#the one show that actually taught me math correctly
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umizoomi boys!!!
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hyunsvngs · 9 months
having had a workplace crush in the teaching environment, here is how i would assign the boys as teachers. given my experience in in elementary but we’ll let it slide. obvi they would all love to be music teacher but i cant pick one.
chan: channie has a calling in math. he’d sit on the floor with kids and use all different kinds of tools to help students find their way of thinking. he wouldn’t force the standard way of math. he’s rarely behind his desk, his class is so hands on, all the kids use different methods to learn and they are the top of the school.
lino: lee know would be incredible in the theatre teacher roll. imagine him helping the quiet kids finding their voices. every year starts off with stage blocking and moving correctly so he gets to joke around and they see that the quiet looming teacher is actually a goofball? and they get to spend a whole year with this guy who quickly showed his colors.
binnie: this man is a p.e. teacher. argue with the wall. also he lives for two things: dodgeball and field day. seeing the kids let out all their energy and laugh their asses off while also exercising? nothing can make him happier. he spends all year planning the best activities for field day and makes sure to ask the kids what they would like.
hyune: an art teacher. but he loves stepping in and helping for the ela teachers!! his classroom is filled with his students art (he refers to his students as his kids), he’s been told multiple times to take it down by fire marshals but he’ll take the risk. he loves to see what creations they come up with, and he WILL take things home.
han: han would kill it as a history teacher. every history teacher i had was so carefree and i know that han would love to have kids act things out. he’d have a couch in his room for kids to relax on while working. he’d be super chill with deadlines and things like that. also he’s be open about his anxiety so his kids can see that adults are like them too.
felix: home economics. he spends his weekends coming up with different ways to make recipes accessible for kids with allergies and food restrictions. he makes sure everything is up to standards and is fun for students too. he loves to play videos for the kids so they have fun. also has a food pantry for all the kids on campus just in case they need something to eat.
seungie: seungmin gives off bio or chem teacher energy. but in the best way. most science teachers can be kind of anxiety inducing, but he would make sure to write a joke on the board everyday, he’d wear his pocchaco hairclip on test days to lighten the mood, or go around putting stickers on people papers then denying it just bc he thinks its funny.
innie: language arts. he loves loves loves helping the students write and find their voice. whether it’s essays, poems, short stories, he loves seeing his students grow during the school year. also his kids love story time (yes he does story time and he would never take that from his kids) they love to hear his voices!
sorry for going overboard, i’m a sucker for tropes.💕
victoria baby you ate with this.
also the way im literally gonna be teaching history & english after uni… i’m telling u me n sungie r soulmates
AND AND AND i COMPLETELY agree that bini would be a p.e teacher who would make things fun!!!!! i wouldve actually enjoyed p.e if he taught me LMFOAHSJD
♡ juno
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TW: Referenced human experimentation, mild dehumanisation, referenced torture, referenced abuse, obsession, possessive behaviour, extreme paranoia, and infantilisation
They come twice a week, every week.
Dream's not sure how letters manage to get sent to a brand new server, but like clockwork they end up on his doorstep regardless, “Dream” written on the envelope in scratchy red pen, spelt correctly maybe half of the time.
“Dear Dream,” they always begin, written more like the author knew vaguely those were the words used to begin a letter instead of their actual meaning, the politeness contrasting with the rest of the text, even the elegant, clearly heavily practiced font different to the childlike chickenscratch the rest was written in.
“Today I saw you on the telly and I thought you were poggers,” one might say, before going into naive fantasies about how cool it must be to be famous. “Wilbur said I shouldn’t try and be like you but I made my own mask,” another might, a mix of fawning idolisation and immature complaining about overbearing family members.
What first seemed like the ramblings of any young fan- he had plenty from his Manhunts- eventually turned into a fascinating puzzle. “Were you made in a lab too? I was. I got injected with a lot of painful shit,” one said, casually in the middle of complaining about having to learn maths. “Did you know Technoblade taught me to fight?” another said, something he’d have taken as wild bragging if it didn’t come with details about him no random kid would know.
Strange anecdote upon anecdote built up. “Did you know wolves don’t do that pack shit? They raised me for a bit, I know,” might come through one day, “Wil says I’m smart but I didn’t even know how to read before he taught me. I’m a Big Man but I feel like a stupid kid,” another.
And each one always, always, ended with “your new best friend, Tommy Innit!!!!!!”, written in big bold text that took up half the page. Even after months of no response, the enthusiasm shined through, that childlike wonder and adoration, that hero-worship.
How little he knew. Dream was no hero. No one was, if you lived long enough. But still, it warmed his heart and fascinated him both. Dream had always considered himself a scientist at heart, and this “Tommy” seemed like an enigma just waiting to be cracked.
One he wouldn’t figure out just through letters.
Smiling, Dream carefully loops through each letter in perfect cursive as he writes, ink bright green and glittery. “To my dearest Tommy,” he begins- after all, he doesn't know any other Tommys, so it's not a lie- “I have a spot open on my server, and your kind letters touched my heart…”
No letters show up at his doorstep anymore.
Some days, Dream dreams that they do. He opens the door to the prison, and there’s the same chickenscratch lettering. “Dear Dream, I'm sorry for being so ungrateful,” they always begin. “Always your best friend, no matter what, Tommy Innit!!!!!!” they end. When he wakes, they leave him feeling more empty and numb than the nightmares of isolation and pain.
It’s become a daily routine to read through them whenever he gets that feeling sinking through his stomach. He gets that feeling a lot, now, gnawing through him like a wild animal. If he were any more naïve, he'd say it was regret. If he had any hope in the rest of the fucking server, he'd say it was longing. But Dream wasn’t an idiot. Not anymore.
It’s almost like Tommy is right there with him when he reads those words. He hears his voice, the loud way he laughs, the softer tones as he shares the thoughts he tells no one else. One, Dream is sure he wrote while sobbing, and reading it in that sad, too-quiet tone brings back that same odd, all consuming satisfaction he misses from exile. That one is his favourite.
Once, it was odd little details and casual strangeness that drew him to the letters, made him keep them safe and secure so he could study them night after night. Now, it was the simple affirmations that stuck to him. “I know you’re a good person,” and “I wish I could be just like you,” and “I love you, man, I wish you were my brother unlike Wilbur he's so lame.”
Tommy admired him, once. Tommy trusted him, once. Tommy loved him like a brother, once. He wasn’t crazy, he wasn't, he was the only sane person on this Prime forsaken planet. Tommy didn’t hate him. Tommy doesn't hate him, he can’t, not the same Tommy who wrote such fawning praise in these letters, not the same Tommy who clung to him like a frightened animal in Exile. And if that Tommy was gone, Dream would claw him back if it was the last thing he ever did.
“Your new best friend,” they said. Always, that’s what they said. And they were right- Tommy, the only person to never betray him, never plot and scheme and grasp for power. He saw it in everyone else’s eyes- that greed, that desire. Even Punz, Dream knew, only followed him for convenience- what other reason could there be, with that power-hungry look, that eagerness for more? Thinking such thoughts was already a betrayal- what reason was there to want power other than to use it to hurt him? It was a knife in the back, every ambitious word, yet Tommy, innocent naïve Tommy, never had that glint in his eye, that hidden blade.
He misses that sweet Tommy, that childlike wonder poorly hidden behind an angry facade. The Tommy forever captured in letters, the Tommy he'd brought out through fists upon those beaches of Logstedshire. Kind, loyal, adoring. Practically worshipping the very ground Dream walked on, like the God he was. His biggest fan, his loyal protege, his best friend, his most beloved little brother. Not the angry, spiteful shell everyone else had twisted the poor thing into.
Dream would save him from them, soon enough.
Sighing, Dream struggles to quite get the words straight as he writes them, shaking hands pressing down too hard on the paper. He writes a million things he wants to say, things he can’t say. Things he will say once he had Tommy back safely, once he had his best friend back. “To my dearest, Tommy,” he always begins- after all, he had no one else left to care about, so it’s not a lie- “I have missed your letters dearly…”
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digitalworldbound · 2 years
takari week, day two
first dates are one of my favorite things to write for takari (!!) 
characters: takeru x hikari
summary:  as hikari's math tutor, takeru takes his job very seriously. (or, not seriously enough)
also on AO3 and FFN
“It’s no use - I’ll never pass midterms like this.” Hikari lamented, resting her head on the kitchen table.
Amidst the overdue homework assignments and open textbooks, Hikari was suffocating. Sat opposite of her, Takeru only snickered, rolling his eyes gently at her dramatic flair.
“Hikari, you’ll be fine if you actually study. I don’t think that sitting here, watering your kitchen table with tears, qualifies.”
With her head buried in her arms, the table absorbed most of Hikari’s reply. 
“What was that? Don’t be shy, speak up.” 
Bangs whipping around, Hikari’s eyes met his own, a disgruntled pout poking at her lips. “That’s easy for you to say. You’re the one that knows how to use the quadratic formula. Since when did we use the alphabet in math class, anyway?” 
Takeru outright laughed, cheeks rosy with mirth. 
“It’s not funny!” Hikari chastised, the corners of her mouth betraying her by turning upwards. “You’ll pass the midterms, and I’ll have to stay back a grade. At this rate, I’ll be graduating with Iori.” 
Shuffling the papers strewn across the table, Takeru leaned in, mischievousness shining in his eyes. “If studying is that big of an issue for you, I have a better idea. Would you like to play a game?” 
Hikari tilted her head in confusion, chewing on her bottom lip. “A game? When we’re supposed to be studying? I don’t know, is that such a good idea?”
“Don’t be so worried. This game is a homework game; my brother taught it to me when I was in middle school.” He continued to organize her papers, arranging them into piles by subjects. Hikari’s eyes lingered on a pile of her test scores, miniscule numbers circled by an angry red pen. 
The clock ticked quietly in the hallway, Hikari’s house silent aside from the scratch of Takeru’s pencil. With her family at a dinner party and brother away at college, Hikari had thought it would be the perfect afternoon to review some of her classwork.
Now, with Takeru preening over every missed  answer and abysmal grade, she wasn’t so sure. 
“Maybe,” Hikari relented. She had already resigned to letting Takeru tutor her; a game might make the time pass faster. 
“Perfect,” he gleamed. Tossing his pencil to the side, Takeru leaned back in his chair, hands crossed behind his head. “Now, the rules of the game are simple: everytime you complete a problem or worksheet correctly, you earn a reward.”
Leaning forward, Hikari’s eyes grew wide.”What kind of reward?” For a moment, she felt as if she were eight-years-old, excited at the prospect of earning something. 
Takeru shrugged, letting his hands fall in his lap. “I don’t know, that kind of depends on you. When Yamato played with me, I always picked things like ice cream or a turn with the Gameboy.”
Absent-mindedly, Hikari chewed on the tip of her pen, mulling over Takeru’s offer. “But,” she started, head tilting towards the side, “What happens if I get a question wrong?”
A smirk played across her friend’s lips, as if he were about to laugh at a joke she had never told. “That’s for me to decide.” 
Hikari must have looked as shocked as she felt, eliciting a singular snort from her tutor. 
“Ne, don’t worry. Nii-san would make me take shots of hot sauce or wash his laundry. I promise I wouldn’t be that cruel. Besides,” he paused, quivering an eyebrow, “I thought you trusted me.”
Heat rushed to Hikari’s cheeks, an unidentifiable feeling simmering in her stomach. 
“As long as I don’t have to drink hot sauce, I think we’ll be fine.” She offered him a small smile before focusing on the piles in front of her. Apprehension bubbled in her stomach. 
Rubbing his palms together, Takeru tossed Hikari a calculator. “Alright, show me what you got.”
And for twenty minutes, Hikari tried. As a worn pencil scratched against the worksheets, she did her best to navigate herself through the first problem, writing and rewriting the formula, receiving different answers with every try. 
With a huff, Hikari turned the paper towards Takeru. “Is this one the answer, then?”
His hand skimmed over hers as he examined her hard work. Quickly, Hikari pulled her hand away, heart beating erratically in her chest. 
Takeru’s eyes met hers briefly before refocusing on the assignment. 
