#life journal project
blogrinajob · 26 days
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100 Pcs 2 cm Felt Flowers Die cut Out, Scrapbooking, Embellishments, Card Making, Confetti, Party Decoration, Mixed Colors.
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why-the-heck-not · 9 months
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24.08.23, thursday
I’ve been treating my journal like a podcast where I just keep rambling while doing things that give me anxiety. Getting the anxieties out right away and feels like I have some emotional support there even tho it’s just me & my journal. Sure it takes a bit longer bc u’re basically doing 2 things, but at least something’s getting done u know?
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mintaikcorpse · 2 months
Me reading a fic where the person had an identidy realization that they were in he aroace spectrum and now they were figuring themselves out(I finally found something that understood me and a romance I could relate to after all these years)
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the---hermit · 11 months
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My crochet picnic blanket is finally all done!
I honestly wasn't planning on posting anything today, but my big blanket project is all finished and I am so proud I wanted to share it. Making this blanket took me a lot but less than expected. While making this I listened to two full audiobooks, listened to some great music and sat around my entire house. I worked on this on my balcony, on every sofa, on my bed and sitting on the floor. At the end I ran out of some yarn so I changed the peoject for the edge but I am still happy with this funky result! I cannot wait to test it out in my garden, and to find a new crochet project to work on. It's honestly such a relaxing and meditative activity I wish I always had a project in the works. Before I'll think of something else I might teach myself how to do embroidery as I had mention in one of my last posts. I feel like this summer will be just me reconnecting with my creative side as much as I can.
Chill hobbit summer activities of today:
Worked in the morning (not really into my chill hobbit summer plans but I gotta make some money and so I am working Saturdays)
Lots of silly times woth my brother since we were working together today and there weren't lots of people in the store
Blasted the new pvris album a lot
Finally finished my picnic blanket
Practiced Irish and French on duolingo
📖: Juniper and Thorn by Ava Reid
🎵: Take My Nirvana by PVRIS
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thejournallo · 3 days
Your manifestations are coming. Stop stressing about what is already yours.
I don't see you stressing over things that you already have.
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daryfromthefuture · 11 months
good evening tumblr, catch more 40s doc content
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i'd imagine that this is a type of memory album page doc would show marty once marty learns about the whole manhattan project thing. a big f in the chat for the original images in which i replaced some other guy with doc (mostly oppenheimer lmao). except for the one in the right corner, doc is LITERALLY in it:
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idk who photoshopped this but i need MORE thank you very much
if you can't read the handwriting: that ain't my fault. doc's handwriting is terrible
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getvalentined · 2 months
Thinking about finally throwing all my FF7 meta analysis and lore deep dive stuff onto a sideblog. It'd be reblogged from here, but I'd be able to organize it a little better, have a directory so people could find things more easily, and maybe it'd stop people from regurgitating things I say word-for-word for brownie points when they can just find and reblog the fucking original post(s).
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ottiliere · 1 year
I love crawling out of the depths, opening up tumblr, and seeing your art. I love it.
it is quite interesting how social media can fall to the wayside, and people on the internet can just disappear forever if they really wanted to! I admit I struggle to keep up with "public accounts", they are uniquely stressful and I solute your hibernating tenacity. always lovely to see you resurface regardless, thank you very much for the lovely compliment...
I will say in case any of my dear followers were wondering where i've gone for the past month and a half, for weeks i've been pondering how to even broach the enormity of the topic that is: I made the mistake of thinking about my most favorite character for more than 2 minutes in one sitting. I intentionally go out of my way to avoid this and have many strategies to evade this occurring because every time I do enter a sort of hermetically sealed mental chamber where it's just me and him and his life and I begin to ignore all points of previously established social contact and also my health indefinitely. It's difficult to convey the emotional experience of this or its psychic magnitude. and it's hard to say "guys i really love this character!" because that's just words. you can't see it. the 10 years of obsessively thinking about some guy so intensely on&off cyclically until you've made 20 different worlds he's living in... how does one convey the depth of these without artistically depicting them as you see them to be...? i am trying to figure it out. currently planning a longform comic for my favorite and several smaller comics for others, but logically an individual can understand this takes a while... he and I have had multiple rendezvous over the past decade and I wish I had more "historical" art to show but for many of these years I have been a bit too physically disabled to draw, the past several weeks have been spent attempting to recreate his ideal form as he exists in my head. he is starting to come around!
I typed up three separate disquisitions last month to try and explain my feelings on him and none of them felt like the proper vessel to communicate this concept. which is likely for the best. the obvious answer is "just draw him". fine with this being the case, difficult when I have so many drawing ideas I'm now sitting on 100+ works in progress and they just keep accumulating since my brain generates these like an old laptop you leave in the corner of your room to mine bitcoin. in a way I'm content with this being a very "personal" experience thus far, shared with me and those in my inner social circle (really cannot emphasize to my readers enough how fandom can poison your constitution without self-checked moderation). however... I yearn to meet others who are as passionately involved with him as I am, because I think we could coalesce our ideas, and passion, into something beautiful...
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^dio brando
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thephdpensieve · 6 months
Favorite kind of week: Zoom calls, books and checklists
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Update for week 18th Nov - 24th Nov
Started my visa application for my upcoming Europe trip (the Workshop is for a week and the location is lovely!). Made a checklist and applied for permission from the university, printed all the forms and collecting other documents. I love the task, but it drains me a bit!
I'm working on a collaborative project with quite an international team and we had our first discussion meeting this week. Excited!
