#john and mary grayson
emo-batboy · 1 year
A Wild Battinson (Social Media AU)
Part 25 (Masterlist)
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(Part 26)
@bruciemilf he is baby
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thelibrarian1895 · 1 month
Bat bio donors
So Catherine Todd, unfortunately, wasn't Jason's bio mom, even if she was his mom in every other way that matters. Embezzler, child trafficker, and Joker associate Shelia Haywood was his biological mother...probably.
There was no DNA test so I remain unconvinced.
That being said, I see no acceptable evidence that Willis Todd was Jason's bio father. (And if there is, shhh, don't care)
Yes Bruce could be his bio dad but boring, be more creative!
For example, someone else who's based in Gotham, who might have a fling and not follow up on it for very whatever reason, and who might be the namesake of our favorite gun wielding bat: Jason Bood. Yes Shelia, if she is the mother, may have put Willis on the birth certificate, but there's nothing to say that she didn't have an evening with a man with a charming accent, considerable experience, and a rather two faced nature.
Or perhaps someone who is a tiny bit less volatile such as David Cain.
Or honestly there's enough weirdness in Gotham that Jason's other bio donor was Nocturna, the woman who would later want to adopt him while he was Robin and she was, in fact, though she didn't know it, trying to get her own bio child.
Furthermore, Bruce as Tim Drake's bio donor, yes, good, understandable, likely even.
However, there are other options, for example:
Janet spends a great deal of time going around the world and with various artifacts, some of these artifacts could be magical in nature. That magic may have various effects on the average person and one of the more popular things that people in ancient times sought revolved around fertility control, to improve or prevent. Janet might trip over more than a few artifacts designed to improve fertility, let's say even to the point that some who might not normally be able to sire children might in fact be capable of doing so with Janet while she's still under the influence of such magic, such as:
Lady Shiva who admires Janet's ability to handle both a growing business and her academic pursuits.
Ra's Al Ghul who came by for an artifact and had a fling with the lady who found it mostly because why not? Yes if Tim ever found out, or Ra's ever found out, it would result in considerable mental distress, but it could also be hilarious. Flip a coin to decide if this would make Talia want Tim dead more or less than she already does.
Some ancient god who's essentially mortal at this point and has been clinging to existence by the thinnest thread and really the only reason their name is known at this point is because it was in a letter about very bad copper. Tim receives no benefits from this parent except above average endurance and healing which is how he's survived. He's also as stubborn as the nameless god that's hung on for four thousand or so years.
Gotham itself is Tim's bio donor and this is why tiny baby stalker Tim didn't die a thousand times over while he was taking pictures, Gotham was looking out for their son.
Then there's Cassandra, "one who is all" who may or may not be Shiva's daughter.
Honestly for Shiva and for Talia, given the danger they put themselves in and the stress that pregnancy can do to a body, plus the necessary time to heal properly afterwards, the canon where Damian is grown in a tube makes sense and I wouldn't be surprised if Shiva took a page from Talia's book.
Shiva as the mother of "one who is all" can make sense. The other bio donor, well, let's look at other options.
Slade perhaps? He's had quite a few remarkable children, and can handle none of them, but that wouldn't stop him from being a candidate.
If you're a fan of wuxia or xianxia novels, look for or make up some ancient cultivator that Shiva sought out for training perhaps and on that strength Cassandra can pick up cultivation and become that much more awesome, maybe even teach it to her brothers.
Sect Leader Cass o((>ω< ))o
Or someone can be related to or connected to a Lamont Crantson and see if they can step out of his Shadow.
Dick's bio parents were freakin' awesome so jumping over him and also leaving Duke's parentage alone though more distant ancestors for either of them, such as great-great grandmothers or grandfathers might be interesting. Dick has a Talon in the family tree but who else might be hanging around in there?
For example, Santa is real in the dc universe. Tim and his team could have witnessed the death of Dick's maternal great-great-great-great grandpa.
As for Duke, if his family has been in Gotham for longer than a generation, there've got to be some serious weirdos in his bloodline, maybe a lesser known Talon or Queen Mab.
Damian not being the son of Bruce and Talia would be a serious blow to the kid and not worth it. Giving him blood siblings is more fun. He already has a problem learning to share his dad with his adopted siblings, sharing with blood siblings would be good for him.
Stephanie? An additional dad option would probably give her some sort of mental crisis since she originally based her vigilante career on defeating her deadbeat, second rate rogue father. It would be interesting and honestly a little hilarious though if her mother had a fling with Oliver Queen.
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geneticdriftwood · 2 months
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persephone's in hell; a rooftop conversation
for @mysterycitrus
persephone's in hell, @mysterycitrus // white winter hymnal, fleet foxes // assorted dc comics
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morgangalaxy43 · 3 months
All of the batkids have mommy issues or daddy issues (except Dick, his parents were nice)
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gffa · 5 months
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I'm fine, yeah, sure, a cute Batman & Scooby Doo comic made me cry, because John and Mary Grayson are still watching over their son even when he can't hear or see them and are incredibly proud of him, but I'm totally fine, I'm not crying about Batman comics or anything.
