#it felt like it'd fit the drawing
deegeemin · 6 months
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I'd love to talk about some neato things I got to draw in the comic! Spoiler warning for some contents below! If you haven't read anything yet, come back after reading the comic!
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Let's start off with the cover thumbnails! I was more inclined to do A since it wouldn't spoil the big surprise Orbot and Cubot had in store! Otherwise I probably would've gone with B or D! It has that bombastic party sort of feel that I think would've been super fitting!
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Here, Eggman is temporarily staying at one of his many bases throughout the world after the collapse of his Eggperial city! This base is inspired by Industria from Future Boy Conan and a bit of Eggmanland!
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He also sure loves his chicken and fries!
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A little beachside balcony in Green hill! I felt like we generally don't get structures there as much so I thought it'd be a nice addition!
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The design on the floor is the stage from the JP Sonic X intro! It gets covered up by snow after but still neat to include!
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Look at this magnificent cast of characters! I wanted to use the poses that each pair had when they were first seen together! I'd considered giving Big his winning animation pose from SA1 but alas no space haha!
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Cubot's taped on eye brow gag was one I suggested and it's a reference to the same gag from FLCL!
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Lil sonic team logo Iasmin asked for! Sonic sure knows to appreciate himself! Good on him.
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And here's a sonic 3 wreath and the SA2 lock on reticle from the mechs!
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Amy and cream's spread of delicious looking food beautifully rendered by the coloring god Reggie! I wanted to include all their items from the Official Sonic the Hedgehog Cookbook! So if you want to make them yourself, YOU CAN! (except for uhh the experiment on another panel. you guys can figure out what's in that yourselves haha)
Also made sure to list all the pages you can find the recipes!
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This is one of my fav gags that Iasmin wrote in!! Can you all guess what this is meant to vaguely resemble?
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Quick round of character refs from Eggman's screen going in order from left to right! [Conductor's wife and Conductor, Barry and Gadget, Early Conductor design, Early Barry design (his outside eye markings are white tho), My uh Sonicsona lol]
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Mecha Sonic mark 3? Yep Iasmin wanted him to be there and so there he shall be!! Hopefully we get to see him again!
I remember seeing the story Iasmin made and it really felt like it could be something you'd see in a sonic anime episode if it were made nowadays. I drew the comic with some influence from Sonic X because of that. I think the most telling detail fans might notice is the constant 3 spines for Sonic.
but YEAH another absolutely wonderful comic I got to work on! See ya'll on another issue!
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mondaymelon · 6 months
hi :)) can i make a request about zhongli who has a s/o who is very self conscious and has low self esteem?? like they’re just constantly hating on themselves and have nothing good to say about themselves making poor zhongli worried :((
₊˚ෆ 𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐒 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃… | zhongli, xiao, childe x gn!reader
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[ "archons forbid you in having these thoughts once more. love, you are perfect, and please don't let anyone sway that." ]
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— "archons, why did i just do that? ...fuck, i'm such an idiot..."
ZHONGLI interrupted the occasional stroke of his ink-stained brush upon silk canvas, his gilded eyes glancing up and searching your face until they met yours.
"Love, why are you..." His voice trailed off as his gaze filled with warm concern, his expression softening as his brows furrowed, as if he couldn't even begin to fathom why'd you think such a thing. He set down the brush in its hold, before moving to stand. You were sat on the couch across from his desk, where you could remain in his line of sight as he did his duties, and now you were curled up on its cushions, looking at him with the corners of your mouth slightly drawn down into a pout.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He sat down next to you, unsure of how close he should get, and so hovered an arm's length away from your form. You quietly shook your head in a frustrated manner, and he made a short hum of acknowledgement. "Love, come here. Let's take a break together, you and me, alright?"
When he had received your approval, he gently held you in his arms, stroking a gloved hand in your hair soothingly. He was warm, his tall figure engulfing you, and you melted at his touch. "...Zhongli, why do you love someone like me?"
You felt his fingers' delicate touch abruptly still to a halt at your words. Silence encompassed the room, and Zhongli shifted in his seat, drawing closer and finally moving his hand to your face, grabbing at your chin and tilting it upwards so you had no choice but to stare into his glittering eyes. The traces of a smile lingered on his lips. "It'd be impossible not to."
How come your vision had grown so cloudy? "I'm bad. At everything. I can't do anything right."
"Just who told you that? Love, your character is beautiful. You're diligent, hard-working, talented, with a golden heart... it makes me wonder how I even was able to join hands with you in the first place." His corners of his mouth were truly curved upwards now, and he met your gaze with a close eyed smile, his dark-lashed lids fluttering. "Archons forbid... please don't tell that to yourself again, alright?"
Hot tears begun to spill from your eyes at his words. No, that couldn't be true. How... how come it was possible for someone like to trust you to this extent?
Ah, I know why. The thought came to you as he kissed the tears from your sorrow-laden lashes. "I love you."
His cheeks warmed just the slightest, his gaze of melted gold soft as a smile graced his lips once more.
"Yes, I love you too." ₊˚ෆ
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— "agh, messed up again... archons, how come i can't do anything right??"
XIAO's head snapped up as soon as the words were uttered into the midnight air, immediately emerging from the shadows by your side as you stared over the edge of Wangshu Inn's balcony, tightly gripping the wooden railings.
"What... What did you just say?" You flinched at his sudden presence, something you had still yet to grow accustomed to. The adeptus had a habit of listening in on your rambles with yourself, and appeared whenever he deemed fit. However, your words now seemed to have angered him, as eyes were narrowed in displeasure, his cat-like diamond pupils forming mere slits.
"Is there... something wrong?" You tilted your head in confusion, watching a flit of emotions cross Xiao's face in a mere split-second.
"Yes. Three steps away." His voice made it clear that it was no mere request. Complying to his order, you duly backtracked the said amount, empty hands raised in front of you as a sign of surrender. "Don't get too close to the railing. It's dangerous."
You almost laughed. "Ah, but won't you save me if I happen to fall?"
"That's granted." Xiao scoffed, nodding a little too quickly after your question, but caught himself. It seemed that he had, in fact, learned a thing or two about mortal speech from you. "No, don't change the topic now. What you said earlier... do you really believe that?"
"...Well, it's true, isn't it?" You faced the scenery in front of you, the blue, slightly cloud dusted skies, the grooves of the land and the jagged mountains poking up out of harsh stone... it was an easier sight than looking into the adeptus' eyes at the moment. His eyes were acute, perceptive, honed sharply after years of service. Oh, that was the truth, wasn't it? You were afraid that he'd see too much in your gaze, and that he'd know how much of a pathetic failure you were, with nothing but mistake after mistake following your every movement-
"Hey." There was a light touch on your wrist - Xiao's gloved fingers, wrapping around it gently. "Just what are you thinking about? You look... upset, and I don't like it." There it was. His clear eyes, staring into yours with concern. "You... You said you couldn't do anything right, but that's not true at all, love."
Xiao had never been one to display much affection, yet he had readily agreed to use such a name for his one and only. His voice was quiet, gentle, nothing like how you had first imagined it in the days after the two of you's first encounter.
"Thank you, Xiao." You finally turned to him, face breaking into a smile, and you saw his tense figure visibly relax at your contentment.
"...What for?"
"For being here. Everything." In the dim moonlight, you just might've glimpsed the whisper of a smile on the adeptus' lips, a secret one, a small one, just for you.
"There's no need to thank me. It was the least I could do." ₊˚ෆ
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— "seriously?? this is the eighth damn... i knew i it, i'm absolute shit at everything i do... "
CHILDE's eyes widened as he spun to look at you, his mouth forming a round 'o' as he spotted the countless ink splatters on the paper, on your table, on your fingers, staining your clothes - everything.
...And upon seeing the chaos, clutched his sides and burst into several bouts of laughter that stretched on for minutes. When he was done with his ridicule, he placed his hands on his hips dramatically, a playful smile still decorating his joyful expression. "Aha- Love, just what...?" His voice trailed off, surely there was no need to finish his sentence? There could only be one possible thing he was referring to, and it was the absolute mess you had created, and a mess that you now sat in the center of, blinking awkwardly with a wobbly half-smile on your lips.
"Uhm... I tried to... Ugh, nevermind..." You crumpled up the canvas sheet filled with incoherent scribbles and threw it into some archon-forsaken corner, where you prayed it would never cross your line of sight again. Under your breath, you mumbled out several curse words, a frown tugging at the corners of your mouth. "Shit, this is why no one should place any faith in me, good for nothing..."
The smile on his face dropped. Curse him, and his stupidly acute hearing. Instantly, he was a mere two inches away from you, deep ocean eyes boring into yours in an almost uncanny manner. "...Hey, just now, care to repeat that?"
