#v2 has a little crown...
loversgothic · 1 year
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more ultradanse, featuring v2 as odette (and fun weird poses)
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yuesya · 8 months
Twinswap v2: Would Sukuna be able to tell that Shiki isn’t Satoru when they fight? He’s scarily insightful after all
Warning: Description of gore/slight body horror.
Looking back on the fight with Gojo Satoru down in that underground station in Shibuya, Choso freely acknowledged that the only reason he and the other Special Grade cursed spirits had survived that encounter at all was due to the regular humans brought in as collateral. They’d all known it, at the time. Gojo Satoru was the strongest sorcerer alive, and in order to bring him low, they needed to resort to unconventional, underhanded means.
If it hadn’t been for Kenjaku –damn that man, for all the suffering he’d caused Choso and his siblings– using Prison Realm to seal Gojo when he did, there’s no doubt that Choso and the other curses would’ve been eventually whittled down one by one.
… He’d always known it, intellectually.
But never had that fact been as obvious as it was now.
Even handicapped by the damage that Prison Realm had done to him, Gojo was still going toe-to-toe against Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses. What initially started off as an operation to flush out and kill Kenjaku once and for all had swiftly turned into an unexpected battle between two sorcerers who resembled calamitous gods more than mortals, when Sukuna appeared without any warning.
Choso stumbles when a particularly harsh tremor rips through the ground, grabs his little brother before the boy falls on his face, and continues running.
“Thanks, Choso!”
“Call me ‘nii-chan,’” Choso reflexively corrects Yuji, entirely on automatic. His little brother doesn’t get a chance to respond, though, because suddenly the building next to them crumbles, debris raining down on them like a rumbling avalanche–
It’s a testament to his brother’s hardiness that he makes it through with only a few scratches. Still, Choso can feel his heart pounding –if Yuji had been a second slower avoiding any of those jagged pieces of concrete, propelled with enough force to put literal holes into the ground…
He determinedly shakes the thought out of his mind.
Around them, other sorcerers are also running. Fleeing the fight between the two titans taking place behind them, in order not to get caught up as inadvertent casualties –or unwilling distractions for Gojo, hindrances in every sense of the word. If only Prison Realm hadn’t caused the man to–
“Who are you?”
Sukuna’s growling voice is a low rumble around their ears. And Gojo–
“Y’know, you’re the first to actually ask me that?” The man stretches, then claps his hands together. “Whew, okay. That’s enough for a warm-up, I think! I guess the ‘King of Curses’ really isn’t an opponent to take on while I’m only operating at half capacity.”
Incredulously, Choso glances around the literal field of destruction, where half the surrounding landscape has already been leveled flat, then back towards the insane sorcerer.
Half capacity? Half capacity??
… Wait, what does he mean? Isn’t his Limitless–
“Ho? Quite full of yourself, aren’t you?”
Gojo shrugs, and folds his hands together in a seal in front of himself. “I’m not accustomed to this body, and this body isn’t accustomed to me, either. I’m good with Limitless, but not that good. I’ll need to modify this body a little bit so I can properly use it… mm…”
Cursed energy crackles, and–
Not one to stand by idly while his opponent was clearly preparing something, Sukuna launches another attack, flanked by the Ten Shadows shikigami at his side. Mahoraga, the other sorcerers had whispered. The crown jewel of the Zenin Clan–
Gojo isn’t moving.
Gojo isn’t moving.
Whatever he’s doing that requires so much of his concentration to remain still has him even disengaging his Limitless barrier. The attacks land point-blank, and the air is filled with blood and mangled flesh–
The gory mess of flesh twitches.
Rises, twisting, binding and pulling itself together into a humanoid shape, but it’s… not right. It’s not right. Muscles and sinews twist over pale white bones, stopping at a height that’s considerably shorter than Gojo’s original form. New skin grows in pale patches, covering the raw red flesh rapidly right before their eyes, except the shape is… petite, curved, and undeniably female.
The thing that was once Gojo Satoru throws its head back, long white hair flowing around its naked body like a river of snow-white silk.
Cursed blue eyes blink open. Dark and eldritch, and most definitely not the Six Eyes.
“Gojo-sensei…?” Yuji takes a small, aborted step forward, retracing his steps towards the direction of his once-teacher, but Choso immediately throws out an arm to stop him.
In hindsight, everything is blindingly clear.
“… That’s not Gojo Satoru,” he says grimly, voice terse.
The thing that rose out of the powerful sorcerer’s body raises its arms. Flexes its hands, and shifts its weight, testing its range of motion.
“Not bad,” it says, bouncing slightly in an almost childish motion.
A woman? Who–?
Sukuna hums, a faintly intrigued sound, despite the drastic turn of events that no one could’ve predicted. Then he opens his mouth, and Choso can feel the way his blood runs cold.
“Your name, cursed spirit?”
A mischievous giggle.
“Gojo Shiki.”
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twstunes · 9 months
(slight spoilers for Book 7, tho i take it a lot of us have seen Hornton's overblot form + mama Draconia's design at this point lmao. also i'm calling her Draconimom until we get a confirmed eng spelling for her name)
Overblot mask analysis – Malleus + Dark Mirror v2
it's probably been brought up already but i'm gonna be annoyed w/ myself if i leave overblot hornton out of my overblot mask analyses, it's pretty straightforward overall but STILL
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Similar to Vil, the main body of Malleus' mask takes on the shape of a cowl, echoing that of Maleficent's own headgear. This widow's peak-esque shape was already present in the design of Malleus' forehead scales (which aren't normally visible), but the mask better emulates Maleficent by bringing the point down closer to the brow line.
The central V of the mask has a fiery exterior trim; on closer inspection, the "flames" appear to be made solely of shapes based on Malleus' (and Maleficent's) horns. In comparison, the motifs on the further edges of the mask seem to be just basic fire patterns.
Arcs of spikes & scales make up both the interior trim of the mask and the portion connecting to Malleus' eyes. These directly mimic the spines and purple underbelly of Maleficent's dragon form. (The scales on his cheekbones don't correlate to any part of Maleficent's face, humanoid or dragon, and are likely there just to complement this part of the mask.)
Of note is the spiked line extending from the peak of the mask down over Malleus' nasal bone. Rather than representing part of Maleficent's face design, it appears to take after a different source–
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–the main body of the mask is literally his mom's crown. which hurts a bit! own it tho ig, like hey if he's gonna be under so much pressure due to being prince then he might as well get an overblot mask to represent that. "heavy is the head that wears the crown," etc
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Anyway this is like a field day for me bc Draconimom's design is literally so fantastic to analyze. I'm getting hit with the urge to make diagrams. Do u realize how rarely this happens
1. The horns? The horns. I don't think I have to go over this one again. However, the little bumps near the horns on the mask could signify the two…ear guards(?) of the crown.
2. The upper two curved prongs lined w/ dots and spikes on the Dark Mirror's mask match up strikingly well with Draconimom's pauldrons! The lower two prongs bend in the opposite direction, and seem to be there just to balance out the top pair.
3. Like the tattered edges of Maleficent's robes, the lacy edges of her cape could easily be compared to the fiery edges on the upper half of the mask. Comparatively, the frills along the bottom of the mask are distinctly rounder and less flame-like, which matches up well with the softer, almost fluffy-looking edges of Draconimom's skirt. The netting on the mask could then, logically, represent the fabric of the cape/skirt as though they're being dramatically flared out.
