance to do something I've been thinking about for a few months: visually representing the way they speak in an economical manner. I wish there was a way to represent in text how the 2938 mechs spoke, while keeping the text accessible to screen readers. If I knew a way to do it, I would've done it throughout the fic in a way that looks something like this:
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That would probably be exhausting and annoying to read, but 2938 Megatron is exhausting to comprehend. I didn't play around much with opacity in the examples here, but if there was an accessible way to do this, I'd love to do it with color and shape and tilt and opacity. Make it as otherworldly as possible.
The only way I know to do this on AO3 would be through images, but they would really stick out against whatever default formatting any particular reader might have. (there's mouse overs as well, but eh, doesn't give the spatial property)
If the fic were being read aloud, you could whisper those words around their 'root' words. But, here we deal in pixels ;)
Anyhoo, hope you enjoyed that little trip into my brain! I love languages and culture and all the good things. Thanks for the ask! :)
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boghermit · 3 months
Pointing Out the Historical Inaccuracies (and Some Accuracies) of Ridley Scott's Napoleon 🤓
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The only interesting parts of this film are the costumes, and maybe one or two music tracks. The rest of the movie is just awful. The story can hardly be called a story. It's just miscellaneous boring scenes duct taped together. None of the characters are developed beyond a single trait, if that. A period this broad shouldn't have been crammed into a movie this short. I honestly wouldn't have disliked the historical inaccuracy so much if it had been sacrificed for the sake of a good narrative, but this is bad. Even if you don't know about the era enough to nitpick it, I wouldn't recommend this film to anyone.
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TL;DR go watch Waterloo or The Duelists instead.
Accurate Historical Details
There were some minor details that made me perk up like, "Ah, yes! It did happen like that!" The rest of the movie is so inaccurate that these details stuck out.
Napoleon tugged on peoples' ears as a sign of affection. You see this in the movie with Tallyrand and Josephine. He also did this a lot with his soldiers, which we don't see in the film. In fact, he doesn't interact with his soldiers much at all in the film.
The French fired a 101-cannon salute after Napoleon's first son was born.
Napoleon famously bumbled at the Coup of 18 Brumoire, and his brother Lucien had to step in to direct the French grenadiers.
It's contested whether or not Robespierre actually shot himself in the jaw, but I think at this point it's mostly accepted as truth? In any case, someone screwed up his jaw before he was arrested.
The British loved publishing political cartoons about Napoleon, including cartoons of him being cucked.
Joséphine did actually meet Tsar Alexander shortly before her death. I didn't know about this one and was happy to learn something new.
The depictions of line and square formations were okay.
Historical Inaccuracies
This is, in spite of its budget, one of most historically inaccurate pieces of media I've seen on the era, and on top of that it isn't even good.
There is so much historical context omitted from this film that I feel like anyone who doesn't have an interest in the time period will have NO idea what's going on. You are never really given the how and why of history other than "the Europeans are fighting and also Napoleon is there."
The overall characterization of Napoleon is just bizarre. Napoleon was smart, egotistical, ambitious, hot-tempered, and had a magnetic charisma and human charm that inspired a kind of blind loyalty in his soldiers. This is why he was so successful - and so dangerous. Napoleon never feels threatening or sinister in this film. He's just kind of there, slouching and sweating and mumbling under his breath as history unfolds. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure does a better job of depicting Napoleon than whatever the hell is going on here.
Napoleon was not present at the beheading of Marie-Antoinette.
He didn't have his horse shot out from under him at Toulon, and he didn't send gore-spattered cannonballs to his mother, as far as I know.
The movie casts a younger actress to play Joséphine de Beauharnais, but Joséphine was actually older than Napoleon.
I'm pretty sure that Napoleon didn't find and return the sword of Joséphine's ex-husband, although there is a legend stating that he attempted to confiscate it and was persuaded by Joséphine's son to return it.
The French army never shot their cannons at the Pyramids in Egypt. They also didn't loot the Pyramids, although they participated in a lot of heinous looting elsewhere.
Napoleon didn't leave Egypt because he found out he was being cucked by his wife - he'd already known about that for some time. He left Egypt because the campaign was failing and because the political situation in France was becoming untenable.
Jacques-Louis David attended the coronation of Napoleon, but didn't start his studies for the painting during the coronation itself. (At least as far as I know.)
The lake scene during the Battle of Austerlitz is a bit of a legend, but probably not true. The gigantic lake was more likely a series of shallow ponds, if it existed at all.
Napoleon did not lead cavalry charges, and he sure as shit didn't lead cavalry charges at the Battles of Borodino or Waterloo. In fact, Napoleon infamously sat a safe distance away while watching the bloody Battle of Borodino unfold.
Napoleon was not exiled following the Russian campaign. He was exiled after the War of the Sixth Coalition, in 1814.
Joséphine died in 1814, when Napoleon was still at Elba, not in 1815.
Trench warfare and scoped muskets were not used at the Battle of Waterloo.
Napoleon never met the Duke of Wellington.
That's uh. The cut version of my complaints.
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
The anon's opinion on the otome games female main characters being sweet chicks was very interesting. I can relate to that. A perfect example of a female lead could be Beatrix Kiddo or The Bride from Kill Bill (I don't know if you have seen it but I highly recommend watching Kill Bill, if you haven't seen it. It's a great movie. However, I should warn you that it contains some pretty gruesome violence and gore. But if you can handle that, then I think you'll really enjoy the story and characters). Not only is it a different style of chick compared to these kinds of female MCs in otome games, but she's also her own reason and goal as she ends up in the main situation - meeting the other characters - not luck. Most otome games simply start with an MC who just accepts being in a situation around some hot guys.
This is an entire discussion within media in general, but it definitely varies depending on which type of media you're discussing.
I've seen Kill Bill and it does in fact pass the Bechdel test, which is really a good way to measure whether or not a female lead is a well rounded character on her own or only exists as a supplement to the male characters. The main rule here is that there should be at least two female characters who have a conversation about something other than a man. It's less about how many women are in the work and more about whether or not those women take an active role in the story. The idea that they have wants and needs outside of the men in their story.
The problem with dating sims is that all the characters are men. We have one female love interest in Thirteen, but she's the only one and she wasn't even around from the beginning.
I really feel like a lot of the issues Obey Me has comes from its format. Not only do you have an MC character that needs to fit as many people as possible while still being active within the story, but you've also got all dialogue all the time. There is no way to show the environment beyond the background images. Characters' inner thoughts are generally unavailable as well.
And in the case of a female lead, you're dealing with someone who needs to be generic by default.
You can certainly discuss why generic MC is always so kind and likable. Is that more about how society sees women and often prefers and praises women who are meek or nice or good at cooking or whatever? Or is it more about them trying to facilitate a love story between a generic character and any of the other characters?
If there were routes, you could be more picky about it, I think. Because they could make the "generic MC" the type of character that they know would be a good love interest for the romanceable character in that scenario. For instance, if you were playing a route to romance Lucifer specifically, they could give the MC character a little more personality to suit what they know would work well in a romance with him. However, when you're dealing with a cast of eleven characters that the MC could be dating, well then you need an MC that's likeable enough that all eleven of those characters will be able to fall in love with them simultaneously.
I'm not defending it or anything, I'm just saying there are major restraints to this kind of format.
What they have to do is create as generic an MC character as possible and hope that it works out for the players.
In media like movies and books, you definitely have more space to explore female leads that are different. Kill Bill is a good example. And generally I'd say this particular issue is improving in media as a whole.
But do I think it'll ever change for otomes/dating sims?? I have no idea, honestly. The best we can do for now is to reimagine the events as we play. I think this is why so many people tend to rewrite the whole story with their MC in mind. Because it would play out differently for every MC.
Anyway, sorry to ramble lol! But this is an interesting discussion!
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djservo · 5 months
cutting it soo close to the wire oopsie but i'm here!! 2023 is out, 2024 is in. also in: your december reading update? did you hit 50 books read? what are your 2024 reading goals, anything that suprised you about your 2023 reading other than falling in love with Dennis Cooper?
I read 12 books last month man it was a blur!!
