#just take this as my excited ramblings; nothing special
accirax · 6 months
y'all i accidentally finally looked at the lyrics to Deep Cover (i had been trying to avoid them to stay mostly spoiler free) and--
OH MY GOD are we finally going to get a video that shows what life inside the prison looks like??? i had been hoping that would be the case for Double to further showcase what the relationship between Mikoto and John looked like; i didn't expect it to happen here! i have been wishing for an MV like that for forever please deliver milgram team xoxo (/j)
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educatedsimps · 1 month
— married atsumu headcanons
≪ back to fics masterlist
↳ timeskip!atsumu x gn!reader ↳ a/n: this man has me in a chokehold no explanation needed anyway enjoy this pure atsumu brainrot
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since atsumu wouldn’t be allowed to wear his wedding ring during games he’d wear it on a thin metal chain around his neck
either a silver or gold chain depending on what ring he has
he’d probably keep it under the collar of his jersey tho ‘cause he wouldn’t want it bouncing around everywhere while he plays, or hitting his face when he jumps and runs around
so every time he wins a game, a really difficult point, or a service ace, he’d take it out and place a quick kiss on the ring
he probably also has your initials carved on it
to him, you’re the only lucky charm he needs, but since you can’t be on the court with him every time, his wedding ring will have to do
if you’re in the stands, he’d look over at you while he holds onto his necklace, shooting you that award winning smile of his
sometimes he throws in a wink for good measure
if you’re not physically there watching him, he’ll point to a camera and hold up his ring
sometimes he gets carried away after an exciting point or serve and meian has to tell him to chill and get his head back in the game
but it's really not his fault he's so in love with you
after the game he’ll take his chain and ring out from under his shirt so it can be seen while he takes pictures with his team or when he does post-game interviews
it became a habit soon enough
he also brings you up every. single. chance. he. gets.
with his teammates and in interviews and on his social media he's always like "yeah hard work is one thing but i wouldn't be where i am today without my s/o"
sakusa is probably sick of listening to atsumu ramble on and on about you before during and after practices
you often get texts from kiyoomi saying "y/n come get your man"
anyway, once he’s home, he’ll clean the chain and ring ‘cause “it’s got all ma nasty sweat on it, don't want ma lucky charm to wear out” (idk if that’s how sweat and metal work but wtv)
he also tells you that as important as your wedding rings are to him, nothing will ever replace you as his good luck charm
omg he just loves you so damn much
i feel like at some point he'd probably just get a tattoo of your name on his ring finger especially if there are games / organisers that don't let him wear any jewellery or accessories
and yes he gets pissed if they don't tell him beforehand, and he spends the whole game salty and pokes jabs at the organisers under his breath
his teammates usually take the brunt of his complaints (sorry jackals)
he'll still wear the ring necklace if he's allowed to tho it's like his favourite accessory
anyway he loves you so much and he never stops thinking of you ‘cause he’s just a huge simp
i think one reason his ring is so special to him (other than the fact that it's his wedding ring) is also because you proposed to him first
but i mean if you didn't, the ring is still really special to him
and even though he's a pro athlete, he still gets nervous from time to time and knowing that a little bit of you is there with him, physically or not, helps calm him down
like he rubs it a little out of nervousness every once in a while
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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hanjisick · 1 year
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order #6 of the coffee shop series: a cookie
ingredients. y/n x barista!felix. he’s never had a gf before. hopeless pining on felix’s end. mostly fluff with some angst. also the boys keep trying to play shitty wingmen again.
allergies. making out and felix being awkward
size. 3.2k
special add ons. felix is a sociable, confident, kind barista at yellow wood café. but once you show up on one rainy day, you turn him into a mess.
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you hadn’t prepared for the rain to come so quickly.
the forecast had said that it would only pick up in the afternoon, and you figured that you would be home by then. so of course, you had left your umbrella at home.
you decided to run into the nearest building, hoping to stay there until the rain had died down a little.
it was a coffee shop, one that you hadn’t been to before. you had no clue how you didn’t know the place existed. it seemed like just your type of hang-out spot.
the difference between the café and outside was stark. looking through the windows, it was gloomy and intense, while inside, the atmosphere was warm and cozy. the smell of coffee brewing and people chatting filled your senses.
“can i help you?” you had been staring off for a minute now, your entire body drenched in rain.
“sorry,” you apologized, “i was just looking for somewhere to be until the rain stopped.”
“you’re alright! could i get anything for you while you wait?”
your eyes stared the barista up and down. he was around your age— and was the epitome of sunshine. his features were gentle and strikingly beautiful.
his name tag read “felix.”
then, you drifted towards the menu on the counter, written in chalk, slightly smudged.
“are the cookies any good?” you questioned, staring at the cute plastic containers full of baked goods, specifically the heart-shaped chocolate chip cookies.
“well, i baked them myself, so they better be good.” felix’s shy smile told you that he was proud of his baking.
“i’ll buy one and see for myself.”
usually, the freckled barista wasn’t nervous at comments like these, but your gentle eyes made his heart flip in ways that he didn’t quite understand. “will that be all?”
“for now.”
he rang you up, handing you the cookies straight out of the container.
without waiting to sit down, you bit into the cookie.
two of felix’s fingers met his neck, checking his pulse quickly— a nervous habit of his.
but his nerves turned into excitement as your eyes lit up.
“i’ll take two more cookies and a mocha, please!”
felix couldn’t help but smile widely, “our muffins are really good too. we have blueberry and chocolate chip right now, but i’m working on a recipe for a cappuccino muffin.”
you cut his ramble short, “i’ll try both. and a brownie.”
“got a sweet tooth?” he rolled up the sleeves of his baby blue cardigan to begin making your mocha, “i don’t want you to get any cavities.”
“i’ll have just one bite of each and bring it home with me,” you reasoned, taking a stool at the bar, “i have nothing better to do, anyway. the rain says it’ll last for another hour.”
“so you’re gonna spend that hour taste-testing the treats?”
“i’ve never been here before, i better start working on my regular order.”
“will you be a new regular?”
“if the mocha is good. otherwise i think i’ll just go back out into the rain, i’m already drenched anyway.”
there you go again. causing felix to worry about how good his barista skills were in a way that nobody does.
he couldn’t help but drizzle a chocolate heart on top before handing it to you.
immediately felix jumped back. “your hands are freezing!”
“that’s what happens when you’re in the rain.”
you couldn’t help but chuckle at felix’s concern. it wasn’t bad at all.
“i think this goes against every rule we have here,” felix shrugged off his cardigan, throwing it across the counter.
immediately your quiet laugh died down, your stomach twisting with butterflies. mostly at how kind the freckled boy was, but you couldn’t ignore the way that the white shirt under it clung to him tighter.
“thank you.” you wrapped yourself in the cardigan, breathing in a faint scent of a fruity perfume, almost masked by the overwhelming smell of coffee.
“felix,” chan, his boss, nudged him with a grin, “did you just do what i think you did?”
if it were any other barista, they would’ve been scolded. but felix had taken up a large spot in chan’s heart, one that meant that he refused to rebuke the boy.
“she was cold! right, y/n?” he defended, “she just came in from the rain outside.”
“so you’re just gonna give every customer your clothes if they’re cold?”
you could see a faint red tint forming on felix’s ears, “well no! but she’s new, i wanted to give her a warm welcome.”
there was a familiar look in chan’s eyes, one that felix could spot from miles away. one of knowing.
“alright then. i’m glad you were able to earn us a new customer. even if it meant giving up your clothes.”
“do you have any paper?” you interrupted with a mouthful of muffin, “and maybe a pen too?”
felix was thankful that you saved him from chan. “yeah! i’ll get it for you. hold on.”
thirty minutes later, once a spot of sunlight through the clouds had appeared, you were gone.
felix glanced over at your spot, sadness pulling on his heart, full of what if’s.
what if you didn’t come back? what if that was the last time he would see you?
he noticed the piece of paper left behind.
the title read, “felix’s bakery ranking.”
first place was the cookies. second was the brownies. then the chocolate chip muffin, then the blueberry.
“she must love chocolate,” felix jumped at jeongin’s voice from behind him, “she also got a mocha, right?”
“how do you know? you weren’t even here.”
“chan was telling the group chat.”
“he was doing what?” felix reached for the phone in his back pocket to confirm his words.
“talking about how you were mesmerized by that girl.”
“was not!”
“you totally were,” chan patted his back, “i’ve never seen you smile that wide.”
“says a lot for how much he smiles.”
felix groaned as jeongin flipped over the scrap paper.
“see you at 3 tomorrow,” he read out, looking up at felix whose eyes widened, turning to chan.
“i don’t work tomorrow! can i work tomorrow?”
“so it isn’t just you being kind?”
“i need to get my cardigan back.”
“you’re a terrible liar. just admit that you want to see her again.”
“just schedule me to work tomorrow!”
the next day, felix was walking on clouds.
the boy normally walked with a pep in his step, serving customers with a comfortable kindness that nobody else could replicate, but today there was an extra hint of sweetness to everything that he did. even some of the most unobservant customers had pointed it out.
but each of the boys knew exactly why he was acting the way that he was, thanks to the messages that chan had sent.
as the vintage clock on the wall inched closer and closer to 3, felix became more dazed, clumsy even.
“are you sure that he should be working right now?” minho shot chan a questioning look.
“just let him get it out of his system.”
“but we’re cleaning up his spill messes all for a girl that he had one conversation with. he’s hopeless.”
“i don’t even think he’s had a girlfriend before.”
“really?” minho’s eyebrows raised, “with how all of the girls stick to him like glue?”
“i don’t think he knows how much of a heartthrob he is.”
chan glanced towards felix, who was busy chatting with two girls who had stopped by just a few minutes ago, “he’s clueless sometimes.”
the bell on the door rang as you stepped in, blue sweater in hand, eyes darting across the room to find the blonde boy who immediately abandoned his conversation.
“i came to return this,” you slid it across the counter, just as felix had done the previous day, “and get a cookie as well.”
“just the cookie?”
“and a mocha.”
“your total will be—“
“just give it to her for free,” chan whispered from behind, trying to help the frantic boy.
“it’ll be free today,” felix stumbled on his words, “and maybe i could heat the cookies for you too? they’re better warm.”
“that would be great,” you took a seat at the same spot as before, “your customer service is top tier. free service and a cardigan on a rainy day?”
“we try.” felix couldn’t wipe the smile off of his face, or take his eyes off of you.
even when you weren’t paying attention to him, typing on your laptop and munching on a cookie, he would stare at you, just barely hiding behind the espresso machine.
“why don’t you ask for her number?”
felix jumped as yet another barista appeared from behind him— something that had been happening too much recently. or perhaps he was just less focused on his surroundings.
“i can’t do that. what if she rejects me?”
“she would’ve let you down by now, do you know how obvious you’re making it?” hyunjin tried to reason with him.
“i guess that’s true, but i’m nervous. she’s really pretty.”
“so? you’re pretty too.”
felix gave the compliment a light laugh, “but she’s intimidatingly pretty.”
he kept an eye on the way your eyebrows furrowed in concentration, your finger tapping to the rhythm of the café’s record player on the table.
“you’re such a hopeless romantic. just get her number. she’s gonna leave again and you’re gonna be upset that you didn’t.”
with those words in mind, felix shyly approached you, hands fumbling with the hem of his shirt.
“hey,” he started, almost chickening out just from your eye contact.
his fingers went to his throat, checking his pulse, “do you think i could get your number?”
when you stared at him in silent shock for a moment, he continued, “not as, like, a weird thing! i just want to be your friend.”
he could see hyunjin out of the corner of his eye, ready to pull out his hair in frustration.
your smile faltered, but you still took the phone from his hand, saving your name as y/n.
“text me later.” there was a hint of sadness in your voice that felix didn’t fail to pick up on, but he didn’t dare to comment on it.
he ran off into the back room, ready to scream over the most embarrassing, disappointing moment in his entire life.
hyunjin followed close behind, “felix! what the hell?”
“i got nervous!”
“so you decided to friend-zone her?”
“she could’ve friend zoned me first!”
“she obviously wasn’t going to!”
“but if she did then i think i’d die!”
hyunjin was close to slamming his head against the nearest wall. “i’m gonna die right now if you don’t walk back out there and tell her that you’ve spent the whole day thinking about how pretty she is!”
“she’ll think i’m weird!”
“then i’ll do it!” felix tried to hold him back but failed as hyunjin opened the door, only to be met with an empty spot where you used to be.
felix let go, his shoulders dropping.
“where is she?”
“i guess she left,” hyunjin turned to see his devastated friend.
“did i fuck up that badly?”
hyunjin bit his lip, trying not to make it worse for him than it already was. but the truth was that, yeah, he did.
“maybe she’ll be back.”
felix texted you that night while he sat in bed, deciding on, “hi it’s felix! :)”
he kept his cardigan next to him.
perhaps it was a little creepy, but he decided to sniff it. it smelled different than usual. perhaps that’s what you smelled like.
perhaps he would never even get to know what you smelled like.
tears brimmed his eyes as he shut off his phone, staring up at the fan on his ceiling, letting the noise drown out the eerie silence.
felix wanted to slap himself for being such an idiot. he had no problem talking to people, he was the most extroverted extrovert that an extrovert could get. but he couldn’t help but question everything he did in front of you, even if he had just met you.
you didn’t respond.
when felix showed up to work the next day, it was like the sunshine was hidden behind a rainy cloud.
he knew that it shouldn’t have affected him as much as it did. he knew that checking to see if he got a text every minute wasn’t normal, or whip his head toward the door every time a customer came in.
so felix spent another night in his bed, phone in hand, staring at the text that he sent.
would it just be easier to forget about you? it’s not like he had anything going with you anyway.
it was only when he set it down for the night and closed his eyes that it began to ring, and he sprang right back up, eyes widening as he stared at the caller ID.
it was minho.
“hello?” felix answered, voice filled with sleep.
“you were upset at work today,” he stated, “is it because of that girl?”
“you could see it?”
“everyone could. like we always do.”
“i’m just gonna try to forget about it.”
“what do you mean?”
“you have her number, right? come clean, text her that you were nervous. ask to meet up.”
“like a date?”
“exactly. ask her on a date.”
felix chewed on his lip, anxiety clouding his judgment once again. would he have the courage to even do that?
“chan said that you’re not allowed to work until you sort out your sadness. and nobody wants to cover your shifts, man.”
when minho hung up the phone, felix laid back against his pillows, letting out a breath of air that he didn’t know he was holding. then he checked his pulse.
opening your texts, he began typing. ‘i lied. it was something weird. you’re really pretty. you can block me if you want.’
he deleted the message.