(Off-topic, but: if you look closely at the lace cape, you'll see roses worked into the design! This isn't part of the analysis, I just think it's neat owo)
4. Just under the mask's central 4-pointed star, there are 2 small extrusions on each side. These bear an uncanny resemblance to the 2 main lines used in the flow of the embellishments on Draconimom's bodice(?), with the upper one curling upwards while the lower one is just slightly curved.
5. I cannot stress this enough. I'm putting this in image format just so you can see how much I'm not joking. The central line of the mask is not just repeatedly utilized in Draconimom's outfit, it's literally integral to her overall character design. (It's a little hard to see due to her default pose unfortunately, as it interrupts the linear flow)
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tl;dr get in losers we're getting hornton's mom out of that mirror
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cruxsims · 4 months
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Kokomi crown
this one was a request by @yuracrazy! if you've got a request for another accessory conversion you can leave a comment on this post on my patreon, or send me an ask over here if you don't have a patreon/would like to remain anonymous!!
Kokomi's headpiece made compatible for @azertysims's Kokomi hair! there's two available versions of this file:
V1 has the texture in a higher resolution and extra swatches in case you wish to mix-and-match with other hairs or outfits!
However, V2 is made to be compatible with @ms-marysims's Kokomi outfit. to make sure it worked properly though, i had to lower the resolution of the texture a little bit, it might not be compatible with glasses/custom 3d eyelashes. It comes exclusively in one swatch to match her outfit
You can download both versions at the same time without issue!
KNOWN ISSUES: For some reason, it moves with the mouth? Both when the sim speaks and when you move the mouth around in CAS. I absolutely have no clue how to fix it so if anyone knows please hit me up 🙏
all LODs
made for feminine frame, not restricted for masculine frame
V1 - 24 swatches; V2 - one swatch
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deadlydelicious · 9 months
ok not to be a fucking British history nerd on main but yall
Henry's royal house is 'Hanover-Stuart' - implying he comes from the House of Hanover
but the last Hanover monarch was Queen Victoria. Her children inherited their father (her cousin's) house- Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. After that the British line of Hanover effectively ended
So the persistence of the name then implies that in the Red White and Royal Blue universe, Queen Victoria - who we know exists as a Queen in universe because of the food fight joke- was either succeed by a much more distantly related Hanover- implying her children either didn't exist or were somehow removed from the line of succession (hello new fictional civil war of 1901), OR it implies that Queen Victoria somehow, in 1840- changed the entire system of patralineage into a matralineage so her children would inherit the Hanover title. This would then in turn imply that the female line would have to be acknowledged as the stronger claimant to the throne meaning the heir to Victoria's throne would NOT have been Edward VII, but instead Victoria's first born- a daughter also called Victoria (hereafter referred to as V2 for clarity).
But in real life V2 went on to become the empress of Germany and the mother of the last German Kaiser - you know the one who was CREEPILY almost incestuously obsessed with his mothers hands and who ALSO LARGELY CAUSED WW1 BY MAKING 1910s GERMANY AN EXTREMELY AGGRESSIVE MILITARY POWER TO RESOLVE IS DADDY ISSUES?! But if in RW&RB V2 never became the German Empress, she never would have had Wilhelm II, and would instead have married a man of lower station and went on to continue the Hanover line in England, meaning there would be no Willhelm II - whos infamously erratic and hostile foreign policy led to the destabilization of Germany's position in Europe and was likely the main contributor to the reactionary foreign policies of other European powers that then caused the beginning of the conflict that became WW1.
and that's not even getting into the Stuart of it all - a Royal line that ended IN 1714 AND WAS THE WHOLE SOURCE OF THE JACOBITE UPRISINGS. like if the Stuart line continued in the name, that implies that instead of it dying out with Anne, and the distant relatives of James II then forming the Jacobites to reclaim the throne, they somehow wove them back into the family tree?!
So were there no Jacobite Uprisings in RW&RB?
Is that why Henry is able to be styled as Prince of Wales, despite him not being the Crown Prince- because in this universe with the Stuarts still part of the royal family the Crown Prince's seat now becomes Prince of Scotland, also implying that Scotland has also now become a principality rather than a kingdom?! And how did the Stuart line stay in? Did Victoria NOT marry Albert, but instead marry a Stuart? But no, because the last Stuart was literally a fatherless priest who died 20 years before she was born, and the V&A still exists in universe, so Victoria still definitely married Albert. So did V2 get married off to some distant Stuart (most likely Francis V of Modena)? IS SCOTLAND A PRINCIPALITY NOW?! WHO CAUSED WW1?! WAS IT BECAUSE OF THE FICTIONAL BRITISH CIVIL WAR OF 1901?!
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pictured here: my mental state rn
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
Eddie x F!Reader — I’d just really like to read how Eddie would react if reader joins him in the upside down to perform Master of Puppets. She would be a little delayed because he had demanded her to not go back through the gate with him, and after sneaking through, knowing their plan, she had managed to, with struggle, drag her drum kit piece by piece on the rooftop (she lives like 5 trailers down from Eddie) to join him (probably around “come crawling faster, obey your master” or second verse) and Dustin turns in surprise as her bass literally vibrates under his feet, and tentacles start oozing and slithering around her trailer for the source of the disturbance. She has NO protection up there, and teetering on being louder and more of a target than Eddie.
This is really sad and dark, so if that's not your thing, I apologize.
Warnings: death, blood, language, events of S4 V2 occur
WC: 1.8k
“Look at us,” Eddie tells Steve, glancing at you and Dustin with a somber smile, “we are not heroes.”
Not heroes.
You’d spent the last 48 hours chasing down an anthropomorphic villain in an otherworldly dimension, and Eddie Munson had the audacity to say you weren’t a hero.
You’re unsure why his statement bothers you, why anything he says affects you at all. It was a twist of fate–bad luck, even–that you’d been ravaging around Rick’s abandoned boathouse when Eddie darted in, desperate for a place to hide. 
“Fuck, didn’t think anyone would be here,” he’d panted, wiping his sweaty forehead on his leather jacket-clad arms.
“Me, either,” you’d admitted, pocketing a thin silver chain that Rick had left behind. It could be junk, but it was worth a shot. “I won’t tell if you won’t.” 
He’d cocked his head, eyeing you in a way that made you feel recognized, not unnerved. “I feel like I’ve seen you around before,” he’d said. “You go to Hawkins High?”
“I did; graduated back in ‘84.” It was your crown achievement, being the first person in your family to finish high school. “I, uh, wanted to go to college, but it was too expensive. All my money goes to keeping me and my mom in our shitty trailer.”
Eddie snapped his fingers excitedly, a smile spreading across his pinked cheeks. “You live in Forest Hills!” he’d exclaimed loudly, then caught himself. “Are you the girl who plays drums?”
You gave a small laugh, holding your hands up in surrender. “Guilty as charged,” you’d conceded. “Sorry if it’s annoying; ‘s like my only outlet in this boring town.”
“Annoying?” Eddie gawped, crossing his arms over his chest, “you’re so good! Plus, it keeps me from being the only one bothering the neighbors with my loud-ass music.”
