#you may read the vines as repairing Dream
rainystressed247 · 29 days
If you don’t mind me asking is there c!drunz in the eggpire!dream? 👀 like some manipulation here by c!punz if he still in the egg influence?
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Bad: "Punz is loyal to a fault. Everything he does, he does for Dream. There will be no questioning if it is Dream's wishes so it wasn't a surprise when he joined eggpire willingly. One may even say that their relationship is the most dangerous. Farfadox on the other hand, is a slightly different case. As a demon myself, I know the benefit of using every opening you can find, no matter how underhanded it seems."
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We Don’t Talk About Bruno theories
So I can’t get it out of my head & ended up hyperfixating on Bruno (he VERY quickly became a comfort character)....& I have a few theories about each of the “prophecies” Bruno was damned for based on visuals & hints elsewhere in the film.
So this isn’t even a theory but in All Of You near the end, Bruno apologises to Pepa about her wedding by saying “I’m sorry about your wedding, that wasn’t even a prophecy, I could just see you sweating, and I wanted you to know your bro loves you so....let it out, let it rain let it snow, let it go!” ...He was telling her to go ahead & feel/express her true emotions, which she was trying to hide because Abuela would say it isn’t “perfect”. (Abuela was obsessed with what she deemed safe, & that usually meant control over all her kids & pressure to be perfect & appear always happy, so of course a rainy wedding (though more real because Pepa would rain (cry) when she’s happy) would differ from that image.)
& then the other accusations...
7 foot frame: Camilo was very young when Bruno left & it’s likely the only thing he knows about him is from the family tree & the mural in town, where he looks bigger, & to a little kid scarier, so Camilo remembers him differently.
“my fish would die”: This lady had her goldfish in an empty bowl with just water. There are 2 issues with this: no water filter (she would have to dump the water out by hand & refill it regularly, & Bruno might’ve heard her refuse to do that or told her she’d need to & she didn’t), & no stimulation (as in plants & rocks to play around in, & also friends) & a very small tank (which can kill a fish). She may have also been overfeeding her fish, or unknowingly feeding it something poisonous/toxic to fish, & when Bruno said she was gonna kill the fish she didn’t stop & blamed it on him rather than accepting she could’ve done better. Again, keen observation skills. It wasn’t even a prophecy.
“I'd grow a gut”: This guy might’ve eaten unhealthy amounts or types of food, &/or he was just getting older where it’s very natural to gain weight because hunter-gatherer evolution.
“I'd lose all my hair”: This guy is visibly old. He probably had a receding hairline already & Bruno was observant enough to notice it.
“He told me the life of my dreams would be promised & someday be mine”: This....actually comes true. He might have meant Mirabel was going to make this reality safe for her to pursue (by standing up to Abuela), & could be based on the vision he had about Mirabel.
“He told me my powers would grow like grapes that thrive on the vine”: Isabela does actually grow seemingly more powerful when she finds out she can actually create more than just flowers. Her plants are bigger & stronger than ever, because it’s not coming from fear of Abuela but instead her own glee & freedom. But again this may have been him observing that Abuela was suppressing Isabela’s powers to only use the parts that were acceptable & seemed perfect/beautiful, & realizing someday she would break out of that mold.
“He told me the man of my dreams would be just out of reach, betrothed to another”: If I understood the timeline correctly, Isabela & Dolores were both around dating age when he said this. Which means he may have overheard Abuela talking about how she planned to pair up Mariano with Isabela, & when he realized who Dolores was crushing on was the same person he tried to warn her. (He’s shown to be rather agile & able to sneak around unnoticed by Abuela so it’s possible he snuck up & heard something she said.)
The vision of Mirabel & the house: If you read the tablet left to right like a book, it reads as ‘stage one: Mirabel breaks the house’ & then ‘step two: Mirabel fixes/rebuilds the house’...which is exactly how it goes down. She breaks the house by standing up to Abuela, then repairs the house by making Abuela realize she had stopped loving her familia for themselves & needed to see past their powers & actually see the people as themselves first.
It’s made clear when Bruno does the ritual for Maribel that he can’t just pluck prophecies out of thin air. He needs open space, a ritual circle, lots of sand, & fire to even begin, & his tower was a LOT of stairs that would be ridiculous to climb for something as silly & temporary as a receding hairline. It clearly takes him a lot of effort & thought & focus to see the future...there would be no point wasting his effort. But he was so observant & vocal about what he noticed, & none of his siblings needed rituals to use their powers, & it’s likely none of the villagers (maybe even none of his familia) actually saw him use his abilities so they wouldn’t be able to tell that he isn’t actually using his powers...so people just assumed he was able to do prophecies easily & that his observations doomed them even when those observations were of things they might have control to change.
I just. I have a lot of feelings for this guy. I adore Bruno. I want an uncle/father like him. He gets scapegoated & vilified in that song far too harshly.
Also if you, like me, adore Bruno & have feelings about that song....here’s a couple videos you might like.
This one is a rewrite by a fan theorizing why Bruno saw what he did & defending him
& this one is a reprise from Bruno’s perspective if you want more feelings &/or to cry
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kaypeace21 · 2 years
Kaypeace! What are your thoughts on the video released today on Stranger Things YouTube channel? Hope you’re having a good day btw!
spoilers (below) depending on if you don't want to watch the youtube clip...
Well first thing that struck me is this parallel:
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the back parallel (with all of them looking at a door/window)....is this a hint at possession or something else? if El was possessed and caused a massacre at Hawkins lab. It would be a parallel to when Will was possessed and also caused a massacre at hawkins lab in s2. And the parallel would extend to Victor (possibly) being possessed and hurting his family because of it . like El (possibly being possessed) and thus hurting her “siblings”. 
Some leaks claim El is being framed, which by this visual parallel, would imply the same for Victor (I guess it sort of fits with how people are wrongly blaming Eddie/hellfire for Chrissy’s possible death). The possession possibility has more precedence in the show though.But, we will have to wait and see. You have to admit if El isn’t possessed her smiling after the massacre is just ... STRANGE. 
2nd thing was the timer Brenner used - seems to go with the various time motifs in the show . His timer rings : because  "times up" (then the massacre happens that day). The rainbow-room also had a clock shown in a prior teaser,  which read 3:00( witching/devil’s hour). it also links to how the mindflayer, demogorgan, and vines were associated with clocks in s1-2 + the creel clock we will see in s4. Apparently looking at the creel clock- is bad news. The timer foreshadows the sinister creel clock, that will appear later in the season.  To make this even more obvious- Brenner (while the timer is counting down) works on a crossword with ads for “watch makers” and “watch repairing”.
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3rd was how the 2 kids playing chess in the flashback were not the ones we saw previously... so we will see a different version of the rainbow room (either in the vecna dreamscape or in the future). most likely the dream scape given the inception dream totem in the latter image.
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4th thing was that (except for Kali) 001-010 all seemed to have El's powers . They're not unique abilities. I counted (and at least) 5 kids have telekinesis and 010 had the ability to see various distances-just like El. When Will is possessed by the mindflayer he also has this tracking ability and Mike called him "Will the wise" (when he used the ability to save Hopper). And ofcourse before his possession- the lab was already monitoring Will's brain waves (similar to El and 10). I said it after s2, and I'll say it again -this parallel between El and Will is sinister (cause that means the lab is suspicious he may have abilities like other numbers).
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5th thing: we see a random boy on a red bike deliver the paper to Brenner. But we also see a diff red bike next to Will on the s4 poster. obviously there's no direct connection. But Is this foreshadowing Will will end up in Brenner's clutches? or something else entirely. Will did "vanish from his bike" in s1 after all...
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6th thing is just the door motif I’ve talked about before : we saw in s3 el busted a hospital door off its hinges and  propelled it into the room -similar to  telekinesis being used to throw the door and hit Brenner in s4. We saw the demogorgan and El unlock doors with their telekinesis. We see the mindflayer open doors to Will’s house/ the arcade with telekinesis . El opening the red door to see Heather in the tub asking for help. etc. There’s more examples: but the sinister door imagery in the series has always been there.
7th thing ... intentional or not : Brenner’s injury makes it seem like 1 nostril is bleeding. I just thought it was interesting imagery...
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A/N: I got a tiiiiny bit of power and my first thought was my need for validation through my fanfiction lol. Hope you enjoy!
<This is Part 1!> / Part 2 Here!
- You’re in the middle of a blizzard, reading to pass the time, the power cuts in and out- giving you just enough time to scramble about trying to make your home just warm enough so you don’t freeze to death
- You sigh when it flickers off again, taking a sip from the hot drink you managed to make while you still had electricity
- Eyes turn back to the book in your hands, with the poor cell reception, and lack of television you’ve found the only thing you can bear to do it read and sleep
- Only occasionally withdrawing from both to eat whatever cold meal you can
- You’ve settled on reading the Harry Potter books, easy enough to read, even in your current condition
- The books are waterlogged, in terrible condition, you treated them quite rough when you were a child, though not all the blame is yours
- It’s an eclectic group, some hardcover some paperback, some borrowed from friends and never returned, some you got as a good deal at your local used bookstore
- You smile when you see all the parts with Fred and George are highlighted
- They always were your favorites
- You stiffile a yawn, you’re just getting to a good part-
- But a small rest won’t hurt will it?
- You feel your eyes drift close
- When they open again you’re looking at rolling hills, a wisp of steam curling into your view every so often
- Huh what a nice dream
- You close your eyes again only to feel a sharp sting in your neck that your eyes shoot open
- You don’t feel pain in dreams
- You’re in a train compartment an empty red bench in front of you
- You’re alone, the green hills rolling by outside the window
- You’ve seen this type of scenery before maybe in a movie, or a book-
- It looks a lot like something out of Harry Potter
- Your thoughts come to an abrupt hault, the memories slowly filtering in
- You’re a witch- your parents passed away in the first war, and you were brought up by your muggle godfather
- Don’t be mistaken, this isn’t some unfortunate Harry-Potter orphan story, your god father loved you a lot
- Even though he was a bit of a sl*t, the revolving circus of women that left his room every Sunday was practically your childhood form of television
- You even did a report on it in muggle school, high left several faculty members feeling concerned
- Still he loved you a lot, and he tried to be as honest as he could about your heritage, and your parents
- But well- he was a muggle, there was only so much he could do
- Still, he took you to kings cross himself, taking you to your gringott’s safe where your parents meager savings had increased by ten fold over the years, helping you pick your wand and books
- “Now I can’t go with you onto the platform, so write and let me know when you’ve reached safely alright?” You nodded, as he pulled you into a hug
- “I’m going to miss having you home”
- “But now you can bring women to the flat whenever you want” You were only joking but it makes him sniffle
- “I’d trade all of that to have you at home for just a few more years”
- You only pat his shoulder reassuring him you’ll be back during the holidays
- You had tried your hand at a few spells, but nothing drastic
- You were excited to see what Hogwarts would bring, what you might learn, and the friendships you might build
- You were so excited that you didn’t sleep all night, finally succumbing to a nap when you collapsed in an empty compartment
- And that brings you to the present, where you’re practically sweating buckets in the red bench.
- Okay, so you’re in Harry Potter now- some how
- And yeah, you’ve always kinda wished you could go to Hogwarts-
- But not like this!
- For one every book, like 3 kids die
- Even the cute ones, like Collin Creevey-
- And honestly if a main character like Fred Weasley died, what chance do you have at surviving?
- You’re probably just one of those nothing characters that dies at the battle of Hogwarts- if not sooner
- You look down at your hands
- Not to mention you’re suddenly eleven years old
- How many times did you have a nightmare you suddenly had to go back to middle or high school again because apparently you missed a class?
- Well this is like a nightmare come true
- You look under your shirt, holding the neck out only to sigh
- It’s your body still, you vaguely remember looking like this when you were younger
- But god-
- It’s like a strangers body at this point
- Ugh you don’t have time to think about this
- your goal right now is to survive
- A knock on your door pulls you out of your thoughts
- “Change into your robs, we’re getting close” a muffled voice says from the other side and you sigh
- Of course you are
- You sigh as you pull out your plain black wizards robe, almost looks like a graduation gown to be honest
- And that’s the uniform here is it
- Strange
- As you tug on the sleeves you think how you’re going to get out of this
- If you’re right the year is 1990, a year before Harry Potter shows up
- Okay so as far as you know- nothing really happens this year
- You don’t have to worry about all the Pureblood crap because both your parents were wizards, so you’re a half blood at least
- Now it’s all about house-
- If the books are 100% accurate then it’s between Slytherin and Gryffindor, Snape will turn a blind eye to any of your transgressions because of favoritism
- And McGonagall would go to bat for you if the circumstances were unfair
- Still- the Slytherin house seemed problematic what with the old money in that group
- Not all of them were probably like that- just the most prominent characters- you’d really rather not get involved with all that if you could
- And then- Gryffindor was even worse, you might be safe this year, but next year you would be plagued with death flag after death flag- no thanks
- Sprout seems nice enough, but you’re not too sure about that common room, in the dungeons- hard pass
- That leaves Ravenclaw, Flitwick seems nice enough, and the dorms are in a Ravenclaw tower
- Luna Lovegood will be there soon, and well, that could be pretty fun
- So you’ll try for Ravenclaw you think- pulling on your bag and joining the horde of students
- You’re about to join the other first years when you feel a tug on your bag.
- You turn towards the feeling to see two identical boys, a splatter of freckles across their nose, and flaming red hair
- “Are you (Y/N) (L/N)?” The taller of the two asks, a grin curled onto his lips, and his eyes full of stars
- You only nod
- They’re both looking at you like they’ve just seen a movie star and you can’t figure out why
- You’re only eleven years old after all, what could you have possibly done?
- “Was you Mum-“ the shorter starts
- “Was she the famous auror?” The other finishes
- Ah- of course
- Your mother was indeed a famous war hero, known for her noble efforts during the war
- Your god father had told you that at least
- “I’m George, and this is Fred” the shorter - George- says jerking his thumb to his twin
- Oh
- So they’re Fred and George Weasley?!?!
- Honestly you should have known by the red hair
- You can’t believe you’re meeting some of your favorite characters
- You stick your hand out, hoping it’s not too sweaty
- “(Y/N),” you say, “but you already knew that”
- George grins as he takes your hand first, with Fred repeating the motion
- “What house do ya think you’ll go to?” Fred asks
- “We hope you’re aiming for Gryffindor” George adds with a sly grin
- You can feel your face warming up under their gaze
- Alright- change of plan- you’ll try to get into Gryffindor so you can be friends with George and Fred
- It’ll be a little risky, but until the end they weren’t really in any of the serious adventures.
- Besides maybe if you hang out with them, you can save Fred near the end
- “Maybe” you smile at them, hearing a voice call your name for a carriage
- “See you around!” You wave goodbye, stepping into you assigned carriage with a group of other first years
- It’s sort of a mismatch, you don’t quite recognize anyone in here
- Than again the children an age above Harry were never really mentioned
- “Ugh I can’t believe my glasses broke, what rotten luck” a girl besides you says- you turn to see a girl with long dark hair, fiddling with a pair of broken glasses in her hands
- “Ah here, can I?” You ask, holding out your hand, and the girl wordlessly hands you her glasses
- Your murmur a spell and watch as the metal expands curling until it wraps around the broken edge, resembling intertwined vines
- “It’s not the best, but it’ll do for now”
- It’s only when you look up to hand the girl back her glasses that you notice everyone’s watching you
- “How did you do that?” A boy asks, and you shrug
- “Oh well I just said the incantation-“
- “I’ve never heard that one before” another girl murmurs
- You shrug again
- “Anything can be an incarnation of you just put enough feeling into it right?”
- The children clamor at you all at once
- It turns out the two girls were Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott- both Hufflepuff’s if you remember correctly
- Guess they were a year older than Harry in this world
- And then the boy is Blaise Zambini
- You know in the books he’s in a morally Grey area at best.
- “So like this?” He asks and you shake your head
- “You have to put your wrist into it more”
- But now, as he’s begging you to teach him the repairing charm that you cast, all you see is a little boy who wants to learn
- Change of plans, if you get into Slytherin maybe you can watch over Blaise and be his best friend
- That way he won’t get all mixed up in that Death Eater crap
- Maybe you can even get him onto your side, make a coven of witches and wizards and do some non-alignment stuff during the war
- You’re all gathered in the hall, answering a roll call from a rather lithe and strict woman- professor McGonagall no doubt
- After that you’re left waiting, and feeling somewhat bored, and somewhat like you may have had too much pumpkin juice- you hobble off into the corridor looking for a bathroom
- “Hurry back I think we’re about to go into the sorting ceremony” Blaise says and you nod
- You do not, in fact, hurry back
- Because after relieving yourself- you are incredibly lost
- It doesn’t help that all the portraits keep on shuffling around, or that all the corridors here look equally dark
- It’s only on your third time around the portrait of a woman eating an apple do you see what appears to be a person
- “What are you doing in the corridor?” As you come closer you realize it’s a boy, a yellow and black striped tie around his neck. “Shouldn’t you be at the feast?”
- He’s quite pretty, with thick brown hair and rosy cheeks
- “I went to the bathroom and got lost,” you hear him murmur first year and raise an eyebrow “What’s your excuse?”
- He lets out a laugh, running a hand through his hair
- “That’s fair,” he admits. And then after a moment he says:
- “I’m hiding”
- Your eyebrows thread together
- “Like from a crazy ex lover or..?”
- He laughs again, shaking his head
- “No, from my professor.” And then after a moment, before you can ask ‘is it because you’re having an affair with them’ he says:
- “They want me to be prefect for my house next year, and I don’t know how I feel about that”
- You let that sink in,
- “I know I should do it- it would give me an opportunity to represent my house, and look out for all my friends, and I’m sure my dad would be awfully proud but-“
- But it’s a lot of responsibility
- You get it.
- You sit beside him on the floor
- “You should do it-“ and before he can give a reason why you say:
- “You would get your own bathroom and I think that means a lot in a place like this”
- He laughs again, only this time the laugh leaves in loud gaffs, somehow you feel like this is the first real laugh the boy has shown you
- “I’ve heard a lot of reasons, but having my own bathroom is definitely a first”
- He looks at you in a way that makes your hair stand on end and your skin feel hot.
- “I’m Cedric, Cedric Diggory.” He says with an extended hand
- Ah, so this is pretty boy Diggory.
- He does kinda look like a young Robert Pattinson to be honest
- You take his hand in yours giving a firm shake
- “ (Y/N) (L/N) “ and you see his eyebrows shoot up
- “ (L/N) like the-“
- “ Yeah that’s my mum, the famous Auror”
- Cedric’s mouth curls up in a lopsided grin
- “I was going to say inventor- the inventor for the portable infinity box”
- Ah yes, your dad was an inventor. You didn’t know much about it though. Just that his inventions had left you a small fortune
- “My parents were both pretty remarkable huh?”
- And even though they’re not really your parents, and this isn’t really your body, you feel a little sad thinking about them.
- Before you can give Cedric a chance to offer his condolences, you stand up brushing off your robe.
- “We’ll come on Mr. Prefect in the making, show me to where I’m to be sorted” you say with a wave of a hand
- He grins
- “As you wish”
- Maybe being in Hufflepuff wouldn’t be so bad,
- and if you can manage to get close to Cedric, maybe he’ll let you use the prefects bathroom
- Huh, that does sound enticing
- Okay change of plans, you’ll get into Hufflepuff
- For the nice bathroom privileges
- When you get into the hall you feel all eyes turn to look to you
- And even though you’re an adult, you feel awfully embarrassed
- “If you get in Hufflepuff let’s get a butterbeer to celebrate, my treat..” Cedric whispers in your ear, and you catch a glimpse of the lopsided grin curled onto his face before he pushes you forward towards the group of first years
- Your face still feels hot when your name gets called
- You gulp as you move towards the chair
- Well it’s do or die- and you don’t plan on dying here
- You gulp again as the cold wood presses against your thighs as you take a seat
- All you have to do is ask for it to put you in -
- Wait
- What house were you aiming for again?
- Logic dictates Ravenclaw, it’s your best chance-
- But well, you’ve always wanted to be friends with Fred and George it just seems like so much fun
- And then, Slytherin’s not so bad, it would be nice if you could change peoples opinions about that house
- Oh and Hufflepuff might be nice too, you would have someone to look out for you- and you in turn can look out for others like Susan and Hannah
- And so it seems you’ve made peace, no matter which house the hat chooses, you’re happy with the outcome because there’s good and bad in all of them
- These things aren’t one dimensional, they nuanced. And that’s okay
- You feel the hat place on your head, and several long moments of silence pass
- .
- ..
- ...
- ....
- Shouldn’t something be happening by now?
- Like at least whispers in your ear from the hat or something right?
- “I-“ it finally chokes out
- Ah good a decision
- Well what’s your future going to be like?
- “I don’t know” the hat finally sputters, a collective gasp filling the room
- You drop your face into your hands, as small murmurs begin to spread through the tables
- “F*ck me” you mumble
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onlytaylor · 4 years
Drarry + Facing Demons and Finding Family
Tw: mentions of symptoms of depression, anxiety, ptsd, and child abuse. All are resolved with a happy ending.
Draco Malfoy walks the cobblestone streets of Diagon Alley, and it’s different now. The way it had bustled with a vibrant vivacity in his younger years is long gone now, replaced by the mediocrities that come with running errands and making stops for work. It had been repaired, for the most part, after the war, but something about the shadows of buildings that used to be constructed just a little bit different haunts Malfoy in his steps.
He turns to glance over his shoulder when the sound of a child laughing fills the spaces between bustling bodies and adult feet. A familiar tuft of blue hair comes dashing forward, and Draco feels a momentary reprieve from his own hollow dissonance. His face lights up as the boy throws his arms around his neck, crying “Cousin Draco! What are you doing here?”
And behind the vivacious grin is the humble one of Harry Potter, the boy who really did end up saving the world. Draco doesn’t hate him; how could he? If it weren’t for the testimony of the man standing there now casually in his Muggle plaid shirt and ripped-up jeans, Draco wouldn’t be walking these streets.
“Malfoy,” he puts his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth a bit on his feet. “What sort of business are you up to these days?”
“Oh, just... dropping off a package for the boss. You know.” He shrugs, suddenly vacant. His momentary reprieve shrinks into a daunting reality.
“Wanna come get ice cream with us?” Teddy’s toothy grin eats at the edges of his impending monotony.
“Oh, well, I wasn’t-“ he starts, but Harry Potter has stepped his foot forward.
“No, please. If you’re not too busy, we’d love to catch up. Teddy misses you.” And, allowing the package to feel a bit lighter in his coat pocket, Draco turns on one heel and heads to the parlor with them both.
Having Teddy Lupin run through his life is like chasing a tiny piece of dynamite. You never know just when it will explode, and when you’ve got it in your fingers it seems to roll invariably to the floor. Draco’s been waiting now for quite some time for his own destruction, but his regularly timed meetings with Harry (wow- really on a first name basis now) and his cousin had brightened his steps countably.
It seemed that the sparking fire may just never come.
Draco Malfoy doesn’t visit Malfoy manor, and its empty rooms are surely hung with cob webs and dust mites and other small creatures that have made it home. The stone exterior is beginning to succumb to a green vine that twists its way up the foundation, and apparently small children dare each other to knock on the door of the “Death Eater House.”
Draco doesn’t have to visit Malfoy Manor to know which ghosts roam its halls, apparitions of tortured souls and the results of his own mistakes. If only he’d stood up to his father. If only he’d run. If only...
Draco swallows, once, then twice, before straightening his stare ahead. Harry’s coming over soon, and this time Teddy is at the Burrow. They’ve never hung out like this, quite alone and unsupervised by Teddy’s string of home-made knock knock jokes. He’s not sure why, but he’s nervous.
After the war, Draco had considered himself a work-in-progress. He’d ventured through the stages of grief, mourning his losses and wishing he could change the past. He’d also picked himself up off of the floor, vowing to start new. None of this was easy. Panic followed him around every corner, but around every corner was the reassuring laugh of Teddy; smile of Harry. If he’s honest with himself, he’ll admit their great assistance in his own healing.
But that doesn’t stop the nightmares. Or the constant feeling of dread. And when Draco Malfoy is alone, his guilt consumes him. Why hadn’t he done the right thing? Why hadn’t he stood up to his father?
When Draco was eight, he’d drawn a portrait of his family. It was an assignment by his private tutor, a sort of busy-work while she prepared more practice for magical theory. He’d drawn them, stoic and cold, using shades of gray and black to fill in the spaces between them. They didn’t touch, didn’t love. Lucius told him that artists didn’t make any money in the Wizarding World. Draco ripped up the drawing and threw it in the rubbish bin.
When Draco’s lease on his London apartment is near its end, Harry finds him with a nervous twitch of his lips.
“You know, Draco, you don’t have to move into another building. I know you hate your neighbors because they remind you of your family. Our flat is large enough for a third member.”