Met with my mentor from the Supernova Foundation (a mentoring network for women in Physics). She's ao insightful and conversing with her always gives me a big picture and a lot of clarity. So grateful for her ♥️
Read a book after a loooong time. It's The Running Grave by Robert Galbraith. I've been waiting for the book's release but couldn't get my hands on a copy sooner. Absolutely enjoyed the read and felt so alive (I missed reading!)
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remembertheplunge · 9 months
Life is one ongoing evolving structure
From a January 9, 1991 presume written July 9, 1990
The structures set up in life’s first half serve me well in Life’s second half:
Jogging, dancing, friends, meditation, journal writing review, trial work, experiencing feeling, love of good coffee and wine, hospice work, home ownership, art collage painting, reading, deep conversation, movies , laughter at the ridiculous
End of this part of the presume
A presume is a journal entry written as if it were 6 months in the future from the date it is actually written. In the entry you imagine events that will happen in that time span. It's a way to project out current trajectories. It’s amazing how much of it comes close to what really happens.
I was 35 when I wrote the above presume. 
Now, at age 68, I’d have to say that the life  structure set up at 35 is not the structure of my life  today.
I no longer jog or dance. Instead, I lift weights in the gym, treadmill and open water swim in the ocean.  Journal writing review has evolved into curating journal entries to be include in a journal based book and including entries in a blog. I still love coffee, but don’t drink alcohol. I left hospice work in 1995, but was present for my partner Jim’s death as well as the death of my father and recently for the death of my sister.  I have not done a collage painting for decades., although, I love the paintings I did 30 years ago and have them hanging in my house.They bring back the warm richness of that time.  I rarely watch movies now.
I’d say now that life doesn’t have a first and a second half. Life is one ongoing evolving structure. It’s goal seems to be a deeper understanding of what it is to be. 
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lifeofjas · 10 days
I lied abt the episode being over! oops! genuinely doing so much better now though, starting a glow up academic weapon era bc I’m super behind.
stayed home today bc migraine :(
calling it quits on my project pan lip oil, I may pull the stopper out and use it at home as a lip mask or something but it’s functionally finished :)
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rip clarins lip oil from 2020 that was green and minty, your formula will be missed but your presence will not.
Rolling in two to replace it! yes two! but the point of project pan is using one at a time you say? I don’t care I need a cute pink one for cutesy looks and a dark one for more alt looks, they will get used up don’t worry.
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welcome clarins lip oil in pitaya and Dior lip glow oil in mahogany!
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geekwiththegoggles · 2 months
After a ridiculous week I had a pretty good day today. The docs loved their photoshopped pics in their offices (it was Doctor Appreciation Day), my boss planned a half-assed but fully earnest egg-hunt in the practice, I got to leave early AND my family and I had a wonderful night eating lots of fried cheese (unrelated but still delicious) and then going to an outdoor art thing at night (Night Forms at Trenton Grounds for Sculpture if you're in NJ!)
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And then finished the night at an adorable pub that's a ice cream parlor-slash coffee shop. Real Hallmark movie vibes here with the BEST hot chocolate I've had in a while
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Oh and some slammin mint chocolate chip ice cream.
Good night fam.
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the---hermit · 3 months
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Big benches and walks in the woods.
My month-ish of rest and recover from burn out has started very lazily, as it was supposed to. I have been sleeping so much, I can now tell how much my body needed a break. As for my days I have been mostly focusing on my cross stitch, which has been brining me a lot of joy and relaxation, and it has sparked a new interest in audibooks! In the past while I have been struggling with listening to audiobooks and now I am so excited to pick some up. It even got better as I started buddy reading my latest audiobook with my dearest friend @oneardentstudybuddy. It's been very helpful to keep up the motivation with no pressure, and I love to discuss books together. The fact that I am taking time off for myself has not really kicked in yet, so I have not had a chance to deal with my feelings about it. I have been struggling with weird waves of anxiety and sadness, but they are quite temporary and I think they might be a way my body is releasing stress at the moment. If they do keep showing up I will of course try to work a bit more on them. So far I would say this first week of rest has been slow and good, and everyday I am more and more happy of the decision I took because I was coming to a breaking point and now I am slowly starting to feel better.
Here's a few things I am looking forward to in the next while:
having my friend come over to have a relaxing afternoon playing board games
a videocall with my bestie (ngl i have a weird anxiety around that maybe because we haven't spoken in a while, but it's going to be a small challenge to fight these weird anxiety waves I mentioned)
helping my brother assembling his new ikea furniture (I turn into a kid with a new lego when it comes to do this stuff jfakhsdf)
a lotr marathon, as a treat
I have a graphic novel sitting on my shelf that I kind want to binge read one afternoon so I might get cozy with that very soon
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thejournallo · 2 days
Changes are your best friend.
Strive for the changes and keep evolving.
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abs0luteb4stard · 7 months
If one more person comes telling me Matthew Perry died...
Kill the rest of FRIENDS cast. Who cares? That show sucked and the cast were boring. That whole show and the entire cast have done nothing worth shit. They just sit around collecting 20 million a year on reruns and merch. They don't even care about the art of their profession. Or creativity of it...
What? I'm supposed to gasp, hashtag #OMG, and weep or be remorseful because an alcoholic asshole I never met fell asleep in a hot tub after drinking and sticking his dick in a water jet or had a stroke and dropped dead?
Talk about annoying. Shove Matthew Perry up your ass.
The only thing I ever watched of his that was slightly acceptable was "The Whole 9 Years" (2000). And that I saw because I Like Bruce Willis. And had a crush on Amanda Peet.
Matthew Perry died. I'm glad he touched you. But I don't give a fuck.
Thank you and fuck you.
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actual-changeling · 1 year
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