#trans people are cool as fuck and valid and loved and matter so so so much more than that pathetic excuse of a human being
caroliimeh · 8 months
[Long post]
Being trans is so cool and fun and rewarding and I wouldn’t live my life any other way. There’s something inherently beautiful about crafting your own identity; about rejecting societal norms and prejudices and blazing your own path forward through this fucked up world we live in. I was raised religious; my dad is a pastor. I was always told that God makes no mistakes and that I should be content with the way I was created. But if there is a God, I like to think that they gave us free will for a reason - so that we as humans can share in the act of creation.
I’ve known I was a girl as long as I can remember. Up until a few years ago, I was too terrified to tell anyone. I’m so glad that I did. It was never a decision about whether or not I was a girl. It was a decision I made to accept what I knew about myself and begin to participate in the divine act of creation.
I’m happier now than I have ever been in my life. It’s not easy being trans, especially in the current social and political climate. Trans people are constantly being demonized, stigmatized, and bullied by so many in positions of authority. Every day the news shows a new story about how trans women are either biologically advantaged or confused men; or how the worst thing an AFAB person can do is cut off their boobs and “pretend “ to be a man. Not a day goes by where I don’t feel targeted or threatened; either by awful people on the internet, by people’s nasty looks at me just for existing around them, or from the government trying to make me illegal. That being said, it’s still infinitely better to endure all of that than to try and live as a man.
Being trans is awesome. Every morning I wake up and I feel lucky that I get to live this life. If I could go back and tell five-year-old me anything, I’d tell that frightened little girl that life does get better. That it’s okay to be scared, but it’s better to speak out and make her voice heard. That trying on Mom’s high heels and makeup in the bathroom with the door locked wasn’t a thing that most boys did. That, yes, being a girl is actually an option. It would have saved me so much trouble later on.
Being trans saved my life. It has saved many other lives throughout the span of history and it will continue to do so for as long as we as humans exist. To any trans people reading this: You are beautiful. You are validated. Your existence is not a burden on anyone who truly matters. Your story is not over. It is of the utmost importance that we do not lose hope in the face of prejudice and malice; instead, we must all support each other through times like these.
The poet Andrea Gibson once said, “I suppose I love this life, in spite of my clenched fist.” My hope for anyone who sees this post is that you will love your own life; and that you also will not be afraid, like I once was, to clench your fist in spite of the world. Exist unapologetically. Spread love. Everything will get better, I promise you. You are not alone in this.
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rdng1230 · 2 months
I know that when you suddenly come out as gender fluid in your twenties with zero warning it’s gonna take everyone in your life a minute to adjust. I know that that’s a reasonable thing. I came out to my mom a few days ago and my stepdad just a few hours ago. And they both said they love me no matter what which is exactly what you’re supposed to say. But I know they’re a little weirded out and I wish I could just skip to the part where everyone’s adjusted to it. And I know that’s especially hard because my pronouns change literally all the time so it’s not even like ok out with the old in with the new and they can practice it all the time. I first came out as a lesbian when I was really young and they were totally cool with it, but this time it feels really different. I wish I knew another gender fluid person in real life that I could talk to. I wish my parents knew these people too. Part of me wants to run back in the closet, part of me wishes I had never realized this about myself because I’m questioning my gender and second guessing it all the time in a way that feels restricting? But then I get these moments of euphoria when I put on an outfit or when my partner uses he/him pronouns/terms of endearment and I know that this feels right. But I also find myself experiencing this grief for the childhood me that never got that validation of gender. I know I’m incredibly privileged as a trans person. I don’t experience any body related gender dysphoria, I’m basically cis most of the time, I don’t have to do any of the admin stuff like getting my name changed or my sex changed on my licenses (thanks mom for the gender neutral name!) but I also feel a sense of loneliness and like I have to educate everyone around me because I feel like this particular part of the transgender umbrella is so sparsely populated with almost zero visibility outside LGBTQ+ spaces. I am trying not to be afraid and I am trying to think of the gender fluid kid that comes after me that gets to be just a little less scared, but fuck.
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aroacedavestrider · 1 year
hello its me a Positive Anon here to counter the weirdass anon you dealt with. trans people cool as fuck we rule. transgedner #1 babey!!!!!!!! trans men the best real. idk just thoigjt you might appreciate some positivity after that (what the fuck was that anon ON?????) casts spell of terfs die in a fire
WOOOOOOO YEAH TRANS MEN AND TRANSMASCS ARE SO COOL AND WE BALL SO HARD we deserve to be listened to and taken seriously just as much as trans women and transfem people because we MATTER and are IMPORTANT parts of the community 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
💙 trans men / mascs who pass are important voices WHETHER OR NOT theyre openly trans and your masculinity is beautiful
💗 trans men / mascs who dont pass are deserving of visibility and having their identities respected
🤍 trans men / mascs who want to pass you are valid and you are amazing no matter what you may look like right now
💗 trans men / mascs who dont want to pass you are a real and valued member of the trans community and your expression is important
💙 nonbinary men / mascs you are just as deserving of the same treatment and respect as binary trans men / mascs
💗 multigender men / mascs your identities are so real and dont let anyone ever tell you otherwise
🤍 intersex men / mascs if you identify as trans you are not a freak and your body is not broken you are incredible
💗 bipoc trans men / mascs you are not scary you are not a threat you are so loved and if your race / culture impacts your gender then you are a valued and important voice in our community
💙 CIS MEN / MASCS. youre not trans but i want you guys to internalize this stuff too. youre not a monster for being a man. none of us are. please keep supporting your trans brothers and siblings
if you think this post is an attack on trans women / fems, ask yourself why you think that. this is a positivity post. just because we deserve positivity will never mean were trying to take it away from anyone else. dont be a jackass.
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3ggyb0y · 10 months
RLLY TIRED OF MFS MAKING SHOWS AND GOING “yeah this one is trans and everything about them is the exact same as the cis characters and you only know theyre trans bc they/the plot said so” AND THATS IT
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vinxwatches · 7 months
the bad batch season 2
really liked season one, trough probably too much because i headcanon Omega as trans.
Omega is badass now? cool.