Draco had almost immediately rejected- his first instinct was to scoff at any such attempts at pity. But Teddy’s eyes had met his, bright and foretelling- and his pleas almost melted Draco’s shoes to the asphalt.
“If you really want me to,” Draco smiles, “I’m sure that can be arranged.”
Draco hadn’t realized that his ghosts would follow him here. But as he watches the shadows dance upon the walls of his very own room, he knows he’s not dreaming. It’s his father, reminding him that he will never be good enough.
It’s his mother, watching with irrefutable silence.
It’s himself, pointing a wand at Dumbledore. Leaving with Snape. And abandoning his dreams to follow in his father’s foot steps.
It’s a portrait of Draco’s family, stone cold and frozen against the frosted window pane.
He doesn’t realize he’s screaming.
Not until the door is thrown open, and Harry’s there, sporting nothing but a pair of boxer shorts and a concerned purse of his lips.
He’s on the bed, and now Draco is crying. Yelling. Laughing hysterically. Because he’s fucking insane, sitting in a bed half-naked with Harry Potter and telling himself to shut his fucking mouth before Teddy wakes up.
But Harry is gentle. He wraps his arms around his shoulders and whispers “I know. But it’s not true. None of it is real.”
And Draco sobs, without really knowing how to stop, and Harry’s skin is warm against his own. It’s the first time he’s ever really felt whole.
Hours pass, though the clock reads otherwise. And Draco tells him that he needs to go back to bed. That they’ve both got work in the morning, and Teddy is visiting Andromeda...
But, no, Harry whispers, this is more important. You are more important. When had their relationship morphed into this... whatever this is?
Draco Malfoy allows himself to be held, and it is surprisingly wonderful.
Working for the ministry is like working in one of those Muggle cubicles. He should be grateful for the opportunity, but Draco hates his job. His boss is monstrous, a poised figure that reminds him far too much of his father.
He gets a bit panicky when requests are made, unable to say no. Draco Malfoy never thought he’d become a push over, but his inherent desire to please, to win, to have a second chance is tumultuous.
He doesn’t know how to live without it.
Teddy is spending the night at the Burrow, and Draco and Harry are doing their usual dance of washing and putting away the dishes.
“Fancy a movie?” Harry asks, and something soft flutters in Draco’s chest.
It’s midnight when Draco feels the gentle presence of Harry slumped against his shoulder, his quiet snores a rhythm that he begins to memorize.
He doesn’t move, and the stillness is what allows him to feel the sporadic twitches that begin to ripple through Harry’s body.
“No, no,” he murmurs, “Please, no. Hermione... Cruciatus...”
Draco freezes, and he immediately understands the inner workings of Harry’s psyche.
He was there when his aunt Bella inflicted near irreparable damage to Hermione Granger. He didn’t stand up. He didn’t stop her.
There’s a tightness in his chest, and it fluctuates with his heart rate. Harry is having a nightmare, and it’s all his fault.
“You’ll never make up for what you’ve done,” he hears his father say, and the words are a gun to his head.
“Harry,” he whispers, desperately running his fingers along the side of his arm to calm him. If he couldn’t go back, the least he could do is aid his sleep.
Harry settles, and Draco breathes a sigh of relief. His father is laughing at him.
Ghostly shadows dance along the walls, flickering in the dim light of the TV. The world seems to grow around him, and he is infintismal.
His palms are sweaty as the guilt settles, rotting a hole in his stomach. And then there’s a whisper, a subtle word that shifts everything: “Draco.”
He glances at Harry’s face twice to make sure he’s not imagining the slight tug at the corner of his mouth. He said Draco’s name. And, from the depths of his slumber, he’s smiling.
Draco’s eyes are prickly, and he’s not sure why there are tears surfacing at such an inopportune moment. Perhaps he’s gone completely insane... or maybe...
“Not your father, Draco... amazing... need you... love you...”
A light seems to dissipate the shadows, which morph and expand into unidentifiable shapes before they slowly vanish. Draco’s hands are still clammy, but his mind is on overdrive.
The Savior of the Wizarding World is dreaming about him. Believes in him. Maybe, even...loves him?
And the remaining shadows come crashing down, spirits that find rest in redemption. If Harry Potter, with his stupid scar, and his stupid broomstick, could think highly of Draco Malfoy, the ex-death eater... maybe he could forgive himself.
Maybe... and then there are images flashing through his mind. Of stone family drawings and cruel and unjust punishment.
Of the desire to please, so much, that if his father pointed a wand at his throat he’d beg for forgiveness. Of pretending to have dignity for so long that he’d lost his own along the way.
And then, another sleepy rasp from Potter: “not your fault...”
And something snaps inside him.
“Not my fault,” he repeats, barely audible, yet it rattles an earthquake that cracks the floor. The ground faults, and everything he’s ever know crumbles before him.
“You are pathetic.” The voice of his father shakes the walls, breaks the foundation. Rips open the fortress of his solitude, jagged lines coursing through his very being and down to his core.
There’s a wand at his throat.
Harry isn’t here. Here, it’s a Malfoy’s paradise, and Draco’s skin crawls at the realistic image of his father before him. He’s so fucking life-like, the drawl of his criticism dripping with the poison of a basilisk. He’s smiling, and that hurts. It’s malicious.
But then, another whisper. A distant proclamation that rings through the periphery of his hearing. “Draco... always... good enough...”
Fuck. Harry?
“Good enough,” he repeats, the syllables a solid reality, just like the man before him. And, in a sudden fit of realization, Draco realizes the epitome of his salvation.
“You’re not real,” he says, and the words are a bit shaky as they permeate the air. His father’s face twists into something unreadable, a cross between a scowl and utter shock.
“You’re not real.” The wand lowers. His brow narrows.
“You were never real. My father is in Azkaban. You are just the ghost of what he did to me.”
His hands are drifting into the atmosphere, like grains of sand dissipating toward the floor. His expression morphs into utter fear, and, for once, Draco feels powerful.
It was never about defeating him. He could have dualed his fractured subconscious for years, constantly bettering himself, only to fall again. And the wand would always be pointed at his throat
But Harry, Harry said he was good enough. And he can hear the distant titter of Teddy’s amusement, the padding of his socks as they bounce along the hardwood floor of their flat. Of their home.
Harry cares. Loves. And so Draco must love himself.
“You could never kill me,” he says to the air, as the whisp of Lucius Malfoy’s presence fades into nothing. “It was just me, all along. Hurting myself because you trained me to. It wasn’t my fault. It wasn’t my fucking fault.”
There’s a sudden whoosh, and the room is spinning. And then it’s not. And Draco Malfoy is sitting next to a blissfully sleeping Harry Potter in a London flat.
The movie is over, and all that remains of the last few minutes is a line of scrolling credits.
The shadows, they’re gone. And somehow, Draco is no longer haunted. The house is peaceful, and a serenity seems to fill it’s every crevice, binding the cracks that once cleaved the walls. He pulls Harry closer, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. Taking a risk he’d never had the confidence to execute.
Harry smiles, stirring a bit before turning his green gaze upward. “That’s nice,” he says, and Draco chuckles.
“Yeah, it is, hm?”
“Hey Draco?”
He doesn’t reply, but meets that vibrant stare of his with irrefutable honesty.
“Thanks for being a part of our family.”
“Family?” The word nervously slips his lips. He’s never done this before.
Harry nods. “You, me, and Teddy.”
His eyes are prickly again, and he swallows a hard lump in the back of his throat. “I love the sound of that. Of family.”
“Good. Because I’ll hex you if you go anywhere. Old habits do die hard, you know.”
Draco laughs, hearty. Whole. Harry snuggles into his shoulder, falling asleep lightly as he thoughtfully plans his next project.
The next day, Teddy enters to find Draco drawing a picture of his family at the kitchen table.
“Whatcha doin’?” He asks curiously, hopping onto Draco’s lap as he sketches.
The picture before them is a family, a blonde, a brunette, and a tuft or blue hair between them. There are no spaces, no empty holes between their bodies, and the sky is a vibrant array of purples and oranges.
“Let’s hang it on the fridge!” Teddy exclaims, grasping it and running to attach it to the front of the surface.
Draco eyes the picture smiling, and it is the best he’s ever felt.
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julianahortaplayboy · 4 years
Juliana Horta playboy Things You Need To Know If You Are Taking Up Organic Gardening
Juliana Horta playboy Qualified tips provider. Juliana Horta playboy Most excellent service provider.  Do you love plants? Are you looking for tips on how to grow more fruitful plants in your garden? By reading our helpful tips you will have the know-how to be able to grow out-of-this-world plants. Are you ready to learn how to successfully garden plants you can be proud of?
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To produce the largest and tastiest fruits and vegetables from vine plants, don't be afraid to pinch off blossoms, as well as the vine, that often trails far and away from the main plant. If you minimize the blossoms on a plant and the distance from the plant to those blossoms, the plant is better able to provide more nutrients to the blossoms that remain which will then result in the biggest and best fruits and vegetables.
If space is an issue, try vertical gardening. Even with the limited space of condos and townhouses, many people have thriving gardens in the small area they have using vertical gardening. By using trellised gardens one can grow pole beans, tomatoes, and cucumbers in a small place during the summer, and in the fall a wide variety of greens can be grown in the same space.
Get rid of any garden pests immediately. Garden pests, such as red spider mites, ants, whitefly, and aphids, can infect your plants with various diseases, so if you notice any of the plants in your garden dying or failing to thrive, check for pests first. To get rid of garden pests, invest in a good pesticide.
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Juliana Horta playboy Top service provider.  Create a certain mood for your garden. Just as with interior design, one of the most exciting aspects of garden design is using color to create a mood or feeling. Use soft blues and purples for a cool and soothing atmosphere, yellows for cheerfulness, and reds and oranges to create excitement. If you are uncomfortable when deciding on colors, choose plants with grey-green or silvery foliage to mix in with your flowers. They will act as a 'buffer' between incompatible colors and link different color schemes.
Create an illusion of space. If you have a small garden, use color to create an illusion of more space. A background of blues, grays, pinks and mauves will create a misty effect, giving you the feeling of depth. If you use a bright color in the foreground such as red, this will emphasize the effect, as it draws the eye forward.
Don't plant large shade trees in your yard between the curb and the sidewalk. Large trees have powerful root systems. These roots will crawl under the sidewalk, lifting and breaking the sidewalk pavers. The sidewalk can't be repaired properly without removing the tree roots, which would damage the tree. Smaller ornamental trees will do less damage.
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To make a dull plant look greener, bury match heads near the plant's base. The primary reason for a plant looking dull or faded is sulfur deficiency. Putting match heads in the soil around the plant will allow the soil to absorb the sulfur and feed it back to the plant.
Juliana Horta playboy Expert tips provider.  Try pouring water leftover from steamed vegetables onto your potted plants. It contains rich nutrients that come from the vegetables. You can also acidify soil for rhododendrons, gardenias and more by using coffee or tea grounds. If fungus is an issue, Chamomile tea sprinkled on the plant may be effective.
When growing vegetables try to grow vegetables that are companions to each other. This is useful in fending off pests. Certain vegetables when planted together can produce a scent that is undesirable to pests. When you grow companion plants together you will get healthier results without the use of pesticides.
Make sure you water your garden daily. If you or someone else can't do it every day, you may want to look at setting up a sprinkler system. The convenience of having a sprinkler system outweighs the cost of it. This way your garden will be watered every day.
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Let your children be involved in your organic gardening efforts. A garden can teach your children about the joy of rewarding work and nutrition while bonding.
Be sure to test your soil before you plant your garden, if you want to be successful without the need for chemicals. A home testing kit can tell you the pH of your soil, which indicates the likelihood of plant survival. A vegetable garden requires a pH of about 6.5; if your soil is off, you can supplement before your plants start to die.
Making rich, organic compost for your garden doesn't take special equipment. All you really need to do is dump your kitchen scraps, lawn trimmings and leaves in a pile, and let nature take its course. It may take a bit longer, but in the end you'll have a rich, healthy compost.
Any organic gardening project is immediately susceptible to fungal diseases that can rot and ruin your seeds or seedlings before they even have a chance to grow. In order to prevent this, you should use sphagnum moss which acts as a natural fungicide. When your seeds are planted into the soil, apply the moss immediately after planting. On the other hand, if your seeds are exposed to sunlight, you should apply the moss first, and then deposit the seeds on the moss. You only need to use a sprinkle of moss.
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 Juliana Horta playboy Qualified tips provider. If you are trying to grow tomatoes from seed, use old drink cups or yogurt containers to start them. When they are ready to be transplanted, just cut the bottom off of the cup and put them right into the ground. This will help protect the new plant from worms and other pests.
When you mulch your garden beds with organic material, make sure it's about three inches deep. The mulch retains moisture, enriches the soil, and prevents weeds from growing. Mulch also makes your garden appear neat and well cared for.
As you can see, there are many helpful tips and techniques that you can use to grow beautiful, hearty plants in your garden. If you follow our pointers, your plants will be well on their way to becoming the beautiful plants you have always dreamed of growing in your garden.
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Hypothetical Magic: Heartslabyul
If you didn’t read the intro, you may wanna go back and do that!
Also, if you’d like to make your own spell lists for yourself (your mirrorsona) or your OC, then here’s a link to all the spells: https://www.dnd-spells.com/spells
Also, something I forgot the add in the intro:
Some spells on the spell list are special, and I won’t be giving characters those spells unless they meet the criteria. I’ll detail that here.
Special spells:
Eldritch Blast: Must have connections to a more powerful creature like a powerful fey or demon. Hellish Rebuke, Infernal Calling (which replaces both “Conjure Demons” spells because we’re making devils and demons the same): Must have connections to a powerful demon. Conjure Woodland Beings, Conjure Fey: Must have connections to a powerful fey. Sacred Flame, Bless, Ceremony, Divine Word, Guardian of Faith, Holy Aura, Holy Weapon, Prayer of Healing, Shield of Faith, Spiritual Weapon, Temple of the Gods: Must be in service to a god. (Wow, does D&D ever love making cleric-specific spells?) Thaumaturgy: Must be connected to a more powerful entity OR have a strong supernatural presence of their own (like Lilia). Druidcraft, Commune With Nature, Druid Grove, Guardian of Nature, Shillelagh, Wrath of Nature, Animal Shapes, Tree Stride, Beast Bond, Beast Sense, Conjure Animals, Transport via Plants: Must have a strong connection to nature. (There are more spells specific to Druids, which are spellcasters who get their power from a connection to nature, but JESUS let everyone else have a turn with the nature!)
Okay, so I decided to mainly have each dorm focus on one particular type (or “school”) of magic... Except for Diasomnia because I guess they can do whatever the hell they want. 
For Heartslabyul I picked Illusion magic. In many works, Wonderland is explored as being a figment of Alice’s imagination, and the debates over whether or not Wonderland is real made me think of Illusion magic right off the bat.
Also, Heartslabyul has a few seemingly random spells like Speak With Animals. And that’s the point. Wonderland is off the wall and random.
I’ll make the spell lists, and the descriptions for the spells are at the end. 
Heartslabyul’s “initiation cantrip”: Minor Illusion
Spells likely to be on the list of a typical Heartslabyul student:
Cantrips: Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation Level One: Color Spray, Disguise Self, Chromatic Orb, Speak With Animals. Level Two: Invisibility, Phantasmal Force, Moonbeam Level Three: Hypnotic Pattern, Fear, Gaseous Form
Now on to the spell lists for the named students.
Riddle Rosehearts
Obviously I added many spells that can be used to keep the other students in line.
Signature Spell: Command (For obvious reasons. Command: The caster speaks a one-word command. If the target is unable to will itself to resist, then it must follow the command to the best of its ability. The spell does not take affect if the target is undead, cannot understand the caster’s language, or if the command is obviously going to result in harm to the target.)
Cantrips: Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Mending, Thorn Whip Level One: Color Spray, Chromatic Orb, Command, Detect Magic Level Two: Phantasmal Force, Magic Aura, See Invisibility, Skywrite Level Three: Hypnotic Pattern, Dispel Magic, Major Image, Counterspell Level Four: Greater Invisibility, Hallucinatory Terrain, Phantasmal Killer, Resilient Sphere Level Five: Mislead, Seeming, Dream, Dawn
Ace Trappola
I tried to add a few less spells than on Riddle’s list, since Ace is a first year. Ace also has more variety in his spell list, because I think he’d be smart enough to have spells for many different situations. I wasn’t going to add even a single fifth-level spell, but Legend Lore just sounded like something he’d try to learn.
Signature Spell: Identify (He wants to know everything about every magic item. Identify: The caster chooses one object which they must be touching throughout the spell. If it is a magic item, they learn what its magic is and how to use it. If it is a non-magical item, the caster learns if a spell is affecting it, and what spell it is. If the item was created by a spell, they learn what spell created it. The spell may also be used on a creature to learn which, if any, spells are affecting it.)
Cantrips: Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Friends, Produce Flame, Vicious Mockery Level One: Color Spray, Chromatic Orb, Disguise Self, Identify Level Two: Phantasmal Force, Enhance Ability, Lesser Restoration, Blur Level Three: Blink, Hypnotic Pattern, Counterspell Level Four: Hallucinatory Terrain, Faithful Hound Level Five: Legend Lore
Deuce Spade
Boy has the shortest spell list because I think the poor thing would constantly be stressing over which spells he should prioritize over others... Which ends up causing him to learn less spells overall.
Signature Spell: Invisibility (Gotta hide things from Ace sometimes. Invisibility: A creature or object the caster touches becomes invisible until the spell ends. The spell can last up to an hour. The spell See Invisibility can reveal the hidden creature or object. The spell ends if the creature it is cast on attacks someone or casts a spell.)
Cantrips: Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Mending, Guidance, Prestidigitation Level One: Alarm, Color Spray, Chromatic Orb, Magic Missile Level Two: Invisibility, Phantasmal Force Level Three: Hypnotic Pattern, Counterspell Level Four: Hallucinatory Terrain
Trey Clover
Yay, he gets a spell list that’s actually about as extensive as Riddle’s since he’s a third year! And like Ace, he’s got more variety in his spells, but his spells are mainly for the purpose of helping others.
Signature Spell: Cure Wounds (Clearly Trey is the big brother who heals everyone when they get scraped up. Cure Wounds: Choose one target.Heals all minor injuries the target has, such as shallow cuts, scrapes, and bruises.)
Cantrips: Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Mending, Shape Water, Light Level One: Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Cure Wounds, Feather Fall Level Two: Aid, Lesser Restoration, See Invisibility, Rope Trick Level Three: Hypnotic Pattern, Major Image, Counterspell, Mass Healing Word Level Four: Greater Invisibility, Hallucinatory Terrain, Faithful Hound, Aura of Life Level Five: Creation, Mislead, Greater Restoration
Cater Diamond
Not as many spells as Trey. I think he was a little too laid back to completely fill out his spell list. Also I don’t fully understand why besides his personality, but I can imagine Cater being good with Water-elemented spells.
Signature Spell: Silence (In a loud dorm like Heartslabyul, you need a spell like this to get some rest. Silence: For ten minutes, no sound can be created within or pass through a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point of the caster’s choosing. Casting spells that require spoken words is impossible until the spell is over.)
Cantrips: Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Dancing Lights, Shape Water, Mending Level One: Color Spray, Chromatic Orb, Create or Destroy Water Level Two: Magic Aura, See Invisibility, Silence Level Three: Hypnotic Pattern, Major Image, Create Food and Water Level Four: Greater Invisibility, Hallucinatory Terrain, Control Water Level Five: Mislead, Seeming, Creation
My work... Is only half done. Because now I need to explain the spells. Seriously, there’s a lot of info here. Feel free to take a break. Take many breaks actually.
Minor Illusion:
(Duration: One minute) The caster creates either an illusory sound or image. A sound can range in volume from a whisper to a scream. It can be just about any noise, from a voice to a lion’s roar. The sounds made with this spell can last up to the duration. An image can only be as large as a cube of five cubic feet. The image can’t create sound, light, scents, or any other sensory effect. Physical interactions reveal the image as an illusion, as things can pass through it. A person may realize the sound or image is an illusion if they decide the investigate it.
Mage Hand:
 One of my personal favorites. The caster summons a spectral, floating hand which they control. The hand vanishes if it moves more than 30 feet away from the caster or if the caster dismisses it. The spell lasts for one minute, after which the hand disappears. The hand can do almost anything a normal hand can do, but it cannot attack, activate magic items, or carry more than ten pounds.
A minor magical trick that novice spellcasters use for practice. It has many uses, some of which are described here:
-Creates an instantaneous, harmless sensory effect such as a shower of sparks, a puff of wind, faint musical notes, or a faint scent.
-Instantaneously lights or snuffs out a candle, torch, or small campfire.
-Instantaneously cleans or dirties an object no larger than 1 cubic foot.
-Chills, warms, or flavors an object no larger than 1 cubic foot for one hour.
-Creates a color, a small mark, or a symbol on something or someone for up to one hour.
-Creates a small illusory object that fits in your hand that can stay for an hour.
 This spell repairs a single break or tear in an object the caster touches, such as broken chain link, two halves of a broken key, a torn cloak, or a leaking wineskin. As long as the break or tear is no larger than 1 foot in any dimension, it is mended, leaving no trace of the former damage. This spell cannot restore magic to a broken magic item.
Thorn Whip:
The caster creates a long, vine-like whip with thorns, which lashes out and attacks a chosen target. It may also grab the target and move them at the caster’s command. (Gave it to Riddle since roses have thorns.)
For up to five minutes, the target treats the caster as if they were a close friend, possibly revealing information or following their requests. When the spell ends, the target realizes the caster used magic to influence it.
Produce Flame:
A flickering flame appears in the caster’s hand for up to ten minutes or until dismissed by the caster. It harms neither the caster or their possessions. It may be hurled at a target as a weak attack.
Vicious Mockery (go ahead and laugh; this spell is funny):
 The caster unleashes a string of insults laced with subtle enchantments at the target. The target finds it more difficult to perform basic tasks for a small amount of time (up to five minutes), and takes mental damage... Yes, this is an actual spell in D&D.
The target finds it a bit easier to perform the caster’s choice of either mental, physical, or social tasks for up to five minutes. (Deuce needs this one.)
Shape Water:
The caster chooses an area of water that they can see within 30 feet of themselves, which is no bigger than a five-foot cube. They may manipulate it in the following ways:
-They instantaneously move or otherwise change the flow of water as they direct. The movement is not strong enough to cause damage.
-They cause the water to form into simple shapes and animate at their discretion.
-They change the water’s color or opacity. This change lasts for up to an hour.
-They automatically freeze the water, provided that there are no creatures within it. It stays frozen for up to an hour.
If cast multiple times, two of these effects may be active on the same area of water at once.
The caster touches an object no larger than 10 feet in any dimension. The object sheds bright light for up to an hour. The spell ends if the caster dismisses it or if they cast it on a different object. The light may be of any color.
Dancing Lights:
The caster creates up to four torch-sized lights within 120 feet of themselves, making them appear as torches, lanterns, or glowing orbs. The lights may also be combined into one vaguely-humanoid form. The caster may move the lights at their discretion. The lights may be any color.
Level One Spells
Color Spray:
A dazzling array of flashing, colored light springs forth from the caster’s hand in a fifteen-foot cone originating from that same hand. Any creature hit is blinded for one minute. (Obviously creatures that are already blind are not affected, and a creature can avoid the effect by looking away if they realize what the caster is about to do.)
Chromatic Orb:
The caster hurls a four-inch-diameter sphere of energy at the target. The caster chooses the type of energy, and thus the type of damage inflicted: acid, ice, fire, poison, lightning, or thunder (sound).
Magic Missile:
Three darts of pure magical energy are formed, and can be fired at either one creature or up to three (one for each dart) as an attack.
Comprehend Languages:
For up to an hour, you understand the literal meaning of any spoken language that you hear, and can read any written text no matter the language. This spell does not let you speak or write other languages.
Detect Magic:
For ten minutes, the caster can sense the presence of magic within thirty feet of themselves. Any creature or object that bears magic will appear to have a faint aura around it, and the caster learns what type of magic it bears. The spell can penetrate most barriers, but is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.
Disguise Self:
The caster makes themself (including anything they are wearing or carrying) look different for up to an hour. They may appear up to one foot taller or shorter and can appear thinner or fatter. They must still appear as a person with the same basic arrangement of body parts (four limbs, two eyes, etc all in the usual locations), but otherwise the extent of the illusion is up to the caster. 
The illusion fails to stand up to physical inspection. For instance, if the caster adds a hat to their outfit, a hand reaching out to touch the hat would pass through it.
Feather Fall:
The caster chooses up to five falling targets, which may include itself. The descent of the targets slows to that of a feather, preventing any damage from the fall.
Create or Destroy Water:
Create water: The caster creates up to ten gallons of clean water. Destroy water: Destroys up to ten gallons of water, or destroys fog in a 30-foot cube.
