#they friendly compete all the time and hang out all the time
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Little doodles of little ponies. I think that Ditzy Doo can’t fly well because she’s 3/4s earth pony, so she has a heavier bone density than normal pegasi. Also she probably needs glasses but she refuses to get them lol.
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ericsprincess · 3 months
wanna take a look inside you
nc-17, stalker!Jaemin, Jaemin/female reader, cunnilingus, crack
Your stalker really cares about you.
Why the fuck is it snowing again? Just why? you groan, as soon as you open your eyes and see all the fluffy snowflakes falling behind your window. 
You reluctantly roll out of your warm bed and start getting ready for the day. You should be rushing through your morning routine, since you have to get to work, but you’re almost deliberately slow. You’re just trying to delay the inevitable, which is having to shovel half a meter of snow out of your driveway and your car, and scrape off the ice from your car windows. You’re seriously considering calling in sick, just to not have to deal with standing outside in snow and fighting your flimsy plastic shovel and tiny ice scraper. 
You’re pouring yourself a cup of coffee when you stop at the sudden glimpse out of your kitchen window. What the hell. 
Your driveway is already nicely and precisely shoveled, with all the snow neatly piled up on one side. Not only that, your car is completely cleaned, covered with only a small layer of freshly fallen snow, indicating that whoever took mercy on you did it only a while ago. 
You sit down behind the table and absentmindedly scratch behind your dog's ears while chewing on toast. 
Maybe one of the neighbors did it? Or maybe there is some kind of a community service? Which is weird. You just moved into this area and by the looks of it you would expect to get your car stolen rather than cleaned. 
Hmm, you think. Maybe the neighborhood here isn’t that bad. 
(Narrator voice: It is actually that bad.)
Ironically, a few days later you do end up calling in sick. The cold winter weather got to you and after an evening of feeling like shit you woke up with fever, sore throat, and no will to live. 
You blindly feel around your bed to search for your phone, eventually finding it under your dog (Oof, move, you fat fuck), and call Jaemin from HR, in your office also known as Hot Jaemin from HR, to inform him that you’re taking a sick day. 
He picks up immediately after the first ring and with his completely pleasant, friendly, and only slightly creepy deep voice, he takes your note and wishes you to get well soon. He even asks if there are some work related heads up to pass to your coworkers, just like the nice and considerate guy he always is. If only every coworker was like Jaemin (nice, competent and hot), work would be much more bearable, you sigh. Sometimes he even sits down with you for lunch in the breakroom and offers you some home baked pastry while he talks about his cats. Really, just an overall nice guy. 
You finally hang up and burrow yourself back under the covers, when you notice the time on your phone. 6:58. Huh? I must be delirious, you think hazily, already drifting back to sleep. He’s not even supposed to be at work yet.  
When you finally emerge from your supposed delirium (also known as common flu) two days later, both of which you spent almost entirely just sleeping, you take a gloriously good hot shower and head to the kitchen, wondering what you will be able to scavenge from the fridge. 
Thankfully, it seems well stocked. So you quickly make a sandwich with some fresh ham and vegetables, scarf it down like a madwoman, after barely eating for two days and put the plate into the sink.
The dishes are also done. 
The house is actually pretty spotless, you squint as you look around. Even more than usual - no socks anywhere, no cups with forgotten tea. Dog looks fed and happy. 
The laundry machine beeps to announce that it’s finished. 
Wow, it must have been really bad, because I don’t remember doing any of that. Good job, sick me, you mentally pat yourself on your shoulder. 
You open the door to get out of your house for a nice walk and you stop dead in your tracks.
What the actual everloving fuck. 
Right in front of your doorstep there is a line of six mice, nicely ordered and completely dead, and you barely manage to prevent your dog from taking a good sniff. 
You retreat back to your house, pulling the dog with you and you lock all the locks on the door. 
You don’t even own a cat? 
You would swear the oil change light in your car was blinking for the past two months. Like, it had been mocking you and your procrastination. You felt bad about it, but ignored it, because who would want to deal with it unless you really have to? 
Well, it’s not blinking today. 
Which must mean only one thing - the light is broken now too. Which might also mean some electronic failure.
You frown. Karma for being lazy found you and there goes your free Saturday. 
And then it finds you again 2 hours later for being an idiot, when it turns out the oil does not need to be changed and the whole electronic system in your car is working alright. You made the mechanic check twice because you could swear you’re not making it all up, just to end up looking like a dumbass in front of the whole shop. 
You go home in shame and then you dig out the car manual you once threw into a cupboard and never read. 
Ugh, this guy again. You fight the urge to run, but he has already noticed you and you don’t want to look weak. Or afraid. But you are, a little. 
Walking on the same street, your creepy neighbor is approaching you from the opposite direction and you’re already bracing yourself. 
He never lets you go just with “Hello,” he always tries to flirt creepily and invite you for coffee, last time he even tried to grab your hand. You shudder at the memory. You hate these kinds of slimebags and their audacity. But you’re afraid he might snap if you really tell him off. 
So, you’re not sure what to do, you’re always just distantly polite and doing your best to not give him any signal that he might interpret as his attention being welcome. 
But you did start bringing pepper spray with you and going everywhere with your dog. Not like this fat fuck could ever protect your from anything, but still. For mental support. (But seriously, why is it getting so fat? You make a mental note to take him on longer walks, despite the shitty neighborhood.)
He’s getting closer and you’re already feeling the anxiety, when he swiftly crosses the road to get to the opposite side of the street. He walks faster. It’s like he’s avoiding you. Not only that, but he’s limping and his nose is bandaged as if it were broken. 
What could have happened to him? you wonder. Maybe he bothered the wrong girl and her boyfriend went to teach him to leave women alone, you chuckle. Who knows. 
You suddenly startle out of your sleep to the sound of breaking glass. It's a deep night but you are barely gathering your wits from being so crudely woken up, but you can hear a strange commotion from downstairs. 
Burglars, is your first thought. You’re shaking hard but you slowly and silently tiptoe to your closet to get a broom, the only weapon you can think of right now. A broom in one hand and your phone in the other, with the police dialed up, just waiting to press a call, you pad down the stairs to your living room where the sound came from. 
The lights are already on. And in there there is-
“Jaemin??? What are you doing here?” you scream. 
Right in the middle of your living room is Hot Jaemin from HR, disheveled and slightly out of breath, and just about to finish hog-tying a masked man. He pulls the rope tightly and kicks the man into the ribs for good measure. He stands up and turns to you with a bright and wide smile. 
“Y/N! Go to sleep, I got it!” he says happily and throws you a thumbs up. He ignores the question.
“B-But-” you take a step forward but Jaemin stops you. 
“Be careful, Y/N, there is glass. I threw a vase at him, that fucker really thought he can mess with me like that,” he snorts. “Just go back to sleep, I’ll clean it up and deal with this bag of dicks.” he urges you gently. 
“H-How are you going to deal with him?” you’re confused. Jaemin’s smile gets even wider. 
“I’ll deal with him, I have tools in my car. Don’t worry about it.” he brushes you off. 
“You know what, I’ll just call the police,” you wave your phone, barely out of shock from what just happened. 
“Okay,” Jaemin sighs with dramatic exasperation. “But it will take forever while you could have just left it to me and gone to sleep.”
You squint at him suspiciously and press the dial. 
“So, that would be all, Mrs. Y/L/N. We will contact you about the further proceedings,” the police officer clicks his pen off and gathers his papers. Your kitchen is still flashing red and blue from police cars parked outside. 
“Thank you, officer, I really appreciate it,” you beep back at him. This police thing turned out to be a lot more serious and lengthy than you expected.
“Don’t thank me, miss, you should thank your..uhhh…” he looks up at Jaemin, who is standing behind you with his hands on your shoulders. 
“Husband,” Jaemin offers, with his signature bright smile and you fight the urge to step on his foot. 
“Yeah, that. Anyways, if you have any questions, call us. Good night!” he salutes you with two fingers and brusquely walks out of your house. The cars leave one by one and then you’re alone. With Jaemin. 
You turn back to him. 
“I am not sure what to think about all of this, but thank you, I guess. But I have a lot of questions and I want answers to all of them,” you stick a finger right in the middle of his chest. 
“Okay, of course. Whatever you want, Y/N,” Jaemin offers. It’s the first time you see him look anything else but bright and cheerful. He looks almost unsure. 
“I’m now going to sleep and if I find out you’re still in this house, I’ll call the police again. On you.” you threaten. “You have 2 minutes to leave,” you add and pointedly look at the clock on your kitchen wall. 
“Oh, okay, let me just…” he gathers his rope that the cops left behind and his jacket and hurriedly slips on his shoes. He’s in the door in thirty seconds, waving at you. 
“See you at work!” he squeezes your hand briefly and runs out of your house. 
Why do I always attract these weirdos, you sigh and drag yourself upstairs to your bedroom. You fling yourself on the bed and you suddenly really feel how tired and exhausted you are from all the adrenaline. It would be really for the best to just sleep, you decide and crawl under the covers. 
But the sleep is not coming, you’re just thinking about everything that happened. You keep tossing and turning, ending up staring out into your bedroom window. 
Suddenly, a phone display lights up in the crown of a nearby tree. You decide to pointedly ignore it and you flip to the other side, turning your back to the window. You grab your dog, who’s been snoozing peacefully throughout the whole night and snuggle into his white fluffy fur to sleep. 