“A decimal?” he questioned, eyebrows extended high on his forehead. “Hikari, the problem only used whole numbers. There was no division; how did you manage to get a decimal?” 
Unwillingly, tears pricked at the corners of her eyes. A small sniffle pulled his attention towards her once more, his gaze softening. “Hey, none of that. Besides defying the laws of mathematics, you’ve still done a good job. At first, you followed the formula perfectly. You only messed up here,” the eraser of his pencil circled the spot, “And here.” He highlighted the afflicted areas before turning the  homework back to Hikari. Muttering her thanks, she bent her head once more, determined to find the right answer.
“Not so fast there, Hikari.” Takeru chastised , tongue clicking disapprovingly. “You got the question wrong. You owe me.”
With her mouth agape, Takeru couldn’t help but to laugh. “Quit looking so scared. When have I ever led you astray?” 
He ignored her incredulous look, arms crossing his chest. “Since this is your first offense, I’ll go easy on you. Now, humor me: What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?” 
Flush rose to Hikari’s cheeks, Takeru’s gaze heavy on her face. “I didn’t realize we were middle-schoolers playing truth-or-dare.” Math problems forgotten, Hikari rolled her eyes.
Takeru tugged his own workbook out of his bookbag, flipping to the appropriate page. “Then tell me, have you always been this bad at math?’ 
A small intake of breath was his only warning before Hikari’s fist collided with his shoulder. For her sake, he pretended to flinch, rubbing his arm with an infuriating grin plastered to his face.
“If I hadn't been this bad at math, then you wouldn’t have been able to come to my house and eat all of my snacks.” She raised a singular eyebrow in his direction, as if daring him to continue.
Popping another apple slice into his mouth, Takeru was in no position to argue.
With a satisfied smirk, Hikari turned back to her worksheet, correcting the sections that her tutor marked. 
The second question proved to be tougher, the numbers morphing into fractions, letters sprinkled in for garnish. 
Lip caught between her teeth, Hikari did her best to recall the way Takeru  modeled the problem, but her mind only drew blanks. All she remembered was the way he stood behind her, heat emanating from his body. With Takeru’s hand on her shoulder, it made it nearly impossible for her to formulate any thoughts, much less absorb whatever he had been teaching her.
Now, as she sat across from him, the only thought she could form was how blue his eyes looked against the gray hue of their uniforms. 
Accepting defeat, her pencil scribbled along the paper, writing down whichever numbers looked the best.
“Are you finished?” Takeru asked between bites of another apple slice. His own homework lay to the side, his handwriting forming neat little lines. She had half the mind to take a peek at his answers; Hikari would do anything to wipe the annoying grin from his mouth. 
The clock continued to click in the hallway, the hum of the refrigerator interrupting Hikari’s focus. 
It seemed that no matter how long she stared at the formulas, she couldn’t decipher their meanings. Takeru had explained the concept over and over; the sun had nearly set outside of her balcony. 
As a sigh of anguish ruffled her bangs,  Takeru leaned over to examine her work.  
“Wrong.” A smug smirk settled across his mouth, eyes half-lidded. Hikari’s mouth ran dry, momentarily distracted by the odd heat of Takeru’s gaze. 
“Could you - Could you maybe go over the formula again?” Hikari stumbled over her words, anxiously chewing at the tip of her pen. 
“Sure, that’s why I’m here.” He stood, the legs of his chair scraping against the linoleum. Before Hikari could protest, Takeru took the seat next to her, turning his body in her direction. She tried not to think about how his knees nearly grazed the hem of her skirt or the teakwood scent of his shampoo. “But first, another question.”
With heated cheeks, Hikari turned her attention to Takeru, pulse thrumming erratically in her veins. “Do you really have to ask questions every time? At this point, I would prefer the hot sauce.” 
He only laughed, leaning in a bit closer, his breath fanning across Hikari’s face.  “Would you, now?” If he noticed the way she shivered underneath his gaze, Takeru didn’t comment on it, instead busying himself with notating the correct solution on the worksheet. 
Once he was finished, he turned his face towards her, a singular eyebrow raised. “Do you have any questions before I ask one of my own?”
Numbly, Hikari shook her head. Her assignment had been adorned with little arrows and smiley faces, rewarding her for the aspects she had gotten correct. 
If it were possible, Takeru invaded her space further,  the corners of his mouth tilted upwards. “Who was your first kiss?” 
Eyes wide as saucers, Hikari stared blankly at Takeru’s smirk. The heat of embarrassment crawled up her neck, staining the tips of her ears. Subconsciously, her teeth bit at her bottom lip, anxiously searching for an answer, to make up a name that sounded reasonable enough to be the truth. 
“Hmm, cat’s got your tongue?” He teased, leaning back to give Hikari some space. “Or,” he paused, “Could it be that you’ve never been kissed?”
Though his tone had been light, teasing even, Hikari’s mouth opened and shut to no avail. Heart hammering in her ears, she averted her gaze. 
At sixteen-years-old, Hikari had yet to hold any serious relationships. Plenty of boys had gone through the effort of confessing, their anxious smiles and trembling hands worming their way into Hikari’s heart. But their dates had never led to anything substantial, her mind always drifting back to a pair of mischievous, blue eyes.
The same pair of eyes bore into her own, seeking the answer to his question.
Her silence must have been answer enough. 
“Taichi Yagami’s little sister had never been kissed? Why are we focusing on math where there appears to be a bigger problem right under our noses?”
Tears pricked at her eyes, her mouth morphing into a delicate frown. “Stop laughing at me.” 
Gripping her pencil with white knuckles, Hikari turned back to her homework, the problems blurring together.
He reached out, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Lucky for you,” Takeru’s reassuring voice washed over her,  “I’m a firm believer that every problem must have a solution. How should we solve this one?”
A gasp flew from her lips, her body reflexively turning towards his. “Take-”
His name was lost on her lips, Takeru’s mouth pressing gently onto her own. Mustering up any bit of courage she could find, Hikari kissed him back, her hands resting hesitantly on his shoulders.
All too soon, Takeru pulled away, cheek tinged pink. “I think,” he paused, catching his breath, “That a kiss qualifies as a reward. Let’s see if you can get the next problem right.”
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Yet Another...Math Post. About Trauma.
I swear, guise, I'm not a math blog *blushes, squeebles around*
I have one more week of math, and I am...doing okay. Kind of. Math is something I have a sort of love/hate relationship with. To be clear, the hatred is not for the actual subject of math, but the method with which I was taught math.
See, when I reached high school age, I was offered a choice: I could continue my schooling at home, with my parents continuing their roles as teachers, or I could enroll in the local high school in town. As with many of these decisions, I received advice from a couple of different sources, one of which was my sister, who implied that, since I had no particular stake in the game, my time in high school might be a bit rough.
I think the flip side of her advice (which was geared toward "you should go to public school") was actually in a light of, "This might be a bumpy landing, but then you will arrive at a better destination than flying Family Air." I say this with around sixteen years of hindsight, some gradual realizations regarding my parents, their parenting styles, and the benefits of interpersonal relationships outside of the Family Bubble.
I chose to continue homeschooling.
My parents, whom I will give the benefit of the doubt regarding their role in that decision, decided that they should be serious about my education at that point, and saw fit to begin a new phase in my mathematical journey: Algebra.
Up until that point, my exposure to math personally was fairly tentative, and I viewed it with some degree of ambivalence. Math is very important to my father (he taught himself calculus, after all, for fun), and while I had a drive to do well in math, I really hated doing repetitive math. I firmly believe Saxon Math should go die in a hole. Seriously, there is "getting it" and then there is "oh my goodness I am so damn bored with this, can I just die right now?"
So my parents gave me a math aptitude test, and I did fairly well, but was confused by some things (didn't know what the "*" symbol [not asterisk, but the big, black dot that denotes multiplication instead of "x"] meant, so I don't recall what I did with those problems). So when the next school year started, my parents brought out the algebra book, and I started working on it.
At first, things went well. I don't really have too much of a case against algebra. Frankly, the argument that I "won't ever use it" never really stuck for me, because there are quite a few things I enjoy that fit in the category of "complicated things that I will never have practical use for", and that doesn't stop me from dipping my toes in those things, nor do I have much difficulty getting into them. I do tend to prefer to cut corners where I can, however, and I saw the stepwise method of solving equations to be tedious, so I just...didn't. I was confident that I could do the math in my head, and just spit out the answer x=5 (or whatever) and be done with it.
Well, that ultimately led to problems, because I really am not capable of holding a bunch of different variables in my head on a little whiteboard, and, inevitably, I got some questions wrong. Probably a lot of questions, because when "show your work" is included in the grade, and you don't do it, that means you didn't do the question correctly, regardless of the outcome.
So my father decided to address my work, and, shall we say, it did not go well.
While I am sure that a lot of the problem involved a lack of humility on my part, the part that really dug into my brain that I carry with me into any and all mathematical situations is the stark rage that my father displayed at my impudence. A highlight of the discussion is that he explained that the reason we perform step operations on algebraic expressions is because that's the "best way", and my refusal to do it flies in the face of convention set down by smarter people than me. Another highlight is that I'm stupid for not just doing it.
My father screamed at me enough that my mother and sister intervened. My father told them not to "protect" me.
This sister, it should be noted, struggled with math, and received much the same treatment from our father. I don't know what all that entailed, but I do know that there were quite a few times that she ran up to her room, sobbing, after a tutoring lesson with dad.
I don't remember much in the interim of high school math, but I did have to take a math class in college, and that rivaled speech class for my favorite two classes. I realized not only that I enjoy doing math (with some exceptions), but that I am actually pretty good at it. This was, entirely, because my math teacher in college:
Loved math
Loved teaching
Loved teaching math
I was introduced to the concept that I wasn't...stupid, and I could, actually, do things with math that I were fun.
Of course, as all things go, now that I am doing math again for college ten or so years down the line, I'm relearning things that I didn't grasp well, and I get very frustrated trying to work things out the way I thought it was supposed to be done, and I beat myself up over it. My wife is the sweetest little cheerleader, though. She really doesn't get that practically all she has to do is lie there pregnantly and squeak "You're not dumb!" from time to time, and I know I can do anything.
Anyway, I should probably finish my math homework for this week. I have a lot of questions to work through, and I'm so distracted I missed several opportunities to respond to radio calls with "Coffee." rather than "Copy."
I don't know what I would do with my life if I couldn't do that.
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prokopetz · 4 years
One of the striking things about math education for me is that most of the common objections to how the material is taught have really simple answers, but I have never in my life heard a math instructor provide those answers.
For example, something you hear a lot is: “why am I losing points for not showing my work when I got the correct answer?”, or even “why are we being told to use this procedure at all when the answers are so obvious?”.
There answer to both of those questions, of course, is: “Because what’s actually being taught is a problem-solving method that works for big and complicated problems as well as small and simple ones. We practice it with the simple ones first so that you can easily compare your intuitive solution with the results of applying the method and know whether you did it right. That way, when we get to the complicated ones where the intuitive approach doesn’t work, you can have confidence that you practised the method correctly.”
Not once in two decades of schooling did I hear that rationale offered -- if an instructor deigned to address the objections at all, their response typically boiled down to some variation of “because this is how it’s done”.
Like, what’s difficult about this?
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pen-observing · 3 years
This might be dumb, but could you do like a modern coffee shop (or bar) AU of you training Zhongli and having a whole "coworkers to lovers" vibe? It's time for Zhongli to get a job 😤 Also I can't my mind off Zhongli struggling to work the cashier or proudly showing off making a drink correctly.
i say i am a kaeya main but in reality zhongli is the only character tripple crowned so ofc i can try to do this
how does this come about? venti and zhongli are actually roommates and renting a suburban place because everyone knows zhongli has high standards.
however, zhongli has no job nor is he able to get one that easily.
venti was fine paying for everything for the first 3 months but after he did the math and realised that he will never again drink high quality wine if this continues - he demanded that zhongli gets a job
in reality, zhongli knows a lot but the knowledge is rarely of practical necessity so when he sets out to look for a job - he is really looking for anything at all
luckily for him, your manager always talks about how it would be a blessing if 'someone with the highest coffee shop aesthetic' worked here. 'the business would blossom!'
you thought it was silly. what even is a coffee shop aesthetic?
all your doubts were immediately dismissed when your manager rushed into the shop at 9am while dragging a man by his arm inside
he was beautiful, and the colors inside the shop only made him appear even more mesmerising
it seemed like he belonged inside this space
yes, he was slightly confused why someone had to drag him inside in that manner but he did not mind since on the street, the person already promised him a job. now venti had nothing to be mad about, right?
venti did not. you however did.
when your manager asked him to make coffee for 3 he confidently walked up to you, brushed past you to get closer to the machine.
but nothing happened.
he just stood there.
you looked up at him and his chin was in his hand. never has anyone stared down the coffee machine like this.
he was an expert at making tea but this was just so different.
zhongli turned his head to look at you.