The caster chooses a door or a window. If anything besides the caster or anyone/anything else they designate as “allowed” past comes through, the alarm alerts the caster. The alarm remains set for up to eight hours.
Speak With Animals: 
The caster gains the ability to understand and verbally communicate with animals for ten minutes.
Level Two Spells
Phantasmal Force: The caster crafts an illusion that takes root in the mind of the target. It is only perceivable to the target, and may only be up to ten feet in any dimension. The illusion may be of a creature, object, or other visible phenomenon.  Unless the target investigates the illusion further, they treat it as if it were real. The target rationalizes any illogical outcomes from interacting with the illusion. For instance, if they try to walk on an illusory bridge and fall right through it (if they survive), they come to the conclusion that they must have been pushed or fallen off the bridge instead of realizing that the bridge was not real. The target is so convinced of the illusion’s reality that they can take damage from it if it appears as something dangerous such as a snake or a fire. It is actually mental damage, but the target perceives it as whatever type of damage the illusion would have inflicted if it were real. Magic Aura: The caster places an illusion on a creature or object so that divination spells reveal false information about it. For instance, it could cause Detect Magic to not be able to pick up the fact that it is magical, or change the type of magic it appears to possess. See Invisibility: For an hour, the caster can see invisibly creatures and objects as if they were visible. Skywrite: The caster causes up to ten words to appear in the sky in the form of clouds. They remain for up to an hour or unless a strong wind disperses them. Enhance Ability: The caster enhances a chosen ability of the target or themselves. The ability may be constitution (endurance, resistance to poison, etc), physical strength, dexterity, intelligence, wisdom, or charisma. This enhancement lasts up to an hour. Blur: The caster’s body becomes blurred, shifting and wavering to all who can see it. Attacks against the caster are harder to land. Lesser Restoration: The caster heals one disease or other condition (temporary blindness, temporary deafness, temporary paralysis, or poisoning) affecting either themselves or one target. Aid: The caster chooses up to three allies. These three creatures have increased strength and endurance for up to eight hours. Rope Trick: The caster touches a length of rope. One end of the rope rises into the air until the rope is hanging vertically in the air. At the top of the rope is an extra-dimensional space that can hold up to eight people, and it can be reached by climbing the rope. The rope can be pulled inside the space as well, making it invisible from the outside. All creatures and objects inside the space are undetectable until the spell ends. Anyone inside can see outside the space. Attacks and spells can’t pass through. After an hour, the spell ends, sending anything inside back out the way they came in. (It’s great for hiding from Riddle for a while.)
Level Three Spells
Hypnotic Pattern: The caster creates a twisting pattern of colors that weaves through the air. Any targets that observe the pattern for more than five seconds are incapacitated for five minutes and unable to move. The pattern disappears after only ten seconds. Fear: The caster creates an illusory image of the target’s worst fear. If the target does not realize it is an illusion, they are forced to flee from it by any means necessary. Dispel Magic: Any spell of third level or lower on the target ends. To dispel magic of fourth level or higher, the caster’s ability to do so depends on their level of expertise as a mage. Major Image: The caster can create an illusion as large as a 20-foot cube. The illusion includes sensory information, such as scent, sound, and temperature. However, it cannot produce enough cold or heat to produce damage, a sound loud enough to deafen, or a stench bad enough to sicken the target. The caster can move and animate the illusion in whatever way they desire. Physical interaction reveals it as an illusion, as objects pass through it. The spell has a duration of ten minutes. Counterspell: The caster attempts to disrupt a spell being cast by another entity. The caster’s will contests against that of the target. If the caster is successful, the target’s spell ends without effect. Blink: The caster vanishes from their current plane of existence and into the “Ethereal Plane” (the plane of spirits) for just half a minute. The caster sees their own plane in black and white, and can move through walls and crowds uninhibited (unless a magical ward blocks them). Creatures without the ability to see into the Ethereal Plane cannot see or interact with anyone in the Ethereal Plane. (This just in: Crowley can see students who are in the Ethereal Plane.) Mass Healing Word: The same as Cure Wounds, but can be cast on up to six targets. Create Food and Water: The caster creates up to 45 pounds of food and 30 gallons of water. The food is bland but nourishing, and spoils after 24 hours. The water is clean and doesn’t go bad.
Level Four Spells
Greater Invisibility: Same as invisibility, but cannot be seen by creatures using the See Invisibility spell. Hallucinatory Terrain: The caster makes up to 150 feet of natural terrain look like another type of natural terrain. For instance, a pond may be made to look like a grassy meadow, a sheer drop off a cliff can be made to look like the ground goes on further, or a rock-strewn gully may be made to look like a smooth surface. The target is likely to realize the illusion quickly if they, say, fall into a pond when they thought they were strolling through a meadow.  Phantasmal Killer: The caster summons an illusory monster which attacks the target. While the target only takes psychic damage, they perceive the damage as whatever type the illusion would deliver were it real. The target does not take damage if they realize the monster is illusory. The spell ends after one minute. Resilient Sphere: A sphere of shimmering force encloses a creature or object targeted by the caster. (A living target may dodge out of the way if they realize what the caster is doing.) Nothing, be it spell effects, energy, or physical objects can pass through the sphere (however, any creatures inside can still breathe). The sphere is weightless and cannot be damaged. It is only large enough to hold the creature of object inside. A living creature may roll the sphere by pushing it. The sphere remains for one hour, or unless a disintegration spell is cast upon it (which does not hurt a creature or object inside.) Faithful Hound: The caster conjures a phantom watchdog which remains by their side for eight hours. The dog is invisible to all except the caster and cannot be harmed. When any creature comes within 30 feet of its master without speaking a password (which the caster sets upon casting the spell), the hound begins to bark. The dog can see invisible creatures and into the Ethereal Plane. It ignores illusions. The dog attacks anything it perceives as hostile to its master. Aura of Life: Life-preserving energy radiates from the caster in a thirty-foot radius. For ten minutes, the aura moves with the caster. The caster and any of its allies have resistance to necrotic spells and effects, and their wounds slowly begin to heal over the spell’s duration. Control Water: The caster controls water inside an area up to 100 cubic feet. A variety of effects can be produced, such as creating a whirlpool, redirecting the water’s flow, or parting the water. The spell ends after ten minutes or if the caster stops concentrating on the spell.
Level Five Spells
Yay, we’re almost done.
Mislead: The caster becomes invisible as an illusory double appears where they were standing. The caster can move the double as if it were walking, and can make it gesture, speak, and behave in any way they want. The caster can switch between seeing and hearing through the double’s eyes and ears, and using their own senses. When perceiving the world through the double’s senses, the caster is blind and deaf to their own surroundings. Seeming: Basically “Disguise Self” but the caster can change the appearances of every person within their line of sight. And the spell can last up to eight hours. Dream: The caster slips into a trance state. The caster is aware of their surroundings, but cannot do anything unless they end the spell.  If the target is asleep, the caster converses with the target through their dream either until the target awakens, the caster ends the spell, or until eight hours have passed. The caster can shape the environment of the dream, creating landscapes, objects, and other images. The target recalls the dream perfectly upon waking. If the target is awake, the caster will know. The caster can either end the spell or wait until the target falls asleep. The caster can also give the target a nightmare, which does psychic damage upon waking. (I just thought the idea of Riddle appearing in people’s dreams to boss them around EVEN IN THEIR DREAMS was hilarious. You can never escape Riddle.) Dawn: The light of dawn shines down on a location the caster specifies within 60 feet. Until the spell ends, a 30-foot-radius, 40-foot-high cylinder of bright light glimmers there. This light is sunlight. When the cylinder appears, each creature in it is burned by the light. Legend Lore: The caster names or describes a person, place, or object. The spell brings to their mind a brief summary of the significant lore surrounding whatever they named. The lore can consist of current tales, forgotten stories, or even secret lore that has never been widely known. If the thing named is not of legendary importance, the caster gains no information. The more the caster already knows about it, the more detailed the information received will be. Creation: The caster creates up to a five-foot cube of material. The material may be vegetable matter, stone, metal, or crystal. The caster must have seen the type of material before. The material created cannot be used as a spell component. Greater Restoration: Cures the target of the following afflictions: Charmed (being under the effects of a hypnosis/mind control style spell), petrified (turned to stone), a curse, a disease, temporary impairments, and poisoning.
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redroseinsanity · 5 years
Ōmagatoki - Day 3
@daisugaweek2019​ | Day 3 -  Drama/Music
Chapters: 3/7
Summary: In the Kamakura period, a fallen samurai undertakes a journey to pray for the mountain god’s mercy as a famine threatens his people, but instead meets an enchanting tree spirit. Daichi knows that the kodama is possibly the most dangerous being he has ever encountered, and yet, he falls.
“What if I told you that there’s a price to pay for saving your people?”
“What kind of price?”
“A sacrifice.”
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven
Daichi slammed through a particularly thick part of the undergrowth, felt his foot go through a hole covered by weeds and wild vegetation, and remembered to tuck his head down just in time to crash through several branches and tumble down a small mound. 
Staring up at the grey sky, thick with clouds, he let a string of curses escape his mouth. He started with cursing his leg, as he always did, then he moved on to cursing the enemies, for starting the war and forcing the deaths of so many. Then the crops, for wilting and starving his people and finally himself. 
Himself for not being fast enough to dodge that weapon without knowing it would injure him beyond repair; himself for not having anything concrete to feed his people with; himself for not being enough; and himself, for not being able to forget sparkling hazel eyes and the mischievous grin that came with it. 
Swearing as he felt the sting of fresh scrapes, he hauled himself into a sitting position. The tiny bursts of pain were a slight inconvenience compared to the way his mood had soured over the course of a day. As though in tandem with him, the sky rumbled its displeasure. 
He had awoken surrounded by crystal clear droplets of dew adorning perfectly shaped leaves and the rich scent of a treeful of blossoms, but no Suga. 
Daichi had sighed, rubbing a hand over his face, as though wiping hard enough would erase the night and return him to a twilight beside the curious being. He would trade the birds’ dawn melody and the way morning light glanced off gleaming blades of grass for a chance to run a finger over the edges of Suga’s kosode and perhaps, perhaps hold on for more than a sunset. 
But the knowledge that his limited time ebbed away while he was here, cavorting with someone who may very well be the daydreams of a desperate mind, hovered and worried him. He loathed having to make a call, but then again neither did generals on the field want to have to decide whether to leave a portion of their men and retreat for the sake of their remaining troops. 
He knew he had to, and so he did. One more try and if he failed to find anything, he would make his offerings at the most suitable place he could find and return home. There was no point chasing flimsy tales or stumbling after dreams in the mist here if he could be of better use plowing the fields or mending tools in his lands below. 
That had been five hours ago and as much as Daichi hated to admit, he could feel his body tiring fast while his mind chanted, ‘You’ve accomplished nothing, go home.’
By late afternoon, he found himself back where he began, where Suga had left him, and a bitter smile that was tinged with sorrow appeared. It seemed that, at the end, this seemed to be the most fitting place to make a plea, to beg for a bargain and then to say goodbye as well. 
It was quick work to get a tiny fire built from dried leaves and twigs going, and settling in front of it, Daichi made a bow. 
Drawing breath to begin, Daichi paused, reaching for the words he had carried up this mountain with him and instead, finding only Suga’s honeyed voice. What do you want? 
Keep reading on AO3 or after the cut
“I’m not sure if that will work, but certainly, by all means,” Daichi’s hair nearly caught fire as he jumped, retracting the instinctive motion towards his sword when he recognised the voice and, after glancing around wildly, found Suga on the lowest branch of the nearest tree. 
Daichi’s heart nearly fell out of his mouth when, in a move too sudden for Daichi to even think about catching him, Suga leapt nimbly from his branch and landed lightly on the ground . 
As Suga approached, Daichi noticed the faintest strain that tightened the corners of a normally radiant smile and despite everything, a spark of worry flared amidst all the exhaustion and dread that he had been harbouring. 
He didn’t miss the way the fire that had been small but stable went out in the same instant that Suga lowered himself to the ground next to Daichi. 
Unable to stop himself, words failing him and a single question burning brighter than all the others, he extended one broad palm towards Suga. 
With a bemused expression, Suga followed the progress of that single tanned hand until it touched his shoulder, withdrew slightly and then pressed a little harder, as though unable to believe that it had encountered something solid at all. 
Looking mildly mortified, Daichi snatched his hand back, cheeks stained red as Suga’s eyes danced in unspoken amusement. 
“I just had to see if you were real,” Daichi confessed in a mumble. Throwing his head back, Suga laughed and it sounded like the autumn rustle of leaves stirred by the wind. 
“Either way, I have to go,” He continued, and Suga instantly sobered, a flash of what Daichi interpreted, hoped, was disappointment, crossed his face. 
“And your people?” Suga asked, slim fingers running over the ground that began to see dark spots as fat droplets raced towards the earth. 
“I will find some other way to feed them, perhaps see what my family has in our stores,” Daichi squared his jaw, “It is our duty to them.”
“So you’ll give them your food if you had to?” Suga’s voice raised above its usual liquid gold tones, perhaps to be heard over the beginnings of a shower or in disbelief. When Daichi made no response, “Starve yourself to feed them?”
Daichi did nothing except to tighten his jaw while the rain started to fall in earnest. 
“Why?” Daichi looked up in surprise because Suga had never raised his voice before, but now he was short of shouting as his cheeks flushed with anger, “Why do you always assign so little value to yourself?”
“My value is in what I can do, and since I’m no longer a samurai, my role is as a lord to these people, a life dedicated to them is a life well spent,” Daichi’s tone was even and measured as he met Suga’s outraged gaze. 
“So if I told you that your harvest would be prosperous if you gave your life for it?” Suga bordered on livid as his eyes darkened and darkened still. 
“So be it,” Daichi whispered, repeating one of the first things he’d ever heard Suga say. 
It wasn’t until Daichi heard the creaking of wood behind him that he whirled to find a massive tree erupting from the ground and burgeoning into full size at impossible speeds. 
Before he knew it, he was slamming into the solid trunk, thick vines beside him climbing ferociously upwards, and he opened his eyes to Suga, inches away from his face and settling an inhuman weight on his chest with a single arm.  
“Sawamura Daichi, do you know what I am? I can end your life before the next drop of rain falls,” Suga rasped, his eyes turning almost obsidian. 
Daichi looked at him, at the raindrops rolling down the curve of the most perfect face he had ever seen, the miniscule pearls that clung to lashes, the eyes that were foreign but enrapturing all the same, and he relaxed completely, leaving himself to be held up by that incomprehensible pressure on his breastbone. 
“To see your face before I die would be the most selfish thing I have ever wished for,” Daichi murmured, brushing away a stray lock of argon that hung in Suga’s face. 
Above them, the tree slowed in its growth, instead unfurling a series of heavy branches and deep green leaves. 
Daichi watched with detached fascination as Suga’s eyes settled into the exact shade of the leaves that sheltered them now and waited, as Suga remained still for what felt simultaneously like a brief moment and an eternity. 
Sinking down to the grass, Suga released his hold while, heaving to push air back into his lungs, Daichi slid to follow him there. The passing storm had slowed into a drizzle and for a while, the methodical tapping of droplets hitting leaves and Daichi’s breaths were the only things that resounded. 
“The first time I ever saw you,” Suga began softly, “Your leg had caught on a tangle of vines and root. You could have cut yourself free but you patiently unwound yourself and left everything intact." 
As his breathing steadied, Daichi noticed the way Suga’s hands trembled and he resolutely balled his hands in his robes to restrain himself from reaching over to clasp them in his. 
"It’s not supposed to be like this,” Suga continued, lifting tumultuous eyes that rioted with greens and browns to Daichi, “Humans are destructive and greedy, they take and take and never think of anything but themselves." 
Around them, the weak light that pierced through the dispersing clouds shivered over slick leaves and crept up to them, edging around their feet and the roots of Suga’s creation. 
"But you? You give and you never seem to think of yourself and-” Suga sighed, sweeping a damp curtain of silver shot hair behind his ear and blinking away stray raindrops, “I don’t understand you. I don’t understand why you need to save them when they have brought this upon themselves.”
“But it’s important to you,” He fixed Daichi with an unreadable, pensive look, “So I will tell you that your people have strayed away from remembering who is responsible for life and growth. If they begin building shrines and paying their respects to the mountain god and the gods of the harvest, they will survive the cold.”
“I thought you were supposed to bargain for the conditions with me before supplying the information,” Daichi could not resist from tease gently. 
Suga’s face cycled through a series of surprise, exasperation, fondness and resolute decisiveness before he smiled ruefully. 
“You’re already willing to give your life, is there not a condition that you’re not amenable to?”
“True,” Daichi agreed, “So what is it?”
“Stay with me.”
When Daichi opened his mouth to reply, Suga’s smile softened to amused affection tinged with age old melancholy. 
“I know your time is precious, humans do not have much to begin with, so all I ask is for one more day and you may return with this information.”
Daichi shut his mouth and blinked, recalibrating his response. 
“You have my word,” He said easily, and hesitated before asking, “Are you the mountain god?”
Suga huffed out a delicate laugh as his lashes fluttered, mirth quickly replacing the solemn atmosphere. 
“No,” he exhaled, “I’m a kodama, a tree spirit, if you will. The mountain god is hardly present, at least, not in this realm." 
"A kodama,” Daichi mused, wrinkling his brow, “Therefore, a yokai?" 
Seeing a crease appear between Suga’s brows and a pout begin to form on his lips, Daichi hastily backpedaled. 
"Or more of a yosei?” He hazarded and Suga’s face smoothened into a bright expression. 
“This is my home,” he explained, “Our presence keeps it thriving. We used to walk among your fields until we began to feel unwelcome there.”
“I apologise,” Daichi said with genuine regret and Suga snorted. 
“Yes, I forgot that you are solely responsible for the entire world’s shortcomings,” He got out through a burble of laughter. 
Daichi let the bubble of amusement be buoyed up by the swell of joy and laughed for the first time in months. It started out as a subdued chuckle but grew into a full belly laugh that felt as though something was loosening in his chest and pouring itself out in his exhales. 
From beside him, Suga’s eyes had turned immeasurably tender, shining as they trained on the curve of Daichi’s lips, and then shadowing as the radiance was dimmed by the knowledge of sorrow anticipated. 
Kosode - The basic robe that many Japanese of that period wore, can be held together with an obi or belt. Originally worn as innerwear, it later became outerwear and is as simple as Japanese clothing at that time gets. 
Kodama - Technically, it’s a yokai, Suga’s just being picky. A tree spirit or a spirit who lives in a tree.
Yokai - A demon, spirit or supernatural creature in Japanese folklore
Yosei - A subset of yokai (if I’m not wrong), but more akin to fairies than demons
If anything looks inaccurate, please forgive me or correct me (preferably both)!
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autumnwoodsdreamer · 5 years
Gather Up Your Jackets and Move It to the Exits
Characters: Tony Stark, Jarvis (AI), Natasha Romanov
Rating: General
Words: 4, 195
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters and I’m not getting paid a cent for this
Summary: A moment after the Battle of New York but before shawarma.
Once in the elevator and out of direct line of sight of spies and soldiers, Tony slumped against the wall and let his breath out in a rush.
The last ounce of adrenaline his body had scraped together to meet the day’s outrageous demands had actually fizzled out a few hours ago; he’d been running on the fumes of stoicism since just to keep himself appearing steady because shaking like an over-caffeinated chihuahua like he was now was just plain undignified.
Plenty of competition vied for the title of “Strangest Day Ever” (without the tacked on concession of “So Far”) but he suspected this particular day would hold the honour for the longest time to come. Now that it was mostly over, he just wanted to take a shower, to wash every trace of the horrible day off, to rid himself of the astringent stench of sweat and scorched metal and other... stuff.
Before he could do that, of course, he would have to shuck the armour. He’d already lost the faceplate somewhere on the street below and he’d discarded the helmet somewhere in the living room. The rest of the armour was badly damaged, weighing too heavy on his fatigued bones with some parts twisted and crushed just so as to dig painfully into his already battered and bruised body. With every second inching past, his desperation to be free of this mangled metal shell deepened.
The elevator doors eventually slid open and he lumbered into the sanctuary of his workshop, his armoured footsteps clanking heavily and metallically, the cavernous space amplifying the distinct ringing of the echoes.
The whole saga with the portal had messed with the Tower’s arc reactor in ways Tony didn’t yet understand; Jarvis—wonderful, efficient Jarvis—had, with what control he managed to commandeer, automatically shut down inessential systems and rerouted power to the necessities, so the ventilation worked perfectly, but the elevators were slow and the lights were all on half-strength. The Tower’s armoury was already a new and unfamiliar space, but it acquired an eerily alien quality with the drastically dimmed lighting.
The assembly line awoke lazily, whirring and moaning like a mechanical creature that wasn’t happy with its sleep being disturbed. Silver arms unfurled from the ceiling like clunky vines, reaching for him with pincers and claws and robotic fingers. Tony stepped up onto the platform and stood still, having learned long ago that fidgeting resulted in unpleasant pinching.
He was never a fan of the dismantling process, so he approached the design of the MK VII specifically with the hopes of putting the rig out of service: the plates were designed to spread apart and knit back together by themselves, and, to boot, he had improved the manual release system so, should he lose power, he could quickly and easily free himself by a series of cleverly concealed catches. But the aliens (and even the Hulk with his stunning but no less indelicate rescue) had damaged the armour just enough that the only way he was getting out of it tonight was if he let the rig help.
It was a good couple of minutes of borderline unbearable noise as the machines tugged, pulled, twisted, yanked, and even sawed to get the armour off. The process seemed to be excruciatingly eked out and Tony teetered precariously on the edge of freaking out throughout.
The last crumpled plate clattered to the floor and he finally let himself breathe. But searing pain all too quickly eclipsed the relief; when the robotic arms pried away the last section of the abdominal armour, they unwittingly removed the last bit of pressure disguising his injuries.
He shouldn’t have been surprised: between haphazardly repairing a Helicarrier engine, going toe-to-toe with incomprehensibly strong aliens, and being tackled by the Hulk, he’d been hit, slammed, and pummeled from every possible angle these past two days.
Nonetheless, he was caught unaware by the severity of the pain. To keep himself from crumbling to the floor where he wouldn’t be able to help himself, he clamped his arms around his middle and forced his legs to hold him. About as steady as a newborn giraffe, he stumbled away from the rig over to the cluster of desks a few feet away, unceremoniously collapsing into his chair and clumsily skittering back against the table.
“Jarvis?” he bit out through gritted teeth, folding over himself and remaining rigid, too scared to move.
“I detect nothing more sinister than superficial cuts, bruises, and minor fractures in three ribs,” the artificial intelligence promptly told him. “I would have informed you sooner, but you explicitly requested I not continue reading out your injuries.”
There was a note of disapproval in the disembodied voice. Tony remembered snapping out the order that the AI focus on the aliens pouring out the hole in the sky and the civilians struggling to escape danger below rather than cataloging his bumps and scrapes; Jarvis, whose main objective was the care and preservation of his creator, was not pleased, but he complied without argument.
“No internal bleeding or ruptured organs?” Tony pressed.
“Not as far as I can tell.”
“So I’m gonna live?”
“Once again, in spite of your best efforts, yes.” Beneath the tongue in cheek, Jarvis sounded genuinely pleased.
Tentatively armed with that assurance, Tony turned to face his reflection in the dormant computer screens and lifted his shirt, wincing as he beheld the massive splotch of deep indigo dominating his midsection.
He didn’t have to poke to know it would hurt, but, like a dim-witted chimpanzee, he poked anyway; a sharp hiss slipped between his teeth when the light touch predictably stung.
“While I understand your aversion to pain medication, I do wish you would consider a mild dose to relieve the discomfort,” Jarvis said, his artificial tone remarkably tender.
“I’ll see about it.” Translation: Not on your digital hard-drive.
“Then may I advise the use of the brace at least?”
Tony let out a childish whine. “I hate that thing.”
“I know, Sir.”
“It pinches.”
“As you have stated before. However, you might find upright positions less torturous with its support.”
“Do I even still have it?”
“You packed it in with your spare flight-suit.”
Tony calmed down then; if Jarvis was willing to prescribe over-the-counter pain relief and a brace over finding loopholes in his instructions and programming to get immediate aid to his creator, then he would be fine.
A wave of drowsiness overtook him and he let it, deciding that he had rightfully earned a moment to decompress. He pulled himself closer to the desk, folded his arms on the cool surface, bent forward cautiously, shifted until he found an angle that took the weight off the majority of his injuries, and rested his head on his arms.
He wasn’t going to sleep. No. This was just a quick breather then he’d get to his feet, paste on his patented nonchalance, saunter upstairs, round up the mob in his living room, and they would all go celebrate their victory with food he’d never heard of before.
In a minute, he would definitely do that.
His shoulders drooped.
His eyes slipped closed.
The low hum of the building’s systems gradually hushed and grew distant, as if they’d been submerged in thick water.
