#what a great ask to answer to end the work week MAN i enjoyed that
of our own making
(an X-Files fanfic)
Chapter 2/34 - decaf coffee
[Read on AO3]
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In the next week, the topic of adoption doesn’t come up again, and she tries to put it out of her mind as much as possible. They wrap up their case, spending several dull hours working on their reports, and wait impatiently for something else to come across their desk, ideally something a little more intellectually stimulating than the last few duds they’ve worked.
The good thing about not having any cases, though, is that no one blinks twice when they take a long lunch here, or leave work a few minutes early at the end of the day there. A spontaneous mid-morning coffee break at their favorite cafe down the street gets them out of the building, enjoying a rare warm day in December.
On the way to the coffee shop, they walk side by side—as always—until Scully stops suddenly in the middle of the sidewalk.
“Oh, Mulder. Look,” she says sadly.
He follows her gaze to the other side of the street, where a little boy no older than four stands with frightened eyes, looking back and forth helplessly while busy businessmen and women in suits pass by without sparing him a glance.
Mulder checks for cars quickly before jogging across the street, giving Scully little warning before taking off. She follows behind, carefully dodging traffic as it approaches.
“Hey, buddy, you lost?” Mulder asks, approaching the boy and kneeling down to his height.
The boy nods, red-faced and eyes brimming with tears.
“That’s okay, we’ll help you get this figured out,” he says consolingly. “Are you here with your mom?”
“Uh huh,” the little boy answers shakily.
Mulder gives him a comforting pat on the shoulder, offering him a reassuring smile. “Alright, well let’s find her, yeah?”
“I’m Fox and this is Dana,” he says, nodding up at her. “We work for the FBI, do you know what that is?”
He shakes his head. “No.”
“Well, we’re kind of like cops.”
He sniffles.
“What’s your name, bud?”
The world slows to a halt, and Scully’s eyes widen.
It’s a common name. So common, in fact, that she can name at least six Williams, Wills, or Bills off the top of her head without hesitating. But that’s exactly the problem.
It’s a family name. Both her family, and Mulder’s.
Fox William Mulder.
“William? Hey, that’s my middle name!”
She won’t think about it. She won’t think about the way that she wanted to use that name, if they were lucky enough to succeed at in vitro fertilization. She won’t think of that little boy she pictured, or the man she hoped would stay and be his father.
“Really?” William asks, eyes lighting up for the first time.
Mulder smiles. “Yeah, better than Fox, right?”
She hears a giggle, and remembers Emily. Mulder got her to laugh, too, even under the most harrowing circumstances. She shakes her head, focusing on the situation at hand. She won’t be of any help if she can’t get her head out of the clouds.
Mulder asks, “You know what your mommy’s name is?”
“Um—Susan,” William answers.
“That’s great. Good job, buddy, that helps. Where did you last see her?”
“We goed to get me shoes for playing soccer,” he says matter-of-factly.
“Soccer, huh? I’m partial to baseball myself—”
“Mulder—” Scully stops him, tapping him on the shoulder. When he looks at her, she points to the other side of the road, and he nods his thanks.
“Hey, look, there’s a shoe store across the street,” he says triumphantly, refocusing in on William. “I bet you she’s right over there looking for you!”
He stands, reaching out his hand for William to hold, and they cross the street together with Scully following closely behind. She watches them, and thinks that if she were a passerby, she might think they were father and son, out for a midday stroll.
It’s a side of Mulder she doesn’t often get to see. A side she suspected lay dormant for a long time after Samantha disappeared, but it’s still there, popping up here and there when it is needed.
“Hey, Scully, can you go in and check if there’s a Susan in there?” Mulder asks, looking to her for assistance. “I want to stay out here in case she comes by looking for him.”
She nods, clearing her head once again of the swirling thoughts that had occupied her. “Yeah, of course.”
She goes in and comes back out just as quickly, shaking her head despondently.
“The clerk said she and her son left about 10 minutes ago,” she reports.
“Did he say which way they went?”
“To the right.”
Mulder glances in that direction and nods. “10 minutes, well she couldn’t have gotten far. We found him just over there,” he says optimistically. “William, keep an eye out for if you see her.”
“Okay,” he agrees.
They head to the right, Mulder now carrying William on his shoulders up above the crowds. They pass a few stores, finding no luck so far, but then are startled when some pedestrians up in front of them nearly get bowled over by the sudden opening of a shop door. A frantic woman exits, then darts off, apologizing as she goes. 
Mulder starts jogging, knowing that it must be the mother. He dodges other people walking, skirting between them expertly, which leaves Scully behind by a fair few paces. Luckily, she’s used to it. The woman is poised to enter the next shop when he calls out, “Susan?”
She turns.
“I think this little one belongs to you.”
An instant wave of relief washes over the woman’s face, and she runs to reach them. “William!” she gasps.
The boy all but leaps into her arms, curling in close while she strokes the back of his head, comforting them both.
“Where did you find him?” she asks through tears, holding tight to her wayward son.
“Just across the street,” Mulder says with a smile, pointing to where they came from.
Susan sighs in muted frustration. “There’s an ice cream shop over there, I should have known.”
“My sister did the same thing when I was about 9. Gave us all a heart attack,” Mulder chuckles.
The casual mention of his sister causes Scully to look at him in shock, but he’s too preoccupied to notice.
“I can’t thank you enough. I turned my back for one second.”
“No problem, just glad he’s back where he belongs,” Mulder responds.
After waving goodbye to William, he turns around, a content smile on his face. He starts in the direction of the coffee shop, as if the events of the last few minutes had never happened. Expecting Scully to follow, he walks right past her, but she stands frozen in place.
It’s insane. It’s impulsive. She’s going to do it anyway.
He pauses and glances back at the statue that is Dana Scully. Amusement plays at his lips, though there’s more than a little confusion there too.
He laughs, backtracking a few steps so he is closer to her.
“You’re gonna have to say more words, Scully, I don’t know what you’re—”
“I want to adopt a baby.”
His eyes widen, and he looks to his right and left as if someone might overhear their personal conversation and go tell on them to their supervisors.
“You’re bringing this up now?” he asks, a little incredulously.
“And– and you’ve thought this through? You’re sure?”
No, not really. To be honest, she’d barely thought through this at all. There are so many reasons why they shouldn’t, why this is a terrible idea. They’re not ordinary people. They have enemies who could use this against them, careers that have proven to be life threatening on multiple occasions.
And yet…
“Mulder, seeing you with that boy…” she says, her eyes trailing off in the direction the mother and son had disappeared. “Yes, I’m sure. Only if the offer still stands, I won’t hold it against you if you’ve changed your—”
He stops her. “No! No, I’m in. Let’s do it. Let’s– We should talk about this.” He grabs her elbow and starts toward the coffee shop with her in tow, and the pace of his step forces her to walk faster to keep up. “Buy you a cup of coffee? Breakfast sandwich?” he asks, scrambling for something to say.
“I feel like I’m gonna throw up.”
“Just the coffee then.”
The bell jingles as they enter. They sit down at a booth and Mulder leans in, his voice low and placating.
“Okay, no need to panic. We’re just talking about it, yeah? Breathe.”
She huffs out a laugh. “How are you so calm about this?”
He smirks. “I’ve been reading about this stuff for months. You only found my stash of brochures last week.”
“Months?” she breathes, voice laced with disbelief. Her head feels like it’s spinning. “It’s just a little… overwhelming, I suppose,” she says.
“I have that effect on people,” he jokes. “It’s not a rush. If we do this, it will take time, we just have to decide if it’s something we want to pursue. There’s an application process, and getting approved, not to mention finding the right placement...”
Scully feels out of her depth. He knows a lot more about this than she does. She almost wants to ask if he has a slide show prepared.
“I want to do it. I do,” she assures him, carefully choosing her words, “I just don’t know where to begin. It sounds like a crazy idea. Is it crazy?”
“Probably,” he says with a shrug and a grin. “Kind of just makes me want to do it more.”
She’d never admit it, but she feels the same way. Maybe Bill’s right. He has rubbed off on her.
“So… where do we start? What do we need to do?” she asks, needing more information before she starts spiraling.
“Why don’t we take it slow? Start with you and me and an actual adult conversation about our priorities, and then maybe this weekend I can stop by with some Chinese and we can look into next steps.”
She takes a deep breath, heart rate slowing back down to normal.
“Yeah. Yeah, that sounds good.”
How do we do this? How do we have this conversation we should have had months ago?
Before they get a chance, a waitress stops by to take their orders, and Scully opts for decaf. As electrified and anxious as she feels right now, she really doesn’t need caffeine to make it even worse. She can feel her knee bouncing relentlessly under the table.
Once the waitress is gone, Mulder gets the ball rolling with the first order of business. 
“I guess to start us off, I need to know how involved you want me to be. I can help you find an agency and be your personal reference on your application, or I could—” he pauses. Breathes. “Like I said, I’ll be as involved as you want. I just need to know what you’re thinking.”
She shakes her head. “Mulder, I couldn’t ask you to—”
“I should tell you that the agencies favor couples over single parents,” he adds before she can finish, “It might be more difficult to get approved on your own, but if that’s what you want, I’ll help you.”
She studies him, the nuance of every microexpression on his face. She knows what her heart is wishing for, but what about him? Would she be asking too much of him?
“What do you want?”
He ducks his head, staring at the chipped surface of the table before glancing up at her with an apologetic smile.
“I’m a selfish man.”
She looks at him, needing more of an answer before she dares to respond. If he doesn’t mean what she thinks he means, one wrong word could spell disaster. Upset the delicate balance that is their friendship. She has to hear it straight from his mouth, this is no time for assumptions.
He sits back in his booth, and she braces herself for what he’s about to say.
“I want to coach little league,” he confesses. “I want to drive an ugly minivan, the ugliest one you’ve ever seen. I want to help with math homework, to tell crazy stories at bedtime and go on camping trips together.” 
He looks deep in her eyes, and she shudders, feeling like his words have penetrated her very soul.
“I want it all, Scully. I want a family.”
I want you.
She feels tears pool in her eyes, her throat closing with emotion.
“I want that too,” she chokes out, unable to form any more words.
He reaches out a hand across the table and takes hers. She holds on tight.
“Well, that’s one thing settled,” he says, blinking back the pinpricks of tears in his own eyes.
Lovely tag list ♡: [if you would like to be added or removed, let me know!]
@today-in-fic @ao3feed-msr @agent-troi @angegova @baronessblixen @calimanc @captainsolocide @cutemothman @danasculls @deathsbestgirl @edierone @enigmaticxbee @figureofdismay @frogsmulder @hippocampouts @invidiosa @monaiargancoconutsoy @numinousmysteries @primrose19 @randomfoggytiger @skelavender @skylarksong @slippinmickeys @stephy-gold @teenie-xf @the-redhead-in-a-dress @vincentsleftear @whovianderson
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hydrachea · 9 months
Not sure if you answer these types of asks but I have Oberon brainrot and I was wondering how do you think Guda and Oberon would make out?
Oh I will absolutely answer this type of ask.
The answer is that they contain multitudes though. First/second ascension Oberon still acts out his prince role, he hates every second of it but he'll still play into it. Think romance movie kisses, the too-perfect-to-be true kind. Looks idyllic to onlookers! Kind of hollow for both participants.
Third ascension doesn't care, so it's a lot messier because honestly he's frustrated to be in this situation in the first place and even more frustrated to not be hating it. There's teeth, there's claws, there's also swatting the occasional bug that wanders out of his cape and into Guda's hair but that part isn't intended.
And Guda after all that? Guda's not taking any shit from either Oberons. Guda has tamed worse - have you seen their Servants? They're the epitome of "shut up and make out with me", whether it's "shut up (you're being annoying)" or "shut up (stop thinking so much)". It's not an aggressive kind of kiss, but it's insistent and it works wonders.
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jobean12-blog · 10 months
Perfect Kind of Trouble
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 4,566
Summary: You’re new to the neighborhood and you’ve landed a great job bartending at one of the local spots. So far it’s been a good change and things are going smoothly, that is, until Bucky Barnes, the neighborhood’s most eligible bachelor, walks into your bar and sets his sights on you. 
Author’s Note: I love the idea of Bucky chasing after a girl who gives him a run for his money! Hope you enjoy! Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy!🥰
Warnings: Lots of fluff, flirting, tension, Bucky might be a bit possessive but in a good way and he definitely goes for what he wants and that’s you, some sass in there, Bucky is protective too :) and Nat is the best wingman ever! 
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“Oh my god, he’s here.”
You stop drying the glass in your hand and go stiff, side eyeing your friend Nat.
“Who Nat?”
She doesn’t answer and instead slides closer to you, leaning her head toward your ear.
“Bucky Barnes.”
“Who?” you ask again, starting to crane your neck to look.
“Don’t!” she snaps then instantly softens her tone. “Just meet me in the back in two minutes and don’t make it look suspicious.”
You give her a tiny nod and go back to your work on the glasses but you can feel the hairs at the back of your neck stand on end. You can feel his stare.
“Ok. What the hell is up with you?” you ask when you shut the door to the back room.
She’s pacing back and forth and it’s making you nervous but when she meets your eyes you relax slightly at the smile on her face.
“Bucky Barnes,” she repeats.
“Yeah? And? I have no idea who that is!”
“Of course you don’t!” she muses. “You wouldn’t know because you only moved here a few weeks ago.”
“Righttt…so, who is he?”
“Just the perfect man.”
“How do you know?”
“Everyone knows.”
You quirk your brow and cross your arms over your chest.
“Well, everyone who lives in the neighborhood,” she laughs.
“If he’s so perfect I’m sure he’s married with two point five kids, a dog and a house with a white picket fence.”
“There are no white picket fences in Brooklyn babe,” she says. “And you’d think that but he’s been a bachelor for as long as we know him.”
“Then he’s probably a player and an asshole!” you state.
“I mean sure, all the women, and men, talk about how hot he is and how much they want a shot and boy do they try but as far as I know he doesn’t date.”
“I don’t get it,” you say.
“Me neither!” she agrees. “But he hasn’t been at this bar in forever…”
“Maybe he wanted a change of scenery?” you say with a shrug.
“OR MAYBEEEEEEEE,” she starts, her grin growing. “He heard there’s a new girl in town and he’s here to see you!”
“You’re insane! And he sounds like a player to me.” you huff. “I’m going back to work. Come on, you have to point him out to me. I at least want a look.”
“I won’t need to. You’ll know who he is…”
At her wistful tone you roll your eyes, pushing open the door and walking out with determined steps.
When you hit the bar you discreetly scan the seats. You don’t see anyone that stands out, mostly just the usual crew that shows up on a Saturday night for four-dollar drafts.
A customer calls you over and you head in his direction with a smile. You’re just greeting him and taking his order when you feel that familiar heat at your back, your skin tingling.
Once you’ve got the drink order you turn toward the bar only to lock eyes with the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. It momentarily stops you in your tracks and if it weren’t for Nat lightly bumping your shoulder and whispering, “told ya so,” you would stay rooted to the spot to stare.
Instead you blink several times and look away, trying to remember what drink you’re supposed to make.
When you’ve finished making it you deliver it to the customer and try to take another peek down the bar.
“I’m not taking his drink order,” Nat singsongs when she comes to stand beside you. “That’s all you.”
Your mouth falls open and you give her a glare with narrowed eyes. She just smiles brightly and sashays to the other end of the bar to take another order.
With a huff of annoyance you square your shoulders and turn toward Bucky. As you approach him his eyes light up with his smile.
“Hi, what can I get you?”
He returns your greeting and sticks his hand out.
“I’m James Barnes but you can call me Bucky.”
You wipe your hand on the towel at your side and shake his. The shock of electricity at his touch doesn’t seem to be one sided when you feel the slight squeeze from his hand. You introduce yourself, hoping you don’t come off as confused at his direct attention.
“Apparently you’re rather popular around here?”
It comes out as a question and he chuckles.
“Don’t believe anything you’ve heard,” he says with a wink.
“So what about a drink?” you ask, focusing on doing your job.
He orders and before he can say more you rush off to fix his drink. You drop it off with nothing more than a smile and move toward the next person who calls for your help.
As you’re making your next few drinks you notice Nat chatting with Bucky and you can’t help but wonder what they’re saying.
You move back and forth behind the bar, trying to ignore the feel of Bucky’s eyes, but he finally catches your attention and waves you down.
“Another?” you ask.
“Sure doll, thanks.”
While you’re pouring his drink he tries to keep you engaged.
“So Nat told me you’re new to town?”
“Yeah, moved here at the end of last month.”
“Do you like bartending better here in the city?” he asks.
You look down at the bar and scold with a single name.
Bucky leans in. “Don’t be mad. She’s just trying to help me out.”
You lean in too, elbows on the bar and your head tilted his way.
“You usually need help? From what I’ve heard you can have your pick of anyone.”
At the slight scrunch of your nose he can tell you’re not saying it with a positive tone.
“Not my style. I’m pickier and right now, I need all the help I can get because I think I’m in real danger of striking out.”
His eyes drop to your lips and when they turn up every so slightly he relaxes.
“What is your type?” you ask. “Maybe I can help you out too.”
He scans you slowly and the proceeds to describe you perfectly, the tension building in the inches between you with his every word.
You steel yourself and lift your chin. “Does that usually work?”
“It’s not a line. Meant every word doll face.”
“Do you use these endearments on all the girls? I bet they love it.”
“Nuh uh,” he answers adamantly.
You nod, looking completely unconvinced.
Nat reappears at your side. “You have no idea how much I hate to interrupt this, but I need three long island iced teas at table four or they’re gonna have a hissy fit.”
You straighten yourself. “Oh sorry! Of course. I’m on it.”
You’re busy for the next forty-five minutes but Bucky never leaves his spot and every time you meet his eyes they are heavy with intention as they follow your every move. You can feel them, the heat singing every inch of your skin.
At least two women have approached him at the bar but they both walked away after a few minutes of mundane conversation and lack of interest on his part.
As much as you hate to admit it you can’t help but steal glances at him too, though you try to keep them quick and subtle.
He’s broad shouldered in the tight tee shirt he’s wearing, his biceps on full display under the stretch of the fabric and his dark hair is loose at his shoulders. His full lips are framed by a dark scruff that also covers his cheeks and is peppered with patches of gray.
Your fingers mindlessly caress the glass you’re holding before you catch yourself and look away.
You drop off another glass of whiskey with a smile and he nurses it, shooting you a cocky half smirk when he catches you staring at him. It’s like the intense silence is some sort of foreplay.
Feeling his gaze along your skin, drinking you in and driving you wild, you do your best to keep up with orders.
When things start to slow down and customers go home, you finally make your way back toward Bucky, drawn to him, despite your best efforts.
“Couldn’t avoid me anymore?”
“I wasn’t really…”
The words taper off at the sharp lift of his eyebrow.
“Sorry,” you mutter.
“Apology accepted,” he smirks. “So, do you have plans when you get off?”
You don’t answer, instead fiddling with his now empty glass. He lays his hand on the bar, his fingers just an inch form yours.
“Are you really gonna ignore my question doll?” he chuckles.
His fingers slide closer and he brushes his thumb over your knuckles, gauging your reaction. You giggle at his second question and his eyes drop to your mouth as he licks his own lips.
You’re almost lost in the bubble but then the world outside comes roaring back into focus when you hear Nat yell “last call.”
“Work…I still have to work.”
His lips part on an exhale but he let’s you go.
You rush around the bar first, clearing glasses and debris before heading over to one of the tables where three guys sit in conversation.
Distracted, you lean over the table, trying not to interrupt them. But the blonde closest to you runs the back of his hand up your arm.
It makes you cringe.
“Hi there,” he says.
“Hey,” you answer coolly, shifting away from him.
One of the blonde’s friend gives you an apologetic look, scolding Rob before he hands you one of the empty glasses that’s far out of reach. You reach for it and as soon as your fingers wrap around it, Rob grabs your hips and yanks you into his lap.
You drop the glass to the floor and it shatters before you push against his chest, loudly yelling, “what the hell?”
Rob starts to speak but you’re suddenly lifted in the air and whirled around then planted gently on your feet behind Bucky’s broad back.
Bucky now has Rob’s tee shirt fisted in one hand as he gets in his face.
The bar goes silent and the next thing you hear is the low growl of Bucky’s order. “Don’t touch.”
Bucky slowly lowers Rob’s feet to the floor, keeping a careful eye on him. His eyes narrow a split second before Rob bellows, “motherfucker!”
The asshole rears back and punches Bucky clean in the jaw.
You gaps in horrified shock, but Bucky grins, his tongue peeking out to test his lip and you can’t help how your eyes linger there.
“You threw the first punch shithead,” Bucky says before winding back and punching Rob in the gut.
All the guys now rush toward their friend, muttering curses at him as they drag him to his feet and eye Bucky warily.
The owner of the bar, and your boss, Barry, comes over and gets in their faces. “Get out and don’t come back!”
They drag their belligerent friend out as quickly as they can, apologizing to you, or maybe Bucky, the whole way.
“What just happened?” you ask, your voice quiet.
Bucky steps close to you, his knuckles brushing over your cheek, light as a feather.
“Are you okay?”
His eyes are filled with emotions. Worry, fury, fear, and tenderness.
“I think so. That was just…crazy.”
Nat wraps her arm around your shoulders comfortingly. “Let’s go get Bucky some ice, ok?”
You glance down at Bucky’s hand, puffy and red.
“Oh no,” you say, gently taking his hand in yours.
He smiles. “It’s fine. Been there, done that.”
You watch him go back and sit at the bar, most of the other customers now cleared out. When you come back out with the ice and ointment your gentle, “you okay?” pulls him from his musings.
“Yeah, no big deal. As long as you’re okay?”
You sit next to him, resting his hand on your thigh and carefully pressing the ice to his knuckles. He stares at his hand on your skin.
“I don’t know if okay is how I would describe how I’m feeling right now…that was…”
Your words trail off when you can’t find a suitable label for the last ten minutes.
“Sexy?” he suggests, deadpan.
Your jaw drops open in offense.
“What? NO!”
He breaks and his lips spread wide in a grin.
You deflate and bump his shoulder, not trying to hide your own smile.
“Seriously though,” you say, shaking your head. “You didn’t have to…why did you do that?”
He looks at you evenly, his voice soft. “Look I’m not some crazy guy who goes around lookin’ to beat people up doll face. But you shouldn’t have to put up with shit like that. I’m sure that wasn’t the first time that piece of shit has pulled a stunt like that, but hopefully next time, he’ll have some decency and sense before laying hands on a woman without an explicit invitation.”
“Well in that case…that’s pretty nice.”
He scoffs with a lopsided smile and his eyes drop to your lips; his hand still pressed to your thigh. His head tilts and he leans in slightly, watching your lips part. He curls his fingers around your thigh but winces at the pull on his knuckles.
You see it and pull back, looking down at his hand.
“Let me get you fixed up.”
Once you have him bandaged up he whispers, “thanks,” still staring at his hand held in yours.
“You ready to go, or do you need to close up first?”
His question is light.
“Go where?”
“Out with me. Ice cream? A walk? Anything you want.”
“It’s the middle of the night. I’m not going anywhere but home.”
“Or we could go to the twenty-four-hour deli on the corner and get ice cream sandwiches then I’ll take you to the roof of my building and we can watch the sunrise.”
Your light touch traces along the calluses on his fingertips.
“Are you usually this friendly to everyone who is new to the neighborhood?” you ask behind a sly smile.
“Not at all doll. Only for you. You’re special.”
Your jaw goes rigid and your eyes narrow. “You can stop whatever game you’re playing.”
You pull back, releasing his hand and starting to put the first aid kit back together.
“What just happened? I’m not playing games,” he says, keeping his voice steady. “But I’m sorry if I said something wrong.”
“It’s fine. I need to go help Nat close up.”
You stand and walk to the door, your head held high. He’s not going to fool you with his sweet words.
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The next evening is slow so you spend most of it helping Nat stock the bar and clean. The hours pass by and nothing exciting happens letting your thoughts wander to Bucky. Then, as if on cue, the door opens, and you automatically look over to see who the latest customer is.
Bucky fills the doorway.
Your breath hitches and you can’t look away. He’s more dressed up tonight. A dark button down opened at the collar and dark jeans that are tight across his thick thighs.
You can’t help but think he’s here to meet someone for a date. The jealousy that surges through you is surprising and infuriating. That is, until he walks up to the bar and sits down. Right in front of you.
“Hey, doll.”
“Hey, Bucky.”
“What can I get you?” you start. “Or are you waiting for someone?”
“Yep,” he says, popping the p. “What time’s your break?”
“Oh,” you breath out. “Um…I don’t really get a long one…”
You start to wipe down the bar aimlessly, remaining quiet while you wait. You can feel him watching you, his eyes tracking your every movement.
He calls over Nat and asks, “can I get two of the special for tonight, please?”
He’s speaking to Nat but looking at you, daring you to disagree.
When you stay quiet, the corners of his mouth lift ever so slightly, victory lighting up his eyes.
“If you want to take it to-go for later, that’s fine. But I thought it’d be nice to have dinner together and figured ya wouldn’t want to go out with me after I fucked up last night.”
“So dinner while I’m supposed to be working is a better option?” you shoot back.
He cringes, despite the lack of heat in your accusation then sighs defeatedly.
“I’m trying here. I want to get to know you better. I promise my intentions are good.”
You stare, getting lost in his beautiful eyes before you scan the rest of his face. He seems more vulnerable now and you want to believe him.
Nat comes back with two plates of steaming food and sets them down.
You give in and unwrap the silverware, digging into a bite of baked potato.
“Mmm,” you moan around the taste.
He freezes with his own bite halfway to his mouth, and mutters under his breath. “Are you trying to kill me?”
You fall into easy conversation about what he does for work, how you like living in the city and everything in between.
After you explain why you moved, spilling the truth between bites, he replies with, “I’m glad you picked Brooklyn.”
His fingers slide over yours and the touch is full of heat. His eyes follow the movement and his jaw tightens. He threads his fingers through yours, holding your hand across the bar.
When he meets your eyes, his are hooded and dark. “How about that ice cream tonight with a roof top view doll?”
The ‘yes’ is on the tip of your tongue as your body leans over the bar, but then you remember that you want more than just a fling and even though he said his intentions are good you can’t help but wonder why a guy like him is still single. You’re not looking for a fling.
You untangle your fingers from his, pulling back.
“Thank you, Bucky. Really. But…”
He nods, not letting you finish before he reaches into his back pocket and sets down some cash to cover the dinners.
“See ya soon doll.”
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The bar is closed on Mondays but Tuesday has you running beers up and down the bar for game night. Bucky’s back. Same time, same seat.
“You need a break doll? Something to eat?” Bucky asks before he takes a sip of beer.
He sets it down as he waits for your answer, studying you intently.
You grab a French fry from his plate and wave it around before bringing it to your lips. He grins wolfishly, catching your wrist in his hand and before you know what’s happening, he’s snagged the fry from between your fingers with his teeth. His tongue snakes out to the lick the salt from your fingertips, then he chews with a self-satisfied smile.
“I’ll let you have the rest,” he says, holding one up to your lips.
You tentatively lean forward, watching him warily in case he tries to pull it away, then chomp down.
“Just let me know when you want more,” he croons.
You continue to work, constantly aware of Bucky and the way he never takes his eyes off you. You check on him regularly, engaging in some deep conversation even with the little time you have.
As your shift nears its end he calls you over.
“Ice cream and rooftop tonight?” he asks, setting money down on the bar to pay for his food and drinks.
“I can’t tonight.”
He smiles. “No worries doll face. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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The next night comes quickly, your tired feet aching from marching back and forth between the bar and the pool tables since it’s half price games tonight.
It’s getting late, and despite your best efforts, you can’t help but wonder where Bucky is. Maybe the last time you turned him down was the final straw. You feel a deep twinge of disappointment at the idea.
The door opens, and you look over, your eyes filled with hope, but it’s just some random couple.
You’re stomach grumbles and you realize you’ve had dinner with Bucky the last few nights and now that it’s late and he hasn’t shown you haven’t eaten.
Checking that everyone has full glasses you wipe your hands and head for the kitchen, hoping to snag something to eat.
The chef, Suzanne, greets you warmly. You ask her for a bowl of the soup and she hums in agreement, yelling out for Charlie.
A guy you’ve never seen before pops around the corner.
“Hey, I’m Charlie, the sometimes kitchen help,” he explains holding out his hand.
“Nice to meet you Charlie.”
You give him your name and tell him you’re the new bartender.
His face changes instantly, eyes going wide and his brows shooting up to his hairline. He pulls his hand back quickly.
He’s still smiling but he seems guarded all of a sudden.
“You forgot to mention the most important part…Bucky’s girl.”
“What?” you say incredulously. “I’m not Bucky’s girl! We’re just friends. He just stops by for dinner and a drink!”
You know it’s more than that. Charlie nods like he knows it’s more than that.
“Sure, whatever you say. But no offense, I’m gonna take his word for it. I’ve never seen him do anything like this before. It has the whole neighborhood talkin’.”
With that he disappears, only reappearing a few moments later with your soup, then he runs off again.
You inhale the soup, not wanting to leave Nat alone and rush back to the bar to check the drink orders.
Nat slides up next to you. “Those drinks for table six?”
You don’t answer her, instead filling her in on what happened in the kitchen.
“Charlie said I’m ‘Bucky’s girl.’ I’m not his girl. What does that even mean?”
“Aw that’s sweet! He’s never said anything like that before and I would know. Been living here my whole life.”
“No it’s not!”
“I think it’s sorta romantic,” she says wistfully. “He’s all in, claiming you far and wide when you haven’t even realized what’s right in front of your face!”
She punctuates the last words of her sentence as she stares you down.
“What’s right in front of my face?” you ask, unwilling to concede that it might be the tiniest bit sweet…in a cave man sort of way.
“He’s here,” Nat whispers, but it’s more of squeal.
You turn toward the door, your whole face lighting up even though you’re still mad at the claim he made. The door is closed, Bucky no where in sight.
Nat’s finger is suddenly in your face. “That! You want to see him. You like him coming here to see you too. Shit, when was the last time someone made this much of an effort for a date!”
She throws her hands up! “Just go out with the man!”
“You mean have sex with him?” you bite out, not forgetting about her earlier warnings.
“Either or, maybe both! What could it hurt?”
“Me!” you say defensively.
Nat’s expression softens. “I think maybe I gave you the wrong idea about him…” she fumbles. “What I really mean is I think maybe we all had the wrong idea about him.”
“What do you mean?”
She shrugs with a heavy sigh. “Bucky is man. A hot as fuck man,” she teases. “And he does have a reputation…but only because everyone wishes they could get a piece of him. I really don’t remember the last girl he went out with. So either he’s really quiet about it, but if you haven’t noticed in this neighborhood everyone is up everyone else’s ass, or he hasn’t really dated.”
Nat eyes you carefully, curiously.
“Oh shit,” you mumble, laying your face in your hands. “I do want to go out with him, but I’m scared…have you seen him?”
Nat grins. “Oh yes. I have and…”
“He’s gorgeous. Like drop dead gorgeous,” you finish for her.
“Exactly,” she agrees happily, a dreamy look on her face.
You swat at her shoulder, getting her attention and gesturing to yourself.
“What? You look amazing!” she says. “It’s not like he hasn’t seen you at work before.”
“You don’t think is just a thing because I’m the new girl in the neighborhood?”
“Do people do things like that where you’re from?” she asks. “And no!” she finishes, shaking her head.
Just as her words sink in your heart sinks with them.
“Doesn’t matter anyway. I blew it, he’s not here tonight.”
“Yes he is.”
The door opens and when you look over, it’s him.
The air charges across the space between you and you know something has changed and when his eyes meet yours it’s almost as if he knows it too. He nods toward the door, silently asking if you’re ready for that date.
“Hey Nat, you think if I ask Barry to let me off early…”
“I swear if he says no I’ll kick him in the balls myself,” Nat screeches.
You rush back to the office and find Barry sitting behind his desk. Your question rushes out and he holds up a hand to stop you before you even finish.
“Go,” is all he says, but the smile he gives you reaches his eyes.
You cross the room to Bucky, his eyes wandering over you with possessive heat and unguarded want.
When you’re standing right in front of him, your toes touching, he asks, “you ready?”
Your lips lift ever so slightly and when his large hand cups your cheek your eyelashes flutter closed. His motions are slow, teasingly so, but he’s giving you time to stop him. He bends down, letting his intentions be quite clear.
He kisses the corner of your mouth then brushes his lips over yours, so lightly, you can feel his breath. You sigh into him and his hands slide over your curves and down to your waist, his grip tightening.
Nat let’s out a cheer, effectively interrupting the moment but you can’t help but smile at her excitement.
Bucky doesn’t let go of you, his hand sliding into yours as he pulls you out the door and onto the street.
“Hey,” he says soothingly.
“Hi,” you say, tucking your chin.
His fingers press under and he lifts your eyes. “You good?”
He waits patiently for you to formulate a reply.
“I just…I’m not sure…what you expect.”
“Anything, doll. I want to know you, spend time with you.”
Dropping his voice lower and bringing his lips to the shell of your ear, he whispers, “kiss you again…for real this time.”
“Oh, okay.”
“Okay,” he agrees, his voice heavy with intention as he takes you in his arms again and drags you into his chest.
Your lips meet, tender and soft at first but as your fingers dance up his arms and grip his biceps, he growls and takes it deeper.
You moan into his mouth, working your hands higher into the hair that brushes his shoulders.
“Fuck,” he groans when he feels you give his hair a little tug.
He pulls back and you chase him for one last kiss which he happily obliges in.
“I promised you ice cream and a roof top sunrise,” he murmurs. “And I keep my promises doll.”
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@book-dragon-13  @sebstanwhore @late-to-the-party-81 @goldylions @laineyreads @randomfandompenguin @lookiamtrying @beccablogsthings @justkinsey @hallecarey1 @blackwidownat2814 @flordeamatista @buckysdollforlife​
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tsukimefuku · 2 months
The man who played with fire
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After some drinks by yourself and getting frustrated with someone, you stupidly knock on Higuruma's door to test a theory.
To vibe: Misery - Maroon 5
Tags: +18 (!!!), WITH PLOT (there is always a plot), Jujutsu Kaisen, SMUT, f!reader, Higuruma x reader, some alcohol consumption,  he's so in love, she's so clueless, reader is being kind of an asshole, oral sex, cunt-locking, penetration, light f!top x m!bottom dynamic, involves some love-triangle classic shenanigans.
WC: 3.4K
Hey, this is actually my first smut piece! Hope you guys enjoy my filth. This is part of my "Jujutsu Partners Canon Divergence AU", a sequence of short stories and random drabbles for a Nanami x f!reader x Higuruma fanfic I'll eventually write (eventually). This is preceded specially by "Kindness and Sunflowers", link here. To see the ever-growing list of one-shots, please visit my masterlist :)  
Disclaimer: they’re NOT written and posted in chronological order of events. To see where this story fits in the timeline, please check the masterlist mentioned above.
Fair warning: I like writing characters being humanely assholes and clueless idiots. Be warned. 
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"I can't believe this," you muttered to yourself. You were drinking alone at the bar, and the darkness served to hide your blushed-by-fury face. After what you called The Event, Nanami asked to talk, only to end up lecturing you about the shortcomings of a jujutsu sorcerer's life. As if you didn't know, given all the losses you had experienced over the years, precisely due to Tengen's established Jujutsu Society. "He can't be serious, lecturing me about this shit." Still talking to yourself, like a crazy person, you tried to let your anger go down with five cold pints of beer. It was definitely not working.
Your phone rang, and Nanami's name lit up on your screen, much to your annoyance. You immediately refused the call and flipped the phone down on the table, feeling all your rage bubbling up from the darkest depths of hell. You needed a release, any kind of release — an exorcism, most likely.
Or, you could try something else.
Peering around the bar, you started looking for someone that you could consider even remotely interesting — but no one, nothing, nada. Given this was a Tuesday night, there were only you and some monotonous people scattered around the murky lighting, encompassed by the noise of a few clicking glasses. 
That was when your phone started to rumble to the sound of some text messages, and you grabbed it ready to pitch the phone across the vicinity, believing it was Nanami again. But, much to your surprise, it was actually Higuruma texting you. You were so angry that you had completely forgotten to talk to him today.
He was basically asking how you were, given that you hadn't texted back since yesterday, and you were both chatting on a daily basis for weeks by this point.
That was when you had a greatly horrible (or horribly great?) idea. After all, how could a decision made under the influence, at night, while angry at someone you knew you had feelings for, be bad? This is fine.
"Are you busy right now?" You sent him, feeling the beer breeze warmly through your nostrils every time you exhaled. You have a crush on him, but that's it, this is fine. And oh, you did. Ever since you dropped him off in his apartment the night he was freed from Jujutsu High's headquarters, you knew that there was definitely something stirring up — at least from your end. Higuruma was drunk, he didn't make a move, and could just have been kind of clingy, to be honest, so you decided to let it go for the time being. Every time you got a little too excited to meet or talk to him recently, you reminded yourself very sternly you weren't a schoolgirl.
But you wouldn't let it go today, because today, you really wanted to know.
"Nothing, really. I just got home." Higuruma promptly answered.
"Can I come over?" You texted back, and locked your screen right after, instantly anxious and eager at the same time. What the fuck is wrong with me? What am I thinking? What am I doing? This can't be a good ide-
"Of course, I'd be delighted." He replied. "And then you could actually see the sunflower is doing very well, in spite of me."
You left the money on the counter and ran off, shushing your thoughts out loud.
This was a terrible idea, but I think I can just hang out for an hour, make small talk and then leave, you started to negotiate mentally with yourself right after the three knocks on the door gave some sanity back to your brain. 
However, after Higuruma opened the door and cocked his head to lean it against the door frame, you knew you were completely doomed. He had the top of his white shirt unbuttoned, his tie was hanging loosely around his neck, and his sleeves were rolled up enough for you to see his beautifully defined forearms. His hair had the perfect messy-I-just-got-home look to it, and you instantly wanted to drive your hands through his pitch black locks. 
Oh shit, you thought to yourself, feeling something stir up in your body — and it surely wasn't anger.
It must have been a moment, because he started to look a little puzzled. "Hey, come in." Higuruma said, as if he was repeating himself. Did you not hear him the first time he invited you in? 
"Of course. Thank you." You replied, looking down and hushing yourself inside his apartment. You could feel your face burning, and imagined how much of an idiot you were being right now for ever believing this could go anything but wrong.
"Are you okay? You seem out of sorts." He pointed out, closing the door behind him. "Can I get you anything? I got some beer from the convenience store, and there might be water somewhere in the kitchen."
"I'm fine, I just ran here to get some cardio." You clumsily replied, sitting on the couch. "I came from the bar, actually. Already drank some beers. No need."
Higuruma huffed out a soft chuckle, still a little confused, but now intent on prying. "You're not helping your case. You mean to say that you, a jujutsu sorcerer that exercises heavily, decided to get some cardio done while walking under the influence, from a bar, at night, to meet me?"
"Yes. That's what I meant. Quit prying." You responded, not knowing what the hell else you could say. Tell him that you came rushing just so you wouldn't have the time for second guessing on having s- no, you wouldn't do that.
"Hm." He hummed to himself, grabbing a can and sitting beside you, bouncing the sofa slightly. "I mean, I'm always happy to have you come over, but the only time you came here was to bring me drunk from a bender. And to get me flowers."
"Get you a sunflower, because yours had died." You corrected.
"Precisely, a sunflower." Higuruma replied, taking a sip from his beer. "So, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
"I just wanted to see you." You said, earnestly. And deep down, it was true, if only half of it.
Higuruma immediately seemed content, even if he only had a small smile to show for it on his face. "Oh."
You were both silent for a moment.
"I never got to repay you for your kindness that day." He said, out of the blue, taking you by surprise.
"It was nothing." You said, shrugging. "I just got you home and gave you a flower."
"Oh, if I remember correctly…" He began.
"Do you remember anything?" You asked, mockingly.
He looked at you, slightly grinning, and continued. "You had to blow up my lock to bust us in. In some places, that would be considered a felony."
"You're saying I could get arrested for busting into a home while I'm with the man that lives there?"
"You also used explosives and damaged the door, let's not forget that." Higuruma said in a mix of playful and matter-of-factly.
"I couldn't ask, because you were completely wasted! Just getting your address was a pain in the ass."
He chuckled. "Was it?"
"Yes, it was." You replied, more relaxed, thanks to coming back to your old banter. This came for the both of you so naturally that you barely realized Higuruma had rested his arm on the sofa right behind you, leaning closer. "Higuruma, why did you drink so much that night?"
That question surprised him, as you could deduct from his eyes widening lightly. He put his beer can on the coffee table and ran his fingers through his hair, inhaling deeply. "I don't know. I guess-" he stuttered for a moment. "I guess I was just nervous to be out again, finally and properly going for a drink with..." his last word lingered on the air, as he unconsciously looked at your eyes, and then your lips, "with you all."
"Do you remember what you said when we got here?" You asked, shamelessly staring at his lips too.
"I believe I said, 'you are too kind'." Higuruma leaned over even further, and you felt his entire body go rigid for a second as you drifted closer to him, heat crawling all over your skin, putting your forehead to his. After some seconds, he rested the palm of his hand over your knee, and from how needy you felt for that man at that particular moment, even such a small thing was enough to make you trip over to the other side.
You immediately crushed your lips to his, putting your hands behind his head. You kissed him eagerly, letting out an extremely faint moan as you drove your fingers over his hair — he tasted like beer, his worn off cologne from the day was completely intoxicating, and you found yourself nearly lunging at the man like a starved animal. Realizing what just happened, you pulled back, starting to apologize, eyes wide and face completely flustered. "Higuruma, I'm so sor-"
Your apologies were cut short with his own lips now clashing into yours in a passionate kiss, as he pushed you under his weight to lay on the couch, his fingers interlocking in your hair strands from the back of your head. His hips effortlessly slid in between your legs as your hands made their way to brush his shoulders, and you let out another moan against his lips, this time much louder, thanks to the dry pressure of his now bulging pants against your clothed core. Higuruma groaned satisfied in response, tracing the outline of your mouth with the tip of his tongue. Your mind was becoming hazy, and he parted from your lips for a moment to gaze at your face. His eyes were locked on you, studying every feature and investigating for any sign of discomfort or second thoughts.
You caught up on that and made your way inside his slightly open mouth with your own tongue, intertwining it with his in between gasps and huffs. Now you separated just enough to breathlessly say, "Bed. Now."
You gasped against his mouth, before holding yourself throwing your arms behind his neck and locking your legs on his waist, grinding on him. He moaned loudly at this stimulation, before smiling sheepishly and putting both of his hands on the back of your thighs for support, knowing full well you meant for him to carry the both of you into the bedroom.
"Yes, ma'am." He replied, propping the both up and then lifting from the couch. Higuruma pressed open-mouthed kisses all around the nape of your neck, as he walked towards a dark room, parting his hands from you just to switch the light on. "I want to see you," he said, breathing heavily against your skin, as he threw you on the bed, climbing on top, one hand to each side of your head as he stared at you with a lustful look in his eyes. You instantly pulled his loosened tie to kiss him again, and he lost balance, basically falling with his body over yours. You whimpered at the feeling of having his now full-blown clothed erection grinding against your core, and involuntarily opened your legs to accommodate his hips over yours.