'excuse me, but what is it exactly that i am supposed to do now?'
your manager laughed but you knew he was serious about the question.
'you need to press in the order you want. and then make it using this machine.'
'ah, i see.'
and he still did nothing.
it irked you that despite this he got the job as just a waiter.
your manager was reluctant to let him go after all.
when zhongli got home he told venti about his job and what happened. venti knew how much trouble a clueless zhongli really is so he made him play papa's freezeria on the computer to get a sense of his new job.
zhongli came the next day. completely composed and seemingly prepared. in his wishes to be on time, he came early and since his key was not made yet the first sight that greeted you was not the usual door with the closed sign - it was him leaning against it with his coat and his nose slightly red from the cold.
'i am glad to see that you are here.' his voice touched you at that moment, and he was more comforting to see than the lonely.
'could you please unlock the shop?'
and you did.
when the two of you walked in, he took both of your coats and hanged them on the rack.
he seemed gentle enough and careful enough not to mess up on his first day.
zhongli dedicates himself to everything he sets his mind to. and he was flawless as a waiter. polite words and smiles; he always remembered the order correctly and his presence did draw in a few more customers.
you were still the one who worked the register and made the actual orders tho.
at the end - he made sure to help with cleaning but when the two of you were putting on the coats he said: 'it is a shame.'
you simply asked what he was referring to because his look held some regret.
'oh, my roommate made me play a game so i get familiar with the register. i just thought it was a shame i didn't get to use it today.'
how can someone feel regret about such a thing? and why did it seem so serious all of a sudden?
'if you want, i can show you how to use it tomorrow morning before the customers come?'
'i would appreciate it.'
his smile at that moment was enough to make you smile too.
and you did show him. when there was free time; it was dedicated to helping him learn how to use the register or how to make simple orders.
really, the early mornings spent with him in which you watched his hands shake to becoming steady were so ordinary but so magical.
he was always glad to learn something new.
he was a quick learner but both of you worried that he would make a mistake during official work hours so he never had a chance to use it seriously.
but, after a week and a half, you caught a small cold and zhongli was left to fight all by himself.
for those 2 days your mind was filled with worry for him. 'is he going to be okay? how will he manage the new people and the more complicated orders? will he be able to do latte art? maybe the manager will help him more now and come to the shop more often while i am out sick?'
this made you realise he was somehow an important part of your day.
after the cold, you rushed to the shop faster than ever.
he had already unlocked it and what greeted you was zhongli behind the open register.
he gave you a smile before walking over.
' i am glad to see you are here again.'
'oh no.' zhongli held your shoulders. 'you are all out of breath. is this a side effect from the cold?'
he did not even give enough time to answer and already seated you down to the closest table.
'please wait here.'
how embarrassing! you rushed here to fast just thinking about him and even ran out of breath on the way here! thank god zhongli is so dense he did not question you more or teased you.
he slid a coffee cup towards you and you immediately smiled.
he had made a heart latte! for you!
'i actually wanted to come and visit you but this place was so busy and i did not know your address. it would have been inappropriate. but, i finally used the things you taught me.'
and as zhongli sits down across from you; he is so happy to share what happened and all the things he did thanks to you.
sure, the business bloomed in this place but it seems like love has started to bloom as well.
(venti doesn't have to worry about his wine anymore and your manager is definitely calling themselves cupid.)
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bokettochild · 3 years
Hmmm if you need ideas I always love cultural difference shenanigans so maybe Twilight and Hyrule or Warriors and Hyrule having jarringly different cultures?
I didn't really touch on cultures much, since I'm still learning a lot about the games in general, but here's three boys discussing the educational systems of their respective provinces!
(Asks are open still, if anyone wants a story, feel free to request it! I will try my best! (Crossovers aren't off the table, but I can't promise I'll write them))
From Ordon to Catalia
“So, you’re telling me,” Warriors states disbelievingly. “That you, the Hero of Hyrule, couldn’t even speak Hylian until mere months before you saved the kingdom?”
The traveler nods, a faint flush dusting over his browned cheeks at Warriors’ question.
Twilight shakes his head, a smile on his face. “Who’da thunk it? Chin up traveler, I didn’t even live in Hyrule when I saved it.”
“What?” Warriors turns to him, royal blue flickering with disbelief as he stares from one country hero to the other. “Seriously? Both of you?”
“Well,” Hyrule tugs at one of his curls, eyes glistening with mischief as he speaks. “I mean, Legend saved like, four other countries, and he wasn’t from any of them.”
“But the first country he saved was Hyrule.” Warriors asserts. “And at least he was sent to the other places or something, unlike you two.” The captain stares from one to the other. “Traveling through the kingdom and just happening to run into the Royal Nursemaid?” He turns to Twilight, disbelief still written clear on his face. “And chasing monsters, if I recall correctly. What the heck, guys?”
He can’t help but take a bit of pity on Warriors, the captain has only ever been outside of his Hyrule’s main areas when time traveling, and the poor man clearly has little to no familiarity with the provinces and kingdoms beyond his own home, save for whatever rich and stuffy nobles talk about when royalty from the other kingdoms comes to visit. But even so, Wars lacks the faintest clue of the world outside of Hyrule’s borders, and that's just a little bit sad.
He leans back on the bed that he and Hyrule are sharing, it’s been a few weeks since they were last at an inn and he fully intends on enjoying the plush beds while they can, even if it is a bit too soft for his own comfort. “We could tell you more about them, if you like?”
At his side, Hyrule nods, smile bright if not a bit wistful. “I’m always willing to share about my home.”
Warriors hesitates, caught between disbelief and curiosity.
“I don’t think even Legend has been to Catalia.” Hyrule muses, but Twilight sees the sparkle in Hyrule’s eyes, he’s tempting the captain in a way the both of them know is sure to work.
“That so?” Warriors muses. “Well, I suppose so. Although,” He turns a cynical eye to Twilight. “I’m not sure how much I actually want to know about farm life.”
“Your loss, city boy.” He scoffs in response, a wolfish smile pulling at his features.
It’s nice, he thinks as he leans back further, letting Hyrule pull his thoughts together and Warriors shake off the surprise of their previous words, to just sit and talk with his brothers. Time and Legend have roomed with Wild so he doesn’t have to worry about the Cub making trouble without him there to watch him, and for the first time in a long tie he can just sit down and talk with his other brothers. He doesn’t know why Time let Four assign rooms like this, but he isn’t complaining if the others aren’t.
“Well, what would you like to hear about?”
Warriors frowns, staring at Hyrule for a moment as the Traveler flushes darker under his curls. Maybe the healer wasn’t as ready to talk as he first thought. “How about, your family, what sort of people are they?”
Hyrule stares at the captain disbelievingly for a moment. “You’ve met my mom, remember? And I don’t really remember much of my dad, he went missing when I was a kid.”
“Oh,” Warriors flushes, a strained smile taking over his features. “Right.”
Hyrule giggles softly. “I’m not mad, Cap, just surprised that you forgot. Although to be fair, not many people probably think about it since I look like a Hylian.”
“Yeah, about that, how does that work?”
“Hylian father, I look more like him in this form. We may be from Catalia, but he was there entirely because he was fleeing the destruction of Hyrule. He met my mom in the Aver Forests, where she’d been wandering for the last few years. Great fairies can leave their pools if they so choose, but they do so rarely. Unfortunately, mom had too because of the increase of monsters in Hyrule.”
“What is the Aver Forest?”
“The biggest, lushest forest in all of Catalia!” Hyrule spread his arms wide as if to indicate how big it truly was. “I’m pretty sure it’s just the other side of the lost woods in my time, since it’s so close to the border. It nothing like Hyrule, but it is, was, home.”
“So, did yer ma follow you to Hyrule?”
“Not exactly.” The traveler replies with a small frown. “She came after Hyrule was made safer again. I can’t exactly leave the country freely anymore, so she came to see me. It’s a good thing too, since getting potions is far more difficult than just bathing in her pool.”
“Are potions really that expensive in your time?” Warriors asks, concern flecking his gentle gaze.
“It’s not about the price,” Hyrule frowns. “It’s more that most people don’t know how to brew them, and finding a person who can is difficult.”
“Ah, supply and demand.”
“Pardon, what?” The traveler looks up to the captain in confusion.
“Supply and demand, you know,” Wars states like it’s common knowledge. “When lots of people want something but only a few people can provide it? It’s the reason shops can get away with charging so much for things.”
Both country heroes stare at him.
“Have neither of you ever heard of it?” The captain blinks at them, leaning forwards on his bed. “How is that possible?”
“Not all provinces have a school, Wars.” He replies, chuckling softly at the surprise on Warriors’ face. “For farming communities we focus on animals and plants, don’t need no fancy education to plow a field.”
Hyrule stares between the two of them. “Alright, this might be a Hylian word I haven’t learned yet, but what is a scewl?”
“A what?” Warriors echoes, turning to face the traveler.
“A scewl?”
“A school?” Twilight translates, brow furrowed until the Hero of Hyrule nods in confirmation, after which he relaxes again. “It's a place people go to learn to read and write, and to count and do equations.”
“And here I thought there weren’t any in Ordon?” Warriors teases lightly.
“Get off it, Cap’. We don’t have schools, but we do have books, I know how to read and if I can learn more than I will.”
“Ah, self-taught?”
“Mostly.” He shrugs. “Hylian’s real different from Ordon-Standard, even if they’re essentially the same.”
“That makes no sense.” The captain deadpans, staring at him blankly.
“I mean, even though they have a lot in common, the way people speak and pronounce things, the vernacular and what not, is quite different that Hyrule proper.”
Hyrule blinks at the two of them owlishly. “What are equations?”
A glance is shared between them. “Math.” Warriors answers. “You know, adding, subtraction, multiplication and division?”
The traveler raises a brow, but he's shrinking in on himself in the way he does when he gets nervous. “What are those? Multipulycation and division?”
Warriors stares cautiously at the traveler, gaze gentle but concerned. “Hyrule, do you not know how to do math?”
“Do you know how to count?” Twilight tries instead.
“Of course!”
“Can you combine numbers?”
“That’s counting, but with bigger numbers.”
“Can you subtract it again?”
“Yes.” Hyrule answers slowly.
“Can you multiply?”
The traveler stares at Warriors nervously. “I just told you I don’t know what that is.”
The captain, bless his heart, looks genuinely hurt. “Good grief, what sort of mentor is Legend? Not making sure you know basic multiplication?”
And Hyrule flushes, but his brows furrow as he pushes himself straight, always defensive of his mentor. “He didn’t know, and he’s a great mentor! He’s been showing me how to grow trees!”
“Legend knows forestry?” The captain starts.
“He has an orchard.” Twilight reminds him, light laughter bubbling in his chest at the understanding that crosses Warriors’ face at the words.
“Right.” The captain turns to Hyrule. “How about this, Legend can teach whatever it is he teaches you, but when he’s done with that for the day, you come find me? Math is a wonderful thing, even if it is a tad complex, and it'd be a shame to let you go without knowing it.”
Betrayal makes itself known as Twilight pulls away from the two. “You like math?”
Horror blooms on Warriors’ delicate features. “You don’t?”
“Arithmetic is the bane of my existence and if I didn’t need to know how to count rupees, I would willingly forget it.” Twilight spits out.