Cid is damn manipulative... by having a valid point.
the call for adventure of the season: help people. they are good people, helping when the opportunity arises, seems like they'll be making the step to looking for places to help.
i just realized something i really like in this over clone wars: people can't die. don't get me wrong, it was neat, but it also meant you wouldn't get to know the cast. in this the cast is an actual cast.
oh, that's one fucking cliffhanger, strong opening.
stop being stupid, you can't run on a broken leg... i mean you can, but you shouldn't.
they were hunted by Wilco... the name sound familiar, but my memory for names is ass. also he's dead now, so not that it really matters. i literally caught it on his death grunt.
i do like the message, but i wonder where they'll be going with it.
Crosshair episode? also cody again, probably about to die too.
there's always something neat about a sniper just sniping overly well.
maybe not, maybe cody is able to leave and live. more likely not. the only reasonable way to achieve that is by linking up with Rex or task force 99. and i don't recall him being with Rex in rebels.
well damn, he went awol. hope we'll see him again.
i love a good race, especially layed out well, and it was. good episode
ok i'll admit it my gay hart is losing it over phee, worried she'll turn out to be the villain, or at least not trustworthy.
pre jedi stuff. how will not force users make it trough here. also they're going big with the music.
i was sure it would be a kibar cristal (lightsabre core). oh, it's big.
so i really did recognise him... HOW?!
the message of the show seems to me "people need their people". now this isn't a bad message, but is easily malformed.
ah, so wookies are argonians.
"don't stand where i'm flamethrowing"
i really like where she moved. how she seems to have grown... it's probably going to get her killed isn't it? ep 7 btw.
i love the leitmotifs.
damnit two parter? i need to prepare, not need to watch part two... oh well.
Echo's role is always the most questionable to me, but here they really found a role for him.
fuck he's such a politician. (yes that is obviously an insult)
feels fitting for Echo, the old squad reuniting... yet also we know this isn't where he ends up. after all i watched rebels.
hello purple hair, should i know you already?
and it's given proper weight, nice.
tech is autistic isn't he? because my god can he be almost stereotypically oblivious. damn growth for tech. also yea you'll always lose against water.
oh, this really just is the neurodivergent episode... and i think it's handled pretty well. episode 9. Techs and Omega's conversation around 22 minutes is very good.
nope purple hair is not someone we know, and definitely doesn't have cool feather hair.
ugly and disabled means evil... not a fan.
the workers suffer while and to increase the profit of the company? what a new story, good thing such things never happen in the real world /s. if only the solutions were ever more realistic. revealing the truth never changed anything. but obviously disney doesn't want to tell that.
a broken space dropping out of hyperdrive?
oh shit, they're continuing with what i thought was a dropped plotpoint. but why though? what do they plan to do with this plot now?
Rex? doesn't look like him, but certain talks like him. and i don't just mean same voice. i mean how and what he says. ep 12
oh, is this the deserting episode? they have been building it up.
in case it wasn't obvious enough the empire was evil and a bunch of dicks.
welcome to cold, the cruellest, slowest killer. the cruellest part may be the hope. there's nothing you'll survive better then cold, because while it kills you it also preserves you. you can hope to make it, until the moment you die. and the people who find your body will feel that same hope until your corpse is warmed up. it's a blessing too, for you'll survive it more often then drowning, but the hope is cruel.
damn that ending though.
are they planning to split to group up further? i mean probably the right decision, but not healthy for the series i think. they are making this play too idyllic, like 80% sure it'll either be destroyed or secretly evil. the only reason i'd say maybe not is because they seemed to have put too much afford into the assets to throw it all away. of all the enemies to throw at the it, this is one of the most mundane and with that cool. especially in it's accuracy.
also did they hint at this ship before? i didn't notice it but i'm notoriously bind to this type of ship. or did they introduce it in this episode.
that ship sure looks like the ghost.
"i suggest i you proceed before i come to my senses"
two things i still really like: Wrecker is allowed to be afraid of heights and it's not a flaw. a hinderance and a weakness, sure. but everyone has those. it's not something that's wrong with him that must be changed. Omega is trusted with important tasks and is competent. she's not just a tag along kid, she's an actual member of the team with useful skills like any of them.
there's going to be more then one team working here, that'll be a problem. called it, and called it... fuck. this season won't end in a successful rescue. they better be getting a season 3.
on no. i see the solution, Tech does too. please don't. yet you must. fuck. come on, it's too early in the episode for a mayor character death. right? unless the rest of the episode it to come to terms with the loss. i'm wrong... right? i mean... the start of the episode did set it up, but, like.. no?
this feels like an episode where they all die... but that can't be. they have an unresolved plot. whatsit fuck face needs omege, she needs to be captured and then rescued. that's how those plots go. everyone can't die, not yet at least, the plot demands it... right?
ok... they "salvaged" him. that has to mean he's alive... right? fuck i already know a friend of mine would call out my hopium.
another female clone? the fuck? also how can you be here? do what you do? that just doesn't make sense? trying to improve the system from the inside? that won't work with the empire, and if you were a mole you'd be a shit one. they're really hoping they'll get another season.
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shopcat · 1 year
how do you feel about transfem steve in general? I admit as a transfem-ish nb person myself I really enjoy projecting myself onto Steve but I mostly have to restrict myself to enjoying art and my friends creations because so much of it is like. the extreme of the baby girl twink bottom boy waif steve fetishization trend to eddies bad boy s&m gay sex master. it's like people can't acknowledge that mlm in the 80s could be gnc and not transfem, and that steve could retain his personality and not be a blushing virginal archetype the minute he puts on some makeup
OH in general i think it's awesome like Fuck Yes transgender right. i love the idea and i love all trans hcs but especially for steve and i think it's also really cool that a lot of people do like it because in my experience in the past people r far more unreceptive out of just like transmisogyny.. :( like it's cool how open people are TO the idea it's just sometimes the idea sucks ass when someone is doing it with ill intention or ignorance 😭
i've talked about this a little i honestly think 😭 there is just a huge problem with casual transmisogyny in the st fandom and it's dressed up as like, inclusivity?? bc it will not be outright blatant bigotry it's the weird insidiously needling things or like, genuine fetishisation or like that weird shit where people have eddie say transfem steve is his "exception" but he's gay (when eddie is not ... gay. so they're making him gay to insert this weird roadblock and it comes off uncomfortable it is not as coolpillbasedawesome as people assume it is... sexuality can be fluid and change especially in the wake of gender and identity shifting and growing with a relationship but people can't actually apply that needed depth and complexity in a 30 word wordcount lame headcanon post or 2 second comic it just comes off that eddie sees her as a boy or otherwise invalidating tbh!!). and tbh one of the largest aspects from my perspective at least of the reason the hc became popular over on st twitter is because the nsfw artists got really into the "trend" just making blatant trans fetish content as people will Always do but like god that's just depressing 😭😭 that it was even called a trend is concerning in the first place to be honest but i guess that's just a semantics thing..