And then it clicked. “You’re Guitar Guy!” you’d blurted out, accidentally using the nickname you’d secretly bestowed upon him. “I mean…you’re the guy who plays guitar…”
“You can call me Eddie; although Guitar Guy sounds pretty metal, too.”
Somehow, that chance encounter had led you here, to a place called the Upside Down, bonded with a ragtag gang of Hawkins misfits.
While Max, Lucas, and Erica are luring Vecna to the real Creel attic, Steve, Robin, and Nancy will creep into the Upside Down version and destroy his body. You, Eddie, and Dustin have to secure the Munson trailer and set up speakers so Eddie could distract the demobats. That’s all.
But you have other plans.
“I’ll be right back,” you tell Dustin in a hushed whisper while Eddie is fawning over his alternate dimension guitar. You dash out of the door, making your way to your own trailer–well, the Upside Down version of it, anyway.
“Wh-wha?” you hear Dustin stammering. “Dude, your girlfriend just ditched us!” He must be speaking to Eddie, though you can’t bring yourself to stick around and hear his response. No, you’re technically not his girlfriend; not his anything, really, but it would still be painful to hear the confirmation. Besides, you have a mission to complete.
You yank off the thin cloth covering your drumset. Slimy vines lay at the base, but have not yet wrapped around the kit itself. You breathe a sigh of relief for small miracles as you shove the drumsticks into your back pocket.
There’s no question what song Eddie will play; all you’ve heard the last week is Metallica’s Master of Puppets blaring from his side of the trailer park. The beat was imprinted in your head, which would now come in handy.
Piece by piece, you drag the bass, then the snare, and finally the cymbals outside. Now the real struggle remained: how to hoist them atop your trailer roof. It would be much easier if the guys could help you, but they’d only try to stop you if they knew. You mimic the makeshift entry to the Upside Down by tying your bedsheets around each part of the set, climbing to the roof and pulling them up. The sound of Eddie’s guitar reverberates through the park, still louder than the screeching bats in the distance.
“C’mon, pull yourself together” you mutter, hands shaking with fear. You hadn’t practiced the song much, insecure about the mysterious Guitar Guy knowing that you’d been listening to him play. It seemed so silly now; worrying about something so benign when there were terrifying things luring beneath the surface.
Eddie’s fingers fly over the strings, his face scrunched in concentration. Neither he nor Dustin have noticed you, and you’d like to keep it that way as long as possible. 
Two, three, four, you count yourself in, right as Eddie gets to the “Come crawling faster/Obey your master” part. You start softly, but the adrenaline kicks in and you soon find yourself playing as though your life depends on it–which, in this case, it might.
Dustin is the first to notice the additional noise. He audibly gasps when his binoculars land on you. “Eddie!” he cries out, desperate for the man’s attention. “Look!” Eddie’s gaze follows Dustin’s pointing finger.
“What the fuck?” he shouts, but he doesn’t stop playing. “She’s gonna get herself killed!” He glances up at the sky at the swarm of bats, headed towards the trailers.
Eddie turns to the curly-haired boy kneeling at his speakers and shouts as loudly as he can. “Turn it louder!” 
Dustin fiddles with the knob. “It doesn’t go any louder!” he yells back. He puts the binoculars back to his eyes. “T-minus thirty!” he announces, holding up three fingers on one hand and making a 0 with the other. 
Eddie acknowledges this with a nod. There’s a pit in his stomach when he realizes that you’re unaware of the countdown to impending doom. 
“T-minus twenty!” Dustin waves his arms frantically to get your attention, but you’re engrossed in the music. The bat shrieks get louder as they zigzag between the dark clouds. Eddie’s fingers are flying across the guitar, strings digging into the pads of his fingers as he plays as loudly as he can. Dustin gives the ten-second warning, biting his lips nervously.
You and Eddie finish the song simultaneously; he and Dustin waste no time leaping off of the roof. “Y/N, let’s go, let’s go, LET’S GO!” Eddie screams, waving you over. You steady yourself as you jump off your own roof, but unlike the boys, you land awkwardly and feel your right ankle give out underneath you.   
“Fuck!” you hiss. You try to walk on it, but you just stumble to the ground. “Eddie! Dustin! HELP!” You’re shouting into the void; both of them are already at the rope.
“Where is she?” Eddie mutters as he holds the rope steady for Dustin. “Henderson, she’s not here yet!”
“She’ll be here,” Dustin reassures his friend as he flings himself into the real Hawkins. “She was a few trailers behind us, remember?”
Eddie shakes his head. “No, no, it’s been too long. She should’ve gotten here by now.” He swivels around at the sound of your voice begging for help. “I gotta go.” Ignoring Dustin’s protests, Eddie grabs his makeshift shield and runs as fast as he can. His heart pounds against his chest as his boots hit the ground, thudding across the damp grass. Your ear-piercing scream makes his blood run cold, and he sprints faster.
But the worst part isn’t your scream. It’s the silence that follows.
Eddie gets to your side just as the demobats fall down, crashing onto the dirt clumsily. They look so unassuming and docile, a stark contrast from their ferociousness just moments ago. His eyes immediately land on your torso, marred and bloodied.
“Oh, no,” he murmurs as he kneels down, hands turning sticky and crimson as soon as he touches you. “No, no, no. Y/N…Y/N, you gotta stay with me.”
“Eddie,” you croak, choking out your words. “Is it bad?”
“‘S gonna be fine, sweetheart.” His voice is brave, but the fear in his eyes give him away. He removes the black bandana from his head and wraps it around your ribs in an attempt at a tourniquet. You grimace at the pressure against your open wounds. “What were you thinking?”
“W-wanted to b-be a hero,” you stutter, offering him as much of a smile as you can. You can feel the blood trickle from your lips and down your chin. “Th-this is g-gonna be your y-year, right?”
His heart sinks. Huddled in the boathouse together, you two had quickly begun trading stories. He told you about how his parents split when he was nine, leaving Wayne as his guardian; you confided that your mom had no clue who your dad even was. When you’d mentioned wanting to pursue a career in nursing, but not being able to pay for courses, he’d confessed that he was on his third go-around at senior year.
“But this’ll be it,” he’d stated confidently, hunched over in the lifeboat. “It’s my year, baby. ‘86!”
“Yeah,” he smiles forlornly back at you. “Yeah, it is. But I want you to be here, too.” 
You reach a hand out to his tear-stained cheek, using what little energy you have to rub your thumb over it. “How d’you l-look so cute even when you’re c-crying?” Your laugh is cut short by a choking fit.
“Save your strength, darlin’.” he tells you, but he knows that you’re far too injured for his advice to matter.
Dustin runs over now, taking one look at the situation and groaning. 
“Eddie, is she–”
“She’s gonna be fine,” Eddie interrupts, a pointed look on his face telling the boy to be quiet. “You’re gonna be fine, okay?” he says, turning to you.
“Mhm,” you manage, “just gonna rest for a sec…” Eddie and Dustin watch as a stillness creeps over your body, and you take your final breath. They stand there for a few minutes, unable to move.
Dustin is the one to break the silence. “C’mon, Eddie,” he pulls gently on his friend’s sleeve. “We gotta get going, get ready for the next phase.”
“Just a second.” Eddie unlatches the guitar pick chain  from around his neck and puts it on yours. He presses on his knees as he stands up, admiring your beauty even in death.
