#those are just off the top of my head bc they’re my favs
bobtheacorn · 9 months
Whoever made sure to put the SUN behind Luffy (and other characters) during vital/pivotal moments I want to kiss you on the forehead
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n6ptunova · 7 months
can u do chris bf headcanons
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boyfriend headcanons • chris sturniolo
a/n: ofc pookie!! thank you for the request🫶
warnings: none
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- chris would try to act a bit more “chill” and “nonchalant” before you guys date, but once it’s official he turns into the sweetest boy ever. he becomes almost soft spoken when it comes to you and you only.
- he goes to you for fashion advice since he can’t really match clothes. you take him shopping and dress him up in a way that he’s comfortable with but also looks so fine. he might even make one of those tiktoks “my style before and after my gf.” he also loves matching with you for sure.
- speaking of clothes, he LOVESSS when you wear his shirts and hoodies. it doesn’t matter if they’re baggy, tight, or well-fitted on you, he just thinks you look so beautiful in his clothes and he thinks it’s cute how giggly you get and how you burry your face in them admiring his lingering scent. he’ll let you keep your fav hoodie of his too.
- he cannot go to sleep without you. we all know how he’s always sleeping in nick and matt’s rooms, but ever since you got together, he only sleeps in his bed, yours, or the couch but you HAVE to be there or else what else is he gonna cuddle??
- his favourite is when he’s the small spoon laying on top of you and resting his head on your chest (not for that reason but it’s def a bonus) and you playing with his hair till he falls asleep. if he wakes up and you’re separated he’ll whine and cuddle closer to you.
- i think it’s a given that he likes when you play with his hair, it’s his weakness fr. but sometimes when you’re bored you start braiding his hair or trying different hairstyles on him like man bun, piggy tails, space buns or your personal favourite half up half down with some strands falling out. he acts like he’s annoyed when you do this but he melts at the feeling of your fingers in his hair.
- he’ll just be looking up with heart eyes at you focusing so hard to perfect the hair style for him and secretly smiling every time you get excited at how cute he looks and the little kisses you cover his face with. he’s so whipped it’s crazy.
- he’s a part of the sassy men apocalypse idc. being in a relationship with chris is mostly joking around and poking fun at each other. so when he’s in a goofy mood and you shrug him off bc you’re busy or not focused he’ll go “oh so you don’t love me anymore?? i see.”
- “babe literally what’s more important than me rn this is insanity.” you always call each other bro but when hes feeling sassy and you call him bro he’ll say, “are you bro/friend zoning me rn. what the fuck.” and sometimes he doesn’t even respond and just crosses his arms dramatically looking away until you say his name or “babe/baby”
- he takes pictures of things he noted you like before eg. the sky, sunsets, flowers, cats, etc. and sends them to you bc it reminds him of you and he knows how excited you get over them.
- he’s a mama’s boy i stand by that, so it’s important for him that you get along with mary lou, which you do! mary lou loves you so much he starts to get jealous of both of you because you’re “stealing” his mom and you’re spending more time with her that chris starts to miss you.
- i feel like in general chris is a bit touch deprived, like in vids he’s always reaching for his brothers’ hands or resting on them, hugging them, leaning on them when laughing etc. now that he has you, you get all these little touches, playing with your fingers subconsciously, tracing circles on your thighs occasionally squeezing it, rests his arms on your shoulder when you’re standing somewhere, always hugging and kissing you on the cheek, forhead, corner of your lips, and even boops your nose sometimes 😭.
- he definitely is always looking at you with loving heart eyes all the time that fans start to make edits of “the way he looks at you” and you both eat them up.
- when he’s sick he turns into a literal child, you have to baby him or else you’ll never hear the end of his whining and complaining. but it’s okay bc when you’re sick he does the same.
- overall that man is just whipped for you fr and his brothers tease him for it sometimes but he doesn’t care (he literally punches their arm almost every time and tells them to shut up but we move!)
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₊˚📟✩; Hot Summer Dayz … Style Guides⭐️
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HI! HI! Welcome Back 2 Hot Summer Dayz! ☀️2day’s Theme is SUMMER STYLE GUIDE! im quite the fashion expert if i do say so myself and i especially love summer fashion bc of the bright colors and fun cuts,patterns & styles ! so today i’ll b talking about and giving inspo for summer fashion!! so lets have some fun! 🫧
₊˚👙✩; Bikinis !!
Bikinis are literally the main fashion item people where in summer so obviously we have to start with that now for me personally i don’t mind wear a two peices or one peice as long as its super cute i especially love the ones that have the little mini ruffles on them and sarong skirts are THE CUTEST!! 🎀 so i think for me personally i would choose
Two pieces w/ the little ruffle skirts
Bikinis with the gingham kinda of pattern
one peices bathing suit with the bows on the straps or w/ ruffles all through out
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₊˚☀️✩; Tops n Bottoms ! 👖
I LOVE MINISKIRTS!! they’re literally so cute and so stylish and that literally what im all about my main favorites are denim ones,frilly ones,pleated ones and super tiny pencil ones they’re seriously adorable but my main favorite ones it a JELLYFISH SKIRTS Jellyfish skirts are so beautiful and not only do i love jelly fish but i also like skirts so it’s literally perfect and it flowy so it’s not too hot it perfect!!
Now for super cute tops now personally im a suck for any with glitter,diamonds,crystals,rhinestones & sparkle and i feel like BUTTERFLY tops are just perfect for a summer wardrobe and theyre stylish,unique & glamorous its so me coded tbh so those a definite yes along with halter tops i mean its a classic who doesn’t love a good halter top?! & also short sleeve crops are also a no brainer theyre w classic and one of my all time favs are the tops that like kinda have the ties in the middle (i forgot the name😭) ESPECIALLY with little jewels and sparkles!!
halter tops
butter fly tops
tied tops
crops tops!
tube tops
jelly fish skirts
denim minis
ruffled micro mini skirts
micro mini pencil skirts
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₊˚🏩✩; Accsessorise it !
If you couldn’t tell by my blog im a HUGE MAXIMALIST and accessorizing is my ultimate favorite part of putting together an outfit and nit even just my clothes but my hair and my body i LOVE to decorate my self in things that are over the top and stand out from head 2 toe
I love to look shiny so body glitter,waist chain,colorful jewelry,rhinestones are absolutely in the table and for my hair HAIR CLIPS EVERYWHERE barrets,star clips,starry clips,unique claw clips rhinestones are a MUST! and for a little extra sprinkle unconventional materials can be absolutely perfect for an over the top outfits i seriously just love looking like a underwater alien its fun and its so me !!
Colorful Jewelry
waist chains
dangly earrings
unique claw clips
body glitter
rhinestone body art
sparkly temporary tattoos
⋆🫧˚⊹ added 2 cart ˙𓈒 𓏸 > would you like 2 check out?! ‼️
I hope yall enjoyed this posts bc i did i would’ve made it longer but i didn’t want it 2 be too long but i could definitely make a part 2 bc i love fashion so much its one of my many hobbies bye bye 4 now … ai’ya has logged off. 💿
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tennessoui · 2 months
My god i’ve been reading bunch of your AUs here (my first and personal fav is regency au cuz i’m a sucker bc for misunderstanding angst >:3) but i keep finding out more and more AUs u’ve made and holy moly how can u keep up and remember each stories and lores? I sometime forget some AU’s lores when i come across certain tags and wanna go back reading it again.
Do u have a note for yourself so when u or someone have a brainstorming moment u look thru the note and write more juicy brainrot or u just wing it? If it’s the latter then man i’m impressed cuz i cant do it if i have millions of AUs of these 2 silly lil jedis
thank you for saying, I’m glad you’re enjoying going through my AUs on tumblr (and regency au is a great one to have be your favorite it’s such a fleshed out au 🥰)
I actually don’t have a running document of AUs where the brainstorming bits go or the facts though that probably makes sense to have lol - I do just remember the AUs by their title/tag! maybe not all the minute details, but that’s when I find the tag to do a quick reread (if I need to know in order to answer an ask or write a ficlet)
also why there are surely many discrepancies for different AUs lol I remember the general overview of pretty much every au I’ve created but the little circumstances will escape me pretty frequently like: is qui-gon dead in this au? How old is obi-wan? is anakin blond? I change that sort of thing around so much that it’s almost impossible to keep track but I could tell you exactly what the silence is golden au is about (Jedi/gffa little mermaid au where obi-wan loses his voice by way of sith holocron when anakin is a kid but they stay master&padawan and their bond becomes over the top strong and reeking of deep attachment) or the Mr. and Mr. Sith au (anakin, jedi, and obi-wan, sith, meet undercover and fall in love and decide to run off together without telling the other that they’re respectively a Jedi or a sith so they just think the other is a civilian) even though it’s been a really long time since I’ve thought about either of those AUs
I just think about them a lot when I’m replying to asks about them/building them up/writing fic for them, so all of that information just stays in my head!! same goes with fics on ao3 - I don’t reread my ao3 fics a lot but if someone gave me a line/paragraph from one of them I would probably be able to name it with little to no difficulty 🥰 i spent so many hours on these they’re burned into my brain like the worlds most niche and useless encyclopedia lol
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thedvilsinthedetails · 4 months
I swear to fucking god I am not a violent person by nature but if that bitch in my class starts talking about ‘special people’ and how weird they are one more time…I’m just finding it increasingly harder to resist the urge to slap her
especially bc she’s in the friend group of (and I’m pretty sure also is one of) the people who liberally use the r slur
She’s so fucking annoying
Also bc I know a lot of the jabs about special people are directly aimed at me bc she hates me an unfathomable amount for some reason
but like idk example off the top of my head
We were getting tests back in an essay subject lesson and (I type in exams btw and she knows) she was complaining about how her hand got tired writing all those essays in the exam and the teacher was like ‘Well you could ask the school to type in exams’
and she was like ‘omggg no I would hate that because then you have to be in the special people section and they’re all so weird, like that’s so embarrassing’
she said this literally AS my teacher was handing back my typed up test and then she started laughing and the teacher was just like ‘ignore her’ which isn’t great bc she probs should have told her off or smth but this is one of my fav teachers so we’re gonna ignore that lmao
I’m not upset or anything she’s just such a bitch and she’s so fucking annoying like shut the fuck up fr
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hunt4tlow · 1 year
WAIT you mentioned that you stanned Willow before ASIAS, when DID you start stanning her?? for me, I've always loved her, but i started stanning her when I saw her lifting weights and bossing Amity around in FATCDP😭
“stanning” lol I’ve just always thought she was neat. Ironically it was during the great willow drought of season 2a that made me really see the potential in her character that had gone mostly overlooked
for starters there’s her dads! Even though they never really get never really proper focus in an episode (despite the blight parents getting several… ugh.) they managed to grab my interest in that single interaction they DID have with willow. I especially find it interesting how Harvey is willing to drop everything for willows education, and when we later learn he was an abominations student at a notoriously competitive school, it adds a whole new layer of context for why he was so adamant that willow stay in that track despite her obvious struggles. He probably started off much the same way as willow, and had to work his way to the top, and genuinely believes that this is what is best for willows future, even if it pains him to watch his daughter cry after once again failing to construct an abomination for homework. I would have LOVED to see an episode in season 1 or even season 2 examining how this affected their bond, think about it: a younger willow who knows that her dads only want what’s best for her, and they support her no matter how badly she’s doing, but she knows deep down that she’s not like her papa, abominations aren’t for her and they never will be, but she ALSO knows how important perseverance is to him. This is what I really want to write about at some point so I guess I should save all this for then LOL
S2a is also when I started shipping huntlow hehehe!!! Bc ohhhhhhh my god the half a witch parallels??? How they both understand what it’s like to be perceived as weak, as someone they’re not???? Ohhhhh man like you just KNOW they would understand each other so much from that shared experience alone. Like on top of all their other shared interests, like hunter having at least a chunk of knowledge about plant properties and willow working out much like hunter probably does regularly in the EC it would make so much sense if they became close friends and potentially something more than that. Then asias happened and 😄😄😄😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
ASIAS IS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT‼️‼️‼️ idk if I would call it my fav episode anymore since it has some issues but ough it’s definitely my biggest comfort episode aka the one I rewatch the most. Willow finally gets to show off her phenomenal leadership skills as flyer derby captain!!! Now that she’s dropped abominations, flyer derby feels very much like a new way to connect with her dads and it’s so sweet :’) ohhhhhhh and her team??? The entrails??? Beloveds???? I would die for them. And the episode reminds us that willow still has those insecurities despite everything, she’s still healing from the bullying, being “half a witch”, like her flyer derby opponent is her former teacher holyyyy shit. And while I do think they could have cut a little of hunters role in the episode since willow definitely needs the screentime more, I love how well his presence complements her. To him, willow isn’t any of the things she sees herself as in her lowest moments, she’s the captain. She’s fearless and brave and ready to throw hands with a coven head to protect her team. He sees her the way she wants to be seen and it’s so lovely
AND WILLOW BEING SILLY IN TTT IS SO IMPORTANT so many people forget that she’s not the overprotective mum friend or whatever the fuck she’s 15 and she loves poking strangers in the butt with plastic pitchforks and saying “mwahaha!!” and doing fingerguns at the nerd who is so so clearly in love with her!! She can be a strong responsible leader and still be a goofball some of u are just cowards ok. And she loves photography??? The contrast between inner willow burning away her memories of amity because “out of sight, out of mind” to present willow treasuring her time together with her family and friends, capturing the memories in a scrapbook while they all try to get home??? Cries forever. I can talk more if you want. I am normal about fictional characters ok 🙂
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misosovp · 2 years
ok maybe it's bc i tried sending a pic of my doggie on anon😖 i'll try to remember everything i said...