and yeah i think ur absolutely right :0 i think one time i said um like it's really clear when people who are making this harmful content (albeit out of ignorance and not malicious intention) will be doing it as an extension of steve being the ultimate subby blushing baby girl and if the starting line for a trans headcanon is someone's FEMINISATION KINK that's just plain concerning :( going hand in hand with shipping her with robin i think it's just fucking weird to go as far as you can to try and get stobin to date and they're always making her a trans girl TO date robin as the crux of it and never ... just to be a person. with autonomy. then they think it's like awesome and validating her gender because robin sees her as a woman but like ?? 😭 why wouldn't she. i don't know it's just weird to me to use robin's sexuality as a prop like that on top of the fact it implies robin's sexuality is "in the way" of them having feelings for each other... yuck. like even if i understand the angle to go against what a lot of tma people have spoken out against (the... iffiness of headcanoning a male character as a trans girl from the perspective of a tme person no matter their intention) to specifically do that to those two in particular is so STRANGE and then every single time someone goes this is weird they're like "well you just think robin wouldn't date her cuz she's not a real girl" like omg you're soooo stupid like rocks in your fucking brain. even if steve was a cis girl they wouldn't date also why r they never going Yesss transfem nancy or vickie or fucking chrissy or whoever they ship her with now like it's TRANSPARENT. anyway.
other than that i think it's a really fun & cool thing !!! :) if they're made responsibly especially if like you said it comes from a place of empathetic projection let alone from someone actually transfem it's so fun & cool i honestly think a big problem IS that tme people are spearheading it and end up perpetuating harmful ideals and honestly as one myself i don't even know if i can identify it all but i try my best to at least be like Hey guys... 😭. but it sucks when something fun so connected w peoples irl identities and senses of selves like that is taken by fandom and like strangled to death U_U. i have a lot of free floating little steve's in my mind and i really i suppose enjoy..? both the transmasc and transfem experience 4 him i can see it in both ways and it rules + with the stipulation that like. transfem ofc doesn't equal binary trans it's just a sweeping term or that all tma people ARE transfem etc etc so he is transfem a lot of the time just by virtue of it and It Rules. it rules. honestly this answer ended up more airing my frustrations again i'm sorry 😭😭 Basically i love transfem steve in all manner of expression... from genderfluidity to bigender identity to he/she realness to the outright trans girl coolness and i also love seperately from that hc him being just a little fun with it like u said. gnc steve one of the most beautiful things in the world. insert a how i look with he/him in my bio picture here.
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simptasia · 2 years
Hello! Im so sorry to bother but i just got back into Lost again and charlie has given me brainrot especially Trans Charlie and i was wondering if you had any specific hc or things like that? I really love Hurleys and Charlies friendship and i always feel when he finds out he's not only super supportive but also super chill
oh gosh! you're not a bother at all!
i do have specific trans charlie HCs and i never get to talk about this so thank you!
tw: references to trans/homo/biphobia both external and internal. and trans subject matters like transition, dysphoria, surgeries etc
there are many many words under here. so many :)
charlie realised he's trans when he was 5, that is to say, he realised he's a boy pretty much as soon as the concept of Boy could take root in his mind. picture 5 year old charlie walking into the kitchen and loudly announcing "i'm NOT a girl, i'm a BOY" to his parents and liam
the reaction is mostly amusement. liam laughs because he's 7. but yeah i do think his family assumed this was like, a tomboy phase that charlie would grow out of with time. but were still very cool with it. simon notes "i have two boys now ^_^", and megan offers to cut charlie's hair, which he happily accepts, he hated looking like a girl
over time it's clearly not a phase but the notion of charlie = boy, son, brother becomes second nature to the pace family. liam gets in the habit of calling charlie "baby brother" so he doesn't accidently call him his sister and that nickname sticks forever
so basically charlie's family is not transphobic. like i imagine the worse you'd get from these three is ignorant/well meaning comments. (and yes, simon was more bothered by charlie being a musician than him being trans. bless your strange heart, papa pace)
any bigotry charlie suffered in life, both from being trans and bi, was mainly from school and people he met outside of home (like, nasty groupies for example). i imagine he received slurs that typically apply to sapphic people. because his schoolmates assumed he was a butch lesbian. i can see charlie wishing they'd call him the right nasty words
charlie has a vicious combination of confidence and insecurity so theres bursts of "yeah i'm a bloke, i'm bi, what of it" and other times deep internal shame. and he's catholic too so that adds to the uh oh soup. i mention him being bi because i feel that adds to his guilt, like this notion of "even if i'd stayed a girl, i'd still be doing something wrong. i'd still be wrong"
and i think this shame and insecurity ties into his promiscuity, because he has this desperate need to be desired and validated. people wanting him, taking pleasure from him, gives charlie a sense of self worth. same with his need to be useful and have attention, etc, basically all that fucked up charlie jazz (...or punk rock, as it were)
ahem, heh, didn't mean to go down that road but writing meta about charlie is such an easy well for me to fall into. it's a rich tapestry
in regards to hurley. 2004 was a different time (gosh that feels weird to say) but i don't think its out of character to imagine hurley is cool with it. he doesn't fully, like, get it but he's like "that's great, dude" and that reaction is always a relief to get. hurley is the cis straight friend we all deserve. i think there are lost characters who would be weirded out by this or needed it explained to them but hurley is [thumbs up]
okay now an assortment of trans charlie headcanons/notes
teenaged charlie had the whole slouching in baggy shirts thing going on (making him look rather grunge). as soon as it was legal for him to get top surgery, he had it, he hated those things. so he had it done at 18, so by the time of LOST, twas 10 years ago and thus i imagine his scars are almost totally faded. you'd have to get real close and if you did you'd notice they're a tad janky because like, charlie was a poor street busker from manchester, he had to go for a really cheap option but hey it got the job done
