#thank you to my friend who's helping me revise for it I love you so much no homo :')))
charmedreincarnation · 3 months
hey i finally entered void after 4.5 months!! i can’t believe my life is so so fun now!!!
what i used :
• tumblr for resources; i learnt a lot from bloggers post which introduced me to void.
• subliminals on youtube: i just listened to it twice daily but i think u can skip this step
it was such a struggle at first but i let all the tension go away for me to embody it…
what i manifested✨
height and face; i was 5’11 before but i wanted to be shorter cause i didn’t like being tallest amongst all girls and even guys. i changed it to 5’3. now i think i look like cute. for face - foxy or siren eyes, positive canthral tilt, fuller lips, no eye bags, sharper nose. i think i might play around my facial features a bit more until i am satisfied with it haha.
avatar editor irl: i used to play sims 4 a lot a lot !! since 5 years i’ve been playing it. if you play it too you know there’s a CREATE A SIM page. it’s somewhat like that but for me in my phone as an app. i can choose clothes or facial features and it changes my face or clothes or accessories irl!! if ur a shifter its like a “LIFA APP” as you’ve heard.
gaming; i am a gamer and i can enter any gaming world at anytime instead of playing it on screen and let me tell u girl!! life has been so fun since!! but dw i don’t “die” in it i just respawn and also pain setting is 0 i dont feel pain when i enter games. sorry but i also play shooter games haha, dw they’re NPC AS THEYRE IN GAME THEY DONT FEEL HURT.
be a good student; i didn’t cancel school cause i just love the drama that’s going on loll, and i love outshining people. so i just manifested that i become a good student. whatever i read once i can remember without any revision required. also be more logical to solve math. cause girl i used to FLUNKKK!!
Boyfriend!!: holy i should have put it in number one!! THIS ONE OF THE BESTEST!! he’s literally in the kitchen making me dumplings cause yk- i made him a chef!! btw i made him from scratch from CREATE A SIM lol!! i revised that he has always been going to my school and one year older than me. he’s so handsome istg!! kind of a combination of jacob elordi and jungkook? i can’t explain!! u get it tho!;) and he’s also so respectful to women ! oml! almost opposite of those red pilled men (yuck!!!)
friend group: theyre so kind and diverse!! it’s vast !! (17 people incl me) and everyone is so amazing kind talented and everyone’s from a diff countries!!
language : i can speak korean now, fluently!
there is so many other minor things but these r my faveee!!! ty ty ty for reading and all the bloggers who have helped us.
and if u haven’t entered, what r u even thinking! u have and you’ll change ur life in a split second like me!! don’t worry about taking too much time luvzzz!!
seee u!!!!
So happy for you love 💕 congrats, and thank you for the tips. Also you’re real for making your bf from scratch 😭😭
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cat-toess · 10 months
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Summary ✄: In which, Lyney is unbelievably, heads over heels with you.
Tags ✄: fluff, strangers to lovers (soon hehe), mid-length (sort of) one-sided pinning (for now...) gn!reader (intended, I sincerely apologize if not, please message me if you find any mistakes in terms of this topic! I will do my best to improve my writing :D)
Notes ✄: Lyney come home, please. I beg of u. come home at 15 pity (on my knees sobbing and crying rocks) pspspspspspspsps
P.S: I will be revising this even after this has been published, so if you find any grammatical errors then it might be fixed the next time you check <3 might even add paragraphs- so if you want, make sure to check in regularly!
Ft Lynette, being the best wing woman in the history of teyvat.
PART 2 ✄: Lovesick pt.2
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Lynette was always supporting Lyney. Whether it was behind the scene or in front of the audience of their spectacular magic shows. Always wanting the best for her brother, silently looking out for him (although she may not show it directly on her face).
But there were some situations where she could not back up her dear brother. 
Said ‘situation’ being her brother's ridiculous one-sided crush on you, a stranger turned friend that Lynette had met while shopping for some new tea brews. You, a fellow tea enthusiast, passing by recommended her some of your favorites. Which ended in a lengthy conversation between you and her about the teas of the world. 
Now this wasn’t the usual silly crush Lyney would have that only lasted (at best) 1 week. No he was horrendously down bad. Even Lynette, who had no experience in the romance department mind you, could notice her brother's admiration to you immediately. Hell she could probably spot his stupid heart eyes all the way from Celestia. 
It was only a matter of time until the entirety of Fontaine and their grandmothers and children knew of Lyney’s infatuation with you. 
This led her to her current predicament. 
“Lynette please, do your lovely, wonderful and majestic brother one favor! Introduce me to your ethereal friend from earlier!”  Her brother dramatically whined. Clinging to his sister's leg like it was his lifeline. 
“I would if you weren’t being such a creep about them, you’ll scare them away if you meet them in such a state.” Lynette grumbled. 
Even Freminet, who usually kept to himself started to feel bad for Lyney. 
“Lynette, it wouldn’t hurt to introduce Lyney to Y/N, would it?” He asked. Looking down at Lyney who was close to tears.
“Thank you Freminet! See Freminet sides with me!”  Lyney exclaims, gesturing to Freminet, who is quietly sitting in a chair minding his own business. 
“Fine, I’m meeting them today at Café Lucerene. I’ll introduce you to them there, okay Lyney?” Lynette sighed in annoyance (though she was a little happy since she’s never seen her brother so mesmerized with someone.) As soon as she says those words, his face lights up almost immediately, the signs of sadness are long gone from his face. Lyney jumps up to Lynette to go in for a hug. A hug that she swiftly dodges with a sour expression.
“I truly owe you my beloved sister! But before that mind helping me pick out a few strategies to greet Y/N? I can’t fumble my charming first appearance with my future lover, can I?” Lyney giggles, like a young school girl in love Lynette thinks. 
“Fine…” Lynette murmurs. 
By preparing, Lynette thought her brother would only ask her opinion on how to greet you or what to compliment about you first.
She didn’t mean to agree helping out her brother immaculately plan a custom-made show for you. 
“Lynette! Which bird should I pull out of my hat? The classic magician favorite, the pigeon? Or the epitome of love, the dove? Or maybe my dearest may prefer one of those weird exotic birds from Sumeru? What were they called again?” Lyney pondered for a second before Lynette interrupted his thinking. 
“You mean the dusk bird?” Lynette quips. 
“Yes that one! Or maybe something bigger? Like a sumpter beast? Or even better a Phantasm-“ 
“Lyney! You are not summoning dangerous beasts through your hat, also what if they attack Y/N?” Lynette says as she rubs her head. Maybe Lyney's stupidity was finally starting to rub on to her.
“Hmm, you have a point a suppose, however would I marry them if they were buried 6 ft below me.” Lyney dramatically exclaims placing his hand on his forehead. 
Lynette sometimes worries about her brother these days, ever since he met you, he keeps feeding himself delusions that you two were meant to be. He even had a whole life plan for the two of you, he decided that your first child should be named Lyney/Lynette jr (depending on if they were a boy or girl, her brother had said) .
“Wait a moment… Lynette I have the most spectacular idea, listen closely.” Lyney blurted out, an imaginary light bulb appearing on his head.
Now here she was, hiding at a nearby table at the Café she and you were supposed to meet. Originally you two would meet here to exchange tea brews you found over the week and have a brief talk about them. But this time it was different. 
The first part of the sibling's elaborate plan was to tell you that Lynette was sick so her brother Lyney came to pick up the tea instead. 
So here Lyney is standing near the table, patiently waiting for (his soon-to-be) love of his life to arrive. As if on cue you arrive and Lyney is already enchanted with your appearance. Ogling at you like a hopless person in love. Lynette had never cringed so hard in her life.
Lynette has to stop the insane urge to groan at her brother's antics. 
“Hi Lynette, the green tea this time is- Oh? You’re not Lynette? “ You say in confusion, staring at the young man in front of you. You had seen him before on posters and the front page of The Steambird and all that, so you were surprised at the least to see a famous face instead of Lynette (who was also famous, but that aside) 
“Greetings, exquisite friend of my sister.” Lyney bows, but as he tips his hat a swarm of doves fly out of his hat. “I am Lyney, Lynette’s brother.” He says as he magically makes a bouquet of rainbow roses appear in his hand, and gives them to you. 
Who knew Lynette's brother was such a charmer. 
“Oh hello, nice to meet you Lyney. I’m Y/N” You say politely flashing him a smile (one which made his stomach do flips) 
“No need to introduce yourself, I’ve heard so much about you from my sister.” He says, revealing a charming smirk of his own.
“ I see, if I may ask where is Lynette today?” you ask out of curiosity, looking around searching for your fellow tea lover. (sorry if you don't like tea)
“Ah, sadly my darling sister is sick today, so I have come instead of her to pick up the tea. I accepted the offer as soon as she mentioned it. Who would want to miss the opportunity to meet a person as beautiful as yourself.” He comments, gently holding your hand as he brings it up to his mouth to kiss the front of your hand.
Lynette was praying to Celestia and all the beings above that her brother would choke on his own spit.
“Why, thank you.” You say, not expecting to be drowned in compliments by this stranger. Your demeanor goes from calm to slightly flustered in a matter of minutes. (I mean who wouldn't with Lyney around, honestly)
Lynette internally wonders what could you ever possibly see in that obnoxious brother of hers? 
For a while you two engage in a friendly conversation about simple things like the weather and so on. Soon enough you two get more comfortable as Lyney starts to show you a variety of magic tricks.
"No way you're actually getting my card-"
"Is this your card?"
"You weren't joking-"
Lynette sighs as she starts preparing for phase 2. 
The second part of their scheme was to get Lynette to conjure a strong gust of wind to knock you off your feet so that Lyney could catch you and scoop you up. Like in those popular plays. 
This much should be enough. Lynette thinks to herself as she summons a gust of wind headed straight to your direction. Aimed at you of course. 
But what is this? The wind blows a little off track and hits Lyney instead. 
The next few seconds were like they were in slow motion, Lyney has a surprised expression on his face as he plummeted down to the floor. Lynette is laughing at her brother. Holding her stomach and rolling on the floor (an unusual sight for the people watching the scene unfold, only used to the cool and composed Lynette.)
That is until you grab Lyney into your arms last second and suspend him a few centimeters above the ground.
Would you look at this? Lynette thinks. 
The plan had completely backfired. 
Oh well, her brother would be delighted with the results either way. 
“Are you okay Lyney?” You ask concern lacing your voice. 
Lyney thinks his name never sounded prettier than when it came from your lips, with your voice. 
“Yeah I am, sorry about that.” The usually flirty and confident magician is nowhere to be found. His cheeks were tinted with a rosy hue of pink as his mind went in spirals. 
“No problem, it was nothing.” 
An awkward yet (sort of) romantic silence envelopes both of you. The two you staring at each other's eyes and shyly glancing at each other for a few minutes. 
Lynette was a hair away from barfing up all of her breakfast and possibly her internal organs. 
You were the first to snap out of the trance like state.
“Well, I have to go soon… I’ll see you later I guess?” You ask, waving your farewells to the blonde. Slowly heading back home.
“Yeah, see you later.”  Lyney waves back, a smile adorning his gorgeous facial features. 
Lynette pops out of her hiding spot, and takes a metal note of her brothers' expression. 
“You’re down bad, aren’t you?” 
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@cat-toess 2023 please do not plagiarize or copy on other sites <3 Reblogs are appreciated, but please give credit :D if you have feedback please refrain from being offensive <3
The amount of horrible grammatical errors I found in this is crazy- I sincerely apologize 🥲
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Some of my other posts with Lyney...