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ok there's just too many for me to indulge in any rambling so I'm gonna try and keep things short n sweet
Nana Vol. 1-3 by Ai Yazawa - I was never really into manga growing up but this is like exactly the type of story and style I wanna wrap myself up in always!! so much fun!! the rumors are true, I love a roommate story!!! I read each one in a single sitting so I wanna pace myself thru the rest of the series so that I don't spoil + finish it all at once </3
Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury - honestly not as fantastical as I was expecting for some reason but it reminded me of Coraline which was fun! I could see Neil Gaiman getting inspo from this (edit: literally just looked it up and yes Gaiman indeed cites him as a direct influence yup yup)
Out of Time by Samira Azzam - something almost Steinbeck-like in these vignettes of everyday life in a very culturally-specific way that I really enjoy. really insightful introduction that mentioned how although most her stories didn't explicitly mention Palestine, they still were recognizable as a Palestinian existence + therefore shaped a sort of Palestinian consciousness for readers that were often blocked from accessing their own culture in academic settings
The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison - I can't believe it took me this long to read something by Toni Morrison / that I never read her in any English classes?? like she seems so foundational to the grand scheme of American literature.... ridiculous! so phenomenal and gripping and darker than I expected. not just an engrossing story but also a really intentional and haunting use of language that really sinks you into that world/shifting perspectives
Tasting the Sky: A Palestinian Childhood by Ibtisam Barakat - this is like the only Palestinian book my local library has (shameful!) so I checked it out on a whim and was so surprised at what an amazing memoir this is!!! touching and vibrant and left me so eager to read her follow-up memoir based around her teenage years. I feel like this is a great introduction to Palestinian literature in general bc while it does (obviously) tie in the history and reality of occupation, the amount of love & detail given to the everyday things - merely going to school or playing with her brothers - was so enlightening and relatable
Holidays on Ice by David Sedaris - the first/main story, SantaLand Diaries, is still one of my favorites - I love stories about odd jobs + boy does Sedaris have so many tales to tell about those!! reread this in one sitting before I sent it off to a friend who seems to find herself in a new odd job each year so I figured she'd resonate
Gaza in Crisis and On Palestine by Noam Chomsky & Ilan Pappé, edited by Frank Barat - 2 separate books but I'll talk about them together since they're companion pieces. surprisingly accessible, probably due to the format of essays mixed with interviews. On Palestine echoed a lot of the sentiments of Gaza in Crisis so I'd recommend On Palestine for a sort of "updated" version (and in my opinion, more thorough). a good stepping stone for some of the meatier/more history-dense books on my TBR
Like Water For Chocolate by Laura Esquivel - yknow the thing about recipe bloggers who will intersperse their super personal life story into the recipe? this is like a whole book of that it's kinda iconic... honestly a little juvenile and ridiculous at times but I had a fun + have made hot chocolate every single day since reading this which literally wasn't even one of the recipes included/the title itself comes from like 1 short part towards the end but still... Ms. Esquivel's impact... the movie adaptation was really well done too, captured the magical realism surprisingly well without making things look hokey + Man I just love food in film!!!
Good Sense & the Faithless by Michelle T. Clinton - beautiful sexy thoughtful angry hopeful healing.... I really love her and I'm glad I ended the year with this!!
YES I surpassed by goal which honestly did surprise me bc if you recall I sliced my 50 down to 36 a few months ago because 50 didn't seem feasible at the time, but I guess the lesson is to never underestimate winter reading!! still I'm playing it safe and declaring 40 as my 2024 goal... for now.... a few weeks ago I made a little reading syllabus for the year where each month is a different theme (except for january + august to give myself some time to get the wiggles/impulsive reads out ya know) and I mostly sourced from books I already own or books in my TBR so I'm really excited to have more structure to my reads + actually get through some of the books in my ever-growing TBR!! shameful and embarrassing that it's nearly at 1k books like GOD just READ them, woman!!! I think I'm also surprised at how many graphic novel collections I read (3!) which maybe shouldn't be that surprising bc I always have a good time with graphic novels but I think these particular reads opened the door to a buncha different authors and artists and literary circles which ofc I'm always grateful for! yay reading!!
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aristotels · 5 months
Thinking about art and fiction and concepts of ownership and honestly it's kinda fucked that collaborative and transformative storytelling is literally as old as time and one of the most basic human instincts that exists, but the only good word it we have right now is "fanfiction"
and when you tell people you write fanfiction they think you're some kind of cringe weirdo and possibly pervert and then the whole thing gets derailed by this bizarre side discussion into how "No it's not all porn, it's absolutely everything and anything imaginable, duh, but like, even if it were all porn, that would also be okay". Like I'm all for pointing out the double standards about how published authors who put sex into their stories don't lose any respectability (especially if they're men, and especially if the sex is cishet), but the second I, a fanfiction person, add a romantic arc into my plotty casefic suddenly I'm a fujoshi with shipper brainrot etc etc-
But it's tiring that this is even a focal point
My favourite funny and sad thing is watching people (usually dudes) who clearly either view themselves as above fanfiction or have simply never ever thought of themselves as "the type" to do creative writing discover The Fanfiction Urge, because the way they express it is like. An increasingly passionate and detailed video essay about how Movie should have gone instead, or, my favourite, a story about something cool that happened to them in XCOM or Darkest Dungeon or some other Difficult Game For Serious Gamers and by the end of the post they're legitimately just writing prose. Like look at this! LOOK! Damn if this person didn't speedrun the gamerbro-to-AO3 pipeline just for a sec. And not that there's anything wrong with those formats but it makes you wonder if that's something they'd be interested in exploring more if their wings got unclipped
Or DnD. Small wonder that TTRPGs are becoming so popular when they're one of the few increasingly non-cringe ways to do the extremely basic human urge of Tell Story Collaboratively
A friend of mine had this to say recently about his own struggles with this kind of internal bias:
i'd like to try out Thousand-Year-Old Vampire (a solo role-playing game with minimal rules to make you write your own narrative) and my toxic masculinity is getting in the way. discouraging thoughts include: i'm not creative enough; creative writing is for Floofy Humanities types and i am a Cold STEM type; it's not a real game unless it has Systems that you can Study and Master. would anyone like to say something encouraging?
and honestly that's incredibly illuminating innit isn't it. The splitting off of creative activity (not just fanfiction, either) into something only for Floofy Humanities Types but not Serious People and the way it's linked to whether or not you can make money off it... oof.
This became a long post thank you for your patience
ngl i just dont rly care that much for fandoms... i like fanfic, i read it and write it, but i dont rly see fandom as my identity or smth i particularly care about, to me all of it is just the same as me playing with barbie dolls.
i dont think its something special that can be compared to actual literature and i think there are certain problems w booktok people relying on tropes that come from fanfic mentality. its just not the same, and i do wish people who like fanfic would sometimes also read.......some actual books sometimes
i just generally dont see what youre describing as some huge thing or problem, i think anti-kink ppl doxxing artists is the major worrisome thing when it comes to fandoms, but i think the doxxers also take the whole fandom experience too seriously
and i say this as someone who also writes fanfic, so like, it rly isnt me going "fanfic authors/readers are stupid", i find fanfic super cool to explore yourself, fanart taught me sooo much as an artist, i even enjoy roleplaying; all of this serves a very real purpose of exploring things as a human in realms of fiction, and pre-existing characters make that easier. i think that can be very useful, we learn about ourselves through books and stories. i just think fandom should be treated the way it is - playtime with toys ✌️
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starset21 · 5 months
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Standard Disclaimer: I only own my original characters, I've done some research but there will likely be Navy/military inaccuracies, and I do not consent to the posting, translating, or publishing of my work to any 3rd party site, the only place it may be found is on tumblr and Wattpad under @.itswildflower
A/N: This story is heavily inspired by the hallmark movie of the same title and is very self-indulgent. I'm also trying a different format than I'm used to using so it may change in the future chapters.
Looking for the other chapters? U.S.S. Christmas Masterlist 
Summary:  Kate agrees to go on the Christmas tiger cruise, will she run into the handsome aviator she met at the ball?
Chapter 2: Departure
“Picasso diner's two best customers, the Wells kids, Merry Christmas.” The siblings are greeted as they walk into the dinner they’d been going to since they were kids.
“Merry Christmas, Sharon,” Kate greeted.