sooo those pics are beautiful she's truly so gorgeous 🥺 is that her kitty? women + kitties = ♡ .. rec some twice songs?💗
+ i like ladies codes songs but i dont know much about them or your girl! i think my fave is lorelei<3 rec me her solo songs too (⊼⌔⊼ ) u like main vocals huh😏💕 hehe
i dont really listen to boygroups bc i hate men but i do love exo and shinee🤍💙 if u want a shinee rec listen to Orgel♡ my fave by kibum is one of those nights(jpn) and bad love and helium and honest and another life and good good and*gets booed* (´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
well i do like songs by boygroups but mainly older onea bx nowadays they all sound the same😭 its like trrrrrrrpumpum *loud weird uninteresting synth sound* blalalababa *low weird bad rap* aaaaaA *off key shriek* :/ i go to kpop choreo class and learning where to place the moves in those songs is impossible like girl whete is the rhythm ...  ・ิĹ̯・ิ 
anyway i'll try to send my doggie pic separately(。◕ˇ_ˇ◕。)
byeeeee ilyyy
(totally mysterious anon💗)
okay i’m putting this under a read more bc it got so long </3
yeah we’re not allowed to send images on anon 😔 you have a dog, though?? i bet it’s so cute. i have two dogs, too 💕 did you know momo has an evil little dog? it’s super cute, too, even though it sounds kinda like a demon
yes! her name is bbuyo. ikr. women and cats make my heart stop a little like 💘 noo it’s true, the majority of my favs are vocals <3
okay! these are my current tops in each category. i’m currently listening through and categorizing their discography again so it’s constantly changing. my absolute tops, though are: cry for me, just be yourself; 1, 3, 2; doughnut
performances/mvs: cry for me; doughnut; the feels (first performance i saw<3); cheer up
title tracks/singles: up no more; likey; alcohol-free; TT
b-sides: stuck in my head; bring it back; cruel; last waltz; hell in heaven
japanese: just be yourself; perfect world; breakthrough
obviously don’t feel obligated to listen to any of them. but lmk if you like any of them (or if you hate them and why. i love different perspectives on music tbh) or if you like any of their other songs!
lorelei is so pretty. my favs are galaxy, the rain, chaconne, and pretty pretty. lc was actually the group that really got me into kpop. i listened to others before, but they were the group that i really fell in love with first. they’re on hiatus now since their contracts ended, but they’ve mentioned that they’d love to have a reunion for their tenth anniversary next year 🤍
sojung doesn’t have a lot of solo music rn, so i’d definitely recommend listening to everything she’s released. it’s mostly (exclusively?) ballads. my favorites, though, are: love in the clouds, nothing between us, and it’s alright (soundtrack). love in the clouds is her most recent single, and she basically said it’s a feel good song to reflect how much happier she’s become in the past couple years (x). she’s been through so much, so i’m so glad she’s finally getting to experience so much happiness and peace in her life again, and pursue the career that she wants.
ahh orgel is so nice. one of those nights????? omg i love it?? like genuinely added it to my favorites playlist omg. good good too! i like the others, too, but those two were definitely my favorites <3 i really do like his voice
yeah… the newer groups are like…. idk what’s going on with them tbh? like i know they’re very performance based, mostly for dance, but like…. the music still needs to be enjoyable ;; but if they’re difficult to dance to too……… anyway, idk any bg music other than txt, but that’s kind of how i feel about itzy. they’re good performers, but they’re music kind of gives me a headache. and combined with their sets/bkgs its just overwhelming for me like 😵‍💫
also to a lesser extent aespa ;; i actually do listen to their music, but i’m always like, idk if i enjoy this actually. the lyrics makes sense in the context of their lore but like… i just don’t know lol. i really like the members, though. i hope they get more songs where they can just like… actually sing. they’re actually really good vocalists so like… let them sing fr 😑 have you heard illusion? you should listen to it. i have so many thoughts about it and i can’t sort out a single one 
that’s soo cool that you do dance classes though!! they sound so fun. tbh idk anything about dancing but i loove watching performances. how long have you been dancing for?
i hope this week is good for you ilyy mysterious anon 🤍
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olivyh · 3 years
TWST FAMILY HCS PT2) Savanaclaw and Octavinelle
Feel free to tack on your own Hc’s too!!! I love reading what other people think and how their view of the characters and of Twisted Wonderland in general change from person to person!!!
-Farena: We already know Leona describes his brother as being carefree and relaxed, but deep under that I think he’s a deeply intelligent man (how can you run a kingdom and be stupid?). He tries his best to make time in his schedule for his wife and child, and even try to get bonding tike with his younger brother (which never works out well). He tries to teach Cheka as much as he can, often giving him little life lessons while they play games. He’s a very kind and straightforward man, often being blunt when he doesn’t mean to. He stands a little taller than Leona, with Orange hair similar to Chekas. He keeps his hair tied out of his face as much as he can.
-Sister-in-law Kingscholar: A strong and confident woman, not afraid to speak her mind when she wants to. She’s blunt and she’d let you know about it. She’s also very kind in her own way, often dragging Leona off and trying to have serious talks with him, which he appreciates but doesn’t show. She adores Cheka and often spoils him without meaning to, and will spoil Leona too (but indirectly in a way similar to Ace’s father’s). Also very intelligent and good at reading people. I think she stands a little shorter than Leona, but she holds herself higher, and he slouches, so it looks as if they’re the same height. She has long yellow hair (again, similar to the ends of Cheka’s) that she often ties back as well.
-Cheka: We already know him, so heres a few Hcs!: He sometimes asks his mother to do his hair the same way as Leona’s, and tries to do everything like him (such as standing like him, trying to deepen his voice to sound like him, throwing sand at various objects in the castle yelling “King’s Roar!!”)
-Grandma Bucchi: As he said himself, a stern and prideful woman. I think she’d be on the stricter side, having to teach Ruggie how to survive rather than him having to face those hard truths alone. She likely stands a lot shorter, likely 5’0 (sorry to anyone whos that height), than most other beastwomen. She’s a lot physically stronger than she looks, often still trying to pick Ruggie up at his age. She tries to spoil him when she can, trying to make him relax after working and taking over the household chores (which he declines, still cleaning up when she’s not looking- which earns him a smack to the head with a broom). She’s also a prankster, quietly jumping out from corners and scaring Ruggie or one of the other children. I think she feels a lot of regret over seeing Ruggie grow up so fast in the environment that he had, but she’s the proudest grandma ever. Whenever he sends pictures back she boasts to everyone at home (“See that! That’s my grandson’s school! See that there! He plays magift and is one of the best on the team! Look there! He’s got those nice ceremony robes!”), and even boasts about him with what little baby pictures they have (“See him walking at such a young age? Isn’t he so strong?”) Will never stop talking about her grandson, ever.
-Neighborhood kids: I think they’re like little siblings to Ruggie, so I’m adding them. They try to tale over what Ruggie did when he was at home, helping people fix up their houses or entertaining the baby hyenas when their mothers have other things to do. They also leave gifts to Ruggie when he comes back, between little dolls they made, bracelets they thought he’d like, charms, or pretty rocks and leaves. He keeps all of the gifts, no matter how small.
-His mom (bc the poor woman deserves a spot)(Poor meaning unfortunate)(The more i think abt it, both. It means both. Bad time?): I think she looked a lot like him, but with brighter blue eyes than his. She was definitely a prankster at heart, leaving clever traps behind for any poor soul to get stuck in. She was a very hardworker much like her son, taking on any task she could find to help out her mother. I think she’d try to leave as much behind for Ruggie as she could, which would include little notes and scribbles about how she was feeling throughout her pregnancy and how excited she was for him. Ruggie also kept all of those safe and sound, in a small box he keeps in the corner of his room.
(Can you guess who my fav chara is?)
-Grandma & Grandpa Howl: A very loving couple, who always make time out of their schedule for their grandchildren, whether it be for school events, emergencies, or if any one of them want to come by and talk. They met when Grandpa Howl got lost and wandered by Grandma Howl’s family’s cabin (which happens to be the one they, and the rest of the family, still live in to this day) and he spent the night. I think they fell in love at first sight :’)
-Mama Howl: A very soft and loving beastwoman who is willing to sacrifice anything for her children. She is often strict, and sometimes a chatterbox, but she always reminds her children to stay safe and that she loves them. She always pats their head or cheek when she walks by, even if she has to reach a little to plant a kiss on Jack’s forehead. I think her hair would be a little darker grey, and she’d definitely be a little more muscular and taller, reaching six ft one when standing straight up. She’d have the same yellow eyes as Jack, and her hair would be cropped shorter due to her still moving around a lot.