The next day at work you don’t waste any time. After throwing your bag at your desk you change direction right into the HR office. 
You don’t knock, just let yourself in, meeting Jaemin who is currently sitting behind his desk, unpacking his things for a day. He looks up at you, smiling. 
You cross your arms and point at the nametag on his desk that says “Na Jaemin, Head of HR” with your chin. 
“Ironic, huh?” 
“What’s ironic?” he straightens up, smile unwavering. 
“I can’t even report you, you asshole.” you frown. “And I don’t really want to go to the police because you did save my life.”
“Well that’s bad.“ he nods solemnly.
“It really is. So… Care to explain what you were doing at my house?” 
“Guarding you?” he answers like it is the most obvious thing in the world.
“Wh-guarding?? From what?” you ask incredulously. Oh. “Okay don’t answer.” 
“Yeah,” he laughs. “You know that as a head of HR I have access to aaaaaaaaaalllll of your records, right?” he spins his pen between his fingers. “So I really couldn’t help but notice you moved into a really shitty location, Y/N. Really, there? I know how much you make, you don’t need to live there at all.”
“I’m saving money for my own house, okay?” you answer defensively. You couldn’t have possibly known it would be that bad. You thought that everyone was just exaggerating. “Why were you even keeping tabs on my address?” you ask him accusingly. 
Jaemin just keeps looking at you, smiling. It’s unnerving. Like a shark about to eat you, but with joy.
“...so you’re not gonna answer?” you frown. Of course. 
“I mean, isn’t that obvious?” he drawls, tilting his head as if he were mocking you. And you think it should be obvious, but at the same time, you never know what’s going on in Jaemin’s head. 
You sigh. “You know, next time JUST ASK ME OUT YOU MORON!” 
“Oh, yeah, I could have done that…” he startles with realization. “I guess I was too preoccupied.”
“With what? Figuring out my daily patterns? Putting a GPS tracker on my car?”
“How did you find that?” he asks surprisingly, pulling up his phone to check. 
You close your eyes and breathe deeply. Come on, you have dealt with worse. And he’s really hot *and* whipped, even though he has a particular way about it. And he saved your life. You could have a use for him. 
“Drive me home.”
“Sure,” he gets up immediately, picking up his jacket. 
“You’re not even gonna question me wanting to leave work just like that?” 
“Who do you think is processing your attendance records?” he winks at you and leads you out of his office to the parking lot with a hand on your waist 
“By the way, you didn’t answer.” you say while fighting with the seatbelt while Jaemin starts the car. “What were you doing at my house?”
“Uh. Is this now the time to tell you I’ve been sleeping in front of your bedroom door for the past few weeks?”
You can literally taste the headache coming. 
“I don’t think there is ever a good time for that.”
You open the door to your house and let both you and Jaemin in. Your dog comes running to welcome you and you’re not even surprised that it actually ignores you in favor of running into Jaemin,  who doesn’t wait to start playing with him, laughing and telling him what a good boy he is. 
More like a traitor. You frown at Jaemin pulling out a treat out of his jeans pocket and your dog chasing it hungrily as Jaemin teases him. Sold me for a piece of snack. 
“Let’s go upstairs before I change my mind.”
“Sure,” smiles Jaemin and stands up, suddenly taking a hold of you and picking you up over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes. 
“Hey! Put me down!” you yell at him, grabbing his ass and squeezing it. “I will fucking bite you!”
“Leave that for later…” he drawls in his creepy flirty voice as he walks up the stairs. He takes you to your bedroom and gently lowers you down on your bed. 
You really like the view from under him. He leans down to kiss your neck.
“Hey Jaemin..” you begin. 
“Hmmm?” he mumbles, continuing to kiss and lick your neck while his hands are working on taking your clothes off. 
“While you were sleeping outside my bedroom…Heards anything weird?” you ask. 
“Yeah,” he chuckles. “Pretty sure I heard my name at least once,” he bites into your collarbone. He takes off your shirt and pinches off the hooks of your bra in a second and you help take it off you. 
“And you still didn’t think of asking me out?” you ask disbelievingly. He pulls back a little and you get distracted by his shoulders. You start unbuttoning his shirt, just to reveal his beautiful full chest and muscular arms. Nice.
“You said Doyoung’s name once too.” he shrugs. He doesn't really meet your eyes.
“Oh yeah, Doyoungie from accounting…Haven’t seen him in a while, I wonder how he's doing…”
“He asked for a transfer. Doesn’t matter. Let’s not talk about him,” says Jaemin once again back to his bright smile and leans down to you, now fully committed to undressing you as soon as possible. He pulls off your pants together with your panties and lets his shirt slide off his body as well. 
“What are you gonna do?” you ask, while he shifts down your body. You instinctively spread your legs.
“Apologize,” he says while looking into your eyes and straight up dives into your pussy. 
You can tell he’s really sorry. He’s putting all the enthusiasm into eating you out, trying really hard to figure out what makes you tick and then applying it tenfold. You can feel him smile the moment you start making sounds.
You can feel yourself being close to coming and you try to tell him by pulling his hair, but in the end it doesn’t matter. He knows it already and he continues to flick his tongue over your clit even as you come, holding you by your thighs firmly so you don’t move too much to slip out of his hold. Once your orgasm starts to fade, he eases up a little, switching to slower, gentle licks with flat tongue, while you catch your breath, but in a minute, he’s back at it, relentlessly stimulating you as if you didn’t even have a choice about whether you want another round or not. 
You can only applaud his skill and stamina and let him make you come, with absolutely no guidance, for the second time, barely a couple minutes after the first one. 
While you’re coming down from your orgasm, feeling all liquid and brainless, Jaemin disentangles himself from your legs and crawls up the bed to drag you into his arms.
You turn to kiss him when you realize he hasn’t even taken off his jeans yet. You slide your hand to rub over his hard cock a little and he sighs and nuzzles into your neck. “Do you want…” you start.
“No. I haven’t deserved it yet,” he breathes out. “I’m already close though…” He looks like he’s fighting himself on that.
“Oh really?” you grin, and rise up to look better at his flushed face. “Well then get back to work?” you pull him by his (insanely attractive) sex hair. He whines, you don’t know if it's from pain or arousal, but it doesn’t matter.
“I’m going to sit on your face now, okay?” you whisper to him. 
“Uhhhh uhhh,” he closes his eyes. 
“Great. If you come, this one doesn’t count,” you laugh, and swing one leg over his leg to kneel over him.
You’re lying in your bed, sweaty and tired and almost falling asleep in Jaemin arms, when you suddenly remember. 
“Hey, actually...what about the mice?” 
He turns and smiles at you with a full Cheshire cat smile. Way too many teeth.
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vax-merstappen · 17 days
friends? (ls18)
summary: you had fallen for your childhood friend lance. but when he shows up to his family's party with his girlfriend, you are forced to confront your feelings.
i apologize in advance if your name is bethany, just the name i picked. but i hope you enjoy my first lance fic!
no warnings that i can think of :)
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Lance captivated any room he stepped into. All eyes turned to the billionaire’s son, the racecar driver, and the worldwide star. But even with her on his arm, his eyes turned to you, his best friend.
You had grown up together, both starting karting around a similar age. You had gone from competing against each other to cheering when the other did well in races. Then you were hanging out at each other's houses outside of racing, playing video games or running around outside. In your teenage years, you continued to be friends even as the racing got more and more competitive.
The years blurred by until you got to where you were today, Lance racing in Formula 1 and you in Formula 2. You got to see him less often now, mostly when the F2 schedule aligned with the F1 schedule. He was always busy training, and frankly so were you. Apart from the occasional chat, you were now living separate lives.
So it had surprised you when Lance had posted a few pictures to his Instagram with a woman. They were holding hands in one photo and he had his arm wrapped around her waist in another. You had stared back in disbelief. Of course he was an adult, he was allowed to date someone. It was just the fact that he hadn't told you that hurt. And maybe the fact that you had fallen for him years ago.
Yes, you were hopelessly in love with your best friend. Lance Stroll, the Formula 1 driver.
And it seemed he now loved someone else. When they had walked into the party that his family was hosting, everyone in the room had turned to look at the driver and his new girl. You couldn't blame them. He looked stunning in his tux. And she looked like a goddess in her flowing red dress.
In the crowd, his eyes found yours and you felt your breath stop. Those soft brown eyes that you had looked into for years. His face shifted to a grin and the couple made their way over to you.
"Hey, you," he said, pulling you into a friendly hug once he made his way through the group of people. "Long time no see."
"Yeah," you replied, your voice like a sigh.
"Oh, and this is Bethany," he said, introducing you to the woman he had arrived with. "We're dating."
You plastered a smile onto your face and shook Bethany's hand. "It's so nice to finally meet you," she had said. "Lance talks about you all the time."
He did? Even though you two had fallen almost out of touch? This caught you by surprise.
"All good things I hope," you had replied with a chuckle.
"Of course!" she had laughed, smiling at you.
You looked over at Lance and saw he was no longer looking at you, but at the ground. Almost as if he were embarrassed. You flashed her a smile again and looked over at Lance.
"Well I'll let you two enjoy the night," you said, trying to excuse yourself from the conversation. You turned to leave them alone, before you heard Lance stop you.
"No, why don't you come eat at our table?" he asked. You saw Bethany's smile falter a little bit. And as much as you didn't want to have to watch Lance with his girlfriend, you couldn't exactly turn down your best friend, could you?