❁ Lyney Hcs
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starvity · 8 months
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— ☆ zb1 reacting to you being a shy and quiet person
gn!reader x zb1 (ot9)
genre: fluff, drabble // warnings: cursing, a hint of social anxiety, everyone is so nervous and blushy
author’s note: as a power I(NFP) i was very thankful to receive this request just to spend hours daydreaming about considerate jebewon i cry </3 (★ω★)/ [requested♡]
ੈ✩‧₊˚ jiwoong
works a lot with body language. you guys can communicate with your eyes without having to say anything. even when you first met, jiwoong would start the talking until he suddenly stops, scared that he might be talking about himself too much. you encourage him to keep going, stating that you like listening to people since you're not a big talker. he finds your shyness endearing and he would look at you with already so much love in his eyes. when you guys start dating, he would always stay considerate and attentive, like when you two first met. when you and jiwoong go to a party and you already feel the need to go home, you would slightly fumble with his fingers and he would immediately get the hint. "we're leaving first guys, thanks for the invitation." jiwoong states, leaving the boys confused and you panicked. "babe we arrived 25 minutes ago, we can't just leave now!" you whisper-shout and yelp as he throws you over his shoulder, walking to his car.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ zhang hao
as one of the only introverts, you guys would definitely get each other a lot. though he doesn't act like one sometimes, he will need to get some quietness and calm after a long social interaction. matthew, your best friend, had introduced you to the rest of the friend group and hao and you immediately clicked. whenever you came over to their dorm, hao and you would immediately go to his room to have "some peace and quiet" (the others keep complaining about how you two laugh way too loud). you would be sprawled out on hao’s bed, legs tangled together and your head comfortably resting on his shoulder, having one of your weekly movie marathon. "just date already" matthew chuckles as he leaves the room, leaving a blushing hao and you behind him.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ hanbin
hanbin will naturally take the leading role when he notices you're on the shy and quiet side. will always reassure you that you don't have to change anything for him and that he can be the one speaking and you can be listening. even though hanbin is very outgoing and extroverted, he will never get enough of your calming presence whenever he comes home from hanging out with a lot of people. if you have trouble ordering a drink or food, he would always make sure to do it for you. and if you tell him you've done something out of your comfort zone he would literally shower you with compliments. "i have to do a presentation for my next class, i hate speaking in front of people." you mumble, laying on your stomach with your head buried in your pillow. your boyfriend hanbin, lying next to you, rolls over and throws an arm around you, settling his face on your shoulder. "you're going to do great, i'll help you revise" he whispers in your ear reassuringly and plants a small kiss on the crown of your head.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ matthew
it was your best friend’s birthday party and they had invited a few friends from high school over. you were sipping on your drink, quietly watching a small group play some board games while some others are loudly doing a karaoke on the tv. matthew, who was sitting in front of you, notices your quietness and comes sit next to you. "do you perhaps want to go grab a drink in the kitchen with me?" he suggests shyly, hoping that you don't find him too pushy or weird. you nod with a smile and follow him to the kitchen, when you start having a casual conversation. matthew asks if you’re enjoying yourself in a careful manner, unsure if you would take it the wrong way since it was the first time you two met. you calmly explain that you’re just a bit introverted and reserved but you thank him for noticing your presence. embarrassed, his ears turn red. he thinks he might like you.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ taerae
you and taerae make the perfect balance. feisty gremlin and cinnamon roll. the members are always so thankful when you come over because you're basically the only one who can manage him and his anger issues. and taerae is secretly very thankful too, you're like his little bubble of fresh air. he'll feel bad if he's talking with his friends (or most of the time just yelling at them) or singing loudly and he notices that you're sitting by yourself quietly. even when you repeat that you're just a little shy and quiet and that you like watching him have fun from a distance, he will be stuck to your arm. he will definitely try to find a way to spend some calmer moments with you, like having you tell him about your day while he plays guitar and hums softly. "and OBVIOUSLY when we started to talk shit about him, he arrived" taerae gasps as he immediately stops strumming his guitar. "wait so did he hear you? love, you never get the timing right" he laughs loudly, taking both of your hands in his, worriedly.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ ricky
finds your quietness attractive. when he first saw you, he thought you were trying to be mysterious (your social battery was just too low for you to speak to anyone) and he was immediately drawn in by your aura. whenever you guys are in any social setting, he would flirt with you, whispering in your ear how expensive and classy you look in that moment and you're like i just want to go home, ricky... thinks you look so cute getting shy when someone asks you a question and he notices how you start playing with his rings. you haven't spoken since you sat down until you hear something that sparks your interest and you just have to speak up "that reminds me of the time when ricky..." he wouldn't be able to hide his burning cheeks and ears when he realized that every little conversation you would have were always about him.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gyuvin
gyuvin as the outgoing funny loser who had to sit next to you, the shy and quiet student. he found you very cute and wanted to quickly get to know about you. he would probably say some really clumsy stuff at first like "are you always quiet like that? is it not hard to not talk at all? i can't imagine having to keep quiet for even 5 minutes that would make me lose my mind..." and to that you respond "well! why don't you try shutting up for once?" he is shocked by your bold comment, then he quickly starts giggling as a pinkish color paints his cheeks. later during the lesson, you feel something poke your forearm. you put your pencil down and turn your head to see a small piece of paper folded between gyuvin's fingers. he looks down at you with round eyes, a small grin on his face. you give up listening to the teacher because passing notes with your seatmate is much less boring. the excitement that comes before slowly unfolding the papers make both of your hearts flutter.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gunwook
i am once again a firm believer of cold-looking but actually softie and very considerate gunwook... bonus point because he's only a softie for you. "actually y/n thinks... y/n would love that... y/n will take..." doesn't matter if you're with him or not, gunwook will always talk for you or about you. he wants you to feel included and he wants you to want him. he enjoys spending some moments with just the two of you. he will feel very special if he notices you start talking more when you're with him only because that means you feel safe around him and omg his heart can't take it!! it doesn't always happen though, sometimes you just like to just stay in silence with him but it's always a very comfortable quietness. in those moments, it would feel best to just play a random movie to watch while cuddling. your head rests on his shoulder, almost buried in the crook of his neck while his thumb slowly strokes the back of your hand and you just feel so at ease and sleepy...zzz
ੈ✩‧₊˚ yujin
number #1 of the introverts. yujin would love being in your company because you just get him you know? he would get so annoyed when he announces that he needs some quietness just to have gyuvin follow him and ask him to play computer games with him. yujin's favorite moment of the day is when he gets to walk home with you, sharing earbuds while walking with your pinkies interlocked. the only times you would feel the need to speak is to say that you like the song playing. you could easily count how many words you've said during the entire evening if you wanted to, considering how quiet you two like to be, even when you're together. you would frequently scare the boys when you come out of yujin's room because they didn't even know you were at their house and you had to explain them you two were just taking you third nap of the day.
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h8ani · 9 months
A Gift For You
Pairing: Chifuyu Matsuno x Reader
Anime: Tokyo Revengers
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Nothing really, Emma isn’t really canon in this, Sano!Reader, fluffy cute as shit, her and Emma argue 🤣 lil sister tingz, afab! reader in mind!
A/N - I just wanted to say thank you @kkittycries for proofreading and helping me revise this because I most definitely would’ve trashed this 😭😭
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“God, you’re so in love with him.” Emma says before taking a sip of her drink. She watches you stare off with hearts in your eyes beside her as you two sit by Hina at the shrine. Your eyes were zoned in past Mikey and on the vice captain of the first division, Chifuyu. His focus looking up as Mikey speaks aloud to all of Toman, his body straight and center, you could see his hair sway with the crisp fall breeze that came every now and then.
You weren’t listening as Emma spoke to you, barely hearing the giggle Hina let out until she nudged you to get your attention. “Huh- what?” You look at the two girls who were just smiling at you.
“Stop gawking at your boyfriend and listen to me, we need to talk about your party.” Emma says. Your eyes narrow before turning fully to her. “At least I don’t have a Draken shrine in my room.” A gasp leaves her as she sits up, slamming her canned drink on the ground.
“You didn’t!”
“Oh I did.”
The tension rises as you two stare daggers at each other, Hina uncomfortably clears her throat before speaking up. “No family fighting please! The last time you guys fought you two tumbled down the stairs.”
“That was her fault!” You both say in unison while looking at Hina causing her to shrink up at the outburst.
You and Emma were close in age which more than likely reasoned with why you two argued so much. She was a year younger than you and Mikey yet you out of all of the siblings look the most different. You had darker hair like your older brother Shinichiro and you were taller than both of them as well, standing a few inches taller as your siblings were just under you.
Emma and you were very alike aside from constantly bickering and wrestling around from time to time. You both were really sweet, caring about your friends the second you grow that bond, she has a big heart for those she loves and you’re just a bit more reserved. You’d rather like someone from afar while Emma goes and gets what she wants when she wants it.
You sigh and bring your attention back on the blonde boy you were fawning over earlier. You spend most of the nights you come here with Emma and Mikey doing this, staring from afar and not doing anything but thinking of how cute he is. You’ve been introduced to him when you were younger, always knowing all of Mikey’s friends and most of the members in Toman yet you still knew nothing about him. Sometimes you wish you could trade places with Emma, at least she’d know how to catch his attention. “Hey (y/n)?” Hina speaks up, “do you ever talk to Chifuyu?” She asks.
Your thoughts about said blonde were cut short as you feel yourself deflate. “No...” you mumble, tucking your knees against your chest.
“She’s too scared he won’t even know who she is.” Emma teases, “she’s too chicken.”
“Am not!” You whip around, glaring once again at your younger sister who’s snickering to herself. As much as you love her, you want to tackle her down the stairs once again. The bickering between you two never ceases to stop even once the meeting ends and others pass by you sparing glances at you both.
“Just go talk to him!” Emma shouts
“Who does (y/n) want to talk to?” A voice speaks up from behind you, you turn to see your brother walking up the steps of the shrine with Draken following close behind.
Your mouth drops open slightly, how much did he hear? Does he know of the feelings you’ve had? No, he couldn’t. You’ve only told-
“Oh she wants to talk to Ch-” you whip your head around to send another set of daggers at her, a sly smile spreading across her lips before she can finish her sentence. “No one, she doesn’t want to talk to anyone so nevermind.” She smiles up at Mikey, her attention now settling on Draken as she stands up.
Your eyes stay on your sister as Mikey’s stay on you, a smile threatening to form on his face as he says his next words. “I’ll just tell him to go ahead then leave then.” All three of you girls look at Mikey, curious as to who it was.
“What?” Emma asks while glued to Draken’s side.
“Who?” You raise your eyebrows, curious as to who wanted to speak to you.
A small hum came from beside you, Hina’s features riddled with confusion as to everything that’s been happening. Poor girl.
“Chifuyu, he said he wanted to talk to you but I’ll just-”
“Where is he?” You interrupt making Emma snicker and Hina lets out a small gasp. You rise to your feet and look at Mikey who can’t help but let a smile across his face. “He’s waiting by his bike, better go before you’ve made him wait too long.” You’re gone walking down the stairs before Mikey could even finish his sentence, his head follows you as you keep a steady pace trying to walk too fast to the boy who wants to talk to you.
As he watches you a smile stays formed on his face, seeing his 2 minute younger little sister who’s clearly walking like she’s on a mission was heartwarming. You tried to be tough on the outside despite you keeping everything bottled up and being one of the more sensitive siblings; you’re sometimes the spitting image of his older brother and it does something to him. Yes he’s protective over you, that’s what brothers are for, but with the similarities you give he can’t help but give you a push in life and especially in the love department, god knows Shinichiro needed it.