Higuruma started to take off his tie and shirt, and you followed suit, removing your top and bra. He basked on the sight of you, and cupped both of your breasts in his hands. His digits felt rough, and frictioned just the right amount against you, as he squeezed both of them, satisfied and reverent. His hands started traveling down your figure, contouring every curve, hill, and valley of your body, reaching the edge of your pants. "May I?" He asked, his face lightly blushed as he awaited your response. You nodded, and he promptly unzipped you, pulling your pants and panties down, the slight stimulation from the fabric sliding over your legs being enough to make you mewl with satisfaction. Every nerve in you was incandescent with absolute hunger for him.
You opened your legs, and he could see you were already completely wet from arousal. Letting out an audible satisfied moan, Higuruma began tracing your belly with his mouth, planting long kisses as he went down, leaving a trail of heat wherever his lips touched. As he got near your core, he kissed one last time one of your thighs, and sniffed on your folds. You smelled sinfully sweet, and he made no effort to hold back his eyes fluttering shut with pure bliss. "Could I, please?"
This was his prayer, the bed was his altar and he was determined to worship you.
Without a word, you simply grabbed the top of his hair and drove his mouth in between your legs, whimpering and mewling as his tongue started to rub against your clit. His chin would grind forward on your entrance whenever he changed the angle, and you involuntarily pushed yourself down when that happened. He noticed it, and slid his tongue inside you, eliciting a loud moan in response, with your walls clenching around it. He groaned back in appreciation, and his husky, low voice reverberated throughout your entire being. You arched your back, beginning to feel that familiar heat and fire pooling on your lower stomach.
"H-Higuruma... I-" You sighed, in between mewls and moans.
He immediately stopped and brought his face up to look at you. You let out a complaint sound, glaring at him to ask why he stopped.
"My dear, I'm literally with my face in between your legs, eating you out." He said, unfazed by your annoyance. "We're way past last names. Call me Hiromi."
Incredulous, you let out a mixture of a chuckle and a scoff, having the top inside of you wiggling its way out to the surface. You grabbed his hair strongly, and he cinched his eyebrows, cock twitching inside his pants, as the corner of his lips formed an open-mouthed smile. His eyes were softly resting on you, and he wouldn't mind if your naked, flushed body was the last thing he saw before he died.
"Shut up." You said, grinding your pussy against his mouth, and locking his head to your core with your legs tightly holding around him. Higuruma proceeded more eager than before, lapping at your clit relentlessly with his tongue, alternating with sucks that were having you seeing stars. He was absolutely pussy drunk with the heavenly taste of you and had, at this moment, relinquished any control, as he let you face fuck him chasing your release.
The heat came back again, and you closed your eyes, sinking the back of your head on a pillow. Waves were starting to form, and your orgasm hit you like the crashing water against the shore. You began to tremble and vibrate, coming hard in his mouth, and Higuruma feverishly drank you up, completely hypnotized with how amazing you tasted and felt, falling apart under his ministrations. 
Letting you finish riding your high, licking gently on your overstimulated core, he waited until you were barely moving before removing his own pants and climbing his way back on top of you. As he got close enough to your face, you looked at him, completely flustered and debauched, resting the palm of your hand on his cheek. "Higuruma, I want you inside of me." His tongue, albeit magnificent, just wasn't enough, and you could feel the same anticipation and neediness coiling in your stomach again, as the tip of his cock rested on your entrance.
He looked at you and grunted, displeased. "Hiromi." Higuruma reached to the bedside table and pulled a condom. The movement had him rubbing his throbbing length, already leaking with pre-cum, right against you, forcing him to let out a strained groan.
You gasped at the sensation and chuckled at his annoyance right after, suddenly locking his hips in between your legs, rolling you both so that you would be on top of him. "We'll see, if you ask nicely." You replied, locking him in between your arms, hovering. Higuruma's eyes instantly softened, and his cheeks took a pinkish-red tint. "You're bossy." He said, turning his head towards your wrist and planting a chaste kiss on it, lingering with his lips for a moment on your skin. "I like it."
You smiled, more pleased than you'd like to admit it, because the both of you fit so well it was astonishing. You never thought it would be happening like this, and for a moment, it felt so right you wished you could be here forever. But nothing that good ever lasts long enough.
Grabbing the condom from him with one hand, you motioned the other to grab his neglected cock. As your fingers grasped around his length, Higuruma let out a satisfied and urgent moan, slowly arching himself under your touch. The sight of him completely pliable to your will had you fluttering, as you began to rub your hands up and down, pumping his girth to pleasure him. Higuruma plastered his palms over the plush of your thighs, and groaned your last name, holding out on some kind of desperation. 
"'Way past last names', huh?" You scoffed, playfully, starting to slide the condom over his cock before he could hit you with any witty comeback. After, you positioned yourself above him, holding his length against your entrance, and started to slowly descend over it, feeling it thrust in you to the brim, stretching your walls as he bottomed out. You both let out a gasp, now connected, and you waited a moment to adapt and take all of him in.
"Come here." You said, pulling on his shoulder for him to sit up, so that you could feel and touch every inch of him. He obliged, and sat up, immediately driving his mouth to kiss your neck insistently, brushing the tip of his tongue on the edge of your jaw. Higuruma began to rock his hips, and you did the same, each in the opposite direction, so that his cock would slide in and out of your pussy easily.
You moaned against his scalp, and he held his hands to the small of your waist, leaning you backwards to suck on your breasts. The moment his mouth latched onto one breast, he rolled your other nipple between his fingers, eliciting loud moans and mewls from you. You had your head dangling back, as he began to thrust into you quicker and harder. He slid the hand previously on your waist to the back of your neck, and pulled you in for a kiss, taunting your mouth with his tongue. You opened it, and both your tongues intertwined, as he, now, chased his own release, panting and groaning into your lips. You weren't so far off, feeling the familiar coil tightening in your abdomen, yearning for release.
"Hiromi, please. P-please... Please..." He implored and begged, kissing desperately your jawline. You lowered your gaze and met his eyes softer and more tender than you had ever seen, so urgently pleading for you to let him in, give him this inch of intimacy, and that was the moment you caved. You pressed your forehead against his, and started to cry out his name. "Hiromi... H-Hiromi..."
Letting out moans and groans in between the squelching from your juices, he pulled you impossibly close, eyes piercing and locked onto yours. This was the moment you felt more naked, bare and vulnerable the entire night, and the coil that had formed in your belly snapped, sending waves of pure pleasure from the tip of your head to your toes. Feeling your gummy walls clenching all around him, Higuruma also hit his orgasm intensely, thrusting into you fervently to ride off his high. He stopped slowly, ready to crumble underneath you at any moment.
"Hiromi-" You said, brushing your lips against his cheek, then under his ear. "Hiromi, Hiromi, Hi-ro-mi. Happy? Just for tonight, though."
Higuruma chuckled soulfully, realizing how much he absolutely loved the sound of his name on your tongue, purred through your whispered voice, reverberating on his flushed, sensitive skin. It made his body quiver and tremble with pure satisfaction. 
It was right there, at that moment, with his heart fluttering while you leaned back to gaze at him, stroking his hair strands between your fingers with a gentle smile, that he realized just how fucked he actually was.
Sighing softly and smiling back, Higuruma pushed his lips against yours. He knew that by playing with fire, he was bound to get burned, eventually — and burned he was.
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sapphire-writes · 1 year
The Au Pair (modern!HOTD) part 1
Part 1 ~ Part 2
pairing: Daemon x fem!Reader x Rhaenyra
summary: You take a new job nannying for a family on the Upper East Side. You find yourself intrigued by both parents.
warnings: 18+ (slight power imbalance as they're your bosses, sensual themes), language
word count: 3.1k
note: I've been in a Daemon x Rhae mood and this idea came to me and suddenly it is here, enjoy my loves!
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When you looked up at the high-rise apartment building, you felt your stomach drop. You had always been that way with heights, whether looking down or looking up at something tall, the feeling of intense vertigo washing over you. You took in a deep breath to steady yourself, draining the rest of your coffee before walking in. 
Throwing the cup in a nearby bin, you popped a mint into your mouth to hopefully disguise your coffee breath. 
You’d nannied before but never au-paired. It seemed to be a little more intense, having you live with the family, and become a part of the family. But you had to get out of your current living situation, and the website was too tempting to pass up. 
You didn’t even think you’d get a response when you sent in your resume. You recognized the family name; old money, the backbone of Wall Street. It was too good to be true when you received an email inviting you in person for an interview.
Still, the thought of caring for three boys was nearly overwhelming. 
“You’ll only truly be a little help,” Rhaenyra had told you, after leading you through the foyer, giving you hot tea in a cup that felt so delicate it might break in your small hands. 
Rhaenyra had ushered you to the sofa, before sitting in the one directly across. She crossed her ankles, clad in a dark maroon suit, her silver hair striking against the wine-colored fabric. She was ethereally beautiful, the kind of pretty that takes your breath away. 
“Luke and Joff are the littles, they require the most attention,” Rhaenyra explained.
You take a sip of the tea, warmth flooding through you.
“How old are they?” you ask, blowing on the tea. 
“Jacaerys is the oldest, he’s nine, then there’s Luke who is seven, and little Joffrey is only four,” Rhaenyra tells you.
“No girls?” you ask and she shakes her head. 
“Daemon’s daughters Baela and Rhaena sometimes visit during the week, they’re nine as well. They live with their mother mostly, and often spend the weekends with us.”
“You have a full house,” you comment, smiling.
“Several,” Rhaenyra answers, mirroring your smile, “We have two apartments here, in the city, during the weekends we go to our house, outside of the city.”
“That’s wonderful, that you’re able to get away,” you tell her, “the city can be overwhelming.”
“I agree,” she says, “it’s nice to have an escape. So, tell me about yourself,” she cocks her head to the side, “what made you want this position?”
You sigh, deciding it's best to be truthful.
“Well, I’ve worked with kids before, on and off,” you begin, “some babysitting, nannying, I was a camp counselor for one summer.”
Rhaenyra nods, her violet eyes warm and inviting.
“I also, just recently lost my apartment,” you tell her, “it’s a long story, but I need to be out by the end of the month, so a job that comes with a place to live was very tempting.”
Rhaenyra smiles, and you nervously play with the rings on your fingers. 
“I can be really good with the kids, I think we’ll get along great.”
Rhaenyra looks you up and down as the door opens. The most beautiful man you’ve ever seen walks in, throwing his briefcase on the counter. His silver hair falls in front of his eyes as he leans against the counter, tapping his ring-clad fingers against the black marble.
“Daemon,” she calls, not turning around, “meet our guest.”
Daemon simply glances at you, busy with something on his phone.
“He’ll warm up, don’t you worry,” Rhaenya says, standing.
“I won’t let you down if given this opportunity,” you tell her, placing your teacup down and standing to leave.
“I know you won’t,” she says, taking your arm to lead you to the door, “let me discuss with my husband, and we’ll let you know.”
“Thank you, truly,” you tell her at the door, “It was nice to meet you, ma’am.”
“Please, call me Rhaenyra,” she insists.
“Rhaenyra,” you say, and she leads you out.
Rhaenyra sighs, returning to the couch and flipping through your resume once more. 
“I’m shocked you let her leave,” Daemon says, dropping a kiss on Rhaenyra’s head, and squeezing her shoulder with a ring-clad hand.
“She’ll be back,” Rhaenyra assures him, “I’m taking it slow.”
“Surprising,” Daemon says, “with her calling you ma’am so sweetly.”
Rhaenyra merely glances up at him, smiling coyly at her husband. 
“I’ll give her a call this evening then,” Rhaneyra says, kissing the back of his hand, “officially offer her the job?”
“Call her now, if you like,” Daemon tells her.
“She’s probably still in the building,” Rhaenyra says with a chuckle.
“Even better,” Daemon says.
Rhaenyra hums, pulling out her phone.
“Someone’s eager,” Rhaenyra teases, earning a low growl from her husband.
After celebratory drinks with your girlfriends and packing all your shit into boxes, a car picks you up bringing you to your new home. You’re shown to your room by one of the housekeepers. It’s perfect for you, with large windows and a private bathroom. The bed feels like heaven as you lay on top of it. You can’t believe your luck. 
You’re introduced to the boys when they come home from school. While Jace is apprehensive, Luke warms to you right away, insisting on showing you his collection of Lego model sets. Dragons are his favorite at the moment. You spend the afternoon with them, and the day flies by. 
Only when you’re in your room later, fresh out of the shower and dressed for bed do you realize you’ve lost something rather important in the move. You silently curse, and pad down the hallway toward the home office Rhaenyra uses. 
“Mrs. Targaryen?” you ask, knocking on the office door.
Rhaenyra beckons you in, smiling, removing her blue light glasses and looking away from the computer. 
“I’m so sorry to bother you-”
“Nonsense, darling, what is it?” Rhaenyra says, lacing her fingers together, “and what did I say about addressing me?”
You blush, forgetting yourself. You find it easy to get flustered in Rhaenyra’s presence. 
“I’m sorry, Rhaenyra,” you correct yourself.
“You don’t have to say sorry,” she tells you.
Her tone is so sweet, so kind, and loving that it almost makes you want to apologize again. You release a breathy laugh instead. 
“I seem to have lost my hairbrush in the move,” you tell her, “you wouldn’t happen to have an extra one lying around?”
Rhaenyra stands, walking out from behind her desk and toward you. 
“Of course, come here,” she tells you, reaching for your hand.
It's warm and soft as she interlaces her fingers with yours, pulling you out of the home office and down the hallway. You haven’t yet seen Daemon and Rhaenyra’s room, though you realize this is about to change. She opens the door and brings you into their room. 
You can’t help but gawk at windows that stretch from the floor to the ceiling revealing the New York City skyline. The curtains are still open, revealing the sparkling city below. Daemon is already seated in bed on top of the covers reading, looking up as you enter with Rhaenyra. 
“Already?” he asks, and Rhaenyra shushes him.
“Our friend is without a hairbrush,” she says, releasing your hand and moving to enter the master bathroom. 
Daemon hums at her response, returning to his book. The bed is huge, big enough to comfortably fit the whole family if they wanted. The sheets are a deep gray, and look like they’re made of the softest silk. You almost want to reach out and touch them, feel the softness when Rhaenyra reenters the room.
“Sit,” she tells you, motioning to the bed.
“That’s okay,” you assure her, “I can-”
“It’s the least I can do,” she interrupts.
You want to argue with her. They’re letting you live in a gorgeous highrise on the Upper East Side and essentially want for nothing, and yet they’re the ones who are grateful? You suppose it just shows what good parents they are, wanting nothing but the best for the boys. It warms your heart knowing you can help support them in that way. 
Rhaenyra motions to the bed once more and you sit down on the edge. You know immediately that sleeping in that bed would cure any problems you’ve ever had. It’s so soft against you and you run your hand over the sheets. Rhaenyra sits next to you, crossing her legs. 
“Turn for me,” she says, and you move so your back faces her. 
She takes your hair, still wet from your shower, and runs her hands through it gently. You can feel her nails against your scalp causing goosebumps to rise on your skin. She moves the hair from your neck before gently beginning to brush through your hair. It’s so relaxing your eyes flutter shut. 
Daemon is watching now, closing his book and leaning his head back against the headboard. Rhaenyra meets his gaze and his eyes narrow. She flicks an eyebrow at him, continuing. Daemon sticks his tongue against his cheek before rising from the bed. You open your eyes as you feel him move, watching as you walk by you, stopping to press a kiss against Rhaenyra’s cheek.
He heads into the bathroom, not bothering to close the door as you hear the shower turn on. Rhaenyra places the brush on your lap.
“There you are,” she tells you, placing her hands on your shoulder and squeezing.
“Thank you,” you tell her earnestly. 
Her kindness brings tears to your eyes and you find yourself wanting to hug her, bury your face in the crook of her neck, and have her lavish your face with kisses. The thought brings a blush to your cheeks. She’s your boss. Still, as you get up to leave and bid her goodnight, you find your gaze falling to her lips. You look away quickly.
“Thank you again, Rhaenyra,” you tell her, “For everything. I’m really grateful for this opportunity.”
Rhaenyra smiles, smoothing some hair from your face.
“We’re happy to have you,” she tells you, “Goodnight, my dear.”
“Goodnight,” you tell her, leaving the room and heading to your own.
Daemon reappears with wet hair and a towel around his waist. Droplets of water cling to his chest and shoulders. Rhaenyra smirks at him.
“Enjoy your cold shower?” she teases and he chuckles in response. 
The following week is a test run, seeing how you handle the boys and their schedule. It’s easy enough-no scarily easy. The boys are a dream, so well behaved and respectful toward you, and enjoying the attention that is devoted to them while their mother and stepfather are busy working. 
Your schedule is simple. Wake up, make sure the boys get their breakfast, escort them to school, and then the rest of the morning and early afternoon is yours. Rhaenyra has assured you that sometimes she shall give you some errands to run, but for the most part, you’re free to ponder around different coffee shops and bookstores and attend your university classes. 
You pick up Joffrey first, as his daycare releases him in the early afternoon, and bring him on a walk. Then you wait for Jace and Luke to end their school days and escort them to their afterschool activities. You almost feel bad for Rhaenyra and Daemon, like you’re taking advantage of them somehow. It shouldn’t be this easy, right? It can’t be this perfect?
You’re still lost in your thoughts while you sit on a park bench watching Joffrey toddle about on a play structure as someone sits down beside you. You blink, pulled from your thoughts, giving her a kind smile. 
“You’re the new Targaryen AP, right?” the girl asks, smiling at you.
“Yeah!” you answer, telling her your name. 
“I’m Shae,” she tells you, “The Lannister’s Au Pair.”
You nod. You’ve heard that name before. Shae points at a little girl with golden curls on the swings. 
“Cerelle Lannister, one of the little lions I look after,” she says chuckling. 
She motions for your phone.
“Here, let me put in my number,” she tells you, and you smile while handing her your phone, “We have to stick together, you know?”
“Thanks,” you tell her, “I’d love to get coffee sometime and get some advice. This is my first time being an Au Pair.”
Shae raises an eyebrow as she adds her number. 
“Good luck with the Targaryens,” she tells you chuckling, “they can’t seem to hold onto an AP for more than a month.”
Your brow furrows and you glance at the boys. You can see Jace running across the soccer field and Luke on the other side with the younger boys. Joffrey plays on the playground, staying in your line of sight. You can’t help but smile.
“I don’t see why,” you tell her, “the boys are great. Very well behaved, impressive manners. Better than me.”
Shae laughs. 
“It’s Daemon and Rhaenyra I’d be wary of,” Shae tells you, voice lowering with the nature of the conversation, “the last girl they had was doing fine until suddenly she’s signing an NDA and being shipped out of New York. I never spoke to her again.”
A chill rolls through you. 
Jace calls your name, running over to you.
“Did you see what I did!” he says, a huge grin on his face, Luke trailing behind him.
“You were so awesome Jacey!” you tell him, ruffling his hair.
They’ve warmed up to you immediately. 
You keep thinking about what Shae said all night. When you join the kids for dinner, Rhaenyra and Daemon do not, as they ended up having to work late. When you tuck them in and return to your room you find a small box on your bed. 
You open it, revealing a small necklace. Dainty, and expensive, with a small pearl hanging off the chain. 
A gift. 
You pick up the card that goes with it.
For all your help, xx
There’s no signature. Though you suppose it must be from Rhaenyra. You blush at the kind gesture before retiring to bed for the night, curling up in the soft sheets with a book.
The next few weeks go smoothly, and without any fusses. The boys are lovely as ever and easy to drag around to different parks, activities, and school functions. They’re starting to feel like your little brothers, like your own children even. You journey with them to the weekend house, an hour outside the city, roasting marshmallows, swimming in the gorgeous pool, and taking them to get ice cream. It’s paradise, it’s a dream. 
You see Rhaenyra more than Daemon, though she was right. He does seem to be warming up to you, glancing at you more, checking in on you. Sitting with you when you’re at the counter for breakfast. Letting a hand drift across your back as he passes by.
You keep finding gifts. A silk robe, a new purse, a pair of earrings that match the necklace given to you. Fresh flowers by your bedside. It’s very sweet of them, to be so welcoming. Almost romantic. 
Later one night during the week, you can’t seem to find sleep.
You make your way to the kitchen, feet padding softly down the hallway. Rhaenyra had said to help yourself to anything, what’s theirs is yours. You’d been craving something sweet since dinner. Since moving into the highrise your palate has begun to adjust to the rich, expensive foods the chef makes and has begun to spoil you. You’re starting to wonder how you’ll ever go back to living normally when this job ends. It’s not something you want to think about. You’re determined to stay as long as possible. 
You open the fridge, the light bathing the floor in front of you. You look around, moving things trying to find a treat. Their fridge is crazy stocked, full of fresh fruits and vegetables, and green juices. Things that sound good any time but now. Now you need chocolate. 
“Looking for something?” a deep voice calls and you jump.
“Shit, you scared me, sir,” you say, holding your hand against your chest. 
Daemon moves toward you from the shadows, silk pajama pants hanging low on his hips. He’s shirtless and you make a point to look at his lavender eyes. They’re almost black in the low light, a smirk dancing on his lips. 
“I was just looking for something sweet,” you tell him, biting your lip.
“Something sweet, hmm?” he echoes, reaching around you to open the freezer. 
You back up, suddenly very aware of your choice of pajamas. Another gift you’d found waiting on your bed, a silky red set. The tank top hands low, the shorts hugging the curves of your ass and thighs. 
“Try this,” Daemon says, holding out some gelato.
You let out a breathy sigh. 
“What?” Daemon asks, tilting his head curiously.
“Everything here is so fancy,” you tell him, “even the ice cream.”
“Isn't it nice to have expensive things?” he asks, unscrewing the lid and throwing it on the black marble counter.
“I don’t know if I’ll like it,” you tell him, nose scrunching.
He chuckles, cocking an eyebrow. Daemon reaches for a drawer, pulling out a long silver spoon, perfect for ice cream. He dips it into the gelato before bringing his violet eyes to yours.
“Open your mouth,” he murmurs, holding the spoon out to your lips.
With his seductive tone, the roughness of his voice floating over you like silk caressing your skin, you instinctively part your lips, accepting the sweet treat. It’s cold and sweet as it moves across your tongue, sliding down your throat. A bit dribbles on your lips as Daemon removes the spoon from the confines of your mouth. A small remnant of the cream lingers on the spoon and Daemon places it between his lips. 
Your eyes are wide, watching him suck on it, and you can feel a blush creeping up your cheeks. He removes the spoon, licking his lips. You bring your hand to your lips wiping away the trace of cream that remains.
“Do you like it?” Daemon asks, voice gruff, eyes hungry for more than gelato. 
“Yes,” you breathe. 
He smiles and then places the container in your hand.
“Enjoy,” he tells you, before walking out of the kitchen. 
You stay still, standing dumb for several minutes after he leaves, feeling the container of gelato begin to soften the longer you hold it. Snapping out of your trance, you hurry back to your room, closing the door behind you. 
note: hope you enjoyed my loves! 😘
HOTD TAGLIST GENERAL: @bluevxnuss, @thattargboy, @xlilacfrostx, @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed, @marvelescape, @geminithrone, @deltamoon666, @i-killed-ramsey, @tempt-ress, @eddiemadmunson, @zillahvathek, @hangmanscoming, @jojoesq, @f4ll-for-you, @rwdkarla, @cc13723things, @filipiniamultifandom, @watercolorskyy @alexxavicry @sachafirebringer @polireader @jamespotterismydaddy @grv7ay9In35s @sofiaadler @sophielangdonx @doublesparrows, @sophielangdonx, @alitaar, @castellomargot, @paodemorangol1l1, @nik2blog, @arkainea @eddiemadmunson, @malfoytargaryen, @eudximoniax, @targaryen-world, @ghostheartbeat @savagemickey03, @aemondsdaemons, @candypurplebutterfly, @eddiemadmunson, @xxnaly2, @ghostheartbeat, @savagemickey03, @dieg0brandos-wife, @paodemorangol1l1, @hb8301, @padfooteyes, @valeskafics @doublesparrows, @bornbetter, @beyond-the-ashes, @clairacassidy, @aslanvez, @loglady00, @gettheetoanunneryimmediatly, @minami97, @serving-targaryen-realness, @chaotic-fangirl-blog, @possiblyafangirl, @shmexie, @winter-soldier-101, @kaelatargaryen, @urmomsgirlfriend1, @floswife, @mizfortuna, @strawberryduvet, @girlwith-thepearlearring, @arryn-nyx
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golbrocklovely · 6 months
careful what you wish for // sam and colby (pt. 4)
A/N: first off, terribly sorry this came out so late. i've had a hectic last couple days, and didn't get to finish this fic up until tonight. and sadly, this the last thing i'm posting for my 13 nights of halloween. it's crazy to think that this is finally over. to anyone curious i will be getting back to answering asks by tomorrow. i'll also be writing up my review of hell week, and any other random things i had planned to write about/review before my 13 nights. also, i know so many of you have been waiting eagerly for this next installment, so sorry for the long awaited update. but hopefully it's made better by this fic. happy belated halloween, and happy haunting !
prompt: sam and colby have left you high and dry, so now you've resorted to possibly hooking up with a coworker at an event. but sam and colby will be having NONE of that. || vampire!sam and demon!colby x fem!reader
trigger warning: SO MUCH SMUT, manipulation via powers (surprise! it's not you this time), fucking in a public, fucking with a crowd watching, the crowd is also all of your coworkers, dumb business shit that i know nothing about bc i went to school for theater and work in retail lol, fourth wall break (spooky), cursing, degrading language, being bit but no blood drawn), mentions of: princess, baby girl, baby, slut, whore, called a fleshlight once, unprotected sex (but no fear of getting pregnant bc they're supernatural), gets a bit dark and possessive towards the end, heavy use of MINE and OURs, snc own you so…. if you don't like that don't read,
word count: 7077
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It was Halloween night, and while you usually looked forward to Halloween, this night was a bit different. The company you worked at was having their annual 'Final Fiscal Quarter Party'. The higher ups agreed that it would be easier to throw it during October, rather than in December. Individual offices could throw their own then, but the main, big event was happening tonight.
Your company rented out a huge hotel ballroom. There was catering, a local DJ playing some family friendly tunes, and a stage where awards were going to be given out. You had been to a couple of these events over the years, but they were always very... boring. You would much rather be at home, snuggled up, watching a scary movie.
Or maybe getting fucked by your... boyfriends? It was hard to describe the relationship you had with Sam and Colby. They used you, but you used them. It was a very symbiotic relationship in that way. But currently, you weren't really too keen on them.
You considered hitting up your old friend, Jess. She was the one, after all, that magically brought Sam and Colby into your life. You hadn't talked to her in a long time. It could be because she still blamed you for the book permanently shutting and ruining her dating life forever.
She could bitch all she wanted, but she wasn't the one being stalked and fucked by a demon and a vampire.
You had grown a bit tired of Sam and Colby, their antics, and their overall ability to flip your world upside down. The sex was great, obviously. But at what cost?
Not to mention, they hadn't spoken to you, or showed up, in months. You were going through a bit of a dry spell, and hated the fact that they hadn't answered your calls. So, it did cross your mind to get rid of them. Permanently.
But that was an issue for another time. Right now, all you had to focus on was getting just drunk enough to enjoy this stuffy party, but not too drunk that you get messy.
And that came a bit easy for you. Across the bar, a handsome man smiled at you, giving you a nod as you accepted his drink. You could see his paper nametag said Brian, and you hadn't recognized him from your own office - so he was a safe bet. God knows you weren't the only one trying to hook up with someone tonight. Plenty of colleagues from different divisions were going to be getting crazy tonight. It was an inside joke amongst the company that this night was usually a fuckfest.
You gazed over at Brian, admiring his silky quaffed hair and great suit. He had a lovely smile; one he shot your way over the glass of whiskey he had in his hand.
A man like Brian seemed... dependable. A good choice for a significant other. Boring, basic, Brian. Maybe that's exactly what you needed. Something steady and settled. Not... supernatural.
Yeah, but could you ever fuck a man like Brian? A man like him could never fulfill your needs. You could hear Colby's voice in the back of your head.
You rolled your eyes, taking a long sip from your wine glass. No. Brian might seem a bit basic on the surface, but who knows? Deep down he could be a sex god. Maybe he was packing some serious heat, and just knew all the right ways to eat a woman out. Yeah, that's what's you would be focusing on. Not the imagine that Sam and Colby would surely try to paint in your head.
You were brought out of your thoughts as the lights dimmed up and down, signaling everyone to get to their seats, as the speeches and award ceremony was going to start soon. You shot a look at Brian one more time and found your seat quickly.
The head of the company sauntered up on stage as applause erupted throughout the room. He nodded his head, shooting a couple people smiles and finger guns. Eventually as the room quieted down, he stepped up to the podium, beginning his speech.
"Good evening, everyone. I'm so happy you all could make it here tonight. Happy Halloween by the way. Isn't this much better than a Christmas party?" He let out a solid laugh, swatting at the crowd jokingly. "But as I was saying, tonight we are all here to celebrate. This company might be big, but it's the little guys - the individuals - that deserve the praise the most. Sure, I'm the head and face of this place, but you guys are what make it possible."
Another round of claps came from the room. You glanced around and noticed that the chair next to you was empty. There was a name tag on the plate, designating this spot for a "Colson Brock".... whoever that was.
"Now before the awards begin, I would like to introduce you all to someone remarkable. This man has helped shape this company in many ways. And, he's incredibly sexy. So let's all give a round of applause for Samson Golbach." The CEO grinned brightly, gesturing to the side of the stage.
You raised an eyebrow, Sexy? That's a strange word to use at a business party. Not to mention, The CEO was married to a woman so... this was all a bit confusing. You awkwardly clapped as the light shined on a man with light blonde hair. He was in an all-black suit, his hair gelled in a sleek look. He waved at the crowd, smirking mischievously. He smiled once he got to the podium, his fangs glistening in the light.
Was that... Sam?
You gasped in your seat, staring up with wide eyes at the stage. It looked like him, but you had never seen him in a suit. Plus he wasn't exuding the same energy he usually would so, maybe this wasn't him. Maybe this was his doppelganger, or someone that looked extremely like him. You sat back in your chair, narrowing your eyes up at the man.
"Thank you all for having me here today. I know many of you don't know who I am, but that's by design. I purposefully like to stay in the shadows, remain almost anonymous. It's a system I built to keep this company running at breakneck speed, and so far... this has been our most successful year to date!" Samson cheered.
You could feel the room clap again, happy with Sam... Samson's words. You took a deep breath, your anger rising. This can't be Sam. Sure, it looked like him and even sounded like him. But Sam and Colby had never taken this... thing, with you outside of your own house. There was no way they would do this to you in front of all of your coworkers and colleagues.
"It's nice to finally be appreciated and received so well. I'm sure you've all had some crazy days and night working here. I usually work all hours of the night and barely get to see the sun. You would think I was some sort of a vampire or something." Samson chuckled, some members of the crowd following suit. He turned, catching your eye, and gave you a wink.
Did he just...
The chair next to you pulled back, a man sat down hastily. He cleared his throat, catching his breath. He unbuttoned his dark blue suit jacket, the silver pinstripes reflecting in the light. Your eyes traveled up the man's form, taking him in until finally stopping on his face. Everything about him was familiar, but his hair was pushed back, exposing his forehead. He took his glasses off, cleaning the lenses and sliding them back on.
“You've got to be fucking kidding me.” You growled.
The man, Colby, turned to look at you suddenly. “I'm... sorry?”
You crossed your arms tightly, sitting back in your chair. “I can't believe that you and Sam would do this.”
He gave a weary smile. “I'm so sorry, you must have me mistaken for someone else.”
“Right, Colby.” You huffed.
“Colby? That's a silly name,” he chuckled. “My name is Colson.”
“Of course it is.” You turned to him sharply, “You know you two have a lot of audacity to do this.”
He shook his head awkwardly. “Again, I'm not sure what you're talking about, Miss.”
“You guys haven't spoken to me in months. I've called out to yall and got nothing back. And now you show up and want to play dress up?!” You whispered harshly. “You guys are sick.”
“I'm not entirely sure what to say. I'm not who you think I am,” he dissented. “I'm Colson Brock, not Colby, and I've never met that man on stage before in my life. But I am about to get an award from him so... if you could just stop talking to me, that would be for the best.”
You scoffed. “I swear to God, Colby-!”
You were cut off as Sam’s voice grew louder, “This award is given out to individuals that show inspiring traits and work countlessly day in and day out for us. The award for Best Dedication, Integrity, Creativity, and Knowledge goes to... Colson Brock!”
You scowled as Colby stood up, patting down his suit softly. He walked towards the stage, shooting you a smug look over his shoulder. He stepped on stage, shaking Sam's hand, and a photo was taken of the two of them holding the award.
You grabbed your purse, sneaking off to the bathroom quickly. You stumbled in, rushing to the sink and leaning against it. The bathroom was empty, just you alone. You breathed deeply, shaking your head.
That had to be Sam and Colby. There's no way that wasn't them.
But a part of you imagined, for just a moment, that maybe... it wasn't them. How could they have manipulated everyone into thinking they were real workers at this company? The CEO introduced Sam, or Samson. Colby's name, or Colson's name, was on the nametag and award.
You felt yourself flush at the thought. Oh my God, if that isn't Colby, that man out there thinks I'm absolutely insane. How the fuck am I supposed to go back to my table, sit there and eat an under seasoned chicken parm, and pretend I didn't just berate a man?
You groaned, bending down, and resting your head against the sink counter. Even when Sam and Colby weren't around, they still fucked with you.
You heard the bathroom door squeak open, your body jolting up. You didn't need another person thinking you were losing it.
Heavy footsteps crept into the bathroom, a man. A deep voice sighed, snickering lightly. You glanced up through the mirror, your eyes widening. Colby swayed in, leaning against the wall. His suit jacket was gone, now just in his button up and slacks. He rolled up his sleeves, running a hand through his hair.
“Surprise, Princess. Did ya miss us?” He teased.   
You glared, “What the fuck, Colby?”
“What?” He gestured outside the bathroom, “A bit too dramatic?”
“This is my livelihood! How dare you and Sam come and fuck this up for me!” You exclaimed, anger coursing through your veins.
“Relax, baby. We would never do anything too bad. No need to worry. Everyone will forget any of this happened. Honestly.” He put his hands up defensively. “This was all meant to be a bit of fun. We just wanted to get a rise out of you.”
“Well, you succeeded. Congratulations.” You retorted, crossing your arms.
“You should be congratulating me on my award. I have the best dedication, integrity, creativity, and knowledge.... D-I-C-K. Dick? Best dick, get it?” He bit his lip cockily, “Came up with it myself.”
“You're a fucking genius,” you deadpanned, rolling your eyes. “God, I knew I should have talked to Jess sooner.”
“Jess... why does that name sound familiar?” He questioned, feigning curiosity.
“She's the one that gave me the book that made the two of you.” You explained bitterly.
“Oh, she is? I'm gonna have write her a thank you card,” he winked. “But why exactly do you need to talk to her?”
“You two... I want you gone.” You admitted.
His face dropped, “What?”
You stepped up to Colby, getting in his face. “Aren't you tired of fucking around with me? Coming and going as you please? Why am I not allowed a normal life with a normal guy?!”
The lights flickered in the bathroom, Colby's eyes turning black for a split second, his horns visible. You shuttered, pressing yourself against the counter. The lights stopped flickering, and Colby was back to normal.
He cleared his throat, loosening his tie a bit. “Because... you're ours. You belong to us.”
“Fuck you.” You spat.
“You have... multiple times,” Colby pointed out in a snarky tone. “Even last year around this time, too.”
“Last Halloween?” You thought back, and a bunch of images started popping into your mind. Sam snapped Colby's neck but was also somehow terrorizing trick-or-treaters. Colby took control of your body but was also somehow dead while you and Sam fucked in your kitchen. It was all very confusing and didn't make quite sense.
“Wait, how the hell did you both fuck me and simultaneously not?” You puzzled, aggravated.
“I guess it just depends on what you picked.” Colby smirked, “Right, reader?”
“What are you talking about?” You replied.
“Don't worry about it.” He leaned against the counter next to you, “Back to what you were saying though. So, you want a normal guy so you can live a normal life... why? Isn't it more exciting to get fucked by a demon and a vampire?”
“Yeah, but there's more to life than sex.” You argued.
He feigned shock, “Take that back.”
You jeered, “You're extra fucking annoying, you know that?”
“And you clearly need the brattiness fucked out of you. But for some reason you don't want me or Sam to do it. Why? Did you have someone else in mind?” He took a couple steps, facing you again, “Like, say... Brian.”
You felt your heart skip a beat. “How do you-“
He interjected. “I'm a demon. I know a lot of things. Not to mention I saw him and you eye-fucking each other by the bar. You're lucky I saw it and not Sam. Because Brian would be drained dry by now. Still probably will be.”
You rolled your eyes, “Okay, fine. I was eye-fucking Brian. And why am I not allowed to? Yall have been gone for months.”
“But you've been putting that toy of yours to such good use,” Colby taunted.
“You're an asshole.” You shot back.
“Thank you. I appreciate the love,” he smiled genuinely. “But I gotta ask, do you really think a man named 'Brian' can make you come like we can? Be honest with yourself on that.”
“That's not the only reason I want him,” you responded sassily. “Plus, he could be really good at sex.”
“Okay then. Let's find out.” Colby stomped over to the door, yelling out, "Brian! Get in here!"
You furrowed your brow, confused as to what Colby had up his sleeve. What the hell was he bringing Brian in here for?
Brian stepped in, glancing between the two of you. He had a dazed look on his face, clearly entranced.
“Colby, don-“ You started.
He cut you off again, “Look, princess. You wanted to know if he's a good fuck. So, I'm giving you the chance to find out. See what a normal fucking will bring to your life.”
“You can't force him to fuck me!” You fumed.
“I mean, I definitely could, but I'm not going to.” He turned to Brian, patting his shoulder, “Brian, my guy, do you want to fuck Y/N?”
Brian nodded. “Yes.”
“That's why you were buying her drinks tonight, right?” Colby asked.
“Yeah.” Brian’s voice was dull, almost like there were no thoughts behind his eyes.
“Such an honest man,” Colby commented. “Do you find her attractive?”
“Of course.” Brian agreed.
“Would you sleep with her if she said yes?” He continued.
Brian blinked, “Yes.”
Colby looked at you, “There we go. Happy?”
“I'm not fucking him in here, or in front of you.” You retorted, leaning back against the counter.
“Don't you want to prove me wrong? Don't you want to wipe the smug look off my face when he makes you come with his tongue? Or his totally, not average sized, dick?” Colby stepped up to you, his voice low, “The moment I walked in here, you got wet.”
A rush of blood came to your cheeks, your breath hitching.
“No amount of blushing can hide that deep down, you're a slut that wants to be fucked - pretty much - anywhere. And you're only giving me lip because we left you cold and alone for a couple months. I'm sorry about that. I truly wished I listened to your pleads...” he leaned in, kissing your cheek. “And cries...” he moved to the other cheek, giving it a quick kiss. “And screams,” he kissed your forehead gently. “Begging me to come fuck you. But absence makes the heart grow fonder. And this, right here, is my apology to you.”
You stood still, unsure what to do. Part of you did want to fuck Brian, just because you did find him hot. But with Colby standing next to him... it was no contest.
“Here. I'll sweeten the deal,” Colby offered. “If he makes you come, we'll leave. Forever.”
You froze, “Really?”
“No, probably not. The whole magical book kinda forbids that. But we will leave here, and you and Brian can go on your merry way and you two can go have beautifully... vanilla, sex.” He smiled dryly.
“Lucky for Brian, I'm already wet.” You quipped, glaring.
“Perfect. Brian, give the lady what she wants.” He gasped, “Ooh, can I choose what he does? Pleaseeeee?”
You blinked, giving the slightest nod.
“You are so generous.” Colby spun to him, “Brian, do you want to eat her out?”
“I would... but I don't do that.” Brian spoke monotone.
Colby’s face dropped, almost mimicking yours. “You don't give head? Sloppy toppy? None of that?”
“No.” Brian replied.
“This is the man you want, huh? Absolute loser,” Colby pointed at him, rolling his eyes. “Well, Brian, now you do. So, go crazy.”
Brian turned to you, a lustful look overcoming him. He dropped to his knees, crawling towards you. Your heart raced, watching his every move. His hands wrapped around your ankle, slowly kissing up your leg gently. The sensation sent a shiver up your spine, your head falling back a bit.
Colby leaned against the wall, studying you. His face was blank, almost uninterested. You glared at him, trying to ignore his presence. He smiled, giving a little wave.
Brian nibbled on your inner thigh, his fingers stroking up and down the center of your underwear. He brushed against your clit, your knees almost buckling.
“You're wet, Y/N.” Brian hummed in awe.
“Yeah, that's what happens when you turn a woman on.” He leaned in, whispering to you, “Is he new around here or...?”
“Shut up, Colby!” You groaned. “Keep going Brian, please. I need you.”
“Don't take it too personally, Brian. She says that to everyone. Especially me.” Colby grinned.
“Drop dead.” You hissed.
He remarked, “I'm not really alive so...”
Brian pulled down your underwear, letting them fall down your legs and to the floor. The cool air hit your hot sex, making your body tense up. Brian leaned in, his mouth connecting with your clit.
You closed your eyes tightly, allowing the sensation of his tongue to arouse you more. It was a slow build, that was for sure. Nothing like Sam and Colby and the way they did things. But it was still nice.
But maybe not what you needed.
You placed your hand on the back of Brian's head, pushing him more into your heat. He grunted, the vibrations feeling fantastic against your clit. You amped up your moans, hoping it was believable to Colby.
He yawned, gazing at you bored. You shook your head, deciding to ignore Colby. You were determined to come, to make them leave. But Brian was not helping you, which was upsetting.
“Brian, baby... go a little faster please.” You begged, annoyed.
He nodded, moving his tongue hastily. You could feel the pleasure build more, but it was still a long way away from being close to an orgasm. He slid a finger in, pumping in and out sloppily. You groaned, feeling even less turned on suddenly.
“I guess I know why you don't give head.” Colby swatted at Brian, “Move.”
Your eyes widened, “What? No! Brian, st-”
“I know you want to come so we leave, but that ain't gonna happen with Brian over here.” Colby mentioned.
"Well, maybe he could fuck me!" You argued, gesturing to his dick.
“But I'm not hard.” Brian stated.
Colby raised an eyebrow, “Why?”
“Eating pussy isn't really a turn on for me.” Brian informed.
“God, Y/N, you really know how to pick them.” Colby pulled him up by his arm, smiling sinisterly. “Brian, why don't you leave and go find Sam? I think he can teach you a valuable lesson on what happens to men that don't please their women.”
Brian turned and left, not saying another word. You huffed, glaring harshly at Colby. “Your little glares aren't going to do anything to me, sweetheart. If anything, they just make me hard.”
Colby's hand slid down and cupped your sex, palming your clit gingerly. You gasped, back arching as you pressed yourself against the counter. Colby barricaded you in, his hand beginning to make small circles on your clit.
“This is how a man fucks a woman like you.” He uttered, staring at you intensely.
“But you're not eating me out.” You challenged.
Colby cocked his head. “If you wanted my tongue, you could have just asked.”
You suddenly felt a tongue licking at your entrance, your body shuttering in ecstasy. “Fuck, h-how-?”
"Did you forget I have abilities? Is it because the horns aren't here?" The lights flickered, and when they turned back on, his horns were out. “How about now? Do you remember what I am now?”
"Yeaahhh, I remember." You whined, your head falling back in pleasure.
“You are so sexy when you get close to coming. God, it makes me hard just thinking about it.” Colby pushed his clothed, growing dick against your thigh, “Do you feel me?”
You nodded mindlessly, your hands gripping his forearms.