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audhd-nightwing · 8 months
thinking about dick grayson who used to braid his mom’s hair before their shows
thinking about him growing his hair out, and doing those same braids before going out as nightwing
thinking about him asking anyone with long enough hair if he can braid it, about him doing the same braids his father used to do for his mother on kori and babs
one day he finds steph crying in the batcave and takes her into the manor. he sits her down in front of the couch and sits behind her and tells her to put on a movie. then he starts to brush her hair and braid it
it’s his love language, it’s just unfortunate the rest of his siblings have short hair.
when tim grows his hair out (which definitely didn’t have anything to do with this haha…) dick is so happy and braids his hair any time he sees him
when he was younger and bruce sometimes took him to JL meetings, he’d ask diana if he could braid it (she always said yes ofc) and sometimes he’d ask arthur who was so honored every time
bruce, glaring at arthur as 11 y/o dick braids his hair because he is Jealous and now seriously considering growing his hair out: Hn
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bluegarners · 20 days
there tends to be a kind of under estimation in regards to dick’s attitude towards his parents. they’re more often used as The Reason for his path of heroism, and that’s true enough, but it’s a very focused Reason that often fails to include the actual Loving Parents. i would argue that thomas and martha wayne get more attention in regards to their loving on bruce, and in certain time traveling corners on dick as well, but it’s rare to see that kind of respect paid to john and mary grayson. the parallels we can draw between bruce and dick pretty much end after dick is taken in. we can count: loving parents; stable family structure; only child; bright future; horrific murder of parents; witness to said murder; and plot for vengeance as the core parallels between dick and bruce. where they begin to diverge is the point in which bruce becomes the guiding mentor for dick in how to channel that sense of grief and rage (though bruce had alfred, alfred played no part in diverting bruce from his self destructive path and encouraged it)
to that end, there’s a lot of talk about martha wayne’s pearls and mary grayson’s robin, but even then talk seems to only center around dick’s hero name and never what about the history the name implies. “robin stands for hope”, okay what else? martha’s pearls symbolize the catalyst for bruce’s transformation into batman, but does mary’s robin do the same? i think not, bc going back to the divergence between bruce’s and dick’s origins, though bruce remains the defining fork in the road for dick, if dick were raised in extremely similar circumstances as bruce, bruce would have more or less fulfilled the role that alfred did for bruce- which was mainly distant but caring adult figure that served to simply agree rather than direct. a reasonable conclusion, should bruce have fulfilled such a role for dick, would have been that dick should’ve become bruce #2. obviously, dick didn’t and the reason for that lies in john and mary grayson
this may ruffle some feathers, but there is a point to be made in the difference between the wayne parents and the grayson parents. let’s do some quick if thens: if alfred was left in charge of bruce, then alfred holds some responsibility in how bruce turned out. if bruce grew up to be someone emotionally closed off, then bruce is an emotionally distant, closed off adult. if bruce is an emotionally distant, closed off adult, then it stands to reason alfred reflects the same. so, if bruce and alfred are both emotionally distant, closed off adults, then when they take in dick grayson, dick will grow up to be an emotionally distant, closed off adult. right?