“Your favorite table is available. Here you go,” Sharon handed them the menu’s.
“Thank you,” Jackson told her, offering a smile.
“So, Kate, I read that story this morning about the bank president. He's been in here. Seemed like a good guy,” Sharon lamented.
“Well. Goes to show you never really know what's going on with people,” Kate shrugged.
“That's for sure. And Jackson, I saw the photo that you posted of the Norfolk Christmas lights from your jet. That was absolutely stunning,” Sharon complimented.
“Oh, yeah, that was on my night hop last week,” Jackson told her. “As always, thank you for your service. So, the usual?” Sharon asked.
“Semi crispy bacon and hash browns.”
“And a Chocolate donut with coffee for me,” Jackson added.
“Last one. They went fast today,” Sharon told him before heading off to put in their order.
“You are so lucky,” Kate spoke up after a moment of comfortable silence.
“I know. I don't know what I'd do without my morning sugar fix,” he laughed.
“No, I mean, 'cause you love what you do,” she told him. 
“What about you, though? You've loved writing for as long as I can remember,” Jackson’s brow furrowed.
“Yeah. Yeah, I… It's just... I don't know, it's not as much fun as it used to be. Remember when I was in college and I wrote that article about the firefighter who adopted the baby, and it was dropped off at his fire station on Christmas Eve, and he named her Noel?” she asked.
“Oh, yeah, that was such a heartwarming story,” Jackson recalled.
“Now she's ten years old, she's a straight- "a" student, and she just played Mary in her Christmas play, I mean, that firefighter changed her entire life, and… Just wish I could write more stories like that. Especially around the holidays,” Kate told him.
“Yeah, I can understand that.”
Kate looked out the window at the people passing by and sighed. “Maybe I'm just burned out,” she lamented.
“But you had fun at the ball, right?” Jackson asked.
“Yeah, of course. Your fellow Navy people are very nice.” Kate looked at him.
“Did anyone, you know, catch your eye?” he questioned and Kate rolled her eyes.
“Jackson! You are relentless! No! Besides, I mean, come on, you remember what it was like. Every time you and Jordan deployed I was was so worried. I don't know, it's too much for me,” she told him.
“Yeah, but you guys didn't work out because your personalities didn't match,” Jackson pointed out.
“I just don't want to do the military thing. You remember how hard it was on mom,” Kate told him with some finality.
“Yeah, I know,” Jackson sighed. “You could use a break, Kate. Why don't you come on the Christmas tiger cruise?”
Kate shook her head. “No. I told you, I don't want to go, okay, and besides, I have work.”
Jackson deployed his puppy eyes. “The chill of the fresh sea air will help clear your head,” he tried.
“The chill of the air? You mean the freezing air,” Kate laughed. “And honestly, I don't even actually know if I could be away from my phone that long,” she added.
“Maybe that'd be a good thing,” Jackson laughed.
Kate’s phone buzzed several times. “Sorry, it's my boss. Apparently the bank president's brother has now been arrested,” Kate apologized.
“Look, think about it. No breaking news, no annoying texts from your boss. We'll be in the middle of nowhere,” he told her. “And you'll be without mom and me right before Christmas, which is your favorite time of year,” he tempted.
“Okay, now you're just playing hardball,” Kate sighed.
“Do it for us! Come on!” Jackson exclaimed.
“Ohh fine. I suppose I haven't taken even a fraction of my vacation time. So, sure. Yeah. Yeah, okay. I will go on the tiger cruise. I'll just tell Mr. Carmichael he has to deal,” Kate gave in and Jackson grinned.
“Yay! That's amazing!”
Kate put her head in her hands. “Ohh, it's gonna be freezing,” she lamented as Sharon came back with their food.
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“Oh, wow, look!” Kate exclaimed as they walked up the ramp to board the ship.
“Oh! Your dad used to tell me that they decorated the ship for Christmas, but I had no idea it was this gorgeous,” her mother fawned.
“Hi, tigers! I'm Jackson, I'll be your cruise director,” her brother came over, dressed in his khaki uniform.
“Oh, get over here! Hey, honey,” their mother opened her arms for a hug.
“Hi,” Kate greeted him, bringing him in to a hug when their mother let him go.
“I'm so glad you came,” he tells her.
“So, where's my little fruity drink with the umbrella on it?” Kate teased.
“Would you be okay to settle for eggnog and a Christmas feast with all the trimmings?” Jackson asked.
“Wells family!”
The family turned to see Ron Kerner approaching them.
“Ron, Thank you so much for hosting us,” their mother greeted.
“It's an honor, Elizabeth. I'm so glad you changed your mind Kate,” he smiled at her.
“Thanks for making it happen.”
“Oh, here he is. Just the man I wanted you to meet. Lieutenant Jake Seresin. One of my finest f-18 pilots, and I don't say that just because he happens to be my son. Jake, this is Elizabeth and Kate. You remember, I served with Sam Wells,” Ron told him.
“Yes, of course!”
“I knew you when you were this high,” Elizabeth reminisced.
“Well, nice to see you again,” Jake told her mother before turning to Kate.
“And nice seeing you. Again. Didn't know our fathers flew together or that you're Wiz's sister,” Jake raised a brow.
“You two know each other?” Jackson, her mom and Ron all asked.
“We met at the Christmas ball,” Jake explained.
“The wine incident,” Kate whispered to Jackson.
“Would you guys like to join us for dinner tonight?” Ron asked.
“Yes, thanks! We'd love to!” her mom exclaimed.
“Great. I'll see you at 1800 hours,” Ron smiled before he and Jake walked away.
“Let's get you checked in, get you to your stateroom,” Jackson took the ladies bags and led them away.
“This is it. Watch your head,” Jackson told them as he led them over to his jet on the deck. Lt. Jackson Wells, "Wizard", was painted on the side of it.
“Someone figured out that dad’s callsign was Merlin and decided to tell, the crew decided to chose something close to it,” Jackson told them.
“Oh, honey, that is so sweet!” their mother cooed.
“Call signs aren't supposed to be sweet, mom. The other pilots choose 'em. But I got pretty lucky. They can call me Wiz any day. He's the whole reason I became a pilot,” Jackson smiled.
“Attention, tigers. The USS Polaris is now departing. Happy sailing, everyone!” The intercom clicked off. 
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04tenno · 1 year
Do you think that if the latest live action version of the games comes to be, they’d be a bit more open about the queer characters being queer? Not anything direct but not as vague as some of them are in the games?
I also wonder if they wouldn’t be held back by some of the same things the games are, would characters who receive less screen time get more of that. Really, I don’t know why I’d bother thinking about it so much right now but I must W o n d e r
Oh, like the Hollywood movie that was in the works a couple years back? I'm not entirely positive that one in specific is still going through, since Nagoshi was the one overseeing it and we haven't seen any news in years, but I suppose worst case scenario they could always do other live action adaptations.
RGG adaptations historically have next to nothing to do with the games or have any real supervision, so it depends on who's behind the wheel. Any opportunity to shake up and retell the existing stories does have potential. The original Like a Dragon movie and the stage show had Majima be a lot more forward than almost anything that was actually in the games at the time, for example, but they were still in the realm of plausible deniability.
So it'd be heavily dependent on the chosen plot, format, and priorities in the script and direction. If it's an all-new story and/or cast, well, I haven't seen Poetry of the Soul or the Yakuza prequel, so I'm not sure what the precedent is. But if it's a proper adaptation, which game/era is being adapted matters hugely for potential representation. And the format and priorities matter because a stage play, one-off film, a series of films, an average drama, and a miniseries all have vastly different amounts of time to dedicate to plot and characterization.
For example, one would expect no adaptation of Yakuza 3 would just Leave Out Mine's Motives Entirely and reduce him to a monster who wants all orphans dead, right? But the comic adaptation did exactly that. Of course, it was from Haruka's perspective and she has every right to think so, but considering the comic was specifically meant to summarize the whole of Yakuza 3 as a replacement for the wiki, choosing Haruka as the viewpoint character was a mistake from the beginning. But that's how it happened with only a few panels to tell the story, and a "plot-focused" Yakuza 3 film adaptation may make the same mistake.