“Princess?” He asked innocently.
“Uh-huh?" You murmured.
“I think that's enough for you." All the sensations stopped, Colby pulling away from you.
“Wha-? No. No! Colby, please.” You grumbled.
He asserted, “It's time for you to be punished.”  
“What did I do?” You questioned, your mouth a gape.
"I'm sorry, was Brian that forgetful or do you like playing dumb?" Colby spun you around, making you face the mirror. He rolled your dress up a bit, pressing his bulge against your bare ass. "Here's what's going to happen. I'm gonna start fucking you, and you have to remain quiet. Just like you were with Brian."
You lowered your voice, “Why do I have to be silent?”
“Because otherwise, you'll get caught.” He whispered cheekily.
The door busted open, and a gaggle of women came in, chit chatting like there wasn't a demon about to fuck you right against the sink.
You gulped; your voice even quieter. “What the fuck, Colby?!”
"Don't worry, princess. If you remain silent, they won't see you. But once you make a single noise, they'll know. They'll know that you are a dirty slut that likes to get fucked in the bathroom. That you're so desperate for dick that you'd let a demon fuck you. And a vampire." He tsked sassily, "Double greedy."
Colby unbuttoned his pants, giving your ass a slap as his cock sprang free. You bit your lip, holding back a gasp.
"You ready for me, baby?" He lined himself up with your entrance, sliding along your lips. Then finally, he glided his cock in.
You trembled from the sensations, direly wanting to moan along with him. But you didn't want to get caught. Being fucked while others were around, whether they could see you or not, was embarrassing enough.
But also incredibly thrilling.
Colby thrusted deeply, his cock hitting the right spot over and over again. You felt overwhelmed, but in the best way. Your body already felt like it was building rapidly, your legs shaking under your weight. You felt like your skin was on fire, burning against the cool air.
A lady walked up to the sink next to you, washing her hands and looking at herself in the mirror. You shuttered out a breath, Colby picking up his pace.
“Don't look at her, Y/N. Look at yourself in the mirror. Watch yourself get fucked.” He commanded breathlessly.
You turned your head, staring straight. He smirked at you in the mirror, keeping his pace the same while lazily pulling off his tie.
"This is what you deserve, sweetheart. You're such a slut for me." He yanked your hands behind your back, tying them easily with his tie. He gripped your connected hands, bucking his hips harder and faster now.
Your body buzzed erotically, your hips gyrating in time with Colby's. You could feel your edge building; all you had to do was stay quiet.
Colby slid one hand down between your legs, finding your swollen clit instantly. He rubbed it faster than his thrusts, causing your whole body to jolt. You sucked in a harsh breath, knowing you shouldn't have. But God... the sensation was too much for you to stay quiet.
The women in the bathroom looked around, confused.
"Baby, do you want to get caught or something? Because you are being awfully loud. Maybe you need something in your mouth to quiet you down." He snaked his other hand up towards your face, his two fingers rubbing along your lips. You parted your mouth, allowing his fingers inside.
He cursed, “That's fucking it baby. Be a good girl and suck them for me.”
You sucked his fingers like your life depended on it. He finger-fucked your mouth in time with his dick, both speeding up as the minutes passed. You could feel yourself getting close, knowing that your orgasm was imminent.
“It's been too long since the last time you sucked my cock.” He chuckled darkly, “Maybe later you do that for me. Wouldn't you want that, princess?”
You nodded desperately, bucking your hips wildly against his cock and hands. You were about to explode, your edge hitting its peak. This is all you wanted for the last couple months: to be fucked hard and well. And that's what Colby was doing.
“You almost ready to come? Build up baby. Suck my fingers dry. Suck them like you would my dick.” You took his fingers deeper, gagging around them. You pumped yourself on his cock, whimpering. "There you go, baby. What a good girl." Colby leaned in, his horns grazing your cheek as he uttered, "My good girl... Come for me."
Your body spasmed around Colby's cock, bouncing on it helplessly. You moaned loudly around his fingers, not caring if anyone heard. You had been so focused on staring in the mirror at yourself getting fucked that didn't see that you and Colby were all alone in the bathroom once more. His eyes bore at you in the mirror, flashing to black.
Relaxing your hips, his cock pulled out of you for a moment, letting you relax. You felt your juices run down your inner thigh, your body still running high. You leaned down, placing your head against the counter as you took some deep breaths.
“Hi there, baby girl. “A familiar voice came from behind you, but it wasn't Colby's. You looked up quickly, Sam now behind you, and Colby was nowhere to be seen. Sam waved back at you in the mirror, smirking. "You ready for me now?"
“W-Where is Colby?” You stuttered, your pussy twitching at the thought of Sam's hard cock.
"Oh, you don't need to worry about him. He'll be back soon enough." Sam traced a finger along your sex, gasping. "God baby, you are so wet. Completely soaking yourself."
He took his finger into his mouth, tasting you. "Fuck, I missed that."
Your mouth hung open, watching him through lustful eyes. His hand snaked around to the front of your body, grabbing your neck firmly. He pulled you flush against his partially exposed body, his cock hard against your ass. "We give you everything you could ask for, and you still wanted someone like Brian? How pathetic."
He forced your head to look at yourself in the mirror, "You are a desperate slut just begging to be fucked. But we're the only ones that can make you feel this good."
Sam slammed his hips into yours, his cock taking you deeply. You grunted loudly, eyes rolling back into your head. He took advantage of your still tied up hands, holding them tightly. His other hand raced up your back, lowering you down to the sink. He placed you flat against the counter, fucking you harshly. You shook with each of his thrusts, mewling at every in and out.
“You think you get to choose who fucks you now? You think you can move on from us?” He fumed, his cocking hitting your spot repeatedly.
You panted, “Noooo.”
“There is no one other than us. Let me make that abundantly clear: you're ours.” Sam's fangs sunk into your skin, your eyes widening. He continued to bite you all over, barely drawing any blood, but marking you; letting everyone know you were taken.
Your second orgasm was close. You needed this second one badly, itching to come sooner rather than later. You could feel how desperate and hot and slutty it was turning you.
“Baby girl, do you deserve to come? Have you been good?” Sam questioned.
You nodded, your whole body shaking, “Yessss. Yes I have. Please Sam! Please!”
He pulled you up again, locking eyes with you in the mirror. His hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing tightly. “Ride my dick, baby. Make yourself come on my dick.”
You uncontrollably bucked your hips, whining on his cock. His hold on your neck tightened just enough, making it hard to breath and your vision blurring. The lack of oxygen made your orgasm hit twice as hard. You soaked his member, moving mindlessly on it until you finally finished. Your legs gave out a bit, Sam catching you. He snickered, his red eyes taking you in through the mirror.
The doors to the bathroom busted open again, a random lady coming in. She turned and looked at the two of you, not even acknowledging what she had to be seeing. "Y/N, you need to come out there quick."
You were taken aback by this woman, unsure of who she was or what the hell she wanted you for. "W-what are you talking about?" You rushed, shimmying your dress down, trying to cover yourself back up.
“They're calling your name. You won an award!” She exclaimed, leaving the bathroom happily.
You furrowed your brow, turning to Sam. But he was gone. Those powers of their really do come in handy for moments like these.
You shuffled out of the bathroom, even more confused as you glanced around at everyone from your company. They were all looking at you, smiling brightly and being congratulatory. You walked towards the stage, the people directing you, and as you got closer, you saw Sam and Colby on it, holding a plaque of some sort.
Sam pulled you on stage, kissing your cheek sweetly. Colby handed you the award, shaking your hand dramatically. You took the award in your hand, turning it to see what it said.
“Give it up for Y/N everyone. The biggest slut of the year!” Sam yelled into the microphone. “Congratulations baby, you deserve it.”  
You gawked at Sam and Colby, the reality of what they did hitting you. You threw the award on the ground, glaring at them harshly.
“Hey now, we worked really hard on that.” Sam pouted.
“Fuck you, how dare you make me a fool in front of everyone!” You ranted, getting in their faces.
"Princess, no one is gonna remember this. And luckily, no one will remember this either." Colby smiled devilishly.
Sam and Colby grabbed at your dress, tearing it off your body like it was made of cheap fabric. The crowd cheered, your body heating up immediately as you were suddenly naked in front of everyone.
“Now, don't argue with us, plaything. You can bitch and moan all you want to but being fucked in front of everyone... turns you on.” Colby wrapped his arms around you, whispering in your ear, “No matter how much you want to deny it, you can't deny how drenched you are right now.”
Your body quivered as Colby's fingers slipped easily into your cunt. You fell back against him; his suddenly naked body cool against your hot skin. Sam sauntered up to you, rubbing his hands up and down your torso. His hands kneaded your breasts, nipples aching to be touched.
Sam laughed, “Look at her, Colby. She can't even argue with us. She knows that we're right. She is the biggest slut of the year. She's our slut, our toy, our plaything. Ours. Forever.”
The room erupted in applause, some even screaming out your name.
“Let's give them a show, princess,” Colby gestured to the eager crowd. Let the people see the real slut you are. Isn’t that what you want? To be fucked in front of everyone.”
You couldn't think anymore. Every sensation was overpowering your thoughts. You knew deep down that Sam and Colby were right, and all you could think of was how badly you wanted to come again.
You nodded feverishly, your hands automatically pawing at both of their bodies. The air around you changed once you said yes, your body being positioned graphically. Forced down onto your knees, Colby stood in front of you, while Sam was behind you.
“Aww, baby. Look, it's your favorite positions: on your hands and knees, getting railed by us.” Sam jested playfully.
Your sex throbbed, direly needing them inside of you. You whined, looking up at Colby. “Please, just fuck me. No more teasing.”
Colby stared into your eyes, jerking himself off right in front of your face. “You want this, huh? You want me in your mouth. Say it.”
You nodded, biting your lip. “I want you in my mouth.”
“And what about me, toy?” Sam slapped your ass, making you look back at him.
“Fuck, I need it. I need the both of you so bad!” You cried, grinding your hips back against Sam.
Hoots and hollers sounded off around the room. You glanced at the crowd, their hungry eyes taking your desperate form in.
“Fine then, since you asked so nicely,” Colby cupped your face, turning your head back to his cock. The tip pushed against your mouth, sliding in easily. He moaned lowly, almost animalistically. Sam teased his cock along your entrance, slipping in effortlessly.
Once they were in you, you sighed deeply. It felt so good to be surrounded by Sam and Colby, to be filled by them. They had you right where they wanted you, and you loved every second of it.
And the crowd seemed to love it even more.
They started off slow, taking their time to build your pleasure up. There was nothing else on your mind. All you could think about was their cock and how much you wanted them to come deep inside of you.
Colby gaped, “Oh princess, you have the filthiest mind. Maybe even dirtier than ours.”
“That's why she's our slut. We are just innocent people being used by this whore of a woman,” Sam shuttered, lulling his head back as he fucked you. “And God, I love every second of it.”
“I could fuck this mouth for hours. How does that sound, sweetheart? You love that idea, don't you?” Colby breathed, biting his lip, staring down at you.
You nodded enthusiastically, taking his shaft deeper. He grunted, hips twitching. His hand rested on your head lightly, pulling your hair softly. His grip tightened, causing you to gag around him.
Sam cursed, “Fuuuuck, she clenched around me when gagged. Keep doing that, baby girl. That felt so good.”
“Y/N, how can you get all of this, all of us, and still want something else? Especially Brian. What a fucking loser.” Colby groaned, disgusted.
Sam agreed, grimacing. “Dude didn't even know how to eat pussy. He didn't even like eating pussy.”
The crowd booed, screaming expletives at the sound of Brian's name.
“See, everyone knows that Brian sucks. How could you ever settle for something like that when you have the best right here?” Sam inquired. “Two men willing to do anything to make you come.”
"Let me make this perfectly clear, darling," Colby pulled himself out of you, raising you up so you were eye level with him. He held your face firmly, his voice low and calm. “While I'm never the type to get jealous, and watching you get eaten out by that joke of a man was entertaining and kinda sexy, let me be honest with you.”
His face dropped, his eyes darkening with each word. "If you ever go after another man again, I will personally make sure to rip his heart out in front of you, and then I’ll breed your cunt so deeply you will feel me for days. Because there is no one else for you, princess. Just. Us. Forever. That means for eternity, you are ours. You are mine."
Sam yanked your hair, pulling you out of Colby's grip for a moment. He grunted harshly, "That goes for me too, baby girl. If you ever even breathe near another man again, I might have to drain your sexy little body dry and turn you into our immortal plaything for forever. And don't think for a second I'm bluffing."
Colby took you by the neck, pulling you back towards him, choking you lightly. All the while, Sam was still fucking you. "There is no escaping us, Y/N. We will never let you go. No matter what you do for the rest of your life, we will always be there, in the shadows, watching. We own you. And nothing will change that."
His face relaxed, going back into his casual, smug look. "So... in the meantime, enjoy yourself, princess. And open your mouth again."
He pushed you down, his cock still hard and leaking, ready to fuck your mouth. Their words sank deeply into your mind, arousing and frightening you all at the same time.
Colby thrusted himself back in, gagging you. “There you go, baby. But now, I think it's time we give the people what they want. Right, everybody?!”
The room screamed in approval, lustful energy shooting through you from the sound. Suddenly, Sam and Colby began fucking you passionately, the sheer brutal force alone bouncing you back and forth on their cocks. You whined around them, feeling yourself get lost in the feeling of being their toy.
Sam groaned a breathy sound, “God, you're basically just a fleshlight, Y/N. Don't you love being used by us?”
“You know she does, Sam. Just a set of holes for us to use.” Colby’s voice was husky and low, “God, her mouth feels incredible.”
“She's so pathetic, really. She squeezed around me so tightly when we called her names. Maybe we should do that more often.” Sam taunted.
“Of course. There are so many more names we could come up with for her. But right now, all I'm concerned about is coming down her throat and fucking her until she chokes.” Colby's hips sped up as he face-fucked you. You didn't even have time to react, your jaw becoming slack and just allowing him to take over and use it like a toy. Tears welled up and rolled down your cheeks and drool dribbled down your chin from his harsh actions.
Sam's hand went between your bodies, rubbing your clit in time with his thrusts. Your thighs shook from the feeling, the pleasure overwhelming.
“You're so close, aren't you, princess?” Colby panted.
Sam chimed in; his voice depraved. “Build up for us. Come with us, baby girl.”
They pounded into you in unison, almost taking the breath out of you with each thrust. The room began getting louder, chants of "Come for us" came from the crowd, building up in time with your orgasm.
Every part of this was spectacular and you couldn't get enough.
Your breathing hitched as your orgasm hit the edge, ready to fall over once they said you could. Sam and Colby kept going, kept using you, until they were ready. You begged them to let you come, your pleas muffled by Colby’s cock. Both thrusted with abandonment, needing to come just as badly as you.
Colby grunted, pulling your hair, “Fuck, fuck! Y/N, come! Come for us now!”
“Do it baby! That's fucking it, YES!” Sam growled, his fingers bruising your hips as he held them tightly.
All three of you exploded in euphoric pleasure, bellowing out in ecstasy. The crowd roared as Sam and Colby filled you up with their cum. You released around Sam's cock, soaking him. You swallowed as much of Colby's cum as you could, gagging as he hit the back of your throat repeatedly until finally slowing his hips down. Sam slammed inside of you once more, grunting out a strained cry. Your body was spent, exhausted from being fucked so many times. You felt yourself black out, unable to stay awake a moment longer.
When you came to, you were in your hotel room, inside the same hotel the event had taken place at. You felt sore everywhere, knowing that wasn’t a dream. You sighed happily, snuggling into bed. You noticed a note on the side of your pillow. You picked it up, reading it quickly.
- Sam and Colby
<< Part 3B ||
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that-sarcastic-writer · 6 months
A Good Father
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Dad!Dean Winchester X Wife!Mom!Reader
Summary: Dean has a beautiful wife and the cutest little girl. The perfect family. Maybe it's time to have a real home, too.
Part 2 of A Good Man but can be read as a standalone. This is actually how supernatural ended thank you very much
Warnings: not much, candy cane fluff, foul language. Still minors dni cause I don't want minor on my blog
WC: 2.6k
A/N: this has been sitting in my drafts for a while. Why not post it right? I love Dean with all my heart. That's nothing new. Enjoy the teeth rooting fluff cause I don't have the mental capacity to write smut rn :,)
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Sleep still covered your eyes as you rubbed them softly. It couldn't have been later than six a.m., or at least what you saw through half-closed eyes on your phone screen when you woke up. You weren't fully sure, you were still processing that you were awake. You hadn't entirely wanted to get out of bed, but the lack of your husband's warmth all but forced you out of the comfort of your covers. Your feet took you to the study first. That's normally where you would find the brothers anyway. But you only saw Sam.
"Morning." You mumbled softly, running a hand over your face as you walked over to the younger Winchester.
Sam lifted his eyes from the ancient looking book in front of him, and he gave you a warm smile.
"Oh, hey, good morning."
You stood beside him, leaning a hand on the table as you looked around for Dean with a small frown.
"Where's your brother?"
"In the kitchen with Rosie. She woke up like an hour ago, so he's making her breakfast." He answered with a smile.
Your own lips irked up in pleasant surprise. Normally, Rosalie— yours and Dean's little girl— would come running to wake you— or both you and Dean, depending who was home at the time. You never minded that she would be up before you since Sam was always up before sunrise, and he loved spending time with his niece. But it did surprise you a bit that Dean didn't wake you at all this morning. Though, you were more so in awe at the fact that he had decided to take care of her that morning by himself.
Truth was, he had been gone a while, almost a week. That had been the longest he had spent on a hunt ever since she was born— five years ago. And your little girl was definitely missing her dad. She loved you, no doubt about it, but the little one was a daddy's girl for sure, but you blamed Dean for spoiling her so much. So she was feeling his absence greatly. She cried almost every night, asking why daddy wasn't there to tuck her in. It broke your heart a hundred times over to see her so heartbroken. When Dean came home last night, she all but clung to him, refusing to leave his side. And you guessed that had carried over to this morning.
"Thanks, Sam." You patted his shoulder and padded through the long halls of the bunker to the kitchen. You held in your breath as you peaked your head through the door and you nearly teared up at the sight.
"You think mommy and Sammy will like these?" Dean pursed his lips, nudging at the tiny human resting on his hip as three different pans with pancake batter, sizzling bacon and scrambled eggs cooked on the stove.
"Uh-huh. It looks yummy." She nodded, resting her head on his shoulder as he held her.
"Yeah, sure does." Dean shrugged, lips pulled into a proud grin at his own work. He always was a great cook.
He stood for a second, keeping an eye on one thing as he moved around another with a spatula and still somehow held a five year-old on his hip. He had his attention somewhere else, so he almost missed the tiny voice in his ear.
"I missed you, daddy." Rosie mumbled, her soft voice almost inaudible against him. Dean looked down at her, his eyes slightly big and his lips parted. He stared at her for a long second before he said anything. He was wondering just what the fuck he ever did to deserve something like this.
"I… I missed you too, baby. Always." He sighed out, his chest aching with an indescriptible feeling as he brushed some loose strands behind her ear, and he pressed a kiss to the side of her head.
You were silent for a long minute, lips slightly parted and eyes filled with awe as you leaned against the doorframe to watch the sight in front of you. Dean, still in his pajamas, with his little girl on his hip as he cooked. He was saying something to her, or so you figured since you heard her giggles, her tiny hands bunched around his t-shirt as she buried her face in his shoulder. He was smiling too.
"I'm deeply hurt. Making breakfast without me?" You spoke up, feigning hurt.
Dean turned around, he smiled at you at first but when Rosie started giggling at you, hiding deeper into his chest, he gritted his teeth.
"Ah, busted. Told you mommy would find out." He shook his head, holding back a smile as you approached them.
You playfully narrowed your eyes at him. He gave you a shrug with a toothy smile that showed the edges of his canines, and he gave you that innocent puppy dog look. You groaned out.
"We'll talk later." You warned, but your tone was playful. You finally slipped a smile as you stood on the tip of your toes to give Dean a kiss on the lips. He happily leaned down to meet you halfway. And then you kissed your little girl, leaving kisses all over her tiny face.
She giggled, nearly jumping out of her dad's arms into yours. Dean happily passed her over to you, his hip starting to get numb. You held her happily, pressing a kiss to the mess of her bedhead. God, the more this one grew, the more she looked like Dean. The same green eyes, the same freckled cheeks. But she had your nose, and her hair was a shade darker than Dean's, closer to Sam's brown. But you knew that she would be the spitting image of her dad when she grew older.
"Did you help daddy make breakfast?" You asked Rosie, and she nodded excitedly.
"Yeah! I helps daddy make pancakes." You gasped, lips parted to share her excitement.
"Those are gonna be the yummiest of pancakes, right sweetheart?" Dean leaned down, nudging her cheek with his finger. She nodded.
"Alright, little one, go sit with Sammy, we'll bring you out some pancakes, okay?" You told the little girl, and she nodded again, mumbling an 'okay'. You smiled at her, pressing a kiss to her forehead before you set her down her tiny feet. She had spent her whole short life in this bunker. You were sure she could find her way around the general area.
"Tell Sammy he's a nerd for me." Dean called out to Rosie as she ran off, chanting that her uncle Sammy was a nerd. Dean was smiling proudly to himself. He was raising her right.
"You're an ass." You playfully scolded him, and he gave you a look of feign innocence. He shrugged at you.
"I ever tell you how beautiful you look in the morning?" He irked his lips at you, resting his hands on your hips as he pulled you close. God he had missed you so fucking much.
"Missed you, too, hun." You leaned up on your toes, pressing a kiss to his jaw. He tried to hide it, muffle the sound, but he winced when your hand touched his cheek.
Your eyebrows furrowed, and you immediately pulled back to look at his face. You hadn't noticed the red bruise on his cheek, on the purple bruising around his eye. You gasped quietly, gently brushing the tip of your fingers over the bruised skin. He scrunched up his face at you, about to pull back, but you shot him a sharp look.
"I'm fine, baby. Just some bruises. You shoulda seen the other guy." He grinned, trying to humor you, but the concern didn't leave your face.
"I don't want to, actually." You sighed softly, your eyes falling to his chest, avoiding his eyes.
You wouldn't say it to his face, not actually. How could you? He never lied to you, from the moment he wanted something real with you he told you the truth. You knew exactly what you were getting yourself into with him. Sammy and hunting come with the package— he told you. And you accepted it. All of it. You married him anyway. You gave him a daughter anyway. But God, it terrified you beyond words that he was still hunting. That he still left you and your little girl for days at a time. And that he would come home with new scars and bruises that would last days. But at times— like this one— you feared that neither of them would come home at all.
"Sweetheart…" There was a bit of warning in his voice. He could read you so easily. He grabbed your face, forcing your head up to look at him now. "What is it?"
"You worry me, Dean. Look at your face. I don't even want to know how it looks under your shirt." Your eyes fell to the side, and your chest filled with ache as you tried to say the right words. "I'm sorry, I know I have no right to guilt trip you. But your daughter missed you, I missed you, and we need you, Dean, that's all."
Dean said nothing at this, his face stayed unreadable as he listened to you. And he heard you, he heard you loud and clear. He felt pressure on his chest and a sick feeling to his stomach. Fuck, he had grown soft.
"C'mere." He pulled you to his chest. He rested his hand on your hair, and he sighed softly when you threw your arms around his torso. "You know I love you, and Rosie, so much, right?"
You nodded against his chest. "I know babe, I love you, too."
We need you, Dean.
"Daddy! I told uncle Sammy he's a— a nerd!" Rosie announced loudly when she saw you and Dean again. And you had to hide your smile at the pointed look Sam shot his older brother.
Dean played dumb, his lips falling open, and he clicked his tongue in disapproval. "I'm telling ya, Sammy, I dunno where she learns it from."
"Yeah, great parenting dude." Sam rolled his eyes at Dean, and he could only snort in response.
"Yeah, well, here's my apology." Dean shrugged, setting down a plate of scrambled eggs and toast in front of Sam with a shit eating smile. Sam pretended to be offended, but he ate the plate in front of him without protesting.
"Alright, Rosie, you wanna eat some pancakes before school?" You set the plate with the smaller portion of pancakes and bacon in front of her and she nodded happily.
"Yes, please!" She excitedly grabbed a fork and dug in, but stopped a second later and looked at Dean. "Daddy can I has syrup?"
"Sure, baby." He practically saturated her plate with syrup and then his own. You shook your head at how alike they were already. You shared a knowing look with Sam and sighed softly, eating from your own plate.
You didn't often have the chance to have breakfast as a family, so you always treasured little moments like this when you had them. And deep in your heart, you wished you had moments like this more.
"Sweetheart, you in here?" Dean peeked his head into your shared bedroom, his eyes darting around for a few seconds, and then his lips curved up at the sight of you on your shared bed, face deep in your laptop.
"Hi love," You smiled at him, setting your laptop aside to greet him. He happily joined your side, his lips pressing a kiss to yours instantly. "You left Rosie at school, right?"
Your words were stern as was the look you gave him. He pulled back and pouted. You were definitely scolding him for the time he decided to take Rosalie on a drive with Baby just because she asked instead of dropping her off at school.
"'Course I did. No rides in Baby this time, I promise." He smiled at you, and you rolled your eyes.
"Hope so." He saw you reach for your laptop again so he decided to speak again.
Dean thought about it. He thought about it all morning. He drove around town for another hour just to get his thoughts straight.
"Listen, I was thinkin' 'bout what you said this morning.."
You shook your head at him, "I'm sorry, Dean, I know I shouldn't have. Let's just forget about it, yeah?"
"Hey, no, don't do that. Let's not forget about it." You frowned at him, but you didn't respond, so he kept talking. "You're right. I know you are. Hell, I got thrown around so hard, I don't know how I got outta bed this morning. I thought about you, thought about Rosie. Thought about my old man, too."
You frowned softly, resting your hand on the back of his neck, fingers threading through the short hair gently, "Dean.."
"I don't want to be like my old man. I don't want to leave you and Rosie alone anymore, I just can't."
You straightened up, a bit unsure where he was getting at.
"Dean, baby, what are you trying to say?"
"You and Rosie deserve a normal life, a house, all of that shit." Dean breathed out the words, and he held your face in his hands, a tiny smile on his lips. "I want to try it. A normal life. Don't you?"
"I… Dean.." You sighed out softly, attempting to process his words. You stared at him long and hard, and all you saw was love, his green eyes were sincere. "I wouldn't force you to give up hunting. I mean, that's all you've known? And what about Sam? I just—"
"That's exactly it. I'm… I'm so goddamn tired of the life. Don't get me wrong, we save people, hell, we've saved the world, but is that really all worth it if I can't come home to my wife and daughter?" He tilted his head, his free hand was on your thigh, and he squeezed softly. "And Sammy, I know he's tired of it too. He's always wanted a normal life. But he stayed because of me. If I get out, I know he'll do it, too. He's done it before. Who knows, maybe he can find his own pretty girl to marry and have a couple of kids with."
For the longest time, Dean had refused to even consider doing anything else with his life, doing anything better. This was all he had ever known, all he was ever actually good at, right? But lately, God, just lately, he was seeing that light at the end of the tunnel. You and Rosalie were right there. And if you were there with him, the rest of the world could go to hell for all he cared.
"Dean, I love you, I loved you then, hunter and all, and I will love you no matter what. But if you want to settle down.." You breathed out a soft laugh, the words sounding so nice when you said them out loud. You leaned closer to him, a smile on your lips as you pressed your forehead against his. "We'll settle down. A house, normal jobs, play dates, all of it."
"Christ, what did I ever do to deserve you in my life?" He smiled wide, and he pressed a hard kiss to your lips. It was warm, loving.
"Mhmm, so, what would a former hunter do for a living?"
"I'm pretty good with cars aren't I? What do you say? Think I should open my own car shop?"
Your husband as a mechanic? That wouldn't be half bad.
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beyondspaceandstars · 8 months
"You deserve all the flowers."
Relationship: TASM!Peter Parker x Reader Drabble Summary: Peter brings you flowers every night and you're just not sure why. Word Count: 740 A/N: what?? what??? a new drabble - a FRESHLY written drabble? i got so excited last night when I finally had the motivation/inspiration to write. this is over on the word count for my usual drabbles but it's under 1k so i think it still counts lmao i hope you enjoy!!
You swore one of these days Peter was going to turn your apartment into a full-blown greenhouse. You didn’t know how it started or why he always showed up with flowers but your kitchen was crowded with vases and it was slowly spilling over into your living room.
And now here Peter, still in his Spider-Man suit, was once again entering your apartment through your fire escape window while gripping another bouquet. He brought you daisies this time. They were very fragrant; their scent filled your bedroom immediately.
"Hi, sweetheart," Peter muttered after he pulled off his mask. "I picked these up for you tonight. I hope they’re okay, I don’t think I’ve gotten you daisies in a while."
You couldn’t help but smile as you took the fresh flowers from him. "Thank you, Peter. They’re lovely," you replied. He had most certainly just gotten you daisies last week but you weren’t going to mention it. That bunch was in your kitchen, blooming and bright.
Peter planted a kiss on your cheek before shuffling aside your open textbooks and flopping on his unofficial official side of your bed. You were just finishing up studying for your college midterms when he came in.
You took in Peter’s exhausted form. He didn’t look too beat up, just a bit tired, which put you at ease. You weren’t a stranger to this situation. Peter would come to your apartment following his patrol, flowers in hand, ready to talk about nothing and everything before you both inevitably drifted off to sleep. But you’d never go to bed before the flowers were taken care of. Even though Peter brought you a plethora of them—so much so you were having to seriously get creative with the vases—each one melted your heart. Each one was special and deserved proper attention.
You cared for them because he cared enough to get them. But you never quite understood why it was so consistent. Did other girls want this many flowers?
"What were you working on?" Peter asked as he flipped through one of your textbooks. You watched his eyes skim the page.
"Philosophy," you answered, but it wasn’t like you had to. "I have a midterm coming up."
"Oh, yeah, we’re at that time of the year," he sighed. "Do you want me to quiz you on anything tonight?"
You shook your head and gently pulled the book from his hands. You closed the cover and shut your notebooks all while still coddling the bouquet of daisies. "Peter, can I ask you something?"
"Sure," he responded, his voice very level. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, of course," you assured him, "I just wanted to ask about the flowers."
He frowned. "The flowers?"
You nodded as you fiddled with the stems of the daisies. "They’re really beautiful and so thoughtful of you, it’s just…"
"What?" Peter gulped. "Do you not like them?"
"No," you insisted, "no, that’s not it at all. I love them so much. But I’m just curious… Why? Why do you bring me flowers every night?"
Your sweet boyfriend let out a sigh of relief at your question. "That’s what that big build-up was for?" He teased.
Your cheeks grew warm. "My apartment is drowning in flowers, Peter."
"There’s still room," he said with a shrug. "But to answer your question I… I guess it gives me something to focus on, a goal to have at the end of the night. It’s not always crazy out there but there’s been some things that have gotten to me and it’s just part of what keeps me going. I gotta protect the great people of this city and I gotta bring you flowers." Peter sighed. "I love you so much, sweetheart, and you deserve all the flowers."
An ache stabbed its way through your chest. Your grip on the flowers tightened as a tear threatened to spill out. Your reaction felt a little dramatic but your boyfriend’s words were just what you needed to hear.
"Oh, honey…" You nearly cried as you leaned over to place a kiss on his lips. He was also almost crying but still happily reciprocated the affection.
Peter sniffled. "I’m sorry I’ve been drowning you in flowers."
You shook your head and let out a breathy laugh. "I don’t mind anymore. Please drown me in flowers forever, babe."
"Forever," Peter repeated with a smile. "Absolutely. Forever. I can do forever."
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astermath · 9 months
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pairing: robin buckley x fem!reader
summary: robin falls head over heels for the cool girl renting horror movies at family video. steve can’t believe her awkward shyness is actually landing her a date, but he’s happy for her nonetheless.
word count: idk kinda short lol under 1K
notes: just wanted to write a little blurb, then it turned into something else, so enjoy this short little meet cute with robin ♡
normal sized font below!
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Robin really is that love at first sight kinda girl.
She’s the type of girl to be busy sorting tapes at family video, when you walk in, all pretty femininity and mysterious aura around you. And suddenly she doesn’t know what to do with herself. She doesn’t know where she is, why she’s there, hell, she probably wouldn’t be able to tell you her name if she asked.
She doesn’t stop staring at you, not when you enter and not when you walk over to the horror section to pick something out. Only when Steve nudges her in her side, she snaps out of it, looking more flustered than ever.
“Dude, can you not?”
“Sorry man, it just— looked like you were falling asleep with your eyes open! What’s with you anyways?”
Robin doesn’t respond, simply averting her eyes to the cash register and hoping Steve doesn’t pry any further.
Which would have worked, if you weren’t talking to her right now.
“I’m sorry, can I—“
“Yes! Yes, absolutely, you can…” Robin trails off, realising she hasn’t even let you finish your request. Her own eagerness embarrasses her to no end, her face heating up and her cheeks now closely resembling the colour of a tomato.
To her surprise, you giggle. You’re not awkward about it at all, which somehow makes her fall for you even harder.
“I was gonna ask what the latest time would be when I’d be able to return this.” you smile, and the blonde girl is certain it’s the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen.
“Oh! Yeah, totally, no problem! It’s uh— a great choice, by the way. I love friday the 13th, sooo good, all that horror stuff, a huge fan—“
“A week.” Steve interrupts her rambling.
“Huh?” Robin turns to her friend.
“To answer her question, since you’re too busy being head over heels over here.”
You chuckle again, and Robin genuinely thinks her head is going to explode. Not only is her best friend making fun of her in front of you, but you’re not even making her feel bad about it. It’s like you find it cute or something. How crazy is that?
“Cool, I’ll just uh,” you hold up the tape, “rent this one then.”
Robin rings you up, her hands moving faster than her mind, and she hopes you don’t notice the slight shakiness in them. It’s not every day the prettiest girl in the whole world shows up at her job, so she’s not exactly prepared.
“Thanks,” you take the tape from her along with the receipt, your fingers touching slightly when she slides them over. Now you’re the one who’s getting the butterflies.
“So, you said you were a fan of horror movies?”
Robin nods enthusiastically, while Steve has to bite his tongue to hold back from saying that that’s the biggest lie ever. Robin isn’t a coward, not at all, but she’s the worst at scary movies. She’s just saying all this to impress you. She doubts it’s working though.
“Well, I was gonna watch this alone, but…” you grab a pen off the counter and scribble down your number on the receipt. “If you feel like watching it together, give me a call…” you pause to read her name tag. “Robin.” You smile again. “Nice name.”
“T-Thanks! You uh, you too!”
“Thanks, even though I… Haven’t told you yet.” You write your name down next to the number. “Now you know.”
“Huh…” She reads it over, not being able to keep herself from smiling like she’s sunshine incarnate. “That is a really nice name though.”
You grin, grabbing the tape off the counter and stuffing it in your bag. “Well, Robin, I’m free this Friday, if you wanna take me up on the offer.” You start walking backwards and give her a quick wave. “See y’around.”
She waves back, although more hesitant. Frankly, she’s still processing the entire encounter, and the fact that you’re real. Someone as beautiful as you exists, talked to her, even gave her your number. She didn’t know a reality like that was possible.
“I can’t believe that worked.” Steve scoffs in disbelief, though he’s pretty stoked for Robin all in all. He wants his friend to find her special person as much as he does for himself.
“Yeah,” she stares as you walk off, “me too.”
The freckled girl groans loudly and drops her head into her hands. “Why the fuck did I say any of that? Why do I always just keep talking?”
“I don’t see the big deal Buckley,” her coworker leans against the counter, “you got your date, don’t you?”
“Yeah, but then what? Then what do I do? I might have been able to charm her with my awkward idiocy this time, but what if we watch the movie and she finds out I’m a huge wuss!” She gestures around wildly with her hands, earning a confused stare from one of the older customers.
“This is going to sound so stupid, and I can’t believe I’m saying this,” he runs his hand through his brown locks, “but just like, be yourself? She seems nice enough, I’m sure she won’t judge you for being a total scaredy cat.”
“Not helping, Harrington.” She gives him a defeated look.
“Sorry, you know what I mean.”
“But what if she does?”
“What if she does judge me? I mean jesus Steve, I wouldn’t blame her! She’s like— way out of my coolness league! She’s practically doing charity work watching a movie with me.”
Steve scoffs. “Don’t sell yourself short, Buckley, you’re plenty cool. Besides, if she does judge you, then clearly she’s not worth it. But again, I think you’ll be fine.”
“Yeah,” she sighs, already picturing her holding onto you in fear of a completely fictional serial killer. “I guess you’re right.” She goes quiet for a moment, before she’s back to daydreaming about the whole scenario. The two of you on your couch, shoulders touching, maybe an arm around her, hands brushing when you reach for the popcorn, all that sappy stuff…
Maybe you’d find it cute that she gets scared. Maybe you’d wanna protect her. She gets that vibe from you, that you’d keep her safe from all the Freddy Kruegers and Jason Voorhees of the world.
Steve snaps her out of her daydreaming, gesturing towards Keith who’s about to enter the store.
“You two organise those tapes like I asked you to?” Their manager isn’t even looking at them, struggling with putting away his car keys.
Robin swipes the tapes off the counter and stuffs them randomly into the two boxes. That’s a problem for later.
“Yup! All sorted! Good thing I love organising stuff!” She laughs awkwardly, and Steve is fighting for his life trying not to laugh.
She’s got bigger things to worry about right now. Like what to wear for her date with you. And what kind of snacks you like to eat with your movies. And how she’s going to explain that the scariest thing she can handle is Frankenweenie.
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comments and reblogs are highly appreciated!
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i-spaced-sorry · 3 months
Hey! I've had this idea floating around in my head for a little while now and finally got it out on paper. Halstead! Sister is followed while trying to go to a coffee shop. Hope you enjoy reading and stay safe out there y'all, it's a wild world we live in unfortunately.
“What are your plans for today?” asked Jay the minute you walked into the kitchen. 
“Well good morning to you” you sassily replied while walking to the fridge to grab the milk. 
You were off from work and had been looking forward to this day since last Monday. 
“Hmm, I was thinking of maybe going and visiting an old friend from the old neighborhood and then maybe get coffee from my favorite spot before returning home and lounging and doing nothing” you answered while sinking your spoon into your cereal. 
“Solid plan. Remember if you need me for any reason and I don’t answer, call Al.”
“Al?” you questioned when you swallowed your cereal bite. “Usually you tell me to call Hailey.”
Swiping his keys off the counter, Jay looks at you and says, “Voight switched up the partners this week and I’m with Al while Hailey is with Kevin, so I repeat call Al if you need me and I don’t answer”
“Okay” you mock saluted. 
“Pick up. Pick up. Come on pick up” you muttered while your phone was up to your ear and you looked over your shoulder while picking up the pace a bit. 
“Hey this is Detective Jay Halstead, I can’t come to the phone right now. Leave your name and number after the beep and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible” the familiar voice mail message spoke out into your ear. 
“Fuck!” you muttered while ending the call and picking your pace up a bit more after looking behind you and still seeing the person who had been following you for the past 3 blocks behind you.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing out and bout?” asked the man while also picking up his pace. 
You ignored him and kept walking. Wondering when the hell you were going to hit 35th street. 
“Are you headed to work or school?” the man asked when he got shoulder to shoulder with you. 
You ignored the guy again really wishing your brother would have picked up. 
Gripping your phone in your sweatshirt pocket you picked up your pace again, walking slightly more ahead of the guy. 
Pulling your phone out again, you quickly ran through your contacts and clicked on Olinsky before letting it dial. 
“You’re really pretty you know that?” the man started again while finally keeping his distance from you but still following you. 
‘36th street… 36th street place… 35th street! Finally!’ you thought while reading the street signs. Al’s phone also went to voicemail. Meaning they must be at a crime scene or in the car or something.
Turning right onto the street you notice the guy who had been following you for the past 5 blocks is no longer following you but of course you don’t get far enough away before you hear, “Have a great day sweetheart! You're gorgeous!”
Visibly shuddering you honestly feel disgusting and don’t even want coffee anymore. Mainly because you're shaken up but also because it means you have to be in the area for longer. 
So you quickly pull your phone out and call a number you didn’t exactly want to call. 
“Trudy?” you sniffled when she picked up. 
“Kid, what's wrong?” she asked on the other side. 
 “Is my brother and Al on a call right now?”
You hear some rustling and then the sound of a buzzer and heavy footsteps before someone speaks again. 
“Y/N? Are you okay?”
“Jay!” you all but shout!
“What’s wrong?”
“Why didn’t you pick up when I called you? Why didn’t Al pick up when I called?”
“I’m sorry, we were doing an interrogation. What’s up.”
“Uh, can you come get me?”
“Why? Can’t you take the bus? I thought you were visiting a friend and getting coffee?”
“I visited with my friend, it was a good time but I uh got followed and cat called and feel dirty and just want to go home”
“Cat called? Followed? For how long? Al and I are on our way! Where are you?”
“Uh from 37th street all the way to 35th street. I’m walking up 35th right now. I can wait by that school that’s right there if that’s easy enough of a landmark for you guys to find me.”
You hear the car start and doors being shut before you can hear your voice echo.
“Kid, we don’t care where we pick you up. Wherever makes you feel safest is good enough for us.” you hear Al say. 
“Uh, uh, yea the elementary school should be good. I’ll be on the sidewalk.” you stuttered out while running a hand through your hair. 
“Sounds good, we should be there in 20” replied your brother. 
“Hang in there kid” added Al before the call ended. 
The next twenty minutes were the longest twenty minutes of your life. You still felt really dirty and uneasy and just wanted to be in the safety of your brother or even better the safety of your own bed. 
“Hey Y/N, get in” you heard. You looked up to see Al’s Dodge Magnum car in front of you and your brother’s window rolled down. Quickly shuffling to your feet you scramble into the back seat and audibly let out a sigh. 
“You okay?” your brother asked while turning in his seat to face you. 
Nodding, you reply, “now I am, thank you for coming and getting me. I’m sorry you had to leave work.”
Al pulled into a parking space near Scoops ice cream and stated reassuringly, “Kid, you’re family. Meaning you're important to us. No case will ever be too important to come and get you”
Smirking, you asked, “Let me guess, are you just saying that cause the guy you guys were interrogating was jamming up and you weren’t getting anywhere with them?”
 Shaking their heads, Al and Jay looked at each other knowingly. 
“But we are being honest kid, if you ever have a problem or encounter again like today you call anyone in intelligence and they will have your back!”
“Copy! Can we get ice cream now?” you chuckled.
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poeticandors · 2 years
Soft Touches
Steve Harrington x F!Reader
Part 1 of the TOUCH series
Summary: You and Steve Harrington have been friends for so long, and he finds out that you have never once pleasured yourself. He takes it upon himself to help you learn just how to do so.
WARNINGS: 18+ Content (Minors DNI), sexual language, sexual content, masturbation (Female with male assistance), fingering, cursing
Not my GIF
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The hand on the clock seemed to be moving slower and slower the longer you stare at it. There were only a few minutes left until your shift ended, but you had been counting down the seconds the moment you clocked in to work. Did you hate your job? Not necessarily, it gave you money you needed for school and rent, but it wasn’t the greatest. From a not so great manager, to asshole customers, it was hard to actually want to be at the video store.
“Enjoy your movie, have a nice night.” 
You glance over to the counter, seeing your coworker and friend, Steve, hand over some change and a video to a customer. It was actually Steve who helped you get this job. Not that you needed the help since everyone who comes in practically gets hired on the spot, but you still appreciated him doing so. 