-Papa Howl: Very similar to Jack personality and appearance wise. He stands an inch or two shorter than Jack, but is still very muscular due to working around the house and in the woods (chopping wood for the campfire, dragging around tools, carrying three wolf pups at a time in his younger days (only one now wants to be carried, which hurts the poor man’s heart a bit)
-Baby brother Howl: Huffy and a little moody, but a hard worker even if he complains while doing it most of the time. That’s often with his parents, but when he does something with Jack he doesn’t complain a bit. He’s very attached to his older brother, looking up to him for his strength and strong morals. He often compares him to superheroes and star athletes in his mind, but sometimes it slips out, resulting in one very embarrassed wolf boy and another very flattered wolf boy, ignore their wagging tails, it means nothing. I think he stands pretty tall for a preteen, around 5’7-5’8 and growing taller by the day. Same hair and eye color as Jack. Acts like he doesn’t like to play games with his younger sister but will never turn down a game of tag.
-Baby sister Howl: An absolute sweetheart. She just wants the best for her family and will do whatever she can to make what they want happen. Jack is hungry? Good thing she made her special dessert (it’s a poptart with whipped cream messily piled on top with sprinkles and literal sugar cubed wedged in it, but don’t tell her you don’t like it, please she’d actually bawl). Her other older brother is tired? She can get him extra blankets! Mama needs help cleaning? She can mop (she really just throws water on the floor and praises herself for a job well done). Papa need to cut wood? She can- no, she can’t. Please don’t give her an axe. She’ll cheer him from the sidelines with a song she made up just for him instead! She has their mother’s grey hair and father’s dark brown eyes, and loves to do her hair like the princesses she sees on Tv! (Yes, Jack will wear a too-small dress and Tiara if his sister wants to play princess. No, he will not let anyone take pictures.)
-Mama Leech: At first glance, a very kind woman with soft eyes. Willing to open her arms to anyone who might need help. Then, a terrifying grin similar to Floyd’s as that poor unfortunate soul realizes the trap they’d been thrown in. She’s very kind and patient towards both her boys and husband, as well as their friends (even of she is on guard near their friends, throwing a few hollow threats to see if it’d scare them away)(She doesn’t like to share her babies). She dotes on the tweels as much as possible, indulging im whatever curiosity they may have. Floyd wants to know what going through riptide is like? They leave tomorrow to find one. Jade wants to know more about life on land? She’ll find as many books as possible and ask (threaten) people for their land belongings. She knows when too far is too far though, and is very skilled at reeling the boys back in if they get to that point. Will always call them her little guppies, no matter how big they get. I think she’d have a teal bob on top, with the underside of her hair being black (which makes her hair look color changing when she swims). Im her human form shes only a few inches shorter than her boys, ranging around the same as Jack’s mother.
-Papa Leech: The definition of old Hollywood New York mob boss. Strict and blunt about his interests and problems, and not afraid to cause any problems if provoked. When the tweels were younger and they’d wrestle and bite at him, he’d throw them off him easily, telling them they need to work to beat him, even if he was impressed by their teamwork at first. Will die to protect his family, and was likely put in that position many times in the past due to his uh… business. He values his wife and children more than anything, and has done everything in his power in the past to protect them from harm. When they went to NRC at first, he felt defeated and almost wanted to beg them to stay safe with him (not that his pride would allow it).(Both the tweels can see through his facade easily)
-Grandma ‘grotto: A very stern and prim octomermaid. What she says goes in the Ashengrotto house, and she often catches herself making unnecessary comments. She does apologize. Also a very loving grandmother towards Azul, often babying him whenever possible (doing the classic “you’re not eating enough here take some more” grandma move)(She will smooch his face whenever possible when there are no business clients nearby). Tries to boost his confidence since she knew about what was happening to him (Chances are she went through the same thing- being an octomer as well) and dod her best to protect him and make him happy. She taught him how to write with his tentacles and encouraged him to do his best in everything he does.
-Mama ‘grotto: Another businesslady in the front absolute softie in the back situation. Adores her son and is incredibly proud of how far he’s come.I think she looks identical to Azul, but more heavyset and, of course, female. She coddled Azul as much as possible, which worked out well with baby Azul’s clingy nature. She had no shame in walking around with the little guy stuck to her (unless he smacked a tentacle to her face when she was working on her restaurant), and made sure everyone knew what a good boy he was. She would show pictures to everyone (similar to Ruggie’s grandma), but respects his wishes in wanting to hide pictures of his past. She still shows anyone who asks pictures of him at NRC (compliments to the twins, who send her updates when her son is busy), and will tell everyone how smart he is and how much he’s grown.
-Step-Papa grotto: A very professional man in every aspect of his life, which stretches to his relationship with his stepson. When he learns about the contracts and Azuls UM, he’s over the moon with how happy he is. He swam around with a little more pep than usual, flicking his tail and flaring out his fins the more and more Azul told him. He helps him reword and format his contracts to his advantage, and is always willing to talk with him about Mostro Lounge or (on rare occasion) some memories before Step papa Ashengrotto met Mama Ashengrotto (which always make him happy that Azul trusts him enough). I think he’d be a pretty generic looking Mer, with an average looking tail and such
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mouse-fantoms · 3 years
Why You Shouldn’t Sleep on I Got The Music
I know that when we heard that Jatp got an Emmy nomination (one of seven) for Best Original Song and the three that were up for that title was Unsaid Emily, Other Side Of Hollywood and I Got The Music. I saw a few people being confused as to how I Got The Music got a nomination. I know that as the fandom goes that is known as everyone’s least favorite. As the title of this suggests, I just wanna bring another perceptive into that conversation.
At a first look, I do understand why it’s not everyone’s favorite because it’s not a Julie and the Phantoms (the band) song and those (we are a tadddd bias) tend to be our favs. But, I Got The Music means something.
As we know, when she walks into the building she’s boppin’. She’s dancing, drumming along, signing along (probably doesn’t actually sing out in reality that might be part of her daydreaming taking over but she’s probably lip syncs to whatever she’s listening to) and her classmates see that.
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Granted we didn’t see what Julie was like before her mom passed but because Ray says “They brought my little niña back” we can assume that how we see her now is similar or what she was like before Rose passed. Since it’s been a year since her mom passed, it was likely her classmates would have seen the change in Julie. Even if you don’t know the person, you’re still going to notice a change in your classmate compared to how they usually are.
The way all her classmates react in the beginning of the song (we know it’s reality bc Julie has her earbuds in) is they’re happy! They’re dancing and going along with her! This is the first time they’re seeing Julie back to the self they remember her as (there could have been new students that transferred into the new school year and they would just know Julie as how she was before she met the guys). Like they’re all smiling and stuff bc they haven’t seen her like this in a year, she’s back to the old Julie Molina they knew and saw her as and I don’t know it’s just very heartwarming to see her classmates react like that. 🥰
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This is where her daydreaming takes over as you can probably guess. Very High School Musical-y (lol we can tell Kenny is apart of this project). She’s got a jacket, her hair is different, bestie is living her best day dream. Along with her hair, there’s something else about it,
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In her hair, is the braided pink, blue and red strands. Alex, Luke and Reggie’s colors (as we know).
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(The same strands that she did in reality braid into her hair for the Stand Tall performance)
Julie actively added the braided strands into her daydream to represent the guys because she probably feels like without them, she wouldn’t be at the point she is now. The point where she can sing a full song about how happy she is that music is back in her life.
This is a girl who for a year of her life was not able to do anything music related when previously that was a huge part of her life. She hasn’t set foot in the garage where music constantly was. The piano has a sheet over it because of how long it’s gone untouched. She apologizes that she hasn’t been in there more often because she deep down wants to, but hasn’t been able to because of the pain it would cause to her. Even when she was in class earlier, she hovers her hands over the keys wanting to play but can’t bring herself to. But then, three guys who’s entire lives are music, come into hers. Not to mention she’s also able to write songs with someone other than her mom for the first time with spending the whole weekend before this writing them with Luke.
She’s singing to everyone, involving everyone in her daydream about how happy she is music is in her life again!!! (I know I’m a broken record but... IT’S THE WHOLE POINT OF THE SONG 🥺😭 This girl who wasn’t able to do ANYTHING music related can now do music related things)
She wants to involve her classmates:
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She wants to involve the music department who’s whole entire thing is music:
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Involves her best friend:
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Even gives classmates their own lil solos so no one misses out on the dancing and being involved!!!
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Everyone is involved:
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Of course even the lyrics show how happy she is!!!
Ain't gonna fight it cause it's useless
I can't get this music out of my head
It's like the beat is taking over
Weight off of my shoulders, dancing instead
And something's feeling different in the hallways
Somethings looking, looking like it's changed
I've been moving to the rhythm for the whole day
A million lyrics running through my brain
Talking about the start of music being back. Weight off of my shoulders as in her life isn’t all about her grief anymore. Dancing instead as in for the first time, she’s focused on something else and her grief isn’t the top priority because music is again. Somethings looking, looking like it’s changed I mean pretty obvious there, she knows that there’s a change in her now that she has it back.
Everybody here we go, this thing is unstoppable
Haven't felt this in a minute, it's incredible
I got the music back inside of me
Every melody and chord
Can't stop the music, back inside my soul
And it's stronger than beforе
Haven’t felt this in a minute, it’s incredible it’s an incredible feeling for her. And it’s stronger than before when you got three guys in your life who’s entire soul is music, you’re gonna get it back stronger and more intense than ever. She’s just so happy music is in her life again and it’s so wonderful to see Julie Molina sing about it 🥺
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kaaytea · 4 years
HI 🖐🏽 I read some of your work and it's so good. I love it. Especially 'Oikawa with braces' UwU and 'Getting rid of bugs for you' that was my fav reminded me of when I had a run in with a bunch of cockroaches at 3AM 😅😂 Would you mind doing a 2nd part for it with Kuroo , Oikawa , Terushima and Yaku THANK YOU 💖
Hello anon! Thank you for the kind words, I had the dumbest smile on my face reading this 🥺 Bro I feel you on the roach thing, I've had my fair share of roach encounters..it's not fun😔 thank you for requesting, I had a blast writing this!
Getting rid of bugs for you pt.2
⤷Includes: Kuroo, Oikawa, Yaku, and Terushima
Warnings: Roaches, centipedes, wasps, and crickets
He's so smug about it
"oh you want me to get rid of this bug? Give me a kiss first"
If he can actually tell that you're really shaken up tho he's very serious about it
He hates seeing you scared, it just doesn't sit well with him
He'll probably requests a kiss after he gets rid of the bug tho
It was a cool summer evening, Kuroo was in the kitchen starting to cook dinner and you were lounging on the couch with a novel
You were just about to flip the page when something landed on the book
So uh big wasp, that will probably get angry if you try to kill it, is crawling around towards your hand
Great......just peachy
Thank God Kuroo was In the kitchen bc he probably wouldn't have heard you whimper out his name if he was anywhere else in the apartment
"What's wrong, (y/n)?"