“It’s wonderful!” Warriors defends. “Everything makes sense and has a logical explanation! You can count on it having an answer every time.”
One dark brow raises as midnight blue stare back at the captain, unimpressed. “Except when it doesn’t. Except when you have to graph equations but you can’t because they don’t have answers. Except when there’s two missing numbers and nothing fits in together, except when the numbers decide to become letters and you have to spit up the alphabet along with your equations.”
“How much math do you know?” Warriors raises a brow.
“Too much.” He isn’t even ashamed of the shudder that makes his pelt tickle against his cheeks. “Wild is a literal genius at it, and I can’t even number how many time he's decided to use it to explain some hare-brained scheme. Trajectory and angles and-” He shivers again. “No thank you. It’s like he ate a math textbook and just keeps spitting it back up, every time he wants to do something dumb.”
The captain whistles lowly, royal blue eyes sparkling. “You mean he has theories and reasoning behind all that? Dang!”
The glare shot the captain’s way is nothing short of threatening. “Do not encourage him, or so help me, Wars. I can hardly contain him some days as is, he doesn’t need someone else egging him on.”
“Oh, trust me,” Gloved hands raise in a non-threatening motion. “I just want to pic his brain, maybe he can help me tutor the traveler here.”
And Twilight almost asks him not too, almost begs that the captain not, before realization hits. “You know, that is actually a good idea.” He smirks. “I’m surprised.”
The deadpan look he receives is well worth it. “You wound me.”
“Were your skin not so delicate, I wouldn’t.” He returns, smile stretching wider. “But that aside, if Wild is busy tutoring Hyrule, he won’t be off blowing things up, and if Hyrule gets a better education out of it that's even better.”
“I’ll ask him about it.” Hyrule answers, eyes lighting up in a way that looks innocent, but considering the kid is Legend’s descendant there’s a very good chance that it isn’t fully. “Maybe he can teach me some tricks while he’s at it.”
“No!” The voices ring at once, but it’s already too late, Hyrule is tapping his chin and muttering low under his breath as a wide smile stretches over his face.
“What have you started.” Twilight whispers, horrified.
“I’m sorry.” Warriors returns, just as grim. “I won’t tell Legend if you don’t.”
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story-collector · 3 years
The Family We Chose
Part 5
So I just realized I fucked up the ages...like I didn’t calculate something correctly because Damian is 9 when he leaves them...and he’s supposed to be 13 when they see him again but they were 16 when he left and they are supposed to be 17/18 and it doesn’t line up....
Change Damian to 10 when he leaves, they will stay 16....they will be 18 when he sees them next and he will be 12 almost 13.Fixed
???....timeskip I guess
Two years ago I left them, leaving Wayzz behind with Marinette. I glanced to the sketchbook on my desk, almost full, of drawings of my old...and new family.
When I was first brought to my father I hated every single one of his sons and him. I wanted nothing to do with them, I wanted my family, the one I chose.
Unfortunately I knew that wasn’t possible. I knew that the league wouldn’t attack them anymore with my grandfather being dead but I had no idea what my father would try to do. So I left them alone, I stayed away. They had wonderful and successful lives, they didn’t need me to get in the way.
When I became Robin I felt like I was betraying my family, like I was betraying Marinette. They had kept me from the fighting, despite how I had been raised, but they had kept me occupied and gave me things to do. My father didn’t seem like he really cared what happened and he had swept us all into his little mission against crime.
Now two years later I could see he really did love us but he just didn’t know how to express that at all. My brothers were surprisingly better at it than him and I had grown fairly close to them. Now I held them to almost the same esteem as the miraculous team. In the end I think, if given the choice, I would still chose to follow Ladybug. She was the first person that really showed me real love and real care. She had treated me as my age but still as an equal. She had been a big sister, almost like a mother to me.
I missed all of them. Sparring with the boys and patrolling with the girls. I missed their cuddles, their hugs. I missed when Max would show me things on his laptop, whether it was a funny cat video or when he taught me how to hack I still enjoyed my time with him. Adrien had taught me fencing. It had been very similar to a katana but it was more for show. He also taught me a lot about modeling. Kim loved to soar with me and taught me how to really push my personal limits in training, I still used his techniques today. Nathaniel was a fellow artists and they could have spent hours drawing together. Nath had shown him plenty of tips for drawing and I had become better with them. He had also shown me how to fully operate our tech system, from the communication system to the cameras that he had hacked into. The Batcave was actually fairly similar and I had learned the computer functions easily.
Chloe had been someone I had become suprisingly close to. Our personalities were very system but I had learned that she cared deeply from the bottom of her heart about people. When she was hurt, she would be broken for days untill she pulled herself together. I felt especially bad for leaving when I thought of her. She had taught me how to find all the good gossip and how to seem almost all knowing. I still used her technics today and because of that I was always the most informed person in the manor. Kagami really was like an older sister. She taught me sword technics I didn’t know and would spar with me. Secretly she was also a genius about animals. We bonded over that. I still carried that live for animals now. Alix was crazy. I had loved skating with her. Together we had figured out I was a natural skateboarder and she had gotten me one. Unfortunately I had to leave it behind but when I came here I got another one and had designed it similar to her hero uniform.
The two people I was probably closest to had been Luka and Marinette. Luka had taught me how to sing and play guitar. Other times he had just let me curl up next to him and he would play the guitar and sing to me for hours. He was a big brother to me and I missed him so much. I still played the guitar, but very rarely and only in private. No one in my new family knew I could play.
Marinette had been mom, or big sister. She had always been there for me. As I had lived alone in the base we had grown close. She had been the one to find me, the one to help heal me, and she was the one who came every day in the morning to see me and the one who would tuck me in at night. She had always been on call for me whenever I needed her. She was more reliable than my new family all together. I felt the worst about leaving her.
I stared out my window to the manor grounds. They were empty and it was dark, my one night off patrol a week. The sky was clear and as I looked at the moon I imagined my family was looking at it to.
In Paris
In the two years that Damian had been gone we had worked harder to finish Hawkmoth off for good but we couldn’t find out who he was. We spent hours pouring over ever single scrap of what could even be slightly considered evidence and we found nothing. Some days I found myself looking for Damian to see if he wanted to help.
Damian was brilliant, he was probably even smarter now in the years he had been away. Two years...it seemed like yesterday where he would be at the table with me as I looked over the Akumas map. I sighed and looked over it again. Still nothing.
A rattle in the ceiling made me look up to see me partner in crime, the one who was there with me when this it all started. He came down to my level and purred into the hug he gave me.
“We’ll find him one day”
I couldn’t tell If he was talking about Damian or Hawkmoth but I agreed with him fully. Chat Noir returning meant that Alix and Kim would be coming by soon to start the night patrol. That meant it was time for me to go home.
I groaned thinking about the essays I had to write and the math I needed to do at home...and the two dresses I need to make for Penny and the suit for Jagged. Oh well, coffee was a hero’s best friend after all. I said goodbye to the other hero’s, my family, and sent my yo-yo out to a nearby chimney. The sound of Chat Noirs staffed extending joined me moments later.
We traveled in silence till we made it to my parents bakery. We landed on my balcony and detransformed. We sat on the chair and just talked for another hour. We had been partners for almost 5 years now. I had just turned 18 and the others were close behind me. My business had skyrocketed and I was already looking at new places to live in and colleges to got to....after I defeated Hawkmoth.
We also talked about the school trip that we had won recently. I remember the countless hours slaving away to win this opportunity for a class who didn’t even know that I had done it. Lie-la was the apparent savior of the class for this. Whatever.
Luka would be the only one staying behind, Kagami having grabbed a spot with our class for the trip. So much planning would need to be done for this trip. We need to figure out patrols with the time difference. We had the app to alert us but other than that and Luka we would be completely blind to Paris, the news of Hawkmoth having been blocked from the rest of the world.
We had a long few months ahead of us.
@buginetye @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog @dood-space @silvergold-swirl @toodaloo-kangaroo @moonlightstar64 @greatcatblaze
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kris-p-banana-bread · 3 years
Here DOAFP fandom, have some organic, locally-sourced, home-grown pain. This is basically just me, a scarred older sibling, projecting on Bobby, another scarred older sibling. I really reached into my post-loss psyche for this, so I hope you enjoy the headcanons and meta (AKA I hope you shed at least one tear).
It won’t let me link it here so the post that inspired this is under the read more at the bottom ✨
- When I first watched doafp, I couldn't understand Elena's aversion to Sam becoming a prominent figure in her mom's and her life. Now I understand it almost too perfectly. There was never supposed to be someone after Robert. He and Gabi were deeply in love and happy. Robert was it; he was the first and true love of Gabi's life. Sam showing up probably felt like a huge and utterly disrespectful slap in the face of Robert's memory, because he wasn't even supposed to be there. I don't know if that's as eloquent as I wish it was, or if it makes sense, and it probably sounds really mean to Sam, but it's not even really about him. It was always supposed to be Robert; Sam hasn’t earned the right to be apart of or associated with her family
- After Robert dies, Gabi and Bobby make it a habit to find and keep photos and recordings/videos of Robert, even if the latter only has him saying one sentence. They won't make Elena join them for the search, but after they find some of those old audios of Robert, they'll sometimes play them back for little Elena
- Bobby put up the keep out sign (I credit this to a few other blogs for discussing this tho) because that's where he would cry sometimes. He actually used to be pretty close with Elena, but after he put up that sign and started distancing himself from them a bit so they wouldn't see the times he cracked, he got a little more short and jaded with her. It's that, plus just growing into a teenager and stuff. And I'm not saying that he and Elena have a bad relationship, but he's become more snappy and has more walls up than he used to
- Sometimes Elena feels bad because she doesn't always remember her dad's voice. She was pretty young when he died, so even though she recalls it a bit, and the recordings help, it's been a while since she's talked to him in person, so of course she doesn't quite remember what it's like to actually talk to Robert and she's forgotten some of his mannerisms. She likes to think she's all done (she marked the stages down in her grief journal after all) but grief isn't linear or all that rational, so it hits her hard sometimes
- I keep reading as an action close to my heart because that's a strong bond me and my mom shared. She would rec books to me, and we would joke and talk about them, or she would hint to some future event and then refuse to tell me until I caught up to that part. So Elena and Bobby do something similar in their grief. Elena has writing and words, because that's something Robert loved if I remember correctly (but if I’m not and that’s not canon, then I now declare it so) and Bobby has tennis. But besides tennis (I sent a couple anons to @freshlybakedfandoms about it but I'm not sure where she went) Bobby also was taught to play guitar by Robert (I liken it to Devi Vishwakumar and her harp) so when he misses his dad or is just sad, he'll take out his dad's old acoustic and strum
- (This next one is something I also think a lot about so this is pretty much 98% projection) Bobby thinks sometimes about the fact that he was never able to come out to his dad. He hadn't really started growing into that part of himself yet, and he never got to show it to his father. He wonders what he would have thought of him. Would he be angry? Would he dismiss him and say it was just a phase? Bobby didn't think so, but a little part of him insisted that you could never be too sure. After he comes out, Gabi and Cami assure him that Robert would've been so proud of him and would've loved him regardless (Since we know virtually nothing about him, I maintain that Robert was one of those dads who teases their kid relentlessly about their crushes and I think he would've done that with Bobby and eventually Elena)
- When Elena's quince rolls around (if she chooses to have one of course), Sam dances with her during the father-daughter dance. A part of her still hurts, still aches and wishes that Robert were dancing with her too; still knows on some fundamental level that he and Gabi had planned for this day, but he had simply never made it. But she's known Sam long enough that she feels comfortable here. Nobody can replace Robert, but Sam is her family, and it feels right like this.