In all honesty, though, I think the games have waaay more opportunities to make it work. A show might have a fighting chance, but the average RGG game now is about 48 hours, which would be grossly long for anything other than the annual NHK taiga drama (and honestly, those are still grossly long).
I personally think Yakuza: Like a Dragon is the queerest game not by virtue of having anyone declare their love but by having a host class that relies on charm in a game with only male enemies, having Essence of Titillation and Essence of Restoration work on female party members, having Ichiban get a honk-honk from a guy and it giving him the biggest stat boosts in the entire game, having those teasing hints about Nanba and Ichi or Zhao and Ichi, Having Nick In The Game Period, having the plot center around a family with two dads, having one of said dads' gender nonconformity be the most respectfully-depicted instance in the entire series (and referring to him as an actress and mother), having Ako in the game and both treating her normally and having her be voiced by a woman in the dub, having NPCs express wanting to be reborn as the opposite gender.
Like... that's the run-on sentence to end all run-on sentences, but I could go on. These Bitches Queer.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 3 months
🖋️"what inspired you to write your WIPs?"
📖"what has surprised you about your WIPs?"
💻"what perspectives do you write in?"
🖥️"what types of writing do you do?"
❤️"what are your favorite scenes from your WIPs?"
😭"what are the biggest challenges writing your WIPs?"
Hello! Thanks for the ask! (From this game)
This is a lot of questions! Haha super excited though. Sorry I took a bit to get to this. Long of course so it's under the cut.
🖋️"what inspired you to write your WIPs?"
The Secret Portal
TSP's inspiration can be traced back to the Rainbow Magic series. I was obsessed with these fairies as a kid, and at one point role played a story with my stuffed animals on two girls discovering they were fairies. In fourth grade during a creative writing unit, I thought back to this story and decided to change fairies (since I thought I was too old lol) to "people with powers" and I added a portal or something. It has since evolved so much and I don't know where the inspiration has come from. Most media I consume is somehow ingrained into my writing style.
School of the Legends
SOTL was inspired by my love for fairy tale retellings. Whatever After and The Land of Stories stick out the most if I'm being honest.
📖"what has surprised you about your WIPs?"
The Secret Portal
TSP has surprised me by how far it's come. How interesting I find it. How it keeps evolving into something I'm more and more proud of. Smaller stuff, like Lexi deviating completely from her original purpose of a self insert, Gwen becoming more important than I thought, how natural the chemistry between the characters has been, my many ah ha! Moments. How much I've grown as a writer and how amazing it is that I can track my growth across over a decade of my life. The positive reactions I've received. How much it keeps getting better. I love it more every day. Hard work is paying off.
School of the Legends
SOTL is not that far in development but I'm surprised by how fun it is to think about. How hilarious the first couple chapters have been overall. Also, I really like a lot of my ideas for adapting fairy tales and stuff.
💻"what perspectives do you write in?"
The Secret Portal
TSP is told in a multi POV format. One major theme is perspective and the inner workings of each character, and I honestly can't imagine it in third. It's taken a lot of work, and the character voices are becoming increasingly more distinct. There are chapters without one focal character told in third person.
School of the Legends
SOTL is told completely in third person, with one focal character per chapter. I think most of my projects from now on will be third so the exhausting and diligent work from TSP doesn't have to be repeated. Only two other works I have planned feel fitting for it anyway.
🖥️"what types of writing do you do?
I obviously do a lot of original fiction, primarily sci-fi and fantasy. Only one idea that I haven't completely scrapped is realistic fiction, and that will likely stay the same. I love realistic fiction, but find compelling narratives hard for some reason. This idea doesn't even have a plot so that's also telling.
On the side, I do a lot of media analysis. I love reviewing movies and shows and analyzing the crap out of them. Not only does this help me process and document all of my opinions but it also gives me a better understanding of the property, writing process, and story progression that leads to my development as a writer.
❤️"what are your favorite scenes from your WIPs?"
The Secret Portal
Favorite scenes aw man. For TSP, the grilled cheese sandwich debate has a special place in my heart. It's unfortunately very long so obviously I'm going to have to cut it down, which I'm working on, but I'm keeping it as is. Also, the intense moments that I'm proud of stand out. Ash getting manipulated, Noelle and Carmen arguing, Jedi's entire backstory, etc. I become super proud of myself for being able to get invested. Any scene with Robbie and Akash honestly.
School of the Legends
For SOTL, it's not that long, but I love the opening scene for Tierney's chapter electric shocking his brothers. But I am also proud of Úrsula's chapter for being pretty nuanced.
I guess both the wholesome shenanigans and also heavy scenes.
😭"what are the biggest challenges writing your WIPS?"
The Secret Portal
Biggest challenge for TSP is honestly world building. I can figure out character and plot enough with hard work but my brain hurts from world building. Which kinda sucks because I want Alium to be distinct. The good news is, it's coming along, and I like the tiny little processes that I make over time. Little things add up, and Alium is becoming more and more of its own thing. I like that, even if it's hard.
School of the Legends
For SOTL, it's stringing together a narrative and structure. I have a lot of characters and plot ideas but can't connect most of them. There are just so many fairy tales. I have no idea how I'm going to work with this. Maybe just making it a string of one-shots with an overarching plot could work. I dunno. We shall see where it goes.
Thank you so much for all the asks!!! This was so fun! Hope this was a good read!
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esinofsardis · 1 year
GTKY Tag Game
@isabellehemlock tagged me ages ago and yes I do eventually do things... I also love surveys lol
Are you named after anyone?
Two of my great-grandfather's sisters shared my name (the first died in infancy), but my parents were really just looking for biblical names. So not particularly
When was the last time you cried?
Last time the US healthcare system fucked me over and I had to go back to square one seeking treatment :(
Do you have kids?
Nope! I'm actually seeking a bilateral salpingectomy once the aforementioned health insurance nightmare gets solved
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Only with people I'm extremely comfortable with. I'm autistic--teasing and sarcastic conversations are actually a sign that I really trust you. It takes me years to get to that level with someone.
What sport do you play/have you played?
Closest thing to a sport is the social swing dancing I did in college. We met every Tuesday night for a lesson then a few hours of open dancing. It was so fun and I miss it a lot
What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
Height/size and whether the other person cares about it. I'm six feet tall and pretty heavy. Sooooo many cis men get super uncomfortable because I'm taller or as tall as them. It's like I notice how much physical space I take up in relation to another person and how cool with that they seem to be.
Eye color?
Dark brown with gold flecks. My eyes are one of the things I like best about myself.
Scary movies or happy endings?
This is a weird dichotomy??? I want stories that make me feel things
Any special talents?
Reading. I can read 100 pages/hour. I did 10 years of orchestra surviving off my ability to sight-read in three clefs. I also remember what I read or hear scary well--lectures actually work super well for me cause I just soak it all in. My parents called me a sponge for this. I'm a walking encyclopedia and I love it
Where were you born?
Ohio :/
What are your hobbies?
Embroidery, sewing, playing piano, research, writing (in theory), reading
Do you have any pets?
Despite the sheer amount of cat hair in my car, no. I enjoy my friends' cats, but don't really love animals much.
How tall are you?
6ft (my brothers say 5'11.75" but see what I said above about cis men not liking me being tall)
Fave subject in school?
In grade school, French and orchestra. I didn't really like English classes until I got to college and majored in it.
Dream job?
I wanted to be a writer as a kid. But honestly that led to so much pressure and baggage associated with writing that I specifically won't take writing-related jobs now. I can only work part time due to disability stuff, but honestly I have my dream job. I'm the secretary at a church I'm not a member of, so I get to do a variety of admin things--from filing and reminder volunteers that they need to show up places to filming YouTube devotionals and formatting hymn sheets to waging war with the printer and buying supplies. It's chill and steady and has really good boundaries because I don't attend on Sundays. The church also does a lot with humanitarian work in my city so it's cool to help out with that!
Tagging (with no pressure of course) @goldenyearofgrief @whiteorangeflower @revolution-starter @translouisdpdl @dancermk @sinceremercy @nikysavi @mythicaltzu
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jaysterg5 · 1 year
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Marvel Special Edition Featuring Star Wars #3
Writer - Roy Thomas
Art - Howard Chaykin
Cover - Ernie Chan
The comic book adaptation of Star Wars complete in this one issue! Not only does it tell the entire story, but it does so in an oversized format, twice the size of a regular comic book! And yes, this was printed before it was known as A New Hope.