"...Good for nothing...?" You flinched, unsure of where the sudden wave of bloodlust that was currently flooding your senses had come from - until you glanced up at Childe, who stood over you, his eyes closed in a happy smile but the expression on his face anything but happy.
"Who told you that?" His voice was venomous, it felt like you were being poisoned just listening to it. A dark shadow cast over his eyes, as if this were some dramatic soap opera.
"Did someone have to?" You sighed, waving your hand in the air in a dismissive way. "It's true, though. I seriously can't get anything right, and I haven't even gotten started on what I don't like about myself-"
"Stop." Childe held a finger over your mouth, pressing it to your lips and effectively bringing your words to a halt. "Stop, stop stop, it's all wrong, love!" He looked like a kicked puppy, his eyes downcast and a pout on his lips, and you could practically imagine the ginger folded ears and tail that might've been. "Seriously, how do you even think up of these kinds of things?? They're not true at all!"
Why was he so adamant on this? "But... it is?"
"That's it." Childe waltzed over to where you sat on the ground, before grabbing you from the middle and hoisting you over his shoulder, giving a little huff when you wriggled to try and break free from his grasp. "We're going on a one-week vacation. To Mondstadt. Inazuma. Sumeru. Fontaine. Shneznaya, for all I care. Just not here."
"Do... Do I have a say in this?" You frowned slightly from your position, you arms dangling over your head as you fought your hardest not to laugh.
"What's even wrong with here, why..."
"Shush. Let me take care of you, won't you?" ₊˚ෆ
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(a/n) apapapappow second request done!! im not doing all that bad hehehe... wish me luck on my ap class midterm!! i should be studying rn but uhm uhm yes genshin men are first priority >>>
-> teehee what if yall left a message on my christmas tree 😶😶😶
໒꒱ || ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ (open! send an ask or a comment ♡) : @manager-of-the-pudding-bank, @iamdedinside, @ilyuu, @achlysis, @swivy123, @scara-is-my-wife
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ennyxy · 3 months
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Dialogue courtesy of @shadeofsilentfire , something they said on a discord server xD They seem to be providing a lot of my drawing inspiration and motivation lately...
I'm now obsessed with the idea of Clover attaching themselves to Flowey as a ghost following him and sometimes narrating his life, kinda like Chara with Frisk, much to Flowey's annoyance. Adopting it as a headcanon now. Can't remember who exactly mentioned that originally tho it was in VC...
Pretty sure this would fit better in context of Omega Flowey but I didn't feel like drawing him that moment, felt too lazy, so instead I used that card thingy I drew in February for the context haha. Placing link under the cut as a reminder.
I will say tho now that I think about it it could be a line directly after the Omega Flowey battle when Flowey is defeated but whatev xD
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redslug · 5 months
Coloring tutorial I guess
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That's my most default shading style, a hybrid of line drawing and painted shadows, and I'll tell you exactly how to get this look. But before we start, you need a weapon This is my main brush for basically anything, including line art on days when I don't feel like switching to something actually intended for inking. It's a lightly textured square brush with color variation on every stamp. Intended for Procreate but you can always just rip the alpha texture out of the file and use it for a brush in any drawing program. That out of the way, let's go. I'll use the same line art as the one in fluff tutorial. Set the line layer to ~60 or so opacity and get to blocking in the base colors of your character. The jitter brush will introduce some color variation on it's own, but changing the color occasionally will add more visual interest.
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After this I add a multiply layer on top and dab orange or red in places where we might be able to see the base of the hairs or peek at the carapace underneath.
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It's places where hair parts and where it's shorter. This accent color works great on joints as well. Example of the thing I'm going for in real life:
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Especially visible behind the head. It's not present on every moth to be fair, but I like to add these accents even where it wouldn't make sense, just because it looks nice. Even on insects without hair. Block in the eyes and mandibles now, best if it's on separate layer.
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Now, the actual funny tricks begin. If you're one of the people who only use multiply or add blend modes, stop it, get some help Understanding the math behind blend modes is gonna get you a long way. My lineart is set to subtract more often than not. I find it produces juicier and more colorful results than multiply. I want to give this picture a warm orange feeling, so the color of my lines should be the opposite - blue.
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And, subtract.
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Perfect, but not quite. We can push the lines to an even softer feeling. Take the line layer, copy it, invert the color and set to multiply. I then throw gaussian blur on the resulting copy and reduce opacity until the lines bleed into the surroundings just a little bit.
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On to actual shading. People who shade without getting in some background first scare me, so let me throw something together real quick.
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A simple gradient will also suffice for this use. We just need some information on which colors are present in the surroundings. Copy your background, bring it on top of your character layers and gaussian blur it real hard. Set it to multiply, remove all parts of the layer that go beyond the pixels of the base color layer. Adjust opacity until the character fits in the background.
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Let's identify the light sources. In this case it's only the sky, but it produces two distinct colors - soft blue lighting comes from the top, slightly stronger red comes from behind. The blue light I set to exclusion blend mode because it felt most appropriate in this case. Both add and screen looked too strong to be the light coming from such dark sky.
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In this lighting context the lower part of the body will receive less light that the upper part. I use the green of the bushes set to multiply to darken the bottom.
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The character is surrounded by all kinds of soft light, but it can't get everywhere. It's time to add ambient occlusion, or contact shadows, for those without a 3d background. Anywhere where there is a crevice or surfaces almost touch, a soft shadow will form.
I do it on a multiply layer with a neutral gray-green color. Gray because any color light isn't really getting in there and green because the fluff is somewhat transparent and whatever light does pass through it gains a greenish hue.
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Last step, red rim light from the fading sunset behind the character.
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Since it's rim light I just work with normal blending mode. Setting it to add or something of the sort would make the rim light brighter than the source of the light. And it'd be odd.
And that's it. I usually throw on some post processing in Snapseed. Pull some curves, throw on a bit of grain, etc. But it's a topic for another time.
In conclusion, try to think about the environment more when shading. What route does light go through to reach where you're coloring? Did it reflect off of any colored surface? Did it pass through something transparent to gain a different hue? What color shadow would this ambient lighting produce? Go have fun with your colors now.
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rainba · 25 days
I'm literally in love with your OCS and I'm honestly a whore for lore sooo can you tell us a bit more bout their past? Or maybe just little snippets of their present day life! I'm so curious about them (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
-🗝 anon
Help… I get so nervous about posting lore for my OCs because my brain’s first reaction is, “who cares?” 😭 Except……. I care…… And I’m really glad you asked! ( ´ ꒳ ` )
I’ll try not to say too much.... Even if it's tempting to ramble.......
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Luka has always been more closed off and unemotional– he's been like that since birth. When he was little, he was often bullied by his peers, being called weird and even a bit creepy. His expressions were always unreadable, his eyes devoid of life.
In an attempt to stop being picked on, Luka would constantly practice facial expressions in the mirror late at night. He often wondered if he was broken.
As he grew older, the bullying only grew worse– and it only ever stopped when he finally stood up for himself and fought back, nearly killing another kid. It happened when he was around twelve years old.
Honestly, sending another person to the hospital actually boosted his reputation more than anything. Instead of being just some slightly off-putting, emotionless guy, he became somewhat 'cool.' He was rewarded for his actions.
People suddenly started talking to him; they wanted to know more about him. Luka took it as his chance to finally "fit into society." He participated in sports, learned how to communicate with people, and worked towards mastering the art of manipulation. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
However... Luka has only ever had one person in his life that he’d truly call a “friend.” (¯▿¯)
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As for Kairos… He was often nothing more than a shadow. Constantly ignored, always left behind, never spoken to. Kairos often made friends with little bugs that he’d find, and he’d keep his mind occupied by drawing hundreds of little pictures in his notebooks.
Every time he tried to talk to someone, they’d just call him a freak, giving him weird looks before walking away. After a while, he just stopped trying all together, fighting really hard to be content with living a lonely life.
Kairos felt like a shadow even in the comfort of his own home. His parents never acknowledged him- the most he could ever get from them is a glance or a few words. That's it. It'd be rare if he ever got to see them at all. They would often either be at work or going out to places without him. (。•́︿•̀。)
Kairos has spent most of his life wondering why he was ever born.
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roxtron · 3 months
Day 5: Rabbit, Reclaim
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For some reason everytime i draw him he looks so young because i'm accidentally overcorrecting since i'm used to drawing older characters. So unfortunately he looks way younger than i meant him to lol, whoops.
But wait there's more- AHAHAHA
While I did initially plan this for GGY week I eventually got the idea to use this as an excuse to draw other GGY designs, soo..