Your thoughts were everywhere as you made your way towards all the bikes, what did Chifuyu want to talk to you about? Why’d he send your brother out of all people? Did he catch you staring at him? No he couldn’t have you would’ve seen him look back at you there’s no way that’s the reason. But what if it is? Someone else could’ve told him and he wants to talk to you and tell you that you’re a creep. You grab onto your fingers anxiously pulling on them as your mind goes in high gear. If you turned back now you could highjack Mikey’s bike and never look back-
“(y/n).” A voice calls out ahead of you. You glance up and see Chifuyu and realize that you made it to all of the bikes. He smiles at you as he’s leaning against his own, his hands tucked away in his pockets, cheeks a light shade of pink, the weather did drop a bit since being out here. God he was just so cute. You were staring again, no words able to leave your lips as you gawk up at the boy in front of you. Embarrassment quickly takes over once you hear him chuckle. “I wanted to give you something.”
“Huh?” The word came out before you meant for it to as you were snapped out of your mindless stares. “I heard it was your birthday.” He speaks again while standing up from his bike and walking closer to you. You blinked standing there dumbfounded as you put two and two together of what he just said. Did he just say a gift?
He pulls his hands out of his pocket and raises a small necklace up in front of you. It’s a small moon pendant with a little green stone in the middle of it. Your eyes widened upon seeing it and he swore he could see the stars in the night sky sparkle in them, a smile graced your lips as you looked closer. The relief he felt once he saw your smile relaxed him a bit. “I know it’s your birthstone but if you don’t like the color then I could always return it-”
“I love it.” You interrupt while clasping your hand over the pendant. “Thank you Chifuyu. I really do love it.”
“Want me to put it on you?” He asks, you look at the necklace and hand it back to him and turn around, pulling your hair to the side so he can clasp it on better.
The necklace hangs perfectly, it’s not too big but not too small either. You turn around and meet his eyes, he smiles seeing you wear his gift.
���So um I’ve been meaning to actually ask you something.” His cheeks deepen in color as he scratches the back of his neck and chuckles. “It’s stupid really and I’m sure whoever told me is just joking.” You tilt your head in confusion but still nodding nevertheless “Do you stare at me like Mikey says?”
Emma is going to only have a sister soon enough.
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dreamlifebunny · 9 months
bunny's dream life scripting series!
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hello friends! i am so excited to share with you my biggest project yet: a do-it-yourself scripting series with easy to use templates and an abundance of “things to manifest” ideas, all in one!
a lot of people hear scripting and think, “oh great, another method to learn and use that i’ll never stick with.” but this isn’t a method, this is an incredibly personalized and fun writing project to help you stay motivated, organized, and excited about your dream life, down to the teeny-tiniest of details! i have found that one of the biggest obstacles that many people face when manifesting their dream lives is that they don’t actually know what they desire, so they flip flop back and forth and nothing shows up in their reality (or, more confusion and stagnation shows up) because they can’t make a decision. it is my hope that this series will provide a fun and inspiring solution to this problem so that you can start making your dream life a reality!
how it works:
i will post my "mega scripting template" soon that will have all of the categories listed below. i will then post “things to manifest” ideas related to a chosen category of the week so that you have cute and fun ideas of what you can fill in for your own script. working on one category at a time will help you really focus on what you want in that aspect of your life, which will help you get really specific!
categories include:
skills and abilities
revision of your past
recreating loved ones
the world and society
friends and community
biographical information on yourself
personality, vibe, and how you are perceived
creating new sp's (romantic, platonic, familial, etc.)
health and wellness (including peace of mind and safety)
spirituality and manifesting abilities
possessions and home
education and career
money and wealth
love life
who this series is for:
anyone who needs help getting specific / deciding on their desires
those who enjoy neatly categorized ideas and templates, or who have adhd brains like me that love writing lists to stay organized
those who don’t care about scripting or organizing but who want an abundance of fun ideas of things to manifest that they can refer to whenever they want
those who aren’t looking to design their dream life or manifest and want to world-build for their writing or creative projects
i am so excited to hear about the lovely lives you will dream up and make real. thank you for participating, and make sure to look back frequently for new updates!
love, bunny 💕
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writingstoraes · 1 year
hard liquor, hard launch 🥃
pairing: charles leclerc/fem!reader
type: instagram imagine/social media au
notes: not proofread and not revised so please expect errors hehehe please lmk what u think by replying or messaging and if u wanna be part of my taglist! <3
about: charles goes out drinking with friends and he "accidentally" reveals you, when you were supposed to be lowkey
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liked by pierregasly, arthurleclerc, isahernaez, and 1,056,333 others
charles_leclerc I miss my baby so muxh plsaee come pick me up i should not have drsnk tonight yourusername pick me uppp now plsease!
arthurleclerc I guess we're done with the soft-launches now?
pascale_leclerc Why are you joking at a time like this go help your brother!
cl16f1 girllll i knowwww all this time mans has been hiding his girl from us 😭
pierregasly I know I should be a good friend and take away his phone but he's giggling while typing it is a sight to see
landonorris Help him??? Give him another shot!!!
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liked by danielricciardo, lilymhe, carlossainz55, and 1,773,450 others
charles_leclerc YES OKAY! I hav a girlffiend. Weve been togehrer for about a year now so the whiskey whispered to me tonigjt to introduce her to you guys ❤️❤️❤️ Je taime babyyyy yourusername
yourusername charles i am on my way give someone else your phone amour :)
lilymhe Props to you for acting so cool when we all know you're sprinting towards the door while on a call with us
yourusername idk maybe tell your boyfriend to confiscate my boyfriend's phone!!!!!
danielricciardo Dont know what's about to go down the paddock in the next few days but I'm sure the PR team of Ferrari is going to have a field day 🤣
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liked by alex_albon, lewishamilton, sebastian_vettel, and 997,005 others
charles_leclerc My red girl ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ PS. Shes mine and if anyone tries anyjthing funny, I will race you 🏎
ferrarilover this is so amusing bye
charleschampion Who knew drunk Charles was very affectionate
carlossainz55 Oh he is
isahernaez And how do you know that???
pierregasly You do not wanna know, Isa
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liked by arthurleclerc, yukitsunoda0511, mickshumacher, and 305,456 others
yourusername package secured, charles is at home and asleep after all the ruckus he caused tonight 🤦‍♀️ anyway now that the jig is up, i guess no more being lowkey for us then hahaha let's all wait for him to wake up tomorrow with a headache and vow to never drink again 🫶 for what it's worth, i love you too, charles_leclerc! forever & always 🤍
also thanks to pierre for taking this picture, charles has lost his balance halfway home! he was so heavyyyy lol
carlossainz55 I am really going to miss the "Take a picture of me but don't show my face!" era 😔
landonorris I have so many videos of Charles you can use to blackmail him, Y/N
yourusername such a tempting offer
landonorris Im serious I have it from all angles
ilpredestinato How does it feel to have Charles as a boyfriend
yourusername very eventful :')
tagging: @slytherheign pls watch f1 this is ur sign
notes: how do you guys like it so far? lmk what u think! tysm for reading ♡
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futurecorps3 · 9 months
𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬, 𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬
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A/N: I just needed to get the Henry brainrot out there so this is very, very, very self indulgent and personal. I'll write quality shit for him later. This is just a fic about him and me which is poorly written and has basically no plot.
"Will you stop clicking that god darned pen already, Y/L/N? It's getting on my nerves" Bunny whisper-yelled while you all sat in the library. Henry shooting daggers at him was enough for him to mumble a little "sorry" and to shut up about the pen for good. Y/N giggled a quietly and went on with her translation, squeezing Henry's hand under the table as a 'thank you'.
He knew she sometimes had trouble staying put, unlike all the others, so toying with her pen helped. Francis, Camilla, Charles and her boyfriend thought it was comforting; like the soft click clack click click clack of typewriters. As always, Edmund seemed to be the only one bothered by something they all liked.
"Póte févgoume?" Y/N's boyfriend was asking him when were they leaving for the date they were having that day "Pénte triánta" she answered five thirty. Now, they knew communicating in Greek was risky, but they had no other way of keeping the secret without having to find explanations for their seemingly sudden closeness.
Plus, the only two people who understood spoken Greek were them. Unless their friends were as nosy as to go fetch a Greek dictionary, they were safe. Surprisingly, Henry had insisted on watching a movie called 'Christine'. He overheard some people talking about how good it was the other day in the dining hall and asked you to go watch it with him. ("As a date?" "Yes, as a date, darling"). Now, all they had to do was coordinate their exit from the library and drive to the movies.
She had to admit sneaking around thrilled her to no end, knowing well how Henry was perceived in everyone's eyes; stoic, emotionless, cunning, pretentious and wickedly smart. Y/N knew all those things were true, but after the night he half drunkenly confessed her his love at the lake house, she was acquainted with a tender side of Henry Winter.
Henry's gestures of affection were often subtle. A soft smile shared across a crowded room, a gentle touch on her shoulder when he thought no one was watching, or the way he would quietly check in on her during late nights of studying. Sometimes, late into the night, they would take long walks through the silent campus, hand in hand. Henry's normally sharp and analytical mind seemed to take a break, and he would simply listen as Y/N talked about her hopes and dreams.
Y/N cherished these glimpses of tenderness from Henry. They were like rare treasures, hidden beneath the layers of his scholarly exterior. She realized that, beneath the enigmatic facade, there was a person who could be caring, loving, and deeply connected. These moments of vulnerability made their relationship all the more special, and she was grateful to be the only one to witness them.
She was pulled from her thoughts at him letting go of her hand and getting up, causing the loud screeching of his wooden chair against the floor to flood the library. "I'll get going" he said, putting away his books "You're not even halfway done" said Francis without lifting his gaze from whatever Latin he was writing "I need to revise some texts with Julian, I'll finish it later" he finished, leaving in quick but confident steps.
After about five minutes, Y/N asked for the time and pretended to be late for a meeting with her girlfriends, leaving hurriedly as well. She noticed some funny looks but bypassed them and made a beeline towards the bottom of the stairs of the large building; Henry waiting with a cigarette while leaning into the hard stone of the railings. Without looking at her, he offered his hand and put out his smoke after feeling her engulf it.
"Five dollars you won't stand the film and we'll leave halfway through" she smiled, looking at him teasingly. "You're on, Y/N/N".
Y/N was five dollars richer that day as they walked to his house where she's be crashing for the third week now. Her dorm room was pretty much empty now, only her wall decorations, clothes she didn't like much, and some stationary remained inside with a tiny layer of dust covering it.
"It was fun!" "It was totally ridiculous... It's my fault, I shouldn't have listened to those ignorant pieces of-" "Henry?" A strident voice along with a little incredulous snicker came from behind and at that moment they knew their little facade was over.
Edmund Corcoran was not going to blackmail them to keep the secret.
They walked hand in hand to class the next day, not caring to explain anything to their friends. "What is that about?" asked Charles with a smile "Isn't it obvious?" said Henry, and Julian swore he could see the faintest hint of a smile. <3
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justlemmeadoreyou · 8 months
Ok so this was something I wrote a month ago, a simple idea that just popped up in my head. I kinda wanted to make this a series, and I still have the whole story, but I didn't think you all would like it, so tell me if you do! xoxo
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: fluff, cursing
Pairing: nerd!harry x nerd!reader
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YN was stressed.
She had a physics exam tomorrow, and the constant flaunting by Harry wasn’t helping.