I had a fit of nostalgia when I found this in my basement recently. Needless to say any thoughts of cleaning said basement went out the window when I sat down and re-read this fantastic comic book! It took my right back to the long summer days when I was a kid and would read and re-read this comic book! Hey, there was no Disney+, no blu-rays, not even VHS. If you wanted to experience Star Wars again outside the theater, this was one of the only ways that was possible!
This isn't a line-for-line translation of the film. Thomas takes some liberty with the dialogue and adds in a lot of descriptive text that was a hallmark of Marvel comics at the time. Some of those new lines still echo in my mind almost as much as the real dialogue from the movie! Now I can't say for certain that some of these lines weren't in an early draft of the movie script, but they'll always remind me of this comic book!
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But there's more to this than just a movie adaptation. You see, there are also some of the infamous deleted scenes that are actually included in this portrayal. We get the scene at Toshi station where Luke meets up with Biggs and they talk about the rebellion before Biggs ships out. Not the most important scene, but because of this story, I knew that scene existed and was shocked to find out it wasn't something that Roy Thomas just added in. Also, we get the scene where Han Solo talks with Jabba the Hutt before blasting out of Mos Eisley with Luke, Obi-Wan, and the droids. Now, in the comic, Jabba was just some random yellow alien - nothing like the slug-creature we would see in Return of the Jedi. But at least we had a sense of who Jabba was and what a problem it might cause for Han down the line.
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Howard Chaykin's pencils are pretty spot on. Most of the characters, locations, and technology is well represented. I'm assuming he had a lot of photo reference to work from, but he never really gets Chewbacca quite right. He has a very dynamic style that represents the movies action very well, but you can tell he didn't have access to the moving pictures since his action often plays out a bit differently than the film. Still, I've always enjoyed his work and even seeing this early example is fun and engaging.
Honestly, with nostalgia aside, this is one of the best movie adaptations I've come across. Originally presented as six issues of the monthly series, they had the space and time to do a very accurate retelling of the movie. Most other adaptations were limited to 48 pages or so. But being such a key item from my childhood just makes this all the more important and engaging!
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the-hot-zone · 28 days
1, 8 and 15 for identity asks!
ty su! these are all really really good ones meaning that they were hard asf to answer.
1: if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
>read: this list would go on way too fucking long if i let it, but i included some that aren't in the five most influential below. firstly is poetry in general. i don't have any collections to recommend, so i can just say june jordan, naomi shihab nye, lena khalaf tuffaha, joy harjo, hala alyan, suheir hammad are all poets i've been reading a lot lately and immediately came to mind. i contain multitudes by ed yong was an excellent read and in a similar vein entangled life by merlin sheldrake are excellent reads that challenge the notion of individuality in the context of ecology. some cookbooks/food-centered ones: chaat (indian); palestine on a plate (palestinian); night + market (thai); the cooking gene (black southern cuisine and african cuisine). all excellent and ones that have affected my relationship with cuisine deeply. i've written essays about all of them. speak, okinawa and beautiful country are two memoirs that stick with me. bad fat black girl: notes from a trap feminist as well. interior chinatown--i need to reread that one, but the formatting and how it contributed to the transformative way in which it is read is stunning. my body is not a prayer request. braiding sweetgrass of course. i just lent out my copy. finally, i have to say it again, repeated from below: virology by joseph odmundson. i didn't even go into personal essays lol or articles UGH there's so much more. oh and just to make sure i've got some fiction (because most of the above are nonfiction)--lessons in chemistry and noor. didn't even include plays or short stories :( i could go on for too long. i must stop. >watch: i don't tend to watch a lot of shows/movies, but some good ones are train to busan (2016), flu (2013), nope (2022), the good place, and yu yu hakusho. >listen to: lorddd this was the hardest one. i'll just go with what i've been listening to lately: the halluci nation, tanya tagaq, foo fighters, system of a down, and slipknot, and lately lots of metal synthwave.
8: what musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime?
These are all honestly a repeat of the above + some others. foo fighters, tamar-kali, FEVER 333, the halluci nation, ghost, everything everything, andrew bird, japanese folk metal, tanya tagaq, snotty nose rez kids, david bowie, system of a down, metallica. i could go on.
15: five most influential books over your lifetime. >the hot zone by richard preston (i have to include this legally) >hawker fare by james syhabout. this is a cookbook; it changed me deeply. >healthy south indian cooking by alamelu vairavan and patricia marquardt. another cookbook. this was my first introduction to south indian cuisine. >white tears, brown scars by ruby hamad. >virology by joseph odmundson. i cannot recommend this one enough. >BONUS. the artemis fowl series (i also have to legally include this)
now answer mine 👉👉👉
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freakin-edikan · 1 year
I don’t think the Mario movie is very good… there’s no emotional core and the characters lack even a facsimile of interiority. The characters don’t feel like they meaningfully interact with each other. Mario and Peach don’t sound like Mario and Peach they sound like some guy and some gal. I had the most fun picking out the references, which is never a good sign
Full thoughts under the cut very rambly spoilers ahead.
Imo the movie is very short. For that many characters and a world as expansive as the Mushroom Kingdom, it’s too short. Look. People took their kids to go see Incredibles II. I think we can put a 2hr Mario movie and as long as it’s well-paced they’ll watch it.
So I’m a nerd and I know not everyone knows this but the Mario Bros. are in fact from NYC. Imo this storyline is a little dead but it’s worth retreading as an origin story. However I thought they would stick a little closer to the lore? So it’s kind of interesting what they’ve done here; the focus was on adapting the mechanics of the game to a story format (like explaining why Mario loses his power ups after taking damage) rather than using the pre-existing lore to set up the world. It’s an interesting choice. I don’t think it was a very good choice but it was interesting right. But then in the places where they set up the world using actual story elements from the games, they’re really really simplified for no reason. Like Peach being a human, a regular human, as opposed to her being from the Mushroom Kingdom with the magic she has, or there being One Power Star rather than. Several. You know because we know there are 120 power stars in Peach’s castle alone. They could have made the world a bit more complex than it was, if they were gonna skimp on the characters the way they did.
Speaking of which. They separated Mario and Luigi for a considerable amount of the runtime. And then for that runtime, Luigi wasn’t doing anything… it made it really hard to buy anything they were saying about their bond or how everything is okay as long as they’re together… y’all were separate the whole movie. You see how having a character get kidnapped can really ruin them. There’s just. Very little to movie Luigi. Which is unfortunate, because Luigi is a great character even in media where he’s not very deep. And it also just goes to show, the characters really are defined by their relationships with each other, so it’s unfortunate that we don’t get to see them onscreen as much!
Instead Mario spends more time playing off Donkey Kong than either Peach or Luigi. There’s one parallel between Mario and another character and that’s when Donkey Kong is like “my dad thinks I’m a failure :(” and that came up and honestly I didn’t even realize that was supposed to be a running thread. And it’s Donkey Kong who has a fuller, better resolved story for this thread rather than Mario or Luigi.
And they only even travel to one locale… They didn’t even do any adventuring… they Just went to the Kong kingdom and fought DK and then it was immediately ambushing Bowser then they failed then they’re back at the kingdom fighting Bowser again! We could have either spent more time in any of these locales or had more of these.
Dawg… take Donkey Kong out this movie he’s sucking up time and space that belong to other characters…
They only credited Koji Kondo for his compositions despite the fact that they arranged music from Super Mario Kart, Donkey Kong Country, and Mario Kart 8. Which means a bunch of other names are missing from that credit for “Original Compositions,” including two women!
The second movie is 100% gonna have Wario, Yoshi, and Rosalina but not Daisy.
It’s fun to watch (if you can sit through Crisp Rat) it’s just not very good. At least, structurally and storywise, it’s not very good. But it’s fun and it’s cute!