‘i meant to ask for your number in a not-friend-way,’
‘sorry for the other day. i was anxious and said the wrong thing, but i really wanted your number because i think you’re gorgeous. do you want to go out sometime?’
he sent the message and resisted the urge to chuck his phone across the room. instead, he threw it back down onto the bed, grabbing the nearest pillow and squeezing it as hard as he could.
minutes later, felix heard his phone buzz. he scrambled to pick it up.
‘that’s ok. i was a little disappointed, you’re rly cute :)’
it buzzed again.
‘wanna come over tomorrow and watch a movie or something?’
his fingers shook, trying to type back, ‘sounds great! does 5 work?’
you reacted to his text with a thumbs up, and then he was back to squeezing the pillow.
felix didn’t work the next day. instead, he spent the day showering, squealing, spam-texting friends, and preparing for his first-ever date.
when you opened the doorbell, you were met with quite possibly the cutest sight in the entire world.
there felix was, holding a box of freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies in his shaky hands. “i baked these for you, kind of as an apology, kind of because i wanted to impress you. and i know you like the cookies.”
you giggled at his honesty, letting him inside as you took the box, “thank you felix, you’re such a sweetheart.”
he checked his pulse.
“sorry for the mess. i tried to clean a little, but i don’t have people over often.”
“it’s okay,” he was quick to reassure you, “my house doesn’t look all that clean either. kind of comes with being a human.”
you laughed, taking a seat on the couch. he followed your actions.
“so, about the whole number thing,” he toyed with the rip on his black jeans.
“i thought you were really really beautiful.”
suddenly, he was way too aware of how close you were to him. but he wouldn’t let himself get nervous again.
“one of my coworkers was telling me to ask for your number and i was nervous and thought that you wouldn’t like me like that.”
felix sighed, “so i ended up saying the wrong thing and giving you the wrong idea.”
when he looked back up, you were smiling, holding in laughter. “that’s honestly adorable.”
“i got sad, i thought you were just that kind to everyone and that i was developing some crazy ego thinking that a boy as attractive as you would like me.”
“you think i’m attractive?” his ears were on fire by now, completely stiff as you leaned in to look him in the eyes.
“i don’t understand how you don’t know how attractive you are.”
“what do you mean?”
“do i have to spell it out for you?”
“i think you’re gorgeous.”
“i also think the same about you. you looked so cute eating all happily, and when you smile, it makes me want to kiss you.” he chewed his lip, trying to not regret his bold words.
something tense was in the air, something that made felix’s heart pound a thousand times faster.
“then do it.”
felix froze. was he supposed to tell you that he had never kissed a girl before, much less sat this close to one?
“well, are you going to? or are you getting shy again?”
“i’ve never kissed anyone.” he let his heart thud out of his chest at the confession.
your eyes visibly widened, “you? you haven’t had your first kiss?”
“or held hands with a girl. and i’ve never had a girlfriend.”
“that’s impossible.”
“i don’t know how to prove it.”
“your awkwardness does the job.”
you decided to make a move, “but i can show you how if you’d like.”
felix’s mouth went dry, unsure of what to do or say.
“it’ll come naturally. just let it happen,” you smiled reassuringly as he nodded.
climbing onto his open lap, your hands carded through his blonde hair.
you leaned in to meet his lips briefly, his eyes burning into your own.
it was a soft and gentle kiss, just like him. but his eyes were full of desire for more.
“can i have another?” his hands met your back, pulling you into him.
this time, the kiss lasted longer, so much longer that he began craving more of you, so he did what he saw in all the movies.
he slipped his tongue into your mouth, grinning against your lips in pride at his actions.
felix’s hands traveled to your waist as took your word, letting go of his anxieties and doing what came naturally.
and without even realizing it, he began to take the lead.
all of the feelings were overwhelming. the way that you tugged on his hair, how close your bodies were, the way your tongue felt against his own.
he never wanted to stop.
until his phone began ringing.
you pulled away and he let out a shaky breath, slowly opening his eyes to stare at your features up close.
“felix, your phone,” you reminded him.
he jolted out of the daze, reaching for it.
he was about to just cancel the call when he saw the spam texts, asking where he was.
with a heavy sigh, he answered with you still on his lap.
“did you make up with y/n?”
“be quiet! i’m with her right now!”
you let out a laugh.
“oh! tell her hi!”
felix hung up on his friend with a groan, turning the ringer off.
“can we go back to kissing again?”
“after he’s done blowing you up,” you pointed at the buzzing phone.
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cheri-2047 · 4 months
Genshin date headcanons (venti, lyney, ga ming, kaveh)
if i accidentally mischaracterized them i deeply apologize
warnings: nothing it’s mostly fluff, btw it’s established relationship already
He would love to take you on a picnic up on a hill. somewhere where the sun is in the perfect position and where the winds feel nice.
he would have a basket of all your favorites and a bottle or two of wine. (If you dislike wine, he will bring your favorite drink)
you guys would talk and just do whatever and have fun! This man loves to make you laugh, it makes him feel really happy.
afterwards, you guys go on a gliding date. Going down the hill and going around mondstadt wherever you guys please.
At night, he brings you to the tavern to drink (but then again if you dislike drinking, he will take you out to a romantic dinner).
afterwards when he brings you home, he leaves a flower in your hair and gives you a kiss
this MF would greet you at your house doing a magic trick for you to get a rainbow rose on your hair. He would also say smth flirty as his first greeting like “it was a cloudy day before you, my light has appeared!” Or smth like that
he would take you to his favorite cafe in Fontaine, to have breakfast with you there.
whenever a kid approaches him and asks him to do a magic trick, he would go “alright! But only one okay? I’m on a date with this (if ure a girl, beautiful lady, if ure a guy, handsome man. If ure a diff gender he says with my dearest) and afterwards starts rambling on to the kid about how much he loves you. This man would show you off every single moment he gets.
he would walk you around the streets of Fontaine until he reaches his home. He brings you there and cooks lunch for you, somehow he knows your favorites even if he never told u. This man is strange 😭
after you guys eat he cleans up (and if you offer to help, he would not let you) and you guys cuddle on the couch watching a movie until both of you fall asleep.
He would take you on a dim sum and street food date, all with him paying for it ofc! He would bring you to his favorite street food stalls and you guys get to try the most delicious foods ever.
whenever he sees fellow co-workers, he loves Telling them “I’m on a date!!” He’s really happy and excited you guys are together.
whenever he sees any of his relatives he tells you to run, which actually becomes pretty fun for both of you since ou guys treat it like a heist 😭
When it gets dark, he brings you to a special area in Liyue Harbor. He then performs you a dance that he himself made specifically for you. Obviously this attracts some people so at the end he proudly announces that he made it for his beloved.
He brings you to your home and before you guys part, he hugs you tightly saying “Thank you..I had the best day today my love”
He’d take you to the palace of Alcazarzaray, showing you around. Hed talk about his experiences in making it too.
you guys hang out there for awhile, talking about yourselves and getting to know one another even more
afterwards, he’d take you to an art museum. Both of you then jokingly judge modern art 😭😭😭😭 and just have fun
afterwards HED invite you to his and haithams home. He payed haitham to let him have the date there and for haitham not to interrupt because this man knows haitham would interrupt you guys 😭
he cooks for you and you guys eat together
afterwards you guys play bored games. You personally invite haitham so that you’d have more players and you’d get good entertainment whenever haitham and kaveh are beating each other
when it reaches night, kaveh invites you to stay. You two cuddle on his bed and sleep in each others arms.
sorry this was not proofread at all and that venti’s part is so short 😭 I tried.
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11:37pm | Hwang Hyunjin
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Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x Reader
Request: No.
Synopsis: Hyunjin wants to spend the last thirty minutes of his birthday with his love.
Warnings: Established relationship.
Word Count: 754 - this turned out longer than I expected.
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©️ No one has permission to copy, translate and/or repost my fics on here or any other site. Likes, Comments & Reblogs are welcomed and appreciated. 
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Hyunjin rushed straight from his birthday live to Y/N's apartment, eager to spend the last thirty minutes of his special day with his beloved. Despite exchanging texts and calls throughout the day, it simply wasn't enough for him. Their plans for tomorrow didn't suffice either. He longed to see her, to be in her presence. Due to their hectic work schedules, it had been a whole week since they last met in person. All he wanted for his birthday was to be with her. He made sure to arrive at her apartment by 11:30pm. He would have come sooner, but cutting his birthday live short would have caused some trouble.  
The moment he stepped inside, Y/N found herself enveloped in his arms, causing her to almost drop the small cake and flowers she held in her hands.  
"Happy Birthday!" she exclaimed with excitement as he released her. "I know you've probably had enough cake, but I wanted to get a small one just for you," she rambled on. "I also got you some flo-"  
Her words were abruptly cut off as Hyunjin lips clashed against hers.  
"Thank you," he whispered, his voice brimming with gratitude as he pulled away from the kiss. "But you didn't have to."  
"I know, but I wanted to do something special for you," she replied, beaming from ear to ear.  
"Being with you right now, is all I need,” he says and takes the cake and flowers from her. 
Placing the cake and flowers on the table, he notices a large canvas facing backwards leaning against the wall. Curiosity piqued his interest. He takes a step towards the other end of the table. "What's this?"  
"Nothing!" Y/N exclaims, a hint of panic in her voice. She hurriedly rushes towards the canvas, snatching it from the table before he can get a hold of it. "It's nothing. You don't want to see it."  
"Did you paint something for me, baby?" he asks, his heart swelling with joy at the thought of her creating something special for him. She has always been incredibly supportive and interested in his artwork. She never gets upset when he immerses himself in his makeshift art studio (her spare bedroom) to draw and paint. She encourages him in every way possible, and that's one of the many things he adores about her.  
"Define painting something," she cringes, glancing at the painting in her hands.  
"I really want to see it," he insists, reaching out for the canvas, only for her to step back, shaking her head.  
"Trust me, you don't want to." 
He can see the conflict between wanting to show her painting to him and the fear of what his reaction might be. He takes a step closer, gently placing a hand on her arm, trying to reassure her.  
"Y/N, you know I love everything you do. From cooking me food to how you paint my nails and everything in between" he pleads, his voice filled with genuine curiosity. “You did it for me right? Please let me see it.” 
She hesitates for a moment, her grip on the canvas tightening. Finally, she takes a deep breath, and nods letting him know she did paint it for him. Slowly, she turns the painting around, revealing it to him.  
As his eyes fall upon the artwork, his face lights up. She’s unsure why. On the canvas is a mess of colours, some blended together to make other colours. In the center is a giant outline of a heart in black. In the middle of the heart is their initials ‘H.H + L/N Y/N’.  
“You did this for me?” he asks, once again. “Baby, this is the best gift I’ve ever gotten!”  
“I doubt it’s better than the gifts you got from Versace,” she mutters more to herself. “I could have done better.” 
“What are you talking about?” Hyunjin says letting her know that he heard what she said. “This is perfect and so much better than the gifts I got from Versace. You painted this with your own hands. You made it with love. It is by far the best gift I’ve ever gotten. As soon as I get back to the dorms, it’s going on my wall.” 
He places the painting back on the table, the canvas facing the right way, so the painting is on display. He pulls Y/N back into his arms and presses another kiss to her lips. “I love you.” 
“I love you too,” Y/N replies, kissing him back. “Happy Birthday, my love.” 
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fallenneziah · 6 months
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Being his present to you for Christmas.
NSFW, Christmas blurb special, whiny Johnny, Afab reader. No pronouns used.
You can read the Ghost installment here.
Johnny had been acting weird all December. You tried to brush it off as his childlike excitement for Christmas coming back around.
But oh were you so wrong. You didn't expect for the excitement to stem from how he had messily wrapped himself in large ribbons. On his knees by the tree, arms crossed behind his back. You were a little surprised to see him kneeling naked, cock hanging flaccid between his legs.
He smiled up at you. "There you are. Was worried you'd miss out on presents."
Your cheeks went a little pink, seeing the half opened box with a small bow on it. Inside those familiar aphrodisiac chocolates.
"What's all this about?" You ask.
"It's simple." Johnny smirked. "I wanna give you a present. Something no one else can."
You were a bit excited.
"So that's why you were so giddy." You realize.
He hums, smiling and leaning his head up to meet you in a kiss. His tongue finding your mouth, slowly kissing you open.
"Maybe" he mumbles against your lips.
You kneel down, picking up one of the chocolate packs blindly and unwrapping it. Johnny smiles into the kiss, eyes darting over as you peel the chocolate off. Once it's off, you pull back from the kiss, placing the small bite between his teeth.
Diving back into a sloppy kiss, Johnny moaning softly as you both manage to break the chocolate, each getting a piece.
"Mm, fuck baby." Johnny purred, his arousal immediately sparking back up like a rushing fire in his stomach.
He groaned, trying to grind his hips up into you, already getting ahead of himself, excitement taking over.
"Already?" You teased, breaking another chocolate piece.
"Yeah, yeah," he whined, "you know what those chocolates do to me."
You pulled the ribbon slowly down his thighs, feeling the rough skin. The scars littering up his leg hair, nimble fingers wrapping around his cock.
Johnny bit his lip, chasing your lips for more of you. Instead you pull away, tugging his cock gently, stroking your hand up and down the length.
He looked down, baby blues watching as his cock came alive in your hand. "Fuck.. makin' it grow in your hand." He leaned his head back, his thick cock hardening as you tugged.
Spitting into your fingers and laying down onto your stomach, lips wrapping around the head.
Johnny watched you, groaning as you licked up his cock, swallowing down around it, tongue guiding the bottom of his heavy girth.
"Yeah baby, fuck that's it." Johnny watched, breathing heavily as you took his cock. Trying to rock his hips a little to encourage you.
Dragging your lips up and down over his heavy length, his cock already weeping from having sat there so long without your help.
"Come on love, it's Christmas, give me a little more." Johnny bucked his hips, trying to make it to the back of your throat.
Instead you kept a firm hand on his base, sucking up and down at a good pace. Your other hand reaching down to squeeze and fondle his balls.
Johnny was growing frustrated, "fuck, come on," he whined, trying to rock his hips forward into your mouth.
"You're supposed to be enjoying the show." You said, pulling back and licking up his cock.
"I wanna make you choke on my dick." Johnny groaned, leaning his head back.
"Maybe if you ask nicely." You hummed, sucking his head back into your mouth.
Johnny grunted, trying not to let the pleasure of your mouth and the aphrodisiac get to him too quickly.
"Baby I want you on that dick. I want you fuckin' choking on it."
You suck him in a little deeper, making his eyelids flutter. "Oh yeah baby. Taking my cock like it's nothing to you. So fucking good for me like that." He moaned, rattling off a paragraph from his arousal.
"F-fuck, shit I want it baby. Can I just fuck your mouth? Please? Wanna cum down your throat." He rambled, the chocolate finally kicking into gear, his hips bucking into your mouth.