"If that's okay with you," you responded, looking between the couple.
You found yourself sitting on Lance's right while Bethany was to his left. You all had engaged in a bit of conversation, Lance talking about how his season was going in Formula 1 and you talking about how Formula 2 was going well for you. Bethany seemed a little zoned out of the conversation, a lot of the intricacies of racing not familiar to her. Racing was something that would always tie you and Lance together, whether you liked it or not.
But as the conversation went on, you saw her reach for his hand and grab it. You didn't deserve to be mad, as you had never decided to voice your feelings in fear of ruining what you had. But watching that simple act of intimacy between the two broke you.
You had always enjoyed his family's parties in the past, but now? Now that you couldn't sneak out early with him to go drive around aimlessly and listen to music or that you couldn't bribe him to grab you an extra portion of dessert, things were different.
As you distracted yourself with a refill of your drink, you didn't notice how his eyes lingered a little too long on the back of your dress or how he released her hand after he saw the way you looked sad.
A few more awkward moments in conversation with the couple, you decided to make a break for it. Being questioned by Lawrence for leaving early would be better than any more moments watching your childhood best friend and crush being romantic with someone else.
"I- I'm sorry," you mumbled. "I have to go..."
"Are you okay?" Lance asked, looking concerned.
"It's fine..." you sighed, quickly getting up from the table. "Enjoy your night. You both deserve it."
Quickly making your way to the parking lot, you held back tears. Even though you had drifted apart, a small part of you had held onto hope that maybe he would feel the same. That he could love you back just as you had loved him for so long. But clearly that was an illusion.
You staggered through the door of the venue in your heels, kicking them off and picking them up before running into the parking lot. You didn't care if there was media watching, all you needed was to get away as fast as possible.
Finally getting to your car, you fished around in your purse for your keys. You mumbled a few curses, unable to find where they had gone. A few tears pricked your eyes, this was the last thing you needed right now. You leaned up against the car and slid to sit on the ground, shutting your eyes against the world.
"Hey," a familiar voice said. "Forgot your keys."
You peeked open your eyes to see Lance standing in front of you. He looked concerned upon seeing you in such a disheveled state.
"Are you okay?"
You barely nodded. "Not really... it's stupid..."
Lance sat down on the asphalt next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "You can talk to me. I know we haven't been as close lately, but I'm always willing to listen."
"I don't want to ruin things..."
"What could you possibly ruin? Look, I care about you. Just tell me what's going on."
Him saying he cared about you was all the motivation you needed. Maybe if you just got this over with, you could move on and things would go back to normal.
"Lance... I've always liked you... as more than a friend. And seeing you tonight... so happy with her... I guess it hurt."
The look on his face went from concerned to shocked and then to sad.
You cleared your throat. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to put you in this position. You and Bethany... you look good together. You deserve someone like her."
Lance was silent for a minute. "I... you never asked me how I felt?"
"I never thought you would feel the same. Didn't want to ruin our friendship.
"Well... for the record I did love you. I... still do."
Your heart skipped a beat at the answer. "You do?"
"Yeah. I do."
You both sat in silence for a minute. "What do you want to do about it?" you asked quietly.
"I broke it off with her," Lance said simply. "Before I came running after you."
"Why would you do that?" you asked, genuinely confused. "You seemed so in love with her."
He looked you in the eyes. "Because coming to this party made me realize. It brought back so many memories. All the years we goofed around in front of dad's rich friends. All the times we left early to go have fun just the two of us. And then I saw you in that dress... and the way you looked at me after all these years. And I realized what I had with her would never compare to the years I've had with you. Even if you had said no... I couldn't just let you leave like that. Thinking our relationship didn't mean anything. Even if we just ended up being friends tonight."
"Lance I..."
"You mean a lot to me, you know? Just took a year apart and a girl I didn't truly love to realize how much."
You took a chance and reached over to grab his hand, just like she had a few hours earlier.
"Wanna get out of here?" he asked. "Speed away like we did as teenagers?"
"Yeah. I'll drive and you get the music."
"Deal," he said, cracking one of his smiles that just made your heart melt. He tossed you the keys to your car that you had forgotten on the table. You caught them with ease and stepped into your car. You looked over at your best friend, and now possibly lover in the passenger's seat and your heart was full.
"I've wanted this for a while. Just me and you again."
"Well if you want to... we can spend a lot more time now just the two of us. Now that we're both on the same page."
"I can't imagine anything better," you said with a smile. You shifted the car into drive and pressed down the gas pedal, speeding away into the night. And as your favorite song came on the radio, you knew your life was about to get so much better.
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seph-ic · 1 year
Underrated pjo dynamic? Will and Clarisse as a parallel to Nico and Reyna
It makes sense though
Both of them are daughters of a war goddess who spontaneously decided to take on a big sister role to the local traumatized queer child.
They are very gentle and caring with both of them and see a lot of themselves in the boys
Clarisse also coaches Will through being a head councilor and gives him a ton of tips on how to get his siblings to listen to him
When will confesses to her that his powers make him feel useless somtimes she reminds him that he is the reason half her cabin is alive to fight
She also offers to give him some combat training if that will help him feel a better, which he takes her up on
Will also helps Clarisse manage her anger.
Like if she’s having a really bad day she’ll just head over to the infirmary and hang out with him
Will also likes having her there to move heavy boxes
When Reyna is feeling stressed and overworked she asks Nico to teach her how to play mythomagic which he does
I like to think that the the four of them had a friendly rivalry post boo
Like they would sparr together or compete against one another in capture the flag
It nearly ended in many fatalities but Reyna did in fact win
But later Clarisse beat her at an arm wrestle to square off
After this they have a sort of best freinds sort of rivals thing going on
Like no one can tell if they like or hate one another
Not even them
Instead of Nico and/or will getting the shovel talk the girls give it to one another
Like ‘if you’re brother hurts my brother I will end you’ ‘I if Nico breaks his heart I’ll break your arm”
Despite this they are very aware of the mutual crushing and play wingman a lot
Reyna will intentionally throw Nico around in training for the sole purpose of getting him sent to the infirmary
Like not enough to cause any actual harm, but enough to have Will spend an afternoon with him
Clarisse is not much better.
She’ll make medical calls when she’s out doing training and Nico is in the vicinity
“Will! Come quick one of my campers just got hurt!” “…is Nico with you?” “….maybe…”
They also absolutely rally for them in any councilor meetings.
Like one time Will suggests that they have more basic first aid training for all campers and everyone is like ‘ehhhh idk’ but Clarisse is just standing behind him staring daggers at everyone and they switch up real fast.
Once Nico and Will are actually dating they give the worst relationship advice
Cause they are just as bad at it as the boys are
“Reyna I’m freaking out what if he tries to hold my hand?” “Tell him you want to have his babies”
“Are flowers too much for a first date?” “Not enough, I got Chris a bloody spear, think big solace.”
Homophobia is becomes basically a death penalty at both camps
Like if they’re is so much as a whisper of anything or anyone being homophobic they are the officially enemy #1 of the Ares cabin and like, the entire legion.
By the gods they will find a way to make your life a living hell.
Also Will makes Clarisse friendship bracelets
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doki-doki-imagines · 3 months
Hey I like your writing! I’d like to request headcanons if you are still taking them? I follow you on a separate account, so that’s why I had the courage to ask this with anonymous off.
I was thinking of the men competing for the reader? It would be like: Raiden/Kung Lao, Kenshi/Johnny, Lin Kuei brothers are each other’s rivals and they do their own things to one up each other or to gain the reader’s favor more 😆
author note: Don't worry! Anyway you don't need to follow me to request something!🫡
Raiden vs Kung Lao: -Ohhh the sparks. No way Raiden will back down, and Lao knows it. -The fight for your heart starts now. -Their approaches are different. Raiden is all soft words and quiet dates (masked as friendly outing). Raiden bets everything on his sweet personality because he thinks he doesn't look good enough for you. -Lao is all for showing off his physique. Biceps always exposed, smiling more than usual to show off the dimples you seem to like so much (and also because Lao is just happier when next to you). -He has no doubt you can fall just for his amazing personality too, but you know, since he has such a great physique, it would be stupid not to use it. -Lao is like a peacock showing off his round tail, hoping to impress you. -Raiden doesn't show off, but he'll always pay when he takes you out to eat or will make you win bets on purpose. -His proud smile makes your knees go jello. -They won't play dirty tricks to each other because, after all, they are friends! -The choice is yours!
Johnny vs Kenshi: -Master rizzer vs Secret rizzer. -Johnny knows about his friend's crush on you, but doesn't mind. No way his introvert friend can woo you! -What he doesn't count is that his friend is an ex-yakuza, and as one, had to seduce people and get into their pants to steal information more than once. -And Kenshi was always successful. -Johnny doesn't mind fighting for your love; he fully believes you'll reciprocate his crush! -He is all sweet smiles and warm eyes gazing into yours. Johnny tries to show off every time you are near him. -Johnny asks you out daily, and sometimes you accept. His smile on those occasions could light up an entire mansion. -He acts like a big lazy cat. If you compliment him back, you can hear a purr blossoming from Johnny's chest. -Everyone can tell that he is wrapped around your fingers. -Kenshi is way more subtle but much more intense. -He'd share a meal with you under a blossoming tree in complete silence. -"I love spring. The flowers on the trees are beautiful." Kenshi would chuckle at your words. Then he'll grip your chin, his hand going so smoothly on it you almost forgot he is blind. "I'm sure it's a way to thank you for blessing them with your beauty every day." Kenshi says it so naturally that you believe him. No comeback goes through your brain. -He is gonna use all his knowledge to woo you. -He is there for you, but never clingy. Kenshi is all subtle touches that leave you hanging. You need to miss him. -Also more prone to talk down Johnny. Kenshi is a man with a mission and needs to brush away all the obstacles to reach his goal. -The tomcat or the sneaky ninja? Okay, maybe the comparison doesn't sound fair… -Welp! It's your choice!