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
While You Sleep
Chapter 14
Relationship: Bucky Barnes x Reader Warnings: depictions of panic attack, suggestive content Summary: Soulmate!AU - Throughout life, you’re given glimpses of your soulmate through dreams. As you sleep, memories flash in your mind showing you the life your soulmate has lived. Everyone around you raves about how their soulmate reads great books or volunteers in their spare time. But you can’t relate as your dreams end up being more like nightmares. Through initial images of death and violence, you come to learn your soulmate is the Winter Soldier.
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
After a couple of days had passed, Bucky had approached you with the idea of going on another date. At first, you were greatly hesitant. The memories of the Hydra man telling you their first glimpse of you was during a date couldn’t escape your mind. You had brought it up to Bucky as gently as you could but he assured you, you had nothing to worry about. Those at the facilities were…”gone.” He had simply put it at that. You didn’t want to think about how deep the organization may actually run seeing as they had been able to be under the radar for a while. But you forced yourself to put the rest of your great concerns away and, eventually, agreed to a date. 
Bucky thought the movies could be a fun thing for you two to do. He admitted he hadn’t been to one in quite some time and was interested to see what was out there in terms of genres. That led you two to sitting at the kitchen counter in the compound, leaning over the newspaper, skimming the movie showtimes. You didn’t have the heart to tell him you could've just looked this up on your phone.
“What about an action movie?” Bucky asked. You scooted your stool closer to read the title he was pointing at. You had to admit, you were getting pretty comfortable at the compound, having declared this one particular stool yours in the kitchen. You were harboring a lot of concerns over your apartment. It still sat in your mind as the, well, the initial scene of the crime. The start of that incident. Thankfully, no one seemed bothered by your extended stay and you thought Bucky seemed to secretly enjoy playing house in this capacity. 
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. “They’re so hit or miss. We might not like it.”
Bucky hummed. “If we don’t like it, it’ll just give us an excuse to make out.”
You couldn’t help the small giggle that escaped your lips. It was a rare occurrence lately and Bucky always looked relieved when you’d show any signs of getting closer to peace. “Is that why you want to go to the movies, Buck?”
Your soulmate scoffed, shaking his head with a little cheeky grin. “You mean to tell me you really watched every movie you went on a date to see?”
“Oh, hush,” you smirked back as Bucky playfully rolled his eyes. “I guess nothing really changes over the years.”
This banter was good - it felt good. You weren’t in pristine condition but this was maybe showing some progress. Crying in bed with Bucky seems like a lifetime away despite just being a day or so ago. Concerns of various formats weren't vanishing so fast, though. Especially in the realm of nightmares. You hadn’t brought it up to anyone but it was like something had reset in the bond. While they weren’t as obnoxious, you weren’t getting dreams of Bucky reading or any cute shit like that.
“How about a horror movie? That could be fun,” Bucky said. “I can hold you when you get scared.”
You bit your lip. “Who said I get scared during horror movies?”
Bucky shook his head, letting out a light laugh. “You’re making this impossible, doll.” 
Before you could tell him to quit it, someone entered the kitchen. The person came up behind you two and began looking over your shoulder at the movie times. “Going to the movies?” Steve asked. 
You and Bucky turned to him, nodding. “We can’t figure out what we want to see, though.”
Steve hummed as his eyes raked over the page. “How about a romance?” He suggested. “Bucky used to cry his eyes out over those.”
Immediately, Bucky began spewing protests left and right calling Steve the biggest liar while you couldn’t help but genuinely crack up at the situation. It was a nice thing, you thought, sitting here laughing over something silly between Bucky and Steve. Almost like you were getting on and everything was figuring itself out. Maybe today would be the day it all finally took a turn. 
“Alright, alright,” you said, trying to calm Bucky. Steve looked greatly amused while your soulmate was just annoyed. “I think that’s settled then. My curiosity has peaked. I wanna see a romance.”
Bucky groaned. “It happened one time.”
Steve shrugged. “Maybe she can hold you just in case it happens again.”
“Thanks, Steve,” Bucky scoffed. “Want to share anything else with her? Any other embarrassing stories from back in the day you think she just desperately needs to hear?”
You looked excitedly towards Steve. “Yeah, Steve, is there anymore?”
He smirked. “Trust me, there’s plenty. But I wouldn’t want to waste them all now. I’ll save them for your wedding day.” And with that, Steve nodded, possibly quite proud of himself for dropping that, and exited the kitchen, back on his path to wherever he was going. He left you two practically with a bomb. 
Wedding day - the idea of that was something that has never crossed your mind. And from the looks of it, neither had it crossed Bucky’s. It wasn’t uncommon for soulmates to get married. Most didn’t see the purpose outside of the legal side but you didn’t fall into that. You were hopelessly guilty of daydreaming about your wedding day...
Bucky cleared his throat. “So,” he looked back at the paper, “romance it is, then?”
You took a deep breath, snapping your thoughts back into place. “Sure.”
Steve’s claim hadn't been that too far off. As you two were exiting the theater, having just watched an hour and a half of two people being oblivious when it comes to love, Bucky wouldn’t meet your eyes. You were commenting on the movie but he was stuck looking at the hem of your dress. You had gone with a light sundress having not much effort to get that dressed up but still wanting to look good for your man. It was decorated with little polka dots. Apparently, the dots were the most fascinating thing in the world to Bucky.
“Bucky,” you nudged him as you were walking down the street, “are you even listening to me?”
“Hmm?” Bucky jumped, his eyes finally meeting yours. And sure enough, they were wet. You couldn’t help the little giggle that escaped you.
“Steve wasn’t kidding,” you smiled, “romances really get to you, huh?”
Bucky playfully rolled his eyes and looked away. You took the opportunity to take your hand in his as you two continued your walk. 
After a moment, you spoke again, “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, Buck. I think it’s quite endearing.”
He scoffed. “You’re just saying that.”
“I am not,” you protested. “I think it’s very sweet you love love that much. I see it when we’re together.”
Bucky finally turned back to you. “Really?” He asked so gently. His eyes had a glimmer of hope in them. Your heart was melting. 
“Of course.”
Abruptly, he stopped you two right there on the sidewalk. He looked like an absolute dream in his nice shirt and slacks, illuminated just by the glow of the night and the flickering street lamps. He was looking at you like you had hung the moon and stars. You went to ask why you two were stopped but before you could, Bucky’s lips were on yours. They were so soft and gentle yet fierce and loving. You had forgotten how much he channeled in these kisses as you hadn’t been quite intimate since before the kidnapping. You had been scared, quite honestly. Despite the sequence of events not exactly being related, the last time you slept with your soulmate you were whisked away. It was a stupid, ridiculous fear you felt slowly dissipating the more your lips moved in sync. 
Suffice with the moment but leaving a bit to tease, Bucky eventually pulled away. “Let’s get back to the compound.”
You bit your lip a bit more hesitantly than you had intended but still nodded. You knew where this was going and you had to run with it. You had to let Bucky guide you to it. He was it for you, you had to remember. He was your soulmate for a reason and you were getting through this together. As cliche it seemed, you walked with him into what felt like the unknown. 
The second you were outside the shared bedroom, Bucky couldn’t keep his hands off you. He was the perfect gentleman on the way back and even all through the compound but once the coast was clear, his hands were trailing up and down your sides, dipping scandalously low. You tried playfully shooing him away but then he’d reach under your dress and pinch the inside of your thigh and, well, after that, you were practically done for. 
You were absolutely amazed by how naturally you fell back into this rhythm with Bucky. You figured something had just been needed, some kind of push to get you back on track. Maybe this date had been that. You didn’t want to think too much anymore, though, so you followed Bucky as he walked you back into the bed. 
He was on top of you in a matter of minutes, lips locked fully with yours as his hands continued to roam. It was all happening fast. Very fast. Bucky was a skilled multitasker in more ways than one. As he was taking off his shirt, he was already working on getting your dress off. You paid little attention to any of it, trying to let yourself get lost in the movements and lovingness of your soulmate.  
Once your dress was discarded, long forgotten in the room with Bucky’s shirt, next came his pants and your bra. All while doing so, Bucky kept stealing kisses from all over your body. Your lips. Your neck. Your chest. Your stomach. He was like a starved man and maybe, in some way, he really was. Part of you had denied him from so much, including sex, after the…
Your eyes shot open. Your heart was suddenly pounding but not in the excited, horny kind of way. Not in anticipation for your soulmate’s touch. In fact, you wanted the exact opposite of that. You felt like you were suddenly suffocating. You became very aware of Bucky’s body on top of you, the weight of him holding you into the bed that was so soft you felt like you were sinking. 