You tried to keep him still but his body was much stronger against yours, even in his pathetic thrusting. His cock sloppy on your tongue, veins already pulsing and length heavy on your tongue.
He drooled, biting his lip and whining. "Fuck take it deep, deeper love."
And, it was Christmas, he went through all the trouble for you. So you did. Pressing him further down your throat, relaxing your gag reflex and took him deep.
His baby blue eyes filled with lust, wiggling his wrists out of his restraints, managing to slip the tight ribbon up over his shoulders to his neck, hands finally free.
He caresses your hair and guided you down on his cock, grinding his hips up into your face.
You held him down by his pelvis, trying not to let him hurt you. "Oh shit, I'm gonna cum baby. You're so good. Taking my cock. I'm gonna cum, you're gonna make me cum."
You groan, tongue swirling around his cock, his hand tightening in your hair. His fist pulled you down, caressing your cheek with the other.
"Fuuuucck," Johnny groaned, bucking up into your throat.
"Gonna fill you up," he grunted, "cummin'," his voice hitched.
Cum flooded your mouth, Johnny's head falling back as he moaned.
"Oh ho... Oh darlin'." He panted, keeping his cock in your mouth a little longer before pulling out. Cum spurting down your chin, his cock twitching a little.
"Fuck... You opened the Christmas present." He shuddered, pulling the last of the ribbon off.
You tried to wipe your chin, giggling as he pushes you back gently, crawling over top of you so you laid on your back.
He pressed his hard cock up against you, lifting up your legs to his shoulders and pulling down your fuzzy pajamas pants. Seeing your pussy already getting excited, he prodded the head of his weeping cock to your panties, whining a little.
"Baby I need this," Johnny groaned, pressing his head against your entrance.
"Wait wait-" You tried to protest, but Johnny's mind was already gone, his hands pinning your wrists above your head.
He leaned down, kissing you, his tongue prodding into your mouth, feeling you start to relax. He grinded against your panties, pushing them aside and sliding his cock against your slit.
You attempted to move, even with one hand he kept you right where he wanted. Sliding his thick cock into your tight pussy.
Johnny's moan muffled by your mouth, his eyes rolling back and eyelids fluttering shut.
"Oh my god." He whispered, bucking his hips.
His length sank in and out of you. The wet sounds of your stretching pussy around his thick, heavy cock.
You wrapped your legs around his waist as he fucked you on the carpet. Kissing you until he lost his breath and all he could think about was you. Hips meeting yours, hearing you whine and juices run down between your labia, coating his cock.
He leaned back up, looking down and seeing his cock sink inside, pulling out glistening and dripping, plunging back in.
"You look so good." Johnny groaned, watching you take his cock, "so fucking good, oh my god."
You moaned, mouth falling open the more he went. Bucking his hips into you and watching your pussy take him so well. Squeezing your sweet, warm walls over his heavy length.
His pace increased, having both of you a moaning mess until he couldn't take it.
He kept going, faster and faster, making your pussy clench. His cock slammed into your g-spot and you lost it, cumming on his cock. "Johnny- oh shit!" You cursed breathlessly. His eyebrows furrowing, whining and pulling out. He looked down, desperately jerking his cock, cum spurting from his head again, landing across your stomach.
You both panted, sitting there for a moment before relaxing. Johnny slumped a little, letting go of his pulsing cock, rubbing two fingers through your slicken mess.
"I wanna do this all day..." He pants.
"Is that what you want? This the only present you want?"
He nods, leaning down to kiss you. "All I want, you're all I want."
I know it is fairly small but I want to get all of these done for Christmas. If you guys liked this one... Who should I do next in line for Christmas??
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gay-dorito-dust · 11 months
♥️💙 I thought this is cute but Please request like this kinda a prologue but the day when Gabriel was born, Miguel is holding his son for the first time and thanking shyreader for giving him a chance being a father. https://www.tumblr.com/gay-dorito-dust/719858448136896512/would-you-be-willing-please-to-write-a-miguel-x
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When Miguel caught wind that you were going into labour, nothing else mattered in that moment to him other then being there with you to welcome the new life you both had a hand in creating.
Lyla had never seen this man move as fast as he did upon hearing the news that it almost replicated how he reacted when you told him that you were expecting; worried, scared, frightful, all of which hid the underlying excitement and happiness that he felt. And if she was being honest? It was defiantly a welcomed change to the usual brooding, solemn, isolated male she was use to, and she had you to thank for that.
Not only does Lyla thank you for coming into Miguel’s life when he needed someone with a gentle touch, but also for bringing back life and optimism into Miguel’s life. She may take the piss out of him now and then but she only did so in hopes of helping him lighten up from loosing…everything.
‘Want to hold your baby?’ You asked Miguel, looking up from admiring the bundle of joy that was fast asleep in your arms, his tiny hands gripping onto you tightly.
‘Are you sure? I don’t want-‘
‘You won’t hurt him,’ you cut him off to sooth his worries, ‘you could never hurt our Gabriel. He’s as tough as his daddy, or so I’m told.’
Miguel visibly perked at this. ‘Gabriel.’ He repeated the name that came out of his mouth as a whisper filled with fondness with a hint of bittersweetness for the past long gone. ‘Yeah, I named him Gabriel, in honour of Gabriella, I know how special she was to you and I wanted to keep her memory alive in anyway I could.’ You told him, unsure as to how he would react to your reasoning behind it but you didn’t expect to see tears streaming down his face.
Naturally you assumed his tears were a result of you reopening his old wounds, you tried to raise a hand to wipe away his tears without waking up Gabriel, ‘I’m sorry sweetheart, I can change the name of it’s too much, I didn’t meant for you to cry.’ You rambled on but were cut off when Miguel held your hand to his cheek, pressing a flurry of kisses into your palm, whispering praises into your skin. ‘Don’t apologise my beloved.’ He reassured you, letting go of your hand so it could go back to cradling Gabriel as Miguel rested his forehead against yours, purring softly, which never failed in drawing a smile on your face as you felt yourself physically relax into him when you knew that Miguel wasn’t upset.
‘I’m just incredibly thankful for you for blessing me with the opportunity to be a father.’ Miguel told you before pressing another flurry of kisses into your forehead. ‘You deserve this Miguel, you deserve to live the life you’ve always wanted, to live the life as a father to our baby boy who very much would like to be held by you.’ You told him as you gently passed the small bundle over to Miguel, who held him snug against his chest as he looked down at his son with so much love and affection that it almost made you cry just looking at him.
Miguel could immediately tell apart which features Gabriel had inherited from you and the ones he inherited from him by the way his chubby little hand was reaching out to grasp at something; only to make little noises of disgruntlement when he couldn’t latch onto anything but air. ‘Daddy’s here Gabriel, I’m right here, I’ll always be right here, there’s no need to get stressed.’ Miguel cooed as he managed to free a hand to stroke his son’s warm chubby chipmunk cheeks, chuckling to himself when he saw how quick Gabriel was to latch a hand onto his pointer finger. Gabriel’s grasp was a strong one that Miguel knew he wouldn’t be surprised if his son had inherited some of his spider-abilities.
‘You and your mother are both blessings to me, I hope you know that Gabriel and just know that for you and your mother, I’d do anything to keep you both safe…I can’t afford to loose you both…I’d loose my mind if I did. So I’m sorry if I come off as overprotective but just know it comes from a good place.’ Miguel states as he looked over at you when he felt you head rest against his bicep; only to see that you were fast asleep. A smile broke out of Miguel’s face as he leaned over to press another kiss to your forehead. ‘Thank you for all your hard work in bringing about our baby boy, now it’s time for you to rest and to let me take care of you both because that’s what a father does; protects his family.’
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soulaires · 1 month
I know your requests are closed but I just wanted to send this in incase I forgot, anyways imagine Aaron taking care of Baby Dior (like when she was 3 months and still a baby) while reader was gone🤭🤭🤭
My love mine all mine.
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PAIRINGS — girl dad!Aaron Warner x mom!Reader
SYPNOSIS — you are in a (much needed) day out with your friends so daddy aaron took over.
baby dior and daddy aaron bonding time <3
ⓘ :: domestic fluff, married life, fluff, girldad!warner, baby dior and aaron bonding, dior is a menace in bath time, NOT proofread so there will be errors …
RiE’s 💌; hope you guys liked this one! I still don’t take requests at the moment but I wanna get back to writing soon so here is something for y’all since its been awhile 🫂 btw did u guys missed me ☹️
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As you kissed your husband goodbye and waved at your baby girl, Dior, a wave of uncertainty washed over you. Maybe you should just cancel and stay home with Aaron and Dior, you thought, feeling guilty at the prospect of leaving them alone. "Maybe I should just cancel and stay ove—"
"My love, we will be okay," Aaron interrupted gently, his reassuring voice cutting through your doubts. "Go and have fun, sweet love. You deserve a rest, hm?"
"But—" you began, only to be silenced by Aaron's lips pressing softly against yours. "Love," he warned.
It was your first girls' day out since Dior was born, and while you were eager for some much-needed relaxation, leaving your husband and daughter behind felt strangely weird.
“Okay, okay..” you wield with a smile, planting another soft kiss on Dior's forehead and then Aaron's lips. “Call me if you need anything, okay?”
"We'll be fine, sweetheart," Aaron reassured you, his warm smile melting away any lingering worries. "Go enjoy your day with the girls. Dior and I have got this."
He smiled, his hand reaching out to gently cup your cheek. “Everything will be alright, darling" he assured you, his eyes filled with confidence. "We'll have a daddy-daughter day and make it an adventure, won't we, little miss?”
Dior, who had been playing with her plushies nearby, let out a happy gurgle in response, seemingly oblivious to the conversation happening around her.
You hesitated for a moment, torn between the desire to spend time with your friends and staying over with your little family. But as you looked into your husband's eyes, you knew that everything would be okay.
With a final kiss, you stepped out of the door, feeling a mix of excitement and guilt tugging at your heartstrings. As you drove away, you couldn't shake the feeling of leaving a piece of your heart behind, but you pushed the thoughts aside, determined to make the most of your day out.
Meanwhile, back at home, Aaron cradled Baby Dior in his arms, “guess it's just you and me huh, princess?" he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss on her rosy cheek.
With Dior snuggling in his embrace, Aaron set about their day, his heart overflowing with love and determination to make it special for his precious daughter.
Yeah, he got this. He did not read some books and took some lessons about being a first time dad for nothing.
He'll make you proud.
After playing with his daughter, he prepared their lunch and dior’s milk. He hummed a soft tune as he prepared a bottle of milk, expertly measuring out the formula and testing its temperature with practiced hands. He then made the baby’s food.
As Dior suckled contentedly on her bottle, Aaron gazed down at her with adoration, marveling at the miracle of her existence. "You're growing so fast, baby," he murmured, brushing a stray lock of hair away from her forehead. "But no matter how big you get, you'll always be my little angel."
His daughter just continued with her thing, completely oblivious to her fathers rambling. “Alright, baby I will just wash my hands, hm? Be a good girl for daddy okay? I will be back ” it only took him approximately 10 seconds before running back to his daughter.
10 seconds and it was a mess.
Oh well.
10 seconds and his lovely princess decided to express her creativity by splattering milk and baby foods all over herself and the surrounding area, much to Aaron's amusement.
“Well, it looks like we've got a little artist on our hands,” Aaron chuckled, wiping away the mess with a cloth and earning a gurgling giggle from Dior in response.
With the mess cleaned up, Aaron scooped up Dior in his arms and made his way to the bathroom for her bath. Bath time with Dior was always an… adventure, dare he say. As Aaron filled the tub with warm water and added a few drops of baby wash, Dior squirmed and her chubby legs kicked.
"All right, little one, time to get cleaned up," Aaron said with a strained smile, lowering Dior into the water and waiting for the impact.
Aaron Warner does love his daughter but hell, Dior was no saint nor angel when it comes to bath time she absolutely hated it, and she made it his tiny life’s mission to make sure her parents dreaded it as well.
“Princess, please, just cooperate with me," Aaron pleaded, his voice tinged with exhaustion as he struggled to keep his squirming daughter still in the warm bathwater.
Aaron's confidence dissolved into thin air the moment his baby's cries pierced the air, reverberating through the tiled bathroom. He felt a pang of guilt wash over him, unable to bear the sound of her distress.
Oh, God. It hurts to hear her cry.
Warner honestly couldn’t believe something could cry as much as Dior without passing out, the wriggling baby wailing her heart out in an attempt to persuade her dad to release her. “I’m sorry, baby girl, but you brought this upon yourself,” he sighed, gently massaging bubbles onto his daughter's belly as her tiny feet kicked water at him, clearly attempting to escape.
Searching for a solution, Aaron hastily reached for a bottle of soapy liquid, praying that its mysterious contents would alleviate his daughter's distress.
As if by magic, Dior's cries ceased the moment the scent of her mother's soap enveloped her, her sobs replaced by contented murmurs and coos, her tension gradually melting away.
Finally calm in her dad's embrace, Dior succumbed to the soothing influence of the soap, her grip tightening around Aaron's finger as her little nose wrinkling and eyelids occasionally fluttering open and closed.
Understanding his daughter's longing for her mother, Aaron tenderly bathed her, silently empathizing with her yearning as he washed her delicate skin, taking advantage of her drowsiness to ensure a thorough cleansing.
“mhm..” Aaron hummed, finally understanding the cause of his daughter's untamable mood. “You just miss mama, huh?” he murmured, gentle as he picked up a sponge, running the soft material along the cooing baby’s chest and belly, taking advantage of the sleepy mood that seemed to come over the little girl.
“Yeah.. me too, baby” was all he could think to say, honestly relating to the fit his daughter had thrown over missing her mother, Warner feeling the same way—well, minus the screaming and crying.
Finishing the bath, Aaron leaned down to press a kiss on the sleepy dior forehead. "Let’s get you to bed," he whispered, hand cupping some water to rinse her and dressing her up in her pajamas before he gently lifted her to his chest, head resting against his shoulder.
Aaron went a b-line to diors room as he cradled Dior in his arms, singing her a lullaby to lull her to sleep.
"Moon, tell me if I could
Send up my heart to you?
So, when I die, which I must do
Could it shine down here with you?."
Dior, nestled against Aaron's chest, seemed to respond to the comforting melody, her breathing slowing as she drifted closer to sleep. Her tiny hand grasped at the fabric of Aaron's shirt, seeking solace in his warm embrace.
"Cause my love is mine, all mine
I love mine, mine, mine
Nothing in the world belongs to me
But my love mine, all mine, all mine
My baby, here on earth
Showed me what my heart was worth
So, when it comes to be my turn
Could you shine it down here for her."
Aaron swayed as he gently swing his daughter to sleep, humming while caressing her chubby cheeks.
