#perfect warm sunny weather and all
ashipiko · 30 days
You’re so delicate, so in the bubble ♪
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leatherbookmark · 8 months
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zero:fever part 3 diary ver (scans by dearmingki @ tt)
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nariism · 8 months
ೃ⁀➷ ALL I WANT ✧.*
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a/n: tooth-rotting fluff !! this is so so mushy and soft. kissing and some touchiness but nothing too crazy i think. also this is unedited brainrot i wrote at 2:30am so enjoy ... <3
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Neuvillette has never told you that he loves you.
The words are always there— resting heavy behind his teeth just waiting to burst out at the most inconvenient times, and yet he's never brought himself to say them.
You don’t need the words to prove his devotion to you anyways, already aware that there is no other soul in the world able to hold him the way you do. But he’s always wanted to say it, stopped only by his own fears.
Immortality is a funny thing. In a thousand years you could be nothing but a distant memory for him, gentle whispers in the back of his mind or ghostly touches wisping over his skin.
The idea of losing you terrifies him, but he knows the loss well and knows to keep his heart safeguarded somewhere deep within himself. I love you are words he only murmurs into your skin while you sleep, or chanted in his head when you hold him.
However, you’ve been proving it difficult to resist ever since you moved in with him.
There's nothing extravagant about the way you wake up, nothing extraordinary or strange. You wake up like any Fontainian would: cold and gloomy and complaining about the weather.
Despite how ordinary it all is, it doesn't stop him from spending the first few minutes of the day admiring your face before he inevitably has to get out of bed to get ready for work.
Mornings are his always favourite; the slow stirrings of the day like a calm before the storm. Those few minutes are precious to him more than anything in the world, where he can do nothing but kiss your sleeping face awake and keep you wrapped up in his arms.
You've recently made it your routine to follow him out of bed a few minutes later. He hasn't found out why exactly until today.
He doesn't even need to turn around to know it all— every part of you memorized and carved into each muscle and filling any thoughts that cross his mind.
The slow shuffling of your feet across the room; the quiet yawn that makes him smile because he can imagine your face; the bumping of your body into the back of his in your clumsy state.
It's all comfortable. Familiar. You.
"Morning..." You mumble, arms wrapping around his waist and nose buried against his back.
"Seems someone slept well," he hums.
Your arms squeeze his waist a little tighter. "Because you keep the bed so warm."
"I see. Is that the only reason you decided to crawl out of bed this morning?" He asks with a little lift of amusement, placing his mug down and watching the ripples stir in his coffee.
"No," you lie rather blatantly, and he laughs in a way that makes your heart flutter. "....Shut up."
"It’s quite rude to say that to the Iudex, no?"
"Shut up," you huff again. Your hands carefully climb under the hem of his shirt and explore the expanse of his skin. The cold this exacts on him makes him stop in his motions. He shivers before finally turning around to catch your wrists.
You frown, gently knocking your face back into his body— his chest this time, where you can hear his heart beating.
"Not my fault you're so warm."
Neuvillette only sighs, scooping you fully into his arms and leaning back onto the counter so you can rest your weight against him.
And he knows every part of you like this too: a memory chained to his beating heart. A second life breathed into him meant only to remember you this way.
He knows you're cranky because the sun just rose and here you are, already shuffling around the cold house since he left his side of the bed empty. He knows that you're impossibly perfect in his arms— a piece of a puzzle hand-crafted for him to hold. He knows that it will be sunny today.
You are everything. Everything.
He pulls you away by the shoulders, nose brushing against yours as he leans in close to kiss you. There's a pause just before your lips meet— an apprehension in his actions. He sighs, shaky and nervous.
"I love you."
Then he kisses you slow and sweet, the same way he has always savoured that feeling twisting in his heart at the very thought of you. Enduring and knowing, lacking any more hesitation because he knows this is exactly what he wants and where he needs to be.
You're blinking at him dumbly when he pulls away, lips parted in such a cute way that he wants to lean in again.
"I must be hearing things because I swear you just said–"
"I love you," he repeats quietly, suddenly feeling embarrassed by his confession yet unable to contain the words anymore.
Your expression twists in wonder and for a moment he can't help but think that you're the most beautiful person in the world. In the centuries that he's been wandering Fontaine, he's never been so sure of one thing:
"I love you," he says for a third time in full confidence. His lips crash into yours again in a frenzy, a flurry of emotions swirling in his stomach and so many thoughts screaming in his ears that he can't think straight.
When he stops for air he doesn't fully leave you, mouth still married to you as he kisses along your cheek to your jaw. You laugh, arms circling around his neck.
"Can you say it again?"
And he will. He would say it a million times just to see you smile like that again.
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© ALABOADOA 2023 — please do not translate or post my works to other platforms.
🏷️ @saetoshi hi my beautiful
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crypticminx · 5 months
More girl dad! Felix bc I have baby fever like soooo baddd ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹
The day called for perfect weather.
Clear blue sunny skies without a single cloud gracing its presence. The air was inviting and utterly warm, but not to the point where humidity only made those outside drenched in sweat.
It was on this day that Felix found himself spending the entirety of his usual packed days at home—a rare occasion for the profound business man.
He was never the type of man to let his work come first and kept himself disciplined in a sense that he found balance and separation in terms of a busy work life and home life. Thus, making him feel exceptionally grateful for the fact that he could finally take a well deserved day off.
“How does this look, princess?” Felix turned to the little girl sitting beside him, her white babydoll dress already painted with grass and a tiny bit of gravel—something her mother was not going to be pleased with.
“Very good daddy!” She joyfully cheered, clapping her delicate hands to prove a point in congratulating her father.
Felix, who tried his hardest not to wipe his forehead with his soil stained hands, gradually passed the pink gardening shovel to his daughter. Completing the first step of digging a hole wide enough for the rootballs that would later on stem into stunning roses just outside the castles main entrance.
The gardens in saltburn were more emaculate than any garden you could see displayed in a catalog waiting to be purchased in the shops. From vibrant greens of trees older than any of the residents and heavenly grown flowers that looked like they belonged above, it was certainly something miles away from what most had ever witnessed.
A gardeners wildest fantasy painted into reality.
“Did you want to ask mummy to make the bone meal for the soil?” Felix politely asked his daughter, noticing her adorable cherubic face turn almost smitten. He knew she was hiding something from that devious expression and it made want to do nothing more than to scoop her up in a big hug.
“I’ve already made it daddy!” She giggled, pulling the mix that rested in a glass jar from behind her. “And I did it without mummy’s help.”
“My smart girl,” Felix wiped his dirty hand with a washcloth they brought outside before ruffling his fingers in her soft brown curls. She scrunched her button nose as a response, her eyes twinkling with adoration.
“Now, baby, why don’t you go get the roses and then we can start preparing them?”
She nodded her head, loose strands of hair swaying in motion. She was quick in dusting off any remaining dirt that laid on her dress before running off to grab the remaining materials they needed.
Felix’s eyes never left her tiny body as she hastily ran off into the distance as if her little life depended on it. He couldn’t restrain himself from chuckling at the cute scene unfolding before him.
It was times like these that he cherished the most with all of his heart.
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footiecent · 2 months
not your fault
(emily fox x reader)
in which you're obsessed with your girlfriend (especially her jawline)
warnings: slightly suggestive? almost all fluff
word count: 1.1k
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It's not your fault. Really, it's not.
“Baby, don’t you have to get up soon?”
You hum in reply, half asleep. 
You’re so comfortable. Your head is tucked protectively into the crook of your girlfriend’s left shoulder and neck while you lie almost entirely on top of her, the covers burying the both of you into a warm, delightful cocoon. Emily’s left hand is slowly moving up and down your back, and everything is just perfect.
“You can’t be late for work again.”
You open your eyes at that, but at the first moment you start to untangle your arms from her waist and feel her body heat dissipate, you realize that maybe you can stay for just another minute.
So, you decide to flop back down. Though, you’ve at least managed to roll your upper body partially off of her, giving you a perfect view of her side profile as she closes her eyes, not having to get up for practice for another half-hour. 
You can’t help but to reach out your hand and run your thumb along her sharp jawline—mind assaulted by memories of the night before when you see the marks littered below it.
Damn. She’s gonna kill me, you think. She’s told you so many times that covering hickies up before practices is a bitch, and looking at these marks—ones that might be a few too many shades past concealable—you realize you’re fucked. 
You start to analyze the best plan of action, landing on one that has you placing a gentle kiss onto her jaw before springing up from bed and hurriedly walking to the bathroom to wash up. All you have to do is leave before she gets up. Easy work. Easy peasy…
You’re so close—you’re at the door, knelt down with one shoe on when you hear her.
“Y/N! Come on!” she yells. 
You manage to put your other shoe on right as she appears in your vision, very clearly ticked off. 
“It’s not my fault?” you try, walking towards your very beautiful, and very pissed girlfriend.
“Oh, so it’s my fault I have to cover these up?” she says, pushing your shoulder when you stand in front of her.
Looking at her face, you decide that telling her you literally just look so incredible at every moment it’s not my fault you’re mine and I can’t help it would not exactly help your case. So, you decide to resume your quick exit, quickly kissing her cheek and saying, “Have a good practice babe, I love you!” as you grab your keys and leave your shared flat. 