Bucky was seemingly oblivious to all of this despite your breath becoming shallow and unsteady. You wiggled under his touch trying some way to get him off but he mistook it for pleasure and kept his teasing work around your panties. 
“I know, doll,” he hummed, his lips back at your neck while his metal hand dipped a little into the waistband. You shook your head.
“No, Bucky, please-,” your voice was barely there as you tried to convey your nervousness. Your brain felt like it was cloudy. You didn’t know what to say, what to do, to get his attention. You gasped, overwhelmed.
Bucky pulled away from your neck immediately, brows furrowed in confusion at your sudden switch in emotion. He said your name, voice so full of concern, but he felt so far away.
You couldn’t find the words anymore so you just tried to push him off. While naturally impossible, he took the sign and quickly lifted himself off of you, going as far to leave the bed. He stood at the foot of it, watching you try to prop yourself up on your elbows. 
You were struggling to breathe still and trying so hard to get your brain focused on something other than the feeling of being held down. It didn’t make sense, though. It really didn’t. You hadn’t been held down like that but there was something about the logistics of it your brain couldn’t separate the actions. You couldn’t move, you were dominated once again. And then you suddenly remembered Bucky’s involvement and it all just… It was all just one giant fucking mess. Your hands were shaking. 
Bucky tried again, “Sweetheart, are you okay?”
Your eyes shot to him, realizing how wild you must look. You were having a panic attack in the middle of sex. How much more could your life be affected by those goddamn-
“Doll, please, breathe with me,” Bucky pleaded as he leaned down to your eye line. You sat up further and he took the chance to take your hands in his. He held them as they shook uncontrollably. You stared into his eyes, regaining some order in your breathing.
“I-I’m sorry-,”
Bucky shook his head. “No, don’t you dare apologize. It’s alright, I understand. Just focus on your breathing. There’s nothing bad here, sweetheart. Just me.”
You nodded slowly and closed your eyes, focusing on your heart which was finally settling down. You pushed away the thoughts. The images of being strapped down. The way you were tossed around like a ragdoll. The look Bucky wore as he killed those men-
You shifted your attention to the weight of Bucky’s hands in yours. They had done so much bad but were also doing you so much good. 
It was over. Everything you had endured was over. Those men were gone. That Bucky wasn’t really that Bucky. He was still your Bucky. The Bucky that walked you to work and cried over movies. You had to drill this into your brain before something else overtook you.
After a moment or so, you felt you could finally reopen your eyes. Bucky was still watching you intensely.
“B-Better?” He seemed nervous to ask.
“Yeah,” you said, finding your voice again. “Thank you, Bucky.”
He let out a small sniffle and that’s when you finally saw the tears forming in his eyes. You looked down at your connected hands, unable to bear seeing what you had caused. 
“Anytime, sweetheart,” Bucky whispered. “I’m here whenever you need me.”
You gave a small, shy nod. “Can we just go to bed now?”
Wordlessly, Bucky stood up and grabbed one of his shirts for you. While you threw it on, Bucky began unmaking the bed. Once he had set up your space with the blankets you cherished, you crawled right in and tried to let sleep take you.
It wasn’t very pleasant in your dream world as the memories of the kidnapping filled you, despite all your best attempts to suppress it. 
But you stood no chance escaping these because they weren’t your memories. They were from Bucky’s perspective. 
Unknowingly to him, you were seeing all the steps he had taken when it came to murdering the Hydra men. You felt the anger, the determination. The absolute disregard for them. You could practically feel it as his fist collided with them. As he drained their life from their bodies. 
You didn't want to react, though - God forbid you give Bucky another reason to worry -  and instead, you gave in to them.
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mammon-simps · 3 years
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“…Just tell me. Got it?”
⚜️ Bets & Other Gambles ⚜️
A F!MC x Mammon end game focused one shot, following the canon that all the brothers are romantically interested in MC to varying degrees. It’s among many other self indulgent drabbles that are just sitting in my notepad. No warnings outside of language and chapter 16 spoilers. All of this was done on mobile, so apologies for errors and formatting. Hope you enjoy it at least a little!
—— ⚜️ ——
You ran a hand idly down the brick of the house, lightly fingering the vines as you walked. There was something so beautiful about the old stone covered from decades of plant growth, intertwining and looping into patterns and patches that added to the prestige of the estate. As a child you always dreamt of a place such as this; but what little girl didn’t dream of being a princess in a beautiful old castle? Sugary, overly sweet fantasies.
Except you weren’t a princess. Far from it. But that was okay; better than okay. You would have given up any fairytale story for the life you currently were living. And true…The white haired demon was far from being put on a Disney box set in the mortal realm but that just added to his-
“Hey!” Fingers snapped abruptly in front of your face, causing you to jump, “You gon’ answer me or just walk staring at some old, boring ass plants?”
Your eyes met Mammon’s, lips pursing in irritation. You rarely got the chance to get lost in your own thoughts anymore, something you had found yourself doing often in the human world. Maybe that’s why Lucifer was so grumpy all the time as well. Constant bickering and interruption. Shared torment.
You breezed past Mammon, your chin jutting slightly upwards. He really had no clue about social constructs or how to be polite. Infuriating.
“H-hey!” His hand raced forwards as he stumbled slightly to make up for the distance, his fingers gripping firmly around your bicep, “Wait up, would ya? Damn ya can be so hard to talk to, ya know that?”
You stopped and glanced back at him with a irritated expression, noting the flush in his cheeks as he avoided eye contact with you.
“Look,” he started, quickly letting go of you as if he just became hyper aware you were both touching, his eyes darting away to look to the left away from your gaze, “I…I know that you’re like some unlimited great grandkid of Lilith or whatever…But don’t make you think that I see you as a sister, ‘cause I don’t! We aren’t even related so don’t be gettin’ any weird ideas!”
You stare at him blankly, waiting for him to continue because you aren’t sure if he’s trying to insult you or flirt. Hell, you’re not sure if he even knows at this point. The tips of his ears flush beneath his stark white hair and his eyes dart to you, “What are ya starin’ at me for?! Aren’t ya gonna say somethin?!”
“…I would if I had any idea of the point you were trying to make.” You responded flatly. Guarded. “Do you not want to be friends with me? Just because we share a pact doesn’t mean we have to hang out.”
Mammon suddenly looks panicked and it finally clicks what he was trying to say, and relief floods you, “N-no! I don’t! I mean…” he rubs a hand along the back of his neck, a splotchy flush creeping on his skin like a rash, “Damn it, MC ya know what I’m tryna say.”
“Aw, are you saying you like me?” You teased, but your tummy filled with sparks at the thought that The Great Mammon was finally going to confess how he felt underneath all that bravado.
“N-no! What?!” He exclaimed quickly, his face managing to get even redder than before, “I’m just sayin’ that if you get a stupid crush or somethin’ on me…It’s not a big deal. In fact you should feel honored, and uh, just tell me. Got it?”
You fight the corners of your lips as they threaten to turn up into a smile at his panicked frustration. Before Mammon can say anything further, you loop your arm around his and start walking towards the door - his skin hot and sticky against yours.
“H-hey! Where’re we goin?!” He stumbles along for a moment before his pace matches with yours. You can feel him straighten up and glance down at you. You can also feel his heart pounding erratically, pulsing against your inner elbow. Or maybe it’s yours.
Honestly, you felt like fucking with him after he was so rude. He was like a giant sour patch candy. Infuriatingly dense one moment, and shockingly sweet the next. But he really was an idiot if he thought you were going to spill your guts after such a haphazard plea. The avatar of greed was going to have to learn to be a little more genuine before you folded.
Lucky for you, in this particular game of poker you had the upper hand.
“To go watch a horror movie together. Levi found this great one-“
Satan sighs and hands Lucifer a small tumble of Grim, the coins chiming together as they fall into the eldest brother’s expectant palm. Neither of them looking away from the scene they shared from the window in Lucifer’s study.