The man quickly takes the video from Steve, and you happen to notice the slight flush on his cheeks as he tries keeping the cover of the box hidden against his chest while walking out of the store. Thinking nothing of it, you turn back to your task of reorganizing the shelves.
“Jesus, this is the fourth time that guy has rented that fuckin’ movie.” Steve shakes his head, stretching his arms up.
“What movie was it?” You ask, returning video cases back to their original spots on the shelves.
“A fuckin’ porno, that’s what. He’s come in four times in the last few weeks to renew his rental on that same one!” 
“Gross,” you scoff, finishing up with your task before walking over to the counter. “Remind me to disinfect that when he brings it back.”
“I mean, watch whatever porn you want, but at least broaden your horizons, or whatever shit it is they say.”
“You act like you’ve watched those films before.” 
“Yeah? Haven’t you? Oh, wait–I forgot you’re a little prude,” Steve teases as he ruffles your hair.
“Asshole,” you huff, trying to ignore the comment. 
While you wouldn’t call yourself a prude, you were definitely inexperienced when it came to sexual intimacy. Not that you didn’t want to have sex, you just… never found the right person. It didn’t bother you one bit when people came in to rent those types of films. You just never found any interest in doing so, plus you wouldn’t know what to do while watching one. It just seemed like a waste of time. 
“So what?” You look at Steve as he leans across the counter, now eye level with you. 
“Have you watched porn before?” 
The question catches you off guard a bit. In reality, it shouldn’t because it was coming from Steve, and after knowing him for years he could sometimes be a bit blunt and straight to the point. No, it catches you off guard because of the way Steve looks at you. The way his brown eyes bore into yours as he patiently waits for you to answer the seemingly intimate question. It’s as if he truly wants to know your answer and isn’t just teasing.
It wouldn’t be the first time Steve has asked you questions like this one. He knows that you haven’t had much experience. Knows that you’ve been on a few dates with guys who were total douchebags, but never went any further than a kiss or two, maybe even a feel up here or there. He never fully judged you, though. Teased you, yes a little, but never outright judged you for your lack of experience.
He’s also told you about his past endeavors, however. Never too much detail unless you asked which, sometimes you would. He would answer every single question you had without an ounce of judgment. With Steve, it was easy to talk with him.    
You become nervous, suddenly aware of just how long he’s been staring at you while you try to come up with the words to respond. 
“I, uh… huh?” 
“Have you… watched porn before?” He asks, articulating each word slowly as he repeats the question. 
It takes you a moment to realize how close his face is to yours, his nose mere inches away from your own. If you truly wanted to, you could easily press your lips to his. But you wouldn’t do that.
You couldn’t do that. 
“...No. No, I’ve never watched… porn before.” Your voice comes out almost as quiet as a whisper. 
Steve scans your face and is quiet for another few seconds, before he pushes off the counter. You trail him as he flips the ‘open’ sign over to ‘closed’, before making his way towards you, and taking your hand. The action shocks you, even though it shouldn’t. You’ve held hands with Steve before in a playful manner and it has never once felt strange to you. For some reason, this feels different. “Steve, where–”
“We’re just going for a stroll past the beads,” he answers nonchalantly, pulling you along towards the backroom. 
Your eyes widen, and you try pulling from his grasp. “Steve, seriously–”
“You don’t have to rent any of them. We’re just going to take a look, babe.” 
Babe, honey, sugar… You’ve heard practically every pet name come out of Steve’s mouth. It was just how he talked with you, and you never took any of it seriously. 
The beads lightly clink against each other as Steve pushes them away, and you’re now left standing in the small room with shelves filled up with the raunchy films. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t ever been in here before, it was part of your job to put the films back, take inventory, and make sure that it was organized correctly. 
“Steve, seriously. What are we doing back here?” 
“Just here for a look. 
“I come in here to organize, I know what it looks like–” 
“No, we’re actually going to look, honey. Not just quick glances, and not for work.” 
“But why? I don’t watch any of these–”
“Exactly. Now you’re catching on,” he grins, letting go of your hand as he reaches for two videos. “What do you think you would be into more?”
“Damn it, Steve, we need to get out of here before someone comes in.”
“No one is going to come in here. We’re closed now, remember? I flipped the sign.” He motions with one of the videos in his hands. 
He was right. Technically, you were closed as of… five minutes ago. Plus, it wouldn’t be weird if two employees were in this room. You really just wanted to hurry and leave and not think about how close you are to Steve in this small room and the fact you can smell his shampoo while surrounded by a bunch of porn films. 
But why should those details matter? You’ve definitely been close to Steve multiple times and never have you once felt this awkward. There were nights after a party that Steve would be so drunk you would have to help him get out of his clothes and since he only slept in a single pair of pajama pants, you’ve definitely gotten an idea of what he has to offer to other girls. You’ve shared beds when you would stay the night after those same parties, too. Not to mention, he literally spends most days being clingy with you–keeping his arm around your shoulders or little touches here and there. Big bear hugs and small kisses on the cheek or temple were normal because you were friends, and friends did that sort of thing, didn’t they?
“So? Take a look at these two. Honestly, I feel like this would be right up your alley.”
“And how would you know?”
“Because I know what you like,” he shrugs. 
“That’s bullshit. Even I don’t know what I like, Steve.” 
“Oh, come on,” he places the videos back on the shelf before turning back to face you. “I know you don’t watch porn, but you must have an idea on what you like. Right?” 
You stay quiet for a moment. The truth was, you did not know what you liked. You never once tried getting yourself off, mostly due to the fact you were nervous you would do it all wrong. Steve leans against the shelf with his arms crossed and head tilted slightly as he waits for an answer.
“...Holy shit,” Steve lets out a small laugh. “Seriously? You’ve never masturbated before?”
“I mean, I knew you never had sex, but I at least didn’t think you were that much of a prude to not get yourself off.” Steve snickers, but you don’t react in a way he probably thought you would have. 
Jaw tight, you shake your head as you take a step back. “I’m leaving. You can lock up, Steve.” 
He calls your name as you swing the beads out of your way and storm out of the room. Heading to the back, you grab your bag and keys from your locker before slamming it shut, and leaving. You continue to ignore him as he calls for you, walking straight to your car, and throwing your stuff in the back before getting in and driving off. 
You don’t even know why you’re so upset, you should be used to Steve’s teasing by now. Something just set you off this time, and you weren’t sure what that was. Whatever. You would have a nice relaxing day at home, considering your family just went out of town and you have the day off tomorrow. This would give you time to be alone with your thoughts, and forget about what just happened with Steve Harrington. 
Or, so you thought. 
It felt nice having the house to yourself. While you still lived at home, you agreed with your family to pay rent until you found a place of your own since you were in college now. It seemed a fair trade… you guess, but there were times you would be lucky to have the house to yourself such as tonight. Your plans for tonight consisted of dinner, a good book, and perhaps a movie if you were feeling up for it. 
Your phone kept going off the moment you arrived at home, and you absolutely knew it was Steve trying to get your attention. He hated when you wouldn’t talk with him, and was almost always the first person to cave and vye for your attention, considering you were one of his closest friends. You ignored each and every call, almost deciding to unplug the damn thing just so you could get some peace and quiet. After a while, the ringing eventually stopped, and you were grateful that Steve finally decided to take the hint. 
Lying on your stomach while in bed with your feet propped up, wearing an oversized shirt and pajama shorts, you flipped through the pages one by one through your current book. With your walkman on and music blasting through your headphones, you almost didn’t notice the sound of your window scraping as it lifted, and you quickly gasp as you see a figure standing in the dark. Steve stumbles inside, catching himself before he hits the ground as you stare at him, yanking your headphones off. 
“Steve, what the hell?” You huff, as he fixes your window sill and closes the window. 
“You weren’t answering your phone. I got worried.” He dusts himself off, before looking around your room. He strolls along the carpet, acting as if he had never stepped foot once in his life when in reality, he is here almost every week. “Parents not home?” 
“No, and I didn’t answer the phone because I didn’t want to talk to you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he waves you off, plopping on the bed next to you as he snatches your book away. “So this is what you are spending your night alone doing, hm?” 
“Give it back–” 
You try reaching for it, only for him to hold it further away. Letting out an annoyed breath, you lightly shove his arm. 
“This is boring. You could be watching a movie or something.”
“I was planning on doing that after I finished this chapter, thank you very much.” You pause, looking at him. “Steve, what are you doing here?” 
“I told you. I got worried when you weren’t answering your phone. Plus, I wanted to hang out. I brought a few things for us to do.”
Before you can ask, he tosses your book onto the floor before reaching down into his backpack. He pulls out a few of your favorite snacks, along with a few movies from Family Video. Frowning, you look at him as he grins. “Movie night.” 
He tosses the movies in front of you as you freeze. You recognize them as the two Steve had picked out from the backroom, along with a third. Glancing up at Steve, you hand them back.
“Very funny, Steve,” you huff, looking away from them.
“Just hear me out before you kick me to the curb, sweetheart,” he kneels in front of you, taking your hands. “Look, I know I was a dick for what I said back at the store. You can hate me all you want, I don’t blame you. But… I had an idea that I think you might like.” 
“If you’re going to suggest watching these films–”
“That’s exactly what I’m suggesting. Damn, you must be a mind reader or something, huh? Get out of my head.” He grins. 
You shake your head. “You’re insane–”
“Look, all I am saying is to just watch at least one. Broaden your horizons and shit, remember? Maybe this will help you get laid or something.” 
“Jesus, Steve.” 
“Listen. You don’t have to do anything. It’s just a movie, and I can sit and watch it with you, okay? Maybe this can help you come up with some fantasies or something later after I’m gone. Get you in the mood.” He bounces his shoulders up and down as he winks.
“Let me get this straight. You want me to just sit and watch one of these movies to… come up with fantasies?” 
“...Yep, exactly!”
“Fantasies to do what, though?”
“To get off, of course. So you can make yourself feel good.” 
Your throat becomes tight, and it’s almost as if you have forgotten how to breathe just for a moment. Steve wanted you to watch a porno just so you could pleasure yourself. The look in his eyes tells you that he is completely serious, and is being sincere. Why he was doing this, you didn’t really know the answer to that yet other than he claims he wants you to feel good.
Clearing your throat, you look away. “And… What are you going to be doing while we watch this?”
“Sit next to you and watch along, eat some popcorn,” he shrugs. “We’ll just be watching it, nothing more.” 
He takes his spot back next to you, as you glance at him. “So? What do you say? I’ll pop the movie in and we can sit back and relax. If you get uncomfortable and don’t want to continue, I’ll turn it right off, and we can do whatever you want. Sound good?”
He’s saying all of this as if he just asked to watch a regular movie instead of a porno. Like it was the most casual thing in the world to ask and that you weren’t absolutely mortified at the idea. 
“…You promise we can turn it off?”
“Scouts honor, babe,” he holds one hand over his heart while raising the other.
Pulling your bottom lip between your teeth, you finally agree with a slight tilt of your head, and Steve grins. 
“Alright, I’ll put it on. You just sit and relax— wait. Which one do you want to watch?” 
The excitement in his voice isn’t hard to miss, and you find yourself biting back a small smile. 
“Whichever one you think looks best, Steve,” you scoot back against your headrest, as Steve grabs one of the videos and fumbles with the VHS player. 
You couldn’t believe you actually agreed to this. What were you thinking? Watching a porno and with Steve, nonetheless. Steve grabs the remote and plops right next to you, your arms brushing together as he gets comfortable. 
The movie starts, and your room soon fills with horrible jazz music that is supposed to be sexy. You scrunch your nose, but lean back as you watch the first scene play out. The main woman comes out wearing nothing but a robe which is left open, revealing her perky breasts, and she bends down to rub lotion along her long legs. You cross your arms across your chest, suddenly realizing that you discarded your bra the moment you came home.
If Steve notices, he doesn’t say anything. He’s kept his eyes on the screen, and you can’t tell if he is just bored or trying to keep his cool. You don’t realize you’re watching him until he looks down at you, and you quickly turn your attention back to the screen. 
“You might want to pay attention to this part,” he comments, as you look back at him.
“What for?”
“Because this is the scene where she touches herself.”
“…Have you seen this?” 
“I mean, just this first part. I wanted to see if you might like it, first.”
He takes his finger and turns your cheek back so you’re facing the screen again. On it, you watch as the woman drops the robe to the ground, settling onto the bed as her manicured hands roam along her body, squeezing her breasts and sliding up and down her torso. After an anticipating few minutes, she finally trails her hand down between her legs, her fingers slowly teasing her folds for a moment before going back up to her neck, while the other hand brushes just under her breasts. 
Your breath hitches slightly, and you find yourself entranced as you watch her pleasure herself with just her hands. Could you really just sit and do that to yourself? Your mind wanders at the possibilities, and you find yourself extremely sensitive to everything surrounding you. The moans released from the woman go straight to your core, sending a shiver throughout your entire body. You are aware of the way your nipples tighten, brushing just barely against the fabric of your shirt– of one of Steve’s shirts that you borrowed long ago and never bothered to return. You try ignoring the slight moisture that builds up between your thighs, and try straightening your legs to cross them over one another, which only seems to heighten the feeling.
Not only that, but it suddenly dawns on you how close Steve is to you. His arm stays pressed against you, a warm and familiar sensation that you never thought anything of before. His breathing stays even, that much you can tell even as he watches this scene play on. The scent of his soap surrounds you both, and you realize he must’ve taken a shower first before coming to see you. 
“See that? See how she uses her fingers?” He says after a moment, and your eyes stay on the screen of your television. “You can do that too, you know. You can do that to figure out what you like.”
“Mmhm…” you respond, not trusting yourself to use actual words. 
“...Do you want to try?” 
You quickly turned to face him, seeing his eyes directly staring into yours. “Wh-what?”
“Do you want to try touching yourself?” He repeats, his voice now a low timbre. 
“...Steve, I don’t think–” 
“I don’t care if you do. This is all for you. So you can make yourself feel good.” He continues looking down at you, and for a moment you think he glances down to your lips before moving back to your eyes. “If you don’t want to, you can say no.”
You swallow thickly, trying to ignore the way his words send tingles throughout your entire body. There he goes again, saying this is to help you feel good. For someone else, they might think that was just a way for Steve to get to see their tits. But to you… you really do believe he is not truly pressuring you and being sincere in trying to help you give yourself some sort of pleasure and excitement. 
So, you only halfway catch yourself by surprise when you agree with a small nod. 
“Alright, come here.” 
Steve shifts over, moving you to sit in front of him, his legs on either side of you as he pulls you to lie back against his firm chest. Again, this isn’t something new to you both. You’ve sat in this position before watching movies, usually with Steve massaging your shoulders or even when you just needed to hug, and he would be willing to hold you close like this. 
This, however, seemed so much more intimate. 
He gently runs his hands soothingly up and down your arms, as if sensing your nerves and trying to help you relax. You feel the rise and fall of his chest as you lean back against him, and the warmth of his breath as he exhales each time. 
“This okay?” He asks, his voice soft, and you respond with a nod. “Good. Whenever you feel like you want to touch yourself, go ahead. I won’t do anything but sit here, okay? I promise.” 
You don’t realize just how dry your mouth is until you try to speak, only for you to find yourself unable to. Trying again, you clear your throat and lick your dry lips. 
“Where, uh… I don’t… what should I do?” 
“Whatever feels good to you, honey.” 
“But, what if I don’t know what feels good to me?” 
Steve pauses for a moment, before he slowly reaches down for your hands, and brings them up. “For starters… you can just run your hands along your body.” 
He takes one of your hands and places it up by your neck, making sure your fingers lightly brush your skin before placing the other along your torso just under your breasts, and pulls his hands away as you leave them there. “Take it nice and slow. Barely brush your skin with your fingers and slowly make your way down.” 
With your throat tight and heavy, slowly begin moving your hands around almost awkwardly. It was almost hard to feel good when you were pretty much touching over your shirt. Sure, with a faint brush against your nipples it did sort of feel good, but it was nothing compared to what the woman on screen was probably feeling. You become almost frustrated, and drop your head back against Steve’s shoulder. 
“It’s not working.” 
“That’s because you’re thinking too much. Don’t think, just touch yourself.” Steve rubs your shoulders, trying to loosen the tension building up. 
“It’s hard to do so when this shirt is in the way,” you huff, closing your eyes. 
“Then take it off.” 
Sometimes, you just cannot understand how Steve’s mind works. The way he suggests taking off your shirt as if it’s not a big deal at all? Mind boggling to you. You look over your shoulder at him, seeing a completely serious expression. 
“Steve, I can’t just take off my shirt.” 
“Why not? You said it’s getting in the way,” he says, as a matter-of-factly. “If it’s not relaxing, then take it off so it can help you relax.”
You hate that he’s right, but still. “I’m not… I mean… I don’t have a bra on.”
“That’s fine. If you’re comfortable being shirtless, then do so. If you want to try and then realize it’s still not helping, then you can put it back on.” 
Steve removes his hands from your shoulders, and you almost find yourself aching for him to put them back. Maybe he was right. Maybe it would help to just take off your shirt. Even if he is here, Steve is your best friend. You trusted Steve. Why were you overthinking things like this? 
Finally, you push yourself up as you discard your shirt and toss it to the floor, before slowly leaning back against Steve. You keep your arms folded across your chest, and you look up at Steve. He simply smiles, before placing his hands over yours. 
“Now… try again.” He moves your hands back in place where they were before, his voice low as he talks just above a whisper in your ear. “Watch what she does on the screen, and copy her. Or don’t. Whatever feels good to you, you’ll know.”
You turn your attention back to the screen, and begin to mimic her movements. If she trailed her hand up to her neck, you did the same. If she brought it down to graze against her nipples, you also did so. You experiment by lightly pinching and rolling each nipple between your fingers, only to find that you really enjoyed the feeling. You find yourself leaning further into Steve, who shifts against you. When he does so, you try not to think about how hard his bulge feels through his jeans against your lower back. 
You try, but ultimately fail.
Feeling him pressed against you only makes your pulse race, and you soon realize he also has his hands back on your shoulders. He doesn’t move them, almost keeps them there as a bit of support as your hands continue to explore your body. 
You decide that you really enjoy the feeling of touching your breasts, so you go back to that. With each squeeze, tug, and feather light brush, you soon feel the dampness begin to grow between your legs. Just like the woman on screen, you begin to slowly trail your hand down to your shorts. You stop just short, realizing that you are about to touch yourself down there. Not only that, you are about to touch yourself down there while Steve sits right behind you, getting a one-man show to all of this. What could possibly be going through his mind as he watches his best friend do all of this?
He places his hand over yours as you try pulling it back. “Don’t stop, baby. I know you were feeling good. Keep going.” 
“But, I… I don’t know what to do.” 
“Sure you do, sweetheart. You were just making yourself feel good all on your own,” his cheek is lightly pressed against yours as he whispers to you, keeping your hand in place just before your waistband. If he really wanted to, he could easily press his lips to your cheek, and you try shoving that fantasy deep down. 
“I just…”
“Do you need some help?” He asks, and it feels like the air has been knocked out of you. Steve was offering to help you touch yourself. Down there. 
“I… are you–I mean, I couldn’t ask you to do that–” 
“Sure you can. Go ahead. I might just say yes,” he chuckles lightly, his thumb brushing along yours as he waits. 
His big hand stays on yours, waiting for permission to continue. You almost forget how to breathe;  imagining that hand a few inches lower, rubbing between your legs while you press yourself back against his chest. His fingers circling around and around before he sticks his fingers–
“Well?” His voice breaks you from your trance, and you let out a shaky breath. 
You look over your shoulder to him, your lips mere centimeters from his own. He doesn’t move, though, and neither do you. Your eyes trail up from his mouth, up to his dark eyes as they stare directly into yours. 
“Okay, what?”
“...I want you to help me. Please.” 
“Help you… what?” The corner of his mouth quirks up in a teasing manner, trying to get you to elaborate more on what exactly it is you want him to do. 
Licking your lips, you look up at him through your lashes, your voice soft and pleading, “I… I want you to help me feel good. Please.” 
A low groan releases from the back of his throat, but he tries to cover it up as he clears it. 
“I can do that. Yep. Totally.” 
He keeps his hand on top of yours, and begins to move them both under the waistband of your shorts. You look down, watching your hands disappear under the piece of clothing– a shiver trailing down your back. 
“Open your legs, baby,” he taps your thigh with his free hand, and you bring your legs up, feet flat on the mattress, and knees bent as you slowly bring them apart. The pads of your fingertips move lower and lower, and you release a breath at the soft graze against your most sensitive part. 
“Oh…” you sigh softly, feeling Steve shift behind you, his hard cock more evident against you.
“Feel that?” He whispers, and the low husk of his voice practically sends your thoughts into haywire. “That’s where you want to try to touch the most. But not just yet…” 
He slowly circles your fingers, barely applying any pressure as he guides you before soon moving your fingers down even further, until they meet the wetness of your pussy. He runs your fingers up and down, having you carefully explore yourself. 
“You want to tease yourself. This is how you make yourself more wet.” 
A shaky breath escapes you, and you find yourself relaxing more and more against Steve. There’s a throbbing between your legs that almost hurts in the most delicious way, and you’re not sure if it’s due to the fact that you’re being touched there, or that it’s because Steve is the one helping you. He has your fingers teasing your wet hole, not quite pushing inside, but enough to let you know that you wanted more.
“You can even stick your fingers inside. Since you haven’t done this before, do just one,” his lips brush against your cheek. “I can feel how wet you are, so it should slide right in. Might feel a little awkward at first, though… but it’ll feel good the more you do it, baby.” 
You let out a barely there whimper, and you’re not sure if Steve heard you or not, considering the moaning of the woman on screen slowly begins to fill the room. But the movie was long forgotten, all you could think of was the way Steve’s lips felt as they brushed against your skin when he whispered directions to you and how much you just wanted this ache between your legs to relieve itself.  
Steve maneuvers your hand so that you are now slowly pushing one finger into your pussy. He was right, it did feel uncomfortable right away. It wasn’t a sensation you were used to, and part of you wondered if sex always felt like this and you were slowly starting to second guess yourself. But Steve made sure you kept your finger there, moving it in and out slowly with whispers of praises. 
I got you, baby.
It’ll feel so good, watch.
You’ll love this.
The words coming out of Steve’s mouth only make the sensation between your legs practically unbearable and before you know it, you’re automatically curling your finger as you try to ease the ache. A soft moan escapes, and you’re quick to cover your mouth but it’s too late. Steve had heard. 
He lets out a breathy laugh, keeping his hand in place while the other keeps hold of your shoulder. “Oh, that felt good, didn’t it?” 
Nodding, you feel him lower his head until his lips brush against your jaw, and you find yourself tilting your head. 
“Keep going, then,” he presses a light kiss to your jaw. “Go on, honey. Make yourself feel good. Let me hear you moan.”
“Fuck, Steve…” you whine as you close your eyes, moving your finger again at a smooth rhythm. You find your hips trying to lift up to meet with your finger each time you push it inside, and you slowly begin to lose yourself that you don’t realize the way Steve is watching you. 
With his hand still on top of yours, he has you pull your finger out, and moves your fingertips to your clit, swollen with the need to be touched. 
You gasp, following along with the movements of his fingers. Steve presses closer against you at the same time you push back against him, and he lets out a deep groan, which only sets you off even more. You feel so fucking good– you never knew that this was what you were missing out on. 
“You make such pretty noises,” Steve whispers. “Do you feel good?”
“Yes– God, Steve,” you mewl, starting to move your fingers faster. 
“I can tell. You are fucking dripping all over my fingers, sweetheart,” he pants softly, his lips parted against your cheek. “Want me to keep helping you out?” 
At this point, you don’t even question if this is what should be happening between you and Steve, because suddenly he brings the hand off your shoulder to grab one of your breasts, and you feel like you could explode from pleasure right then and there. He massages it, first soft and then a little firmer, and all you can do is moan because fuck, you like the way his big hand feels on you this way. His thumb brushes against your nipple, and all the thoughts in your head are just gone because he is touching you just like you were earlier, as if he watched you do so the entire time. You didn’t even mind that Steve was touching you like this–his warm hand was tranquil and soothing, his touch a drug you were slowly becoming addicted to. 
The movements of your fingers circling your clit, Steve’s hand doing wonderous things to your tits, and the feel of his lips against your skin causes a wonderful feeling to build up within you. 
“Oh, Steve… I-I… oh fuck–”
“I got you, baby. Just let go, fuck… listen to how wet you are.” 
Steve starts to move both of your hands even faster, and you hear the wet sounds of your fingers moving around your pussy. The sound is practically erotic. His other hand pinches your nipple, and you’re not sure if you’re just lost in the lust of everything but you swear you feel him sloppily kissing your neck. Even the image of him doing so is stuck in your mind, and you feel yourself tipping over the edge of the precipice as you finally come undone. 
Moaning loudly, your back arches against his chest as your legs begin to shake, and your pussy clenches onto nothing. White flashes behind your eyelids and you swear you see stars and feel them rattling down your spine. Steve keeps hold of you, still playing with your chest while making sure your fingers still move. This time, you’re certain he is kissing your neck between soft praises. 
Yes, there you go.
Fuck, your moans are so pretty.
I got you, baby. 
Falling slack against him, Steve soon sits back against the headboard, pulling you with him. His chest also rises along with yours, and you stay against him as you slowly come down from your high. Foggy brained, you slowly blink your eyes open and take in your room. The ridiculous jazz music from the porno plays again, and you completely forgot it was even on, too lost in your own lust-filled event that just took place. 
You finally realize that Steve’s hands are still in place, and it seems he does as well because he suddenly pulls them away. You become aware of your naked chest, and even though Steve was literally touching your chest mere minutes ago, you find yourself suddenly shy and cover up with your arms. 
“Oh, here,” Steve reaches down, grabbing your shirt as he holds it to you. 
Slipping on your shirt, you move from between Steve’s legs to sit next to him as he clicks the remote, and the tv turns off. The silence hits both of you like a wave, and you feel as if you are stuck underwater as you both try coming up with something to say. 
“So, what’d you think?”
“Huh?” You look over at him as he motions to the tv. 
“The movie. Did you like it?” 
“Oh, um… I mean… it was okay.” 
“Yeah, it was actually pretty shitty,” he shrugs. “This shit isn’t nearly as real as it seems. Or as good as the real shit.” 
He looks down at you, his cheeks slightly flushed and pupils blown. You happen to glance down, and see the way his dick presses against his jeans, begging to be let out and touched. While you had no idea really what would feel good for Steve, part of you was dying to try to make him feel the same way he had helped you. 
“Um… do you… I mean, do you want–”
“Nah, don’t worry about it. I can take care of that when I leave. Which…” he looks at your clock, stretching his arms over his head. “It is kinda late. I should probably get going. I know you have to open tomorrow.” 
“Oh, right,” the disappointment in your voice confuses you. You weren’t sure if you wanted Steve to go or not. 
He stands up, fixing the front of his pants before running one hand through his hair. He looks around, grabbing the different tapes he brought before getting the one out of your VHS player. 
“I could leave these here for you if you want. You could use them before you go to bed, help you relax,” he smirks. 
You roll your eyes, before shaking your head. “I’ll be fine. Thanks, Steve.” 
He lifts his shoulders up before he grabs his bag and shoves them inside. Before he walks to your bedroom door, however, he leans across your bed, and presses a quick kiss to your cheek. 
You freeze, only to remember that Steve was always one to depart with a kiss on the cheek, temple, or forehead. He’s done this to you plenty of times. It doesn’t mean anything different. But… you can’t help but think maybe this one kiss is just a little different than the rest. 
“See ya, sweetheart.” 
With a final grin, Steve departs from your room, and you wait until you hear the closing of the front door to finally let out the breath you’ve been holding. Your mind races–recalling the events that just occurred on your bed moments ago. 
You just had your first ever orgasm.
With Steve Harrington helping urge you on. 
You think about the soft touch from his otherwise rough hands, and how they guided you through your pleasure. How his lips felt against your skin, and the way his breathing sounded as it fanned against your ear. While thinking about this, your hand soon begins to trail right back down under your waistband.
That same night, you had your second ever orgasm. 
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thefallennightmare · 6 months
Miracle-twenty four[END]
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings/Tropes: forced proximity, slight enemies to lovers, slow burn, smut, angst, fluff, mentions of death, and swearing.
Summary: Reader is the merch girl for Bad Omens. It wasn't what she wanted to do with her life but when her mother got sick with Alzheimer's, reader took a job where she could to help with the costs. She thought it would be a one-time gig but the longer she was on the road with them, the harder she fell for Noah Sebastian; even if he wanted nothing to do with her. She needed a miracle to save her mom and her future.
Author Note: I'M CRYING MY COUCH RIGHT NOW! I never imagined that this story would be so fucking popular and bring me so many amazing followers and some great friends! thank you to everyone who liked, reblogged, commented, or talked to me! Our love and adoration for this man brought a huge group together. I love him for that. I'm sorry for all the hurt and trauma I caused you while reading but I promise THIS chapter, makes up for it. Again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!
Tags: @ada-clarence @nonamessblog @thescarlettvvitch @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @theoneandonlykymberlee @yumikitten @blackveilomens @cherrymedicine13 @thebadchic @notmaddihealy @jay02bo @beaker1636 @jakekiszkasguitarpick @punk-pr1ncessxoxo @er3nslovergirl @iamdesolate @lma1986 @jessitpwk @themodern-daywednesday @writethrough @bngurngheart @dreams-that-are-anwsered @loeytuan98 @omens-in-reverse @loverofagoodbeard @jay02bo @niicoleleigh @tearfallpixie @cupidsdreams
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A yawn fell from my lips as I walked through the gate of the airport with Noah's hand in mine and the rest of our group trailing behind. The moonlight from outside broke through the large glass windows, casting all of us in a white glow. It was late, almost 10 in the evening and we just landed in California. The Europe leg of the tour finally ended and after a very long day of travel, all of us were ready to head home for a few months break. It was well earned and deserved for everyone on this team.
"Angel," Noah pulled me to a stop right before baggage claim. "Hang on a second."
"Noah," I almost whined. "I'm tired and want to go home."
But he didn't answer, simply wrapped an arm around my shoulders to pull me into his chest then looked towards our large group of friends.
"We'll see you guys in a couple of weeks."
Jolly nodded. "If anything changes work wise, I'll text you but you two should enjoy yourselves."
"Wait," I blinked. "What did you just say?"
My gaze turn up towards Noah who refused to meet it but kept a small smirk on the corner of his lips.
"Give me on minute," he pulled me closer to his chest to leave a kiss on top of my head.
Internally, I cringed because my hair hadn't been washed in days and I smelled like sweat and a stuffy airplane after the long international travel. I wanted to get home so bad to shower and crawl into my bed with Noah. But it seemed like he had other plans.
"Where are we going?" I tried to ask again.
Matt spoke instead. "Try not to think about work too much, alright? We won't start talking about the next album until you're back."
Irritation made my feet bounce. "Back from where?"
"You guys heading to Virgina?" Noah asked Nick.
"Yeah," he nodded. "Mine and Folio's flight leaves tomorrow so we're crashing in your room."
Folio gave me a wide smirk while removing me from Noah's grasp so he could wrap his own arms around me in a bone-crushing hug. "Use this time to clear your head."
My arms encircled around his back as I returned the hug. "What the fuck are you guys talking about?"
Not giving anything away, Folio ruffled my hair with a wink.
Okay, what the fuck was going on?
I watched as Noah said goodbye to everyone else, me still standing there confused as hell, then when he turned towards me I narrowed my eyes at him while crossing my arms over my chest.
"What is going on?"
He shrugged. "Nothing, I'm just saying goodbye."
"Alright, smartass. Jolly lives with us, why are you saying goodbye to him?" I raised a brow.
"You ask a lot of questions, angel."
"Flight 23A for California to Washington State now pre-boarding. Head to Gate 4b."
"Shit," Noah cursed while adjusted the strap of his carry on backpack. "We gave to go."
Linking our fingers together, he dragged me away, but I held my foot down in place. The announcement played on the speakers again as Noah looked at me with slight panic behind his eyes.
"Angel, we have to go," he urged me with a tug of my hand.
I shook my head. "Where, Noah? Where are we going?"
He ran a hand over his face with a long sigh. "I was hoping to keep this surprise a little longer but we're not going home. I rented us a cabin in Washington, in Olympic National Park. Just the two of us for a few weeks."
My heart hammered hard in my chest hearing that Noah put together this little surprise for me and my irritation and need to be in control of everything nearly ruined it. I walked into his arms while wrapping my arms around his back and looked up at him. He was wearing a black sweater with matching joggers. His hair was growing like weeds since we were in Europe and desperately needed a haircut so he was hiding it in a black beanie. The dark circles under his eyes gave way how tired he was, so was I, but he still went out of his way to plan a vacation for us.
With tears in my eyes, I stood up on the tips of my toes so I could reach his lips to leave a chaste kiss upon them.
"I love you."
His hands gripped my hips as he brushed his nose over mine. "I love you too, angel. I just wanted to do something special for you. Life hasn't been easy for you."
"I know," I pressed my cheek into his chest, breathing in his scent.
"Last call for flight 23A. Boarding will close in five minutes."
"Fuck," Noah cursed before we ran across the airport to our gate.
"Jolly, water my plants for me!" I called over my shoulder to look at him.
He waved me off with a large grin on his face as he watched Noah and I giggle in fear of missing our flight.
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Two weeks later.
"I don't want to go back," I whined while sitting at the edge of the bed, towel wrapped around my chest.
Water dripped from the ends of my hair, down my back, as I had just walked out of the shower. Noah was kneeling in front of me as he finished packing up our suitcases, our vacation finally coming to an end. The last two weeks had been absolutely amazing. Even though it was hard at first, Noah tried not to talk about future tours or the next album while I did my best to just enjoy life; be in the moment.
We spent the last two weeks either sightseeing, hiking, spending a night inside by the fire, or soaking in the hot tub outside. Of course, we had to test out every fuckable surface throughout the cabin which surprisingly, was a lot. When we were out in the small town, Noah got recognized quite a few times but he respectfully declined pictures, telling the fans that he was here on a personal vacation and wanted to keep it quiet.
I knew he did that for me and I loved him even more for it.
But reality came calling back way before I was ready. We needed to get back to California because Bad Omens had some time blocked out for writing/recording thier next album.
"You guys need more than just a few weeks off," I sighed letting the towel fall to the bed beneath me.
Noah's eyes darkened as his tongue darted out to wet his lips as he took in all the bite marks over my chest and stomach.
I immediately shook my head knowing exactly what he was thinking. "Noah, we've had more sex these last two weeks that I've had in my entire life. I'm exhausted."
"Well, you're in luck because we have somewhere to be so do me a favor," he rose to his feet while handing me a pair of clothes. "Wear that and meet me outside."
I pursed my lips while looking up at him. "Where are we going?"
"Just do this, okay?" Noah sighed with slight agitation.
I may have asked that question a lot these last few weeks when Noah would surprise me with yet another day out and I wanted to know what he had planned.
"Sorry," I muttered before lifting the shirt up to my face with a smirk.
It was the shirt Noah found that first night in the Airbnb; the shirt of his he gave me so long ago and I kept.
"You love telling me what to wear, huh?"
Noah pressed a soft kiss to my forehead and smacked my bare ass. "O wouldn't be upset if you skipped the panties."
Don't have to tell me twice.
He walked out of the patio doors that were connected to our bedroom while I quickly threw the shirt on over my naked form. It was actually pretty warm outside, so I decided on no pants. Nerves made my fingers shake as I wondered what the hell he had planned for me. Every day it was something and each time, it surprised me.
"It's probably just a candlelit dinner," I said to myself, which honestly I didn't mind.
A nice relaxing final night in sounded device.
Leaving the door open, I stepped outside to the sound of soft music playing through the bluetooth speaker the cabin provided and I followed the path of stone lights that led to a table on the large patio with a curious pull of my brows.
"Noah?" I called out when I realized he was nowhere to be seen.
Coming to a halt in front of the table, I looked down at a large photo book that had my name printed across the front of it.
What the…
Noah's soft voice came through the speakers as his song, If I'm There played in the background, when I hesitantly opened the book with a gasp. The first few pages had many pictures of me when I was younger; some alone and some with my father, the one who raised me.
Then the next few pages were from teenage years and I internally cringed at some of the outfit choices I made.
Where the hell did these pictures come from?
"Oh shit," I blurted with tears when my fingers grazed over the next set of pictures.
It was all the pictures I had lost in the fire; the ones that were taking on tour with Bad Omens. The ones I took of them covered one page while the rest of the pages were pictures taken of me by others, mostly Bryan.
Some goofy ones of Folio and I.
Ones of Jolly teaching me guitar.
Even the ones of Nick letting me use his tattoo gun on him; the small patch of skin on his ankle my first canvas.
There were so many others of me with the members of the crew and by the time I got to the last page, tears were falling from my eyes, the salty taste hanging long after on my lips. I choked out a broken sob when the only picture on the last page stared back at me; my fingers grazing over the soft faces of the two people.
We looked so young there, and it was only two years ago.
It was the same picture Noah had on his laptop. The one from the first party I attended at their house where we took a large group photo and I was next to Noah. His arm slung around my shoulder while mine wrapped around his side. His long hair was pulled back with a claw clip and while I was smiling at the camera, Noah's smile was on me along with his eyes, staring directly at my lips.
Hastily wiping away the tears, I looked up to the sky to let out a deep breath, fingers grazing over the picture until it went to low, the touch of cool metal almost burning my skin.
"What the-?" I peered back down to the photo book and nearly stumbled back.
The moonlight caught it in just the right light, the sparkle of the large diamond beckoning me to touch it once again.
Taped beneath the picture was a gorgeous diamond ring with four words written in very familiar handwriting.
Let's get married, angel.
Strong arms wrapped around me from behind, warm breath fanning across the curve of my neck.
"What do you say?"
Noah buried his face into my hair as he spoke his quesiton into the air again. I turned in his embrace, sheer shock and disbelieve on my face.
"You're not fucking with me, are you?"
He chuckled slightly. "Why would I do that?"
I wrapped my arms around his neck, fingers messing with the ends of his hair. It was so long now and he was sporting the Levi cut the last few weeks.
"There's no way you'd want to ask me to marry you, Noah. I'm-." The words died on my tounge.
"You're what? Perfect, beautiful, stubborn as hell-ow!"
I smacked his chest but urged him to continue with a nod.
"Angel," he lifted my chin with a finger. "I walked through literal flames for you. Why the hell wouldn't I want to marry you?"
My lips mimicked a fish out of water as I tried to come up with a retort but truthfully, I didn't have any because I knew he was right. He ran into my burning house to save me from my brother who was trying to kill me.
Okay, maybe that's a good reason not to marry me.
"Hey," he bent low so our gazes locked. "Don't go there, alright? Stay here with me and focus on my question. Focus on how great our future together could be."
Noah knew me so fucking well. He knew when I disassociated back into that dark place that James had created. The nightmares were less and less but they were still there, clawing to the front recess of my mind but Noah worked so hard to help me heal.
He lifted me onto the table and spread my thighs apart so he could walk through them as my hands grazed over his bare chest; the tattoos catching my eye instead of the pure dark ones of his.
"I love you. It took me a long time to realize that and accept that feeling for what it is. But now that I have you, I refuse to let you go again. I'm not letting you go into that darkness alone, angel. I'm here and will always be here."
Tears fell from my eyes but this time, it was Noah who brushed them away. When I still said nothing. mind filled with so much emotion I didn't know how to say it.
Yes. Yes, you idiot. Tell him yes!
"I-," the words faltered yet again.
Noah made a low noise in the back of his throat as he took off my shirt, throwing it to the ground below. The night air made my nipples perk, and I shivered when I watched Noah step out of his grey joggers, cock springing free.
Holy shit.
I never realized asking someone to marry them was such a turn on.
"Fuck," I cursed when Noah spat on his hand before running it over my pussy, fingers dipping in for a few quick pumps before he angled the head of his cock between my folds.
Who was exhausted? I certainly wasnt.
"Angel," his forehead fell to my chest with a groan as he filled me completely.
I wrapped my legs around his back, heels resting on his ass as I pressed him deeper into me. The head of his cock immediately pressed against that spot while one hand slipped between us, thumb pressing fast circles to my clit.
"Noah," I panted.
His free hand ripped the ring from the book and grabbed my left hand, looking up at me through lust blown eyes.
"Yes, Noah!," I screamed when he pulled most of the way out, just leaving the head of his cock in me, before he snapped his hips hard to fill me once again. "Fuck yes, lets get married."
Our lips met in a fiery kiss, the one where your teeth smack together and tongues fight for power and dominance. Without warning, my orgasm ripped through me with a loud shrill, it echoing through the trees of the forest behind us. With my hand in his, Noah slipped the ring on my finger and grazed his teeth other my collarbone.
"You're going to be my wife, angel."
Pure exhaustion ached deep in my bones so all I could do was nod and ran my fingers through Noah's hair as he gave two more powerful thrusts, emptying himself inside of me with a low groan.
When I first started this job working for Bad Omens, I did it because I needed the money for a miracle to help my mom. But by the end of all the darkness and loneliness, Noah was the Miracle I truly needed and hoped for.
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skzhua · 1 year
Hi! Sorry to bother again lol. I’m the Han obsessed girl lol. At it again with another request story cause my mind spirals but anyways I was thinking a forbidden love and sorta enemies to lovers so basically Han really wants to be with y/n but can’t cause of there differences and family issues etc and y/n pushes Han away cause she knows she likes him and all and basically angst and some fluff at the end? If that makes sense! - Sorry for the long request anyways Luv your work <3 (That’s why I keep coming back lol)
He's Not What He Seems to Be
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Pairing: New CEO!Han Jisung x Rival!Female Reader, brief Lee Felix x Reader.
Genre: CEO!AU, forbidden love!AU, rivals-to-lovers, fluff, angst, slow burn.
Word Count: 19,435
Warnings: Swearing, insults, drinking, suggestive, mentions of sex but nothing too explicit, one mention of cheating. (proofread-ish)
A/N: I've been wanting to do a forbidden love kind of thing for a while, thank you! This is basically what I was already working on, but I changed it a bit so it could work for your request.
A/N 2: My longest fic so far! I love this story so much and put so much into it! I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did when writing it.
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one. - now -
"Has Miss L/N signed the papers yet?" the man asked your father, as if you weren't in the room already.
"She has not yet. We are to discuss our agreement before we commit to anything." your father answered politely.
"I see." the man, also known as Mr. Bang, breathed out. "I expect an answer until tomorrow night. We have our big announcement ceremony. I will be delighted to know you there."
Your father nodded politely before leaving the room while you stayed behind. As the door closed, you sent a glare to Mr. Bang. Upon seeing your reaction, he lets out a laugh.
"Chan, stop it." you rolled your eyes.
"Please, your father is so serious." he kept on laughing.
"If only he saw how you are out of office..." you mumbled in exasperation. "I think you becoming a CEO has only worsen your IQ."
He huffed in response. "Your company is nothing without mine, watch how you talk to me."
"Y/N, this is serious business!" he exclaimed.
"I know that, but I also know you are, first and foremost, my best friend. Plus, how did you talk about me just now? As if I'm some puppet who only gets to sign stupid papers."
He shook his head as he turned on his computer. "I was only joking."
"Yeah, well, my father didn't get that." you scoffed.
You went around his desk and leaned forward to see the statistics marked on his screen. You frowned when one number caught your attention. The Han technologies had risen significantly.
"I thought you said our new line of intelligent watches helped us beat the Han company." you commented.
"It did. For like a week." he sighed. "Your company is not doing so good, let me tell you."