The two of them slowly walk back to the trailer, side by side. Eddie swings an arm around Dustin, pulling him in close.
“I think I loved her, dude,” he whispers, expecting Dustin to roll his eyes or tease him, but the boy just gives him a hug.
“I think she loved you, too,” he replies softly, “actually, I know she did.”
Eddie turns back to take one last look at the realm that claimed the girl of his dreams before ascending the rope.
“Gonna make ‘86 my year, baby. Just for you.”
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sailorwritesstuff · 2 years
Could you do more lucmax poly headcanons?
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More Poly!Lumax Headcanons w/ gn reader.
BIG spoilers for s4 v2.
Max learns to do hair for you two because she never has to do anything to hers.
It's not very long after that you walk into Lucas's room and find her braiding his curls back into tight neat rows
and her popping him with her comb when he keeps reaching up to see how much is left.
She often finds hairstyles in magazines or on TV she wants to try on one of you.
I said before she's not good with words because no one taught her how. But she's good at this and it becomes a way for her to show her love through service.
It breaks your heart when for the first time ever you're the one doing her hair up nice while she's sleeping away in the hospital.
Lucas loves to dance with the two of you. Spinning you around on smooth flooring while wearing socks.
Max has the dance coordination of a toddler but it's the most adorable thing to him when she stumbles a little and the two of you lean into each to laugh as you hold her up.
Looking at the two of you thinking about how much he never thought about loving two people THIS much, is his favorite memory. Every new time topping the old.
When he looks at you now it's a bit blurry but he sees there's no smile. But his ears still work fine he hears there's no laugher he hears you humming under your breath as you tend to max as much as the doctor will allow. The songs you danced to.
Max adores nicknames. Especially quirky ones you wouldn't hear anyone else call their loves
"hey, gingerbread." And her nose crinkled.
"ick. Hi loser." But she's smiling.
Her all time favorite is princess. She won't admit it but she always wants to play princess as a kid with her dad or a brother who could play the knight. But for a long time she was an only child. And her parents weren't all there.
Tell anyone and she'd deny it but you and Lucas take turns playing the knight that saves her just like in her fantasies as a kid. She has a paper princess crown and stands on top of the not-much-used anymore Sinclair families play set giggling as the two of you fight and she cheers you on no matter who you're playing that day. And Lucas frowns when he's knight because his fair princess has a case of Stockholm apparently
Max is very still as you read her princess tales in her coma. She might not even hear you but you change ever princesses description to look like her and every knight to look like Lucas. The same Lucas who watches you frown because there is never another knight in the love story.
Lucas who goes home after visiting hours and comes back the next day with a poorly drawn book about a fairy princess and her two knights
Max and Lucas love to give small passing kisses to one another. and when they see you watching them intensely with cheeks puffed of air they cover your entire face.
Max taste like sugar.
Max smells like cherry cola
Lucas taste like mint. Smells like it too.
Lucas carries Max's cherry cola chapstick in his pocket. It fell out of her pocket when the ambulance took her away. He makes sure to apply it for her. Max HATED hates having chapped lips. He smiles a little when he kisses you and you taste a bit like cherry cola.
Lucas loves sappy movies. He's a total cry baby under that new cool guy persona. He's such a sucker for a happy ending. "Fuck you guys how are you not in tears that was so touching"
"I guess we're just built different, you and us, stalker."
Lucas cries a lot after the doctor's talk to him.
He doesn't let you listen to the conversation sometimes.
"how about you read to Max. I'll be back. We're just still trying to find Ms. Mayfield."
He tells you what you need to know. He doesn't hide it from you.
She might not be ok
If when she wakes up she might not see.
You'll have to help her he says
And that's ok
Because you love her.
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strqyr · 2 years
So since you're on brainrot with the maiden theories right now, I thought i'd add something interesting ive noticed: Every single maiden has been someone who was revealed in the first 3 volumes. Cinder: Volume 1 Penny: Volume 1 Winter: Volume 3 Raven: Volume 2 They also all have some connection with the main cast in some way. So with that in mind, could it be likely that the Summer Maiden is also a character first introduced in the first 3 volumes? (Or that the maiden powers would be passed onto someone from the first 3 volumes as was the case with Penny?) Just some food for thought~
i think it's completely plausible. the maidens became part of the story after V2, so it makes sense they would look at characters they already had to fill those slots—though, to be honest, considering how well and seamlessly they managed it, i would not be surprised if prior to the introduction of the maidens they already had a similar role in the story that the maidens just replaced.
i think the only "problem" is that there isn't much vacuo stuff in the first three volumes. all we have is that sun is originally from there, and team ndgo and team brnz represent shade academy during the tournament. and with nolan only living member of brnz and ndgo being a team created by fans (and as such could have looked like anything) and with no connection to the main cast, i'm not sure if there are any maiden candidates there to find.
(unless it's starr (sun's cousin) and they use that connection to 'cheat' a little.)
which might mean nothing, since while raven is from mistral and penny and winter from atlas, cinder isn't from vale (though i think she might find a place to stay in there in the end) so it's not like the summer maiden has to be from vacuo originally.
but if we're talking about the current summer maiden, then she would have to be someone qrow knows of, and since she hasn't shown up anywhere yet, it's more than likely she's still in vacuo (and keeping her identity hidden, considering she didn't help at shade against the crown).
if we're talking about who the summer maiden could be after a transfer, then all bets are off.
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ultraericthered · 7 months
Anime Update V2 65
Vinland Saga S2 - When the episode opened with Thorfinn and Einar getting told they're close to being given freedom as a special deal from Ketil, I figured something bad was going to offset how good things were looking and right on cue, we got another POV shift to what King Canute has been up to. He poisoned his brother Harald so that he could claim power over both England and Denmark, and not only is he starting to hallucinate his father's decapitated head talking to him, but he likes talking with him and now rather than hate him he sees him as an ally in carrying the weight of the crown. So twisted!
Hunter x Hunter - Gon having to appease an enraged Palm by having a "date" with her was funny but a little bit discomforting. Naturally I was more into what Meruem and his forces were getting up to in that distant kingdom, and Rammot's surprise apperance before Killua at the end signifies more thrilling times ahead.
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works - Rin finally just snapped and chewed Shirou out about his toxically selfless and try-hard heroic ideals, telling him that he may sometimes need to place value on his own life over others or he'll never experience true happiness and may one day break. Despite this, Shirou remains committed to his ideals. Lancer then offers to enter an alliance with them, which they accept so that he can fight Archer when they go face him again.
Re:ZERO - A wager is now on between Subaru and Roswaal, with Subaru hoping to save both the Sanctuary and the mansion, but Roswaal thinking he'll end up breaking from his failure to do so. We finally see Puck again and he speaks with Subaru while Emilia is fast asleep but then when Emilia awakens, he just up and leaves her for good? Guess it needed to be done so that Emilia's memories would no longer be surpressed, but I was still really sad for Meelie. Was not expecting to be shown backstory for Otto as he diverted Garfiel's attention away from Subaru, and even getting to see Betelgeuse again for a little bit during the backstory as an extra treat. The most powerful impact was made by Subaru and Emilia's big discussion, which yanked my heart back and forth with the emotions it made me feel and felt very raw, very painful, and very believable given the issues both of these characters have and are still working through. Subaru is able to take the example of love he was given by Rem and give it to Emilia, stating how well aware he is of all her flaws and that he loves her in spite of them all. And they even get their first kiss! <3
Symphogear AXZ - After successfully mining the Fool's Stone, the girls are put through some intensive training from Genjuro since they can't rely on just the stone when up against Alchemists. The day after, Cagliostro abumbses Chris And Tsubasa when they're in a visit with Sonia and Stefan. Just as Chris was about to say something to Sonia regarding the past. With help from Stefan, Chris and Maria activate their Ignite modes that have been uprgraded by the Fool's Stone, cancelling out the effect of Cagliostro's Faust Robe. And then Cagliostro gets slain, which I hate to see, as I enjoyed her a lot. Now Adam seems to have narrowed down who he wants as his sacrifice.