You do make a mental note to buy Emily’s favorite chocolates after work. 
Like really, it's her fault. Who gave her the right to look that good after a game?
You’re reminded that you’re always completely in the right when you’re sitting at the Emirates two days later, watching your girlfriend wrap up a defensive masterclass against Chelsea. For the first time in a while, London is sunny, and the beautiful weather only adds onto the incredible mood in the stadium as the full-time whistle blows and cheers thunder throughout every corner.
You can’t help but stare at her while she celebrates with the rest of the team. Lotte likes to joke that the two of you could melt taffy with just one of your lovesick glances, but you can’t help it. It's her fault for looking so good after a game—sweaty, smiley, and positively glowing after helping her team to a win. 
She spends time walking around the stadium, signing autographs and taking pictures, while you chat absentmindedly with Alessia, who came to greet you before starting her rounds of the stadium. But when Emily finally makes her way towards you—lifting her shirt up to try and wipe some sweat off her face—you start thinking about your plans for after. Alessia catches your change in demeanor, rolling her eyes and walking away while muttering something under her breath. 
“Did you enjoy the game?” your girlfriend asks, stepping in front of you, grinning from ear to ear. You both look disgustingly in love as the sun shines down and highlights her vibrant smile. 
“Of course I did. How could I not, superstar?” 
Being in the stands means you hover tall over Emily, enabling you to comfortably wrap your arms around her neck as she looks up at you. You ignore the few stares that direct their way towards you two as you relentlessly press kisses onto her jawline and cheek. She’s laughing as she playfully tries to shove you away, but you can’t help but hold her a little tighter and whisper just how excited you are to get home. 
So, she should stop getting annoyed. She should know that you’ll never truly be satisfied. 
Your watch reads ‘8 P.M.’ as you cuddle up to Emily’s side on the white couch in your living room. The two of you had rushed home from the afternoon game, unable to resist the allure of enjoying each other’s company for a few hours.
And now, after redressing yourselves, cooking and eating dinner, washing the dishes, and tidying up the kitchen, the two of you are sitting together, more innocently enjoying each other’s company. She has a book out while you scroll mindlessly through Twitter, poking her side every few minutes to draw her attention to a funny tweet. 
After thirty minutes, however, Emily is deeply immersed into her reading and you’re bored. So, you resort to beginning your favorite activity: staring at her. You look up at her while your head rests against her arm, and you’re still mesmerized by her beauty even years into your relationship.
“What?” she asks without looking away from her book.
“You’re hot.”
She dismisses the comment with a small snicker, but places a kiss onto your forehead regardless. 
“We already fucked today, let me read in peace.”
You huff, but the both of you are well-aware that you aren’t deterred by small obstacles. So naturally, you begin to press a few open-mouthed kisses right below her jaw. She indulges you for a moment, closing her eyes and letting her book rest on her lap. But when a kiss turns into a stinging bite, she opens her eyes and grabs your shoulder. 
“C’mon, stop it. I have to go in for recovery tomorrow, you know that,” she whines. “I already stopped you from leaving marks once today!”
But she should know that you simply can’t help yourself. She should’ve known that you were going to toss away her book from her other hand, grab her wrists, and straddle her lap. She really should know that the stern look she sends you—with her jaw clenched, almost sharpened—while sitting underneath you only makes her hotter. 
She should’ve known that she was going to wake up the next morning with quite a few more marks. 
After all, it's not your fault. 
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229zmi · 3 months
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Nagi Seishirō/Reader | 1.0k words, fluff, jealous nagi
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Nagi, generally, is an apathetic person.
Yet somehow, there’s a taut feeling that twists its way through the gaps of his ribcage, stretching around his heart as his eyes linger on the fabric that hangs around your shoulders. Seeing you on the couch, casually scrolling on your phone while wearing a jacket he can’t recognise as yours or, even better, his as much as he wants to — the sight elicits something that’s not quite a painful feeling, but it isn’t exactly pleasant either, he thinks.
The wheels are still turning in his head when you finally acknowledge his presence with a smile, oblivious to the way he’s not even looking at you when you tell him, “Hey, Sei.”
Instead, he trudges over to you with the same passion as that of a sloth, and his voice comes out small, almost as if that same feeling in his chest has crawled past his shoulder to constrict his throat.
“That jacket— it’s not yours, is it?” It’s plain and simple, the way he states the observation, yet laced with the most marginal hint of spite.
“No, it’s Reo’s,” you confirm without missing a beat, and he narrows his eyes, so subtly that you don’t even catch it. You continue on about how you bumped into Reo by pure coincidence on your way to run an errand and how the weather’s been so volatile lately, oscillating between warm and sunny one day and freezing cold during the next. But Nagi—
Here’s the thing: as impassive as he is most of the time, Nagi is a great listener when it comes to you.
You’ve always been a priority to him and even more so in that facet. To relish in the fleeting moments of winning a game on his phone, or to know what happens in the latest chapter of his favourite manga as soon as possible — the rush of satisfaction he gets out of those is nice, he supposes, but not worth missing a word of what you say, be it something miscellaneous about your day or the biggest news he’s ever heard in his life.
And certainly, nothing is worth missing the small habits that make themselves known in your conversation, that make up the you he first swore love to near the bench outside the convenience store, holding your favourite snack in one hand and offering his jacket to you with his other because the harshness of springtime winds had swept away any warmth your flimsy sweater could contain.
It’s your facial expressions, your gestures, the way you look toward him at the end of each rambling, as if to ask, Are you listening? So then, he’ll answer— a nod, as if to say, Yes. Of course. Please say more. Because for you, it’s all ears and eyes wide open on his end.
But Nagi, admittedly, isn’t perfect, and this is not a matter of opinion. Even you can see the way he can’t stop staring hard at your jacket as though he’s trying to telepathically morph it into something that looks like it came from his closet instead.
Midway through an elaborate plan to sell the jacket for an outrageously high price on some sketchy website (you’re only half-joking… maybe), you finally notice his distant expression. “…Sei?”
His lack of response is all the confirmation you need for your suspicions. A grin then crosses your face, while your eyes sport a gleam that Nagi recognises as smugness once he eventually tears his focus away from the offending item of clothing.
You say his name again, this time teasingly. Then, “Are you jeal—?”
Your question cuts off unceremoniously when his hands reach over to latch onto the zipper of the jacket, pulling it down before tugging on the fabric near your shoulders. Despite the boldness of his actions, you don’t make any move to stop him as he flings Reo’s jacket across the room, hearing it land on the floor with a satisfying sound.
Moments later, he shrugs his jacket off in one smooth motion and then drapes it over your body. With his large palms smoothing over the fabric against your upper arms, it’s such a sweet gesture that you can’t find it in yourself to complain, although the opportunity to poke fun at him is hard to let slip.
“Woah, there.” Cheekily, you brush that one abnormally long part of his bangs away from his face and poke the tip of his nose, to which he responds with his signature pout before burying his face into the crook of your neck. As your back hits the cushion of the arm rest behind you and your hands come up to comb through his hair, you feel a bout of warmth surge through your collarbone area, accompanied by the sound of his voice muffled by your skin.
“I’m not jealous.”
A smile dances around the corners of your mouth despite your efforts to conceal it. “Really?” you say. “I think you are.”
“Nuh-uh,” he grumbles. “You can’t prove it.”
“I mean. You’re kinda all over me right now.”
He huffs at the flurry of giggles that tumble from your mouth boundlessly, like clothes spilling out of an overpacked suitcase. Though, when your laughter finally simmers down and humour seems to have come to a standstill in your conversation, sentimentality weaves its way into your voice, in between mixed undertones of reassurance and leftover amusement.
(Because what you’re about to say is nothing but the truth itself: ardent and vulnerable, despite the sheer casualness in the way you present it.)
“You’re the only one my heart beats for, Seishirō.”
Lazily, he peers up at you. “Promise?”
“I promise. Besides,” you add, snuggling deeper into the collar of his jacket, “your jacket’s way warmer, anyway.”
That could be attributed to the fact that he has practically become your personal heater by sprawling his body over yours on the couch. Nevertheless, the envious fangs surrounding Nagi’s heart slacken, and with your fingers brushing through his hair once again, he can’t help himself from murmuring into your skin, sounding more relieved than he has ever sounded, “Good.”
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sunburstl0v3 · 11 months
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✿ Ken x Fem. Reader x Barbie ✿
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
𝘐'𝘮 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘩𝘺, 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘩𝘺 𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵 𝘢 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘵𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘐 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦, 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦 떨리는 지금도, 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘐'𝘮 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘩𝘺, 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘩𝘺
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It was a beautiful morning in Barbie Land. The weather was perfect, sunny with no clouds in sight. Barbie, woke up joyful as always, jumping right into a shower she never skipped, and leaped to her closet readying herself for this perfect eventful day.
The blonde quickly dressed herself in a pink, white polka-dotted dress, with pink heels and a pink flower in her hair. It was perfect. Barbie's morning consisted of a quick breakfast of a cup of milk and a waffle with a dollop of whip cream, the perfect way to have breakfast! Finishing up her breakfast, she floated down to her car, like anyone else would.