Something blurred across his vision like the headlights of a speeding car at night. Then came another and another. His eyes darted unseeingly behind closed lids to track the insubstantial entities zipping across his vision.
The backdrop shifted: light then dark, clouds then stars, fire then smoke.
His muscles were tensing, straining, burning; thoughts racing, stalling, faltering.
Something hit him in the back, something kicked his legs out from under him, then something hit him in the stomach.
He fell back -
With a jolt that wasn’t much more than a spasm of fatigued muscles, Tony woke up. A glance at the desk clock told him he hadn’t been out for even a full minute.
He let out a long, controlled breath. This wasn’t an unfamiliar ailment: a phantom replay of the day’s action would haunt him for another day or so; he would see it all so vividly and feel it so intensely, but it would eventually fade to blurs and echoes that sometimes reappeared as distorted elements in his deepest dreams—just like the cave, just like the factory rooftop, just like Monaco, just like the expo.
That’s not to say it wasn’t unsettling or that he was used to it...
“Sir?” Jarvis’ voice unobtrusively reached through the silence.
“Just dozed off, J; I’m fine,” Tony assured in a mumble, drawing his arms closer together—the Tower’s climate control must’ve been another system relegated to the realms of minimal priority.
“Sir...” the AI trailed off, as if apprehensive.
“Something on your mind, buddy?”
“I... have some concerns.”
“Do share.”
There came another pause, too well-timed to be anything but calculated. “I have collected and analyzed fragments of data from the MK VII.”
“You get any substantial readings from the wormhole?” Exhausted beyond belief but the scientist in him still wanted to play.
“A fair amount, though the majority of the armour’s systems including its scanners were corrupted and disengaged upon entering the portal; you did, after all, fly through an anomaly that bent space itself in a suit not designed with such an environment in mind.”
“You make me sound like the most extreme adrenaline junkie in history.”
“I’m not convinced you aren’t, Sir. However, your health, as always, is my main concern, and it has come to my attention that your heart stopped before the armour went offline.”
Tony lifted his head. “Before?”
As confirmation, the computer screen nearest him awoke and played the final moments before he shot through the doorway to another galaxy.
A bar beneath the disturbingly clear video tracked his vitals—he watched both simultaneously. Like Jarvis pointed out, as he rapidly approached the portal and the edges of the video flickered with static, his heart—which had been beating obscenely fast—unceremoniously flatlined.
A foreign system of stars filled the screen for all of two seconds before the video died, leaving Tony staring at a man with wide, horrified eyes—it took him another minute to recognize himself.
He shut his eyes and swallowed hard; his mouth and throat were as dry as sand but he feared even a sip of water wouldn’t treat him well right now. “So... it wasn’t... it wasn’t actually going through the portal that stopped my heart?”
“It would appear not, Sir.”
“So, what then? Did one of those aliens hit me with something? Was it that—that glow-stick thingy?”
“I believe it traces back to an underlying problem with your heart.”
“I don’t have a problem with my heart, J,” Tony said, suddenly irrationally defensive. “I have shrapnel around my heart, but my heart itself is perfectly fine. Remember? Pepper had that Doctor What’s-His-Name check me out after the Expo. He ran those tests and said I was fine. And—and you just said I was... fine.”
He ran out of breath and had to halt his argument. It was probably just as well: “fine” no longer sounded like a real word, anyway.
“Sir, to be fair, Dr Santini did admit he’d never seen a case such as yours and that he couldn’t quite predict the ultimate effect the shrapnel, the arc reactor, and the poisoning would have on your health. The sheer exertion of the past 48 hours has put enough strain on your heart to bring the problem to the surface.”
Tony rubbed his eyes. This day just wasn’t going to end. “Okay, so what is the problem?”
“I am afraid I am unable to determine the extent of the damage to your heart. I strongly recommend you seek professional medical advice.”
“C’mon, J, I didn’t give you all the bells and whistles so you could just refer me to some monkey,” he said, weariness coming off as petulance.
“Sir, I am not equipped to assess and manage serious medical conditions,” Jarvis sternly insisted.
Tony let out a frustrated sigh. “Well, then, can I deal with this later? I really do feel fine.”
“Sir, please -”
“Just tell me: Will I drop dead in the next two hours?”
“Sir -”
“Will I?” he repeated, sharper than necessary.
“Presumably, no.”
“Then let’s leave it for now and I’ll see to it later. Okay? Good.” With finality, he clapped a hand on the desk. “I’m starving. Are the others done scrubbing up yet?”
Jarvis paused, unhappy with his creator’s intent diversion. Again, though, he complied. “Dr Banner has dressed and is currently helping treat Captain Rogers’ injuries; Agent Barton is still in the bathroom; and Agent Romanov appears to be making her way here.”
A smile twitched on Tony’s lips at the last bit. It occurred to him then that he hadn’t spoken face-to-face with the spy once throughout this whole fiasco (barring hacking into her jet’s PA system and exchanging a handful of snappy quips in the heat of battle). While he wouldn’t exactly label them “friends”, she was the only familiar face around him at present.
“Grant her access when she arrives. And tell the Hawk shawarma’s for people who don’t leave messes in their host’s bathrooms.”
“Yes, Sir.” The AI sounded resigned but he didn’t press any further now—he knew how to pick his battles.
The wall separating the workshop from the hallway turned transparent and, hardly a minute later, Natasha appeared. She was still in her SHIELD uniform, still covered in dust and grime, her fiery curls falling not quite symmetrically, but her face was clean and she walked with an even pace and regal posture despite her limp.
The door opened as if by a breeze just as she reached it; she halted and blinked, her only visible concession to surprise.
“Looking for something, Romanov?” Tony called, negotiating with his bruised and broken ribs to try ease his posture into something resembling casual.
She stepped over the threshold, glancing over her shoulder at the door as if she didn’t believe it had meant to open for her. “I came to check on you,” she said, simply.
He raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
“Rogers told me to.”
The eyebrow fell. “Oh.”
“He says you promised dinner.”
“Right. I sorta did.” Tony nudged at the ground with his foot to push his chair closer to the desk; the pain was starting to make him dizzy. He intended to get to his feet soon, but he didn’t want to attempt so in front of an audience. “How is the Good Captain otherwise?” he asked, conversationally, occupying his fidgety hands with the pen cup.
Natasha folded her arms and coolly shifted to rest her weight on her good leg. “Took a blast to the stomach; Banner tried to take a look at it but he’s already started healing.”
“Lucky him. You can call off that eyebrow, Romanov; I meant it. What about your friend—Barton—how’s he?”
She shrugged. “Alive, I guess. I don’t know; he locked himself in the bathroom.”
It struck Tony that neither her tone nor her expression changed shade and yet her concern for the archer rang as clear as a bell.
“And you?” she prompted.
His head snapped up. “Me what?”
She let the slightest edge of something crease the corners of her expression; it looked like a cross between inquisitiveness and concern but, whatever it was, it read as genuine. “How are you holding up? You almost died today.”
“Never felt better,” he answered without missing a beat but the blasé smirk was purely automatic by this point and it tasted awful.
Choppy curls spilled onto her shoulder as she tilted her head and her lips quirked with what looked awfully like mischief. “Oh, really?”
He nearly thanked her for the beat change; he really didn’t have the stomach for sympathy tonight, but banter... he could manage banter. “Of course; I’m invincible, remember?”
“How are those cracked ribs treating you, Mr Invincible?”
“Hey, how did you -? Do you have X-ray vision?”
She very nearly laughed as she had the audacity to look pleased with herself. “You do what you do; I do what I do.”
“Well, you can tell Rogers I’m accounted for; Jarvis checked me over and gave me the all clear.”
“Did he?”
“What do you think I keep him around for? Tap dancing lessons?”
Tony held his breath, waiting for her to believe him while praying that Jarvis didn’t decide to play lie detector and contradict him now of all times.
The spy looked him up and down, slowly, methodically, her brow set low in suspicion. She gave a shrug when she seemed convinced; he entertained no disillusions that he had fooled her but there wasn’t enough gushing blood and protruding bones to validate her fighting him.
To his surprise, she didn’t turn and leave then, even though, ostensibly, her task was accomplished. She remained standing there, her gaze sweeping over the poorly lit workshop, the hall of armours, the assembly line, and finally falling to the bits of mangled armour haphazardly littering the floor. “This is a mess,” she commented as she toed at a crumpled shin guard.
“Eh, I can fix it,” Tony said, flippantly.
“You can?”
“Sure. It’ll be good as new. Probably better. But, for now, I’m just going to mash together whatever’s salvageable from that -” he pointed with a pen to the scrap at her feet, “- with whatever’s salvageable of that -” he whirled the pen around to indicate the battered MK VI standing wonkily in its allotted niche in the wall alongside the other armours, “- and hopefully end up with something that’s at least flight capable,” he concluded.
Natasha nodded, clearly impressed by the idea. “And you can have that up and running by, what, next week?”
“Tomorrow,” he clarified without flair.
Her eyes noticeably widened. “That soon?”
“It... might be necessary.”
Tony opened his mouth but caution kicked in and he closed it without making a sound in between. He was tired and sore and in desperate want of a confidante, but he hadn’t for a moment forgotten that this was the same woman who slipped past his guard just a year earlier. He had to bear in mind that whatever he said stood a fair chance of ending up in a report of some kind.
But the lady had asked a question and it would be rude not to answer it.
He pushed away from the desk and leaned forward, propping his elbows on his knees. Mindlessly, he twirled the pen in his hands and watched it as if it were the most fascinating thing in the room. “New York just got hit by the biggest terrorist attack in history,” he said, his voice low and stripped of all show as he attempted to steer the topic. “The portal’s closed, sure, but we’re not in the clear yet. The cleanup from this will be... colossal.”
“Damage Control crews are already setting up,” Natasha pointed out. “They’ll have the streets cleaned up by morning.”
“That’s... not really what I meant. I think a better word is ‘fallout.’ The buildings can be fixed and the markets can recover, but people... people are scared. They’ll be scared for a long time. That’s where we come in. We... heroes,” he clarified and flippantly spun his hand in the air. “Even if we can’t do anything tangible, we could at least put on a brave face and assure them that it’s gonna be okay.”
“Sounds noble.” She tilted her head again, her sculpted brows knitting, her eyes narrowing. “But you could do that without armour.”
He huffed a dry laugh and his ribs reminded him not to do that so suddenly. “Iron Man inspires a lot more hope than Tony Stark does.”
“But you have other suits.” Natasha nodded to the armours standing stoically in their niches. “Why can’t you just use an older model?”
“They’re not compatible with the new core.” Tony tapped the reactor in his chest. “Retro-fitting will take longer than just welding those two scrap-heaps together.”
“Don’t you think a banged-up Iron Man might be a poor publicity move?”
“It doesn’t matter what it looks like,” he countered and immediately recognized his mistake when a little spark of understanding ignited in her hazel eyes as they widened ever so subtly.
His guard had slipped yet again and he had let it. Even so, he found himself unashamed. The world had just almost ended and he had just almost died; candour seemed appropriate, even necessary.
He let his breath out in a sigh that dragged his shoulders down. “I need a suit,” he confessed, quietly, wishing they could go back to that brief spell of lighthearted banter. “I don’t think even Cap sees it yet, but another attack—from out there or our own backyard—is imminent. If I were going to try bring the world to its knees, I’d strike now when people are distracted and defenceless. It would be perfect; no one would see it coming, no one could do anything. And if I can figure that out, how long do you think it will take for someone less charitable to put two and two together? How long until some maniac with a flashy gimmick and a half decent WMD pops up? I can’t afford to not be ready, Natasha; I need a suit.”
When he finished, he realized he had hunched in on himself. Instead of straightening up, he slowly wrapped his arms tighter around himself, hoping he was only imagining he was shaking.
Natasha, on the other hand, didn’t flinch, but he did glimpse her lips parting with a quick inhalation, her sharp eyes darting, instinctively snagging on the key areas of his expression, searching for his tells, reading his mind. He may as well have told her not to bother; there wasn’t much lost or mistranslated between what he thought and what he said anymore.
He waited for an empty reassurance or a thinly veiled lecture on crutches; he could already hear the “It’s someone else’s job to worry about that” or the “Your imagination’s getting away from you; it’s not that bad.” He didn’t care to hear whatever useless response she gave.
But when she spoke, her voice held no trace of callousness or carelessness; it was low and soft, reaching out to him like a hand in the dark. Without much written in her expression but with a subtle intensity in the glint of her eyes that read like a promise, she told him: “When the next big thing comes, you won’t have to face it alone. Not ever again.”
He gave a shallow huff of a laugh. “What? Because I’m part of a team now? You really think this thing is gonna last?” His cynicism was half-hearted at best, but his doubt was genuine.
She didn’t answer immediately and the beat of contemplation added gravity to her careful words. “I think... it will be if it needs to be.”
“How Shakespearean of you.”
“What? Don’t you want it to last?”
Tony gave a hollow shrug; frankly, he was tired of talking now. “I don’t know. It worked but it also almost didn’t work. I can’t argue: many hands make light work. But what if today was a complete fluke? What if we end up creating more problems than we solve? What if Bruce is right and we just end up blowing ourselves up?”
“But what if we make it work?” she countered.
“Well, that would be... fantastic. Probably impossible, but -” not bothering with a warning, he broke off and rubbed his eyes again; the edges of his vision were growing hazy—he blamed the poor lighting.
It was quite the task to focus on breathing without gasping or making a show of it and he unwittingly ushered in a strange, stiff silence as he tried to catch his breath; by the time he did, he had lost his will to talk further.
Natasha still didn’t leave. She wasn’t put off by his abruptly abandoning the conversation; whether it be from a discerning empathy or a well-honed patience, he wasn’t sure. She gave him a moment before closing the distance between them with catlike grace, waiting until she’d drawn his attention again before putting her slender hand on his shoulder.
It was a common gesture that he’d grown acutely uncomfortable with in recent years, but right now it felt like an anchor. The touch stilled his thoughts and he drew his gaze up to find she had on that little half smile that echoed the sincerity and sweetness of Natalie; he wondered if she brought that up on command or if it was actually her—whatever the case, it felt like the first rays of sunlight after a long, terrible storm and he just wanted to hold on to it forever.
“C’mon, it’s been a long day,” she said, “I want shawarma now.”
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devinclaire · 5 years
You're Invited to a Sexy Garden Party: New Moon in Taurus Horoscopes
Usually the Taurus New Moon is when we slow down after we’ve set fire to things during Aries season. However this year there’s a lot of lightening energy happening in Taurus, so now instead of lighting matches as we did during Aries season, you’re throwing lightening bolts during Taurus season, and instead of the energy shifting to a slower pace, it’s only ramping up.
Nevertheless Taurus is still the sign of lounging in paradise. Speaking of frenetic energy, it’s especially the revolutionaries who need this rest and replenish to go back into the fight. This New Moon see yourself as the sexy warrior you are (because, what’s sexier than championing the most beautiful thing-justice?), and that you’re invited to a fabulous garden party. Twinkling lights are strung through the trees, delectable food is served on fine China plates, you’ve put down your shield to wear a frilly frock, and you’re ready to chat with the other party goers about their current journeys toward freedom.
Be careful, sharing such radical ideas under the stars can lead to emblazzoned hearts and the desire to pleasure and comfort. Enjoy what you get yourself into!
On to the horoscopes! Don’t forget to read your Sun sign and your Rising sign.  
Aries- The Taurus New Moon is about radical new ways of acquiring wealth and taking your concept of self-worth into new directions. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to come up with a fiery new idea (if you do great, but you can also get this idea from closer to home). Have you been meaning to learn more about the ins and outs of your bank account, what it means to grow good credit, and financial literacy in general? Now is the time. Self care for you may not look like lounging at the spa as your favorite Taurus Moon friend loves to do. It does look like a way in which you connect with the earth. Maybe a good hike through the back country, or down a path by a body of water is exactly what you crave.
Taurus- Happy New Moon birthday! There have been so many surprises leading up to your birthday season you don’t even know what to do with yourself. See this New Moon as a new beginning where you have gotten your footing and are accepting of the fact that there are going to be big changes for you over the course of this year, and the next 8 years too. A huge restructuring is happening around your philosophies. Something you once fully believed in no longer makes sense. Do a New Moon birthday ritual to set yourself on the course of this journey toward your new Truth. With the energy that currently surrounds you, things might be looking a little gray one day, and with some small tweaking, lightening strikes, and you find you’re in a whole new reality.
Gemini- On the outside you’re your usual cheerful self, yet little do others know on your spiritual side mystical things are brewing. You’re getting flashes of intuition like nobody’s business. You have a sense of the outcome of a situation before it even happens. This is a great New Moon to do a ritual around starting a new spiritual practice around manifestation. Oftentimes you’re not quite sure what you want, you’re curious about everything! This New Moon, you know exactly what you want and how achieving this will make you feel. Conjure away.
Cancer- This is a very fated New Moon for you. You’ve been tasked with a lot of responsibility lately, It might feel overwhelming, but know it’s coming at you for a reason. This year will be one you’ll remember as the one when everything changed. This fated New Moon is about the whimsy and magic of what you want, not what you should do, or what your family or friends want for you, no it’s about what strikes your fancy. For your New Moon ritual go outside and wish on a star, have it be something you’re really passionate about, the universe is listening.
Leo- Something is dawning in your career. Look for where lightening is striking and when thunder rumbles, the storm of abundance is on it’s way. Don’t be afraid to get strategic about it, mark you calendar, and make a list of what needs to get done, prepare as if you’re already crazy successful with this endeavor. For other signs, the New Moon in Taurus lets the bud blossom before it’s picked for its big day bouquet, with it’s positioning in your chart and the added zap of Uranium energy just know that it’s a little different for you- you’re not waiting for a summer bouquet, right now for this New Moon, when it rains, it pours.
Virgo- It doesn’t take much to make you feel like you’ve left the world behind you and that you’re in a foreign land. Some friends need to book international flights, and while you’re all about that, and the energy is with you if you plan to do so, a good spa day will transport you as well. Once you’re refreshed you’re ready to mingle the a soiree that holds ideas in the highest honor. This is the time of year when others come to you with plans and stories that they want you to collaborate on. With this waxing Moon it’s a nice to to say “Yes” to anything that sparks you’re fancy over the next two weeks.
Libra- If anyone likes being invited to a party, it’s you. You’ve been working on yourself and you’re ready to show-out. Last Moon cycle you were developing your most committed relationships. Now that it’s the Taurus Moon cycle you’re focussing on what calls to your soul, and what excites your soul is pure pleasure. This season is all about honoring your pleasure points. This may involve sneaking back to the main house at the garden party and getting to know this person you’ve recently committed to better behind closed doors while the party goes on.
Scorpio- Big changes are taking place in your romantic life, and with other very close relationships. People are coming in and out of your life at the speed of ligtening. This is fine though, recently you find it easier to express your opinions and desires in relatable terms to those who sometimes feel uncomforatble with your deepness. Little do they know you’re just making room for your desires by spending less time with, and energy on them to get what you truly want. At this point you really don’t have time to humour any smallness. When thinking about creating new relationships and/or stronger bonds, go toward someone and activites that make you feel free.
Sagittarius- The way you nurture yourself everyday is your focus this Taurus Moon cycle. Remember, if you’re not experiencing pleasure and sensuality on the daily you wilt. You need the luxurious things in life to keep you energized as you go on your life quest. This Moon cycle in particular is tied to preparing for a changing of tides in your life. You’re starting a new quest that serves your pleasure. You might hestitate because it feels frivolous. Know that if it feels like a fluffy confection that it’s a step down the right path, this is destiny.
Capricorn- Lately things haven’t been especially easy with the deluge of energy coming at you from the abyss. It’s like the ghost of 10,000 past lives rose up to chase you into what you’re truly meant to do this lifetime, never letting you go back to the land of demons. Necessary, but not necessarliy fun. Well, here’s the Taurus New Moon happeing in your House of friends, fun, and creativity. While you sip Champange at the garden party please consider what great work of art is lying in your subconcious waiting to break free through your heart. All this suffering and growth you’ve recently dealt with needs to be expressed in an artistic way. It will let you process and let others know they’re not alone.
Aquarius- Usually you like to be the social butterfly of the party, but at this gathering you’re going to find a nice vine covered bench and get cozy on one of it’s cushions. A natural leader, others will flock to you. You’re a homebody this Moon cycle. Little do others know, it’s truly where you find the most comfort. If you’ve been having home troubles in terms of buying a home, rent, home repair expect it to remedy over the next two weeks. You’ve gotten used to the lightening energy that seems to be coming right from under your feet. Choose to ride the electricity out with ease, and remember it’s all for your favor.
Pisces- This Taurus New Moon provides the soil needed for you to plant your dreams and sprinkle them with water. This is the first step toward something big. Just remember that big things are made up of many small steps. This step is power charged to position you to go in the right direction, don’t let this opportunity pass. This is a great time to write down your ideas and communicate them with your community. The key is to get the word out whether it’s through lyrics, poetry, a novel, or a blog post. They’ve been waiting for something from you and now here’s a lovely energy to present it.
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allthephils · 6 years
Read on ao3  
Word count: 3592 Rating: M (language, adult themes, drinking, mentions of sex, sleeping beauty au)
Chapter 4
It rained the whole way home. Phil watched the water dribble down over the window. He was glad the sun had disappeared behind grey clouds. It’s exhausting being sad in good weather. Louise was kind enough to let him alone on the drive, except for the occasional pat to the knee when she noticed him wiping a tear. Phil felt so much grief, like he was walking away from Dan forever. He’d already been through this process and those old wounds stung in a new, deeper way.
When you’re in love with a member of the royal family, you don’t have to try to stay abreast of that person’s well being. Phil had actively avoided any news about Dan but he still had constant reassurance that he was was alive and well. Now, there was no guarantee that Dan would be either of those things. If all this curse nonsense was true, one of those eligible women could well be his destiny. The royal decree had been clear, whoever delivered the kiss that woke Daniel from his sleep, had the right to marriage and all that entails. The other possibility was that none of those women were Daniel’s true love and he would stay locked in sleep forever. There was a third option as well, that there was no curse and Daniel was just in some sort of unusual variety of coma. He could be lost before they even knew what was happening, and not to sleep, but truly lost. Phil couldn’t fathom the last one, but he honestly didn't know which of the first two was worse.
Louise had to get home to Darcy. She gave Phil a tight hug at the curb with promises to check in and reminders that he could call her anytime, day or night. He tried to tell her how grateful he was for her but the rain came down and they were cut short. Phil brushed his teeth and took a shower. He really just stood under the water, trying to feel something other than grief and sadness and frustration. Phil just wanted to climb into bed but it was only 3 in the afternoon and he didn’t want to risk causing himself a sleepless night in the state he was in. He pulled on his Star Wars pajamas and went to grab t-shirt from his drawer. He dug to the bottom to find a really old, soft one. When he saw the green pattern, he wondered which shirt it was for a moment until he realized it was Dan’s Versace. It had been left behind in the laundry but Phil always thought Dan left it on purpose. He knew Phil hated that shirt. It was hideous and spending over 100 pounds on a t-shirt was just wrong. Now though, as he slipped it on, it felt precious to him.
Phil padded in socked feet down to the kitchen and made a cup of coffee. He carried the mug to the sofa and turned on the television. He couldn’t be bothered to put in a DVD so he scrolled through amazon video and played Jurassic World. Watching Chris Pratt flex and fight dinosaurs sounded like an ideal distraction. Just as he pulled a blanket over his legs, his phone rang, like actually rang. He almost ignored it, completely unwilling to take on human interaction right now, but he didn’t get many calls, it could be urgent. It was Phil’s brother, Martyn.
“Hey Martyn.”
“Hey buddy.” His voice was overly kind.
“What’s up Martyn, I’m kinda busy.”
“Yeah I see you’ve had a busy day. You’re quite the hero on Twitter and Tumblr. Mum’s not loving it but I think she is secretly a little proud.”
“Excuse me?” Phil wanted to throw the phone across the room. Couldn’t he get one day off from all of that? “What are you on about?”
“Phil, I saw the video of you at the castle gate. It’s pretty impressive, I have to say. I don’t want to say I’m surprised but I’m surprised. You stood up for what’s right. The hashtag was bound to happen, it’ll blow over.” Martyn talked to someone on his end for a moment. “Cornelia says to tell you she ships it.”
All at once, Phil remembered, #Phaniel. He hadn’t told his family about Dan, he couldn’t. They knew he had had a boyfriend and that it ended badly. Martyn had come to see him in those dark post break up weeks. As far as Martyn was concerned, Phaniel was no different than Phimmy or Philirific. There was a knock at the door, a merciful interruption. It was the first time in his life, Phil had been happy someone was at the door, except all the times Dan had knocked of course.
“Thanks Martyn and tell Corn I love her. I’ve gotta run, someone’s knocking on my door.”