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(Not sure why tumblr formatted it that way with 1 of them big but it doesn't matter lol)
I've been wanting to do this for a while, I put the tags of each person next to their design but ofc I'm still gonna tag them in the post itself so you can see their art for yourself if you haven't already. But I enjoyed each of these in their own ways so if you don't mind I think I'm gonna type a bit of text next to them..
@chipistrate This was one of the first I drew out of these, the design was pretty fun to draw but sorry if I messed up a few details, it was a bit difficult lol. The mask and goggles are really fun to draw and they make for a cool design, along with all the glowing blue. (and yes, I tried to subtly include the heelies lol)
@lunzi0 This was the first fursuit one I did lol. I adore the little stars in the design, they personalize it so well and make it really unique. I wanna try this design again since I feel like the other ones show my improvement a bit better, but I hope you can appreciate the effort I put in on my first attempt <3
@carouselrabbit This one was really fun to draw, I absolutely love the eye shape/lashes, it stands out and I always love drawing eyes with a bit of eyeliner lol, the daycare theme legwarmers is a cool nod to the balloon boy arcade machine being connected to them, and was just a fun addition in general lol, I like the style of legwarmers what can I say, fnaf changed my fashion sense a bit. also the subtle paraells to freddy's design is a nice way to connect a bit to gregory himself.
@puhpandas I can't remember if I talked about this design last time I drew it but, overall I'm really happy with how this came out, it's such an indicator of improvement since I started drawing this and I'm glad I was able to draw it better than last time lol. All the patchwork and similarities to Vanny's suit work really well, and the rabbit you chose to base it off of was a good fit, the colors make it a bit more difficult to shade for but i like detail lol, hope you like it too :)
@dykevanny I knew I wanted to do this since I started but I wasn't sure if I'd have time, and I'm glad I did! I hope you don't mind I combined aspects from the first design I saw and the second one you replied to my ask with, I liked the big purple sleeves lol. (I just realized after doing all the shading I forgot to include the oil splatter on his jacket, sorry!) It was definitely a bit difficult due to the head shape being so different but.. fluffy. i love drawing fluff. And the glowing swirl on the goggles, the shape of the ears, I love a lot about this design. :D
I have a hard time with writing compliments but I wanted to get some of those thoughts out, some of the things I like about these designs apply to multiple lol. I adore every one of these designs but I find it hard to put into words what I enjoy about them, hope the original creators are happy with these. <3
I also kept the ggys without as much lighting effects on a separate file, I felt like I should add them since they're a bit brighter lol, makes them look different.
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Okay now that I've gotten all that- Sorry this post is so long! I didn't think it'd end up taking up so much space lol. Buut.. working on this drawing and thinking about it and potential context behind it gave me an au idea for it, but I'll put it under the cut since I understand most people probably won't care and just wanna see the drawings lol.
Idk if I'm confident enough to write for it but I'll give a bit of a summary.. I'll keep it under the cut for people who aren't interested and just wanna see the art though lol.
After the main events of SB and Ruin, now that the mimic's been set free, Cassie's taken control of by what's left of Vanny, using her as a new host. But with Cassie being the only human left alive down there, after being reawakened, Dr. Rabbit has nowhere left to go but back to his old host.
Vanessa, Freddy, and Gregory hadn't gone back to the Pizzaplex after ruin, but they were trying to figure out a plan to get Cassie back safely. One night after Freddy and Gregory disappear, Vanessa leaves to go find them. As dangerous as the pizzaplex is, it's her best guess for where they might've gone. She doesn't want to think about what could've happened to them, in denial for the worst case scenario. She tries to keep herself calm by telling herself they probably just left to go back for Cassie, maybe they didn't want her stopping them.. but deep down she knows it can't be that simple. She knows something's off, even if she's not ready to admit it.
When returning to the pizzaplex, she brought along her own V.A.N.N.I. mask, though unlike the one Cassie used, it was clear of the mimic's influence. After all, she was going to need some way to travel through potential blocked routes.
By the time she found Gregory, she'd still been wearing the mask, seeing him down the end of a dark hallway. He looked confused, afraid, his mind was a wreck of conflicting emotions. She started rushing towards him, happy to see him okay, until he finally spoke.
"You need to get out of here."
She stepped back, taking off the mask, only to be faced with the worst case scenario.
It was a wreck, covered in stains and tears, but it was still recognizable. He was wearing that old suit again.
As he waved, she could see Freddy's claws peeking out from the doorway, as the two stepped closer towards her.
So, she did what he told her to do, and started running. She could hear a faint voice coming from the mask, and put it back on before finding somewhere she could hide.
It was his voice again, telling her which way to go.
I guess that was the dramatic way to summarize the main idea behind it, lol. Basically Gregory and Dr. Rabbit work the way Sun and Moon work in Ruin, whichever one is in control in the real world, the other is left behind in the AR world. Or at least that's my interpretation of how they worked, considering Sun was always in mask-on scenes and moon was mask-off. I'm not too sure where the plot might go from there, and maybe I'll consider writing for it, I dunno. I've never wrote fanfic before because I get deadly afraid of writing them out of character lol, but maybe?? I have ideas for scenes and premise and stuff but I don't know if I have the confidence to write it.
But anyway! That was just more of a fun side-idea I came up with while working on this, if you read this far thanks, hope you enjoyed :)
here's some silly little lineless doodles as a reward for making it to the end hehe
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now that's what I call an art dump
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nerudebil · 1 month
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Since I lov pokemon so much,I felt like making headcanons(if I can call it that) for ramshackle characters if they had a pokemon parthner. I was gonna include more but I'm too tired to draw today,,,
- I gave her a Scorbunny
- Vinnie 'n Scorbunny didn't rly get along at first(I imagine Scorbunny stealing beans from her cus it wants food too) but they eventually get along n help each other pickpocket others.
-I can see them winning a football match,, and even if they don't,they at least have fun playing and setting the ball on fire.
- Cinderace's(Scorbunny's final evo) reminded me of Vinnie.
-they give each other high five cus they're cool.
- I gave him an Umbreon
- I imagine Stone having Umbreon b4 he ran away(at least I assume he ran away) and became a stinky homeless alcoholic. He had it since it was an Eevee.
-also,, Eevee evolves I to Umbreon during night and by leveling the friendship(key word ***friendship***. I think it'd be wholesome)
-I gave him Smeargle
- i don't have that many ideas on how they could've met,,but I assume they kinda just became friends? I don't think Skipp would mind Smeargle's company,,, I imagined them simply becoming friends cus they're silly n polite lil fellas.
Other characters I was goin to include but ended up not doin that cus hhrrrrpp mimimiimi hrrrrppp mimimimi zzzzzzzz:
-I imagine her having a Lurantis
- Lurantis also looks like a candy/candy store employee. AND ITS PINK!!
- they're lab parthners. I said what I said.
-I barely know anything abt her,so I had to use ramshackle wiki fandom for that.
-i can see her havin a Herdier or Stoutland (the wiki also mentions she's a bodyguard n MAYBE a former officer)
- they're parthners n help each other out in life threatening situations
- they're cool
- honestly?dunno anything abt him either so I had to pull the ramshackle wiki again. But givin him a Lillipup just felt right.
-so silly.
-I wasn't gonna add him to the list,BUT GOD DAMN I'D GIVE HIM A YUNGOOS CUS I CANT STAND YUNGOOS.
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happyk44 · 9 months
Splayed out on his belly over the railing, Luffy squished his face between both hands. The seabreeze played with his curls. "Zoro?" Zoro grunted in response. Luffy scooted closer. "Do you ever think about sex?"
In the past, Zoro probably would've choked on the beer he was nursing, but by now he was used to Luffy's out of the blue and completely random questions. So all it got was a furrowed brow and narrowed squint in Luffy's floppy direction. His captain's wide-eyed stare never slipped.
He sighed and leaned across the railing. Luffy poked his bicep. "Not really," he said. "Not my thing." He took a sip from his bottle, then knocked against Luffy's forehead gently. "Why?"
Luffy pushed up and swung both legs over one side of the railing. "Just curious."
He scratched lazily behind his ear. The two of them stared off into the horizon. It was a pleasant silence. The gentle lap of the waves against the dock. The call of some birds overhead. The quieted busy sounds of the town's nightlife just behind them.
Then, "Sanji thinks about sex a lot."
Zoro snorted. "That's putting it lightly."
Luffy fell backwards, hanging off the railing and onto the deck for a second before he rolled back and bounced up to a stand next to Zoro. It didn't take him long before he was climbing up Zoro's back. Zoro pinched his ankle in warning - sometimes Luffy liked to swing his legs and Zoro did not enjoy being kicked. He laid his chin to rest on top of Zoro's head. His skinny arms hung next to his legs.
Zoro gave it five seconds before Luffy changed positions again.