"Hi, Barbie!" Barbie waved seeing another Barbie walking along the sidewalk, "Hi Barbie!" She replied. Oh, it was so perfect. As Barbie drove her pretty pink convertible, she greeted the Barbies on her way to the beach. It was another beach day with all the wonderful Barbies and Kens. Yet as Barbie was expecting a lovely morning sitting with other Barbies, chatting about how everything is just so perfect in Barbie Land but as she traveled closer to the beach, Barbie noticed a certain Barbie making a lot of noise.
"You don't understand." Weird Barbie spoke, clutching her overwhelming weird dress, with mismatched colors and stitches, "What don't we understand?" Doctor Barbie questioned, crossing her arms.
"Yeah! You're being a lot weirder than normal, Weird Barbie!" Lawyer Barbie said, "Yea!" Another Barbie chimed in. Weird Barbie frowned, gazing up at the sky, "It's gonna get a whole lot weirder sooner or later..." She muttered, confusing the Barbies but most of them barely paid any mind to her...as she was just off-putting. Then like a flip of a switch, Weird Barbie did the splits and rolled off the beach.
The rest of the Barbies watched as she tumbled away but their eyes instantly met with Stereotypical Barbie, her bright diamond eyes.
"Hi Barbie!" they all yelled in unison, "Hi Barbie!" she waved back, skipping down the sandy hill to the Barbies. "What's going on?" Barbie questioned, looking back at Weird Barbie exiting the beach, "Oh you know, just Weird Barbie being...Weird."
"So, everything is good?" "Everything is amazing!"
Soon after the music started and everyone, including the Kens, began their beach day, some played volleyball, and others had some kind of dance battle or swam in the beautiful blue sea. "Hey Barbie, do you know why Weird Barbie was being so much weirder than normal" throwing back a beach ball, "She said something about another doll joining us." Barbie said, Stereotypical Barbie gasped, "What are we doing!?" she yelled, missing the beach ball being thrown passed her, hitting a Ken in the back of his head.
"What do you mean?" Stereotypical Barbie rushed to sit down on the bleachers, other Barbies following after her, "If another Barbie is joining Barbie Land, we have to host an amazing party for her!" other Barbies murmured between themselves and suddenly getting excited, "Oh em gee! You're so right Barbie!" Author Barbie exclaimed, "How could we not!"
Stereotypical Barbie and Author Barbie began jotting down some ideas for the party which totally had a giant sleepover after.
The Ken's stood far, far away admiring the Barbies as always, "What are they talking about?" Stereotypical Barbie's Ken asked, pouting, "Something about a party." Ken replied, "I bet she's making an invite list, and I doubt you're on it." Ken's rival, Ken said.
Ken grumbled, looking away from the Barbies, "Barbie always invites me." yet Ken's eyes roamed back to Barbie, his Barbie. The way her perfect smile warmed his heart, and how even the slightest eye contact could put him in Ken heaven.
It was always a fact; Ken was undoubtedly in love with Barbie.
"Hey what's that?" someone asked, Ken turned around to face the ocean, and suddenly his face paled, the sky began getting darker, "Is it bedtime already?" His best friend, Allen asked.
"She's here."
"Ahh!" Ken looked next to him and there stood Weird Barbie, absolutely scaring him, "When did you get here?" but Weird Barbie ignored him staring intensely at the sky, "What's going on?" he questioned her, worriedly looking back and forth at the woman and the sky.
"She is arriving." as the words left her mouth, all the Kens gasped, making the group of Barbies look up, their eyes instantly going to the darkened sky, "Where's the sky...?" Stereotypical Barbie whispered, standing up from the bleachers and walking towards the ocean, "Hey Ken...What's happening...?" she asked worriedly, her blonde counterpart immediately did a 180, "Oh hi Barbie." Ken uttered as he fixed his hair making sure he looked really attractive to her.
The storm grew closer and closer to them, "We have to go." Weird Barbie said, backing away and rushing off the beach. Ken furrowed his eyebrows, fighting with himself in his own dilemma: leave for safety or be here with Barbie.
"Maybe we should follow her..." Ken frowned looking behind him and seeing other Barbies and Ken's leave all in fear of what is going on.
"Barbie?" Ken looked back at her, his blue eyes gazing at her full of concern. She was quiet, the giant blue sky she loved so much was a dark grey, large clouds forming together as they crept closer and closer to Barbie Land.
What happened to the sky?
Ken's face paled again, looking back and forth between Barbie and the sky, Ken frowned, "Barbie we have to go to the Dream House." Barbie blinked out of the random headspace and turned to look at Ken.
"Y-Yeah." they both ran away from the beach, hoping in Barbie's convertible, and making a quick getaway to Barbie's Dream House.
That night there was no dance, sleepover, party, or even Ken trying his hardest to impress Barbie.
It was bleak, it was nothing.
Barbie sat on the floor of her Dream House, her legs dangling off the ledge, as she gazed outside. Her blue eyes witnessed the darker clouds surrounding the beach more and more.
Barbie sighed, what was this feeling? Disappointment? Was this a sign about the new Barbie? No. All Barbies were perfect, smart, and happy.
But Barbie Land has never had a storm.
And then it started to rain. A crack of thunder made Barbie flinch, and then came a downpour of rain, coating the beach.
"It's okay..." Barbie whispered, her hands tightening around each other for comfort, "Tomorrow there will be another beautiful perfect day..."
With nothing left to do on this overwhelming day, she sat on her couch and waited till she couldn't hear the storms no more.
"She's here!" a loud yell awoke Barbie, jolting her up from the couch, a familiar voice yelled out again, and the sound of clapping, "She's here!! Hahah!" It was Weird Barbie who seemed to be crazy about this new Barbie. But anyway, Barbie lifted herself off the couch and floated down to the street, looking back up at the sky. Good, it was back to being blue and the sun was setting.
"Are you sure the new Barbie is here?" Diplomat Barbie asked, walking closer to her.
"Yep! I'm 1000% sure!" Weird Barbie smirked, her marked-up face scrunching. Stereotypical Barbie smiled, "Well, we shouldn't keep her waiting now should we."
Just a few minutes later, many Barbies and Kens huddled around the beach all staring at specific women. The woman, had her back turned to them, she was not what they were expecting...
"Welcome Barbie! This is Barbie Land!" Stereotypical Barbie beamed while she welcomed the new Barbie, excited to finally introduce her to everyone. She stepped closer to the woman, standing right behind her.
Barbie blinked, waiting for her new friend to turn and begin her new life here as a Barbie but she stood still watching the (plastic) ocean. Barbie frowned, shuffling to the girl's side and finally seeing her face.
[E/c] eyes, the new Barbie had glossy [e/c] eyes, she had eyes that seemed the sparkle as she gazed out admiring the sun, "Hello?" Barbie asked, finally the woman turned her head towards Barbie, startling her a bit.
"Hello..." she spoke, so soft that Barbie almost missed it, "Hi Barbie, welcome to Barbie Land."
The woman blinked, pouting, "I'm not Barbie, I'm [Y/n]."
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taglist: @imogen-skye @samhomo @almostjollypizza @itstylersblog @meowkid1000 @urmomsbananabread
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dukee2 · 1 month
student council president and the student council media officer!
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pairings : Kim Minji x gn! reader
genre : fluff!
a/n : this is my first fic, hope you like it!
parts: part 1
warnings : none (?)
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Being the member of the student council was atrocious, - especially as a loner who had little to no friends, probably 4-5 friends who were all - well the same as you, unlike you tho, you had a 90-98 score average, making you the smartest of the group.
You also had a crush on the student council president, Kim Minji. She always eyed you as you did your projects, making advertisements for the school, and others. Keeping a steadfast glare on you, your hands, shaked as they edited the poster you were gonna submit, clicking the mouse as you added decorations.
Next Day
As you walked through the hallways of the school, you reached to open your locker, but, a tap on your shoulder emerged, making you jump, as you moved your head to your back, you found her. Kim Minji, smiling at you with utmost sincerity, her soft eyes boring into yours, a warm feeling engulfed your body, your stomach having butterflies flutter inside them,
“y/n? hello?” Minji spoke softly, she probably called your name 3-4 times, before you realized and answered, “yeah? w-whats wrong?” you stuttered out, heat rising to your cheeks as she was almost too close to you, “well, i just wanted to ask if you finished the poster yet.. its almost 4 days before the deadline.” your eyes widened, forgetting to press submit last night as you were pulling an all-nighter, god..
you responded with, “y-yeah, yeah, i just need to finish some stuff- and i’ll be done..! yeah..” You regretted stuttering, how could you stutter infront of a pretty and polite girl like her? god, you’re messing up your chances, you thought.
“Oh.. alright then.. good luck!” She responded with, enthuasism in her voice, she smiled cheekily as she returned to her group of friends, well - popular, group of friends.
As she walked away, you couldn’t help but think you had a crush on her, tho, the warm feeling engulfing you had turned cold by now, - the butterflies that once fluttered, flied out of your stomach.
how could a loser like you have a chance with her?