“Cause my love is mine, all mine
I love mine, mine, mine
Nothing in the world belongs to me
But my love mine, all mine
Nothing in the world is mine for free
But my love mine, all mine, all mine”
As the last notes of the song faded away, Aaron pressed a tender kiss to Dior's forehead, With a contented sigh, he continued to sway gently, the rhythm of his movements lulling Dior into a peaceful slumber.
Aaron settled her into her cozy crib for a nap, carefully tucking her in with a soft blanket and placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Sweet dreams, my darling," he whispered, his heart swelling with love as he watched her drift off to sleep.
With Dior peacefully resting, Aaron took the opportunity to tackle some chores around the house, all the while keeping a watchful eye on the baby monitor to ensure Dior was safe and sound. He washed the dishes with practiced efficiency, tidied up the living room, and even managed to squeeze in a load of laundry, all while stealing glances at the monitor every few minutes to check on his sleeping daughter.
As the day wore on, Aaron found himself counting down the minutes until your return, eager to share with you the precious moments he and Dior had shared together. He imagined your face lighting up with joy.
Finally, the sound of the front door opening brought a smile to Aaron's face, and he hurried to greet you, his heart brimming with love and excitement.
“Welcome home, my love,” he said, enveloping you in a warm embrace and pressing a kiss to your lips. “Did you have fun, baby?”
You nodded, your eyes shining with happiness as you gazed at Aaron. "It was wonderful, but I missed you both terribly," you admitted, your voice tinged with emotion.
"We missed you too, my love," Aaron replied, his gaze softening as he looked at you and inhaling the familiar scent of home.
As you pulled away from the hug, you couldn't help but notice the absence of your daughter. "Where's Dior?" you asked.
"She's already fast asleep in her room," Aaron explained, gesturing towards the hallway.
"Well, I hope she didn't give you too much trouble," you joked, grateful for Aaron's patience and love.
"Not at all," Aaron replied with a chuckle. “except for the bath part. a nightmare, honestly” he joked, while you softly giggle, beautiful eyes shining and ge can't help but stare at it with adoration.
you are home. home with him. home with dior.
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🏷 :: @ravisinghs-wife @ab-baybay @aaronwarnerobsessedmylove @cosmicswan @nomournersonefuneral @corpsedoll777 @lilyevansstudygroup @arinexeisnotworking @reminiscentreader @seaveysoceaneyes @luvv4evaabaemh @kindnessspreads
To be added, please let me know! And make sure your account can be tagged!! (accs that have line on it can't be tagged bc of their settings)
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bisexuallsokka · 2 months
25 from the prompt list!! :)
25. a kiss as a 'yes'
Zuko can't keep his eyes off Sokka.
This is nothing new, of course. At this point in their years of marriage, preceded by years of friendship that turned into years of dating, Zuko is sure he has spent hours of his life staring at Sokka.
This, though...this is different.
He watched Sokka's brilliant smile all night as he played and talked with his niece and nephews for hours. He saw Sokka running around with them, playing tag and hide and go seek and half a dozen games the kids had invented until Sokka needed to rest his knee and found himself with a lap full of three young kids mere moments after sitting down. Zuko smiled fondly as Sokka read the three of them books until all four of them were on the verge of falling asleep. Zuko saw every hug and forehead kiss he gave the kids as they said their goodbyes, saw Sokka's eyes getting misty at their protest of his leaving, saw the content smile on his face as he drove.
Once they are home and getting ready for bed, Sokka catches him looking a few times until he grins and teases, "Is there something on my face?"
Zuko smiles. "No. I just...I love how much you love those kids. I love them too, of course, but you are crazy about them. It's cute."
"Yeah, well, I can't help it that they are so cute."
"They're getting so big," Zuko says. "Do you ever...miss when they were smaller?"
Sokka shrugs. "I thought I would, but I love seeing their personalities emerge as they grow. It's so funny seeing them act just like Aang or Katara."
"Don't you miss their newborn snuggles though?" Zuko asks.
Sokka eyes him suspiciously. "Obviously. I'm not a monster. Wait, did you-" he starts, eyes lighting up for a moment before he calms down. "Never mind. No way is Katara pregnant, she's told me she's done having kids." He still gives Zuko a side eye, and Zuko laughs.
"She's not pregnant, no. We were talking about something else all night."
"Okay," Sokka says, giving him his full attention, now definitely on Zuko's case. "It has to do with babies?"
Zuko nods, trying his hardest to not betray his nervousness. He's not nervous about what he's trying to ask Sokka, he knows he wants it, but he also knows how badly Sokka wants it, so Zuko wants this moment to be special. Sokka, looking confused, just waits for Zuko to elaborate, and Zuko swallows. "Well, I've been talking with Azula-"
"She is pregnant?" Sokka says, eyebrows shooting up, and Zuko can't help but laugh at the bewildered expression on his face.
"No, definitely not," he says quickly. "She just-- well, you see, she's been...she's a lawyer, yeah? And not the kind that we...but she has connections...she has some good recommendations..."
Sokka looks completely lost, so Zuko stops, takes a deep breath, and says, "She gave me a list of good family lawyers. Ones that have experience with adoption cases."
At first, he thinks Sokka hadn't heard him, he's more still than Zuko has ever seen him in his life. But then, his eyes widen, barely enough for Zuko to notice. Zuko doesn't think he's even breathing.
"This is something that we have talked about but we always dropped it, leaving it for some future discussion because we were busy or low on money or distracted by one thing or another. I know how badly you want kids, and I was nervous about it at first, but now I know how badly I want to have kids with you, and it's been all I can think about the last few times we have been at Katara's, and I swear she read my mind because she started talking about it tonight and everything just feels right, so if you are ready, if you think it's a good time-"
He doesn't get to finish his rambling. Sokka shoots across the room, his hands gently cradling Zuko's face as he looks into his husband's eyes. Sokka's own eyes are wide and excited and so damn beautiful, and he says, "You're serious?"
"More serious than I've ever been ab--hmmph!"
He's taken by surprise as Sokka interrupts him again, this time with a kiss so fierce it honestly kind of hurts. Zuko smiles into it nonetheless, his arms reaching for Sokka's waist to pull him closer.
Sokka's lips widen into a smile as well, and when they pull back, Zuko asks, "So is that a yes?"
"Of course it's a yes, you dumbass," Sokka says, going for exasperated but failing as his tears are overflowing and Zuko reaches a hand up to wipe them away, not registering his own tears until Sokka does the same for him.
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cosmal · 1 year
𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 — 𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤
day five of my christmas drabble advent calendar
summary — sirius is your secret santa.
warnings/tags — fem!reader, she/her
note — i literally know nothing about walkmans im sorry.
Sirius, in a best-friend-only sort of way, spends an entire week looking for your secret santa gift.
Not because he has zero clue about what to get — after the stars had aligned and he pulled your name from Remus’s beanie, his mind has been plagued with ideas about gifts for you.
There’s one gift he’s set on. He has been since you mentioned you wanted it a month ago. It was a quick, but in depth conversation. But he remembered.
He remembers you sitting upside down on his bed, rambling about some special edition walkman that had just been released. How it’s really pretty, it has gold trimming around the edge, it’s battery life is longer, something about the audio that Sirius couldn’t understand, and that you’d never have enough money to buy it.
You hadn’t really rambled, you’d spoken about it like you desperately needed it and Sirius had sat there and taken in every word you’d said like it was gospel. That’s how it usually is. You speak, Sirius listens like the lovesick best friend that he is.
Now, sat in a circle with his friends, Sirius feels like he could throw up. Lily, the lovely friend that she is, has dealt out everyone’s presents and it’s about to be your turn. He hasn’t even looked at the red box in his lap. He would, if he could take his eyes off of you.
After James stops beaming about the gift that Remus had bought him (you all know that you’re not supposed to say who bought what, but half of you can’t keep your mouths shut) it’s your turn to open yours.
Everyone has their eyes on you. He can tell you’re hating it, you keep touching your hot cheeks and you’re rambling some stupid joke about the wrapping job. He thinks it’s well deserved, Sirius wrapped and re-wrapped that present ten times over.
“Godric, Y/N, just rip it!” James groans, ever the impatient one.
“The paper’s too pretty,” you explain, doing your best at keeping it intact.
It is pretty. Sirius had also spent a stupid amount of time picking it out.
Once you finally get it open, and you can actually see the label, Sirius doesn’t think he’s ever seen your face look so bright. You look down at the present, then up at him, back at the present. You get up from your spot and Sirius thinks you might be upset.
You walk towards him, then in his nervous mind, he thinks you might hit him for whatever reason. Instead, you tackle him into the couch. Arms wrapped around his neck, knees pressed into his thighs. Sirius laughs madly.
“Thank you,” you murmur into his hair. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” You sound like you might cry. He would hate that. Or love it. He’s really proud of himself for not fucking up.
Sirius let’s himself bathe in your affection. He selfishly lets his hands rub up and down the length of your back. “It’s okay,” he says, all quiet and entirely too dazed.
You pull back and Sirius misses the heat of your mouth against his neck. The sound of your little excited gasp. You look so happy but also like you’re trying to hold it back. He feels the exact same way but for a completely different reason.
You let yourself climb off of him, apologising if you hurt him in your elated tackle.
“You didn’t,” he smiles. Then, because he’s dizzy off of your happiness, he lets himself say, “I quite liked it actually.” You smile into the back of your hand.
He’s too pleased when you don’t go back to your spot and decide to settle down next to him. The heat of your thigh against his is maddening, the urge to let his hand fall on top of it is worse.
Everyone falls back into chatter, watching Remus unwrap his present next. You can’t keep your eyes off the present in your lap. Sirius can’t keep his eyes off of you.
Once everyone has opened their presents and it’s just the two of you left in the loungeroom, Sirius sits and watches you fiddle with the walkman. After it had taken you ten minutes to actually want to open it up. You’d sat there and read the box over and over, smiling so hard Sirius had to bite his lip.
“Pass me the tape?” you ask, opening the player up. Clicking and pressing buttons.
He hands you the cassette, a well worn one that you’ve listened to more times than your own voice, and you slide it into place, snapping it shut.
You fiddle with the ear buds and hand him the left one with a small smile, “We should share the first song.”
Sirius takes it and places it in his ear. You let your head fall against his shoulder as the first track starts to play. Your head is a grounding weight he needs to feel. He feels like he’s floating.
After the song finishes, he asks, “How’d you know it was me?”
Before the track can change, you reply, “Because no one listens to me like you do.”
It’s half true. He knows your friends listen to everything you say. He also knows that he can recite every minute detail about you if given the chance. He knows you better than he knows himself. He’s more than okay with that.
“Right,” he smiles. He likes knowing that you think that too.
“Thank you, Sirius. Really,” you say. The song is loud in his ear but he has no troubles drowning it out to listen to you.
“It’s okay, sweetheart.”
You turn you head so your mouth his pressed into his shoulder and you kiss him there gently. Over the cotton of his t-shirt.
He thinks it could be the start of something more. If he’s lucky.
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seung-mong · 10 months
help can we get a hurt / comfort but still smutty pt2 to that chef!minho drabble !!
omg no bcus for real after he fucks you he's literally obsessed.
he tries to remind himself to stay professional, you're still both here to work and uphold the reputation of his restaurant. he can't have you feeling like you're his favorite. he also cant have you feeling that since you're his favorite, you'd get special treatment. but minho can't help himself.
he needs to spoil you, needs to remind you every day that you're his and his alone. he's a naturally possessive man, and who wouldn't be? especially when it comes to pretty little you with your cute little smile and oh, when you stutter out an apology for being late? god he can literally feel his heart melting.
but besides his possessive nature, there's a side to minho that you are yet to discover.
he's protective of what's his.
you knock on minho's office door, trying to keep the tears at bay, swallowing down the lump that's stubbornly lodged in your throat. minho smiles when he sees your silhouette, putting aside his laptop.
"come in."
minho's smile starts to fade when he sees you, tears already streaking down your cheeks as you look to the floor. you awkwardly shuffle on your feet after closing the door behind you, head hanging low in shame as you refuse to let him see you cry.
and minho sees red.
who the hell made you cry? dont they know he's the only one who can make you cry? or are you hurt? did somebody do something to you?
"what's wrong, kitten?" minho tries to keep his voice steady, feigning composure.
you only sniff, still refusing to look minho in the eyes.
he swears to god if it was that bitch soyeon again.
"uhm- there's... there's someone who wants to speak with you chef." your voice is small, and minho catches the way your breath shakes at the end of your sentence.
"who, y/n?" his voice is stern.
"he- the critic, mr. park- he came again and asked for that impossible dish of his with the beef wellington and the consomme and i messed up again and i'm so so sorry, minho. he- he spat it out right in front of me and i've never been more embarrassed and he... he asked me to fetch you." you start to ramble, genuine fear settling in your stomach when minho exhales loudly, stepping out from behind his desk to walk towards you.
"you served it?" silence when you nod. "what else did he say to you?" his voice is surprisingly soft, gentle fingers finding yours and bringing it up to his chest. "tell me what he said to you."
you look up at him, surprised to see his eyes are gentle despite the harshness of his voice, and you cant help the little tears that start to brim at your waterline, just barely about to fall.
"he- he called me useless, said i was good for nothing. just a pretty face." you hiccup, trying so hard not to break down in front of your boss.
now, minho likes to think he's a level-headed man. he's never snapped at his staff no matter how utterly completely useless they are. never scolded anyone for taking a wrong order, preferring to gently urge them to do better next time.
but this?
he cant let this slide.
he lets out a deep exhale before moving towards you, gently encasing his fingers around your wrist and pulling you towards him.
"follow me. you're going to stand beside me while we have a little chat with mr. park, understood?"
but the thought of going out there, in front of all those people he embarrassed you in front of, sends a wave of panic and fear into your stomach. "minho," you try to pull away from him, but his grip tightens.
"listen to me." his tone is final, dark eyes staring into yours, letting you know there's no point in arguing. "no one makes my girl cry. you understand?"
"yes, sir." you mumble, letting minho lead you past the kitchens and into the dining hall.
minho can see his staff from his peripheral vision, some whispering with excitement with the scene to come, others shaking their heads in disapproval. he weaves through the crowd, hand still clasped tightly with yours. he offers a tight lipped smile to his usual customers, nodding in acknowledgment when others raise their glass to him.
you can feel your cheeks burn when you finally reach a table near the very center of his restaurant, glancing to the side to see that other diners have shifted a little closer to you in hopes of hearing the conversation.
"ah, mr. lee! it's great to see you again." mr. park smiles condescendingly at the young chef, who can only bite the inside of his cheek at the sickeningly sweet tone of the older man's voice.
"wish i could say the same for you." minho mumbles under his breath, but the critic hears him, raising an eyebrow in disbelief.
"excuse me?" he scoffs, dropping his fork next to his plate.