“I’ve revised thrice. And I am solving previous years’ papers for like, 2 hours now. I still don’t get this.” He sighed, listing up a plethora of achievements that YN was nowhere near.
“Yeah, yeah. I get it. You’ve finished the syllabus and are way ahead of me. I am far behind and you’re solving questions. Happy?” YN replied, head pounding from the strain in her eyes.
“What? No! Who said I was listing all the things I’ve already done? And that you’re way behind?” He smirked, and she wanted to smack his face.
“Shut up” she finally said to him, and he started to pout.
“Hey, I was just teasing. Do you want me to help you?” he asked, now feeling a bit guilty.
“No, I’ll do it myself. I just feel a bit stressed.” you replied, placing a hand over your head.
“Let’s go for some coffee. I’ll get you a muffin too” he offered, and who were you to refuse free coffee?
“Sure” you smiled, and he dragged both of your chairs out, pushing them back in after you got up. You exited the library and he followed behind.
“You know you don’t have to worry so much. You’ve studied. I know you have.” he smiled reassuringly, and you could feel some of the tension slipping away, looking at his ridiculously cute dimples.
“Thank you. You are the only person who would say that and I would actually believe it.”
You entered the small cafe, ordering two decafs. You drank it on the way, and went back to studying at the library.
You and Harry were academic rivals, for as long as you can recall. Since high school to senior year, and then here you were attending the same grad school.
Here too, you fought like children. The competition was a bit tougher now, though, since you both wanted to get good placements, and keeping constant 9+ cgpa was a tough task.
Nevertheless, you had become friends.
Good friends, actually. You both gave the valedictorian speech together, and you had to spend a lot of time with him for it. It was then that you realized that he was not so bad after all.
He was quite caring. He constantly checked in on those around him, making sure they were okay, and letting them know that he was there for them. Even right now, he would make you drink water, shared his food with you, and gave you a head massage. He took you for coffee, so that you would get up from the depressing library and get some fresh air, before going back and diving back in.
He was quite balanced too. He was extremely good at studies, and managed everything else along with it.
Everything, which was almost annoying.
He went for a run every morning around the uni, and was ridiculously fit. He was tall, and had great hair. He played occasional basketball too, and there was a plethora of girls who attended the game just to watch him get hit in the balls with the basketball.
He would go to parties too, unlike you, who preferred to stay in and burn your eyes out on a new movie on your laptop. He drank beers, and looked better than you in the morning.
He was so perfect.
How did he manage to do that?
The exam day had arrived. You had been biting your nails since morning, and had to stop before you drew out blood and had trouble writing. He sent you texts throughout the morning, wishing you luck and encouraging you.
“Love, you’ll do well”
“Yeah, but not as well as you. How many times have you revised now?”
“Four. But-It dosen’t matter!”
“Yeah. Right.”
As if a stressed-and-not-even-revised-once head could compare to a i-revised-five-times one.
Turns out, it did.
On the day of the result, you had managed to bite through your skin, and drew out blood. Your roommate, Lizzy, had put band-aids on each finger, and scolded you for doing it. She wanted to tie your hands to the side even, so they won’t reach your vampire teeth.
As the professor was handing out the papers, you felt nervous. Everything you had written in the paper was coming back to you like an attack, and making you think you had done everything wrong.
Meanwhile, Harry was relaxed.
So relaxed.
He had his arms behind his head, and was leaning on to the backrest, looking like he owned the world. You did not anticipate the change in expression when he saw his score.
“What-?” you could hear the surprise in his shreik, and he pouted like a baby when the professor shushed him.
He was looking at the paper like it wasn’t his own, and as if he had been somehow betrayed.
You managed to walk down to his sheet while the rpof was distributing them to the last benches, and quickly grabbed his sheet to see his score.
“95. Are you mad?”
“Just 95”
He groaned and frowned, trying to take your sheet and see the score.
“What did you get?”
“Oh. I didn’t see” you were so engrossed in his score that you hadn’t even taken a glance at your own paper.
You pulled out your sheet, and glanced at the big red circle.
Holy shit.
“What the-” you stopped mid-sentence, and your expression now matched Harry’s.
“Fuckin’ hell” he snatched the paper from your hands, and frantically started to go through each question. Every question of yours matched his, except one. It was a 3 marker, and you had gotten it right.
“I solved this in like, 30 seconds. It’s ridiculous-” he held the paper up, reading the question, “-Is it easier to pull, or push?” he put it down, and said “ Pull. Obviously.”
“That’s not true. It actually depends on the situation. Plus, you had to give an example.”
“What did you write?”
“It depends on the situation. If you were to move a lawn mover, pull would be easy. If you were moving an almirah, push would be easy.”
“Shit” he looked sad and confused, and to be honest, you felt bad for him.
“I can’t believe you got more than me.”
“Yeah. Suck on it, Styles’”
“Hey! I helped you!”
“Well, you couldn’t even answer a push n’ pull question. Next time, I’ll help you” you couldn’t stop the big smirk that stayed on your face throughout the class.
And honestly, even Harry couldn’t stop the warm glow spreading across his face from seeing you happy.
(next part)
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perfect dividers by @firefly-graphics
any feedback, like, reblog is very appreciated! xoxo
let me know if you like it! // my masterlist
tip me here if you feel generous!!
taglist: @freedomfireflies @gurugirl @thechaoticjoy @styleslover-1994 @gem1712 @ellaorchard @bxbyysstuff @opheliaofficial07 @rafaaoli @tchlamqtsgf @the-mouse27 @indierockgirrl @vrittivsanghavi @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @drewrry @babyiamperfectforyou @avalentina
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lotusmi · 1 year
success story!
i fully understood i am the creator of my reality and understood who i am and gone within! i saw your Edward posts and it was amazing and i totally understood i am the creator of my reality!! basically i didn't use void or loa like nothing. i just gone within and identified myself as what i wanted to be and how i am and fully consumed it that's it and used imagination to prove my senses that it was real and also i understood that 3d and 4d are the same so it was much easier! and now i have everything i want and within 3 weeks i got these many stuff
such as private jet, modelling and being at school , getting "A" without even studying (gosh it is so much easier), having my ideal friend group , didn't change any of my appearance but manifested not to be insecure about my appearance and myself , have a beautiful and healthy mindset, revised my parents , no traumas nothing , going to different trips , getting 10,000$ every single week , yacht, etc..
i will repeat it again i didn't use any loa, void and other stuff all i did was gone within and changed myself and changed how i perceive other it just took me 2 weeks to do it and the journey was beautiful! because when you change yourself your thought change and everything changes. i have always focused on changing my thoughts and i was wrong and all you have to do it changed yourself change your "I Am" it is so simple and super easy!
OMGGG thisss!!! I am SO happy and pround of you??? Like you did it!!! That's amazing my love, one of the best success stories I had read! The power is always within us, we don't need nothing but our "I AMness"!! I am so happy my summaries helped you, I love Edward work sm!
Woooow a private jett!!! and I am so happy you feel pretty being who you are now!! Also 10k every weeekkk thats so coool!!!!
Actually this is the loa! The Neville, Edward loa, changing states, changing self! Just assume you are and that's it! Thank you so much for this lovely text, I know this will inspire a lot of people! And yes, it is a beautiful journey 💓
Listen to the anon everyone, all you gotta do is change who you indentify yourself with. No affirming 100k times or so. Just be. Just assume your desire as yours!
Congrats angel, and again, ty for sharing! 💗👈
link to my edward summaries :)
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harunade · 5 months
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toxic ex! hanbin x fem!reader
thinking about you ex boyfriend, Hanbin, who just shamelessly broke your heart after love bombing you.. brushing it off by saying he wasn’t ready to commit to a relationship. you missed him so much, the way he spoke to you so gently, the way he knew his way with your body.
he would hate how you seemed perfectly fine despite his absence and how you would be seen with other man. this makes him so furious, why weren’t you coming back to him? he surely missed you. Hanbin would go as far as to flirting with your girl friends, trying to get a reaction out of you. it would work, obviously, he’d notice the glance you give him as he holds your friend by her waist, although he wishes it was you. you wish it were you as well.
one day, as you were revising for the upcoming exam you had, you heard a soft knock on the door. when you opened the door, you were met with the one and only Sung Hanbin. you mentally cursed yourself for the choice of outfit, since you were wearing only one of the shirts he had left at your dorm before you had broken up. he looked taken aback as well. “what do you want?” your words came out harsher than intended, but the tall man didn’t seem to be distressed by it. “i’m here for your roommate, actually” of course he was. “she’s not home, come back later” you rolled your eyes and closed the door, but his hand stopped you from doing so, forcefully entering. “i’ll help myself, then” he gave you his signature smile which only infuriated you.
“what the fuck is your problem, hanbin?” he looked up at you from the couch as he was manspreading like a whore. “what do you mean,yn? what is my problem?” his expression made you feel like you were the crazy one. “you’re fucking karina? seriously?” the man stood up, closing the space between the two of you.
“never said i was, baby. even so, how would that affect you exactly?” you’ve had enough of his bullshit. in a split second, you crashed your lips into his. Hanbin placed his hands on your waist immediately, returning the same energy. As he fell down on the couch, his hands started travelling up your shirt, pulling it off in the process. he then pulled his own shirt off, making a pile of clothing on the ground. “you’re such a slut, y/n. wearing my shirt like that with no bra underneath…” he smiled as his hands groped you, squeezing your soft breasts.
“you’re the slut here, hanbin. going for my friend after you dumped me? very low of you” you said between kisses. out of instinct, your lips travelled to his neck, where you peppered kisses and little nibs. you hoped he would walk out with his whole neck covered in bruises from you. In the meantime, his large hands found your hips, guiding them above his dick. “stop being so dramatic, baby. you know i only did it to get you. and it seems to have worked.”
you rolled your eyes once again before getting off him to get rid of your panties. he did the same, and as you got back to him you noticed his cock standing tall. it had precum dripping out of it and its tip was bright red. you felt as if you were dripping at the sight. “come here, baby” he gestured for you to lay on your back and you did. Hanbin grabbed his dick and trusted it along your slit, gathering your arousal on his tip. you both moaned at the feeling, it had been too long since you’ve felt each other. as he pushed his tip past your entrance, he felt your walls squeeze him. “she missed me so much, baby. i can barely thrust in thanks to how tight you are” he looked at you and smiled. shortly after, he took one of your hands in his and placed it under your bellybutton, making you feel the outline of his cock as he thrusted into you.
“fuck, hanbin” you felt yourself close to your release. “missed your cunt so much, princess. missed you too, i shouldn’t have broken up with you” said the male before shooting his load inside of you with no warning. his words made you come as well, and he helped you ride out your high. without pulling out, he collapsed on top of you, head burried in the crook of your neck. “did you mean that?” you asked as your fingers ran through his soft black hair. “of course, baby”
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charmedreincarnation · 11 months
⭐️ my void sucess story ⭐️
Hi Maya! I entered the void last night using this (https://www.tumblr.com/charmedreincarnation/717982229971730432/fulfillment-x-i-am-technique) and this (https://www.tumblr.com/charmedreincarnation/718301527748608000/shifting-recourses-wposts ) post, so tysm!
I won’t get to into it, but I am living my best life despite all the doubts I had about the void. I always knew it was real but I was scared I would not be able to do it. If you’re someone who struggles with the logic behind this phenomenon I suggest reading that post, and also reading @gorgeouslypink blog. I think both Maya and pink understand and acknowledge that this stuff “isn’t natural” (in a human and logical sense) but also encourage us to both appeal to our logical mind and spiritual one as well. But I kind of do want to breakdown what I did, bc it was always annoying how some anon stories didn’t explain what they did lol.