3rd Period
The bell ringed, waking your half lidded eyes as you gathered your materials, shoving them into your backpack as you walked out of the class. Walking towards your locker, you opened it, as a note fell down to the floor, picking it up, you opened it carefully, it wrote,
“hey, y/n, if you’re free, would you like to meet up at the park afterschool, i’ll be at the swings, waiting.
xxx xxxxx.”
weird.. the name was blacked out with black ink.. you shoved the note into your coats pockets, leaving it as a reminder if you forgot, which, you would never.
as school had already ended, you stormed through the halls to the exit door, as it was raining, you had to ask your friend for an umbrella, since, they always brought an extra one just incase.
“hey, could i borrow an umbrella?”
you softly spoke, a smile painted on your face.
“sure, make sure to return tomorrow, yeah?”
they responded, handing you the umbrella
“thanks, i promise i’ll return it safe.”
you said, taking the umbrella and opening it.
“have a good day, then.”
they replied, as they walked to their car, exiting school grounds
as you walked with umbrella in-hand, you went onto your bike, placing the umbrella in a modified-in pocket on your bike, perfect for rainy days and sunny days -
you now rode your bike to the park, tho it was hard to see due to harsh weather conditions - you managed to make it out alive without crashing.
you waited at the park’s benches for awhile, waiting for the rain to stop - and it did.
you now walked to the swings, finding her.
your body instantly froze in fear, your words turning into a stuttering mess.
“hey, what did you want to meet up for?”
she spoke, raising one of her eyebrows with a confused look.
“i was about to ask the same thing, didn’t you give me a letter?”
you responded, pulling out the crumpled piece of paper from your pocket.
“ah.. i guess we got played..”
she said, clearing her throat after the sentence.
“yeah.. um..”
you responded akwardly, eyes meeting the floor.
“well, while we’re still here, why don’t we continue? consider it as a friend date..”
she said, smile creeping up her face, her cheeks, visibly red.
“sure.. i mean, yeah, we can do that..”
you idly said, stuttering mid sentences.
minji spoke, her tone monotone.
you said with a confused look, eyes meeting hers.
“i like you.”
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ᯓ★ signing off, exulansis. all rights reserved. please don’t plagiarize and translate.
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drakesfeelings · 5 months
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ INFRUNAMI
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summary. marc and his girlfriend are living their best lives during vacation.
small drabble - taking requests here
trigger warning. love
IT WAS CALM, the rays of the sun came out of the curtains and crushed on their skins.
the weather was perfect; the clouds were high in the sky and the sun was shining brightly.
the couple was still fast asleep, tangled between each other.
marc’s back was covered by [your name]’s leg, while his hand was attached to her lower back—fingers holding firmly the flesh of her ass; an habit of his.
the girl’s face was smushed against the boy’s neck, her warm breathing rubbing against his tanned skin.
her hair was a complete mess; curls laying on one of the pillows and blinding her boyfriend’s eyes—the consequences of her being lazy and not tying her hair up before sleeping.
however, marc didn’t mind one bit, loving the smell of her favourite shampoo and styling cream.
the room was still very silent; only the breathing sounds and light snores of the two young people being audible, them just appreciating each other’s warmth and presence.
but suddenly, sleep seemed to slowly quit the couple’s bodies, making the two of them slowly opening their eyes—marc being the first.
« mmh… he hummed, bringing a hand to his eyes that were blinded by his girlfriend’s hair. ¿nena? »
he only received a grunt from the girl, making him chuckle lowly.
between sleepy eyelids, marc stoled a quick glance to the girl laying next to him: appreciating her sleepy form—pouty lips that he wished he could kiss till the end of time; gorgeous face filled with sleep and her warm body pressed against his.
smiling lovingly, the boy couldn’t do anything but fall for her again (and again).
giving her more time to properly wake up, marc stretched himself—breaking his back several times in the process, his eyes still trying to adapt at the bright luminosity in the room.
once his view was clear enough, the spanish boy didn’t hesitate to get out of the bundle of warmth that the hotel bed was, and walked to the balcony—not before squeezing two or three times his nena’s ass and kissing her temple briefly.
entering the balcony, only in his calvin klein boxer and his naked back on full display, marc made his way to the very front of it; watching peacefully the greek sea.
his vacation to greece with the love of his life was all he needed. football was his very first passion, but that didn’t mean that breaks from it were bad.
that’s what every footballer need; sunny beach and twelve hours of sleep (and in marc’s case, their partner in crime).
the feeling of waking up at the hour he wants, having the luxury of clinging onto his love much more than the other times, tanning on the beach, swimming in the hotel’s pool and eating some five-stars meals everyday: all of this was the dream.
again, he smiled—still watching the waves in front of him.
« babe… the sound of his girl’s voice came to his ears. why do you need to wake up so early bro, she grumbled while hugging her boyfriend’s waist. »
« ain’t your bro, [your name]. »
he hated when she called him like he was one of her friends—which he really wasn’t.
the girl didn’t say anything, only wrapping her arms tighter around his warm skin and leaning her cheek against his muscles—feeling the need to bite them. not in a creepy way, just her way of showing affection.
« ¡dejar de morderme! he hissed while her teeth sunken onto his skin. she laughed loudly, amused. are you on drugs or something ? he laughed too. »
« didn’t you know ? had some coke last night, reaching back, the boy slapped his hand against the lower back of the girl, making her laugh again. »
« kiss me before i throw you in the sea, he said while turning to her. »
didn’t need to repeat himself twice: her lips already crushing against his, their hands rooming against each other’s bodies.
squeezing each other’s lovingly, the two of them feeling the need to express their love to each other through their touch.
@ drakesfeelings 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽
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redrose10 · 6 months
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Here is chapter 1! I hope you like it. Chapter 2 will come out in a few days. Comments are appreciated!
Yoongi X Female Reader. CEO/Arranged Marriage AU
Summary: You were selected to marry the wayward CEO/Billionaire/Heir, Min Yoongi. You went into it with an open mind and heart determined to try and make it work. Yoongi on the other hand had no intention of ever letting you in let alone allowing himself to fall in love with you. Slowly you start to associate the smell of cinnamon and vanilla with the feelings of hurt and sorrow.
Word Count: 1,693
Warnings: (May get updated as chapters progress): Arranged marriage, cheating/infidelity, hints of smut (Probably won’t get very explicit but we’ll see how it goes), Sexual Assault, Brief mentions of death, Reader grew up an orphan, General Angst, Swearing
The weather outside did not match the feeling in the conference room. Outside the window you saw the bright sunny sky, not a cloud in sight. You longed for the warmth to touch your skin. Inside this room you felt cold. The walls were a dark cherry mahogany. A marble sculpture of a horse sat in the corner. You’re sure it cost more than a years worth salary for you. You chewed on your lip, a nervous habit you developed at some point. Everyone was patiently waiting for the same person to arrive so you could finally get this over with. Never would you have imagined you’d be in a position like this. Being married off to a man you’d never met. You knew of him of course. Who didn’t? Min Yoongi was the CEO of one of the largest tech companies in the world. He was the sole heir to a large fortune being that the Min family was one of the most powerful and wealthiest families in all of Asia. He was dangerously handsome with an arrogant attitude. A womanizer who was constantly in the media and not in a positive way. Just a few months ago we was caught on camera being tossed out of a club for punching the bartender. The video showed him staggering around so drunk he could barely stand straight. He shouted some choice words before shoving three random women into the back of his Rolls Royce and having the driver speed off. Of course the poor bartender didn’t even file any charges knowing he’d never win against the Min family power and money.
Shareholders started worrying about Yoongi’s ability to lead the company, some even demanding he step down. People were uncertain if they should invest in a company run by a sloppy drunk with clear emotional baggage. Stocks in Min Enterprises began to plummet which meant the Min family money started to dwindle and only then did they decide it was time to step in. Which is how you ended up here, sitting across from Yoongi’s parents and some of the other higher ranking officials at Min Enterprises. They had come to the conclusion that it was time for Yoongi to settle down. He needed to find a nice wholesome woman who could help him clean up his image, turn his life around, maybe have a future heir and turn himself into a well respected family man. The problem with that was that Yoongi had never lasted more than a couple weeks with any woman since he was about 19. Often going for quick hookups with women he met at clubs or random models he got ahold of that just wanted to use his name to further their career. In his mind it was easier. No strings attached. No chance of falling in love. No heartbreak. Just sex and send them on their way.
You were a simple girl. You didn’t come from money or power. You loved flowers, blue hydrangeas were your favorite. You often enjoyed a mug of warm milk before bed or maybe some chamomile tea if you were feeling adventurous. Most of your clothes were thrifted and definitely not name brands. You’d only ever had one serious boyfriend and less than four flings. You were the exact opposite of Yoongi and the women you often saw him photographed with.