"I asked him," he said, "how you find someone to have sex with." He flicked his finger against Zoro's earrings. Then rolled of his back. "Because I know why people have sex."
"Uh huh."
"And how they do it but how..." He gestured loosely with a frown. "How are you supposed to find people you want to have sex with?" He straddled the railing. "And he said you find someone who's pretty and ask them."
"That is one way to do it," Zoro mused.
Luffy grinned, wide and crazy just like normal. "You're pretty."
Zoro's heart froze. He exhaled shakily and tilted his face to Luffy's. "Are you asking?"
Luffy blinked his big black eyes. "Yes." He said the word slow like he was concerned Zoro wasn't understanding him. He cocked his head. "Do you think I'm pretty?"
Pretty wasn't really the word to describe Luffy. Strong, insane, stretchy. Cute, maybe. Like a kitten or something. Zoro chewed his thoughts over then shook his head. "Nah. Pretty is a specific thing. Doesn't fit you."
Luffy pouted. "So you don't want to have sex?"
"Why do you want to have to sex?" Zoro asked. He stood up straight. "I didn't really take you for the type to be interested."
Not with the way he shrugged off compliments and flirtations from different people. Most of the time he didn't even seem aware of the romantic or sexual connotations behind the words. The first time Sanji wandered off with a girl from a bar, he'd been confused. Nami explained it to him gingerly, like one would a child. Luffy made it clear in loud expressive words he understood the point, drawing far too many eyes to them and making Sanji's face burn tomato red as he walked out the door.
It'd been hilarious.
So they knew he knew what sex was. Clearly had that talk with someone before he sailed off cluelessly into the endless blue. But it had been an unspoken assumption among the rest of them that Luffy just didn't have those inclinations.
Zoro didn't either. Not with people anyway. He was still human, but that was handled quickly and quietly. He never felt much the need to pull someone else into it.
Luffy tilted his head back to the sky. "Sanji always seems happy when he comes back." He dragged his gaze back down to Zoro. "Wanted to know why."
Figures, Zoro thought. "Well, there's a lot of people out there you can ask who I'm sure would say yes."
"But I don't think those people are pretty." Zoro clacked his teeth against the mouth of the bottle. "Just you." He pouted again. "But you don't think I'm pretty, so I guess we can't."
Zoro pressed his hip into the railing. "I..." He exhaled slowly. "It's really about what your thing is. Sanji likes pretty girls. So pretty is his thing. Nami likes people who have things she can take afterwards. That's her business. Usopp..." He gestured loosely into the air. "Well, he likes people who listen to him. Like Kaya."
"So what's your thing?" Luffy scooted closer.
"My thing?" Zoro shrugged. "I don't really have a thing. People don't interest me like that."
"Is that why you don't think about sex?"
"I guess?"
Luffy scrunched up his face in thought. "Huh. What if... What if my thing is just you?"
Smiling as quietly as he could, Zoro tried not to let that go to his head. "Just me, huh?" Luffy nodded so much he looked like a bobblehead. Zoro rolled his eyes and pressed his head still with one hand. "Yeah, that's normal. Some people only like certain people."
Luffy scooted closer. "And some people don't like anyone."
Zoro ran his tongue across his teeth. "Just because they don't like anyone doesn't mean they don't have sex. Sex feels good. Sometimes people want that."
Luffy leaned in much closer, his breath hot on Zoro's face. "Do you have sex?"
"I've had it," Zoro said, not inching away. "A couple times."
There's something cool about the way Luffy's eyes seemed to sparkle when he was excited about something. "Do you wanna have it again?"
Zoro thought about it, then shrugged and hipchecked himself off the railing. "Why not, rubber boy?"
Luffy beamed bright enough to bring the dawn and jumped off the railing onto Zoro's front. Zoro stood still while Luffy looped himself around him like he always did. He was still smiling wide and sunny, as Zoro carried him off to their room. Zoro had never had sex on a hammock, but how hard could it be?
"What do you do first?" Luffy huffed as Zoro chucked him onto the closest hammock. "Kiss, right?"
Zoro swung himself on top. "Yeah," he said with a little grin. "Kiss first."
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hachibani · 3 months
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i'd never seen a dog tear up
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I don't think i ever wrote about it here but Bianca died on march 5th of 2021, she got diagnosed cancer in 2020 just before lockdown and major pandemic events and unfortunately every treatment I could get her in such times were not enough or too late and the moment her metastasis became unresponsive to pain medicine i decided to let her go
i know i didn't talk about her a lot here since twitter became my main site of activity for years but i remember when she had her accident back in 2016 i posted about her here too, i got a lot of support and commissions to pay for her treatment and thankfully i got support as well when i opened comms there to pay for her chemo and surgeries, and for that i will always be thankful. I don't know why but I kind of had thought if I ever post about Bianca again here in this little old blog it'd be about her beating her cancer, something happy
i really regret the fact i didn't post more about her when she was alive and once she died my depression got so bad i was either unavailable or tried to ignore the pain by focusing on personal work... to this day it still hurts to think of everything that i could or should have done even if there's no way i cannot go back in time
losing bianca after almost 13 years of being together and more than half of my life at the time with her was more traumatic than i'd like to admit, so i try to rationalize little things like not being able to replace her picture even after so long, the most i've done is sell her stroller and i still kind of regret that haha;; but neither of her brothers fit in and at some point it became too much of a reminder of her illness and last days it felt like i had to, but just that one
(even thinking she was part of my life for 1/2+ of it and that that fraction will become smaller as time passes feels so wrong it might make me cry again)
i didn't get to draw her as much as i wished either, i thought i could never capture her cuteness (i still struggle) but since i drew her again on her first death anniversary i thought "i could somewhat get her to look cute" and i try to draw her looking like this from then on https://twitter.com/hachibani/status/1500315555215126536
because of her i started drawing pets more often, my goal for this year was to draw her at least once a month but... i didn't draw her at all in february, i think i'd like to make up and draw her again this month if my free time allows it, i never thought i'd get to complete a comic (albeit short) about these feelings i've had, i have still, i don't know for how long i'll have
doing personal art like this has never been easy but i somehow feel less heavy now, maybe it's bc of the wall of text i'm leaving haha
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kairiscorner · 11 months
guys i had this thought now it's driving me crazy
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
imagine watching howl's moving castle with noir.
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"a moving castle?" he'd ask himself with a head tilt as he'd adjust his glasses to see the title better. you nodded. "i promise you, it's an amazing film, peter." you'd beam. he'd shrug, and smile. "well, if you say so, love." he'd say as he sits back on the couch as you put the movie on. at first, peter believed this was another, probably childish and whimsical, children's movie that you somehow found nostalgic. he doubted that it was as amazing as you claimed it'd be, but he stood corrected. he was already in awe at the different kinds of colors there were on the screen--all kinds of blues, greens, reds, oranges, and yellows--they all blended beautifully and perfectly, in ways he had never thought would fit together.
he loved the witty dialogue from the characters, his most favorite character being calcifer. "poor little flame," he'd whisper as you two watched the scene where sophie was pressing the pan down on him to cook breakfast. he disliked howl at first, he seemed like quite the womanizer. "oh, if i were sophie's father, i'd never let her leave without me." he'd say as he'd lean forward in his trance as he watched. you giggled as you leaned against him on the couch, his arm wrapped around you as you rested your head against his shoulder. "and why not?" you asked with a smile. peter glanced at you and chuckled. "well... i'd never want my own daughter's heart to be eaten." he said as he adjusted his glasses again.
"you know he doesn't actually consume hearts, he just..." you trailed off as peter held you closer to him. "i know, i know; it's metaphorical. but no matter what..." he said as he placed his hand under your chin and slowly turned your head to look at him as the movie continued playing.
you looked so stunning all the time to peter, every little bit of you shone, literally and figuratively. but here, in the dimly lit living room you two shared--with you looking deep into his mesmerizing eyes--with the light of the film's ending playing out in the background as you two swam in the expanse of each other's eyes for a second or two, you looked breathtaking.
"now... it might just be a movie and all, but... i'd never let anyone eat your heart." he said with a slight chuckle as he took your hands in his, a blush coming on his face as the tips of his ears turned a bright red, along with the bright red and pink on his cheeks. "it sounds weird, i know, but i'd never live with myself if i knew someone else would be capable of stealing you away from me, much more a womanizer like that... howl pendragon. i know how you look at him." he teased as he nuzzled his nose into your cheek.
you chuckled. "he's a drawing, peter..." you responded. "yeah, but... i want to be the guy that makes you feel pretty even on a bad day, a guy who'd make you fall for him over and over and over again even if we've known each other from long ago. the guy who you'd... you know..." he said as he moved his face closer to yours. "...the kind you'd... wanna marry one day." he'd say as your eyelids fluttered, tickling his cheeks.
at that moment, you felt like you were sophie hatter; the humble love interest to the most perfect man in the world, peter parker, who was sort of like howl in the movie. he was witty, he was charming, he was emotional at times... and he loved the real, rawest version of you. even if you believed to yourself you were ugly, you were getting older, that nobody would look at you with such pure love that you didn't believe the world could ever give you--peter was always there to prove you wrong. he was there to prove you were perfect, stunning, and most of all: you were beautiful no matter how old you got, how bad your day was, or how tired you were. you were always, always beautiful to him, that much he knew, and that much would never change--ever.