he did try wearing a binder (i say binder, it was bandages) but he stopped because it was fucking up his ability to sing. it suits charlie that he'd put his musical ability over his physical well being. so most of the time that he had tits he made do with sports bras
side note: age 12 to 16 charlie was in The Worst Mood Ever. teen charlie makes adult charlie seem composed and rational. just a hormonal mess of anger, rebellion, poor posture, dysphoria, sexual discovery, messy greasy red streaked hair, FUCK THE SYSTEM THE WORLD ISN'T FAIR I HATE EVERYONE. with periods as a cherry on top. i just wanted to put the image of teen charlie in your head. i'm just being condescending for funsies, cuz pouty grumpy charlie is cute, but he really did have a lot to be upset about. teen years were rough for charlie, is what i'm saying, his main sources of joy being music, [redacted] and the few friends he had (liam and the other two members of driveshaft). oh and sweet food
but i digress
he has not had bottom surgery. if you asked him why he'd joke "what and give up multiple orgasms?" but the real reason is that charlie has very powerful drive to become a father one day and part of that desire includes with his own. body. so he's kept all the parts needed for that Just In Case. and yes, doing that would majorly trigger his dysphoria but people aren't always rational, charlie least of all. he's a barrel of conflicting emotions. he has good days and bad days in regards to his lower anatomy
charlie takes T patches. i chose these for practical reasons because he's on an island for 3 months. he wears them under his arm and claire assumes they're nicotine patches until she knows charlie is trans. he's wearing each patch for 3 days or more days instead of 1 day like he's supposed to, in order to make 'em last. charlie is clearly an already moody person, but man the concept that charlie is having hormonal issues too really adds to it
and thats something that i really love about my trans charlie headcanon is that i can think of so many canon things that make it make sense. like, the baby brother thing but also
physically: charlie is short, looks rather different to his brother (rounder face) and is hippier than the average cis man. and also charlie has a tendency to puff out his chest (going the opposite of his terrible slouch days cuz now he's titless babey). these are just aspects of dom that happen to work out well for this
story wise: in the show we only see charlie as a child and a grown adult, as such making it easy to fill in first puberty pre transition teenaged charlie off screen. he's possibly 18 in that desmond flashback so cutting it a tad close but i imagine he's had hormonal arrangements for himself since he was 16. and hormones really are fucking magic. also artistic licence, because at the end of the day i am still talking about somebody played a (presumably) cis guy actor
personality: well, besides the aforementioned hormonal mood swings. okay, the stuff i'm gonna say about charlie is not how i see all trans men. i just think being trans ties into certain aspects of charlie's manner. i mentioned before his desperate need for validation, to be useful, to be loved. charlie is really overcompensate-y, he's trying too hard All The Time, one could see that as him like overperforming masculinity. look, charlie has issues, and its clear as day he really really wants to slot himself into the role of husband, father, provider, protector. not inherently a bad thing and certainly not inherently a trans man thing buuut i think it fits. ties into the idea that most of his life charlie has felt the need to constantly prove himself, and that includes things like: a good musician, a good catholic, somebody who can take care of people he loves, being even worthy of love and. being a Real Man. all wrapped up in one confusing mess of a psyche
nah, i got more, still going. furthermore, i don't think charlie being trans is the only reason he's insecure (a rich tapestry) but what if one of many reasons charlie has his nasty jealousy issues with claire is that he thinks so little of himself that he's deeply afraid claire will leave him for a "Real Man". toxic masculinity hurts us all bro. and its not even like charlie is some kind of hypermasculine dudebro or anything like that (he wears nail polish and eyeliner for one thing. he's punk rock) but some odd harmful attitudes come out in subtler ways
to be clear i don't think charlie doubts he is a man but the human mind can be a total fucktruck and i'll say it again: charlie is insecure
anyways. charlie doesn't have a deadname, he was born charlie and he will die charlie. and another neat thing is that theres nothing in the show to suggest that charlie is a variation on charles. he is simply charlie. his middle name "hieronymus" was added by him though, obviously
he had a dildo/strap on packed with him but it was lost to sea during the crash. rip charlie's cock [plays off key flute version of my heart will go on]
he's not out to the wider public. basically in my version of ~canon~ the only people who know are his family, claire and uhh, well, the dozens upon dozens of people he's slept with (charlie's desire to keep this secret vs charlie's rampant desperate lust: the latter always wins). you would think rumours would spread and you're right! but charlie also spreads rumours, sneaky boy. yeah, i heard that the bass player of driveshaft has a big thick cock. a friend of a friend told me, trust me
basically trashy cringe inducing english tabloids have had some things to say about our dear charlie. which only serves to make the concept seem more unbelievable and silly to people. which, as backhanded as that sounds, works for charlie!
i realised i hadn't mentioned this yet: claire is very cool with this. charlie had never been so nervous to come out to somebody in all his life, because he loves claire so much, but once she understood what charlie was telling her (different time, claire didn't know that trans men existed), she rolled with situation. claire's a sweet girl, she's grown up uninformed about queer stuff (and she's bi but thought she was straight until kate) so i imagine her saying some not quite right things but she doesn't have a bigoted bone in her tiny body
and claire never betrays charlie's trust and keeps his secret forever (yeah at least 50 groupies know charlie's trans but thats not the point. it's the principle of the thing)
so yeah. there's defo more, if i like got into more specific scenarios, but thats the gist of what comes to mind and it was still quite a lot, so! thank you for your time
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iactlikeapornbot · 2 years
i love queer people.
i love my friend who is super confident and pretty and funny, but can’t watch queer media because he doesn’t think that could ever happen to him. I love him and his insecurities and his jokes.
i love my friend who is content with being open about his faith and queerness while having parents he’s not out to, because it’s just too dangerous. I love him and admire his faith in a world that says gay people cannot be religious.
i love my friend who is questioning her identity, even though i don’t know much about what she’s going through.