- I might do some more research and deliberate, but for the moment I'm saying that Robert had cancer, I’m thinking along the lines of colon. My mom was terminal, but idk if I should make Robert terminal? Maybe towards the end. Or maybe he was diagnosed as incurable early on but Gabi kept it from the kids because, tbh, being told your parent is balancing on that kind of edge is traumatic for them. So anyways, I’m going on that assumption for this last point, and I’ll see if I can recover some of my old knowledge and talk about technical stuff later if anybody would like to hear it
- Elena and Bobby were both pretty young. Bobby understood about PET scans and tests somewhat, and knew generally what different answers from doctors meant. Elena mainly just understood what was happening by reading her parents' and brother's expressions when getting lab results in from the doctor. They both remember on some level what it was like when Gabi would leave the kids with Cami and take Robert out to the car (later she would have to help him) and they would all feel like they were holding their breath until they got back and confirmed that everything was ok (and later, the little shocks of fear when the answers were no longer as positive and there was more apprehension and risks. After all, cancer doesn’t deal in absolutes)
- Bobby can still remember Robert when he had to stop walking around a lot. He still remembers the phone call that Cami got from his mom, saying that something had gone wrong, and if this last treatment didn’t work, he wouldn’t have much time before he passed. Still remembers Cami rushing into a room when she got that call, and trying to hide what was happening until Gabi could get home and explain it; but Bobby was a sharp kid believe it or not. He heard about the treatment, heard Cami crying. He still had hope... but when Robert came home in a gurney, when he could barely stay awake sometimes, when his voice was quiet and his skin was a little jaundiced, Bobby felt incredibly empty. But Robert always had a smile for his wife and his beautiful kids, even if it was small and very tired, his eyes still crinkled the same. He always had a smile; right up until they had to say goodnight and get some sleep one night. And then... he passed.
- After he passed, the Cañero-Reeds needed help, and a lot of Gabi’s coworkers would bring food or materials if they were running low. Cami and Danielle would babysit and would distract the kids when Gabi needed a good cry.
- Like you’d imagine, and because of what is sort of implied in canon and in my own head, the kids dealt with it in different ways. Bobby put up that sign, and withdrew. He wasn’t awful, but his patience with certain people got a bit shorter and he was a bit quieter. And he was a really good helper when he had the energy and he cared deeply, but he would sometimes get physically and emotionally exhausted after helping Gabi/Elena/Cami/anybody else with something and would go into his room or mentally tap out to recharge. He took comfort in things that seemed natural and that he sometimes took for granted before, like video games and skateboarding (hehe bobby skateboards. Anybody second me on this?) and clothes etc... and other stuff. A lot of materialistic things or experiences that he would skip out on before. But they bring normalcy back to his life now so he loves them for that.
- Bobby doesn’t wanna think about big themes or anything anymore, which I can’t remember but I think it was Vi (freshlybakedfandoms, again, idk where she is and I hope she’s ok) who said he was a math and science person and I think that as much as that could transfer over to those subjects as well, it’s much harder to avoid existential and emotional themes in English and History class and Bobby doesn’t like it as much as Elena does for that reason. He had to live with the back and forth of his dad’s treatments and tests, so math and science is comforting because it’s more concrete (There could be a million arguments for why he would distrust math and science because of his dad’s passing though, I realize) Ultimately, though, it reminds him of Robert too much.
- On the other hand, after a period of shock and confusion, Elena threw herself into new things. First it was a grief journal, to make sure she was going through the motions. Then she read a lot, and when she felt too alone or like she wasn’t doing enough, like she was stagnant, she’d just find something to focus and persevere on again. That feels like her personality type to me; something is wrong so let’s fix it right away. But that could also transfer sort of negatively into “Something feels off or I’m very sad, let’s get this thing done and be productive so we can put off having to confront that but at least we get work out of it” but I could be entirely wrong (this is based off some of my family members and how they dealt with the loss.) And Elena throws herself into history and english because her dad loved it, and she wants to remember more of him. Because she believes words have power and history is a lesson and that’s incredibly interesting for her
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prorevenge · 4 years
How a professor got fired
This was more something I have observed than directly participated in, but my God was it so satisfying in the end.
It was the last year at community college (I did 2 years of community college before I transferred to a university) and I was taking my final requirement courses to get an associate of arts in English. One of the classes was American Literature I.
This was a once a week class, which means we spent a bit longer in the classroom than normal 2 classes a week, which was fine for me as I have done it before and because I was studying a subject I really loved, these classes usually would go by quickly.
Well, this professor was just...wow. Granted, I should’ve read the reviews on Rate my Professor, but I believe the other American Literature I conflicted with another class. Anyways, this professor had really interesting expectations for the people in the class. One of which is that we were assigned to do a project with a group where we take a classic piece of literature and compare it to a movie, song, etc that came out today. That would have been a great assignment if we were actually given the freedom to pick our own books.
That wasn’t the case, though. The professor gave us a list of books and they said that we had to pick from the list. Some of the books I remember being on the list was “The Last of the Mohicans” and “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” Keep in mind, both of these stories are very historical based and it’s almost impossible to compare them to the media we see today, unlike Shakespeare (who I will use as an example) because a lot of his stories were timeless and could be used in any time period.
My group and I decided to do “The Last of the Mohicans” and how the 2009 film “Avatar” was inspired by the story (or as we should call it, bullshitting an essay like there was no tomorrow because “Avatar” is more connected to how we as white Americans became really greedy and did not want to share the land with the people who came here in the first place, but hey, that’s a rant for another day).
Even though my group did everything we could to make sure that the guidelines were followed, our professor kept saying we were doing things wrong and tried her best to explain what we did wrong. However, the assignment was so outlandish that even she couldn’t explain it.
That’s not all, though. Because this class was once a week, attendence was a bit more strict and you had to ask a classmate for notes.
The students in the class weren’t the ones that had an attendance problem, though. Oh no. The person who called out so many times and we were never given a proper heads up was...you guessed it, THE PROFESSOR. She has canceled our class not once, not twice, not three times, but a grand total of 6 TIMES! If someone can do the math for me because I studied English and not math, we’ll say that classes start on January 23rd and end on May 11th. Now, calculate how many weeks of class we missed because this professor called out.
Needless to say, none of us were happy. We would understand if we were given more of a heads up and if she said something like “I had an emergency come up,” but she pretty much was like “Yeah class is canceled,” leaving us to panic as we tried to figure out this essay.
As I said, I didn’t have direct involvement with this, but from what I’ve observed, a lot of the students banded together and sent in one big complaint to the head of the English department. They demanded that something be done as we all didn’t want to wind up failing our class, and since some of us were graduating this very year we couldn’t risk being failed because of a professor’s inability to teach and show up to class.
As for what I did, if I remember correctly, I believe I sent an email to my advisor explaining what was going on and I told my boss what was happening (I worked at the school’s library).
Soon, we eventually got a substitute that became our permanent professor for the rest of the semester. The new professor didn’t go into detail about what happened to the old professor, but she didn’t even understand the assignment that we were given. So, instead of having us panic over it, she completely got rid of the essay entirely and instead gave us a final (which was very easy because all we really had to do was reading comprehension).
We wouded up passing the class as we were properly taught the subject we all enjoyed. Class engagement was so much better and it was a more chill 2 hours than it was with the old professor.
I guess this isn’t as extreme as some of the Pro Revenge stories on here, but let this be a lesson for all professors out there: us college student will NOT hesitate to make sure we’re heard loud and clear if we aren’t getting the proper education we paid thousands of dollars for.
(source) story by (/u/CesarioKing)
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softwarmboy · 3 years
1. Selfie
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2. What would you name your future kids?
I really like the name Damon! And Grace
3. Do you miss anyone?
4. What are you looking forward to?
My name and gender marker documents going through!!! (Hopefully) my trip to London in the fall!!! My second dose of the vaccine! Seeing my little sister again! New tattoos!!
5. Is there anyone who can always make you smile?
Absolutely, I have a few close friends who can always get me smiling again
6. Is it hard for you to get over someone?
Unfortunately for me, yes, very ;-; Im a very emotional person and feel things very strongly
7. What was your life like last year?
Living on the coast, working construction, and that was about it
8. Have you ever cried because you were so annoyed
Yes 😂😂😂 mostly over math
9. Who did you last see in person
My friend Shannon!!!
10. Are you good at hiding your feelings
Yes and no, if I’m upset/irritated/sad it’ll show on my face whether I want it to or not, BUT I’m pretty good as passing it off as something else if I want. Not a whole lot of people can tell when im doing that, if anyone at all
11. Are you listening to music right now?
Of course!! Im listening to When The Darkness Comes by Colbie Caillat
12. What is something you want right now?
Food 😂😂😂
13. How do you feel right now?
Sore and tired
14. When was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you
Yesterday!! My friend was having a rough day and was kinda snarky with me and gave me a hug and an apology after she calmed down
15. Personality description
Full of dad jokes, puns, sass, caffeine and smart ass replies at all times 😂 very direct/straightforward, and have little to no patience for beating around the bush, in any context
16. Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t
Oh god yeah, growing up I never told anyone anything, ever
17. Opinion on insecurities
We all have them, if you’re the kinda person who zeroes in on someone else’s, for any reason, I feel sorry for you but also have absolutely no patience or respect for you
18. Do you miss how things were a year ago?
Nooooooooo, I wasn’t very happy. I wasn’t unhappy necessarily but 🤷🏻‍♂️ still no, hard pass
19. Have you ever been to New York
Nope! It’s on my travel list tho
20. What is your favourite song at the moment
At the moment??? The Colbie Caillat song i mentioned above!
21. Age and birthday?
23, and December 16th!
22. Description of crush
No thanks 😂
23. Fear(s)
Oh man, spiders, wasps, escalators (I have no idea why, don’t ask 😂😂) and aggressive men
24. Height
25. Role model
As cliche as it is, I mean it when I say my momma
26. Idol(s)
I don’t really??? Have any????
27. Things I hate
Mushrooms and olives 😂 but in all seriousness, people who are rude to retail/customer service employees or servers, people who don’t use turn signals or say please, thank you and excuse me, the sound of styrofoam (it’s a sensory thing for me)
28. I’ll love you if-
You’ll play video games with me or will try them or any books/music I suggest, notice the little things about me
29. Favourite film(s)
The Mortal Instruments!!!!
30. Favourite tv show(s)
Gilmore Girls, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, Lucifer, Stranger Things, The Witcher, Firefly
31. 3 random facts
Your feet are the same length as your forearm! A whale dick is called a dork (if I remember correctly) and I can’t think of a third
32. Are your friends mainly guys or girls?
Girls mostly! I don’t have much in common with many guys 🤷🏻‍♂️ that and I just feel more comfortable around girls
33. Something you want to learn?
Sword fighting!!!! That’d be so cool
34. Most embarrassing moment
I have so many 😂😂😂 I’m a clumsy bastard, but I’ll go with my most recent for now- I saw a cute dog hanging his head out a car window and said hi without realizing there was someone in the passenger seat with their window down 😂😂
35. Favourite subject
Anything compute related!!
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill
Go to Italy, get married, see the northern lights!!!
37. Favourite actor/actress
Melissa McCarthy 😂😂
38. Favourite comedian(s)
John Mulaney, Taylor Tomlinson, Gabriel Iglesias, and Iliza Shlesinger!!
39. Favourite sport(s)
Hockey I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️
40. Favourite memory
Just one??? Hmmmmm….singing Party In The USA with my friends after we’d been inhaling helium 😂
41. Relationship status
Single 😂😂😭
42. Favourite book(s)
The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare, The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini, The Selection by Kiera Cass, and the Nightshade trilogy by Andrea Cremer
43. Favourite song ever
Ever???? Oh man that’s a tough one, maybe Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day???
44. Age you get mistaken for
17/18 😂😂😂so many of the teenagers at work don’t believe me when I say I’m in my 20’s. One of the kids in produce absolutely refused to believe I’m older than him
45. How you found out about your idol
46. What my last text message says
“I know you are”
47. Turn ons
Light nail scratches, is really all I can think of lately 🤷🏻‍♂️ I haven’t had that conversation with someone in quite some time
48. Turn offs
Being non consensually bossy, treating me like an object, daddy/mommy kinks
49. Where I want to be right now
London maybe! I’m really excited to go
50. Favourite picture of your idol
51. Starsign
52. Something I’m talented at
Teaching myself instruments! I’ve taught myself 3 so far! It’s always been something I’ve been able to pick up really quickly
53. 5 things that make me happy
Music, love in any form, snuggles, drives with my favourite people, my favourite comfort foods
54. Something that’s worrying me at the moment
My name and gender marker documents
55. Tumblr friends
God I don’t remember anyone’s URL’s anymore 😂😂 but I have a fair amount! I talk to 99% of them on other platforms now so 🤷🏻‍♂️
56. Favourite food(s)
Nachos, mashed potatoes, any sort of cheesy/creamy pasta! Grilled cheese, grilled salmon roll, and really any form of potatoes actually
57. Favourite animal(s)
Wolves are my absolute favourite
58. Description of my best friend
Curly brown (it looks brown to me 😂 I know you’ll come at me for this when you see it) hair, blue eyes, the gayest fashion sense, practical, will always tell me when I need to pull my head outta my ass 😂💚
59. Why I joined Tumblr
I wanted a safe space to explore things like mental health, transitioning and a few other things!