⭐️I suggest reading one peice of Neville Goddard’s work. You don’t have to of course. You don’t even have to apply loa, but trust me it’s the shortcut to this type of stuff. I really liked at your command, and the power of imagination if you want recommendations.
⭐️read this (https://www.tumblr.com/gorgeouslypink/710749646282227712/doubts )post about doubt by pink. Don’t just read it, understand and internalize it. If you don’t and keep re-reading it until you do.
⭐️use some subliminals if you want.i know people say don’t put methods above you, but ehhh :// I just like to listen to music and it won’t hurt as long as you know you choose if they work or not with your assumption. I really like slade, solar subs kira’s domain (yes the scammer but her subs still work pretty well) and v1per, but use whoever you trust
⭐️find logical reasoning to help you come to terms with the fact it’s real. Pink talks about some on her page, and so does Maya. I used the technique I shared in the first paragraph which reminds me of a lazy sats, and combined that with my subliminal usage and after a week it worked
⭐️shifting methods are your best friend. There are so many great methods so find one that resonates with you. Also the shifting community is very open minded and not limited in any way, which is nice. They’re also starting to talk about logic and the law which is awesome. Again this (https://www.tumblr.com/charmedreincarnation/718301527748608000/shifting-recourses-wposts) post has both resources for the logical and spiritual mind, stuff about the law, methods, and stories.
⭐️stick to 1-2 bloggers who help you feel the most motivated. Most bloggers say the something anyways so it won’t help you that if you read 100 bloggers instead of one. I obviously preferred pink and Maya but choose whoever you want!
Anyways, most importantly I manifested a complete change in my life. Nothing is the same so don’t limit yourself. From the way I look, to where I live, my career, age, love life, wealth, social life, family, friends, nothing is the same. Also I was 30 but I revised my age to 25. I’m just adding this so you know it’s not only kids dabbling in this special amazing ability! I also had very hard circumstances, ranging from poverty, assault, and depression. Most people in the world struggle, no one is struggling alone. Don’t let that victim mentality stop you from living your best life.
I know I say the same thing every time, but I’m genuinely happy and proud of you! Thank you for sharing all your amazing tips and recourses, and I hope you continue to always live your best life and it only gets better!
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arcielee · 1 year
Wait So Long
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Summary: You are trying to surprise your boyfriend and it does not work out like you had planned. Pairing: modern Aegon Targaryen x FemaleReader   Word Count: 2279 Warnings: Implied sexy times, but this is purely fluff. Author’s Note: Here is another part of my series-that-isn’t-really-a-series. This is a collaboration piece I did with the darling, talented @f4ll-for-you ♥ Her work is amazing and I cannot thank her enough for her help with this piece! And a shoutout to my amazing beta reader @foxee-d-or.  Taglist (my Tumblr kindred spirits): @aaaaaamond @sirenofavalon @annikin-im-panicin @watercolorskyy @schniiipsel @aspen-carter @aemondx @fan-goddess​ @babygirlyofthevale​ @randomdragonfires​
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“Yeah, I know, Cree, but I keep telling you and Jace that I fucking suck at this game,” you heard Aegon whine into his headset, animated with his hands and wielding the controller as an emphasis to his words. “And, yet, I still play with you all, only to be verbally abused by you cunts-” his eyes rolled over and he saw you. 
One of the many things you cherished about your relationship with this man was his ability to read you like a book, to such a degree he seemed more aware of the emotion you were feeling before it registered with yourself. Aegon moved in a fluid motion, beginning with the words, “Hey, I’ve got to go right now,” before he tore off and abandoned both the headset and controller on the couch; he pushed from his seat and moved towards you, his brow furrowed with concern.
Then you felt it, the tears that spilled from the corners of your eyes and bunching your lashes together. You did not know when it started, perhaps the frustration that had been building since you first took on this contract role, something you have been adamant about six weeks prior.
In the beginning, you saw his hesitation, but you coaxed him into believing it was a good idea, and in theory it had been. You promised him this job would allow you to polish your portfolio and you promised to quit that customer service role you currently worked. You explained your excitement to finally do something with your damn degree and how you could use the extra money to upgrade your equipment.
“I can buy you new equipment, though,” he had argued and you vehemently refused, continuing on about your independence, how this was your career, your passion.
And he listened to your every word, watching you in a way that was so uniquely him and you loved him for it: the slight tilt of his head, how his lips pursed together when he was not quite yet convinced, how his lavender eyes moved back and forth with your presentation. 
“Only four weeks?” was all he had asked when you were done. You swore yes. 
Now you were on to your seventh week, dealing with a client who was unhappy with everything you presented, with their ceaseless revisions that kept prolonging the contract; yes, the pay was nice, but you were unsure if it was worth your sanity.  
In truth, you did want to utilize your degree and this opportunity would allow you to be rid of the customer service role you had since uni, to finally transition to remote work life. You also had an ulterior motive: a gift for Aegon. 
He had always spoiled you and you loved him for it, but you were also frustrated that any gift you managed seemed to pale in comparison. “Babe,” he laughed the one time you tried to bring it up to him, “I’m a fucking trust fund baby. Just allow me to pay it forward, since you have already done so much for me as it is!”
This only made you all the more determined to contribute, as meager as your income seemed prior to this contract, but Aegon never breathed a word of complaint, other than he hated you being away from the apartment you shared. 
It was the selling point. “If I take this, I will quit that job,” your tone honeyed and your eyes doleful. “This way I can work at home and be with you.” 
But also, you desperately wanted to buy him a dog. 
The idea came from his friends, Jace and Cregan, when you had a moment alone to press them for an anniversary gift for Aegon. They hemmed over their words and finally Jace mentioned getting him a dog and Cregan nodded enthusiastically. 
“He sends us clips all the time,” he continued. “Specifically a golden retriever.” 
You squealed your excitement at the possibility to outshine your boyfriend gift wise. “This is perfect! There is no way he can top that!”
They had exchanged looks, but said nothing. 
Fate presented itself with a text from Cregan, letting you know his half-sister’s dog was pregnant from a dog park mishap, which also happened to be the same dog that began Aegon’s fixation on them. You texted Sara immediately and she offered your pick of the litter, letting you know her dog was about five weeks along. 
It felt like everything was falling into place: the contract job would finish a week after, you could take Aegon to choose his pup, then go to Cregan and Jace’s apartment to collect the pet paraphernalia you had been hoarding there. 
There was a moment when Cregan stopped by to grab the royal purple collar and leash, that Aegon happened to return home sooner than you planned. 
Your relationship had a rocky beginning, but through his rehabilitation came an unwavering trust between you both. You considered yourself lucky to have Aegon as your boyfriend in that regard; there was no hint of jealousy when he found Cregan at the apartment, but his confusion was apparent when he saw him holding the leash and collar. 
“I was showing her the collar,” his friend stammered. “I bought it for this…girl I am dating-uh, fucking,” Cregan had a white knuckled grip and you watched Aegon for his response.
“Uh,” he narrowed his eyes on him for a moment. “That’s good for you?” 
Cregan was quick to leave. 
Sara let you know the puppies had been born but that was four weeks ago and you were three weeks extended into this contract with the most unpleasable, nit-picking cunt clients. You wanted it to end; you had already sneaked away to pay the pet deposit and all that was left was to bring Aegon to be surprised by the litter, but instead you received your umpteenth email of revisions needed and it would damn you to another week of this never ending misery. 
At first, you felt confident when you accepted this contract; you always had a knack to gauge colors, pigmentation, and you were software savvy to pick up on whatever the client was using. The interview left you feeling like they would value your expertise, but instead the weeks whittled away at your self-confidence, having you second guess your every attempt to begin this damnable career. 
You thought to quit it all and just accept being spoiled by Aegon. 
“Hey, pretty,” you heard Aegon coo and it returned your attention to the kitchen. He was rounding the counter and moving towards your spot; you worked here because the lighting was what you wanted and you appreciated how it overlooked the living room, where the curtains were drawn and allowed whatever sunshine was available to pour in. 
Aegon would crash onto the couch when he knew you were at the end of your workday and you liked looking up from your laptop screen, exchanging glances with him. 
“What’s going on?”
His arm wrapped around your shoulder and you allowed your head to fall to his chest; silent sobs of your budding frustration wracked your body. You felt him tuck you under his chin, wrapping both arms around you, with the whisper of, “Come on, sweet girl, I know you need to cry, but remember to breathe…” 
The tears eventually subsided and he pulled you from the counter, bringing you back to the couch. He pulled you into his lap and held onto you still, while he hummed one of the many songs he seemed to have on repeat in his mind; his singing, his musical talent was a newer habit he discovered during his rehabilitation and was something you adored, along with his sobriety. 
When he finished his chorus, you pulled back from his chest and he reached to grab your chin, turning your head to meet with his eyes. 
“Quit the fucking contract,” he repeated, time and time again. “I will pay you whatever they will pay you and you can stay right here in my lap, but, you know, without the tears. Perhaps lingerie instead? It would be purely professional, of course.” 
Your laughter felt groggy from your tears and he moved his large, warm palm to wipe your face dry. “Aeg,” your voice cracked, but you could not help your smile. “I’m gross.” 
“Yes, you are,” he agreed with a smirk, wiping his hand dry on his jeans and moving to your other cheek. “Quit these cunts, they do not deserve you.” 
“But…” and you faltered for a moment, realizing it was best to come clean with your true intention with the job. “But I also wanted this because I have a surprise for you.” 
He groaned, falling back into the couch and pulling you against his chest. “How many times must I tell you that I already have everything I want,” and he wrapped his arms tight around your waist, nuzzling into your neck. “Must you make me repeat the cliches? That your presence in my life is present enough? That you, pretty girl, are my gift?”
You giggled and squirmed from his hold, the stubble on his jawline tickling your neck. You pulled back to look into his beautiful eyes and his wide cheesy grin on display. “I know, but I wanted to something more, give you something you really want-”
“I am dead serious about my contract opening,” he dead-panned. “About the pay and the underwear.”
You looked at him, his smile so contagious, and leaned forward to capture his lips with your own. His fingers combed through your hair, holding the back of your head; his lips felt warm and soft against your own, his beard growth tickling still. You giggled and he moved to rub his face against your neck again, goosebumps rippling over you.
“But what about a puppy?”
He stopped his movement and pulled back to take you in. “That was the gift?” The excitement bubbled in his voice, his eyes bright as they looked over you. “You were really going to get me a puppy?” 
You nodded, smiling from his reaction. “Sara’s dog had a litter and I already paid all the fees, I have been getting the supplies, then we would go and pick you out a new furry friend…” 
His hands cupped your face and he pressed a kiss to your hairline, then tilted your head back to find your lips again; you melted against his chest. “This is why you have been working this shit job?” He pulled away, his tone accusing. “I have been absolutely heartsore watching you slave away for these ungrateful swines who cannot tell the difference between azure or cerulean-”
“...you couldn’t either when we first started dating,” you remind him with a grin. 
He held up a finger. “True, but if I hired a brilliant graphic designer, I would listen to your expertise and learn.” You blush and he sighed, pulling you against his chest for another hug and it was your turn to sigh, loving how well you fit against him.  