Bi-Han vs Kuai Liang vs Tomas Vrbada: -Mortal Kombat begins now! With the difference that, this is really mortal. -Every day is a brawl. They try to bring the other down all the time. -When Liang thought he had to win just against Tomas, he was quieter. He still wants to conquer your heart, but he doesn't try to bring his brother down. -The same could be said of Tomas. He wants to win your heart fair and square, not spreading lies about his rival and brother. Simply making you fall for him. -But when they noticed how Bi-Han looks at you… -They both look at each other in the eyes, and realisation hit them both like a brick. -Bi-Han really doesn't care about them and will also try to brush his crush for you off. He is grandmaster he doesn't have time for foolish stuff like love. -But when Bi-Han noticed his brothers crush for you… now he absolutely wants you. -Oh, Liang stood you up? "Damn, I'm so sorry. Come with me! I'll pay for everything you want at Madame Bo!" Tomas replies, voice thrilling full of happiness. -If only you knew that Liang didn't arrive because somebody trapped him in the woods. -Tomas forgot about your birthday. "That fool only cares for himself. Take this. My gift for you." Bi-Han pushes it toward your chest, fake indifference dripping from his gestures. The "By Tomas" note carefully replaced with "By Bi-Han". -That ass of Bi-Han froze the walls of your house? Don't worry, dear Liang will help you out warming the house up. And if you don't mind, he'll embrace you "So at least you can warm up." His handsome face dangerously close to yours. -If only you knew Bi-Han and Liang bickered before and the pyromancer made sure for Bi-Han's attack to hit exactly your house… -They are like beasts always going at each other thorats. Sadly, this make them all grumpier. -If they keep going like this, you won't end up with either of them. -But if you are interested, move fast! Or the world will have fewer ninjas soon…
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Being Rhaenyra Targaryen's husband would include:
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Okay this is my 3rd time uploading this, because tumblr was being a whiny bitch. This turned out much longer than I expected and I'm already planning on writing more in this au. I combined book and show canon, although I kept the Velaryons as black. I also renamed some of Rhaenyra's children and gave her 1 more.
This is not team green friendly or kind to Alicent. At all. Reader is a petty bitch who adores his wife and whose love language is murdering their enemies in various secret ways.
Warnings include murder, forced infertility (Viserys), Rhaenyra and Reader scheming for the throne.
You're the oldest son of Rhaenys Targaryen and Corlys Velaryon. Greatness is in your blood.
You're proud - how can you not be? You're the oldest son of the Sea Snake and The Queen Who Never Was, the heir to High Tide and the next Lord of Driftmark. You're the second rider of Silverwing, after Queen Alysanne. You are cunning and clever - everything your parents could wish for in a son. You have a lot to be proud of.
After fighting in the Stepstones and being knighted, you emerge as one of the chief candidates for Rhaenyra's hand.
The brothel incident still happens in this au and Rhaenyra still sleeps with Criston.
When your betrothal is announced, you both agree to do your duty. And although you aren't Daemon or Criston, you are still handsome and a warrior. Doing her duty will not be difficult for Rhaenyra.
You quickly fall in love, much to both your surprise. Rhaenyra falls first, your loyalty and ferocity in defending her sneaks past her defences.
You fall harder, her wit and hidden darkness, the type that matches yours, pulls you in. Her soul speaks to yours and feels familiar on some level.
By the time Jacaerys is born, you're incredibly happy and in love with each other.
Your darling boy is quickly followed by Lucerys, Baelon, Aegon, Gaemon and eventually (after a few years) your twin daughters Visenya and Aemma.
Your royal apartments are rarely quiet because of your children. They adore their mother's hugs, love to hang off your shoulders and follow you both around the Red Keep like little ducklings.
Being the best dressed couple in Westeros. Rhaenyra likes it when you match and often coordinates your outfits to do so. Sometimes it's matching her dress to your doublet, other times it's more subtle like you wearing ruby beads in your locs to match the precious stones in her bodice. It makes her feel like you're on a team and she knows you feel the same way, judging from the little smirk and raised eyebrow you give her when you see her and the maids going through your wardrobes.
You and Rhaenyra love to gossip together. It mainly happens in bed after you make love. She tells you the latest rumours her ladies in waiting told her and you reveal the scandals you heard from your manservant and squires.
You encourage her to be more visible to the common folk. You know that if she has their love, then any attempts to usurp her will fail. Your little family becomes regular fixtures in King's Landing as you explore the city and restart Queen Alysanne's charitable ventures. Rhaenyra starts heading sessions for women to raise any issues.
You know it's working when you hear people talking about the Realm's Delight and the Sea Dragon and praising your efforts in improving their lives.
The sight of you both racing your dragons high in the sky is a frequent occurrence. It started as a way to unwind after the small council meetings. As your family grew, your children joined in, strapped into yours or Rhaenyra's saddles. When they grew old enough and their dragons were big enough, they followed you on theirs.
Dividing your time between Dragonstone and the Red Keep, although visits to Driftmark are also regular events.
Laenor frequently pops in to visit and spoil your children.
Corlys and Viserys both compete to be the favourite grandparent, but you and Rhaenyra know that Rhaenys is the real favourite. For the sake of peace, you won't reveal it.
Despite Daemon and Laena staying in Pentos, you keep up a regular correspondence with them. You even arrange to meet in Driftmark with your children a few years into your marriage. Your children bond quickly, while the adults watch on and tell stories.
Being married to the heir to the Iron Throne isn't easy and there are many people who would see that Rhaenyra never becomes Queen.
As her consort, you consider it your duty to make the path easier for her.
Your first victim is Criston Cole. After murdering Joffrey Lonmouth, you expect him to get punished. The news of Queen Alicent accepting him as her sworn sword leaves a bitter taste in your mouth, particularly when you have to break the news to Laenor.
Along with your pride, one of your greatest attributes is how protective you are of your loved ones. Joffrey was Laenor's lover as well as one of your good friends.
It takes a little while to plan, but one day gossip erupts about Criston being found drunk in a brothel that's particularly debauched, even by the standards of King's Landing.
You seize your chance and tell your goodfather that perception is important, that such a knight like that cannot be allowed to guard the royal family, especially the Queen. Viserys ignores Alicent's protests and Criston is gelded and sent to the Wall.
Speaking of Viserys, you know that any sons he has will be pitted against your wife.
You also know that his health isn't very good.
You decide to help him by giving him a tonic that your mother swears by, along with some lotions and creams. "Two drops of this with your morning meal every day and you'll soon feel better, Your Grace," you persuade him. "And wouldn't it be wonderful if you could meet your future grandchildren?"
Your father told you once you could sell water to a fish, such was the power of your silver tongue.
Viserys' health does improve after taking the tonic and the lotions that are massaged into his skin fix most of his pains.
However you failed to mention that the tonic and lotion both have herbs which cause infertility if used over long periods of time. Your mother only uses the tonic, and does so sparingly.
Viserys and Alicent only have Aegon and Helaena as a result of your actions.
You and Rhaenyra work hard to charm lords and ladies to support your cause.
You go on progress across the realm, flattering and courting all the noble families you meet.
It quickly becomes known that to be one of Princess Rhaenyra's ladies in waiting is a boon for attaining a fortunate marriage. In turn, you surround yourself with ambitious lords and their sons who want to advance their own interests.
It's a delicate dance, but you were taught how to make alliances by your parents, plus your charisma and ability to speak to anyone makes you one of the most popular members of the royal family.
Any attempts Alicent makes to gain allies for her son are countered by you and she can't stand you.
She tried to make Rhaenyra bring Lucerys to her when he was born, but you shut that down. "I wasn't aware that the Queen was in such poor health that she couldn't come herself to meet the newest member of our family," you say with a mocking smile. "The King is already coming to meet his grandson and I'm sure he would wish for Her Grace to join him." The sour look on the Queen's face when she finally arrives, only to find Viserys holding your baby boy, is a sight you'll remember for weeks to come.
You're Rhaenyra's greatest weapon and she despises how popular you are. You weren't supposed to be this politically adept, your children weren't supposed to be that lovely and polite and Rhaenyra was not supposed to be the heir when Viserys already has a son.
She says so to Larys Strong, who decides to do something about it without telling her.
You survive the pathetic assassination attempt because of a loyal servant.
Rhaenyra finds out what happened and she is furious. When she finds out Larys did it? He's a dead man walking.
His body is found in a secluded corridor at the bottom of the stairs. It's fairly obvious that he slipped and fell in a tragic accident - the servants had only finished cleaning and polishing those stairs the day before.
You thank your wife for avenging you with a sapphire necklace and several rounds of insatiable sex that eventually results in your son Aegon being conceived.