Which is exactly why the Min family thought you were the perfect match to save their wayward son and bring a good reputation back to the Min name. You had no one else to thank but your old college roommate and best friend Jimin. After graduation he moved away but you kept in touch with each other. One day you get a voicemail from your friend asking you to come visit him in Korea. After calling him back and him assuring you the trip was all expenses paid by himself you agreed. Little did you know of the secret motive. Jimin had moved to Seoul after graduation, quickly getting a job at Min Enterprises. He started as just an assistant to Yoongi’s assistant. Over time Jimin was able to work his way up and was now a member of the board of directors and one of Yoongi’s best friends. When Jimin heard of the Min family plan he immediately thought of you and threw your name into the contenders ring as a potential suitor for Yoongi. You had recently complained about wanting to get out of your small town and Jimin recalled several instances where you mentioned your ever failing love life and non existent bank account so what better way to get around that than to marry a handsome young billionaire.
Your thoughts were interrupted when someone cleared their throat. Looking up you were greeted by the handsome face of Kim Seokjin, one of the Min family lawyers. “Can we be expecting Yoongi any time today?”, he asked probably more sarcastically than he had planned. As the elder Mr. Min started reaching for his phone the large double doors swung open and swiftly slammed shut as the man you were all waiting for stomped over and took his seat next to you, clearly agitated at having to be there.
You knew that Yoongi was handsome, most of the world knew that, but seeing him in person was different than any photos you’d ever seen. Soft perfect skin, piercing cat like eyes, silky jet black hair that he had started to let grow out. He was wearing a fitted dark green suit that probably cost more than every piece of clothing you owned. His cologne intoxicating, a mix of cinnamon and vanilla. He smelled like comfort and warmth.
When he realized you were staring at him he looked over at you turning to a face of disgust before shaking his head and turning his attention back to the lawyer, “Jin, can we get this over with? I have more important events to attend to.” You watched the lawyer lay out several sheets of paper in front of the two of you. “Right so these are the basics of the contract. It’s pretty standard. The Min family will release an official statement announcing the marriage of their only son Yoongi and Miss Y/N. The wedding will take place shortly after.” You watched as Jin turned to you placing an additional paper down in front of you and pointing to the stipulations as he read them off, “Y/N you will take the Min last name. You will move into Yoongi’s penthouse. You will agree to attend all social and/or professional functions with Yoongi and occasionally you will have to go alone as the Min representative. You will be given a credit card to make any and all purchases for any thing you need or want. And lastly you will uphold a satisfactory image as to not taint the Min image. Also please be aware that a divorce is not an option and the contract will only become nullified in the event that either Yoongi or Y/N were to pass away leaving the other as a widow.” You nodded in understanding while staring down at the list of demands in front of you. Things could be worse you thought but this still wasn’t ideal, especially not having the option for a divorce.
Jin turned his attention over to Yoongi placing a similar paper down in front of him and going over his stipulations which were much simpler than yours, basically don’t get caught with other women and don’t get drunk in public. You scoffed knowing that he would struggle to uphold his end of the contract. You were blindsided though when Jin read off the final stipulation, “After the wedding Yoongi will make an initial donation in his and Y/N’s name in the amount of $5 million US dollars to ‘Little Rays of Sunshine Orphanage’ in Y/N’s hometown. Then he will make an additional $1 million donation every year thereafter for the duration of the marriage.” Your lips turned up into a small smile. You had jokingly told Jimin that you’d agree to this whole ordeal if Yoongi donated a large amount of money to the orphanage that you grew up in. You didn’t think he’d actually get it done but you were a little relieved knowing that at least going through with this was going to benefit many children in need. You made a mental note to thank Jimin later. Deep in your thoughts you hadn’t noticed how Yoongi had looked over at you with furrowed brows questioning that request.
Jin placed a pen down in front of you before clapping his hands together, “Alright now that that’s out of the way the two of you just need to sign and date here and here and we can all go on with our day.” Trying your best to hide your shaking hand you gently grasped the ivory pen taking a deep breath before signing away your life to this man you met less than 15 minutes ago. Handing the pen over to Yoongi he glared at you before releasing a loud sigh and roughly taking the pen from your grasp signing away his name. Once it was done Mrs. Min began to speak but was cutoff by Yoongi loudly pushing his chair back and slamming the pen down on the glass table, “I have places to be.” And with that he stormed out of the room loudly slamming the door behind him. Mr. And Mrs. Min along with the rest of the elders followed not long after giving you a nod goodbye. You looked up to Jin who gave you an apologetic smile. He patted your hand as he continued to pack up his belongings, “He’ll come around Y/N. Just give it some time. He puts on a tough act but underneath that harsh exterior is really a sweet kid who got lost along the way.” Going into this you thought maybe this could actually work out and the two of you could at the very least pretend to love each other. Now, after meeting for the first time, you’re not so sure.
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sttoru · 7 months
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‘malaysia, ah. . . yeah, malaysia —kuantan would be nice.’
☀︎|nanami kento x female reader. fluff (or is it?) + heavy angst. jjk spoilers (season 2, episode 18) / chapter 120. you’re married. mentions of blood. sad / bittersweet ending. major character death. don’t show your friends who stan nanami this, they might jump from a building <3
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sunny weather with a gentle breeze and the sounds of the crashing waves eventually landing ashore. the peace and quiet that most long for.
“kento, you’ve been reading for a while now.”
ah, and the voice of his lovely wife whom he cherishes most. a perfect setting — a safe space for someone who doesn’t know what right or wrong is anymore. for someone who’s tired of the way the world is.
time seems frozen when you spend it with the one you love most. and when you spend it somewhere you wish to actually be.
kento looks up from his book, eyes meeting the alluring clear stretch of ocean and the blue sky that held no clouds. his gaze then falls back down on the page he had last read — or, perhaps it was the previous page that he had been reading. or maybe the one before that. or perhaps he hadn’t even started the story.
he doesn’t know anymore. the pile of books that laid next to the rocking chair were all but a beautiful mystery. he had opened them, read them over and over, yet not a single word had been remembered.
kento doesn’t remember.
“kento?” your voice calls out once more. the sorcerer tilts his head back to look up at the one calling. there you were, standing next to him, hands on his shoulders with a gentle smile on your face.
you looked angelic. you looked like all he wanted. all he needed — a perfect complete picture.
kento hums and simply nods in response before looking down at the unknown novel in his hands, “yes, sorry, darling. i got a bit too caught up in the book.”
typical him.
a calming sound of laughter leaves your lips and kento instantly relaxes his shoulders — which he didn’t even know were tense in the first place. as if on cue, your fingers move to massage the muscles.
kento closes his eyes and sighs. he doesn’t bother putting a bookmark between the pages before closing the hardback. not like he needs it if he couldn’t even recall what he had skimmed through.
his eyes move under his eyelids — almost like they’re searching for something under the darkness of the curtains that were casted. the only thing he was focusing on right now were the noises on the beach and your sweet voice.
kento furrows his brows; the sounds of the crashing waves had soon overwhelmed the soft sound of your voice. a moment of peace was disturbed by the loud waves—waves that sounded more aggressive than gentle like they were seconds ago.
waves that sounded like continuous slashes.
a droplet of something warm falls on his skin and his eyes flutter open.
the sea was still there. the beach was still there. the house he had bought was still there. but most importantly, you were still there. though, there was an undeniable change in the atmosphere.
“you’re having a nosebleed.”
your worried comment makes kento stare up at you in confusion. a nosebleed? the pad of his thumb grazes over his upper lip. and there it was; the crimson stain slowly flowing down his finger, “oh.”
kento remembers. he remembers everything clearly. the sudden calmness in his surroundings that were once hectic; why he couldn’t recall what he had read; why the sounds of the waves had changed into something more ominous as the moments passed.
the realisation dawns upon him — and it hit hard.
“i’m tired. i really am tired.” the sorcerer mutters at last. his body was exhausted. his eyes were droopy. things were beginning to fade. the realisation was beginning to kick in. the effects of the hallucinations was starting to wear off.
he gazes at you one more time. his weak hand reaches out to yours and he interlocks your fingers. it pained him to see your eyes filled with sorrow and worry. even if you were but a fraction of his imagination.
maybe that’s how you actually are sitting on the couch in your shared home. maybe you are waiting on him to come back to you.
kento wouldn’t blame you if you did. he did promise that he’d be back, as did he do every other day. and he did come back as promised each time.
well, except for today.
“i didn’t know you were here.” the blonde sorcerer’s hoarse voice calls out once his peaceful surroundings had disappeared into thin air.
malaysia, kuantan — the beach — you. all but a nice dream. perhaps an alternative reality which he wished he could be in right this moment.
“yup. the whole time.”
kento looks down at the familiar face. the blue-haired executioner who was on the brink of finishing his lifetime once and for all.
one last sigh leaves kento’s lips; his life flashing before his eyes. both his regrets and satisfactions—his achievements and hopes.
and lastly, the moment of peace he had experienced before his time was over. you had helped him until the very end — giving him the peace he much needed during his suffering. a dream in the form of all he wished to have; of you.
the dream was a sweet replica of what could have been. but unfortunately, human dreams must always come to an end — and reality is what must be faced once they do.
that’s the way it is.
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itsnotsoobiebobbie · 1 month
i'm not fluent in english, forgive me for any mistakes!
genre: fluff
photo credits: @koovias
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On a sunny spring morning, you and Jin decided to have a picnic in the city park. You packed a basket full of sandwiches, fresh fruit, and a bottle of wine, while your boyfriend chose a beautiful checkered blanket to spread out on the green grass.