Eureka Seven - Eureka has been aloof and not speaking to Renton after he piloted the Nirvash last time, and while trying to mend the fences with her, Renton is called on a mission down into the mines. Renton wanders off and finds a mysterious house underground, and once inside, I'm not ever sure what goes down. Just a really weird occurance where Eureka goes into a daze back on board the Gekko while Anemone is suffering from internal pains at the same time, and Renton somehow crosses over into their head spaces from within the house, so it's like the experience with the Coralian all over again.
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greenbeany · 3 years
I made some redesigns of the kids in Vacuo for a comic I'm working on. Dropping the references below and uh some analysis if u want to read it below the cut 👉👈
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Cinder ONCE AGAIN overhauled her look completely.
Hair is grown out a little more again, because it has to blow in the wind it just has to.
Cape is red and gold, in reference to her "killing" Ruby and killing Pyrrha.
Covered her neck because we do love symbolism.
Moved her feather brooch to her neck. More on that later.
Brought back the gold detailing from V2. They were goregeous and she deserves them.
Glove to match with Grimm arm. More gold detailing. Also Grimm arm has red nail polish?
Keeping the playsuit shape from v7, but sleeveless and overhanging coatless, she just looked too hot.
Thigh highs, because she's a maiden.
Oscar is pretty similar to his original design.
A little less red but it's clearly still present to show that he's grieving for Ruby.
Jacket is v similar but it's shorter in length and sleeves, because Vacuo.
Black trousers. Not ideal for desert but I wanted everyone to have some black so you know they're grieving.
Cape is a different shade of green with gold accents as reference to Ozpin. Green is used again on his wrist band. Cape is in reference to both Ozma and Ruby.
Grew out his hair just a little.
Winter has her hair out, because I'm giving the fans what they want. The bun and plait surrounding it are meant to represent a crown but I didn't want to give Winter an actual crown, because I don't think she's into that kinda stuff.
She keeps her swords on her back. One, because this looks cool, and two, because it gives her the silhouette of a snowflake.
Jacket is Weiss-volume-1-esque. Made it less regal and more modern though.
Black tank and shorts. Because grieving. Also she looks hot in them.
Her belt has the Schnee logo with a red crystal on it. Again, to represent Weiss.
Speaking of Weiss, she has Weiss' necklace on her neck. It's positioned to draw parallels with Cinder's brooch because parallels wooo.
Thigh highs, because she's a maiden. Note that they're white, while Cinder has black ones.
Gun holster on leg. This could either contain a gun or dust. But it looks fuckin cool as shit.
Ren's look is very much derived from my casual design for him. He and Nora aren't stressing about practicality too much.
His hair is down again. I'm doing the Ren stans a favour. You're welcome.
Pink scarf. It's to stop sand getting in his mouth and such. Dip dyed red at the end. Resembles Ruby's cape.
Overalls because Ren is fucking sexy. Muted green shirt underneath. Off the shoulders.
He has a black belt around his waist. He keeps dust (and Nora's diabetic medicine) in his pouches. Very responsible.
Black miniboots. He's a fashion diva dontcha know.
Red ribbon wrapping his knife to his arm. I'm using black as the group grieving colour, but Ren also gets red because he loves Jaune secretly shhhhh.
Nora is another growing her hair out. I imagine that Jaune started cutting her hair one day and once he left, she didn't ask Ren to take over again. She just let it grow.
Hair bow, because she loves Penny secretly shhhhh. She has a heart choker too. Just for fun.
Black loose jumper. Again, not Vacuo clothing, but she kinda just needed comfort clothing. Heart with a lightning bolt through it also brings to mind imagery of a broken heart.
Blue skirt. There's no reasoning for this.
Pink and blue combat boots and white socks. She might be trans.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
V2 playing Aming Us?
Mains orange with a green leaf.
Gets crewmate role 90% of the time, though he’s usually one of the first few killed. 
Either that or he’s sus bc he so-happened to be standing near the body.
Asked “Hey how do I go in vents like __ did?” once and genuinely meant it.
As an impostor he kinda sucks at killing, so he needed help from Chiaki.
Mains dark green with toilet paper or white with a green leaf.
Always gets impostor role.
Tho he wins without having to do much of anything.
Never kills but prefers sabotaging to see the “hope” of his crewmates trying to win.
The one time he finally gets a crewmate role, the game glitches and he’s kicked out.
But bc of another glitch he somehow got all the outfits and pets unlocked.
Just his luck, huh?
Ultimate Impostor
They have all the hats and outfits unlocked, constantly changing them and their colors for each game, usually to mimic their classmates.
Ironically is never the Impostor.
But sometimes they’re voted out first just for having that name.
They like fair discussions and hate ppl who just say “sus” without proof.
Mains yellow with pink flower.
The millisecond she gets impostor role she beelines to Mikan and kills her.
She doesn’t care if everyone sees her, she gets a kick out of it.
Though if Mikan gets the impostor role, too, she’ll be pissed off and rat her out as soon as a body is found.
She’s a mean crewmate who’ll yell at everyone to hurry with their tasks while slacking off herself.
Hajime def made sure to have the censor chat on.
Mains purple with medical mask.
Usually has medbay tasks and is too nervous to go anywhere else when she’s done with them.
Only trusts Nagito, Hajime, and Ibuki.
Impostor role scares her and sometimes she’ll call a meeting just to get everyone to vote her off.
Hiyoko bullies her relentlessly.
Mains red and alternates between the egg, cherry, cheese, and chef hats.
Kinda disappointed there’s no cooking-related tasks, only the vending machine task, so the game is kind of a letdown.
But he still tries to help.
First time he got impostor role he was scared and accidentally killed Ultimate Impostor and felt so guilty he cried.
Mains black or purple with ram horns, bear ears, bird nest, or wolf ears
Has the bundles with the dog, hamster, bedcrab, and squiq (of course naming them after his Dark Devas)
Usually off on his own doing tasks which doesn’t give him a good alibi.
But he gets furious if someone accuses him.
Prob takes the game a little too seriously sometimes.
Mains pink or cyan with a flowerpot hat.
Her Ultimate Gamer talent truly shines here, as she’s excellent at all the tasks and is the smartest impostor.
Is usually the one helping others with card swipes (esp Hajime).
Gets bored after finishing tasks and sometimes falls asleep waiting for everyone to be done.
Mains black, white, or dark green with a hockey mask.
Always following Fuyuhiko around so they have alibis for each other.
As an impostor she’ll kill everyone except him, which outs her as the impostor quickly.