"mr. park, you asked to see me? i'd prefer if we skipped the pleasantries and get straight to the point." minho's voice is firm, fingers still gently intertwined with yours.
mr park's eyes flicker to the way he holds your hand, and leans back into his chair with a chuckle. "so this is what this hostility was about. you're offended that i complained about your...." his eyes rake your figure, sending a shiver down your spine when he smirks. "sous chef? well, i'm a critic mr. lee. i was only being honest. how can a sous chef not know how to make beef wellington?" mr. park adds a condescending laugh and minho can feel the way you shake beside him.
minho fights the urge to jump the man in front of him, instead giving him a tight lipped smile before taking another step forward. "get out of my restaurant."
"excuse m-"
"you don't fucking disrespect my staff, do you understand? i dont give a shit if you're the best critic in this town, write a bad review give us 0 stars i dont give a shit. now, get out of my face before i call security."
mr. park freezes, eyes narrowing before he lets out a dark chuckle. "you're making a big mistake, lee minho. there's plenty of other fine dining restaurants in this town. those who's sous chefs know how to make wellington. you're finished in this town." he abruptly stands, grabbing the table napkin and wiping his mouth before throwing it into his unfinished food.
you feel minho take another step forward, but your grip on his hand tightens as you pull him close to you. "don't."
minho lets out a deep exhale as he looks around, shutting his eyes tight when he realizes that everyone had stopped eating to watch the scene unfold. "i apologize for disrupting your meal. please, have a wonderful rest of your night." his voice is small, but it seems to echo through the silence of the dining hall. he promptly returns to the kitchens, with you trailing behind him- hand still clasped with his.
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"say it for me, baby." minho whispers directly into your ear, cheek almost touching yours as you whimper.
"d-don't make me... s'embarrassing." you whine, knuckles turning white from the tight grip you have on your boss' desk, papers and supplies scattering the floor as his desk threatens to give out from minho's harsh thrusts.
"say it. or i'll stop and leave you here." minho hisses, grip on your hips tight as he thrusts even deeper, tip of his cock kissing the deepest parts of you.
"i'm... i'm more than- a, a pretty face." you huff, voice breaking and cutting off when minho's every thrust.
"what a good girl," he hums, leaning down so his chest presses againt your sweaty back. "no need to listen to anyone else, baby. i know you best, yeah?" he kisses your bare shoulder before his teeth sink in, making you hiss at the pain.
you shudder when hie hands find yours, palm against the back of your hand before he locks his fingers with yours. "need to fuck you properly, get you in my bed. my girl deserves better than a quickie in my office." he huffs, sweetly kissing the back of your neck.
"y-your girl?" you whimper, biting down on your bottom lip when you let out a high-pitched sound from how deep he's fucking you.
"yes. my girl. mine only, you understand?" his hand harshly comes down against your bare ass, sure to leave an imprint of his hand in its wake.
good, he thinks. he wants you to remember how he made you feel every time you move.
"yes, i- i understand." you answer, knowing how well it pleases him when you respond.
"only i can make my girl cry." his voice is threatening, hitting deeper and harder when he starts to feel you shake, knowing how shaky you get when you're close.
minho groans when he feels you clench around him, grip on your hips tightening as he fucks you through your high before he cums, voice thinning as he whimpers at the feel of your pussy milking him. he kisses your back when he calms down, basking in the way your breathing starts to even out. you wince when he pulls out of you, cringing at the feeling of his cum dripping down your thighs.
there's silence as minho cleans you up, digging from behind his desk for a couple of wipes before he gently starts wiping at you.
"don't listen to what they say about you, do you understand?" his voice is suddenly serious, planting a soft kiss on your inner thigh. your cheeks flush at the intimacy, taking minho's hand when he offers to help you stand.
"say it. say you won't listen to them."
"i wont listen to them."
"only to me."
"only to you."
taglist: @abcdefgiwsmcty@n034sy@148-seungmin
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Could you do doll with a worker drone reader that voice often glitches like spamtons voice
Doll x WD!Reader with a glitchy voice
I like this one a lot! But I won't actually add stutter or glitchy effects into the text to make it a bit easier to read for dyslexic people. Also, I will use google translate for the Russian sentences and they will 100% not be correct!
Doll doesn't talk a whole lot, that one is for sure.
She prefers listening to other people talking and a weird habit of hers is to pay attention to how their voices sound like
Do they have accents? In what pitch do they talk? What feeling do their voices give, something calming, something exciting?
She appreciates the unique voices the most. People speaking in different languages or accents, dynamic voices that adapt easily to the mood, etc.
And then there's your voice, the most special of them all
You survived an unfortunate incident against the murder drones but not without scratches.
You'd often stutter, getting stuck on words that were once easy to say.
Your voice also had a gritty and glitchy texture which sounded far from pleasant.
The other workers try not to exclude you. They always try to involve you in their activities because they know it's not your fault your voice is like that.
And yet, they often can't listen to it for long, always cutting conversations short.
It hurt. A lot. People began to talk to you less and less until literally, nobody talked to you. Only a select amount of people felt enough pity for you to try.
Doll wasn't aware of any of that. She always thought you never talked because you were, like her, a listener. And thus, she never approached you for a conversation.
You walked around with a huge of paper stacked on top of each other, covering your vision. Cursing at yourself, you regret offering help to the teacher to carry all the worksheets into the faculty room. But then again, he's the only one that hasn't treated you any differently from the rest. No judgment but also no pity.
Doll's gaze was set on her friend Lizzy as she waved goodbye, not noticing you approach her. You bump into each other, sheets falling everywhere on the ground as you flail around, trying to gather each and every one of them.
"I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention..." You say quickly, avoiding Doll's gaze. She stared in awe, mouth hanging open before snapping back to reality, helping you.
"Все нормально. Я не был осторожен." (Everything is fine. I wasn't careful) Now it was your turn to open your mouth in awe. You never heard any worker drone speak any language other than English. Sure, some came with silly accents but they all stuck to the same language.
"You speak Russian?" You ask, perking up. She looks up at you, handing you the last worksheets, and smiles, nodding her head.
"Ваш голос в уникальном" (Your voice is unique). Your smile falters a little, thinking she's about to say something negative or pitiful afterward. But nothing came. Just her gentle smile and a curious glint in her eyes. "Меня зовут Кукла. Как тебя зовут?" (My name is Doll. What is your name?)
"O-Oh?" She's asking you a question? "My name is..."
Doll somehow always managed to find something to talk about around you. And to your surprise, she never interrupted you nor tried to find an excuse to leave. Quiet the opposite actually, she refused to leave you alone.
While creepy to some to you it felt euphoric. You rambled on and on about your favorite topics, hobbies, and interests and Doll would sometimes share some of her own.
You'd get to know each other a lot in a short period of time. Even though Doll doesn't talk as much you could always tell she was listening intensely to what you said.
It didn't take long for you to start dating. Being this obsessed with each other surely wasn't a normal friendship!
Doll recalls how her mother Yeva described love.
It's like an addicting feeling. Something you always want more of and yet feel empty without. It hypnotizes you and you feel like you can see all the colors brighter and happier than they are even if it blinds you. It's the wind that blows the clouds away and the lullaby's to calm you to sleep.
And in Doll's case, she can't get enough of your voice.
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koilois · 2 years
Two Virgins,
  Peter Maximoff x Reader
Warnings: Smut, sexual content, top! Peter, uses of pet names like 'kitten', popping each other cherry, gentle/rough sex, biting, licking, kissing (ofc), blow-job, basically sex guys..,
i honestly dont see a lot of Peter Maximoff smut, so i thought why not do him first?
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You weren't special, you didn't have a useful ability. Meaning you were needed a lot and didn't get too much attention. Though you didn't mind, everyone described you as Shy, and distant, that's if they knew you.
But Peter, your best friend always described you as amazing, and cheerful, once they got to know you,
The only friend you had was Peter.
You admired him. You did. His self-awareness, his confidence, his gift, his silver hair,
Truth be told you started to grow a huge, small, crush on the fastest man alive. His head pats would make you feel like you were in heaven. Just a touch from that man and you were practically jello. People around you started to notice your change of mood when Peter was next to you.
The only one who didn't notice was.
But that's alright, Peter couldn't like someone like you anyways!
You heard a knock on your room door, you turned your head towards the door as you got up from your bed to open the door.
"H-hello?" You stuttered, opening the door slightly to see Peter. You couldn't help yourself and get excited, Instantly smiling, and swinging the door open. "Yeah?" You raised your voice a little high, everyone was sleeping. Peter. Raised his index finger to your lips, telling you to keep it down. You were going crazy, your eyes looked up at him like a lost puppy.
"Someone's gonna hear us, we're gonna get caught." He warned as he walked in, shutting the door behind him. "So- what brings ya' here Peter?" You asked jumping on your bed and patting the bed silently telling him to take a seat. "Ah, well I wanted to tell you something."
"Look- I know you stole my left other McDon-"
You were interrupted by his lips on yours, you were in shock,
"Look, I like you, and- I maybe shouldn't have kissed you without permission," he rambled, scared that you wouldn't see him fit as a friend, being that he invaded your personal space. He knew how sensitive you were. You didn't say anything. You wanted to but nothing came out. You crawled closer to him, saying nothing, you kissed him again, caressing his jawline. This kiss was deeper, it felt deeper, it felt amazing, he wrapped his arms around your waist making you sit in his lap,
Now it was a heated make-out session.
You pulled away for air, panting, your hands now on his chest. "More. C'mon-" he practically begged. "Anything you want." You slightly moaned, being so needy for any attention from your lover. "Wait- shouldn't we wait? I mean we just confessed our feelings" I mentioned. He shrugged. "It's never too early. Is it?" He shrugged his face getting closer to yours again, lips brushing against each other. "So how far are we going?" He asked, kissing the point of your nose. You were so needy and excited. You wanted him all. All of him, "as far as we can go"
He smiled pulling his shirt off, getting on top of you, and kissing you, not rough, but ever so slightly. His lips were so soft. You felt his stomach, his chest, his collarbones, pulling away from the kiss slowly you took your shirt off, leaving your laced light pink bra on. He practically went wild. You turned away, trying to avoid eye contact, you were so embarrassed
"You're beautiful" he breathed out. He groped your beast, all of this escalated quickly, and it was somewhat overwhelming for you. But you needed him, and he needed you. He unclipped your bra, and before taking it off completely he asked If he could. You nodded your head and so then your bra met the same fate as his shirt.
On the floor.
Groping your breast, you moaned, butterflies in both of the pits of your stomach. You both were practically melting in each other's grasp, he then took your sensitive nipple in his mouth. The other one he has playing with, fiddling the soft bud between his fingers. You couldn't help but moan.
Never felt this sensation before. It felt amazing. Almost too amazing.
Your panties started to be drenched in your natural lube. It started to feel uncomfortable, squeezing your legs to feel some sort of friction between your legs. And it was worked moaning in the process. He noticed what you were doing and stopped what he was doing. He laid you down on the bed- spreading your legs and getting between them. His bigger figure looms over your smaller figure. It was so overwhelming. You almost couldn't believe this was happening. He pulled your skirt down. His eyes never leave yours. He looked at your panties. It was a baby blue color, he could see the damp spot from your wetness. He teased you a bit-- taking his hand and practically palming you through your panties. You took your hands and covered your face with them. "No. Don't do that. You're beautiful, I wanna see your reaction kitten, please. Do that for me" he begged. So desperate to see how good he can make you feel. You did as he asked you, removing your hands from your face, whimpering at the friction he was making you feel. You stopped his movements.
"Let me make you feel good too" you begged. Looking at him, he did so.
You sat up and dragged your hands down his body stopping at his v-line. Kissing under his belly button- just to slightly tease him. He shuddered, looking down at you. You slowly took off his boxers. Being surprised by the length.
This was the first you've ever seen.  The heat between your legs got worse, at the sight your crotch pulsed. You took his dick in your hands. Slowly moving your hand. You licked the tip, admiring your lover's body. Slowly you took him in your mouth. Wrapping your tongue around his length, using your hands to stroke what couldn't fit in your mouth, and you started bobbing your head. He let out a loud moan. Then quickly shut his mouth with his hands. Making him whimper at the pleasure he was feeling.
He took his hands and grabbed your head. You looked up at him. Questioning what he was doing. Your thoughts are interrupted by your hips thrust into your mouth. Saliva ran down his dick and ran down your chin. You gagged as he was down your throat. He whimpered as he pulled out. Not wanting to finish yet. You gasped for air. The lack of air got to you. He looked at your face, saliva running down your mouth, tears running down your eyes, he was practically melting at the sight. "Lay down." He.. demanded?
You did what he said
You laid down. Still out of breath. You were heated, Your whole body was so hot your felt like you were going to have a stroke. He had gotten between your legs taking a deep breath. On his knees- He looked down on you. "Can i- Put it in?" He asked he looked so desperate for your warm hole. Of course. You said yes, He slowly put the tip in.
He was already stretching you out. You had only used your fingers, And it's not like your fingers were thick and long- Your whole body tensed up at the pain, as he continued to push in. Halfway in. More tears started to overwhelm your eyes. placing your hands on his shoulder for some comfort, He noticed this and gave you a look, Asking if he could keep doing it, You said nothing but nodded your head yes. He thrust in Knocking the air out of your lungs, letting out a slight pained moan. Now the pain was mixing with pleasure as the man was balls deep inside you.
He whimpered, his eyelids fluttering, trying to keep his eyes open to see your beautiful facial expressions. This might sound mean on Peter's part, but he liked seeing your face as he stretched your poor virgin pussy out. He pulled out with the sight of a little blood. He had popped your cherry, the mixture of natural lube, and your blood sent him on edge. As he started to thrust his hips at a slow but hard paste, Making you scream out, "Peter! Mm.." He had pressed his hand against your mouth not wanting anyone to hear what you two were doing, He leaned down, whispering how good you felt in your neck while also letting out whimpers with each thrust he made. He started to thrust faster, You swore you could feel him in your stomach, it's what it honestly felt like. Your whole body was shaking at the ecstasy he was making you feel. Pleasurable screams and moans were muffled by his hands. "I love you so- much. Hemp" he whispered into your neck, He then bit into your neck which made you wrap your legs around his waist causing him to go even deeper. Your eyes rolled back. This was everything to you. You felt so complete, you felt as if an unknown god has answered your prayers,
He let go of your neck, then sucked on the mark he made with his teeth, His hips moved faster the bed started to creak and make sounds, At this point, he didn't care, "I'm gonna- fuck. M yes- I'm gonna..Oh god baby." He chanted yes's with each every fast and hard thrust. You were practically turning into jelly. You didnt know sex felt this good.  You thought it was heavily overrated. You were completely wrong. After one last hard thrust, he pulled out his load now on your stomach, Your legs Shaked, as your legs unwrapped around his waist and rested on the comfortable bed sheets.