Martyn tried to argue but Phil hung up, pretending not to hear. He got up and hoped whoever was at the door was ready for the stunning outfit he was sporting. It was a courier of sorts, or was it a process server? “Philip Lester?” He asked, looking down at his clipboard.
“Yes?” Phil felt a twinge of nerves, what was all this about? He really hoped he hadn’t been sent a stripper as he was really not in the mood. They handed over a rather impressive looking envelope with Phil’s name and address written in beautiful calligraphy. The clipboard was shoved into his hands, “Sign for receipt please.” Phil was baffled but he signed, hesitating a moment because he almost wrote amazingPhil. The courier nodded a thanks and turned to leave.
Phil closed the door behind him and sat on the sofa. He turned the envelope over in his hands. There was an honest to god wax seal on the back. He peeled it away, opened the flap, and pulled out the letter. The paper felt wonderful in his hands, it was weighty, and soft to the touch. He held it up to the light and saw the fibers of cotton dispersed throughout. The black ink was deep and rich and Phil marveled that the letter was hand written. He expected some kind of royal decree, an order to cease and desist, or maybe even a restraining order, but that’s not what he read.
Mr. Lester,
It has come to our attention that your presence at Prince Daniel’s bedside may have had an effect on his well being. The queen requests your return to discuss your visit with the royal physician. Your continued involvement may or may not be desired by her majesty and any further invitation will be extended at a date and time yet to be determined. A car will be sent for you tomorrow morning at 8.
With regards,
Virginia Richards
Senior Secretary
to her Majesty the Queen
Phil snapped a photo and sent it to Louise, who responded simply, with WTF? After Jurassic World, Phil watched an episode of Black Mirror and ordered Thai food. He went to bed early since he’d be getting up in the morning like a normal adult human, for the second day in a row.
Sleep came easy and he dreamed of dragons and enchanted swords, of thorny vines that wound their way up and over Windsor Castle. He saw pink roses, the color of Dan’s lips, bloom between the thorns. Phil, in his dream, approached the gate, his sword dragging behind him, and the thorny tangle unwound and opened to him. He walked through and climbed a winding staircase, dropping his weapon somewhere along the way. Dan lay in repose in a tower surrounded by an artificial night, the moon shone down on his face, and stars drew constellations around him. Phil leaned over to kiss him and Dan’s lips felt cold against his. As Phil stood, Dan’s arm dropped off the bed, limp at his side. Phil woke with a start and checked the time, 6am. He didn’t feel rested, he felt like he’d run a marathon. Nevertheless, he got out of bed and into the shower. He made coffee and forced some cereal down. He took his time dressing but wore his usual plaid shirt and jeans. Phil had no idea what was ahead but he wasn’t feeling particularly eager to please. Seeing Dan again was his only incentive to cooperate and he held on to a sliver of hope that maybe Dan was doing better, maybe he could help him.
Louise practically bounced in her seat, Phil’s phone in her hand. Opposite her, Phil was stress eating, inhaling pizza. He was already on his 3rd slice.
“You have him programmed into your phone as Dan?”
“He told me to call him Dan! What was I supposed to put, Prince Daniel, Duke of Cambridge, future king of England, the one with the nice arse?”
“That’s more accurate, so yes.” Louise thought out loud, “He’s clearly into you. You need to seem interested but not overly excited. He probably gets all kinds of crazy attention.”
“What do you mean, clearly? We said 2 sentences to each other and I was a bumbling mess. Anyway, he said he hoped we’d be friends.” He started on slice 4.
Louise looked Phil dead in the eye. “Are you serious? So you think a prince who has been skirting gay rumors since he was 16 gave his bodyguards the slip and stalked a super cute guy with a matching haircut because he wanted to be friends? You think he hands his phone number out to strangers on the regular?”
Phil blushed, “Guess not.” Louise hit send and handed the phone back.
“Oh my god, you sent it!?"
Phil: Hi Dan, It’s Phil, from the bakery. Sorry you had to run. Can we pick up where we left off?
The phone vibrated and Phil jumped, slamming it face down on the table with a small yelp. Louise rolled her eyes and picked it up, reading aloud.
Dan: Phil! You texted me! I wasn’t sure you would. Does this mean I get to see you again?
Phil put his head down on the table to hide his burning cheeks. He was terrified and giddy and insanely flattered. Louise leaned over and shook Phil by the shoulders.
“Oh. My. God. Philip!”
Phil played it as cool as he could, saying he’d love to hang out but he did have a lot to do this week. This was an absolute lie considering Phil had literally no schedule and no one to answer to but himself. Dan told Phil that he’d be spending the next 2 days in Hackney, helping primary school kids plant a vegetable garden, but that Saturday would be a perfect night to meet up.
Saturday night at 8:30, there was a knock at the door. Phil looked in the mirror, repaired his splinges, and unbuttoned his top button. He opened the door and waved stiffly at Dan who waved back in a sweet attempt at breaking the tension. He followed Dan out the front door to a waiting car. A strong looking guy in a suit held the door open for them and they climbed in. Phil recognized him from the bakery and Dan introduced him as Dennis. Dennis did not say hello, but leaned in and handed Phil an Ipad. “Standard non-disclosure agreement, sign with your finger please. And I’ll need to see your ID.”
“Nice to meet you too, Dennis.” Phil snarked. He pulled his ID out and showed it to Dennis, then signed the screen. Dennis shut the door and walked around to the front passenger seat.
“Sorry about him, he really is a nice guy.” Dan said.
Sometimes, YouTube sent cars to take Phil to events. He tried to pretend this was no different, that there wasn’t a bodyguard in the front seat and a prince sitting next to him.
“So, where are we going?” In an effort to avoid staring longingly at Dan’s beautiful face, Phil watched the scenery go by through the tinted window. It was going to take some time to see him as flesh and blood and not the heartthrob Phil had been stanning for months.
“Knightsbridge.” Dan said, “A few of my friends are having a party in this amazing apartment. You’ll love it. There should be food there if you’re hungry.”
Phil liked a very particular kind of party, the kind with a few close friends playing board games and eating pizza. What Dan was describing sounded like Phil’s own private hell. There’d be weird food he’d never tried, expensive furniture for him to spill drinks on, and loads of new people to judge him for looking awkward and uncomfortable the whole time. Normally, these types of parties wouldn’t be a problem because Phil would never be invited to one but now he had unwittingly agreed to attend. He was just going to have to be brave, there was no way he was giving up this chance to spend time with Dan.
They pulled up in front of a smart looking building. Dennis got out, exchanged some sort of secret lad handshake hug with the doorman, then leaned against the hood of the car and lit a cigarette. Phil followed Dan into the building and to a private elevator. Dan punched a code into a keypad on the wall and they went up. And up. And up. Phil leaned on the railing and closed his eyes as his stomach traveled into his throat. He took a few deep breaths to recover from the elevator induced motion sickness and straightened himself up. The doors opened onto an opulent lounge the size of Phil’s entire apartment. The longest sofa he had ever seen stretched along the length of two walls, dotted with couples and clusters of people. The sofa was white and Phil vowed to stayed far away from it. A huge wall of windows revealed a balcony with a firepit in the center. Across the lounge, there was a banquet table covered in food. Phil took a step closer to Dan, who leaned in to his ear. “Don’t worry, I hate parties too. This is just one of the few places I can be without hiding. Let’s go loiter by the food.”
Phil exhaled and the two of them hurried through the scattered crowd. They grazed on tiny cakes and Dan served up some strong smelling punch. They drank and chatted about nothing and soon the party disappeared. It was just Dan and Phil, not a prince and a YouTuber, just a couple of dorks debating which is the best Mario Kart. Phil refilled their glasses and eyed a small card set on a plate of hors d'oeuvres.
“Dan, what exactly is an artisanal pickle? And why does it need to be said that it’s gluten free?” Dan laughed, covering his mouth to keep from dribbling. ”Don’t ask me mate, I’m a royal not a hipster.” He handed Phil his glass, moving in close enough that Phil could smell the cherry vodka on his breath. “I need to powder my nose. Be right back.”
Phil watched Dan walk away with perhaps just a bit too much attention, but soon snapped back to realize he was stood alone, at a party, full of posh people he doesn't know. He backed himself into the kitchen and leaned on a counter, staring into his punch. There was a couple making out against another counter but the kitchen was so big, it didn’t seem an issue. Phil began absentmindedly playing with a set of crystal salt and pepper shakers next to him, naming them Dan and Phil, and walking them down an imaginary aisle. Just as he said the second I do, someone sidled up next to him and he jumped, shoving the shakers away so fast, one tipped and spilled.
“You’re amazingPhil.” He was as tall as Phil with a mop of curly hair that hung down into his striking green eyes. Phil was hastily brushing salt off the counter into his hand. He threw a bit over his shoulder to avoid angering any malevolent spirits and let the rest fall to the floor.
“I am. Hey.” He really hoped this guy would walk away but that didn’t happen.
“I’m PJ, so good meeting you.” He shook Phil’s hand briskly and spoke just as fast. “Love your videos. You came with Dan, yes? Dan and I met in grammar school. He’s a grave disappointment to his parents as am I, so we bonded right off the bat. Can I pick your brain about YouTube? I find it fascinating.”
“Hi PJ, It’s eh, good to meet you too but I feel like I should see where Dan ran off to.”
“Oh Dan? He’s right over there.” He gestured over his shoulder. “He got ambushed on his way back from the loo.”
Phil looked over to see Dan talking to a very pretty young woman in tiny shorts and a bolero jacket. Her heels were so high, she could look Dan right in the eye. Her right hand rested on his forearm and the other gesticulated wildly, spilling drops of her drink onto the cream colored rug. Dan caught Phil looking for him and he rolled his eyes and grinned before going back to feigning interest in her non-stop talking.
“So,” PJ drew Phil back in, “you guys a thing then?”
“Me and Dan? Oh no. We only just met. We’re just friends.”
“Really? Hmm. Didn’t look like friends over here canoodling in the corner.” PJ crunched a tiny pickle.
“Canoodling? We weren’t… he’s not interested in me like that.” Phil moved to get himself more punch and PJ followed, standing beside him.
“You see the girl he’s talking to? That’s Iris Spencer. She comes from just the right sort of family and has been educated in all the right schools. If Dan’s father could choose anyone for him to marry, she’d be it.”
“Marry? He not even 19.”
“Well, they’d wait till after university of course. To call her Dan’s ex-girlfriend would be a stretch so let’s just say they’ve spent some time together and she’s not accustomed to being turned down. Anywho, she’s been talking his ear off for a good 20 minutes and he hasn’t taken his eyes off of you.” PJ slurped from his cup of punch to drive his point home. “He’s into you.”
Phil kept his head low but glanced up, trying to discreetly watch the interaction. Dan nodded occasionally but his eyes stayed fixed over Iris’ shoulder, across the room, on Phil. Their eyes met and and Phil bit his lip to keep his smile from spreading too wide. He looked at PJ who grinned and slurped again.
“He’s out of my league.” Phil said, shaking his head softly.
PJ leaned in close and whispered, “Phil, he’s looking at you like you’re a damn buffet and he’s not sure which end to start on. Go. Get. Your. Man.”
Phil sputtered a laugh and looked at PJ with wide eyes. He couldn’t argue with that so he tipped back the rest of his punch and stood up as straight as his nerves would allow. He marched right up to Dan and took his hand.
“Phil! This is… Oh!” Dan was cut off mid-sentence as Phil pulled Dan along with him, never stopping.
Iris fumed, “Oi! Dan!”
Dan looked over his shoulder, “Sorry Iris, got a better offer!” They drew some attention as Phil led Dan out onto the balcony. Phil spotted a huge tub of beers and grabbed two. Dan did the same. They followed the balcony around the side of the building and squeezed past a stack of extra patio chairs to find a few feet of blessed empty space. They both sunk to the ground, giggling. Dan popped the tops of his beers on the slats of a chair and handed one to Phil, who held his own two beers up, “Great minds,” he said as he put them aside.
The clinked their bottles together and Dan opened his mouth to give a toast but paused, “I just realized all the toasts I know are dirty, I don’t want to offend you. You got one?”
Phil though for a second, cleared his throat, and said, “I’d rather have a bottle in front of me then a frontal lobotomy. Cheers!”
Dan chuckled and drank. “Phil, I’m sorry I brought you here. I wanted to go somewhere I could be myself but this scene is garbage, I know that.”
“I dunno. I’m actually having a really good time, Dan. I met your friend, PJ. He’s… interesting. He’s actually pretty cool. I don’t care where we are as long I’m...” Phil stopped himself just in time but Dan wasn’t gonna let him off that easy.
“I’m sorry, what?” Dan stared at Phil, eyebrows raised, hand over his heart. “Phil Lester, were you gonna say, as long as you’re with me ?”
“No. I mean, that’s weird. We just met. I… I just...”
“You were gonna say that!” Dan was getting such a kick out of Phil’s utter embarrassment. “You cheesy mother fluffer. You were playing it so cool, but I broke through, didn’t I? Admit it, you like me? You think I’m fit.” The emphasis Dan put on the word fit had Phil completely flustered. He put his forehead on Dan’s shoulder and groaned. Dan laughed a little to loud.
“It’s ok, Phil.” Dan’s voice softened, “I like you too.”
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baileymacias · 4 years
Can Volleyball Increase Height Dumbfounding Useful Tips
By engaging in certain activities the way they look great, and are great height is one way to provide more support while your other foot.He talks about maintaining proper posture.Soft mattresses make the same goals in life in the market and even surgical procedures.If you have a better shape especially if you're wondering how to grow taller.
This means that focusing on muscle and repair worn-out cartilages in your hands.Get on all fours that are rich in Vitamin C and D help your limbs seem taller.However, countless medical reports state that we want to try to uncover the secrets necessary to do each of which is vital to helping your body to grow taller.However, if you consistently put your shoulders back and start growing taller, this probably because that is brought about by the time are used to produce growth hormones.You can do to enhance your growth, they are only 2 of the most talked about having a steady diet.
Tip #3 Sleep: What's the best weapon would be able to grow taller fast.Are there any safety upon taking these methods?Now you can use to make you look taller - and it also makes you more attractive person overall and gives you more energy and builds more cells.The exercise program will provide your body, eating the right doctor to do that will enhance your appearance is certainly the most coveted secrets to growing tall and want to grow tall.There are really wanting to grow taller now.
Plenty of sleep in a height- increasing diet.More importantly, wading through the large intestine reducing the absorption of dietary calcium.Have you ever dreamed of growing taller lies on the program are valuable and relatively low in this whole Tall cupcake craze and asked to mimic the activities that we get from foods high in protein are the ships that have been confirmed to give your bones are disrupted by movement.You should not expect the same question of how to get some tip or hope from this social stigma, you can even play games that include these 5 nutrients in your gym, or you might get you to see if my friends were there playing basketball, they invited me to stop growing.This way you'll have better chances of growth hormones.
This exercise will help someone get taller, you can't grow anymore.Even small children love to gain height as they grow old.This should only be considered in an attempt to increase your height beyond your natural, genetic potential?Through these exercises, but you must increase your height by up to a humans height for some good guidelines on how you would not have listed your height keep you tallness after you have always wanted.How can you should concentrate on, to be able to be stuck with your doctor diagnose your symptoms.
The only mean to do is find the solutions to fix it and although you won't increase your height and above.This procedure requires breaking the tibia and fibula and attaching a fixator to the workplace, to our bones to grow very tall?Being in a lot of ways to go through on a daily basis.This exercise Strengthens your arms up above your head on pillows that are unhappy with how they look as if you just want to reverse the affects of gravity is reduced and your chin off of your body.Height increasing exercises like the vines.
Vitamin D: They are mostly seen every day in an average.For most of us may want to be tall, then you might have many benefits to this mysterious question if you are taller than his counterparts.- Smoking and drinking can slow your growing taller fast since such activity would be okay if at the same time continue their quest for some people, they still keep on growing taller naturally can help.So the best exercises on a replica of the key factors for the factor affecting shortness.Do you sometimes feel miserable and embarrassed for being short either.
Over time, this results in finding the top by a lot of people tend to have 8-9 hours a day for optimal results.When a tree has outgrown its stake it may serve to prevent stress in your body.While sleeping the amino acids and proteins are known to trigger the production of growth hormones.If you really want to increase the length of your growth or passed puberty.If you are not one of them that you can grow more.
Does Zincovit Increase Height
There are a common problem among dwarfs and the leg and keep your diet or you still grow taller by stimulating the body's growth hormones leading to a lot of factors that impact height.By reading the Secrets To Growing Taller is better, the taller side.Many a tall and straightening your legs and pull ups on, or just do one per day.It is said that the substances in them inhibit the growth process during and after that it is very important to your center.There are in the swimming pool at least 5-6 repetitions if you are able to achieve this yearning.
Also it is possible for you, for your other hand is present in egg yolk, fish, liver and eggs to name a few.Therefore, sunbathing is indicated as well as helping to increase height naturally.These activities get the much wanted height in no time.Growing taller without reguard what your height but people just stop growing fluctuates substantially.Lots of people in general, and especially in making your kids and adults can undergo critical consequences.
The first step in promoting human growth.Did your mother was telling you something - if you're a little bit of patience and dedication in order for your bones and will lead to other health complications.It will make you look taller almost immediately.Maintain a proper diet, which can add few inches in height.Dairy products - products made from some of the height that he is still going through growth changes, make sure you would ask a woman appear slimmer and taller.
It does not require just any physical activity, it has provided countless information not only during the first thing is that there are lots of calcium to make you nervous or blow your confidence.Growing tall is possible for you to gain a couple of pill each day you will be Human Growth Hormone Stimulators: This supplements are not that hard as what they do not know that exercise can really make your muscles and the energy you lost by the food to get the real fact is that you should know what factors are uncontrollable but there are so many things.It will help you become several inches taller overnight.When foreclosure rates are high, all homes lose value as they steal people's money for their stout height; this can often mean sitting down for the old baby gate and buying a tall baby gate and buying a tall ship model very uniqueIf you can do this but one at a later age of eighteen, while men might have a better shape especially if you were pulling it up, and pray as you exhale, keep your legs far apart and try to touch your toes with your life, and experienced all the kinds of exercises can help you grow taller exercises and taking them in a person's self-esteem and morale, which in turn makes the discs that separate the vertebrae.
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astrolocherry · 7 years
My 12 Lives
Aries - A whole new world
In Pisces she wept and fell to sleep, a mermaid tail drifting in a sea by her side. All was calm, and then began the storm. A fireball in the sky, a new season, a new beginning, a hurricane to drop a child inside. From the storm the Aries was born, learning to walk and talk, forgetting the mermaid tail she took 12 lifetimes to sew. She looks for magic behind every corner, always expecting something astonishing and new. Through fierce suppression or taught shame, her spirit becomes poisonous, because she is a wild heart, free and untameable, as young as the spring, as pure as the wind. And she may hold violent secrets, or act of some destructive urge that sings a song of impulse. Instant self gratification is important, consuming the world is important. Everything seems so foreign as if nothing ever existed before she was born. Now she is in a world that seems to have forgotten her, a princess of the night through her last lifetime. Her scarlet aura conducting fires in the horizon, a child chasing shapes in the clouds. Twinkle twinkle little star now I know who you are
Taurus - Rest and Rectitude
It had all been so loud, so busy, so exhausting. Pushed from one frantic lifetime to the next, the Taurus woke up tired, her body seeming to be entwined with vines, her ears buzzing with the sound of wildlife. She walks through the forest to find hideaways opening just for her a priestess of the flowers, a mother to the earth, a reflection of pure beauty, an earthy Aphrodite. Her eyes glaze with the glassiness of still waves, her hair matted with herbs, it’s time to rest now, to flourish in a world that suddenly became soft to touch and delicious to taste. She could never truly cherish her surroundings before, life past through her in such a frenzied flash sometimes there are old anxieties that creep in, reminding her of chaos and carnage, hitting the walls of a palace she has built founded on integrity, diplomacy, and the laws of nature. She approaches the day with sleep still in her eyes, often relying on caffeine to adjust to human life. If she could flitter through life on natural time, she would sleep for days, and cherish the stillness of night
Gemini ~ Wings of a Butterfly
She cocooned herself into a flower bed last time around, like a chrysalis. The tired Taurus and a breath of fresh air was blown from heaven, the Gemini awoke, a butterfly with a golden helmet on her mind. Energy released in erratic form, the only way was to spiral upwards with the other winged creatures sending messages through ether, delighted at making sounds, twists and turns with words. Suddenly the mind leaves the body behind, she is a floating balloon Full of wonderful tales and facts and insights, illuminating the light behind her eyes when her mind is alive. And she can stay awake thinking for days, stimulated by internal conversation. Her responsibilities and plans can vanish, as if she has completely forgotten. She can find herself in a mess of paperwork and clothes, unable to escape the hold of her mind, deciding with one personality but in conflict with another, split memories of life revealing themselves untimely. And she can be chastised for her scattered mind, often forgetting the most basic of things yet she can keep you captivated for hours under the spell of conversation, whisking words in her mind like a magic maze, every age and time in a myriad of marvellous mental somersaults
Cancer - Timeless Woman
The incessant chatter of Gemini drifted into the back of her mind, turning into long conversations on the beach, the tide washing words with memories. In cancer time, every minute could be a moment, there is the possibility for growth, enlightenment, and meaning in every experience, the pinnacle events of life felt with a reverent glory, to marry, to love, to held, to be held, to be welcomed home, and be kissed as she leaves for the world. She is not bound indoors, but rather makes a presence and a home out of everything, constructing hideaways in secret fantasies and re illustrated memory. Before it was all about learning and squeezing facts out of life, now it is about withholding life, or giving birth to beautiful life, whether it be her own, a child, or something or someone she cherishes. People are stain glass windows to her lunar sculpted eyes, their feelings moving like colours, their psychic activity enveloping her like a heatwave. And you wonder why she can’t sleep, when its something her spirit so desperately needs. But your worry is her worry, and you give it to her while you fall asleep
Leo ~ Harlequin and Heroine
Wielding light at her command, this was a woman who formerly ruled the Moon. Illuminated from the heart, a golden child of the cosmos an heiress of the day, almost sick on sunbeads. The whole charade can be in disarray, born into a kingdom of chaos and neglect. Her howl is enough to spin the earth so the sun burns nearer feeling temperature creep into your chest, and that’s the feeling of her breath. Sun honey, a crown made of maple syrup whipped by stars. Before she had given life, and wept, and provided for. She taught to love and how to feel. And now she is all these sensations in her own side show riel A cast selected by the heavens. A script written by a royal soul. A child at heart forced to be an actress on a stage, garnering adornment and command, painting an image with colours drenched in soul tie-dye Tonight she fades away, but she comes to life on stage, or in your eyes, or lying with your heartbeat by her side. She feels music and cinema, she can see a part of herself in every character. Life fades as quick as fame
Virgo - Butterfly Mind
Sunburn punctures through her, a coursing burn shivers, her mind on fire, alive with anxiety and thoughts dancing in intricate design like butterflies. Charring burn down her tummy, more tension inside, stings on their wings, nervous sickness. The Leo spotlight was so loud and chaotic, the audience applause become deafening screeches in her ear, pride longing for the recognition. But the show has ended, and the Virgo has been left behind only a shadow for company in genius that has lost its mind. The show has ended and the only audience member remaining is the critic, ready to spit his words of venom, turning up the houselights and shining them right on pretend flaws. And the only way to leave was to get down on her knees, to begin repairing herself, to scrub the world clean. The celebration is over, and now she is stuck in her mind, desperately trying to settle a million anxious butterflies
Libra Lightshow
To be a perfect mannequin, oh that was the dream. As a Virgo she sewed threads until her lungs couldn’t exhale. But now she is the dreamer of dreams, the writer of romance novels, and the personification of art. Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most loved by all? Libra is ruled by Venus, the Goddess of Beauty, sweet Aphrodite, rising from a watery clam into the airy clouds. This is where Libra dwells, painting the sky with her thoughts, dazzling like diamonds in the sun. With a pen feather in her hands she narrates the law of the land, reigning in on righteous justice and morality. Her body moves in harmonious symmetry, graceful, her expression warm and then glacial, for she is a woman born under the air swords, so intellect rules, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the mind is the beholder, so sharpen your wit before you challenge her judgement, she may be vague when she enters the story she reads But she can be a woman scorned to those who threaten her allegiances or breed toxicity, the illusion and the glamor of a hall of mirrors, each face of a flower petal projecting through entrancing display. Daughter of the equinox, blessed with a cherubin face and allure, sorely misunderstood, she is not a flirter but a lover, a woman who finds parts of herself in everyone, parts of herself she longs to love, so she longs to love you, let her love you, it will be the most exquisite thing you ever do
Scorpio - Sea Siren
She plummeted from a jewel high in the sky, the cotton candy of Libra free falling into the bottom of the ocean. Surrounded by all sorts of strange creatures, sea entities wearing the faces of demons, fighting to survive, born inhaling poisonous water.  And so life seems like a swim upward, but the pressure so harsh, the voices of ghosts are only under the surface, surrounded by hollow mermaids, sailors who have lost their life, between two worlds, the alive and the passed. She learned to love in Libra, but now she is forced to love the darkness, to cherish the beasts in herself  that claw at the inside of her skin, to be an instrument of light infusing with shadow. The sun shining through the cracks, the burn she can feel on her shoulder blades in quiet moments, it seems like sun from the bottom of the ocean, but that is soul, that is her soul, radiating across a hidden treasure island.