"i love you, my dearest... you're so beautiful. you're too beautiful for my heart to handle, love..." he'd murmur as you planted a kiss on his soft lips that only wished to kiss and be kissed by your own. be it with lipstick or none, with tears coating them or dry and chapped, be it in the morning, noon, or night--your lips are the only ones he'll love kissing, over and over and over; even when an eternity would pass, he'd still remember and fall in love with the shape, the softness, and the loveliness of your lips--for they are the lips of the most beautiful person peter has ever met, and ever will meet.
"that's my girl." peter muttered as he pulled away, blushing fiercely after you kissed him. "you're red..." you pointed out as you pulled him in for another kiss, with him mumbling out some answer that was pretty much a compliment within a compliment for you. the movie had ended, but your night with peter had just begun.
a/n: gonna leave this here for y'all to be delulu about what you two do after <33
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @connors-cumslurper @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @fictarian
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motherstone · 2 months
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Design concept exploration
Would it be subjected to eventual changes? Likely yes, if I ever render them realistically is what allows me what designs works and what doesn't, for my sanity. I really tried my best to make the design not too overly detailed so if I ever have to draw them repeatedly, I get to draw them quick. Honestly, I think Max's and Leon's are close to pretty much final - they're almost exactly the ones in my head, Max especially.
Max is def wearing Cielan clothing, a Griffins on his tunic. I'm pretty happy that I'm able to use my Worldbuilding hc of Cielans having gold on their outfits, from the leather to the cloth - to show that they're a rich city-state through conquering cough cough. A headcanon, his dad was a Captain of the Cielis Guard, Max is from a pretty important family of a long line of soldiers/stonekeepers. I'm still not sure whether to finalize it, but Max isn't undead here, but he's definitely cursed to die, and is dependent on the EK to keep him alive. Still, furs, because he never felt warmth again after Korthan (also, he uses ice).
OOMF EK is a struggle between "his iconic for his simple white design" and "he's egotistical and that should be shown by the opulence of his robes" and I'm still figuring out the balance. I might remove most of the gold. And also, oof, I realized if he's hooded, his ears should misshape the hood. But if I have his hood tucked behind the ears, he looks silly. So maybe I'd just trick people that if EK is looking at the side, his ears are hidden, but if he's fully frontal, you'd see his ears :P or maybe I should just add a slit in the hood. Aaah elf ears. You're pretty but a nightmare to work with. The idea behind EK is supposed to be "divine" or "holy", hence he has tippets, like a priest. You can even see it in the fancomic. But now I'm considering whether or not I should keep it... He has two fits: this one is for throne room only, hence it has a train. If he goes out, it'd be a bit different.
Leon already has great design, but I gotta make him a bit more unique - I maintained the general form, but the more specific details are different. Kanalian armor is a bit more different armor than those of other cities. The armor Leon wears is sorta? Leather? Studded, light armor for him because he relies on speed since he's no powerhouse. Spats, bc drawing laces are a pain. Simplified his arm guards to have metal plates. AM unsure about the white pants.
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entomjinx · 11 months
Strawhat polycule (+Vivi and Law) HCs
I was asked for some on twitter and I popped off there, so here they are! I have a ton more but this is what I'm posting now. Feel free to add more in the replies/reblogs!
-at first it was completely unspoken! No one called it a relationship or really talked about it, they just existed together
-(also Chopper is like. Collectively everyone's kid/little brother like figure so he is not a part of the poly, but he's definitely a part of the cuddle piles!)
-Zoro Luffy and Nami got together first. They were in that dinghy together for so long and they knew so much random bullshit about one another by the end of it. It's part of what absolutely crushed Nami when she left to go back to cocoyashi, because even though it'd never been said out loud, she'd come to care so much for those two, and she was starting to care so much for Usopp too.
-Usopp was pulled into a cuddle session on the deck of the Merry within two days of joining, and he'd never felt so safe and cared for. He's hesitant to join in without being directly invited each time until post water 7, but Luffy has no problem just dragging him in every time.
-Sanji was the second hardest to get to join the cuddle piles. It took at least a month, and Nami dragging him in herself. She stuck him right between her and Zoro, and well. While Sanji won't say it to his face, Zoro is very very comfy to lay on, and waking up being held by him and Nami made him feel so cared for.
-Robin takes the place of most difficult strawhat to snuggle- until post Enies Lobby. After all they went through, after realizing that's it's okay to want to to live again and to want things for herself? She will just go and sit against whoever is still at the moment to read.
-Jmbei and Franky are always down for the cuddles piles too. Franky will wrap blankets around his metal parts to make them more comfortable, and Jimbei is big a huggable always!
-Brook loves the cuddle pile tradition and any and all physical affection. He was alone for so long that he was dealing with touch starvation... he cried during that first crew cuddle pile... or he would have if he had eyes! Yohohohoho skull joke!
-Vivi! Vivi sits with Nami while she draws her maps! Nami helps do her hair in the morning!
-Vivi likes to sit in the kitchen with Sanji and tell him about dishes from Alabasta! He makes them as similar as possible without the needed ingredients, and when they get to Alabasta, those are some of the first things he buys.
-Zoro teaches Vivi knife tricks to use with her peacock slashers, and how to properly use weights to train with. She chews him out for pushing himself too much when he does things he told her never to do. She's one of the few people who can actually get him to rest.
-Usopp and Vivi share stories! Vivi tells him all about Alabastan myths so he can use them in the tall-tales and he tells her the stories of East blue, both exaggerated and non-exaggerated!
-Luffy teaches her how to throw a proper punch after watching her hurt her hand practicing. What she was doing was working, but it wasn't super sustainable.
-One Time she and Luffy have a conversation about ruling. She will be the queen of Alabasta, and he the pirate king, so it felt fitting to talk about it. Goa gets brought up, and Luffy tells her she'll be a much better queen than Goa's ruling family because her people will be free under her. Because she cares about them.
-leaving Vivi behind in Alabasta hurt them all so much. They sneak letters and denden calls back to her as often as possible.
-Zoro and Sanji still bicker like an old married couple and have their rivalry but they tend to sleep closer together than most. Zoro's a walking heater and Sanji gets cold in his sleep so.
-Sanji pays very close attention to everyone's favorite foods so he can make them as often as possible, but he also pays attention to their comfort foods so he can make them when they're feeling down.
-Zoro pretends he doesn't like sweets. He does, but if he eats them he HAS to brush his teeth after because the thought of his teeth weakening too much to hold a blade concerns him greatly.
-When Sanji notices, he starts making some dishes that taste sweet but have less sugar in them for Zoro.
-Makino used to buy Mikans all the way from cocoyashi, and when Luffy realized that Nami's Mikan Juice recipe is the one that Makino got from the person she bought mikans from, he got so excited. He gets so excited when Nami makes it.
-Nami and Zoro go out drinking with one another in ports all the time. Zoro watches her back while she cheats at cards, and he helps keep creepy guys away. Nami flirts with all the women who try to flirt with Zoro. He's bisexual as all hell, but sometimes women can be creepy too. They will challenge people to try and out drink them, and people loose that bet all the time.
-Once Nami realized just how into Fashiom Sanji was? Endgame. She drags him shopping with her all the time, and once she made him understand that he could be honest with her when it came to clothing instead of just complimenting her, it's phenomenal. He knows so much about different brands, how to spot fakes, and he's just as good at bargaining as she is.
-Robin steals maps from libraries for Nami to compare hers to, and then make better versions of. She returns them after, of course, but not without a copy Nami's notes neatly placed with them. Robin's also really good at finding places for Nami to sell her maps.
-Everyone finds out Zoro can sew pretty early on. He's constantly fixing tears in his clothing, and he eventually starts offering it to the others too. And if he can't fix it nearly, he'll embroider something over it to make it look like it's part of the design. He claims he learned because needles are just "tiny swords."
-Luffy and Zoro take naps together all the time. They're not allowed to go all out with sparing unless their on an uninhabited island though. They don't want to hurt the Merry or the Sunny too much.
-Luffy has taught Nami a couple bo staff tricks he learned from Ace and Sabo as a kid.