Mains yellow with a black suit and a black fedora.
Peko is basically his bodyguard, even if she’s the impostor. She’ll never kill him.
Will get pissed if another impostor kills him or he’s accused of being one--which gets him voted off quick.
Mains red with either flower hat.
Screenshots a lot of stuff from the game.
She and Hiyoko have each other’s backs so they have alibies.
Is usually the one Hiyoko trusts enough to reveal her impostor role.
Mains brown with an egg hat.
She gets competitive as an impostor, wanting to get the most kills before anyone else finds her (or any other impostors does).
Nekomaru is usually her alibi during discussions.
Mains black or dark blue with a knight helmet or toilet paper.
Insists everyone sticks together in groups of three.
Wishes he could challenge impostors to a fight instead of being helpless against them.
Also doesn’t entirely understand that the living crewmates can’t see the ghost chat
Mains dark blue with a military suit and a crown or hockey mask.
Gundham and Kazuichi usually stick close to her, giving all three of them solid alibis if they’re crewmates.
Is actually a good impostor.
Mains pink or lime green with a mechanic suit and goggles, along with a robot pet.
Often gets most of his tasks in electrical and is terrified to go in there.
Will get very defensive if someone accuses Sonia.
But he was horrified when she killed him as an impostor.
Mains purple or black with ram horns or a mohawk.
Usually sticks with Mikan to watch her scan or encourage her to finish her non-medbay tasks.
Actually likes being a ghost and won’t mind if she got killed.
Definitely records her game for trends like the ghost one or "c00chie man"
Mains black with a black suit.
He’s already a pro given the “Ultimate Gamer” talent within him, so he gotten bored of the game easily.
Doesn’t really care if he’s voted off based on proof or just the word “sus”.
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random thoughts on jon connington’s chapters
The last time I read this was over four years and  I had a different take on Aegon, so I was curious to see on what changed with a second read.
The Lost Lord  ~ ADWD
Sansa and Aegon
Alayne II (Sansa II) ~ AFFC
When Robert dies, Harry the Heir becomes Lord Harrold, Defender of the Vale and Lord of the Eyrie. Jon Arryn's bannermen will never love me, nor our silly, shaking Robert, but they will love their Young Falcon . . . and when they come together for his wedding, and you come out with your long auburn hair, clad in a maiden's cloak of white and grey with a direwolf emblazoned on the back . . . why, every knight in the Vale will pledge his sword to win you back your birthright."
The Lost Lord ~ ADWD
"We have gone to great lengths to keep Prince Aegon hidden all these years," Lemore reminded him. "The time will come for him to wash his hair and declare himself, I know, but that time is not now. Not to a camp of sellswords." (...)
"The plan was to reveal Prince Aegon only when we reached Queen Daenerys," Lemore was saying." (...)
The prince wore sword and dagger, black boots polished to a high sheen, a black cloak lined with blood-red silk. With his hair washed and cut and freshly dyed a deep, dark blue, his eyes looked blue as well. At his throat he wore three huge square-cut rubies on a chain of black iron, a gift from Magister Illyrio. Red and black. Dragon colors. That was good. "You look a proper prince," he told the boy. (...)
Sansa and Aegon are supposed to reveal themselves by washing the dye out of their hair and wearing their house colours, in an event that involves a wedding with someone that will facilitate claiming their birthright.
However, Aegon said “fuck that bitch Danerys” and getting married, revealed himself somewhat (to the Golden Company higher-ups only) wearing his house colours and went back to Westeros to reclaim his birthright on his own, unware that his cousin from his mother’s side is coming to him to offer aid in the war.. Aegon washing his hair of the blue dye and doning his armour will only happen wieh he sets foot in Westeros.
Likewise, we can draw a parallel scenario for Sansa and considering the “Sansa is grey girl who flees from a marriage” it all fits, Like Aegon, Sansa syas “fuck that bitch blonde Bobby B Harry and getting married, like Aegon she wears a grey cloak, and like Aegon she’ll be meeting her cousin and eventually claim her birthright.
I somehow doubt Sansa will be getting an army that soon, but in the show she got the Wildlings (via Jon, who can be seen as “sellsword” type of warriors) and the Vale army. In the books, there’s the mountain clans both in the Vale (loyal to Tyrion, whom she’s married to) and the north mountain clans (those that protected Bran because he is Ned’s son and joined Stannis also because of Ned and his daughter).
Another thing of note is Aegon ended up cutting his hair but dyed blue once more, so this may be true for Sansa as well. She may cut it shorter (a parallel to her sister Arya as well) but keep dying it for awhile still. Such, she may reach the Wall and meet Jon as a brunette (a parallel to Jeyne Poole as well as  Alys Karstark).  ETA: Likewise Aegon only revealing himself by washing his hair and doning his armour when he invades Westeros (his birthright), Sansa may only wash her hair and done her armour when the northern campaign starts.
Regardless, This is a smart choice because...
Cersei IV ~ ADWD
The queen bristled. "I most certainly have not forgotten that little she-wolf." She refused to say the girl's name. "I ought to have shown her to the black cells as the daughter of a traitor, but instead I made her part of mine own household. She shared my hearth and hall, played with my own children. I fed her, dressed her, tried to make her a little less ignorant about the world, and how did she repay me for my kindness? She helped murder my son. When we find the Imp, we will find the Lady Sansa too. She is not dead . . . but before I am done with her, I promise you, she will be singing to the Stranger, begging for his kiss."
The Lost Lord ~ ADWD
"His because they're bought and paid for. Ten thousand armed strangers, plus hangers-on and camp followers. All it takes is one to bring us all to ruin. If Hugor's head was worth a lord's honors, how much will Cersei Lannister pay for the rightful heir to the Iron Throne? You do not know these men, my lord. It has been a dozen years since you last rode with the Golden Company, and your old friend is dead."
Cersei’s attention on Aegon is also a parallel to Cersei’s attention to Sansa, interestingly enough Tyrion is mentioned in both instances. Cersei’s attention on Sansa also come attached with the “singing the Stranger for a kiss”, which is interesting because if “Sansa is the Grey Girl” theory holds to, the guy she’s running to for protection is in fact.... dead or close to (the Stranger is their god and in the show... the episode was aplty named, the Book of the Stranger).
The bells tolled for all of us that day. For Aerys and his queen, for Elia of Dorne and her little daughter, for every true man and honest woman in the Seven Kingdoms. And for my silver prince. (...)
He had grown fond of Lemore, but that did not mean he required her approval. Her task had been to instruct the prince in the doctrines of the Faith, and she had done that. No amount of prayer would put him on the Iron Throne, however. That was Griff's task. He had failed Prince Rhaegar once. He would not fail his son. 
Let me live long enough to see the boy sit the Iron Throne, and Varys will pay for that slight and so much more. Then we'll see who's soon forgotten.
I grant that the obsession that Jon Connington has for Rhaegar Targaryen is milder and more honourable, compared to the obsession Littlefinger has for Catelyn Tully, but the fact is this is yet another parallel between Sansa and Aegon. They both have mentors with an unhealthy obsession with one of their parents and hate the other, which they project onto the kids. Last, but not least, both mentors are passing off as parents of the children while they remain disguised under a false indentiy.