Unfortunately Lyonel Strong takes this as his chance to resign as Hand and return to Harrenhall, something you and your wife are unhappy about. You will miss him and his unwavering loyalty and fairness.
You miss him even more when you find out Otto Hightower is returning to King's Landing to be Viserys' Hand again.
The return of her father emboldens the Queen, although you and Rhaenyra are more than a match for them, both during the Small Council meetings (which you are Master of Ships) and outside them.
Eventually though, you decide to take care of the problem, although your wife cautions you to be careful.
A year after becoming Hand again, Otto Hightower is dead. His health had been declining for some time, even before he returned to King's Landing, but the poison you'd had your spies slip into his furniture and clothing certainly made his end quicker.
You knew he had a food taster, so you had to be careful to make it appear natural. A quiet conversation with Daemon had pointed you in the right direction.
Although it appeared to be natural, you knew that Otto's last days were a living hell. A fitting end for such a man.
With his death, you recommended Viserys make Lyonel Strong Hand again or even name Rhaenyra to be the Hand, as preparation for her future role.
His decision to name Rhaenyra as Hand is one of the only good decisions he's made.
It gives her more experience in governing the realm, particularly when he starts to become more frail.
After several years of this, she is confident in her role. She will be a magnificent Queen and you're truly honoured to be her consort.
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beababoobies · 3 months
Saw you were doing hazbin hotel request, and I can't stand that I have not found much angst on these two, and I mean angst about Sir Pentious being in heaven while Cherri is in hell.
So could you do like one where both of them just miss one another, like Cherri saluting his photo in the hotel lobby daily while Sir Pentious is just thinking about her.
Just putting this out here-
Just as I go “alright, I have reqs but imma go to bed” I see this and go 👀 because lord KNOWS I love writing angst. Yurp, I gotcha. Love Cherrisnake and it’s going to make me SOB but 🙏 yeah. This is much much shorter than I usually write but I hope you still enjoy!!
But I Can’t Help (Falling in love with you)
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words : 0.6k, cherrisnake my beloved, here’s some tissues 🧻 for your tears I suppose
Ever since Pentious was murdered by Adam in the fight, Cherri had been hanging around the hotel. She kept insisting it was just to ‘be friendly’ or even ‘angel’s here.’ But after weeks of staying, even having her own room, and competing in the daily rehabilitation excersizes, it was obvious to everyone that wasn’t the case. But they couldn’t tell her that. 
Not after Charlie had seen here kneeling in front of the painting of Sir Pentious one night, crying quietly, holding herself in her arms as she looked into his eyes, wishing she had just said fuck it and gone with him. Wishing she had been smarter, admitted that she liked him. But she was stubborn, and refused to let herself fall in love with anyone. So the only thing she can keep of his is the scorching kiss he left against her lips. 
And the hotel. Every time she passed his portrait, she would salute to it. The only thing that hadn’t been destroyed in the rubble - his welcome banner - was hung up in her room. Dusty and burnt as it was, she wouldn’t take it down. And Angel was the person who knew all of this. Angel was the one who let her cry for hours about how she should’ve used her brain instead of blocking herself off.
Just like Emily, the kinder of the sarahfim, Pentious had learned, would listen to his rants about how lovely she was. How he knew she would be next up here. He would go on about their past battles, how she was such a strong opponent who always left him guessing her next move. Emily had pretty quickly caught on that it was always bombs, but wouldn’t ruin the fun for him.
He would think of her before he went to sleep, replaying the last kiss before he was redeemed over and over in his head. The way her lips were against his. The way she tasted just like he’d imagined, the taste of sweet cherries engrained in his memory. The way his hands held her waist so softly as he dipper her. The blush on her cheeks as he pulled away. 
He thought every night about what he’d do once she got up here too - maybe he’d finally have the courage to ask her out. Maybe she would be distant like she always was and reject him. But the way she’d kissed him back without hesitation brushed those thoughts out of the way. He dreamed about her, dreams from them under the stars to how beautiful and angelic she’d look with the gold accents of devine ordainment. He bets she wouldn’t even lose that beautiful snappiness in her voice.
Just like Cherri knows he would probably still be too anxious to ask her out if he’d survived. Just like she knows she would’ve done it herself after that, running up and into his arms right after the battle. She hated falling in love, she really did - but she couldn’t help but stare at his portrait for hours through the corner of her eye as Charlie explained rehabilitation in the center room. She couldn’t help but deliver flowers to the grave she’d made for him outside the hotel, every day. Without fail, for the past months he’d been gone. 
She cursed herself for starting to forget his voice - she cursed herself for forgetting how his lips felt against hers, forgetting the way his chest felt pressed up against his, the coffee in his spit that she could taste. She cursed herself for forgetting.
And Pentious lived every day knowing he could never forget. 
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eyesfullofsttars · 13 days
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☆ currently thinking about... farm!ellabs au
sypnosis: the farm chores have become increasingly challenging for ellie's favorite dinosaur, joel miller. he seeks abigail's help to handle the tasks effectively and to provide company for his kiddo. (although ellie seems to dislike the idea)
notes: hey!!! this is just a little vignette of ellie and abby living on a farm together, soon being domestic. it's so simple and silly, sorry!!!
serie mastelist <3 | next part ⟶
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Abigail Anderson starts helping out at the Miller's farm at the request of Joel, who is aware that he won't get any younger soon. His years are weighing on him, with his hair beginning to turn gray.
Joel seeks capable help at the farm, and Abby offers her exceptional strength and stamina. He also doesn't want to leave Ellie alone to manage the farm, as she lives a solitary life, not prioritizing relationships outside her family.
However, things don't go as planned. As soon as Ellie sees Abby's arrival, she views her as a threat or even a replacement that she can't compete with. Ellie just scowls at Anderson and makes no effort to engage with her, despite Abby's attempts to connect.
It doesn't help that the animals quickly take a liking to Abby. Who wouldn't? Anderson, with her blond hair in a braid, white tank top, overalls, and heavy work boots, walks around the farm, helping wherever she can with a friendly smile, strong arms, and quick problem-solving skills.
Ellie doesn't think it's fair that Abigail is so good at everything and — so damn — hot. It only makes her dislike her more.
A broken fence? Abby fixes it. The tractor making strange noises? Let Abby take a look and fix it. The cow Lou is pregnant? Abby will check on her, as her father is a veterinarian.
Abby's contributions prove highly valuable on the farm, giving Joel the rest he desired and ensuring the farm is in capable hands with Abby, even if Ellie wishes she were gone.
In the first few weeks, Ellie wakes up earlier to get ready. She ties her reddish-brown short hair into a half-ponytail, puts on her black boots, and has pancakes in the quiet kitchen while everyone else is still sleeping. Then, Ellie leaves the house to feed the animals, seeing them as traitors since they seem to like Abby.
The routine continues until Abby notices and doesn't want Ellie to spend so much time alone. Abby decides to turn off Ellie's alarm, letting her sleep an hour longer while Abby prepares breakfast, hangs clothes, and waits for Ellie to wake up so they can work together.
Although this initially annoyed Ellie, she slowly adapted to Abby's presence. Even though she hates talking in the morning, she doesn't mind having conversations with Abby about their families, goals, and how things are going on the farm.
Finally, Ellie was even more pleased with Abby when she proposed building the new kitchen table based on Ellie's sketches. The table would give the kitchen a cozier feel and add an extra seat.
Perhaps having someone new to help on the farm isn't such a bad idea after all...
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skeletalroses · 2 years
This was originally a comment I made on this post but fuck it, it’s getting its own post because this site’s teeming with shit idiot brain fungus.
I’m the sex-repulsed asexual (and romance-repulsed aromantic) people claim to be protecting when they say Pride shouldn’t be kinky or racy and should instead be Family-Friendly™ and “safe for aces and sex-repulsed people.” I’m not the kinky asexual, of which there are many thousands, or the sex-favorable asexual, of which there are also many thousands. I’m the stereotypical libidoless, “genitals are icky,” frantically-click-way-from-porn asexual who’s never so much as masturbated (or kissed!).
I want kinky, sexy, degenerate Pride. I want to get out there with my fellow queers and make respectable cishet society mad. I don’t want to win over conservatives; I want to scare them. I feel more kinship and would always rather hang with a bunch of kinksters in the sluttiest of kink gear than with any of you dumbshit assimilationist Pride police.
Where do y’all draw the line, anyway? Is my Turbo Virgin™ goth ass gonna get caught up in your sanitization sweeps because my leather, corsets, chains, stripper boots, and huge ornamental vinyl chokers I bought from a guy who makes bondage jewelry are too suggestive? I also love having my tits out. I’ve thought of getting nipple jewelry. Is that gonna be a problem? Am I too sexy in my sexlessness?
If you’re serious about competing needs, organize kiddie Pride events. Do things expressly geared toward minors or people who really can’t abide seeing sexual stuff. These are good things to do. But Pride is a protest. No one gets to demand that queers tone it down and make our show of force palatable to the straights. You sure as fuck don’t get to pretend you’re doing it to protect asexuals, as if we’re pure, fainting flowers who can’t handle seeing a harness or a dildo.
But then, we all know it’s not really about protecting asexuals, sex-repulsed or otherwise. Most of the people pushing to defang Pride aren’t asexuals. Lots of you are exclusionists, who maybe just got quieter about it since 2015 when “proud aphobe” was the cool thing to be. Pridecops are just throwing asexuals under the bus again as justification for their pathetic need to please the cishets and control other people’s expression. (To both lick boots and Dominate, if you will.) Aces (and aros!) who jump on the bandwagon of this time-honored aphobic tactic should be doubly ashamed of themselves.