Word count: 1671!
Please like so this reaches out to more people!
Love you! < 3
Requests: still open
Ill be posting lots of content, So follow to get further updates!
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nackrosor · 2 years
"Because of pizza, duh!"
Eddie Munson x plus size!Reader
Fluff - hurt/comfort
warnings: nothing major, just your mum commenting on your weight and pointing out how fat you are in front of your boyfriend Eddie 🙃
summary: you bring Eddie to your house to spend some quality time together but your mother's unsolicited comments about your weight make your insecurities resurface and your boyfriend has to remind you how much he loves you
word count: 2,8k
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a/n: writing this scenario was not in my plans but it came to me all of a sudden and I had to take it out of my system asap! Also, it's my first time writing for Eddie so I fear I didn't characterise him well 😰 but hey, I hope you like it!
You wanted to show Eddie your latest purchase, a special edition vinyl of your favourite band and do the first listening together. You were so excited at the idea; you couldn't help but grin at Eddie on the whole way back from school to your house, as you animatedly rambled about the rare piece of collection and how lucky you had been to be able to get your hands on it.
Once inside your house, as you made your way to your room, a light growl of your stomach reminded you how hungry you were. You hadn't eaten much at the cafeteria that day and you really craved a snack.
"Let's grab something to eat first", you said to Eddie and entered the kitchen.
Your mother was leaning over the counter, skimming through a magazine. As soon as she noticed you, she smiled warmly at both of you.
"Nice to have you back, Eddie."
"Nice to see you again ma'am."
She liked him, always had and you were grateful of that. She thought he was a good young man, kind and respectful; at least on that you saw eye to eye.
Your mother focused her attention on your boyfriend, asking him about school, his uncle and whatnot. You tried not to snicker; you knew he loathed the small talk your mother usually engaged him in even though he never showed it in front of her. He was in her good graces and intended to keep it that way.
You had reached the pantry in the meantime and started scavenging through the shelves in search of the big sized bag of chips you were sure you had left there a few days ago.
"Here you are!" you whispered to yourself, a triumphant smile on your lips as your fingers found the plastic bag and grabbed it before popping it open, hand eagerly crawling in to catch a potato chip.
"Are you sure you should be eating that?"
Your hand freezed.
You felt your stomach turn, a shiver run through your body. Your eyes immediately landed on your mother. She wasn't even looking at you, her gaze set on the magazine she was nonchalantly flipping the pages of.
"You don't want your clothes to get even tighter, do you?"
Hands squeezing into fists, teeth biting down hard on the soft inside of your cheeks, you were trying your best not to burst out crying right then and there.
"She ripped her jeans the other day", she casually continued, turning to Eddie, "I had to stich up a big hole on the back of them. She couldn't squeeze her big bottom in those jeans anymore... she must have put on some more weight recently."
You felt your boyfriend's eyes on you but you didn't turn, you had no intention to meet his gaze. You couldn't. You were too mortified.
"Your girlfriend here is always hungry, apparently. No one can make her stop eating... But maybe she will listen to you. You'll keep an eye on her, will you dear?"
You thought you heard Eddie try to intervene but your mother didn't let him, turning toward you and rising her voice as she adressed you.
"Unless you want Eddie to leave you because of your weight, mh honey?"
You couldn't take it anymore. It was too much. Each word felt like a direct stab to your stomach. How you wished you had the strength to say something back, to call her out on her bullshit but you couldn't, the lump in your throat made it particularly hard to even make a sound. You knew that if you only tried to open your mouth, you would immediately break down and cry and you couldn't give your mom the satisfaction of seeing you in tears.
Gathering all the will you had left you put the bag back on the shelf and silently left the kitchen, not even glancing back at Eddie or your mother once.
You heard her comment on your sudden reaction but you didn't catch any of her words. On the stairs your pace got faster, you couldn't hold your tears back any longer and you needed to shut yourself inside the safe walls of your bedroom.
As soon as you closed the door behind you, hot tears lined your cheeks and a series of sobs escaped your mouth which you immediately muffled with your hand. You didn't want them to hear you, especially your mother. You didn't want her to know how her words affected you.
How could she talk like that? Why did she say those things?
You were used to your mother's unsolicited comments on your eating habits, on your weight. She couldn't realize how hurtful her words were, how each time she got more and more under your skin and increased the hate you felt towards her but mostly towards yourself. This time however she went too far. She did it in front of Eddie and you couldn't forgive her for doing that.
The double knock on the door made you flinch and you frantically wiped the tears off your eyes, rubbing the hem of your t-shirt down your cheeks.
"It's me, baby. Can I come in?"
Eddie's sweet voice almost made you burst out crying again but you fought back the urge, sniffling hard as you moved toward your bookcase opting to distract your mind by focusing on finding the vinyl you wanted to show him.
"Yeah, come in."
You heard the door open up and close shut, then the light noise Eddie's shoes made against the parquet as he stepped forward in your room.
You didn't turn around. You were still reluctant to meet his gaze. You didn't want him to see your puffy eyes and you hoped he wouldn't mention anything that had just happened otherwise you would definitely start crying again.
"Make yourself comfortable", you said with a line of voice while crouching to look at the lowest shelf of your bookcase, "just give me a moment to find the vinyl."
The noise of your bed's springs made you breathe a sigh of relief. At least he wasn't going to press you on that matter for the moment, or on how you hadn't even glanced at him since he entered the room. You could feel his stare on you though and your mother's comment about your ripped pants immediately made its way back to your mind, making you suddenly self-conscious of your crouched position. You hastily stood up and bumped your head against the edge of a shelf. A breathed "fuck" left your lips.
"Baby, you OK? Are you sure you don't want a hand? I can help you-"
You heard him shift his weight on your bed and you started to panic.
"No!" you huffed with a slightly higher tone than usual which took even you by surprise.
You peered back at him for a moment, long enough to see the frown on his face, before you turned your attention back to the messy stack of vinyls.
"Sorry... but no. Just... stay there. I know it's here, I only need to remember where I put it exactly." You mumbled in a softer tone, in an attempt to reassure and dissuade him from leaving his seat.
You swallowed dry at the audible hurt in his voice but kept on rummaging through your collection, fingers nervously skimming over one cover after the other. The vinyl you were looking for seemed to be nowhere. Where the heck did you put it? You could feel the nerves getting the better of you, a loud sigh escaping your lips. You caressly handled the vinyls now, scattering them on the floor. You could feel your eyes fill with tears once again but tried your hardest to repress them.
"Hey, sweetheart."
You flinched when you felt his hands on you, gently grabbing your forearms to still your frantic movements.
"Hey, it's ok."
A sob escaped you and you tried to cover your mouth with your hand to stifle it but it was too late. He had heard you and that had been enough for him to turn you around in his arms and pull you flush against him in a tight embrace.
"Just let go, sweetheart."
His gentle voice and the warmth of his body made your last walls crumble and you let your tears run free, fingers tugging at the fabric of his tee as you clinged onto him for support. His arms tightened around you to still your trembling body, shaken by a loud series of sobs.
He stayed silent as he comforted you. His hand tenderly caressed your head, slowly brushing up and down your hair while the other hand placed on your lower back kept you tight and safe against him until he felt you gradually relax and your sobbing cease.
"It's for what your mom said, isn't it?"
You hummed, lightly nodding your head.
"I don't like how she talked to you, baby. She was being unnecessarily mean but... hey, I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt you-"
"But she did hurt me, Eddie!" You pulled back as you looked up at him, voice cracking with emotion. "She did! And it's not even the first time she says such things to me... She always reminds me of how fat I am, how wrong I look."
You saw him shake his head, a sad look clouding his eyes. His hands instantly found your face to firmly cup your cheeks, thumbs wiping away the tears from your eyes.
"Sweetheart, nothing's wrong about you."
"Well... she clearly doesn't share your opinion. And...", you lowered your voice and looked down to avoid his gaze, "she has a point. You'll leave me sooner or later."
You pulled away entirely, brushing his hands off of you. "I don't even know why you haven't done it yet, honestly."
You kept your eyes on the floor, unable to look at his face. Your mother's words had made your deepest insecurities resurface. You've always felt unfit to be with someone like Eddie. He was so lean and handsome and funny and literally the sweetest guy you've ever met. He could do so much better than you and yet, he chose you. Why? Sometimes this question weighted so much on you, although not as much as the absence of an answer to it.
"Look at me, baby."
He nudged your face up with his fingers and you reluctantly rised your gaze.
"I haven't done it yet...", he echoed your words with a lecturing tone, "...because I would be so fucking dumb to leave the most perfect girl in the whole world."
You sighed, shaking your head but Eddie kept your chin in place.
"I'm serious, Eddie."
"I'm serious too! I mean, have you seen yourself baby? You're drop-dead gorgeous!"
He took a step back as he said that, eyes roaming up and down your figure, lingering on your hips and on your chest. His eyes rolled back into his head, hands clutching over his heart while he stepped backwards until he found the bed and flopped deadweight on it.
"Fuck baby, you're so hot I can't even look at you without getting a heart attack!"
He turned his head to look at you, flashing you a grin.
You watched him with a straight face. You were used to his theatrics and didn't really feel in the mood to play along.
"Oh no, here we go again!"
His grin turned into a frown, tongue slipping out of his mouth as he turned to stare lifelessly at the ceiling while his limbs started twitching violently, making the mattress crack loudly under him.
You let out a deep sigh but couldn't suppress the small smile that popped up on your face. He always managed to lift your spirit with his quirky antics.
"Eddie, c'mon...", you approached him, grabbing his wrists to make him stop, "I got it! Now stop!" You bent forward, putting your weight on the portion of mattress that sticked out his spread legs so you could better reach his hands and keep them still.
Eddie took advantage of your precarious stance by pulling on your arms, making you lose your balance and fall on him.
"Fuck!" You tensed immediately, hands digging in the the mattress as you frantically tried to keep your body up, not wanting to put your whole weight on him. However Eddie wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you down against him, smiling widely at you.
"Eddie, I'm gonna crush you!
"Oh please do baby."
"Eds!" You groaned, giving another attempt at pulling yourself up but his grip was too tight and you eventually gave up with a sigh.
His big chocolate eyes beamed at you triumphantly.
"Your weight never scared me sweetheart, and never will. Don't let it scare you off, either." He gave your waist a gentle squeeze. "Fuck, if I'm being honest, it even adds to your beauty but hey, that's just me."
The grin that spread on his face, gradually made way to a more serious expression which took you guard off a bit.
"And by saying that I don't mean that if you ever decide to lose weight I won't be attracted to you anymore. It's your body, it's your choice, you can do whatever you want with it baby. But you can be one hundred percent certain that I'd be at your side in every case. And you know why?"
He searched your face, the angle of his lips curling up in a small lovely smile.
"Because I love you, princess. So fucking much. I love literally everything about you... And not your weight nor what your mother thinks of you, not even what you think of yourself can ever change that. You understand?"
You could feel your eyes fill with tears once again, a warm tingly feeling growing in your stomach. The way he was looking at you was so earnest and his words sounded so genuine and sincere. You wondered how could you have ever doubted him in the first place.
"I...", he leaned forward, placing a small kiss on your forehead, "...love...", he pecked the tip of your nose, making you chuckle, "...you." His eyes bored into yours for a lingering moment, the sweetest smile hovering over his lips before he closed the distance, taking your mouth in his in a searing kiss.
His hands travelled eagerly down your back, fingers digging possessively in the soft flesh of your sides, pulling you as close to him as possible.
You lost yourself in the kiss, literally feeling all your insecurities melt away. You responded to his passion, deepening the kiss, fingers tangling in his hair. You wanted to make sure he knew you loved him just as much.
When you pulled back to catch your breath, he leaned his forehead against yours, cradling you adoringly in his arms.
"Now...", he whispered, placing another peck on your hairline, "...what do you say if we go to my trailer, eat the hugest pizza we can find and listen to your vinyl while we cuddle?"
Your heart fluttered in your chest as you smiled back at him, hand moving on his face to caress his cheek.
"That sounds like the best plan ever, Eddie... but we still have to find the vinyl."
You prompted yourself up by both your hands, a frown taking over your features as you looked at the messy pile of vinyls spread on the floor.
Eddie pulled himself up, settling you on his lap while he turned to his right, stretching his arm toward your nightstand. He grinned at your confused face before he revealed the vinyl you were looking for, playfully twirling it in his hand.
"You were too focused on avoiding me that you didn't even glance to the right side of the room."
You rolled your eyes in annoyance but the smile that spread on your lips betrayed you.
"Alright, alright. Now let's go!"
"Mh, why so eager sweetheart?" His hands instantly found your hips and tugged you closer, teeth grazing his bottom lip as he leaned in.
You mirrored his movement, lips brushing against his only to tease him with the lightest of pecks before you pinched him on the side and ran out of the room while he writhed in agony.
"Because of pizza, duh!"
You grinned to yourself when you heard him chuckle and sprint out the door to catch up with you.
"Bested by a pizza! Oh, how can my ego survive such a vile affront!"
[LIKE, REBLOG AND COMMENT TO HELP A POOR WRITER IN NEED. Also consider leaving a tip here on Tumblr or buying me a coffee if you particularly like what you read. Thank you! 🥀]
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ominous-auburn-orbs · 6 months
What if Caine gives Kinger a really cool bug and then Kinger gives him a little kiss
Of course! Tis a classic scenario with this ship.
Caine was listening to Kinger ramble about insects again. He was always amazed by the other's extensive and impressive knowledge. Although, he always felt a pang of sympathy every time he remembered that there were no insects in the circus. Nothing in the code detailed any creatures at all, save for NPCs and the players.
"-and that's how they all evolved to look like their environment!" Caine was drawn back into the conversation- mostly one-way, but he didn't mind- by Kinger finishing his infodump. He felt a bit guilty about losing focus, despite how much he loved the sound of Kinger's voice, especially when he was this happy.
"That's incredibly fascinating, Kinger! I'm impressed with how you're able to retain so much information about these insect collections." Of course, retaining and retelling information was the easiest thing for an AI like Caine. Everything was in his memory and remained there, never changing. Yet he knew how difficult it was for humans to do the same.
"Why, thank you, Caine. I don't remember a lot about anything anymore, to be honest. It would probably be a bit easier to get my details in order if there were any actual insect collections here, heh." Kinger tried to keep the disappointed tone out of his voice. He didn't want to make Caine feel guilty about it or anything, it's not like it was his fault. The circus just didn't have any use for insects. So there were none.
The ringmaster didn't want Kinger to be left wanting. He had to do something about it. The chess piece almost never outwardly complained about anything, which was a large contrast from the rest of the troop, but Caine knew he was unsatisfied. He might not be able to give him, or anyone for that matter, the one thing they truly wanted, but he could always try the next best thing.