"help me....please"
Ah...now he understands
He grabs a glass from one of the cupboards and swiftly makes his way over to you
He's VERY careful when trapping the wasp bc that last thing he wants is for you to get stung
He somehow directs it to crawl on to the cover of your book and traps it under the glass. He then quickly goes to release it on the balcony of your apartment
Immediately goes to check on you. He pulls you into his chest and kisses the top of your head asking if you're alright
"You alright, Kitten? Not hurt?"
"no I'm okay. Thank you for saving me for the hundredth time"
"I'll always make time to save you.....Now, I think I deserve a kiss, I risked my life to save you from that wasp."
Yaku's a bad bitch nothing scares this guy
Will always get rid of bugs for you no matter the size
He likes feeling needed and LOVES protecting you; you are his baby and he'd do anything for you 💖
If you text him saying there's a bug in the house he will actually drive home and leave what ever he's doing to come save you
You had just finished washing your face and went to reach for the small towel that was hap hazardously tossed on to the bathroom counter
As you lifted the towel a large roach scUttLeD from under it
You let out the loudest shriek, dropped the towel and bOoKeD it out of the bathroom
Yaku was already running to find you when he heard you scream so he entered your bedroom just as you slammed the attached bathrooms door closed
He was really worried so he was in front of you in seconds grabbing on to your hands and asking what was wrong
"shhhh calm down calm down, what's wrong?"
"There's a roach in the bathroom!"
Ok so there's a roach locked in the bathroom
This is new
He peeked into the bathroom and yep you weren't kidding, there was the roach sitting in the sink
Damn it is pretty big
Yaku didn't really know what to do. He was kinda iffy about killing the roach bc he didn't want to deal with..Uh.....cleaning the remnants of it, but what would he do with it after he trapped it? Where do you take a live roach?
He decided to just kill it, carrying a live roach around the apartment would send you into cardiac arrest
One good thwack! Later and thoroughly washing his hands in an attempt to get rid of that creepy crawly feeling, the bathroom was officially Roach free
You really snuggled up to him after the roach fiasco, giving him a tight hug and a kiss
"Thank you so much Mori, you're the best!"
"Anything for you :) 💖"
Ok so Oiks doesn't despise bugs, he's best friends with Iwa so he's seen his fair share of giant beetles and caterpillars, but he's not completely comfortable around them
If it's a tiny spider? Sure he's got this, just get him a paper towel
But if it's big? Yeah no he's just as freaked out as you are
He masks it very well tho
On the outside he's all: "don't worry babe I've got this, let your big, strong boyfriend handle it 😌✨"
But on the inside he's like: "oh fUck it's huge! Ah um ok... This is fine...wHy iS iT mOvInG sO fAsT?! Don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me!"
Looks cool, calm, and collected but is an actual disaster
You were tidying up your bedroom, nothing too fancy just putting away some clothes, dusting here and there
You were just about to go celebrate your hard work with some ice cream and your favorite movie when you spotted a hair tie on the floor
Huh....How did you miss that?
You were jUst about to pick it up when you realized something
Hair ties don't have legs
Apparently the centipede didn't like you much as it started rUnnInG out of the bedroom and into the living room
You followed it so you could see where it was going
That's when your wonderful boyfriend came home 🥰
"Tooru! Get it, quickly!"
"what am I doing?"
He kinda panicked bc you were yelling at him and you were scared and wOW does that thing have a lot of leggys!
He slipped off the shoes he was wearing and just yEETED one at the bug boi
The both of you were just kinda staring at the shoe like 🧍
You turned to go thank him for dEmOlishing the centipede but stopped when you saw that pout on his face
"What's wrong?"
"I just bought those shoes, now one of them is tainted with centipede bits :("
Will he laugh at you? Perhaps, but it's not to make fun of you, he just thinks you're really cute~
He’s not bothered by bugs at all, he actually thinks they’re super cool
Refuses to kill them bc, “They’re living creatures babe....plus look at how funny it walks! Why would you want to kill something this dope!”
It was movie night so you were on snack duty while Teru looked for something to watch on Netflix
you decided to just pop some popcorn and call it a job well done, plus all of the chips you had went stale bc Teru NevEr closes the bags well
You grabbed a bowl and threw some popcorn into the microwave 
You sat on the counter and scrolled through your phone as you waited for the microwave to go off
Did...something just move right next to you? 
Just as you glanced up you saw something jump into the bowl next to you
you were too scared to look into the bowl so you just called Teru to come investigate
“Yu?...Yuji there’s something in the kitchen!”
Teru is very used to this behavior and found it particularly amusing when you hid behind him as he stepped into the small kitchen
you watched from the entrance of the kitchen as Terushima placed a glass over what ever had jumped into the bowl
He was absolutely BEAMING as he watched the mystery creature in the bowl
“Babe come look it’s a cricket!” 
 “What? are you crazy? I’m not going anywhere near that thing!”
“But its soo cool! You have to come look at how high it can jump, this lil guy has mad hops” 
“I don’t care if it can jump to the fUcKing moon and back, just get it out of the kitchen!”
:(( ok he’ll get rid of the cricket, he really thinks you’re missing out tho
He lets the bug go outside and comes back to find you vigorously washing the bowl it had jumped into 
 He chuckles at your paranoia and goes to give you a back hug, pressing a kiss to your neck as his arms wrap around your waist 
you really were adorable to him 
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millepara · 2 years
waccha primagi eps 13+14 spoilers (finally the s3 game news makes sense to me)
I think from now on I’m going to wait to watch primagi on yt instead of watching live and then struggling to remember if I thought anything about it when I rewatch. anyway I’m not going to talk abt all the eps I missed but I just want to say that Hina became my #1 super duper ultra fav in eps 11-12 & I nearly had an aneurysm (positive) at all the pretty rhythm references.
I did want to rewatch 13 though bc it’s been a while!!
this plotline is ripped straight out of Kiki’s Delivery Service, but I don’t mind. no such thing as too much of a good thing (that’s how the saying goes, right?) !!!!
realizing that ‘waccha’ = ‘what’s your’ really broke me for a second. how did I not catch that. what an unbelievable stretch of pronunciation
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a perfect character. how could you not like her
big pervert energy coming from blue magic guy as usual
wow I sure do love Hina + Amane’s whatever they’ve got going on. they talk about their feelings! they support each other! they see when they’re not at their best and they accept it! at least Amane does all that stuff for Hina, and I hope & assume it’s the same the other way around...
I totally forgot that Touma confessed. seems like Matsuri did too though which is the maximum amount of romance I want in the show, so that’s ok
love Jennifer’s song (just like every other primagi song). though the abrupt use of it right before the ad break was a little weird
I’m ok now, but I’m p sure I cried at this part where Myamu learns to talk again the first time I watched it lmao
as a whole this coord w its gimmicky skirt shape doesn’t do anything for me but I do want those macaron shoes irl. so cute
both in the last ep and this one when Matsuri gets her wings I can literally hear the Aurora Rising music in my head over Magi Waccha Parade and it is defo making me teary-eyed. too early in the show for the mc to successfully perform Aurora Rising?? it isn’t and if it is I don’t care. I started pretty series waaaay back with Aurora Dream so the nostalgia value of simply being reminded that Aurora Rising exists is too powerful for me to resist
I was iffy abt the illustration vers of Heart Feather up till now but the anime one is so cute!! I love it! it looks so good on Matsuri too 💕
next is whatever’s up w Amane!!!
oh but I forgot the coord spotlight at the end actually gave me new info, which is that the heart thing on Myamu’s ribbon tail is a balloon. I like that, it makes sense now & could feasibly be recreated irl. an important quality for a coord imo. anyway Amane!!
wow. this ep is really off to a start. man look at this girl with all of these 90s butterfly clips in her hair. not those basic plastic ones either but the metal ones with the spring-action wings, that’s how you can tell she’s really fancy
that really is Lemon’s uniform, huh. I like that Myam gets a uniform too
obsessed with Patano’s outfit, which I somehow only just realized is overalls and a top hat. what a look
fascinated with Patano making an exquisite picture book about Amane’s problems, only to explain exactly nothing about it, forcing everyone go to her school to figure out what’s happening
if Midoriko was a primagista, then what happens to her partner when she quits primagi...? :( oh no Patano too.....
this is so melodramatic. funny that I said that thing abt the last ep only for this one to show that Amane is clearly not comfortable with Hina doing that for her.
no matter how many times I see Amane’s signature pose I still can’t get over it. like what is she doing with her fingers, etc
um. Holy Shit
wow.............  what an experience that was. my fav part was when she tosses out a couple handfuls of rose petals, as if there weren’t enough special effects already happening in primagi. but I think I have to watch it a million more times just to be sure. eternal revue indeed
overall I think this ep could’ve been better, and I probably had some thought about how Amane seemed to flippantly decide to resume primagi in a split second bc of a letter after all that talking that they did earlier in a way that made it seem like they just did it that way bc it was almost the end of the ep and they were running out of time... but Amane’s performance melted my brain so actually I didn’t have that thought. yay pretty song ✨
next week is the training camp. oh. why the heck did I think it happened in the off week?? ofc they’re going to make an ep about it
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quidfree · 2 years
Hello Im the hp anon I'm sorry my message made you uncomfortable I didnt mean to i understand your feelings about hp and being in the fandom again im sorry xoxo
I cant remember if it was you who liked lord of the rings but if it was you maybe legolas and aragon seeing each other again years after lotr. If it wasn't you dont worry about it or even if u do like lotr but don't feel like doing it its okay please continue and have a good day
hi anon dont worry abt it at all your message was very nice i just wanted to explain my position on hp stuff in general nothing to do w you :)
i do love lotr well remembered ! my high fantasy is a bit rusty so im wary of writing in tolkien voice but i will give you my general thoughts on them post canon below and hope that you vibe with it. sorry this is so late i forgot it was in my drafts 
this isnt prompt specific but i want to say i love that the movies have legolas keep jumping people who even raise an eyebrow at the shaggy unwashed dude whos apparently gondor’s promised king bc iirc canonically they are not really friends pre fellowship and at most have like met once or twice after aragorn tracks gollum to mirkwood or something. legolas is just very ride or die for people ig?? tracks with his threatening the riders of rohirrim later. we love movie characterisation. really went in on the ‘besties w a heart shaped locket of their initials’ vibe.
also the fact that aragorn and legolas are both royalty avoiding courtly duties in hilariously similar yet distinct ways. like yes they are both on a mission for the greater good so its not like theyre irresponsible leaders (and legolas’ father approved his going) but up until moria legolas is fully like ooh roadtrip with humans and dwarves and shit. fun. while aragorn is brooding immensely about the shadow of responsibility creeping closer to him daily. its just funny to me. legolas is so young in elf time.