The Bang family was a renowned one in the industry. Their ideas were always original and fresh, the public loved it. The Han were more traditional, but they managed to keep a great image since they kept on releasing new stuff all the time. Plus, their promoting team was a hard one to beat. And then, there was the L/N. You used to lead the technology brands with the Bang. However, with time, your ideas were not as impressive as they used to be. The Han family sued you for plagiarism a few years ago and this was a huge step back for your improvement. Luckily, Chan had recently taken his father's place as the CEO of Bang inc. and agreed on helping your company to increase your legitimacy. That was only because you two had studied together in college and grew to support one another.
"Isn't Han Jisung supposed to take the spot as their new chairman?" you asked when your eyes spotted his name on the screen.
"He gets promoted tomorrow morning."
You groaned in annoyance. "Does it mean he is going to be there at your night event?"
"Yes." he gave you a weak smile. "If it helps you to feel any better, he is only there to discuss business with us. You don't even have to address him a single word."
You scoffed again. "Trust me, I'll stay away from this guy. Why do you have business with him. anyway? I thought you were helping me!" you acted offended.
"Stop whining, Y/N. You're becoming CEO next year as well. See the following months as an opportunity to learn more about the industry." he patted your back.
You deadpanned at him, arms crossed. "You're so annoying."
"And that is why you love me." he faked a smile. "You should join your father before he asks me to marry you again."
Although your father thought the ideal solution to save the company was to marry you off to Chan, the latter had refused multiple times. You were his best friend, he would never take away such a big part of your life from you.
"Fair enough." you shrugged. "Don't forget to send me the papers, I'll sign them tonight."
"Yeah, yeah." he motioned his hand at you while his eyes were stuck on his computer. "See you tomorrow."
You joined your father outside, and there were already journalists surrounding him, asking him questions about your downfall and how he planned to save his company. You came to his rescue by telling them off and dragging your father behind to the car. Once in the vehicle, you asked the driver to bring you home.
"I really think you should marry Mr. Bang for our sake." he shot at you as the car started to move. "This would do great publicity and help us rise our sells."
"Well, it's a shame he doesn't want to propose to me." you sighed with a hint of playfulness in your voice.
"Y/N, be serious for once!" he nagged at you. "You've known the man for years and he is very respectful. I see no issue in a marriage."
You rolled your eyes at him. "I don't want to marry him, neither does he. He is already helping us a lot, it should be enough for now."
"And look at the results. This only made us beat the Han family for a week or so."
Not wanting to argue, you simply sighed loudly and looked out the window. You passed in front of the Han building and caught a slight glimpse of Han Jisung. Another thing you hated about the man was how good-looking he was. This was surely going to help him raise their numbers after he gets promoted.
Finally getting home, you rushed to your room to go wash up. Your day had been a hassle with the meetings with Chan, trying to act as if you haven't seen each other at your worst back in college. The moment you stepped in the shower, your phone went off. Glancing at the contact, you shrugged it off and declined. A few minutes into washing your hair, it went off again. With a groan, you hurried to rinse off the shampoo and soap that remained on your body.
Still damped, you answered rudely. "What?"
"Uh... Is this a bad timing? I thought you told me you'd be off work by now..." the voice on the other side spoke with uncertainty.
"I am at home, but couldn't you have waited five minutes?" you groaned.
"Jeez, my bad, L/N." Jisung chuckled. "Call me when you can?"
"No, I'm done already." you sighed as you started to dry yourself with the towel. "What do you want?"
"I'm nervous."
Yeah, you and Jisung weren't exactly as hateful towards one another as people thought you were. You hated him, yes, but only because he was an annoying child who would be constantly calling you to talk about anything. Other than that, he was a good friend of yours.
"You've been preparing for a whole ass year, you'll be fine." you softly reassured him.
"I still believe I need more time."
"If you want my opinion, you'll never feel ready. I can assure you that you are more than well-prepared for this position." you said before going back to your room.
"Are you going to be there tomorrow?"
You sighed heavily as you let yourself fall on your bed. "Yeah, but don't expect me to talk to you."
"I know." he said sadly.
There was a pause in the conversation. You took it as an opportunity to change into a more comfortable outfit since you wouldn't be going out until the morning after.
"You still there?" you heard through your phone.
You picked it up again and placed it on your ear. "Yeah."
"I- Do you think it's weird for me to want things to be different?" he breathed out.
You frowned. "What do you mean?"
"You hated me before, right?"
"Yeah..." you trailed off, even more confused. "I still do, honestly."
"Yeah, well not like you used to. And I hated you too."
"Just get to the point." you complained.
"Right." he coughed. "I wish we could have continued what happened last year."
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two. - a year ago -
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." you cursed under your breath.
From afar, you saw your sworn enemy, Han Jisung, walk towards the baggage reclaim area, looking around for his own. You put on your sunglasses in hopes he wouldn't notice you. To your luck, he didn't as he seemed more preoccupied with finding his luggage.
You turned on your heels and walked away as fast as you could. In all of the places in the world, he had to be exactly where you were at for your little solo escapade. Add to that it was at the same time. You couldn't go back, this trip had cost you too much already.
"Well, well." you heard from behind. "If this isn't Miss L/N." he said in a cocky voice.
You shut your eyes closed before turning around, coming face to face with the man. "And if this isn't Mr. Too-Much-Ego-For-His-Own-Good." you faked a smile.
"I appreciate your worry about my ego, L/N, but I don't think it is necessary." he smirked at you. "Unless you actually have feelings under that pretty façade of yours."
It was your turn to send him a smirk. "I understand from what you said that you think I am pretty?"
His smile dropped. "You wish, princess."
With that, he left you in the middle of the airport as he headed towards the exit. Calling for a cab, he disappeared moments later. You could finally breathe a little. After making sure he wasn't around anymore, you went ahead yourself to get in a cab. You told the driver the location of the hotel you had reserved at, and it took him no time to drive away from the airport.
When you arrived, he was kind enough to help you with your bags before the valet took you in charge and brought them to your room. He led the way to the suite you had booked and made sure it was to your comfort before leaving. The sunlight was refreshing and the view as well compared to your house in the middle of the city back home. You walked to your balcony to take in the fresh air, letting yourself feel the warm breeze.
"Enjoying the view, L/N?"
Turning your head to your left, your eyes grew wider. This had to be a joke. There was no way he was in the room next to yours.
"Han." you muttered.
"I'm starting to think you are stalking me." he let out a laugh.
Even from his balcony that was a bit afar from yours, you could see the smug look plastered on his face. He was one hell of a jerk to be accusing you of such things, especially considering how much your families were against each other.
"I could say the same about you." you snorted.
"Don't expect this much from me, princess. If I wanted to pay attention to you, I would have done so way before."
How much you hated this pretty face of his. "Sure. Just don't bother my vacation." you huffed.
"You already ruined mine." he shot at you before walking back inside.
You soon did the same and rushed to get your phone, although you had promised yourself to not use it for the next two months of your getaway. In a hurry, you searched up Chan's contact and called him.
"I told you! You didn't even last an hour without your phone." he laughed as he answered.
"Han is here."
Chan said nothing, you could only hear his breath.
"Do you want to know the best?" you continued. "He's in the same fucking hotel in the room next to fucking mine."
"Oh." was all what came out of his mouth.
You grunted. "Thank you for the support, Bang."
"I'm sorry, Y/N, but this is kind of a lot to process." he chuckled awkwardly.
"Yeah, no shit..."
"Look, it can't be that bad! Just ignore him and he'll do the same. You two don't even look at each other during events, you can do the same now."
In a way, Chan was right. How bad could it be if the only thing you would do is go out in the sun and enjoy the beach? Sure, you were staying at the same hotel, but it didn't mean you were going to bump into each other every two seconds.
"Alright, I suppose it could have been worse. He just gets on my nerves so much."
"Ignore him and enjoy your trip, okay? I have to go now, but call me anytime."
"Thank you, Chan."
That night, you opted for having dinner at the restaurant in the lobby. From what you have heard, they served the best beef on Earth and there was no way you would miss your chance to taste it. You dressed in a casual attire, in contrary of your usual blazer you'd wear for work, and didn't even bother to look presentable. On this island in the middle of nowhere, who was going to recognize you anyway? Your cropped top with the skirt you picked definitely weren't going to be much of a problem.
The server offered for you to sit at their bar to taste their cocktails they offered along with the meat. You denied kindly and he assigned you to a single table near the window. From there, you had a perfect view of the sea and the sunset which were simply breathtaking. For the first time since your arrival, you finally felt at ease, which was exactly what you were going for. No stress, no pressure, just calmness.
"I'll have the flank steak with the potatoes, please." you ordered to the waiter, who took your menu after he noted it down.
The meal arrived not too long after. Taking a bite, you hummed from the taste, satisfied with the flavours. This was a perfect scenario; alone in the middle of nowhere eating the best food without anyone to bother you.
"Sorry ma'am." the waiter said, bringing a red drink in his hand. "The gentleman at the bar ordered this for you."
He left it on the table, making you almost blush. Not only was your night already perfect, but you could have your summer love at this instant. Your gaze moved to the counter with anticipation, until your smile was replaced by a glare.
"Are you being for real?" you scoffed, almost not believing what was happening.
"This is the most I have seen you in an entire day, Miss L/N." Han grinned, having the same drink as yours in his hand.
He left some money next to his plate before getting up and taking place on the seat in front of you. Your eyes followed his movements, daggers through them. He looked extremely handsome, more than usual. There was something about him wearing his shirt with a few buttons undone and neat jeans that had some sort of effect on you.
"What do you think you are doing?" you questioned, crossing your arms.
"I paid a beautiful lady a drink, what is so wrong with that?" he smirked.
Shaking your head in disbelief, you chuckled at him. "Are you seriously trying to flirt with someone you cursed at in public for the last month or so?"
He shrugged his shoulders as he took a sip of the red liquor. "This is in no way a professional setting, I'm allowing myself to let it loose. It might be something you should consider doing as well, princess."
"As if." you let out a laugh.
"I'm serious. Other than work, I don't see a reason for hating you at this moment. When you think about it, right now, we are two respectably office workers who are simply on a break on this beautiful island."
A playful smiled appeared on your face slowly. "You are right, Han. Maybe we could put our work aside for the following weeks."
You took this as a way to avoid awkward interactions, but mostly, it would avoid him shooting insults at you for the time being. If you were going to be seeing him regularly, might as well make a truce to be able to enjoy your stay.
"I didn't expect you to be agreeing with me." he tilted his head to the side. "How long are you staying anyway?"
"Two months."
He let out a hum. "Same as me."
"Great." you muttered.
Finally feeling the need of a drink, you took a sip of the one Han bought you. Your stare stayed cold as he observed your gestures. His eyes were almond round, but there was this intimating hint in them that you couldn't quite put a finger on. You were visibly both still on the edge. However, it was somehow more tolerable than usual.
He raised his glass towards you and you copied his move. "What are we toasting for?" you raised an eyebrow.
He grinned at you. "To us, two known rivals who bury the hatchet for two months."
"To us."
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three. - eleven months and three weeks ago -
The first week had passed by so fast. Although you had planned to do so many things, you had barely gone outside. Unlike what you originally thought, you were not able to get away from work as easily. With a couple of calls here and there, signing documents to confirm shipments and others, you had little time to go out and enjoy the weather.
"What did I tell you?" Chan sighed, video calling you from his office. "I thought this was to forget about work."
"I know, I know." you groaned while rummaging through the clothes you packed. "I promise, today, I'll do nothing else but go to the beach and take a dip in the sea."
"Yeah, if you can find your bathing suit." he held in a laugh as he watched you struggle. "I'd offer to help, but I am eight hours away from you."
"Oh, wow, Channie." you turned to look at your phone. "I didn't know, I'm so glad to know you wanted to help still."
"Drop the attitude." he rolled his eyes. "You should be enjoying the sun instead of talking to me."
"You're my only source of entertainment since I got here, my bad." you held your hands up in defense. "Though I'm sure you have a lot of work right now, so I'll leave you be."
"Good plan. Have a good first day of vacation!" he waved before hanging up, not letting you say it back.
"This asshole." you mumbled to yourself.
Finally getting a hold of your bikini, you changed into it and wore a long summer dress over it so you could easily remove it once at the beach. You packed a tube of sunscreen, sunglasses, sandals, a bottle of water, and a book to spend the time.
You got there in a matter of minutes since your hotel was so close to the shore. There were already a lot of people, but you managed to find a spot a bit further where you could have some peace. There was a long chair installed with a parasol and a small table, so you placed your things, laying them out neatly, before you removed your dress. You were about to put on your sunscreen, until you heard a whistle from your left. Looking for the source of the sound, your eyes laid on a man. He wasn't so old, but he was visibly way older than you.
"Hi, Miss." he presented himself politely. "My name is Ko Sangwook."
"Okay." you said nonchalantly.
"And you are?"
"Annoyed you came here to bother me." you snapped at him. "If your way of flirting is whistling at a woman because you saw her at the beach in a bathing suit, I can understand why you are still looking for someone at your age."
"I-" he started, but you raised your hand up to stop him.
"I came here to relax and enjoy the view, so if you don't mind, it'll be very appreciated if you leave me alone."
"I didn't mean to-"
"I know what you meant." you cut him off again. "But like I said, I'd like to be left alone, thank you."
His shoulders dropped in defeat before he turned on his heels and walked back to where he previously was. Satisfied, you went back to putting on the cream on your arms. As you thought you had finally some tranquility, you heard someone clapping their hands slowly as they approached you. You immediately knew who it was.
"I almost interfered but I might say, you are rather good at handling such situations, L/N." he commented as he continued to clap.
You gave him a polite smile. "I'd usually tell you to fuck off, but in the context of the vacation, I'll gladly thank you."
Han snickered as he approached you. "You are very welcome."
He, himself, was in his swimming shorts with a loose white t-shirt and sunglasses that were pushing his hair back. This was a much different look from what you had seen him wear before and it was surely the first time you noticed the muscles he had through the fabric.
"Did you get here early?" you asked, now rubbing your legs with the cream.
He was checking you out, there was no doubt. However, the attention you were receiving was the least of your worries. Instead, you tried to focus on smoothing the white of the sunscreen.
"No, I got here about fifteen minutes ago. If I'm being honest, Miss L/N, I expected to be crossing your way sooner than today."
"I had issues to attend to." you responded, keeping it brief.
He dared to sit next to you as he saw you struggle to do your shoulders. Taking the tube from your hands, he squirted a certain amount and gave you a look as to ask for your permission. You nodded slowly and he started to rub your back gently, applying where you couldn't reach.
"Let me guess." he continued the conversation. "Work?"
"Precisely." you answered, suddenly not so focused as you felt his hands massage your shoulders. "I couldn't leave the paperwork to the staff, they would have messed it up."
"I see." he hummed.
To your disappointment, he was already done with putting on your sunscreen and he got up, rubbing his hands together with the remaining of it.
"Enjoy your day, princess." he said before he walked the opposite way from you.
You let out a huff, your brain trying to process the last couple of minutes. You shook it off. This was Han being polite, nothing more. Thus, you picked up your book and started to read, a way to change your mind. It didn't work. Your eyes kept drifting to where the blond-haired man was. Now totally shirtless, it was way harder to ignore his figure. One hell of a man he was.
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four. - now -
You coughed, not knowing what to respond to him. He seemed to notice your discomfort as he immediately tried to justify himself, although you already knew what he was referring to.
"I mean, back when we could be casual with each other without worrying about... Well, not casual, but at ease?"
"I get it, Jisung." you said, pinching in-between your eyes. "Listen, I'm sure tomorrow will go wonderful for you. This is what you've been working for all of these years, no?"
There was hesitation in his voice as he answered. "It is, you are right."
"Alright... I have to go now, I have a big day tomorrow, and so do you."
"Yeah..." he mumbled. "Thank you, Y/N."
"Good night, Han." you hung up.
Burying your face in your hands, you recalled the previous year. So much had happened since then, you didn't know why you kept secretly befriending the enemy. This was wrong, in all aspects.
"Miss L/N." you heard from your door. "I have your laundry. What do you want me to do with it?"
You opened the door to meet eyes with the sweet Jeongin, your assistant slash butler. "Innie, be casual with me." you chuckled.
"I would but your dad is, like, staring at me." he whispered to you, which made you laugh.
"I'll just take these from you." You then noticed another piece of clothing that did not belong to you while you took the pile of clean shirts from him. "What is this?"
"Ah." he exclaimed before holding it higher for you to see. "Mr. Bang told me about tomorrow, so I thought I could shop something for you. Don't be mad, I just thought you wouldn't have the time."
Analyzing the gown, you grinned from ear to ear. It was a beautiful silk red dress with a long skirt that seemed to be flowing even though the man holding it was barely moving. You noticed it had pockets and it only made you love it even more. If anything, Jeongin had the best taste in terms of clothing.
"It's okay, Jeongin. I love it."
"I knew you would." he smiled with you and gave it to you. "Sleep well." he waved.
"You too."
The next day, you woke up with the worst headache. You would have taken the day off, if it wasn't for the agreement you still had to sign with Chan. The guy forgot to send you the papers, and so had you forgotten to remind him. Both of you were so smart, but when put together, it was a disaster.
You walked in his office, a coffee in hand and eyebags taking half of your face, and then slumped on the chair in front of his desk. He gave you a suspicious look, but didn't bother questioning you when he spotted the box of doughnuts in your other hand.
"Is this for me?" he asked excitedly.
You yawned loudly while nodding your head, dropping the box in front of him. "I got the caramel thingy you love so much."
"You're the best." he smiled at you. "I can't eat them yet, though. We have some stuff to sign, my dear."
With a groan, you grabbed a pen laying on his agenda and straightened your posture, ready to sign. He took out a document out of a file and started to read out the conditions. There were basic ones, such as the percentage of gain for each party and the duration of the contract.
"Yeah, yeah, I know all of this already, we wrote it together." you whined, growing impatient.
"Sorry for following proper protocol, Mrs. I-Am-Still-Asleep." he rolled his eyes at you.
"Headache." you answered. "Where do I sign?"
He pointed you a few places while turning the pages. "And here."
"This feels like I'm committing to a marriage." you grumbled.
He stopped his motion and sent you a glare. "Y/N, please focus."
You eventually signed everything and Chan made a copy for you. He kept his in a folder before putting it away in his drawer. Business was easy with him, you liked it.
You yawned once more as you put the paper in your briefcase. "My father will be happy this is finally done."
"I suggest you take a nap with some pills before tonight, you don't look too good." he pointed out with a raised eyebrow.
"Can I just crash on your couch?" you motioned the sofa in the corner of his office.
He shrugged. "Sure, but a heads up, Han is coming in a like thirty minutes."
Your eyes widened. "Uh?"
"We have a couple of things to get cleared up before tonight. It won't be long, I promise. You tolerated him for two months last year, you can handle an hour or so."
Did you handle the two months? You begged to differ.
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five. - eleven months ago -
Avoiding Han was easier when going to a different beach, further away from the one next to the hotel. It required you more transport, but the episode of the sunscreen left you traumatized almost. It was primordial for it to not occur again.
However, there was so much you could do to not meet him again. Tonight, the hotel was organizing a night on the beach for dancing and partying. You were still a woman in your 20s, there was no way you would be missing out on this. That also meant Han wasn't going to skip it either.
The moment you stepped foot on the sand, you saw him. He was discussing with a lady at the bar. Dressed in a short-sleeved buttoned shirt that was clearly too loose for him, he matched it with ripped jeans shorts and a silver chain around his neck. The woman with him was the definition of a popular girl you would meet in high school. Blond hair that matched his, bralette that enhanced the forms of her breast and a skin way too perfect to be real.
You had dressed up for the occasion as well. Although you had more self-preservation than her, you had picked a V shaped top with yet another one of your skirts. This one was longer and the fabric flooded perfectly as you walked. You went close to where he was sitting, ordering a margarita for yourself.
"Excuse me for a moment." he said, bowing apologetically to the lady.
Slowly, he made his way to you. You wondered where in this mind of his he thought talking to you was more worth it than speaking with the hot chick he had just abandoned.
"I would have never thought of you as one for the margaritas." he stated when the drink was placed in front of you.
"And I would have never guessed you liked bimbos." you replied with a knowing smile. "Known to break hearts, Han?"
He chuckled as he shook his head. "I used to be a wild teenager, I have to admit that."
"Not a surprise." you shrugged and drank your cocktail.
"How were you?" To this, you frowned at him. "In high school, I mean."
Looking up, you started to roll your memories from then in your head. "More reasonable and responsible than you were, I'd say."
"There is no doubt." he let out a laugh. "You dated Mr. Bang, didn't you?"
You froze at his words. For an instant, he reminded why you hated his family. They would never mind their own business and were constantly asking around for the gossip. This came to their advantage, they were known to expose the fraud within the industry.
"Is this why he's saving your ass from when my father sued yours?"
"Weren't you the one who wanted to bury the hatchet?" you said in a challenging voice.
"My apologies, princess." he snickered. "Curiosity got the best of me."
You turned your attention back on the drink in your hands. "I never dated Chan. I didn't even know him back in high school."
"It doesn't look like your relationship is platonic. I'm sure you are aware of what is said in the medias about the two of you."
You instantly got what he meant by that. "There is no marriage arrangement." you simply replied. "Did it answer your questions?"
"It did." he affirmed, now taking a sip of his own alcoholic liquor.
You considered you'd had enough of the conversation. By then, you had drawn a good image of what the Han family were discussing among themselves, and to no surprise, it was pure bullshit. You chugged the rest of your margarita and the shot of tequila you ordered along with it. Wincing at the strong taste, you put the glass down before walking towards the dance floor. Han stopped you.
Sending him a roll of your eyes, you smacked his hand away from your arm. "Am I not allowed to go have fun? Do I need the permission of the great Han Jisung?"
"I was simply about to ask you to dance with me."
You scoffed. "After your stunt about my personal life? I don't think so."
You found yourself moving along the music alone, soon then joined by another young man. From afar, you saw that Han had gone back to flirting with the big boobed girl from earlier. Good for him, he seemed to be lacking some action. As for the boy dancing with you, he was rather attractive. You grew to learn that his name was Felix and that he came from Australia. He was also a young wealthy man who was looking for a getaway from the toxicity of the business. It seemed to be a common pattern for most people like you.
"I see you know my mate, Jisung." he told you when he brought you afar from the noise, walking along the water.
You glanced back to Han's direction as he was moving with the blondie, her ass grinding on him. "He's nothing more than a mere acquaintance."
"Oh." Felix nodded his head. "I apologize, it seemed like more from where I watched the two of you."
You huffed, not believing a word he was saying. "We're rivals. If anything, I despise him."
He laughed at your words. "Hard feelings?"
You shook your head. "Not him in particular, his family in general." you breathed out before stopping to look at the small waves. "This is beautiful."
"It truly is."
A slight smile crept its way on your mouth. "The stars look like the freckles on your face."
He let out a chuckle. "You're a romantic?"
"When the man who keeps me company is to my liking, yes." you flirted.
This was definitely the alcohol speaking, but Felix was good-looking. You were not going to beat yourself for having an interest in him.
"I take it as in you appreciate my presence." he said in a soft tone, taking a step closer to you.
As he was now hovering you, you felt your heart pounding. "Good assumption." you whispered.
Carefully, he leaned in to meet your lips with his. He was undeniably an excellent kisser and he knew what he was doing. He eventually poked your lips with his tongue, asking for permission to slide it in yours. You let your mouth agape and went on to make out sensually. He slowly moved his hands from your waist to your ass which made you gasp at the contact.
"Sorry." he mumbled.
"Don't be." you breathed out heavily.
You moved your lips down his throat, moving to the muscle in-between his neck and his shoulder. It was his turn to let out a groan, making him grasp tighter on your ass cheeks.
"You want to do this here?" he grunted, still in shock from your sucking on his skin.
"We can take this to my room, unless you can't wait." you said in a moan.
Without another word, he grabbed your hand and ran back to the hotel. On the way there, you exchanged glances with Han. He had the woman all over him, but he didn't seem to enjoy it as much as he should. Instead, his eyes were dark as he followed your figure running to the building. You would have questioned it, but Felix picking you up bridal style quickly shifted your thoughts elsewhere.
When the doors of the elevator closed, Felix's lips were back on yours and his hands were, again, fondling your butt. Too immersed in the moment, you didn't think twice as you removed his shirt. He was stunned by your action, especially because you were still in public technically, but he didn't fight back. Your eyes directly went to his abdominal muscles, leaving your mouth open.
"I think it was a good idea to work out again for my part." he chuckled.
Next thing you know, you're in your room with an Australian cutie on top of you. It was good, excellent you dared to think, but that was it. A one-night stand, nothing more.
When waking up, you felt horrible for not seeing him more than that. He was even prettier in the sunlight, but it was just that. He slowly woke up, grunting while stretching his arms out.
"Hey." he waved at you cutely. "Good morning."
"Hey." you waved back as you sit up. "Last night was nice." you commented, and he nodded in agreement.
"It was." he said, but seemed hesitant. Lifting his body up to lean on his elbows, he looked at you. "I didn't... feel it, though."
You let out a groan of relief. "Thank God, because me neither."
He laughed. "It was really good, though." he trailed off.
He lifted his hand up to the back of your neck and pulled you close to his face. Kissing him was hot, he didn't leave room for it to be an innocent gesture. He moved slowly to press your body down on the bed as he turned to be on top of you.
"You're so fucking hot." he almost growled.
As you felt him suck in your neck, you moaned at the sensation from the contact. "Same for you." you managed to spill out.
He backed away a little and stared right back into your eyes. "I don't mind keeping contact as a friend, but I'd love if we can keep doing this."
"Agreed." you quickly answered before bringing him back to the crook of your neck, already in need of feeling him.
"Fuck, so eager." he rasped out, leaving a couple of sloppy kisses along your throat. "You're into morning sex, aren't you?
"You talk too much." you groaned, going back to kissing him.
His phone went off. It distracted you for a second, but you rapidly went back to business as Felix started to massage your thigh. He was about to go further, when the ringtone went off again. With a loud sigh, he separated his body from yours and went to pick up his device. Answering, he still kept touching you, leaving you vulnerable in all ways.
"Felix, I get L/N is hot, but try to keep quiet?" you heard Han say through the phone.
Felix stopped touching you as a frown made its way on his face. "What do you mean?"
"My room is next to hers, I can hear you two fuck."
A blush crept on your cheeks, both from embarrassment and anger. Did he really have the guts to listen to you in such an intimate moment?
"Well, don't listen?" Felix replied in a small voice.
"Trust me, I would, but you two are loud as fuck and the walls are thin like paper."
That meant you would have heard him if he slept with the girl, but you didn't. You couldn't get why this reassured you.
"Alright, sorry." Felix breathed out, passing a hand through his silver locks. "Are you still up for shopping later?"
"Yeah, for sure. Meet me there at 11?"
You looked at the clock and it was already 9.
"Yes. See you there, mate." He hung up and gave you an apologetic smile. "I'm so sorry."
You shrugged. "I'm here for another month or so, we can definitely do this again."
He gave you a satisfied smirk. "I'll wait. But for now, how do you feel about working you up a little?"
You huffed. "I'm definitely keeping you around just for that."
Minutes later, you were even more of a mess than the previous night as you let out uncontrollable gasps and moans. Felix did take care of you afterwards, making you a coffee from the machine in the corner of the room.
"You seem to have a lot of experience." you complimented as you took the mug he gave you.
He shook his head. "Not so much, actually. I recently broke up with my now-ex fiancée."
You winced at the thought before drinking your coffee. "I'm so sorry."
"It's nothing. I caught her cheating and it wasn't the first time."
"That's even worse..." you mumbled.
"It is. It sucked a lot. It's one of the reasons why I needed to leave Australia for a bit, change scenery."
"Understandable really." you nodded.
"What about you? How come are you in the middle of nowhere with your hotel suite right next to your so-called enemy?" he questioned.
You rolled your eyes, already annoyed at the simple thought of him. "Pure coincidence, really. We did agree to put all of it aside for the time of the vacation, but he does get on my nerves a lot."
"Jisung can be insufferable, I'll give you that." he laughed. "But he's not that bad. In fact, he might me among the few real people I've met here. And trust me, I've talked to almost everyone in this hotel."
You shook your head while laughing with him. "I have no doubt he is, but we'll never get along. It's like that and always has been."
"If you say so."
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six. - ten months and three weeks ago -
You hooked up one more time with Felix before he had to fly back to his home country. Promising each other to keep contact, you watched him leave the hotel after he hugged you tightly.
"Already missing your boo?" Han joked.
He had tagged along with sending Felix off with you, much to your displeasure. This was the first time you saw him again after the party at the beach.
"I'm sure he told you it was purely platonic." you spat out before heading back inside.
"I'm kidding." he said in a much softer tone as he ran to catch up with your speed. "Are you coming to the bonfire tonight?"
You lifted an eyebrow at him. "There is a bonfire?"
"Yeah, another thing the hotel is hosting."
You shrugged your shoulders. "I suppose I can go check it out."
"I'll be there if you want to join me."
You chuckled at him. "If it's to watch you with bimbo girl again, no thanks."
To this, a smirk slowly appeared on his face. "Jealous much, princess?"
You wanted to punch him. "Of course, I would totally be heartbroken to see you rub your dick against a fake booty." you exclaimed in a sarcastic way.
He deadpanned at you. "I get the point, L/N."
"Then you understand I'll most likely not be joining you tonight."
"I'm the only person you know here apart from Felix. And since he just left, you have no other option than sticking with me."
"Logical, indeed." you replied. "Alright, I suppose I could use some company, although I doubt you'll be able to entertain me much, Mr. Han."
"You'll see."
You had finally reached your suites by then. Thus, he walked inside while not forgetting to send a wink your way. You felt your face getting warmer as you went in your own.
With a deep breath to shake it off, you walked to your luggage in order to inspect the few articles of clothing that would be appropriate for tonight. Your dresses were either too tight or you had already wore a couple of them. There was no way you were going to show up in pants. Then, you spotted a pair of short shorts with a tight tank top laying next to it. Your mind worked as it figured if it would be a good outfit as you imagined it with your oversized knitted cardigan. This seemed to work.
A few hours went by and you had chosen to add a few necklaces to add to your look. Boringly staring at the television in front of your bed, you didn't notice it was nearing the start of the bonfire. With a loud pounding at your door, you let out an annoyed grunt before answering and letting the man in.
"You look rather lovely." he commented.
His clothing wasn't different from usual, apart from the sleeveless shirt he had on that made his arms look very fit. His hair was in a messier state that what you had seen before but it fitted him well.
"And you look like some fuckboy." you responded and he huffed at you. "May you lead the way, please?"
"Sure, ma'am."
He didn't wait for you. He didn't even look back at you as he left to head towards the elevator. Not wanting for him to close the doors in your face, you hurried to join him with a little sprint. You truly asked yourself why you hadn't chopped his head yet.
"So courteous of you." you joked, already out of breath from your running.
"I try to be." he said with the same damn smug look he always had on. "Stamina is not your forte?"
"I don't have time for maintaining these types of things."
The elevator opened and, this time, he extended his arm out for you to hold on. Reluctantly, you gripped onto it before he started to walk towards the beach. Well, towards the bar. Now you were really wondering how he hadn't had a harsh hangover yet.
"Shall I buy you a margarita?" he asked as you were getting closer to the barman.
"Sex on the beach."
"Freaky." he hummed, resulting to you giving him a punch on the stomach with your elbow.
He grunted at the contact, but didn't say more. He left you alone as he went to order your drinks. In the meantime, you watched the young adults partying near the already growing fire. You didn't think you would be experiencing something like this again after college, even less after you entered your father's company. Frankly, this was the first time you went to social events like these.
"Here." Han held out the cocktail to you while drinking his own. "I haven't had a sex on the beach in years. You've got good taste, L/N."
You chuckled. "I stick to what I know, that's all." you shrugged.
You began to walk again but in a slower pace to not spill out the liquids in your possession. Much to your excitement, you spotted a group of three men sitting on logs in a small circle as one played the guitar. Not even consulting Han first, you made your way to them. Although your sudden change of direction took him by surprise, he followed you as you greeted the young men.
"Good evening." you waved and one of them smiled at you brightly. "I'm Y/N, and this is my..." you paused for an instant, searching for what you should be calling him.
"We're business partners." Han finished for you. "I'm Han Jisung."
The guy holding the guitar opened his eyes wide at the mention of the name. "As in the future chairman of Han techs?" he questioned, to which Han nodded. "You had a brief time in the music industry, am I wrong?"
This took you by surprise, especially when you saw Han acquiesce. The man, who later introduced himself as Seungmin, told him he followed his platform back then and had been trying to learn the guitar for a while. You watched your companion of the evening sit next to him as he explained the chords and more. You had never seen him speak with such passion, it was almost attractive. The simple fact he knew how the play the guitar would have been good enough for you to be interested if he wasn't Han Jisung.
"And you're Y/N L/N of the L/N Corporation?" the guy sitting next to Seungmin asked.
"That's me." you said before sitting down next to him.
"I'm Changbin, and this is my friend Minho."
You bowed at him as he waved at you kindly. He focused back on watching Seungmin and Han interact.
"I'm surprised to see you with a Han, I thought your families didn't have the greatest relationship." Changbin stated.
"We didn't intend to be coming here at the same time." you briefly explained. "I wouldn't be around him in normal circumstances."
"I believe you, don't worry." he laughed.
"I heard you wanted to release more music." Seungmin said to Han who was the one holding the instrument now.
He chuckled awkwardly as he tuned the strings. "I won't be able to do that anymore."
"Why not?" you asked.
His head shot up to look back at you. There was glistening in his irises, which was probably the reflection of the fire. He sent you a knowing smile.
"Work." he responded simply, his eyes still on you.
It was as if this simple word meant a thousand things. There was something you couldn't understand in his tone, but you got one part right; he gave up music for the company.
"Play something."
Startled by your request, he blinked a couple of times before letting out a quiet cough. "I'm sure I'm rusty."
"Please." Seungmin insisted. "It'd be great to hear you perform acoustically."
Sighing in defeat, he adjusted his posture. Placing his fingers correctly, he frowned as concentration took over. Then, he strummed the strings which left a beautiful sound. It sounded oddly familiar, but you let him play. Just when you thought he couldn't have amazed you more, he started to sing. Now, in a normal context, you'd say you fell in love right there and then. But it's Han Jisung. So, you were being content with simply enjoying the melody for now. He was talented, that was evident, but you would never say it in his face.
He sang the outro of the song with his gaze on yours. He noticed the pink appearing on your face and he didn't want to assume he was the one making you feel like this. Embarrassed, you looked at the bottom of your glass that was already empty. Han ended the song beautifully and the boys clapped their hands.
"Thank you, J.One." Seungmin snickered as he patted Han's back.
It hit you. The familiarity you had with the track was because it was one on your playlist, credited by J.One.
"You're that rapper dude who sometimes sings that I keep hearing on the radio?" you exclaimed in total shock.
As shocked by your words as you were, he nodded. "My father doesn't know. Please, Y/N, I beg you to not tell him."
Y/N... it sounded pretty coming out of his mouth. Without even knowing, you did grow familiar to one another since the beginning of this vacation. It was only a matter of time before you dropped the honorifics, such as calling each other by your last name.
"I won't." you smiled at him.
This was the first genuine smile he got from you that was actually directed to him. His heart skipped a beat. He wished he had seen it before, it made you glow.
"Thank you." he said softly.
As he stared between the two of you, Minho coughed to break the moment. "How about we join the actual party?" he prompted and the others stood up as to agree with his suggestion.
Changbin offered you a hand, but you kindly declined. "Are you sure?" he raised an eyebrow.
"I'm sure, thank you. I'll join you all later.'
"If you say so." he shrugged before running to Seungmin and Minho.
Han, however, was still at the same spot on the log with the guitar laying next to him. He watched the gathering around the fire and sighed loudly. You gave him a curious look, but didn't dare to ask what was on his mind. It wasn't your place to do so. As if he would be telling you anyway.
"We have three weeks left." he said no one in particular, his stare still on the dancing people. "It goes by so fast."
"It does." you affirmed. "I can't wait to be back home, though. It can get lonely here."
"I'm here." he pointed out.
"I wouldn't call you an enjoyable presence."
He winced, faking to be hurt by your words. "I can't blame you. Still hurts."
"You'll get over it, whiny boy." you shook your head in exasperation.
Another silence took over. Rather than wanting to shoot yourself for having him around, it almost felt like you were at home. His presence alone, whether you liked it or not, was comforting.
"For real, though." he spoke again. "I don't want to go back."
"Why not?"
He moved his stare towards you. "You know why."
You shrugged. "It was our fate since the day we were born."
"Exactly." he snapped. "All of our life is already planned in every way even before we can speak. I didn't ask to work for my dad, and I surely didn't decide on hating you."
For the first time, you heard him out. You were listening to the real Han Jisung. In a way, you had to agree with him; life within a world like yours wasn't easy. People were expecting so much of you, the pressure was constant. In all honesty, you thought Han was used to this lifestyle and actually enjoyed it. You were proven wrong.
"If I'm being truthful, I would have never hated you in the first place." he continued. "I mean, I have no valid reason."
You felt a lump form in your throat. "You know your father will kill you for even addressing me like this."
"Like what?" he cocked his head to the side.
"So casually..." you murmured.
He laughed a little. "You're quite the only here who can relate to what I'm going through. I'm simply taking the opportunity to rant, that's all."
"We are rivals, Han."
You blinked twice. "Pardon me?"
"Call me Jisung, please."
You nodded, uncomfortable by his request. "Well, Jisung, while we are at it, should I complain as well?"
He gestured to you. "Be my guest."
"Okay..." you breathed in. "I wish I could hang out with Chan like we used to back in college. Ever since he got to his new role, I barely see him out of his office."
He hummed as you talked. "Right, Bang..." he trailed off. "You really love him, don't you?"
You frowned at him. "He's a close friend, yeah. Probably the only one I have, to be honest."
He broke into laughter. "I'm sorry, Y/N, but this is kind of sad."
"Who are you to say that? The only friend I am aware you have is Felix Lee." you scoffed.
He suddenly went back to his serious face, now sending you a glare. "I hate you."
"Breaking news." you said sarcastically.
"It was a joke." he snorted. "I literally just told you I don't really."
You realized you didn't get that this was what he had insinuated when he said he wouldn't hate you if it wasn't for his family. Thinking about it now, you also couldn't pinpoint a good argument on why you couldn't get along. Frankly, you had every aspect to be bonding: both heirs of grand companies, both pressured by the public, and both on a vacation to run away from it all. Adding the fact he was able to keep your holiday interesting in a way, he was fine really.
"I don't hate you either."
This seemed to take him by surprise. "You don't?"
You shook your head as a no. "I grew up hating your family, I naturally assumed you are as much of an asshole. I mean, you are, but in a nice way."
"Thank you?" he said, sounding more like a question. "I don't agree with most of what they are doing. I would rather be doing my music than working for them."
You chuckled. "I would have never guessed you are J.One."
"Well, I don't go around telling people. I'm surprised Seungmin knew, he must have been following my stuff for a while."
Talking about him, Seungmin had ran back to you. Taking your hands in his, he forced you up to go join the others. You argued you didn't feel like partying, but gave in eventually. Soon after, it was Jisung's turn to get fetched by Minho. Changbin had bought some beers for you all and you jammed to the music as you drank and enjoyed the warmth of the fire. At some point, you didn't notice how, but Jisung was casually swirling you around in a messy manner, the sand not cooperating with the stability of his feet. As for you, you were laughing uncontrollably for pretty much nothing as he kept guiding your body along the beats coming from the speakers. You hadn't had this much fun in a while, it felt amazing.
To your disappointment, the night came to an end. People dispersed on the beach as they regrouped in smaller crowds. Not much dancing was happening. You saw most of them heading back to the hotel, Minho and Seungmin among them. Changbin stayed behind as to make sure you and Jisung were doing okay. The man had one too many drinks, but you were surprisingly able to walk in a straight line still.
"Is he always like this?" Changbin laughed as Han tripped over his own feet again.
"I wouldn't know." you snickered with him. "But I'll have to admit, he's kind of cute being all lost and shit."
"I heard that!" Jisung smirked, now standing.
He clumsily joined you and slumped his arm around your small figure to get some balance. "Easy there." you laughed out.
"I'm fine."
Changbin helped you bring him to his room as you laid him on his bed. He argued with you that he didn't need to be taken care of, but the way he stood on the mattress told you otherwise. You assure Changbin that you could handle him from then on and he left the two of you alone, doubt still plastered on his face.
"Do you need anything?" you asked the drunk man as he attempted to walk up to you.
"I need you with me." he pouted which was too adorable for your liking.
"I'm already here with you."
In response, he grabbed your arm and dragged you to his bed along with him. Though he tried to do it carefully, he pushed you under the convers and tucked you in as if you were a toddler. You didn't fight back.
"I meant to stay with me for tonight." he grinned before going into the blankets next to you. "Do you like Felix?"
The abrupt change of topic caught you by surprise. Slowly, you moved your gaze to him as questions popped in your head. Was he in his right mind?
"I think he's a great guy, yeah." you responded although you were quite lost.
"He was a good fuck?"
You slapped him across his chest. "This is so inappropriate."
He scoffed. "Is it? I heard your moans for hours that night. Consider yourself lucky I only complained once."
"Were you listening all along? You pervert..."
You could not see his face due to the lack of lighting, but you could easily tell he was rolling his eyes at you. "Not intentionally." he sighed. "But quite honestly, I hated hearing you scream his name."
"Was I that annoying?" you joked.
"No, the opposite."
To this, you stood up from the pillow under your head and tried to find his eyes within the darkness. With the little light coming from the moon, you made out his features and saw some sort of sadness. If you weren't confused before, you definitely were now.
"Sorry, what?" you whispered.
It was his turn to get up from the mattress until his face was to your level. He put his hand up to your face, hesitant, but placed it to the side of your head in the end.
"If you haven't figured it out yet, L/N..." he started but stop when his breath got caught in his throat.
He was nervous. You could tell.
"What didn't I figure out?" you asked softly.
Your breathing wasn't doing any better than his. It was oddly uneven while you were almost shaking from how vulnerable he made you feel. Stroking the apple of your cheeks, he took a deep breath.
"I like you."
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seven. - now -
"A pleasure, Mr. Bang." Han bowed to your friend.
You were still on the couch. While people would immediately think you were napping, you were more awake than ever. The simple sound of his voice was enough to make you fall asleep on a usual basis, but you felt like it could not keep you more conscious at the moment.
"The feeling is reciprocated." Chan bowed as well. "I apologize for Miss L/N sleeping in my office. We had some paperwork this morning and she didn't get much sleep."
Han hummed. "Not surprising considering her reputation."
It stung. Jisung would be the most caring and soft person when you would be alone together. But when put in a situation where a scandal would break if they ever say you interact with your supposed competitor, he was a totally different person. His words were harsh with no feeling. He was like the Han Jisung you used to despise so much.
"What reputation, may I ask?" Chan asked.
"Has she not been seen out with many gentlemen these past few months?"
He was referring to you father's selection of potential husbands he had forced you to go on dates with.
Chan let out an amused chuckle. "You're assuming she spent the night with them?"
"I'm simply talking about what is said."
Chan paused. How much you wished to open your eyes to see how he was reacting.
"Shall we jump to business, Mr. Han?" he changed the subject.
"Right." he coughed. "I apologize."
"I'd have to say congratulations for your new position."
"Thank you very much, I only hope I can be as great of a man as my father was."
"I know the feeling." Chan sighed.