60. Ask me anything you want
Self explanatory, have at ‘er
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softboyscully · 4 years
Public School Stuff I Wanted to Share
public school is both beautiful and horrifying am i right
so ill just go by the grades i guess
Kindergarten, first year
i did kindergartden at a catholic school in a relativly big city so this one’s got some shit
we went to church every wednesday, me and best friend (lost track of her when we moved, wish we’d stayed in touch, she was awesome) would giggle the whole time, pretty sure we made fun of jesus once, can’t remember why, possibly the hair
i had the nicest teacher, she was (as i remember her) young, blonde, and super sweet, that was the first and last year i ever had naptime
SPEAKING of naptime
i never slept during it
once i found what i remember being a nut of some sort on the ground, probably came off someone’s shoe
i grab it, turn to sarah (my best friend), say something about putting it up my nose
sarah, apparently having common sense, says, “no dont do it!! we’re supposed to be sleeping!!”
i put it up my fucking nose
try to get it out, just push it farther in
im crying a little bit now, that shit hurts
go up to my teacher
“you’re supposed to be asleep!”
“i have a nut up my nose and it wont come out”
teacher tries to get it out, but it wont budge
just. sends me back to my mat
that was it
the art room was tiny
like re-purposed broom closet tiny
there was a copy of the mona lisa in the hallway, someone had drawn ray bans on it with a pencil, never got replaced
there was a creepy-ass basement i went down to after school, we ate cheeseballs and sandwiches with some kind of meat, mayo, and that kinda yellow bread
someone broke his leg down there once, think an older kid threw him at the ceiling or something
we learned how to play Silver Bells with actual bells in music class
Kindergarten, second year
i remember these two teachers as the evil step sister-type look, but it might be my little kid imagination
but seriously they were horrible
we learned stuff in a room that was more middle-school styled, except everything was green or black and it was v dark
me and sarah attained a new friend, john
honestly i think we would’ve stayed friends for a while if i didnt move away
i have two vivid memories
one is of me really wanting to go home, so i walked by the teacher’s desk and did a fake sneeze
they laughed at me and told me to go sit back down
the other is  john leaning his chair back and then falling, so me and sarah went to help him back up
it was funny, so he did it again
and again
me and sarah were laughing, had the time of our lives
after the maybe fifth time the teachers said “john can get back up by himself. sit down and stay there.”
one of the reasons we moved was bc i got sent a letter from my fourth grade buddie
most of the words weren’t spelled correctly, many letters were backwards
my mother was horrified
ofc now we know it was probably a learning disability 
1st grade
this is when i moved
beginning of school i was ASTOUNDED we didnt have uniforms, one of the best things ever to happen to me
nothing wrong with this teacher, she was cool
thing is i was a little shit
told everyone my dogs died (they did but i was maybe three when it happened, i remember it not)
all my personal narratives were bullshit (only one sticks in my memory, wrote it about celebrating christmas AND hanukkah with my dad’s friends who were jewish, i have never even met those friends)
had a crush on this kid, best friend (she was terrible and helped wreck me emotionally) told me to kiss him in music class. me being a stupid ass bitch, i did it, aND HE GOES TO THE TEACHER AND CALLS ME OUT. at the end of class she gets both of us to stay for a bit, AND I DENYIED EVERYTHING. i walked across the fucking classroom, kissed him on the cheek, ran away giggling, told my teacher i didn’t do anything, AND GOT AWAY WITH IT. i’ve embarrassed myself further with this child but thats another story
2nd grade
i loved this teacher but honestly he was absolute shit
like. all he did was play the guitar and sing with us
never actually taught us stuff???
middle of the year, my mom goes in for a parent-teacher conference, he tells her i dont pay attention is math.
“what do you mean?”
“she doesn’t listen, she just takes out a book and starts reading.”
“........have you.... tried taking the book away?”
“sure, i could try that.”
he also told her i’d be a girl who’d grow up to love spellcheck (which i do lmao)
like ???? why not just??? teach me to spell????
there was this one dude who one day showed up, gave me a pink stuffed cat, and then asked me where i lived
funniest thing was he lived on the same street as me
something that is vivid in my memory is showing up to class one day and realizing that i was wearing my regular clothes over my pajamas
also we had fish
every day someone else was in charge of feeding them
one of the times it was my job, i grab the fish food and walk over to the tank only to find all of the fish floating on the top
i screamed “THE FISH CAN FLY?!?!?!?!?!”
everyone ran over, all of us scarred for life when Mr. G walks over and goes in the most normal voice ever “no theyre dead”
we held a funeral
the cause of death is still undetermined
3rd grade
this year just draws a blank for me
all i know is that whoever the teacher was, they neglected to teach me how to tell time from a clock
also we learned the Cotten Eyed Joe dance in gym around here
4th grade
i had two teachers this year
one was the same one from 1st grade, the other one was a total bitch
made a girl named hannah ball her eyes out once, never apologized
i was (and am) and avid reader, so my reading skills were high above average
instead of being proud of me she told me i was weird, not normal, and too smart for a 4th grader, so i MUST be cheating. 
she was the start of a lot of self confidence issues for me ngl
this was around the time i went and got tested for ADHD (me and my grandmother almost broke down on the highway but thats another story), Mrs. M (the nice one) was super supportive when i told her why i was leaving early but Ms. S (bitch) told me ADHD wasn’t real and i just wanted to be special for once
she sucked, Ms. S
5th grade
this is getting super long so this’ll be the last one i do
but my teacher..... Mr. F was A+++++
he legitimately taught me math
we had i guess like,,, a buddie class we switched with sometimes
the teacher of that class was Mrs. R, who had crazy red hair and many freckles
at one point she referenced a meme and my entire class started screaming
also there was another Mrs. S (to differentiate this one will be called Mrs. Su)
she was kind of crazy
she was the astronomy teacher and she told us many times that the moon landing was faked
once she handed out sunscreen and had everyone put it on their whole body (this was in december, fyi)
Mr. F also hosted an ‘archeological dig’ which sounds cool but in reality he had a bunch of arcade prizes from his childhood buried in little flower pots we dug into with plastic spoons
also heres some stuff i cants pinpoint the time of/happened in multiple grades:
someone held a who-can-scream-the-most-like-a-goat contest
a guy named Makenzie won
remember we planned it while the teacher left the classroom so the teacher walks back in and one by one everyone in the room starts screaming, there was some applause, a few kids got a standing ovation
we cleaned out our desks in the middle of the year, i found 3 socks and a dog treat in mine
like how the fuck did any of those things get there
and where’s the fourth sock
b o t t l e f l i p p i n g
but no seriously there were at least five water bottles stuck in the ceiling in the cafeteria
my sorta friend charlie was obsessed with paper airplanes
one time he might’ve broken the world record for longest time in the air but he was counting in his head and it was at recess so there was no video
four square and gaga ball would be played no matter the setting, time, or conditions and it was super competitive
like if you could get to king in four square you got the everlasting respect of everyone
and everyone was super educated on four square special rules, special plays, that kinda shit
no but guys i grew up with bus stop, candy store, haunted house on mondays, haunted mansion on fridays, zombies was fair game unless it was Zach, Ryan, Chrissy or Vee
me and one other guy named andrew were the only known pjo fans, had the time of our LIVES making refrences
“hey annabeth, i thought you looked like a princess when i first saw you. i printed out a picture you sent me casually and kept it with me. i snuck along on a quest so i could save you, endangering myself immensely. i held the sky for you. when you talk about your crush on luke, i get jealous. beckendorf understood, but hes dead.”
“ikr we’re literally the best of friends”
also the first time we finished mark of athena we were in the same classroom and we individually dropped the book, stood up, looked at each other, and screamed “WELL FUCK YOU TOO RICK RIORDAN”
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kassies-take · 4 years
Dream Come True
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Summary: R is Alex’s daughter and Alex wouldn’t have changed it for the world.
A/n: went back to rewatch Supergirl episodes and the moment in season three when the realization that Alex actually does wants kids gave me an idea.
Warning: Fluff
Alex Danvers x Reader, Dansen, Supercorp
Word Count: 1860
Age:  4
Alex and Kara stood next to each other with the grill smoking beside them. 
You were four, after Kelly’s and Alex’s foster class they were able to become foster parents. It took them about five months before they found a match, with you. No one has made you feel loved as Alex and Kelly has. You definitely didn’t make it easy for them for the next four months, you were so stubborn but they both had so much patience and so much love to give. When it came to it, you agreed immediately to have Kelly and Alex as your parents.
Alex was a bit jealous when you first met Lena and Kara, instantly connecting with Lena. Kara was way to excited and scared you away. You were still scared of Kara.
Lena carried you as you both cheered with putting up the tent, considering that you and Lena has never been camping. 
“Are you sure you two never went camping?” Kelly smiled.
“You make it easy,” Lena smirked, kissed your cheek and placed you in the blue tent. 
“Mommy! Look at the tent I made with Lena!” You called from the window. 
There was a calm silence that took between the sisters and their wives. This was the first mom since they met you. You ignored the silence and walked towards Alex. You grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the tent. 
“Mommy. There is space between you and Enat so I can stay in the middle and look at the stars.” A silent cry was made by Kelly as she heard her whole heritage with in calling her mom in her mother tongue. 
“Kara’s almost done with dinner, then after dinner we can look at the stars.” 
A campfire was made with Kara’s heat vision which you didn’t see as you chased Alex, Kelly and Lena around with a water gun. Kelly dried you up before marshmallows were brought out. 
“Mom, mommy!” You panicked when your marshmallow caught on fire.  
Alex grabbed your stick and blew out the marshmallow. You were about to put it in your mouth when Kara showed you how to make s’mores. Needless to say by the end of the night there was chocolate around yours and Kara’s lips. 
“I understand (Y/n), but come on Kara. You too? I married a child.” Lena laughed. 
“A falling star!” You interrupted.  
“Do you know what to do when there is a shooting star?” Kelly asked. 
“No,” you pouted when you didn’t understand. 
Lena’s face dropped immediately. She was adopted when she was four too but she knew what a shooting star, granted it was meteoroids falling into Earth’s atmosphere burning up. 
“You make a wish.” 
“Oh. Enat can take my wish.” 
“Why don’t you want to wish for something, baby?” 
“Cynthia, the nice lady at the adoption place, said we had to take turns.” 
“Okay, it’s my turn to to show you something. Drum roll please!” Alex got up. 
Kara, Lena and Kelly smacked their hands together. Alex came back from the car with a dark blue telescope in her arms. The rest of the night was spent with Alex trying to make you see constellations correctly. 
“Look it’s Eridanus.” Alex moved from the telescope. 
“It looks like a snake. Oh there is a man next to it.” 
Alex smiled before she caressed your hair and looked up to the sky. 
Age: 4 
You sat in between Kelly and Alex on their bed. Normally bed time stories would be read in your room, but their bed was so much bigger than yours and you wanted to cuddle with them.  
You were going through, word by word for the story ‘Sylvester and the Magic Pebble’. Both Alex and Kelly listening patiently.
“They...went..to the...po-” you looked at Alex.
“Police. The police c-could not find their uh their khayld.”
“Ch,” Alex demonstrated. “c and h together make ch sound. So the c.h.i.l.d is?”
“Child?” you said unsure.
“That’s my girl!”