“Clean” Pride crowd, there’s no difference between you and all the conservative adults who hounded me my whole life about not dressing and acting ~modestly~ enough. Who used to steer me away and cover my eyes whenever they saw someone that looked queer or “slutty.” You’re not queer and you’re not fighting for queers. You’re watery legbutt liberals fighting for marketability. Knock off your shit or get away from our freak club. Tell me or anyone else to cover up and I’ll fucking kill you.
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ashwhowrites · 19 days
I’ve heard that you’ve been asking for Robin requests. It’s an enemies to lovers fic, reader is the new girl to Hawkins she auditions for the band, but unknown to the reader that her instrument is also Robin’s. Robin hates the reader as she thinks that she’s trying to compete and be better than her, but the reader thinks that Robin is cute and keeps on trying to impress her with her musical skills. The reader is pissed off by Robin being cold to her and gives Robin a taste of her own medicine. The two have an explosive argument which the reader reveals her feelings for Robin and I’ll leave the ending up to you. Love your writing
Love love love my girl Robin. I ended this happy! You're welcome in advance. I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Battle of the trumpets
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Y/N was new to town and didn't know anyone. She landed herself in band, playing the trumpet. An instrument she knew how to play since she was young, her impressive playing earned her many praises in class. She might have tried to show off, but it wasn't for the teacher, it was for the cute brunette with dashing blue eyes that played right next to her.
After a few months of trying to get to know Robin, Y/N fell short. Short-like face planted straight into the ground whenever she made eye contact. Y/N would talk to Robin about their instrument but Robin seemed like she could care less. Whenever Y/N performed a solo, which she only agreed to so Robin could be impressed, Robin rolled her eyes and huffed. Y/N wasn't sure why she was so hostile. But for a while, she gave Robin the benefit of the doubt.
Y/N stayed friendly with Robin for the first few months. She gave her a smile when she entered class and said goodbye as she left. All she could get from Robin was a grunt and shrug. Y/N was attracted to Robin's looks, but her personality made Y/N rethink her crush.
Robin could not stand the goody-goody that she sat next to. A new girl named Y/N. Robin hated that she was stunning, and played the trumpet. Robin felt like Y/N was the new favorite and all the teacher focused on.
Robin was not surprised when Y/N was granted solo after solo. She couldn't stand the way Y/N had to constantly show off. Robin knew it was on purpose too, because of the way Y/N looked back at her every single time. She also hated how fake Y/N was, always acting so nice towards Robin. But Robin knew she didn't mean it, it was a mind game.
The final straw was when they got paired for a duet. The teacher believed they were two of the best and should be paired. Y/N was excited about the idea, alone time with Robin was all she wanted. Robin, on the other hand, was seething at the news.
"Hi, Robin!" Y/N said Robin hated how cute and sweet her voice was.
"Hi," Robin mumbled, her eyes on the floor as she pretended to back up her instrument.
"I was thinking we could meet at my house? Here is my address and phone number." Y/N said, handing over the piece of paper.
"And then the dingus paired us together! Can you believe that? Not only do I have to constantly be right next to her, so close that I can smell her perfume. But now I have to hang out with her?" Robin scoffed, she angrily smashed the movies into the racks.
"I really don't think it will be that bad," Steve explained, Robin had a tendency to overexaggerate a lot.
"You don't know her! Trust me, it will be the worst night of my life." Unaware of Y/N being a few racks behind.
The air was thick, and Y/N barely offered a welcome as she led Robin to her living room. Both were focusing on the music, with no small talk between runs. Only the sound of their music.
"On this part, I'd try doing a tad shorter. The sound dies out at the end." Y/N explained.
Robin sighed heavily at the comment, "Figures you would correct me."
"Just want a good grade." Y/N kept it short. Robin had never seen this side of her before. She was cold and distant.
"Oh, I'm sorry that I'm not the best in the class, and a suck ass to the teacher." Robin fought back.
"I never claimed to be the best, but if that is the way it seems, not my fault. I also don't suck the teacher's ass. I just know how to play." Y/N snapped, her eyes sharp as she glared at Robin.
"Oh please. You constantly show off and do every single solo. You walk all high and mighty, we are all scum beneath your shoe." Robin glared back. The air was thicker than ever between them. Y/N could not believe she ever liked this girl.
"I only showed off because I wanted to impress yo- someone. I never meant to look like a try-hard. If you want a solo, I will gladly step back." Y/N sighed, exhausted from the arguing.
"Oh, the only way I can get a solo is if you step back?"
"That is so not what I said!"
"It's what you are thinking!"
"No, it is not!" Y/N huffed as she stood up and slammed her trumpet back in the case.
"Then what are you thinking, huh? No one comes close to how well you play. Poor Robin can't get the spot on her own so you might as well ha-" Robin didn't get the finish. Y/N's loud scream filled her ears.
Robin sat stunned as Y/N's bedroom door slammed.
"How did last night go?" Steve asked when Robin walked into her morning shift.
"Terrible" Robin sighed, the guilt was heavy on her chest. Her anxiety made her want to throw up. "Turns out she likes me."
"And that is bad?" Steve asked, his head turned into confusion.
"Yes, it's bad! We got into a huge argument because of my big mouth, and she snapped. I don't know what to do."
"Have you tried apologizing?"
"Wow! What a good idea- of course I fucking apologized. She refused to open the door." Robin sighed again, her head slamming against the counter.
Monday arrived and Robin was nervous to see Y/N again. She walked into band and saw Y/N in her normal seat. Robin took a deep breath and went to take her seat when the teacher stopped her.
"Robin, perfect you are here! I'd like to announce to the class that the big solo at the big show will be performed by Robin Buckley." The class erupted in applause but Robin looked to Y/N.
The bell rang and Robin's tongue was fast as she asked Y/N to talk.
"You didn't need to get me that solo."
Y/N rolled her eyes, of course, it wasn't an apology.
"I didn't. He genuinely picked you. You were better after all. Congratulations on the solo, and don't worry about the duet. He cut it from the show." Y/N said a sad smile sent Robin's way as she left.
Great, now Robin felt even worse.
Robin thought about Y/N and tried to think of every way to fix it. She started by dropping out of the solo. Y/N deserved that part way more than Robin did.
Of course, that doesn't fix the damage Robin did. But it was a step forward.
Robin took a deep breath and clenched the flowers in her hand. She stood backstage as she waited for Y/N. She practiced the apology in her head over and over.
"Oh, hi," Y/N said, a confused look in her eyes.
"These are for you," Robin rushed out, practically slamming the flowers into Y/N's chest.
"Thank you," Y/N smiled.
"Your performance was wonderful," Robin added, the air was thick and uncomfortable. Robin felt like she could barely breathe underneath her suit. She took in the sight of Y/N in her long black dress and classy makeup.
"What are you doing here?" Y/N asked. She figured Robin went to the performance as a member of the band since she didn't have a song to perform.
"I wanted to see you, and to apologize." Robin gulped, "I treated you like shit based on my own insecurity. I saw you as a competition and I thought you were trying to push me out. I felt like a huge ass when you admitted you like me and wanted to impress me. I'm honored that you thought I was worth your attention. I know I fucked up, and I am so sorry. Pathetically, I thought coming here, dressed up, with flowers and an apology would be romantic. But I kinda feel stupid." Robin laughed nervously.
Y/N shook her head but stepped closer to Robin.
"It is romantic," Y/N whispered, her finger underneath Robin's chin as she pushed up her head. Robin licked her lips nervously as Y/N's soft skin touched hers.
"Yeah?" Robin whispered, her nervous smile made Y/N's stomach flutter.
"You know what would make it more romantic?" Y/N whispered, her eyebrow raised as she smiled. "If you kissed me."
"Right! Totally," Robin agreed, nodding her head. She felt her body heat up as Y/N's lips landed on hers. Robin never felt her heart race so fast, like it was trying to run out of her body. She placed her sweaty and nervous hands on Y/N's waist and pulled her closer.
Robin felt her knees buckle as Y/N's warm tongue touched hers. Robin gripped Y/N's dress tight and groaned as Y/N dropped the flowers to dive her hands into Robin's hair.
"Hey, Rob di-" The girls snapped apart upon hearing a voice. Y/N shyly wiped her lips as she saw a stranger with a shocked look on his face.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to walk in on...that."
"Thanks, dingus," Robin said annoyed. Major cock block much?
"I'm Steve!" His hand reached out.
Y/N coughed awardly and shook his hand.
"Well I'm just gonna go and leave you two alone," Steve winked and walked out. Leaving the girls blushing and looking at the floor.
"Want to get out of here? Somewhere we won't be interrupted?" Y/N asked, Robin was a puddle at her feet.
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briarmoon1015 · 22 days
Have some headcanons of the league being genuine friends with Bruce to combat all the aus and headcanons that the league know nothing about him and his family :))
Barry and Bruce get along super well. Bruce and Barry often compare cases and love talking about detective stuff together. Both go to each other to geek out about cases, more so Barry than Bruce, but either way they enjoy it. They are also the most introverted on the team, so they often will have moments when they need a break and find the other doing the same thing. They both find a lot of comfort in silently being able to enjoy each other’s company. Dick and Wally get along so well because Bruce and Barry were always down to hang out with each other.