There was a moment of silence and he continued. “A dog is a big responsibility and I would need your help,” he leaned forward and pressed his lips against your neck. “I am also not a fan of the stress they have been causing you, your anxiety has been in overdrive since this contract keeps being extended…” 
You sighed again and he shifted his legs, catching your chin to bring your eyes to meet with his own. “I know you want this for your career and I will support whatever you choose,” he began, his eyes wide and watchful, the hint of a smirk to his lips. “I feel I must repeat myself and let you know I will happily fund you to be my perfect girl.” 
You cannot help but roll your eyes, but giggled knowing that he would actually pay you to be a homebody, if it meant he got to be around you all the time. 
The evening was spent with your laptop off, your notifications muted, and cuddled up with Aegon while watching some TV show you had been binging together. There is comfort being curled up, a pleasant warmth shared that inevitably lulls Aegon to sleep and you listen to his soft snores. 
You were careful to pull away, creeping towards your laptop and reading the emails missed; not one included a thank you for your effort shown thus far, or any indication that your supposed contract would be over any time soon. Rubbing your eyes as if it would wipe away your frustration, you decided you had enough, that there were other jobs, other opportunities, and you didn’t deserve to be treated like this. 
After pressing send on your resignation email, you slammed your laptop shut and felt a mixture of relief and worry wash over you. The sound caused Aegon to stir, his sleepy eyes barely open. “Babe?” he sounded confused, almost delirious. 
“After careful consideration I have decided to accept your offer,” you joked, doing your best to mark the worry that brimmed beneath.
Aegon smiles, your words registering and waking him up. “Wonderful,” he breathed, pulling you in and sprinkling kisses over your face. “We start tomorrow with picking up our puppy,” and he giggled in a way that made your heart swell in your chest. “Then, we have to pick out a uniform…”
You giggled and grinned with how he suggestively wiggled his eyebrows, feeling a sense of relief washing over you and letting you know that you made the right decision; you could trust that, together, you would figure it out.
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Arcie’s Masterlist // modern Aegon Targaryen masterlist
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iam93percentstardust · 4 months
Stevetony kissing for a dare!!! Hehe :3
This is the second part to the fic from yesterday (I’m doing all this on unfamiliar technology so I’m a little afraid to exit out of this screen to find the link)
Little Mix is playing through the speakers in Natasha’s dorm room. Steve wouldn’t have pinned Natasha, who normally likes big band jazz and old spy movies, to like that kind of pop music, but she seems to delight in surprising people, so who knows? Certainly not Steve. Bucky would be the person to ask, but he delights in his girlfriend surprising people just as much as she does, so that conversation is a nonstarter.
There’s a knock on the door, and Natasha darts over to get it. Tony slips inside, followed by his best friend, Rhodey, both of them sliding rainslick hoods off their heads.
”Sorry we’re late,” Tony pants, sounding like he just ran all the way across the city. “Warden was making extra rounds earlier.”
”You know, one day Mrs. Hill is gonna hear you calling her the warden and have you taken out back and shot,” Rhodey comments, passing his hoodie to Sam with a grateful nod.
Tony, on the other hand, seems too distracted by insulting the middle-aged chaperone of their dorm to notice that he’s still wearing his coat, so Steve gets up to help him take it off. And, no, Bucky, it isn’t just an excuse to get to touch the pretty omega. He’s being helpful. Bucky should try it some time. Tony smiles at him, sweet and lovely, as Steve slides his jacket off his shoulders, and Steve feels his heart skip a beat. After hearing Tony’s four hour rant on the inherent unfairness in how omegas are treated in this town, he no longer has any concern about associating with Tony—after all, nothing will change if they all just keep going along with the status quo—but he still hasn’t made a move to act on what he’s pretty sure is a mutual attraction. It just hasn’t felt like the right moment.
”My knight in shining armor,” Tony teases while Steve takes the jacket into the attached bathroom where Natasha has a space heater going. Rhodey clears his throat loudly, and Tony rolls his eyes. “Fine. I mean, thank you.”
No idea what that’s about.
“What are we playing tonight, boss lady?” Rhodey asks, dropping onto the floor next to Sam. Tony takes the empty seat on the free bed—left unclaimed when Natasha’s roommate decided college wasn’t for her after all—next to Steve. He curls up as close to Steve as he can get, feeling like a wall of fire against his side. Steve shifts, lifting his arm up for Tony to get even closer if he wants—which he does since he takes the invitation—and puts his arm back around his shoulders.
”Truth or dare,” Natasha declares.
Sam groans. “We’re not in middle school, Tasha.”
She scoffs, “We go home for the summer in the morning. This is my last opportunity to get blackmail material on you so I can make you come visit me. If I have to be left alone with Yelena all summer, I’m going to kill someone. Possibly Yelena.”
Considering how much Natasha talks about missing her sister, Steve doubts that that’s a real threat, but in the interest of peacekeeping, he says, “I like truth or dare.”
”That’s because you have bad taste,” Bucky says. Natasha glares at him, and he hastily revises his answer. “I mean—uh—you have great taste! Obviously.”
”Nice save,” Natasha says dryly.
Tony leans over and murmurs, “Someone’s sleeping in the spare bed tonight,” into Steve’s ear. Steve snickers, drawing Natasha’s glare on both of them. Tony holds up his hands in conciliation. “I would just like to point out that I like truth or dare.”
”Yeah, that’s because you have no shame,” Rhodey points out.
Tony shrugs. “Guilty.”
“You’re going to pick dare every time.”
“Still guilty.”
“And if you don’t get one that lets you run naked through the quad, you’re going to light something on fire. Don’t think I don’t remember that game last year.”
Tony considers it and then shrugs again. “Guilty of that too.”
“You lit something on fire?” Steve asks incredulously.
”I light lots of things on fire. I’m an engineer. Keep up, Steven.”
“Ooh first named,” Bucky taunts. Steve takes one of the pillows from the bed and throws it at him.
Somehow, in all of the hullabaloo, they forget to set down rules for the game, which is good because just like Tony enjoys doing all dares, Steve only wants to answer truth. And for reasons that he’s never figured out, it’s acceptable to pick dare every time but not truth. For the most part, no one really notices—except for Natasha, but she doesn’t miss a trick. Ever. And when Tony and Rhodey start commenting about heading home so they don’t get locked out of their dorm, she talks them into one more round and then turns to Steve with an evil look in her eyes.
”Truth or dare, Steve?” she asks.
“Truth,” he says, certain she’s going to call him out on it. But betrayal comes from somewhere else entirely.
“Hey, you can’t keep picking truth!” Bucky protests. “You’ve done that all night!”
”That wasn’t in the rules,” Steve argues.
”You have to do it at least once,” Natasha wheedles. “You’re the most boring person alive—”
”I don’t have any blackmail material at all.”
”Okay, let’s not insult Steve’s character,” Tony cuts in, and Steve is about to thank him but then Tony turns to him with that sparkle in his eyes that spells trouble for everyone around. “Just one dare? Please? To tide us over until we get back from summer?”
He sighs. He can’t say no to those big eyes. “Alright. One dare.”
Natasha pumps her fist triumphantly and then, so quickly that she had to have been planning this one for a while, she says, “I dare you to kiss Tony.”
“What?” he squawks.
”You heard me,” she repeats. Definitely evil. “I dare you to kiss Tony.”
Tony chuckles nervously. “Alright, we don’t need to make Steve do something he doesn’t want to do.”
And that’s just—no. Something he doesn’t want to do? Where would Tony even get that idea from? Kissing him is pretty much the only thing he ever wants to do.
Without thinking about it, without letting himself worry about ruining their friendship or if Tony’s protest was really him saying he doesn’t want to kiss Steve or the consequences if they get caught, Steve kisses him. Hand cupping Tony’s cheek, beard soft against his palm, swallowing the soft gasp Tony makes. It’s a good kiss. Fuck, it’s a great kiss. Easily the best one Steve has ever had (not that he’s had that many).
He pulls back only because he has to breathe, not out of any real desire to stop. He’s dimly aware that their friends are applauding them in the background, but he’s too busy drowning in Tony’s dark eyes to care what they’re doing.
”Oh,” Tony breathes, and Steve feels the exact same way.
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wyllaztopia · 2 months
My question is: let's imagine that Nightmare had a childhood friend, his one and only childhood friend, and that she was a little girl who liked to fight to protect him and who literally had scars because of that because she literally fought every day to defend him, let's imagine that she survived the "incident", After the corruption of Nightmare how would he be with her? Would he be distant because he doesn't want to remember his past and the fact that he needed someone to defend himself, would he be tsundere with her or would he have a soft spot? Because I mean, his brother did not protect Nightmare because he was not aware of the others who harassed him, but she was the only one who had protected him, in part in any case. sooo.. would he be able to hurt her as much as he would be able to hurt Dream? After all, it's not as if she had protected Nightmare from absolutely everything, because as you said, it's not the only reason why Nightmare became corrupt and there were many others who added up.
ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ (i love that enoji-)
I really love your version of Dreamtale! Joku doesn't give any more news so I have trouble orienting myself with Dreamtale’s story, but you show a whole new vision of things with Soulsborne! The philosophy you gave to Nightmare is much more complex than that of the original but I really hope that Joku will develop Dreamtale in the future! And we're counting on you for Soulsborne and his development 🫵🏼
thank you for such kind words omg this version of dreamtale literally came to mind when me and @neotxnic were reading the original dreamtale comic after we had a session of elden ring - it was also around the time i was delving deep into the dark souls trilogy lore. i wanted to add more depth and tone to the world of dreamtale and fromsoft games have really good story telling and lore so i wanted that to reflect on our revision of the story. note that i'm not trying to compete with joku and the original dreamtale. i think the original is good as is and very fun + heartfelt to read. on anotherrrr note - this will be a really long response to the initial question so buckle up because i will lore dump.
For this specific scenario, I won't make this character's insertion into the lore canon yet - I actually want you lot to share your opinions on the addition of Nightmare having a childhood friend.
Nightmare and Dream were both born from the roots of Motus Arbor (the Tree of Feelings, the very being of Nim or what's left of her). The two of them are task to guard the tree - Dream guarding the negative apples and Nightmare guarding the positive ones.
Dream sought out to the people, he believes that through guarding the tree, he also has to guard the feelings of others. Thus, he often travels around the kingdom where he does his best to help his people have a brighter day.
Meanwhile, Nightmare keeps to himself and guards the tree while Dream focuses on their people to keep their emotions stable. He usually sits by the bed of motus arbor and reads books under its huge shade.
Because of Nightmare guarding the positive apples and the stereotype people have formed of him being the guardian of negativity (despite Dream's attempts to let people know that Nightmare isn't a bad person), many other kids would go behind Dream's back to harass Nightmare and accuse him of taking advantage of the positive apples.
This happens often but Nightmare never paid mind to these claims or mistreatment. Because of his pessimism being influenced by the positive apples that he guards, he's more of a realist (pessimism-leaning) - and so he doesn't see much value in the bullying.
However, a young girl around his age would stand up against the bullies, speaking up about their prejudice and unfair treatment. She called them out about how their judgement held no merit because they didn't know Nightmare personally, what right did they have to come to such conclusions about a person?
As the kids went away, Nightmare told her that there was no need for her to stand up for him since he wasn't affected by the mistreatment. He was perfectly fine simply ignoring the flock. She shook her head at his statement,
She told him her belief that passiveness won't progress society to a better environment. If we simply ignore the bad, does that make us good? Does that stop the evil? Does that stop the dishonesty? How will a wrong become a right if nothing is done for it to be so?
This philosophy was quickly dismissed by Nightmare; "Fighting fire with fire never bears any good fruit."