i love my friend who’s dated and been hurt before, who’s misgendered and dead-named on a daily basis. i love her as she is, with her strong opinions and dad bod. i cherish the day we destroyed a stuffed animal from her ex under a tree.
i love my friend who whispered she was bi in the dark to me at church camp, of all places, something she’d never told anyone. something she trusted me to keep safe. i love her and all her insecurities as well as with her mental illness and all her quirks.
i love my friend who’s unapologetically lesbian and wasn’t afraid to tell one of her best friends she liked her, and didn’t push the other girl away after being rejected.
i love every lesbian, bi-lesbians, non-binary lesbians, ace lesbians, aro lesbians, and any other lesbians. you are all amazing and valid and cool as fuck.
i love every gay person so much, you’re all gorgeous and amazing and i hope you’re doing well.
i love every bi person, confused or confident, neatly split attraction or strong preferences. you all deserve the world.
i love every trans person, pre transition and post transition, people in the middle of their transition and people who don’t want to transition. i wish you all the best on your journeys.
i love every questioning person, because shit, it’s hard not knowing. i’m here for you all on your exploration of identity. you are valid no matter what.
i love every intersex person. whatever you decide to identify as, i’m prepared to beat anyone’s ass who doesn’t respect that. you’re all wonderful and vital parts of this community.
i love every asexual person, those who want sex and those who don’t, those who are in-between. don’t you ever let anyone tell you what’s right for you.
i love every aromantic person. whether you want a romantic, don’t, or have mixed feelings, you’re all so cool and i hope you live and authentic and lovely life, the way you want.
i love every pan person, while i don’t know much about the orientation, i know that you’re all valid as fuck and have so much worth.
i love queer people.
(btw if there’s something i missed in here lmk or add onto the post so it can be included!!)
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#mcr - 290 posts
#ofmd - 79 posts
#art - 65 posts
#toh - 41 posts
#birds - 21 posts
#tiktok - 18 posts
#lol - 15 posts
#lmao - 14 posts
#fuck capitalism - 14 posts
#prev tags - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 74 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
The londoner in ur birmie squad sjdhhdf
i am so sorry bro i dont think i am who u think i am 😭😭
8 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
aras have you seen the Joan of Arc outfit yet
10 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
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3000 posts!
ashamed 😔
16 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
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19 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I love the energy and all and I don’t want to offend but as a Muslim girl i can tell you that it is literally haram to identify as anything other than your god given gender. Like I’m not trying to be rude and I’m glad that there a respectful supportive people out there but if you’re looking at the Quran and other islamic book you’ll find stories about how its considered haram. Accepting the islam religion means accepting everything and dedicating yourself to it you can’t just pick and choose.
omg my first anon hate hahaha
i know im not obligated to answer hate but im going to anyway bcuz of i have things to say (sparkle emoji) (im on pc and dont have the energy to find an emoji keyboard)
okay first of all nowhere did i say that I identify as Muslim. i get that it was ambiguous tho so its cool. to clarify,, I am personally not Muslim but I kind of have to act like one so I don't get kicked to the streets or some shit lol and maybe I'm a bit of a coward idkkk but anyways
I would be interested to know what other Islamic books ur talking about btw, but I'm pretty sure the quran doesn't mention being trans anywhere at all. in fact I'm pretty certain, I've read it multiple times with translation and commentary interpretations and anyway being trans wasn't really a 'known' thing back then? bcuz obviously patriarchy and gender roles n segregation blah blah was wayyyy more yk. shit I forgot the word. uhhh yk like prevalent?? ofc the quran does mention a shitton about gender roles,, so yk men r the breadwinners, women raise the kids and keep house and be good wives etc. and also remember the big important fact:: GENDER AND SEX R DIFFERENT THINGS!!! meaning technically u cant be 'born' a gender (omfg my keyboard hates me imagine a question mark here) ur born with certain genitals and society assigns u a gender based on that . sounds a bit fucked when u put it like that actually but anyway back when the quran was being revealed this wasn't a known thing cuz yk they didn't have studies on this stuff,, and yea ur probably gonna say 'but the quran came from allah and he knows everything' well the fact of the matter is he either forgot or smth idk I don't speak for God but trans people definitely exist that's a fact we know so yeah. oh I should come back to my point which was, even with the quran saying those things about what ur supposed to do based on whats in ur pants which is crazy outdated anyway it doesn't take gender ≠ sex into consideration either soo ye that's the most it could've said about being trans and that not very valid anymore rip and that's not even mentioning non-binary people
and anyway Islam is literally all about acceptance and respect and everything so idk it would probably be better if u didn't go around telling ppl they're 'literally haram' for being trans or gay or any typa queer bcuz its literally not our choice (insert question marks) believe me I would fucking love to be comfortable in my 'female' body but I cant no matter how much I try to force myself so I'm sorry dude. no one would choose to be stuck in a situation like this. personally, I believe Islam needs a super massive reformation. well not Islam exactly, but a lot of things said in the quran r outdated wildly now, while a lot of it will also always be relevant, eg. everyone being equal and yk give to the poor etc. i have absolutely nothing against Muslims (I have it against my family for being so forceful about religion - different thing) yall r super cool and ik being a Muslim girl isn't easy believe me, but genuinely seeing Muslim people around and yk, just existing in wider society outside of Islamic spaces makes me feel so proud of where I came from even if its not been the best experience. have u seen the show We are Lady Parts (question mark) its about an all female Muslim punk band and there's only six episodes I literally watched it all today but the message of it is what I'm trying to get to you. u don't have to be the perfect pious wife to be considered a 'good Muslim',, there are so many ways u can show faith. you don't have to be a big strong man who can handle all pain with ease while single-handedly providing for a family either.
anyways peace out that sure was a journey lol and I definitely have forgot some of the things I wanted to say but yea that's all don't forget to like and subscribe <3
(colours r to make it easier to read for people with shorter attention spans,, they don't have any other significance)
36 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
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emaciated-creechur · 1 year
I don't understand how people can want to look like clones of each other simply because it's popular to look a certain way other than just feeling incredibly lonely and desperately wanting to fit in, or having such low self esteem you let others decide how you wanna look. And I feel so sad for those people, cause they must feel so awful about themselves and think getting external validation will somehow make them feel better about themselves but it won't, it'll never be enough. Sure, getting love and support helps a lot but it won't make you actually change the way you see yourself in the long run, that's an effort you have to make for yourself.