Hal and Bruce obviously don’t get along super great, but they respect each other massively. Bruce actually took advice from Hal about the Batplane, and has even let him fly it. Their birthdays are also a day apart, so the league often throws shared parties for them. They have a friendly competition to see who can make a better cake everytime. They both lose, of course, because neither are good at baking. Luckily Barry doesn’t seem to mind finishing them off for everyone else.
Diana is very close to Bruce as well, but out of everyone, is mostly likely to actually touch him without losing a finger. Diana has a habit of picking up the closest person when excited and swinging them around, and when Bruce happened to be said person, all the other leaguers nearly lost it. They are also each others favorite sparring partners, as they both feel as if they learn something new every time.
Clark and Bruce are clearly besties, but are super competitive with one another. They often compete to get each other better gifts, Clark’s being insanely thoughtful, and Bruce’s being insanely expensive, as well as trying to mess with the other while at work. Clark will help the daily planet write about how Batman fell off a roof during a league battle, Bruce will post on Twitter every time Clark makes a spelling mistake. It’s all in good fun, but the league totally takes advantage of it to get the two off their backs.
J’onn is also one of Bruce’s favorites. It took a while for Bruce to warm up to J’onn, mostly because the mind reading thing put him on edge, but as soon as Bruce saw the tactile advantage, he was all over it. J’onn loves exploring Earths culture, and often enjoys watching movies with Bruce, who is somewhat of a movie buff for the classics. Bruce’s tendency to over analysis them is very enduring for J’onn, as the constant chattering is informational, as well as remind him of the constant telepathy on Mars.
Oliver and Bruce have known each other the longest, as their families wealth has caused them to run into each other before they were heroes. They often like to tag up at undercover missions and during business deals, as the familiarity is quite nice, especially in such a secretive occupation. Being able to cancel a meeting because Scarecrow just decided to go gas downtown Gotham is much easier to explain when your business partner gets it. They also have a one sided competition, but it’s only on Oliver’s side. He ties hard to outclass Batman both as Queen Industry’s and as Green Arrow, but it never seems to work. However, Oliver is a surprisingly good sport about it.
Dinah is one of Bruce’s other favorite sparring partners. Her skill is similar to his, and fighting someone who also can’t lift up a bus is a nice change of pace from time to time. Dinah often tries to tell him gossip, of which Bruce always denies wanting to hear, but gives in quite quickly. Often times people chalk up Bruce knowing what’s going on as him being Batman, but he’s actually just getting the information from Canary, who is much better at reading social cues than him. He knows when he needs to outsource lol.
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bella-rose29 · 2 months
the jockwood universe (college au)
basically jockwood is a thing now, and these are the generic world building hc's of this au :)
essentially what's going to happen is a bunch of x reader fics set within this universe, all probably slightly different but every one of them set with this same background to them, so... yeah!
(also a special thank you to the multiverse of George for helping answer my pestering questions)
Lockwood is on the football team/part of the university football society
Also the fencing society
George and Lockwood are friends from high school but are in separate circles in college
George is also on the ice hockey team 
Kipps is on the football team too
When they were like… preteens or something Kipps and Lockwood had a friendly football match where they were on opposing teams
Lockwood’s team beat Kipps’ by… a lot (and Kipps totally isn’t bitter about it)
Holly is a student rep
Lucy is in debate club and fencing
Skull is a campus cat who hisses and scratches everyone but Lucy
He’s called Skull bc he’s got a weird patch on his head that looks a bit like a skull
And also Lucy seems to always know what Skull wants?? It’s like she can actually talk to him or something 👀
Barnes is a very tired senior lecturer who is the academic advisor to the trio + Holly and Kipps, and he wishes they would stop hogging his office hours
The Winkmans are a family who live in town and sit on their porch every morning shouting abuse at people who walk past
Bobby!!! On the football team and also in band (plays the clarinet probably)
Kate and Ned as well - both on the football team and hang out with Kipps obviously, along with Bobby
Rotwells College is in the same town/city and often competes against the Fittes university (that Penelope is head of)
Flo goes to Rotwells’ and is in their fencing society, but she sneaks onto the Fittes campus all the time to feed the ducks and throw frozen peas at passing students
Visitors - there’s a lot of local folklore and haunted buildings, and Lockwood and Co go and investigate because they’re Like That
Technology is modern, and as such they have phones
And group chats
Obviously Lockwood and Co is the name of Lockwood, Lucy, George, and Holly’s group chat
Lockwood is surprisingly old-fashioned when it comes to technology though? Like he has a record player and cassette tapes in his room that he just whips out every now and then
People’s courses/degrees!
Lockwood’s course is chemical engineering with fine art/art history
George - chemistry
Lucy - English (language and literature)
Holly - English literature + publishing
Kipps - Architecture (but he’s a dick about it)
Ned - Spanish/Spanish + international development
Kat - chemical engineering
Bobby - history
Flo - classical and archaeological studies
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tag list:
@no-morning-glories, @t2sh0, @informedimagining, @strawberryloveyyy, @chameleon021, @demigoddess-of-ghosts, @genderfluid-anime-goth, @cottagecore-babe, @ahead-fullofdreams, @light-23, @locknco, @briar-rose23, @mischivana, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @superpositvecloudshipper, @mrsyixingunicorn10, @mitskiswift99, @anathemaloren, @ran23sblog, @taygrls, @dangelnleif, @el-de-phi, @augustisintheair, @wordsarelife, @tournesol77, @novelizt, @anthonylockwoodandco111, @curseofhecate, @karensirkobabes, @mrsklockwood, @whenselenefallsinlove, @zoom1374, @a-taken-url
and the multiverse of George (of course): @avdiobliss, @neewtmas, @oblivious-idiot, @bobbys-not-that-small, @lewkwoodnco, @uku-lelevillain, and @maraschinomerry 💕
I'm aware that there are a lot of people and if I've forgotten you then I am so so sorry (my tag lists are all over the place whoops), so if there is anybody who wants to be added to my lockwood tag list, then please go here!
I am aware that it has been a while, but from now on I will be checking this post every time I write a new fic to see who is there, so head on over to give a comment or a like and I'll pop you on for next time! <3
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max-nico · 6 months
Shadow and Sonic or Shadow and Tails headcanons? 💞
Hell yeah, I am all over this ask. They are. My favorite guys ever. Here are some Shadow and Tails headcanons for youuuu
Tails and Shadow, my beloveds
No one expects Tails and Shadow to get close, but once they give it a bit of thought it actually makes a lot of sense
I mean they're both these mechanic loving introverts with somewhat mysterious pasts so it checks out
Definitely think Tails was afraid of Shadow in the beginning so it took a long time for them to actually become friends, but once they do they're inseparable
They're the type of friends to split off from the main friend group during group events and show up three hours later with no warning
I think Shadow treats Tails older than how Sonic treats him. I think Shadow would be more willing to leave Tails alone during missions, and it makes Tails feel like he's trusted. It takes so much of the burden of needing to prove himself off his shoulders
Sonic trusts Tails with his life ofc, and Tails knows that, but with Sonic being so.... Over protective it's hard to believe it sometimes. It's different with Shadow, he has an easier time showing trust in a way Tails understands
If Tails needs a second pair of eyes to look at an invention he's probably calling Shadow, one of the only easily accessible people he knows who likes machinery as much as him
You can pry Shadow being a Car Guy(tm) out of my cold dead hands
I think Shadow and Tails are more prone to arguing than Sonic and Tails, mostly because they're arguing about Sonic lol
Whether it's Shadow saying Sonic's annoying and Tails brother instincts kicking in to defend him, because nobody can make fun of his brother except him, or Shadow scolding Tails for his martyr tendencies that he very obviously got from his older brother
I can definitely imagine Shadow and Tails being close and seeing some of the trauma that Tails has been through, Shadow lashes out in this like... Protective anger and calling Sonic anywhere between a mediocre to a bad older brother and Tails just not having it
Otherwise, those two are best friendlies forever and ever. They just have a few differences in who they think is worth hanging around lol
Unfortunately for Tails it is just as hard to get a genuinely emotionally vulnerable conversation out of Shadow as it is with Sonic, fortunately though he's not willing to initiate them either, Shadow still frets when Tails gets hurt tho... Just in a much less hovering way and a more brooding "uncaring" way lol
If this keeps up nobody is ever going to teach that kid any emotional competence =(
Shadow encourages weapons of mass destruction but only if he gets to field test them, and if Tails please stops making all his inventions such garish colors
Everyone takes delight in watching one of the babies of the group try and imitate the brooding mess that is Shadow the Hedgehog. Fully believe if Tails has an emo phase it's entirely Shadows fault
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archangeldyke-all · 2 months
Here's my Sevika request again. Hopefully it won't get eaten this time 😅
Modern AU here? Sevika is a streamer on a streaming platform who primarily plays fighting games. And she is VERY GOOD. Good enough to compete in tournaments, which she goes to frequently, and does pretty well.