"Wait here for a moment, my dear! I believe I can procure something that'll fix all of your worries." Caine clicked his fingers and teleported away to a vast area that stored the game's code. It was akin to the void, save he actually knew what was here. As he started looking for the right strings of binary and words, it hit him that his task may take a bit longer than anticipated.
He clicked his fingers again and appeared in front of Kinger once more. "Perhaps you should just go about your day instead, my dear. I'll fetch you when I'm done."
Kinger was rather confused about what Caine was talking about, but his warm smile assured him that it was nothing bad. "Alright, Caine. I'll just be in my room, if you want to get me." He affectionately petted the ringmaster's head before leaving. It left a pleasantly warm feeling in Caine's chest, serving as a reminder as to why he would go through this struggle for him. It's not like he wouldn't do something like this for any of his performers, but Kinger was always a special case.
Going back to the coding room, Caine set to work. He went primarily off of what Kinger had told him, although he did have to do some research for the finer details. Once he had finished the model, he began to code its mannerisms. He was rather thankful that he had realised earlier on how long it would take. Kinger probably would've stayed standing there for hours on end. The thought did bring a smile to his face, since he would definitely do the same.
Finally, the bug was finished. It was a brightly coloured caterpillar and was wrapped around Caine's hand. Its smiling face and clown-like shoes were probably inaccurate to what Kinger was used to, but it did fit the circus' environment better. He had even made a small enclosure for the bug, with everything it would need to survive and thrive. The hardest part was definitely giving it the correct life cycle. It would never die, obviously, but it would one day have to become a butterfly. Caine could already picture Kinger's excitement when it would emerge from its chrysalis. But he was getting far too ahead of himself. The first step was to deliver it.
Gently lowering the caterpillar into its enclosure, he tucked it under his arm and clicked his fingers, going back to the circus tent. He shifted the enclosure to be held behind his back and floated down the nearby corridor to Kinger's room.
When he reached the chess piece's door, Caine knocked a rhythmic tempo before returning his hand to its spot behind him. After about a minute of waiting, the door opened a crack. A large blue eye stared out at him. Caine was mesmorised by it for a moment before remembering what he was supposed to be doing.
"Kinger, my dear, I've brought you something! May I come in?" The door opened fully and Kinger gestured for him to enter.
"Oh, you really didn't have to. You know I don't need anything from you, except you yourself." His eyes did their best to show his loving smile, which Caine returned.
"But I wanted to make this for you." Holding the enclosure out in front of him, Caine heard Kinger let out a quiet gasp. "I know how much you love your insects, so I thought I'd make one for you. It's admittedly not a collection, but it can become one! If you want it to, that is."
Kinger crouched down to be eye level with the rectangular box. The colourful caterpillar crawled out from a pile of twigs and leaves, smiling at him. "Oh my God... thank you, Caine. It- it's beautiful."
The chess piece wiped at his eyes to remove the brewing tears. Caine had coded in an entire insect, which the circus wasn't even meant to have in the first place. No wonder he had been gone so long. Kinger was amazed at how much effort the ringmaster would put in just to make him happy.
"You're more than welcome, my love. It was my pleasure." He handed the enclosure to Kinger, who took it inside his fortress and sat it down on a table within, before re-emerging back in front of Caine.
Caine floated up to Kinger's level. The chess piece cupped Caine's face with his hand, staring into his eyes, unsure of how to word how grateful he was. Instead, he chose to pull the ringmaster closer, pressing their faces together for a short while before pulling away. He could hear prolonged glitching noises omitting from Caine while his face overheated, making him giggle.
"Come on, let's see what the caterpillar's doing." Caine let out a noise of agreement that was somewhere between a laugh and a panting exhale. The two went inside the fortress and sat on the floor in front of the table that held up the enclosure, watching the caterpillar wander its surroundings. Who knows how long they sat there, but neither cared. They were happy in each other's presence, and that was all they needed.
"So, do you want to name it something?" Caine's question surprised Kinger, making him yelp. Regaining his composure, the chess piece hummed in thought, inspecting the bug before him.
"Hmm... Jerome." He nodded after he said it, confirming that it sounded right to him.
"Jerome?" A hint of laughter found its way into Caine's voice. That hadn't been quite what he was expecting.
"What? Is it not a good name?"
"Oh no, it's a lovely name!" The ringmaster rested his head on Kinger's shoulder. "Its name shall be Jerome."
Kinger put his hand on Caine's shoulder and rubbed gently. Despite his lack of a mouth, his cheeks still felt phantom pain from his smiling.
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damn-stark · 6 months
Chapter 34 Everyday before
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Chapter 34 of Cherry
A/N: One more chapter
Warning- Fluff, mentions of death, ptsd, angst and swearing
Takes place during- The final chapters special 2
Pairing- Jean Kirstein x fem!reader
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
That’s why her piercing gaze is so familiar. The rest of her face is unrecognizable, but her eyes are those from your nightmares, they’re evil.
“Didn’t your midget mention me?” She asks in a soft and very feminine voice that catches you guard.
“You…” you stammer and return her piercing gaze without trying to exceed yourself and welcome back this anger you’ve been trying to overcome. “You used to hide me in closets. You kept me inside them. I’m still afraid of the dark because of you.”
Marie blinks and releases a soft scoff that sounds almost amused. “It was for your own good. I couldn’t risk people seeing you. You were a little girl, and when Lucius wasn’t home I had to do what I had to do for your own good.”
Lucius…one of your brothers? Which one out of three?
“Lucius?” You ask about him only because it’s your brothers that you care about, you can’t bring yourself to care about her. Ever. You were only ever curious to see what she looked like, and now that you see that she is beautiful, your curiosity has been fulfilled and now all you’ll wonder is why she let your father touch her.
“Who is he?” You ask hesitantly.
Marie pulls a cigarette out and puts it between her lips first before she answers. “My eldest. Your older brother. He’s the one who would take care of you and your brothers. He’s dead.” She announces bluntly before she lights her cigarette.
You swallow thickly and avert your gaze.
You can’t say you feel sad. Do you feel bad? Yes, but not sad, you don’t have any recollection of him. He’s just a story now.
“And that…” she trails off to point ahead. When you follow what she’s pointing to you see the guy with a buzz cut dancing with Mikasa. He’s looking over here too.
“…Is Eric,” she continues. “He’s 2, no, 3, 2? Well, he’s older than you are.”
You drift your eyes to her and shoot her a glare over the fact she doesn’t know how old her own child is.
“Don’t look at me like that,” she quickly remarks. “You look like your father when you do that.”
Better than being her. But still not a compliment.
“Anyway,” she snickers and sits back. “Then there’s Ben, my military boy. Which in fact,” she says and points at you with her cigarette. “He’s the general, and before that, he was closer to you than you knew. He was in the Military Police.”
You stiffen and look down at your hands with growing shock.
Does he know about you? If so, why did he never talk to you?
“You can’t blame Eric, he didn’t know about you until a couple of years back. He’s actually quite excited to meet you, but for now, I just needed him to distract—”
“What do you want from me?” You cut her off and narrow your glare back on her. “Why now?”
Marie shrugs. “Curiosity. This is a new era for humanity, my girl. I wanted to turn over a page and start a new chapter,” she rambles and lets the cigarette burn in her surprisingly well-manicured fingers—“I’m getting old, I want to retire, right my wrongs,” she says with the least sincere face ever.
Kenny was many things, but you could see when he was sincere, even through that tuff and hardened exterior. He wasn’t affectionate and mushy, but he was honest.
Marie though? You can read her, there’s an ulterior motive behind her eyes, something evil you can’t handle anymore.
You’re slowly starting to get better, and you can’t deal with the bullshit that comes with her anymore. Besides, she might’ve birthed you but she was never your mother, you had mother figures, and none of them were her.
“Then do so away from me,” you sneer and get up, managing to finally give Mikasa an out to rush over—“I want nothing to do with you.”
Marie leans forward and slowly tilts her head.
“I’m starting to get better,” you continue louder each second as you’re beginning to overflow with different emotions. “I want to heal from the part I had in the war, from the shit that I went through because you couldn’t be a mother, so stay the hell away from me,” you snarl and step back towards Mikasa who grabs your shoulder the moment she reaches you.
“Y/N, what's wrong?” Mikasa asks right away with concern.
You exhale and shake your head stiffly. “Nothing. Just saying goodbye to this woman here.” You press your hands on the table and lean forward to add a few more things. “Kenny was never a father either, but at least he had his reasons. He cared for me in his own way, but you, you’re nothing, so stay away. And if I see you around me I will not hesitate to get rid of you.” You stand up straight and huff out through your nose, making her grin and clap.
“Well, well, Little Uri,” she interjects without looking or sounding offended. “That’s what he called you, yeah? Uri? After that Reiss man, he was so obsessed with? Anyway, you have some balls on you kid…that’s all I ever wanted to see. Hm…good luck in life, kid.”
You blink and step back with slight surprise after you expected more. An outburst or a counter. But this is it?
“Come on, Y/N,” Mikasa urges you as she tugs your arm. “Let’s call it a day.”
You steal one last look at the woman still casually sitting down with her cigarette now in between her lips, and admit that you bear some resemblance look-wise, but that’s it, you could never be like her otherwise and you’re glad.
“Let’s go,” you whisper to Mikasa and let her turn you away to quickly stride out of the cantina.
“Are you okay?” Mikasa asks the moment you’re out.
You glance at her and nod honestly. “Yes. She was never in my life, so I can’t be upset over someone that was never there. I was curious to see her, and I see that she’s quite beautiful, so now my curiosity is satisfied.” You offer her a soft assuring smile and another nod. “I’m okay.”
Mikasa holds your gaze for a moment to read if you might be hiding any other emotions so she wouldn’t worry, but all she sees is sincerity, so she lets it go.
“I told you we should’ve not gone in,” she gloats.
You laugh softly. “She would’ve found me regardless, best to get out of the way. But I guess this means no more slackin’ off.”
Mikasa nods, and just before you get further away you both hear running footsteps before a voice calls out. “Wait! Y/N?”
Mikasa and you both stop in your tracks and peer over. That’s when you see that it’s Eric, your brother.
“I don’t want you to make any excuses for her,” you immediately interject and make him come to a stop. “She might’ve been a mother to you, but she wasn’t one to me, so don’t talk to me about her.”
Eric lets out a deep breath and places his hands on his hips and nods quickly in agreement. “No, yeah, yeah, that’s fine. She’s outta mouth and outta mind.”
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion at his comment.
“You,” he points. “You’re my sister.”
You and Mikasa share a quick look before you nod stiffly. “Apparently so.”
“Well,” he says and hits his hands on his hips. “I thought I was the only child for so long, it was boring. I mean Ben is a military man, he was raised by his father after Lucius died, but that father then sold him off to the military or whatnot,” he rambles. “And I only barely found out I had a sister. I didn’t remember you. So…” he shrugs. “Maybe we can talk. We can talk to Ben and all talk together.”
You let out a breathless laugh before you give in. They’re the only reason why you wanted to meet your mother in the first place.
“Fine,” you sigh. “But only you. If I see her with you I’ll forget about you all over again. Got it?”
Eric flashes you a charming smile and nods eagerly. “Got it. Uh, where?”
“Hm, how about tomorrow? Right above here, there’s a teashop on Main 65. We can meet there at 1 pm.”
Eric nods and claps his hands. “Gotcha. Cool. Cool.”
You shoot him a small smile and offer him a small wave before you turn away and continue to walk away with Mikasa.
Once you’re a ways away she nudges your arm. “He’s like you. Talks a lot and is very chipper.”
You feign a laugh and nudge her harder. “Was he flirting with you? Maybe we can become like a twisted family, huh?”
Mikasa goes serious and glares at you for such an insinuation, making you chuckle and throw your arm around her. “Come on let's go see if my old house is still standing.”
Dear, Levi
Do you remember the brothers I have? Well, I met them. Both of them. I was hesitant to meet my older brother, Ben, because apparently he’s been in the Military police, and he knew about me so I was kind of offended that he didn’t present himself, but after my other older brother Eric basically begged me to present ourselves to him, well, I’ve decided to give it a shot!
Plus, the therapist says that working towards forgiveness right now as I’m trying to work on my anger is significant. I can choose to keep Ben out of my life as I get to know him, he says. And Mikasa says that too. So I’m giving it a shot, and you know? They’re not bad.
Ben is quite serious, and reserved, and he has a poor sense of humor. Oh, and he has a serious cigarette addiction. Can’t say I blame him though. Anyway, he’s trying to get on my and Eric’s good side.
Which leads me to Eric. He’s very cheerful, and he has a great sense of humor, Mikasa says he’s a lot like me personality-wise, but I don’t see it. He’s wicked smart, but kind of sloppy which is kinda of gross, but regardless, he was a huge mama's boy through and through, and then I don’t know what it was; the fact that he knows he has more family, or he was growing tired, but he told me that my mother wanted to use me to fight for her in some stupid turf war she’s currently in. She didn’t care, she knew I was strong like Kenny, so she wanted my power…can’t say I’m surprised.
Which is why I busted her and her rival! With the help of Mikasa, my brother Ben, and Eric. The underground considers us heroes now, so I’m glad. I would like for the underground to disappear completely, but people have rooted themselves too deep so there’s still people who want to stay, and as long as that happens then I’ll help them live better lives, even if it’s underground.
Anyway, I’m glad Eric did that. It must’ve cost him a lot, I can’t imagine what he must’ve felt betraying Marie like that, but I know pain, so I’m helping him. He lives with Mikasa and me now! So we’ll bond a lot. I’m excited.
Anyhow, I’m finally going to that tree. I’ve finally found the strength and I’m going. Mikasa and my brothers are coming with me too. I’m starting anew. Or so I think.
I’m glad you’re moving on your leg more and that they’re starting to accept all of you. I love you, until next time.
Yours truly, Cherry.
P.S. Jean finally wrote to me. It was short, and a year and a half later, but he finally wrote back!
That tree, your special tree where a lot of your childhood is rooted, and the reminder of who you were and what happened is planted there too beside Marco’s stone.
The tree is basically in your backyard, you chose to make your home close to it on purpose, but no matter how close you are to it you haven’t been able to find the courage to go visit it until now. And you’re not going alone either, Mikasa and your brothers are going to, so maybe that’s what makes it easier.
“Just up there, that tree there,” you point ahead at the tree you’d never forget any markings of.
Ben and Eric keep walking to it, but you stop and stare at it with hesitation.
“You know, no matter how long I’ve spent up here,” you hear Eric interject. “I can never get over how green everything is.”
“That’s what happens when you live too long behind mothers skirts,” Ben retorts.
“Mother never wore skirts.” Eric quips.