Sitting in the shade of a large tree, you both enjoyed the pleasant weather and the tranquility of the park. The scent of flowers filled the air, creating a serene and romantic atmosphere around you.
As you reached for a slice of watermelon to savor, a wave of gratitude and love overflowed in your heart. You looked at Jin, whose dark eyes reflected the sunlight in a captivating way, compelling you to share your deepest feelings.
Jin, noticing the gentle expression on your face, smiled tenderly at you.
"What's on your mind, love?" he asked, leaning in to kiss your forehead.
You gently held his face between your hands, your eyes shining with tenderness and sincerity.
"Jin," you began, your voice soft with emotion, "when I'm with you, I feel like I'm holding my whole world."
Jin was momentarily stunned by your words, his eyes meeting yours in a moment of pure connection.
"(Y/N)…," he murmured, his voice choked with emotion, "you are my world."
You embraced warmly under the shade of the tree, sealing that special moment with a gentle kiss. There, in the midst of the park, amidst the idyllic scenery of nature, you both knew that you had found something truly special in each other.
On a sunny spring Sunday, you and Yoongi decided to have a quiet and relaxed date at a charming café in the city. The place, known for its delicious brunches and cozy atmosphere, seemed like the perfect setting for a romantic morning.
You sat at an outdoor table, surrounded by pots of colorful flowers and the soft murmur of conversations around you. As you flipped through the menu filled with tempting options, you exchanged smiles and knowing looks, enjoying each other's company.
After placing your orders, you and your boyfriend continued to chat animatedly, sharing funny stories and plans for the future. The tempting aroma of freshly brewed coffee and dishes being prepared wafted through the air, creating an even cozier atmosphere.
Suddenly, in a moment of silence between you two, you gently cupped his face in your hands, holding it delicately. Your eyes sparkled with a mixture of tenderness and emotion.
"You know, Yoon…" you began, your voice soft and full of sincerity. "Sometimes, when I look at you, it feels like I'm looking at my world."
Yoongi was momentarily surprised by your words, but soon a smile spread across his face, reflecting the love and gratitude he felt for having you in his life.
"(Y/N), you are my world," he replied, his voice filled with affection. "And every moment by your side is a gift that I cherish more than anything."
Tears of happiness filled your eyes as you leaned forward, sealing the moment with a gentle and passionate kiss. There, in the midst of that quiet morning, you shared a moment of deep connection, further strengthening the special bond you shared.
Você and Hoseok were a couple who appreciated the simple things in life. On a rainy Friday night, you decided to have a relaxing moment at home. You bought a delicious pepperoni pizza, put on your matching giraffe-print socks - an inside joke you had since your first date - and chose to watch the classic "Beauty and the Beast".
You snuggled on the couch, wrapped in a soft blanket, your feet warmed by the cozy socks. You rested your head on your boyfriend's shoulder as he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer.
As the movie unfolded on the screen, you found yourself moved by the scenes of love and redemption between Belle and the Beast. You looked at Hoseok and saw in him your own prince charming, the one who loved you despite all your imperfections, the one who turned your life into a fairy tale every day.
In a particularly touching moment, when Belle tenderly held the Beast's face, you felt a wave of emotion sweep through your heart, turning Hoseok's face towards you, holding it with gentle hands.
"Do you know what I feel when I look at you like this?" you whispered, your eyes shining with love.
Hoseok smiled, looking at you tenderly. "What?" he asked, curious.
You lightly squeezed his cheeks with your hands, feeling the warmth of his familiar skin under your fingers. "I feel like I'm holding the world," you said, your voice full of sincerity. "You are my world, Hobi. And I'm so grateful to have you by my side."
Your words enveloped Hoseok in a comforting feeling of love and belonging. He held your hands on his cheeks, looking into your eyes with a deep expression of gratitude.
"You are my world too, (Y/N)," he replied, his voice soft and laden with emotion. "And I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world."
And there, in that intimate moment, eating pizza, wearing matching socks, and watching a classic movie, you and your boyfriend felt more united than ever.
On a starry night, you and Namjoon decided to have a special date at the city's planetarium. Both of you were passionate about the cosmos, and the idea of getting lost in the depths of outer space seemed like the perfect way to spend time together.
As you watched the constellations projected on the dome of the planetarium, you felt a wave of excitement wash over your heart. You looked at Namjoon, his face illuminated by the starlight, and smiled.
"Joon," you said softly, touching his face with your hands. "Do you know what I'm thinking?"
He looked at you, his eyes shining with curiosity. "What is it?"
"When I'm with you, I feel like I'm holding my world," you replied sincerely. "It's as if the entire universe is contained here, in this moment, in this place, in this shared instant between us."
Namjoon felt a shiver run down his spine. He had never heard such deep and beautiful words. He looked into your eyes and felt connected to something greater than yourselves.
"(Y/N)," he murmured, his voice full of tenderness, "you are my universe. You are everything I could ever wish for."
And in that moment, as they were enveloped by the magic of the planetarium, they knew that they were destined to explore together the mysteries of the cosmos and the infinite horizons of love.
It was a rainy Saturday afternoon when you and Jimin decided to have a date at the local art gallery. The rain tapped gently against the windows, creating a cozy atmosphere within the space filled with artworks.
As you wandered through the different rooms, admiring paintings and sculptures, you were particularly fascinated by an abstract painting hanging on one wall. The vibrant colors and bold strokes seemed to leap off the canvas, evoking deep emotions and thoughts.
"Love, look at this," you said, gently pulling him by the hand towards the painting. "It's amazing, isn't it?"
Jimin observed the artwork for a moment, lost in his own interpretation of what lay before him. He then turned to you, ready to share his thoughts, when suddenly you gently cupped his face in your hands.
"What's wrong?" Jimin asked, surprised by the sudden gesture.
You looked into his eyes, your fingers caressing his skin softly. "You are my world, Jimin," you said softly. "Just like this painting is an expression of beauty and complexity, you are my own masterpiece. In every stroke, in every color, I see the depth of our love."
Jimin's eyes filled with tenderness as he absorbed your words. He felt his heart overflowing with love for this incredible woman before him.
"(Y/N)," he murmured, holding your hands tenderly. "You are my world too. You always have been and always will be."
And there, in that art gallery, under the soft light of the lamps, you exchanged a gaze full of love and understanding, knowing that even amidst a world full of chaos and uncertainty, you had found refuge in each other.
You and Taehyung walked hand in hand through the aquarium, immersed in the underwater spectacle unfolding before you. You were enchanted by the vibrant colors of the tropical fish, while your boyfriend watched with fascination the graceful dance of the shoals.
As you explored the different environments of the aquarium, you found yourselves in a corridor surrounded by huge glass panels revealing a fascinating underwater world. The light filtered by the water created an ethereal atmosphere, while fish of all shapes and sizes glided silently around.
You suddenly stopped and, with an adorable smile, cupped your boyfriend's face between your delicate hands. Your eyes sparkled with a mixture of admiration and tenderness.
"Tae," you said softly, "have you ever stopped to think that, in this moment, I'm holding my world?"
Taehyung was momentarily stunned by your words, but then he understood what you meant. He smiled, touched by the simplicity and beauty of what you had expressed. Holding your hands against his face, he replied, "Yes, love, I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be than here, being your world."
You hugged each other, immersed in the magic of the moment, while the fish continued their tranquil dance around you, silent witnesses to a love that was blooming.
On a sunny late afternoon, you and Jungkook walked hand in hand through the amusement park, savoring every moment together. Laughter and lively conversations echoed around you as you marveled at the vibrant lights and thrilling rides.
You decided to head to the ferris wheel, an imposing structure that rose majestically against the sky tinged orange by the sunset. As you slowly ascended in the cabin, Jungkook's heart beat faster, not just from the height, but from the presence of the person he loved beside him.
When you reached the top, you turned to your boyfriend, your eyes shining with a mixture of emotions. You gently held his face in your hands and smiled, a smile that lit up your entire face.
"Kookie," you began, your voice soft and filled with tenderness, "sometimes I feel like I'm holding the world when I'm with you."
Jungkook felt a comforting warmth flood his chest. He never knew that a few words could be so powerful. He smiled back at you, feeling deeply connected.
"(Y/N)," he replied, his voice choked with emotion, "with you by my side, I feel like I can conquer the whole universe."
You embraced, lost in that magical moment at the top of the world, where time seemed suspended and worries faded away. The gentle wind caressed your faces as you reveled in the sweet sensation of love.
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to-thelakes · 2 months
wet cat vibe
pairing; emily prentiss x fem!reader
summary; you get rained on on the way to emily's apartment.
warnings; fluff, pure fluff, slightly suggestive towards the end, reader in a summer dress
notes; okay, so this was a little one-shot that i wrote a few weeks ago after i saw a prompt and my friend suggested that emily would be perfect for it! i've never actually published anything like wlw but i thought i might as well bite the bullet and show emily some gay love because her being straight-ified by the show is a crime to me and me personally. she is my bisexual queen. thank u. so, please enjoy this little fluff
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When you agreed to go over to Emily’s after you were finished with work, it hadn’t been raining. In fact, it had been a beautiful sunny day and you were walking around in your flowy summer dress. It had been warm, idyllic and you hadn’t even realised that anything had changed. That was until you stepped out of work and it was raining. And not just normal rain, it was a fucking torrential downpour. You didn’t know what to do.