Despite their opposing ideals, this girl would pursue a friendship with the dark prince. She was true to herself despite how different their worldviews are but somehow, some of their morals were seen to overlap - such as their respect for intellect and honesty. The two both found enjoyment in books and being less social. It was a blissful friendship where they didn't feel the need to be someone else and the other was perfectly fine with it.
However, the conflict between Dream and Nightmare happened. Nightmare saw that Dream was being mistreated by the other kids, that they were abusing his kindness - and he hid his feelings from his very own brother, Nightmare. The guardian of negativity slowly realized that Dream's ignorance and selflessness - whilst spreading happiness… it was happiness given the wrong way. It was a clear imbalance.
And for the first time, he'd heed his friend's words: something had to be done. - and as for how nightmare would treat this friend of his in the present time? well, he holds no attachments. he had already stripped himself for any positive feelings towards anyone - including the very friend that pioneered his current ideals. however, deep down, he respects her integrity - a thought lingers within him that she'd understand his plans if one day she were to find out. however, if he finds reason to, he'll kill her with his own hands.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
You know I had to slide in here when the requests are open but congrats again on the 400 u have worked hard and earned it as ur writing is top tier and I can't wait to see the book that ur working on and I wish u lots of motivation , anyways on to my request I was wondering if u could write a (ofcourse) kakyoin x reader caught making out cause omfg I am a huge sucker for those kind of fics they have me kicking my feet and giggling all the time -♡
OMG HI!!! literally this is crazy because you send this to me right when i hit 400 and now im closer to 600?!?!?! like how crazy is that?? your kind words mean so so much to me always and a little update on the book, im hoping to finish it this year!!! no revisions or editing, just get the damn thing done so i can do the hard part! thank you again for all of the kind words and for being so so amazing. i hope you have a wonderful rest of your week and happy new year!! this is my first fic of 2023!!! <333
Caught - Noriaki Kakyoin
Pairing - Kakyoin x reader
Warnings - kakyoin being hot and cute <3
Word Count - 364
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“Whoops,” Kakyoin giggled, “accidently” falling on top of you and pinning your arms to the couch. “My bad. I suppose I fell.”
You laughed as Kakyoin placed kisses up and down your neck, your hands gripping tighter to his.
“K-Kakyoin,” you laughed harder, trying to squirm out of the hold he had you in. “Noriaki, that tickles!!!” You accidentally kneed him in the gut, making him topple over in pain. “Oh, shit! Nori, are you okay?” You lifted his chin to find him smiling with tears pricking the corners of his eyes.
“I'm fine, y/n. You’re just so…” his voice fell to a purr next to your ear. “So strong.”
You blushed and jokingly pushed him away from you, but he just pulled you back and on top of him, holding you by the hips. “My… you look pretty up there.”
“Stop it, Nori. My face is already red enough, it doesn't need anymore.”
“I love you.” His voice was soft and sincere. God you loved him.
“I love you too.”
Kakyoin brought you down and your lips brushed against his. He pulled you closer somehow, his lips just on yours. His tongue slid into your mouth, making you shudder and he smiled into the kiss, holding the small of your back. You grabbed his hair and pulled him deeper into the kiss.
That’s when you both heard it, freezing, your lips on his lips.
You looked up and saw the whole rest of the Stardust Crusaders giggling at you. You quickly pushed yourself off of Kakyoin and fell onto the floor. You moved your hair out of your eye, now heavy breathing.
“Shit. How long have you guys been here?”
Polnareff was the first to speak up after lifting his eyebrows at the two of you. “We just got here, don't worry.”
Joseph laughed and patted Polnareff on the back. “You two can get back to your little makeout session, but we leave in five minutes, so make it snappy.”
Sometimes there were downsides about traveling with friends.
You looked at Kakyoin, who smiled and helped you off the ground.
But most of the time, there were a lot of upsides.
jjba masterlist (2) --- pinned post
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Lines in the Sand
Paring: Pippa Fitz Amobi X fem reader
Summary: At first you had been concerned after this new behavior from pip, after nearly being drugged by Becca Bell she had become slightly neurotic, even going so far as not taking tea from anyone, expect you of course, and even then you’d watch as she’d eye the tea cup, her eyes flashing with memories of Becca bell. There was a new primal anger that seemed to reside in the young women, perhaps it had always been there and you had never noticed. But she was quick to snap at you, more irritated at the smallest noises. Which why now you found it hard to bring up the topic, you didn’t want a screaming match or a row, all you wanted was for your concerns to be heard. You knew that Pipa was counting down the hours to Jamie’s disappearance, knew she had a specific time limit she needed to reach, and heard her talk anxiously to Ravi on the phone that if she missed it she might as well pack up and leave it to the Kilton police. You didn’t want her to quit, that wasn’t what you were asking, at all. You just wanted her to take a minute, to breathe, to eat, to sleep. And perhaps, look at you in the process
Warnings: angst, fluff, comfort, pip being the cutest detective to ever live. Reader being childhood friends to lovers (let me know if I missed any)
Authors note: I must have spent hours on this alone, this is for my first anon ask, this is for you!! I hope you enjoy it and please don’t be shy to ask for any other suggestions or even headcannons. This was my first time writing Pipa, I tried to write her character as true as she is in the books, of course with some creative tweaks as this is fanfiction. Thank you the anon you requested this ask, I appreciate you more than you can know! 🫶
Word count: 3k+
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You watched Pippa type furiously on her laptop, her eyes glued to the screen. She had been working on the Jamie Reynolds case for weeks now, trying to find evidence of just where the man toddled of too, while you admired her passion and dedication, you couldn’t help but miss her presence, her random bursts of her pipism’s that would leave you with a wide smile as you hid your face in the crook of her neck, her laugh causing vibrations against your throat. You missed the cuddle sessions after a particularly hard and rigorous revision, the schedule that pip would follow almost without fail. Come home, revise, homework, dinner, shower, and bed.
You were particularly fond of the bed part. The way after a shower Pip would pad out into your shared room, a t-shirt and sleep shorts, a major difference to her outfit of the day, which reflected her usual studious nature. you missed the way she would throw herself on the bed, her nose crinkling up as she crawled her way up to you, taking the book in your hands gently and discarding it roughly on your nightstand, her eyes all to eager on your features, particularly your pink lips that were just begging to be claimed by her. you missed the way her lips would softly tread against the pale skin of your neck, each brush of her lips against your skin comforting and calming your heart. Pip knew how much you relished your routines, had been ever since you met a seven year old pip in primary school, when she had proudly defended you against the other kids, who had found it odd that you had your pencil crayons color coded.
Which was why pip made sure to keep up her schedule, if that meant at precisely eight on the dot cuddling up to you and kissing you till her lips were chapped and you were aching for more than so be it. But of course your schedule’s hadn’t been the same for weeks, not since a frantic Connor had begged, begged for Pip to take on his brothers case. You had been hesitant, while you loved the passion pip held for these types of cases, you didn’t want another Andie Bell replay. The one where you had rushed to the hospital, watching as your girlfriend’s stomach had been pumped, her body far gone as she had been drugged by Becca bell. It still left you with night terrors, waking up to just find your girlfriend fast asleep beside you.
But of course you weren’t one to stifle her ambitions, and when pip had gave you a ring the following day asking with a confused and almost pleading voice if you thought she should take this case, you had only smiled, telling her that she knew what was best for her, that this decision was one she had to make herself. Did she want to do this all over again? Did she want to draw more attention to herself, far more than the prying eyes of little Kilton’s residence. That was all up to her. You were just the supportive girlfriend, ready on hand with loads of coffee and healthy kisses to administer when times were scarce.
You knew from being with pip for more than half of her life, and especially with the Andie Bell case how consuming and all out obsessive Pippa Fitz Amobi could get, you remember the way she had neglected school affairs, going so far as getting suspended the last year of school, all because of the case. For two weeks now you had yet to say anything, to make your worries known, one thing you hated was contention, although you were not so sure now as she was often the one bringing the contentious aspect to the table, mostly her burning fury at Max Hastings. You more than anyone understood her burning hatred for the boy, after everything he had done to Becca bell and countless other defenseless young women, it made your stomach churn just thinking about him and his “little blue bottle that he carries around like a life force”.
At first you had been concerned after this new behavior from pip, after nearly being drugged by Becca Bell she had become slightly neurotic, even going so far as not taking tea from anyone, expect you of course, and even then you’d watch as she’d eye the tea cup, her eyes flashing with memories of Becca bell. There was a new primal anger that seemed to reside in the young women, perhaps it had always been there and you had never noticed. But she was quick to snap at you, more irritated at the smallest noises.
After nearly two weeks of being ignored from your girlfriend, even pip going as far as asking if you wouldn’t mind staying at your mums for the night, two nights in a row, on account of her needing to “clear her mind and focus” you had enough. It was not in your nature to be contentious about anything, especially when it came to pip. You had been more than supportive, even going as far as inviting Ravi Singh into the group with open arms. Did it irk you that he and pip had solved the Andie Bell case together? Maybe. Did it irk you that they now had bonded over mutual connections and seemed to be getting closer and closer these days? Maybe just a tad.
But you knew pip loved you to pieces. “ Disgustingly devoted” as Cara would put it. Ever since that day in year 10, when you had very shyly asked pip if she would accompany you to the dance, it had took you ages to gain the courage, you had complained to Cara that pip and you were the best of mates, but that you had begun to feel quite different about her. Like suddenly her smile was wider to you, you’d find yourself making jest’s just to see her smile that pip smile. Or how her eyes shone, the grey flecks seeming even more cobalt in colour.
Plus you didn’t know if pip was even fond of girls. You had never talked about your sexuality before, but you were sure pip knew after she had found your eyes trailing the older girls in upper sixth form, blushing when one of them called you cute in the corridor of the canteen. Cara had laughed, shaking you by the shoulders and telling you to pull the bull by the horn. Needless to say that lead to a very horrendous and giggle endured day, when you had practiced asking out Cara, asking her for tips and how do ask Pipa.
“Why do you look like you’re about to be sick on the floor?” Cara had said, eyes moving about your form, she had laughed, moving to grab your shoulders, “and stand straighter. There we are! Perfect! Now go ahead”. “Eye contact! You’ve known pip for years! Why now do you suddenly find the wall more interesting than her!”
You still smiled fondly at that, to this day. Luckily for you pip had found your nervousness to be cute, and had immediately said yes upon your ask, taking your single red rose that you had given to her with trembling achy fingers. You can still see the blush that adored her cheeks.
Which why now you found it hard to bring up the topic, you didn’t want a screaming match or a row, all you wanted was for your concerns to be heard. You knew that Pippa was counting down the hours to Jamie’s disappearance, knew she had a specific time limit she needed to reach, and heard her talk anxiously to Ravi on the phone that if she missed it she might as well pack up and leave it to the Kilton police. You didn’t want her to quit, that wasn’t what you were asking, at all. You just wanted her to take a minute, to breathe, to eat, to sleep.
Pip hadn’t slept for days. The bags underneath her eyes were getting more apparent, and she would just shrug it off, stating that as soon was Jaime was found she would be able to rest.
You sighed, running your hands through your hair, trying to find a way to bring up your worries to your girlfriend. You settled for coming round and leaning over her looming figure on her laptop, watching as she very cleverly orchestrated a floor plan of the calamity party that Jamie had been sighted at. Time stamps laying about the floor plans, Pippa’s messing handwriting laying neatly on the screen.
You took solace for the fact that pip had seemed to finally let a breathe out as your fingers made contact with hers, looping together and holding fast. Your soft fingers tracing soft shapes over the skin of her knuckles. You laid a soft kiss on her forehead, hoping that would catch her attention, but when that failed you settled for her name.