Mikasa lets out a short breathless laugh as she stops by your side. “Do you need time?” She asks.
You pull your eyes away from the tree to look at her. And the moment you lay your eyes on her you feel comfort and the confidence to finish the last stretch.
“No,” you mumble. “We’re basically there. Let’s go, I don't know how long Ben will last with that button-up.” You offer her a tiny smile, and Mikasa glances over at your older brother and scoffs softly as she catches him swatting away bugs flying around him.
You finish walking to your destination and find it a bit easier than you thought, but once you reach the tree, as you see the headstones planted in front of it your breath catches and you feel that agony puncturing your heart all over again.
“This is morbid,” Eric mutters quietly. “It’s kind of freakin’ me out.”
“Shut up,” Ben hisses.
You can’t say that seeing Marco’s headstone brings you so much sorrow that you feel paralyzed because the truth is, you’ve grieved him. He’s been dead for a long time now, so his death isn’t what truly affects your state of mind. Seeing your tombstone, seeing the memories of who you used to be playing around this area is what made coming here worse.
You so badly wanted to come and feel better, feel like you used to, but you’re only reminded of the pain you suffered. All you feel is sorrow and hot tears streaming down your cheeks. That’s why you could never make yourself come up here, but that’s also why you’re here.
The vivid and beautiful colors this world is painted with are slowly coming back to light. You’ve slowly started feeling joy in just hearing the wind howling in your ears. You’re slowly seeing beauty in the ugly once again, and it’s amazing, but you also know that you can’t be who you used to be. That’s why you’re here, that’s why you finally made it to the tree because you can finally let go of your old self.
“This is where I lie,” you break the silence that had built as everyone gave you a moment of silence. “This is where my family buried me after they thought I died, and for so long I tried to deny that the girl I used to be lay here, I tried to fight it and tried to put myself back together, but,” you sniffle. “Here I am. And It’s okay. I’m letting go and starting anew.”
You exhale deeply and feel, or think you feel a weight rise off your chest as you finally make peace with yourself. Sure it’ll still take time to heal from the pain, but it doesn’t hurt as much as you used. Your nightmares are less, and they’ll never go away, but they don’t paralyze you anymore. You accept who you let go of, and accept who you’re slowly becoming. And it wouldn't feel complete without putting flowers down, so you crouch down and leave flowers in front of your tombstone before you place some on Marco’s as well.
“Do you want us to say something too?” Eric asks, causing all eyes to fall on him.
Yet whereas Mikasa and Ben looked annoyed and upset at Eric’s boldness, you laugh and shake your head. “No. This is just a me thing. But I wanted to do something with you guys too.” You look at everyone who came with you before you drift away to the creek's edge.
“The flowers in my hand are for us,” you share and wipe away your tears before you hand everyone a flower. “For example, I’ll go first,” you continue and dip your feet in the waterbed. “Here lies me, my past, my pain, and a soldier.” You drop the flower in the water and watch the current take it away. “Today I welcome a veteran, an underground hero,” you laugh. “A sister, and who I will become down the line in my long future.”
You turn and face your group with a smile. Yet they don’t share that same enthusiasm, so you step away from the water with loud wet footsteps and approach Eric first to pull him to the river.
“Do it. For me,” you plead sweetly.
Eric looks at you and scoffs. “You’re starting your new life with manipulation?”
You shoot him an innocent smile and he holds your gaze for a moment before he steps into the water and throws his flower in the water.
“There goes me, I guess…a son, and a thug…” he trails off and watches the flower float away for a lingering moment.
You don’t stand close so you can’t see his expression, but you can imagine it’s not a happy one. He’s letting go of a life he knew, he’s finally letting go of the only person he had for so long. She was not a good person or a good mother, but it’s all he had and he’s finally accepting that it’s okay to let go.
“And you’re welcoming someone new,” you interject for him. “A brother, a hero, and hope for those in need underground.”
Eric's shoulders fall and he hesitates before he looks back at you with a smile and glossy eyes.
You mirror his gesture and notice Ben walk to Eric’s side to hurl his flower in the water.
“I suppose,” Ben interjects and exhales deeply. “I’m letting go of who I was when the Titans were alive.”
You sigh and watch him walk out of the water bed quickly to return to dry ground, letting Mikasa go next.
Albeit she doesn’t move, she stays where she is and grips onto the flower, making you sigh and hook your arm around hers to comfort her instead of pushing her to do what you wanted. Because unlike Eric and you, letting go isn't as easy. You know her life hasn’t been easy after losing Eren, you see her struggle, and you’ve tried to help her just as much as she’s helped you.
It’s why you let her watch the water drive away the flowers you had dropped instead.
“Ben,” you bring up and slowly look over at your brother. “If you leave, and push us away just know I won’t give you another chance…I’ll leave you behind like I left our mother behind. Understand?”
Ben meets your gaze with slight disbelief as he nods in comprehension.
“Good.” You smile and then look at everyone with you before you grin. “Why don’t we keep going to reach that waterhole before Ben here melts under the sun.” You laugh and Eric soon joins in, causing Ben to sigh.
“What if we race there?!” Eric suggests as he steps out of the water.
You shoot him a pointed look and protest, “no, I’m not running all the way there.”
Eric tilts his head and challenges your gaze. “No? Scared I’ll beat you?”
You scoff and let go of Mikasa's arm to stare him down for a few seconds before you break into a sprint towards the waterhole.
“Hey!” Eric calls out and runs after you, leaving Mikasa and Ben to catch up at a walking pace.
Dear Levi,
I don’t like that you’re not returning home. I truly don’t. And yes that’s how I’m starting this damn letter, you old man. WHY COULDN'T YOU COME HOME WITH THE OTHERS? DO YOU WANT ME TO GO OVER THERE?! CAUSE I WILL! I WILL GO ON A BOAT AND GET TO YOU!
Anyway, just so you know, I went to visit Furlan and Isabel, I ranted to them about you. Oh, and I have forgotten to say, my cherry blossom trees bloomed. I wish I could take a picture of how the pink stands out amongst all the green trees that surround my cottage.
Oh and Ducks also live in my pond now! They’ve also hatched their little ducklings, they’re so cute! They shall become friends with my baby chicks.
Anyway, this letter will be short because I’m mad at you.
I love you! I’ll write when the others get here!
Your lovely and favorite child, Cherry.
“Okay, okay, how about this pink dress with the matching scarf? Hmm?” You spin around and show off your second outfit to Mikasa. “The scarf can also be around my neck! But I don’t want the wind to hit my head. So around my head, it is,” you continue to ramble to yourself. “With this small white purse?” You lift a small white bag. “Or this one,” you roll out and lift a bigger one that looks identical.
Mikasa sighs and fixes her red scarf as she studies you again, her eyes drifting from bag to bag before meeting your gaze and sharing her thoughts. “He’ll like you regardless, so please just stop changing, and let’s get out before we’re late.”
You snort and laugh nervously before turning to sit down and put on some white heels. “What are you talking about? I’m not doing this to impress Jean,” you brush her off nervously.
“Oh, I was talking about Reiner actually,” Mikasa jokes with a serious face that makes you huff and stand to your feet to face the mirror again.
“Small purse it is,” you decide by yourself before you shift your feet to turn, but stop to fix your necklace and the charm that was all twisted.
“You look desperate,” Mikasa says boldly, making you gasp and cup the charm with an offended look on your face. “He’s still your friend. Not your lover.”
You pout and ignore her to walk away. And the moment you do Eric walks across from you, but stops and backpedals, causing you to look at him with a pointed look. Eric then reaches over and snatches the necklace off your neck.
“You look desperate,” he repeats what Mikasa just said. “Now hurry up we don’t got all day.”
“He’s my best friend!” You argue. “Why can’t I wear it?!”
Eric tosses the necklace to Mikasa who catches it with ease. “Because you’re not dating it’d be weird,” he rebuttals.
He begins to walk towards the door, so you walk to your seat to pick up your cat off your seat and set her down on the floor so she can know to follow after you. “You only say that because you have no friends, you only hang out with me and Mikasa, or Ben all day. Loser,” you snap.
Eric opens the train cart and looks back with a teasing smile. “Only loser here is you.”
You roll your eyes and follow after him with your cat Honey following at your side since she never likes being apart from you.
However, as confident and excited as you felt walking out of the train cart, your nerves to see Jean again after three years makes you slow down your pace, and clench your hands to fists, while you feel your stomach twist and scare off the fluttering butterflies you felt previously. And because you slowed down, unknowingly Mikasa got ahead of you, and knowingly people (men specifically) begin to swarm around you.
First, it was some guy selling Newspapers to the people getting off the boats, the next it was an old florist who saw you hesitate by his stand to admire the flowers.
“Want a sunflower? Freshly picked today.” He walks around the stand and snatches a sunflower to lean it towards you. “No charge. A pretty flower for an even prettier flower.”
He’s flirty big time which is gross, but he is old, and you probably won’t ever see him again, so you smile at him and take the flower he offered. “How did you know sunflowers are my favorite?” You smile and touch your chest as if completely gushed.
“I have an eye for this kinda stuff,” he says cockily.
You giggle and pull out some spare change from your bag whilst you continue to talk to him. “Well, the flower is very beautiful. I wanted to grow some of my own, but they never grew,” you mention with genuine sadness.
The old man points to the sky and props his hand on his stand. “It’s the damn birds. They eat the seeds off the ground I tell ya, try putting a net over it until they bloom.”
You offer him a genuine smile and discreetly leave the coins in the pot for him to find later. “Well,” you say, “that's good advice. Thank you, I’ll try it.” You begin to walk away and he slowly follows behind.
“Come again and maybe I’ll show you what net to use,” he says smugly, making a teasing smile grow on your lips.
“I will think about it,” you say over your shoulder before saying goodbye and continuing down to the dock where Jean and the others were probably already getting off.
Yet as you continue to stride down to the pier you catch a glimpse of Mikasa glaring at you by the gate that leads to the pier.
You offer her a smile and quicken your pace, making your cat's little bell attached to her expensive collar jingle as she tries to keep up. When you reach your cousin she grabs your arm and pulls you with her. “We’re late. They're getting down.”
“So much for waving your scarf at your lovers as they climb down,” Eric teases as he walks back to fall by your side.
“Can you shut up,” you sneer and push him aside.
Eric reacts dramatically and pretends to bump into your other brother, Ben, who is lined up with Historia and the others as they also wait for Peace ambassadors.
“Whoa bro,” Eric laughs at Ben.
Your older brother shoots Eric a side eye and counters with a pinch to Eric’s arm. “Behave.”
Eric snorts and then skips over to catch up to you once again. However, you barely pay any mind to him anymore because now all you can see is Jean first before you can take a look at any of your other friends.
Perhaps it’s because he’s the tallest or not, but he’s the one that caught your eye right away. And right away you noticed the slight change in his appearance.
His hair is brushed back, he no longer tucks his bangs behind his ear. He looks a bit older and seems to be aging gracefully. That suit he wore suits him very well and hugs his biceps extremely well.
Besides that, he looks the same since you saw him last. Except you did think he’d share your smile upon seeing you, he does seem happy to be returning home from what he wrote to you last, but maybe he was just saying that to be nice because his eyes now are widened slightly, and his lips are parted as he watches you approaching him.
Yet you don’t let that affect you, you still beam at him as if nothing happened, as if he hasn’t only sent sporadic letters here and there, and go to embrace Connie.
Said man hugs you back, making you squeeze him back.
“You’re still strong you know,” he groans.
You laugh and pull back to grab his arms and look at him with admiration. “Look at you,” you point at his hair. “Your hair! You’re not bald!”
Connie grumbles, “I was never bald.”
“It actually looks nice!” You compliment him.
Connie flashes you a smile. “Now that you’re not with Jean would you date me?”
You scrunch your nose and scoff, “no.”
Connie scoffs and looks at you offended, letting you pull back to throw your arms around Pieck since Mikasa is still talking to Armin.
“Hey, you,” Pieck greets warmly.
“I missed you!” You tell her honestly. “We can only write so much on a letter.” You can’t stop smiling and step back to show it off to her.
“You look nice,” she directs at you.
You bow your head. “Thank you.”
“It took her five hours to pick a damn outfit,” Eric cuts in behind you, letting all the attention finally drift to him instead of avoiding him.
“Who are you?” Annie is the only one to ask.
Eric smirks. “Only the most important man of y/n’s life,” he jokes and throws an arm around your shoulders.
You go along with him and look at Jean, noticing that he and Reiner have the same shocked and horrified look on their faces at the mention.
“This is Eric,” you introduce the guy beside you. “My older half-brother.”
Reiner lets out a relieved breath, and Jean laughs nervously.
“Half brother,” you correct Eric.
Eric pushes you aside now that the act is done but you grab his arm. “Eric, this is my family….Armin,” you point at the blond boy who hasn’t changed that much. “That’s Connie,” you point to the guy next to Armin.
“Sup,” Connie greets with a gentle head rise.
“And that’s—wait!” You exclaim and let Eric go to push past him and Mikasa to reach Ben and grab his hand to yank him out of formation and pull him with you. “This is my other brother, Ben!” You exclaim.
Ben offers them a faint tight tight-lipped smile and a small head nod.
“Ben, this is Armin, Connie, and Jean,” you introduce your best friend once again.
Eric and Ben share a look and slowly Ben’s serious stupor falls, and Eric cuts in. “So this is him, huh?”
Your eyes widen and you snap your head towards your brother.
“Maybe she can finally stop with her obsessive questioning,” Ben plays along.
Eric nudges him and adds, “maybe I should write Jean.”
You frown.
“I wish Jean would write,” Ben adds as he begins to laugh.
“Maybe I should stop altogether,” Eric cuts in and Connie begins to chuckle, causing you to snap your glare at him. He notices and shuts up.
“Shut up,” you hiss and pinch Eric’s arm before you push Ben and twist on your heels to storm away.
“You made her mad,” you hear Mikasa comment nonchalantly.
Without looking back you know your cat is behind you so you just head back to the train and decide to continue reading your book. The others don’t take long to come inside and the first one to find you is your brother.
“It was funny, but I apologize,” Eric interjects.
You raise your book and turn to block his face. “You embarrassed me.”
Eric sighs. “I guess.”
Footsteps approach but you don’t think much of it until you hear Jean’s voice. “Can we talk?”
You lower your book and meet his gaze with a sigh before you nod softly.
Tagged- @expectoscamander @greenygreenland @that-soft-lesbian-friend @dai-tsukki-desu @usernamehere91 @avocadopoosae @romancried @victor-criss-bish @moo-moo-meadow @stareatceiling @padfootii @ravensleepyeyes @thanosisadilf @dawneee @babyyblueey @leahseclipse @ifimnotabushimnoone @luvelyxp @ameliabs-world @dragon-master-kai
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