They started to discuss new arrangements and all. You did doze off to sleep eventually, though it took you a while as you were trying to ignore the mixed feelings you had from when Jisung was bad mouthing you. An hour later, Chan woke you up, telling you he was alone now and that you should get home to get ready for the evening.
"Can I crash at your place?" you pouted.
"Y/N..." he said in a stern voice.
"Your bed is much more comfortable!" you argued. "And I don't want to face my dad. I bet he'll be talking to me about the important figures we'll see tonight and I am in no mood to listen to him."
He shook his head. "I have to get ready myself, I'm sorry. I promise I'll be sticking to you like glue for the entire ceremony, though."
"Oof." you made a face. "That's a tough promise you're making there, Mr. Bang. Plus, I know you'll have to speak with Han again. Don't involve me in this."
He let out an exasperate sigh. "What is it with you two? It's as if the hate sky rocked since last summer. What even happened there for you two to be so... disgusted by the other?"
Your mouth went agape. Staring at him blankly, you didn't know what to say. As much as you had tried to hide your relationship that was far from hatred, maybe you had overdone it.
"What are you talking about?"
He sighed again, visibly irritated by your cluelessness. "You know, Y/N. You always talk about him and throw whatever insult that comes to your mind. You didn't even leave just now when I told you he was coming."
Yeah, Chan definitely knew.
"Nothing happened last year."
"Bullshit." he muttered with a 'tsk'.
You got up from the sofa abruptly as you grabbed your purse. "I better get ready."
You stormed out of his office, leaving him no time to stop you from doing so. You felt horrible lying to him like this, but there was no way you were going to let anyone know about you and Jisung. Maybe this was your sign that it was all too risky. You should have done what you told yourself to do when you came back from vacation: stop everything with him. Why did you fall into his trap when he had called you not even 24 hours later while convincing you that it could be a secret?
"Hi, Y/N." Jeongin beamed at you as you arrived home.
"Is my dad here?" you asked, not even having the energy to speak properly to him.
"He left earlier. He went to the convention center in advance."
"Alright." you exhaled. "Want to help me out with getting ready?"
His eyes grew bigger. "I could call Miss Shin instead, no?"
You laughed as he mentioned one of your colleagues. "Jeongin, you're more than capable to help me. I know you like fashion anyway."
"I do..." he confirmed. "But this... it's not very my job to do so."
You rolled your eyes. "You're being dramatic. I'm asking you as a friend."
He ended up agreeing. In your room, he laid out the dress he bought for you on your bed. He asked you to pick out shoes to go along with it while he allowed himself to go through your jewelry box.
"Hoops?" he asked while showing you the pair of earrings. "And this golden chain?"
"Sure." you shrugged. "Do you think I should go with the black heels or the platforms? No, wait. I have these navy ones here." you exclaimed, rummaging through your rack of heels.
"Black ones are fine." he laughed. "I don't think navy matches well with red."
"Good point."
As you picked the shoes and brought them next to the gown, Jeongin spoke again. "I heard you yesterday." You froze in action. "Well, in fact, it was not the first time I heard you discuss with Mr. Han over the phone."
You were fucked.
"As in..." you started but couldn't even finish your sentence properly.
"As in I know you two are faking your little dislike towards each other."
You mentally cursed at yourself for not being careful enough. This only confirmed one thing in your mind: you needed to put an end to this as soon as you could.
"I'll stop this tonight, I swear."
Jeongin chuckled. "I really don't care, Y/N. The past year was the happiest I've ever seen you. If I were you, I wouldn't cut out the only thing that brought me comfort in a really long time."
You bit down your lip, hesitant. "I have to. I'm sure he already got a lot to prove as a new chairman by now. If we keep this going, this will only mark his image for life."
"You do you." he breathed out. "I'm just saying that you do seem fond of him and that it's a shame you'd want to throw it all away."
You didn't say anything. Instead, you picked the dress up and walked to your mirror in the corner of your room. Putting it up in front of your figure, you couldn't help but see yourself dressed like this with Jisung by your side. That would be the perfect picture, if it wasn't for your families. It was an impossible picture.
"Do you want help with your hair?" Jeongin grinned.
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eight. - ten months and a week ago -
You cursed in a mumble at the sight of the man. As you were about to turn around to avoid him, he spotted you before you could do anything. Excusing himself to the woman he was already trying to woo, he ran to where you were standing.
"How delightful to see you here." he said cheerfully, panting from his little run.
"The feeling is the same, Mr. Ko." you faked a smile. "I didn't expect to be seeing you again."
"I had to come and apologize about my behaviour the other day. It was grandly inappropriate if me."
"It was." you agreed.
"If you allow me, I'd love to invite you for a drink."
You smiled awkwardly, until you felt a hand come around your waist.
"If she gets a drink tonight, it would be from me solemnly."
Mr. Ko's gaze went straight to Jisung as blush crept on his face. Bowing apologetically to him, he mumbled some sort of excuses before taking off to where he was previously sat at.
"Great, my knight in shining armour." you groaned as you slapped Jisung's hand away from your body. "I had this under control."
"I know, babe, but it was my time to shine." he smirked at you, placing his hand back on you. "Don't act like you didn't like me getting all protective."
"Going on that date with you last week was a mistake." you grumbled before walking away from him.
"Baby." he whined, catching up to you.
"You're such a child."
He grabbed your wrist to stop you and spun you around, your body now clashing to his chest. Before you could process a reaction, his lips found their way to yours as he laid a small peck.
"You love me like that." he said softly.
You slapped his chest and got away from his grip. "I said not in public." you nagged.
He looked around for a moment and pecked your lips again.
"Han Jisung!" you yelled out.
"There is no one."
He was now holding your hand, his thumb rubbing it gently. You scanned your surroundings for a second, and finally gave in as you let him pull you into a loving kiss.
"You do know they use this lobby for wedding ceremonies, right?" he said once he pulled away.
"Already thinking about marrying me?" you perked an eyebrow.
"I told you, princess, I've been in love with you for years."
With a huff, you started to head towards your room, him having abandoned his some days ago. "Yeah, well, keep dreaming. Once we come back home, this arrangement is over."
He shook his head violently. "Stop bringing it up, please."
"We're leaving in a week, Ji." you exhaled in frustration. "We have to face reality."
"Or." he started, taking both of your hands which stopped you from walking. "We could enjoy the remaining time we have together and worry about the rest later?"
You let go of his hands as you rolled your eyes, going straight back to where your room was. He followed behind closely and you let the door open for him to come in as well.
"Y/N, please." he said, closing the door behind him.
Throwing your belongings on the coffee table, you acted as if you were not listening. Turning on the television as you let yourself fall on the couch was his limit. He took the remote from you and aggressively turned off the screen. With a glare, he threw it away next to you before putting his hands on his hips.
"Are you avoiding this conversation?"
You groaned. "I'm not. It's just..." you cut yourself by rubbing your face. "This is messed up."
"I'll give you that." he sighed and went to sit with you. "We can stop if you want."
"I don't want to stop." you admitted. "But that's the issue. I'm simply trying to prepare myself for what's coming."
He put his hand on your thigh as a way to comfort you. "I know it sucks, which is why I'm suggesting we should only enjoy the time we have left as much as we can. Can you do that for me?"
You moved to meet his eyes and they were filled with hope.
When he confessed two weeks ago, you hadn't realized yet how sincere he was. It wasn't easy to perceive considering he had almost passed out after spilling out the words 'I like you'. Still, the morning after, you had the courage to ask him about it and that's when he told you everything. From the first time he saw you and thought you were simply gorgeous to when you defended yourself to the journalists by saying you didn't need your father's help to get to where you were now. He admired your honesty, your journey in your work, but mostly, he admired your sensitivity. He wasn't blind, he saw how you took care of Chan when he became CEO. The man was close to a mental breakdown until you came in with the biggest smile to cheer him up. He loved how unbothered you could be, how brilliant you were, and how you remained respectful to him even with your disagreements.
So seeing him almost sacrifice his career for the sake of being with you even if it meant for only a week or so, you could not resist it. Because, frankly, you had fallen for him as well. For the sensitive and ambitious man you grew to know.
"Okay." you nodded. "We'll worry about after later."
He smiled and brought you closer, kissing you for the hundredth time of the day. Gosh, how you loved the way he kissed you. It was always filled with such care and love, you were wondering how he was even the same man you thought to hate.
"I spotted this karaoke restaurant-bar in the city." he said, still holding you tight.
"What about it?"
"Should we have a date instead of ordering food?"
You looked at him incredulously. "I thought you hated going out."
"I don't mind if I get to treat you some good food."
You slapped his chest once more, a way to hide the blush appearing on your face. "You're so cheesy."
It took you both no time to get ready and dress up for the occasion. Jisung had called a cab so you wouldn't have to walk all the way there. It was crowded, to say the least. It looked like the karaoke had already started as you saw two girls in front of the mic with drinks in their hands. They sang with their tone very off and it wasn't the most pleasing thing to hear when arriving. Jisung tugged your arm and led you to a table a bit further. A waiter came up to you, asking you if you wanted something to drink to start the evening.
"Just a beer is fine." Jisung smiled at him.
"Margarita for me."
He nodded before leaving you with the menus.
"Back at it with the margaritas?" Jisung teased at you.
You shrugged. "Gets me drunk the fastest."
"Go easy on the alcohol tonight."
You frowned. "So you care about my well being?"
"No, I just don't want to deal with your hangover tomorrow." he said with a smug on his face.
"Jerk." you huffed.
When the waiter came back with your drinks, you took the opportunity to order your food as well. It was nothing too extravagant: some fries with chicken. A few people had sung on the stage and you saw a group of girls marking their names on the lineup list. Jisung seemed to notice as he got up and stood behind them. Turning to look at you, you saw the smirk on his face.
"What are you doing?" you mouthed to him.
He only shrugged and turned back his attention on the iPad where you could sign up. He spoke with the man hosting the show for a brief moment and noted down something on the screen. As he walked back to your table, you were shaking your head in exasperation.
"What did you do, now?" you said with a warning tone.
"You'll see, baby." he replied with a wink. "Let's enjoy our food for now."
You dug into your meal, not even caring about your manners anymore as you picked up the chicken drumstick with your hands. Jisung was as messy as you were, chewing on the meat. His cheeks were full, it was adorable. You saw some barbecue sauce dripping from the corner of his mouth. Although you knew he was probably going to mock you for it, you grabbed his face with your clean hand and placed a kiss on his lips. Licking the remaining of the sauce, you hummed at the taste.
Meanwhile, Jisung's mind had stopped working. This might had been the hottest thing he'd seen you do, especially since you gave him a flirtish look while your tongue was wiping off the food on your lips.
"Han Jisung and Y/N L/N." the host called out, taking the both of you by surprise.
You rushed to clean up your mouths and hands before walking up to the stage. You knew Jisung was a good singer, but as for you, it was another story. In all honesty, you hadn't sung in years.
"You chose Volcano by J.One." the host read out loud as confusion took place on his face. "Never heard of this one... Oh well, the stage is yours, lovebirds."
You went to look at Jisung in panic, but instead, you came face to face with a microphone that he was holding out to you. You did know the song, you had even added it to your favourites.
"This is like the worst of your songs that you could have picked out." you complained.
"I know, it's a hard one, but I know you have it in your playlist." he said cheekily.
As you were about to protest, the music started to play as the lyrics appeared on the screen in front of you. You couldn't move, taken over by fear and nervousness. But Jisung was doing perfectly fine. He was in his element. As the first verse started, he sang along in a mesmerizing voice. He was simply amazing. You were almost lost in him when he nudged your arm, signaling for you to sing along with him. Even though you were frightened to do so, his presence alone gave you the confidence to bring the mic close to your mouth and sing along with him. You were a little off, but Jisung encouraged you to continue and didn't even bother to correct you. The song came to an end and he did not hesitate before kissing you softly before bringing you into a warm hug.
"You did great, princess." he whispered in your ear.
That night, let's say things got steamy. Walking back clumsily in your room, he was almost biting your lips as the eagerness took over him. With your arms wrapped around his neck, you jumped around his waist while he held you firmly by the thighs. Although you had made out tons of times already, he never wanted to go further, saying he wanted to make it special. Tonight seemed to be it.
"Was it better with Felix?" he rasped out as he walked to your bedroom.
"Jealous, Han?" you snickered at him as he put you down on the edge of the bed carefully.
"I am." he said with confidence. "I'll make you feel good, baby."
"We'll see." you laughed.
To sum it up, he did way better than Felix, even when you thought it would be hard to do so. While Felix was rough, Jisung was careful and liked to build up the tension instead of going straight for it. It was frustrating in a way, but it did make the actual action ten times more worth it.
You woke up in his arms, fully naked, and his eyes were still closed shut. With his lips slightly parted open, he looked like a child taking his nap. Turning around to get a better view of him, it was enough to wake him up. He made a pout with his mouth while opening his eyes in a squint, taken aback from the morning sunlight coming right on his face.
"Rough morning?" you chuckled.
"I don't want to get up." he grumbled and brought you closer to him. "Let's stay in bed today."
"All day?"
"All day." he affirmed before kissing your temple. "Unless you had something else in mind."
"Well, you kind of made me unable to use my legs." you said, recalling the previous night. "Staying in bed it is."
"You asked for it."
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nine. - ten months ago -
Six days turned into five, that turned into four, that turned into three, until it got to zero. The day you had tried to ignore for the past week. Your flight wasn't scheduled until the afternoon, so you had plenty of time to pack your baggage. But the morning was rough.
"Coffee or tea?" Jisung asked casually as he stood in front of the counter.
Your lack of answer meant a hundred of things. As he looked up to see you, you were standing in front of the sliding door to the balcony, not moving a bit. He didn't need to ask you what was on your mind, he knew it already. With a loud sigh, he walked up to you and gave you a back-hug as he put his head on your shoulder.
"I'll miss this view." you breathed out. "The water is so pretty."
"It is." he hummed. "I'll make you a tea, okay?" he said and placed a peck on your cheek.
Again, you didn't answer. He let go of you and went ahead with preparing your beverages. Before you noticed time had passed, he was back with a mug that he held out to you. You mouthed a small 'thanks' but didn't take your eyes off the scenery.
"You know we can keep contact, right?" he broke the silence.
You shook your head. "In another life, yes."
It cut right through his heart, you were right. He hated how right you were.
"We could try?"
"Jisung, stop. How would this even work? We get caught once and it'll be enough for us to get disowned." you rationalized. "This sucks, I know, but it's our reality."
"You rather get married off some rich old man?" he joked but it had some truth in it.
"It looks like this is what is waiting for me, yes. Or Chan." you shrugged. "It has been the plan since birth, just like yours to become chairman is."
"I don't want it."
You scoffed. "Yeah, well, do you have a choice? We're stuck in this."
How much he wanted to shut you up and tell you that things could be different. He wanted to beg you to not go back home and run away with him. Your thing lasted barely a month, but it was enough for him to know he wanted you with him, even if it meant to disappoint his family.
"I just wish it was easier."
"I know."
He slowly came closer to you and put his hand on your jaw which made you turn your focus on him. The tears you were holding in were finally streaming down your face as you had eye contact with him. His touch, despite being a simple gesture, made you weak.
"I'm sorry." he almost whispered. "It's my fault we started this while knowing perfectly it couldn't happen."
You nodded slowly. "Yeah, fuck you for that." you chuckled. "I really should have gotten with Felix instead."
He let out a huff. "You're still a pain in the ass."
"Just getting back to my old antics." you shrugged with a smirk appearing through your crying face.
"I see how it is, L/N." he played along. "Is there a way for me to shut that annoying mouth of yours?"
"Just try to make me shut up."
He then kissed you. You started to feel something wet on your cheeks, but it wasn't your own tears. It was him. He was crying. A knot formed in your belly as it started to truly hit how this was the last time you'd be able to kiss him. You hated how easy you fell for him and how cruel the whole situation was. When he backed away, he still leaned his forehead on yours as he plunged his gaze into yours.
"We don't mention this to anyone." he said and you could clearly hear the pain in his voice.
"This never happened." you confirmed.
He gave you a quick peck and let go of you to finish off with packing. You were still standing at the same spot, unable to process fully what was happening. Your mind was elsewhere, too preoccupied with the memories of your vacation with him.
"Can I keep your hoodie?" you blurted out.
He stared at you in confusion. "My big white hoodie? Why?"
"A souvenir I guess?"
His mouth turned into as smile and he grabbed his sweatshirt before throwing it your way. "It looks better on you, anyway."
The way to the airport was silent. In the taxicab, the driver had put some music to fill in the lack of discussion. In a discreet way, Jisung reached his hand out to hold yours and gave it a squeeze. Chills travelled down your body as you fixated your linked fingers. The effect he had on you was insane.
The ride was too quick for your liking as the driver pulled over in front of the airport. He kindly helped the two of you with getting your luggage out of his trunk. Jisung paid him and you were now off to find your flight. Since he had one stop to do for a work meeting in Europe, he wasn't going to be coming back home on the same plane. And so, here came the grand moment you had both dreaded for.
He straightened up his posture to face you properly and an emotionless expression took over. Still, you could tell how much he hated acting like this. You put on the same façade and bowed at him respectfully. You didn't want to take the risk of getting caught by someone.
"I sure hope you have a safe flight, Han."
"I hope the same for you, L/N."
Calling each other like this used to feel normal, but it had become such a foreign thing to do. It felt wrong, impersonal, almost mean. It was weird.
"I'll see you around." you nodded your head at him.
With a hum, he passed by next to you closely to head towards the gate he needed to be at. Even if people would see it as him bumping into you intentionally, he still took the time to briefly catch your hand. You felt something cold land into it. Before you could question him about it, he was already far as he walked quickly away from you. You looked at your hand and saw something shiny dangle. Bringing it close to your face, you saw what he had dropped.
It was a simple golden chain accessorized with a charm: a rose.
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ten. - now -
Your father had sent a limousine to come pick you up. Of course, you had to have a grand entrance at the ceremony. There would be journalists and cameras, and so it was primordial for you to be looking at your very best. Jeongin helped you get in the car like a gentleman. You would have asked him to come with you, but the guy did deserve a break. He kissed your cheek goodbye and wished you an enjoyable evening.
When your limousine arrived in front of the convention center, you could already see cameras flashes and microphones being held out towards your direction. Taking a deep breath, your door opened as your driver offered his hand to help you out. You put on a fake smile for the pictures but denied any kind of interviews. You were not in the mood for that. As you entered the building, you were impressed by how Chan's team had decorated the place. It was very formal but it still had a hint of comfort. Before you knew it, your father had spotted you. Welcoming you with arms open, he gave you a small hug.
"Y/N, my dear, I am happy you made it here safely." he grinned. "I would love to present you to someone."
You deadpanned at him. "Another of your potential suitors for me?"
"He is young and vibrant. An excellent businessman for his age, I shall mention."
As you grumbled under your breath in annoyance, your father brought you over to a group of men, all of them wearing a tuxedo. They all looked the same...
Then, you caught a glimpse of a man who was visibly younger than most of them. He stood closely to who you assumed to be his parents as he bowed instinctively to the others. Upon seeing your father, he smiled politely.
"Mr. L/N." he bowed.
"Hi, Mr. Hwang." your father beamed at him. "I found my daughter that I wanted to introduce you to."
You shut your eyes in internal pain. He really had to present you like you were some kind of product to sell? You never liked being your father's pet, even less now that he just wanted to marry you off someone wealthy.
"A pleasure to meet you." Mr. Hwang nodded his head at you. "I'm Hyunjin."
"Nice to meet you." you replied back with a bow. "I believe I saw you in a publicity recently, no?"
He laughed embarrassingly. "Right, I'm a model."
Ah. He was one of those guys.
"I assume you were invited to help with Mr. Bang's publicity team."
"Exactly." he confirmed. "You know the business well."
"I actually am about to become CEO of L/N Corporation."
He bowed again. "I apologize, I really didn't mean it like that, I was simply trying to make the conversation."
You knew he was being honest, he seemed too clueless of a man to be saying such things intentionally. Maybe models weren't as bad as you thought.
"It's okay, really." you chuckled. "Have you met Mr. Bang yet?" He shook his head. "He's a close friend of mine. I can present you to him."
His eyes went wide. "Really?"
His mother nudged his arm for being informal and he coughed shyly as he apologized.
"It's fine, really. Come, I'll introduce you."
You took his hand in yours and led him towards Chan who had a drink with some of his colleagues. He noticed you were approaching him and excused himself to come give you a big hug.
"Well, aren't you pretty today? It's good that you look pleasing to the eye once in a while." he joked.
"Thank you, Chan, really." you grumbled. "Anyway, I wanted you to meet Hwang Hyunjin."
The latter bowed politely to your friend. "Good evening, Mr. Bang. I don't know if you remember me, but I did appear in one of your promotion videos once."
Chan shifted to his professional role and nodded as Hyunjin spoke. "I remember. I even asked one of the leading directors to contact you again."
"Really? I haven't heard from them."
You left them at it and walked back to your father who had ended up flirting with one of the ladies from the Bang's engineer team. You understood that he might need someone ever since your mom left, but did he really have to do it during an event like this?"
"Father." you interrupted him and he glared at you.
"Aren't you with Mr. Hwang?"
"I offered to introduce him to Mr. Bang."
He sighed in disappointment. "Alright, maybe Hwang wasn't the right fit." He put his hand on your back and started to walk closer to the bar. "I have someone else I want you to meet."
"Yay." you said in a bored tone. "I think I can pass for this one-"
"Mr. Lee!" you father called out. "May I present to you my daughter."
Mr. Lee turned around at the mention of his name and his eyes fell upon your figure. Immediately, the both of you stared back at each other in pure shock.
"Y/N!" he exclaimed.
"Felix!" you said in the same tone of voice.
He pulled you into a tight hug, leaving your poor father in confusion. "You know each other..." he trailed off.
"Mr. L/N, I met your daughter during her vacation last year."
You dad nodded his head slowly. "I see. I will leave you two reconnect. Call me if you need anything." he said as he put his hand on your shoulder for a brief moment.
As he walked away from you two, you exchanged laughs. "What a coincidence! How is it that you are here and not in Australia?" you questioned him while he offered you a glass of champagne.
"I'm here to do business with Chan. I didn't know you were familiar with him."
"We are literally best friends." you chuckled. "How do you know him?"
"I'm sure he told you he grew up in Australia." You nodded. "We used to be neighbours."
"Wow." you let out in a breath. "Such a small world, uh?"
"It is." he laughed. "Your father is quite a persona. He was bragging about you for a solid ten minutes earlier."
"Oh gosh." you said while hiding your face in embarrassment.
"Yeah, he wasn't being very subtle about his intentions. Let me reassure you right away, I won't ask you to marry me. We already established how we feel about that last year."
You smiled at him. "Thank you, Felix. I'm glad I don't have Chan as my only friend tonight."
He shrugged. "There is Han too." he pointed to nowhere in particular. "I saw him earlier."
You huffed in disgust. "I don't intend to speak with him."
He gave you a soft smile. "Quit it, Y/N. I know about you two."
Your eyes grew bigger and you nudged his arm. "Say it louder... How the hell do you know?"
"Jisung isn't so good with handling these kinds of things on his own. Don't worry, I didn't tell anyone and I think I'm the only one who's aware of what happened."
You were going to snap at Jisung, that was for sure.
"Great..." you muttered under your breath.
"You do realize how in love he is with you, right?" he asked before taking a sip of his champagne.
"Yes, I'm well aware of it. It can't happen, though. There is too much to risk if it gets out in the news."
"Did you know he refused to take his father's spot?"
You almost choked on your drink. You were certain to have heard correctly back in Chan's office that he did, in fact, get the position. What was Felix even saying?
"He did what now?"
Felix couldn't answer. Your dear best friend had to interrupt your conversation as he took the spot on stage with a microphone. He started to thank the guests for coming and explained the purpose of this gathering. You were not listening one bit. Instead, your eyes wandered around the crowd as you tried to find the one man who had taken such a huge part of your life. Then, you spotted him. Close to the stage, he was next to his father as he was listening attentively to Chan. He looked extremely good, and he was matching you. Dressed in a burgundy red suit with a tie of the same colour, you wanted to curse Jeongin for having chosen your dress. He surely knew Jisung was going to wear something similar. It was as if he knew you were staring when his own gaze found yours. He sent a quick smile your way, one so darn adorable that it could make you melt, and turned his attention back to Chan. You needed to speak with him, and fast.
The second after Chan finished his speech, you excused yourself to Felix and went straight ahead towards Jisung. The latter had left his family and was looking at the pamphlet of the new Bang inc. projects instead. He didn't even see you arrive until you grabbed him by the arm harshly, dragging him behind as you headed towards a random hallway where you could discuss privately. He started to let out incoherent complaints but you ignored him. You soon found an empty conference room and shoved him inside, not forgetting to lock the door behind you and close the curtains.
"Y/N, the fuck?" he exclaimed.
"I could ask you the same." you said angrily, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
You saw him stare up and down at you. He really had the guts to check you out while you were beyond furious with him.
"Han Jisung." you yelled out sternly and he jumped a little.
"What is it?" he asked innocently.
"Why am I hearing that you refused your position as chairman of Han technologies?"
Oh. It suddenly clicked in his mind. He had planned to tell you himself, but things didn't go his way.
"I'm resigning from the company."
You stared at him blankly. "Sorry, what?" you asked, completely bewildered by his statement.
"I refused to sign the contract this morning and I'm getting off duties by the end of the month." he said calmly. "It was too much for me."
You shook your head in disbelief. "You can't do that. Jisung, we talked about this before. This is your whole career, why did you-" you cut yourself off, too shaken up by his announcement. "Have you thought this out?"
"I did." he said with an elongated breath. "My dad discovered my music not so long ago and we argued a bit about it."
"Why didn't you tell me this?"
He ignored your question. "He ended up being quite okay with it. He said he didn't realize how much pressure he was putting on me and that I could do what I want as long as it pays off my bills. Plus, he said I could always come back if it doesn't work." he shrugged.
"Wow." was the the only thing you could say. "He really said that?"
He laughed. "Not exactly, my mom is the one I have to thank for that, she talked him through it."
"Makes more sense." you hummed.
"I also told them about you."
Now, you really wanted to punch him in the balls right there and then.
"Just like you told Felix?" you huffed.
"And Chan... and Jeongin..." he saw how you were about to beat the shit out of him and he held up his hands in defense. "They figured it out by themselves, I simply confirmed their suspicions."
You rolled your eyes. "Is this why he bought me this dress to be matching with you?"
He smirked and nodded proudly. You sighed in disbelief and sat down on one of the chairs, gesturing for him to continue.
"I think you know it by now, but I'm so hopelessly in love with you."
You grunted, absolutely enraged by his behaviour. You could simply not believe how dumb of him it was to give up such an opportunity, and then tell your friends about your mistake of the previous year. And now, he really had to top it all with declaring his love for you?
"You keep being fucking unrealistic with this whole thing." you said, shaking your head in disapproval. "We have decades of rivalry between us, we were only being stupid with what we did."
He scoffed. "So last year meant nothing to you?"
"What I'm saying is that it was something that shouldn't have happened. I wanted to put a stop to it tonight." you affirmed but he didn't seem convinced.
"You're wearing the necklace." he pointed to the rose charm hanging around your neck.
You shrugged. "It was going well with the dress, that's all."
"It does, and you simply look stunning tonight." he said as he walked closer to you.
You stood up to come face to face with him. "Don't dodge the subject with your flirts, Han."
"What is stopping us, really? A career? I've already given up mine and I know for a fact that you hate your job." he said softly, getting more and more close to you.
"Our families-" you started but he interrupted you with a laugh.
"You hate your dad and I've talked to mine already. It's okay."
He hesitated, but reached his hand up to your face. By then, you didn't even know how to breathe anymore. It was the first time he touched you so intimately since that moment in the taxicab. It was as electrifying as you remembered.
"Please tell me you feel the same." he said in a whisper. "There was not a single moment where I didn't regret not trying to convince to run away with me."
"Jisung..." you breathed out.
"I won't force you into anything. If wanting to put an end to this is what you want, we'll do just that. I won't say I didn't try at least."
Your faces were millimeters apart. It was a question of time before he was going to kiss you. But you backed away.
"We can't."
And just like that, you ran away from him, leaving him alone in the room. You didn't know exactly why you did so. No matter what the reason was, you just wanted to go home. The rollercoaster he caused was too much to bear with. You didn't even say bye to Chan and you left.
The driver was still in the street, so you called him out and asked him to bring you home. He did look at you suspiciously, but obliged nonetheless. Before you knew it, you were at your front porch and the driver left you alone. You sat down, not even trying to keep your dress clean, and you cried. You weren't sad nor happy, just confused. It was a few minutes after when Jeongin joined you and engulfed you in a hug. He didn't ask what happened, but he just knew you needed someone for you at least.
"I should have said congratulations to Chan at least." you finally spoke and Jeongin allowed himself to let out a small chuckle.
"He knows you're proud of him already."
"Yeah, but it's still shitty of me." you sobbed. "And, Innie, I fucked up so bad..."
"You dumped him there, didn't you?"
Damn, this kid was good at guessing. But he did know most things about you so it was only natural he got you right on that.
"I don't even know why..." you groaned as more tears came out. "He's so... ugh, and I'm like... meh."
He cocked his head to the side, unsure if he understood what you meant. "That's a way to put it I guess?"
"I meant that he just does so much for our... whatever we have, to work out and I'm being a bitch by ditching him."
He smiled awkwardly. "I can't say you're wrong with this one."
"And what am I even going to do if this turns out to be a fiasco? I'll get fired, my dad will disown me, and I'll live off an underground musician's income?"
Jeongin winced at your reflection. "You're overthinking now..."
"I know." you grunted. "It's just... What do I do?"
You turned to look at him properly and noticed how discouraged he seemed to be with you. As you thought, he gave you a look.
"What?" you sighed.
"You know what to do, Y/N. You're just afraid." he explained but you didn't quite get it. "You've been this perfect daughter for years and you're scared of change."
"I mean, aren't we all?"
"Some are more daring than others, just like Han dared to confront his parents because he loves you."
As realization slowly crept in your mind, you buried yourself in your arms. Why did you have to be such an ass to him?
"You're saying I should go back and say I want him too?" you mumbled.
"Essentially, yeah. But like I said, you do you." he said as he patted your back. "No matter what you do, I'm sure Han will understand."
"Do you mind driving me back?" you said as you shot your head up, pouting at him.
He deadpanned at you. "You came all the way back here just to go back?"
"Yeah?" you chuckled embarrassingly.
"Alright, but go clean up your face. Your mascara didn't hold up right."
A few minutes later, you were in Jeongin's car as he drove you back to the convention center. To not cause a fuss, he went all around to the back of the building so you could walk in more discreetly.
"What if he left too?" you said in panic as you were about to leave the vehicle.
"Jeez, Y/N, just go!" he rushed you out.
You entered and arrived in an empty hallway, not creepy at all. Still, you could hear the chatter coming from the main event so you simply followed it. On your way, you came to the washrooms and heard moaning from there.
"Gross." you mumbled to yourself.
Moving on, you started to get more familiar to your surroundings when you saw the room where you had left Jisung earlier. Only now, the door was open and the lights turned off which meant he had gone back to the party probably. You finally arrived to the main room and noticed that Chan was just done with introducing his new line of products. You clapped along with the crowd and cheered loudly. He recognized your voice as he immediately moved his eyes to where you were standing. With a large grin, he thanked the audience once more and came down to crush you in a hug.
"How did I do?" he asked.
"Great..." you trailed off and he gave you a look.
"You didn't watch, right?"
"I'm sorry, Chan." you chuckled. "I... kind of ran away?"
He rolled his eyes. "Han Jisung?"
"Why the hell is everyone aware of my business?" you whined.
"He came to talk to me after you left. He's alone at the bar if you are looking for him." he laughed. "Go get your man, bestie." he said jokingly.
"I'll have to talk to you after we sort this out." you said in a warning voice before leaving to go to the bar.
When you finally got to him, you kept a distance to observe what state he was in. Hair disheveled, tie loosened, he was mixing his margarita with a straw and started blankly in the void. You felt bad, even worse than you expected.
"I would have never thought of you as one for the margaritas." you spoke up.
At the sound of your voice, he looked around in confusion until he noticed you were standing behind him. He shook his head as a chuckle left his mouth.
"Are you quoting me now?"
You took the spot next to him and stole the drink from his grip. "Perhaps I am." you shrugged and then took a sip of the drink. "I like the ones from the island better."
"So picky." he huffed. "I'm sorry for being so bold earlier."
You shook your head violently. "Stop, I'm the one at fault."
He tilted his head from side to side. "Not really. I can't blame you for not wanting the same thing as me."
"But that's the thing..." you said before taking a deep breath. "I want the same thing as you."
He stared at you for a moment. The lack of response on his part quite frightened you. After a bit, he finally moved as he placed his hand on your forehead.
"Are you okay?"
Frowning, you looked at him, perplexed. "I am..."
He retrieved his hand away. "You're being for real? Don't give me false hope, I swear I'll axe you if you do so."
You laughed. "I'm serious. Look, Jisung, I haven't been fair to you."
He shook his head as he took your face by the jaw. "Don't say that."
"You know I'm right. I led you on, kept denying your attention and I literally ran away from you." you listed out. "I think I'm in love with you too. I was just stupid enough to never admit it to myself."
You had never seen him smile this much. "You're fucking stubborn, yeah." he grinned. "But I love that about you. Plus, playing hard to get is quite attractive."
You scoffed. "Fuck off, I'll go back to Felix."
You were about to walk away but he grabbed you by the wrist to stop you. Gently, he pulled you closer by the neck and kissed you. He. Kissed. You. In front of literally everyone. You heard gasps of shock, but surprisingly, you didn't care. All that mattered was that you had your lips on Jisung again. The butterflies you had suppressed for months had come back at an overwhelming level but you were happy.
"Y/N L/N!" you heard your father yell.
Separating yourself from Jisung, you rolled your eyes as you came face to face with a furious man.
"Hey." you smiled in an exaggerated manner.
"You've got a lot of explaining to do, young lady. I made sure during your whole life you'd be ready to take over my place, and you're pulling this show tonight?"
You let out a groan. "Really? A show? I get you have built a reputation and shit for years, but for what? Really, come to think of it, this whole rivalry thing is ridiculous. Yeah, sure, they sued us, but heck, we got over it."
He huffed in disbelief. "It had to be a Han, uh?"
Dropping your shoulders, you didn't even know what to say anymore. "He's not like that. You know what? I don't even know why I'm fighting you over this." you started to get annoyed.
"It's okay, Y/N-" Jisung started, but you went off again which interrupted him.
"No, Jisung, this is not okay. I've done literally everything to go according to this man's expectations and I can't even be happy for one moment?"
By then, more people had gathered around the scene. Some of them whispered among themselves, others just watched in pure shock. Then, Jisung's parents arrived and stood next to your dad. This was going so well...
"You two are okay with this?" you father asked the Han.
Jisung's mother simply shrugged. "I mean, she seems to make our son happy." she said in a small voice making your father turn to Mr. Han to incite him to speak his thoughts out.
He did the same as his wife, not sure on what to answer. "I'd have to say, Mr. L/N, that your daughter is quite a remarkable woman. I think our son is in good hands."
"I agree." you heard Chan speak up somewhere in the crowd. You finally spotted him and sent him a look as to ask what he was doing. "I think it is time to tone down the hard feelings in my opinion, Mr. L/N." he patted your father's back.
"Chan-" Jisung started but the glare he received from him shut him up real quick.
"I think this is a good way to put an end to this competition between your families, no? Anyhow, I think they make a fine couple." he continued and then held his glass up. "How about we go on with our evening?"
Chan had power, which meant everyone were taking his opinion into consideration. If he said something was fine, it meant it was fine. If he wanted to move on from something, then people moved on. This was exactly what happened. As the mass of people dispersed themselves, you saw your dad walk further away with Jisung's parents, seemingly discussing about what they just saw. As for Chan, he joined the pair of you.
"That's quite a show stealer you put up just now." he laughed.
"Thank you, Chan." you said sincerely.
Jisung rubbed your back gently as he nodded with you. "Yeah, thank you for that."
Chan shrugged. "I'm rooting for you two, but don't put yourselves in trouble too much because I can't save you all the time."
"We won't." Jisung said as he looked at you. "I think we can manage from now."
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eleven. - epilogue -
"Time's up."
Looking up from your laptop, you had daggers in your eyes as you stared at Jisung through your glasses. He was already fully dressed with black pants and a beige coat as he tapped his foot on the floor in an impatient way.
"I'm almost done." you said as you focused back on your screen.
He let out a groan. "Y/N, love."
"It won't take long." you argued, not taking your eyes off as you typed aggressively on your keyboard.
"You said the same thing ten minutes ago and we have a flight in..." he checked the time on his phone. "two hours now." he deadpanned at you.
"I just have to send this to Chan real quick."
"Exactly, it's Chan so no pressure."
He came to your dining table and snatched your computer away from you. While you reached out to get it back, he saved your file and closed it off before putting it in his bag.
"Han Jisung." you said in a stern voice.
"Thank me later, baby." he kissed your cheek but you refused to fall for it.
"I have to send it over."
"I know, love, but Jeongin had this handled, no? Just trust him on this one."
Still pouting, you took your coat and put it on before grabbing your luggage. "I shouldn't have agreed to go on this stupid trip."
"Don't be like this, you love seeing Felix." he snickered.
"I don't mind going to Australia." you argued as you approached the front door of your house. "I mind not getting my work done in time."
"Love, you're literally weeks ahead for everything." he sighed loudly.
You walked to your car and started to load it with your bags. While Jisung went back inside to get more of your belongings, you received a call. Putting the phone between your ear and your shoulder, you answered.
"What's up, Hyunjin?" you said cheerfully.
"Someone's in a good mood." he laughed. "I take it that you're leaving soon?"
"Yeah, we're about to go to the airport. How is it there?"
"I love it, really. Felix rented a house for us so we can all stay together." he said excitedly. "I was calling to ask you something about the report you filled out this morning, actually."
You frowned. "What about it?"
"Why didn't you mark Jisung's name? For the collaborator, I mean."
You grunted. "Shit, I totally forgot. I'm sorry, I'm still not used to him being back in the business."
"All good." he chuckled. "Though I need it by the end of the week. Otherwise, my application can be denied."
"I know, I'll do it as soon as I get there."
Jisung looked at you curiously as he stood next to the car with the door opened, waiting for you to be done.
"No stress." Hyunjin answered.
"I have to go now, but I can't wait to see you two!"
"See you in a few hours!"
Hanging up, you and Jisung got in the car and he drove away from your house. As you hummed along the music, you suddenly remembered something. Turning the volume down, you looked at your fiancé in panic.
"Tell me you locked the door."
He rolled his eyes. "I did, stop being so stressed."
"I'm sorry, jeez." you said in a defensive tone.
"This trip is for us to take a break from work, just like the good old days. Relax a little, can you do that for me?"
You absolutely hated it when he used his soft loving tone. You could simply not resist it. With a sigh, you nodded your head and you grabbed his hand that was hanging between your two seats.
"You're right."
He smiled and started to play with your hand, fiddling with your engagement ring. "Plus, we get to visit the venue for the wedding." he said before kissing your hand.
"Felix better had chosen a good spot." you huffed.
"If you don't like it, we can visit some more." he shrugged.
You shook your head as a no. "I just want a place to marry you."
"You're sweet, baby, but I don't want to get married in a wrecked place." he laughed.
"Fair enough."
You said that, but in all honesty, you just wanted to marry him right away. Him. The man you believed to hate until he turned your world upside down. The man who was ready to give up everything just to be with you. If this is not husband material, you don't know what it is. But one thing for sure, you wanted to be with him for the rest of your life.
taglist: @lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisboredd | @popcatx0 | @vanblack95 | @aestheticsluut | @thanxxskz | @minhoino | @taetertotsv | @luvscrazy | @lethallyprotected
491 notes · View notes
bugeater101 · 1 year
Synopsis: Game night takes a turn when you're coerced to tell your friends your favourite things to do in the bedroom. Albeit embarrassing, you happily spring at the chance to show your non-conservative side. Yet, the truth is, you do so only because you want Hyunjin to see it. Luckily, when you run into him later that night, you realize the embarrassment had been worth it; it's as if he can read your mind as he gives you all you have dreamed of.
Content: brief mentions of physical insecurities and lack of love life, alcohol consumption, mutual pining, switch!Hyunjin (lots of subwhiningdesperatebabyboy!Hyunjin), switch!reader, slight perv!reader, thigh fucking!!1!!!1!1!, nipple play, lotssssssss of teasing, mating press, unprotected sex (DON'T DO THIS), excessive begging, cum painting, thick/fat/curvy/plus size! reader (as always :]).
Word Count: 8.3k
Author's Notes: This goes out to Hyunjin, who haunts me. This also goes out to all y'all who enjoy my work! Thanks for sticking by me. I'm sorry it took so long to put something new out. It's been a hard few months with some misadventures and some great ones! But, I'm glad to be writing again! This one is for all of my followers, mutuals, anons, and those who send in requests <333 Here's to more fics and stories in 2023! Love y'all!!
Taglist: @scribblemetae @mygsis, @9900z, @taekbokki,, @imtoooyoungforthisshit
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"I swear to God, it's the absolute best," you laugh.
"OKAY, I BELIEVE YOU," Jeongin belted out. "Now PLEASE get off of me!"
Jeongin's hands were up in the air as if he was surrendering himself to you. Though he wasn't really afraid of you, he did fear touching you, especially since you were in such a precarious position. His eyes were clamped shut— not just from his laugh that caused his cheeks to swell his lids, but because he truly did not want to look.
None of you expected a night of drinking and games to turn out like this. It began with you, Hyunjin, Felix, Jeongin, and Han playing Mario Kart and watching a movie in a drunken, belligerent state, barely paying attention as you yelled curses and vulgarisms at the screen. However, the evening quickly took a turn when you decided to play "truth or truth".
The original "truth or dare" and the more aggressive "dare and dare" games were off the table after Felix ended up in the ER with a chipped tooth after Jeongin dared him to do a backflip while drunk. Needless to say, "truth or dare" had hit the end of its shelf life. So, you guys were happy to play the modified version. Yet, combined with your inebriated state, the game of "truth or truth" always quickly devolved into asking strictly invasive and borderline insane questions. In other words, all questions were related to each others' sex lives (or lack thereof). It was Han's turn, and, of course, he had to ask you what had been bothering him.
"What do girls like in the bedroom?" he slurred out. "But, like, you, specifically?"
"Who the fuck phrases a question like that?" Jeongin hiccuped out.
"Literally," Felix laughed.
"Shutthefuckup! Let her answer!" Jisung shouted in response, stringing his words together. Regardless of your apprehensions about the question, you laughed at the drunken man in an attempt to ease yourself.
Since you were adamant about Han's rather perverted question, you considered passing. You knew the boys would allow you to pass with little complaint, especially considering that it's a rather personal inquiry. The only catch is that you would then be forced to complete a dare in exchange for your liberation (which you were extremely against knowing that the last time you completed a dare, you had to go to physiotherapy for five weeks).
And, frankly, you couldn't deny the benefits of answering Han's question: you would get to show the boys a side of you that you keep so well hidden. Truthfully, it sounded... freeing.
All the boys seeing you like this, straddling a mutual friend you would never see as more than strictly platonic ... it made you feel giddy. Yet, you knew you weren't thinking about all the boys; you were thinking about one boy in particular. One boy that you've had your eye on for quite some time, actually.
With that in mind, you decided to say "yes".