Idk I guess I don't understand how some people can find other people ugly simply because of some random thing that has no baring on the kind of person they are. I think everyone looks so cool and beautiful and unique and it's so wonderful how different we all are! I find so much beauty in diversity, in how different people can be, whether it's their body type, their skin, their hair, their facial features or other qualities. I'd find it so boring if everyone looked a certain way and there was no variation whatsoever.
I only think someone's ugly when I find their personality and behavior ugly, but maybe it's just that I don't understand a lot of social expectations because of my autism, or maybe it's because I'm in the ace spectrum.
Yeah, I might not feel attracted to certain people, I still have a type, but that doesn't mean I won't appreciate the beauty of someone who's not my type, despite not feeling attracted to them.
I never wanted to look a certain way because that's what other people would find more attractive.
I've been bullied for having freckles, countless people have insisted over and over again that I would look better with straight hair and that they want to see how it'd look like ironed out, I've been told my body hair's disgusting and I should get rid of it, that I should eat more cause I look like a skeleton, that my head would look too small if I cut my hair short, people would constantly compliment my sister's eyes because they're blue while ignoring my brown eyes, I've been told that gingers are bad luck/a jinx, like a black cat, I've been told I would look uglier if I transitioned, because men are uglier than women, apparently, amongst other things. But it never made me stop liking those things about me, it just frustrated me how other people would pester me about it constantly and try to make me feel bad about things that I like about myself.
I think all my insecurities when it comes to my appearance and the way I present myself have to do with gender dysphoria. I've always found my breasts annoying and cumbersome, like a burden, because I can't wear a lot of what I want without having to find a way to flatten them cause they'd make me look like a woman, I don't like my hips being so wide because they give me this hourglass shape, I don't like my stretch marks or cellulite cause I relate it to femininity, or my period for the same reason and also because it's painful, a hassle and makes my body weak and tired, and I feel the need to lose weight because I want to get rid of those things.
I used to find my voice high pitched and irritating despite other people finding it low and pretty, and now that it's actually irritating to other people because it cracks constantly I fucking love it and I even crack my voice on purpose to laugh at other people getting annoyed by it.
That's also why, unlike other trans guys, I don't have height dysphoria either, despite being 162cm(5'3") tall, because there's lots of cis men who are really short and cis women who are really tall and they're all super cool and trans people are really cool too no matter their height. It's just annoying when I can't reach something that's too high up and I have to ask for help or get a stool or a chair to get it but it doesn't affect me on my day to day life all that much tbh, so I never really pay much attention to it.
I just don't like it when people call me short king, or king in general. Idk why it feels patronizing to me in particular. It's not that there's anything wrong with the frase, it just feels personally icky to be called that for me. I think it's because a lot of people tend to infantilize me, and being called short king just feels like another form of that in the contexts I've been called that. Like they feel sorry for me being short so they have to give me a cute nickname to make me feel better about it, like some king of consolation prize. They don't call tall men tall kings or something like that.
I never wanted to look like someone else, just a male version of myself. Whenever I felt like someone gave me gender envy, it was because they look like me but with a masculine body, the way I would look like if I was amab, or finished with my transition. Because then I'd truly feel like myself. Because I'm not a woman, I'm a man, and I want my body to represent that.
So I never straightened my hair and I always make sure it's extra fluffy and curly, I cut my hair whatever length I want and style it however I think looks the coolest at the time, I let my body hair grow and never shave it, I enjoy the sun against my skin and just wear sunscreen so I don't get burnt, I started taking testosterone, and I might get top surgery no matter if people think my breasts are already really small or that I should like them because people find boobs attractive, because that's what makes me feel more comfortable with myself.
I eat as little as I can because it makes me look less curvy, therefore more masculine, and because it's a coping mechanism and an eating disorder, something that's a literal metal illness and an addiction. Something I'm just relying on for support now that my life's so complicated, until I'm in a better place and can finally start working on recovery.
And I'm just so very happy that my body's finally looking, feeling and sounding the way it makes me the most comfortable, the way it's supposed to be: not because that's what others expect it to be, or what other people would find more attractive, but because it's finally starting to feel mine. I feel like myself when I see these changes, not like some random stranger in the mirror I can't connect with, some hollow doll body my mind happens to control, something I can hurt and neglect because it's nothing more than an object I happen to be trapped in, like a genie in a lamp.
That's why I always get so irritated when other people compare my transition and gender affirming healthcare in general to other cosmetic surgeries, because it's not like we're trying to escape who we are, or make our lives easier to become someone else, or look a certain way because that's what society expects of us, it's literally the opposite, it's us wanting our bodies to reflect who we truly are on the inside. And it offends me how people will convolute such different things on purpose just to make our lives harder.
Idk, I just wanted to rant about all of these feelings I've been having lately, both positive and negative, and how sad I think society putting so much weight on something that defines so little about someone's inner self as their appearance is, and how I don't understand how some people can just let themselves be guided by something so unimportant, how they can just let something so insignificant define so much of their lives and their relationships.
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non-neutoniangender · 2 years
It's June, so that means it's pride again. It's always a joyous and colorful time of year, but this year a lot of things weigh heavier on my heart. So I'm leaving some affirmations for folks (and myself) to remember.
It gets better
Take up space, you deserve it
It doesn't matter of you demand people use the right pronouns or just let it slide, thats valid and okay
Trans rights are human rights
Protect black trans women
Protect trans kids
Believe women
If you're in a position to do so, support the queer kids in your family, even if not overtly
The A in LGBTQIA stands for ace and aro. Ally does not belong in the acronym
You are not broken
Let me repeat that
You. Are. Not. Broken.
You are loved
You are beautiful
Polyamory is so valid
Queerplatonic relationships are pretty cool actually
You don't owe anyone anything
Kink belongs at pride
Bisexuals are valid and deserve the world
Stonewall was a riot lead by black trans women
Fuck TERF's, acab
Oh yea. Cops do not belong at pride
Corporations do not belong at pride
Anyway. I hope everyone has a nice pride month, stay safe and take care of yourselves out there. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
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promiseiwillwrite · 7 days
I am completely cringe.