after mordor falls i totally believe legolas and aragorn keep in close contact tho. like yes they are busy what with legolas skipping off home to report that he survived the fall of evil and also made some new friends or whatever and aragorn trying to rebuild the ruins of gondor but also i think they probably exchange heartfelt letters across middle earth and legolas visits often. esp in early years bc gotta keep track of those hobbits and their very short little lives. legolas loves inventing Elf Songs ™ off the top of his head that are just odes to his fav human. aragorn not so secretly also loves elvish poetry so he appreciates it.
also this goes for all surviving fellowship members but legolas def has a place of honour in gondor w increasingly dramatic titles & whenever he comes by aragorn will spend his nights with him walking the top walls of minas tirith talking philosophy and history and counsel. legolas is a prince too of course. sometimes they go for fun hikes bc they’re both roamers. no one else thinks it’s fun when the king and his elf bff decide to trek across countries on foot but they enjoy it. (arwen very reasonably prefers horseback and sometimes if he’s coming too they let gimli pretend he’s keeping her company when he’s sick of keeping up with their long legs.)
at certain points legolas is busy wandering for a while and the next time he’s over he has to meet aragorn and arwen’s kids. i think he’d be so obsessed w the concept. like gimli would be the best uncle easily but legolas would be like Woooowww omg little freak children i love them. aragorn look. omg it can talk. cool. he def teaches them mirkwood elvish slang and songs to balance out the rivendell influence. aragorn and arwen both find it funny but lowkey arwen sometimes gossips w him abt it because like . yeah half-human babies Are weird. even hers. at least one of their sons is reciprocally obsessed w legolas and spends his infancy viciously pulling at his hair. eowyn finds this very funny as the other token blonde often in gondor.
i refuse to go into angst so i’m not going to talk abt fellowship deaths but i think legolas stays on middle earth longer than he would have liked to help arwen cope after aragorn bc he is Equally Devastated. esp after the kids go. their last goodbye before legolas and gimli leave at the grey havens will have lasted a very long and sad time i think. very weepy on all sides. but she gets it. legolas can’t lose his last close friend to death.
in a modern human au aragorn n legolas r annoying hiking obsessives & post each other on their stories so much you’d assume they’re dating. legolas fights trolls on aragorn’s socials daily despite aragorn’s attempts to convince him he could not care less. they have matching tattoos of like, constellations on their ankles. aragorn is the only person who can memorise legolas’ ever-changing and very weird coffee orders.
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no-brand-gays · 3 years
okay here are my thoughts on and a very loose rating of the discographies of the major idol anime franchises (disclaimer that i haven’t listened to Every Single Song of any of these series and i’m 
-love live: i think...i’d be biased in saying ll has the best idol franchise discography...but i don’t think it’d be a stretch to say that they pour a LOT into their music production. i do think there’s a lot of ll stuf that sounds the same and none of the full groups have a sound that differentiates them from each other but ll’s also good at mixing up sounds and concepts, so there’s no character or unit that’s really locked into just one style. i feel like ll prioritizes catchiness and energy a lot of the time so there aren’t many songs that aren’t fun to listen to, which i definitely think is one of the most important things in idol music. there aren’t even that many bombs which you’d think would mean they play it safe but i don’t think you can talk down the variety in the discography. aki hata is also a lyric writing god and i do think it’s saying something that even 10 years into the run as a series we’re still getting songs that sound new. you can tell when they’re being lazy but that’s a pretty uncommon situation and you’d be damned to find a ll song that isn’t at least fun to listen to. favs: mermaid festa vol 2, blueberry train, angelic angel, snow halation, ps no mukougawa, shoujo ijou, doki pipo emotion
-idolm@ster: before you come at me i want you to know that i have felt this way about idolm@ster’s discography for the last 7 years and my opinion Has gotten better over time but wow. so many idolm@ster songs are so boring. i think one thing you can really say abt love live is they’ve mastered the art of making OPs and EDs and group singles that all kinda sound the same but are still fun to listen to. i think what makes im@s discography good is that they’re not afraid to really jump into weird concepts for their more out-there characters. like what other franchise is delivering to us ai like hamburger. nobody. so those more unique songs are almost always hits but a lot of the generic idol pop songs feel pretty watered down and hard to get into. they do get that right pretty often too but bc their discography has gotten so huge over the years there’s a lot of filler. favs: kyun! vampire girl, do dai, s(mile)ing, romantic now (uzuki mix)
-aikatsu: honestly? i would place aikatsu’s discography at LEAST at 2nd place. they’ve gone through a lot of changes in producers in the last few reboots but there are sooooo many consistent hits and i feel like it gets written off for being a kids series when the music is honestly so top tier. aikatsu doesn’t do big group songs all that often and each season only comes w a few one-size-fits-all generic songs so most of the discography is tailored to one or two characters in particular which makes for some amazing variety. the fact that it’s for kids even means the songs are more catchy and energetic so even the ones that are kinda dumb stick in your head. i don’t know how much i can speak for these past few seasons but you can really feel the passion that went into most of the songs. the general sounds of aikatsu are clean and bright pop and emotional pop rock and theatrical ballads and genuinely i have no clue why the music alone hasn’t made it mega popular. there are definitely duds though, especially when it comes to songs that weren’t made to be performed. favs: diamond happy, koisuru mitai na caramelize, summer tears diary, hello new world, heart skip, dramatic girl 
-pretty rhythm: kinda similar to im@s in that a lot of their music is kinda boring in its early 2000s idol sound but i’d honestly argue that pririzu does that sound better. like it all sounds very nostalgic and classic and gets this quality of timelessness from that. this is probably the franchise i’ve listened to the least though so i’m not the best authority on this. favs: you may dream, cherry picking days
-pripara: pripara is definitely an acquired taste and the franchise i’d be least likely to listen to with my friends in the room but the one thing you can’t deny is that the production is so crazy tight. pripara definitely gets most of its fame for how off the walls crazy it is and since that’s such a part of its identity i can’t fault it for how many songs are similarly whole hog wild but even though i never want to hear the omurice song again in my life pripara has continuously delivered hit after hit. their generic idol songs (like make it and dream parade) are some of the best in the genre and whatever subgenre they’re pursuing they never fail to bring the energy. i do think a lot of their out of the box songs (like the ones that are made for visual-based performances that aren’t really meant to be cohesive songs) are flops but the entire first season is made of 10/10s which is so crazy. the crazy concept songs usually hit too. favs: marble makeup a ha ha, zero week old, suki suki sensor, realize
-bandori: hot take but bandori has some stinkers. i don’t know why the first few months of bandori songs had so many flops (tokimeki experience...yes bang dream...that’s how i roll...) but i do think they’ve stepped up their game since then!! i think...as time has gone by bandori has become a franchise people really care abt and with it the content has gotten better too. like holy shit. NOW you can see how much the producers are putting their hearts into the music but it definitely took a little while (not that there weren’t good songs at the start too, shuwarin dreamin is one of my absolute favorites). i think it’s really impressive how much they’re found their footing w each band’s sound, they all really feel believable as artists, and it’s blown up so clearly they’re hitting it out of the park these days. favs: hidamari rhodonite, kimi ga inakucha, shuwarin dreamin
-bonus shoutout to zombieland saga bc the production is so all over the place. when they wanna write a good song holy shit do they write a good song but sometimes you get To My Dearest. which im still sort of baffled by. could the writers not figure out how to rewrite those 20-syllable lines to sound even half singable or 
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how did u revise for neet ug?? I'm prepping for it rn but with postponing of boards my mind is feeling v saturated. any tips anything will be very helpful. thanks in advance and take care ❤
Hi! Hope you're doing well. You're in one of the most stressful periods of an Indian student's life, ngl.... I totally understand the struggle buddy 😔
I gave my neet ug in 2016, the cursed year when all the state entrances were suddenly cancelled out of the blue and neet ug was made mandatory for medical college admissions. I remember anxiously filling forms for at least 8 different exams and even giving a couple of them, then bam, neet ug news drops and chaos ensues. Fun times 🙃
Anyways.... For revision, I'd say the quantity of revisions matter more than the quality of the revisions : as in, you try to schedule in as many as possible, even if they're not "good/perfect" revisions, you know? It's literally not possible to get into the depth of each and every topic / concept they ask in neet, in any of the three subjects. Some chapters will be less well prepared / known than others, but don't stress about that, just keep solving the questions and at one point, you'll realise most of them revolve around certain specific segments / facts from the obscure topics, and u just need to know only those points!
Apart from that, personally speaking, my struggle was with organic chem (I still hate it with all my heart 🤢🤮). I was mentally prepared to flunk entire segments from that because literally most of it went over my head rip, but simultaneously, I had to balance it out with my scores from physics (my fav), bio, and inorganic chem. And thankfully that worked out smh lol
If you're an Aakash student like me (overlooking their terrible business practices, bc truthfully their material and classes helped me a lot 🙈) then cover ALL their study mat religiously. It goes for whichever coaching institute ur taking classes from (if any).
If that doesn't apply to you, then buy 10 years or 15 years qbanks asap (usually publishers like Arihant or Tata McGrawHill have some test series books n stuff like that) and start solving them.
TIME YOURSELF. I cannot stress this enough.
If your actual test time is 3 hours, try to solve the paper in under 1.5 hours at home, cuz believe me, the faster you push urself to solve the questions, the better you'll get at calculations, and time management, and knowing which questions to spend time on, and which Q to come back later to. Start w your strongest subject = least time consuming one (it was bio for me) then progress to the most difficult subject. Keep the bigger calculations in the physics paper for the last, if you're not confident enough w that particular formula/concept.
These were some general tips I could think of, off the top of my head. Hope they help :)
Don't stress too much, take it one chapter at a time, revise your weakest topics thoroughly, and all the best 😊👍
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tenacityreturns · 3 years
five times kissed with aokaga
i. new to their relationship, but eager, this kiss is exactly as you’d expect it to be. aomine is an annoying little shit, which is a surprise to no one. and kagami loves it.
ii. kagami’s dad calls him at 2am and leaves him feeling bad. if he’d been by himself, he would’ve let it worry him and probably wouldn’t have been able to get back to sleep. good thing he isn’t alone.
iii. aomine’s really good at ghosting him. he had done it before, but now they’re in a relationship, kagami tries his best to help make him feel better. he feels like an idiot but momoi’s there to help. this is the longest because depression, big mood
iv. the vorpal swords reunite, but things are not as kagami would like them to be. this is my fav one because i love kise so much and he’s HERE so that’s all i care about. also you can tell i care about him more than the others bc he has speaking lines.
v. they’ve graduated, and kagami has been in the states for six months. aomine comes to visit.
i) it’s not their first kiss, but it’s still new. instincts tell kagami to push aomine away when he comes close because it’s dangerous to let someone else hold your heart. and his hands are rough, his eyes are cold, and his temper is short, but kagami trusts him. in this moment, they’re both sitting on the edge of their emotional barriers, waiting for the signal that it was safe to fall. he believes that one of them will go first. their personal insecurities are too great to just rush into it wholeheartedly.
     this kiss has a slower build-up than their first. they’re sitting on aomine’s bed, which is dangerous enough territory in itself because kagami is both completely inexperienced and eager to try. as if he could keep his hands off the hottest guy he knows! they inch closer. does aomine know the effect he has? does he feel the same? kagami understands that they both like each other, and want to make out right in this moment, but could he ever affect someone’s pulse like aomine does his? could kagami ever make him speechless? be the only thing he’d want to look at in a room? aomine’s eyes dance across kagami’s face. what’s he looking at? they make eye contact and it sparks a smirk.