Hyunjin was eyeing you as you pretended to seduce Jeongin, giggling stiffly as you hyped yourself to complete your challenge. You glanced at Hyunjin any chance you got, hoping to gauge his reaction to every little thing you did.
Yet, with every little thing you did, Hyunjin stood still. Even when you finally clamoured on Jeongin, causing him to whine and make the room scream, Hyunjin was the only one to remain silent. Jeongin dug his fingers into the couch, adverted his eyes like he was a sinner and you were God, and prayed for forgiveness. You even had to slightly grind your hips to show the boys what you meant when you were explaining what you liked. And, yet, Hyunjin remained solemn.
Every act you performed made this "truth" feel more like a "dare". Still, you persisted. You wanted Hyunjin to look—and not just stare blankly, but truly see you.
Though he was across the room from you, you could still dream that he had switched places with Jeongin. Imagining he was underneath you instead, digging his hands into your ass as he urged you to "please, go faster y/n" as the little whines escaped him. All the while, his friends—your friend—would exchange nervous glances, but never move. God, they were perverts too, weren't they? Getting off on seeing their friends fuck each other. You could practically see their hard-ons growing at the sight. But Hyunjin wouldn't care; he was shameless. He would beg, plead under you. Sweat beading off of his head as his tongue stuck out, panting like a mutt with every rut of your hips into his. "My Hyunjin," you thought, mouth drying at your deviance, "all for me, my needy baby."
Fuck, you interrupted yourself, ending your train of thought. Get out of my head, Hyunjin!
You couldn't start thinking about him while you were straddling a mutual friend. Not to mention you were straddling said mutual friend to show Hyunjin and two other friends the kind of fucking sex positions you enjoyed. Even though you hovered well above Jeongin—with a book even on his lap (upon both of your urgent insistence) to maintain a distance between you two and your hands hovering above him constantly—you still knew it was messed up to think of Hyunjin below you instead of Jeongin. Jeongin was only there because you guys needed someone to be the victim of your own punishment, and it just so happened that Jeongin failed to answer his own "truth". So, now the unlucky fellow was trapped under you, adverting his gaze as his ears turned red.
For now, Hyunjin needed to stay out of your mind.
Nevertheless, your mind continued to pester you with thoughts of Hyunjin. Was he looking at you right now? Of course, he was looking, but was he looking? Was he staring at you, wondering if you were telling the truth to all these horny 20-something- year-old-boys about your favourite sex positions? Did he look at you and wonder if he could suck your tits while you rode him from that angle? Was he hoping your sweat would taste so sweet mixed with his? Your cum, even?
Fuck, stop thinking about him! you urged yourself.
You tried to keep your thoughts about Hyunjin in a cramped closet in your mind. He was your friend, and you had considered the possibility of you and him numerous times and in countless situations. You always questioned if he liked you, if he ever saw you as more than a friend, or even attractive. In your own personal opinion, you were stunning. Yet, to believe that Hyunjin found you attractive was a different question. Doubt clouded your mind, and soon negative thoughts accumulated and eventually overshadowed any confidence you had in your emotions toward your Hyunnie. Now, after hours and hours of thinking (and many teary-eyed conversations with Felix), you decided that you could only ever be platonic with Hyunjin.
Whatever emotions you had towards him would have to be suppressed for the betterment of the friend group and the preservation of your friendship. Maybe that's why you're straddling Jeongin right now, insisting that it's the perfect position for a guy to suck your tits while you ride him. Maybe it's the only chance you can do such a position with Hyunjin even in the same room as you, albeit just as a voyeur to a rather uncomfortable position between friends.
Jeongin was still howling under you, almost in tears from how funny but unorthodox the situation was. It's moments like this that you truly enjoy the coyness of your friends, because in no other situation would be able to make Jeongin so utterly flustered. It made you giggle more. In fact, every screech and wail from the boy made everyone laugh harder, tears beginning to brim your eyes.
"OKAY YOU MADE YOUR POINT NOW," Jeongin cried, actual tears starting to fall from your eyes. "NOW GET OFF OF ME."
"NO, I HAVEN'T!" You hollered back, wanting to prolong Jeongin's suffering. Hyunjin was momentarily out of your mind as you put all your energy towards prolonging Jeongin's torture. "I need to explain why I like it, Innie!" You added cutesy and teasing emphasis to the nickname, purposefully teasing him in the hopes of inducing even more suffering.
"YOU DON'T NEED TO DO THAT, YOU DICK!" Jeongin cried, tears welling in his eyes. At this point, you could barely hold yourself on top of him, laughter swelling in your chest.
"I don't even get a chance to explain myself?!" You laughed evilly.
"You finished your dare, y/n," Han cackled, "Get off the poor boy!" With the little strength you could gather, you stumbled off of him, collapsing to the floor and wiping your eyes clean. Han was on the floor now too, barely breathing with each maniacal laugh. Felix was holding onto the counter now as his laughter consumed him. And, through your tears and gasps for breath, there stood Hyunjin. He seemed to be forcing out a chuckle here and there, hand on a counter in an attempt to pass as an act of relaxation. He was not dying of laughter as the four of you were (more like three considering that Jeongin might actually be dead now).
Thankfully, you couldn't focus on that. As your stomach began to cramp from giggles, your mind was absent of Hyunjin for the first time that night; it was too busy watching as Han kept bringing Felix to the ground each time he tried to help him up. The laughter almost refused to subside, a single glance causing one of you to burst into tears again.
Nevertheless, the game of "truth or truth" magically managed to resume.
Soon, Felix and Jeongin were whispering with ill intent, deciding on a question for Han as payback for his last "truths". You decided to skip the rest of the game, feeling like your turn took all your courage out of you, and opted to linger in the kitchen while Hyunjin cleaned.
"Why aren't you playing?" You asked while swinging your feet from the countertop you were situated on.
Hyunjin shook his head. "Ah, I'm tired," he responded in a simple voice. "Plus, this place is a mess." You laughed, unable to deny the state the apartment was left in after this night's bender.
Alcohol still lingered in you, yet the night was beginning to die down. So, tackling the mess now insured an easier hangover cleanup tomorrow. It made sense, sure. However, what didn't make sense was that Hyunjin was the one cleaning the place up.
"Well, living with Chan, Changbin, and Han sure has changed you, then," you commented. Hyunjin chuckled at the comment, head still down at the cup he was absent-mindedly scrubbing. He couldn't deny that he was often the one making and leaving messes.
"Maybe living with the three true fraternity boys of the group changed something in you."
"Maybe," Hyunjin responded, not offering any other commentary. You stared at his hands longer, pondering his actions.
"Why are you cleaning up?" You asked. Hyunjin stopped scrubbing and glanced up at you, almost shocked at your question, as if it was as invasive as asking him his favourite sex positions then requiring him to demonstrate in front of his closest friends. He shrugged.
"What do you mean?"
"You never clean. You're the one making the messes, babe," you laughed, noticing how he perked up at the petname. "Is something up?"
Hyunjin's mouth opened to answer but nothing came out, letting the giggles of the other three boys fill the silent space instead. He shut his mouth, thought for a second, then sighed.
"Just needed to get out of the game, I guess," he said in an almost-whisper. Now it was your turn to be confused.
"Whatever do you mean?" You leaned on your palms, allowing yourself to move closer to the tall figure that was your bewitchingly attractive friend. God, you could just lean in and kiss him right now. So briefly, too. Would he even notice? You look into his eyes, searching for his thoughts, hoping he feels your telekinetic kisses.
Suddenly, Hyunjin broke the silence that had grown between you.
"Can you explain it?"
The question stunted any response you could muster. Now it was your turn to open your mouth with no sound to come out.
"What... what do you mean?" God, you sound like a broken record. You knew what he was referring to, but—if the blush on your face was evidence enough—bravery had evaded you. Hyunjin smirked and chuckled, glancing away before refocusing on you.
"You know what I mean," redness spread up his ears, making him glow. "If you don't mind me asking at least... why do you... like to straddle your partners?"
Well, if there was any way to politely ask your friends why they liked the sex positions they did, that was the way to phrase it. However, that didn't prevent you from devolving again. Muteness consumed you, the blush on your face making you wholly red.
Yet, Hyunjin didn't pull the question away. He didn't tell you it was okay if you didn't want to answer, didn't even say he wouldn't judge. Instead, he let the question hang in the air. It devoured the space between you, silence shrinking as everything seemed to grow loud. It was almost as if Hyunjin didn't retract the question because he needed to know the answer. Like he wanted to make you embarrassed, to blush for him, to make him wait because he knew that—one way or another—you would tell him.
You cleared your throat.
"I... suppose..." you began. Hyunjin leaned in, your small voice aching to be heard.
"It's, like... the closeness of it. Being held, pressed against each other... it does something." Your eyes could barely meet his, decidedly losing yourself in your thoughts to avoid eye contact with the person you dream about doing this stuff with. You could feel his gaze burn into you.
"Chest pressed against chest," you continued, your voice growing more assured but still so goddamn quiet. "Like your hoping to feel closer with every touch of skin. And you know you could never be closer to that person than you are in that moment... but, still, you ache, yearn for more. Every rut and bite is just a plea for more. And, if the person's right... you sort of feel like it's enough. Like you're enough."
The silence was now deafening. Before, a pin drop could be heard like the sound of a bell's toll. Now, it was as if the world was entirely silent, waiting for one of you to speak up. You wanted to say more, to say "and you are the right person Hyunjin, you always have been, please make me feel like I'm enough" and let him take you, fuck you right and in front of everyone, be his and him yours. Yet, your voice was gone, realizing the gravity of the words you just spoke. You tried to clear your throat in an effort to regain your speech, but it failed, and you were still silent.
However, the sound roused Hyunjin from his thoughts, alerting him of his surroundings. Though you thought he would pull away, he didn't move away; he leaned in.
"Who... who was the right person, y/n?" For the first time since your confession, you looked at Hyunjin. He was... hurt? He looked hurt, like tears could well up in his eyes and he could just bawl like an infant. And, to be frank, it made you want to cry, too.
You cleared your throat again, successfully regaining your voice this time.
"N-no one," you stuttered, slipping off of the counter and gingerly landing on your feet. "It was just... I was just thinking about what it could be like to be with... you know, the 'right person'." In an effort to emphasize your rather unsuccessful love life, you did air quotes and rolled your eyes at the last words. Hyunjin kept his head down and nodded, unable to make eye contact with you. Tonight is all about personal questions, you thought, making yourself almost chuckle.
"I'm-i'm sure the right person will come around, y/n," Hyunjin stammered. "You deserve the best, the absolute best." He started to ramble now, eyes clear but still adverting yours as he let words pour out of him without consequence.
"You deserve a proper confession, dates beyond your wildest imaginations to the humblest of comforts. You should be with someone that makes the simplest of occurrences feel special, like every day is filled with life. Someone who—even if things didn't work out—would make you a better person. Someone who would give you the whole world because they know you would take care of it. You deserve it."
His words hung around you for a second. Then another second. And Hyunjin suddenly realized all he had said.
Your heart felt like it was about to implode in your chest. It seemed like you would die if you didn't grab Hyunjin right now and tell him "the right person has come around, it's you and it will always be you. Please, look at me. See that you are the one for me, the only one I want. Please, give me your world."
Yet, you didn't. Why didn't you?
Hyunjin's words had caught up to him by now, and he aggressively gulped before staring back at the floor.
"A-anyway," he stuttered, "I'm..." he stopped himself, as if allowing himself to catch a breath before continuing. He let out a breath through his nose, "I'm positive the right person will come around, y/n."
You just nodded and stared at the ground, a grave smile being the only acknowledgment you give Hyunjin.
"I hope they do," you mumbled.
Why didn't you tell him?
God, what time is it?
Your head ached, the after-effects of alcohol beginning to settle in. Glancing at the blinking clock in the corner of Han's room, your blurred vision managed to catch the time.
Fuck. 4:08AM.
You figured that your hangover was what woke you; the dehydrated state of your body was obvious by the splintering headache and the desert that had settled in your throat. You probably fell asleep only a few hours ago. Now, you were shaking Han and Felix off of you, trying your best to slip out of Han's room after you guys passed out following last night's events.
Could it even be classified as "last night" when it was just 3 hours ago?
Despite the weariness of your body, you managed to drag yourself to the kitchen. Everyone was surely dead asleep, Han and Felix tangled in bed with Jeongin passed out on the floor beside them. Hyunjin slept in his room, giving an Irish Goodbye to you by leaving the living room without a word at about midnight. You couldn't lie by saying that you didn't miss his presence by the night's end.
Nevertheless, your mind was focused on one thing now: hydration. Water. Immediately. Something to make you feel alive.
Once your glass was poured and you took a sip, the water felt like the elixir of life. You chugged it greedily, feeling an instant rejuvenation as your headache felt like it was beginning to clear. This water was liquid gold.
The sudden presence of another person made you choke on the water.
"Oh shit," Hyunjin muttered as he rushed beside you and patted your back, helping you through your coughing spurt.
"Fuck," your voice cracked.
You cleared your throat again, "I didn't know anyone else was awake."
Hyunjin laughed, "I never even managed to fall asleep. Now I'm glad I got to witness your death." You shot him a glare, but it was instantly softened by noticing his light expression. God, he's handsome.
"I only choked because you startled me, asshole," you giggled through watering eyes. Hyunjin laughed too, rubbing your back as your coughing ceased.
"You good?"
"Yeah, for now," you responded. You sipped the rest of your water, finishing off the glass before pouring another. "But I'm for sure not gonna go back to sleep now." Hyunjin smiled.
"That means you can join me and my insomnia!" Hyunjin fake-cheered, making you smile and roll your eyes.
"Hooray to perpetual exhaustion," you joked dryly. Hyunjin giggled at your pain, starting to push you toward his room. Was his hand still on your back from your coughing spurt?
"Come to my room, we can talk without worrying about waking the others," he murmured. He led you to his room, shutting the door behind him as you placed your water on his desk.
"I seriously doubt we could wake them up," you laughed, allowing your voice to rise to its normal decibel now that walls separated you from the other boys. "I practically stepped on Jeongin when I left and he barely stirred. I'm pretty sure he might be dead."
Hyunjin tried not to laugh, still aware of how quite he should be.
However, after glancing at you, the laugh died in his throat. You were teasing the seams of his duvet, testing the thread count as you rubbed the fabric between your fingers. Instantly, a blush crept up on his face.
Hyunjin imagined you enjoyed the softness of his sheets; he had wanted to share them every night with you. If only you had taken his hints, seen past his nervous demeanour and realized that he wanted you so deeply and intensely. Those very sheets had witnessed their fair share of Hyunjin desperately fucking his hand every night, praying one day that you would be there instead.
Now, you were here. Alone. Waiting for him.
"Why are you still standing?" you asked.
Fuck, he had been staring. He shook his head, trying to make his dirty thoughts shake off of him like water droplets in his hair.
"Sorry," he grumbled, "might actually be more exhausted then I thought."
Suddenly, he felt your hands on his arm, tugging him away from the wall.
"Well, then get into bed," you giggled. Before he could laugh along, you suddenly jerked his arm. Hard. You had backed straight into his bed and fallen into you, pulling him with you.
"Shit!" You yelped as you bounced on the mattress, Hyunjin landing right after you. Luckily, before he could crush your body with his, his palms outstretched and he managed to catch himself. Now, he was positioned above you, eyes shut from the sudden fall.
When he opened his eyes, there you were.
He was on top of you. You were below him.
Yet, you didn't move. And neither did he.
"Shit— sorry," he stammered out, face and ears glowing red.
"I-it's okay," you muttered, "accidents happen." Your eyes looked into his, studying his face in the brief moments when they darted away from his gaze.
Hyunjin gulped. "Yeah, all the time." God, he was beautiful.
"I suppose I should get off now." You nodded slightly, the little movement of your head making it obvious how little space there was between your bodies.
"Yeah, of course," you whispered.
And again, strangely enough, neither of you made effort to move. In fact, Hyunjin, got down on his elbows, his lips only centimetres from yours.
"Was it true?" he asked out of the blue.
"W-what?" you stuttered.
"That you like being close... and..." He was starting to loose himself in you, and you'd be lying if you said you weren't losing yourself in him. You were pressed so tightly against him. Your pulse could even be felt through your plump chest, your heart practically jumping out of your ribcage, out of your chest.
"And...?" you continued, your lips ghosting over his.
"And... that no one has ever been that close to you?" He asked. You gulped.
"No... but there is someone I want to..." Your sentence trailed off.
You could hardly think now. Fuck, finish your words, you urged yourself. Say it.
You gulped. You didn't want Hyunjin to finish your words. You wanted to say it yourself. You wanted the words to leave your mouth. And, from the expression on Hyunjin's face, he wanted you to say it, too. Just as before, he let the silence rest between you, not retreating from it but letting it simmer. He refused to fill the emptiness.
"There is someone I want to be that close to me," you finally finished. Hyunjin's tongue darted out of his mouth to wet his lips, and you swore you could feel it ghost yours due to how close you were.
"Who, y/n?" He finally questioned.
The question was like the straw that broke the camel's back. It was as if Hyunjin's words gave you a morsel of confidence like you were magically able to tell him all you wanted to say. He had finally asked you, and thank God he did.
"You know who it is, Hyunjin," you teased, straight face. Hyunjin's eyes stared back into yours.
"Say it." He demanded, "Say their name."
You smiled.
"It's you, Hyunjin," you stated breathlessly. "It's always been you."
The words were almost like an agreement. As if your telepathic powers finally worked and Hyunjin—after countless hours of pinning—heard your pleas: fuck me Hyunjin, have me, please.
His mouth pressed into yours desperately, moans instantly leaving him from the relief of tasting you. Your reaction was eerily similar to his. Whimpers poured out of you as your hands pressed into his chest, pawing at him through the thin material of his t-shirt. Though you had waited forever to feel him like this, uninhibited by social customs that barred friends from being so close, the space your hands created between your bodies was unbearable. Instead, you rubbed up his chest and shoulders, briefly groping his muscular arms before resting your hands on his back. You then pushed into his muscular shoulder blades, pushing him further into your plump body in an attempt to bring him closer because, fuck, he could never be close enough.
"God, fuck," Hyunjin gasped as his hands tangled in your hair, his kisses messy. The mess of spit and teeth caused you to moan, hunger practically leaking out of both of you. His kisses moved down from your lips to your jaw, now resting on your neck as he kissed and sucked on the sensitive skin.
"I—want to be so close to you—y/n," he said between kisses, the words being more of a plea than a statement. A beg more than an ask.
"H-Hyunjin..." you whimpered as he whined into you.
"Just—like you—wanted, yeah? I— want to feel you— wrapped—around me," he moaned as he rutted into you. You couldn't hold back your own moans.
"So tight—you'd be—so tight, riding me—fuck. I'd let— you do— whatever—you want to me, y/n. Ride me—please."
Tears were almost brimming in your eyes at his words, despite his obscenities. You were so full of love for him that the aspect of him doing this to you—loving you and blatantly doing so in such acts of desperation—made you overflow with adoration.
However, you couldn't trick him any longer.
"Wait, Hyunnie, wait," you protested, pulling him so his face was again above yours.
"What's—what's wrong baby?" He asked between kisses to your cheeks. God, he couldn't stop kissing you even if you asked him to wait. He'd be gentle, slow down maybe, but it seemed like he could never stop. Not with you, not ever.
Still, you needed to focus.
"I lied earlier," you replied, your voice light despite the heaviness of your words. Yet, Hyunjin didn't stop he let your words hang. He refused to stomp on your voice, wanting to use your words rather than finish your sentences for you. You were a big girl, and you could speak for yourself. Your words could've meant anything— lies about your love for him, about the desire to be here, anything. Regardless, Hyunjin kept kissing your face, now taking time to study your glossy, fucked-out eyes. Fuck, how could you be so pretty?
You gulped, trying to focus yourself and not get lost in his touch: how his kisses felt, how he rutted into you, and, god, how big his cock must be.
"I lied about... my favourite position," you stated.
That, surprisingly, was what made Hyunjin pull away. Though it was brief, you instantly yearned for the sensation of his touch.
"Well," he asked, occasionally glancing down at your reddened lips, "Then... what is it?"
From his words alone, you could tell that Hyunjin was yours. His tonality, his cadence, all of it told you that he was willing to do anything for you.
Then it became incredibly obvious when Hyunjin tried to guess what your favourite position really was.
"Doggy? No... fuck, as much as I'd like to see your ass from that angle, it's not close enough. Even if I'd press you into me, hold you by your throat, lick the shell of your ear, and whisper dirty things to you," his words made him start slowly rutting into you again. "Fuck, it still wouldn't be enough. I wouldn't be able to see your beautiful face. Hmph—" Hyunjin stopped dragging his cock across your clothed cunt, the stimulation becoming overbearing.
Yet, he continued.
"What about missionary? Or is too formal?"
Hyunjin stared at you as he continued to list off all the positions he knew, unaware of your agape mouth and the blush that never seemed to fade from your face. Clearly, he had been thinking about fucking you as much as you wanted to fuck him.
Hyunjin's eyes were shut now, getting lost in his fantasies as he brought your leg up to his chest so he could rub his growing erection deeper into you. His sweat pants barely constrained him as his eyes pinched and his words stuttered.
Before you could let Hyunjin continue, your words halted him.
"None of that, Hyunnie," you whispered. "Please... can I... can I show you?" Hyunjin's eyes shot open.
"Yeah," he chuckled. "How do you want me, y/n?"
With a few words and repositioning, Hyunjin arranged himself exactly how you requested. Leaning against the headboard of his bed, Hyunjin eyed you as you sat beside him, playing with his hair. He was in his boxers now, stripped of his loungewear and his blush spreading down his chest. You had stripped down, too, only retaining your cropped tank top which your nipples poked through and panties as a flimsy cover for your cunt. Hyunjin was practically drooling at seeing you so bare, your full tummy pudge making his mouth water.
"I want to mark your tummy, baby," he breathed out, hands fisting the sheets in an attempt to ground himself. "With my kisses, with my hickies, with my cum, with—"
Your laugh stopped him. The light smile on your face contrasted with the absolute deprivation plastered on Hyujin's. He needs you, and here you were, teasing him.
"Aw, I thought you wanted to help me, Hyunnie," you teased. Your hand traced down his chest, fingers brushing lightly against his abs, ribs, and anywhere that would give him goosebumps. Hyunjin leaned his head, whimpering at your touch.
"Fuck— yes," he groaned, "a-anything for you, y/n, anything."
You giggled. "Then let me take my time, baby." Your hand traced his waistband, making Hyunjin gasp. Thankfully, your hand dipped lower, grasping his cock through the strained fabric of his boxers.
"Mmm— Fuck," he whimpered. His voice faltered as you rubbed him slow and firm, his hips stuttering as you teased his tip.
"God, y/n, this can't be it," he protested. Your eyebrows raised quizzically.
"Whatever do you mean, Hyunjin?" Now it was his time to use his words.
"Please," he mewled, "please, show me the position... don't just play with my cock. Please."
Fuck, how could you deny him like this? Practically crying for you? Your smile grew, satisfied with his response.
"Okay, Hyunnie," you chuckled. Pulling your hand away from him, Hyunjin's eyes shot open, offended by the fleeting touch. Yet, before he could oppose the act, your hand push his torso back against the headboard, holding him steady as you readied yourself.
Sitting back on your knees, your hands grasped Hyunjin's. You guided him towards your crop top, as if you were silently telling him "undress me, take me." Hyunjin complied.
He undressed you eagerly, savouring the way your tits bounced out of your tight crop top. Next was your panties, which slid deliciously off of your legs as they clung to your cunt from your wetness. You took each garment of clothing from him, tossing the crop top aside but keeping the underwater dangling in your grasp. Hyunjin took a shaky breath in at the prospect of what you would do with them. Pump him with them? Let him taste your scent?
Sadly, you were simply teasing him. You quickly discarded them with the rest of your clothes, symbolizing your lack of interest in them but understanding the effect they had on Hyunjin. Your actions made Hyunjin whimper: he did not want to waste your panties nor waste any of your juices. Hyunjin almost wanted to beg now for you to stuff them in his mouth, his tolerance wearing thin.
"Sit back, Hyunjin," you stated, to which he immediately complied. He didn't even realize he had begun pulling towards you again. As soon as his back hit the headboard again, you began to rise from your knees. While maintaining eye contact with him, you sat back on your plump ass and allowed your legs to softly rest across Hyunjin's thighs. Almost immediately, Hyunjin's hands began to caress your legs, pressing the squishy flesh into his aching cock gently while relishing the feeling of your soft skin against his. He took another shaky breath in.
"I'm glad you like my legs, Hyunnie," you smiled. Hyunjin could barely break his stare away from the soft flesh as he agreed.
"More than like, y/n," he responded. You laughed.
"Good," you continued, "because in the position—my favourite position—my legs are a key feature." Those words were enough to break Hyunjin's trance and allow his eyes to focus on yours. God, if he didn't love you before, he surely did now. His grip on your thighs was almost painful but still deliciously satisfying.
"Please," he breathed out, almost choking on the air, "please, show me." And, of course, you complied. Bending your knees slightly, you moved your hands into the space and pulled Hyunjin's boxers down slightly, allowing his cock to spring free.
Fuck. You were right about his size.
His tip was red from the strain against the fabric, and your mouth watered at the idea of his cum filling your mouth. However, you needed to focus on the task at hand.
You slowly began to pump him. You wanted to stroke him to his full length, but from the size and hardness, you could tell Hyunjin was already about to cum. Other dead giveaways were Hyunjin's whimpers that filled the room, his precum that coated your hand, and how he drooled at your touch. In fact, Hyunjin's tongue hung out of his mouth, lightly panting at each stroke you offered him.
"F-fuck, baby," he whimpered, "Y/n, please, let me fuck you—hmm!" your hand suddenly pumped him faster before returning to your original tempo.
"Tut tut, Hyunnie," you tsked, "patience is a virtue. Don't you know that?" Hyunjin nodded vigorously, worried at the idea of you prolonging his torture.
"Your such a good boy, yeah?"
"O-only for y/n," his eyes were wide and teary, and your heartbeat reverberated a bit louder in your chest.
"Then you shouldn't rush what I want." With those words, you slowly lowered your plush thighs back across his lap. Slowly, you parted them, creating a small crevice through which you guided Hyunjin's swelling cock through. The soft, tight make-shift pussy that now encapsulated his dick made Hyunjin shake.
"Fuck, please." Tears threatened to spill from his eyes from pleasure. You just smiled.
Your thighs rested on his, now. His dick was snug between them, twitching when you squished them together and hugged him so nicely. Hyunjin's grip on you was harsh, leaving his knuckles white as he kept you close. One hand held you around your waist while the other massaged your calf, wrapping completely around your lower leg. Though fondling you, the act grounded him as he tried to distract himself from thrusting up into you. God, he wanted to be so good for you, make his words worth something.
Your touch wasn't helping. You rubbed his lower legs while your other hand continued to pet his hair, scratching in all the right places.
This. This was what you wanted. His cock, so snug and needy between your legs. And Hyunjin, the man of your dreams, purring at your touch. It was his beautifully desperate cock aching for stimulation. It was his red tip that leaked precum, that was dying to fuck your thighs, to fuck you. You almost didn't want to make him cum in fear that his release meant the end of this proximity between you. Though it pained him to be so teased, you still desired to keep like this, whining between your legs. Completely wrapped around your finger. Utterly devoted to you, waiting for your orders.
But, fuck, you just had to give him what he wanted. It was Hyunjin, for God's sake.
So, you indulged him. Your hand traced up his leg, up your juicy thighs, and towards Hyunjin's mouth. Your fingers traced his lips before pushing in and wetting them on his tongue. He hummed and whined against the pads of your index and middle fingers. He could've sucked on them forever. However, once they were satisfactorily wet, you retracted them, placing them in your own mouth and mixing his spit with yours. Hyunjin's eyes studied you intently, whimpering at your actions, anticipating what was to come.
Then, your hand—soaked in yours and his spit—ever so gently began to tease Hyunjin's aching tip that peaked out from between your thighs. Just a little. Just enough.
Hyunjin almost instantly began to thrust up into you, eagerly fucking your thighs and moaning loudly with each pump.
"Take it, baby," you whispered to his ears as you planted kisses on his scarlet cheeks, "take all I give you."
Hyunjin took your words as an invitation.
His lips kissed down your neck and collarbones, hand holding you close but not haltering the hand that fucked his poor cock. He held you close, so close. Each kiss made him pull you closer to his body, each kiss an anguished act to show you fuck, please be close to me, y/n.
As if reaching the end of his journey, Hyunjin's mouth settled on your chest. His hand that once caressed your legs now fondled your tits, pinching and twisting your nipple while his mouth sucked eagerly on the other. The slobber from his kisses left your chest glossy and, truth be told, made him so much hungrier for you. Each kiss made you moan louder, pump his dick harder, and press him nearer to you.
"I like being this close to my Hyunnie," you cried as your legs and hands fucked Hyunjin's cock. "Just-just like how I a-always wanted."
"Ah— fuck," Hyunjin moaned open mouth kisses into your chest, leaning more and more into your body while his hips fucked up into you more aggressively. As his hands and body contorted yours, the pressure he applied to you suddenly overpowered your own.
Hyunjin toppled over you, his cock freeing from your legs as you landed on your back against the bed. The change in position triggered something in Hyunjn. It was either that or seeing you sprawled out below him, glistening from the mixture of his spit and the sweat on your chest, making your tits look so much more delectable. Due to the sight of you, Hyunjin let his swollen lips slobber onto your chest, causing you to shiver at the sensation.
"Hyunnie..." you whined under him, "I didn't get to finish." The pout that layered your voice made Hyunjin want to give in to you. You were so unsatisfied with your unfinished performance and wanted to give him more and more. However, Hyunjin was the one who could truly voice dissatisfaction. After all, he was the one with a heavy erection that continuously leaked, begging for release. You had teased him for so long, and now, it was his turn.
"We have to take turns, y/n." Hyunjin smiled, "It's time to show you my favourite position."
You were at a loss for words. Hyunjin being above you was something you dreamed of, and now, under him, you were completely content on relinquishing your control over him in favour of having him own you, of making you his.
"Hyunnie," you pleaded, "show me."
In an instant, Hyunjin pinned your knees to your sides, squishing your torso between your thick thighs. Your chest, already marked and soaked in liquids, rubbed feverishly against Hyunjin's own bare torso. The sensations made you squirm, yet you could barely move with how tightly Hyunjin held you. To him, you were a doll, ready to use and malleable to his will.
Hyunjin's knees caged your own legs, his body using every limb and appendage to secure you underneath him. One hand, nevertheless, still held your head. Hyunjin, even in the lewdest moments, held you, wanted you, and pined for you.
His other hand, however, was guiding his reddening cock to your pussy.
"I've waited so long, y/n," he panted into your ear. "So long. And now you think you can tease me? Make me wait to take what's mine?"
You wanted to respond, truly you did, but your voice was stuck in your throat. Hyunjin rubbed his cockhead against your clit, teasing you both deliciously and gathering your juices on his heavy erection. Despite the minimal stimulus given to you, you were practically gushing.
"Aw, baby's too dumb to respond," Hyunjin cooed, his tongue darting out and licking the lobe of your ear, causing you to shiver.
"Please, y/n," Hyunjin whispered to you, "say the words, say anything and I'll give in." His cock continued to rub you up and down your cunt, ghosting but never fully entering you. It took every crumb of conviction to compose yourself. You needed to tell Hyunjin what you wanted, what you needed. You took a breath in, and—as shaky as it was—gained the air needed to speak.
"I-I'm your toy, Hyunnie," you mewled, "j-just yours, only Hyunjin's—ah!"
Your words were cut short as Hyunjin pushed into you, his cock rejoicing in being hugged by your plush walls.
"God," Hyunjin praised. His hips quickly picked up a fast, harsh speed, chasing the high he had been so sinfully neglected this whole night. Each push into you made you feel so full, so utterly and totally complete.
"Hyun-nie," you stuttered out as his dick pistoned into you.
"Fuck," Hyunjin panted, pressing his forehead to yours and allowing his sweat to trickle down you.
"Mmh! Hyunjin," you whimpered as his tip met that gummy spot inside you. Your high was quickly coming, the teasing you had subjected Hyunjin to all night obviously affecting you, as well.
"God, look at you," Hyunjin gasped, pulling away from the crook in your neck. Your glossy eyes could barely register Hyunjin above you, completely consumed by the way his cock felt inside you. Hyunjin could tell you were gone but did not relent in his pace. Instead, he let one hand trace up your body and begin to caress your face before sticking his thumb in your mouth, which you eagerly sucked. Hyunjin smirked as he dug deeper into you.
"Y/n," he moaned. "All that shit about closeness it's true, isn't it? But— fuck—but you also just wanna be used like a slut, allow me to fuck your thighs and use you how I like, huh?"
You wanted to nod, plead and agree with your love that yes, you were just a needy bitch that needed to be filled with cum in order to behave. Instead, you continued to eagerly suck on Hyunjin's thumb, pawing at his veiny arms.
Hyunjin continued, "God, when I saw you on top of Jeongin earlier it— hmm! Fuck—it...it made me want to take you in front of him, in front of everyone. You're mine, love. Mine."
"Hyunjin's," you mumbled with his digit still wrapped around your tongue, "Only Hyunnie's."
"You just love having people look at you being a little slut, though," Hyunjin growled. "Loving cock so goddamn much that you'd fuck all your friends just to get a taste of dick? Well, you can have mine baby. You'll have to beg, but you can get it. Every night. My cock—mmhm! M-my cock, so snug in you, between your thighs, ready to cum for you. Y-you'd like that, wouldn't you? To be filled with my c-cum?"
Hyunjin started to lose himself. Honestly, you wanted to applaud him for how long he had been able to hold on. He had been so patient, so good for you. After the events of tonight, he deserved to fuck you how he wanted. He dragged his thumb out of your mouth, quickly replacing it with his own mouth and swallowing your whimpers. The wet digit then found its way to your clit, offering quick swipes which matched the pace of his cock.
"Hmph! I— shit— Hyunjin!" You panted between kisses. Each rub against you brought you closer and closer to Hyunjin, his smile evident within the clashing teeth and lips.
"Y/n," he cooed your name like a mantra. "Fuck, I wanna cum all over you, love. Just paint you with it. Please, princess? Please cum for me."
"Hyunnie—" your voice was cut off by the sudden erratic motions of Hyunjin's hips. As he chased his high, you were pulled from all coherent thoughts. Your mind clouded, his cock continually abusing your delicate cunt.
"M-my princess," Hyunjin moaned as he pressed harder into you, "my little y/n taking my cock so well. You're coming, aren't you? God, you clamp so hard around me. Finish, p-please—fuck—finish so I can cum all over you." The request, though more of a demand, wasn't hard to fulfill. With his final words, you painted Hyunjin's cock with your juices, still holding onto him so tightly, desperate to hang on to the feeling of being so full.
Sadly, your cum allowed Hyunjin to slip out of you, leaving you empty but blessing you with the image of Hyunjin fucking his fist right above your tummy. He straddled your body, sweat pouring off of him and adding to the fluids that coated his cock.
"Y/n, y/n," he cried. "S-so close to me... my baby, so close to me." Your hand joined his, rubbing his tip eagerly in the hopes of finally offering Hyunjin precious release.
"Cum, baby," you panted in your fucked-out state, "cum all over me."
As if your words liberated him from a curse, Hyunjin spilt his cum all over his hand while letting it paint your chest, assisting hand, and tummy. The sensation made you squirm under him.
"M-my pretty princess," Hyunjin moaned, "all mine, my pretty baby." Before you could leave his grip, Hyunjin's other hand groped your chest to force you to stay still, rubbing his juices into you.
"Mmh, my baby covered in my pups," he hummed as he allowed bliss to settle into him. Liquid still oozed out of his slit, the last of his orgasm still riding out. Then, with his cum covered hand, he stuck two digits into your hung-open mouth, which you then greedily sucked clean.
"So sweet," Hyunjin whispered as he lowered himself towards you, "so good." He let his barely-cleaned hand slip from your mouth, leaning into a slow kiss with you.
The kiss was not desperate, not demanding or needy. For that night, it was the only thing you had down slowly, with intent and purpose. His tongue danced with yours, letting honeyed moans escape him as he cherished the precious moment with you. As he pulled away from the kiss, he allowed his legs to unpin you and his hands to settle into yours, intertwining despite the stickiness of his mess.
"I'm glad I got to show you what I like, y/n." Hyunjin's voice was almost innocent, naive in his love-soaked words. You giggled
"I like what you like, Hyunjin," you mumbled with a faint smile layering your exhausted voice.
"I like what you like, too," he replied. Placing a final kiss on your forehead, Hyunjin smiled, completely content.
"I like you."
You smiled back. "I like you, too, Hyunnie. So much."
The rest of the night was spent locked in each other's arms, insomnia fleeing as the golden hue of the sky began to settle as the sun rose. Tomorrow, you would be subjected to questioning from the boys as you emerged from Hyunjin's room, bruised and blushing from the previous night's escapades. Yet, for now, it was just you and Hyunjin. Alone, and basking in each other's presence as the day took over the night sky.
For now, you could rejoice in the intimacy between you and the boy you liked, the closeness you two felt with each other, and the kisses that he let linger on your face as you were lulled to sleep.
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wildlife4life · 4 months
Seven (+) Sentence Sunday
Tagged by the very lovely @rainbow-nerdss, @fortheloveofbuddie @wikiangela @evanbegins and @daffi-990. Thank you! Can't wait for all your upcoming works!
In honor of the NFL regular season coming to an end today and the beginning of the playoffs, I'm sharing a part of a fan favorite. That's right ya'll, its an NFL Buck snippet! WOOOOO! (And I know this wayyyyy more than seven sentences, but are ya'll going to complain about extra NFL Buck?)
Eddie wasn't lying when he told Chimney he loved football. He just didn't say how much. When Chim invited the newest member of the 118 and his son to a kid friendly sports bar to watch the Rams play the Colts in Indy, he was expecting to be turned down. Hen encouraged it, "He needs friends that enjoy what he does. And I really can't listen to another rant about football stats or how Dustin Watson isn't taking the Texans to the tournament." "Deshaun Watson." Bobby corrected from the kitchen, "And its the playoffs." Hen rolls her eyes, "Whatever. You both have Sunday free and Buckley is playing, Christopher's favorite player." "How do you know the Ram's quarterback is playing, but not the name of the man who got Buckley kicked out of Texas?" Chim teased. "Denny." His friend answers simply, "You know he likes all things LA Rams." "Then why aren't you inviting Eddie and Christopher to your place to watch the game with Denny?" "Because Howard," Hen remarks a little sharply, "I'm not off Sunday and Karen has yet to meet Eddie, so it would be uncomfortable for everyone to have him in our home without me. Why are you arguing about this? You were just complaining about how Eddie and I are all buddy-buddy the other day." "You two have a lot more in common and somehow I always seem to stick my foot in my mouth whenever I talk to the guy. I freaking outed the dude!" Chimney reminds them. Bobby steps away from the stove and joins the two paramedics at the marble island, "Eddie wasn't making it easy for any of us to get to know him. Hen was just braver than most to actually approach him. Now its your turn and football is a good jumping point." Chimney opens his mouth to try objecting again, "And it will help in making up for the whole outing incident and interrogating his kid."
Cap had him there "And you'll pay." Hen demands and when Chimney arches a brow of slight disagreement she just shrugs and states, "It'll help dispel some of the notion of being his boyfriend's sugar baby and his birthday is the same week, making this an easy gift." And Hen made the kill shot. So Chimney awkwardly approached Eddie in the locker room at the end of their shift and invited him and Christopher to watch the game. He was happily surprised when Eddie said yes and brought an equally ecstatic Christopher with him without hesitation. Chim was additionally surprised with Eddie's total enrapture of the game, even more so with his undivided attention to the Ram's new quarterback, Evan Buckley. Every play the man made, Eddie was on his feet making some sort of comment. Good plays came with shouts of, "Good boy Buckley!" and "Great throw man!". Poor plays, interceptions, or missed opportunities, were met with, "Shake it off Buckley!" and "You got this Evan!" And any missed or bad calls from the refs... well Chimney knew foul language when he heard it, no matter what language. "We have a swear jar at home. It gets donated to Evan's charity at the end of the season." Christopher explains when he catches Chimney's questioning side glance after his father's latest f-bomb. Ah well, at least there's some sort of consequence to cursing in front of a child. "I have to pay up too if I say anything like my dad does, but I've never come close to his number." Chris adds on with a giggle and Chimney joins him with a low chuckle of his own. A niggle of curiosity has him asking, "And what about Buck?" The younger Diaz gives all his attention to what remains of his fries and shrugs with one shoulder, "Um... well I've never watched a game with Buck, but he does always double the jars total when we donate it." Chimney really wants to push on the whole matter of Eddie's partner of 10 years never once watching a game with the kid, but he knows interrigating Chris (again) about Buck (who is off limits unless otherwise brought up) would probably put an end to Eddie and Chim's burgeoning friendship. So he goes for a joke, "He must live with soap in his mouth if your dad is to go by." Earning a full belly laugh from the teen and Chimney counts it as a major win when Eddie glances back with bright grin.
I feel like Eddie and Chim have the whole, I'm friends with you because of a Buckley and because we work together thing. So take away the Buckley and its a bit of an awkward friendship, which I wanted to highlight and improve. Hope you all enjoyed!!!! More NFL Buck can be found here.
Tagging (no pressure): @disasterbuckdiaz @elvensorceress @devirnis @lover-of-mine @exhuastedpigeon @jesuisici33 @jamespearce9-1-1 @giddyupbuck @malewifediaz @hippolotamus @thewolvesof1998 @jeeyuns @911onabc @911-on-abc @bekkachaos @loserdiaz @hoodie-buck @try-set-me-on-fire @spotsandsocks @theotherbuckley @ladydorian05 @bigfootsmom @watchyourbuck @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @thekristen999 @spagheddiediaz @monsterrae1 @rogerzsteven @eowon @honestlydarkprincess @eddiescowboy @vampbuckley @bitchfacediaz @buck-coded @housewifebuck @arthursdent @glorious-spoon @buddierights @athenagranted @prosperdemeter2 @gayedmundodiaz
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gnreadergames · 2 months
We can be heroes, just for one day
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Pairing: Clark Kent X GN!Reader
Clark and YN’s date is interrupted, forcing Clark to make a choice that could change his relationship with Y/N forever…
Content Warnings: some wine mentions, mentions of a gun, some light kissing, mostly fluff and flirting
A/N: enjoy some short fluff I wrote while being utterly and horribly sick last week. Clark deserves a little wine and a nice kiss.
Word count: 10,085
As they sit hunched over your cluttered and cramped desk in the dim newsroom of The Daily Planet, they will themselves to stay awake.
The aroma of stale coffee and old bagels lingers in the air, a bitter reminder of what’s waiting for them in the break room and their lazy leftovers at home. With a defeated sigh, they contemplate going for another cup of the watered down brew that’s called “coffee” around here. It’s the only caffeine they can get without actually leaving the office besides lukewarm energy drinks in the vending machine.
Their saving grace comes in the form of Clark, who slides the warm cup of some obscurely named café across their desk. “You looked like you could use it,” he smiles, rendering them speechless, but they’re thankful all the same
They perk up with a smile.
“Thank you Clark.”
They found the man charming, although he was less authoritative than his peers and less outspoken, they found his intellect and his shy sense of humor fascinating.
The two of them had talked for a while last month at the office Christmas party, and ever since Y/N had noticed that Clark and them had been spending their free time around the office doing small favors for one another, such as bringing each other coffee.