I am absolutely toxic.
I am a neurotic waste of space and oxygen, ten pounds of shit in a 4 pound sack.
I once stood in a country where drawing breath was a crime punishable by death.
I have just layer upon oozing flaky layer of mental health shit going on. So much that there is no meaning in teasing it all out, or seeking diagnosis or trying to get help now.
The rot has set in. The Gangrene has progressed. The sepsis will kill the host.
I have more than one person living in my head. And I think they are at once the most wonderful parts of me, and I also I use these people as fantasy fodder, living vicariously through them because of my continued social failures to be charming, or witty or female or male or competent.
My gods are gremlins and goblins and monsters all. And they are a part of me. Because I think they want to be. Because if I Don't believe they do I can't live with the idea that no one in the world would ever want that, even though I know it is true.
I have no sense of reverence that is not profane. No sure sense of what holy was even meant to be. Something I was excluded from as a Child. I knew at 5 that it was better to go to Hell than ignore the world around me. Decided at five that I would never get to be with God. And the gods that found me alone in my electric chair were just as crazy as me.
I am Fat. I am in Constant Pain. I am Losing my sight and my hearing and my memory and I complain about all of it.
And people pity me, and are Nice, but they are not my friends. I've learned I don't have those. Just people who put up with me because it amuses them, or the are obligated by something broken in themselves. No one wants to get too close. They can't afford it.
"There but for the grace of god go I".
I have Odious personal Habits. I have, especially since the fucking car accident, had increasing difficulty taking care of my body. I am not exercising, or eating properly, or bathing.
I am a white person.
I got a tiny, petite body, shaped so it could never easily pass for male, and a face too ugly to ever be a worthy or desirable female. And the Men who live in my head will never feel the satisfaction of knowing a partner that loves them the way they want to be loved.
I wanted to write a story about a Goblin that was the power behind a throne. And I stopped because I learned more about antisemitism, and I was guilty in my ignorance.
I wanted to write a story about a trans human in an African village, and I stopped because I knew I didn't know anything about how trans people are persecuted or treated in Africa. And even if I thought my idea was cool and uplifting, even if I thought it was empowering, I was probably wrong and white and ignorant and insensitive for wanting to tell the story in the first place.
I wanted to be in touch with my Native American Heritage, which I'd been told story upon story upon story about as a child and now I only feel wrenching guilt for, because they were never my stories, and never my culture, because blood doesn't make a person a member of a tribe, no matter who your grandparents were.
I believed once that people who were witches were persecuted by Christian people, and that it was fine to be angry and to hate them for it. And I know that the culture that IS mine is embedded in my skin and my stolen beliefs and my unshakable sense of inferiority. And now I only feel the shame of my ignorance, over here under my rock, where I am No one, and I belong to nothing.
And my Shame, and my guilt, and my Contempt for myself are not redemptive. They do not make me Thoughtful or sensitive. They make me disgusting and pathetic. There is no redemption. You do not come back from being trash. There is no human recycling program.
All these things I thought I could be... A writer, A spiritualist... All these things I could Never be, even if I wanted... A Man, A Woman, Someone Valid.
I am too twisted. I am too wrong, and I just Piss people off because I am never good enough. I do not pass muster, even when I try really hard. Even when I work REALLY hard, to make something make sense, to try to do something better, it doesn't make any difference.
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geekkboy · 6 months
yo this is about your feeling transmasc and transfemme at the same time post:
first off a little disclaimer bc this is LONG lmao: your feelings are valid. you are yourself. i support you as much as an anonymous internet stranger can. trans rights! (and also, trans wrongs). just wanted to get that out of the way so the rest of this doesn’t look so intimidating lol
gender is just a construct we collectively made up. it’s like astrology for your body. do what makes you happiest and don’t worry about the rest. if what makes you happiest is choosing a label then go for it, but otherwise i wouldn’t sweat the details.
going back to the astrology metaphor: most people know their sun sign, but how many people know what house their planets were in? everyone theoretically has a mostly unique birth chart; i suspect that most people also have a unique gender. it’s just… not something out words can ever truly encompass.
might have buried the lede with this but i am a trans guy who sometimes feels like no gender at all, or like a really really masc woman à la camilla the sixth (read the locked tomb: the first book is called gideon the ninth) but still uses he/him and identifies as a dude, by the way. i used to sweat the details, but honestly? taking it day by day and just trying to vibe has helped a lot w that. gender is easy to fixate over—especially bc we as trans people are forced to focus on it, to defend and label and beat the transphobe back with sticks from the little islands we’ve carved out for ourselves—but honestly it’s such a relatively small component of who we are. focus on who you are and that should help w the gender deliberation, is my advice.
that being said, you also may want to look into non-binary communities, bi-gender communities especially. it’s not quite the same thing, but there could be overlap with what you’re feeling, and that might be useful. just remember that even if you don’t quite have a label atm you’re still *you*, and that’s the thing that matters most.
i hope you have a lovely night/day and that the rest of this year treats you well. live! you’ve got this:)
omg thank you so much anon ive never gotten an anon like this before this is so cool!
its really nice knowing there are other people out there who just fuck around and find out thank you for all the words dude!! i fucking love words. ill definitely keep this all in mind and to just sit back and just live and vibe maybe ill just make my own label or just combined a bunch of little ones to make one big blob of gender that feels right but first and foremost i just gotta sit back and live how i feel
thanks anon this really helped me put it into perspective! and you have a good day/night and year too bro :)
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rikascream · 1 year
So I'm on twt being a little shit and I see congratulations Joe trending. I'm like, okay, what did the president do?
First thing I see is this:
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Okay, cool! He did a good job, led a lot of really good ideas and plans for us. Great.
But what do the Republicans think he's done wrong? Get a load of this shit:
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Ah. Aaahhh... Ok. Where do I fucking begin?
Surging crime? I'm sorry, do you remember how many hate crimes happened under trump? If you cared about crime you would support programs that help people instead of supporting police killing people.
"Historic" flood of illegal immigrants: Idk if you understand this, but there are literally wars in other countries. I remember my mom being angry when the Honduran people WALKED to America, even with my Honduran friend who I went to college with explaining the severe corruption in his country and how people want better futures for their children. My mom complained they didn't do it the "right" way, like he did. My friend looked her in the eye and said "My family had the money to do that. These people have nothing because my country abandoned them."