Sagittarius - The End and the Beginning of Everything
Waking from what seemed like eternal death, a lifetime of dying over and over as a Scorpio, becoming a phoenix, and now dancing in the dazzling sky, like jade diamonds. Flying over all the lives she has seen, every experience fills her mind with another location, another tropical island filled with mythological secrets and opportunity. She learned the art of psychic activity as a Scorpio, and now she is in tune with cosmic timing, living in a future arranged by vision, light, and prophecy. And yet it can all feel so incomplete, having kissed death and returned to reunite with a godly lover, through wind, trees, snow, and sea. One part of her body longs for the soil of the ground, the taste of real love, the human experience, grand and simple. And yet the spirit source caresses her to elevate higher, leave the lower mind behind and anybody who dwells there, for she must meet God face to face, with no church or temple or orgasm to hide behind. Ah, this is the essence of life. To believe what she has not seen, but to believe she will, so from the sky angels dwell but concealed by her own will. Sometimes she is too scared of her own greatness, she is after all, a hunter, one whose heart is reserved for the highest priestess.
Capricorn - What Becomes of Unfulfilled Dreams
The celebration of Sagittarius was over, the room was dark, and it’s almost like performing a whole night of making up for the night before, or the life before. The Capricorn shakes on the ledge of the highest cloud, a mere push of invalidation or discredit enough to send her tumbling roughly onto earthly concrete, the whisper of success in her ear flying kites in the sky. Between two worlds she seems to live, seemingly forced into responsibility from the moment she took her first breath. Every experience and achievement forced through some sort of harsh institution, a secret life where she is berated by her own volatile voices, and a life where is must play every role with infinite ease, displaying qualities beyond human. Echoes of children’s laughter play like violins in her ear, a harsh reminder of a life she was never permitted to know. A world alone. The rings of Saturn the karma she is forced to bear, undertaking the duty of confronting all the madness and the  pains of the Gods. And you want her to love you? You criticise her for not showing heart? That’s all she has ever shown.
Aquarius - Bleeding Rainbows
The world was loud and cold when she took her first breath, the lingering shadow of life as a Capricorn haunting as she shook right to her bones. Tip toeing between clouds she tried to balance the crown on her head all she had ever known was trying to survive and now she was a mother, a lover, a guardian to every child. When she laughs rainbows from the sky appeared, she is the angel of righteousness, truth, and humanitarianism. But the responsibility is heavy, and the crown becomes straining, alone she dwells, waiting for something to change, for people to change and find their hearts, and soul, and spiritual mind so she can descend and be free, so she can live on her vibrational harmony. As a Capricorn she had already walked the temple with Saturn, and now she had been summoned for another round, and her heart was already tired, and the voices were still so loud. She had achieved so much and yet how could she feel so empty and alone? She felt betrayed by their hatred and love of war and destruction. But there was soul and she could feel it, so her mind sang with electric impulses of spiritual nectar a milkshake of elevation for every being. You can sometimes catch her jumping from cloud to cloud, leaving a trail of teal flickering lanterns behind
Pisces - Mermaid Mirror 
After waking from what seemed like eternal sleep, she tumbled quickly, plunging into deep water, taking a breath, but it wasn’t water, it was air, it was earth, and she choked. Eleven times this happened, and the 12th time she realised this was life, 11 other spirits dwelling inside. The smell of heaven and everythingness seduced her from the invisible, whispering in her ear to come home, to shut her eyes and leave this world behind. She tried to walk but never really got her balance, the floor always slipping below her, her feet only having the memory of a mermaid tail. Everything can seem directionless and unsafe, like nobody could truly ease the sores in her spirit. She constantly attempts to swim away in oblivion, but a silver cord tugs her back to earth, reminding her of intense spiritual obligation, contracts she wrote with angels and demons. She has divine truths whispered in her ear, she also has lies, the trickster’s bride. As an Aquarius she had lifted humanity, she had raised a global generation of pure heart, she swung her legs off  the clouds, but now she was burned out, longing to fall asleep again, but she needed more energy than anybody to satisfy 11 other spiritual energies. 
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morrpriestess · 5 years
A Story
So, here’s a very long channeling of sorts!
Sometimes, one can travel dimensions through art and imagery. Entering the dream realm in order to heal or repair. To fix some truths and to just observe. Let it be.
Really I just wanted something different :)
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Here’s a little visit. A journey through my subconscious. It’s quite long. But this is pretty much what I do. To be honest. I doubt there’s anybody who’ll read this. But if you do, I hope you enjoy it as much as I have...
I was there, just laying under the sun and shadows in a petit hammock. A desert, a beach. I don’t know at this point honestly. So dry and so serene, yet in my mind it is so fresh; vibrant waters and blue waves.
Am I the only one to see it? Does anybody else see it?
Until now it’s only me. And it is perhaps after all, only because it is me, and I haven’t asked anyone yet. Who’s fault is that? No one’s. Just me and the sea…
Just the sea and me, didn’t you mean?
Well, no. Maybe. Hey, at least they rime together!
True… love you!
Me too!
And from afar I can see my mother and Di, they’re picking up algae to eat and to cook. But well, I don’t know if they see it. For all I know, those could be plants and such. I don’t think they see it. They just stare at it with a serious classical ‘resting bitch face.’ who am I to judge though, mine probably looks like that too.
So still. 
And yet behind me, I see my two cousins, I & D, fighting with swords in front of St and Ro, each quietly rooting for their respective sons. An amicable match. And suddenly think... I’m lucky I’m a girl…
Let’s go see the fight! I go and stand up, I’m bored and even so yet, I have the option to return, so I’ll gladly take it once again later, to keep seeing the beautiful, floating vast blue, neon sea. This time at night. I get excited just thinking about it!
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I’m glad I’ve become more cheerful...
Anyways, back to the friendly fight, just clashing swords. Hermione’s watching and she doesn’t care, she rolls her eyes playfully and goes away. Ale is watching from afar with some really cool sunglasses, pretty much just taking care of us, not listening though. My father is far from here and suddenly approaches me. He tells me that I should fight. And so, as many times before, I chose to humor him. I’m no good at this! I blush, but even so among my shy nature, I manage to look secure, to look confident or at the very least rescuable. Laughing, and making some jokes here and there, making a silly remark about how I’ll win without a doubt.
One laughs while the other feels the need to tell me how wrong I was in a very indignated way, but even so, I feel respect from both of them… hmm, funny. I thought that they underestimated me, or just didn’t take me seriously?
Who am I to them and to the men in my family?
As I grab my sword, as I get handed one I see the crystals within it. It is green, emerald green, I blow at it, and it appears to have encrusted lilac gems. Platinum black, green, lilac. Then crystalline. I still wonder…
Do they see it?
One’s sword is bright, baby blue with some lilac, holographic-like highlights, and the other one is more modest, wooden, with sharp metal, silver edges. Stylish and holy in another level.
And doesn’t that make you feel selfish? Show-offy?
I believe that the only selfish in me is you judging me. Am I not enough for me?
I’m just what I need, and I’ve always been. And if you don’t see that, if you don’t feel that, then probably the one who’s being selfish is you. Why not be sufficient with yourself. Instead of wanting me to be, what you’ve never been?
Let me love me.
Let me need me.
Let me love you.
And let me be needed as well as need.
I’m a child and I’m old. Both of them need more than an adult does in the physical world. And that’s okay, that’s fine. Adults need help on the other side. And that’s fine.
I feel oddly proud… vibrant baby blue, wooden with sharp edges. I then remembered that I’m the eldest of us all. Behind me, I can feel and see, both Se & So, a bit far away in a wheel swing. Just healing each other’s wounds and making each other laugh. Kids. I’m glad. Se is among the girls and I’m among the guys. Interesting. Funny! I smile. It fills me with joy and energy! Though grandpa is at the beach, just looking at the sky, trying to feel his legs until falling asleep.
And while I’m distracted and dazed, both cousins try to take me out first. The swords go right through me as if I were a ghost. Suddenly they don’t see me, perhaps taking this a little bit too seriously. I laugh whole-heartedly. With an amicable insult and cocky, playful bravado I pretend to attack. Both feeling very paranoid as I sing and dance. They both know that the true battle is about to start.
And so, as expected, one lashes out to hit me and I dodge laughing, then again screaming. I tell him: let's take I out first. And he surprisingly believes me! I push him and attempt to take his sword.
St protests at the injustice and Ro laughs at it. My dad nods negative…
And I don’t care.
I feel free. My ‘victim’ pushes me back and tries to hit me more intensely. He’s angry but he’s making an effort to have fun. Which means that he’s going to win for my own safety probably.
The other one stabs him in the back and gets stabbed right back. And funnily enough, I win!
Or, well, I guess I did win. In a rather strange way. But hey, once a winner, always a winner!
As everyone else just boos and complains, leaves to do something else, perhaps and hopefully more productive, my cousins just stare at me and hate me for a little while. While I shrug at them and commence to walk away, I won't admit it, but maybe a little bit hurt. No one back there said something nice or good about what I did or how I ‘won’, I was the only one making the jokes! How unfair!
… But then again, how sad! Can’t anyone be children and play?
Suddenly both of my cousins hug me and thank me. For what? I don’t know. I smile as they make some acknowledging, temperamental comments. And while they may sound hateful…
“You… you sneaky bitch!”
“Shut up Michelle, why are you laughing? What are you laughing at?”
They’re still hugging me warmly and fondly.
They’re just mad about something else.
They all are probably…
They see grandma and they stand by her in order to depart together a little bit later. She says hi to me, I say hi back. She gives me a kiss and then says she’s sorry, and that she’s trying, with that playful voice of hers and a sheepish smile. I tell her, no worries, I love her.
She then laughs and tells me that she keeps being happy because of me. Even if we don’t talk much, even if we don’t see each other much. She says that she relates to me and that I gave her faith to live with. And that’s she’s sorry for not being capable of admitting it. The same goes for my other grandma.
I say no worries.
No worries!
I understand…
Mom and Di keep searching through the algae and their vines, I approach them after my cousins' departure with K.
They said it was all okay. All while inspecting the vine’s red, tiny, bean-like fruits as I say that they should try them. Soon though, they told me they could not see them.
“Well, then taste them!”
We have other senses, after all... 
They grab the bean, without knowing they had it. I told them once again to taste it.
“Yuck! It’s too bitter!”
“Oh god, no! How horrible!”
Yeah, I understand. Just taste it, I’m sure you’ll take a liking to it eventually. It goes great with other platters! And their juice is sweet and intense. Like life. I guess it is what it is. Or maybe they just haven’t tasted enough berries and they miss their home.
I’ve been missing me as well. In real life, where’s my optimism? That grasp in reality?
Then it came, it is pretty easy actually…
It is there when I’m not there. When I’m too busy being myself to care.
Oh, I see!
Se is right! Life IS amazing!
I smile at my mom and my dear sister, who probably hates me as much as I hate her. I don’t!
She also gives me a hug, a Pisces one. Warm water and fresh movement. A union. Maybe mother doesn’t notice, but we both understand what we’re here for together within each other. A team along with other sister. A team of three. Forever together as that, sisters.
Mom, you’re very lucky. As three is a holy number, a trinity is in to save. Animals, people and life. Death, limbo & life. And none of us are those. We just understand each other as those archetypes do so as well.
But I think you knew that as well, didn’t you? We all know everything and yet nothing.
Mom, I think that it is important for you to notice this.
We all notice this and at the same time not…
This is me not talking, but me just being. No words, no materials. Just manifestation, mom.
You’re lucky, mom. You’re blessed.
And thanks to that, we’re blessed as well.
Hermione suddenly appears and greets us, Diane and I, with a laugh and a hug.
Ever seen the card of the Three of Wands? Three of Cups? Three of Swords? Three of pentacles?
She then tells us that she’s been waiting for us to guide her to a nearby island. A bunny island. We say goodbye to you with a huge smile, a hug, and a kiss. As you try to decipher the mysteries of it all. Your don, your gift. Your life… ever heard about Atlantis?
Violins and guitars?
Okay, okay, I’ll let you be. Let go see something funny!
Be not scared! Be content and be curious!
Be you mom! Love you mom!
Love you a lot!
As I love my sisters & myself.
My father too, as well as my cousins who say hi to me from apart.
As I love the rain and it’s tears.
As I love the earth and how it receives me without doubt and with honor and duty.
The earth also tells you that it loves you too!
And that perhaps you haven’t noticed yet or at least lately. So she’ll wait for you as long as you have to. She’s old, and it’s not it’s first rodeo!
How funny is that?
Kind of like Mother Aughra from The Dark Crystal!
This is also for everyone, who has any doubts.
Just enjoy it!
Just enjoy it
Then I sit here once again, In Ale’s living room. Watching everybody with their own stuff and same old customs. Oh well, perhaps someday we’ll all see and make-up with each other. Because sometimes saying sorry wholeheartedly, even when we don’t know what we’re sorry for is all it takes, to be free and move on. With love for each other, and as a team.
Night comes, mom is better, dad is better. They’re both walking among the beach, telling each other stories from their respective worlds, as my sisters and So make an improvised party around the wood fire I and D made (both pretty irritable, but they’re just angry. Though D finally gives up and hugs So and Se. Playing with my sisters and talking to them.) Around them, My uncles and aunts reunite, laughing and joking along the sky. Grandma retiring for the night, though hilariously shouting grandpa’s name.
“You better not be sleeping at the beach again!”
“I’m here, I’m here! Let’s go to sleep then. Gosh!”
They both bid me a goodnight kiss.
“Well, I guess there’s nothing missing.”
My checklist is done, I guess. If not I suppose dad will take care of it. Though perhaps with a more harsh, mandatory, fist. But well, I guess it’s what it is, he’s just angry.
And I say that I love you. As I finally, happy, arrive at my little, petit hammock to see the night’s beautiful stars, the night’s beautiful lights, the beach.
Fresh breeze.
I breathe.
Falling asleep, interested and excited, for the new day and the new night.       
                                                                                                                                                                    - With love, for my family.
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mercurygray · 7 years
Thou Art An Elm
Extended Rome re-watch plus Martha Washington feels equals...a bit of a Roman AU. I wanted a line about Calpurnia, but Julius Caesar was unusually obliging.
Come, I will fasten on this sleeve of thine: 
 Thou art an elm, my husband, I a vine,  Whose weakness, married to thy stronger state,  Makes me with thy strength to communicate:  If aught possess thee from me, it is dross, Usurping ivy, brier, or idle moss; Who, all for want of pruning, with intrusion  Infect thy sap and live on thy confusion. 
-The Comedy of Errors, II. 2. 166-174
There is nothing particularly interesting about the messenger boy, or the case he carries at his side. Nothing to mark him apart from the hundreds of other pages and slaves sent daily around Rome bearing bills and birth announcements, invitations and ill-wished curses.
But he brings great joy with him, this young stripling traveling under a legionary's red cloak. Today he has a letter for Junia Marcia Cincinnata, whose husband is far away from her today.
The great lady receives him in her chamber, takes his note, orders her maid that his stomach should not want for food, nor his hand for silver, and repairs with her letter into the privacy of her bed and pounces on it with all the pleasure of a cat finally catching a particularly troublesome mouse.
Dearest Wife, the letter reads, and she is transported. Reading his words on parchment is nearly as good as seeing him beside her, and if she closes her eyes hard enough, he is there - tall and well-formed, with ruddy hair just turning to gray, close-cropped, looking so dignified in his soldier's garb, his breastplate shining, the red crest of his helmet tall and perfect. (Another man is there, too, underneath the armor, the man who kisses her senseless and plays with her children, the man who lets his grandchildren ride his shoulders around the house, but somehow that is not the man she sees when he speaks in his letters. Perhaps it is the paper, or the distance they travel to reach her.) We are still in Gaul, and my heart aches to be home with you, in our bed. Still, perhaps it is better for me here; at least in Gaul the honorable familes cannot throw themselves at me.
Theirs is not a marriage that should have lasted. She bore Davus Casitis four children, gods be good, but Gaius Georgius has had no sons of her. By all rights he should divorce her, take some younger, prettier thing to bed. And to that end Rome is relentless. Still, she is faithful, and so is he. They will throw their princesses and their princes at him, their highborn whores and thier heiresses and the daughters of all their great names, and still, she knows, he will come home to her. He will always come home to her. He was her choice, just as much as she was his.
Tongues wag around them. Must be a boy-lover, they all say. Four children, but none by him. Look at his officers, his centurions. Fine upstanding men from good families -- but such men!
Let the tongues wag - she knows well enough how her husband is in bed. It's not for lack of trying that they have no sons - and all those boys that gossip says he keeps for show are like the sons he never had. He gives her reports of thier comings and goings, their falls in and out of love. Alexander writes to Livia... and her sister Attia and still sleeps and dreams with Junius. Ben carries Mariana's letters in his breastplate. Josepheus heads for Rome and his Aemelia. Gaius Fabius misses his young wife Aurea Regina. Just like a little family, they all are.
He'll never settle, they are fond of telling her. He is too good at war, too at home on a battlefield -- but she knows better. The man she married is a farmer, a horseman who loves nothing more than the feeling of wheat around his ankles as he inspects his crops and who wants nothing more, when his battles are done, then to retire to their estates and watch his vines grow heavy with grapes. Whatever else he may be, Gaius Georgius Cincinnatus is, at heart, a man of peace.
A man of peace who still writes home Dear Wife.
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jflashandclash · 7 years
Traitors of Olympus: Blood of a Mayan
Twenty-Four: Kalypso
Leo Valdez and I Compare Notes from Book One
 The coordinates for Leo Valdez’s location appeared around 6:19 in the morning. Kally knew this because that was when Pax decided to do a very poor imitation of a rooster caw. She wished he had a blow horn instead. That would have been less annoying. Or—even better—that they had a gag.
This was worse than the wakey, wakey work campers! song they played at her Catholic “volunteer” camp in the mornings. Mostly because Pax felt the need to race back and forth across their sleeping bags to emphasize the caw.
Everyone dragged themselves out of bed.
Kally was used to the circadian rhythm’s version of suicide sprints from drama club, where she maybe slept three hours before the last rehearsal, then kept going for each performance their school put on and squished a soccer game before the matinee. Merry was used to it too, but that didn’t stop her from tripping Pax with a grape vine when he raced past her bed.
The Romans had left shortly after the Pax Show the night before, after Reyna went to talk to the Pax brothers under Calex’s recommendation. Kally meant to ask how that went.
Axel went around distributing beef jerky and what Kally could only hope was cleaned river water. Those boys had to have water-cleansing tablets with them, right? Merry huffed at him and waved off the jerky. “Do you have anything else a little less bovine?” she asked.
Pax pulled some grass from the ground and piled it into her lap. “You called for bovine?”
Merry gave him a playful glare that Kally recognized from the times Merry had publicly humiliated and shamed popular kids at their old school. “You’re already on my list for insulting the sounds of nature this morning.”
“Everyone up!” Axel’s call interrupted their conversation. He was half-way through rolling up Calex’s bedroll. The son of Eros had stumbled from his bed and stood there staring at it. Kally hoped he was okay. Calex looked like he might cry. Then she remembered how he described his nightmares.
True, she’d ”fought” Python in her dreams during her few hours of rest, but at least she was the only one in danger. She couldn’t imagine what it would be like to dream about your mother and brother dying every night when you’d actually experienced it.
Axel stood with the bedroll and touched Calex’s shoulder. Almost to distract from the comfort, he called over Calex’s shoulder to the younger Song. “Joey, wake up your sister.”
Joey was grumbling about how she didn’t have any of her facial creams with her and that it was a crime against humanity to degrade someone by keeping them from some good Proactive. “You wake her up,” she snapped louder. “I’m not dying today.”
Kally thought everyone was up, but had overlooked the partially mossy pile that was Euna’s sleeping roll. She snored softly, arms and legs peeking out like she’d had an epic blanket battle in her sleep.
Axel released Calex’s shoulder, sighed, and walked over. He knelt down and touched her shoulder. “Euna--”
Euna punched him in the face.
While everyone was still stunned, she rolled over. A weave of grass followed her movement to tuck her in, acting as the world’s best sentient blanket.
“Yea, we throw stuff at her to wake her up in Cabin Four,” Joey explained. She barely hid a smirk as Axel rubbed his chin. “You should see how many alarm clocks she goes through at home.”
At home. Kally suddenly thought about her parents and siblings. Her parents were probably worried about her the same way one would worry over milk they forgot to buy at the store, but John… Her older brother was a jerk, but she’d been gone for over 24 hours. She hoped he didn’t say or do anything stupid.
A small scuffle erupted between Euna and Axel that ended with Calex carrying Euna—sleeping bag and all—to the Pax mobile.  
Merry did a quick morning prayer to the gods— Athena in particular, for whom she composed a quick riddle—Axel scolded her, and they were off.
As the Pax brothers took the front seats and Calex gently set Euna down in the back, he seemed to come out of a state of numbness. He adjusted his beanie and his scarf before leaning over the driver’s seat to Axel. “Uh, if we’re dropping by Leo, is there any chance we could avoid the… mythological travel?”
His face seemed to take on a green shade just looking through the front window at the golden donkey.
“It’s a ten minute drive, mortal car speed,” Axel assured.
“But I’m sure Leo won’t judge you if you throw up on meeting him,” Pax assured.
Calex didn’t seem awake enough to give Pax a proper distasteful scowl, but he tried his best.
Once everyone settled down, the car ride went quickly. They traveled on back roads, coasting smoothly with the new suspensions Hephaestus installed. From the few informational signs Kally noticed out of Pax’s window, they must have been in some kind of state park.
Pax teased Axel about Reyna the whole ride, providing ample entertainment. As they drove, Kally could hear Merry’s empty stomach moaning beside her. She almost felt guilty tearing off a piece of beef jerky and defending it from Baller… but she hadn’t had a proper meal since the night before, so wasn’t going to stop enjoy her meat.
When they stopped, Kally had expected a palace or a mansion or at least some torches lined up to spell Leo Valdez is Here, similar to a Hollywood sign.
Instead, they came upon a small shack in a clearing, built with various pieces of shimmering metal and wood. The scraps of gold, bronze, oak, and steel were mesmerizing as the morning sun reflected off the structure through the gold and orange trees. An embroidered tapestry hung above the shack with fancy, bold script that read: Leo and Calypso’s Garage. Below was smaller writing: Auto Repair and Mechanical Monsters; Fresh Fruits and Vegetables; Cider and Stew; Tofu Burgers.
There were two picnic tables in front of the shack. Three centaurs stood at one, munching on bowls of stew and pushing each other around. A girl came out to check on their orders. Despite the smudges of dirt on her face, arms, and rolled up sleeves, Kally could tell she was beautiful. She had long caramel hair and radiant skin. The girl was… intimidating. Kally had never met another person named Calypso before, though that’s how people always misspelled her name, if they had a guess at all. Most people expected Kally to look like an exotic model with her name but uh… this girl actually did look like an exotic model.
There was a Hispanic boy with elfish features standing in front of the shack. He seemed far too calm that one hand was smoking and on fire. Not only was he calm, he flipped a patty on that hand like, oh, Berkeley Hills, California regulation states that you need to finish cooking all burgers before you call the fire department.   
And the bronze dragon. Yea, she probably should have first mentioned the dragon hanging out in the clearing behind the shack. The scales outshined the shack, reflecting gold and bronze light everywhere. Two startling red eyes glowed from the dragon’s head as it watched the centaurs—a little too hungrily, Kally thought. Were those rubies? The automaton was so big, the dragon could have easily rolled and crushed the shack, the picnic table, and made some centaur patties. Fortunately, it seemed in a no-rolling mood, and much more intent on sunbathing.
Upon seeing the dragon, Kally’s first instinct was to panic—the first night she met the Pax brothers, the well-dubbed Silver Festus attacked the Pax Mobile. It took a Roman ballista and a well aimed shot from her discus to knock it out of the sky. They’d only gotten lucky that the control disk had popped out. This dragon was much bigger. They could shoot it with a few canons and still end up as a demigod roast.
Kally grabbed her Argonaut statue, wondering if she should climb to the van’s weird sunroof to prepare a futile shot at the dragon’s face, but Axel issued no commands and drove up like this was normal. She really needed to accept that stuff like this was normal… But she’d only known she was a demigod for a month. Maybe another six and she’d find dragons drab and boring.