However, as Sansa will have to run from Littlefinger’s toxic shadow, I suspect Aegon will do much the same. I have suspicions. Sansa escaped Littlefinger because of Jon, as he took the role of protection. No matter how people see the ship, the fact is Jon is a lot like Ned V2 (at least, that’s how Littlefinger will see it and he hated the man) but the truth is Jon is Ned’s nephew and Sansa’s cousin from his mother’s side.
Likewise, Aegon is about to meet Arianne Martell, who’s the niece of his mother Elia Martell, which makes them cousins from his mother’s side. Elia Martell, whom Jon Connington... hates, often speculated in fact that he was in love with Rhaegar Targaryen himself. The symmetry of all this, not only the mentor’s obsession with the children but also the love / hate hey have for their parents.
Connington’s wish to see Aegon crowned and the giant chip he has on his shoulder for not being recognised. For the former, I have not found any reference to Littlefinger wanting to sit the Iron Throne in the books, but this was basically his goal in the show. To be king with Sansa by his side. For the latter, well that’s the drive of his character, he’s a social climber seeking recognition.
Sansa VII ~ ASOS
I will tell my aunt that I don't want to marry Robert. Not even the High Septon himself could declare a woman married if she refused to say the vows. She wasn't a beggar, no matter what her aunt said. She was thirteen, a woman flowered and wed, the heir to Winterfell.
The Lost Lord ~ ADWD
"Why should I go running to my aunt  [implied marriage] as if I were a beggar? My claim is better than her own. Let her come to me … in Westeros." 
Eh. Same energy. They are not beggars and they know their birthright, they will not be forced to marry someone they don’t want to to facilitate it.
TL;DR: I think these concurrence between Sansa and Aegon suggest that Aegon is real, but also glimpse into their characters beyond their toxic mentors and their ascencion to power. It will be interesting to watch their common points in future events, even if by the fact that they’re different genders and that makes PLENTY of difference in ASOIAF.
Jon and Aegon
A few tents were still standing on the far side of the camp, and it was there they found Mance Rayder. Beneath his slashed cloak of black wool and red silk he wore black ringmail and shaggy fur breeches, and on his head was a great bronze-and-iron helm with raven wings at either temple. Jarl was with him, and Harma the Dogshead; Styr as well, and Varamyr Sixskins with his wolves and his shadowcat.
The Lost Lord ~ ADWD
The prince wore sword and dagger, black boots polished to a high sheen, a black cloak lined with blood-red silk. With his hair washed and cut and freshly dyed a deep, dark blue, his eyes looked blue as well. At his throat he wore three huge square-cut rubies on a chain of black iron, a gift from Magister Illyrio. Red and black. Dragon colors. That was good. "You look a proper prince," he told the boy. (...)
I personally ignored Aegon because I started with the show and didn’t know he was a (living) character until I read the books. I wasn’t even all that convinced he’d be particularly important. So I always looked at Jon’s interactions with Mance (associated with black + red) as "preparation” for Jon’s internactions with Daniella.
Hoewver, that changed when show!Cersei took over some of book!Aegon role: sitting on the Iron Throne, the Golden Company, and loved over Daniella in the last to final episode. It seems to me now that Mance can also (at the very least if not all) be seen as “preparation” for Jon’s interactions Aegon. As said, Mance  dresss in a black and red cloak which associates him with Targs, the cloak being “copied” by Aegon. Mance united the notorious “give no fucks about authority) wildlings under one idea (run from the Others), while Aegon united a sellsword compay (sellswords are untrustworthty).
Moreover, it’s my conviction that Jon and Aegon are probably going to war against each other for a time (this is illustrated by what I believe are their respective dragons and a natural consequence if Aegon sits in King’s Landing while the Starks declare Northern Indepdencen), until they sommehow make peace (in case of Mance and Jon it was because of the Others, but for Jon and Aegon it could be their fire counterart, Danerys).
TL;DR: I think these vague connections between Mance and Aegon are rather interesting and may be “preparation” for Jon and Aegon’s intereactons will involve war AND peace. Interestingly, Connington’s next chapter feaures battle.
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imreallyloveleee · 3 years
@sullypants cruelly tagged me in this WIP game:
THE RULES: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Anyone can send me an ask afterwards (or a comment in this post) with a title that most intrigues/interests you, and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it if it’s an art piece!
here are the word docs:
search party notes
new york fic
roommates friend
time loop fic
7 yrs bunker
five times post time jump
darkness on the edge of town
the good place
time loop
zine fic hot day
zine fic
lodge lodge
magicians au
post grad part 1
quarantine ideas
quarantine fic
step by step follow up
galgal follow up
school nurse betty v3
school nurse betty_v2
school nurse betty
snowed in at college
post 4x07
4x02 betty
post s3
4x01 betty
post 322
vday v3
vday v2
college fic
love languages
love spell
hs reunion
riverdale thg
modern love
post 206
b & v 205
long fic
post 203 bc
post 203 jj
post 203
deleted scene
fic title meme
then there are MORE subfolders within this folder, most of which are for specific multichapter WIPs:
cat sitting
christmas 2020
head underwater
steadier footing
looking for a mind at work
attempt #417
come into the water
hunger games au
college au
rip my heart out
2020 bingo card
writing challenge
i’m not going to list out the files within those folders but fun fact, the “prompts” folder has another 66 files in it. lmao. but yes, let me know if you’re curious about any of them!
tagging: @kesleyjo @heavy-lies-the-crown @iconic-ponytail @stonerbughead @winterlovesong1
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renohasbigtits · 3 years
Chocobros Children Headcanon
 Aarick Lucis Caelum || Son of Noctis Lucis Caelum and Luna (?)
(V2) The kings only child, Aarick is the future heir to the throne.
Age: 18
Height: 6’3
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Birthday: September 12th
Sign:  Virgo ♍️
Personally: Shy, quiet, lonely, somewhat dark, kind, compassionate.
Info: King Noctis Lucis Caelum, knowing he needs a heir but wasn’t ready to marry, he payed a surrogate to carry his future heir,
9 months later, he welcome his son,  Aarick Lucis Caelum.
Described as a loner but compassionate, Aarick mostly sticks to himself and to his friends.
Aarick deeply has respect for his father and his grandpa, Regis.
He feels like a lot of pressure on the shoulders to become the future king, but he secretly doesn’t wanna be king.
He wants to go college and travel the world but is unable to tell his dad.
He is privately planning to save up money for college.
Zoey, his best friend, is the only one who knows about his plan.
Zoey Scientia || Daughter of Ignis Scientia
(V2) The Adviser’s only child, Zoey is Ignis’s daughter and Aarick’s best friend.
Age: 18
Height: 5’7
Pronouns: She/Her
Birthday: February 27th
Sign: Pisces ♓️
Personally: Independent, Hardworking, Shy, Stubborn, Kind.
Info: Ignis fearing he’s running out of time to become a dad, he too got a surrogate and now had a little girl, Zoey.
Zoey is very hardworking and tries to keep herself busy.
Planning to join the Crownsguard, she works at the sex work industry to pay for her training and apartment.
Ignis is unaware of her secret job, he simply worries for his little girl growing up.
Zoey is Aarick’s Best Friend. There very close and often confide in each other about there goals and issues.
Aarick is the only one who knows her secret income and doesn’t judge her in anyway, but encourages her to be safe.