-Luffy LOVES to listen to all of them talk about things their passionate about. He may not understand it all, but he doesn't mind listening to the same things more than once or different explanations either.
-if someone talks about a problem near Franky and Usopp, it's solved within a day. They'll build something to fix it or help at the drop of a hat.
-once Nami learned that Zoro was good at math, she asked him to help keep track of all the finances.
-Luffy nuzzles them a bit like a feral animal sometimes. He grew up in the jungle, and you can take the boy out of the jungle, but not the jungle out of the boy.
-Luffy will sit in Usopp's lap while he tells stories if it's just the two of them. They fish together a lot too!
-Brook can play anything he's ever heard, so he collects everyone's favorite songs like pokemon.
-they have a board full of little things they've said to one another that they don't want to forget in the library. It has everything from compliments to cursed things to the completely random and mind blowing things their captain says once in a blue moon.
-Luffy kisses people's foreheads and cheeks to tell them good night. It's one of the best parts of everyone's nights.
-Sanji likes to kiss people's hands, especially if they have to be bandaged for any reason. He only did this with Nami, Robin, Vivi, and Chopper at first, but it quickly spread to Luffy and Usopp. He even does it for Franky, who can't feel his hands and will just remake them instead of bandaging them up.
-the first time someone did this back to Sanji (it was nothing more than a papercut), and it was Zoro. It flusters him so bad that everyone started grabbing his hands to kiss them just because they feel like it.
-there are very few occasions where Zoro sleeps in a way where his back isn't covered. It's almost always when one of them is injured and he's guarding them.
-Luffy loves to talk about bugs to Robin and Usopp, but the second Nami or Sanji come into the room he immediately stops because he knows they're afraid of bugs. Nami eventually tells him that hearing about them doesn't really spook her, and that there are some bugs she likes. The pollinators for her mikan trees, for example. The bees and the butterflies. So Luffy talks about those with her instead. Sanji's infinitely grateful that his captain doesn't mention the creepy crawlies to him.
-Franky and Usopp like to make little trinkets for people, and when they work together, the trinkets come out beautifully.
-Franky and Brook got into a pun war once. It lasted for days. They decided they were equals in tomfoolery because if they didn't they may have driven Nami mad.
-Robin and Sanji are the most verbal about complimenting the others. They work together to pull the others out of bad headspace's when necessary.
-Zoro convinces Usopp and Nami to do some exercises with him. They thought he'd push them the way he did himself at first, but he could never.
-Zoro is one of the biggest softies of the whole group. He just pretends he isn't. They all know this.
-After they all trauma dump at some point, Usopp makes sketches of the people they've lost, so that if they don't have any photographs, they can have this. They have all sobbed to Usopp after receiving one of these sketches.
-Usopp's room is full of drawings of the strawhats doing different things. Some of his favorites are of Nami picking mikans, Sanji teaching Chopper the steps to a dance in the kitchen, Brook playing violin in the moonlight, and Luffy asleep on the Sunny's figurehead.
-Franky had never considered letting anyone help fix and tamper with his insides until the Strawhats. But he feels so safe with them that he has no problem explaining how he works and what to do to upgrade the slots he has trouble reaching.
-Brook and Zoro spar against each other often. they start interweaving parts of one other's styles into their own as they learn them.
-They started acknowledging it all more post TS.
-one of the first things Luffy did was tell them all he loved them. One of the few things he regrets is not telling Ace that enough, and he's not gonna make that mistake again. It starts a chain reaction, and they all start say it out loud, some more than others.
-all the Strawhats knew Luffy had nightmares even before the skip. He never said anything about it, but he'd sneak to sleep with one of them even on non-cuddle pile nights. It's more noticeable post time skip. They don't ask.
-Sanji comes back with long hair and wearing heels, and no one questions it. Good for him. His kicks hurt more and they missed his food dearly. Nami and Robin now get to help him with his hair too!
-Brook adds most his earnings as Soul King to the treasury for the crew. He also came back with gifts from all over for all of them.
-Zoro learned even more stuff about sewing from Perona, and when he finally gets to fix something for Nami and Robin with an intricate design he learned, he looks so excited to be doing it. One of them snuck a photo and it's the first photo on the photo board they added beside the quote board.
-everyone loves to sit in the Galley and talk with Sanji while he cooks. Sometimes he'll sing if they're all quiet.
-Robin likes to play with people's hair when she's reading, and she likes to read aloud just as much.
-Sanji and Usopp cut and style everyone's hair.
-Jimbei is overwhelmed by how welcoming the Strawhats are before he's even officially joined them. He knows what to expect by the time he makes it to Wano though, and he's so excited.
-Luffy saw right through Law in Punk Hazard. He saw the same look in his eyes as he's seen in Robin and Ace and a lit of his crew. He felt in his gut that if he didn't help Law he wouldn't live past whatever he was planning.
-he knew that telling his crew that Law saved his life would mean them learning that he almost died, but it doesn't stop him from doing it.
-even with that information they're hesitant to trust Law at first, but they fold pretty quickly as they start to see the same thing Luffy did in his eyes.
-Chopper asks Law what happened after Marineford because he's Luffy doctor and feels like he should know... and Law tells him. Everyone else listens from around the corner, heartbroken to hear that after the canera's cut, Luffy's brother died taking a hit for him. That Luffy was so exhausted and full of poison that Law knew he had to have been tortured in some way. That the surgery to save him took everything he had. That Jimbei was the one to bring him back to his senses while he was upset.
-Law tells him about what he needs to know so bluntly... but he leaves out how Luffy's scream for his brother never left his mind, reminding him of the way he lost Corazon. He doesn't tell Chopper that Luffy tore some of his wounds back open as soon as he was awake, desperate to try and find his brother.
-they all keep very close eyes on Law to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid after that. If nothing else, they won't let the man who saved their captain's life die.
-Sanji sneaks more food onto Law's plate whenever he's not looking because there's no way he's eating enough.
-Zoro starts spars with him to keep him out of his head.
-Robin shares knowledge back and forth with him, debating on simple things to pass the time. She accidentally picks up on all the signs that he too, survived a genocide. A tiny mistake in covering his accent while he was mostly asleep is what gave her the final clue to which one.
-even though he tries to hide it, Law is fascinated by how Franky kept himself alive.
-Nami asks about how they navigate under the ocean, but Law doesn't have all the answers for her. He tells her she should ask Bepo when they all meet up, and Nami is the first to get him talking about his crew. He doesn't even notice everyone else listening at first, but his clear love for them is what chases away that last little bit of suspicion.
-when they realize Law is just a dork underneath the fake moody attitude, they ask as many questions as they can to get that side of him to come out.
-Law has to bite the inside of his cheeks to not laugh at Brook's puns when they catch him off guard
-Nami trades him rare coins for regular ones when she sees him looking, but if he already has it in his collection, he'll tell her how much it's worth to sell.
-Usopp and Franky build him little models of the Germa 66 comic characters. They sit on display in the Tang.
-Law finds some old music from Flevance, and he trusts Brook to copy it down when he can't.
-Luffy manages to pull the childishness that he thought died more than a decade ago right back out of him. He finds himself in so much ridiculous bs, but it feels so nice to just let go.
-Robin explains how weapons from different cultures work so Usopp can rebuild them with Franky!
-Robin absolutely lies about it sprinkling rain lightly to cover up the fact that Law sheds a few tears when Doflamingo goes down.
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zombiewhor3 · 2 years
daryl dixon x fem reader
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WARNINGS: emotional reader, crying, rude daryl, mentions of weapons, pet names, soft smut, boner, grinding, dry sex. Daryl never trusted anyone, it was just a common fact, it wasn't a shock why he was the introvert of the group.
He had been an outsider his whole life peering onto the others in a group wondering why he hadn't fit in with them.
y/n wandered her way up to a separate cell block of the prison where Daryl had spent his time alone carving up pieces of wood or simply just thinking about every damn life experience he's ever had.
y/n knocked on the doorframe watching him draw his crossbow at the shock, "woah!" she shouted raising her hands away from her hips where her knife and gun were holstered.
Daryl let out a sigh staring back up at the bottom of the bunk rested above him, "don't sneak up on people like that y/n" he spoke bitterly adjusting the cuffs on his leather jacket.
"i did try to knock" she spoke jokingly but she could see he wasn't amused so she pushed her smile away sitting against the edge of the bed where his feet had rested.
"lemme guess the group needs somethin" he grumbled reaching for his belt where everything he needed was attached but she stopped him with the grasp of her hand.
"no they don't everything's all fine" she could see his hand slip back behind his head to prop it up while he looked at her.
"why ya here then y/n" he spoke harshly watching her gulp at his bitter tone, he noticed her fists bawled up and her eyes looking away from his almost like she was gonna cry.