Age: 5
It was take your kids to work day after a long debate and Kelly’s dismay you were going to the DEO with Alex. You knew your mom was a cool secret agent and that Auntie Kara was Supergirl. 
Without Alex and Kelly knowing, she took you flying when she really shouldn’t. The DEO was still a secret agency so the only kid was you. You spun on Alex’s chair in her office, starring at the white ceiling. 
“Alex said you’d be in here!” Supergirl came into the room. 
Your arms immediately reached for her. You snuggled into her arms, you were stuck in Alex’s office since she was needed on a mission. Alex was going to work on her mission statements when she got to it but now she requested for you go to the training room. 
Alex was dressed in her uniform punching gloves by her side. “Sorry mommy had work and couldn’t be with you. But now mommy is going to teach you how to punch.”
“I will get to be like mommy?” 
“Yes, but you got to promise that you won’t tell mommy and you can not use this unless someone hits you first.”
“Okay.” You smiled before you grabbed the two gloves.
“(Y/n).” You turned to face your mom. “You got to pinky promise.”
Your pinkys interlocked before Alex helped you with the gloves. She helped you into a fight stance before slowly guiding your hands to throw a punch. After several punches with Alex guiding you, you began to punch Alex’s gloved mittens on your own. Kelly and Alex has an argument about this, but you ended up looking foreword to Sundays to spar with her.
You were a quiet, didn’t speak a single word. The teachers noticed you didn’t make any progress in your reading skills. Alex was furious and so was Kelly. How dare they say you aren’t making progress when you would read to them every night. Harry Potter for that matter. So you were home schooled.
Turns out it was just hard for you to meet new people. So Superfriends took turns to teach you. You were mainly with J’onn in the tower. He taught history on Mondays Brainy projected himself in the tower to help with math on Tuesdays, Lena always took a half day on Fridays and would help you with science. Kara and Nia would help with English on Thursdays or Wednesdays. That only worked until middle school.
It wasn’t until then when you started through glitter all over your room, frustrated with the fact that your valentine wouldn’t look perfect.
“What’s wrong kiddo?” Alex asked from the door.
“I can’t make this stupid Valentine.”
“It’s not stupid, let me see. That is a lot of glitter. You are not giving this to anyone. No boy likes glitter.”
“It’s for a girl...” Silence took over before Alex stepped further into the room. 
“Well girls don’t really like glitter either.” 
“You always make Valentine’s Day so special with mom. I don’t know what to do.” 
“Well everyone always gives a bear and flowers, I like where you are going with the card.” 
You continued to draw yourself and your crush in crayon adding red hearts around the both of you. Alex took the same red crayon, writing ‘the universe can not compare to your beauty.’
“That’s so cheesy! I love it!” You hugged Alex.
Age: 11
Alex woke up with a feeling that something was wrong. She looked to her left and found Kelly fast asleep. She got up and checked on your room, to find you sniffing and curled up into a ball. 
“My sweet girl. You’re okay. I’m here.” Alex whispered as she slipped under the blankets with you. 
You cried into her neck, tightly gripping the back of her shirt. Alex wished so dearly to take away your pain. She hated to see you cry. She rubbed your back and whispered sweet words in your ear. 
You don’t get nightmares easily, you’ve seen your mother defeat aliens and even enjoyed watching scary movies with your mothers. It wasn’t until you found Alex unconscious in the medbay, with wires coming out of her arms when you kept getting your nightmare. All different scenarios of Alex possibly dying in the field. 
Alex knew not to say ask for anything you weren’t ready to share. Alex caught Kelly’s silhouette at the door and gestured for her join. Kelly knew, of course, she was a therapist and she was your mother. Alex held you until you fell asleep again before Kelly told her her guess. 
Age: 16 
Alex had a day off today. She was going through old reports on her bed when  the apartment door was slammed open. It was near lunch time you were at school and Kelly had a meeting that would go past lunch. Alex reached into the reached under the bed and pulled out the gun below. 
The DEO director followed the shuffling and grumbling into your room. She raised her gun before she registered a click from a gun. She cautiously walked towards your room, she turned immediately and pointed her gun at the intruder. 
“(Y/n)?” You both lowered your guns. 
“I thought you’d have work.”
“Don’t you have school?”
“I don’t feel safe there.”
“Is that why you have a gun?” Alex raised her eyebrows.
You looked down in your hand before you switched the gun to hold it from the barrel and handed it to Alex. 
“Lets get you food, then we can talk.” 
“They tell me i’m not (your ethnicity) enough, nor am I enough. My birth parents didn’t want me. I think it would’ve been better if I was left to die in that orphanage.
“Hey, your parents wanted you, in fact they came after Kelly and I. They were in no shape or form cable of giving you the love you needed. They gave up yes, but you’re wanted by us. I promise we did not adopt you out of pity.” Alex moved your hair behind your ears. “And no, it would not have been better. Yes, Kelly and I would’ve adopted someone else, but trust me when I say the world is a better place because you’re in it. I’m not just saying that because your my daughter. You brought Kelly and I out of dark places, you have even made Supergirl helpful again. We love you, I love you and you are enough.”
“It doesn’t feel that way,” you pouted as Alex held you.
“You have touched so many people’s heart. Anyone would be lucky to have you in their corner. You are a dream come true and I promise you that nothing stands a chance against you.”
“Except Aunt Kara.”
“Except Aunt Kara,” Alex agreed. “Though your Aunt Kara doesn’t stand a chance to your Aunt Lena.”
“Aunt Lena spoils me...”
“Yeah I have to talk to her about that, because apparently you’ve been talking to your Aunt Lena cause she built you a...”
“A stealth suit! This is a dream come true! Of course after you and Enat.”
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emy-loves-you · 4 years
Sanders Sides AU-gust Day 13: Rock Band
Patton is the most popular boy in school, yet he can’t get the attention of his three crushes. When he learns that they’re all starting a band together, he becomes determined to make their dreams come true. Patton POV, endgame LAMP 
TW: Use of homophobic slur
Day 12 | Masterlist | Day 14
Patton Picani liked to think that he had superpowers. He could sway almost any person to be kind with just a smile. He could ask one question and topple an entire social norm. He could transform a nobody into a somebody with just a few words. It was his superpower, the ability to effortlessly sway the masses.
The truth was… complicated. Or rather, it was a series of scenarios and lessons that gave Patton this ‘superpower.’ The people who gave them to him? His parents, Emile and Remy Picani.
Emile and Remy loved their son very much and taught them everything they knew. This wasn’t a bad thing; Patton soaked up the lessons like a sponge. But the parents each had different things to teach him. Emile taught Patton everything he knew as a therapist so he could avoid conflicts. How to tell what someone’s feeling, what to say when someone’s upset, etc. Remy taught Patton how to grow up in a world turned against him. How to tell the difference between real and fake friends, how to lie with a straight face, how to spot a bully, etc. Emile helped Patton be confident in expressing himself with pastel colors and skirts. Remy helped Patton never lose a game of poker. So before Patton even started elementary school, he knew how to use his ‘superpowers.’
Patton also learned things on his own throughout the years. He learned that bullies were feared but not trusted. He learned that teacher’s pets would tell on you at a moment’s notice. He learned how to control the rumor mill, and which friends would stab him in the back. So in their tiny town with only three elementary schools, two middle schools, and one high school, Patton rose to power quickly. But Patton wouldn’t abuse his power. No, Patton tried to make a difference. He offered teacher’s pets protection and popularity in exchange for getting bullies suspended. He kept the rumor mill focused on the popular kids and away from the nobodies that couldn’t protect themselves. He ruined the lives of violent jocks and snotty rich kids with a few words and a disapproving frown. Bullying reached an all-time low, and by the time Patton was in high school he was the ‘friend’ of almost everyone in the city under the age of 21 (and all their parents. Patton was a model citizen, no one could dislike him).
But there was a cost for Patton’s power. Even though he was technically ‘friends’ with everyone, he didn’t have any actual friends. Everyone thought they were his friend, but after a while, everyone’s faces started to look the same. And even when they did catch Patton’s attention, they were usually too far down the social ladder for Patton to be more than casual acquaintances with.
There were exactly three people that caught Patton’s attention, and they just so happened to be his three crushes.
The first crush came in the form of Roman Prince. Like the name implied, Roman was a Disney Prince in terms of charisma and charm. He was in every school theatre production, and almost always the lead role. He would have been a popular kid, if not for his rivalry against Janice Mayberry. Janice had been at the top of the social ladder just as long as Patton had. She was extremely pretty, and a cheerleader to boot, so not even Patton’s influence could top the sheer power she held. So outside of the theatre group, Roman was a nobody. But Roman was also daring, and just, and drop-dead gorgeous. Patton attended every single play and musical, just to see Roman on stage. But beyond giving Roman a brief ‘congratulations’ at the end of each production, Patton couldn’t talk to him.
Patton could interact with his other crush a little more. Logan Berry was the definition of a nerd. He was in all advanced classes, he wore ties, he never got below 95% on any test. But he wasn’t a teacher’s pet. Actually, most teachers here hated Logan, for the simple fact that Logan would not let mistakes slide by. If a teacher said something wrong during a lesson, Logan spoke up. If a teacher graded something unfairly, Logan spoke up about it. The teachers always tried to report Logan for his ‘attitude,’ but the truth was he didn’t have an attitude. Logan only stated facts, and he kept his hand up politely while never having any sort of inflection in his tone. There were only a hand full of people that could make him show emotion, hence the nickname ‘robot.’ Patton wanted to speak up about the nickname, but he knew it would only draw more attention to Logan. But Logan wasn’t emotionless. He was kind, and patient, and helpful. Patton had needed help in his math classes, and his parents paid Logan to be his tutor. Patton ignored the fact the Logan was being paid to interact with him. Logan was extremely good with explanations, even when Patton couldn’t wrap his head around a concept. After a few weeks of math tutoring, Patton asked for help with English. One thing led to another, and they were basically study-buddies (with, you know, one of them being paid). But outside of study sessions, Patton couldn’t talk to him.
Then there was Virgil Storm. Virgil had transferred to their high school halfway through Freshman year. He was a loner, never seen hanging out with anyone. But something about him immediately drew in Patton’s attention. Maybe it was the (confirmed) rumors of Virgil getting kicked out of other schools due to fights. Maybe it was the way that his lips quirked every time he got a question right in class. Or maybe it was the way he looked in gym class, hoodie off and muscles exposed. Whatever the reason, Patton had been drawn to Virgil. Even if they had never spoken to each other. Well, until now.
It was September of Sophomore year, and Patton had been strolling down the hallway, minding his own business. He normally didn’t eat lunch at school, so he used this time to interact with teens outside of classes.
Patton’s head whipped around, seeing a student shoved into the lockers. Now, that wouldn’t do at all. Patton quickly made his way to the fight, quickly recognizing the two teens. Virgil was on the ground with a bloody lip, while Jacob Smith stood over him. Jacob was captain of the football team, if Patton remembered correctly. Patton frowned as he noticed several of his ‘friends’ stand in the background but not help Virgil.
“Jacob!” Patton stepped between Virgil and Jacob, effectively pulling everyone’s attention towards him. Patton put on his best ‘disappointed’ expression. “Why are you hurting him?”
Jacob frowned. “He deserved it, Patton!”
Patton tilted his head slightly, making sure he kept the wide-eyed, innocent look. “What did he do?”
Jacob growled. “He’s a faggot that deserves to rot in Hell!”
Patton used all of his self-control to not show any of his shock. He didn’t know Jacob was such a homophobe. To use slurs and hurt a kid for being gay? That won’t do at all. Patton kept his curious look. “What does ‘faggot’ mean? Does it mean he’s a meanie?” Poor, innocent Patton wouldn’t know what that word meant. And Jacob Smith just sullied poor Patton’s mouth with those words. At least, that’s what everyone else thought.
Everyone stood in silence before someone spoke up. “It means he’s gay!” Patton couldn’t figure out who said that, but he mentally thanked them for giving him the perfect opening.
“So he got hit because he’s gay?” Patton hunched over slightly, pulling out all the stops for his ‘innocent, defenseless little lamb’ look.
Jacob smirked, glad to see that Patton was catching on. “Yeah, he deserves to be beat until he learns his lesson!”