     “ah, you’re looking at me with the intensity of a game,” but before kagami can get embarrassed and tell him to fuck off, aomine ducks in close. in a whisper, he continues: “you should loosen up.”
     “you should shut up,” kagami puts his hand on aomine’s chest and pushes him backwards. he climbs on top to straddle him, and it’s the look in widened blue eyes that’s telling him this was the right thing to do. in an instant, the wit returns and he’s smirking again.
     “make me.”
    maybe he would growl, say something like you’re a smartass who always wants to have the last laugh, you know that, right? but kagami is preoccupied. his tense jaw relaxes, and the anger evaporates. the judgement calls between calling out and making out with aomine daiki are often very close. maybe next time, kagami will pretend to be annoyed. ( hint: it won’t be the next time. )
ii) kagami’s ringtone shatters the dark peace of his bedroom. his groggy, half-asleep arm drops heavily to his right, where, usually, it would connect with the bed-side table ( painfully ) and he’d find his phone. this time, he isn’t sleeping alone, and he accidentally hits his barely sleeping boyfriend.
     “hey,” aomine complains as he pushes himself up, “what is it? your phone?”
     kagami doesn’t give a linguistically clear response, but it’s enough of a grunt that aomine gets it. he holds his hand out, and aomine passes it over. it’s dad. it’s 2am. “shit,” kagami presses answer and holds it to his ear. when he speaks, it’s in english. “dad, it’s so early.”
     “good! can we talk?”
     “no, i mean it’s late. can you call me tomorrow?”
     “i’m on a business trip tomorrow, but i won’t be long! it’s friday night, taiga, don’t young people normally stay up ‘til the early hours anyway?”
     “how should i know?” kagami reaches over to squeeze aomine’s arm. it’s a sorry i woke you gesture, which gets a don’t worry about it shrug. as kagami’s father tells him not to be so snappy, he’s just checking in, his son is whispering away from the phone that he’ll be back in a minute. then he’s swinging his legs over the bed and going into the living room.
     “anyway,” asao continues distractedly, and kagami can tell that he’s multi-tasking. “do you want to go to europe with me this winter?”
     “my business trip! it’s in france, but i was thinking we could take a tour.”
     kagami thought of the winter cup, of getting to have rematches against the generation of miracles. he thought of school ( last, of course ). “what? no, i can’t. i’ve got stuff going on here.”
     “they’ll survive without you for a month! or two weeks, i don’t know, whatever school break is. and you know what they say about french girls?”
    kagami groans. “i don’t care about french girls. i have a boyfriend, remember?”
     “go by yourself. or why don’t you grab someone random off the street and tell them to ditch all their plans last minute like this?”
    “sorry,” it’s instinctual, second-nature to apologise like this. he isn’t sorry, but he’ll say it anyway for some paternal approval. “people are counting on me and i can’t let them down. --- are you not coming here for christmas?”
    “business trip. alright, taiga. i’ll let you get back to sleep.”
    “bye, dad.”
    dial tone. ah, fuck, he’d hurt his dad’s feelings. he texts thanks anyway, and waits for a reply. it’s a smiley face almost instantly, but that doesn’t put him at ease. it’s not passive aggressive, but at least they weren’t arguing again like last time. when kagami returns to his room, aomine is sitting up on the bed with his arm draped over his legs.
     “everything... okay?” aomine asks quietly. kagami shrugs and plugs in his phone. tentatively as characteristically possible, he continues: “was your dad being a dick again?”
     “he called me in the middle of the night,” kagami climbs across the bed to get back to his side. “what do you think?”
     silence. the urge to apologise bubbles to the surface immediately, leftover from his phone call, but aomine moves and interrupts it. he lowers to one elbow, but it’s the other hand that provides distraction: tenderly brushing kagami’s persistent fringe from his forehead. he never knows what to say in the face of aomine being gentle like this. it’s not uncommon, just surprising, and kagami isn’t particularly good at returning the favour.
     “he asked me to go to europe with him,” kagami says instead, shuffling in a little closer so that his head on aomine’s pillow. his boyfriend is silent again, which is fair, because what the fuck? kagami knows, he gets it. “i’m not going, obviously.”
     “rich people are so fucked,” aomine watches his fingers glide across kagami’s hairline. “he knows you can’t just up and leave, and offers anyway. shit.”
     “right? i have basketball and school.”
     “sounds like it could have been nice, though.”
     “he wants to hook me up with french girls.”
     “never mind. you shouldn’t go.”
     kagami smiles, closing his eyes. “maybe i’ll go.”
     “man, shut up,” aomine pushes kagami’s head into the pillow.
     “hey!” kagami shoves his hand against aomine’s face. they let go. 
     “tch,” as if the last few seconds never happened, aomine tucks himself in close. his head fits just right nestled beneath kagami’s chin. “why couldn’t he call you back in the morning, anyway?”
     “he’s leaving then, or something.”
     “hm. go back to sleep.”
     kagami sighs. usually he can, but sometimes the call disturbs him too much and he’ll lie awake for hours. this is one of those times, he can already tell. ugh. his eyes are open again, blankly surveying the other side of the room. after a few minutes, he can feel aomine’s breathing start to level out and the arm around his body goes limp. red eyes close. please go back to sleep. who cares if his dad disregards all of kagami’s hobbies and relationships in one simple they’ll survive without you for a month? not him! kagami doesn’t care.
     “are you still awake?” aomine makes him jump, which makes a very sleepy sounding aomine jump too. “oiiiii.”
     “sorry! i thought you were asleep.”
     “no, you’re too tense, it’s not relaxing.”
     “shhhh,” aomine lifts his head enough to kiss kagami’s jaw. ahhhh!!!! that’s really cute!!!! it gets WORSE. aomine rolls forward, pushing kagami onto his back and lying half on top of him. he holds a hot, red face in his hands and plants three kisses on chin, nose, then forehead. “do you feel a little better?”
    “d--daiki, that’s so cute...”
     “answer the question.”
     “okay.” he makes kagami’s muscular chest his new pillow. “if you’d have said no, i might have done that again.”
     “huh!!! don’t say that! do it anyway!”
     “shhhh, i’m sleeping.”
     kagami hugs him, but also gives aomine a good shake. a blue head raises with a stern look. “you think you’re getting kissed for that?”
     but kagami’s smiling widely, unable to hold it in. “i wish you were here every time my dad called me.”
     such a statement softens whatever faux grudge had been starting to root itself into the conversation. suffice to say, kagami gets his kisses. brief though they are, because aomine’s half-asleep as it is, it means the world. and it means kagami’s sufficiently distracted to fall asleep again.
iii) aomine hadn’t gone to school that day. of course, kagami wasn’t to know that until after practise when kuroko gets a phone call from momoi asking if he was with them. no, he’s not. they’d been supposed to meet up, but aomine cancelled at lunch time without much explanation. he does that sometimes. at first, it used to annoy kagami, but aomine told him that sometimes he has days when he can’t bring himself to talk to anyone. he’s fine, he doesn’t want pity or anything, just space on days when it happens. i don’t like who i am when i get like that, he’d said. kagami had come to the conversation ill-prepared and hadn’t said anything in reply. he regrets that. so he assumes that this is what today had turned into, one of those days.
     the thing is, momoi also knows when he’s not feeling well. kagami had asked her once if there was anything they could do to make him feel better, somehow, and she said that there wasn’t. she usually takes a box of nice things around to his house for when he comes home. those sexy magazines he likes, a couple of cartons of banana milk, some snacks. kagami thinks of this suddenly as kuroko is ending the call. the words form on his tongue at the same rate as forming in his mind.
     “momoi,” he pulls kuroko’s phone to his ear, holding onto his friend’s wrist. “have you been ‘round to his house yet?”
     “hi kagamin,” she coos, then sighs, “no, i haven’t.”
     “let me do it,” his eyes cannot lift from the floor in his embarrassment ( there are so many of his teammates around, and kuroko’s right there! ). “i can be there in an hour. --------please.”
     “o-okay! i think dai-chan would like that.”
     “i hope so.”
     “i’m in town anyway, why don’t you meet me? bring tetsu-kun and we’ll call it a double date!”
     “how does that work if daiki’s not there? and ain’t the point of this to look out for him, anyway?”
     “ah. yes, i suppose. is tetsu-kun still there?”
     “yes, momoi-san.”
     “ah, tetsu-kun! were you listening? i’m sorry if we left you out! may i steal kagamin for a little while?”
     “i don’t need his permission!” kagami defends hotly, but evens out immediately, letting go of kuroko’s wrist. “i’ll go get changed and see you at that grocery store you mentioned.”
     “grocery... store?”
     “yeah, the one with the, uh,” kagami presses his finger and thumb together and rotates his wrist. like a... key? “the, uh-- popsicle stick? with kuroko, back in middle school?”
     she all but screams a huh down the phone. “why do you remember that!”
     “i don’t know!” because aomine and the others used their basketball ability to take down a bag snatcher, obviously! how fucking cool is that? aomine chasing after a guy on a moped and catching up? kagami’s blushing at the thought.
     momoi sounds like she’s blushing too, and she tumbles into the steep slope of gushing over kuroko and her own, self-described shyness. kagami grimaces. kuroko stares at him. yes, alright, this one is absolutely kagami’s fault for starting. he’ll take responsibility for that one. kuroko finds a nice, polite way to hang up without making her feel bad. damn, if only kagami had an ounce of the tact this guy has!
     but he’ll make do with what he has, and excuses himself from hanging out after practise to attend to something. everyone must have heard that phone-call, but he’s blocking those thoughts from his mind as he speed walks to that fateful store. walking isn’t fast enough. he types out five different texts to aomine that express that he hopes he’s alright, but all of them feel wrong. it’s almost a private joke with himself but as he’s sliding into a taxi to get him there faster, he finds the tiger emoji and the heart emoji. then clicks send by accident. oops. that was... kind of stupid. really stupid. fuck.
     momoi is standing outside with her phone to her ear as he arrives in the car. he pays the fare and gets out. is she on the phone to him? but she doesn’t say goodbye before pushing her phone into her purse, nor does it look like she hung up, so the image is a mystery lost on him. they’re quick inside the store. momoi chooses everything first, starting with the magazine he likes ( ah, thank goodness, mai-chan features a lot in this issue. yes, i’m sure he’ll be fine. but isn’t this strange for you, kagamin? // no, i don’t care. he can like what he likes. // huh! dreamy... ), but then kagami will pick up two others beside it and put it in the basket. she’ll pick up a three-pack of banana milks, and he’ll pick up another. she finds his favourite sweet snack of the week and he grabs five. same with the savoury option. kagami insists on paying, since it had been his idea to quadruple the purchases. on their way over to aomine’s house, they pass a toy shop. kagami only half-glanced, but a little, cuddly crayfish catches his eye.