"j-just wanted to check on you" she spoke meekly feeling her voice crack, she wished daryl wasn't as bitter to her because in reality all she was tryna do was be sweet to him.
"i can assure ya i'm fine i don't need anyone to check up on me" he spat at her, he could hear a sniffle come from her while she wiped her eyes trying to hide the fact she was letting a few tears slip.
she tried to speak but her voice croaked and only a meek sob came out from her mouth, he frowned softly grabbing her wrists to pull her head onto his chest.
"shh shh shh i'm sorry sugar" he cooed to her rubbing her hair while he could feel her face nuzzling into his neck , trying to hold her cries back but nothing was working.
"it's okay princess c'mon look at me" she looked up at him with puffy eyes and still a single tear slipped down her cheek to which he wiped it away with a soft smile.
"that's good sugar just focus on me, now tell me why yer crying is it cause of me?" he asked knowing the obvious answer but he wanted her to feel like he was there like he was listening to make her feel better.
"j-just wanna be around you dar" she admitted shyly feeling his hands rubbing over hers, his coarse fingertips skimming her gentle skin.
"why is that y/n? what about rick or the others i'm sure they'll keep ya company when yer lonely hmm?" he asked watching her bite down onto her inner cheek and look down at their hands.
"c'mon look at me, talk to me tell me what's wrong" he used his hand to move her chin so that she was looking at him, he could feel her squirm slightly at the eye contact but his hands held her still.
"i don't like them like t-that" she admitted watching his brows furrow his eyes softening at the realization.
he placed a soft kiss on her hands making a trail up her arms, "oh princess ya gotta crush isn't that what i'm a hearin"
he smiled at her watching her face turn to the color of a red rose, now she felt restless in her position her crotch accidentally glided against his making him groan out,
"stop squirmin" he didn't know how to tell her that he was enjoying her body on top of his he didn't have the right words.
"im s-sorry" she spoke shyly a factor that he liked,
She was shy to the group, a good shooter but when it came down to personality they were both the loners both the ones who didn't fit in when it came to any final draws.
"sugar ya got a crush it's normal i just never thought it'd me me ya know?" he shrugged using his hands to lift up her shirt slightly, just so he could feel the bare skin of her waist.
"why not you?" she questioned watching his expression turn quickly mopey while she looked at him. "not so good for ya" he spoke squeezing at her sides, she tilted her head at his words.
"you're perfect for me dar, you're smart and you help this group out alot!" she spoke eagerly accidentally letting her body jump at her excitement of just talking to him.
she could hear him let out a groan when her hips slammed down onto his, he was praying that he wouldn't grow a boner over just the small touch of her body squirming over him.
this time he gripped her waist harder to prevent her from moving, "god princess i can't hold it back anymore ya can't keep squirming like this all over me ya know it makes it impossible" he tossed his head against the pillows trying to sink back from his words.
he watched her frown like she had done something wrong, "ya did nothing sweetheart it's just-" he stopped looking down to see the bulge that had formed in his pants.
"c-can i help you dar" she asked with a pleading smile feeling as his hands squeezed at her sides, he hesitantly gave her a soft yes from his mouth feeling her starting to grind against his bulge.
he let out a grunt before hearing a soft moan slip from her lips making him swallow harshly, he liked y/n.
He liked everything about her even if his brother had constantly taunted her and called her weak, even if she would cry over the smallest things, he hadn't cared about that,
he hadn't cared about her flaws.
"oh god" she whined as her hands pressed into his abdomen feeling the hardness of his abs press back against her, she could feel almost like a knot in her stomach, almost like something inside her was begging to just be released from her.
she started whimpering aloud catching Daryl's attention, "what's wrong doll hmm? ya close?" he asked rubbing the side of her cheek, she let a tear slip down it while she could feel the knot coming looser and looser with each movement of their hips.
"gonna cum p-please" she cried feeling daryl wipe a tear from her cheek, "c'mon cum for me" at his words she could feel the knot come loose as a warm puddle of juices shot into her panties.
he came with her feeling his cum seep into his boxers making its way free into his jeans, he could see her panting and whispering softly,
"such a pretty girl aren't ya, ya did a very good job doll" he whispered kissing the top of her head with a dim smile.
"lemme get ya some new clothes doll" he spoke slipping up from the bed he could hear her whine while he slipped his body away from his, he made his way into a closet where they stored the clothes pulling out a pair of panties and a new pair of jeans he smiled.
Daryl slipped back into the prison cell helping her changed as he looked away to respect her privacy, he changed himself before tossing off his shirt onto his work bench and laying down on the mattress feeling his back sink into it.
He held his arms open so that she'd slip into them and she did so gently burying her face in his neck, "that make ya feel better" he asked softly combing through her hair with his fingers.
"mhm" she mumbled soaking even further into him to take up his body heat while the prison grew colder and colder by the minute.
"ya know i love you right?" he asked feeling her let out a soft hum against the crook of his neck, "i love you to dar" she smiled closing her eyes and taking the softness of his embrace.
"get some sleep doll"
A/N: no spoilers for the twd finale but omfg i cried, i sobbed so many times i literally was violently sobbing because of that episode i honestly am going to miss the show :((
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bluginkgo · 4 months
Quick announcement (before the diarrhea of information):
I'm gonna go on a semi-hiatus for a week or so. I'll still be around, just not posting any drawings. Need to replenish my energy and drawing reserves cause I'm dead >_<
Sleep behind scenes!
So... Ginkgo why the hell did this take you so long? Sorry, sorry 😅 Here's what happened. I got burned out after like 10 pages (specifically the manor backgrounds killed me, plus having the full gang in the story) and then got sick and was not feeling all that great. Working through the burn out, sick, AND college work on top was quite hard not gonna lie though, but I wanted to finish it ^^
Alright, now as for little unnecessary Easter eggs, I added as nods to the show and my other interests. ^_^
1. Undertale save point. Undertale had me sucked in for a good long while, and for some odd reason decided to re-emerge in a form of the star save. Made it purple for Uzi's effect over N. She made him more rebellious, so he started to question why is it his memories and dreams are strange/corrupted/missing instead of just going with the flow.
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2. Ep3 nod. V and N have history, history that I wish we get to see. V was nicer, kinder, in my opinion, prior to the absolute solver going rampage. So it makes sense for them to have some sort of friendship at the VERY least. So I decides to give it a small spin to it too. A direct quote from ep3 ^_^
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3. Ep 2 + 5 nod. I kinda pulled the moment when James dismissed N from ep2 together with events that follow after N leaves library in ep5. Chronologically, these events don't fit together, seeing as ep2 is when N first meets Cyn and ep5 is when she's already set up the massacre. But this is exactly what I was going for. N's memories are jumbled at best, so I took liberty in mixing, matching, and editing his memories just as the admin program would probably.
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4. Absolute Solver symbols nod. My chats with @absolute-solver (sorry for annoying you with tag 😅) made me realize that the absolute solver ought to have more presence now. It's activated and running systems in the background for Uzi. Whiiiiich means that drawing absolute solver should start now. BUT, it's rudimentary at best. Symbols don't really make sense and are not completed for most of the time. Not until Uzi at least sees the error message in ep2, when she truly starts questioning what that weird symbol on her visor is. I headcanon that N does know or at least feel that the absolute solver symbol is familiar, hence the little comment.
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5. Absolute Solver Nori. Why is there so many absolute solver Nori around? I'm certain she went back to normal, just like in pictures Khan showed us in ep4 post core collapse. But I connected the solvers together here. Uzi's absolute solver string is up and running, and because the solver is a hivemind, it'd connect the memories and warp them a little. So that's why Uzi's doodle of her and Nori at the end (and during memory recall) was so full of absolute solver. It's slowly taking root, whether she wants it to or not.
Personal touches/added/cut ideas:
N's tail wrapping around Uzi like a hug. Originally, Uzi was supposed to look more nervous, but not for the reasons you might think. I cut the nervous look to a more upset look so it wouldn't be confused for fear. Uzi's never scared of N (yes, I don't count ep2 either, that was a lot of events at once and very little time to process them). The nervous look was more of a "Why are you butting in?" type, you know? Being a loner makes you cautious, so when N prods at feelings, I figured Uzi would be a bit defensive.
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Cyn is fully rendered and yet I glitched her so much I felt bad. So here's full absolute solver Cyn eldrich monster thingy. ^_^
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I pulled a Hazbin hotel moment. Did you see it? Abracadabra GONE! All the scraps from first couple pages with NUzi chatting POOFED out of the existence. Did I get lazy and tired? Yes, that was the tell tale sign of burn out, when I stopped keeping track of background details and just kept the pod.