They notice him drinking from his own cup of coffee, still smiling as he turns to look at them. He takes his time drinking it, but his eyes meet theirs again as he sets the cup down, his smile bright and endearing. "So have you been enjoying the holiday break?" He asks, not wanting to make eye contact in case he ends up staring.
“It’s been good.” They nod. It’s been quiet in their house since their ex left right before Christmas, and for a fleeting moment it dampens their mood, but then the next sip of good coffee that their work buddy Clark brought them cheers them up.
“How has yours been? See any family?” They ask, they know Clark is a big family man and cares a lot for his parents, so you can only imagine he’s been visiting those friends he’s always saying he’s out with and his family at his home home.
"It was great, I had the chance to spend time with my parents and I..."
Clark's voice trailed off as he realized he was about to give away too much personal information. He had never spoken about his family before to anyone besides those close to him, at least not at length, but talking to them felt safe and... different. He wanted them to know they were more than a co-worker, despite the fact he was still figuring out what they were.
"Nothing too exciting" he finished, feeling himself smile uncontrollably once again.
“Well I’m glad you got some rest,” Y/N smiled. They wanted to touch base with Clark about what exactly they were, never quite touching the lines between acquaintances and friends…
But before Y/N could do anything, Clark spoke.
“Listen,” he said, voice low. “Would you maybe…want to get a drink with me after work sometime?” He asked, leaning against their desk.
The two of them stood in a comfortable silence, each aware of how much rides on this simple decision.
"Will you join me?" He asked, looking into their eyes once again.
"Just a drink, let's keep it casual"
They swallowed. It was so soon after their ex had left them…especially for her. They weren’t sure if they were ready yet but….
It was Clark.
They trusted Clark.
“Sure” they said. Smiling softly up at him, they lifted their cup in a silly gesture of cheers. “Toast to it?” They asked.
There it was, he had his answer. He was filled with elation and relief in that moment.
"Of course" he replied, clinking their cups together and taking a sip. They were going on a date, this was really happening.
Clark's heart soared as he smiled back at them, it was going to take time for things to develop, but at the very least, he felt confident they had taken another big step.
Time that day had seemed to go ever so slowly in the office. Y/N kept finding themself staring at the clock, waiting for the time when they could clock out and go home to get ready for their meeting with Clark.
Their date with Clark.
The hours dragged on, time felt like it was moving at a glacial pace, but finally, they were able to clock out and head home to get ready.
The prospect of the date had them feeling a mix of emotions, mostly excitement but there was also a hint of slight hesitation, not due to Clark but rather the recent heartbreak.
Time to get ready and hopefully try to relax a little.
They slowly prepared themselves the best they could. After a long shower with their best products, they put on their best collared shirt and a jacket, and their very best pair of jeans that hugged their ass just right.
Maybe that last part was a little vain. Y/N didn’t mind.
They then sprayed their best cologne on them, especially in the crook of their neck and around their jaw. They wanted to be tempting, even if nothing happened tonight.
Which they would also be okay with, they knew Clark liked to do things the old fashioned way sometimes. You could tell he liked to take things slow, but there was a spark, a hint of passion underneath it all.
It would take more time, but it was worth the wait.
Y/N went to the bar they agreed upon at promptly 8. The front looked like a romantic cigar lounge, the inside lit with a warm lighting and deep red interior with dark wood. Y/N liked this.
People on the street milled about, and it was still chilly since it was mid January now, the Christmas lights still wrapped around the light pole outside. They began to look for Clark to arrive, as he was almost always punctual.
Clark had made sure to dress appropriately, he had taken his time, but he was ready for this date. The night and the cool air was a good excuse to wear a coat and Clark was prepared to play the part of the gentleman for every second of it.
It was easy to spot the bar, located in the heart of the town; it was bustling with life and energy. He looks for Y/N and sees them looking out for him, their hair shines in the light and he smiles to himself.
Y/N suddenly spotted a tall but non-imposing figure in the crowd. They were always surprised how much Clark could blend in one minute and stand out the next. It was like a superpower or something.
“Clark!” They called, waving over a few couples walking past. They locked eyes with the man and smiled as he crossed the sidewalk to meet them at the entrance.
Clark's heart raced a little as they locked eyes, he didn't say anything at first, simply choosing to look at them, their eyes glowing in the lighting.
He looks them up and down, appreciating the time they obviously spent getting ready.
"I hope I didn't keep you waiting long?"
”No, don’t worry you- you didn’t,” Y/N shivers. They can’t tell whether it’s the cold air or the fact that Clark is closer than usual right now but they feel all warm despite the snow on the ground. “Should we go in?” They asked, cocking their head towards the bouncer at the door.
"We should," Clark replies, moving to guide them inside. He notices the shiver and his heart flutters slightly, he's going to have to be careful. His intention was to take it slow, but with the chemistry between them, his mind kept wondering what it would feel like to kiss them.
‘Calm down, it's been hours not months, one step at a time’ he reminds himself.
As they approached the Boucher side by side, Y/N handed over their ID. They watched the bouncer scan it, scan their face, and scan their age before slowly handing it back to them with a nod.
Quietly, Y/N stepped to the side.
Clark then stepped up, they could see the bouncer inspect his ID, and as he read Clark’s name his eyebrows raised.
“Clark Kent?” The man said. “You’re that one journalist! I’ve read your articles.”
Clark smiled and nodded at the bouncer, he knew his fame would be followed him around, but he didn't mind too much. It was always surprising to see how many men and women knew him, and it always gave him a little ego boost.
"It's my hobby" he responded, before gently guiding Y/N inside with him, hoping he wasn't intimidating them too much.
Y/N smiled, sticking a little closer to Clark’s side. Suddenly, they swallowed their nerves and wrapped their hands around one of Clark’s arms at his side.
“Impressive,” Y/N said as Clark led them both further inside.
The interior of the bar was as expected from the impression outside. It was dim but intimate. There was a short but steady melody of jazz coming from a live band in a corner of the bar towards the front window in a pit like stage.
Clark smiled as he felt their hand wrap around his arm, it was the perfect amount of familiar but without being too much, he liked that.
That was a great atmosphere for a date, the live band playing a mellow and seductive song added the perfect element to the evening.
It was almost like they belonged together, even at this point.
"You know, when I'm not being a journalist I'm just a regular guy" he says, hoping they don't see him as anything other than who he was.
Y/N quirked and eyebrow. “Oh yeah? Why don’t you find us a seat and tell me more about what you do besides journalism,” Y/N smiled. “No other dark serial killer personalities I should be worried about though, right?”
Clark laughed softly, he couldn't resist laughing. It was funny to imagine himself with multiple dark personalities, and he loved that they went back to their conversation from the office.
"Well, there's no serial killer...that you know of," he replied, not able to help himself from teasing them a little.
Dark secret personality number two: Unwitting flirt
Y/N laughed softly. They didn’t know Clark was a tease.
They tucked that information away for another time.
Clark led them both to a booth in a corner, close enough that the jazz was a nice background to their conversation but not loud enough to interrupt.
A waiter came by shortly to get their order.
“What will it be?” The girl said in her neat black and white uniform with her pencil and pad.
Y/N looked at Clark. “I don’t know what’s good here. What are you getting?” They asked shyly.
Clark sat beside them in the booth, he loved how close they were in that small little moment. The dim lighting made it even better, like he was sitting with his significant other. It felt nice and he was a little nervous.
When the waiter came he replied with his order, his voice slightly deeper than normal. "I'll be having the salmon with white wine please."
He turned his attention to them. Hmm, I wonder what that cute little mind of yours is going to order? He thought.
”Can I have the steak with the red wine please, then?” Y/N said after a moment of consideration. Then, they glanced over at Clark staring at them and blushed.
The girl took their order and hurried away to serve more people. They would give her a big tip after this.
“So, Mr. Not a Serial Killer, what do you do in your spare time?” Y/N asked, propping their chin on their hand with their elbow resting on the table near the tea light candle in the center. They locked eyes.
Clark chuckled as he saw them blush, it was too cute to resist, and he enjoyed that he made them blush.
He watched the waiter leave with their attention, but quickly returned it back to Y/N. He couldn’t help but admire how beautiful they were, it was almost hard not to stare.
"I play basketball at the local rec centre, read a lot and go to the gym” he said as part of his reply, he added a bit of a smirk as he did.
“Oh that’s nice!” Y/N said.
The waiter came back with both of their wines respectively and placed them in front of them both. Clark took a small sip of his after swirling it so Y/N did the same.
It was sweet and heady, and went straight to their head. They shouldn’t have more than 2 of these tonight…probably.
“I read a lot too…” Y/N said, placing the wine glass back on the table.
He took his glass and sipped from it, looking up and watching as he saw Y/N take a sip of theirs. The sweet taste was nice on the pallets, and the feeling of the slight intoxication that it gave them was pleasant as well.
"Oh yeah? What kind of books? I like action, thrillers and mystery," he asked, his voice slightly slowed but still under control, he didn't want to seem like a drunkard right now by downing wine too fast, even if he couldn’t get drunk.
Y/N smiled.
“What a coincidence, I love a good thriller and mystery.” They suddenly leaned forward, face lit lowly by the small candle, “But I’m also a fan a good romance.”
Y/N smiled guiltily and pulled back to watch Clark.
Clark's voice caught in his throat like a school boy, his face flushed and his heart was pounding. How could Y/N have just hit him with that information so suddenly, his heart was thumping against his chest.
He wasn't sure how to respond, he had hoped there might be some hint of interest but he wasn't sure enough to try yet.
You idiot, he thought to himself, you'll ruin this if you don't play it perfectly.
The waiter came back with their food soon, and the mood cooled down. They both ate in relative happiness, occasionally taking sips of their wines.
Y/N was obviously becoming more affected than Clark was. But of course, they didn’t know Clark wasn’t affected by human alcohol like a normal person.
The jazz was nice as a filler to no conversation at the moment.
They finished their meals and sat back, ready to talk. Y/N smiled, finishing their last sip of wine.
Clark finished off his meal with ease, he wasn't an exceptionally hungry person, but he was a little surprised by Y/N’s reaction towards the wine. They made a cute lightweight.
He finished his food, setting his utensils down as he settled back in his seat. His attention was still on them, and he could tell the wines had affected something as he saw them smirk and finish their glass. He was a little nervous to ask them out on a second date but he knew he was going to.
”So, farm-boy,” Y/N slightly drawled, “Tell me about yourself.” They set the glass on the table and smirked.
Farm Boy? He hadn't expected that line, it caught him off guard, and his blush was definitely visible now. He could imagine his face was red as a tomato by this point. As they finished speaking though, he had to regain his composure.
He laughed quietly to himself, before answering them. "What exactly would you like to know?"
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Y/N asked, genuinely confused for a moment, but Clark didn’t seem to pick up on it.
Thankfully, at that moment, the band began to play another song that was low and brassy, with a sultry tone.
Y/N nodded along for a moment, enjoying the feeling the wine gave them.
“Anyways,” they continued, “you like to read huh? I know you have family, tell me about them. Your mom and dad? The farm? What’s it like being a pampered only child?” They asked.
Clark laughed at first as he took no offense to their tone, it was a bit sharp and teasing, but Clark knew they meant no ill will by it and enjoyed the flirting that was happening between them both. The change of music also provided a nice cover and backdrop to their conversation, which was nice.
"Oh so you want the full origin story?" He asked teasingly, looking at them and raising his eyebrow.
“Yeah I think I do,” they said.
The waitress came by to refill their wine.
“I’ll show you mine if you show me yourrssss…” Y/N teased as they drew their index finger around the rim of their wine glass.
Clark tried to not appear too affected by their teasing but it was no use he was already under their spell, he had to bite his lip to not smile or even laugh at their words.
Clark was tempted to continue with the flirting but held himself back for the sake of maintaining a little bit of control. Instead of going straight into the full origin story he decided to meet them halfway.
"Okay how about we flip a little script?" He says looking them square in the eyes.
”What does that mean?” Y/N asked. There was a very good chance Clark was going to ask for a juicy secret in return for something perfectly mundane.
Clark couldn't help but smile as Y/N asked the question, they were clearly curious now to what he had in mind, and the mystery of it intrigued them.
"Hmm how can I explain this so it makes sense?..."
A light bulb went off above Clark's head as he got an idea to help them understand.
"What if I ask you a question instead?"
“Go ahead.” Y/N said. They were intrigued as to where this was going.
He took a moment to think, his mind running a million miles per hour right now after the wine and their continued flirting.
"Okay, well let's keep this short and sweet, what is your most embarrassing memory?"
Clark thought this would be an easy one to start with, it was a safe bet for him, and also he was secretly hoping it would help get to know a bit more about them. His mind was filled with anticipation and hope.
They flushed harder, and this time it wasn’t the wine.
They couldn’t think of anything for a moment, but then- it hit them.
Could they tell Clark this?
They sipped their wine ever so slightly again. This was the best answer they had.
“Oh god…” they bemoaned. “I guess…” Y/N sat backwards in the seat for a moment and took a big sip of their wine, preparing. They sighed.
“Don’t tell anybody this, okay?” They said sitting forward suddenly leaning close to Clark. “When I was a teenager, I had this…boy on my block. We were childhood friends but we hadn’t talked for a few years. Then, when I graduated, all of the sudden at my graduation party he showed up uninvited and dragged me…” Y/N swallowed. The alcohol was getting to them, “…he dragged me to a bathroom upstairs away from everyone and uh…that was my first time. Then I never saw him again after that party but I think about him every now and then and I also think about how I had to use my sister's makeup to cover my hickies in 10 minutes before going down to cut cake.”
Clark's breath caught in his chest as he heard their story, the way Y/N was sharing something so personal and a bit embarrassing was extremely attractive to him. He felt his heart beating faster and couldn't stop staring into their eyes.
As they finished their story he gently grabbed their hand to hold it and support them, it wasn't just for them though, it was also to keep him from reacting more than he normally would. He smiled softly at them as they ended their story.
“Don’t laugh!” Y/N giggled. They couldn’t help it, it was a pretty pathetic and embarrassing story. But now, Clark was at their mercy.
“So, now you owe me one question.” Y/N said.
Clark raised an eyebrow. They were now over the small candle of the table.
“What’s your biggest fantasy?” Y/N asked, quietly.
Clark was tempted to say some joke about his biggest fantasy involving them in the most romantic way possible, but that was too predictable and he realized there was no need to. Instead his mind went straight to an actual fantasy of his.
"Oh boy, my biggest fantasy" he said with a smirk as he thought about it, it was a lot less embarrassing than theirs but still a bit embarrassing.
"Ahh...well, you're not going to like it."
Y/N wasn’t so sure. “Go on!” They said, insistently. “Tell me all the little details, you owe me.” They slurred, crossing their arms against their chest, humpfing loudly.
Clark thought about sharing his fantasy, they had shared theirs, so it was only fair he did the same. And it was slightly cute how much they wanted to know.
Clark smiled, he was enjoying their flirty demeanor, that slur and them crossing their arms, it made him chuckle. He was finding it way more entertaining than he should have, but he couldn't resist, even if was going to result in embarrassment. He was being led down a path he couldn't say no to.
Clark leaned forward slightly, so they could hear him better.
Y/N leaned closer so they could hear at all.
Clark was close enough to almost feel their breath as he spoke.
"So for me, my fantasy is basically…to have a family..."
He smiled nervously, trying to keep his cool but it wasn't working, he felt his face become flushed from their closeness.
"That's it. Plain and simple, my biggest fantasy is to have a family of my own one day."
Y/N’s nose wrinkled as they smiled wider and wider before laughing loudly.
“Really?” They said, catching their breath. But after a moment, they considered it. “Actually…that’s really sweet. You really are a sweet guy.” Y/N said leaning back in.
Clark couldn't stop the smile forming on his face as they laughed, the sound of their laughter was soothing to him that even their laugh was attractive to him.
When they finally leaned away, he did as well, but it was impossible to hide his blushing. The whole interaction he was caught in a trance with how sweet and endearing they looked.
He wanted to reply to their compliment, but all the was coming out was a soft, awkward chuckle.
”You know what mine is?” Y/N said quietly.
Clark leaned in, intrigued suddenly.
“Affordable Housing” Y/N giggled.
Clark rolled his eyes.
“I’m kidding!” They smiled and played with the stem of Clark’s wine glass. “It’s actually to be content. Don’t ask me what that means, I’m not sure I’ll know what it is until I find it, but I think it involves someone special and a steady paycheck.” Y/N sighed.
Clark laughed at their play on words, and even their follow up explanation. They were sweet and playful, and he was growing more fond of them with each interaction. Y/N mentioned something he could agree with, a steady paycheck and having someone special in his life would definitely make him content.
Clark leaned forward slightly, his voice becoming softer, more genuine as he replied to them.
"I can understand what you mean, I think the same too. Especially the second part."
”Yeah?” Y/N said. “I think you’re doing pretty good for yourself Mr. Clark Kent getting recognized by the bouncer and is friends with Louis Lane herself” they rolled their eyes playfully.
He couldn't help but chuckle at that, they were right, he was doing pretty good for himself, but he didn't feel like explaining it to them just yet. Not to mention the fact at he was enjoying their playful teasing, he actually loved it.
"I try." He says smilingly, "That doesn't mean I don't wish my life was a little more stable and less dramatic though."
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?” They sniffed the last half of their wine. “What do you do on the weekends besides read Sherlock and write amazing articles?” They sighed and their eyes moved up suddenly to look at Clark over their glass.
Clark was feeling comfortable enough with them now to share a little more about himself, after all they had just shared their deepest and embarrassing secret so it was only fair he also said more about himself too. And his answer wasn't much different from their initial assumption.
"On the weekends, I try to read as much as I can, I also enjoy watching documentaries and playing certain games here and there...and that's about it."
“So, I guess you really don’t have any secret B side personality you’re hiding from anybody, huh?” They asked.
Clark started to sweat. They needed to know about him…eventually, maybe just not right now.
Clark was caught off guard, they had read him like a book, he definitely didn't want to reveal too much about the double identity he led, but at the same time Y/N wasn't dumb, it'd be inevitable that they find out, unless he did something to prevent that.
Clark smiled nervously with a chuckle.
"I mean-" he starts to reply hesitantly and hesitatingly, he pauses for a second, he can't just reveal everything now.
"Not entirely."
Y/N smiled. “Well we all have secrets, Clark…” they teased.
“I guess we’ll just have to figure these things out about each other, huh?” Y/N looked at the band playing across the bar now.
Clark would tell them. Not now.
But definitely eventually.
“Maybe I’m the crazy serial killer,” Y/N said, unconvincingly, throwing their hands out half-heartedly and bearing their teeth.
Clark couldn't help but laugh at the idea of Y/N being a serial killer, especially when they bared their teeth. The image of that scene playing out was enough to make him chuckle loudly.
"I mean..." he starts, a sly smile on his face, "I haven't seen any evidence that disproves it, so you never know I suppose."
“Well, if I get caught, you can have the first interview with me in prison.” Y/N promised solemnly, with their hand over their heart slightly drunkenly.
“But I can’t promise I won’t eat your heart out first,” Y/N winked and slid a 20$ bill on the table as a tip to the waiter along with more cash for the payment.
Clark chuckled at the idea of interviewing them in prison, but it was all a nice image to paint.
"I look forward to interviewing you then, you can also count on me to bring you some real food besides me." He joked back, playing along with their teasing.
Clark was impressed by how generous they were with the tip, a sweet personality and generous too, he could definitely see why he was crushing on Y/N, his admiration was growing by the minute.
”We should go, it’s gonna snow harder soon.” Y/N said, slurring slightly. They tipped off the last half of their wine and Clark did the same. He still wasn’t affected by it, but Y/N was feeling warm and confident.
The outside of the bar was a bit colder than it was earlier. There was more snow on the ground, but just barely enough to crunch underfoot as they walked. Y/N clung onto Clark’s arm as they slowly sauntered towards both of their apartment buildings.
Clark was enjoying Y/N's affectionate behavior, the way they were clinging onto his arm, the fact that they were drunk and clingy was quite adorable to him. The whole scene was quite cute, it felt safe and comforting in a way he hadn't experienced a lot before. He enjoyed being here, if not for the weather, it'd almost be perfect. He was enjoying this, it was a lot nicer than he had expected.
The walk home was silent, besides Y/N’s occasional humming of a commercial jingle or show theme. Ever so often, Y/N would find the courage to grab Clark’s hand and drag him along confidently towards the end of whatever street they were walking on at the moment, almost skipping and twirling around happily.
Clark had to admit, their actions when they were drunk were cute and endearing, they were so carefree it was hard not to feel happy around them. They were also rather comfortable with being affectionate as well, which he loved a lot about them.
He continued to follow along the lead, but was occasionally tempted to lift Y/N up for more of a romantic carry, but he wanted them to be comfortable at the same time, as cute as they acted and their actions he didn't want to cross any boundaries.
As they got closer to their homes, they also reached a part of town that was dimly lit. They slowed down, Clark pulling the slightly less sober Y/N closer just to be safe.
He was glad he did, because as they tried to round a corner a man decided to test his luck and step out of the shadows with a gun pointed in their direction.
Suddenly, Y/N sobered up real quick.
Clark could see and feel the sudden jolt of cold reality for Y/N, the sobering and shock was a complete 180 from what was happening only a minute ago. Their whole mood and demeanor were almost instantly changed by the sight of the gun and they suddenly became scared and alert.
Clark instinctively pulled them tight and close to him, his body instinctually shielding them with little thought behind the action, he didn't like that his mind automatically assumed he would protect Y/N but knew it was the right thing to do regardless.
”Clark…” Y/N said, backing up slightly, gripping Clark’s arm.
Clark tried his best to calm Y/N down, by the sound of their voice he could tell they were scared and he tried his best to reassure them.
"I'm right here..."
Clark kept his grip firm around their arm while moving slightly in front of them, he couldn't stop the protective feeling towards them and the fear that took over. They were right there in front of him, the thought of anything happening to them was unthinkable for him.
“Wallet. Now. “ the man with the gun said. He was in a dark hoodie.
Y/N fumbled with their pockets. They had their wallet somewhere they swore.
Suddenly, they heard a step towards them, and the seconds slowed down into a quiet silence in time as Y/N watched the gun raise, Clark step further in front of them, and the muzzle flash.
There was a loud noise. And then silence.
“Oh my god,” Y/N breathed, horrified.
In the clearing panic, Clark didn’t seem hurt, if anything, even more angry than before.
He rushed forward, surprising the man with the gun and jerking his arm so it was pinned and he could slam the guy against the nearest wall and knock him out.
Clark's reaction came as soon as they heard the step behind them and saw the gun raise, he moved on pure instinct, all thoughts of being careful and gentle leaving his mind instantly. He moved faster than he ever had before, his anger and a sudden violent urge to protect Y/N overtaking his entire being. He slammed the man against the wall with little difficulty and knocked him out. He had become almost robotic in his movements, acting purely on instinct and adrenaline.
Y/N was shaking with panic, adrenaline, and guiltily…excitement seeing Clark move like that.
“Are…” Y/N took a shaky step forward. “Are…you okay?” they asked Clark with wide, dilated eyes. They couldn’t see a mark on him despite a deep singe on the stomach of his sweater vest. It….
The bullet should’ve gone straight into him with a mark like that…
It was straight to the gut…
Clark was breathing hard, his body was trembling slightly, he was a little out of breath for now he tried his best to stay put together and not show how affected he was. The adrenaline was starting to slow down in his system and leave him feeling exhausted after the sudden jolt.
He managed to give Y/N a small smile, their concern about him was endearing to him and the realization that they must've thought the worst was a bit heartbreaking. He was relieved to be standing here with them now though, safe and unharmed, that was all that mattered.
Y/N was glad to see that Clark was unharmed. But…more importantly, confused.
“Clark…” Y/N asked with a trembling voice, “How did you do that? How are you okay?”
Clark was still breathing hard, his body was feeling weak now that the adrenaline was slowly wearing off. He decided to be honest when it came to their question.
"I'm...I'm not sure, I just...reacted and went off instinct." He replied softly, he could tell Y/N was still shaken up and he tried his best to steady his breathing and heart rate.
"Why, what did you see? Did anything happen to me?"
Y/N’s voice cracked with desperation and disbelief as they frantically stepped forward and grabbed the bottom of Clark’s vest, pulling it so he could see what they meant.
“That bullet should’ve killed you! It bounced off you like nothing!” Y/N yelped.
Clark was taken a little aback by the sudden and strong reaction from Y/N, but he couldn't blame them at all. If he was in their position he'd be freaking out also. He looked down at the vest and realized there wasn't even a scratch on the skin beneath it.
They knew.
“Are…” Y/N behind to realize that Clark’s glasses had gotten cracked when he had shoved the attacker against the wall, and they become concerned about the glass around his eyes, they grab the broken frames and pull them away from Clark.
Suddenly, Clark becomes very familiar when he straightens up a little.
“Oh my…Oh my god you’re…” Y/N shakes, Clark panics.
He did not want them to find out this way.
”You’re Superman!” Y/N squeaked.
Clark was startled by Y/N's realization and sudden realization. He couldn't believe they figured him out with such ease, he had been hiding his identity from them for so long, and now all of it was laid bare at this moment. He was in too deep now, Y/N already knew the truth, he was powerless to stop them from knowing that now.
Clark had thought the situation was under control, but he quickly realized it wasn't. There was no way he could spin this to make it seem like he wasn't Superman.
”I…” Y/N swallows dryly. “I have…I have so many questions.”
Y/N stepped forward, dropping the broken frames onto the snowy ground.
Clark felt dizzy. He couldn’t tell whether it was adrenaline or giddiness at Y/N being this close to him that was doing it to him.
“What’s it like?” Y/N asked, in a whispered tone.
Clark cocked his head.
Clark could feel his heart beating faster as they were now closer to him, he felt slightly overwhelmed by how close they were to him, but the words coming from their mouth were more concerning to him now.
The fact that they knew his secret, and now wanted to know more about him, Clark was panicking a little on the inside, he didn't really know what to tell them or what it would be like to talk about his identity. He could trust them, he knew that already, he just had to come to terms with the fact that they knew who he was.
Y/N’s left hand came up to reach the edge of Clark’s vest around his arm underneath his armpit, his white dress shirt was soaked and his jacket was on the ground nearby.
“I’m sorry if I’m being to forward I- I just-” Y/N stammered. “I wanted to know you before but- but now?” Y/N laughs a little breathlessly, leaning more into Clark.
“You’re incredible.”
Clark's heart started pounding faster the closer they came, Clark also felt rather hot and flushed from the heat emanating between their bodies, and the excitement from what was happening in front of him.
He smiled gently at the compliment, their admiration and affection was something so new to him, it was a lot to take in but he understood how they felt, what was he was feeling now was new and exciting for him too. He was glad they wanted to get to know him deeper and not push him away now.
“Glad this isn’t a dealbreaker for you…” he said quietly, shoulders untensing ever so slightly.
“Are you kidding?” Y/N threw their head back in disbelief. “You’re superhuman!”
The free hand that wasn’t clutching Clark’s vest came up to trace along his jaw.
“But you’re also a beautiful, and unbelievably kind man, with a lot of very simple and meaningful dreams.” Y/N said, sort of reverently.
Clark was taken aback by their praise and sudden touch, his heart was now beating out of his chest and it was taking all he had not to take advantage of the closeness and pull them into a kiss.
"You...um.." he started, but the only words that came out were those of a stumbling school kid.
"How... um..."
Clark couldn't formulate a proper word or sentence, he was in awe at what they were saying to him. They loved him, they didn't reject him. That was all that mattered to him in this moment.
Y/N just smiled at him and leaned into him. It was cold.
Snow was beginning to fall around them now.
“Clark…” Y/N started. “We should leave and get back home.” They said.
"Right, you're right..." Clark mumbled, he was also slightly annoyed that the sudden change in weather meant the night couldn't go on as long as possible.
"My apartment or yours?" He asked, he didn't really care which one they chose, he just wanted to be near them again. His mind was still racing, what had just happened was so overwhelming that it would be nice to just relax in the warmth of another person's presence as soon as possible.
Y/N’s face flushed as they realized Clark expected them to stay together for at least the rest of the night. It made them warm and fuzzy inside to think that Clark liked them.
“We can go to either, which would you prefer?” Y/N asked. They wanted to let Clark make the rest of the decisions tonight. They wanted to show that they trusted Clark still.
Clark was still slightly giddy and overwhelmed from the situation, not only was he accepted despite his secret being known, but he was also offered a choice in who's place they would stay together for the rest of tonight.
The whole situation was a first for Clark, but he didn't want to let a single moment of this opportunity go to waste. He was happy to be offered the choice, but he decided quickly which he preferred.
"I'd like to come to your place." He said softly.
“Okay,” Y/N said weakly.
It was cute to Y/N that Clark could literally take a bullet for them and still be this shy directly after. They were glad he was fine anyways.
Slowly, they led the way back to their place and made it to their front door without incident. They fumbled with their keys, small keychains dangling on their loop while they fished it out of their pocket and unlocked the front door.
It was modest, but spacious. Y/N wasn’t sure if they liked that they were probably easily readable from just their living room, let alone the rest of the apartment.
“Home sweet home,” they said, dropping their keys in a bowl by the front door and kicking off their shoes by a rack.
Clark watched as they opened the front door, once they let him inside he stepped into their home, it was impressive how they managed to fill the space with such simple details, their whole home was filled with their personality. He loved the vibe they had going on here, and for him it was refreshing to see an apartment that wasn't filled with every fancy feature a high income level could afford.
He stepped inside, removing his shoes and hanging his coat up before setting his backpack down nearby. He walked over to Y/N, not sure what to say next.
”Hi…” Y/N said quietly, as they turned around to face Clark standing closer than before, having to look up to meet his eyes.
Clark smiled slightly, his heart fluttered as their eyes locked, even if it was just a simple "hi" that was all he needed. He stepped closer to them again, leaning his body gently against theirs, he was more comfortable with their closeness now than he had been earlier.
"Hi..." he replied softly.
“What’s up?” They asked, popping the ‘p’ sound on the last word.
Their hands drifted to rest on Clark’s hips. They loved how large Clark was compared to them but they didn’t expect him to be this close to them.
Clark's heart was beating so hard and he was starting to breathe faster as their hands drifted to his hips. He had wanted to get closer to them so badly, to feel them close to him like this, and now they were right where he wanted them to be.
"Uh..." he said before the words quickly faded, he had lost most of his ability to form words and sentences at this point. All he could manage was an occasional grunt or slight noise as he leaned into their touch.
“So…” Y/N sighed. “Do you want to make some hot coco and sit down…maybe, talk about some things?” Y/N asked. There was a certain implication in his words. He wanted to know more about Clark’s real life. His Superman identity included.
Clark was almost disappointed that the invitation wasn't a direct offer to make out at this very moment, but he understood why they wanted to do something else first. He was still happy with the suggestion and was more than open to telling them the truth about himself, he was ready to trust them.
"Yeah...that sounds great!" he replied, with some more enthusiasm than before.
He loved when Y/N made the decisions and took the lead on things, it was refreshing and they seemed to do a good job of choosing an appropriate option to keep things moving forward.
Y/N shuffled away to make them both a warm cup of hot coco. Clark stood in the foyer. They were both slightly damp from the light snow. Y/N looked stunning in this lighting, low lamps and the cold city lights outside the window.
“Clark, you know you can make yourself at home, right?” Y/N teased. “If you want, you can shower and I can see if I have…anything that will fit you since your clothes are…well..” Y/N turned his head and glanced at Clark’s singed vest with a nearly bullet burned hole in its stomach. His white shirt was none the better.
Clark couldn't help but blush a little at the teasing, he was a little bit flustered in every sense with the flirting and touching now, and hearing them say they didn't mind him showering in their place sent that flustering feeling into overdrive.
"My clothes are a bit wrecked, yes." Clark replied, glancing down at the damage on his clothing.
"It could be nice to get comfortable, if I've been invited to stay the night here..." his words trailed off, but he liked where this was going.
“Sure,” Y/N tried to sound nonchalant about it despite their heart fluttering.
“The bathroom is in the hallway to the left, I’ll just knock on the door when I’ve found clothes,” Y/N mumbled the last bit. They would burn that bridge when they got to it.
Clark's chest was now feeling the heat build up as his heart raced at the implications from their words, he loved the suggestion and their subtle teasing about it. It was so unexpected, like they had his whole night planned for him, he liked it.
"That sounds good, I can shower and you can go through your closet and see what you can find, I'm sure I can fit in some of your clothes." He said, smiling at them.
”Go on then, Wonder Boy,” Y/N smiled. They were stirring milk on the stove now. Clark shuffled off in their peripherals to shower.
Wonder boy, he really enjoyed when they called him that, although his thoughts were of other things... Like removing his own clothes. He smiled and then started heading to the bathroom off the Hallway, not even waiting for them to confirm if it really was to his left. They were clearly paying attention and he liked that, he felt their focus on him now as he left the foyer.
During the shower, Y/N knocked on the door. The bathroom was foggy but Y/N didn’t hear a response so they turned the knob cautiously.
“Clark? I found some clothes I-I think may fit.” Y/N said, trying to speak through the warm fog. They resisted the urge to look further into anything as they placed the clothes on the counter, but they turned around and couldn’t avoid getting a fleeting glance of Clark’s shape through the silhouetting shower curtain.
Y/N blushed clear to their chest.
“I-I left them on the counter!” They yelped, heart racing, and tried to leave quickly.
Clark was just standing under the steaming hot water with one arm on the wall, he had lost track of time in there and was now only focused on his thoughts. Until he heard the knock, at which point he froze for a second. He decided to keep it simple and not say anything and let them believe he hadn't heard them.
But he did hear them, and their words made his cheeks flush even more. Hearing them call his name with such a cute tone set him on fire. He quickly exited the shower, wrapping a towel around himself before going to check the clothes.
Y/N was curled up on the couch, clothes changed and hair toweled off. They had fuzzy socks on with tiny cats printed all over them.
“Bet you're used to saving a lot of these out of trees, huh?” They said, sticking their foot out and wiggling their toes at Clark.
Two mugs sat on the coffee table in front of Y/N.
Clark stepped up the couch, looking down at the fuzzy cat socks and letting a small, playful grin form on his face as he saw their foot sticking out at him.
"That's right, I love how innocent and adorable they are, they make me want to put them in my pocket and take them home with me." He said jokingly, playing along nicely with them.
He then sat down on the couch, facing them as he took one of the mugs and took a sip.
“Is it good?” Y/N asked, grabbing their own mug.
Clark smiled around a mouthful of coco and nodded.
Y/N chuckled and took a sip of his own.
“It’s my own recipe.” Y/N said.
Clark took another sip of his cup of hot cocoa, savoring the warmth in his mouth as he swallowed the comforting flavor.
He nodded again as he swallowed. "It's delicious. I don't know what you did to make it so good, but it's absolutely phenomenal."
He took a larger sip as he continued staring at their cute fuzzy socks.
“So,” Y/N crossed their legs. “Tell me about yourself, the real you ,Clark.”
They cross their legs and sit back on the couch, facing more towards Clark.
Their eyes pierced through Clark as he drank his coco.
They fiddled with their mug nervously. The snow continued to fall outside with a soft rush.
Clark watched them shift their position to be facing him, he was enjoying this more than he'd liked to let on, he enjoyed when they wanted to know about him. And now here was a question he could answer truthfully, finally telling them the real him. He took another sip of his hot cocoa, not able to resist their piercing eyes for too long. His cheeks were still flush from the shower and the interaction they just had. He set his drink down before responding.
"You really want to know about me, huh?"
“I really like you Clark, of course I want to know about you,” Y/N said softly.
If it was possible to melt like the snow outside from a single sweet word, he would have been nothing more than a puddle now. His breath became quick and short as he smiled and sighed, this was going to be such a big step, but he wanted this, he wanted to make them happy and trust them. He looked up from their eyes to their face and smiled, his heart beating faster than before. He took a short moment to get his thoughts together before replying.
"Okay...where do you want me to start?"
“Why didn’t you tell me you were…” Y/N found themselves having trouble saying it “…Superman.” They finally said.
“And who else knows?” They asked.
He'd feared this question so much, but he would have to answer it honestly. If he wanted to make things work between them, he would have to be 100% honest about everything. The fact that they wanted to know about the "real" him meant they really did like him, and hopefully their opinion of him wouldn't change now that he was being honest with them. He breathed a sigh and took a second to prepare himself for the answer.
"Well, the only other people who know are the Justice league.And obviously, my parents." He said quietly.
”Does Louis know?” They asked. “And the Justice League? God, I forgot how terrifying your job is outside of Metropolis.”
The mention of Lois reminded him how much he cared for her, and also her reaction when she first learned his identity. He shook his head and smiled at the question about his job.
"Oh Lois knows...she knows everything about me as Clark Kent or Superman, actually, she was the one who figured it out." He said, sounding genuinely proud of her.
"And yes, the Justice League. They're basically a group of superheroes who all keep the world safe from danger and help each other out when a villain or other crisis arises."
”So this is how you get all your good information for articles, huh? Using the superhuman charisma power you have?” Y/N asked.
The truth was that Clark did not have the ability to convince most people to tell him almost anything, he didn't use his powers to get information. But it was more fun to play along, so he nodded his head as his smile turned into a mischievous grin.
"Uh yeah, exactly, everyone just wants to tell their little secrets to me. So I can hear all the juicy gossip, not that I would do anything unethical with the information though."
He said with a teasing chuckle, he liked their playful approach. He took another sip from the mug.
Clark was a terrible liar. Y/N could see right through him, but they scoffed anyways.
“Guess that’s why I find you so irresistibly charming, hm?” Y/N drawled enticingly. They moved closer to Clark on the couch.
Y/N's words sent his heart into overdrive and his mind into a daze, this was exactly what he had wanted, exactly what he had hoped to hear from them. He smiled widely as they got closer to him and he couldn't help but let his eyes trace their figure as they talked.
"Is that the reason why you find me irresistible?" He replied back in the same playful manner, not able to stop himself from leaning in just a little bit.
Y/N smiled crookedly, unabashedly. “You tell me…” they said, leaning in. Clark obviously wasn’t going to break his gentlemanly persona anymore tonight, so Y/N would have to do it for him.
Their lips brushed for a brief moment, and Y/N pulled back a hair with a noise like they’d been burned.
Then, in a surge of desperation and want, both Y/N and Clark surged forward at the same time and met in an open mouthed kiss, mugs abandoned on the coffee table.
The first brush of their lips sent a surge through him, causing him to lean forward without any thoughts or regrets. All he was thinking was how much he wanted them in his arms. Their lips soon joined and he kissed back with as much passion as he could muster, every second felt like an eternity in the best way imaginable.
Finally, it seemed like they both couldn't hold back anymore, and suddenly they were kissing furiously like no one else existed besides them. The mugs on the coffee table could wait, they never should have been there anyway.
Y/N pulled back briefly, slightly, having to use their hands on Clark’s chest to push back in his strong grip around their back that had moved there during their quick descent into madness.
“Clark-“ they breathed. “Wai- wait-” they said as Clark looked at them with eyes like a kicked puppy, kisses aiming for their mouth having ended up on the corners and sides.
Clark was not yet ready for this kiss to stop but that didn't matter to him anymore, he wanted to listen to Y/N as they pulled back. He was more than a little flustered as he looked up from their hands to face them, his heart was thumping wildly in his chest. He wanted to say something but he was having trouble gathering his thoughts.
He was so excited, and a part of him would have been happy to listen to them say something about stopping, but another part of him was worried they might say something else. He could feel the heat rising on his cheeks.
”Can we just-“ Y/N swallowed, mouth red and slightly swollen from kissing, “can we just sit here, put on a movie and kiss? I don’t want to go any further tonight. I wanna’ take it slow with you,” they pleaded.
Clark’s grasp around them became tighter. “Yes, yes, absolutely,” Clark wanted everything with them, but he could wait forever if they needed to. And honestly at heart, he didn’t want anything else tonight either. He was getting so much just from what was happening right now between them.
He loosened his grip on them slightly, as it was still a bit embarrassing for him to have acted like that, but he really couldn't help it. He had wanted it so much.
”Hold on, let me just-“ Y/N wriggled out of Clark’s grasp quickly and scurried over to the tv set, fumbling to turn on a show. A re-run of ’The Notebook’ was playing and Y/N laughed thinking about something so sappy playing behind them and their new lover making out and enjoying each other’s company less than 10 feet away.
Clark watched as Y/N’s body swayed and moved as they fiddled with the TV finally settling on something. Clark recognized it and laughed sardonically a little.
“Where were we?” Y/N said, spinning on their heels and turning to face Clark in their sweats and cat socks.
Clark's eyes couldn't help looking at all of Y/N's curves and their movements as they moved to the TV. He was enjoying all the scenery, he had to try hard not to smirk as they laughed at the TV show that was playing. The notebook was definitely a cheesy watch.
Clark laughed at the last question and got up from the sofa, moving closer to them as their bodies and faces became inches apart.
"We were kissing furiously I believe," he grinned, "and you want to keep that up?
“Yes, please-“ Y/N said, moving to straddle Clark’s lap. They halted suddenly, “Ah- but only if you want to,” they said quietly.
Clark's mouth fell open slightly as they climbed onto his lap, it was one thing to be standing near each other and kissing, but having them straddling on his lap was a whole different story. The fact that they suddenly paused and asked a question with so much hesitance had him almost melting just from the tenderness of the gesture.
He placed his hands on their hips and looked up at them with an eager smile.
"I certainly don't have any objections to that plan."
Y/N smiled.
“Good,” they ran a hand over Clark’s neck and leaned in again to kiss him sweetly while they rested on his lap.
Clark was more than happy to be in this position with Y/N, having them straddling him for a make out session was just as wonderful as he'd always imagined.
He leaned forward himself and wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist, pulling them close against him as their lips pressed together once again. His hands ran up to their back to hold them close to him, he couldn't help but let out a few moans and grunts of enjoyment as he kissed them back with equal enthusiasm.
Y/N felt Clark’s tongue brush against their lips. They opened their mouth slowly, letting Clark take the lead. The room felt nice, and they were glad they had put on an old record while Clark was in the shower.
Clark gently probed their lips with his tongue as he took the lead, he was loving every minute of this and was enjoying every second of being so close to them. Y/N's presence and their scent was intoxicating and his arms wrapped tighter around their waist as he enjoyed them more and more.
After a few moments of savoring the kiss, Clark pulled away just slightly as he was feeling a little light-headed from the heat and intimacy of it all.
Y/N felt warm for a different reason this time. They were just so content in Clark’s arms.
“Sleep in my bed tonight?” they asked with lidded eyes and a lazy smile on their face.
Clark was very grateful for this pause because he'd never felt so giddy and warm in his entire life, this had been beyond anything he could have ever thought possible.
A slight chuckle escaped him as he caught his breath, his gaze looking at Y/N with longing and amusement.
"I'd sleep on your porch if you'd let me. " He replied with a mischievous grin.
“Well then, that settles that,” Y/N laughed, a little ditsy off of the wine from dinner now that they had calmed down and a little bit from how Clark was holding them in his grip.
“Let’s go, screw the movie, I want to cuddle,” Y/N brushed a lock of hair behind Clark’s ear and kissed his forehead softly as they smiled.
With that, they both proceeded to cuddle up together on Y/Ns bed and watch the snow fall gently outside. It was warm, they were happy, and the world spun on.
Final note: okkk thanks for reading everyone :) lmk if yall have any requests for me because i am slowly running out of ideas right now and im in a writing mood so this window will not last long sadly
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