well, we all know that’s not how it turned out, and all reason for such a conclusion reside solely in the short time john and mary grayson raised their son. “but bruce had about the same time with his own parents. why did he and dick turn out so different?” and again i point directly at the implied differences in the wayne’s and grayson’s child rearing! the waynes represented a very nuclear family, one that is generationally upper class and in very prominent leadership positions. tracking the assumed and typical rearing patterns for that kind of family, though it may be a foundationally loving one, it’s also one that is radically different from the type the graysons represented. power and job structure rested solely with thomas and martha; bruce had very very little to worry about or any responsibilities other than making good grades and being a generally good son. comparing such a dynamic to the graysons, the power lines begin to blur a little. john and mary are employees, not leaders or heads of anything. however, they work in an extremely team oriented and cooperative environment- their earnings depend on everyone and themselves. though a prominent act in haly’s circus, they are not a completely solo one, and even then, it is a team, FAMILY act. since his birth, dick has been raised in an environment that focuses heavily on teamwork and perseverance. he took on enormous responsibility in being a part of the flying graysons, which likely wasn’t something he was being forced to do, young as he was. taking on a JOB as young as 9 years old, one that tests his physical, mental, and emotional strength sets him drastically apart from bruce when he was the same age. but let’s go back to john and mary again
no parent on earth would ever want to put their child in such a dangerous position as performing on the trapeze. and yet, john and mary did. why? dick’s initiative and his parents’ trust and strength. if john and mary believed that they lacked in some way that could put dick in harms way, i find it impossible to believe they would have ever let dick join them. dick did not learn his strength and endurance from bruce. dick already possessed those qualities before meeting him, otherwise dick would have never become robin and joined batman so quickly. the graysons set an ENORMOUS example for dick, one that set the tone for the rest of his life. taking into account the “it takes a village” familial structure that dick was raised in while with haly, dick would have learned that the strength of individuals COMBINED is what makes a person strong. even the formation of the flying graysons relies on trust in each other, that they will be caught in the next leap and that they can do these amazing stunts without fear of failure BECAUSE of the Faith they have in each others abilities. in addition to that, an environment that encourages strength and teamwork must also encourage FAILURE. one cannot learn from perfection- only through mistakes does one grow, and dick grew EXPONENTIALLY. dick grew, at the age of 9, to PRODIGY levels of talent and acrobatics. john and mary set an example so strong and so steadfast that it fostered dick’s stone-solid character for the rest of his life, even after they were gone from it
dick would have not survived his parents’ deaths were it not for the way they had raised him. it is why dick can move on and grow from it, whereas, as we’ve seen a dozen dozen times, bruce has failed to ever move on. coddled and adored as he was, bruce never had to face a challenge that his parents wouldn’t have gladly taken care of for him. the waynes did everything for their son because they loved him enormously, and what parent in the world would force their child to do difficult things- especially at 10 years old? of course bruce never had to confront things like failure or hardship before, his circumstances in life simply wouldn’t have allowed for it, and that is why bruce was so incapable of handling his parents’ deaths. thomas and martha did not prepare bruce for difficulties in any department, whereas john and mary introduced problems AND solutions to dick very early on. the SOLUTIONS bit is what set up dick for so much success- that’s the key difference between the two. dick had both parents AND guides, while bruce just had parents
dick would not have become a light in the world while with bruce were it not for john and mary grayson and their love and dedication towards their son. the credit for dick’s achievements as a hero may fall to bruce most of the time, but even bruce recognizes that he had zero part in the formation of dick’s strength of character. dick’s continued success and perseverance has EVERYTHING to do with those first 9 years he was with john and mary, and not a single one of the innumerable tragedies dick has endured has ever been able to disavow that
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hood-ex · 3 months
I just remembered that when Dick was in the circus and shared a bunk bed with a performer named Tombo, he was so bothered by Tombo's snoring that he decided he was going to go sleep in a tree.
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Nightwing (Vol. 4) #8
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confusedhummingbird · 5 months
Do you ever think that Bruce might have complicated feelings about the Graysons?
Of course he respects them for raising Dick and being kind and loving parents who Dick thinks highly of even almost 15- 20 years after their deaths.
But does he ever feel jealous of them, in particular of John Grayson? Because while Dick is Bruce's son he still not really "Dad" to Dick. To Dick that'll always be John Grayson and he'll always be Bruce.
Does he ever have fears or nightmares of the Graysons berating him for not raising their son right? Or worse nightmares where they come back to life somehow and Dick leaves with them forever and he never loses Dick forever?
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minnesota-fats · 10 months
There is a canon universe where Bruce died and his parents became Batman and the Joker.
Why isn’t there one where Dick Grayson falls instead of his parents and they are so heartbroken that they swear to get revenge on the crime lord that decided to sabotage their little boys trapeze.
Then they become Nightwing and Flamebird, and they team up with Batman to hunt down Zucco.
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heroesriseandfall · 11 months
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Nightwing Vol. 2 #54
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Nightwing Vol. 2 #73
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Gibsontown, Florida, aka “Gibtown”
Ahhh, okay. Huh.
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space-dreams-world · 1 year
Two Graysons for one:
So we all know that Dick Grayson is supposed to become the greatest Talon of the Court of Owls: The Gray Son, Dick wasn't Mary and John's first child.
Enter Daphne Mary Grayson (Danny Fenton) the firstborn Grayson who dissapeared during Haley's tour in Europe.
The European Court of owls (Ecoo) were impatient for their Gray son and couldn't wait until Haley's arrived in Gotham. So they end up kidnapping Daphne, taken to become the possible Gray son, unaware Mary Grayson was pregnant with Dick at the time. Daphne does get small doses of electrum, but the Ecoo are waiting until she is older to fully convert her in a Talon for the court. During one of the plots to assainate an wealthy business person, an earthquake occurs and Daphne, injured ends up falling through a crevasse that connect to a cave system that directly leads to an ectoplasm pool that she accidently falls in.