You had assumed that it would stay nice all day but no, of course not. You internally cursed yourself as you stared out at the rain. Why did you never check the goddamn weather app? Were you really that stupid?
Everyone had already left the office which left you alone to try and get to Emily’s without looking completely ridiculous. You crossed your arms over your chest, staring across the street as the rain bounced off the pavements.
Her apartment was only a few streets over and so you scouted out the area in front of you. There were quite a few buildings that overhung which meant that you could at least get some shelter. It would be fine. You just had to be strategic.
So, you waited for the traffic to clear up before you ran across the road. You looked like a madwoman, in a flowy dress while it poured with rain around you but you had definitely looked more insane before so this was nothing.
By the time you reached Emily’s apartment and despite your best attempts, you were still drenched right through. Your dress was becoming transparent thanks to the rain which Emily would love but currently, anyone could see which wasn’t exactly what you intended.
When you pressed the buzzer, Emily let you in with no question and you rode the elevator up. She was waiting for you at the apartment door, hip rested against the door frame as she looked you up and day. You tried not to laugh, a smile spreading across your face.
“Have you not heard of an umbrella? Jesus,” Emily said and you looked down at yourself. You were literally dripping water across the carpet, your hair (that was down over your shoulders) was dripping droplets of water across the fabric of your dress. You looked a mess.
“I’m going for the wet cat vibe. How do I look?” You asked as you reached her apartment door. Emily chuckled softly at you and you did a little twirl for her before facing her again. Emily shook her head in disbelief.
“Pathetic. Come on, you’re dripping everywhere,” Emily said as she urged you inside. You followed her and she closed the door. Her back rested against it as she took you in. She could very clearly see the lingerie that you had picked out just for her. Though, you had completely forgotten how see-through your dress was so you wandered over to the kitchen for a tea towel to wipe your face without a care in the world.
“You know, I think this is a good look,” You stated as you turned around to face Emily. She was leaning against the counter now, obviously checking you out.
“I think what’s underneath is better,” She responded and you chuckled softly, remembering exactly what she was looking at. You wiped off your face and your neck with the towel. Your hair was probably a lost cause for now so instead, you dropped it down and reached out for her hands and tugged her a little closer.
“I wore it just for you,” You teased. Emily hummed out in response, moving her hand to rest against your cheek, “Thought you’d like it but the whole building saw it before you did,” You muttered. Emily tilted your chin up a little.
“I don’t mind,” She responded, her lips inches away from yours, “As long as they know who you’re coming home to.” You couldn’t help the bashful smile that spread across your lips, the wetness between your legs. Emily had this subtle possessiveness to her that made you completely weak at the knees. It was ridiculous.
“Why don’t we show them?” You suggested. Emily grinned and tugged you towards the bedroom. It was going to be a long night.
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blughxreader · 1 year
Platonic Yan!Superman
Summary: An afternoon-in-the-life of Superfam's kidnapped darling CW: post-kidnap, chains. relatively tame, Clark is a good daddy. ambiguously aged reader. ft, mommy lois. WC: 624
When it comes to you, Clark's strength and self-control sit in a precarious balance.
It takes monumental discipline not to break people's ear drums from the blast-off towards home or to flatten Smallville's crops when landing too suddenly. The frenzied excitement at seeing you after a long day makes him forget his powers, but he's generally mindful.
Clark landed in a gust of air that rattled the house, hand on the doorknob before the windows even vibrated. It took him a second to remember to be human.
Clark inhaled deeply through his nose and went through his checklist.
Human strength?
Feet on the ground?
Calm and collected?
Warm air and the delicious smell of dinner greeted him like a hug. Clark took a step inside, carefully measuring the weight behind each step until he comfortably distributed his usual 235 pounds. Tension bled from his muscles when he narrowed in on your frantic heartbeat upstairs.
"Hi, baby," Lois called from the kitchen.
Clark migrated towards her voice, spotting Lois at the table with her head ducked behind her computer screen.
"Hi, you." Clark smiled.
His eyes skirted over the pot of soup simmering on the stove as he walked to the table. With feather-light fingers, he guided Lois's face up for a kiss. Comforting serenity did away with the last of his nerves, and Clark took a second to appreciate how perfect his family was.
They parted, faces lingering close.
"So..." Clark started, voice an absent hum. Your heartbeat seemed to echo through the house, but Clark knew only he could hear. "Mind if I ask how your day was, then get back to you in a few minutes for the answer?"
Lois rolled her eyes with a smile, pushing his chest away. "Go on, you awful worrier."
Shooting her a sheepish grin, Clark hurried out of the kitchen towards the stairs.
Finally. Clark worried about you at all hours of the day. Thoughts of you escaping or accidentally hurting yourself were an ever-present concern, despite his thorough precautions. Worrying wasn't all he did, though. Clark also just longed to see you.
Clark's foot landed on the squeaky step, followed by your sharp breath from down the hall.
It was no secret that you didn't want to be a part of their family, and Clark understood. He did everything to make himself as predictable and gentle as possible, hoping that one day you would be happy to hear him come home.
Clark carefully approached your door, listening to you move. Thumpthumpthump, your pulse fluttered.
Rasping a knuckle on the door, he said, "Kiddo?"
He didn't wait for an answer. Time slowed as the door slid open, revealing you in all your precious glory.
You were sitting at your desk, back straight and hands in your lap. Despite your fear, your face was as pleasant as you could make it, save for the small quivers in your tight smile.
Clark’s eyes crinkled from his smile. “Hey, kid. I missed you.”
“Hi,” you said meekly, rising to greet him.
Clark crossed the room with more speed than he intended and swept you into his arms, pulling you off your chair. The chain around your ankle rattled at the disturbance.
Your shaky arms wrapped around Clark's back, and his heart swelled with love. His sweet kid. His unending joy.
Clark kissed the crown of your head, drawing out the hug for as long as possible. He looked out your window, seeing sunny, blue skies past the iron bars that caged the glass.
Now that he thought about it, it was beautiful weather on the flight home.
Clark settled you down on your feet, arms still wrapped around your small frame. With a smile that matched the sun's light, Clark asked, "Want to sit outside and wait for Jon's school bus?"
For more yandere superfam content, visit my batfam & superfam masterlist!
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alwritey-aphrodite · 3 months
❛ keep it. it looks better on you. ❜ tasm peter 👀👀👀
With summer right around the corner, you’ve stopped listening to news stations and weathermen and starting listening to your heart when it comes to the forecast for the day. In your mind, it will always be sunny and warm, and maybe the longer you continue to dress for that weather, the more the universe will get the hint and finally turn spring into summer after the everlasting winter you’d had.
“It’s supposed to get cold again today,” Peter warns when he sees your bare legs and arms as you meet him on the steps of your building, the crooked smile on his face enough to surpass the sun. Ever since you stopped listening to professionals, Peter’s taken it upon himself to be your own professional meteorologist, keeping you up to date on all forecasts. Most of the time, you humor him and grab a coat.
“I’ve decided it’s summer,” you say as you descend the last few concrete steps, making it clear that you don’t intend to go back up and change, even though you’re already a bit chilly with the breeze. Still, it’s too late in the year for you to keep bundling up every time you leave your house, so you’ll just grin and bear it and let Peter say ‘I told you so’ when the time comes.
That time comes much sooner than you’d like, the wind picking up and the sun hiding behind the clouds as you and Peter walk through the park near your building following lunch, too broke to pay to get in anywhere and too restless to go inside. You’ve got your arms wrapped around your middle, one on top of the other to keep you as warm as possible, and your teeth are so close to chattering you can barely focus on the story Peter’s telling you of his disastrous attempt to surprise May.
It all happens so fluidly, you don’t fully realize what’s happened until it’s over. Still in the middle of his story and tilting his head to look over at you every so often, Peter unzips his hoodie and shrugs it off before draping it over your shoulders, and your body responds before your brain can process and slides your arms into the sleeves. It’s long on you, perfect for Peter’s lanky frame, and the hem brushes against your bare thighs as you walk, but you’re so blessedly warm you can barely think of the implications.
Peter doesn’t seem bothered by the cold at all, hands stuffed in his pockets and his deceptively strong biceps on display in his t-shirt as he keeps telling his story like nothing out of the ordinary just happened. Your brain is still in a spiral, and you can’t focus on anything other than the fact that you’re wearing Peter’s hoodie, and it’s soft and warm and smells like him, and you have to stop yourself from tucking your nose in and inhaling.
The sun soon makes its return, glinting through the trees and illuminating Peter’s profile that you’re fully convinced he’s an angel, even though you’ve had your suspicions before. As the sun warms the air, you go to slip your arms back out of the hoodie and hand it back to Peter, but he’s already stopping you with gentle hands, pulling the sweatshirt back into place on your shoulders.