August Argentum || Child of Prompto Argentum and Cindy
(V2) Prompto’s only child, There’ll his pride of joy.
Age: 19
Height: 5’5
Pronouns: They/Them
Birthday: October 31th
Sign: Scorpio ♏️
Personally: Calm, Quiet, Shy, Soft spoken, kind, loner.
Info: Prompto and Cindy welcomed their child, August, and were the first out of Chocobros, to have a child.
August is non-binary and didn’t realize it until they were nine.
Prompto and Cindy were very supportive of there child. Once they asked to not be called “she” and asked to be called they cause they didn’t think they were a girl.
Prompto and Cindy didn’t question it and immediately called them by They/them pronouns.
Prompto loves his child very much and want them to be happier than he was when he was at there age.
He also wants to be the dad his stepdad wasn’t. (And his “real” dad)
August is shy, more shy than Aarick, more interested in writing than socializing.
They have beautiful writing and everyone wants them to become an Author.
Aiden and Justice || Son and Daughter of Gladiolus Amicitia.
(V2) Gladio’s Twins Son and Daughter, There his babies.
Age: 18
Height: Justice: 5’8 || Aiden: 6’4
Pronouns: Justice She/They | Aiden He/They
Birthday: April 15th
Sign: Aries ♈️
Personally: Justice: Feisty, No nonsense, Confident, somewhat introverted || Aiden: Calm, Easygoing, deep thinker.
Info: Once the light rised again, Gladio married and is now the father of Twins, Aiden and Justice.
Aiden and Justice were deeply taught about protection for the crown and there duty.
Justice in particular, is a very interested of being Aarick’s shield and trains almost every day for day to become his shield.
Justice is very blunt, much like there father. They feel a lot of pressure to Live up to their father but tries there best not to show it.
Aiden is more like a tutor to Aarick but make no mistake, he can kick your ass if he wanted to.
Described as a gentle giant, Aiden thinks more than acts, always have a solution to a problem.
Aiden also has a crush Aarick but keeps it a secret, so they can also become his shield.
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idolish7rabbitchats · 3 years
Nanase Riku: White Side Rabbit Chat Part 3
Tsumugi: Riku-san, good work. How is your condition? We moved as much during the rehearsal as we will during the actual show so please tell me if it was hard to do.
Riku: Good work, Manager! It’s fine! I’m okay!
R: But the costumes this time are amazing! Manager kept it a secret so everyone was surprised about everyone else’s costumes huh! lol
T: It’s a collab, so I wanted everyone to be surprised!
T: TRIGGER-san was amazing too huh… Against our “White knight” image, they are “Black knights”, so their atmosphere and coloring were the complete opposite of ours.
R: It’s hard to admit but they were cool huh. Yaotome-san was fluttering his cape. But he made no wasted motions! Tsunashi-san’s hat would have fallen when he moved fast, but he held it or took it off like if it’s a performance, it looked cool!
R: Tenn-nii was like a king… or more like a queen. He had an aura where you couldn’t look away when you saw him, so I thought the stage was made for only Kujo Tenn.
T: But, IDOLiSH7 isn’t losing to them. Riku-san shone like a prince!!
R: Thanks, I’m happy. Everyone has a different image so it was fun to see the costumes come together!
T: It was hyped at the costume meeting before the rehearsal huh!
R: Nagi had a feather on his head right? It seems his feather touched Iori’s neck so Iori was super mad lol. I think he was just ticklish tho lol.
R: So, Yamato-san and Mitsuki, who thought it was interesting, got closer to Iori because they had feathers on their costumes too. Lol
R: [Smiling Kinako Stamp]
T: Oh right, Iori-san’s not good with being tickled huh! lol
T: [Smiling Kinako Stamp]
R: Yeah yeah! I wish I had a feather too. So I could tickle Iori who always pretends to be tough! Lol
T: But, did Iori-san seem okay?
R: His eyes were watering at the end! But he went back to having an unconcerned face immediately.
T: A-As expected of Iori-san..!
R: Right, he’s not cute at all huh!
T: He was surely embarrassed! We were guessing other people’s costumes the other day but, how was it after you actually saw them?
*T: Like Yamato-san!
R: Yamato-san’s feathers were super fluffy! He tickled Iori with those but I wonder if they tickled him too? Just imagining it made my neck itchy! lol
R: The stage was like a castle from a picture book, which matched with the theme, so I’m looking forward to the performance day. Even though I’m also nervous!
T: Keep in mind the secrets of staying healthy that I asked from everyone and let’s work hard in perfect condition…!
R: Yeah, of course I’m doing health formulas everyday! What I'm more nervous about is the “Ichiban Kuji Award” than my condition.
R: It’s not victory or defeat but it will be decided by the number of polls, so I don’t want to let the fans down.
T: I see. The number of polls is almost equal to how many people are satisfied huh...
R: But, we’re able to do something with TRIGGER again so I can’t be scared of it. I’m fine about Tenn-nii. It’s a job after all!
R: [Thumbs-Up Pudding Stamp]
T: Yes! Please take care of it!
T: [Thumbs-Up Pudding Stamp]
T: He was surely embarrassed! We were guessing other people’s costumes the other day but, how was it after you actually saw them?
T: Like Mitsuki-san!
R: It had pumpkin pants like the costume from the CD jacket shoot huh. It totally fits him! He put his side hair behind one ear, so Mitsuki’s fans seem happy!
R: The stage was like a castle from a picture book, which matched with the theme, so I’m looking forward to the performance day. Even though I’m also nervous!
T: He was surely embarrassed! We were guessing other people’s costumes the other day but, how was it after you actually saw them?
T: Like Sougo-san!
R: Sougo-san’s also the type to be able to wear anything. A crown and wand fit him! It was a little scary for i7 Police but it’s not like that this time so I’m relieved lol. 
R: The stage was like a castle from a picture book, which matched with the theme, so I’m looking forward to the performance day. Even though I’m also nervous!
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lunaissabella · 3 years
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Sanders Sides in a Human!AU, this is how I imagine them! (aka a lot of Headcanons -HCs-)
🔅Janus, Virgil and Remus have Heterochromia (the only hetero* thing in their bones, Ha!). Janus’ eyes are grey and green, Remus’ are green and brown and Virgil’s eyes are blue and grey
🔅Patton and Virgil have freckles, but Patton only has them in his face (especially in his nose and his cheeks) and Virgil in his whole body
🔅Janus has Vitiligo, and ear piercings
🔅Logan has ear piercings too (but don't let Roman, nor Patton, know about it ;) ;) )
🔅Remus is a chaotic gremling, hence the little scratches on his face
🔅Roman’s and Remus’ hair is strawberry blonde (it seems like carrot -or maybe my glassess are playing tricks to my perception of colors- but I imagine them with strawberry blonde hair)
🔅Logan’s eyes are a shade of blue darker than Patton’s
🔅The flower crown was Patton's idea, neither of them has the heart to say no to him (and they look to goddarn cute with them)
Sanders Sides character - @thatsthat24
Created using Picrewの「[BAYDEWS' avatar maker!!] V2」でつくったよ!  #Picrew #BAYDEWS_avatar_maker_V2 from the amazing artist Bay (Twitter @/baydews)
*The joke only makes sense in spanish, and I forgot this when I wrote the caption on instagram. Hetero in spanish means Straight
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