Patton let his lip quiver as he summoned his crocodile tears. “B-but I’m gay!” While this wasn’t extremely common knowledge, it was extremely implied through Patton’s mannerisms and style of dress. Patton let the tears pour out. Several students started to approach as they caught on to what Patton was implying. “A-are you gonna b-beat me too?”
Jacob seemed to realize his mistake. “Pat-” He moved in to wrap his arms around Patton.
Patton flinched in (fake) fear, throwing his hands over his head. Still, what he yelled was loud and clear. “NO, PLEASE DON’T HURT ME!” Several students grabbed Jacob by the arms and dragged him away.
Janice approached Patton now, making sure to put some distance between them. “Are you okay, Pat?”
Patton let out a shaky sigh before lowering his arms. He gave Janice a wobbly smile. “Y-yeah. I’m gonna go wash my face in the bathroom. Can you go make sure Jacob doesn’t try this again?” Janice nodded, slinking off to wherever Jacob was dragged to. Now that all of the crowd was focused on Jacob, Patton turned his attention to Virgil. He was staring up at Patton with a mixture of awe and… fear? “C’mon, let’s go get cleaned up.” Virgil nodded mutely, getting up on his own. He grabbed his bag and a case of some sort (he probably dropped them when Jacob attacked him) before following Patton to the nearest bathroom. Patton grabbed some paper towels and got them wet before handing them to Virgil, who sat on the counter of the sinks. “Here, for your lip.” Virgil accepted it silently, dotting his lip to stem the bleeding. “I could take you to the nurse if you want.” Virgil shook his head no and Patton shrugged, moving to fix his makeup.
“Is it true?” Patton’s head shot up and Virgil looked away with a blush, hiding his face in his hoodie. “That you’re… um…”
Patton finished the question. “That I’m gay?” Virgil nodded, still blushing. “Yeah, I am. Are you also gay, or was Jacob accusing you of being gay for no reason?” Because if Virgil wasn’t gay, then that was an entirely different can of worms to deal with (one of which being Patton’s crush on him).
Virgil nodded. “Yeah, Jacob had seen my phone screen with me and my boyfriends.”
Patton tilted his head. He didn’t know that Virgil had boyfriends. “Can I see?” Virgil nodded, slowly taking out his phone to show Patton the lock screen. Logan, Roman and Virgil all stared at him, huddled under a mass of blankets. Patton felt his heart constrict at the fact that all of his crushes were dating each other so Patton didn’t have a chance, and smiled. “Awe, you look so cute together!” He moved to resume working on his makeup and accidentally bumped Virgil’s case with his foot. “What do you have in there?” He asked, genuinely curious.
Virgil blushed. “It’s a guitar. Me and my boyfriends were gonna practice after school.”
Patton let his eyebrows raise in shock. “You guys play guitar?”
Virgil turned even redder. “I do. Roman does bass and Logan does drums. We have a small band called The Sides. It’s nothing really.”
Patton’s eyes lit up. “You have a band? That’s so cool! Do you play at parties?” Patton hadn’t been to many parties lately.
Virgil sighed. “No, not yet. I don’t think we’ll ever be good enough for that.”
Patton shook his head. “I bet you are! Do you know how awesome it would be to have a live band at your party instead of some lame DJ? I promise, once you start promoting yourself, people will be begging to hire you!” Suddenly, the bell went off, signaling the end of lunch. “Oh, I’ve gotta go. See you later!”
Patton made a note to bring up playing instruments with Logan during their next study session. Even if Patton could never be romantically involved with his crushed, he could still make them happy. And if that meant pulling a few strings to make them the most popular music group in school?
Well, Patton was willing to pull a few strings for them.
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peachy-beomie · 3 years
Holding You In My Heart (Until I Can Hold You In My Arms) <KUNTEN>
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Genre: Fluff
Pairings: Kunten (Qian Kun x Ten Lee)
Word Count: 1,643
Warnings: None!
Synopsis: COVID AU in which Kun sets up a bunch of cute zoom dates for him and his boyfriend.
A/N: I got bored and I really want to start working on my masterlist so I decided to post this :D
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29410125
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Join Zoom Meeting
{zoom link}
I stare quizzically at the email that pops up on my screen, interrupting my FRIENDS marathon. The message comes from none other than my boyfriend Kun, who’s been spending all of quarantine so far looking for ways for us to go on dates.
When COVID hit, Kun and I were forced to confine ourselves in our respective apartments, limiting contact. It hasn’t been too hard thus far, we call and text everyday without fail. Simple good mornings and silly pictures of my cat sufficed for the first month or so. But as the quarantine dragged on, I began missing Kun’s face more and more. We hadn’t been on a proper date in god knows how long, and it was starting to impact my mental health.
Curiosity consumes me as I click the link, awaiting whatever dorky plot Kun had conjured up. Within seconds his lopsided grin filled my screen and drew a small smile from my lips.
“Hi Sunshine!” He greets cheerfully, the familiar pet name bringing warmth to my cheeks.
“Heya baby, what’s this about?”
“Nothing, just missed you.” Kun’s tone has a hint of mischief that doesn’t go unnoticed by me. But playing along with Kun is way more fun than interrogating him.
“Mmm not as much as I missed you. You sure there’s no special reason for this?” I can see Kun’s eyes sparkling despite the low quality graphics.
“Weeeeellllllll I suppose I did want to ask if you’d want to go on a date?”
“A date? How would we do that?”
“Like this!” Kun gestures eagerly at the screen. “Through zoom! I found all kinds of fun things we can do.”
“And when would we do this?”
“I mean I’m free now…” Kun suggests, eliciting a giggle from me. Sometimes Kun’s cuteness is unbelievable.
“That works for me. What’d you have in mind baby?” Kun’s eyes sparkle mischievously.
“Wanna get your ass whooped at Mario Kart?”
“In your d r e a m s Qian.”
After that initial date, zoom dates with Kun became a frequent occurance. Kun wasn’t kidding when he said he had a lot of ideas. He set up so many dates ranging from movie nights (“You know he comes back in the next movie right?” “TOM HOLLAND IS TOO HOT TO DIE KUN.”) to a talent show consisting mostly of magic and Louis ignoring my attempts to make him do tricks. I began to look forward to each and every one of the meetings. Especially if it’s my turn to plan the date (“It’s more fun playing Just Dance against you cause you’re uncoordinated and I always win.” “Shut up.”). Dates with Kun made quarantine far more tolerable, though I still missed cuddling with Kun. The teddy bear he sent me as a replacement was a kind gesture though.
I hold it close as I watch Kun struggle to repeat the steps I taught him. A small chuckle escapes my lips, and Kun immediately turns to me with a pout.
“Don’t laugh, I think I’m doing alright.”
“Oh yeah at this pace you’ll be in level 2 hiphop in no time,” I joke, only laughing harder at the huff Kun lets out. “I wasn’t laughing at you darling, just thinking about how much I love you.” The older boy looks slightly stunned by my confession but he’s beaming from ear to ear within seconds.
“I love you too Sunshine.”
“It’s way too salty.”
“I told you the recipe didn’t call for a cup of salt but you wouldn’t listen!!!” I giggle at my exasperated boyfriend before putting the failed noodle dish in the sink.
“Maybe I should hire a better teacher.”
“Good luck finding someone else who’ll tolerate your bullshit like I do,” We both chuckle at that. “Are you available for another date Friday night?”
I pretend to think it over before shrugging, “I suppose I can fit you into my schedule.” Kun glares cutely at me through the screen. “What do you have planned?”
“It’s a surprise.” Kun wiggles his eyebrows for emphasis.
“Sounds mysterious.”
“Well if I recall correctly you love suspense,” Kun muses, “You in?”
“Of course.”
Kun tries to keep up his mysterious demeanor, but the way he visibly lights up at my confirmation is impossible to miss.
“Then I’ll see you in 3 days sunshine.” And with a final wink, he ends the meeting.
Cheeky fucker.
Finding the patience to wait for Kun’s surprise proved quite challenging. I couldn’t help but mull over what on earth the older man had planned. The existence of the mystery lifted my previously sour mood, but I couldn’t for the life of me solve for x while Kun’s gleeful words raced through my head.
After nearly an hour of staring at the same math question, I decide planning my outfit would be a better use of my time. Considering I have no idea what Kun is planning, I try to pick an outfit that’s casual but also pretty. I didn’t want to overdo it (it’s only a zoom date after all) but I also wanted Kun to know I tried. I tear my closet apart for about 20 minutes before settling on my favorite white tee and jeans. I also opt to do a little makeup, knowing Kun would appreciate it. Showering, makeup, and hair take up the rest of my time and before I know it, it’s time for our zoom date.
It appears I wasn’t the only one looking forward to the date because even though I logged on a whole 5 minutes early, Kun was already waiting to admit me.
“Someone’s excited.” I tease, proud of the light pink that dusts kun’s cheeks
“I’m the host, what’s your excuse?” He chuckles lightly. “You look gorgeous Sunshine.”
“Not so bad yourself,” my teasing tone barely disguises the obvious want in my voice. Cause Kun. Looks. Adorable. It’s not that he’s dressed up, not at all actually. He’s dressed somewhat similarly to me, drowning in a plain collared long sleeve. The sleeves are long enough to cover his hands, giving him sweater paws that make him appear not only soft, but tiny. His chocolate brown hair is mussed up, only adding to the overall image. To top it all off, he seems to be wearing a little bit of lip balm. I have never wanted to kiss someone so bad in my entire life.
“You frozen there lovebug?” Kun’s amused comment breaks me out of my stupor.
“Nope, just enjoying the view,” I wink nonchalantly once again relishing in the blush rising up Kun’s neck. “So what’s your plan?”
“You should be finding out in about…” He checks his watch dramatically, “5 minutes.” I could only giggle in response as I watched my boyfriend, eyes gleaming with mischief. As I may have mentioned previously: Kun is a dork. He enjoys setting up dates a lot (maybe a bit too much). He likes to come up with weird creative ideas for us to try. It’s one of the things I love most about him. And the way his gaze is flitting every which way and his legs are bouncing all over the place is a clear sign that he’s extremely proud of whatever he’s planned.
A few minutes of mindless chitchat later, I hear the doorbell ring. I give Kun a knowing look as he pretends not to know what’s going on. I open the door to see two boxes of take out from my favorite restaurant. I turn to Kun on the screen.
“You didn’t.”
“Oh, but I did sunshine.”
As I open the delicious smelling box I see that he’d gotten my favorite dish as well. He’d remembered every detail of it. A few tears escape my eyes against my will. Kun seems confused and concerned by my reaction, his beautiful features melting into a frown.
“Did I get something wrong? I swear I checked like 8 times to make sure I just--”
“No Kun it’s perfect,” I smile wetly. “You got everything right baby, I’m just really lucky to have you.” Kun nods understandingly grinning to reveal his dimple, and all of a sudden I’m hit with a wave of sadness and longing. I want nothing more than to be there with Kun, to caress his cheeks and bury my head in his chest and kiss the freckle under his brow that I love so much. I’m hit all at once with the realization that I miss being with Kun, and suddenly the tears are streaming down my cheeks. Kun stays silent, patient as always and it only makes me want to cry more.
“I miss you so fucking much,” I whisper between sobs. My vision is far too blurry to see how Kun is reacting to my outburst. “I hate this stupid quarantine, and the stupid virus, and stupid zoom. I just w-want to hug you so bad kunkun.” My voice breaks at the end of my sobs.
“Aw baby, I know. Any time we do these dates I can’t help but miss everything about you. You mean so much to me and not being able to see you has been torture. But don’t worry too much Sunshine. This is not permanent. I’m confident we’ll be able to see each other again.” Kun’s eyes are practically pouring out affection and genuineness.
“I’m sorry for ruining the date.”
“If you don’t hush right now I’m going to find a way to Zoom slap you,” Kun teased. “You have absolutely nothing to apologize for and you haven’t ruined anything. We can just eat and watch a movie together yeah?”
There on my couch, as I lost count of the hours going by with Kun’s voice in my ears: I realized that despite the unideal situation, we’d be okay.
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