She still doesn't get it, and that's fine. Here's something funny about that: those people are documented. The government knows about them, they came for a valid reason, they will pay taxes. And they're doing the jobs you won't do, like school custodian or garbage man, you know?? The jobs you're above???
Record inflation: more people not understanding how the economy works. Do you think Joe said "I want the dollar to be worth less!"? Fuck no, there's a war in the Ukraine and a Pandemic happening. And the first fucking point on the blue picture is the inflation reduction act: He did something about it!! Wtf do you want??
National security failures: You talking about the balloon? Lol ok. Trump himself is a national security failure.
Energy crisis:??? No? Joe wants clean renewable energy, if that hasn't happened its because your guys go against him
I'm gonna skip the ones I don't know much about (tho I doubt it's anything worse that what trump has done fucking hypocrisy) and go with the last one
Boys in Girls bathrooms... I want to pull this person by the ear to meet God. Seriously? Okay first, love the insinuation that this wasn't a thing before Joe. Next, show me the fucking proof that trans people going into bathrooms have increased rates of sexual harassment in bathrooms. And I'll fucking wait, you know why? Because it doesn't happen. Do you think if a guy wanted to be a sleezy creep and take advantage of a woman he's going to go through the effort of transitioning first?? No, no he fucking won't.
Just say you're a bigot. Announce to the world that your opinion doesn't matter. You obviously don't know what youre talking about and your talking points are so weak I could smell the bullshit right away.
Anyway Trans rights, congrats Joe Biden, fuck wars and bigots, peace and love to everyone
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randomgamefan · 2 years
Trans people are valid, no matter if you are on the gender binary or not.
Trans lesbians and trans gay men are so welcome in their communities. You are so valid.
Being nonbinary or any other gender is so cool, and so are neoprouns.
Bi/Pan people can both exist and are not erasing each other, and both can love non-binary people and trans people.
Black LGBTQ+ people have done so much for our community and deserve so much recognition. Black Lives Matter, and always will.
Aromantic and asexual people are so so valid and I'll punch anyone who doesn't agree. You belong.
Trans men belong in men's sports, TRANS WOMEN BELONG IN WOMEN'S SPORTS.
It's okay to be in the closest for your own safety.
It is so valid to be out of the closet and screaming it from the rooftops!
It's okay to not know who you are yet.
It's okay to change when you find out new things about yourself.
Love each other, and love yourself. You deserve it.
TERFS/LGBTQ+ phobics can go eat dirt. I hope you step on a Lego.
All lives matter/blue lives matter people need to consiter eating a raw lemon. Brush your teeth than drink some orange juice.
And of course,
Gay gay gay gay gay - say gay.
Oppose anti-lgbtq+ legislation all over the world.
Hope this helps. I know this isn't my usual type of post but I've seen a lot of negativity around and I want people to know they are supported and valid on my blog, even if I'm small.
(oh, and fuck you if you support NFTs)
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mothra-mcyt · 3 years
younger reader coming out to mcyts's? no sexuality specified cause I don't want people to feel alienated but same sex attraction definitely a part of it. thanks!
☾ MCYT's reaction to young reader coming out ☽
》 Dream 《
"Wait really? That's amazing! Thank you so much for telling me!"
Will honestly be so supportive when you came out to him and won't treat you any differently after that
If you come out to him as trans he'll first ask for your pronouns and (if you want to) have already thought of a new name
》 Sapnap 《
"That's so cool :)"
Doesn't really express his support verbally but more through actions
Will definitely start a fight if someone is being transphobic, homophobic etc.
》 George 《
"I don't really know what to say but just know i support you."
Also doesn't really know how to show his support but he's trying his best
May also not know the meaning of what you came out as so you might have to explain it to him but won't treat you any differently
》 Badboyhalo 《
"Thank you so much for trusting me enough to tell me that :D No matter what i'll always support you and never treat you differently!"
Loves to learn more about your identity/sexuality etc. and will also inform himself on his own
Really has to hold himself back from not getting violent whenever someone is not being accepting
》 Wilbur Soot 《
"Yoooo that's amazing! I'm so proud of you and thank you so much for telling me!"
Honestly so happy for you and that you trusted him enough to tell him. Will be your personal protector
"To anyone not accepting my friend for who they are, fuck you, leave my chat right now i do not want you here."
》 Jack Manifold 《
"That's great to hear! Good on you honestly!"
Will be your biggest supporter. Manifold, supporter of the gays my beloved
Makes sure to learn more about your identity, sexuality etc. to understand you better
》 Karl Jacobs 《
"Wait really!? That's great i'm so proud of you!"
It makes him so happy seeing you find out new things about your identity and no matter what will support you and is willing to learn
It honestly breaks his heart and makes him so disappointed and anrgy whenever someone is being homophobic, acephobic etc.
》 Captain Puffy 《
"I'm so happy for you! Thank you so much for telling me!"
On her supportive mom arc (honestly if she wasn't bisexual herself i feel like she would sent you cloths with a rainbow on it lmao)
May be 5'2 but will still fuck up anyones shit if they don't accept you for who you are
》 Philza Minecraft 《
"Really? That's amazing mate i'm fucking proud of you!"
Very accepting and supportive of you no matter what
Whenever someone was homophobic in you chat and he banned them he won't accept any unban requests. Dad be crafting a belt
》 Tommy 《
"That's so fucking poggers man holy shit! Good on you!"
More the type for aggressive support
I feel like he would just scream validating things at you whenever he has the chance to
If you don't want him to beat up people you need to hold him back whenever someone's being unaccepting
》 Tubbo 《
"Yooo dude that's so fricking cool man!"
I feel like he'd be supportive in his own way ("Shank whoever you want to shank bossman." -Tubbo)
Remember that time he gave Eret dating advice? Yeah he's also definitely gonna do that
》 Ranboo 《
"Wait what really? That's amazing holy cow that's so cool!"
Ranboo, protector of the queers and genderqueers my beloved so supportive of you and will show that publicly
Usually doesn't hate on anyone or at least express it but you know that when someone is being homophobic, transphobic etc. to you in real life he will not hesitate to throw hands
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