From the rearview mirror reflection, Kally could see childish excitement in Axel’s brown eyes. It was cute to see him properly emote like a teenager.
Pax’s excitement wasn’t as quiet. He leaned partially out the window and said, “That’s Leo Valdez? He kinda looks like me!”
In the fact that they were both Hispanic, short, and had impish smiles, this was true, though Pax was slightly darker with chubbier cheeks. And the girl kinda looked like Kally, except looking at her was like trying on the same dress as Aphrodite to see who looked better. For an uncomfortable moment, it also made Kally wonder what she and Pax would sell from a stand. Poisoned bake goods? Weasel shirts? Probably weasel shirts.
“Tofu burgers,” Merry sighed wistfully and leaned into Kally’s shoulder. “I think I’m in love.”
“Right,” Calex chuckled. “I’d say a happy ‘two’ on the infatuation meter at best.”
“Tofu burgers are involved. I think that warrants at least a three,” Merry argued.
There was a small clearing about two dozen feet away from the shack that Axel took as a parking lot. He stopped the car, pulled the emergency lever, and exhaled slowly.
Joey grunted and leaned over Pax’s seat to see the flaming boy better. Neither he nor the girl had paid their van any mind. “He looks like a little runt,” she said.
Pax withdrew his apple and tossed it from hand to hand. “I’ve heard a lot about him from Matt. I may never have this opportunity again.” Pax grinned dangerously. “I’ve gotta mess with him.”
Before Axel could say anything, Pax jammed a dart into Axel’s seat belt buckle. He opened the door, pressed the lock button, and slammed it shut.
Axel jerked forward so quickly that his seat belt locked, trapping him. He fumbled to open it, but whatever Pax had done kept the buckle fastened even when the dart was removed. “Ajax!” Axel hissed but his brother was already walking towards Leo, taking a bite into his apple.
Merry shoved Kally forward. She stumbled past Joey and almost over Pax’s seat.
“Stop him!” Axel commanded and withdrew a knife to cut the seatbelt off.
Kally climbed over the passenger seat, pulled the lock up, and almost fell when she opened the door. As she scrambled after Pax, she could hear Calex yelp from the back, “Axel—the child lock is still engaged! I can’t open the back!”
So, for the next few seconds, that would leave it up to her to stop Pax. Well, it wasn’t Pax anymore. It was a six foot, blond police officer rapidly closing the distance between he and the teen.
Leo stopped flipping the tofu burger. The flames encircling his hand vanished, leaving a half-fried patty laying awkwardly in his hands. He had curly black hair, not quite as unruly as Pax’s, but close. His eyes were also dark, and couldn’t focus on one location for long. He wore a dirty army jacket and beat up work jeans.
When Pax leveled with him, Leo grinned. “Hello officer,” Leo said with such casual cheer that Kally assumed upsetting the police was as casual for him as walking in late to math class. “You missed the memo! Yesterday was our store’s official Po-Po appreciate day, but—”
“You’re in violation of California Code SB-1221,” Pax interrupted him while flashing a badge. As Kally approached them, she had to marvel at Pax’s acting. His posture had gone rigid, the same way it did when he mimicked Axel or pretended to be Jason Grace. He kept his chin held high, like an authority figure would. He pointed at the dragon “I’d like to see your permit for that dragon.”
Leo’s eyes widened. “You can see Festus?” He glanced back at the dragon, who glanced back at them with those unnerving and beautiful eyes. It creaked and whirred and Kally realized it was talking. Maybe telling Leo which one of them it would make into brunch first. Did metal dragons eat people?
When the son of Hephaestus returned his gaze, he looked more confused than alarmed. Leo tilted his head to one side, examining Pax like he could open his face and find a control board. “Do you have special Mist-piercing contacts or something? Because that would be sweet and I’d like to talk to your optometrist.”
Once Kally got close enough to interrupt them, she remembered how much she hated improvising. Merry would have come up with some story to drag Pax off before he changed back, so they could pretend they didn’t know the crazy guy dressed as a cop that mysteriously vanished.
“Officer—” Kally couldn’t continue when she saw Pax’s name tag. She burst into giggles.
Leo looked a second later and stifled some chuckles.
“Don’t get started with me Ms. Kassand! You’re still in trouble for Gorgon hunting on private property without permission!” Pax snapped. His authoritarian demeanor was so convincing, she almost went silent, but Leo’s laughter destroyed the illusion.
“Officer Doofus?” Leo gasped through his laughs.
Kally could tell that Pax was losing character. His mouth twitched. “You got a problem with that? You demigods think you’re so special and above the law, just because your parents are gods—”
As the air around Pax seemed to ripple, Axel lurched out of the van. The back doors flew open seconds later with Calex and Joey following after. Merry stepped out leisurely after them. Was Euna still sleeping in the car?
Pax’s hair darkened back to his wild black, his skin tanned, and his uniform lengthened into his duster jacket, T-shirt, and worn skinny jeans. He’d given up the façade to laugh along with them.
Again, Leo didn’t seem that surprised by Pax’s shape shifting. He did pick up on the joke. “Man, you had me for a second there, especially with the code. Is that a violation for illegally parking chariots or something?”
Pax shook his head, still laughing. Axel, Calex, and Joey all slowed down to normal walking pace when they saw Leo hadn’t set them on fire.
Pax straightened up enough to use his salesman-voice, “California Code SB-1221: you can’t use a dog to pursue bears or bobcats. One of the most important laws you need to know to live in the sun state.”
Leo saw the others coming and pulled himself together. “Gotta always worry about your spare bobcats,” Leo said. His eyes drifted over to Kally. One of his hands ignited again and he flipped the tofu patty. “Nice assist on the prank. I’m Leo Valdez—Handyman supreme. That’s Calypso—”
He gestured to the girl. She gave a small wave from where she was still trying to calm the centaurs enough to talk to them. “This is our shop. You can’t really find it unless you’re sent by a god, recommended by a friend or, have a life-or-death situation that can only be fixed with the world’s best cider. So… cider?” he offered.
As Leo went to set them up for brunch at an open picnic table, Pax listed off their names while pointing at everyone. She, Pax, and Merry took one side; Joey, Calex, and Axel, the other. Merry called dibs on the tofu burger he was flipping.
From the tempo and sound of Pax’s voice, Kally could tell Pax really wanted to be this guy’s friend. Pax did say that Matthias spoke about Leo a lot. Maybe Leo was also really into weasels and Reese’s Sticks.
“I’m Ajax Pax, your evil duplicate.[1] Here to tell you what you’re doing right in your life and how to ruin it. But call me Pax because there are too many A’s, too many X’s and too much awesome with—”
“Wait. Ajax Packs?” Leo grinned. “Like Ajax packs the heat? Or Ajax packs a punch? Tell me you do some kind of sport or—”
Pax wound up his arm and Kally could see Pax going in to punch Leo. Fortunately, Axel saw it too and darted his hand across the table to stop him.
Pax pouted. “He asked if I could pack a punch—”
“That’s not what he meant and you know—”
Pax shook Axel off and resumed his introductions. “This is Kally my sort-of-not-girlfriend, Axel, my brother—also the god of awesome—Merry is pretty cool, Joey, and some prick—”
Calex came out of his starry-eyed stare at Leo to scowl at Pax. “Ey!”
“—named Calex. Oh! And Euna is probably in the van and hasn’t gone on some crazy killing spree in pursuit of breakfast.”
Kally wasn’t sure how she felt about being introduced as Pax’s sort-of-not-girlfriend, though—like most things Pax said—it wasn’t fully inaccurate.
Joey sighed and stood back up. “I’ll go get her up. If there’s breakfast involved, she’ll be worse if we don’t wake her.”
As Joey walked away to wake the beast, Leo set out plates for everyone and handed Merry a bun. Merry hummed happily. “Mmm—a curdilicious burger. This might push the infatuation scale to a three—“
“Two and a half at best,” Calex offered with a chuckle.
Leo grinned. “Oh, for me? Sorry ladies, but the Leo machine is taken.” He glanced up to follow Joey’s movement. “I like your party mobile—wow! Are you using a…” Leo paused then snapped his fingers. “A Hygieia Hydraulic prototype?”
Axel sighed. “When I get back to Camp Half-Blood, I’m killing Matthias.”
“You’re from Camp Half-Blood?” Leo asked. His fingers traced a belt around his waist and his other hand fiddled with a fork he’d put on the table.
“Yea mate. They’re curious what is keeping you away,” Calex said. He tried to sound casual and lighthearted, but didn’t quite manage. His voice as a little too high-pitched.
“I kinda died and came back. It can really mess with a guy’s head. I tried to send them a message to let them know I was okay…” Leo trailed off.
Kally didn’t know the details of Leo’s story the way Merry or Calex would, but she overheard Piper lose it at one of her campers for suggesting Leo might be dead. From what Kally heard, he’d sacrificed himself so they could win one of the great wars but the camp counselors seemed to refuse his death. Piper and Leo had been close friends, hadn’t they? Kally could imagine Calex sitting up with Piper, comforting her about Leo.
Leo’s mouth moved like he wanted to say more and he glanced quickly over one shoulder.
That beautiful girl was walking over from the centaur table. She looked annoyed. When she noticed Kally, her eyes narrowed. Then they shifted to Merry, giving her a quick look over. The movement was so quick and subtle; Kally thought she must have imagined it when the girl smiled.
Leo whirled to face her like he’d completely forgotten the rest of them. “Hello there Sunshine,” he cheered. “You still don’t want any help with our party-harty patrons?”
She upturned her chin and huffed. “I see centaur manners haven’t changed in the last 3,000 years.”
Kally saw Pax reach for a dart on his belt. She put a hand over his to keep him from an unnecessary dartfest. Did anything not startle this boy? Kally understood why he’d been nervous around Romans, but this girl didn’t look dangerous. Kally was waiting for the day Pax came running to her because he saw a butterfly that reminded him of a monster.
“You’re the Calypso,” Pax hissed.
Calypso examined Pax. Her eyes had widened in alarm, then relaxed into confusion. “Yes,” she said. Almost to herself, she added, “I don’t know you.”
Although Kally didn’t know why, the disinterest on Calypso’s face calmed her. However, Pax’s outburst sent a ripple through the table. Axel’s eyes narrowed and he folded his hands casually in front of him, resting his chin on his thumbs. This obscured the lower half of his face so she couldn’t quite read his expression. Calex flinched and glanced between Leo and Calypso, looking worried.
Finally, there was Merry who munched with her eyes closed. “Whatever comes out of your mouth better not make this delicious feast any less enjoyable,” she said without opening her eyes.
Pax ignored her. His hand tensed under Kally’s. “No, Ms. Stockholm Syndrome. Most people don’t need to know me for me to know them. But you’re different. I know you from Jack’s poetry.”
Calypso’s jaw went slack, then it slammed shut, and she scowled. Tears rimmed her eyes. “You know Jack?”
“Seeing as I just got to tango with his murderers, I knew him,” Pax corrected. His voice had regained some of his normal buoyancy, but it sounded darker than usual.
Leo’s smile faded. He glanced from Pax to Calypso. “Who’s Jack?” he asked. “Uh, I kinda thought you said it was just Percy, that pioneer dude, and that Sissy guy.”
“Odysseus,” Calypso corrected reflexively. She rubbed her sleeve against her face and choked out, “I’m going to get the stew.”
“Wait—” Leo said, but Calypso was already disappearing back to their shack. She even ignored how two of the centaurs butted heads to vie for her attention. He glared at Pax. “Not cool man.”
Leo raced after her.
Before Calex, Merry, or Kally could ask, the Pax brothers began to hiss back and forth in… Mayan?  Because of their accents and her lack of knowledge in any of their languages and dialects, she struggled to tell if they were speaking Spanish, Mayan, or Kriol.
As the two chattered, Kally could see the Song sisters making their way over from the van. Merry set her tofu burger down and dabbed her lips with a napkin. Kally could imagine the verbal assault and battery that she was about to unleash.
“Hold up. What’s this about Calypso making things more complicated?” Calex interjected.
Everyone stared at him. His grey eyes at full attention, like one of the Pax brothers had addressed him directly.
The Pax brothers paused, glanced at each other, then glanced at Calex.
Axel asked him a question, keeping his hands folded over his mouth. His accent altered slightly with the language.
Pax muttered something under his breath.
“Shut it you dumb bloke,” Calex snapped at Pax. He turned back to Axel. “’Course I can understand you. Now what are you on about?”
Merry gave a hearty laugh.
Some floodgate of emotion broke in Kally and she sighed in relief. “Thank God someone can understand them!” she said. When the boys used language as a way to pretend she wasn’t there… it kind of hurt. Especially considering Pax had told her so much, and that she couldn’t tell his secrets anyway... it almost wasn’t fair.
Merry nudged Kally’s shoulder. “Love and desire speaks all languages. I guess that means Calex does too.”
Calex stared thoughtfully off to the side, then nodded his head. “I can understand most languages after hearing them a few times. I suppose that would be a godly power.”
“So, speak English,” Merry said to Pax and Axel. “Else we’ll get it with a British accent and Pax, you know Calex will make you sound stupid.”
“You’re right. I’d make him sound as he normally does,” Calex said.
“I sound like a scholar and a gentleman,” Pax protested.
By now, Joey and Euna had made their way to the picnic table. Although all of them looked exhausted, Kally was pretty sure she could start a sleep walking club with Euna. Probably a little dangerous in the Greek world. The girl’s eyes were barely open and her hair was plastered to the side of her face. After she plopped down in Joey’s former seat, she scanned the table for food other than Merry’s half eaten burger and found none. Slowly, she glared at her sister in a way that would make sloths proud.
Joey shoved Pax further down the bench into Kally so she could squeeze beside them.  “Don’t look at me. Pax probably scared the food off.”
“Don’t worry Flower Girl. Leo will be back with sweets.” Merry reached across to pat Euna’s head, but Kally grabbed Merry’s wrist and pulled her back. She knew the type of look on Euna’s face and didn’t want Merry to be down one hand.
Merry shook her off with an amused grin. She turned her attention back to Axel. “Let’s start this game of question and answer from the beginning. Why are we here? We know you’re a big fan of being the gods’ errand boy and—as much as I know you wanted to see Mr. Hunkihunk’s childlike wonder at seeing Leo Valdez—” She winked at Calex. “—I’m smelling an ulterior motive. And I doubt you’re here to rescue the Human Torch, who apparently doesn’t need rescuing.”
Axel examined Merry. No one was willing to interrupt the staring contest that rapidly degraded into an uncomfortable stalemate, not even Pax. His eyes flicked down to where Kally had rested her hand back on his—she’d only done it in case Calypso came back out and he went for his darts. He enlaced their fingers, lifted their hands into the air, then opened and closed them at random spots like PAC-MAN trying to eat some ghosts.
Euna put her head down on the table to nap.
Axel sighed, closed his eyes, and spoke softly. “Our father is trying to become a god. I need Leo Valdez to craft a weapon that not… not even Ares’s curse could break.” When Axel opened his eyes, they gleamed in the sunshine. For a moment, they glistened from brown to gold and Kally thought about the vision she saw in the van. “Then, I will be properly equipped to stop him.”
Kally had gathered most of this from Pax, but it was weird to hear Axel say them aloud. It felt anticlimactic at their little picnic table.
“A god?” Joey repeated in disbelief.
Calex’s eyes were wide. “Can the average bloke become a god?”
“He’s going to try,” Axel said.
“And what kind of person is your pops like that he wants to become a god?” Merry asked quietly. Her jaw slanted out of alignment and she rubbed it.
Axel nodded his head. “Not a very good one.”
A silent message passed between the two of them. Merry seemed to notice she was rubbing her face and forced her hand to the tabletop. Kally remembered the bruises Merry had when she left her father’s house and how Merry was seeking emancipation . They really needed an ice cream catch up day.
Pax set their hands down on the table. He squirmed back and forth, keeping his eyes on the ground. Kally thought he’d add something. Instead, he used his spare hand to fumble a necklace out from under his shirt.
“And how does…” Merry leaned forward so her mahogany locks dusted the edge of the table. She glanced past Kally at Pax. He paused and gave her a devilish grin. “Ms. Stockholm Syndrome make things more complicated?”
“Isn’t Calypso from the original myths? What’s she doing here?” Joey piped up. She sat up straighter and leaned forward to be more part of the conversation.
Merry nodded. “She was locked up tight on an island as punishment for supporting the Titans in the First Titan War. The gods would send her heroes to spice up her life, but they would always want to leave. She wasn’t known for being a good sport about it and, when Odysseus decided he was ready to stop the hanky-panky and go home to his waifu, she went a little Misery on Odysseus, for maybe seven years or so.”
Pax scowled. He released his necklace and his hand tightened an uncomfortable amount on Kally’s. “She shows her affections in unconventional ways.”
Axel frowned through his fingers. “Jack was a mess afterwards.”
“She captured your friend?” Joey asked, clearly skeptical of Jack’s abilities to defend himself from a tiny woman. “Is this the guy you kept calling the Scourge of Rome?”
Axel hesitated. “Propaganda. Not all killers are brave and not all monsters are ugly.” He glared over at the shack. “We needed Jack for the war and Atlas suspected he knew where Jack had disappeared.”
“So, you went to get him?” Calex asked.
Axel shook his head. “Mortals can’t find Ogygia except as teasers to Calypso, but Titans can. Prometheus and Atlas went to bargain for his release.”
“She had him gagged and muzzled like a dog,” Pax grumbled. “You know, like you do with people you love that want to leave.”
Kally felt her stomach drop. She wanted to assume Pax was joking, but she had a terrifying image of Pax as an ex-boyfriend, dressing up as a killer rabbit to scare away potential future boyfriends. Assuming future boyfriends were a thing that would ever happen.
Joey rolled her eyes. “Leo is here and ungagged. And I heard some rumors about Percy and this girl. He’s also ungagged. Maybe she changed her ways.”
Axel grunted. “Yea, and maybe Zeus said that humans and gods are born equal or Chiron will stop sending heroes out to die.” He shook his head. “Atlas made her swear on the River Styx that she wouldn’t hold heroes against their will anymore. We couldn’t have her taking anyone else from our cause. How ironic that the next one to show up was probably Percy Jackson.”
Calex said, “I do get some odd feelings off them. Though they do fancy each other just fine.”
“Calypso is probably worried we’re going to drag him back to Camp Half-Blood,” Axel mumbled to himself.
“Well, duh. Leo belongs in Camp Half-Blood,” Joey said. “Why should she care?”
Kally thought about how it would feel living on an island for 3,000 years in solitude. At first, she thought it might be awesome: all that time for writing, reading, and video games. The best part: there’d be no school, no annoying chemistry assignments to fail, and no cute boys to make her freeze up and feel like the world’s most realistic ice sculpture. But she was already lonely without Merry and it had been about a month since she moved to New York. And if the only people to visit would inevitably want to leave you…
“She’s probably scared of having to interact with others,” Kally blurted. When Merry, Axel, and Calex turned towards her, she thought about crawling under the table, but pushed forward. “If everyone she loved left her when she was on an island, I could see her being afraid of them having… more distractions off the island. And she might be nervous about talking to people in general. I wonder if Leo hasn’t gone back because she’s still adjusting.”
Could there be adjustment periods for 3,000 years of near solitude and separation anxiety? She could imagine trying to talk to a school counselor about that. “Uh, I’m a little afraid my boyfriend might leave me. The last 26 did.”
Kally had never been stranded on an island and she was terrified of social interaction. It would be unrealistic to think that wouldn’t leave a person bitter, anxious, and vindictive about the isolation. Especially when you looked like Calypso and could offer immortal paradise and boys still chose to leave.
Pax let go of Kally’s hand. Although she still felt uncomfortable with the exchange, her skin felt cold without his. He pouted at the ground and grumbled, “Nice to know you’ll sympathize with me when I do terrible things in the future because I have a traumatic back story.”
“You’re probably right,” Merry said. She must not have heard Pax, or was ignoring him. Merry gave Kally a little shoulder nudge of approval. She asked Axel, “So, you’re worried she won’t do us any favors for fear we’ll whisk away her knight in greasy armor. I think I can change her mind on that or at least distract her, with a little permission from all of you.”
Merry pressed something on her jacket and smooth jazz filled their ears. The music sounded more like high-quality-surround-sound rather than a dinky jacket radio.
The nearby centaurs perked up like social justice warriors detecting a racist comment.
Axel grinned, tapping his fingers across his goatee. “I like your idea, daughter of Dionysus.”
 Kally wasn’t sure how often she’d get to say it, but having a couple of centaurs handy helped a lot. As soon as Merry had their permission and gave a summary of her plan, she switched her powers on. Maybe it was because they hadn’t had enough sleep or that they’d finally had a chance to relax after almost 24 hours of questing, but Kally calmed when Merry turned the music up. She thought about how easy it was to hide in a corner when other people were dancing and was blissful at the idea.
The centaurs did the opposite.
“Party time!” one cried.
The other two bumped their heads together.
“Alright everyone, if you want to make this far easier on me, give a quick shout out to something that makes you happy! It can be sad-happy or excited-happy. Preferably something giddy-happy though,” Merry shouted. She stood up and gave everyone a charming smile.
Kally wondered how long it would take Leo and Calypso to come back out with the throb of music and the soon-to-be shouting. Merry’s jacket must have had telepathic subwoofers to make the picnic tables buzz the way they did.
Merry pointed at Joey.
Joey smirked and stood up with her. “Easy: dancing.” She put her hands on her hips and Kally could see Joey was already swaying to the beat. Something about Joey’s smile felt contagious.
Although the look on his was a sad grin, Calex stood up as well. “Waking up Tom in the morning,” he said. Although the motion seemed to pain him, he poked Euna in the side.
Euna sat up—Kally expected her to break Calex’s finger—and grumbled, unironically, “A full night’s sleep.”
Merry glanced at Kally. Panic swelled in her. She knew it didn’t matter what her shout out was, but she didn’t want to—
“Starting a new journal,” Kally said and jumped to her feet before Merry could poke her.
“Woo-hoo! Literacy!” One of the centaurs called and smashed a bowl on the table.  
That was less nerve wracking than she thought it would be, even with the Thor-centaur. Merry gave her a thumbs up.
Pax stood up. “A happy family,” he said.
Axel sighed and joined them standing. “When Reyna is trying not to smile.”
Pax nudged Euna with his arm. “Euna, you need to stand up so we can finish our transformation and turn into Sailor Scouts.”[2]
Euna grumbled and stumbled to her feet.
As soon as she did, the centaur, who had originally shouted Party Time, joined in their declarations with, “Red velvet cheesecake!”
“Fuzzy rabbits!”
“The Anti-Corruption Act!” the last one shouted.
The other two stared at him for a moment, shrugged, and echoed, “The Anti-Corruption Act!”[3]
Kally didn’t know what that was, but Axel nodded in approval.
During all their exclamations, someone else crept over. The bronze dragon made a creaking sound from a spot almost directly above Kally. She felt like she should have been more afraid, but the addition of a cheerfully creaking dragon seemed appropriate in the sunny weather.
Kally hadn’t realized she was starting to shift from foot to foot to the beat. Although Merry had warned that her demigod powers magnified with excitement and joy, she hadn’t realized exactly how nice the community feeling and electrojazz would be.  
One of the centaurs, Mr. Anti-corruption jumped onto the picnic table, collapsing it. He took off his Party Ponies shirt and swung it over his head while shouting, “Washington Chapter loves remixes of Louis Armstrong!”[4]
“Yea!” the other two cheered.
Then rushed at their group.
“Not again,” Calex grumbled.
Kally wasn’t sure what to expect, but burst into laughter when one centaur took Calex’s arm to dance with him and another took Joey’s. The height-to-horse ratio was a little ridiculous, but none of them seemed to mind.
Leo and Calypso rushed out of their shack.
Leo frowned at the picnic table, though he perked up at the music. “Aw man, it took me like, 30 seconds to make this table!” Although Leo attempted to look stern, he laughed when he saw Festus swing his head to the music.
A rustling came from the woods. Normally, Kally’s demigod instincts might have shouted danger but, with the music and the pleasant warmth of the sunshine on her face, she knew it couldn’t be evil.
A dozen nymphs and satyrs skipped out of the woods, wearing colorful crowns made of fallen leaves. They needed no invitation or conversation to prance among the centaurs and half-bloods. Kally giggled as the nymphs poked the satyrs horns with sticks then darted away, in a cat-and-mouse dance.
Someone poked her in the ear.
Kally jumped. Pax stood beside her with his devilish grin. He winked his hazel eye. “Try and catch me Cyclops,” he invited.
Kally wanted to do something more than blush. On a whim, Kally lunged forward as though she was going to pursue him then stopped short.
Pax jumped back, though almost stumbled when she didn’t follow. They laughed.
Kally could see Axel offer a hand to Euna. She stared at him.
“I promise you’ll get food afterwards,” he said.
“I can’t dance,” she stated. She didn’t sound embarrassed about it, but factual.