“Pip?” You said softly, ghosting your lips over her hairline.
She didn’t bother looking up, to engrossed in the screen, you knew her well enough to know that she was or probably going over all possible plausible events of what Jamie could have been doing there. And while you were also eager to find out about Jamie, you were connors best friend too, you just wanted one second of her time.
Her response was delayed, but from her glassy blue eyes and her distracted voice that spit out, “yeah?” You could tell getting her attention would be hard.
“Do you have a jiffy to talk? Just for a moment?”.
You watch as her eyes move to you, and she sighs into the air, nodding as she moves to bite her finger nails.
“What is it love?? I asked Connor if he could send out texts to anyone that was at the calamity party. See if I can see who the person is standing by the fireplace. See love, right here is where Jamie was seen talking to somebody. But who is somebody?” She spoke, tapping the area of the fireplace with her fingers. Eyes gone again, lost in the world of Jamie.
The words were out before you could halt them, burning your tongue and scorching your lips.
“For goodness sake Pippa Fitz Amobi didn’t your mother ever teach you to listen when a person is talking to you!!” You let out, your nerves getting the best of you.
You watched as pip blinked, blue eyes turning to you and your loud but calm outburst. It took a second but once pip could see the irritation in your eyes did she realize that was serious. She sighed, letting out a breathe through her nose, her mouth clenched and her fingers tapping on the desk.
“You had something you wanted to bring to my attention did you?” she spoke, offering a hollow smile that made your insides hurt. You recognized that smile, it was the smile she would give Cara when she wanted to be somewhere else, or her mum and dad when they asked to many questions. And you suddenly felt your stomach sink as the glare was directed at you.
“Pip, I know your time right now is being devoted to finding Jamie, believe me I more than understand the importance of finding him love” you spoke, moving to cup her cheeks, brushing some hair out of her eyes, eying her deep cobalt eyes and how they eyed you with a confused stare, irritation rising.
“But when you get like this, to the point where all you’ve consumed is coffee, how many cups I will never even ask to count, when you can’t even sleep anymore, that’s when it becomes my responsibility to hold you back and ask is this really healthy for you?”.
Pip’s lips twitched, and it was only then that she sighed, her eyes moving to her phone where Ravi had just texted her, you could see her screen lighting up, ‘Hey sarge, check out this video, it fits exactly where Jamie was standing at 9:35’.
You watched as pip’s eyes glowed, could see the way her eyes lit up, a smile ghosting her lips. “Look baby, I really really appreciate your concern here, but I’m on the cusp of finding Jamie, Connor is counting on me and his mum, and I’m so close! So close! I can feel it” she spoke, conviction in her voice.
You only eyed her, “pip you need to sleep! You haven’t slept in two days! Or the weeks after that! Your sleep deprived, you’re emotionally exhausted, and I honestly don’t give a damn about Jamie when you’re looking like this!” You gestured to her, to her pale face and baggy eyes.
Pip turned her chair, fingers on the cusp of her nose, jaw tight. Irritation on her features. Just another thing that had come on after the Andie Bell case.
She sighed through her fingers. Breathing in and out before she spoke, eyes on her computer again.
“The fact that you don’t realize how important this case is to me says so much. You knew when I agreed to take on this case I was agreeing to make sacrifices! And I thought you of all people would know that!”
You can feel your own emotions come to the surface, your green eyed monster coming out.
“You haven’t even looked at me in days pip!! I sat down with you at the canteen yesterday and you didn’t even acknowledge me! I had to sit with Cara the whole lunch hour! When I brought you a tray, you didn’t eat anything. You’re not eating! You’re not sleeping! And frankly I am finding it hard to be around you and Ravi signh”.
at the mention of Ravi you watch as pip’s eyes crease, “what does Ravi have to do with any of this! Ravi is my best friend! We’ve gone over this! I thought we were over this pathetic little jealousy vendetta you harbor for him” she snidely commented.
You chucked, “I do when he starts calling you all these cute nicknames and acting like your boyfriend every time he’s near! I’m not stupid pip! I see how he eyes you, you proved his brother wasn’t guilty pip! You came in with your soft smile and completely captured his heart! And if you can’t see that or acknowledge that then I think something is majorly wrong with you”.
You watch as pip’s body remains rigid, the word wrong had seemed to shake her up even more. She turns on you, eyes cold and holding far more emotion that you have ever seen before, her words are gritted, spoken through harsh teeth.
“Something wrong with me now annit?” She speaks out, “don’t lie to me now y/n” she speaks, “I know that things have been different since the Andie bell case, believe I of all people know how difficult is had been. And I’ve tried really really hard to go back to normality. To bring myself back again, to be myself, but at this point I don’t see that happening. If you can’t understand that then-“ pip’s eyes search the floorboards, blue eyes dancing across the tiles, looking for an answer.
When she does settle on one you watch as her eyes meet yours, anger, confusion, so many emotions lay in those eyes.
Before she can even speak you sigh out, “maybe a break will help” you let out, “give us both time to reflect. My parents are going on a holiday next week to London. I think I’ll join them.”
At the mention of London and a week pip’s ears must turn on because she’s suddenly stepping closer to you, alertness filling her eyes, “ Is a break even necessary?” She sputters, “baby, I promise when this case is finished everything will go back to normal. Just please! Please hold on just for a few more days-“
You cut her off, hold her hand in yours.
“What then pip? You’ll go looking for a new case, and then where does that leave me? I love you Pipa, so much that it pains me to see you acting so recklessly, so out of character! You never use to act this way! Obsessive! To the point of absolution! I think at this point I need the time away. I need it! To reflect, to take a break from all this” you gesture to the crime board, files and files of police cases on pip’s bed.
“I’m not asking you to stop” you speak, watching your girlfriend’s eyes, how they are no longer fueled with anger. Instead they are downcast, tears forming at the base. “I’d never ask you to stop, never. Because I know how much these cases mean to you, but I will ask you to reevaluate the toll they take on you. To remember to take care of yourself. Because if you go on the way you do you will only hurt yourself”.
You watch as her phone dings again, Ravi again no doubt checking to see if pip has seen the video. But pip’s eyes remain on your frame. Watch as you take your rucksack in hand and head for the door.
“How long will you be gone? When will you be coming home?” She asks, and she almost looks like a child, begging, grasping at straws.
You suck in a breathe. Knowing that if you turn and see her eyes, you’ll crumble. Let go. But the little resolve in you whispers that it’s good to get away, good for Pipa, who doesn’t need distraction of a clingy girlfriend.
You sniff, “I don’t know actually. A week or two” you let out.
Pip’s shoulders sag, “I don’t want you gone that long. I’ll miss you so much, look I’m sorry for everything! Ravi is just my friend I didn’t mean to snap at you about him! It’s just- this case is making me extra neurotic, I’m stressed and I’m worried and I’m trying to keep a lid on it for Connor but-“ you watch her lip tremble, take in her expression.
“You can’t leave. You can’t. I need you. I need you with me so I don’t explode. Please” she’s begging at this point. Grasping your fingers with hers, latching on fast, fingers threaded through yours
“I’m not leaving forever Pippa” you gently speak. “I just think this time apart will do us good. We are both at different places right now. This will do you good, get your case done, I can be with my parents”. You squeeze her fingers in your own, bring it to your lips, open her palm the way you know she likes, pressing a soft kiss to the base of her palm, before you let go, feeling that pit in your stomach erupt with guilt.
You watch as pip remains motionless as you open her door, walking down the steps and out the front door. This is for the better you reason.
It’s been three weeks in London. Three weeks with no calls or texts from pip. Your phone remains motionless, with the amount of time you check it you’re sure your parents are thinking you’ve gone mad.
It’s obvious to everyone what’s wrong with you. Your homesick. That’s your ailment. Homesick for the person who you’ve loved since primary school. There is nothing you want more than for Pippa to be here, holding fast to your hand and pointing at all the display signs that adorn central London. Listing all the facts from her mouth with rapid speed.
You think back to pip and hope she’s doing well. Whatever she’s doing now. You had texted her, leaving her quick ‘miss you. Wish you were here. How’s the case?x’ but she hadn’t answered.
You were laying in your hotel bed, eating an ice cream sundae that made your stomach hurt but seemed to make this trip bearable. Your parents had been commenting that you were not yourself. “Are you sure everything is alright with pip? She hasn’t been round to Sunday dinner, I made my Sunday roast for her!” Your mother commented.
“Oh pip would just love that notebook wouldn’t she love?” Your father had said during your walk in Harrods. You had stuffed down the Pipa sized hole in your heart, and filled it with ice cream instead. Strawberry laces. Cadbury’s. Jaffa cakes that you knew Pip could eat by the dozens.
Now as you began stuffing your gob, anything to make the pain go away, because you were sure any minute now you’d grab your coat and grab a train back to little Kilton, knock on the Amobi’s door and beg on your knees to be forgiven. Just one ring from pip and you’d do it. You’d apologize for being so naive, too focused on yourself, your selfish desires, you had used pip as an excuse. Maybe you had.
“Well isn’t this a sight for sore eyes. Your mum said you were a bit blue and offered to buy me a ticket.”
You knew that voice. It was the same voice that would sing to you softly when you were battling insomnia. The voice meant home.
At the girls voice you immediately turn, catching the sight of a very tired looking Pippa Fitz Amobi. Luggage in hand, eyes even darker than the last time you’d seen them. She’s exhausted, you can tell from the drooping eyes.
You wipe your mouth, feeling like the world should swallow you whole. It’s not like pip had never ever seen you like this, but your in your fuzzy nighties and your ice cream has now made an uncomfortable plopping sound as the chocolate swirl fell of your spoon into the bowl.
Your about to get up , to dust yourself of and ask for forgiveness, to throw yourself at her and kiss her all over her stupid face, your just about mapping out where you want to kiss her first when she speaks.
“I found Jamie. He’s home now. I wanted to call. But I- I couldn’t. Stanley Forbes is dead. I-I watched him die…Charlie green shot him. And I carried him out, the building was on fire and all I could think about was seeing you. I had to see you.” Pip is saying, her eyes tearing and her chest rocking with sobs.
Immediately you rush to her, hold her close. Apologizing over and over for your stupid behavior. But pip stops you. It’s fast, sudden. She throws you against the wall, lips seeking your own. Her hands find your waist, holding you possessively against her, it makes your head dizzy and fuzzy.
She kisses you with the strength of a madman, eager, wild, lips rough and enough to make you whine when her hot tongue delves into your mouth, teeth clacking. You grip her closer, getting lost in her.
“Please…never leave me” she speaks hushed breathes, her lips finding every available patch of skin.
But once she meets your eyes, lays her forehead against yours, “I’ve come to the conclusion that what you said was right. I was getting obsessive. And I know you said it out of love. And I thank you for that. For always looking out for me. For loving me enough.”
Here right now, with pip holding your cheeks eyeing you, with stars in her eyes, you know that you both can get through anything. Anything. So you simply bring her closer, “I guess I just need to learn to draw lines in the sand. All I know is I need you. With me. Say you’ll stay with me” pip repeats, and you only giggle, leaning your face to the crook of her neck, your favorite spot. You lay soft kisses on the patch of skin, watch as Pippa sighs into it, eyes closed, like she’s finally able to breathe after so long.
“I’ll stay” you whisper.
Authors note: Hope the ending didn’t feel rushed. I am a perfectionist at heart so this one hurt to leave here. As always, any pip thoughts are welcome.❤️
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