“I had really hoped they were going to fight. Why does she even entertain such a blatant moron.” Satan complained, gesturing to MC and Mammon as they laughed with their arms still linked, MC playfully trying to drag her friend inside as he pretended to fight it but ultimately letting her win, “He has no idea how to even talk to her!”
When his brother didn’t respond, Satan turned his head to catch Lucifer’s brows furrowed and dark eyes unblinking at the duo. Lucifer was always so serious but this felt…looming. It was no secret that MC had so many facets and that the two brothers found her love of literature and art enjoyable. It was rare to have others in the house that could hold a conversation about either and with genuine interest for more than five minutes. She had charmed so many of them and had truly become a place for each of them to let their guard down. Lucifer had been one of the last to let MC into their family dynamic, and Satan was starting to think that was for a different purpose than just being overprotective of his brothers.
Maybe he and his brother were also sharing their attachment and affection to MC in ways other than familial. Something Satan had just assumed was originally beneath Lucifer. His pride had always been unmatched, and the very thought of Lucifer genuinely caring for someone romantically seemed…laughable.
Lucifer’s features relaxed as soon as he caught Satan staring at him, “Just make sure Mammon doesn’t lose his head and actually watches after MC, not just follow her like a lovesick puppy.” He turned to walk back to his desk, dropping his winnings into a drawer, and gracefully positioned himself into his office chair.
“You like her.” Satan stated plainly, carefully analyzing his brothers reaction.
In true Lucifer form he didn’t even glance up as he started going through paperwork, eyes scanning words and documents as they shuffled between slender fingers, “I have more than once threatened, and intended on, killing her.” His tone mirroring Satan’s. Plain. Flat.
“That’s true as well.” Satan wasn’t letting Lucifer off the hook that easy. He knew Lucifer better than most and if it was a chess game he wanted to play, then chess it was. He was up for the challenge.
Lucifer sighed, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose, “What do you want, Satan?” It was almost like Lucifer’s thoughts were captioned above his head, ‘We just started getting close again please don’t ruin it so soon’.
Maybe the challenge would have to wait…A long con, then. That would be fine, the blonde was used to being patient when it came to his entertainment.
Satan decided that was the stopping point, any further push and things could get out of control swiftly. He shrugged and walked to let himself out, pausing at the door to glance back at his prideful brother to plant a seed just large enough to take root, “It’s not too late you know…To fix that.”
Satan thought he heard Lucifer sigh as he shut the door behind him. A few steps further down the hall and he heard a crash that sounded suspiciously like Lucifer’s inkwell shattering against a wall.
Satan smirked as he started to descend the stairs.
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punderfulowl · 3 years
Top 10 Anime (That I've Seen) in 2020
Well now, it has certainly been awhile. I'm currently sitting at eight months too late for posting this, but, y'know, something something life happens. More accurately, I already made this list, but wanted to try out what response I'd get from Reddit. Turns out, they're not as cool as you guys!
Anyways, as the title states, this is not a list of my favorite anime that came out during 2020, but instead my favorite anime that I just so happen to see during that year. While it's fun to have an end of the year retrospective, I find that having a list in this format not only adds variety, but also helps bring attention to anime that might have been lost in the shuffle in previous years (I also don't have enough time to stay caught up in seasonal releases).
Honorable mentions:
Aggretsuko S3, My Hero Academia S4, Today's Menu For the Emiya Family, Interspecies Reviewers (yes, really), and I Couldn't Become a Hero So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job
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10. Maid-Sama (2010)
In hindsight, I find it a bit funny that I wanted to watch something wholesome to kick off 2020. Anyway, Maid-Sama is about a high school girl that is also a no nonsense Class President and she kind of has to be at a school where, until recently, was an all boys school. While she kills it in academics and is good at shutting down any shenanigans from the male student body, her financial situation isn't the greatest and has to balance a job at a maid cafe along with her school-related responsibilities. She does her best to hide her employment there to keep up appearances, but is one day found out by one of the boys who happens to be a big flirt and, yeah, hijinks ensue. While this anime doesn't have too many surprises, our main leads bounce off each other well enough to keep me entertained. Nothing I haven't seen already in other anime Rom-Coms, but I think it has more than earned its place at the start of this list.
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9. Haganai NEXT (2013)
It's a personal rule of mine when making these lists that I don't include sequels of shows that were in previous lists. While I DID see the first season of Haganai a couple of years ago, it didn't quite make it into the top ten at that time. Because of that, it meets the criteria for this year's list. While I found the characters were just as charming here as I did during the first season, the development of their relationships really took off. It's a shame that it will most likely not get a third season, but I'm happy with what ride this show gave me. But hey! At least I can read the light novels/manga to continue the story! Wait, nevermind, the Haganai fans on Reddit are saying that's a bad idea.
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8. Engaged to the Unidentified (2014)
Based off of a Four Panel joke manga, Engaged to the Unidentified tells the story of a girl in high school suddenly getting some life changing news. As it turns out, her grandfather made an arranged engagement with her and the son of a family he knew. Next thing she knows, the boy in question, as well as his little sister, moves into her family's house! While the boy is unassuming at first, there may be more to him and his family than he lets on. Plain and simple, this anime has charmed me. There's a decent amount of drama and mystery despite the source material and I applaud it! Even though this also doesn't have much new to offer, even to the point where I would compare this to Maid-Sama, what made me pick this at the 8th spot were the color choices and animation quality. Give this a shot if you can!
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7. Grimoire of Zero (2017)
It's a fantasy/adventure story starring a loli sorcerer and a huge, anthropomorphic white tiger man. I honestly can't say anything else. I won't be able to do it justice. That first sentence should intrigue you a lease a little bit. Read it, again. Please check it out. It's an underrated gem that no one is talking about.
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6. ID: Invaded (2020)
Hey, here's something recent! Unfortunately, this is also not something I can say much about. There may not be too many deep characters and the secret bad guy isn't hard to figure out, but BOY is this anime cool! The best way to describe this series is that it's like the movie Inception, but instead of brain heists, it's brain murder mysteries.
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5. Carole and Tuesday (2019)
A runaway rich girl has a fated meeting with an orphan and they decide to make music together...oh, this also takes place Mars. Joking aside, this show was something special with its music (a new song almost every episode no less), interesting setting (freaking Mars, dude), and endearing main cast. Shoot, the music itself would be top 3, maybe number 1, but what bogs it down is the show's second half. I can easily see myself watching this again someday, and maybe my opinion will lighten up, but for now, 5 is a dang good spot.
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4. Fate/Grand Order: Absolute Demonic Front - Babylonia (2019)
Part of me hesitates placing this high up on list due to this show being animated, fan service spectacle for Fate fans. However, that hesitation is overshadowed by the fact that I am a Fate fan myself and I can do whatever I want with this list. Even if you're not a Fate fan or play FGO, if you enjoy some solid fight animation, this is worth a look.
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3. K-On S1 (2009)
I'll admit it, I might regret not watching the second season then putting the series on the list as a whole, but this how I've been doing these lists and I'm such a creature of habit. There's not much I can say about K-On that hasn't already been said. By itself it's an anime classic and one of Kyo-ani's biggest properties. It's a sweet and wholesome watch, but be sure to have some insulin within reach.
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2. Princess Principal (2017)
Imagine you're working with a team of programmers trying to make a mobile game then all of a sudden someone asks to make a show out of it. You know, a show with different character motivations, plot, twist and turns and all that? Most might say that's just a shameless, shallow cash grab, but it turns out okay for Princess Principal. Sure, most might summarize this anime as, "cute girls doing espionage things," but with its cast, visuals, and interesting alternative timeline, it works! Apparently there's a new season or movie in the works and I am all for it!
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1. Beastars (2019)
I was not expecting this to be number one, but with much deliberation (with myself obviously) this feels right. It tells a pretty unique story while showing itself to be the exception to the rule when it comes to 3D anime.....it being that it's actually good. While I acknowledge that shows like K-On are classics and deserves to be number one on many different lists, it didn't line up with my personal criteria like Beastars did. My biggest deciding factor is: Now that I've watched this, do I want more? It's true that while I'm excited to start K-On S2, Beastars intrigues me more and ever since season two was announced, I'm looking forward to that more.
Sorry again for this list being so late, but at least the silver lining is that the next end of the year list is about four months away (in theory)!
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