Reader has been friends with Sevika for a while, and is a mod in her stream. But there is some subtle tension between them. They've flirted a little here and there and even sent pics back and forth to each other over time, both friendly and flirtatious. Aaaand one tournament weekend they finally meet in person and all that tension comes to a head after they hang out and go back to someone's hotel room 👀
forgive the lack of video game knowledge, all i play is fortnite and stardew valley
men and minors dni
you're one of her first loyal subscribers.
you become obsessed with a niche, ancient video game, that practically nobody's heard about before. sevika's the only streamer you can find who plays it. it's love at first sight.
sevika's incredible at everything she plays, she rarely takes more than two tries to beat a level. she's just one of those people who can pick up a video game and master it in one go.
sevika knows your username, she's seen your selfie-- compressed into the little icon by your name, but that's as much as she knows about you besides the fact that you're one of her favorite, funniest, loyalest subscribers.
at least at first.
about a year into you watching her, sevika starts getting really popular, out of nowhere. she hesitantly reaches out to you, dm'ing you with a quick message, asking if you'd consider being a moderator for her. you agree happily.
sometimes you guys send each other memes. you like taking ugly screencaps of her mid-word or bite of food and sending them to her later, you like the frustrated, pissed off responses it gets you.
she likes casually flirting with you-- which always makes you swoon a bit.
that's about as far as you assume the relationship will ever go.
until you bump into sevika at a gaming convention.
she seems to notice you staring. of course, she doesn't know you're you, but she assumes you're a fan. she approaches with an easy smile that makes your knees a little weak, and she reaches a hand out to introduce herself.
you quickly introduce yourself, and watch in fascination as sevika lights up, leans in to hug you, then pulls away at the last minute. she chuckles awkwardly.
"s-sorry, i just... i've never seen you before. you're..." she trails off. you raise an eyebrow at her, and giggle when she ducks her head in embarrassment.
"i'm what?"
"you're my favorite moderator." she says, shrugging. you giggle.
"you're my favorite streamer."
"are you here competing?" she asks. you laugh.
"me? no. just watching. as always." you tease. sevika grins.
"well. i'm glad you're here. i always do better when i know i've got someone good watching." she says, winking.
sevika wins the tournament. you'd just come to watch for a while, but upon realizing sevika was competing, you stayed to watch the entire thing.
she catches you afterward, giggling and grinning as she runs over to you.
"hey!" she calls. you smile as she approaches.
"hey big winner." you tease. sevika grins.
"so, do you live around here?" she asks. you nod, and sevika's smile grows. "me too." she says, giggling. you raise an eyebrow.
"really?" you ask. "what're the odds?" you ask. sevika bites her lip.
"do you want to maybe like... get drinks or something?" she asks nervously. it's strange to see her fiddling with her hands instead of cool and confident and holding a controller.
"i'd love that." you say. sevika grins, her hands clenching at her side in excitement. you smile and grab one of her fists, and sevika's smile only grows wider.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved
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boonsmoon · 4 months
Foundation of Love (2)
Request: PLS DO 2 PARTS🥺
Ask and ye shall receive Btw; you have the free will of being the goddess of literally anything
Part 1
Request Masterlist Mu Qing x f!reader Genres:🎉🌸💞🧪
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Mu Qing and you were like two peas in a pod. It seems your time lacking experience has created an unbreakable bond.
Y'all were so tight in fact that you kept in contact even after you stopped working for Xie Lian. Now you are both Heavenly Officials with an extreme amount of believers and temples!
This; however, lead to a one-sided competition. Friendly, yes, but still odd to compete over who was the better deity. You like to consider yourself a humble goddess though, considering you aren't as prickly with the aesthetic of your temples like Mu Qing.
Ignoring the status you both held, he had this charm that was unlike that of a god, it was greater actually. You both spent enough time together to get to know the little things.
Like how he still remembers when a follower tried to offer a gift that none of your temples would accept 500 years ago. Even you don't remember what the item is on your own without him bringing it up. A fantastic memory but basically useless.
Or how he notices how quick you are to deal with the prayers of your believers. He's a hard-worker yes, but never would he acknowledge a prayer 5 seconds after hearing it. Mu Qing thinks you might be a bit too diligent, or have too much time on your hands.
In the end, you both know each other like the back of your hand. In fact most of the other officials think you two are together, but no! It's actually painful to watch from the sidelines.
Now Feng Xin is a protective older brother, and honestly he can barely tolerate Mu Qing after all these years. But, he can see that Mu Qing makes you happy, and your happiness has priority over his displeasure!
Unfortunately, Feng Xin sucks at this. And whenever he tries to get you to hang out with Mu Qing and ✨confess✨ it ends with you scolding Feng Xin for being an asshole.
It got to the point that one of the goddesses had to sit down and have a talk with you. While the conversation seemed nice, you could tell by the undertone she was basically demanding you admit your feelings to him.
And to be honest? You self reflected and realized he definitely wasn't gonna do it, so you had to. But that's fine, it's the 21st century, these things happen.
What you didn't know; however, was that Feng Xin had a passive aggressive conversation with Mu Qing basically saying the same thing. He NEEDS to confess or else.
With an agreed meeting in a garden, you both told the other you had important information which must be shared with the other. It could be gossip, latest trends among humans, who knows what the other wants to say?
The time of reckoning has come, and you are both visibly nervous. Who wouldn't be? Confessions are kinda tough.
Y'all have come to consensus earlier in your friendship that be straightforward is easiest, no matter what. You started, "s-so basically to make it simple, we need to stop this friendship. Now you go next!"
Mu Qing a look of horror on his face, contemplating on continuing, "I came to tell you we should ascend past a friendship... Be something more, but if that's not what-"
"Fantastic! We're on the same page and can get this over with," you interrupted him. He looked at you like you were insane, "you have a horrible way with words, I'll have you know that."
You lightly laughed, "yeah, but it's just my luck we had the same thing to say." And Mu Qing decided this was the time to be really romantic and kiss you. <3
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im back on my cringe
but also i got a sudden burst of energy to WRITE so i MUST
BTW im noticing all my TGCF reqs are Mu Qing, so either the fandom is full of massive simps or theres a shortage of Mu Qing content
not complaining pls keep the reqs coming
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trashcanfills · 2 years
May I please have something with Cassidy and Hanzo where they’re introduced to reader on a mission and reader can’t help but say “woah, you’re hella pretty”
OwO yes this is a very good ask anon I like you. Also Im still dhjdjejss over the name change for the cowboy because of ALL FUCKING NAMES YOU PICK STH THAT SOUNDS THE LEAST COWBOY??? At least make him mcsomething bruh.
Then again if I was called Cole Cassidy and I wanted to be a cowboy I would def call myself Jesse Mcdonalds because it aint cOWBOY ENOUGH.
Now to actually answer the ask
Compliments in First Meeting
Cole Cassidy
“Well, I sure ain’t as pretty as you, sweet thing.” ;)
As soon as you finish saying that phrase, this man will not miss a beat in returning the favor.
Like cmon, Cole Cassidy has a talent with his words. He is def gon be that one smooth motherfucker with dem pickup linea yall.
He does like genuine compliments but won’t be too flustered by them in general unless it’s about something unexpected on himself or beautifully worded. I say this because Cole is a rather attractive looking person himself with a good variety of skillsets, so people HAVE come on to him a lot. As such, he is really experienced with the sweet talk.
That said, after the mission, do be prepared for the cowman to start some harmless flirting with you. Now that he knows you consider him cute in some way, he’s going to try and fluster you in some manner for his own entertainment.
Depending on your response, Cole would either keep on teasing you, or stop if you indicate some form of discomfort. Just be careful not to get a crush on him based solely on these interactions. Lord knows how many people he has to let down because of his charms.
Shimada Hanzo
Scoffs. Rolls his eyes for good measure and tells you to concentrate on the mission.
But if you are observant enough, you miiight notice that his ears are a bit red after that. Hehe xp
Shimada Hanzo, like Cole Cassidy, is one fucking fine specimen of a man. The only difference is how approachable they are. While Cole usually looks very friendly and chill, Hanzo looks incredibly intimidating and judgemental af.
As such, the amount of people who would genuinely compliment Hanzo is almost little to none, because the ones who think he’s hot would be too scared to say that to his resting bitch face, and those who do compliment on his appearance usually are just sucking up to him in some manner.
Hanzo is aware of his good looks. For sure. He was once the heir of the prestigious Shimada clan for god’s sake. With looks, money, status, and competence, this guy was prob like one of the most unattainable bachelors in his youth back when he was still in the clan. I can imagine him getting tons of letters from secret admirers writing literal poetry about his appearance, to which he then dumped into the trash because he didn’t care about crushes then.
So if you actually said that Hanzo’s pretty to his face, he’s gon brush it off at first as someone trying to butter him up, a bit flustered because rarely anyone nowadays actually says it blunt to his face (since he aint heir to the clan anymore and is just a mercenary/overwatch agent). Later on though when he realises you were being genuine and is just. Oh.
Hilariously Hanzo is gonna do the opposite of Cole and actually avoid you for a while lmao. He is absolutely not used to ppl being nice, genuine or kind to him in that sense. He’s also like ??? are u gon start hitting on him??? Because he’s pretty??? Yea poor guy has bad ppl skills pls be patient.
Its alright haha over time if you dont make a big deal abt it or u seem chill and hang out with him more Hanzo would prob be ok with you.
There will be times where Hanzo happens to recall that first meeting moment and he will just be flushing a bit in mixed embarrassment/appreciation/self-loathe before moving on. He’s really not used to direct compliments that is not abt his skills.
I know there are older asks I should have answered lmao but this one somehow was able to get my creative juices on the go so lucky u anon
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