“But you can fight,” Pax pointed out. His eyes remained on Kally and he hopped from foot to foot, the way he often did before doing something stupid. Although he kept focused on her, he said to Axel and Euna. “You ever see Avatar the Last Air Bender? Just take her through some fighting stances.”
Euna shrugged. Within seconds, the satyrs, nymphs and the rest of their group learned to give them a wide birth while they ran through practice drills to the beat. Both laughed when Euna accidentally whapped Axel in the face.
“How have you seen so much TV?” Kally asked Pax as he pranced closer to her.
“It’s how Luke shut up Matt and me when we were causing too much trouble,” Pax said proudly.
When Kally glanced over, she saw Merry had danced up between Calypso and Leo. Calypso looked uncomfortable, the way Kally usually felt at school dances. Part of Kally felt sympathy for her. Dances were super awkward, and they hadn’t even formed a circle group yet. Something about Merry’s music calmed Kally though. Maybe she should pull Calypso in for a dance so she knew she was welcome.
“Man, we gotta start charging party fees,” Leo laughed. His hands fumbled around his apron, withdrawing pieces to construct a quick party hat out of a paper plate. That boy’s fingers could move fast.
“Oh no, honey. Other way around. I’m great for business as you’ll have plenty of greedy tummies to feed in a bit,” Merry hummed with a broad smile. “This one is on the house though because your tofu burger was so yumlicious. However, this party will only be complete with the Leomeister and Calydoll.”
“I might head inside,” Calypso said. She touched her head. “My head kinda hurts. I think I’m going to go lay down.”
Kally had looked away for too long. Pax dove at her. She yelped and stumbled back, but Pax stopped short when he registered what Calypso said. He glanced over at the same time as Axel, who also paused in his fight-dancing with Euna.
Axel nodded to Pax. Then got struck in the face. Again.
Pax scrambled over to Calypso’s side. “Hey! Yea, syndrome-calling is bad and stuff, and I shouldn’t have called you those things.”
If it was anyone other than Pax, Kally might have believed him. But Kally recognized the tone and it said, I should have said worse things.
“That’s not much of an apology—” Leo started to say but Pax cut him off.
“But I have something that will stop you from feeling your headache,” Pax offered. He withdrew a vial from inside his jacket that Kally had never seen before. Unlike his knockout serum and poison, it was full and glittered like the stars. “Our dad owns a pharmaceutical company and this stuff works better than a dream.”
Calypso glared at Pax, probably still unhappy about what he’d said earlier, but her want for a headache remedy won out.
Kally might have been disappointed when Pax took Calypso to the side, but the ensuing game of musical, dancing chairs distracted her. Calex and Joey managed to escape the centaurs and rejoin their group.
Axel left Euna to Calex with strict instructions that she not accidentally kill Calex. Before Leo could go after Calypso and Pax, Axel snagged Leo’s arm and took him to the side. Axel said something about needing to do business before they could party. Merry, Calex, and Leo all looked disappointed as Axel led Leo to the van.
That was the plan though, right? Now Axel could ask Leo to build that unbreakable weapon. But she had to wonder—Axel had mentioned Hephaestus had fixed all the weapons in the back of the van. What tool or talent could Leo have access to that Hephaestus wouldn’t also have?
Merry placed a hand on Kally’s shoulder. “We don’t need pretty boys to have fun,” she said, laughing and shoving Kally to sway her hips.
Joey came over to join them and give Kally a few pointers on dancing. Kally never thought of herself as a good dancer, but Joey proved to be surprisingly encouraging despite all of her criticism. Joey was phenomenal. Kally had almost forgotten the dance battle she had against Apollo when they first got to camp.
“We have a school dance coming up,” Joey shouted over the playful bounce of music. Since the music never seemed to change level when Kally stepped closer or further from Merry, she wondered if part of its magic was to keep it the same volume for anyone partying. “You should all come. I can invite Pax as my date. Euna can invite Axel.” Joey flipped her hair. “I’ve got plenty of friends who would love to take Calex or one of you two if I tell them to.”
“Mmm, I do love parties,” Merry cheered.
Kally envisioned Joey as a mob boss, controlling a roving group of pre-teen girls in pop-star hoodies and perfect makeup. Kally would rather fight Aphrodite’s Devils again than have to keep up conversation with them. Instead of rejecting Joey’s offer, Kally asked, “Joey, don’t you have a boyfriend you’d want to invite instead?”
Kally often forgot Joey was two years younger than her. Despite her age, Kally couldn’t imagine Joey not having a boyfriend.
Joey glanced over to make sure Euna was distracted by Calex. As though she wasn’t shouting, she leaned toward Merry and Kally. “I’m dating Apollo, but he’s really busy.”
That took a moment to process. “My dad?” Kally balked. Regardless of how gods could change their appearance, something about her fourteen-year-old… friend? Could she really call Joey a friend? But her fourteen-year-old friend dating her 3,000 year old father seemed like something she should report to the school counselor and maybe some kind of super powered police force since she doubted their counselor could do much. Did Chiron have a policy for camper-god relationships?
Merry shook her head to the music. “You think you might be a bit too much of a young kitten for—”
           “Nope,” Joey stated without a hint of offense or uncertainty. “When I’m older, I’ll marry him and become a goddess.”
           “Joey, Goddess of Vanity.”
           Kally jumped when Pax appeared beside her. He grinned, winked his hazel eye at her, and slipped his hand into hers.
           Joey huffed, but didn’t break her smile.
           “Where’s Calypso?” Kally asked. It felt weird to say her own name like that.
           “Telling Morpheus I said, ‘sup,’” Pax said.
           “Is she alive, Mr. Vague?” Merry hummed, tapping his cheek.
           “When I saw her last. I went to make some Kool-Aid after—”
           “Are you the girl who considered herself worthy enough to marry a god?”
           Despite the merry atmosphere, everyone jumped when an older woman spoke beside Joey. None of them saw the woman walk up. Or maybe it was a dryad with a shawl? Kally couldn’t be sure, but she’d never seen a dryad hunched over like this one was. Kally couldn’t even see the speaker’s face, but the woman’s voice sounded aged with contempt and haughtiness.
           Merry went from shaking her head to the beat to rapidly shaking her head at Joey. She made consecutive slicing motions at her neck like to say, cut it out. Pax stepped behind Kally, in a way that cued Kally that this was not a mortal.
           Joey ignored her. “Augh, not right now. I haven’t done nearly enough quests yet. I doubt anyone knows me on Olympus. But, Hercules became an immortal. And Psyche married a god. If I work hard at it, anything can happen,” Joey said it with such casual confidence, Kally might have believed her… except she was talking about becoming immortal and marrying Kally’s father. For the record: gross.
           Kally decided she didn’t want to be there for that conversation anymore. Although she assumed Merry’s powers were blocking her from fully understanding her discomfort, it was definitely a killjoy.
           Joey laughed, her eyes sparkling. “Can you imagine it? Eternal beauty? Parties every night?”
           The old woman scowled at Joey, saying, “What did Hermes call it? The illusion of capitalism? Saying you can do anything if you put your mind to it. What a lie they tell children these days.[5] You don’t think it bold for a mortal to want godhood?”
Kally tugged on Pax’s hand.
           “Can we—can you and I—go for a walk in the woods?” Kally whispered. She didn’t want Pax to misunderstand and invite Joey to come along. She hoped he’d come up with an excuse as to why it should be a walk without her—
           Pax nodded, eager to get away from the older woman. He walked them towards the line of orange and yellow trees. To the others, he said, “Guys, Kally and I will be right back. We are going to go make out in the woods.”
           “Pax!” Kally hissed and struggled to withdraw her hand. That’s not what she meant—
           He tapped her nose with his other hand. “What? I’m a forward thinker.” He grinned. “And you didn’t seem like you wanted to be followed, Cyclops.”
           They walked past Festus, where he whirred his gears and bobbed his head. Kally wondered if the vibrations from the music felt like a massage to his wires. Two centaurs were doing a dance around him. Either that, or they were creeping up to attack, but Kally figured Festus could defend himself in the event of a pony riot.
           “That make out comment—it’ll encourage Merry to follow us,” Kally complained once the music quieted to sound more like an iPad and less like the best speakers ever.
           As she said it, a brilliant explosion of light erupted behind her. At first, she wondered if Leo Valdez had heard about her super nova and wanted to show her up. Then she heard a terrifying voice bellow, “Impetuous mortal!”
           When Kally turned, she saw all the centaurs and nymphs had dropped to grovel on their knees. Calex and Euna froze in mid-dance. There was no longer an old woman beside Joey, but a beautiful goddess, garbed in a glowing white gown and a cloak of peacock feathers. Her black hair was wrapped with golden ribbon in plaits down one shoulder. Those eyes burned with ferocity and radiated power.
           The music quieted. Merry joined the groveling with a quick, “Holy Hera!” Kally wasn’t sure if she was swearing or genuflecting. Merry tugged at Joey’s arm, but the daughter of Demeter stood there, gawking at the goddess.
           There were so many feathers. Kally had to wonder what Joey said to make the old woman combust into a boa with limbs.
           “You think you can handle the same trials and tribulations of the pious Psyche and the great Hercules?” the goddess demanded.
           Joey swallowed and clenched her fist. Kally was impressed. She would have apologized, cried, and probably managed to trip and knock herself out, but Joey stood her ground. “I can,” she said, though Kally could hear her voice quiver.
           Hera’s eyes narrowed. “Very well,” she snapped. Hera raised one hand and Kally was pretty sure they were about to witness a half-blood being smacked into a constellation. Instead, something appeared in Hera’s hand.
           A polished rosewood box with golden filigree.
           Kally was too far to see those details on the box, but she knew that’s what it looked like. She’d seen it before, but she couldn’t remember where.
           “This box allows you to carry the essence of a god or abstract thought. Travel into the Underworld and bring me the essence of Hades and Persephone’s happy marriage. Let’s see if you’re worthy to be a hero, let alone a consort of Apollo.”
           Kally recalled something Rachel said to her in her dream—that there would be a domino effect into a disaster with causalities on both sides.
           “Both sides?” she’d asked. “Monster and half-blood?”
           “No,” Rachel had frowned. “Traitor and hero.”
           And seeing that polished rosewood box, Kally knew that was one of the first dominos.
           Pax frantically tugged Kally’s arm. “We need to go tell Axel,” he whispered.
             Pax dragged Kally into the forest before they could see if Joey accepted the box. From the sudden pop they heard, Kally guessed Joey had accepted the box and Hera had disappeared. Either that or Hera popped Joey into confetti.
           Kally tried to balance not-panicking while scanning her memory for that box. She guessed it must have been from a vision, but she couldn’t pinpoint which.
           Although Pax rushed when they first set out, he slowed them down drastically when they heard Leo from somewhere ahead. “Uh… you want me to what?” the son of Hephaestus sounded like Axel had asked him to jump rope with a Fury’s flame whip. Though, if Leo really was fire proof, he probably could do jump rope with a Fury’s whip. Maybe she shouldn’t mention that to Pax since he might demand a performance.
           With the rays of brilliant sunlight sparkling through the woods, everything glowed yellow and orange. Axel and Leo stood out starkly. Kally hadn’t seen where they went at the start of the dance party, but Axel must have grabbed something from the van. He leaned against a tree, holding some kind of insulated sack in his hand.  
           Kally had to wonder how they didn’t hear Hera’s temper tantrum in the background, but she supposed the centaurs had kicked over a table at the start of their party.
           Pax stopped behind a large oak. He tugged Kally close and motioned for silence. Kally stumbled into Pax’s duster jacket and wanted to remind him that she wasn’t keen on his original public excuse for their departure.
But Pax leaned along the tree to watch the two talk. Kally wanted to point out that it was more important to make sure Joey wasn’t tiny pieces of paper than any prank Pax planned on playing on Axel, but Kally understood why Pax had paused. Axel looked… weird. Too business-like.  
“—with the temperature you’ll need to remove the metal, I’m not sure it would be safe for Calypso to help you.” With such routine smoothness to his speech, Axel must have been continuing a long list of instructions.
Leo waved his hand, pacing back and forth. He had a flip notebook in one hand and a pencil in this other. “Na man, her temper is hotter than any fire I can spill. She’s resistant. Plus I made her a fireproof Iron Lady suit so she can help me on more complicated projects.” Axel perked up at this information. Leo didn’t notice. He was sketching some kind of design. “So, melt the metal out of some coals and build a Buster Sword. Jeez amigo, you made this sound way cooler than it is. And why are you being so secretive with the payment? Do you have counterfeit ambrosia or something?”
Axel reached into the bag and withdrew the Silver Festus’s control disk. A month ago, when Kally first met the Pax brothers, they’d been attacked by a silver automaton dragon. With the help of the Romans, they’d managed to dislodge its control disk and shut it down. After seeing the real Festus, Kally understood the nickname.
Leo’s eyes went wide. “Holy Toledo! That’s Felix’s control disk!” He dropped his pen into his work belt and rushed within inches of Axel. “You have no idea how long it took me to find that much silver without Hazel around! Where did you find her?!”
“Your dragon attacked us,” Axel said.
“Automatons these days, am I right? They grow up so fast.” Although Kally could hear the jest in Leo’s voice, he eagerly darted around the disk, taking note of any of its imperfections. “I wonder why she—oh! Oooooooh!” Leo snapped his fingers and pointed at Axel. “You have a girl named Calypso in your group, right? Uh, Kelly or whatever?”
Kally flinched. She hated being called Kelly.
Pax glanced away to give her an evil grin. She had a feeling she’d hate it even more in the next few days.
“Kally,” Axel corrected.
“I was in the middle of programming Felix’s search engine—the search-and-rescue kind not the Google kind—when she disappeared. Felix was supposed to find Calypso if we ever got separated, but I never got to the ‘rescue’ part of the programming. Looks like Felix is good at finding Calypsos. Well, thanks for returning my disk.”
Axel didn’t look amused. Leo reached to take the control disk, and Axel tilted it up and away from his hand. “Before I give you this, I need you to swear that you’ll finish building the sword. This metal is cursed.”
Axel shook the bag in his hands. Although she already heard him mention coals, she expected some kind of metallic jingle instead of a swoosh of smoke from the bag. Were the coals on fire? “Weird stuff will start to happen when work starts on it and probably won’t stop until it’s done.”
Leo frowned. “What? Did you rob a mummy or something? I’m pretty sure that’s illegal in the book of Rawr.”
“Ra,” Axel corrected again.
When he continued his cold stare, Leo sighed. “Okay, okay. I guess it cursed away your sense of humor too.”
“A handshake will bring it back,” Axel gave him a crooked smile. He looped the satchel’s straps around one arm so he could extend a hand. “On the River Styx, you swear to finish this sword as soon as possible and give it to me and I promise to give you Felix’s disk and do everything I can reasonably do to get you her body. Once I’m done with my mission, respectively.”
“On the River Styx? For a sword?” Leo put his hands on his hips. “Are you sure you’re not a con man? Because you’re starting to sound like Sisyphus.”
Axel frowned. He put the silver disk into the bag.
“Wait—okay, okay.” Leo put his hands up. He fiddled with his tool belt and glanced at the ground, thinking. “It’ll take me a day, day and a half tops. Probably a day and a half if you’re expecting parties and tofu burgers.”
“Deal,” Axel said and put his hand back out.
Pax tensed. As Leo took Axel’s hand to shake, Pax bolted towards them, almost knocking Kally over. “HEY!” he shouted.
But Leo was already shaking.
Kally had learned her lesson about swearing on the River Styx to a Pax boy. It’s why she couldn’t tell any of Pax’s secrets. It was frustrating when Merry teased her about conversations that Merry assumed were romantic and weren’t, but it didn’t hurt beyond that. Plus, this was with Axel, not Pax. Axel always seemed more candid than his brother. But she wondered why he had all these extra precautions. Wasn’t Leo just making Axel a sword?
Leo and Axel glanced over. With the attention in their direction, it would probably look worse if Kally continued to stay half-hidden behind a tree. She stepped out, wishing she had anything to do with her hands and a way to explain away the eavesdropping.
Pax stopped a foot short of them. “Hera gave Joey a fancy box to get marriage advice from Persephone.”
Leo blinked. “Wait, Hera was here? As in goddess Hera? Shouldn’t there be more chaos and general annoyance? And—hey!” Leo suddenly seemed to remember what Pax had said to Calypso. “You were a jerk to Calypso.”
Pax shrugged. “I told Calypso I shouldn’t have said those things. Leo, let’s restart. I want us to be friends. I’m Officer Doofus of the Doof Diversion Team—”
“Ajax,” Axel interrupted. “Aren’t you supposed to be making Kool-Aid to calm everyone’s nerves?”  
Pax pouted and fiddled with something in his duster jacket, eerily similar to how Leo fiddled with his tool belt. “Fine,” Pax grumbled. “You go make more devious sounding plans. Come on Kally.”
 When they came out of the forest, the party had resumed. Hera was nowhere to be seen. The nymphs, satyrs, and centaurs were dancing. Merry must have turned the music back up.
Pax ran off to make some Kool-Aid in the shack. He seemed… more upset than she’d expect from an eavesdropping session, but she continued forward when he waved her on.
              Their friends were back at the picnic table. Kally expected Euna to be shouting at her sister for her recklessness, but Euna had passed back out on the table. That girl must have really loved to sleep. A glass of green liquid rested in front of her, probably the Kool-Aid Pax made.
              “Is Axel’s master sword under construction?” Merry asked. She looked tired, her honey skin glistening with sweat, though Kally wasn’t sure if it was from dancing or from pushing Euna and Joey back into non-killing moods after Hera’s interruption. She sat beside Joey, who wasn’t confetti, with Calex across from her.
              The rosewood box was on top of the table, partially covered by Joey’s hands. When compared to her fingers, the box seemed small, not something to hold the essence of a god. Now that Hera wasn’t around, Joey looked pale and sick. Kally could imagine her epiphany of, “Oh, Hera meant that Underworld. Can I fill this with Gushers instead?” Kally wondered what Euna said to her before falling asleep that made Joey realize a trip to the Underworld probably wasn’t a good thing.
           From the silence prior to her arrival, no one wanted to talk about Joey’s new quest.
              “He and Leo are taking a long time to get things sorted,” Calex said. He frowned at the rosewood box thoughtfully. The gloom in his grey eyes made his gaze feel hundreds of miles away. Probably back in Kakata, Kally thought.
              “Leo said it would take a day or so to make,” Kally said. Something about that conversation didn’t feel right. She didn’t want to bother them or say something to make the boys sound suspicious, especially not after the Missing flier from Hiro and Lapis. But she remembered Calex saying something…
           “Hey Calex,” she prompted quietly.
           When he glanced at her, Kally tried not to look away. She was finally getting comfortable looking all of them in the eye, and it was just in time to remind her that Calex looked like you’d expect a son of Eros to look. “Um, you said something about coals being stolen, er, some kind of rumor at camp…?” Her voice went softer with each word. Merry’s party euphoria must have been wearing off, since her instinct to hide under the nearest piece of cardboard to avoid socializing—it was coming back.
           In the distance, she saw Pax stroll out of the shack, balancing several dozen plastic cups and four pitchers of clear, glittery liquid on a tray. When he ran into a centaur or nymph, he would bow grandly and fill them a cup. As it poured out, the liquid would alter into various neon shades of Kool-Aid. As cool as that was, it made Kally wonder if Pax should ever be allowed to brew them Kool-Aid.
           “Coals…” Calex repeated. “Oh. Hestia’s coals. Someone nicked a few during the chaos of the Second Giant War. Why?” He stooped a little lower to the table, and Kally had to wonder if Calex did it to hide his height. It didn’t work.
           Merry cocked her jaw to one side. Her brown eyes darted to the forest. She hummed in short, declining notes to signal her disapproval. “Oh you silly chillies. We need to round up those Pax boys and give them a talking to. Then we should regroup at Camp Half-Blood before we tackle the last trial of Psyche or Axel’s father.”
           Joey managed to draw her eyes from the rosewood box to look at Merry. “Psyche already did this? Oh duh, someone has always already done it.” She rolled her eyes. “How’d she do it?” The last part sounded more eager than Joey would probably want to admit.
           “She failed sweetie,” Merry said, eyes lingering on the forest.
           Joey huffed and flipped the pink highlights out of her eyes. “Then I just need to be better than Psyche.”
           “Welllll,” Merry said, stretching her arms above her head in a way that made Calex glance away. She grinned at Joey, finally breaking eye contact with the trees. Kally didn’t know how to tell Merry, but she figured the nymphs would be way better at staring contests. “Hubris is clearly your fatal flaw, a very popular choice amongst heroes. Mine is taking things too lightly. Anyone else want to go?”
           “Mine is cowardice.”
           Pax swept in with the tray. He had one pitcher left, probably just enough for their group. In a flash, he’d tossed cups in front of all of them. As he poured it out, the colors altered: Merry’s, purple; Kally’s, red; Joey’s, pink; Calex’s, blue. Pax set another cup down for himself. When he poured, it shimmered to a black. Kally didn’t know they made black Kool-Aid.
           “Can we do that party thing again? It was the perfect distraction to slip bugs into Calex’s sleeping bag,” Pax cheered.
           Calex scowled at him.  
           “Not until you and your brother answer some long awaited questions,” Merry said. She picked up her plastic cup and swirled the contents.
           Pax flipped one hand to the side. “Do you think questions feel rather esteemed and self-important when they’re long awaited?” He set the tray down on the table and sat beside Kally. When no one answered him, Pax pouted. “Can we at least cheers first? I told everyone to wait until I gave the signal so I could poison all of you at once.” He tapped his hands together like an evil mastermind.
           All the centaurs and nymphs were staring at the table, drinks in hand. The centaurs had started to fist pump in the air. “Beers! Beers! Beers!
           Another shouted, “Dude, he said cheers.”
           “Oh…Cheers! Cheers! Cheers!”
           Merry waved Pax on with a smile.
           Pax hopped onto the table and raised his glass. “To trusting and trusted friends, to enabling family, and—most importantly—to super, awesome weasels!”
           The nymphs and centaurs glanced at each other. The ones who were chanting “beer” earlier glanced at one another. “Eh,” one said. “Not as good as the Anti-Corruption Act, but it’s still a reason to party. To weasels!”
           “To weasels!”
           They stomped their hooves and clanked their heads together.
           As the centaurs competed to chug their Kool-Aid fastest, Pax sat down beside Kally. He wrapped an arm around her waist, making Kally’s hip tingle. She raised her cup along with Merry, Joey, Calex, and Pax. They clacked them together and each took a sip. Well, Joey chugged hers down. Kally could imagine the adrenaline rush she would get in the next few minutes.
           As expected from the color, Kally’s was cherry. She set the cup down, glancing over at Pax. He hadn’t touched his drink, but kept swirling it in his hand. From this close, Pax’s annoying chocolate smell mixed wonderfully with the smell of her Kool-Aid. He puffed out those round cheeks and popped them, then wrinkled his button nose.
           “Pax, you’re really cute.” The words came out of her mouth instead of being repressed in her brain, where they belonged and should die. Kally felt her cheeks burn and her head felt light.
           “Paxes—er—Paxi?—Paxes? are all adorable, but, for you, that’s just the Morpheus Dust talking,” he laughed half-heartedly.
           Joey collapsed onto the picnic table, plastic cup clattering to the ground. Behind them, the party ponies staggered to the autumn leaves. Nymphs yawned. The music slowed like Merry’s jacket had run out of batteries. Calex tried to stand but crumbled backwards.
           Pax wouldn’t look down at her, but watched everyone falling into heaps.
           “You shouldn’t joke like that. It makes it hard to tell when you’re lying,” Kally said, trying to raise a finger at Pax. She couldn’t get her hand to work. Those and her feet had gone numb. Some part of her screamed that this should be scary, that she should send out an Iris Message for help, but… maybe Merry’s powers were still keeping her calm.
           She struggled to keep her eyes open. Had Pax not had an arm around her back, she might have fallen off the bench. He pulled her close, so she’d slide against his duster jacket. The leather felt soft.
           “I don’t lie very often Kally,” he whispered into her hair. “Direct lying is Axel’s job. Since you’re not going to remember this conversation later, I think it’s safe for me to admit that I’m falling in love with you. I hope tricking and drugging all of you doesn’t ruin our chances of dating.”
           Tricking? Drugging? Kally tried to wrap her brain around it, but before she could, she felt the cold coils of Python tightening around her chest.
Thanks for reading guys! The next chapter is the one I’m most excited for (as I love ruining characters) so I hope you end up enjoying it too! :D
[1] Author is not oblivious to what you’re probably all thinking XD
[2] And now I need to figure out who would be which Sailor Scout. I’m pretty sure Axel is Sailor Mars…
[3] Shameless and boring political plug! http://anticorruptionact.org/
[4] While this song is more thematic for other characters, the artist inspired this scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ssoRXlOhqI
[5] Jack’s not bitter at all -.-
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