Now this where things get tricky. Dick life still plays out the same way (Bruce bait, Robin, Nightwing,etc...) As Nightwing, Dick gets into contact with a magical-infused virus that could very well kill him unless he gets the blood of biological family member (John and Mary are dead, William Cobb has more electrum than blood in him and they cannot synthetisize the virus out of his blood to try put his blood back in him) this looks like it could be the very end of Dick Grayson. Everyone in the Family decides to air out their grievances to their big brother, the bird who brought all of them together. It's also worth mentioning that someone has been murdering influential people that are part of the Court around the world but has started to make their way towards Gotham warning them that their time is up.
Now, last time with Daphne, she fallen in an ectoplasm pool. What we find out is that after that fall, she appears in the states (Meddling Clockwork) unaware how they got there. Daphne gets spotted by Jazz Fenton and decides to be her big sister unaware that Daphne is somewhat disoriented from the ectoplasm and electrum sort of melding together giving Daphne some enhanced abilities like, slight healing, speed and able to go longer without proper sustenance. Daphne's electrum is barely visible around her heart and her eyes are blue with a ring of amber or gold with flecks of green ectoplasm.
The Drs. Fenton decide to "adopt" Daphne to please their daughter, and Daphne becomes Danny Janus Fenton. Canon episodes happen, except I want to say that Phantom Planet may have caused the Metahuman appearance. Danny's parents, while not to hate him anymore , can not get over their guilt that their passion killed their child. Danny is still close to Jazz, Tucker, Dani (Ellie and the clones), Valerie and Wes, surprisingly. Danny and Sam sort of split because Sam could understand that Danny was a murderer and Danny thought that Sam reminded them too much of their court days.
Danny would be genderfluid ( somedays it's Danny, others it's Daphne) since Danny always felt she lacked some control over her life.
Now, how do the Graysons meet? Two days before Dick possibly dies, someone is at the door. Alfred or possibly Tim opens it to inform them that they werent taking visitors before being shocked as the person at the door looks almost exactly like Dick (Tim would know as he has seen John and Mary Grayson before their demise) Danny goes to say that they are here to help their Baby brother as it was announced publicly that Dick Grayson has caught something terrible and was possibly on their last legs. Tim and the rest of the family want to get the validity that this is an actual relative of Dick and not some fake. Danny's D.N.A is uncorrupted enough that they can 100% tell that Danny is actually related to Dick on a much closer scale than they realize like an uncle or second-cousin, and they don't want to risk it. And if it didn't work, Danny wanted to see her baby brother alive before he died.
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elirium · 6 months
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Can you do a redraw of the last panel of this page?
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celaenaeiln · 8 months
Dick and Booster Gold's relationship is so underrated.
After Booster's time adventure, he asks Dick for his trust and Dick gives it to him but after that Dick asks for one favor
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Booster Gold (2007) Issue #25
And out of the respect and admiration and friendship, he grants it to him.
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Booster Gold (2007) Issue #25
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Okay, I said previously I’d make a post about Mary and John in the Lost Carnival book.
Well, here’s some key moments I found the most interesting and memorable from that book, a further showcasing how close knit of a family the Flying Graysons 1.0 are, no matter which DCU they inhabit
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Amazing Acrobats As Per Usual, to the point even Dick (in fairness in this elseworld he’s a teen that’s been performing for a long time with his family) can say it’s boring lol
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John catching up with his son after a small incident, part of the larger story of course, making sure he’s alright
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This scene ……Oh Me Oh My…Dear God, X’hal and Rao gosh I love this scene so freaking much. Mary being there to comfort her boy and giving life advice (Granted sure it’s an elseworld so meaning it’s not Kory being involved sadly though I state had it been Kory, this advice would still be there. Mary seems like that kind of Mom ya know?)
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And finally, these respecting their son’s choices with his life at this story, sure maybe entering college is drastically different from say being a colorful costume clad crime fighter he is canonically but I’m sure Mary and John will be able to respect that one way or another had they been present.
Gosh, I swear these two were such a highlight in this book, it even makes me pardon the fact that romance here isn’t with Kory. Oh well though, I take what I can get lol
Tagging: @celaenaeiln @spider-jaysart @camo-wolf @gffa @sbd-laytall
If you wish to Reblog or not, it’s up to you ;-)
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rubydubydoo122 · 1 month
Currently watching Madagascar 3 and fuck it, this is now how the Graysons met
John is a… gymnast who’s about to go Olympic level, but then right before his event he got cold feet and was like ‘this is too much pressure’ and runs away
So his coach is like chasing him down, and he ends up spotting Halys caravan, and is like “come on guys, you gotta let me on” and like they wouldn’t let him on at first, but then he’s like ‘I’m… an acrobat’ which technically isn’t a lie, it’s just… the difference between a pop star and an opera singer.
And there, John meets Mary who grew up in the circus where she asks him if he can do the trapeze, and he says ‘yeah, am an acrobat’ (he’s trained on how to do rings, and the horizontal bar, how difficult could trapeze be?)
Long story short, John gets humbled. Big time.
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