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These progress shots show pretty well how the story boarding goes and how I change my mind too easily. 😅 storyboard is still as much of a mess as ever, sketch shows you I was gonna keep Uzi's hat, but decided against it in final product. I figured this. Nori gave Uzi the jacket whenever Uzi got a bigger body + hair. These are the same jacket and hair Uzi has in canon. Uzi's body is just upgraded again and her hair gets shorter in that regard. The jacket would be big on her, and cover her hands, but what's up with the fluff if I draw canon jacket more spiky? And where's the death battery drawing? I headcanon Uzi drew those on once she got into the angsty teenager stage. The jacket is more spiky from wear and tear.
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Fun fact! You can sorta tell who's gonna show up in the comic by what memes I post prior. Here's some examples ^_^ Cyn showed up, and that was first practice with maid outfits and Cyn's eldrich form. Closely followed by manor gang, the second/final form of maid and butler outfits and prime practice for those scenes. This example is a bit spoiler for a meme I'm working on right now! I've never drawn Nori before, so I quickly sketched out the idea and continued on with the comic (otherwise, I'd lose my steam and procrastinate on it again). Memes are filler for you guys while I work on the actual projects (comics), and along the way, they give me practice and change in drawing style ^_^
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Is it a coincidence that this comic is called Sleep with the release of a certain horror game? Actually, yeah pure coincidence 😅 I had this drafted allll the way back in November, and didn't take particular interest in poppy playtime until I saw lanky boi, which was actually during a stream I watched on release day of the chapter.
(I didn't know tumblr, or at least the phone app, had a tag limit of 30, BOY was I surprised @brookiedaaroacecookie that must have been THE tag city, sorry 😅)
Next comic is Loneliness 1 and 2
This one is split into 2 POVs from both Uzi and N side, thus its 2 separate comics. That one will be more NUzi centered, too, a slight angst and comfort spin to it. That will come... sometime. I have a few more projects I wanna finish up with prior to starting on these guys ^_^
Why are you still reading this? Omg, have a cookie 🍪 you made it. Have a nice day now ^_^
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spiderziege · 2 months
Piano emoji for louis
Ice cube for henrike
🍕 for lucky
(Sorry for lack of emoj they wouldn't pop up and wheneveri try to get to the emojis manualy my phone flips out)
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For Louis: Do they have any hobbies?
He's really into photography! I don't really know why tbh ive just always felt like it'd fit him.
For Henrike: Is their current design the first one?
okay the thing with henrike is that she's one of my oldest ocs, but she was always more of a side character at the start, so i barely have any art of her from more than like. three years ago maybe? she hasnt changed a ton, and i think the ways her design changed is more 'i got better at drawing her the way i actually want to' than 'i consciously changed her design'. the important thing is probably that she does not wear pants ever, only skirts and dresses. which makes her lots of fun to draw <3
For Lucky: What is their favorite food?
i dont think i can pick one specific food (i cant even pick my own fav food so idk how to do it for the ocs lol) but in general. Lucky really likes her sister's cooking. She has four older siblings, and she isnt particularly close to any of them for one reason or another, but this one of her sister is definitely the one who's like. the most approachable i guess. and she's a great cook! i think Lucky likes spicy food
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frogasaurusrex39 · 30 days
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An Ace pokemon is their strongest
Includes All 7 dorms + Staff
This is your sign to totally ask my about my pokemon au I wrote a whole lore doc for it and even added some hisui stuff
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Riddle: Shaymin
Shaymin is a hedgehog and since Riddle is the grass gym leader in my au it just worked the best. Imagine it's flower is a rose though. (He probably wouldn't use it for the gym that's too op)
Ace: Scorbunny
I needed a lil rascal for Ace and Scorbunny gives such Ace vibes.
Deuce: Buneary
After the bunny event (can't remember the name of it for the life of me) I had to give him a bunny pokemon. I also wanted it to be a duo with Ace's ace. (tehehe ace and ace) For all you Adeuce-ers I have a drawing vision I'll create one day.
Cater: Ditto
Identity issues. I picture Ditto approaching Cater as Cater and he assumed it was a clone for the longest time. Ofc until he tried making it disappear and it didn't work.
Trey: Chansey
He's like the big brother of the group so I thought Chansey was perfect.
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I didn't wanna just base them off of their species since I was going to give them Pokemon Beastman types instead. (For example Leona is a Pyroar Beastman)
Leona: Lucario
I wanted a fighting type since he's the fighting gym leader. So when I was playing Legends Arceus and stumbled upon an alpha Lucario I knew it had to be. (Dunno how much it fits tho tbh)
Ruggie: Timburr
I needed a lil rascal for him. Someone who could snag something and run off. Also preferably a fighting type. Timburr fits the profile.
Jack: Lycanroc
He turns into a wolf...this one had to be a wolf. I wanted one that didn't give intimidating vibes and Lycanroc was my best bet. I feel like it's a very loyal pokemon and from what I know Jack is decently loyal. (I'm sorry I don't know much about Jackypoo)
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Azul: Grapploct
I know I said I didn't wanna go species based, but tbh it was either this or Vaporeon and I feel like I could find more similarities with these two. It's pre-evolution is a small little guy who works it's way up to it's strong version, similar to Azul working hard to become the successful man- teen he is today.
(this lil guy)
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Jade: Lapras
I needed something to pair with Floyd and just going for the eels felt too easy. Lapras has this elegance that Jade has so I thought it'd work
Floyd: Gyrados
(did I spell that wrong?) He totally caught a Magikarp when he was younger because he thought it looked funny then kept it. Look at it now!!
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Kalim: Donphan
I wanted an angry looking pokemon to contradict his friendly optimistic-ness. + elephant. He rides an elephant in Chapter/Book 4.
Jamil: Serviper
Jamil *Viper* Ser*Viper*
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Idia: Luxray
Almost went with PorygonZ but he likes kitties and as the electric type gym leader I had to go with Luxray. Lions are cats!!
Ortho: Rotom
Come on... Do I have to explain? Oh wait non-pokemon fans might be reading this, yes I do. Rotom can travel between devices and sometimes even the players Pokedex. (Encyclopedia of Pokemon) (Sun/Moon for example)
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Malleus: Meowstick♂️
Everyone keeps giving him a super op team full of legend/psuedo-legendary dragon types but instead I made him part Dialga (basically the god of time) so I could excuse it.
I can't see him getting many pokemon, most escaping their balls and leaving Mal down. But this Meowstick lives in his castle. He wanted to befriend it but it was really stubborn. Eventually they became comrades tho!!
Silver: Swablu
He needs an Altaria. It's a cloud bird (technically dragon but shhhh)‼️‼️Swablu doesn't evolve until level 50 though and he's still young so he needs to wait.
Sebek: Pom-Pom Oricorio
I LOVE HIS DYNAMIC WITH ORICORIO!! I picked it because it was an electric cheerleader and he's always idolizing Mal but there's lore origins
Sebek found Oricorio when he was younger and out playing with Silver. It was injured and about to faint (Pokemon's equivalent to dying) Silver insisted on rushing it home and having Lilia help save it. Sebek carried it all the way there and it grew attached to him.
I can see Baul having issues with him having a non-evolving Pokemon but give it time, it'll prove it can be strong
Lilia: Sneasler
Come on...Look at them.
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Sneasler is a Hisui exclusive actually, and Hisui is Sinnoh in the 1700s-ish. It also looks like it could be a soldier, look at it. Amazing. Perfect. I love Sneasler.
Extra: (You'll have to look these up yourself)
Crowley: Haunchcrow, it's in the name, it's a crow.
Crewel: Furfrou, dog you get to stylize, perfect fit
Vargas: Machamp (please say I didn't mix it up, the fully evolved one) Human like muscle pokemon absolutely perfect.
Trein: Lucius, Lucius is a pokemon in my au. shush it's just a rare species
Sam: Dusknoir, skull ghost type. Perfect for Sammypoo.
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So that concludes all their aces. Funsies!! I'm back in my Pokemon hyperfix so I'm brainrotting. This was one of many...
I have everything planned out but the lore doc only contains up to Scarabia's arc rn. (But still ask about anything I literally have most of it planned)
The Pokemon au focuses on Yuu, who gets sent to the TWST region (shush ik not creative) by Arceus (Pokemon God). Professor Crowley finds poor Yuu and offers to help them home, if they complete the Pokedex. (I had to type that out 4 times I kept accidentally deleting it)
Thanks for Reading
Octavinelle and Diasomnia are my favs rn because those (+ Pomfiore) I branch away from the main story the most. (Yuu gets into trouble with Azul let's just say~)
So ask about it, I wanna share the brainrot. (I'll probably make a massive lore post about it one day if no one does...I can't be contained)
Anyways have a wonderhoytastic day!!
Thanks for reading, Byebye!!
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