     “do you think he’d like that?” kagami stops, and presses his index finger against the glass.
     “you want to buy him a toy lobster?” she repeats like it’s insane. he sighs. he has no idea what a good boyfriend would--- “he used to keep crayfish as pets sometimes. you knew that?”
     kagami nods. he doesn’t know how, but he does know that.
     she squeaks. her twinkling eyes and fingers held delicately against her face are making this into way more of an embarrassing ordeal than he’d wanted it to be, so he’s grumbling as he leaves her outside to go and buy it. the little creature is red like a lobster, and speckled, with big plastic eyes and a smiley face. maybe it’s a lobster. what’s the difference? it goes into the little gift bag and momoi has recovered by the time he’s back. she’s all smiles herself, but at least she isn’t saying anything.
     he’s glad she decides to walk him all the way there. kagami couldn’t remember the way. there’s no way of knowing if he’s in, she tells him as they walk up the path. his mother says he’s out, but he could have faked leaving and gone back to bed. he does that sometimes, apparently. it’s cold and wet today, kagami hopes aomine’s in bed. and it’s aomine’s mother who answers the door. she’s working from home today, about to enter a meeting, so she can’t stay and chat, but it’s lovely to see them both. momoi decides to leave kagami to go upstairs by himself. makes sense. she’ll wait in the living room. he takes a deep breath and carries the big bag of nice things up a dark set of stairs. into a dark hallway ( where is the light switch? ). 
     despite the darkness, he knows where aomine’s room is. and there’s a little window near it to bring in the light of a grey day. it’s like the sky sympathises. there cannot be sun when it is not warm inside aomine’s own chest. kagami knocks on the door but there’s no answer. he’s silent as he walks inside. the curtains are drawn, no lights are on. the bed looks empty. damn. he’s not in, after all. something buzzes on the desk and-- it’s his phone. why the hell wouldn’t he take that, what if something happened? kagami sighs. worry gnaws away at his heart. has something happened?
     the decision is made after some deliberation that the best place for the bag is by the desk. the little lobster toy, however, should go on the bed. it’s such a stupid little gift, isn’t it? maybe he should say that momoi chose it. throw her under the bus now, and then when she denies it later, kagami will be long gone and far from the reaches of embarrassment. he snaps the tags off and shoves them into his pocket, carrying it in both hands like a scared offering to a shrine. 
     aomine must have kicked off the duvet in a sulk, because it’s bunched up on one side of the double bed in a long pile. he must be imagining things when he sits and it shifts. the toy looks out of place on the dark pillow-case of a brooding teenaged boy. maybe that’s not fair, but the longer it sits there, the more out of character it feels and he snatches it away. into his hoodie pocket it goes! the blanket shifts again. shit. is--- is someone under there? an apprehensive hand reaches out to where the shoulder would be, connects with something hard. a shoulder.
     “go away, satsuki,” the duvet grumbles.
     kagami doesn’t know what to say. why has he frozen! the hand stays put. is aomine really saying he thinks that kagami’s hands are the same size as the petite girl’s? why is that so offensive all of a sudden... he exhales. the best thing to say is nothing, or so he decides, and instead he pulls the top of the cover down. aomine is facing the other way. kagami runs his fingertips gently through blue hair and still receives no reaction. does momoi do this? he feels as though he should feel jealous, but can’t find it in himself to. aomine should be loved, touched gently and often by those who adore him. whether that’s platonically or otherwise, it’s good if she does stroke his hair gently, and if aomine doesn’t mind, then who is kagami to interrupt?
     “i blew off tetsu and taiga today,” it sounds like a guilty confession. kagami feels like he shouldn’t have heard it, feels like he’s trespassing. “i’m such a fuck up, man.”
     “no, you’re not,” of course kagami knew that once he spoke in his deep voice, and not momoi’s high pitched one, that aomine would roll onto his back and stare in shock. he does, and the heavy gaze makes kagami feel even more like he shouldn’t be here. but he wants to help, if he can. kagami pulls his hand back and reaches into his hoodie pocket for the hidden lobster toy. he produces it. aomine stares at that instead. then back at kagami.
     “what are you doing here?”
     “i got you a crayfish-- thing. ‘cuz you said you liked them, but not to eat.”
     “it’s stupid, i know,” kagami’s smile is weak, guilty, and he sets it atop the pillow like before. why he thought this would help is lost on him. “i hope you’re not mad that i came over, uninvited and all. i won’t do it again if you don’t like it.”
    silence. aomine cranes his neck to find the toy, and lifts his arm out of the cover to pick it up. he’s looking at it like he can’t believe it’s right there in his hand. he’s frowning. ah! but there are other things! kagami leaves the bed and grabs the bag from the desk. it’s the magazines he’s after. he pulls out all three of them at once.
     “momoi helped choose, ‘cuz you know i’d be useless.” the magazines are spread where kagami had been sitting. 
     aomine still isn’t saying anything, which is fine, and he can’t expect him to if he’s feeling like shit! but he doesn’t know what to say to fill the silence, and he doesn’t know if he should just leave! maybe that would be best! however, in his panic, he’s disregarding the point of a gift bag and taking everything out instead. snacks of all sorts crinkle in their packaging. to get a better picture of kagami derailing, aomine has shifted up to sit with his back against the headboard. watching. he opens up one of the packets of banana milk cartons to give to him in an act of that panic.
     “well, that’s it,” kagami says in defeat as he meets the end of the bag. “sorry for making a mess. i can go now, if you like. momoi’s just downstairs so i can get her if you wanna talk to her about anything.”
     he shook his head. but... to which part?
     “you-- you don’t need to worry about cancelling on us, you know. we can always meet another day.”
    “or you could come to my house.”
     “yeah, sorry. i wanted to help, but i hadn’t thought about what i was gonna say, i guess.”
     “come here,” he gestures with his head, but kagami looks instead at the pile of dumb gifts on the mattress where he would have sat. so he starts putting things back in the bag. aomine huffs ( but it sounds almost like it could have been a chuckle had the circumstances been different ), and pushes everything, including the magazines, off the side of the bed.
     “careful! what about mai-chan?”
     “come here,” aomine demands, reaching over and tugging his sleeve closer. is this good? kagami has no idea. he just does what he’s told and climbs over to sit beside his boyfriend. “you didn’t have to do all of this.”
     “yeah, i know that. i hoped it might help.”
     “were you mad at me when i cancelled earlier?”
     “no, i understood you weren’t doing great today. i-- i dunno, i just wanna say i don’t, like, expect anything from you when we meet up. we don’t have to do anything. if you wanna be alone, i get it, but i just-- i wanted to say you don’t have to be alone either. ‘cuz i wanna be there for you, if you’re okay with that too. i’m not trying to------”
    kagami’s sincere, if lengthy, statement is interrupted by a kiss to his moving lips. it’s short, but shuts him up nonetheless. aomine stays close afterwards, leaning on the hand resting just behind kagami’s folded legs.
     “do you wanna do nothing with me?”
     a little dazed, kagami can only nod. aomine piles the two pillows together and sorts the blanket out. he pushes kagami’s chest to lie down against the pillows, and aomine slides himself under his arm, head on chest. they lie like this quite comfortably. it’s warm-- no, it’s cosy. this feels just right. after a few minutes of steady breathing, with kagami smoothing blue hair ever so gently, aomine is asleep. kagami texts momoi a quick update, and she tells him that she’ll let herself out.
     maybe doing nothing isn’t half bad.
iv) they’re at a vorpal swords reunion. it’s more of a meet-up than practise, because the hall they were going to use to practise had flooded and they weren’t able to go inside, and it’s too cold outside to play. so they’re standing with hot drinks in the park. ( kagami isn’t, he’d finished his and aomine’s ages ago. aomine will just have to turn up first. ) akashi managed to get a reservation at this nice, not too pricey restaurant, so they’re waiting a few minutes for noon when they can head over. it takes a little more planning than usual to seat, what? a dozen or so people? 
     kagami’s talking with kise and kuroko, waiting for his cocoa. to be clear, he’s standing with them, and kise is going off about something. then kuroko says something to shut him down and it makes kagami laugh. he’s so abrupt! and people say kagami’s blunt! kise pulls a tragic face, asks why kagami’s laughing, and kagami calls him lame. it’s fun everyone hanging out together!
     “taiga,” it’s a half-assed shout from a little way off, but he knows who it is without looking.
     kise’s saying something to him, but kagami’s attention is immediately drawn to the boy in the big puffer jacket, followed inevitably by his pink-haired friend. kagami glares at him. “you’re so late! what’s up with that?”
     “i was sleepy,” still shouting.
     “don’t say sleepy like you’re cute!” kagami is, unsurprisingly, still shouting.
     aomine stops walking and breathes a deep sigh into the air, dissipating in a cloud. “come here then.”
     the redhead turns, balling his hands into fists. his cheeks are heating up already, because he accidentally yelled that aomine sounded kind of cute just now... and in his stupid fucking beanie, he looks it too. they have a silent stand off, but aomine wins. kagami can’t resist going over to see what the hell he wants. can’t resist being near.
     “come here.”
     so he does, and he stalks over like it’s a great effort, or he’s about to end a fight. he’s not, of course, and the balled fists show discomfort and not aggression. he’s still embarrassed. it’s about to get worse. as soon as he’s near, aomine reaches forward with gloved hands and grabs onto the fluffy hood of kagami’s red parka.
     “what the hell do you mean looking so cute today?” he said like it’s an insult, kagami yelps and grabs his wrists. “you dress up just for me?”
     “it’s cold, how else am i gonna dress!”
     “what are you wearing under it?”
     “like, three layers,” he grunts, “get off my hood, asshole!”
     “aw, your face looks cold, though,” aomine is completely ignoring kagami, except that he decided, probably separately, to put his hands on kagami’s face. that’s actually super nice, and if there weren’t, what, a dozen or so people around that he wanted to look cool for, he’d have just stood still.
      “daiki!” he is shouting, once again. their best and only method of communication is to make as much noise as possible. kagami gnashes his teeth, threatening to bite. maybe he just will and teach aomine to: “quit being a pain!”
     “quit making it fun, then.”
     and quit looking like that so close! kagami isn’t about to kiss him, but he really would if they were in private. it’s the twinkling playfulness in those blue eyes that show kagami that he’s really the only thing on aomine’s mind right now. ugh, shut up, stupid idiot! aomine knows what he’s doing, too. you can tell by the shit-eating smile on his stupid, beautiful face. red eyes, as they often do, roll. he wraps his arms around his boyfriend’s waist and squeezes. it’s not a hug, it’s an attack.
     aomine’s turn to yelp. his hands move so that he’s hugging around kagami’s head, which is obviously enough to get him to loosen his grip.