“Keep it, it looks better on you,” he tells you, accompanied by one of those signature Peter smiles that always makes your heart stop, and paired with what he just said you’re certain you’ll drop dead on the spot. He just tilts his head, still grinning, still framed by the sun like he’s emitting his own light, and then he just goes on walking, as if he doesn’t know the effect he has on you.
Luckily, your legs manage to work as your brain struggles to keep up, running into overdrive as it starts and sputters like an old car over what just happened. Peter keeps glancing over at you, like he expects something of you, but he continues with that innocent expression that leaves you baffled because he has to know the effect he has on you, with his gentle touches and soft smiles and beautiful voice. He slips his hands from his pockets, swinging them by his side as he walks and brushing against your knuckles, and now you're certain: Peter Parker will be the death of you.
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batsvnte · 1 year
𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲, 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 • 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠
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Pairing(s): Wally Darling
Sypnosis: Wally experiences a strange emotion as someone talks to his dear (Name)
Warning(s): possessive behavior (?), scopophobia, (slight) cursing, ooc maybe
Word Count: ???
Notes: gender neutral black human!reader (they/them pronouns) with human Wally Darling hHhhH- based on an audio I heard of Wally being jealous so I wanted to write something similar to that. Characters belong to @/partycoffin
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It was a warm sunny day in the neighborhood just as how it is every other day. It was perfect weather to be outside to spend the day away doing fun activities. Or to be staying inside for practicing hobbies, relaxing or doing whatever comes to mind. To a certain blue haired individual, he wanted to take the chance to take his dear (Name) out for a picnic.
(Name) and Wally decided to go out into the open field near their house. They found a perfect spot underneath shade of one of the trees to set up everything. (Name) goes over their mental checklist to make sure they brought all the things for the both of them. Satisfied with themselves as they continue their path to the picnic spot.
Both of them had separated some tasks with themselves so they can have everything checked off. (Name) made themselves in charge with bringing the food for them while Wally made sure to bring supplies such as plates, cups, etc.
Soon (Name) reaches the spot where Wally was standing underneath the shade. He was setting everything up for the both of them, his back turned as he stands up in thought. (Name) jogs up to him whilst carefully holding the basket of food in their hands.
“Heya, Darlin’.” (Name) greets, which gained his attention almost instantly.
Wally turns to (Name) with a friendly smile on his face. He had quickly grown use to them using his last name whenever they greet him. “Hello, (Name). My, you look lovely today.”
(Name) smiles bashfully at the compliment. “Thanks, you look amazing Wally.”
Wally’s smile seem to grow bigger at their words. He’s always enjoyed exchanging compliments with (Name). Wally found ways to compliment his friends whenever he gets the chance, though the ones from (Name) were ones he looked the most forward to. No matter how simple or extravagant they were.
They kneel down to set up the food since Wally had already set out the plates for the both of them. While (Name) was preparing the food, Wally stays standing from a short distance. His eyebrows furrowed in a focus state while he looks down at the picnic setup he had done himself. Something was missing.
“Hm.. I must’ve forgotten something.” Wally muses to himself, unaware that this grabs (Name)’s attention. He stays silent for a couple of seconds before speaking again. “Silly me. I think I know what’s missing.”
(Name) turns over to look at him with curiosity in their eyes. From what they’re seeing, he’s gotten everything that’s needed for the picnic. Perhaps he’s forgotten something personal of his that he wanted to bring to the picnic.
Wally takes a few steps away from the spot, looking back to (Name). “I’ll be right back, (Name). I just need to go back to grab something.”
“Ok. Don’t take to long.” (Name) watches as Wally departs from their spot, seeing his figure on the path to what could be assumed to his house.
(Name) turns their attention back to the food. Everything was all set up for the two of them. They smile proudly to themselves as they adjusted the small makeshift table that was brought, having only two plates of food on it. Now all they had to do was wait for Wally to get back.
“Excuse me? Are you Mx. (L/N)?”
(Name) jolts out of their thoughts as they look to an unfamiliar person. The person wasn’t someone from the neighborhood at all. Though it was a uncommon occurrence that there would be an visitor from another place. This was the first of the visitors that (Name) had encountered.
They nod slightly few seconds afterwards. “That’s me, is there something you need?”
“Ah, no not really,” The visitor play with their fingers as they attempted to make some sort of eye contact with (Name). “I wanted to come over to say that I really like your outfit! The design for the shirt is really cool.”
They could only smile at the compliment. “Thank you!”
They wore a short sleeve shirt that consists of their favorite color in different shades that meshed well together along with some regular bell bottoms. (Name) wouldn’t be considered underdressed for the picnic, but at the same time not exactly overdressed for the weather. They were in the middle point.
“Anytime!” The person’s gaze goes over to the blanket covered with goods for a few seconds. “I love how this is set up. Are you here with someone else?”
“I’m here with a friend. He just went to get something.” (Name) responds to the question while having a little boost of confidence at the first few words.
Whilst they were busy with their conversation, one had failed to notice Wally’s arrival. He was holding one of his many sketchbooks in hand as he saw the perfect opportunity to draw during their picnic. The moment he was about to call out to (Name), he pauses in his tracks as he sees someone unfamiliar talking to (Name). Strangely the smile that was always on his face was nowhere to be found. He was always welcoming to new people visiting or staying in the neighborhood no matter who they could be. Seeing someone talk to (Name) wasn’t something that he likes to witness. Especially if he wasn’t there with them.
The person however took notice of Wally as he silently approached them. They pause whatever they were saying as their eyes were kept on him. The person wanted to say something to acknowledge Wally but their voice was caught up in their throat as they made direct eye contact with him. His eyes had no light; solely just pitch black darkness in them. There wasn’t any emotion present in his eyes. Not that they couldn’t tell in anyway possible. They slowly started to feel uncomfortable the longer he stared at them.
“Oh (Name). I’m back.” His voice broke through their thoughts, seeing how (Name) finally acknowledged Wally’s presence.
(Name) turns their head to look to Wally, feeling a bit more content now that someone else familiar to them is here. Not that they minded the unknown visitors presence. It was just nice to have someone else around. Wouldn’t really say the same on Wally’s case.
“Welcome back to the picnic, Wally.” (Name) muses quietly as Wally turns his gaze back over to the visitor who stood incredibly silent for the past few seconds.
The look in his eyes never changes which slightly freaks the unknown visitor out. “Welcome to the neighborhood. Who might you be?”
It took a few seconds for the unknown visitor to really process that Wally was talking to them. “Oh.. Oh me? I’m just someone wh-who’s visiting a friend from round here.” They quickly sputter out and trying not to trip over their own words.
“That’s amazing. Who are you coming to see?”
Wally’s voice was kept at a soft tone that can be added into his charm. But (Name) couldn’t help but pick at the hint of anger that was faintly there behind his words. They look between the person and Wally questioningly whilst wondering what’s going on with their dear ol’ friend.
“Sally Starlet.. Speaking of her I should go see how she’s doing. It was nice meeting you two!” Before either of them gotten another word out, the unknown visitor had walked off. Without any final glances to Wally or (Name).
‘What the hell was that?’
They let out a soft sigh before seeing Wally take the open spot reserved for him beside them. (Name) readjusted themselves to facing more towards Wally. As expected he was looking at them with a calm look on his face.
Their observation from the conversation that took place moments before clouded their mind entirely. (Name) maintains eye contact with Wally once again, finding no other emotion other than his usual calm expression with that charming smile he had on his face.
“Is something on your mind, (Name)?” Wally’s gaze never moved or shifted even the slightest bit away from (Name).
Deciding against their own conscious they asked, “What was that just a while ago?”
“What do you mean?”
“You sounded a bit mad when you were talking to that newcomer,” (Name) states as they shifted around slightly to become more comfortable, but never broke eye contact with Wally. “You don’t show much emotion Darlin’ but I can tell that you were.. jealous.”
Wally stays silent. His face didn’t change even the slightest bit. It almost made (Name) second guess their answer to his question. It felt like an entirety before Wally’s monotonous laugh rang through their ears.
“I wouldn’t want to admit it myself, my dear. You see, the picnic was suppose to be the two of us. Alone.” Wally’s laughter faded by the time he finished talking. “It would’ve taken so long for us to enjoy this special day if I hadn’t dealt with them.”
(Name) looks to him with a conflicted look. This was something new even for them to see. Though they were quick to notice how the mood had darken slightly.
“They seem nice though,” there goes their first attempt. “Maybe if you weren’t jealous as fuck then—“
Wally feeds them one of the slices of apples that they made. (Name) looks to him with confusion as he smiles at them. “It’s rude to talk with your mouth full, darling.”
(Name) glares towards Wally playfully as they finish eating the apple slice. The irony of him using his last name as an nickname for them made them smile just a tiny bit. At least with that it lightened up the mood for the both of them. (Name) continues on with the conversation while switching the topic to something else to get their mind off of the visitor situation.
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Sharing is caring Wallace “Wallander” Darling.
I don’t like this one it took me a while to keep up with consecutive writing since I’m not use to writing prompts that has to deal with characters being jealous n whatnot. Hoped you enjoy tho–
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