     “careful, my hat!” kagami exclaims, as if that’s more important than the structural integrity of his skull. they’re still hugging, and nothing else exists, and god is aomine warm. so warm. “hi, anyway. how come you’re late?” 
     “satsuki slept in,” aomine nestles his cold nose into kagami’s bare neck. it’s fine if he does this, he doesn’t mind sharing body heat either. and who’s to see if aomine kissed him in that moment? nobody. but everyone will see the wide grin on kagami’s face, worlds away from the irritation he’d displayed seconds ago. 
     their embrace ended, but aomine still kept an arm slung around kagami’s shoulders. he glances around for aforementioned girl, but she’s already fawning over kuroko. aomine sends his own form of greeting to his other friends and all but drags kagami over to see kuroko and kise. nods over to akashi who stands with midorima, probably talking about how much space there is in the universe, or some other brainy thing nerds discuss.
     “i wanna play ball,” kagami groans now they’re standing together. “it’s not that cold, right?”
     “kagamicchi, it’s icy! i’m not risking my neck for a one-on-one.”
     “i’m getting food then i’m going home.” (kagami’s home, mind you.)
     “yes, it is, kagami-kun.”
     somehow, being turned down by all three of them at once was less fun than he could possibly have dreaded. kagami deadpans and takes to sulking.
     “you’re all just chicken i’d beat you.”
     “big words for the guy who lost our last game.”
     “winter’s a hard season for you, isn’t it?” kuroko! traitor!
     kise puts his hand on his hip, looking at kagami like there’s something WRONG with wanting to play his favourite sport! “he’s really a guy with a one track mind, huh?”
     “shut the hell up! don’t gang up against me! we all met to play ball, didn’t we? i got excited about it, alright! winter sucks for everyone, that’s normal!”
     poor kagami. if the others have any sympathy for his plight, they’re pretty good at hiding it.
v) six months, is it? kagami spends perhaps too long trying to figure it out. he came over to the states after graduation in march, and it’s september now... but then, daiki came over to visit in may, only staying for a fortnight because that’s all his job would allow. so really it’s only been four months. but those have been hard. lots of facetime, and phone calls at awkward times. but kagami always thinks to check what time it was in tokyo before he called, and it seemed that aomine has been similarly considerate. all the same, kagami has missed his boyfriend more than anything. it’s only after high school is behind him that he’s really appreciating that his youth ( as he thought of it ) is now over. he’s in the nba now. well, it’s kind of complicated, but he’s on his way!
     basketball is at the back of his mind now, though. aomine’s plane was due to land at 2am, but was delayed by half an hour on both ends. then there was an issue with the bags which aomine called and raged about. they’re so close. in the same building, even! but despite this, and kagami’s irrepressible nerves bouncing his legs and tearing at his heart, the fatigue gets to him and he falls asleep on an uncomfortable chair opposite the waiting area for arrivals. an unopened can of iced coffee sits loosely in his hands. to make an excuse, kagami hadn’t slept a wink the night before in all of his excitement. he’s fully and completely asleep. 
     he won’t hear his phone as it rings several times through. he won’t hear the suitcase roll and come to a stop beside his leg. he doesn’t feel the can get plucked from his fingers. the vague sensation of someone touching his hair doesn’t even bother him, but in the depths of his dreamless sleep, he hears a voice:
and it’s enough. crimson lashes flutter open sleepily, slowly. eyes focus on the dark face before him with the delay that only the deepest slumbers could provide. his head spins. is he still asleep? before he can question it any longer, he jerks forwards and wraps his arms around aomine in the tightest hug. kagami buries his face into his boyfriend’s warm neck, feeling the embrace returned. 
     it’s a desperate cling. the kind of hug that says more than words could. i missed you so much, i love you so much, please do not let go - i’ve been thinking about this since you got on the plane to fly back to japan. just in case this is a dream and he’s about to wake up. kagami inhales deeply. aomine. right here. in his arms.
     “don’t do that,” he says, “i smell bad.”
     “no, you don’t,” it’s mumbled, inaudible.
     “what was that?”
     “i said,” kagami pulls his head back so that he can see his boyfriend’s beautiful, gorgeous, perfect face. it mirrors his own. both hold the teary, tender expressions of lovers parted for too long. his words are long lost. he couldn’t remember what he’d said, what aomine had asked, what day it is. all he has to ground him in reality is a pair of blue eyes staring deep into his, and the arms wrapped tightly around his body.
     they move in unison. the kiss is soft, and sweet, and everything he could have hoped it would be. one of kagami’s hands leaves its place on aomine’s back to hold his face. is--- is that stubble he can feel under gentle fingertips? in six months? man! that’s so cool. and hot. god! his boyfriend is so beautiful! the kiss ends as kagami breaks into a wide grin. aomine chuckles. they press their foreheads together.
     “tell me what you were thinkin’ about just now,”
     “you, daiki,” he holds aomine’s face in both hands, now, smiling so much that it hurts, “i’ve been thinking about you ever since you left.”
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mira--mira · 3 years
Love your fics!!🥺 I was wondering if you have any good young or kid hashimada fics out there that you'd recommend? I feel like I've read most of them like twice already ahaha. THANKS!
Thank you! I’m glad you like them! 🥺💖
Anon I know that feeling SO WELL, so I’ll do my best to help! This is also where I reveal that I was a hardcore lurker who was too shy to engage before I started posting and during the first months of quarantine last year, I read through the entire hashirama/madara tag twice because this was literally how I coped.
Some of the 2021 ones I haven’t read/can’t review (bc writing has taken over my life) but are on my kid-fic to-read list so I included them here.
Behold the fruits of my labor, hopefully well organized (but under a readline bc my god this got long with 45 fics in total.)
Hashimada (as kids or teens)
An extensive, but not exhaustive, list for AO3 not in any order except my personal starred recs first. Some are a timeline of their relationship (ie going to adulthood) and I included them here if at least half the fic (or close) was dedicated to when they were kids.
People (3+ kid or teenager fics)
Mari_kel (me) 
Out of Time (M, multi, time travel, est relationship, found family, incomplete) Birds of a Feather (M, multi, canon au, mythological au, incomplete) Practice Makes Perfect (T, one-shot, kissing, teenagers, BoaF au) Two Hearts, Tied Together (M, one-shot, soulmate au, Tobirama POV)
A Perfect Present * (G, multi, gifts, birthday presents, complete) A Kiss By The Hills * (G, multi, drabble series, canon au, incomplete) Outfit From Hell * (T, one-shot, canon au, est relationship) Patient is the Night * (G, one-shot, modern au, highschool sweethearts) *Look I just really love her works. They’re all very cute and sweet plus her art on @canchuonsstuff is amazing. Top-tier hashimada as kids/teenagers content.
Severance * (T, one-shot, angst, violence, meeting on the battlefield) Todoku * (T, multi, event fic, peace/war, complete) chapters 4, 6 Yuki-Daruma * (G, one-shot, winter, snowmen) *Also another fav author. Wide range of works but all of them are great!
We Become Ourselves, the Archetypes * (M, multi, time travel, fix-it of sorts, family, all brothers meeting, incomplete) *It’s been awhile since I’ve read this one but I remember loving it while reading. Wildflower Sun   (NR, one-shot, teenagers, sickfic, after the river confrontation) Glass Lies and Fairy Doll Eyes (M, multi, (abandoned?), canon + magic au, supernatural elements, incomplete)
Out of My Head (G, one-shot, modern au, confessions) To The Center Of My (Heart) (G, one-shot, first kiss) Senju Brothers (G, one-shot, canon au, brothers live) Uchiha Brothers (G, one-shot, canon au, brothers live) Trick or Treat (G, one-shot, modern au, halloween) Loving Moments (G, one-shot, hogwarts au)
Like You (G, kisses, alternate sharingan awakened) A Special Someone (with a Bowl Cut) (G, cute, Izuna’s POV) Where You Are (G, good dads)
He Loved Us (Because We are Unlovable) by TheQueen *
(T, canon au, hashirama’s the one who snaps early, blood/gore, incomplete) *This is a really interesting au set-up I love bc I’m always one for 1. Madara comforting Hashirama and 2. recognizing the mokuton is terrifying
My Tongue is a Weapon by PitchBlackMagpie (xx_dandy)
(NR, time travel, growing up fic, madara’s family, not human, incomplete) tbh I don’t remember how much of this is them as kids, but I do remember part of it was before they grew up
Hashimada Happenings by secondmeteor (chapter 3 & 6~)
(T, event fic collection all v good, river/mountains, mythology, complete)
Bonds by fadedlullabyes
(NR, canon reframed, angst, complete)
First Kiss by Makkoska *
(T, first kiss, continued meeting after river confrontation)  *This was one of the first fics I read for this ship so it has a special place in my heart.
Rainy season by EldOchFlamma *
(G, long oneshot, teenagers, after the river confrontation, Izuna injured) * fic is set in the odd time after the river confrontation but before they’re adults and it’s rare we get fics centered here that do it well. This one does and ends on a hopeful note.
Climb Those First Steps by Lohrendrell *
(G, first kiss, pre-canon, teenagers) *One of my favs. Short but sweet.
Compromises by dinopire *
(T, teenagers, modern au, sexual content) *I like how the relationship is portrayed plus the tag “handjob no jutsu” kills me.
Catch and Release by wafflelate *
(T, kissing, still idealistic(ish) Madara, after the river confrontation, teenagers) * One of my favorites. Very cute.
like a feather, like a whisper by theadventuresof *
(G, soft, meetings at the river) * I like fics that show more than the canon meetings but also this is v well written and full of longing that’s typically hard to pull off.
Clandestine by misbehavingvigilante 
(T, first crush, clingy Hashirama)
Subtle by amsy
(G, modern school au, confessing) 
One Second by raindrops28
(G, angst, Hashirama taken in by Uchiha)
The Ones Who Fell In Love by PewDiePie
(T, long oneshot, romeo and juliet-esc au, growing up)
just kids by orphan_account
(T, referenced torture, implied rape (not explicit but fyi), meeting at the riverbank)
Torches by forlornwind
(G, focus on Madara as a sensor rather than relationship)
flowering. by greywords 
(G, poetic language, all lowercase)
Damn... This is love, huh. by fuckgoose
(G, fishing, art, v short)
the earth is warmer when you laugh by sanguinedawns
(T, growing up, teenagers, cute, animal injury (no death))
Stop Running Away I’m Trying to Confess My Love to You by junistired
(T, teenagers, modern highschool au, confessing, valentine’s day)
Abandoned (or not updated >2 years)
Kids by the River by chronicallyCritical
(T, canon-compliant, wish it was continued)
Crimson Cherry Blossoms by Loeka
(G, fem!Madara, crush at first sight, abandoned but the author did outline a lot more in the comments on the last chapter if you’d like closure)
This is as much as I could find, but I know I’m missing some. Hope this helps you find something new anon!
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